01-31-2021 – Live Stream- Matthew 13:24-52 (Class) & The Importance of Prayer (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams, Sermons, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

01-31-2021 – LIVE – Matthew 13:24-52 (Class) & The Importance of Prayer (Sermon)
Speaker: Aaron Cozort
Collierville Church of Christ
575 Shelton Road, #Collierville, TN

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Good morning. I told you he turned knobs. You can probably turn it down a little bit.<inaudible> I think Mike had got loose in the booth. Okay. We have a few lessons worth of questions to catch up on three as if I’m correct. And if not, we’ll catch up on more, but we’ll do that as we get started,

it is good to be home. My grandmother is still with us. She’s at home and we’ll make an announcement during the worship. Just going to give everybody an idea of where things are at. We will be headed back up some point this week, probably the first of this week. She didn’t have a good day yesterday. We haven’t heard how today’s gone yet.

So, but anyway, we appreciate your prayers and your thoughts and your willingness to allow us to, to be up there. Anybody who’s given at least 24 hour presence for someone who’s in, in that situation knows that takes quite a few people to be able to maintain for longer than a day or two. So we appreciate the, the extending of that courtesy.

All right, we are going to begin with a prayer and then we’ll get into a few of these questions. And if anybody needs a sheet of the questions there, of course they’re in the back. Let us pray. Our gracious heavenly father, We bow before you grateful for this day that you’ve blessed us with grateful for the love, the care and the concern that you have showed us each and every day by the sunshine and the rain by the nature that is around us and the universe that you’ve placed us in all these things that declare your glory and praise your existence.

We are so grateful for each and every one of them. And yet do not even fully comprehend all the things that you do for us on a daily basis. We’re mindful of those who are struggling with illness, with difficulty, with pain. We pray that they will have comfort. We pray that if possible, they will be returned to their health. We pray for all those who are caregivers and the extremely difficult job that they have in their own day to day lives.

We pray that you watch over this congregation may its works flourishing grow, may the things that we do be acceptable in your sight and sound and doctrine. And may we always strive to reach out to those around us, to be a helping hand, to be an encouragement and uplifting to those who are in need all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

So Ava and I were talking about it. And we think that the last set of questions that we went over was two 46, which means we’re going to start with two 47. But if somebody says, otherwise we’ll start Further back. Yeah, But I think two 47 sounds about right. That would be Luke chapter 12 verses 22 through through Luke chapter 13,

verse nine. First question comes from Luke chapter 12, verses 24, 27, 28 and 31. Jesus discussed anxiety over food by telling how God feeds blank birds and specifically what, what kind of birds were mentioned? Ravens. Okay. Jesus discussed anxiety over clothing by telling how God clothed blank. The grass in Luke’s account Lily’s is, is what’s referenced in Matthew’s account.

The grass is what’s mentioned in Luke’s instead of being anxious, concerning food and clothing, we should seek blank kingdom of God. All right. Where did Jesus say? A person’s heart will be according to verse 34 where his treasure is according to verse 40 of chapter 12. What hour can we expect Jesus to return The hour? Do not expect Luke chapter 12 verses 47 and 48.

Yes or no. Does Jesus require greater service out of those with greater abilities and opportunities? Yes. Luke chapter 12, verse 51 through 53. How did Jesus say he would cause divisions in families?<inaudible> All right. Three against two, two against three father versus son, son versus father, mother versus daughter mother-in-law versus daughter-in-law daughter-in-law versus mother-in-law et cetera.

What did Jesus say? According to Luke chapter 13, verses three and five would happen to individuals who did not repent. They would perish. All right. Luke chapter 13, verses six through nine explained Jesus’ parable of the barren fig tree, which he used to further emphasize the need for repentance.<inaudible> What happens to something that doesn’t bear fruit, all right,

gets chopped down and cast it in the fire. Mark chapter four verses one through 29 quest lesson two 48, Mark chapter four verses one through 29.<inaudible> According to Mark chapter four, verse one. When preaching by the seashore, where did Jesus stand? Because of the large crowd. All right. In a boat loop, that’s supposed to be Mark chapter four,

Mark chapter four, verses three through eight in Jesus’ parable of the sower. What happened to the seed that fell by the road? All right. The birds came and devoured it. The seed that fell on the Rocky ground Sound okay. Sprang up, but then was withered by the heat of the day that heat of the sun, because it had no root seed that fell among the thorns.

All right. Spraying up, began to grow, but produced no fruit because it was choked out by the thorns. See that fell on the good soil. All right. Produce fruit in what capacities? 36, Steve. A hundred fold. Luke chapter four, verse 11. Yes or no. Did Jesus make a distinction in his teaching to his disciples and outside?

Did I say Luke again? Because I apparently a few of these. I forgot to change when I was converting the, the name Mark chapter four, verse 11 in explaining the meaning of the parable do. Now, now I’m reading the wrong one. Did Jesus make a distinction? Is in his teaching to his disciples and outsiders? The answer is yes.

And I think Yes, but it was really quiet. All right, Mark. Chapter four, verse 14 in explaining the meaning of the parable. Jesus said the sower, sows, the blank, the word Mark chapter four, verses 15 through 20 and explaining the meaning of the parable of the sower. What is the meaning of the ones who hear beside the road?

All right. Satan takes it away on the Rocky places. Say what? Okay. Okay. They receive it with gladness, but they have no root. And as we pointed out, they have no root in themselves is what the passage says among thorns. All right. Cares the world and the desires for other things, choke out the word and then Good ground.

All right. Receive it with gladness and bring forth fruit. Jesus said Mark. Chapter four, verses 21 and 22. Jesus said a lamb is brought to put a under APEC measure, be under a bed. See on a lampstand C On a lampstand. Jesus was referring to his teachings as the light of the lamp. Explain. Okay. There’s nothing,

Nothing hidden that won’t be revealed. And his teachings, The light. Okay. The light is the word of God. Yes. Mark chapter four, verse 27. Yes or no in Jesus’ parable. Did he say that the man knows when the seed he has sewn sprouts up and grows? No. Okay. 49, Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 through 52.

And this is our text for this morning, Matthew chapter 13, verses 24 through 52. All right. You get some, some Of these papers out of here. So I don’t get confused. Well, I mean, any more confused than I always am. So, all right. Matthew chapter 13, beginning verse 24. Now, as we get into this bear in mind,

a few things. If you go back into the previous chapters, go back into verse or chapter 12, you’ve got the discussion that we’ve had previously. So that just kind of keeping Matthew’s context here. You’ve got Jesus who heals a man who is a mute and blind. He can’t see, he can’t speak, Jesus heals him and cast out the demon that was in him because he was demon possessed and the Pharisees and the scribes said he did it by what?

The power of Satan. Okay. In this context, we have already Matthew identifying that these individuals are so willing to confront and oppose Jesus, that they will witness a miracle. A man who was blind, who could see a man who couldn’t speak, who received the ability to speak the man who was demon possessed, who had that demon cast out, they would witness that.

And they would claim it was the power of Satan that did it. That’s how dead they were Against Jesus and against anything that he was in favor of and against any admittance that what he was teaching was True. We need to be careful when we come to a context, especially a context where Jesus says that the parables are being given to hide the truth from some and provide the truth to others.

We need to be careful to understand the situation She’s working. This isn’t how Jesus began teaching. Was it? I mean, we, You already covered Matthew chapters five through seven. How many parables There? None that was playing teaching That was confronting the error of their understanding of the old Testament. But now he’s beginning to reveal things concerning the kingdom. He’s beginning to take what the old Testament prophets told them about the kingdom and expound on It.

And in Doing so, he’s hiding the explanations from those who are unwilling To learn those Who are unwilling to hear the truth and believe it while revealing that same truth to those who would, I did hear it, learn it and believe it In the midst of the controversy, in the midst of the opposition, in the midst of, of the warfare and the onslaught from the scribes and the Pharisees who were seeking anything,

they could catch him in anything they could find to accuse him. Jesus packaged up these truths Into it Form. They couldn’t argue with, see one of the things about illustrations and stories when used properly is number one, they’re incorrect, Powerful. It is fun, Mentally true that we, we, as humans respond to stories. Here’s an example, man comes to a King and says,

there’s a man in your kingdom who was rich, had flocks and herds and abundance. And Someone was traveling from a far country and came to him and he decided he wanted to provide a feast for this man. So instead of going to his own flocks and his own herds and getting a lamb from his own flocks and herds, he goes, his neighbors Flock,

but his neighbors flock consists of one single you lamb. And that you lamb treated as a child. It, it was, it had all the, the care and love and concern its master could given. It was the only lamb he had. And yet this rich man comes and he takes that one little Ulam and he kills it and feeds his guest with it.

And the King responds, this man is going to die. We all know the story. This is the parable that Nathan gave to David. And the story provoked such a response as to bring about a death sentence from a King only to then be revealed to the King. Notice the hiding of truth than the revealing of truth. Nathan responds to David. You are the man.

Now there would be a number of times where the scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the, the lawyers would identify themselves in the parable. They would know what it was Jesus was saying. And so would the people. And so it’s not always obscuring every aspect of the truth. Quite often, it’s revealing a part of the truth while also providing a further truth to those willing to hear.

Okay. So Jesus, as the master teacher, he was uses these things in the midst of opposition because it protected him insulated himself. And yet also provided clarity about those who opposed him. Verse 24 on there, another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept,

his enemy came and sewed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have terrors? Okay. So VIN a landowner prepares his soil,

has his servants go out and sow seed he’s bought as it were the seed for reputable dealers. He’s, he’s gotten it from, from reputable sources. He paid for good seed. This story only slightly reminds me of the movie. If you’ve ever seen it, secondhand lions, if you’ve ever seen that movie, they, a traveling salesman comes out to these two guys,

these two older gentlemen and convinces them. They need to grow their own food. And he sells them all different kinds of seeds. You know, every pack in a dif different pack. This, this is tomatoes, and this is this, this is, this, this, this. And then they plant all of it. And in a little while they find out they have corn and corn and corn and corn,

and they have nothing but corn. Okay. So good seed that they didn’t identify the seed. And so the proper thing. So here, Jesus illustrates here’s this man who took care to sow good seed. He was careful to provide the right thing in the process. He wasn’t negligent. He wasn’t careless. He sowed good seed, but then his opponent,

his adversary, the one who sought to do him harm comes along in the night and sows tears. Now here in the illustration, we’ve got wheat and we’ve got tears. What is it that we understand to be true about these two plants as they’re beginning to grow? What do they look like? They look identical to each other. They, they have no real substantive difference in the growth process until you come to the bearing fruit process.

And then when harvest time comes, you begin to see the difference between the wheat and the tares. Now, someone as obviously the servants here who’s, who are closely and carefully inspecting, they notice the difference it’s to the, the person who’s just casually looking. They seem identical. Okay? But to the close inspection, you can tell the difference because they identify,

wait a minute, something’s wrong here. But then notice what we read. So servants of the owner came and said to him, verse 27, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares? He said to them, an enemy has done this. The servant said to him, do you want us then to go and gather them up?

So the servants asked the owner, do you want us to go and pull out the tailors, but notice the response. But he said, no less. You gather up the tares. You also uproot the wheat with them. The owner says in the growth process, you’ve because of what the adversary has done. You’ve got the wheat, its roots in tangled with the terrors roots.

You can’t pull up one without destroying at least some portion of the other. And he doesn’t want the, the wheats, the wheat destroyed. He wants it to grow and bear fruit. So notice his, his decision verse 30, let both grow together until the harvest. And at the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers first gathered together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them,

but gather the wheat into my barn. Jesus says this landowner, this farmer decides I’m not going to uproot the tares. Now I’m not going to pull them out while they’re still growing. I’m going to separate them at the harvest. But at that point, it will be obvious and clear to everyone. The difference between the two now, for the sake of discussion and continuity,

we’re actually going to skip down to verse 36 to the disciples, asking Jesus about this parable. Then we’ll come back up and deal with the next section, verse 36. And Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And his disciples came to him saying, explain to us the parable of the tares of the field he answered and said to them,

he who sows. The good seed is the son of man. The field is the world. The good seed are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who’s showed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age. And the reapers are the angels. Therefore, as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire.

So what will be at the end of this age, the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom, all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and we’ll cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun and the kingdom of their father.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. This is one of those parables where there is not consensus. Even though the explanation of Jesus is here. There’s not consensus on exactly how to apply it. I’ve known teachers and preachers who have understood this to be more specifically concerning the church, that there would be those within the body of Christ, living in the world,

who during the time that they’re in the world, they might appear to be those who are righteous, but not actually be. They might be hypocrites. They might appear to be those who are serving gone, but aren’t actually doing so. And that when the judgment comes, God’s going to know the difference. They’re not pulling the wool over God’s eyes, even though they may be pulling the wool over somebody else’s eyes.

And there may be an, and one of the valid and instructive in implications of that is there are individuals in times and situations in congregation where those who are shepherds, those who are elders, look at these individuals and go, I just don’t think they’re doing what they need to be doing. I don’t think they’re living the way they need to be living,

but they’re not blatantly departing from the truth. They’re not walking away. They’re, they’re not, they’re not forsaking the church in the sense of not showing up. They’re not assembling. They’re not worshiping. They’re not praising God. They’re not, they’re not doing any of those things. They’re literally departing Hebrews chapter 10, verse 25. They’re not doing that.

They’re still giving the signs of being those who are righteous, but something’s not right. And the lesson is sometimes it’s beyond the capability of the person or the human or the elder or the preacher or the teacher to determine that because they might think they’re getting a tear when all they’re really getting is a wheat that struggling and you rip out the wrong thing, and God says,

you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. And so the need to be careful in judging that we don’t destroy what belongs to God valid lesson. And I know some preachers, that’s where they land. I know others who look at this and say that particular implication of this, the particular instruction here is very similar to that. But instead of you, of the entire world,

that God knows those who belong to him and those who don’t. And we don’t have to worry about going through our entire lives judging who’s right, and who’s wrong, but God will judge. And the final day. And I think that’s an okay explanation. But I think actually both of them miss the immediate context when Jesus speaks concerning the end of the age,

when Jesus speaks concerning the world, when Jesus speaks concerning the judgment in this context, I don’t think he’s talking about the judgment there. All of this has set behind it, a context of the kingdom of God. Okay? And when Jesus speaks to the Jews about the kingdom of God, the Jews understood and including the disciples, understood him to be speaking concerning the kingdom that God would create.

When the Messiah came, that would be Israel and Israel’s kingdom that the restoration of their power, their presence, their physical kingdom would be what the promise was all about. And it wasn’t. But here’s the thing, as Jesus is teaching them concerning these things, as he is teaching them concerning the kingdom, he does specifically say, this is the world that revolves around the field though,

the term for world and the term for age, both have similar ideas. But I believe in this context, Jesus is specifically referencing the nation of Israel and what he would do in judging that nation. Think about it. As we go back into the old Testament prophets, as we go back into the old Testament age, you’ve got the prophets telling Israel,

you need to repent. You need to repent. You need to repent. You need to repent, or you will be judged and God will make sure his remnant is saved. You remember Habakkuk would tell Israel the just shall live by faith. And Jesus points out that at the end of the age, when God brings judgment upon this group of individuals who would shine forth the righteous now is he saying the righteous are going to shine forth in heaven.

Oh, now finally, the world’s going to see who the righteous are. I don’t think that’s what he means. Think then instead about what Jesus said, Matthew chapter 24 and other passages is going to happen when he brought judgment on Israel. When the nation of Rome comes in and decimates, Jerusalem and tears down the, the, the temple and dismantles the entire Jewish religion,

because they can no longer prove who’s, who’s a Levis. Who’s, who’s from the tribe of Judah. Who’s a priest. Who’s not a priest that all of that’s gone. The entire structure is dismantled. But as we think from history, and as we look back at what we know from history, we remember that Jesus warned those who were righteous. When you see these things coming,

what were they supposed to do? Get out Josephus and others tell us that when Rome came and besieged the city, and then for a period of time relented and pulled back that every single Christian departed out of Jerusalem, every single person who was listening to Jesus, obedient to Jesus and had repented and change their ways exited the city. And yet city didn’t empty.

Those still, there were everyone else. So there’s a possibility and throw it up here as a third option. And I don’t have a problem with which ones you take, or if you choose option number four, but there’s a real possibility that the message Jesus is saying is these teachers, these individuals who claim to be my God, the father’s teachers, the scribes,

the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the lawyers who are teaching you, how to disobeyed God, if you follow them, what did he say? The blind leading the blind. Who’s going to fall in the pit. Just the leaders, everybody they’re all gonna fall in the pit. They’re all going to be destroyed. They’re all going to receive the end, their destruction,

which is death. John chapter eight, Jesus speaks to the Jews. And he says, you are of your father, the devil. They said, we’re the children of Abraham. He said, no, you’re the father. You’re your, father’s the one. Who’s a liar from the beginning. Well, if their father is the devil, if we put that context here who sowed their seed,

Satan did. So just an alternative, an option here is Jesus may be speaking concerning the end of the Jewish, a age and the destruction of them as a nation. And yet the destruction in which his righteous ones would shine forth. It would be obvious and apparent who belonged to Christ because they heard and received. And no, babe. Okay. So throw that in there.

Let you chew on that for a little while. Let’s go back to verse 31, another parable, he put forth say the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds. But when it has grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.

Another parable, he spoke to them. The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all, all 11. If this<inaudible> some questions here, like there often are with parables. What exactly is Jesus? Meaning? Because some of these, we have the explanation and we still have questions.

And some of them, we don’t have the XPLAN. We have the parable, Jesus describes a seed. That’s one of the smallest of seeds yet grows into a plant, grows into something larger than the herbs. We have the condoms next to the PA of the Levin Levin. Of course, when you take it, you put it inside the bread, you let it rise.

You let it there. It infects the entire loaf. Paul uses the illustration. When he’s talking about the sin in the church in Corinth, he says, if you allow sin to continue in the body of Christ, it’s going to infect the entire congregation, the entire assembly. We’ve got to pull it out. You’ve got to get rid of the sin,

but it would be interesting if Jesus is using leaven in a positive sense. It’s the only time in the new Testament that it’s used that way. If G is, is using Levin in the sense of those who are taking the seat, taking the word of God and spreading it, and they’re going to go throughout the entire world. It would be the only context,

probably, maybe in all of scripture, but at least in the new Testament where Levin is ever spoken of in a positive you sense because in scripture, Levin is always viewed as a corruption. That’s why the Israelites were told when you prepare for the fees, when you prepare for the Holy days, when you prepare for these things, you to do what sweep the house,

get all the 11 out. Every little leavening agent was an agent that changed and corrupted that, which was originally there, that’s the description. So I don’t have a problem with someone who understands it in a positive sense, but what if he’s speaking about sin in the, and the result of sin in the kingdom, then it would match the same use of Levin all throughout the new Testament.

Just a thought, okay. But either way, I think one of the things you definitely see in the mustard seed illustration is the growth. What Jesus would do with 12 disciples would result in a kingdom that would spread throughout the world. Let’s go down to verse 44. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid and for joy over it,

he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who, when he had found one Pearl of great price when and sold all that he had and bought it. Now this, these two parables, it is of interest that quite often, these are used to describe the reaction of a person who seeking the truth,

finds the truth, finds the kingdom, the church, and enters into it, gives up everything necessary to obtain the kingdom. And that’s a perfectly valid explanation, but an alternative one that you might consider is what did God give up to purchase the kingdom? His only son, the price of the kingdom was the blood of Christ. The price of the church,

the purchasing of the church was done not by us, but by him. And here we see if we look at it from that perspective, the value that God places on his church, his kingdom. So there’s another parable verse 47. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a Dragnet, which was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind,

which when it was full, they drew to shore. They sat down and gathered the good into vessels and through the battle way. So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth, separate the wicked from the just and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus said to them,

have you understood all these things? They said to him, yes, Lord. Then he said to them, therefore, every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old Jesus gives these illustrations, gives these parables, gives these throw besides these trues wrapped in these stories. And then he asked them,

do you understand these things? And they say, they do. I’m going to take them at their word because quite often they’ll say, Nope, but here they did. They got it. Now, part of the reason why I think they may have gotten it is four of them were what fishermen may were very familiar with this process. They knew how to handle this.

All right. Now we were out of the field. We can at least deal with some fish. We know how to deal with that. So they, they know the difference. They they’ve dragged the, the sea of Galilee before and gathered the fish in and taken the good fish and, and, and kept them and thrown the, the terrible fish,

whatever kinds of fish were bad and cast them aside. Okay. So here again, you’ve got judgment though. You’ve got a picture of judging and discerning between that, which is good and that which isn’t and all throughout the context, let’s go all the way back to the sermon on the Mount. Jesus said that, which is good. Or the one in the kingdom who is good as the one who does what does,

what God tells him to the one who hears and obeys. And the one who is evil, the one who is a fool, the one who will be judged as the one who hears and doesn’t obey. So all throughout this context, going all the way back to the sermon on the Mount, we’ve got this continual picture of God is going to judge.

Those who refuse to obey, and God is going to bless those who hear and keep his word. Okay. There is a Mark or Sarah Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 through 52. I don’t even know what context for it. You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve got Mark, Luke, Matthew and everything all confused this morning. So thank you for your attention will be dismissed to the horsepower<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning and welcome to the Collierville church of Christ.

Sunday morning, worship service. It’s great to see each of you here, if you’re visiting with us. So we want you to know that you are our honored guest, and if he would give us just a few moments after the services over to let us have a moment or two to talk with you. And also if you would fill out a visitor’s card,

it’s on the Pew in front of you and hand it to one of us or leave it on the, on the Pew, we would appreciate it. And also, as you came in, if you haven’t picked up your Lord supper, it’s on the table, just as you walk in the door, big, good time to go get your a communion.

If you haven’t picked it up, we need to remember our sick Sheriff’s dad, ed Richardson. He’s as I understand, probably doing about the same Barbara Dillard is improving from her shoulder procedure. Dale’s friends, Ken and Frankie Phillips are recovering from COVID. The Cozort family errands, grandmother. Shirley Cozort is on hospice care. And Aaron is back with us. I think I understand that.

He’s probably going to go back again shortly here to be with her, but she’s hanging in there. Dorothy Wilson with her blood pressure problem has improved. And she’s going for an ultrasound and blood work to see about her stage three chronic kidney disease. And apparently she’s doing a little bit better and Rodale Wilson will have her older sound and the stress test this week.

Joan Springer. I got a message from Lisa this morning, and I see that Marie and his son are here. So we’ll get the straight story from then after church I’m sure, but she had a stint put in last week and Angie will plasty, but she has some problems with the swelling in the left ventricle of her heart. And she’ll be having some more tests today,

but she’s was improving this morning. According to Lisa Donnie Flanagan dies, brother is recovering from a hip surgery and he will be sent to rehab, hopefully sometime this early next week. Okay. Alena sharp, Shelley stacks, mother is on hospice care and she’s hanging in there. And Shelly told him that this morning she’d been 20 days without any food, but she’s still with us.

That’s all the sick that I’m aware of. Don’t forget our pantry items for the children or the potters children’s home. This month is shampoo. They will be here about the 15th of the month to pick up our commodities. And so if you’re kind of behind on that or something, keep that in mind for the first couple of weeks here. That’s all the announcements that I have our song later this morning will be North Olsen.

Michael Dale will have the opening prayer. Eric Halvorson will be siding over the Lord’s supper. Aaron has a sermon and Joe caisson has the closing prayer. Thank you for your attendance. Good morning. Our first song is going to be off. We come together. There’ll be on the slides, but not in the song. Book off would come together. We’re saying verses one,

two, and three, let us sing Off. We come to<inaudible> sing and pray. Aim here. We bring our offering this all the<inaudible>.<inaudible> mainly Alina Andrews. And<inaudible> the may. We<inaudible> all that Hass. And mainly, truly worship has me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to sing mainly Arlene truth and spirit where ship the may. We all,<inaudible> all<inaudible> take this.<inaudible> sing did by the lawn up to see Maley lane truth and spirit where she,

the, Our next song will be number 634. Number six, three, four we’ll work until Jesus comes. We’ll sing verses one, two and three. And after which brother Michael Dale will lead us an opening prayer number 634 We’ll work till Jesus comes all three verses, let us say, Hmm. Oh, Landa brass for the, I saw when, well,

the mom and when I chalet my arm or by and well and P side home, well<inaudible> well where Dell GS<inaudible> till Jesus comes and with being guided home to Jesus Christ died for RAs. He paid me cease to roar and leave or soccer on his breast until he gunned dog to me. Well<inaudible> jeez us comes, we’ll work till Jesus comps.

Well work till Jesus comes and will be a guy, either at home. I saw that once my safe VR side, no more, my staff shout wrong with him. Bred DAS, chilling tide, and reach my hand ni home. Well more<inaudible> well, till Jesus comes and will be a Geyser, Please bow with me, our father in heaven.

How awesome and Holy you are. We humbly bow before your throne this morning. And we thank you so much that you have given us this Avenue to be able to lift our voices and prayer to you and know that we are being heard. Father, we ask at this time that you’d be with all of those many that are ailing. Those that are those that have passed away their families.

And we ask that you put your comforting hand on them and, and help them to see that all is done to the glory of your name, father. We thank you so much for the opportunity that we have to come together and worship you in this country. And we ask that it continues on this path and that we can continue to serve you openly and take your word throughout this country without any roadblocks in our way.

And we thank you so much for everything you’ve blessed us with for the death of your son and in his, it is in his name. We pray, amen. Help prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper. We’re going to sing number 332 for 332 lead me to Calvary. We’ll sing the first, second and fourth verses number 332 lead me to Calvary listen,

King of my life. I crowning nine chow. The chlorine being last I four, and I thought one ground Brown lead me to kind of a three last<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money.<inaudible> for me, laid me to kowtow the three. Show me the tomb where<inaudible> tender the Marne and where angels and robes.<inaudible> the Wells<inaudible> money. Last<inaudible> gunny<inaudible> for me,

they made me to<inaudible> may I be willing to<inaudible> day the, my Crosse for the he then grieve<inaudible> high score and all for me,<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money<inaudible> mean laid me to Rory. At this time, we’d like to take an opportunity to thank God for the ultimate sacrifice that he and his son Jesus did for us. And that was to die on the cross for us to center.

Join me as we pray for the bread, God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the sacrifice that you made of sending your son Jesus here to live on earth with us to teach us, but ultimately for him to commit himself to that cross and let his body hang on that cross until he died for us.

The center, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. Thanks for the fruit of the vine God, our father in heaven, we come to you thanking you again for your son, Jesus. And as we prepare to partake of this fruit of the vine, help us to remember that it represents the blood that Jesus shed for us, the center on that cross of Calvary so that our sins may be forgiven so that we may have that opportunity to live with you in eternity.

In heaven, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Take this opportunity to do, ask for blessings on the offering. God, our father in heaven. We come to you again, thanking you because we truly understand that everything we have is from you and through you. And we cannot thank you enough for the material blessings that we have here on earth.

And as we prepare to give back a portion of these, that we’ve been so richly blessed with, we ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. And we also ask that you help the men who oversee the funds here at the Collierville church of Christ, ensure that these funds are used in such a way to better your kingdom here on earth.

We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. You’re using a songbook this morning. If you want to Mark number 904 Will be the song limitation following or their errands lesson. Okay? The song before the lesson would be number 853, and we all get to heaven. We’re eight five, three. We’ll sing the first three verses of the song.

We all get to heaven. Let us say, seeing no Andress love of jeez, seeing his mercy and his grace and mansions bride and bless and prepare for a blaze.<inaudible> what a day of rain joys saying that<inaudible> the, wow. We walk up Pilgrim pathway clouds, Willow spread the sky mud man drive lane days are over. Nah,<inaudible> man.

We get to have what a damn rain joining that little beam. When we see Jesus we’ll sing,<inaudible> let us then be true and faithful, trusting, serving every day. Just one glimpse of<inaudible> when we all get to and what a day of rain Joy’s saying that well being when we see GS swill seeing<inaudible> Good morning, it is good to be here.

It is good to be home. It’s good to see each and every one of you, couple of things that I want to take care of before we get into the lesson. Number one, sister, Dorothy Wilson called me last night and said, even though that she was not going to be able to be here this morning, she did want to call me and have me express for her,

her desires for the prayers of the church. Her request was that she desired that our prayer be that there is nothing between her and God and that she doesn’t know how long she has in this life. But when this life is over, she wants to be ready whenever that day is. And so we’re going to take a moment and we’re going to pray on sister Dorothy’s behalf,

bow your Heads, Great and gracious, merciful, and caring father in heaven. We bow our heads and our hearts at this time, lifting up our sister, Dorothy, to you, praying that if there is any sin, if there is anything in her life that is between you and her, that it will be forgiven. We know that we each and every one of us have struggles and difficulties,

but we also have confidence and assurance in the blood of Christ that cleanses all sins. For those who are willing to continually seek that cleansing, that repentance and walk in the light. As you were in the light, we pray for sister Dorothy and the upcoming tests and, and procedures that she has, that she will have comfort and strength in those as well.

And that we each might learn from her example to seek help, to seek the care and the thoughts and the prayers of the church as we need them. And that we might always look to you for that mercy and grace that we need in time of need all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Also want to give just a brief update on my grandmother.

She is, as was mentioned, she is at home. She’s under hospice care. They’re coming out once or, or once every day or two, depending upon as needed. But primarily my uncle who lives with my grandmother and has for the last about 10 years is, is taking care of her. And then my parents live right there nearby. And so they’re helping with that as well.

My brother’s wife is down and staying with my parents and helping. And then the rest of us are, are supporting in those needs. So keep us in your prayers. As was mentioned, we will be traveling back this week. So Kiva is in your prayers, both in traveling and in her needs. We appreciate that very much. And it is very much something that we count on on a daily basis.

The importance of prayer, Jesus, we read, Read in Luke chapter 11 and verse one came to pass. As he was praying in a certain place. When he ceased, one Of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray. Notice there. They said, teach us to pray. As John also taught his disciples to pray, It seems From this context that John,

when John the Baptist was preaching and teaching before Jesus began his ministry, that those disciples who had followed him had asked very much the same thing. And John had taught his disciples how to pray. And so Jesus’s disciples come to him and they say, teach us to pray. I believe every new Christian at some Point Has reached a time in their lives where they said into themselves,

maybe publicly, maybe privately, but predominantly privately. I need to pray better. I need to do better in my prayers. I need to pray deeper. I need to be more thoughtful. I need to, I need to be more forthcoming with God in my life. And that’s a good desire. The disciples will ask this of Christ. And we re if we turn over to Luke chapter 11 and verse one,

we’ll see there that Jesus responds to them. Verse two, when you pray, say our father in heaven, hallowed, be your name, your kingdom, come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day, our daily bread and forgive us our sins. As we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one. Now Jesus, here, we’ll present to them. What some have termed the model prayer. It is short. It is concise. It is to the point. And yet he exemplifies in it. Many of the basic needs and functions of prayer. Prayer is to be that which we use in order to seek those things that we need.

It is also to be that, which we use to praise and recognize God for all that he has done. Notice Jesus began our father in heaven. Prayer is also supposed to express a relationship that we have. And yet we see in all of this, This prayer’s importance. We’re not going to stay necessarily in this context, but we’re going to go to a few other contexts throughout scripture.

And we’re going to notice the importance of prayer beginning first with the fact that this is God’s chosen method for man to communicate to him. Now, this is not prayer. That is, is not God’s chosen method for him to communicate to us. And we need to be clear on that. We do not sit down to pray. We do not go into a closet to pray.

We do not come public leave before an assembly to pray so that God might speak to us. We do not pray. And then Wade for a small, still voice to answer us, we do not pray. And imagine that in some moment of time, in some flash or blink of the eye, God will miraculously present an answer that is not the function of prayer.

Instead, the function of prayer is God’s chosen method for man to communicate to him, turn with me. If you will, to Philippians chapter four. As Paul writes to the church at Philippi, he writes to these brethren, as he is sitting in a Roman prison, he writes to them as he is in chains and in bonds and in persecution. And yet they are in a good place at the time.

And he writes to them in chapter four, beginning in verse six, he says, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. We’re going to notice first a number of aspects of this, but we want to notice first and foremost, in the overarching view of this, that prayer is a powerful Course in Daniel.

We read in Daniel chapter four, As Nebuchadnezzar has come to a place where he looks out at his kingdom and he looks out at all that he’s done and looks out at all that he’s built. And he begins To Pat himself on the back at all that he’s accomplished God through. Daniel will make it clear, to never can answer that the God most high rules in the kingdom of men and gives to whomever he will.

Those positions of power. We live in a society that, Yeah, In somewhat of our own, conceitedness believes that we have conjured up a way to control who has power Or in our world. And Yet we in our own Fallacy May be in the same situation as Nebuchadnezzar, where we believe that we have designed the method whereby we choose Who rules in the kingdoms of men,

whether they Be in our, the actions of our government or our society or the governments around the world, as they seek to overthrow one ruler and put a new one in its Place to change The policies and the functions of one nation by putting someone else in charge. And yet the reality is when we look at what scripture says, God makes it clear,

no matter who sits on the throne, he’s in charge and Prayer is our Avenue of communicating to him. And I go through all of that to emphasize this singular point. What if you Today sitting, Being at your house had a phone that you could pick up and it only dialed one number. The moment you reached for it and dialed it. It only went to one place.

It was a direct line to the president of the United States. Now whether you like the person in office or not, the reality is the position. The office has power that comes with it. And if you have a direct line to that office, guess what? You have Power. If you Call that number and it goes through, and the first thing that happens is he’s right here.

We’ll put him on the phone. Then You have a line of communication That has power. But now Let us understand that when we bow our knee in prayer, when we bow our head in prayer, when we bow our heart and our mind in prayer and pray to God in humility, and he hears those prayers, we are speaking to someone who has infinitely more power than the man who sits in the White house.

And unlike the man who sits in the white house in four or eight years, Still be there. So we understand that prayer has power. Paul calls upon these brethren to pray. And he says in everything by prayer and supplication, that his request with Thanksgiving make or let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ.

Jesus, let us notice a few things. The power of prayer, first and foremost, from Luke chapter 11, verses nine through 11. Prayer has the power to make requests known of the God. Jesus has. He gives that example prayer. And then as he continues in that discussion concerning asking God for what we need, whosoever asks shall receive who,

whoever seek shall find whoever knocks the doors will be open to him as he illustrates this. He makes it clear to us that prayer has power to make requests. There are people in this life who, you know, who Are close friends of yours, that, you know, if you have a good relationship with them, that if you pick up the phone and say,

so-and-so, I need, you can Fill in the blank. And if it is in their power to do it, They’ll do it. And it is The blessing to have people like that in your life. It is a blessing in times of need that you can reach out to someone and say, I need help And you’ll get it. And yet God says that When we have needs,

that is exactly what we’re here to do. We are to seek his help. So then we might ask for what should we pray if we have a mode of communication, if we have a means and a method of communication that has such great power with great power comes great responsibility. We need to be careful how we use it. So then for what should we pray?

Let’s begin in James chapter five, James chapter five beginning in verse 13, we read is any among you suffering. Let Him pray. Is anyone Cheerful? Let him sing. Psalms. One of the things that we are to pray for, one of the things that the Bible specifically tells us to pray for is to pray for those who are sick. And even for the one who is sick to pray for themselves.

We also notice if we continue down verse 14, if anyone among you is sick, let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. Notice it’s not just the one who’s sick, who has to pray, but also the church is to be praying for the one who is sick, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much notice. Not only are we to pray for those who are sick, but we are to pray for those who need forgiveness.

We, When we are in need of forgiveness are to pray. We read over in the book of acts where Simon the sorcerer would ask or would seek to buy the gifts of the Holy spirit and the ability to infer or convey gifts of the Holy spirit. And he asked that and, and, and seeks that of, of Peter and Peter will tell him he needs to repent and pray that the wickedness of his heart will be forgiven him.

So prayer for forgiveness of sins is another thing that we are to pray for. But also we are to pray confessing and asking forgiveness for our own sins, not just praying for others. We are also to pray for wisdom. If we turn over to James chapter one, James begins his a pistol, his letter, James, a bond servant of God,

and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad. My brethren counted all joy. When you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach.

And it will be given to him here. James also points out as he discusses at the end of the book, the need for praying, for those who are sick, the need for praying, for those who need forgiveness, that he also says we are to pray for Wisdom, but careful, Cause you might get the answer Of getting wisdom. And yet you No what proceeded that,

right? Right. Before you got wisdom, you got trials and tribulations. My mother has said on numerous occasions, I prayed for wisdom once and I got three children. She said, I didn’t pray for it anymore. But in all seriousness prayer has power to make requests to God and Ephesians chapter six, As Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus,

as he is closing out his letter to this church, he will say to them beginning in verse 18, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end, that with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints and for me, that utterance may be given to me and that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains that in it,

I may speak boldly. As I ought to speak. One of the things that we are to pray for is the spreading of the gospel and those who are doing it, that they might have boldness that they might have a willingness to speak no matter what, But something we need to be mindful of As we pray. And this doesn’t need to be a cause of hesitancy.

This doesn’t need to be something that we hold back our prayers because of it needs to be something that motivates us to pray is that when we pray for something on a daily basis, when we pray for something, we also are reminding ourselves to put forth effort toward that Thing. What if you were to pray, Lord, I need a better job. I needed a job that better supports my family.

I need a job that better pays the bills that we, we, we have needs and things that we can’t handle. I need a better job, but then you never look for a job, but you go on day after day, praying for a better job what’s missing in the equation. Your request has been made known, but your action doesn’t match your request.

You see James and James chapter one further discusses. The not only the request that we need to make to God, but also the faith we are to have that God can fulfill that request. But if we have faith that God will fulfill the request, we act on that faith. We need to be careful that we don’t pray Without having faith. That God will do what we have said.

But then also consider John chapter 12, excuse me, John chapter 17, John chapter 17, beginning in verse 20 Jesus as he is beginning or as he is concluding his prayer to God in the upper room. As he is about to go out to the garden of guests. So many, he is about to be betrayed. He is about to go to Who is deaf.

He prays for unity among those who follow him verses Plenty. I do not pray for these alone, the disciples, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that you have sent me and the glory,

which you gave me. I have given them that they may be one just as we are one I in them and you and me, that they may be made perfect in one. And that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them. As you have Me father, I desire that they also, whom you gave me may be with me where I am,

that they may behold my glory, which you have given me for. You loved me before the foundation of the world. Jesus prays for unity among believers. And If we’re going to pray for unity among believers, then just like that last, where we need to pray and then act on that prayer. We need To seek unity among believers, but yeah,

Unity among believers must always be predicated upon obedience to The word of God. We do Not pray for nor seek unity as some have called it in diversity, unity in our differences, unity in our separate beliefs, unity in separate denomination. Oh, we are to seek unity by returning Burning to the word of God and holding fast To it alone as the standard of authority in practice and in worship,

but then consider as well. Prayer has the power to deliver us From temptation. Jesus would tell his disciples in Matthew chapter 26, is there there in that garden? Not long after he told them or he prayed for unity, he tells them to wait a little while. And then as they’re waiting, he will tell them to pray and watch that they enter not into temptation.

Prayer has the ability to help us come bat temptation, and we need to be careful and observe to do exactly that. So pray for ourselves that we avoid temptation, but also prayer has the power to grant us the peace of God. If you turn your minds back over to the Philippians chapter four, verse six and verse six through seven, Paul not only says with all diligence pray,

but he also says, and the peace of God, what’s he saying? He says that prayer begins. The peace continues that prayer, which starts is a, that which brings forth a peace that surpasses all understanding. Now, just as we observe that very idea, we understand that prayer has the ability to affect things that we do not Comprehend. There are things and aspects of this life that we do not see.

We do not feel we do not touch and yet they exist and can be affected, Did by prayer. And so we need to be diligent to understand the power of prayer, but then consider. Secondly, we need a Understand the conditions prayers must meet to be heard. See, it’s not enough for us to understand the power of prayer. If we are not meeting the conditions To have those prayers heard by God,

God does not say I will hear any requests made by anyone under any circumstance. For any reason, No King does that. And the King of Kings Lord of Lords, doesn’t do it either. So now let us notice a few of these conditions. First and foremost, they must be prayed by those who are Christians. Now there’s an interesting aspect of this,

that there are prayers which come before God, by those who are not Christians in that he observes their desire for obedience. We see over in the situation with Cornelius and the book of acts where his actions and his deeds and his desire for salvation were observed and came before God. And those prayers were answered. And yet there is a relationship that exists in general between God and his children by between God.

And those who are Christians that is different is separate from everyone else. One of the conditions of prayer is obedience to God, turn to John chapter nine, John chapter nine, beginning in verse 30.<inaudible>. This is in the situation where Jesus has healed a man on the Sabbath day. And the man has been brought before the council he’s been, his parents have been questioned first and they said,

well, he’s of age, ask him because the council wants to know who healed you, who did this work on the Sabbath day? And so they will inquire with this man. And he will respond to them because they will accuse Jesus of being one who is doing wrong. And he says, verse 30, the man answered and said to them why this is a marvelous thing that you do not know where he is from this discussion of where Jesus originated,

where is power? Where is thorny originated? The man said, this is a marvelous thing that you don’t know where he’s from. And he says, he goes further to say yet he has opened my eyes. Now we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his, will he hears him? Now,

this man gives an observation to the teachers, the council leaders of the synagogue. He says, we know this, we’re already settled on this. God hears those who obey him. God does not hear sinners who reject him, but we consider further as we go over to Matthew chapter seven, Jesus builds upon this very idea in Matthew chapter seven, beginning in verse 21,

where he says, not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of my father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, done many wonders in your name. And then I will declare to them.

I never knew you depart from me. You who practice lawlessness. If there is not first and obedience to God, there will not be a community Education with God. First, John chapter one, as John On his speaking and writing to these brethren about walking in the light as he is in the light, having fellowship with God as those who are his children,

he Rives to them and inverse, Or he said, As these things we write to you that your joy may be full. This is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light. And in him is no darkness. Yes, at all. If we Say that we have fellowship with him, we walk in and walk in darkness.

We lie and do not practice the truth. If we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from all sins. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just forgive us our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar. And his word is not In us. John Emphasizes not only the need for us to pray to God, to confess our sins, but that our willingness to confess our sins has an impact on our fellowship With him. So we see that we must be careful about the conditions and our condition.

If we are Pray and hear, have our prayers heard. But we must also, as we’ve already mentioned, ask in faith. James tells those who he writes to that if they pray and yet do not have faith, that their prayer will be answered. Then their prayer won’t even be heard. Instead He calls them Double minded men. Those type of prayers are not heard.

And we also need to be mindful of the fact. There are things that hindered Our prayers, our relationships, my Hinder, our prayers, as Peter writes in first Peter chapter three, he says to those who were husbands, he says husbands, likewise dwell with them that his wives with understanding giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessels, as being heirs together of the grace of life.

And notice this phrase that your prayers may not be hindered our relationships with one another. How we treat one another, how we interact and handle one another. How we live together with one another affects Our prayers. Jesus, This makes it clear. As he speaks there in the sermon on the Mount, that if a person has odd against you and you’re going to worship God,

he says, you put your sacrifice down over there and you go deal with the problem you have with your brother first, because that sacrifice is going to do you no good. While you still have something against your brother. He says, you go deal with that first. Then you go take your sacrifice to God. Because as long as you are unwilling to resolve the problem with your brother,

God will be unwilling to resolve his problem with you. And we’re mindful again, of what Jesus said in the model. Prayer, forgive us, our debts. As we forgive Our debtors, if we will Forgive, Jesus makes it clear that he will not forgive. And so our relationships can hinder our prayers. If we turn over to verse 12 of that same chapter we read for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.

But the face of the Lord is against those Who do evil sin in our lives will Keep our prayers from being heard. But there’s also another 0.1 worthy to be made. And that is from Luke chapter 18, Luke chapter 18, We read in verse one, Jesus spoke a parable to them that men ought always to pray and not lose heart. He says there was a certain city,

a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city and she came to him saying, get justice for me from my adversary. And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself though, I do not fear God nor regard man yet, because this widow has trouble or troubles me. I will avenge her less by her continual coming.

She weary me. Then Jesus said, hear what the unjust judge said and shall God not avenge his own elect, who cry out day and night to him though. He bears long with them. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the son of man comes, will he really find faith on the earth? Jesus makes the point here in this parable,

that there is a need for persistence in prayer. There is not. And then are examples of this are abundant throughout scripture. There is not an example of us coming to God in prayer, seeking deliverance from some trouble. And then expecting that. The first time we ask is just going to magically be answered. That’s not what we see. We even see example after example,

Paul being one of them where repetition is involved. And sometimes still the answer is No, but a lack Of persistence. Mike, keep our prayers from being Answered. But then just as we close some examples of where we should pray Because throughout scripture, there are numerous examples of where and in what times and places we should pray. We notice first and foremost,

that Christ prayed in public. He prayed in pie, private. He prayed in the wilderness. He prayed on a mountain. He prayed in the garden. Jesus, as our example of prayer throughout his time on this earth shows us that prayer is just to be an every day aspect of our lives. Daniel we see in Daniel chapter six is praying in his house.

He is observing something from the old Testament, from the law and from the covenant that Solomon makes with God and the children of Israel there as the temple is being established, that when those who had been taken away from the land of Israel, those who have been taken into captivity because of their sin, because of their wickedness, because of their failure to obey God,

when they would look back towards that temple and pray towards that temple, the covenant was that God would hear them. So we find Daniel and Daniel chapter six, as he is there in Babylon, praying to God in accordance with that covenant, we find Paul and Silas, as they’re in prison, singing and praying at midnight, they could have been sleeping or trying to in their chains.

But the reality was they knew there was something more important for them to be doing something more impactful for them to be doing. And so, instead of trying to sleep, instead of trying to, you know, just forget about the situation they were in for awhile, they were taking the situation that they were in to the one who could do something about God,

David Psalm chapter three will prey on the battlefield. Stephen will pray while being stoned to death. Jonah, we’ll pray Probably in one of the most unique places in all history From the belly of a fish, but always, always the prayer is to be that which is coming from a humble heart. Coming from an understanding that God’s will, is what must be done.

And that sometimes That won’t work out for us the way we think Will Paul Writes to Timothy and says, I would that men pray Everywhere, Lifting up Holy hands without running And doubting. As we look at these things we need We’d understand. We’ve seen the power of prayer, the conditions prayers must meet and where we should pray. We’ve seen that without prayer,

we cannot have peace With God or the peace of God Without being a child of God. God will not hear Our prayers, but we also understand that to be a child of God, we must Must be born again by the power of the word of God, by the spirit of God, by coming into contact with the blood of Jesus Christ, which occurs in baptism,

Romans chapter six, verses three through four, We cannot pray. And I think our prayers will be answered if we pray Covered in our sins With only our sins to represent us before God. One of the Things that the scripture makes clear about prayer is that if we are going to pray and if we are going to pray the way we ought, we are going to pray with an advert Kit on our side,

Jesus Christ, the righteous Jesus Christ, the high priest, Jesus Christ, the mediator. And if we, We are going to have him as our advocate, it begins first with us.<inaudible> to him As a member of the body of Christ, you have access Yes to God and we owe so much needed and we should be using it. And we must understand it To the ability and the extent of our human mind to understand it.

And we must Just have faith in its ability to change today, tomorrow and forever. If you have need of the power of prayer, that can be something that is made available to you today. Whether by responding to the invitation, as one who is faithful, one who is righteous and yet has needs that have not been expressed or as one who has fallen away and has a need for forgiveness.

James says the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. And the prayers of those who are righteous, cover a multitude of sins or as one who’s outside the body of Christ and needs to put Christ on in baptism having then access to pray to your heavenly father. All these things can be made available to you today. If you have need of the power of prayer,

why not come now? As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible> are you fully trusting? And his grace is a car you washed and the blonde, the lamb<inaudible>. And so cleansing<inaudible> or your Gorman spotless, are they wide ass know, are you are washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you walking day? The, by the savior side,

are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Do you resting each moment? And the crucified are you wash and<inaudible> are you in blah? And the so cleansing<inaudible> are your garments spotless? Are they wide ass? No. Are you all washed in the blood of the<inaudible> lay a side, the garments that stained with sin and been washed in the blood of the lamb.

There’s a fountain flowing for the so clean. Oh, being washed and blah, are you stand up? And so cleansing<inaudible><inaudible> garments spotless. Are they white? A yes, no. Are you a washed in the blood of the lamb? Right? Our closing song for this morning, excuse me. For this morning, he was going to be number 867,

eight, six seven to Canaan’s land. I’m on my way. We’ll sing the first verse and then we’ll have our closing prayer at eight, six, seven, the Canaan Canaan’s land I’m on my way to Kane and land I’m on my way where the so never a nice my dark as night. Well, turn to dang where the so never a guys,

no side<inaudible> no<inaudible> where<inaudible> and the so never, It was about our God and our father in heaven. It is truly a privilege that we have to come before you and ask you father to continue to watch over us. And thank you father for loving us so much and your precious son dying on the cross of Calvary, that we might have that hope of eternal life with the in heaven father,

we’re mindful of the many that are ill of this congregation, as well as others outside the church and not a part of this body here. We pray father that you help us each day, that we remember them often in our prayers and that we fervently asked that you be with them and those that are ministering to them, that they might regain their health while we’re also mindful of those that are struggling spiritually.

And we pray father that we, as your children might reach out to them and try to encourage them and help them any way that we can. That we’ve mentioned them often in prayer to you, that you will continue to watch over them and bless them. And as they go through life that they, their hearts might be softened, that they want to come back to you and serve you as a faithful child of yours.

Father help us to not take prayer for granted, but realized that we must use it every day of our lives to try to draw closer to you and to try to overcome the things that sometimes come before us and this lie, we might be able to be better servants in the kingdom that we might be more effective, not only in this community, but in our nation and in the world.

We pray father that we take this lesson and we let it strengthen us that we would look to our lives first and try to improve them. And we try to pray for others that might be struggling with various things in their lives while they we’re grateful for the time and the privilege we’ve had to come and worship you this day, we pray that has been acceptable.

And to you that we will take much from what we’ve learned today and what we’ve studied. It might strengthen our faith and that we might draw closer to you and to one another, help us to always be about trying to reach those that are outside your body with the gospel and strengthen us as we go through life that we might have that home and have him with the one day and Jesus,

we pray. Amen.
