What Rich People Buy – ep 19

In Admonition by Aaron Cozort


James 1


What rich people buy – admonition.
The rich buy things, but the Bible gives us an insight into what the rich ought to buy if they want to be successful beyond this life. Failure to purchase this one asset has been the downfall of more rich people than any failure. It has brought about millions of dollars in losses, and tanked whole companies.
No cashflow analysis will show you this… the one thing that matters most for a rich person to possess.

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting www.cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ

“This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.”

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