10-04-2020 – Sunday AM Class and Worship – B.J. Clarke

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

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Automated Transcript

Yes. Test, test. I agree. Like, okay. Well, I want to, I want to wish you a good morning and tell you that Tisha and I are both very, very delighted to be with you, although we’re sorry for the circumstances that bring a sheer way. Sorry to hear about Aaron and what he’s going through with this pain. Certainly hope he gets to feeling better soon. And I told the editor telling me it’s not a young pup anymore. That it’s only young people that should be trying to get out of trees like that. But some of us older folks, it takes us a while to catch on to the fact that we’re not as young as we used to be. I also to thank you for the support that you’ve given to the Memphis school of preaching over the years, we couldn’t do what we do without good folks. Like you providing us with the opportunity to help train men, to preach the gospel. And I know with reference to Michael Dale, he’s under the weather too this week because of a stomach virus. And so I’m having to be in town. Most of my appointments have been canceled in 2020. I haven’t done a lot of traveling, although it’s starting to pick up a little bit again. And so it was a thrill for me to be able to come over and be with you. I wonder if you’d stop and think with me for a moment. Some of you are old enough to be members of the church for decades. And I wonder how many Bible classes do you think you have attended in your lifetime? How many hours of Bible study would you guesstimate in your mind that you have actually attended over the period of your lifetime? If you start, when you’re small and mom and dad take you to services and then you keep going your whole life, literally hundreds and even thousands of hours of Bible study can be represented. Now, if I ask you, can you tell me the number one thing that stands out to you after all your hours of Bible study? What’s the number one thing you remember learning in Bible study? I’m sure that you would probably say there’s so many things. It would be hard to narrow it down to just one thing, but what I want to do for just a few minutes this morning in this Bible study period, is explore with you the power of even one hour of Bible study and how revolutionary that can be. And to prove this to you. I want you to go back with me about oil to the sixth century before Christ or 600 years before Christ during the time of a man by the name of Josiah. And if you’ll go to second Kings chapter 22, I would remind all of us that it was a new Testament, Christian named Paul, who said that the old Testament was written for the learning of the Christians, that Rome it’s certainly written for our learning as well. And as we explore second Kings chapter 22, when we start off, we see Josiah is only eight years old when he begins to rain, he is in that position to reign and he rains a total of 31 years. And the Bible talks about his mother. And then look at the overall assessment of Josiah that is given to you in may. And second Kings 22 two. He did that, which was right in the sight of the Lord. He walked in all the way of David, his father. He turned not aside to the right hand or the left. And then when he was 26 years old, this is the 18th year of his reign verse number three. So he was when he started we’re 18 years into his reign. So we’re now Josiah is 26 years old. I wish we had more 26 year olds with a heart of Josiah. And I’m glad for the ones we do have you’ll notice when he was 26, he actually sent Shay fan the son of ACLI, the son of Michelle and the scribe to the house of God saying, I want you to go up to Hilkiah the high priest. I want him to keep a record of, or some the silver that is brought into the house of the Lord. And so long story short for the sake of our time here today, while they’re in the process of fulfilling that task, they find a book. And if you’ll drop down to verse number eight, you’ll see that he’ll carry the high priest says to Shay fan the scribe. I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord, and then he’ll CAG gives it to Shay fan and he reads it Shay fan the scribe then comes to the King verse nine and he’s reporting what had happened. We found that we gathered the money that was found in the house and cetera, and he’ll cry. The priest verse 10 is delivered me a book. And then Shay fan starts reading it before the King. And we’re not told exactly what section of scripture was read in the King’s ears that day, but we know that it changed him. We know that it absolutely revolutionized the nation in good ways. Positive ways. This hour of Bible study was going to be a moment of tremendous importance in the life of Judah. You’ll notice the reaction of the King in verse 11, when he heard the words of the law, the book of the law, he rent his clothes. He’s hearing a section of scripture that moved him emotionally. It is not a pleasant section of scripture. It’s one of those severity passages. You know, Romans 1122 says that you and I ought to be holed the goodness and severity of God. And as you and I think about defining God, I know he’s good. He is so good. I also know that there are times when he has to be severe because of his holiness. And here on this occasion, Josiah is reading a section that has to do with it has to do with the punishment that was coming to Israel or Judah in particular here. And so the King does something. I want you to number one, notice he was moved by the study of God’s word. And I’m not asking for a show of hands here, obviously, but can you think back to moments in your life where you have studied the word of God, either in private, personal study or in the midst of a gospel meeting or sermon that was preached or a class and that it has moved you, it has brought you to tears. It has caused you to feel a sense of need to change. This is the humility that Josiah possesses. And one second thing I’d like for you to notice. Josiah does not just want to take this without thinking about it. He wants to double check his understanding of the word. So look at verse 13, he tells him to go and choir the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that is found. I want to double check this great is the wrath of the Lord kindled against us, because look at his willingness to admit even this, our fathers have not hearkened under the words of this book to do, according to all that, which is written concerning us. It’s never pleasant for anyone, any one of us to have to suggest or admit that our ancestors might not have followed the word of God, the way they should have, or that some loved one has not lived the way they should have. That’s not easy for any of us, but there are times when we have to be that willing to make such a concession. And Josiah says, look, based on what this book is saying, we are not right. And our fathers were not right and we need to fix it. And so the confirmation is then given in verse number 16, thus say the Lord behold, I will bring evil or punishment upon this place. Upon the inhabitants thereof. Even how many, All the words Of the book, which the King of Judah has read. Now, I’d like to ask you, is God’s temperament ever hair-trigger. Is that ever one of these deals where he’s just had a bad day and he’s going to take it out on the human race? No. Is there a reason assigned for this severity of God? Look at verse 17 because they have forsaken me. What’s the very first commandment of the 10 commandments under which these people lived very first commandment was what thou shall have no other gods before me. They had not listened. They were actually burning incense to these other gods verse 17. And God says, this provokes me to anger with all the works of their hands. And therefore my rash shall be kindled against this place shall not be quenched, but watch, watch what happens when a man receives this word humbly to the King of Judah verse 18, which sent you to inquire the Lord. Thus showed you say to him as touching the words, which you’ve heard then verse 19, because dine heart was tender. And thou has humbled ourselves before the Lord. When thou heard us, when I speak against this place and against the habit in Sarah, that they should become a desolation that occurs and have rent that close and actually wept before me. I have heard of the, I’ve heard the says the Lord, and I will gather the end of that fathers. And you’ll be gathered to your grave in peace and your eyes. Won’t see all the punishment or evil that I’m going to bring upon this place. And so Josiah’s humility extended his life of peace with God. In fact, God says, Josiah, I’m still going to do everything I said I was going to do, but because of your humility and receiving my word, I’m going to put it off until after you’re dead and gone and stop and let that sink in for a moment. One man’s humility and righteousness was a blessing to the nation as a whole. And God withheld the judgment sooner than he would have. If it hadn’t been for Josiah’s humble attitude. What a tremendous man, Josiah is. In fact, I want you to go to second Chronicles. This is a parallel text to what you’re reading here in second Kings. And I want you to see in second Chronicles, chapter 33, the Bible tells us actually second Chronicles, 34 is what I mean to say, the Bible tells us about this same man, Josiah. And I want you to notice in verse three, what it says he did when he was 16 years old. I know, you know, that text, remember that create or winter was supposed to do that in the days of our youth, right? Those Josiah. Do that. Remember how old was he? When he started his reign, he was a co Regent reigning at the same time as someone else. And so not required to make all decisions at that age, but he starts officially at age eight. Now let’s ask this question. How old is he? According to second Chronicles, 34 in verse three. It’s the eighth year of his reign and eight plus eight is he’s 16, 16 years old. And what is the Bible say while he was yet young? He began to seek after the God of David, his father. And then when he was 20 years old, the 12th year of his reign, he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, the groves, the carved images, the molten images. And as the 20 year old, he helped break down the altars of Baylor him in his presence and the images that were on high above. He cut them down and he had actually made dust out of them and spread them on the ashes of the brute kid, drawn spread the ashes on the brick kid, drawn, let it flow away. Get out of my sight to get that out of here. We don’t need that strikes me that yesterday. And, but believe me, what I’m about to say is not a criticism of sports and college football. I enjoy watching that very, very much. And every Saturday, 20 year old kids and above, or around that age, get out on the field and do things that make the highlight reel that night. Look what this guy did. Look what this guy did. They’re 20 years old, some of them, and what is it that makes them famous. They can throw a ball. They can catch a ball. They can block, they can tackle. They can run. They can sack. They can kick what made Josiah stand up at 20 years old and friends, isn’t this what we need in this world. 20 year olds, 40 year old, 60 year olds who have this kind of humility and mentality that says, let’s get rid of everything that doesn’t honor. God let’s do that. So that’s what they do. Verse four, they broke down the altars of all these idols in his presence. And he burnt the bones of the priest upon those altars. Now, this is interesting because 345 years earlier, you remember in first Kings 13, there was this young prophet who came to King Jeroboam and he pronounced a judgment upon him for his idolatry. I want you to go back to first Kings 13 for just a moment. I want to show you something that shows that God, even though centuries may pass between what God predicts and the actual event happening. God keeps his will. He keeps his promises. He never fails. In first Kings chapter 13, the Bible says in verse one, that there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord and the Bethel Jeroboam, who was an idolater is standing by the altar to burn incense. But he cries against the older, this young prophet does and says all altar altar, thus say the Lord behold, a child shall be born into the house of David Josiah by name. Now we think it’s remarkable. And it is that Jesus’s birth was predicted seven centuries. Actually, even more than that, Isaiah seven is around seven centuries before Christ, but we need not forget. There are some other fascinating prophecies in scripture. I want to ask you to name the president of the United States, 345 years from right now. I’d like you to tell me his or her name and what they will do. That’s going to be of significance 345 years from now. Anybody. I have no idea. If the United States of America will still be, or this world will still be here 345 years from now, though. I hope and pray that if the world is still here, that this country will still be here and serving God in lore Holy ways, but for God to nail down the fact that 345 years later, a man by the name of Josiah would do what this man, Josiah, according to first Kings 13, is going to offer the priests of the high places that burn incense upon these talking to the altar men’s bones shall be burnt upon thee. And sure enough, what you and I are reading here in second Chronicles, chapter 34 in verse five, he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars and cleanse to Judah and Jerusalem. And I’ll tell you, what’s fascinating about Josiah. He’s the King of the Southern kingdom, which is primarily Judah and Benjamin absorbed into it. These places you’re about to read of in verse six, Manasseh that’s Northern kingdom stuff. Ephraim verse six Simeon had started out in the South and Ben kind of absorbed into a lot of different areas and had no longer maintained their tribal identity. A NAFTA lie. That’s a Northern kingdom. Territory’s here is here’s Joe Tsai, exerting positive influence over a kingdom. He’s not even the King of One hour. Bible study can change the world around you for the better. If you take that hour of Bible study and humbly received the word that you learn. And the Bible says in verse number seven, that he broke down the altars, the groves, he beat the graven images into powder, cut down all the idols through the whole land of Israel. And then he returns to Jerusalem. He is determined to do whatever he can do as far as God will allow him to extend his influence. And then when he’s 26 years old, verse eight of second Chronicles, 34, that’s where again, they find the book of the law and he is the one who’s willing to receive it. I want you to drop down to verse number 27. I want you to see in second Chronicles, 34, 26, actually second Chronicles, 34, 26. This is what the prophet is sends word back to Josiah. You tell Josiah verse 27, because then heart was tender. And you did humble yourself before God, when you heard his words against this place and against the inhabitants thereof and you humbled by myself before me and you did, Rindge your clothes and weep before me, I’ve even heard the also say the Lord, I would like to ask this question, Okay, Do you? And I see anything’s happening in our country that bring us to tears. That causes us to feel a sense of great sorrow. And let me ask this question. Can’t even one of us can a group of us feel these things be moved by these things, pray about these things. Receive the word of God and try to get the word of God to others. Can we change the world around us, by our actions and our attitudes? Yes, we can. And notice Josiah look at verse number 31. What he does. He stood in his place. Second Chronicles, 34th. And first thing he did verse 29. I should have told you, he sent first and gathered all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem said, everyone come this hour Bible study that it had as made him want to spread this word to others. So he convenes an assembly of all the elders and the people of Judah and Jerusalem. And then notice what he does. Talk about leadership. See this verse 30, the King went up into the house of the Lord, all the men of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests, the Levis, all the people great and small. And he read in their ears. All the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the Lord, Josiah. Now that you’ve found the word of God, what are you going to do with it? I’m going to get me a big assembly. As many people as I can. I’m going to command everyone to come to Jerusalem and then I’m going to go up and I’m going to read those same words to everyone. Everyone needs to hear the same words that I just heard. And I’m going to be an evangelist to make sure that the word of God gets told that is the action that he did. And so picture him verse 31, standing in his place and then making a covenant before the Lord, before the group he’s promising, he’s going to walk after the Lord, keep his commandments, his testimonies, his statutes, how much with all his heart and with all his soul to perform the words of the covenant, which are written in this book, he caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it and say, you will, you do the same. Here’s the commitment I’m making to keep the covenant of God. Will you make that same commitment? That is the action and the attitude of Josiah and look at what he does in verse 33. He took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel. And they made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the Lord, their God not idols and all his days, they departed not from following the Lord, the God of their fathers, Josiah. One of my very favorite Bible characters, because watch what happens in chapter 35. There’s a Passover that is kept by Josiah. Now, this is interesting. According to scripture, the Passover was supposed to be kept on the 14th day of the first month. Now has the had preceded Josiah as a King. And he had actually to his credit said, let’s observe the Passover, but they were not able to get everyone sanctified and purified in time. And so they followed the teaching of numbers and they actually were able to keep it in the second month. But that was not the ideal time. That was not the real originally prescribed time. It’s kind of like if you want to use an illustration that we’re familiar with, someone might not be able to make it for Sunday morning services to worship with the whole group. And I’m talking about those who are healthy and able to get out and about. And so maybe they have a sick child, they have a flat tire on the way here. They are something that keeps them from being here at the normally scheduled service. And so then at a second service later in the same day, still the first day of the week, they partake of the Lord’s supper. And yet the next Sunday, their ideal goal is to be there, you know, for the morning worship service and to be a part of this. And they’re not deliberately trying to miss Josiah does something that even has a cat didn’t do. He restored the Passover back to the original time. It was intended to be kept. And in fact, if you’ll notice in second Chronicles, 35 in verse, number one, Josiah kept a Passover. They killed the Passover on the 14th day of the first month. Now zoom in, if you will please, on the statement that is made in verse number 13, they roasted the Passover with fire. According to the ordinance, they’re following the word of God and verse 18, there was no Passover like to that captain Israel from the days of ready, Samuel, the prophet, neither did all the Kings of Israel keeps such a Passover as Josiah kept and the priests and the Levi’s rights and all Judah and Israel that were present and inhabitants of Jerusalem question, did Josiah have a different book than they had? No. Why didn’t these others who had the same book observed the Passover in the same way that Josiah did? Because that’s what I’m telling you. He, his heart was so focused on doing exactly what God said do in the way God says do it. He so humbled to try to do whatever God says that he sets an example for the rest. And there was no King. None of the Kings of Israel ever kept a Passover like Josiah did. And he was the one who led the way in observing this and doing what God said to do. I want you to go back to second Kings 23 for just a moment. Hold your place in second Chronicles, 35 for the end here. But I want to go back to second Kings 23, and I want to get a little more specific. I’ve shown you right now. Let’s see where we’ve been so far. Number one, we’ve seen Josiah hearing the word. We seen him double checking the word to make sure that he’s really understanding those words and incidentally, whom does that remind you of in the new Testament, double checking to make sure this is really what it’s saying. Who do you think of in the new Testament? Yeah, the noble Bereans who, what search the scriptures. But we often skip to that part and skip over. Maybe we don’t intend to skip over the first part of acts 17, 11. Do you know that before it ever says they searched the scriptures daily, it says something about their humility and bind. They received the word with all the, remember the language readiness of mind. Does that sound like Josiah? When they read those words to him, those condemning words, does he say, I’m not accepting that if you can’t preach me a positive sermon, then get out of here. His idea is, listen. If that’s what the word of God says, I need to know it. Now I need to double check that and make sure I’ve understood that correctly. And so he sends for information and that message is confirmed. And then he, we see him spreading the word, convening the assembly, getting everyone together and making sure that everyone’s on the same page. And then we see him keeping his, making a pledge tool Bay, the word in front of others. He sets the example and then we see him keeping his promise to do that in second Chronicles, 34. But if you go back to chapter 23, look at the specific things he removed. He eliminated everything he, that he could not find approved of in God’s word. Look at second Chronicle or second Kings rather, I’m sorry. Chapter 23. And look at verse two, he went up into the house of the Lord, and this is a reiteration of what we read in second Chronicles, 34, but it gets a little more specific. I would like you to note that even the small and the great are there and he read in their ears, all the words of the book of the covenant, all of them, I know some preachers and I tell our students this. I said, listen, don’t be that preacher, that every time people get up and go to services, they think, well, let’s see what we did wrong this week. And we’ll just get blasted again from the pulpit week after week after week, we’re not doing this. We’re not doing that. We’re not doing this. I said, second. Don’t be that preacher that gets up. And it’s always sugar and spice and everything nice. And there’s never a challenge. There’s never a warning. There’s never an exhortation. There’s never anyone who needs to be reproved or rebuked. It’s always sugar and spice and everything nice. Now, which of those is the right way to be, to always preach only the positive and never the negative or to all this preach only the negative and never the positive. Tell me which of those two is correct or are either of them correct? What you want is what a blend? Listen, a car battery has a positive pole and what a negative pole and do they both have a function. They both have something to do. Yes. And so our preaching ought to have a sense of positivity and negativity combined. As long as it’s coming from the word of God, Josiah is one of those individuals who says, look, if that’s what the word of God says, I want to do it. And I’m going to live according to God’s word. And so when he finds out what God wants, look at what he starts doing. He starts removing idolatrous items from the temple that were put there by his kinfolk, before him, he starts eliminating those things. And verse number four, carrying the ashes. Last part of the verse out into Bethel, put down the aisle. He gets rid of the idolatrous priest. He says, you’re out of a job all but we’re priests. No, you’re not, not here. Not going to be priest to an odd God that doesn’t even exist. No, he put down the idolatrous priests, verse five, whom the Kings of Judah, that’s his kin who proceeded him, had ordained to burn incense in the high, in the cities of Judah. He says, you’re out of a job. Verse six. He brought out the Grove from the house of the Lord. They had actually, they had actually turned the temple of God into an idolatrous worship center. And he took that out of the temple. He brought it to the Brook kid, Rome burned it at the Brook kid, drone stamped it small to powder and cast the powder on the graves of the children of the people. Look at what he does in verse seven, broke down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord. That influence did not need to be near the temple or anywhere in sight. So he got rid of the filth that was taking place in the neighborhood of the temple, where God was supposed to be worshiped. And then verse eight, he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah defile the high places where the priest had burned in since all the way from Gabby to Beersheba and broke down the high places of the Gates. And he defiled verse 10. He defiled Tulsa with which is in the Valley of the children of Hinnom. Now let’s stop here. This is not going to be pleasant, but let’s let’s address it. You know what the Greek word for hell is in the new Testament. You probably heard this. I’m sure get henna. It is hearkening back to the Valley of Hinnom. What happened in the Valley of Hinnom? This is where parents would actually take their small children and put them on top of a figure that had been built with an opening in between the arms. The arms would be built like this to hold something over a fire. And here is a child that has put in those arms and a fire is built underneath it. And the child is burned alive as a sacrifice to a God. That’s not even real, doesn’t even exist. That’s sick. Who would ever do that to a child, a friend. I don’t want to be mistaken at what I’m about to say, but I won’t say it hopefully lovingly and compassionately and firmly all at the same time, there are barbaric things happening to innocent children in this country because of some who were determined to extend a right that God never gave. And that is the right to abort, a child deliberately and with purpose, for the purpose of not this, isn’t like going to the doctor and trying to have a baby. And unfortunately, complications develop and the child doesn’t make it. This is not that this is a little deliberate choice. We say, look at these barbarians, taking children and burning them alive. How could you be? So barbaric, one of the methods of abortion that is approved in this country, it’s approved as being used in this country is a saline abortion in which a saline is injected into the womb and the saline has a corrosive effect and it burns the skin of the child inside off of its body. And about 24 hours later, the mother gives birth to the child dead. It’s called a candy Apple baby by some, because the outer skin has been burned away. You tell me that that’s not barbaric. You tell me that that shouldn’t be on our minds. As we think about the folks that are going to lead our nation, where we live protecting the children is always been an important thing for any government official to do. And your side does just that here in second Chronicles. And second Kings, I said, we’d close out with second Chronicle. So I want to go back there very quickly with you. Look at second, Chronicles 34, or make it 35 and verse 25. This also give you a little perspective as to where to put Josiah on the prophetic timeline. What does your Bible say about who lamented for Josiah? And he died, who, who stands out as having lamented his loss, his passing, Jeremiah, the prophet, Jeremiah lamented for Joe Tsai, all the scene men and the singing women speak of Josiah in their Lamentations to this day, made them an ordinance in Israel, behold, they’re written in the laminations and the rest of the acts of Josiah and his goodness. According to that, which was written in the law of the Lord, his deeds first and last behold, they’re written in the book of the Kings of Israel and Judah. It strikes me as I close years ago, many, many, many centuries ago, Josiah was introduced to a section of scripture that changed him. That caused him to go out and change others and change the, And here we are studying centuries later about this very man’s experience with Bible study and what it did to him and his nation. Can we leave today with this one hour of Bible study and be moved to be more like Josiah in good ways, and to imitate his excellence and to change the people around us as we first change ourselves, can we do that? We can. And it’s a true blessing to be able to study this man. One of the greatest men of the old Testament. Sure. Still a man, but a man of humility who said I will change and I’ll do everything I can to get others to do the same. And what motivated that study of the word of God? Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville Sunday morning services here at Collierville church Christ. It’s great to see each and every one of you and those of you that are unable to attend that are either on the dial in or watching on the live stream. We welcome you. And we can’t wait until the day comes that we can see everybody assembled here. Again, worship our Lord to our visitors this morning have special. Welcome to you. And thank you for choosing the Collierville church of Christ to worship God this morning. And we have a couple of special guests with us here today. BJ Clark and his wife, Tish are here. BJ will be bringing us a message this morning, and then Tim Boswell and his wife, Hannah are also with us today. And Tim is going to lead our song service for us this morning. So thank you all for joining us today. Other announcements, if you did not pick up the Lord’s supper, please take this opportunity to pick it up. It’s on the tables in the back prepared for you for the, when the Lord suppers taking the day are sick. There are many of on our sick lists, so let’s please remember Janet Jones. She’s still in the Memphis Jewish home. She may be coming home this week if her improvement continues. So that’s good news for Janet. Pam chafing is with us this morning. She is still in the recovery process from her back surgery, but she’s doing better. And her doctor has kind of let her go on, you know, do as she can and get out. So it’s great to see Pam with us this morning, Dorothy Wilson is having some very high blood pressure issues. So please keep Dorothy and your thoughts and prayers, Sylvia pass is going to have another nerve block procedure. That’s coming Friday to try to resolve her back problems. So please keep Sylvia and your thoughts and prayers. Michael Dale is not with us this morning. He has a virus of some type. It is not the coronavirus, but he does have a virus. And so he had to stay home. So please keep him and their family and your thoughts and prayers, and naturally Aaron, our preacher. You only had his surgery on Thursday on his wrist to set his wrist after he broke his wrist. And he’s in quite a bit of pain from that. So please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through his recovery process. Other announcements Nesbith church of Christ have a gospel meeting October 4th, which is today through the seventh. We have a flyer up on the bulletin board. If you’re interested in details on that, the 45th annual spiritual sword lectureship at Getwell church Christ here in Memphis, starts on the 18th of October and goes through the 22nd. The flyer is on the bulletin board. Also with all the details for that nationwide gospel meeting for the call in the flyers are out there on a table. So if you’ve been doing that or if you’re interested in what that’s all about, please pick one of them up. That is Monday through Friday evenings at nine o’clock each night. There’s a call and it’s about a half hour long Bible study on a telephone powder children’s home pantry item for the month of October is Velveeta cheese. And the last announcement is reminder for the men. On Monday, October 12th at 7:00 PM, we’ll have our monthly men’s business meeting. We do have a sheet on the board out there to bulletin board for agenda items. So if anyone has anything that needs to be addressed in the men’s business meeting, please put that on that sheet. So we can talk about them in our meeting our services this morning song leader, as I said will be Tim Boswell, opening prayer. We’ll be Jay Schaefer, Lord supper. We’ll be Joel caisson. Our sermon will be brought to us by BJ Clark and a closing prayer will be Terry Sanderson. Thank you. Good morning. Our first song. Listen to this morning. It’s going to be song number two. Number two, We praise thee O God for the son of for Jesus. now God dying. The glory. yeah. Oh man. Yeah, dine the glory. we praise thee. Oh God. For the spirit who has shown us? the glory. Hi. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the glory revive us and Oh, glory and praise to the lamb. That was slain. glory. man. no glory. all glory and praise to the God of all grace who has bought us and saw a sign guy. Dad ways. Yeah, the I’m the glory yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the glory revive us. revive us again. Philly charged with five from Hollina. Yeah, the glory Hollin yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the glory revive us again and We have a new prayer almighty God, our father in heaven. We’re so odd by that presence. We with our finite minds cannot begin to comprehend how magnificent your intellect truly is, but we are so very grateful that you chose to create us in your image and create this entire universe for us. We, as I say are so odd that we cannot begin to comprehend how truly magnificent you are. And we are so bounded by the element of time that we are at such a handicap. We have trouble even remittance regarding how magnificent and truly great the life would be forever. We’re so grateful. Also, father, that you sent your son to this world, to be an example, and to give us your word that we may have that hope one day of being with you forever. We are so grateful that he came to this world to forgive our sins and we, but have to repent and turn from them to be whole and pure in your sight. And we know that you will hear our prayers. We have many things to be so grateful for most of all, we’re grateful for our families and the church and the things that are represented here in this community. We’re mindful of those that are not able to be with us due to illnesses. We pray that your healing hand will be placed upon them, that they will run once again, be restored to their much wanted Hill. We’re also mindful of those that have recently lost, loved ones that you will comfort them. We are thankful for the multitude of other blessings that we’re so richly blessed with. We’re also very grateful for this great country in which we live and it is for that country and it’s leadership that we pray for. Now. We pray that you will be with our president, that you will grant him a speedy and complete recovery from the coronavirus we ask that you be with those also have our number that are at least infected and quarantined from this disease. As we look about us, we want you to have our sincere belief that we are a blessed people and we pray for unity within our country. That we, once again, can speak with one voice under God. As we go through the further exercise of this service, we pray that our worship to you will be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor. So in Jesus name, we pray amen. Our song before the Lord supper this morning, it’s going to be song number three, one five, 315 one more time. Ah, ah. TRIBE I just say then that or a nice all the man things that me. It was a nice breath. A nice so and me so like I am dad to so Didi mans. My saw my As we protected the Lord suffer this morning, we would like to reflect on a few scriptures and we’ll read those before we have the bread and the fruit of the vine and acts chapter 20 in verse seven, it says in the phone the first day of the week after that, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them ready to part on the Morrow. And he continued to speech until midnight. And if we turn over to second, first Corinthians chapter 11, we’ll read verses 23 and 24 for I ever seed of the Lord, that which I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. And when they had given thanks, he break it and said, take eat. This is my body that is broken for you. This do in remembrance of me. Let’s pray there. God, our father in heaven, we truly are so grateful for the privilege that we have this day to come and remember our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We’re so thankful father that you demonstrated your love for us. And he was willing to give his life upon the cross that we might have that hope if eternal life within heaven, fathers, we partake of this bread, which is representative of his body. We pray we might do so in a manner that would be acceptable unto thee and Jesus. We pray, amen. Will continue reading from that same opening verses 25 through 27. And after the same manner as he took the cup, when he gets up saying this cup is the new Testament in my blood, this do ye as often as she drank it and remembered some me, whereas often as she eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death. Did he come wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord. Unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Let us pray. Oh God, our father in heaven. It’s such a blessing and a opportunity for us to be able to come here and remember our Lord and savior to remember him suffering upon the cross and bleeding and dying for us, bearing our sins upon the cross. We probably fathers, we protect of this fruit of the vine, which represents his blood, that we remember him. And we give him the honor and the glory and the praise or the death that he suffered for us and Jesus. We pray amen. As another act of worship, we have the opportunity to unity, to give as we’ve been prospered and we’ll look at second Corinthians chapter nine, verses six through nine, we might contemplate our giving, but this I say he was so aspiring and he shall also reap sparingly. And he, that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully every man, according as he purposed in his heart. So let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God. Loveth a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That he always have all sufficiency. And all things may abound to every good work had is this written, he, that dispersed abroad, he has given to the poor, his righteousness remaineth forever. Let us pray there. God, our father in heaven, we are grateful for all the blessings that you’ve given to us. And we pray father that we’re good stewards of those blessings. And we have this opportunity today to give a portion of that back to you that we might further the cause not only here in Collierville, but throughout the world, to be able to reach those that are lost and to be able to be helpful to those that are needing some help in a benevolent way. We pray that we’ll always remember that all these blessings come from the, and that we’re to the happy about being able to give as we’ve been prospered. And that you’ve blessed us so much. And we’re grateful for it. Bless our offering this day. And we pray that we might be used in a way that would be acceptable onto you and Jesus. We pray. Amen. If you would like to Mark it in your hymnals, the invitation song this morning will be some number 660 to 662 Before the sermon this morning, though, we will stand and sing song number 991 nine nine one. Again, please stay we’re out me rings the NA Dan, have me again, Please be seated again. The invitation sound will be Simon number 662 Check. There we go. Can you hear me all right, bear. Glad to be with you today. Although I do lament the pain that a brother Aaron is in, do appreciate the work that he does and helps in so many ways at the school at times when we’ve needed technological help. And I appreciate that, but we’re, we’re grateful the chance to be together. I want to take you back 50 years ago today. It was October the fourth, 1970, a young girl in Bible class listens to the message. And then during the worship service responds to the invitation and is baptized that very morning, 50 years ago. Today, later that afternoon, a young boy that was in that same class approaches his father and wonders whether he might need to be baptized as well. And after a long conversation that young boy, 50 years ago to the day was baptized at the night Arnold church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee. And that young boy was me 50 years ago today I was baptized. It just so happened that a few years ago, one of the secretaries at the church was going through some material and came across a response card that was filled out on October 4th, 1970, in which I wrote these words because I want to have my sins washed away and serve God. That is what I wrote down is my desire 50 years ago. And it has not changed. I got to thinking about the opportunity to preach today, and I thought there’s nothing I could think of wanting to preach about more than how this subject that was on my mind so much. All those years ago is still on my mind today and how the message has not changed. The message has not changed in the last 50 years. Any information that I was given on that day about what I should and should not do with reference to the subject of baptism came from the same inspired message that I’m using to preach about it this morning. The message has not changed. Surely the world around us has think about what the world was like in 1,970. It’s definitely a different world now in so many ways than it was then, but some things have not changed. And one thing that I’m so grateful has not changed is this book right here, whatever the message was on the subject of baptism 50 years ago is the same message that is in place today. As a matter of fact, go way back beyond 50 years ago and go all the way back to the new Testament. And you’ll find that the same teaching Jesus and the apostles gave about baptism then is the same message that needs to be governing our world today. Nothing has changed as far as the authority of God’s word is concerned. And so I want you to go back and consider with me the message of baptism as taught by scripture. And the first thing I’d like to notice with you is that the motivation for baptism is the same today as it was when the teaching of our Lord was first given, why is it that one would want to be baptized? Now I would first direct your attention to Matthew chapter three. And there comes a man by the name of John, the baptizer, and he is preaching about a coming kingdom and a coming Christ that he is blazing the trail for who will establish that kingdom. And in Matthew chapter three, you’ll notice that in verse number two, he says repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And then we read in verse number six, those individuals from the areas all around Judea and Jerusalem and all around about the Jordan came and were baptized of him. And Jordan notice confessing their sins. Some people are not aware of the fact that even though John’s baptism was a baptism, which anticipated an acceptance of the Christ and his kingdom, according to Mark chapter one in verse four, the baptism of John notice was for the remission of sins, meaning that those who were commanded to be baptized with the baptism of John were commanded to do so for the motivation of having their sins remitted. It’s interesting to know that the message of baptism today is skewed by so many. Some have suggested that the motivation for baptism is not to remit your sins, but to acknowledge that they’ve already been remitted by same some fabled sinner’s prayer. I want to lovingly say this dear friends, but I would like to ask you to find the place in the word of God, for me, where you ever find anyone ever been told to say a prayer and to ask Jesus, to come into their hearts, to make him the Lord of their life and the savior of their soul. I really want to see that some years ago, I was at a Sonic drive in during the afternoon hours of two to four, when the drinks are half price and the ice is so good. And you know what I’m talking about, if you enjoy that kind of drink on a hot day or just about any day. And so here I was in my car waiting for my order to be brought. And I noticed the lady get out of her car and she was going car to car, passing out some literature or trying to sell something. I waited till she got to my car, of course, to see what was going on. And then she handed me a little four page tract. It was small. The front page only said three words on it. God loves you. And certainly that’s a wonderful statement. Turn the page. And the second page only had one thing on it. It was John three 16 for God. So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. And I love that verse. And so certainly I have no objection to John three 16 being printed and broadcast anywhere in the world. Page three was of interest. Page three of that little track said, if you believe the verse on the opposite page, say the following prayer and ask Jesus to come into your heart, make him the Lord of your life and the savior of your soul, and then gave you a script to pray to say those very words. And then it said, if you just prayed this prayer, congratulations, welcome to the family of God. And then you turned and the last page says, now go tell others. And when the woman handed it to me and I glanced over it rather quickly, I said, ma’am, I would like to give you a compliment, commend you for something. And I don’t think she was expecting that. I don’t think she’d received a whole lot of warmth from the other automobiles or the drivers of those automobiles. But I said, I want to tell you that I am impressed that you have the courage to go car to car, telling people that God and Jesus loved them. That is so true. And I’m glad the world knows that. Want the world to know that I love this verse you have on page two, God. So loved John three 16 is one of my favorite verses. My question for you is really about your third page here. Can you help me with this? I see the, the instructions given here to say this prayer. And they asked Jesus to come into my heart and make him the Lord of my life and the savior of my soul. But what I don’t see on your third page is some scriptures to show where people ever did that. Could you help me with that? I have a new Testament with me and I would, I would be greatly benefited. If you could show me where individuals in the new Testament ever did, what this page is telling people to do. And she said, well, it’s, it’s so many different places. I wouldn’t know where to begin. And I said, even one would be okay. Could you just show me one instance where anyone was ever told to say this prayer and that’s Jesus to come into their hearts? And she said, well, what do you think about it? And I lovingly said, and our whole conversation was cordial. By the way I lovingly said to her, I said, ma’am, I wouldn’t want to stake your eternal salvation or mine on what I think. I think we would both agree that what the Lord taught is, is what’s going to really be the standard of judgment. And so Matt tell you what the Lord said about this. And she acknowledged that she was okay with that. And so I started, I started not with baptism because Jesus did not start with baptism. Jesus started with the concept of believing in who he is. He said, except you believe that I am key, shall die in your sins. John eight 24 and friends. Let me tell you something today. If someone is dunked in this body of water, any body of water and it is not them is not because they believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. If they do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, we are doing nothing, but getting them wet. We’re not washing any sins away by magic water. So Jesus said, except you believe that I am you’ll die in your sins, John eight 24. And I remember he asked whom do men say that I, the son of man, em, and they said, well, some think you’re John the Baptist. Some think you’re Jeremiah or one of the prophets, but whom say, ye, that I am. Who, who do you say that I am? Peter said, thou art, the Christ, the son of the living God. And that is the recognition that the people on Pentecost came to grips with when they suddenly realized, Hey, wait a minute. We killed the son of God. Peter had just preached along with the other apostles, a sermon in which he exalted Christ and said you with wicked and lawless hands have crucified and slain the very son of God, but God raised him up. And the same Jesus that you crucified has now been made both Lord and Christ Christos. The anointed one acts two 36. Now when they heard this acts two 37, they were pricked in their hearts and said, men and brethren, what shall we do? Stop? Did the apostle Peter respond to their, what shall we do? Question with the following. I want every head bowed. I want all eyes closed and every head bowed. I want all of you here on Pentecost to now say a prayer, say the following prayer with me. Lord Jesus. Come into my heart, save my soul, wash my sins away by your blood and become the Lord of my life. Amen. Is that what you read in acts two 38? Yes or no. Did you read that? No. What do you read? Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, the motivation for baptism has not changed over the years. It was from the get go for the remission of sins. Someone says, well, that means because your sins have already been forgiven and they’ll use the illustration. They’ll say I went to the store and bought some chapstick for my chapped lips. And when I say for my chap lips, I didn’t buy chapstick in order to get chapped lips. I bought chapstick because I already had chapped lips and the chap stick was supposed to help me with that. The problem with this illustration is twofold in the identical language that Jesus used in Matthew 26, 28. You’ll find the same exact language in acts two 38 and Matthew 26, 28 is very significant in this regard. Notice Jesus Christ on this occasion says the following. He says in Matthew 26, 28, this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sin. Stop Jesus. Are you saying that you shed your blood in order that people might have remission of sins or because they already do? Jesus did not bleed because men had already been saved. He bled so that they could be. And the Greek word that’s used here that is translated for has a meaning. That means to reach him unreached end. And Jesus said, I’m shedding my blood so that men might reach the unreached end of having their sins washed away once. And for all, remember even the transgressions that were under the first Testament were blood blotted out and cleansed by the blood of Christ, according to Hebrews chapter nine, 15 and following. And so the blood of Christ is necessary to wash your sins away. What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus. I wrote 50 years ago tonight because I want to have my sins washed away. Do you remember a man by the name of Saul of Tarsus who saw the Lord of the road to Damascus and as he was going toward Damascus with a full intention of persecuted, even more believers in Christ, he’s now suddenly confronted with the, the Christ is talking to him. He says, in acts nine, six, Lord, what will they’ll have me to do? And acts nine sixties told arise and go into the city and watch this, please. There, it shall be told the what thou must do. Saul of Tarsus is told you go into the city and that’s where you’re going to be told what you must do. So let’s see about this. If you’ll go with me to acts chapter nine, I want to show you something here that you may or may not have thought of. Do you know that when God called the preacher and, and I asked to go preach to Saul of Tarsus and tell him what to do, do you know what he told? Anne and I saw was already doing in acts chapter nine. Look at verse number 10. There was a certain disciple at the maskus named Dan and nice. And to him said the Lord in a vision and NIS. And he said, behold, I’m here, Lord. And the Lord said unto him arise and go into the street, which is called straight and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus. For behold, he prayeth. And the ETH in the King James version here is indicative of the fact that he was in a continual state of prayer. Now just reason with me a little bit, here’s a man who now knows that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And he’s waiting in the city to be told what he must do. What’s he doing in the meantime, praying? What do you suppose he was praying? Did he feel any guilt for having done what he’d done to those who followed Christ? Did he feel any guilt for having rejected? The Christ whom he now knows is indeed the son of God. I guarantee you that he was beside himself because he couldn’t eat or drink for three days. He was blind. He was not eating. He was not in a state of happiness and joy. He wasn’t rejoicing in his new found salvation. In fact, Paul would write it this way in Romans five one, therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord. Jesus Christ. Question. What Saul at peace when he wasn’t eating or drinking, was he at peace when he was praying prior to the preacher, getting to his house, had he found peace in prayer? No, he had not. Now, if prayer is the way to invite Jesus into your heart and make him the Lord of your life, here’s a perfect opportunity. In fact, I would say you couldn’t find a better opportunity for a gospel preacher to teach the sinner’s prayer than an occasion where the man’s already in prayer when the preacher gets there. But if you’ll turn to acts chapter 22, you’ll notice that when Anna knives, the preacher gets to the praying man soul, would you notice in verse 16? He says, and now why Terry is thou acts 2216. And now why Terry is thou repeat after me, Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I’ll make, is that what you read in acts 2216, which you read in acts 2216? Is that an inspired preacher tells a praying man. And now what are you waiting for? Get up arise and be baptized and wash away their sins. Calling on the name of the Lord. I want to have my sins washed away, but I had been taught revelation chapter one in verse five. I want you to see revelation one five, because no one is teaching that water has magical mystical powers to wash sins away in and of itself because it’s some how Holy no, it is the connecting place where God’s power does. What only God’s power can do. But in revelation, chapter one, you’ll notice verse five. It mentions Jesus Christ. Yes. That’s where my focus is. If it’s not for Christ, I have no hope of salvation. And then the last part of verse five of revelation, one unto him that loved us. God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Yes, indeed, Jesus Christ and washed us from our sins. How in his own blood, this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins. Jesus says your blood is going to wash sins away. Jesus. Yes, that’s why I’m shedding it so that men might have their sins remitted or washed away. And so 50 years ago, an opportunity is granted to have my sins washed away, but that was available to me 50 years ago because of something that happened thousands of years ago in the area surrounding Jerusalem, where a Virgin conceived and brought forth a son and called his name Jesus. And he, he lived a sinless life. He died as a perfect sacrifice. See a Rose on the third day, he ascended into heaven and there then on the day of Pentecost from that day forward, men started accessing the benefits of his blood in ways that were official. And so moving now, I know that this may not be the exact anniversary of the day that you were baptized, but I would guarantee some of you in here today are thinking back to the day that you were baptized. And you think about it with me for just a moment. How did it feel when you came up out of that watery grave of baptism, having confessed Jesus Christ, to be the son of God, having made the decision you would repent having indeed believed Jesus Christ was the son of God that led you to make those other decisions. You now are buried just for an instant with your Lord in baptism. You come up just an instant later and you leave the old man of sin behind Romans chapter six, and you are now clean and you feel lighter than air. And you’ve been added to the church that Jesus bought with his own blood. Can you think back to that moment in your life, how much does it mean to you all these years later, that woman at the drive through, I told you about it, the Sonic stall, I started showing her some of the very same things I’ve been talking to you about these last few minutes. And before I could go to the last step, I talked about the need to first believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. After hearing faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God, Romans 10, 17, I started showing her the necessity of belief and without faith, it’s impossible to please God. And if you don’t believe he’s the Christ you’ll die in your sins. I started showing all men everywhere, been commanded to repent acts 17 and verse 30 confession is made with the mouth on to salvation, Romans 10, nine, and 10. And before I could even get the words out, she said this, she said, wait, just a minute. You’re taking me to water baptism, aren’t you? And I said, well, ma’am so far the only words that I’ve used are words from the Lord himself and inspired apostles. And those words have taken us this far. Let me just ask you if the words of Jesus would take us as far as water baptism. If the words of Christ would take us that far, shouldn’t we be willing to follow the, his words that far. And she acknowledged. Yes. And I said, well, Jesus said this. He that believe with, and this baptized shall be saved. He, that believeth not shall be damned March 16, 16. And she said, but wait a minute, sir, respectfully, there is not a drop of water in John three 16, John three 16, doesn’t have a drop of water in it. She said, and I said, ma’am respectfully. It doesn’t have to because John three and verse five, which comes before it is already soaking wet. And I could tell that this intrigued her. You remember what Jesus said in John three, five before he ever got to verse 16, he said, except a man be born of what water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus had told Nicodemus, you have to be born again to see the kingdom of God. And the Kadima says, well, how can a man be born when he’s old? What does he go into his mother’s womb a second time? And, and then be, but what do you mean born again? Jesus then clarifies except a man be born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. I want to tell you the true story that happened in Knoxville, Tennessee involving a 92 year old man named pop Collins. He’s reading his Bible, his large print Bible, as he did every day. It just so happened that his reading on this particular day fell to John three. And he’s reading of how Nicodemus has this conversation with the Lord. And then he reads verse five. But this time it stops him in his tracks except a man be born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God and pop starts lingering over this. And he starts thinking, I need to figure this out because if I haven’t done this, I cannot enter the kingdom of God. And I want to enter the kingdom of God. So I’d better make sure I’ve been born of water into the spirit. So I don’t miss out. And he starts just thinking it through. Okay. I know that a man has to be born of water and of the spirit, or he cannot wait a minute. Where was I reading? Just the other day. He was remembering where he’d read acts eight, where the Ethiopian nobleman had been to Jerusalem to worship. And now was headed back to Ethiopia, hundreds of miles away. And yet, even though he’s been to worship, he still reading Isaiah, the prophet in his chariot, that was not a regular occurrence for people to have a copy of God’s word hand that he and their chariots back then. So this man was of some means and he was using it to the best of his ability to learn the word. And so here he’s reading and Phillip runs up and joins him, gets in the cherry. It begins at the same scripture, preaches unto him Jesus. And after having preached the message of the Holy spirit to this Ethiopian nobleman acts chapter eight 36 says, as they went on their way, they came into a certain w a T E R water. And the eunuch said, see, here is water. What does hinder me to be baptized? Now, may I point out to you friends that in acts eight after hearing Jesus preached, you do not read the following. You don’t read as they went on their way. The Unix said to Philip, you know that sinner’s prayer you were talking about just a minute ago. Would this be a good time for you to lead me in that or teach me how to say that? Is that what you read in acts chapter eight? No, instead you read this as they went on their way, they came to a certain water. And even though there’s not a word said about baptism in verse 35 or any verse leading up to this explicitly here is the unique wanting to be baptized, but he’d heard Jesus preach. Well, yes, you preach Jesus. You’re going to preach his death. You’re going to preach this barrier. You’re going to preach this resurrection. And sure enough, having preached the death, the burial and the resurrection of Christ, the uniq understands that he needs to die to the practice of sin. Be buried with his Lord and a water, a grave of baptism and rise to walk in newness of life. Otherwise he would have had no interest and I’ll guarantee you if baptism had not been the proper response to that sermon, Philip would have said, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I think you’ve misunderstood something, sir. Where did you ever get the wrong headed idea? That water baptism is the way you respond to hearing Jesus preached. No, it’s not acts two. When Jesus was preached, what was the response? Water baptism act sate. You can trace it through the book of acts. And so here you see here is water. What does hinder me to be baptized? They both went down into the water, came up out of the water. They went on their way, rejoicing. He went on his way. Rejoicing in particular, the unit did. Now question pop Collins is reading this John three, five passage days after he’d read the passage and just mentioned in acts eight about a man who heard the message of the spirit and wanted to be baptized in water. And pop said, that’s got to be with this as talking about. So he called his preacher on the phone. He said, I want you to pick me up and take me down to the church building and baptized me so that I can enter the kingdom of God. That was his motivation. He wanted to enter the kingdom of God. His preacher said, pop, what are you talking about? You came to our revival years ago and you got down to the mourner’s bench and you asked Jesus to come into your heart. And you know that, that took care of that. Then you don’t need to be, have to be baptized. You’ve already been saved and you’re 92. And I’m not about to get you soaking wet and get you catching pneumonia and die. And then your family blames me for it. And no, I will not baptize you pop pleaded with him. But this verse says, if I don’t, if I’m not born of water to the spirit, I cannot enter the kingdom of God. His preacher said pop that is talking about how a woman, when she’s very close to her delivery time will her water will break. And then she’ll have the baby pop was 92, but he’s sharp as attack. He says, you’re telling me that this borne of water is about a woman about to give birth to a baby. That’s right. Pop says, this says, except a man be born. This isn’t talking about an infant being born. And are I read the other day about this man that just heard Jesus preached? And he pointed and said, see, here is water. Was that man pointing to a woman about to give birth to a baby? No. Well, what was he pointing at? Well, he was pointed at actual water. Well then that’s the kind of, I want to get in. Will you pick me? He wouldn’t do it. He would not take so pop got out the yellow pages. He starts going down the listings, calling churches. Guess what? Every single church he called, wanted to do with him over the phone, rather than come pick him up and take him to their church building and baptize him. Can you guess what everyone wanted to do over the phone with him? Why don’t you just bow your head and we’ll say a little prayer and we’ll take care of it that way. He said, no, I thought that took care of it years ago, but I didn’t know. This verse was in the Bible then. So he got desperate. He called Baptist hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. I would like for you to picture your on the switchboard that day and you answer Baptist hospital. How may I direct your call and the voice on the other end says, yeah. Could you connect me with the baptismal department please? I’m sorry. What? Oh yeah. Could you connect me with your baptizing department, sir? You do know you call the hospital, right? Well, yes, but because of the name of your hospital, I thought you might have someone there that could perform baptisms upon request and I’m requesting it. I just read in my Bible that Jesus said, except a man be born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. I want to enter the kingdom of God and I can’t find anyone to help me do it. I think perhaps it was Providence that just at the time he placed this call, the woman on the switchboard, a member of the young high church of Christ in Knoxville, Tennessee now known the South Knoxville church of Christ. She said, sir, you’re wanting to be baptized. Yes. Where do you live? She called her local preacher. Her local preacher went out to meet with pop. They took pop and taught him indeed the church that he was entering upon his obedience. And they took him and put him on a stretcher. I met Papa after he was baptized and never knew him before that. He told me this story that I’m telling you, his arms were about as big around as a broomstick handle. And that’s not much of an exaggeration. He was a feeble frail man, but they put him on a stretcher after taking this confession that he believed Jesus Christ was the son of God. And they dipped him quickly beneath that watery grave. And they brought him back up and pop Collins went on his way. Rejoicing because his sins had been washed away. He was now in the church of Jesus Christ. I don’t know how many years ago your baptism might’ve been, or if you are here today, for all I know needing to be baptized, I don’t know the entire makeup of the audience to whom I’m speaking. And I don’t know about those watching and what your needs may or may not be with reference to this matter. I can tell you this, the message has not changed in the 50 years since October 4th, 1970, the mode or manner has not changed this idea that yeah, it used to be by immersion, but now it’s okay. If you just decide to sprinkle poor. No, the Bible says in John three 23, John shows a certain spot because there was much water there. John three 23, you don’t need much water to poor. You don’t need much water to sprinkle in. The Greek word for sprinkle is ran teat. So you’ll never find it once with reference to baptism. The Greek word for pouring is a Greek word, K O C H E L, with a hard C H you don’t ever find a form of that word used with reference to baptism, signifying a pouring of water upon the head. What you see is that teeth. So to dip, to plunge, to immerse, it’s like a garment that’s being dyed. It’s completely submerged and then removed from the solution. You and I are completely submerged in water. We come forth and we’re cleaned. We’ve been made brand new by the blood of Jesus Christ that has washed our sins away. And that message hasn’t changed. The motivation hasn’t changed the manner or mode hasn’t changed and our mission to get others to do that has not changed either. Dear friends, I am spending my life to the best of my ability to try to get folks to do what I did 50 years ago And what others Did long before I ever did. Now baptism’s not the end. It’s the beginning and are close with Romans chapter six. I’d like for you to go there with me and, and notice with me this wonderful text in Romans chapter six, the Bible says that indeed, verse number four, we are buried with him by baptism into death. That like as Christ was raised up from the dead, by the glory of the father, even. So we also should walk in newness of life. I remember I’m sure you do coming up and feeling like bran, who no sin, no stain. I’m right with God. And then what I keep on trying to record myself to be dead under sin verse 11 and I don’t verse 12, let sin reign in my mortal body and obey them. The lesser of I don’t yield. Once again, my members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, verse 13, no I’ve obeyed from the heart. That form of doctrine delivered and being made free from sin. I become the servants of righteousness. In fact, because I want to have my sins washed away and serve God, that’s the component. I don’t just hand God this card on the day of judgment and say, this should get me where I want to be. Have I served God since the day I became his, have you? I hope that you have, and maybe there’s someone listening or someone here today that says, this is the day I need to begin my walk with Christ. Preached the gospel made it in Elizabethton Tennessee years ago. And there was the young lady that when the invitation song was sung, I’d never had anyone respond so quickly in any church service I’d ever been in where I’d preached as this woman did. She was young in her twenties. And I mean, as soon as the invitation song was sung, she was booking it down. She was booking it down the aisle. In fact, she just went straight for the door that led back to the baptistry. She knew where it was. The preacher got there just before she opened that door, ask her a quick question. She made one quick sentence to him and she kept going. And essentially she told him I’m not waiting another second to put on my Lord in baptism. And that day there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. As we watched her connect with the blood of Christ and have the blood of Christ, wash your sins away and add her to his church. I hope indeed. I have not been around that church in year since then. I hope indeed she’s remained faithful. I know there are some folks in scripture who did and some who did not. And that is why I know some are concerned about this pandemic and its impact longterm on the faithfulness of Christians, will some individuals fall away and never return will. I don’t know. Yes. I’m sure that the world is, if it stands, we’ll continue to have folks who, who leave their first love, but I’ll tell you this. There are others who are going to come to their first love for the first time and realize, you know what? I’m mortal. I’m not going to live forever in this human body, but I’m going to live forever somewhere. And I want it to be heaven. So I’m coming today and I want to be a Christian by hearing, believing repenting, confessing, and being baptized for the remission of sins. I’m doing that right now. Maybe you’re here today and you’re already a child of God, but not living like interacting like it. This second law pardon was offered to Simon. The sorcerer, after he was baptized, he believed he was baptized. Therefore he was saved. And then a few verses later he’s told repent that his wickedness might be forgiven. That’s the way you get things right after you’ve been scripturally baptized, then you pray and repent. So I’m asking today, I don’t know what your situation is. The invitation song is about to be sung and wouldn’t it be sweet? Who knows how this would work, but wouldn’t it be sweet if someday somewhere there is someone 50 years from this day of the Lord lingers that long who says in the year 2070, I remember October the fourth, 20, 20 that’s the day I was baptized 50 years ago to wash my sins away and to begin serving God. We’d love to see that happen today. As together we stand in saying, won’t you please come to Jesus the Oh, please be seated. We’re so grateful. Everybody’s been with us today. Today in closing, we would like to sing the song number five 78, 578. And then we’ll have our closing prayer. We will ratify the King of Kings. We will glorify the lamb, the Lord of Lords. we will worship him in righteousness. We will worship ham alone. He is Lloyd off hap and Lord over. He is Lord of a. He has Lord, I you never up you him. We yeah, yeah. To the King of Kings ha man. Yeah. To the ah, man. Yeah. To the Lord of Lords, who is the gray? I am Oh, spray a father who art in heaven. When he thanked me for this beautiful first day of the week and the opportunity we’ve had to come together as your children to sing these songs of praise and today, and to study that word, we pray that the things that we have learned here today will help us to become strong Christians and to be better servants in that kingdom. I pray that you’d be with those that have been mentioned today that are unable to be with us because of illness. We pray that you would be with them and comfort them. We thank Dee for the technology that we have this day and time that we can go into the homes or those that are more vulnerable to the virus. And that pay may be with us in spirit. We pray that you would be with the school of preaching in brother Clark, as he labors over there, that they can produce more young men that are willing to work. And I came to him to do serve thee. We pray that you would be, keep us safe and bring us back in the next opponent time. Forgive us the rest, sand and crash. Now we pray. Amen.
