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Which Is More Important? – Admonition 227

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator


Matthew 15:9 – And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.


And now, Admonition.

Which is more important, the word of God or the doctrines of men? Some might say, well, that’s, that’s easy. One comes from God and one comes from men. But do we live that way? Do we live in such a way where we hold God’s Word to a lower level in our lives than the traditions that we’ve been following for our entire life or that we’ve been taught for our entire life? In Matthew chapter 15 verse nine we read And in vain they worship me… This is a quotation from Isaiah that Jesus is making. He says… In vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men… He’s talking about the Pharisees and he says, these people are teaching men’s commandments as if they’re God’s. And that caused the people to worship in vain.

Can your traditions cause you to lose your soul because of sin? Yes, they can because they can nullify your worship. Be careful about the traditions of men. They can damn your soul.
