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11-29-2020 Revelation 21-22 (Class) & The Last Day (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript: <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Well, my watch says it’s time to start. So we’re going to go ahead and get started. Okay. We’re in revelation 21 and 22.<inaudible> Good to see you, sir. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We come before you at this time, grateful for the day that you’ve given to us, the life that we have and the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that as we go throughout this period of study this morning, we might glean the things from these passages that you would have us to learn. We might grow closer to you and understand, and be comforted by your word, and also admonished to live in a way that will prepare us for eternity. We pray and are mindful of those who are struggling in this time because of illness, difficulty, injury, or struggles in their lives, or those who have lost loved ones. In recent days, we are mindful of each and every one of them. We’re mindful of our nation. And we’re mindful of the world. All of its many struggles and all of its many difficulties, pray for those who are in difficult places, difficult times, especially those who are striving to preach the gospel in those locations and teach others the word that they might have the hope of eternity, pray that you be with us. As we go throughout this period of study and worship this morning may …

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11-25-2020 Revelation 21 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 21Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen. What did John see?What had passed away?What was no more? Revelation 21:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By what other designation is the New Jerusalem known in Revelation?  What is the New Jerusalem?Revelation 21:2, 9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside what location does God dwell with humanity? Revelation 21:3 (John 14-17; 2 Corinthians 6:15-17; Hebrews 10:19-21; 1 John 4:13) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has God ever promised before this passage to remove all sorrow from His people and wipe away all tears? Revelation 21:4-5Is this imagery of Heaven contextually?  Isaiah 25:7-8; 35:10; 51:11; 65:19________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ While on this earth, to whom did Jesus offer the waters of life, those in Heaven or those on Earth?  Revelation 21:7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If literal, how tall would the New Jerusalem be in miles? Is it literal?Revelation 21:16  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is missing from the New Jerusalem/Bride? Revelation 21:22-23 ________________________________________________________________ What nations will exist after the judgment day?  Revelation 21:26 ________________________________________________________________ What cannot enter the New Jerusalem?  Revelation 21:27 ________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript: <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Well, my watch says it’s time to start. So we’re going to go ahead and get started. Okay. We’re in revelation 21 and 22.<inaudible> Good to see you, sir. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We come before you at this time, grateful for the day that you’ve given to us, the life that we have and the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that as we go throughout this period of study this …

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11-22-2020 Revelation 21 (The Old Testament Context) (Class) & Worship

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript: <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning.<inaudible> We’re continuing our study of revelation. We’re going to go over the questions from revelation chapter 21st, and then for those who glanced over the, the handout, you know, you might be expecting something a little different this morning. We are going to do something a little different this morning, because I want to, I want to take a few moments and we’ll talk about this more in just a minute, but I want to take a few moments this morning, and we’ve talked a lot about old Testament passages and their influence on revelation. And before we get out of revelation, I actually want to spend one class going back and really just dipping our minds into those old Testament passages and getting some of the ideas out of them before we get into revelation chapter 21 and 22, because, well, let me hold off on the, because I’ll get to that in a minute, but let’s start with a word of prayer and then we’ll go through the questions on 20. And I’ll circle back to that thought in a minute gracious father in heaven, we bow before you at this time grateful for the day that you’ve given to us for the life that we have and the health that we have, the abilities we have to come together to study your word and to serve you. We are grateful for this day that you’ve granted to us, and we’re grateful for …

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11-18-2020 Revelation 20 Part 2 (class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good evening.<inaudible> Do you think I look bad? You should see the other guy. Yeah. Right.<inaudible> We are in revelation, chapter 20, for those who are listening by phone. My, my left hand is all wrapped up because the doctor decided to pull the pins out of my wrist today. So that was a fun, you can do almost anything. If you put enough light to Canaan in your body. So let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll get started gracious father in heaven. We bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that you’ve blessed us with grateful for the energy and the opportunity that we have to assemble together and mindful of those who are unable to be present with us. We pray that you will be with those who are dealing with COVID right now, and those who are still recovering and especially those who have had it months ago and are still struggling with the symptoms of this disease. That is, is so very hard to deal with for some pray that you be with the Whitley family and that pray that they fully recover. And we pray that you be with all those missionaries throughout the world who are striving to get back to the mission field. And we pray that their labors will be able to continue and be able to prosper again, as they go into mission fields throughout the world, …

11-15-2020 Revelation 20 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Anybody’s wondering it’s not anybody in here. So, or I’ve told you already Take your Bibles, if you will, and open them to revelation we’re in the end of revelation, chapter 19, the beginning of chapter 20, we do not have any questions, any new questions for today because we’re not going to make it through chapter 20 today. Okay. Just to set the expectations where they belong, because they don’t belong very high. This is one of those passages is one of those chapters in revelation where a lot of the things that people teach from the book of revelation come from these verses, especially concerning the end times. And so we are going to take a little bit of time and kind of go through this, not try and push too quickly to where we can get an idea and a firm grasp of what is John saying? Why is he saying it and, and be clear in our minds concerning that as we go through from chapter 20 in the chapters, 21 and 22. So let’s start with a word of prayer and then we’ll begin our gracious father in heaven with all humility and a gratefulness we bound before you thankful for this day that you’ve given to us thankful for the life and the energy that we have to be able to assemble together, mindful of those who are struggling because of illness. Many throughout our country that are struggling because of …

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11-11-2020 Revelation 19 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

Review – Revelation 18 New Questions – Revelation 19 Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible> that’s fine.<inaudible> Okay. It’s about time for us to get started.<inaudible> We are in revelation chapter 19, start with review from chapter 18. It’s the questions let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We bow before you at this time, grateful for the day you’ve given to us for the life that you’ve granted to us and the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that you be with those that are dealing with COVID at this time and pray that you were dealing with those who are suffering from all manners of illnesses and difficulties. We’re mindful right now, especially of Francis’s daughter, SA, Sandy, and pray that all will be well with her. And that she’ll return to her desired help. We pray that you will be those who, whose families have endured the loss of loved ones in recent months and days, we pray that you will give them strength, comfort during hard times during those moments, when it’s a struggle, because of the loss that they feel pray that you be with each and every one of us, as we go through our own set of struggles and difficulties each day, help us to look to you in faith and understanding. But also may we always seek your grace and your comfort, your strength in time of need. We ask that you help us to remember that …

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11-08-2020 Revelation 18 (Class) + Zechariah 14 (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Review Questions – Revelation 17 New Questions – Revelation 18 Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible> We are in revelation. So encourage you to open<inaudible> Your Bibles to the book of revelation. We’re going to be in chapter 18. After we notice a few of the, a few of the questions from previous chapters. Did I go over chapter 16 questions yet? No. Okay. Hey Jay, could you find chapter 16 and bring me a copy of those? Cause I didn’t bother to actually bring one up here. I thought I had skipped that one, but I wasn’t certain<inaudible>. There we go. Thank you. All right. So we’ll, we’ll go over by way of review chapter 16 and chapter 17 questions, and then we’ll get into chapter 18 for our class period this morning. It’s good to have the Rushmore’s with us. It’s good to have the Warrens with us. If you get a chance to meet them today, they attended South Haven when, when we were there and we sat just, just a few apart, they, they sat right behind us at South Haven when we were at South Haven. So it’s good to have them hope everyone’s doing well. I talked with Terry Whitley yesterday and he said Thursday and Friday, we’re no good at all. He said he barely got out of bed, but, but yesterday he, he was able to get up, get outside a little bit, do a little bit of puttering and, and whatnot. So he, he …

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11-04-2020 Revelation 17 – Article – The Harlot and Her Judgment

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Harlot and Her Judgment A Look Back: The plagues (bowls) bring destruction to the armies of humanity that fight against God and the Lamb.  The kings of the earth have joined forces with the Beast and they are not willing to repent.  Every judgment causes greater blasphemy and rebellion.  Is there hope?  Will the Beast continue to dominate the earth? Babylon — The Great Harlot John hears the angel call to him.  The angel beckons him to witness the judgment of the “great harlot.” This harlot is the primary cause of sin and wickedness among the kings of the Earth.  The people of Earth are “drunk” on the influence of the harlot and her wickedness. John sees the harlot, arrayed in rich fabrics and jewellery. She drinks from a cup filled with sin. The sins of the harlot include the murder of saints and martyrs of Jesus.  Her appearance causes John to marvel.  There doesn’t appear to be any chance to defeat the great harlot. She is allied with the Beast which carries her and has ten horns on seven heads.  The Beast represents Rome and the heads and horns her Caesars and their continuing opposition to the Bride.  The text calls them “kings.” A False Resurrection The people of Earth marvel at the majesty of the beast and its supposed “resurrection.”  The beast himself is the eighth king. The ten horns are ten kings who recieve their power and ability to rule from the Beast.  They supply the Beast …

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11-04-2020 Revelation 17 – Wednesday PM Class

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good evening. We are, for those who may be visitors or joining us only online, we are all remote. This evening. We’re live streaming because unfortunately found out one of our members has COVID who was here at Bible study last Wednesday night. And so just as a precaution we’re we’ve asked everyone to, to stay home and just be on the stream for this evening, but we’re glad you’re here. And we’re glad that we can have the ability to come together and have class. Well, we’ll still have class and we’ll have a short Divo right at the end of class, and then be dismissed. We are in the book of revelation. We’re closing out revelation, chapter 16 and going into chapter 17. As we get into our class this evening, let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have been blessed with, grateful for your many blessings that you shower upon us on a regular basis. We are so odd your majesty by your glory, by your creative power, by all that you have done in both the magnificence of this universe, but also those things which are so tiny that the, I cannot even perceive them. We pray that you will be continually with us in this nation. We know that we’re going through a hard time and the struggle that …

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11-01-2020 – Revelation 16 (Class) & Zechariah 13 (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 167 Angels with 7 Plagues in Bowls Poured Out. What was contained in the bowls given to the seven angels? Revelation 16:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What reason did the angels of the waters give for bowl two and three??  Revelation 16:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For what people in the Old Testament were waters dried up so they could cross over? Revelation 16:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the New Testament, does, “I am coming as a thief” always mean that we are talking about the second coming of Christ?  Revelation 16:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is blessed according to verse 15?  Revelation 16:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the physical location in Palestine for the Hebrew word Armageddon?  Revelation 16:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? Revelation 16:17-21  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in revelation chapter 16 this morning.<inaudible> As we have been doing, we’ll start with the questions from the previous chapter as a little bit of a review and go over those. And then we’ll get into chapter 16 for our class. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We bow before your throne continually grateful for the blessings that you shower upon us. The blessings that we have in this country to live in land, that we have freedom to worship without fear of persecution. We know that as we go through the book of revelation, we are reading about those who at one time had that kind of Liberty. And then because of the changes and the difficulties that arose around …

10-28-2020 Revelation 15 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Okay. We are in revelation chapter 15. This evening. We’ll begin with the questions from chapter 14.<inaudible> Chapter 15 is the shortest chapter in the book of revelation. So that means it should take us less time to get through it. Right. Me. I was trying to convince me emphasis on should take us less time. All right. Well, let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll go into these questions there. Heavenly father, we thank you for this day for its blessings, for all that you do for us on a daily basis for your love, care, and concern for the mercy. That has showered upon us just by the fact that when we rise each morning, so does the son, we pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this week. And especially in this nation, as we near election day, may this time be peaceful and may those who are being diligent to make sure that it remains peaceful, be blessed in their efforts to guard our election process, but also our streets and our neighborhoods and our cities. We pray that you watch over us as we go through this continued difficulty with coronavirus and the pandemic that is plaguing this world. We pray that you will help us to help those who are in need, but also to remember that this life is not all there is, and that we need to be prepared, not only for …

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10-25-2020 Revelation 14 – Article – 144,000 and the Lamb – (Part 1)

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

144,000 and a Lamb A Look Back:  The Third Woe is coming.   It is going to be pronounced, but before that happens, we see the “Lamb” using his power as King to reign.  We also see the Beast working in opposition to the Lamb by attacking the church, giving life to the Land Beast, the Sea Beast, and their blasphemy. Is Victory Ever Going to Come? True devastation realizes itself in the lives of Christians.  Persecution wreaks havoc upon the early Church.  In chapter 6, the question is “who could stand in the day of the wrath of the Lamb?” Right now, it looks like the Christians are the ones who will be unable to withstand the beast!   Will God allow this?  Will the Church be brought to its knees by the Dragon and his crowd? 144,000 Hope in a New Song John looks to Mount Zion and hope is found.  A New Day is dawning in the sunlight of the Lamb of God.  Standing on Mount Zion: The Lamb and 12,000 from each tribe of the true Israel (the obedient of God marked by the angels). He hears a voice that sounds like rushing water, loud as thunder. He hears harps.  He hears a song.  A new song.  A song that only the redeemed of earth could learn–the 144,000 represent those redeemed from the Earth.  This song is not the song of Angels, sung at Jesus’ birth.  It is the song of those who have suffered, lived, overcome, and …

10-25-2020 – Revelation 14 & Zechariah 12

In Bible Classes Videos, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible> good morning. We are in revelation, chapter 14, continuing this morning.<inaudible> Where we are going to kind of go back a little bit and say a few things about the beginning of the chapter that we did not cover on Wednesday night, but then we’ll proceed forward. We’ll finish up chapter 14 and probably go through the questions as well before the end of class this morning and get into chapter 15 on Wednesday night, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before your throne grateful for this day for its blessings. For all that. You’ve granted to us in this life to be able to live before you to serve you, to glorify your name and bring honor and glory to your name. We pray that as we go through our daily lives, as we go through this existence on this earth, that we might do those things, which are in accordance with your will, that we might live in a way that is acceptable before you, that we might be an example to those who are around us to live closer to you, to obey you, to adhere to your word and to the truth that is in it. We pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. We pray that you will be with those who are struggling right now because of the loss of loved ones, because of illnesses, …

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10-18-2020 – Revelation 13 (Part 2)

In Bible Classes Videos, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in revelation. Chapter 13, did a bit of reviewing. I forgot the remote. Can, you can bring the remote. We did a little bit of reviewing on Wednesday night, kind of went over the, a little summary of the book, but then also went through the questions of chapters 11 and 12, leading us up to chapter 13. Now back over in chapter 12 is the first time that we really are sorry in chapter 11. It’s the first time we really see the beast come up. We read that the beast from the bottomless pit comes up and kills two individuals. Who does he kill? Alright. The two witnesses. Now the witnesses are pictured as to what at the beginning of the chapter. Well, they’re pictures to profits, but they’re pictured is two olive trees and two lampstands. Okay. So there’s, there’s two olive trees. There’s two lampstands. And these are the two witnesses of God. These are drawing forward the imagery from Zechariah chapter four, and this idea of the revelation of God God’s anointed and the eternal light, that is the word of God going forth. And so here you have these two witnesses and they’re declaring the word of God. They’re shining. Volite They’re declaring the word of God. And they have the power of, to, to destroy their enemies by the word of, or by fire that comes out of their mouth. You’ve got an imagery. They’re not …

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10-14-2020 – Revelation 13 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 13Dragon, Sea Beast, Land Beast & 666 What are the shared attributes of the Dragon and the Sea beast? Revelation 13:1________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What 3 animals was the sea beast like? Revelation 13:2________________________________________________________________ What changed about one of the sea beast’s heads that caused the world to marvel?As a result, what creature was worshipped? Revelation 13:3 -4________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The names of those who worship the beast are NOT written where?Revelation 13:8  __________________________________________________ Revelation 13:10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the appearance of the land beast. Revelation 13:11________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How does the land beast deceive those who dwell on the earth? What does the land beast cause those who dwell on the earth to make? Revelation 13:13-14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does the land beast cause all to receive? Revelation 13:16-17The person without a mark cannot _________________________.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the number of the land beast? Revelation 13:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Testing one, two. All right. That’s better. Let’s see if we can do this. I didn’t even drop it. Oop. Well spoke too soon. All right. We are in revelation chapters, 12 and 13. This evening. Let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We bow before your throne grateful for all of the many blessings that you’ve granted to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunity that we have to serve you. We pray that as we serve you, that we do so in a way, in a manner that is pleasing to you, we …

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10-11-2020 Revelation 12 – Article – The Dragon, The Woman, and A Victorious Child

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Dragon loses. A fierce dragon seeks the life of the child, but Heaven’s deliverance intercedes. A LOOK BACK: Chapter 11 concluded the second Woe, part of the sixth trumpet.   Now the third woe approaches.  Before it arrives, we receive visions that reassure the faithful of God’s protection and deliverance from persecution. The Child and the Dragon A vision of a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet.   She is pregnant, travailing in birthing pains, and wearing a crown with twelve stars. The dragon appears in heaven (where the woman is) and is magnificent in size and red.  He has seven heads each with a crown and ten horns.  The tail of the dragon will knock one-third of the stars of heaven to earth as he approaches the woman to devour her child the moment it is born (this might be a representation of Jesus as a child). The woman gives birth to a boy, one who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.  God will deliver the child out of the reach of the dragon. The woman will flee into the wilderness to a place prepared by God.  God will care for her for 1,260 days. A War Breaks out in Heaven Michael and the angels fight against the Dragon and his angels.  They will lose their place and be cast down into the earth.  The text is clear: the dragon is Satan, the Devil, the serpent.  He is the deceiver of …

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10-11-2020 Revelation 11-12 (Class) & A Spiritual Checkup (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript The thing I love about technology is it always works. Oh, we are in revelation, chapter 11 and 12 today, revelation chapter 11 and chapter 12, we just have a little bit to finish in chapter 11, and then we will proceed into chapter 12. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the blessings. You showered upon us on a daily basis, grateful for all that you do for us in good times, and in hard times, grateful for your love and your care, your concern, your loving kindness. That is granted to us that though we do not deserve it. You have bestowed upon humanity, and we are so grateful for it. We’re grateful most, especially for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins. The lamb that was slain, and yet is standing before the throne. The one who conquers the one who is victorious, the one who will sit on his throne and who rains Lord, we are grateful for all the many things that you’ve granted to us inside of the word of God. And inside this book we refer to as the Bible, and we’re especially grateful for the book of revelation and the hope and the encouragement that it grants to us. And the reminder that no matter what comes, no matter the struggles in this country or any country that’s come before, there is one who’s …

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10-07-2020 Revelation 11 – Article – Rejoice! (Part 2)

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord. The Seventh Trumpet & The Third Woe – Summary of the Book of Revelation: Chapter 11 (part 2) A LOOK BACK: The angels with the trumpets are still sounding.  The seventh angel is about to pronounce the third woe upon the people of Earth. Consider Jim McGuiggan’s review of the chapter thus far. John is being told the Church is about to undergo hard times, but at the same time he is being assured everything is all right with them. In this chapter, he is told this in two different ways. A vision of a city trodden under the heel of the enemy while the inner sanctuary is… invulnerable.  The second vision is one of two witnesses. They have a task to perform, namely, prophesy for 1260 days. They have opposition, but they have more than enough ability to take care of that opposition. They finish their task! But there’s that other side of the picture to portray – the gloom. That is hinted at in their wearing sackcloth, but it is spelled out in their death at the hands of the beast. Their defeat is seen to be only apparent since they are resurrected and glorified. The same truth is taught in chapter 12:6,14 and in 13:5ff.1 Rejoice!  The King Reigns! The sixth trumpet sounds in 9:13 and then a message came to comfort the Christians. Now the seventh trumpet sounds, and again we will see a …

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10-07-2020 Revelation 11 – Article – Two Witnesses

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

Two witnesses are called to testify, and their blood will declare the judgment on Earth. A LOOK BACK: Chapter 10 continues the second woe with a prophecy made by an angel that John is not allowed to write down.  The angel declares that the time when the mystery of God is complete—the mystery declared by the prophets in the Old Testament. John is commanded to take the little book from the hand of the angel and eat it (his prophecy).  It is sweet to taste, but bitter in his belly. Measurements John is called upon to measure with a reed the Temple (or inner sanctuary) of God, the altar, and those who worship in the Temple (God’s priests = Christians).  He is not to measure the courtyard of the Gentiles (profane people). To describe the kind of people these Gentiles are, they are the Gentiles will tread underfoot the city—the persecutors. The Two Witnesses The angel declares that two witnesses will be given to prophesy for 1,260 days.  Notice they prophesy in sackcloth – their message isn’t one of hope, but judgment.  The witnesses are olive trees and lampstands which stand before God.  If anyone seeks to harm the witnesses, they fire devours them. The witnesses’ authority includes shutting heaven, causing no rain to fall, turning water to blood, and striking the earth with plagues.  These are the actions of prophets during the Mosaic ages (Elijah) and Patriarchal ages (Moses). The Beast Makes War When the prophets cease prophesying, the …

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10-07-2020 Revelation 11 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 11The Two Olive Trees And The Seventh Trumpet What was John given and what was he told to do? Revelation 11:1 ______________________________________________ What was John told to leave out?  Revelation 11:2 ________________________________________________________________ How many witnesses were there and what were they told to do? Revelation 11:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What two things do the witnesses have power to do and who are these things pictures of in the Old Testament? Revelation 11:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revelation 11:7-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revelation 11:11-12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15-16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Under Christ’s reign who would be rewarded?What was seen when the temple of God in Heaven was opened?Revelation 11:18-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible> good evening. I was telling, sorry, the, the pain medicine does this to me. I lose my words. I was telling Tommy just a minute ago. I said, I sure am glad that I’m injured. And everybody’s being very patient with me because I’m injured because everything takes so much longer than normal when you only have one hand, okay, we are in revelation chapter 11 this evening. I don’t have as many slides on the overheads as I have had previously. Mostly we’re just going to use the images tonight, but revelation chapter 11 is for those who have been here for Zechariah and our sermons on Zechariah revelation, chapter 11, at least the part will sound very Familiar to you, or hopefully it will because it comes straight out of Zechariah, Zechariah chapter four. So we’ll get into that in just a moment, …

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09-30-2020 Revelation 10 – Article – A Delicious Little Book that Caused a Stomach Ache

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

A LOOK BACK: Chapter 9 reveals the first “woe” and the second. People die. The judgment against the people of the Earth not marked with God’s mark. The Star (King / Angel) with the key to the bottomless pit falls from heaven to earth. Then the four angels under the altar of God release plagues to bring more judgment upon sinful humanity.  After all this, humanity still does not repent of their iniquity. Note: The second woe continues until Revelation 11:13. The Angel and the Book: John sees another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He holds a little book open in his hand. He speaks, and his voice is like the roar of a lion in strength. When he cries out, seven thunders speak.  John listens to the voices (thunders) and is prepared to write their message, but a voice stops him and tells him, “Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.” The angel raised his hand to heaven and swore by God that there should be no further delay, but “in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.” Note: God’s description: “…Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in it…”  From Genesis …

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09-30-2020 – Revelation 9-10 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 10The Angel with the Little Book Automated Transcription <inaudible> It is time for us to get started. Hopefully this will be the last time I’m sitting down with my arm, propped up on a pillow on a podium for teaching class, but we’ll see a surgery is tomorrow will be the first time I’ve had anything other than surgery on my tonsils. So a are not tonsils, but a wisdom teeth. So it should be fun. I expect fun will be, will be the correct description of tomorrow. But anyway, we are in revelation chapter, chapter, chapter 10, revelation, chapter 10, let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We bound before you grateful for the day you’ve given to us the life that we have, the opportunities that we have to serve. You grateful for all of the many blessings that you shower upon us on a daily basis and grateful for this book of revelation, this book, which teaches us so well. And so clearly that you are on the throne that you are victorious and that you reign and that no Man, no individual, no persecutor and not even Satan himself has power to destroy you or to overcome your will. We pray that you’d be with us as we go through this period of study, may the things that we do be in accordance with your will pray that you be with those who are dealing with illnesses, injuries, those …

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09-27-2020 Revelation 9 – Article – Trumpets & Woes

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

Judgments and woes begin as the trumpets continue. A LOOK BACK: In chapter 8, John sees the seventh seal of the book opened and from it comes seven angels with given seven trumpets. Their trumpets sound proclamations of judgment upon those who will endure “the wrath of the Lamb.” Four Trumpets sound, three more are still to come. The Fifth Trumpet (WOE 1): The angel sounds the trumpet, star falls from heaven to earth. The locusts look like horses prepared for battle (armored) with crowns of gold on their head and the face of humans.  They had hair like women and teeth like lions.  When they beat their wings, the sound was like chariots with many running horses in battle. They had the tails of scorpions whose sting hurt humans for five months. The Sixth Trumpet (WOE 2): The sixth angel sounds and a voice comes from the middle of the altar which is before God, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates The four angels’ army is made up of 200,000,000 horsemen. After this judgment upon humanity, did the unrighteous repent?  No.  Did they cease worshiping demons and idols?  No.  Did they repent of their murderers, sorceries, sexual sins, or thefts?  No. The result is another woe to come. Next week: A Delicious Book that Caused a Stomach Ache.  

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09-27-2020 – Revelation 9 (Class) & The Value of a Savior (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 9The Fifth & Sixth Trumpets What was fallen to the earth from heaven when the 5th Angel sounded?What is this one called in verse 11?  ____________________________What was given to him?  _____________________________________What did he do with it? ________________________ Revelation 9:1, 11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What arose from the bottomless pit initially upon it being opened and what happened as a result? Revelation 9:2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What came out of smoke and who were they commanded to torment?Revelation 9:3-5  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How is the torment described?What did it cause?What part of the body of the locusts caused the torment? Revelation 9:5-6, 10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is the king of the locusts, what does his name in Greek and Hebrew mean? Revelation 9:11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13-15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ John sees an army of horsemen, what is the size of the army? Revelation 9:16________________________________________________________________ What three plagues kill 1/3 of mankind? Revelation 9:17-18________________________________________________________________ Did this partial judgment, this warning, cause the rest of mankind to repent? Revelation 9:20-21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> I think I got it. Thank you. Well, I’ll tell the people online again. Thank you for being patient. We’re getting there. Uh, we are in the book of revelation and we noticed chapter eight. We’re going to go into chapter nine this morning, and we are in the midst of the seals and the trumpets. Uh, the seventh seal. We talked about this, um, last week inside the seventh seal, when the seventh seal is opened inside that seal, John sees seven angels. Those seven …

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09-20-2020 Revelation 8 – Article – Silence & Trumpets

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

In Heaven there is silence… something is coming. A LOOK BACK: In chapter 6, the first six seals of the book are opened by the Lamb.  In Revelation 7, there is a pause in the opening of the seals to allow the angels to “mark” those who belong to God. These will be the ones will be able to stand in the day of the wrath of the Lamb. SILENCE: The Lamb opens the seventh seal, and John watches as there is silence in heaven for half an hour.  The silence might indicate reverence or awe at what is coming.  Consider the idea of a “moment of silence” because of a catastrophe that has befallen someone. Revealed in the seventh seal, John sees seven angels, each given a trumpet.  Another angel comes to the altar with a golden censer, and he receives incense to offer up with the prayers of the saints upon the altar. The prayers plus incense are offered and ascend up before God (sitting upon His throne).  Remember the saints beneath the altar who died for Christianity and their cry, “How Long!”  God’s answer to those prayers is coming. After offering the incense, the angel fills his censor with fire from the altar casts it into the Earth.  Voices, thundering, lightning, and earthquakes occur.  Always remember, this is vision language of judgment and retribution on the enemies of God.  As this happens, John sees the angels with the trumpets preparing to sound. The first trumpet: The angel …

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09-20-2020 Revelation 8 (Class) & Zechariah 9-11 (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Class: Revelation 8: The 7th Seal & 1-4 Trumpet JOHN – Revelation 8 – The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets What happened in Heaven when the seventh seal was opened? Revelation 8:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside the seventh seal, what was given to the seven angels?  Revelation 8:1-2 ________________________________________________________________ What did the angel with golden censer and much incense offer up on the golden alter before God?  Revelation 8:3-4  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After offering the incense, what did the angel do with fire from the altar? Revelation 8:5 ________________________________________________________________ What happened because of the fire from the censer?What did the seven angels with trumpets do? Revelation 8:5-6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What came upon the earth when the second trumpet sounded?What was affected? Revelation 8:8________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What came upon the earth when the third trumpet sounded?What was it called, and why?What was affected? Revelation 8:10-11_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1/3 of what things where affected when the fourth trumpet sounded?Revelation 8:12 ________________________________________________________________ To whom was a “triple Woe” pronounced by an angel flying through Heaven?When would that Woe take place? Revelation 8:13  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEXT: Re 8:1 ¶ When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.3 Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.4 And …

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09-12-2020 Revelation 7 – Article – The Mark of God

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

He who has the mark of God. A LOOK BACK: In chapter 6, the first six seals of the book are opened by the Lamb. With each John is invited to look into the “revelation” the book presents. The sixth seal opens to reveal humanity seeking refuge from “the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb” and a question, “For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” The answer comes in chapter 7. A MARK Whenever there is a battle, there is always concern over friendly-fire. Great care is given by armies to know where all of their men’s location so they never accidentally fire upon their men. There is reassurance in knowing the color of the uniform, the insignia upon a shoulder. A marking to identify the army to which a soldier belongs. God is going to “mark” His people so that they will be “able to stand” in “great day of His wrath.” John sees four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, and they are keeping the wind from blowing, having received power to harm the earth and the sea. God’s judgment is often described by the prophets as coming with the wind. A fifth angel appears holding the “seal of the living God” (imagine the same seal that sealed up the book.) The fifth angel cries out to the other four to wait to bring their destruction until after …

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09-16-2020 – Revelation 7 Part 2 and When It Was Written

In Bible Classes Videos, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

What chapter in Daniel corresponds to Revelation 17? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What Four Beasts Does Daniel see in Daniel 7?  Daniel 7:4-7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was on the top of the heads of the fourth beast?  Daniel 7:7-8  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was the beast accused of doing? Daniel 7:11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What did the horn do? Daniel 7:21-24 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the description of the animal ridden by the woman? Revelation 17:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the state of the Beast when John was writing? Revelation 17:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Beast would appear to do what?  Revelation 17:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many kings had fallen? Revelation 7:10________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the __________, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.” Revelation 7:11________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay.<inaudible> okay.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay. It is time for us to get started. We have reached our normal three minutes late, so we can actually start now. So in chapter six of revelation, we read about the opening of what, in chapter six, how many of the seals get opened in chapter six, six of them do the sixth seal gets opened, and then there’s a break. There’s an interlude, because a question is asked at the end of chapter six, and what is the question who shall be able to stand? And the question is asked because it is stated that the day of the wrath of the one who’s on the throne and of the lamb is about to come. And that day …

09-12-2020 Revelation 7 (Class) & (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation, Sermons, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 7The Servants of God are Marked John saw these things after the opening of which seal? Revelation 7:1; 6:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What were four angels holding back, and what were they “granted” to do?  Revelation 7:1-2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What did the angel that came from the east have in his hand?  Revelation 7:2  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For what were the four angels told to wait? Revelation 7:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where on His servants did the “seal” (or mark) of God go? Revelation 7:3         ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many tribes are marked?  Which of Joseph’s sons are included and which of Jacob’s are left out?How many from each tribe are marked? Revelation 7:4-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who else besides 144,000 are present before the throne and the Lamb? Revelation 7:9-10________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who makes up this group of people from every nation and tribe that in Heaven?  What did they do to themselves?Revelation 7:13-14________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is answer to the question from Revelation 6:17? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. It’s good to see everybody this morning. We are in revelation chapter seven, and as we have been doing, we will continue to do, we’re going to go over the questions from Wednesday as a review of chapter six, before we get into chapter seven, but you’ll notice on the handouts. There is a review sheet on the top that you can use to kind of just keep track Of everything we’ve gone through thus far, um, in the book we’re being six chapters in understanding that this has a …

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09-09-2020 Revelation 6 – Article – A Seal and A Worthy Lamb

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

… But one worthy to open each seal. A LOOK BACK: In chapter 5, John saw the One on the throne holding a scroll.  In it was a proclamation from God, but it was sealed.  He wept because there was no one found in Heaven, on Earth, or in the grave to open the scroll.  Then an angel appeared to John to tell him that one was worthy: the Lamb (Christ). John watches as the Lamb opens the first seal.  Then one of the creatures from before the throne invites him with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.”  Beginning here, John in this chapter will observe the opening of six of the seven seals on the scroll.  For the first century church, each prophecy is a glimpse into what will “shortly take place” (1:1) “for the time is near” (1:3). The first seal – Out of the scroll comes a white horse with a rider.  The rider holds a bow and a crown (he’s king or a victor).  He goes out successfully conquers. The second seal – Out comes a fiery red horse with rider.  Its rider has a great sword and permission to remove peace from the earth and cause people to turn against one another. The third seal – Now arrives a black horse with the rider carrying a set of scales.  The one in the middle of the four creatures (i.e. God) tells this rider, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of …

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09-09-2020 Revelation 6 – The Seals are Opened (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 6The Scroll is Opened – SEALS 1-6 Who opens the scroll sealed with seven seals? Revelation 6:1  ________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the first seal?What two things are given to the one on the horse?What does he do?  Revelation 6:1-2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the second seal?What is he given the ability to take?What is he given? Revelation 6:3-4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the third seal?What does the rider have in his hand?What is affected by this rider and what is not affected?  Revelation 6:5-6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the fourth seal?Who sits on this horse?Who is following behind this horse?What quantity of the earth were given into their hands? Revelation 6:7-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who does John see in the fifth seal?Where are they?What are they saying?What are they told to do?   Revelation 6:9-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the sixth seal, the language of Revelation 6:12-14 was used in the Old Testament to speak of what kind of event?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are the mighty and powerful people on Earth hiding from?  Revelation 6:15-16________________________________________________________________ What is the fundamental question of the sixth seal? Revelation 6:17 ________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay. We are in revelation chapter six. This evening. We’re going to begin with the questions from revelation, chapter five, go through those as a little bit of a review, and then we’ll get into chapter six. We’ll get that out of the way. Since it’s not going to work revelation chapter, …

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09-06-2020 Revelation 5 – Article – Summary of Chapter 5

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Scroll Back in chapter 4, John was invited through the open door into the throne room of God.  He entered and saw the majesty of God’s presence and the reverent worship offered to The First and the Last by those around the throne. John now looks back to the throne and in the hand of the one on the throne is a scroll.  The scroll, with writing on the inside and outside, is sealed with seven seals.  Imagine here a wax seal created by the writer of the scroll, only the individual worthy of opening the seals can read the scroll. John stands disheartened and weeps because there is no one found in Heaven, on Earth, or in the grave worthy to open the scroll.  But one of the twenty-four elders spoke to John, “Do not weep. the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and loose its seven seals.” John looks and sees a Lamb standing, but it is “a Lamb as though it had been slain.”  The Lamb has seven horns (perfect might) and seven eyes (perfect knowledge).   The Lamb takes the scroll from the One on the throne.  When he does, the four creatures and twenty-four elders fall down and sing before the Lamb.  When they sing, they each have a harp and a golden bowl filled with incense–this is the prayers of the saints on Earth. The song of the Lamb identifies this Lamb as the Redeemer of all the …

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09-02-2020 Revelation 4 – Article -Summary of Chapter 4

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Throne Room of God John, having delivered Jesus’ message to the churches, is brought deeper into the vision.  He sees an open door in Heaven.  Note that John doesn’t speak of these things as if they are fantasy.  It is a vision, but visions of a real place, albeit a spiritual one. Be careful to understand that the book of Revelation is largely symbolical (it conveys meaning using symbols), but the symbols almost always connect with real people, places, and things. Back to Revelation. Upon being invited “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this,” John enters the door and the very throne room of God.  He sees a throne, and One on the throne (God).  The description that follows is a magnificent throne room that could be unmatched by any earthly king. Interestingly, the one on the throne is never directly described.  Only his “appearance” (vs. 3). Even in the very presence of Jehovah, there are no human words to describe Jehovah himself. In front of the throne: The seven lamps which are the Seven Spirits of God. See the connection to the golden lampstand in the tabernacle (read Exodus 25:31-40; 37:17-24). Around the throne: 24 elders who are righteous rulers together with 4 living creatures.  The creatures are mighty, have the swiftness of flight, and see everything (there is a connection to Ezekiel 1 here). Coming from the throne: lightnings, thundering, voices.  Go read Exodus 19:9-24; 20:18-21.  John sees something …

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09-02-2020 Revelation 3 – Article – Summary of Chapter 3

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Dead, The Faithful, the Sickening To Sardis: An assembly with a false reputation.  They think they are a living body of Christ, but Jesus pronounced them dead.  Christians among them are still alive, but without repentance, He is coming with unexpected judgment.  Those whose garments are unsoiled will receive their reward. Promise: To the overcomer – white robes, a name in the Book of Life & their name confessed by Christ (cf. Mat. 10:32). To Philadelphia: An assembly with an open door that no man could shut. Neither humanity nor spiritual beings can overcome the purposes and actions of God.  This church is going through the wringer.  More persecution is coming, but the faithful have a crown awaiting. Promise: To the overcomer – become a pillar in the Temple of God & names written on him. To Laodicea: An assembly that makes God sick.  Apathy reigns in this church.  Prosperity physically, and wretchedness spiritually.  They have an eye affliction; they are blind, deceived by wealth and oblivious to the truth.  Christ is rebuking them, will they repent? He is knocking, will they open? Promise: To the overcomer – a seat with Christ on the throne for the overcomer like Him. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Next week: The Throne Room of God.

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09-02-2020 Revelation 3 – To Him Who Overcomes & Rev. 4 – Believe in God

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 4 The Throne of God   What did John see at the beginning of chapter 4? Revelation 4:1 ________________________________________________________________ Whose voice invited John into the Throne Room of God? Revelation 4:1  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He who sat there was like a ________ and a ________ stone in appearance; Revelation 4:3  ________________________________________________________________ Who surrounded the throne and what was on their head? Revelation 4:4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How are the seven Spirits of God that were before the throne described? Revelation 4:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of sea was before the throne? Revelation 4:6________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the eyes of the four creatures? Revelation 4:4 ________________________________________________________________ Describe the appearance of each creature. Revelation 4:7First:      _______________________________________________________ Second:      _______________________________________________________ Third:     _______________________________________________________ Fourth:      _______________________________________________________ What is the declaration of the four creatures? Revelation 4:8 ________________________________________________________________ What do the elders do when the four creatures praise God? Revelation 4:10-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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08-30-2020 Revelation 2 – Article – Summary of Chapter 2

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Double-Edged Sword Comes Forth A double-edged sword is a description given to the speaking of the word of God from the mouth of Jesus Christ (“The First and the Last …he who lives, and was dead, and… am alive forevermore” – 1:17-18). When Jesus speaks, there will be a separation, an action–an attack against all that is unholy, and protection for all that is holy.  He will speak to the messengers (angels) of the churches, and His words will divide, instruct, rebuke, correct, admonish, and commend. To Ephesus: An “assembly” (church) that labored, endured, and couldn’t stand evil just like their Heavenly Father.  They held to sound doctrine and true apostolic authority.  They had fought without giving up… but, they had lost the most important thing, the reason for doing it all.  Their first love–the Father.  They needed to repent, to return to the first works of Christianity, to return to the love of God (but not cease their other labors.) Promise: To the overcomer – eternal food (cf. John 4:10, 13). To Smyrna: An assembly of the poor, but rich in spiritual things. The “poor church” is defenseless, but God defends them. The “poor church” will suffer, but God will not fail to notice their persecution. The “poor church” will be thrown in prison, and some will die, but God has their reward waiting. Promise: To the overcomer – no second death (cf. 1:18; 2:8). To Pergamos: An assembly dwelling in the stronghold of Satan, in the bowels …

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08-30-2020 – Revelation 2-3 (Class) and Zechariah 7-8 (Sermon) – Live Stream

In Bible Classes Videos, Revelation, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

JOHN – Revelation 2-3The Church at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea   The church at Ephesus had left ____________________. Revelation 2:4 ________________________________________________________________ For their sins, the churches at Ephesus, Pergamum and Thyatira were told to (a) be baptized, (b) believe, (c) repent, or (d) confess. Revelation 2:5, 16, 22 Possibly, why was the church of Smyrna not told to repent? Revelation 2:8-11  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where is the tree of life? Revelation 2:7  ________________________________________________________________ What is the result of being faithful until death? Revelation 2:10 ________________________________________________________________ Among the sins of the church at Pergamum, one not listed was (a) denying the faith, (b) teaching Balak, (c) eating food sacrificed to idols, or (d) committing acts of immorality. Revelation 2:13,  14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Among the sins of the church at Thyatira, not listed was (a) committing sins of immorality, (b) decreasing in deeds, (c) eating foods sacrificed to idols, (d) following after Jezebel. Revelation 2:19-21________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many people in Sardis were not sinful? Revelation 3:4 ________________________________________________________________ The names of those who had overcome sin were written in the book . Revelation 3:5 ________________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Was it possible for a person to lose his “crown”? Revelation 3:11 ________________________________________________________________ What would Jesus do to people that were lukewarm? Revelation 3:15-16 ________________________________________________________________ For their sins, the churches of Sardis and Laodicea were told to ____________.Possibly, why was the church of Philadelphia not told to repent?Revelation 3:3, 7-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Descriptions of Jesus – Revelation 2-3 1:1 – Messiah (Christ) 1:1 – Has servants 1:2 …

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08-26-2020 Revelation – Article – Numbers and Symbols

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

In biblical literature, there is a term that has come forth from the very essence of the book of Revelation, and that is “apocalyptic literature.”  (Note: the word revelation “apocolypsis” is where the english word Apocalypse comes from).  Apocalyptic literature uses figurative language where objects and numbers are often to be understood symbolically instead of literally or physically. Some of those in Revelation are 6, 7, 12, and 1000. The scope of these articles do not allow an in-depth analysis of these terms, but here’s an overview of a few significant numbers in Revelation.  Notice just the use of the number 7: 7 Churches, 7 Spirits, 7 golden candlesticks, 7 stars, 7 lamps, 7 seals, 7 horns, 7 eyes, 7 angels, 7 trumpets, 7 thunders, 7 (thousand) people, 7 heads, 7 crowns, 7 last plagues, 7 golden vials, 7 mountains, 7 kings. When we look into the text, we get this indication: 7 is a number indicating fullness, completeness, or perfection (often connected to God). 6 is the number that falls short of 7, it is incomplete, imperfect (often the number of “man”). 12 is a number indicating authorized religion.  12 patriarchs of the old testament, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles. Multiples of a significant number are used to indicate a thorough or completeness of that symbol’s concept.  A single 6 indicates coming short of perfection (falling short of God), but 666 indicates complete failure, an entirely fallen state, the essence of disobedient sinful mankind. 1000 is often multiplied …

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08-26-2020 Revelation 1 – Article – Summary of Chapter 1

In Articles, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The New Testament book entitled “The Apocalypse (disclosure, manifestation, revelation) of Jesus Christ.”  John will record the visions God reveals to him as commanded.  These are matters of spiritual and physical significance, but events that “must shortly take place…for the time was near.” He writes to the seven churches of Asia Minor but does not originate the letter.  It is from “The One Who Is and Who Was and Who Is To Come,” from the seven Spirits, and from Jesus Christ.  The Godhead is present, and the Godhead has a message for the church. At the beginning of Revelation, there are a few statements about Christ that matter to the rest of the letter.  Faithful witness: His witness is true, and it is reliable in good times and bad.  Firstborn from the dead: the one who has been through Death, through Hades (the grave), and is alive again as the victor.  Ruler over the kings of the earth: the church is going endure persecution from the kings of this planet, but Jesus is ultimately in charge. John reassures the Christians he is their companion in trouble, in the Kingdom, and the endurance of Jesus Christ (i.e., cost of faithfulness).  He describes the beginning of the vision, the command to write, and the voice coming from inside the midst of the churches (or accurately, their spiritual representation as lampstands). This moment is opportune to point out that John uses “figures” to represent concepts, people, places, things, etc. in the book of …

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08-26-2020 Revelation 1 – The Time Is At Hand… Or Is It? – Class & Devo

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Revelation by Aaron Cozort

The Book of Revelation Speaker: Aaron Cozort Live Stream Revelation 1 (Text) The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. Greeting the Seven Churches John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Vision …