12-1-2019 – Live Stream Collierville Church of ChristSpeaker: Aaron CozortClass: 2 Samuel 9 Sermon: God Knows Your Future
11-27-2019 – 2 Samuel 7-8 – Live Stream – Wednesday PM
11-27-2019 – Live Stream
Wednesday PM Class and Devo
– Collierville Church of Christ
Aaron Cozort
Text: 2 Samuel 7-8
11-24-2019 – Sunday PM Class and Worship
Automated Transcipt
Live Stream – 11-24-2019 – Sunday AM Class and Worship
Class: 2 Samuel 7 & Psalms 23 (Aaron Cozort)
Sermon: Eric Richardson
2019-11-10 – Sunday AM Class – Lesson 143 – 2 Samuel 2 – David
Automated Transcript San and his sons, three of them having died. The news will will come to David. David will have just returned from battle with the AMA kites and in and locate who comes from the camp of Soul. Comes with word that sells bed Had the same look. I just brought word that saw when Jonathan were dead. His fate probably would have turned out a little differently, but he didn’t. He brought word that Saul was dead, that Jonathan was dead and that solid died by his hands that he killed. So there is much discussion as to whether or not he did kill Saul. Because the end of First Samuel we read concerning Saul dying and we read nowhere about this am a kite being involved. But we do recognize this Able Kite comes because he wants something. He comes with this message and he also comes with two other things. He comes with the crown and he comes with the bracelets of soul. He comes with the the the adornments of the King, and he comes to bring these to David and he comes seeking something. Ultimately he will find his own death, and he will have his judgment pronounced by David in that he testified of here by himself that he had killed the Lord’s anointed. One commentator brought up the fact that going all the way back to Genesis, Chapter 10 God set forth a law that the run by whom blood was …
2019-09-25 – Wednesday PM – Aaron Cozort – Genesis 26 – Isaac
Genesis Chapter 26 We have the only record. The only chapter I should say we have the Onley chapter dedicated to the promised son of Abraham. We’ve spent 13 chapters hearing God promised to Abraham, You’re going to have a son and we get one chapter dedicated to the sun. Because in those 13 chapters, the focus wasn’t the son. The focus was the promise, not just the promise of a son, but the promise of a seed. And ultimately, the seed that was promised is the seed that would bless all nations of the Earth. And ultimately, the seed promise wasn’t about Isaac. But Christ, it was about the savior. It was about the one who would come through the seed of Isaac through the seat of Jacob ultimately through the seed of Judah through the seat of David. But the seed was Christ. And as we get to Genesis Chapter 26 we see a glimpse into the life of the son of Abraham. Now, before we get into Chapter 26 go to Genesis Chapter 18 Genesis, Chapter 18 verse 10. And he said, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life and behold, Sara, your wife shall have a son. Sir was listening in the 10 door, which was behind him. Now. Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age, and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, …
2019-09-25 – Wednesday PM – Aaron Cozort – Genesis 26 – Isaac
Genesis Chapter 26 We have the only record. The only chapter I should say we have the Onley chapter dedicated to the promised son of Abraham. We’ve spent 13 chapters hearing God promised to Abraham, You’re going to have a son and we get one chapter dedicated to the sun. Because in those 13 chapters, the focus wasn’t the son. The focus was the promise, not just the promise of a son, but the promise of a seed. And ultimately, the seed that was promised is the seed that would bless all nations of the Earth. And ultimately, the seed promise wasn’t about Isaac. But Christ, it was about the savior. It was about the one who would come through the seed of Isaac through the seat of Jacob ultimately through the seed of Judah through the seat of David. But the seed it was Christ. And as we get to Genesis Chapter 26 we see a glimpse into the life of the son of Abraham. Now, before we get into Chapter 26 go to Genesis Chapter 18 Genesis, Chapter 18 verse 10. And he said, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life. And behold, Sara, your wife shall have a son. Sir was listening in the 10 door, which was behind him. Now. Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age, and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I have grown old, shall I have …
2019-09-25 – Wednesday PM – Aaron Cozort – Genesis 26 – Isaac
Automated Transcript Genesis Chapter 26 We have the only record. The only chapter I should say we have the Onley chapter dedicated to the promised son of Abraham. We’ve spent 13 chapters hearing God promised to Abraham, You’re going to have a son and we get one chapter dedicated to the sun. Because in those 13 chapters, the focus wasn’t the son. The focus was the promise, not just the promise of a son, but the promise of a seed. And ultimately, the seed that was promised is the seed that would bless all nations of the Earth. And ultimately, the seed promise wasn’t about Isaac. But Christ, it was about the savior. It was about the one who would come through the seed of Isaac through the seat of Jacob ultimately through the seed of Judah through the seat of David. But the seed it was Christ. And as we get to Genesis Chapter 26 we see a glimpse into the life of the son of Abraham. Now, before we get into Chapter 26 go to Genesis Chapter 18 Genesis, Chapter 18 verse 10. And he said, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life. And behold, Sara, your wife shall have a son. Sir was listening in the 10 door, which was behind him. Now. Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age, and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing. Therefore, Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I have grown old, shall …
2019-05-09 – Wed PM Devo – Eric Richardson – 1 Peter 1:1-2
Tonight. I want to go to first Peter chapter one the opening of Peter’s letter. He makes some statements here that I want to look at. First Peter chapter one we’re going to read verse one and two says, Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ to the stranger scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, Bethania eat, elect according to the fore knowledge of God, the father, the word elect means chosen to select who is he talking about? Well, he’s talking about those strangers scattered abroad. Those through that are the Christians he’s writing to the Christians, Zoetis those that are scattered abroad, they are the elect. How are they chosen? Says according to the fore knowledge of God, some would like us to think that we are selected before we were born and we have no choice, but that’s not the case. Go with me to Fijian chapter one. Ephesians chapter one verse four Says, according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before him in love, we are chosen in him before the world foundation of the world. God had a plan before he even created us. What was that plan? Second Thessalonians, Second Thessalonians chapter two verse 13 but we are bound to give thanks all the way to God for you brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God half from the beginning chose you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and …
2019-05-09 – Wed PM Class – Aaron Cozort – Lesson 102 – John 17
John 17 is the conclusion of the time in the upper room. The events happening in the upper room are leading and pointing directly to the cross. Jesus knows what is to come and he said as much many times he knows where he will be before this night is finished. He’s preparing himself, he’s preparing the disciples. He’s telling them the things they need to know, not because they’re going to understand it, but because when it happens they’ll remember it and when it happens they’ll understand what he has been telling them and they’ll know that he is who he claims to be. Chapter 17 is one of the highlights in my opinion, of all of the gospels because it is one of the few examples that we have where Jesus prays and we have the prayer given, but more especially, it’s the only example where Jesus prays and we have this much of that prayer recorded and so it stands incredibly unique in scripture as this prayer, which is the entire chapter. This prayer Before he goes to the garden. At the end of the prayer, they will depart from the upper room and they will head to get Semini and there they will be until he is betrayed and taken before the high priest chapter 17 begins. Jesus spoke these words lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, This was a kind of a, a rabbit to chase for a moment. But Is there a …
2019-05-06 – Sunday AM Class – John 16
John 16 begins with these things. These things I have spoken to you. Of course, the precursor to that statement, the things he’s talking about goes back to chapter 15 goes back chapter 14 chapter 13 and we don’t have time to go back and revisit all of these things, but he says, these things, I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. What would cause the disciples to stumble? Spiritually speaking, we’re not talking about them, you know, stubbing their toe on a rock, catching their sandals on a, on a route in the garden. That’s not what we’re talking about. What would cause the disciples to stumble? Temptations of the world, Temptations of the world.<inaudible> False teachers, a lack of faith, persecution,<inaudible>, Political pressure and and and pressures from the Sanhedrin and the Jewish leadership. And you’re going to see just just a few chapters into the book of acts that happening, not, not long after the day of Pentecost there in the temple preaching, they get arrested, they get thrown in prison, they get put on a put before the Sanhedrin. They get told, do not speak anymore. In this man’s name<inaudible> But above everything else, They don’t expect them to die. Huh. All the way to the trial. Following him to the cross. I don’t expect them to die, Which is why on the morning that he has already told them he is going to rise again. Three days he will …
2019-05-01 – Wednesday PM Class – Aaron Cozort – Lesson 100 – John 15 – How To Be Hated By People Around You
John chapter 15 Has a precursor and it begins in chapter 14 verse 23 Jesus answered and said to him, Jesus is answering Judas, not Judas Iscariot, the other one. Judas said, Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world? Because Jesus has told them, you will see me. Well, the world will not see me. So he says, how is this going to be possible? How is it that we’re going to see you and the world’s not going to see you? And Jesus answered and said to him, if anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me does not keep my words and the word which you hear is not mine, but the father’s who sent me much of what Jesus is going to say in John chapter 15 leads out of this statement right here where Jesus says, if you love me, you will keep my words. If you step back a little further in John chapter 14 in John chapter 14 and in verse 15 he says, if you love me, keep my commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you for forever the spirit of truth. So Jesus is in the context of the upper room. He is there having observed …
11-04-2020 Revelation 17 – Wednesday PM Class
Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good evening. We are, for those who may be visitors or joining us only online, we are all remote. This evening. We’re live streaming because unfortunately found out one of our members has COVID who was here at Bible study last Wednesday night. And so just as a precaution we’re we’ve asked everyone to, to stay home and just be on the stream for this evening, but we’re glad you’re here. And we’re glad that we can have the ability to come together and have class. Well, we’ll still have class and we’ll have a short Divo right at the end of class, and then be dismissed. We are in the book of revelation. We’re closing out revelation, chapter 16 and going into chapter 17. As we get into our class this evening, let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have been blessed with, grateful for your many blessings that you shower upon us on a regular basis. We are so odd your majesty by your glory, by your creative power, by all that you have done in both the magnificence of this universe, but also those things which are so tiny that the, I cannot even perceive them. We pray that you will be continually with us in this nation. We know that we’re going through a hard time and the struggle that …
11-01-2020 – Revelation 16 (Class) & Zechariah 13 (Sermon)
JOHN – Revelation 167 Angels with 7 Plagues in Bowls Poured Out. What was contained in the bowls given to the seven angels? Revelation 16:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What reason did the angels of the waters give for bowl two and three?? Revelation 16:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For what people in the Old Testament were waters dried up so they could cross over? Revelation 16:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the New Testament, does, “I am coming as a thief” always mean that we are talking about the second coming of Christ? Revelation 16:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is blessed according to verse 15? Revelation 16:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the physical location in Palestine for the Hebrew word Armageddon? Revelation 16:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? Revelation 16:17-21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in revelation chapter 16 this morning.<inaudible> As we have been doing, we’ll start with the questions from the previous chapter as a little bit of a review and go over those. And then we’ll get into chapter 16 for our class. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We bow before your throne continually grateful for the blessings that you shower upon us. The blessings that we have in this country to live in land, that we have freedom to worship without fear of persecution. We know that as we go through the book of revelation, we are reading about those who at one time had that kind of Liberty. And then because of the changes and the difficulties that arose around …
10-28-2020 Revelation 15 (Class)
Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Okay. We are in revelation chapter 15. This evening. We’ll begin with the questions from chapter 14.<inaudible> Chapter 15 is the shortest chapter in the book of revelation. So that means it should take us less time to get through it. Right. Me. I was trying to convince me emphasis on should take us less time. All right. Well, let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll go into these questions there. Heavenly father, we thank you for this day for its blessings, for all that you do for us on a daily basis for your love, care, and concern for the mercy. That has showered upon us just by the fact that when we rise each morning, so does the son, we pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this week. And especially in this nation, as we near election day, may this time be peaceful and may those who are being diligent to make sure that it remains peaceful, be blessed in their efforts to guard our election process, but also our streets and our neighborhoods and our cities. We pray that you watch over us as we go through this continued difficulty with coronavirus and the pandemic that is plaguing this world. We pray that you will help us to help those who are in need, but also to remember that this life is not all there is, and that we need to be prepared, not only for …
10-25-2020 – Revelation 14 & Zechariah 12
Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible> good morning. We are in revelation, chapter 14, continuing this morning.<inaudible> Where we are going to kind of go back a little bit and say a few things about the beginning of the chapter that we did not cover on Wednesday night, but then we’ll proceed forward. We’ll finish up chapter 14 and probably go through the questions as well before the end of class this morning and get into chapter 15 on Wednesday night, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before your throne grateful for this day for its blessings. For all that. You’ve granted to us in this life to be able to live before you to serve you, to glorify your name and bring honor and glory to your name. We pray that as we go through our daily lives, as we go through this existence on this earth, that we might do those things, which are in accordance with your will, that we might live in a way that is acceptable before you, that we might be an example to those who are around us to live closer to you, to obey you, to adhere to your word and to the truth that is in it. We pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. We pray that you will be with those who are struggling right now because of the loss of loved ones, because of illnesses, …
10-18-2020 – Revelation 13 (Part 2)
Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in revelation. Chapter 13, did a bit of reviewing. I forgot the remote. Can, you can bring the remote. We did a little bit of reviewing on Wednesday night, kind of went over the, a little summary of the book, but then also went through the questions of chapters 11 and 12, leading us up to chapter 13. Now back over in chapter 12 is the first time that we really are sorry in chapter 11. It’s the first time we really see the beast come up. We read that the beast from the bottomless pit comes up and kills two individuals. Who does he kill? Alright. The two witnesses. Now the witnesses are pictured as to what at the beginning of the chapter. Well, they’re pictures to profits, but they’re pictured is two olive trees and two lampstands. Okay. So there’s, there’s two olive trees. There’s two lampstands. And these are the two witnesses of God. These are drawing forward the imagery from Zechariah chapter four, and this idea of the revelation of God God’s anointed and the eternal light, that is the word of God going forth. And so here you have these two witnesses and they’re declaring the word of God. They’re shining. Volite They’re declaring the word of God. And they have the power of, to, to destroy their enemies by the word of, or by fire that comes out of their mouth. You’ve got an imagery. They’re not …
10-14-2020 – Revelation 13 (Class)
JOHN – Revelation 13Dragon, Sea Beast, Land Beast & 666 What are the shared attributes of the Dragon and the Sea beast? Revelation 13:1________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What 3 animals was the sea beast like? Revelation 13:2________________________________________________________________ What changed about one of the sea beast’s heads that caused the world to marvel?As a result, what creature was worshipped? Revelation 13:3 -4________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The names of those who worship the beast are NOT written where?Revelation 13:8 __________________________________________________ Revelation 13:10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the appearance of the land beast. Revelation 13:11________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How does the land beast deceive those who dwell on the earth? What does the land beast cause those who dwell on the earth to make? Revelation 13:13-14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does the land beast cause all to receive? Revelation 13:16-17The person without a mark cannot _________________________. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the number of the land beast? Revelation 13:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Testing one, two. All right. That’s better. Let’s see if we can do this. I didn’t even drop it. Oop. Well spoke too soon. All right. We are in revelation chapters, 12 and 13. This evening. Let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We bow before your throne grateful for all of the many blessings that you’ve granted to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunity that we have to serve you. We pray that as we serve you, that we do so in a way, in a manner that is pleasing to you, we …
10-11-2020 Revelation 11-12 (Class) & A Spiritual Checkup (Sermon)
Automated Transcript The thing I love about technology is it always works. Oh, we are in revelation, chapter 11 and 12 today, revelation chapter 11 and chapter 12, we just have a little bit to finish in chapter 11, and then we will proceed into chapter 12. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the blessings. You showered upon us on a daily basis, grateful for all that you do for us in good times, and in hard times, grateful for your love and your care, your concern, your loving kindness. That is granted to us that though we do not deserve it. You have bestowed upon humanity, and we are so grateful for it. We’re grateful most, especially for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins. The lamb that was slain, and yet is standing before the throne. The one who conquers the one who is victorious, the one who will sit on his throne and who rains Lord, we are grateful for all the many things that you’ve granted to us inside of the word of God. And inside this book we refer to as the Bible, and we’re especially grateful for the book of revelation and the hope and the encouragement that it grants to us. And the reminder that no matter what comes, no matter the struggles in this country or any country that’s come before, there is one who’s …
10-07-2020 Revelation 11 (Class)
JOHN – Revelation 11The Two Olive Trees And The Seventh Trumpet What was John given and what was he told to do? Revelation 11:1 ______________________________________________ What was John told to leave out? Revelation 11:2 ________________________________________________________________ How many witnesses were there and what were they told to do? Revelation 11:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What two things do the witnesses have power to do and who are these things pictures of in the Old Testament? Revelation 11:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revelation 11:7-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revelation 11:11-12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15-16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Under Christ’s reign who would be rewarded?What was seen when the temple of God in Heaven was opened?Revelation 11:18-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible> good evening. I was telling, sorry, the, the pain medicine does this to me. I lose my words. I was telling Tommy just a minute ago. I said, I sure am glad that I’m injured. And everybody’s being very patient with me because I’m injured because everything takes so much longer than normal when you only have one hand, okay, we are in revelation chapter 11 this evening. I don’t have as many slides on the overheads as I have had previously. Mostly we’re just going to use the images tonight, but revelation chapter 11 is for those who have been here for Zechariah and our sermons on Zechariah revelation, chapter 11, at least the part will sound very Familiar to you, or hopefully it will because it comes straight out of Zechariah, Zechariah chapter four. So we’ll get into that in just a moment, …
09-30-2020 – Revelation 9-10 (Class)
JOHN – Revelation 10The Angel with the Little Book Automated Transcription <inaudible> It is time for us to get started. Hopefully this will be the last time I’m sitting down with my arm, propped up on a pillow on a podium for teaching class, but we’ll see a surgery is tomorrow will be the first time I’ve had anything other than surgery on my tonsils. So a are not tonsils, but a wisdom teeth. So it should be fun. I expect fun will be, will be the correct description of tomorrow. But anyway, we are in revelation chapter, chapter, chapter 10, revelation, chapter 10, let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We bound before you grateful for the day you’ve given to us the life that we have, the opportunities that we have to serve. You grateful for all of the many blessings that you shower upon us on a daily basis and grateful for this book of revelation, this book, which teaches us so well. And so clearly that you are on the throne that you are victorious and that you reign and that no Man, no individual, no persecutor and not even Satan himself has power to destroy you or to overcome your will. We pray that you’d be with us as we go through this period of study, may the things that we do be in accordance with your will pray that you be with those who are dealing with illnesses, injuries, those …
09-27-2020 – Revelation 9 (Class) & The Value of a Savior (Sermon)
JOHN – Revelation 9The Fifth & Sixth Trumpets What was fallen to the earth from heaven when the 5th Angel sounded?What is this one called in verse 11? ____________________________What was given to him? _____________________________________What did he do with it? ________________________ Revelation 9:1, 11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What arose from the bottomless pit initially upon it being opened and what happened as a result? Revelation 9:2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What came out of smoke and who were they commanded to torment?Revelation 9:3-5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How is the torment described?What did it cause?What part of the body of the locusts caused the torment? Revelation 9:5-6, 10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is the king of the locusts, what does his name in Greek and Hebrew mean? Revelation 9:11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13-15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ John sees an army of horsemen, what is the size of the army? Revelation 9:16________________________________________________________________ What three plagues kill 1/3 of mankind? Revelation 9:17-18________________________________________________________________ Did this partial judgment, this warning, cause the rest of mankind to repent? Revelation 9:20-21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> I think I got it. Thank you. Well, I’ll tell the people online again. Thank you for being patient. We’re getting there. Uh, we are in the book of revelation and we noticed chapter eight. We’re going to go into chapter nine this morning, and we are in the midst of the seals and the trumpets. Uh, the seventh seal. We talked about this, um, last week inside the seventh seal, when the seventh seal is opened inside that seal, John sees seven angels. Those seven …
09-20-2020 Revelation 8 (Class) & Zechariah 9-11 (Sermon)
Class: Revelation 8: The 7th Seal & 1-4 Trumpet JOHN – Revelation 8 – The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets What happened in Heaven when the seventh seal was opened? Revelation 8:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside the seventh seal, what was given to the seven angels? Revelation 8:1-2 ________________________________________________________________ What did the angel with golden censer and much incense offer up on the golden alter before God? Revelation 8:3-4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After offering the incense, what did the angel do with fire from the altar? Revelation 8:5 ________________________________________________________________ What happened because of the fire from the censer?What did the seven angels with trumpets do? Revelation 8:5-6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What came upon the earth when the second trumpet sounded?What was affected? Revelation 8:8________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What came upon the earth when the third trumpet sounded?What was it called, and why?What was affected? Revelation 8:10-11_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1/3 of what things where affected when the fourth trumpet sounded?Revelation 8:12 ________________________________________________________________ To whom was a “triple Woe” pronounced by an angel flying through Heaven?When would that Woe take place? Revelation 8:13 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEXT: Re 8:1 ¶ When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.3 Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.4 And …
09-16-2020 – Revelation 7 Part 2 and When It Was Written
What chapter in Daniel corresponds to Revelation 17? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What Four Beasts Does Daniel see in Daniel 7? Daniel 7:4-7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was on the top of the heads of the fourth beast? Daniel 7:7-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was the beast accused of doing? Daniel 7:11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What did the horn do? Daniel 7:21-24 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the description of the animal ridden by the woman? Revelation 17:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the state of the Beast when John was writing? Revelation 17:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Beast would appear to do what? Revelation 17:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many kings had fallen? Revelation 7:10________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the __________, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.” Revelation 7:11________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay.<inaudible> okay.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay. It is time for us to get started. We have reached our normal three minutes late, so we can actually start now. So in chapter six of revelation, we read about the opening of what, in chapter six, how many of the seals get opened in chapter six, six of them do the sixth seal gets opened, and then there’s a break. There’s an interlude, because a question is asked at the end of chapter six, and what is the question who shall be able to stand? And the question is asked because it is stated that the day of the wrath of the one who’s on the throne and of the lamb is about to come. And that day …
09-12-2020 Revelation 7 (Class) & (Sermon)
JOHN – Revelation 7The Servants of God are Marked John saw these things after the opening of which seal? Revelation 7:1; 6:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What were four angels holding back, and what were they “granted” to do? Revelation 7:1-2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What did the angel that came from the east have in his hand? Revelation 7:2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For what were the four angels told to wait? Revelation 7:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where on His servants did the “seal” (or mark) of God go? Revelation 7:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many tribes are marked? Which of Joseph’s sons are included and which of Jacob’s are left out?How many from each tribe are marked? Revelation 7:4-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who else besides 144,000 are present before the throne and the Lamb? Revelation 7:9-10________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who makes up this group of people from every nation and tribe that in Heaven? What did they do to themselves?Revelation 7:13-14________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is answer to the question from Revelation 6:17? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. It’s good to see everybody this morning. We are in revelation chapter seven, and as we have been doing, we will continue to do, we’re going to go over the questions from Wednesday as a review of chapter six, before we get into chapter seven, but you’ll notice on the handouts. There is a review sheet on the top that you can use to kind of just keep track Of everything we’ve gone through thus far, um, in the book we’re being six chapters in understanding that this has a …
09-09-2020 Revelation 6 – The Seals are Opened (Class)
JOHN – Revelation 6The Scroll is Opened – SEALS 1-6 Who opens the scroll sealed with seven seals? Revelation 6:1 ________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the first seal?What two things are given to the one on the horse?What does he do? Revelation 6:1-2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the second seal?What is he given the ability to take?What is he given? Revelation 6:3-4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the third seal?What does the rider have in his hand?What is affected by this rider and what is not affected? Revelation 6:5-6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What color horse is seen in the fourth seal?Who sits on this horse?Who is following behind this horse?What quantity of the earth were given into their hands? Revelation 6:7-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who does John see in the fifth seal?Where are they?What are they saying?What are they told to do? Revelation 6:9-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the sixth seal, the language of Revelation 6:12-14 was used in the Old Testament to speak of what kind of event?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are the mighty and powerful people on Earth hiding from? Revelation 6:15-16________________________________________________________________ What is the fundamental question of the sixth seal? Revelation 6:17 ________________________________________________________________ Automated Transcript <inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay. We are in revelation chapter six. This evening. We’re going to begin with the questions from revelation, chapter five, go through those as a little bit of a review, and then we’ll get into chapter six. We’ll get that out of the way. Since it’s not going to work revelation chapter, …
09-02-2020 Revelation 3 – To Him Who Overcomes & Rev. 4 – Believe in God
JOHN – Revelation 4 The Throne of God What did John see at the beginning of chapter 4? Revelation 4:1 ________________________________________________________________ Whose voice invited John into the Throne Room of God? Revelation 4:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He who sat there was like a ________ and a ________ stone in appearance; Revelation 4:3 ________________________________________________________________ Who surrounded the throne and what was on their head? Revelation 4:4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How are the seven Spirits of God that were before the throne described? Revelation 4:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of sea was before the throne? Revelation 4:6________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the eyes of the four creatures? Revelation 4:4 ________________________________________________________________ Describe the appearance of each creature. Revelation 4:7First: _______________________________________________________ Second: _______________________________________________________ Third: _______________________________________________________ Fourth: _______________________________________________________ What is the declaration of the four creatures? Revelation 4:8 ________________________________________________________________ What do the elders do when the four creatures praise God? Revelation 4:10-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
08-30-2020 – Revelation 2-3 (Class) and Zechariah 7-8 (Sermon) – Live Stream
JOHN – Revelation 2-3The Church at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea The church at Ephesus had left ____________________. Revelation 2:4 ________________________________________________________________ For their sins, the churches at Ephesus, Pergamum and Thyatira were told to (a) be baptized, (b) believe, (c) repent, or (d) confess. Revelation 2:5, 16, 22 Possibly, why was the church of Smyrna not told to repent? Revelation 2:8-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where is the tree of life? Revelation 2:7 ________________________________________________________________ What is the result of being faithful until death? Revelation 2:10 ________________________________________________________________ Among the sins of the church at Pergamum, one not listed was (a) denying the faith, (b) teaching Balak, (c) eating food sacrificed to idols, or (d) committing acts of immorality. Revelation 2:13, 14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Among the sins of the church at Thyatira, not listed was (a) committing sins of immorality, (b) decreasing in deeds, (c) eating foods sacrificed to idols, (d) following after Jezebel. Revelation 2:19-21________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many people in Sardis were not sinful? Revelation 3:4 ________________________________________________________________ The names of those who had overcome sin were written in the book . Revelation 3:5 ________________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Was it possible for a person to lose his “crown”? Revelation 3:11 ________________________________________________________________ What would Jesus do to people that were lukewarm? Revelation 3:15-16 ________________________________________________________________ For their sins, the churches of Sardis and Laodicea were told to ____________.Possibly, why was the church of Philadelphia not told to repent?Revelation 3:3, 7-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Descriptions of Jesus – Revelation 2-3 1:1 – Messiah (Christ) 1:1 – Has servants 1:2 …
08-26-2020 Revelation 1 – The Time Is At Hand… Or Is It? – Class & Devo
The Book of Revelation Speaker: Aaron Cozort Live Stream Revelation 1 (Text) The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. Greeting the Seven Churches John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Vision …