1 Peter 5: Elders and Young Men and Zechariah 4: 07-19-2020 – Sunday AM Live Stream (Class and Worship)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons, Sermons by Aaron Cozort


CLASS: PETER – 1 Peter 5
Elders and Young Men  

Link to Questions

Sermon: Michael Dale: Giving As Worship

Questions for 1 Peter 5 class

  1. (yes or no) Did Peter say that he was an elder? 1 Peter 5:1  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. An elder should not shepherd the flock of Christians (a) eagerly, (b) voluntarily, (c) as a lord, or (d) being an example. 1 Peter 5:2-3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. How should the younger men treat the elders? 1 Peter 5:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. What is the reward to the humble?
    What should a Christian do with his anxiety? 1 Peter 5:6-7  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. The devil is likened to __________________. 1 Peter 5:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. What will be the result of faithful suffering? 1 Peter 5:9-10
  7. Jonah is classified as an Old Testament book of ___________. See Lesson 166 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We are in first Peter chapter five, run a, take a moment or two and discuss a few details from chapter four. Um, as we get into this closing chapter of, uh, this letter of first Peter, let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious and battlefield father in heaven. We bow before your throne grateful for the day that you’ve given to us and the life that you’ve blessed us with.

Grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis, we pray that you watch over us and care for us, that you be with those that are traveling. And those that are separated from us, we pray that you help us to strive daily, to live acceptably in your sight and to walk the path of righteousness before you, Lord, we pray that you be with those who are struggling because of illness.

Those that we know that are dealing with COVID and with other illnesses, but also, and especially those that are dealing with longterm and terminal illnesses, we pray that you comfort them, give them strength, help them to endure through difficult times. Lord, we pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and seek the, your forgiveness and repent of those things.

All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Peter, As he’s drawing these thoughts to a close we’ve said over and over again, his message to them revolves around because God, because God did this, you should do this first Peter chapter one, verse 16, be ye Holy for I am. Holy says the Lord because God is Holy be Holy because Jesus suffered.

That’s the end of chapter two. You also suffer, not suffer for wrongdoing, but suffer for right, doing, for doing good and do so willingly. But then he says in verse 15 of chapter four, but let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busy body and other people’s matters. Yet. If anyone suffers as a Christian,

let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter, Peter, as I think we mentioned on Wednesday and the other apostles had direct experience with this, we have recorded there in the beginning of acts a I think it’s chapter four, where they’re brought in and they’re arrested and they’re beaten. And then they’re released. And when they’re released they’re they glorify God because they got out right Now.

The text says they glorify God because they were counted worthy to suffer for his name, their glorying wasn’t in, we got home there. Goring was in, we were found worthy to suffer for Christ. Okay. So when he says yet, if anyone suffers as a Christian, he’s not talking subjectively, he’s not talking, eh, you know, theoretically,

he’s talking from experience and he’s telling them, you need to have this attitude. Then he’s Dez for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God. And if it begins with us first, what will the end of those who do not are? And what will be the end? We read all the words that works better. What will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

This passage, if we scroll back up and we go back to verse 12, the context here is based upon my research, my study, and, and, and this is an agreement with many other commentators is this passage is in a context of the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish nation that was coming. Okay. Jesus warned in Matthew chapter 24 and Mark chapter 13 in Luke chapter 21 that this destruction was coming and Jesus gave the signs that would be coming in advance of that destruction because they had showed him the,

the, the apostles had showed him the temple and showed him the stones of the temple and the glory of the temple. And Jesus said, there won’t be one stone left upon another. Now Peter’s immediate audience. His primary audience are Jewish Christians, many of whom in 80 65, when this is believed to have been written around that time are still in Jerusalem.

Now, what did Jesus tell his disciples about that destruction that was coming? What did he tell them to do? When they saw the signs take place?<inaudible> Flee. Get out, don’t go. If you’re up on the rooftop, don’t go back down into the house. When you see these come to pass you go. Now we don’t have a scriptural record of those events,

but we do have a historical one. And that is what Josephus recorded. Josephus recorded that the Roman empire came down and they came up to and besieged Jerusalem. And then for a period of time, they withdrew and according to Josephus every Christian in the city of Jerusalem, during that withdrawal left the city. And when that had occurred, after that short withdrawal,

the Roman empire came back in full force. They overtook the city and they decimated it. But Josephus records that not a single Christian died in the attack of Jerusalem. Now, Josephus is not a Christian. Josephus was a Jew. He was not even very favorable towards the Christians, but he’s writing a history for the Roman empire for Rome. And he’s recording these events and he’s they got out and they got out because Jesus told them exactly what to expect.

Now, when I said all of that, not to get back into chapter four, but to bring us to this, because he just said for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God, he’s talking about suffering. He’s talking about a judgment. That’s coming against Israel against Jerusalem, and this the things that are going to take place.

And he says, it’s going to be difficult for you when he says for the time has come for judgment to get at the house of God. And if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Now, if the righteous one is scarcely save, where will the ungodly in the center appear?

When he draws forward that quotation from the old Testament, he’s not talking about hearing the word of God, acting upon it. By faith, that faith producing repentance, being obedient to the gospel, having your sins washed away, being covered by the blood of Christ and having that blood of Christ continually cleanse you from your sins. As you walk in the light,

that’s not scarcely, will the righteous be saved. That is not what that passage is talking about. The context here is the destruction of Jerusalem. He said, when you get out and by the way, the word scarcely there means difficult when he’s warning them of the, this destruction, that’s coming. The judgment here, it’s not the day of judgment.

The judgment is the judgment upon Israel, the judgment upon the Jewish people, the judgment upon a nation that had departed from God. And Jesus said that their time was up now who left the city, the righteous Christians who heard what Jesus warned about and were saved from that judgment by obeying it. But it wasn’t without cost. It wasn’t without difficulty. It’s not as though they had all their possessions all packed up,

ready to go. And the moment that the Roman empire showed up, and then they withdrew, they just go grabbed all their possessions and they are no Jesus told them. You’re not even going to have time for that. You’re going to be out in the field. And you’re going to hear the word that the, that there’s a way out and you better take it.

And those who have children and mothers that have children, they’re going to be in a hard situation. And those who are pregnant are going to be a hard situation. Why? Because they’re going to be fleeing from an army while pregnant with difficulty, the righteous will be saved, but why were they going to be saved? That’s where it connects back to a reasoning from the lesser,

the salvation, from a judgment, a destruction of a city and a destruction of a nation to the greater, they were going to be saved from this destruction, this earthly destruction and this earthly war by hearing the word of God, Jesus, and doing what he said and that reasoning from the lesser to the greater, when you do that in this life,

you’ll be saved from the judgment he warned you about. And therefore, when you do that, ultimately in your spiritual life as well, you’ll get the same result. Okay? So he’s bringing them forward through this, this destruction, this judgment is coming. We’ve been warning you about it. We’ve talked about it. We’ve told you it’s going to happen and it’s nice.

It’s at hand. So be ready for it. But there’s a greater and more important judgment to also be concerned about. And that’s the judgment when, uh, you know, everything will be burned up. And he’ll talk about that in second, Peter. Okay. So then he says, therefore, drawing a conclusion. Let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in doing good as to a faithful creator.

You’re a Jew in Jerusalem, but you’re a Jew by, by a birth, but you’re a Christian and you’ve gone through trials and persecutions in Jerusalem, but you’ve stayed there. You continue to make your life there. Things have been hard, but you’ve gotten through it. And then the Roman empire shows up your home, your land, everything you have is there and you have to trust God enough to decide.

I’m not going to rely on the defenses of this. I’m not going to rely on these walls. I’m not going to rely upon our ability to stand in the past. I’m not going to rely on the possibility that there’s going to be a truce, a treaty or anything else. I’m leaving with what I have in my hand and what I have on my back.

And I’m leaving and I’m never coming back. Therefore, let those who suffer according to will of God commit their souls to him. God, if I leave everything I’ve ever known, if I leave everything that I I’ve ever I’ve created, I’ve built my life. Everything that we have, our home is here. You see this hurricane comes and you wee it.

It’s on the news. Every single time. There’s these people, they will not leave their sandbag in their house. They’re all the shoreline. They’re not moving. They’re not leaving. And inevitably, at some point, some of them don’t make it, but they decided that that, that place, that location, that stuff was more important than their life.

Peter says, no, you put your hands or your life, your soul in the hand of God and his, he carries you through the trials, the difficulties, the things that refine you and bring out the best in you as he does this. Then ultimately when you’re called upon to let go of everything you have in this life for your life, you do it.

And he is still faithful to you. So then we kind of have a shift, but we’re not done. We’re not done talking about suffering. Okay. We’re, we’re shifting to inside the congregation inside. How do you, how do you interact with one another? He’s going to now write to elders as an elder. Peter, by all indications of scripture was not only an apostle,

but also an elder in the church. And notice what we read the elders who are among you. I exhort I who Elm a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed. This almost feels like the beginning of a new letter that, you know, kind of like it’s, it’s it’s page one,

line one, I Peter writing. But, but Peter wants to address an issue. He doesn’t go into a description of people who are doing it wrong, but it’s one of these statements that says, if everybody’s doing it right, this, this wouldn’t be necessary, either that, or it’s just a warning, but he’s, this is an exhortation to you who are elders.

And this exhortation is about their relationship to the congregation, as well as their relationship to Christ. He says, I’m a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ. He begins in the intertwines in this whole discussion of suffering. The fact that he witnessed the sufferings of Christ when Jesus was there in the garden, as he was preparing to be betrayed and handed over to the Jews,

three disciples were taken with him from the edge of the garden, into the middle of the garden. Who were they? Peter, James and John. And then he left them there and he went a little further and prayed. And the Bible describes him being in agony. And he comes back to the three. And what were they doing? They were sleeping.

He says, couldn’t you watch with me for one hour. Now you go back and you read through the text and you read it carefully. And the likelihood is they’d been up for probably 24 hours or more at this point, they’re exhausted. But he says, watch and pray that you’d be led not into temptation. And then he goes back and he prays again for another hour.

And he comes back and they’re doing what sleeping. Peter says I was there, but he wasn’t just there. Then he was also there. When the soldiers came, who would drew his sword and attempted to defend his Lord, Peter, what did he end up doing with his sword? Making a mistake. He cut off Malcolm, had his ear. And what did Jesus do?

Put it back on. I don’t know if any of you have ever had an accident with a blade of any sort, but don’t, you just wish that you could just, just reverse that. And just, just, just put that back on gut. I’ve got a friend who’s missing a couple of fingers because of an accident with a blade. He,

I bet he wishes. He could just have put them back on, but Jesus did. Peter was there. Peter was there when Jesus told him, put your sword away, Peter. And he did. And Peter was there in the courtyard of the high priest when they put him on trial. And Peter was there at the cross when they hung him on it,

he says, I witnessed his suffering. And he says, I am a partaker of the glory to be revealed all throughout this book. Peter writes to them, trying to get them to realize that suffering in this life is not the end. It’s the beginning. It is here for a purpose to prepare us for glory to come as Jesus suffered. Remember Jesus in John chapter 17 at the beginning of that prayer said glorify me now with the glory that I had with you from the beginning,

he said, the hour is calm for me to glorify you, but God return me to the glory I had. So Jesus went through suffering to the glory on the other side. And Peter says, I’m a witness of the suffering and a partaker in that glory. But you only achieve that. If you suffer to any Christian who goes through life and they’ve never suffered for being a Christian,

something’s wrong because Jesus made it clear. They hated me the world. And they’ll hate you too. Sometimes I think we tone down our Christianity so that we don’t bother people. They should be bothered. Oh, not, not annoyed, not, not, you know, uh, you’re always thinking you’re better. No, they should be bothered by their own unrighteousness.

Ultimately it was the chief priests and the elders and the Pharisees and the scribes and the Sadducees own sins that caused them to hate Christ because he kept showing how they were hypocrites. He kept showing the difference between someone who was truly righteous and someone who just wanted to play righteous. So then he says, shepherd, the flock. Now remember he’s writing to these elders.

He said, you elders shepherd the flock. Now that command that instruction, that exhortation does not come without context because a shepherd not only feeds the sheep, a shepherd not only cares for the sheep, a shepherd not only carries the sheep when the sheep is lame or when the sheep is weak, the shepherd also protects the sheep. The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

You remember Jesus said that the difference between a shepherd and a hireling was a hireling fleas. When danger comes the shepherd doesn’t Jesus and Peter are instructing these elders. You shepherd the flock of God. You feed them. You care for them. You protect them. You help them. You nurture them and you suffer for them if you must. But he goes on to say,

shepherd, the volume of God, which is among you serving as overseers, not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain buddy yearly. He sets these things. These two areas in contrast one another, he says, don’t do it because somebody forces you to don’t do it because someone said, you’ve got to do this because no one else will don’t even do it because no one else will do it because it needs to be done.

Do it. He says willingly out of a desire to serve. Now, this is one of the things that we need to be careful about is because he uses the word overseers. And in our modern use of that word is an overseers kind of like the boss. You know, you go to a job site and there’s somebody, who’s the boss. And they walk around and make sure everybody’s doing their job.

There’s an aspect of that here in this word, where they oversee the work being done by others. That part’s true. But sometimes we mix in the mentality that the overseers, the guy who sits in a comfy chair and does nothing while he oversees people who do the real work. And that’s not an elder, an elder is the one who is laboring in front of others who is leading them.

Now, Peter would right. Or excuse me, the apostles would, would speak in acts chapter six, about there being things that they shouldn’t as the apostles at the time, spend their time doing. He said, it’s not useful for us to be serving tables instead of preaching the gospel. There’s many different jobs that need to be done, but he said,

this is a good work. Go find people who can do it. We need to find appropriate work. We need to find the right work for the right person, but there’s work to be done from elders all the way down to regular members there’s work to be done. But he says, you are ultimately responsible for the work being done. You’re the shepherd and you’re the overseer.

But he also says not for dishonest gain, but eagerly. This is there. There’s a number of passages that bring this out. But this is one of them where we get a clear picture that the first century church would pay their elders. We don’t do that very often. Now. I don’t know why we really ought to. If we looked at the value,

I mean, we just sat down and looked at the value of a full time minister to a congregation versus full time elders. I can tell you which one’s more valuable to the elders and they also have a greater responsibility. And so when we it in times and not saying it’s a requirement, but saying the new Testament makes it clear. It’s an option.

When we expect someone who is an elder, who’s in a position in their life who is able to lead and is qualified to lead, but they’re struggling to deal with the day to day details of a job, a family pay, you know, all the things to sustain their own living. There’s a very limited amount of time they can spend focusing on the,

and so it is one of those things that the new Testament makes clear that there are elders that number one, by being an elder, they’re worthy of it, the laborer is worthy of his hire and that’s speaking concerning elders. He also makes it clear though, that that shouldn’t be the motivation he’s writing to these elders. And he says, don’t, you dare take this position for money.

Not don’t be paid for it, but don’t do it for that reason. Do it eagerly, do it willingly, do it because you love the congregation. But then he goes on to say this nor as being Lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. Here’s one of those passages where there are times where people will come and they’ll,

they’ll try and shift this meaning because they don’t agree with what the elders chose to do. They’ll say, well, the elders aren’t supposed to tell us what to do. They’re not supposed to Lord over us. That’s not what this passage means. This passage is saying, do not Lord over them in self interest, do not make decisions for the congregation because that decision’s best for you.

Instead be an example to them. If a congregation begins to make decisions that that are incorrect, or maybe they want to do something that is in contrast or contradiction to the word of God, what are elders supposed to do, supposed to do? Are they supposed to say, well, I don’t have any authority to tell you you can’t. No, they’re not.

They’re supposed to act like shepherds. When, when a shepherd sees a sheep walking towards the cliff with his head down eating and grazing grass, what’s the shepherd supposed to do? Save the sheep, yank him out of danger and put it back on the right path. It is absolutely the end, the authority of elders to determine a direction for the congregation and to mandate one so long as that direction falls within what is scriptural.

But here’s what they’re not to do. They’re not to set a direction for the congregation that ultimately only serves themselves. There is exactly what Jesus accused, the scribes and the Pharisees and the high priests of doing. He said, you go out and proselytize. These Gentiles to them, children of the devil. You consume widow’s houses. You go, just go through Matthew 23,

over and over and over again. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa unto you. Because they were self focused. Peter says, elders, don’t you do that. But instead he says, be examples to the flock. And now we’re going to switch from their relationship to the church or to the church among them, the Christians, among them to their relationship to Christ,

which goes straight back to be because God he says, and when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. So as he tells them to do this and tells them what not to do, tells them how to do it and how not to do it. He reminds them they’re someone over you. They might be the shepherds in the congregation,

but there’s someone else who’s over them and it’s Christ. And he says, he’s going to appear and he’s going to appear. And when you’ve been faithful, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. But there’s a little implication there. What if they’re not faithful? How many times did Jesus illustrate? What happens when a vineyard owner or a Lord or a King goes and leaves his vineyard in the hands of husbandman.

And then he comes back and finds. They’ve been on faithful every time there’s judgment. And yet every time he comes back and they’ve been faithful, what is their reward? So by mentioning the reward, he implies the judgment upon those who are unfaithful. Then verse five, he says, likewise, you younger people submit yourselves to your elders. Yes. All of you be submissive to one another and be clothed with humility for God,

resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. As a younger person, I’m going to freely admit, there are times where it’s hard to submit to elders. It’s hard to submit to those who were over you because sometimes in the back of your brain, you’re going well, but I wouldn’t do it that way. And yet Peter says submit. But then he adds on to that.

All of you submit to one another, because what he’s getting us back to is get your self out of the discussion and start serving one another. You submit to one another because you’re willing to serve the other one. Peter was also there. When his Lord removed his outer garment and strapped the clothing of a servant on and washed their feet. He reminds them,

God resists the proud and the person who decides this is the way to do it. And there’s no other way to do it. And the elders have decided to do it wrong. So I’m not going to do what they say. Just back that up. Pride, pride, pride, pride. Peter says humility, humility, humility. And this comes from the apostle who by all indications of scripture struggled the most with pride.

He was always the first one to speak. He was the one who was always out there. He was, let me walk on the water. Let me come to you. Let Peter struggled in this area. And as an elder, Peter says, younger people submit to your elders. So then he says, therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,

that he may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon him for, he cares for you. This brings together the entire congregation. The elders are to do this, the members, or to do this, the younger, to do this, the older or to do this, all of them are to rely on God because he cares for you.

But then he says, be sober. Be vigilant. In this context is Peter is writing to them and he’s encouraging them to be mindful of their actions towards one another. He also warns them. You have an enemy. He says, be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour be sober means be mindful,

be alert, be awake. Be vigilant means, be ready, be ready for battle because you have an enemy. And it’s Satan. Peter was the one who Jesus told him that Satan desired to sift him as wheat Christ made it clear to Peter that Satan had his eye on Peter. I have my own opinion as to why that is, but, but,

and I’ll share it with you and you can give me your opinion. If you disagree with me, I think Satan knew if he could get Peter, he could get every one of the apostles. I firmly believe if he could turn Peter, he could get Judas and not get any of the others. But if he could get Peter, he could get them,

all people with influence and people with a personality that was like Peters was where people followed them. And people agreed with them. They’re people who have to be very aware, because if they get led astray, they’ll never go by themselves. Others will always go with them. And so he says he is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. When does the lion roar,

as there are, as they are pouncing, all you, you watch all the, all the animal videos they sneak up to their prey. The roar is what happens is they’re attacking the prey. So he says, be sober, be vigilant. If you’re sober, if you’re vigilant, you see Satan approaching before he starts roaring, before he starts attacking.

But then he says, resist him steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world, but may the God of all grace who called us to his eternal glory be, or by Christ Jesus. After you have suffered a while, perfect establish, strengthen, and settle you to him. Be the glory and dominion forever and ever.

Amen. Uh, one of these days, I’m going to do a sermon on those four words, perfect establish, strengthen, and settle. You put those four words in your mind and draw together. All this discussion about suffering all the discussion back to his description of it, refining you as fire and put those four words in that context and see how all this discussion summarize is summarized in those four words.

But then he says by Sylvania is our faithful brother. As I consider him, I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying, that this is the true grace of God in which you stand. He told them to be steadfast in the faith, in resisting Satan. And he told them continue to stand in the grace of God. He then says she who is in Babylon elect together with you,

greets you. And so does Mark my son many believe. And I think they’re probably right, that this letter was written from Babylon, from Babylon was not the great magnificent place. It was the days of debit Cadenza, but it still existed. So from Babylon, greet one another with a kiss of love, peace to you, all who are in Christ.

Jesus. Amen. Let’s go through the questions. Question number one. Yes or no. Did Peter say that he was an elder? Yes. Question two. An elder should not shepherd the flock of Christians, a eagerly be voluntarily. See as a Lord or D being an example. See, as a Lord, how should the younger men treat the elders submit themselves?

What is the reward to the humble? God will lift them up. What should a Christian do with his anxiety? Alright, rely on God. The devil is likened to roaring lion. What will be the results of faithful suffering crown glory? Um, hold on to spit out a crown of glory or eternal glory either. Either one of those would be acceptable.

There a crown of glory goes back to the previous verses, but a right there as eternal glory, Jonah is classified as an old Testament book of, I think I heard it prophecy. Minor prophet. Yes. Okay. Thank you for your attention. We will be dismissed until the worship hour<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. It’s good to see all of your social distancing this morning,

all spread out like we’re supposed to be. It’s good to see everybody here this morning here at the Chi. Well church, her Christ Sunday morning service. If we have any visitors, we’d appreciate it. If you take one of the yellow cards and fill it out. So we’d have a record of your attendance. Uh, if you need to, I think everybody,

I don’t see any visual. So everybody knows to pick up your Lord’s supper and put your donation in the back. So, uh, that’s taken care of, remember our sick Rodale and Dorothy Wilson and, um, Jones. Springer is still on able to be with us, Pam, still not with us because of her back problem. Sylvia’s here this morning.

Good to see her where she is still having back pain. And she will have an MRI Friday, the nationwide gospel meeting flyers on the table. If you participate in it every night, um, You got a card that will be put on the boat on the board back there this morning from the Richardson’s. It says thank you all for the wonderful card and gift you sent us home with.

There’s definitely a hole in our heart from leaving such a great group of people. We’re thankful that we’re able to spend our time at Memphis school of preaching with you. Thank you for letting us be a part of your family. We’re your home now and settled in to our funny farm. We brought pigs home this week and hoped to add some chickens and Guinea soon.

We love y’all and miss you, uh, Eric Holly, Cassie, and Matt and we’ll. And I know we miss them this month, our monthly meeting, a thank you card from the Lewis and Martha Rushmore Lewis road. Thank you for a little lending us, Rebecca for the summer. Your gift of $200 permits us to work daily with literature and make plans for distribution overseas.

We are scheduled to go to Asian countries in October, and that card has to be signed. There’s hot on the table in the foyer man. We’ll meet Monday, July the 27th at six 30 and a sound later be Aaron Cozort, uh, Joe Case and lead singing. Lord supper, Tommy O’Neil and Michael will have the sermon today and Eric Howard and we’ll have a closing prayer.

Thank you. Number one, 147 will be our first song. Number 147. All of the songs should be honest. The slides this morning seeing all four verses I stand amazed in the<inaudible> Jesus<inaudible> and one, uh, how he could, uh, me<inaudible><inaudible> wonderful. And my song<inaudible> wonderful is my SAIC. For me, for me,

it was in the God. Then he pray not my will, but he had no tears for his own grave. MAs sweat drops of blood form. Uh<inaudible> and my song<inaudible> is my Savior’s for me.<inaudible> came from<inaudible> to come put him in those or Ross he bought for my soul that a wonderful land. My song<inaudible> wonderful is my save yours for me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> wonderful.

And my song,<inaudible> my joy through the<inaudible> of his love for me.<inaudible> wonderful. And my song<inaudible> wonderful is my same yours for me. Our next song before our opening prayer will be number 709, 709. How sweet, how heavenly sing all five verses. Um, Sweet. How has the, is the side when those that love the<inaudible>,

uh, the ESPYs, the Lyda and so forth. Uh, when he, she can feel his bruh the side and with him bear up.<inaudible> when saw rough flow from eye to eye and joy from heart to, uh, when free from, and we score and pride, uh, which is all up, up each can, his brother’s fan wings,

I dance and show a brother, uh, when, uh, then won the, uh, full stream through and every book, um, laws, when you, yes, we need. And here is the man, every action<inaudible>, uh, is the golden chain that binds the happy souls. Uh, um, and he he’s and<inaudible> is buzz up glow with,

uh, Bow, Oh God, our father in heaven, we truly are thankful into the, for the privilege that we’ve had today to come and worship you. We’re so thankful, dear God, for your love for us. And the love that was shown through your blesses son, when he came and died upon the cross of Calvary, giving his life and shedding his blood for us father,

we’re so grateful for your word that we’re able to study together as we have this morning. And we’re so thankful for the lessons that we learned from it that might strengthen our faith and cause us to be better servants in the kingdom and be more mindful of one another. And especially of those that are outside the body of Christ father, we pray that you strengthen this each day as we continue to study and encourage each other.

We’re so thankful for the family of God that meets here and for every member of her and help us to continue to love each other. As you have loved us father, we’re grateful for our visitors today, and we pray that you be with them and bless them for having come this morning. We pray that you be with Michael as he delivers your word today to us and pray that we might gain much from the study that he brings forth to us.

Father. We’re mindful of Eddie and the boys, as they will be traveling home tomorrow, we pray for their safety. Pray. You bless them and be so grateful for them being back with us father, we are also mindful of the Richardson family and pray that you continue to bless them. And the work they’re doing there at home, we pray much,

much comes from them because they give much. And we pray that you bless those that are able to hear them and be with them. Their father we’re mindful of those that are in other lands, teaching and preaching your word. And we pray your special blessings to be the DePalma’s and the rush mowers. We pray that we’ll always continue to encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity where mindful father of those that are not able to come today.

And we pray that you bless them and let them know that we’re thinking about them. And we love him. And we do miss him. We pray father for those that are having physical problems, that we might always be attentive to their needs and try to lift them up in some form or fashion. We pray for those father that are under the care of Potter.

And we pray for the orphans and the unwed mothers. There, we pray father that we might continue to encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity and support that the efforts that are being used there to teach those young people, the gospel of Jesus Christ and that they continue to come to belief of your word and be obedient to it and become children of yours.

Father bless us in our efforts here at Collierville. We pray. We continue to try to do your will and be good example before others in this community that we might say or do something that might bring them to an understanding of your wheel. And they want to be obedient to it. That’s us in our worship today. And we pray it would be acceptable.

We’re thankful for Aaron as he directs us in our song service, bless him and watch over him in Jesus name. We pray amen song before the Lord supper will be number 344, 344. We’ll sing all three verses and then the chorus low in the grave. He lay<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh, dad G she sees us my<inaudible> G she sees,

uh, smile save, uh, he<inaudible>, uh, eh, she sees, uh,<inaudible> uh, from the grave. He Rose with a mighty try on for his falls. He, uh, Rosa Victor from<inaudible>. We have the opportunity to just time to eat of this bread and drink this cup. To remember the death of our savior,

who willingly gave his life for our sins. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you so much for Christ our savior. We thank you for this bread, which does represents his body then was hung on a cross for our sins. As we partake of this bread, dear God would pray that each one of us would think of the agony that Christ suffered for each of us,

because of the love has for us. He sings. We ask in his name, amen, What’s your problem with me, Heavenly father. We continue with our thanks for this fruit of the vine, which just represents the blood of Christ that was shed for each of us as weeper. Take of it, help each one of us to do it. So with truly thankful heart,

we pray that this might be acceptable under the, this we ask in Christ’s name, amen With me, Our heavenly father. We thank you for all blessings that we receive daily. We thank you for the mains that we have to provide a living par sales in our family. We know that we truly are blessed in this country, dear God, We pray as we return under the a part of that,

that you have blessed us with, that we would do so with a cheerful, happy heart, pray that these funds would be used to spread your word throughout the world. This way, asking Christ name. Amen. If you would like to, you may Mark number 936 number 936. This will be the song of invitation after Michael’s lesson. Lord, I’m coming home before the lesson,

we’ll sing number 376. If you would let us all stand as we sing this song, number 376, if you will stand and then remain standing for the scripture reading to follow, he paid a debt 376. He paid dad. He did not. Oh, hi dad. I could not, Hey, I needed some lawn to wash my<inaudible>. Now I see being a brand new song,

amazing Grise<inaudible> that I could never, eh, he pain<inaudible> cleanse my soul and send me free. I’m glad that jeez, us did all my<inaudible>. I now can see being a brand new song. Amazing Greg<inaudible> man. I could never, eh, one day he’s calm being back home me to live with him eternally. Won’t it big Laurie to see him on that.

Eh, I then will see being a brand news song. Amazing Greg<inaudible> that I could never, eh, Scripture reading this morning will come from second Corinthians chapter nine, second Corinthians chapter nine and in verse seven, read. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not ragingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver. Please be seated.

Good morning, everybody. This and being able to be back today. It’s nice to be in the building, worshiping with everybody in person. It’s totally different. You still worship the Lord, but it’s much better when you get to be in the presence of all of your brother and this morning, I know, uh, it’s been a while since I’ve been up here,

but I’ve been working on the five acts of worship putting together good sermon series. And this morning, I want to speak to all of you about a giving attitude. We’re going to be reading first from second Corinthians, chapter nine, verses six through eight, second Corinthians nine, six through eight. But this I say he, which so is sparingly shall reap also sparingly.

And he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bound to flee every man, according as he has purposes in his heart. So let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God. Loveth a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work as Christians. We are commanded to give and not just give,

but give with the right attitude. Do you remember being a child? I know. So for some of us that may be a little harder, but remember back to the days of being a child, how happy it was that we got to do anything with our parents, our mother would say, let’s clean the house and you’re rushing around looking for the vacuum or the cleaning supplies you were.

You’re just so excited about this. And your father says, I need you to come, help me work on the car. And you’re out there holding a wrench before he even has a chance to get changed into his car, working clothes. Your parents tell you here’s your money for God. And you could not wait for the collection plate to come by.

So you could give every cent. Your parents gave you without hesitation, somewhere along the way we lose that innocence. And it becomes almost a chore to give our hard earned money to God. As a child, helping our mother to clean taught us to keep a clean, tidy house. As we got older, helping our father to work on the car,

taught us simple things like at least being able to change a tire or air filter or something of that sort as a, as a man, myself, helping my father help me to know how to rebuild an entire car. So our godly parents teach us in all things that we should go and the way that we should go when we grow Proverbs 22 and verse six,

read with me, Proverbs chapter 22 and verse six,<inaudible> Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, he will not depart from it. As a child being taught by our parents to give all we had should have carried over in like manner to our adulthood as cleaning and working on a vehicle. We need to remember as adults that everything is the Lords,

Deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 14. Read with me Deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 14, Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, the earth also. And all that they’re in is everything is the Lords as children. We understand that we need to give to God happily. We as adults, that every possession on the earth is the Lords Psalm one Oh four 24,

Psalm one Oh four 24<inaudible> Oh Lord. How manifold are thy works and wisdom has thou made them all the earth is full of VI riches. All throughout the old Testament. We see how God commands his children to sacrifice from the wealthy to the poor. He gives commands as written in the book of Leviticus. The Lord even commands a specific amount of the income from the children of Israel.

Let’s read of this Leviticus, 27, 30 through 34 Leviticus, 27, 33 34. And all the tie that the land, the tie there’s a 10th, whether of the seed or the land or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord’s. It is Holy unto the Lord. And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tides, he shall add there,

there to the fifth part thereof and concerning the tie of that, the herd or the flog even have whatsoever. Passeth under the rod. The 10th shall be Holy unto the Lord. He says, not search, whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it. And if he changed it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be Holy.

It shall not be redeemed. These are commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses for the children of Israel and Mount Sinai. They didn’t just give a 10th of what they made every month of what they made every week. They gave a 10th of everything they owned. Every time they gave, some of us may be thinking, well, that’s the old Testament,

right? But as Christians, we are commanded to give and not just give, but give with the right attitude. We must give bound to flee. We must give purposefully and we must give cheerfully first, let us take a look at giving to flee. What does the word bound to flee mean to you? Think about it for a second bound to flee.

I use dictionary.com because it gives us the most modern definition of things. dictionary.com bound to flee means liberal and be stowing gifts, favors or bounties generous. According to Vine’s dictionary bound to flee literally means with blessings. That is that blessings may accrue. So if we put the definition from vines and from dictionary.com together, to have a greater understanding, we understand that bound to flee is to liberally bestow blessings.

So that blessings may be bestowed upon us. We are told if we want to receive many blessings, we must so many blessings turn with me to second Corinthians chapter nine in verse six, Paul through inspiration uses an example of a farmer sowing and reaping to make it easier for the people of the day to understand second Corinthians chapter nine and verse six<inaudible>. But this I say he which so if sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

This passage does not imply that if you give more money, you will receive more money for your own personal use, but that in sewing or giving bound to flee, you will be blessed. I think of an old time farmer out there and just pinching some off and sprinkling it out versus the farmer who had grabbed handfuls and just toss it everywhere. The more seeds you have out there,

the more bound to fall your crop is going to be. If you’re a sparse with your seed, then you’re barely going to get any crop back. So what does the context teach us about this bountiful sowing? If we look at the context, Paul is not just asking about spiritual blah, not just talking about spiritual blessings, but speaking to the Corinthian church about monetary blessings.

Look at second Corinthians chapter nine, verse five, right above the verse. We just read second Corinthians nine and verse five. Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren that they would go before you and make up beforehand your bounty, where a ye had noticed before that the same might be ready as a matter of bounty. And not as of covetousness,

sewing bounds of flee will give us all sufficiency or what we need to survive spiritually and physically look with me in the fall in verse eight of second Corinthians chapter nine, and God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That she always having all sufficiency in all things. We still bound to flee not only to survive, but so we can help others continue reading in verse eight with me,

we’ll start back at that. Ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work, all the good works that we can do to help others. This is one of the reasons why we give bounds of flee. Where do we get the seed to sow bountifully? God has given us everything that we need. Let’s turn to second Peter chapter and verse three second,

Peter chapter one and verse three.<inaudible> According as his divine power hath given unto us, all things that pertain with unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that have called us to the glory and virtue. He’s given us everything that we need. God provides all that we need. Let’s read what Jesus says about this topic. Matthew six 25 through 34,

Matthew chapter six verses 25 through 34.<inaudible> Jesus says, therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor yet for your body. What you shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body more than Raymond behold, the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feeds them.

Are you not much more than they, he takes care of the birds of the sky. Of course, he’s going to take care of us, which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature and why take he thought for Raymond consider the lilies of the field, how they grow? They toil not neither do they spin. And yet I see in to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed.

Like one of these wherefore, if God, so clothes, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven. Shall he not much more clothe you? Oh, ye of little faith. Therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal, shall we be closed for after all these things,

do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father, Noah that he have need of all these things that ye have need of all these things, but seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you take therefore no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

God gives us everything we need to so bound to flee and to reap bound, to flee. We know that he will provide for us. We must be careful not to. So expecting a financial return though, our reward is not in the flesh, but in the spirit, Galatians chapter six, verses seven through nine, Galatians six verses seven through nine,

the inspired writer, the inspired writer, Paul writes be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever. A man soweth that shall he also reap for he that psoas to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that so us to the spirit shall of the spirit reap everlasting life and let us not be weary in well doing for in due season,

we shall reap. If we faint not, we will reap the benefits of our spiritual sewing. We cannot serve two masters. Jesus tells us in Luke chapter 16 and verse 13, Luke 16 and verse 13. We are servants. All of us, Christians and no servant can serve two masters for either. He will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.

You cannot serve both God and mammon. Mammon is wealth or money. You can’t serve both. You’re either a servant of God or you’re a servant of your wallet. If we try to hang on to our money, it will bring much sorrow. Let’s read first Timothy six, nine and ten first Timothy chapter six, verses nine and 10. But they, that will be rich,

fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lust, which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after they have earned from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. When I think of giving bounds of flee, I think of the poor widow that Luke wrote about in his gospel account in Luke chapter 21 verses one through four,

let’s read that account, Luke 21, one through four, Luke chapter 21 verses one through four. And he looked up and saw the Richmond casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting and feathered two mites. That’s less than a penny today. And he said of a truth. I say unto you that this poor widow has cast in more than they all for all these have of their abundance cast and cast in unto the offerings of God.

But she out of her opinion, which is her poverty have cast in all the living that she had. She did not give bountifully because she gave a lot of money like the wealthy men did, but she gave bound to flee because from her heart, she gave every little piece of copper that she had. We do not just give bound to flee, but we must give purposefully.

Now, what does purposefully mean to give with purpose? Right? dictionary.com States. It is to set as an aim intention or goal for oneself Strong’s dictionary States. It is to choose for oneself before another things or by implication to purpose or intend before we give we are to purpose or have an intention on what we are giving in our heart. Second Corinthians chapter nine and verse seven.

Let’s go back to second Corinthians chapter nine, and we’ll read the first part of first seven, second Corinthians nine, seven, every man, according as he has purposes in his heart. So let him give. So as we have put in our mind, this is what we’re going to give. Then we make sure that we give it. We are not to give feeling like we are being robbed.

As Paul through inspiration writes, our giving is not to be of necessity. Let’s continue reading verse seven of second Corinthians chapter nine, not grudgingly or of necessity for God. Loveth a cheerful giver. We don’t begrudge the money. We don’t shake as we put that check or that cash into the, into the offering plate. We do it because we’re happy about it.

We are to give willingly and with joy, let’s go back and look at what David said about this first Corinthians or first Chronicles, 29 17 first Chronicles, chapter 29 and verse 17. I know also my God that thou try us to the heart and has pleasure and uprightness as for me and the uprightness of mine heart, I have willingly willingly offered all these things.

And now have I seen with joy thy people which are present here to offer willingly unto thee? We don’t give because we’re commanded to, we give because we are willing. We want to, because we want to, we are to give from a willing mind, second Corinthians chapter eight and verse 12. Look with me in second Corinthians chapter eight and verse 12 for if there be first a willing mind.

It is accepted according to that, a man hath and not according to that, he has not, we don’t need to worry about, I can’t give everything I want to give. It’s accepted that we give from what we have our giving is not just another bill that we must, it is to further the work of the Lord. We don’t set this up like an automatic payment.

This is not something that we have to do, although it is commanded. It’s something that we should want to do. We give because we want to not because we have to. When I think of giving purposefully, I think of the Macedonians as Paul wrote about them. Let’s read of the Macedonian. Second Corinthians chapter eight, verses one through four, just a little bit further up on the chapter that we’re in.

Currently. Second Corinthians eight, one through four<inaudible> Moreover brethren. We do you to wit of the grace of God, bestowed on the churches of Macedonia. How that in great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality for, to their power. I bear record yea and beyond their power. They were willing of themselves praying us with much entreaty that we would receive the gift and take upon us.

The fellowship of the ministering of the saints. The Macedonians had purpose to help the Christians in Jerusalem and nothing was going to keep them from giving what they had purposed nothing, not hardships. They were going through, not their poverty. The Macedonians did not just so show us how to give purposely, but in this instance, they also showed us, we must give cheerfully.

What does cheerfully actually mean? dictionary.com States that cheerfully means to be full of cheer in good spirits, Hardy or in grudging, according to Strong’s dictionary and the Greek cheerful as actually the word hilarious where we get the word hilarious from laughter. You’re supposed to give with great laughter in your body. It is to be cheerful or glad, prompt or willing as having acted wisely.

And now being glad in heart, our giving should bring us to great gladness of heart. Like the Macedonians let’s read again, verses one and two here of chapter eight, moreover brethren. We do you to wit of the grace of God, bestowed on the churches of Macedonia. How that in a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy in their affliction,

they had an abundance of joy and in their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. I just, I love this occasion of the Macedonians. They, they let nothing hold them back and they did everything they could to, to bring forth as much as they possibly could to help the suffering brethren. There should be no hesitation in our giving. The Macedonians begged to give let’s read verses three through five,

again of second Corinthians chapter eight, four to their power. I bear record yea and beyond their power were willing of themselves praying us with much intrigued that we would receive the gift and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering of the scenes and this, they did not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God.

The children of Israel are another good example of this type of giving. At least sometimes in their path, they gave so much that they were forced to stop. Let’s look at this example, we’re given an Exodus chapter 36 verses one through seven Exodus, chapter 36 verses one through seven, Then rot Bezalel and a Holy app. And every wise hearted man and whom the Lord put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary.

According to all that, the Lord had commanded and Moses called Bezaleel and a Holy ad and every wise hearted man and whose heart, the Lord had put wisdom. Even everyone who’s heart stirred him up to come onto the work to do it. And they received of Moses, all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary to make it with all.

And they brought yet unto him free offerings. Every morning, they were giving to help build the tabernacle and also just giving free offerings. All the wise men that rot all the work of the sanctuary came every man from his work, which they made. And they spake unto Moses saying the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded to make.

And Moses gave commandment and they cause it to be proclaimed throughout the camp saying, let neither man, nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing. They had to restrain them from giving more for the work of the Lord for the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it and too much,

they had too much already and they were still bringing more and more and more. They couldn’t stop them from bringing to the Lord to make sure that the work of the Lord was fulfilled. If we give cheerfully, we will be blessed. The blessings of giving with a cheerful heart are unfathomable. Let’s go back to second Corinthians chapter nine and verse eight, second Corinthians chapter nine and verse eight.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That G always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work, no matter how hard we try, we will never be able to outgive God, turn with me to Ephesians chapter three, verses 20 and 21, Ephesians chapter three, verses 20 and 21. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding,

abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh within us, unto him, be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world, without end. Amen. How can we ever I’ll give the sacrifice of the Christ. God will take care of the cheerful giver. Let’s see Philippians chapter four and verse 19, Philippians four 19.

But my God shall supply all your need. According to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus, everything we need, he’s going to supply. We don’t need to worry. When we put our offering that we have decided to give in our hearts. If we’re going to be able to pay that next bill, or if we’re going to be able to buy groceries for our family,

that is not what we put our minds on. When we’re giving to the Lord as Christians, we are commanded to give and not just give, but give with a right attitude. We must always remember to give bound to flee. That is to give our blessings liberally. We must always remember to give purpose purposefully that one always twists my tongue up purposefully.

That is to give, as we have intended to give, not just what we have decided to give at the moment. We must always remember to give cheerfully. That is to be happy to give, because we know all that has been given us by Christ. Let us always remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive acts chapter 20 verse 35.

Let us go back to that mentality we had as a child, when our parents gave us the money that we wanted to give so badly for the offering for Christ said, barely I say unto you, except you be converted and become as little children. You shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven, Matthew 18 three to be converted and become like little children who must first hear the word of faith.

Romans 10, 17. We must believe that Jesus is the Christ. John eight 24. And we must repent of our sins. Luke 13, one through three. We must confess that Jesus is the Christ before men openly Matthew 10 32. We must be immersed in the water for the forgiveness of sins, acts 2216, and we must live faithful unto death.

First, John one, six and seven. We are to walk in the light as he is in the light. So we can have fellowship with one another revelation, two 10. If we do this, we will receive a crown of righteousness. If all, if you are ready to follow this simple plan of salvation, the waters of baptism have been prepared.

If you need the prayers of the, we are here for you because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man of Ellis, much James five 16, whatever your need, please come forward as we stand in scene. Uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> to, um, uh, uh,<inaudible> also<inaudible>. Uh<inaudible> so I<inaudible>, I<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh,

uh, uh, um, uh<inaudible>. Oh, I am<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> also<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible>. Oh, so my<inaudible> my, uh, is<inaudible> my strength. My<inaudible> also<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> uh, uh<inaudible>. Oh, so I want to thank Michael for that lesson this morning and appreciate all those who served within the worship this morning,

take your songbooks and turn the number 77, number 77, gonna sing all three verses of this song. And then we will be led in our closing prayer. Remember to observe social distancing and wave that everyone speak from a distance, but it is good to see each and every one of you here this morning, and we appreciate your presence. Number 77.

Well, we love you. We, uh, ship and, uh,<inaudible>,<inaudible> all the, uh,<inaudible> jeez, uh, sweet of you. We, and, uh, you<inaudible> all the, uh,<inaudible> and all the, uh,<inaudible> Please bow with me. Our father in heaven. We come to you at this time,

thanking you for another opportunity to build, to assemble here this morning, sing songs, praise your great name, but most importantly, hear another portion of your word. God, we ask that you help each and every one of us take the message that was brought to us by brother Michael this morning and apply it to our lives and share it with those around us.

So we may better serve you here on earth. God, we also know that there’s many amongst our brother and sisters here that are suffering from various illnesses and ailments. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms around them and their families, and reach out to the physicians and the care providers for these individuals. And if it be your will restore them to a measure their health,

that they may one day again, assemble with us to worship your great name. We know Lord also that we each and every one of us fall short of your glory from time to time. And when we do, we ask that you forgive us of our shortcomings and pick us back up again. Now, as we prepare to depart this facility, we ask that you guide garden direct each and every one of us until we return at the next appointed time.

We pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen.
