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The Search Is Over

In General by Aaron Cozort

By: Morne Stephanus – The World is searching, searching for something. Some are searching for riches others for glory. Some are frantically searching for the next high, living a life dedicated to the desires of the flesh. There is no satisfaction in their endeavors and no outcome that will comfort their minds and satisfy their souls. The world is looking for the wrong things in all the “right” places. For those of us who have been adopted into the family of God by obedience to the Gospel (Galatians 3:26-27), the search is over. In Christ, we have found everything we need. The Lord promised us the abundant life (John 10:10) and this promise is fulfilled in every facet of pure Christianity. In Christ, our physical needs are satisfied by the promises, precepts, and providence of a God who cannot lie (Psalm 37:25, Galatians 6:9-10 & Matthew 6:33). Our spiritual needs are satisfied by the mercy of an all-compassionate God (2 Peter 1:3 & 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Furthermore, our future home in heaven is secured by and in the Captain of our Salvation (John 14:1-3 & 1 John 5:11). Truly the Christian’s life is one lived in satisfaction, rooted in peace and wholesome pleasure. Brethren our search is over, we have found in the Lord what the world is still looking for and don’t know they need. To God be the Glory! So, considering this fact how are you portraying Christianity? Do people see you content in the Lord and …

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12-02-2020 – Live Stream – Hebrews 1-2

In Bible Classes Videos, General by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript: <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good evening. We are going to go through the questions for revelation 22, and then we will officially be finished with the book of revelation. Now, as you would have it, the other classes are about four or three lessons into the book of Hebrews. And instead of starting in the middle of the book, we’re going to start at the beginning, prying catch up before, you know, a year from now. So I think we’ll be able to do it. Revelation chapter 20 twos questions, question one. What proceeded from the throne. God. All right. Water of life for whom did the tree of life provide healing for the nations? Who is the light of the church today? The Lord, God. All right. When would these things happen that were written in the, or to the first century church? All right. Shortly things are shortly to come to pass. Who and who alone are we to worship God. Number six, Daniel was told to seal up the words of his prophecy. What was John told not to do with his prophecy and why not to seal them up? And why? Because the time was at hand who invites people to partake of the tree of life and the water of life. All right. Spirit and the bride, There’s a typo on number eight who has access to the tree of life and the water of life. Okay. Those that do his commandments, that of course being …

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1 Peter 1 – Hope of Heaven (Class) & I Will Be The Glory In Her Midst (Zechariah 1:7-2:13)

In General by Aaron Cozort

CLASS: Questions for 1 Peter 1Hope of Heaven Who wrote the book of 1 Peter? 1 Peter 1:1  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do Christians have a living hope? 1 Peter 1:3-5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Are the readers of 1 Peter experiencing trials? 1 Peter 1:6  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the outcome of a person’s faith? 1 Peter 1:9  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By what have individuals been redeemed? 1 Peter 1:18-19  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Was Jesus first known when he came as a man on earth? 1 Peter 1:20  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How long will the word of the Lord last? 1 Peter 1:25  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sermon: I Will be The Glory In Her Midst (Zechariah 1:7-2:13 Zec 1:7 ¶ On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, which is the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet:8 I saw by night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow; and behind him were horses: red, sorrel, and white.9 Then I said, “My lord, what are these?” So the angel who talked with me said to me, “I will show you what they are.”10 And the man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, “These are the ones whom the LORD has sent to walk to and fro throughout the earth.”11 So they answered the Angel of the LORD, who stood among the myrtle trees, …

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1 Kings 17

In 1 Kings, Bible Class Audio, Bible Classes Videos, General, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

QUESTIONS for 1 KINGS 17 <inaudible><inaudible> testing. One, two. Testing. One, two. Testing one, two. Yeah. Test. Test. This is only a test<inaudible> and a song to start us off this evening will be number 480. Bless it. Assurance for the, those of you that have a book at home, it’s four, eight zero. Bless it. Assurance. Bless it.<inaudible> Jesus’s ma. Oh.<inaudible><inaudible> purchase of God. Born of his speech. Washington is blah nurses. Mice.<inaudible> this is mine. Praising my savior Jane Long.<inaudible><inaudible> this is mine. Praising mice. Save your all that day.<inaudible> perfect.<inaudible> perfect visions.<inaudible><inaudible> angels Z sending, bringing from up.<inaudible> uh, goes up. See whispers, uh, nurses, mice.<inaudible> this is my<inaudible>.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> this is mine.<inaudible> praising. Nice.<inaudible><inaudible> perfect. Nah, John<inaudible> a and mice.<inaudible> I’m happy and just watching and waiting, looking up.<inaudible> filled with his<inaudible> is lost in his, uh, this is my<inaudible>. This is mine.<inaudible> praising mice.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> this is mine.<inaudible> praising. Nice.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> yeah, please bow with me for our opening prayer. Yeah. Our father in heaven, how awesome you are. We thank you so much for this time that we have to come together as a church and worship you. Whether it be here at the building or home online, we know that all of our hearts are in the right place and we ask that you look down upon our worship as a sweet savor to you. Lord, we thank you so much for the blessings that you’ve given us to be able to do the things that …

2019-06-16 – Sunday AM Class – Aaron Cozort – Lesson 111 – JESUS – Luke 24:50-53 Acts 1:9-12 Mark 16:19

In General by Web Administrator

The final act Of Jesus wall in his physical body, Yeah. Is to leave this earth. He doesn’t leave it the way you and I will. You and I, we will leave this earth with our body in the grave. Yeah. We will depart from this life much the same way that Jesus described in the account of uh, the rich man and Lazarus where if we are faithful, Lazarus would die And would be carried away into as, as the term there is used Abraham’s bosom, a place for those who are faithful to await the judgment. Jesus, that didn’t happen. Jesus went to the grave And by all indications, Jesus went into, as we understand it, to the limitation of, of revelation and what we can know went into the Hadean realm for a period of three days. But then when that time ended, he didn’t stay there. He Rose, he came out of the grave. He defeated death because there was no way that he could be held by death. If you turn over to first Corinthians chapter 15, You read a statement In first Corinthians chapter 15. I’m not actually going to go over there and we’re going to read it together. First Corinthians chapter 15, let’s begin around verse, uh, I think verse 50. Yeah. Now this, I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery that is something that …

2019-05-06 – Sunday AM Class – John 16

In Bible Classes Videos, General by Aaron Cozort

John 16 begins with these things. These things I have spoken to you. Of course, the precursor to that statement, the things he’s talking about goes back to chapter 15 goes back chapter 14 chapter 13 and we don’t have time to go back and revisit all of these things, but he says, these things, I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. What would cause the disciples to stumble? Spiritually speaking, we’re not talking about them, you know, stubbing their toe on a rock, catching their sandals on a, on a route in the garden. That’s not what we’re talking about. What would cause the disciples to stumble? Temptations of the world, Temptations of the world.<inaudible> False teachers, a lack of faith, persecution,<inaudible>, Political pressure and and and pressures from the Sanhedrin and the Jewish leadership. And you’re going to see just just a few chapters into the book of acts that happening, not, not long after the day of Pentecost there in the temple preaching, they get arrested, they get thrown in prison, they get put on a put before the Sanhedrin. They get told, do not speak anymore. In this man’s name<inaudible> But above everything else, They don’t expect them to die. Huh. All the way to the trial. Following him to the cross. I don’t expect them to die, Which is why on the morning that he has already told them he is going to rise again. Three days he will …

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Re-Baptism: A Biblical Contrast

In General by Aaron Cozort

It is important to understand what the Bible teaches about the “who, when, and why” for a person being “rebaptized.” Paul’s encounter with the men in Acts who only knew John’s baptism teaches us important lessons concerning this question.