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Is God’s Hand Leading You? – Admonition 280

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Psalm 139:9-10 If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,  Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.



When David writes in Psalms 139 concerning the fact that he could not escape the presence of God (though he didn’t want to) He also says this: 


If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there, your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me. 


Let us be those who, like David, want God to guide our lives. Let us be those who, like David, want God to lead our paths.  And let us look to His word to live as he desires for us to live.


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This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network. 

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ. 

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
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