03-28-2021 -Live Stream – The Commandment that Saves Souls (N. Olson)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcription

We are in acts chapter 15. The Bible says that we are to not be envious of others. We are also to confess our faults and I have to confess I’m envious of Janet this morning. I talked to her and said, how in the world can you have lived in a place that has allergies this bad for all these years? And she said,

I don’t have allergies. So I just got to admit I’m just a little jealous. Yeah. In that case, I’m looking forward to reaching the age where I can forget I have them. Oh. So when you hear me All, all through class, it’s not COVID I guarantee it. It’s not it’s that yellow pollen out there. All right. We are,

as I mentioned, we’re an acts chapter 15, and we’ll begin with a word of prayer. It is so good to see each and every one of you this morning. And it’s a beautiful day after a nice storm, but it’s good to see your smiling faces. Let’s pray our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for your many blessings,

grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis in all. And, and in recognition of your great power that with a word, you could bring this universe into existence. And by the word of your mouth, you could create everything that is. We struggle so much even just to control the, the many nuances of, of our own daily lives.

And yet we recognize that you reign over all that is, and that it continues to exist by the word of your power. But we are in so much greater, all that through your word, salvation has come through your word. Grace can be found through your word. Redemption is brought nine to each and every individual in the entire world who would, but here believe and obey.

We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study, as we focus our hearts and our minds on the, of the church in the first century. And we remind ourselves that there have always been struggles and difficulties and things to overcome within the body of Christ. That that is nothing new, nor will it go away before this world ends.

And yet that you are in charge and that you reign Supreme and that all we have to do is be obedient to you. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. When we struggled to understand and struggled to perceive what you are doing in this world, and yet help us to, by faith obey, which you have told us to do all this.

We pray in Jesus name, Amen. In acts chapter 14, verse one Only one we read. And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lister. I conium and Antioch strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying, we must through many tribulations, enter the kingdom of God,

Paul and Barnabas, as they are returning from their first missionary journey. They’re returning To what city did they Leave from? Jerusalem or some other place? Antioch of Syria. Okay. They did not originate this missionary journey in Jerusalem. They originated it in Antioch and they’re returning to Antioch going back the same path that they had taken on their way out. So when they had appointed elders in every church and prayed with fasting,

they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. And after they had passed through Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. Now, when they had preached the word in Perga, They went down to Adeline. And from there, they sailed to Antioch where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work, which they had completed. This word,

commended keeps showing up. As they’re coming back, They’re meeting with the churches, they’re appointing elders and they’re commending them To the Lord When they left Antioch. We remember that the Holy spirit said separate out Barnabas and Saul for the work that I have chosen for them to do. And the church gathered together and they prayed and they fasted and they laid their hands on them.

And they sent them. There’s this understanding that we are to have That when we’re separated from one another, when we’re separated from those we love when we’re separated from other Christians That we don’t Have to go through every day, wondering are they okay? Is everything will be all right? I know this is a struggle for mothers when children Leave home, because you’re like,

I did everything I could while they were here. I think I, and then you count all of the things that you didn’t do right in your brain reminds you of all the times you failed. But then you, you just, at some point, If they’re faithful to the Lord, if they’re doing what’s right, if they know what’s right, You let go and allow them to walk their path before God,

some parents were robbed of that opportunity. You remember when Jacob is There and he sends his son Joseph to go check on his brothers. And Joseph goes to check on his brothers. And when he arrives to check on those brothers, his brothers look at him and they despise him. They hate him for everything. He’s said, the dreams that he’s had,

the favoritism, his father has shown him and they said, Let’s kill him. And ultimately The, the Hess of one of the brothers, they don’t kill him, But they do Take him, strip him of that coat, throw him in a pit. They eventually take that coat and dip it in the blood of, of a Ram and take it back to their father.

And they sell their brother Into slavery In an age of probably 17 or 18 years old. Joseph in a very odd sense gets commended to the Lord for the work that God had set in store for him. And it gets done by his brothers who hated. They laid their hands on him and they sent him out and they didn’t even know And realized they were doing it to save their own Lives just a few short years from that.

But I say all that to say, As we go through life, when we are separated from those who are faithful Christians, when a person is out on a missionary journey, or when someone is dealing with the difficulties of life or the difficulties of a congregation, we need to become Reliant on the Lord. And that’s what This whole word commended carries with.

It is they are not, the churches are not reliant on Paul and Barnabas. They are not reliant on the church in Jerusalem. They are not reliant on the church in Antioch. They are reliant on the Lord and they stay in independent, autonomous and alone. And yet as a part of the universal church, as a church of Christ before God, and with the understanding that God was fully capable of supplying their needs.

And so they travel back to Antioch. And when they had come and gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them. And that he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. This news comes back to Antioch, and this was exactly what the Holy spirit had intended for Paul and Barnabas. And that’s what Paul says is he reaches the other Antioch and preaches there and acts chapter 13.

When the Jews reject what he had told them, when the Jews are envious of the Gentiles who have come to hear Paul and Barnabas on that second Sabbath, Paul and Barnabas say, you have rejected yourselves before God. Now we’re turning to the Gentiles and they will. So they stayed there a long time with the disciples and chapter 15, certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren.

Unless you are circumcised. According to the customs of Moses, you cannot be saved. Now who started the church in Antioch? Do you remember? We discussed this, I think back in chapter 11, all right. Disciples who left Jerusalem because of the persecution and because of the things going on there. And they went all over the region and some of them went out of the region of Judea and Galilee out of Palestine.

And they started the church in Antioch and some of the surrounding cities. But one of the unique facets of the church in Antioch was they didn’t just preach to the Jews when they came to that region, they preached to the Jews and the Greeks. But these Jews, these Jewish disciples, these Jewish Christians who left Jerusalem, did they preach to these Greeks that they needed to be circumcised,

to become under the law, to be in a covenant relationship with God in order to be saved? No, they came to Antioch and they preached to Jew and Greek alike to repent and be immersed in water for the remission of your sins, because that’s what they had been taught. So now here we are all these years later, and those from Judea who are Christians in Judea start journeying out and they’re preaching a very different message.

They’re preaching Jesus Christ and him crucified his salvation to everyone who circumcised under the law. And that’s not the gospel message, but that’s the message they preached turn over to Galatians chapter one. These events right here are the background to the first two chapters of the book of Galatians. And while we will not spend a great deal of time in this in Galatians,

or we won’t get through acts chapter 15, I do want to mention a few things that we have here. Paul begins number one, verse one, Paul, an apostle, and Paul wants it to be very clear, not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God, the father who raised him from the dead, Paul writes to the churches of glacier.

And he says, I want you to be reminded. And I want it set up front that I didn’t get my apostleship from anybody on this earth. I didn’t become an apostle at the hands of Peter. I didn’t become an apostle of the hands of the apostles. I didn’t receive my message. My doctrine, my gospel from the church in Jerusalem. I got it from the Lord and notice what he says.

He says, verse six, I Marvel that you are turning away so soon from him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel, which is not another, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. If you continue This thread into chapter two, you’re going to get a clear observation that this perversion he’s talking about is what these Jewish Judean Christians are coming to these Gentile churches to teach.

Notice what he says. He says, which is not another, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you, then that which we have preached to you, let him be a cursed, as we have said before. So now I say again,

if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be a cursed for, do I now persuade men or God, or do I seek to please men for if I S if I still please, man, I would not be a bond servant of Christ. Now notice he says over in verse 18, he’s, he’s going to talk about it.

You know what? I’m going to read it because it’s worth it. Just, just to get the context, just to get what Paul’s saying, but I make known to you brethren that the gospel, which was preached by me is not according to man for, I neither received it for man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ for you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism,

how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. But when it pleased, God who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through his grace to reveal his son in me, that I might preach him among the Gentiles.

I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood. You remember when Jesus appeared to Anna Niaz and said, Anna, Niaz you go to Damascus? Because there is one waiting Saul of Tarsus. And he is going to be my instrument to take the gospel to the Gentiles. And I will show him the many things he will suffer For my name’s sake. And Paul,

I want it to be clear when he was told to take the gospel to the Gentiles. He did not respond to the Lord with, well, let me go talk with these other, these other individuals over here. Make sure they’re okay with it. Let, let, let me go talk with the elders of the church in Jerusalem. Make sure they’re okay with it.

Let me go talk to the apostles and just make sure that they’re okay now. Oh, the Lord was okay with it. And that’s all that mattered because that’s where His authority originated. But notice what he said, Verse 17, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me. But I went to Arabia and returned again to Damascus.

Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and remained with him 15 days. But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord’s brother now concerning the things which I write to you indeed, before God, I do not lie afterward. I went into the regions of Syria. Where is Annie? Fuck in Syria. Okay.

So he’s talking about Antioch now.<inaudible> and I was unknown by face to the churches of Judea, which were in Christ. You remember when Antioch sent the funds to help the churches, the church in Jerusalem. And they sent them by Hands of who? Paul and Barnabas. They Send them by the hands of polymers. This is the occasion he’s talking about.

He was there for 15 days. He says. And when I came to Jerusalem for 15 days, I saw none of the apostles, Peter. And he says, I also saw James, the brother of Jesus. Okay. But he said the churches in Judea, they don’t know my face. They don’t know who I am, That I didn’t originate with them.

So this is setting in contrast, what’s happening in chapter 15, verse one and two, he says, but they were hearing only he who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith, which he wants, tried to destroy. And they glorified God in me. Then after 14 years, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas and also took Titus with me.

This Is acts chapter 15, Galatians chapter two is Acts chapter 15, at least the beginning part. So he’s rehearsing this to the churches of glacier. He says, I went up to Jerusalem after 14 years and took with me Titus and Barnabas. And I went up by revelation and communicated to them that gospel, which I preached among the Gentiles, but privately to those who are of reputation less by any means I might run or had run in vain.

Okay. Paul Says, when we went to Jerusalem after these 14 years, 14 years of working in the church at Antioch, and then going on this fish first missionary journey, and then coming back to Antioch and then going to Jerusalem. And these 14 years, he has been preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. And he did not tell a single one of them here believe repent,

confess, be immersed in water and be circumcised. He didn’t tell any of them that he did Told them to hear and believe and repent and be calm and confess Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of their sins. Now, if He just spent 14 years teaching the Gentiles, That what Happens if now the church in Judea says, Whoa, wait a minute,

wait, wait. We missed a step. Yeah, If that were true, if that was coming from the Holy spirit, he would have to go back on that first missionary journey trip again and teach all those Gentiles. He’s already taught. I got it wrong. That’s what he means. When he says that I would have run in Maine. He took all this time going and teaching these Gentiles and going and teaching even these Jews.

And now he would have to go back and teach them all Again. So he says, yes, Not even Titus, who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised. So when he goes back to Jerusalem, he takes Barnabas. Who’s a Jew. And he takes Titus who’s Greek. And Titus is kind of his test case. If they,

if he goes back to the church in Jerusalem and the church in Jerusalem and the apostles insists that Titus as a Greek become circumcised. Now we’ve got a problem, buddy. If he goes with Titus to Jerusalem and uncircumcised, Greek, and comes back from Jerusalem with Titus and uncircumcised Greek, then guess what? We don’t have a problem. Okay. Now Hold off on any more Galatians two for a minute,

while we get some more of acts chapter, Therefore, Or verse two when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them. Okay? So remember those in Judea came to Annie Rock to preach you Unless you are circumcised. According to the customer, Moses, you cannot be safe. I know, Unlike some of my preaching brethren, when they hear someone get up before a congregation and spouts false doctrine,

Paul Martin Was warned about to sit in their seats and let it stand. I’ve got some brethren who just, Oh, well, I’ll take them aside privately. No, ah, Paul and Barnabas, we read when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension. If it was no small dissension, what was it? A great begun after a very large dissension and dispute with them,

they determined that Paul and Barnabas, they who’s the, they here, by the way, They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem. Who’s the day<inaudible> Absolutely. It’s the, it’s the church in Antioch. All right. Here’s this church made up of Jews and Greeks and they’re going to go, Oh, wait,

we need to send, we need to send some people back to Jerusalem. Why are they sending them to Jerusalem by the way, is that because Jerusalem’s like the center of all authority in the church? Or is it because that’s where these false teachers came from? Remember these false teachers came from Judea, where’s Jerusalem, Judea, this is a Judean problem.

And it needs to be resolved. They’re not in Antioch. It needs to be resolved among the apostles and the elders in the church in Jerusalem so that the Judean Christians get their act together. Okay. So they send them to go to Jerusalem, to go up to Jerusalem, to the apostles and elders about this question. So being sent on their way by the church,

they pass through Phoenicia and Samaria describing the conversion of the Gentiles and they caused great joy to all the brethren. Now notice as they’re going down from Antioch in Syria to Jerusalem, they’re stopping along the way and all these churches and they’re spreading the good news of what the Holy spirit had done. What Christ had done in saving the Gentiles on this first missionary journey.

And the reaction of all of these churches was not well, did they circumcise, were they? No. That wasn’t the reaction. Their reaction was to be, Oh, the filled with joy that the gospel had gone to the Gentiles. Okay. So when they came to Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the apostles and the elders, and they reported all things that God had done to them.

Now this report right here is what Paul references back over in Galatians chapter two, when he says in verse verse two, and I went up by revelation and communicated to them, the gospel, which I preached among the Gentiles. But he says privately to those who were of reputation lest by any means I might have run or had run in Paul’s no ignoramus.

When it comes to politics. Paul is well-taught. Paul was a Pharisee, Paul knows. And by the way, we’re going to find out in acts chapter 15, that it’s farracies who were Christians that were the problem here. Okay. But Paul is going to say, I know who I am. I’m going to first. I’m not going to let anybody else control.

As we would say it today, the narrative I’m going to the elders and the apostles and those of reputation in the church in Judea first. And I’m going to talk with them privately. They’re going to hear the story from my mouth and not the mouth of the people who think I’ve done something. Okay. So he’s smart about what he’s doing here. So verse four,

back in acts, chapter 15, and when they had come to Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the apostles and the elders. And they reported all things that had been done that God had done with them. But some of the sect of the who believed, okay, so these are farracies who were Christians. Okay. That’s what we mean by Pharisees,

who believed Luke is saying, these are believers, but they were Pharisees. Okay. He said, but some of the sector of the Pharisees who believed Rose up saying it is necessary to circumcise them, that being the Gentiles and to command them, to keep the law of Moses. Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter. And when they hadn’t,

there had been much dispute, Peter Rose up and said to them. Now, before we go any further, I want us to understand a few things. Number one, this was not, as we might hear to term today, a church council, this was not a collection of people who came together of their own decision-making process to determine the doctrine of Christ.

That is not because Paul has already said he, we went to Jerusalem. And what did he say in Galatians two by revelation church in Antioch sent them to Jerusalem. But the church in Antioch sent them to Jerusalem. The same way the church in Antioch sent them on the first missionary. Bernie, the Holy spirit told them to go. This coming together.

Jerusalem is not the choice of the church leaders. This is the actions of the Holy spirit. Gulling we are about to solve this problem. Well, right Now. And So the Holy spirit send Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem and the others from Antioch that go with them. And the Holy spirit is going to be at the head of this entire process, Not Individuals who are deciding church doctrine,

because that’s what you get. You get a lot of, a lot of denominations. A lot of, even our brethren coming up today saying, well, they determined what the church believed back here. Next chapter 15, they didn’t At No point ever have Christians gotten to decide what the church doctrine is. Christians are allowed to decide. And every, every congregation autonomously are allowed to decide matters of Liberty matters of judgment.

That’s the role of elders to determine in a congregation, how to handle matters of judgment for him. What color should the carpet be? What color should we paint the walls? What time do we meet on Sunday? How many services should we have? One or more? They can’t say zero because that’s a matter of doctrine. They can say one or more that,

do we have a midweek Bible study or not? All of those are matters of judgment. All of those are determinations by a local congregation or by a local ed. Eldership going, this is what we think is the best way to grow Edify, encourage exhort and evangelize in our community. And they’re matters of Liberty. Not matters Of doctrine, but When it’s a question of how does a person become saved?

That’s a settled discussion. And Paul says, when you come around and you say, well, wait a minute. I know the new Testament says that. I know the gospel says that, but I think you need to do this. Paul says, no, no, no. You’ve perverted. The gospel. You’ve changed the doctrine of Christ. And you’ve taken those who are in the grace of God and you have caused them to be cursed.

So when you Have someone who says, you know what? I know that Jesus said he, that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but I’m willing to just accept he, the believers, Really? At what Point did Jesus offer up his throne and allow you to sit on it and get to decide what causes a person to be saved? He never has.

I’ve got a phrase that I use that I inherited from my Parents. When my children Decided to start bossing one another around, it goes something like this who died and left you in charge Because that’s the only way it’s going to happen. That’s the only way You’re going to inherit any authority is if I am dead up until that point, Tough luck. You don’t have any authority.

Is Christ dead then Matters where he’s already decided what the answer is. We don’t have any authority and that’s one of these matters. Okay? So to the exact opposite of what some want to claim about this passage, this is the exact exemplification of the church coming together and going, wait a minute, what did Christ say? What Did the Holy spirit say?

And we’re going to do whatever that is. Okay. So notice Or gets up. Peter gets up And Rose up and said to them, men and brethren, you know that a good while ago, God chose among us that by my mouth, the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe that’s acts chapter 11. When the Holy spirit sent Peter to Cornelius To preach the gospel,

amen. And P and the Holy spirit told him, you go and not doubting. Don’t doubt, just go. And he went and the Holy spirit fell upon those individuals. And Peter’s response was can any Withhold baptism from them? Peter, didn’t say, can anybody hear withhold Leaving from them? He didn’t say, would anybody here withhold repentance from no.

He said, can anyone here with whole baptism from them? Now notice he’s going to rehearse this. He said that by my mouth, the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe so God who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy spirit, just as he did to us. That’s the us of acts chapter two, the apostles just as he did to us and made no distinction between us and them purifying their hearts by faith.

Now, therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers, nor we Were able to bear. Peter gets up as this dispute is going on. You’ve got one side saying this and another side saying this. And one group saying this and another group saying this, we need to do this.

We need to do that. And Peter finally stands up and says, wait a minute, this was settled. Long time ago. You remember when I went to Cornelius, you remember when the Holy spirit fell on Cornelius and made it clear what the Holy Spirit’s intentions were. And you remember how that when we were under the law, we were carrying around a yoke as oxen that we couldn’t bear.

Now, why are you trying to put that yoga on them? If we couldn’t carry it, how are the Gentiles going to carry it? We’re the children of Abraham where the descendants of Abraham and Moses and Jacob, and we couldn’t carry the yoke, The law. And yet you’re trying to put it on the Gentiles. So then notice what we read.

He said, but we believe 11, but we believe that through the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, we shall be saved in the same manner As they, There are some who want to claim that Peter and Paul preached different gospels, they’re called dispensationalist. And this sensationalist believed that there was one dispensation for the Jews and another dispensation for the Gentiles.

And Paul says, Nope. And Peter says, hogwash. We believe. And we receive grace the same way they do. All right, 12, then all the multitude kept silent and listened to Barnabas. And Paul declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles. And after they had become silent, James answered saying, all right.

So Paul and Varna was get up after Peter and they declare war The gospel. They preached What they had done in specifically the miracles. Why are the miracles here? Important? All I said, miracles, confirm the messenger and the message. So if the Holy Spirit’s performing miracles through Paul and Barnabas to the Gentiles and then declaring to them, the gospel,

that’s the Holy spirit stamp Approval. This is what I want. And so they use the miracles as the testimony to confirm the message they preached. Now, these Judi and Christians who went to Antioch, did we read where they performed miracles to confirm that the message they were preaching? That’s true. Why not? Because The message they were performing was not authenticated Miracles.

Okay. Now, after they Had become silent, James answered saying men and brethren, listen to me. Now, this is James. The brother of the half-brother of Jesus. Simon has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles to take out of them, a people for his name. And with this, the words of the prophets agree just as it is written after this,

I will return and rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down. I will rebuild its ruins and I will Set it up so that the Rest of mankind may seek the Lord. Even all the Gentiles who are called by my name says the Lord, who does all these things. Now this is a quotation from somewhere where’s It from Amos Turned back to Amos,

chapter nine, The mentality of These Jewish Christians who are declaring the necessity for the Gentiles to be circumcised in order to be safe, comes from a mindset that says, God promised Abraham that in his seed, all nations of the earth should be blessed. And that God, in Isaiah chapter two was going to restore his kingdom to Israel. He was going to set up a kingdom that would never be destroyed Daniel chapter two.

So they, they, the Gentiles need to become Jews, Need To become Israelites to take part in the blessings of God. But James quotes, Amos and says, go back to verse nine of chapter nine of Amos for surely I will command. And I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as grain is sifted in a seed yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground.

All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword who say the calamity shall not overtake nor confront us. He’s prophesying concerning the destruction by Babylon. On that day, Amos says I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down and repair its damages. And I will raise up its ruins and rebuild it. As in the days of old.

Now the mentality of these Jewish Christians Is If they don’t have to be circumcised to be safe, Then we lose our glory as Jews, but they missed it. And James points out you’ve missed it. It is. As the gospel goes to the Gentiles through us, that we receive glory as Jews notice what he says, that they may possess the remnant of Edam and all the Gentiles who are called by.

My name says the Lord, who does this thing. All right, now, go back over to acts chapter 15. And notice what James says. James says, verse 18, no. To God from eternity are all his known. Excuse me to God from eternity are all his works. James says, when we understand God determined this long before we ever showed up here,

God knows his works long before he ever does them. Okay. From eternity. Therefore, I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled and from blood for Moses has had throughout many generations. Those who preach him in every city being read in the synagogues,

every Sabbath Amos said, I’m going to take my people and I’m going to scatter them among the nations. And he does it through Babylon, but he says, I’m going to destroy those who are wicked from among my people, but I’m not going to drop one seed. I’m not going to lose one grain of my people who are righteous by doing this.

And instead he’s populating the earth with those who would teach Moses and for generations would teach the Gentiles in those synagogues about the God of heaven. They were as it were the fertilizer, getting ready for the seed of the gospel to be planted. And so James says, we don’t need to put any greater burden on them. They’re already having to come out of paganism.

They’re already having to come out of all of these doctrines of, of, of the Gentiles. We don’t need to do any of that. We need to hold them accountable to moral purity and not to the law of Moses. Okay? So he says, verse 22, we’ve got just a minute or so left. Then it pleased the apostles and the elders with the whole church to send chosen men of their own,

to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas, namely Judas, who was also named Barsabbas and Silas leading men among the brethren. This is I believe our introduction to Silas. They wrote this letter by them, the apostles, the elders, and the brethren to the brethren who are of the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria, and solicit greetings. Since we have heard that some who went out and they own it from Us,

have troubled You with words, unsettling your soul, saying you must be circumcised and keep the law to whom we gave no such commandment. They want them to know, listen, this, this doctrine didn’t originate with us. We didn’t send them to you. All right. They went out of their own accord, but they did From us and we’re admitting it.

Okay? It says, we gave no such commandment. It seemed good to us being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men, to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We have therefore sent Judas and Silas who will also report the same things by the word of, by word of mouth.

They said, Lest anyone Have any arguments that Oh, Paul and Barnabas went down to Jerusalem. And then they just came back and told their version. Now the church says, we’re sending these others and they’re coming from us. And they’re going to confirm to you everything Paul and Barnabas tell you it’s exactly the way it happened. He then says for, it seemed good.

And notice this don’t Look this for it seemed good to the Holy spirit and to us to lay up Pawn you no greater burden than these necessary things that you abstain from. Things offered to idols from blood, from things strangled from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, You will do well farewell. So when James stands up And says men and brethren,

and he says, this is my judgment. What’s that letter tell us It. Wasn’t just James, his judgment, the Holy spirit and us. And you could have left out the us. You could have just dropped that whole phrase entirely. And it would have been fine if it had just been, we determined this absent, the Holy spirit we’d had a problem,

But it wasn’t that James makes it clear. The church makes it clear. The letter makes clear the message makes It clear. The Holy spirit determined this and we’re in agreement. And we’re writing to you to let you know that you can be in agreement to all right. So we’re going to pick up with verse 30 on Wednesday as we finish out the chapter and we’ll cover the questions on Wednesday night.

Any comments or questions as we close, if not, you are dismissed Good morning and welcome to the car or truck, your crash Sunday morning, worship service like to welcome all of you. If you’re a visitor, we’d appreciate it. If you’d fill out a barrister’s card. So we could have a record of your attendance, stick around a few minutes so that we get to meet you.

And now would be a good time to get your communion and your put your all for noon in the back. If you hadn’t already done it, we have few sick on our sick list. Joan’s spring are still at home and not doing real well. Janie, Marlin, and Darth and Rodale. Dorothy is still having some stomach pains and we’ll see a doctorate gastro one this week.

Find out if she can find out what’s wrong with her. James Luna, Diana Shafir is with us, but she’s recovering from her thyroid surgery. And Barbara is still able to get out, but still in pain and BJ Clark is still recovering from pneumonia. I guess he’s still on here. We need to remember all of our sick and there’s probably some owner in the bulletin that we don’t mention everyday,

but they’re in the bulletin next Sunday, one 30 afternoon service. We’ll re we’ll get back to doing that. And the fellowship hall will be available. If you want to eat lunch here, the man’s monthly business meeting, we revert back to April in April to the second, Sunday afternoon, after second service, Judy Adams, which is a friend of a delay.

So lash is scheduled to have thyroid surgery Wednesday, and that’s all of our announcements. And Michael Dale will lead singing. Erin Cozort will have the opening prayer. Erik Halverson has the lower supper and Noah Olson will have the sermon and Tommy lashed. Her has closed in prayer. Thank you. First song. This morning will be number 144 O worship the King. Oh,

worship, a King. Oh, Gloria, bah and green.<inaudible> Dallas and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> for children.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Excuse me. I’m battling some allergies song before our opening prayer. This morning will be 797. Lord. We come before the now Lord, we come before the ah, feed. We<inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> show me,

seek the Lord. And<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible> and no, no<inaudible> no, we see<inaudible><inaudible> grind that, Oh man. See, can find the God<inaudible><inaudible> captive free<inaudible> and the, let us spray Our great and glorious father in heaven. We humbly bow before you thankful for all of your many blessings grateful for the day that we have and the blessings and the commandments that we have to come together and assemble together and join with one another in songs of praise to glorify your name,

to be able to assemble together and lift up our needs, our cares, our wants, and our desires and prayer to you to come together and be reminded of the sacrifice that Christ made for us on the cross, the shedding of his blood and the offering of his body on that cross for our salvation, to be able to assemble together, to hear your word proclaimed and to give back to you,

as you have given to us, we’re so grateful for this opportunity. And we’re so grateful for this day and the health that we have to be able to do these things. We pray that your blessings be upon us in everything that we do that is in accordance with your word. We pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this life throughout our time on this earth,

that as the church here in Collierville, we might not only proclaim the gospel throughout the city, but that we might aid the gospel being proclaimed throughout the world. We know many difficult times are coming our way. And many harsh realities will face this nation in the future as it hasn’t the past. But we are also grateful for all of the many faithful Christians that are throughout this nation,

striving to keep it going in the right direction on a path of purity and holiness and serving you, even though the world is at our throats. Continually, we pray for those who are dealing with illness. Those that are dealing with pain and sorrow sickness, injuries, and difficulties, those who are dealing with such heinous diseases as cancer, and those who struggle every day to have the energy to go through and do the things they need to do when we pray and lift them up.

Before you asking that they have comfort and strength and resolution to serve you no matter what comes, but also that they might be restored back to their desired health. If at all possible we’re mindful of the world that is in the grips of dealing with a disease. We pray that that disease might be overcome, but we pray. Most of all, that this disease of sin might be overcome in this world,

through the gospel of your son, Jesus Christ, all this we pray and ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. All this we ask in Jesus name. Amen. So I want to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number three 66 by Christ redeemed three 66 By Christ three deemed and CRA nice three<inaudible>.

We keep<inaudible> and show the death of a<inaudible> and<inaudible> his body and<inaudible> is seen. And then this man<inaudible>, and as we drink, we see<inaudible> and<inaudible> with last that event, we<inaudible> by one bride chain of<inaudible> and<inaudible> We are going to take this opportunity to memorialize and remember the ultimate sacrifice that God and his loving son Jesus made for us.

And that was for Jesus to die for us and for our sins so that we may have the opportunity to live with them in glory. One day in heaven, while with me, as we pray for the bread, God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for having sent your son Jesus here on earth to teach us and to live with us.

But most importantly, to hang his body on that cross and die for us, the centers, as we prepare to take this bread, which represents that body help each and every one of us to remember that sacrifice that he made for us. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Let’s give thanks for the fruit of the vine God,

our father in heaven, we come to you again, thanking you for your son. And as we’ve prepared to take of this fruit of the vine that represents the blood that he shed for us, help us to remember and dwell on the fact that his blood was shed so that it may wash away our sins. We pray this through your son, Jesus name.

Amen. Now take an opportunity to pray for the giving back that each and every one of us have done God, our father in heaven. We thank you for all the material blessings that we have. And we truly understand that these material blessings are from you and through you and that we had them only because of you. And as we each give back a portion of what we’ve been.

So richly blessed with, we ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. And we ask also that you help the amount of this congregation use very wise decisions on how these funds should be used to further spread the word, your word here on earth. We pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. The song before the lesson will be number 631,

lift him up. Number six, three, one. How to reach<inaudible>. And if I be lifted up from the earth, well<inaudible> man unto me, lift him up, lift him up, stilly, speak Stromae, GE, and<inaudible> be lifted up from the earth.<inaudible> man unto me. Oh, Whoa. There’s hungry for the living bread.<inaudible> for them to see<inaudible> daddy said draw man,

unto me, lift up, lift up<inaudible> and be lifted up from the a<inaudible> man unto me. Don’t exalt the preacher. Don’t exalt the Pew, preach the gospel. Simple for land free. Prove him. And you will find that promise is true. Draw long, man, to me, lift him up, lift him up. Stilly speaks from me<inaudible> and if I be lifted up from the well draw,

man unto me, lift him up by living as a Christian. Oh God. Well then you the savior. See then man. Well gladly follow him. Who wants touch? Draw man, on to me, lift him up, lift him up, stilly, speak Stromae to<inaudible> and be lifted up from the<inaudible> man on to me. Good morning.

It was a privilege again, to be able to preach God’s word unto you song. We just saying it’s beautiful songs that not Christ and the example that he left were us. Something that we should all follow. Our lesson this morning is very simple. Our lesson is entitled. The commandment that saves souls, the commandment that saves souls. We as Christians are given a simple command firstly,

to live faithfully to God for ourselves, to make sure that our lives are pleasing to God by following his word and doing the things that he would have us to do. But we also have something else that we are commanded to do. And that is to take the message which we have obeyed and preach it to the lost verses such as Mark chapter 16 in verse number 15,

go you into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature or Matthew 28, 18 through 20 teaching all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son of the Holy ghost and things such as that. And so we, as Christians are commanded to take This message to Dying world, a spiritually dying world. If you look at just some statistics today,

looking at the population of the, of the earth, almost reaching 8 billion people. How many of those? The 8 billion are Christians. That’s not even 1% just in the millions Then yes, we have the cure. We have the cure that is going to fix the most deadly disease. Is that the Bible God’s precious message. Are we going to distribute it?

There are those who, who possibly might teach That ignorance is going to save. If you take this illustration, there is medicine that<inaudible>, that can cure cancer. And there are two people that could take the medicine. One knows about it. One hears about it. He hears it from the news and he knows that this cure Cure his cancer. So he goes and he takes the cure.

But Then there’s a man who never hears about the cure. He never hears about, He doesn’t take it as he saved because he didn’t know about No, he still will die. And so there are many out there in the world today who have never heard of Christ Who need to hear it because they will be lost. And therefore we need to take that precious message.

Where’s the power. It’s not in the preacher. It’s in the gospel. Look at Romans chapter one, you know, verse number 16, you’ve heard this. What does Paul say? I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. He says, why, why Paul? Why are you not ashamed for, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is what the power of God unto salvation.

That’s what saves our soul. That’s where the power is As James one in verse number 21, receive with meekness, the engrafted word, Which is able to save your souls. We as Christians have that, then let me ask you a question. Are you an Isaiah? Are you like Isaiah? We need to have the attitude of Isaiah. Look at Isaiah chapter six,

Isaiah chapter six, notice verse number eight. I love his attitude here. We need to have this same attitude. Also Isaiah six, verse number eight. Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall, Shall I send and who will go for us then set. I here, am I send me? We need to have that same attitude.

When we are, as Christians going out to spread The most precious precious message to cure and more deadly disease than cancer, a more deadly disease than the Corona virus. What is that sin? And we need to take that cure to the world. Let’s get into our lesson. Our first point for this morning is there is a command to evangelize them. Sadly,

like to say, well, if you want to do it, it’s all right. Christ just gave us. Yes. I see no suggestion in Mark chapter 16, verse 15, preach the gospel. Paul would also say, and second Four and verse number two, preach the, And so Christians are commanded. It’s not a suggestion. And this did not start with us.

This has been ever since long in the old Testament, you look at the profits, Hebrews chapter one and verse number one knows what the Hebrew writer says. Hebrews chapter one and in verse number one, notice God who at sundry times and diverse manners spake in time, past unto the fathers, by what? By the profits, the profits obeyed this command.

This command was first given to the profits of the profits, speaking to the people, but it didn’t stop with him. You know, even our Lord and savior, obeyed this command. Look at John chapter 12 and verse number 49 even hours. Save viewer, obey this Command from our father. Notice John 12 and verse 49 for, I have not spoken of myself,

but the father, which sent me To me, he gave me a commandment. What I should say and what I should speak even cry. You still made this commitment. He knew that he had a job to do, and he submitted to the father of Christ can Submit. We can to Also look at John chapter 17 and verse number four, notice Jesus praying.

He says, I have glorified thee talking to his father on the earth. I have finished the work, which now gave us me to do yes, Jesus had a, And that was to spread the message. And that was to die for the world and stuff Only. We need to make sure that that this command is not taken as a suggestion. It’s a command from deity And we need to make Sure that we are taking this to the world.

What happens if we don’t take this? What happens if we, if we don’t take this seriously, I want you to notice what Jesus says in Matthew chapter five and verse number 13, when he compares us to Matthew chapter five and verse number 13, Notice comparing Us to salt. What a salt do it, preserves things. Notice what he says. Matthew five,

verse 13. You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt have lost his savor, where with shall be salted, it is then it’s fourth. Good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be TRIBE Of men. I think about our world today. We, as Christians are commanded to preserve that, to make sure the gospel is spread out.

If we can’t be the preserving element, What happens Luke? Chapter 18 in verse number eight, this is, this can be taken as a scary verse. Notice this never the less, when the son of man cometh, shall he find faith on The earth when He comes? Is he going to look over the earth? Wait, wait a minute. I,

I thought there were Christians on this earth. That’s our job to make sure the gospel is put forth. I want you to notice. Look at second, Timothy chapter two In Timothy chapter two, notice verse number two, it’s a cycle. And the things that thou has heard of me, Paul talking to Timothy, among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men who should be able to teach others.

Also if one Christian teaches another to obey the gospel, they will pay the gospel. That person who bays the gospel, they go teach someone else to obey the gospel. And it’s a cycle. And that’s what we, as Christians are commanded to do, make sure that this is taken as a command. Yes, our job as Christians is not a suggestion.

It’s not, if you want to go do it, It’s a, we have to do it now. Yeah, Many various ways that we can preach the gospel. One, doesn’t have to go to preaching school and become a preacher. A pulpit, preacher, many can do many different things. You can teach a Bible class. You can Do personal Bible study,

do online studies, one-on-one conversation and things such as that. You can be a preacher of the gospel without having to stand in the pulpit, but Christians are commanded to do It and we need to go spread the Meshes, but it messaged. But notice our second point for this morning, there’s not only a command, but there’s a need. If there was no need,

there wouldn’t be a command simply, but there is a need to preach the gospel. There was a need to spread. The thing that we have taken. We have applied to our lives. We have obey. We need to go and spread that because there is a lost world. Look at Romans chapter three in verse number 23 For all, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Yes, everyone as well. Look at Romans chapter five and verse number 12 as well, just a couple of chapters over where wherefore as by one man, sin entered into the world and death by sin. And so death passed upon all men for that all of sin. Yes, there is a lost and dying world. And therefore we as Christians need to make sure that we are taking that to the world.

I love this example of Paul and Romans chapter 10 and verse number one, notice what Paul says. This is a great verse. Notice his desire, Romans chapter 10, verse number one, brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved. He had that earning desire. And as we’ll look at here in a little bit,

in a later point That he was willing to be lost So that they could be saved. Now he knew that that couldn’t be done, but he had that desire so that they could be saved. Not only did Paul, but Jesus had this desire. We need to have that desire as well. Look at Matthew chapter nine and verses 36. And following notice Jesus has compassion paved the way that his teaching of the gospel.

We need to know that there is a need and Jesus even solved that need Matthew nine, verse 36. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep. Having no shepherd, that spirit, They were lost spiritually. He knew that they needed, He, they, he knew that they needed,

they needed the cure and he had compassion on that. And since there is a need, I need to, Since there is an age that that man would be saved The world that needs those Teach that gospel look at verses 37 and 38 of Matthew chapter nine, then sets he and to his disciples. The harvest truly is, but the laborers are few pray.

Therefore, the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into Is harvest. The harvest is plenteous. Many souls are lost, but yeah, Sadly, there’s not many laborers to go out and, and do the things that God would have them to do by teaching the gospel. Yes, there is a need, but notice this, the word is made manifest through preaching.

It’s not going to come through some miraculous intervention as a, in the first century with things of the Holy spirit, miraculous and, and things such as that. But it’s not that doesn’t happen today. Comes through the word and that alone. Look at Romans 10 and verse number 14, Romans chapter 10, verse number 14. How then shall they call on him,

on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Yes, we as Christian, Chins need to co take that gospel to them that are lost because Titus one, verse three bath in due times manifested here His word through preaching. Again, There is a need to evangelize because the soul,

there are many Souls that are lost today. Notice our third point for this morning. What is it It’s going to hinder us from taking the gospel. There are many things that will hinder us from spreading this gospel. And we need to make sure that we don’t allow these things to hinder us. I have six things I want to list here. Number one is that if we fear personally Fusion,

and we were so scared of that, then that’s going to hinder that. Notice the apostles, notice the apostles attitude and acts chapter five, acts chapter five verses 41 and 42. I love this example, acts chapter five, verses 41 and 42. If we let persecution hinder, if we are fearing of that, that’s going to hinder us. Notice acts five verses 41 and 42.

And they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing. And they were counted Worthy to suffer, shame For his name and daily in the temple. And in each and every house they cease not to teach and preach. Jesus Christ. They knew persecution was They were willing to keep on keeping on. Yes, we can’t fear persecution will persecution come. Yes.

Second Timothy three and verse number 12. Yay. All that shall live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution. Now it’s going to come in various forms. It might not be physical. It might not be to that extreme. It wasn’t Century. We still need to preach the gospel. We can’t let that fear of persecution hinder us. But number two,

we can’t fear. Rejection Is rejection going to come. Yes. Jesus even talked about this. Look at Matthew chapter 10, Matthew chapter 10, verses 12. And following notice what he tells them their notice. And when he, when you come into an house, salute it. If the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it be not Worthy,

let your peace return To you. And whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words. When you depart out of that city or out of the house or city shake off the dust of your feet, Jesus warned them. There was going to be rejection. Not everyone you come in contact with is going to obey the gospel, But understand Don’t let that hinder you from wanting to keep on Keeping on don’t fear.

Rejection rejection will come. Yes, you might be. We might even be made fun of. We might even be discouraged or put down for that and don’t let that happen because yes, Christians are going to be strange. We, we, we should stand out in a way, not prideful way, but we should stand out in a way. We don’t look like the world.

We shouldn’t fear rejection because we are different. First Peter chapter two and verse number nine, you’re a chosen generation, a Royal priesthood, a Holy nation, Peculiar people. Number three, if we don’t, I have a love for one the soul. That’s going to hinder us from preaching the gospel. This is going to hinder us from going out and proclaiming the message that we have obeyed.

If I don’t love those, then I’m not going to teach them. I need to love their souls. I need to have a compassion for them. Ephesians four and verse number 15, Preaching the truth And love. We need to have a desire For their souls. We need that. The proper attitude, not, not, no, not a hateful attitude.

When you have a proper, a love for their souls Now som In our world today, like to tell you that that love is just accepting, accepting, saying, we’ll just, just push it under the rug. Just put it to the side. That’s not true. Love. True love is going to tell someone when they are wrong, not in a hateful way,

but a way out of kindness and of love. But yes, if we don’t have a love for one soul, Am I going to preach the gospel? I need to have love for one soul, but number four, this is going to hinder us in preaching the gospel. If I let this hinder us, if I don’t have self control in our life,

if we don’t have self control in our lives today, that’s going to hinder us from teaching the gospel. I want you to notice Romans chapter two, verses 21 and 20 or three 23. Notice if I cannot have self-control in my life for one, I have no authority to go out and tell someone that they’re living in sin. No it’s Romans chapter two in verses 21 through 23 thou,

therefore, which teaches to another, teach us now, not myself. Now that preaches a man should not steal desktop steel. Now that sandstone to should not commit. Adultery does not commit adultery. Now that a Maurist idols thus now commit sacrilege. Now that make us by boast of the law. They’re breaking the law. Now God, If I am not going to make my life temperate and sober and be self-controlled in my life today,

I don’t need to go out and preach and teach those things. And I still have a problem with, if I’m struggling with, with a, if I’m struggling With, with adultery, If I’m struggling with whatever the case might be, whatever sin that you can think of. I have no authority to go tell you to stop doing. I mean the same thing,

fix your own life And hope others. You know, Paul Paul knew this and first Corinthians chapter nine, verse number 27, he says, but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection. Lest that by Any means, when I preach to others, I myself should be a cast away. We have to make sure that our lives are temperate or self-funded.

We have to practice self control. If we purge those things, if we put that sin away, then we can do those things. Look at what Paul tells Timothy in second, Timothy chapter two and verses 20 and 21 second, Timothy chapter two verses 20 and 21. Notice what he says, but in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and of silver,

but also of wood and of earth and some to honor and some to dishonor. If a man, therefore purge himself from the sea Shall be a vessel unto honor, Sanctified and meet for the master’s use and prepared unto every good work we have to put away sin. If we don’t, that’s going to hinder us from going out and teaching The gospel. Number five,

another hint To our spreading the gospel is if I don’t have knowledge of The gospel, right? I have to Know what I’m teaching. You ever been intrigued at that of car salesman that you’re trying to wonder different details about the car that you’re wanting to buy. And the salesman has. I have no Idea. We as Christians are quote, I guess,

salesmen or examples of the gospel. Therefore we have to know What the gospel says first, Peter chapter three. Okay. In verse number 15, but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts And be ready. Always to give an answer with pride. No, be ready. Always to give an answer with meekness humbleness. Yes. We have to have knowledge.

If we don’t have knowledge, that’s going to hinder us from going out and spreading the gospel. We need to make sure that we know what we’re, What we’re teaching. And then lastly, number six, if we think that it doesn’t work, that’s going to hinder us. We need to know that Again, as we talked about, there will be rejection,

but if we have the come to the understanding, well, it’s just not going to work well. I might as well, not even try well that, that might’ve worked back then, but it doesn’t work. Now keep on trying, because there is that one person. And if I spend 50, 60, 70 years teaching the gospel and I convert one person And that is worth it,

is it not? And yes, We need to make sure that these things don’t hinder us From teaching the gospel. But notice our fourth point for this morning, there has to be, There is a conviction to evangelize. We need to make sure that again, as we’ve talked about, we have to have that desire to want to help others. And it’s not enough to proclaim that there is a need,

but there again, there has to be a desire. There are some statistics Now that I found they’re, they’re really interesting. I want to, I want to share these with you. They’re from Brent Hunter, a personal work one-on-one from, from Pat padfield.com. And this is where I found them every minute, 156 people will die without hope. And this is of course,

is statistics. Every hour, 9,360 People will die without hope. Every day, 224,640 People will die without hope. Every Week, 1,572,480 People will die without hope. And then every year almost 82 million people will die without hope. They will die Having to meet their God unprepared And it’ll be lost forever. Do we see the need to go out and teach the gospel?

We have to be truly convicted to do that. And you know, there are many things that, that we come in contact today. Maybe we have coworkers that, that we know are lost, but We never say anything to them. We know of a family members that that are not Christians, but we know that they’re lost. And if they were to die today,

They would be unprepared to meet their gun. Do we truly understand that? You know, Paul was deeply convicted of this. Look at Romans chapter nine, verses two and three. We need to have this, this attitude notice Romans chapter nine, verses two And three, that I have great heaviness And continual sorrow in my heart. Why? Or I could wish that myself Or a curse from Christ for my brother and my kinsmen,

according to the flesh, if I could be lost for them, I would do it. Now that can’t happen. One must first obey the gospel then Selves, but we need to have that attitude to make sure that They can have the gospel to be convicted, To want others, to meet their gone faithfully. One day, again, as we’ve stated before in our lesson this morning,

we have the cure to the deadly disease. Are we going to distribute the medicine? Are we going To distribute the thing that can cure That we have the cure right in our hand, think, for instance, this analogy, here’s a three-year-old that has cancer. He’s going to die. Three-year-old cancer. There’s a doctor that has figured out how to cure cancer.

All he has to do is distribute. The medicine doctor says, well, it’s going to be too hard. It’s going to be Too hard to distribute that it’s going to cost money. It’s going to waste my time. You know, I could go on vacations. I, I make millions a year. I can do the things that I want to do.

If I distribute the medicine. Yeah, I could help others. What are we commanded to do? Distribute the cure that we know that is going to work look at as equal chapter 33. I also love this example of the example as equal chapter 33. We again have and know the cure again to the most deadly disease that is sand. But look,

it does equal 33. I love this illustration as well. Again, the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man, speak to the children of thy people and saying to them, when I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coast and set him for their Watchman. If, when he see if the sword come upon the land,

he blow the trumpet and warn the people. Then whosoever here at the sound of the trumpet and take is not warning. If the sword and take away his blood shall be upon his own head, simply there was a Watchman. He sees the, the enemy coming and he warns the people. It’s not going to be his fault. If, if the people don’t want To listen,

it’s not going to be his Fault. The blood’s not going to be upon his hand. Why? Because he warned His people. He saw the enemy, he knew what was to come. He knew the truth. Then verse number five, he heard the sound of the trumpet and took not warning. His blood shall be upon him, but he, that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.

But notice verse six. But if the Watchman see the sword come And blow, not the Trump. And then the people being not warned. If the sword come and take Person from among them, he has taken away in his iniquity. But his blood will. I require at who’s. At the watchman’s hand, simply he saw the enemy coming. He knew the truth.

He understood that he did not want him, People that the enemy was coming. That the truth was there. I, and you, we all know the truth. We all know what is coming. Are we not going to tell those who need the truth? Well, the blood be upon our own hands. We know many who are lost. Are we going to take this,

the cure to the most deadly disease, to those who need it? That’s our commandment Christians. That is our job. And there’s a need for that. But notice our last point for this morning, I don’t think there’s any greater evangelist or any greater one who could spread the gospel than Jesus. Jesus was the greatest one to do this Jesus. There,

there is no greater one. Then Jesus Christ. He was the greatest teacher to ever live. He lived the gospel. He taught the gospel. He Spread, spread the message and he was not afraid To do so because he saw the needs. We’ve talked about. He had compassion on those who were scattered abroad, having they were, they were sheep having no shepherd.

I want you to notice five qualities that Jesus possessed, that we, as Christians can, can possess in our lives to better teach the message that people need. Not that they, they need the gospel notice. Number one, he had a compassion, a deep compassion for lost souls. That’s what we need to obtain. Number two, he was not partial to any economic status.

He was not partial any racial Or gender. Any One can receive the gospel. Galatians three verses 26 through 28, Galatians chapter three verses 26 through 28 does not matter. Gender, Race, social status. Anyone can obey the gospel. Notice Galatians three 26 and following for a year. All the children of God by faith in Christ, Jesus, for as many of you has been as have been baptized into Christ,

have put on Christ notice verse 28. There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither male nor female For you are all one in Christ. Jesus. Anyone can obey the gospel and therefore Jesus was not partial to any. Anyone can preach here and receive the gospel. And therefore we don’t need to be partial to those.

Number three, he took every opportunity he could to preach every opportunity he could. He was there to teach. We need to do that as well. I love this example. Look at John chapter four. I’m not going to read the whole chapter, but the whole chapter, I encourage you to read it. It’s a beautiful chapter, but John chapter four and verse number four,

notice let’s start at verse. Number one, actually, when therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John though. Jesus himself bedtime is not, but as disciples, he left your day. And to part it again into Galilee Notice verse four, and he must needs go through some area. I love that verse because if you read continually,

what do you notice? He has a conversation with a Samaritan woman. He must need to go through some area. We must teach and spread the gospel wherever We are, whether that be at work, it doesn’t have to be a, a full con. Maybe it can just be a little small talk and things, Not just that, but we need to teach and talk and take every opportunity that we can to teach and preach the gospel.

Number four, Jesus taught everything about the gospel. We cannot refrain from, from Picking and choosing what we, it’s not a buffets has been said. We don’t get to pick and choose what we want about the gospel. We need to teach the whole gospel, but as Jesus did, he taught in love. We don’t need to refrain from, from telling people that they are in sin.

If they are now, again, we don’t, we’re not hating, But we do it in love because we care for their souls. And yes, Jesus, I just taught everything about the gospel. He didn’t refrain from preaching on Hill and he talked about the many joys of, of following him. We need to be like him in that regard. But lastly,

number five, he saw the need of doing it quickly and swiftly Jesus would minister for three years, if that, around that time. And he did it. And yes, there is time for fellowship. There’s also time to teach and preach the gospel. Well, the question is, are we going to do that same and follow after Christ’s example, the greatest teacher was Christ.

There’s no other greater teacher than that. And therefore I think we should model our lives after him. And we should because he was the one as the greatest example, who had no sin because he knew what to do. The question is up to us today. Are we going to know our command? And there is a command because there is a need because the world is lost.

And perhaps, you know, many coworkers and many family members or friends that you know, that if, if the end was today that they will be lost and unprepared to meet God. And we, as Christians need to make sure that we know our commandments, we need to have the conviction and be, as Jesus was and preach and teach the gospel to those who are lost as much as we can,

because our number one goal is to get ourselves to heaven. But the second one is to take as many people that we can to heaven so that they can enjoy the pleasures of heaven one day. And perhaps there is maybe one here this morning who has not been living faithfully as a Christian, you have not been doing the things that God would have you to do and,

and you’ll make the gospel once before what’d you come back to God before it everlastingly too late, again, to be, to be prepared, to meet God. And sadly, there are many that are careless. As we sing the song sometimes careless soul wobbly, linger, wondering from the fold of God here you not the invitation, Oh, prepared to meet the high God.

And the song continues careless. Solo heed. The warning for your life will soon be gone. Oh, how sad to face the judgment unprepared to meet God, would you come back to God before? Does everlastingly too late? But perhaps there was one here this morning who has never obeyed the gospel of Christ once before. You’ve never obeyed the gospel. That that is as simply broaden the message.

Would you believe that Jesus is the son of God? Would you repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man, and then be baptized for the remission of your sins to be added to the church. The greatest institution that man has ever known. And would you become a Christian so that you can go to heaven one day and live faithfully onto your God.

If anyone is subject, why don’t you come as we stand? And as we sing Two, dang, why from the sunshine of love? Well, down wrong, farther and farther away. Hey<inaudible> today. Hey, Jesus is<inaudible> calling today. Jesus is calling no weary to calling today, calling to Jay. Hey, bring him I burden. And a shout.

Be blessed. He will not turn the<inaudible> to Jay. Hey, Jesus is<inaudible> calling his 10 early calling today. Jesus is pleading.<inaudible> hear him to<inaudible> on his name. Showery dries quickly.<inaudible><inaudible>. Jesus is<inaudible> is 10 nearly calling today. Hey, The song before the closing prayer will be number 634 we’ll work till Jesus comes.

Oh<inaudible> Oh man.<inaudible> and PE sad. Oh<inaudible> geez. Well, Jesus comes when Jesus comes and will be<inaudible> ah,<inaudible> no more<inaudible> with him. Brave DAS Chile side and reach my head only. Oh,<inaudible> to Jesus comes<inaudible> Oh, Would you bow with me? I got and father in heaven. We’re indeed thankful for the freedom and opportunity that we’ve had to worship day to day father.

We thank you for the great lesson that was brought to us by Noah. And we pray father that we can use this words from this lesson today to make our bright and shining light to more to those more around us in the workplace father. We thank you for all the many blessings you’ve given us and fall away. Most importantly, we thank you for your son.

Jesus, who died on that cross for salvation father. We pray that you’ll be with us and keep us safe and forgive our sins. Jesus. And we pray you ma’am.

03-24-2021 – Live Stream – Acts 14

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcription

It is time for us to begin. We have finally arrived in acts chapter 14. I know some people thought we weren’t ever going to get there, but we are in acts chapter 14 this evening. And we’ll pick up there in verse one, right after we opened with word of prayer, let us bow our gracious father in heaven. We come before your throne grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the health that we have to assemble together.

The ability that we have that and the freedom that we have and the beautiful day that you’ve blessed us with, we pray for those who are unable to be with us because of illness or injury or difficulties. We pray that they might have the strength that they desire returned back to them. We pray for those who may not be with us because of spiritual problems.

And we pray that they might repent of the things that are the struggles in their lives, that they might come back to their understanding and their faith of what you would have them to do. And obedience to you and return to you as Israel so often needed to return to you. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study,

may the things that we say, be in accordance with your will and may we always strive to do what is right in your sight? All this we pray in Jesus name. Amen. The end of chapter 13, we read now when the Gentiles heard this, this that we are referencing there in verse 48 is when Paul says for, so the Lord has commanded us and then quotes.

Isaiah. I have set you as a light to the Gentiles. The you there in the text is God’s servant, but Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy spirit will say, this servant is a reference to the faithful who are in Christ and are. And so he will say, yeah, I, I just realized I didn’t launch zoom. Hold on just a minute.

I got distracted. Now that everyone’s with us. So here in acts, chapter 14, well, 13 is we’re getting started when Paul says to those Jews and Gentiles, the Jews having rejected the message that now the gospel is going to go to the Gentiles and he doesn’t say, you know what? This was a whim decision. I’m sorry, it’s just too bad.

We’re going to go. No, he says, this is what the Holy spirit had in mind from the beginning. This is what God prophesied all the way back there with Isaiah, that would happen. And so he says, I have set you as a light to the Gentiles that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth. Jesus said,

you are the light of the world. He is speaking at the moment to the disciples. All of whom were Jews. He doesn’t say you Jews are the light to the Jews. He doesn’t say you Jews are the light to the faithful. He says, you Jews are the light of the world. That light is a pit mised in Christ. I mean the,

the Through his sense of the light was Christ himself Was a Jew. And the truest Sense of God’s servant in Isaiah, It is Christ. And yet through Christ as the body of Christ, we become the light. We show the light of God and Paul wants it to be clear that the light was not intended for the Jews. Only God did not send his servant Christ and the body of Christ out into the world for the Jews only.

That was never what he intended. And so bringing all of this in, because in chapter 14, we’re going, we’re going to have another section that was going to lead us right into chapter 15. And chapter 15 is what this whole discussion is going to be about. Does The gospel get to go to the Gentiles and do the Gentiles get to stand on equal footing With the Jews?

Because under the law of Moses, they weren’t under the Moses. They were never at equal footing with the Jews as, Or as the law was concerned because the law wasn’t given to them. And yet now under Christ, the gospel Is going to go to them. And salvation is going to go to the ends of the earth. Now, when the Gentiles,

This, that the gospel, I was going to go to them the same way. And an equally, as it went to the Jews that the light was going to go to the entire World, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as Many as had been appointed to eternal life believed in the word of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region.

But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women. And the chief men of the city raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them from their reading. Have you ever heard a child say, well, I’m just going to take my ball and go home. And they have the only ball. Have you ever seen that happen? A bunch of kids are playing one child.

Doesn’t like what the other child does. And the one child who owns the only ball says, Hmm, well, if I’m the, can’t get my way, nobody Playing. And that’s basically what the Jews do. If they can’t have it their way, then they’ll stand in the way of anyone else hearing the gospel. And so then they stir up the D you know,

it All throughout the new Testament, women play an important Role. In this occasion, they’re playing a negative important role. The Jews don’t just go to the leaders of this. They go to the devout women, the prominent women in the city, and they say, do you know what’s going on? We need to put a stop to this. And they will Use the influence of the women as well as the Chief men of the city to Cause Paul and Barnabas to be expelled Verse 15 One.

But they, Paul and Barnabas shook off the dust from their feet against them and came to<inaudible>. And the disciples were filled with joy. And with the Holy spirit, the reference there is the disciples. Those who had been converted, who were there At Antioch romance, Same there. And they were filled with joy and with the Holy spirit, now it happened in,

I conium that they went together to the synagogue of the Jews. Okay. So this is going to be the pattern that you’re going to see. Paul and Barnabas and Paul and Silas, Paul and Timothy, anybody Paul’s with Paul will come into a city. And if there is a synagogue, That will be his first stop. That will be the First place he will speak from.

He will always go to the synagogue first, if there is one. So Paul comes into the city, or they come into the city, they come to the, go to the synagogue and so spoke with a great multitude, both of the Jews and of the Greeks. Let me read that again. And So spoke that a great multitude, both of the Jews and of the Greeks believed.

So they come in and they begin to preach. They come into the synagogue and they preach, well, what is it? They’re preaching? What was it that Paul would preach in the synagogue? All right. He preaches Jesus Christ, but he preaches Him as who? The son of God, specifically, or The Messiah, the One who was being waited for now.

I’m not saying he doesn’t preach him as the son of God. He does all together. He wants them to understand. He is both the son of God, but for the Jews, he’s the Messiah. He is Deuteronomy chapter 18 fulfilled. He is the one, the prophet that Moses said, God will raise up one, like unto me from among you,

him, you need to hear And G or Paul will come in and he will preach Jesus in the synagogue. Jesus, the Messiah, Jesus, the prophet Jesus, the son Of God, Jesus, God in the field. So he goes into the synagogue there. And I conium, and not only do many Jews believe, but many Greeks, many Gentiles believe at the preaching of his word,

but the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren. One of the things we need to be careful about, one of the things we need to be observed Of is the influence that unbelievers have on Those who are prospects for the gospel. Too many times, You have individuals who have sway over someone and you’re trying to teach them.

And that person is trying to keep them from being taught. And that’s what happens here. The unbelieving Jews, those who hear the word, see the truth and reject it. Okay. It is important to note these aren’t ignorant Jews. These aren’t Jews who never heard the gospel, these aren’t Jews who don’t know the truth. These are Jews who heard the truth and rejected it,

who then move to keep others from hearing it. And so these unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles. That is those Who are pagan In their background. Those who would have seen the gospel as a threat to them, to their religion. They go, as it were to make friends of their enemies, the pagans wouldn’t have been friends to the Jews and the Jews wouldn’t have been friends to pagans.

I mean, these would be people who a Jew would not even go eat in their house. They would wash themselves when they came in from the marketplace, because they may have come in contact, physical contact with one of these People, these Jews weren’t Weren’t buddy, buddy, with these unbelieving Gentiles. But they would become friends To oppose the gospel. They would become allies to defeat their common enemy,

which is the Christian. Therefore they stayed there a long time. Speaking boldly in the Lord who was bearing witness to the word of his grace granting signs and wonders to be done by them, Their hands. One of the clearest passages right here for the purpose of miracles. Here they are. They’re speaking the word of the Lord. What does God do?

As they’re speaking the word of the Lord, he shows a witness of himself Held by the miracles. They perform. Miracles were always a testimony that the message Was true. And yet Message was always have the greatest impact. And especially is here iterated. But the multitude of the city was divided part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles. So they’re going to divide the city as it were one group of people say,

Whoa, this is the truth. We’re going to follow it. The other part go, we’re going to side with these Jews and we’re going to get rid of these guys. Okay. And when A violin attempt was made by both Gentiles and Jews with their rulers. So notice the cohort that’s this Bron brought together. Here’s here’s the axis forces as it were the Jews together with the Gentiles together with the leaders of the city,

the leaders of the city don’t want this. The Gentiles who’ve minds have been poisoned by the Jews. Don’t want it. And the unbelieving Jews don’t want it. And they’re going to bring together a violent Mob to Try and deal with Paul and Barnabas. So violent attempt was made both by the Gentiles and the Jews with their rulers to abuse and stone them.

They became aware of it and fled to Listrak and Derby cities of Lyconia and to the surrounding region. And they were preaching The gospel there. So when they left Antioch, the one in chapter 13, what was going on with the Jews there were they happy about their preaching? All right, that’s right. They counted themselves on worthy of eternal life. They thrust them out of the region and out of the city.

So the Paul and Barnabas shake the dust off their feet. When they’re leaving, they come to I conium and the Jews do what the exact same thing. And now they’re trying to abuse them or kill them. So they move on. They continue though. Here’s what they don’t do. They don’t quit preaching everywhere. They go everywhere. They’re rejected everywhere.

They’re attacked. They don’t throw up their hands and say, well, I guess the only thing we can do is just quit. They never do that. They always continue breaching and enlist stra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting a cripple from his mother’s womb who had never walked. Okay. So, so what’s the problem with this man.

He can’t walk. He, he, he was born in, in whatever situation his feet were in. They didn’t form properly. They didn’t, they didn’t develop properly. And so from him from birth, this person had no ability to walk. He is crippled. When a person was crippled, typically speaking in that type of society, what is he unable to do?

Work, earn a living, provide for himself. You remember when David encountered the son of Saul who was crippled? David did what for him, took him into his household, treated him as his own. Actually he was son of Jonathan, wasn’t it? Yes. It was the son of Jonathan. Grandson of salt. Took him into his household. Let him sit at his table,

gave him meat at his table. He provided for him because he was inherently in that society in capable of providing for himself. And here’s this man who is at a or who, who had never walked this man heard Paul speaking, verse nine, Paul observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, stand up straight on your feet.

And he leaped and walked. Now some will come to this passage and say, see if a person doesn’t have enough faith. They can’t be healed. It’s not the faith. It’s not the, it’s not the power of God. It’s this person’s faith. And usually that said by someone who claims to be able to heal people, but can’t heal who don’t believe,

right? That’s not what this passage means. You read in the account of Jesus being in his home region, that He didn’t do many of the miracles That he did elsewhere in his home region because they didn’t believe. And yet the emphasis is not, he had no power because they had no faith. The emphasis was the miracle was always first and foremost about a person whose heart was all ready,

willing to have faith in God and obedience to him, not about just performing a miracle, not about just resolving a physical malady, but it was about one who understood what God could do for them spiritually, above and beyond what God could do to, for them physically And Paul, as he is preaching, this man is not there to be healed. We don’t read that anywhere.

We don’t read. This main showed up to get his physical malady solved. This man is listening And Paul puts his eyes on this person And he sees him listening. And Paul through the Holy spirit understands the person’s face. Not about a miracle, but about a message. And as a Results of his faith in the message, Paul will perform the miracle To heal his feet.

So notice what we read. He said with a loud voice, stand up straight on your feet. And he leaped and walked. Oh, of course. You know, he had to go through six months of therapy. Just, just to get his, get his strength. No, no, no, no. He, the, the man who’s lowered through the roof by his friends and Jesus heals him.

He doesn’t say, if you can get up and get home, let your friends help you walk home. He goes beyond that. He says, you Carry your own bed, not get up and walk home and let your friends tote your bed back with you. Now, when he was healed, he was healed and he could not only carry himself, but his bed to this man stands up and leaps and walks.

Now, when the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices saying in the Lyconia and language, the gods have come down to us in the likeness of men, they see the miracle and they miss interpret it because of their pagan beliefs. But it’s important that Luke tells you that what they declared was not in the Grecian language, the common language,

this declaration was made in what alright, the local dialect. I mean, for lack of a better description, that was, it was made in their local dialect quite often. And, and anyone who travels the world much will find out that it, that Americans are one of the most ignorant groups of people in the entire world. We’re one of the few groups of people that only speak one language.

You, you go to a lot of places and they speak their local language and they speak trade language, whatever the economy happens in, whether that’s English or Russian or what, the, depending on the part of the world, they’re in, they most, in a lot of places, they grow up bilingual because you’ve got the language spoken at home and you’ve got the language.

You got to go do business in. And so here in America, we’re going now English dead. But that’s the case with these people, Paul and Barnabas, aren’t teaching them in Lyconia in language. They’re teaching them in Greek, but they understand both Greek and this local dialect. And when they make this declaration, they make it in the local dialect.

Okay? Which the Holy spirit doesn’t interpret for Paul and Barnabas. He doesn’t miraculously make them able to hear the words and understand what they said. And they’re going to be ignorant of what was stated, because notice what happens. They make this declaration, the gods have come down to us in and in the likeness of men and Barnabas. They called Zeus and Paul Hermes because he was the chief speaker.

Then the, of Zeus whose temple was in the front of their city, brought oxen and garlands to the Gates, intending to sacrifice with the multitudes. These events are going on. Paul and Barnabas are teaching and preaching. The miracle gets performed. The people see the miracle and they assume they make the declaration. The gods have shown up. So the priest gets busy.

Having witnessed all this, either all of the gods are going to show up. We better offer some sacrifices. And so The priest gets busy. He starts gathering the oxygen, gathering the garlands, gathering everything together. Start offering sacrifices to the gods who were present in Lyconia or sorry, enlister it. And so notice what happens. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this,

they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out. As These events are starting to occur, as they realize what’s going on, Their reaction is profound. Now you need to take in your mind the reaction in chapter 14 and go back to chapter 12. Because in chapter 12, we read verse 20. Now, Harriet had been very angry with the people of tire inside,

but they came to him with one accord in having made blasted the King’s personal aid, their friend, they asked for peace because their country was supplied with food by the Kings country. So on a set day, Herod arrayed in Royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting the voice of a God and A man sound familiar.

Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give glory to God. Notice the difference in the reaction, Paul and Barnabas, when they realize what the people believe based upon what they have witnessed in the miracle that was done, they tear their clothes as a sign of the fact that they disagree. So the Heman with vehemently with this,

and they run into The crowd, and this is What they say. They say, men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature is you and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living. God, They don’t say, well, you know what? We don’t want to. We don’t want to make them mad.

W we’ll just let it, let it go. And then we’ll, we’ll teach them later. We’ll explain it to them later. Just let them go on with their, I mean, this is what they always do. No, they won’t let this stand. So they go in and they try and convince them otherwise. And he says, you should turn from these things to the living.

God who made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them, who in bygone generations allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. And notice we don’t have time to go into it, but notice that word aloud. God allows a lot of things. God, doesn’t approve of a lot of things happen in this world that God doesn’t approve of,

but God doesn’t step in every single time somebody does something he doesn’t approve of. And stop it, go read Romans chapter one and go read the background of what Paul says. These people have done in their own minds to take the creatures that are around them and turn them into God’s to take the world that is around them and turn them into God’s to take the people around them and turn them into God’s all for sin.

God allowed these things who in bygone generations allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless, he did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, gave rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. And with these sayings, they could scarcely restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them. They were barely able to keep them from offering these sacrifices to them as if they were gods.

But Paul says, listen, no matter how ignorant people have become, no matter how long they’ve been steeped in lies about the world, around them every day they wake up and God declares to them that he’s there go to Psalm 19 Psalm 19 Salmas writer says Evans declare the glory of God. And the firmament shows his handiwork day. And today utter speech and night,

and tonight reveals knowledge. There is no language, excuse me. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. This almost writer says every single day and every single night, God declares in a language that is unique Reversal because it’s human experience. He declares that he’s there. He dis declares his power. He goes on to say yes,

Where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world in them. He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices like a strong man to run his race. It’s rising as, from one end of heaven and its circuit to the other end.

And there is nothing hidden from its heat. Every day, every day, God says I’m here. And every day God says I exist. And every day God does something for everyone who’s ever been born that they couldn’t do for themselves. And they couldn’t stop it. If they wanted to hear absolutely Genesis eight 22, Paul will tell those in Athens, when he stands There and declares to them,

the God that they ignore Currently worship that God commands all men, every where to repent, because God has declared himself to all men everywhere. But notice what we read verse 19, then as If trouble followed them everywhere It went. Cause it did Then Jews from Antioch and I conium came there and having persuaded the multitudes. They stoned Paul And dragged him out of the city,

supposing him to be dead. You ever hear the phrase, follow, not a multitude to do evil? Well, just, just a little warning here, mobs that are for you can quickly be turned against you because a mob is a mob, no matter who they’re for or who they’re against. So the mob being aroused, who’s willing to offer sacrifices to those who think,

who they think are gods turn around and add the influence of the Jews. Romania. And I conium turned around and instead of worshiping them stone them, they stoned Paul and they dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. These Jews for manioc for my conium. They weren’t satisfied with Paul and Barnabas not being in their city. They followed them the same way that Jews would follow Paul all the way to Rome,

to accuse him and get rid of him. And these Jews will fail as badly as those because they’ll cause Paul to be stoned. And yet God says, I’m not done. I’m not done with him yet. So at the beginning of his time in Lister, there’s a man who can’t walk, who receives the power to walk. And the end of his time,

enlist rhe. There’s a man who can’t walk because he’s been stoned and they don’t, he doesn’t walk outside the city and fall down. They drag him out, believing him to be dead. Some would suppose based upon the text that perhaps he was dead and that God raised him back up. Some have suggested that perhaps this is the occasion where Paul references later on that there was an occasion where he went up into the third heaven.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but they thought he was dead. And I, he looked like he was dead and he stands up and what’s he do? He Rose up and left the city, right? No. He Rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derby Paul aren’t you tempting fate. They killed you once.

They stone you, once they dragged you outside of the city, thinking you were dead. And then you go where right back into the city. One of the things about Paul and it wasn’t always in his favor, it wasn’t always a good thing. But the man, once he set his mind to do something was going to do it. He wasn’t always right in that regard.

For instance, coming up here in chapter 15, when it comes to to John Mark, he said his mind too, John Mark is not going with us. And he made up his mind so much so that he separated from Barnabas. Once Paul made up his mind, he was going to do it, but then notice what we read verse 21. And when they had preached the gospel to that city,

that is Derby and made many disciples, they returned not only does he go into the city, but then he goes on to Derby the next day. Then he returns to Listrak after converting many in Derby and then two I conium. And then Danny strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying, we must through many tribulations,

enter the kingdom of God. And you might’ve imagined he could have just shown them the marks of the stones because you don’t don’t don’t imagine that these Jews who traveled all the way to list DRA to kill Paul left the disciples alone in their own cities. So Paul exhorts them that we must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God. So when they had appointed elders in every city and prayed with fasting,

they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. And after they had passed through passivity of, they came to Pamphylia. Now, when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down to a Telia. From there, they sailed to Antioch. This is the other Antioch, the one where they started this journey, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work,

which they had completed. Now, when they had come and gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them. And that he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. So they stayed there a long time with the disciples. So they make the circuit, they go all the way as far as Derby, and then they go back and as they go back,

they don’t just bypass all those people that they’ve converted. They stop in and they teach them further and they exhort them further. And they appoint elders in these churches. How much time has passed a good enough time that some of these people are no longer novices. Now the, also the point might be made that some of these, especially who were Jews who were converted,

weren’t novices in the word of God to begin with, they were converted as knowledgeable people in the word of God. The only thing they were lacking was the gospel, the new Testament. And so some of these would have been men who had spent their entire lives being schooled in the scriptures and obedient to the old Testament and the law of Moses. And these men were prepared to lead the church.

And so Paul and Barnabas would come in and they would appoint elders and they would commend them to the grace of God that they would continue the work there in those cities. Then they make it as far back as Antioch. And they give the report of the things that God has done through their hands to the Gentiles. Now that’s not going to make everybody happy.

The, the news in Antioch is good. The, the reception in Antioch is good, but the news is going to get back to Jerusalem. And it’s not all going to be good. As far as the reception of the things that have happened, let’s go through the questions real quick. And then we’ll close. Describe the occasion of Paul and Barnabas leaving.

I conium. Okay. All right. The occasion was the attempt to abuse and stone them a question too, even when God allowed nations to go their way, how did he leave witness of himself? Rain seasons, The produce of the ground, the heart’s filled with food and gladness. Why did the people of re Listrak call Paul and Barnabas? God.

Okay. Okay. Because of the miracle, it was performed, giving the man the ability to, to stand. What did Paul and Barnabas say and do when the people of LR tried to worship them, Okay. They ran into the crowd, tearing their clothes and they declared. We are what men, just like you are Jews from Antioch. And I conium went to list DRA and a blank,

Right? Stoned Paul, Number five, when Paul and Barnabas returned through LR Iconia manioc on their first missionary journey. How did they encourage the disciples? All right. They appointed elders and they exhorted them to continue in the faith through tribulation. Number six, discuss the selection of elders in Lister. I conium and Antioch just simply the idea. They appointed them and they prayed with them and fasted.

They commended them to the work of the Lord. Number seven, Paul and Barnabas began their first missionary journey at Antioch and ended it at Antioch to whom did they attribute the success of their journey. God. All right. Thank you for your attention. It is now. Thank you. I got a long list of announcements, so we better get at it so I can get through for dark.

Good to see everybody, especially the college out again tonight. They good to see them always and good to have everybody here. Our sick list is Diana Shafir. She’s still recovering a little bit from her thyroid surgery. Barbara dealers waiting three months to have her shoulder operated on Joan. Springer is still at home trying to get better. And the Wilsons are still struggling with their ailments.

Janie Marlin is still having problems with her AFM and BJ. Clark’s still recovering from pneumonia that didn’t take long. Did it? Aaron is gonna lead singing. Noah Olson has a devotional and mercy prayer had a closing prayer Turn and Mark number 923, 923 as the invitation song. And then we’ll sing number 578, 578 sing all four verses. We will glow red five King of Kings.

We will glow red five. We will glow red five Lord of Lords. Churro is a gray Lord hall. The reins and majesty we will bow before is the Rome. We will worship him and righteousness. We will worship him ah, long. He is<inaudible>. He is Lord<inaudible> saw praise to him. We<inaudible> hallelujah to a King of Kings.

Hi, Layla.<inaudible><inaudible> is a gray and hi, Good evening. I think this is on. I want to talk about something tonight, concerning assurance. When you look at Christians, we are, or we can be assured of many things. I just want to look at some things that we, as Christians can be assured of that can give us some comfort.

And because assurance is not a, well, I hope it’s the case. It is. We know it is. You can be assured of it. And there are many things that we can be assured concerning the Bible. And firstly, we can be assured of God’s love. We can be assured of God’s love. We know John chapter three and verse number 16 for God.

So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We can be assured that God loves us. How can we know that? Is it off of a blind faith? Now there’s evidence. Firstly, we know that he loves us through what he’s given us. He’s given us his creation.

That’s such a beautiful thing. Is it not the things that he has given us? The things that he has, he has allowed us to have to sustain our lives so we can live good lives here on this earth. Psalm 19 verse one as was read in our Bible class. Look at it. Look at the creation. Marvelous is God’s will let’s look at Psalm chapter 19 and then verse number one.

So I’m 19 in verse number one, the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament show with his handiwork. God’s creation is beautiful. You look at his creation. That’s an evidence of his love for us and we can be assured of that love. But what about through spiritual revelation, which is simply his, his word. I can know his love through that.

I can know what he has given me through his son. I can be assured that God, the creator of this unit universe loves me, loves all of us. Number two, I can be assured that that absolute truth is attainable, that I can obtain absolute truth in John chapter eight, verses 31 and 32. Jesus talks about this and something that we can note and sadly in our world today,

sadly many will tell you that you can’t know the truth. Truth is what you decide. Well, it’s not what the scriptures teach at all. And John chapter eight verses 31 and 32. Notice what Jesus says. And so Jesus to those Jews, which believed on him. If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

James. One verse 21 tells us and receive with meekness, the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. I can know the truth. We as Christians, we can be assured that God’s word is truth. That should be a blessing to us. That should be encouraging to us. So that every time that I open God’s word, there’s no contradictions.

There is no errors and I can trust that can help me or it is the ultimate test key for the ultimate test. Is it not? Why don’t we take it? Why don’t we take the key that has been given to us so we can pass the ultimate test, but law and last but not least Christians can be assured of eternal life. One of my favorite verses I love from,

from, from John is writing in first John chapter five and verse number 13. I love this idea. Notice first John five and verse 13, Christians can be assured of eternal life. These things have I written into you that believe on the name of the son of God, that you may wonder if you have eternal life right now, you may question that you may,

may, may ponder that you may know you have eternal life, right? You may believe in the name of the son of God. Christians have the hope of eternal life. Paul would say the same idea in Philippians or excuse me, second, Timothy four and verse number eight, henceforth. There is laid it for me. The crown of righteousness, which the Lord,

the righteous judge will give me at that day. Not to me only. He says, well, that’s also all of them that love his appearing. Christians can be assured of eternal life. And that should be a blessing to us that we can know we have eternal life and we can know that we’re faithful. If we can. And the word that God has given us.

And perhaps there was one here tonight who is living in doubt, not living according to those things. And you’re not assured of your eternal state. You, you know that if you were to be, if your life were to end tonight, you would not have that hope of eternal life. Maybe you’ve never obeyed the gospel. Would you believe that Jesus is the son of God and repent of your sins,

confess Christ before man. And let him be baptized for the remission of sins to be added to the church, the body of Christ, perhaps you you’ve done. So you’ve obeyed the gospel. You were faithful. You were assured of eternal life, but you’ve lost that. And you know that you would not be able to meet God and right condition. Why don’t you come back to God before it is?

Everlastingly too late. He wants you. He wants you to repent because he loves your soul. If anyone is subject, why don’t you come as we stand? And as we sing<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> You bear with me, father in heaven. We’re thankful for this day that you have made and, and given it to us, we’re thankful for the opportunity we have to assemble and hear portion of your word,

call hula EPAs, to be attentive and learn. As we study that word and father be with those that are sick and struggling with health problems, we ask that you would give us of our sins Lord and help us to ever keep that forgiveness, that a repentance with us so we can be clean and a sight. He thinks that we ask in Christ’s name.

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03-21-2021 – Live Stream Acts 13-14 (Class) & Before the Beginning (Sermon)

In Acts, Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

LIVE: Acts 13-14 (Class) & Before the Beginning (Sermon)

Speaker: Aaron Cozort

Location: Collierville Church of Christ 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN

Sunday Assemblies:
9:30 AM Class
10:30 AM Worship
Wednesday Bible Study – 7:00 PM
Download the questions for class: https://colliervillecoc.org/bible-class-questions/

<inaudible> It’s about time for us to get started. We are still in acts chapter 13. I think we might get through with it today though. No, I think we’ll, we’ll get into chapter 14 as well, at least a little bit. Maybe not all the way through it, but it’s good to have you with us this morning. I will make mention there’s some good material on the book of acts in general,

very in depth material on the book of acts, as well as some specific, highly recommendable material on acts chapter 13 and 14 in a series you can find on YouTube called McWiggin reflections. It’s from a brother over in Nashville, Jim McWiggin and now he’s done a he’s doing not finished yet, but he’s doing a series on the book of acts and he’s about 102 lessons in.

So if you’re looking and they’re, they’re labeled by less than one, two on down, but they’re not the titles, don’t tell you what chapter. So I’m going to tell you that start around. I think it’s less than 73 or 74, and that’ll get you acts chapter 13. And he, as I said in depth, chapter 14 ends around lesson 83,

but Jim McWiggin McGuigan’s reflections. I mentioned that because he goes into a lot of the old Testament aspects of chapters, 13 and 14, that we just do not have time to go into. And so it’s, if you, if you look it up, it’ll be worth your time. You’ll enjoy it, I believe. And so I’ll just throw that,

throw that plug in there In acts chapter 13, actually let’s, We’ll start with a word of prayer. I guess I got sidetracked. All right, let’s get on with it. Word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you Always grateful for your blessings, always grateful for your son who offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins and for the sins of the entire world.

We are mindful of those who Struggle So deeply with understanding your word and your will and the actions that you have taken in history and in time and struggle so deeply with the concerns of this life and the understanding of its meaning. We’re mindful of those individuals who, because of the perversions of this world, struggle so deeply with sins and iniquities, that they can’t see a path forward or mindful of those who have been lied to concerning your existence and concerning the existence of,

of gods and, and beings that do not exist and have no power in this creation of yours. And yet they have power over these individuals through the lies that have been told or mindful of all of these individuals and their need to hear the gospel, to hear it proclaimed boldly, to know what you have done for them in eternity, past, and in your son who died on the cross for their sins as well.

We’re mindful of those who are struggling with illness and pain, difficulty, anguish of life and difficulties because of loved ones who perhaps have passed on. We pray that you will give them strength to go through those hard times and go through those difficult things, never losing their focus on serving you. We pray for those who are in foreign mission fields and in works that are difficult.

We pray that they might have boldness to speak. We’re thankful of this time for this morning that we have the sunshine that we enjoy the day that we have the health and the ability we have to assemble together. And we’re mindful of those who do not have that blessing. We pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things.

And we pray for your grace to cover those sins in our lives that we know of and the ones we don’t know of all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. As Paul is preaching to those Antioch of the Cydia. He preaches to the Jews. He comes into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and Paul and Barnabas are there together. And they are invited by those who are present to speak and they do.

And we have here, the first recorded sermon of the apostle Paul, not the first instance of him preaching, but the first instance where the text of his sermon is recorded. But as we get towards the end of it, we got down. We’re going to pick up in verse 35. Therefore he says in another Psalm, Paul is talking about David.

He’s talking about the promise of David. That one would be re would rise up, who was from the lineage of David David’s son as is prophesied in second Samuel chapter 12. I believe it is. And here he is bringing in the Psalms that reference this descendant of David and this promise and this Messiah that they knew of, therefore he says in another Psalm,

you will not allow your Holy one to see corruption for David. After he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep, was buried with his fathers and saw corruption. That is he’s he’s in the grave. He’s, he’s in the, the place of the dead awaiting the judgment day, but he whom God raised up saw no corruption.

One of the emphasis here is that when a person dies and they enter into that, Hadean realm, their body decays. They, they have no more life in it. And therefore that body deteriorates and hence the idea of seeing corruption and yet what happened to the body of Christ. Okay. All right. It didn’t stay in the grave. It didn’t decay.

And go back to dust. It was resurrected on the third day. And then what happened to the body of Christ? You had ascended to heaven. It, there is no grave you can go to and say, there lie to the ashes of Jesus Christ because there is no tomb where lie the ashes of Jesus Christ. Those ascended, that body ascended into heaven.

He says, verse 30, 38. Therefore let it be known to you. Brethren that through this man is preached to you, the forgiveness of sins and by him, everyone who believes is justified from all things, which you could not be justified by the law of Moses Belair, therefore less. What has been in the prophets Come upon you behold, you despisers Marvel and perish for,

I will work a work in your days, a work, which you will by no means believe though one were to declare it to you. We made mention on Wednesday that this comes from the book of Habakkuk and God is telling Habakkuk concerning the destruction of Judea and Jerusalem at the hands of the Cal sins. And God says, I’m going to work a work that you would not believe if it were reported to you.

And Paul says, be careful Jews of this generation that you don’t have. The same thing happened to you that you know, happened to your ancestors because they didn’t believe what God said. They didn’t believe what God said he would do. And they were destroyed by the Babylonians. And Paul uses Habakkuk to say, this can be your fate the same as it was theirs.

So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, by the way, do you notice how he ended on such a happy note? You know, that there are some preachers who you don’t, it doesn’t matter how dark gloomy judgment oriented their sermon is throughout the entire text. They’re going to end on a happy, they’re going to send people out with a smile on their face.

Paul was not such a preacher, not when people needed to hear the truth and needed to be saved from their sins. And so he ends with this. So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them. The next Sabbath. Now, when the congregation had broken up many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas,

who speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. What does this mean? Continue in the grace of God. First of all, what’s the description of these people, the Jews first, w how are they described The Jews in this verse? How are they described? Okay. As devout, these are Not the Jews. Does that show up at synagogue on Saturday and are involved in adulterous relationships on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday,

and no, no, these aren’t those Jews. These are the Jews who come in on the Sabbath day and are dressed all nice and appear to be Holy and are drunkards all the rest of the week. They’re not those Jews. These are devout Jews. These are those who have the law of Moses. Believe the law of Moses are obedient to the law of Moses and are striving daily to be acceptable To God.

Okay? That’s Who these Jews are. They are devout. They are sincere and honest in their beliefs and in their, their obedience of the law of Moses. And we read that. There’s also, proselytes, what’s a promise, Okay. This is a Gentile by nationality who has converted himself to the Jewish system in order to become a, a, an adopted,

as it were child of Abraham. And he’s gone through all of the covenant rituals in order to Do that. This is not Agenda aisle. Who believes in God, this is a Gentile who has become a Jew. Okay? So you have devout Jews and proselytes Gentiles who have become ceremonially and covenant lately, Jews who follow Paul and Barnabas. And we read That they persuaded To them to continue in the grace of God.

They persuaded. Does this mean Paul persuaded them to continue being Jews following the, No. What does it mean then? Okay. And how is it? They could stay in the favor of God Apps. Absolutely. By being obedient to the gospel that was being preached to them. So what you see here is here are Jews who hear him on the Sabbath,

and they’re not satisfied with hearing him on the Sabbath. They come to him afterwards, they’re following them. And they are persuaded to be obese.<inaudible> to the message on the next Sabbath. Almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. So there’s Some Jews who hear him on That first Sabbath. And then the part there’s Gentiles who come up to him and say,

we want to hear you again on the Next Sabbath. And, and There some devout Jews and proselytes who hear him. And instead of Harding, follow them three categories of people having heard him on the first Sabbath, the next Sabbath day comes. And now the Jews come to their synagogue. And have you had, Or seeing the reaction of people’s faces when they show up somewhere where normally there’s a few people And That particular day they drive up as it were,

and There’s crowds The reaction that’s on people’s faces is what’s going on. The Jews come and they see the entire city. Now, was it every last person who, I don’t think that’s what the Texas TRIBE to say, but if we walked out here this morning and 50,000 out of 60,000 people in all of Collierville, we’re standing outside, we’d say the entire city was Here.

Okay. There Might still be a policeman on patrol, but that doesn’t mean the entire city’s not here. Okay. So they show up, they look, and the entire city has shown up at the synagogue. Now, what time in the past has that ever happened? Probably never. It’s never Happened here. And it had probably never happened at the synagogue.

They’re in Antioch and the knee jerk reaction of the Jews now noticed The text from the previous Sabbath day. There were the Jews that departed, there were the Gentiles that desired to hear more And they’ve come back and, Or the devout Jews, and proselytes who stayed with them and continued to hear them and obey the gospel. And it is the first category of people who were reading about again.

Now, The Jews, the ones who departed last Sabbath, and then think about Paul and Barnabas again, between last Sabbath and this Sabbath show back up. And, Oh boy, do we have a problem Now? Because They show back up and the entire city is gathered at the synagogue. And their reaction is to become Envious Of Paul and Barnabas. Notice what we read in the text.

Now, when the Jews saw the molds attitudes, they were filled with envy and contradicting and blaspheming. They opposed the things spoken by Hi, Paul. They do. I mean, show up that Sabbath and have spent the entire previous week thinking, no, I’m going to, I’m going to go line by line through the old Testament. And I’m going to prove that Paul was wrong.

They didn’t do that. They didn’t show up ready to refute Paul. They showed up and saw the molds And said, we’re not going to stand for this. It’s one thing for a few Gentiles to hear the gospel. It’s one thing for a few Gentiles to believe what’s being taught. It’s one thing for a few ProSeal lights to obey the gospel is another thing entirely for this gospel to be Breached to the entire city.

They arrive. They come on the scene and they are filled With envy and They determine that they will contract Predict the preaching of Paul Anderson In doing so. They not only contradict the preaching of Paul, but they blast God. And why did they do it? Jealousy, envy. And ultimately What always stands beside, behind jealousy Pride, their own pride led them to this action.

Paul warned them. If you let you get in the way of you obeying God, what’s going to happen to them. The same thing that happened to their ancestors, why is it that Jews didn’t hear the profits? They were told by Isaiah what was going to happen? They were told by Jeremiah, what was going to happen? They were told by Zika,

what was going to happen? They were told by prophet, after prophet, after prophet, after prophet, what was going to happen and why didn’t they Change? One of them Biggest accusations against them, time in and time out was Pride. And this people chose the same path that their ancestors did. So Paula Barnabas grew bold and said it was necessary.

Sherry. He doesn’t say, well, You know, we thought this was the best path. No, he doesn’t Say that It was necessary. This is the same point that Paul makes in Romans chapter one, when Paul writes to the church at Rome and he says, I was a debtor, both to the Jew and to the, and Tile to preach the gospel.

But he said, The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew First and also to the Greek. And then by the way, in verse 17, again, quotes, Habakkuk for the just shall live by faith. So Paul says it was necessary that the gospel go to the Jew first, Because it was through them that the gospel was going to reach everyone else.<inaudible> No position.

There’s no biblical position in which Gentiles eat all. I think probably all of us sitting here this morning, You should have any animosity towards Jews nationally, Because of anything that’s happened in the past. The question is for every nationality, will you hear the gospel or not? And What Paul’s is, is it was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first,

but since you reject it, and Here’s an interesting phrase, And judge yourselves on worthy of Lasting life, behold, we turned to the Gentiles. I have a question for you. Someone hears the gospel. Maybe they hear it time and time again, they hear the gospel. They have the word of God and they never obey it. And the day of judgment comes and they stand before God,

do we imagine God as an unjust judge who sits There and says, I don’t care about all the good Things you did. I don’t care About the nice things that you did for your parents. I don’t care how you, you helped them when they were old and in firm. And Who provided for them. I don’t know, Care that you trying to be good to your children,

to your family members and to even people who you didn’t know, I don’t care. You didn’t hear my gospel. You didn’t obey it. And I punish you by sending you to hell, is that the picture of God That we really Ought to have? Hopefully it’s not the picture that we have of God at all. But I think there’s some who do Some who imagined that that’s,

God’s disposition on the day of judgment. I don’t care what You did because of this. I’m sending you to hell. And that’s just simply not the picture of God. The picture of God is go, go, go back real quick to chapter 13, back in chapter 13, verse 17, the God of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people.

Yeah. When they dwelled as strangers in the land of Egypt with an uplifting arm, he brought them out. Now for a time of about 40 years, he went up with their ways in the wilderness or put up with their ways in the wilderness. And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he distributed their land to them. By allotment.

After that, he gave them judges for about 450 years until Samuel the prophet and afterward, they asked for a King. So God gave them solved the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin for 40 years. And when he had removed him, he raised up for them. David, as King to whom also he gave testimony and said,

I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, for who or excuse me, who will do all my will for this man seed. According to the promise, God raised up for Israel, a savior, Jesus. The picture that we are to have of God is a God who confronts humanity and says, I did this for you.

I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you. This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and all I asked in return is that you hear and obey. And you knowing what I did and Knowing what I said,

Judged yourself, unworthy of the everlasting life. I’ve offered God on the day Of judgment will not In a sense, be sitting there as judge. God will all Reality be saying, you judged yourself because you knew and you wouldn’t obey. Paul said, you judge your selves on worthy of everlasting life. Behold, we turn to the Gentiles for, so the Lord has commanded us.

Now, this is an interesting us here. And this is one of those. I will reference you right back to those YouTube videos, because brother McWiggin spends a bout two lessons going back to the book of Isaiah, because this quotation comes from Isaiah. Yet it comes from a passage, Isaiah 49, where it’s one of the servant passages. It’s one of the passages.

People quite often say, this is about Christ. Except Paul says, it’s not. Paul says it’s about us. It him, Paul Barnabas, the Christians in the first century, it was about the righteous servants of God. The righteous Jews. He says for the soul, the Lord has commanded us. I have set you as a light to the Gentiles that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.

Now, does it apply to Jesus? Yes, but Paul says that it is the Jews who have the truth that are to be the light to the Gentiles. And does that seem strange to us? Because Jesus said in Matthew chapter five, verse 14 and verse 15 in verse 16, you were the salt of the earth as assaulted loss of saber, where with she’ll be salted.

It sends forth good for nothing to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men, you are the light of the world. A city that is set on a Hill cannot be hid. Paul said Isaiah and Isaiah chapter 49 told us that we’d go to the Gentiles. And so since you, the Jews have considered yourself unworthy of everlasting life, we will do exactly what Isaiah told us to do.

And we will spread the gospel to the Gentiles. And then we read verse 48. Now, when the Gentiles heard this understand something, these Gentiles are not unfamiliar with the Jewish teachings. They’re not unfamiliar With what the Jews in this synagogue believed. These Gentiles would have known these Jews in this synagogue will let you in the synagogue. They’ll let you hear the word of Moses.

They’ll let you hear the law and the profits on the Sabbath day. But if you journey with them to Jerusalem on a feast day, You’ll stand outside in the court of the Gentiles. You won’t go in the temple, They’ll let you in. But only so far And anybody else, that’s not a Jew. They don’t have the same rights or the same privileges under the law of Moses.

But now the Gentiles hearing this, That the Jews who had this gospel, who had these prophets, who had this word from the God of heaven are now being willing to not only spread that gospel, that is these Christians spread that gospel, but also that they have equal standing with God. When they heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord.

And as many as have been appointed to eternal life believed, And the word Of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region. But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men Of the city raised Up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them from their region. In verse 51 is an interesting passage that Hearkens back to when Jesus sent Out the 70 And sent out the 12 inch in the region of Judea,

Because We read verse 51, but they, Paul and Barnabas shook off the dust from their feet against them and came to eye conium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy spirit Before, Or we get too far away from chapter 13, There would Be some who would come to this passage and say, first of all, verse 48,

makes it clear that God chooses of his own volition who will hear and believe and be saved. You won’t that’s Calvinism for you. Calvinism says, God determines who will hear and who won’t. And through the power of the Holy spirit changes the heart, the, the, the, the, the, the heart of the individual who’s born in sin to be able to believe before They ever do.

And so They’ll use this phrase appointed by the Lord To say, see God To work on an individual before they can be saved and see, God is the one who chooses, who will be saved before they ever believe. And that’s just simply not what this, I Will point out. The consistency Of the book of acts Are some things that Luke says in the book of acts,

as he’s recording these events where he doesn’t every single time someone is converted, say, this person heard the word, believe the word repented of their sins confess the name of Christ and was immersed in water. He doesn’t do that every single time somebody Is converted. He Doesn’t raise every single step along the way. What he does do is give you every indication of exactly what happened.

First Of all, in acts chapter two, before we get all the way down the road acts chapter 13. When Peter is speaking to Jews and telling them the gospel, what does Peter say? They must Do Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. And you shall receive one. The gift of the Holy ghost Here in this passage. Luke tells you They heard first,

Or they were ever believing before we read anything about those who were appointed. We Burst here that they heard Now, who is directing the events here. Who’s telling Paul and Barnabas who to speak to. Who’s giving them the words to speak. Holy spirit is now. Now if the Holy spirit was going to come into this town, and as it were through Paul and Barnabas convert,

only those who he had already appointed for salvation. What was The point of Paul going to all the people who were going to Inject it? Because if you believe Calvinism, they rejected it because God didn’t On their heart. Isn’t that interesting. Paul accuses them of judging themselves. When in reality, if you believe Calvinism, it’s God who failed to do anything for,

so it’s not just them judging themselves, is it it’s God judging them and withholding from them the ability to be Saved, but that’s not What the passage says. The passage says they heard. They could have believed. And instead Of being Filled with the gospel, they filled themselves with envy. So first they heard, but second, I can leave those who heard amongst that group,

not those who hadn’t heard, but those who did here were those who were appointed by the Lord. But then, Then as Paul and Barnabas are leaving the region, we’re told this little tidbit here, There were believer Who’s who were filled With joy and with the Holy spirit, N Chapter two, Peter makes it clear and all the other passages due to all the way up until this point,

they never received the Holy spirit until after They were baptized. That’s why Peter tells them you have to repent. Well, did these Gentiles have anything to repentive? Yes. Do we suppose they didn’t because we didn’t read where they did. Right? So if we’re going to work in the passage off the assumption, because we didn’t read it, therefore it didn’t happen.

Which is what people will do. They’ll say, see, they believe we don’t read. They were baptized. Oh, okay. Does that mean they didn’t confess the Lord? They didn’t repent. We’re not supposed to treat scripture that way In the same context, in the same book, not in the same event, but in the same book, Luke’s already told us.

Here’s what we taught. Here’s what the gospel was. Here’s what was preached to them. Here’s what they had to do to obey. And here’s what they did. And so when he tells you, but they believed, and they were filled with joy in acts chapter eight, when Philip was teaching the, The unit, the unit is hearing the gospel,

Hearing it from the old Testament. He’s hearing about this one, Jesus. And he says, see, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized? And what is Phillip’s response? If they’ll believe his is Namaste and they go and stop the chariot. And we read that the Munich is rejoicing. He goes down on the water Right now. That’s not what we believe Or what we read.

What we read is that he came up out of the water and went on his way. Rejoicing, Luke makes a point to tell us long before we ever get here, that the joy comes after the conversion, Not before. And that the Holy spirit comes after the conversion, not before. So when Luke tells you that there were believers in this region who continued on,

even after Paul and Barnabas are gone and they continued on in joy and in the Holy spirit, Luke’s already told you what about Them? They’ve Heard, they believe they’ve repented. And they’ve been immersed in water for the remission of their sins. Otherwise they wouldn’t have anything to be joyous of. And they wouldn’t have received the Holy spirit. He does It.

Doesn’t have to spell it out every time, because he’s already given you enough information to know exactly what It happened. Chapter 14, actually, let’s go through the questions of chapter 13. So we actually get those done. I think I’m going to run close on time. All right. By that, I mean, I don’t think I’m going to get into chapter 14 for what work did the Holy spirit call Paul and Barnabas Preaching to the Gentiles On their journey to Cyprus Barnabas and Paul were accompanied by blank.

John Mark Saul was also known as blank, Paul. Okay. That’s pretty, self-explanatory right there in the previous question. Number three, name the punishment placed on bar Jesus for confusing. The ways of the Lord taught by Barnabas and Paul Struck Mine. I thought of something this morning that I had, honestly, I don’t believe not perfect road collection here,

but I don’t believe I’d ever thought of before When Paul’s Or Saul is on the road to Damascus. Where’s the Lord do to him. He struck him blind. And what did he have to do? What Did those traveling with him have to do, Take him by the hand and lead him into the city at that moment in time. So Paul of Tarsus was guilty of the same thing.

Barjesus was wasn’t. He, he was persecuting the Christians and he was provoking Christ and he was withholding the gospel and he gets struck blind and he has to have someone lead him to where he needs to go turn around in chapter 13 and Saul of Tarsus meets LMS Barjesus and gives him the same situation that he had.<inaudible> I wonder if it turned out the same way for elements that it did for Saul.

Maybe that was an opportunity for elements to change as he sits there in his blindness, as Paul did for three days and reasoned with him himself, how did I get here and what happened to me and how do I ever get my sight back? Just to just a thought question and something that occurred to me this week that I just had never even thought of that Paul puts him in the same situation he was in when he was on the road to Damascus.

Okay. There’s there’s that for you? What was the result of on the pro council surgery as Paulus<inaudible> All right. Seeing the things that took place, he was astonished at the teaching and believed in preaching to the Jews and God fearers in pacinian Antioch. Paul did not include a Israel in Egypt, be receiving the law of Moses at Mount Sinai. See land inheritance in Canaan,

D the judges or E King Saul.<inaudible> Be the receiving of the law at Mount Sinai. Number five. Yes or no. Did David’s body decay after death? Yes. Yes or no. Did Jesus’ body decay after death? No. Number six. Forgiveness of sins is through blank.<inaudible> Jesus. I, I wasn’t, I was hearing an answer,

but I wasn’t loud enough to hear all right. I heard a voice, but I didn’t understand it. How did Paul and Barnabas protest against the persecution in pacinian Antioch instigated buying there or by the leaders? Alright. They shook the dust off their feet. Okay. Given the time and given we’re only just a couple of minutes from the quarter after the hour,

we will be dismissed now and pick up in chapter 14 on Wednesday<inaudible><inaudible> Yeah.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to Collierville. Church crash. Sunday morning, worship service is good to see everybody out this morning, all spread out and social distance, and then that kind of thing. But we’d like to welcome any visuals that we have and ask you,

if you would please fill out a visitor’s card on the back of the Pew in front of you. So we’d have a record of your attendance and We got a sick list. And if you, before that, if you hadn’t picked up your Lord supper, it’d be a good time to do that. It’s back there on that table or are sick or Joan was spraying.

And Maria said she was doing pretty well this morning, Janie, Marlin, Rodale, and Dorothy Wilson. And while I’m on their name, I got a card from them. It says, thanks for all of the phone call cards, letters, and prayers. Thank you. Love y’all Rodale and Arthur Wilson. And I’ll put this on the bulletin board. After services.

James Luna has been moved to N H C healthcare. It’s in Franklin, Tennessee. I think to regain his strength after his little stay in the hospital. Excuse me, Leo van is Becky’s niece. She is at home and doing well after her kidney and pancreas transplant. Diana Schaeffer is recovering from thyroid. She’s talking real low, so, but it’s good to see her.

And Barbara is here again today. And I went back there and talked to her and she says, she’s got to wait three months before she can have surgery on her shoulder. And BJ Clark over at far till is recovering from pneumonia. We will resume Sunday afternoon service beginning, April the fourth, and the fellowship hall will be open. Okay. She,

anybody wants to stay and eat lunch in there. That’s all the announcements. Michael Dale will be leading singing. Eric Halverson has opening prayer. Mark Phillips has the lower supper and Aaron Cozort has her sermon. And Jay Shafir has the closing prayer. One day. I won’t be able to step up the steps like that anymore, but I’m going to take advantage of it while I still can.

Our first song this morning will be number 31 to be still and know that be still and know 31.<inaudible> that I am.<inaudible> that<inaudible> that? Ah,<inaudible> the,<inaudible> the<inaudible> the song before opening. Prayer will be number 827 sweet hour of prayer. Eight to seven. Sweet. Ah.<inaudible> that calls me. Whoa, duh.

Okay. And see me. Let’s stop right there. I think we skipped a slide actually, or the slide is not in there. Yeah. From a world of care and bids me at my father’s throne. Make all my wants and wishes known as it missing. It’s there. Okay. Let’s start over again. Sweet. Ah, prayer. Sweet,

ah, prayer. NA<inaudible>. And besides me a dad, my father<inaudible> me<inaudible> and see<inaudible> and grieve my<inaudible> and read the, and ah,<inaudible> by the<inaudible> suite.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hey, son, to the place where<inaudible> is. And<inaudible> my<inaudible> and wait for the sweet, sweet, ah, prayer. Sweet,

ah, prayer. No, we change<inaudible> to<inaudible><inaudible> so to blah and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and wait for the<inaudible> God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this morning, to sing songs, appraised your great name and to study another portion of your word, Lord, we want to thank you and praise you for those that have had procedures that have gone well.

And those that are getting good reports on your illnesses and ailments that they are dealing with. But we also know there are many amongst us that still have other ailments and illnesses that they are dealing with. And we asked that if it be your will you return them to a measure of health that they so desire. Lord, we also ask that you oversee those that are providing care for these individuals and give them the strength and the patients that they need in order to deal with the challenges that they face each and every day in providing care for their loved ones.

Lord, we also know that there are those amongst us that have lost loved ones recently. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms around those families and the friends of those, those members that have passed away and give them the comfort that they so desire. Lord, we also thank you for having sent your son Jesus here on earth so that we may learn from him and through him and have that opportunity to have our sins forgiven and one day join you and heaven.

And now, as we prepare to study another portion of your word, that brother Aaron would bring to us, we ask that you help each and every one of us focus on the words that Aaron brings us this morning, your words, so that we may analyze them and apply them to our lives so that we may better serve you while we live here on this earth,

we pray all this through your son, Jesus name, amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord. Supper will be number 350. When my life to Christ grows week three, five, zero. When my law to Christ grows, we, when for deep things I see and then thought, ah, God, to the garden. Yeah. E<inaudible> the name green.<inaudible> see,

that’s a freaking friend.<inaudible> we being present?<inaudible> when my love for man grows. We, when for strong<inaudible> I see<inaudible> to those scenes.<inaudible> there be<inaudible><inaudible> bit a tree. See,<inaudible> see his<inaudible><inaudible> TRIBE and then to LA live. Ah, and ah, and, and the<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Griff At this time,

we need to remember the cross and that sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. Let’s pray having father we’re thankful for this bread, that represents Jesus’ body. That was nailed to the cross for the sins of mankind. And we pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. Amen. Unlike men or heavenly father, we’re thankful for this fruit of the vine that represents Jesus’ blood.

That was shed on the cross for the sins of mankind. I pray heavenly father, you please forgive us for our sins. Separate from the Lord’s table. Have an opportunity to give us with prosper. Let us pray. Having it followed with thankful for the financial gains you have given us through the years and we pray heavenly father. You would take a portion of these to help continue the work here at Collierville.

Church of Christ. These things we ask in Jesus name, amen. The song before the lesson will be number four, 150. Give me the Bible. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song please. Number four or five zero. Give me the<inaudible> to cheer though on DRA. No, Nan Tempus, no stolen Ken. Hi that<inaudible> beat man.

Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost, give me the Holy message. I need a light shot. Guide me in a narrow way. Hey, precept. And<inaudible><inaudible> gave me<inaudible>. My heart is broke and<inaudible> and then green Pam<inaudible> gave me the precious words. My Jesus spoke. Oh, the face to show my<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me in a narrow way.

Hey,<inaudible> to<inaudible> and he turned all day. Hey, give me<inaudible>. Oh, that’s and by the open gray, Hey,<inaudible> from heaven shining port or show me the glory gilding Jordan’s way. Hey, give me the<inaudible>. Holy message. I need a live shot. Guide me in a narrow way. Hey<inaudible><inaudible> and he turned all day.

Hey, you may be seated. Good morning. When you think about history, there are some things are true. Like for instance, there was a time in history before this country, Someone might say, well, what was America like before the United States of America? And you could Provided you knew something about that time period. You could tell them about the different parts of America and the different regions and,

and how they were under the thumb of, of a foreign power. But you could also be asked the question, what was life like? And I’ll use the phrase. My, my parents do B C you know, a, B, C stands for right before children, Like talking about what life was like before children, all the things they used to do before.

Yeah. Keep wanting to ask my parents. So what’s life like after children, But we’re not going to get on that topic. So often we wonder what are things like before something, But have you ever thought what existed? What was here before the beginning now for a modernist that’s nonsense. That’s foolish talk. You can have something before the beginning.<inaudible> And also,

I mean, there’s always been something here because something has to be eternal. Otherwise you’d have nothing, but it was small and infant testimony. It’s not what the Bible talks about though. In Genesis chapter one, verse one, we read in the beginning. And yet it is clear from the text that when you read in the beginning, it’s not the beginning,

is it? It’s not the, of everything. It’s the beginning of something, Just like there was a continent of what is now the United States of America. There’s a continent of North America before there was the United States of America Before The nation was ever a nation, the place. And even most of the people were already here. And yet they’re in 1776. You have the beginning in 1786 or three or whatever.

When you get out of the Confederate agreement into the United States, Say all of that to bring us forward to this question of what was there in the beginning before The beginning. And you might, so why Aaron, because it speaks to what is most important about our understanding of who we are. You and I, we have a beginning. Humanity has a beginning.

That beginning is what we read about in Genesis chapter one, verse one in the beginning, God, it’s not the beginning of everything. It’s not the beginning of God. It’s not the beginning of all things that God did. It is the beginning Of our story. But when you frame your understanding of who we are, who humanity is in a frame that doesn’t count in the things that God did,

the existence of God, you frame humanity by himself, material things by themselves, you ignore the supernatural. You ignore God, you ignore his actions in eternity, you ignore all of those things. Then you get a very different Man. And that is what so many in our world want to believe. They want to believe that man and humanity sprung up out of a series of accidents,

a series of events, over a period of infinite, infinite amount of time to create what we are now and we’re going to something else. And yet that’s not true. Before the beginning, there was number one, a God that existed before or The beginning of the world. There was a God that existed go to Genesis chapter For one in the beginning,

God was created, right? No, no. I think I got a few of those words in the wrong order. In the beginning, God created. If God created in the beginning, what existed before the beginning, God did. Otherwise he couldn’t have created. We already have the presumption in the text that there was something before the beginning. And who was it?

What was it? The answer is God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Let me ask you this. When humanity shows, What was already here, the earth was when God showed up, what was not already Here, the earth that Is incredibly important Because humanity would love to have it. The other way around wouldn’t they,

They would loved to have in the beginning was matter over time matter produced man. And from man and his imagination came, God, That’s not the way it works. And that’s not what happened for in the beginning Before have the heavens and the earth existed. God existed. Matthew chapter 19, Jesus says something interesting about this. Matthew chapter 19 in a passage that quite often is,

is used to discuss marriage and divorce and remarriage and that’s appropriate given that’s it’s context. Jesus decided to have a discussion about the beginning in Matthew chapter 19 verse one. Now it came to pass when Jesus had finished these sayings that he departed from Galilee and came to the region of Judea beyond the Jordan and great multitudes followed him. And he healed them there.

The Pharisees also came to him, testing him and saying, is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason? And he answered and said, have you not Read That he who made them? Who is Them? A man And his wife, male and female. By the way, if you Ever have a desire to go read one of the best arguments ever made against evolution,

Go Read the Warren flu debate that happened in Texas in the 1970s, Where Dr. Anthony flu attempted to argue the agnostic position and evolution and brother Warren, by the Way, you can call him Dr. Warren too, but I’m going to call it. Brother asked Mr. Flu, when did male and female evolve, you see evolution has a problem because As you not only have to get cells that reproduce and then beings that reproduce,

but in all sexual beings, you have to get the evolution of a male and a female. Not only happening around the same time, but it has to happen around the same time and in the same species and in the same location. Because if you have one creature evolve into a male on one side of the planet and another creature evolve into a female on the other side of a planet,

a thousand years apart, guess what? You don’t have reproduction. Why? Oh, they just missed it by a thousand years. Now you want to take the odds of getting evolution to happen. Now compound them upon the odds of getting evolution to happen in the same time, at the same place, in the same location. And one of them to be mailing one of them to be female,

You just Took the odds of evolution happening and you skyrocketed it out of the planet, But that’s a side thought. Jesus Said that he, which made them at the beginning, made them male and female. And then notice what he says and said for this reason, shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. And the two shall become one flesh before the beginning,

God existed. And God created What is here. But consider further that before The beginning Christ existed, some Would have Christ to be A created, being. Some would have Christ to be the first created being because they misunderstand The book of Hebrews. But Christ existed before For the beginning, John chapter one In John chapter one, as John introduces Jesus Christ,

He doesn’t introduce him as some of the other gospels do with his mother. He doesn’t introduce him with his birth. He doesn’t introduce him with his lineage as Matthew does. He introduces him with in the beginning was The word, okay? Not in the beginning was the word created in the beginning was the word it was already in existence. And the word was with God.

And the word was, Oh God, wait a minute, John, what do you mean? He means when that phrase in the beginning is used in Genesis chapter one, verse one, not only does God, the father exist, but God, the son exists, But he doesn’t stop there. Now does he In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God.

And the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. And without him, nothing was made that was made Before the beginning Christ existed. And John says, and he did the creative Act. God spoke Christ created before the beginning, Christ existed turn to John chapter 17. Lest we Leave the opportunity for one to come along and say,

well, that’s what John John thought let’s hear it from. Jesus’s mouth, John chapter 17, verse one, we father the hour has come glorify your son, that your son also may glorify you as you have given him authority over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to. As many as you have given him. And this is eternal life that they may know you.

The only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have glorified you on the earth. I have finished the work which you have given me to do. And now father glorify me together with yourself, with the glory, which I had with you To be for the world was wait a minute. Christ, are you saying Like you did to the Jews?

You remember the Jews said, do you believe you’re greater than Abraham? And Jesus Said before Abraham was, as I am. And now we Says before the world was, I am God existed before the world Christ existed before the world someone might quandary. What about the spirit? Glad you asked that Hebrews chapter nine, Hebrews chapter nine, the Hebrew writer As he is here,

speaking concerning the, The things that we read concerning the mediator. We read this beginning in verse 11, but Christ came as high priest of good things to come, which the, the greater or excuse me, wind the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands. That is not This creation, not with the blood of bulls and goats, but God,

with his own blood, he entered the most Holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh. How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the terminal Spirit, through The eternal spirit, offered himself without spot, Got to God.

Cleanse Is your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And for this reason, he is the mediator of the new covenant. Jesus Christ here in this passage is spoken of as the mediator. He has spoken of the sacrifice, but he is spoken of as making the sacrifice through the eternal Spirit. Add on to that in Genesis chapter one. And in verse one in the beginning,

God, and the Hebrew scholars will tell you clearly that word is plural. It’s not singular. The word Elohim in the text is in its plural form. God, the father was there. God, the son was there. God, the spirit who is eternal in his nature was there, which means God, the father, God, the son, God,

the spirit are greater in substance, in nature, In stature, in glory and in preeminence than all, All of this physical existence. But did you know they weren’t all that existed before the beginning. Few other things that existed before the beginning, John chapter 17, again, Jesus is, he is praying to the father, says in verse 20, I do not pray for these alone,

but also for those who will believe in me through their word, That they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you that they may be one in us that the world may believe that you sent me and the glory, which you gave me. I have given them that they may be one just as we are one I in them and you and me that they may be made perfect in one.

And that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them. As you loved me, father, I desire that they also, whom you gave me may be with me where I am, that they may be hold my glory, which you have given me for. You loved me Before the foundation of the world love existed before the beginning of the world.

No loves Just a human emotion. A by-product of, of, of, of the nature of humanity that evolved over millions of year. No God, the father loved the other ones. Beings of the Godhead bef Or the world was founded. Love preexists, humanity, Consider something else. Genesis chapter one, verse three, Go back to the creative act.

The description of that passage or that description of that event in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth verse three said, then God says, Let there be light. And there was light. Have you ever, I thought about the fact that communication existed before Humana We’re told that God spoke, what is that? That is communication. Why Is it?

The communication has such great impact and such great importance in our lives. Do you know something that Adolf Hitler realized and came to a realization of this fact, if he could become a good Speaker, I could convince his nation to change communication And its Power shifted Germany from 1919 to 1934 Because Adolf Hitler decided he was going to become a Great communicator. Communication is powerful and it existed before we did No,

no, no, no, no. I’ve seen the caveman drawings. There are no words Up there. So since there are no words, there must not have been any words, right? God spoke and it happened. But then consider as well. We read just a moment ago in John chapter 17 verse five, that Jesus said not only did I exist,

not only did the father exist, but glory Existed. Have you ever thought about that? When we think about love existing, we think about communication existing, God spoke, but have you thought about the fact that glory existed? Remember he said, glorify me with the glory I had with you before the world won Says, well now wait a minute. Glory from who?

See, because you don’t get glory from nobody. You don’t have glory. If you’re in the presence of no one, you don’t have glory. If you’re on an Island by yourself and no one else exists, guess what you don’t have of all the things you might have. You don’t have glory, Sorry for you. Leave no impression on anyone else.

And that’s what Three involves the impression you make on others. Glory is something that’s received by multiple people being present. And yet Christ had glory that tells you that someone else, since both Christ and the father, Or had glory, either Christ in the father and the spirit are standing there and miring one another and giving glory to one another, or someone ELDs exists with them.

Not claiming there are other eternal Beings claiming that someone else Existed before the world did, which by the way, we already know to be true. Is there a good chance from all the scriptures indication that the angels were present when God created the world? Absolutely glory existed before the world was interestingly, spend some time with Psalm 33 to consider that idea. But then one last thing in John chapter 17,

verse five, Jesus says that I was with you. I had glory with you and you sent me. We also see encapsulated in that that authority existed before the beginning turned us all 93, Psalm 93 beginning in verse one, we read the Lord reigns. He is clothed with majesty. The Lord is closed. He has girded himself with strength. Surely the world is established So that it can And not be moved.

Your throne is established from of old. You all are from ever Last thing. Wait a minute. What did we just read about? We read about the reign of God, the throne of God, the power of God and the creative act of God and all of those things. Those first three existed before the creative act God’s authority was Set in existence and was there before you and I am this word World ever existed.

Why is it though? Those who want to believe in evolution want to believe in evolution. This may not Be a hundred percent exhaustively true because there may be some people who are ignorant of the scriptures enough that they might believe in evolution and the scriptures at the same Time, in spite Of the fact that every single major section of scripture from Genesis to revelation claims God created the heavens and the earth and that it happened the way the Bible says it did every single major section.

There’s not a section of scripture. You can have left. If you throw out the creation that you get to keep that section of scripture, But predominantly throughout the last 200 years Of evolutionary thinking and promulgation of that ideology, it comes from this singular Desire. If evolution is true, I don’t have a God who I have to answer to because I’m just a by-product of Nature.

But the Bible Tells us authority existed before we did. And specifically God’s authority. Now God existed before the beginning Christ Existed before the beginning of the spirit existed before the beginning love existed before the beginning communication existed before the beginning glory existed before the beginning authority existed before the beginning. And I want to point out just one small series of things That existed Before there was,

It was a sin because These also have an incredible impact on your and I’s existence and understanding of ourselves. When I look at humanity, I am forced to look at it through the reality that I know sin exists and everyone I know has sin, But Before there was a sin, A few things were true. Number one, before there was a sin on earth,

people existed. We’re not going to spend any time with that one, improving it. Genesis chapter one, Genesis chapter two, Go read it, but Consider as well that before there was a sin Law existed, This is chapter two, verse 16, God commanded them of the tree of every are of every tree in the garden. You may freely eat,

but of the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil in the center of the garden. You may not, Not eat law existed before sin Bill existed before sin, but also consider less. We believe that all knowledge came from them eating that tree because it certainly didn’t Genesis chapter two verses 19 through 20, makes it clear that knowledge existed before sin,

before sin, Adam and Eve weren’t automatons. They weren’t robots just doing the programming of God because God took the animals, presented them before Adam. And what did he do? He named all, All of them who named the animals. God, no. Adam did. Yes. Knowledge existed before sin and humanity existed before sin and humanity existed in a time before there was Shame and sin,

go back to Genesis chapter two, just for a moment in Genesis chapter two, verse one 23, and Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.

And they were both naked. The man and his wife and were not Ashamed. They weren’t ashamed because shame had no existence in the world. Shame Aim had no presence in the world Out sin before there was a sin. There were people okay. Before there was a sin, there was knowledge before there was a sin. There were people who lived in knowledge of God,

obedience to God and without shame. And before there was a sin on earth, there was a plan for redemption. So we’ll wait a bit. Yeah, there was no sin. There was no shame. There was no problem. There were no struggles. Everything was perfect. Why in the world? Was there a plan for redemption Because The God who existed before creation knew,

man would Good sin revelation, chapter 13, Revelation chapter 13 and in verse eight, All who dwell on the earth will worship him. Whose names have not been written? The book of life. Now, wait a minute. Who’s the, who’s the him here? It’s, it’s the beast. We, we talked about this in revelation class. They’re worshiping the bees that set up by the dragon.

This is Satan influence People and who worships the beast. Those who aren’t written in the Lamb’s book of life. If it stopped right there, that would be an interesting point, but not nearly as interesting. This one, we read Names have not been written in the book of life of the land, Slain from the foundation of the world before the world was founded.

And before A sin happened on earth, The lamb had already determined the comm and was in the eyes of God slang. And the lamb is Jesus Christ. Turn to Hebrews Chapter nine, one more Time. Hebrews chapter nine, verse 12. Well not with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood Christ entered the most Holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh.

How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And for this Reason, he is the mediator of a new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant. And those who are called that those who are called may receive the promise of an eternal Inheritance before the world existed.

Before the beginning, before a sin was ever committed, Christ paid for any terminal inheritance. Oh, you mean we’re not meaningless beings just living out life in the grip of nature. No, and we never were. And we were never, ever, ever created with only this existence in mind for before the world was Christ determined to purchase our redemption, that we might have eternal life.

We need to be careful about the stories we’re told by the world and what they would have us to believe because back of everything, the scripture says is what it is, man is intended to be while these here in preparation for what God intends man to be forever. So are you living your life in view of the truth of everything that existed before the world was ever created?

Or are you living your life? Like the Psalmus writer describes the individual who says the fool has said in his heart, there is no God, how are you living today? Jesus Christ came to purchase humanity’s redemption. And he said he would purchase that redemption through his blood. And the scripture tells us, we come into contact with the blood of Christ in baptism,

through the immersion of water. We come into contact with the forgiveness of sins that we might have the gift of eternal life. If you have need of that redemption today, it’s offered to you today, but might you always remember in the midst of the struggles, in the midst of the pain, in the midst of the difficulty that this world wasn’t never,

all that was planned for you and God offers you a home with him depending upon whether or not you choose to love the one who loved you before you existed. Oh, Bay, the one who had authority before you existed, believe the communication of the one who communicated before you existed and who paid the price for your redemption before you existed, will you accept that salvation?

If you have need of it, why not come now? As we stand in, as we say<inaudible><inaudible> for me and<inaudible> me,<inaudible> like<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to the<inaudible> like<inaudible> no,<inaudible> no to<inaudible><inaudible> God like before our closing prayer will be number 611, 611, heavenly sunlight walking in<inaudible> through the<inaudible> Jesus.<inaudible> never,<inaudible> never can.<inaudible> heavenly.<inaudible> a<inaudible> singing.

His praise is Jesus<inaudible> and Brian<inaudible> pressing my way to mentions singing his praise gladly. I’m walking, walking in<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> singing his praise is Jesus Heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for this privilege. We’ve had to assemble and worship you this day. We pray that our worship has been in spirit and truth and a sweet savor unto thee, as we prepare to depart were mindful of those that were mentioned that were sick.

We pray that you will remember them and bless them with a return of their much wanted Hill comfort. Those that have recently lost loved ones and bless each of us as we have need. We especially thank you for being aware as we repent of our sins, that you, we know you are faithful to forgive them, that we may stand, hold and pure in your side.

Bless each of us with these things and return us at the next appointed hour. This our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

03-21-2021 – Live Stream Before the Beginning (Sermon)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcription

<inaudible> It’s about time for us to get started. We are still in acts chapter 13. I think we might get through with it today though. No, I think we’ll, we’ll get into chapter 14 as well, at least a little bit. Maybe not all the way through it, but it’s good to have you with us this morning. I will make mention there’s some good material on the book of acts in general,

very in depth material on the book of acts, as well as some specific, highly recommendable material on acts chapter 13 and 14 in a series you can find on YouTube called McWiggin reflections. It’s from a brother over in Nashville, Jim McWiggin and now he’s done a he’s doing not finished yet, but he’s doing a series on the book of acts and he’s about 102 lessons in.

So if you’re looking and they’re, they’re labeled by less than one, two on down, but they’re not the titles, don’t tell you what chapter. So I’m going to tell you that start around. I think it’s less than 73 or 74, and that’ll get you acts chapter 13. And he, as I said in depth, chapter 14 ends around lesson 83,

but Jim McWiggin McGuigan’s reflections. I mentioned that because he goes into a lot of the old Testament aspects of chapters, 13 and 14, that we just do not have time to go into. And so it’s, if you, if you look it up, it’ll be worth your time. You’ll enjoy it, I believe. And so I’ll just throw that,

throw that plug in there In acts chapter 13, actually let’s, We’ll start with a word of prayer. I guess I got sidetracked. All right, let’s get on with it. Word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you Always grateful for your blessings, always grateful for your son who offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins and for the sins of the entire world.

We are mindful of those who Struggle So deeply with understanding your word and your will and the actions that you have taken in history and in time and struggle so deeply with the concerns of this life and the understanding of its meaning. We’re mindful of those individuals who, because of the perversions of this world, struggle so deeply with sins and iniquities, that they can’t see a path forward or mindful of those who have been lied to concerning your existence and concerning the existence of,

of gods and, and beings that do not exist and have no power in this creation of yours. And yet they have power over these individuals through the lies that have been told or mindful of all of these individuals and their need to hear the gospel, to hear it proclaimed boldly, to know what you have done for them in eternity, past, and in your son who died on the cross for their sins as well.

We’re mindful of those who are struggling with illness and pain, difficulty, anguish of life and difficulties because of loved ones who perhaps have passed on. We pray that you will give them strength to go through those hard times and go through those difficult things, never losing their focus on serving you. We pray for those who are in foreign mission fields and in works that are difficult.

We pray that they might have boldness to speak. We’re thankful of this time for this morning that we have the sunshine that we enjoy the day that we have the health and the ability we have to assemble together. And we’re mindful of those who do not have that blessing. We pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things.

And we pray for your grace to cover those sins in our lives that we know of and the ones we don’t know of all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. As Paul is preaching to those Antioch of the Cydia. He preaches to the Jews. He comes into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and Paul and Barnabas are there together. And they are invited by those who are present to speak and they do.

And we have here, the first recorded sermon of the apostle Paul, not the first instance of him preaching, but the first instance where the text of his sermon is recorded. But as we get towards the end of it, we got down. We’re going to pick up in verse 35. Therefore he says in another Psalm, Paul is talking about David.

He’s talking about the promise of David. That one would be re would rise up, who was from the lineage of David David’s son as is prophesied in second Samuel chapter 12. I believe it is. And here he is bringing in the Psalms that reference this descendant of David and this promise and this Messiah that they knew of, therefore he says in another Psalm,

you will not allow your Holy one to see corruption for David. After he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep, was buried with his fathers and saw corruption. That is he’s he’s in the grave. He’s, he’s in the, the place of the dead awaiting the judgment day, but he whom God raised up saw no corruption.

One of the emphasis here is that when a person dies and they enter into that, Hadean realm, their body decays. They, they have no more life in it. And therefore that body deteriorates and hence the idea of seeing corruption and yet what happened to the body of Christ. Okay. All right. It didn’t stay in the grave. It didn’t decay.

And go back to dust. It was resurrected on the third day. And then what happened to the body of Christ? You had ascended to heaven. It, there is no grave you can go to and say, there lie to the ashes of Jesus Christ because there is no tomb where lie the ashes of Jesus Christ. Those ascended, that body ascended into heaven.

He says, verse 30, 38. Therefore let it be known to you. Brethren that through this man is preached to you, the forgiveness of sins and by him, everyone who believes is justified from all things, which you could not be justified by the law of Moses Belair, therefore less. What has been in the prophets Come upon you behold, you despisers Marvel and perish for,

I will work a work in your days, a work, which you will by no means believe though one were to declare it to you. We made mention on Wednesday that this comes from the book of Habakkuk and God is telling Habakkuk concerning the destruction of Judea and Jerusalem at the hands of the Cal sins. And God says, I’m going to work a work that you would not believe if it were reported to you.

And Paul says, be careful Jews of this generation that you don’t have. The same thing happened to you that you know, happened to your ancestors because they didn’t believe what God said. They didn’t believe what God said he would do. And they were destroyed by the Babylonians. And Paul uses Habakkuk to say, this can be your fate the same as it was theirs.

So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, by the way, do you notice how he ended on such a happy note? You know, that there are some preachers who you don’t, it doesn’t matter how dark gloomy judgment oriented their sermon is throughout the entire text. They’re going to end on a happy, they’re going to send people out with a smile on their face.

Paul was not such a preacher, not when people needed to hear the truth and needed to be saved from their sins. And so he ends with this. So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them. The next Sabbath. Now, when the congregation had broken up many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas,

who speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. What does this mean? Continue in the grace of God. First of all, what’s the description of these people, the Jews first, w how are they described The Jews in this verse? How are they described? Okay. As devout, these are Not the Jews. Does that show up at synagogue on Saturday and are involved in adulterous relationships on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday,

and no, no, these aren’t those Jews. These are the Jews who come in on the Sabbath day and are dressed all nice and appear to be Holy and are drunkards all the rest of the week. They’re not those Jews. These are devout Jews. These are those who have the law of Moses. Believe the law of Moses are obedient to the law of Moses and are striving daily to be acceptable To God.

Okay? That’s Who these Jews are. They are devout. They are sincere and honest in their beliefs and in their, their obedience of the law of Moses. And we read that. There’s also, proselytes, what’s a promise, Okay. This is a Gentile by nationality who has converted himself to the Jewish system in order to become a, a, an adopted,

as it were child of Abraham. And he’s gone through all of the covenant rituals in order to Do that. This is not Agenda aisle. Who believes in God, this is a Gentile who has become a Jew. Okay? So you have devout Jews and proselytes Gentiles who have become ceremonially and covenant lately, Jews who follow Paul and Barnabas. And we read That they persuaded To them to continue in the grace of God.

They persuaded. Does this mean Paul persuaded them to continue being Jews following the, No. What does it mean then? Okay. And how is it? They could stay in the favor of God Apps. Absolutely. By being obedient to the gospel that was being preached to them. So what you see here is here are Jews who hear him on the Sabbath,

and they’re not satisfied with hearing him on the Sabbath. They come to him afterwards, they’re following them. And they are persuaded to be obese.<inaudible> to the message on the next Sabbath. Almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. So there’s Some Jews who hear him on That first Sabbath. And then the part there’s Gentiles who come up to him and say,

we want to hear you again on the Next Sabbath. And, and There some devout Jews and proselytes who hear him. And instead of Harding, follow them three categories of people having heard him on the first Sabbath, the next Sabbath day comes. And now the Jews come to their synagogue. And have you had, Or seeing the reaction of people’s faces when they show up somewhere where normally there’s a few people And That particular day they drive up as it were,

and There’s crowds The reaction that’s on people’s faces is what’s going on. The Jews come and they see the entire city. Now, was it every last person who, I don’t think that’s what the Texas TRIBE to say, but if we walked out here this morning and 50,000 out of 60,000 people in all of Collierville, we’re standing outside, we’d say the entire city was Here.

Okay. There Might still be a policeman on patrol, but that doesn’t mean the entire city’s not here. Okay. So they show up, they look, and the entire city has shown up at the synagogue. Now, what time in the past has that ever happened? Probably never. It’s never Happened here. And it had probably never happened at the synagogue.

They’re in Antioch and the knee jerk reaction of the Jews now noticed The text from the previous Sabbath day. There were the Jews that departed, there were the Gentiles that desired to hear more And they’ve come back and, Or the devout Jews, and proselytes who stayed with them and continued to hear them and obey the gospel. And it is the first category of people who were reading about again.

Now, The Jews, the ones who departed last Sabbath, and then think about Paul and Barnabas again, between last Sabbath and this Sabbath show back up. And, Oh boy, do we have a problem Now? Because They show back up and the entire city is gathered at the synagogue. And their reaction is to become Envious Of Paul and Barnabas. Notice what we read in the text.

Now, when the Jews saw the molds attitudes, they were filled with envy and contradicting and blaspheming. They opposed the things spoken by Hi, Paul. They do. I mean, show up that Sabbath and have spent the entire previous week thinking, no, I’m going to, I’m going to go line by line through the old Testament. And I’m going to prove that Paul was wrong.

They didn’t do that. They didn’t show up ready to refute Paul. They showed up and saw the molds And said, we’re not going to stand for this. It’s one thing for a few Gentiles to hear the gospel. It’s one thing for a few Gentiles to believe what’s being taught. It’s one thing for a few ProSeal lights to obey the gospel is another thing entirely for this gospel to be Breached to the entire city.

They arrive. They come on the scene and they are filled With envy and They determine that they will contract Predict the preaching of Paul Anderson In doing so. They not only contradict the preaching of Paul, but they blast God. And why did they do it? Jealousy, envy. And ultimately What always stands beside, behind jealousy Pride, their own pride led them to this action.

Paul warned them. If you let you get in the way of you obeying God, what’s going to happen to them. The same thing that happened to their ancestors, why is it that Jews didn’t hear the profits? They were told by Isaiah what was going to happen? They were told by Jeremiah, what was going to happen? They were told by Zika,

what was going to happen? They were told by prophet, after prophet, after prophet, after prophet, what was going to happen and why didn’t they Change? One of them Biggest accusations against them, time in and time out was Pride. And this people chose the same path that their ancestors did. So Paula Barnabas grew bold and said it was necessary.

Sherry. He doesn’t say, well, You know, we thought this was the best path. No, he doesn’t Say that It was necessary. This is the same point that Paul makes in Romans chapter one, when Paul writes to the church at Rome and he says, I was a debtor, both to the Jew and to the, and Tile to preach the gospel.

But he said, The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew First and also to the Greek. And then by the way, in verse 17, again, quotes, Habakkuk for the just shall live by faith. So Paul says it was necessary that the gospel go to the Jew first, Because it was through them that the gospel was going to reach everyone else.<inaudible> No position.

There’s no biblical position in which Gentiles eat all. I think probably all of us sitting here this morning, You should have any animosity towards Jews nationally, Because of anything that’s happened in the past. The question is for every nationality, will you hear the gospel or not? And What Paul’s is, is it was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first,

but since you reject it, and Here’s an interesting phrase, And judge yourselves on worthy of Lasting life, behold, we turned to the Gentiles. I have a question for you. Someone hears the gospel. Maybe they hear it time and time again, they hear the gospel. They have the word of God and they never obey it. And the day of judgment comes and they stand before God,

do we imagine God as an unjust judge who sits There and says, I don’t care about all the good Things you did. I don’t care About the nice things that you did for your parents. I don’t care how you, you helped them when they were old and in firm. And Who provided for them. I don’t know, Care that you trying to be good to your children,

to your family members and to even people who you didn’t know, I don’t care. You didn’t hear my gospel. You didn’t obey it. And I punish you by sending you to hell, is that the picture of God That we really Ought to have? Hopefully it’s not the picture that we have of God at all. But I think there’s some who do Some who imagined that that’s,

God’s disposition on the day of judgment. I don’t care what You did because of this. I’m sending you to hell. And that’s just simply not the picture of God. The picture of God is go, go, go back real quick to chapter 13, back in chapter 13, verse 17, the God of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people.

Yeah. When they dwelled as strangers in the land of Egypt with an uplifting arm, he brought them out. Now for a time of about 40 years, he went up with their ways in the wilderness or put up with their ways in the wilderness. And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he distributed their land to them. By allotment.

After that, he gave them judges for about 450 years until Samuel the prophet and afterward, they asked for a King. So God gave them solved the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin for 40 years. And when he had removed him, he raised up for them. David, as King to whom also he gave testimony and said,

I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, for who or excuse me, who will do all my will for this man seed. According to the promise, God raised up for Israel, a savior, Jesus. The picture that we are to have of God is a God who confronts humanity and says, I did this for you.

I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you. This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and all I asked in return is that you hear and obey. And you knowing what I did and Knowing what I said,

Judged yourself, unworthy of the everlasting life. I’ve offered God on the day Of judgment will not In a sense, be sitting there as judge. God will all Reality be saying, you judged yourself because you knew and you wouldn’t obey. Paul said, you judge your selves on worthy of everlasting life. Behold, we turn to the Gentiles for, so the Lord has commanded us.

Now, this is an interesting us here. And this is one of those. I will reference you right back to those YouTube videos, because brother McWiggin spends a bout two lessons going back to the book of Isaiah, because this quotation comes from Isaiah. Yet it comes from a passage, Isaiah 49, where it’s one of the servant passages. It’s one of the passages.

People quite often say, this is about Christ. Except Paul says, it’s not. Paul says it’s about us. It him, Paul Barnabas, the Christians in the first century, it was about the righteous servants of God. The righteous Jews. He says for the soul, the Lord has commanded us. I have set you as a light to the Gentiles that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.

Now, does it apply to Jesus? Yes, but Paul says that it is the Jews who have the truth that are to be the light to the Gentiles. And does that seem strange to us? Because Jesus said in Matthew chapter five, verse 14 and verse 15 in verse 16, you were the salt of the earth as assaulted loss of saber, where with she’ll be salted.

It sends forth good for nothing to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men, you are the light of the world. A city that is set on a Hill cannot be hid. Paul said Isaiah and Isaiah chapter 49 told us that we’d go to the Gentiles. And so since you, the Jews have considered yourself unworthy of everlasting life, we will do exactly what Isaiah told us to do.

And we will spread the gospel to the Gentiles. And then we read verse 48. Now, when the Gentiles heard this understand something, these Gentiles are not unfamiliar with the Jewish teachings. They’re not unfamiliar With what the Jews in this synagogue believed. These Gentiles would have known these Jews in this synagogue will let you in the synagogue. They’ll let you hear the word of Moses.

They’ll let you hear the law and the profits on the Sabbath day. But if you journey with them to Jerusalem on a feast day, You’ll stand outside in the court of the Gentiles. You won’t go in the temple, They’ll let you in. But only so far And anybody else, that’s not a Jew. They don’t have the same rights or the same privileges under the law of Moses.

But now the Gentiles hearing this, That the Jews who had this gospel, who had these prophets, who had this word from the God of heaven are now being willing to not only spread that gospel, that is these Christians spread that gospel, but also that they have equal standing with God. When they heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord.

And as many as have been appointed to eternal life believed, And the word Of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region. But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men Of the city raised Up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them from their region. In verse 51 is an interesting passage that Hearkens back to when Jesus sent Out the 70 And sent out the 12 inch in the region of Judea,

Because We read verse 51, but they, Paul and Barnabas shook off the dust from their feet against them and came to eye conium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy spirit Before, Or we get too far away from chapter 13, There would Be some who would come to this passage and say, first of all, verse 48,

makes it clear that God chooses of his own volition who will hear and believe and be saved. You won’t that’s Calvinism for you. Calvinism says, God determines who will hear and who won’t. And through the power of the Holy spirit changes the heart, the, the, the, the, the, the heart of the individual who’s born in sin to be able to believe before They ever do.

And so They’ll use this phrase appointed by the Lord To say, see God To work on an individual before they can be saved and see, God is the one who chooses, who will be saved before they ever believe. And that’s just simply not what this, I Will point out. The consistency Of the book of acts Are some things that Luke says in the book of acts,

as he’s recording these events where he doesn’t every single time someone is converted, say, this person heard the word, believe the word repented of their sins confess the name of Christ and was immersed in water. He doesn’t do that every single time somebody Is converted. He Doesn’t raise every single step along the way. What he does do is give you every indication of exactly what happened.

First Of all, in acts chapter two, before we get all the way down the road acts chapter 13. When Peter is speaking to Jews and telling them the gospel, what does Peter say? They must Do Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. And you shall receive one. The gift of the Holy ghost Here in this passage. Luke tells you They heard first,

Or they were ever believing before we read anything about those who were appointed. We Burst here that they heard Now, who is directing the events here. Who’s telling Paul and Barnabas who to speak to. Who’s giving them the words to speak. Holy spirit is now. Now if the Holy spirit was going to come into this town, and as it were through Paul and Barnabas convert,

only those who he had already appointed for salvation. What was The point of Paul going to all the people who were going to Inject it? Because if you believe Calvinism, they rejected it because God didn’t On their heart. Isn’t that interesting. Paul accuses them of judging themselves. When in reality, if you believe Calvinism, it’s God who failed to do anything for,

so it’s not just them judging themselves, is it it’s God judging them and withholding from them the ability to be Saved, but that’s not What the passage says. The passage says they heard. They could have believed. And instead Of being Filled with the gospel, they filled themselves with envy. So first they heard, but second, I can leave those who heard amongst that group,

not those who hadn’t heard, but those who did here were those who were appointed by the Lord. But then, Then as Paul and Barnabas are leaving the region, we’re told this little tidbit here, There were believer Who’s who were filled With joy and with the Holy spirit, N Chapter two, Peter makes it clear and all the other passages due to all the way up until this point,

they never received the Holy spirit until after They were baptized. That’s why Peter tells them you have to repent. Well, did these Gentiles have anything to repentive? Yes. Do we suppose they didn’t because we didn’t read where they did. Right? So if we’re going to work in the passage off the assumption, because we didn’t read it, therefore it didn’t happen.

Which is what people will do. They’ll say, see, they believe we don’t read. They were baptized. Oh, okay. Does that mean they didn’t confess the Lord? They didn’t repent. We’re not supposed to treat scripture that way In the same context, in the same book, not in the same event, but in the same book, Luke’s already told us.

Here’s what we taught. Here’s what the gospel was. Here’s what was preached to them. Here’s what they had to do to obey. And here’s what they did. And so when he tells you, but they believed, and they were filled with joy in acts chapter eight, when Philip was teaching the, The unit, the unit is hearing the gospel,

Hearing it from the old Testament. He’s hearing about this one, Jesus. And he says, see, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized? And what is Phillip’s response? If they’ll believe his is Namaste and they go and stop the chariot. And we read that the Munich is rejoicing. He goes down on the water Right now. That’s not what we believe Or what we read.

What we read is that he came up out of the water and went on his way. Rejoicing, Luke makes a point to tell us long before we ever get here, that the joy comes after the conversion, Not before. And that the Holy spirit comes after the conversion, not before. So when Luke tells you that there were believers in this region who continued on,

even after Paul and Barnabas are gone and they continued on in joy and in the Holy spirit, Luke’s already told you what about Them? They’ve Heard, they believe they’ve repented. And they’ve been immersed in water for the remission of their sins. Otherwise they wouldn’t have anything to be joyous of. And they wouldn’t have received the Holy spirit. He does It.

Doesn’t have to spell it out every time, because he’s already given you enough information to know exactly what It happened. Chapter 14, actually, let’s go through the questions of chapter 13. So we actually get those done. I think I’m going to run close on time. All right. By that, I mean, I don’t think I’m going to get into chapter 14 for what work did the Holy spirit call Paul and Barnabas Preaching to the Gentiles On their journey to Cyprus Barnabas and Paul were accompanied by blank.

John Mark Saul was also known as blank, Paul. Okay. That’s pretty, self-explanatory right there in the previous question. Number three, name the punishment placed on bar Jesus for confusing. The ways of the Lord taught by Barnabas and Paul Struck Mine. I thought of something this morning that I had, honestly, I don’t believe not perfect road collection here,

but I don’t believe I’d ever thought of before When Paul’s Or Saul is on the road to Damascus. Where’s the Lord do to him. He struck him blind. And what did he have to do? What Did those traveling with him have to do, Take him by the hand and lead him into the city at that moment in time. So Paul of Tarsus was guilty of the same thing.

Barjesus was wasn’t. He, he was persecuting the Christians and he was provoking Christ and he was withholding the gospel and he gets struck blind and he has to have someone lead him to where he needs to go turn around in chapter 13 and Saul of Tarsus meets LMS Barjesus and gives him the same situation that he had.<inaudible> I wonder if it turned out the same way for elements that it did for Saul.

Maybe that was an opportunity for elements to change as he sits there in his blindness, as Paul did for three days and reasoned with him himself, how did I get here and what happened to me and how do I ever get my sight back? Just to just a thought question and something that occurred to me this week that I just had never even thought of that Paul puts him in the same situation he was in when he was on the road to Damascus.

Okay. There’s there’s that for you? What was the result of on the pro council surgery as Paulus<inaudible> All right. Seeing the things that took place, he was astonished at the teaching and believed in preaching to the Jews and God fearers in pacinian Antioch. Paul did not include a Israel in Egypt, be receiving the law of Moses at Mount Sinai. See land inheritance in Canaan,

D the judges or E King Saul.<inaudible> Be the receiving of the law at Mount Sinai. Number five. Yes or no. Did David’s body decay after death? Yes. Yes or no. Did Jesus’ body decay after death? No. Number six. Forgiveness of sins is through blank.<inaudible> Jesus. I, I wasn’t, I was hearing an answer,

but I wasn’t loud enough to hear all right. I heard a voice, but I didn’t understand it. How did Paul and Barnabas protest against the persecution in pacinian Antioch instigated buying there or by the leaders? Alright. They shook the dust off their feet. Okay. Given the time and given we’re only just a couple of minutes from the quarter after the hour,

we will be dismissed now and pick up in chapter 14 on Wednesday<inaudible><inaudible> Yeah.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to Collierville. Church crash. Sunday morning, worship service is good to see everybody out this morning, all spread out and social distance, and then that kind of thing. But we’d like to welcome any visuals that we have and ask you,

if you would please fill out a visitor’s card on the back of the Pew in front of you. So we’d have a record of your attendance and We got a sick list. And if you, before that, if you hadn’t picked up your Lord supper, it’d be a good time to do that. It’s back there on that table or are sick or Joan was spraying.

And Maria said she was doing pretty well this morning, Janie, Marlin, Rodale, and Dorothy Wilson. And while I’m on their name, I got a card from them. It says, thanks for all of the phone call cards, letters, and prayers. Thank you. Love y’all Rodale and Arthur Wilson. And I’ll put this on the bulletin board. After services.

James Luna has been moved to N H C healthcare. It’s in Franklin, Tennessee. I think to regain his strength after his little stay in the hospital. Excuse me, Leo van is Becky’s niece. She is at home and doing well after her kidney and pancreas transplant. Diana Schaeffer is recovering from thyroid. She’s talking real low, so, but it’s good to see her.

And Barbara is here again today. And I went back there and talked to her and she says, she’s got to wait three months before she can have surgery on her shoulder. And BJ Clark over at far till is recovering from pneumonia. We will resume Sunday afternoon service beginning, April the fourth, and the fellowship hall will be open. Okay. She,

anybody wants to stay and eat lunch in there. That’s all the announcements. Michael Dale will be leading singing. Eric Halverson has opening prayer. Mark Phillips has the lower supper and Aaron Cozort has her sermon. And Jay Shafir has the closing prayer. One day. I won’t be able to step up the steps like that anymore, but I’m going to take advantage of it while I still can.

Our first song this morning will be number 31 to be still and know that be still and know 31.<inaudible> that I am.<inaudible> that<inaudible> that? Ah,<inaudible> the,<inaudible> the<inaudible> the song before opening. Prayer will be number 827 sweet hour of prayer. Eight to seven. Sweet. Ah.<inaudible> that calls me. Whoa, duh.

Okay. And see me. Let’s stop right there. I think we skipped a slide actually, or the slide is not in there. Yeah. From a world of care and bids me at my father’s throne. Make all my wants and wishes known as it missing. It’s there. Okay. Let’s start over again. Sweet. Ah, prayer. Sweet,

ah, prayer. NA<inaudible>. And besides me a dad, my father<inaudible> me<inaudible> and see<inaudible> and grieve my<inaudible> and read the, and ah,<inaudible> by the<inaudible> suite.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hey, son, to the place where<inaudible> is. And<inaudible> my<inaudible> and wait for the sweet, sweet, ah, prayer. Sweet,

ah, prayer. No, we change<inaudible> to<inaudible><inaudible> so to blah and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and wait for the<inaudible> God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this morning, to sing songs, appraised your great name and to study another portion of your word, Lord, we want to thank you and praise you for those that have had procedures that have gone well.

And those that are getting good reports on your illnesses and ailments that they are dealing with. But we also know there are many amongst us that still have other ailments and illnesses that they are dealing with. And we asked that if it be your will you return them to a measure of health that they so desire. Lord, we also ask that you oversee those that are providing care for these individuals and give them the strength and the patients that they need in order to deal with the challenges that they face each and every day in providing care for their loved ones.

Lord, we also know that there are those amongst us that have lost loved ones recently. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms around those families and the friends of those, those members that have passed away and give them the comfort that they so desire. Lord, we also thank you for having sent your son Jesus here on earth so that we may learn from him and through him and have that opportunity to have our sins forgiven and one day join you and heaven.

And now, as we prepare to study another portion of your word, that brother Aaron would bring to us, we ask that you help each and every one of us focus on the words that Aaron brings us this morning, your words, so that we may analyze them and apply them to our lives so that we may better serve you while we live here on this earth,

we pray all this through your son, Jesus name, amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord. Supper will be number 350. When my life to Christ grows week three, five, zero. When my law to Christ grows, we, when for deep things I see and then thought, ah, God, to the garden. Yeah. E<inaudible> the name green.<inaudible> see,

that’s a freaking friend.<inaudible> we being present?<inaudible> when my love for man grows. We, when for strong<inaudible> I see<inaudible> to those scenes.<inaudible> there be<inaudible><inaudible> bit a tree. See,<inaudible> see his<inaudible><inaudible> TRIBE and then to LA live. Ah, and ah, and, and the<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Griff At this time,

we need to remember the cross and that sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. Let’s pray having father we’re thankful for this bread, that represents Jesus’ body. That was nailed to the cross for the sins of mankind. And we pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. Amen. Unlike men or heavenly father, we’re thankful for this fruit of the vine that represents Jesus’ blood.

That was shed on the cross for the sins of mankind. I pray heavenly father, you please forgive us for our sins. Separate from the Lord’s table. Have an opportunity to give us with prosper. Let us pray. Having it followed with thankful for the financial gains you have given us through the years and we pray heavenly father. You would take a portion of these to help continue the work here at Collierville.

Church of Christ. These things we ask in Jesus name, amen. The song before the lesson will be number four, 150. Give me the Bible. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song please. Number four or five zero. Give me the<inaudible> to cheer though on DRA. No, Nan Tempus, no stolen Ken. Hi that<inaudible> beat man.

Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost, give me the Holy message. I need a light shot. Guide me in a narrow way. Hey, precept. And<inaudible><inaudible> gave me<inaudible>. My heart is broke and<inaudible> and then green Pam<inaudible> gave me the precious words. My Jesus spoke. Oh, the face to show my<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me in a narrow way.

Hey,<inaudible> to<inaudible> and he turned all day. Hey, give me<inaudible>. Oh, that’s and by the open gray, Hey,<inaudible> from heaven shining port or show me the glory gilding Jordan’s way. Hey, give me the<inaudible>. Holy message. I need a live shot. Guide me in a narrow way. Hey<inaudible><inaudible> and he turned all day.

Hey, you may be seated. Good morning. When you think about history, there are some things are true. Like for instance, there was a time in history before this country, Someone might say, well, what was America like before the United States of America? And you could Provided you knew something about that time period. You could tell them about the different parts of America and the different regions and,

and how they were under the thumb of, of a foreign power. But you could also be asked the question, what was life like? And I’ll use the phrase. My, my parents do B C you know, a, B, C stands for right before children, Like talking about what life was like before children, all the things they used to do before.

Yeah. Keep wanting to ask my parents. So what’s life like after children, But we’re not going to get on that topic. So often we wonder what are things like before something, But have you ever thought what existed? What was here before the beginning now for a modernist that’s nonsense. That’s foolish talk. You can have something before the beginning.<inaudible> And also,

I mean, there’s always been something here because something has to be eternal. Otherwise you’d have nothing, but it was small and infant testimony. It’s not what the Bible talks about though. In Genesis chapter one, verse one, we read in the beginning. And yet it is clear from the text that when you read in the beginning, it’s not the beginning,

is it? It’s not the, of everything. It’s the beginning of something, Just like there was a continent of what is now the United States of America. There’s a continent of North America before there was the United States of America Before The nation was ever a nation, the place. And even most of the people were already here. And yet they’re in 1776. You have the beginning in 1786 or three or whatever.

When you get out of the Confederate agreement into the United States, Say all of that to bring us forward to this question of what was there in the beginning before The beginning. And you might, so why Aaron, because it speaks to what is most important about our understanding of who we are. You and I, we have a beginning. Humanity has a beginning.

That beginning is what we read about in Genesis chapter one, verse one in the beginning, God, it’s not the beginning of everything. It’s not the beginning of God. It’s not the beginning of all things that God did. It is the beginning Of our story. But when you frame your understanding of who we are, who humanity is in a frame that doesn’t count in the things that God did,

the existence of God, you frame humanity by himself, material things by themselves, you ignore the supernatural. You ignore God, you ignore his actions in eternity, you ignore all of those things. Then you get a very different Man. And that is what so many in our world want to believe. They want to believe that man and humanity sprung up out of a series of accidents,

a series of events, over a period of infinite, infinite amount of time to create what we are now and we’re going to something else. And yet that’s not true. Before the beginning, there was number one, a God that existed before or The beginning of the world. There was a God that existed go to Genesis chapter For one in the beginning,

God was created, right? No, no. I think I got a few of those words in the wrong order. In the beginning, God created. If God created in the beginning, what existed before the beginning, God did. Otherwise he couldn’t have created. We already have the presumption in the text that there was something before the beginning. And who was it?

What was it? The answer is God. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Let me ask you this. When humanity shows, What was already here, the earth was when God showed up, what was not already Here, the earth that Is incredibly important Because humanity would love to have it. The other way around wouldn’t they,

They would loved to have in the beginning was matter over time matter produced man. And from man and his imagination came, God, That’s not the way it works. And that’s not what happened for in the beginning Before have the heavens and the earth existed. God existed. Matthew chapter 19, Jesus says something interesting about this. Matthew chapter 19 in a passage that quite often is,

is used to discuss marriage and divorce and remarriage and that’s appropriate given that’s it’s context. Jesus decided to have a discussion about the beginning in Matthew chapter 19 verse one. Now it came to pass when Jesus had finished these sayings that he departed from Galilee and came to the region of Judea beyond the Jordan and great multitudes followed him. And he healed them there.

The Pharisees also came to him, testing him and saying, is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason? And he answered and said, have you not Read That he who made them? Who is Them? A man And his wife, male and female. By the way, if you Ever have a desire to go read one of the best arguments ever made against evolution,

Go Read the Warren flu debate that happened in Texas in the 1970s, Where Dr. Anthony flu attempted to argue the agnostic position and evolution and brother Warren, by the Way, you can call him Dr. Warren too, but I’m going to call it. Brother asked Mr. Flu, when did male and female evolve, you see evolution has a problem because As you not only have to get cells that reproduce and then beings that reproduce,

but in all sexual beings, you have to get the evolution of a male and a female. Not only happening around the same time, but it has to happen around the same time and in the same species and in the same location. Because if you have one creature evolve into a male on one side of the planet and another creature evolve into a female on the other side of a planet,

a thousand years apart, guess what? You don’t have reproduction. Why? Oh, they just missed it by a thousand years. Now you want to take the odds of getting evolution to happen. Now compound them upon the odds of getting evolution to happen in the same time, at the same place, in the same location. And one of them to be mailing one of them to be female,

You just Took the odds of evolution happening and you skyrocketed it out of the planet, But that’s a side thought. Jesus Said that he, which made them at the beginning, made them male and female. And then notice what he says and said for this reason, shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. And the two shall become one flesh before the beginning,

God existed. And God created What is here. But consider further that before The beginning Christ existed, some Would have Christ to be A created, being. Some would have Christ to be the first created being because they misunderstand The book of Hebrews. But Christ existed before For the beginning, John chapter one In John chapter one, as John introduces Jesus Christ,

He doesn’t introduce him as some of the other gospels do with his mother. He doesn’t introduce him with his birth. He doesn’t introduce him with his lineage as Matthew does. He introduces him with in the beginning was The word, okay? Not in the beginning was the word created in the beginning was the word it was already in existence. And the word was with God.

And the word was, Oh God, wait a minute, John, what do you mean? He means when that phrase in the beginning is used in Genesis chapter one, verse one, not only does God, the father exist, but God, the son exists, But he doesn’t stop there. Now does he In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God.

And the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. And without him, nothing was made that was made Before the beginning Christ existed. And John says, and he did the creative Act. God spoke Christ created before the beginning, Christ existed turn to John chapter 17. Lest we Leave the opportunity for one to come along and say,

well, that’s what John John thought let’s hear it from. Jesus’s mouth, John chapter 17, verse one, we father the hour has come glorify your son, that your son also may glorify you as you have given him authority over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to. As many as you have given him. And this is eternal life that they may know you.

The only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have glorified you on the earth. I have finished the work which you have given me to do. And now father glorify me together with yourself, with the glory, which I had with you To be for the world was wait a minute. Christ, are you saying Like you did to the Jews?

You remember the Jews said, do you believe you’re greater than Abraham? And Jesus Said before Abraham was, as I am. And now we Says before the world was, I am God existed before the world Christ existed before the world someone might quandary. What about the spirit? Glad you asked that Hebrews chapter nine, Hebrews chapter nine, the Hebrew writer As he is here,

speaking concerning the, The things that we read concerning the mediator. We read this beginning in verse 11, but Christ came as high priest of good things to come, which the, the greater or excuse me, wind the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands. That is not This creation, not with the blood of bulls and goats, but God,

with his own blood, he entered the most Holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh. How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the terminal Spirit, through The eternal spirit, offered himself without spot, Got to God.

Cleanse Is your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And for this reason, he is the mediator of the new covenant. Jesus Christ here in this passage is spoken of as the mediator. He has spoken of the sacrifice, but he is spoken of as making the sacrifice through the eternal Spirit. Add on to that in Genesis chapter one. And in verse one in the beginning,

God, and the Hebrew scholars will tell you clearly that word is plural. It’s not singular. The word Elohim in the text is in its plural form. God, the father was there. God, the son was there. God, the spirit who is eternal in his nature was there, which means God, the father, God, the son, God,

the spirit are greater in substance, in nature, In stature, in glory and in preeminence than all, All of this physical existence. But did you know they weren’t all that existed before the beginning. Few other things that existed before the beginning, John chapter 17, again, Jesus is, he is praying to the father, says in verse 20, I do not pray for these alone,

but also for those who will believe in me through their word, That they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you that they may be one in us that the world may believe that you sent me and the glory, which you gave me. I have given them that they may be one just as we are one I in them and you and me that they may be made perfect in one.

And that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them. As you loved me, father, I desire that they also, whom you gave me may be with me where I am, that they may be hold my glory, which you have given me for. You loved me Before the foundation of the world love existed before the beginning of the world.

No loves Just a human emotion. A by-product of, of, of, of the nature of humanity that evolved over millions of year. No God, the father loved the other ones. Beings of the Godhead bef Or the world was founded. Love preexists, humanity, Consider something else. Genesis chapter one, verse three, Go back to the creative act.

The description of that passage or that description of that event in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth verse three said, then God says, Let there be light. And there was light. Have you ever, I thought about the fact that communication existed before Humana We’re told that God spoke, what is that? That is communication. Why Is it?

The communication has such great impact and such great importance in our lives. Do you know something that Adolf Hitler realized and came to a realization of this fact, if he could become a good Speaker, I could convince his nation to change communication And its Power shifted Germany from 1919 to 1934 Because Adolf Hitler decided he was going to become a Great communicator. Communication is powerful and it existed before we did No,

no, no, no, no. I’ve seen the caveman drawings. There are no words Up there. So since there are no words, there must not have been any words, right? God spoke and it happened. But then consider as well. We read just a moment ago in John chapter 17 verse five, that Jesus said not only did I exist,

not only did the father exist, but glory Existed. Have you ever thought about that? When we think about love existing, we think about communication existing, God spoke, but have you thought about the fact that glory existed? Remember he said, glorify me with the glory I had with you before the world won Says, well now wait a minute. Glory from who?

See, because you don’t get glory from nobody. You don’t have glory. If you’re in the presence of no one, you don’t have glory. If you’re on an Island by yourself and no one else exists, guess what you don’t have of all the things you might have. You don’t have glory, Sorry for you. Leave no impression on anyone else.

And that’s what Three involves the impression you make on others. Glory is something that’s received by multiple people being present. And yet Christ had glory that tells you that someone else, since both Christ and the father, Or had glory, either Christ in the father and the spirit are standing there and miring one another and giving glory to one another, or someone ELDs exists with them.

Not claiming there are other eternal Beings claiming that someone else Existed before the world did, which by the way, we already know to be true. Is there a good chance from all the scriptures indication that the angels were present when God created the world? Absolutely glory existed before the world was interestingly, spend some time with Psalm 33 to consider that idea. But then one last thing in John chapter 17,

verse five, Jesus says that I was with you. I had glory with you and you sent me. We also see encapsulated in that that authority existed before the beginning turned us all 93, Psalm 93 beginning in verse one, we read the Lord reigns. He is clothed with majesty. The Lord is closed. He has girded himself with strength. Surely the world is established So that it can And not be moved.

Your throne is established from of old. You all are from ever Last thing. Wait a minute. What did we just read about? We read about the reign of God, the throne of God, the power of God and the creative act of God and all of those things. Those first three existed before the creative act God’s authority was Set in existence and was there before you and I am this word World ever existed.

Why is it though? Those who want to believe in evolution want to believe in evolution. This may not Be a hundred percent exhaustively true because there may be some people who are ignorant of the scriptures enough that they might believe in evolution and the scriptures at the same Time, in spite Of the fact that every single major section of scripture from Genesis to revelation claims God created the heavens and the earth and that it happened the way the Bible says it did every single major section.

There’s not a section of scripture. You can have left. If you throw out the creation that you get to keep that section of scripture, But predominantly throughout the last 200 years Of evolutionary thinking and promulgation of that ideology, it comes from this singular Desire. If evolution is true, I don’t have a God who I have to answer to because I’m just a by-product of Nature.

But the Bible Tells us authority existed before we did. And specifically God’s authority. Now God existed before the beginning Christ Existed before the beginning of the spirit existed before the beginning love existed before the beginning communication existed before the beginning glory existed before the beginning authority existed before the beginning. And I want to point out just one small series of things That existed Before there was,

It was a sin because These also have an incredible impact on your and I’s existence and understanding of ourselves. When I look at humanity, I am forced to look at it through the reality that I know sin exists and everyone I know has sin, But Before there was a sin, A few things were true. Number one, before there was a sin on earth,

people existed. We’re not going to spend any time with that one, improving it. Genesis chapter one, Genesis chapter two, Go read it, but Consider as well that before there was a sin Law existed, This is chapter two, verse 16, God commanded them of the tree of every are of every tree in the garden. You may freely eat,

but of the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil in the center of the garden. You may not, Not eat law existed before sin Bill existed before sin, but also consider less. We believe that all knowledge came from them eating that tree because it certainly didn’t Genesis chapter two verses 19 through 20, makes it clear that knowledge existed before sin,

before sin, Adam and Eve weren’t automatons. They weren’t robots just doing the programming of God because God took the animals, presented them before Adam. And what did he do? He named all, All of them who named the animals. God, no. Adam did. Yes. Knowledge existed before sin and humanity existed before sin and humanity existed in a time before there was Shame and sin,

go back to Genesis chapter two, just for a moment in Genesis chapter two, verse one 23, and Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.

And they were both naked. The man and his wife and were not Ashamed. They weren’t ashamed because shame had no existence in the world. Shame Aim had no presence in the world Out sin before there was a sin. There were people okay. Before there was a sin, there was knowledge before there was a sin. There were people who lived in knowledge of God,

obedience to God and without shame. And before there was a sin on earth, there was a plan for redemption. So we’ll wait a bit. Yeah, there was no sin. There was no shame. There was no problem. There were no struggles. Everything was perfect. Why in the world? Was there a plan for redemption Because The God who existed before creation knew,

man would Good sin revelation, chapter 13, Revelation chapter 13 and in verse eight, All who dwell on the earth will worship him. Whose names have not been written? The book of life. Now, wait a minute. Who’s the, who’s the him here? It’s, it’s the beast. We, we talked about this in revelation class. They’re worshiping the bees that set up by the dragon.

This is Satan influence People and who worships the beast. Those who aren’t written in the Lamb’s book of life. If it stopped right there, that would be an interesting point, but not nearly as interesting. This one, we read Names have not been written in the book of life of the land, Slain from the foundation of the world before the world was founded.

And before A sin happened on earth, The lamb had already determined the comm and was in the eyes of God slang. And the lamb is Jesus Christ. Turn to Hebrews Chapter nine, one more Time. Hebrews chapter nine, verse 12. Well not with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood Christ entered the most Holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh.

How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And for this Reason, he is the mediator of a new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant. And those who are called that those who are called may receive the promise of an eternal Inheritance before the world existed.

Before the beginning, before a sin was ever committed, Christ paid for any terminal inheritance. Oh, you mean we’re not meaningless beings just living out life in the grip of nature. No, and we never were. And we were never, ever, ever created with only this existence in mind for before the world was Christ determined to purchase our redemption, that we might have eternal life.

We need to be careful about the stories we’re told by the world and what they would have us to believe because back of everything, the scripture says is what it is, man is intended to be while these here in preparation for what God intends man to be forever. So are you living your life in view of the truth of everything that existed before the world was ever created?

Or are you living your life? Like the Psalmus writer describes the individual who says the fool has said in his heart, there is no God, how are you living today? Jesus Christ came to purchase humanity’s redemption. And he said he would purchase that redemption through his blood. And the scripture tells us, we come into contact with the blood of Christ in baptism,

through the immersion of water. We come into contact with the forgiveness of sins that we might have the gift of eternal life. If you have need of that redemption today, it’s offered to you today, but might you always remember in the midst of the struggles, in the midst of the pain, in the midst of the difficulty that this world wasn’t never,

all that was planned for you and God offers you a home with him depending upon whether or not you choose to love the one who loved you before you existed. Oh, Bay, the one who had authority before you existed, believe the communication of the one who communicated before you existed and who paid the price for your redemption before you existed, will you accept that salvation?

If you have need of it, why not come now? As we stand in, as we say<inaudible><inaudible> for me and<inaudible> me,<inaudible> like<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to the<inaudible> like<inaudible> no,<inaudible> no to<inaudible><inaudible> God like before our closing prayer will be number 611, 611, heavenly sunlight walking in<inaudible> through the<inaudible> Jesus.<inaudible> never,<inaudible> never can.<inaudible> heavenly.<inaudible> a<inaudible> singing.

His praise is Jesus<inaudible> and Brian<inaudible> pressing my way to mentions singing his praise gladly. I’m walking, walking in<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> singing his praise is Jesus Heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for this privilege. We’ve had to assemble and worship you this day. We pray that our worship has been in spirit and truth and a sweet savor unto thee, as we prepare to depart were mindful of those that were mentioned that were sick.

We pray that you will remember them and bless them with a return of their much wanted Hill comfort. Those that have recently lost loved ones and bless each of us as we have need. We especially thank you for being aware as we repent of our sins, that you, we know you are faithful to forgive them, that we may stand, hold and pure in your side.

Bless each of us with these things and return us at the next appointed hour. This our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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It Is Hard To Be In Charge – Admonition 346

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:9 | And now Admonition. 

You know it’s hard sometimes. It’s hard sometimes to be in charge of others and not show partiality, to not show respect of persons, to not place one person over someone else, simply because you like them better. But that’s our responsibility, to live without partiality, to judge righteously. 

Paul writes to the church at Ephesus in Ephesians chapter six in verse nine, And you masters do the same things to them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own master also is in heaven, and there is no partiality with him. We are to be just and righteous and our judgment just and righteous because God in heaven is just and righteous. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

03-17-2021 – Live Stream – Acts 13

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript

<inaudible><inaudible> Sometimes when you give people things on a regular basis, start to become dependent on them. That’s what’s happened with people in these questions. We’ve got out here one time where there’s no new questions and everybody wants to know where’s my questions Now. We’re, we’re still in chapter 13 and I expect there’s a good possibility by the end of tonight, we’ll still be in chapter 13.

So we’re going to take our time with this particular chapter, and then we’ll move forward probably into chapter 14 on Sunday. So Val your heads, if you will, and we will begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for all of your blessings that you shower upon us grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis.

Mindful of all of those who may be traveling or maybe on the roads and the storms and pray that they might have safety as they travel. And also mindful of those who may be in the path of severe storms or tornadoes. We pray that they have safety as well. We pray that you be with this congregation as we go through our daily walks, as we strive to serve you.

And we pray that we do so acceptably in your sight, that we seek to be pleasing to you and to serve you and to grow your kingdom within the borders of this city and this area, we pray that you be with our nation and we pray that you be with its leadership, both local and state level, and those in national leadership as well.

We pray that they make decisions that will benefit your kingdom and will not lead this country down paths of unrighteousness. We pray that you will forgive this nation for all of its many failures and all of its many iniquities and all of its sins. We pray that we might be a light to not only the world as a whole, but this nation in particular,

we pray that you watch over those who are dealing with illness. Those that are dealing with caregiving of others, we pray that you will help them through the difficult times. Pray for those who have had surgery. In recent days, we pray that they might have speedy recovery. All these things we pray and ask in Jesus name, amen.<inaudible> Acts chapter 13.

We begin with the Holy spirit telling those at Antioch to do something. What does the Holy spirit tell them to do?<inaudible> Send Paul and Barnabas because he has something for them to do so Saul, as he is called at the beginning of the chapter, who will be known as, by the end of the Chapter and Barnabas are the, the, those that Antioch w will lay their hands on them,

pray over them and send them away. As the Holy spirit has commanded. So they begin traveling and they go down to Solutia. Then they sailed to Cyprus. And when they arrived at Salomon, they preach the word of God in the synagogue of the Jews, having done that they’re called for by, and then they go to payphones. When they’re at payphones,

they’re called four by one, who is no sound on zoom. Hmm. All right. Well, hold on just a moment. Make sure everybody can hear, okay. That might work. I’m getting the thumbs up so we didn’t break everything else. You know, at the same time, you gotta be careful. Sometimes you fix one thing and break everything.

So they’re called for by this one Sergius Paulus. He is a pro counsel. He wants to hear the gospel and who resists him, hearing the gospel elements, elements resist him. Surges. Paul is hearing the gospel and elements is what nationality, the Jew. And yet he is taken up what occupation you might say, all right, he’s become a sorcerer.

So he’s doing something that is complete in complete opposition to the law of Moses. And yet a Jew is here with standing Paul, a Jew and Barnabas, a Jew proclaiming the gospel, the fulfillment of the law of the Jews to a Gentile who would hear the desires To hear it. And so what will Paul Blue he’ll rebuke him and cause him to have what happened.

He’ll cause him to go blind and he, He will go blind and he will require someone to lead him about surgery. As Paulus will see these things. And because he sees these things, he believes because of the miracles, Right? No. Why does he w the tech say he believes All right, because he was astonished at the message that they declared.

So Verse 13, Paul and his party set sail from payphones. They came to Perga in Pamphylia and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem. We didn’t spend any time on this Sunday. I just want to mention it. This is John Mark. This is not John. The apostle. This is not John. The, the brother of James. This is John Mark,

who we were introduced earlier or introduced to earlier. And he is going to turn back now in chapter 15, we’re going to read where the second missionary journey is about to begin. Paul and Barnabas are again, going to go out this time from Jerusalem to take the message that the church at Jerusalem is going to send out about the gospels, receiving the agenda,

or excuse me, the Gentiles receiving the gospels. And as a result of John Mark, turning back, what will Paul does Or to do I’m in Jerusalem. He is not desirous to have John Mark with them because they got into the first missionary journey. And John Mark turned back. Now all indications of scripture. John Mark is a young man. We don’t know how young,

but he’s a young man and he will take his, take his possessions and go back to Jerusalem and not continue the journey. Now, was he sick? Was he infirmed? Was he homesick? Was this the first time he, we don’t know any of those things and the Bible doesn’t tell us any of those things, But say what, okay. Sure,

sure, sure. There is indication that, that there was some, some wealth involved with the family, but w we Don’t, we don’t know, By the way, there is also the indication that Barnabas is his Uncle. Okay. So, yeah, You’ve got a family relationship between Barnabas and John Mark. You don’t have that, of course, between Paul and John Mark.

So as, as a result of all of this, John Mark is going to go back. We don’t know why, but Paul will be hesitant. And the humanly hesitant to allow John Mark to come on the next missionary journey. I imagine That Paul was Be one of those individuals who would be considered Hard to please, because his expectations were that You be as A stalwart as him.

And when we look at Paul’s life, there are few who measure Up to Paul. If you Were to go over to second Corinthians, I’d read concerning all of the things that happened to Paul at the hands of persecutors, you would go, ah, I don’t know, a whole lot of people who fall in the category of willing to be, be beaten,

30 stripes, or sorry, 40 stripes, save one by the Jews, five times Shipwrecked In perils of robbers. You know, you go down the list. Yes, stone Paul’s kind of Fits in a different category than Most people, but Paul Y’all all had expectations for one and rightfully so, who would put himself to the ministry of the gospel? And It is Christ,

Who said to One, who said to him in the book of Luke, I think it’s Luke chapter nine. One came to him and said, Lord, let me be your disciple To which Jesus replied, no man. Putting his hand to the plow. And then looking back shall inherit the kingdom of God. I Believe again, my opinion here, Jesus knew something about that,

Man. Jesus, didn’t Say that as an offhanded comment, Jesus said that just the same way he did the man who said, let me go bury my father first or the one who inquired about being his disciples. And he told him, listen, foxes have burrows in the ground and birds that the air have nests. But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.

Jesus knew the heart of an individual. And he knew when someone wasn’t ready to make a commitment that they thought they were ready for. John Mark will begin this journey and find out he’s not ready for the commitment that he had committed himself To. So in Acts chapter 15, Paul will say no, and we’ll disagree with Barnabas. So violently that they will part ways and Barnabas we’ll take John Mark and go his direction.

And Saul, Paul will take Titus And go his direction. So we have a comment, Sorry. I thought I heard something. So here we are. And John Mark returns back to Jerusalem, but when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch and<inaudible> and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down after the reading of the law and the prophets,

the rulers of the synagogue sent to them saying men and brethren. If you have any words of exhortation for the people say on, I may mention to someone, I think it was Rebecca in, in the comment as we were talking after class on Sunday, that most of us are very familiar with acts chapter two. And Peter’s first recorded gospel sermon Because we have it there essentially in full,

and we’re familiar with it. I think pre pre preeminently, because it is the institution of the church and the things going on there. But this is Paul’s first recorded sermon. Not that this was the first time he preached, but this is the first recording we have of an entire discourse by Paul. And it is of interest that there’s aspects of what Peter said on in acts chapter two there’s aspects of what Stephen said before he was stoned.

And by the way, Paul was present For that. And Yet it’s not Paul taking material from Steven or Paul taking material from Peter because who’s the originator. Sure. Of all three of them. Holy spirit. Okay. The one who gives the sermon as in the one who vocalizes, it is not the one who wrote as it were the Sermon. Now I’ve not been able to convince anyone else to write my sermons for me,

just let me preach them. But I’m, you know, if there are any takers I’m open to it, we’ll see how it works out. Paul is going to present the spirit For its sermon the same way Stephen did the same way Peter did. And the message Usage hasn’t changed. Some will declare that Paul preached a different gospel than Peter did. That’s really hard to get away with.

If you’re going to preach it from acts chapter 13, where we have the recorded gospel of Paul. But notice what we read. Paul stood up verse 16 and motion with his hands and said, men of Israel and you who hear God, listen, the God of this people, Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people. When they dwelled as strangers in the land of Egypt and with an uplifted arm,

he brought them out of it. Now, as we go through this, something I want you to pay attention to, again, something we didn’t mention on for the sake of time is Paul begins with every thing, not exhaustive list, but his emphasis is every thing God did for Israel. So pay attention to this and pay attention to the pronouns and pay attention to the verbs.

As Paul describes, God did this. God did this. God did this. God did this. God did this. God did this. God promised this and then Did it again. Okay? Noticeable. We’re reading the God of this people. Israel chose our fathers. So first of all, God chose and exalted the people. When they dwelled to strangers in the land of Egypt,

he took them from nothing and made them something. Then with an uplifted arm, he brought them out of it. When they couldn’t deliver themselves. When they cried out to God for salvation, he brought them out and he didn’t just bring them out. In the midst of the night. He didn’t bring them out escaping from the land of Egypt. He brought them out with all the bounty and having plundered the entire name.

Okay. Now for a time of about 40 years, he put up with their ways in the wilderness. God not only did all of these things to create the Israeli nation, then he suffered with And put Up with them in their rebellion, in their rejection, in their refusal to hear and to obey and to do what he has promised or do what he had said.

So they could receive the promise. Then he goes on to say, and when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he distributed to their, or excuse me, their land to them by Allotment. Now, wait a Minute. I thought Israel went in and destroyed the people in the land. I thought, God told Israel. Now you go in and you wipe the people out and you’d bring my judgment upon those people.

Cause their iniquities fall. Paul says, now God delivered the people into their hands. How many times do we have, Did we have to read in Joshua where Joshua went out and the people went out and if they didn’t do what God said, They failed. And it didn’t matter How greatly they outnumbered the enemy They failed. But When they did what God said and when God delivered them,

they succeeded. So all the way through God’s doing this, God’s doing this, God’s doing this. Then notice he said, and when he verse 20, after That, he gave them judges for about 400 years, 450 years until Samuel the prophet and afterward, they asked for a King. So God gave them Saul. The son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin for 40 years.

And when he had removed him, he raised up for them. David, as King to whom he gave testimony and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will. Now Paul says, God, Leave them judges. We Haven’t spent a lot of time in the book of judges Lately,

but it’s important Wharton to realize that every single time God gave them a Allege, it was because they were under the thumb of somebody else. And they needed deliverance. Every single time God gave them a judge. It was because they were crying out for delivery From somebody else. And Then they cry out being dissatisfied with the judge That they’ve received in the light,

in the time of Samuel. And so God gives them a King. Why did they want a King? They wanted it King because they wanted someone who would go out and Fight their battles for them. So they wouldn’t have to do it. And so God gives them a King, but then Paul says, God raised up David David, a man after his own heart,

not a man Who would fulfill the desires Of Israel. And it’s interesting to note that David’s reign was one of the most tumultuous rains of all the Kings of Israel that were obedient to God of the few Kings that were OBD Into God. David’s reign was one of the most Inside the nation because you, You always had some part of the nation trying to Him off the throne,

but he was a man after God’s own heart. Now he wasn’t perfect, but he would do the will of God. So then notice what we read from this man seed verse 23, according to the promise, God raised up for Israel. And what does he describe him as a savior? What was God? When God delivered Israel from Egypt, a savior,

what Was God when God delivered Israel from those who could defeat Israel, who were in the land of Canaan When God was giving them a land, their savior Dad was God. When he raised up a judge to deliver Israel from the hand of somebody, Their savior, what It was God who, when he put Saul on the throne to be able to combat those Philistines and others who were opposing Their savior.

And what was God when he raised up David, who as a young man defeated a giant that was standing against Saul and the entire Israelite army, their savior, and then that savior who’d Saved them all through these other things, Made a promise of this man’s seed. I will raise up a savior. And Paul’s point is here’s Jesus of Nazareth and he’s of the lineage of David.

And he’s exactly what God promised. And God has always, always been your savior. Okay? So notice what he says, this Jesus Verse 24, after John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John was finishing his course, he said, who do you think I am? I am not.

He, but behold, there comes one after me, the sandals of whose feet, I am not worthy to lose men and brethren, sons of the family of Abraham. And those among you, who fear God to you? The word of A lot, this salvation has been sent. Here’s the news<inaudible> They asked for. If you have, what did they say?

They said men and brethren. If you have any word of exhortation, if you have any uplifting message, if you have any message that will encourage Us speak it. And Paul says, here you go, You’ve received the message of the good news of the salvation Offered at the hands of Jesus Christ. But then he goes on to say this. He says,

Verse 27, for those who dwell in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not know him, nor even the voices of the prophet, which are, are profits, which are read. Every Sabbath, have fulfilled them in condemning him. And though they found no cause for death in him, they asked pilot that he should be put to death. When pilot TRIBE,

Jesus twice, what did he come back? Declare the pronouncement of his guilt. I find no fault in this man To which they cried. Having heard the verdict from the judge, not guilty. They cried out, Crucify him, crucify him and notice the argument that Paul’s making. And I don’t think we’re not headed to a specific, very, very specific conclusion.

Paul’s saying, God did this for you. God did this for you. God did this for you. God did this for you. God did this for you. God promised this for you. God did this for you and you as a nation. Now he is going to separate out the Jews there from the Jews in Jerusalem, but he Calls them your leaders.

They killed him. They didn’t even know they were fulfilling what God had already promised. They didn’t even realize they were fulfilling. The very prophecies. They read out loud week in and week out for the last, how many generations They killed him. The one that God sent to the Jews. Do you remember What John begins? His gospel Live. He begins.

One’s writing about the word, which was with God, which was God. And he describes Christ as the one who came onto his. Oh, but they would not receive it. He came unto his own and they knew Kim, Not. Paul says They found no. Cause for death in him, they asked pilot that he should be put to death.

Now, when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. Now watch, but God, God did this. God did this. God did this. God did this. God promised this. God did what he promised. And your leaders rejected him and fulfill the law, killed him.

And But God, he says raised him from the dead. He was seen for many days by those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses To the people. Now, why Is that important? Why does Paul bring up this idea that there are witnesses? Okay. When you make the claim that The leadership of the nation has put to death and innocent man,

And that God has raised him back from the dead. The possibility that someone’s going to say, you’re a raving Luna. And there’s no evidence other than your say. So is very real. I mean, nobody, He spouts things called conspiracy theories today, but it used to Except wait a minute. He says, and He was seen By one or two people,

right? No. He, He was seen for many days. Oh, well he showed up for a day and then Was gone. No, For many days he was seen. And those who saw him, the emphasis are still, You can go figure that out. Yeah. You can go inquire of them. You can go ask the witnesses. If you choose to question this,

you can go talk to someone who saw Jesus alive after he was resurrected from the dead and before. Okay. Well then he goes on to say, and we declare you glad tidings that prompt, that promise, Which was made to the fathers gone has fulfilled this for us, Their children, In that he has raised up Jesus, as it is written in the second Psalm.

You are my son today. I have gotten you gonna diverge for a moment and point out something, go to the second song. Second Psalm says, why do the nations rage? And the people plot a vain thing. The Kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying, let us break their bonds and pieces and cast away their cords from us.

He who sits in the heavens Shall laugh. Who sits in the heavens? God, The nations rage. The people imagine a vain thing. They imagine they can defeat God Plans. What did the Sanhedrin and the chief priests and the council think they could do by killing Jesus. They thought they could defeat God’s plans. I mean, maybe they didn’t know.

Maybe they didn’t understand what God’s plans were. Oh, to some degree we’re told in scripture that they were ignorant of what they were doing In a sense, but they weren’t good. You’re in about the fact that he was an innocent man and they weren’t ignorant about the fact that he, It was the son of God, either Nicodemus said all Way back in John chapter three,

before many of the proofs were put forward that he was the son of God. We know you are a man From God for no one can do these things, except God be with him. But he goes on to say, He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall hold them in. Then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distressed them in his deep displeasure.

Yet I have set my King on my Holy Hill of Zion. I will decree declare the decree. The Lord has said to me, who’s proclaiming this. This is the declaration of the Messiah. This is prophetically made centuries before Jesus was born. But the declaration is God, the Lord has set me as King. God. The Lord has put me as the King in Zion and no one’s going to stop me.

And he’s not only done that. He’s declared. The Lord has said to me, you are my son today. I have the gotten you when Jesus went to John, the Baptist, you remember Paul just mentioned John didn’t. He, when Jesus went to John the Baptist and told him to fulfill all righteousness, baptize me because John said, when Jesus said,

I have need to be baptized of you. John said, no, I have to be baptized of you. Which one of them was sinless. It wasn’t John. And yet Jesus said, suffer it to fulfill all righteousness. And so Jesus is baptized of John. And when he is immersed, which by the way, that immersion is a symbol of what burial and birth Jesus said,

except a man be what? Born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. So it is an image of birth. God, when that event occurred, appeared from heaven, the Holy spirit, descending like a dove and the voice of God saying this is mine, beloved son, God set him on the throne and no one was going to stop him.

And yet they killed him. Right? Ask him, Give me verse eight. And I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the end, the ends of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron. You shall dash them to pieces like a Potter’s vessel. Now therefore be wise, Oh, Kings be instructed.

You judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish in the way when his wrath is kindled, but a little bless. It are all those who put their trust In him. Now Paul brings up Psalm two and Any brings up the prophecy of the son being Savior With the quotation comes all the rest of the passage.

One Of the things. So often we miss, we go, Oh, this is found as a quotation in song. But The beginning of the Psalm is the people think they can defeat God’s plan. And God laughs in derision at their folly and the, The end of the Psalm because they thought they could keep him off the throne. Then he’s on the throne.

Now they’re looking at well, what do we do now? Do we bow? Do we submit? Or do we seek to? And if they seek To oppose him, he makes it clear. You lose. So when Paul brings up Psalm Two, he doesn’t bring it up Without his context. You better hear clearly, as he brings us up here is a warning about those who opposed him before he was raining.

And here is a warning about those who would Not submit after he’s on the throat. And they are not ignorant of this Psalm, which is why Paul says here’s som too. You know it. And then quotes. Now He says, and that he raised him from the dead. No more to return to corruption. He has has spoken. Thus, I will give you the sure mercies of David.

Therefore he also says in another song, you will not allow your Holy one to see corruption for David after had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep, was buried with his fathers and saw corruption. He decayed his body was put in a grave like everybody else’s And it decade, but that didn’t happen to Christ his body didn’t see corruption.

It was raised again on the third day. And he is no longer in the tomb, but he verse 37, Gone, raised up, saw no corruption. Therefore let it be known to you. Brethren that through this man is preached to you. The forgiveness of sins, all Throughout the old Testament, they needed a savior. They need They’ve got on their side and they needed help.

Their fathers were promised help and their fathers were promised to savior and God did and delivered exactly what he promised, but their greatest enemy that none of their previous saviors ever delivered them From, Oh, he Could deliver them from the Philistines. He could deliver them from Egypt. He could deliver them from the hands of those, around them. He could deliver them into the promised land,

but none of their previous saviors, not even David Could deliver them from sin, but this one, this savior, he can do exactly that. And by him, Everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses Belaire, therefore less. What has been spoken in the process Shall come upon you. This whole,

Whole declaration, this whole message all the way from the reference to 40 years, The wilderness all the way forward is one continual warning. He says, behold, you despisers Hmm, Marvel and perish four. I will work a work in your days a work, which you will by no means believe though One word, declare it to declare it to you.

Habakkuk chapter one, verse five. Interestingly, the book of Habakkuk is about what, what nation coming against Judah to destroy them and take them captivity. Babylon. God tells Israel, I’m going to do a work in your day and you’re not going to believe it. And Habakkuk as the prophet inquires, what it is God’s going to do. And God says,

I’m going to destroy Judah with the Cal DNS and Habakkuk goes, but they’re worse than we are. And God says the just shall live by faith. But my judgment’s coming on this nation and Paul takes that warning and says, hello folks. Your nation is right back where that nation was in the days before Babylon destroyed it because it’s not going to be 30 years from this point.

And Rome is going to do what Babylon never did. And God’s going to judge them again. So we read verse 42. So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, any mass baptisms? Nope, but they’ve heard the gospel. So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.

Oh, so there’s Gentiles in the audience, in the synagogue, in the Jewish synagogue. There’s Gentiles. Yes. But notice what happens. So they beg the same word or these words might be preached to them. The next Sabbath. Now, when the congregation had broken up many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who speaking to them,

persuaded them to continue in the grace of God on the next Sabbath. Almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled within the, and what did they do? Oh, we’ll have to save that for Sunday. Sorry. You’re dismissed. Yes, sir. I will. All that’s on.<inaudible> Good evening.

Good to see everybody out on a rainy spring night, we were lucky. We looked at the data, the weather didn’t get as bad as they said it was. But anyway, I think there were some places that were hit pretty bad and we need to remember those people. Good to have a guest tonight. If you hadn’t filled out a Vish there’s car would appreciate it.

If you would do it. Our sick is a pretty long list here. Jones, Springer, Rodale, and Dorothy Wilson and Janie Marlin, or our regulars. We have some extras on here. Julie Adams is a friend of<inaudible>. She has we’ll have surgery on the third day, 1st of March to remove thyroid. And then she will start some radiation on April the 19th for about six weeks.

Barbara Dugard had a filler injection on her rotator cuff Monday and is sore, but she’s doing all right. And he’s got limited movement. Diana Shafford had thyroid surgery Monday and is at home doing pretty well. BJ Clark is in recovering from pneumonia. Caleb Nelson, a friend of the Springer’s he’s in rehab, but his father Richard Nelson were just diagnosed with thyroid cancer and will be having surgery.

Soon. James Luna had been, had been rude, has been moved from the hospital up there. Well, he’d been moved to and H C I don’t know what that stands for. It’s a health care place in Franklin, Tennessee. He was in Nashville. Okay. But he’s been moved to Franklin. He’s weak, but doing pretty well. Leah van cleave,

this Beck, his niece had transplant was released from the hospital and is doing well. Nathan, best Elion Rushmore nephew in Guam will be treated for heart issues in the children’s hospital in Los Angeles, but they hadn’t gotten there yet, but they’re making plans to get there, man, the last but not least, we will resume Sunday afternoon services beginning, April the fourth.

And the fellowship hall will also be available if we’d would like to stay and eat lunch between services. Oh, song Later, Erin Cozort devotional, Noah Olson and the closing prayer tree. If you will please Mark number 902 nine zero two, nothing but the blood will be the song of an invitation after the devotional and then turned to number 764, 764. Teach me Lord to wait.<inaudible> ride down.<inaudible> you<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and from you<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> land me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> what you want me to be.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> teach me Lord.<inaudible> Good evening.

You often look at our world today and look at the many worries that the world, those in the world, that we were things that we worry about. Jesus would have something to say about this. And Matthew chapter six verses 25. And following concerning our attitude, our priorities. If you look at verses 19 through 21, he tells us not to lay it for ourselves treasures on this earth for they are going to be destroyed.

And then he tells us in verse 25, therefore I say unto you take no thought, meaning don’t worry for your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor yet your body. What you shall put on is not, is not the life more than meat and the body. Then Raymond Jesus is not at all saying that we shouldn’t be cautious.

It doesn’t mean to say that. We’ll just, just talk to the father. Just, just trust. Just, just, just pray to God and you don’t have to do anything. You need to be responsible, but we need to trust in God. Will you not obsess over the things of the world? Look at verse 26, behold, the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father,

father, feedeth them notice this next phrase, are you not much better than they and Psalm chapter one 39 verse number 14. So almost would say you’re fearfully and wonderfully made. You’re made in the image of God. Notice verse 27, which of you by taking thought can add one cubit into a statute verses 28 and following. And why take you thought for Raymond consider the lilies of the field,

how they grow? They toil not neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed. Like one of these, if God, so close to the grass of the field, if God takes care of the animals that are, I guess you could say less on his spectrum, we are more important than they can.

We not trust God that he is going to take care of us. Look at verse 31 or excuse me, verse 30. Where if God, so clothes, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven. Shall he not much more clothe you? Oh, ye of little faith, verse 31. Therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat?

Or what shall we drink? Or wherewithal, shall we be clothed? Why verse 30 for after all these things, do the Gentiles seek. That’s what the world obsesses about. That’s what the world is filled with to, to please the, the, the flesh to, to, to, to have their minds set on those things. Your heavenly father know it,

that you have need of all these things. That’s a beautiful thought. God knows that we need many physical things. He knows what we need before we even ask him. Verse 33 is the key key verse of this passage, but seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all those things. What things, the things that we’ve talked about,

the food, the Raymond, the drink, they’re going to be added into us. If we truly seek God’s came to him and then finally, verse 34. Therefore no thought for the Morrow for the Morrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Have you ever caught yourself maybe worrying about something that’s a month in advance a year in advance two years.

We ought to take one day at a time, trusting God every step of the way. Proverb, Brightwood, Sam Proverbs, chapter three, verses five and six trust in the Lord with all thine, heart and lean, not unto thy own understanding in all thy ways, acknowledge him. And he shall direct the I-PASS your paths. And so when, when we find ourselves worrying about the things of the world,

let’s remember what Jesus has words here on the sermon, on the Mount, telling us that let’s trust God, the most powerful being in the universe who gave us all of these things that we worry, we often worry about. Are we not much more value than the, the, the animals, the grass of the field? I think we are because we’re made in the image of God.

Therefore let’s not worry, but trust in the Lord, knowing that he will take care of us. And I’ll leave you with Philippians chapter four. When we find ourselves like this, there is a solution notice verses Philippians four, six, and following be careful for nothing. Don’t be anxious, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made,

known unto God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ. Jesus fine. If we find ourselves worrying about the things of the world, let’s pray into the father and always trust in his will because his will is perfect. Isaiah 55 anniversary number eight. And so let’s always strive to, to put those things in the world.

That’s where the Gentiles that’s for the world to obsess about. Let’s focus on the goal. What’s the goal or home in heaven, perhaps there’s one here tonight, maybe who has never obeyed the gospel of Christ. You haven’t put your trust in Christ. Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God? Are you willing to repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man,

and then be willing to submit to baptism for the remission of your sins to be added to the greatest institution the mankind will ever know. That’s the church, the body of Christ, or perhaps you have already done. So you’ve obeyed that precious gospel, but you’ve strayed from the faith. Maybe the, the, the desires, the obsessions, the Worries of the world.

If it got, you caught up, you come back to God and repentance. He wants you. He’s welcome, welcoming you back with open arms, but you have to make that decision to come back to him and you can be forgiven. If you repent. Then when a subject wants you to come as we stand and as we sing, What can wash away?

My<inaudible> jeez, what can make me whole again, a thing by the bla. Jeez. Oh, brush says up all that. Mags me wide ass. No, no. Found time. No, no.<inaudible> geez. For my<inaudible> for my cleansing. There’s my plea. Nothing but the<inaudible><inaudible> no found time. No, nothing.<inaudible> jeez,

nothing hand<inaudible> tone. Nothing by blah, blah. Jeez, not a good that I have done nothing but the bla jeez. Oh, brash.<inaudible> mags me wide ass. No, no found time. Oh, nothing. Let us pray. Our heavenly father. We thank you for all that you do for us and all you give us. Lord,

we thank you for this opportunity that we have tonight to come into your house, Lord, and learn more of your word. Lord, we ask that you comfort and the sick Lord and just bring them back into our number. Lord. We ask for protection against the storms that’s moving through tonight and just keep us safe as we go home. We thank you,

Lord for saving us. We thank you for dying on the cross. We might know you as our, our savior and know the reward in, in the end Lord, these things we’re asking your name. Amen.<inaudible>.

03-14-2021 – Live Stream -Worshiping God While the Evangelist Preaches – Michael Dale (Sermon)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Okay, we are Going to be in acts chapter 13. This morning. We’ll begin with our questions from acts chapter 12, just by way of a review. And then we’ll get into chapter 13. Let’s get started with a word of prayer, Our gracious father in heaven. We come before you exalting your name, humbling ourselves, mindful of the glories that you present to us every day,

the mercy that you have shown us that the sun might rise, that the weather might be nice, that we might be able to have the health to get out. And to see this day, we are mindful of those who because of illness or difficulties are unable to get out. And we pray for their comfort and strength in the hardships that they have.

We pray for those who were dealing with the difficulties of COVID trying to recover from it. Perhaps they’ve had it in the, in the past. And though they no longer have the disease, the aftermath is causing difficulties in their lives. We pray for those who are still at home. We pray for those who deal with health problems on a continual basis.

We know the struggles that many endure, and yet we are so grateful that the largest struggle that we have in life has been resolved by your son. And that is sin. We thank you for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins to provide the hope of the world. And we pray that we might boldly speak his name and proclaim the truth that you would have us to proclaim that we might teach the truth in love,

but yet in boldness and firmness, we might never back down from the truth because others might not like it help us to always strive to do what’s right in your sight. Forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. And may we always with humility, seek to follow your, your path? All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Acts chapter 12. Questions, Question Number one. Yes or no. Were the Jews pleased when Herod had James, the brother of John put to death? Yes, they were pleased question two from verses four and six. How did Herod have Peter guarded in prison? Bound in chains between two guards, guards at the door. Alright. And he had put him under how many guards?

Four squads is the new King James there. Okay. What events led to Peter’s release from prison? All right. An angel showed up a light, showed up. All right. The, the angel struck him to wake him up. All right. To get up, get dressed and his chains were off. Okay. And then the angel led him out through the,

through the Gates. In what way? Verse. This is acts chapter 12, verses five, 12 and 16. In what way was the church trying to aid? To Peter’s release from prison. All right. They were praying for him. What was the reaction of the church when they saw Peter had been released astonishment and disbelief a yes or no. Did Herod find Peter after the angel had led his escape from prison?

No, he did not question six. Describe the occasion of Herod’s death. Alright. Eaten by worms from the inside, having received the praise of being a God. And instead of giving God, the glory took the glory for himself. Describe the growth of the word in acts chapter 12, according to verse 24, grew and multiplied. Okay. So in the last few chapters,

we’ve seen a couple of, of integral things to the account of the book of acts. We’ve seen the gospel taken to Cornelius and the Gentiles at the mouth of Peter at the behest of the Holy spirit. We’ve seen word of that. And news of that come back to the Jews in Jerusalem, the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem, who Initially were upset about it,

but eventually having heard what the Holy spirit did gave glory to God and praise God for it. Now that doesn’t mean that every Jewish Christian was happy about it. Okay. Or that every Jewish Christian thought it was being handled the way they thought it should be handled. And this becomes the singular biggest issue in the Christian or in the church in the first century is the Jew and Gentile strife going on within the church.

It’s the background of the book of Romans. It’s the background of the book of Galatians. It’s the background to a lot of the events that we’re going to read about still further in the book of acts. And we’re going to see here in chapter 13, what it is that’s really dividing. The church is the perspectives, the attitudes, and the mentality that they brought into the church as Jews,

not the teachings of the apostles or the prophets or the Holy spirit. Okay. We’re going to see that exemplified in the Jews that Saul and Barnabas are going to be sent to as they begin their first missionary journey. Now acts chapter 13. The shift takes place where we’ve gone from looking at the church in Jerusalem, in the first eight chapters. And then with one of those chapters being Jerusalem and Judea,

and then Samarria. So the church in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria acts chapters one through eight, then chapters nine through 12, the church going to the Gentiles and going out of Jerusalem because of persecution into the other regions of Judea and in the remainder of the land of Palestine. And then beginning in acts, chapter 13, we have the church go and the gospel going to the rest of the world and all the way by the end of this book to Rome.

Okay. So that’s the path that we’re on. Verse 25 of chapter 12 says, and Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry. And they also took with them, John, whose surname was Mark? Why did they go to Jerusalem? Me again? All right. To take the benevolence that the churches in these other regions that had heard about the famine and knew,

knew of the, and the plight of the Jews in Jerusalem, the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem had sent aid to Jerusalem. And so Saul and Barnabas took that money to Jerusalem. And now they’ve returned. Who did they take with them when they went Mark? And now when they come back, John Mark is, is with them. All right, verse 13 or chapter 13,

verse one. Now in the church that was at Antioch, there were certain prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon, who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene Menin, who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch and Saul. A couple of these individuals we don’t know much about, but it’s of interest that here is one who’s mentioned in Antioch, who biology from the indications of the text grew up with Herod.

And yet here he is serving as a teacher, as a preacher, as a prophet in Antioch. So in the city of Antioch, we read earlier that disciples, when, when the persecution began in Jerusalem, disciples dispersed, and one of the regions, they went to, one of the places was this Antioch. And as a result of that, the church was,

was founded, began to be, they began to teach, but in Antioch, there was something different. What happened in Antioch that didn’t happen in most other places when the church left Jerusalem, what did we read about? All right. They were called Christians there first, but the disciples, when they got there, they didn’t just teach. Right? They didn’t just teach the Jews.

They also taught as the text uses the word there, the Hellenistic, the Grecians. So they didn’t just teach the Jews. They also taught the Grecians, the Gentiles and they taught them the gospel also. So it is from this point that the Holy spirit will begin to make Antioch. The, the, really the church that reaches out to the Gentile world.

So these four Saul, Barnabas, Simeon, sorry, these five Lucius and minivan were serving there as prophets and teachers in the church in Antioch, as they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy spirit said now separate to me, Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. Then having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them.

They sent them away. Okay. So a couple things that we have in this text first and foremost, the Holy spirit says, I have a task for these two. I have something that I want Saul and Barnabas to be doing. Now, did the Holy spirit send Saul and Barnabas to some other location because they weren’t doing anything in it? No.

Was it Because Saul and Barnabas were no longer being effective in teaching and converting people? No. Sometimes I think we, we imagine That Things are going well in a location and that an evangelist or a minister or preacher is converting people. He needs to stay there till the supply runs out. He needs to stay there until nobody else has left for him to convert.

But that’s not even the way the Holy spirit operated. The Holy spirit said, I need these two and I need them over here. But notice something else that’s important About that is It wasn’t Saul and Barnabas who were the only ones working the work in Antioch. Didn’t see, because Saul and Barnabas were led by the Holy spirit to go on this missionary journey.

The work in Antioch continued because there were others there who were also doing the work. And that’s one of the things I think we struggle with sometimes in maybe the way we structure teaching and preaching in churches. And this isn’t the first time I’ve said this here in, in our modern times is quite often, we’ve got one preacher, one congregation. And if that preacher ever relocates or moves on,

now, the question is, well, who’s going to You do the breaching. Whereas the first century church, while they’re preachers may not have been, as it were, full-time employed preachers. Quite often, they work, but they had a number of them. They, they had a multitude of them. And when there wasn’t a Reacher, the members were doing the evangelism.

You know, when those disciples left Jerusalem, it wasn’t the apostles that went. It wasn’t the apostles who started the work in Antioch. It was the Christians. And so it goes back to this same point that Paul makes to Timothy when Paul writes to Timothy and he says in first Timothy chapter two verses one and two, that one of Timothy’s jobs was to find faithful men and to instill in them the ability to teach other faithful men.

And so there’s this responsibility and it’s at the it’s at the, the response, or it is Glade upon the responsibility of preachers to teach other Teachers to train up people who can teach others. So that is, It’s not just left to them. It’s one of the mistakes that I think preachers make. And as one I know how easy it is to make it where you just,

well, I’ll just do it. I’ll just do it. And everything that comes along, I’ll just do it. I’ll just do it. And sometimes you have situations where preachers kind of get, they get frustrated. They think, well, I have to do everything, but they’ve never asked anybody else to do anything. Well, it kind Of goes back to this whole James chapter one.

You have not because you ask not. And so How often preachers get so busy and wrapped up in thinking they have to do everything. They never ask anybody to do anything and they’ve crippled themselves Doing so, Paul and Barnabas are Working with other teachers, other profits. Now it is interesting to note and specific to this context That these teachers And profits were those who had these miraculous gifts to do these things okay.

Through the laying on of the apostles hands. These are those who had been given the gift of prophecy, given the gift of speaking, the revelation of God, they didn’t have a new Testament to reference, and they didn’t have the book of acts for Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. They didn’t have any of that. They had the old Testament scriptures,

but more often than not, these individuals were those who had been given these gifts by the Holy spirit, but they were using them. And as one who had the talent, the ability and the responsibility, they were fulfilling that role. So the Holy spirit calls Saul and, And says, or tells the church, send solemn Barnabas, that they might do this.

What is it that the teachers are doing when The Holy spirit calls solemn, Barnabas? What does the Text tell us? They were in the midst of doing Fasting and pray. Now we We’ve often had conversations and we’ve had them here before, but it’s worth mentioning because it’s in the text. Is there anything wrong in the 21st century with facts? No,

it is. Is there any passage in the new Testament that commands us to Fast? No. This was a Jewish practice and had One, one, again In the old Testament where it was under one circumstance, they were commanded to fast, but it had had grown up as a principle and something that, that was a spiritual discipline. And it’s, there is absolutely nothing wrong with fasting,

but maybe we should define what is fasting. Okay. It is the exertion of self-control by depriving yourself, withholding from yourself, some substance in this case, generally food or food and water for a limited period of time to utilize that self-control and that deprivation to focus your mind on a spiritual matter. Okay. So they are in a time of specific focused spiritual thought when this happens.

Okay. Usually when you’re fasting, you don’t go, all right, this is a great time to go out and do evangelism and run everywhere. And, and, and no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You’re, you’re going without the natural fuel for the body. This isn’t the time of exertion physically. This is the time of taking time out and being settled in your physical situation to be exerted spiritually.

Okay. So this was a spiritual exercise and it was connected in this passage to what prayer. So this is a period of time where there, these teachers, these profits are talking to God. And during that fasting, that spiritual discipline and that line of communication to God, God, through the Holy spirit, communicates back to them. Okay. We should not be expecting that to happen if we faster pray today.

Okay. But all of that is to say, there’s nothing wrong with taking out time at an, on an individual or collective basis to devote oneself, to spiritual actions and thoughts, and to utilize fasting as a tool to do that. But then something else happens in this text. That again, is nothing that is, is withhold withheld from us. So it’s not a normal practice in America among the church that I’m aware of.

And that is when the Holy spirit calls solemn, Barnabas. What does the church do before they leave? They laid hands on them. Okay. Now there are two different laying on of hands that we read about in the church in the first century, one had To do with the apostles laying on hands and imparting the miraculous gifts in doing so. The apostles alone were the ones with the ability to do this.

No one else was given that ability. It was exclusive to them, but it happened, but through the laying on of hands and really all this is, I mean, there’s, there’s no missed thing about it. It was literally putting your hand on someone and usually was connected with a prayer. Okay. So you’ve seen in bald teams do this, you know,

when they all get in the huddle and they all put their hand in the middle, that that’s the say that no, that’s 21st century example, but that’s the same basic I did. Why, why are they putting their hands in the middle to show unity? Okay. So this is not something thing. And, and I know of one congregation that does this before they,

they have a group or some groups that go out and go on mission trips a couple of times a year before those mission, before those members leave on that mission trip on a Sunday, before they leave, they have all of them go to the front and the elders and the preacher lay their hands on them and pray over them. Now, is there anything wrong with that?

Not at all. Would we feel perhaps not having ever experienced that in person feel maybe, ah, ha is this okay? You know, because we do that. We, we think things are not okay because we’ve never done them, but is there anything that the Bible says that against that? Not at all, as a matter of fact, here’s a perfect biblical example of now.

Is there anywhere that the Bible commands us to do it? No, but it is an approved example. So if a church chooses to do it by all means, it’s a perfectly acceptable thing to do. All right. We’re going to have a hard time getting through chapter 13. If I take this long on every verse. So they ministered to the Lord verse two and fasted,

the Holy spirit has said now separate to me, Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them. Then having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them. They sent them away. By the way, I will mention concerning laying on her hands. This isn’t the only time this happens. We see this happen again. When the elders from emphasis meet with Saul or meet with Paul in acts chapter 20,

before he departs from them, they know it’s the last time they’re ever going to see him alive. And it, and it will be, and they lay their hands on him and they walk with him and minister to him as he leaves to go on that journey back to Jerusalem. So being sent out by the Holy spirit, they went down to Solutia and from there,

they sailed to Cyprus. Now, when they arrived in Solomon, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. They also had John as their assistant or minister. One of the things that they did in the first century, which I think is a wonderful idea for long-term missionary Journeys is They would send out those who were the teachers and preachers,

but they wouldn’t send them by themselves. They would send them with others whose job it was to work labor and bring in the financial support that was needed by the missionaries To continue their work. So when Paul reaches Athens and he’s all by himself, what do we find him doing in short order, Making tents? Is he making tents? Did he just have in the itch to go back to his old occupation?

No, none of his ministers, none of his assistance as it were, are there functioning to work and labor for the money necessary to continue preaching. So he has to provide for himself. When Paul writes to the church at Corinth and says, I took nothing From you. I Robbed other churches to preach to you. There were churches that would help as,

as we do when we support missionaries and we helped with their missionary works, we send them eight that there were churches. That’s a new Testament example. The church at flip, I did that to Paul and we read, we read about that, but quite often in the day to day Needs, there would be those Associates assistance, Timothy Titus, John Mark,

in this occasion, who would be a long on the journey who their main function was to work, to provide for The group And be able to sustain their physical Financial needs. All right. So they took John Mark with them, verse six, by the way, I’m not going to talk a whole lot about the geography of this. You all have a map in the back of your Bible,

open it up and go look at the map yourself. We don’t have time to go look at maps in this class. If we’re going to get through all of these, these chapters in one lesson. Now, when they had gone through the Island of payphones, they found a certain source for a false prophet, a Jew. Now notice this, this is a Jew,

whose name was Barjesus. What does the word bar mean? When we come across it in the day? Son of it means Son of Jesus. Okay. Now this doesn’t mean he was connected to Jesus of Nazareth. The name Jesus, which is the old Testament equivalent of Joshua is not an abnormal name, a Hebrew lineage. And so he is the son of a man named Jesus.

Okay. Who was with the pro council? Now this pro council, would he have been a Jew or a Gentile? Probably a Roman. He’s probably a Gentile. He he’s, he is one who’s part of the Roman government. Okay. So they’re on the Island of Patmos, a certain sorcerer. Who’s a Jew and a certain pro counsel. Who’s a Gentile is they run into this man called for Barnabas.

Sergius Paulus. That is called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. Now, here is a Roman official, who is most likely a Gentile Sergius Paulus is his name. And he has heard about this gospel and he wants to hear it. So he calls for Saul and Barnabas, but<inaudible> now Musk is what? By nationality.

He’s a Jew. And yet he is an adviser. This illness, the sorcerer for, so his name is translated, withstood them seeking to turn the pro council away from the faith. Then Saul, who is also called Paul filled with the Holy spirit, looked intently at him and said, Oh, full of all this seed and all fraud. You son of the devil,

you enemy of all righteousness, will you not seize perverting the straight ways of the Lord. And now indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you. And you shall be blind not seeing the sun for a time. And immediately a dark mist fell on him. And he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Then the pro council believed when he saw what had been done.

I’m going to stop right there. Why is it that? Cause, cause we know the rest of the story. We, we know he’s about to go into a synagogue and he’s about to teach people and there’s going to be Jews who reject him. Why is it that this Jew get struck blind when all the other Jews that reject the gospel don’t okay.

So you have a couple of things. Number one, by performing the miracle, he confirms the message, but what is this man? But what is alumnis? He’s a sorcerer. He might be a Jew nationally, but what is he occupationally? This same thing we read about in acts chapter six, He’s a sorcerer, sorry. Acts chapter eight. Is it eight?

I think it’s eight. All right. He’s a sourcer. He’s not a Faithful Jew. Following the Old Testament. What was, what was commanded in the old Testament to happen to sorcerers, sorcerers, witches, neck romance, All, all of those type of individuals were to be put to death. This man is not a faithful Jew. Who’s hearing the gospel.

This man is someone who opposes not only the old Testament, but the gospel as well. And this man is standing in the way of Sergius Paulus, hearing the gospel. Now a point that was made. And I think it’s incredibly interesting. You go back and look at the old Testament. We don’t have time to do it for this study, but it might be something we do at some point in the future.

And you look at God’s laws concerning with those who, who practice witchcraft. Those who practiced, just throw all of rounder, the quote, unquote, dark arts and practice them. Not in, you know, the sense of some, you know, magicians for show slight of hand type way, but in truly believing they were practicing these things and did it from a spiritual perspective.

Here they are. They’re practicing these things and God Condemns them to death For it. And some might look at that and say, well, isn’t that kind of kind of harsh, but here’s the thing. What was Israel in relationship to God, they were in what kind of relationship, a covenant relationship with God. And these people were committing the equivalent of treason against their nation.

Because If the nation Lost favor with God, because of sin, because of departing from him, what was going to happen in the nation, they’d be punished, they’d be lost, they’d be destroyed. And ultimately what did happen to the nation, that exact thing. Now what is treason from a national perspective, a person Who commits treason is one Who takes actions that Are in favor of an opposing national power that bring harm on their own Nation.

And what are, What do the U S laws State as the most Severe penalty for treason under Us law death, C w w nothing’s changed. We still understand treason is worthy of death. And that’s what this is. That’s The same thing in Deuteronomy chapter 13, when a person came in into them or came out from the Israelites and was teaching them to depart from the Lord,

he was a false prophet. The condemnation, there was also Death. Why? Because He’s literally destroying their standing with God and destroying the nation and Is a threat to the entire nation’s continued benefit by doing what he’s doing. And even today, Hey, we recognize a person who takes that kind of action against their own nation. The punishment should be including the possibility of death.

And so here, Saul will Through the power of the Holy spirit will cause this man to become blind, but I stopped halfway through verse 12, for a reason, verse 12, then the pro council Having or winning, He saw what had been done. So the pro council believed because What he saw, right? Read the rest of the verse. You see,

because All throughout the gospels, we see lots of people who see miracles happen And they don’t what they don’t obey. They don’t believe they asked for another sign at heritage Wants Jesus to come to him when he’s on trial, because he wants to see a miracle performed. Do you think it’s because Herod wanted to hear the gospel and wanted to believe and obey Jesus.

No, he wanted to see it a miracle, but this man, when he sees what occurs, read the rest of the text, being astonished by the miracle. No, at the teaching of the Lord, this man witnessed a miracle, but his astonishment, his all wasn’t the miracle that was performed. It was the gospel of Christ. And it is when the Visuals put more emphasis on the gospel,

Then the miracle that they’re converted When people are more interested in the miracles than the gospel that Jesus confronts them like he did in John chapter, when he said, why are you here? Because they had followed him because he had fed 5,000 of them the day before. And they followed him not to hear what he had to say. They wanted to be fed again.

They put more emphasis in the miracles than the message Searchie is Paula’s was more astonished by the message than the miracle. Okay. Verse 13, we don’t have nearly enough time for this. Now when Paul and his party set sail from payphones, they came Perga in Pamphylia and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem. And, but when they departed from Perga,

they came to Antioch in<inaudible> and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down. Now this Antioch is not the same Antioch that they left. This is a separate Antioch and interestingly, a smaller by way of population Antioch. And after the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent to them saying men and brethren,

if you have any word of exhortation for the people say on, so this is a normal practice in the synagogue. When a Jew in good standing would come into the synagogue. And by the way, Barnabas And Saul are both Jews. They come into The synagogue, they’re there on the, on the Sabbath day. And the normal reading takes place. They would read from the law,

they would read from the profits. And then, Then they would ask if there was anyone who had anything that they wanted to Get up and say, and so Saul And Barnabas do, and Saul’s going to use this, this method to his advantage all throughout his missionary journeys, the attribute of the synagogues, Just to let someone get up and speak. So he’d always go to the synagogue first.

So he’s And men and brethren, if you have any, or they said to the men in brother, and if you have any word of exhortation For the people say on, then Paul stood up. By the way, what just happened when he left Antioch, what was he called earlier in this chapter? Saul. Now he’s not all throughout scripture. We have people’s names changed,

but Saul is a Jewish name. And Paul isn’t. Paul is a Roman name. And now the gins, the gospel going to the Gentiles through Saul. And so right here, the Holy spirit stops calling him Saul. Okay. Notice what happens. Then Paul stood up And motion with his hands or motioning with his hand, said, men of Israel and you who fear Odd.

Listen, the God of this people, Israel chose Our fathers and exalted the bull when they dwelled as strangers in the land of Egypt and with an uplifted arm, Brought them out of it. All right, that’s the book of Exodus. Now for a time of about 40 years, he put up with their ways in the wilderness. And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan,

he distributed their land to them. My allotment, that’s the book of numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua. And when he had, or verse 20, after that, he gave them judges for about 450 years until Samuel The prophet. That’s the book of judges and the book of first Samuel. All right. And afterward they asked for a King. So God gave them solved the son of Kish,

a man of the tribe of Benjamin for 40 years. And when he had Removed him, he raised up for them. David, as King to whom he gave testimony and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will from this man seed. According to the promise, God raised up for Israel,

a savior, Jesus, that would be first Samuel and second Samuel Part of first Kings. And when he had removed him or I’ve skipped down verse 24, after John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John was finishing his course, he said, who do you think that I am now? Why is Paul over here in Gentile areas,

talking to them about John, the bat They’re Jews. They knew the old Testament prophecies. And what, what did devout Jews from all over the world? Do They traveled back to Jerusalem for the feasts, and then Everyone who traveled back to Jerusalem for the fees. When they came and John, the Baptist was preaching, they would have heard about this prophet.

Now you remember when Jesus asked the, The Pharisees John’s baptism, was it from heaven or from men? The Pharisees reason within themselves, because the people believed John to be a prophet. Do you think all these Jews And the town didn’t hear about John, the prophet there hadn’t been a prophet in 400 years. Do you think they heard about John the prophet?

Oh yes, they are. I heard from their countrymen in Judea about John the prophet. And so Paul brings John into discussion and says, God said to David, I’m going to raise up my son through your lineage. And John, the prophet who you already know about before he said this, John to whom Or John Don was Finn. And as John was finishing his course,

he said, who do you think I am? I am not he the Messiah, but the whole, there comes one after me, the samples of whose feet, I am not worthy to lose men and brethren, sons of the family of Abraham. And those among you, who fear God to you? The word of this salvation has been sent. They knew what John preached,

but they also knew that John said, I’m not the Messiah, but John did identify the Messiah. And the good news that would be preached. He said, there’s one coming after me, who will Give to you the kingdom. Okay. Now Seven, for those who dwell in Jerusalem in their rulers, because they did not know him. That is the Messiah,

nor even the voice of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath. What did they just heard Before Paul got up below on the profits. So He just references the profits. They’ve just heard the profits read in their, in their hearing, which are read. Every Sabbath, have fulfilled them in condemning him. And though they found no cause for death in him,

they asked pilot that he should be put to death. So some might say, well, wait a minute. If this is the Messiah, why would our countrymen in Judea? Why would our countrymen in Jerusalem put him to death? And Paul already answers the argument it’s made because they were fulfilling. The prophet said, even though they didn’t know it. Okay.

So yeah. Now when they had fulfilled all, it was written concerning him. Verse 29. They took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead. He was seen for many days by those who came up from him or came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses to the people.

And we declared to you glad tidings that promise that promise, which was made to the fathers. God has fulfilled this for us, their children, in that he raised up Jesus, as it was written in the second Psalm. You are my son today. I have forgotten you. And that he raised him from the dead. No more to return to corruption.

He has thus spoken. I will give you the sure mercies of David. Therefore, he also says in another song, you will not allow your Holy one to see corruption for David. After he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep, was buried with his fathers and saw corruption, but he whom God raised up, saw no corruption.

This is the same thing. Peter preached on the day of Pentecost in acts chapter Two, he preached About David. He preached about David’s tomb being with us to this day. But Jesus Christ whom God raised up, never died again. Okay. Verse 38. Therefore let it be known to you. Brethren that through this man is preached to you, the forgiveness of sins and by him,

everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. Do you not think that they knew all the things that the law of Moses couldn’t handle? All the sins that the law of Moses couldn’t take care of in their lives. And every time they had to make sacrifices, but here’s Jews who don’t have access,

ready access to the temple. They don’t have ready access to a priest. They can’t go make sacrifices every day when, when they’re commanded by the law to make atonement for this and that and this and that and this and that. Can they go do that? Not at all. And yet they’re in bondage to a law living no longer in Palestine that they can’t really fulfill.

And they know it. Okay. We’re going to put a pin in it since we’re out of time and we’re going to leave it there. We’re going to deal with the rest of chapter 13 as we start chapter 14 on Wednesday. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Welcome to Collierville. Church Christ. Sunday morning, worship service. If you are a visitor,

we’re glad to have you here and appreciate it. If you would fill out a visitor’s card, did this in the back of the Pew in front of you. And I think right there that I said an Easter card. It doesn’t say what people say anyway. I quit looking at it, but anyway, we’re glad to have any visitors that we do have.

We’ve got a long list of announcements this morning, just bear with me. And I hope I get them all right. If you hadn’t gotten your Lord’s supper, it’s on the back table. Be a convenient time for you to get it while we’re going through these. We need to remember our sick Bombardier steel. I guess you’re still making plans to have the surgery on her show.

I don’t think she’s had it.<inaudible> Okay. She’s going to be having S I tried to STEM cell treatment on her shoulder, but it didn’t work. So she’s going to have the rotor cuff surgery done on that. But Maria said, Joan, still doing just a little bit better, but still very sick. Janie. Marlon is still having a fab issues and Rodale Wilson still it’s sick.

And Dorothy has had a she’s back home from the ER and has still has her high blood pressure and stomach issues. BJ Clark had the COVID virus and got over that. And now she’s got pneumonia and he’s recovering. He was at home recovering from that Caleb Nelson, this 13 year old friend of the Springer’s is well, will be re moved to an inpatient rehab pretty soon.

And James Luna, who’s a member here, but he’s in a assisted living in Nashville. And he’s in the hospital St. Thomas hospital in Nashville. He’s out of the ICU and has a, a stone in the common duck piled up and a colon infection. When the infection gets better, they will try to remove the stone. Lee Lee van Cleef that’s Becky’s niece.

She had a kidney and a pancreas transplant last week. She’s doing well, but still had a lot of pain and nausea from the may edge. And the transplanted organs are doing good. And as she continued to improve, she might come home as early as Tuesday. And Becky has a new nephew. It has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and her sister had been diagnosed with COPD and asthma.

Diane Schaeffer is going to have thyroid surgery. Tomorrow is that right? Monday. Rebecca gave me, this is before we got up here. So Nathan has a 16 year old nephew of her sister-in-law Aliyah Rushmore has a bacterial infection and has damaged his heart. There’s no pediatric cardiologists in Guam where they, I guess they live in there is missionary. And they’re making plans to come back to LA to get some treatment on him and Aaliyah Leon’s uncle passed away this past week.

So we need to keep all of these on our prayer. And that’s all our announcements except the man’s meeting tomorrow night. So if you have anything that we need to bring up, there’s probably an agenda land back there on the bulletin board. And we’d ask you to put it on that song later for this morning. No one else. Olson, opening,

prayer, Aaron Cozort lower supper will be Jay Shafir. Michael Dale has a sermon and Joe caisson has a closing prayer. Thank you. Good morning. We will begin with oft. We come together is not in the book, but it will be on the PowerPoint. We’ll sing all three verses this song. Let us think off We come to<inaudible> off me saying and bring him here.

We bring our offering on this all the day.<inaudible> to sing. May we all lane truth and spirit.<inaudible> the may we<inaudible> all that.<inaudible> may we truly worship as me?<inaudible> help us. Lord.<inaudible> may we all then truth and spirit.<inaudible> the name? May we all<inaudible> and always one, ah, tank this<inaudible> thing,

given my, the<inaudible> may we all in truth and<inaudible> the, The next song is going to be number 604, six zero four. I want to be ready to meet him. We’ll sing all three verses of this song, and then we’ll have an opening prayer. My brother, Aaron, and Cozort, there were six zero four. I want to be ready to meet him.

Let’s say you may have Of your worldly pleasures, your silver and your gold. You may pile up all the riches than this on well can hold mud. I’d rather add my savior, ran with him, stand for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory land. I want to be ready to meet him. My and my high one to be ready to meet him in a scotch time.

Oh, I want to me more like, as a man knew his Glasgow and or I wanted to be ready to meet him and the glory. And you may talk about your rich is your diamonds and your pearls. You may gain the wealth for ages of this and no world, but the save your is more precious. And when I’ll take my stand or I want to be ready to meet him and the glory land,

I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to be more like him. Mandu is Blasko Mandy, or I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. And there is one thing I can, most of salvation from the fall I’m in Erin. Well thing,

Gloria, my father owns it all. Now, as my I’m shouting happy Django at his go man, or I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. And I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to be more like him, man,

do his bless gum and four. I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. Let us pray. Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before you at this time grateful for all of the many blessings that you give to us grateful for the life that we have for the health that we have the ability to assemble together, mindful of those who are not with us this morning.

We pray for those who are struggling because of health. We pray for those who were struggling because of loss of loved ones. In recent days, we pray for those who are struggling because of spiritual issues. We pray most, especially for those who are dealing with spiritual issues, that their hearts and minds may be open to your word, to examine your scriptures,

to set their lives on the course that you would have them to be on. We Know the struggles that come in this life struggles in our homes, struggles in our personal lives, struggles in the economy, struggles in this nation and the world. But we have confidence in the one who reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And we know that each and every one of those areas is in your power and under your command,

if we will, but hear and obey. And even if we won’t, we also know that your power reigns and will reign now and in return. Yeah, We thank you for all that you do for us. We thank you for the good times, even in the hard times. And we thank you for the hard times where we grow in wisdom and knowledge and stature and understanding.

We pray for those who are traveling and we pray that they reach their destination safely and return home to us safely as well. And we pray for this time of worship. We pray for Michael and the message that he will bring us. We pray that the word spoken, the things done will be in accordance with your will and always in a right spirit and a right attitude.

Before you, we ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. Those times when we sin willfully and knowingly. And those times when we don’t even realize what we have done, we pray that your grace will be given to us. And the blood of Christ will continue to cleanse us from our sins. As we walk in the light,

as he is in the light, all this, we pray in Jesus name, Amen long before the Lord supper to help prepare our minds. We’ll be number 176, one seven six lamb of God. We’ll sing all three verses of this song. You are on the no sin, a Guide, but you have<inaudible> from yours. A time to walk up<inaudible> and to me come the lamb of God.

Oh,<inaudible> I love the Holy lamb of God. Oh, wash me and is precious. My gene is Christ. The lamb of God. You are a gift of the crews. If they laughed and<inaudible> him, as he died,<inaudible> King, they named a tough Roth and sacrifice the lamb of God.<inaudible> SMI them have gone on. I love the whole knee.

Them gone. Oh, wash me and his precious bla, my Jesus Christ. The lamb of God. I was so lost. I should add, you have wronged me to your, on to be led by your staff and wrong and to be called a lamb of God. Oh,<inaudible> me them. I’ve gone. I love the whole knee them.

Oh, wash me. My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God. We now come to a very special time in our worship service. When we remember the death of our Lord and savior Jesus to Christ. So let’s displace all the worldly thoughts from our minds and focus upon the cross and his death there and what it truly means for the forgiveness of our sins.

Let’s pray, heavenly father. We’re so very grateful to be considered your children and to be able to gather about this table and participate in these emblems. As we partake of this bread, which represents his body that was sacrificed on that grew across, help us to do so in a worthy manner in Jesus name, we pray amen. As we continue our Thanksgiving for this Memorial feast and participate in this fruit of the vine,

which represents the blood that was shed for the remission of our sins. May we do so with knowledge of what it truly represents and partake in a worthy manner in Jesus name that we pray. Amen. We find this a convenient time to offer back to the Lord. What we S have. So richly been blessed with through the week. So once again,

let’s go back to our father in prayer, Heavenly father. We’re so very grateful for the many materials listings you so richly, bestowed upon our lives. Help us always to remember that truly come from you and that we are merely stewards of these blessings, help us to cheerfully, give back a portion of what we’ve. So richly been blessed with. Ask this in Jesus name also,

Hey man, you want to, if you’re using a song book, if you want to go ahead and Mark number 903 there’s power in the blood 903 with a song of invitation song before the last one will be number 647, six, four seven, soldiers of Christ arise. Five verses. Let us think. Jurors of Christ.<inaudible> put your armor on strong in the strength,

which<inaudible> strong in the strength, which God supplies through his being love is strong in the Lord of hosts. Stan is my who in the strength. Jeez, us trust us who and the strength of Jesus trust is more than gone.<inaudible> Stan. Then in his grade,<inaudible> all his strength.<inaudible> but take two arm you for the<inaudible>, but take to arm you for the fight.<inaudible> leave NOLA,

unguarded play. Hey, snow weakness. So take every Birch. You add every gray.<inaudible> take every virtue. You, every grace and four, 10, five Oh nine, having all things and all your<inaudible>. You may or come through<inaudible>. You may or come through Christ alone and sad. And<inaudible>, I’m going to be reading for our scripture reading this morning,

Psalm 100 Psalm, 100 verses one through five, make a joyful noise unto the Lord. All you lands, serve the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence with singing know, you know, ye that the Lord he is gone. It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture enter into his Gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise,

be thankful unto him and bless his name. But the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth and Durham to all generations. Good morning brethren. So before I get started, I wanted to announce that my mother-in-law and her family is moving to Topeka, Kansas starting tomorrow morning. And my wife forgot to tell them to put it in the announcements,

but it’s a long drive. They are older. So it’s a, it’s a long drive for them. So just ask that you keep them in your prayers and that they have a safe journey and that they get to where they’re going safely this morning. I want to talk to you about worshiping God while the evangelist preaches. I want us all to consider our coming together for worship,

with an understanding that we are collectively worshiping our God as a congregation. At the same time, we recognize that we are participating in an act of worship individually. Okay? Worship is the act of demonstrating our respect and reverence towards God. It is an act of love. The worship we offer God on Sunday is carried out in various acts of worship. One of those acts of worship is preaching.

Now preaching may not seem to fit into my worship of God because I’m just sitting in the Pew, right? No, the fact of the matter is preaching is an act of worship and like all acts of worship. I must be sure I am engaged in it so I can offer God acceptable worship. Turn with me to Romans chapter 15, Romans chapter,

and we’ll read verses 15 and 16, Never Less brethren. I have written the more boldly unto you in some sword as putting you in mind because of the grace that is given to me of God, that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable. Being sanctified by the Holy ghost.

In this passage, Paul reveals some very interesting facts about preaching. The word Paul uses here for minister is the word for public servant or often a priest. The word ministering is related to the word for temple. And the word offering is a sacrificial offering. So Paul is comparing his preaching to a priest, offering a sacrifice that Gentiles converted and established in the faith by his preaching are compared to a sacrifice.

He is presenting to God because preaching is a sacrificial act, offered to God. It is acceptable worship to him. How does this apply to all of those who are not preaching though? The early Christians held the public exhortation of God’s word and very high regard. They continually devoted themselves. Let’s look in acts chapter two, acts chapter two. And this is after the preaching of Peter and the conversion of everybody.

We’re going to begin, just read verse 47 on the day of Pentecost, it says it’s written and they continued steadfastly in the Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread. And in prayers, they devoted themselves continuously to the apostles teaching all the time. They gave full attention to the scriptures. Let’s read first Timothy chapter four first Timothy chapter four. And we’ll read verses 10 through six.

All right. Timothy says for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God, who is the savior of all men, especially of those that believe these things command and teach. Let no man despise the youth, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity,

till I come give attendance to the reading to exhortation, to doctrine neglect, not the gift that is in the, which was given the, by prophecy with the laying on of one of the hands of the Presbytery, meditate upon these things, give myself Holy to them that thy profiting may appear to all take heed unto thy self and unto the doctrine. Continue in them for doing this.

Thou shalt, both saved myself and them that here the we as Christians today should do no less. We should desire to take in and ponder the message that is presented. So as to worship God through the preaching of his word, we worship God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing it. And its source Jesus stated in John chapter four and verse 24,

that the true worshipers worship God in spirit. And in truth, since preaching preaching is an act of worship and must follow these two tenants. The preaching of God’s word must be in spirit and it must be in truth. And our lesson this morning, we will consider these two points first preaching and spirit. Second preaching in truth to begin preaching. God’s word is not something that should be done.

Half-heartedly preaching must be in conjunction with the right attitude or spirit. There are two aspects to this. There’s the one doing the preaching. And there are the ones listening to the preaching. The one preaching must have the desire to do the preaching. Some have preached with the wrong spirit, as we can read in Philippians chapter one and we’ll turn their Philippians chapter one,

and we’ll read verses 15 through 17, Some preaching in the wrong spirit. Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife and some also of Goodwill. The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds, but the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel, a desire to raise up God and Christ before men must be formed most on the preacher’s mind.

Let’s turn to first Corinthians chapter one first Corinthians chapter one, excuse me. My allergies are getting the better of me this morning and we’ll begin in verse 22 of first Corinthians chapter one For the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews, a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness, but unto them,

which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ. The power of God and the wisdom of God, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men. And the weakness of God is stronger than men. A desire to call attention to God’s. Holiness must be presented as well. Let’s turn to Matthew chapter six, Matthew chapter six, Jesus, the disciples have asked Jesus how they should pray.

And Jesus begins by telling them exactly how they should start after this manner. Therefore pray ye our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name Jesus. The son lets them know from the beginning, you first call attention to how Holy God is all glory or fought. The father is all glory must be directed towards God. In other words, the preacher must get out of the way.

No showboating, no outlandish dramatics, no huge voice and Fluxions and you know, you’ve seen those preachers on TV sometimes to just start pounding on everything and go crazy when they’re preaching. That’s not what preaching is about. It’s about focusing our attention on God’s word for God is the only wise God Romans 16, 25 through 27. Let’s turn to Romans chapter 16,

Beginning in verse 25. Now to him, that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ. According to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest. And by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandments of the everlasting, God may known to all nations for the obedience of faith to God only wise be glory through Jesus Christ forever.

Amen. Let’s also consider Philippians chapter one verses nine through 11, Philippians chapter one, okay. Verses nine through 11, Paul writes through inspiration to the churches and Philippa. And this, I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment that you may approve things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense,

till the day of Christ and pay attention to this verse, being filled with the fruits of righteousness, righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. I want to consider one more passage on this point, Jude, the book of Jude verses 24 and 25, there’s only one chapter verses 24 and 25 half-brother of Jesus writes now unto him.

That is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy, to the only wise God, our savior be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and ever. Amen. So those who are listening to the preaching of God’s word must have the proper attitude as well. Not just the preacher,

but those listening to the sermon. There must be a longing to hear God’s word on all of our parts. Let’s read Psalm 119, the 119 song beginning in verse one. No, I’m not going to read the whole thing. So don’t worry. 119 verse one through eight. Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord,

blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no inequity. They walk in his ways that will has commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. Oh, that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. Then shall I not be ashamed? When I have respect unto all thy commandments, I will praise thee with uprightness of heart.

When I shall have learned thy righteous judgments, I will keep thy statutes. Oh, forsake me not utterly. We were to have a love for the law for the word. There must be a desire to lift God up in your heart. And before the world let’s turn back a few songs, 111 Psalm 111, and we’ll begin in verse one. The Psalmist writes,

pray the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart and the assembly of the upright and in the congregation. The works of the Lord are great. Sought out of them that have pleasure there in his work is honorable and glorious and his righteousness and Joris forever. He has made his wonderful works to be remembered. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.

He has given me to unto them that fear him. He will ever be mindful of his covenant. He has showed his people the power of his works that they may give them the heritage of the heathen. The works of his hands are very Verity and judgment. All his commandments are sure they stand fast forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.

He sent redemption unto his people. He has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and Reverend is his name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all they that do his commandments, his praise endureth forever. So the Psalm begins by telling us that we need to praise the Lord in our heart, in the assembly and in the congregation and then starts praising the Lord.

Just like all of us should, there must also be a desire to hear God’s word so that we may be a doer of God’s. How can we do the word if we don’t hear it? James chapter one verses 21 through 25. Let’s turn to James Chapter one and we’ll begin in verse 21 Or lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness,

the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls, receive it with meekness, but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any, be a hearer of the word and not a doer. He is like unto a man, beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and go with his way and straightway forgets what manner of man he was,

but who so look if into the perfect law of Liberty and continue with their, in he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work. This man shall be blessed in his deed. No. I want you to imagine a congregation where the preacher is preaching. Not because he desires to preach, but because he wants a paycheck. Just imagine that for a second,

how great that preaching might be, right? And the same congregation. Can you visualize members that feel they have to come and hear God’s word and have no real intent on changing their lives when God’s word is preached, should we believe these individuals are worshiping God in the preaching of his word? It is a joyous thing to be able to come and hear God’s word presented in a proper manner by the preacher.

When one preaches out of law, out of the love of God’s word, then those listening can truly engross their whole being into the beauty and holiness of the Lord’s word. It is a joy to know that one on this Lord’s day, we are coming together with a desire to lift up and bring glory to our father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the preaching of his word.

As a member of the Lord’s body, there should be no greater joy than to hear as it were another portion of God’s word. We worship God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing it. And its source. We worship in the preaching when we do so in Spirit, not Only must the preaching be with the right attitude,

but it must also be according to the second aspect of God’s approved worship preaching must be in accordance with truth, for preaching to be according to truth. We must preach what God has authorized us to preach. Let us consider what Paul wrote to and his second epistle, the Timothy chapter one second, Timothy chapter one. And we’ll begin in verse 11, second,

Timothy one 11 through 14, Where on two, I am appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles for the which, cause I also suffer these things. Nevertheless, I am not ashamed for, I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that, which I have committed unto him against that day. Hold fast.

The form of sound words, which thou has heard of me in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus, that good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy ghost, which dwelleth in us. Let us also consider what he wrote. Just a couple of chapters later in chapter three and verses 14 and 15, maybe a page over in your Bibles.

Second Timothy three, 14 and 15, but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom the hast learned them. Can’t learn things if you’re not hearing for li for understanding and that from a child thou has known the Holy scriptures, which are able to make the wise unto salvation through face faith, which is in Christ Jesus.

We are to preach the word. Let’s turn this one more chapter over to chapter four and read verses one and two second Timothy four verses one and two. I charged the therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word. Be instant in season, out of season reprove,

rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. We preach the word. There are three reasons for this. The scriptures come from God reason. Number one, just turn right back to chapter three of second Timothy and let’s continue reading down in verse 16 and 17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof, for correction,

for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect or complete thoroughly furnished or adequately, adequately furnished unto all good works. God’s word is our, is the truth, not our truth. The true let’s turn to the gospel of John and chapter 17, John chapter 17. And I could have quoted this verse, but I want you to read it.

John 17 and verse 17, sanctify them through the eye truth. Thy word is truth. His word is the only truth that we need to go to heaven. It is the truth that will set us all free. Turn over a few chapters to John chapter eight and let’s read verses 31 and 32, John eight 31 and 32. Okay. Jesus said to those Jews,

which believed on him. If he continue in my word, then argue my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth. What’s the truth, his word. And the truth shall make you free. If honor and glory Are to be given to God and preaching his word must be proclaimed in truth, separate from our opinions and unfounded beliefs. As a matter of fact,

we are warned against preaching error. Let’s turn to Romans chapter 16, verses 17 and 18 Romans 16, verses 17 and 18. Now I beseech you brethren Mark them, which caused divisions. We have to Mark them in offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them, Mark them and avoid them for they that are such serve, not our Lord Jesus Christ,

but their own belly. And by good words and fair speeches deceive the heart of the symbol. This makes me think of a lot of those false teachers out there who are out there just for the money so they could fill their bellies. The consequences of teaching error are very serious. The gospel must be preserved. Let’s turn to Galatians chapter one, the epistle to the Galatians chapter one.

And we’ll read verses six through nine, All rights to the brethren. And Glacia a lot of brother. And in glacier, I Marvel that ye are so soon removed from him. That called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there’ll be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel and to you,

then that which we have preached unto you, let him be a curse. So we have to know the word so we can understand that they’re perverting the word and they are to be a curse to because they are perverting the word as he, as we said before. So say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that you have received,

let him be a cursed. Excuse me. Teachers will receive a stricter judgment turn to James chapter three, James chapter three and verse one, James, right through inspiration. My brethren be not many masters or teachers knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. We will receive a greater judgment because we decide to teach the word. And we are all to teach the word.

As for those who are listening to what is being preached, we should be as the Bereans of acts chapter 17 and verse 11, let’s go ahead and read acts chapter 17, 11 acts chapter 17 and verse 11. Luke writes, these were more noble than those in Tesla Nika. And that they received the word with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so, so they receive the word. Then they search the scriptures daily to make sure what the word that they had received was right. They received the word with eagerness yet sought to seek the things, seek out all of those things to make sure that they were. So, in other words, we are to see if it is the truth and if it is not,

we are to reject it. So it is not just my job to make sure that I am preaching you the truth. It is also your job to make sure that I am preaching you, that truth or any preacher is preaching you the truth. One who is a preacher must preach the truth, regardless of any situation or any pressures that might be upon him to do other ones.

It is God’s word that will set us all free. We must desire to preach that word. We must desire to hear that word. We worshiped God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing it. And it’s source. I do this. When we, when the truth is being preached and received, it is a joyous thing to be able to come and hear God’s word presented in a proper manner with the right spirit and in truth.

It is a joyous thing to be able to come and hear God’s word presented in a proper manner with the right spirit and truth. I can not imagine someone desiring to hear any preacher who preaches with an improper attitude and adds to this by not preaching the truth. We worship God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing him and it’s source.

If we are to TRIBE, truly worship God in the preaching of his word, two things must be present. The preaching must be in conjunction with the right attitude or spirit, both by the one preaching and the ones who are listening. The preaching must be in accordance with God’s word. The truth. If these two things are involved, then we can worship God through the preaching of his word.

As stated earlier, we are not only to be hearers of the word, but doers, James chapter one in verse 22, Jesus commanded us all as Christians to go and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16, 15, all they have to do is hear the word as you have all done today, Romans 10 17. Once they hear it,

it must be believed that Jesus is the Christ. Your savior, John eight 24. Once you have the belief, you must repent of your sins because it is commanded by God, acts 17. In verse 30. Once you have repented, you must make the good confession that you believe that Jesus is the Christ. The son of God, Matthew 10 32.

And also with the story of the Ethiopian UNIC in acts chapter eight. Once you have made that good confession, you must be immersed for the forgiveness of your sins. And the Lord will add you to the church. Acts chapter two, verse 38 and verse 47 to ensure you have your savior with you always, you must live faithful to him and his word forever revelation two 10,

and first John one, six and seven. All of this you can know by hearing the word by studying the word. If you have yet to heed the word of the Lord, the waters of baptism are ready for you. If you have any other need of encouragement or prayers from the brother, and remember the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail with much James,

five 16, whatever you need, please come forward. As we stand and sing<inaudible> would you Ari Vola victory when there’s wonderful power and blah,<inaudible> one new working<inaudible><inaudible> one new working power, no precious, blah. Would you be free from your passion and pride there’s power in the bla<inaudible> come for a cleansing to Calvary’s time. There’s wonderful power in the blood.<inaudible> wonder working power in the,

Oh, the<inaudible><inaudible> wonder working power in the French blot of the lab. Would you do so service for Jesus, your King there’s power in the bla power in the bla would you live day? And the, his braises to seeing there’s wonderful power in the blood<inaudible> wonder working power<inaudible><inaudible> wonder working power in the precious blot of the lab to think Michael,

for that great lesson this morning closing song this morning, this morning will be number 634 six three four we’ll work till Jesus comes. We’ll sing the first verse of the song, and then we’ll have our closing prayer we’ll work till Jesus comes. Let us sing. Oh, land for brass for the Eisai. When will the moment when I chalet my arm,

Aruba and well and P sat home well<inaudible> till Jesus comes well, till Jesus comes and will being a guy gathered home.<inaudible> God for the songs of praise that we’ve been able to sing To encourage one another and give the praise. We are thankful for Noah’s. He’s led us in this song service, and we pray that you continue to be with him in his studies at the school of preaching.

We’re thankful dear father, for Michael, as he’s delivered your word today, and we pray your continued blessings to be upon him and his family. As they prepare themselves to be a servant in the kingdom, by preaching and teaching the gospel with some congregation and some work, bless them and watch over them. Father. We’re thankful for Aaron and his work here with us and for his ability to teach and preach the gospel.

We pray that you be with Eddie and the boys as they are away from home and pray that you be with air and as they continue to labor and be a part of this congregation and encouraged us as we go through life, to be better people to go on board involved and in the work of the kingdom to serve and glorify use to the best of our ability.

We’re thankful father for those that, that have their health to improve some, and we pray you continue to be with them, pray for the others that are still suffering from various infirmities, help us to be mindful of them, especially those that are not able to be with us this day, that we might encourage them and help them as they go through life and let them know how much we love them and care about them.

Father continue to be with us and watch over us, help us to be better servants in the kingdom. Be more productive, help us to be more faithful in our work, our service to the, and help us father to Shaun the evil one. As he’s always there to try to draw us away from our goal and that’s to give the, the honor and the glory and the praise that we might have that home in heaven with even when this life is over father,

be with those that will be administering to Diana as she has her surgery tomorrow, we pray that it goes well and that she would recover quickly blessed his fathers. We’re about to depart, help us to be mindful of one another and be an encouragement to those that are preaching and teaching in other countries in Jesus name, we pray. Amen.<inaudible>.

03-14-2021 – Live Stream – Acts 13 (Class) and Michael Dale (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Okay, we are Going to be in acts chapter 13. This morning. We’ll begin with our questions from acts chapter 12, just by way of a review. And then we’ll get into chapter 13. Let’s get started with a word of prayer, Our gracious father in heaven. We come before you exalting your name, humbling ourselves, mindful of the glories that you present to us every day,

the mercy that you have shown us that the sun might rise, that the weather might be nice, that we might be able to have the health to get out. And to see this day, we are mindful of those who because of illness or difficulties are unable to get out. And we pray for their comfort and strength in the hardships that they have.

We pray for those who were dealing with the difficulties of COVID trying to recover from it. Perhaps they’ve had it in the, in the past. And though they no longer have the disease, the aftermath is causing difficulties in their lives. We pray for those who are still at home. We pray for those who deal with health problems on a continual basis.

We know the struggles that many endure, and yet we are so grateful that the largest struggle that we have in life has been resolved by your son. And that is sin. We thank you for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins to provide the hope of the world. And we pray that we might boldly speak his name and proclaim the truth that you would have us to proclaim that we might teach the truth in love,

but yet in boldness and firmness, we might never back down from the truth because others might not like it help us to always strive to do what’s right in your sight. Forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. And may we always with humility, seek to follow your, your path? All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Acts chapter 12. Questions, Question Number one. Yes or no. Were the Jews pleased when Herod had James, the brother of John put to death? Yes, they were pleased question two from verses four and six. How did Herod have Peter guarded in prison? Bound in chains between two guards, guards at the door. Alright. And he had put him under how many guards?

Four squads is the new King James there. Okay. What events led to Peter’s release from prison? All right. An angel showed up a light, showed up. All right. The, the angel struck him to wake him up. All right. To get up, get dressed and his chains were off. Okay. And then the angel led him out through the,

through the Gates. In what way? Verse. This is acts chapter 12, verses five, 12 and 16. In what way was the church trying to aid? To Peter’s release from prison. All right. They were praying for him. What was the reaction of the church when they saw Peter had been released astonishment and disbelief a yes or no. Did Herod find Peter after the angel had led his escape from prison?

No, he did not question six. Describe the occasion of Herod’s death. Alright. Eaten by worms from the inside, having received the praise of being a God. And instead of giving God, the glory took the glory for himself. Describe the growth of the word in acts chapter 12, according to verse 24, grew and multiplied. Okay. So in the last few chapters,

we’ve seen a couple of, of integral things to the account of the book of acts. We’ve seen the gospel taken to Cornelius and the Gentiles at the mouth of Peter at the behest of the Holy spirit. We’ve seen word of that. And news of that come back to the Jews in Jerusalem, the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem, who Initially were upset about it,

but eventually having heard what the Holy spirit did gave glory to God and praise God for it. Now that doesn’t mean that every Jewish Christian was happy about it. Okay. Or that every Jewish Christian thought it was being handled the way they thought it should be handled. And this becomes the singular biggest issue in the Christian or in the church in the first century is the Jew and Gentile strife going on within the church.

It’s the background of the book of Romans. It’s the background of the book of Galatians. It’s the background to a lot of the events that we’re going to read about still further in the book of acts. And we’re going to see here in chapter 13, what it is that’s really dividing. The church is the perspectives, the attitudes, and the mentality that they brought into the church as Jews,

not the teachings of the apostles or the prophets or the Holy spirit. Okay. We’re going to see that exemplified in the Jews that Saul and Barnabas are going to be sent to as they begin their first missionary journey. Now acts chapter 13. The shift takes place where we’ve gone from looking at the church in Jerusalem, in the first eight chapters. And then with one of those chapters being Jerusalem and Judea,

and then Samarria. So the church in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria acts chapters one through eight, then chapters nine through 12, the church going to the Gentiles and going out of Jerusalem because of persecution into the other regions of Judea and in the remainder of the land of Palestine. And then beginning in acts, chapter 13, we have the church go and the gospel going to the rest of the world and all the way by the end of this book to Rome.

Okay. So that’s the path that we’re on. Verse 25 of chapter 12 says, and Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry. And they also took with them, John, whose surname was Mark? Why did they go to Jerusalem? Me again? All right. To take the benevolence that the churches in these other regions that had heard about the famine and knew,

knew of the, and the plight of the Jews in Jerusalem, the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem had sent aid to Jerusalem. And so Saul and Barnabas took that money to Jerusalem. And now they’ve returned. Who did they take with them when they went Mark? And now when they come back, John Mark is, is with them. All right, verse 13 or chapter 13,

verse one. Now in the church that was at Antioch, there were certain prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon, who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene Menin, who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch and Saul. A couple of these individuals we don’t know much about, but it’s of interest that here is one who’s mentioned in Antioch, who biology from the indications of the text grew up with Herod.

And yet here he is serving as a teacher, as a preacher, as a prophet in Antioch. So in the city of Antioch, we read earlier that disciples, when, when the persecution began in Jerusalem, disciples dispersed, and one of the regions, they went to, one of the places was this Antioch. And as a result of that, the church was,

was founded, began to be, they began to teach, but in Antioch, there was something different. What happened in Antioch that didn’t happen in most other places when the church left Jerusalem, what did we read about? All right. They were called Christians there first, but the disciples, when they got there, they didn’t just teach. Right? They didn’t just teach the Jews.

They also taught as the text uses the word there, the Hellenistic, the Grecians. So they didn’t just teach the Jews. They also taught the Grecians, the Gentiles and they taught them the gospel also. So it is from this point that the Holy spirit will begin to make Antioch. The, the, really the church that reaches out to the Gentile world.

So these four Saul, Barnabas, Simeon, sorry, these five Lucius and minivan were serving there as prophets and teachers in the church in Antioch, as they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy spirit said now separate to me, Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. Then having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them.

They sent them away. Okay. So a couple things that we have in this text first and foremost, the Holy spirit says, I have a task for these two. I have something that I want Saul and Barnabas to be doing. Now, did the Holy spirit send Saul and Barnabas to some other location because they weren’t doing anything in it? No.

Was it Because Saul and Barnabas were no longer being effective in teaching and converting people? No. Sometimes I think we, we imagine That Things are going well in a location and that an evangelist or a minister or preacher is converting people. He needs to stay there till the supply runs out. He needs to stay there until nobody else has left for him to convert.

But that’s not even the way the Holy spirit operated. The Holy spirit said, I need these two and I need them over here. But notice something else that’s important About that is It wasn’t Saul and Barnabas who were the only ones working the work in Antioch. Didn’t see, because Saul and Barnabas were led by the Holy spirit to go on this missionary journey.

The work in Antioch continued because there were others there who were also doing the work. And that’s one of the things I think we struggle with sometimes in maybe the way we structure teaching and preaching in churches. And this isn’t the first time I’ve said this here in, in our modern times is quite often, we’ve got one preacher, one congregation. And if that preacher ever relocates or moves on,

now, the question is, well, who’s going to You do the breaching. Whereas the first century church, while they’re preachers may not have been, as it were, full-time employed preachers. Quite often, they work, but they had a number of them. They, they had a multitude of them. And when there wasn’t a Reacher, the members were doing the evangelism.

You know, when those disciples left Jerusalem, it wasn’t the apostles that went. It wasn’t the apostles who started the work in Antioch. It was the Christians. And so it goes back to this same point that Paul makes to Timothy when Paul writes to Timothy and he says in first Timothy chapter two verses one and two, that one of Timothy’s jobs was to find faithful men and to instill in them the ability to teach other faithful men.

And so there’s this responsibility and it’s at the it’s at the, the response, or it is Glade upon the responsibility of preachers to teach other Teachers to train up people who can teach others. So that is, It’s not just left to them. It’s one of the mistakes that I think preachers make. And as one I know how easy it is to make it where you just,

well, I’ll just do it. I’ll just do it. And everything that comes along, I’ll just do it. I’ll just do it. And sometimes you have situations where preachers kind of get, they get frustrated. They think, well, I have to do everything, but they’ve never asked anybody else to do anything. Well, it kind Of goes back to this whole James chapter one.

You have not because you ask not. And so How often preachers get so busy and wrapped up in thinking they have to do everything. They never ask anybody to do anything and they’ve crippled themselves Doing so, Paul and Barnabas are Working with other teachers, other profits. Now it is interesting to note and specific to this context That these teachers And profits were those who had these miraculous gifts to do these things okay.

Through the laying on of the apostles hands. These are those who had been given the gift of prophecy, given the gift of speaking, the revelation of God, they didn’t have a new Testament to reference, and they didn’t have the book of acts for Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. They didn’t have any of that. They had the old Testament scriptures,

but more often than not, these individuals were those who had been given these gifts by the Holy spirit, but they were using them. And as one who had the talent, the ability and the responsibility, they were fulfilling that role. So the Holy spirit calls Saul and, And says, or tells the church, send solemn Barnabas, that they might do this.

What is it that the teachers are doing when The Holy spirit calls solemn, Barnabas? What does the Text tell us? They were in the midst of doing Fasting and pray. Now we We’ve often had conversations and we’ve had them here before, but it’s worth mentioning because it’s in the text. Is there anything wrong in the 21st century with facts? No,

it is. Is there any passage in the new Testament that commands us to Fast? No. This was a Jewish practice and had One, one, again In the old Testament where it was under one circumstance, they were commanded to fast, but it had had grown up as a principle and something that, that was a spiritual discipline. And it’s, there is absolutely nothing wrong with fasting,

but maybe we should define what is fasting. Okay. It is the exertion of self-control by depriving yourself, withholding from yourself, some substance in this case, generally food or food and water for a limited period of time to utilize that self-control and that deprivation to focus your mind on a spiritual matter. Okay. So they are in a time of specific focused spiritual thought when this happens.

Okay. Usually when you’re fasting, you don’t go, all right, this is a great time to go out and do evangelism and run everywhere. And, and, and no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You’re, you’re going without the natural fuel for the body. This isn’t the time of exertion physically. This is the time of taking time out and being settled in your physical situation to be exerted spiritually.

Okay. So this was a spiritual exercise and it was connected in this passage to what prayer. So this is a period of time where there, these teachers, these profits are talking to God. And during that fasting, that spiritual discipline and that line of communication to God, God, through the Holy spirit, communicates back to them. Okay. We should not be expecting that to happen if we faster pray today.

Okay. But all of that is to say, there’s nothing wrong with taking out time at an, on an individual or collective basis to devote oneself, to spiritual actions and thoughts, and to utilize fasting as a tool to do that. But then something else happens in this text. That again, is nothing that is, is withhold withheld from us. So it’s not a normal practice in America among the church that I’m aware of.

And that is when the Holy spirit calls solemn, Barnabas. What does the church do before they leave? They laid hands on them. Okay. Now there are two different laying on of hands that we read about in the church in the first century, one had To do with the apostles laying on hands and imparting the miraculous gifts in doing so. The apostles alone were the ones with the ability to do this.

No one else was given that ability. It was exclusive to them, but it happened, but through the laying on of hands and really all this is, I mean, there’s, there’s no missed thing about it. It was literally putting your hand on someone and usually was connected with a prayer. Okay. So you’ve seen in bald teams do this, you know,

when they all get in the huddle and they all put their hand in the middle, that that’s the say that no, that’s 21st century example, but that’s the same basic I did. Why, why are they putting their hands in the middle to show unity? Okay. So this is not something thing. And, and I know of one congregation that does this before they,

they have a group or some groups that go out and go on mission trips a couple of times a year before those mission, before those members leave on that mission trip on a Sunday, before they leave, they have all of them go to the front and the elders and the preacher lay their hands on them and pray over them. Now, is there anything wrong with that?

Not at all. Would we feel perhaps not having ever experienced that in person feel maybe, ah, ha is this okay? You know, because we do that. We, we think things are not okay because we’ve never done them, but is there anything that the Bible says that against that? Not at all, as a matter of fact, here’s a perfect biblical example of now.

Is there anywhere that the Bible commands us to do it? No, but it is an approved example. So if a church chooses to do it by all means, it’s a perfectly acceptable thing to do. All right. We’re going to have a hard time getting through chapter 13. If I take this long on every verse. So they ministered to the Lord verse two and fasted,

the Holy spirit has said now separate to me, Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them. Then having fasted and prayed and laid hands on them. They sent them away. By the way, I will mention concerning laying on her hands. This isn’t the only time this happens. We see this happen again. When the elders from emphasis meet with Saul or meet with Paul in acts chapter 20,

before he departs from them, they know it’s the last time they’re ever going to see him alive. And it, and it will be, and they lay their hands on him and they walk with him and minister to him as he leaves to go on that journey back to Jerusalem. So being sent out by the Holy spirit, they went down to Solutia and from there,

they sailed to Cyprus. Now, when they arrived in Solomon, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. They also had John as their assistant or minister. One of the things that they did in the first century, which I think is a wonderful idea for long-term missionary Journeys is They would send out those who were the teachers and preachers,

but they wouldn’t send them by themselves. They would send them with others whose job it was to work labor and bring in the financial support that was needed by the missionaries To continue their work. So when Paul reaches Athens and he’s all by himself, what do we find him doing in short order, Making tents? Is he making tents? Did he just have in the itch to go back to his old occupation?

No, none of his ministers, none of his assistance as it were, are there functioning to work and labor for the money necessary to continue preaching. So he has to provide for himself. When Paul writes to the church at Corinth and says, I took nothing From you. I Robbed other churches to preach to you. There were churches that would help as,

as we do when we support missionaries and we helped with their missionary works, we send them eight that there were churches. That’s a new Testament example. The church at flip, I did that to Paul and we read, we read about that, but quite often in the day to day Needs, there would be those Associates assistance, Timothy Titus, John Mark,

in this occasion, who would be a long on the journey who their main function was to work, to provide for The group And be able to sustain their physical Financial needs. All right. So they took John Mark with them, verse six, by the way, I’m not going to talk a whole lot about the geography of this. You all have a map in the back of your Bible,

open it up and go look at the map yourself. We don’t have time to go look at maps in this class. If we’re going to get through all of these, these chapters in one lesson. Now, when they had gone through the Island of payphones, they found a certain source for a false prophet, a Jew. Now notice this, this is a Jew,

whose name was Barjesus. What does the word bar mean? When we come across it in the day? Son of it means Son of Jesus. Okay. Now this doesn’t mean he was connected to Jesus of Nazareth. The name Jesus, which is the old Testament equivalent of Joshua is not an abnormal name, a Hebrew lineage. And so he is the son of a man named Jesus.

Okay. Who was with the pro council? Now this pro council, would he have been a Jew or a Gentile? Probably a Roman. He’s probably a Gentile. He he’s, he is one who’s part of the Roman government. Okay. So they’re on the Island of Patmos, a certain sorcerer. Who’s a Jew and a certain pro counsel. Who’s a Gentile is they run into this man called for Barnabas.

Sergius Paulus. That is called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. Now, here is a Roman official, who is most likely a Gentile Sergius Paulus is his name. And he has heard about this gospel and he wants to hear it. So he calls for Saul and Barnabas, but<inaudible> now Musk is what? By nationality.

He’s a Jew. And yet he is an adviser. This illness, the sorcerer for, so his name is translated, withstood them seeking to turn the pro council away from the faith. Then Saul, who is also called Paul filled with the Holy spirit, looked intently at him and said, Oh, full of all this seed and all fraud. You son of the devil,

you enemy of all righteousness, will you not seize perverting the straight ways of the Lord. And now indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you. And you shall be blind not seeing the sun for a time. And immediately a dark mist fell on him. And he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Then the pro council believed when he saw what had been done.

I’m going to stop right there. Why is it that? Cause, cause we know the rest of the story. We, we know he’s about to go into a synagogue and he’s about to teach people and there’s going to be Jews who reject him. Why is it that this Jew get struck blind when all the other Jews that reject the gospel don’t okay.

So you have a couple of things. Number one, by performing the miracle, he confirms the message, but what is this man? But what is alumnis? He’s a sorcerer. He might be a Jew nationally, but what is he occupationally? This same thing we read about in acts chapter six, He’s a sorcerer, sorry. Acts chapter eight. Is it eight?

I think it’s eight. All right. He’s a sourcer. He’s not a Faithful Jew. Following the Old Testament. What was, what was commanded in the old Testament to happen to sorcerers, sorcerers, witches, neck romance, All, all of those type of individuals were to be put to death. This man is not a faithful Jew. Who’s hearing the gospel.

This man is someone who opposes not only the old Testament, but the gospel as well. And this man is standing in the way of Sergius Paulus, hearing the gospel. Now a point that was made. And I think it’s incredibly interesting. You go back and look at the old Testament. We don’t have time to do it for this study, but it might be something we do at some point in the future.

And you look at God’s laws concerning with those who, who practice witchcraft. Those who practiced, just throw all of rounder, the quote, unquote, dark arts and practice them. Not in, you know, the sense of some, you know, magicians for show slight of hand type way, but in truly believing they were practicing these things and did it from a spiritual perspective.

Here they are. They’re practicing these things and God Condemns them to death For it. And some might look at that and say, well, isn’t that kind of kind of harsh, but here’s the thing. What was Israel in relationship to God, they were in what kind of relationship, a covenant relationship with God. And these people were committing the equivalent of treason against their nation.

Because If the nation Lost favor with God, because of sin, because of departing from him, what was going to happen in the nation, they’d be punished, they’d be lost, they’d be destroyed. And ultimately what did happen to the nation, that exact thing. Now what is treason from a national perspective, a person Who commits treason is one Who takes actions that Are in favor of an opposing national power that bring harm on their own Nation.

And what are, What do the U S laws State as the most Severe penalty for treason under Us law death, C w w nothing’s changed. We still understand treason is worthy of death. And that’s what this is. That’s The same thing in Deuteronomy chapter 13, when a person came in into them or came out from the Israelites and was teaching them to depart from the Lord,

he was a false prophet. The condemnation, there was also Death. Why? Because He’s literally destroying their standing with God and destroying the nation and Is a threat to the entire nation’s continued benefit by doing what he’s doing. And even today, Hey, we recognize a person who takes that kind of action against their own nation. The punishment should be including the possibility of death.

And so here, Saul will Through the power of the Holy spirit will cause this man to become blind, but I stopped halfway through verse 12, for a reason, verse 12, then the pro council Having or winning, He saw what had been done. So the pro council believed because What he saw, right? Read the rest of the verse. You see,

because All throughout the gospels, we see lots of people who see miracles happen And they don’t what they don’t obey. They don’t believe they asked for another sign at heritage Wants Jesus to come to him when he’s on trial, because he wants to see a miracle performed. Do you think it’s because Herod wanted to hear the gospel and wanted to believe and obey Jesus.

No, he wanted to see it a miracle, but this man, when he sees what occurs, read the rest of the text, being astonished by the miracle. No, at the teaching of the Lord, this man witnessed a miracle, but his astonishment, his all wasn’t the miracle that was performed. It was the gospel of Christ. And it is when the Visuals put more emphasis on the gospel,

Then the miracle that they’re converted When people are more interested in the miracles than the gospel that Jesus confronts them like he did in John chapter, when he said, why are you here? Because they had followed him because he had fed 5,000 of them the day before. And they followed him not to hear what he had to say. They wanted to be fed again.

They put more emphasis in the miracles than the message Searchie is Paula’s was more astonished by the message than the miracle. Okay. Verse 13, we don’t have nearly enough time for this. Now when Paul and his party set sail from payphones, they came Perga in Pamphylia and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem. And, but when they departed from Perga,

they came to Antioch in<inaudible> and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down. Now this Antioch is not the same Antioch that they left. This is a separate Antioch and interestingly, a smaller by way of population Antioch. And after the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent to them saying men and brethren,

if you have any word of exhortation for the people say on, so this is a normal practice in the synagogue. When a Jew in good standing would come into the synagogue. And by the way, Barnabas And Saul are both Jews. They come into The synagogue, they’re there on the, on the Sabbath day. And the normal reading takes place. They would read from the law,

they would read from the profits. And then, Then they would ask if there was anyone who had anything that they wanted to Get up and say, and so Saul And Barnabas do, and Saul’s going to use this, this method to his advantage all throughout his missionary journeys, the attribute of the synagogues, Just to let someone get up and speak. So he’d always go to the synagogue first.

So he’s And men and brethren, if you have any, or they said to the men in brother, and if you have any word of exhortation For the people say on, then Paul stood up. By the way, what just happened when he left Antioch, what was he called earlier in this chapter? Saul. Now he’s not all throughout scripture. We have people’s names changed,

but Saul is a Jewish name. And Paul isn’t. Paul is a Roman name. And now the gins, the gospel going to the Gentiles through Saul. And so right here, the Holy spirit stops calling him Saul. Okay. Notice what happens. Then Paul stood up And motion with his hands or motioning with his hand, said, men of Israel and you who fear Odd.

Listen, the God of this people, Israel chose Our fathers and exalted the bull when they dwelled as strangers in the land of Egypt and with an uplifted arm, Brought them out of it. All right, that’s the book of Exodus. Now for a time of about 40 years, he put up with their ways in the wilderness. And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan,

he distributed their land to them. My allotment, that’s the book of numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua. And when he had, or verse 20, after that, he gave them judges for about 450 years until Samuel The prophet. That’s the book of judges and the book of first Samuel. All right. And afterward they asked for a King. So God gave them solved the son of Kish,

a man of the tribe of Benjamin for 40 years. And when he had Removed him, he raised up for them. David, as King to whom he gave testimony and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will from this man seed. According to the promise, God raised up for Israel,

a savior, Jesus, that would be first Samuel and second Samuel Part of first Kings. And when he had removed him or I’ve skipped down verse 24, after John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John was finishing his course, he said, who do you think that I am now? Why is Paul over here in Gentile areas,

talking to them about John, the bat They’re Jews. They knew the old Testament prophecies. And what, what did devout Jews from all over the world? Do They traveled back to Jerusalem for the feasts, and then Everyone who traveled back to Jerusalem for the fees. When they came and John, the Baptist was preaching, they would have heard about this prophet.

Now you remember when Jesus asked the, The Pharisees John’s baptism, was it from heaven or from men? The Pharisees reason within themselves, because the people believed John to be a prophet. Do you think all these Jews And the town didn’t hear about John, the prophet there hadn’t been a prophet in 400 years. Do you think they heard about John the prophet?

Oh yes, they are. I heard from their countrymen in Judea about John the prophet. And so Paul brings John into discussion and says, God said to David, I’m going to raise up my son through your lineage. And John, the prophet who you already know about before he said this, John to whom Or John Don was Finn. And as John was finishing his course,

he said, who do you think I am? I am not he the Messiah, but the whole, there comes one after me, the samples of whose feet, I am not worthy to lose men and brethren, sons of the family of Abraham. And those among you, who fear God to you? The word of this salvation has been sent. They knew what John preached,

but they also knew that John said, I’m not the Messiah, but John did identify the Messiah. And the good news that would be preached. He said, there’s one coming after me, who will Give to you the kingdom. Okay. Now Seven, for those who dwell in Jerusalem in their rulers, because they did not know him. That is the Messiah,

nor even the voice of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath. What did they just heard Before Paul got up below on the profits. So He just references the profits. They’ve just heard the profits read in their, in their hearing, which are read. Every Sabbath, have fulfilled them in condemning him. And though they found no cause for death in him,

they asked pilot that he should be put to death. So some might say, well, wait a minute. If this is the Messiah, why would our countrymen in Judea? Why would our countrymen in Jerusalem put him to death? And Paul already answers the argument it’s made because they were fulfilling. The prophet said, even though they didn’t know it. Okay.

So yeah. Now when they had fulfilled all, it was written concerning him. Verse 29. They took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead. He was seen for many days by those who came up from him or came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses to the people.

And we declared to you glad tidings that promise that promise, which was made to the fathers. God has fulfilled this for us, their children, in that he raised up Jesus, as it was written in the second Psalm. You are my son today. I have forgotten you. And that he raised him from the dead. No more to return to corruption.

He has thus spoken. I will give you the sure mercies of David. Therefore, he also says in another song, you will not allow your Holy one to see corruption for David. After he had served his own generation by the will of God fell asleep, was buried with his fathers and saw corruption, but he whom God raised up, saw no corruption.

This is the same thing. Peter preached on the day of Pentecost in acts chapter Two, he preached About David. He preached about David’s tomb being with us to this day. But Jesus Christ whom God raised up, never died again. Okay. Verse 38. Therefore let it be known to you. Brethren that through this man is preached to you, the forgiveness of sins and by him,

everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. Do you not think that they knew all the things that the law of Moses couldn’t handle? All the sins that the law of Moses couldn’t take care of in their lives. And every time they had to make sacrifices, but here’s Jews who don’t have access,

ready access to the temple. They don’t have ready access to a priest. They can’t go make sacrifices every day when, when they’re commanded by the law to make atonement for this and that and this and that and this and that. Can they go do that? Not at all. And yet they’re in bondage to a law living no longer in Palestine that they can’t really fulfill.

And they know it. Okay. We’re going to put a pin in it since we’re out of time and we’re going to leave it there. We’re going to deal with the rest of chapter 13 as we start chapter 14 on Wednesday. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Welcome to Collierville. Church Christ. Sunday morning, worship service. If you are a visitor,

we’re glad to have you here and appreciate it. If you would fill out a visitor’s card, did this in the back of the Pew in front of you. And I think right there that I said an Easter card. It doesn’t say what people say anyway. I quit looking at it, but anyway, we’re glad to have any visitors that we do have.

We’ve got a long list of announcements this morning, just bear with me. And I hope I get them all right. If you hadn’t gotten your Lord’s supper, it’s on the back table. Be a convenient time for you to get it while we’re going through these. We need to remember our sick Bombardier steel. I guess you’re still making plans to have the surgery on her show.

I don’t think she’s had it.<inaudible> Okay. She’s going to be having S I tried to STEM cell treatment on her shoulder, but it didn’t work. So she’s going to have the rotor cuff surgery done on that. But Maria said, Joan, still doing just a little bit better, but still very sick. Janie. Marlon is still having a fab issues and Rodale Wilson still it’s sick.

And Dorothy has had a she’s back home from the ER and has still has her high blood pressure and stomach issues. BJ Clark had the COVID virus and got over that. And now she’s got pneumonia and he’s recovering. He was at home recovering from that Caleb Nelson, this 13 year old friend of the Springer’s is well, will be re moved to an inpatient rehab pretty soon.

And James Luna, who’s a member here, but he’s in a assisted living in Nashville. And he’s in the hospital St. Thomas hospital in Nashville. He’s out of the ICU and has a, a stone in the common duck piled up and a colon infection. When the infection gets better, they will try to remove the stone. Lee Lee van Cleef that’s Becky’s niece.

She had a kidney and a pancreas transplant last week. She’s doing well, but still had a lot of pain and nausea from the may edge. And the transplanted organs are doing good. And as she continued to improve, she might come home as early as Tuesday. And Becky has a new nephew. It has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and her sister had been diagnosed with COPD and asthma.

Diane Schaeffer is going to have thyroid surgery. Tomorrow is that right? Monday. Rebecca gave me, this is before we got up here. So Nathan has a 16 year old nephew of her sister-in-law Aliyah Rushmore has a bacterial infection and has damaged his heart. There’s no pediatric cardiologists in Guam where they, I guess they live in there is missionary. And they’re making plans to come back to LA to get some treatment on him and Aaliyah Leon’s uncle passed away this past week.

So we need to keep all of these on our prayer. And that’s all our announcements except the man’s meeting tomorrow night. So if you have anything that we need to bring up, there’s probably an agenda land back there on the bulletin board. And we’d ask you to put it on that song later for this morning. No one else. Olson, opening,

prayer, Aaron Cozort lower supper will be Jay Shafir. Michael Dale has a sermon and Joe caisson has a closing prayer. Thank you. Good morning. We will begin with oft. We come together is not in the book, but it will be on the PowerPoint. We’ll sing all three verses this song. Let us think off We come to<inaudible> off me saying and bring him here.

We bring our offering on this all the day.<inaudible> to sing. May we all lane truth and spirit.<inaudible> the may we<inaudible> all that.<inaudible> may we truly worship as me?<inaudible> help us. Lord.<inaudible> may we all then truth and spirit.<inaudible> the name? May we all<inaudible> and always one, ah, tank this<inaudible> thing,

given my, the<inaudible> may we all in truth and<inaudible> the, The next song is going to be number 604, six zero four. I want to be ready to meet him. We’ll sing all three verses of this song, and then we’ll have an opening prayer. My brother, Aaron, and Cozort, there were six zero four. I want to be ready to meet him.

Let’s say you may have Of your worldly pleasures, your silver and your gold. You may pile up all the riches than this on well can hold mud. I’d rather add my savior, ran with him, stand for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory land. I want to be ready to meet him. My and my high one to be ready to meet him in a scotch time.

Oh, I want to me more like, as a man knew his Glasgow and or I wanted to be ready to meet him and the glory. And you may talk about your rich is your diamonds and your pearls. You may gain the wealth for ages of this and no world, but the save your is more precious. And when I’ll take my stand or I want to be ready to meet him and the glory land,

I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to be more like him. Mandu is Blasko Mandy, or I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. And there is one thing I can, most of salvation from the fall I’m in Erin. Well thing,

Gloria, my father owns it all. Now, as my I’m shouting happy Django at his go man, or I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. And I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to be more like him, man,

do his bless gum and four. I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. Let us pray. Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before you at this time grateful for all of the many blessings that you give to us grateful for the life that we have for the health that we have the ability to assemble together, mindful of those who are not with us this morning.

We pray for those who are struggling because of health. We pray for those who were struggling because of loss of loved ones. In recent days, we pray for those who are struggling because of spiritual issues. We pray most, especially for those who are dealing with spiritual issues, that their hearts and minds may be open to your word, to examine your scriptures,

to set their lives on the course that you would have them to be on. We Know the struggles that come in this life struggles in our homes, struggles in our personal lives, struggles in the economy, struggles in this nation and the world. But we have confidence in the one who reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And we know that each and every one of those areas is in your power and under your command,

if we will, but hear and obey. And even if we won’t, we also know that your power reigns and will reign now and in return. Yeah, We thank you for all that you do for us. We thank you for the good times, even in the hard times. And we thank you for the hard times where we grow in wisdom and knowledge and stature and understanding.

We pray for those who are traveling and we pray that they reach their destination safely and return home to us safely as well. And we pray for this time of worship. We pray for Michael and the message that he will bring us. We pray that the word spoken, the things done will be in accordance with your will and always in a right spirit and a right attitude.

Before you, we ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. Those times when we sin willfully and knowingly. And those times when we don’t even realize what we have done, we pray that your grace will be given to us. And the blood of Christ will continue to cleanse us from our sins. As we walk in the light,

as he is in the light, all this, we pray in Jesus name, Amen long before the Lord supper to help prepare our minds. We’ll be number 176, one seven six lamb of God. We’ll sing all three verses of this song. You are on the no sin, a Guide, but you have<inaudible> from yours. A time to walk up<inaudible> and to me come the lamb of God.

Oh,<inaudible> I love the Holy lamb of God. Oh, wash me and is precious. My gene is Christ. The lamb of God. You are a gift of the crews. If they laughed and<inaudible> him, as he died,<inaudible> King, they named a tough Roth and sacrifice the lamb of God.<inaudible> SMI them have gone on. I love the whole knee.

Them gone. Oh, wash me and his precious bla, my Jesus Christ. The lamb of God. I was so lost. I should add, you have wronged me to your, on to be led by your staff and wrong and to be called a lamb of God. Oh,<inaudible> me them. I’ve gone. I love the whole knee them.

Oh, wash me. My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God. We now come to a very special time in our worship service. When we remember the death of our Lord and savior Jesus to Christ. So let’s displace all the worldly thoughts from our minds and focus upon the cross and his death there and what it truly means for the forgiveness of our sins.

Let’s pray, heavenly father. We’re so very grateful to be considered your children and to be able to gather about this table and participate in these emblems. As we partake of this bread, which represents his body that was sacrificed on that grew across, help us to do so in a worthy manner in Jesus name, we pray amen. As we continue our Thanksgiving for this Memorial feast and participate in this fruit of the vine,

which represents the blood that was shed for the remission of our sins. May we do so with knowledge of what it truly represents and partake in a worthy manner in Jesus name that we pray. Amen. We find this a convenient time to offer back to the Lord. What we S have. So richly been blessed with through the week. So once again,

let’s go back to our father in prayer, Heavenly father. We’re so very grateful for the many materials listings you so richly, bestowed upon our lives. Help us always to remember that truly come from you and that we are merely stewards of these blessings, help us to cheerfully, give back a portion of what we’ve. So richly been blessed with. Ask this in Jesus name also,

Hey man, you want to, if you’re using a song book, if you want to go ahead and Mark number 903 there’s power in the blood 903 with a song of invitation song before the last one will be number 647, six, four seven, soldiers of Christ arise. Five verses. Let us think. Jurors of Christ.<inaudible> put your armor on strong in the strength,

which<inaudible> strong in the strength, which God supplies through his being love is strong in the Lord of hosts. Stan is my who in the strength. Jeez, us trust us who and the strength of Jesus trust is more than gone.<inaudible> Stan. Then in his grade,<inaudible> all his strength.<inaudible> but take two arm you for the<inaudible>, but take to arm you for the fight.<inaudible> leave NOLA,

unguarded play. Hey, snow weakness. So take every Birch. You add every gray.<inaudible> take every virtue. You, every grace and four, 10, five Oh nine, having all things and all your<inaudible>. You may or come through<inaudible>. You may or come through Christ alone and sad. And<inaudible>, I’m going to be reading for our scripture reading this morning,

Psalm 100 Psalm, 100 verses one through five, make a joyful noise unto the Lord. All you lands, serve the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence with singing know, you know, ye that the Lord he is gone. It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture enter into his Gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise,

be thankful unto him and bless his name. But the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth and Durham to all generations. Good morning brethren. So before I get started, I wanted to announce that my mother-in-law and her family is moving to Topeka, Kansas starting tomorrow morning. And my wife forgot to tell them to put it in the announcements,

but it’s a long drive. They are older. So it’s a, it’s a long drive for them. So just ask that you keep them in your prayers and that they have a safe journey and that they get to where they’re going safely this morning. I want to talk to you about worshiping God while the evangelist preaches. I want us all to consider our coming together for worship,

with an understanding that we are collectively worshiping our God as a congregation. At the same time, we recognize that we are participating in an act of worship individually. Okay? Worship is the act of demonstrating our respect and reverence towards God. It is an act of love. The worship we offer God on Sunday is carried out in various acts of worship. One of those acts of worship is preaching.

Now preaching may not seem to fit into my worship of God because I’m just sitting in the Pew, right? No, the fact of the matter is preaching is an act of worship and like all acts of worship. I must be sure I am engaged in it so I can offer God acceptable worship. Turn with me to Romans chapter 15, Romans chapter,

and we’ll read verses 15 and 16, Never Less brethren. I have written the more boldly unto you in some sword as putting you in mind because of the grace that is given to me of God, that I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles ministering the gospel of God that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable. Being sanctified by the Holy ghost.

In this passage, Paul reveals some very interesting facts about preaching. The word Paul uses here for minister is the word for public servant or often a priest. The word ministering is related to the word for temple. And the word offering is a sacrificial offering. So Paul is comparing his preaching to a priest, offering a sacrifice that Gentiles converted and established in the faith by his preaching are compared to a sacrifice.

He is presenting to God because preaching is a sacrificial act, offered to God. It is acceptable worship to him. How does this apply to all of those who are not preaching though? The early Christians held the public exhortation of God’s word and very high regard. They continually devoted themselves. Let’s look in acts chapter two, acts chapter two. And this is after the preaching of Peter and the conversion of everybody.

We’re going to begin, just read verse 47 on the day of Pentecost, it says it’s written and they continued steadfastly in the Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread. And in prayers, they devoted themselves continuously to the apostles teaching all the time. They gave full attention to the scriptures. Let’s read first Timothy chapter four first Timothy chapter four. And we’ll read verses 10 through six.

All right. Timothy says for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God, who is the savior of all men, especially of those that believe these things command and teach. Let no man despise the youth, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity,

till I come give attendance to the reading to exhortation, to doctrine neglect, not the gift that is in the, which was given the, by prophecy with the laying on of one of the hands of the Presbytery, meditate upon these things, give myself Holy to them that thy profiting may appear to all take heed unto thy self and unto the doctrine. Continue in them for doing this.

Thou shalt, both saved myself and them that here the we as Christians today should do no less. We should desire to take in and ponder the message that is presented. So as to worship God through the preaching of his word, we worship God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing it. And its source Jesus stated in John chapter four and verse 24,

that the true worshipers worship God in spirit. And in truth, since preaching preaching is an act of worship and must follow these two tenants. The preaching of God’s word must be in spirit and it must be in truth. And our lesson this morning, we will consider these two points first preaching and spirit. Second preaching in truth to begin preaching. God’s word is not something that should be done.

Half-heartedly preaching must be in conjunction with the right attitude or spirit. There are two aspects to this. There’s the one doing the preaching. And there are the ones listening to the preaching. The one preaching must have the desire to do the preaching. Some have preached with the wrong spirit, as we can read in Philippians chapter one and we’ll turn their Philippians chapter one,

and we’ll read verses 15 through 17, Some preaching in the wrong spirit. Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife and some also of Goodwill. The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds, but the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel, a desire to raise up God and Christ before men must be formed most on the preacher’s mind.

Let’s turn to first Corinthians chapter one first Corinthians chapter one, excuse me. My allergies are getting the better of me this morning and we’ll begin in verse 22 of first Corinthians chapter one For the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews, a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness, but unto them,

which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ. The power of God and the wisdom of God, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men. And the weakness of God is stronger than men. A desire to call attention to God’s. Holiness must be presented as well. Let’s turn to Matthew chapter six, Matthew chapter six, Jesus, the disciples have asked Jesus how they should pray.

And Jesus begins by telling them exactly how they should start after this manner. Therefore pray ye our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name Jesus. The son lets them know from the beginning, you first call attention to how Holy God is all glory or fought. The father is all glory must be directed towards God. In other words, the preacher must get out of the way.

No showboating, no outlandish dramatics, no huge voice and Fluxions and you know, you’ve seen those preachers on TV sometimes to just start pounding on everything and go crazy when they’re preaching. That’s not what preaching is about. It’s about focusing our attention on God’s word for God is the only wise God Romans 16, 25 through 27. Let’s turn to Romans chapter 16,

Beginning in verse 25. Now to him, that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ. According to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest. And by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandments of the everlasting, God may known to all nations for the obedience of faith to God only wise be glory through Jesus Christ forever.

Amen. Let’s also consider Philippians chapter one verses nine through 11, Philippians chapter one, okay. Verses nine through 11, Paul writes through inspiration to the churches and Philippa. And this, I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment that you may approve things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense,

till the day of Christ and pay attention to this verse, being filled with the fruits of righteousness, righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. I want to consider one more passage on this point, Jude, the book of Jude verses 24 and 25, there’s only one chapter verses 24 and 25 half-brother of Jesus writes now unto him.

That is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy, to the only wise God, our savior be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and ever. Amen. So those who are listening to the preaching of God’s word must have the proper attitude as well. Not just the preacher,

but those listening to the sermon. There must be a longing to hear God’s word on all of our parts. Let’s read Psalm 119, the 119 song beginning in verse one. No, I’m not going to read the whole thing. So don’t worry. 119 verse one through eight. Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord,

blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no inequity. They walk in his ways that will has commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. Oh, that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. Then shall I not be ashamed? When I have respect unto all thy commandments, I will praise thee with uprightness of heart.

When I shall have learned thy righteous judgments, I will keep thy statutes. Oh, forsake me not utterly. We were to have a love for the law for the word. There must be a desire to lift God up in your heart. And before the world let’s turn back a few songs, 111 Psalm 111, and we’ll begin in verse one. The Psalmist writes,

pray the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart and the assembly of the upright and in the congregation. The works of the Lord are great. Sought out of them that have pleasure there in his work is honorable and glorious and his righteousness and Joris forever. He has made his wonderful works to be remembered. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.

He has given me to unto them that fear him. He will ever be mindful of his covenant. He has showed his people the power of his works that they may give them the heritage of the heathen. The works of his hands are very Verity and judgment. All his commandments are sure they stand fast forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.

He sent redemption unto his people. He has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and Reverend is his name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding have all they that do his commandments, his praise endureth forever. So the Psalm begins by telling us that we need to praise the Lord in our heart, in the assembly and in the congregation and then starts praising the Lord.

Just like all of us should, there must also be a desire to hear God’s word so that we may be a doer of God’s. How can we do the word if we don’t hear it? James chapter one verses 21 through 25. Let’s turn to James Chapter one and we’ll begin in verse 21 Or lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness,

the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls, receive it with meekness, but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any, be a hearer of the word and not a doer. He is like unto a man, beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and go with his way and straightway forgets what manner of man he was,

but who so look if into the perfect law of Liberty and continue with their, in he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work. This man shall be blessed in his deed. No. I want you to imagine a congregation where the preacher is preaching. Not because he desires to preach, but because he wants a paycheck. Just imagine that for a second,

how great that preaching might be, right? And the same congregation. Can you visualize members that feel they have to come and hear God’s word and have no real intent on changing their lives when God’s word is preached, should we believe these individuals are worshiping God in the preaching of his word? It is a joyous thing to be able to come and hear God’s word presented in a proper manner by the preacher.

When one preaches out of law, out of the love of God’s word, then those listening can truly engross their whole being into the beauty and holiness of the Lord’s word. It is a joy to know that one on this Lord’s day, we are coming together with a desire to lift up and bring glory to our father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the preaching of his word.

As a member of the Lord’s body, there should be no greater joy than to hear as it were another portion of God’s word. We worship God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing it. And its source. We worship in the preaching when we do so in Spirit, not Only must the preaching be with the right attitude,

but it must also be according to the second aspect of God’s approved worship preaching must be in accordance with truth, for preaching to be according to truth. We must preach what God has authorized us to preach. Let us consider what Paul wrote to and his second epistle, the Timothy chapter one second, Timothy chapter one. And we’ll begin in verse 11, second,

Timothy one 11 through 14, Where on two, I am appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles for the which, cause I also suffer these things. Nevertheless, I am not ashamed for, I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that, which I have committed unto him against that day. Hold fast.

The form of sound words, which thou has heard of me in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus, that good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy ghost, which dwelleth in us. Let us also consider what he wrote. Just a couple of chapters later in chapter three and verses 14 and 15, maybe a page over in your Bibles.

Second Timothy three, 14 and 15, but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom the hast learned them. Can’t learn things if you’re not hearing for li for understanding and that from a child thou has known the Holy scriptures, which are able to make the wise unto salvation through face faith, which is in Christ Jesus.

We are to preach the word. Let’s turn this one more chapter over to chapter four and read verses one and two second Timothy four verses one and two. I charged the therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word. Be instant in season, out of season reprove,

rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. We preach the word. There are three reasons for this. The scriptures come from God reason. Number one, just turn right back to chapter three of second Timothy and let’s continue reading down in verse 16 and 17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof, for correction,

for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect or complete thoroughly furnished or adequately, adequately furnished unto all good works. God’s word is our, is the truth, not our truth. The true let’s turn to the gospel of John and chapter 17, John chapter 17. And I could have quoted this verse, but I want you to read it.

John 17 and verse 17, sanctify them through the eye truth. Thy word is truth. His word is the only truth that we need to go to heaven. It is the truth that will set us all free. Turn over a few chapters to John chapter eight and let’s read verses 31 and 32, John eight 31 and 32. Okay. Jesus said to those Jews,

which believed on him. If he continue in my word, then argue my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth. What’s the truth, his word. And the truth shall make you free. If honor and glory Are to be given to God and preaching his word must be proclaimed in truth, separate from our opinions and unfounded beliefs. As a matter of fact,

we are warned against preaching error. Let’s turn to Romans chapter 16, verses 17 and 18 Romans 16, verses 17 and 18. Now I beseech you brethren Mark them, which caused divisions. We have to Mark them in offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them, Mark them and avoid them for they that are such serve, not our Lord Jesus Christ,

but their own belly. And by good words and fair speeches deceive the heart of the symbol. This makes me think of a lot of those false teachers out there who are out there just for the money so they could fill their bellies. The consequences of teaching error are very serious. The gospel must be preserved. Let’s turn to Galatians chapter one, the epistle to the Galatians chapter one.

And we’ll read verses six through nine, All rights to the brethren. And Glacia a lot of brother. And in glacier, I Marvel that ye are so soon removed from him. That called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there’ll be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel and to you,

then that which we have preached unto you, let him be a curse. So we have to know the word so we can understand that they’re perverting the word and they are to be a curse to because they are perverting the word as he, as we said before. So say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that you have received,

let him be a cursed. Excuse me. Teachers will receive a stricter judgment turn to James chapter three, James chapter three and verse one, James, right through inspiration. My brethren be not many masters or teachers knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. We will receive a greater judgment because we decide to teach the word. And we are all to teach the word.

As for those who are listening to what is being preached, we should be as the Bereans of acts chapter 17 and verse 11, let’s go ahead and read acts chapter 17, 11 acts chapter 17 and verse 11. Luke writes, these were more noble than those in Tesla Nika. And that they received the word with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so, so they receive the word. Then they search the scriptures daily to make sure what the word that they had received was right. They received the word with eagerness yet sought to seek the things, seek out all of those things to make sure that they were. So, in other words, we are to see if it is the truth and if it is not,

we are to reject it. So it is not just my job to make sure that I am preaching you the truth. It is also your job to make sure that I am preaching you, that truth or any preacher is preaching you the truth. One who is a preacher must preach the truth, regardless of any situation or any pressures that might be upon him to do other ones.

It is God’s word that will set us all free. We must desire to preach that word. We must desire to hear that word. We worshiped God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing it. And it’s source. I do this. When we, when the truth is being preached and received, it is a joyous thing to be able to come and hear God’s word presented in a proper manner with the right spirit and in truth.

It is a joyous thing to be able to come and hear God’s word presented in a proper manner with the right spirit and truth. I can not imagine someone desiring to hear any preacher who preaches with an improper attitude and adds to this by not preaching the truth. We worship God during the sermon. When we set our minds on the word of God, reverencing him and it’s source.

If we are to TRIBE, truly worship God in the preaching of his word, two things must be present. The preaching must be in conjunction with the right attitude or spirit, both by the one preaching and the ones who are listening. The preaching must be in accordance with God’s word. The truth. If these two things are involved, then we can worship God through the preaching of his word.

As stated earlier, we are not only to be hearers of the word, but doers, James chapter one in verse 22, Jesus commanded us all as Christians to go and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16, 15, all they have to do is hear the word as you have all done today, Romans 10 17. Once they hear it,

it must be believed that Jesus is the Christ. Your savior, John eight 24. Once you have the belief, you must repent of your sins because it is commanded by God, acts 17. In verse 30. Once you have repented, you must make the good confession that you believe that Jesus is the Christ. The son of God, Matthew 10 32.

And also with the story of the Ethiopian UNIC in acts chapter eight. Once you have made that good confession, you must be immersed for the forgiveness of your sins. And the Lord will add you to the church. Acts chapter two, verse 38 and verse 47 to ensure you have your savior with you always, you must live faithful to him and his word forever revelation two 10,

and first John one, six and seven. All of this you can know by hearing the word by studying the word. If you have yet to heed the word of the Lord, the waters of baptism are ready for you. If you have any other need of encouragement or prayers from the brother, and remember the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail with much James,

five 16, whatever you need, please come forward. As we stand and sing<inaudible> would you Ari Vola victory when there’s wonderful power and blah,<inaudible> one new working<inaudible><inaudible> one new working power, no precious, blah. Would you be free from your passion and pride there’s power in the bla<inaudible> come for a cleansing to Calvary’s time. There’s wonderful power in the blood.<inaudible> wonder working power in the,

Oh, the<inaudible><inaudible> wonder working power in the French blot of the lab. Would you do so service for Jesus, your King there’s power in the bla power in the bla would you live day? And the, his braises to seeing there’s wonderful power in the blood<inaudible> wonder working power<inaudible><inaudible> wonder working power in the precious blot of the lab to think Michael,

for that great lesson this morning closing song this morning, this morning will be number 634 six three four we’ll work till Jesus comes. We’ll sing the first verse of the song, and then we’ll have our closing prayer we’ll work till Jesus comes. Let us sing. Oh, land for brass for the Eisai. When will the moment when I chalet my arm,

Aruba and well and P sat home well<inaudible> till Jesus comes well, till Jesus comes and will being a guy gathered home.<inaudible> God for the songs of praise that we’ve been able to sing To encourage one another and give the praise. We are thankful for Noah’s. He’s led us in this song service, and we pray that you continue to be with him in his studies at the school of preaching.

We’re thankful dear father, for Michael, as he’s delivered your word today, and we pray your continued blessings to be upon him and his family. As they prepare themselves to be a servant in the kingdom, by preaching and teaching the gospel with some congregation and some work, bless them and watch over them. Father. We’re thankful for Aaron and his work here with us and for his ability to teach and preach the gospel.

We pray that you be with Eddie and the boys as they are away from home and pray that you be with air and as they continue to labor and be a part of this congregation and encouraged us as we go through life, to be better people to go on board involved and in the work of the kingdom to serve and glorify use to the best of our ability.

We’re thankful father for those that, that have their health to improve some, and we pray you continue to be with them, pray for the others that are still suffering from various infirmities, help us to be mindful of them, especially those that are not able to be with us this day, that we might encourage them and help them as they go through life and let them know how much we love them and care about them.

Father continue to be with us and watch over us, help us to be better servants in the kingdom. Be more productive, help us to be more faithful in our work, our service to the, and help us father to Shaun the evil one. As he’s always there to try to draw us away from our goal and that’s to give the, the honor and the glory and the praise that we might have that home in heaven with even when this life is over father,

be with those that will be administering to Diana as she has her surgery tomorrow, we pray that it goes well and that she would recover quickly blessed his fathers. We’re about to depart, help us to be mindful of one another and be an encouragement to those that are preaching and teaching in other countries in Jesus name, we pray. Amen.<inaudible>.

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Masters have a Master – Admonition 345

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:9 | And now Admonition. 

In Ephesians chapter six, verse nine, we read, And you masters do the same things to them. What, what, what’s he talking about? He’s instructed the slaves. He’s instructed the bondservants. You serve your master as if you’re serving Christ. And now he says to these masters, the, these individuals who own other men, he says you do the same thing to them.

No matter the status of someone in this life, no matter their greatness or their lowliness, no matter where their position is, ultimately, they’re all to be servants of God. The greatest King to have ever lived and reigned on a throne on this earth still had one who was greater than him. God. So then masters, how are you treating those who are around you?

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Under-recognized? – Admonition 344

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:7 | And now Admonition. 

Are you under-recognized? Do you go to work and you’re there and you just wish your boss would recognize you for the job that you do? Paul writes in Ephesians chapter six, Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free. 

Paul makes it clear, no matter what your master, your boss, your employer might say about you in this life, God knows what you’ve done, and God will reward good that is done no matter what anyone else thinks. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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When No One Is Watching – Admonition 343

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:7 | And now Admonition. 

One of the greatest struggles as a parent is to teach a child to do what’s right, even when no one else is looking. Even when you’re not watching them, even when you’re not observing them, and they know you can’t see them; they still need to be taught to do what’s right, even then. Paul writes in Ephesians chapter five or chapter six and verse seven With goodwill doing service.

So he tells these bondservants, you obey your masters as if you’re obeying God, as if you’re obeying Christ, not with eye service as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ with goodwill, doing service as to the Lord and not to men. We need to teach our children and raise them up, that they always serve their masters no matter who they might be as if they’re serving God, knowing that they’re always serving God. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

03-10-2021 – Live Stream – Acts 12 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Good evening. We are in acts chapter 12. It’s good to see Gary and Maggie back. That was good. We’ll begin with the questions from chapter 11 after we have a word of prayer and then we’ll get into chapter 12, got a, got a lot of ground to cover tonight and we’ll see if we cover it all. Let’s pray Our gracious father in heaven.

We bow before you thankful for this day. Thankful for all that you’ve done for us, thankful for the weather, thankful for the opportunity and the health that we have to come out and assemble together. Mindful of those who because of health or because of other reasons are unable to assemble with us. We pray for those who are dealing with illness, dealing with the loss of loved ones,

dealing with hardships and pain and struggles. We know so often that are and our life and our, our day-to-day lives are plagued with such things we pray and are mindful and conscious of those individuals who are struggling with such things and ask that they have comfort and strength as each one of us desires. In our own times of hardship, we pray that you will help us to always do unto others as we would have them do unto us,

that we might show kindness, love, care concern, as we would desire to have shown to us as well. We pray for our nation and the decisions and the choices that are being made. We pray for its future. We pray for peace, but most of all, we pray for open doors of opportunity to teach the gospel. We pray that as we have those doors,

we might have boldness to speak your word and declare it in its simplicity and truth. We pray for missionaries around the world and abroad. We pray that they might be blessed and might have safety, and that they also might have opportunity to teach others concerning you and might bear fruit in your kingdom. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and all this,

we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Chapter 11, questions verses two and three of chapter 11, who in Jerusalem questioned Peter about his eating with the Gentiles. Those of the circumcision is what the text says. Specifically. The Jewish Christians question him verse 14, question two, an angel told Cornelius that he would be saved through what Words He told him to send to Peter whereby he would hear words that he might be saved.

All right. Question three. When did the Holy spirit fall on the Gentiles? According to acts chapter 11, verse 15. All right. As Peter began to speak, when did he, the Holy spirit fall on the Jewish apostles? According to acts chapter two. All right. At the beginning on day of Pentecost, a yes or no. Were the non-Jewish persons taught?

Were non-Jewish persons taught in Antioch? Yes, they were the ha the Hellenistic were taught. Did many turn to the Lord? Yes. Acts chapter 11, verse 24. Question. Describe the qualities of the man Barnabas<inaudible> All right. Good man. Full of the Holy spirit and faith acts chapter 11, verse 26, question six. Where were disciples first called Christians Antioch and acts chapter 11,

verse 29 through 30. In what manner did the Christian brethren in Antioch respond to the brethren who suffered from a famine in Judea. Okay. They took up a collection and sent relief. Okay. So acts chapter 12 is kind of drawing to a close this part of the book of acts that kind of focuses on Peter and his actions yet at the same time,

introducing Paul and his evangelism and his teaching. So acts chapter 12 is kind of going to be the, the last part of this section concerning Peter. We’re going to start actually in verse 27 of chapter 11 and then read forward. And in these days, profits came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them named agribusiness stood up and showed by the spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world,

which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar. Why do you think, and this is just a thought question. Why do you think that profits came from Jerusalem to Antioch to declare this? Why didn’t the profits that were in Antioch? Declare it. Okay. I th I think it may be even, even simpler than that. I think he’s right.

What profits in Antioch, remember they had the gift of prophecy through what the laying on the hands of who, the apostles, who were still in Jerusalem. And you remember, we’ve been told in chapter 11 as we were going through here, that it was disciples. And we’re not even told who we’re just told the disciples, came to Antioch and began teaching.

And specifically the connotation there is, it wasn’t apostles that came. So anyone who came And The miraculous gifts came from outside Antioch because there’s no indication and apostles been there yet. Correct? Correct. Absolutely. That’s, that’s a good point with the occasion of the Holy spirit falling on Cornelius’s house there. One of the main considerations there realizes What The Holy spirit did with the apostles and giving them the ability to pass on miraculous gifts is not what he did with Cornelius is not what he did with Cornelius’s house.

What he did with Cornelius’s house was show by his actions, the Holy spirit, by his actions that they were to receive the gospel. They did not receive the ability to pass on miracles, the way the apostles did that was exclusive to the apostles. So at this point in time, the likelihood is this message is coming from Jerusalem because that’s where the profits are.

And so a prophet comes to Jerusalem. Now, there is an occasion even later on in the text where an a, where a prophet comes and makes a prophecy concerning Paul, that he’s going to be bound if he goes to Jerusalem. And that prophet didn’t show up because there weren’t any other people with the gift of prophecy. It was because he was sent with the message.

Okay. So again, it’s a thought question, not necessarily a determining factor or something from the text, but something of interest that sometimes you have God sending someone because the there’s no one there who has that talent At the moment. Okay. So notice what we read there was Going to be a famine, a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of quality of Caesar.

Then the disciples, each according to his ability to determine to sin relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea, this, they also did and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul, couple of interesting points and worth making, taking the time to, to make here is first, who are they going to send this money with Barnabas and Saul?

What was it? The attributes that we had just a moment ago described concerning bar, Good It man, full of faith and of the Holy spirit. We’re going to interest something of value to someone. You better have some confidence concerning that individual’s character. There there’s a whole lot of people in this world that I wouldn’t trust any farther than I could throw them.

And given the strength of this left arm, that ain’t, I, I can’t throw them at all. So wow, Because of their character, this church trusted Barnabas and Saul because of their character. And it is Not insignificant to note. Here is a man Saul, who it’s not, they entrusted it to Barnabas. And Saul went with him. They entrusted it to Barnabas and Saul.

Here’s a man who’s gone from persecuting the church In what city, Jerusalem too, Coming back to Jerusalem. I understand he’s been back through Jerusalem before at this point, but coming back to Jerusalem with Barnabas, Bringing what money and relief for the poor Christians in Jerusalem, he went From being their persecutor To their servant, and that’s the kind of person Saul was.

So Come to the church in Jerusalem. And the other point I wanted to make was this, even before we get into the later texts and into the T the writings of Paul and into a lot of these other things, who is it that they bring the money to in the church in Europe, The elders Already ready at this point in Jerusalem, there are those within the church in Jerusalem who have been established as Elders and They in their position as shepherds of the flock are the ones to which the money is brought to deal with and to,

to help the church in Jerusalem. So it’s just, it’s interesting point, even, even here, before we get into the teaching books of Ephesians and Philippians and Colossians, where we’re, we read about elders and we read about there, there’s already elders in the church at Jerusalem, and there they’re functioning and, and shepherding that flock. And one of the areas where they function deals with the financial matters of a congregation,

And so that you see That exhibited even here by that being who They brought the money to Chapter 12, verse one. Now, what are now about that time? Herod the King stretched out his hand to harass some of from the church. Then he killed James, the brother of John with the sword, this James who he killed, what, what was he His role?

He was an apostle. Okay. Okay. Somebody pointed out and I thought it was interesting. And I hadn’t don’t know that it ever dawned on me. James, the brother of John Is the first apostle to die at the hand of persecution. John, His brother by all indications Of history will be the last apostle to die at the hands of persecution.

And so here, you’ve got two brothers At either end, the sons of<inaudible> sons of thunder at one point Referred to is the reference to them. And it, James will be the first one, The apostles to die. But then, And notice verse three. And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also.

Now it was during the days of unleavened bread. So when he had arrested him, he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him intending, to bring him before the peace After Passover. So Herod kills James and having Done this as any good politician, would he needs a, get a, get a poll of the people,

see if they like this or not. And overwhelming overwhelmingly they’re in favor of the idea of killing these Christians, Specifically the apostles. And so he decides it’s good politics to go find another apostle and arrest him and kill him. And there’s one little, little tidbit of, of, of difficulty though, right? In the middle of all this going on,

is that the days of unleavened bread, The Passover? Well, they liked the guy dead, but Their fees are important to them. So Hold off till afterwards. What about the idea of righteous in this being important to the Jews? Wasn’t There a point in time where we read back In acts chapter two, acts chapter three, acts chapter four, that the church In Jerusalem was growing And They were growing in favor With the people in Jerusalem.

Go, go back to acts chapter two, Verse 46. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to out house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people And the Lord added to the church daily. Those who were being saved somewhere Between acts chapter Two and acts Chapter 12.

Something’s changed Some things that are, yeah, go ahead. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So some, some time has passed. I think we’ve got it. Probably at least that much time. That’s this transpired. If, if not more that’s that’s going on in the intervening time, but I bring it up to help us realize this Christianity can be popular and then Christianity can be unpopular.

Does it change anything about whether or not it’s true? Should it change anything about whether or not we hold to it and sir Serve the Lord in accordance with the tenants of Christianity based upon whether it’s possible Fuel or not. How about When people say, you know what, the people who believe that they are just lunatics and they just believe a whole bunch of a whole bunch of stories and MIS and legends,

And you know what, They’re probably, you were probably better off with that. We just get rid of them. Does that change anything about the nature of truth? No, it doesn’t. What about when somebody says, you know what, I, I think, I think we all just outlawed. I Think we ought to just throw in prison. Anybody who believes in It,

because that’s Exactly what Saul was doing. Does that change anything about the nature of truth? No. And yet here are these Jews who live Favorably upon killing the killing of Jane Names and yet are religious, right? Because after all, they would be offended if you killed Peter during their Holy day, but are they really religious? No. Oh, Th they’re religious in their terminology,

But does their religion have anything to do with serving God or everything to do with doing what they wanted? And the answer is it had everything to do with doing what they wanted for had they been serving God, what would they have done when Herod killed James uproar? Because here was an innocent man dying. Okay. Now, absolutely. Well, that’s true in acts chapter 12,

verse five here, we’ve got Peter in prison and Herod’s, you know, He’s kind of lacks days ago about this. He just hands them off to a guard and says, keep him in his Right. Herod’s not taking any chances here, Lee. He, he thinks he’s not, eh, First of all, he hands him over to four squads of soldiers,

according to verse four. And then we Read verse five. Peter was there for kept in prison by comms, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. And when Herod was about to bring him out that night, Peter was sleeping bound with two chains between two soldiers and the guards before the door were keeping Prison. You’ve got guards in the cell.

You’ve got chains on his arms. You’ve got guards, the door, You’ve got four squads that are entrusted With him. Parents not taking any chances. There’s enough Christians. They might try and break him out. And yet In the midst of this James having been beheaded, Peter having been put in prison and I’m betting those Christians had a pretty good idea of what heritage,

I didn’t mind. Christians were rioting in the streets. You mean, You mean they weren’t torching businesses and tearing things down, making it clear that they wanted it Released. What were they doing? Brain it’s almost like there was a Understanding of something. I think it was Peter would write later concerning crime, As we read in first, Peter, that he Entrusted himself To the one who judges righteously and these Christians seeing the circumstance,

they don’t ride in the streets. They don’t Light things on fire. They don’t burn them down. They don’t destroy everything. They can, they don’t try and break them out. They simply Pray. And when You want to change the World, which one has more power or riot or a prayer every time. But notice verse seven. Now, Behold,

an angel of the Lord stood by him and a light shone in the prison. And he struck Peter on the side and raised him up saying arise quickly. And his chains fell off his hand. You ever had a night sleep where you wake up Cup and you’re not really sure if you’re awake or not. Peter By all indications is, is asleep. I don’t know.

So how long it took him to get there? I think it’d probably take me a little while if I was chained All farms, but he made it to sleep. And the angel waits till he is asleep, comes in, stands in the prison. I, I tell you what, which door, which person at which door, let the angel in?

None of them. So was the angel actually there? Oh yeah. He hit Peter. He was there. W What person opened the door to let Jesus in where the apostles were gathered After the resurrection? None of them. But was he there? Yeah, he ate with them. He, he did. I told Thomas, put your hand in my side,

touch the nail scars in my hand. Was he there? Yeah. Did he come in through the door? No. Okay. But then notice, he says arrived Eyes quickly, and his chains fell off his hands. Then the angel said to him, gird yourself and tie your samples or tie on your sandals. And so he did. And he said to him,

put on your garment and follow me. So he went out and followed him and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. All this is Happening. And even Peter doesn’t believe That it’s happening when They were past the first and the second guard post, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city,

which opened to them Of its own accord. And then I went out and went down one street and immediately the angel departed From him. Someone else made a good point. God did for Peter, what Peter couldn’t do for himself. Once the angel had gotten him through everything that he needed to get him through that Peter couldn’t get out Of himself. God left Peter to do the rest.

And there’s a lesson there for us. We have a risk<inaudible> ability to be about doing the things that we have The power to do and Leaving in God’s hands. The things we don’t Have the power to do, but then notice what happens when people Or he’d come to himself. He said, now I know for certain that the Lord has sent his angel and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.

So when he had considered this, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John, whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together, praying. This is the first reference that we have in the book of acts to a young man named John Mark, who by all indications of scripture is the Headman of the book of Mark. But notice they’re there in the house of Mary,

the mother of John, whose her name was Mark, where many were men, excuse me, where many were gathered together, praying. And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. When she recognized Peter’s voice because of her gladness, she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate.

But they said to her, you are beside yourself yet. She kept insisting that it was so, so they said it is his angel. This young woman comes to the door, hearing the knocking. And from the sounds of it, it’s not just Peter knocking is Peter knocking saying, it’s Peter, let me And inside the house, they’re doing Praying,

praying for they’re praying for Peter. And then a little late for that. That’s exactly right. You know, there’s another lesson there. Sometimes we pray for things that have already been handled. We just don’t know it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, Absolutely. They may have been praying for his, his faithfulness. They may have been praying for his release.

They may have been praying that when this life was over, that he received it. We’re not told what they’re praying, but I think it’s fairly safe to say, they’re praying that God intervened in some form or fashion. And yet they’re still praying after it’s already. We pray for what we desire. If the Lord wills. And sometimes we will No,

this side of eternity, how it turned out, Did that make the prayer useless? Not at all. The woman comes to the door. She hears Peter’s voice. And apparently this woman she’s met Peter before she knows him. She knows his voice. She hears his voice. And she immediately, before even opens the gate, Runs back to tell everybody,

leaving. Peter were standing outside the gate. He’s, he’s still saying, let me in. But the people inside thinks she’s what will Auster mind? What more perfect picture of Christians in all of our wisdom and understanding, then people praying for Peter while at the same time denying the answer to their prayer because he’s standing outside the door. As we look at prayer.

And as we think about prayer, one of the things that we need to remember is we truly are limited in our understanding of how God works and what God does and how things turn out and how God can make things turn out. We know as much as scriptures told us, that’s it. But we are also reminded of what James writes to us that in James chapter one,

when we pray, we ought to ask him faith, not doubting, not being one who doubts that God can do what God has said he can do. Was there a comment? Absolutely. Absolutely. So James, five 16, a wonderful passage to bring in here. So verse 16 now Peter continued knocking. And when they opened the door and saw him,

they were astonished, but motioning to them with his hand to keep silent, he declared to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, go tell these things to James and to the brethren. Now wait a minute. I thought James was dead. Okay. The likelihood is this is James. One of the elders in Jerusalem.

We will find out elsewhere. Who’s most likely the half-brother of Jesus. So Peter says, go send somebody in essence to the elders, let them know what has happened. I think it’s interesting in the midst of their astonishment, in the midst of everything else, Peter doesn’t want to talk about Peter. Peter doesn’t want to talk about what he endured. Peter does Want to talk about the situation with the chains or the things he suffered at the hands of the guards.

Any of that, Peter in true form wants to talk about what the Lord did and that’s what we need to learn in our own lives as well, that we need to be more about him and a whole lot less about us. Then as soon as it was day verse 18, there was No small stir among the soldiers about what had become, What,

what happens in acts chapter 16. When, when a prisoner goes missing The guard in acts chapter 16, Philippian jailer is preparing to end his own life because he knows what happens when you lose prisons. Well, So the next morning and comes and everybody expects to find Peter and handcuffs and chain between two soldiers in Where’s Peter, No small stir. I mean,

he didn’t fall through the floor. The Gates aren’t open. I need it. What where’s Peter, but when Herod had searched for him, by the way, where, where w w quite often were the prisoners kept in Dungeons. And quite often where, I mean, just even thinking about situation with, with Joseph, where was Joseph in prison? All right.

His, his, his former master, The chief Guard, the chief captain of the guard of Pharaoh was also the chief prison keeper Pharaoh. And The prison was in the house of the captain of the guard. So quite often The, the, the, the high stakes prisoners are kept in the dungeon or in the prison beneath the place of power. Why?

Because that was the place that had nice fortified walls and a lot of soldiers around it. So the likelihood is Herod’s running around his own house, As it were trying to find the prisoner he’s lost. I didn’t, I didn’t actually go look at it. But someone said that this would have been most likely the nephew of the Herod that killed John, the Baptist,

the nephew, Yeah. Hair. The second, I I’d have to go. I’d have to go look. I’ve, I’ve got a, I’ve got a short memory on these things, Right? I think that is correct. Now, Herod searched for him and, and had not found him. He examined the guards and commanded because I mean, let’s face it.

It’s gotta be an inside job. Right? Gates aren’t open. Nobody let him out. Nobody’s talking. So it must be an inside job. So he examines the guards and commanded that they should be put to death. And he went down from Judaism accessories and stayed there. Okay. So, so he leaves Judea and he goes to Cesarea, which is where we,

we discussed this when we were talking about Cesarea earlier on the coast of the Mediterranean. Okay. So he goes down. Luke makes a point as some of the other writers do to tell you that when you leave Jerusalem, you go down, Rusal them set on, set up on a Hill. Now, Herod had been very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon,

but they came to him with one accord and having made blasts lists the Kings personal aid, their friend, they asked for peace because their country was supplied with food by the Kings country, by Harrods country. So on a set day, Herod arrayed in Royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting the voice of a God and not of a man Herod and his glory in his apparel,

in his kingly array gets on the throne before the people, before and Sidon, before these who would dare to have a bad relationship With him who need His help and who Curry his, And he gives them a speech. It’s not any Normal prose. It’s an oration. They’re listening. They’re saying, it’s the voice of a God. It’s, you know,

when some people get around somebody, who’s got too much money and too much power and not enough sense, Amazing. The things they’ll say and the things they’ll do, if they think it’ll they’ll get, Do you Think any of these people had ever heard the voice of a God Then? How would they know if they heard it? Actually, yeah, I do know.

They would know if they had heard it, it Exodus chapter 19, when Israel actually heard the voice of a God, they knew, And they said, Moses, could you go up on the mountain and talk to him for us? We don’t want to hear it. If you’ve heard the voice of God, it didn’t sound like Herod. But They said the voice of a God and not them of a man.

So you’ve got Herod raising himself up, making himself be something you’ve got the people raising Harriet up, making him Seemed to be something. And that this statement Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not Give glory to God. Turn over the book of James, James chapter four, verse one On where do Wars and fights come from among you.

Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members, you lust and do not have you murder and covet and cannot obtain you fight and war yet. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive because you ask a miss that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God,

whoever therefore wants to be friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the scripture says in vain, the spirit who dwells in us yearns, jealously, What was Harriet hoping to accomplish? By putting Peter to death? He wanted really bad to be a friend of the world, but Six says, but he gives more grace.

Therefore he says, God, God resists the proud, but gives grace To the humble. Therefore, submit to God, resist the devil. And he will flee from you draw near to God. And he will draw near to you, cleanse your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts. You double-minded lament and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord.

And he, He will lift you up all The praise and all the glory, Dire and Sidon and the people of Cesarea. And all those before Herod could give him if Herod had only Known as Herod had only been willing to admit that Glory from God was worth more than All that. But instead he wanted the glory of being God, immediately Lee and angel.

The Lord struck him because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied hair. It had the idea I can kill enough of these Christians. And God said, no, you can’t. And I can kill you anytime. I want to. And my Christians will grow and multiply in number and bar Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry.

And they also took with them, John, whose surname was Mark. One last point as we close is That when Saul and Barnabas were tasked With a ministry, a service, they didn’t leave until the service was done. They didn’t stop until they had completed the ministry. When they had completed the ministry, then they returned Earned to do what continue ministry.

When this life is over your to-do list, won’t be empty. But as long as you’re here, there’s something to be doing. And we need to remember that before we think the world won’t go on without us, because it will. And before we get to thinking, we have nothing left to do. Okay. That’s acts chapter 12.<inaudible> Good evening.

Good to have everybody here tonight. We’ve got a nice looking crowd and especially those sitting right back there. It’s so good to see them out. They’ve been shut in for a long time. Good to see y’all. I’m talking about the college. If y’all, don’t see them, they’re there, but anyway, good to have all of you here. We got some sick on our sick list.

This time Barbara deleted or STEM cell surgery, I guess you call it. It didn’t work on her rotorcraft so she going to have the surgery whenever she can get it scheduled. She’s still in a lot of pain. Joan’s sprang are still at home, not doing real well. Rodale Wilson, Jannie Martin, and still having a fib BJ and D Tish Clark.

I’ve got the COVID and Glen Knox. I says, Becky Posner’s nephew has advanced lung cancer. And while I’m on him, she gave me another list here. Leah van Cleve that’s. Her niece is in surgery right now, having a kidney and a pancreas transplant. And we need to pray for these and all this goes well. And she’s also got a sister Vicky Wadsworth.

She’s been diagnosed with C O P D and asthma. So big. I told Becky good thing. She’s not out there with them. She’d probably be sick too. But, and Julie, Adam, just the friend of the Lisa as has got lung cancer, and they’re doing radiation every day. Our phone soon we’ll start. Yeah. Going to start pretty soon doing radiation every day.

And Kayla Nelson, that’s a friend of the sprang. Hers. 13 year old boy had a sledding accident. Went back when we had the snow and he might be doing a little bit better. He’s in rehab. And Arthur Wilson was in the ER this weekend with her high blood pressure. But she’s back home and doing a little bit better, but having stomach issues.

Well, that’s all our sick. I don’t have anything else. Michael Dale is going to leave singing. Noah Olson is going to have the devotional and mercy praying and we’ll have the closing prayer. Thank you. Just an update on BJ and Tish Clark. They have recovered from COVID and tested negative, but BJ now has a touch of pneumonia and he’s having a rough time with it.

So if you could continue to keep him in your prayers, cause I guess it’s pneumonia. You guys know it’s not fun. If you would Mark number 905 yield not to temptation, that’ll be the song of invitation number nine, zero five. And then the song before our lesson from a brother, Noah will be number 678 more about Jesus, six, seven,

eight, six 78. More about Jesus mud. I know more of his grace to other Shaw. More.<inaudible> more of his love who died for me more or about jeez, us more, more about, jeez, us more.<inaudible> more.<inaudible> me more about Jesus. Slurred me more. This Holy Weldon spirit of God. My teacher be showing nothings of Christ.

To me more, more about, jeez us more, more about Jesus.<inaudible> more of his love who died for me more about Jesus on his throw on riches in glory, all hairs on Marvis King dumb shore increase more of his coming Prince of peace mom or about jeez<inaudible>.<inaudible> more of his love who died for me. Good evening and Proverbs chapter 22.

And in verse number one, the proper rider has something that we, as Christians can make application in our lives today, proper chapter 22 verse number one, it says a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and gold. No, as Christians, we have a reputation to uphold. If you look at the name Christian C H R I S T Christ,

we bear the name of Christ. We are Christians. We are represented, represent representatives of the church. And therefore we, as Christians need to understand that our reputation does matter. Now on some things, you know, we might say, well, I don’t care what anybody thinks. Well on this idea, as Christians, we need to understand and we need to care what other people think.

And people need to look at the church and say, that person is a Christian. That person is a example of the believers. If you look at the new Testament and first Timothy chapter four in verse number 12, notice what Paul tells a young preacher, Timothy. He says, let no man despise the youth. And this can be applicable to everyone,

but be thou an example of the believers. How do I do that? I’ll look at continuing of the believers in word and how I speak in my speech. I don’t need to, to be cursing. I need to speak on things that God would have me to do. I need to have pure speech seasoned with grace, Colossians 400 verse number six,

and also notice in conversation. This is my conduct. This is how the, the way that I live my life, I need to make sure my life matches up with Christ. No notice. Continuing in charity, I need to show love. First, John expounds on this idea. So much love is important. Charity, deep love. That’s what we’re required to do.

Notice in spirit. This will be my spirit, not the, not the Holy spirit in faith, personal faith and purity. The way that I live my life, my life needs to be Holy. My life needs to be pure. It needs to be of good reputation. When people look at the church, when people look at our lives today, they need to say that person,

he or she, that’s a Christian often like to use this illustration. You, you take an examination of a worldly person and a Christian. You look at their lives for awakened and you examine how they live their lives. The week is over and you find no difference. The Christian in the world, the person they’re exactly the same. That’s a problem because the church is to be what different from the world.

Romans chapter 12 and verse number two, notice we are commanded to be lights of this world. I’ll leave you with Matthew chapter five and in verse number 16, what’d Jesus says, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glory fire father, which is in heaven. That’s our job. That’s what we, as Christians are commanded to do.

When people look at us today, they need to say, that’s the church. And that’s what I want. I want to be like that. And therefore our reputation does matter as Christians. And we need to make sure that we are examples of the church because we bear the name Christ. We bear Christ’s name. Perhaps there’s one, the one here tonight,

maybe who has not been living up to that standard have not been, been being the of the believers. What’d you come back for? Does everlastingly too late by repenting of your sins. But perhaps there is one here tonight who has maybe never obeyed the gospel. Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God? Are you willing to repent of your sins?

Confess Christ before man, and then be willing to submit to the water graves of baptism for the remission of sins, be added to the church. So you can be an example, such a beautiful institution. Isn’t not, if anyone is subject, once you come as we stand. And as we say,<inaudible>,<inaudible> a snow savior to strengthen and keep you.

He is willing to, Hey Jude. He well Camry, Pray with me, father in heaven for Jesus Christ. We’re thankful. We’re thankful for this opportunity that we’ve had to assemble with church father into saying praises to you and to hear portion of your word, read and prayers of Thanksgiving, prayers of help in time of sickness. Meet with those father who are,

are, are sick and need your help. And we pray that you will restore them back to their much wanted hell father. We’re thankful for every blessing of life, help us to realize that you have fed us and clothed up and kept us sheltered all these years. And we give you thanks and praise your name and these things to ask in Christ’s name.

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How Do You Serve Others? – Admonition 342

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:5 | And now Admonition.

How do you serve others? Specifically, how do you serve your employer or your master in life? Paul writes in Ephesians chapter six, and in verse five, Bondservants be obedient to those who are your masters, according to the flesh, verse six, not with eye service as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart. 

Serve them, not to be seen by them, but knowing that your Father in heaven, who sees all, sees you every second of the day. Who do you serve in this life?

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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A Free Slave – Admonition 341

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:5 | And now Admonition. 

Can you be a slave and a free person all at the same time? Well, Paul says you can. Paul says in Ephesians chapter six and in verse five, Bondservants be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling and sincerity of heart, as to Christ. 

These Christians were free from death. They were free from the servitude of sin. They had become slaves to righteousness. They were servants of Christ, but they were still slaves, bondservants in the flesh. And they still had a responsibility to their masters in the flesh, but they had a greater responsibility to Jesus Christ. We need to be those who understand that no matter our station in life, we are free to serve our God 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

03-07-2021 – Live Stream – Faithful In Suffering

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Good morning. We are in the book of acts this morning. We’re in acts chapter 11, cover the questions from acts chapter 10 and by way of review, and then get into chapter 11. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunity that we have to serve.

You grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis, we are incredibly grateful for the things that the first century church did in the evangelism and the efforts that they partook in to take the gospel to the entire world. And we are encouraged. And in Monish that in our day, we must do the same help us to understand the power of the gospel and the need for the gospel to be taught everywhere throughout the world.

Help us to understand the mission that you placed before Christians in every century and every generation that has passed since you ascended back into heaven and help us to fulfill that mission in our lives today, we pray for the many works that are going on throughout the world. Christians doing that very thing. We pray that as they are sound in the faith and faithful to you,

that they might prosper and that might grow as well. We pray that you be with those who are dealing with illnesses and injuries, difficulties, and hardships, financial hardships. We pray that they might have your blessings, have your comfort and find help in time of need. But most of all, that they might be faithful to throughout it. All We ask that you,

You forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and help us to always look to you for strength, guidance for mercy, and for grace, as we strive daily to serve you Acceptably all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Acts chapter 10. Question one. When Cornelius was first Mentioned, he was not a devout man. Be fearful of God.

See a giver of gifts to others D praying Continually to God or he saved. He save. Y Did question two. Why did Cornelius from acts chapter 10 verses three through eight? Why did coordinator you send For Peter? He was told To by an angel. And how did he send for Peter? All right. He was told by a vision by an angel,

but he sent his servants to servants in one. What? Soldier. Okay. What did Peter see in the Trance when he was on the house top in jobs. Okay. Is she let down from heaven with what? On it? All right. All right. All kinds of wild bees, specifically unclean Wild bees. What Did the spirit tell Peter that his vision on the house top in Joppa Mint.

All right. Specifically what I have declared clean. You should not declare common or unclean. Okay. Who went with Peter to Cesarea? All right. Christians are brothers from Joplin who was with Cornelius when Peter arrived. All right. And his kinsmen and friends Speaking to Cornelius and others gathered, whom did Peter say is welcomed by God, God. All right.

Those in every nation who fear him and work righteousness, When Was the Holy spirit poured out on the Gentiles? Okay. Verse 45. And those of The circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. And that happened while Peter was still speaking. Okay. Why were Cornelius?

And the other Gentiles allowed to be baptized? All right, Because the Holy spirit coming down upon them showed that God approved to them, or as the passage specifically says, because they received The Holy ghost. All right. Now the Holy spirit, Chapter 11, we’re going to read the end of chapter 10. Again, just kind of get, get the conversation in mind because it leads right into the discussion in chapter 11.

So chapter 10, verse 44, while Peter was still speaking. These words, the Holy spirit fell upon all those who heard the word and those of the circumcision. And that is how Luke will quite often describe Jewish Christians. Those of the circumcision. He says those of the circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles Also.

Okay. So They weren’t astonished that there. And this is an interesting point. They weren’t astonished that there were Gentiles who would believe in Jesus, that didn’t astonish them. They weren’t astonished that there were Roman centurions who would be interested in hearing about Jesus. They weren’t astonished That all of these friends and, and others had gathered together to hear Peter preach.

They were astonished That the Holy spirit fell on Gentiles. Okay. And that is significant because it will lead you into getting the perspective and the attitude that leads you to an understanding of the difficulties and the struggles in the first century church, which would be the background behind the book of Romans, the background behind the book of Galatians, the background behind the book of first Corinthians and second Corinthians,

the background behind a number of other epistles, not to mention acts chapter 11, acts chapter 15. All of these passages Have This section of scripture as their background. And that is the perception that the had about themselves in contrast to everybody else. Okay? And this was born out of a misunderstanding of their place in God’s plan of redemption. It was born out of a misunderstanding of what God did for them under the law of Moses.

So they’re astonished when they see these things for verse 46, they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Now, is it the case that every one through whom God spoke in old Testament and new was a faithful servant of God. Let me ask it another way. Does a person have to be, especially in, in the, in time of the miraculous and timeless scripture,

does a person have to be a faithful saved servant of God for God to miraculously speak through them? No. Some examples of non faithful people or, or others not. Let’s just use non faithful, some examples of non faithful ones that God uses. And I’m thinking old Testament examples right now. What? Prophet tried three times to curse Israel and God put a blessing in his mouth.

Everybody’s looking for the name. It’s, it’s trapped right there in the back of your head, Baylor them. Alright. Balal is trying for profit to cursive people. God wants to bless. Is he faithful to God? No, he just can’t say anything. God doesn’t put in his mouth because Bailyn will then turn around and call and tell Baylock the King of Moab,

how to get Israel. He’s like, I can’t curse them for you because everything, God puts in my mouth as a blessing, but I can tell you how to get them to curse your curse themselves. And that is in your daughters out, caused them to commit for an occasion and God will curse them for you. So he’s not faithful to God,

even though the words he spoke, belong to God. What about in the same event? Same story. Bailyn’s Donkey. Now here’s an important question. Do all donkeys go to heaven. Donkey saved or lost. The answer is neither one, The donkey, but good. God still use him to speak. Yes. Numerous times in scripture, God will use individuals to declare a message That would Not necessarily declare the messenger As being in a right relationship with God.

Okay. And that is essential because a lot of people will come to this passage and say, well, if the Holy spirit is speaking through these individuals We’re saved. No, I beg to differ. That’s the exact opposite of what the passage teaches. Wow. Is it that they had called Peter Awesome To find out what they must do to be saved.

Now, if the Holy spirit was going to do it without Peter having to actually tell them, and without them actually having to do it, why in the world did he need Peter? Why go through days of people traveling to go get Peter them stay in the night days, traveling back to go bring Peter to Cornelius. If the Holy spirit was going to do it all anyway,

Nothing in this passage Declares and chapter 11 will even bring more clarity to this. Nothing in this passage declares these individuals to be saved purely because the Holy spirit Poke through their mouths. Okay. And Numerous passages all throughout scripture, make it clear that God can speak through whomever whenever he wants to. And that doesn’t make that individual Safe. Okay. And That’s important because people will come to this passage and they’ll go see we’re saved by the Holy spirit.

Holy spirit falls down on somebody and then they’re saved. And then they start speaking in tongues. And that is not what’s going on Here. What is Going on here is the same thing. And we mentioned this when we were discussing this Wednesday in chapter 10, you see one of the locations where all three, and there are only three, all three references to the Holy spirit,

falling on someone or the Holy spirit, baptism of someone or the pouring out of the spirit on someone, all three references are right Here. The three References, the three occasions in scripture where this occurs Is number one, When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and the Holy spirit descended upon Jesus. Number two, when the apostles were preaching on Pentecost and the Holy spirit descended upon them.

And number three, when the Holy spirit descended upon the people in Cornelius’s house to Dick Layer, that they too would receive the gospel in the first occasion, Jesus Just being baptized. The Holy spirit descended upon Jesus To declare what that he was the son of God. Now the People there had John’s testimony that he was the son of God, But this gave them God’s Testimony that he was the son of God.

Okay. And there’s a big difference between John the Baptist saying something and God from heaven saying something. Well, what is it that Was declared in acts chapter two. You remember they’re up preaching and, and it’s not Abnormal on the feast of Pentecost for people to be up declaring the word God that’s, that’s not abnormal. What would be abnormal? Well,

cloven tongues of fire on their heads. They’re speaking in languages. They’ve never learned. Everyone’s hearing in their homes, Languages more languages than they were. Then there were even people speaking And people Say, ah, they must be drunk. No. Then what does that mean? It means the message is from God. So In the first occasion of the baptism,

Holy Spirit pouring out of the Holy spirit, the declaration is, this is from me, God. Second declaration of the pouring out of Holy spirit in acts. Chapter two is this Is from me, God, Third declaration in acts chapter 10 of the pouring out of the Holy spirit. The declaration is, This is from me, God. And that was the use.

Every single time, all three times of the pouring out of the Holy spirit, it was always to declare, this is my stamp of approval. Now you say, well, wait a minute. Lots of other occasions where people speak in tongues. Yes, there are. There’s lots of other occasions where people have miraculous gifts. Yes, there are. But in none of those occasions,

did they receive them directly from God? In every other occasion, the person who was utilizing miraculous gift receive them by the laying on of the hands of the apostles Or Christ. Every other occasion, These three are the only times where you have miraculous events occurring at the hand of God And not man. And all three of them are Declarations of God’s stamp of approval on a situation,

not declarations of lost or saved, not the saving of someone from their sins. None of them are the saving of someone from their sins. As a matter of fact, it’s interesting that all three occasions are also directly connected baptisms Aren’t they, Jesus was baptized spirit, fell on him, Parcels, preached spirit, falling on them. And the result was 3000 were baptized these people.

The spirit speaks through them, declaring them to be worthy verse 47. Can anyone for bid water that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy spirit just as We, Is it interesting that the thing that could have been forbidden? The one thing that could have made the biggest difference in the lives of these people was not the falling of the Holy spirit upon them,

not the speaking in tongues, But baptism. This Can, anyone for bid is such a glaring statement because it declares. This was the single most important reason they were there. If the Jews and Peter came and taught them the gospel And then left, would they be saved? No. If the, if Peter and the Jews came and tell them the gospel and the spirit spoke through them and they spoke in miraculous tongues and then Peter and the Jews left,

would they be saved? The one Thing the Jews and Peter could forbidden was the one thing that Mattered most. And Peter says, can anybody forbid this seeing God’s stamp of approval? The baptism was the singular most important act of the three. Now it going to happen without the first one, they were going to be baptized without being taught, but having been taught the possibility of forbidding the baptism would have been an act that would have been the single greatest hindrance to their salvation.

Not the lack of the Holy spirit.<inaudible> Absolutely. They’re, they’re getting assigned from heaven even without asking for one, but they needed one. And that’s, that’s in all of this. That’s what I want us to get. These Jews would have refused to baptize these Gentiles without the Holy spirit interacting and without the Holy Spirit’s actions, they would have refused because Peter’s already said at the beginning,

you remember we read on Wednesday, it is unlawful for us to even enter in your house. So if it’s unlawful for them to even enter into the house, how are they going to baptize them? How are they going to teach them? They’re not. They would have considered that altogether. Unlawful, just like entering into their house. Okay. So what you’re getting here is a picture of the bias that exists among the Christian Jews that isn’t there because God told them to have it.

It was there because they had it and God is counteracting it. Okay. So he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked them to stay a few days. Now, the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision contended with him,

notice the attitude, the, the response of the Jews who are Christians in Judea is when Peter comes back, they’re not at all happy. They are contending with him. Verse three, saying you went into uncircumcised men and ate with them over in Galatians chapter two. When Paul is there with Peter or sorry, there with Barnabas, and they’re eating with these Jewish or with these Gentile Christians and Peter comes,

sorry, Peter and Barton are there. James comes, I’ll get it right in a minute. So Paul, Peter Barnabas are there with the Gentile, Christians in James and those from James come. And when they start approaching and when they come near, Peter gets up and does what he’s Peter separates himself from the Gentiles, no longer eating with them. Barnaby.

This fall was a little long and two others. And Paul was stands Peter to the face because he, as the passenger says was to be blamed because Peter knows better. That’s happening over here. A few chapters later in the events leading up to this point, but Peter’s already been through this. Peter is the one who’s going to be the one who starts all of this,

Peter new better. All right. So notice what we read. But Peter explained it to them. In order from the beginning saying I was in the city of Joppa praying and in a trance, I saw vision and object, descending like a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners. And it came to me when I observed it intently and considered.

I saw four footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And I heard a voice saying to me, rise, Peter, eat or kill and eat. But I said not so Lord for nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth. But the voice answered me again from heaven. What God has cleansed.

You must not call common. Now this was done three times and all were drawn up again in the heaven at that very moment. Three men stood before the house where I was having been sent to me from Cesarea. Then the spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing. Now notice he said, I saw a vision. Here’s the substance of the vision.

I didn’t understand it. But the spirit said go. And the spirit said, do not doubt. And the idea there is, do not doubt what I’m doing. Okay. So he says, the spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing. Moreover, these six brethren accompanied me and we entered a man’s house. So how many Jews went William six there or three that came,

but six of the brethren went with him. Okay. So we that’s one of the things in these different accounts that you get acts chapter 10, acts, chapter 11, acts chapter 15 is you get a little bit more detail every time. Okay. So how many Jews, Jewish Christians were present at these events? There were six. Okay. And he told us how he had seen an angel standing in his house who said to him,

send men to Joppa and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter, who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved. And as I’m began to speak, the Holy spirit fell upon them as upon us at the beginning. Something else interesting. In chapter 10, we read while Peter was still speaking. In other words, Peter’s speaking and the Holy spirit falls on them.

But chapter 10 doesn’t tell us the timing of the event. So some people will come to chapter tenants. See they heard the word and the spirit fell upon them and change them. And they were saved. But chapter 11, Peter makes it clear that as I was beginning to speak, he wasn’t done preaching. He hadn’t taught them anything yet. As he began to utter his words,

the spirit came into them. They didn’t have the spirit come into them as an act of faith or based upon their belief. This spirit came into them as Peter began To speak. Okay? So again, some more Details as I began to speak, verse 15, the Holy spirit fell upon them. As upon us at the beginning, then I remembered the word of the Lord,

how he said, John, indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. So if any of you have been wondering, why does Aaron keep referencing the baptism? Holy spirit, this doesn’t say they were baptized with Holy spirit. Chapter 11. Peter says, when I Say he fell on, on them as on us, at the beginning,

I’m talking about when the Lord promised To baptize us with the Holy spirit. And interestingly, he doesn’t say That the Lord or that the spirit fell on them as the spirit has fallen on us from the beginning, he doesn’t say it’s been happening all along. He doesn’t say, this is what happens all the time to Jews. He says, this happened once at the beginning,

He’s talking about acts chapter two. Okay. And now he’s made it clear. He’s talking about acts chapter two when he says, John, indeed baptized with water. But you, Jesus says shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. Who Did Jesus make that statement to all his disciples or the apostles to the apostles. And only to the apostles. Did Jesus make that statement?

And only to the apostles, Were they ever baptized with the Holy spirit that occurred and acts chapter two? And that was the fulfillment. Okay. If therefore God gave them the same gift as he gave us. When we believed on the Lord, Jesus Christ, who I, that I could withstand God, when they heard these things, they became silent and they glorified God saying,

then God has also granted to the Gentiles, repentance to life, The story, the details, the events and the actions of the spirit. Because if Peter had come back and said, well, I just decided that this is the way it should be. Would, would that have been accepted by the Christians? No, but Peter said, the spirit spoke to me.

The spirit spoke to Cornelius, the spirit directed these events, and this is what happened. And it shut the mouths of the naysayers. And instead they said, God has granted to the Gentiles, repentance to life. Now I want us to notice something, turn back over to Luke chapter 24.<inaudible> Something that I want to reinforce within us because so many times in our modern world,

people will come along and say, I’ve, I’ve seen a vision from God. God has spoken to me. And this is what he told me to say, this is what he told me to do. This is what he’s told me. That’s different from what the scripture say. And I want us to emphasize and be clear that what happens in these events when God speaks to Peter,

when God speaks to coordinator, yes. When God directs these events to transpire that he didn’t change anything, he had already told them, okay, this was not quote new revelation. Luke chapter 24, verse 44, Jesus has been crucified. Jesus has been resurrected. Jesus will soon be ascending back to heaven. And this is the same writer who wrote the book of acts.

Okay? So we’re clear, this is not new. This is Luke saying, Hey, all these years later, we finally got it. All right, Luke chapter 24, verse 44. Then he said to them, the them is the apostles. The, he is Christ. These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you.

That all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms concerning me. And he opened their understanding That they might comprehend the scriptures. Now, no, that is the background of all. This is Jesus saying, all of this was prophesied. And in the old Testament, you all just didn’t get it.

So now they’re going to get it. But no, This, this next statement, verse 46. Then he said to them, thus, it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name beginning at Jerusalem. Or did I leave out a word or two or three that the Christ to suffer under Rise from the dead the third day,

and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in. His name Came to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. This is a new revelation acts chapter 11, verse 18. Then God, God has granted to the Gentiles. Repentance to life is the Christian Jews finally getting over their preconceived ideas to understand what Jesus said a decade more or so ago when he told them this the beginning,

Okay. Had they understood what Jesus meant and what Jesus said when they were standing there before he ascended back into heaven, they would have understood this and been preaching to the Gentiles all along. Now. Here’s What I’m not saying. I’m not saying that God didn’t know that the church was going to have to grow to understand this. Obviously that’s true. God knew the Jews were going to struggle with this.

But what I am saying is this is no new revelation. This is the same Thing. Jesus told him when he was standing on the earth, But they didn’t understand it and they weren’t practicing it. But now they are. And God, God has put his stamp of approval on it all the way through. So verse 19, now those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia,

Cyprus, and Antioch preaching the word to no one, but the Jews only. Okay, so here, Luke’s letting you in on what’s going on. You remember we read that the disciples were scattered everywhere, preaching the word. And so often we go to the passage and say, look, these common Christians go everywhere. And what are they doing? They’re teaching people,

but they’re also not Teaching people. They’re teaching Jews only. Why do you think That these Christians who were scattered everywhere Were only teaching Jews? They didn’t know what happened, Peter, get it hadn’t happened yet. But when they were in Jerusalem, who were the apostles teaching just Jews, They were doing what they had been taught to do. They were doing what they had seen from example their leaders On earth.

Do they were acting out the examples they had seen, which was to preach and teach to Jews only. Okay. So that’s significant before we get to Too hard on the case of the people who didn’t understand and didn’t teach, right. And didn’t do what they should have done is they were doing exactly what they had been Taught to do, which was preached to Jews only.

Now Those who were scattered after the, or I read that already verse 20, but some of them were men from Cypress and siren who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to Helen is preaching the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned to the Lord, by the way,<inaudible> are what nationality they’re Grecians okay.

So there’s a contrast set here. And it’s The contrast is going to be very significant Jews go out in all regions. When, because of the persecution that started with Stephen persecution, that was, that was encouraged and promoted by Saul of Tarsus. They start leaving Jerusalem. They start going everywhere and they’re preaching to Jews only except their song of these Jews who end up in Cyprus and Sirrine and Annie,

Who don’t, they don’t just preach to the Jews. They also preach to the Greeks. And what happens in Antioch shapes The church moving forward in the book of acts, Because beginning here and in these passages that lead between here in acts, chapter 15 Jerusalem and the church in Jerusalem stops The focal point of the evangelism to the entire world, the church And Jerusalem no longer is the biggest influence in the church.

At large, The church in Antioch will become that biggest influence. It is believed by some, I don’t know, No how much basis. In fact there is in this, but it’s at least been stated by some commentators and historians, that it was believed that at the height of the church’s existence in the first and second century in Antioch, that there were more than 300,000 Christians in this.

So this city That begins and the church begins not by the preaching of one of the, those in acts chapter six that were selected by the apostles, not by the apostles, but by, as it were ordinary Christians and none of their names are even listed. That church becomes the portal to the entire Gentile world and will become a hub Of evangelism unlike any other in the new Testament.

So Verse 21 in the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned to the Lord. Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem. Notice the church, all of this has transpired and church Jerusalem doesn’t even know what’s happened yet. Definitely what didn’t happen in the days of the Internet. So news finally comes back about what’s going on in Antioch and Cyprus is irony.

And when the news comes back, they, the church in Jerusalem sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. So Barnabas is still in with the church in Jerusalem and they send him out to go and the AE, the church in Antioch, when he had, when he came, he and had seen the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them,

all that with purpose of heart, they should continue with the Lord for, he was a good man full of the Holy spirit and of faith and a great many people were added to the Lord, then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year, they assembled with the church and taught a great many people.

And the disciples were first called Christians In Antioch. And In these days, profits came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them named agamous stood up and showed by the spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudia Caesar. Then the disciples each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling into in Judea,

this, they also did and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas And Saul. Okay. So interesting details Here. Number one, All throughout the old Testament, smattering Throughout the prophecies from the profits was God’s statement Saying, I’m going to have a new law and I’m going to have a new people, and I’m going to write my law on their hearts and they’re going to have a new name.

And in acts chapter 11, we first read of the term Christian. Some have argued that this is a, this, this was a derogatory name Given to them, except There’s nowhere in scripture that actually declares that some would argue that this is not the, the new name that the prophet spoke about. Th they, they were, they would say that the new name was those who followed the way you remember back when We were reading.

And this is even in the new King James and it annoys me to no end a chapter nine, verse two, we read them Saul of Tarsus. He goes out, persecuting the church. And he asked for letters from him, from him, the high priest to the synagogues of Damascus so that he, if he found any who were of the way And in the new King,

James, the word way is capitalized. Now, was It capitalized? Because it was capitalized in the Greek? Nope. Because Every letter in the Greek at the time was capitalized. They didn’t have, they weren’t using smaller letters at the time. There wasn’t no upper and lower case. There were, there was a terrible grammar. There were no upper and lower case in the Greek alphabet at the time that came later,

All of the Letters were capitalized. This is not done by the translators because there’s any evidence that this is a proper name. This is done because they have interpreted. And the Clared, this is a proper name. This is not a problem. This is a description. The people who followed the Lord. Okay. So You come over to your acts,

chapter 11 and Luke tells us not making us interpret it, but instead using it clearly throughout the remainder of the book, not to mention all the rest of the letters using Clearly that the new name was Christian, but isn’t it interesting. They’re not called Christians until they’re Jew and Gentile Christians it’s after they become Jews and Gentiles together, that God, through the acts of the events that go on here says,

Now that’s my people. Those are who I give the new name to all nations under heaven. Okay. We’ll spend some more time talking about that at, at another point. But all of this to say, Barnabas goes to Antioch at the behest of the church in Jerusalem, he gets there, he begins teaching and preaching, edifying them, encouraging them.

Many, many, many more souls are continuing to be saved. And then he goes, I know who needs to be here. I know who needs to help with this. And he goes to Tarsus and he gets Saul and he brings him back. And then many more are taught because of Saul and Barnabas working together. And as a result of that,

the church grows by leaps and bounds. And then we read of a coming famine. This famine sets up a lot of what will happen in a number of passages in the first century, not only the remainder of the missionary or the, the missionary journeys that Saul and Barnabas go on there in the book of acts. But also you remember when Saul will or Paul will write to the church at Corinth and say,

remember, you promised to give to the churches in Judea to help them. This is second Corinthians, chapter eight and nine. And we told the church in Macedonia that you were going to give, and it was a result of your example. They’ve given now it’s time for you to pony up. Now, it’s time for you to actually give, to send back to Jerusalem that this is not a,

this is not a central church collecting dues from all the little outlying churches. This was, there was a famine in Jerusalem that was greatly effecting the Jews in Judea. And as a result of the spirit saying, this is going to happen. The churches in all these other regions are going to send money to aid those Christians in Judea. Why do you think they were being affected more than other places,

whore, mountainous, and their own people. The Jews in Judea who weren’t Christians would have blocked them out of a lot of the commerce because they were faithful Christians. Okay. So they had a lot more against them by way of persecution than a lot of the other regions did. All right. We’ll leave it there. Cause we’re out of time. Thank you for your attention.

And we’ll go over to acts chapter 11 questions Wednesday night.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the KIBO church of Christ or Sunday morning worship service. It’s good to see everybody. I don’t see any visuals, but if I’m missing one, I welcome you as our special guest. And we should fill out a card on the back of the Pew there.

So we would have a record of your attendance. We got some announcements, and if you, if you hadn’t gotten your Lord’s supper, now that’d be a good time to get that while I’m going over this. We got a good many announcements this morning. We got a few sick. We need to remember Bobby Digger is here today. Good to see her back.

And, and another announcement here later is Barbara is going to have to have surgery on her arm. The STEM cell is not working as well as they thought it was. So anyway, good to see Barbara here. Joan’s Springer is still at home sick Rodale and Dortha Wilson are both still at home and not doing real well. And Janie Marlin is still having a field issue,

BJ and Tish Clark over at forest Hill. They both have COVID and Julie Adams that’s a friend of the laser has got aggressive lung cancer, and she’ll start doing a six week daily, six weeks of daily radiation. Pretty soon. Kayla Bo Nelson, the 13 year old boy that had the sledding accident. He is awake and talking and doing some therapy in his room and he will be moved to an inpatient rehab room.

Soon. Glen knocks that’s Becky parsers nephew has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. We need to remember all these people in our prayers and hope that they soon get better managed meeting will be Monday, March 15th. And the ju gender list is out there on the board. If you have anything you need to put a have put on there, daylight saving times,

Sunday, the 14th set your clock forward one hour, sprang forward and fall back a shampoo that goes after Don Robertson. He lost his brother. Jerry Jerry has had an incurable lung disease for a long time. And the writing was having not been made at this time. That’s all of our announcements. Those that be serving this morning, Michael Dale would be leading singing.

Jay Shafir has an opening prayer Joe Case, and we’ll be doing the lower supper and Aaron will be having the summer and closing prayer will be Tommy O’Neil. Thank you. Glasses. Do you ever get over the annoyance of having to do this all the time? It really bugs me. Huh? Our first song this morning will be praise the Lord. Number 74.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> bro, for their guidance, man. Hey<inaudible> man. Oh man. Oh man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> man, a man. Oh man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Dan magnify his name. Hallelujah, man, a man.<inaudible> a song before the opening. Prayer will be number 781.

Thank you, Lord seven 81. For all that you’ve done. I will thank you for all that y’all going to do for all that you promise and all that you is all that as carried me through Jesus<inaudible> and I thank you.<inaudible> and I thank you. Thank you.<inaudible>. Thank you for loving and setting me free. Thank you for giving your life.<inaudible>.

Thank you, Jesus. I thank you.<inaudible> gratefully. Thank you<inaudible> and I thank you.<inaudible>. Thank you.<inaudible> thank you for loving and setting me free. Thank you for giving your life just for me. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.<inaudible><inaudible> Spraying all mighty God. Our father in heaven, Holy and revered is your name father.

We humbly come before your throne. This hour, acknowledging you as our creator, the creator of this entire universe and all that in it is we’re so very grateful that you saw fit to create us in your image and to provide for us through your son. I means of salvation to be with you forever. We’re grateful for the church that your son established here,

and we’re so very grateful for the church that assembles here at Collierville. We pray that you will always have our full devotion and our support. We’re so very grateful for Aaron and Eddie is a labor here for Michael and Jessica as a labor with us, we pray for them a long and useful life and your service. We’re also mindful of Noah as he is entering school here and preparing to be a gospel preacher grant,

grant him a long and useful life as well. We’re mindful also of all of those of our number that are suffering illnesses. We pray that they will be given a renewed measure of health and that they, once again, will be restored to our number. We’re also mindful of those that have lost loved ones. Recently, we pray that you will comfort them as only you can.

Now, as we go through the further exercise. So this worship service, we pray that our worship will be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor unto thee. We ask also that you’ve looked out and have mercy upon us, that you forgive our sins as a repent and turn from them. And then all will be done in accordance with your will in Jesus name,

that we pray. Amen. The song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 386. He loves me why<inaudible> come to<inaudible> because he loves me. So he loves me. He loves me. He loves me this. I know he gave them to die for me because he loves me. Oh,<inaudible> no way. And why<inaudible> no<inaudible> please.

Dan pray be seen, loves me. So he loves me. He loves me. He loves me their side. No. Oh, he gave him a to die for me because he loves me. So I fell the gardens dread fall draws, smile through his trials. Nah, cross me. Cause I loves me. So he loves me. He loves me.

He loves me this. I know he gave him to phone me. The car seen me. We have the opportunity today to remember the greatest love that anyone could show. And that’s our savior dying on the cross of Calvary and knowing that mankind is in sin and he gave us a way of redemption that through his death and the shedding of his blood on the cross,

we have an opportunity to become a child of he is and be cleansed of those sins. Today. We’re gathered around the table to remember our Lord as he was crucified for his love for us and hopefully to help us as we go through life. But we remember him each Lord’s day, as we’ve been commanded to protect her this bread and this fruit of the vine,

until he comes again to remember his death, if you would bow with me, please, Oh God, our father in heaven. We, they come before your throne realizing father that we have sand from time to time. And we look to you and pray for, for forgiveness of those sins. And as we partake of these emblems, help us to go back to the cross where bless it.

Lord suffered and died for us and his body hung there on that cruel cross and this bread, which represents that body. We pray that we might partake of it in a way that would be pleasing to you remembering him and his love shown to us in Jesus. We pray. Amen, dear God, we, as we continue to remember our Lord and savior and see was there hanging on the cross of Calvary as he shared forth his blood,

we’re probably that we’re mindful of that sacrifice. They re we remember how much he suffered there and the bearing of our sins on the cross of Calvary, as we protect her, this fruit of the vine, which represents that blood help us to examine ourselves and partake of it in a way that would be acceptable and pleasing in your sight. And Jesus, we pray.

Amen. We found this to be a convenient time that we might give back as we’ve been prospered. And most of us have been blessed far beyond our needs. And this is a means that we can help spread the borders of the kingdom of the church and try to reach those lost, not only in this area, but throughout the world and support the work of the churches as we do benevolent work.

And we support several different efforts here in the carbo church. This gives us that means to do that. That’s bad there. God, our father in heaven, we truly are a blessed people. We pray father that we are liberal with our giving that we give, not the grudging. What we give that we have purposed in our hearts to do so.

And we might examine ourselves from time to time and see if there’s not more that we can can do. We realize father that there’s always needs. There, there are always those that would like to preach the gospel, but don’t have the support to do so. We’re thankful for the ones that we do, support and pray that they continue to work in the kingdom so that others might hear your word proclaim and be obedient to it.

We pray you bless our efforts and pray that we given away that we be pleasing in Jesus. We pray amen. Long before the lesson will be. Salvation has been brought down. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song. Salvation has been brought down. Jesus gave his life around some younger on kava.<inaudible> cruel cavalry paved the way by blah that we might win a bright,

shiny and crown praise. His Holy name, praise the Lord salvation has been brought. Ah, go and shout out and tell it though world. Ah, tell her today, tell her today, preach the word of God that we might win a tiny and cry.<inaudible> the news all over the land and see you go teach it and tell it, tell it<inaudible> thanks.

Jeanette has been brought, ah, I’m all alone without a friend he suffered to paid. Ah, yeah, see he paid it. Ah, Jesus paid it. Oh. And his blessing promise and sweet victory can be, ah,<inaudible> has been brought down. Oh, glory<inaudible> has been brought. Ah,<inaudible> tell her to dang talent today and tomorrow<inaudible> God that we might win a shining crown in heaven.<inaudible> salvation is full and free to sin.

Who’s spread the news all over the land and see, go teach it and tell it, ah, tell it up. All over has been brought. Ah, there’s a black suit home prepared way over in glory and in Bryan glory and blessing and glory. And I have trust in his love. And now I am having bah praise. His Holy name salvation has been brought down.

No glory praise. The Lord salvation has been brought down from heaven and Shah and tell it though, a round, go preach it and tell it today to people and Sabra. Tell it today and tell her tomorrow, hurry and slow word of God that we might win a shining crown in heaven. The law says salvation is full and free to sin. Spread the news all over the land and see,

go teach it and tell enough, ah, tell it up.<inaudible> you may be seated. Good morning. Salvation has been brought down song. We just sang in the verses, brings to mind the suffering that Jesus endured to accomplish the salvation brought down from heaven throughout this year on it. The goal is at least on the first Sunday of each month to spend time looking at one central theme faithfulness.

And as we consider The theme of faithfulness, There is In scripture, a number of examples of faithful individuals. Last month, we looked at Moses and how he was faithful as Servant. But today I want to, To consider another faithful servant Of God and his faithfulness, not throughout his life in Particular, but his faithfulness in One regard. And that is Jesus Christ in his faithfulness in suffering.

So many times, we find individuals who are faithful when it’s convenient, who want to be faithful when it’s easy, who want to be faithful and strive You to be faithful and act in a way that’s faithful when the times, But true faithfulness does not end with opposition. True faithfulness does not come to a cessation when difficulties All rise. When people begin to withstand your actions.

Instead, Ed faithfulness is tested, is tried, is evaluated on it. Trueness based Upon when one is faithful, do they persist In the midst of opposition in Hebrews chapter 11, the Hebrew Writer, as he is writing to these Jewish Christians that are beginning to suffer persecution. You read in the end of chapter 10, that they were beginning to suffer.

They had those who were working against them, but they had not yet. As the Hebrew writer says suffered to the shedding Of blood, they Then are presented in Hebrews chapter 11 individual after individual, after individual in the old Testament who was faithful and every single One of them from The first Abel, all the way to the last and all those who were given in that list at the end of chapter 11,

were faithful in the midst of opposition, whether internal or External and the Hebrew writer, It says in chapter 12, verse one, therefore we also, therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, all those examples, chapter 11, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily ensnares us and let us run within Durance with patience,

the race Before us. But he doesn’t say, Look at those examples you see in the old Testament, look at those examples you read from those scriptures and then do what they did We’re to learn from their examples. But the, The shining example that he places in front Of us is verse two. He said, let us lay aside every weight and every sin,

which ensnares us, let us lay aside every weight that drags us down. Let us run with endurance. The race set before us looking Unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising, the shame and his sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. As the Hebrew writer,

pictures, our lives as the Hebrew writer, pictures are Christianity. He says, in order for you to be faithful in order for you to run the race to the end, in order for you to make it through this marathon, that is life being faithful to God. You need to set your eyes On Christ. You need to look to Christ because for the joy that was set before him,

he endured Ross because of the goal. It accomplished the authorizing of our salvation. So as we consider Jesus faithful in Suffering, let us notice a few Areas in which he was faithful and how we can learn from them. We begin in first, Peter chapter two first Peter chapter two, Peter writes about the suffering of Christ and first Peter chapter two. And in verse 19,

Peter writes for this is commendable Because the conscience towards God, one endures, grief, suffering wrongfully, for what credit is it. If when you are beaten for your fault, you take it patiently. In the midst of this, he’s talking about their struggles. He’s talking about suffering. He’s talking about difficulties that arise as Christians. And he’s saying, if you suffer,

if you are beaten with many stripes, because you’re guilty, What profit do you have? You what you deserved? But he says, instead, if you endure suffering wrongfully, when you do good and suffer verse 20. So notice what they did. They did good. And what did they get as a result suffering when you do good and suffer. If you take it patiently,

this is commendable before God for, to this, you Called, he said, As to this, you were called because Christ also suffered For us. Now, What did he bruise? Chapter 12, verse two. Say looking unto Jesus, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, why did he do that? To author? Our salvation?

Peter says, Christ is our example because he suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow in his steps, who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. That comes from Isaiah Chapter 53, who, When he was reviled, did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten, but committed himself to Him who judges righteously.

Peter uses an example. As he starts out here of Christ and his suffering. He first and foremost says Christ was one who suffered. And when he was reviled, when he was spoken against, he did not revile in return. He did not come back at them as he was being accused. Turn over to Matthew chapter 27, keep your finger in first,

Peter chapter three, we’re not done there, but man, Chapter 27, we read about these events Beginning in verse 11. Now Jesus stood before the governor who was ponchos pilot. And the governor asked him saying, are you the King of the Jews? Jesus said to him, it is, as you say, and while he was being accused by the chief priests and elders,

He answered nothing as he was being accused, Something, he was not guilty of blast. God, he answered nothing. And this is It. Doesn’t go unnoticed. Notice what we read beginning in verse 13. Then pilot said to him, do you not hear how many things they testify against? But he answered him not one word so that the governor marveled greatly Jesus while being reviled,

while Being accused of that, of which he was not guilty of being accused of being a, an, an individual who with whom is, was guile, an individual who would blaspheme God and individual who would teach against the law of Moses, an individual who was worthy of death, an individual who was guilty of all of these things of which he was guilty of.

One of them in response, said nothing. And yet didn’t change his actions. Jesus understood that his faithful actions and his faithful words to that point stood as his rebuttal to their accusations. He didn’t need to plead his case. He didn’t need to revile them in return. He didn’t need to make accusations against them falsely the same way they were making accusations against him,

against him. He didn’t even need to make accusations against them For his actions. And his faithfulness was its own testimony, but then consider as well. We turned back to first Peter chapter three, we read again and Verse 22 who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth who, when he was reviled, did not revile in return. When he suffered,

he did not threaten, but committed himself to him who judges righteously. Now, when, when Peter says that he committed himself to him who judges righteously, does he mean pilot? Does he mean this? Peter in 10 for us to understand that when Jesus was standing there saying nothing, that he was expecting pilot to judge righteous judgment, No, this is Not Peter’s prescription nor Jesus’s actions declaring to us how we will get justice from an earthly judge.

This is Jesus setting forth an example. I have one who knows that the judgment and the judge who really Matters isn’t on this earth And that the actions taken by any judge on this earth doesn’t matter In eternity. And so when Jesus did not threaten, but committed Himself to him who judges, he was committing himself to the Lord’s judgment and not To males.

But then we Read verse 24, who himself bore our sins in his own body. On the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness. By whose stripes you were healed As Peter grabs forward, Isaiah chapter 53, and the example and testimony of Christ actions and brings them forward to us, to those who are reading that, which he is writing.

He says you, if you’re beaten because you’re guilty deserve it, Which Might cause all of us to step back and question. Well, wait a minute. If I suffer For sins, don’t I deserve it. Let me ask it another way. Which one of us here gets to raise our hand and say, I’m sinless. Therefore I don’t deserve any stripes.

And the answer is none of us. So what’s Peter saying, you get what you deserve. No, he’s saying you covered by the blood of Christ. Washed from your sins. No longer deserve the stress Types you obtained or you earned by your sins. By his stripes. You are healed, healed from what healed from sin now Christ for the joy set before him off Third,

our salvation by enduring the cross and set an example for us of one who, when reviled did not revile again, when he endured grief did not return it. When he suffered wrongfully, he did not react in Turn, But I also want us to understand that he didn’t just suffer from his accusers, the chief priests And elders. He did not just suffer from the governor who chose instead of releasing an innocent man to put him to Death on the cross,

the suffering was much deeper than that. It went beyond that. Some of us are willing to suffer when an enemy opposes us. Yes, and yet we don’t learn to be faithful when a friend opposes us. And yet when Jesus endured grief, suffering, wrongfully, he didn’t just suffer from those who were his enemies. He suffered from those who were His friends,

Luke chapter 22, Luke Chapter 22 beginning in verse 19, We read about one who betrayed Jesus, Luke chapter 22 verse 19, just a minute. I’m in the wrong verse, 47. You know what? It would help if I’d read the right line. That’s the problem. I read 22. And then I looked at the light above it for a verse.

It was all right, Luke chapter 22, verse 47. And while he was still speaking, he’s in the garden, behold, a multitude. And he who was called Judas, one of the 12 when, before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss him. But Jesus said to him, Judas are you betraying the son of man with a kiss?

When those around him saw what was going to happen, they said to him, Lord, shall we strike with The sword? And one Of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus answered and said permit even this. And he touched his ear and healed him. Then Jesus said to the chief priest, captains of the temple and the elders who had come to him,

have you come out against a robber with swords and clubs? When I was with you daily in the temple, you did not try to seize me, but this is your Power and the power of darkness in the garden. When Jesus was finished, praying Judas comes, you remember in the upper room there in John’s record of the gospels Judas after Jesus had shared that bread and that sup with the one who would betray,

I am went out. He went out to arrange this moment. John tells us that Judas Was the thief that this wasn’t the first betrayal. And yet this man still day in and day out, looked like a friend of Jesus in the Midst of the storm, on the sea of Galilee. When the winds and the waves were throwing over the boat. When Jesus was asleep in the back,

Judas, wasn’t off on the land saying this isn’t the son of God. Judas was in the boat. Jesus took the fish and the loaves and handed it to the apostles and tell them to go into the multitude and to give them food. Gee Judas was carrying a basket When Jesus was in the temple and pronounced wall after wall, after wall, after wall,

after wall, after Whoa, after Whoa against the scribes and the Pharisees for being hypocrites, Judas was listening. But when the chief priests offered 30 pieces of silver for someone to betray Jesus Judas was listening in the midst of the possibility of prosperity. Judas chose to be unfaithful and yet facing a betrayer who was a friend, Jesus continued to be faithful. Some might say,

well, yes, but, but Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him. Yeah, he did. The Jesus also knew that there was somebody else standing right there who was going to betray him too. And I know that because he had already told him he would Luke chapter 22, verse 31, the Lord said to Simon, Simon, Simon,

indeed. Satan has asked For you that he may shift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail. And when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren, What does Jesus mean returned To me? What does Jesus mean when he’s talking to Simon, Peter and saying, there’s going to be a point where you are going to die.

Cozort but when you come back, strengthen your brethren, Verse 33. But he said that he, I am Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison. And the death. Peter Looked in, evaluated his own heart and looked at his own life and evaluated himself and said, I’m ready to die for you. You, you read further on.

And we just did concerning the one who cut off the servant, the servant of the high priest ear. And we’re not told by Luke who did it, but we’re told Where, who did Peter, when Those who oppose Jesus came, Peter said, I can be faithful. He pulled out his sword and he chopped off this servant’s ear. And Jesus put it back on because That wasn’t the faithfulness.

Jesus. Wow, Jesus didn’t Want a person who would be faithful by fighting back physically against someone who opposes the spirit of God Spiritually. He Wanted someone who would fight back Spiritually Against someone who would oppose them Physically. Then he Christ verse 34 said, I tell you, Peter, the rooster shall not Crow this day before you will deny me. Three times 56 of chapter,

22 and a certain servant girl. Seeing him as he sat by the fire. This is Peter looked intently at him and said, this man was also with him. Jesus. He denied him saying woman. I do not know him. And after a little while another saw him and said, you are also of them. But Peter said, man, I am not.

Then after about an hour had passed another confidently. Affirmed saying, surely this fellow also was with him for, he is a Galilean. But Peter said, man, I do not know what you are saying immediately. While He was still speaking, the rooster crowed And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him before the rooster crows,

you will deny me three times. So Peter went out And wept bitterly. All of this, we bring up to remind ourselves. It’s one thing to say, I’m going to stand faithful and fight against the opposition of, And those who oppose God and Peter would have done that. It’s another thing to say, I’m going to be faithful. And I’m going to stand up to the opposition even when it’s profitable And Judas could have done that.

But he didn’t. It’s another thing entirely to say, I’m going to be faithful and I’m going to stand up when everyone’s looking at me and it looks like everything is lost Because Peter who thought I’ll stand up to anything. Didn’t stand up to that. Jesus though was faithful. When enduring grief suffering wrongfully by those who were against him, his enemies by those who claim to be as friends,

but were hypocrites. And even by one of his most trusted students and friends who would deny him still, he was faithful in Mark chapter 14, Mark chapter 14. We also find out that Jesus was faithful. Even when he wanted something different. When we choose faithfulness, when we Choose to remain faithful To God, it Will not always be Our first choice.

It will not always be what seems like what we want in that Moment. It will Not always be what seems like the best decision For us. How many times have you heard? Yeah. You know what I’m we, we’ve just, we’ve given a lot of consideration to what’s best for our Family. And we’re going to go do this, or we’re going to stop doing that.

We’re looking At what’s best for us. Had Jesus made that evaluation and done what was best for him. Notice what we read would have happened in Mark chapter 14, beginning in verse 32, Mark recorded Tourists. Then they came to a place which was named Gus eMoney. And he said to his disciples, sit here while I pray. And he took and James and John with him and he began to be troubled and deeply distressed.

Then he said to them, my soul is exceedingly sorrowful. Even to death, stay here and watch. And he went a little further and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass, Pass from him. What do you think Jesus had done? Jesus had looked at what was coming, looked at the situation and he knew what was best For him from a physical standpoint.

Okay. From an earthly standpoint, from the, the perspective of one who’s alive and not wanting to suffer, He knew what was best for him. And yet notice what he prayed That this hour might pass from him, verse 36. And he said, Abba, father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Nevertheless,

not what I, But what you will. What is that statement? That statement is encapsulated in a, in it, the whole premise of faithfulness, because to be faithful means to take someone else and their importance and their needs and their responsibilities and their wants and their wishes and their will, and put it above your own. Even when it costs you,

we read further, He came and found them sleeping and said to Peter Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour watch and pray less. You enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again. He went away and prayed and spoke to the same words. And when he returned, he found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and they did not know what to answer him.

Then he came the third time and said to them, are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough. The hour has come behold. The son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners rise. Let us be going. See my betrayer is at hand. And if you Know, the rest of the story, Judas has coming, Jesus is faithful when he desired something else.

Jeez, Jesus is faithful in during grief suffering wrongs Fully. Jesus is also faithful knowing the outcome before it happens, turn to John chapter three. So many times in life, we look back at what’s happened. And we think if I had only known that would have done something different, there’s a, an event with a tree that immediately immediately comes to my mind.

If only I had known what it was going to cost, what I was going to suffer, not talking about me, talking about Christ. If I had only known what it was going to require to be a Christian, I would have done something else. I never would have done this, but Jesus knew Jesus knew before he ever left heaven. What it was going to require if he came to earth in John Head For three,

as Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus, one of the teachers of the Jews, One of the council, he Says, verse nine, nicotine is answered and said, how can these things be Jesus answered and said to him, are you a teacher of Israel? And do not know these things most assuredly. I say to you, we speak what we know and testify what we have seen.

And you do not receive our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things, no one has ascended to heaven, but he who came down from heaven. That is the son of man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so much,

the son of man be lifted Up. Jesus said when I was in heaven, I came here and I knew Why I was coming as Mo Is lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up. That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have ever have eternal life for God. So loved the world that he gave.

His only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life for God did not send his world, his son into the world to condemn the world. But as the world through him might Be saved. Who believes in him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.

And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world. And men loved darkness Rather than light because their deeds were evil Or everyone practicing evil, hates the light and does not come to the light. Lest his deeds should be exposed, but he who does the truth comes to the light that his deeds may be clearly seen, That they have been done in God.

Jesus was not faithful to God in the garden out of Blind hope that it would quote All work out. Jesus did not face Judas and his accusers looking at pilot thinking, surely God will figure out how to let me Outta here. So I’ll just stay faithful. G Jesus did not look at the centurions and those who were holding those, the, the scourge thinking.

If I just get through this without giving up God, They go so often. And I, we think through our minds, if I can just get through Through this, it’ll all get better. If I just endure long enough, it will turn out. Okay. I’ll realize on the other end of this, why I had to go through this Suffering With our mindset being,

it’ll still be all right. Wow. We’re still here on this earth. And yet that is not the lesson of faithfulness that the Lord presents to us. Peter says he was faithful in trusting himself to the one who judges righteously. Now let me ask you was Jesus Christ. Hope that alive Him to be faithful for the joy that was set before him enduring the cross despising the shame and is now set down on the right hand of God,

was his hope on anything that would change in this Life in regards to his physical circumstance and the answer’s no, his hope was in spite of knowing it would cost him his life. And yet he would give it joyfully because that’s what faithfulness required. Romans chapter 15, we started this lesson in Hebrews where the Hebrew Writer is telling these Christians, you look back at those examples of faith and then you look to Jesus And you be faithful because they were,

and he is, And end this lesson in Romans chapter 15, because Paul in writing to the church at Rome, says, verse one, we then who are strong ought to hear or out to bear with the scruples of the weak and not to please ourselves, let each of us, please his neighbor for his good leading to edification for even Christ did not please himself.

But as it is written, the reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me. Let’s let’s, let’s pull out of that. What that passage says, the reproaches of those, everyone, whoever sin, who reproached you, God, the father fell on me, Christ the son For whatever things were written were written for our learning that We through the patience and comfort of the scriptures Might have hope.

Now May the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another. According to Christ Jesus that You may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul writes to these Christians, okay. And says the things that were written before that’s the old Testament scriptures were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might Have hope.

And then He points us to Jesus And his suffering And our transgressions that fell on him and said, now you To learn, Not just to be blessed because you’re part of his body, but to suffer And never turn back. Jesus Christ faithful in suffering, faithful in during grief, suffering, wrongfully faithful. When opposed by enemies, faithful, when betrayed by friends,

faithful when denied by those closest to him, faithful, knowing what it was going to cost before he ever came and faithful, even when he wanted something else. And that is what it means to be faithful. If you’re outside The body of Christ this morning, you are outside of the place where salvation Is found. All Of these passages have told us that Jesus Christ came To purchase our Redemption,

to cleanse us of sins. That by his stripes, we might be healed. So then how are We healed? We’re healed by the blood of Christ. We had read the beginning of John chapter three. We would have read where Jesus said to Nicodemus. That one must be born again. He must be born again by the spirit And water. And Jesus is speaking of baptism.

One Is born again, dying to their old sins, rising to walk in newness of life. Because in baptism, they come in contact with the blood of Christ and that Heals our sins. But then we better do that. Knowing it is not a decision that comes without consequences for Paul writes to Timothy that all, All those who live godly in Christ,

Jesus will, Will suffer. So we better be ready. We better be ready to be faithful. No matter the price. John Would write to those Christians in the first Century and would write To them in revelation chapter two and say, be faithful Unto death. And you will receive the crown of life. It is that passage encapsulated all Saying, you commit yourself to him who righteously the same way Jesus did.

If you’re a Christian and you’ve become unfaithful, you can come back. If you have need of the invitation, why not come now as we stand and as we sing<inaudible> Oh, you for the trusting and his grace, this Oh, you washed and blah. Oh, you<inaudible>. And so cleansing<inaudible> Oh yeah.<inaudible> no. Oh, you washed and<inaudible>.

Oh, you walking daily by the sea. Oh, you<inaudible> do you<inaudible> you arched and blah<inaudible>. Oh, you are adjusting blah. And so cleansing blah<inaudible>. Oh yeah.<inaudible> no. Oh, you washed and<inaudible> they? God, man.<inaudible> and<inaudible> NASA fountain wing for the so clean washed and blah, blah<inaudible>. Oh,

you<inaudible> and blah. And so cleansing blah<inaudible>. Oh yeah.<inaudible> no, you washed and blah of the song before our closing prayer will be number 508, a wonderful savior. Number five, zero eight. Oh, wonderful. Save your is Jesus.<inaudible> save your to me. He, he hide is my soul and come on after the rock<inaudible> I see he hide it’s my song and the Clapham rock shadows,

dry, thirsty.<inaudible> he hide with my life and that DAP there’s<inaudible> and<inaudible> no one knew for save your is Jesus. My Lord. He is my burden.<inaudible> he holds me up and I shall not be moved. He gave me strength as my daddy. He hide it’s my song and the cleft of the rock. Nah, it’s a dry thirsty.<inaudible> he<inaudible> me there with<inaudible><inaudible> with number there’s blessings.

It’s more many crowns and filled with this nasty. Ah, I seeing and my raps. Oh, glory to God.<inaudible> he high with my song and the cleft of the rock. NA shadows, dry thirsty.<inaudible> he?<inaudible><inaudible>. Dan is Brian. Nick<inaudible> rise to meet him in clouds of the sky is perfect. Salvation. His wonderful love shod with the male Yens on,

ah, he ha it it’s my song and the clapped of the rock and a shot. Dry thirsty.<inaudible> he? God, it’s my life.<inaudible>. And there’s me there with<inaudible> and covers me there with his, Would you bow with me? Our heavenly father. We thank you for this beautiful day. We thank you for all blessings that we receive from you.

Our heavenly father, we thank you for the privilege that we’ve had to take to sang songs of praise to you and study your word. We pray that people throughout the world, my Sunday enjoy this privileged year on our heavenly father. We pray for each of the sick mentioned here today. We pray that if it be your wheel, that they might enjoy their health.

Once more, our heavenly father’s. We prepared to leave this building. We ask that you protect us and keep us safe and that you continue to forgive us of our sins. As we were penalties, the saints we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.

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03-07-2021 – Live Stream – Acts 11 (Class) & Faithful In Suffering

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Good morning. We are in the book of acts this morning. We’re in acts chapter 11, cover the questions from acts chapter 10 and by way of review, and then get into chapter 11. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunity that we have to serve.

You grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis, we are incredibly grateful for the things that the first century church did in the evangelism and the efforts that they partook in to take the gospel to the entire world. And we are encouraged. And in Monish that in our day, we must do the same help us to understand the power of the gospel and the need for the gospel to be taught everywhere throughout the world.

Help us to understand the mission that you placed before Christians in every century and every generation that has passed since you ascended back into heaven and help us to fulfill that mission in our lives today, we pray for the many works that are going on throughout the world. Christians doing that very thing. We pray that as they are sound in the faith and faithful to you,

that they might prosper and that might grow as well. We pray that you be with those who are dealing with illnesses and injuries, difficulties, and hardships, financial hardships. We pray that they might have your blessings, have your comfort and find help in time of need. But most of all, that they might be faithful to throughout it. All We ask that you,

You forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and help us to always look to you for strength, guidance for mercy, and for grace, as we strive daily to serve you Acceptably all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Acts chapter 10. Question one. When Cornelius was first Mentioned, he was not a devout man. Be fearful of God.

See a giver of gifts to others D praying Continually to God or he saved. He save. Y Did question two. Why did Cornelius from acts chapter 10 verses three through eight? Why did coordinator you send For Peter? He was told To by an angel. And how did he send for Peter? All right. He was told by a vision by an angel,

but he sent his servants to servants in one. What? Soldier. Okay. What did Peter see in the Trance when he was on the house top in jobs. Okay. Is she let down from heaven with what? On it? All right. All right. All kinds of wild bees, specifically unclean Wild bees. What Did the spirit tell Peter that his vision on the house top in Joppa Mint.

All right. Specifically what I have declared clean. You should not declare common or unclean. Okay. Who went with Peter to Cesarea? All right. Christians are brothers from Joplin who was with Cornelius when Peter arrived. All right. And his kinsmen and friends Speaking to Cornelius and others gathered, whom did Peter say is welcomed by God, God. All right.

Those in every nation who fear him and work righteousness, When Was the Holy spirit poured out on the Gentiles? Okay. Verse 45. And those of The circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. And that happened while Peter was still speaking. Okay. Why were Cornelius?

And the other Gentiles allowed to be baptized? All right, Because the Holy spirit coming down upon them showed that God approved to them, or as the passage specifically says, because they received The Holy ghost. All right. Now the Holy spirit, Chapter 11, we’re going to read the end of chapter 10. Again, just kind of get, get the conversation in mind because it leads right into the discussion in chapter 11.

So chapter 10, verse 44, while Peter was still speaking. These words, the Holy spirit fell upon all those who heard the word and those of the circumcision. And that is how Luke will quite often describe Jewish Christians. Those of the circumcision. He says those of the circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles Also.

Okay. So They weren’t astonished that there. And this is an interesting point. They weren’t astonished that there were Gentiles who would believe in Jesus, that didn’t astonish them. They weren’t astonished that there were Roman centurions who would be interested in hearing about Jesus. They weren’t astonished That all of these friends and, and others had gathered together to hear Peter preach.

They were astonished That the Holy spirit fell on Gentiles. Okay. And that is significant because it will lead you into getting the perspective and the attitude that leads you to an understanding of the difficulties and the struggles in the first century church, which would be the background behind the book of Romans, the background behind the book of Galatians, the background behind the book of first Corinthians and second Corinthians,

the background behind a number of other epistles, not to mention acts chapter 11, acts chapter 15. All of these passages Have This section of scripture as their background. And that is the perception that the had about themselves in contrast to everybody else. Okay? And this was born out of a misunderstanding of their place in God’s plan of redemption. It was born out of a misunderstanding of what God did for them under the law of Moses.

So they’re astonished when they see these things for verse 46, they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Now, is it the case that every one through whom God spoke in old Testament and new was a faithful servant of God. Let me ask it another way. Does a person have to be, especially in, in the, in time of the miraculous and timeless scripture,

does a person have to be a faithful saved servant of God for God to miraculously speak through them? No. Some examples of non faithful people or, or others not. Let’s just use non faithful, some examples of non faithful ones that God uses. And I’m thinking old Testament examples right now. What? Prophet tried three times to curse Israel and God put a blessing in his mouth.

Everybody’s looking for the name. It’s, it’s trapped right there in the back of your head, Baylor them. Alright. Balal is trying for profit to cursive people. God wants to bless. Is he faithful to God? No, he just can’t say anything. God doesn’t put in his mouth because Bailyn will then turn around and call and tell Baylock the King of Moab,

how to get Israel. He’s like, I can’t curse them for you because everything, God puts in my mouth as a blessing, but I can tell you how to get them to curse your curse themselves. And that is in your daughters out, caused them to commit for an occasion and God will curse them for you. So he’s not faithful to God,

even though the words he spoke, belong to God. What about in the same event? Same story. Bailyn’s Donkey. Now here’s an important question. Do all donkeys go to heaven. Donkey saved or lost. The answer is neither one, The donkey, but good. God still use him to speak. Yes. Numerous times in scripture, God will use individuals to declare a message That would Not necessarily declare the messenger As being in a right relationship with God.

Okay. And that is essential because a lot of people will come to this passage and say, well, if the Holy spirit is speaking through these individuals We’re saved. No, I beg to differ. That’s the exact opposite of what the passage teaches. Wow. Is it that they had called Peter Awesome To find out what they must do to be saved.

Now, if the Holy spirit was going to do it without Peter having to actually tell them, and without them actually having to do it, why in the world did he need Peter? Why go through days of people traveling to go get Peter them stay in the night days, traveling back to go bring Peter to Cornelius. If the Holy spirit was going to do it all anyway,

Nothing in this passage Declares and chapter 11 will even bring more clarity to this. Nothing in this passage declares these individuals to be saved purely because the Holy spirit Poke through their mouths. Okay. And Numerous passages all throughout scripture, make it clear that God can speak through whomever whenever he wants to. And that doesn’t make that individual Safe. Okay. And That’s important because people will come to this passage and they’ll go see we’re saved by the Holy spirit.

Holy spirit falls down on somebody and then they’re saved. And then they start speaking in tongues. And that is not what’s going on Here. What is Going on here is the same thing. And we mentioned this when we were discussing this Wednesday in chapter 10, you see one of the locations where all three, and there are only three, all three references to the Holy spirit,

falling on someone or the Holy spirit, baptism of someone or the pouring out of the spirit on someone, all three references are right Here. The three References, the three occasions in scripture where this occurs Is number one, When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and the Holy spirit descended upon Jesus. Number two, when the apostles were preaching on Pentecost and the Holy spirit descended upon them.

And number three, when the Holy spirit descended upon the people in Cornelius’s house to Dick Layer, that they too would receive the gospel in the first occasion, Jesus Just being baptized. The Holy spirit descended upon Jesus To declare what that he was the son of God. Now the People there had John’s testimony that he was the son of God, But this gave them God’s Testimony that he was the son of God.

Okay. And there’s a big difference between John the Baptist saying something and God from heaven saying something. Well, what is it that Was declared in acts chapter two. You remember they’re up preaching and, and it’s not Abnormal on the feast of Pentecost for people to be up declaring the word God that’s, that’s not abnormal. What would be abnormal? Well,

cloven tongues of fire on their heads. They’re speaking in languages. They’ve never learned. Everyone’s hearing in their homes, Languages more languages than they were. Then there were even people speaking And people Say, ah, they must be drunk. No. Then what does that mean? It means the message is from God. So In the first occasion of the baptism,

Holy Spirit pouring out of the Holy spirit, the declaration is, this is from me, God. Second declaration of the pouring out of Holy spirit in acts. Chapter two is this Is from me, God, Third declaration in acts chapter 10 of the pouring out of the Holy spirit. The declaration is, This is from me, God. And that was the use.

Every single time, all three times of the pouring out of the Holy spirit, it was always to declare, this is my stamp of approval. Now you say, well, wait a minute. Lots of other occasions where people speak in tongues. Yes, there are. There’s lots of other occasions where people have miraculous gifts. Yes, there are. But in none of those occasions,

did they receive them directly from God? In every other occasion, the person who was utilizing miraculous gift receive them by the laying on of the hands of the apostles Or Christ. Every other occasion, These three are the only times where you have miraculous events occurring at the hand of God And not man. And all three of them are Declarations of God’s stamp of approval on a situation,

not declarations of lost or saved, not the saving of someone from their sins. None of them are the saving of someone from their sins. As a matter of fact, it’s interesting that all three occasions are also directly connected baptisms Aren’t they, Jesus was baptized spirit, fell on him, Parcels, preached spirit, falling on them. And the result was 3000 were baptized these people.

The spirit speaks through them, declaring them to be worthy verse 47. Can anyone for bid water that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy spirit just as We, Is it interesting that the thing that could have been forbidden? The one thing that could have made the biggest difference in the lives of these people was not the falling of the Holy spirit upon them,

not the speaking in tongues, But baptism. This Can, anyone for bid is such a glaring statement because it declares. This was the single most important reason they were there. If the Jews and Peter came and taught them the gospel And then left, would they be saved? No. If the, if Peter and the Jews came and tell them the gospel and the spirit spoke through them and they spoke in miraculous tongues and then Peter and the Jews left,

would they be saved? The one Thing the Jews and Peter could forbidden was the one thing that Mattered most. And Peter says, can anybody forbid this seeing God’s stamp of approval? The baptism was the singular most important act of the three. Now it going to happen without the first one, they were going to be baptized without being taught, but having been taught the possibility of forbidding the baptism would have been an act that would have been the single greatest hindrance to their salvation.

Not the lack of the Holy spirit.<inaudible> Absolutely. They’re, they’re getting assigned from heaven even without asking for one, but they needed one. And that’s, that’s in all of this. That’s what I want us to get. These Jews would have refused to baptize these Gentiles without the Holy spirit interacting and without the Holy Spirit’s actions, they would have refused because Peter’s already said at the beginning,

you remember we read on Wednesday, it is unlawful for us to even enter in your house. So if it’s unlawful for them to even enter into the house, how are they going to baptize them? How are they going to teach them? They’re not. They would have considered that altogether. Unlawful, just like entering into their house. Okay. So what you’re getting here is a picture of the bias that exists among the Christian Jews that isn’t there because God told them to have it.

It was there because they had it and God is counteracting it. Okay. So he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked them to stay a few days. Now, the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision contended with him,

notice the attitude, the, the response of the Jews who are Christians in Judea is when Peter comes back, they’re not at all happy. They are contending with him. Verse three, saying you went into uncircumcised men and ate with them over in Galatians chapter two. When Paul is there with Peter or sorry, there with Barnabas, and they’re eating with these Jewish or with these Gentile Christians and Peter comes,

sorry, Peter and Barton are there. James comes, I’ll get it right in a minute. So Paul, Peter Barnabas are there with the Gentile, Christians in James and those from James come. And when they start approaching and when they come near, Peter gets up and does what he’s Peter separates himself from the Gentiles, no longer eating with them. Barnaby.

This fall was a little long and two others. And Paul was stands Peter to the face because he, as the passenger says was to be blamed because Peter knows better. That’s happening over here. A few chapters later in the events leading up to this point, but Peter’s already been through this. Peter is the one who’s going to be the one who starts all of this,

Peter new better. All right. So notice what we read. But Peter explained it to them. In order from the beginning saying I was in the city of Joppa praying and in a trance, I saw vision and object, descending like a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners. And it came to me when I observed it intently and considered.

I saw four footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And I heard a voice saying to me, rise, Peter, eat or kill and eat. But I said not so Lord for nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth. But the voice answered me again from heaven. What God has cleansed.

You must not call common. Now this was done three times and all were drawn up again in the heaven at that very moment. Three men stood before the house where I was having been sent to me from Cesarea. Then the spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing. Now notice he said, I saw a vision. Here’s the substance of the vision.

I didn’t understand it. But the spirit said go. And the spirit said, do not doubt. And the idea there is, do not doubt what I’m doing. Okay. So he says, the spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing. Moreover, these six brethren accompanied me and we entered a man’s house. So how many Jews went William six there or three that came,

but six of the brethren went with him. Okay. So we that’s one of the things in these different accounts that you get acts chapter 10, acts, chapter 11, acts chapter 15 is you get a little bit more detail every time. Okay. So how many Jews, Jewish Christians were present at these events? There were six. Okay. And he told us how he had seen an angel standing in his house who said to him,

send men to Joppa and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter, who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved. And as I’m began to speak, the Holy spirit fell upon them as upon us at the beginning. Something else interesting. In chapter 10, we read while Peter was still speaking. In other words, Peter’s speaking and the Holy spirit falls on them.

But chapter 10 doesn’t tell us the timing of the event. So some people will come to chapter tenants. See they heard the word and the spirit fell upon them and change them. And they were saved. But chapter 11, Peter makes it clear that as I was beginning to speak, he wasn’t done preaching. He hadn’t taught them anything yet. As he began to utter his words,

the spirit came into them. They didn’t have the spirit come into them as an act of faith or based upon their belief. This spirit came into them as Peter began To speak. Okay? So again, some more Details as I began to speak, verse 15, the Holy spirit fell upon them. As upon us at the beginning, then I remembered the word of the Lord,

how he said, John, indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. So if any of you have been wondering, why does Aaron keep referencing the baptism? Holy spirit, this doesn’t say they were baptized with Holy spirit. Chapter 11. Peter says, when I Say he fell on, on them as on us, at the beginning,

I’m talking about when the Lord promised To baptize us with the Holy spirit. And interestingly, he doesn’t say That the Lord or that the spirit fell on them as the spirit has fallen on us from the beginning, he doesn’t say it’s been happening all along. He doesn’t say, this is what happens all the time to Jews. He says, this happened once at the beginning,

He’s talking about acts chapter two. Okay. And now he’s made it clear. He’s talking about acts chapter two when he says, John, indeed baptized with water. But you, Jesus says shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. Who Did Jesus make that statement to all his disciples or the apostles to the apostles. And only to the apostles. Did Jesus make that statement?

And only to the apostles, Were they ever baptized with the Holy spirit that occurred and acts chapter two? And that was the fulfillment. Okay. If therefore God gave them the same gift as he gave us. When we believed on the Lord, Jesus Christ, who I, that I could withstand God, when they heard these things, they became silent and they glorified God saying,

then God has also granted to the Gentiles, repentance to life, The story, the details, the events and the actions of the spirit. Because if Peter had come back and said, well, I just decided that this is the way it should be. Would, would that have been accepted by the Christians? No, but Peter said, the spirit spoke to me.

The spirit spoke to Cornelius, the spirit directed these events, and this is what happened. And it shut the mouths of the naysayers. And instead they said, God has granted to the Gentiles, repentance to life. Now I want us to notice something, turn back over to Luke chapter 24.<inaudible> Something that I want to reinforce within us because so many times in our modern world,

people will come along and say, I’ve, I’ve seen a vision from God. God has spoken to me. And this is what he told me to say, this is what he told me to do. This is what he’s told me. That’s different from what the scripture say. And I want us to emphasize and be clear that what happens in these events when God speaks to Peter,

when God speaks to coordinator, yes. When God directs these events to transpire that he didn’t change anything, he had already told them, okay, this was not quote new revelation. Luke chapter 24, verse 44, Jesus has been crucified. Jesus has been resurrected. Jesus will soon be ascending back to heaven. And this is the same writer who wrote the book of acts.

Okay? So we’re clear, this is not new. This is Luke saying, Hey, all these years later, we finally got it. All right, Luke chapter 24, verse 44. Then he said to them, the them is the apostles. The, he is Christ. These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you.

That all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms concerning me. And he opened their understanding That they might comprehend the scriptures. Now, no, that is the background of all. This is Jesus saying, all of this was prophesied. And in the old Testament, you all just didn’t get it.

So now they’re going to get it. But no, This, this next statement, verse 46. Then he said to them, thus, it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name beginning at Jerusalem. Or did I leave out a word or two or three that the Christ to suffer under Rise from the dead the third day,

and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in. His name Came to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. This is a new revelation acts chapter 11, verse 18. Then God, God has granted to the Gentiles. Repentance to life is the Christian Jews finally getting over their preconceived ideas to understand what Jesus said a decade more or so ago when he told them this the beginning,

Okay. Had they understood what Jesus meant and what Jesus said when they were standing there before he ascended back into heaven, they would have understood this and been preaching to the Gentiles all along. Now. Here’s What I’m not saying. I’m not saying that God didn’t know that the church was going to have to grow to understand this. Obviously that’s true. God knew the Jews were going to struggle with this.

But what I am saying is this is no new revelation. This is the same Thing. Jesus told him when he was standing on the earth, But they didn’t understand it and they weren’t practicing it. But now they are. And God, God has put his stamp of approval on it all the way through. So verse 19, now those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia,

Cyprus, and Antioch preaching the word to no one, but the Jews only. Okay, so here, Luke’s letting you in on what’s going on. You remember we read that the disciples were scattered everywhere, preaching the word. And so often we go to the passage and say, look, these common Christians go everywhere. And what are they doing? They’re teaching people,

but they’re also not Teaching people. They’re teaching Jews only. Why do you think That these Christians who were scattered everywhere Were only teaching Jews? They didn’t know what happened, Peter, get it hadn’t happened yet. But when they were in Jerusalem, who were the apostles teaching just Jews, They were doing what they had been taught to do. They were doing what they had seen from example their leaders On earth.

Do they were acting out the examples they had seen, which was to preach and teach to Jews only. Okay. So that’s significant before we get to Too hard on the case of the people who didn’t understand and didn’t teach, right. And didn’t do what they should have done is they were doing exactly what they had been Taught to do, which was preached to Jews only.

Now Those who were scattered after the, or I read that already verse 20, but some of them were men from Cypress and siren who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to Helen is preaching the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned to the Lord, by the way,<inaudible> are what nationality they’re Grecians okay.

So there’s a contrast set here. And it’s The contrast is going to be very significant Jews go out in all regions. When, because of the persecution that started with Stephen persecution, that was, that was encouraged and promoted by Saul of Tarsus. They start leaving Jerusalem. They start going everywhere and they’re preaching to Jews only except their song of these Jews who end up in Cyprus and Sirrine and Annie,

Who don’t, they don’t just preach to the Jews. They also preach to the Greeks. And what happens in Antioch shapes The church moving forward in the book of acts, Because beginning here and in these passages that lead between here in acts, chapter 15 Jerusalem and the church in Jerusalem stops The focal point of the evangelism to the entire world, the church And Jerusalem no longer is the biggest influence in the church.

At large, The church in Antioch will become that biggest influence. It is believed by some, I don’t know, No how much basis. In fact there is in this, but it’s at least been stated by some commentators and historians, that it was believed that at the height of the church’s existence in the first and second century in Antioch, that there were more than 300,000 Christians in this.

So this city That begins and the church begins not by the preaching of one of the, those in acts chapter six that were selected by the apostles, not by the apostles, but by, as it were ordinary Christians and none of their names are even listed. That church becomes the portal to the entire Gentile world and will become a hub Of evangelism unlike any other in the new Testament.

So Verse 21 in the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned to the Lord. Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem. Notice the church, all of this has transpired and church Jerusalem doesn’t even know what’s happened yet. Definitely what didn’t happen in the days of the Internet. So news finally comes back about what’s going on in Antioch and Cyprus is irony.

And when the news comes back, they, the church in Jerusalem sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. So Barnabas is still in with the church in Jerusalem and they send him out to go and the AE, the church in Antioch, when he had, when he came, he and had seen the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them,

all that with purpose of heart, they should continue with the Lord for, he was a good man full of the Holy spirit and of faith and a great many people were added to the Lord, then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year, they assembled with the church and taught a great many people.

And the disciples were first called Christians In Antioch. And In these days, profits came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them named agamous stood up and showed by the spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudia Caesar. Then the disciples each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling into in Judea,

this, they also did and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas And Saul. Okay. So interesting details Here. Number one, All throughout the old Testament, smattering Throughout the prophecies from the profits was God’s statement Saying, I’m going to have a new law and I’m going to have a new people, and I’m going to write my law on their hearts and they’re going to have a new name.

And in acts chapter 11, we first read of the term Christian. Some have argued that this is a, this, this was a derogatory name Given to them, except There’s nowhere in scripture that actually declares that some would argue that this is not the, the new name that the prophet spoke about. Th they, they were, they would say that the new name was those who followed the way you remember back when We were reading.

And this is even in the new King James and it annoys me to no end a chapter nine, verse two, we read them Saul of Tarsus. He goes out, persecuting the church. And he asked for letters from him, from him, the high priest to the synagogues of Damascus so that he, if he found any who were of the way And in the new King,

James, the word way is capitalized. Now, was It capitalized? Because it was capitalized in the Greek? Nope. Because Every letter in the Greek at the time was capitalized. They didn’t have, they weren’t using smaller letters at the time. There wasn’t no upper and lower case. There were, there was a terrible grammar. There were no upper and lower case in the Greek alphabet at the time that came later,

All of the Letters were capitalized. This is not done by the translators because there’s any evidence that this is a proper name. This is done because they have interpreted. And the Clared, this is a proper name. This is not a problem. This is a description. The people who followed the Lord. Okay. So You come over to your acts,

chapter 11 and Luke tells us not making us interpret it, but instead using it clearly throughout the remainder of the book, not to mention all the rest of the letters using Clearly that the new name was Christian, but isn’t it interesting. They’re not called Christians until they’re Jew and Gentile Christians it’s after they become Jews and Gentiles together, that God, through the acts of the events that go on here says,

Now that’s my people. Those are who I give the new name to all nations under heaven. Okay. We’ll spend some more time talking about that at, at another point. But all of this to say, Barnabas goes to Antioch at the behest of the church in Jerusalem, he gets there, he begins teaching and preaching, edifying them, encouraging them.

Many, many, many more souls are continuing to be saved. And then he goes, I know who needs to be here. I know who needs to help with this. And he goes to Tarsus and he gets Saul and he brings him back. And then many more are taught because of Saul and Barnabas working together. And as a result of that,

the church grows by leaps and bounds. And then we read of a coming famine. This famine sets up a lot of what will happen in a number of passages in the first century, not only the remainder of the missionary or the, the missionary journeys that Saul and Barnabas go on there in the book of acts. But also you remember when Saul will or Paul will write to the church at Corinth and say,

remember, you promised to give to the churches in Judea to help them. This is second Corinthians, chapter eight and nine. And we told the church in Macedonia that you were going to give, and it was a result of your example. They’ve given now it’s time for you to pony up. Now, it’s time for you to actually give, to send back to Jerusalem that this is not a,

this is not a central church collecting dues from all the little outlying churches. This was, there was a famine in Jerusalem that was greatly effecting the Jews in Judea. And as a result of the spirit saying, this is going to happen. The churches in all these other regions are going to send money to aid those Christians in Judea. Why do you think they were being affected more than other places,

whore, mountainous, and their own people. The Jews in Judea who weren’t Christians would have blocked them out of a lot of the commerce because they were faithful Christians. Okay. So they had a lot more against them by way of persecution than a lot of the other regions did. All right. We’ll leave it there. Cause we’re out of time. Thank you for your attention.

And we’ll go over to acts chapter 11 questions Wednesday night.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the KIBO church of Christ or Sunday morning worship service. It’s good to see everybody. I don’t see any visuals, but if I’m missing one, I welcome you as our special guest. And we should fill out a card on the back of the Pew there.

So we would have a record of your attendance. We got some announcements, and if you, if you hadn’t gotten your Lord’s supper, now that’d be a good time to get that while I’m going over this. We got a good many announcements this morning. We got a few sick. We need to remember Bobby Digger is here today. Good to see her back.

And, and another announcement here later is Barbara is going to have to have surgery on her arm. The STEM cell is not working as well as they thought it was. So anyway, good to see Barbara here. Joan’s Springer is still at home sick Rodale and Dortha Wilson are both still at home and not doing real well. And Janie Marlin is still having a field issue,

BJ and Tish Clark over at forest Hill. They both have COVID and Julie Adams that’s a friend of the laser has got aggressive lung cancer, and she’ll start doing a six week daily, six weeks of daily radiation. Pretty soon. Kayla Bo Nelson, the 13 year old boy that had the sledding accident. He is awake and talking and doing some therapy in his room and he will be moved to an inpatient rehab room.

Soon. Glen knocks that’s Becky parsers nephew has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. We need to remember all these people in our prayers and hope that they soon get better managed meeting will be Monday, March 15th. And the ju gender list is out there on the board. If you have anything you need to put a have put on there, daylight saving times,

Sunday, the 14th set your clock forward one hour, sprang forward and fall back a shampoo that goes after Don Robertson. He lost his brother. Jerry Jerry has had an incurable lung disease for a long time. And the writing was having not been made at this time. That’s all of our announcements. Those that be serving this morning, Michael Dale would be leading singing.

Jay Shafir has an opening prayer Joe Case, and we’ll be doing the lower supper and Aaron will be having the summer and closing prayer will be Tommy O’Neil. Thank you. Glasses. Do you ever get over the annoyance of having to do this all the time? It really bugs me. Huh? Our first song this morning will be praise the Lord. Number 74.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> bro, for their guidance, man. Hey<inaudible> man. Oh man. Oh man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> man, a man. Oh man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Dan magnify his name. Hallelujah, man, a man.<inaudible> a song before the opening. Prayer will be number 781.

Thank you, Lord seven 81. For all that you’ve done. I will thank you for all that y’all going to do for all that you promise and all that you is all that as carried me through Jesus<inaudible> and I thank you.<inaudible> and I thank you. Thank you.<inaudible>. Thank you for loving and setting me free. Thank you for giving your life.<inaudible>.

Thank you, Jesus. I thank you.<inaudible> gratefully. Thank you<inaudible> and I thank you.<inaudible>. Thank you.<inaudible> thank you for loving and setting me free. Thank you for giving your life just for me. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.<inaudible><inaudible> Spraying all mighty God. Our father in heaven, Holy and revered is your name father.

We humbly come before your throne. This hour, acknowledging you as our creator, the creator of this entire universe and all that in it is we’re so very grateful that you saw fit to create us in your image and to provide for us through your son. I means of salvation to be with you forever. We’re grateful for the church that your son established here,

and we’re so very grateful for the church that assembles here at Collierville. We pray that you will always have our full devotion and our support. We’re so very grateful for Aaron and Eddie is a labor here for Michael and Jessica as a labor with us, we pray for them a long and useful life and your service. We’re also mindful of Noah as he is entering school here and preparing to be a gospel preacher grant,

grant him a long and useful life as well. We’re mindful also of all of those of our number that are suffering illnesses. We pray that they will be given a renewed measure of health and that they, once again, will be restored to our number. We’re also mindful of those that have lost loved ones. Recently, we pray that you will comfort them as only you can.

Now, as we go through the further exercise. So this worship service, we pray that our worship will be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor unto thee. We ask also that you’ve looked out and have mercy upon us, that you forgive our sins as a repent and turn from them. And then all will be done in accordance with your will in Jesus name,

that we pray. Amen. The song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 386. He loves me why<inaudible> come to<inaudible> because he loves me. So he loves me. He loves me. He loves me this. I know he gave them to die for me because he loves me. Oh,<inaudible> no way. And why<inaudible> no<inaudible> please.

Dan pray be seen, loves me. So he loves me. He loves me. He loves me their side. No. Oh, he gave him a to die for me because he loves me. So I fell the gardens dread fall draws, smile through his trials. Nah, cross me. Cause I loves me. So he loves me. He loves me.

He loves me this. I know he gave him to phone me. The car seen me. We have the opportunity today to remember the greatest love that anyone could show. And that’s our savior dying on the cross of Calvary and knowing that mankind is in sin and he gave us a way of redemption that through his death and the shedding of his blood on the cross,

we have an opportunity to become a child of he is and be cleansed of those sins. Today. We’re gathered around the table to remember our Lord as he was crucified for his love for us and hopefully to help us as we go through life. But we remember him each Lord’s day, as we’ve been commanded to protect her this bread and this fruit of the vine,

until he comes again to remember his death, if you would bow with me, please, Oh God, our father in heaven. We, they come before your throne realizing father that we have sand from time to time. And we look to you and pray for, for forgiveness of those sins. And as we partake of these emblems, help us to go back to the cross where bless it.

Lord suffered and died for us and his body hung there on that cruel cross and this bread, which represents that body. We pray that we might partake of it in a way that would be pleasing to you remembering him and his love shown to us in Jesus. We pray. Amen, dear God, we, as we continue to remember our Lord and savior and see was there hanging on the cross of Calvary as he shared forth his blood,

we’re probably that we’re mindful of that sacrifice. They re we remember how much he suffered there and the bearing of our sins on the cross of Calvary, as we protect her, this fruit of the vine, which represents that blood help us to examine ourselves and partake of it in a way that would be acceptable and pleasing in your sight. And Jesus, we pray.

Amen. We found this to be a convenient time that we might give back as we’ve been prospered. And most of us have been blessed far beyond our needs. And this is a means that we can help spread the borders of the kingdom of the church and try to reach those lost, not only in this area, but throughout the world and support the work of the churches as we do benevolent work.

And we support several different efforts here in the carbo church. This gives us that means to do that. That’s bad there. God, our father in heaven, we truly are a blessed people. We pray father that we are liberal with our giving that we give, not the grudging. What we give that we have purposed in our hearts to do so.

And we might examine ourselves from time to time and see if there’s not more that we can can do. We realize father that there’s always needs. There, there are always those that would like to preach the gospel, but don’t have the support to do so. We’re thankful for the ones that we do, support and pray that they continue to work in the kingdom so that others might hear your word proclaim and be obedient to it.

We pray you bless our efforts and pray that we given away that we be pleasing in Jesus. We pray amen. Long before the lesson will be. Salvation has been brought down. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song. Salvation has been brought down. Jesus gave his life around some younger on kava.<inaudible> cruel cavalry paved the way by blah that we might win a bright,

shiny and crown praise. His Holy name, praise the Lord salvation has been brought. Ah, go and shout out and tell it though world. Ah, tell her today, tell her today, preach the word of God that we might win a tiny and cry.<inaudible> the news all over the land and see you go teach it and tell it, tell it<inaudible> thanks.

Jeanette has been brought, ah, I’m all alone without a friend he suffered to paid. Ah, yeah, see he paid it. Ah, Jesus paid it. Oh. And his blessing promise and sweet victory can be, ah,<inaudible> has been brought down. Oh, glory<inaudible> has been brought. Ah,<inaudible> tell her to dang talent today and tomorrow<inaudible> God that we might win a shining crown in heaven.<inaudible> salvation is full and free to sin.

Who’s spread the news all over the land and see, go teach it and tell it, ah, tell it up. All over has been brought. Ah, there’s a black suit home prepared way over in glory and in Bryan glory and blessing and glory. And I have trust in his love. And now I am having bah praise. His Holy name salvation has been brought down.

No glory praise. The Lord salvation has been brought down from heaven and Shah and tell it though, a round, go preach it and tell it today to people and Sabra. Tell it today and tell her tomorrow, hurry and slow word of God that we might win a shining crown in heaven. The law says salvation is full and free to sin. Spread the news all over the land and see,

go teach it and tell enough, ah, tell it up.<inaudible> you may be seated. Good morning. Salvation has been brought down song. We just sang in the verses, brings to mind the suffering that Jesus endured to accomplish the salvation brought down from heaven throughout this year on it. The goal is at least on the first Sunday of each month to spend time looking at one central theme faithfulness.

And as we consider The theme of faithfulness, There is In scripture, a number of examples of faithful individuals. Last month, we looked at Moses and how he was faithful as Servant. But today I want to, To consider another faithful servant Of God and his faithfulness, not throughout his life in Particular, but his faithfulness in One regard. And that is Jesus Christ in his faithfulness in suffering.

So many times, we find individuals who are faithful when it’s convenient, who want to be faithful when it’s easy, who want to be faithful and strive You to be faithful and act in a way that’s faithful when the times, But true faithfulness does not end with opposition. True faithfulness does not come to a cessation when difficulties All rise. When people begin to withstand your actions.

Instead, Ed faithfulness is tested, is tried, is evaluated on it. Trueness based Upon when one is faithful, do they persist In the midst of opposition in Hebrews chapter 11, the Hebrew Writer, as he is writing to these Jewish Christians that are beginning to suffer persecution. You read in the end of chapter 10, that they were beginning to suffer.

They had those who were working against them, but they had not yet. As the Hebrew writer says suffered to the shedding Of blood, they Then are presented in Hebrews chapter 11 individual after individual, after individual in the old Testament who was faithful and every single One of them from The first Abel, all the way to the last and all those who were given in that list at the end of chapter 11,

were faithful in the midst of opposition, whether internal or External and the Hebrew writer, It says in chapter 12, verse one, therefore we also, therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, all those examples, chapter 11, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily ensnares us and let us run within Durance with patience,

the race Before us. But he doesn’t say, Look at those examples you see in the old Testament, look at those examples you read from those scriptures and then do what they did We’re to learn from their examples. But the, The shining example that he places in front Of us is verse two. He said, let us lay aside every weight and every sin,

which ensnares us, let us lay aside every weight that drags us down. Let us run with endurance. The race set before us looking Unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising, the shame and his sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. As the Hebrew writer,

pictures, our lives as the Hebrew writer, pictures are Christianity. He says, in order for you to be faithful in order for you to run the race to the end, in order for you to make it through this marathon, that is life being faithful to God. You need to set your eyes On Christ. You need to look to Christ because for the joy that was set before him,

he endured Ross because of the goal. It accomplished the authorizing of our salvation. So as we consider Jesus faithful in Suffering, let us notice a few Areas in which he was faithful and how we can learn from them. We begin in first, Peter chapter two first Peter chapter two, Peter writes about the suffering of Christ and first Peter chapter two. And in verse 19,

Peter writes for this is commendable Because the conscience towards God, one endures, grief, suffering wrongfully, for what credit is it. If when you are beaten for your fault, you take it patiently. In the midst of this, he’s talking about their struggles. He’s talking about suffering. He’s talking about difficulties that arise as Christians. And he’s saying, if you suffer,

if you are beaten with many stripes, because you’re guilty, What profit do you have? You what you deserved? But he says, instead, if you endure suffering wrongfully, when you do good and suffer verse 20. So notice what they did. They did good. And what did they get as a result suffering when you do good and suffer. If you take it patiently,

this is commendable before God for, to this, you Called, he said, As to this, you were called because Christ also suffered For us. Now, What did he bruise? Chapter 12, verse two. Say looking unto Jesus, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, why did he do that? To author? Our salvation?

Peter says, Christ is our example because he suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow in his steps, who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. That comes from Isaiah Chapter 53, who, When he was reviled, did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten, but committed himself to Him who judges righteously.

Peter uses an example. As he starts out here of Christ and his suffering. He first and foremost says Christ was one who suffered. And when he was reviled, when he was spoken against, he did not revile in return. He did not come back at them as he was being accused. Turn over to Matthew chapter 27, keep your finger in first,

Peter chapter three, we’re not done there, but man, Chapter 27, we read about these events Beginning in verse 11. Now Jesus stood before the governor who was ponchos pilot. And the governor asked him saying, are you the King of the Jews? Jesus said to him, it is, as you say, and while he was being accused by the chief priests and elders,

He answered nothing as he was being accused, Something, he was not guilty of blast. God, he answered nothing. And this is It. Doesn’t go unnoticed. Notice what we read beginning in verse 13. Then pilot said to him, do you not hear how many things they testify against? But he answered him not one word so that the governor marveled greatly Jesus while being reviled,

while Being accused of that, of which he was not guilty of being accused of being a, an, an individual who with whom is, was guile, an individual who would blaspheme God and individual who would teach against the law of Moses, an individual who was worthy of death, an individual who was guilty of all of these things of which he was guilty of.

One of them in response, said nothing. And yet didn’t change his actions. Jesus understood that his faithful actions and his faithful words to that point stood as his rebuttal to their accusations. He didn’t need to plead his case. He didn’t need to revile them in return. He didn’t need to make accusations against them falsely the same way they were making accusations against him,

against him. He didn’t even need to make accusations against them For his actions. And his faithfulness was its own testimony, but then consider as well. We turned back to first Peter chapter three, we read again and Verse 22 who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth who, when he was reviled, did not revile in return. When he suffered,

he did not threaten, but committed himself to him who judges righteously. Now, when, when Peter says that he committed himself to him who judges righteously, does he mean pilot? Does he mean this? Peter in 10 for us to understand that when Jesus was standing there saying nothing, that he was expecting pilot to judge righteous judgment, No, this is Not Peter’s prescription nor Jesus’s actions declaring to us how we will get justice from an earthly judge.

This is Jesus setting forth an example. I have one who knows that the judgment and the judge who really Matters isn’t on this earth And that the actions taken by any judge on this earth doesn’t matter In eternity. And so when Jesus did not threaten, but committed Himself to him who judges, he was committing himself to the Lord’s judgment and not To males.

But then we Read verse 24, who himself bore our sins in his own body. On the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness. By whose stripes you were healed As Peter grabs forward, Isaiah chapter 53, and the example and testimony of Christ actions and brings them forward to us, to those who are reading that, which he is writing.

He says you, if you’re beaten because you’re guilty deserve it, Which Might cause all of us to step back and question. Well, wait a minute. If I suffer For sins, don’t I deserve it. Let me ask it another way. Which one of us here gets to raise our hand and say, I’m sinless. Therefore I don’t deserve any stripes.

And the answer is none of us. So what’s Peter saying, you get what you deserve. No, he’s saying you covered by the blood of Christ. Washed from your sins. No longer deserve the stress Types you obtained or you earned by your sins. By his stripes. You are healed, healed from what healed from sin now Christ for the joy set before him off Third,

our salvation by enduring the cross and set an example for us of one who, when reviled did not revile again, when he endured grief did not return it. When he suffered wrongfully, he did not react in Turn, But I also want us to understand that he didn’t just suffer from his accusers, the chief priests And elders. He did not just suffer from the governor who chose instead of releasing an innocent man to put him to Death on the cross,

the suffering was much deeper than that. It went beyond that. Some of us are willing to suffer when an enemy opposes us. Yes, and yet we don’t learn to be faithful when a friend opposes us. And yet when Jesus endured grief, suffering, wrongfully, he didn’t just suffer from those who were his enemies. He suffered from those who were His friends,

Luke chapter 22, Luke Chapter 22 beginning in verse 19, We read about one who betrayed Jesus, Luke chapter 22 verse 19, just a minute. I’m in the wrong verse, 47. You know what? It would help if I’d read the right line. That’s the problem. I read 22. And then I looked at the light above it for a verse.

It was all right, Luke chapter 22, verse 47. And while he was still speaking, he’s in the garden, behold, a multitude. And he who was called Judas, one of the 12 when, before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss him. But Jesus said to him, Judas are you betraying the son of man with a kiss?

When those around him saw what was going to happen, they said to him, Lord, shall we strike with The sword? And one Of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus answered and said permit even this. And he touched his ear and healed him. Then Jesus said to the chief priest, captains of the temple and the elders who had come to him,

have you come out against a robber with swords and clubs? When I was with you daily in the temple, you did not try to seize me, but this is your Power and the power of darkness in the garden. When Jesus was finished, praying Judas comes, you remember in the upper room there in John’s record of the gospels Judas after Jesus had shared that bread and that sup with the one who would betray,

I am went out. He went out to arrange this moment. John tells us that Judas Was the thief that this wasn’t the first betrayal. And yet this man still day in and day out, looked like a friend of Jesus in the Midst of the storm, on the sea of Galilee. When the winds and the waves were throwing over the boat. When Jesus was asleep in the back,

Judas, wasn’t off on the land saying this isn’t the son of God. Judas was in the boat. Jesus took the fish and the loaves and handed it to the apostles and tell them to go into the multitude and to give them food. Gee Judas was carrying a basket When Jesus was in the temple and pronounced wall after wall, after wall, after wall,

after wall, after Whoa, after Whoa against the scribes and the Pharisees for being hypocrites, Judas was listening. But when the chief priests offered 30 pieces of silver for someone to betray Jesus Judas was listening in the midst of the possibility of prosperity. Judas chose to be unfaithful and yet facing a betrayer who was a friend, Jesus continued to be faithful. Some might say,

well, yes, but, but Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him. Yeah, he did. The Jesus also knew that there was somebody else standing right there who was going to betray him too. And I know that because he had already told him he would Luke chapter 22, verse 31, the Lord said to Simon, Simon, Simon,

indeed. Satan has asked For you that he may shift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail. And when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren, What does Jesus mean returned To me? What does Jesus mean when he’s talking to Simon, Peter and saying, there’s going to be a point where you are going to die.

Cozort but when you come back, strengthen your brethren, Verse 33. But he said that he, I am Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison. And the death. Peter Looked in, evaluated his own heart and looked at his own life and evaluated himself and said, I’m ready to die for you. You, you read further on.

And we just did concerning the one who cut off the servant, the servant of the high priest ear. And we’re not told by Luke who did it, but we’re told Where, who did Peter, when Those who oppose Jesus came, Peter said, I can be faithful. He pulled out his sword and he chopped off this servant’s ear. And Jesus put it back on because That wasn’t the faithfulness.

Jesus. Wow, Jesus didn’t Want a person who would be faithful by fighting back physically against someone who opposes the spirit of God Spiritually. He Wanted someone who would fight back Spiritually Against someone who would oppose them Physically. Then he Christ verse 34 said, I tell you, Peter, the rooster shall not Crow this day before you will deny me. Three times 56 of chapter,

22 and a certain servant girl. Seeing him as he sat by the fire. This is Peter looked intently at him and said, this man was also with him. Jesus. He denied him saying woman. I do not know him. And after a little while another saw him and said, you are also of them. But Peter said, man, I am not.

Then after about an hour had passed another confidently. Affirmed saying, surely this fellow also was with him for, he is a Galilean. But Peter said, man, I do not know what you are saying immediately. While He was still speaking, the rooster crowed And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him before the rooster crows,

you will deny me three times. So Peter went out And wept bitterly. All of this, we bring up to remind ourselves. It’s one thing to say, I’m going to stand faithful and fight against the opposition of, And those who oppose God and Peter would have done that. It’s another thing to say, I’m going to be faithful. And I’m going to stand up to the opposition even when it’s profitable And Judas could have done that.

But he didn’t. It’s another thing entirely to say, I’m going to be faithful and I’m going to stand up when everyone’s looking at me and it looks like everything is lost Because Peter who thought I’ll stand up to anything. Didn’t stand up to that. Jesus though was faithful. When enduring grief suffering wrongfully by those who were against him, his enemies by those who claim to be as friends,

but were hypocrites. And even by one of his most trusted students and friends who would deny him still, he was faithful in Mark chapter 14, Mark chapter 14. We also find out that Jesus was faithful. Even when he wanted something different. When we choose faithfulness, when we Choose to remain faithful To God, it Will not always be Our first choice.

It will not always be what seems like what we want in that Moment. It will Not always be what seems like the best decision For us. How many times have you heard? Yeah. You know what I’m we, we’ve just, we’ve given a lot of consideration to what’s best for our Family. And we’re going to go do this, or we’re going to stop doing that.

We’re looking At what’s best for us. Had Jesus made that evaluation and done what was best for him. Notice what we read would have happened in Mark chapter 14, beginning in verse 32, Mark recorded Tourists. Then they came to a place which was named Gus eMoney. And he said to his disciples, sit here while I pray. And he took and James and John with him and he began to be troubled and deeply distressed.

Then he said to them, my soul is exceedingly sorrowful. Even to death, stay here and watch. And he went a little further and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass, Pass from him. What do you think Jesus had done? Jesus had looked at what was coming, looked at the situation and he knew what was best For him from a physical standpoint.

Okay. From an earthly standpoint, from the, the perspective of one who’s alive and not wanting to suffer, He knew what was best for him. And yet notice what he prayed That this hour might pass from him, verse 36. And he said, Abba, father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Nevertheless,

not what I, But what you will. What is that statement? That statement is encapsulated in a, in it, the whole premise of faithfulness, because to be faithful means to take someone else and their importance and their needs and their responsibilities and their wants and their wishes and their will, and put it above your own. Even when it costs you,

we read further, He came and found them sleeping and said to Peter Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour watch and pray less. You enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Again. He went away and prayed and spoke to the same words. And when he returned, he found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and they did not know what to answer him.

Then he came the third time and said to them, are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough. The hour has come behold. The son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners rise. Let us be going. See my betrayer is at hand. And if you Know, the rest of the story, Judas has coming, Jesus is faithful when he desired something else.

Jeez, Jesus is faithful in during grief suffering wrongs Fully. Jesus is also faithful knowing the outcome before it happens, turn to John chapter three. So many times in life, we look back at what’s happened. And we think if I had only known that would have done something different, there’s a, an event with a tree that immediately immediately comes to my mind.

If only I had known what it was going to cost, what I was going to suffer, not talking about me, talking about Christ. If I had only known what it was going to require to be a Christian, I would have done something else. I never would have done this, but Jesus knew Jesus knew before he ever left heaven. What it was going to require if he came to earth in John Head For three,

as Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus, one of the teachers of the Jews, One of the council, he Says, verse nine, nicotine is answered and said, how can these things be Jesus answered and said to him, are you a teacher of Israel? And do not know these things most assuredly. I say to you, we speak what we know and testify what we have seen.

And you do not receive our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things, no one has ascended to heaven, but he who came down from heaven. That is the son of man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so much,

the son of man be lifted Up. Jesus said when I was in heaven, I came here and I knew Why I was coming as Mo Is lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up. That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have ever have eternal life for God. So loved the world that he gave.

His only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life for God did not send his world, his son into the world to condemn the world. But as the world through him might Be saved. Who believes in him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.

And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world. And men loved darkness Rather than light because their deeds were evil Or everyone practicing evil, hates the light and does not come to the light. Lest his deeds should be exposed, but he who does the truth comes to the light that his deeds may be clearly seen, That they have been done in God.

Jesus was not faithful to God in the garden out of Blind hope that it would quote All work out. Jesus did not face Judas and his accusers looking at pilot thinking, surely God will figure out how to let me Outta here. So I’ll just stay faithful. G Jesus did not look at the centurions and those who were holding those, the, the scourge thinking.

If I just get through this without giving up God, They go so often. And I, we think through our minds, if I can just get through Through this, it’ll all get better. If I just endure long enough, it will turn out. Okay. I’ll realize on the other end of this, why I had to go through this Suffering With our mindset being,

it’ll still be all right. Wow. We’re still here on this earth. And yet that is not the lesson of faithfulness that the Lord presents to us. Peter says he was faithful in trusting himself to the one who judges righteously. Now let me ask you was Jesus Christ. Hope that alive Him to be faithful for the joy that was set before him enduring the cross despising the shame and is now set down on the right hand of God,

was his hope on anything that would change in this Life in regards to his physical circumstance and the answer’s no, his hope was in spite of knowing it would cost him his life. And yet he would give it joyfully because that’s what faithfulness required. Romans chapter 15, we started this lesson in Hebrews where the Hebrew Writer is telling these Christians, you look back at those examples of faith and then you look to Jesus And you be faithful because they were,

and he is, And end this lesson in Romans chapter 15, because Paul in writing to the church at Rome, says, verse one, we then who are strong ought to hear or out to bear with the scruples of the weak and not to please ourselves, let each of us, please his neighbor for his good leading to edification for even Christ did not please himself.

But as it is written, the reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me. Let’s let’s, let’s pull out of that. What that passage says, the reproaches of those, everyone, whoever sin, who reproached you, God, the father fell on me, Christ the son For whatever things were written were written for our learning that We through the patience and comfort of the scriptures Might have hope.

Now May the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another. According to Christ Jesus that You may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul writes to these Christians, okay. And says the things that were written before that’s the old Testament scriptures were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might Have hope.

And then He points us to Jesus And his suffering And our transgressions that fell on him and said, now you To learn, Not just to be blessed because you’re part of his body, but to suffer And never turn back. Jesus Christ faithful in suffering, faithful in during grief, suffering, wrongfully faithful. When opposed by enemies, faithful, when betrayed by friends,

faithful when denied by those closest to him, faithful, knowing what it was going to cost before he ever came and faithful, even when he wanted something else. And that is what it means to be faithful. If you’re outside The body of Christ this morning, you are outside of the place where salvation Is found. All Of these passages have told us that Jesus Christ came To purchase our Redemption,

to cleanse us of sins. That by his stripes, we might be healed. So then how are We healed? We’re healed by the blood of Christ. We had read the beginning of John chapter three. We would have read where Jesus said to Nicodemus. That one must be born again. He must be born again by the spirit And water. And Jesus is speaking of baptism.

One Is born again, dying to their old sins, rising to walk in newness of life. Because in baptism, they come in contact with the blood of Christ and that Heals our sins. But then we better do that. Knowing it is not a decision that comes without consequences for Paul writes to Timothy that all, All those who live godly in Christ,

Jesus will, Will suffer. So we better be ready. We better be ready to be faithful. No matter the price. John Would write to those Christians in the first Century and would write To them in revelation chapter two and say, be faithful Unto death. And you will receive the crown of life. It is that passage encapsulated all Saying, you commit yourself to him who righteously the same way Jesus did.

If you’re a Christian and you’ve become unfaithful, you can come back. If you have need of the invitation, why not come now as we stand and as we sing<inaudible> Oh, you for the trusting and his grace, this Oh, you washed and blah. Oh, you<inaudible>. And so cleansing<inaudible> Oh yeah.<inaudible> no. Oh, you washed and<inaudible>.

Oh, you walking daily by the sea. Oh, you<inaudible> do you<inaudible> you arched and blah<inaudible>. Oh, you are adjusting blah. And so cleansing blah<inaudible>. Oh yeah.<inaudible> no. Oh, you washed and<inaudible> they? God, man.<inaudible> and<inaudible> NASA fountain wing for the so clean washed and blah, blah<inaudible>. Oh,

you<inaudible> and blah. And so cleansing blah<inaudible>. Oh yeah.<inaudible> no, you washed and blah of the song before our closing prayer will be number 508, a wonderful savior. Number five, zero eight. Oh, wonderful. Save your is Jesus.<inaudible> save your to me. He, he hide is my soul and come on after the rock<inaudible> I see he hide it’s my song and the Clapham rock shadows,

dry, thirsty.<inaudible> he hide with my life and that DAP there’s<inaudible> and<inaudible> no one knew for save your is Jesus. My Lord. He is my burden.<inaudible> he holds me up and I shall not be moved. He gave me strength as my daddy. He hide it’s my song and the cleft of the rock. Nah, it’s a dry thirsty.<inaudible> he<inaudible> me there with<inaudible><inaudible> with number there’s blessings.

It’s more many crowns and filled with this nasty. Ah, I seeing and my raps. Oh, glory to God.<inaudible> he high with my song and the cleft of the rock. NA shadows, dry thirsty.<inaudible> he?<inaudible><inaudible>. Dan is Brian. Nick<inaudible> rise to meet him in clouds of the sky is perfect. Salvation. His wonderful love shod with the male Yens on,

ah, he ha it it’s my song and the clapped of the rock and a shot. Dry thirsty.<inaudible> he? God, it’s my life.<inaudible>. And there’s me there with<inaudible> and covers me there with his, Would you bow with me? Our heavenly father. We thank you for this beautiful day. We thank you for all blessings that we receive from you.

Our heavenly father, we thank you for the privilege that we’ve had to take to sang songs of praise to you and study your word. We pray that people throughout the world, my Sunday enjoy this privileged year on our heavenly father. We pray for each of the sick mentioned here today. We pray that if it be your wheel, that they might enjoy their health.

Once more, our heavenly father’s. We prepared to leave this building. We ask that you protect us and keep us safe and that you continue to forgive us of our sins. As we were penalties, the saints we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.

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I’m Free. Are You? – Admonition 340

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:5 | And now Admonition. 

I’m free. How about you? As a Christian, I’m free. I am not a slave. I am not a bond servant. I am not encumbered or responsible to anyone to obey them over God. But as a Christian, I’m still a person and I still have a responsibility to live in this life in whatever place, position, or status I find myself. And as a Christian, I have a responsibility to serve those who are over me in a physical sense. 

So Paul writes to the church at Ephesus in Ephesians chapter six, verse five, Bond servants, be obedient to those who are your masters, according to the flesh with fear and trembling in sincerity of heart as to Christ. Oh, I’m free, but I’m still responsible to those in this flesh to be obedient to those who are over me as if I were obeying Christ Himself. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Are They Too Old? – Admonition 339

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:2 | And now Admonition.

 At what age, should a father stop teaching his children? That’s kind of a trick question because in Ephesians chapter six, we read in verse two that we are to honor our father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. Then we read in verse four, And you fathers do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. 

Question? At what age should children stop honoring their parents? As long as their parents are alive, they are to honor them. At what age should fathers stop training and admonishing their children? So long as their children are alive to be taught. Fathers, stay involved in the life of your child, especially their spiritual life. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Fathers, How Do You Treat Your Children? – Admonition 338

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:4 | And now Admonition.

 Fathers, how do you treat your children? I pray that you treat them in such a way to provoke them to love and to good works, and not to wrath. In Ephesians chapter six in verse four, we read, And you fathers do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

We are to take our children and their lives, and we are to mold them and develop them into servants of God. Fathers, how are you treating your children, no matter their age.

 For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Actions Have Consequences

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 6:1-3


And now Admonition.

Are there consequences on this earth for the choices we make? Why, absolutely there are. One example of this is found in Ephesians chapter six, verses one through three. In Ephesians chapter six, verse one, Paul tells those who is he’s writing to Children, obey your parents. Verse two, he says, Honor, your father and your mother.

And verse three, he says, That it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. This was a promise of God from the Old Testament that Paul says is equally true in the New Testament that honoring and obeying your parents is fundamental to your existence. As long as they are serving the Lord, and as long as they are instructing you in the path of righteousness, that will cause you to be prosperous, to be well, to do well. Understand, choices have consequences.

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

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Actions Have Consequences – Admonition 337

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:1-3 | And now Admonition.

Are there consequences on this earth for the choices we make? Why, absolutely there are. One example of this is found in Ephesians chapter six, verses one through three. In Ephesians chapter six, verse one, Paul tells those who is he’s writing to Children, obey your parents. Verse two, he says, Honor, your father and your mother.

And verse three, he says, That it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. This was a promise of God from the Old Testament that Paul says is equally true in the New Testament that honoring and obeying your parents is fundamental to your existence. As long as they are serving the Lord, and as long as they are instructing you in the path of righteousness, that will cause you to be prosperous, to be well, to do well. Understand, choices have consequences.

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

03-03-2021 – Live Stream – Peter Acts 10 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> good evening. We are in book of acts. This evening, acts chapter 10. Everyone is doing well enjoying this nice winter weather we’re having for anyone who’s not in the Memphis area who may be watching online. It’s about 60 degrees outside. So, all right, we, we concluded up chapter concluded chapter nine on Sunday, and we’ll use just kind of the last few verses of that is our introduction into chapter 10 because Luke sets the stage for the events of chapter 10,

as he closes out what we have broken up into chapter nine. But let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for this day, grateful for all of its blessings, grateful for the things that you do for us each and every day, we pray that you be with us as we go through this period of study,

may the things that we say, the things that we do be in accordance with your will. May we learn the lessons that you have placed here for us in the book of acts. And may we come to a greater appreciation for the barriers and the walls that you have torn down in our world, that we might have unity and oneness in Christ. We pray that you will watch over those who are struggling with illnesses and,

and injuries and difficulties pray that they might be returned back to their desired help. All this. We pray in Jesus name, amen. And in acts chapter nine, Bri, we read beginning in verse 36 at Joppa, there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which has translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds, which she did,

but it happened in those days that she became sick and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room and since lit Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples had heard that Peter was there. They sent two men to him, imploring him, not to delay in coming to them. Then Peter arose and went with them. When he had come,

they brought him to the upper room and all the widows by him, weeping showing the tunics and garments, which Dorcas had made while she was with them. But Peter put them all out and knelt down and prayed and turning the Bonnie or turning to the body. He said Tabitha arise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up.

Then he gave her his hand and lifted her up. And when he had called the saints and widows, he presented her alive and it came, became known throughout all Joppa and many believed on the Lord. So it was that he stayed many days in Joppa with Simon, a Tanner. So G sorry. Peter is in Joppa at this time. It’s tend to,

we, we tend to believe and understand that Joppa would be a small village, a small community by comparison to some of the others. And certainly by comparison to Cesarea that we’re going to read about here in chapter 10. So Peter at one point is Inlyta the two disciples come and get him and bring him to Joppa. He comes to Joppa. He heals Tabitha,

also known as Dorcas. And as a result of that many in Joppa, we’ll hear the word of God and we’ll believe chapter 10 then picks up with, there was a certain man in Cesarea. Now Cesarea is a coastal city on the coast of the Mediterranean. See, this is a city that would have been because of its coastal presence. This is a city that would have been of significance to the Roman empire because they would quite often move their,

their people, their troops and other things across the Mediterranean sea and come to port cities like Cesarea in order to cut off the, the journey going up into Europe, back down. So, sorry. Ceria is a city that is in Israel, but it’s under, as all Israel was at the time it’s under Roman control. And as a result, there are Roman soldiers and centurions there in that city.

So there was a certain man in Cesarea called Cornelius a Centurion of what was called the Italian regiment. Okay. So a few things that we know right off the bat, number one, he is a Centurion, which is a Roman soldier. Secondly, we know that most likely he’s a Roman, not just a Roman by birth in the sense that is Rome expanded and different cities and countries and nations pled allegiance to Rome and were,

or were taken over by Rome. Many of these places would become those places where if you were born there, you were a Roman. Even if your nationality wasn’t Roman, who can we think of in the book of acts? Who’s a Roman, But not from Rome. Saul of Tarsus. Okay. As we’ll read later on in our studies, Saul is one who will make it clear to those soldiers in Jerusalem and in other places that he’s a Roman.

And that is because the city of Tarsus, if you were born in the city of Tarsus as a free individual, you were a citizen of Rome. You weren’t part of just attributor tributary nation or, or city or region. You had citizenship, right? It’s in Rome. So you could be a Roman by Citizenship, same way. You can be American by citizenship,

But not be technically Taking a Roman by blood or nationality. You weren’t originating from Italy or from those regions. But that’s probably not the case with this man. This man is part of the Italian regiment. This man is most likely from the region around Rome and has been stationed in Cesarea at this time. But notice the description about in verse two, a devout man,

and one who feared God with all his household who gave, owns generously to the people and prayed to God. Always here is a century in, and it’s interesting how many times we run into centurions and soldiers who come from the Roman army, who interact with those individuals in, in the new Testament, who aren’t, they’re not playing the role of invader.

They’re not playing the role of persecutor. They’re not playing the role of, of the bad guy. It is interesting how many times they are playing. And I say, playing it just for accommodative charms, they are in the story. They account as the faithful Ones, Jesus Would say concerning the Centurion that he came into contact with, who had a servant who was sick.

And Jesus said, I will come to your house and I will heal them in this insurance. You don’t need to come to my house. You say the word he said, I have under my authority and I give them orders and they go, and they do. And I don’t have to go with them in order to have my will brought forth. He said,

you don’t need to come to me in and just say the word am I serving will be healed. And Jesus marveled For he had not found such faith. No, not in all. He is real. And yet he finds that faith in a Roman Centurion here, we find another Centurion. He is devout. He is a sincere, he is Thoughtful and studious in his knowledge of God’s word,

the indication is he has come into contact with the, the old Testament law through the, perhaps the synagogue in Cesarea that he has learned concerning Jehovah. He has learned concerning the God of the Israelites. He has learned concerning these things. He is not a Christian, and yet He is one whose action Match here, His desires to serve God. And as I was studying through this,

and one of the things that, that truly kind of stood out to me, not only in what some others had stated concerning this passage, but just in thinking about it is how often we have A struggle as Christians, where we know what we ought to do. And yet we don’t Do a good job living out. What we know Is true. And yet Here’s a man who absent any true revelation from God beyond what he had gleaned from the Jews.

As a People is living out a life of service to God. He’s giving his, He’s helping, he’s serving. And yet he’s in a position of authority. He’s a man of prosperity. He’s a man of power and authority, and yet he’s a servant To the people around him. So he’s one who gave alms, generously prayed to God, always about it.

The ninth hour of the day, he saw clearly in a vision, an angel of God, coming in and saying to him, Cornelius, and when he observed him, he was afraid. Now that is not an ah, An abnormal reaction by a fact, that’s a very normal reaction. You go to the occasions of Mary and the angel. You go to the occasion of Joseph or the angel.

You go to the old Testament and angels appearing. And that’s the consistent reaction. Who is this? Okay. Later on in the text, we’ll see that Cornelius will describe the appearance of the angel. When he’s speaking to Peter, when he’s describing the event, as one whose appearance was glowing. So it’s not just that, Hey, somebody who looked like a man slipped through the,

the, the, the gate outside and the soldiers between him and the tent walls and happened to, you know, or, or whatever it, none of this is Man. And he knows it because this doesn’t look like a man. This Looks like one who is glowing in his appearance. But then also we read that he was afraid and said, what is it,

Lord? So he said to him, your prayers and your arms have come up for a Memorial before God now send men to Joppa and send for Simon whose surname is Peter. He is lodging with Simon a time Tanner, whose houses by the sea. He will tell you what you must do. It seems as though, and this is a little bit of,

of, of, of inference. We’re drawing out of this. But It seems as though this Centurion Has become acquainted with the scriptures, he knows who Jehovah is, or yeah, Least in some form or fashion has become acquainted with the God of Israel, whether that was in Rome before this, because we know there were Jews in Rome, or if it was in Cesarea,

but his actions are seeking to be pleasing to the God. He knows that it exists. His desires are seeking to be pleasing to the God. He knows exists. His prayers are to be seeking, to be pleasing to the God he knows exists. And yet it also seems to be clear, he understand Lens that he, as a Roman Does not have the same position with the God.

He knows exist. Yes. As he sees others, have He sees those around him who have a position and a relationship with God that he does not possess, which is why it’s clear in the text, there something that he desires. And the angel says, Go send to Simon, Peter, and he will tell you what you meant. I do.

So you have encapsulated in this, the realization that this Roman knows he’s missing something, this Roman knows that he’s lacking something. And it seems also clear from the remainder of the text that he doesn’t see his position as one who is saved or adequate or resolved of sins before God think about it under the Jewish law, what is it that would have taken care of sins for him as a Roman?

Okay. So in everything we read in the old Testament, both in the patriarchal, patriarchal age and the mosaic age, it is offering and sacrifice TIG together with priesthood. It is the priest under the old Testament, who is the mediator, right back in the patriarchal age, the fathers plate, or were, were put in the position of being the mediators on behalf of their families.

God spoke through the fathers, to the pro or by the profits to the fathers, Hebrews chapter 11, Hebrews chapter one, verse one. So in the old Testament, in the patriarchal age, God works through the fathers. Then the Ariana’s priesthood exists and God works through the Levi sites, but we’re the Levi priests sent to be priests for every nation under heaven,

just Israel, their role as mediator. Yes. It could involve in, we do read about those who came into the Israelites camp and those who joined themselves to Israel and those who became prophesies. Yes, we’d read all of that. But the, the stark contrast, even at the temple, in Israel, in Jerusalem, they had the courtyard of the women and they had the courtyard of the Gentiles.

The Gentiles didn’t get to go into the inner sanctuary, but then Jen thousand, get to go into the temple. They got to stand outside. Their relationship was not on par. It was not equal with Israel under the Mosaical law. And so this individual Cornelius is seeking something better. You could almost say that Cornelius already realizes The truth. That is the book of Hebrews,

that when the Israel, My nation left Moses and went to Christ, they were leaving something inferior and going to something Better. And Cornelius is looking for something Better. So notice the angel says, send to, or go to Cesarea and sin Men to Simon who’s. Her name is Peter he’s lodging with Simon, the Tanner, the houses by the sea,

all these instructions, all these directions. I think it was interesting when one teacher made a point that He said, if, if God, God, and his angels can be so specific as to make sure That Cornelius goes to the right place, to the right House, to the right person, and can give all the necessary instructions to do that. Why is it?

We would think that he couldn’t give the right instructions for how to become a Christian And not, and make it clear. It is Some people have this idea. Well, you know, it’s just not clear what the Bible says about it. Homebush. If God Can be clear about how to go find Simon, Peter in Joppa, he can be clear about how to become a Christian.

So that was just an interesting point that I had noted is as I was studying for this, but the angel who spoke to him had departed Cornelia’s verse seven, called two of his household servants and a devout soldier from among who are from among those who waited on him continually and sent. So when he had explained all these things to them, he sent them to Joppa.

So he gets two of his household servants, one of his soldiers, and he sends them to Joppa to find Simon Or the next day as they went on On their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the house, hop to pray about the sixth hour. Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat. But while they made ready,

he fell into a trance and saw heaven, open and an object like a great sheep bound at the four corners, descending to him and Down to the earth in it were all Kinds of four footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And a voice came to him, rise, Peter, kill and eat.

So Luke gives us the pattern of events here. God appears to Cornelius first tells him to send Messengers, to go get Simon. Peter. He Sends the messengers and as they’re traveling the next day, Simon, Peter still in Simon, the Tanner’s house, he’s in Joppa. It’s the sixth hour. It’s getting around mealtime. He’s hungry. They’re preparing the food.

He’s up on the rooftop. And he goes into, as the text describes it, a trance, he sees a vision. I think it’s kind of interesting. Quite often, we, we associate visions with people. Sleeping. Here are two visions where they’re not sleeping. It’s not the, it’s not the time of day where it’s it’s sleep time. It’s not nighttime.

Both of these are during the day. Both of these individuals seem to be fully awake at the time of the events, and yet they see visions. So Peter seasoned this vision, an object, the text says like a great sheet, descending out of heaven. What’s inside the sheet, a, an exquisite zoo without any bars. As I was looking at this text,

my mind kept going back to an event in the old Testament. Do you remember when Isaac had been born and God appeared to Abraham and said, take your son, your only son, and take him to the Mount and offer him as a sacrifice to me, God told Abraham to do something that Abraham would never have imagined himself doing, ever, and had certainly never done before.

And what was Abraham’s response? Say what he immediately got up and did what God said, what was Peter’s response? But Peter said, verse 14 now, so Lord for, I have never eaten anything common or unclean, interesting contrast. Isn’t it a ceremonial law under the law of Moses concerning those things. Those which were Ceremonially clean and unclean, those things that were to,

to use the common term nowadays kosher and, And Peter, He says, nah, I’ve never eaten these things because the law tells me not to. Now, does Peter know that the law of Moses has been there Lacrosse? Yes. Yes. Does Peter know that he is no longer under the laws restriction and bondage of the law? Moses? I think He knows,

but he sure isn’t living like it Because Part of this is had he been living like it. He would no longer have been treating Gentiles As second class citizens. And yet he still is. He’s still following the traditions and the standards and the expectations of the Old law, The old covenant and those teachings that had in traditions that have been built up on top of those things by the Jews.

And so here he is, God Presents him by the way, he he’s in what stave at this moment, He’s in a trance, but what did we read right before that? He’s hungry. I mean, Here’s the situation he’s hungry. And God says, here’s your soul. And yet he refuses. There’s another occasion. Life Peter, after Jesus is resurrected from the dead.

Before he ascends back into heaven, Jesus will say to Peter, Peter, do you love me? And Peter will respond. I love you. And Jesus will ask him again and he will respond. I love you, Lord. He will ask him Again and he will finally respond somewhat differently. I love you Lord, to which then Jesus will say,

feed my sheep. Jesus will set an expectation for people Or to be the one who walks in front. Cause that’s what a shepherd was. You see A shepherd doesn’t drive the sheep from the back. He doesn’t, he doesn’t herd the sheep like a cattleman does a shepherd Walks in front. And yet Peter’s not walking in front. Here. He is in Cesarea or in Joppa here.

He is in a region outside of Jerusalem, outside of a highly Jewish population and into an area which is much more likely to be populated by Gentiles as well. And is he going to the Gentiles? No, he’s not walking in front.<inaudible> Absolutely the question being a Matthew chapter 16. When, when Jesus says or ask the apostles, do you know who or who do men say that I am?

And they say some say, you’re Elijah. Some say you’re a Jeremiah or one of the prophets. And he says, Hoonah, you say that I am. And Peter responds, you are the Christ son of living. God. And Jesus will respond to Peter individually. And the apostles collectively that under them was given the keys of the kingdom And They had a responsibility to open the doors.

And Yet to the Gentiles, they’ve still not opened the door. So all of these things are coming to a head. All of these things are coming together here in this text. Peter said not so Lord for, I have never eaten anything, common or unclean and a voice spoke to him again. The second time, what God has cleansed, you must not call common again.

I remind you the contrast of Abraham to Peter. The first time God says to Abraham do this. And we’re told in the text that God is testing Abraham to see whether or not he will obey him. And Abraham immediately arises and obeys not on the third time. And yet three times God tells Peter arise and eat and tells him what I called clean.

You don’t call it Or unclean. And Peter three times refuses now In Peter’s. I think the text leads us to clearly understand Peter is looking at what he has always done as an act of purity As a withholding himself. I mean, raise your hand if you’ve ever smelled bacon cooking and didn’t think I want some of that. And as a Jew who Devout Jew,

would he have eaten any of that? No. According To Peter, he did, but Now, Well that might be true. I think Peter makes it clear. He’s never consumed anything that common or unclean. All right. So this was done three times verse 16 and the object was taken up into heaven again. So at no point did Peter give in at no point,

did Peter do what he was told to do now while Peter wondered within himself, what this vision, which he had seen meant? Not only does he not do what he’s told, he also doesn’t understand What he’s being told. Okay. As a whole, the men who had been sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon’s house and stood before the gate.

And they called and asked whether Simon whose surname was Peter was lodging there. While Peter thought about the vision, the spirit said to him, behold, three men are seeking you arise. Therefore, go down and go with them. Doubting nothing. I have sent them an interesting statement, exists here and elsewhere in the book of acts. And it is One of those statements that makes it clear That the spirit Hear it.

The Holy spirit, as he’s elsewhere referenced the Holy ghost disease elsewhere referenced is not Just some power out there. There are some who have the mentality that there’s Jesus, who’s God, there’s the father. Who’s God with the spirit. Isn’t quite on the same level. And maybe he’s not even a, a being a person in. Maybe he’s just the power of God.

And that’s not true. The pronoun that’s used here by were told specifically in the text that the spirit spoke to Peter, And what’s the pronoun. I it’s a personal pronoun. It’s a pronoun That indicates a being Said, this, a person said this on The spirit is God. He is deity. He plays a different role in redemption, But he is no less God than Jesus or the father.

So the speed The spirit says to Peter, You go with them and I find this phrase, interesting, Doubting nothing. The natural tendency would be, I’m not so sure about this. Wait a minute. These are Gentiles because All these are the servants of a Roman Centurion. So they’re probably Gentiles and a Roman soldier Probably Gentile go With three Gentiles to a Gentile’s House.

I’m not sure I should be doing that. And the spirit tells Peter doubt nothing. In other words, Peter, it’s time to start living your faith. How many The times does Jesus look at the disciples and say The words, Oh, ye of little faith. And so often that reference is to them doubting what God was doing And not understanding. So the spirit tells Peter And do not doubt for,

I have sent them. Then Peter went down to the men who had been sent to him from Cornelius and said, yes, I am he whom you seek. For what reason have you come? As I imagine in my mind is almost like a movie. They show up at the door, they start yelling out, trying to find out is this, where is this?

Where Peter Simon, Peter is lodging. And before he would even be in earshot, he starts walking down and there may be standing at the gate, having a conversation with Simon, the Tanner or someone else in the household, they’re talking quietly. And he comes up and no reason why he should have heard anything that they said. And yet he walks up and says,

I’m the one you’re looking for. And so he says, I am he whom you seek. For what reason have you come? And they said, Cornelius, this injurious a just man one who fears God and has a good reputation among all the nation of the Jews was divinely instructed by a Holy angel to summon you to his house. And to hear words from you,

then he invited them in and lodge them. That would have been against the traditions of the Israelites to lodge a Gentile. And yet Peter does it on the next day. Peter went away with them and some brethren from Joppa accompanied him. Okay? So some of the Jews, these, these are Jews that are there in Joppa. These are among those who have believed as a result of Peter’s teaching,

go with him. And the following day, verse 24, they entered Cesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close friends. As Peter was coming in, Cornelius, met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter lifted him up saying, stand up. I, myself am also a man. There’s going to be another occasion in the book of acts where Barnabas and Paul will be in a location.

And because of the miracles they perform, there will be people who will fall down and worship them, believing them to be gods. And they as well will say, no, no, no, you worship the Lord. Not men. We’re just men. You go to the book of revelation and you find the occasion where John sees himself fall down before the angel and worship the angel who tells him these things.

And the angel tells him, no, now you worship the Lord and him alone. Do you worship? Okay. So Peter lifted him up saying, stand up. I myself am also a man, by the way, this also shows you the heart and the attitude of coordinator. Yes. He saw someone who in stature in a society would not have been anywhere close to his equal.

Peter’s a, what by occupation, a lowly fishermen from Galilee. I, I don’t imagine he’s showing up in the grander and great robes of a, of a great man. He’s showing up like a common man. And yet a Centurion bows down to him. This interior sin has the heart of a servant and does not see greatness, the way many other people would.

And so he says, you know how unlawful it is, or verse, verse 28. You know, this is Peter saying the Centurion. You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man, keep company or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Now he knows what the vision means.

Now he understands he gets it now. Oh, that’s what I was supposed to learn. And so he reveals what it is that he has learned. Therefore, I came without objection, as soon as I was sent for, I asked then for what reason have you sent for me? So cornea, you said four days ago, I was fasting until this hour.

And at the ninth hour, I prayed in my house. And behold, a man stood before being in bright clothing and said, Cornelius, your prayer has been heard. And your arms are remembered in the sight of God. Send therefore to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is launching in the house of Simon, the Tanner by the sea.

When he comes, he will speak to you. So I sent to you immediately and you have done well to come. Now. Therefore we are all present before gone to hear all the things commanded you by God. This is the Apitomy of the best audience you could ever ask for as a preacher, they showed up before you ever got there, they were ready to listen before you ever started speaking.

And the moment you started speaking, they believe in obey. I mean that you can’t ask for anything better than that. Okay? So Peter opened his mouth verse 34 and said, in truth, I perceive that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, whoever fears him and works righteousness is accepted by him. The word which God sent to the children of Israel,

preaching peace through Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all that word. And I find this interesting. Peter says that word, You know, As residents in Cesarea, Peter, doesn’t treat them as if they know nothing about Jesus, But it’s Some point. It seems they had not yet understood the reality About Jesus. They Probably heard about a man in Jerusalem who was crucified,

who claimed to be the Messiah, but they had no evidence and no knowledge of that being true. Peter acknowledges They know something about Jesus, but notice what else he says that word, you know, which was proclaimed throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism, which John preached, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth. And we were with the Holy spirit and with power who went about doing good and healing.

All who were oppressed by the devil for God, was with him. And we are witnesses of all things, which he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed by hanging on a tree. Him God raised up on the third day and showed him openly, not to all the people, but to witnesses chosen before, by God,

even to us who ate and drank with him after he Rose from the dead. And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that it is he who was ordained by God to be judge of the living and the dead to him, all the prophets, witness that through his name, whoever believes in him will receive the remission of sin Wins.

Now something of note, Peter says The same one that was crucified Died. We ate And drank with after he was resurrected. Now, why would, would That be of significant interest to a sinner Under Roman law who had authority to put anyone to death? Only the Romans. So for Peter to say that This man was crucified, that means a Centurion knows who put him to death.

And one thing the Centurion knew, and the Romans knew is how to kill somebody. If somebody was put to death in Jerusalem, it was at the hand of the Romans. And if he was put to death at the hand of the Romans, he was quite dead. When he got off that cross, how then could he be eating and drinking with them A few days later if he weren’t resurrected from the dead?

Just an interesting point there. So while Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles. Also, we’re going to talk about that more in the next class in chapter 11 for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God,

then Peter answered. Can anyone forbid water that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy spirit just as we have. I do want to point out This text is one of them. The few places where the three occasions of the pouring out of the Holy spirit are all mentioned in the same context. You remember that Peter mentioned concerning Christ being anointed with the Holy spirit.

When did that? That is baptism. And we have mentioned here of the Holy spirit falling upon the Gentiles in this occasion. And we have mentioned that they received the Holy spirit as we have the, we there, as you get into the chapter, 11 is going to be clear. It’s not Peter. And those other disciples with him, it is Peter and the other apostles.

Okay. We’ll, we’ll get into that in chapter 11. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to stay a few days. Okay. So we’ll use the questions on Sunday to use as a review, as we get into chapter 11, but that is chapter 10 and we will rehash some of these things in chapter 11,

because chapter 11 is a recounting of the events of chapter 10 as Peter brings the news back to the Jews. All right. Thank you for your attention. Not today. Yes.<inaudible> Good evening. Good to see everybody tonight here to cry. We’ll charge Christ and I went to night. Bible study. Good to have you out here. Hope everybody’s doing well.

We don’t have a lot of announcements, but I’ll run through them right. Quick are sick to remember. Barbara dude are still recovering from her surgery. Joan was praying or still maybe getting a little bit better. And Donny Flanagan, Rodale Wilson, Janie, Marlin, still having issues with her AFM and Arthur Wilson was in the emergency room Monday with heart issues.

But she’s back home and doing better BJ and Tish Clark over at far till have COVID and Julie Allen Adams, the laces friend has got an aggressive lung cancer and Kayla Nelson. That’s the young boy that the Springers no, we know had a slate in accident. He has a broken jaw. That’s been wired up and he’s unable to move his right side. So we need to remember all these people in our prayers and hope that they do get better.

Oh, Aaron is leading singing. Noah has the devotional and Terry Wheatley has the closing prayer. Thank you. You would please. Mark number 911, 911. This’ll be the song of invitation for you’ve marked. That turned the number 957, 957. This world is not my home. Yeah. This world is not my home. I’m just a passing through.

My treasures are laid up somewhere on the blue angels back me from heavens off and off. And I can feel at home in this Whoa, Danny. Oh, Oh one. You know, I have no friend. Like if heaven’s not my home, man,<inaudible> from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home in this wound any more. They’re all expecting me.

And that’s one thing I know my savior. Pardon me? And now high on word go. I know he’ll take me through though. I am weak and poor and I can feel at home in this world any or, Oh, you know, I have no friends like you, if heaven’s not my home, man, Lord. Wow. Well, I do the angels back me from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home,

man, this<inaudible> just upping.<inaudible> the saints on every hand, shouting victory, their song sweet is pray stress back from heaven show. And I can feel high at home, man, this world, any<inaudible> you know, I have no friend like you, if heaven’s now my home, man. Wow. Well, I do the angels back me from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home man,

this Whoa, any more so Good evening ties outside my jacket. I think one of the most saddest things is for one to know the truth and yet to deny it and lose their soul, to think that they had a shot. And not only that, but they knew the truth and they had every opportunity to obey it. Yeah. They’ll have to die.

They’ll have to live for eternity, knowing that they had it there in acts chapter 26, we are giving the example of Paul. And this is a great example of knowing the, of understand. Once we understand the truth, we need to obey it. Notice verse number three, Agrippa knew these things, especially because I know the acts 26 verse three,

especially because I know the to be expert and all customs and questions, which are among the Jews. Wherefore, I beseech you to hear me patiently. Then jump down to verse number 27 King. Agrippa believe it. Now the profits. I know that that believest he knows these things. He understands. Then look at verse 28. It’s a sad statement.

Then Agrippa said on Nepal, almost that persuade me to be a Christian. Almost can never be enough. There’s no, almost with God. It’s, it’s simply, you’re either a Christian or you’re not you obey or not simply like the analogy you’re pregnant or you’re not, you’re a male or female or something such as that. And yet here I agree.

It was almost persuaded. The question that we have to ask ourselves today is, and we can apply this to even us as Christians. When we hear the truth, perhaps it’s a, it’s a sin that we’re struggling with. Perhaps it’s something that we know that the God’s word commands us to do. And we know that if we obey it, we might have to give something up.

Perhaps something was holding a grip of back from obeying. The truth is something holding that is something holding us back from obeying something that we know to be true. We know that God’s word says that we are commanded to do a specific thing, but are we almost persuaded? Turn over real quick to Matthew chapter 16, Matthew chapter 16, we must understand that our life is not our own Matthew 16 verses 24.

And following then Jesus then said, Jesus unto his disciples. If any man will, will come after me, let him deny himself. Okay. And take to the cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it. And whosoever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it. But notice verse 26 for what is a man profited.

If he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul question that we must ask ourselves is what are we going to give up? Or where, or what or this, where are we going to let determine the outcome of our soul popularity, money, power? Are we going to be like a gripper?

And we know the truth we know to do good, but if we don’t obey to this sin, James four verse 17 question that we must ask ourselves daily, is this, are we going to know the truth and obey it or know the truth as a grip? It did. And then, and, and if our soul were to be required of us tonight,

we would have to go throughout all of eternity thinking I had it. I knew the truth. It was brought to me. I could see it in scripture, but I denied it because I didn’t want to obey and deny myself. And perhaps there was one here tonight who is struggling with that. You, you know the truth and you understand that, but you need to be pushed in that direction.

God requires repentance from us. Second, Peter chapter three and verse nine. But perhaps there’s one here tonight who has never obeyed the gospel to be added to the church, the body of Christ. Would you repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man, and be baptized for the remission of sins. And you can be added to the church as Aaron led the song.

I love this song. This world is not my home. The feminist is not our home. We have nothing to look forward to. So why don’t we come as we, as we stand and sing<inaudible><inaudible> so<inaudible> bring him your a<inaudible> gray or small wat troubles. You<inaudible> hard. He will read the<inaudible>. Bring him<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> ah,

nah, nah. Trust in him shall be made. So, eh<inaudible> so all my<inaudible> his friends shall be<inaudible> out. Him. Life would be dog<inaudible> Let us pray. Our gracious heavenly father. We thank you for another beautiful day Lord in all the blessings that you give us, Lord, we various are sick up to you. Lord.

Just be with them. And the ones that were mentioned here tonight, Lord, and just comfort them, inhale them as you see fit. Lord, as we depart tonight, just let us say that it was good to be in your house. Thank you for forgiving our sins, these things. We’re asking your name. Amen.

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What Does Honor Really Mean?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 6:1


And now Admonition.

What does it mean to honor your father and your mother? In Ephesians chapter six, and in verse one, we read, Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Verse two says, Honor, your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise.

One of the examples of understanding this is given when Jesus tells the Jews, they were not honoring their parents as they ought, because they were not providing for them in their old age. We need to be sure to honor our parents, which includes providing for them when they’re old. Do you honor your parents? I hope you do.

For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

Details About Admonition

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Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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What Does Honor Really Mean? – Admonition 336

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:1 | And now Admonition.

 What does it mean to honor your father and your mother? In Ephesians chapter six, and in verse one, we read, Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Verse two says, Honor, your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with promise. 

One of the examples of understanding this is given when Jesus tells the Jews, they were not honoring their parents as they ought, because they were not providing for them in their old age. We need to be sure to honor our parents, which includes providing for them when they’re old. Do you honor your parents? I hope you do. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Obeying Your Parents is Obeying God

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 6:1


And now Admonition.

In Ephesians chapter six, and in verse one, Paul writes to the church at Ephesus and says, Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Children are to be expected to obey their parents, whenever their parents are instructing them in accordance with the word of God. We need to make sure that we teach our children, that when they respect and obey their parents, they’re not just obeying their parents, but they’re obeying their heavenly Father as well.

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

Details About Admonition

Subscribe to Admonition on Youtube:
Subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3syE1ogS5LPeEsnAfgnYrg?sub_confirmation=1
Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
Leave a comment for the host of Admonition: https://cozort.org/contact

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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Obeying Your Parents is Obeying God – Admonition 335

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:1 | And now Admonition.

 In Ephesians chapter six, and in verse one, Paul writes to the church at Ephesus and says, Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Children are to be expected to obey their parents, whenever their parents are instructing them in accordance with the word of God. We need to make sure that we teach our children, that when they respect and obey their parents, they’re not just obeying their parents, but they’re obeying their heavenly Father as well. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Your Attitude Toward Your Parents

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 6:2


And now Admonition.

In Ephesians chapter six, and in verse two, we read, Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. There is a promise attached to honoring, obeying, reverencing our parents. We owe them that honor because they were placed in that position by God.

We need to make sure that our attitude toward our parents, whether we are children or aged, is what it ought to be. God expects us to honor our parents.

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

In Ephesians chapter six. And in verse two, we read honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. There is a promise attached to honoring obeying reverencing our parents. We owe them that honor because they were placed in that position by God. We need to make sure that our attitude toward our parents, whether we are children or aged,

is what it ought to be. God expects us to honor our parents For more from the Collierville church of Christ. Visit www.colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

Details About Admonition

Subscribe to Admonition on Youtube:
Subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3syE1ogS5LPeEsnAfgnYrg?sub_confirmation=1
Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
Leave a comment for the host of Admonition: https://cozort.org/contact

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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Your Attitude Toward Your Parents – Admonition 334

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 6:2 | And now Admonition. 

In Ephesians chapter six, and in verse two, we read, Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. There is a promise attached to honoring, obeying, reverencing our parents. We owe them that honor because they were placed in that position by God. 

We need to make sure that our attitude toward our parents, whether we are children or aged, is what it ought to be. God expects us to honor our parents. 

For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Colliervillecoc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

In Ephesians chapter six. And in verse two, we read honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise. There is a promise attached to honoring obeying reverencing our parents. We owe them that honor because they were placed in that position by God. We need to make sure that our attitude toward our parents, whether we are children or aged,

is what it ought to be. God expects us to honor our parents For more from the Collierville church of Christ. Visit Collierville coc.org. This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

02-28-2021 – Live Stream – Christian Responsibility – (Noah Olson)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Good morning, hope everyone is doing well. It seems like I remember just about a week ago, there was white stuff on the ground. What happened to that? I got up here with no sets of questions. Will you go get me a, a set of the questions, Not recording, hit the format button And it should format the card When it’s done with that.

Try again. Yes. All right. We are in acts chapter nine. We got down to Around verse 16 and seven, 16 or 17. So we’ll proceed through the remainder of the first lesson, two 56 down through verse 31, and then we’ll cover the questions for that. And then we’ll get into the remainder of the chapter. Let’s begin though,

with a word of prayer, our most Holy father in heaven, we are grateful for this day, humbled to have the opportunity to assemble together, to worship you, to praise your name, to glorify you. We are grateful for the weather. We are grateful for the health that we have to be out and assembled together. We are mindful of those who because of illness because of health reasons,

difficulties cannot make it out to assemble with us. We pray for those who are involved in mission works throughout the world, in this country. And in countries abroad, we know many times in those situations, they have great difficulties and situations to overcome, and we pray that you will bless them as they remain sound in the faith that they might also prosper in health and in their work,

we pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this period of study, may the things that we read here concerning Saul and concerning Peter and concerning the Christians in the first century, be those things which exhort us to greater knowledge and greater understanding of your word. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. So on Wednesday we were discussing Saul of Tarsus and his journey on the road to Damascus and,

and his seeing of the light that shone from heaven, hearing the voice that spoke to him from heaven. And he asked the question who, who are you Lord? And because the question or the statement that was made to him is Saul. Saul. Why persecute us vow me? The response that Saul makes is who art thou Lord. And the reply is I am Jesus of Nazareth with whom thou persecute us.

God appears to Saul. And God Christ specifically makes it clear that what Saul is doing right now at that point in his life was not correct. That it was the exact opposite of what God would have him to do. Even though he sincerely with all his heart believed it was exactly what God would have him do. And in this, we see one Of the great struggles Of believing people,

because believe in something Doesn’t make that thing True. The fact that it is true Means we ought to believe in it, but that doesn’t work in the opposite direction. The fact that you believe in it doesn’t make it true. And Saul found that out. Saul would make it clear later on in life. When he was put on trial before a grip,

when he was put on trial before others w when he was speaking to the Galatians and writing to the churches that everything he did in his life was done in good conscience, everything he did in life, as far as his actions in, before he was a Christian. And after we’re done in an attempt to please God, but that doesn’t mean that They were.

And so See, have the burden, the responsibility individually, there are elders in the church who have the responsibility for congregations to feed and to shepherd a flock. There are teachers who have responsibility to make sure that they teach that, which is correct. And in accordance with God’s word, but we individually will stand before God on the day of judgment and be held accountable.

Not for our neighbor, not for our friend, not for our spouse, not for our children and not for our parents, but For ourselves. What did we do With the word of God? What did we do with the access and the opportunity and the ability that we received To understand what God expects of us? And if we did not verify our beliefs,

we will be held accountable for those beliefs and the fact that they’re false. Okay. So Saul is Confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus and Jesus true, true or false. Jesus tells him immediately what he needs to do to rectify the situation Faults. What did Jesus tell him to do? Go to Damascus and do what wait is. As we get into the beginning in This introduction,

in the life of Saul, you know, those who as Paul Harvey was saying, no, the rest of the story, you know, that you’re looking at a new Testament that, that 13 or 14 of the, of the books, more, at least half or more of the books of the new Testament are written by this man. And yet, if you’re just getting into The account of,

you don’t know the end of the story, you’re going, wow, this guy is going to do a lot of Waiting because we’re going to find Out from what Paul tells the church at Glacia that after his conversion, there’s still going to be another three years before a lot of the things that we’re going to read about in chapter nine, even finish happening,

Luke’s Going to record it. The way to Luke has a tendency to this happened. This happened, this happened, this happened because he’s getting he’s, he’s moving, he’s getting you through the history, but, but Paul will later on tell us. And I spent three years here. We are doing this. And he does It doesn’t really even tell us what he was doing,

but there’s just a three-year time span where he’s not even on the scene of what’s going on. Okay? So all of this is important as we get into this, because God tells Saul, you go to Damascus and you Wait, and I will send one to you and an ISA. And he will tell you what You must do. And so Saul goes to Damascus.

Now, when he travels the remainder of the way to Damascus, he just gets back on his donkey. Because of course, you always see the pictures of the event and he’s on a donkey when this happens, right? Always no, ma’am, I wouldn’t have a donkey anywhere in the text. Just, just so you know, he didn’t fall off a donkey when this,

So, but he just Gets up and starts walking the rest of way to Damascus, right? No he’s Blind. Who helps him the rest of the way to Damascus The men who were with him. And We read about them here in this text, they, they All right. They heard a voice, but they didn’t see anybody. If you go to the other Passengers where Paul’s recounting this during his trials,

Paul will indicate that they heard the voice and didn’t understand Was sad, but there’s a little Clue in what Paul says, because in one of his recounting of this event, he specifically mentions that he was spoken to in the heat Brew tongue. Well, as a woman, Individual who grew up and was tutored under Gemayel, as one who was part of the Pharisees,

as one who was schooled in the law, Paul would have learned the Hebrew tongue, but most Jews at this point in time didn’t know Hebrew, they were speaking Greek, like the rest of the common world, excuse me. So the likelihood is you have these individuals who are with him, they see the light by all indications, they hear the voice,

but they don’t understand the conversation happening because they don’t speak Hebrew. So just like if I were standing in a room with two people speaking, Italian, I would hear a voice. Now, in that case, I’d see somebody, but I’d hear a voice. And I wouldn’t understand what was being said. That’s the indication of the events going on here.

So these men lead him to Damascus. They know he can’t see, they have no idea. What’s transpired. The indication is he’s not telling them what’s transpired, but they lead him to mask. Is there, he waits for three days and three nights praying and not eating, not drinking, waiting and praying. So then the Lord appears to Anna, nice sins and an ice and division sends an ISA to solve Tarsus.

And an ISDN immediately is excited to go see Saul of Tarsus right now. And, and I S reminds the Lord. You, you do remember why he came here, right? He, you, you know what he’s done to the church in Jerusalem, right? And the Lord makes it clear. He’s my servant. And he will be my instrument to take the gospel to the Gentiles and verse 16.

I will show him how many things he must suffer for my namesake. There are a few of the old Testament prophets, where as you’re going through the old Testament, you’re introduced to this prophet. And you’re you get a record of, as it were their commission, where God initially says to them, this is what you’re going to do. And this is how I’m going to use you.

And almost invariably, it went a lot like Moses’s commission. You remember when Moses went to Mount Sinai or sorry, saw the burning Bush. And he was there on the mountain, which by the way was Mount Sinai. But he he’s there. He sees the burning Bush. God speaks to him from the burning Bush. And God tells him, I’m sending you to,

And he’s not going to listen to you. Well, same way with Jeremiah. God will tell Jeremiah, I’m sending you to this people and they’re not going to hear you. And they’re not going to listen to you, but you’re going to speak my words anyway. And a number of times, and almost every time that you read the commission of a prophet,

you read, I’m going to send you, I’m going to speak through you. And they’re going to reject you Here. In this point in time, you see God saying, I’m going to use Saul. And Saul is going to be my instrument to teach the gospel, and many would receive the word, but who would reject him His own people, Or Paul would write in Romans that he had a desire for Israel to be saved.

He wrote that if he could exchange his own soul for theirs, he would do it, but it would be his own people that would reject him for all the same reasons, really that he rejected the Christians to begin with. And those reasons were he had been Lied to. He had been deceived instead of these Teachers and profits, and are these teachers and priests and lawyers teaching the law,

They had taught their traditions and stuff. Instead of them teaching the truth from God, they had taught their opinions. And when the truth came, they weren’t ready for it. You see When God gives you the truth and hands you the truth, and you learn the truth and you hold fast to the truth. You’re always ready for more truth. You’re always Ready for the next truth that you learn that comes from God,

because you’ve built a foundation of hearing, believing and obeying the truth. Now that doesn’t mean the truth you’re going to find out is going to be Easy. So often We dig into this book and we run into something and go, Oh, Oh, That’s going to require a little bit out of me. How About this one? When Jesus looks at those disciples and those people on the mountain says,

when someone strikes you on one cheek, Okay. Turn to him the other also. Now, now, If we actually honestly go and apply that in Our lives, not all the way At the point, not only all the way at the points where physically strikes us, but down to the personal inner interactions and relationships where we have where we’re Tim did,

because someone did something that we didn’t like to turn around and do the same thing back to them. We’re taught instead to suffer wrong and do good in return. Saul of Tarsus is going to go from one who had caused so much suffering to being one who would endure so much suffering, that there will be a Holy spirit inspired list for us to go back to in second Corinthians and realize everything he went through.

So Jesus would say, I will show him how many things he must suffer for my namesake. And an ice went his way and entered the house and laying his hands on him said, brother saw the Lord. Jesus, who appeared to you on the road. As you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy spirit.

How do you know Jesus tells him to go wait for someone to tell him what he must do, but, but how does Saul know that this man is really the one who’s going to be able to tell him what he must do. And, and I is, is going to provide him some details that Anna Niaz could not possibly have known, because remember you have Saul and his men traveling by all indications alone.

And the light comes down from heaven and who’s who are the only ones who see it, Saul and his men. And who’s the only one who hears the conversation, Saul, as far as hearing it and understanding it. So the only one who knows who spoke to him on the road is him. And there’s no indication. He’s been telling anybody who it was,

but, and I is, comes and says, I know who it was. And I know what he said. And here he says that he is, as you came, has sent me to you, that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy spirit. Immediately. There fell from his eyes, something like scales. And he received his sight at once and he arose and was baptized.

So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus immediately, we read verse 20. He preached the Christ in the synagogues and he, or excuse me, that he is the son of God. Now he showed up in Damascus To do what Persecute, anyone who called themselves After Christ. The very first reference we have once he gets into Damascus,

which we discussed Damascus is not a Jewish city. It’s a Gentile city, but there was a Jewish synagogue there. The very first reference we have of him entering the synagogue. The word had to have already come around because Anna Niaz already knows about it. Saul of Tarsus is coming with letters from the, from the priest to be able to put these people in prison,

to be able to persecute them. And the first time he walks through the door, what do you think the Jews in the synagogue were expecting him to say, I’m here with the letters. I’m here to deal with these guys. And he walks in the door and he does what Preaches that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You, I would imagine the people sitting in that synagogue,

What happened? We know where he started, but so something in the middle is missing here. What happened to Saul verse 21, then all who heard were amazed and said, is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem and has come here for that purpose so that he might bring them bound to the chief priests. But Saul increased all the more in strength and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus,

Moving that this is the Christ. He did. I didn’t just set out to say, someone appeared to me on the Road. And He said, he was Jesus. Therefore you need to believe me. That was not what Saul did. Saul didn’t preach his conversion. Saul didn’t preach his Mo Jesus miraculously appeared to me on the road to Damascus, no Solve,

Preach Jesus Christ from the old Testament. He went To the scriptures and Prove that Jesus was the Messiah. They were waiting for Question. When Saul was sitting at the feet of<inaudible> learning, Learning those scriptures and learning that law Was the evidence all ready there to prove that Jesus was the Christ. Yes, it was Why couldn’t solve. Prove it. Before Jesus appeared to him,

the answer is he could have, if he didn’t ignore the evidence That gets us Right back to the discussion we had, right, as we started this class. And that is that. So often we have our beliefs and we accept the truth that matches our beliefs and ignore the truth that doesn’t match our beliefs. And that’s what solid done. Because as soon as he knew that Jesus was the Christ,

the son of God, the Messiah, he didn’t have to go, all right, I got to go back to school and I need to relearn all this stuff, because apparently I misunderstood the scriptures all these years. There’s a bunch of scriptures. I just never ran into no, There were a bunch of scriptures. He never properly applied that he already knew.

And so he went and took the same knowledge he already had and taught the exact opposite of what he had always been taught, because it wasn’t a problem with the truth. That was what he read. It was a problem of the willingness to accept the truth in front of his eyes. And we’ve got to be careful about that. Not enough to say,

you know what? I go to this church. I do this. This has been good enough for me all my life. This has been good enough for my mother, my grandmother, my, it doesn’t matter. Everybody in Saul’s ancestry believed what he believed. And the most reputable people, he knew believed what he believed. Didn’t make it right. What made it right was when he finally agreed with God.

So He begins to increase more and more in strength, confounds, the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving that this Jesus is the Christ. Now, after many days, we’re past the Jews plotted to kill Him. Are I the tables now turn, he was the one who was killing people before now. They’re going all right. Well, we got to get rid of this guy.

This guy has a problem. So they plot to kill him, but their plot became known to Saul and they watched the Gates day and night to kill him. Now, interestingly, they, they, they seek to do this at the Gates. What were the Gates generally speaking in a city in this day and time, All right. Place of commerce,

place of judgment, place of where, you know, when someone was to be judged, they would bring them to the Gates. This is where, this is where the men of renown and those who were high up would often sit in the Gates, The city. So they’re seeking To do an injustice In the place of justice, but they did the same thing to Jesus.

They took Jesus to the courts to be tried so that they go, You have an improper trial and deceive people into believing that he had done something worthy of death. Okay? So this isn’t strange, this isn’t new. Then the disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall in a large basket. And when solid come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples,

but they were all afraid of him and did not believe that he was a disciple, but Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road and that he had spoken to him and how he had preached boldly of Damascus in the name of Jesus, this Barnabas, when were we first introduced to him in the book of acts,

Okay. They’re in the end of acts, chapter four, Barnabas is among the Christians who sold property that they owned, gave it to, gave the proceeds of it to the church, to help those Christians who were in need in Jerusalem. And so we, we read about him there and that’s just kind of a passing thing we learned about this Barnabas,

this one who does this, now here comes Barnabas. Again, Barbara’s comes in. He’s known among the Jews or sorry, the Christians in Jerusalem. And he comes in and he vouches for Saul of Tarsus. He says, This is what happened to this man. And I will verify It. Okay. So Then he was with them at Jerusalem, coming in and going out.

And he spoke boldly in the name of the Lord, Jesus and disputed against the healthiness. But they attempted to kill him. Second location where Saul finds himself. Again, he, He speaks long enough, speaks loud enough, tells the truth and enough that people want Him dead. Now in the Intervening years, you go read the book of Galatians. And for the sake of time,

we’re not, we don’t have time, really go do that. But if you go read Galatians chapters one and two and Galatians chapter four, you will read the history that’s in here that Luke doesn’t mention. You’ll read about the three years he spends at Sinai. He comes and begins preaching. You’ll read about the time before he arrived in Jerusalem. You’ll read about Paul,

making sure the Galatians brethren understand that what he preached didn’t originate in Jerusalem. What he preached didn’t originate with the other apostles. What he preached had been given to him directly From Jesus Christ. So somewhere in the intervening time, Jesus prepares Saul to be an apostle. Now it’s of interest That the disciples were with Jesus, How long, approximately three years.

And over In the book of Galatians, Paul references, the fact that after he left Damascus, when he escapes through the wall in a basket, he goes to Sinai for three years. He doesn’t say what he’s doing there. He’s, doesn’t say what’s going on. But just like just Interesting analogies here, just lie. Big Moses gets Put at Sinai to go prepare,

To go to Egypt because remember That’s where the burning Bush happens. God tells Moses I’m sending you to Egypt. And you’re going to bring the people back To this mountain where I appeared to you. So the burning Bush was on Sinai. Moses was on Sinai. God Sent Moses from there, brought Him back. There went<inaudible> is discouraged and running away from Jesse rebel.

Where does he go? Sinai? The text tells us, he goes to Sinai. All of these seemingly repetitions in all Old Testament and new Testament history where God takes someone he’s ready Use and says, let me get you ready to be used. And For three years, Jesus with was with the other apostles. And for three Years, Saul is at Sinai.

Now My opinion and nothing more than that, that it’s during those three years, That Jesus teaches Saul. How he does that. I’m assuming he does it through the Holy spirit, but Teaches Saul what he Needs to know to do what he needs to do, because that’s what he did with the other apostles. And It is going to be of interest that when he comes to Jerusalem,

he comes, they’re not. And he’ll explain this in Galatians. He comes there not to be made an apostle by the other apostles. He’s already an apostle who can make someone an apostle Jesus Christ and him alone. You remember when they’re trying, when they’re replacing Judas, is it the apostles who choose the apostle to replace Judas? Or is it God it’s God.

Okay. So all of this is leading us to this understanding. Number one, he doesn’t preach what the apostles gave him. He preaches what God gave him. He didn’t originate it as an apostle because the apostles made him one. He became an apostle by Jesus Christ. And he first meets the apostles after all of that’s already transpired. But when he first meets the apostles was who they want to do with him,

nothing. They don’t want to have anything to do with him because they’re still afraid that this is all an elaborate ruse. And so it is Barnabas testimony that will cause him to be able to be joined together to these apostles in Jerusalem. So verse 31, then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria, I skipped a verse, wait a minute,

verse 30. When the brethren found out, they brought him down to Cesarea and sent him out to Tarsus. So he’s gone back home. Saul of Tarsus makes it back to Tarsus, verse 31. Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy spirit they were multiplied.

Okay. So in the midst of the persecution, they’ve undergone in the midst of the struggles that the hands of the Jews that they’ve they’ve endured, who do they fear the Jews or the Lord? The Lord. Do you remember what Jesus told his apostles? When he was sending them out? Matthew chapter 10, do not fear what men can do to you do not fear him who can kill the body,

but cannot destroy the soul. Fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. And so their reverence, their all their respect, their fear. And that’s using the fear in the common sense. Then not the way we use it now of being terrified. Their fear was of God and not men. Okay. So then verse 32. Now,

actually I was going to go through the question. Let’s go through the questions and then we’ll go through the remainder of the chapter. Briefly question number one Less than two 56. Why was Saul going to demands? Discuss All right. Persecute and arrest. Christians, question two. How did Jesus appear to Sol? All right. A light from heaven. What did solves traveling,

companions, hear and see. All right. They heard a voice, but saw no man. For what reason did Jesus tell Saul to go into Damascus? All right. To be told what he needed to do Vision to Anna Niaz what did the Lord say would be SOL’s work The gospel to the Gentiles. Okay. When saw or when was Saul baptized After you?

The site, when Anna Niaz came to him, what did Saul do after his battle? He went to the synagogue to preach. Why was it necessary for Saul to escape from demands? Ask us all right. The Jews were waiting to kill him. How did he get away On the wall? In the basket? When Saul went to Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid of him who took him to the apostles and spoke on his behalf.

Barnabas. Alright, verse 32. Okay. Came to pass. As Peter went through all parts of the country, that he also came down to the saints who dwelt at Lydda there. He found a certain man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden eight years and was paralyzed. And Peter said to him, and he is Jesus. The Christ heals. You arise and make your bed.

Then he arose immediately. So all who dwelled at Lydda and Sharon, which was a neighboring city, saw him and turned to the Lord. So this is following up on what we, what we just read in verse 31, that the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified as SU. So they’d gone under this persecution. They had suffered a great deal at the hand of Saul and others.

And now, as soon as that persecution ends, the church begins to flourish. The church begins to grow. The church begins to expand. And so here, Peter goes to this city and you’d begin traveling around teaching and preaching by all indications, he comes to litter, finds this man in the us and heals him after he had been crippled for eight years.

The likelihood is this is a very small town, very small village. Everybody there knows this man. And here comes this one, Peter preaching these things about Jesus. He shows up, he heals this man. And the miracles did exactly what they were always intended to do. They prove that the yes and juror was from God. And if the messenger was from God,

by performing the miracle and seeing the, the truth that this person came from God for, no one could do these things, except he come from God and academia’s tells Jesus in John chapter three, then the message he preached Chis is from God. So all of Lydia and all of Sharon, as a result of this man being healed believe, okay, verse 36 at Joppa,

there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds, which she did, but it happened in those days that she became sick and died when they had washed her and laid her in an upper room. And since Lydda was near Joppa and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent two men to him,

imploring him, not to delay in coming to them. Then Peter arose and went with them. When he had come, they brought him to the upper room and all the widows stood by him, weeping showing the tunics and the garments, which Dorcas had made while she was with them. But Peter them all out and knelt down and prayed and turning to turning to the body.

He said, Tabitha arise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up. Then he gave her his hand and lifted her up. And when he had called the saints and widows, he presented her alive and it became known throughout all Joppa and many believed on the Lord. So it was that he stayed many days in Joppa with Simon,

a Tanner. Okay. So as you’re looking at this situation is you’re seeing Luke bringing in these accounts as again, go back to acts chapter one in your mind, Jesus said you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Sumeria and into the outermost part of the earth. And Luke’s setting the stage for the transition. The big transition begins to happen in chapter 10 and chapter 11.

And then Paul and his missionary works, begin to hit that fourth stage of the growth of the church. Okay. Chapter or sorry, question one. We’ll go ahead and do these questions now because I’m pretty certain we’re going to need the extra time. When we get to acts chapter 10, acts chapter nine, verses 32 through 34 of what condition did Peter heal?

Aeneas who lived at Lydda Alright. Palsy or being crippled. What did the people of litter and Sharon do when they saw the healed man, Aeneas turned to the Lord by what was Dorcas of the city of Joppa known. Okay. For making clothes for the widows. She was also known as Tabitha. Where was Dorcas? His body laid after she died.

All right. Now, upper chamber. What did Peter do and say when he raised up Dorcas<inaudible> Okay. He held her hand and told her to arise. By the way, isn’t there an example of Jesus doing a very similar thing. Yes. Okay. What did the people of Joppa do after Dorcas was raised from the dead? They believed in the Lord.

How did Jesus? This is, comes from Matthew chapter six. How did Jesus address God in his prayer, on the mountain? When he showed the disciples? How to pray, Right? Our father who? Art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. All right. Comments or questions? We got a minute or two left. Yes.<inaudible> Absolutely.

Absolutely. The, the only, you know, one of the main differences that you see there is the occasion of the man of Aeneas being similar to the man who was let down through, through the roof. But what did Peter not say that Jesus did? Your sins are forgiven. You, you remember the reaction of the Pharisees when Jesus immediate statement is not take up diabetic and walk,

it was vices. Be forgiven. They, they go, Oh, who can forgive sins? But God, which was exactly the point. So Peter doesn’t enter into this one with your sins, be forgiven you, he does say arise. And I think it is, it is interesting. He says arise and make your bed. Your, your use for this bed has just changed.

You know, when, when you’re crippled, when you’re bedridden, that’s that’s every moment you spend, you spend in that bed. Now you have a reason to get up and make it. Now you have a reason to get up and depart that bed. It’s just an interesting concept. All right. Thank you for your time and your attention. We are dismissed.

It’s good to see each and every one of you here this morning, and for those members of ours that are still still watching it online, we are glad that we have that tape capability for you to participate in worship God via the internet, or to call in, do have some visitors with us this morning. It’s good to see each and every one of you.

And we are so glad that you chose to come worship God with us this morning. If you did not get a chance yet to pick up your Lord’s supper, it is on the table. In the back behind the back Pew. There now would be a good time while I go through announcements to get that, continue to remember our sick ed Richardson. That’s my father-in-law.

He did have a good day yesterday, which is a great blessing. Barbara Dillard. She’s still recovering from her rotator cuff surgery. Joan Springer Marie says that she is doing a little bit better today in the last couple of days. So that’s good news to hear that she’s feeling a little better. And then Donnie fine again, still recovering from his hip replacement surgery.

Route L Wilson has a followup appointment this week with his heart doctor. So continue to pray for Rodel. Dorothy is still having shortness of breath and weakness and stomach pains. So continue to remember and pray for Dorothy Janie. Marlin’s doctor told her that at this time they cannot do another ablation. He can’t say the word ablation because of the condition of her heart.

So she is going to seek another doctor and get a second opinion on that. Julie Adams, who’s a D Lisa’s 26 year old friend that we talked about on Wednesday night. Continue to pray for her with the aggressive lung cancer that that young lady has. And then Caleb Nelson, Springer’s a friend, a 13 year old friend that was unconscious from a sledding accident.

He is awake now and had surgery on the right side of his jaw. His jaw is wired shut at this time, and he is unable to move the right side of his body. So continue to pray for him. But at least he is out of that coma. I have two cards here. The first one is from Jenny Sanderson, Collierville, church of Christ.

Thank you for your kindness support and comforting words for the, and for the beautiful peace plant. We gratefully appreciate the cards, phone calls, and the kind expression of sympathy at the very difficult time. Jenny Sanderson and the entire two family also have a card here from Shelly and Michael stacks. Dear church, family, thank you for the cards, ham and stopping by Sunday at mom’s funeral.

It meant a lot to Michael and I, we love each one of you and are so blessed to call COVID church of Christ. Home love Michael and Shelly stacks. Other announcements, the Potter children home March pantry item is the individual drink packets that you put into water. And also they were here and picked up the commodities. So if you need a new coin,

can we have the coin cans on the table? Outside of Paula’s office, there feel free to pick one of them up after services today. Our worship service today song leader will be Michael Dale opening prayer as Joe caisson. Lord’s supper will be Tommy O’Neil. Our sermon this morning will be Noah Olson and our closing prayer is Tommy Lassiner. Thank you. My first song this Morning will be Holy ground.

Holy ground. This is<inaudible>. We’re standing on<inaudible> for<inaudible> press and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for the<inaudible> prize and<inaudible><inaudible> you? Ah, Oh, ah, perfect.<inaudible> we were<inaudible> for you with ah, made clean by. Jeez, you are. Oh, ah, perfect. And<inaudible> we were<inaudible> for you with<inaudible> made clean by.

Jeez, we<inaudible><inaudible> and I know<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hey Jesus.<inaudible> we are standing in his presence on<inaudible> we<inaudible> on<inaudible> and I know that<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hey, jeez.<inaudible><inaudible> when we<inaudible><inaudible> when we<inaudible><inaudible> The song before our opening prayer will be number 490. It is well with my soul. It is well with my soul.

When is like<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> but<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> B roll back as a<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> That’s bow. Oh God, our father in heaven. We true to come before your throne thanking the old God for the love that you have for mankind. And we do pray dear father,

that it is well with our souls, that we’re trying to do our best to live a life that would be pleasing to you. It would give you the honor and the praise and the glory are so thankful. Dear father, for your precious son, coming to this earth and suffering and dying on the cross of Calvary. We’re so grateful for the love that was demonstrated there for each and every one of us for all of mankind.

We pray father that as we have studied your word this morning, that it has strengthened our faith. That has it. It has encouraged us as we go through life to be better servants in the kingdom, that we might be a body of Christ here that is known to be children of yours that are known to be faithful to your word that are known to be caring and loving toward the souls round about us that have never named the name of Jesus father.

We pray that we always keep one another in our thoughts and in our prayers that we are always mindful of one another. As we go through various burdens in life, that we truly are prayerful for each other. And especially for the body of Christ here, we’re thankful there, father that we can come here this day to worship you. We pray in spirit and in truth,

we pray that we are demonstrating our love as we continue to, to sing these songs of praise to you. As we admonish one another through these words, and we give you the praise for mindful father of those that are in other lands, teaching and preaching the gospel. And we pray you help us to continue to support those efforts and be with the ones that are in those other countries,

teaching and preaching the gospel. We pray for your watch and care over them. And that many souls might be able to hear the word proclaimed and that they’re honest hearts that they will no, that is from you. And yeah, it’s your will. And that they will believe and obey that word and become children of yours. Father. We pray that you be with us here,

as we continue to try to reach those in this area where the gospel that you strengthen each and every one of us we might say or do something to those that we come in contact with that will give us that opportunity to share your word with them. We pray father that as we look about us, we remind for those that are going through difficult times,

particularly those that have health issues. We pray that you be with the doctors and nurses that are administering to them and pray that they might regain their health bother. We’re mindful of those that have lost loved ones recently. And we pray that we might be of some comfort to them. Is it grieves their hearts. Father help us to be more aware of those that have left the faith and are not your children they’ve sand.

And they separated themselves from you help us to be conscious of those precious souls and try to encourage them as best. We know how to come back to you and repent of their sins and dedicate their lives in service to you. Once more father, we pray that you be with us in our worship service today, we ask that you be with Noah’s. He breaks into us the bread of life.

We pray that you bless Sam as he continues his studies at the school of preaching, as well as Michael pray, you be with both of these men, as they prepare themselves better to be ministers of your word, that you would bless them and help us to encourage them are so thankful, dear God, for Aaron and Eddie, if they worked with a congregation here,

we love and appreciate them so much for all that they do for the congregation here, ask that you continue to bless them and watch over him and Tonya with us, our father, and forgive us. If when we fail, then we help us to repent and come back to you and be faithful service in the kingdom. And Jesus, we pray. Amen.

So long to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 366 by Christ redeemed. I cry is three deemed and cry is three<inaudible>. We keep up<inaudible> and the de<inaudible> and<inaudible> his body<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. And as we drink, we see, and<inaudible> he, ah, and that<inaudible><inaudible> and we, you know, ah,

one bright chain<inaudible> and<inaudible> ah, The day we prepared to eat of this bread and drink the cup that wrote to us as children of God represents the body and blood of our savior. Let each one of us think of the horrible death that Christ died for our sins. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you for this bread,

which does your children represents the body of our savior. Our heavenly father, we ask that you strengthen each of us in our daily lives. As we strive to follow the word and the example that Christ brought for us, this we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. Okay. If you bow with me, our heavenly father, we continue our thanks for this fruit of the vine,

which just represents the blood of Christ. We thank you, dear Lord, that Christ was willing to sacrifice his life for our sins. We thank you for this fruit of the vine, which is able to cleanse us of our sins as we partake of it, help each one of us to do so with a truly thankful heart. This we ask in Christ’s name,

amen. We now have an opportunity to return unto God. A part of that, that we’ve been blessed with and we truly are blessed. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you for all that. We’re blessed with blessing them for life. We thank you for all of the material blessings that we enjoy in this country. As we prepare to return unto the a part of that,

dear God, probably that we would do so with a cheerful and happy heart, pray that this money would be used to spread your word throughout the whole world, Jared Lord. And that man can, would turn to the push salvation. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. The song before the lesson will be, Have vine own way. Number five,

five, two. If you’re using the book, if you’re able, let’s stand for this song, please have an own way.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> search me and<inaudible> master to<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible><inaudible> hold over my bee. So<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and me May be seated. Good morning. There’s a privilege to be able to be with you this morning.

I don’t want to say how much I appreciate this congregation. And I’m glad to again, be able to worship with you all this morning. Our lesson this Morning is very simple. Our lesson is Christian responsibilities, Christian responsibilities. As Christians. We are given things from our gone, a work to do. If you go to Matthew chapter 25, and he look at verses 14 and following four 14 through verse 30,

we won’t take the time to read that. But Jesus is talking about the parable of the talents. Now he talks about how a man had had he had servants and he gave one servant five talents, another two and another one. And then you continue reading. And then when the, when the master comes and you see the servants, the servant with the five talents increased his,

the servant with the two increased his, but One, he didn’t do anything. And so what happened to that one? What happened to the one that, that the master gave responsibility To what happened when he didn’t fulfill that? Well, look at verse 30 And cast you the unprofitable servant into outer darkness. There should be weeping and gnashing of teeth. We as Christians are responsible for many things,

you know, in Ephesians chapter two, I want you to notice verse number 10, look what, what Paul tells The church at Ephesus For. We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. We have works that we need to do. We are commanded by God to fulfill the things,

the responsibility, And he has commanded us to do notice that everyone is responsible for themselves. Now we can help one another along, but it’s a it’s comes down to my soul. If there’s one thing that you need to be selfish about in this life, it better be your soul. Make sure that you get to have a note, a second Corinthians five and verse number 10 for,

we must notice all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that everyone may receive the things done In his body. That persons, whether that be good or bad For ourselves, and we’re given the choice, do we want to fulfill the responsibilities that God has given us? We’re given that choice. God allows us to choose. Of course, there are consequences to each,

you know, Joshua 24, you you’ve read verse 15, choose you this day, whom you, whom you will serve. That knows what Joshua says. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. We’re given the choice. What are we going to fill the command from God? Are we going to, to, to take that response to those words,

Responsibilities as Christians and obey His wheel, I’m going to look at a couple of responsibilities in general, that Christians have and the church It needs to fulfill these things or else it cannot be faithful to God. Let’s look at our first point. Firstly, Christians have a responsibility first and foremost to God. If I cannot fulfill my responsibility to God, Everything else does not matter.

I first Need to be responsible to God. Look at Micah chapter six, you’ve heard also verse number eight, he has showed the Oh man, what is good? And what doesn’t The Lord require of me. But to notice this, do Joe To love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. Yes, I’m responsible to do those things. According to my,

to my God, as a, as a Christian, I need to be responsible to go for one. He deserves it. He created us and therefore he deserves the utter most respect Back, you know, in Romans chapter 12 and verse number one, notice what Paul says here in verse one of Romans 12, I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body.

Notice this a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God notice this next phrase, Which is your reasonable service. That’s just reasonable. That’s just what you, what you, as, as a, as that’s what you need to do as a Christian, John simply lays a pattern for Christians to follow. Does he not want you to turn over to first John chapter one?

I know I’ve, I’ve done a Divo on this, but I love these verses so much. Notice what John says. First, John chapter one verses five through nine. He tells us if we’re going to be responsible, have fellowship with God. I need to do and live as a Christian. Notice what he says, verse five. This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare to you that God is lying to him is no darkness at all.

If I want to be with God, I need to be where he is and that’s in the light. And then, and then John continues on and he tells Christians how to be responsible to God, how to live in fellowship with God. Notice. Firstly, if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.

I can’t just profess to know God, I can’t just claim that I’m a Christian I have to do Is his will. That’s number two, verse seven. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the lie, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from Olsen. If I’m going to be responsible to God,

what w what we’ve said before, I have to meet God Where he is. I have to do what he says, walking the line. If I want his son’s blood to keep on cleansing me, I have to do his will. Number three, if I’m going to be responsible to God, I have to be humble. As We looked at Micah,

chapter six, verse number eight, walk humbly with God. I gotta be humble. Look at verses eight and nine, a first John chapter one. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, verse nine, he is faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If I’m going to be responsible to God, I need to be humble. I need to walk Humbly with my God. When I sin in which I will, I need to repent. I have to repent. I need to do those things. I love This idea. A brother, actually, one of them I,

Well, he’s a second year student and we were talking and he said he had a great sermon idea. I love this title. Sin is expected, but not accepted. Think about that. God knows we will sin. We’re not going to be, to be perfect, but he never accepts it. He never accepts when we sin, therefore we need to repent.

And if I’m going to be responsible to God, I have to do what walk humbly with God. Yes, Christians are commanded first and foremost, to be received To the one who created him for one, he deserved as a 10 for another. That’s what they’re commanded to do, but no number two, Christian is also responsible to themselves. Oh, they have responsibility to themselves.

This kind of does run along with our first point, but notice Christian Christians are responsible concerning themselves. I want you to notice first Timothy chapter three in verse Number 15, first Timothy Chapter three, verse number 15. But if I tarry long that thou mass know how now ought to Addis, to behave myself in the house of God, which is the church of the living,

God, the pillar and ground of the truth. I need to be responsible to myself and the church. I’m responsible as a Christian to, to, to, to fulfill the things that God would have me to do. Whether I be whether the wan be a father, a mother, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a business owner, whatever the case might be.

They have responsibilities to themselves. Firstly, more importantly, spiritually. But what about those things physically? We’re we need to take care of ourselves physically to be not, you know, on first Timothy chapter five, notice what Paul tells Timothy in verse number eight, first Timothy chapter five and verse number eight. We have responsibilities physically. We can’t negate those things.

No, the physical and spiritual and not on the same level, but they’re still important. Notice first Timothy five and verse number eight. But if any, provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house, you have denied the faith and is worse than it Lymphedema our bodies matter, physically. Yes. We need to understand that we need You abstain from all those things that could harm us,

physically alcoholism, drugs, things such as that gluttony, all of those sands that we need to, to put away. Yes, I have to. I have a responsibility to myself, physically Know we, we also need to understand that we cannot be at lazy people. We can’t be lazy. We need to get to work. You know, Paul would,

It would address this idea. If you’ve got a second Thessalonians Look at verses Or excuse me, a second Thessalonians chapter three, verses 10 and 11. What’s interesting. We’re studying the Thessaloniki. Well, actually that’s Lonial Timothy and Titus as we’re going through the testimonials. One of the things that we’re doing is, is they’re anticipating in the coming of Christ and they weren’t working because they were not working.

And those what Paul says, second Thessalonians, chapter three, verses 10. And following for even when we were with you This week, man, did you, if any, would not work neither, should he eat first 11 for, we hear that there are some which walk among you. Disorderly Working, Not at all. The are busy bodies. We as Christians cannot be alone,

Lazy people. We need to get to work. That’s what got you Commands us to do. If you think about it. What if we don’t? Well, if we sit back, That’s not fulfilling God’s commandment, but what does it also do at all? Also opens doors to temptation. You’ve heard the phrase, idle hands. Do the what? Devils work.

Yes. We as Christians responsible to take Care of ourselves physically. What about our finances? What about the things that God has entrusted us to do all that? That’s just, that’s just money. That’s not important. And in the grand scheme of things, money is, is, is going to, to be burned up one day. But God still commands us.

Be good stewards of it. And that’s our responsibility. Physical. What about spiritually? What about spiritually? I want you to notice What Paul tells the Corinthians. Look at first Corinthians chapter six, verses 19 through 20 notice There, Their body is not their own notice. What know you, not that your body is the temple of the Holy ghost, which is in you,

which you have of God. And you are not your own notice that we’re not our own. I don’t serve myself anymore. Galatians two verse 20, I’m crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet. Not I, but Christ live within me and the life of which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith in the son of God who loves And gave himself for me.

But go ahead. Act of first Corinthians chapter six, look at verse number 20. Notice you were Bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in, in your spirit, which are God’s. I’ve a responsibility to myself spiritually because of it. It’s not mine body. It’s God’s. I serve him. I do Well. He commands me to do.

I need to examine myself. What are some things that I can do to make sure that I am responsible spiritually? What? Well, firstly, live a life of diligence in second Timothy chapter two in verse number 15, Paul tells Timothy in the, in the King James to study to show myself approved unto God, a Workman that needs not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth. You look at American standard American standard. It says Be diligent shell, a life of diligence to God. That’s what we are commanded to do. We are responsible to God for that, But also notice I’m not only responsible to, to, to study and to know his word, but Apliant and also to abstain from sin.

Yeah. Colonia is chapter five and verse 22. Notice what Paul says. He says abstain from all appearance of evil abstain from all appearance of evil. Now, does that mean For instance? Well, I Can’t, I can’t shop at Walmart because they sell alcohol. Oh, I can’t shop at this store because they sell cigarettes. All of those things such as that,

I don’t believe that’s what Paul is saying here. I think there’s, if we, if you use this illustration, for instance, if I were going to going to go into Walmart and Michael were to, to see me go into Walmart, what is the first impression that he’s going to think of me? Oh, there’s no going to buy alcohol. No,

there is no a probably going to, to buy groceries. Now, if Michael were to see me walk into a bar, what’s that impression that would be a different impression. Oh, there’s different impressions. There. We need to abstain from all appearance of evil. And we need to Understand that we need to make sure That we don’t put ourselves in situations where we could sin.

Hey, what’s interesting. You know, and the church, we, sometimes we try to get as close to sin as we can without I won’t cross the line, but I’m gonna try and get as close as I can Do that. Try to stay away from sin as much as you can. Why, why? Well, because God is Holy look at first Peter chapter one,

verses 13 and following first Peter chapter one, verses 13 and following, I love these verses wherefore gird of the loins of your mind. Be sober, be, be temporary, be self-control and hope to the end for the grace. That is to be brought onto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves, according to the former lusts in your ignorance,

Notice this, but as he, what Jeff called you is Holy. So That’ll be Holy in all manner of conversation and anything you do notice verse 16 because it is written. Be Holy for, I am Holy. What are we striving to be like? We’re striving to be like God. And so we can’t put ourselves in situations where sin is present.

That’s my responsibility to myself, to abstain from sin, to live a life of diligence. But let me touch on this for a bit. A moment. We also have A Responsibility to, to ourselves, spiritually to attend the assembly. Now are there exceptions always? Yes. God understands for those who are sick for those who physically cannot make it. God understands those things.

But sadly, I believe the church, some souls are lost in the church universally because Simon taken log rather stay home. It’s easier for me to, to, to worship at Home. Now I want To put this out here. There are exceptions, But to those who can go out to the store to socialize In restaurants and things such as that, You can go to the store There at worship,

Hebrews chapter 10, verse 25, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves. And we need to understand that. And sadly we have not. Sometimes we need to stress the importance of the Assembling. It’s important. It’s a commandment of God and yes, that’s my responsibility. Now, again, God Understands and in some situations and things such as that, But again,

worship is Important and I have responsibility in myself, spiritual, The land physically that’s to serve God and him alone. But number three, our third point for this morning, I’m not only responsible for my life as a Christian. What about my brother? Now? I know that that might not. I’m not contradicting myself here. I cannot get to heaven for you.

I can not be baptized for you, but our, this this point, we’re going to address this idea that we are. We have some things that we need to do for, We need to understand that Christians need to take responsibility in matters concerning all on brother. Well, how do I do that? Well, number one, I need to show kindness.

I need to show love. That’s my responsibility. God has commanded us to do that. Look at Ephesians chapter four, look at verse number 32, Ephesians chapter four and verse number 32. Notice this and be kind one to another tenderhearted, forgiving one another. Even God for Christ’s sake, hath Forgiven you. I love that verse notice also Galatians chapter six and verse number 10 as we have therefore opportunity.

Let us do good until all men, especially unto them. Who are the household of faith? That’s my responsibility to my brother. That’s all Responsibility to one another. As Christians, we are commanded to be kind is Christ show kindness unto us. Can we not simply show the same to our brother? And number two, a Christian is commanded to show love,

but we also cannot be those who are going to stir up straight. That’s my responsibility. I can’t be those who are going to go behind one. Another’s back to gossip to create division. I can’t do that. That my responsibility is to show love to one another. Look at James chapter four, James chapter four, look at verse 11, speak,

not evil. One of another brethren. We have a problem with someone let’s go to them alone, not go to the five other people around let’s love. Show love one to another. We were stopped. We are commanded to stop being busy bodies and creating division. I guess that’s not the church. The body of Christ. God is the author of,

of, of, of, of peace, not confusion. And therefore that’s what we are commanded to do. That’s my responsibility to want to know, to be kind and to do those things. But also notice my responsibility is, is, is, is as a Christian to one another is to reprove sin when one And perhaps is, is living in sin or,

or struggling with certain sin. Do I just let that go and say that’s all right. Just, just, just excuse them this. No, I need to tell him his fault To teach him the better way. According to the scriptures. Not my opinion, but that’s my responsibility because let me ask you a question. Let me think. Let, let’s think about this in an illustrative terms.

If you go back to his ego, chapter 33, I love this example has Equal talks about a Watchman. He sees the army coming and he sees the army coming and he knows that. And he tells his people. He tells the city, well, now they’re worn. And it’s up to them. If they want to, to flee or do whatever they need to do to get away from that,

the Watchman has done And his job, but the Watchman sees the army, the enemy coming, He sees, he understands. He knows that they’re going to come To this city says nothing. People don’t know. Now the people are still going to die. They’re they’re going to be to die, but whose fault is it as well? The Watchman, if I see my brother in sin,

if I do nothing, it’s my responsibility to tell him, is it not? So Christ commands us, Matthew 18. If I have a problem with my brother, go to him And tell him the fault alone, Matthew 18, but also notice I’m not only to reprove sin, stop gossip, be kind one to another in the church, but also to forgive also to forgive notice,

Colossians chapter three, verses 12 and following Washington, chapter three, verses 12, and following put on there. Four has the Elective, God, Holy and beloved, bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness long suffering. Forbearing one another and forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any right? And As Christ forgave, you so also do ye When one comes it,

perhaps someone were to do me wrong and they were, and they were to her pin. I apologize and repent. Truly. My attitude must be to forgive as Christ forgave me now, what does that mean? Does that mean like, excuse sin. Absolutely not. But when they repent, I forgive as God does. And that’s our responsibility to our on brethren.

You need to show kindness to show love, to forgive when others were pissed. Basically it points It’s down to, to, to, to, to following Christ Because that’s what Christ would do. Would he not? We are called to encourage one another and to be there for one another. That’s our responsibility. Look at Romans chapter 15, verse number two,

Romans 15 and verse number two, let every one of us please His neighbor for his good to edification. That’s our goal as Christians to Edify one another to encourage one another and to make sure that we’re all following the path of Christ men. Number four fourth point for this morning is this. We also have a responsibility. Those who are earning that brethren yes,

to those who are we, we are encouraged to, to be kind one to another. But what about those who are airing as we would? What about when, when, when a member in the church is perhaps struggling with a certain sin or will not repent, there are responsibilities that the church needs to do. I want you to notice Galatians chapter six,

Galatians chapter six, I love verses one and two. Notice what Paul tells the churches of glacier. He says brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you at your spiritual restore, such a one in the spirit of maintenance, considering myself less than I’ll also be 10 Barry, one another’s burdens. And so fulfill the law of Christ. We as Christians,

When we see a brother or sister struggling with a certain sin, we ought to be there for them, for one to encourage them. But to also show them The better way now with drawl is that the never The first step, if they are wanting to do better, if they are struggling with a certain sin and repenting, we need to be there and to help them along that way,

why it’s not to, to get back at them, but it is to help them along the way. Notice James chapter five. I love these verses as well. Notice verses 19 and following James chapter five verses 19 and following notice brethren, if any of you do air from the truth, Convert him. Notice this, notice what it does for his soul.

Let him know that he will. She converted the sinner from the error of his way. She’ll save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins. When I see a brother or sister in fault, I need to show them that better way. That’s my responsibility to those who are struggling with sin. And we need to understand that that’s mine,

My responsibility, but what about this one? What about a brother or sister who is struggling with sin, but yeah, Well, not repent. What’s our commandment. Well, just excuse it to the side. Just put it aside. No. So I’m over commanded to do there’s a different approach. No, to second Thessalonians, chapter three in verse number six,

notice these Are those who walk disorderly. Now We command you brethren in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ that notice this, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother. They walk it disorderly and not after the tradition which he received of us. This tradition is not man’s traditions. The gospel, the gospel of Christ to those who are walking, not according to the gods.

What is our responsibility disorder Really? As to if you think about in the, in the army or military, those who walk in and rank and simply just order list to walk out of rank to those who are not walking, according to the tradition. And what’s what our responsibility as Christians is just to, To do what make sure there is no sin Push out sin as,

as much as possible. You know, in Joshua chapter seven, when akin sin, God was, God did not allow them to flourish. What happened? San entered the camp and they, You know, what’s interesting what sin also does. It doesn’t also hurt me. It hurts many individuals. And going back to what we read in Galatians chapter six brethren,

if any of you do are from the truth and or excuse me, if any man be overtaken in a fault, you at your spiritual restore, such a one in the spirit of maintenance, What is this? Considering myself less. That will also be Tempted. That’s my responsibility to make sure That sin is pushed out. And when one brother or sister who will not repent of their sins Steps to be taken.

And that’s of course what Jesus commands. If you go to Matthew chapter 18, this is what, what Christ is talking about here. If there is a brother who has a fault and, And we need to understand this idea. Notice this first 15 Matthew 18 verse 15, moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between me and him alone.

And if he shall hear the Taoists gain that breath, that’s the first step that you don’t have to go tell five other people it’s between you and him alone. But if he will not repent, once you bring him, brought him to God, once you have brought him this notice verse 16, but if he will not hear thee and take what the one or two more the,

in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. There’s the next step. If he will not hear they, once you go with him alone, you bring one or two more, But knows this. If he will not repent, you bring him the truth. This is not just an opinion, but you bring Him the truth.

Notice verse 17, if he shall neglect To hear them, tell it into the church. And if you neglect to hear the church, let him Be unto thee as a heathen man in a publican. What is this? The idea, basically, we call this disfellowship or withdrawal when there is One who is not willing to repent, we do not accept sin,

but notice that This, this is not done to get at the brother or sister. This is not to say we got him, But it’s to save their soul in general. And that’s, that’s our responsibility to look at first Corinthians chapter five and verse number five, Paul here addressing this same idea to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,

that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. Jesus, that’s the purpose of this. This is not to, to, to, to make sure that Just to get at him Ourselves look better, but to make sure that soul is say that’s that’s. The Purpose is also to save The church. Why? Because a little 11, 11.

Yeah, The whole lump, a little sin. It can be so much It’s destructive. And that’s our responsibility. When the sin is in the camp, I can’t let it remain. I can’t. That’s my Possibility as Christians. Let me ask you a question. Is, is anyone exempt from this? Well, it’s my mother. It’s my mother.

It’s my father. That’s living in sin. It’s all right, right. It’s okay. No, because Jesus Says, if any man come to me and hate not love less. His father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters Yana had his own life. Also, he cannot be my disciple. We need to understand. And they Christ comes first and yet sin cannot remain in the camp.

No matter the cost. Notice number five, Our last point for this morning, we’ve looked at many things that we were responsible for to our brethren, to ourselves as Christians. What about something to our government? I think sadly, and just looking at the church Again, I’ve said this before. COVID has not only affected those physically, but sadly, spiritually,

sadly, spiritually. I want to look at this for a bit. A moment. Firstly got it. It’s called Christians to be responsible. Has he not to our government? I want you to notice Romans chapter 13, God has called all Christians to be responsible to the authority, which they’re under Romans chapter 13 and verses one and two, let every soul Be subject unto The higher powers for there is no power,

but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God, whosoever therefore exist. If the power resistant the ordinance of God and they, that resist shall receive to themselves damnation, We Are commanded to be responsible to those which we Were under. But no, I Disagree with those who are in power. I disagree with the laws, the commandments that are stating doesn’t mean you have to agree with them That they don’t contradict The law of God.

We are commanded to them. And that’s our responsibility. If the government has ordained laws, that, that, again, don’t contradict, we are commanded to about, I think there are two questions or two things that we can ask ourselves Here. Does the Oracle does it? The law in which they’ve stayed that doesn’t contradict God’s law. Does it prohibit me?

Number two from going against God’s law. That’s what we need to ask ourselves. And if it, It doesn’t matter what I think I have to obey for instance, what about the speed limit? I do sometimes wish the speed limit was faster, But it doesn’t matter if gods, If the authorities have stated something that doesn’t contradict, I don’t think I’m going to go to hell or not.

If I concerning the speed limit, therefore I need to obey that ordinance. What about taxes? Well, I don’t like paying taxes. Well, not many do, but it’s still an Oracle of the government. What about this one? What about masks? What about masks? Well, I don’t like wearing masks. It’s annoying to me. It, to me Personally,

it is as well, but when there’s an ordinance that they, that the government has stated, We as Christians are obligated to obey, no matter unless it contradicts God’s law. I don’t think a mass can prohibit us from worshiping. God does it. I don’t think it does. Therefore. I need to obey Now again, if, if they, if they give us that,

that opinion or you get to choose, then that’s one thing. But if it is mandated, we, as Christians are obligated to Obey. If it doesn’t contradict The law of God and we noticed this, I love this phrase, Christians first, then Americans, I’m a Christian, Just because I’m a Christian. Doesn’t mean that those civil rights and Liberty,

These are just thrown away. I’m a Christian first. Then I am an American or whatever country I’m under. You want. It’s interesting. When Paul was writing Romans and when he was writing, He has letters. What did it, what government were they under? Were they under Governments that were acceptance of Christianity? I’ll just do what you want. You get to choose.

Right? They were under harsh persecution. You know, we were reading. Yeah, I can’t re I think it was a couple of days ago concerning the Roman emperors. I won’t go into details cause it really is Immoral. But Some of the things that they were that the Roman emperors were doing Wing was, was twisted. Paul says, obey, go back to Romans 13.

Notice again, Number one, let every soul be subject unto the higher powers Unless you disagree with them. Right? Whatever. So it will be subject to under the higher powers. If they, if there is an ordinance that they have Told us to do, we are commanded now again, what about if they have given us commandments to disobey the law of God?

What are we to do? We are to disobey. Look at acts chapter five and verse 29, acts chapter five and verse 29. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men stop preaching on homosexual. The reality that we can’t do that you Cannot sing, sing praises unto God In worship. No, can’t do that.

I obey God first. And then the government, why are we doing this? Why, why, why this responsibility here? It’s for the Lord’s sake. It’s for God. That’s why I do it in first, Peter chapter two in verse 13, submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. I do this for God and turn. When I obeyed the authorities,

according to the scriptures, I obey God. That’s my responsibility as a Christian. And we have a responsibility to pray for them to obey them. If it doesn’t contradict the law of God, that’s my responsibility as a Christian. And sadly, it’s a sad thing. It’s not something to, it’s a depressing thing to think that Christians are losing their souls because of these negated responsibilities.

That’s a sad thing that the church is doing. But looking at our lesson this morning, we, as Christians are responsible for many things, God has commanded us to do many things in the church. He’s given us responsibilities. And I want us to think about something again, as we, as we go back to that parable in Matthew 25, the master has given us responsibilities as he not the master has given us things to do.

When he comes back, is he going to look at us and say that we’ve done nothing with those responsibilities? Is he going to look at us and say, I never knew you depart from me either that work iniquity or is he going to tell us entry into the joy of Lord? Well, well done now. Good faithful servant. You have done many things.

I’ve given you responsibilities. I given you commandments to do, and you’ve done them. Enter in, live with me for eternity. Do we not want him to say that of us? Think we do. And, and perhaps there is one here this morning who is a Christian, but has not done the things that God would have them to do in these things.

God has given us these commandments for reason, because he wants us to obtain eternal life. He wants us to because he loves us. Second, Peter chapter three in verse nine, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promise. As some men counts Lochness, but as long suffering he’s patient toward us. Not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance.

But perhaps there’s one who has never even started that journey to become a Christian. Do you believe that Jesus is a son have gone? Are you willing to repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man, and then be baptized for the remission of your sins will be added to the church. The greatest institution known to man, the church, the body of Christ.

If you are added to the church, you’ll be able to go to heaven by living faithfully. If you do unto God, a beautiful blessing, we need to re be responsible as Christians. And if there is one here this morning, this subject in the invitation, won’t you come as we stand. And that’s what we see.<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, no way.

Hey we do.<inaudible> he<inaudible> and where<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> to being happy and jeez. Ah, but to trust and eh, not a bird and we<inaudible>. Nah<inaudible> but<inaudible><inaudible> Hey, nada grief.<inaudible><inaudible> but is<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> for there’s. No,<inaudible> to being happy and jeez. Ah,

but to trust and eh, then fan ships. We, we<inaudible>. Oh, well the walk by here is a side and Hey, what he says we well do where he Sans. We well, never fear on the trust and Oh, Hey trust. And<inaudible> for there’s. No,<inaudible> to be happy, but to trust and<inaudible> Song for our closing prayer will be number 634 we’ll work till Jesus comes.

Oh, land<inaudible>. Nah, man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> well<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> two GS, a scribe, a flat for a sea bed. Me. See, he’s too wrong.<inaudible> on his breast. He asked me, Oh,<inaudible> to Jesus comes. Well, Jesus comes and<inaudible><inaudible> ah,<inaudible> no more<inaudible><inaudible> tide and reach my head.<inaudible><inaudible> well<inaudible> to,

Jesus comes when Jesus comes and<inaudible> Which he brought with me. I got and father in heaven. We indeed thank you for this beautiful first day of life and the freedom of opportunity that you’ve given us to gather here in worship and sing praises to your name, father. We thank you for the great lesson that was brought to us this morning by Noah and father,

we pray that we may study deeper into that and carry that with us through our daily lives, to bring that shine and light to those around us. Father, we’re mindful of those who were mentioned. There were sick and we pray father that you will be with those that are sick and return them back to a great slate of house and father be that well,

that, that you will comfort them. Those doctors tending to those father. We pray that you’ll be with us and keep us safe and forgive us for our sins in Jesus name. Amen.

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02-28-2021 – Live Stream – Peter Acts 9:32-43 (Class) & Noah Olson (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Good morning, hope everyone is doing well. It seems like I remember just about a week ago, there was white stuff on the ground. What happened to that? I got up here with no sets of questions. Will you go get me a, a set of the questions, Not recording, hit the format button And it should format the card When it’s done with that.

Try again. Yes. All right. We are in acts chapter nine. We got down to Around verse 16 and seven, 16 or 17. So we’ll proceed through the remainder of the first lesson, two 56 down through verse 31, and then we’ll cover the questions for that. And then we’ll get into the remainder of the chapter. Let’s begin though,

with a word of prayer, our most Holy father in heaven, we are grateful for this day, humbled to have the opportunity to assemble together, to worship you, to praise your name, to glorify you. We are grateful for the weather. We are grateful for the health that we have to be out and assembled together. We are mindful of those who because of illness because of health reasons,

difficulties cannot make it out to assemble with us. We pray for those who are involved in mission works throughout the world, in this country. And in countries abroad, we know many times in those situations, they have great difficulties and situations to overcome, and we pray that you will bless them as they remain sound in the faith that they might also prosper in health and in their work,

we pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this period of study, may the things that we read here concerning Saul and concerning Peter and concerning the Christians in the first century, be those things which exhort us to greater knowledge and greater understanding of your word. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. So on Wednesday we were discussing Saul of Tarsus and his journey on the road to Damascus and,

and his seeing of the light that shone from heaven, hearing the voice that spoke to him from heaven. And he asked the question who, who are you Lord? And because the question or the statement that was made to him is Saul. Saul. Why persecute us vow me? The response that Saul makes is who art thou Lord. And the reply is I am Jesus of Nazareth with whom thou persecute us.

God appears to Saul. And God Christ specifically makes it clear that what Saul is doing right now at that point in his life was not correct. That it was the exact opposite of what God would have him to do. Even though he sincerely with all his heart believed it was exactly what God would have him do. And in this, we see one Of the great struggles Of believing people,

because believe in something Doesn’t make that thing True. The fact that it is true Means we ought to believe in it, but that doesn’t work in the opposite direction. The fact that you believe in it doesn’t make it true. And Saul found that out. Saul would make it clear later on in life. When he was put on trial before a grip,

when he was put on trial before others w when he was speaking to the Galatians and writing to the churches that everything he did in his life was done in good conscience, everything he did in life, as far as his actions in, before he was a Christian. And after we’re done in an attempt to please God, but that doesn’t mean that They were.

And so See, have the burden, the responsibility individually, there are elders in the church who have the responsibility for congregations to feed and to shepherd a flock. There are teachers who have responsibility to make sure that they teach that, which is correct. And in accordance with God’s word, but we individually will stand before God on the day of judgment and be held accountable.

Not for our neighbor, not for our friend, not for our spouse, not for our children and not for our parents, but For ourselves. What did we do With the word of God? What did we do with the access and the opportunity and the ability that we received To understand what God expects of us? And if we did not verify our beliefs,

we will be held accountable for those beliefs and the fact that they’re false. Okay. So Saul is Confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus and Jesus true, true or false. Jesus tells him immediately what he needs to do to rectify the situation Faults. What did Jesus tell him to do? Go to Damascus and do what wait is. As we get into the beginning in This introduction,

in the life of Saul, you know, those who as Paul Harvey was saying, no, the rest of the story, you know, that you’re looking at a new Testament that, that 13 or 14 of the, of the books, more, at least half or more of the books of the new Testament are written by this man. And yet, if you’re just getting into The account of,

you don’t know the end of the story, you’re going, wow, this guy is going to do a lot of Waiting because we’re going to find Out from what Paul tells the church at Glacia that after his conversion, there’s still going to be another three years before a lot of the things that we’re going to read about in chapter nine, even finish happening,

Luke’s Going to record it. The way to Luke has a tendency to this happened. This happened, this happened, this happened because he’s getting he’s, he’s moving, he’s getting you through the history, but, but Paul will later on tell us. And I spent three years here. We are doing this. And he does It doesn’t really even tell us what he was doing,

but there’s just a three-year time span where he’s not even on the scene of what’s going on. Okay? So all of this is important as we get into this, because God tells Saul, you go to Damascus and you Wait, and I will send one to you and an ISA. And he will tell you what You must do. And so Saul goes to Damascus.

Now, when he travels the remainder of the way to Damascus, he just gets back on his donkey. Because of course, you always see the pictures of the event and he’s on a donkey when this happens, right? Always no, ma’am, I wouldn’t have a donkey anywhere in the text. Just, just so you know, he didn’t fall off a donkey when this,

So, but he just Gets up and starts walking the rest of way to Damascus, right? No he’s Blind. Who helps him the rest of the way to Damascus The men who were with him. And We read about them here in this text, they, they All right. They heard a voice, but they didn’t see anybody. If you go to the other Passengers where Paul’s recounting this during his trials,

Paul will indicate that they heard the voice and didn’t understand Was sad, but there’s a little Clue in what Paul says, because in one of his recounting of this event, he specifically mentions that he was spoken to in the heat Brew tongue. Well, as a woman, Individual who grew up and was tutored under Gemayel, as one who was part of the Pharisees,

as one who was schooled in the law, Paul would have learned the Hebrew tongue, but most Jews at this point in time didn’t know Hebrew, they were speaking Greek, like the rest of the common world, excuse me. So the likelihood is you have these individuals who are with him, they see the light by all indications, they hear the voice,

but they don’t understand the conversation happening because they don’t speak Hebrew. So just like if I were standing in a room with two people speaking, Italian, I would hear a voice. Now, in that case, I’d see somebody, but I’d hear a voice. And I wouldn’t understand what was being said. That’s the indication of the events going on here.

So these men lead him to Damascus. They know he can’t see, they have no idea. What’s transpired. The indication is he’s not telling them what’s transpired, but they lead him to mask. Is there, he waits for three days and three nights praying and not eating, not drinking, waiting and praying. So then the Lord appears to Anna, nice sins and an ice and division sends an ISA to solve Tarsus.

And an ISDN immediately is excited to go see Saul of Tarsus right now. And, and I S reminds the Lord. You, you do remember why he came here, right? He, you, you know what he’s done to the church in Jerusalem, right? And the Lord makes it clear. He’s my servant. And he will be my instrument to take the gospel to the Gentiles and verse 16.

I will show him how many things he must suffer for my namesake. There are a few of the old Testament prophets, where as you’re going through the old Testament, you’re introduced to this prophet. And you’re you get a record of, as it were their commission, where God initially says to them, this is what you’re going to do. And this is how I’m going to use you.

And almost invariably, it went a lot like Moses’s commission. You remember when Moses went to Mount Sinai or sorry, saw the burning Bush. And he was there on the mountain, which by the way was Mount Sinai. But he he’s there. He sees the burning Bush. God speaks to him from the burning Bush. And God tells him, I’m sending you to,

And he’s not going to listen to you. Well, same way with Jeremiah. God will tell Jeremiah, I’m sending you to this people and they’re not going to hear you. And they’re not going to listen to you, but you’re going to speak my words anyway. And a number of times, and almost every time that you read the commission of a prophet,

you read, I’m going to send you, I’m going to speak through you. And they’re going to reject you Here. In this point in time, you see God saying, I’m going to use Saul. And Saul is going to be my instrument to teach the gospel, and many would receive the word, but who would reject him His own people, Or Paul would write in Romans that he had a desire for Israel to be saved.

He wrote that if he could exchange his own soul for theirs, he would do it, but it would be his own people that would reject him for all the same reasons, really that he rejected the Christians to begin with. And those reasons were he had been Lied to. He had been deceived instead of these Teachers and profits, and are these teachers and priests and lawyers teaching the law,

They had taught their traditions and stuff. Instead of them teaching the truth from God, they had taught their opinions. And when the truth came, they weren’t ready for it. You see When God gives you the truth and hands you the truth, and you learn the truth and you hold fast to the truth. You’re always ready for more truth. You’re always Ready for the next truth that you learn that comes from God,

because you’ve built a foundation of hearing, believing and obeying the truth. Now that doesn’t mean the truth you’re going to find out is going to be Easy. So often We dig into this book and we run into something and go, Oh, Oh, That’s going to require a little bit out of me. How About this one? When Jesus looks at those disciples and those people on the mountain says,

when someone strikes you on one cheek, Okay. Turn to him the other also. Now, now, If we actually honestly go and apply that in Our lives, not all the way At the point, not only all the way at the points where physically strikes us, but down to the personal inner interactions and relationships where we have where we’re Tim did,

because someone did something that we didn’t like to turn around and do the same thing back to them. We’re taught instead to suffer wrong and do good in return. Saul of Tarsus is going to go from one who had caused so much suffering to being one who would endure so much suffering, that there will be a Holy spirit inspired list for us to go back to in second Corinthians and realize everything he went through.

So Jesus would say, I will show him how many things he must suffer for my namesake. And an ice went his way and entered the house and laying his hands on him said, brother saw the Lord. Jesus, who appeared to you on the road. As you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy spirit.

How do you know Jesus tells him to go wait for someone to tell him what he must do, but, but how does Saul know that this man is really the one who’s going to be able to tell him what he must do. And, and I is, is going to provide him some details that Anna Niaz could not possibly have known, because remember you have Saul and his men traveling by all indications alone.

And the light comes down from heaven and who’s who are the only ones who see it, Saul and his men. And who’s the only one who hears the conversation, Saul, as far as hearing it and understanding it. So the only one who knows who spoke to him on the road is him. And there’s no indication. He’s been telling anybody who it was,

but, and I is, comes and says, I know who it was. And I know what he said. And here he says that he is, as you came, has sent me to you, that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy spirit. Immediately. There fell from his eyes, something like scales. And he received his sight at once and he arose and was baptized.

So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus immediately, we read verse 20. He preached the Christ in the synagogues and he, or excuse me, that he is the son of God. Now he showed up in Damascus To do what Persecute, anyone who called themselves After Christ. The very first reference we have once he gets into Damascus,

which we discussed Damascus is not a Jewish city. It’s a Gentile city, but there was a Jewish synagogue there. The very first reference we have of him entering the synagogue. The word had to have already come around because Anna Niaz already knows about it. Saul of Tarsus is coming with letters from the, from the priest to be able to put these people in prison,

to be able to persecute them. And the first time he walks through the door, what do you think the Jews in the synagogue were expecting him to say, I’m here with the letters. I’m here to deal with these guys. And he walks in the door and he does what Preaches that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You, I would imagine the people sitting in that synagogue,

What happened? We know where he started, but so something in the middle is missing here. What happened to Saul verse 21, then all who heard were amazed and said, is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem and has come here for that purpose so that he might bring them bound to the chief priests. But Saul increased all the more in strength and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus,

Moving that this is the Christ. He did. I didn’t just set out to say, someone appeared to me on the Road. And He said, he was Jesus. Therefore you need to believe me. That was not what Saul did. Saul didn’t preach his conversion. Saul didn’t preach his Mo Jesus miraculously appeared to me on the road to Damascus, no Solve,

Preach Jesus Christ from the old Testament. He went To the scriptures and Prove that Jesus was the Messiah. They were waiting for Question. When Saul was sitting at the feet of<inaudible> learning, Learning those scriptures and learning that law Was the evidence all ready there to prove that Jesus was the Christ. Yes, it was Why couldn’t solve. Prove it. Before Jesus appeared to him,

the answer is he could have, if he didn’t ignore the evidence That gets us Right back to the discussion we had, right, as we started this class. And that is that. So often we have our beliefs and we accept the truth that matches our beliefs and ignore the truth that doesn’t match our beliefs. And that’s what solid done. Because as soon as he knew that Jesus was the Christ,

the son of God, the Messiah, he didn’t have to go, all right, I got to go back to school and I need to relearn all this stuff, because apparently I misunderstood the scriptures all these years. There’s a bunch of scriptures. I just never ran into no, There were a bunch of scriptures. He never properly applied that he already knew.

And so he went and took the same knowledge he already had and taught the exact opposite of what he had always been taught, because it wasn’t a problem with the truth. That was what he read. It was a problem of the willingness to accept the truth in front of his eyes. And we’ve got to be careful about that. Not enough to say,

you know what? I go to this church. I do this. This has been good enough for me all my life. This has been good enough for my mother, my grandmother, my, it doesn’t matter. Everybody in Saul’s ancestry believed what he believed. And the most reputable people, he knew believed what he believed. Didn’t make it right. What made it right was when he finally agreed with God.

So He begins to increase more and more in strength, confounds, the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving that this Jesus is the Christ. Now, after many days, we’re past the Jews plotted to kill Him. Are I the tables now turn, he was the one who was killing people before now. They’re going all right. Well, we got to get rid of this guy.

This guy has a problem. So they plot to kill him, but their plot became known to Saul and they watched the Gates day and night to kill him. Now, interestingly, they, they, they seek to do this at the Gates. What were the Gates generally speaking in a city in this day and time, All right. Place of commerce,

place of judgment, place of where, you know, when someone was to be judged, they would bring them to the Gates. This is where, this is where the men of renown and those who were high up would often sit in the Gates, The city. So they’re seeking To do an injustice In the place of justice, but they did the same thing to Jesus.

They took Jesus to the courts to be tried so that they go, You have an improper trial and deceive people into believing that he had done something worthy of death. Okay? So this isn’t strange, this isn’t new. Then the disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall in a large basket. And when solid come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples,

but they were all afraid of him and did not believe that he was a disciple, but Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road and that he had spoken to him and how he had preached boldly of Damascus in the name of Jesus, this Barnabas, when were we first introduced to him in the book of acts,

Okay. They’re in the end of acts, chapter four, Barnabas is among the Christians who sold property that they owned, gave it to, gave the proceeds of it to the church, to help those Christians who were in need in Jerusalem. And so we, we read about him there and that’s just kind of a passing thing we learned about this Barnabas,

this one who does this, now here comes Barnabas. Again, Barbara’s comes in. He’s known among the Jews or sorry, the Christians in Jerusalem. And he comes in and he vouches for Saul of Tarsus. He says, This is what happened to this man. And I will verify It. Okay. So Then he was with them at Jerusalem, coming in and going out.

And he spoke boldly in the name of the Lord, Jesus and disputed against the healthiness. But they attempted to kill him. Second location where Saul finds himself. Again, he, He speaks long enough, speaks loud enough, tells the truth and enough that people want Him dead. Now in the Intervening years, you go read the book of Galatians. And for the sake of time,

we’re not, we don’t have time, really go do that. But if you go read Galatians chapters one and two and Galatians chapter four, you will read the history that’s in here that Luke doesn’t mention. You’ll read about the three years he spends at Sinai. He comes and begins preaching. You’ll read about the time before he arrived in Jerusalem. You’ll read about Paul,

making sure the Galatians brethren understand that what he preached didn’t originate in Jerusalem. What he preached didn’t originate with the other apostles. What he preached had been given to him directly From Jesus Christ. So somewhere in the intervening time, Jesus prepares Saul to be an apostle. Now it’s of interest That the disciples were with Jesus, How long, approximately three years.

And over In the book of Galatians, Paul references, the fact that after he left Damascus, when he escapes through the wall in a basket, he goes to Sinai for three years. He doesn’t say what he’s doing there. He’s, doesn’t say what’s going on. But just like just Interesting analogies here, just lie. Big Moses gets Put at Sinai to go prepare,

To go to Egypt because remember That’s where the burning Bush happens. God tells Moses I’m sending you to Egypt. And you’re going to bring the people back To this mountain where I appeared to you. So the burning Bush was on Sinai. Moses was on Sinai. God Sent Moses from there, brought Him back. There went<inaudible> is discouraged and running away from Jesse rebel.

Where does he go? Sinai? The text tells us, he goes to Sinai. All of these seemingly repetitions in all Old Testament and new Testament history where God takes someone he’s ready Use and says, let me get you ready to be used. And For three years, Jesus with was with the other apostles. And for three Years, Saul is at Sinai.

Now My opinion and nothing more than that, that it’s during those three years, That Jesus teaches Saul. How he does that. I’m assuming he does it through the Holy spirit, but Teaches Saul what he Needs to know to do what he needs to do, because that’s what he did with the other apostles. And It is going to be of interest that when he comes to Jerusalem,

he comes, they’re not. And he’ll explain this in Galatians. He comes there not to be made an apostle by the other apostles. He’s already an apostle who can make someone an apostle Jesus Christ and him alone. You remember when they’re trying, when they’re replacing Judas, is it the apostles who choose the apostle to replace Judas? Or is it God it’s God.

Okay. So all of this is leading us to this understanding. Number one, he doesn’t preach what the apostles gave him. He preaches what God gave him. He didn’t originate it as an apostle because the apostles made him one. He became an apostle by Jesus Christ. And he first meets the apostles after all of that’s already transpired. But when he first meets the apostles was who they want to do with him,

nothing. They don’t want to have anything to do with him because they’re still afraid that this is all an elaborate ruse. And so it is Barnabas testimony that will cause him to be able to be joined together to these apostles in Jerusalem. So verse 31, then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria, I skipped a verse, wait a minute,

verse 30. When the brethren found out, they brought him down to Cesarea and sent him out to Tarsus. So he’s gone back home. Saul of Tarsus makes it back to Tarsus, verse 31. Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy spirit they were multiplied.

Okay. So in the midst of the persecution, they’ve undergone in the midst of the struggles that the hands of the Jews that they’ve they’ve endured, who do they fear the Jews or the Lord? The Lord. Do you remember what Jesus told his apostles? When he was sending them out? Matthew chapter 10, do not fear what men can do to you do not fear him who can kill the body,

but cannot destroy the soul. Fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. And so their reverence, their all their respect, their fear. And that’s using the fear in the common sense. Then not the way we use it now of being terrified. Their fear was of God and not men. Okay. So then verse 32. Now,

actually I was going to go through the question. Let’s go through the questions and then we’ll go through the remainder of the chapter. Briefly question number one Less than two 56. Why was Saul going to demands? Discuss All right. Persecute and arrest. Christians, question two. How did Jesus appear to Sol? All right. A light from heaven. What did solves traveling,

companions, hear and see. All right. They heard a voice, but saw no man. For what reason did Jesus tell Saul to go into Damascus? All right. To be told what he needed to do Vision to Anna Niaz what did the Lord say would be SOL’s work The gospel to the Gentiles. Okay. When saw or when was Saul baptized After you?

The site, when Anna Niaz came to him, what did Saul do after his battle? He went to the synagogue to preach. Why was it necessary for Saul to escape from demands? Ask us all right. The Jews were waiting to kill him. How did he get away On the wall? In the basket? When Saul went to Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid of him who took him to the apostles and spoke on his behalf.

Barnabas. Alright, verse 32. Okay. Came to pass. As Peter went through all parts of the country, that he also came down to the saints who dwelt at Lydda there. He found a certain man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden eight years and was paralyzed. And Peter said to him, and he is Jesus. The Christ heals. You arise and make your bed.

Then he arose immediately. So all who dwelled at Lydda and Sharon, which was a neighboring city, saw him and turned to the Lord. So this is following up on what we, what we just read in verse 31, that the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified as SU. So they’d gone under this persecution. They had suffered a great deal at the hand of Saul and others.

And now, as soon as that persecution ends, the church begins to flourish. The church begins to grow. The church begins to expand. And so here, Peter goes to this city and you’d begin traveling around teaching and preaching by all indications, he comes to litter, finds this man in the us and heals him after he had been crippled for eight years.

The likelihood is this is a very small town, very small village. Everybody there knows this man. And here comes this one, Peter preaching these things about Jesus. He shows up, he heals this man. And the miracles did exactly what they were always intended to do. They prove that the yes and juror was from God. And if the messenger was from God,

by performing the miracle and seeing the, the truth that this person came from God for, no one could do these things, except he come from God and academia’s tells Jesus in John chapter three, then the message he preached Chis is from God. So all of Lydia and all of Sharon, as a result of this man being healed believe, okay, verse 36 at Joppa,

there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds, which she did, but it happened in those days that she became sick and died when they had washed her and laid her in an upper room. And since Lydda was near Joppa and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent two men to him,

imploring him, not to delay in coming to them. Then Peter arose and went with them. When he had come, they brought him to the upper room and all the widows stood by him, weeping showing the tunics and the garments, which Dorcas had made while she was with them. But Peter them all out and knelt down and prayed and turning to turning to the body.

He said, Tabitha arise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up. Then he gave her his hand and lifted her up. And when he had called the saints and widows, he presented her alive and it became known throughout all Joppa and many believed on the Lord. So it was that he stayed many days in Joppa with Simon,

a Tanner. Okay. So as you’re looking at this situation is you’re seeing Luke bringing in these accounts as again, go back to acts chapter one in your mind, Jesus said you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Sumeria and into the outermost part of the earth. And Luke’s setting the stage for the transition. The big transition begins to happen in chapter 10 and chapter 11.

And then Paul and his missionary works, begin to hit that fourth stage of the growth of the church. Okay. Chapter or sorry, question one. We’ll go ahead and do these questions now because I’m pretty certain we’re going to need the extra time. When we get to acts chapter 10, acts chapter nine, verses 32 through 34 of what condition did Peter heal?

Aeneas who lived at Lydda Alright. Palsy or being crippled. What did the people of litter and Sharon do when they saw the healed man, Aeneas turned to the Lord by what was Dorcas of the city of Joppa known. Okay. For making clothes for the widows. She was also known as Tabitha. Where was Dorcas? His body laid after she died.

All right. Now, upper chamber. What did Peter do and say when he raised up Dorcas<inaudible> Okay. He held her hand and told her to arise. By the way, isn’t there an example of Jesus doing a very similar thing. Yes. Okay. What did the people of Joppa do after Dorcas was raised from the dead? They believed in the Lord.

How did Jesus? This is, comes from Matthew chapter six. How did Jesus address God in his prayer, on the mountain? When he showed the disciples? How to pray, Right? Our father who? Art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. All right. Comments or questions? We got a minute or two left. Yes.<inaudible> Absolutely.

Absolutely. The, the only, you know, one of the main differences that you see there is the occasion of the man of Aeneas being similar to the man who was let down through, through the roof. But what did Peter not say that Jesus did? Your sins are forgiven. You, you remember the reaction of the Pharisees when Jesus immediate statement is not take up diabetic and walk,

it was vices. Be forgiven. They, they go, Oh, who can forgive sins? But God, which was exactly the point. So Peter doesn’t enter into this one with your sins, be forgiven you, he does say arise. And I think it is, it is interesting. He says arise and make your bed. Your, your use for this bed has just changed.

You know, when, when you’re crippled, when you’re bedridden, that’s that’s every moment you spend, you spend in that bed. Now you have a reason to get up and make it. Now you have a reason to get up and depart that bed. It’s just an interesting concept. All right. Thank you for your time and your attention. We are dismissed.

It’s good to see each and every one of you here this morning, and for those members of ours that are still still watching it online, we are glad that we have that tape capability for you to participate in worship God via the internet, or to call in, do have some visitors with us this morning. It’s good to see each and every one of you.

And we are so glad that you chose to come worship God with us this morning. If you did not get a chance yet to pick up your Lord’s supper, it is on the table. In the back behind the back Pew. There now would be a good time while I go through announcements to get that, continue to remember our sick ed Richardson. That’s my father-in-law.

He did have a good day yesterday, which is a great blessing. Barbara Dillard. She’s still recovering from her rotator cuff surgery. Joan Springer Marie says that she is doing a little bit better today in the last couple of days. So that’s good news to hear that she’s feeling a little better. And then Donnie fine again, still recovering from his hip replacement surgery.

Route L Wilson has a followup appointment this week with his heart doctor. So continue to pray for Rodel. Dorothy is still having shortness of breath and weakness and stomach pains. So continue to remember and pray for Dorothy Janie. Marlin’s doctor told her that at this time they cannot do another ablation. He can’t say the word ablation because of the condition of her heart.

So she is going to seek another doctor and get a second opinion on that. Julie Adams, who’s a D Lisa’s 26 year old friend that we talked about on Wednesday night. Continue to pray for her with the aggressive lung cancer that that young lady has. And then Caleb Nelson, Springer’s a friend, a 13 year old friend that was unconscious from a sledding accident.

He is awake now and had surgery on the right side of his jaw. His jaw is wired shut at this time, and he is unable to move the right side of his body. So continue to pray for him. But at least he is out of that coma. I have two cards here. The first one is from Jenny Sanderson, Collierville, church of Christ.

Thank you for your kindness support and comforting words for the, and for the beautiful peace plant. We gratefully appreciate the cards, phone calls, and the kind expression of sympathy at the very difficult time. Jenny Sanderson and the entire two family also have a card here from Shelly and Michael stacks. Dear church, family, thank you for the cards, ham and stopping by Sunday at mom’s funeral.

It meant a lot to Michael and I, we love each one of you and are so blessed to call COVID church of Christ. Home love Michael and Shelly stacks. Other announcements, the Potter children home March pantry item is the individual drink packets that you put into water. And also they were here and picked up the commodities. So if you need a new coin,

can we have the coin cans on the table? Outside of Paula’s office, there feel free to pick one of them up after services today. Our worship service today song leader will be Michael Dale opening prayer as Joe caisson. Lord’s supper will be Tommy O’Neil. Our sermon this morning will be Noah Olson and our closing prayer is Tommy Lassiner. Thank you. My first song this Morning will be Holy ground.

Holy ground. This is<inaudible>. We’re standing on<inaudible> for<inaudible> press and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for the<inaudible> prize and<inaudible><inaudible> you? Ah, Oh, ah, perfect.<inaudible> we were<inaudible> for you with ah, made clean by. Jeez, you are. Oh, ah, perfect. And<inaudible> we were<inaudible> for you with<inaudible> made clean by.

Jeez, we<inaudible><inaudible> and I know<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hey Jesus.<inaudible> we are standing in his presence on<inaudible> we<inaudible> on<inaudible> and I know that<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hey, jeez.<inaudible><inaudible> when we<inaudible><inaudible> when we<inaudible><inaudible> The song before our opening prayer will be number 490. It is well with my soul. It is well with my soul.

When is like<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> but<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> B roll back as a<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> That’s bow. Oh God, our father in heaven. We true to come before your throne thanking the old God for the love that you have for mankind. And we do pray dear father,

that it is well with our souls, that we’re trying to do our best to live a life that would be pleasing to you. It would give you the honor and the praise and the glory are so thankful. Dear father, for your precious son, coming to this earth and suffering and dying on the cross of Calvary. We’re so grateful for the love that was demonstrated there for each and every one of us for all of mankind.

We pray father that as we have studied your word this morning, that it has strengthened our faith. That has it. It has encouraged us as we go through life to be better servants in the kingdom, that we might be a body of Christ here that is known to be children of yours that are known to be faithful to your word that are known to be caring and loving toward the souls round about us that have never named the name of Jesus father.

We pray that we always keep one another in our thoughts and in our prayers that we are always mindful of one another. As we go through various burdens in life, that we truly are prayerful for each other. And especially for the body of Christ here, we’re thankful there, father that we can come here this day to worship you. We pray in spirit and in truth,

we pray that we are demonstrating our love as we continue to, to sing these songs of praise to you. As we admonish one another through these words, and we give you the praise for mindful father of those that are in other lands, teaching and preaching the gospel. And we pray you help us to continue to support those efforts and be with the ones that are in those other countries,

teaching and preaching the gospel. We pray for your watch and care over them. And that many souls might be able to hear the word proclaimed and that they’re honest hearts that they will no, that is from you. And yeah, it’s your will. And that they will believe and obey that word and become children of yours. Father. We pray that you be with us here,

as we continue to try to reach those in this area where the gospel that you strengthen each and every one of us we might say or do something to those that we come in contact with that will give us that opportunity to share your word with them. We pray father that as we look about us, we remind for those that are going through difficult times,

particularly those that have health issues. We pray that you be with the doctors and nurses that are administering to them and pray that they might regain their health bother. We’re mindful of those that have lost loved ones recently. And we pray that we might be of some comfort to them. Is it grieves their hearts. Father help us to be more aware of those that have left the faith and are not your children they’ve sand.

And they separated themselves from you help us to be conscious of those precious souls and try to encourage them as best. We know how to come back to you and repent of their sins and dedicate their lives in service to you. Once more father, we pray that you be with us in our worship service today, we ask that you be with Noah’s. He breaks into us the bread of life.

We pray that you bless Sam as he continues his studies at the school of preaching, as well as Michael pray, you be with both of these men, as they prepare themselves better to be ministers of your word, that you would bless them and help us to encourage them are so thankful, dear God, for Aaron and Eddie, if they worked with a congregation here,

we love and appreciate them so much for all that they do for the congregation here, ask that you continue to bless them and watch over him and Tonya with us, our father, and forgive us. If when we fail, then we help us to repent and come back to you and be faithful service in the kingdom. And Jesus, we pray. Amen.

So long to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 366 by Christ redeemed. I cry is three deemed and cry is three<inaudible>. We keep up<inaudible> and the de<inaudible> and<inaudible> his body<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. And as we drink, we see, and<inaudible> he, ah, and that<inaudible><inaudible> and we, you know, ah,

one bright chain<inaudible> and<inaudible> ah, The day we prepared to eat of this bread and drink the cup that wrote to us as children of God represents the body and blood of our savior. Let each one of us think of the horrible death that Christ died for our sins. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you for this bread,

which does your children represents the body of our savior. Our heavenly father, we ask that you strengthen each of us in our daily lives. As we strive to follow the word and the example that Christ brought for us, this we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. Okay. If you bow with me, our heavenly father, we continue our thanks for this fruit of the vine,

which just represents the blood of Christ. We thank you, dear Lord, that Christ was willing to sacrifice his life for our sins. We thank you for this fruit of the vine, which is able to cleanse us of our sins as we partake of it, help each one of us to do so with a truly thankful heart. This we ask in Christ’s name,

amen. We now have an opportunity to return unto God. A part of that, that we’ve been blessed with and we truly are blessed. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you for all that. We’re blessed with blessing them for life. We thank you for all of the material blessings that we enjoy in this country. As we prepare to return unto the a part of that,

dear God, probably that we would do so with a cheerful and happy heart, pray that this money would be used to spread your word throughout the whole world, Jared Lord. And that man can, would turn to the push salvation. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. The song before the lesson will be, Have vine own way. Number five,

five, two. If you’re using the book, if you’re able, let’s stand for this song, please have an own way.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> search me and<inaudible> master to<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible><inaudible> hold over my bee. So<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and me May be seated. Good morning. There’s a privilege to be able to be with you this morning.

I don’t want to say how much I appreciate this congregation. And I’m glad to again, be able to worship with you all this morning. Our lesson this Morning is very simple. Our lesson is Christian responsibilities, Christian responsibilities. As Christians. We are given things from our gone, a work to do. If you go to Matthew chapter 25, and he look at verses 14 and following four 14 through verse 30,

we won’t take the time to read that. But Jesus is talking about the parable of the talents. Now he talks about how a man had had he had servants and he gave one servant five talents, another two and another one. And then you continue reading. And then when the, when the master comes and you see the servants, the servant with the five talents increased his,

the servant with the two increased his, but One, he didn’t do anything. And so what happened to that one? What happened to the one that, that the master gave responsibility To what happened when he didn’t fulfill that? Well, look at verse 30 And cast you the unprofitable servant into outer darkness. There should be weeping and gnashing of teeth. We as Christians are responsible for many things,

you know, in Ephesians chapter two, I want you to notice verse number 10, look what, what Paul tells The church at Ephesus For. We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. We have works that we need to do. We are commanded by God to fulfill the things,

the responsibility, And he has commanded us to do notice that everyone is responsible for themselves. Now we can help one another along, but it’s a it’s comes down to my soul. If there’s one thing that you need to be selfish about in this life, it better be your soul. Make sure that you get to have a note, a second Corinthians five and verse number 10 for,

we must notice all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that everyone may receive the things done In his body. That persons, whether that be good or bad For ourselves, and we’re given the choice, do we want to fulfill the responsibilities that God has given us? We’re given that choice. God allows us to choose. Of course, there are consequences to each,

you know, Joshua 24, you you’ve read verse 15, choose you this day, whom you, whom you will serve. That knows what Joshua says. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. We’re given the choice. What are we going to fill the command from God? Are we going to, to, to take that response to those words,

Responsibilities as Christians and obey His wheel, I’m going to look at a couple of responsibilities in general, that Christians have and the church It needs to fulfill these things or else it cannot be faithful to God. Let’s look at our first point. Firstly, Christians have a responsibility first and foremost to God. If I cannot fulfill my responsibility to God, Everything else does not matter.

I first Need to be responsible to God. Look at Micah chapter six, you’ve heard also verse number eight, he has showed the Oh man, what is good? And what doesn’t The Lord require of me. But to notice this, do Joe To love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. Yes, I’m responsible to do those things. According to my,

to my God, as a, as a Christian, I need to be responsible to go for one. He deserves it. He created us and therefore he deserves the utter most respect Back, you know, in Romans chapter 12 and verse number one, notice what Paul says here in verse one of Romans 12, I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body.

Notice this a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God notice this next phrase, Which is your reasonable service. That’s just reasonable. That’s just what you, what you, as, as a, as that’s what you need to do as a Christian, John simply lays a pattern for Christians to follow. Does he not want you to turn over to first John chapter one?

I know I’ve, I’ve done a Divo on this, but I love these verses so much. Notice what John says. First, John chapter one verses five through nine. He tells us if we’re going to be responsible, have fellowship with God. I need to do and live as a Christian. Notice what he says, verse five. This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare to you that God is lying to him is no darkness at all.

If I want to be with God, I need to be where he is and that’s in the light. And then, and then John continues on and he tells Christians how to be responsible to God, how to live in fellowship with God. Notice. Firstly, if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.

I can’t just profess to know God, I can’t just claim that I’m a Christian I have to do Is his will. That’s number two, verse seven. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the lie, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from Olsen. If I’m going to be responsible to God,

what w what we’ve said before, I have to meet God Where he is. I have to do what he says, walking the line. If I want his son’s blood to keep on cleansing me, I have to do his will. Number three, if I’m going to be responsible to God, I have to be humble. As We looked at Micah,

chapter six, verse number eight, walk humbly with God. I gotta be humble. Look at verses eight and nine, a first John chapter one. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, verse nine, he is faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If I’m going to be responsible to God, I need to be humble. I need to walk Humbly with my God. When I sin in which I will, I need to repent. I have to repent. I need to do those things. I love This idea. A brother, actually, one of them I,

Well, he’s a second year student and we were talking and he said he had a great sermon idea. I love this title. Sin is expected, but not accepted. Think about that. God knows we will sin. We’re not going to be, to be perfect, but he never accepts it. He never accepts when we sin, therefore we need to repent.

And if I’m going to be responsible to God, I have to do what walk humbly with God. Yes, Christians are commanded first and foremost, to be received To the one who created him for one, he deserved as a 10 for another. That’s what they’re commanded to do, but no number two, Christian is also responsible to themselves. Oh, they have responsibility to themselves.

This kind of does run along with our first point, but notice Christian Christians are responsible concerning themselves. I want you to notice first Timothy chapter three in verse Number 15, first Timothy Chapter three, verse number 15. But if I tarry long that thou mass know how now ought to Addis, to behave myself in the house of God, which is the church of the living,

God, the pillar and ground of the truth. I need to be responsible to myself and the church. I’m responsible as a Christian to, to, to, to fulfill the things that God would have me to do. Whether I be whether the wan be a father, a mother, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a business owner, whatever the case might be.

They have responsibilities to themselves. Firstly, more importantly, spiritually. But what about those things physically? We’re we need to take care of ourselves physically to be not, you know, on first Timothy chapter five, notice what Paul tells Timothy in verse number eight, first Timothy chapter five and verse number eight. We have responsibilities physically. We can’t negate those things.

No, the physical and spiritual and not on the same level, but they’re still important. Notice first Timothy five and verse number eight. But if any, provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house, you have denied the faith and is worse than it Lymphedema our bodies matter, physically. Yes. We need to understand that we need You abstain from all those things that could harm us,

physically alcoholism, drugs, things such as that gluttony, all of those sands that we need to, to put away. Yes, I have to. I have a responsibility to myself, physically Know we, we also need to understand that we cannot be at lazy people. We can’t be lazy. We need to get to work. You know, Paul would,

It would address this idea. If you’ve got a second Thessalonians Look at verses Or excuse me, a second Thessalonians chapter three, verses 10 and 11. What’s interesting. We’re studying the Thessaloniki. Well, actually that’s Lonial Timothy and Titus as we’re going through the testimonials. One of the things that we’re doing is, is they’re anticipating in the coming of Christ and they weren’t working because they were not working.

And those what Paul says, second Thessalonians, chapter three, verses 10. And following for even when we were with you This week, man, did you, if any, would not work neither, should he eat first 11 for, we hear that there are some which walk among you. Disorderly Working, Not at all. The are busy bodies. We as Christians cannot be alone,

Lazy people. We need to get to work. That’s what got you Commands us to do. If you think about it. What if we don’t? Well, if we sit back, That’s not fulfilling God’s commandment, but what does it also do at all? Also opens doors to temptation. You’ve heard the phrase, idle hands. Do the what? Devils work.

Yes. We as Christians responsible to take Care of ourselves physically. What about our finances? What about the things that God has entrusted us to do all that? That’s just, that’s just money. That’s not important. And in the grand scheme of things, money is, is, is going to, to be burned up one day. But God still commands us.

Be good stewards of it. And that’s our responsibility. Physical. What about spiritually? What about spiritually? I want you to notice What Paul tells the Corinthians. Look at first Corinthians chapter six, verses 19 through 20 notice There, Their body is not their own notice. What know you, not that your body is the temple of the Holy ghost, which is in you,

which you have of God. And you are not your own notice that we’re not our own. I don’t serve myself anymore. Galatians two verse 20, I’m crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet. Not I, but Christ live within me and the life of which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith in the son of God who loves And gave himself for me.

But go ahead. Act of first Corinthians chapter six, look at verse number 20. Notice you were Bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in, in your spirit, which are God’s. I’ve a responsibility to myself spiritually because of it. It’s not mine body. It’s God’s. I serve him. I do Well. He commands me to do.

I need to examine myself. What are some things that I can do to make sure that I am responsible spiritually? What? Well, firstly, live a life of diligence in second Timothy chapter two in verse number 15, Paul tells Timothy in the, in the King James to study to show myself approved unto God, a Workman that needs not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth. You look at American standard American standard. It says Be diligent shell, a life of diligence to God. That’s what we are commanded to do. We are responsible to God for that, But also notice I’m not only responsible to, to, to study and to know his word, but Apliant and also to abstain from sin.

Yeah. Colonia is chapter five and verse 22. Notice what Paul says. He says abstain from all appearance of evil abstain from all appearance of evil. Now, does that mean For instance? Well, I Can’t, I can’t shop at Walmart because they sell alcohol. Oh, I can’t shop at this store because they sell cigarettes. All of those things such as that,

I don’t believe that’s what Paul is saying here. I think there’s, if we, if you use this illustration, for instance, if I were going to going to go into Walmart and Michael were to, to see me go into Walmart, what is the first impression that he’s going to think of me? Oh, there’s no going to buy alcohol. No,

there is no a probably going to, to buy groceries. Now, if Michael were to see me walk into a bar, what’s that impression that would be a different impression. Oh, there’s different impressions. There. We need to abstain from all appearance of evil. And we need to Understand that we need to make sure That we don’t put ourselves in situations where we could sin.

Hey, what’s interesting. You know, and the church, we, sometimes we try to get as close to sin as we can without I won’t cross the line, but I’m gonna try and get as close as I can Do that. Try to stay away from sin as much as you can. Why, why? Well, because God is Holy look at first Peter chapter one,

verses 13 and following first Peter chapter one, verses 13 and following, I love these verses wherefore gird of the loins of your mind. Be sober, be, be temporary, be self-control and hope to the end for the grace. That is to be brought onto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves, according to the former lusts in your ignorance,

Notice this, but as he, what Jeff called you is Holy. So That’ll be Holy in all manner of conversation and anything you do notice verse 16 because it is written. Be Holy for, I am Holy. What are we striving to be like? We’re striving to be like God. And so we can’t put ourselves in situations where sin is present.

That’s my responsibility to myself, to abstain from sin, to live a life of diligence. But let me touch on this for a bit. A moment. We also have A Responsibility to, to ourselves, spiritually to attend the assembly. Now are there exceptions always? Yes. God understands for those who are sick for those who physically cannot make it. God understands those things.

But sadly, I believe the church, some souls are lost in the church universally because Simon taken log rather stay home. It’s easier for me to, to, to worship at Home. Now I want To put this out here. There are exceptions, But to those who can go out to the store to socialize In restaurants and things such as that, You can go to the store There at worship,

Hebrews chapter 10, verse 25, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves. And we need to understand that. And sadly we have not. Sometimes we need to stress the importance of the Assembling. It’s important. It’s a commandment of God and yes, that’s my responsibility. Now, again, God Understands and in some situations and things such as that, But again,

worship is Important and I have responsibility in myself, spiritual, The land physically that’s to serve God and him alone. But number three, our third point for this morning, I’m not only responsible for my life as a Christian. What about my brother? Now? I know that that might not. I’m not contradicting myself here. I cannot get to heaven for you.

I can not be baptized for you, but our, this this point, we’re going to address this idea that we are. We have some things that we need to do for, We need to understand that Christians need to take responsibility in matters concerning all on brother. Well, how do I do that? Well, number one, I need to show kindness.

I need to show love. That’s my responsibility. God has commanded us to do that. Look at Ephesians chapter four, look at verse number 32, Ephesians chapter four and verse number 32. Notice this and be kind one to another tenderhearted, forgiving one another. Even God for Christ’s sake, hath Forgiven you. I love that verse notice also Galatians chapter six and verse number 10 as we have therefore opportunity.

Let us do good until all men, especially unto them. Who are the household of faith? That’s my responsibility to my brother. That’s all Responsibility to one another. As Christians, we are commanded to be kind is Christ show kindness unto us. Can we not simply show the same to our brother? And number two, a Christian is commanded to show love,

but we also cannot be those who are going to stir up straight. That’s my responsibility. I can’t be those who are going to go behind one. Another’s back to gossip to create division. I can’t do that. That my responsibility is to show love to one another. Look at James chapter four, James chapter four, look at verse 11, speak,

not evil. One of another brethren. We have a problem with someone let’s go to them alone, not go to the five other people around let’s love. Show love one to another. We were stopped. We are commanded to stop being busy bodies and creating division. I guess that’s not the church. The body of Christ. God is the author of,

of, of, of, of peace, not confusion. And therefore that’s what we are commanded to do. That’s my responsibility to want to know, to be kind and to do those things. But also notice my responsibility is, is, is, is as a Christian to one another is to reprove sin when one And perhaps is, is living in sin or,

or struggling with certain sin. Do I just let that go and say that’s all right. Just, just, just excuse them this. No, I need to tell him his fault To teach him the better way. According to the scriptures. Not my opinion, but that’s my responsibility because let me ask you a question. Let me think. Let, let’s think about this in an illustrative terms.

If you go back to his ego, chapter 33, I love this example has Equal talks about a Watchman. He sees the army coming and he sees the army coming and he knows that. And he tells his people. He tells the city, well, now they’re worn. And it’s up to them. If they want to, to flee or do whatever they need to do to get away from that,

the Watchman has done And his job, but the Watchman sees the army, the enemy coming, He sees, he understands. He knows that they’re going to come To this city says nothing. People don’t know. Now the people are still going to die. They’re they’re going to be to die, but whose fault is it as well? The Watchman, if I see my brother in sin,

if I do nothing, it’s my responsibility to tell him, is it not? So Christ commands us, Matthew 18. If I have a problem with my brother, go to him And tell him the fault alone, Matthew 18, but also notice I’m not only to reprove sin, stop gossip, be kind one to another in the church, but also to forgive also to forgive notice,

Colossians chapter three, verses 12 and following Washington, chapter three, verses 12, and following put on there. Four has the Elective, God, Holy and beloved, bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness long suffering. Forbearing one another and forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any right? And As Christ forgave, you so also do ye When one comes it,

perhaps someone were to do me wrong and they were, and they were to her pin. I apologize and repent. Truly. My attitude must be to forgive as Christ forgave me now, what does that mean? Does that mean like, excuse sin. Absolutely not. But when they repent, I forgive as God does. And that’s our responsibility to our on brethren.

You need to show kindness to show love, to forgive when others were pissed. Basically it points It’s down to, to, to, to, to following Christ Because that’s what Christ would do. Would he not? We are called to encourage one another and to be there for one another. That’s our responsibility. Look at Romans chapter 15, verse number two,

Romans 15 and verse number two, let every one of us please His neighbor for his good to edification. That’s our goal as Christians to Edify one another to encourage one another and to make sure that we’re all following the path of Christ men. Number four fourth point for this morning is this. We also have a responsibility. Those who are earning that brethren yes,

to those who are we, we are encouraged to, to be kind one to another. But what about those who are airing as we would? What about when, when, when a member in the church is perhaps struggling with a certain sin or will not repent, there are responsibilities that the church needs to do. I want you to notice Galatians chapter six,

Galatians chapter six, I love verses one and two. Notice what Paul tells the churches of glacier. He says brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you at your spiritual restore, such a one in the spirit of maintenance, considering myself less than I’ll also be 10 Barry, one another’s burdens. And so fulfill the law of Christ. We as Christians,

When we see a brother or sister struggling with a certain sin, we ought to be there for them, for one to encourage them. But to also show them The better way now with drawl is that the never The first step, if they are wanting to do better, if they are struggling with a certain sin and repenting, we need to be there and to help them along that way,

why it’s not to, to get back at them, but it is to help them along the way. Notice James chapter five. I love these verses as well. Notice verses 19 and following James chapter five verses 19 and following notice brethren, if any of you do air from the truth, Convert him. Notice this, notice what it does for his soul.

Let him know that he will. She converted the sinner from the error of his way. She’ll save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins. When I see a brother or sister in fault, I need to show them that better way. That’s my responsibility to those who are struggling with sin. And we need to understand that that’s mine,

My responsibility, but what about this one? What about a brother or sister who is struggling with sin, but yeah, Well, not repent. What’s our commandment. Well, just excuse it to the side. Just put it aside. No. So I’m over commanded to do there’s a different approach. No, to second Thessalonians, chapter three in verse number six,

notice these Are those who walk disorderly. Now We command you brethren in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ that notice this, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother. They walk it disorderly and not after the tradition which he received of us. This tradition is not man’s traditions. The gospel, the gospel of Christ to those who are walking, not according to the gods.

What is our responsibility disorder Really? As to if you think about in the, in the army or military, those who walk in and rank and simply just order list to walk out of rank to those who are not walking, according to the tradition. And what’s what our responsibility as Christians is just to, To do what make sure there is no sin Push out sin as,

as much as possible. You know, in Joshua chapter seven, when akin sin, God was, God did not allow them to flourish. What happened? San entered the camp and they, You know, what’s interesting what sin also does. It doesn’t also hurt me. It hurts many individuals. And going back to what we read in Galatians chapter six brethren,

if any of you do are from the truth and or excuse me, if any man be overtaken in a fault, you at your spiritual restore, such a one in the spirit of maintenance, What is this? Considering myself less. That will also be Tempted. That’s my responsibility to make sure That sin is pushed out. And when one brother or sister who will not repent of their sins Steps to be taken.

And that’s of course what Jesus commands. If you go to Matthew chapter 18, this is what, what Christ is talking about here. If there is a brother who has a fault and, And we need to understand this idea. Notice this first 15 Matthew 18 verse 15, moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between me and him alone.

And if he shall hear the Taoists gain that breath, that’s the first step that you don’t have to go tell five other people it’s between you and him alone. But if he will not repent, once you bring him, brought him to God, once you have brought him this notice verse 16, but if he will not hear thee and take what the one or two more the,

in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. There’s the next step. If he will not hear they, once you go with him alone, you bring one or two more, But knows this. If he will not repent, you bring him the truth. This is not just an opinion, but you bring Him the truth.

Notice verse 17, if he shall neglect To hear them, tell it into the church. And if you neglect to hear the church, let him Be unto thee as a heathen man in a publican. What is this? The idea, basically, we call this disfellowship or withdrawal when there is One who is not willing to repent, we do not accept sin,

but notice that This, this is not done to get at the brother or sister. This is not to say we got him, But it’s to save their soul in general. And that’s, that’s our responsibility to look at first Corinthians chapter five and verse number five, Paul here addressing this same idea to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,

that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. Jesus, that’s the purpose of this. This is not to, to, to, to make sure that Just to get at him Ourselves look better, but to make sure that soul is say that’s that’s. The Purpose is also to save The church. Why? Because a little 11, 11.

Yeah, The whole lump, a little sin. It can be so much It’s destructive. And that’s our responsibility. When the sin is in the camp, I can’t let it remain. I can’t. That’s my Possibility as Christians. Let me ask you a question. Is, is anyone exempt from this? Well, it’s my mother. It’s my mother.

It’s my father. That’s living in sin. It’s all right, right. It’s okay. No, because Jesus Says, if any man come to me and hate not love less. His father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters Yana had his own life. Also, he cannot be my disciple. We need to understand. And they Christ comes first and yet sin cannot remain in the camp.

No matter the cost. Notice number five, Our last point for this morning, we’ve looked at many things that we were responsible for to our brethren, to ourselves as Christians. What about something to our government? I think sadly, and just looking at the church Again, I’ve said this before. COVID has not only affected those physically, but sadly, spiritually,

sadly, spiritually. I want to look at this for a bit. A moment. Firstly got it. It’s called Christians to be responsible. Has he not to our government? I want you to notice Romans chapter 13, God has called all Christians to be responsible to the authority, which they’re under Romans chapter 13 and verses one and two, let every soul Be subject unto The higher powers for there is no power,

but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God, whosoever therefore exist. If the power resistant the ordinance of God and they, that resist shall receive to themselves damnation, We Are commanded to be responsible to those which we Were under. But no, I Disagree with those who are in power. I disagree with the laws, the commandments that are stating doesn’t mean you have to agree with them That they don’t contradict The law of God.

We are commanded to them. And that’s our responsibility. If the government has ordained laws, that, that, again, don’t contradict, we are commanded to about, I think there are two questions or two things that we can ask ourselves Here. Does the Oracle does it? The law in which they’ve stayed that doesn’t contradict God’s law. Does it prohibit me?

Number two from going against God’s law. That’s what we need to ask ourselves. And if it, It doesn’t matter what I think I have to obey for instance, what about the speed limit? I do sometimes wish the speed limit was faster, But it doesn’t matter if gods, If the authorities have stated something that doesn’t contradict, I don’t think I’m going to go to hell or not.

If I concerning the speed limit, therefore I need to obey that ordinance. What about taxes? Well, I don’t like paying taxes. Well, not many do, but it’s still an Oracle of the government. What about this one? What about masks? What about masks? Well, I don’t like wearing masks. It’s annoying to me. It, to me Personally,

it is as well, but when there’s an ordinance that they, that the government has stated, We as Christians are obligated to obey, no matter unless it contradicts God’s law. I don’t think a mass can prohibit us from worshiping. God does it. I don’t think it does. Therefore. I need to obey Now again, if, if they, if they give us that,

that opinion or you get to choose, then that’s one thing. But if it is mandated, we, as Christians are obligated to Obey. If it doesn’t contradict The law of God and we noticed this, I love this phrase, Christians first, then Americans, I’m a Christian, Just because I’m a Christian. Doesn’t mean that those civil rights and Liberty,

These are just thrown away. I’m a Christian first. Then I am an American or whatever country I’m under. You want. It’s interesting. When Paul was writing Romans and when he was writing, He has letters. What did it, what government were they under? Were they under Governments that were acceptance of Christianity? I’ll just do what you want. You get to choose.

Right? They were under harsh persecution. You know, we were reading. Yeah, I can’t re I think it was a couple of days ago concerning the Roman emperors. I won’t go into details cause it really is Immoral. But Some of the things that they were that the Roman emperors were doing Wing was, was twisted. Paul says, obey, go back to Romans 13.

Notice again, Number one, let every soul be subject unto the higher powers Unless you disagree with them. Right? Whatever. So it will be subject to under the higher powers. If they, if there is an ordinance that they have Told us to do, we are commanded now again, what about if they have given us commandments to disobey the law of God?

What are we to do? We are to disobey. Look at acts chapter five and verse 29, acts chapter five and verse 29. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men stop preaching on homosexual. The reality that we can’t do that you Cannot sing, sing praises unto God In worship. No, can’t do that.

I obey God first. And then the government, why are we doing this? Why, why, why this responsibility here? It’s for the Lord’s sake. It’s for God. That’s why I do it in first, Peter chapter two in verse 13, submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. I do this for God and turn. When I obeyed the authorities,

according to the scriptures, I obey God. That’s my responsibility as a Christian. And we have a responsibility to pray for them to obey them. If it doesn’t contradict the law of God, that’s my responsibility as a Christian. And sadly, it’s a sad thing. It’s not something to, it’s a depressing thing to think that Christians are losing their souls because of these negated responsibilities.

That’s a sad thing that the church is doing. But looking at our lesson this morning, we, as Christians are responsible for many things, God has commanded us to do many things in the church. He’s given us responsibilities. And I want us to think about something again, as we, as we go back to that parable in Matthew 25, the master has given us responsibilities as he not the master has given us things to do.

When he comes back, is he going to look at us and say that we’ve done nothing with those responsibilities? Is he going to look at us and say, I never knew you depart from me either that work iniquity or is he going to tell us entry into the joy of Lord? Well, well done now. Good faithful servant. You have done many things.

I’ve given you responsibilities. I given you commandments to do, and you’ve done them. Enter in, live with me for eternity. Do we not want him to say that of us? Think we do. And, and perhaps there is one here this morning who is a Christian, but has not done the things that God would have them to do in these things.

God has given us these commandments for reason, because he wants us to obtain eternal life. He wants us to because he loves us. Second, Peter chapter three in verse nine, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promise. As some men counts Lochness, but as long suffering he’s patient toward us. Not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance.

But perhaps there’s one who has never even started that journey to become a Christian. Do you believe that Jesus is a son have gone? Are you willing to repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man, and then be baptized for the remission of your sins will be added to the church. The greatest institution known to man, the church, the body of Christ.

If you are added to the church, you’ll be able to go to heaven by living faithfully. If you do unto God, a beautiful blessing, we need to re be responsible as Christians. And if there is one here this morning, this subject in the invitation, won’t you come as we stand. And that’s what we see.<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, no way.

Hey we do.<inaudible> he<inaudible> and where<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> to being happy and jeez. Ah, but to trust and eh, not a bird and we<inaudible>. Nah<inaudible> but<inaudible><inaudible> Hey, nada grief.<inaudible><inaudible> but is<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> for there’s. No,<inaudible> to being happy and jeez. Ah,

but to trust and eh, then fan ships. We, we<inaudible>. Oh, well the walk by here is a side and Hey, what he says we well do where he Sans. We well, never fear on the trust and Oh, Hey trust. And<inaudible> for there’s. No,<inaudible> to be happy, but to trust and<inaudible> Song for our closing prayer will be number 634 we’ll work till Jesus comes.

Oh, land<inaudible>. Nah, man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> well<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> two GS, a scribe, a flat for a sea bed. Me. See, he’s too wrong.<inaudible> on his breast. He asked me, Oh,<inaudible> to Jesus comes. Well, Jesus comes and<inaudible><inaudible> ah,<inaudible> no more<inaudible><inaudible> tide and reach my head.<inaudible><inaudible> well<inaudible> to,

Jesus comes when Jesus comes and<inaudible> Which he brought with me. I got and father in heaven. We indeed thank you for this beautiful first day of life and the freedom of opportunity that you’ve given us to gather here in worship and sing praises to your name, father. We thank you for the great lesson that was brought to us this morning by Noah and father,

we pray that we may study deeper into that and carry that with us through our daily lives, to bring that shine and light to those around us. Father, we’re mindful of those who were mentioned. There were sick and we pray father that you will be with those that are sick and return them back to a great slate of house and father be that well,

that, that you will comfort them. Those doctors tending to those father. We pray that you’ll be with us and keep us safe and forgive us for our sins in Jesus name. Amen.

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02-24-2021 – Acts 9:1-31 – The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (Class) – Aaron Cozort

In Acts, Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible> Testing one, two, testing one, two. Turn me up just a little bit. Okay. We are here. We are in acts chapter nine, Acts chapter nine. It is so good to see your face. It’s good to have Janet back with us. I was getting in my way. All right, let’s begin with a word of prayer,

our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for this day that you’ve given to us grateful for this life that you have granted to us to be able to serve you, to be able to gather together, to study your word and know that we have the ability to do so in peace and without persecution, we are mindful of those throughout the world who do not have that opportunity.

This night, we pray that they might have peace, that they might have freedom to be able to worship you as you have commanded us to do we pray for all those who are away from us because of COVID. And for other reasons, those who are ill, those who are struggling with, with injuries or difficulties or health, we pray that they might be able to recover fully.

We pray for our nation and its leaders that they might make choices, which promote peace and the spreading of the gospel throughout your world. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this study, may the things that we say, be in accordance with your will. And may we learn the lessons from the events of acts chapter nine, that you would have us to learn all this.

We pray in Jesus name, amen, and acts chapter nine. We find perhaps one of the most well-known accounts of a conversion in all scripture, and as with many things that are well known, the fact that it is well-known does not mean that it’s well understood. It does not mean that it’s understood properly just because it’s well known. And so hopefully all of us here have a firm grasp of,

of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. But if not, hopefully by the End of class, we’ll have a good grasp on the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. We begin in chapter nine and in verse one, then solve breathing, still breathing, threats, and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest. What, what is it that occurred back in chapter eight,

verses one through two or verse one through three, then That is what did we read about? All right, Steve, Even his stone in the end of chapter seven And then chapter eight, what starts happening to the church in Jerusalem? Okay. Chapter eight, verse one. Now Saul was consenting to his death at that time, a great persecution arose against the church,

which was at Jerusalem. And they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Sumeria, except the apostles. So the, they that were scattered the church, the Christians. All right. So, So as a result of the persecution that is happening as a result of the actions of the leadership of the Jews in persecuting, the Christians, the Christians begin to spread out.

Now you remember acts chapter one, Jesus said you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem. And where else Judea. Well, right now They’re pretty much all clustered in Jerusalem. So now they start spread out even more. He’s in Jerusalem. Judea, where else? So Marriott. Now, if you were to go back into chapter chapter six, Is it No,

it’s, it’s the end of chapter eight, sorry. I’m I’m thinking of something else. Chapter eight, you find Phillip going into some area and then Peter and John will come down to some area as well. And we’ll give the gifts of the Holy spirit to those who are converted in some area. So chapter two, through about chapter seven, you pretty much have the church in Jerusalem and a little bit in Judea.

Then as the persecution begins, they begin to leave Jerusalem. And as that persecution begins, as they begin to spread out. One of the first things we read about is the church in Samaria, but Jesus said you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and Judea and Sumeria and The outermost part of the world. So that Apps where we’re picking up in chapter nine,

chapter nine is stage Four Jerusalem stage one, Judea stage two summary and stage three, the rest of the world, stage four. So Paul, or excuse me, Saul still as, as Luke gives a calendar of it, he’s told you Saul was, was a wrecking havoc of the church, chapter eight, verse three, as for Saul, he made havoc of the church entering every house,

dragging off men and women committing them to prison. What do we know about Saul of Tarsus and his background This time? Okay. He was a student of, one of the teachers of the law, Emilio, who was also part of the Sanhedrin. He was part of the 70. What else do we know? Well, he, he was from,

I don’t think he was from the right TRIBE to be a priest, but, but to be on the, on the sane, Hedron most likely for sure. He was an up and coming. He, he, he was one of the young guys that everybody fought now. That’s, that’s a Jew right there that that’s, that’s gonna, he’s going somewhere.

He’s gonna be somebody. Okay. So he sits under the most well-known teacher.<inaudible> he? He is a, a up and comer as far as the view of those around him. And then some of this, by the way, we don’t learn about here in the book of acts. We learned about it. When Paul writes about himself later on in life,

when he defends his apostleship in second Corinthians, we read some about his life. When we read over in Galatians about his life, we, we get some more there. And when Paul rehearses all of these things, as he’s standing on trial, we learn about some of these things that were going on before this time. But he was present when Stephen was stoned,

what was his role in that action? All right. Now, if you want your throwing arm nice and loose, you got to take that out or code off. And so they took their outer garments off and laid them at the feet of a man whose name was So the Picture you get there is his youth. He’s not one of the elder people among this group of Jewish leaders.

He’s one of, if not the youngest among them. So at the time of Stephen’s death, he’s probably quite young, maybe late twenties, early thirties at most probably men, perhaps even younger than that. But as you see the advancement and one of the things we don’t have, you know, we, we have the scriptures broken up into chapters and they weren’t originally,

but we also don’t have date stamps on a lot of this stuff. You know, Luke doesn’t say, and in 80, 47, This happened. So, So as a result of that, one of the things that we have to remind ourselves is time has transpired this isn’t a year after Jesus died. This is a number of years. And some have suggested perhaps even 10 years or more after Jesus died.

That we’re all the way in chapter nine. Okay. So if the apostles Were young men and usually a disciple was younger than the master. So if that were generally true than the majority of the apostles would have been younger than Christ, if that was the case Christ died, when he was 33, based upon the best information that we have, which would have made his apostles that,

that older, younger, most Likely, which If we’re another four or five years down the road before the stoning of Stephen, which is very powerful<inaudible> than it is the case. And likely the case that Paul is younger than all of them. Okay. Because he’s still in his, By indication his youth at the time, Steven is stoned and the apostles at this point,

probably 35, 36, you know, whatever, if, if we’re four or five or six years after the death of Christ, they wouldn’t have been considered youths. At that point, they would have been considered full grown men. Okay. So the likelihood is Paul is younger than the majority. If not all of the rest of you Apostles just a little tidbit that’s worth thinking about as,

as you think about the attitudes, About the perspective, once Saul witnesses, the killing of Steven. And once he witnesses his teachers, his leaders, his, his leadership of his nation begin wrecking havoc in the church. He goes in full force. He goes in as a young man, typically does just full boar pedal to the metal. I’m going to deal with this problem of these insurrectionists among the Jews.

I’m going to deal with these traders, these blasts femur, Who called themselves after Jesus’s name now, what was it that the Jews Claimed Jesus did when they took him to pilot? What did they say? He should die? Because he was guilty of Last with me. So Well, if their accusation against Jesus and their reason for putting them in him to death is blasphemy.

Then anyone who says I’m a disciple of Jesus is a Last Famer. Under the old Testament law, the penalty of blaspheming was Death. So as far as Saul is concerned, Not only do the religious leaders and his teachers and everyone around him consider these people to be Blast Famers, but he’s read the law. He knows the penalty. He is one of these Jews that would have opened up Deuteronomy chapter 13,

where Moses tells Israel in Deuteronomy chapter 13, if someone from among your nation comes in and begins telling you to go away after another God, to leave Jehovah and serve another God, then if he’s your brother or your son or your sister or, or, or, or your parent, it doesn’t matter how close relationship he is or that person is. You turn him over to the people to be Boned because they’re leading you away from God.

This is why All those years later, when Paul is standing on trial, Paul will say, I have lived in good conscience before God to this De Paul, how can you, Would you say you’ve lived in good conscious before God to this day you were killing people because he, in his understanding of what the disciples of Christ were Believing Them to be blast femurs,

believing them to be false teachers, believing them to be people who were leading the Israelite nation away from Jehovah. He was doing the will Of God bringing all of this to mind, to point out the danger of faults teachers, because had his teachers not been hypocrites, had his teachers not. Then those who had denied the law to achieve their own Hands,

then he would never have attacked the church. Oh, absolutely. I mean it remember it’s Camellia who says, isn’t not better. That one die than then the whole nation should perish. That’s his teacher who says that. Right? So, so Gmail is very much a mixed bag. You know, he, you, you, you see this, this idea of Gmail as,

as we get just very small glimpses of him and he is well-known, he’s renowned. He’s not the extremist that some of them are, but at the same time, he’s also not standing up saying we’ve seen the miracles. We know he’s from God. Therefore he’s not Nicodemus. He’s somewhere between Nicodemus, who won’t leave the Sanhedrin and follow Christ, but knows who Christ is and believes that Christ is the son of God.

He’s somewhere between that. And the, the others who just want him want Christ debt. Okay. He’s somewhere in the middle. All right. So Paul Saul comes up under this leadership, sees these things happen to Stephen witnesses. This considers this to be the, the authorization necessary to start persecuting the church full bore and will do so and begins that persecution in Jerusalem.

Then we read verse one. He is still breathing threats and murders against the disciples of the Lord. He went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. As Saul looks at the situation as is chapter eight,

begins in the church starts dispersing. So to his targets, there there’s, there’s fewer of them in Jerusalem. As matter of fact, almost all of them are gone from Jerusalem. The only ones left were the apostles, but for whatever reason, they’re, they’re not making much headway getting to them yet. And so Saul goes, you know what? They’re going everywhere.

I’m going to follow them. So he wants the high priest to give him letters, to be able to go to Damascus. And if he finds any of these Christians in Damascus, to be able to arrest them, to be able to bring the persecution to Damascus. Now, Damascus is not a Jewish city. It’s a Gentile city. Okay. It has Jewish Jews in it.

It has a synagogue in it, but Damascus is, is in Syria. It’s not in, it’s not in Israel. So he’s seeking permission and authority to go outside of Israel to carry on this persecution. But in order to accomplish that, you need the authority of the high priest. And you also need something else. You, two degree, you need the authority of Rome,

but you also need some, some soldiers. And the high priest had soldiers. The temple guard was really the only soldiers that the Israelites were allowed to maintain. And so the likelihood is that these who come along with Saul are part of the Jewish temple guard, not likely Roman centurions, okay? Because the high priest wouldn’t have had authority over any Roman centurions.

Now, Herod might have as, as the King set up by by Rome, but the high priest would not have. Okay. So he sends them on their way. He sends him with letters and authority. As he journeyed, he came near Damascus and suddenly a light shown around him from heaven. This is not natural sunlight. I imagine they were journeying during the day.

Most likely. I mean, that’s when you would journey, generally at that point in time, this is not natural. And all of them immediately realized this is not natural. Okay? So this light shines from heaven. Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? An obvious miraculous event is going on,

or at least a non natural event. So let me use that term in the sense of miraculous, super natural. This light is not ordinary. A voice out of nowhere is not ordinary, but the question Saul, and just in case he misses it the first time Saul. Again, I don’t want you to have any mistake on who it is. I’m talking to Saul,

Saul, why are you doing this a few times in their lives? My children been doing something when a parent has walked in the room and immediately the question is Why It’s that moment where you go, if you knew, Ooh, what you shouldn’t be doing, you would know this, isn’t it. And that’s, That’s the tone of voice I hear in my head.

When I imagine this question, sorry, Saul, why are you persecuting me now? Certainly Christ could have said, why are you persecuting the church? But he didn’t. And there’s An important point there. What you do too. The church you do to Christ what though, Who are even inside the body of Christ, if they choose to attack and devour and consume one another through,

through backbiting and murmuring and gossip and deceitfulness and lies. If they do that to themselves, what are they doing? Who are they doing? They’re doing it. It’s Christ. Yeah. Ever seen somebody take a hammer in one hand and hold a nail with the other and hit the wrong name. And you know, it’s not just the little finger that has the reaction.

Is it? It’s the entire body. You do it to one part, you do it to the whole, Paul, Why are you persecuting me? And he said, Who are you? Lord his user. The term Lord here is not an automatic recognition that this is Christ. The use of the term Lord here is master. It’s quite obvious if there’s a light shining down from heaven and a voice coming out of nowhere that you’re higher than I am,

but I don’t know who you are. Who are you? He says, then the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goats. What would have happened if Saul had been like the profits of bail in Elijah’s day, you remember For the profits of bail, who all came together and tried and tried and tried and tried to get bail to send down fire from heaven.

Did they succeed at, Did they say, Well, I guess we’re wrong bales. Not really, God, no. They didn’t deny that what they were. The one they thought was was God was God. As a matter of fact, when the fire came down from heaven on Alijah sacrifice, they still didn’t deny bail. What if Saul had been like one of them?

What if saw had been so hard-hearted and entrenched and indoctrinated and consumed by his false beliefs that even in the midst of a miraculous event from heaven before his very eyes, he still would deny that Jesus was the Christ. Let’s not Get to the point where we believe that there would not be people who would be that way. There were, there were people who witnessed Lazarus walking around and still wouldn’t believe that Jesus was the Christ.

Would the church still have, okay.<inaudible> what the church accomplished in the first century. Would the gospel still have been spread the way the gospel was spread in the first century without Saul of Tarsus. And I’m going to go with probably because one of the Things that you see here is God says, this is my guy. I’m going to use him.

When we get over to Anna Antonia, that’s going to be the, And the idea, but just Like the book of Esther, you remember what Mordecai says to Esther? If it’s not, you, You know, This, the Lord will deliver his people, but he won’t save you. You and your house are going to perish, but God’s going to take care of his.

There’s very introductory statement by Jesus is this. Your is hard for you to kick against the go. This is, do you wonder if perhaps Saul of Tarsus is traveling to Damascus and as he is trying to stamp out this, this and archi, this, this, this, the individ, these group of individuals who are turning against the law of Moses,

do you think perhaps he’s a little frustrated that he couldn’t have dealt with it when it was still in Jerusalem, and now he’s having to go to Damascus and now he’s chasing them down. I think maybe There’s an indication in Jesus’s statement of the mindset of Saul as he’s traveling, That it Looked doable when they were all in one place. It doesn’t look doable now because they’ve scattered everywhere.

When someone has a cancer, it’s all located in one central location. What can a surgeon do? And cut it out. What happens when it’s spread all throughout the body? You can’t, you can’t solve it the same way you might eventually win, but it’s a whole different battle. Saul went from having the Christians be a little tumor to being pervasive cancer throughout the body because they just spread everywhere.

So now absolutely I’ll I don’t, I don’t disagree at all that there was an effectiveness to solve that didn’t necessarily exist. And, and a point to be made that that had Saul not been used by God, the way he was. I don’t think God would have been out of, out of tools and out of options. But the church, the main problem you have at this point in time is the church is a Jewish church.

All these years later, Jesus has told them over and over and over while he was alive, that the Gentiles were going to be part of the kingdom and where they preaching to the Gentiles. No, it’s not till the next chapter after this, where Peter even begins preaching to a Gentile. Absolutely. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. That, that is,

that is certainly one of the lessons we see from, from Saul of Tarsus. That no matter what you’ve done in life in the past, not only can your sins be forgiven, but you can change your future. So all of this occurs, Jesus asked this question, verse six. So he trembling and I notice this word, astonished of all the answers he could have picked out to the question of who are you?

He one to come up with that one, trembling and astonished. He said, Lord, what do you want me to do? Then the Lord said To him, arise, go into the city. And you will be told what you do Must do. As soon as Saul realized who this was solved in a mailing go, well, I’ve heard all the preaching before.

I know exactly what these guys teach. So, so I know exactly what I needed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Paul says, Oh, okay. What would you have me to do? If a King confronts you and says, you’ve been fighting against me. And you know, based upon everything in this,

the circumstances surrounding you, that he can end your life Right there. David due to the man who came to him and said, aye, Killed Saul. David said, you signed your own death warrant. The King has done Declared to the individual. You Have been attacking me. Who are you? I’m Jesus of Nazareth. What would you have me to do?

Let us be clear That Paul was, or Saul was not saved at this time Moment, buddy believed at this moment, You don’t ask someone who you don’t believe to be alive anymore. What would you have me to do? As far As Saul was concerned, was Jesus of Nazareth alive anymore. It is now, and he’s not just alive, but he’s God.

So Then the Lord said to him, arise, go into the city. What city Damascus, where They’re approaching, they’re there near Damascus, go into the city and you will be told what you must do. And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no one will perhaps get into a discussion of, of really the what,

what did they hear? What did they know? What did they not know at another time? But that’s an interesting discussion. Then Saul Rose from the ground. And when his eyes were opened, he saw no one, but they led him by the hand and brought him into the maskus. And he was three days without sight and neither ate nor drank.

Now, there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Anna Niaz and to him, the Lord said in a vision and an niacin, and he said, here I am Lord. So the Lord said to him, arise and go to the street called straight and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus. For behold, he is praying.

Now, if the denominational world’s doctrine of salvation was true, then Paul’s already had his sins washed away. Paul sins Are gone. Why? Because he certainly Believed he knew Who Jesus was. He Knew. He certainly believed that he’s Lord. How do we know that he called him Lord? And he’s praying now if Baptist doctrines true, and all you need to do is believe in say a prayer.

Paul saved, which is Why, by the way, this is one of the most well known conversions in all of history. While at the same time being one of the least Understood because as far as most people are concerned, he saved right here. But I think Anna, this is going to disagree. Notice Lord said to him arise and go to the street called straight and inquire the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus.

For behold, he is praying and in a vision he is seen in a man named Anne and I is coming in and putting his hand on him so that he might receive his sight. Not only Does he believe, not Only is he praying, but he’s even seeing a vision from the Lord. So he must be saved, right? Verse 13, then Anna and I is answered.

Lord. I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priest to bind all who come and call who call on your name by the Lord, said to him, go for, he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear my name before Gentiles Kings and the children of Israel for,

I will show him how many things he must suffer for my namesake and Anne and I is went his way and entered the house and laying his hands on him said, brother saw the Lord. Jesus, who appeared to you on the road. As you came, has sent me to you that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy spirit.

Well, see, he prayed. He believed he’d seen a vision from the Lord and an ISE walks in and calls him brother. So he must be saved. Right? One of the things that you find in scripture is sometimes it’s Not one passage that gives you all the Information turn over to acts chapter 16. And by the way, on Sunday, we’re finishing acts chapter nine.

Now that’s in the lesson plan anyway. Okay. So, all right. Acts chapter 16. I’m in the wrong passage. Hold on 26 acts chapter 26, the 26, 2219. Is it 22, 1960. All right, well I should have written it down. All right. Verse 12 of acts, chapter 22, then a certain Antonius Oh,

the vowel man. According to the law, having a good testimony with all the Jews who dwelt there came to me and stood and said to me, brother Saul. So we’re in agreement. He begins with brother, but I might point out this is two Jews in a Gentile town. So he says, brother, Saul, receive your sight. And at that same hour,

I looked up at him. Then he said, the God of our fathers has chosen you, that you should know his will. And see the, just one and hear the voice of his mouth for you will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. And now why are you waiting arise and be baptized to prove your a Christian arise and be baptized and wash away your sins.

If Baptist doctrine is true, he didn’t have any sins left to wash away. The moment he believed and asked the Lord to save him. And he’s been praying three days without eating or drinking. The moment he believed in prayed, Jesus takes over and does everything from there except he doesn’t. And do you know, Paul knew that already because Paul didn’t ask,

what do I need to believe? Paul asked what must I do? And Jesus said, go to the city and out, send someone to tell you what you must do. Now. It happened when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple that I was in a trance and saw him saying to me, make haste, go get out of Jerusalem quickly for,

they will not receive your testimony concerning me. Saul was converted, not on the road to Damascus, but in Damascus three days later, when someone showed up to tell him what he must do, all right, we are a pastime. So thank you for your attention. And we will conclude chapter nine on Wednesday on Sunday. I don’t know what day it is.<inaudible><inaudible> Good evening.

Welcome to the Collierville Wednesday night Bible study and devotional. It’s good to see each and everybody that’s here tonight. Really good. Like Erin said earlier to see Janet. So glad to see you back with us, have several announcements. So please let me go ahead and get through these bear with me. Remember our sick ed Richardson, Paul Barbara Diller, Joan Springer,

Donnie Flanagan, and Rodel Wilson. Please keep all them and your thoughts and prayers as they continue with their ongoing problems and difficulties. Dorothy Wilson is recovering from a heart attack and stent surgery. So please continue to pray for Dorothy Janie. Marlin will see a heart doctor, Friday reference or a fib issues don’t cause those aphid issues, unfortunately for Janie have come back.

So please continue to pray for Janie. A friend of the Springers the 13 year old son, Caleb Nelson is a, was in a horrible sledding accident. Sunday afternoon. He was taken to Lobonner hospital children’s hospital, where he remains in ICU has multiple injuries. And the worst part is he’s still unconscious. So he’s not regain consciousness yet. So please keep Caleb Nelson and your thoughts and prayers,

BJ and Tish Clark from over at the Memphis school of preaching, both have COVID-19. So please pray for them. And then Julie Adams, who is a friend of the leases is a 26 year old lady. She has an aggressive form of lung cancer and she had surgery today is in ICU at the hospital and in a lot of pain. And you know,

the worst thing is for her besides the fact that this disease and stuff, no one can be with her mother. Can’t go be with her, you know, because once she’s in ICU and then to the COVID-19 on top of it. So please pray for the entire Adams family. And especially for Julie on other announcements, Potter’s children’s home or Potter’s children’s home will be here tomorrow.

What time are they coming? Paula? Do we know yet? Nine? Okay, so they’re going to be here early. So if he had don’t already have anything here, you’d have to get up pretty early and get it here if you want them to pick it up tomorrow. But if not, there’ll be back again in six more months, I’m going to assume so,

but they will be here tomorrow to pick up all that stuff. And then we can get some more coin cans from them. Cause I know I need a new coin. Can mine has been full for quite a while. Tonight song leader would be Michael Dale. The devotional will be Erin Cozort and closing prayer will be Terry Sanderson. Thank you. If you could please Mark song number 943.

That’ll be the song number 943 nine four three. Once you have that Mark and we’ll be seeing song number 176. So four were led into devotion by brother Cozort number one 76. God, your only<inaudible> but you have<inaudible> to<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> crews<inaudible> and sacrifice<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, wash me.<inaudible> my Jesus Christ. I was so lost. I should have da,

but<inaudible><inaudible> and to be called<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> my Jesus Christ. Take your Bibles. If you will. And open them to John chapter nine, Don chapter nine, verse 28, we read, then they reviled him and said you are his disciple, but we are Moses’s disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses. As for this fellow,

we do not know where he is from the man answered. By the way, this man was one who was healed by Jesus. This one answers them and said, why this is a marvelous thing that you do not know where he is from yet. He has opened my eyes, the Jews, the Jewish leaders say to this man who was born blind we’re disciples of Moses.

Moses spoke from God. We know where Moses came from, but concerning this, this one who healed you, we don’t know where he came from. The man says, that’s sounding to me that you don’t know where he came from. And yet, you know, I was born blind and you know, I can see now verse 31. Now we know that God does not hear sinners.

What if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his, will he hears him since the world began? It has been unheard of that. Anyone opened the eyes of one who was born Blind. If this Man were not from God, God, he could do nothing. They answered and said to him, you work Completely born in sin. And are you teaching Nuts?

Their perspective concerning the man Who was born blind Was sick Or to the disciples perspective. Because the beginning of John chapter nine, the disciples see a man who’s born blind, miss man. And they say, who, who sinned? That he was born blind him or his parents. And Jesus said, neither, but That God might be glorified In him.

The Jews, His mindset was very much like a Calvinist Mindset that you’re Born into sin, but they actually at least had a little more reasonable stance on it. They just considered those born with physical maladies, from birth to be born in sin. Somebody had to ascend for that to have been done to them my much, the same way job’s friends thought that Joe must have said otherwise he wouldn’t be in the predicament that he was.

So the, the terrible situation was a sign that sin had occurred. Jesus said no. And yet These Jews, these Jewish leaders say, how could you be teaching us? Seeing as you were born In sin. And they cast them out. Jesus heard that they had cast him out. And when he had found him said, he said to him,

do you believe in the son of God, he answered and said, who is he? Lord that I may believe in Him. And Jesus Said to him, you have both seen him. And it is he who is talking with You. Then He, the man who was born blind said, Lord, I believe. And he worshiped him. And yeah,

Jesus said for judgment, I’ve come into the world. That those who do not See Macy And that those who see Maybe made blind when we get to a point in our lives where We are so overcome With the thoughts and doctrines and beliefs taught by men, that we cannot pick up the word of God, read it, understand it and believe it simply big because it says it.

Then we become those who can see who have become blind. We’re not blind because we can’t open our eyes. We’re not blind to because we’re injured in some way. We’re blind because we have blinded ourselves to the truth. But for this man who never had a choice about whether or not he would see never had a choice about whether or not he’d get to see the sun shine or know what the color yellow looked like.

This man, his eyes being opened physically now lays his eyes on the one who not only opened his eyes physically, but opened his eyes spiritually. And this man could see, and having seen Christ believed, obeyed and worshiped him in accordance with the commandments of God. We need to examine our lives tonight to see whether or not we are blind. Do we open up God’s word and read it and come across a passage that tells us that what we’re doing in our lives,

isn’t what we ought to be doing. And we just go next page or do we open it up? I can come face to face with what James calls the mirror of the soul and look at ourselves in that mirror and not do what the foolish man does. Straightway walks away from the mirror, forgetting what he looked like. Do we instead look in the mirror of the soul,

examine us and ourselves in stark contrast with what we should be and say, I’m not going to stay the way I am. I have an unfortunate bit of news for you. When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror, there is only so much you can change and the more life goes on. The less you can change. That’s not true about your spiritual condition.

Your spiritual condition can be reshaped, remolded, born again, and washed in the blood of the lamb. If you have a need to be pure and white spiritually tonight, why not find out more? Why not learn more? Why not open your eyes and do something about what you see? Do you have need of the invitation it’s available now, as we stand in,

as we say<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> you<inaudible><inaudible> is, is<inaudible>. She is,<inaudible> Probably a father who art in heaven. We thank you for this time that we’ve had tonight to come together as your children to study that word, we pray that we can take these things to use an eye everyday lives, to help us to become strong with Christian.

We pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned tonight that are sick. Those that have lost loved Ron’s. We pray that you would continue to be with them. We pray that you would help all over us throughout the rest of this week. Become stronger. We thank you for Jesus was willing to die on the cross that we might have salvation and eternal life.

We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.

02-21-2021 – Live Stream – The Uniqueness of the Church (sermon)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible> Appreciate everyone’s patience. We are running a few minutes behind, but that’s all right. So we are going to be doing a review where we’re in between sections. We’re about to, as we’ve been studying the life of Christ, we’re about to move from that to the early church in the book of acts. So our review we’ll cover some of the classes,

some of the lessons that we went through in the life of Jesus, but then also the first few chapters of the book of acts, part of what we were getting this, where those at home could be able to see the questions on the video. So we’ve got those, we’ll go through as many as we, as we get through and hopefully everything will,

will work. You know, sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t, but let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for this life that we have and the opportunities we have in it. Most especially grateful for the opportunity to worship you, to praise your name,

to glorify you and all that you have created to recognize your majesty and your power in the very existence that we have and the life that we have, but also in the things that you have created us to be able to do. We pray for our nation and for its leaders, that they make choices that will lead our country on pals of righteousness that will provoke and promote that,

which is good and brings unity. As long as that unity is based in righteousness, we pray that we might make choices in our own lives that will promote righteousness and unity and faith and love in our own homes and in our own communities. And among those who we come in contact every day, we pray for missionaries and nations around the world that they be able to spread the gospel,

that they have opened doors of opportunity to teach the truth and to bring law souls to you. We pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. So we’re going to begin in John chapter 11 with lesson 86, John chapter 11, we’ll read the passage and then we’ll ask and answer the question.

John chapter 11, verse 57. Now both the chief priests and Pharisees had come had given a command that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him at the Passover before Jesus, his death. What was the order given by the chief priests and Pharisees in Jerusalem? And I’m going to allow the folks who, who are in the room.

If they want to answer to answer what was the order that was given. All right. They were too. If anyone knew where he was, they should report it. Okay. Chapter 12, verse one, then six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, who had been dead, whom he had raised from the dead.

Where did Jesus go? Six days before the last Passover Bethany. Okay. Chapter 12 verses two through four and verse nine of John there. They made him a supper and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with him. Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spike, Nard, anointed, the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.

And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil, but one of his disciples, Judas, Iscariot Simon’s son who would betray him said, and then let’s go down to verse nine. Now a great many of the Jews knew that he was there and they came not only for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might also see Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead in Bethany before the last Passover with whom did Jesus eat supper who was present?

Lazarus? Who else? Martha, Mary Judas, the disciples, and one other person, Simon, Who as we’ve discussed, I believe to be Judas as father. Okay. John chapter 12, verse three. I’m going to kind of reverse this. I’m going to read. I’m going to give the reference, read the questions, then read the passage.

What special treatment did Mary show Jesus at the supper in Bethany before the last Passover, then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spike, Nard, anointed, the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of oil. So what did Mary do to Jesus? All right, knowing it, his feet with oil and a wipe them with her hair.

What was Jesus’s response verses seven and eight, but Jesus said, let her alone, she has kept this for the day of my burial for the poor you have with you always, but me. You do not have always, why did, why did she do this? According to verse seven in preparation for what? Alright. For his preparation, for his burial,

and then who was opposed to Mary using the costly ointment to anoint Jesus’s feet Judas was why was he opposed to it? We, we actually, we didn’t read that yet. That’s verse six. Then he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box and he used to take what was put in it.

So why did Judas object to this? Okay. If the money had been given to the disciples to Jesus or to, to, to them to give to the poor, then it would have gone in his money box. And he was a fif what was Jesus’ response to Judas. All right. So we’re going to correct that. We’re going to get,

we’re going to get on it. As soon as we get done with this question, we’re going to get on a lesson that matches the slides. I pulled number 89 out and it was supposed to be 86. So what was Jesus’ response to leave her alone? All right. That she, that the poor they have with them always, but Christ. They don’t always have with them.

Okay. So we’re going to skip to lesson. Oh, no minor out of order. Now tell you what we’re going to do this skip to less than 92. Do you see 92 in my list? 92, Mark chapter 12, verse 41 through 44. And John chapter 12 verses 20 through 50. And to Eric Halvorson. Thank you for texting me and letting me know that we weren’t on the same thing since I couldn’t see it since it was behind me.

I had no idea. Mark. Chapter 12, verses 41 through 44 as Terry, I saw you looking up there and you were rating it. How? Like, I don’t know why he’s confused by this. He’s got the page right in front of him. He’s got it up on the screen. Now. I know I was confused. You know,

sometimes, like I said, Sometimes, yeah, You think, you know what you did and you don’t always know what you did, Mark. Chapter 12, verse 41, question one. From what location in the temple did Jesus watch the people giving their money? Okay. Chapter 12, verse 41 says now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury.

And many who were rich put in much. So where was Jesus? Okay. Opposite the treasury. Okay. So he’s, he’s opposite of watching all of this take place. Verse 42. How much money did the poor widow give verse 42 says then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrant. How much money did she give to Mike?

Some translations say to pennies, Mark chapter 12 verses 43 and 44. Why did Jesus say the poor widow had given more than the rich people? Notice what we read? Verse 43. So he called his disciples to himself and said to them, assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury for,

they all put in out of their abundance. But she out of her poverty put in all that. She had her whole livelihood. So why did Jesus say this woman gave more than everyone else? Because she gave everything she had. Okay. So we’re going to skip over to John chapter 12. Again, John chapter 12, verse 24, Verse 24,

question four. How did Jesus compare a grain of wheat to his own death? Verse 24. I’m going to read verse 23 as well. Jesus answered them saying the hour has come. That the son of man should be glorified. Most assuredly. I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies. It remains alone. But if it dies,

it produces much grain. Why or how did Jesus compare a grain of wheat to his own death? Okay. When you plant a seed, the seed has to die for the plant to grow. And so Jesus is saying that by going to his death, he going to produce the fruit of the very reason why he came here to begin with he was going to accomplish his goal.

Chapter 12, verse 37. Why had Jesus performed so many signs for the People? Verse 37 says, but although he had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in him. So why is it? Jesus had performed the song Signs that they might believe. Okay. Chapter 12, verse 42. Why did many of the rulers who believed in Jesus not confess him?

Verse 42 says nevertheless, even among the rulers, many believed in him, but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess him less. They should be put out of the synagogue. So why did many of the rulers who believed in Jesus not confess him. Okay. For fear, The Jewish leadership that they might be put out of the synagogue, by what individuals,

excuse me, by what will individuals be judged on the last day, verse 48. He who rejects me and does not receive my words has that, which judges him. The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. So by what will individuals be judged on the last day? The word of God, the word of Christ. Okay.

So now we’re actually going to transition over into the book of acts. So Michael, if you will pull up number Less than 112, Less than 112 acts chapter one verses one through eight and verses 13 through 26. So as I mentioned where we’re headed back into the book of acts in our normal studies. And so starting on Wednesday will be, I believe in acts chapter nine.

So the next few review lessons that we go through in the remainder of the time that we have will come from the book of acts, starting in chapter one, going through chapter eight, chapter one, verse three of the book of acts, how did Jesus, excuse me? How had Jesus proved to the apostles that he was alive? Chapter one, verse three.

He says to whom he also presented himself alive after his suffering by many infallible proofs being seen by them during 40 days. And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. So how did Jesus to the apostles that he was alive? He showed himself to them. He was present with them chapter one, verse three, again, over how many days did Jesus appear to the apostles between his resurrection and Ascension 40 Chapter one verse eight before Jesus ascended to the father.

He promised the apostles that the Holy spirit would give them blank. And then also, where were the apostles to be witnesses? Verse eight says, but you shall receive power when the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. So what is it? Jesus promised they would receive the Holy spirit also power.

Okay. And they would be witnesses in what locations. Alright. Jerusalem, Judea Samaria. And to the end of the earth verses 13 through 15 of acts, chapter one name the 11 apostles gathered in the upper room after Jesus’ Ascension. And when they had entered verse 13, they went up into the upper room where they were staying Peter James, John, and Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartholomew and Matthew James,

the son of Alpheus Simon, the zealot and Judas, the son of James. So the names of the apostles, we’ll just go through this for the sake of time are Peter James, John, Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartholomew and Matthew James, the son of Alpheus Simon, the zealot and Judas, the son of James. This is the other Judas, not Judas Iscariot.

Okay. Which of the apostles repeated the old Testament? Prophecy that another would take Judases place, acts chapter one, verse 20, which of the apostles repeated the old Testament? Prophecy that another would take Judases place. Verse 20 says for it is written in the book of Psalms, let his dwelling place be desolate and let no one live in it. And let another take his office.

Who was speaking at the time. According to verse 15, Peter was okay verses 21 through 26 of acts, chapter one verses 21 through 26. What were the qualifications given for the person who was to take Judases place? Verse 21 says therefore of these men who have accompanied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was taken up from us.

One of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection. And they proposed two Joseph called Barsabbas, whose name was justice and Mathias. And they prayed and said, you will Lord who know the hearts of all show, which of these two, you have chosen to take part in this ministry. And apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

And they cast their lots and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the 11 apostles. All right. What were the qualifications given for the person who would take Judases place? He had to have been present with the Lord, from what point? To what point? All right. From his baptism to his, to his Ascension and had to be a witness of the resurrection,

but then also what was the method used to choose the man to take Judases place? They cast lots. And what was the name of the chosen man Mathias? All right. Acts chapter two, acts chapter two beginning in verses one through four. I’m going to read all three of these questions all at one time. And then we’ll read the verses. When did the Holy spirit,

which Jesus had promised to the apostles come in, what visible form did the Holy spirit appear? And what were the audible results of the appearance of the Holy spirit? Chapter two verses one through four. When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing,

mighty wind. And it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them, divided tongues as a fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues. As the spirit gave them utterance. When did the Holy spirit, which Jesus had promised to the apostles come on the day of Pentecost and what visible form did the Holy spirit appear?

All right, like cloven tongues of fire on their head. What were the audible result of the appearance of the Holy spirit sound of a re mushing? Righty. Let me try that again. The sound of a rushing mighty wind. And what else? What did they speak? All right. They spoke each in a or a, they spoke with other tongues,

other languages, chapter two, verses five through 11. What nations of people were gathered at Jerusalem on Pentecost. We’re just going to read these and leave it at that beginning in verse nine, we read Parthians and Medes. Elamites those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Kapha, dosha punches, and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia Egypt, and the parts of Libya adjoining siren visitors from Rome,

both Jews and proselytes Christians and Arabs. We hear them speaking in our own tongues. The wonderful works of God speaking, many other languages. Why could the people understand the apostles there? According to verse 11? All right. They heard, if you go through and count, there’s more locations than there are even apostles. And so the apostle spoke, but they heard each one in their own tongue acts chapter two verses 13 through 15 acts,

chapter two verses 13 through 15, yes or no on Pentecost were the men who spoke in the many languages drunk as accused verse 13. Others mocking said these are full of new wine. But Peter standing up with the 11, raised his voice and said to them, men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you. And he,

my words for these are not drunk as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. So yes or no. Were the men who spoke in many languages drunk as accused? No. All right. Acts chapter two, verse 23, acts chapter two, verse 23 in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, who did Peter say,

put Jesus to death? Verse 23 says him. That is Christ being delivered by the determined purpose. And for knowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified and put to death. So in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, who did Peter say, put Jesus to death, the Jews at those who were standing there right then,

okay. Did Jesus’ body decay after death acts chapter two, verse 31. He foreseeing this beacon concerning David spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. Did Jesus’s body decay after death? No. Where did Peter say Jesus is now verse 33, therefore being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the father,

the promise of the Holy spirit. He poured out this, which you now see and hear. So where did Peter say Jesus is now at the right hand of God, acts chapter two, verse 37 and 38 and 41. We’re going to read all the questions and then go through and answer. Describe Peter’s replying to the people on the day of Pentecost.

When they asked what they should do to get forgiveness of sins. At what point did the people on the day of Pentecost received the gift of the Holy spirit and how many obeyed that day let’s go to verse 37 of acts chapter two. Now, when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,

men and brethren, what shall we do then Peter said to them, repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy spirit for the promise is to you and to your children. And to all who are afar off. As many as the Lord, our God will call.

And with many other words, he testified and exhorted them saying, be saved from this perverse generation. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized. And that day about 3000 souls were added to them. So describe Peter’s reply to the people on the day of Pentecost, when they asked what they should do to get forgiveness of sins, all right, repent,

and be baptized for the remission of sins. At what point did the people on the day of Pentecost received the gift of the Holy spirit After they did what? All right after they were baptized after they obeyed what Peter said, how many obeyed that day? About 3000 souls. All right. Acts chapter two, verse 47. Last question. In this lesson who added others to the original group of obedient persons,

we read verse 47, praising God and having with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily, those who were being saved, who added others to the original group of obedient persons. The Lord did all right. Lesson one 14, acts chapter three, question one from acts chapter three, verse two. How long had the beggar at the beautiful gate been crippled?

We read in acts chapter three, verse two, and a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple, which is called beautiful to ask owns from those who entered the temple. How long had the beggar at the beautiful gate? Ben crippled his entire life from his mother’s womb acts chapter three, verses six through eight.

What did Peter give the crippled beggar at the beautiful gate verses six through eight says, then Peter said silver and gold. I do not have, but what I do have, I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

So he leaping up stood and walked and entered the temple with them walking leaping and praising OD what did Peter give the crippled beggar at the beautiful gate? All right. The ability to walk acts chapter three, there that’s a typo. There acts chapter three, verse 12 and verse 16, which of the following did Peter say healed the cripple by the beautiful gate,

a Peter’s power B Peter’s godliness. See a medical doctor or D faith in Jesus, faith in Jesus. I’m going to go with that. I don’t even think we even have to read that passage. All right. According to Peter, question four, where, or excuse me, were the Jews responsible for Jesus’ death? Let’s go to verse 13 of acts,

chapter three, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers glorified his servant, Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of pilot when he was determined to let him go. But you denied the Holy one and the just and asked for a murderer to be granted to you and killed the Prince of life whom gone,

raised from the dead of which we are witnesses. According to Peter we’re Jews responsible for Jesus’ death. Yes. All right. Acts chapter three, verse 17. Did Peter say that the Jews were knowledgeable or ignorant of their violent sentence of death on God’s son? Verse 17 says yet. Now, brethren, I know that you did it in ignorance as did also your rulers.

Did Peter say that the Jews were knowledgeable or ignorant of their violent sentence of death on God’s son, Ignorant Acts chapter three verses 18 through 19, according to Peter, why did God allow Jesus to suffer and die? And how did Peter challenge the listeners verse 18? But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all his prophets, that the Christ would suffer.

He has thus fulfilled, repent, therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. So that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. So according to Peter, why did God allow Jesus to suffer Die? Okay. Right. It was told by the profits and fulfilled by Christ. How did Peter challenge the list? All right,

Right. And he challenged them to repent and be converted. Chapter three, verse 24 through the descendant of what man did God say, all nations of the earth would be blessed. Verse 24 says yes. And all the profits from Samuel and those who follow as many of us have spoken, have also foretold. These days, you are sons of the prophets of the,

and of the covenant, which God made with our fathers saying to Abraham in your seed, all the families of the earth shall be blessed through the descendant of what man did God say, all nations of the earth would be blessed. Abraham. That should be Verse 25 in that reference, not verse 24. All right. Acts chapter four, Few minutes,

Flipped acts chapter four, beginning in verse one going through verse two. Why did the Jewish leaders have Peter and John put in prison verse one. Now, as they spoke to the people, the priests, the captains of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them being greatly disturbed that they taught the people and preached in, preached in Jesus, the resurrection from the dead.

Why did the Jewish leaders have Peter and John put in prison? Okay. Right. Because they were preaching of Jesus’ resurrection verse 14 of acts chapter did the Jewish leaders believe that the crippled man had been healed verse 14 and seeing the man who had been healed, standing with them, they could not, or they could say nothing against it. Did they believe that he had been healed?

Yes. That’s why they couldn’t argue with it. Chapter four, verse seven and verse 10. By what power did be, did Peter tell the Jewish leaders that the crippled man had been healed? Verse seven says, and when they sent or when they set them in the midst, they asked by what power or by what name have you done this verse 10 says,

let it be known to you all. And to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead by him, this man stands here before you whole his name did Peter say, or I’m reading the wrong question. By what power did Peter tell the Jewish leaders that the crippled man had been healed?

Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All right. Verse 12. In whose name did Peter say that salvation is found? Verse 12 says now, is there salvation in any other for, there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved in whose name did Peter say that salvation is found? Oh, Jesus. In the name of Jesus.

Okay. After let’s acts chapter four verses 19 through 20, after the Sanhedrin commanded Peter and John, not to talk about Jesus and immor Peter and John, a stopped preaching in public B said that they had to obey God rather than men or C lost their temper and screamed at the Sanhedrin. The, they said they had to obey God rather than men.

All right. The crippled man, chapter four, verse 22, the crippled man by the beautiful gate whom Peter healed was over blank years old verse 22 for the man was over 40 years old on whom the miracle of healing had been performed. He was over Age 40. All right, Acts chapter four, verses 32 through 35. How did the followers of Jesus help those among their group?

Her who were poor in physical necessities, chapter four, verses 32 through 35. Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common and great power. The apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord. Jesus and great grace was upon them all,

nor was there any one among them who lacked for all who were possessors of land or houses sold them and brought the throw seeds of the things that were sold and laid them at the Apostle’s feet. And they distributed to each as anyone had need. And that’s the end of the passage. How did the followers of Jesus help those among their group who were poor in physical necessity?

All right. They gave of what they have. They sold their, of their property and their houses and gave it to those who were in need. Okay. For the sake of time, we are going to end there, there are handouts available for those who might like to come by and pick them up just by way of review to go through the remaining chapters,

we will pick up with acts chapter nine on Wednesday night. Thank you for your attention. And we’ll be back to start worship services in a few weeks.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Appreciate everyone who is here in person. There are a few of us and we appreciate everyone’s presence. We also appreciate everyone who is joining us remotely. Few announcements as we get started.

Remember our sick ed Richardson specifically also remember Barbara Dillard, Joan Springer, Donnie Flanagan, and Rodel Wilson, and update on Dorothy. She is back at home, recovering from a heart attack and a stint surgery. She is week from surgery. So definitely keep Dorothy in your prayers. Janie Marlin, her doctor canceled her appointment this week. So she will try and see a doctor this week for her aphid issues.

Potter’s children’s home will be here Thursday morning to pick up our collection of commodities. If you have coined cans, please bring those Wednesday night and have those here before Thursday. And also if you have any additional commodities, make sure those are here before Thursday. One last announcement Michael’s dad. James Dale will be speaking on the saved are in the church Tuesday night on the nationwide gospel call.

So a good opportunity to get a chance to hear him unless you’re planning on making any trips to Arizona anytime soon, it might be your only opportunity to hear Michael’s dad. So tune into that call into that Tuesday night at nine o’clock. If there are not any other announcements, Michael will lead us in our opening prayer. At the appropriate time, Noah will lead our singing and have our closing prayer.

And then Michael will also take care of the Lord’s supper. And I will present the sermon, I suppose. All right. No. All right. Good morning. Number 634, six three four. For you’re going to be using a song book. We’ll work till Jesus comes, sing the first and last verses of six, three, four. All right,

let us sing. Oh, land<inaudible>. When will the mom, man, When I found lame, I armor by and well and he side, Oh man.<inaudible> till Jesus comes well till Jesus comes and will be a guy. I saw that once my save your side, no more, my stab shall wrong with am brave ass, chilling tide and reach my Handley.

Oh man.<inaudible> till Jesus comes and will be guy<inaudible> Next song is going to be number 609, six zero nine. I’m not ashamed to own my Lord six zero nine. After which we have a prayer brother, Michael Dale, six zero nine. I’m not a shame to my Lord.<inaudible> main chain, neon, nurs of his word, the glory of his cross.

Jesus, my God, I know his name. His name is on my<inaudible> no more. Will he bud? My soul to shame no lead, my whole being lost for mass. His throne is promise. And then he can, well,<inaudible> what I’ve come it into his hands.<inaudible> then. Well, he on my worthless name before his father’s face and then a news porn for me,

my please bear with me Our awesome father in heaven. How Holy your name is? We thank you so much for this time that we have to come together, whether in person or online to be able to sing songs of praise to you and lift our voices in prayer and know that we are heard and hear a portion of your word. We thank you Lord for the technology that we are provided today,

to make sure that we are all able to come together, whether in the building or just in spirit. We thank you Lord so much for your son who, who died on the cross for us. And it is in his name. We pray amen. As long before the Lord’s supper to help us prepare our minds is not in a song, but that will be on the slides to set the face.

Divine set the fees to Bible in the first and last first, let us see<inaudible> Steve align, no bread and a fruit of the upline and say<inaudible> beef for the shrine and up the little may we<inaudible> his dad<inaudible> we thing Stan<inaudible> is<inaudible> and<inaudible> He’s got with me as we remember our Lord sacrifice our Lord in heaven. We humbly bow before your throne.

And we thank you Lord, for the sacrifice of your son and for this bread, which represents his body. When he asked that we do this in a pleasing manner in his name, amen. Please dealt with me, Our father in heaven. We come before you again, and we thank you so much for this fruit of the vine that represents your son,

shed blood for the covering. It gives us and the washing and regeneration that we gained from it. We asked that we never forget this and that we keep it in our minds and our hearts throughout the entire week and not just on Sunday. And thank you Lord for his sacrifice. Amen. Now this time we have set aside a time for offering, please bow with me,

Lord, in heaven, we thank you for the many blessings that you put upon us and that we receive in this world that you’ve created for us. We ask that as we give we so bound to flee so we can rebound to flee in the service of you. We ask that we give with a cheerful heart in your son’s name. Amen for the lesson will be number 647,

six four seven. If you are using a song book, do you want to go ahead and Mark 909, nine zero nine. Okay. A song of invitation, six 47, soldiers of Christ arise. We’ll sing all five verses. Let us soldiers of Christ.<inaudible> strong in the strength which gone up.<inaudible> strong in this rain, which God supplies through his being love is strong in the Lord of us.

That is my team who in the strength, jeez truck, who in this range of genies us trust is more than conch or Stan. Then in his grade,<inaudible> with all his strength and my tank to arm you for the fall, but take to arm you for the fight up.<inaudible> God leave no one garden.<inaudible> no weakness of the muscle.

Take every Birch you and every gray take every virtue. You, every grace and fortify the home, not that having all things done and know your conflicts pass, you may or come through Christ alone, alone. You may your come through Christ alone and stand in Tyra<inaudible>. And in the process of that, we have observed one of the amazing attributes of creation.

And that attribute is the nature of a snowflake. Those who have looked at these things under magnifying glasses will tell us there’s no two snowflakes alike. They are unique. They’re unique of how God Created them. And as I was thinking about that this week, one of the things that I fought about was the church, because the church is unique among all organizations,

among all bodies, among all assemblies, among all history, the church stands unique. Now there are some attributes of the church that are not unique. So, so let’s, let’s notice those just, just to get that idea out of the way, there are some things about the church that are not unique. For instance, it is not the only church that claims to be a church.

There’s a church in many cities on every corner that you drive by. It’s not the only one that claims to be a church or even a church associated or recognizing God. It is not the oldest religion in the sense of the church began when Jesus ascended back into heaven and the apostles had the power of the Holy spirit come upon them. As we talked about in Bible class,

and that as a form of religion, changing from the old law and the patriarch and Mosaical law to the new law is only about 2000 years old. And yet there are religions that history will tell us like those among Chinese cultures that are 5,000 years old. So somebody said, well, it’s not the oldest religion. It is not the only group that claims you can reach heaven by being a member.

Now it’s significant to know that there’s a difference as with many things in this world, there’s a difference between what people claim and what is actually true. But if we turn over to Galatians chapter one, verses six through nine, Paul will write to those in the churches of Galicia, that he was marveling, that they were so soon removed from the grays,

which called them by the gospel to another gospel, which he said is not another gospel, but some have perverted you and brought you away from God. So even in Paul’s day, just mere decades after Jesus ascended into heaven, after the church was established just mere decades. After this point, there were already those claiming you could get to heaven by a way,

other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, but notice as well, it is not unique in that it is not free from controversy internally and externally among organizations and even among religious organizations, controversy inside and out is not abnormal. And if you Are a part of a local congregation or a part of the church, universally in view of both aspects of the church,

you will recognize that controversy exists, but it existed even in the first century, turn to acts chapter 20 and acts chapter 20. As Paul is meeting with the elders from the church at Ephesus, he is meeting them there in the aisle or they’re on the Island and He is going to Speak with them because he knows that there are things that he needs to tell them before they don’t ever see him again.

So he meets there with those elders and he says to them and acts chapter 20 and in verse 29, therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy spirit has made you overseers to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. For. I know this that After my departure, Savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock also from among yourselves,

men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after themselves, therefore watch. And remember that for three years, I did not cease to warn everyone night and day With tears. Yeah. Notice Paul said that there was going to be controversy. There was going to be division. There was going to be struggling. The first attribute that he says,

or the first direction from which he said, that’s going to come, is those coming from the outside? He said, there’s going to be grievous wolves, perverse individuals who come in from the outside seeking to draw away men after themselves. But he said, it’s not just going to be those on the outside that are going to cause the problems he said.

There will also be those from among you. Now he’s talking to elders, he’s talking to the leaders of the church. He’s talking to the shepherds of the flock of God And he points it, them and stuff As there’s going to be those from among you who rise up seeking to draw away disciples after your selves. That moment As Paul is there with those elders,

I imagine To be very much like When Jesus was with the 12 apostles there at the table, in the upper room on the night of his betrayal. And he said, one of you sitting here will betray me. And they said, Lord has an eye. Lord, is it? I Lord has an eye at imagine the elders were looking at Paul going,

Well, I mean, it’s not going to be me. He must be talking about one of these other guys. But the reality Quality is the church is not free from controversy internally and externally. And in that way, it is not unique, But also it is made up of imperfect beings like Every other organization on planet earth. There are Some senses in which the church of Christ is not unique.

And I’m sure there’s more that can be added to the list. As I know, there are more attributes that can be added to the unique list than what I’ve prepared for this morning. But in these way, the church is not unique, but that doesn’t mean the church is not unique. The church is unique as it stands today, among all religions in existence today,

and every religion that has ever exist and every assembly, body or group of individuals or organization that has ever existed in history, the church stands unique and it is unique for these among many more reasons. Number one, the church is unique because it was founded by deity who took on humanity, turn to John chapter one, John chapter one, John is he is writing and giving these things that he writes.

So that those who read the things that Jesus did might believe and through their belief, their faith in Christ might have life through his name. John begins with this in the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was, God, the word was fails. The word was deity. The one who was in the beginning with God,

the one who was God. But then he says he was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. And without him, nothing was made that was made the word that was with God. The word that was deity, the word was the one who created everything that exists the world and all that is there in. But if you skip down to verse 14,

we read and the word became flesh. Now you can go back to the old Testament and you can go back to the days of Moses. When God from Mount Sinai spoke to Moses and said to Moses, this is the law. This is what I’m giving to you. Now you go and give it to the children of Israel. And you can remember that occasion where God told Moses that he was going to pass by before him,

because Moses desired to see the Lord. And God said, you’re not going to see me to my face, but you’re going to see my, my hind parts as it were. You’re going to see the back of me, but you’re not gonna see the front of me because you would die if you did. And God manifested himself to Moses there in that form.

But God did not take on flesh. So even among the worship and the, the accurate and correct worship of God, there was never a time before the church where there was a religion founded by God who took on flesh. And yet the church is, but notice verse 15, John bore, witness of him and crying out saying this was he of whom.

I said that this was, excuse me. If I can read this. This was he of whom. I said, he who comes after me is preferred before me for, he was before me and of his fullness. We have all received. And grace for grace for the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time.

The only begotten son who was in, who was in the bosom of the father, he declared him. John points out that the word became flesh, but he doesn’t leave us guessing about who he’s talking about. He says the word that became flesh was the same one. John, the Baptist testified of saying, this is the son of God. And that word that became flesh was Jesus Christ.

The church is unique because it was founded by deity who took on flesh and no other organization in all of history has ever been able to claim that because no other organization in all of history of that, has it been true? But notice, secondly, it was founded by one who died, was resurrected and never died. Again. John chapter 20 in John chapter 20 and in verse 26,

as John is preparing to close his record of the life of Christ. We read in John chapter 20 and in verse 26 and after eight days, his disciples were again inside the inside where they were gathered together, inside and separated from everyone else. So after eight days, his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace to you.

They’re in a room. The door is shut by all indications. It’s like it was the week before the door was shut and locked. And yet, instead of Jesus opening the lock, instead of knocking on the door, Jesus just shows up in the room and he says to them, peace to you. Then he said to Thomas, reach your finger here and look at my hands and reach your hand here and put it into my side.

Do not be unbelieving, but believing. And Thomas answered and said to him, my Lord and my God, Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book.

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God and the believing you might have life in his name. Jesus died. Jesus was hung on a cross. Jesus was nailed to a cross, a sign placed above his head, said the King of the Jews. And it was written in three different languages. He was scourged.

He was beaten. He was mocked. He was ridiculed And he was killed. And as he hung on the cross and was all ready at the point where he had given up his spirit, the Centurion came along and was going by and breaking the legs of those two other individuals who were on their crosses because it was time for the repairing of, of the feast.

And there, they couldn’t have dead bodies hanging around during FaceTime. And so he breaks the knees of the other two, but he comes to Jesus and he’s all Ready, dead end, Thrust that spear up into his side and outcomes, blood And water Syngenta Recognizes that the death process has already begun to take place. The church was founded by a man who died,

but he didn’t stay dead. He was resurrected for, he appeared to the apostles on the Sunday, after his resurrection, he appeared to them again on the next Sunday, after his resurrection and appeared to Thomas as Well. But This additional fact is he did not just rise from the dead. He did not just come back to life, but he ascended to the father,

acts chapter one, acts chapter one. And in verse one, the former account I made oath. The awfulness of all the Jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up. After he, through the Holy spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen to whom he also presented himself alive after his suffering by many infallible proofs,

being seen by them during 40 days. And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the father, which he said, you have heard from me for John, truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit.

Not many days from now. Therefore, when you come together, they asked, they asked him saying, Lord, will you, at this time restore the kingdom to Israel. And he said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons, which the father has put into his own authority, but you shall receive power. When the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses of me in Jerusalem and in Judea and Sumeria to the end of the earth.

Now, when he had spoken these things, while they watched, he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they stood steadfastly looking toward heaven, as he went up behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, men of Galilee, why do you stay in gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will.

So come in like manner. As you saw him go in to heaven, the one who was deity, the one who took on flesh, the one who died, the one who was resurrected and showed him siloed by many infallible proofs, that he was alive. That one ascended back to the father, which is why in Hebrews chapter 12 in Hebrews chapter 12.

And in verses one and two, the Hebrew writer tells these Christian TRIBE these Christians. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily besets us. And let us run with endurance. The racists set before us looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,

the originator, the creator of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross. He was the founder, the creator of all things that exist. And yet he took on flesh and for joy went to the cross who, for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

One thing that makes the church unique against every other organization, every other religion, every other aspect, and the thought of mankind, every other government, every other assembly of people is it was founded by one who died, was resurrected and never died again. Now, why is that last piece so critical? Because if you say, you know what, this was,

this was, it was founded by a man who died and was resurrected. Well, what if Lazarus, after he was resurrected by the Lord, decided he’d ought to preach his own glory, his own majesty and get his own disciples and draw them away after Lazarus. Well, then that would be a religion started by a man who died and was resurrected.

But what happened to Lazarus? He died again. Jesus Christ among all humanity among all who have ever lived is the only one who has ever died to be resurrected, never again, to taste death, which is why he is called the first born from the dead. And the church was founded by the one who died was resurrected and never died again. But thirdly,

the church is unique because it was in doweled by its creator with a unique mission message and might turn back to acts chapter one and acts chapter one. We just read this, we’ll read it again just briefly for the sake of drawing these thoughts together, but in acts chapter one, we are presented with this reality, the former account I made. Okay.

The off list of all the Jesus began both to do and to teach. It’s significant that Luke, as he is riding to the office says, I want you to understand the teaching and the actions of Jesus Christ until the day in which he was taken up. After, after he, through the Holy spirit had given commandments to the apostles who may have chosen.

Now, wait a minute, Jesus rise who died was resurrected and never died. Again. Not only did things while he was here, not only taught things while he was here, but he left commandments for those who were amazed when he left notice also whom also he presented himself alive after his sufferings, by many infallible proofs being seen by them during 40 days.

And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, even during the time where Jesus was alive and on the earth, after he was resurrected from the dead, he was still teaching them about the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them. He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the father there, which he said,

you have heard from me for John, truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. Not many days from now. Now we know in John chapter 16, as he was speaking with the apostles in the upper room, that Jesus told them that the Holy spirit, the comforter would be given to them to guide them in. And to all truth,

air four, he says, verse six, when they had come together, they asked him saying, Lord, will you, at this time restore the kingdom to Israel. And he said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons, which the father has put in his own, but you shall receive power. When the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses,

they were going to speak on Christ’s behalf. We’re going to be witnesses concerning him in all or in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Sumeria and to the end of the earth. So notice that the church is unique because it has a unique mission. If you turn back over to what Luke had just concluded in his former writings in Luke chapter 24, Luke concludes his previous letter to the office with this font in Luke chapter 24,

beginning in verse 46. And he, then he said to them, thus, it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things. Behold, I send the promise of my father upon you,

but Terry in the city of Jerusalem, until you are dude with power from on high. Now Luke gives this account of what Jesus tells the apostles. He also gives the account in acts chapter one, you might say, well, which one’s accurate. The answer is both of them are. And Luke is putting together the fact that repentance and remission of sins was what they were to be witnesses about.

They were to preach the gospel and Jesus had to die. So the gospel could be preached because Jesus died. And he was unlike anyone who had ever died. And because he was resurrected and he was unlike anyone who was ever resurrected and because he never died, again, the message they preached was unlike any other message that’s ever been preached. It was unique because it was Jesus Christ.

And as Paul says in first Corinthians chapter one, it was Jesus Christ and him crucified the message that they preached was part of the mission they were sent to fulfill. And that was repentance and remission of sins being preached to the entire world. Turn to Romans chapter one has Paul writes to the church at Rome. He tells these brethren beginning in verse 14,

I am a debtor, both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise. So as much as in me as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also for, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes for the Jew first and also for the Greek,

for in it. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, the just shall live by faith for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. God says, as he writes this through Paul, that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The message of the gospel is unique for it is the only thing that will save mankind from their sins.

They were sent a mission To preach the gospel to the entire world Or debtors as Paul describes himself to preach the gospel to the entire world, the message that they preach was the only message that would save mankind. And yet It was the church is unique. Not only Because of its mission, not only because of its message, but because of It’s Mike,

there are two The senses in which the church is powerful and it is powerful In a way, unlike any other organization in all humanity’s history. First Then foremost, it is the might that we read about in acts After one in acts chapter one Beginning in verse six, the apostles asked Jesus, will you restore the kingdom to Israel? Jesus tells them it is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the father has put in his own hand.

He says, verse eight, you shall receive power. When the Holy The spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses. Now, you and I here in the assembly of the body of Christ today, do not have the gifts of the Holy spirit. But in the first century, when the church was founded, they did and they were there for a purpose.

They were there to confirm the message that was preached, that the message came from God, that the message was true and that the message could not be denied. And it was unique against every other message that had ever been proclaimed. The might of the church, big gain in the miraculous gifts of the Holy spirit and the revelation of God through those gifts.

But the might of the church didn’t end there when those gifts went away, because Those gifts were passed on only by the laying on of the Apostle’s hands. And when the apostles were dead and gone from this life, no one else had that ability to pass on those gifts. So with the apostles and all those who had met them in their lifetimes, the gifts went away.

We read about that in Ephesians Chapter four, and yet Paul and Ephesians chapter four says that these things were for a time while the church was in its infancy while it was growing to maturity until the gospel had been praised until the message amendment preach until those who were elders and teachers and deacons and ministers could come to a fullness of faith and a fullness of understanding.

So they wouldn’t be swayed about by every wind Doctrine. But Paul makes it clear. There was coming a time where these miraculous gifts were no longer going to be necessary. These miraculous gifts were not going to be needed. And yet it did not change The might of the church. And Matthew chapter 16, we read Beginning in verse 13, when Jesus came into the region of seven,

Three of Philippi, he asked his disciples saying, who do men say that I, the son of man am? So they said some of some say, John, the Baptist, some Elijah, others, Jeremiah, and One of the prophets he said to them, but who do you say that I am Simon, Peter, Or answered and said, you are the Christ,

the son of the living, God, Jesus answered and said to him, blessed, are you Simon? Barjona for flesh. And blood has not revealed this to you, but my father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter and on this Rock, not the rock that was Peter, but the rock that was the revelation of God,

I will build my church. But notice this statement, this, This statement about the church, the ekklesia, the called out of God, the church of Christ. This statement stands as you Nate, among all the organizations in history. He said, As upon this rock, I will build my church and the Gates of hell Eighties shall not prevail against it,

Of what organization in all of history. Can it be said that the Gates of hell Death did not overcome it, Of what organization can it be said in all of history that this organization stood and was able to withstand the power of Satan and the power of sin and the power of death. First Corinthians chapter one verses 50 through 58, Which organization can it be said in all of history was w was able to withstand the Gates of Hades.

And there’s only one. It is the church that Jesus built versus 19. And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Then he commanded his disciples that they should tell no one that he was Jesus, Jesus, the Christ Jesus had a mission to fulfill.

And in doing that, he left Half the church with a unique mission, a unique message and a Unique might in all history, but then consider as well. Number four, the church Is unique because it was purchased with a unique asset. Go back to acts chapter For 20, as Paul is there with the elders, as he Is speaking with those elders from the church at Ephesus,

he says to them in acts chapter 20 beginning in verse 25, He says, and indeed, now I know that you all among whom I have Gone preaching the kingdom of God will see my face no more. Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men for, I have not shown to declare to you the whole counsel of God,

therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy spirit has made you overseers to shepherd the church of God, which he Purchased with his own blood. Now, if nothing else was true, if not Nothing else that we’ve said in this lesson was applicable. This one thing would make the church unique because Paul, as he is, as he is speaking to these elders is he leaves this to us.

As Luke records, this in the book of acts tells us that the church was purchased with the one asset, nothing else in all of history Purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. The church stands unique because it was purchased with a unique asset fifthly. It is completely And entirely unified. Now Someone’s going to raise Their hand and say, Oh wait, wait,

wait. As you said up there in that point about what is not unique about the church, that it is not free from controversy. How is it now you turn around and say it is completely and entirely Unified. And the answer is in John chapter 17 On chapter 17, as Jesus is praying among the apostles, as he is preparing to go out into the garden,

preparing to be betrayed. He says in his prayer to God, beginning in verse 20, Actually, let’s go back To verse 18. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. Speaking of the disciples, the apostles, and for their sakes, I sanctify myself that they also may be sanctified by the truth. I do not pray for these alone,

but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you, that they may be one in us. And that the world may believe that you Sent me Jesus Prayed for a unity and a unification to exist in the body of Christ. That was unlike anything else in all history,

in all mankind, because it was unity with Christ in the same unity he had with the father. And some One might say, well, yes, Aaron, I understand that, but that’s what Jesus had wanted. But that doesn’t mean that’s. What is He is? And I beg to differ turn first, John chapter one in first John chapter one,

we read about this unity. We, I read about the reality of the unity that exists in the body of Christ and nowhere else. John writes beginning in verse four. And these things I wrote, we write To you that your joy may be full. This is the message which we have heard From him and declare to you that God is light. And in him is no darkness at all.

If we say we have fellowship with him, we walk in darkness and walk in darkness. We lie and do not practice the truth. You say, Erin, I’ve looked in the body of Christ and I’ve looked among congregations. And there are people doing ungodly things. There are people at war with one another there’s people in controversy. There’s people doing things that are not right.

They are not living the way Jesus wanted them to live. And therefore there is not Unity in the church. And I beg to differ because God’s is that though Those who walk with him in light have fellowship with him and those who are in Darkness do not. It doesn’t matter who sits in a Pew on a Sunday morning. It matters who is in fellowship with God and then consider this.

He says, if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son cleanses us from all sin. What is it that could stop the true unity of the body of Christ?

And the answer is sin, but what is it that the blood of Christ continually cleanses those Christians who were part of the church of Christ from all sin. And so there is unity in the body of Christ, unlike any other place in all of humanity, but then sixthly, the church is unique because it is perfect. There are not many things. Matter of fact,

I don’t believe there are any things in this life in our day and time of which you can say this thing is truly perfect, but that’s not accurate. When it comes to the church in Ephesians chapter five, Paul writes concerning the church and says, beginning in verse 25, husbands love your wives. As Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her,

that he might sanctify and cleanse Her with the washing of water By the word that he might Present her to himself, a Glorious church, and notice his description, not having spot or wrinkle or, Or any such thing, but that she should be Holy Add without blemish. What is that is Wholly sanctified, set apart cleanse and without blemish, not without any major blemish,

not without any minor blemish without blemish. It is perfect. All of the things that we have that are made up of precious metals or precious elements are gauged quite often in their value, their strength, their uniqueness on their perfection rating, but the finest cut diamond in all of human history, compares nothing with the unique perfection of the church. Number seven,

it is unique in that it can be created or generated perfectly anywhere in the universe under any conditions. If generated from the proper seed. Something that is interesting about seeds is seeds contain the potential for life. And if you were to take a seed from one location on the earth and it might even be, and this has been done before a sea, that was thousands of years old,

and you play of that seed in the right conditions, that seed will produce whatever it is a seed of, but in human history, there’s never been a seed that could generate anywhere under any conditions. If planted, except the seed of the church of Christ in Matthew chapter 13, Jesus is he is speaking concerning his kingdom. His church says in Matthew chapter 13,

beginning in verse 18, therefore hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away. What was sown in his heart? This is he who received the seed by the wayside, but he who received the seed on Stony places. This is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy.

Yet he has no rooted himself, but endures only for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises. But because of the word immediately, he stumbles. Now he who receives seed among the thorns is he who hears the word and cares for cares and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word. And he becomes unfruitful, but he who receives the seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understand it,

understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces some a hundred fold, some 60 and some 30. If you were to take the word of God and you were to extract it out of humanity and extracted out Of this world, and you were to carry it off into a S on a spaceship to Mars, as long as you had a human being who could hear it,

it could produce the church. Again, it is the only thing in all history that if jet that can be generated perfectly, anywhere in the universe, under any conditions, if generated from the proper seed, but eighth, and finally, the church is unique because it can has, and will be imitated, but never be replaced from the very beginning of the church.

There were those who sought to duplicate it. There were those who sought to change it. There were those who sought to model after it. There were those who saw to create one, just like it, but there’s never been another one. Just like four. It stands alone. It has never gone away nor will it ever. It has never been replaced nor could it be for,

for it to be replaced. DD would have to come back and flesh the would have to come back and walk this earth again. They would have deity would have to die again. Deity would have to be resurrected again. Dad would have to return to the throne of God again, and that’s never going to happen. Jesus said in Matthew chapter 16, verse 18,

upon this rock, I will build my singular unique one church. And the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. So while the church of Christ might be imitated, the church of Christ might be duplicated. The church of Christ might be manipulated to go away from him and be deceived by others. The church of Christ will never be replaced. The church of Christ stands unique in all history,

and it stands unique for the mission, the message and the might of God and the power of God to save mankind from their sins. If you’re outside the body of Christ and the church you are outside of salvation, Paul writes in Ephesians chapter two, that you are an alien from God and enemy of God. And without hope. Why? Because if you’re outside the body of Christ,

you are inside of sin and you have no hope, but you have hope in Christ. And if you are one who’s willing to do as the first century church did, when they were sinners, when they heard the word of God, they believed it. The seed was planted in their hearts and it began to grow and it took root and it produced fruit by them hearing the word of God and believing it,

but not just hearing it by them doing something about what they heard. They heard, they believed. And they repented because Jesus said repentance and remission of sins had to be preached in all the world because he went to the cross. They heard, they believe they repented. They confessed Christ as Lord and savior because they recognized he was the one true living.

God who took on flesh and walked this earth. But ascended back into heaven, never to die again, and having confessed the name of Christ. They were immersed in water for the remission of sins and they died. And then they Rose to walk in newness of life. Romans chapter six, verses three and four. The church is unique because it’s made up of people who were once dead,

but they’re not anymore. They’re alive in Christ. You’re outside of the body of Christ. You can change that today by entering into the church, which Jesus Christ died to purchase with his own blood. And the only place in which salvation is found. If you have need of the invitation of God, it is available now as we stand. And as we said For you and me,

let us say so a two and spring, and is the founder of, from the us or something and bids, Saul free. The dreaming well, you to the fountain three. Well, you can TIS for you and me thirsty. So here, the welcome call TIS a fountain, Oh, up and four. There’s a living stream with a crest,

all gleam from the throne of life. Now it flows while the water’s role let we are priests all hear the call. That four, three, the<inaudible> will you to the fountain free. You TIS for you and me thirsty. So here, the welcome call is fountain. Oh, and for all of them, there’s a rock that’s glass. And so is let that man,<inaudible> water.<inaudible> tears for you and me and his stream.

I seen let us, Hey son, Joel<inaudible> will you to the fountain and free will you come TIS for you and me thirsty. So here the welcome call, tos founder, and Oh, and for Raul. Well, thanks Aaron for that great lesson this morning, we’re going to have a closing song and it’s going to be number 957. This world is not my home.

We’ll sing the first verse only. And then we’ll have our closing prayer. Nine 57. This world is not my home. Let us sing. This world is not my home. I’m just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, the angels back on me from Evans opened, or, and I can feel at home in this world any more.

Oh Lord. You know, I have no friends like you. If heaven’s not in my home, then Lord, when will I do the angels back on me from Evans opened or, and I can feel at home in this world, any<inaudible> Let us pray our heavenly father. We thank you for another beautiful Lord today. Thank you for the privilege Lord,

to come into your house and worship you, Lord, we thank you for the message that Aaron brought us today. Lord, just to apply it to our hearts and let us use it in our everyday life. Lord, Lord, be with the sick, healed him as you see fit Lord, and just they with us as we leave and just keep us safe and bring us back at the next appointed time.

These things we ask in your precious name. Amen.

02-21-2021 – Live Stream – Class: Review Jesus and Peter – Sermon: The Uniqueness of The Church

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript;

<inaudible><inaudible> Appreciate everyone’s patience. We are running a few minutes behind, but that’s all right. So we are going to be doing a review where we’re in between sections. We’re about to, as we’ve been studying the life of Christ, we’re about to move from that to the early church in the book of acts. So our review we’ll cover some of the classes,

some of the lessons that we went through in the life of Jesus, but then also the first few chapters of the book of acts, part of what we were getting this, where those at home could be able to see the questions on the video. So we’ve got those, we’ll go through as many as we, as we get through and hopefully everything will,

will work. You know, sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t, but let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for this life that we have and the opportunities we have in it. Most especially grateful for the opportunity to worship you, to praise your name,

to glorify you and all that you have created to recognize your majesty and your power in the very existence that we have and the life that we have, but also in the things that you have created us to be able to do. We pray for our nation and for its leaders, that they make choices that will lead our country on pals of righteousness that will provoke and promote that,

which is good and brings unity. As long as that unity is based in righteousness, we pray that we might make choices in our own lives that will promote righteousness and unity and faith and love in our own homes and in our own communities. And among those who we come in contact every day, we pray for missionaries and nations around the world that they be able to spread the gospel,

that they have opened doors of opportunity to teach the truth and to bring law souls to you. We pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. So we’re going to begin in John chapter 11 with lesson 86, John chapter 11, we’ll read the passage and then we’ll ask and answer the question.

John chapter 11, verse 57. Now both the chief priests and Pharisees had come had given a command that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him at the Passover before Jesus, his death. What was the order given by the chief priests and Pharisees in Jerusalem? And I’m going to allow the folks who, who are in the room.

If they want to answer to answer what was the order that was given. All right. They were too. If anyone knew where he was, they should report it. Okay. Chapter 12, verse one, then six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, who had been dead, whom he had raised from the dead.

Where did Jesus go? Six days before the last Passover Bethany. Okay. Chapter 12 verses two through four and verse nine of John there. They made him a supper and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with him. Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spike, Nard, anointed, the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.

And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil, but one of his disciples, Judas, Iscariot Simon’s son who would betray him said, and then let’s go down to verse nine. Now a great many of the Jews knew that he was there and they came not only for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might also see Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead in Bethany before the last Passover with whom did Jesus eat supper who was present?

Lazarus? Who else? Martha, Mary Judas, the disciples, and one other person, Simon, Who as we’ve discussed, I believe to be Judas as father. Okay. John chapter 12, verse three. I’m going to kind of reverse this. I’m going to read. I’m going to give the reference, read the questions, then read the passage.

What special treatment did Mary show Jesus at the supper in Bethany before the last Passover, then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spike, Nard, anointed, the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of oil. So what did Mary do to Jesus? All right, knowing it, his feet with oil and a wipe them with her hair.

What was Jesus’s response verses seven and eight, but Jesus said, let her alone, she has kept this for the day of my burial for the poor you have with you always, but me. You do not have always, why did, why did she do this? According to verse seven in preparation for what? Alright. For his preparation, for his burial,

and then who was opposed to Mary using the costly ointment to anoint Jesus’s feet Judas was why was he opposed to it? We, we actually, we didn’t read that yet. That’s verse six. Then he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box and he used to take what was put in it.

So why did Judas object to this? Okay. If the money had been given to the disciples to Jesus or to, to, to them to give to the poor, then it would have gone in his money box. And he was a fif what was Jesus’ response to Judas. All right. So we’re going to correct that. We’re going to get,

we’re going to get on it. As soon as we get done with this question, we’re going to get on a lesson that matches the slides. I pulled number 89 out and it was supposed to be 86. So what was Jesus’ response to leave her alone? All right. That she, that the poor they have with them always, but Christ. They don’t always have with them.

Okay. So we’re going to skip to lesson. Oh, no minor out of order. Now tell you what we’re going to do this skip to less than 92. Do you see 92 in my list? 92, Mark chapter 12, verse 41 through 44. And John chapter 12 verses 20 through 50. And to Eric Halvorson. Thank you for texting me and letting me know that we weren’t on the same thing since I couldn’t see it since it was behind me.

I had no idea. Mark. Chapter 12, verses 41 through 44 as Terry, I saw you looking up there and you were rating it. How? Like, I don’t know why he’s confused by this. He’s got the page right in front of him. He’s got it up on the screen. Now. I know I was confused. You know,

sometimes, like I said, Sometimes, yeah, You think, you know what you did and you don’t always know what you did, Mark. Chapter 12, verse 41, question one. From what location in the temple did Jesus watch the people giving their money? Okay. Chapter 12, verse 41 says now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury.

And many who were rich put in much. So where was Jesus? Okay. Opposite the treasury. Okay. So he’s, he’s opposite of watching all of this take place. Verse 42. How much money did the poor widow give verse 42 says then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrant. How much money did she give to Mike?

Some translations say to pennies, Mark chapter 12 verses 43 and 44. Why did Jesus say the poor widow had given more than the rich people? Notice what we read? Verse 43. So he called his disciples to himself and said to them, assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury for,

they all put in out of their abundance. But she out of her poverty put in all that. She had her whole livelihood. So why did Jesus say this woman gave more than everyone else? Because she gave everything she had. Okay. So we’re going to skip over to John chapter 12. Again, John chapter 12, verse 24, Verse 24,

question four. How did Jesus compare a grain of wheat to his own death? Verse 24. I’m going to read verse 23 as well. Jesus answered them saying the hour has come. That the son of man should be glorified. Most assuredly. I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies. It remains alone. But if it dies,

it produces much grain. Why or how did Jesus compare a grain of wheat to his own death? Okay. When you plant a seed, the seed has to die for the plant to grow. And so Jesus is saying that by going to his death, he going to produce the fruit of the very reason why he came here to begin with he was going to accomplish his goal.

Chapter 12, verse 37. Why had Jesus performed so many signs for the People? Verse 37 says, but although he had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in him. So why is it? Jesus had performed the song Signs that they might believe. Okay. Chapter 12, verse 42. Why did many of the rulers who believed in Jesus not confess him?

Verse 42 says nevertheless, even among the rulers, many believed in him, but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess him less. They should be put out of the synagogue. So why did many of the rulers who believed in Jesus not confess him. Okay. For fear, The Jewish leadership that they might be put out of the synagogue, by what individuals,

excuse me, by what will individuals be judged on the last day, verse 48. He who rejects me and does not receive my words has that, which judges him. The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. So by what will individuals be judged on the last day? The word of God, the word of Christ. Okay.

So now we’re actually going to transition over into the book of acts. So Michael, if you will pull up number Less than 112, Less than 112 acts chapter one verses one through eight and verses 13 through 26. So as I mentioned where we’re headed back into the book of acts in our normal studies. And so starting on Wednesday will be, I believe in acts chapter nine.

So the next few review lessons that we go through in the remainder of the time that we have will come from the book of acts, starting in chapter one, going through chapter eight, chapter one, verse three of the book of acts, how did Jesus, excuse me? How had Jesus proved to the apostles that he was alive? Chapter one, verse three.

He says to whom he also presented himself alive after his suffering by many infallible proofs being seen by them during 40 days. And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. So how did Jesus to the apostles that he was alive? He showed himself to them. He was present with them chapter one, verse three, again, over how many days did Jesus appear to the apostles between his resurrection and Ascension 40 Chapter one verse eight before Jesus ascended to the father.

He promised the apostles that the Holy spirit would give them blank. And then also, where were the apostles to be witnesses? Verse eight says, but you shall receive power when the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. So what is it? Jesus promised they would receive the Holy spirit also power.

Okay. And they would be witnesses in what locations. Alright. Jerusalem, Judea Samaria. And to the end of the earth verses 13 through 15 of acts, chapter one name the 11 apostles gathered in the upper room after Jesus’ Ascension. And when they had entered verse 13, they went up into the upper room where they were staying Peter James, John, and Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartholomew and Matthew James,

the son of Alpheus Simon, the zealot and Judas, the son of James. So the names of the apostles, we’ll just go through this for the sake of time are Peter James, John, Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartholomew and Matthew James, the son of Alpheus Simon, the zealot and Judas, the son of James. This is the other Judas, not Judas Iscariot.

Okay. Which of the apostles repeated the old Testament? Prophecy that another would take Judases place, acts chapter one, verse 20, which of the apostles repeated the old Testament? Prophecy that another would take Judases place. Verse 20 says for it is written in the book of Psalms, let his dwelling place be desolate and let no one live in it. And let another take his office.

Who was speaking at the time. According to verse 15, Peter was okay verses 21 through 26 of acts, chapter one verses 21 through 26. What were the qualifications given for the person who was to take Judases place? Verse 21 says therefore of these men who have accompanied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was taken up from us.

One of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection. And they proposed two Joseph called Barsabbas, whose name was justice and Mathias. And they prayed and said, you will Lord who know the hearts of all show, which of these two, you have chosen to take part in this ministry. And apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

And they cast their lots and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the 11 apostles. All right. What were the qualifications given for the person who would take Judases place? He had to have been present with the Lord, from what point? To what point? All right. From his baptism to his, to his Ascension and had to be a witness of the resurrection,

but then also what was the method used to choose the man to take Judases place? They cast lots. And what was the name of the chosen man Mathias? All right. Acts chapter two, acts chapter two beginning in verses one through four. I’m going to read all three of these questions all at one time. And then we’ll read the verses. When did the Holy spirit,

which Jesus had promised to the apostles come in, what visible form did the Holy spirit appear? And what were the audible results of the appearance of the Holy spirit? Chapter two verses one through four. When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing,

mighty wind. And it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them, divided tongues as a fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues. As the spirit gave them utterance. When did the Holy spirit, which Jesus had promised to the apostles come on the day of Pentecost and what visible form did the Holy spirit appear?

All right, like cloven tongues of fire on their head. What were the audible result of the appearance of the Holy spirit sound of a re mushing? Righty. Let me try that again. The sound of a rushing mighty wind. And what else? What did they speak? All right. They spoke each in a or a, they spoke with other tongues,

other languages, chapter two, verses five through 11. What nations of people were gathered at Jerusalem on Pentecost. We’re just going to read these and leave it at that beginning in verse nine, we read Parthians and Medes. Elamites those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Kapha, dosha punches, and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia Egypt, and the parts of Libya adjoining siren visitors from Rome,

both Jews and proselytes Christians and Arabs. We hear them speaking in our own tongues. The wonderful works of God speaking, many other languages. Why could the people understand the apostles there? According to verse 11? All right. They heard, if you go through and count, there’s more locations than there are even apostles. And so the apostle spoke, but they heard each one in their own tongue acts chapter two verses 13 through 15 acts,

chapter two verses 13 through 15, yes or no on Pentecost were the men who spoke in the many languages drunk as accused verse 13. Others mocking said these are full of new wine. But Peter standing up with the 11, raised his voice and said to them, men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you. And he,

my words for these are not drunk as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. So yes or no. Were the men who spoke in many languages drunk as accused? No. All right. Acts chapter two, verse 23, acts chapter two, verse 23 in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, who did Peter say,

put Jesus to death? Verse 23 says him. That is Christ being delivered by the determined purpose. And for knowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified and put to death. So in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, who did Peter say, put Jesus to death, the Jews at those who were standing there right then,

okay. Did Jesus’ body decay after death acts chapter two, verse 31. He foreseeing this beacon concerning David spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. Did Jesus’s body decay after death? No. Where did Peter say Jesus is now verse 33, therefore being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the father,

the promise of the Holy spirit. He poured out this, which you now see and hear. So where did Peter say Jesus is now at the right hand of God, acts chapter two, verse 37 and 38 and 41. We’re going to read all the questions and then go through and answer. Describe Peter’s replying to the people on the day of Pentecost.

When they asked what they should do to get forgiveness of sins. At what point did the people on the day of Pentecost received the gift of the Holy spirit and how many obeyed that day let’s go to verse 37 of acts chapter two. Now, when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,

men and brethren, what shall we do then Peter said to them, repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy spirit for the promise is to you and to your children. And to all who are afar off. As many as the Lord, our God will call.

And with many other words, he testified and exhorted them saying, be saved from this perverse generation. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized. And that day about 3000 souls were added to them. So describe Peter’s reply to the people on the day of Pentecost, when they asked what they should do to get forgiveness of sins, all right, repent,

and be baptized for the remission of sins. At what point did the people on the day of Pentecost received the gift of the Holy spirit After they did what? All right after they were baptized after they obeyed what Peter said, how many obeyed that day? About 3000 souls. All right. Acts chapter two, verse 47. Last question. In this lesson who added others to the original group of obedient persons,

we read verse 47, praising God and having with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily, those who were being saved, who added others to the original group of obedient persons. The Lord did all right. Lesson one 14, acts chapter three, question one from acts chapter three, verse two. How long had the beggar at the beautiful gate been crippled?

We read in acts chapter three, verse two, and a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple, which is called beautiful to ask owns from those who entered the temple. How long had the beggar at the beautiful gate? Ben crippled his entire life from his mother’s womb acts chapter three, verses six through eight.

What did Peter give the crippled beggar at the beautiful gate verses six through eight says, then Peter said silver and gold. I do not have, but what I do have, I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

So he leaping up stood and walked and entered the temple with them walking leaping and praising OD what did Peter give the crippled beggar at the beautiful gate? All right. The ability to walk acts chapter three, there that’s a typo. There acts chapter three, verse 12 and verse 16, which of the following did Peter say healed the cripple by the beautiful gate,

a Peter’s power B Peter’s godliness. See a medical doctor or D faith in Jesus, faith in Jesus. I’m going to go with that. I don’t even think we even have to read that passage. All right. According to Peter, question four, where, or excuse me, were the Jews responsible for Jesus’ death? Let’s go to verse 13 of acts,

chapter three, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers glorified his servant, Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of pilot when he was determined to let him go. But you denied the Holy one and the just and asked for a murderer to be granted to you and killed the Prince of life whom gone,

raised from the dead of which we are witnesses. According to Peter we’re Jews responsible for Jesus’ death. Yes. All right. Acts chapter three, verse 17. Did Peter say that the Jews were knowledgeable or ignorant of their violent sentence of death on God’s son? Verse 17 says yet. Now, brethren, I know that you did it in ignorance as did also your rulers.

Did Peter say that the Jews were knowledgeable or ignorant of their violent sentence of death on God’s son, Ignorant Acts chapter three verses 18 through 19, according to Peter, why did God allow Jesus to suffer and die? And how did Peter challenge the listeners verse 18? But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all his prophets, that the Christ would suffer.

He has thus fulfilled, repent, therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. So that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. So according to Peter, why did God allow Jesus to suffer Die? Okay. Right. It was told by the profits and fulfilled by Christ. How did Peter challenge the list? All right,

Right. And he challenged them to repent and be converted. Chapter three, verse 24 through the descendant of what man did God say, all nations of the earth would be blessed. Verse 24 says yes. And all the profits from Samuel and those who follow as many of us have spoken, have also foretold. These days, you are sons of the prophets of the,

and of the covenant, which God made with our fathers saying to Abraham in your seed, all the families of the earth shall be blessed through the descendant of what man did God say, all nations of the earth would be blessed. Abraham. That should be Verse 25 in that reference, not verse 24. All right. Acts chapter four, Few minutes,

Flipped acts chapter four, beginning in verse one going through verse two. Why did the Jewish leaders have Peter and John put in prison verse one. Now, as they spoke to the people, the priests, the captains of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them being greatly disturbed that they taught the people and preached in, preached in Jesus, the resurrection from the dead.

Why did the Jewish leaders have Peter and John put in prison? Okay. Right. Because they were preaching of Jesus’ resurrection verse 14 of acts chapter did the Jewish leaders believe that the crippled man had been healed verse 14 and seeing the man who had been healed, standing with them, they could not, or they could say nothing against it. Did they believe that he had been healed?

Yes. That’s why they couldn’t argue with it. Chapter four, verse seven and verse 10. By what power did be, did Peter tell the Jewish leaders that the crippled man had been healed? Verse seven says, and when they sent or when they set them in the midst, they asked by what power or by what name have you done this verse 10 says,

let it be known to you all. And to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead by him, this man stands here before you whole his name did Peter say, or I’m reading the wrong question. By what power did Peter tell the Jewish leaders that the crippled man had been healed?

Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All right. Verse 12. In whose name did Peter say that salvation is found? Verse 12 says now, is there salvation in any other for, there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved in whose name did Peter say that salvation is found? Oh, Jesus. In the name of Jesus.

Okay. After let’s acts chapter four verses 19 through 20, after the Sanhedrin commanded Peter and John, not to talk about Jesus and immor Peter and John, a stopped preaching in public B said that they had to obey God rather than men or C lost their temper and screamed at the Sanhedrin. The, they said they had to obey God rather than men.

All right. The crippled man, chapter four, verse 22, the crippled man by the beautiful gate whom Peter healed was over blank years old verse 22 for the man was over 40 years old on whom the miracle of healing had been performed. He was over Age 40. All right, Acts chapter four, verses 32 through 35. How did the followers of Jesus help those among their group?

Her who were poor in physical necessities, chapter four, verses 32 through 35. Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common and great power. The apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord. Jesus and great grace was upon them all,

nor was there any one among them who lacked for all who were possessors of land or houses sold them and brought the throw seeds of the things that were sold and laid them at the Apostle’s feet. And they distributed to each as anyone had need. And that’s the end of the passage. How did the followers of Jesus help those among their group who were poor in physical necessity?

All right. They gave of what they have. They sold their, of their property and their houses and gave it to those who were in need. Okay. For the sake of time, we are going to end there, there are handouts available for those who might like to come by and pick them up just by way of review to go through the remaining chapters,

we will pick up with acts chapter nine on Wednesday night. Thank you for your attention. And we’ll be back to start worship services in a few weeks.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Appreciate everyone who is here in person. There are a few of us and we appreciate everyone’s presence. We also appreciate everyone who is joining us remotely. Few announcements as we get started.

Remember our sick ed Richardson specifically also remember Barbara Dillard, Joan Springer, Donnie Flanagan, and Rodel Wilson, and update on Dorothy. She is back at home, recovering from a heart attack and a stint surgery. She is week from surgery. So definitely keep Dorothy in your prayers. Janie Marlin, her doctor canceled her appointment this week. So she will try and see a doctor this week for her aphid issues.

Potter’s children’s home will be here Thursday morning to pick up our collection of commodities. If you have coined cans, please bring those Wednesday night and have those here before Thursday. And also if you have any additional commodities, make sure those are here before Thursday. One last announcement Michael’s dad. James Dale will be speaking on the saved are in the church Tuesday night on the nationwide gospel call.

So a good opportunity to get a chance to hear him unless you’re planning on making any trips to Arizona anytime soon, it might be your only opportunity to hear Michael’s dad. So tune into that call into that Tuesday night at nine o’clock. If there are not any other announcements, Michael will lead us in our opening prayer. At the appropriate time, Noah will lead our singing and have our closing prayer.

And then Michael will also take care of the Lord’s supper. And I will present the sermon, I suppose. All right. No. All right. Good morning. Number 634, six three four. For you’re going to be using a song book. We’ll work till Jesus comes, sing the first and last verses of six, three, four. All right,

let us sing. Oh, land<inaudible>. When will the mom, man, When I found lame, I armor by and well and he side, Oh man.<inaudible> till Jesus comes well till Jesus comes and will be a guy. I saw that once my save your side, no more, my stab shall wrong with am brave ass, chilling tide and reach my Handley.

Oh man.<inaudible> till Jesus comes and will be guy<inaudible> Next song is going to be number 609, six zero nine. I’m not ashamed to own my Lord six zero nine. After which we have a prayer brother, Michael Dale, six zero nine. I’m not a shame to my Lord.<inaudible> main chain, neon, nurs of his word, the glory of his cross.

Jesus, my God, I know his name. His name is on my<inaudible> no more. Will he bud? My soul to shame no lead, my whole being lost for mass. His throne is promise. And then he can, well,<inaudible> what I’ve come it into his hands.<inaudible> then. Well, he on my worthless name before his father’s face and then a news porn for me,

my please bear with me Our awesome father in heaven. How Holy your name is? We thank you so much for this time that we have to come together, whether in person or online to be able to sing songs of praise to you and lift our voices in prayer and know that we are heard and hear a portion of your word. We thank you Lord for the technology that we are provided today,

to make sure that we are all able to come together, whether in the building or just in spirit. We thank you Lord so much for your son who, who died on the cross for us. And it is in his name. We pray amen. As long before the Lord’s supper to help us prepare our minds is not in a song, but that will be on the slides to set the face.

Divine set the fees to Bible in the first and last first, let us see<inaudible> Steve align, no bread and a fruit of the upline and say<inaudible> beef for the shrine and up the little may we<inaudible> his dad<inaudible> we thing Stan<inaudible> is<inaudible> and<inaudible> He’s got with me as we remember our Lord sacrifice our Lord in heaven. We humbly bow before your throne.

And we thank you Lord, for the sacrifice of your son and for this bread, which represents his body. When he asked that we do this in a pleasing manner in his name, amen. Please dealt with me, Our father in heaven. We come before you again, and we thank you so much for this fruit of the vine that represents your son,

shed blood for the covering. It gives us and the washing and regeneration that we gained from it. We asked that we never forget this and that we keep it in our minds and our hearts throughout the entire week and not just on Sunday. And thank you Lord for his sacrifice. Amen. Now this time we have set aside a time for offering, please bow with me,

Lord, in heaven, we thank you for the many blessings that you put upon us and that we receive in this world that you’ve created for us. We ask that as we give we so bound to flee so we can rebound to flee in the service of you. We ask that we give with a cheerful heart in your son’s name. Amen for the lesson will be number 647,

six four seven. If you are using a song book, do you want to go ahead and Mark 909, nine zero nine. Okay. A song of invitation, six 47, soldiers of Christ arise. We’ll sing all five verses. Let us soldiers of Christ.<inaudible> strong in the strength which gone up.<inaudible> strong in this rain, which God supplies through his being love is strong in the Lord of us.

That is my team who in the strength, jeez truck, who in this range of genies us trust is more than conch or Stan. Then in his grade,<inaudible> with all his strength and my tank to arm you for the fall, but take to arm you for the fight up.<inaudible> God leave no one garden.<inaudible> no weakness of the muscle.

Take every Birch you and every gray take every virtue. You, every grace and fortify the home, not that having all things done and know your conflicts pass, you may or come through Christ alone, alone. You may your come through Christ alone and stand in Tyra<inaudible>. And in the process of that, we have observed one of the amazing attributes of creation.

And that attribute is the nature of a snowflake. Those who have looked at these things under magnifying glasses will tell us there’s no two snowflakes alike. They are unique. They’re unique of how God Created them. And as I was thinking about that this week, one of the things that I fought about was the church, because the church is unique among all organizations,

among all bodies, among all assemblies, among all history, the church stands unique. Now there are some attributes of the church that are not unique. So, so let’s, let’s notice those just, just to get that idea out of the way, there are some things about the church that are not unique. For instance, it is not the only church that claims to be a church.

There’s a church in many cities on every corner that you drive by. It’s not the only one that claims to be a church or even a church associated or recognizing God. It is not the oldest religion in the sense of the church began when Jesus ascended back into heaven and the apostles had the power of the Holy spirit come upon them. As we talked about in Bible class,

and that as a form of religion, changing from the old law and the patriarch and Mosaical law to the new law is only about 2000 years old. And yet there are religions that history will tell us like those among Chinese cultures that are 5,000 years old. So somebody said, well, it’s not the oldest religion. It is not the only group that claims you can reach heaven by being a member.

Now it’s significant to know that there’s a difference as with many things in this world, there’s a difference between what people claim and what is actually true. But if we turn over to Galatians chapter one, verses six through nine, Paul will write to those in the churches of Galicia, that he was marveling, that they were so soon removed from the grays,

which called them by the gospel to another gospel, which he said is not another gospel, but some have perverted you and brought you away from God. So even in Paul’s day, just mere decades after Jesus ascended into heaven, after the church was established just mere decades. After this point, there were already those claiming you could get to heaven by a way,

other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, but notice as well, it is not unique in that it is not free from controversy internally and externally among organizations and even among religious organizations, controversy inside and out is not abnormal. And if you Are a part of a local congregation or a part of the church, universally in view of both aspects of the church,

you will recognize that controversy exists, but it existed even in the first century, turn to acts chapter 20 and acts chapter 20. As Paul is meeting with the elders from the church at Ephesus, he is meeting them there in the aisle or they’re on the Island and He is going to Speak with them because he knows that there are things that he needs to tell them before they don’t ever see him again.

So he meets there with those elders and he says to them and acts chapter 20 and in verse 29, therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy spirit has made you overseers to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. For. I know this that After my departure, Savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock also from among yourselves,

men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after themselves, therefore watch. And remember that for three years, I did not cease to warn everyone night and day With tears. Yeah. Notice Paul said that there was going to be controversy. There was going to be division. There was going to be struggling. The first attribute that he says,

or the first direction from which he said, that’s going to come, is those coming from the outside? He said, there’s going to be grievous wolves, perverse individuals who come in from the outside seeking to draw away men after themselves. But he said, it’s not just going to be those on the outside that are going to cause the problems he said.

There will also be those from among you. Now he’s talking to elders, he’s talking to the leaders of the church. He’s talking to the shepherds of the flock of God And he points it, them and stuff As there’s going to be those from among you who rise up seeking to draw away disciples after your selves. That moment As Paul is there with those elders,

I imagine To be very much like When Jesus was with the 12 apostles there at the table, in the upper room on the night of his betrayal. And he said, one of you sitting here will betray me. And they said, Lord has an eye. Lord, is it? I Lord has an eye at imagine the elders were looking at Paul going,

Well, I mean, it’s not going to be me. He must be talking about one of these other guys. But the reality Quality is the church is not free from controversy internally and externally. And in that way, it is not unique, But also it is made up of imperfect beings like Every other organization on planet earth. There are Some senses in which the church of Christ is not unique.

And I’m sure there’s more that can be added to the list. As I know, there are more attributes that can be added to the unique list than what I’ve prepared for this morning. But in these way, the church is not unique, but that doesn’t mean the church is not unique. The church is unique as it stands today, among all religions in existence today,

and every religion that has ever exist and every assembly, body or group of individuals or organization that has ever existed in history, the church stands unique and it is unique for these among many more reasons. Number one, the church is unique because it was founded by deity who took on humanity, turn to John chapter one, John chapter one, John is he is writing and giving these things that he writes.

So that those who read the things that Jesus did might believe and through their belief, their faith in Christ might have life through his name. John begins with this in the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was, God, the word was fails. The word was deity. The one who was in the beginning with God,

the one who was God. But then he says he was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. And without him, nothing was made that was made the word that was with God. The word that was deity, the word was the one who created everything that exists the world and all that is there in. But if you skip down to verse 14,

we read and the word became flesh. Now you can go back to the old Testament and you can go back to the days of Moses. When God from Mount Sinai spoke to Moses and said to Moses, this is the law. This is what I’m giving to you. Now you go and give it to the children of Israel. And you can remember that occasion where God told Moses that he was going to pass by before him,

because Moses desired to see the Lord. And God said, you’re not going to see me to my face, but you’re going to see my, my hind parts as it were. You’re going to see the back of me, but you’re not gonna see the front of me because you would die if you did. And God manifested himself to Moses there in that form.

But God did not take on flesh. So even among the worship and the, the accurate and correct worship of God, there was never a time before the church where there was a religion founded by God who took on flesh. And yet the church is, but notice verse 15, John bore, witness of him and crying out saying this was he of whom.

I said that this was, excuse me. If I can read this. This was he of whom. I said, he who comes after me is preferred before me for, he was before me and of his fullness. We have all received. And grace for grace for the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time.

The only begotten son who was in, who was in the bosom of the father, he declared him. John points out that the word became flesh, but he doesn’t leave us guessing about who he’s talking about. He says the word that became flesh was the same one. John, the Baptist testified of saying, this is the son of God. And that word that became flesh was Jesus Christ.

The church is unique because it was founded by deity who took on flesh and no other organization in all of history has ever been able to claim that because no other organization in all of history of that, has it been true? But notice, secondly, it was founded by one who died, was resurrected and never died. Again. John chapter 20 in John chapter 20 and in verse 26,

as John is preparing to close his record of the life of Christ. We read in John chapter 20 and in verse 26 and after eight days, his disciples were again inside the inside where they were gathered together, inside and separated from everyone else. So after eight days, his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace to you.

They’re in a room. The door is shut by all indications. It’s like it was the week before the door was shut and locked. And yet, instead of Jesus opening the lock, instead of knocking on the door, Jesus just shows up in the room and he says to them, peace to you. Then he said to Thomas, reach your finger here and look at my hands and reach your hand here and put it into my side.

Do not be unbelieving, but believing. And Thomas answered and said to him, my Lord and my God, Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book.

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God and the believing you might have life in his name. Jesus died. Jesus was hung on a cross. Jesus was nailed to a cross, a sign placed above his head, said the King of the Jews. And it was written in three different languages. He was scourged.

He was beaten. He was mocked. He was ridiculed And he was killed. And as he hung on the cross and was all ready at the point where he had given up his spirit, the Centurion came along and was going by and breaking the legs of those two other individuals who were on their crosses because it was time for the repairing of, of the feast.

And there, they couldn’t have dead bodies hanging around during FaceTime. And so he breaks the knees of the other two, but he comes to Jesus and he’s all Ready, dead end, Thrust that spear up into his side and outcomes, blood And water Syngenta Recognizes that the death process has already begun to take place. The church was founded by a man who died,

but he didn’t stay dead. He was resurrected for, he appeared to the apostles on the Sunday, after his resurrection, he appeared to them again on the next Sunday, after his resurrection and appeared to Thomas as Well. But This additional fact is he did not just rise from the dead. He did not just come back to life, but he ascended to the father,

acts chapter one, acts chapter one. And in verse one, the former account I made oath. The awfulness of all the Jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up. After he, through the Holy spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen to whom he also presented himself alive after his suffering by many infallible proofs,

being seen by them during 40 days. And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the father, which he said, you have heard from me for John, truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit.

Not many days from now. Therefore, when you come together, they asked, they asked him saying, Lord, will you, at this time restore the kingdom to Israel. And he said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons, which the father has put into his own authority, but you shall receive power. When the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses of me in Jerusalem and in Judea and Sumeria to the end of the earth.

Now, when he had spoken these things, while they watched, he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they stood steadfastly looking toward heaven, as he went up behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, men of Galilee, why do you stay in gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will.

So come in like manner. As you saw him go in to heaven, the one who was deity, the one who took on flesh, the one who died, the one who was resurrected and showed him siloed by many infallible proofs, that he was alive. That one ascended back to the father, which is why in Hebrews chapter 12 in Hebrews chapter 12.

And in verses one and two, the Hebrew writer tells these Christian TRIBE these Christians. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily besets us. And let us run with endurance. The racists set before us looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,

the originator, the creator of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross. He was the founder, the creator of all things that exist. And yet he took on flesh and for joy went to the cross who, for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

One thing that makes the church unique against every other organization, every other religion, every other aspect, and the thought of mankind, every other government, every other assembly of people is it was founded by one who died, was resurrected and never died again. Now, why is that last piece so critical? Because if you say, you know what, this was,

this was, it was founded by a man who died and was resurrected. Well, what if Lazarus, after he was resurrected by the Lord, decided he’d ought to preach his own glory, his own majesty and get his own disciples and draw them away after Lazarus. Well, then that would be a religion started by a man who died and was resurrected.

But what happened to Lazarus? He died again. Jesus Christ among all humanity among all who have ever lived is the only one who has ever died to be resurrected, never again, to taste death, which is why he is called the first born from the dead. And the church was founded by the one who died was resurrected and never died again. But thirdly,

the church is unique because it was in doweled by its creator with a unique mission message and might turn back to acts chapter one and acts chapter one. We just read this, we’ll read it again just briefly for the sake of drawing these thoughts together, but in acts chapter one, we are presented with this reality, the former account I made. Okay.

The off list of all the Jesus began both to do and to teach. It’s significant that Luke, as he is riding to the office says, I want you to understand the teaching and the actions of Jesus Christ until the day in which he was taken up. After, after he, through the Holy spirit had given commandments to the apostles who may have chosen.

Now, wait a minute, Jesus rise who died was resurrected and never died. Again. Not only did things while he was here, not only taught things while he was here, but he left commandments for those who were amazed when he left notice also whom also he presented himself alive after his sufferings, by many infallible proofs being seen by them during 40 days.

And speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, even during the time where Jesus was alive and on the earth, after he was resurrected from the dead, he was still teaching them about the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them. He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the father there, which he said,

you have heard from me for John, truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. Not many days from now. Now we know in John chapter 16, as he was speaking with the apostles in the upper room, that Jesus told them that the Holy spirit, the comforter would be given to them to guide them in. And to all truth,

air four, he says, verse six, when they had come together, they asked him saying, Lord, will you, at this time restore the kingdom to Israel. And he said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons, which the father has put in his own, but you shall receive power. When the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses,

they were going to speak on Christ’s behalf. We’re going to be witnesses concerning him in all or in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Sumeria and to the end of the earth. So notice that the church is unique because it has a unique mission. If you turn back over to what Luke had just concluded in his former writings in Luke chapter 24, Luke concludes his previous letter to the office with this font in Luke chapter 24,

beginning in verse 46. And he, then he said to them, thus, it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things. Behold, I send the promise of my father upon you,

but Terry in the city of Jerusalem, until you are dude with power from on high. Now Luke gives this account of what Jesus tells the apostles. He also gives the account in acts chapter one, you might say, well, which one’s accurate. The answer is both of them are. And Luke is putting together the fact that repentance and remission of sins was what they were to be witnesses about.

They were to preach the gospel and Jesus had to die. So the gospel could be preached because Jesus died. And he was unlike anyone who had ever died. And because he was resurrected and he was unlike anyone who was ever resurrected and because he never died, again, the message they preached was unlike any other message that’s ever been preached. It was unique because it was Jesus Christ.

And as Paul says in first Corinthians chapter one, it was Jesus Christ and him crucified the message that they preached was part of the mission they were sent to fulfill. And that was repentance and remission of sins being preached to the entire world. Turn to Romans chapter one has Paul writes to the church at Rome. He tells these brethren beginning in verse 14,

I am a debtor, both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise. So as much as in me as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also for, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes for the Jew first and also for the Greek,

for in it. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, the just shall live by faith for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. God says, as he writes this through Paul, that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The message of the gospel is unique for it is the only thing that will save mankind from their sins.

They were sent a mission To preach the gospel to the entire world Or debtors as Paul describes himself to preach the gospel to the entire world, the message that they preach was the only message that would save mankind. And yet It was the church is unique. Not only Because of its mission, not only because of its message, but because of It’s Mike,

there are two The senses in which the church is powerful and it is powerful In a way, unlike any other organization in all humanity’s history. First Then foremost, it is the might that we read about in acts After one in acts chapter one Beginning in verse six, the apostles asked Jesus, will you restore the kingdom to Israel? Jesus tells them it is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the father has put in his own hand.

He says, verse eight, you shall receive power. When the Holy The spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses. Now, you and I here in the assembly of the body of Christ today, do not have the gifts of the Holy spirit. But in the first century, when the church was founded, they did and they were there for a purpose.

They were there to confirm the message that was preached, that the message came from God, that the message was true and that the message could not be denied. And it was unique against every other message that had ever been proclaimed. The might of the church, big gain in the miraculous gifts of the Holy spirit and the revelation of God through those gifts.

But the might of the church didn’t end there when those gifts went away, because Those gifts were passed on only by the laying on of the Apostle’s hands. And when the apostles were dead and gone from this life, no one else had that ability to pass on those gifts. So with the apostles and all those who had met them in their lifetimes, the gifts went away.

We read about that in Ephesians Chapter four, and yet Paul and Ephesians chapter four says that these things were for a time while the church was in its infancy while it was growing to maturity until the gospel had been praised until the message amendment preach until those who were elders and teachers and deacons and ministers could come to a fullness of faith and a fullness of understanding.

So they wouldn’t be swayed about by every wind Doctrine. But Paul makes it clear. There was coming a time where these miraculous gifts were no longer going to be necessary. These miraculous gifts were not going to be needed. And yet it did not change The might of the church. And Matthew chapter 16, we read Beginning in verse 13, when Jesus came into the region of seven,

Three of Philippi, he asked his disciples saying, who do men say that I, the son of man am? So they said some of some say, John, the Baptist, some Elijah, others, Jeremiah, and One of the prophets he said to them, but who do you say that I am Simon, Peter, Or answered and said, you are the Christ,

the son of the living, God, Jesus answered and said to him, blessed, are you Simon? Barjona for flesh. And blood has not revealed this to you, but my father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter and on this Rock, not the rock that was Peter, but the rock that was the revelation of God,

I will build my church. But notice this statement, this, This statement about the church, the ekklesia, the called out of God, the church of Christ. This statement stands as you Nate, among all the organizations in history. He said, As upon this rock, I will build my church and the Gates of hell Eighties shall not prevail against it,

Of what organization in all of history. Can it be said that the Gates of hell Death did not overcome it, Of what organization can it be said in all of history that this organization stood and was able to withstand the power of Satan and the power of sin and the power of death. First Corinthians chapter one verses 50 through 58, Which organization can it be said in all of history was w was able to withstand the Gates of Hades.

And there’s only one. It is the church that Jesus built versus 19. And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Then he commanded his disciples that they should tell no one that he was Jesus, Jesus, the Christ Jesus had a mission to fulfill.

And in doing that, he left Half the church with a unique mission, a unique message and a Unique might in all history, but then consider as well. Number four, the church Is unique because it was purchased with a unique asset. Go back to acts chapter For 20, as Paul is there with the elders, as he Is speaking with those elders from the church at Ephesus,

he says to them in acts chapter 20 beginning in verse 25, He says, and indeed, now I know that you all among whom I have Gone preaching the kingdom of God will see my face no more. Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men for, I have not shown to declare to you the whole counsel of God,

therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy spirit has made you overseers to shepherd the church of God, which he Purchased with his own blood. Now, if nothing else was true, if not Nothing else that we’ve said in this lesson was applicable. This one thing would make the church unique because Paul, as he is, as he is speaking to these elders is he leaves this to us.

As Luke records, this in the book of acts tells us that the church was purchased with the one asset, nothing else in all of history Purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. The church stands unique because it was purchased with a unique asset fifthly. It is completely And entirely unified. Now Someone’s going to raise Their hand and say, Oh wait, wait,

wait. As you said up there in that point about what is not unique about the church, that it is not free from controversy. How is it now you turn around and say it is completely and entirely Unified. And the answer is in John chapter 17 On chapter 17, as Jesus is praying among the apostles, as he is preparing to go out into the garden,

preparing to be betrayed. He says in his prayer to God, beginning in verse 20, Actually, let’s go back To verse 18. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. Speaking of the disciples, the apostles, and for their sakes, I sanctify myself that they also may be sanctified by the truth. I do not pray for these alone,

but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you, that they may be one in us. And that the world may believe that you Sent me Jesus Prayed for a unity and a unification to exist in the body of Christ. That was unlike anything else in all history,

in all mankind, because it was unity with Christ in the same unity he had with the father. And some One might say, well, yes, Aaron, I understand that, but that’s what Jesus had wanted. But that doesn’t mean that’s. What is He is? And I beg to differ turn first, John chapter one in first John chapter one,

we read about this unity. We, I read about the reality of the unity that exists in the body of Christ and nowhere else. John writes beginning in verse four. And these things I wrote, we write To you that your joy may be full. This is the message which we have heard From him and declare to you that God is light. And in him is no darkness at all.

If we say we have fellowship with him, we walk in darkness and walk in darkness. We lie and do not practice the truth. You say, Erin, I’ve looked in the body of Christ and I’ve looked among congregations. And there are people doing ungodly things. There are people at war with one another there’s people in controversy. There’s people doing things that are not right.

They are not living the way Jesus wanted them to live. And therefore there is not Unity in the church. And I beg to differ because God’s is that though Those who walk with him in light have fellowship with him and those who are in Darkness do not. It doesn’t matter who sits in a Pew on a Sunday morning. It matters who is in fellowship with God and then consider this.

He says, if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ, his son cleanses us from all sin. What is it that could stop the true unity of the body of Christ?

And the answer is sin, but what is it that the blood of Christ continually cleanses those Christians who were part of the church of Christ from all sin. And so there is unity in the body of Christ, unlike any other place in all of humanity, but then sixthly, the church is unique because it is perfect. There are not many things. Matter of fact,

I don’t believe there are any things in this life in our day and time of which you can say this thing is truly perfect, but that’s not accurate. When it comes to the church in Ephesians chapter five, Paul writes concerning the church and says, beginning in verse 25, husbands love your wives. As Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her,

that he might sanctify and cleanse Her with the washing of water By the word that he might Present her to himself, a Glorious church, and notice his description, not having spot or wrinkle or, Or any such thing, but that she should be Holy Add without blemish. What is that is Wholly sanctified, set apart cleanse and without blemish, not without any major blemish,

not without any minor blemish without blemish. It is perfect. All of the things that we have that are made up of precious metals or precious elements are gauged quite often in their value, their strength, their uniqueness on their perfection rating, but the finest cut diamond in all of human history, compares nothing with the unique perfection of the church. Number seven,

it is unique in that it can be created or generated perfectly anywhere in the universe under any conditions. If generated from the proper seed. Something that is interesting about seeds is seeds contain the potential for life. And if you were to take a seed from one location on the earth and it might even be, and this has been done before a sea, that was thousands of years old,

and you play of that seed in the right conditions, that seed will produce whatever it is a seed of, but in human history, there’s never been a seed that could generate anywhere under any conditions. If planted, except the seed of the church of Christ in Matthew chapter 13, Jesus is he is speaking concerning his kingdom. His church says in Matthew chapter 13,

beginning in verse 18, therefore hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away. What was sown in his heart? This is he who received the seed by the wayside, but he who received the seed on Stony places. This is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy.

Yet he has no rooted himself, but endures only for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises. But because of the word immediately, he stumbles. Now he who receives seed among the thorns is he who hears the word and cares for cares and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word. And he becomes unfruitful, but he who receives the seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understand it,

understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces some a hundred fold, some 60 and some 30. If you were to take the word of God and you were to extract it out of humanity and extracted out Of this world, and you were to carry it off into a S on a spaceship to Mars, as long as you had a human being who could hear it,

it could produce the church. Again, it is the only thing in all history that if jet that can be generated perfectly, anywhere in the universe, under any conditions, if generated from the proper seed, but eighth, and finally, the church is unique because it can has, and will be imitated, but never be replaced from the very beginning of the church.

There were those who sought to duplicate it. There were those who sought to change it. There were those who sought to model after it. There were those who saw to create one, just like it, but there’s never been another one. Just like four. It stands alone. It has never gone away nor will it ever. It has never been replaced nor could it be for,

for it to be replaced. DD would have to come back and flesh the would have to come back and walk this earth again. They would have deity would have to die again. Deity would have to be resurrected again. Dad would have to return to the throne of God again, and that’s never going to happen. Jesus said in Matthew chapter 16, verse 18,

upon this rock, I will build my singular unique one church. And the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. So while the church of Christ might be imitated, the church of Christ might be duplicated. The church of Christ might be manipulated to go away from him and be deceived by others. The church of Christ will never be replaced. The church of Christ stands unique in all history,

and it stands unique for the mission, the message and the might of God and the power of God to save mankind from their sins. If you’re outside the body of Christ and the church you are outside of salvation, Paul writes in Ephesians chapter two, that you are an alien from God and enemy of God. And without hope. Why? Because if you’re outside the body of Christ,

you are inside of sin and you have no hope, but you have hope in Christ. And if you are one who’s willing to do as the first century church did, when they were sinners, when they heard the word of God, they believed it. The seed was planted in their hearts and it began to grow and it took root and it produced fruit by them hearing the word of God and believing it,

but not just hearing it by them doing something about what they heard. They heard, they believed. And they repented because Jesus said repentance and remission of sins had to be preached in all the world because he went to the cross. They heard, they believe they repented. They confessed Christ as Lord and savior because they recognized he was the one true living.

God who took on flesh and walked this earth. But ascended back into heaven, never to die again, and having confessed the name of Christ. They were immersed in water for the remission of sins and they died. And then they Rose to walk in newness of life. Romans chapter six, verses three and four. The church is unique because it’s made up of people who were once dead,

but they’re not anymore. They’re alive in Christ. You’re outside of the body of Christ. You can change that today by entering into the church, which Jesus Christ died to purchase with his own blood. And the only place in which salvation is found. If you have need of the invitation of God, it is available now as we stand. And as we said For you and me,

let us say so a two and spring, and is the founder of, from the us or something and bids, Saul free. The dreaming well, you to the fountain three. Well, you can TIS for you and me thirsty. So here, the welcome call TIS a fountain, Oh, up and four. There’s a living stream with a crest,

all gleam from the throne of life. Now it flows while the water’s role let we are priests all hear the call. That four, three, the<inaudible> will you to the fountain free. You TIS for you and me thirsty. So here, the welcome call is fountain. Oh, and for all of them, there’s a rock that’s glass. And so is let that man,<inaudible> water.<inaudible> tears for you and me and his stream.

I seen let us, Hey son, Joel<inaudible> will you to the fountain and free will you come TIS for you and me thirsty. So here the welcome call, tos founder, and Oh, and for Raul. Well, thanks Aaron for that great lesson this morning, we’re going to have a closing song and it’s going to be number 957. This world is not my home.

We’ll sing the first verse only. And then we’ll have our closing prayer. Nine 57. This world is not my home. Let us sing. This world is not my home. I’m just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, the angels back on me from Evans opened, or, and I can feel at home in this world any more.

Oh Lord. You know, I have no friends like you. If heaven’s not in my home, then Lord, when will I do the angels back on me from Evans opened or, and I can feel at home in this world, any<inaudible> Let us pray our heavenly father. We thank you for another beautiful Lord today. Thank you for the privilege Lord,

to come into your house and worship you, Lord, we thank you for the message that Aaron brought us today. Lord, just to apply it to our hearts and let us use it in our everyday life. Lord, Lord, be with the sick, healed him as you see fit Lord, and just they with us as we leave and just keep us safe and bring us back at the next appointed time.

These things we ask in your precious name. Amen.

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02-17-2021 – Live Stream – John 6:22-71

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Okay. Hey, now there’s audio. I knew I’d forget something. So a few things that obviously I need to do is turn all the ringers off on the phone though. I do greatly appreciate my wife calling me to let me know there was no audio because I had forgotten that I’m gonna try and juggle a few things as we go through this, just because I don’t have Tommy Laster here.

So I’m going to have to try and, you know, do it on my own, but we’re going to go through a few of the questions from Sunday. And as a result of that, we’ll have those on the screen and I’ll swap between them and, and whatnot. So we’ll, we’ll make a go of it and we’ll see how it goes.

Got another couple of minutes before we get started Delisa, you are welcome. Glad I can do it, going to try and kind of keep an eye on the comments on the Facebook feed. Specifically my Facebook feed, just where somebody can let me know if something stops working or, or whatnot. Or if, for instance, I put up the, the wrong thing.

We’ll get started here in just a minute or so, Trying to make sure all of the screens are set properly and audio set properly. Somebody definitely let me know if you can’t hear me at any point. So text me. I’m I’m trying to keep my, my phone where I can see it though. It is on mute. And then if, if anything goes haywire,

well, we’ll do the best we can. Okay, We’re gonna go ahead and get started. We are going to be in John chapter six this evening, but we’re going to begin with the questions from less than two 53, less than two 53 came from Mark chapter six. So we’ll begin with those questions after a word of prayer, Let us pray.

Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have, and that blatant Ben blessed with grateful for the beauty of the earth and the majesty of the things that you have created. We see the magnificence of your glory and the magnificence of all that you do in just the things that we see around us,

especially right now, as the snow is falling outside. And we’re able to appreciate the uniqueness of every single piece of snow that falls from the sky. We pray that you will be with all those who may be in countering difficulties because of the weather because of power outages, or because of other reasons, we pray that people will be safe and warm and able to stay warm.

In this time, we pray that you be with those workers in the utility companies and others necessary jobs like that. We pray that they have safety as they’re doing the things that need to be done, to make sure that everyone stays safe. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study, may the things that we do and the things that we say,

be in accordance with your will. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and watch out for us care for us, protect us, keep us in your love and care. All this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. All right. So let’s see if I get this, get this right here. First question we have from a Sunday’s lesson,

how busy were Jesus and the apostles during the second year of his ministry, it’s comes from Mark chapter six, verse 31. And since I don’t have an audience in front of me to kind of have the feedback here, I’m just going to read the passage and then we’ll answer it from there. Verse 31 says, and he said to them, come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile for there were many coming and going and they did not even have time to eat.

So one of the things that we see here is that there were so many people coming and going that the apostles didn’t even have time to stop and to eat. The second question. When Jesus saw the multitude who had followed his boat, he felt compassion calling them a blank without a blank. This comes from verse 34 and Jesus. When he came out,

saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So he began to teach many things. Okay? So Jesus saw them had compassion on them, but he saw them as sheep without a shepherd. Next question, in question, number three comes from verses 38 through 42. And the question is how did Jesus feed the 5,000 men who had followed him to a desolate place,

verse 38 says, but he said to them, how many loaves do you have go? And see, of course, this is to the disciples. And when they found out, they said five and two fish, then he commanded them to take them all, sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down and ranks in hundreds and in fifties.

And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before them. And the two fish he divided among them all. So they all ate and were filled. Jesus takes the five loaves, the two fishes. He prays to God. And then the food is distributed to the 5,000 question four was any food left after Jesus miraculously fed the 5,000 it’s comes from verse 43.

They took up 12 loaves or 12 baskets full of fragments and of the fish. So the answer was yes, there was excess, there was leftover and it was plentiful enough that there were 12 baskets full. I’m going to try and rearrange my windows here just a little bit better to where I can look more at the camera and less way up there. Next question is,

let’s switch back to the right screen after feeding the 5,000, why did Jesus send the disciples in the boat without him go to verse 45 immediately. He made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side to Bethsaida while he sent the multitude away. And when he had sent them away, he departed to the mountain to pray. So this is one of those occasions where Jesus sends the disciples ahead and he stays behind to pray verse or sorry,

question number six from verse 52. Why were Jesus’ disciples hearts hardened after seeing the miraculous feeding of the 5,000 verse 52, they had not understood about the loaves because their hearts were hardened. And one of the things that we talked about is at least my judgment, my understanding part of the reason why they didn’t understand these things in their hearts were hardened is because of the success of the things that they had encountered.

He sent them out into the cities and the region teaching and preaching and the miracles they were able to do there. And perhaps that pride being lifted up in them, they, they didn’t get everything that they should have from this event. Then question number seven, verses 48 through 51. Why were Jesus’ disciples frightened when they saw him walking on the water and then describe the weather on this occasion,

verse 48. Then he saw them straining at rowing for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night, he came to them, walking on the sea and would have passed them by. And when they saw him walking on the sea, they supposed, it was a ghost and cried out for, they all saw him and were troubled,

but immediately he talked with them and said to them, be of good cheer. It is, I do not be afraid. Then he went up into the boat to them and the wind ceased, and they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure and marveled. So why were the disciples frightened? When they saw him, they supposed, he was a, a ghost or a spirit.

Describe the weather. The weather was a tempestuous. It was windy and it was blowing the opposite direction of where the disciples were trying to row to. Okay. So that covers our questions. We will head over to John chapter six And we’ll switch to this screen for the rest of the time. John Chapter six is where we will be for our study this evening,

John chapter six, beginning in verse 20 To John chapter six, Beginning verse 22. We read this on the following day. When the people who were standing on the other side of the sea saw that there was no other boat there, except that one, which his disciples had entered. And that Jesus had not entered the boat with his disciples, but his disciples had gone away alone.

However, other boats came from Tiberius near the place where they ate bread after Jesus had given. Thanks when the people therefore saw that Jesus was not there nor his disciples. They also got into boats and came to Capernaum seeking Jesus. And when they found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him, rabbi, when did you Come here?

So the people witnessed the get in the boat. They witnessed the disciples leave and they knew that Jesus was still there because he was present. He was the one who sent them away. Now they come back and Jesus has gone and the disciples are gone and they’re looking, they’re examining. They’re trying to figure out what happened that they’re, they’re looking to see if there’s,

if the disciples came back, if there’s an, there was another boat that would have taken Jesus and there was no indication of one. So they finally in essence, just go, well, let’s go to Capernaum. Jesus is often in Capernaum and they will, they will travel to Capernaum and there, they will find him. But they’ll ask the question.

When did you come here? How did you get here? You, you didn’t get in a boat. You didn’t leave when we were there and you were still there. When we left, how did you get here? And Jesus will answer them. Verse 26, he answered and said, most assuredly. I say to you, you seek me not because you saw the signs,

but because you ate of the lows and were filled as is often the case, people ask one question and Jesus answers another Jesus answers concerning their motivation. Jesus makes it clear that their motivation for coming and seeking him out, wasn’t their desire to hear his teaching. It wasn’t that they had had seen his miracle and realized that there was one in their presence who was greater than Moses.

And that what he had to say was the most important thing as we get into John chapter six, one of the things that you’re going to see is this analogy moving forward of Jesus to Moses, Moses would feed Israel in the wilderness, but it wasn’t really Moses who did it was it, it was Moses asking God and God providing for Israel in the wilderness.

Well, now you’re going to have Jesus providing for people in the wilderness. And the people are going to look at that. And they’re going to understand a connection. They’re going to understand the connection between Moses and Jesus and their motivation is going to be physical things. They’re understanding and motivation is going to move forward based upon their desire for physical food. So notice what he says.

He says, you seek me now because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled, then he says, this verse 27, do not labor for the food, which parishes, but for the food, which in doers to everlasting life, which the son of man will give you because God, the father has set his seal on him.

Jesus says, your focus is off. Your focus is off of what it means to be. And you need to correct your internal motivation for being here. You need to correct what it is that you have done done in essence, to say, it’s good that you’re present, but the reason you’re present has destroyed the value of your presence. The reason you’re here is going to work against you.

Instead of being for you. Sometimes we have a mindset that says, you know what? It’s best that people be at worship no matter what. And the motivation and mindset behind that has often driven. Even parents to cause older children to go, you’re going to be at worship no matter what you want, because you’re in my house. I understand the motivation for that.

But Jesus, his point here is if your reason for being here is wrong, then it doesn’t matter what, what you’re doing here. And it doesn’t matter. The fact that you are here because what’s inside has ruined the value of your presence, your heart, and your motivation for being there or your desire to be somewhere else has notified your presence. So Jesus tells them not to labor for food,

which parishes he says, go look at your reason for getting up every day. Go look at your reason for being in a particular place. You go to James chapter four and James talks about an individual deciding he’s going to travel to another city and stay there a year and buy and sell and get gain. And James admonishes him to S to change his outlook,

to go, if the Lord wills, I will go here and do this or that. And he calls him a fool. If he thinks he knows what’s going to happen tomorrow, your life is a vapor. It appears for a little while and then vanishes away. He says, all of this is tied directly to the statement of Jesus. Jesus is,

do not labor for the food that perishes James says, if your motivation is profit and gain and nothing more than that, if God’s not in the picture, if the value you’re looking for is not spiritual value, but monetary value as the highest priority, then you’re going to miss what God has to offer you. And you’re not going to get what Jesus has provided.

He says, do not labor for the food, which parishes, but for the food, which in doers to everlasting life, which the son of man will give you because God has set his seal on him. Jesus is the thing you need to be searching for. You’ve you’ve left the wilderness. You’ve come searching for me. You found me in Capernaum.

And the reason you did it was because you ate and were filled, but the reason you should have done it, and what you should be doing is looking for the meat, the food that I’m teaching you, the words that I speak, those are what they should be striving for. Verse 28. Then he said, or then they said to him was,

shall we do that? We may work the works of God. Okay? Jesus. If you’re saying that we need to be striving for spiritual things and not fleshly things. If you’re saying that we need to be looking out for, for spiritual works and not fleshly, what is it that we need to be doing? What must we do that? We work the works of God.

Jesus answered and said to them, this is the work of God that you believe in him, whom he sent. Jesus said the thing you ought to be doing. The thing you need to be focusing on is believing in the messenger. Why would he say that? Remember the connection to Moses in the situation with Moses, Moses would plead on behalf of Israel.

They would have a need. Moses would God to provide for their need. God would provide for their need. Moses would speak to them. But every time they were unsatisfied with their physical situation, they wouldn’t go to Moses and say, teach us more about God. They would go to Moses and say, solve my physical issue. Or I’m hungry. Provide me food.

Or I’m thirsty. Provide me drink. Every time they became disgruntled with their physical situation, they want a God to solve it. But would they go to God for their spiritual needs? No. Would they listen to God’s messenger about his God’s desires for their lives and obedience to him? No. How many times do you find in those latter years with that first generation where God tells them vowels shall not covet.

Thy neighbor’s house thou shall not commit fornication, thou shalt, not covet the neighbor’s wife and yet all of the 10 commandments. You find them breaking in the text. Here they are. They’re bowing down to other gods. Why? Because they didn’t believe Moses because they didn’t believe the messenger because they didn’t hear and obey. You say, well, well,

but, but, but they, they didn’t know yet. Yes they did. God spoke the 10 commandments in chapter 19 from the mountain. They didn’t want to hear it. They wanted Moses to go get it. And so they send Moses up to go get the commandments. But when the messenger comes back, did they then live out the message? No,

Aaron’s own sons. When they’re, they’re performing the duties of a priest on the very first day, the very first consecrated day of the feast. The very first time the priests are serving on a Holy day are struck down by God. Why was it? Because they were ignorant about God’s word? No it’s because they didn’t believe. So then notice what we read.

He says, this is the work of God that you believe in him, whom he sent. Now, some will say that we’re not saved by works. We’re saved by faith. Only the problem with that is the Jews asked Jesus, what work must we do? And Jesus says, the work you’re supposed to be doing is believe nowhere in all scripture.

Does it say that we’re saved by faith only saved by belief only instead Jesus identifies that their faith is to cause them to do the works of God. And so the very first work that they have to do is believe he identifies the fact that they’re missing the very first thing they’re missing. The fact that they do not yet believe in him, can’t do anything else until they correct that problem.

So then notice what we read verse 30. Therefore they said to him, what sign will you perform then that we may see it and believe you, what work will you do? Did didn’t he just feed 5,000 men plus women and children in the wilderness. And now they’re going to ask, well, if you’ll just show us a sign, if you’ll just do a,

a work, if you’ll just show us and prove to us that you are who you claim to be, then we’ll believe our fathers verse 31 ate the manna in the desert. As it is written, he gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said to them, most assuredly I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven,

but my father gives you the true bread from heaven for the bread of God, is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. The same Moses who gave them bread also told them they needed to obey God. They needed to hear God love God and keep his commandments. And here they are. They’ve seen the miracle. They know what they were told.

They listened to him, teach, and then they determined that that wasn’t proof enough. So when he says you came here because of the bread you ate. And when he says your first work is your faith and obeying God, they respond with, well, we’ll believe in you, but first show us another work. And when he presents this to them,

they say, we’ll believe on you. If you first show us another work and Moses fed people in the wilderness. So they’re suggesting they’re implying well, here’s what you could do fetus again. Then we’ll believe the audacity of the statement of course is they didn’t believe. After the first time he fed them. Why would they believe? After the second time he fed them?

There’s no reason at all. So Jesus says, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven. They go back to the old Testament, said he gave them bread from heaven to eat. This is Exodus chapter 16, verse four, verse 15, Psalm 78, verse 24. He gave them bread from heaven. Yes, but not the bread. He caused them to eat manna.

Yes, but the true bread, Jesus is going to identify as not food. In the physical sense. It is food in the spiritual sense. And specifically him notice what he says. He said for the bread of God, is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. What is bread do well in this instance, in this context,

you’re dealing with the daily bread necessary to sustain the children of Israel in the wilderness. Every day they could have had bread from heaven manna, or they could have had nothing. And eventually they’d starve. They’d die. Their life would be gone. Jesus said the true bread that sustains you in life, the true bread that provides for your needs and allows you to continue in life.

Isn’t physical. It’s me. So then notice what else we read. Then they said to him, Lord, give us this bread. Always. You see how mental assent belief only puts a person in the position of saying, yes, that’s exactly what I want until God turns around and says, and this is what it will cost you. And that’s what’s happening here.

He says, God is giving you me. I am the bread from heaven. And the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. And they say, yes, give us this bread. We believe, but what’s it going to cost them? Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger.

And he who believes in me shall never thirst. You remember over in John chapter four when he’s there with a woman at the well in some area. And he tells them, tells her if you drink of the water that I will give you, you will never thirst again. That analogy is here as well. Jesus is carrying that whole concept forward. And again,

in her situation, she understands him to say, Oh, if I drink your water, I’ll never be thirsty. I’ll never have to draw water from this. Well, again, all of these things are physical in her mind. And yet when Jesus helps her to understand that the water he’s offering her is not physical water, but instead spiritual life through him,

she hears it, believes it obeys and then goes and tells others. Hmm. Isn’t that the example of exactly what Jesus would expect of the Jews? Yeah. Is that what he got from the Jews? No. So notice he said, but I said to you that you have seen me and yet you do not believe all that. The father gives me will come to me.

And the one who comes to me, I will, by no means cast out. Now some will come to this passage and they’ll say here, Jesus gives us the understanding that once you’re saved, you’re always saved. Is that what Jesus said? No. Let’s exemplify this. A, an Israelite in Moses’s day comes and goes through. The wilderness, goes to Sinai is alive there at Sinai.

Heres the word that God commanded him. Heres the commandments that God commanded him. And then come the Sabbath day, goes out and picks up sticks on the Sabbath labors on the Sabbath day. Now, what was the commandment? Observe the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Did he do it? No. What happened to him? Because this is an actual event in the old Testament,

they inquire the Lord. What are we supposed to do with this person who broke the Sabbath? And God said the entire congregation comes out and stones him to death. Well, wait a minute. What did he do wrong? He violated the law. He heard what God said. He heard the commandments and yet did something different. Jesus is not here teaching that the person who hears and believes will never fall.

That’s not what he’s teaching. He’s here teaching that the one who hears and believes and never turns away, but lives his life provided for by the daily bread that God provides. That is the word of God. The word from him, the life he provides that is in Christ. That person will never be cast out. His salvation. His eternal presence in the kingdom is a shirt.

This is the same thing that Peter teaches over in first, Peter chapter one that as long as they’re faithful, their inheritance is secure and cannot be taken away. But in that self, same passage, Peter says, if you do these things, you will never fall. The imply implication being. If they don’t do these things, they can fall. There’s nowhere in the new Testament that teaches that it wants a person saved.

There’s no way for them to lose their salvation. As a matter of fact, the substance in the whole of the new Testament teaches that if a person doesn’t continue to obey God, whether they were lost or saved to begin with, they will be lost because they didn’t do what God said. All right. So verse, verse 38 for, I have come down from heaven,

not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. This is the will of the father who sent me that of all he has given me. I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. Jesus says, I’m your life? I’m the bread of life. I’m the person who, if you have me,

you’ll never thirst. I’m the one who’s going to sustain you. And when this life is over, I’m going to resurrect you on the last day, I will raise them up. But then the next verse says this. And this is the will of him who sent me that everyone who sees the son and believes in him may have everlasting life. And I will raise him up at the last day.

And again, someone in the religious world will say, see, he just said, yeah, but is that all he says? No, because in the entire context, the requirement is not just here and believe the requirement. And the entire context is here, believe, and then do something about it. That is obedience. And they’re missing step one,

the discussion. Shouldn’t about faith. The discussion about belief here in this context, isn’t about all that’s necessary to gain eternal life and to have eternal life. When this life is over, it is about step one. They don’t yet believe. Even though they’ve seen the miracles, even though they ate of the food, they still don’t believe verse 41 then,

and notice the contrast. He said, believe, and I’ll raise you up. Verse 41. Then the Jews complained about him because he said, I am the bread, which came down from heaven. They’re not willing to accept what he says. As a matter of fact, they’re going the opposite direction and going. He’s claiming to be from God. Now,

as we’ve mentioned before, in our studies of the book of John, John usually indicates by the reference, the Jews, a specific reference to the Jewish leadership scribes, the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests, and others. That’s generally who he’s talking about with his reference to the Jews and not just the general population, not just the common people who were present,

not everybody who’s there. Whether that’s the idea here in this context or not, I’m not certain, but you do see a clarity here that is this gut reaction. He just claimed to be from God. He just claimed to have come from heaven. How can that be? Okay. So Jesus therefore answered and said to them, Oh, verse 42,

I Skipped verse 42. And they said is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother, we know how is it? Then he says, I have come down from heaven. And we noticed in the other passages, when Jesus stood up there in the synagogue and taught them that they, those in Nazareth, they rejected him. Why?

Because they saw him growing up. They saw him being raised by Mary. They saw his brothers and they knew his brothers and his sisters. And they said, this, this camp, this person can’t be from God. This can’t be the, the Messiah. We’ve seen him from his youth. And so they rejected him. Now here, again, they’re reference comes back to,

we know as mother and father, how was it? Then he says, I have come down from heaven. They can’t move past what they’ve seen. What they’ve always believed, what their understanding of reality is to even ask the question with an open mind and with a desire to learn what he means by this. Instead, they’re shutting down. They’re rejecting what he has to say because they don’t comprehend what it is.

That is the fact of the matter. You know what they could’ve done. First of all, they, they already said, we know his mother. We know his father. What could they have done? Well, they could have gone over to Nazareth and asked his mother about his birth. They could have asked his mother, where did he come from?

And she’d have been able to tell them they could have, if Joseph was alive. I know we had that discussion on Sunday, whether he’s alive at this point or not, but they could have asked Joseph, if he’s alive, where did he come from? Joseph knew. But did they do that? No. Jesus therefore answered and said to them,

do not murmur among yourselves. No one can come to me. Unless the father who sent me, draws him and I will raise him up at the last day, it is written in the prophets and they shall all be taught by God. Therefore, everyone who has heard and learned from the father comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the father,

except he who is from God. He has seen the father. Most assuredly. I say to you, he who believes in me has everlasting life. So Jesus tells them no man can come to me. Unless the father who sent me, draws him and I will raise him up at the last day. What is it that draws people to Jesus? Oh,

I know that this is Jesus talking about the miraculous working of the Holy spirit, the Holy spirit descends down upon those who God has already chosen to be saved. And he causes their heart to be able to believe because they’re they’re sinners from, from birth. No, I don’t know what John Calvin was thinking when he was reading the scriptures, but he wasn’t understanding them because his doctrines are atrocious.

Jesus is not saying the Holy spirit needs to come down and miraculously draw him to me. Any tells you that in the context, because he then says it is written in the profits. They shall all be taught by God and Jeremiah. When he is telling them, this is not telling them that God’s going to miraculously teach them what needs to be known.

He’s contrasting the old covenant, where they were born into a relationship with God, a covenant with God, by birth, by flesh, by blood and contrast that with a new relationship with God that God was going to create, that began with the heart. And Jesus said, you’re going to have to believe first before you can come unto me, verse 48.

I am the bread of life. Your father ate the manna in the wilderness and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven. That one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread, which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live Forever. And the bread that I show give is my flesh,

which I shall give for the life of the world. Those in that first-generation ate of the bread. They consumed the bread that came from God, the manna, but it changed their lives that it caused them to be obedient to him. Did it cause them to not suffer the wrath of God? No, it didn’t protect them from God and from death and from judgment.

They’re in that wilderness just because they ate the bread. But if they were to consume the real bread, the true bread from heaven, that is if they were to consume him, if they were to hear and obey and believe him, then no judgment would come upon them. No death, no destruction will come upon them. Not that they wouldn’t die physically.

Cause again, context, Jesus has already said, I’ll raise you up. How could he raise them up? If they never died physically, it’s not what he’s promising them. He’s promising them a, a life which doesn’t end in judgment by God. But he also says that he came to give his life or that he shall give life to the world.

Verse 52, the Jews therefore quarreled among themselves saying, how can this man give us his flight Eat? As usual. He speaks with spiritual things. They understand only physical things. Then Jesus said to them, most assuredly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood. You have no life in you.

This is one of those times. Very much like the parables where Jesus could have said, Oh man, you misunderstood. Let me make this a little easier for you. Let me, let me simplify this for, for those who can’t put forth, any effort to understand, understand spiritual matters. That’s not what Jesus does. Jesus doubles down on their lack of understanding.

Jesus takes their misunderstanding and pushes it further. Why would he do that? Doesn’t he want people to believe in him. Yes he does. But He wants them to decide to first put aside their own, understanding their own fallacious ideas that they have built up through all these traditions and all these years and hear God, because they’re not hearing him. They’re rejecting him every time he says anything.

So he’s not going to make it easier on them. He’s not going to dumb it down for them. And he’s not going to give them an excuse where they can just, Oh, okay. I misunderstood. No he’s Going to allow their own bias to cause them To walk away. Sometimes people have to walk away because Again, it all goes back to the very beginning.

Why Were they there? They weren’t There for the right reason. They weren’t there because they believed him. They weren’t there because they witnessed the miracle and understood the significance of him spiritually. They were there To eat again. And that wasn’t good enough for Jesus. So He’s going to, in essence, drive them away. Most assuredly I say to you,

unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood. You have no life in you. Whoever eats his flesh and drinks, his blood has eternal life. And I will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is food indeed. And my blood is drink, indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him as the living father sent me,

I live because of the father. So he who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread which came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate the manna and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever. These things he said in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum, therefore many of his disciples when they heard this said,

this is a hard saying who can understand it? Who could understand Person who decided not to walk away, not to depart, but like the disciples to stay until they understood it. But that’s not what they’re going to do. Notice what we read when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples complained about this. He said to them, does this offend you?

What? Then, if you should see the son of man ascend, where he was before, if the spirit who gives life, the flat, it is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits, nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. I said, well, If this bothers you w what would happen if you saw me ascend to heaven,

would that solve the problem for you? But it won’t. It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits, nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life, but there are some of you who do not believe for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were, who didn’t want believe, and who would betray him.

And he said, therefore, I have said to, to you that no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by my father. Now there’s a significant point here as we’re wrapping up. And that is, he doesn’t say the one verse 64, who would betray him. This context is not a context of bout Judas as an individual.

This is a context about a group of people who would claim. He’s the Messiah just a year from now in Jerusalem. They’re going to shout Hosanna, Hosanna to the King. And within a week after that, they’re going to cry out, crucify him, crucify him. Why? Because They would reject his words. Verse 66. From that time, many of his disciples went back and walk with him no more.

Then Jesus said to the 12, do you also want to go away? But Simon, Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also, we have come to believe and know that you are the Christ, the son of the living, God. He said, we’ve reached a point where we know who you are.

We believe who you are. So the fact that we don’t always understand what you say, isn’t going to cause us to depart because we know who you are. Jesus answered them. Did I not choose you? The 12? And one of you is a devil. Now we’re to Judas. Now we’re in the context where yes, there’s Judas, who will betray him individually,

but there were many who would betray him as a whole. And Jesus identifies. I still know one of you is a devil, and they’re not going to understand either, by the way, as with many things that Jesus said, he spoke of Judas, Iscariot, the son of Simon for it was he who would betray him being one of the 12.

So that’s John chapter six, the latter portions. I appreciate your presence this evening though, remotely virtually, Hey, you know, you’re, you’re seeing the, the inner workings of my little room in the house. So if you thought, where is he? The answer is we have a small room at the back of the garage and that’s where all my stuff is.

For those of you who know me and know my computers and technology stuff list is where all the stuff is. And so sometimes you’ll, you’ll find me as Saul did hiding amongst the stuff, but appreciate everyone’s presence this evening, for those who watched it in person live, those who will watch it later. Don. Good, good to have you on hope you’re doing well.

And, and your wife is doing well. Also. We’ve had a few from, from some other locations and some other pastimes who’ve hopped on as well. Good to see them. Let’s end with a word of prayer and just know this in everything that we do and everything that we teach, we want to teach what God’s word says. We want to go back to the scriptures every time and hold fast to the truth.

And sometimes we’re going to read the truth and it’s not going to be what we’ve always been taught. Sometimes we’re going to read the truth in black and white, right in front of our eyes. And it’s not going to be. We always believed it’s not going to be what we always thought was true. And when that happens, we’re confronted with a choice and it’s the same choice those Jews were confronted with when we’re coming.

When we come to realize that what we have always believed is not the same as what the Bible<inaudible>. We either choose to accept what God said in the form of scripture or to accept what we’ve always believed. And the ones who walked away from Jesus and the ones still today, they who walk away from Jesus are the ones who said, I don’t understand why that would be true.

And since I don’t understand it, my choice is to reject it or accept it. And because I don’t understand it, I’m going to reject. And the person who rejects God, the person who rejects the bread of life, the word that I speak to you is life. When you reject the word, you reject the life that God offers you reject eternal life,

and you might be a Christian all ready and then learn more about what God says and still rejected. What were these people? His disciples, what did they do? They walked away. So can, and you be a disciple of Christ and then lose your salvation. Yes. Those disciples did say all of that to say this. If you’re struggling with understanding,

God’s word. If you’re reading God’s word and saying, I don’t think that’s what I’ve always been taught. I’m not sure that’s true. Don’t reject the word, reject what you’ve always been taught. And if you don’t understand, God’s word, contact us. We’ll help you. We’re not going to teach you what we think. We’re going to teach you what God’s word says.

And at any point where God’s word disagrees with what we teach, you should reject what we teach and do what God’s word says. If you’re outside the body of Christ, don’t stay there and don’t buy into the religious worlds. Teaching that all you’ve got to do is believe in call on the name of the Lord. And you’ll be safe because you cannot find that anywhere in all of scripture,

which might cause you to wonder why they’re teaching it. If you need to know more about God’s word, if you don’t understand God’s word, contact us, reach out to us. We’ll help you learn more. Let’s pray. As we close a gracious father in heaven, We are humbled by your son By what he was willing to leave behind and heaven to come to this earth,

to provide life to mankind. And we are admonished to believe in him, to partake of his flesh and his blood to eat of that, which gives eternal life and help us to understand what that really means. Help us to not only believe, not only here, but do what it is that he has commanded us to do. We ask that you watch over all those who may be struggling,

may have difficulties. We are mindful of those who are in hospital, and those who are having a hard time at this moment in time, we pray for their full recovery. Pray that you watch over us and keep us, help us to daily. Be closer to you and live in faith and obedience. All this, we pray in Jesus name, amen.

By way of announcements. I only know of one that was sent to me. And let me just double check and make sure I didn’t miss any that may have come through. If you have any announcements by way of our members, if you have any announcements, please send those over and let me know. Well, now I can’t find the one Paul sent me.

I want to read it correctly. Okay. Here it is. Okay for our members by way of announcements. Dorothy Wilson is in Germantown Methodist. ER, she’s been there since around Noon today. Doctor said her heart is very stressed and they will be admitting her to a room to night. So her cardiologist can treat her. She had burning in her chest and a spot on her head was numb.

ER, doctor said she could have had a stroke, but he was unable to detect it for sure. This is the only new announced that’s Paula’s comment. This is the only new announcement she had. So keep Dorothy and that family in your prayers. And if there is anything else that needs to be mentioned or announced, get it to Paula, get it to me and we’ll make sure that it gets sent out an email,

but keep Dorothy in your prayers and have a good evening, stay warm and safe.

02-14-2021 Live Stream – God’s Definition of A Faithful Man (Part 2)

In Live Streams, Sermons, The Book of Hebrews by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible> why would that get turned off? I have no idea. That’s true. All right. We’re going live.<inaudible> good morning.<inaudible> It is on mornings like this, that I missed the Appalachian mountains, all that much more growing up in Eastern Kentucky, we didn’t have a lot of extreme weather. Like one of the things I liked about Eastern Kentucky is in the summer,

we had about three days of a hundred degrees or 98 degrees and above. And then we were done for the rest of the year, three days. And that’s my kind of summer right there. And then winter would come and we’d have this thing called winter. You know, it was, but we didn’t have it all year long. You know, it wasn’t like Alaska,

you didn’t have six months of winter. You had two or three months where it was cold. You get snow, you go sledding. And then it would all go back to spring again. And it was great. And we, we could grow grass, just, you know, just, just grass. It’s great, but I love y’all. So we’re here,

so it’s okay. But it’s sure is if I just stop every once in a while, look outside, that’s just what I’m doing. I’m just watching it snow. We had a, we had a guy in school who was one of my roommates who moved to tri cities, which was Elizabeth and Tennessee, just near Bristol, Virginia. So up in the Appalachian mountains.

And he moved there from Montgomery, Alabama, and our first winner in classes. We were there in class and we are, our class was in the fellowship hall because we had the largest class. So we had six people. We had to be in the fellowship hall. And the fellowship hall at that church building was lined with windows. So we were right there in the middle of class winners,

just starting to set in and we’re in class. Somebody looks over and says, Hey, it’s snowing my roommate from Montgomery, Alabama, where they never get snow. And in the winter, they never traveled to anywhere. They got snow, got up, walked out of class, went and stood for 15 minutes in front of the great big glass doors at the front of the church building and just watched the snow.

It’s just incredible. And we were all going, where do you go? You know, we thought maybe he just went up, went to the bathroom, that 15 minutes later, he finally came back. I was like, what are you doing? He’s like, I was watching it snow, no gay Mark chapter six. I’d love to say that was the weirdest thing he did while we were in school.

But Mark chapter six, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We are so thankful for all that you do for us and all that you’ve done for us throughout this last week. We’re grateful for this day and for the health that we have to be able to come out and assembled together. We are mindful of those who are at home because of health or because of many other reasons.

We pray that your hand be upon them and that you watch over them and give them strength and comfort. We’re grateful for all of the many wonders that you have created to show your power and your glory to give to us things that we can enjoy. And we are so grateful that most, especially above all that you care for man, that you are mindful of him,

that you have provided an opportunity in the blood of Jesus Christ for salvation and hope in eternity. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study, help us to learn the lessons that are here in this text for us, that we might be mindful of what it is that you have said, that we might be obedient to your word that we might in faith,

obey you. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Go through the questions from Wednesday briefly, Mark chapter six, verses one through four. How was Jesus received in his hometown? When he taught in the synagogue. All right.

Without honor, he was rejected. Mark chapter six, verse three. Did Jesus have any fleshly brothers and sisters? Yes. Mark chapter three, six, verse three, named them at least the ones we have names for James Joseph Judas assignment. Alright. What size groups of his apostles did Jesus send out teaching and performing miracles? All right. Two by two.

What items did he instruct them to carry a staff? All right. When Jesus sent the apostles in payer’s out teaching, what were his instructions for those who did not listen? Chapter six, verse 11. All right. They were to depart from them and shake the dust off their feet. Mark chapter six, verses 17 and 18, who had imprisoned John the Baptist Herod.

Why? All right, because John told him he was not of his brother Phillip’s wife. W yup. This would have been, I’m going to get it wrong if I try and say it off the top of my head, but I’m going to, I think it’s Herod Antipas is the one who beheaded John Phillip was his brother and they were, they were kind of co rulers at the time.

So, but Herod Antipas being the one over that area. So it is that’s off the top of my head. You can quote me if I’m wrong, but just do it behind my back. Okay. What were Harrod’s feelings toward John and his teachings? All right. He feared because he knew he was adjust and Holy man, and he heard him regularly,

even when he was in prison, chapter six, verses 21 through 28. Why did Herod have John the Baptist beheaded? All right. At the request of who? All right. The daughter of<inaudible>. So we are in the latter half of chapter six this morning, beginning, verse 30, going down through the end of the chapter. This does one of those accounts,

a very, one of the very few that is recorded in all four of the gospels. And that is the feeding of the 5,000. Now we know there’s another occasion where 4,000 more are fed, but this is the same account that is recorded in John chapter six and or John chapter five and six, and the events surrounding it are quite interesting. And it shows the significance of it by the fact that all of the gospel records do record it.

Each one, giving a kind of a different piece of information, different set of information in the grand scheme of things. But Mark actually gives us some interesting information from his record that I think will be valuable to us. As we understand the event beginning verse 30, then the apostles gathered to Jesus and hold him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught what’s going on.

Why, why are the disciples telling Jesus what they did? I thought they followed him around.<inaudible> All right. He had just sent them out. Okay. So, so this comes on the heels of, he has sent them out into all of these cities going throughout the region teaching. And now they’re returning and they’re giving an account of the things that occurred while they were traveling around teaching and preaching while they were traveling around.

Did they just teach and preach or was there another aspect to what they did? Okay. He gave them power to perform miracles. He gave them power to cast out demons. So what I want us to picture here is what would have happened as a result of this? Jesus, of course, could Only so far and only so fast on foot going from city to city.

What, the moment you take 12 people and you send them six different directions in teams of two news about Jesus begins to grow a whole lot faster. Remember this time we’re in the second year of Jesus’ ministry. The first year predominantly occurred down in Judea. It occurred in drew slum and in the, the outlying areas of Judea, but they’re not in Judea anymore.

The, there would have been people who may be at heard about Jesus at one of the fees who saw Jesus at one of the face, heard what he had taught during those times. But now they’re in Galilee, they’re in the Northern region of Israel. Raise your hand if you know the inner workings of what’s going on in Jackson, Mississippi this week.

No, not anybody. Why? Cause it’s half stayed way don’t expect. And this is the way we deal with it. Sometimes we read about places and we don’t put them in proportion to their distance away from each other and add in the fact that you’re in ancient times and they didn’t have internet, they didn’t have phones. They didn’t have, you know,

go down the list. They didn’t have telegraphs. You know, they had people transferring information. And if you didn’t come into contact with one of those people that had the information, you probably didn’t hear about it. So all of these things are generating here in the Northern part of Israel, through Jesus, sending out his disciples, they’re generating the recognition and the popularity and the,

the view of Jesus that had previously existed in Judea, but not up in Galilee because they hadn’t heard about him. And so they’re beginning to hear concerning who he is. They’re beginning to hear about what he’s done. And if his disciples can cast out demons, if his disciples can heal people, then what do you assume about the one who they’re disciples of that?

He can do all that and more. Okay. So the reasoning from the lesser to the greater the expectation is, is they come into contact with these disciples coming into their town, their village, their community, that they’re someone, not only that they’re being taught about, but they can reason about has greater abilities, greater knowledge, greater teaching, greater instruction.

Then these disciples, these people would have been familiar with the position, the concept of the disciples, the disciples, a learner, not the teacher, they’re the servant, not the master. And so when you encountered A disciple, your brain immediately goes in that time. Oh, well, who’s the teacher, who’s the master. Let me go learn from him.

So they come to Jesus, the apostles come to Jesus and they gathered to him and tell him all that was done and what they had taught. And he said to them, actually, before I go past that, let me remind you of a statement. Jesus made, Jesus told them bilayer the leaven of the Pharisees. And he said, the leaven of the Pharisees was what hypocrisy.

All right. I knew y’all get to it. Alright. So the leaven of Harris of the Pharisees is hypocrisy. And in that cell, same context, he warns them. What you say in the closet will be shouted from the rooftop. What you say in private will be made known in public. So as he sends them out, having told them,

you don’t live like the Pharisees. You don’t go out and teach people one thing and then live something different. He is also allowing them to come back and tell them, tell him what they taught. And he can evaluate whether or not they’re living what they taught. Okay. So he said to them, come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest for a while for there were many coming and going,

and they did not even have time to eat as a result of the things that have transpired as a result of the teaching, that Jesus has done the miracles that he’s done. And now the sending out of the 12, there are so many people coming to Jesus that his disciples literally are. Aren’t even having time to eat their own food because it’s just one person right after another,

after another, after another. And part of their responsibility was to make sure that these people are taken care of, make sure that they come, you know, when they come to see Jesus, they’re able to see them, but then they move. You know, they’re in a very real sense, partially crowd control when they’re around Jesus and here they are,

they’re doing all this. And Jesus is saying, this isn’t good. This isn’t what you need to be doing right now. You need to come aside. You need to rest. There’s a, there’s an emphasis here that I think is valuable. And it’s a good reminder to preachers because preachers have a tendency to burn themselves out. But it’s also a good reminder to caregivers.

A good reminder to people who have others, that they take care of parents, mothers, that sometimes when you’ve got burden after burden, after burden, necessity, after necessity, after necessity, someone who always needs something that you’ve got to have time for you, you’ve got to have time to be able to pull away from that and say, no, we have a phrase at our house,

occasionally, where the children will say, Hey, mommy, and mommy will say, mommy’s not here right now. Or mommy is currently on vacation. Please talk to your father. Why? Because there’s comes a point. Just some meat. You need a break. My mother likes to say, when she had three young children, two of whom were in diapers.

And one of whom was barely out of diapers that occasionally my father would come home. She’d meet him at the door and say, here they’re yours. And that’s the reality that sometimes you have to take a break. And those people who think well, but, but I just got here. Well, sorry, you just got here. But that doesn’t mean that your moment of time is more important than the wellbeing of someone who needs to take that rest.

So he, they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves, but the multitudes saw them departing and many knew him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them and came together to him. So their goal is to go out to a deserted place, to go out of the cities and, and out of the towns and out of the villages to wilderness area for rest.

But they get on what to go there about and seeing them on the boat. Somebody recognizes them. And pretty soon what’s following them crowd of people. And pretty soon they’re not only following them. They’re what they’re ahead of them. That they get there before the disciples do, before the boat lands, the people are already there. The crowd is already there,

but how does it Martin describes the people as doing what to reach, where they were getting to or where the disciples were going. They ran th th they were, they were coming from all the cities and they were, they were rushing that this wasn’t, Hey, we’re going to have a great big gathering. Tuesday night out at this location. Be ready,

show up. We’re going to be there for about 12 hours. Come be, you know, have everything prepared when you get there. No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t like that. The news was spreading and they, as it were dropped, everything and went and they went there in a hurry. So what did they not bring food provisions? They,

they, they didn’t take, fought for what they would need in four hours, five hours, 12 hours tomorrow. And instead they rushed out to see Jesus. Well then notice verse 34. And Jesus, when he came out, came out of where the boat, right as he came out, or when he came out, he saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep,

not having a shepherd. So he began to teach them many things. There are a number of old Testament passages, Zechariah, Hosea, Isaiah, numerous old Testament prophets that compare the teachers in Jesus’ day to shepherds, who instead of guarding the sheep and feeding the sheep and taking care of the sheep are instead profiting off the sheep and killing the sheep. They’re not being good shepherds.

And so the analogy that is made by a ZQ Elon by Hosea and by is, has a CA Hezekiah, Zachariah, and others is that God is going to judge those wicked shepherds and raise up his own shepherd. Of course we know Jesus is described as the good shepherd. He is the one that would be the shepherd to judge those evil shepherds. But he looks at these people and we’re,

we’re given this little glimpse into Jesus’s mind, this, this isn’t somebody’s opinion of what Jesus thought. This is what Jesus thought he saw them. He had compassion on them for they were as she, without a shepherd. Absolutely, absolutely. So the, the nature of sheep and in part of that analogy is the nature of sheep being without a shepherd,

they wander, they don’t pay attention. They have no defenses. And that’s one of the things about sheep is they are a defenseless creature. And so they’re easy prey when they’re not guarded actively by someone. And so here they are. They’re without provision, they’re without protection, they’re without instruction. They’re without direction. And they’re here and they’ve run here to see Jesus.

So he could have said, you know what? I came here for a completely different reason. My disciples are important to me. W we’re we don’t have time for you right now. W w they need to rest and he could have sent them away, but he didn’t. Instead, we read that he had compassion on them. When the day was now,

far spent verse 35, his disciples came to him and said, this is a deserted place. And already the hour is late. Send them away that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread for, they have nothing to eat. The disciples. And the implication in here is that Jesus having compassion on them began to teach them.

Where would Jesus often teach from, from wilderness, from a mountain. If he was near sea of Galilee, where would he also often teach from, from, from the water, from a boat? So all of these are locations where he, he might have taught from the indication is he perhaps went up in the mountain. But the idea here is he’s teaching them.

They’re listening. The day goes on, it gets deeper and deeper into the day. And the disciples come to him and say, these people are going to have to eat, send them away, tell them to go fend for themselves. Yes. Now, what is it that the religious shepherds had done to Israel instead of feeding them, instead of protecting them,

instead of teaching them to know God, instead of telling them what the scriptures actually taught, what did they left them to do? Ben for themselves, they were as sheep without a shepherd. And the disciples come to Jesus and looking at the situation again, they don’t know what’s in Jesus’s mind. They don’t see what Jesus sees. They don’t know what Jesus knows.

They’re just being disciples. They’re trying to care for their master. They’re trying to provide for him, that’s their job. But in doing so, they become like those same teachers that Jesus is opposing in saying, send them away, let them do for themselves. And Jesus has a completely different idea, but it also is. We get in here as we get into this text and into this account,

one of the things that you’re seeing is you are seeing a type apology between Moses and Christ. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt. And when they went into the wilderness and they went to Mount Sinai, what was one of the first and immediate problems? They had water. What was the other one? Food they’re in the wilderness. There they’re no longer in Egypt.

They’re no longer near the gardens and near the, the, the cucumbers and the leaks and the, all the things that they used to have down in Egypt. They’re no longer in the prosperity of the land of the, of the Nile river. They’re in the wilderness. And while they have flocks and herds and things like that with them, the Frank fact of the matter is there’s nowhere near enough.

If they start consuming their flocks in their herds to feed them because they have no definitive time when they’ll be gone. So they tell Moses we’re hungry. You did, you bring us out here in the wilderness to kill us? Is that what this was all about? We, we left Egypt to die of starvation in the wilderness. And so God will provide for them.

What does God give Israel in there in the book of Exodus Manoj, which was what that’s right. The word in the Hebrew man, what is it? W we do know it was a light bread, like substance. It, it had the taste like honey and coriander seed. It was, it was a, something that could be ground. It could be,

it could be baked. It could be made into other things, but it was a bread. Where did it come from? Heaven. When did he show up morning time? How did they get it? They had to go out and gather it. How much were they allowed to have a day’s worth? And if there was, if it was the case that they went out and gathered too much,

how much did they have a day’s worth? And how much were they supposed to get on Friday, a double portion, two days worth. And it was the only day that if they gathered two days worth it wouldn’t spoil overnight. That was manna. Jesus. Now has this large group of people in the wilderness. And you’re going to see in this,

a picture of Moses drawn forward to Jesus. Okay? So verse 36 says, send them away that they may go into the surrounding countries and villages and buy themselves bread for, they have nothing to eat. And he answered and said to them, you give them something to eat. Have you ever had that look returned to you, either by a child,

a student, or an employee where you tell them to do something and they stare at you at, and you know, what’s going through your mind. You have got to be kidding me. How in the world are we going to do this? He says, you give them something to eat. Now, just remember, where did they just return from going into all these cities and doing what teaching and doing what performing miracles,

but here’s the limitation of, of human understanding. They have the faith to perform a miracle. They’ve seen Jesus perform, but they don’t have the faith to perform a miracle. They’ve never seen Jesus perform. They can cast out a demon, but they can’t turn one loaf of bread into two. Is that because they couldn’t do it, or because they didn’t believe they could do it.

That’s right. And, and we, we find this difficulty over and over and over again in our own lives where we don’t look at a situation and go, what can God do if we ask we instead, look at what can I do? And then we judge, what can I do based upon what I’ve always done? And this was something they never done.

So in their minds, it was what impossible watch. And he said to them, shall we go and, or excuse me. And they said to him, shall we go and buy 200, didn’t go and buy 200 denari worth of bread and give them something to eat 200 denari. Somebody gave me some idea how much money that is in their day in time.

All right. So one dinner is a day’s wage. So 200 is 200 days wage. Well, over half a year’s worth of, of, of work. And most people at that time lived from day today. And so they said, what are we supposed to do? Go, go spend 200 days wages, just, just to go buy the food.

And then he said, how many loaves do you have? Go and see. And when they found out, they said five and two fish, then he commanded them to make the, he commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in ranks in hundreds and in fifties. And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fish,

he looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them. And the two fish, he divided among them all. So they all ate and were filled and they took up 12 baskets full of fragments and of the fish. Now, those who had eaten the loaves were about 5,000 men. Jesus takes what they have five loaves,

two fish. And what does he do with it? He prays, they saw what they could do and had always done. And he looked at the problem and said, what can God do? It is the difference between Abraham, Moses and the disciples at this time, when the people begin to complain because they have no water and they’re going as they describe it,

going to die of thirst in this wilderness, does Moses say, well, where’s the nearest stream? Where’s the nearest river. Where’s the nearest freshwater source. No. Does he say, I’m sorry, but I I’m just doing what God says. You’re out of luck. No, what’d he do. He goes to God and says, the people need water.

And from a rock, God provides not enough water for them to all have sip, not enough water so that each person, or maybe the elderly can get some but enough water for them to quench the thirst and provide for all of the old people. All of the middle-aged people, all the young people, all the flocks, all the herds, all everybody.

And where did it come from? Oh, it came from this underground Fisher where Moses happened to find out there was water had been there water all the time. No. Is there water there today? Nope. It wasn’t an underground Fisher. It was God providing water in the wilderness here. Jesus prays. And God gives them what they need because God can.

And man can’t. So then they all eat. The number of the men was about 5,000. So there’s probably more than just men present. Therefore, the number’s probably more than that. Verse 45 immediately. He made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side to best say it. Now he instructs them. He tells them,

you go do this. You go without me a while. He sent the multitude away. And when he had sent them away, he departed to the mountain to pray. Now, when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea and he was alone on the land. Then he saw them straining at rowing for the wind was against them.

Now about the fourth watch of the night, he came to them, walking on the sea. And here’s an interesting tidbit. Martin gives us nobody else does and would have asked them by Mark’s the only one who tells us that Jesus was walking past them. When they observe him going by, Jesus would have beat them to the other side. Jesus would have walked on by because they were fine.

They were struggling. They were rolling, but Mark’s the only one that tells us. Jesus sent them on a head and Jesus was going to get there for, they did. When they saw him walking verse 49 on the sea, they supposed, it was a ghost and cried out for, they all saw him and were troubled, but immediately he talked with them and said to them,

be of good cheer. It is. I do not be afraid. They’re rowing it’s rough seas, winds blowing. It’s nighttime. Oh, they see the figure of a person walking on the sea and they don’t know what to think until they hear voice. And I’m going to just, sermonize here for a moment and say, sometimes we see things based upon our knowledge and our understanding.

All we can see is what we understand it to be. And if we would just stop and listen to God instead, I don’t mean listen to a still small voice in the night. I mean, pick up God’s word and go. What’s really true. We would get out of all the fantastical dreams and assumptions of humanity and get back into what really matters.

And that’s what God actually says. So Jesus says it is, I be of good cheer, do not be afraid. Then he went up into the boat to them and the wind ceased, and they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure and marveled for, they had not understood about the lows because their heart was hardened. What do you think? Hardened their heart.

I’ve got my own assumption. I think it was their attitude towards the things they had done while they were out preaching. You remember how many times the disciples would argue about who would be the greatest in the kingdom? How many times there would be disputes over position and prominence and power. And when they would come back from being sent out, they would tell Jesus about all the things that they did.

All the wonders they performed and Jesus would tell them what matters most is, is your name written in the King, in the book of life? Is your name written in the kingdom of God? I think their own success caused them to fail, to understand what Jesus did with the loaves. Oh, they had no doubt. It was a miracle. They knew what he had done in the physical sense,

but they missed the spiritual Jesus in John chapter six would begin preaching what I am the bread of life. And at the end of John chapter six, what would the multitude do? They depart with him and follow him no more. They would say these are hard sayings who can bear them. And Jesus would then turn to the disciples and say, will you go also Peter would reply Lord to whom should we go?

You have the words of life. They’ll get there. But at the moment in the boat at night, not there yet verse 53 through verse 56, when they had crossed over, they came to the land of Ganesha and anchored there. When they came out of the boat immediately, the people recognized him, ran through that whole surrounding region and began to carry about on beds.

Those who were sick to when, to wherever they heard, he was wherever he entered into villages, cities, and or the country. They laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might just touch the hem of his garment. And as many as touched him were made well, all right, we’re out of time for this morning, we will pick up with the questions Wednesday night.

Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville church. Christ’s Sunday morning worship service. It’s good to see each and every one of those of you that were able to make it out on this great snowy morning that the Lord gave us. And for those of you that decided not to venture out this morning, it’s great that we have the technology that you are able to participate with us in worshiping our Lord through modern technology.

If you did not pick up your Lord supper on the way in, please take the opportunity while I’m going through the announcements here to go to the tables in the back and pick that up. I do not see any visitors, but if I’m overlooking any visitors, glad that you chose to worship with us this morning. Other announcements, please continue to remember in your prayers are sick.

Ed Richardson, Barbara Dillard, Joan Springer, Donnie Flanagan, and Dorothy Wilson, Janie, Marlin, and update on her. She is at home, but she is basically back to where she started before her last hospital stay with her AFib problems again. So please continue to pray for Janie Marlin and Rudel. Wilson has a slight blockage. And right now the, the plan with that for him is just to keep an eye on it and monitor it to see if they’re going to need to go in and do anything with that slight blockage that they have found in Rudolf.

So please continue to pray for Rudel. Also continue to, to remember in your prayers and your thoughts, the simply through for the loss of loved ones recently for the Cozort family, the Sanderson’s and the stacks, the men’s business meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow, due to the weather forecast, we are going to cancel that meeting. And unless there’s something that absolutely has to be discussed,

the men who have decided will just not have a business meeting until the month of March. But if there is something that needs to be addressed, feel free to please bring it to one of the men of the congregation here. And we, men will get together one Sunday real quick after church and discuss what your concerns are. So we can act on it.

If there is something that has to be decided upon at this time, Potter’s children home. As far as we know right now, they plan on coming down Thursday. But there again, that is subject to the weather. So they might be here Thursday to pick up the commodities and they might not. But at any rate, if you have other things that you want them to get,

please get it here before Thursday, because they may show up Thursday to pick that stuff up. That was all the announcements I have this morning. Worship service song leader will be Michael Dale opening. Prayer Will be no Olson. Lord supper will be Jay Shafir. The sermon is going to be Aaron Cozort and the closing prayer will be Joe caisson. Thank you.

Our first song this morning, we’ll be number 47. Holy Holy, Holy number 47. Holy, Holy, Holy<inaudible><inaudible> to the Holy. Holy Holy<inaudible>. Holy, Holy Holy.<inaudible> the casting down their golden crowns crest or C<inaudible> falling down.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh, the Holy<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. Holy, Holy<inaudible><inaudible> name and then sky and see,

Holy, Holy Holy<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> song. Before our opening prayer will be For 790 Lord take control seven, nine zero. My<inaudible> my body.<inaudible> give it to you to<inaudible><inaudible> my buddy.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> You pray with me or heavenly father. We come to you now, once again, so thankful for a day that you’ve given this father a day that we can come to worship you.

We pray that everything is done in accordance with your will and in spirit and in truth. How do we ask for forgiveness of sins? Every time that we do come back to repentance father, we pray that we can look faithfully and you father, we pray for all those on the prayer list, those suffering physically, that they could get back to their natural state of health,

but also those that are spiritually lost, that they could come back to you through your word for it is eternally too late. And we pray that we as Christians can help them along along that path. Father, we love you. And we thank you so much for your son and his sacrifice. We pray all these things in his, in his name,

amen. Song to prepare minds for the Lord’s Supper will be number 315. When I survey the wondrous cross, when I say<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, no, which<inaudible> Oh, sorry. Ah, ma<inaudible> I can’t<inaudible><inaudible> ah, Oh, ah, ah, for<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> that?<inaudible> me.<inaudible> a nice,

gref a nice to, Hey, is see from<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> ah, nah<inaudible> Oh, too small.<inaudible><inaudible> de<inaudible> ah, ah, Oh, Jesus. On the night before he was arrested and tried met with his disciples in the upper room. And during that supper, he instituted this Lord’s supper so that we could remember his death until he comes.

So let’s displace all of the worldly thoughts from our mind for a period of time here and dwell upon Jesus is suffering and death, heavenly father. We’re so very grateful that your son was willing to come to this earth to sacrifice his body and his blood for the forgiveness of our sins. As we partake of this bread, which represents that body that was sacrificed on the cross,

help us to do so, you know, worthy manner. So in Jesus’ name that we pray amen. As we continue this Memorial heavenly father, we’re so very grateful that he was willing to shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins. As we partake of this fruit of the vine blesses each, with being able to partake in a worthy manner, it’s in Jesus name that we pray,

amen. We find this a convenient time to lay by and store. As we have been prospered. Once again, let’s go to our heavenly father in prayer And my father. We’re so very grateful for the multitude of blessings. You so richly bestow upon each of us, help us always to remember that we’re merely stewards of these blessings, that all things truly come from you grant us a cheerful heart.

As we return a portion of those blessings, where your cause here in spreading your word throughout this community. We ask this in Jesus name, amen Song before the lesson will be wonderful words of life. Number five, Andrade forty-three wonderful words of life. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song, please sing them over again. To me. Wonderful words of<inaudible> led me more of their beauty.

You see? Wonderful.<inaudible> beautiful, wonderful words, wonderful words.<inaudible> beautiful. Wonderful, wonderful.<inaudible> wonderful words.<inaudible> beautiful words. Wonderful words. Wonderful words.<inaudible> beautiful words. Wonder<inaudible> offer. Pardon and peace. To all wonder<inaudible> jeez,<inaudible> beautiful. Wonderful words. One, a four words.<inaudible> wonder four words.<inaudible> you may be seated.

Good morning Just by way of public service announcement. Is there probably some who do not know, because we probably haven’t talked about it recently, but if you have a smartphone, either Android or iOS or Apple, you can go into the app store and do a search for truth.fm. And in there you can find the truth.fm app. And I only bring that up because Collierville has a internet radio station.

We broadcast 24 hours a day. It is there. It is available for you to listen to, but we are making some changes and we are actually going to begin using a computer back here. We’ve been live streaming our services on that stream for quite some time now as just another way where people can pull up their phones and, and hear our worship services.

In addition to all the other programming that’s on there, but we’re going to be able to have more control and implement a lot more of our lessons, our Bible classes, and such as recorded content that will be available for people as the day goes on. And so that’s something we’re looking forward to and implementing a, and if you don’t mind find Collierville Christian radio there on the truth FM app and listen to it.

And if you hear That doesn’t sound right in the sense of technologically, does it sound right or it doesn’t work or you click play and it doesn’t play call me because with new systems, whenever you put new systems in, there’s always bugs. And so if you can help me by monitoring that, I appreciate it just in your own time and the lessons there and the things that you will hear will be worth your time.

Anyway, take your Bibles if you will, and open them to the book of Hebrews, the Hebrew writer, as he is writing to these Jewish Christians, warning them about falling away, warning them about drifting away, warning them about turning away. He tells them about Jesus. He tells them about how Jesus is better than where they came from better than Moses.

And in Hebrews chapter three, he says, therefore, Holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling consider the apostle and high priest of our confession Christ. Jesus, who was notice this word faithful to him who appointed him as Moses also was faithful in all his house. The Hebrew writer identifies for these Christians that a singular attribute of Jesus Christ is his faithfulness,

but that’s not our discussion for this morning. Instead, it’s the latter half of the verse that I want us to focus on. I mentioned in the first Sunday in January, that we were going to take this entire year and one Sunday a month. And hopefully most months it’s going to be the first Sunday of the month. That just didn’t work out this month,

but we’re going to take one Sunday a month, one sermon per month. And we’re going to notice this idea of what God expects when he describes his servants as being faithful. We noticed in January God’s definition of a faithful man, and we noticed that predominantly from the old Testament, we’re continuing that this morning with one primary example, that God looks at this man in a specific time in a specific situation and says,

this man was faithful, Is faithful in all my house. Let’s go on to the remainder of the text. Verse three for this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses. That is Christ Jesus counting of more glory than Moses it as much as he who built the house has more honor than the house for every house is built by someone, but he who built all things.

God and Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant. The, his, by the way, here, it’s not as easily identified as it will be in the original text, but that is that his, there is God’s house. Moses wasn’t faithful in his own house. That’s not under discussion here. The discussion is Moses was faithful in God’s house As a servant for a Testimony of those things,

which would be spoken afterward, but Christ as a son over his own house, whose house we are, if we hold fast, the confidence and rejoicing of hope from to the end, the Hebrew writer identifies for these individuals a comparison, and yet a contrast, a comparison of Jesus to Moses. Moses described as faithful in God’s house. Jesus described as faithful over his own house,

but the Hebrew writer doesn’t leave it ambiguous as to what he’s talking about. He says, Jesus Christ is faithful over his own house, who we are. He’s not talking about some, some mansion on a Hill. He’s not talking about some estate where Jesus sits as steward or head of this estate. And this tells all these servants where to go and how to cut the grass and what the trees are to look like and how to keep everything clean.

No, The House of Jesus Christ is his Church over which he is head. He alone is head of his church. The body of Christ, the church of Christ. He says, we are his house is we hold fast. The confidence and the rejoicing of hope from to the end. What is he saying there? He’s saying if we too will be Faithful as he is faithful,

as Moses was faithful. So what we’re going Do is we’re going to go back to the original text, which is numbers chapter 12. When the Hebrew writer says Moses was faithful in all his house, he is not just conjuring that up. He’s not even just extrapolating that out of the history of Moses. That is a direct quotation from numbers chapter 12.

And so our time this morning will be spent here in this text, noticing Moses, a faithful man in view of God’s definition of what a faithful man is, numbers chapter 12. And in verse one, we find disagreement going on. The background of this is that Moses has married a woman. Now keep in mind. Moses at this time is probably around 80 plus years old.

We know he’s 80 plus years old. How much plus that is, we don’t know exactly, but Moses marries a woman. Is this a second wife? Or did his wife die? We don’t know. The text seems to indicate that his wife died, that he has is now marrying another wife after his wife has passed away. But some of that is his surmising.

Some of that is, is implication here, but he marries a woman. The problem was not that he married a woman. The problem was, as we see in verse one that he married any Thiel, Bian woman. Notice what the text says, chapter 12, verse one, then Merriam and Aaron, for those who may or may not know that his Moses’s older sister a and Moses’s older brother Mo Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married for.

He had married an Ethiopian woman here. We have Merriam and Erin who generally are on Moses’s side, generally are in agreement with Moses. Sometimes it was Moses and Aaron standing all by themselves against all the men of the people. But in this occasion, Merriam and Aaron, see what Moses did in marrying this Ethiopian woman. And they are upset. Couple of things to know,

first and foremost, the first wife that we know of of Moses was not an Israel. She was a descendant of Abraham for, she was Midianite and the Midianites were the descendants of Abraham through Midian. One of the sons of guitarra, but she wasn’t an Israelite. And that’s seems to be the rub here. And I think if we were honest, we might go and look at the law and we might be rubbed the same way Miriam and Aaron were rubbed.

They’re not happy because he’s married a woman from Ethiopia. And yet, if you turn to Exodus, chapter 34, God has said to Israel that they needed to marry within those who were Israelites turned next. There’s 34. Let’s look at a few of these passages here, Exodus 34 beginning in verse 11, God says to Israel, observe what I command you this day.

Behold, I am driving out from before you the Amorite the Canaanite the Hittite, the parasite, the Hivite and the JB site take heed to yourself. Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, where you are going less. It’d be a snare in your midst, but you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars and cut down their wooden images for you shall worship no other God for the Lord,

whose name is jealous is a jealous God lets you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land. And they play the harlot with their gods and make sacrifices with their God on. And one of them invites you and you eat of his sacrifice and you take notice his daughters for your sons and his daughters play the harlot with their gods and make your sons play the harlot with their gods.

You shall make no molded gods for yourselves. God says, do not make a covenant with these people. The Hittites, the parasites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the JV sites, the Hivites. He says you don’t make a covenant with them and you don’t marry their daughters or give their daughters to your sons because they’ll draw away your heart after idolatry.

But where in the list are Ethiopians while they’re not in the list, but the principle, maybe we’ll we’ll just go with the principle is true. But one note I want to make, as we go through this, what was true about Moses’s wife? Who was a Midianite one of the things that we know to be true is that her family worshiped the Lord.

How do we know that? Well, when Moses departs out of Egypt and Moses comes into contact with Ruelle. When Moses comes into contact with the man who will become his father-in-law, we are finding in that text, he is identified as priest of the most high God. This man though, a Midianite is a priest of the Lord. Now he’s not from the tribe of Levi.

He’s not from the house of Aaron, but Aaron’s not a priest yet. Under the patriarchal age, it was the fathers who served as the heads of the household. As the priests of God, not a specific, TRIBE not as specific lineage, but there were those who we have identify like male kids, a deck before him in the days of Abraham.

And Ruelle in this day in time who are described as priests. So we know that Moses, his first wife knows who Jehovah is and worships Jehovah. We know nothing about this wife except she’s Ethiopian. But if we know Moses, what would you surmise? Do you think Moses went out and said, you know what, not Marian is any of these Israelites.

And there might’ve been good reason for that, by the way. But what do you think would have happened to the family of the woman who Moses Mary, they were saying, Oh, we’re now family of the leader. We’re now family and the man in charge. It w w w we’re we got, we have special rank. Maybe that was part of the thinking of Moses.

I don’t know, but Moses as one, who’s a servant of God by all indications is not going to marry someone who isn’t the argument isn’t this woman is idolatrous. The argument is this woman’s Ethiopian, but then consider as well, maybe part of something else. Deuteronomy chapter seven, Deuteronomy chapter seven. I should make note of the fact that this statement comes later after these events.

Ju just for context, just for clarity, but it’s a rehashing of what God had already given in the law. It’s the second giving of the law. But chapter seven of Deuteronomy, verse one, when the Lord, your God brings you into the land, which you go to possess and cast out many nations before you, the Hittites, the Gerber science,

they Amorites the Canaanites and the parasites and the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations greater and mightier than you. And when the Lord, your God delivers them over from over you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them, nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son nor take their daughter for your son for,

they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods. So the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly, But Thus, you shall deal with them. You shall destroy their altars, break down their sacred pillars, cut down their wooden images and burn their carved images with fire for you. Holy people, God tells Israel,

you are unique, but most Miriam and Aaron seem Moses and his decision and they think Moses chose wrong. One other thing that may be a part of this may come from errands side of things and Leviticus chapter 21, Leviticus chapter 21, The laws concerning the priests and their marriages Are actually Different than the laws for the rest Of Israel, Leviticus Chapter 21 beginning in verse 10,

we read he who is the high priest among his brethren on whose head the anointing oil was poured and who is consecrated to wear the garments shall not cover his head nor tear his clothes nor shall go, nor shall he go near any dead body nor defile himself with his father or his mother, nor shall he go out of the sanctuary nor profane the sanctuary of his God for the consecration of the anointing oil of his God is upon him.

I am the Lord and he shall take a wife in her virginity, a widow or a divorced woman, or a defiled woman, or a harlot. These, he shall not marry, but he shall take a Virgin of his own people. As a wife, God, God put a whole different set of laws on the high priest. Then he even did the rest of the piece Bull and who’s high priest.

Aaron is So Moses declares from God chapter 21 verse one. And the Lord said to Moses, speak to the priests. Moses declares from God, Aaron, you have to marry from the descendants of Israel and you can’t marry a widow and you have to marry a Virgin and all of these other things. And Moses goes and marries And Ethiopian, but Moses wasn’t high priest.

So all of the, These things come to a head in numbers, chapter 12 and Merriam and yeah, Aaron spake against Moses. But in verse two, they said, Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses, has he not spoken through us also as they’re murmuring and complaining against Moses, which all Israel was forward to do. They, they, they loved complaining against Moses,

but usually his own family at least was on his side. Now Merriam and Aaron start in and they’re murmuring against Moses and speaking against Moses. And they’re saying, hasn’t the Lord spoken to us. You remember Marianne was one who spoke on behalf of the Lord at different times. She proclaimed the word of the Lord at different times. Aaron spoke on behalf of the Lord.

He was even the mouthpiece of Moses. It hasn’t the Lord spoken through us. But that statement there at the end of verse two and the Lord heard it, It wasn’t as though the Lord happened to be passing by the tent where they were at the time and happened over here through those thin 10 walls. What they said, no, just a little reminder in scripture,

you don’t say anything. The Lord doesn’t he Here. And we might be, He reminded from Jesus’s encounters with the scribes and the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the lawyers. You don’t even think anything. The Lord doesn’t it. But they said it and the Lord heard it. And then we have a paranthetically statement. One of those times where God drops in his testimony about someone.

And yet it’s interesting because who’s right, Egging it. Moses is mother. Moses is the one who’s writing the book of numbers. And yet it is a statement by God about Moses Verse three. Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who are on the face of the earth. Now the King James uses the Term meek. Moses was a man who was meek.

And here’s where I want us to get Our first lesson from Moses about faithfulness. Number one, One, Moses was faithful In position or Stated another way. Moses was faithful in Self. When it came to God, God, God describes Moses as one, who was the meekest in all the earth. If you were to be standing here and you were to say,

you know what? I’ve evaluated this friend of mine and, and I’ve weighed his abilities and I’ve weighed his, his ability to function. And I believe he is the most talented at fill in the blank of anybody In the world. Here’s one thing I know. If that gets spread far enough around, there’s going to be a herd of people in line to prove you wrong.

Every Time the Olympics roll around, what are we all sitting around watching, waiting to happen. Another world record to be broken. And it happens. We think that’s the fastest that race is ever going to be run. And then somebody proves This wrong. Michael, Jordan’s the best basketball player to have ever lived until somebody becomes better than him. The fact Of the matter is anytime we lay a test against what we know,

the limits of our knowledge are the standards of the team Fast, but God is different. God, God looks at literally every person alive and Says, Moses is the meekest man in all the earth. That’s quite a testimony. That’s quite a statement. Meekness is Strength under control. Humbleness Is a lowering of self. Not in fear, not in doubt,

but in recognition of Who is greater. Moses is described as, and who is meek. He has himself under control. Now he’s not perfect. We’ll get into that in a moment. But he is meek. He is controlling himself. Moses will know that Miriam and Aaron said this And Moses, his reaction Then was to do nothing. Not in the sense that Moses said,

you know what? I’m just going to let it slip as siblings. They’ll they’ll say things and no Moses chose not to defend Himself. Moses Chose not to defend his reputation. Moses chose not to defend his position. Moses chose to Act as a servant. Here’s one of the things about a servant. A servant recognizes as the very nature of the servant,

that he is, that there is someone greater than him that has given him His position. Serving doesn’t earn his position. He wouldn’t be a servant. If he earned his position, Servant is given his position by A master, by Whoever his master is. And Moses is here in the position of the one who speaks on behalf of God. And he wasn’t the one who put himself there.

As a matter of fact, Moses tried multiple times to get out of the position And yet God put him there. And Moses reaction to me, Barium and Aaron speaking against him is too Say nothing. He’s not going to defend his position or his right to speak on behalf of God. God is good. Moses is going to be humble and meek in recognizing his position.

In other words, Words, Moses did not insists On self Moses Did not emphasize Self. He emphasized service. But secondly, we see that God is going to confront Miriam and Aaron versus five, Five. Suddenly the Lord said to Mary, to Moses, Aaron and Miriam. So God speaks to all three of them And stood calm out. He’s is you three,

two Tabernacle of meeting. So the three came out. Then the Lord came down in the pillar of cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam. And they both went forward. God hears what Miriam and Aaron have said, God calls Moses, Aaron and Merriam to the tabernacle, the pillar of cloud descends upon the tabernacle as it would do during the daytime.

You remember at this point in time, when the pillar of cloud moved during the day, the whole host of Israel would gather their things up and they’d move and they’d follow the cloud by day. And the pillar of fire by night, this cloud comes descends over the tabernacle and God’s presence is there. They are, God begins to speak to Aaron and Miriam.

And we read in verse six. Then he, the Lord said, hear, now my words, if there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord make myself known to him in a vision. He says, if there’s somebody, because remember they said, has the Lord not spoken through us? Has the Lord not spoken to us? Why is it Moses?

The one who’s the mouthpiece of God. And God says, if I speak to a prophet, if I give him a vision or I speak to him in a dream, not so with my servant, Moses, God puts a separation between Moses and every prophet. Every person he spoke to, they said, Moses is just like us. God says, no worries.

He’s not. And I don’t treat him like I treat the rest of you. No, As he said not. So with my servant, Moses, he is faithful All my house. I speak with him face to face, even plainly and not in dark sayings. And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my son,

Servant, Moses, God confronts aerium and Merriam, Aaron and Miriam. And he says, You think I speak to you? Like I speak to him, Him, but I don’t. You might hear my voice. You might see a vision, but which one of you sees me? Face-to-face do you remember when Moses went on the mountain God’s presence was there on Mount Sinai and all the people heard the voice of the Lord and all the people were afraid.

And all the people told Moses, you go up on the mountain and you hear what the Lord has to say. And then you come down and tell us all. While Moses is on the mountain, Aaron is down building the golden gate Staff While Moses is on the mountain, passes in front of Moses. And Moses sees a manifestation of the presence. God Mariam didn’t see it.

Aaron. Didn’t see, God said, my relationship with Moses is not like mine. A relationship with you. We also see in verses six through eight, this second Lesson about Moses as God, God declares Moses to be faithful in all his house. He declares him faithful. Aren’t just in position, But in message. He says, I speak with him.

Face-to-face even plainly and not in dark sayings. And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak about against my servant? Moses, God leaves here. The implication, do you not think I know what’s going on as if to say, do you nothing? Moses talked to me first before he married, married, Ethiopian his relationship.

Isn’t like my relationship with you. We speak base. Gone says that Moses was faithful in his house. And he was faithful with his message. Everything that Moses said to the children Of Israel from the mouth of the Lord Was what the Lord told him to say, Moses, They didn’t hold out his little instruction where God said, now, Moses don’t you marry anyone.

Who’s not an Israelite. Moses didn’t hold that in his back pocket. Why not tell the people he was faithful in message. He was faithful in position, but it is important to note as we apply this lesson, that faithful is not the same as perfect. Moses was faithful. And yet Just one chapter over in chapter 11 in the midst of the people complaining about not having meat and not having the things that they had in the days of,

of Egypt that Moses heard the people verse 10 weeping throughout their families, everyone at the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord was greatly aroused. Moses also was displeased. So Moses said to the Lord, why have you afflicted your servant? And why have I not found favor in your sight that you have laid the burden of all these people on me?

Did I conceive all these people? Did I beget them? That you should say to me, carry them in your bosom. As a guardian carries a nursing child to the land, which you swore to their fathers, where am I going to get meat to give to all these people for they weep all over me saying, give us meat that We may eat.

I am Not able to bear all these people alone because the burden is too heavy for me. If you treat me like this, please kill me here. And now If I have found favor In your sight and do not, let me See my wretchedness there And who God describes as the meekest in all the earth, the man who God describes as faithful in all his house is not perfect.

Perfect. We can think of another time in numbers, chapter 20, just a few chapters over the considerably, separated in time where Israel wants water a second time, and God tells you go speak to the rock and water will fourth. And instead of going and speaking to the rock, Moses lifts himself up and smites the rock like he did the first time and water still comes out.

But God says, because of this, you will not enter the promised land, faithful, but not perfect. And perfection isn’t required for faithfulness, but faithfulness is required for salvation. But thirdly, I guess it’s fourthly officially or less than we see is in numbers. Chapter 12, Moses is faithful toward those who sought him harm in chapter 12, verse nine,

the anger of the Lord was aroused against them, Merriam and Aaron and he departed. And when the cloud departed from the above, the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam became leprous as white as snow. Then Aaron turned toward Merriam and there she was a leper. And we know the laws concerning what Israel was told. When it came to one who had leprosy, they were to be cast out.

They weren’t to be among the people. They couldn’t come amongst the people. If anyone came near them, they had to cover themselves and cry out that they were a leper. They could not associated in any way, shape or form with the children of Israel. They couldn’t come in the tabernacle. They couldn’t come to worship. They couldn’t do any of those things.

They were leprous. Aaron turns toward Merriam and she has become a leper. The indication is from head to toe. She is covered in leprosy. So Aaron said to Moses, verse 11, Oh my Lord. Please do not lay this sin on us in which we have done foolishly. And in which we have sinned, he readily admits we’ve done wrong.

We’ve been foolish, we’ve sinned, but he wants the consequences removed. He says, verse 12, please do not let her be as one dead. Whose flesh is half consumed when he comes out of his mother’s womb. So Moses cried out unto the Lord saying, please heal her. Oh God, I pray. Wait a minute. Wasn’t it Moses that she was speaking against.

Wasn’t it Moses that Merriam and Aaron were saying he doesn’t deserve the position he’s got. Yes. And yet it is Moses who pleads with God on her behalf. Then the Lord said, verse 14 to Moses. If her father had buss spit in her face, would she not be shamed? Even seven days, let her be shut out of the camp seven days and afterwards she may be received again.

So Mariam was shut out of the camp seven days and the people did not journey till Miriam was brought in. Again, God uses an analogy from the ceremonial unclean laws. If her father had sneezed on her, she would have been ceremonially unclean for a period of time, as it offensive as it could possibly be just something occurring in daily life. God says there still would have been consequences for that.

For this. She can have the thing. Moses was faithful toward those who sought to do him harm. Jesus would tell his disciples, Matthew chapter five, he would tell them beginning in verse 38 of that sermon on the Mount, you have heard that it was said, and I four and I, and a tooth for tooth. But I tell you not to resist an evil person,

but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him. Also, what did Moses do when they spoke against him? Nothing. Just the same way Jesus taught. If anyone wants to Sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him to give to him who asked you and from him who wants to borrow from you,

do not turn away. You have heard that it was said, you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you love your enemies. Bless those who curse. You do good to those who hate you. Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your father in heaven for. He makes his son rise on the evil and on the goods sends rain on the Justin on the unjust for if you love those who love you,

what reward have you do? Not even the tax collectors do the same. And if you greet your brethren only what do you more than the than others, if do not even the tax collectors do so, therefore you shall be perfect just as your father in heaven is perfect. Jesus describes perfection in the sense of completeness and Maturity, as One who will be like God,

even when those around him use his very actions as a reason to accuse him, Moses, a faithful man in position in self, a faithful man, in message in God’s house and of faith, Full man towards even those who sought to do him Harm. And the Hebrew writer says, that’s a faithful man. We need to be like Moses. We need to be faithful in God’s house.

We need Be faithful in pudding ourself Second before God, not first, but Always in everything behind Our master. We need to be faithful and not seeking our own, but seeking what belongs to the Lord. We need to always be faithful in declaring the message of God. And we need to remember when we are mistreated, when we are done wrong. When we are persecuted,

when we are spoken against, when we, We are acute, that it is Our time not to defend ourselves, not to argue our own position, not to return as it has been done to us, but to, To do good to those that would do evil to us. If that’s a description of faithfulness, then that’s what we are to be Outside the body of Christ.

You are outside of the house of God. You are outside of the place where Christ is head. You are outside of the place where his faithfulness has influence on your feet, Eternal destiny. And I beg you don’t stay there because As, as Moses was faithful in bringing the children of Israel to the promised land so that they might receive their reward, no one got to go in that God didn’t say was allowed to go in.

And that includes Do Moses God Put stipulations on entrance to His promised rest. And he still does. Part of his stipulation is how you become part of that house. You enter into that house by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Without it is impossible To please him. Hebrews 11 says, but you also have to repent of your sins.

You have to confess the name of Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of those sins. Being born, a child of God, dying to all the old self, dying to sin, rising to walk in newness of life and then living faithful unto death revelation chapter two, verse 10. If you’re here this morning and your life, isn’t faithful.

Why not return it to faithfulness today? You have need of the invitation. Why not come forward now? As we stand in, as we say<inaudible> things, I don’t know, blah, the<inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez, us great. As, yes. Well come to the, I am resolved to go to the save the being my<inaudible>.

He is the true one. He is the Jost one. He had<inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez us great. Yes. Yes. Well come to the resolve to follow the savior.<inaudible> he? Well, he<inaudible>. Hey<inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez. Yes.

Well come to the resolve to and the King Dom, the being the pass up saying, Hey, friends may oppose me if others may be sad me<inaudible> ah, Hey son to him. Hey son. So glad free. Jeez, us great. Ah, yes. Well come to the sea So long before our closing prayer will be number 704, bind us together.

Excuse me.<inaudible> the Lord bind us together with cords. NA can be bro. Bind us together. Lord bind us.<inaudible> bind us together with<inaudible>.<inaudible> the one key<inaudible><inaudible> is only one, buddy. Nah, that is why we can see bind us together. The Lord bind a stinger. The width<inaudible> NA can be<inaudible> bind us together.

Lord bind us together or bind us together with There. God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful for the privilege that we’ve had to come here today to study from your word and be enlightened by those things that you have given to us to help make our lives right with you to help us be more productive citizens in the kingdom, and to be able to conduct ourselves in a way that you would be pleased with us,

help us father to be more like Moses, that we were meek and gentle, help us to be servants. Dear father, we realize we answer to the, and that we did not answer to others when they want to ridicule us and make fun of us. Father help us to love you with a deeper love, help us to love one another with a greater love that we truly have compassion upon each other and respect and care truly about each other.

With, with a deep love, the same love that you have for us. Father, we’re mindful that we do fail the at times and we pray for, for forgiveness. We pray father that you be with those that were mentioned that are ill or those that are still grieving over loss of loved ones, help us to be of comfort to all of these and have,

and be an encouragement to one another. We pray that we not forget about those that have fallen on a way that we might encourage them to come back and, and be faithful to you. Let us always be about trying to lead others to you through the gospel, strengthen us as we go through life that we live in a way that we might have that home in him with a in Jesus name.

We pray amen.

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02-14-2021 – Live Stream – Class: Mark 6:30-56 & Sermon: God’s Definition of a Faithful Man (Part 2)

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

02-14-2021 – Live Stream – Class: Mark 6:30-56 & Sermon: God’s Definition of a Faithful Man (Part 2)

Speaker: Aaron Cozort

Collierville Church of Christ
575 Shelton Road,
Collierville, TN

Come join us at 9:30 AM for class and 10:30 for worship

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible> why would that get turned off? I have no idea. That’s true. All right. We’re going live.<inaudible> good morning.<inaudible> It is on mornings like this, that I missed the Appalachian mountains, all that much more growing up in Eastern Kentucky, we didn’t have a lot of extreme weather. Like one of the things I liked about Eastern Kentucky is in the summer,

we had about three days of a hundred degrees or 98 degrees and above. And then we were done for the rest of the year, three days. And that’s my kind of summer right there. And then winter would come and we’d have this thing called winter. You know, it was, but we didn’t have it all year long. You know, it wasn’t like Alaska,

you didn’t have six months of winter. You had two or three months where it was cold. You get snow, you go sledding. And then it would all go back to spring again. And it was great. And we, we could grow grass, just, you know, just, just grass. It’s great, but I love y’all. So we’re here,

so it’s okay. But it’s sure is if I just stop every once in a while, look outside, that’s just what I’m doing. I’m just watching it snow. We had a, we had a guy in school who was one of my roommates who moved to tri cities, which was Elizabeth and Tennessee, just near Bristol, Virginia. So up in the Appalachian mountains.

And he moved there from Montgomery, Alabama, and our first winner in classes. We were there in class and we are, our class was in the fellowship hall because we had the largest class. So we had six people. We had to be in the fellowship hall. And the fellowship hall at that church building was lined with windows. So we were right there in the middle of class winners,

just starting to set in and we’re in class. Somebody looks over and says, Hey, it’s snowing my roommate from Montgomery, Alabama, where they never get snow. And in the winter, they never traveled to anywhere. They got snow, got up, walked out of class, went and stood for 15 minutes in front of the great big glass doors at the front of the church building and just watched the snow.

It’s just incredible. And we were all going, where do you go? You know, we thought maybe he just went up, went to the bathroom, that 15 minutes later, he finally came back. I was like, what are you doing? He’s like, I was watching it snow, no gay Mark chapter six. I’d love to say that was the weirdest thing he did while we were in school.

But Mark chapter six, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We are so thankful for all that you do for us and all that you’ve done for us throughout this last week. We’re grateful for this day and for the health that we have to be able to come out and assembled together. We are mindful of those who are at home because of health or because of many other reasons.

We pray that your hand be upon them and that you watch over them and give them strength and comfort. We’re grateful for all of the many wonders that you have created to show your power and your glory to give to us things that we can enjoy. And we are so grateful that most, especially above all that you care for man, that you are mindful of him,

that you have provided an opportunity in the blood of Jesus Christ for salvation and hope in eternity. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study, help us to learn the lessons that are here in this text for us, that we might be mindful of what it is that you have said, that we might be obedient to your word that we might in faith,

obey you. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Go through the questions from Wednesday briefly, Mark chapter six, verses one through four. How was Jesus received in his hometown? When he taught in the synagogue. All right.

Without honor, he was rejected. Mark chapter six, verse three. Did Jesus have any fleshly brothers and sisters? Yes. Mark chapter three, six, verse three, named them at least the ones we have names for James Joseph Judas assignment. Alright. What size groups of his apostles did Jesus send out teaching and performing miracles? All right. Two by two.

What items did he instruct them to carry a staff? All right. When Jesus sent the apostles in payer’s out teaching, what were his instructions for those who did not listen? Chapter six, verse 11. All right. They were to depart from them and shake the dust off their feet. Mark chapter six, verses 17 and 18, who had imprisoned John the Baptist Herod.

Why? All right, because John told him he was not of his brother Phillip’s wife. W yup. This would have been, I’m going to get it wrong if I try and say it off the top of my head, but I’m going to, I think it’s Herod Antipas is the one who beheaded John Phillip was his brother and they were, they were kind of co rulers at the time.

So, but Herod Antipas being the one over that area. So it is that’s off the top of my head. You can quote me if I’m wrong, but just do it behind my back. Okay. What were Harrod’s feelings toward John and his teachings? All right. He feared because he knew he was adjust and Holy man, and he heard him regularly,

even when he was in prison, chapter six, verses 21 through 28. Why did Herod have John the Baptist beheaded? All right. At the request of who? All right. The daughter of<inaudible>. So we are in the latter half of chapter six this morning, beginning, verse 30, going down through the end of the chapter. This does one of those accounts,

a very, one of the very few that is recorded in all four of the gospels. And that is the feeding of the 5,000. Now we know there’s another occasion where 4,000 more are fed, but this is the same account that is recorded in John chapter six and or John chapter five and six, and the events surrounding it are quite interesting. And it shows the significance of it by the fact that all of the gospel records do record it.

Each one, giving a kind of a different piece of information, different set of information in the grand scheme of things. But Mark actually gives us some interesting information from his record that I think will be valuable to us. As we understand the event beginning verse 30, then the apostles gathered to Jesus and hold him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught what’s going on.

Why, why are the disciples telling Jesus what they did? I thought they followed him around.<inaudible> All right. He had just sent them out. Okay. So, so this comes on the heels of, he has sent them out into all of these cities going throughout the region teaching. And now they’re returning and they’re giving an account of the things that occurred while they were traveling around teaching and preaching while they were traveling around.

Did they just teach and preach or was there another aspect to what they did? Okay. He gave them power to perform miracles. He gave them power to cast out demons. So what I want us to picture here is what would have happened as a result of this? Jesus, of course, could Only so far and only so fast on foot going from city to city.

What, the moment you take 12 people and you send them six different directions in teams of two news about Jesus begins to grow a whole lot faster. Remember this time we’re in the second year of Jesus’ ministry. The first year predominantly occurred down in Judea. It occurred in drew slum and in the, the outlying areas of Judea, but they’re not in Judea anymore.

The, there would have been people who may be at heard about Jesus at one of the fees who saw Jesus at one of the face, heard what he had taught during those times. But now they’re in Galilee, they’re in the Northern region of Israel. Raise your hand if you know the inner workings of what’s going on in Jackson, Mississippi this week.

No, not anybody. Why? Cause it’s half stayed way don’t expect. And this is the way we deal with it. Sometimes we read about places and we don’t put them in proportion to their distance away from each other and add in the fact that you’re in ancient times and they didn’t have internet, they didn’t have phones. They didn’t have, you know,

go down the list. They didn’t have telegraphs. You know, they had people transferring information. And if you didn’t come into contact with one of those people that had the information, you probably didn’t hear about it. So all of these things are generating here in the Northern part of Israel, through Jesus, sending out his disciples, they’re generating the recognition and the popularity and the,

the view of Jesus that had previously existed in Judea, but not up in Galilee because they hadn’t heard about him. And so they’re beginning to hear concerning who he is. They’re beginning to hear about what he’s done. And if his disciples can cast out demons, if his disciples can heal people, then what do you assume about the one who they’re disciples of that?

He can do all that and more. Okay. So the reasoning from the lesser to the greater the expectation is, is they come into contact with these disciples coming into their town, their village, their community, that they’re someone, not only that they’re being taught about, but they can reason about has greater abilities, greater knowledge, greater teaching, greater instruction.

Then these disciples, these people would have been familiar with the position, the concept of the disciples, the disciples, a learner, not the teacher, they’re the servant, not the master. And so when you encountered A disciple, your brain immediately goes in that time. Oh, well, who’s the teacher, who’s the master. Let me go learn from him.

So they come to Jesus, the apostles come to Jesus and they gathered to him and tell him all that was done and what they had taught. And he said to them, actually, before I go past that, let me remind you of a statement. Jesus made, Jesus told them bilayer the leaven of the Pharisees. And he said, the leaven of the Pharisees was what hypocrisy.

All right. I knew y’all get to it. Alright. So the leaven of Harris of the Pharisees is hypocrisy. And in that cell, same context, he warns them. What you say in the closet will be shouted from the rooftop. What you say in private will be made known in public. So as he sends them out, having told them,

you don’t live like the Pharisees. You don’t go out and teach people one thing and then live something different. He is also allowing them to come back and tell them, tell him what they taught. And he can evaluate whether or not they’re living what they taught. Okay. So he said to them, come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest for a while for there were many coming and going,

and they did not even have time to eat as a result of the things that have transpired as a result of the teaching, that Jesus has done the miracles that he’s done. And now the sending out of the 12, there are so many people coming to Jesus that his disciples literally are. Aren’t even having time to eat their own food because it’s just one person right after another,

after another, after another. And part of their responsibility was to make sure that these people are taken care of, make sure that they come, you know, when they come to see Jesus, they’re able to see them, but then they move. You know, they’re in a very real sense, partially crowd control when they’re around Jesus and here they are,

they’re doing all this. And Jesus is saying, this isn’t good. This isn’t what you need to be doing right now. You need to come aside. You need to rest. There’s a, there’s an emphasis here that I think is valuable. And it’s a good reminder to preachers because preachers have a tendency to burn themselves out. But it’s also a good reminder to caregivers.

A good reminder to people who have others, that they take care of parents, mothers, that sometimes when you’ve got burden after burden, after burden, necessity, after necessity, after necessity, someone who always needs something that you’ve got to have time for you, you’ve got to have time to be able to pull away from that and say, no, we have a phrase at our house,

occasionally, where the children will say, Hey, mommy, and mommy will say, mommy’s not here right now. Or mommy is currently on vacation. Please talk to your father. Why? Because there’s comes a point. Just some meat. You need a break. My mother likes to say, when she had three young children, two of whom were in diapers.

And one of whom was barely out of diapers that occasionally my father would come home. She’d meet him at the door and say, here they’re yours. And that’s the reality that sometimes you have to take a break. And those people who think well, but, but I just got here. Well, sorry, you just got here. But that doesn’t mean that your moment of time is more important than the wellbeing of someone who needs to take that rest.

So he, they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves, but the multitudes saw them departing and many knew him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them and came together to him. So their goal is to go out to a deserted place, to go out of the cities and, and out of the towns and out of the villages to wilderness area for rest.

But they get on what to go there about and seeing them on the boat. Somebody recognizes them. And pretty soon what’s following them crowd of people. And pretty soon they’re not only following them. They’re what they’re ahead of them. That they get there before the disciples do, before the boat lands, the people are already there. The crowd is already there,

but how does it Martin describes the people as doing what to reach, where they were getting to or where the disciples were going. They ran th th they were, they were coming from all the cities and they were, they were rushing that this wasn’t, Hey, we’re going to have a great big gathering. Tuesday night out at this location. Be ready,

show up. We’re going to be there for about 12 hours. Come be, you know, have everything prepared when you get there. No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t like that. The news was spreading and they, as it were dropped, everything and went and they went there in a hurry. So what did they not bring food provisions? They,

they, they didn’t take, fought for what they would need in four hours, five hours, 12 hours tomorrow. And instead they rushed out to see Jesus. Well then notice verse 34. And Jesus, when he came out, came out of where the boat, right as he came out, or when he came out, he saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep,

not having a shepherd. So he began to teach them many things. There are a number of old Testament passages, Zechariah, Hosea, Isaiah, numerous old Testament prophets that compare the teachers in Jesus’ day to shepherds, who instead of guarding the sheep and feeding the sheep and taking care of the sheep are instead profiting off the sheep and killing the sheep. They’re not being good shepherds.

And so the analogy that is made by a ZQ Elon by Hosea and by is, has a CA Hezekiah, Zachariah, and others is that God is going to judge those wicked shepherds and raise up his own shepherd. Of course we know Jesus is described as the good shepherd. He is the one that would be the shepherd to judge those evil shepherds. But he looks at these people and we’re,

we’re given this little glimpse into Jesus’s mind, this, this isn’t somebody’s opinion of what Jesus thought. This is what Jesus thought he saw them. He had compassion on them for they were as she, without a shepherd. Absolutely, absolutely. So the, the nature of sheep and in part of that analogy is the nature of sheep being without a shepherd,

they wander, they don’t pay attention. They have no defenses. And that’s one of the things about sheep is they are a defenseless creature. And so they’re easy prey when they’re not guarded actively by someone. And so here they are. They’re without provision, they’re without protection, they’re without instruction. They’re without direction. And they’re here and they’ve run here to see Jesus.

So he could have said, you know what? I came here for a completely different reason. My disciples are important to me. W we’re we don’t have time for you right now. W w they need to rest and he could have sent them away, but he didn’t. Instead, we read that he had compassion on them. When the day was now,

far spent verse 35, his disciples came to him and said, this is a deserted place. And already the hour is late. Send them away that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread for, they have nothing to eat. The disciples. And the implication in here is that Jesus having compassion on them began to teach them.

Where would Jesus often teach from, from wilderness, from a mountain. If he was near sea of Galilee, where would he also often teach from, from, from the water, from a boat? So all of these are locations where he, he might have taught from the indication is he perhaps went up in the mountain. But the idea here is he’s teaching them.

They’re listening. The day goes on, it gets deeper and deeper into the day. And the disciples come to him and say, these people are going to have to eat, send them away, tell them to go fend for themselves. Yes. Now, what is it that the religious shepherds had done to Israel instead of feeding them, instead of protecting them,

instead of teaching them to know God, instead of telling them what the scriptures actually taught, what did they left them to do? Ben for themselves, they were as sheep without a shepherd. And the disciples come to Jesus and looking at the situation again, they don’t know what’s in Jesus’s mind. They don’t see what Jesus sees. They don’t know what Jesus knows.

They’re just being disciples. They’re trying to care for their master. They’re trying to provide for him, that’s their job. But in doing so, they become like those same teachers that Jesus is opposing in saying, send them away, let them do for themselves. And Jesus has a completely different idea, but it also is. We get in here as we get into this text and into this account,

one of the things that you’re seeing is you are seeing a type apology between Moses and Christ. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt. And when they went into the wilderness and they went to Mount Sinai, what was one of the first and immediate problems? They had water. What was the other one? Food they’re in the wilderness. There they’re no longer in Egypt.

They’re no longer near the gardens and near the, the, the cucumbers and the leaks and the, all the things that they used to have down in Egypt. They’re no longer in the prosperity of the land of the, of the Nile river. They’re in the wilderness. And while they have flocks and herds and things like that with them, the Frank fact of the matter is there’s nowhere near enough.

If they start consuming their flocks in their herds to feed them because they have no definitive time when they’ll be gone. So they tell Moses we’re hungry. You did, you bring us out here in the wilderness to kill us? Is that what this was all about? We, we left Egypt to die of starvation in the wilderness. And so God will provide for them.

What does God give Israel in there in the book of Exodus Manoj, which was what that’s right. The word in the Hebrew man, what is it? W we do know it was a light bread, like substance. It, it had the taste like honey and coriander seed. It was, it was a, something that could be ground. It could be,

it could be baked. It could be made into other things, but it was a bread. Where did it come from? Heaven. When did he show up morning time? How did they get it? They had to go out and gather it. How much were they allowed to have a day’s worth? And if there was, if it was the case that they went out and gathered too much,

how much did they have a day’s worth? And how much were they supposed to get on Friday, a double portion, two days worth. And it was the only day that if they gathered two days worth it wouldn’t spoil overnight. That was manna. Jesus. Now has this large group of people in the wilderness. And you’re going to see in this,

a picture of Moses drawn forward to Jesus. Okay? So verse 36 says, send them away that they may go into the surrounding countries and villages and buy themselves bread for, they have nothing to eat. And he answered and said to them, you give them something to eat. Have you ever had that look returned to you, either by a child,

a student, or an employee where you tell them to do something and they stare at you at, and you know, what’s going through your mind. You have got to be kidding me. How in the world are we going to do this? He says, you give them something to eat. Now, just remember, where did they just return from going into all these cities and doing what teaching and doing what performing miracles,

but here’s the limitation of, of human understanding. They have the faith to perform a miracle. They’ve seen Jesus perform, but they don’t have the faith to perform a miracle. They’ve never seen Jesus perform. They can cast out a demon, but they can’t turn one loaf of bread into two. Is that because they couldn’t do it, or because they didn’t believe they could do it.

That’s right. And, and we, we find this difficulty over and over and over again in our own lives where we don’t look at a situation and go, what can God do if we ask we instead, look at what can I do? And then we judge, what can I do based upon what I’ve always done? And this was something they never done.

So in their minds, it was what impossible watch. And he said to them, shall we go and, or excuse me. And they said to him, shall we go and buy 200, didn’t go and buy 200 denari worth of bread and give them something to eat 200 denari. Somebody gave me some idea how much money that is in their day in time.

All right. So one dinner is a day’s wage. So 200 is 200 days wage. Well, over half a year’s worth of, of, of work. And most people at that time lived from day today. And so they said, what are we supposed to do? Go, go spend 200 days wages, just, just to go buy the food.

And then he said, how many loaves do you have? Go and see. And when they found out, they said five and two fish, then he commanded them to make the, he commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in ranks in hundreds and in fifties. And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fish,

he looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them. And the two fish, he divided among them all. So they all ate and were filled and they took up 12 baskets full of fragments and of the fish. Now, those who had eaten the loaves were about 5,000 men. Jesus takes what they have five loaves,

two fish. And what does he do with it? He prays, they saw what they could do and had always done. And he looked at the problem and said, what can God do? It is the difference between Abraham, Moses and the disciples at this time, when the people begin to complain because they have no water and they’re going as they describe it,

going to die of thirst in this wilderness, does Moses say, well, where’s the nearest stream? Where’s the nearest river. Where’s the nearest freshwater source. No. Does he say, I’m sorry, but I I’m just doing what God says. You’re out of luck. No, what’d he do. He goes to God and says, the people need water.

And from a rock, God provides not enough water for them to all have sip, not enough water so that each person, or maybe the elderly can get some but enough water for them to quench the thirst and provide for all of the old people. All of the middle-aged people, all the young people, all the flocks, all the herds, all everybody.

And where did it come from? Oh, it came from this underground Fisher where Moses happened to find out there was water had been there water all the time. No. Is there water there today? Nope. It wasn’t an underground Fisher. It was God providing water in the wilderness here. Jesus prays. And God gives them what they need because God can.

And man can’t. So then they all eat. The number of the men was about 5,000. So there’s probably more than just men present. Therefore, the number’s probably more than that. Verse 45 immediately. He made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side to best say it. Now he instructs them. He tells them,

you go do this. You go without me a while. He sent the multitude away. And when he had sent them away, he departed to the mountain to pray. Now, when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea and he was alone on the land. Then he saw them straining at rowing for the wind was against them.

Now about the fourth watch of the night, he came to them, walking on the sea. And here’s an interesting tidbit. Martin gives us nobody else does and would have asked them by Mark’s the only one who tells us that Jesus was walking past them. When they observe him going by, Jesus would have beat them to the other side. Jesus would have walked on by because they were fine.

They were struggling. They were rolling, but Mark’s the only one that tells us. Jesus sent them on a head and Jesus was going to get there for, they did. When they saw him walking verse 49 on the sea, they supposed, it was a ghost and cried out for, they all saw him and were troubled, but immediately he talked with them and said to them,

be of good cheer. It is. I do not be afraid. They’re rowing it’s rough seas, winds blowing. It’s nighttime. Oh, they see the figure of a person walking on the sea and they don’t know what to think until they hear voice. And I’m going to just, sermonize here for a moment and say, sometimes we see things based upon our knowledge and our understanding.

All we can see is what we understand it to be. And if we would just stop and listen to God instead, I don’t mean listen to a still small voice in the night. I mean, pick up God’s word and go. What’s really true. We would get out of all the fantastical dreams and assumptions of humanity and get back into what really matters.

And that’s what God actually says. So Jesus says it is, I be of good cheer, do not be afraid. Then he went up into the boat to them and the wind ceased, and they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure and marveled for, they had not understood about the lows because their heart was hardened. What do you think? Hardened their heart.

I’ve got my own assumption. I think it was their attitude towards the things they had done while they were out preaching. You remember how many times the disciples would argue about who would be the greatest in the kingdom? How many times there would be disputes over position and prominence and power. And when they would come back from being sent out, they would tell Jesus about all the things that they did.

All the wonders they performed and Jesus would tell them what matters most is, is your name written in the King, in the book of life? Is your name written in the kingdom of God? I think their own success caused them to fail, to understand what Jesus did with the loaves. Oh, they had no doubt. It was a miracle. They knew what he had done in the physical sense,

but they missed the spiritual Jesus in John chapter six would begin preaching what I am the bread of life. And at the end of John chapter six, what would the multitude do? They depart with him and follow him no more. They would say these are hard sayings who can bear them. And Jesus would then turn to the disciples and say, will you go also Peter would reply Lord to whom should we go?

You have the words of life. They’ll get there. But at the moment in the boat at night, not there yet verse 53 through verse 56, when they had crossed over, they came to the land of Ganesha and anchored there. When they came out of the boat immediately, the people recognized him, ran through that whole surrounding region and began to carry about on beds.

Those who were sick to when, to wherever they heard, he was wherever he entered into villages, cities, and or the country. They laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might just touch the hem of his garment. And as many as touched him were made well, all right, we’re out of time for this morning, we will pick up with the questions Wednesday night.

Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville church. Christ’s Sunday morning worship service. It’s good to see each and every one of those of you that were able to make it out on this great snowy morning that the Lord gave us. And for those of you that decided not to venture out this morning, it’s great that we have the technology that you are able to participate with us in worshiping our Lord through modern technology.

If you did not pick up your Lord supper on the way in, please take the opportunity while I’m going through the announcements here to go to the tables in the back and pick that up. I do not see any visitors, but if I’m overlooking any visitors, glad that you chose to worship with us this morning. Other announcements, please continue to remember in your prayers are sick.

Ed Richardson, Barbara Dillard, Joan Springer, Donnie Flanagan, and Dorothy Wilson, Janie, Marlin, and update on her. She is at home, but she is basically back to where she started before her last hospital stay with her AFib problems again. So please continue to pray for Janie Marlin and Rudel. Wilson has a slight blockage. And right now the, the plan with that for him is just to keep an eye on it and monitor it to see if they’re going to need to go in and do anything with that slight blockage that they have found in Rudolf.

So please continue to pray for Rudel. Also continue to, to remember in your prayers and your thoughts, the simply through for the loss of loved ones recently for the Cozort family, the Sanderson’s and the stacks, the men’s business meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow, due to the weather forecast, we are going to cancel that meeting. And unless there’s something that absolutely has to be discussed,

the men who have decided will just not have a business meeting until the month of March. But if there is something that needs to be addressed, feel free to please bring it to one of the men of the congregation here. And we, men will get together one Sunday real quick after church and discuss what your concerns are. So we can act on it.

If there is something that has to be decided upon at this time, Potter’s children home. As far as we know right now, they plan on coming down Thursday. But there again, that is subject to the weather. So they might be here Thursday to pick up the commodities and they might not. But at any rate, if you have other things that you want them to get,

please get it here before Thursday, because they may show up Thursday to pick that stuff up. That was all the announcements I have this morning. Worship service song leader will be Michael Dale opening. Prayer Will be no Olson. Lord supper will be Jay Shafir. The sermon is going to be Aaron Cozort and the closing prayer will be Joe caisson. Thank you.

Our first song this morning, we’ll be number 47. Holy Holy, Holy number 47. Holy, Holy, Holy<inaudible><inaudible> to the Holy. Holy Holy<inaudible>. Holy, Holy Holy.<inaudible> the casting down their golden crowns crest or C<inaudible> falling down.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh, the Holy<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. Holy, Holy<inaudible><inaudible> name and then sky and see,

Holy, Holy Holy<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> song. Before our opening prayer will be For 790 Lord take control seven, nine zero. My<inaudible> my body.<inaudible> give it to you to<inaudible><inaudible> my buddy.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> You pray with me or heavenly father. We come to you now, once again, so thankful for a day that you’ve given this father a day that we can come to worship you.

We pray that everything is done in accordance with your will and in spirit and in truth. How do we ask for forgiveness of sins? Every time that we do come back to repentance father, we pray that we can look faithfully and you father, we pray for all those on the prayer list, those suffering physically, that they could get back to their natural state of health,

but also those that are spiritually lost, that they could come back to you through your word for it is eternally too late. And we pray that we as Christians can help them along along that path. Father, we love you. And we thank you so much for your son and his sacrifice. We pray all these things in his, in his name,

amen. Song to prepare minds for the Lord’s Supper will be number 315. When I survey the wondrous cross, when I say<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, no, which<inaudible> Oh, sorry. Ah, ma<inaudible> I can’t<inaudible><inaudible> ah, Oh, ah, ah, for<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> that?<inaudible> me.<inaudible> a nice,

gref a nice to, Hey, is see from<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> ah, nah<inaudible> Oh, too small.<inaudible><inaudible> de<inaudible> ah, ah, Oh, Jesus. On the night before he was arrested and tried met with his disciples in the upper room. And during that supper, he instituted this Lord’s supper so that we could remember his death until he comes.

So let’s displace all of the worldly thoughts from our mind for a period of time here and dwell upon Jesus is suffering and death, heavenly father. We’re so very grateful that your son was willing to come to this earth to sacrifice his body and his blood for the forgiveness of our sins. As we partake of this bread, which represents that body that was sacrificed on the cross,

help us to do so, you know, worthy manner. So in Jesus’ name that we pray amen. As we continue this Memorial heavenly father, we’re so very grateful that he was willing to shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins. As we partake of this fruit of the vine blesses each, with being able to partake in a worthy manner, it’s in Jesus name that we pray,

amen. We find this a convenient time to lay by and store. As we have been prospered. Once again, let’s go to our heavenly father in prayer And my father. We’re so very grateful for the multitude of blessings. You so richly bestow upon each of us, help us always to remember that we’re merely stewards of these blessings, that all things truly come from you grant us a cheerful heart.

As we return a portion of those blessings, where your cause here in spreading your word throughout this community. We ask this in Jesus name, amen Song before the lesson will be wonderful words of life. Number five, Andrade forty-three wonderful words of life. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song, please sing them over again. To me. Wonderful words of<inaudible> led me more of their beauty.

You see? Wonderful.<inaudible> beautiful, wonderful words, wonderful words.<inaudible> beautiful. Wonderful, wonderful.<inaudible> wonderful words.<inaudible> beautiful words. Wonderful words. Wonderful words.<inaudible> beautiful words. Wonder<inaudible> offer. Pardon and peace. To all wonder<inaudible> jeez,<inaudible> beautiful. Wonderful words. One, a four words.<inaudible> wonder four words.<inaudible> you may be seated.

Good morning Just by way of public service announcement. Is there probably some who do not know, because we probably haven’t talked about it recently, but if you have a smartphone, either Android or iOS or Apple, you can go into the app store and do a search for truth.fm. And in there you can find the truth.fm app. And I only bring that up because Collierville has a internet radio station.

We broadcast 24 hours a day. It is there. It is available for you to listen to, but we are making some changes and we are actually going to begin using a computer back here. We’ve been live streaming our services on that stream for quite some time now as just another way where people can pull up their phones and, and hear our worship services.

In addition to all the other programming that’s on there, but we’re going to be able to have more control and implement a lot more of our lessons, our Bible classes, and such as recorded content that will be available for people as the day goes on. And so that’s something we’re looking forward to and implementing a, and if you don’t mind find Collierville Christian radio there on the truth FM app and listen to it.

And if you hear That doesn’t sound right in the sense of technologically, does it sound right or it doesn’t work or you click play and it doesn’t play call me because with new systems, whenever you put new systems in, there’s always bugs. And so if you can help me by monitoring that, I appreciate it just in your own time and the lessons there and the things that you will hear will be worth your time.

Anyway, take your Bibles if you will, and open them to the book of Hebrews, the Hebrew writer, as he is writing to these Jewish Christians, warning them about falling away, warning them about drifting away, warning them about turning away. He tells them about Jesus. He tells them about how Jesus is better than where they came from better than Moses.

And in Hebrews chapter three, he says, therefore, Holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling consider the apostle and high priest of our confession Christ. Jesus, who was notice this word faithful to him who appointed him as Moses also was faithful in all his house. The Hebrew writer identifies for these Christians that a singular attribute of Jesus Christ is his faithfulness,

but that’s not our discussion for this morning. Instead, it’s the latter half of the verse that I want us to focus on. I mentioned in the first Sunday in January, that we were going to take this entire year and one Sunday a month. And hopefully most months it’s going to be the first Sunday of the month. That just didn’t work out this month,

but we’re going to take one Sunday a month, one sermon per month. And we’re going to notice this idea of what God expects when he describes his servants as being faithful. We noticed in January God’s definition of a faithful man, and we noticed that predominantly from the old Testament, we’re continuing that this morning with one primary example, that God looks at this man in a specific time in a specific situation and says,

this man was faithful, Is faithful in all my house. Let’s go on to the remainder of the text. Verse three for this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses. That is Christ Jesus counting of more glory than Moses it as much as he who built the house has more honor than the house for every house is built by someone, but he who built all things.

God and Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant. The, his, by the way, here, it’s not as easily identified as it will be in the original text, but that is that his, there is God’s house. Moses wasn’t faithful in his own house. That’s not under discussion here. The discussion is Moses was faithful in God’s house As a servant for a Testimony of those things,

which would be spoken afterward, but Christ as a son over his own house, whose house we are, if we hold fast, the confidence and rejoicing of hope from to the end, the Hebrew writer identifies for these individuals a comparison, and yet a contrast, a comparison of Jesus to Moses. Moses described as faithful in God’s house. Jesus described as faithful over his own house,

but the Hebrew writer doesn’t leave it ambiguous as to what he’s talking about. He says, Jesus Christ is faithful over his own house, who we are. He’s not talking about some, some mansion on a Hill. He’s not talking about some estate where Jesus sits as steward or head of this estate. And this tells all these servants where to go and how to cut the grass and what the trees are to look like and how to keep everything clean.

No, The House of Jesus Christ is his Church over which he is head. He alone is head of his church. The body of Christ, the church of Christ. He says, we are his house is we hold fast. The confidence and the rejoicing of hope from to the end. What is he saying there? He’s saying if we too will be Faithful as he is faithful,

as Moses was faithful. So what we’re going Do is we’re going to go back to the original text, which is numbers chapter 12. When the Hebrew writer says Moses was faithful in all his house, he is not just conjuring that up. He’s not even just extrapolating that out of the history of Moses. That is a direct quotation from numbers chapter 12.

And so our time this morning will be spent here in this text, noticing Moses, a faithful man in view of God’s definition of what a faithful man is, numbers chapter 12. And in verse one, we find disagreement going on. The background of this is that Moses has married a woman. Now keep in mind. Moses at this time is probably around 80 plus years old.

We know he’s 80 plus years old. How much plus that is, we don’t know exactly, but Moses marries a woman. Is this a second wife? Or did his wife die? We don’t know. The text seems to indicate that his wife died, that he has is now marrying another wife after his wife has passed away. But some of that is his surmising.

Some of that is, is implication here, but he marries a woman. The problem was not that he married a woman. The problem was, as we see in verse one that he married any Thiel, Bian woman. Notice what the text says, chapter 12, verse one, then Merriam and Aaron, for those who may or may not know that his Moses’s older sister a and Moses’s older brother Mo Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married for.

He had married an Ethiopian woman here. We have Merriam and Erin who generally are on Moses’s side, generally are in agreement with Moses. Sometimes it was Moses and Aaron standing all by themselves against all the men of the people. But in this occasion, Merriam and Aaron, see what Moses did in marrying this Ethiopian woman. And they are upset. Couple of things to know,

first and foremost, the first wife that we know of of Moses was not an Israel. She was a descendant of Abraham for, she was Midianite and the Midianites were the descendants of Abraham through Midian. One of the sons of guitarra, but she wasn’t an Israelite. And that’s seems to be the rub here. And I think if we were honest, we might go and look at the law and we might be rubbed the same way Miriam and Aaron were rubbed.

They’re not happy because he’s married a woman from Ethiopia. And yet, if you turn to Exodus, chapter 34, God has said to Israel that they needed to marry within those who were Israelites turned next. There’s 34. Let’s look at a few of these passages here, Exodus 34 beginning in verse 11, God says to Israel, observe what I command you this day.

Behold, I am driving out from before you the Amorite the Canaanite the Hittite, the parasite, the Hivite and the JB site take heed to yourself. Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, where you are going less. It’d be a snare in your midst, but you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars and cut down their wooden images for you shall worship no other God for the Lord,

whose name is jealous is a jealous God lets you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land. And they play the harlot with their gods and make sacrifices with their God on. And one of them invites you and you eat of his sacrifice and you take notice his daughters for your sons and his daughters play the harlot with their gods and make your sons play the harlot with their gods.

You shall make no molded gods for yourselves. God says, do not make a covenant with these people. The Hittites, the parasites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the JV sites, the Hivites. He says you don’t make a covenant with them and you don’t marry their daughters or give their daughters to your sons because they’ll draw away your heart after idolatry.

But where in the list are Ethiopians while they’re not in the list, but the principle, maybe we’ll we’ll just go with the principle is true. But one note I want to make, as we go through this, what was true about Moses’s wife? Who was a Midianite one of the things that we know to be true is that her family worshiped the Lord.

How do we know that? Well, when Moses departs out of Egypt and Moses comes into contact with Ruelle. When Moses comes into contact with the man who will become his father-in-law, we are finding in that text, he is identified as priest of the most high God. This man though, a Midianite is a priest of the Lord. Now he’s not from the tribe of Levi.

He’s not from the house of Aaron, but Aaron’s not a priest yet. Under the patriarchal age, it was the fathers who served as the heads of the household. As the priests of God, not a specific, TRIBE not as specific lineage, but there were those who we have identify like male kids, a deck before him in the days of Abraham.

And Ruelle in this day in time who are described as priests. So we know that Moses, his first wife knows who Jehovah is and worships Jehovah. We know nothing about this wife except she’s Ethiopian. But if we know Moses, what would you surmise? Do you think Moses went out and said, you know what, not Marian is any of these Israelites.

And there might’ve been good reason for that, by the way. But what do you think would have happened to the family of the woman who Moses Mary, they were saying, Oh, we’re now family of the leader. We’re now family and the man in charge. It w w w we’re we got, we have special rank. Maybe that was part of the thinking of Moses.

I don’t know, but Moses as one, who’s a servant of God by all indications is not going to marry someone who isn’t the argument isn’t this woman is idolatrous. The argument is this woman’s Ethiopian, but then consider as well, maybe part of something else. Deuteronomy chapter seven, Deuteronomy chapter seven. I should make note of the fact that this statement comes later after these events.

Ju just for context, just for clarity, but it’s a rehashing of what God had already given in the law. It’s the second giving of the law. But chapter seven of Deuteronomy, verse one, when the Lord, your God brings you into the land, which you go to possess and cast out many nations before you, the Hittites, the Gerber science,

they Amorites the Canaanites and the parasites and the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations greater and mightier than you. And when the Lord, your God delivers them over from over you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them, nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son nor take their daughter for your son for,

they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods. So the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly, But Thus, you shall deal with them. You shall destroy their altars, break down their sacred pillars, cut down their wooden images and burn their carved images with fire for you. Holy people, God tells Israel,

you are unique, but most Miriam and Aaron seem Moses and his decision and they think Moses chose wrong. One other thing that may be a part of this may come from errands side of things and Leviticus chapter 21, Leviticus chapter 21, The laws concerning the priests and their marriages Are actually Different than the laws for the rest Of Israel, Leviticus Chapter 21 beginning in verse 10,

we read he who is the high priest among his brethren on whose head the anointing oil was poured and who is consecrated to wear the garments shall not cover his head nor tear his clothes nor shall go, nor shall he go near any dead body nor defile himself with his father or his mother, nor shall he go out of the sanctuary nor profane the sanctuary of his God for the consecration of the anointing oil of his God is upon him.

I am the Lord and he shall take a wife in her virginity, a widow or a divorced woman, or a defiled woman, or a harlot. These, he shall not marry, but he shall take a Virgin of his own people. As a wife, God, God put a whole different set of laws on the high priest. Then he even did the rest of the piece Bull and who’s high priest.

Aaron is So Moses declares from God chapter 21 verse one. And the Lord said to Moses, speak to the priests. Moses declares from God, Aaron, you have to marry from the descendants of Israel and you can’t marry a widow and you have to marry a Virgin and all of these other things. And Moses goes and marries And Ethiopian, but Moses wasn’t high priest.

So all of the, These things come to a head in numbers, chapter 12 and Merriam and yeah, Aaron spake against Moses. But in verse two, they said, Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses, has he not spoken through us also as they’re murmuring and complaining against Moses, which all Israel was forward to do. They, they, they loved complaining against Moses,

but usually his own family at least was on his side. Now Merriam and Aaron start in and they’re murmuring against Moses and speaking against Moses. And they’re saying, hasn’t the Lord spoken to us. You remember Marianne was one who spoke on behalf of the Lord at different times. She proclaimed the word of the Lord at different times. Aaron spoke on behalf of the Lord.

He was even the mouthpiece of Moses. It hasn’t the Lord spoken through us. But that statement there at the end of verse two and the Lord heard it, It wasn’t as though the Lord happened to be passing by the tent where they were at the time and happened over here through those thin 10 walls. What they said, no, just a little reminder in scripture,

you don’t say anything. The Lord doesn’t he Here. And we might be, He reminded from Jesus’s encounters with the scribes and the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the lawyers. You don’t even think anything. The Lord doesn’t it. But they said it and the Lord heard it. And then we have a paranthetically statement. One of those times where God drops in his testimony about someone.

And yet it’s interesting because who’s right, Egging it. Moses is mother. Moses is the one who’s writing the book of numbers. And yet it is a statement by God about Moses Verse three. Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who are on the face of the earth. Now the King James uses the Term meek. Moses was a man who was meek.

And here’s where I want us to get Our first lesson from Moses about faithfulness. Number one, One, Moses was faithful In position or Stated another way. Moses was faithful in Self. When it came to God, God, God describes Moses as one, who was the meekest in all the earth. If you were to be standing here and you were to say,

you know what? I’ve evaluated this friend of mine and, and I’ve weighed his abilities and I’ve weighed his, his ability to function. And I believe he is the most talented at fill in the blank of anybody In the world. Here’s one thing I know. If that gets spread far enough around, there’s going to be a herd of people in line to prove you wrong.

Every Time the Olympics roll around, what are we all sitting around watching, waiting to happen. Another world record to be broken. And it happens. We think that’s the fastest that race is ever going to be run. And then somebody proves This wrong. Michael, Jordan’s the best basketball player to have ever lived until somebody becomes better than him. The fact Of the matter is anytime we lay a test against what we know,

the limits of our knowledge are the standards of the team Fast, but God is different. God, God looks at literally every person alive and Says, Moses is the meekest man in all the earth. That’s quite a testimony. That’s quite a statement. Meekness is Strength under control. Humbleness Is a lowering of self. Not in fear, not in doubt,

but in recognition of Who is greater. Moses is described as, and who is meek. He has himself under control. Now he’s not perfect. We’ll get into that in a moment. But he is meek. He is controlling himself. Moses will know that Miriam and Aaron said this And Moses, his reaction Then was to do nothing. Not in the sense that Moses said,

you know what? I’m just going to let it slip as siblings. They’ll they’ll say things and no Moses chose not to defend Himself. Moses Chose not to defend his reputation. Moses chose not to defend his position. Moses chose to Act as a servant. Here’s one of the things about a servant. A servant recognizes as the very nature of the servant,

that he is, that there is someone greater than him that has given him His position. Serving doesn’t earn his position. He wouldn’t be a servant. If he earned his position, Servant is given his position by A master, by Whoever his master is. And Moses is here in the position of the one who speaks on behalf of God. And he wasn’t the one who put himself there.

As a matter of fact, Moses tried multiple times to get out of the position And yet God put him there. And Moses reaction to me, Barium and Aaron speaking against him is too Say nothing. He’s not going to defend his position or his right to speak on behalf of God. God is good. Moses is going to be humble and meek in recognizing his position.

In other words, Words, Moses did not insists On self Moses Did not emphasize Self. He emphasized service. But secondly, we see that God is going to confront Miriam and Aaron versus five, Five. Suddenly the Lord said to Mary, to Moses, Aaron and Miriam. So God speaks to all three of them And stood calm out. He’s is you three,

two Tabernacle of meeting. So the three came out. Then the Lord came down in the pillar of cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle and called Aaron and Miriam. And they both went forward. God hears what Miriam and Aaron have said, God calls Moses, Aaron and Merriam to the tabernacle, the pillar of cloud descends upon the tabernacle as it would do during the daytime.

You remember at this point in time, when the pillar of cloud moved during the day, the whole host of Israel would gather their things up and they’d move and they’d follow the cloud by day. And the pillar of fire by night, this cloud comes descends over the tabernacle and God’s presence is there. They are, God begins to speak to Aaron and Miriam.

And we read in verse six. Then he, the Lord said, hear, now my words, if there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord make myself known to him in a vision. He says, if there’s somebody, because remember they said, has the Lord not spoken through us? Has the Lord not spoken to us? Why is it Moses?

The one who’s the mouthpiece of God. And God says, if I speak to a prophet, if I give him a vision or I speak to him in a dream, not so with my servant, Moses, God puts a separation between Moses and every prophet. Every person he spoke to, they said, Moses is just like us. God says, no worries.

He’s not. And I don’t treat him like I treat the rest of you. No, As he said not. So with my servant, Moses, he is faithful All my house. I speak with him face to face, even plainly and not in dark sayings. And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my son,

Servant, Moses, God confronts aerium and Merriam, Aaron and Miriam. And he says, You think I speak to you? Like I speak to him, Him, but I don’t. You might hear my voice. You might see a vision, but which one of you sees me? Face-to-face do you remember when Moses went on the mountain God’s presence was there on Mount Sinai and all the people heard the voice of the Lord and all the people were afraid.

And all the people told Moses, you go up on the mountain and you hear what the Lord has to say. And then you come down and tell us all. While Moses is on the mountain, Aaron is down building the golden gate Staff While Moses is on the mountain, passes in front of Moses. And Moses sees a manifestation of the presence. God Mariam didn’t see it.

Aaron. Didn’t see, God said, my relationship with Moses is not like mine. A relationship with you. We also see in verses six through eight, this second Lesson about Moses as God, God declares Moses to be faithful in all his house. He declares him faithful. Aren’t just in position, But in message. He says, I speak with him.

Face-to-face even plainly and not in dark sayings. And he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak about against my servant? Moses, God leaves here. The implication, do you not think I know what’s going on as if to say, do you nothing? Moses talked to me first before he married, married, Ethiopian his relationship.

Isn’t like my relationship with you. We speak base. Gone says that Moses was faithful in his house. And he was faithful with his message. Everything that Moses said to the children Of Israel from the mouth of the Lord Was what the Lord told him to say, Moses, They didn’t hold out his little instruction where God said, now, Moses don’t you marry anyone.

Who’s not an Israelite. Moses didn’t hold that in his back pocket. Why not tell the people he was faithful in message. He was faithful in position, but it is important to note as we apply this lesson, that faithful is not the same as perfect. Moses was faithful. And yet Just one chapter over in chapter 11 in the midst of the people complaining about not having meat and not having the things that they had in the days of,

of Egypt that Moses heard the people verse 10 weeping throughout their families, everyone at the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord was greatly aroused. Moses also was displeased. So Moses said to the Lord, why have you afflicted your servant? And why have I not found favor in your sight that you have laid the burden of all these people on me?

Did I conceive all these people? Did I beget them? That you should say to me, carry them in your bosom. As a guardian carries a nursing child to the land, which you swore to their fathers, where am I going to get meat to give to all these people for they weep all over me saying, give us meat that We may eat.

I am Not able to bear all these people alone because the burden is too heavy for me. If you treat me like this, please kill me here. And now If I have found favor In your sight and do not, let me See my wretchedness there And who God describes as the meekest in all the earth, the man who God describes as faithful in all his house is not perfect.

Perfect. We can think of another time in numbers, chapter 20, just a few chapters over the considerably, separated in time where Israel wants water a second time, and God tells you go speak to the rock and water will fourth. And instead of going and speaking to the rock, Moses lifts himself up and smites the rock like he did the first time and water still comes out.

But God says, because of this, you will not enter the promised land, faithful, but not perfect. And perfection isn’t required for faithfulness, but faithfulness is required for salvation. But thirdly, I guess it’s fourthly officially or less than we see is in numbers. Chapter 12, Moses is faithful toward those who sought him harm in chapter 12, verse nine,

the anger of the Lord was aroused against them, Merriam and Aaron and he departed. And when the cloud departed from the above, the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam became leprous as white as snow. Then Aaron turned toward Merriam and there she was a leper. And we know the laws concerning what Israel was told. When it came to one who had leprosy, they were to be cast out.

They weren’t to be among the people. They couldn’t come amongst the people. If anyone came near them, they had to cover themselves and cry out that they were a leper. They could not associated in any way, shape or form with the children of Israel. They couldn’t come in the tabernacle. They couldn’t come to worship. They couldn’t do any of those things.

They were leprous. Aaron turns toward Merriam and she has become a leper. The indication is from head to toe. She is covered in leprosy. So Aaron said to Moses, verse 11, Oh my Lord. Please do not lay this sin on us in which we have done foolishly. And in which we have sinned, he readily admits we’ve done wrong.

We’ve been foolish, we’ve sinned, but he wants the consequences removed. He says, verse 12, please do not let her be as one dead. Whose flesh is half consumed when he comes out of his mother’s womb. So Moses cried out unto the Lord saying, please heal her. Oh God, I pray. Wait a minute. Wasn’t it Moses that she was speaking against.

Wasn’t it Moses that Merriam and Aaron were saying he doesn’t deserve the position he’s got. Yes. And yet it is Moses who pleads with God on her behalf. Then the Lord said, verse 14 to Moses. If her father had buss spit in her face, would she not be shamed? Even seven days, let her be shut out of the camp seven days and afterwards she may be received again.

So Mariam was shut out of the camp seven days and the people did not journey till Miriam was brought in. Again, God uses an analogy from the ceremonial unclean laws. If her father had sneezed on her, she would have been ceremonially unclean for a period of time, as it offensive as it could possibly be just something occurring in daily life. God says there still would have been consequences for that.

For this. She can have the thing. Moses was faithful toward those who sought to do him harm. Jesus would tell his disciples, Matthew chapter five, he would tell them beginning in verse 38 of that sermon on the Mount, you have heard that it was said, and I four and I, and a tooth for tooth. But I tell you not to resist an evil person,

but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him. Also, what did Moses do when they spoke against him? Nothing. Just the same way Jesus taught. If anyone wants to Sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him to give to him who asked you and from him who wants to borrow from you,

do not turn away. You have heard that it was said, you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you love your enemies. Bless those who curse. You do good to those who hate you. Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your father in heaven for. He makes his son rise on the evil and on the goods sends rain on the Justin on the unjust for if you love those who love you,

what reward have you do? Not even the tax collectors do the same. And if you greet your brethren only what do you more than the than others, if do not even the tax collectors do so, therefore you shall be perfect just as your father in heaven is perfect. Jesus describes perfection in the sense of completeness and Maturity, as One who will be like God,

even when those around him use his very actions as a reason to accuse him, Moses, a faithful man in position in self, a faithful man, in message in God’s house and of faith, Full man towards even those who sought to do him Harm. And the Hebrew writer says, that’s a faithful man. We need to be like Moses. We need to be faithful in God’s house.

We need Be faithful in pudding ourself Second before God, not first, but Always in everything behind Our master. We need to be faithful and not seeking our own, but seeking what belongs to the Lord. We need to always be faithful in declaring the message of God. And we need to remember when we are mistreated, when we are done wrong. When we are persecuted,

when we are spoken against, when we, We are acute, that it is Our time not to defend ourselves, not to argue our own position, not to return as it has been done to us, but to, To do good to those that would do evil to us. If that’s a description of faithfulness, then that’s what we are to be Outside the body of Christ.

You are outside of the house of God. You are outside of the place where Christ is head. You are outside of the place where his faithfulness has influence on your feet, Eternal destiny. And I beg you don’t stay there because As, as Moses was faithful in bringing the children of Israel to the promised land so that they might receive their reward, no one got to go in that God didn’t say was allowed to go in.

And that includes Do Moses God Put stipulations on entrance to His promised rest. And he still does. Part of his stipulation is how you become part of that house. You enter into that house by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Without it is impossible To please him. Hebrews 11 says, but you also have to repent of your sins.

You have to confess the name of Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of those sins. Being born, a child of God, dying to all the old self, dying to sin, rising to walk in newness of life and then living faithful unto death revelation chapter two, verse 10. If you’re here this morning and your life, isn’t faithful.

Why not return it to faithfulness today? You have need of the invitation. Why not come forward now? As we stand in, as we say<inaudible> things, I don’t know, blah, the<inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez, us great. As, yes. Well come to the, I am resolved to go to the save the being my<inaudible>.

He is the true one. He is the Jost one. He had<inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez us great. Yes. Yes. Well come to the resolve to follow the savior.<inaudible> he? Well, he<inaudible>. Hey<inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez. Yes.

Well come to the resolve to and the King Dom, the being the pass up saying, Hey, friends may oppose me if others may be sad me<inaudible> ah, Hey son to him. Hey son. So glad free. Jeez, us great. Ah, yes. Well come to the sea So long before our closing prayer will be number 704, bind us together.

Excuse me.<inaudible> the Lord bind us together with cords. NA can be bro. Bind us together. Lord bind us.<inaudible> bind us together with<inaudible>.<inaudible> the one key<inaudible><inaudible> is only one, buddy. Nah, that is why we can see bind us together. The Lord bind a stinger. The width<inaudible> NA can be<inaudible> bind us together.

Lord bind us together or bind us together with There. God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful for the privilege that we’ve had to come here today to study from your word and be enlightened by those things that you have given to us to help make our lives right with you to help us be more productive citizens in the kingdom, and to be able to conduct ourselves in a way that you would be pleased with us,

help us father to be more like Moses, that we were meek and gentle, help us to be servants. Dear father, we realize we answer to the, and that we did not answer to others when they want to ridicule us and make fun of us. Father help us to love you with a deeper love, help us to love one another with a greater love that we truly have compassion upon each other and respect and care truly about each other.

With, with a deep love, the same love that you have for us. Father, we’re mindful that we do fail the at times and we pray for, for forgiveness. We pray father that you be with those that were mentioned that are ill or those that are still grieving over loss of loved ones, help us to be of comfort to all of these and have,

and be an encouragement to one another. We pray that we not forget about those that have fallen on a way that we might encourage them to come back and, and be faithful to you. Let us always be about trying to lead others to you through the gospel, strengthen us as we go through life that we live in a way that we might have that home in him with a in Jesus name.

We pray amen.

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02-10-2021 – Live Stream Mark 6:1-29

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Home for one, want to say very much thank you to everyone. Not only your willingness to allow us to, to be gone as much as we have in the last two and a half weeks. But for the time we got to spend with my grandmother, for those who may or may not have heard, she passed away Sunday morning,

about 5:00 AM. And, but the, the time that we were able to spend there was priceless to us, not to mention just that. And the time spent with, with family since then. So we got home about three 30 this afternoon. We’re all really ready to see our own beds. W you know, when your 10 year old says, dad,

I’m really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. That, yeah, but that’s what happens when you spend multiple days in a house with a total of 21 people under the same roof. So, but we, we have, we have very much appreciated the time that we’ve been able to spend with my family and all the care, current concern, prayers,

especially cards. Thank you. They mean a lot. We are in Mark chapter six this evening. Want to add to that another thank you to Michael and to Noah and to everyone else who filled in, in any way, shape or form while I was gone. I appreciate it very much as we’re going through this study of Jesus, we enter into periods of where we get these glimpses of what Jesus has in store for the church when he leaves.

And two of those occasions are when Jesus appoints in one occasion, the 12 to go out into the land of Judah and into the land of the Jews and to teach and preach. And then another occasion is when he sends out the 70 to go again, out into the cities and to teach and to preach. And one of those accounts, we find here,

the account of sending out the 12, but you also see here in this passage, not only the glimpse, looking forward to the time of the church and its evangelists work and its teaching and its ministry, and it’s broadening out and declaring the gospel to the entire world. But you also see the cost of Christianity here in this passage, and this is exhibited or in exemplified in the life of John,

the Baptist, as he will lose his life because of the message he proclaimed. So we’re going to begin in chapter six, verse one. Then he went out from there and came to his own country and his disciples followed him. And when the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing him were astonished saying, where did this man get these things?

And what wisdom is this, which has given to him that such mighty works are performed by his hands. We read here in verse one that he came to his own country is that Bethlehem Nazareth. Okay. Remember though Christ was born in Bethlehem in the land of Judah. He was not raised in Judah at the time that Jesus was born. We, those events occur.

And yet it seems to be based upon the indication of, of the text that Joseph and Mary were already up in Nazareth at the time that the angel came to them and, and told Mary that she was going to have a child, but that the reason they came to Bethlehem, according to the text was because a tax was declared quite often what you will find being true both in those times.

And even in modern times is people live where they can have enough employment to actually sustain their life. And so that seems to be the reason why Joseph isn’t in Bethlehem, though. That’s where he came from, because that’s where they returned to, to pay taxes. That’s where his inheritance was. That’s where indications are his, his, his ancestors were from,

but he wasn’t there. And the most likely reason is because that was not where they could afford to make a living. So they come to Bethlehem and for some period of time, they stay there. The indication is that Jesus may have been in Bethlehem until he was one or two years old. You, the reasoning, we can kind of think about it that way is remember Herod will in interrogate those wise men that came from the East,

by the way, there’s no indication that the wise men showed up the day Jesus was born. There’s no nothing in the text indicates that the shepherds were there. The day Jesus was born, but the wise men are not described as being there. We know that because Jesus course was laid in a manger after he was born, the shepherds will come to that place.

But when the wise men arrived, they’re not in a manger anymore. They’re in a house. So likelihood is Wiseman shall have at some point after that, yet still in his infancy, they present those gifts Herod in, interrogates them as to where they’re going, because they’re trying to inquire. Where’s the one born King of the Jews. And Herod tells them when you find them,

you send word back to me so that I can come and worship him as well. And yet God will warn them to go back a different direction, to not tell Herod. And then Herod will send out his orders and he will send out those orders to kill who all the babies, two years old and down. Okay. So that gives you the window of,

of time. The, the range of time that they could have been in Bethlehem is up to two years. Herod knows enough from his discussions, with the wise men, from the East and from the other things that he knows that window, if that child’s there, that window’s going to get it. Okay. So God tells Joseph and Mary to leave,

to flee, and they flee down to Egypt and they remain there until what, until Herod dies. Then when Herod dies, they returned from Egypt. By the way, at the same time, fulfilling prophecy of Habakkuk, chapter 11 or sorry, Hosea chapter 11, I will call my son out of Egypt. We’re told there in the text, but they come back.

But when they come back, they don’t go to Bethlehem. Where do they go? They go to Nazareth and it is there that Jesus will grow up. Now, where is Nazareth? Okay. All right. It is in the region of Galilee. It is up near the sea of Galilee, but it is in the North part of Israel, not the Southern part where Jerusalem is where Judah is.

It’s in the Northern part. On the other side of that, the vibe that Samarria was you had the Southern part of Judah. You had some area in the middle, you had Galilee in the North and did the Jews in Judah think very favorably and highly of those Jews that lived up in Galilee? No. What did they consider them to be? All right.

We we’ve got Phil. I think if my memory serves me correctly, quoting the proverb can anything good come out of Nazareth. But in general, the Jews in the South considered the Jews in the North to be uneducated. You remember the statement was concerning Jesus’s disciples. Many of whom came from Galilee. How can these men teach these things, seeing their Galileans okay.

They don’t consider them as educated individuals. So all of that brings us to this point in time, where Jesus has gone down into Jerusalem, he has preached there and taught there. And these events that we’ve been studying have occurred there. The sermon on the Mount occurred there, all these things happened down there. And then he comes home. He returns back to the Northern part of the land and he comes to Nazareth.

And when he came to his own country and his disciples followed him on the Sabbath day, he goes into the synagogue. And now that he is of age, there was a certain age. You had to be not. You, you had to be older than 18. As a matter of fact, I think it was 30. You had to be 30 before you were allowed to speak in the synagogue.

Otherwise you just sit down and be quiet. You’re too young. You don’t know anything yet. Okay. So he’s beyond that age. He’s beyond that point, he gets up to speak in the synagogue and he begins to teach them the indication is he not only teaches them, but tells them concerning the deeds that he is done in Judah. Okay? When he’s in the Southern part of Israel.

So they say, where did this man get these things? And what wisdom is this, which is given to him that such mighty works are performed by his hands. But they follow that up with, is this not the carpenter? The son of Mary, the brother of James, Joseph Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us. So they were offended at him.

Nazareth is not this large metropolitan city. Nazareth is not Jerusalem. Nazareth is not this large place. Nazareth would be like a coming to a small rural town in America where you walk in to the local barber shop and you haven’t been there for seven years and they greet you by name. Why? Because you grew up there. They that Barbara who set or stood behind that,

chair’s cut your hair. Since you were four, they don’t have to wonder who you are. They know who you are. When Jesus walks into the synagogue. When he stands up in the synagogue, nobody’s wondering who he is. They know who he is. They’ve known him his entire life. They probably heard that he went down to Jerusalem when he was 12 and his parents started coming back and God,

three days journey back and realized they didn’t have their kid with them. They remember that story most likely, but what don’t they know about him? Okay? They don’t know that he’s the son of God. Who do they describe him as carpenter’s son, the son of Mary. There, some indication perhaps this, this may be a little too much surmising,

but there’s, there’s a, there’s enough indication of the whole record to indicate that at some point in time, Joseph’s not mentioned anymore. Mary’s mentioned Mary’s present. Mary’s talked about from, from the time that Jesus began his ministry. You remember he was there at that dinner, in that wedding feast and Cain of Galilee and, and Mary is there, but Joseph’s never mentioned after his childhood likelihood is just surmising possibilities from the text is Joseph’s not alive anymore.

Some for some reason, no idea what his stepfather, as some might say is no longer present. He’s no longer alive. He’s referred to as the carpenter son, but he’s referred to as the son of Mary. So Joseph is known. Mary is known, but they don’t just know his parents. They also know who all of his siblings, all of his brothers and his sisters,

it could be, but it would seem odd in view of the texts where it stated that his brothers and his mother come to him in the texts like this, where Joseph is not, there’s no indication. Joseph is present. There’s, there’s a distinct absence and a noted absence that Mary’s always present. And Joseph isn’t, his brothers are present his brothers,

speak to him, but Joseph doesn’t. So there’s, there’s just, there’s enough there to indicate and is consistent all the way through all of the different gospels. And when you find the time after his resurrection, who believes in him after his resurrection, his brothers do pay after his resurrection, his brothers believe after his resurrection, Mary’s there, but still no mention of Joseph.

Still no indication Joseph is around for any of this. Okay? Sure. And that’s a completely valid point is, is it would not have been unusual for the husband to have been considerably older than the wife, simply because of the financial means necessary to provide for a family at this point in time. So we, we do see instances and occasions of that.

And that is also a possibility. So could just be, he’s not around because of natural, old age, verse four. But Jesus said to them, a prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, among his own relatives. And in his own house, we think Jesus means by this. Okay? Imagine you watch a young boy go from being a boy,

to being a teenager, to becoming an adult. And he’s just another kid. And imagine you observe this individual’s life day in, day out, year in, year out, every week, you see them at the synagogue. And then he goes on a journey. He starts traveling. And when you come, next thing you hear about him. You don’t hear anything about him,

don’t you don’t don’t don’t have any interaction with him. The next thing you hear is he’s president of the United States a couple of years later, what that kid that’s the, the disbelief you have here, wait, Ooh, we’ve known him, but here’s something else. You get, you get a picture of humanity’s struggle to believe beyond their normal experiences and to understand what is in front of them.

If it’s not consistent with what they’ve always thought, think about it. How many people go through situations and endure difficulties because they saw indications of bad times coming, but they’d always had good times. So they just kept doing what they’d always done. The Egyptians, the Egyptians in the days of Joseph are told, you’re going to have seven years of plenty.

You’re going to have seven years of abundance. And during that time, you need to prepare for seven years of famine. And did the people of Egypt prepare for seven years of family? No, but people did. Joseph did remember that. The Pharaoh said, when we meet a man who’s wise, who will actually make sure we’re ready for that day,

but come time for those people who had just gone through seven years where everything was great, they couldn’t plan enough. They got so much in the harvest that they, they couldn’t reap enough. They got so much in the harvest. They had so much abundance that they were consuming 60% excess. And yet year one, they start having problems. And year two,

they start selling things. And year three, they sell all of their cattle and all their livestock and year four, they sell all of their land and enslave themselves to their King. Is it because they weren’t given enough in years, one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven. That come famine time. They didn’t have enough.

No, it was that they didn’t prepare. And having been told in advance what was coming, their recognition of the blessings they were getting right then made them act as though those blessings were always going to be there. That plenty was going to be there next year when they needed it. But it wasn’t. These people in Nazareth see someone they’ve always seen,

but they can’t look beyond what they’ve always thought to see who he actually is. And so we learn the importance in Nazareth of understanding that we need to pay closer attention to what God tells us in his word than our own opinions, about what we see. Because so often what we see is not what is actually there, what we understand and perceive is not reality.

It’s what we think is reality. And yet this is reality. Have they witnessed his deeds? And they did. They should have believed him if they were truly observing reality, but they weren’t. They were observing and basing their understanding of reality on their opinion. And what they had always thought was true. And that’s dangerous. That’s how nations get overthrown and people scratch their head and go,

Whoa, everything was fine. Just a couple of weeks ago. No, it wasn’t. You just thought it was okay. So verse five, now he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief. Then he went about the villages in a circuit teaching these two verses I have have stymied me in the past.

And yet, as I was thinking about limb, it occurred to me all those times. If you remember all those times, Jesus said to individuals, if you believe you will be healed, remember to the man who was lame, who was let down through the roof. He said, if you believe, get up, go th the one who I’m going to get the instance wrong.

And the statement mixed up the one who was blind, I think no, leprose, there were 10 lepers. He tells all of them to go show themselves to the priests yet the one who comes back and thanks him. What does he tell to him? Your faith has made you whole Jesus had the power to do what he wanted to do. Jesus had the power to heal at a word,

anyone who was sick, but he didn’t do that. That wasn’t how it worked. The way it was done was Jesus healed. Those who believed those who had faith, that God would heal them when Jesus is encountered and, and, and met by those who represent this interior in the century and has a servant who’s sick. And Jesus says, I’ll go to him.

And the Centurion says, no, no, no. I have men under me. And when I speak, I send word and they go do what they need to do. You don’t need to come to my house. Just say the word Jesus observed. I have not found such great faith. No, not in Israel. And Jesus says the word and the servants healed.

Faith is always connected to the, that are done. And here you see the opposite side where Jesus marvels, because in Nazareth, a city, a group of people, a synagogue from which the Messiah came, they are the height of unbelief. Do you think they were the height of this obedient and sinful Judaism? This is what I mean. Do you think these people were just rotten to the core?

These people were just, they were, they were adulterous. They were floundering. They, they were thieves. They were murderers. They were no, no, they were Jews. They were Jews who were in the synagogue on the Sabbath day. But they were Jews who believed what they saw and thought more than they believed what God said and Jesus marvels at their unbelief.

But then notice he went about the villages in a circuit teaching verse seven, and he called the 12 to himself and began to send them out two by two and gave them power over unclean spirits. He commanded them to take nothing for the journey, except a staff, no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belt, but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics.

Also, he said to them and whatever place you enter a house or whatever place you enter a house, stay there till you depart from that place. What he’s saying is you go into a city and you begin to teach and you’re provided a place. Someone says, come stay with me while you teach in our city, he’s in you don’t leave their house and go to somebody else’s and then go to somebody else’s and then go to somebody else’s you don’t travel and make a circuit around the city.

You go into that house and you stay there for the duration of your time. In that city, you make that house, your dwelling place your, as it were base of operations, your teaching location, okay? And whoever will not receive you nor hear you. When you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet, as a testimony against them.

Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city. So the disciples are sent out. The apostles are sent out the 12% out. They’re sent out to go and to teach, but they’re not just sent out to teach. They’re given the ability to perform miracles. They’re given the ability to cast out demons.

They’re given the ability. If we understand what miracles in their function were, they’re given the ability to authenticate themselves. You see the miracles weren’t done just so people could be healed. The miracles weren’t done, just so people could have demons cast out the miracles weren’t done. For that reason, the miracles were done to confirm the message of the person who did the miracle.

If a person came to a city and said, let me teach you something that Moses didn’t teach you, let me teach you something that the prophets didn’t teach you. Let me tell you about someone who you’ve never heard about before. They better have some authority to back it up. And that’s what the miracles did. They provided God’s stamp of approval on the message.

The person taught. Well, if they were to come to a city and they came into the city and they began to teach and they began to perform miracles and the people observed the miracles, but denied the teaching. They said, we know that you’re doing these miracles, but we’re not listening to you. Jesus said, you walk out, you leave.

If you can’t find a house that will host you. If you can’t find someone hospitable enough to see God’s word being taught and say, you come to my house and I will provide you lodging. And I will provide you a place to teach others. He said, you shake the dust off your feet and you go to the next town because that city stands condemned.

Why not? Because they always thought that they knew the truth. Not because they had rejected Moses, but because they had observed the confirmation of the truth through the miracles and denied it, they observe reality in front of them and said, Nope, I won’t believe. Okay. So they went out and preached. And what was their message? Repent. They preached repentance and they cast out many demons and anointed with oil.

Many who were sick and healed them. Now, King Herod heard of him for his name had become well-known. And he said, John, the Baptist is risen from the dead. And therefore these powers are at work in him. We’re going to get, Mark’s going to hear record for us. The backstory, because John, the Baptist and a lot of the other records goes off the scene.

He disappears. He’s he’s not there. What, what happened? Mark provides the backstory because he, and he provides it in a context where here Herod is hearing about everything going on. He’s hearing about Jesus. He’s hearing about his teaching. He’s hearing about his miracles. And now he’s hearing about people going out who are his disciples and teaching and miracles.

And all of this is going on in his region. And he surmises this. He doesn’t know anything about Jesus of Nazareth, who is that? He decides this is John, the Baptist. And he is back from the dead. Not a good situation for Herod because Mark’s going to tell us, Oh, wait a minute. How did John die? What happened?

Well, Mark’s going to tell us what happened. If Paul Harvey were presenting it, it would be right after. And now the rest of the story. Okay? So Herod sees or hears word of what’s going on. He says, these powers are at work in John. Others said it is Alijah. And others said it is the prophet. Of course,

the prophet was a reference to Deuteronomy chapter 18 and Moses telling those who were present of that day, there was going to be one who would be sent like unto me. And you were to listen to him. So thumb said, Elijah, some said the profit others, one of the profits, maybe not, maybe not the one Moses was talking about,

but at least a prophet. But when her Herod heard, he said, this is John whom I be headed. When he, he has been raised from the dead for Herod himself, had sent and laid hold of John and bound him in prison. For the sake of Herodians his brother, Phillip’s wife for he had married her. I don’t think we can quantify the amount of damage that has happened to teachers and preachers of the gospel over the centuries,

who have told people who had no right to be married, that they had no right to be married. I don’t think we can quantify the amount of damage that has been done. But John probably ranks pretty close to the top because what happened was John, the Herod of course, Harrods King he’s he’s granted he’s King set up by Rome, but he’s King.

And John goes to Herod and says, you have no right to have your brother Phillip’s wife. Now we know from history that Philip had divorced her radius and Herod hadn’t married her odious. And yet when John speaks of Herodians John, doesn’t say the woman who used to be your brother Phillip’s wife. He says the woman who is your brother Phillip’s wife. And we’re reminded that Jesus said in Matthew chapter 19,

that what God intended from the beginning was that a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the Twain shall be one flesh. And what may have, or what God hath joined together. Let not man put us under. John comes to Harriet and says, you can’t have her. She’s not yours. Now, according to the law,

Heron could do whatever he wanted to. According to the law of the land, Herod was married. But according to God, he wasn’t. And John told him as much, John said, this isn’t lawful. This isn’t lawful. According to the only law that actually matters. And it is one of the, this is one of those passages that shines this great light on the reality that there are two different laws at work,

in our lives as citizens of the United States. We actually, we appreciate and recognize this already. Do you know how I know that? Because we have a law that is the law of the state of Tennessee. And if you break the law of the state of Tennessee, there is there, there, there are courts and judges in the state of Tennessee that can prosecute you and put you in jail for breaking the law in the state of Tennessee.

But if you break the law in Wyoming, can a judge who is a state judge in Tennessee prosecute you and put you in jail for breaking law in Wyoming. No, they can’t why they have no jurisdiction. But we understand in our country because of our structure of law, that there’s state law and there’s what federal law, and you can commit a federal crime and it doesn’t matter which state you’re in.

When you commit it, the federal law and the federal government can prosecute you. And we live under two different laws every day. Well guess what? We don’t just live under two different laws and our situation case in point, we live under three different laws. We live under the law of the state. We live in, we live under the law of the country.

We live in and then way up there above all the rest of them. We live under the law that God has established and you know, those lower laws, the federal courts law love to, to indicate the lower courts and those lower judges at those lower laws have said and done, and then overrule them. Well, the federal law of the country we live in and the state law and frankly,

the County law and the municipal law that we live in are all way, way, way lower than God’s law. And there is no point in time where a, an individual or group of individuals or collective of individuals gets to make a law superseding God’s law. It doesn’t matter how many people we put in a room or how big of a country we make,

and then decide that what God said, isn’t true. It’ll still be true. We’ll just be wrong. And Herod is told by John the Baptist. No, it doesn’t matter if you’re King. She is your brother Phillip’s wife. And no, it doesn’t matter that he wrote her a writing of divorcement. She is your brother Phillip’s wife, and you have no right to have her.

So Herod being the great King that he was being observant of all of God’s laws and in general, very big proponent of the things that God says. He immediately repents, right? No Herod being King as he was. And Herod decided instead of repenting, allergists, throw him in jail because that worked so well for all of the Kings and the prophets in the old Testament.

So let’s do it again. So he takes John and he throws him in jail, but after he had been there for a period of time, and I might note he did it because of who he did it because of her Proteus B because of his wife, he through John and Jay, there actually is some indication that her Herod had a great deal of respect for John,

but not enough to go against her radius. Okay. So Herodians held it against him and wanted to kill him, but she could not for Herod feared, John, knowing that he was a just and Holy man and he protected him. So he threw him in jail, but he also put himself in the way of Herodians his desire to kill him. And when he heard him,

he did many things and heard him gladly. So John is in jail, but Herod keeps bringing John to him and keeps listening to John keeps hearing John preach, even though he’s put him in jail, even though his wife is not happy about him and wants him dead, then an opportunity came when Herod on his birthday gave a feast for his Nobles, the high officials,

high officers, and the chief men of Galilee. And when Herodians his daughter herself came in and danced and pleased Herod, and those who sat with him, the King said to the girl asked me whatever you want, and I will give it to you. He also swore to her, whatever you ask me, I will give you up to half my kingdom.

Have you ever known men that were just fools around women Herod? So anyway, so she went out and said to her mother, what shall I ask? And she said the head of John, the Baptist immediately. She came in with Hayes to the King and asked, saying, I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter.

And the King was exceedingly sorry yet because of the O’s. And because of those who sat with him, he did not want to refuse her immediately. The King sent an executioner and commanded his head be brought. And he went and beheaded him in prison, brought his head on a platter and gave it to the girl. And the girl gave it to her mother.

When his disciples heard of it, they came and took away his corpse and laid it in a tomb. Herod knows that John’s a good man and believes him to be a Holy man, but for the convenience of Harrods, own pride and position, and a least in today’s terms approval ratings, he’ll take his head off As if he’s a common criminal or worse than a common criminal.

And you see wrapped up in all of this, the ungodliness that is present at the very heart of Jewish society, because while Herod is not a full blooded Jew, who did we read? Was it the feasts Herod and his officers and the chief men of Galilee. You think those were Gentiles? No. You think maybe a few of those men, just a few years before had traveled down to the river Jordan to hear John and to be baptized in the Jordan river by John Good possibility.

But did they speak up and did they stop Herod when this occurred? No. And so Jesus sends out his disciples to preach the same message. They hadn’t quite sunk in yet when John preached it, that was repentance. Okay. We’ll go through the questions Sunday morning. Thank you for your attention. Good evening. Welcome to the Collierville Wednesday night Bible study and devotional.

It’s good to see each and every of you out here tonight, and those you that are unable to make it out. I’m glad that you were able to join us, either calling in or via the live feed. One of these days, this pandemic will go away. So we can all join together here and worship our God on the announcements, the guests that are here,

it’s glad to see each and every one of you. And we’re so glad that you chose to worship here tonight. Our sick ed Richardson. That’s my father-in-law Cheryl’s dad. He fell again this past Sunday, and it has injured his back a little bit more. So please keep my father-in-law and the entire family and your thoughts and prayers continue to pray for Barbara Dillard as she goes through her recovery from her surgery.

Joan Springer is at home, recovering from her surgery. She doing a little bit better, Marie. Yup. Okay, good. It’s good news to hear that. And Don Flanagan is still in the Memphis Jewish home, going through his rehab for his hip replacement. Janie Marlin is back home from the hospital, but the note here says that she’s feeling worse right now than she went when she went into the hospital.

So something is still not going right with Janie. So please keep Jane and your thoughts and prayers. Dorothy Wilson. She got a good report from her kidney doctor, but she still has a lot of stomach pains going on. So continue to pray for Dorothy. And then Rodel had his stress test and ultrasound, and we’re still waiting for the results on that.

For Rudel, please continue to remember the Saturn or scent family and their loss of Jenny’s dad. His services are going to be this coming Friday down in bell, chase Louisiana, and also continue to remember the Cozort family and the Stax family and their recent losses. Also potters children’s home will be here on Thursday, February 18th, to pick up the commodities and the coin cans.

So if you have anything that you want them to have, make sure you get it here prior to the 18th of February so that they can pick that up. When I get down here and then on a really, really good note here, congratulations to Gary and Maggie Collie. They have a new great grandson. Ellis Glenn Collie was born Khalifa and Rebecca are the proud parents.

So if you talk to Gary and Maggie congratulate them and also happy birthday to miss Maggie, that’s all the announcements I have are service. Tonight. Song is going to be Michael Dale. The devotion will be Noah Olsen and closing. Prayer is Murray Springer. Thank you. Good Mark song number 911. That will be the song of invitation number nine one one Song number 911.

And our song before Noah brings us, our devotional will be number 470 victory in Jesus. Number Four seven zero we’ll sing verses one and three, 470. I heard an old, old story. How I save you came from glory where you gave us<inaudible> to save<inaudible> me. I heard about his grown, Hey, this precious blah, Tony. Then I repented of my sins.

One vict Ori. Oh, victory. Jeez.<inaudible> for, he saw me and me with his<inaudible>. He loved me.<inaudible> and there’s do, he plunged me to victory. The need, the cleansing heard about a man. He has built for me and glory. And I heard about a street of go beyond the<inaudible><inaudible> and the old Ray damn Shan story and some sweet dad sing a song,

a<inaudible> Oh, victory. And jeez<inaudible> for, he saw me and me<inaudible> blah, God. He loved me.<inaudible> and<inaudible> he plunged me to victory being ni cleansing. Ah, Okay, good morning. Is this still on or good morning? Good evening. Is this good? All right. Well, good evening. First John chapter one,

verses five through nine. You want to be turning there where this evening, first John chapter one, verses five through nine. These are some of my favorite verses and these verses show what a Christian must do to obtain fellowship and to maintain fellowship with God. And again, notice John here is writing to Christians. Those who have been baptized in Christ. And if you notice verse number five,

this then is the message, which we’ve heard of him and declare unto you that God is light. And in him, there’s no darkness at all. Often like the analogy of the circle, God and us, God is always in the circle, meaning light. We can be in that circle with him, anytime that we desire, but we have to do what he says.

And we go out of that circle. Every time we sin and outside of that circle is darkness it’s sin lostness. And we need always to remember, to always walk in the light and he tells us how to, you can say, stay in that circle. Notice verse six. If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth.

How many times do you often see quote, Christians say that they’re Christians profess, that they know gone in works. Deny him. If you go over to Titus chapter two, notice what Paul tells Titus in verse 16, Titus chapter one, verse 16. They profess that they notice this. No, God, but in works. They deny him being abominable and disobedient.

And then to every good work reprobate, we need to make sure that we do not just profess to know God or claim to be faithful. We need to make sure that we show that we’re faithful by our works. I can have faith all day long. I can confess that I am a Christian. If my works my life as a Christian has not proved that it means nothing reminds me of Jesus words on the sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter seven,

verse 21, not everyone is safe in me. Lord, Lord shall enter into, came to the feathers here that do with what the will of God, the will of my father, which isn’t heaven. So yes, we have to do those things. But notice verse number seven, what John points out to us here. But if we notice walk in the light,

that’s a continual walk. If I’ve been baptized in the Christ, that’s a good thing. But if I don’t continue, I don’t get heaven. Notice if I walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from all sin. That we’re is a continual process,

keeps on cleansing. If I continue to do, as God wants me to do, yes, I was baptized before I was washed of sin. That I can continue to have that forgiveness. If I continue to walk in the line and he tells me how to live faithfully in verses eight and nine, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.

And the truth is not in us. One of my, I guess it’d be, Michael’s one of his fellow students. When I was talking to him about, he had a good lesson idea and I love this title, sin as expected. That’s never accepted. God knows that we will sin. He understands that, but he never accepts it. He will never accept sin and he will never accept those who live in sin.

We, we, we know that we will sin, but the question is, what are we going to do about it? We need to repent notice verse nine. If we confess our sins, he’s faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins, notice this and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, we’re going to live faithful. And to God,

we will sin, but we must make that choice to get away from sin. You know, something that I like thinking about as well, notice this phrase, faithful, we need as Christians to forgive ourselves at times. I think sometimes when we don’t forgive ourselves, what are we doing? We’re denying the power of God. God can’t forgive anything. He is the most powerful being in the universe.

Anything that you’ve done, you can be forgiven of if you confess that to God, if we repent. And so we as Christians must do what’s to stay inside the circle, to walk in the lies he is in the line. When we mess up, we come to him repentance so we can live faithful and we can continue to be, as we want us to be.

And perhaps there was one here tonight who has not been doing the things that God would have them to do. You haven’t been walking in the light as he is in the light. And perhaps there are some sending in their life that you do need to repent. God is not going to accept sin. At any times, he knows that you will sin.

Or the question is what are you going to do about that? Are you going to turn away or remain in that second, Peter chapter three and verse number nine, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promise to some men count slackness, but as long suffering to us, not willing that any should perish, but that all everyone, you will come back to repentance,

but perhaps there’s one here tonight who has never even met obeyed the gospel. Would you believe that Jesus is his son have gone by a printing of your sin and repenting of your sins? Confessing Christ, poor man. And then making that choice to the additives church, through the baptism for the remission of sins. If anyone has subject, why don’t you come as we stand?

As we sing, He well create a new<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> no. Oh, bring him your<inaudible><inaudible> troubles you. Oh, bring it. Oh, bring him<inaudible><inaudible> Oh God, he will really, eh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> pres shall be ah, add-on to the<inaudible>, which allowed him life would be a dog<inaudible><inaudible> and have, eh,

Father in heaven. We’re thankful for Jesus Christ and his suffering on the cross of Calvary, bringing you back redemption between us and God, making peace between us and God Lord, we ask that you would be with us as we go through this life. Help us to remember that baptism is a one-time thing, but repentance must go with us. All our lives keep is with us.

So we can again be clean and spot that in your sight. When you look on the gifts of our sins, father, these things who asked in Christ’s name, amen.

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02-03-2021 – Live Stream Matthew 8:18-22; Luke 8:22-39 (M. Dale)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

What did the Pharisees believe about Jesus after he filled the man who was both dumb and Devin demon possessed, he was doing it because of the level of power of the Prince of demons, Prince of the devil. And sadly that’s, that’s, that’s a bad state to be in when you’re claiming that Jesus has power is of the devil. Alrighty. Thank you all<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Welcome to the Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service.

It’s good to see each and every one of you here this morning, if you’re visiting with us, we are glad that you chose the Collierville church Christ to visit with us. At most importantly, though, worship our God to those of you that are at home and unable to get out. I am praying that we got the live stream fixed. We had a problem with it for Bible study,

but we do believe we have that fixed. So hopefully we did so that you can watch and participate in today’s worship service. If you did not get your Lord’s supper on your way in, please take this opportunity as I go through the announcements and go to the back on the tables back there and pick up your Lord’s supper so that you have it with you at that time.

A lot of announcers, Mrs. Warren. So please Remember our sick ed Richardson and Paula Barbara Dillard, Joan Springer. She’s at home now recovering from heart. Don Flanagan is in the Memphis Jewish home. He’s doing rehab for the hip replacement that he had. Janie Marlin is in Baptist East. They’re trying to get her heart rate under control. They’re having problems,

getting it below 120. And I have not heard an update on her this morning, but please pray for Janie. Dorothy Wilson is waiting for some kidney test results and then her husband Rodel will have an ultrasound and stress test on Tuesday of this week, sympathy to the Cozort family. If you have not heard, surely Cozort Aaron’s grandmother did pass away this morning at five 30.

So please keep the Cozort family and your thoughts and prayers at their loss of Shirley. At this time also sympathy to Michael and Shelly stacks. Shelly’s mother Elaina sharp passed away two days ago. And the services for her will be this afternoon at serenity funeral home here in Memphis viewing as at one in the service immediately follow that viewing. Also Vincent to Daryl that’s Jenny Sanderson’s father passed away two days ago.

So please keep the Darrow family and Terry and Jenny. And your thoughts and prayers is Terry in January, down there in Louisiana for that other announcements freed Harmon’s 85th annual lectureship begins today and runs through the 11th of February. We have the basket of names out on the table, in the foyer for the shut-ins. Please take a name there. And when you have time call someone,

that’s unable to make it out here because I’ll guarantee you, they appreciate your calls and your chatting with them a little bit. See if there’s anything they need. Gary Collie on the nationwide gospel call. We’ll be speaking tomorrow night at 9:00 PM. So make sure you tune into that. And then for the men, the men’s business meeting is next Monday, not tomorrow,

but a week from tomorrow on the 15th of February, that’s all the announcements I have our service today. Song leader will be no Olsen. Opening. Prayer will be Joel caisson. Lord supper would be Tommy O’Neil sermon would be Michael Dale and closing prayer will be Jay Schaffer. Thank you. Good morning for song is going to be number three. Hallelujah. Praise Jehovah.

Number three. Hallelujah. Praise your Whoville. We’ll sing all three verses. Listen, Lulu. Yeah. Praise John from the heavens. Praise his name. Praise Jehovah. And hi, it’s all this. Ain’t John sprays, bro. Claim all this suit guy. The praise, him, sun and moon and stars on high praise and ma he had<inaudible>.

Hey, any funds above the sky? Let them pray. Hey guys, his game, John<inaudible> for his name.<inaudible> and his<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> and<inaudible> let them praise his gift.<inaudible> they were<inaudible> them for forever. He established his dang Creek<inaudible> Oh, from the King of praise<inaudible> Oh, you fuck G drag and on fire and Hey LANs.

No<inaudible> stormy winds ad. Hear him call. Let them pray.<inaudible> for his name.<inaudible> is a guy and there’s<inaudible> there’s<inaudible> and there’s<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, he Frued full trees and Cedars. Oh, ye Hills and mountains. I am creeping things and be Stan<inaudible> Kings of a<inaudible> Prince’s great us. Oh, praise his name. Young man.<inaudible> aged man.

And children’s small. Let them pray.<inaudible> for his name alone is high and there’s<inaudible> and it’s<inaudible> and there’s<inaudible> FARA of the year fans guy. Our next song is going to be number 538, 538. And then after which we’ll have an opening prayer, we’re going to sing the first, second and third versus first, second, and third versus a 530th.

All right, let us sing. I hope is built on nothing last then Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust us, me this frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name on Christ. The song rock I stand on the ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand. And when darkness veils his lovely face, rest on his, on changing grace and every high and stormy game.

My anchor holds in the van on Christ. The solid rock I stand on the ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking. Sand is<inaudible> his blood support me and a well-meaning flood. When all around my soul gives way. He then is all my hope and on Christ, the solid rock I stand on the ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.

Wow, Dear God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful unto thee for the privilege that we have this day to come together and worship the one and only true God father. We’re so grateful for the family of God that meets here. And for the encouragement we received from one another, we’re thankful for the period of Bible study that we had this morning.

And we’re thankful for the words and the book of Matthew that we’re able to strengthen our, so our lives and increase our faith. We pray father that we always are mindful of your wheel. And they were striving each day to do the best we can to follow the principles that you have set forth for us. We pray father that you would be with our community and our nation as well throughout the world,

that others would realize that you are a God and that your word is dictates how we should conduct ourselves upon this earth that we might have that hope of heaven with a one day father help us to be supportive of those that are in mission fields, teaching and preaching your word, that they will be safe for one thing. And that many souls might be able to hear the gospel.

And we pray that their hearts will be such that they would be obedient to it. Father, we’re mindful of the area, roundabout, a sear, and we pray that you give us the strength and the courage to be willing to share your word with those in this area, that they too might come to know you and won’t obey your will, by the way.

We’re so grateful for the Bible and for what it does for us. As far as letting us know you and letting us know what you expect of man, and let us know how much your son loved us and was willing to die on the cross of Calvary, that we might have the forgiveness of our sins. Father. We pray that we think about that each and every day that we live,

that we are drawn closer to you by our study of your word. And by the encouragement that we receive from one another father, we’re mindful of those that are ill among the congregation. We pray father that you be with them and bless them. And may they receive the care they need to have that health restored by the word mindful of those families that have lost a loved one.

We pray that you be with a Cozort family and the loss of Erin’s grandmother, probably that you be with Sanderson family. And the loss of Jen is dead pray also that you be with Shelly’s family and loss of her mother father help us to be of some comfort to them. And we pray that they would look to you for that comfort as well. Father,

we’re grateful for the visitors that we have today, and we pray that you bless them. And we’re so thankful that they’re able to be with us this day. We pray father that you be with Michael, as he brings the word of life to us this morning, we pray that you bless him in his studies at the school of preaching and also blessed Noah and his studies there as well,

help us to be an encouragement to them and pray that they will always strive to continue to grow in their faith and their ability to teach and preach. The gospel father bless us this hours, as we continue to worship you, we pray it will be in spirit and in truth, and it will be pleasing unto you. And that we will be able to be strengthened by it and try to be better citizens in the kingdom.

Be with Noah as he continues to lead us in the song service and bless them in Jesus name, we pray amen. The song before the Lord’s supper will be number 176, the one 76 name of God. We’re going to sing all three verses of the song. I’m 76. Listen, your<inaudible> sin to my, you have. And, and from your sign to walk up on this scale teas and to being calm,

the lamb of God, Oh,<inaudible> I love the<inaudible>. Oh, me and his precious, my Jesus Christ. The lamb of God, your gift of love. They cruise. If they laughed in school, on him, as he died,<inaudible> King named and sacrifice the lamb of God. Oh, lamb, I’ve gone. Sween them. I’ve gone.

I love the whole me them. I’ve gone. Oh, wash me and his precious blah. My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God. I was so lost. I should add my, you have wrong. God, me to your sign to me.<inaudible> your staff and rod. And to be called a lamb of God. Oh, ma’am, I’ve gone.

Sameen them up. God, I love the whole, me, them a home gone. Oh, wash me and his precious. My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God And the 11th chapter of first Corinthians. We are told that on the first day of each week, we are to eat of this bread, drink of this cup, to remember the death of Christ,

our savior, who were told that this represents his body and his blood. And we are to do this, to remember his death until he returns. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father. We thank you for this bread, which does represents the body of Christ, our savior, who was crucified for our sins. We pray, dear Lord did each one of us that protected this would do so with a humble and truly thankful heart for the sacrifice that Christ made for our sins.

They sinks. We ask in Christ’s name, our heavenly father. We continue our things for this fruit of the vine, which does represents the blood of Christ that she had far sands. We thank you, dear Lord, for the sacrifice that he made for us. We thank you for his blood, which is able to cleanse us of our sins as we partake of it,

hippy each one of us to do so in a manner that’s pleasing and acceptable. In my side, this we ask in Christ’s name, amen. That’s a separate part of our worship service. We have this opportunity to return to our God a part of that, that we have been blessed with. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you for all of the blessings that we receive from me,

including the blessing of life. We thank you for the mains that you’ve given us to provide a living for ourselves and our families. As we prepared to return a part of that, we have been blessed with help us to do so with a cheerful and giving heart. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. If anyone is using a Psalm book, you want to go ahead and Mark 904,

nine zero four would be the song of invitation. Have you been to Jesus? And the song before the lesson will be number 349, three four nine. And we’ll sing the first three verses of this song. 349. First three verses. Let us see. He bound that hands on, jeez, us and the garden, where he praying. They let him through the streets and shame.

They spat upon save. You are so pure and free from sin. And they said, crucify him. He is to blame. He got up<inaudible> and set in freezing. He could have called 10,000 name Jos, but it died. Where are you? And me? Pawn is precious. And they placed a crown of orphans. They laughed and said being long NA King,

they struck him and they cursed him and mocked his Holy name all alone. There is a food at a very thing. He could have called 10,000 ane Joes to in his drawing and set him free. He could have called 10,000 ane Jones, but it died or you and me, when they nailed him to the cross, his mother stood near by. He said,

mom and me home. Nice. He cried. I thirst for water mud. They gave him none to drink. Then a sinful work of man was he could have called 10,000 ain Joes to destroy a world and set him free. He could have called 10,018 Jones buddy died for you and me Church. Still trying to get a little used to these new glasses.

So bear with me, I guess, sitting underneath fluorescent lights and staring at a computer screen all day can cause you to start losing your vision this morning. I want to start off by reading from the gospel of Mark chapter 15, and we’ll begin in verse 21, Mark chapter 15 beginning in verse 21. Okay. And they compel one Simon<inaudible> who passed by coming out of the country,

the father of Alexander and Rufus to bear his cross. And they bring him onto the place Golgotha, which is being interpreted the place of a skull. And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh, but he received it nod. And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take. And it was the third hour and they crucified him.

And the superscription of this, of his accusation was written over the King of the Jews. And with him, they crucify two thieves, the one on his right hand and the other on his left. And the scripture was fulfilled with Seth. And he was numbered with the transgressors and they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads and saying, ah,

thou that destroys the temple and build a state in three days, save myself and come down from the cross. Likewise, also the chief priests mocking set among themselves with the scribes. He saved others himself. He cannot save, let Christ the King of Israel to send now from the cross that we may see unbelieve and they, that were crucified with him,

reviled him. And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli, Eli Lama, Suboxone, and I, which is being interpreted my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me. And some of them that stood by when they heard it said behold,

he called with Elias and one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar and put it on a Reed and gave him to drink saying, let alone, let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. And Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent in Twain from the top to the bottom.

And this<inaudible>, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out and gave up the ghost. He said, truly, this man was the son of God. I want you to imagine with me for a moment, if you will, that you know, tomorrow you will be facing your own death. But also imagine that your death will be the most horrifying experience of your life.

Your heart is in anguish because you know what you were about to face. You know that a friend has turned against you. You know, that you will be given over to those who despise you. A multitude will come with weapons and sees you like a criminal. They will physically abuse you. They will mock you. And they will hate you with a hatred so deep that they just want to kill you.

You know that those who said they love you and would even die for you, will desert and leave you to face this enemy completely alone. Now, imagine it is the morning after this horrifying night today, you know that things are not going to get any better. You have been awake all night and you have had nothing to eat or drink. You are taken by your enemy and deliver it over to a government official at around nine o’clock in the morning.

And as you stand before this official, he realizes that you have done absolutely nothing wrong, but he is a weak man. And he tries to appease the crowd’s anger. By having you beat. He turns you over to the soldiers and orders you to be scorched. They strip you naked and hang you by your wrists. From a post with your feet,

barely able to touch the ground. They take a whip made of leather straps with pieces of sharp bone and shards of pottery tied to the end. And to begin to beat you across your back, your buttocks and your legs with no less than 39 lashes with every lash, the pieces of bone and pottery rip into your flesh and pull it open. Ribbons of flesh are hanging from your body.

Blood is running profusely down your entire back. Gabe wounds appear on your flesh, exposing your ribs and possibly other vital organs. After the soldiers have beaten you, they take you down from the post and violently force, a crown of thorns upon your head and into your head scalp, the soldiers then put a Scarlet robe over you and place a staff on in your right hand upon doing this.

They fall into the ground and mock you, and as you stand there before them bloody and beaten, the soldiers, then stand up and begin to spit in your face and take the rod from your hand and begin to beat that crown of thorns with it until it is further and further into your scalp. Following this beating a six foot long beam weighing approximately 75 to 125 pounds as strapped across your bead and back.

And it is tied to your wrists. You then begin the long walk to the place where you will be officially killed. And this walk is about a third of a mile from where you currently are. As you walk to your place of death, everyone continues to mock. You possibly spitting in your face, throwing things at you, along the way you collapse.

And someone is forced to help you carry the beam. Now you arrive at your place of death. You are the most exhausted you have ever been in your life. The soldiers take that being from you and nail it to a riser. They grab you and forcefully throw you down onto the beam, taking a hammer. They drive seven inch iron spikes through both of your wrists into the beam.

Then they cross your legs and drive that same seven inch iron spike through the, through the tops of your feet, right above the arch. Finally, they lift the cross up and with a thud, it is settled into the hole where you will hang by your appendages. As you hang there and excruciating amazing pain, agonizing pain, you can still hear the crowd mocking you slowly.

The weight of your body begins to weigh heavy upon your legs and you relax. But when you do, you find it extremely difficult to breathe. You push yourself up, scraping your back, your legs and everything up against that wooden beam. Your wrists are in pain. Your legs are in pain. Your back is in unbearable pain. So once again,

you collapsed, barely able to breathe. Eventually all your strength is gone and you can no longer lift yourself up to breathe by around three o’clock. You are dead due to his fixation and possible heart failure. Now consider that everything I said actually happened to one man, Jesus, but you may ask why was this man a criminal? No, he wasn’t a criminal.

Then why did this happen to him? One reason it happened because we all needed it to happen. You see, without the death of Jesus, we would have no hope of salvation. It was only through the shedding of his blood that we find hope today. I want us to focus on the death and shedding of Christ blood and what the shedding of Christ’s blood does for us.

Why was it that Jesus had to die in this horrific way? What we find is that the blood of Jesus isn’t necessary because of what it does. Let us consider the first thing Jesus’s blood does. Jesus’s blood provides remission of sins. The Bible affirms forgiveness of sins through his blood. Let us consider Matthew chapter 26 and verse 28, Matthew chapter 26 and verse 28,

where this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins. The preposition for here for many, for the remission of sins in the Greek is ACE appearing here. And it also appears in acts chapter two 38. Each of you be baptized for the remission of sins. This word ACE here means in order to obtain the remission of sins.

So for this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many in order to obtain remission for sins. It is the blood that washes our robes clean turn with me to revelation chapter one, revelation chapter one and verse five, None of the dead and the Prince of the Kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood turn.

Now to just a couple pages over revelation, chapter seven, and we’ll begin reading in verse 13, revelation chapter seven in verse 13. And one of the elders answered saying unto me, what are these? Which are a raid and white road? Yes, He said to me, these are they, which came out of a great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them Let us Much more than being now justified by his blood.

We shall be saved from wrath through him, The word job and courtroom situation. I found guiltless. It is through the blood of Jesus that we are all as Christians found guiltless, some might ask, why did Jesus have to die for this to be? So why did such a high price have to be paid? The holiness of God, the nature of sin and the sinfulness of man.

That’s why God is Holy. As we read in Isaiah chapter six and verse three, Isaiah chapter six and verse three and one cried on to another and said, Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory. The nature of sin is an arche against God. It is unholiness And archaic. This testimony had to do for me.

Chapter nine, All the things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was there for necessary that the pattern of things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. Let us also consider what Isaiah said, what ISE Zaida said through prophecy in Isaiah chapter 53,

verses four through six, Isaiah chapter 53, verses four through six, as they arise through inspiration, surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes,

we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way. And the Lord hath laid on him. The iniquity of a soul, Jesus bore the guilt of all of our sins. If we try to bear the guilt of our own sins, we are separated from God and lost. If our sins have not been forgiven,

then we are wasting the blood that Christ shed for each and every single one of us, the blood of Jesus is necessary because of what it does. It provides remission of sins. Let us now consider the second thing that Jesus’s blood does for us. Jesus’s blood provides reconciliation. Reconciliation is to make right what was not to remove the barrier that separates re again,

concile unite. We again are with Christ with God through Christ. The Bible affirms reconciliation through the blood of Jesus. It is through the death of Jesus that we are reconciled to God. Turn with me back to Romans chapter five, Romans chapter five, and we’ll read verse 10, Romans five 10. Or if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son,

much more being reconciled. We shall be saved by his life. Let us also consider Ephesians chapter two, Ephesians chapter two and beginning in verse 12. That at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world, but now in Christ, Jesus, you who sometimes were far off,

are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Through his blood. We are reconciled to God through his blood. We are brought near to God, to the father. A little boy is lying at death’s door at his deathbed. His mother is on his left and his father is on his right. They’ve been separated, alienated estranged, and it was breaking this little boy’s heart with the last surge of his strength.

He reaches up and grabs both of their hands and brings them together in his death in an effort to bring about their reconciliation. Jesus Christ, the God man hung suspended at Golgotha. He reached up to the father who in his holiness has been offended by the anarchy of man. And he reached down to man deeply marred and scarred by sin. And he brought the two together in his death,

bringing about reconciliation. Jesus breaks down that which separates us from God through his own blood. The blood of Jesus is necessary because of what it does. It provides reconciliation, understanding that the blood of Jesus, that through the blood of Jesus, we have both remission of sins, forgiveness, and reconciliation with the father. We can now turn to our third and final blessing.

The fact that Jesus’s blood brings redemption to be redeemed is to be brought back. That is a price has to be paid for you to be brought back. Something had to be paid. And the Bible affirms redemption. Jesus died to redeem us all you to Ephesians chapter one and verse just one page over. If you turn with me to Ephesians chapter two,

visions one seven, and whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Now let us consider first Peter chapter one in verse 18. First Peter chapter one beginning in verse 18, or as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers,

but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb, without blemish and without spot, who barely was fore ordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you. It is through the blood that we are reconciled brought back to God and it’s through Christ blood that we are redeemed to be with Christ, with Christ in heaven with God,

once more. Now let us consider first Corinthians chapter six, if you’ll turn with me to first Corinthians chapter six, we’ll begin in verse 19. First Corinthians six, 19 and 20. What knowing you, not that your body is the temple of the Holy ghost, which is in you, which he have of God. And you’re not your own for ye are bought with a price,

therefore glorify God and your body and in your spirit, which are, God’s a slave girl who worked faithful for her master was allowed to work for others. And she was paid for what she did, being a hard worker and frugal with what she was paid. She amassed a large sum of money. When the master fell on hard times, he put some of his slaves up for sale,

including this woman. She used her money to buy her freedom. Shortly after this, the old master died and her brother was put in the block for sale. He was a strong man and the bidding continued to rise when the auctioneer’s gavel was raised and he was going, he was saying, going, going a shrill voice came from behind the crowd with a bid.

So high, no one went against it. It was his sister. And she had now saved him. But that young man to his dying day, forget the redemptive love of his sister. I think not for those who are in Christ. Can we ever forget that we have been bought with a price? We are his mind muscle. We are his money time tongue.

We are his, our talents. Everything about us is his because of his sacrifice, because we are redeemed. The blood of Jesus is necessary because of what it does. It provides redemption. When we look back at the time of Jesus’s death, we see that it was a time of great pain and suffering, and it was the death. Unlike what any had faced before,

not only in its brutality, but especially in what his death provided for the entire world. You see people die every day, but only one death was faced with the hope of all mankind at stake, through the death of Jesus and the shedding of his blood. We find what nothing else can provide. And his blood. We find our remission of sins,

our forgiveness. We find our reconciliation to the father and through his blood, we find redemption, but how does this blood affect us? How do I receive what his blood offered turn with me to Romans chapter six verses one through seven, Romans chapter six. And we’ll be reading verses one through seven. What shall we say then, shall we continue in sin that Grace May abound?

God forbid, how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? No, ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death. Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into death. That like as Christ was raised from the dead, by the glory of the father, even. So we also should walk in newness of life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death,

we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed. That henceforth we should not serve sin for he, that is dead is freed from sin. How, and when do we appropriate the saving power of Jesus’s blood? The Bible teaches that we are baptized into his death.

We are washed in the blood of Christ. When we are biblically baptized, the blood of Jesus is necessary because of what it does for everyone. It provides the remission, reconciliation, and redemption. We need to share in his eternal glory. If you have not been washed in the blood of the lamb, the waters of baptism are ready for you. Or if you need the prayers of the saints,

we’re here for you. Whatever your need may be, please come forward. As we stand and sing<inaudible> are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? Are you a washed in the blood of lamb bar you accomplished in, in the us or cleansing?<inaudible> are you, is spotless? Are they wide ass? No. Are you a washed in the blood of the lamb?

Are you walking daily by the save your side? Are you washed in of the lamb? Do you resting each moment and a cruise? If fine. Are you a blot of the lamb? Are you a shin blah. In the so cleansing<inaudible>. Are your garments spotless? Are they wide a snow? Are you a washed in the blood of the lamb?

Lay a side, the Gar myths that are stain Wiz and, and being washed in the blood of the lamb. There’s a fountain flowing for the so unclean. Oh, be washed and the blood of the lamb. Are you attached in the blood in the us also cleansing<inaudible>. Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Thank you Michael,

for that lesson this morning, closing song is going to be number 882 eight, eight two, no tears in heaven. We’ll sing the first verse. I’m number 882, no tears. And then we’ll have our closing prayer. Let us sing. No tears in heaven. No Saul Rose give and all will be glory. And that, and they’ll be no sadness.

All well. Be gladness when shall join that happy back and noting there’s no tears, no tears up there. Sorrow and pain. Well, all half long, no teeth. There’s no tears, no tears up there. No cheers and heaven will be no Heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for this privilege. We’ve had to assemble and worship your great name.

We pray that our spirit, our worship has been in spirit and truth and a sweet savor unto thee. As we prepare to depart, we’re grateful for the skill and knowledge that both Michael and Noah have in presenting your word. We thank them. Thank them for the steady and devotion they have granted to your name. We’re also mindful those of our number that are mentioned that are sick.

We pray your healing hand will be placed upon them. They once again, may appreciate and gain a full measure of Hill. We’re mindful of the Cozort family is a mourn the loss of Aaron’s grandmother of Shelly stacks. As she mourns the loss of her mother and Jenny Sanderson, and she mourns the loss of her father comfort. Each of them let them know that we are indeed great,

are sorrowful, further loss. As we prepare to depart, we ask that you will forgive our sins as a repent and turn from them and bless each of us. According to her several needs through the coming week. It’s in Jesus name that we pray. Amen.

01-31-2021 – Live Stream – The Importance of Prayer

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Good morning. I told you he turned knobs. You can probably turn it down a little bit.<inaudible> I think Mike had got loose in the booth. Okay. We have a few lessons worth of questions to catch up on three as if I’m correct. And if not, we’ll catch up on more, but we’ll do that as we get started,

it is good to be home. My grandmother is still with us. She’s at home and we’ll make an announcement during the worship. Just going to give everybody an idea of where things are at. We will be headed back up some point this week, probably the first of this week. She didn’t have a good day yesterday. We haven’t heard how today’s gone yet.

So, but anyway, we appreciate your prayers and your thoughts and your willingness to allow us to, to be up there. Anybody who’s given at least 24 hour presence for someone who’s in, in that situation knows that takes quite a few people to be able to maintain for longer than a day or two. So we appreciate the, the extending of that courtesy.

All right, we are going to begin with a prayer and then we’ll get into a few of these questions. And if anybody needs a sheet of the questions there, of course they’re in the back. Let us pray. Our gracious heavenly father, We bow before you grateful for this day that you’ve blessed us with grateful for the love, the care and the concern that you have showed us each and every day by the sunshine and the rain by the nature that is around us and the universe that you’ve placed us in all these things that declare your glory and praise your existence.

We are so grateful for each and every one of them. And yet do not even fully comprehend all the things that you do for us on a daily basis. We’re mindful of those who are struggling with illness, with difficulty, with pain. We pray that they will have comfort. We pray that if possible, they will be returned to their health. We pray for all those who are caregivers and the extremely difficult job that they have in their own day to day lives.

We pray that you watch over this congregation may its works flourishing grow, may the things that we do be acceptable in your sight and sound and doctrine. And may we always strive to reach out to those around us, to be a helping hand, to be an encouragement and uplifting to those who are in need all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

So Ava and I were talking about it. And we think that the last set of questions that we went over was two 46, which means we’re going to start with two 47. But if somebody says, otherwise we’ll start Further back. Yeah, But I think two 47 sounds about right. That would be Luke chapter 12 verses 22 through through Luke chapter 13,

verse nine. First question comes from Luke chapter 12, verses 24, 27, 28 and 31. Jesus discussed anxiety over food by telling how God feeds blank birds and specifically what, what kind of birds were mentioned? Ravens. Okay. Jesus discussed anxiety over clothing by telling how God clothed blank. The grass in Luke’s account Lily’s is, is what’s referenced in Matthew’s account.

The grass is what’s mentioned in Luke’s instead of being anxious, concerning food and clothing, we should seek blank kingdom of God. All right. Where did Jesus say? A person’s heart will be according to verse 34 where his treasure is according to verse 40 of chapter 12. What hour can we expect Jesus to return The hour? Do not expect Luke chapter 12 verses 47 and 48.

Yes or no. Does Jesus require greater service out of those with greater abilities and opportunities? Yes. Luke chapter 12, verse 51 through 53. How did Jesus say he would cause divisions in families?<inaudible> All right. Three against two, two against three father versus son, son versus father, mother versus daughter mother-in-law versus daughter-in-law daughter-in-law versus mother-in-law et cetera.

What did Jesus say? According to Luke chapter 13, verses three and five would happen to individuals who did not repent. They would perish. All right. Luke chapter 13, verses six through nine explained Jesus’ parable of the barren fig tree, which he used to further emphasize the need for repentance.<inaudible> What happens to something that doesn’t bear fruit, all right,

gets chopped down and cast it in the fire. Mark chapter four verses one through 29 quest lesson two 48, Mark chapter four verses one through 29.<inaudible> According to Mark chapter four, verse one. When preaching by the seashore, where did Jesus stand? Because of the large crowd. All right. In a boat loop, that’s supposed to be Mark chapter four,

Mark chapter four, verses three through eight in Jesus’ parable of the sower. What happened to the seed that fell by the road? All right. The birds came and devoured it. The seed that fell on the Rocky ground Sound okay. Sprang up, but then was withered by the heat of the day that heat of the sun, because it had no root seed that fell among the thorns.

All right. Spraying up, began to grow, but produced no fruit because it was choked out by the thorns. See that fell on the good soil. All right. Produce fruit in what capacities? 36, Steve. A hundred fold. Luke chapter four, verse 11. Yes or no. Did Jesus make a distinction in his teaching to his disciples and outside?

Did I say Luke again? Because I apparently a few of these. I forgot to change when I was converting the, the name Mark chapter four, verse 11 in explaining the meaning of the parable do. Now, now I’m reading the wrong one. Did Jesus make a distinction? Is in his teaching to his disciples and outsiders? The answer is yes.

And I think Yes, but it was really quiet. All right, Mark. Chapter four, verse 14 in explaining the meaning of the parable. Jesus said the sower, sows, the blank, the word Mark chapter four, verses 15 through 20 and explaining the meaning of the parable of the sower. What is the meaning of the ones who hear beside the road?

All right. Satan takes it away on the Rocky places. Say what? Okay. Okay. They receive it with gladness, but they have no root. And as we pointed out, they have no root in themselves is what the passage says among thorns. All right. Cares the world and the desires for other things, choke out the word and then Good ground.

All right. Receive it with gladness and bring forth fruit. Jesus said Mark. Chapter four, verses 21 and 22. Jesus said a lamb is brought to put a under APEC measure, be under a bed. See on a lampstand C On a lampstand. Jesus was referring to his teachings as the light of the lamp. Explain. Okay. There’s nothing,

Nothing hidden that won’t be revealed. And his teachings, The light. Okay. The light is the word of God. Yes. Mark chapter four, verse 27. Yes or no in Jesus’ parable. Did he say that the man knows when the seed he has sewn sprouts up and grows? No. Okay. 49, Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 through 52.

And this is our text for this morning, Matthew chapter 13, verses 24 through 52. All right. You get some, some Of these papers out of here. So I don’t get confused. Well, I mean, any more confused than I always am. So, all right. Matthew chapter 13, beginning verse 24. Now, as we get into this bear in mind,

a few things. If you go back into the previous chapters, go back into verse or chapter 12, you’ve got the discussion that we’ve had previously. So that just kind of keeping Matthew’s context here. You’ve got Jesus who heals a man who is a mute and blind. He can’t see, he can’t speak, Jesus heals him and cast out the demon that was in him because he was demon possessed and the Pharisees and the scribes said he did it by what?

The power of Satan. Okay. In this context, we have already Matthew identifying that these individuals are so willing to confront and oppose Jesus, that they will witness a miracle. A man who was blind, who could see a man who couldn’t speak, who received the ability to speak the man who was demon possessed, who had that demon cast out, they would witness that.

And they would claim it was the power of Satan that did it. That’s how dead they were Against Jesus and against anything that he was in favor of and against any admittance that what he was teaching was True. We need to be careful when we come to a context, especially a context where Jesus says that the parables are being given to hide the truth from some and provide the truth to others.

We need to be careful to understand the situation She’s working. This isn’t how Jesus began teaching. Was it? I mean, we, You already covered Matthew chapters five through seven. How many parables There? None that was playing teaching That was confronting the error of their understanding of the old Testament. But now he’s beginning to reveal things concerning the kingdom. He’s beginning to take what the old Testament prophets told them about the kingdom and expound on It.

And in Doing so, he’s hiding the explanations from those who are unwilling To learn those Who are unwilling to hear the truth and believe it while revealing that same truth to those who would, I did hear it, learn it and believe it In the midst of the controversy, in the midst of the opposition, in the midst of, of the warfare and the onslaught from the scribes and the Pharisees who were seeking anything,

they could catch him in anything they could find to accuse him. Jesus packaged up these truths Into it Form. They couldn’t argue with, see one of the things about illustrations and stories when used properly is number one, they’re incorrect, Powerful. It is fun, Mentally true that we, we, as humans respond to stories. Here’s an example, man comes to a King and says,

there’s a man in your kingdom who was rich, had flocks and herds and abundance. And Someone was traveling from a far country and came to him and he decided he wanted to provide a feast for this man. So instead of going to his own flocks and his own herds and getting a lamb from his own flocks and herds, he goes, his neighbors Flock,

but his neighbors flock consists of one single you lamb. And that you lamb treated as a child. It, it was, it had all the, the care and love and concern its master could given. It was the only lamb he had. And yet this rich man comes and he takes that one little Ulam and he kills it and feeds his guest with it.

And the King responds, this man is going to die. We all know the story. This is the parable that Nathan gave to David. And the story provoked such a response as to bring about a death sentence from a King only to then be revealed to the King. Notice the hiding of truth than the revealing of truth. Nathan responds to David. You are the man.

Now there would be a number of times where the scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the, the lawyers would identify themselves in the parable. They would know what it was Jesus was saying. And so would the people. And so it’s not always obscuring every aspect of the truth. Quite often, it’s revealing a part of the truth while also providing a further truth to those willing to hear.

Okay. So Jesus, as the master teacher, he was uses these things in the midst of opposition because it protected him insulated himself. And yet also provided clarity about those who opposed him. Verse 24 on there, another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept,

his enemy came and sewed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have terrors? Okay. So VIN a landowner prepares his soil,

has his servants go out and sow seed he’s bought as it were the seed for reputable dealers. He’s, he’s gotten it from, from reputable sources. He paid for good seed. This story only slightly reminds me of the movie. If you’ve ever seen it, secondhand lions, if you’ve ever seen that movie, they, a traveling salesman comes out to these two guys,

these two older gentlemen and convinces them. They need to grow their own food. And he sells them all different kinds of seeds. You know, every pack in a dif different pack. This, this is tomatoes, and this is this, this is, this, this, this. And then they plant all of it. And in a little while they find out they have corn and corn and corn and corn,

and they have nothing but corn. Okay. So good seed that they didn’t identify the seed. And so the proper thing. So here, Jesus illustrates here’s this man who took care to sow good seed. He was careful to provide the right thing in the process. He wasn’t negligent. He wasn’t careless. He sowed good seed, but then his opponent,

his adversary, the one who sought to do him harm comes along in the night and sows tears. Now here in the illustration, we’ve got wheat and we’ve got tears. What is it that we understand to be true about these two plants as they’re beginning to grow? What do they look like? They look identical to each other. They, they have no real substantive difference in the growth process until you come to the bearing fruit process.

And then when harvest time comes, you begin to see the difference between the wheat and the tares. Now, someone as obviously the servants here who’s, who are closely and carefully inspecting, they notice the difference it’s to the, the person who’s just casually looking. They seem identical. Okay? But to the close inspection, you can tell the difference because they identify,

wait a minute, something’s wrong here. But then notice what we read. So servants of the owner came and said to him, verse 27, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares? He said to them, an enemy has done this. The servant said to him, do you want us then to go and gather them up?

So the servants asked the owner, do you want us to go and pull out the tailors, but notice the response. But he said, no less. You gather up the tares. You also uproot the wheat with them. The owner says in the growth process, you’ve because of what the adversary has done. You’ve got the wheat, its roots in tangled with the terrors roots.

You can’t pull up one without destroying at least some portion of the other. And he doesn’t want the, the wheats, the wheat destroyed. He wants it to grow and bear fruit. So notice his, his decision verse 30, let both grow together until the harvest. And at the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers first gathered together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them,

but gather the wheat into my barn. Jesus says this landowner, this farmer decides I’m not going to uproot the tares. Now I’m not going to pull them out while they’re still growing. I’m going to separate them at the harvest. But at that point, it will be obvious and clear to everyone. The difference between the two now, for the sake of discussion and continuity,

we’re actually going to skip down to verse 36 to the disciples, asking Jesus about this parable. Then we’ll come back up and deal with the next section, verse 36. And Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And his disciples came to him saying, explain to us the parable of the tares of the field he answered and said to them,

he who sows. The good seed is the son of man. The field is the world. The good seed are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who’s showed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age. And the reapers are the angels. Therefore, as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire.

So what will be at the end of this age, the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom, all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and we’ll cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun and the kingdom of their father.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. This is one of those parables where there is not consensus. Even though the explanation of Jesus is here. There’s not consensus on exactly how to apply it. I’ve known teachers and preachers who have understood this to be more specifically concerning the church, that there would be those within the body of Christ, living in the world,

who during the time that they’re in the world, they might appear to be those who are righteous, but not actually be. They might be hypocrites. They might appear to be those who are serving gone, but aren’t actually doing so. And that when the judgment comes, God’s going to know the difference. They’re not pulling the wool over God’s eyes, even though they may be pulling the wool over somebody else’s eyes.

And there may be an, and one of the valid and instructive in implications of that is there are individuals in times and situations in congregation where those who are shepherds, those who are elders, look at these individuals and go, I just don’t think they’re doing what they need to be doing. I don’t think they’re living the way they need to be living,

but they’re not blatantly departing from the truth. They’re not walking away. They’re, they’re not, they’re not forsaking the church in the sense of not showing up. They’re not assembling. They’re not worshiping. They’re not praising God. They’re not, they’re not doing any of those things. They’re literally departing Hebrews chapter 10, verse 25. They’re not doing that.

They’re still giving the signs of being those who are righteous, but something’s not right. And the lesson is sometimes it’s beyond the capability of the person or the human or the elder or the preacher or the teacher to determine that because they might think they’re getting a tear when all they’re really getting is a wheat that struggling and you rip out the wrong thing, and God says,

you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. And so the need to be careful in judging that we don’t destroy what belongs to God valid lesson. And I know some preachers, that’s where they land. I know others who look at this and say that particular implication of this, the particular instruction here is very similar to that. But instead of you, of the entire world,

that God knows those who belong to him and those who don’t. And we don’t have to worry about going through our entire lives judging who’s right, and who’s wrong, but God will judge. And the final day. And I think that’s an okay explanation. But I think actually both of them miss the immediate context when Jesus speaks concerning the end of the age,

when Jesus speaks concerning the world, when Jesus speaks concerning the judgment in this context, I don’t think he’s talking about the judgment there. All of this has set behind it, a context of the kingdom of God. Okay? And when Jesus speaks to the Jews about the kingdom of God, the Jews understood and including the disciples, understood him to be speaking concerning the kingdom that God would create.

When the Messiah came, that would be Israel and Israel’s kingdom that the restoration of their power, their presence, their physical kingdom would be what the promise was all about. And it wasn’t. But here’s the thing, as Jesus is teaching them concerning these things, as he is teaching them concerning the kingdom, he does specifically say, this is the world that revolves around the field though,

the term for world and the term for age, both have similar ideas. But I believe in this context, Jesus is specifically referencing the nation of Israel and what he would do in judging that nation. Think about it. As we go back into the old Testament prophets, as we go back into the old Testament age, you’ve got the prophets telling Israel,

you need to repent. You need to repent. You need to repent. You need to repent, or you will be judged and God will make sure his remnant is saved. You remember Habakkuk would tell Israel the just shall live by faith. And Jesus points out that at the end of the age, when God brings judgment upon this group of individuals who would shine forth the righteous now is he saying the righteous are going to shine forth in heaven.

Oh, now finally, the world’s going to see who the righteous are. I don’t think that’s what he means. Think then instead about what Jesus said, Matthew chapter 24 and other passages is going to happen when he brought judgment on Israel. When the nation of Rome comes in and decimates, Jerusalem and tears down the, the, the temple and dismantles the entire Jewish religion,

because they can no longer prove who’s, who’s a Levis. Who’s, who’s from the tribe of Judah. Who’s a priest. Who’s not a priest that all of that’s gone. The entire structure is dismantled. But as we think from history, and as we look back at what we know from history, we remember that Jesus warned those who were righteous. When you see these things coming,

what were they supposed to do? Get out Josephus and others tell us that when Rome came and besieged the city, and then for a period of time relented and pulled back that every single Christian departed out of Jerusalem, every single person who was listening to Jesus, obedient to Jesus and had repented and change their ways exited the city. And yet city didn’t empty.

Those still, there were everyone else. So there’s a possibility and throw it up here as a third option. And I don’t have a problem with which ones you take, or if you choose option number four, but there’s a real possibility that the message Jesus is saying is these teachers, these individuals who claim to be my God, the father’s teachers, the scribes,

the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the lawyers who are teaching you, how to disobeyed God, if you follow them, what did he say? The blind leading the blind. Who’s going to fall in the pit. Just the leaders, everybody they’re all gonna fall in the pit. They’re all going to be destroyed. They’re all going to receive the end, their destruction,

which is death. John chapter eight, Jesus speaks to the Jews. And he says, you are of your father, the devil. They said, we’re the children of Abraham. He said, no, you’re the father. You’re your, father’s the one. Who’s a liar from the beginning. Well, if their father is the devil, if we put that context here who sowed their seed,

Satan did. So just an alternative, an option here is Jesus may be speaking concerning the end of the Jewish, a age and the destruction of them as a nation. And yet the destruction in which his righteous ones would shine forth. It would be obvious and apparent who belonged to Christ because they heard and received. And no, babe. Okay. So throw that in there.

Let you chew on that for a little while. Let’s go back to verse 31, another parable, he put forth say the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds. But when it has grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.

Another parable, he spoke to them. The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all, all 11. If this<inaudible> some questions here, like there often are with parables. What exactly is Jesus? Meaning? Because some of these, we have the explanation and we still have questions.

And some of them, we don’t have the XPLAN. We have the parable, Jesus describes a seed. That’s one of the smallest of seeds yet grows into a plant, grows into something larger than the herbs. We have the condoms next to the PA of the Levin Levin. Of course, when you take it, you put it inside the bread, you let it rise.

You let it there. It infects the entire loaf. Paul uses the illustration. When he’s talking about the sin in the church in Corinth, he says, if you allow sin to continue in the body of Christ, it’s going to infect the entire congregation, the entire assembly. We’ve got to pull it out. You’ve got to get rid of the sin,

but it would be interesting if Jesus is using leaven in a positive sense. It’s the only time in the new Testament that it’s used that way. If G is, is using Levin in the sense of those who are taking the seat, taking the word of God and spreading it, and they’re going to go throughout the entire world. It would be the only context,

probably, maybe in all of scripture, but at least in the new Testament where Levin is ever spoken of in a positive you sense because in scripture, Levin is always viewed as a corruption. That’s why the Israelites were told when you prepare for the fees, when you prepare for the Holy days, when you prepare for these things, you to do what sweep the house,

get all the 11 out. Every little leavening agent was an agent that changed and corrupted that, which was originally there, that’s the description. So I don’t have a problem with someone who understands it in a positive sense, but what if he’s speaking about sin in the, and the result of sin in the kingdom, then it would match the same use of Levin all throughout the new Testament.

Just a thought, okay. But either way, I think one of the things you definitely see in the mustard seed illustration is the growth. What Jesus would do with 12 disciples would result in a kingdom that would spread throughout the world. Let’s go down to verse 44. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid and for joy over it,

he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who, when he had found one Pearl of great price when and sold all that he had and bought it. Now this, these two parables, it is of interest that quite often, these are used to describe the reaction of a person who seeking the truth,

finds the truth, finds the kingdom, the church, and enters into it, gives up everything necessary to obtain the kingdom. And that’s a perfectly valid explanation, but an alternative one that you might consider is what did God give up to purchase the kingdom? His only son, the price of the kingdom was the blood of Christ. The price of the church,

the purchasing of the church was done not by us, but by him. And here we see if we look at it from that perspective, the value that God places on his church, his kingdom. So there’s another parable verse 47. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a Dragnet, which was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind,

which when it was full, they drew to shore. They sat down and gathered the good into vessels and through the battle way. So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth, separate the wicked from the just and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus said to them,

have you understood all these things? They said to him, yes, Lord. Then he said to them, therefore, every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old Jesus gives these illustrations, gives these parables, gives these throw besides these trues wrapped in these stories. And then he asked them,

do you understand these things? And they say, they do. I’m going to take them at their word because quite often they’ll say, Nope, but here they did. They got it. Now, part of the reason why I think they may have gotten it is four of them were what fishermen may were very familiar with this process. They knew how to handle this.

All right. Now we were out of the field. We can at least deal with some fish. We know how to deal with that. So they, they know the difference. They they’ve dragged the, the sea of Galilee before and gathered the fish in and taken the good fish and, and, and kept them and thrown the, the terrible fish,

whatever kinds of fish were bad and cast them aside. Okay. So here again, you’ve got judgment though. You’ve got a picture of judging and discerning between that, which is good and that which isn’t and all throughout the context, let’s go all the way back to the sermon on the Mount. Jesus said that, which is good. Or the one in the kingdom who is good as the one who does what does,

what God tells him to the one who hears and obeys. And the one who is evil, the one who is a fool, the one who will be judged as the one who hears and doesn’t obey. So all throughout this context, going all the way back to the sermon on the Mount, we’ve got this continual picture of God is going to judge.

Those who refuse to obey, and God is going to bless those who hear and keep his word. Okay. There is a Mark or Sarah Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 through 52. I don’t even know what context for it. You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve got Mark, Luke, Matthew and everything all confused this morning. So thank you for your attention will be dismissed to the horsepower<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning and welcome to the Collierville church of Christ.

Sunday morning, worship service. It’s great to see each of you here, if you’re visiting with us. So we want you to know that you are our honored guest, and if he would give us just a few moments after the services over to let us have a moment or two to talk with you. And also if you would fill out a visitor’s card,

it’s on the Pew in front of you and hand it to one of us or leave it on the, on the Pew, we would appreciate it. And also, as you came in, if you haven’t picked up your Lord supper, it’s on the table, just as you walk in the door, big, good time to go get your a communion.

If you haven’t picked it up, we need to remember our sick Sheriff’s dad, ed Richardson. He’s as I understand, probably doing about the same Barbara Dillard is improving from her shoulder procedure. Dale’s friends, Ken and Frankie Phillips are recovering from COVID. The Cozort family errands, grandmother. Shirley Cozort is on hospice care. And Aaron is back with us. I think I understand that.

He’s probably going to go back again shortly here to be with her, but she’s hanging in there. Dorothy Wilson with her blood pressure problem has improved. And she’s going for an ultrasound and blood work to see about her stage three chronic kidney disease. And apparently she’s doing a little bit better and Rodale Wilson will have her older sound and the stress test this week.

Joan Springer. I got a message from Lisa this morning, and I see that Marie and his son are here. So we’ll get the straight story from then after church I’m sure, but she had a stint put in last week and Angie will plasty, but she has some problems with the swelling in the left ventricle of her heart. And she’ll be having some more tests today,

but she’s was improving this morning. According to Lisa Donnie Flanagan dies, brother is recovering from a hip surgery and he will be sent to rehab, hopefully sometime this early next week. Okay. Alena sharp, Shelley stacks, mother is on hospice care and she’s hanging in there. And Shelly told him that this morning she’d been 20 days without any food, but she’s still with us.

That’s all the sick that I’m aware of. Don’t forget our pantry items for the children or the potters children’s home. This month is shampoo. They will be here about the 15th of the month to pick up our commodities. And so if you’re kind of behind on that or something, keep that in mind for the first couple of weeks here. That’s all the announcements that I have our song later this morning will be North Olsen.

Michael Dale will have the opening prayer. Eric Halvorson will be siding over the Lord’s supper. Aaron has a sermon and Joe caisson has the closing prayer. Thank you for your attendance. Good morning. Our first song is going to be off. We come together. There’ll be on the slides, but not in the song. Book off would come together. We’re saying verses one,

two, and three, let us sing Off. We come to<inaudible> sing and pray. Aim here. We bring our offering this all the<inaudible>.<inaudible> mainly Alina Andrews. And<inaudible> the may. We<inaudible> all that Hass. And mainly, truly worship has me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to sing mainly Arlene truth and spirit where ship the may. We all,<inaudible> all<inaudible> take this.<inaudible> sing did by the lawn up to see Maley lane truth and spirit where she,

the, Our next song will be number 634. Number six, three, four we’ll work until Jesus comes. We’ll sing verses one, two and three. And after which brother Michael Dale will lead us an opening prayer number 634 We’ll work till Jesus comes all three verses, let us say, Hmm. Oh, Landa brass for the, I saw when, well,

the mom and when I chalet my arm or by and well and P side home, well<inaudible> well where Dell GS<inaudible> till Jesus comes and with being guided home to Jesus Christ died for RAs. He paid me cease to roar and leave or soccer on his breast until he gunned dog to me. Well<inaudible> jeez us comes, we’ll work till Jesus comps.

Well work till Jesus comes and will be a guy, either at home. I saw that once my safe VR side, no more, my staff shout wrong with him. Bred DAS, chilling tide, and reach my hand ni home. Well more<inaudible> well, till Jesus comes and will be a Geyser, Please bow with me, our father in heaven.

How awesome and Holy you are. We humbly bow before your throne this morning. And we thank you so much that you have given us this Avenue to be able to lift our voices and prayer to you and know that we are being heard. Father, we ask at this time that you’d be with all of those many that are ailing. Those that are those that have passed away their families.

And we ask that you put your comforting hand on them and, and help them to see that all is done to the glory of your name, father. We thank you so much for the opportunity that we have to come together and worship you in this country. And we ask that it continues on this path and that we can continue to serve you openly and take your word throughout this country without any roadblocks in our way.

And we thank you so much for everything you’ve blessed us with for the death of your son and in his, it is in his name. We pray, amen. Help prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper. We’re going to sing number 332 for 332 lead me to Calvary. We’ll sing the first, second and fourth verses number 332 lead me to Calvary listen,

King of my life. I crowning nine chow. The chlorine being last I four, and I thought one ground Brown lead me to kind of a three last<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money.<inaudible> for me, laid me to kowtow the three. Show me the tomb where<inaudible> tender the Marne and where angels and robes.<inaudible> the Wells<inaudible> money. Last<inaudible> gunny<inaudible> for me,

they made me to<inaudible> may I be willing to<inaudible> day the, my Crosse for the he then grieve<inaudible> high score and all for me,<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money<inaudible> mean laid me to Rory. At this time, we’d like to take an opportunity to thank God for the ultimate sacrifice that he and his son Jesus did for us. And that was to die on the cross for us to center.

Join me as we pray for the bread, God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the sacrifice that you made of sending your son Jesus here to live on earth with us to teach us, but ultimately for him to commit himself to that cross and let his body hang on that cross until he died for us.

The center, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. Thanks for the fruit of the vine God, our father in heaven, we come to you thanking you again for your son, Jesus. And as we prepare to partake of this fruit of the vine, help us to remember that it represents the blood that Jesus shed for us, the center on that cross of Calvary so that our sins may be forgiven so that we may have that opportunity to live with you in eternity.

In heaven, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Take this opportunity to do, ask for blessings on the offering. God, our father in heaven. We come to you again, thanking you because we truly understand that everything we have is from you and through you. And we cannot thank you enough for the material blessings that we have here on earth.

And as we prepare to give back a portion of these, that we’ve been so richly blessed with, we ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. And we also ask that you help the men who oversee the funds here at the Collierville church of Christ, ensure that these funds are used in such a way to better your kingdom here on earth.

We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. You’re using a songbook this morning. If you want to Mark number 904 Will be the song limitation following or their errands lesson. Okay? The song before the lesson would be number 853, and we all get to heaven. We’re eight five, three. We’ll sing the first three verses of the song.

We all get to heaven. Let us say, seeing no Andress love of jeez, seeing his mercy and his grace and mansions bride and bless and prepare for a blaze.<inaudible> what a day of rain joys saying that<inaudible> the, wow. We walk up Pilgrim pathway clouds, Willow spread the sky mud man drive lane days are over. Nah,<inaudible> man.

We get to have what a damn rain joining that little beam. When we see Jesus we’ll sing,<inaudible> let us then be true and faithful, trusting, serving every day. Just one glimpse of<inaudible> when we all get to and what a day of rain Joy’s saying that well being when we see GS swill seeing<inaudible> Good morning, it is good to be here.

It is good to be home. It’s good to see each and every one of you, couple of things that I want to take care of before we get into the lesson. Number one, sister, Dorothy Wilson called me last night and said, even though that she was not going to be able to be here this morning, she did want to call me and have me express for her,

her desires for the prayers of the church. Her request was that she desired that our prayer be that there is nothing between her and God and that she doesn’t know how long she has in this life. But when this life is over, she wants to be ready whenever that day is. And so we’re going to take a moment and we’re going to pray on sister Dorothy’s behalf,

bow your Heads, Great and gracious, merciful, and caring father in heaven. We bow our heads and our hearts at this time, lifting up our sister, Dorothy, to you, praying that if there is any sin, if there is anything in her life that is between you and her, that it will be forgiven. We know that we each and every one of us have struggles and difficulties,

but we also have confidence and assurance in the blood of Christ that cleanses all sins. For those who are willing to continually seek that cleansing, that repentance and walk in the light. As you were in the light, we pray for sister Dorothy and the upcoming tests and, and procedures that she has, that she will have comfort and strength in those as well.

And that we each might learn from her example to seek help, to seek the care and the thoughts and the prayers of the church as we need them. And that we might always look to you for that mercy and grace that we need in time of need all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Also want to give just a brief update on my grandmother.

She is, as was mentioned, she is at home. She’s under hospice care. They’re coming out once or, or once every day or two, depending upon as needed. But primarily my uncle who lives with my grandmother and has for the last about 10 years is, is taking care of her. And then my parents live right there nearby. And so they’re helping with that as well.

My brother’s wife is down and staying with my parents and helping. And then the rest of us are, are supporting in those needs. So keep us in your prayers. As was mentioned, we will be traveling back this week. So Kiva is in your prayers, both in traveling and in her needs. We appreciate that very much. And it is very much something that we count on on a daily basis.

The importance of prayer, Jesus, we read, Read in Luke chapter 11 and verse one came to pass. As he was praying in a certain place. When he ceased, one Of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray. Notice there. They said, teach us to pray. As John also taught his disciples to pray, It seems From this context that John,

when John the Baptist was preaching and teaching before Jesus began his ministry, that those disciples who had followed him had asked very much the same thing. And John had taught his disciples how to pray. And so Jesus’s disciples come to him and they say, teach us to pray. I believe every new Christian at some Point Has reached a time in their lives where they said into themselves,

maybe publicly, maybe privately, but predominantly privately. I need to pray better. I need to do better in my prayers. I need to pray deeper. I need to be more thoughtful. I need to, I need to be more forthcoming with God in my life. And that’s a good desire. The disciples will ask this of Christ. And we re if we turn over to Luke chapter 11 and verse one,

we’ll see there that Jesus responds to them. Verse two, when you pray, say our father in heaven, hallowed, be your name, your kingdom, come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day, our daily bread and forgive us our sins. As we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one. Now Jesus, here, we’ll present to them. What some have termed the model prayer. It is short. It is concise. It is to the point. And yet he exemplifies in it. Many of the basic needs and functions of prayer. Prayer is to be that which we use in order to seek those things that we need.

It is also to be that, which we use to praise and recognize God for all that he has done. Notice Jesus began our father in heaven. Prayer is also supposed to express a relationship that we have. And yet we see in all of this, This prayer’s importance. We’re not going to stay necessarily in this context, but we’re going to go to a few other contexts throughout scripture.

And we’re going to notice the importance of prayer beginning first with the fact that this is God’s chosen method for man to communicate to him. Now, this is not prayer. That is, is not God’s chosen method for him to communicate to us. And we need to be clear on that. We do not sit down to pray. We do not go into a closet to pray.

We do not come public leave before an assembly to pray so that God might speak to us. We do not pray. And then Wade for a small, still voice to answer us, we do not pray. And imagine that in some moment of time, in some flash or blink of the eye, God will miraculously present an answer that is not the function of prayer.

Instead, the function of prayer is God’s chosen method for man to communicate to him, turn with me. If you will, to Philippians chapter four. As Paul writes to the church at Philippi, he writes to these brethren, as he is sitting in a Roman prison, he writes to them as he is in chains and in bonds and in persecution. And yet they are in a good place at the time.

And he writes to them in chapter four, beginning in verse six, he says, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. We’re going to notice first a number of aspects of this, but we want to notice first and foremost, in the overarching view of this, that prayer is a powerful Course in Daniel.

We read in Daniel chapter four, As Nebuchadnezzar has come to a place where he looks out at his kingdom and he looks out at all that he’s done and looks out at all that he’s built. And he begins To Pat himself on the back at all that he’s accomplished God through. Daniel will make it clear, to never can answer that the God most high rules in the kingdom of men and gives to whomever he will.

Those positions of power. We live in a society that, Yeah, In somewhat of our own, conceitedness believes that we have conjured up a way to control who has power Or in our world. And Yet we in our own Fallacy May be in the same situation as Nebuchadnezzar, where we believe that we have designed the method whereby we choose Who rules in the kingdoms of men,

whether they Be in our, the actions of our government or our society or the governments around the world, as they seek to overthrow one ruler and put a new one in its Place to change The policies and the functions of one nation by putting someone else in charge. And yet the reality is when we look at what scripture says, God makes it clear,

no matter who sits on the throne, he’s in charge and Prayer is our Avenue of communicating to him. And I go through all of that to emphasize this singular point. What if you Today sitting, Being at your house had a phone that you could pick up and it only dialed one number. The moment you reached for it and dialed it. It only went to one place.

It was a direct line to the president of the United States. Now whether you like the person in office or not, the reality is the position. The office has power that comes with it. And if you have a direct line to that office, guess what? You have Power. If you Call that number and it goes through, and the first thing that happens is he’s right here.

We’ll put him on the phone. Then You have a line of communication That has power. But now Let us understand that when we bow our knee in prayer, when we bow our head in prayer, when we bow our heart and our mind in prayer and pray to God in humility, and he hears those prayers, we are speaking to someone who has infinitely more power than the man who sits in the White house.

And unlike the man who sits in the white house in four or eight years, Still be there. So we understand that prayer has power. Paul calls upon these brethren to pray. And he says in everything by prayer and supplication, that his request with Thanksgiving make or let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ.

Jesus, let us notice a few things. The power of prayer, first and foremost, from Luke chapter 11, verses nine through 11. Prayer has the power to make requests known of the God. Jesus has. He gives that example prayer. And then as he continues in that discussion concerning asking God for what we need, whosoever asks shall receive who,

whoever seek shall find whoever knocks the doors will be open to him as he illustrates this. He makes it clear to us that prayer has power to make requests. There are people in this life who, you know, who Are close friends of yours, that, you know, if you have a good relationship with them, that if you pick up the phone and say,

so-and-so, I need, you can Fill in the blank. And if it is in their power to do it, They’ll do it. And it is The blessing to have people like that in your life. It is a blessing in times of need that you can reach out to someone and say, I need help And you’ll get it. And yet God says that When we have needs,

that is exactly what we’re here to do. We are to seek his help. So then we might ask for what should we pray if we have a mode of communication, if we have a means and a method of communication that has such great power with great power comes great responsibility. We need to be careful how we use it. So then for what should we pray?

Let’s begin in James chapter five, James chapter five beginning in verse 13, we read is any among you suffering. Let Him pray. Is anyone Cheerful? Let him sing. Psalms. One of the things that we are to pray for, one of the things that the Bible specifically tells us to pray for is to pray for those who are sick. And even for the one who is sick to pray for themselves.

We also notice if we continue down verse 14, if anyone among you is sick, let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. Notice it’s not just the one who’s sick, who has to pray, but also the church is to be praying for the one who is sick, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much notice. Not only are we to pray for those who are sick, but we are to pray for those who need forgiveness.

We, When we are in need of forgiveness are to pray. We read over in the book of acts where Simon the sorcerer would ask or would seek to buy the gifts of the Holy spirit and the ability to infer or convey gifts of the Holy spirit. And he asked that and, and, and seeks that of, of Peter and Peter will tell him he needs to repent and pray that the wickedness of his heart will be forgiven him.

So prayer for forgiveness of sins is another thing that we are to pray for. But also we are to pray confessing and asking forgiveness for our own sins, not just praying for others. We are also to pray for wisdom. If we turn over to James chapter one, James begins his a pistol, his letter, James, a bond servant of God,

and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad. My brethren counted all joy. When you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach.

And it will be given to him here. James also points out as he discusses at the end of the book, the need for praying, for those who are sick, the need for praying, for those who need forgiveness, that he also says we are to pray for Wisdom, but careful, Cause you might get the answer Of getting wisdom. And yet you No what proceeded that,

right? Right. Before you got wisdom, you got trials and tribulations. My mother has said on numerous occasions, I prayed for wisdom once and I got three children. She said, I didn’t pray for it anymore. But in all seriousness prayer has power to make requests to God and Ephesians chapter six, As Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus,

as he is closing out his letter to this church, he will say to them beginning in verse 18, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end, that with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints and for me, that utterance may be given to me and that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains that in it,

I may speak boldly. As I ought to speak. One of the things that we are to pray for is the spreading of the gospel and those who are doing it, that they might have boldness that they might have a willingness to speak no matter what, But something we need to be mindful of As we pray. And this doesn’t need to be a cause of hesitancy.

This doesn’t need to be something that we hold back our prayers because of it needs to be something that motivates us to pray is that when we pray for something on a daily basis, when we pray for something, we also are reminding ourselves to put forth effort toward that Thing. What if you were to pray, Lord, I need a better job. I needed a job that better supports my family.

I need a job that better pays the bills that we, we, we have needs and things that we can’t handle. I need a better job, but then you never look for a job, but you go on day after day, praying for a better job what’s missing in the equation. Your request has been made known, but your action doesn’t match your request.

You see James and James chapter one further discusses. The not only the request that we need to make to God, but also the faith we are to have that God can fulfill that request. But if we have faith that God will fulfill the request, we act on that faith. We need to be careful that we don’t pray Without having faith. That God will do what we have said.

But then also consider John chapter 12, excuse me, John chapter 17, John chapter 17, beginning in verse 20 Jesus as he is beginning or as he is concluding his prayer to God in the upper room. As he is about to go out to the garden of guests. So many, he is about to be betrayed. He is about to go to Who is deaf.

He prays for unity among those who follow him verses Plenty. I do not pray for these alone, the disciples, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that you have sent me and the glory,

which you gave me. I have given them that they may be one just as we are one I in them and you and me, that they may be made perfect in one. And that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them. As you have Me father, I desire that they also, whom you gave me may be with me where I am,

that they may behold my glory, which you have given me for. You loved me before the foundation of the world. Jesus prays for unity among believers. And If we’re going to pray for unity among believers, then just like that last, where we need to pray and then act on that prayer. We need To seek unity among believers, but yeah,

Unity among believers must always be predicated upon obedience to The word of God. We do Not pray for nor seek unity as some have called it in diversity, unity in our differences, unity in our separate beliefs, unity in separate denomination. Oh, we are to seek unity by returning Burning to the word of God and holding fast To it alone as the standard of authority in practice and in worship,

but then consider as well. Prayer has the power to deliver us From temptation. Jesus would tell his disciples in Matthew chapter 26, is there there in that garden? Not long after he told them or he prayed for unity, he tells them to wait a little while. And then as they’re waiting, he will tell them to pray and watch that they enter not into temptation.

Prayer has the ability to help us come bat temptation, and we need to be careful and observe to do exactly that. So pray for ourselves that we avoid temptation, but also prayer has the power to grant us the peace of God. If you turn your minds back over to the Philippians chapter four, verse six and verse six through seven, Paul not only says with all diligence pray,

but he also says, and the peace of God, what’s he saying? He says that prayer begins. The peace continues that prayer, which starts is a, that which brings forth a peace that surpasses all understanding. Now, just as we observe that very idea, we understand that prayer has the ability to affect things that we do not Comprehend. There are things and aspects of this life that we do not see.

We do not feel we do not touch and yet they exist and can be affected, Did by prayer. And so we need to be diligent to understand the power of prayer, but then consider. Secondly, we need a Understand the conditions prayers must meet to be heard. See, it’s not enough for us to understand the power of prayer. If we are not meeting the conditions To have those prayers heard by God,

God does not say I will hear any requests made by anyone under any circumstance. For any reason, No King does that. And the King of Kings Lord of Lords, doesn’t do it either. So now let us notice a few of these conditions. First and foremost, they must be prayed by those who are Christians. Now there’s an interesting aspect of this,

that there are prayers which come before God, by those who are not Christians in that he observes their desire for obedience. We see over in the situation with Cornelius and the book of acts where his actions and his deeds and his desire for salvation were observed and came before God. And those prayers were answered. And yet there is a relationship that exists in general between God and his children by between God.

And those who are Christians that is different is separate from everyone else. One of the conditions of prayer is obedience to God, turn to John chapter nine, John chapter nine, beginning in verse 30.<inaudible>. This is in the situation where Jesus has healed a man on the Sabbath day. And the man has been brought before the council he’s been, his parents have been questioned first and they said,

well, he’s of age, ask him because the council wants to know who healed you, who did this work on the Sabbath day? And so they will inquire with this man. And he will respond to them because they will accuse Jesus of being one who is doing wrong. And he says, verse 30, the man answered and said to them why this is a marvelous thing that you do not know where he is from this discussion of where Jesus originated,

where is power? Where is thorny originated? The man said, this is a marvelous thing that you don’t know where he’s from. And he says, he goes further to say yet he has opened my eyes. Now we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his, will he hears him? Now,

this man gives an observation to the teachers, the council leaders of the synagogue. He says, we know this, we’re already settled on this. God hears those who obey him. God does not hear sinners who reject him, but we consider further as we go over to Matthew chapter seven, Jesus builds upon this very idea in Matthew chapter seven, beginning in verse 21,

where he says, not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of my father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, done many wonders in your name. And then I will declare to them.

I never knew you depart from me. You who practice lawlessness. If there is not first and obedience to God, there will not be a community Education with God. First, John chapter one, as John On his speaking and writing to these brethren about walking in the light as he is in the light, having fellowship with God as those who are his children,

he Rives to them and inverse, Or he said, As these things we write to you that your joy may be full. This is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light. And in him is no darkness. Yes, at all. If we Say that we have fellowship with him, we walk in and walk in darkness.

We lie and do not practice the truth. If we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from all sins. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just forgive us our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar. And his word is not In us. John Emphasizes not only the need for us to pray to God, to confess our sins, but that our willingness to confess our sins has an impact on our fellowship With him. So we see that we must be careful about the conditions and our condition.

If we are Pray and hear, have our prayers heard. But we must also, as we’ve already mentioned, ask in faith. James tells those who he writes to that if they pray and yet do not have faith, that their prayer will be answered. Then their prayer won’t even be heard. Instead He calls them Double minded men. Those type of prayers are not heard.

And we also need to be mindful of the fact. There are things that hindered Our prayers, our relationships, my Hinder, our prayers, as Peter writes in first Peter chapter three, he says to those who were husbands, he says husbands, likewise dwell with them that his wives with understanding giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessels, as being heirs together of the grace of life.

And notice this phrase that your prayers may not be hindered our relationships with one another. How we treat one another, how we interact and handle one another. How we live together with one another affects Our prayers. Jesus, This makes it clear. As he speaks there in the sermon on the Mount, that if a person has odd against you and you’re going to worship God,

he says, you put your sacrifice down over there and you go deal with the problem you have with your brother first, because that sacrifice is going to do you no good. While you still have something against your brother. He says, you go deal with that first. Then you go take your sacrifice to God. Because as long as you are unwilling to resolve the problem with your brother,

God will be unwilling to resolve his problem with you. And we’re mindful again, of what Jesus said in the model. Prayer, forgive us, our debts. As we forgive Our debtors, if we will Forgive, Jesus makes it clear that he will not forgive. And so our relationships can hinder our prayers. If we turn over to verse 12 of that same chapter we read for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.

But the face of the Lord is against those Who do evil sin in our lives will Keep our prayers from being heard. But there’s also another 0.1 worthy to be made. And that is from Luke chapter 18, Luke chapter 18, We read in verse one, Jesus spoke a parable to them that men ought always to pray and not lose heart. He says there was a certain city,

a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city and she came to him saying, get justice for me from my adversary. And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself though, I do not fear God nor regard man yet, because this widow has trouble or troubles me. I will avenge her less by her continual coming.

She weary me. Then Jesus said, hear what the unjust judge said and shall God not avenge his own elect, who cry out day and night to him though. He bears long with them. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the son of man comes, will he really find faith on the earth? Jesus makes the point here in this parable,

that there is a need for persistence in prayer. There is not. And then are examples of this are abundant throughout scripture. There is not an example of us coming to God in prayer, seeking deliverance from some trouble. And then expecting that. The first time we ask is just going to magically be answered. That’s not what we see. We even see example after example,

Paul being one of them where repetition is involved. And sometimes still the answer is No, but a lack Of persistence. Mike, keep our prayers from being Answered. But then just as we close some examples of where we should pray Because throughout scripture, there are numerous examples of where and in what times and places we should pray. We notice first and foremost,

that Christ prayed in public. He prayed in pie, private. He prayed in the wilderness. He prayed on a mountain. He prayed in the garden. Jesus, as our example of prayer throughout his time on this earth shows us that prayer is just to be an every day aspect of our lives. Daniel we see in Daniel chapter six is praying in his house.

He is observing something from the old Testament, from the law and from the covenant that Solomon makes with God and the children of Israel there as the temple is being established, that when those who had been taken away from the land of Israel, those who have been taken into captivity because of their sin, because of their wickedness, because of their failure to obey God,

when they would look back towards that temple and pray towards that temple, the covenant was that God would hear them. So we find Daniel and Daniel chapter six, as he is there in Babylon, praying to God in accordance with that covenant, we find Paul and Silas, as they’re in prison, singing and praying at midnight, they could have been sleeping or trying to in their chains.

But the reality was they knew there was something more important for them to be doing something more impactful for them to be doing. And so, instead of trying to sleep, instead of trying to, you know, just forget about the situation they were in for awhile, they were taking the situation that they were in to the one who could do something about God,

David Psalm chapter three will prey on the battlefield. Stephen will pray while being stoned to death. Jonah, we’ll pray Probably in one of the most unique places in all history From the belly of a fish, but always, always the prayer is to be that which is coming from a humble heart. Coming from an understanding that God’s will, is what must be done.

And that sometimes That won’t work out for us the way we think Will Paul Writes to Timothy and says, I would that men pray Everywhere, Lifting up Holy hands without running And doubting. As we look at these things we need We’d understand. We’ve seen the power of prayer, the conditions prayers must meet and where we should pray. We’ve seen that without prayer,

we cannot have peace With God or the peace of God Without being a child of God. God will not hear Our prayers, but we also understand that to be a child of God, we must Must be born again by the power of the word of God, by the spirit of God, by coming into contact with the blood of Jesus Christ, which occurs in baptism,

Romans chapter six, verses three through four, We cannot pray. And I think our prayers will be answered if we pray Covered in our sins With only our sins to represent us before God. One of the Things that the scripture makes clear about prayer is that if we are going to pray and if we are going to pray the way we ought, we are going to pray with an advert Kit on our side,

Jesus Christ, the righteous Jesus Christ, the high priest, Jesus Christ, the mediator. And if we, We are going to have him as our advocate, it begins first with us.<inaudible> to him As a member of the body of Christ, you have access Yes to God and we owe so much needed and we should be using it. And we must understand it To the ability and the extent of our human mind to understand it.

And we must Just have faith in its ability to change today, tomorrow and forever. If you have need of the power of prayer, that can be something that is made available to you today. Whether by responding to the invitation, as one who is faithful, one who is righteous and yet has needs that have not been expressed or as one who has fallen away and has a need for forgiveness.

James says the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. And the prayers of those who are righteous, cover a multitude of sins or as one who’s outside the body of Christ and needs to put Christ on in baptism having then access to pray to your heavenly father. All these things can be made available to you today. If you have need of the power of prayer,

why not come now? As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible> are you fully trusting? And his grace is a car you washed and the blonde, the lamb<inaudible>. And so cleansing<inaudible> or your Gorman spotless, are they wide ass know, are you are washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you walking day? The, by the savior side,

are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Do you resting each moment? And the crucified are you wash and<inaudible> are you in blah? And the so cleansing<inaudible> are your garments spotless? Are they wide ass? No. Are you all washed in the blood of the<inaudible> lay a side, the garments that stained with sin and been washed in the blood of the lamb.

There’s a fountain flowing for the so clean. Oh, being washed and blah, are you stand up? And so cleansing<inaudible><inaudible> garments spotless. Are they white? A yes, no. Are you a washed in the blood of the lamb? Right? Our closing song for this morning, excuse me. For this morning, he was going to be number 867,

eight, six seven to Canaan’s land. I’m on my way. We’ll sing the first verse and then we’ll have our closing prayer at eight, six, seven, the Canaan Canaan’s land I’m on my way to Kane and land I’m on my way where the so never a nice my dark as night. Well, turn to dang where the so never a guys,

no side<inaudible> no<inaudible> where<inaudible> and the so never, It was about our God and our father in heaven. It is truly a privilege that we have to come before you and ask you father to continue to watch over us. And thank you father for loving us so much and your precious son dying on the cross of Calvary, that we might have that hope of eternal life with the in heaven father,

we’re mindful of the many that are ill of this congregation, as well as others outside the church and not a part of this body here. We pray father that you help us each day, that we remember them often in our prayers and that we fervently asked that you be with them and those that are ministering to them, that they might regain their health while we’re also mindful of those that are struggling spiritually.

And we pray father that we, as your children might reach out to them and try to encourage them and help them any way that we can. That we’ve mentioned them often in prayer to you, that you will continue to watch over them and bless them. And as they go through life that they, their hearts might be softened, that they want to come back to you and serve you as a faithful child of yours.

Father help us to not take prayer for granted, but realized that we must use it every day of our lives to try to draw closer to you and to try to overcome the things that sometimes come before us and this lie, we might be able to be better servants in the kingdom that we might be more effective, not only in this community, but in our nation and in the world.

We pray father that we take this lesson and we let it strengthen us that we would look to our lives first and try to improve them. And we try to pray for others that might be struggling with various things in their lives while they we’re grateful for the time and the privilege we’ve had to come and worship you this day, we pray that has been acceptable.

And to you that we will take much from what we’ve learned today and what we’ve studied. It might strengthen our faith and that we might draw closer to you and to one another, help us to always be about trying to reach those that are outside your body with the gospel and strengthen us as we go through life that we might have that home and have him with the one day and Jesus,

we pray. Amen.

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01-31-2021 – Live Stream- Matthew 13:24-52 (Class) & The Importance of Prayer (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams, Sermons, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

01-31-2021 – LIVE – Matthew 13:24-52 (Class) & The Importance of Prayer (Sermon)
Speaker: Aaron Cozort
Collierville Church of Christ
575 Shelton Road, #Collierville, TN

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Good morning. I told you he turned knobs. You can probably turn it down a little bit.<inaudible> I think Mike had got loose in the booth. Okay. We have a few lessons worth of questions to catch up on three as if I’m correct. And if not, we’ll catch up on more, but we’ll do that as we get started,

it is good to be home. My grandmother is still with us. She’s at home and we’ll make an announcement during the worship. Just going to give everybody an idea of where things are at. We will be headed back up some point this week, probably the first of this week. She didn’t have a good day yesterday. We haven’t heard how today’s gone yet.

So, but anyway, we appreciate your prayers and your thoughts and your willingness to allow us to, to be up there. Anybody who’s given at least 24 hour presence for someone who’s in, in that situation knows that takes quite a few people to be able to maintain for longer than a day or two. So we appreciate the, the extending of that courtesy.

All right, we are going to begin with a prayer and then we’ll get into a few of these questions. And if anybody needs a sheet of the questions there, of course they’re in the back. Let us pray. Our gracious heavenly father, We bow before you grateful for this day that you’ve blessed us with grateful for the love, the care and the concern that you have showed us each and every day by the sunshine and the rain by the nature that is around us and the universe that you’ve placed us in all these things that declare your glory and praise your existence.

We are so grateful for each and every one of them. And yet do not even fully comprehend all the things that you do for us on a daily basis. We’re mindful of those who are struggling with illness, with difficulty, with pain. We pray that they will have comfort. We pray that if possible, they will be returned to their health. We pray for all those who are caregivers and the extremely difficult job that they have in their own day to day lives.

We pray that you watch over this congregation may its works flourishing grow, may the things that we do be acceptable in your sight and sound and doctrine. And may we always strive to reach out to those around us, to be a helping hand, to be an encouragement and uplifting to those who are in need all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

So Ava and I were talking about it. And we think that the last set of questions that we went over was two 46, which means we’re going to start with two 47. But if somebody says, otherwise we’ll start Further back. Yeah, But I think two 47 sounds about right. That would be Luke chapter 12 verses 22 through through Luke chapter 13,

verse nine. First question comes from Luke chapter 12, verses 24, 27, 28 and 31. Jesus discussed anxiety over food by telling how God feeds blank birds and specifically what, what kind of birds were mentioned? Ravens. Okay. Jesus discussed anxiety over clothing by telling how God clothed blank. The grass in Luke’s account Lily’s is, is what’s referenced in Matthew’s account.

The grass is what’s mentioned in Luke’s instead of being anxious, concerning food and clothing, we should seek blank kingdom of God. All right. Where did Jesus say? A person’s heart will be according to verse 34 where his treasure is according to verse 40 of chapter 12. What hour can we expect Jesus to return The hour? Do not expect Luke chapter 12 verses 47 and 48.

Yes or no. Does Jesus require greater service out of those with greater abilities and opportunities? Yes. Luke chapter 12, verse 51 through 53. How did Jesus say he would cause divisions in families?<inaudible> All right. Three against two, two against three father versus son, son versus father, mother versus daughter mother-in-law versus daughter-in-law daughter-in-law versus mother-in-law et cetera.

What did Jesus say? According to Luke chapter 13, verses three and five would happen to individuals who did not repent. They would perish. All right. Luke chapter 13, verses six through nine explained Jesus’ parable of the barren fig tree, which he used to further emphasize the need for repentance.<inaudible> What happens to something that doesn’t bear fruit, all right,

gets chopped down and cast it in the fire. Mark chapter four verses one through 29 quest lesson two 48, Mark chapter four verses one through 29.<inaudible> According to Mark chapter four, verse one. When preaching by the seashore, where did Jesus stand? Because of the large crowd. All right. In a boat loop, that’s supposed to be Mark chapter four,

Mark chapter four, verses three through eight in Jesus’ parable of the sower. What happened to the seed that fell by the road? All right. The birds came and devoured it. The seed that fell on the Rocky ground Sound okay. Sprang up, but then was withered by the heat of the day that heat of the sun, because it had no root seed that fell among the thorns.

All right. Spraying up, began to grow, but produced no fruit because it was choked out by the thorns. See that fell on the good soil. All right. Produce fruit in what capacities? 36, Steve. A hundred fold. Luke chapter four, verse 11. Yes or no. Did Jesus make a distinction in his teaching to his disciples and outside?

Did I say Luke again? Because I apparently a few of these. I forgot to change when I was converting the, the name Mark chapter four, verse 11 in explaining the meaning of the parable do. Now, now I’m reading the wrong one. Did Jesus make a distinction? Is in his teaching to his disciples and outsiders? The answer is yes.

And I think Yes, but it was really quiet. All right, Mark. Chapter four, verse 14 in explaining the meaning of the parable. Jesus said the sower, sows, the blank, the word Mark chapter four, verses 15 through 20 and explaining the meaning of the parable of the sower. What is the meaning of the ones who hear beside the road?

All right. Satan takes it away on the Rocky places. Say what? Okay. Okay. They receive it with gladness, but they have no root. And as we pointed out, they have no root in themselves is what the passage says among thorns. All right. Cares the world and the desires for other things, choke out the word and then Good ground.

All right. Receive it with gladness and bring forth fruit. Jesus said Mark. Chapter four, verses 21 and 22. Jesus said a lamb is brought to put a under APEC measure, be under a bed. See on a lampstand C On a lampstand. Jesus was referring to his teachings as the light of the lamp. Explain. Okay. There’s nothing,

Nothing hidden that won’t be revealed. And his teachings, The light. Okay. The light is the word of God. Yes. Mark chapter four, verse 27. Yes or no in Jesus’ parable. Did he say that the man knows when the seed he has sewn sprouts up and grows? No. Okay. 49, Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 through 52.

And this is our text for this morning, Matthew chapter 13, verses 24 through 52. All right. You get some, some Of these papers out of here. So I don’t get confused. Well, I mean, any more confused than I always am. So, all right. Matthew chapter 13, beginning verse 24. Now, as we get into this bear in mind,

a few things. If you go back into the previous chapters, go back into verse or chapter 12, you’ve got the discussion that we’ve had previously. So that just kind of keeping Matthew’s context here. You’ve got Jesus who heals a man who is a mute and blind. He can’t see, he can’t speak, Jesus heals him and cast out the demon that was in him because he was demon possessed and the Pharisees and the scribes said he did it by what?

The power of Satan. Okay. In this context, we have already Matthew identifying that these individuals are so willing to confront and oppose Jesus, that they will witness a miracle. A man who was blind, who could see a man who couldn’t speak, who received the ability to speak the man who was demon possessed, who had that demon cast out, they would witness that.

And they would claim it was the power of Satan that did it. That’s how dead they were Against Jesus and against anything that he was in favor of and against any admittance that what he was teaching was True. We need to be careful when we come to a context, especially a context where Jesus says that the parables are being given to hide the truth from some and provide the truth to others.

We need to be careful to understand the situation She’s working. This isn’t how Jesus began teaching. Was it? I mean, we, You already covered Matthew chapters five through seven. How many parables There? None that was playing teaching That was confronting the error of their understanding of the old Testament. But now he’s beginning to reveal things concerning the kingdom. He’s beginning to take what the old Testament prophets told them about the kingdom and expound on It.

And in Doing so, he’s hiding the explanations from those who are unwilling To learn those Who are unwilling to hear the truth and believe it while revealing that same truth to those who would, I did hear it, learn it and believe it In the midst of the controversy, in the midst of the opposition, in the midst of, of the warfare and the onslaught from the scribes and the Pharisees who were seeking anything,

they could catch him in anything they could find to accuse him. Jesus packaged up these truths Into it Form. They couldn’t argue with, see one of the things about illustrations and stories when used properly is number one, they’re incorrect, Powerful. It is fun, Mentally true that we, we, as humans respond to stories. Here’s an example, man comes to a King and says,

there’s a man in your kingdom who was rich, had flocks and herds and abundance. And Someone was traveling from a far country and came to him and he decided he wanted to provide a feast for this man. So instead of going to his own flocks and his own herds and getting a lamb from his own flocks and herds, he goes, his neighbors Flock,

but his neighbors flock consists of one single you lamb. And that you lamb treated as a child. It, it was, it had all the, the care and love and concern its master could given. It was the only lamb he had. And yet this rich man comes and he takes that one little Ulam and he kills it and feeds his guest with it.

And the King responds, this man is going to die. We all know the story. This is the parable that Nathan gave to David. And the story provoked such a response as to bring about a death sentence from a King only to then be revealed to the King. Notice the hiding of truth than the revealing of truth. Nathan responds to David. You are the man.

Now there would be a number of times where the scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the, the lawyers would identify themselves in the parable. They would know what it was Jesus was saying. And so would the people. And so it’s not always obscuring every aspect of the truth. Quite often, it’s revealing a part of the truth while also providing a further truth to those willing to hear.

Okay. So Jesus, as the master teacher, he was uses these things in the midst of opposition because it protected him insulated himself. And yet also provided clarity about those who opposed him. Verse 24 on there, another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept,

his enemy came and sewed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have terrors? Okay. So VIN a landowner prepares his soil,

has his servants go out and sow seed he’s bought as it were the seed for reputable dealers. He’s, he’s gotten it from, from reputable sources. He paid for good seed. This story only slightly reminds me of the movie. If you’ve ever seen it, secondhand lions, if you’ve ever seen that movie, they, a traveling salesman comes out to these two guys,

these two older gentlemen and convinces them. They need to grow their own food. And he sells them all different kinds of seeds. You know, every pack in a dif different pack. This, this is tomatoes, and this is this, this is, this, this, this. And then they plant all of it. And in a little while they find out they have corn and corn and corn and corn,

and they have nothing but corn. Okay. So good seed that they didn’t identify the seed. And so the proper thing. So here, Jesus illustrates here’s this man who took care to sow good seed. He was careful to provide the right thing in the process. He wasn’t negligent. He wasn’t careless. He sowed good seed, but then his opponent,

his adversary, the one who sought to do him harm comes along in the night and sows tears. Now here in the illustration, we’ve got wheat and we’ve got tears. What is it that we understand to be true about these two plants as they’re beginning to grow? What do they look like? They look identical to each other. They, they have no real substantive difference in the growth process until you come to the bearing fruit process.

And then when harvest time comes, you begin to see the difference between the wheat and the tares. Now, someone as obviously the servants here who’s, who are closely and carefully inspecting, they notice the difference it’s to the, the person who’s just casually looking. They seem identical. Okay? But to the close inspection, you can tell the difference because they identify,

wait a minute, something’s wrong here. But then notice what we read. So servants of the owner came and said to him, verse 27, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares? He said to them, an enemy has done this. The servant said to him, do you want us then to go and gather them up?

So the servants asked the owner, do you want us to go and pull out the tailors, but notice the response. But he said, no less. You gather up the tares. You also uproot the wheat with them. The owner says in the growth process, you’ve because of what the adversary has done. You’ve got the wheat, its roots in tangled with the terrors roots.

You can’t pull up one without destroying at least some portion of the other. And he doesn’t want the, the wheats, the wheat destroyed. He wants it to grow and bear fruit. So notice his, his decision verse 30, let both grow together until the harvest. And at the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers first gathered together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them,

but gather the wheat into my barn. Jesus says this landowner, this farmer decides I’m not going to uproot the tares. Now I’m not going to pull them out while they’re still growing. I’m going to separate them at the harvest. But at that point, it will be obvious and clear to everyone. The difference between the two now, for the sake of discussion and continuity,

we’re actually going to skip down to verse 36 to the disciples, asking Jesus about this parable. Then we’ll come back up and deal with the next section, verse 36. And Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And his disciples came to him saying, explain to us the parable of the tares of the field he answered and said to them,

he who sows. The good seed is the son of man. The field is the world. The good seed are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who’s showed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age. And the reapers are the angels. Therefore, as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire.

So what will be at the end of this age, the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom, all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and we’ll cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun and the kingdom of their father.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. This is one of those parables where there is not consensus. Even though the explanation of Jesus is here. There’s not consensus on exactly how to apply it. I’ve known teachers and preachers who have understood this to be more specifically concerning the church, that there would be those within the body of Christ, living in the world,

who during the time that they’re in the world, they might appear to be those who are righteous, but not actually be. They might be hypocrites. They might appear to be those who are serving gone, but aren’t actually doing so. And that when the judgment comes, God’s going to know the difference. They’re not pulling the wool over God’s eyes, even though they may be pulling the wool over somebody else’s eyes.

And there may be an, and one of the valid and instructive in implications of that is there are individuals in times and situations in congregation where those who are shepherds, those who are elders, look at these individuals and go, I just don’t think they’re doing what they need to be doing. I don’t think they’re living the way they need to be living,

but they’re not blatantly departing from the truth. They’re not walking away. They’re, they’re not, they’re not forsaking the church in the sense of not showing up. They’re not assembling. They’re not worshiping. They’re not praising God. They’re not, they’re not doing any of those things. They’re literally departing Hebrews chapter 10, verse 25. They’re not doing that.

They’re still giving the signs of being those who are righteous, but something’s not right. And the lesson is sometimes it’s beyond the capability of the person or the human or the elder or the preacher or the teacher to determine that because they might think they’re getting a tear when all they’re really getting is a wheat that struggling and you rip out the wrong thing, and God says,

you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. And so the need to be careful in judging that we don’t destroy what belongs to God valid lesson. And I know some preachers, that’s where they land. I know others who look at this and say that particular implication of this, the particular instruction here is very similar to that. But instead of you, of the entire world,

that God knows those who belong to him and those who don’t. And we don’t have to worry about going through our entire lives judging who’s right, and who’s wrong, but God will judge. And the final day. And I think that’s an okay explanation. But I think actually both of them miss the immediate context when Jesus speaks concerning the end of the age,

when Jesus speaks concerning the world, when Jesus speaks concerning the judgment in this context, I don’t think he’s talking about the judgment there. All of this has set behind it, a context of the kingdom of God. Okay? And when Jesus speaks to the Jews about the kingdom of God, the Jews understood and including the disciples, understood him to be speaking concerning the kingdom that God would create.

When the Messiah came, that would be Israel and Israel’s kingdom that the restoration of their power, their presence, their physical kingdom would be what the promise was all about. And it wasn’t. But here’s the thing, as Jesus is teaching them concerning these things, as he is teaching them concerning the kingdom, he does specifically say, this is the world that revolves around the field though,

the term for world and the term for age, both have similar ideas. But I believe in this context, Jesus is specifically referencing the nation of Israel and what he would do in judging that nation. Think about it. As we go back into the old Testament prophets, as we go back into the old Testament age, you’ve got the prophets telling Israel,

you need to repent. You need to repent. You need to repent. You need to repent, or you will be judged and God will make sure his remnant is saved. You remember Habakkuk would tell Israel the just shall live by faith. And Jesus points out that at the end of the age, when God brings judgment upon this group of individuals who would shine forth the righteous now is he saying the righteous are going to shine forth in heaven.

Oh, now finally, the world’s going to see who the righteous are. I don’t think that’s what he means. Think then instead about what Jesus said, Matthew chapter 24 and other passages is going to happen when he brought judgment on Israel. When the nation of Rome comes in and decimates, Jerusalem and tears down the, the, the temple and dismantles the entire Jewish religion,

because they can no longer prove who’s, who’s a Levis. Who’s, who’s from the tribe of Judah. Who’s a priest. Who’s not a priest that all of that’s gone. The entire structure is dismantled. But as we think from history, and as we look back at what we know from history, we remember that Jesus warned those who were righteous. When you see these things coming,

what were they supposed to do? Get out Josephus and others tell us that when Rome came and besieged the city, and then for a period of time relented and pulled back that every single Christian departed out of Jerusalem, every single person who was listening to Jesus, obedient to Jesus and had repented and change their ways exited the city. And yet city didn’t empty.

Those still, there were everyone else. So there’s a possibility and throw it up here as a third option. And I don’t have a problem with which ones you take, or if you choose option number four, but there’s a real possibility that the message Jesus is saying is these teachers, these individuals who claim to be my God, the father’s teachers, the scribes,

the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the lawyers who are teaching you, how to disobeyed God, if you follow them, what did he say? The blind leading the blind. Who’s going to fall in the pit. Just the leaders, everybody they’re all gonna fall in the pit. They’re all going to be destroyed. They’re all going to receive the end, their destruction,

which is death. John chapter eight, Jesus speaks to the Jews. And he says, you are of your father, the devil. They said, we’re the children of Abraham. He said, no, you’re the father. You’re your, father’s the one. Who’s a liar from the beginning. Well, if their father is the devil, if we put that context here who sowed their seed,

Satan did. So just an alternative, an option here is Jesus may be speaking concerning the end of the Jewish, a age and the destruction of them as a nation. And yet the destruction in which his righteous ones would shine forth. It would be obvious and apparent who belonged to Christ because they heard and received. And no, babe. Okay. So throw that in there.

Let you chew on that for a little while. Let’s go back to verse 31, another parable, he put forth say the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds. But when it has grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.

Another parable, he spoke to them. The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all, all 11. If this<inaudible> some questions here, like there often are with parables. What exactly is Jesus? Meaning? Because some of these, we have the explanation and we still have questions.

And some of them, we don’t have the XPLAN. We have the parable, Jesus describes a seed. That’s one of the smallest of seeds yet grows into a plant, grows into something larger than the herbs. We have the condoms next to the PA of the Levin Levin. Of course, when you take it, you put it inside the bread, you let it rise.

You let it there. It infects the entire loaf. Paul uses the illustration. When he’s talking about the sin in the church in Corinth, he says, if you allow sin to continue in the body of Christ, it’s going to infect the entire congregation, the entire assembly. We’ve got to pull it out. You’ve got to get rid of the sin,

but it would be interesting if Jesus is using leaven in a positive sense. It’s the only time in the new Testament that it’s used that way. If G is, is using Levin in the sense of those who are taking the seat, taking the word of God and spreading it, and they’re going to go throughout the entire world. It would be the only context,

probably, maybe in all of scripture, but at least in the new Testament where Levin is ever spoken of in a positive you sense because in scripture, Levin is always viewed as a corruption. That’s why the Israelites were told when you prepare for the fees, when you prepare for the Holy days, when you prepare for these things, you to do what sweep the house,

get all the 11 out. Every little leavening agent was an agent that changed and corrupted that, which was originally there, that’s the description. So I don’t have a problem with someone who understands it in a positive sense, but what if he’s speaking about sin in the, and the result of sin in the kingdom, then it would match the same use of Levin all throughout the new Testament.

Just a thought, okay. But either way, I think one of the things you definitely see in the mustard seed illustration is the growth. What Jesus would do with 12 disciples would result in a kingdom that would spread throughout the world. Let’s go down to verse 44. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid and for joy over it,

he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls who, when he had found one Pearl of great price when and sold all that he had and bought it. Now this, these two parables, it is of interest that quite often, these are used to describe the reaction of a person who seeking the truth,

finds the truth, finds the kingdom, the church, and enters into it, gives up everything necessary to obtain the kingdom. And that’s a perfectly valid explanation, but an alternative one that you might consider is what did God give up to purchase the kingdom? His only son, the price of the kingdom was the blood of Christ. The price of the church,

the purchasing of the church was done not by us, but by him. And here we see if we look at it from that perspective, the value that God places on his church, his kingdom. So there’s another parable verse 47. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a Dragnet, which was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind,

which when it was full, they drew to shore. They sat down and gathered the good into vessels and through the battle way. So it will be at the end of the age, the angels will come forth, separate the wicked from the just and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus said to them,

have you understood all these things? They said to him, yes, Lord. Then he said to them, therefore, every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old Jesus gives these illustrations, gives these parables, gives these throw besides these trues wrapped in these stories. And then he asked them,

do you understand these things? And they say, they do. I’m going to take them at their word because quite often they’ll say, Nope, but here they did. They got it. Now, part of the reason why I think they may have gotten it is four of them were what fishermen may were very familiar with this process. They knew how to handle this.

All right. Now we were out of the field. We can at least deal with some fish. We know how to deal with that. So they, they know the difference. They they’ve dragged the, the sea of Galilee before and gathered the fish in and taken the good fish and, and, and kept them and thrown the, the terrible fish,

whatever kinds of fish were bad and cast them aside. Okay. So here again, you’ve got judgment though. You’ve got a picture of judging and discerning between that, which is good and that which isn’t and all throughout the context, let’s go all the way back to the sermon on the Mount. Jesus said that, which is good. Or the one in the kingdom who is good as the one who does what does,

what God tells him to the one who hears and obeys. And the one who is evil, the one who is a fool, the one who will be judged as the one who hears and doesn’t obey. So all throughout this context, going all the way back to the sermon on the Mount, we’ve got this continual picture of God is going to judge.

Those who refuse to obey, and God is going to bless those who hear and keep his word. Okay. There is a Mark or Sarah Matthew chapter 13 verses 24 through 52. I don’t even know what context for it. You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve got Mark, Luke, Matthew and everything all confused this morning. So thank you for your attention will be dismissed to the horsepower<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning and welcome to the Collierville church of Christ.

Sunday morning, worship service. It’s great to see each of you here, if you’re visiting with us. So we want you to know that you are our honored guest, and if he would give us just a few moments after the services over to let us have a moment or two to talk with you. And also if you would fill out a visitor’s card,

it’s on the Pew in front of you and hand it to one of us or leave it on the, on the Pew, we would appreciate it. And also, as you came in, if you haven’t picked up your Lord supper, it’s on the table, just as you walk in the door, big, good time to go get your a communion.

If you haven’t picked it up, we need to remember our sick Sheriff’s dad, ed Richardson. He’s as I understand, probably doing about the same Barbara Dillard is improving from her shoulder procedure. Dale’s friends, Ken and Frankie Phillips are recovering from COVID. The Cozort family errands, grandmother. Shirley Cozort is on hospice care. And Aaron is back with us. I think I understand that.

He’s probably going to go back again shortly here to be with her, but she’s hanging in there. Dorothy Wilson with her blood pressure problem has improved. And she’s going for an ultrasound and blood work to see about her stage three chronic kidney disease. And apparently she’s doing a little bit better and Rodale Wilson will have her older sound and the stress test this week.

Joan Springer. I got a message from Lisa this morning, and I see that Marie and his son are here. So we’ll get the straight story from then after church I’m sure, but she had a stint put in last week and Angie will plasty, but she has some problems with the swelling in the left ventricle of her heart. And she’ll be having some more tests today,

but she’s was improving this morning. According to Lisa Donnie Flanagan dies, brother is recovering from a hip surgery and he will be sent to rehab, hopefully sometime this early next week. Okay. Alena sharp, Shelley stacks, mother is on hospice care and she’s hanging in there. And Shelly told him that this morning she’d been 20 days without any food, but she’s still with us.

That’s all the sick that I’m aware of. Don’t forget our pantry items for the children or the potters children’s home. This month is shampoo. They will be here about the 15th of the month to pick up our commodities. And so if you’re kind of behind on that or something, keep that in mind for the first couple of weeks here. That’s all the announcements that I have our song later this morning will be North Olsen.

Michael Dale will have the opening prayer. Eric Halvorson will be siding over the Lord’s supper. Aaron has a sermon and Joe caisson has the closing prayer. Thank you for your attendance. Good morning. Our first song is going to be off. We come together. There’ll be on the slides, but not in the song. Book off would come together. We’re saying verses one,

two, and three, let us sing Off. We come to<inaudible> sing and pray. Aim here. We bring our offering this all the<inaudible>.<inaudible> mainly Alina Andrews. And<inaudible> the may. We<inaudible> all that Hass. And mainly, truly worship has me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to sing mainly Arlene truth and spirit where ship the may. We all,<inaudible> all<inaudible> take this.<inaudible> sing did by the lawn up to see Maley lane truth and spirit where she,

the, Our next song will be number 634. Number six, three, four we’ll work until Jesus comes. We’ll sing verses one, two and three. And after which brother Michael Dale will lead us an opening prayer number 634 We’ll work till Jesus comes all three verses, let us say, Hmm. Oh, Landa brass for the, I saw when, well,

the mom and when I chalet my arm or by and well and P side home, well<inaudible> well where Dell GS<inaudible> till Jesus comes and with being guided home to Jesus Christ died for RAs. He paid me cease to roar and leave or soccer on his breast until he gunned dog to me. Well<inaudible> jeez us comes, we’ll work till Jesus comps.

Well work till Jesus comes and will be a guy, either at home. I saw that once my safe VR side, no more, my staff shout wrong with him. Bred DAS, chilling tide, and reach my hand ni home. Well more<inaudible> well, till Jesus comes and will be a Geyser, Please bow with me, our father in heaven.

How awesome and Holy you are. We humbly bow before your throne this morning. And we thank you so much that you have given us this Avenue to be able to lift our voices and prayer to you and know that we are being heard. Father, we ask at this time that you’d be with all of those many that are ailing. Those that are those that have passed away their families.

And we ask that you put your comforting hand on them and, and help them to see that all is done to the glory of your name, father. We thank you so much for the opportunity that we have to come together and worship you in this country. And we ask that it continues on this path and that we can continue to serve you openly and take your word throughout this country without any roadblocks in our way.

And we thank you so much for everything you’ve blessed us with for the death of your son and in his, it is in his name. We pray, amen. Help prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper. We’re going to sing number 332 for 332 lead me to Calvary. We’ll sing the first, second and fourth verses number 332 lead me to Calvary listen,

King of my life. I crowning nine chow. The chlorine being last I four, and I thought one ground Brown lead me to kind of a three last<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money.<inaudible> for me, laid me to kowtow the three. Show me the tomb where<inaudible> tender the Marne and where angels and robes.<inaudible> the Wells<inaudible> money. Last<inaudible> gunny<inaudible> for me,

they made me to<inaudible> may I be willing to<inaudible> day the, my Crosse for the he then grieve<inaudible> high score and all for me,<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money<inaudible> mean laid me to Rory. At this time, we’d like to take an opportunity to thank God for the ultimate sacrifice that he and his son Jesus did for us. And that was to die on the cross for us to center.

Join me as we pray for the bread, God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the sacrifice that you made of sending your son Jesus here to live on earth with us to teach us, but ultimately for him to commit himself to that cross and let his body hang on that cross until he died for us.

The center, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. Thanks for the fruit of the vine God, our father in heaven, we come to you thanking you again for your son, Jesus. And as we prepare to partake of this fruit of the vine, help us to remember that it represents the blood that Jesus shed for us, the center on that cross of Calvary so that our sins may be forgiven so that we may have that opportunity to live with you in eternity.

In heaven, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Take this opportunity to do, ask for blessings on the offering. God, our father in heaven. We come to you again, thanking you because we truly understand that everything we have is from you and through you. And we cannot thank you enough for the material blessings that we have here on earth.

And as we prepare to give back a portion of these, that we’ve been so richly blessed with, we ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. And we also ask that you help the men who oversee the funds here at the Collierville church of Christ, ensure that these funds are used in such a way to better your kingdom here on earth.

We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. You’re using a songbook this morning. If you want to Mark number 904 Will be the song limitation following or their errands lesson. Okay? The song before the lesson would be number 853, and we all get to heaven. We’re eight five, three. We’ll sing the first three verses of the song.

We all get to heaven. Let us say, seeing no Andress love of jeez, seeing his mercy and his grace and mansions bride and bless and prepare for a blaze.<inaudible> what a day of rain joys saying that<inaudible> the, wow. We walk up Pilgrim pathway clouds, Willow spread the sky mud man drive lane days are over. Nah,<inaudible> man.

We get to have what a damn rain joining that little beam. When we see Jesus we’ll sing,<inaudible> let us then be true and faithful, trusting, serving every day. Just one glimpse of<inaudible> when we all get to and what a day of rain Joy’s saying that well being when we see GS swill seeing<inaudible> Good morning, it is good to be here.

It is good to be home. It’s good to see each and every one of you, couple of things that I want to take care of before we get into the lesson. Number one, sister, Dorothy Wilson called me last night and said, even though that she was not going to be able to be here this morning, she did want to call me and have me express for her,

her desires for the prayers of the church. Her request was that she desired that our prayer be that there is nothing between her and God and that she doesn’t know how long she has in this life. But when this life is over, she wants to be ready whenever that day is. And so we’re going to take a moment and we’re going to pray on sister Dorothy’s behalf,

bow your Heads, Great and gracious, merciful, and caring father in heaven. We bow our heads and our hearts at this time, lifting up our sister, Dorothy, to you, praying that if there is any sin, if there is anything in her life that is between you and her, that it will be forgiven. We know that we each and every one of us have struggles and difficulties,

but we also have confidence and assurance in the blood of Christ that cleanses all sins. For those who are willing to continually seek that cleansing, that repentance and walk in the light. As you were in the light, we pray for sister Dorothy and the upcoming tests and, and procedures that she has, that she will have comfort and strength in those as well.

And that we each might learn from her example to seek help, to seek the care and the thoughts and the prayers of the church as we need them. And that we might always look to you for that mercy and grace that we need in time of need all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Also want to give just a brief update on my grandmother.

She is, as was mentioned, she is at home. She’s under hospice care. They’re coming out once or, or once every day or two, depending upon as needed. But primarily my uncle who lives with my grandmother and has for the last about 10 years is, is taking care of her. And then my parents live right there nearby. And so they’re helping with that as well.

My brother’s wife is down and staying with my parents and helping. And then the rest of us are, are supporting in those needs. So keep us in your prayers. As was mentioned, we will be traveling back this week. So Kiva is in your prayers, both in traveling and in her needs. We appreciate that very much. And it is very much something that we count on on a daily basis.

The importance of prayer, Jesus, we read, Read in Luke chapter 11 and verse one came to pass. As he was praying in a certain place. When he ceased, one Of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray. Notice there. They said, teach us to pray. As John also taught his disciples to pray, It seems From this context that John,

when John the Baptist was preaching and teaching before Jesus began his ministry, that those disciples who had followed him had asked very much the same thing. And John had taught his disciples how to pray. And so Jesus’s disciples come to him and they say, teach us to pray. I believe every new Christian at some Point Has reached a time in their lives where they said into themselves,

maybe publicly, maybe privately, but predominantly privately. I need to pray better. I need to do better in my prayers. I need to pray deeper. I need to be more thoughtful. I need to, I need to be more forthcoming with God in my life. And that’s a good desire. The disciples will ask this of Christ. And we re if we turn over to Luke chapter 11 and verse one,

we’ll see there that Jesus responds to them. Verse two, when you pray, say our father in heaven, hallowed, be your name, your kingdom, come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day, our daily bread and forgive us our sins. As we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one. Now Jesus, here, we’ll present to them. What some have termed the model prayer. It is short. It is concise. It is to the point. And yet he exemplifies in it. Many of the basic needs and functions of prayer. Prayer is to be that which we use in order to seek those things that we need.

It is also to be that, which we use to praise and recognize God for all that he has done. Notice Jesus began our father in heaven. Prayer is also supposed to express a relationship that we have. And yet we see in all of this, This prayer’s importance. We’re not going to stay necessarily in this context, but we’re going to go to a few other contexts throughout scripture.

And we’re going to notice the importance of prayer beginning first with the fact that this is God’s chosen method for man to communicate to him. Now, this is not prayer. That is, is not God’s chosen method for him to communicate to us. And we need to be clear on that. We do not sit down to pray. We do not go into a closet to pray.

We do not come public leave before an assembly to pray so that God might speak to us. We do not pray. And then Wade for a small, still voice to answer us, we do not pray. And imagine that in some moment of time, in some flash or blink of the eye, God will miraculously present an answer that is not the function of prayer.

Instead, the function of prayer is God’s chosen method for man to communicate to him, turn with me. If you will, to Philippians chapter four. As Paul writes to the church at Philippi, he writes to these brethren, as he is sitting in a Roman prison, he writes to them as he is in chains and in bonds and in persecution. And yet they are in a good place at the time.

And he writes to them in chapter four, beginning in verse six, he says, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. We’re going to notice first a number of aspects of this, but we want to notice first and foremost, in the overarching view of this, that prayer is a powerful Course in Daniel.

We read in Daniel chapter four, As Nebuchadnezzar has come to a place where he looks out at his kingdom and he looks out at all that he’s done and looks out at all that he’s built. And he begins To Pat himself on the back at all that he’s accomplished God through. Daniel will make it clear, to never can answer that the God most high rules in the kingdom of men and gives to whomever he will.

Those positions of power. We live in a society that, Yeah, In somewhat of our own, conceitedness believes that we have conjured up a way to control who has power Or in our world. And Yet we in our own Fallacy May be in the same situation as Nebuchadnezzar, where we believe that we have designed the method whereby we choose Who rules in the kingdoms of men,

whether they Be in our, the actions of our government or our society or the governments around the world, as they seek to overthrow one ruler and put a new one in its Place to change The policies and the functions of one nation by putting someone else in charge. And yet the reality is when we look at what scripture says, God makes it clear,

no matter who sits on the throne, he’s in charge and Prayer is our Avenue of communicating to him. And I go through all of that to emphasize this singular point. What if you Today sitting, Being at your house had a phone that you could pick up and it only dialed one number. The moment you reached for it and dialed it. It only went to one place.

It was a direct line to the president of the United States. Now whether you like the person in office or not, the reality is the position. The office has power that comes with it. And if you have a direct line to that office, guess what? You have Power. If you Call that number and it goes through, and the first thing that happens is he’s right here.

We’ll put him on the phone. Then You have a line of communication That has power. But now Let us understand that when we bow our knee in prayer, when we bow our head in prayer, when we bow our heart and our mind in prayer and pray to God in humility, and he hears those prayers, we are speaking to someone who has infinitely more power than the man who sits in the White house.

And unlike the man who sits in the white house in four or eight years, Still be there. So we understand that prayer has power. Paul calls upon these brethren to pray. And he says in everything by prayer and supplication, that his request with Thanksgiving make or let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ.

Jesus, let us notice a few things. The power of prayer, first and foremost, from Luke chapter 11, verses nine through 11. Prayer has the power to make requests known of the God. Jesus has. He gives that example prayer. And then as he continues in that discussion concerning asking God for what we need, whosoever asks shall receive who,

whoever seek shall find whoever knocks the doors will be open to him as he illustrates this. He makes it clear to us that prayer has power to make requests. There are people in this life who, you know, who Are close friends of yours, that, you know, if you have a good relationship with them, that if you pick up the phone and say,

so-and-so, I need, you can Fill in the blank. And if it is in their power to do it, They’ll do it. And it is The blessing to have people like that in your life. It is a blessing in times of need that you can reach out to someone and say, I need help And you’ll get it. And yet God says that When we have needs,

that is exactly what we’re here to do. We are to seek his help. So then we might ask for what should we pray if we have a mode of communication, if we have a means and a method of communication that has such great power with great power comes great responsibility. We need to be careful how we use it. So then for what should we pray?

Let’s begin in James chapter five, James chapter five beginning in verse 13, we read is any among you suffering. Let Him pray. Is anyone Cheerful? Let him sing. Psalms. One of the things that we are to pray for, one of the things that the Bible specifically tells us to pray for is to pray for those who are sick. And even for the one who is sick to pray for themselves.

We also notice if we continue down verse 14, if anyone among you is sick, let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. Notice it’s not just the one who’s sick, who has to pray, but also the church is to be praying for the one who is sick, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much notice. Not only are we to pray for those who are sick, but we are to pray for those who need forgiveness.

We, When we are in need of forgiveness are to pray. We read over in the book of acts where Simon the sorcerer would ask or would seek to buy the gifts of the Holy spirit and the ability to infer or convey gifts of the Holy spirit. And he asked that and, and, and seeks that of, of Peter and Peter will tell him he needs to repent and pray that the wickedness of his heart will be forgiven him.

So prayer for forgiveness of sins is another thing that we are to pray for. But also we are to pray confessing and asking forgiveness for our own sins, not just praying for others. We are also to pray for wisdom. If we turn over to James chapter one, James begins his a pistol, his letter, James, a bond servant of God,

and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad. My brethren counted all joy. When you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach.

And it will be given to him here. James also points out as he discusses at the end of the book, the need for praying, for those who are sick, the need for praying, for those who need forgiveness, that he also says we are to pray for Wisdom, but careful, Cause you might get the answer Of getting wisdom. And yet you No what proceeded that,

right? Right. Before you got wisdom, you got trials and tribulations. My mother has said on numerous occasions, I prayed for wisdom once and I got three children. She said, I didn’t pray for it anymore. But in all seriousness prayer has power to make requests to God and Ephesians chapter six, As Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus,

as he is closing out his letter to this church, he will say to them beginning in verse 18, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end, that with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints and for me, that utterance may be given to me and that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains that in it,

I may speak boldly. As I ought to speak. One of the things that we are to pray for is the spreading of the gospel and those who are doing it, that they might have boldness that they might have a willingness to speak no matter what, But something we need to be mindful of As we pray. And this doesn’t need to be a cause of hesitancy.

This doesn’t need to be something that we hold back our prayers because of it needs to be something that motivates us to pray is that when we pray for something on a daily basis, when we pray for something, we also are reminding ourselves to put forth effort toward that Thing. What if you were to pray, Lord, I need a better job. I needed a job that better supports my family.

I need a job that better pays the bills that we, we, we have needs and things that we can’t handle. I need a better job, but then you never look for a job, but you go on day after day, praying for a better job what’s missing in the equation. Your request has been made known, but your action doesn’t match your request.

You see James and James chapter one further discusses. The not only the request that we need to make to God, but also the faith we are to have that God can fulfill that request. But if we have faith that God will fulfill the request, we act on that faith. We need to be careful that we don’t pray Without having faith. That God will do what we have said.

But then also consider John chapter 12, excuse me, John chapter 17, John chapter 17, beginning in verse 20 Jesus as he is beginning or as he is concluding his prayer to God in the upper room. As he is about to go out to the garden of guests. So many, he is about to be betrayed. He is about to go to Who is deaf.

He prays for unity among those who follow him verses Plenty. I do not pray for these alone, the disciples, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that you have sent me and the glory,

which you gave me. I have given them that they may be one just as we are one I in them and you and me, that they may be made perfect in one. And that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them. As you have Me father, I desire that they also, whom you gave me may be with me where I am,

that they may behold my glory, which you have given me for. You loved me before the foundation of the world. Jesus prays for unity among believers. And If we’re going to pray for unity among believers, then just like that last, where we need to pray and then act on that prayer. We need To seek unity among believers, but yeah,

Unity among believers must always be predicated upon obedience to The word of God. We do Not pray for nor seek unity as some have called it in diversity, unity in our differences, unity in our separate beliefs, unity in separate denomination. Oh, we are to seek unity by returning Burning to the word of God and holding fast To it alone as the standard of authority in practice and in worship,

but then consider as well. Prayer has the power to deliver us From temptation. Jesus would tell his disciples in Matthew chapter 26, is there there in that garden? Not long after he told them or he prayed for unity, he tells them to wait a little while. And then as they’re waiting, he will tell them to pray and watch that they enter not into temptation.

Prayer has the ability to help us come bat temptation, and we need to be careful and observe to do exactly that. So pray for ourselves that we avoid temptation, but also prayer has the power to grant us the peace of God. If you turn your minds back over to the Philippians chapter four, verse six and verse six through seven, Paul not only says with all diligence pray,

but he also says, and the peace of God, what’s he saying? He says that prayer begins. The peace continues that prayer, which starts is a, that which brings forth a peace that surpasses all understanding. Now, just as we observe that very idea, we understand that prayer has the ability to affect things that we do not Comprehend. There are things and aspects of this life that we do not see.

We do not feel we do not touch and yet they exist and can be affected, Did by prayer. And so we need to be diligent to understand the power of prayer, but then consider. Secondly, we need a Understand the conditions prayers must meet to be heard. See, it’s not enough for us to understand the power of prayer. If we are not meeting the conditions To have those prayers heard by God,

God does not say I will hear any requests made by anyone under any circumstance. For any reason, No King does that. And the King of Kings Lord of Lords, doesn’t do it either. So now let us notice a few of these conditions. First and foremost, they must be prayed by those who are Christians. Now there’s an interesting aspect of this,

that there are prayers which come before God, by those who are not Christians in that he observes their desire for obedience. We see over in the situation with Cornelius and the book of acts where his actions and his deeds and his desire for salvation were observed and came before God. And those prayers were answered. And yet there is a relationship that exists in general between God and his children by between God.

And those who are Christians that is different is separate from everyone else. One of the conditions of prayer is obedience to God, turn to John chapter nine, John chapter nine, beginning in verse 30.<inaudible>. This is in the situation where Jesus has healed a man on the Sabbath day. And the man has been brought before the council he’s been, his parents have been questioned first and they said,

well, he’s of age, ask him because the council wants to know who healed you, who did this work on the Sabbath day? And so they will inquire with this man. And he will respond to them because they will accuse Jesus of being one who is doing wrong. And he says, verse 30, the man answered and said to them why this is a marvelous thing that you do not know where he is from this discussion of where Jesus originated,

where is power? Where is thorny originated? The man said, this is a marvelous thing that you don’t know where he’s from. And he says, he goes further to say yet he has opened my eyes. Now we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his, will he hears him? Now,

this man gives an observation to the teachers, the council leaders of the synagogue. He says, we know this, we’re already settled on this. God hears those who obey him. God does not hear sinners who reject him, but we consider further as we go over to Matthew chapter seven, Jesus builds upon this very idea in Matthew chapter seven, beginning in verse 21,

where he says, not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of my father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, done many wonders in your name. And then I will declare to them.

I never knew you depart from me. You who practice lawlessness. If there is not first and obedience to God, there will not be a community Education with God. First, John chapter one, as John On his speaking and writing to these brethren about walking in the light as he is in the light, having fellowship with God as those who are his children,

he Rives to them and inverse, Or he said, As these things we write to you that your joy may be full. This is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light. And in him is no darkness. Yes, at all. If we Say that we have fellowship with him, we walk in and walk in darkness.

We lie and do not practice the truth. If we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from all sins. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just forgive us our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar. And his word is not In us. John Emphasizes not only the need for us to pray to God, to confess our sins, but that our willingness to confess our sins has an impact on our fellowship With him. So we see that we must be careful about the conditions and our condition.

If we are Pray and hear, have our prayers heard. But we must also, as we’ve already mentioned, ask in faith. James tells those who he writes to that if they pray and yet do not have faith, that their prayer will be answered. Then their prayer won’t even be heard. Instead He calls them Double minded men. Those type of prayers are not heard.

And we also need to be mindful of the fact. There are things that hindered Our prayers, our relationships, my Hinder, our prayers, as Peter writes in first Peter chapter three, he says to those who were husbands, he says husbands, likewise dwell with them that his wives with understanding giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessels, as being heirs together of the grace of life.

And notice this phrase that your prayers may not be hindered our relationships with one another. How we treat one another, how we interact and handle one another. How we live together with one another affects Our prayers. Jesus, This makes it clear. As he speaks there in the sermon on the Mount, that if a person has odd against you and you’re going to worship God,

he says, you put your sacrifice down over there and you go deal with the problem you have with your brother first, because that sacrifice is going to do you no good. While you still have something against your brother. He says, you go deal with that first. Then you go take your sacrifice to God. Because as long as you are unwilling to resolve the problem with your brother,

God will be unwilling to resolve his problem with you. And we’re mindful again, of what Jesus said in the model. Prayer, forgive us, our debts. As we forgive Our debtors, if we will Forgive, Jesus makes it clear that he will not forgive. And so our relationships can hinder our prayers. If we turn over to verse 12 of that same chapter we read for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.

But the face of the Lord is against those Who do evil sin in our lives will Keep our prayers from being heard. But there’s also another 0.1 worthy to be made. And that is from Luke chapter 18, Luke chapter 18, We read in verse one, Jesus spoke a parable to them that men ought always to pray and not lose heart. He says there was a certain city,

a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city and she came to him saying, get justice for me from my adversary. And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself though, I do not fear God nor regard man yet, because this widow has trouble or troubles me. I will avenge her less by her continual coming.

She weary me. Then Jesus said, hear what the unjust judge said and shall God not avenge his own elect, who cry out day and night to him though. He bears long with them. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the son of man comes, will he really find faith on the earth? Jesus makes the point here in this parable,

that there is a need for persistence in prayer. There is not. And then are examples of this are abundant throughout scripture. There is not an example of us coming to God in prayer, seeking deliverance from some trouble. And then expecting that. The first time we ask is just going to magically be answered. That’s not what we see. We even see example after example,

Paul being one of them where repetition is involved. And sometimes still the answer is No, but a lack Of persistence. Mike, keep our prayers from being Answered. But then just as we close some examples of where we should pray Because throughout scripture, there are numerous examples of where and in what times and places we should pray. We notice first and foremost,

that Christ prayed in public. He prayed in pie, private. He prayed in the wilderness. He prayed on a mountain. He prayed in the garden. Jesus, as our example of prayer throughout his time on this earth shows us that prayer is just to be an every day aspect of our lives. Daniel we see in Daniel chapter six is praying in his house.

He is observing something from the old Testament, from the law and from the covenant that Solomon makes with God and the children of Israel there as the temple is being established, that when those who had been taken away from the land of Israel, those who have been taken into captivity because of their sin, because of their wickedness, because of their failure to obey God,

when they would look back towards that temple and pray towards that temple, the covenant was that God would hear them. So we find Daniel and Daniel chapter six, as he is there in Babylon, praying to God in accordance with that covenant, we find Paul and Silas, as they’re in prison, singing and praying at midnight, they could have been sleeping or trying to in their chains.

But the reality was they knew there was something more important for them to be doing something more impactful for them to be doing. And so, instead of trying to sleep, instead of trying to, you know, just forget about the situation they were in for awhile, they were taking the situation that they were in to the one who could do something about God,

David Psalm chapter three will prey on the battlefield. Stephen will pray while being stoned to death. Jonah, we’ll pray Probably in one of the most unique places in all history From the belly of a fish, but always, always the prayer is to be that which is coming from a humble heart. Coming from an understanding that God’s will, is what must be done.

And that sometimes That won’t work out for us the way we think Will Paul Writes to Timothy and says, I would that men pray Everywhere, Lifting up Holy hands without running And doubting. As we look at these things we need We’d understand. We’ve seen the power of prayer, the conditions prayers must meet and where we should pray. We’ve seen that without prayer,

we cannot have peace With God or the peace of God Without being a child of God. God will not hear Our prayers, but we also understand that to be a child of God, we must Must be born again by the power of the word of God, by the spirit of God, by coming into contact with the blood of Jesus Christ, which occurs in baptism,

Romans chapter six, verses three through four, We cannot pray. And I think our prayers will be answered if we pray Covered in our sins With only our sins to represent us before God. One of the Things that the scripture makes clear about prayer is that if we are going to pray and if we are going to pray the way we ought, we are going to pray with an advert Kit on our side,

Jesus Christ, the righteous Jesus Christ, the high priest, Jesus Christ, the mediator. And if we, We are going to have him as our advocate, it begins first with us.<inaudible> to him As a member of the body of Christ, you have access Yes to God and we owe so much needed and we should be using it. And we must understand it To the ability and the extent of our human mind to understand it.

And we must Just have faith in its ability to change today, tomorrow and forever. If you have need of the power of prayer, that can be something that is made available to you today. Whether by responding to the invitation, as one who is faithful, one who is righteous and yet has needs that have not been expressed or as one who has fallen away and has a need for forgiveness.

James says the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. And the prayers of those who are righteous, cover a multitude of sins or as one who’s outside the body of Christ and needs to put Christ on in baptism having then access to pray to your heavenly father. All these things can be made available to you today. If you have need of the power of prayer,

why not come now? As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible> are you fully trusting? And his grace is a car you washed and the blonde, the lamb<inaudible>. And so cleansing<inaudible> or your Gorman spotless, are they wide ass know, are you are washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you walking day? The, by the savior side,

are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Do you resting each moment? And the crucified are you wash and<inaudible> are you in blah? And the so cleansing<inaudible> are your garments spotless? Are they wide ass? No. Are you all washed in the blood of the<inaudible> lay a side, the garments that stained with sin and been washed in the blood of the lamb.

There’s a fountain flowing for the so clean. Oh, being washed and blah, are you stand up? And so cleansing<inaudible><inaudible> garments spotless. Are they white? A yes, no. Are you a washed in the blood of the lamb? Right? Our closing song for this morning, excuse me. For this morning, he was going to be number 867,

eight, six seven to Canaan’s land. I’m on my way. We’ll sing the first verse and then we’ll have our closing prayer at eight, six, seven, the Canaan Canaan’s land I’m on my way to Kane and land I’m on my way where the so never a nice my dark as night. Well, turn to dang where the so never a guys,

no side<inaudible> no<inaudible> where<inaudible> and the so never, It was about our God and our father in heaven. It is truly a privilege that we have to come before you and ask you father to continue to watch over us. And thank you father for loving us so much and your precious son dying on the cross of Calvary, that we might have that hope of eternal life with the in heaven father,

we’re mindful of the many that are ill of this congregation, as well as others outside the church and not a part of this body here. We pray father that you help us each day, that we remember them often in our prayers and that we fervently asked that you be with them and those that are ministering to them, that they might regain their health while we’re also mindful of those that are struggling spiritually.

And we pray father that we, as your children might reach out to them and try to encourage them and help them any way that we can. That we’ve mentioned them often in prayer to you, that you will continue to watch over them and bless them. And as they go through life that they, their hearts might be softened, that they want to come back to you and serve you as a faithful child of yours.

Father help us to not take prayer for granted, but realized that we must use it every day of our lives to try to draw closer to you and to try to overcome the things that sometimes come before us and this lie, we might be able to be better servants in the kingdom that we might be more effective, not only in this community, but in our nation and in the world.

We pray father that we take this lesson and we let it strengthen us that we would look to our lives first and try to improve them. And we try to pray for others that might be struggling with various things in their lives while they we’re grateful for the time and the privilege we’ve had to come and worship you this day, we pray that has been acceptable.

And to you that we will take much from what we’ve learned today and what we’ve studied. It might strengthen our faith and that we might draw closer to you and to one another, help us to always be about trying to reach those that are outside your body with the gospel and strengthen us as we go through life that we might have that home and have him with the one day and Jesus,

we pray. Amen.

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01-27-2021 – Live Stream – Mark 4

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Hope everyone is doing well this evening. It’s good to be able to teach class again and just want to say thank you for all the thoughts, all the prayers, all of the messages for Eddie and I and the family. And for my parents, Grammy, our, our grandmother is doing well as can be expected. They, they don’t expect her to recover from this in any way,

shape or form, but she’s not in pain. She’s not able to move her right side. The stroke did paralyze her right side. She is able to, to eat. We’re, we’re able to feed her. And she is back at home. As of Monday night, we were able to get her home from the hospital. So she’s at her house and she knows she’s at her house.

And that’s helpful for anyone who’s been through this type of situation before not being in the hospital and having let alone in COVID restrictions where there’s limitations on, who could see or so the grandkids have gotten to, or great grandkids have gotten to see her. And so that’s been good, but appreciate your prayers, appreciate your concern. And it means a lot to us and hope all of you are doing well.

We are going to be in Mark chapter four this evening. And so we’re going to get started with that right after a prayer. Let us pray. Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have grateful for all of the things that you do for us on a daily basis,

we ask that you will be with us as we go through this period of study. Be with those who may be traveling in the midst of the winter storms. We pray that they have safety on the road. We pray that you will watch over us as a congregation, as we go through this year and may the things that we do and the things that we accomplish,

be those things, which are right in your sight, but also open the doors of opportunities. In the years ahead, may we always be focused each and every day, individually, and as an assembly on serving you and bringing glory to your name, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. So Mark chapter four begins in the midst of the second year of Jesus’ ministry.

It begins with Jesus teaching the multitudes. The multitudes are beginning to follow Jesus. And if you go back in Mark’s account to chapter three, you might recognize an occasion. That is something we just studied about in one of our previous lessons. Then his brothers and his mother came standing outside. They send to him calling him and a multitude was sitting around him.

And they said to him, look, your mother and your brothers are outside seeking you. But he answered them saying, who is my mother or my brothers? And he looked around in a circle at those who sat about him and said, here are my mother and my brothers for whoever does the will of God is my mother and my sister and mother,

excuse me, my brother, my sister and mother Jesus emphasizes that his family are those who do God’s will. And that’s significant because Jesus is making it clear that it is necessary. If you’re going to have a relationship with him to hear the word of God and do it. You remember the wise and the foolish man as Jesus gave it in Matthew chapter seven,

the wise man was the one who heard the word and obeyed it. Who did that? Which he was told. Do you believe that Jesus, his brothers, his sisters had heard the things that Jesus was teaching, perhaps even had heard these things before Jesus was teaching publicly. Perhaps we certainly know that they knew what he was claiming because of discussions we have recorded.

They know who he said he was, they knew what he was teaching, and yet they didn’t act on it. They didn’t believe. And obey. Jesus said, here are my mother and here’s my brothers. And here’s my sisters. Those who do the will of my father in heaven. So it is in Mark’s context. It is in that context that he begins verse one,

chapter four. And again, he began to teach by the sea and a great multitude was gathered to him so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the sea. And the whole multitude was on the land facing the sea. Jesus is here by the sea. Most likely the sea of Galilee, Jesus is here by the sea and a great multitude gathers to him.

They’re coming as close as they can. They, everybody wants to hear what’s going on. And so instead of standing on the land and shouting as loud as he could, Jesus uses as he does at other times, natural acoustics. He doesn’t have a PA system. He doesn’t have a microphone. He doesn’t have, you know, 40 speakers blaring up loud,

wet on way, way, high stands. He instead gets in a boat and goes out into the sea and uses the natural acoustics of the sea and the land to be able to amplify his voice so that people could hear him. And so now the whole multitude can hear, and this is what he begins to say. He taught them anything’s verse two by parables and said to them in his teaching,

listen, behold, a sower went out to sow notice first that Jesus tells them to listen. Just the same way we talked about in Matthew chapter seven, where he says, this is the wise man, the one who hears these words of mine, and then does them. Jesus begins first with you have to hear them. A person cannot be acceptable to God unless they first hear the word of God.

They cannot keep the commandments of God unless they first hear the commandments of God. Jesus tells these people to listen. He will close this parable over in verse nine, with he who has ears to hear, let him hear Jesus emphasizes at both ends of this parable, right at the beginning. And right at the end to listen, to hear the things that he is teaching.

But as we all are, as we’ve already pointed out. And as we know that doesn’t mean just, Oh, I want you to listen up. I want you to listen to this. And then I want you to go forget it, do with it, what you will. He wants them to hear. So they might obey, but he knows some of them won’t.

And we’ll get into that a little bit later in the chapter, he says, listen, behold, a sower went out to sow and it happened as he sowed that some seed fell by the wayside and the birds of the air came and devoured it. So this sower goes out. Now this isn’t like the way you and I would would sow seed in a,

in a garden. This isn’t, someone goes out and they plow nice straight rows. And then they go along those rows very carefully, every so far, according to the back of the package, you make sure and space, those seeds out every 12 inches that that’s not this kind of selling. This kind of sowing is one where the sower goes out and goes along the field and broadcasts that seed.

He takes the seed and he scatters it to the wind, as it were every direction the seed gets sown out. So it’s not being dropped very neatly, very carefully in individual locations. It’s being broadcast, it’s being sent out throughout the field. But then also notice that as a result of the nature of the sewing, it just being cast into the field.

There’s some different soils that it lands on. And the first one Jesus describes is the wayside soil in between the fields in the first century as is probably true in most fields today on the outside edge of the fields, there were paths that they would walk instead of walking, you know, right through the field. They, when they’re traveling, they would walk by these waysides.

They would walk on these paths around the fields in between the fields and such. And yet these paths were trodden upon by people. They were trodden upon by animals. They were hard packed ground and seed falling on that soil. Jesus says the birds of the air come and they eat it up because it just sits right there on top of the soil. But then notice what happens.

Verse five, some fell on Stony ground where it did not have much earth and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth, but when the sun was up, it was scorched. And because it had no root it withered away. The second kind of soil, the Stony soil, the soil that has soil, that’s maybe rich in nutrients at the top,

but beneath it is bedrock. It’s, it’s hard. It’s Rocky soil. This inhibits those roots from growing down in to the ground where they’re going to find those nutrients where they’re going to be able to sustain themselves when the hot sun comes and dries out the ground. One of the things that my boys love to do as Mo many of you know, is in our backyard.

They, they love to dig. And this time of year, we were just out the other day and they wanted to dig in the backyard, been working on a whole, and that’s a whole nother discussion. You should ask my wife about sometime, but they’re working on their whole. And it’s very easy. You put the shovel on the ground and you put a little bit of pressure on it.

And it goes right down in the ground. But sometime around July, if you were to do the same thing and you were to go out into our backyard, which is predominantly clay, and you were to try and put that shovel down in the ground, you’d barely be able to get it in. And if you could get it in, you’d barely be able to get it out.

Why is that? Well, right now in the midst of the, the moist part of the year in the midst of the winter, and when it’s cool, that ground is loose and easy to pull up and easy to work, but come summertime, it’s baked hard as rock and a very different situation arises as far as what the plants can accomplish. So Jesus is that some of this seed ends up on soil.

That’s not thick, not deep dries out. And when the sun comes out in the heat of the, of the year, when the sun comes out, it dries it up because it has no root. So then verse seven, some seed fell among thorns and the thorns grew up and choked it and it yielded no crop. Another part of the seed is broadcast out by the sower is the seed that lands among the thorny soil.

This soil is soil that maybe has good nutrients in it. It maybe has the ability to produce fruit, but it hasn’t been prepared so that it can be used. This is the soil you’d see around the edges of the field. Maybe somebody plowed the field. Maybe somebody has prepared the field. They’ve dug up all the thorns and the thistles and the bushes that are in the field.

But around the edges, they’re still thorns are still briars. They’re still things around the edge of the field. And some of that seed lands in there and up comes the seed up, comes the plant, but it can’t stay there. It can’t live there because those other bushes w those thorny, those thorns will choke it out. They will consume the nutrients.

They will cause that plant not to live and it will die. So it doesn’t produce a crop. Then an other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that spring of increased and produced some 30 fold, some 60 and some a hundred. Jesus says, then there’s the seed that falls on the soil that it’s, that was prepared for it. And that seed does something entirely different.

That seed produces a harvest. And he said to them, he who has ears to hear, let him hear. But when he was alone, verse 10, those around him with the 12, asked him about the parable. Now we know at many different occasions when Jesus gives a parable, the 12 we’ll come back to him privately and say, explain this to us.

What do you mean by this? And Jesus will oftentimes explain to them the parable, but here you see this. Isn’t just the 12. This is the 12 and others who come together with them. They ask him about the parable. And he said to them, to you, it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. Jesus tells them that the unrevealed things about the kingdom.

So let’s, let’s take a moment and actually go into this. The mystery of the kingdom of God doesn’t mean that which cannot be known. It doesn’t mean that, which we conjure some idea of out. It means that which God previously under the old Testament did not reveal. It was that which he gave some glimpse into some insight into, through the prophets,

through the old Testament, but did not state plainly did not give a full understanding of. And so Jesus says the mystery of God, which was currently being revealed the information, the nature of the function, the reality of the kingdom, which was currently being taught and being revealed by God was held for those who would obey. And yet he said to those who are on the outside,

they will be taught in parables. He says, the mysteries of the kingdom of God is been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But to those who are outside, all things come in parables. So that seeing you may see and not perceive and hearing, they may hear and not understand last they should turn and their sins be forgiven them.

This comes from Isaiah chapter six, and I think it would be worth it for us to go back to Isaiah six and get just a little bit of context to what it is Jesus is saying here. So put your, put your ribbon in Mark chapter four, and let’s go to Isaiah chapter six for just a moment. And Isaiah six, I read in verse one in the year that King use I had died.

I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up. And the train of his robe filled the temple above it stood Serafin. Each one had six wings with two. He covered his face with two. He covered his feet. And with two, he flew and one cried to another INSEAD. Holy Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory.

And the post of the doors were shaken by the voice of him who cried out in the house was filled with smoke. Do you remember in the book of revelation where God would do something and as a result, the next thing you see is John saying that the temple of God, the throne room of God would be filled with smoke and everyone would come out well,

here’s this picture, but then notice what happens. So I said, woe is me for, I am on done because I am a man of unclean lips. And I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips, or my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. Then one of the Serafin flew to me having in his hand, a live coal,

which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. Okay. So keep in mind, the picture is like the tabernacle. You’ve got the throne room of God. You’ve got the temple or pictures like the tabernacle or the temple. You’ve got the temple, you’ve got the Holy place where God dwells and then the alter of burn offering there on the outside.

And so the picture here in, in the vision is as though here’s one of these angels who makes this proclamation or one of these cherubim, they make this proclamation and they go to the alter and they take the coals out of the midst of the fire. And now they’re carrying that coal over to Isaiah. And we read verse six. Then one of the Serafin flew to me having in his hand,

a live coal, which he had taken from the tongues with the altar or from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it and said, behold, this has touched your lips. Your iniquity is taken away and your sin purged. Then I also heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said,

here am I send me, okay. So this, this seems like a good, good situation, right? God D is, is seen, God is observed God’s presence, his and his power in his mind and his majesty are observed. And then this angel says to Isaiah, I’ve purified, you, I’ve cleansed your lips. And God says, we need someone to go for us.

And Isaiah says, here I am, send me all of this sounds great. Right? But then we verse nine and he said, go and tell this people keep on hearing, but do not understand, keep on seeing, but do not perceive, make the heart of this people dull and their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand where their heart and return and be healed.

Okay. Does this mean God doesn’t want people to be saved? Does this mean that God doesn’t want people to understand his word and obey it and repent? Hello. This means that there are going to be people who see no value in God who see no value in God’s word who seen no importance and significance in the message of God. And they will hear it and they will neglect it.

They will hear it and they will despise it. They will hear it and they will walk away from it. Now the multitudes had come to hear Jesus, the multitudes of gathered together. But do you imagine that every single one of them had the same level of interest in what Jesus would say? Certainly not. I mean, imagine just, just imagine in your mind,

a group of friends are going in and one friend sees another friend group or his friends preparing to go somewhere. And he says, Hey, where are y’all going? Oh, we’re going here. Jesus of Nazareth. He’s down by he’s down by the seashore. Let’s go hear him. And so this individual who had made no preparation had made no plans to go here.

Jesus goes not because of who Jesus is. Not because of what Jesus taught, but because his friends were going. And so he goes, and he hears Jesus. And when his friends leave, he leaves and it made no impact. It had no lasting value. He didn’t hear with his ears. So as to a way, others might show up like the Pharisees and they would come and they would hear Jesus.

And they would listen to what he said, but they weren’t hearing to obey. They were hearing to find fault. So there are some casual hearers who will hear the word of God. And there are some hearers who will hear the word of God to find fault with the one who speaks the word of God. Neither one of these individuals are hearing to obey in Isaiah’s day.

God says, I’m going to send you with a message, but I know my people, I know Israel. They are dull of hearing. They will hate my message, but you’re going to tell it to them because they will be judged by it. Go back to chapter six of Isaiah. Then I said, Lord, how long? And he answered until the cities are laid waste.

And without inhabitant, the houses are without a man. The land is utterly desolate. The Lord has removed men far away. And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land, but yet a 10th will be in it and will return and be four consuming as a terrible three or as an Oak whose stump remains when it is cut down. So the Holy seed shall be it stump.

God says, I’m going to send my message through you, Isaiah. And they won’t hear it. And I’m going to send my message and they won’t listen, but some of them will, but a 10th, a remnant, a remainder, a stump will remain. They’ll hear and they’ll obey. And so over here in Mark, chapter four, Jesus says the same thing.

Those who were in his inner circle, those who were close to him, those who didn’t just come to hear him when the multitudes were there, but who listened to him in private and who listened to here to obey. He says to you, it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to those who are on the outside,

all things come in parables. He’s simultaneously revealing truth to those who will hear and concealing truth to those who will not hear, Oh, they could have heard it. They could have understood the truth. They could have dug deeper. They could have put forth an effort, but they weren’t interested in anything that involved effort to obey God. So then he said to them,

verse 13, do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables, the sower sows, the word? Okay. So the first item fire here, the sower is sending out the seed and the seed is the word. And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that has,

that was sown in their hearts. So the seed is the word. The sower is the one who declares the word. And Satan here is pictured as the bird. Okay? Then we read verse 16, these likewise, who are the ones sown on Sony’s Stony soil or Stony ground, who, when they hear the word immediately receive it with gladness and they have no root in themselves.

And so endure only for a time afterward when the tribulation or persecution arises for the word sake immediately, they stumble couple of interesting things here in this description about the Stony ground. Number one, he says, when they hear it, they readily hear it immediately. They receive It. Their reception Is quick. And that Sounds like a great thing, But no,

The description he banks about them. There’s no depth to them. And he doesn’t say no depth in their knowledge of the word of God, no depth in their study. Ha no, no, no. He says there’s no depth in themselves. Have you ever met people who are just shallow? They Don’t want to think hard about anything. They don’t want to give a lot of effort to anything.

They don’t want to invest themselves. They want to just smooth, have smooth sailing as they go through life. And whenever disruption comes in this case, Jesus describes it as persecution. They’re going to take the road often traveled. They’re going to take the road that it’s easy. They’re going to depart. They’re going to put aside Christianity because it’s now not smooth.

It’s now not easy Because They have no depth in themselves. Could You take Stony soil And turn it into Good soil? You could, But it would, it would require a change in the very nature of the soil. And it would require a great deal of effort. Does that mean that we shouldn’t ever go through the effort to change and help an individual change themselves so they will hear and become faithful and remain that way.

Now it doesn’t mean that, but it means that you’ll never do it to them without them. You’ll never force someone who is, has no depth in themselves to ever change from that situation, unless they first desire Change. So many people will lay aside the truth for what is convenient. They’ll lay aside the truth for what is easier to do. Okay?

And they’ll walk away from God when the hard times come. But then he also says, These are the ones. Now these are the ones verse 18 sown among thorns. They are the ones who hear the word and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things entering in, choke the word. And it becomes unfruitful here.

Jesus says the thorny soil, that the seed lands in this soil and it begins to spring up. It gives life, but it doesn’t produce fruit. Why? Because the cares of this world, the things of this world that you notice, that phrase, that Jesus said, he said, the desires for other things take their focus away. It takes their attention away from what is most important.

They allow the things around them, the desires of the world, the, the loss of the world, the, the pleasures of this world, sin of this world to choke out the word of God. You see the reality is we’re either removing the thorns or the thorns or removing the word that those are the only two options either we’re getting rid of the sand or the sin is getting rid of the righteousness in our lives.

And you and I, we have to choose for ourselves. What is the priority? What matters most to us is that the pleasures of this world, is it the things of this world? Is it the sin of this world? Or is it serving God? And so this soil, they here, they begin to grow the, the, the plant,

the seed produces a plant. And yet it produces no fruit because it was choked out by things of less importance. But these are the ones sown verse 20 on good ground. Those who hear the word, accept it. And bear fruit. Some 30 fold, some 60 and some a hundred fold. Jesus says, but there’s good soil out there. There’s soil.

That’s been prepared. That’s ready. That will hear the word. And he wants his word sown in that soil. And that soil not only hears the word changes that seed into a plant, but it produces something. It bears fruit and stuff. Some soils will bear different levels of fruit, but they will all bear fruit. So we need to be mindful.

Yeah. Are we Christians who bear no fruit? Are we bearing no fruit of righteousness? Are we bearing no fruit of, of salvation? Are we bearing no fruit of others being taught the word of God? Are we bearing no fruit? Because we’re too busy with other things. One of these days is a phrase too many people have said about serving God.

I’m going to do that. One of these days, I’m going to learn how to teach a class. One of these days, I’m going to learn how to preach a sermon. One of these days, I’m going to learn how to do personal work and Purdue, a Bible study. He was someone one of these days, I’m going to be more faithful in my attendance.

One of these days, I’m going to, I’m going to change my life and start putting some of these sins behind, behind me one of these days. But that’s not what Jesus said. We’re to be. Jeez, Jesus said, we are to be those who hear the word of God and allow it to flourish in our lives, allow it to grow in our lives and allow it to prove,

produce a yield of exponent and show growth in our lives. But it will never be that way unless we first listen, unless we first listen with a mind to hear, to understand, to meditate on that and then implement those things in our lives. It will not happen when we just simply listen and then forget what we’ve been taught. But then also we read also,

he said to them, verse 21 is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed. Is it not to be set on lampstand? Jesus said, what? What’s the value of a lamp? You bring it into the room. You have, you need light in the room. It’s dark outside. Not in the days of electricity.

They, you don’t flip the light switch on you, light a lamp. You bring the lamp into the room. You’re sitting in the dark. So you bring the lamp into the room and you set it and you put something over it so that it doesn’t shine any light, right? Well, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. You don’t bring it in and send it under the bed.

You know what? We need some light in this room. I almost tripped and fell. So I’ll go get the lamp. I light the lamp of come and I bring it and set it under the largest object in the room. No, you put it on a lampstand. You put it where it can do what it was Tended to do shine light For.

There is nothing hidden, which will not be revealed nor has anything been kept secret that should not come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him Hear All through this section. This is all a continual message about the willingness of a person to invest themselves in the word of God, to take that word, that light, that he’s delivering to them and allow it to have an effect,

But they might not do that. Then he said to them, take heed. What you hear with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given for whoever has to him more will be given. But whoever does not have, even what he has, will be taken away from him. Jesus said the one who hears the one who he needs,

what he hears, the one who remembers and meditates on and implements what he hears to him more will be. But to the one who casually came with the multitudes to hear Jesus, and they heard a parable and they went home and they thought about it. And never again, they decided not to do anything about it. They didn’t see any reason why they needed to care or have any concern about it.

They went away and all they received was what they got right there. They had no depth. They had nothing that had continual value for whoever has to him more will be given. But whoever does not have, even what he has, will be taken away. If you don’t use the things you learn about the word of God, if you don’t teach them to others,

if you take it and you learn it and you put it in your mind and then you never review it, you never go back to it. You never repeat it. You never regurgitate it to someone else. You never teach someone what you learn. It won’t stay with you. You’ll learn. Oh, less so. And over and over and over the decades,

you’ll hear the same.<inaudible> over and over and over for decades.<inaudible> never heard that. Never heard that before. Well, maybe you have used it maybe first time, first time you heard it, we don’t need to be vitals to be Bible students. Like we need to be Bible study Bible students that we hear what we hear, give it to someone else.

Someone else give it to someone else. Someone else, someone else there are people. I know people I can tell you tell you the scores scores of every Superbowl, the last 30 last 30 years, they can tell. They can tell you what happened. Highlight super bowl for the last 30 last 30 years. But they can’t buy by movers to you.

They can’t<inaudible> Bible verse to you. They don’t know<inaudible> why<inaudible> and the others and the other, they don’t, they don’t the word of God. I know has value value in their lives, in their lives, 26. And he said, he said,<inaudible> does not know how for the year.<inaudible> when the green, the green<inaudible> harvest as has come kingdom of God.

God is as if on the ground, on the ground and wait and wait. He doesn’t, he doesn’t go out every<inaudible> to make it grow. He doesn’t go out every day, every day and measure and measure to make sure it’s growing. He doesn’t go out every day and more shit forced to grow, to grow. He doesn’t go loud.<inaudible> it will grow.

It will grow. He sells. So see the seed. And then then’s for the harvest or the harvest. The seeds seed has the power to produce the produce. The fruit, not the software, the sower, the sower does fruit. The fruit seed does seed does. So when we sold Marcel ourselves and our opinion, our opinion, we don’t produce,

we don’t produce fruit for God. When we formed<inaudible> I have, in my mind, my parents who have forced their children, their children become Christian, become Christian, maybe knife, guns, guns, but we’re but way they way, they way they delay. They, they<inaudible>, they never inverted them. Them. That’s not that God, what God’s word does.

God’s word we’re in there in there into the heart and the heart. When it oil and deuces is itself itself, it produces its fruit. And then there is a harvest. Our response is to, so our responsibility, our responsibility is to spread the word, the word, the house, the power to save, to save. And we need to learn about the word of God.

When the grain<inaudible> harvest has, has come. And you and I am you. And I need to learn and understand that if we, and if we will. So we, to, we too will re will re harvest a harvest. Paul wrote so off wrote so often about his, his time and his, his, his labor, his loopers to grow some Rose,

something among the churches, the churches to have fruit in those churches, those churches, by teaching them by teaching them. And we need to be about, we need to be about the same need to be. We need to be doing the same thing, the same thing.<inaudible> Can you all hear me? I want to welcome you to our Wednesday night devotional period.

It’s good to see each of you here. And I’ve got a few announcements here that like to get across to the entire congregation. We need to remember our sick Joan sprayer, about the same as I understand, Dorothy Wilson, I was just handed a note which are promptly lost, but the gist of it was that she is suffering from so kidney disease and her heart problems or blood pressure problems are somewhat better.

And I guess he Richardson is doing about the same that’s Sherilyn dad. Barbara Dillard is still recovering from her rotator cuff procedure. And I understand she is doing some better. Elaine sharp that Shirley Shelley Stack’s mother is still dealing with Marsa. And Ken Phillips is also suffering it’s Michael’s friend suffering with the Colvin. And of course you heard Aaron go over with his class about his grandmother she’s home.

And he did a much better job of telling all about how she’s doing, but basically she’s home. And there’s not much they can do for she’s suffered a very severe stroke. And that is leaving them with very few options. She does not want to be doing, she does not want to be resuscitated. So that’s just the way it is. And Donnie Flanigan that’s Diana’s brother lives over in Piper,

tin. He fell and he’s broken his femur. It’s real close to his hip. So he’s going to have a hip replacement in the very near future here. I don’t know either tomorrow or within a day or so nine, and certainly would covet your prayers for him and have a note here, sympathy to the Dutton family at the loss of bill, bill,

and Rhoda used to worship here. And some of you probably probably know him and also keep Francis Redmond in your prayers. She’s doing well. And after the death of Sandra, but things are starting to fall into place for her. And I think we’ll be moving forward with that pretty, pretty quickly here. Song leader tonight is going to be Michael Dale, the devotional Noah Olson,

and Terry Whitley has our closing prayer. Thank you for being, being here. I just have a quick prayer request and announcement. My sister, let me know last night and let my family know last night, that after year of trying to get pregnant, they found out she was pregnant because she had a miscarriage. So she is sure, you know, mentally distraught and asks for prayers of that.

She can get prayers from so she can make it through this because when you try that hard to get pregnant, and then that happens, it can really mess with you. So if you could please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Bethany. If you could Mark song number 931, that will be our song of invitation number 931. And then our song before brother Olson gets up here and gives us this devotional will be number 83.

God is so good. Number 83. God is so God is, so God is good. He’s good to me. He cares for me. He cares for me. He cares for me. He, so to me am so, Oh,<inaudible>,<inaudible> he? So to me he, and<inaudible> he and<inaudible> he and<inaudible> he so good to me.

Good evening. It was a privilege again, to be able to be with you tonight. You want to turn your Bibles over to Matthew chapter five for, but a moment Matthew chapter five, I’ve come to love the sermon on the Mount. And I love Jesus’s sermon, especially in verses three through 12, often called the beatitudes. I like breaking these into two different sections.

The first three would be categorized as the qualities that one must possess before becoming a Christian. And then the last five categorizes or are those qualities that Christians must possess. I want to go through verses six through 12, just for the time we have here. Notice verse number six, firstly, blessing, are they? What you do? Hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled in order for Christians to be faithful unto God.

We have to study. We have to desire the knowledge of God. Amir glance at God’s word is not going to be sufficient in our lives today. We must study second Timothy chapter two in verse 15 tells us to study, to show myself, to proven to God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. I must submit my life a life as a Christian to know God’s will I must hunger for this righteous and hunger for that knowledge.

And I will be filled. As we talked about in our lesson, Sunday, Matthew chapter seven, verse number eight, it tells us, we ask for these things. We seek. We are going to get them. If we seek for the knowledge of God, we will find it. If we give diligence, but notice verse number seven, blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

If I want to be forgiven by my father in heaven, I must forgive others. I must have a forgiving spirit. Jesus portrayed this in Luke chapter 23 and verse number 34. He says, father, forgive them for they know not what they do. He is not suggesting that he is going to forgive their sin when there is no repentance. What he’s saying is I have a forgiving spirit and we as Christians need to do the same.

We need to forgive others when they do us wrong. But notice the third in verse number eight, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. This is, you could say basically a Hey clean life fellowship with God. If we are going to be in fellowship with God first, John chapter one, verse number seven tells us that if we walk in the light,

as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ. His son cleanses us from sin. We have to strive to be like he is free from contamination, free from sin as Christians. And we can be called the children of God. If we confess our sins, he’s faithful. And just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

First, John one and verse number nine. But notice verse number nine of Matthew, five, blessed are the peacemakers for, they should be called the children of God as Christians. We need to strive always for peace. First Corinthians chapter 14, God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. We can’t. We, we, as Christians should not be striving for division.

We shouldn’t be coralling over things that are really pointless. We should strive for peace and that’s what we need to do as Christians. But notice the last quality that we need to possess in verses 10 through 12 of Matthew, five, but less than are they, which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you,

falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted, they, the prophets, which were before you, when I am faced with persecution, whether that be verbally, or if the time comes there might be physical persecution. I, as we, as Christians have to stand up for Christ, Paul would say in Romans chapter one,

verse 16, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Why, why is Paul not ashamed? He continues because is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes his Jew first and also to the Greek. And therefore we, as Christians need to stand up for the gospel, or if we want Christ to confess us before his father, we need to confess him before men.

But perhaps there is one here tonight who has not had these, these qualities and living faithfully as a Christian, perhaps you’ve strayed from the faith. You obey the gospel once before, but not the living faithfully unto unto Christ. Would you come back to God again? I state this many times, but God is ready and willing to forgive. You just have to make that step,

but perhaps you’ve never even obeyed the gospel. And you would desire to, again, as I’ve stayed in verses three through five of Matthew five, there are three qualities that one must possess. He must be poor in spirit, have a humble heart, be willing to come to the knowledge of truth. He must be meek and he must have he mourns.

Why does he more? He repents. He turns from sin and that is what one must do. He must believe that Jesus is the son of God. Be willing to repent of his sins, confess Christ before man, and to be willing to submit to baptism. So you can be added to the church if you’ll be willing to do so. God will add you to his church and you can be called a Christian.

If anyone is subject, why don’t you come as we stand? And as we sing, Yes, lied well, shine and hearts of man, the fruitless deeds of darkness, ah, revealed by Christ.<inaudible> wake up, sleep rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Wake up sleeper rise from the dead and Christ.<inaudible><inaudible>. The fruits of his spirit is,

Oh goodness, Nudie breaks. And<inaudible> give thanks to God and Jesus Christ. Wake up, sleep rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Wake up, sleep rise from the dead and cry.<inaudible> on you. Let us pray our heavenly father. We thank you for another day. Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to be in your house tonight and hear your word proclaimed Lord.

We ask that you be with the sick, be with Aaron and his family Lord, and just comfort them as only you can Lord, we thank you for Michael and Noah and their devotion Lord in, let us keep supporting them and just give them a desire to serve you. Lord, Lord, as we leave tonight, just be with us and bring us back at the next appointed time.

These things we’re asking your precious name. Amen.

01-24-2021 – Live Stream Worship (N. Olsen)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Welcome to our Sunday morning Bible class. I’m recording this according this Saturday night, Saturday night. Want to want to let all of you know that right now, my grandmother is still with us. They’ve given her meds and she finally has started sleeping. She really hasn’t slept any of the last 20 hours, 20 hours in any substance,

in any substantive way, but appreciate, appreciate your all’s prayers for us. She’s in a lot of discomfort at this point, at this point in time, but thankfully the, the medication has made it to where she could sleep. So thank you for your, thank you for your thoughts, your prayers, and all the, all the contacts and the messages that we’ve received,

letting us know, letting us know that you’re thinking about us and her and praying for us. And we appreciate it. Greatly. Also want to say also want to say thank you to Noah for filling in for me preaching this morning. Let’s get in, let’s get into Luke chapter 12. We’re going to continue our study in Luke chapter 12, beginning verse 22 as we get started,

but let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father gracious father in heaven. Rebal before you incredibly incredibly grateful for all of your many gifts, your many blessings, most especially most, especially your son who died on the cross for our sins and has delayed as delivered to us the hope of eternal life. We pray that as we pray that as we go through this period of study,

the things which Christ Christ spoke while he was on this earth will enlighten our hearts and help us to incur, to be encouraged by the things that we read, but also to be provoked, to be, to be what you would have us to be. We ask that you forgive us. When we sin and fall short of your glory, we pray all this.

We pray in Jesus name. Amen. So as a result, so as a result of not being there and not having them in front of me, I’m going to leave the review of the questions Wednesday night for another period. Hopefully this coming Wednesday night or Sunday, we can go over those. So I encourage you to study those on your own. We’re going to begin in Luke chapter 12,

verse 22. Then he, then he Christ said to his disciples, therefore I say to you do not worry about your life. What you will eat nor about the body. What you will put on life is more than food in the body. More than clothing. I remember the context of this that actually began in our, in our study on Wednesday night,

there is a man who came to Jew, came to Jesus and said, tell my, tell my brother to give me or to divide with me, inherit the inherited. He said, Jesus said, may have I been made a judge or a arbitrator between you and your brother, and then gave the parable of the rich fool follows. He follows the parable of the rich fool up with this statement,

therefore, or do not be worried, do not worry about your life. This is a, this is a similar statement that is made over in. We saw in the sermon on the mountain, made over in Matthew chapter six. But Jesus said, as he speaks to this man, as he speaks to those who are around, as he speaks to his disciples who are listening to this,

and they’re seeing this, he says, do not worry, do not worry for the things of this world. Life do not focus, do not focus on this life, especially, especially in this context to the neglect of these next life of eternity. This man, this man is standing before Christ. He standing before the Messiah, he’s standing before the one who the Israelites were waiting to arrive for 1600 years.

And what is he? What is he worried about? His inherit, his inheritance he’s missed. He’s missed the importance of everything that is right in front of him because he’s because he’s too worried about physical possession. So then Jesus. So then Jesus says this life is more than food. Verse 23 and the body more than clothing. Consider the consider the Ravens for they neither sow nor reap,

which have, which have neither storehouse nor barn. And God feeds them of how much more value are you than the birds. And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature. If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? Jesus, Jesus lays upon them. The reality that they’re not in control,

they’re not, they’re not in charge and much effort as they might expand, expand in order to, in order to achieve their own goals, they can’t do the smallest of things in view of God’s ability, God’s power and God’s power with a word, with a word. God spoke the universe into existence with all, with all of our thought and being an effort we can’t fall by fault,

extend our life even for an, even for an hour. And here and here, Jesus let Jesus lays for reality. The reality that This person is missing greatest thing, the thing of greatest value in his own, in his own life, the value of his soul, if he has, if he has his soul and he has salvation and he has the kingdom,

then the inheritance and the inheritance is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. But instead, it’s the only thing he’s thinking about. And notice he then notice he goes on. If then you are not able to do the least, why are you anxious to do the rest? Consider the lilies, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin.

And yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed. Like one of these, if then God. So clothes, the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven. How much more will he clothe you? Oh, you of little faith and do not do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink,

nor have an anxious mind for all of these things. The nations of the world seek after. And your father knows that you need these things. See, but see the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. Jesus, Jesus emphasizes that we need that. We need to prioritize correctly. I need to learn. We need to lay forth our priorities in the right order.

And when we do that, God can, God can take care of the rest and is knowledgeable and understanding of what it is that we need. He created us to begin with. Of course he knows what we mean. Of course he knows what is required to sustain our daily life. So Jesus, so Jesus is saying you’ve, you’ve lost the Hey and the confidence you have in your father,

your eternal father. And instead you buy your own mind and your own ability or striving to accomplish these things. And you can Can’t do it, not on your own, Not on your own. And if you try, you will miss. You will miss. What is of the greatest value to you. And that is eternity. Do not fear, do not fear.

Little flock, 32 verse 32, four. It is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Jesus said, Jesus said, not only will God give you the things that you need. Not only will God take care of your daily provisions, but he will also give you, which is that, which is of greatest value His kingdom. And he will,

and he will do it gladly. Now here’s the contract. Now here’s the contrast. There’s the, there’s the brother who has an inheritance that he won’t share with his brother and the other brother. The other brother wants the inheritance to be shared with him. And he’s looking for anybody who can get him. Part of that inheritance yet. He’s missing it.

He’s missed out on the opportunity to receive the kingdom. God is God is over here with the kingdom of greater value than his inheritance. And he’s waiting anxiously desiring to give it to the man, but the man’s not, but the man’s not interested because he’s interested in Fashions in, in this life. Jeez, Jesus said, Jesus said, sell what you sell,

what you have. You have all and give alms, provide yourselves money bags, which do not grow old treasury, a treasure in heavens that does not fail. No where no thief approaches nor moth destroys for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also, I don’t believe. I don’t believe this is a blanket statement by Jesus. That every person,

every person who’s going to have entrance into the kingdom has to go sell all of their possessions and give it to the poor. It’s not, that’s not what Jesus is saying here. Remember, remember, he’s talking to his disciples, but he’s also talking to this man, this man wants more possessions. And Jesus said for fit what you Have first forfeit,

Forfeit, what you have for the sake of the kingdom. And then we’ll, and then we’ll see where your treasure, where your treasure is there. And then we’ll see where your heart is. Get your, get your heart right first or all, or all the, all the, the substance, all the possessions, all the treasures in the world.

Won’t do you Any good because one of these, because one of these days, you’re Going to, you’re going to leave this Life and you’re not taking, you’re not taking any of it with you and yet, And yet do what you do with it. Now can as hand as he makes this, as he makes the statement here, create or provide yourselves money Bags and account and account.

As I think, as I think Peter States it as Paul certainly States it in Philippians four in heaven that cannot be touched. It cannot be, it cannot be stolen. The, the dollar us dollar currently, currently, and in, in the upcoming years, the, the federal reserve has said that they are going to try and wholly inflation to around two to two and a half percent.

That means I means every year, you’re the, you’re the value of a dollar. You have decreases by two and a half Per cent. Now think about now, think about that. If, If you have a hundred dollar bill, how many, how many years until that hundred dollar bill at a decreasing rate of two and a half percent, every year is value is valueless.

And it wasn’t even, it wasn’t even stolen. It was stolen. It was stolen by inflation. It was inflated. It was inflated to the point where it had no real U value. There was a time and there was a time in American history where Penny’s could actually could actually buy something. And now we, and now we regularly hear the discussion about whether or not we should even have pennies anymore because,

because they have been flayed inflated out of value, the value that is worth anything Substantive. Now, now Jesus, Jesus said where your, where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also where you, where you make preparations for your treasure to be where you actually store up. Your treasure is where your heart is, where your heart is. So if also,

if all your efforts in all of your game and all of your prosperity and all of your, your use of time and money in substance goes towards achieving more possessions in this life, more accounts or accounts, larger dollar amounts and larger things, more possessions, all of these things. Then Jesus said, you’ve put, you’ve put your heart into a treasure that has,

that has no Lasting value, but 35 versus 35. Okay? He says, he says, let your waist be girded. And your lamps burning. Luke gives us, gives us a transition here from, from the dizzy discussion of possessions, to the discussion, to the discussion of the kingdom And preparation. He says, He says to his disciples, let your waist be girded.

This was an action done in preparation for battle. Quite often, he said, let your, let your waist be girded. And your lamps burning, familiar were familiar with the parable of the, of the first verge, the 10 virgins. Some of them had burning lamps ready to go. Others did and others didn’t. And you yourselves be like men who wait for the master when he will return for the w excuse me,

who will, excuse me, who will wait for their master? When he will return from the wedding, that he may know that when he comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately. It’s an interesting statement That they will open to him immediately. Immediately. Why would a servant not open to his master when the, the master arrives at the door and knocks,

why would a servant not open immediately think about it this way. This is pointed out by brother Franklin camp. And in this passage, he said, you know, sometimes someone comes over to visit the house and you’re not ready for them. You weren’t planning on them and, and their stuff everywhere. And the house looks lived in. And, and,

and you just, before you even go answer the door, you’re shoving stuff in the closet. You’re putting stuff in our room. You’re tidying up. You’re not prepared. And so where are they? They’re standing at the door waiting. You didn’t open the door immediately. Why? Because you weren’t prepared here. The illustration Jesus gives is that type of servant who is not ready for the master’s return.

And so instead of immediately opening the door, he’s scurrying around to become prepared at the last minute. But notice what Jesus says blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, we’ll find watching assuredly. I Say to you that he will gird himself and Have them sit down to eat and we’ll come and serve them. Jesus goes so far to say this.

Jesus said, I am looking for a servant, not who’s got the house prepared for when I return. I’m looking for a servant. Who’s watching for my return. The master doesn’t even come and knock. The master. Doesn’t spend any time outside waiting. The servant, sees him coming and opens the door. No wait time. But then the reaction of the master is to serve the servant.

Now, yes, I know that Jesus will say in Luke chapter 19, that, or chapter 17, that when we’ve done all that we’ve been commanded to do, we are still unprofitable servants. I understand that. But Jesus is saying the master in the kingdom will serve the servants to do what they need because they sought first. The kingdom goes right back to what he was just saying.

If you will seek first the kingdom. Yeah. If you will be prepared, if you will be watching, if you will be a good servant, then your heavenly father will serve. You will provide for you. But know this verse 39. That is if the master of the house had known what hour the thief let’s actually go back to verse three.

And if he, you should come in the second watch or come in the third watch and find them so blessed are those servants. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, had not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour.

You do not expect. He’s telling me these people and he’s telling his disciples. And he’s telling those who will listen. You be ready, always because when Christ returns there won’t be any signs. There won’t be in a great announcement. There won’t be any seasons to look at the forecast. There will be no signs of Christ return. Instead they are to be,

be prepared. Always. Then Peter said to him, Lord, do you speak this parable only to us or to all people? It’s interesting to notice when Jesus gets asked a question, how sometimes, sometimes he doesn’t just answer the question he answers what’s needed. And not necessarily what’s. I asked the Lord said, who then, then is a faith.

Is that faithful? And why steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household and to give them their portion of food doozies season, bless it is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has. But if that servant says in his heart, by master is delaying his coming and begins to beat the male servants and female servants and to eat and to drink and to be drunk.

The master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour, when he is not aware and will cut him into an appoint him, his portion with the unbelievers and that servant who knew his masters will and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know yet committed things,

deserving of stripes shall be beaten with view. For everyone to whom much is given from him, much will be required. And to whom much has been committed of him, they will ask the more Jesus replies to Peter, that God has entrusted to individual’s responsibility and has entrusted to them, the work of the kingdom, the care, and providing for of the kingdom,

the function of the kingdom. And if those servants failed to carry out their obligation, or if they become those who think, you know what Christ isn’t returning anytime soon, I’ve got time to fix it later. I can glorify myself right now and I can do his will later crisis. That’s not going to work out for that person. That individual will be judged.

Now think about it. This is truly an accusation against the scribes and the Pharisees, the chief priests, the Sadducees, and the religious leaders, because prophetically speaking, the prophets would look forward to the days of Christ. And they would proclaim that the shepherds that were supposed to be shepherding Israel had instead chosen to consume the flock. And he’s about to transition to a discussion of a flock.

He’s about to use the old Testament analogy of the shepherds and the flock and the evil shepherds who would be judged. And that was the scribes, the Pharisees, the chief priests and the religious leaders of the day. So verse 49, I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled, but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed I am till it is accomplished at,

at times, Jesus will begin to give insight into what’s coming his crucifixion and the things that would happen, but they wouldn’t understand it. His disciples wouldn’t comprehend what he was saying. And yet would say in any way, and later on, as John will point out, they’ll remember all of these things and they’ll understand, but they didn’t at this point.

Note is also that Jesus is speaking about a judgment, a judgment that would come. And I believe this is specifically referencing the judgment of the Jewish nation, the judgment against Israel for their unfaithfulness. And again, that goes back to those shepherds that were not faithful. Verse 51. Do you suppose that I came to give peace on the earth? I tell you not at all,

but rather division four from now on five in one house will be divided to three against two and two against three. Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her. Mother-in-law Jesus came to bring peace. But the kind of piece that it bring is brought about when individuals obey God,

that is they hear the truth. They obey the truth. They hold fast to the truth and they don’t depart from the truth. When they do that, they have peace with God, but Jesus did not come to bring peace to those who refuse to obey the truth. And so Jesus said, I did not come to bring peace, but division. He came to bring judgment and the vision against those who would not hear the truth and who would not obey the truth.

So to in congregations today, if the choice is between holding fast to the truth and maintaining the doctrine of Christ and living out what Christ has said, or getting along with a group that wants to change the doctrine, or wants to change the practice of the church, or wants to change the worship of the church, we don’t need unity. We need division.

You say, well, wait a minute. Jesus said we weren’t to divide the church. Paul said that the Christ didn’t want the church divided or correct, but he also doesn’t want an unfaithful church. It’s not enough to have unity. It must be unity based upon obedience to the truth or it’s unity that will never matter in eternity. He goes on to say,

then he also said to the multitudes verse 54, whoever, excuse me, whenever you see a cloud rising out of the West, immediately, you say a shower is coming. And so it is, and when you see the South wind blow, you say there will be hot weather. And there is hypocrites. You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth,

but how is it? You do not discern this time. Jesus looks at the multitude. Who’s regularly pictured as those who, well, they think Jesus is the, is the Messiah. Well, they maybe he’s the prophet. Maybe he’s Alijah. Maybe he’s he’s John, the Baptist, maybe he’s somebody else. And he said, you can look at the sky and understand what the weather is going to be.

And you can’t understand all of this old Testament, scripture that tells you the time of the kingdom is at hand. And that the Messiah is here. Yes. And why verse 57, even of yourselves, do you not judge? What is right? When you go with your adversary to the magistrate and make every effort along the way to settle with him,

lest he drag you to the judge. The judge deliver you to the officer. The officer throw you into prison. I tell you, you shall not depart from there until you have paid. The very last mite. Jesus said there are consequences for not observing the truth. There are consequences for not putting first the kingdom. There are consequences for not being obedient to God and Christ and being ready for his return.

And all of that is used here in an analogy of a person who owes a debt. They will not have not paid. And they’re going to have to pay it by being put in prison until the debt is paid. There were present at that season. Some who told him about the Galileans whose blood pilot had mingled with their sacrifices and Jesus answered and said to them,

do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things. Having been told you can’t, you can look at the sky and you can determine the weather, but you can’t understand what’s right in front of you. Some people say, well, didn’t you hear about those? Galileans didn’t you hear what happened to them? That,

that, that these Galileans pilot took their blood and he sprinkled it with their sacrifices and abomination that God, that’s a clear indicator. This is kind of in the subtext here, the implications, this is a clear indicator that these Galileans, who were offering the sacrifices were evil, bad people, otherwise, such a terrible thing would never happen. Had them.

Jesus said, do you suppose that these Galileans were right? Worse, sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things. I ain’t tell you. No, but unless you repent. Yeah, you will all likewise perish or those eight keen on whom the tower of Salone fell and killed them. Do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?

I tell you no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise as perish Jesus, and it’s time for you to start cleaning your own house. It’s time for you to start getting right in your own heart, in your own life and repeating hinting or yeah. This example, not a tower falling on you, not a Roman ruler coming and killing you and mingling your,

your blood with the sacrifices. That’s not what Jesus said. Coming destruction, judgment, death. That’s what’s coming unless you repent. And we’re reminded that the message of repentance is what John came preaching. He came preaching to Israel. The people of God who the Messiah would be born among them and was among them. He came preaching, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

And Jesus preaches the same, the message, repent or perish. There are, are no other alternatives. We need to examine our hearts and our right minds. We need to examine our lives and figure out are we in need of repentance? Is there something in our lives that we’re ignoring? Is there a motivation that desire for riches, for glory, for possessions,

for, for the things of this earth that we can’t let go? Yeah. He spoke this bearable, sorry, man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he looked or said to the keeper of his vineyard, look for three years, I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and found none.

Cut it down. Why does it use up the ground? Interesting principle here is Jesus fully comprehends and illustrates within his teaching that a plant exists and pulls nutrients from the ground. It, yes, with this example, the fig tree pulls the nutrients from the ground, but produce it. It is nothing. It produces no fruit. It uses up resources,

but has no productive value. So the vineyard owner says, cut it down and get rid of it. But he, the vineyard keeper answered and said, sir, let it alone this year. Also until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit well, but if not after that, you can cut it down. I want to remind us that we’re in the second year of Jesus’ ministry.

And in the second year of Jesus’ ministry, Jesus uses the illustration of one who has taken three years to come find any fruit born by this nation of Israel. And he’s not finding any, that’s not to say he’s not finding an individual and individuals who would be obedient to him, but the nation, the nation was not producing the fruit of the kingdom and the nation was going to be judged.

So notice Jesus said, I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword. I didn’t come to bring peace, but division, I came to bring fire. He says, and then he says repent or perish. And then he says, if you produce no fruit for my kingdom, I will cut you down. I will destroy you. We need to learn the necessity of bearing fruit.

And that fruit must be righteousness and the producing of righteousness, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others, hope you all have a good class and have a good worship this morning. And I pray that everything will be well with you until we’re with you. Again, we love you very much. You’re dismissed.<inaudible><inaudible> Good morning and welcome to the Collierville church of Christ.

Sunday morning, worship service. It is so good to see each of you here this morning. We have several visitors with us and especially the Olsen family that came all the way from central Missouri to, I think they have some special interest here, but anyway, it’s good to have them. And the hatchers are with us. They once worshipped here several years ago and quiets back with us again today,

appreciate him. And we appreciate our minister from Holly Springs. Good, good to have you folks here, if you haven’t, we wouldn’t like for you to take a card from the Pew in front of you and fill it out and just leave it on the Pew or drop it in the collection plate or hand it to one of us, just get it,

get it to here so that we have a record of your attendance. And as you came in, if you did not pick up the Lord’s supper on the table, as you walked into the auditorium, this is good time to do it. We’re just going to go through a few administrative announcements. And so go back and pick up the little cup of bread and grape juice,

and we’ll be ready for the Lord separ when it is offered, need to remember our sick Joan sprayer, still very weak at home. Dorothy Wilson is doing better with her heart blood pressure problem that she has. And we have a note here that her blood pressure is, is stabilizing. And she is scheduled the 1st of February, which is Monday to have ultrasounds and blood work to see if her stage three chronic kidney disease has improved since her last hospital stay.

When her count was 43, where it should be around 70. So let’s keep definitely her in our prayers and ed Richardson, which is the Halvorson’s father-in-law is doing about the same. As I understand, Barbara Diller is still at home suffering with the recovery of her shoulder, from a procedure that was done on it. It has to be a mobilized for a period of about two weeks or better.

And she’s still working on that need to remember her Elena sharp as well. And Ken and Frankie Phillips that’s Dale’s the Dale’s friend. They are recovering from COVID. That’s all of the sick that I’m aware of as you came in the auditorium, there’s a basket of names we’ve been working on this for awhile. It’s names of people that previously worshiped here, or have we have some record of them having visted.

If you’d pick up one of those names out of the basket and make contact with that person and just invite them back to the church is what it’s all about. The Potter’s children home up in Kentucky, that we helped support. We’ll be here to pick up the commodities that we assemble the week of February 15th. So if you haven’t been bringing your commodities, this is a good time to get update on that.

The Nesbitt church of Christ congregation is hosting the 22nd standing in the gap lectures Wednesday through Sunday in January 27th through the 31st, there are details on the bulletin board. If you’re interested in attending there. And then I have a card from Francis Redmond that I’m going to read for you. I’ll post the code card back on the bulletin board, but it says to all my brothers and sisters in Christ,

I want to thank you for all the help you have given me. Thank you for all the prayers over all right, stays food calls, cards. Your kindness has been such a blessing to me. May God bless you all Francis Redmond. That’s all the announcements. I have the order of service today. We’re totally blessed to have so much talent in the congregation.

The song leader will be Michael Dale. He’s also a student over to Memphis school of preaching and no else. Noah Olson will be bringing us the message. The opening prayer will be Eric Halvorson. Joe caisson will be officiating on the Lord’s supper and the closing prayer will be Terry Sanderson. Thank you all for your attendance. Our opening song this morning will be number 75.

I seen the power of God, number 75, Seeing my T power of God that<inaudible> that<inaudible><inaudible>. Ah, I see where’s John dad or Dan<inaudible> the moon shines for that is a man. Oh, the stars. Oh, Hey, seeing goodness of the Lord.<inaudible> he form creatures with his word and then<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> ground tread or gaze upon<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and clouds.<inaudible> burst.

Blow by<inaudible> from<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and every where that man can be. God,<inaudible> The song before the opening prayer will be number 797. Lord, we come before the now seven 97 Lord we come before the ah, ah,<inaudible> ah, Oh, dune. Ah.<inaudible> shall we? The Lord in vain. We see the Lord and<inaudible><inaudible> and calm passion.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible> and I know<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the God<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Please bow with me.

God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this morning, to sing songs, appraised your great name and study another portion of your word Lord. We’d like to thank you for those amongst the members of this congregation that have found and had improvements in their health, because we know that you are in control of everything.

And we thank you for those that have had improvements. But Lord, we also know that there are many amongst us that are suffering from various illnesses and ailments. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms around each and every one of them. Lord, we, especially at this time would ask you that you wrap your loving arms around Shirley Cozort and ease her pain.

If it be your will. And if it be your will restore her to a measure health that she so desires. We also ask that you wrap your loving arms and comfort the entire Cozort family at this time of their need and comfort. Also each and every one of those that are suffering with loved ones that have illnesses. God. Now, as we prepare to study another portion of your word,

we ask that you help each and every one of us assembled here this morning to have open hearts and open minds so that we can understand the message that Noah brings to us this morning, your message, your word, and we can take and apply that to our lives so that we can be better servants to yours while we’re here on this earth. And we want to thank you for your son,

Jesus, because we know that the sacrifice that he and you made for us, make it possible for us to live with you in eternity. One day we pray all this through his name, amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 332. Lead me to Calvary three, three to King of my life. Crown me, ah,

nah, nine shout Kamari bee. Last for good thorn crown bruh. Ah, me too.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for me, the me too.<inaudible> show me the two<inaudible><inaudible> and, and Joes and robes Ray. Hey God. At the Watts<inaudible> money.<inaudible><inaudible> me, the me too.<inaudible><inaudible> through the glue, calm with a gift to the show to mean,

ah,<inaudible> the me too.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for me, the me too.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for<inaudible> for again<inaudible> for me, the me too.<inaudible> As we come together this day, we often sometimes take things I think too lightly about our Savior’s death. And as we look back to the time that he was ready to cue and spit upon the time that he was beaten in the time he was led to the cross and hung there on the cross of Calvary to die for us.

And as we think about that, we need to reflect upon what he’s done for us and the hope that we have through him, that by his dying for us, he made us a way of redemption from our sins and be able to turn back to our God and to our savior, to hopefully have that home and having one day, we want to reflect upon that now,

as we protect the Lord’s supper, and as we have sung this beautiful song to remind us that he did die for us, and he’s always there for us and we gain our strength by going to him, that is pray father, I got in heaven. We know that it was a sad time when your precious son had to go to the cross of Calvary.

We know it was by his own wheel that he went and that he suffered and died for us. And as we reflect upon that father, we’re so grateful and so thankful that we are able to be your children and able to receive that blessing. While there we pray that as we partake of this bread, that we might examine ourselves and make sure that we’re taking of it in a manner worthy Jesus,

we pray amen.<inaudible> Oh God, our fathers. We continue to look to the cross where our savior hung there and he shed his precious blood upon that cross. And there’s through that blood that we have the forgiveness of our sins, opposed to always be mindful, that sacrifice that was made for us. And as we go through life that we will let it show in the way that we conduct ourselves before our fellow man,

they do know that we are your children. And then we have redemption through his blood, right? As we protected this fruit of the vine that we might do. So in a way pleasing is it represents that blood of our savior Jesus, we pray. Amen. Well, I had the opportunity to think about us giving back to the Lord and to be able to continue to conduct the work of the church,

to do our benevolent activities and also to help further the kingdom and supporting those that are teaching and preaching. Not only here, but throughout the world, that they too might come to the knowledge of God’s word and want to be a child of, he is let us pray. Father in heaven, we’ve been so blessed in this country and we’ve been blessed beyond what we really need.

And we pray father that we’re being good stewards of those blessings that we have determined in our hearts to give. And as we’ve been prospered that we’re so thankful to be able to give, to help the work of the church here, as well as in other places in the world that we played pray that we would be liberal with our giving and that we are trying to take care of the needs of those that perhaps are having difficulties with different things in their lives and,

and be very benevolent and how, how we tried to help them, bless us in our efforts, continue to strengthen us as the days, go by help us always to do all to the names honor and glory in Jesus. We pray amen. If you’re using the song book and we’d like to Mark the song of invitation is number 945. Number nine,

four five. It will be on the slides though. The song for our lesson will be number 616, the way of the cross. If you’re able to let stand for this song, please, number 616.<inaudible> I must needs go home by the way of the cross. There’s no other way, but it is shown again outside of the Gates, if the way of the cross,

the way of the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Sneads go on and blah sprinkles were, Hey, Pat, that save<inaudible><inaudible> to the it’s where the<inaudible> at home with. Ah,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> then I bet to the way to walk<inaudible> for my Lords. And I see my<inaudible> no way of the cross<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> cross<inaudible>. It was a privilege to be able to be with you this morning.

You able to give you a lesson from God’s word again. I want to thank you all for that opportunity. So we want to be praying for the Cozort family continually and hope everything can go. Well, our lesson this morning is very simple. Our lesson is how to get to heaven, how to get to heaven. This question is the most important question that one can never ask.

What must I do to be saved? What must I do to get to heaven? What must I do to be saved from eternal damnation? That’s the question that we’re going to look at this morning, how to get to heaven. I want to say You to turn over to Matthew chapter seven, this is where we’re going to be this morning, Matthew chapter seven.

And we’re going to see what Jesus can teach us about how to get, how the, the path To heaven. You know, there Is a story of a preacher who, who would tell his, his congregation next week, I’m going to preach the best sermon You’ve ever heard. Of course the congregation, right? They’re excited. Next week Comes around.

The preacher gets up to the pulpit. He reads Matthew five. He reads Matthew six and he reads Matthew seven. And he has preached the best sermon that one could ever preach. And who sermon? It’s not the man’s sermon, but it’s Christ’s sermon. Matthew Five through seven often called the sermon on the Mount is The greatest sermon that anyone has ever preached.

That’s Jesus, Jesus himself is the greatest preacher to ever live, But we’re going to look at Jesus as part of his sermon in Matthew seven on a couple of things, what we need to do in order To get to heaven, you know, Chapter seven details what we must do, but Jesus kind of summed it up in John chapter 14, verse number six,

he says The way the truth and the life, we must heed to the words of Jesus. And if we follow these basic teachings that we’re going to look at this morning, we can go to heaven. It’s a blessing to know that we have all things pertaining to life and godliness. We can know that we have eternal life. If we do what?

If we obey his commandments? The question that we must ask ourselves, is this, are we going to Follow the commandments from Christ as Christ did from his father in John chapter 12, notice verse 49, John chapter 12, verse 49 for I’ve not spoken of my Self, but the father which sent me, he gave me a commandment. What I should say and what I should speak.

Jesus himself, obey the father. Are we going to obey the commands of Christ? So let’s get it Nor less than firstly, our first point this morning, if we were going to get to heaven, we have to judge righteously. Let’s go back to Matthew chapter seven and look at it. Verse number one real quick notice Jesus says, judge, not that you may not judge.

How, how often or what context do you hear? People use this verse. You can’t judge me. You can’t Tell me what to do. Even Jesus himself has, Has said that. Looking at this context, Jesus is not condemning judging at all. He’s condemning hypocrisy. He’s condemning sinful judging. There is a difference. So we need to understand that.

But yet you’ve heard people say, stop judging me. Or Jesus says, don’t judge. You. Can’t tell me how My life. That’s not what Jesus is saying here for one year, Christian is commanded to discern right from wrong. Are we not Ephesians chapter five, notice Verse number 11 and have no fellowship With the unfruitful works of darkness. Rather what reprove them,

get them out. Expose them, expose the sin in the camp. We have to, we’re commanded to purge out the 11. Are we not? We need to, to, to purge out sin and we have to practice church discipline. Do we not? When my brother who is a Saint Or living in sin, Jesus gives us the commands. I want to turn to Matthew 18 for a bit.

A moment. Matthew chapter 18. I want you to notice 15 through 17 here on the commands. Here we are commanded To, to push sin out of the way because a little 11, 11, and it’s a whole lump. A little bit of sin can affect many people, but notice Matthew Chapter 18. Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee,

go in, go and tell him his fault between the and him alone. This is a, this is Personal. Notice how, as he continues, if he shall hear that Again, my brother, but if he will not hear the verse 16, then take then take with the one or two more. Then the mouth of two or three witnesses everywhere may be established.

Notice verse 17. And if he shall neglect to hear them tell under the church, but neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican. I thought Jesus said that we weren’t supposed to judge. Now we are, we are commanded to expose sin. And when one who is not going to repent the act of marking him and things such as that come into place.

Now, are we rude to this person? No, we’re not rude. Second desolate Chapter three verse 15 says yet, count him not as an Enemy, but admonish him as a brother when there was someone in the congregation or someone in the church that, that you know who is living in sin and they will not repent. You try to get them back as fast as possible.

Why? Because we don’t know when Christ is going to come. Yes, we are commanded to, to note the difference from wrong and right First Corinthians chapter five and verse number five. I want you to notice that real quick, first Corinthians chapter For five. Notice what Paul says to the Corinthians. First Corinthians chapter five in verse number five. Notice Liver is such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh That notice this why at the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.

Jesus. We expose sin. Not because we don’t like the person, not just to get back at the person. We judge to make sure that their soul is saved. That’s why we should judge righteously. But going back to our text in order for us to get to heaven, we have to judge righteously. But what does it mean to judge righteously?

Does that mean to judge off of opinions? No, that’s not what Jesus is saying. Let’s look, look ever. Verse number two as well. For, with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged. And with what measure you meet, it shall be measured to you again. Let’s look At verses three through five, continuing. And why behold is now the moat that is in my brother’s eye.

But consider is not the beam that is not Oh nine or how with outside of my brother, let me pull out the mote out of<inaudible> and behold, a beam is in nine Oh nine thou hypocrite first cast out the out of nine Oh Nine and then shot that clearly see to cast out the mote out of my brother’s eyes. Jesus, Jesus hear,

I love when Jesus uses uses humor. Just imagine this man with this two by four hanging out of his eye and trying to pick out the little tiny speck and his brother’s eye. Jesus said there was no logic to that. We need to make sure that if we were, if we were going to judge righteously in order to get to heaven, what must we first do?

Jesus says, fix yourself. Make sure that you as a Christian are living faithfully. I have no right to tell you to stop lying. If I have the same problem myself, I have no authority to tell you to, to, to live faithfully. If I can not do the same myself, we need to remember to fix our own selves. Notice first Corinthians nine in verse 27,

Paul says the same idea. He says, I keep my body under or excuse me. I keep under my body and bring it this objection. That’s the, by any means. But now I’ve preached to others. I myself should be a Castaway. I need to fix myself first. And then I can go in and judge, the word judge is to call into question to,

to distinguish. That’s what the word judge means to, to, to, to distinguish right from wrong. In this instance, we need to understand, I want you to notice Romans two verses 21 and following as well now, therefore, which teaches another teaches thou not thyself thou that preaches the man should not steal dust out. Steal thou that says to man should not commit adultery,

desktop committed adultery that at abortus aisles does document sacrilege. Now that make us the boast of the law, that through breaking the law dishonors thou God, we need to make sure that our lives as Christians are right before we go out until others, their fault. That’s how we judge righteously. Let’s make sure we are living faithfully before we go and preach and teach to others.

You know, the world is not going to listen. Someone’s not going to listen to a hypocrite. Someone’s not going to listen to them. We need to make sure our lives are and as Christians are right. But if we are going to judge righteously as well, not only must we fix your own selves, but also another requirement is we judge with righteous judgment.

What’s righteous judgment. Well, John chapter seven, verse 24, Jesus says don’t judge, according to the appearance, but judge, with what righteous judgment, what is righteous judgment? It’s not opinion opinion. Doesn’t matter to God, God didn’t. Didn’t ask Adam what? Well, how do you want me to form peeve? You, you choose. He didn’t ask Noah.

He said, you, you choose the wood. Whatever. You know, he, he gave a specific command opinion in most, in some instances does not matter to God. He’s given us some Liberty on some things, but there are specific things that he is required. But notice we ought to, to judge to call into question, according to how Jesus notice John 12,

verse 48, according to the Bible, notice John 12, verse 48. He that rejects me and receive. It’s not my words. Hath one that judges him. The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day we judge, we call him the question we speak from God’s word. Not my opinion. Not know his opinion,

not, not, not anybody’s opinion. It’s only from God’s word that we have the authority to do that. If I’m going to judge righteously and to get to heaven, I also must understand that my motive it has to be right. My motive is not to get back at the person. My motive is not just to make myself look good. My motive is not just to make everybody against that person.

Now my motive, again, as we stated this, to get that sold, I want you to notice. I love Galatians six and verse number one, Galatians chapter six and verse number one, I love what Paul says here. Notice what he says. Brethren. If a man be overtaken in a fault, you at your spiritual restore trust in one,

such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering myself less than I’ll also be tempted. Why do we go this brother-in-law or brother, why do, why do we go to this brother or sister and tell them their fault so that they can come back. But also, so we are not tempted to the congregation or the church abroad is not falling to sin,

but our motive must be not to, to our motive must be correct. And James chapter five also wants you to notice 1920. Notice what James says, James five, 19 and 20. He says brethren, if any of you do earth from the truth and one convert him, let him know verse 20. He which he would say she converted the sinner from the error of his way,

shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins. That is why, that is why we approach. And that is why we are to judge righteous land, to make sure that sin is out of the camp. And you go back to Aiken. What happened when, when akin sin, who is affected, not just akin whole congregation,

we need to make sure sin is out as soon as so destructive, Romans chapter six, verse 23 wages of sin is what death, spiritual death. And we need to make sure that sin is out of the camp every day. We need to purge that. Let’s go back to Matthew chapter seven. I want you to notice verse number six as well in the,

in the context, you’re still judging. Notice what Jesus says. Give not that, which is Holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine lest. They trample them under their feet and turn again and render you. What is Jesus meaning here? I think sometimes there comes a point in some people lives when, when you bring them to the gospel that they’re too stubborn,

too stubborn to, to, to, to listen. Jesus would say to the apostles in Matthew chapter 10, verse 14, that you just have to shake the dust off your feet and go your way. Because sadly, there are those who will just not repent. Who are, I don’t want to say they’re there. No one is ever too far gone.

But sadly, there were some who hardened their hearts. How much they, according to their will, according to their choices will not repent. Now could they? Yes, but they have to choose that. But we as Christians need to understand that we can not give up just because of one, we have to keep on, keeping on. We have to keep on doing the things that God would have us to do.

Yes. We need to judge righteous sleep. Let me ask you, let’s ask this question. When we judge, when we are calling into question, when we are discerning, as we’ll talk about here in a little bit as well, who should we go to for wisdom? I think we should go to God. Let’s look at verses seven through 11 here.

Notice in Matthew chapter seven, seven through 11, It says ask. And it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asked to receive it. Then he, that seeketh findeth and to him that knock it, that shall be open or what man is there of you whom have his son asks for bread will give him a stone.

Or if he asks a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to unto your children? How much more shall your father, which isn’t it. Kevin give good things to them to ask him, you know, as we, as Christians should, should note something in every situation we should always go before the father.

Should we not? We should come before the father. And specifically in this instance, when we are judging, when we are discerning, what is our motive? W w we need to ask ourselves, is this true biblical evaluation? Or is this just my opinion? We need to go before the father. And what’s interesting. I love what Jesus says here.

He says, if you, you, you is, is people can give good gifts to your children. Yet. The father Who is the most powerful being in the universe, How much more can he give you? James? One verse 17 tells us that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights. Isn’t our father.

So awesome and awesome. God. He is. And we need to understand that we should always trust him. Matthew six, verse 33, but seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and what all these things shall be added unto you. We love you. We should love what the father has done for us. Be thankful. And when we are In situations,

such as maybe approaching a brother, let’s go to God because we ask what does Jesus say? Verse eight, again, for everyone that asks<inaudible> I hate that. Seek it, find it. Isn’t him knocking the shabby, open James chapter one also. And the verses five Through eight, James would say, if any of you lack wisdom, Let him ask of God.

God has all the answers. And when we pray, how, how does he speak? It’s not going to be some miraculous endowment. No, we haven’t To study. Prairie is never a substitute for study. We need to understand that praying to God helps us a lot. And when you understand that every day, but yes, when we are judging,

when we are coming Up to a brother, maybe that is living in sin, Let’s pray about it as well. But also notice verse 12 of Matthew, chapter seven, therefore, all things whatsoever you would, that men should do to you do even so to them for this is the law and the prophets. What is this often called the golden rule,

right? I like the word to should here, because this means that how they ought to be how they ought to be biblically, how would I want to be judged? How would you want to be judged? According to man’s opinion? According to this brother’s Idea. No, I want to be judged from the Bible, whatever the Bible says. And that’s how we ought to judge.

According to God’s word questions we have to ask, are we binding where the Bible doesn’t bind? Are we losing where the Bible doesn’t lose? We need to ask ourselves when we are judging, when we are going up to a brother in the church, we need to go to them with humility and with God’s word in that alone. Yes. Firstly, if we were going to get to heaven,

we must judge, right? But secondly, if we are going to get to heaven, we must choose right? There is a choice. Let’s look at verses 13 and 14 of Matthew seven, enter you in at the straight gate for wide is the gate. And broad is the way that Leah’s to destruction and many there be which go in their own because Is the gate and narrow is the way which leads on to life.

And few there be that, find it. You know, since then Beginning, there’s always been a choice, right? There’s always been a choice. There’s not some unconditional election. God doesn’t well, I’m a choose you. And I won’t choose. You know, the God has always allowed us to choose. I like Joshua 24. And you know,

you’ve heard verse 15 before notice John Joshua 24 15. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord shoes, notice that word, choose you this day, whom you will serve, whether the gods, Which your father served that were on the other side of the flood Or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But notice what Joshua says.

He says, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. There’s always been a choice. God gives us that choice. That’s up to us. Yeah. We have two choices. There’s there’s not more than that. And you know, our denominational friends like to tell us, well, I’m just taking a different route to heaven.

No, Jesus says that. I’m the way, I’m the truth. And I’m the life. There’s either Christ’s way or there’s the world’s way. And, and there’s not partial obedience. I want you to notice this quote and I love this quote, notice to be almost persuaded as to be almost saved and to be almost saved as be entirely lost. There’s there’s either full for God or full for the world.

There’s not partial obedience with God. But with that choice, as we’ve talked about, we have a choice. You and I, we have the choice that we have. We’re given that there’s two choices. Again, firstly, as Jesus talks about going back to our text, Matthew seven, there’s a wide way. There’s, there’s a, there’s a wide,

the wide path. And this gate is broad and golfs many people, but guess what it is pleasurable, it feels good. First John two and verse 16 says for all those in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, all those things that man loves makes them feel good. That’s that’s this way.

And you, you get to enjoy the pleasures of sin. You get to, you don’t Have to feel bad about anything you do. You get to live for Yourself every day. It’s all about you. I want you to notice something and Hebrews chapter 11, Hebrews chapter 11, I want you to notice what the Hebrew writer says about Moses choosing rather To suffer affliction with the people Of God than to enjoy.

Notice this, the pleasures of sin or seasoned sin. Doesn’t sin only lasts for a season and yes, this way might feel good. You might get to Do what you want to do, live how you want To live yet. Sadly, this one makes this, this way, makes me An enemy of God, James four in verse number four. He adulterers.

And adulteresses no you not that the friendship, The world is what enmity with God and whosoever is going to be a friend of the world is what an enemy of God being an enemy of God’s that’s a scary thing. It’s not, we need to understand that. No, we can’t choose this way. And sadly, many, many seek to enter the other way.

See they want th that the narrow way they want the straight way. Maybe they, they try. I seek it, but something’s holding them back from leaving this wide way. Sadly many will be lost. That’s a sad thing. Is it not this way is not this way. Again, as it was pleasurable, it might be easy. It’s big.

Many people go in. Yeah, sadly it’s eternal destruction. It’s not pleasant revelation 21. And verse number eight tells us that there’s going to be fire and brimstone. This is eternal damnation. This is, this is torments Burning and the fires of hell forever. It’s not going to last a thousand years, 10,000 years. It’s forever. But also this it’s going to be away from the presence of God.

That’s a sad thing. And to think, to replay in your head over and over again, Jesus walking away from you for ever. That’s a sad thing, but Jesus says there is another way. Going back to Matthew chapter seven, what does he say? He also says that there is a narrow way, a straight way. This word narrow is interesting.

When I was Looking at this word narrow, it means difficult. It means suffered. Tribulus. It’s a, it’s a hard way. This, this, this way. It requires endurance. Second Timothy four, six through eight. The title, No, my departure is at hand paraphrase and I fought a good fight. I finished the course. I’ve kept the faith.

What does Paul say? In verse eight henceforth, there is laid it for me. A crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only, but to all them that love his appearing this way is the way to go this way. Again, as we stated with Moses, it’s hard. Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people Of God and do enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

And this way leads to an everlasting life with God. We should look forward to that. It’s going to be hard. You’re Going to have temptations. You’re going to have trials in your life. Of course, God does not promise perfection just to a perfect life. I will say this. The destination is a beautiful one. I heard a joke, a story choke about,

about the, the, the, the joys of heaven. There was a, an old man and his wife. They, they died and they went to heaven and Peter was, was showing them around heaven, right? And he’s like, he shows them this, this mansion. He says, this is, this is yours. You get this. And they said,

how much, how much do we have to pay for? And Peter says, no, no, that’s yours. It’s in heaven. This is yours. And he shows them a beautiful car. And how much do we have to pay for it? He says, no, it’s yours. They get to the golf course, golf course. And, and the man says how much you have to pay for it.

And Peter’s like, Nope, it’s all free. And the man looks to his wife and he says, why did you feed me those rice cake and vegetables? I could have been eating all this cake and gotten here to heaven sooner, funny thing. And we now understand doesn’t, haven’t going to be beautiful. I think it is no, we’re not going to have any material things,

just a little illustration there, but we need to choose, right. We need to choose the path to heaven. And if we do, man, it’s going to be beautiful. Number three third, let’s go back to our texts this morning. If we’re going to get to heaven for a third point, we have to discern, right? What does it mean to discern,

to discern means to recognize or identify? We did kind of talk about this a little bit. Let’s talk about this as Jesus. Notice Matthew seven, verse 15, but where are false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves. There are going to be those who want to deceive, right? They’re going to be those who want to persuade men to do other things,

to do other things of the world, to go with false doctrine. And yet some are wolves in sheep’s clothing. False prophets are not going to have a sign on their shirt saying false prophet, false prophet with blinking lights. They’re not going to come up to the pulpit and say, hold on, be prepared. I’m a false prophet. I’m about to deceive.

You know, they’re going to come in sheep’s clothing. They’re going to look like the rest yet. They are deceiving us. Notice. Second Corinthians chapter 11, 13 through 15, second Corinthians 11, 13 through 15 for such are false apostles. Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Notice that therefore it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works, even Satan himself comes into seat for ways. And sadly, there might even be those in the church. No, they look good. They might sound good. They might be the best and the outward.

And then the really, what does Jesus say? They’re ravening. What was, but yes, we, as Christians have to discern, we have to make sure that we are checking. You know, this morning has giving you the gospel. I hope that you just don’t take my word for it. Now. I, I’m not purposely teaching. I hope I’m not saying anything falsely.

Or there could be an instance that preachers say something accidentally that I don’t know, therefore each and every one should make sure the scriptures and the preacher that the teacher is saying something right now, we need to discern you acts chapter 17. Verse number 11 tells us that they searched the scriptures daily to what make sure that these things were were so, and we need to understand that,

but yes, we have to be adamant about testing. One another notice going back to our text verses 16 through 20. Notice what Jesus says about fruit. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of missiles, even so every good tree bring it forth, good fruit, but a corrupt tree. Bring it forth.

Evil fruit, a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings us not forth. Good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruit roots. You shall know them. We need to not only discern who is teaching or our brethren, we’ll have to discern ourselves.

We have to look at ourselves. Are we living righteously? Philippians two in verse 12 says work out your own salvation. Yes, we, we need to, to watch out for, for others to make sure that their souls are living faithfully as well. We’re responsible for us. We need to make sure of that. Second Corinthians 13 in verse number five,

examine yourself, make sure discern yourselves, make sure that you were living faithfully. As we talked about before, before you go out and tell others, you have to make sure you’re living faithfully as well. And yet, sadly, sometimes I think going back to talking about those who teach falsely thinking that they can hide thinking that they can blend in, Oh,

they might be able to fool you. They might be able to fool me, but they will never, ever, ever full gone their work will be. He brought out, I love numbers, chapter 32 and verse number 23 numbers, 32, 23 notice. But if you will not do so behold, you have sinned against the Lord. Notice this next phrase and be sure your sin will fall.

Sand’s going to be brought to light whether on this earth or whether in judgment, second Corinthians five verse number 10, we’re going to, to what? Up here before everyone is going to appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Yes, we have to discern. We have to make sure that we know right from wrong. We have to make sure that our lives as Christians are living faithfully.

And to say that that everything is okay. Now we need to discern, as Jesus talks about, you know, first John chapter one in verse number five, John says that this is the message, which we’ve heard in declarance to you. That God is light. Nim is no darkness at all in him is no darkness at all. We need to understand that we have to push out the 11 push out sin every day of our lives.

Bless notice our last point for this morning. If we we’re going to get to heaven, we fourthly and lastly must have to build, right? Let’s go back to our texts. Look at verses 24 Through 27, we’re going to come back to verses 21 through 23 at the end. But let’s look at verses 24 through 27, as Jesus is going to give a kind of analogy or illustration Here.

He says, therefore, whosoever, heareth these sayings of mine and do with them. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house. And it fell not for, it was founded upon a rock and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and do it.

Them not shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain is descent and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that. The house and it fell and great was the fall of it. Now, again, we talked about, we have two choices in reality, there’s only two choices,

the world Satan or gone. And so again, you look at these, these, these two people they both heard, right? They both, they both heard, they both built, but one of them didn’t do something. They both faced the storms of life, but one of them did not do the words of who? Of Christ. Yeah. He built his house.

He didn’t have a solid foundation. The outcome was different. Let’s look at the first man, the first person, the first man did what he built his house on Christ. And we, as Christians have to do that every day of loss, every single one of us have to do that. First Corinthians three, look at verse number 11, first Corinthians three and verse number 11.

Notice what Paul says here. He says for other foundation can no man, lay than that is laid, which is what Christ Jesus Christ. That’s where our foundation must be laid. We have to have him as our cornerstone. That’s our foundation. And this man, This man, he didn’t just hear The word. He also did the word James one in verse.

Number two says what we have to be doers of the word, not hearers only. We can’t be only those who hear. We have to do something about it. And yet, sadly those in Psalm and denominations, like to say faith alone, faith alone, go out. I like to use this analogy. When talking about that idea, last Noah,

how he built the Ark by faith alone. I don’t think, I don’t think he’d look at you like what he had to do something. There was a story about one who was golfing with his friend. Of course he was a Christian. And the other was, I believe of a denomination who taught faith alone and they are talking about faith and they got on the green.

And of course the, the faith alone preacher person got up to putt and The Christian was I no, no, no. Hold on, hold on. You. You have to put that in by what? Faith alone. Because faith alone doesn’t require action. Faith alone doesn’t require action. Does it? Doesn’t and the one was like, yeah, you got me there.

The faith plus works equals salvation. Not faith alone. I have to build, I have to do it upon Christ. I want you to notice also something about what this man faced. You know, he still felt face trials, even though his house was built upon the rock, even though it was built upon spiritually Christ, he still faced trials. Notice as we’ve talked about a second,

as we talked about the rains descended verse 25 and the floods came, the winds blew. He might’ve had some scratches. He might’ve even had some, maybe a minor damage on the house, but it never fell. Why? Because it was built on the rock. Second Timothy three verse number 12 year old that should live godly in Christ. Jesus will suffer persecution again.

As we’ve talked about, the way is hard. It’s narrow. It it’s difficult, but we, if we live faithfully, there’s, there’s a requirement we’ll never fall. Now, can we fall away if we choose to? Yes, but if we continue until our lives are over, I forgot is for us, who can, who can stand against us?

We got God on our side. We should be thankful for that. But what about the other man on the sand? He built his house upon the sand and this man, like, like the other Island, unlike the other, he had a faulty foundation. He didn’t build his foundation upon Christ. His foundation was tied to man known as Colossians two and number eight,

but where lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ, that’s where his foundation was. And this man forgot who he was spiritually. He didn’t, he didn’t, he didn’t build his foundation. Right? And, and when the trials of life were upon him, what happened?

He fell. He didn’t have a good foundation. He, he, he was destroyed. You know, pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. We’re going to be humble enough to do the necessary things, to build right. To make sure that our foundation is correct. Because if our foundation is correct, we can build upon that.

And that basically has a Christian, but yes, if we’re going to get to heaven, we have to build a right. But the question is, what are we going to do as Christians on this earth? And we’re going to judge, right? Are we going to choose the right path? Are we going to discern and build right as Christians? If we cannot do these simple things,

we will not be able to go to heaven. We need to choose the path and keep on that straight and narrow. But the question remains to each and every individual will we make that sacrifice. Galatians two verse number 20. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet. Not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life that I now live in.

The flesh. I live by the faith in the son of God, loved me and gave himself for me. We need to live our lives as sacrifices. And perhaps there was one here this morning who has not chosen the, the, the path of heaven. Perhaps you have not started the journey. Maybe, perhaps you hearing the word now, do you believe that Jesus is the son of God?

Do you believe that that he came down to die for you so that you could have eternal life? Would you be willing to repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man, and be baptized for the remission of sins to start that journey? That’s just the start that’s, that’s just the beginning. And then you get to live faithfully forever. If you choose to do so,

and you get to go to heaven, but perhaps you’ve already done. So, and you have not been living as a Christian. You haven’t been judging, right? You haven’t chosen the right path. You haven’t discerned, right? And you have not built and continued there on, would you come back to God before it is? Everlastingly too late. I know I’ve used this analogy many times.

Imagine the, the father waiting every day for you to come home so he can have you a part of his fold. Once again, second Peter three verse nine. The Lord is not Slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but notice this as long suffering towards us, not willing to in any should perish, but that all should come back to repentance.

But it’s up to you to make that choice. If anyone is subject, and once you come as we stand and as we see<inaudible> lift up your voice, leave with him<inaudible> and began life<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Jesus. Well, me<inaudible> Neil at the cross<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Jesus. Well meet you there, Neil, at the cross,

give y’all ride<inaudible> to nada, to life. Sparkling cop trust always<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. Jesus will meet you.<inaudible> The song. Before our closing prayer will be number 867 to Canaan’s land I’m on my way, eight, six, seven, two Cain and land. I’m on my way where the<inaudible> never jog my dark ass. Nah, well,

turn to day where the<inaudible> never<inaudible> no,<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> a Rose and this blew me there. Fuck me where the<inaudible> and<inaudible> where the<inaudible> never ah, no<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> never love light beams.<inaudible><inaudible> never de<inaudible><inaudible> no,<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible> I’m on my way to that fan land where there’s<inaudible> where there will be no partying and where there’s<inaudible> never ah,

no,<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Let’s pray. Father who art in heaven. We thank thee for the freedom that we have to come and meet on the first day of the weekend for your children to worship fi and sang the songs of praise. And today we pray that we will always have these freedoms in this country. We always be able to come and,

and gather without fear of home. We pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned today that are sick and unable to be with us. We pray that you would be with the Cozort family and the health of Aaron’s grandmother. We pray that things will go well with her and keep them safe. As they travel back and forth, we pray that you would go with us now and keep us safe.

Do we meet again and crash? And we pray. Amen.

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01-24-2021 – Sunday AM Class and Worship (Noah Olsen)

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

01-24-2021 – Luke 12:22-13:9 (Class)
Noah Olsen preaching Sermon
Collierville Church of Christ
575 Shelton Road, #Collierville, TN

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Welcome to our Sunday morning Bible class. I’m recording this according this Saturday night, Saturday night. Want to want to let all of you know that right now, my grandmother is still with us. They’ve given her meds and she finally has started sleeping. She really hasn’t slept any of the last 20 hours, 20 hours in any substance,

in any substantive way, but appreciate, appreciate your all’s prayers for us. She’s in a lot of discomfort at this point, at this point in time, but thankfully the, the medication has made it to where she could sleep. So thank you for your, thank you for your thoughts, your prayers, and all the, all the contacts and the messages that we’ve received,

letting us know, letting us know that you’re thinking about us and her and praying for us. And we appreciate it. Greatly. Also want to say also want to say thank you to Noah for filling in for me preaching this morning. Let’s get in, let’s get into Luke chapter 12. We’re going to continue our study in Luke chapter 12, beginning verse 22 as we get started,

but let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father gracious father in heaven. Rebal before you incredibly incredibly grateful for all of your many gifts, your many blessings, most especially most, especially your son who died on the cross for our sins and has delayed as delivered to us the hope of eternal life. We pray that as we pray that as we go through this period of study,

the things which Christ Christ spoke while he was on this earth will enlighten our hearts and help us to incur, to be encouraged by the things that we read, but also to be provoked, to be, to be what you would have us to be. We ask that you forgive us. When we sin and fall short of your glory, we pray all this.

We pray in Jesus name. Amen. So as a result, so as a result of not being there and not having them in front of me, I’m going to leave the review of the questions Wednesday night for another period. Hopefully this coming Wednesday night or Sunday, we can go over those. So I encourage you to study those on your own. We’re going to begin in Luke chapter 12,

verse 22. Then he, then he Christ said to his disciples, therefore I say to you do not worry about your life. What you will eat nor about the body. What you will put on life is more than food in the body. More than clothing. I remember the context of this that actually began in our, in our study on Wednesday night,

there is a man who came to Jew, came to Jesus and said, tell my, tell my brother to give me or to divide with me, inherit the inherited. He said, Jesus said, may have I been made a judge or a arbitrator between you and your brother, and then gave the parable of the rich fool follows. He follows the parable of the rich fool up with this statement,

therefore, or do not be worried, do not worry about your life. This is a, this is a similar statement that is made over in. We saw in the sermon on the mountain, made over in Matthew chapter six. But Jesus said, as he speaks to this man, as he speaks to those who are around, as he speaks to his disciples who are listening to this,

and they’re seeing this, he says, do not worry, do not worry for the things of this world. Life do not focus, do not focus on this life, especially, especially in this context to the neglect of these next life of eternity. This man, this man is standing before Christ. He standing before the Messiah, he’s standing before the one who the Israelites were waiting to arrive for 1600 years.

And what is he? What is he worried about? His inherit, his inheritance he’s missed. He’s missed the importance of everything that is right in front of him because he’s because he’s too worried about physical possession. So then Jesus. So then Jesus says this life is more than food. Verse 23 and the body more than clothing. Consider the consider the Ravens for they neither sow nor reap,

which have, which have neither storehouse nor barn. And God feeds them of how much more value are you than the birds. And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature. If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? Jesus, Jesus lays upon them. The reality that they’re not in control,

they’re not, they’re not in charge and much effort as they might expand, expand in order to, in order to achieve their own goals, they can’t do the smallest of things in view of God’s ability, God’s power and God’s power with a word, with a word. God spoke the universe into existence with all, with all of our thought and being an effort we can’t fall by fault,

extend our life even for an, even for an hour. And here and here, Jesus let Jesus lays for reality. The reality that This person is missing greatest thing, the thing of greatest value in his own, in his own life, the value of his soul, if he has, if he has his soul and he has salvation and he has the kingdom,

then the inheritance and the inheritance is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. But instead, it’s the only thing he’s thinking about. And notice he then notice he goes on. If then you are not able to do the least, why are you anxious to do the rest? Consider the lilies, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin.

And yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed. Like one of these, if then God. So clothes, the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven. How much more will he clothe you? Oh, you of little faith and do not do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink,

nor have an anxious mind for all of these things. The nations of the world seek after. And your father knows that you need these things. See, but see the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. Jesus, Jesus emphasizes that we need that. We need to prioritize correctly. I need to learn. We need to lay forth our priorities in the right order.

And when we do that, God can, God can take care of the rest and is knowledgeable and understanding of what it is that we need. He created us to begin with. Of course he knows what we mean. Of course he knows what is required to sustain our daily life. So Jesus, so Jesus is saying you’ve, you’ve lost the Hey and the confidence you have in your father,

your eternal father. And instead you buy your own mind and your own ability or striving to accomplish these things. And you can Can’t do it, not on your own, Not on your own. And if you try, you will miss. You will miss. What is of the greatest value to you. And that is eternity. Do not fear, do not fear.

Little flock, 32 verse 32, four. It is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Jesus said, Jesus said, not only will God give you the things that you need. Not only will God take care of your daily provisions, but he will also give you, which is that, which is of greatest value His kingdom. And he will,

and he will do it gladly. Now here’s the contract. Now here’s the contrast. There’s the, there’s the brother who has an inheritance that he won’t share with his brother and the other brother. The other brother wants the inheritance to be shared with him. And he’s looking for anybody who can get him. Part of that inheritance yet. He’s missing it.

He’s missed out on the opportunity to receive the kingdom. God is God is over here with the kingdom of greater value than his inheritance. And he’s waiting anxiously desiring to give it to the man, but the man’s not, but the man’s not interested because he’s interested in Fashions in, in this life. Jeez, Jesus said, Jesus said, sell what you sell,

what you have. You have all and give alms, provide yourselves money bags, which do not grow old treasury, a treasure in heavens that does not fail. No where no thief approaches nor moth destroys for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also, I don’t believe. I don’t believe this is a blanket statement by Jesus. That every person,

every person who’s going to have entrance into the kingdom has to go sell all of their possessions and give it to the poor. It’s not, that’s not what Jesus is saying here. Remember, remember, he’s talking to his disciples, but he’s also talking to this man, this man wants more possessions. And Jesus said for fit what you Have first forfeit,

Forfeit, what you have for the sake of the kingdom. And then we’ll, and then we’ll see where your treasure, where your treasure is there. And then we’ll see where your heart is. Get your, get your heart right first or all, or all the, all the, the substance, all the possessions, all the treasures in the world.

Won’t do you Any good because one of these, because one of these days, you’re Going to, you’re going to leave this Life and you’re not taking, you’re not taking any of it with you and yet, And yet do what you do with it. Now can as hand as he makes this, as he makes the statement here, create or provide yourselves money Bags and account and account.

As I think, as I think Peter States it as Paul certainly States it in Philippians four in heaven that cannot be touched. It cannot be, it cannot be stolen. The, the dollar us dollar currently, currently, and in, in the upcoming years, the, the federal reserve has said that they are going to try and wholly inflation to around two to two and a half percent.

That means I means every year, you’re the, you’re the value of a dollar. You have decreases by two and a half Per cent. Now think about now, think about that. If, If you have a hundred dollar bill, how many, how many years until that hundred dollar bill at a decreasing rate of two and a half percent, every year is value is valueless.

And it wasn’t even, it wasn’t even stolen. It was stolen. It was stolen by inflation. It was inflated. It was inflated to the point where it had no real U value. There was a time and there was a time in American history where Penny’s could actually could actually buy something. And now we, and now we regularly hear the discussion about whether or not we should even have pennies anymore because,

because they have been flayed inflated out of value, the value that is worth anything Substantive. Now, now Jesus, Jesus said where your, where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also where you, where you make preparations for your treasure to be where you actually store up. Your treasure is where your heart is, where your heart is. So if also,

if all your efforts in all of your game and all of your prosperity and all of your, your use of time and money in substance goes towards achieving more possessions in this life, more accounts or accounts, larger dollar amounts and larger things, more possessions, all of these things. Then Jesus said, you’ve put, you’ve put your heart into a treasure that has,

that has no Lasting value, but 35 versus 35. Okay? He says, he says, let your waist be girded. And your lamps burning. Luke gives us, gives us a transition here from, from the dizzy discussion of possessions, to the discussion, to the discussion of the kingdom And preparation. He says, He says to his disciples, let your waist be girded.

This was an action done in preparation for battle. Quite often, he said, let your, let your waist be girded. And your lamps burning, familiar were familiar with the parable of the, of the first verge, the 10 virgins. Some of them had burning lamps ready to go. Others did and others didn’t. And you yourselves be like men who wait for the master when he will return for the w excuse me,

who will, excuse me, who will wait for their master? When he will return from the wedding, that he may know that when he comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately. It’s an interesting statement That they will open to him immediately. Immediately. Why would a servant not open to his master when the, the master arrives at the door and knocks,

why would a servant not open immediately think about it this way. This is pointed out by brother Franklin camp. And in this passage, he said, you know, sometimes someone comes over to visit the house and you’re not ready for them. You weren’t planning on them and, and their stuff everywhere. And the house looks lived in. And, and,

and you just, before you even go answer the door, you’re shoving stuff in the closet. You’re putting stuff in our room. You’re tidying up. You’re not prepared. And so where are they? They’re standing at the door waiting. You didn’t open the door immediately. Why? Because you weren’t prepared here. The illustration Jesus gives is that type of servant who is not ready for the master’s return.

And so instead of immediately opening the door, he’s scurrying around to become prepared at the last minute. But notice what Jesus says blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, we’ll find watching assuredly. I Say to you that he will gird himself and Have them sit down to eat and we’ll come and serve them. Jesus goes so far to say this.

Jesus said, I am looking for a servant, not who’s got the house prepared for when I return. I’m looking for a servant. Who’s watching for my return. The master doesn’t even come and knock. The master. Doesn’t spend any time outside waiting. The servant, sees him coming and opens the door. No wait time. But then the reaction of the master is to serve the servant.

Now, yes, I know that Jesus will say in Luke chapter 19, that, or chapter 17, that when we’ve done all that we’ve been commanded to do, we are still unprofitable servants. I understand that. But Jesus is saying the master in the kingdom will serve the servants to do what they need because they sought first. The kingdom goes right back to what he was just saying.

If you will seek first the kingdom. Yeah. If you will be prepared, if you will be watching, if you will be a good servant, then your heavenly father will serve. You will provide for you. But know this verse 39. That is if the master of the house had known what hour the thief let’s actually go back to verse three.

And if he, you should come in the second watch or come in the third watch and find them so blessed are those servants. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, had not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour.

You do not expect. He’s telling me these people and he’s telling his disciples. And he’s telling those who will listen. You be ready, always because when Christ returns there won’t be any signs. There won’t be in a great announcement. There won’t be any seasons to look at the forecast. There will be no signs of Christ return. Instead they are to be,

be prepared. Always. Then Peter said to him, Lord, do you speak this parable only to us or to all people? It’s interesting to notice when Jesus gets asked a question, how sometimes, sometimes he doesn’t just answer the question he answers what’s needed. And not necessarily what’s. I asked the Lord said, who then, then is a faith.

Is that faithful? And why steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household and to give them their portion of food doozies season, bless it is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has. But if that servant says in his heart, by master is delaying his coming and begins to beat the male servants and female servants and to eat and to drink and to be drunk.

The master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour, when he is not aware and will cut him into an appoint him, his portion with the unbelievers and that servant who knew his masters will and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know yet committed things,

deserving of stripes shall be beaten with view. For everyone to whom much is given from him, much will be required. And to whom much has been committed of him, they will ask the more Jesus replies to Peter, that God has entrusted to individual’s responsibility and has entrusted to them, the work of the kingdom, the care, and providing for of the kingdom,

the function of the kingdom. And if those servants failed to carry out their obligation, or if they become those who think, you know what Christ isn’t returning anytime soon, I’ve got time to fix it later. I can glorify myself right now and I can do his will later crisis. That’s not going to work out for that person. That individual will be judged.

Now think about it. This is truly an accusation against the scribes and the Pharisees, the chief priests, the Sadducees, and the religious leaders, because prophetically speaking, the prophets would look forward to the days of Christ. And they would proclaim that the shepherds that were supposed to be shepherding Israel had instead chosen to consume the flock. And he’s about to transition to a discussion of a flock.

He’s about to use the old Testament analogy of the shepherds and the flock and the evil shepherds who would be judged. And that was the scribes, the Pharisees, the chief priests and the religious leaders of the day. So verse 49, I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled, but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed I am till it is accomplished at,

at times, Jesus will begin to give insight into what’s coming his crucifixion and the things that would happen, but they wouldn’t understand it. His disciples wouldn’t comprehend what he was saying. And yet would say in any way, and later on, as John will point out, they’ll remember all of these things and they’ll understand, but they didn’t at this point.

Note is also that Jesus is speaking about a judgment, a judgment that would come. And I believe this is specifically referencing the judgment of the Jewish nation, the judgment against Israel for their unfaithfulness. And again, that goes back to those shepherds that were not faithful. Verse 51. Do you suppose that I came to give peace on the earth? I tell you not at all,

but rather division four from now on five in one house will be divided to three against two and two against three. Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her. Mother-in-law Jesus came to bring peace. But the kind of piece that it bring is brought about when individuals obey God,

that is they hear the truth. They obey the truth. They hold fast to the truth and they don’t depart from the truth. When they do that, they have peace with God, but Jesus did not come to bring peace to those who refuse to obey the truth. And so Jesus said, I did not come to bring peace, but division. He came to bring judgment and the vision against those who would not hear the truth and who would not obey the truth.

So to in congregations today, if the choice is between holding fast to the truth and maintaining the doctrine of Christ and living out what Christ has said, or getting along with a group that wants to change the doctrine, or wants to change the practice of the church, or wants to change the worship of the church, we don’t need unity. We need division.

You say, well, wait a minute. Jesus said we weren’t to divide the church. Paul said that the Christ didn’t want the church divided or correct, but he also doesn’t want an unfaithful church. It’s not enough to have unity. It must be unity based upon obedience to the truth or it’s unity that will never matter in eternity. He goes on to say,

then he also said to the multitudes verse 54, whoever, excuse me, whenever you see a cloud rising out of the West, immediately, you say a shower is coming. And so it is, and when you see the South wind blow, you say there will be hot weather. And there is hypocrites. You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth,

but how is it? You do not discern this time. Jesus looks at the multitude. Who’s regularly pictured as those who, well, they think Jesus is the, is the Messiah. Well, they maybe he’s the prophet. Maybe he’s Alijah. Maybe he’s he’s John, the Baptist, maybe he’s somebody else. And he said, you can look at the sky and understand what the weather is going to be.

And you can’t understand all of this old Testament, scripture that tells you the time of the kingdom is at hand. And that the Messiah is here. Yes. And why verse 57, even of yourselves, do you not judge? What is right? When you go with your adversary to the magistrate and make every effort along the way to settle with him,

lest he drag you to the judge. The judge deliver you to the officer. The officer throw you into prison. I tell you, you shall not depart from there until you have paid. The very last mite. Jesus said there are consequences for not observing the truth. There are consequences for not putting first the kingdom. There are consequences for not being obedient to God and Christ and being ready for his return.

And all of that is used here in an analogy of a person who owes a debt. They will not have not paid. And they’re going to have to pay it by being put in prison until the debt is paid. There were present at that season. Some who told him about the Galileans whose blood pilot had mingled with their sacrifices and Jesus answered and said to them,

do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things. Having been told you can’t, you can look at the sky and you can determine the weather, but you can’t understand what’s right in front of you. Some people say, well, didn’t you hear about those? Galileans didn’t you hear what happened to them? That,

that, that these Galileans pilot took their blood and he sprinkled it with their sacrifices and abomination that God, that’s a clear indicator. This is kind of in the subtext here, the implications, this is a clear indicator that these Galileans, who were offering the sacrifices were evil, bad people, otherwise, such a terrible thing would never happen. Had them.

Jesus said, do you suppose that these Galileans were right? Worse, sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things. I ain’t tell you. No, but unless you repent. Yeah, you will all likewise perish or those eight keen on whom the tower of Salone fell and killed them. Do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?

I tell you no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise as perish Jesus, and it’s time for you to start cleaning your own house. It’s time for you to start getting right in your own heart, in your own life and repeating hinting or yeah. This example, not a tower falling on you, not a Roman ruler coming and killing you and mingling your,

your blood with the sacrifices. That’s not what Jesus said. Coming destruction, judgment, death. That’s what’s coming unless you repent. And we’re reminded that the message of repentance is what John came preaching. He came preaching to Israel. The people of God who the Messiah would be born among them and was among them. He came preaching, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

And Jesus preaches the same, the message, repent or perish. There are, are no other alternatives. We need to examine our hearts and our right minds. We need to examine our lives and figure out are we in need of repentance? Is there something in our lives that we’re ignoring? Is there a motivation that desire for riches, for glory, for possessions,

for, for the things of this earth that we can’t let go? Yeah. He spoke this bearable, sorry, man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he looked or said to the keeper of his vineyard, look for three years, I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and found none.

Cut it down. Why does it use up the ground? Interesting principle here is Jesus fully comprehends and illustrates within his teaching that a plant exists and pulls nutrients from the ground. It, yes, with this example, the fig tree pulls the nutrients from the ground, but produce it. It is nothing. It produces no fruit. It uses up resources,

but has no productive value. So the vineyard owner says, cut it down and get rid of it. But he, the vineyard keeper answered and said, sir, let it alone this year. Also until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit well, but if not after that, you can cut it down. I want to remind us that we’re in the second year of Jesus’ ministry.

And in the second year of Jesus’ ministry, Jesus uses the illustration of one who has taken three years to come find any fruit born by this nation of Israel. And he’s not finding any, that’s not to say he’s not finding an individual and individuals who would be obedient to him, but the nation, the nation was not producing the fruit of the kingdom and the nation was going to be judged.

So notice Jesus said, I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword. I didn’t come to bring peace, but division, I came to bring fire. He says, and then he says repent or perish. And then he says, if you produce no fruit for my kingdom, I will cut you down. I will destroy you. We need to learn the necessity of bearing fruit.

And that fruit must be righteousness and the producing of righteousness, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others, hope you all have a good class and have a good worship this morning. And I pray that everything will be well with you until we’re with you. Again, we love you very much. You’re dismissed.<inaudible><inaudible> Good morning and welcome to the Collierville church of Christ.

Sunday morning, worship service. It is so good to see each of you here this morning. We have several visitors with us and especially the Olsen family that came all the way from central Missouri to, I think they have some special interest here, but anyway, it’s good to have them. And the hatchers are with us. They once worshipped here several years ago and quiets back with us again today,

appreciate him. And we appreciate our minister from Holly Springs. Good, good to have you folks here, if you haven’t, we wouldn’t like for you to take a card from the Pew in front of you and fill it out and just leave it on the Pew or drop it in the collection plate or hand it to one of us, just get it,

get it to here so that we have a record of your attendance. And as you came in, if you did not pick up the Lord’s supper on the table, as you walked into the auditorium, this is good time to do it. We’re just going to go through a few administrative announcements. And so go back and pick up the little cup of bread and grape juice,

and we’ll be ready for the Lord separ when it is offered, need to remember our sick Joan sprayer, still very weak at home. Dorothy Wilson is doing better with her heart blood pressure problem that she has. And we have a note here that her blood pressure is, is stabilizing. And she is scheduled the 1st of February, which is Monday to have ultrasounds and blood work to see if her stage three chronic kidney disease has improved since her last hospital stay.

When her count was 43, where it should be around 70. So let’s keep definitely her in our prayers and ed Richardson, which is the Halvorson’s father-in-law is doing about the same. As I understand, Barbara Diller is still at home suffering with the recovery of her shoulder, from a procedure that was done on it. It has to be a mobilized for a period of about two weeks or better.

And she’s still working on that need to remember her Elena sharp as well. And Ken and Frankie Phillips that’s Dale’s the Dale’s friend. They are recovering from COVID. That’s all of the sick that I’m aware of as you came in the auditorium, there’s a basket of names we’ve been working on this for awhile. It’s names of people that previously worshiped here, or have we have some record of them having visted.

If you’d pick up one of those names out of the basket and make contact with that person and just invite them back to the church is what it’s all about. The Potter’s children home up in Kentucky, that we helped support. We’ll be here to pick up the commodities that we assemble the week of February 15th. So if you haven’t been bringing your commodities, this is a good time to get update on that.

The Nesbitt church of Christ congregation is hosting the 22nd standing in the gap lectures Wednesday through Sunday in January 27th through the 31st, there are details on the bulletin board. If you’re interested in attending there. And then I have a card from Francis Redmond that I’m going to read for you. I’ll post the code card back on the bulletin board, but it says to all my brothers and sisters in Christ,

I want to thank you for all the help you have given me. Thank you for all the prayers over all right, stays food calls, cards. Your kindness has been such a blessing to me. May God bless you all Francis Redmond. That’s all the announcements. I have the order of service today. We’re totally blessed to have so much talent in the congregation.

The song leader will be Michael Dale. He’s also a student over to Memphis school of preaching and no else. Noah Olson will be bringing us the message. The opening prayer will be Eric Halvorson. Joe caisson will be officiating on the Lord’s supper and the closing prayer will be Terry Sanderson. Thank you all for your attendance. Our opening song this morning will be number 75.

I seen the power of God, number 75, Seeing my T power of God that<inaudible> that<inaudible><inaudible>. Ah, I see where’s John dad or Dan<inaudible> the moon shines for that is a man. Oh, the stars. Oh, Hey, seeing goodness of the Lord.<inaudible> he form creatures with his word and then<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> ground tread or gaze upon<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and clouds.<inaudible> burst.

Blow by<inaudible> from<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and every where that man can be. God,<inaudible> The song before the opening prayer will be number 797. Lord, we come before the now seven 97 Lord we come before the ah, ah,<inaudible> ah, Oh, dune. Ah.<inaudible> shall we? The Lord in vain. We see the Lord and<inaudible><inaudible> and calm passion.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible> and I know<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the God<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Please bow with me.

God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this morning, to sing songs, appraised your great name and study another portion of your word Lord. We’d like to thank you for those amongst the members of this congregation that have found and had improvements in their health, because we know that you are in control of everything.

And we thank you for those that have had improvements. But Lord, we also know that there are many amongst us that are suffering from various illnesses and ailments. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms around each and every one of them. Lord, we, especially at this time would ask you that you wrap your loving arms around Shirley Cozort and ease her pain.

If it be your will. And if it be your will restore her to a measure health that she so desires. We also ask that you wrap your loving arms and comfort the entire Cozort family at this time of their need and comfort. Also each and every one of those that are suffering with loved ones that have illnesses. God. Now, as we prepare to study another portion of your word,

we ask that you help each and every one of us assembled here this morning to have open hearts and open minds so that we can understand the message that Noah brings to us this morning, your message, your word, and we can take and apply that to our lives so that we can be better servants to yours while we’re here on this earth. And we want to thank you for your son,

Jesus, because we know that the sacrifice that he and you made for us, make it possible for us to live with you in eternity. One day we pray all this through his name, amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 332. Lead me to Calvary three, three to King of my life. Crown me, ah,

nah, nine shout Kamari bee. Last for good thorn crown bruh. Ah, me too.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for me, the me too.<inaudible> show me the two<inaudible><inaudible> and, and Joes and robes Ray. Hey God. At the Watts<inaudible> money.<inaudible><inaudible> me, the me too.<inaudible><inaudible> through the glue, calm with a gift to the show to mean,

ah,<inaudible> the me too.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for me, the me too.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for<inaudible> for again<inaudible> for me, the me too.<inaudible> As we come together this day, we often sometimes take things I think too lightly about our Savior’s death. And as we look back to the time that he was ready to cue and spit upon the time that he was beaten in the time he was led to the cross and hung there on the cross of Calvary to die for us.

And as we think about that, we need to reflect upon what he’s done for us and the hope that we have through him, that by his dying for us, he made us a way of redemption from our sins and be able to turn back to our God and to our savior, to hopefully have that home and having one day, we want to reflect upon that now,

as we protect the Lord’s supper, and as we have sung this beautiful song to remind us that he did die for us, and he’s always there for us and we gain our strength by going to him, that is pray father, I got in heaven. We know that it was a sad time when your precious son had to go to the cross of Calvary.

We know it was by his own wheel that he went and that he suffered and died for us. And as we reflect upon that father, we’re so grateful and so thankful that we are able to be your children and able to receive that blessing. While there we pray that as we partake of this bread, that we might examine ourselves and make sure that we’re taking of it in a manner worthy Jesus,

we pray amen.<inaudible> Oh God, our fathers. We continue to look to the cross where our savior hung there and he shed his precious blood upon that cross. And there’s through that blood that we have the forgiveness of our sins, opposed to always be mindful, that sacrifice that was made for us. And as we go through life that we will let it show in the way that we conduct ourselves before our fellow man,

they do know that we are your children. And then we have redemption through his blood, right? As we protected this fruit of the vine that we might do. So in a way pleasing is it represents that blood of our savior Jesus, we pray. Amen. Well, I had the opportunity to think about us giving back to the Lord and to be able to continue to conduct the work of the church,

to do our benevolent activities and also to help further the kingdom and supporting those that are teaching and preaching. Not only here, but throughout the world, that they too might come to the knowledge of God’s word and want to be a child of, he is let us pray. Father in heaven, we’ve been so blessed in this country and we’ve been blessed beyond what we really need.

And we pray father that we’re being good stewards of those blessings that we have determined in our hearts to give. And as we’ve been prospered that we’re so thankful to be able to give, to help the work of the church here, as well as in other places in the world that we played pray that we would be liberal with our giving and that we are trying to take care of the needs of those that perhaps are having difficulties with different things in their lives and,

and be very benevolent and how, how we tried to help them, bless us in our efforts, continue to strengthen us as the days, go by help us always to do all to the names honor and glory in Jesus. We pray amen. If you’re using the song book and we’d like to Mark the song of invitation is number 945. Number nine,

four five. It will be on the slides though. The song for our lesson will be number 616, the way of the cross. If you’re able to let stand for this song, please, number 616.<inaudible> I must needs go home by the way of the cross. There’s no other way, but it is shown again outside of the Gates, if the way of the cross,

the way of the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Sneads go on and blah sprinkles were, Hey, Pat, that save<inaudible><inaudible> to the it’s where the<inaudible> at home with. Ah,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> then I bet to the way to walk<inaudible> for my Lords. And I see my<inaudible> no way of the cross<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> cross<inaudible>. It was a privilege to be able to be with you this morning.

You able to give you a lesson from God’s word again. I want to thank you all for that opportunity. So we want to be praying for the Cozort family continually and hope everything can go. Well, our lesson this morning is very simple. Our lesson is how to get to heaven, how to get to heaven. This question is the most important question that one can never ask.

What must I do to be saved? What must I do to get to heaven? What must I do to be saved from eternal damnation? That’s the question that we’re going to look at this morning, how to get to heaven. I want to say You to turn over to Matthew chapter seven, this is where we’re going to be this morning, Matthew chapter seven.

And we’re going to see what Jesus can teach us about how to get, how the, the path To heaven. You know, there Is a story of a preacher who, who would tell his, his congregation next week, I’m going to preach the best sermon You’ve ever heard. Of course the congregation, right? They’re excited. Next week Comes around.

The preacher gets up to the pulpit. He reads Matthew five. He reads Matthew six and he reads Matthew seven. And he has preached the best sermon that one could ever preach. And who sermon? It’s not the man’s sermon, but it’s Christ’s sermon. Matthew Five through seven often called the sermon on the Mount is The greatest sermon that anyone has ever preached.

That’s Jesus, Jesus himself is the greatest preacher to ever live, But we’re going to look at Jesus as part of his sermon in Matthew seven on a couple of things, what we need to do in order To get to heaven, you know, Chapter seven details what we must do, but Jesus kind of summed it up in John chapter 14, verse number six,

he says The way the truth and the life, we must heed to the words of Jesus. And if we follow these basic teachings that we’re going to look at this morning, we can go to heaven. It’s a blessing to know that we have all things pertaining to life and godliness. We can know that we have eternal life. If we do what?

If we obey his commandments? The question that we must ask ourselves, is this, are we going to Follow the commandments from Christ as Christ did from his father in John chapter 12, notice verse 49, John chapter 12, verse 49 for I’ve not spoken of my Self, but the father which sent me, he gave me a commandment. What I should say and what I should speak.

Jesus himself, obey the father. Are we going to obey the commands of Christ? So let’s get it Nor less than firstly, our first point this morning, if we were going to get to heaven, we have to judge righteously. Let’s go back to Matthew chapter seven and look at it. Verse number one real quick notice Jesus says, judge, not that you may not judge.

How, how often or what context do you hear? People use this verse. You can’t judge me. You can’t Tell me what to do. Even Jesus himself has, Has said that. Looking at this context, Jesus is not condemning judging at all. He’s condemning hypocrisy. He’s condemning sinful judging. There is a difference. So we need to understand that.

But yet you’ve heard people say, stop judging me. Or Jesus says, don’t judge. You. Can’t tell me how My life. That’s not what Jesus is saying here for one year, Christian is commanded to discern right from wrong. Are we not Ephesians chapter five, notice Verse number 11 and have no fellowship With the unfruitful works of darkness. Rather what reprove them,

get them out. Expose them, expose the sin in the camp. We have to, we’re commanded to purge out the 11. Are we not? We need to, to, to purge out sin and we have to practice church discipline. Do we not? When my brother who is a Saint Or living in sin, Jesus gives us the commands. I want to turn to Matthew 18 for a bit.

A moment. Matthew chapter 18. I want you to notice 15 through 17 here on the commands. Here we are commanded To, to push sin out of the way because a little 11, 11, and it’s a whole lump. A little bit of sin can affect many people, but notice Matthew Chapter 18. Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee,

go in, go and tell him his fault between the and him alone. This is a, this is Personal. Notice how, as he continues, if he shall hear that Again, my brother, but if he will not hear the verse 16, then take then take with the one or two more. Then the mouth of two or three witnesses everywhere may be established.

Notice verse 17. And if he shall neglect to hear them tell under the church, but neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican. I thought Jesus said that we weren’t supposed to judge. Now we are, we are commanded to expose sin. And when one who is not going to repent the act of marking him and things such as that come into place.

Now, are we rude to this person? No, we’re not rude. Second desolate Chapter three verse 15 says yet, count him not as an Enemy, but admonish him as a brother when there was someone in the congregation or someone in the church that, that you know who is living in sin and they will not repent. You try to get them back as fast as possible.

Why? Because we don’t know when Christ is going to come. Yes, we are commanded to, to note the difference from wrong and right First Corinthians chapter five and verse number five. I want you to notice that real quick, first Corinthians chapter For five. Notice what Paul says to the Corinthians. First Corinthians chapter five in verse number five. Notice Liver is such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh That notice this why at the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.

Jesus. We expose sin. Not because we don’t like the person, not just to get back at the person. We judge to make sure that their soul is saved. That’s why we should judge righteously. But going back to our text in order for us to get to heaven, we have to judge righteously. But what does it mean to judge righteously?

Does that mean to judge off of opinions? No, that’s not what Jesus is saying. Let’s look, look ever. Verse number two as well. For, with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged. And with what measure you meet, it shall be measured to you again. Let’s look At verses three through five, continuing. And why behold is now the moat that is in my brother’s eye.

But consider is not the beam that is not Oh nine or how with outside of my brother, let me pull out the mote out of<inaudible> and behold, a beam is in nine Oh nine thou hypocrite first cast out the out of nine Oh Nine and then shot that clearly see to cast out the mote out of my brother’s eyes. Jesus, Jesus hear,

I love when Jesus uses uses humor. Just imagine this man with this two by four hanging out of his eye and trying to pick out the little tiny speck and his brother’s eye. Jesus said there was no logic to that. We need to make sure that if we were, if we were going to judge righteously in order to get to heaven, what must we first do?

Jesus says, fix yourself. Make sure that you as a Christian are living faithfully. I have no right to tell you to stop lying. If I have the same problem myself, I have no authority to tell you to, to, to live faithfully. If I can not do the same myself, we need to remember to fix our own selves. Notice first Corinthians nine in verse 27,

Paul says the same idea. He says, I keep my body under or excuse me. I keep under my body and bring it this objection. That’s the, by any means. But now I’ve preached to others. I myself should be a Castaway. I need to fix myself first. And then I can go in and judge, the word judge is to call into question to,

to distinguish. That’s what the word judge means to, to, to, to distinguish right from wrong. In this instance, we need to understand, I want you to notice Romans two verses 21 and following as well now, therefore, which teaches another teaches thou not thyself thou that preaches the man should not steal dust out. Steal thou that says to man should not commit adultery,

desktop committed adultery that at abortus aisles does document sacrilege. Now that make us the boast of the law, that through breaking the law dishonors thou God, we need to make sure that our lives as Christians are right before we go out until others, their fault. That’s how we judge righteously. Let’s make sure we are living faithfully before we go and preach and teach to others.

You know, the world is not going to listen. Someone’s not going to listen to a hypocrite. Someone’s not going to listen to them. We need to make sure our lives are and as Christians are right. But if we are going to judge righteously as well, not only must we fix your own selves, but also another requirement is we judge with righteous judgment.

What’s righteous judgment. Well, John chapter seven, verse 24, Jesus says don’t judge, according to the appearance, but judge, with what righteous judgment, what is righteous judgment? It’s not opinion opinion. Doesn’t matter to God, God didn’t. Didn’t ask Adam what? Well, how do you want me to form peeve? You, you choose. He didn’t ask Noah.

He said, you, you choose the wood. Whatever. You know, he, he gave a specific command opinion in most, in some instances does not matter to God. He’s given us some Liberty on some things, but there are specific things that he is required. But notice we ought to, to judge to call into question, according to how Jesus notice John 12,

verse 48, according to the Bible, notice John 12, verse 48. He that rejects me and receive. It’s not my words. Hath one that judges him. The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day we judge, we call him the question we speak from God’s word. Not my opinion. Not know his opinion,

not, not, not anybody’s opinion. It’s only from God’s word that we have the authority to do that. If I’m going to judge righteously and to get to heaven, I also must understand that my motive it has to be right. My motive is not to get back at the person. My motive is not just to make myself look good. My motive is not just to make everybody against that person.

Now my motive, again, as we stated this, to get that sold, I want you to notice. I love Galatians six and verse number one, Galatians chapter six and verse number one, I love what Paul says here. Notice what he says. Brethren. If a man be overtaken in a fault, you at your spiritual restore trust in one,

such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering myself less than I’ll also be tempted. Why do we go this brother-in-law or brother, why do, why do we go to this brother or sister and tell them their fault so that they can come back. But also, so we are not tempted to the congregation or the church abroad is not falling to sin,

but our motive must be not to, to our motive must be correct. And James chapter five also wants you to notice 1920. Notice what James says, James five, 19 and 20. He says brethren, if any of you do earth from the truth and one convert him, let him know verse 20. He which he would say she converted the sinner from the error of his way,

shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins. That is why, that is why we approach. And that is why we are to judge righteous land, to make sure that sin is out of the camp. And you go back to Aiken. What happened when, when akin sin, who is affected, not just akin whole congregation,

we need to make sure sin is out as soon as so destructive, Romans chapter six, verse 23 wages of sin is what death, spiritual death. And we need to make sure that sin is out of the camp every day. We need to purge that. Let’s go back to Matthew chapter seven. I want you to notice verse number six as well in the,

in the context, you’re still judging. Notice what Jesus says. Give not that, which is Holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine lest. They trample them under their feet and turn again and render you. What is Jesus meaning here? I think sometimes there comes a point in some people lives when, when you bring them to the gospel that they’re too stubborn,

too stubborn to, to, to, to listen. Jesus would say to the apostles in Matthew chapter 10, verse 14, that you just have to shake the dust off your feet and go your way. Because sadly, there are those who will just not repent. Who are, I don’t want to say they’re there. No one is ever too far gone.

But sadly, there were some who hardened their hearts. How much they, according to their will, according to their choices will not repent. Now could they? Yes, but they have to choose that. But we as Christians need to understand that we can not give up just because of one, we have to keep on, keeping on. We have to keep on doing the things that God would have us to do.

Yes. We need to judge righteous sleep. Let me ask you, let’s ask this question. When we judge, when we are calling into question, when we are discerning, as we’ll talk about here in a little bit as well, who should we go to for wisdom? I think we should go to God. Let’s look at verses seven through 11 here.

Notice in Matthew chapter seven, seven through 11, It says ask. And it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asked to receive it. Then he, that seeketh findeth and to him that knock it, that shall be open or what man is there of you whom have his son asks for bread will give him a stone.

Or if he asks a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to unto your children? How much more shall your father, which isn’t it. Kevin give good things to them to ask him, you know, as we, as Christians should, should note something in every situation we should always go before the father.

Should we not? We should come before the father. And specifically in this instance, when we are judging, when we are discerning, what is our motive? W w we need to ask ourselves, is this true biblical evaluation? Or is this just my opinion? We need to go before the father. And what’s interesting. I love what Jesus says here.

He says, if you, you, you is, is people can give good gifts to your children. Yet. The father Who is the most powerful being in the universe, How much more can he give you? James? One verse 17 tells us that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights. Isn’t our father.

So awesome and awesome. God. He is. And we need to understand that we should always trust him. Matthew six, verse 33, but seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and what all these things shall be added unto you. We love you. We should love what the father has done for us. Be thankful. And when we are In situations,

such as maybe approaching a brother, let’s go to God because we ask what does Jesus say? Verse eight, again, for everyone that asks<inaudible> I hate that. Seek it, find it. Isn’t him knocking the shabby, open James chapter one also. And the verses five Through eight, James would say, if any of you lack wisdom, Let him ask of God.

God has all the answers. And when we pray, how, how does he speak? It’s not going to be some miraculous endowment. No, we haven’t To study. Prairie is never a substitute for study. We need to understand that praying to God helps us a lot. And when you understand that every day, but yes, when we are judging,

when we are coming Up to a brother, maybe that is living in sin, Let’s pray about it as well. But also notice verse 12 of Matthew, chapter seven, therefore, all things whatsoever you would, that men should do to you do even so to them for this is the law and the prophets. What is this often called the golden rule,

right? I like the word to should here, because this means that how they ought to be how they ought to be biblically, how would I want to be judged? How would you want to be judged? According to man’s opinion? According to this brother’s Idea. No, I want to be judged from the Bible, whatever the Bible says. And that’s how we ought to judge.

According to God’s word questions we have to ask, are we binding where the Bible doesn’t bind? Are we losing where the Bible doesn’t lose? We need to ask ourselves when we are judging, when we are going up to a brother in the church, we need to go to them with humility and with God’s word in that alone. Yes. Firstly, if we were going to get to heaven,

we must judge, right? But secondly, if we are going to get to heaven, we must choose right? There is a choice. Let’s look at verses 13 and 14 of Matthew seven, enter you in at the straight gate for wide is the gate. And broad is the way that Leah’s to destruction and many there be which go in their own because Is the gate and narrow is the way which leads on to life.

And few there be that, find it. You know, since then Beginning, there’s always been a choice, right? There’s always been a choice. There’s not some unconditional election. God doesn’t well, I’m a choose you. And I won’t choose. You know, the God has always allowed us to choose. I like Joshua 24. And you know,

you’ve heard verse 15 before notice John Joshua 24 15. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord shoes, notice that word, choose you this day, whom you will serve, whether the gods, Which your father served that were on the other side of the flood Or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But notice what Joshua says.

He says, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. There’s always been a choice. God gives us that choice. That’s up to us. Yeah. We have two choices. There’s there’s not more than that. And you know, our denominational friends like to tell us, well, I’m just taking a different route to heaven.

No, Jesus says that. I’m the way, I’m the truth. And I’m the life. There’s either Christ’s way or there’s the world’s way. And, and there’s not partial obedience. I want you to notice this quote and I love this quote, notice to be almost persuaded as to be almost saved and to be almost saved as be entirely lost. There’s there’s either full for God or full for the world.

There’s not partial obedience with God. But with that choice, as we’ve talked about, we have a choice. You and I, we have the choice that we have. We’re given that there’s two choices. Again, firstly, as Jesus talks about going back to our text, Matthew seven, there’s a wide way. There’s, there’s a, there’s a wide,

the wide path. And this gate is broad and golfs many people, but guess what it is pleasurable, it feels good. First John two and verse 16 says for all those in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, all those things that man loves makes them feel good. That’s that’s this way.

And you, you get to enjoy the pleasures of sin. You get to, you don’t Have to feel bad about anything you do. You get to live for Yourself every day. It’s all about you. I want you to notice something and Hebrews chapter 11, Hebrews chapter 11, I want you to notice what the Hebrew writer says about Moses choosing rather To suffer affliction with the people Of God than to enjoy.

Notice this, the pleasures of sin or seasoned sin. Doesn’t sin only lasts for a season and yes, this way might feel good. You might get to Do what you want to do, live how you want To live yet. Sadly, this one makes this, this way, makes me An enemy of God, James four in verse number four. He adulterers.

And adulteresses no you not that the friendship, The world is what enmity with God and whosoever is going to be a friend of the world is what an enemy of God being an enemy of God’s that’s a scary thing. It’s not, we need to understand that. No, we can’t choose this way. And sadly, many, many seek to enter the other way.

See they want th that the narrow way they want the straight way. Maybe they, they try. I seek it, but something’s holding them back from leaving this wide way. Sadly many will be lost. That’s a sad thing. Is it not this way is not this way. Again, as it was pleasurable, it might be easy. It’s big.

Many people go in. Yeah, sadly it’s eternal destruction. It’s not pleasant revelation 21. And verse number eight tells us that there’s going to be fire and brimstone. This is eternal damnation. This is, this is torments Burning and the fires of hell forever. It’s not going to last a thousand years, 10,000 years. It’s forever. But also this it’s going to be away from the presence of God.

That’s a sad thing. And to think, to replay in your head over and over again, Jesus walking away from you for ever. That’s a sad thing, but Jesus says there is another way. Going back to Matthew chapter seven, what does he say? He also says that there is a narrow way, a straight way. This word narrow is interesting.

When I was Looking at this word narrow, it means difficult. It means suffered. Tribulus. It’s a, it’s a hard way. This, this, this way. It requires endurance. Second Timothy four, six through eight. The title, No, my departure is at hand paraphrase and I fought a good fight. I finished the course. I’ve kept the faith.

What does Paul say? In verse eight henceforth, there is laid it for me. A crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only, but to all them that love his appearing this way is the way to go this way. Again, as we stated with Moses, it’s hard. Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the people Of God and do enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

And this way leads to an everlasting life with God. We should look forward to that. It’s going to be hard. You’re Going to have temptations. You’re going to have trials in your life. Of course, God does not promise perfection just to a perfect life. I will say this. The destination is a beautiful one. I heard a joke, a story choke about,

about the, the, the, the joys of heaven. There was a, an old man and his wife. They, they died and they went to heaven and Peter was, was showing them around heaven, right? And he’s like, he shows them this, this mansion. He says, this is, this is yours. You get this. And they said,

how much, how much do we have to pay for? And Peter says, no, no, that’s yours. It’s in heaven. This is yours. And he shows them a beautiful car. And how much do we have to pay for it? He says, no, it’s yours. They get to the golf course, golf course. And, and the man says how much you have to pay for it.

And Peter’s like, Nope, it’s all free. And the man looks to his wife and he says, why did you feed me those rice cake and vegetables? I could have been eating all this cake and gotten here to heaven sooner, funny thing. And we now understand doesn’t, haven’t going to be beautiful. I think it is no, we’re not going to have any material things,

just a little illustration there, but we need to choose, right. We need to choose the path to heaven. And if we do, man, it’s going to be beautiful. Number three third, let’s go back to our texts this morning. If we’re going to get to heaven for a third point, we have to discern, right? What does it mean to discern,

to discern means to recognize or identify? We did kind of talk about this a little bit. Let’s talk about this as Jesus. Notice Matthew seven, verse 15, but where are false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves. There are going to be those who want to deceive, right? They’re going to be those who want to persuade men to do other things,

to do other things of the world, to go with false doctrine. And yet some are wolves in sheep’s clothing. False prophets are not going to have a sign on their shirt saying false prophet, false prophet with blinking lights. They’re not going to come up to the pulpit and say, hold on, be prepared. I’m a false prophet. I’m about to deceive.

You know, they’re going to come in sheep’s clothing. They’re going to look like the rest yet. They are deceiving us. Notice. Second Corinthians chapter 11, 13 through 15, second Corinthians 11, 13 through 15 for such are false apostles. Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Notice that therefore it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works, even Satan himself comes into seat for ways. And sadly, there might even be those in the church. No, they look good. They might sound good. They might be the best and the outward.

And then the really, what does Jesus say? They’re ravening. What was, but yes, we, as Christians have to discern, we have to make sure that we are checking. You know, this morning has giving you the gospel. I hope that you just don’t take my word for it. Now. I, I’m not purposely teaching. I hope I’m not saying anything falsely.

Or there could be an instance that preachers say something accidentally that I don’t know, therefore each and every one should make sure the scriptures and the preacher that the teacher is saying something right now, we need to discern you acts chapter 17. Verse number 11 tells us that they searched the scriptures daily to what make sure that these things were were so, and we need to understand that,

but yes, we have to be adamant about testing. One another notice going back to our text verses 16 through 20. Notice what Jesus says about fruit. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of missiles, even so every good tree bring it forth, good fruit, but a corrupt tree. Bring it forth.

Evil fruit, a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings us not forth. Good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruit roots. You shall know them. We need to not only discern who is teaching or our brethren, we’ll have to discern ourselves.

We have to look at ourselves. Are we living righteously? Philippians two in verse 12 says work out your own salvation. Yes, we, we need to, to watch out for, for others to make sure that their souls are living faithfully as well. We’re responsible for us. We need to make sure of that. Second Corinthians 13 in verse number five,

examine yourself, make sure discern yourselves, make sure that you were living faithfully. As we talked about before, before you go out and tell others, you have to make sure you’re living faithfully as well. And yet, sadly, sometimes I think going back to talking about those who teach falsely thinking that they can hide thinking that they can blend in, Oh,

they might be able to fool you. They might be able to fool me, but they will never, ever, ever full gone their work will be. He brought out, I love numbers, chapter 32 and verse number 23 numbers, 32, 23 notice. But if you will not do so behold, you have sinned against the Lord. Notice this next phrase and be sure your sin will fall.

Sand’s going to be brought to light whether on this earth or whether in judgment, second Corinthians five verse number 10, we’re going to, to what? Up here before everyone is going to appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Yes, we have to discern. We have to make sure that we know right from wrong. We have to make sure that our lives as Christians are living faithfully.

And to say that that everything is okay. Now we need to discern, as Jesus talks about, you know, first John chapter one in verse number five, John says that this is the message, which we’ve heard in declarance to you. That God is light. Nim is no darkness at all in him is no darkness at all. We need to understand that we have to push out the 11 push out sin every day of our lives.

Bless notice our last point for this morning. If we we’re going to get to heaven, we fourthly and lastly must have to build, right? Let’s go back to our texts. Look at verses 24 Through 27, we’re going to come back to verses 21 through 23 at the end. But let’s look at verses 24 through 27, as Jesus is going to give a kind of analogy or illustration Here.

He says, therefore, whosoever, heareth these sayings of mine and do with them. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house. And it fell not for, it was founded upon a rock and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and do it.

Them not shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain is descent and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that. The house and it fell and great was the fall of it. Now, again, we talked about, we have two choices in reality, there’s only two choices,

the world Satan or gone. And so again, you look at these, these, these two people they both heard, right? They both, they both heard, they both built, but one of them didn’t do something. They both faced the storms of life, but one of them did not do the words of who? Of Christ. Yeah. He built his house.

He didn’t have a solid foundation. The outcome was different. Let’s look at the first man, the first person, the first man did what he built his house on Christ. And we, as Christians have to do that every day of loss, every single one of us have to do that. First Corinthians three, look at verse number 11, first Corinthians three and verse number 11.

Notice what Paul says here. He says for other foundation can no man, lay than that is laid, which is what Christ Jesus Christ. That’s where our foundation must be laid. We have to have him as our cornerstone. That’s our foundation. And this man, This man, he didn’t just hear The word. He also did the word James one in verse.

Number two says what we have to be doers of the word, not hearers only. We can’t be only those who hear. We have to do something about it. And yet, sadly those in Psalm and denominations, like to say faith alone, faith alone, go out. I like to use this analogy. When talking about that idea, last Noah,

how he built the Ark by faith alone. I don’t think, I don’t think he’d look at you like what he had to do something. There was a story about one who was golfing with his friend. Of course he was a Christian. And the other was, I believe of a denomination who taught faith alone and they are talking about faith and they got on the green.

And of course the, the faith alone preacher person got up to putt and The Christian was I no, no, no. Hold on, hold on. You. You have to put that in by what? Faith alone. Because faith alone doesn’t require action. Faith alone doesn’t require action. Does it? Doesn’t and the one was like, yeah, you got me there.

The faith plus works equals salvation. Not faith alone. I have to build, I have to do it upon Christ. I want you to notice also something about what this man faced. You know, he still felt face trials, even though his house was built upon the rock, even though it was built upon spiritually Christ, he still faced trials. Notice as we’ve talked about a second,

as we talked about the rains descended verse 25 and the floods came, the winds blew. He might’ve had some scratches. He might’ve even had some, maybe a minor damage on the house, but it never fell. Why? Because it was built on the rock. Second Timothy three verse number 12 year old that should live godly in Christ. Jesus will suffer persecution again.

As we’ve talked about, the way is hard. It’s narrow. It it’s difficult, but we, if we live faithfully, there’s, there’s a requirement we’ll never fall. Now, can we fall away if we choose to? Yes, but if we continue until our lives are over, I forgot is for us, who can, who can stand against us?

We got God on our side. We should be thankful for that. But what about the other man on the sand? He built his house upon the sand and this man, like, like the other Island, unlike the other, he had a faulty foundation. He didn’t build his foundation upon Christ. His foundation was tied to man known as Colossians two and number eight,

but where lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ, that’s where his foundation was. And this man forgot who he was spiritually. He didn’t, he didn’t, he didn’t build his foundation. Right? And, and when the trials of life were upon him, what happened?

He fell. He didn’t have a good foundation. He, he, he was destroyed. You know, pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. We’re going to be humble enough to do the necessary things, to build right. To make sure that our foundation is correct. Because if our foundation is correct, we can build upon that.

And that basically has a Christian, but yes, if we’re going to get to heaven, we have to build a right. But the question is, what are we going to do as Christians on this earth? And we’re going to judge, right? Are we going to choose the right path? Are we going to discern and build right as Christians? If we cannot do these simple things,

we will not be able to go to heaven. We need to choose the path and keep on that straight and narrow. But the question remains to each and every individual will we make that sacrifice. Galatians two verse number 20. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet. Not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life that I now live in.

The flesh. I live by the faith in the son of God, loved me and gave himself for me. We need to live our lives as sacrifices. And perhaps there was one here this morning who has not chosen the, the, the path of heaven. Perhaps you have not started the journey. Maybe, perhaps you hearing the word now, do you believe that Jesus is the son of God?

Do you believe that that he came down to die for you so that you could have eternal life? Would you be willing to repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man, and be baptized for the remission of sins to start that journey? That’s just the start that’s, that’s just the beginning. And then you get to live faithfully forever. If you choose to do so,

and you get to go to heaven, but perhaps you’ve already done. So, and you have not been living as a Christian. You haven’t been judging, right? You haven’t chosen the right path. You haven’t discerned, right? And you have not built and continued there on, would you come back to God before it is? Everlastingly too late. I know I’ve used this analogy many times.

Imagine the, the father waiting every day for you to come home so he can have you a part of his fold. Once again, second Peter three verse nine. The Lord is not Slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but notice this as long suffering towards us, not willing to in any should perish, but that all should come back to repentance.

But it’s up to you to make that choice. If anyone is subject, and once you come as we stand and as we see<inaudible> lift up your voice, leave with him<inaudible> and began life<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Jesus. Well, me<inaudible> Neil at the cross<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Jesus. Well meet you there, Neil, at the cross,

give y’all ride<inaudible> to nada, to life. Sparkling cop trust always<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. Jesus will meet you.<inaudible> The song. Before our closing prayer will be number 867 to Canaan’s land I’m on my way, eight, six, seven, two Cain and land. I’m on my way where the<inaudible> never jog my dark ass. Nah, well,

turn to day where the<inaudible> never<inaudible> no,<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> a Rose and this blew me there. Fuck me where the<inaudible> and<inaudible> where the<inaudible> never ah, no<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> never love light beams.<inaudible><inaudible> never de<inaudible><inaudible> no,<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible> I’m on my way to that fan land where there’s<inaudible> where there will be no partying and where there’s<inaudible> never ah,

no,<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Let’s pray. Father who art in heaven. We thank thee for the freedom that we have to come and meet on the first day of the weekend for your children to worship fi and sang the songs of praise. And today we pray that we will always have these freedoms in this country. We always be able to come and,

and gather without fear of home. We pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned today that are sick and unable to be with us. We pray that you would be with the Cozort family and the health of Aaron’s grandmother. We pray that things will go well with her and keep them safe. As they travel back and forth, we pray that you would go with us now and keep us safe.

Do we meet again and crash? And we pray. Amen.

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01-20-2021 – Live Stream – Luke 11:37-12:21

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

All right. It’s time for us to get started.<inaudible> We will begin. And Matthew chapter 12 with our review of the questions from Sunday, and then we will get into our text for this evening. We’ll blame all the rowdiness and people taking forever to get to their seats on to people who are here causing trouble. I won’t mention their names, but their last name is Richardson.

Yeah. For once it’s not Ava. All right. Let’s, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We bow before your throne grateful for this day that you’ve granted to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunity that we have to serve you as we go through this day. And as we go through this night,

in this week, and this year, that is ahead of us, help us to, they li keep our mind on your word, keep our heart focused on obedience to you above everything else, help us to hold onto our faith, help us to speak the word of God and to speak it in sincerity and truth and love, help us to always strive to serve you.

Even when the world and the nation nation around us, doesn’t want to hear what the Bible has to say. We pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things. We pray that you will be with those of our number who have lost loved ones in recent days and months. Pray for those that are dealing with illness.

We pray for family members and Christians all over the globe that are dealing with COVID. We pray that if it be your will, they will be returned to their help. All this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen<inaudible> Questions from less than two 45. By what means did the Pharisees say Jesus had healed the demon possessed man who was blind, deaf and speechless power of Beelzebub question two.

Jesus said, a person cannot be a for Jesus. Be partially against Jesus or see against Jesus B. Okay. He cannot meet. Jesus said you’re either with me or against me. So you can be either one of those, but you can’t be partially with him or partially against him. What sin did Jesus say would not be forgiven? All right.

Well, ask me the Holy spirit, which by the way, that’s referenced both in Matthew 12 and again, in our text tonight, but given the size of these texts, I don’t feel like we could do justice to a real study of that, but we’re gonna, we’re gonna notice that in a sermon and a few weeks, so I’m just gonna kind of pass over it for now and we’ll look at it.

Then Jesus said that the mouth speaks what is contained by the blank. The heart at the end of our lives will the words we use matter. Yes, they will. Jesus said, we’ll be judged by them. Jesus said some something greater than blank and blank was here and the people didn’t hear it. Solomon and Jonah, Jonah, and Solomon, I guess in the correct order,

how long did Jesus say Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days and three nights? How long did he say he would be? That’s supposed to be in, not on in the earth saying, all right, three days and three nights, whom did Jesus say? Where his mother and brothers, those who do the will of his father name,

the new Testament book, rich, which resounds with the theme, the righteous will live by faith.<inaudible> Romans. Romans is what that’s looking for. Now. That was from a drill from another lesson, which you probably, you don’t have the drills or that anyway, but there’s only a few of the new Testament books that use that phrase. Hebrews uses it.

Romans uses it, but the, the answer there is Romans Paul uses it in Romans chapter one, verse 17. Okay. So our text for this evening is going to begin in Luke chapter 11<inaudible> We go through these texts. One of the things that you’re seeing, again, the majority of what we’re dealing with at this point in time in the passages that we’re in is the second year of Jesus’ ministry.

This is in a period of time where Jesus and the scribes, the Pharisees, the lawyers are at points of contention in the earlier first year of Jesus’s ministry. He’s beginning to do miracles. He’s beginning to do signs and wonders. People are beginning to know who he is now. As these things begin to occur, he’s beginning to be followed by the people.

The people come to hear him. Jesus gives the sermon on the Mount and the people are listening. The crowds are attentive. They’re seeing who he is. And they’re recognizing, as we saw at the end of Matthew chapter seven, this man speaks as one having authority and not like the scribes that they were used to. And so, as a result of these things,

you’re beginning to see a power struggle. You’re beginning to see the scribes, the Pharisees, the lawyers, the, the chief priests reaching to hold on to their power. And they’re going to begin making arguments against Jesus. They’re going to begin claiming things as they did in Matthew chapter 12, like Jesus is doing this healing by the power of the above.

And yet they’re not going to be able to withstand what Jesus says. Jesus would say in Matthew chapter five, except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. You shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Now imagine being a scribe or a Pharisee one who considers yourself, not only a righteous person, not only a descendant of Abraham, but a leader of the righteous people in Israel.

I mean, you think about it in Israel, they had thieves, they had murderers. They had fornicators. They had people, but these scribes and these Pharisees, these were the synagogue going every week, study their old Testament scriptures and know the law quote, the law, memorize the law people. And Jesus tells the crowd, unless your righteousness exceeds theirs,

you’ll never step foot in the kingdom of heaven, Which means they won’t Step foot in the kingdom of heaven. That’s the, that’s the gauntlet being thrown down by Jesus. That’s Jesus saying there something fundamentally wrong with these people. It’s not just an issue of a matter of doctrine here, or a matter of doctrine there, or a teaching here, or a tradition there,

or, or, or, or a problem. There’s a fundamental foundational problem with these people. And yet they were the ones that were looked upon as being Righteous. All right. So when we get into Luke chapter 11, we begin with a series of woes against the Pharisees and the lawyers. Now, what was the lawyer’s job or responsibility in that day in time?

Are we talking about somebody who goes before a judge or some other kind of Okay. Interpreters of law, they were the teachers of the law in that sense. Okay. So chapter 11, we’re going to begin in verse 37 and go through chapter 12, verse 21. And as he spoke, Jesus, a certain Pharisee asked him to dine with him.

So he went in and sat down to eat. When the Pharisees saw it, he marveled that he did not forget that he had not first washed before dinner. Now, As we get into this text, first question is the washing here. One that is pertaining to cleanliness, I E germs and dirt. All right. It is not, it is a ceremonial washing.

Okay? If you go back to the traditions, you go back to the day, time, you go back to the history around this and the, and other passages dealing with similar things. This was not, you know what? I came in, I’ve been walking and I’m going to make sure that my feet get washed because they’re dirty. I would make sure my hands get washed because they’re filthy.

Before I sit down to eat, that’s not what this was. This was a tradition of the scribes, the Pharisees, the teachers of the law, the elders, that when you came in from a marketplace, from a public place, you washed ceremonially to cleanse yourself of being around Gentiles. Okay? And so they question, why is it that he or he seeing this?

And he marvels Jesus has just come in from being around all these people and, and being around Gentiles. And he’s not, he’s not Washing. Then the Lord said to him, now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and the dish clean. But your inward part is full of greed And wickedness Jesus. Knowing What this person has in his heart,

knowing what this Pharisee is thinking responds to him and says, you’ve washed the outside of the cup. And The inward part of the cup, you’ve left A few times. And my life, I have Put something somewhere that had food in It And then forgotten it was there. And when you come back later, Usually there, you know, when you,

You come back three or four or five days Later, mold, it’s corrupted. No don’t eat any of that. It’s not instant penicillin. You know, wash it, clean it, or throw it away. What, what have you, but don’t eat It. Now. The picture Jesus is painting is here comes a Pharisee and they come along and they look at that dish.

That’s got moldy, crusted, infested, maybe even a creature, an insect ridden food. And they go outside of the dishes Is filthy. Let’s wash it. They wash the outside of the dish And not the inside. They’ve cleansed. Only the part that people look at and nothing about the part that really matters. And so Jesus said, foolish ones,

verse 40 did not. He who made the outside, make the inside. Also Jesus said, you’re willing to wash your, your outward person. You’re willing to cleanse the outward body. But what about your inward man? Didn’t the same one who made your body also make your soul, your heart, your mind, your motivations. He goes on to say,

but rather give kinds of such things as you have. And then indeed all things are clean to you, but woe to you. So this is the first there’s going to be six woes, woe to you, Pharisees for you, tithe mint and Rue and all manner of herbs and pass by justice. And the love of God. First of all, what is a mint Ru or other herbs?

What are they by, by their very nature? Add flavor. But I mean, are these like the big crops? No. What are they? They’re the little ones. All right. They’re the, they’re the smallest of things. Okay. If your life, if your livelihood was farming, the likelihood is that the, the mint and the root or the,

those weren’t the ones you made your primary living off of. But the old Testament commandment, the old Testament law was that attends all of everything. When harvest time came, that was the time in which you took a 10th of everything and gave it to God. And that portion was the sustenance for the lean bites. And so here they are, they have a commandment about tithing and here they are,

and they’re tithing these small herbs. And Jesus says, you make sure and you sit there and you’re concerning yourself with the 10th being given of these small things. And yet you overlook The weightier matters, but he mentions two things specifically here. Love of God and justice. Here you are. You’re counting out the herbs, but you won’t give a person justice.

Now, You all, okay, well, let’s, let’s think Jesus doesn’t really provide us an example. How about this one? A man comes and finds an individual who cannot speak, who cannot hear and whose demon possessed and cast the demon out and heals the man and the Pharisees say he did it by the power of BLS above. Now is that justice,

Because if he’s doing it by the power of Beelzebub, what is he considered under the law? Under law, Moses, he would be considered, he would be considered one. Who’s utilizing the power of Satan or one like a witch or one like, like a false prophet and condemn livable by death. So They have seen someone use the power of God to heal a person.

And they said that man is worthy of death. Now is that justice? No. He said, not only have you foregone, overseen overlook justice, but you have overlooked the love of God. Now, one thing we must not do is we must not Take this To the opposite extreme and go. We need to be concerned about justice and the love of God.

And we don’t need to be concerned about any of that law, that rule, keeping law, keeping stuff. We don’t need to be concerned about the little details of the commandments of God. Just ignore that. We need to be concerned about the big stuff. No, no, no. That is not what Jesus says. Notice what he says. He says woe to you for you,

tithe mint and Rue and all manner of herbs and pass by justice. And the love of God. These you ought to have done Without leaving the others undone. You see the mindset of the Pharisee was because I do these deeds I’m righteous. And yet they had literally, as it were ripped the heart out of scripture, It ripped the love of God and justice and mercy and kindness right out of scripture.

And they weren’t doing that. They weren’t doing the spiritual matters. They were Doing the earthly matters, but Jesus said, You need to be worried about the weightier matters of the law without neglect, Ding, the other matters, the matters of keeping God’s commandments. So yeah, You know, someone might say, well, we need to be worried about loving God,

not be worried about the acts of worship or how a person’s saved or whether or not they worship on a regular basis or whether, you know, whether or not they stay their Bible or whether or not they, they, you know, cuss every once in a while, whether we don’t need to be worried about all that little stuff we need to be worried about.

Do that. Love God. No, that’s not what Jesus is saying. And if we take this passage to say that we have done the exact opposite Of what Jesus is saying, Jesus is saying, you keep God’s commandments, but you first Do it exactly the way God said. And what did God actually say? Thou shall love the Lord. Thy God,

with all thy heart, all my soul, all vies strengthen all by might. So they were to both keep the small matters of the law and the weightier matters of the law, but he goes on. And if I take this long, we’re never going to get done. All right. So woe to you, Pharisees verse 43 for you love the best sheets.

God’s in the greetings, in the marketplaces, woe to you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you are like graves, which are not seen. And the men who walk over them are not aware of them. Let’s see mean, typically speaking, how do we treat grave sites As being sacred? As we show honor, we teach our children not to go skipping on the stones.

You know, not to go running through the graveyard, not to kick, kick over the two, you know, with honor. But what is a grave site where you don’t know anybody’s buried there. It’s not marked, It’s still a grave site, but it’s nothing special. All right, it has no visual recognition. Therefore, no honor is shown to it.

He says, woe to you for you are like graves, which are not seen. And the man who walk over them are not aware of them. What about the other side? The other side of this is a grave site what’s inside. What’s inside is decay was inside. Is that, which is the filed. According to law with you touched a dead body.

You were unclean what’s inside the grave though. The outside has given honor. The inside is unclean. Jesus said you are unclean, but people don’t realize it as they go by you on the inside are decayed and defiled and corrupted, but you don’t look that way on the outside. And so this is a warning to the people. Then one of the lawyers answered and said to him,

teacher, by saying these things, you reproach us. Also, you might be saying Pharisee over and over again, but you know, you, you shooting with a shotgun and it scattering a little bit. Okay? We’re over here on the edge is we’re getting hit. He goes on to say, Whoa, to you also lawyers, if you would like to get Jesus’s attention and draw his AME on you just do what the lawyer did.

So he gets his own fair share. Whoa, do you also lawyers for you load men with burdens, hard to bear and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers. Here are these men whose responsibility it is to interpret the law. And he says, Here you are, you’re taking the law and you interpret it for someone else.

Someone comes to comes to you. They come to you and they ask, this is what the law says. This is what Moses wrote. What does it mean for me? Can you interpret this for me? Help me understand how I apply this. And they’ll expound it to him and make sure that every aspect of the law is the full weight of the laws put on this individual.

Who’s asked him about interpreting the law and then they’ll turn around and they won’t do the same Themselves. They will put Heavy burdens to be born on those who asked them, what does the law mean? But they won’t lift those birds Themselves. So then he says, Whoa to you for you build the tombs of the prophets and your fathers Killed them. In fact,

You bear witness that you approve the deeds of your fathers for, they indeed killed them and you build their tombs. This is an interesting analogy. Jesus said your fathers, all right. So we’re going back into old Testament history here. He’s drawing in the prophets. He’s drawing in the Israelites of the old Testament. He said, your fathers Build the profits.

And yet you build them up liquors. If you go to or have had the occasion to go Some capitals, most, most capitals, but especially if you’ve gone to Washington DC, you will stride your way through the capital area and that part of Washington and all over the place, you’ll see a monument to this and a monument to that. And there,

there, I love going there. I love seeing those things, seeing the history of our country, but they’re monuments to honor people, Right? Well, here’s The lawyers. And they would build the monuments to honor the profits. They would literally erect sculptures and structures to honor the profits of old Zechariah and, and Jonah. And, and they would praise these men.

But Jesus says, it’s your fathers who killed them. And then he turns around and says, yeah, But you’re just like your fathers. And as a matter of fact, your fathers killed them and Where you buried him. But notice what he says. He says, therefore, the wisdom of God also said, I will send them prophets and apostles.

And some of them, they will kill and persecute that the blood of all the profits, which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation from the blood of Abel, to the blood of Zechariah who perished between the altar and the temple. Yes, I say to you, it shall be required of this generation. Jesus draws forward.

Not only the fact that they would do what their fathers did now. They didn’t know it yet. They didn’t know that they were going to cry out, crucify him, crucify him and put the very son of God on the cross, but they would. And then they do the same thing to his apostles and to his disciples. And they would take the profits of God.

Those who’d been given the gifts of the Holy spirit by Jesus and by the laying on of the apostles hands, they’d take them and they’re going to kill them. He says, you’re doing, you’re going to do the same thing your fathers did. And yet you are the one who are erecting these structures to honor the prophets. But he said, all Of this has happened because what God said in the old Testament is going to come upon this generation.

Now Jesus will make this same basic statement over in Matthew, chapter 24. When John chapter 23, as he gives the woes to the Pharisees, they’re in the last week of his ministry, he will, This city is going to come down. All of these things, Jesus is saying to point out, they’re hypocrites. They’re not living what they teach.

Then he says, verse 52, Whoa, to you, lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves. And those who were entering in you hindered. So this third woe that he gives to the lawyers. He said, you, the ones who were supposed to interpret the law, the ones who were supposed to be teachers of the law,

you actually withhold the law. You actually withhold the instruction. You teach in such a way so that you remain in power. You teach in such a way so that people have to keep coming back to you. But then when someone begins to Excel, when someone begins to become knowledgeable, but they’re not from among you, you actually hold them back. You actually pull them down.

You keep them from knowing what God would have them to do and obeying it. As he said, these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to a sale. Him, the humanly, and to cross examine him about many things, lying in, wait for him and seeking the, catch him in something. He might say that they might accuse him.

They’ve Had enough. They’re not, They’re not going to be spoken to this way. They’re, they’re gonna launch a defensive attack. They’re going to try and defend themselves and they’re not going to succeed. But they’re also going to look now for opportunities to catch him in some sort of misdeed. They’re going to look for opportunities for him to disagree with Moses,

try and put these situations. And this will continue all the way up until the week of his betrayal. Chapter 12, verse one. In the meantime, when an innumerable, multitude of people had gathered together so that they trampled one another. He began to say to his disciples, first of all, bilayer of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

Why do you think Luke begins with When an innumerable number of people gathered together so much that they’re trampling one another. Why do you think Luke inserts that One? Is it in all of the previous woes that Jesus has just given that Jesus is really getting to at the heart of the issue with the Pharisees and with the lawyers what’s behind it. Y’all say what prophecy,

but what sin Hypocrisy. Okay. Sorry. I thought you were saying prophecy hypocrisy, which is an indicator of Pride. And self-interest, let’s think about it this way for someone who’s humble. Okay. And recognizes their own faults and is honest with others. Are they motivated to be a hypocrite? I I’m not saying, are they ever attempted, I’m saying,

are those actions, those, those mindsets that, that ag attitude of heart, is that a motivator for hypocrisy? No honesty, Mercy. Lowliness humility. Love of God. More than love of Self Is your defense against hypocrisy. But what happens when popularity, It comes to most people in life, all of a sudden lay it very Easy to make all about me.

All about self. Look at all these people. Can you imagine here’s a, let’s just pick out a few. Here’s four fishermen whose daily task it is to go out, catch fish, gather fish in a net, pull them or clean them and sell them in a market. I don’t know how much you know about fish. Few people here know a little bit about fish when you’re all done with that process.

How’s the smell. Good fishing. Yeah. All right. You think You got multitudes gathered around to hear what you have. You, you, You, you are a, you are a cog in the machinery of the marketplace and the world of food. You have no influence insignificance. And now those four men look out at a multitude that is so large coming to hear their teacher,

That these people are trampling. One another to get closer to Jesus and Jesus ELLs, not the crowds. The disciples beware of the leaven of The Pharisees, which is hypocrisy for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed nor hidden. Then that will not being known. Therefore, whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light. And what you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the house,

stops Jesus, warns. His disciples. Don’t think that you’re going to become those type of people. Like the scribes, the Pharisees and Sadducees are who they say one thing in. And they say something else in public, not my disciples. You bill ware of the temptation to do that. Because being popular is a motivator is a tempter to do that,

to say one thing to the crowd, because it’s what the crowd wants to hear when you don’t believe it, when you don’t actually think it’s true, when you certainly don’t live by it, but it makes You stay popular. Then he goes To say, and I say to you, my friends do not be afraid of those who kill the body. And after that have no more that they can do a interesting point about crowds is they’re great when they’re for you and there’s crucifixions,

they’re against you. But Jesus said at the same time, you neither play into a crowd to appease them, nor do Do you fear the crowd instead of hearing God, He goes on to say, my friends do not be afraid of those who kill the body. And after that have no more than they can do, but I will show you whom you should fear.

Fear him, who after he is killed, has power to cast into hell. Yes. I say fear him. Who is that? God Christ. Okay. He says, and excuse me, verse, verse six are not five sparrows sold for two copper Coins. What, what what’s that in, in Jewish terms? I mean, is that a significant amount Of money?

No, it’s, It’s an inconsequential amount of money. This is just a very low, low price transaction here. He says they’re not five sparrows sold for two copper coins. And not one of them is for gotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear there for are. You have more value than many.

Jesus said, God cares For even the least cared for creatures. God knows and is aware of every one. God Knows how many hairs are on your head. Now that’s fewer for Terry than it is for some, but he still knows. So if God is that, Which by the way, it’s interesting to me how anybody could be a deist and read some of these things.

Passages, believe that God is just a God. Who’s kind of spun up the world and it’s hands off. Does that make any sense with what Jesus is saying Here? No. Jesus is saying you have someone on your side who cares for you because you’re of so much more value than the sparrows. And he cares for the sparrows. He then says,

also, I say to you, verse eight, whoever Confesses me before men, him, the son of man will also confess before the angels of God. But he who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God and anyone who speaks a word against the son of man, he will be forgiven him. But to him who blasts, Femes against the Holy spirit.

It will not be forgiven. Now when they bring you, by the way, it’s interesting. He doesn’t say it Does he Here or this past, you could say, and now if they bring you to the magistrates, if they haul you before the courts, he doesn’t say, he says, when, okay, when they bring you to the synagogues and the magistrates and authorities do not worry about how or what you should answer or what you should say for the Holy spirit will teach you in that very hour.

What you ought to say. Now I’m going to speak for myself as a teacher and as a preacher. And I’ll let Eric speak for his own self and Noah and Michael speak for the mom’s house. But I wish this was still true. I wish if I were pulled in, in court or in front of a judge or something else for pre to the gospel,

that the Holy spirit would immediately give me what I needed to say, but that this promise wasn’t made to us. Was it okay? This has made to the disciples. W who was he speaking to? By the way, way back there in verse One, the disciples. Okay. We need to be careful when we go into a context, not to just assume that,

because this is being said, therefore it applies to me. This isn’t a promise made to me. This is a promise made to his apostles who would have the gift of the Holy spirit. Jesus said, I’m sending a comforter who will guide you into all truth and teach you what you are to say, okay, this isn’t a problem For us. But then he said,

Or excuse me, then verse 13, we read. Then one of the crowns shed to him, teacher, my brother, or excuse me, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me as someone who has brothers, I can relate to this. Occasionally it was a requested that mom or dad tell one of the brothers to split that piece of cake evenly.

Okay? Because they had cut half for me and half for them. And their half looked like all of it. And my half looked like nothing. And so, you know, Hey, get, get, get a third party involved here. There needs to be some regulation on what half is This man Comes to Jesus though. And I think sometimes we miss what’s going on here.

He comes to Jesus and he says, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me Under this day in time. Typically speaking, which son received a double portion, the eldest son, The indication seems to be that This son Doesn’t want the eldest son to have the double portion. He wants a Down the middle split notice Jesus’s response. He said to him,

man, who made me a judge or an arbiter over you. And he said, take heed and beware of covetousness for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of things. He possesses. Then he spoke a parable to them saying the ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself saying, what shall I do since I have no room to store my crops?

So he said, I will do this. I will pull down my barns and build greater. And there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul soul, you have many goods laid up for many years, take your ease, eat, drink, and be Merry. But God said to him, fool, this night,

your soul will be required of you. Then whose will those things be? Which you have provided. So is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich Toward God now? Yeah. In this context, I’d love to actually go a little bit further. We won’t for the sake of time, but this principle that’s been driven around and, and driven into over and over and over again in this passage,

in the previous one over and over and over and even back into the sermon on the Mount is this, This Jesus said, you better prepare for heaven and serving God and not just prepare for here and yourself. This man Wants Jesus to become a judge and arbiter between him and his brother. And Jesus tells this man, you Have a heart problem and You better be careful because in your striving for possession,

Since you can lose everything and we too need to be careful Because that’s the same thing, Pharisees and the lawyers and the Sadducees and the scribes and the chief priests did out of self-interest. They put the son of God on a cross. We need to be careful about selfishness and pride and a desire for this life instead of the next, okay. That’s In our class for this evening.

We’ll go over the questions Sunday morning For lesson two 46. Thank you for your attention. Welcome to our devotional period of our Sunday, our correction, our Wednesday evening Bible study. It’s good to see so many people here. I think this is a record Wednesday attendance since the COVID started almost a year ago now, but so good to see so many of you out.

I have a very few announcements and I want to welcome our guest here tonight. It’s so good to have Eric and Holly back the Richardson’s. I understand everything is going well back up in North Missouri. And it’s also good to have Clyde green here with us. Clyde used to worship here occasionally years ago, and sure, good to see our, some of our old acquaintance acquaintances back.

We need to remember our sick, keep Joan Springer in your prayers. She still suffers from migraine headaches and is desperately in need of gaining some weight. Dorothy Wilson, still struggling with her blood pressure problems. Ed Richardson, that’s Cheryl’s dad. He still has his own boring problems. Barbara Diller had had a procedure done on her rotator cuff. And I think she probably has a little bit of time yet with the immobilization of that Elaina sharp Shelly Stack’s mother is still,

I think she’s in very serious condition. I don’t know where they put her on hospice care or not, but they were considering that at one time, does anyone know? Okay. Okay. Last Sunday, she was announced that and Ken Phillips is suffering from COVID that’s Michael’s friend, and he has a series of what his wife has it as well. And he’s still suffering for the pulmonary emboli that they got up and got his blood clots taken care of.

Well, great. These are the people we need to keep in our prayers. And remember Francis Redmond with the loss of her daughter Sonder Sandra, she is doing well. I think considering the severity of what happened, Eric gave me a piece of paper at the last business meeting. We had opted Dubai, a defibrillator to keep here in the building and the little sheet of paper he is passed out.

It looks like this half sheet, but it has the internet address for the training that we need to receive to use that it’s about 38 minutes long. And if you would get a copy of that, those of you that would be interested in knowing how to use it, we all should. And at least we can kind of, if we have a need for it,

we can kind of help one another. Get through that. So pick up one of these little sheets of paper and listen to that training video. And this is not only for our own number, but with the voting being here. Oftentimes I think that is a very, very appropriate thing to have on site. Anyway, that’s all the announcements I have.

Erin Cozort will be our song leader and our devotional will be North Olson and our closing prayer. Marie sprinter. Thank you for your attendance. Just a minute. I had my finger where the invitation, so I was just it. So Give me just a second. Invitation song will be number 807 37, 837. I need the every hour Song before the,

or the song before the devotional will be number 346, 346. He lives seeing the first and last person. I serve a risen savior. He’s in the world today. Eh, I know that he is of a man may say I see his hand. He, I hear his voice up to you. And just the time I need him, he’s always<inaudible> he<inaudible> Christ Jesus lives,

dude. Eh, he walks with me and talks with me a long, nice NA roll away.<inaudible> you asked me how I know he<inaudible> rejoin rejoin. So Chris, John, lift up your voice and see<inaudible> to Jesus Christ, the King, the hope of all who seek him a help of all who’ve none. There is so loving, so good.<inaudible> he lives,

he lives grace, Jesus lives, dude. Hey, he walks with me and talks with me. Oh, long lives. NA roll away.<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible><inaudible> Good evening. It was a privilege to Be able to give you a portion of God’s word. I want you to think about the worst thing that someone could say to you, not in a cursing way,

but perhaps that is someone has died. A spouse, a child, a close family member, or perhaps it’s yourself. Perhaps the no status words that you could hear were I have a terminal illness that I’m not going to be able to live long on this earth. I guarantee you that that is not the most detrimental thing, the most saddest words that one will ever hear.

But those are in fact, those are found in Matthew chapter seven in verse number 23. I hope that you will never hear this, but yet sadly many will. I want to start at verse 21, but Matthew chapter seven 21 through 23, not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he didn’t do it.

The will of my father, which is in heaven, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in nine name in the name of cast out devils, and then the name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess into them? I noticed this for words. I never knew you. I never knew you depart from me that work inequity.

These are the most saddest words that one could ever hear to look at Jesus. And to see him turn away, not just for a year, not just for a little amount of time, but for forever and your soul being lost forever in the fires of hell to be away from God, to burn forever in torment, we need to understand and make sure that our lives as Christians,

our faith one to God, and we need to make sure that we are prepared. I want to give you an analogy in Matthew chapter 25, where the parable of the virgins. I want to us to look at this just for a bit, a moment notice verse one, then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto 10 virgins, which took their lamps and went forward for us to meet the bridegroom notice.

Verse three, they, that were foolish, took their lamps and took no oil with them. Notice verses five through eight, while the bridegroom Terri, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh go, you out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps notice this and the foolish set into the wise,

give us of your oil for our land or gone out. And then notice finally 10 through 13. Yeah. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came and they, that were ready, went in with him to the marriage. And the door was shut. Afterward came also the other Virgin saying Lord Lord into us. But he answered and said barely Iceland to you notice again,

I know you not watch therefore for, you know, neither the day, nor the hour in the son of man cometh, of course, this is an analogy to, to help us understand judgment day. Jesus has not come yet. We are waiting. Are we going to be like, who are foolish or not preparing to, to meet our God?

I love the song. Careless. Olivia. It’s such a sad song at the same time, careless soul. Why will you linger wondering from the fold of God here you not the invitation or prepare to meet thy God and the song continues with the chorus. Oh, careless. So heed the warning for your life. Wilson be gone. Oh, how sad to face the judgment unprepared to meet the high.

God is such a sad statement. And we as Christians need to be ready to make sure that we are prepared and that the door will not be shut on us. And perhaps there is one here tonight who has never obeyed the gospel. Perhaps you hearing the word now, are you willing to believe that Jesus is the son of God by doing so you must be willing to,

to repent of your sins, confess Christ before man, and then be willing to submit to baptism for the remission of sins. And you can be added to the church, the body of Christ and continue to walk or start your walk as a Christian. But perhaps you’re here tonight and you’ve already obeyed the gospel, but you have not been, been doing the things that God would have you to do.

You’ve strayed from the faith. You haven’t been living faithfully as a Christian. I like to imagine. And Luke chapter 15 with the prodigal son who went away, I like to imagine the father every day waiting for his son to come home with open arms. And when he sees his son, he runs out to me. And I imagine that w with us,

with God, he’s waiting for us to return. We just have to take the step to repent. If anyone is subject, why don’t you come as we stand? And as we see<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> I<inaudible><inaudible> when I<inaudible><inaudible> to the<inaudible>. So the<inaudible> I<inaudible> Would you bow with me please? Our God and our father in heaven.

We’re thankful for Jesus Christ, his suffering on the cross of calorie father. We thankful that through his suffering, through him, shedding his blood for us, our sins can be blotted out from before that sight. And we can sit together with he in heavenly places with fellowship, with God fell asleep with G father and fellowship with Jesus fellowship. With those of light precious faith,

ask it, you would be with those that are sick father night and pray that you would touch them with your healing hand and store them to their health. We asked that you would read the world of this pen, debunk. That is a bonus it’s taken so many lives, be with their families and, and be comfortable conference them father. They give us the virus,

sins, these things we asked in Christ name, and he meant.

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Do Wives Really Have to Submit? – Admonition 332

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

And now admonition. 

There’s a question in our society here in America, that’s not a very favorable question. In Ephesians chapter five, you could ask the question, Do wives really have to submit to their husbands? Well, the answer’s yes. Ephesians chapter five, verse 22 says wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. 

Paul says, when you submit, submit to your husband as if he is Christ, because that husband is then supposed to submit to Christ and live in a way that’s right. For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Collierville coc.org. 

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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A Reason to Rejoice

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:18-19


And now, Admonition.

Paul calls upon us as Christians to be filled with the Spirit. And when we are, he says, one thing that you might find yourself doing is Ephesians chapter five verse 19, speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

When you can rejoice because you know, God is in you. You can be truly glad. For more from the Collierville church of Christ. Visit Collierville coc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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A Reason to Rejoice – Admonition 331

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

And now, Admonition.

 Paul calls upon us as Christians to be filled with the Spirit. And when we are, he says, one thing that you might find yourself doing is Ephesians chapter five verse 19, speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. 

When you can rejoice because you know, God is in you. You can be truly glad. For more from the Collierville church of Christ. Visit Collierville coc.org. 

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

01-17-2021 – Live Stream Worship Sermon

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Going to be beginning in verse 22, going through the end of the chapter. Again, the material pulling out different things from Jesus’s second year of ministry. And so there are some sections where we’re going to get part of a chapter instead of a whole chapter. And so that’s, that’s the reason why we’re here. Let’s begin with word prayer, Our gracious father in heaven.

We bow before you grateful for the day. You’ve blessed us with, for the opportunities that we have to serve you, to praise your name, to glorify you. And to honor you in all of the ways that you have given us the ability to do, we are so incredibly grateful for the mercy that you give to us each and every day, to allow us to see another day,

to allow us to arise and have the health, to be able to assemble together and serve you, to be able to worship and study your word. We pray that you be with our country and the upcoming days, may there be peace and may those who lead this country make decisions which lead toward peace instead of uprising, pray that you will help us to always strive to live peaceably with all men,

as much as lies within us and help us to always yet stand fast for the faith. Never wavering, always speaking the truth in love. We pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, help us to have a heart that is ready and mindful to repent. When we know we’ve done wrong, but we also ask for forgiveness of those things that we do wrong,

that we may not realize we have done pray that you be with us. As we go through this period of study, may all that we say and do be in accordance with your will. We pray for those in this congregation. Who’ve lost loved ones in recent days, and we pray that you will be with them and comfort them and help them through the difficulties that will come their way in these days.

And weeks ahead, we pray that you will help us to be a strength and a comfort to all those who are struggling and pray that they will seek strength and comfort through your word and through the faith that is in Jesus Christ. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Matthew chapter 1222 Begins. Then one who was brought to him who was demon possessed,

blind, and mute. And he healed him so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. This was a lease by way of scriptural record. A rather rare recurrence. There would be times where a blind person would be brought to Jesus or would encounter Jesus. And Jesus would heal his sight. There would be times where a person who was mute would encounter Jesus and Jesus would cause them to be able to speak again.

There would be times when someone was deaf or lame or some other individual problem, and Jesus would fix that. But rarely would you have so many different situations, all compounded in the same individual. And yet what you see here is the primary problem back of all of it was his demon possession. Okay? The fact that he was possessed by a demon is seeming to be part of the,

the bigger problem at large, that was causing his other problems. So either way, you’ve got Jesus dealing with three separate issues. This man’s demon possessed. This man’s blind. This man cannot speak. And so Jesus heals him. Now. There’s not some great long record. There’s not some long oratory or fanciful actions that occur. Jesus just heals him.

And the man can see, and the man can speak all the multitudes. Verse 23 were amazed and said, could this be, and what did they say? What did they call him? The son of David. Now, do they mean by that? Oh, look, this, this person’s from the tribe of Judah and happens to be from the lineage of David.

Like they’d been missing anybody from the lineage of David all this time. No. So what do they mean?<inaudible> Gay man of God. Great leader. What was David King? Does Israel have a King at this point in time from among Israel? No, they don’t. Herod is the one who’s been set up by the Roman government, but he’s not actually a Jew.

He’s a Herodians. And so he’s from a completely different lineage. He’s not from the tribe of Judah. He’s not from David. And so they save this. This is not, Oh, look, this guy must be from the tribe of Judah because he’s done this great miracle. No, this is, is this. The Messiah is this man, the son of David,

the one who would reign on the throne of David, the one who would deliver Israel, the savior of Israel. That’s what this statement is. Okay. So notice first and foremost, you have the unparalleled situation by way of other times, other diseases, other things that Jesus has has, has healed, then you have the kind of the unparalleled reaction.

Wait a minute, is this the Messiah? But then notice what occurs. Now, when the Pharisees heard it, they said this fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons, the Pharisees knee-jerk reaction to hearing the people question is this, the Messiah is this, the son of David, is this the King we’ve been waiting for,

was not to deal with the question. Honestly, it was not to look at the facts. It was not to examine the potential of that being true. It was to do what Lie Their knee-jerk reaction is to lie. There’s A reality that we face that when we’ve given a lot, a great deal of time and fought and energy to speak carefully and wisely and thoughtfully,

we may speak in a way that is better than our natural reaction. I mean, let’s hope so. W when you’re, when you’re calm and patient and thoughtful, and you’re not in, you’re not in the moment, you may find a better way to phrase things or a better thing to say than when you’re just reacting. But when you’re just reacting,

if we all are just a little bit harshly, honest with ourselves, you tend to be just a bit more honest to what you really think and feel. And this is the Pharisees reacting. This is them being honest to how they truly feel about Jesus. That is, they hate him so much. They will claim. He came from Satan to avoid admitting what they know to be true.

And so their gut reaction, their immediate reaction to the people is no, no, no. This man heals this man cast out demons by the power of Satan. This man cast out demons by the power of Satan. Now, wait a minute.<inaudible> One of the other things that you get when you have kind of that just knee jerk reaction, and you spout something off in the moment is you might not quite have thought through all the implications of your argument.

And that’s what Jesus is going to attack. Jesus is going to attack the premise under their argument, their argument being the only reason he can take the person’s demon away. And we can’t is he’s using the power of Satan and we wouldn’t. Okay. That’s, that’s really, what’s behind this whole thing is they’re trying to lower Jesus. They’re trying to say he’s doing this by the power of Satan to raise themselves up because they look bad because they couldn’t heal the Man.

This Is a defensive act. This, this, this is, this is a negative attack. If we were going to put it in political terms to try and obscure the fact that they couldn’t heal the man at all. So they’re going to try and claim he did it, but he did it by the power of Satan. Okay. So here we are,

Matthew 22, or sorry, Matthew 12, verse 24. This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons, then verse 25. But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them now again, though, this is just very similar to what we studied about on Wednesday. They’re saying this, but they’re not spouting this out loud.

They’re not saying this publicly is in front of the crowd. And they’re certainly not saying this to Jesus’ face. And yet Jesus knowing their hearts and serves their argument before they can even begin to spread it. Notice what he says. He says every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. This is by the way, not the most comforting passage to be reading this month.

Okay? I’m just saying, this is not one of the most comforting passages in scripture at this moment in time, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand here? They are. They’re making this claim that Satan is using his own power to cast out his own demons out of individuals.

And Jesus goes back behind the argument and says, your argument is a logical fallacy. Satan will not work against himself. Certainly not intentionally work against himself. And so Jesus goes back to the premise and says, because the premise you’ve worked upon his faults, your arguments, faults, your answers faults, and it shows you to be who you really are.

And that’s a liar. Okay? But he goes on to say, and if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cash them out, therefore they shall be your judge. What does he mean by this?<inaudible> Do you think there’s a possibility that any of the quite literal descendants sons of the Pharisees? So if you, if you picture the Pharisees here being the middle age and older rabbis and teachers,

the ones who are of elevated stature, the ones who are of prominence, the ones who have power to lose, but you think about the age of Jesus and all of his disciples, likelihood is all of his disciples were younger than him. He began his ministry when he was how old, 30 we’re in the second year of his ministry. So he’s about 31,

32 years old. Most likely all of his disciples are that age or younger. So all of his disciples are probably 30 or 20, or which means they’re the ages of these Benz sons. So are, is there any potential that some of these men’s sons are actually following Jesus? We know there were those who followed Jesus, who weren’t of the 12,

who could perform miracles, you Jesus, Or the disciples came to Jesus that time. And they said, here’s this man. Who’s not with us, but he’s performing miracles. Should we tell Him to stop? So We knew, we know there were people who were following Jesus, but weren’t of the 12 that had the ability to perform miracles. When Jesus sent the 70 out,

he sent the, Have the out, into all the regions around and they came back and they said that we were able to heal people. And we were, and demons were, were willing to submit to us and all of these wonderful things that they did while they were sent out by Jesus and Jesus comes back and says, The thing that’s most important is,

is your name written in the kingdom of heaven? He draws I’m away from the, the glory of the miracles. They were able to perform back to what was most important, and that was their soul Condition. But I say all that To say, is it possible? And I’m just Raising this as an option here. Is It possible that some of the Pharisees own children,

Drin we’re following Jesus? And the answer is certainly yes. So Jesus says, if I do it by the power of Satan, what are you saying about your own children? What are you saying about your own sons who are following me? Who do the same thing? Okay. So now he takes the premise of the argument about a house divided against itself.

Satan casting out Satan, a way, then he lays on them. Well, if you’re saying this is true about me, you’re saying about everyone else who does it? That includes some of your sons. So now they’ve made an argument against themselves. And then he says, verse 28. But if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, surely the kingdom Of God has come upon you all right now,

here’s, here’s the problem. And here’s what he’s done. He took away their arguing about it being from Satan. Okay. That, that the logic doesn’t work. So the argument falls that the logical conclusion of the argument is fallacious. Therefore, a premise is fallacious. So he makes the argument go away. Then he says, now you’ve got an emotive argument,

but if I’m doing it by the power of Satan, that means you’re claiming your sons are doing it by the power of Satan. And you won’t make that argument. That leaves the other alternative because they’re in a situation where either it’s Satan doing it, or What’s the other alternative, it’s God doing it. He’s tired Take in their argument where they’ve lied against him.

He’s torn away the foundation of the argument, he’s shown the logical fallacy. And then he’s put them in a situation. Now, the Only other alternative they have is God, he doesn’t argue for it. He says, if this is the case now in, in reality, he is arguing for it, but he’s setting them. He’s setting them up.

He’s setting them up for a conclusion they don’t want because he’s taken the logic of their argument and decimate. It turned around with the only other alternative, which is God’s the one behind it. And the logical conclusion of God being behind it is I am the son of David. Notice what he said. He said, if I cast out demons by the spirit of God,

surely the kingdom of God, which was a prophecy of old Testament, prophets concerning the Messiah and the one who would sit on the throne in David’s place. The son of David He’s Now forced them into a conclusion that says, if we say it’s from God, then we say he must be Messiah. Do you remember Number what he did with the Pharisees?

When they said by whose authority do you do these things? And he says, I’ll answer your question. If you answer mine first, The Baptism of John from whence, did it come from heaven or from men. And they reasoned within themselves. If we say it was from heaven, then he’ll question us why we didn’t know Bay it. If we say it’s for men,

we fear the people because everyone believes John to have been a prophet, the prophet. And so they say, we cannot say, what’s he done? He’s put them in a logical position where an illogical argument, where they have no other alternatives, they can either admit what is obviously true. Or they can lie and get in trouble. They won’t lie about their sons.

They’ll lie about him, but they won’t lie about their sons. So now they have no other recourse. But to admit that he is exactly who they don’t want to claim he is, Okay. So then we read Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods? Unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house.

He who is not with me is against me. And he who does not gather with me, scatters abroad. Jesus. Now not only defies their argument about him using the power of Satan, but he goes so far in the other direction to say, I’m the standard Either. You’re with me or you’re not with God. Now, the Pharisees would never make that argument.

The Pharisees wouldn’t go so far as to say that the Pharisees would, would, would castigate someone who didn’t agree with them. The Pharisees didn’t like those who oppose them, but the Pharisees would not go so far as to claim that they held the position of God, But Jesus did. And so now he says, okay, if you’re working against me,

then that puts you all right. And I watch the logic. Well swing. He said, Satan, won’t cast out Satan And your sons cast out demons. Therefore, if they’re doing it by the power of God, so am I, therefore I’m doing it by the power of God. Therefore the kingdom of God is come. Therefore I am the Messiah.

And therefore, if you oppose me, you’re back on The other team, he just put them on Satan’s team. All without saying all of that specifically, he did it through the logical arguments that he made to defeat there’s place himself, where he belongs and then show them for what they were. Okay. Okay. Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,

but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. Men. Anyone who speaks a word against the son of man, it will be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him either in this age or in the age to come either, make the tree good or end its fruit good or else make the tree bad.

And its fruit bad for a tree is known by Fruit. Having set up this situation, having given this argument, he now sets forward that they have a problem because they’re entering a situation where they can, can and are going to condemn themselves. They’re Going to look at the miracles of the Holy spirit and they’re going to claim those came from Satan. And then he says,

I tell you what, let’s just do it This way. The one who produces good fruit, he is a good tree. I Am the one that produces evil. Fruit Is an evil tree. Now, which one are you? He’s laid forth a where Their deeds and their actions and their words judged them. And the people can look at the miracles and say,

that’s not from Satan. They can look at the words of Christ and say, those were the words of God. They can look at the deeds of Christ and say, he’s doing what God said. And they can look at the Pharisees and go, that’s not it. And then they can choose between the two, but he’ll even go one step further.

He’ll say verse 34 brood of Vipers. What’s that mean? You pit of snakes, you family of serpents. How can you notice this phrase? Being evil, speak good things. How do you think they took that About as well as anybody who’s who’s public, public individual. Who’s just been called a family of serpents. You got it. Okay. So he calls them a brood of Vipers.

He says, how can you being able to speak good things? He says for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. He goes back behind all of their accusations and all of their conniving and all of their deceiving and all of their, their attempts to set him up and to get him to say something and get him to do wrong and get him to heal on the Sabbath.

And he says, the problem you have is your evil. You remember John chapter eight, John chapter eight, Jesus said, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. And the Jews responded. We’ve never been in bondage. What are you talking about? And then Jesus accuses them a few verses later of the being of their father,

because their father was a liar from the beginning. And they were just like him and accuses them of being the children of Satan. And yet they would say, no, no, no, no. We’re the descendants of Abraham. We’re the chosen people. We’re the people of God. We’re, we’re the, we’re the most religious out of the people of God.

What are you talking about? And Jesus said, no, you’re not. You’re a family of liars<inaudible> And they would go so far as to knowingly state that the power of God was the power of Satan.<inaudible> Verse 35, a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things. And an evil man out of the evil is your brings forth evil things.

But I say to you that for every idle word, men may speak, they will give account in the day of judgment for, by your words, you will be justified. And by your words, you will be condemn. Jesus lays on them, the responsibility of their own words. When we get to a mindset that says the ends justify the means.

So I’m going to just change the story a little bit because in the end, everybody will be better for it. I’m going to just manipulate the story a little bit. I’m just going to tell it this way so that in the end, everybody goes along their Merry way. I would call this the Andy Griffith style of truth, Where As long as we just lie a little bit and don’t get caught everybody in the,

and we’ll be better off. And Jesus says, by your words, not your outcomes. Interestingly, you know, when God told the prophets in the old Testament, I want a man who will stand in the gap. I am looking for a prophet who will stand up and speak the truth. He didn’t say, and I’ll judge you based upon how successful you are in changing people’s minds.

When God told Jeremiah that he was going to go out and he was going to preach, share mine as a young man, when he begins his days of prophecy, God tells him I’m going to send you out and I’m going to send you to this people and they’re going to reject you and they’re going to hate you. And they’re going to imprison you and they’re not going to believe you.

And you’re going to go speak anyway.<inaudible> God, let Jeremiah know. I’ll judge you by whether or not you say what I tell you to say not I’ll judge you by whether or not they’ll hear what I tell you to say. And the Pharisees had flipped it around. The Pharisees, wanted themselves to be judged by how many people followed them by how many people listened to them,

by how many people did what they said and, and observed the laws and the traditions that they taught them. And Jesus said, no, you’ll be judged by your words, not by your outcomes. And every day we need to be reminded. That’s still true. Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered that, Hey, they can’t let him just,

just say that teacher. We want to see a sign from you. Oh, the audacity, What were they? What, what, what had they just witnessed that they had responded to the people who saw a man who had a demon who was blind and who could not speak. And now he can see, and now he can speak. And the people see it.

They’re amazed. They think this is the son of David. The Pharisees response is he’s doing this by the power of Satan. And then he goes through all of this and their response is, will show us a sign, But I didn’t know any better. I think they were part of the media. It’s just, W w You know, I, my reaction would be where were you?

Five minutes ago? Thankfully, I’m not Jesus Verse. They, I was waiting for somebody to amen, verse 39, but he answered and said to them and evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And no sign will be given it except the sign of the prophet. Jonah. Here’s an interesting thing. The people of Nineveh back in Jonah’s day.

So go back in your mind to the book of Jonah. God tells Jonah a prophet in Israel, you go to Nineveh and you do what convert them. Well, he gave him an eight word sermon. You go tell them this. And Jonah did what He got on a boat and started going. The other direction. Nineveh at the time was beginning to come to its power,

but it wasn’t there yet. This was still a hundred years before the Assyrians Nineveh being their capital would destroy the Northern kingdom of Israel. They’re not, they’re not the world power that they would be later, but they’re, they’re starting to come to power. And one of the things they’re known for is their ruthlessness, their evil in their atrocities. They would commit whenever they’d go attack someone and God tells Jonah,

you go tell them to repent, or I’m going to destroy. Jonah goes the other direction. We can surmise as to why. I think it’s pretty obvious in my opinion, that he does not want them to be saved. They’re a threat to Israel and they’re not Israelites. They’re not the people of God. So why should he go save them? Matter of fact,

he’ll say as much in chapter four, when he’ll see God relent because they repented. And he’ll say, I knew it. I knew if they did what you said, you wouldn’t destroy him. So Jonah goes the other direction. God brings up a storm. God prepares a fish. Jonah gets thrown overboard. We know the story. He gets spit up on land.

And then he proceeds to go to Nineveh. Something to notice is all the artistic drawings we’ve ever seen in the children’s storybooks, where Nineveh’s right by the sea, where Jonah gets spat up Nineveh wasn’t by the sea. Nobody in Nineveh witnessed him being spit out of the ocean. He shows up like any other person who shows up at Nineveh, walking there on land and having arrived.

He begins to preach. Did they in Nineveh? See a sign? No. Okay. Jonah went to the city and Jonah began to preach. Jesus now has taken the scribes and the Pharisees. And he’s just said, you are less. The people of God, then Nineveh was in Jonah’s day. But he says, I’ll give you a sign. He says,

you wicked and adulterous generation, the ones who seek a sign. And by the way, they saw a sign, but they weren’t going to believe it. All right, that, that was the thing. The people of Nineveh, they didn’t well, show us, assign, show us, prove it to us. Deuce, call down something from heaven or,

or heal some button. They didn’t ask for that. And yet they repented from least to the greatest. So here, these Israelites are, and they’re saying, show us a sign. He says for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish. So will the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth,

the men of Nineveh will arise in judgment with this generation and condemn it. He said, we’ll believe that you do this by the power of God. Just do one more miracle. And Jesus said on the day of judgment, none of is going to rise up and they’re going to condemn you for the evil adulterous people About me. The only thing you could do to say an Israelite was worse than a brood of Vipers would be to say that Gentiles were better than them and would condemn them.

And that’s exactly what Jesus does. He says because they repented at the many great signs and wonders that Jonah performed, Right? No, They repented at the preaching of Jonah and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it for, she came from the end of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and indeed a greater than Solomon is here.

Then Solomon performed great signs and wonders and miracles. He had the wisdom from God in judgment, but she came because she had heard of all the things that he did. And Jesus said, she’s going to rise up and condemn you because she having only heard the rumors believed it enough to travel all the way to Israel, to find out if the rumors were true and you won’t even admit they’re true.

When you see them. The queen of Shiva said, when she saw the wisdom of Solomon, she said the half has not even been told, having witnessed it for herself, but they would see the miracles and claim. It came from Satan. When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest and finds none.

Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came. And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits, more wicked than himself. And they enter into well they’re in the last state of man is worse than the first. So shall it be wicked generation?

Jesus uses the illustration of one who, as it were as demon possessed and demons cast out. But instead of doing anything good with the person’s life, they just continue on the way they were theirs. We don’t really know anything about how demon possession works. So we’re not going to try and make a whole lot of speculations. Other than this speculation, the demon came into an individual.

For some reason, maybe it had nothing to do with that individual’s choices. And maybe it did. It seems in this case, it did the person’s choices could have kept the demon from coming back, but he doesn’t make a good choice. Instead. He does nothing with the freedom he’s been granted and the demon returns fold. We can say that much.

We can also bring that forward to a more modern idea. Since we don’t have demon possession today, here’s a person whose life is filled with sin. They hear the truth. They hear the gospel. They repent of their sins. They’re converted to Christ. They’re immersed in water for the remission of their sins. They rise up to walk in newness of life.

All those past sins are gone. So they proceed to go into life now with a new life, with being a new creature, having no sin to their charge, but they don’t change their life. They don’t begin to instill in their life. Good things. They don’t begin to instill in their life righteous actions. They don’t begin to actually all Bey God,

they continue down a road of ambivalence. Do you think Satan’s going to let them stay on that road as his new Satan’s going to give them every opportunity to not only go back into sin, but to go deeper than they ever were before to make sure they never try and crawl out again. And that happens to people. And Jesus said, that’s the situation of this wicked generation.

Now I want to point out this is during the time when Jesus is popular, but what’s going to happen when Jesus starts giving them hard sayings, they’re going to turn on him. They’re going to depart from him. And they’re going to do exactly what Jesus is saying here. Verse 46, while he was still talking to the multitudes. Behold, his mother and brothers stood outside,

seeking to speak with him. Then one said to him, look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak with you. But he answered and said to the one who told him, who is my mother and who are my brothers. And he stretched out his hand toward his disciples and said, here are my mother and my brothers for whoever does the will of my father,

who is in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. At the time that Jesus spoke this, he has bred his brothers. His sisters were not believing as to who he was. It seems to be true that Mary believed who he was. But the majority of his family did not. They would later by all accounts, after his resurrection, they wouldn’t come to understand and believe who he was.

But Jesus said, my family are those who obey God. And a lot of Christians have had to make the choice in their own lives to say to their own family. My family are those who obey God, not necessarily those whose house I was born into. And it’s sad when that happens, but here’s the, here’s the reality behind that statement. Jesus is also letting his disciples know you’re going to have to turn against your family.

If you’re going to be obedient to God. Now, step right back to his statement, to the Pharisees about their sons. If those sons were going to be his disciples and going to follow him, who were they not going to get the support of their family? And so Jesus lays forth an example saying, you’re my family. If you do what I command you,

if you do the will of my father in heaven. But if you don’t, you’re no family of mine. Okay? So we’ll go through the questions and review those Wednesday night. Thank you for your attention. First of all, if as you came into the auditorium, if you didn’t pick up your Lord supper there and the table, as you walked through the door,

now’s a good time to do it. Go back and pick it up. And I’ll continue on with these announcements. If you’re visiting with us, we want you to know that you are indeed our honored guest. If you would pick up one of those colored cards in the Pew, in front of you and fill it out and either leave it on the Pew or hand it to one of us,

either way, it will be taken care of need to remember our sick. I was talking with Marie. Joan is really suffering with her migraine headaches. She’s had several in the past few days and she’s still losing weight. So for sure, keep Joan in your prayers. Dorothy Wilson still suffering from extremely high blood pressure. And as is her husband Rodale. I think his problems are mostly with arthritis,

but anyway, on a brighter note, it’s good to see Noah Olson back with us after having been down with the COVID-19 and in fact, Noah will be our song leader today. Now wait a minute. They switched. So yeah, no one is going to lead the lead. The songs, Elena sharp, Shelly stacks, mother has double pneumonia and is suffering from a Murcia sore in the back of head.

She is the picture I’ve seen is really, really severe. So keep her in your prayers. Barbara Diller is home recovering from rotator cuff procedure, and she’s still in a lot of pain. That arm has to be mobilized for a couple of weeks. And that’s got to be very, very uncomfortable and keep the Ken Phillip keep Ken Phillips in your prayers.

That’s a day old, a friend. He has COVID and he also has blood clots. He has a lot of serious problems. Keep these people in your prayers. Remember Francis Redmond, the loss of her daughter, Sandra this past. Well, it’s been a little over a week now, but she’s doing well. And I think under the circumstances, we’re not recovering,

but handling the situation very well. I have a card here from Rushmore posted on the bulletin board so y’all can read it. But a few days, this is from Louis. A few days ago, I spent 15. I sent 15,000 to get Guyana for nationwide workshops, TV programs, and literature distribution. Before that, I stand about twice as much to India for TV programs and literature,

you help make all of this possible. Thanks Louis. So some of our missionary work appears to be going very, very well today’s service. The song leader will be no Olsen. The opening prayer will be Michael Dale, Marjorie Phillips we’ll have the Lord’s supper. Aaron Cozort will have the sermon and Tommy Laster will have the closing prayer. Thank you all for your attendance.

Good morning. First song. This morning is going to be number 474 seven zero victory in Jesus. We will sing the first and third verses of 470. Let us think. I heard an old, old story. How a savior came from glory, how he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me. I heard his groaning of his precious bla toning that Irie parented up my eyes and enzyme one<inaudible> Oh,

victory. Geez, smile, save. You know, for a river. He saw me and bought me with his reading and he loved me<inaudible> I knew him and I love his do him. He plunged me to victory being knee cleansing. FLA. I heard about a man, John. He is build for me and glory. And I heard about the street of gold beyond the<inaudible> about the angels sing and the old redone them Shannon’s story.

And some sweet day. I’ll sing there. Song of victim Ori. Oh, victory. Jeez. My savior for he saw me and bought me with his reading, blah. He loved me. I knew him and my is do, and he plunged me to victory. The knee cleansing flaw. Our next song is going to be number 604, six zero four.

He’ll sing all three verses. And then after which brother Michael Dale is going to lead us in opening for number 604. I want to be ready to meet him all three verses. Let us think. You may. I have your worldly pleasures, your silver and your gold. You may pile up all the riches that this old world can hold, but I’d rather have my save your and with him,

for least. And for, I want to be ready to meet him in the glory. Then I want to be ready to meet him. And then I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to me more like him, man, do his blessed come and for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory that you may talk about,

your riches, your diamonds and your pearls. You may gain the wealth for ages of this and all the worlds, but the savior is more precious with am. I’ll take my stand for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory and I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky.

Oh, I want to be more like him and do his blessed CTCA. And for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. And there is one thing I can boast of salvation from the fall I’m in air to well thing, glory. My father owns it all. That is why I’m shouting happy and go. He’s come. And for,

I want to be ready to meet him in the glory land. I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to be more like as a man do is blessed man for, I want to be ready to meet him in the glory land. Please bear with me Our great and glorious father in heaven.

How Holy and awesome you are. We humbly bow before you as your servants. And we thank you so much for this time that we have to, and this opportunity that you give us to lift our voices and prayer to you and know that you hear us. We thank you Lord for this time that we have to worship you and songs and to listen to your word.

And we ask that we take what we hear today into our hearts and our minds. And we use it to further your work. At this time, father, we ask you that you be with all of those on our, on our prayer list. Those that have lost loved ones, be with them and comfort them and knowing where their, where their loved ones have gone.

And we ask that you be with those that on the number of those on our list that are sick and ailing. And if it be your will, we ask that you bring them back to us in a better health and let them be here to worship you with alongside us and Edify one another. And that at this time, Lord, we thank you so much for your son who died for us and that we are able to be with you one day in the sky.

We thank you so much for everything you’ve blessed us with and your son’s name. Amen. Long before the Lord’s supper, it’s going to be number 176, one 76, lamb of God, all three verses of one 76. And if you’re using the book, it says two verses, but on the slides, we’re going to go one, two and three.

One in the book is split in. Let’s just go off the slide. One 76 you’ll are only no sand to a time, but you have sent him from your sign to<inaudible> saw God and to be calm the lamb of God. Oh, lamb of God. Sweet lamb of God. I love the lamb of God. Oh, wash me and his precious blood.

My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God, your gift. They cruise as if they laughed and scorn him as he nine<inaudible> King, they named a frog God and sacrifice the lamb of God. Oh, lamb of God. Sweet lamb of God. I love the whole<inaudible> Oh, wash me and his precious blood. My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God.

I was so lost. I should have a side, but you have rot me to yours. To me.<inaudible> your staff and rod. And to be called the lamb of God. Oh, damn up. God sweet lamb of God. I love, Oh, the lamb of God. Oh, wash me and his precious blood. My Jesus Christ.

The lamb of God At, at this time, let’s remember the cross and the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. Let’s pray. Heavenly father. We’re thankful for this bread. It represents Jesus’ body. That was nailed to the cross for sins mankind, for him to follow you, please forgive us of our sins. Amen. As pray heavenly father,

we thank for this fruit of the vine, the represents Jesus blood that was shed on that terrible cross for our sins and pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. Amen. Separate from the Lord’s table. We have an opportunity to give us. We have prosper. That was great. Having a father with thankful for the financial gains you have given us through the years and we pray heavenly father you’ll accept a portion back to you so we can continue the work here at Collierville.

Amen. If you are using a Psalm book, if you want to go ahead and Mark number 909, there’s a fountain free will be the song and the invitation song before the lesson will be number 876 to Canaan’s land. I’m on my way, eight, seven, six, or excuse me. Eight, six, seven, my bad eight, six,

seven. We’ll sing the first, second and fourth verses of 867 to Canaan’s line. I’m on my way. Let us think To Kane Ann’s land. I’m on my way where the so never dies. My dark as night will turn today where the so never a guys. No,<inaudible> no.<inaudible> where<inaudible>. And so never Rose is blooming there for me where the so never dies.

And I will spin and turn where the so never a guys. No<inaudible> no<inaudible> guys were<inaudible> and so never guys. I am on my way to that fair land where the<inaudible>, where there will be no partying and where the so never no<inaudible> fair Wells. No,<inaudible> where<inaudible> and the so never cause it’s good to have no back Take your Bibles,

if you will. And open them to the book of Philippians, It’s good to have each and every one of you here this morning, especially those who are visiting with us, we are grateful for your presence and we hope you will be back every opportunity that you have. We’re also mindful of those who are still with us remotely and mindful, especially of,

of Ms. Francis at this time. And the things that she is going through. Please keep her in your prayers. There are passages in scripture where God encapsulates in a few words, A picture of what he wants. We have a phrase in our society that goes something along the lines of a picture’s worth a thousand words, but a good paragraph or couple of sentences can paint An amazing picture.

And God does that through the Penman, Paul, As he’s writing to the church at Philippa, and he writes to them there in chapter one and tells them exactly what God wants To see when he sees the church. And he paints a picture for us beginning in verse 27, going down through verse 31 or verse 30 of the picture of the church God wants.

And that picture is as accurate today as it was 2000 years ago, Paul writes to the church at<inaudible>. And as we go through this passage, we’ll examine each of these in turn, but I want to read the passage and I want to encapsulate or try to at least to the best of my abilities, The passage, and paint the picture for Olivia In chapter one,

verse 27. Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and not in any way, terrified by your adversaries, which is to them, a proof of perdition,

but to you of salvation and That from God, for, to you, It has been granted on behalf of Christ. Not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake, having the same conflict which you saw in me. And now here Is in me, allow me if you will, to take these verses And present them in their individual message,

break them down into a new thought. I thought that encapsulates what I think Paul is saying here, first and foremost, You see a unique message. And again, this is the picture of the church, a unique message, creating a unified people, standing together for a unified purpose, enduring a unified resistance for a unified reward For everyone who wanted to write that down,

let me go through it again. You have a unique message. Creating a unified piece Bull standing together for a unified purpose, Enduring a unified resistance For A unified reward. We’re going to break these down into three sections. Break this thought down into three sections. We begin in chapter one, verse 27. Paul says only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Paul calls upon the church and God calls upon the church to have a life, to have an existence, to have a conduct, a manner of life that is worthy of the gospel. God sends forth this good news, this message of the cross, this salvation that is proclaimed to the entire world and says, you set your life, your actions, your conduct,

your behavior in view of that. And you make sure your life is worthy of that. Now this is not what he’s saying. He is not saying you make sure and earn your salvation. I’ve laid the ground rules. Now go earn it. Now. That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying God has called you to something amazing. He has called you to something unique that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the entire world.

The Hindus do not have a gospel message. The Muslims do not have a gospel message. The Chinese do not have a gospel message. They don’t, Oh God. Yes. In his wisdom and knowledge and foresight and manifest wisdom. As Paul describes it in Ephesians laid forth. The salvation that is offered in Jesus Christ by the church, through the blood of the lamb,

that is unique in all the world. And he called me, Calls his church to set their lives, their conduct, their actions, to be worthy of that call in first Corinthians chapter two first Corinthians chapter two, Paul writes to the church at Corinth and we will visit a few other passages, mainly in Corinthians as we go through the lesson this morning,

but keep your finger in, in Philippians because we will be back throughout our lesson. In first Corinthians chapter two, beginning in verse one, Paul writes to them and says, and I brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence that you speech or of wisdom declaring to you. The testimony of God for, I determined not to know anything among you,

except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear and in much trembling. And my speech in my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet,

not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing, but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory, but as it is written,

eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love him, Paul, Right to these brethren and reminds them of the gospel he preached and the manner with which he preached it in verses one through five. He said, I did not preach it with excellence of speech. Paul was capable of preaching with excellence of excellence of speech,

but that’s not how he preached. He preached with planus. He says in verses six and seven, that it was not with the wisdom of the age. Paul knew the wisdom of the age. Paul could quote to those in Athens, their own philosophers. And yet that was not the message Paul preached. And he says the message he preached was not from the rulers of this age.

So many people will strive to be seen as those who are high and in accordance and in agreement with those who rule in the world as they’re alive. And Paul says, I don’t care who rules this world? And I don’t care about agreeing with them and I’m not going to spout what they spout. I’m going to preach the gospel. In first Corinthians chapter 15,

he goes on to say, moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel, which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand now, a whole lot of that verse ought to sound a whole lot like first or Philippians chapter one, verse 27. He’s called them to the gospel. He’s called them to that in which they are to stay in.

And he says by which also you are saved. If you hold fast, that word, which I preach to you, unless you believed in vain for, I delivered to you. And now he’s going to rehearse the, the, the central message of what he proclaimed. What is this unique gospel For? I delivered to you, first of all, that,

which I also received that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures. So notice first and foremost, you have a Messiah who died. That was a unique message, But you have A Messiah who died in accordance with prophecies that had occurred hundreds of years before. That was a unique message. He says for Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he Rose again the third day,

according to the scriptures. Now notice you have a Messiah, a savior who comes, who lives, who dies, who does all of this in accordance with prophecies that have come hundreds of years in advance, but he doesn’t just die. He dies and is buried. And that seems to be the end. And everybody thinks it’s over his own disciples thought it was over Mary and the other Mary who came to the tomb,

thought it was over. They weren’t there to see the risen Christ. They were there to anoint a dead body. You see if it had been normal, if it had been like everything else, if it had not been unique, he’d have still been dead, But they can Came to the tomb and he wasn’t in the tomb. And the angel said,

why do you seek the living with the dead? And he Rose the third day in accordance with the scriptures. It’s one thing to prophesy about a Messiah coming. And it’s one thing to prophecy about the Messiah dying. It’s another thing to prophecy about the Messiah raising again from the dead Ed and that doesn’t exist anywhere else in history. And that he was seen by CFUs.

And Then by the 12, after that, he was seen by over 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remained to the present, but some have fallen asleep. Paul reminds these Corinthian brethren, As he writes to them that Jesus wasn’t just seen by one person or two people or 12 people or 13 people, 14 people, but 500 plus people.

And he says, and most of them are still around. If you care to go to Jerusalem and meet them, You want to see someone who saw Christ. When he Rose from the dead, then go see them. The evidence is alive and walking around. After that, he was seen by James then by all the apostles. Then last of all,

he was seen by me also as one born out of due time. So Paul says there is a unique gospel dif From anything ever in humanity’s existence from then, until now, but that unique gospel create a unified people go back to verse 27 of Philippians, one Philippians one verse 27. Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see your maps,

and I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit notice, he says they are to stand fast. They are to hold firm. They are not to depart, not to move away, not to go their own direction, but to stand fast in the gospel message, same thing. He told the Corinthians, he said, the gospel I delivered to you and in which you stand and that they are to stand unified.

They are to stand with one spirit. They are to stand together, Striving together, Err, sorry. In one way, in one spirit with one mind striving together For the faith of the gospel Here, you have a unified people standing together for a unified Purpose. They are to be of one spirit they’re to be of one mind and they are to preach one message for one Purpose.

In first Corinthians chapter one, Paul again writes to Corinth as he He’s introducing his letter to them. And he says, in verse 10, now I plead with you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind.

And in the same judgment, he said the church, the church that Christ wants the church that Christ built the church that God wants is one that is unified in message in doctrine. And then action. But he’s going to let the Corinthians know that’s not the picture that they look like. If you were to hold up a picture of the church, God wants,

and then you were to hold up a picture of the church at Corinth. They wouldn’t overlap And they wouldn’t match. I remember when I was younger, before we had digital cameras and Cheap scanners and all sorts of crazy fun kids, stuff like that in the technology world we had what was called Transfer paper. And you could take something and you could put it underneath this paper and it was translucent.

You could see the outline something, and you could copy the outline of it. And we ruined a number of baseball cards this way. We wanted to create our own baseball card. So we would, we would transfer the outline of the card over onto another piece of paper. Guess what? Being Five or six year old that I was when I held it up and looked at the two after I was done,

they didn’t look that much. It wasn’t an exact copy. God wants his church to be a unified people standing together for a unified purpose. And that only happens when we have a unified Message. Philippians chapter Two, as Paul continues to write To these brethren, we read Chapter two, verse one. Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love,

if any fellowship of the spirit, if any affection and mercy fulfill my joy by being like minded, having the same, love being one, a chord of one mind, let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit or in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

Paul calls upon these brethren who have a unified purpose. And the first purpose he lays before them is care for one, another humility of self and raising up of their brethren to care for them more than we care for ourselves. As a unifying people with a unified purpose, he wants them to preach the gospel, but he also wants them to care for one another.

He goes on in chapter three, chapter three, verse one. Finally, my brethren rejoice in the Lord for me to write the same thing to you is not tedious, but for you, it is safe, but where of dogs, but where of evil workers, but where of the mutilation for we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.

He wants him to be unified in purpose to preach the same message, but he also wants them to care for one another, but he also wants them to beware of false prophets. He wants them to be aware and cognizant that there are people who are teaching that, which is false and believing that the flesh is Enough And believing that they can teach that as long as you are happy,

as long as you are prosperous, as long as your flesh is gratified, you are fine. Nine Paul says no chapter four, Verse eight. He says, finally, brethren whatsoever. Things are true whatsoever. Things are noble whatsoever. Things are just whatsoever. Things are pure whatsoever. Things are lovely was where things are of good report. If there is any virtue.

And if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things, things which you have learned and receive and her Saul and see, or have seen in me, These do, And the God of peace will be with you. He wants these brethren to be unified in purpose, to preach the gospel. He wants them to be unified in care for one another.

He wants them to unified in opposition to false teachers and he wants them to do and teach You. Remember Jesus said in Matthew chapter seven, that the wise man and the foolish man were compared to one another. The wise man was the one who heard the sayings of Jesus and then did them. And the foolish man was the one who heard the sayings of Jesus and then did not do them.

And Paul doesn’t want the church to be a teaching church that doesn’t live its own Teaching. Yeah. So Paul calls upon these brethren to be unified in purpose to declare the gospel, to care for one another to beware of false prophets to do and teach the truth. But then also chapter four, verse 10 through verse 17, to support The gospel church.

If I was one of those churches that had, by what we read in this, in this letter, Ben continually sending Paul support to aid him in the work that he was doing in the missionary work that he was doing. And even at this time, while he is sitting in a Roman prison, They helped to sustain his life verse 10 of chapter four.

But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at year care for me has flourished again, though. You surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Essentially what he’s saying there is you’ve been able to send funds to me, to help me in my situation. And I know you wanted to do it before, but you Couldn’t. This was a poor church,

not a rich one. He said you were okay Able to do this before. But then he says, not that I speak in regard to need for, I have learned in whatever state I am to be content. I know how to be a based, and I know how to abound elsewhere or excuse me, everywhere. In all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry,

both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Nevertheless, you have done well that you shared in my distress. Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving. But you only for, even in Tesla, Nikah you send aid ones.

And again, four minuses, Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Paul says that the church that God wants is a church that’s unified in message. That cares for one another. That stands against false doctrine that is willing to put first the kingdom of heaven, but then is also going to teach and to preach And to support those who go Out to do the same.

That’s the picture of the church that Paul paints a unified people standing together for a unified purpose. And if Paul stopped there, maybe We could believe it’d be all sunshine and roses. If we did exactly that, but Paul didn’t stop there. Did he verse 28 Of chapter one? We remember that he said, and it not in any way, Terrified And not in any way,

terrified by your adversaries with them, a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, that is from God, verse 30, having the same conflict which you saw in me. And now here is in me. Paul sits in a Roman prison. Paul is sitting in prison for the gospel sake and he’s writing these brethren and says, do not be terrified by your adversaries.

Do not be held back, do not be held back by fear, do not be held back by their actions, do not be held back. Do not be terrified. We Are to be a unified people standing together for a unified purpose. Enduring a unified resistance Is everyone Who stands with Satan Resist the gospel. Every one who has said, I will hold allegiance to self,

to sin, to self-gratification and to want. And disobedience of God will oppose the gospel. No, Whether they will do it silently or whether they will do it vocally, they will oppose The gospel. And Paul wants these brethren to remember that that’s no excuse Verse three. We read, I thank my God. Upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine,

making requests for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day, until now being confident of this very thing that he, who has begun a good work in, you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ just as it is right. For me to think this, think this of you, because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my chains and in my defense and confirmation of the gospel,

you all are partakers with me of grace. Paul Paul Said, I’m in chains and bonds. I’m in prison. And yet you share in the same grace. I do. He wants them to know That though. Some people will look at persecution and claim that’s evidence. God’s not with you. Notice what he said here in verse 20 verse 28, he said,

which is to them, a proof of perdition. Have you ever heard the phrase? Well, that wouldn’t be happening to them. If they were the people Of God, They wouldn’t be persecuted the way they’re persecuted. If they were really who they claimed to be. Paul says that to the argument of the evil people. That’s the argument of the unbelievers that they see the church and they see it persecuted and they see it in prison and they see it under bondage.

And they see it going through these trials. When they see that’s proof of perdition of ungodliness. And he says, it’s not. He says, but to you Of salvation, Wait a minute, Paul, what are you saying? Paul is saying, when you are in prison and you are in chains and you are in bonds as I am, I am,

yes. Look at those chains and you don’t see that God is against you. You have evidence he’s for You. Oh, How, how does that work this way? Jesus said to his disciples before he left this earth, if they hated me, they’ll hate you. Also, If they’ve done this to me, they’ll do the same thing to you.

So Paul looked at his bonds and his chains and didn’t say, God, why have you forsaken me? He looked at his bonds and his chains and said, I’ve been granted Grace to preach the gospel, even in chains and in bonds, proof of salvation and that from God. But then there’s this last piece unified people. Let me go all the way back to the beginning.

A unique message. Creating a unified people, standing together for a unified purpose, enduring a unified resistance for a unified reward. Verse 29. Paul writes for, to you. It has been granted on behalf of Christ. Not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake. Wait a minute air. Are you saying our reward is to suffer?

Nope. And yes, because When we share in his suffering, we’re told in scripture, we share in something else, turn over to second or Philippians chapter two, verse five, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ. Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation,

taking the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of those in heaven and those on earth and of those under the earth.

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. The father Paul said that we have a unified purpose in, during a unified resistance for a unified reward because suffer with Christ. And then he said, and Christ suffered that God in turn might exalt Him. Philippians chapter two To verse 14, he says, do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights in the world,

holding fast, the word of life so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labelled labored in vain. Yes. And if I am being poured out as a drink, offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all for the same reason. You also Glad and rejoice with me,

Paul, what do you have to be joyful for? What do you have to rejoice about your suffering, their suffering? Where’s the rejoicing Joy sing is in the reward. The salvation, when this life is over, see Paul could die in prison. As a matter of fact, in chapter one, he said I’m between as it were a rock and a hard place,

because my desire is this is over. My desire is to go home and be with the Lord. I’m in a straight between us two. I don’t know which to choose, but I know for yours Or sake, which one is going to be, Paul would leave that prison for a time. But based Upon what we know from history, wouldn’t be very Long and he’d be back.

And that time he’d never leave. But Paul realized what I read in verse 20 of chapter one, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing, I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness as always. So now, now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death, for me to live is Christ and to die Is gay unified people standing together for a unified purpose,

enduring a unified resistance for a unified reward. That’s the picture of the church that Christ wants, but it all begins with a unique message When our message stops being unique, not because there’s something to replace it, but because we’ve stopped Preaching it and we’ve stopped living it When we’ve watered it down and adulterated it to such an extent that it sounds like everybody else’s message.

It will never produce a unified people, striving Being together for a unified purpose, enduring a unified resistance because when the resistance come, the people who see a message that looks just like the one they’ve always believed, but has no resistance. Guess what they’ll do. They’ll leave that message behind and go to this other one where they’re not being opposed because it’s easier because it doesn’t have any cost attached to it because it doesn’t require anything.

It starts with a unique Message. Paul wrote to the church at Galatians and said he marveled that they were so soon removed From the grace of God that they received through the gospel to go into part two, another gospel, which he said is not another guy. He said, some of you have been deceived and you have departed from the grace of God,

The gins with a unique message Of a Christ who would come, who would die, but wouldn’t stay dead. Who would rise again on a third, on the third day, who would ascend up into heaven, who would sit at the right hand of God who would deliver his people from four? Or excuse me from San for salvation. Yeah. And if you’re outside of the body of Christ this morning,

you need to understand that Jesus Christ came to die. Yes. To save mankind, but to save them by redeeming and purchasing his Church whose body we are. If we hold fast, the doctrine that he left behind. But If we don’t, we are not Of his Jesus said in Matthew chapter 12, these are my brethren and my sisters and my mother,

those who do the will of my father, Who is in heaven. So if you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, you’re outside of the place where salvation is found, where grace is found, where hope is found, where mercy is found. You’re not a part of the people of God. And we don’t want that for you. We don’t want you to stay there.

We don’t want your hope to be damnation. We want your hope to be salvation. That’s found in Christ and found only in his body, which is the church you’re outside the body of Christ. You enter into salvation by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You enter into salvation by repenting of your sins and having a change of mind.

That brings about a change of life to go. I’m not going to live that way anymore. I have to be unified with his people. I have to have conduct worthy of the gospel to confess the name of Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of your sins, buried in water, dying to sin, rising up a new creature and newness of life.

And then becoming a part of the church. Because in acts chapter two, we’re told that those who gladly received the word were added to the church by the Lord, based upon them being saved, they weren’t added to the church and then say they were saved and added to the church, but they didn’t join the church. God added to them, them to the church.

They became a part of the body when they had their sins washed away. And they did that when they were baptized, you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, don’t stay there because the picture of the church can be what the church really is. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and your actions in the church, don’t match the purpose,

the unified purpose of the church. Then they need to change. You need to come back, you need to repent and you need to come home. If you have need of salvation, if you have need of repentance, if you have any need at all, why not come as we stand in, as we say, Hey, so Hey, Stu is spring is the founder from the us or,

and he bids Saul free. The dreaming well, you to the fountain free. Will you TIS for you and me thirsty?<inaudible> here. The welcome call, TIS a foul and Oh, and four also there’s a rock that’s flat pan. So is that<inaudible> is for you and me and his stream. I see. Let us, Hey, Angela,

will you to the fountain free, will you TIS for you and me thirsty? So here, the welcome call is found and hope. And for also closing song this morning is going to be number 711 seven one one blessed be the tie that binds or sing the first Bruce, this song, then we’ll have our closing prayer, 711 blessed be the title.

Listen, blessed<inaudible> of the fellowship of<inaudible> that Would you bow with me, God and father in heaven. We’re in date thankful for this beautiful first day of the week that you’ve given us and allowed us the freedom and the privilege to worship fi and sing praises to your name, father. We thank you for the great lessons that we’ve studied here today and pray that we can apply that to our lives,

to be better stewards of your word father. We’re also mindful of those of our number who are sick and have lost, loved ones. We pray father that you will comfort them is you only know how, by the way, pray that as we leave this building, that we will continue to strive to be that light to those around us and set that example and bring the loss to you,

father, we thank you for your son, Jesus, and that great sacrifice that was made. If I would pray, you’ll be with us and keep us safe and forgive us, our sins Christ’s name. We pray. Amen.<inaudible>.

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1-17-2021 – Live Stream -Sunday AM Class and Worship

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

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Going to be beginning in verse 22, going through the end of the chapter. Again, the material pulling out different things from Jesus’s second year of ministry. And so there are some sections where we’re going to get part of a chapter instead of a whole chapter. And so that’s, that’s the reason why we’re here. Let’s begin with word prayer, Our gracious father in heaven.

We bow before you grateful for the day. You’ve blessed us with, for the opportunities that we have to serve you, to praise your name, to glorify you. And to honor you in all of the ways that you have given us the ability to do, we are so incredibly grateful for the mercy that you give to us each and every day, to allow us to see another day,

to allow us to arise and have the health, to be able to assemble together and serve you, to be able to worship and study your word. We pray that you be with our country and the upcoming days, may there be peace and may those who lead this country make decisions which lead toward peace instead of uprising, pray that you will help us to always strive to live peaceably with all men,

as much as lies within us and help us to always yet stand fast for the faith. Never wavering, always speaking the truth in love. We pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, help us to have a heart that is ready and mindful to repent. When we know we’ve done wrong, but we also ask for forgiveness of those things that we do wrong,

that we may not realize we have done pray that you be with us. As we go through this period of study, may all that we say and do be in accordance with your will. We pray for those in this congregation. Who’ve lost loved ones in recent days, and we pray that you will be with them and comfort them and help them through the difficulties that will come their way in these days.

And weeks ahead, we pray that you will help us to be a strength and a comfort to all those who are struggling and pray that they will seek strength and comfort through your word and through the faith that is in Jesus Christ. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Matthew chapter 1222 Begins. Then one who was brought to him who was demon possessed,

blind, and mute. And he healed him so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. This was a lease by way of scriptural record. A rather rare recurrence. There would be times where a blind person would be brought to Jesus or would encounter Jesus. And Jesus would heal his sight. There would be times where a person who was mute would encounter Jesus and Jesus would cause them to be able to speak again.

There would be times when someone was deaf or lame or some other individual problem, and Jesus would fix that. But rarely would you have so many different situations, all compounded in the same individual. And yet what you see here is the primary problem back of all of it was his demon possession. Okay? The fact that he was possessed by a demon is seeming to be part of the,

the bigger problem at large, that was causing his other problems. So either way, you’ve got Jesus dealing with three separate issues. This man’s demon possessed. This man’s blind. This man cannot speak. And so Jesus heals him. Now. There’s not some great long record. There’s not some long oratory or fanciful actions that occur. Jesus just heals him.

And the man can see, and the man can speak all the multitudes. Verse 23 were amazed and said, could this be, and what did they say? What did they call him? The son of David. Now, do they mean by that? Oh, look, this, this person’s from the tribe of Judah and happens to be from the lineage of David.

Like they’d been missing anybody from the lineage of David all this time. No. So what do they mean?<inaudible> Gay man of God. Great leader. What was David King? Does Israel have a King at this point in time from among Israel? No, they don’t. Herod is the one who’s been set up by the Roman government, but he’s not actually a Jew.

He’s a Herodians. And so he’s from a completely different lineage. He’s not from the tribe of Judah. He’s not from David. And so they save this. This is not, Oh, look, this guy must be from the tribe of Judah because he’s done this great miracle. No, this is, is this. The Messiah is this man, the son of David,

the one who would reign on the throne of David, the one who would deliver Israel, the savior of Israel. That’s what this statement is. Okay. So notice first and foremost, you have the unparalleled situation by way of other times, other diseases, other things that Jesus has has, has healed, then you have the kind of the unparalleled reaction.

Wait a minute, is this the Messiah? But then notice what occurs. Now, when the Pharisees heard it, they said this fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons, the Pharisees knee-jerk reaction to hearing the people question is this, the Messiah is this, the son of David, is this the King we’ve been waiting for,

was not to deal with the question. Honestly, it was not to look at the facts. It was not to examine the potential of that being true. It was to do what Lie Their knee-jerk reaction is to lie. There’s A reality that we face that when we’ve given a lot, a great deal of time and fought and energy to speak carefully and wisely and thoughtfully,

we may speak in a way that is better than our natural reaction. I mean, let’s hope so. W when you’re, when you’re calm and patient and thoughtful, and you’re not in, you’re not in the moment, you may find a better way to phrase things or a better thing to say than when you’re just reacting. But when you’re just reacting,

if we all are just a little bit harshly, honest with ourselves, you tend to be just a bit more honest to what you really think and feel. And this is the Pharisees reacting. This is them being honest to how they truly feel about Jesus. That is, they hate him so much. They will claim. He came from Satan to avoid admitting what they know to be true.

And so their gut reaction, their immediate reaction to the people is no, no, no. This man heals this man cast out demons by the power of Satan. This man cast out demons by the power of Satan. Now, wait a minute.<inaudible> One of the other things that you get when you have kind of that just knee jerk reaction, and you spout something off in the moment is you might not quite have thought through all the implications of your argument.

And that’s what Jesus is going to attack. Jesus is going to attack the premise under their argument, their argument being the only reason he can take the person’s demon away. And we can’t is he’s using the power of Satan and we wouldn’t. Okay. That’s, that’s really, what’s behind this whole thing is they’re trying to lower Jesus. They’re trying to say he’s doing this by the power of Satan to raise themselves up because they look bad because they couldn’t heal the Man.

This Is a defensive act. This, this, this is, this is a negative attack. If we were going to put it in political terms to try and obscure the fact that they couldn’t heal the man at all. So they’re going to try and claim he did it, but he did it by the power of Satan. Okay. So here we are,

Matthew 22, or sorry, Matthew 12, verse 24. This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons, then verse 25. But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them now again, though, this is just very similar to what we studied about on Wednesday. They’re saying this, but they’re not spouting this out loud.

They’re not saying this publicly is in front of the crowd. And they’re certainly not saying this to Jesus’ face. And yet Jesus knowing their hearts and serves their argument before they can even begin to spread it. Notice what he says. He says every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. This is by the way, not the most comforting passage to be reading this month.

Okay? I’m just saying, this is not one of the most comforting passages in scripture at this moment in time, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand here? They are. They’re making this claim that Satan is using his own power to cast out his own demons out of individuals.

And Jesus goes back behind the argument and says, your argument is a logical fallacy. Satan will not work against himself. Certainly not intentionally work against himself. And so Jesus goes back to the premise and says, because the premise you’ve worked upon his faults, your arguments, faults, your answers faults, and it shows you to be who you really are.

And that’s a liar. Okay? But he goes on to say, and if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cash them out, therefore they shall be your judge. What does he mean by this?<inaudible> Do you think there’s a possibility that any of the quite literal descendants sons of the Pharisees? So if you, if you picture the Pharisees here being the middle age and older rabbis and teachers,

the ones who are of elevated stature, the ones who are of prominence, the ones who have power to lose, but you think about the age of Jesus and all of his disciples, likelihood is all of his disciples were younger than him. He began his ministry when he was how old, 30 we’re in the second year of his ministry. So he’s about 31,

32 years old. Most likely all of his disciples are that age or younger. So all of his disciples are probably 30 or 20, or which means they’re the ages of these Benz sons. So are, is there any potential that some of these men’s sons are actually following Jesus? We know there were those who followed Jesus, who weren’t of the 12,

who could perform miracles, you Jesus, Or the disciples came to Jesus that time. And they said, here’s this man. Who’s not with us, but he’s performing miracles. Should we tell Him to stop? So We knew, we know there were people who were following Jesus, but weren’t of the 12 that had the ability to perform miracles. When Jesus sent the 70 out,

he sent the, Have the out, into all the regions around and they came back and they said that we were able to heal people. And we were, and demons were, were willing to submit to us and all of these wonderful things that they did while they were sent out by Jesus and Jesus comes back and says, The thing that’s most important is,

is your name written in the kingdom of heaven? He draws I’m away from the, the glory of the miracles. They were able to perform back to what was most important, and that was their soul Condition. But I say all that To say, is it possible? And I’m just Raising this as an option here. Is It possible that some of the Pharisees own children,

Drin we’re following Jesus? And the answer is certainly yes. So Jesus says, if I do it by the power of Satan, what are you saying about your own children? What are you saying about your own sons who are following me? Who do the same thing? Okay. So now he takes the premise of the argument about a house divided against itself.

Satan casting out Satan, a way, then he lays on them. Well, if you’re saying this is true about me, you’re saying about everyone else who does it? That includes some of your sons. So now they’ve made an argument against themselves. And then he says, verse 28. But if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, surely the kingdom Of God has come upon you all right now,

here’s, here’s the problem. And here’s what he’s done. He took away their arguing about it being from Satan. Okay. That, that the logic doesn’t work. So the argument falls that the logical conclusion of the argument is fallacious. Therefore, a premise is fallacious. So he makes the argument go away. Then he says, now you’ve got an emotive argument,

but if I’m doing it by the power of Satan, that means you’re claiming your sons are doing it by the power of Satan. And you won’t make that argument. That leaves the other alternative because they’re in a situation where either it’s Satan doing it, or What’s the other alternative, it’s God doing it. He’s tired Take in their argument where they’ve lied against him.

He’s torn away the foundation of the argument, he’s shown the logical fallacy. And then he’s put them in a situation. Now, the Only other alternative they have is God, he doesn’t argue for it. He says, if this is the case now in, in reality, he is arguing for it, but he’s setting them. He’s setting them up.

He’s setting them up for a conclusion they don’t want because he’s taken the logic of their argument and decimate. It turned around with the only other alternative, which is God’s the one behind it. And the logical conclusion of God being behind it is I am the son of David. Notice what he said. He said, if I cast out demons by the spirit of God,

surely the kingdom of God, which was a prophecy of old Testament, prophets concerning the Messiah and the one who would sit on the throne in David’s place. The son of David He’s Now forced them into a conclusion that says, if we say it’s from God, then we say he must be Messiah. Do you remember Number what he did with the Pharisees?

When they said by whose authority do you do these things? And he says, I’ll answer your question. If you answer mine first, The Baptism of John from whence, did it come from heaven or from men. And they reasoned within themselves. If we say it was from heaven, then he’ll question us why we didn’t know Bay it. If we say it’s for men,

we fear the people because everyone believes John to have been a prophet, the prophet. And so they say, we cannot say, what’s he done? He’s put them in a logical position where an illogical argument, where they have no other alternatives, they can either admit what is obviously true. Or they can lie and get in trouble. They won’t lie about their sons.

They’ll lie about him, but they won’t lie about their sons. So now they have no other recourse. But to admit that he is exactly who they don’t want to claim he is, Okay. So then we read Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods? Unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house.

He who is not with me is against me. And he who does not gather with me, scatters abroad. Jesus. Now not only defies their argument about him using the power of Satan, but he goes so far in the other direction to say, I’m the standard Either. You’re with me or you’re not with God. Now, the Pharisees would never make that argument.

The Pharisees wouldn’t go so far as to say that the Pharisees would, would, would castigate someone who didn’t agree with them. The Pharisees didn’t like those who oppose them, but the Pharisees would not go so far as to claim that they held the position of God, But Jesus did. And so now he says, okay, if you’re working against me,

then that puts you all right. And I watch the logic. Well swing. He said, Satan, won’t cast out Satan And your sons cast out demons. Therefore, if they’re doing it by the power of God, so am I, therefore I’m doing it by the power of God. Therefore the kingdom of God is come. Therefore I am the Messiah.

And therefore, if you oppose me, you’re back on The other team, he just put them on Satan’s team. All without saying all of that specifically, he did it through the logical arguments that he made to defeat there’s place himself, where he belongs and then show them for what they were. Okay. Okay. Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,

but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. Men. Anyone who speaks a word against the son of man, it will be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him either in this age or in the age to come either, make the tree good or end its fruit good or else make the tree bad.

And its fruit bad for a tree is known by Fruit. Having set up this situation, having given this argument, he now sets forward that they have a problem because they’re entering a situation where they can, can and are going to condemn themselves. They’re Going to look at the miracles of the Holy spirit and they’re going to claim those came from Satan. And then he says,

I tell you what, let’s just do it This way. The one who produces good fruit, he is a good tree. I Am the one that produces evil. Fruit Is an evil tree. Now, which one are you? He’s laid forth a where Their deeds and their actions and their words judged them. And the people can look at the miracles and say,

that’s not from Satan. They can look at the words of Christ and say, those were the words of God. They can look at the deeds of Christ and say, he’s doing what God said. And they can look at the Pharisees and go, that’s not it. And then they can choose between the two, but he’ll even go one step further.

He’ll say verse 34 brood of Vipers. What’s that mean? You pit of snakes, you family of serpents. How can you notice this phrase? Being evil, speak good things. How do you think they took that About as well as anybody who’s who’s public, public individual. Who’s just been called a family of serpents. You got it. Okay. So he calls them a brood of Vipers.

He says, how can you being able to speak good things? He says for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. He goes back behind all of their accusations and all of their conniving and all of their deceiving and all of their, their attempts to set him up and to get him to say something and get him to do wrong and get him to heal on the Sabbath.

And he says, the problem you have is your evil. You remember John chapter eight, John chapter eight, Jesus said, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. And the Jews responded. We’ve never been in bondage. What are you talking about? And then Jesus accuses them a few verses later of the being of their father,

because their father was a liar from the beginning. And they were just like him and accuses them of being the children of Satan. And yet they would say, no, no, no, no. We’re the descendants of Abraham. We’re the chosen people. We’re the people of God. We’re, we’re the, we’re the most religious out of the people of God.

What are you talking about? And Jesus said, no, you’re not. You’re a family of liars<inaudible> And they would go so far as to knowingly state that the power of God was the power of Satan.<inaudible> Verse 35, a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things. And an evil man out of the evil is your brings forth evil things.

But I say to you that for every idle word, men may speak, they will give account in the day of judgment for, by your words, you will be justified. And by your words, you will be condemn. Jesus lays on them, the responsibility of their own words. When we get to a mindset that says the ends justify the means.

So I’m going to just change the story a little bit because in the end, everybody will be better for it. I’m going to just manipulate the story a little bit. I’m just going to tell it this way so that in the end, everybody goes along their Merry way. I would call this the Andy Griffith style of truth, Where As long as we just lie a little bit and don’t get caught everybody in the,

and we’ll be better off. And Jesus says, by your words, not your outcomes. Interestingly, you know, when God told the prophets in the old Testament, I want a man who will stand in the gap. I am looking for a prophet who will stand up and speak the truth. He didn’t say, and I’ll judge you based upon how successful you are in changing people’s minds.

When God told Jeremiah that he was going to go out and he was going to preach, share mine as a young man, when he begins his days of prophecy, God tells him I’m going to send you out and I’m going to send you to this people and they’re going to reject you and they’re going to hate you. And they’re going to imprison you and they’re not going to believe you.

And you’re going to go speak anyway.<inaudible> God, let Jeremiah know. I’ll judge you by whether or not you say what I tell you to say not I’ll judge you by whether or not they’ll hear what I tell you to say. And the Pharisees had flipped it around. The Pharisees, wanted themselves to be judged by how many people followed them by how many people listened to them,

by how many people did what they said and, and observed the laws and the traditions that they taught them. And Jesus said, no, you’ll be judged by your words, not by your outcomes. And every day we need to be reminded. That’s still true. Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered that, Hey, they can’t let him just,

just say that teacher. We want to see a sign from you. Oh, the audacity, What were they? What, what, what had they just witnessed that they had responded to the people who saw a man who had a demon who was blind and who could not speak. And now he can see, and now he can speak. And the people see it.

They’re amazed. They think this is the son of David. The Pharisees response is he’s doing this by the power of Satan. And then he goes through all of this and their response is, will show us a sign, But I didn’t know any better. I think they were part of the media. It’s just, W w You know, I, my reaction would be where were you?

Five minutes ago? Thankfully, I’m not Jesus Verse. They, I was waiting for somebody to amen, verse 39, but he answered and said to them and evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And no sign will be given it except the sign of the prophet. Jonah. Here’s an interesting thing. The people of Nineveh back in Jonah’s day.

So go back in your mind to the book of Jonah. God tells Jonah a prophet in Israel, you go to Nineveh and you do what convert them. Well, he gave him an eight word sermon. You go tell them this. And Jonah did what He got on a boat and started going. The other direction. Nineveh at the time was beginning to come to its power,

but it wasn’t there yet. This was still a hundred years before the Assyrians Nineveh being their capital would destroy the Northern kingdom of Israel. They’re not, they’re not the world power that they would be later, but they’re, they’re starting to come to power. And one of the things they’re known for is their ruthlessness, their evil in their atrocities. They would commit whenever they’d go attack someone and God tells Jonah,

you go tell them to repent, or I’m going to destroy. Jonah goes the other direction. We can surmise as to why. I think it’s pretty obvious in my opinion, that he does not want them to be saved. They’re a threat to Israel and they’re not Israelites. They’re not the people of God. So why should he go save them? Matter of fact,

he’ll say as much in chapter four, when he’ll see God relent because they repented. And he’ll say, I knew it. I knew if they did what you said, you wouldn’t destroy him. So Jonah goes the other direction. God brings up a storm. God prepares a fish. Jonah gets thrown overboard. We know the story. He gets spit up on land.

And then he proceeds to go to Nineveh. Something to notice is all the artistic drawings we’ve ever seen in the children’s storybooks, where Nineveh’s right by the sea, where Jonah gets spat up Nineveh wasn’t by the sea. Nobody in Nineveh witnessed him being spit out of the ocean. He shows up like any other person who shows up at Nineveh, walking there on land and having arrived.

He begins to preach. Did they in Nineveh? See a sign? No. Okay. Jonah went to the city and Jonah began to preach. Jesus now has taken the scribes and the Pharisees. And he’s just said, you are less. The people of God, then Nineveh was in Jonah’s day. But he says, I’ll give you a sign. He says,

you wicked and adulterous generation, the ones who seek a sign. And by the way, they saw a sign, but they weren’t going to believe it. All right, that, that was the thing. The people of Nineveh, they didn’t well, show us, assign, show us, prove it to us. Deuce, call down something from heaven or,

or heal some button. They didn’t ask for that. And yet they repented from least to the greatest. So here, these Israelites are, and they’re saying, show us a sign. He says for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish. So will the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth,

the men of Nineveh will arise in judgment with this generation and condemn it. He said, we’ll believe that you do this by the power of God. Just do one more miracle. And Jesus said on the day of judgment, none of is going to rise up and they’re going to condemn you for the evil adulterous people About me. The only thing you could do to say an Israelite was worse than a brood of Vipers would be to say that Gentiles were better than them and would condemn them.

And that’s exactly what Jesus does. He says because they repented at the many great signs and wonders that Jonah performed, Right? No, They repented at the preaching of Jonah and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it for, she came from the end of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and indeed a greater than Solomon is here.

Then Solomon performed great signs and wonders and miracles. He had the wisdom from God in judgment, but she came because she had heard of all the things that he did. And Jesus said, she’s going to rise up and condemn you because she having only heard the rumors believed it enough to travel all the way to Israel, to find out if the rumors were true and you won’t even admit they’re true.

When you see them. The queen of Shiva said, when she saw the wisdom of Solomon, she said the half has not even been told, having witnessed it for herself, but they would see the miracles and claim. It came from Satan. When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest and finds none.

Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came. And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits, more wicked than himself. And they enter into well they’re in the last state of man is worse than the first. So shall it be wicked generation?

Jesus uses the illustration of one who, as it were as demon possessed and demons cast out. But instead of doing anything good with the person’s life, they just continue on the way they were theirs. We don’t really know anything about how demon possession works. So we’re not going to try and make a whole lot of speculations. Other than this speculation, the demon came into an individual.

For some reason, maybe it had nothing to do with that individual’s choices. And maybe it did. It seems in this case, it did the person’s choices could have kept the demon from coming back, but he doesn’t make a good choice. Instead. He does nothing with the freedom he’s been granted and the demon returns fold. We can say that much.

We can also bring that forward to a more modern idea. Since we don’t have demon possession today, here’s a person whose life is filled with sin. They hear the truth. They hear the gospel. They repent of their sins. They’re converted to Christ. They’re immersed in water for the remission of their sins. They rise up to walk in newness of life.

All those past sins are gone. So they proceed to go into life now with a new life, with being a new creature, having no sin to their charge, but they don’t change their life. They don’t begin to instill in their life. Good things. They don’t begin to instill in their life righteous actions. They don’t begin to actually all Bey God,

they continue down a road of ambivalence. Do you think Satan’s going to let them stay on that road as his new Satan’s going to give them every opportunity to not only go back into sin, but to go deeper than they ever were before to make sure they never try and crawl out again. And that happens to people. And Jesus said, that’s the situation of this wicked generation.

Now I want to point out this is during the time when Jesus is popular, but what’s going to happen when Jesus starts giving them hard sayings, they’re going to turn on him. They’re going to depart from him. And they’re going to do exactly what Jesus is saying here. Verse 46, while he was still talking to the multitudes. Behold, his mother and brothers stood outside,

seeking to speak with him. Then one said to him, look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak with you. But he answered and said to the one who told him, who is my mother and who are my brothers. And he stretched out his hand toward his disciples and said, here are my mother and my brothers for whoever does the will of my father,

who is in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. At the time that Jesus spoke this, he has bred his brothers. His sisters were not believing as to who he was. It seems to be true that Mary believed who he was. But the majority of his family did not. They would later by all accounts, after his resurrection, they wouldn’t come to understand and believe who he was.

But Jesus said, my family are those who obey God. And a lot of Christians have had to make the choice in their own lives to say to their own family. My family are those who obey God, not necessarily those whose house I was born into. And it’s sad when that happens, but here’s the, here’s the reality behind that statement. Jesus is also letting his disciples know you’re going to have to turn against your family.

If you’re going to be obedient to God. Now, step right back to his statement, to the Pharisees about their sons. If those sons were going to be his disciples and going to follow him, who were they not going to get the support of their family? And so Jesus lays forth an example saying, you’re my family. If you do what I command you,

if you do the will of my father in heaven. But if you don’t, you’re no family of mine. Okay? So we’ll go through the questions and review those Wednesday night. Thank you for your attention. First of all, if as you came into the auditorium, if you didn’t pick up your Lord supper there and the table, as you walked through the door,

now’s a good time to do it. Go back and pick it up. And I’ll continue on with these announcements. If you’re visiting with us, we want you to know that you are indeed our honored guest. If you would pick up one of those colored cards in the Pew, in front of you and fill it out and either leave it on the Pew or hand it to one of us,

either way, it will be taken care of need to remember our sick. I was talking with Marie. Joan is really suffering with her migraine headaches. She’s had several in the past few days and she’s still losing weight. So for sure, keep Joan in your prayers. Dorothy Wilson still suffering from extremely high blood pressure. And as is her husband Rodale. I think his problems are mostly with arthritis,

but anyway, on a brighter note, it’s good to see Noah Olson back with us after having been down with the COVID-19 and in fact, Noah will be our song leader today. Now wait a minute. They switched. So yeah, no one is going to lead the lead. The songs, Elena sharp, Shelly stacks, mother has double pneumonia and is suffering from a Murcia sore in the back of head.

She is the picture I’ve seen is really, really severe. So keep her in your prayers. Barbara Diller is home recovering from rotator cuff procedure, and she’s still in a lot of pain. That arm has to be mobilized for a couple of weeks. And that’s got to be very, very uncomfortable and keep the Ken Phillip keep Ken Phillips in your prayers.

That’s a day old, a friend. He has COVID and he also has blood clots. He has a lot of serious problems. Keep these people in your prayers. Remember Francis Redmond, the loss of her daughter, Sandra this past. Well, it’s been a little over a week now, but she’s doing well. And I think under the circumstances, we’re not recovering,

but handling the situation very well. I have a card here from Rushmore posted on the bulletin board so y’all can read it. But a few days, this is from Louis. A few days ago, I spent 15. I sent 15,000 to get Guyana for nationwide workshops, TV programs, and literature distribution. Before that, I stand about twice as much to India for TV programs and literature,

you help make all of this possible. Thanks Louis. So some of our missionary work appears to be going very, very well today’s service. The song leader will be no Olsen. The opening prayer will be Michael Dale, Marjorie Phillips we’ll have the Lord’s supper. Aaron Cozort will have the sermon and Tommy Laster will have the closing prayer. Thank you all for your attendance.

Good morning. First song. This morning is going to be number 474 seven zero victory in Jesus. We will sing the first and third verses of 470. Let us think. I heard an old, old story. How a savior came from glory, how he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me. I heard his groaning of his precious bla toning that Irie parented up my eyes and enzyme one<inaudible> Oh,

victory. Geez, smile, save. You know, for a river. He saw me and bought me with his reading and he loved me<inaudible> I knew him and I love his do him. He plunged me to victory being knee cleansing. FLA. I heard about a man, John. He is build for me and glory. And I heard about the street of gold beyond the<inaudible> about the angels sing and the old redone them Shannon’s story.

And some sweet day. I’ll sing there. Song of victim Ori. Oh, victory. Jeez. My savior for he saw me and bought me with his reading, blah. He loved me. I knew him and my is do, and he plunged me to victory. The knee cleansing flaw. Our next song is going to be number 604, six zero four.

He’ll sing all three verses. And then after which brother Michael Dale is going to lead us in opening for number 604. I want to be ready to meet him all three verses. Let us think. You may. I have your worldly pleasures, your silver and your gold. You may pile up all the riches that this old world can hold, but I’d rather have my save your and with him,

for least. And for, I want to be ready to meet him in the glory. Then I want to be ready to meet him. And then I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to me more like him, man, do his blessed come and for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory that you may talk about,

your riches, your diamonds and your pearls. You may gain the wealth for ages of this and all the worlds, but the savior is more precious with am. I’ll take my stand for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory and I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky.

Oh, I want to be more like him and do his blessed CTCA. And for, I want to be ready to meet him and the glory. And there is one thing I can boast of salvation from the fall I’m in air to well thing, glory. My father owns it all. That is why I’m shouting happy and go. He’s come. And for,

I want to be ready to meet him in the glory land. I want to be ready to meet him by and by. I want to be ready to meet him in the sky. Oh, I want to be more like as a man do is blessed man for, I want to be ready to meet him in the glory land. Please bear with me Our great and glorious father in heaven.

How Holy and awesome you are. We humbly bow before you as your servants. And we thank you so much for this time that we have to, and this opportunity that you give us to lift our voices and prayer to you and know that you hear us. We thank you Lord for this time that we have to worship you and songs and to listen to your word.

And we ask that we take what we hear today into our hearts and our minds. And we use it to further your work. At this time, father, we ask you that you be with all of those on our, on our prayer list. Those that have lost loved ones, be with them and comfort them and knowing where their, where their loved ones have gone.

And we ask that you be with those that on the number of those on our list that are sick and ailing. And if it be your will, we ask that you bring them back to us in a better health and let them be here to worship you with alongside us and Edify one another. And that at this time, Lord, we thank you so much for your son who died for us and that we are able to be with you one day in the sky.

We thank you so much for everything you’ve blessed us with and your son’s name. Amen. Long before the Lord’s supper, it’s going to be number 176, one 76, lamb of God, all three verses of one 76. And if you’re using the book, it says two verses, but on the slides, we’re going to go one, two and three.

One in the book is split in. Let’s just go off the slide. One 76 you’ll are only no sand to a time, but you have sent him from your sign to<inaudible> saw God and to be calm the lamb of God. Oh, lamb of God. Sweet lamb of God. I love the lamb of God. Oh, wash me and his precious blood.

My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God, your gift. They cruise as if they laughed and scorn him as he nine<inaudible> King, they named a frog God and sacrifice the lamb of God. Oh, lamb of God. Sweet lamb of God. I love the whole<inaudible> Oh, wash me and his precious blood. My Jesus Christ. The lamb of God.

I was so lost. I should have a side, but you have rot me to yours. To me.<inaudible> your staff and rod. And to be called the lamb of God. Oh, damn up. God sweet lamb of God. I love, Oh, the lamb of God. Oh, wash me and his precious blood. My Jesus Christ.

The lamb of God At, at this time, let’s remember the cross and the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. Let’s pray. Heavenly father. We’re thankful for this bread. It represents Jesus’ body. That was nailed to the cross for sins mankind, for him to follow you, please forgive us of our sins. Amen. As pray heavenly father,

we thank for this fruit of the vine, the represents Jesus blood that was shed on that terrible cross for our sins and pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. Amen. Separate from the Lord’s table. We have an opportunity to give us. We have prosper. That was great. Having a father with thankful for the financial gains you have given us through the years and we pray heavenly father you’ll accept a portion back to you so we can continue the work here at Collierville.

Amen. If you are using a Psalm book, if you want to go ahead and Mark number 909, there’s a fountain free will be the song and the invitation song before the lesson will be number 876 to Canaan’s land. I’m on my way, eight, seven, six, or excuse me. Eight, six, seven, my bad eight, six,

seven. We’ll sing the first, second and fourth verses of 867 to Canaan’s line. I’m on my way. Let us think To Kane Ann’s land. I’m on my way where the so never dies. My dark as night will turn today where the so never a guys. No,<inaudible> no.<inaudible> where<inaudible>. And so never Rose is blooming there for me where the so never dies.

And I will spin and turn where the so never a guys. No<inaudible> no<inaudible> guys were<inaudible> and so never guys. I am on my way to that fair land where the<inaudible>, where there will be no partying and where the so never no<inaudible> fair Wells. No,<inaudible> where<inaudible> and the so never cause it’s good to have no back Take your Bibles,

if you will. And open them to the book of Philippians, It’s good to have each and every one of you here this morning, especially those who are visiting with us, we are grateful for your presence and we hope you will be back every opportunity that you have. We’re also mindful of those who are still with us remotely and mindful, especially of,

of Ms. Francis at this time. And the things that she is going through. Please keep her in your prayers. There are passages in scripture where God encapsulates in a few words, A picture of what he wants. We have a phrase in our society that goes something along the lines of a picture’s worth a thousand words, but a good paragraph or couple of sentences can paint An amazing picture.

And God does that through the Penman, Paul, As he’s writing to the church at Philippa, and he writes to them there in chapter one and tells them exactly what God wants To see when he sees the church. And he paints a picture for us beginning in verse 27, going down through verse 31 or verse 30 of the picture of the church God wants.

And that picture is as accurate today as it was 2000 years ago, Paul writes to the church at<inaudible>. And as we go through this passage, we’ll examine each of these in turn, but I want to read the passage and I want to encapsulate or try to at least to the best of my abilities, The passage, and paint the picture for Olivia In chapter one,

verse 27. Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and not in any way, terrified by your adversaries, which is to them, a proof of perdition,

but to you of salvation and That from God, for, to you, It has been granted on behalf of Christ. Not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake, having the same conflict which you saw in me. And now here Is in me, allow me if you will, to take these verses And present them in their individual message,

break them down into a new thought. I thought that encapsulates what I think Paul is saying here, first and foremost, You see a unique message. And again, this is the picture of the church, a unique message, creating a unified people, standing together for a unified purpose, enduring a unified resistance for a unified reward For everyone who wanted to write that down,

let me go through it again. You have a unique message. Creating a unified piece Bull standing together for a unified purpose, Enduring a unified resistance For A unified reward. We’re going to break these down into three sections. Break this thought down into three sections. We begin in chapter one, verse 27. Paul says only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Paul calls upon the church and God calls upon the church to have a life, to have an existence, to have a conduct, a manner of life that is worthy of the gospel. God sends forth this good news, this message of the cross, this salvation that is proclaimed to the entire world and says, you set your life, your actions, your conduct,

your behavior in view of that. And you make sure your life is worthy of that. Now this is not what he’s saying. He is not saying you make sure and earn your salvation. I’ve laid the ground rules. Now go earn it. Now. That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying God has called you to something amazing. He has called you to something unique that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the entire world.

The Hindus do not have a gospel message. The Muslims do not have a gospel message. The Chinese do not have a gospel message. They don’t, Oh God. Yes. In his wisdom and knowledge and foresight and manifest wisdom. As Paul describes it in Ephesians laid forth. The salvation that is offered in Jesus Christ by the church, through the blood of the lamb,

that is unique in all the world. And he called me, Calls his church to set their lives, their conduct, their actions, to be worthy of that call in first Corinthians chapter two first Corinthians chapter two, Paul writes to the church at Corinth and we will visit a few other passages, mainly in Corinthians as we go through the lesson this morning,

but keep your finger in, in Philippians because we will be back throughout our lesson. In first Corinthians chapter two, beginning in verse one, Paul writes to them and says, and I brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence that you speech or of wisdom declaring to you. The testimony of God for, I determined not to know anything among you,

except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear and in much trembling. And my speech in my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet,

not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing, but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory, but as it is written,

eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love him, Paul, Right to these brethren and reminds them of the gospel he preached and the manner with which he preached it in verses one through five. He said, I did not preach it with excellence of speech. Paul was capable of preaching with excellence of excellence of speech,

but that’s not how he preached. He preached with planus. He says in verses six and seven, that it was not with the wisdom of the age. Paul knew the wisdom of the age. Paul could quote to those in Athens, their own philosophers. And yet that was not the message Paul preached. And he says the message he preached was not from the rulers of this age.

So many people will strive to be seen as those who are high and in accordance and in agreement with those who rule in the world as they’re alive. And Paul says, I don’t care who rules this world? And I don’t care about agreeing with them and I’m not going to spout what they spout. I’m going to preach the gospel. In first Corinthians chapter 15,

he goes on to say, moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel, which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand now, a whole lot of that verse ought to sound a whole lot like first or Philippians chapter one, verse 27. He’s called them to the gospel. He’s called them to that in which they are to stay in.

And he says by which also you are saved. If you hold fast, that word, which I preach to you, unless you believed in vain for, I delivered to you. And now he’s going to rehearse the, the, the central message of what he proclaimed. What is this unique gospel For? I delivered to you, first of all, that,

which I also received that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures. So notice first and foremost, you have a Messiah who died. That was a unique message, But you have A Messiah who died in accordance with prophecies that had occurred hundreds of years before. That was a unique message. He says for Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he Rose again the third day,

according to the scriptures. Now notice you have a Messiah, a savior who comes, who lives, who dies, who does all of this in accordance with prophecies that have come hundreds of years in advance, but he doesn’t just die. He dies and is buried. And that seems to be the end. And everybody thinks it’s over his own disciples thought it was over Mary and the other Mary who came to the tomb,

thought it was over. They weren’t there to see the risen Christ. They were there to anoint a dead body. You see if it had been normal, if it had been like everything else, if it had not been unique, he’d have still been dead, But they can Came to the tomb and he wasn’t in the tomb. And the angel said,

why do you seek the living with the dead? And he Rose the third day in accordance with the scriptures. It’s one thing to prophesy about a Messiah coming. And it’s one thing to prophecy about the Messiah dying. It’s another thing to prophecy about the Messiah raising again from the dead Ed and that doesn’t exist anywhere else in history. And that he was seen by CFUs.

And Then by the 12, after that, he was seen by over 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remained to the present, but some have fallen asleep. Paul reminds these Corinthian brethren, As he writes to them that Jesus wasn’t just seen by one person or two people or 12 people or 13 people, 14 people, but 500 plus people.

And he says, and most of them are still around. If you care to go to Jerusalem and meet them, You want to see someone who saw Christ. When he Rose from the dead, then go see them. The evidence is alive and walking around. After that, he was seen by James then by all the apostles. Then last of all,

he was seen by me also as one born out of due time. So Paul says there is a unique gospel dif From anything ever in humanity’s existence from then, until now, but that unique gospel create a unified people go back to verse 27 of Philippians, one Philippians one verse 27. Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see your maps,

and I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit notice, he says they are to stand fast. They are to hold firm. They are not to depart, not to move away, not to go their own direction, but to stand fast in the gospel message, same thing. He told the Corinthians, he said, the gospel I delivered to you and in which you stand and that they are to stand unified.

They are to stand with one spirit. They are to stand together, Striving together, Err, sorry. In one way, in one spirit with one mind striving together For the faith of the gospel Here, you have a unified people standing together for a unified Purpose. They are to be of one spirit they’re to be of one mind and they are to preach one message for one Purpose.

In first Corinthians chapter one, Paul again writes to Corinth as he He’s introducing his letter to them. And he says, in verse 10, now I plead with you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind.

And in the same judgment, he said the church, the church that Christ wants the church that Christ built the church that God wants is one that is unified in message in doctrine. And then action. But he’s going to let the Corinthians know that’s not the picture that they look like. If you were to hold up a picture of the church, God wants,

and then you were to hold up a picture of the church at Corinth. They wouldn’t overlap And they wouldn’t match. I remember when I was younger, before we had digital cameras and Cheap scanners and all sorts of crazy fun kids, stuff like that in the technology world we had what was called Transfer paper. And you could take something and you could put it underneath this paper and it was translucent.

You could see the outline something, and you could copy the outline of it. And we ruined a number of baseball cards this way. We wanted to create our own baseball card. So we would, we would transfer the outline of the card over onto another piece of paper. Guess what? Being Five or six year old that I was when I held it up and looked at the two after I was done,

they didn’t look that much. It wasn’t an exact copy. God wants his church to be a unified people standing together for a unified purpose. And that only happens when we have a unified Message. Philippians chapter Two, as Paul continues to write To these brethren, we read Chapter two, verse one. Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love,

if any fellowship of the spirit, if any affection and mercy fulfill my joy by being like minded, having the same, love being one, a chord of one mind, let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit or in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

Paul calls upon these brethren who have a unified purpose. And the first purpose he lays before them is care for one, another humility of self and raising up of their brethren to care for them more than we care for ourselves. As a unifying people with a unified purpose, he wants them to preach the gospel, but he also wants them to care for one another.

He goes on in chapter three, chapter three, verse one. Finally, my brethren rejoice in the Lord for me to write the same thing to you is not tedious, but for you, it is safe, but where of dogs, but where of evil workers, but where of the mutilation for we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.

He wants him to be unified in purpose to preach the same message, but he also wants them to care for one another, but he also wants them to beware of false prophets. He wants them to be aware and cognizant that there are people who are teaching that, which is false and believing that the flesh is Enough And believing that they can teach that as long as you are happy,

as long as you are prosperous, as long as your flesh is gratified, you are fine. Nine Paul says no chapter four, Verse eight. He says, finally, brethren whatsoever. Things are true whatsoever. Things are noble whatsoever. Things are just whatsoever. Things are pure whatsoever. Things are lovely was where things are of good report. If there is any virtue.

And if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things, things which you have learned and receive and her Saul and see, or have seen in me, These do, And the God of peace will be with you. He wants these brethren to be unified in purpose, to preach the gospel. He wants them to be unified in care for one another.

He wants them to unified in opposition to false teachers and he wants them to do and teach You. Remember Jesus said in Matthew chapter seven, that the wise man and the foolish man were compared to one another. The wise man was the one who heard the sayings of Jesus and then did them. And the foolish man was the one who heard the sayings of Jesus and then did not do them.

And Paul doesn’t want the church to be a teaching church that doesn’t live its own Teaching. Yeah. So Paul calls upon these brethren to be unified in purpose to declare the gospel, to care for one another to beware of false prophets to do and teach the truth. But then also chapter four, verse 10 through verse 17, to support The gospel church.

If I was one of those churches that had, by what we read in this, in this letter, Ben continually sending Paul support to aid him in the work that he was doing in the missionary work that he was doing. And even at this time, while he is sitting in a Roman prison, They helped to sustain his life verse 10 of chapter four.

But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at year care for me has flourished again, though. You surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Essentially what he’s saying there is you’ve been able to send funds to me, to help me in my situation. And I know you wanted to do it before, but you Couldn’t. This was a poor church,

not a rich one. He said you were okay Able to do this before. But then he says, not that I speak in regard to need for, I have learned in whatever state I am to be content. I know how to be a based, and I know how to abound elsewhere or excuse me, everywhere. In all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry,

both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Nevertheless, you have done well that you shared in my distress. Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving. But you only for, even in Tesla, Nikah you send aid ones.

And again, four minuses, Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Paul says that the church that God wants is a church that’s unified in message. That cares for one another. That stands against false doctrine that is willing to put first the kingdom of heaven, but then is also going to teach and to preach And to support those who go Out to do the same.

That’s the picture of the church that Paul paints a unified people standing together for a unified purpose. And if Paul stopped there, maybe We could believe it’d be all sunshine and roses. If we did exactly that, but Paul didn’t stop there. Did he verse 28 Of chapter one? We remember that he said, and it not in any way, Terrified And not in any way,

terrified by your adversaries with them, a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, that is from God, verse 30, having the same conflict which you saw in me. And now here is in me. Paul sits in a Roman prison. Paul is sitting in prison for the gospel sake and he’s writing these brethren and says, do not be terrified by your adversaries.

Do not be held back, do not be held back by fear, do not be held back by their actions, do not be held back. Do not be terrified. We Are to be a unified people standing together for a unified purpose. Enduring a unified resistance Is everyone Who stands with Satan Resist the gospel. Every one who has said, I will hold allegiance to self,

to sin, to self-gratification and to want. And disobedience of God will oppose the gospel. No, Whether they will do it silently or whether they will do it vocally, they will oppose The gospel. And Paul wants these brethren to remember that that’s no excuse Verse three. We read, I thank my God. Upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine,

making requests for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day, until now being confident of this very thing that he, who has begun a good work in, you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ just as it is right. For me to think this, think this of you, because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my chains and in my defense and confirmation of the gospel,

you all are partakers with me of grace. Paul Paul Said, I’m in chains and bonds. I’m in prison. And yet you share in the same grace. I do. He wants them to know That though. Some people will look at persecution and claim that’s evidence. God’s not with you. Notice what he said here in verse 20 verse 28, he said,

which is to them, a proof of perdition. Have you ever heard the phrase? Well, that wouldn’t be happening to them. If they were the people Of God, They wouldn’t be persecuted the way they’re persecuted. If they were really who they claimed to be. Paul says that to the argument of the evil people. That’s the argument of the unbelievers that they see the church and they see it persecuted and they see it in prison and they see it under bondage.

And they see it going through these trials. When they see that’s proof of perdition of ungodliness. And he says, it’s not. He says, but to you Of salvation, Wait a minute, Paul, what are you saying? Paul is saying, when you are in prison and you are in chains and you are in bonds as I am, I am,

yes. Look at those chains and you don’t see that God is against you. You have evidence he’s for You. Oh, How, how does that work this way? Jesus said to his disciples before he left this earth, if they hated me, they’ll hate you. Also, If they’ve done this to me, they’ll do the same thing to you.

So Paul looked at his bonds and his chains and didn’t say, God, why have you forsaken me? He looked at his bonds and his chains and said, I’ve been granted Grace to preach the gospel, even in chains and in bonds, proof of salvation and that from God. But then there’s this last piece unified people. Let me go all the way back to the beginning.

A unique message. Creating a unified people, standing together for a unified purpose, enduring a unified resistance for a unified reward. Verse 29. Paul writes for, to you. It has been granted on behalf of Christ. Not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake. Wait a minute air. Are you saying our reward is to suffer?

Nope. And yes, because When we share in his suffering, we’re told in scripture, we share in something else, turn over to second or Philippians chapter two, verse five, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ. Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation,

taking the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of those in heaven and those on earth and of those under the earth.

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. The father Paul said that we have a unified purpose in, during a unified resistance for a unified reward because suffer with Christ. And then he said, and Christ suffered that God in turn might exalt Him. Philippians chapter two To verse 14, he says, do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights in the world,

holding fast, the word of life so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labelled labored in vain. Yes. And if I am being poured out as a drink, offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all for the same reason. You also Glad and rejoice with me,

Paul, what do you have to be joyful for? What do you have to rejoice about your suffering, their suffering? Where’s the rejoicing Joy sing is in the reward. The salvation, when this life is over, see Paul could die in prison. As a matter of fact, in chapter one, he said I’m between as it were a rock and a hard place,

because my desire is this is over. My desire is to go home and be with the Lord. I’m in a straight between us two. I don’t know which to choose, but I know for yours Or sake, which one is going to be, Paul would leave that prison for a time. But based Upon what we know from history, wouldn’t be very Long and he’d be back.

And that time he’d never leave. But Paul realized what I read in verse 20 of chapter one, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing, I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness as always. So now, now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death, for me to live is Christ and to die Is gay unified people standing together for a unified purpose,

enduring a unified resistance for a unified reward. That’s the picture of the church that Christ wants, but it all begins with a unique message When our message stops being unique, not because there’s something to replace it, but because we’ve stopped Preaching it and we’ve stopped living it When we’ve watered it down and adulterated it to such an extent that it sounds like everybody else’s message.

It will never produce a unified people, striving Being together for a unified purpose, enduring a unified resistance because when the resistance come, the people who see a message that looks just like the one they’ve always believed, but has no resistance. Guess what they’ll do. They’ll leave that message behind and go to this other one where they’re not being opposed because it’s easier because it doesn’t have any cost attached to it because it doesn’t require anything.

It starts with a unique Message. Paul wrote to the church at Galatians and said he marveled that they were so soon removed From the grace of God that they received through the gospel to go into part two, another gospel, which he said is not another guy. He said, some of you have been deceived and you have departed from the grace of God,

The gins with a unique message Of a Christ who would come, who would die, but wouldn’t stay dead. Who would rise again on a third, on the third day, who would ascend up into heaven, who would sit at the right hand of God who would deliver his people from four? Or excuse me from San for salvation. Yeah. And if you’re outside of the body of Christ this morning,

you need to understand that Jesus Christ came to die. Yes. To save mankind, but to save them by redeeming and purchasing his Church whose body we are. If we hold fast, the doctrine that he left behind. But If we don’t, we are not Of his Jesus said in Matthew chapter 12, these are my brethren and my sisters and my mother,

those who do the will of my father, Who is in heaven. So if you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, you’re outside of the place where salvation is found, where grace is found, where hope is found, where mercy is found. You’re not a part of the people of God. And we don’t want that for you. We don’t want you to stay there.

We don’t want your hope to be damnation. We want your hope to be salvation. That’s found in Christ and found only in his body, which is the church you’re outside the body of Christ. You enter into salvation by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You enter into salvation by repenting of your sins and having a change of mind.

That brings about a change of life to go. I’m not going to live that way anymore. I have to be unified with his people. I have to have conduct worthy of the gospel to confess the name of Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of your sins, buried in water, dying to sin, rising up a new creature and newness of life.

And then becoming a part of the church. Because in acts chapter two, we’re told that those who gladly received the word were added to the church by the Lord, based upon them being saved, they weren’t added to the church and then say they were saved and added to the church, but they didn’t join the church. God added to them, them to the church.

They became a part of the body when they had their sins washed away. And they did that when they were baptized, you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, don’t stay there because the picture of the church can be what the church really is. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and your actions in the church, don’t match the purpose,

the unified purpose of the church. Then they need to change. You need to come back, you need to repent and you need to come home. If you have need of salvation, if you have need of repentance, if you have any need at all, why not come as we stand in, as we say, Hey, so Hey, Stu is spring is the founder from the us or,

and he bids Saul free. The dreaming well, you to the fountain free. Will you TIS for you and me thirsty?<inaudible> here. The welcome call, TIS a foul and Oh, and four also there’s a rock that’s flat pan. So is that<inaudible> is for you and me and his stream. I see. Let us, Hey, Angela,

will you to the fountain free, will you TIS for you and me thirsty? So here, the welcome call is found and hope. And for also closing song this morning is going to be number 711 seven one one blessed be the tie that binds or sing the first Bruce, this song, then we’ll have our closing prayer, 711 blessed be the title.

Listen, blessed<inaudible> of the fellowship of<inaudible> that Would you bow with me, God and father in heaven. We’re in date thankful for this beautiful first day of the week that you’ve given us and allowed us the freedom and the privilege to worship fi and sing praises to your name, father. We thank you for the great lessons that we’ve studied here today and pray that we can apply that to our lives,

to be better stewards of your word father. We’re also mindful of those of our number who are sick and have lost, loved ones. We pray father that you will comfort them is you only know how, by the way, pray that as we leave this building, that we will continue to strive to be that light to those around us and set that example and bring the loss to you,

father, we thank you for your son, Jesus, and that great sacrifice that was made. If I would pray, you’ll be with us and keep us safe and forgive us, our sins Christ’s name. We pray. Amen.<inaudible>.

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Who Is The Head Of Your Church?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:23


And now, Admonition.

Who’s the head of your church? I’m not talking about who stands up and preaches. I’m not talking about who’s the one whose name is listed as an elder. I’m talking about who’s the head of the church you claim to belong to. Because it could only be Christ, if it’s going to be right before God. We read in Ephesians chapter five,

for the husband is the head of the wife as also Christ is the head of the church and He is the Savior of the body. Is Christ the head of your church? For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Collierville coc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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Who Is The Head Of Your Church? – Admonition 330

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

And now, Admonition.

 Who’s the head of your church? I’m not talking about who stands up and preaches. I’m not talking about who’s the one whose name is listed as an elder. I’m talking about who’s the head of the church you claim to belong to. Because it could only be Christ, if it’s going to be right before God. We read in Ephesians chapter five,

for the husband is the head of the wife as also Christ is the head of the church and He is the Savior of the body. Is Christ the head of your church? For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Collierville coc.org. 

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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What’s Wrong With Drinking? – Admonition 329

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

And now, Admonition. 

What’s wrong with getting drunk? What’s wrong with just having a good time? One thing that I know is wrong with it is what we read in Ephesians chapter five. Ephesians chapter five, verse 17 and 18, therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is and do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit. 

Paul says that when you’re filled with alcohol, you can’t be filled with the Spirit of God. They don’t stay in the same place at the same time. Consider what you want to be filled with today. For more from the Collierville church of Christ, visit Collierville coc.org. 

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Submitting To One Another In The Fear Of God – Admonition 328

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

And now, Admonition. 

What does it mean when Paul says in Ephesians chapter five verse 21, that we are to be submitting to one another in the fear of God? It means that we’re going to take our correct role and function inside that role, as God has told us to. He will use that example to talk about wives being submissive to husband. He will use that example to talk about children being submissive to parents and servants being submissive to masters.

But above all of it, he’s telling Christians and churches to be submissive to Christ. We need to think about how we are submitting today. For more from the Collierville church of Christ. Visit Collierville coc.org. 

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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01-13-2021 – Live Stream Class Luke 7:36

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

Good evening. I think we’re on now. Are we on now? Okay. We are in Luke chapter seven. Turn me up just a little bit. It seems quiet. Okay. We are in Luke chapter seven. We’re going to begin at verse 36 this evening. So go ahead. Be turning over there. Let’s get started with a word of prayer,

our gracious heavenly father. We thank you for all that you do for us on a daily basis. We’re grateful for your care and your concern. We’re grateful for all of the many blessings that you shower upon us. We are mindful of all of the things in this life and all of the freedoms that we have in this country. That mean that we are so blessed to be where we are to live,

where we are, to have the freedom that we have to worship you to assemble together without fear of persecution. And we pray that that will continue to be case for many, many, many years to come. We pray for our country and the difficult time she’s going through. And we pray for its leadership at the local level and at the state level,

at the national level, that the choices they make will be beneficial for your kingdom and beneficial for those who are members and citizens of this country. And also those around the world. We ask that you forgive each and every one of us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things. And we pray that we might daily seek to become closer to you and live closer to you each and every day.

All this we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Luke chapter seven One to first of all, I guess I should start here. Oh, I know it should start here. I want to say thank you to Michael for filling in on short notice with the first part of Luke seven, just, just a reminder to everybody. If you don’t feel good,

don’t be here. And I didn’t feel good. I felt really bad and I feel much better now. And I’m glad for that. And thankfully it wasn’t COVID so chapter seven of Luke, one thing to remember as you’re dealing with Luke’s writing is unlike the book of acts where the things that Luke writes in the book of acts are in chronological order. He goes from the beginning of the time,

right after Jesus is, is resurrected. And he ascends back into heaven, goes from that point and goes not year by year there’s, there’s a number of jumps in there, but he goes progressively through the history of the early church. But in the book of Luke, he doesn’t do that. The, the history that he records in the book of Luke is more a history by an event and telling a,

a story for a particular reason or rehearsing a piece of information about Jesus’ life for a particular reason, because as Luke introduces at the beginning of the book, many other records of Jesus’ life have already been written, okay. His purpose is not to do what Matthew did and give an account of Jesus’ life from beginning to end. Instead, his goal was to give this particular Theopolis to whom he is writing a better understanding of Jesus’ taking the things that were already known,

had already been written, but delving more deeply into Jesus in other areas, in talking about other things. And so he takes events, not necessarily chronic low chronological order. They’ll those events may be covered in the other books in chronological order. He takes other events and brings them together to convey a message, to convey a thought to declare something. Of course,

all of this inspired by the Holy spirit. So there’s distance<inaudible> there’s there’s debate as to chapter seven 36 through verse 50, is this an event that occurs and happens in the second year of Jesus’ ministry connected to the prior part of the chapter prior part of the chapter and the events of it? Yeah. And everything we’re studying right now. And this,

this part of the material is all part of Jesus’s second year of his ministry. And some will discuss this section and go, well, it’s it belongs here. Yeah. Obviously the people who put together the material we’re going through Bible study guide for all ages believes that this, this belongs in this timeframe. That’s why we’ve jumped from the sermon on the Mount over into Luke is because this is all second year of Jesus’ ministry activities.

Okay. So they believe this is part of the second year, not a similar account. Also not Luke’s version of a similar account found in John and in Matthew about the woman who comes in in Bethany and annoyance Jesus. The week of his betrayal, I tend to disagree. I believe this is Luke’s account of that event placed here for Luke’s reason for it being here.

But if you agree differently as, as the people who wrote this material, do I’m fine with that. There’s, there’s nothing that holds it down to that level of specificity. But I think, again, my opinion that this and John 12 are the same event. If they’re not, then by all means that that is perfectly fine, but that’s just my opinion.

And the fact that it’s here and that is my opinion, gave me an opportunity to talk about the chronology of Luke as you’re reading through it. And you go, well, wait a minute, Matthew has that way over here. And Luke’s got it right up here. Don’t be confused, Luke, doesn’t write in chronological order. So that’s just all for that purpose.

So you understand that verse 36, then one of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him. One of the Pharisees comes to Jesus and asked him to come and, and eat dinner with him, come to a feast, come and gather at his house. And he went to the Pharisee’s house and sat down to eat and behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner when she knew that Jesus out of the table in the Pharisee’s house,

brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil and stood at his feet behind him weeping. And she began to wash his feet with her tears and wipe them with the hair of her head. And she kissed his feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil. And when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he spoke to himself saying this man, if he were a prophet,

would know who and what manner of woman this is, who is touching him for. She is a sinner. Okay. Couple of key things as we go through here, first and foremost, Jesus is invited into this man’s house house. In first century times when someone else is brought into your house, you were expected to not just feed them. It was part of the Jewish culture and part of the Jewish tradition that you would go above and beyond goes all the way back to the time of Abraham.

When Abraham had those who visited him and he not only went out and pled with them to come in and at with him and to stay with him and her allow him to give them some food before they traveled on, but he went above and beyond. He served them. He stood aside as they ate. He showed himself to be hospitable. In addition,

when you would have someone who was a teacher in your house, a rabbi, you were considered to have that much more responsibility to show them respect, to treat them with honor and to be hospitable. So as we get into this, one of the things that Jesus is going to draw into his response is the contrast of the act that the woman has versus the Pharisee.

The<inaudible> you think concerning the events are transpiring. If this is in the second year, as, as it’s been placed in the material, then the Pharisees at this time are watching Jesus. They are looking for opportunities to accuse him of wrongdoing. They are looking for opportunities to say he broke the law, he violated this or that thing over here, they’re looking for and paying close attention to anything that they could use to accuse him because he’s becoming popular.

You remember at the end of chapter seven of Matthew, one of the things we read over in Matthew chapter seven, and this is kind of one of those key indicators that Matthew puts in there verse 28. And so it was when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at his teaching for. He taught them as one having a 40 and not as the scribe,

there will be events that transpire in this timeframe where people will be sent to listen to Jesus and to accuse Jesus. And then we’ll come back and say, nobody ever taught like this man teaches that there will be the crowds and the people having an impression that this is not just another rabbi. And this is not just another scribe. And this is not just another one.

Like we’ve always known because remember saved John the Baptist. There had been no prophet in Israel from the time of Malakai until now. So John being the exclusion and what happened when John came on the scene,<inaudible> John went city to city teaching everywhere, right? No. Where did John go? He went out in the wilderness specifically where he went to the Jordan.

Why did he go there? It was wilderness. And there was much water. And what was he doing to the people? Baptizing them. For what reason?<inaudible> For repentance for the forgiveness of sins. So John stands as an anomaly to all the other teachers to begin with. Okay. John is his present bef prior to this time, and John has been out teaching and John has been drawing all Israel.

We’re told people from all Israel came to hear John and the only people he didn’t want to come were the Pharisees. When they showed up, he said, who called you? Who invited you? You brood of Vipers. You snakes. All right, John and the Pharisees didn’t get along. So they’ve already got one person that they don’t like, who’s on the scene.

And they’ve already got one person who they’re trying to get popularity and visibility diminished. And then after that, he says, no, no, no, no, no. John does. I’m not the one you’re looking for. I’m not the Messiah. I, I’m not the one to follow. I’m the one who’s here to point out the Messiah. And then he does exactly that.

He says behold, the lamb of God and points them to Jesus. While now they’ve gone from having one person who’s more popular than they are to two people who are more popular than they are. And that’s beginning to be a problem for the Pharisees and for the teachers. So all of this is kind of encapsulated in the attitude with which the Pharisee who invited to dinner,

didn’t show him the respect and the hospitality that was common and expected. Okay. This would have been as if you get invited over to dinner and the normal procedure is, Hey, take your coat off, leave your shoes at the door, have a comfortable seat. Dinner will be served. Come on, you know, come to the table, you sit this in this place.

This is where, where our guests at. You get all this attention when you come over to dinner at somebody’s house. And, and instead, the kind of the idea here is in modern terms, you’ll walk in. Nobody tells you where to put your coat. You’re just told to leave it on. You know, go sit over there. That’s the contrast of attitudes because the Pharisees are not happy with Jesus.

Now I’m going to throw in one tidbit here. That is important in my mind, if this passage is a parallel passage to John, John 12, okay. And that is verse 40. And Jesus answered and said to him, Simon, I have something to say to you. So he said, teacher, say it. Now the Simon here is not CFUs.

It’s not, it’s not Simon. Peter, who is Simon. The Pharisee. Now go over to John chapter 12 real quick. And again, this is, if these are parallel passages, if I’ll leave it at that, it either they either are or aren’t. But if they are, this is a really, really interesting tidbit. Then six days before the Passover,

Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, who had been dead, whom he had raised from the dead there. They made him a supper and Martha served him. But Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with him. Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spike, Nard, anointed, the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.

And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil, but one of his disciples, Judas, Iscariot, and I believe this is the only time in all of scripture where Judas, his father’s name has mentioned. What is Judas? His father’s name? Simon. They’re in the house of a Pharisee And his name is Simon. And by all indications,

if these are parallel passages, it is Judases fathers House. Okay. Okay. And a few days later. Yeah. Again, if they’re parallel passages, if, if this event is the same thing, it will be a few days later that Simon or sorry, Judas BARR, Simon, son of Simon will betray Jesus to the chief Breeze. So go back to Luke chapter seven.

Yes. So one of the things that we find out in a third passage is Mary is one who at one point was had demons. Okay. So if you take that, so we, we learned that in the third passage, if you take that and this, you put together the fact that while she was demon possessed, she was doing things that had categorized her as a sinner.

Okay. And her actions, which would not have been uncommon if someone was, was demon possessed were things that she would not have done. Had she not been possessed by a demon, but that doesn’t mean that anybody around her and certainly Pharisees would have treated her any differently. Having done those things, even though she was demon possessed. So that’s a tidbit that,

again, it’s in a third location, but we were specifically told that Mary was demon possessed, which by the way also gives you kind of that. Oh, that’s why Mary is so attached to Jesus every time in every passage that we read about her focus, her attention is always on Jesus. Well, if she had been demon possessed and he cast the demons out,

what do you think her reaction would be? What do you think her, you know, Martha might have some question about, you know, certain things and have her attention on other things, but not Mary Mary. And by the way, all right, let me throw this one thing in there. If Martha is one who believes Jesus to be the Messiah,

but has gone through life normally as just a Jew, who’s learning the truth. Who knows who Jesus is and is close to Jesus. But Mary was at one point demon possessed and doing things that she, that were sinful as a result of that, do you not have, as we’re about to read a sinner with a lower level degree of sin in,

in the sense of the story we’re about to get into and one with a great amount of sin. Okay. So these are all just interesting tidbits as we get into this story, Jesus is about to give, but one last thing. So yes, I believe if these are parallel passages, that it is Mary who’s described here as a center that she was before Jesus cast the demons out from her one who was living as a harlot,

because that’s kind of the indication of the text is this is a woman who was a, it’s not just a woman who sinned at some time in the past. This is a woman who is a sinner that would have been common vernacular for one who had been a hard one. Okay. So, okay. By the way, another reason why, if she had demons,

if those demons had been cast out, not only her whole family’s attachment to Jesus Lazarus, Mary Martha, all three, but also the reason why before the disciples have ever even gotten to the point where they realize he’s the Messiah there, they know that they have no doubts and yet the disciples are still questioning things. Also, why is Mary at the tomb of Jesus?

First thing in the morning, Sunday morning, it, all of these things are all tidbits of information. That line up perfectly, if this is the case. Okay? But one last thing that I wanted to mention from verse 39. Now, when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he spoke to himself. I want to, I want to point out something.

This response by Jesus is to an unstated Thought, okay, Much like it was the case. Back when Jesus was there in the house and the men climbed up on the roof and took the roof off and lowered the man in to be healed. And Jesus said, your sins are forgiven you and the Pharisees reasoned within themselves. How good can anyone, but God forgives sins.

And Jesus answers their argument out loud as if they had made it, but they never made it. Simon. Doesn’t say a word he’s watching. But he’s thinking if this man knew Who this person was, who’s touching him. He wouldn’t let her touch him To mind. Two things. Number one, the rabbis perspective towards women, most rabbis in the first century in that time period would not even speak to a woman in public would have no dialogue with a woman in public,

let alone allow a woman to touch them in public. Okay. Secondly, if you look at this from the Ferris scenic perspective of the legalism of a Pharisee, If a Woman has been involved in that, which is on godly sinful, if she’s a sinner, if she is unclean and anything, that’s unclean touches you, you become what on claim. And so the mindset is if he knew that this woman is a sinner,

if he knew the type of woman, this is, and that he as a rabbi would become unclean by her touching him, he’d never let her do it. Okay? All of these pieces are tied up into this context. And Jesus responds to this unstated thought to the thing that he stated to himself, but not out loud. Simon, I have something to say to you.

So he said, teacher say it, there was A certain creditor who had two debtors, one owed 500 denarii and the other 50. So what’s the, what’s the separation between the two, a multiple of what? Okay. One owed 500 and the other owed 50, a multiple of 10. All right. 10 X Separation between the two, one,

a huge debt and one, a smaller debt. But Jesus adds another factor. And when they had nothing with which to repay, okay, detail here that matters the man with the small debt smaller, could he repay the debt? No. Okay. He has a debt. He Can not pay. The other man has a much larger debt. Is he any more capable of paying?

No. You have two people, both of whom have a debt. They can’t Can not pay. Okay. That’s an incredibly important aspect of the story because we really, That at least in A regular sense, there is a difference between one sin and another. Not all sins are equal, right? Because if I say something mean to you, that’s on toward and unkind.

That’s sinful bloody. If I murder you Also sinful, but it’s not anywhere close to the same kind of sin. Isn’t we recognize there’s a difference. But For the one sin that I committed by being unkind and unthoughtful in my speech and in my statements towards you, do I have the ability to repay that sin and get, make it be forgiven by God can hold on.

Can I, by my actions alone, not through grace, not through mercy. Can I get, can I repay the debt of that sin? No. Okay. It is a debt. Any sin is a debt. I cannot pay on my own. Now here’s this great sin over here. I, I murdered you. Instead of saying something unkind to you,

I killed you. Is that a debt? I can pay no two different debts, but neither of them Can I repay on my own? Here’s a Pharisee. Do you think he knows that he’s sinned at any point in time in his life? Sure. Even Paul who’s the Pharisee of farracies in his Pharisaical upbringing knew that he couldn’t keep the law perfectly.

And he says as much in Romans chapter seven, with his mind, he desired to keep the law and yet failed to this Pharisee knows he’s not perfect, but in the mind of a Pharisee, he ain’t like that woman. He’s not a sinner. He’s just somebody who sin. That woman is a sinner. Now, do we see a problem with the thought process?

Careful, because sometimes we’re guilty of it. Sometimes we see a person sitting in the Pew doing the best they can, and it services every week. And, and being a person who’s reliant upon the grace of God and the forgiveness of God to cleanse their sins. And we think that’s a good person. And then we see someone out in the world who’s messed up,

trashed up and, and just in the gutter. And we think that’s a center. And sometimes in our mind, we forget the person sitting in the Pew is no more capable of paying for their own sins. Then that person is, We Need this reminder too, because sometimes we get the mindset that that person would hear the gospel and that person never would,

but that’s just simply not true because here’s the perfect example. Simon answered and said, I suppose the one whom he for gay more, did I reverse? I don’t think I finished verse 42. And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely for gave them both tell me, therefore, which of them will love him more. Okay. So the one who has the,

the, the, the creditor who has two debtors, one, he forgives a great amount and an astronomical amount by way of, of that day on money. And this other one, he forgives a significant amount, but the point is neither one of them could have paid it. And he forgives them both. And Jesus wants to know from Simon, which one would love the creditor more,

the one to whom he forgave a small amount or the one to whom he four gave a great about. And Simon says, I suppose the one whom he four gave more. And he, Jesus said to him, Simon, you have right Leigh judged. Then he turned to the woman and said, now here’s a phrase for you. This is Luke.

This, this is, this is just, this is the epitome of Luke’s writing. He describes it with such eloquence. He turns to the woman Jesus does and speaks to Simon. Notice that he doesn’t speak speaking to the woman. He turns to the woman and said to Simon, do you see this woman? I entered your house. You gave me no water for my feet.

What did they commonly wear in that day in time, footwear sandals. And it was nice paved roads. And all of it was cleaned every night with a street sweeper, right? No, they walked on what kind of paths? Third, have you ever worn sandals and walked on a dirt path? What is the end result? Dirty feet. It was common when you came into a house to have someone there,

even a servant to wash the people’s feet as they came in. And yet Simon didn’t do that. He said, do you see this woman? I entered your house. You gave me no water for my feet, but she has washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. You gave me no kiss, the common greeting of the day,

but this woman has not seized to kiss my feet. Since the time I came in, you did not anoint my head with oil, but this woman has anointed my feet with fragrant oil. Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many are forgiven for, she loved much, but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. Then he said to her,

your sins are forgiven.<inaudible> Is Jesus saying that this woman by her actions, by the deeds, which she did to him, the kindness she showed to him is Jesus saying that by her actions she’s earned her forgiveness. No. Okay. Jesus is setting a contrast between this woman’s actions and Simon’s actions. And while Simon views her as this great center,

She’s not okay. Oh, she may have been in the past, but she’s not. She’s a debtor whose debt has been paid. And as a result, she is showing by her actions. The love that she has for the one who paid the debt and Simon as one. Now let’s say you mentioned this one more time. If Simon is Judases father,

if he is, if it’s a parallel passage with John, with John, John 12, and if that text draw to draw those two things drawn together as proper, then the Simon know who Jesus is. Sure did. Peter’s mother-in-law know who Jesus was. Sure. Oh, by the way, if these two passages are parallel, who’s sitting right there too.

Hazaras is if this is a repair, if this is a parallel passage, does Ironman know who Jesus is? That evidence is sitting at the table. There’s a man who was dead and in the tomb for three days. And you sitting at the Table, Simon is not a fair ASEE who just ran into Jesus and invited him to dinner. Simon though,

is a Pharisee who is not treating Jesus with the respect. He would have treated any of the other Pharisee Teachers. And Jesus is allowing this woman’s actions to draw out that Simon’s actions towards God Are not what they should have been. Even if he was a sinner who only needed to be forgiven Little, he still wasn’t doing what he should’ve done. He wasn’t acting the way he should have acted then.

And those who sat at the table with him began to say for themselves, who is this who even forgives sins. So we’re not told, and this was by the way, this was common. Someone who’s prominent in the city has a big feast. Notable people are in the city. They get invited, but there’s, there’s more than that. There’s more than that around.

If this is again, John chapter 12, then the 12 disciples are there to Lazarus is there to Martha’s serving food. Mary’s there too. And probably others from the city. Maybe other acquaintances of Lazarus are there too. If not, we at least know that in this context alone, if this is a separate event, that there are others present. And again,

you get this perspective Who is this that can forgive sins. That is, Is such an anomaly because even the prophets didn’t Say such things, okay? You wouldn’t have Isaiah walking through the streets, telling someone your sins are forgiven. You okay? That, that just wasn’t going to happen. Why? Because that was a function of God. John would say repent and be baptized for the remission of sins,

but not, Hey, you come here. You’re forgiven. Okay, John, wasn’t doing that either. This is an anomaly and they’re seeing it as such. Then he said to the woman, so now he he’s the reaction of the people. The reaction of those present is who is this, that forgives sins. And he says to the woman, your faith Has saved you.

Not the crying, not the wiping, not the oil, not the cost of the oil, none of that, But her faith and always with Jesus. And even in the story, even In the example he provides, it is a faith tied Action. The one who’s forgiven, the greater debt. Does he, the creditor who forgave his debt more?

Yes. Then how would he show it by actions? And the whole story is an account of someone who showed no actions Of recognition And admiration and respect and honor and hospitality, and one You showed love instead. So chapter eight, Verse one, we read now it came to pass afterward that he went through every city and village preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God.

And the 12 were with him and, and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. Mary called Magdalene out of whom had come seven demons and Joanna, the wife of Chusa Herod’s steward and Susanna, and many others who provided for him from their substances here. You’ve got a list of other who are involved in Jesus’ ministry by providing For him,

but they’re not the disciples. The disciples are traveling around with him. The disciples are going with him day in and day out. And someone is providing for them. Someone’s giving them money and food and, and stuff, Substance. And we find out that A nucleus of that, a nexus of that is A group of women. The people that the rabbis would have shunned Nord were the people who were Doing what needed to be done to keep Jesus and his disciples going throughout the city.

He’s teaching and preaching. So Just an interesting tidbit here in chapter eight, that here you have these women who are involved in all ways through, throughout the new Testament and throughout, especially Jesus’ ministry, you see women being Key characters, Key individuals in the life of Christ in the life of, and the existence of the church in the early first century.

Many times you have women who are described, who are doing incredible things and serving in incredible ways. And I dare say, there’s, if there are, Are any that I, that aren’t coming to mind, there are very few times in all of scripture and especially in the new Testament where any woman is spoken of in a negative sense, without there also being a husband or a man spoken of in a negative sense as well.

For instance, an and Safira, you know, they together are spoken of in a negative sense because of their negative deeds, but quite often you have these highlights of women and their actions in these texts. There’s chapter seven and chapter eight. Let’s go through the questions real quick. And then we will be done at whose house was Jesus eating. When the woman washed his feet with her tears,

Simon, the Pharisee, the Pharisee who invited Jesus, a washed his feet, be poured oil on his head. C kissed him, D fed him, fed him not true of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet was that she a was a faithful Jew, be anointed. His feet with perfume, see wet his feet with her tears, or di she wiped his feet with her hair.

Hey, she was not a faithful Jew. What did Jesus say had saved her, her faith? Isn’t it interesting. She’s she’s not described as a faithful Jewish she’s described as a center and yet it was her faith that saved her. Yes or no. Did the Pharisee thing that Jesus should let the sinful woman wash his feet? No. In Jesus story about the money lender who did or excuse me,

what did the money lender do about the two debtors who owed him money for gave them mode, which debtor loved the money lender more? The one who was forgiven the most, a person with many sins loves Jesus a little, or be much when he is forgiven of them be how were Jesus and the 12 apostles supported during Jesus’ ministry. All right. Women all the way up to those within the very house of Herod supported him in his and his disciples in their ministry.

Okay. Thank you for your attention. I don’t have too many announcements tonight, but I want to conduct a little bit of a survey with the congregation here about, about our mask wearing. So let me just run through this. First of all, welcome to the Collierville church of Christ Wednesday evening, worships, right? I’ll just call it a Bible study.

And I’m also a devotional are sick that we need to remember Rodale and Dorothy Wilson with their chronic problem. Dorothy, with her high blood pressure, Joan Springer is still suffering from the headaches that she has and also just being very, very weak. Janie Marlin is doing much better. In fact, she spent the night with Francis, I guess it was Friday night or Saturday,

Saturday night, Sunday night, Sunday night. Okay. And lucky Hanks thank is doing much better with his pacemaker. So these folks we really need to keep in our prayers. And also Noah Olson. He is recovering from COVID he’s the student that we are temporarily supporting over in the school of preaching. And I guess he is probably he’ll be back Sunday. Is he going to class?

Okay, so he’s doing better. Okay, great. And Barbara Dillard, we announced that she had a procedure on her shoulder. Her arm is still immobilized and she’s in a, quite a bit of pain with that. So need to keep Barbara in our prayers to what I was referring to about the mask there. As you know, there was a men’s business meeting Monday night,

and someone had suggested we bring the mask wearing up and consider the fact that everyone needed to perhaps wear a mask. And even while we were singing, we discussed that like noses, all of us have an opinion about that. And it’s Okay. A whole, every, like I say, everyone has an opinion and we all differ a little bit on that.

We have operated now for several months with the idea that if you’re not feeling well, don’t come to church and risk contaminating the whole church building with it. That may not be the smartest thing in the world, but there’s a lot of different ways. We can probably approach this continue as we are. This building will hold approximately 400 people and we rarely have more than 50 in attendance.

In fact, since this COVID has hit, I would dare say we’ve been over 40 maybe once or twice through the summer. But my point being, we got plenty of rooms, plenty of room to scatter out. And Eric has taken the time and trouble to put some little blue tape marks on the pews that are every other Pew, which gives us approximately the six feet that they recommend that we stay separated.

If we are uncomfortable with the distance, there’s nothing wrong with this moving four or five fuse up the way. And that will be taken care of. We Can wear a mask even while we’re singing. I think our singing is going to be a little bit hampered and I just want to get a reaction from, from the congregation here. What do you all think?

Does anybody have an idea?<inaudible> Well, if we’re going to chastise people singing, I probably need to stay home, but I hear you. I hear you on that. Any other, I know Eric has pretty strong feeling about this. He thinks we’ve operated. I think fine the way it is and the masks are not required.<inaudible> That is a very logical,

I do think that the cases are becoming more and more frequent here in Shelby County. And we’re probably getting to the point where we’re experiencing the peak in, in this Terry’s he’s had it. So he’s home free.<inaudible> Okay. Well, okay.<inaudible> But with that high percentage rate comes a greater possibility that you’re probably going to be exposed to it.

I guess what I’d like to see a show of hands. Terry has got a very logic to me. The times that we all violate the six foot clearance rule there is when we come through the four year and we’re coming to her seat, we stand a lot of times after the service is over and talk to one another and people have to squeeze by us because we,

the hall or the ILS here are made to talk in. Right. So anyway, could I see a show where the hands of people that think we ought to wear the mask the entire time we’re in the building? How about a show of the hands that we stay, where we are and just press on, well now let me count. This is going to be close.<inaudible> That was about 13 or so.

How about those that would feel like we ought to wear them as we come through the door, wear them to our seats, like Terry suggested, take the mask off, make sure we have the six foot separation other than within our own families and put them on. When we get up to exit the building, how many people feel that way? Anybody want to change your mind?<inaudible> Well,

I knew this was going to be kind of a, kind of a wishy-washy Morrissey thing to do, but I guess if it bothers you wear the mask<inaudible> Well, thank you for that, that input. I would like to kind of second that another thing that I really, really would like to express and how much everyone in the congregation here kind of does their share,

picks up their load and looks after the, for instance, with Francis, I think almost everyone in the congregation has at least called her or touch base with her to see if they could do anything. That really means a lot. And it means a lot to everybody watching as well. And just the daily administration of the church here, everyone is pretty well doing,

doing their job. And I do appreciate that. It sure does make the men’s oversight or what did they didn’t oversight. But the men’s trying to keep a lid on things so much easier when people are so cooperative. That’s all I have<inaudible> Later will be Michael Dale. Aaron has the devotional and Terry Sanderson has the closing prayer<inaudible> Because I didn’t get to hit you up before I wanted to ask all y’all for prayers.

One of my supporters and dear friends, he is 72 years old, found out Monday that he has COVID. He passed out on his living room floor and had to be rushed to the emergency room where he had emergency surgery to remove eight blood clots in his lungs and is now fighting for his life because of COVID in the hospital. So yeah, the blood clots were caused.

They said by COVID. So I don’t know how that works, but just keep him in your prayers. His wife is 74 and I don’t know what she’s going to do if she loses him. So they, they really need a lot of prayers right now. They’re their family. All right. Our song before the devotional will be number 560 living by faith five,

six. I care. Not today. Tomorrow may bring if shadow or sunshine or Ray and the Lord. I know, rule Thor, every thing. And all of my worry is living by faith. Hey Jesus, I’m trusting.<inaudible> I’m living by<inaudible>. Our Lord will return to this. There are some sweet hay or troubles. Well then I’ll be<inaudible> the masters.

So Jen Lee will lead us way beyond that. Blessed<inaudible> living by faith. Hey, in Jesus.<inaudible> in his great<inaudible> living by faith. Hey,<inaudible> he word, please? Mark song number 907 heart. The gentle voice. That’ll be the song Of invitation number nine, zero seven, Michael. What’s the name of that family? The Phillips family are the ones who he mentioned that are dealing with the husband in the hospital and the blood clots.

So keep the Phillips family in your mind. And in your prayers, Luke chapter five, we read beginning in verse 29, then Levi, who we also know as Matthew gave him a great feast in his own house. Jesus has called Matthew to be one of his disciples to follow him. And we read concerning Levi, Matthew getting up from his tax collector’s to follow Jesus.

So by all indications, he was a man of, of wealth. He at least has his own house and can’t afford to throw this great feast in Jesus’ honor. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them and their scribes and Pharisees complained against his disciples saying, why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?

They’re astounded That Jesus would sit down, would share a meal with wood fellowship, With tax collectors, Who were known to be thieves who were known to be dishonest, who were known as the worst. Not only because some of them were thieves, but because they worked with the wrong And government and centers, Jesus answered and said to them, those who are well,

have no need of the physician, but those who are Sick, Jesus said his reason for interacting with these people, these people who would have been shunned by the scribes would have been shunned by the Pharisees. Instead he interacts with them and he says, the reason is because sinners need A physician. Those who are sick, need a doctor. And that’s why He goes on to say,

I have not come to call the rights. Yes, but sinners to repentance, all of us are grateful when We have need of a physician. When we have need of, as some of us, at times a surgeon, we are all grateful to have access Says to such a person. And yet Jesus makes it clear. Sinners Above anyone who is sick with a physical disease,

even a life-threatening one, every sinner Needs a physician. Every sinner needs a savior Because while a disease might kill you, sin will dam you to an eternal hell. And so Jesus would set aside these peoples Past for their future and teach them How to be something they had never been before, not a keeper of the law, but one who was righteous and one who could have hope and trust and faith and grace through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Every one of us at some point in our lives will be one who is lost and needs a physician. If you’re in that condition tonight, the only physician who can heal you from sin is Jesus Christ. The only physician who can save your soul and change your destiny, eternally is Jesus Christ. So who is your doctor that can heal you from the real plague that persists in the life of humanity?

Because Christ is the only, and the good physician you have need of that salvation. Whether you’re outside the body of Christ and need to enter into it, having heard the word of the gospel and having believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You can repent of your sins. Change your course of life. Confess the name of Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of your sins.

Having those sins washed away, never to be held accountable to them again, and rise to walk in newness of life, living the life of a forgiven person. But if you’re a person who was forgiven in the past and you’ve walked away from that, and you’ve begun again to live in sin and serve on righteousness, you too can return a Christian who’s returned to sin,

can repent and seek the prayers of the church and repentive something that is public. And before given publicly, no matter your situation, as we all have care and concern about a virus that can kill a person. The greatest concern we have is sin and salvation. If you have need of the invitation, why not come now as we stand and as we sing,

Jen told boys 17<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Let us pray. Father in heaven, we thank you for this time to come together as your children to study that word, we pray private. We will all be safe on my way home and be safe everywhere we go, keep her safe from the virus, or you pray that you would forgive us when we do wrong.

Where you thank you for the teachers here at Chi. Well, we pray that they will have a long and useful life in your service. We pray that you would be with those that are sick from the virus and others that have other illnesses in our congregation, pray that you would be with them and be with those that are taken care of them. Pray to keep us safe.

Do we meet again in crash name? We pray. Amen.

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In Everything? – Admonition 327

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

And now admonition. 

If you’re a wife, do you have to submit to your husband? Well, the Bible says, yes. 

Well, the second question is, do you have to submit in everything? Ephesians chapter five, verse 24, therefore just as the church is subject to Christ. So let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. You only have to submit in all the same ways in which the church has to submit to Christ in everything For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Colliervillecoc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Submitting To One Another In The Fear Of God

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:21


And now, Admonition.

What does it mean when Paul says in Ephesians chapter five verse 21, that we are to be submitting to one another in the fear of God? It means that we’re going to take our correct role and function inside that role, as God has told us to. He will use that example to talk about wives being submissive to husband. He will use that example to talk about children being submissive to parents and servants being submissive to masters.

But above all of it, he’s telling Christians and churches to be submissive to Christ. We need to think about how we are submitting today. For more from the Collierville church of Christ. Visit Collierville coc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
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01-10-2021 – Collierville Live Worship Stream (M. Dale)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Oh, my own. It’s hot. Let’s begin this morning with a prayer. Our father in heaven, how awesome and glorious you are. We thank you so much that we have this time to come together and study your word. And we ask that we glean as much as we can from it. So we are able to use it not only to further our own spirituality,

but to bring those that are lost you this time, Lord, we ask that you be with those that are out sick and, and dealing with multiple problems, those that are dealing with surgeries and with pain. And we ask that you be with the Cozort family, dealing with a sickness right now and help them to, to come to a complete health.

And, or we thank you for your son who died on that cross sends in your son’s name. Amen. Okay. So we’re doing Luke chapter seven. I believe it’s one through 35 and chapter seven, one through 35. And this First section of Luke chapter seven verses one through 10 is the healing of the Centurion service verse one. Now, when he had entered all his or when he had ended all his things and the audience of the people he entered into Capernaum,

it is good to note here that at this time, Palestine was under the control of Roman government and such being the case. It would not have been unusual to find a band of Roman soldiers in the area. It is possible that this incident is that this incident here in Luke seven, one through 10 is identical to that in Matthew chapter eight, verses five through 13,

there are some speculations that they’re two different stories, not stories that they’re two different historical accounts, but for the most part, people believe that this is identical to Matthew eight, five through 13 verse two, and a certain Centurion servant who was dear unto him, was sick and ready to die. A Centurion here. There are at least eight centurions mentioned in the new Testament.

And every one of them is spoken of in favorable light. And you never hear of a Centurion being spoken of in a bad light. He’s always someone that people look up to and does good things is also worthy of remark that in no case, is there the slightest hint that the profession of a soldier is unlawful in the sight of God. There’s nothing in the Bible that says there that a soul being a soldier is sin.

That it’s wrong. Servant here was the man who treated here was a man, the Centurion who treated his servant with dignity and human worth. He did not despise slaves as other Gentiles commonly did. He actually treated them nicely. My teacher, Bobby Bobby Ladelle, how this note, some uncommon words describe this unusual man. Luke says this interior slave was dear to him.

This is not something you hear about a slave very often that they are dear to their master. They’re just property For the most part. And the Roman slave system, such an affection for one, no more esteem than an animal or tool to be used, abused cast out or killed at the discretion of the slave owner was very common. So it was very uncommon to hear of a Centurion,

actually loving his slave and the slave being dear to him, verse three. And when he heard of Jesus, he sent him unto the elders of the Jews, besieging him, that he would come and heal. His servant. The elders were men of maturity who were leaders in the Jewish community. It would only be natural that this interior man would entrust such a responsibility on to mature men.

Those whom he could count on to seek out Jesus and then present his case to the one who could provide healing. And Matthew, the Matthew account of this, this is represented as a personal visit upon the principle that what one does by his agent, he does by himself. So he sent these elder men to find Jesus and ask him to heal his slave.

But it was like he was coming himself as what is what the text is representing Verse four. And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this. The Jews pleaded the worthiness of this interior sin, but the Centurion declared his own unworthiness, declares his own own worthiness later. And we’ll see that truly greatness and humility go together.

Verse five for he loveth Our nation. And he has built a synagogue. This is why they’re saying that he is worthy of, of Jesus’s node. This in turn must have been somewhat wealthy in order to build a synagogue of his own accord, but that it said he loveth. Our nation indicates that his motives and building the edifice were not for selfish reasons.

He didn’t build it just to make sure that the Jews were at peace with him, that they weren’t going to fight with him or cause any problems where he was, he was taking charge of. He builds it because he actually loved the Jews. Truly we have before us a noble character worthy of great respect to this interior in Verse six, then Jesus Went with them.

And when he was now not far from the house, this intern sent friends to him saying unto him, Lord trouble, not thyself for, I am not worthy. That thou should enter under my roof. This entry and clearly has a great deal of humor. Humility. Humility is a prerequisite to reception of blessings from the almighty. It is a cure.

It is curious that this interior one would first and then seek to pro prohibit the Lord from coming under his roof. He came to the right person in the right way and came to Jesus humbly and respectfully telling them, I don’t even want you to come under my roof because I’m not worthy of you. Wherefore. Neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee,

but say in word, and my servant shall be healed. This is amazing. But say the word, the faith of this interaction is manifested in the words, which he spoke right there. Just say the word would that more men would trusts. So Implicitly and ESS and Simply besieged the Lord to simply say the word. That’s what we do in our prayer.

You just say it God. And I know that things are going to happen. The great tragedy Of our age is that men religiously speaking, no longer ask what God has the say on any other on any matter, we kind of just go about our day and we, we do what we need to do. And here we are seeing that. We need to ask God to say the word all the time.

We should constantly be in prayer asking about everything. If it is his will for, I also am a man said under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, go and he go with and to another come. And he cometh and to my servant do this. And he does it. The faith of this man was immeasurable. It was indeed great.

A greater miracle of healing can not be found without even seeing the suffering servant. Jesus restored him to Full health, complete health. Faith of this Centurion is complimented for the simple reason that this injury and recognized that Jesus was God in the flesh and needed, but speak the word for the man to be healed. He recognized that it’s just amazing that he a Gentile,

a Roman Centurion recognize this about G Jesus before his death and all of the amazing things that happen. Then This injury in place Jesus, on the throne of the universe, regarding him as the ruler of the world, and as having all Things under his command, he saw Him not merely as Messiah, but as God incarnate and there in lay the superiority of his faith to that of any of the Israelites,

not even any of the apostles at this present time had reached the lofty altitude on which the Gentile soldier stood. None of the apostles even had the, a grasp on the faith that this entry and had to just, you don’t even have to come to my home, just say it. And I know he’ll be healed. Verse nine, When Jesus heard these things,

he marveled at him and turned about and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith. No, not in Israel. Only one other time, as it said that Jesus marveled. And that was when he was rejected in his own country in Mark chapter six And verse six Here not found so great faith.

No, not in Israel. I remain for a Gentile to recognize the essential divinity of the power that could save at a distance. The very ones that should have recognized and received the savior were the very ones who failed in the test of faith. We can see a connection in John chapter one in verse 11 to this. So he came to save the Jews.

He did all these wondrous miracles in front of them. None of them recognized him as the Messiah, but this Roman Centurion Gentile recognize him as so powerful of the Messiah. He didn’t even have to come into his home. He just, but say the word and my servant will be saved. One of our teachers at MSOP Bobby Ladelle stated this, let us never conclude that greatness or weakness of faith is dependent upon race,

color, nationality, environment, social standing, power, wealth, or education. Neither is God’s mercy limited by the Verse 10. Yeah. And they that were sent and returning to the house, found the servant hole that had been sick, found the servant hole here. The miraculous cure for of Jesus were, were always complete An instantaneous. So it wasn’t like,

Oh, he was starting to get better. They came home. And this servant who was near death is able to get up and be a servant again, automatically completely. But this miracle is particularly significant and that none of the apostles or prophets of old for that matter ever restored health to a dying man without seeing the sufferer, having physical contact, or at least being in the presence of the one to be healed.

So that’s what makes this miracle extremely special. That’s why I said it’s one of the most special miracles. You’ll see, because this is the only account of a miracle where they didn’t, he, Jesus didn’t even have to be there. He just said, okay, your servants healed and he’s healed. And, and that’s what makes this miracle, just one of those amazing miracles.

Now we’re going Into the raising of the only son of the widow of Nane verses 11 through 17 Verse 11, And then came to pass that the day after that, he went into a city called Nene and many of his disciples went with him and much people. This miracle is recorded only by Luke. He’s the only one who records the miracle and the four gospels.

And this is the only reference to the city of Nene in the entire Bible. You never see a reference to name anywhere else in the new or old Testament. Rather, Edward Howard has this interesting observation. He said at the gate of this little city two, great precessions met in the lead one. And the lead of one was death. Her, her son was dying or dead.

And the lead of the second was life, which is Jesus, a meeting of death and life right here. And him was life. And the life was the light of men, John one, four It’s 12. Now, when he came nine to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out the only son of his mother.

And she was a widow and much people of the city was with her. One, procession was grief stricken for it was being led by the pale horse to the silent city of the dead, with great exaltation. The other procession was led by the living ward who only had immortality when life and death met. The battle was shortened decisive. Death fled from the Gates of the cities and my teacher,

Tom Wade caster Verse 13. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said unto her weep, not, it is rare in the gospels to find the expression the Lord used by itself. Jesus being Jesus, being the usual term. Usually you see Jesus here, but instead they use the word. The Lord saw her. The pulpit commentary suggests that the usage agrees with the unanimous tradition in the church,

respecting the authority ship authorship of this gospel. Neither Luke nor Paul had been with Jesus. These had always looked on Jesus thought of him as the Lord risen from the dead and throne in heaven. So Luke wasn’t there throughout Jesus’s ministry. He was made a disciple afterward. And so when he writes, he writes of knowing already that Jesus is the Lord instead of working with him through his ministry and knowing him as Jesus and eventually coming to that belief that he is the Lord.

He had compassion on her. The verse says, including this passage, the gospel accounts mentioned the fact that Jesus had compassion. Some of these being parallel accounts. And in each case he acted, we see Jesus had compassion and Matthew nine 36, 14, 14, 1530 to 2034 Mark, one 41, five 19 six 34 and eight two. It’s really refreshing to know that Jesus cares about us.

You can see that Jesus has compassion over and over and over again through the gut, throughout the gospels, the text weep, not Jesus singled out this woman and commanded her not to weep. Her son was dead. He commanded her not to weep. It was not possible at the moment for this bereaved widow to respond to such a command. However, the Lord never gave a command without supplying the power to obey it some say and do not,

but not our Lord James by inspiration condemns well-wishing without well-doing in James chapter two in verse 16. So Jesus didn’t, didn’t say weep not. And then just go on about your day. Jesus said, we’ve not because he was about to do something for this woman, verse 14. And he came and touched The bear buyer and they, That bear him stood still.

And he said, young men, I say unto thee arise to touch something associated with death, brought Sarah ceremonial defilement, which had to be removed by purification before entrance into a synagogue. The bearers must have wondered what would occur next because Jesus had touched something undefiled death here. The text young man, I say unto thee arise. The words spoken are similar to those spoken to the daughter of Jaris in Mark chapter five in verse 41.

When he healed jars, his daughter, And very similar there, The master with one solitary word, because the spirit of this young man, back from the secluded realm of the departed spirits to return to his earthly, Tim tabernacle, I say to the arise, one word, It isn’t, it is Spoken word of God almighty, which means contains the power to accomplish his divine will.

So it was with the Centurion of the world or this creation of the world. So it was with the raising of the dead. And so it is with the power contained in the gospel God’s power to save Romans one 16 and 17. It was also interesting to note the ease with which this miracle was performed. It wasn’t something difficult for Jesus to do.

We have witnessed some of the emotional hype that exists at some of the modern day healing sessions. I know I have a on occasion with some students at school watched like Hannah and all these nuts that are laying their hands on people. And you see them fly across the room and then they get up and they can walk perfectly and everything like that. And without a doubt,

the things which occur, there are nothing like that, which is recorded in the new Testament, a simple spoken word without fanfare or Austin Tanus gyrations. And this young lad Rose from the dead. So Jesus didn’t do all this crazy hype. You just said arise. And the boy arrived arose verse 15. Yeah. And he, that was dead, sat up and began to speak.

And he delivered him to his mother. The dead boys sat up and speak, but the record says nothing of what he spoke only Christ who had a bullish death has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Second Timothy one 10. If one would know about heaven, he must go to the words of Christ, not the words of one who supposedly died and returned with a fanciful tale of a journey to heaven of the seven occasions of the dead being raised in the biblical record.

Not one word, not one is recorded of there. Revealing anything about the afterlife. We never hear them say anything. Oh, there was a tunnel. There was a light, Oh, heaven was beautiful. You never see any of that in the scripture. Sure. We’re 16. And there Came a fear on all and they glorified God saying that a great prophet has risen up among us and that God has visited his people.

No prophet had visited Israel since the days of Malakai, the miracles, which Jesus performed would naturally produce this type of amazement and conclusion among those who were honest enough to accept the evidence at face value. How tragic that, excuse me, that the nation, as a whole represented by their spiritual and political leaders rejected the Lord in spite of the abundant evidence surrounding his ministry upon this earth,

they perceived of him as a prophet, but fell short of acknowledging him, Son of God, verse 17. And this rumor of him went For throughout all Judea and throughout all the region roundabout, there is no way for men to stretch their minds, to fully comprehend the impact of such a miracle as Jesus performed shocking the entire Eastern half of the Roman empire,

nor should it be left on notice that this miracle was rot within a few miles of Nazareth, whose city who citizens had refused to believe Jesus, not too long before this, this miracle was close enough that they could have, they could not have avoided knowing it happened. And thus Jesus gave his home village another chance to believe on him in whom they despised.

So Jesus had been rejected by Nazareth and this was close enough to Nazareth that they had another opportunity to see that he was the, The Third section here. Jesus is commending John, the Baptist verses 18 through 35. That’s reasonable Verses 18 through 20. And the disciples of John showed him of all these things. And John calling unto him, two of his disciples sent them to Jesus saying art thou he,

that should come or look we for another. When the men, when the men were coming to him, they said, John, the Baptist had sent us on to these saying art thou he, that should come or look we for another. He, that Should come as a reference to the anticipated Messiah. Just what the purpose for sending the disciples to Jesus is uncertain to viewers seem to exhaust the possibilities.

Either John sent the disciples to Jesus because of their wavering faith, or he sent them to Jesus because he had some doubts of his own as to whether Jesus was indeed the Messiah for EF promised before time Kaufman had this note, he’s a brother in Christ. John’s uncertainty is understandable. He had publicly identified Jesus as the Christ, but the Savior’s Messiah ship was not being proclaimed with a dogmatic certainty,

which John might’ve expected. It’s a possibility that John was thinking Jesus was going to be out there proclaiming that he was the Messiah. He was the King of the Jews. And, and that’s what John was expecting. And that hadn’t happened there. As a matter of fact, Jesus kept telling everybody to keep his identity a secret for a long time, we saw in the first year of his ministry,

therefore he did with his doubts. What every true believer in Christ should always do that is he brought them to Jesus who answered and relieve them. John was in prison at the time, his preaching had been rewarded with maltreatment at the hand of the religious and social authorities. It’s, it’s no wonder that he wanted answers to his doubts. He was in a bad place.

He was in a dark place being stuck in prison. And he, he wanted to know that everything he had worked for was coming to fruition in Christ verse 21. And in that same hour, he cured many of their infirmities in plagues and of evil spirits and unto many that were blind. He gave sight In response to John and response to John’s questions.

Jesus gives visible evidence that he is indeed the Messiah, the miracles, which he performed on this occasion should have served as an answer for these disciples on many that were blind and be stowed. He bestowed sight. The text says the Greek suggests that he kindly gave sight or he graciously gave sight. This is very characteristic of our Lord, not only the cure,

but the manner in which he performed it. And dear at him to those who were objects of his kindness and compassion Verse 22, then Jesus answering said, unto them, go your way and tell John what things you have seen and heard how the blind see the lame walk. The lepers are cleansed. The deaf hear the dead are raised to the poor.

The gospel is preached. The texts here to the poor. The gospel is preached. Jesus realized that John by his very nature would recognize the fulfillment of prophecy. When it was pointed out to him, seeing that these things must be done in fulfillment of prophecy. John would thereby curb his impatience and recognize that Jesus is indeed the promised Messiah brother Ladelle stated again,

Christ had come not with the military might of an earthly kingdom, but with the mercy from heaven. So was fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 35, five through 10. Hm. And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in him. Verse 23, Jesus stated the pulpit commentary calls attention to the tender way in which Jesus deals with the doubts that John May have had a warning was needed.

But it was given in the form of a beatitude, which is which it was still open to him to claim and make his own<inaudible> Verse 24. And when the messengers of John were departed, he began to speak unto the people concerning John. What went ye out into the wilderness for to see a Reed shaken with the wind Jesus, his testimony concerning John is one of those tender,

earnest and exquisitely, beautiful utterances of our Lord that shines brightly. A Reed shaken with the wind. John was not a no slender trifling character blown about by every doctrine. He was no delicate spiritual character merely amusing himself by turning himself into a preacher. He was more like the sturdy Oak, which can not be moved so easily. John was not a vacillating popularity,

seeker preaching. Only those things that fit fitted the popular mood, a weather vane type of preacher pointing in all directions like a Reed in the wind. He was sturdy. He’s stood fast in God’s word verses 25 through 27. But what ye out for to see a man clothed in soft, Raymond behold, they, which are gorgeously appareled and live delicately are in Kings courts.

But what went ye out for to see a prophet? Yay. I see unto you and much more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written behold. I send my messenger before they face, which shall prepare thy way before the, it is significant that Jesus changes slightly. The words found in Malakai chapter three in verse one, the old Testament prophet had actually written behold.

I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me. But in quoting the passage, Jesus says, behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which prepare the way before the, before the, the pulpit commentary States that States in the profits eyes, he, who was sending and he before whom the way was to be prepared. We’re one in the same person Jehovah.

So the one that was sending Jesus, the Lord, the one that was to be prepared, Jesus, the Lord hints the before me of Malakai, but the, but for Jesus who is speaking of himself and never confounds himself with the father, a distinction became necessary. That connection of Malakai and the words of Jesus has our Lord implying that he is in fact,

the divine God who so led Malakai to rot, right? The prophecy. So here in once in one quoting, adding just a couple of words, Jesus is not only quoting that the prophecy has been fulfilled, but that he is the one who gave the prophecy in the first place. Once again, Jesus is affirming his deity verse 28 for I see in to you among those that are born of women,

there is not a greater profit than John the Baptist, but he, that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he, none greater had arisen than John, his faithfulness, his character, his boldness and courage set him apart from those born of women. But Jesus was teaching his disciples. That one who enters the kingdom was in fact greater than John.

The greatness is not one of character, but of privileges and blessings. The lesson seems to be that if John was blessed of God, and obviously he was blessed of God, then those who have the wisdom to enter the kingdom will in a much greater fashion, be blessed as well. The words greater than he Men living this side of the cross are greater than John.

Only in the sense of the message they proclaim and the blessing which they enjoy. Even the most significant isolated child of God is greater than John. If for no other reason than the fact that the message which we proclaim is so far superior to the message, which John proclaimed, John proclaimed of the coming Christ, we proclaim the Christ has come and salvation is ours to be had verses 29 and 30.

And all the people that heard him and the publicans justified God being baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of him. Those who rejected John’s baptism were not rejecting the winds of some eccentric man in the wilderness. They were in fact rejecting the very council of God as it, as it was was then.

So it is now those who reject the baptism of the new Testament do not reject some mere theory of men. They reject the counsel of God and his son, Jesus Christ, By rejecting Anything that has to do that comes from God. We are objecting, God verses 31 through 35. And the Lord said, where two then shall I liken the men of this generation?

And two, what are they like? They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace and calling one to another and saying, we have piped unti, PIP piped unto you. And you have not danced. And we have more into you and you have not wept for John. The Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine. And you say he had a devil.

The son of man has come eating and drinking. And he say, behold, a gluttonous man and a wine. Bibber a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of all, All her children. This illustration would have been familiar to the people of this city. What Jesus has just said here, the marketplace was a place where children would play children.

Playing would invite their friends to play along as they piped and dance pretending to be at a wedding, but their friends refused to play along in turn. They would invite their friends to whale and weep as they pretended to be at a funeral. But again, they refused to play along the application, being that as these children could not be satisfied, no matter what the game.

So the Jews of that age would not be satisfied at the messengers sent to prepare the way for the coming kingdom. John came with his abstinence, his seclusion in the wilderness. They could not bear the man and even accused him of possessing a demon. Jesus came entering into homes of the publicans and sinners, eating with them and walking in the street Of the Jews.

These immature Jews, like the little Children would not accept him either. Neither motive life would satisfy them. They were as unreasonable as little children. And in fact, Jesus was saying, you men of this generation are like a troop of wayward children who go on with their own game at one time gate at another time grave and give heed to no one else and experience that everyone should conform to them.

As brother Wade caster. One of my teachers said that you were angry with John because he would not dance to your pit piping. And with me, because I will not weep to your dirge, John sensored, your<inaudible>. I rebuke your hypocrisy. You vilify both and reject the good counsel of God who has devised of men means for your salvation and wisdom is justified of all her children.

The wisdom said in this verse, these verses the wisdom revealed to John in this incident was actually manifested in life and doctrine of Christ. This verse simply means that Christ was approved and justified by all those who were truly they could see through the inconsistencies and foolish Ringlings of the farracies. All right. So I didn’t know I was supposed to stop there, but I’m supposed to stop there and we’ll go ahead and go through the questions now.<inaudible> Number one.

Why did this in Tyrian and Capernaum not come to Jesus himself concerning his dying slave. Excuse me. Yep. They felt unworthy. Correct? How did this interaction say that Jesus could heal the slave? Yeah, just by saying so just the power of his word. Jesus marveled at the Capernaum, centurions a home, be soldier skills, see obedient slaves or de faith.

Thanks. I like how they give you, like all these completely. That’s not the answer. And then they’re like, Oh, and D faith. Yeah. What was Jesus’s feeling for the widow of Dean whose son had died? Yes. He had compassion. What did the people of Nene say about Jesus after he raised the son of the widow?<inaudible> Yes.

And prophet was among them or God had visited his people. When the two messengers from John, the Baptist asked Jesus, are you the one who is coming? What was his reply?<inaudible> So in Jesus his own way, he said yes. Why? According to Jesus had the people gone out into the wilderness to see John the Baptist<inaudible> Yeah, they wanted,

they wanted to see for themselves if he was real, basically not a Reed shaken in the wind. And these people were dressed in fanciful clothes, going out there to see if this was actually the prophet, a prophet, the messenger to prepare the way for him. Was John the Baptist in the kingdom of God? No, he was before the kingdom of God.

Before the church who had been baptized with John’s baptism in Luke seven 29 through 30, Huh? Yes, sir. And who had not been baptized with John’s baptism, Pharisees, and Lord, you didn’t give anybody a chance to answer any of the questions you just did it all yourself. Very good. All right. I know we’re stopping a little bit early today,

but you got me and not Aaron, so I’m not, I’m trying to keep it down a little bit. Thank you very much. We’ll take a break and come for worship. We have a little church of Christ, Sunday morning, worship service. It’s great to see each of you here. I have a fair number of announcements. So bear with me this morning.

But first of all, I want to welcome our guest. If you’re visiting with us, we want you to know that you are our honored guest. And if you would please take a moment and pick up the card and the Pew in front of you and fill it out and hand it to one of us or just leave it on the Pew. And it will be picked up.

Also, as you came in the auditorium, I know all of the members are familiar with this, but the communion cups are on the table. As you walk through the doors, if you would pick up your bread and your wine, as it is displayed there and take it with you to your seat, if you haven’t done that yet, now’s a good time to go get it.

And while we’re going through the announcements we have, as I mentioned earlier, a fair number of members that are sick and under the weather, remember Joan Springer. She is doing a little bit better perhaps, and Dorothy Wilson. She still has problems with her blood pressure. And so on her grand daughter, Taylor Wilson and her ex daughter-in-law and her husband, and are all suffering from COVID.

So the family itself is, is pretty well down. Also remember Noah Olson, he’s the Memphis school of preaching student that is working with us here. He is out with yeah, Barbara Dillard is recovering from a rotator cuff procedure. And she’s certainly in a lot of pain from that. And I understand that is a very painful operation and she will be unable to move her arm for two weeks.

Now, I don’t know how they immobilize it, but it must be, must be very uncomfortable. Lucky Hanks is home and doing well from his procedure that he had and putting a place pacemaker in. And it seems to be, I’ve talked to him a couple of times and he seems to be doing much better and is honestly feeling better after having had the pacemaker,

Alena sharp, Shelly stacks, mother, I just talked with Shelly. She came in, she has double pneumonia and she also is suffering from Murcia, a very serious infection, and she’s holding her own, but not doing well. And Jake and Missy Sutton, they were ex church, Memphis school of preaching students. That kinda had a connection here. They visited often,

but both of those have COVID and they are working in Georgia now. So it need to keep them, and it of utmost importance to us is Aaron Cozort has a sinus infection. He doesn’t think it’s a COVID or anything like that, but just to be on the safe side. And he’s waiting to see how that develops. And he’s not with us today.

So need to keep all of these people in our prayers and hopefully we’ll get some relief from this COVID shortly. We need to also remember Francis Redmond. She lost her daughter, I guess it was Thursday night, early Friday morning. They found her body and car in the garage with the motor running. And she had left a note that she was on the way to Walgreens to get some medicine for.

She was having a lot of pain with her chest and just general pain. So the parent Frances founder, about four o’clock in the morning, we don’t know much about it, but at any rate, she passed away. And we don’t know whether it was from carbon monoxide poisoning or whether it was heart attack or what really happened. But we do know that she was headed for Walgreens to get some medicine.

And we don’t know what time of night that was, but carbon running for a good while in the garage with the door shut and the fumes. Well, Frances and she found her about four o’clock in the morning and called the paramedics or call nine one one. And the fire department came and took care of the situation. Francis ended up in the hospital for the biggest part of the day,

Friday to get the carbon monoxide Al of her system. So that’s all I know about that. So keep Francis in your prayers at the loss of her daughter, and she has fully recovered from her carbon monoxide poisoning. That’s all the announcements that I have. Our song leader today will be Jacob Wallace. We appreciate him coming and doing this on such a short notice.

Joe caisson will have the opening prayer. Tommy O’Neil will be officiating at our Lord’s supper. Michael Dale we’ll have our sermon and Murray Springer. We’ll have the closing prayer again. Thank you for your attendance. First song of worship. This morning will be number eight 69 we’re marching design come. We that love the Lord and<inaudible> join in a song with sweet corn.

Join in a song with sweet, a chord and a so around throw throw. And so around the throne were arching twos, a young beautiful<inaudible> beautiful city of God. Lactose reef used to sing who never God, but children of the heavenly King, but children of the heavenly King may speak their choice up broad may speak their choice. Bra God we’re botching juice,

Yon. Beautiful.<inaudible> beautiful city of God.<inaudible> songs about danda. Every tear be dry. We’re marching through and man Wells ground. We’re marching through him, man. UL’s ground to fam. Well, it’s hard to rope welds on high.<inaudible> beautiful.<inaudible> upward to a beautiful city. Our song before our first prayer, I’ll be number three 15 when I survey the wondrous cross.

Hm, wow. And I saw<inaudible> which<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for<inaudible> save. And<inaudible> all the pain things that<inaudible> I sacrifice them to is see from his head. He, his hands, his feet saw arrow B go the such love. And so me needs<inaudible> so rich.<inaudible> where a whole<inaudible> that pres too small. So<inaudible> so the nine T mans.

My, so my life<inaudible> Out a smile. Oh God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful unto thee for the privilege that we have as your children to come here and worship this day. Father we’re mine for the great love that was demonstrated through your son, coming to this earth and suffering and dying on the cross of Calvary, that we might have our sins cleansed and be able to become children of yours.

Father. We’re grateful for the Bible study period that we’ve had to come and be strengthened by your word. And we’re thankful for Michael and his ability to teach the class. We pray father that as we consider the things that we studied today, that our faith will be strengthened. It will have a better understanding of your will and that we might have the privilege to continue to serve you to the best of our ability.

We pray father that might always be mindful of those that are not members of your body. And that we pray that we might say or do something and be able to share your word with them, that they might come to them, knowledge of your wheel and want to buy it. We’re so grateful father that we can call your, our father, that we can be your children and have that peace of mine that we’re serving you and glorifying you.

And we pray. We continue to do that, that we might have that home and having with a one day father were mindful of all the sick that have been mentioned in those that have undergone procedures. For those that have the code virus, we pray father that you to be with all of these and pray for those that are administering to them, that they might do those things that are most needful to help restore them to their health father.

We’re also mindful of Francis and the loss of Sandy. We pray father that you be with her and comfort her and help us to be an encouragement to her through this difficult period of time that she has faced. We pray father specially for Aaron and for aid in the children and pray that Aaron might regain his health and would not have been inflicted by the COVID TRIBErs.

We pray father that you continue to bless them and watch over them. We pray father that you be with Michael is he’s about to break the bread of life to us today and pray that you continue to strengthen him as he goes to the school of preaching, that his ability to teach and preach your word might be increased and he’ll be effective servant in the kingdom.

We pray to be with his family and, and watch over them and pray that they might be blessed and that we, we would encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity to be able to help them support them in this effort at the school of preaching, probably that you be with Noah is he’s try and recover from being exposed to the virus. And probably that he’ll be back with us soon and take up his place here.

We’re thankful for Jacob dear father, that he’s come to direct our songs service. We pray that you be with him in the, in the directing of our songs. And probably that we might listen a tenant to the, to the words that we saying that we might truly be praising thy name, and also being admonished in one another with the songs that we sing.

Father, we’re grateful for those that are teaching and preaching. In other lands, we pray for those that we support and pray that we might always keep them in our prayers. That many souls might hear the gospel and want to be obedient to it. Dear God, we pray that you be with our nation and the turmoil that she’s in, we pray that we will always stand up for the truth dear father,

and that we try to be the best examples we can be to those round about us, that they truly know that we’re your children, that we’re trying to follow your will and, and give you the honor and the glory and the praise help us to help those that are not your children. To be a more godly people, to not be an ungodly nation that we appear to be.

And we pray father that we have strength and courage that we continue to live our lives out in a way that would please and glorify you remind for those that are unfaithful father. And we pray that we might be able to encourage them in some form or fashion that they would know where they stand in your sight and would turn back to you and become fateful.

Children of yours. Bless us, our father and our worship today, we pray it will be acceptable. Help us always keep in mind your love and that we should extend that love to others. As we have that opportunity that we will be patient with one another and compassionate toward those that are having difficulties strengthen us each day and help us be strengthened by worship today.

And we pray that it be pleased you in Jesus name, amen For the Lord separate. We’ll be singing My love for cross course week number three 50, When my love to cry scrolls, we went for tea Fe dicey<inaudible> garden.<inaudible> that’d be how old is gunny suffered on the bit a tree C has a<inaudible> love TRIBE.<inaudible> then<inaudible> the journey.

All the, no, the pain<inaudible> and falls selves. Chris, We have this opportunity this morning to eat of this bread and drink of the cup. As we haven’t been commanded to do, to remember the death of Christ, our Lord and savior and the sacrifice that he made for all of mankind. Would you bow with me, Our heavenly father.

We thank you for this bread, which to us represents the body of our savior sacrificed for our sins. We asked, dear Lord did this. Each of us take of it that we want, think of the horrible death that he died, and that would my partake of it all on Berlin. Truly thankful manner. Yes. We ask him Christ name.

Amen. Would you bow with me? Our heavenly father, wicked 10 yard. Thanks for this fruit of the vine. Wait, Pray that as we partake of it, each one of us would think about the salvation that we might have through this Blood. We pray that we would take over dinner Manner that is pleasing and acceptable in my sight. So in Christ’s name,

we ask, Amen, your Bible with me, Our heavenly father. We thank you for all of the blessings that we receive in this life. We do not even realize how numerous they are. We thank you for the material blessings that we have in this country. We can look at other countries around us and see, I say that we truly are a blessed country.

We thank you for these blessings. As we prepared to return on the part of that, that we have been blessed with. We pray that we would do so with a cheerful, thankful heart. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.<inaudible> Our invitation song. After the lesson will be number nine, 15, number nine, one five, trust and obey.

We’ll sing that after the upcoming lesson, presently we’ll sing number five 65, 60 zero. Living by faith. I cannot today. What the Morrow may bring if shadow or sunshine or rain, the Lord, I know rule if thought ever be thing. And all of my worry is<inaudible> living by faith. Hey Jesus, trusting.<inaudible> hiding in his grade.<inaudible> I’m living by faith.

Hey, then feel Noah though. Tempus may blow and a storm cloud. So rise up scolding the brightness of LA live. I’m never alarmed that the overcast skies, the massive looks on at the straw living by faith. Hey, and she is also a trusting.<inaudible> hiding in his grave from<inaudible> I’m living by fear and feel. No. Well,

well we turn in his glory someday troubles. Well then I’ll be your, the masters. So gently, well Theda. So way beyond that last tab and Lee<inaudible> living by faith. Hey, Angie saw us up trusting<inaudible> from<inaudible>. I’m living by Faith. Hey, Banfield, Noah. Welcome to the Collierville church of Christ. Those of you that are visiting this morning,

I’m going to speak on the real test of discipleship. Our main text is going to be kept mostly in Mark chapter 10, verses one through 12. So if you’ll turn there, Mark chapter 10 verses one through 12, and we’re going to be reading that first and then getting into the lesson. And he arose from things and come at them to the coast of Judea by the farther side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again.

And he was not one. And he was want, he taught them again, as he was want. He taught them again. And the Pharisees came to him and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife tempting him? And he answered and said unto them, what did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away.

And Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart. He wrote you this precept, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they Twain shall be one flesh. So then, so then they are no more Twain, but one flesh,

what, therefore God has joined together. Let not man put us under. And in the house, his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he said unto them, whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she committed adultery. Does that sound a little loud to you sounds a little loud to me,

probably because both of them are on. You got it. It’s still on turn this one off. Sorry about that. As disciples, we need to ask ourselves, are we ready to face the tough questions in regards to others and ourselves as Christians, we are keenly aware that there are those who watch us only to see us fall. People will constantly just try to get a Christian to fall so they could say,

see, I told ya, at times these same people will set traps in order to snare us. Their reason for doing this is simple. They want an for not living as God has instructed here in Mark chapter 10, we have a similar situation. The Pharisees come to Jesus asking a question about his teaching and divorce on remarriage and remarriage teachings on divorce and remarriage.

Jesus explains what God’s will has always been for the marriage and those involved, but we cannot overlook that which takes place here. It is also a great test of real discipleship and not merely a discussion on divorce. This section of scripture can be broken down into two parts, the Pharisee’s question and purpose and Jesus’s question and answer. So let us consider the first part.

The farrier sees question and purpose. Once again, we find Jesus teaching in the temple back to verse one in Mark, chapter 10, Mark ten one. And he arose from thence and cometh into the coast of Judea by the farther side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again. And as he was want, he taught them again on this particular occasion,

some Pharisees come to Jesus asking a question of him, verse two, and the Pharisees came to him and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife tempting him? Clearly they are asking about a divorce. The question they are asking is in reference to Deuteronomy chapter 24, verses one through four, do on me chapter 24. This is one<inaudible>.

When a man has taken a wife and married her and it come to pass that she finds no favor in his eyes because he had found some uncleanness in her. Then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it in her hand and send her out of his house. And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be known and be another man’s wife.

And if the latter husband hate her and write her a bill of divorcement and give with it in her hand and sendeth her out of his house, or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife, her former husband, which sent her away may not take her again to be his wife. After that, she is defiled for that is abomination before the Lord and now shall not cause the land to sin,

which the Lord, thy God give it the foreign inheritance. Again. Clearly we’re speaking. The Pharisees are speaking of divorce here. There are some things we need to consider about this question that they asked Jesus. First at the time, this question is asked. There are two main schools of thought on the issue by the Jewish rabbis and the century before Jesus,

before Christ learned rabbi by the name of Hillel came to Jerusalem and soon became head of the chief school in the city. One of his students, she MII separated from his master and set up another school of teaching at the time of Jesus, his appearance, the scribes and doctors of the law were broken into two parties. The followers of Hillel and the followers of shamiah the teaching on divorce for each party.

We’re an opposition to one, another rabbi Hillel taught that divorce could happen for the smallest offense. Anything your wife or husband does anything well at this point in time, it was your wife. If your wife does anything that you do not like she doesn’t make her coffee, right? Give her a writ of divorce and get rid of her. But rabbi Shammai taught that divorce could only happen because of sexual unfaithfulness.

The way the question is worded makes it clear. They are speaking of the teachings of rabbi Hillel. Let’s turn to Matthew chapter 19 in verse three. This is the, this is the same talk, but in Matthew’s account, Matthew 19 in verse three,<inaudible> The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him and saying unto him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

So they’re asking about the teachings of Hillel here, because these are the teachings that they follow let’s consider the words of Josephus and his antiquities. Josephus was a writer back in the time of Christ, a Jewish historian, if you will. And what he States in his book is he that desires to be divorced from his wife for any cause whatsoever. And many such causes happen among men.

Many such causes. He says happened among men, whatever the cause is, like I said, she made her coffee wrong. You can get rid of her, let him in writing, give assurance that he will never use her as his wife anymore for, by this means she may be at Liberty to marry another husband. Although before this bill of divorce be given,

she is not to be permitted to do so, but if she be misused by him also, or if when he is dead, her first husband would marry her. Again. It shall not be lawful for her to return to him. Sounds a lot like Deuteronomy 24, one through four second. It is clear from the text why they are asking this specific question.

Let’s read Mark chapter 10 and verse two, again, Mark chapter 10 and verse two. And the furious seas came to him and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? The question that clear intent, tempting him. They were tempting Christ. They are clearly not asking this to gain some spiritual insight or some spiritual truth.

They asked this to catch Jesus in a trap like politicians in the news media of today, the Pharisees want Jesus to go on record so they can have something to use against him. The trap is found in whom Jesus sides with. Now, if Jesus sides with says that the man can divorce for any cause he sides with rabbi Hillel and they would then claim Jesus was morally lax.

If Jesus’ sides says only for unfaithfulness, he sides with Shanghai, they will claim that Jesus is unfriendly to sinners or non forgiving. He also puts himself against the most popular view held by the wealthy. If he rejected, both the Pharisees could say, Jesus is against all divorce and thus violating Deuteronomy 24, one through four. What we read from Moses,

the Pharisees believed that they had a question by which they could bring harm to Jesus and his work from the time Jesus began teaching to this point in time here in the, in the texts that we’re reading in Mark chapter 10, there had always been a resistance toward him and his teaching. Every single time, the Pharisees of the scribes or the Sadducees are around.

They were trying to find something to trap Jesus in their goal was to hold their current belief system and get Jesus out of the picture because as they saw it, Jesus, his teachings were detrimental to their way of life. He was trying to get rid of all the old and bringing the new right, following the question of the Pharisees. Jesus now responds with a question of his own and an answer.

Let’s look at Jesus’s question and answer Mark chapter 10, three through 12. And we’re going to read through the whole thing again. I want this in everybody’s mind. And he answered and said unto them, what did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart.

He wrote you this precept, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they Twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more Twain. That’s two but one flesh. What? Therefore God has joined together. Let no man put us under.

And in the house, his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he said unto them, whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she committed adultery. Jesus begins by appealing to the law, which they claim to uphold. He is not appealing to one of their rabbis.

Current school of teachings. We see this in Mark chapter three, when he says, what did Moses command you? And verse four, the Pharisees correctly, state what? Deuteronomy 24 and verses one through four state. And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away. But in verses in verse five, Jesus explains what Deuteronomy 24,

why Deuteronomy 24, one through four even existed. And Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart. He wrote you this precept. It was because they had hard hearts. They couldn’t accept what God wanted. And so Moses suffered them to write a bill of divorcement. What Moses permitted did not change God’s will for marriage. Moses simply stated that if they were going to send their wives away,

as certificate of divorcement should be given and no way did this alter God’s original design for marriage or mean God was pleased with the action itself. And Moses never indicates and verses in chapter 24, that it was that God was okay with it. Or even that he was okay with it. The teachers of the law believe that Moses was giving them permission to divorce their wives.

But he was not since they had already determined to divorce their wives because of the hardness of their hearts. Moses said, write a certificate of divorce. When we get to verses six through nine, Jesus does something unexpected. Instead of addressing their question on divorce, he explains God’s will for marriage. Let’s read six through nine, again, Mark 10, six through nine.

But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they Twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more Twain, but one flesh what? Therefore God has joined together. Let no man put us under, Excuse me. And understanding God’s will for marriage.

You understand God, you understand God’s view on divorce. And if the Pharisees really wanted to know God’s will for marriage, Deuteronomy 24 was not the place to look because it speaks of the hardness of their hearts because they were, they Moses suffered them. This let us consider what Jesus said about God’s plan for marriage. First God’s plan for marriage begin at the creation.

Jesus States this plainly and verse six, a from the beginning of the creation, he says his plan does not arrive on the scene. When Moses gives this wall and Deuteronomy 24, his plan has been there from the beginning of creation marriage from the beginning. Second God’s plan for marriage involves a male and a female. Again, Jesus States this in plain language.

Let’s read six again, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. This is how God created. Let’s turn to Genesis one 27, just put it in our minds. This is how God created. Let’s go back to the beginning. Genesis chapter one in verse 27. So God created man in his own image and the image of God created,

he him male and female created he them and context, male and female are used in reference to marriage because God had created male and female. His intentions were always for marriage to take place between the two, a male and a female. This would exclude any other parties from marrying period because this was looked down on as vial and unnatural turn to Romans chapter one verses 26 and 27,

Romans chapter one 26 and 27.<inaudible> Romans one 26 and 27 for this cause God gave them up to vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that, which is against nature. And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of women. Natural use of women burned in their lust, one toward another men with men working that, which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error,

which was meat. This is vial. This is unnatural against nature. This is lust. This is unseemly. This is error. All God Jesus is saying here is it’s to be between a man and a woman, nothing else. Third God’s plan of marriage involves the creation of a family. No longer are we to be with our parents. Turn back to Mark chapter 10,

Mark chapter 10, and look at verse seven For this cause Shelly man, leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. Excuse me Again, no longer with parents. We can see this back in the beginning, go back to Genesis chapter two and we’ll look at verse 22 through 24 Genesis two 22. God sets up how marriage is supposed to be Genesis two 22 through 24 And the rib,

which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife. And they shall be one flesh.

Cleave. Here is the idea of being glued together. They are glued together, whether that is stronger than glue that we can imagine because this is a spiritual glue. This is a closer relationship than one could ever fathom having with their father or their mother. Fourth God’s plan for marriage joins two until one. Jesus tells us this in Mark chapter 10 in verse eight,

let’s go back to our main texts in Mark chapter 10. If you’re not already there, Mark chapter 10 in verse eight and they Twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more two, but one flesh. God, the father tells us this in Genesis chapter two 24, as we read earlier, it’s the exact same thing. The two shall be one flesh.

Jesus adds. So then they are no more Twain, but one flesh for emphasis. He wants us to understand when you are married, you become one, two becoming one involves both the mind and the body. This is not merely a sexual relationship. This is, This is completely Spiritual. Mental. You are one person. Fifth God’s plan for marriage does not permit man to break it.

No man is allowed to break this marriage. Mark chapter 10 in verse nine, Jesus says what? Therefore God has joined together. Let not man put Asunder. The figure here Is yoked together. And it is God who does the yoking. Now yoke is what they used to put on oxygen. When they were threshing the fields, they would have to oxen side by side in this double arch that they would put on top of the yolks next and hinge with another one double arch that came up and they would block it together.

So when the, when the oxen were threshing, when they were doing the field, they had to stay together. One couldn’t go off in either direction. They were pooled in the same direction because of this yoke. And this yoke is what God does to a man and a woman. When they get married, they become yoked together as such let no man put us under.

Jesus says Legon has joined together in his creation. No man has the right to separate no man, if he does. So he stands in direct opposition to God. Having said this in verse 11 and 12, Jesus explains what happens if God’s plan is not followed. Let’s read Mark 10, 11, and 12 Mark chapter 10, 11, and 12.

And he said unto them, whosoever Shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she committed adultery. Jesus says, if a man or woman divorces their meat and marries another, they are committing adultery. It’s plain language here. Moses permitted them to give a certificate of divorce,

but this did not change the result of them. Marrying another person. You can get divorced for any reason because of the hardness of your hearts. But that doesn’t mean you can go off and get married to somebody else. We need to consider one other part of Jesus’s answer, not found in Mark. Let us consider Matthew chapter 19 and verse nine, Matthew chapter 19 and verse nine.

And I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication and shall marry another committed adultery and whoso Mary with her, which has put away death commit adultery. And let us also consider Matthew chapter five, go back to Matthew chapter five, verses 31 and 32, Matthew five 31 and 32. It has been said who’s so let him per a writing of divorcement.

But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication. That is sex outside of the marriage, causes her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her. That is divorced, committed adultery here. Jesus makes it clear that God does not allow divorce and remarriage to take place. If, and only if adultery has taken place on the part of the mates,

this is the only reason the word except indicates the one exception. The exception is fornication adultery, that Greek porneia, this is every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse. Anything sexual that your mate does against you? The answer Jesus gave to the Pharisees question is not what they were looking for. Clearly the fact that they were trying to catch Jesus in a trap did not matter to him.

In fact, what was not going. In fact, he was not going to side with one of their schools of thought, just to avoid this confrontation with the Pharisees. He was clear under the law of Moses. They had no reason to divorce their wives unless fornication had taken place, but because of the hardness of their hearts, because they couldn’t put it in their mind.

He allowed them to give a writ of divorcement. And considering what has been said, although the issue is divorced and subsequently remarriage, there is a bigger issue at hand that pertains to all disciples. The problem Jesus faced here in this is the same one. Moses faced the hardness of their hearts. If we look at one other passage, I think this will be made clear.

Let us read Matthew chapter 19 verses 10 through 12 Matthew, 1910 through 12. His disciples say unto him. If the case, if the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry, but he said unto them, all men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given for. There are some units which were so born from their mother’s womb.

And there are some units which were made units of men and there’d be units which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven sake. He, that is able to receive it. Let him receive it as disciples. Are we ready to face the tough questions as Jesus did here in regards to others and ourselves, this is the real test of discipleship. Are you ready to go out and answer the tough questions?

What must I do to be saved first? You must hear the word of God, Romans 10 17, because it will lead you to faith. Second. You must believe that Jesus is the Christ. The son of the living God, John eight 24. So you will not die in your sins. Third, you must repent of your past life. As God has commanded acts 1730 fourth.

You must confess Jesus as the Christ, the son of the living God before man Matthew 10 32. If we wish to be confessed before God by Christ and heaven, fifth, you must be baptized for the remission of your sins. Acts two 38. And finally you must live faithfully to God walking in the light. First, John one, six and seven until death to receive a crown of life revelation two 10.

Nobody is going to know this stuff unless we are willing to go out and teach it and to be able to go out and teach it. We must know it all ourselves. If you have yet to obey the waters of baptism already for you, or if you have need of prayers of the saints, we’re here for you, whatever your need, please come forward as Dan scene.<inaudible> way while we do his good will he abides with us still?

And we will trust and<inaudible> trust Stan Dalby for there’s no the way to be happy and jeez us, but to trust. And<inaudible> not a shadow can rise, not her cloud and sky rise, but his smile quickly drive<inaudible> wow. Are a fee here. Nada<inaudible> can abide while we trust that<inaudible> trust<inaudible> for. There’s no the way to be happy and jeez us,

but to trust. And<inaudible> then in fallow ships, we eat, we will say that his feet we’ll walk by his side in a way, what he says we will do where he sends. We will go never fear. Oh, the trust and<inaudible> trust<inaudible> for. There’s no a way to be happy and she saw us, but to trust.

And<inaudible> Our final song this morning before worship for closing, prayer will be number seven 38. Take the name of Jesus with you. Mm mm. Take that off Name of Jesus with you child off Sato and have also it well, joy and comfort.<inaudible> you take it then wherever you go. Precious name O house. We<inaudible> precious<inaudible> house.

We<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, the precious name of cheese, a us. How with thrills, our souls with your boy when his lobbying arm<inaudible> and his songs are tongues implore, precious name. Oh, house. We hope<inaudible><inaudible> house. We need hope about that.<inaudible> would you bow with me? Our God and our father in heaven. We’re thankful for this privilege that we’ve had this morning together together as a church and to sing praises to the,

and to offer into the worship without worthy Lord, we ask that you would forgive us of our sins, that we asked that you would be with us during this pandemic. Keep us safe from the virus that is there and pray for the people of the world father, that you would keep them safe from this virus, thankful that you’ve given us a vaccine that’s going to help.

We asked that you would be with us as we go to our respective homes and remember that every day of our lives, we’re supposed to be Christians. We’re supposed to behave ourselves in that way. These things we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.

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01-10-2021 – Live Stream Class – Luke 7:1-35 (M. Dale)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

<inaudible> Oh, my own. It’s hot. Let’s begin this morning with a prayer. Our father in heaven, how awesome and glorious you are. We thank you so much that we have this time to come together and study your word. And we ask that we glean as much as we can from it. So we are able to use it not only to further our own spirituality,

but to bring those that are lost you this time, Lord, we ask that you be with those that are out sick and, and dealing with multiple problems, those that are dealing with surgeries and with pain. And we ask that you be with the Cozort family, dealing with a sickness right now and help them to, to come to a complete health.

And, or we thank you for your son who died on that cross sends in your son’s name. Amen. Okay. So we’re doing Luke chapter seven. I believe it’s one through 35 and chapter seven, one through 35. And this First section of Luke chapter seven verses one through 10 is the healing of the Centurion service verse one. Now, when he had entered all his or when he had ended all his things and the audience of the people he entered into Capernaum,

it is good to note here that at this time, Palestine was under the control of Roman government and such being the case. It would not have been unusual to find a band of Roman soldiers in the area. It is possible that this incident is that this incident here in Luke seven, one through 10 is identical to that in Matthew chapter eight, verses five through 13,

there are some speculations that they’re two different stories, not stories that they’re two different historical accounts, but for the most part, people believe that this is identical to Matthew eight, five through 13 verse two, and a certain Centurion servant who was dear unto him, was sick and ready to die. A Centurion here. There are at least eight centurions mentioned in the new Testament.

And every one of them is spoken of in favorable light. And you never hear of a Centurion being spoken of in a bad light. He’s always someone that people look up to and does good things is also worthy of remark that in no case, is there the slightest hint that the profession of a soldier is unlawful in the sight of God. There’s nothing in the Bible that says there that a soul being a soldier is sin.

That it’s wrong. Servant here was the man who treated here was a man, the Centurion who treated his servant with dignity and human worth. He did not despise slaves as other Gentiles commonly did. He actually treated them nicely. My teacher, Bobby Bobby Ladelle, how this note, some uncommon words describe this unusual man. Luke says this interior slave was dear to him.

This is not something you hear about a slave very often that they are dear to their master. They’re just property For the most part. And the Roman slave system, such an affection for one, no more esteem than an animal or tool to be used, abused cast out or killed at the discretion of the slave owner was very common. So it was very uncommon to hear of a Centurion,

actually loving his slave and the slave being dear to him, verse three. And when he heard of Jesus, he sent him unto the elders of the Jews, besieging him, that he would come and heal. His servant. The elders were men of maturity who were leaders in the Jewish community. It would only be natural that this interior man would entrust such a responsibility on to mature men.

Those whom he could count on to seek out Jesus and then present his case to the one who could provide healing. And Matthew, the Matthew account of this, this is represented as a personal visit upon the principle that what one does by his agent, he does by himself. So he sent these elder men to find Jesus and ask him to heal his slave.

But it was like he was coming himself as what is what the text is representing Verse four. And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this. The Jews pleaded the worthiness of this interior sin, but the Centurion declared his own unworthiness, declares his own own worthiness later. And we’ll see that truly greatness and humility go together.

Verse five for he loveth Our nation. And he has built a synagogue. This is why they’re saying that he is worthy of, of Jesus’s node. This in turn must have been somewhat wealthy in order to build a synagogue of his own accord, but that it said he loveth. Our nation indicates that his motives and building the edifice were not for selfish reasons.

He didn’t build it just to make sure that the Jews were at peace with him, that they weren’t going to fight with him or cause any problems where he was, he was taking charge of. He builds it because he actually loved the Jews. Truly we have before us a noble character worthy of great respect to this interior in Verse six, then Jesus Went with them.

And when he was now not far from the house, this intern sent friends to him saying unto him, Lord trouble, not thyself for, I am not worthy. That thou should enter under my roof. This entry and clearly has a great deal of humor. Humility. Humility is a prerequisite to reception of blessings from the almighty. It is a cure.

It is curious that this interior one would first and then seek to pro prohibit the Lord from coming under his roof. He came to the right person in the right way and came to Jesus humbly and respectfully telling them, I don’t even want you to come under my roof because I’m not worthy of you. Wherefore. Neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee,

but say in word, and my servant shall be healed. This is amazing. But say the word, the faith of this interaction is manifested in the words, which he spoke right there. Just say the word would that more men would trusts. So Implicitly and ESS and Simply besieged the Lord to simply say the word. That’s what we do in our prayer.

You just say it God. And I know that things are going to happen. The great tragedy Of our age is that men religiously speaking, no longer ask what God has the say on any other on any matter, we kind of just go about our day and we, we do what we need to do. And here we are seeing that. We need to ask God to say the word all the time.

We should constantly be in prayer asking about everything. If it is his will for, I also am a man said under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, go and he go with and to another come. And he cometh and to my servant do this. And he does it. The faith of this man was immeasurable. It was indeed great.

A greater miracle of healing can not be found without even seeing the suffering servant. Jesus restored him to Full health, complete health. Faith of this Centurion is complimented for the simple reason that this injury and recognized that Jesus was God in the flesh and needed, but speak the word for the man to be healed. He recognized that it’s just amazing that he a Gentile,

a Roman Centurion recognize this about G Jesus before his death and all of the amazing things that happen. Then This injury in place Jesus, on the throne of the universe, regarding him as the ruler of the world, and as having all Things under his command, he saw Him not merely as Messiah, but as God incarnate and there in lay the superiority of his faith to that of any of the Israelites,

not even any of the apostles at this present time had reached the lofty altitude on which the Gentile soldier stood. None of the apostles even had the, a grasp on the faith that this entry and had to just, you don’t even have to come to my home, just say it. And I know he’ll be healed. Verse nine, When Jesus heard these things,

he marveled at him and turned about and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith. No, not in Israel. Only one other time, as it said that Jesus marveled. And that was when he was rejected in his own country in Mark chapter six And verse six Here not found so great faith.

No, not in Israel. I remain for a Gentile to recognize the essential divinity of the power that could save at a distance. The very ones that should have recognized and received the savior were the very ones who failed in the test of faith. We can see a connection in John chapter one in verse 11 to this. So he came to save the Jews.

He did all these wondrous miracles in front of them. None of them recognized him as the Messiah, but this Roman Centurion Gentile recognize him as so powerful of the Messiah. He didn’t even have to come into his home. He just, but say the word and my servant will be saved. One of our teachers at MSOP Bobby Ladelle stated this, let us never conclude that greatness or weakness of faith is dependent upon race,

color, nationality, environment, social standing, power, wealth, or education. Neither is God’s mercy limited by the Verse 10. Yeah. And they that were sent and returning to the house, found the servant hole that had been sick, found the servant hole here. The miraculous cure for of Jesus were, were always complete An instantaneous. So it wasn’t like,

Oh, he was starting to get better. They came home. And this servant who was near death is able to get up and be a servant again, automatically completely. But this miracle is particularly significant and that none of the apostles or prophets of old for that matter ever restored health to a dying man without seeing the sufferer, having physical contact, or at least being in the presence of the one to be healed.

So that’s what makes this miracle extremely special. That’s why I said it’s one of the most special miracles. You’ll see, because this is the only account of a miracle where they didn’t, he, Jesus didn’t even have to be there. He just said, okay, your servants healed and he’s healed. And, and that’s what makes this miracle, just one of those amazing miracles.

Now we’re going Into the raising of the only son of the widow of Nane verses 11 through 17 Verse 11, And then came to pass that the day after that, he went into a city called Nene and many of his disciples went with him and much people. This miracle is recorded only by Luke. He’s the only one who records the miracle and the four gospels.

And this is the only reference to the city of Nene in the entire Bible. You never see a reference to name anywhere else in the new or old Testament. Rather, Edward Howard has this interesting observation. He said at the gate of this little city two, great precessions met in the lead one. And the lead of one was death. Her, her son was dying or dead.

And the lead of the second was life, which is Jesus, a meeting of death and life right here. And him was life. And the life was the light of men, John one, four It’s 12. Now, when he came nine to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out the only son of his mother.

And she was a widow and much people of the city was with her. One, procession was grief stricken for it was being led by the pale horse to the silent city of the dead, with great exaltation. The other procession was led by the living ward who only had immortality when life and death met. The battle was shortened decisive. Death fled from the Gates of the cities and my teacher,

Tom Wade caster Verse 13. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said unto her weep, not, it is rare in the gospels to find the expression the Lord used by itself. Jesus being Jesus, being the usual term. Usually you see Jesus here, but instead they use the word. The Lord saw her. The pulpit commentary suggests that the usage agrees with the unanimous tradition in the church,

respecting the authority ship authorship of this gospel. Neither Luke nor Paul had been with Jesus. These had always looked on Jesus thought of him as the Lord risen from the dead and throne in heaven. So Luke wasn’t there throughout Jesus’s ministry. He was made a disciple afterward. And so when he writes, he writes of knowing already that Jesus is the Lord instead of working with him through his ministry and knowing him as Jesus and eventually coming to that belief that he is the Lord.

He had compassion on her. The verse says, including this passage, the gospel accounts mentioned the fact that Jesus had compassion. Some of these being parallel accounts. And in each case he acted, we see Jesus had compassion and Matthew nine 36, 14, 14, 1530 to 2034 Mark, one 41, five 19 six 34 and eight two. It’s really refreshing to know that Jesus cares about us.

You can see that Jesus has compassion over and over and over again through the gut, throughout the gospels, the text weep, not Jesus singled out this woman and commanded her not to weep. Her son was dead. He commanded her not to weep. It was not possible at the moment for this bereaved widow to respond to such a command. However, the Lord never gave a command without supplying the power to obey it some say and do not,

but not our Lord James by inspiration condemns well-wishing without well-doing in James chapter two in verse 16. So Jesus didn’t, didn’t say weep not. And then just go on about your day. Jesus said, we’ve not because he was about to do something for this woman, verse 14. And he came and touched The bear buyer and they, That bear him stood still.

And he said, young men, I say unto thee arise to touch something associated with death, brought Sarah ceremonial defilement, which had to be removed by purification before entrance into a synagogue. The bearers must have wondered what would occur next because Jesus had touched something undefiled death here. The text young man, I say unto thee arise. The words spoken are similar to those spoken to the daughter of Jaris in Mark chapter five in verse 41.

When he healed jars, his daughter, And very similar there, The master with one solitary word, because the spirit of this young man, back from the secluded realm of the departed spirits to return to his earthly, Tim tabernacle, I say to the arise, one word, It isn’t, it is Spoken word of God almighty, which means contains the power to accomplish his divine will.

So it was with the Centurion of the world or this creation of the world. So it was with the raising of the dead. And so it is with the power contained in the gospel God’s power to save Romans one 16 and 17. It was also interesting to note the ease with which this miracle was performed. It wasn’t something difficult for Jesus to do.

We have witnessed some of the emotional hype that exists at some of the modern day healing sessions. I know I have a on occasion with some students at school watched like Hannah and all these nuts that are laying their hands on people. And you see them fly across the room and then they get up and they can walk perfectly and everything like that. And without a doubt,

the things which occur, there are nothing like that, which is recorded in the new Testament, a simple spoken word without fanfare or Austin Tanus gyrations. And this young lad Rose from the dead. So Jesus didn’t do all this crazy hype. You just said arise. And the boy arrived arose verse 15. Yeah. And he, that was dead, sat up and began to speak.

And he delivered him to his mother. The dead boys sat up and speak, but the record says nothing of what he spoke only Christ who had a bullish death has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Second Timothy one 10. If one would know about heaven, he must go to the words of Christ, not the words of one who supposedly died and returned with a fanciful tale of a journey to heaven of the seven occasions of the dead being raised in the biblical record.

Not one word, not one is recorded of there. Revealing anything about the afterlife. We never hear them say anything. Oh, there was a tunnel. There was a light, Oh, heaven was beautiful. You never see any of that in the scripture. Sure. We’re 16. And there Came a fear on all and they glorified God saying that a great prophet has risen up among us and that God has visited his people.

No prophet had visited Israel since the days of Malakai, the miracles, which Jesus performed would naturally produce this type of amazement and conclusion among those who were honest enough to accept the evidence at face value. How tragic that, excuse me, that the nation, as a whole represented by their spiritual and political leaders rejected the Lord in spite of the abundant evidence surrounding his ministry upon this earth,

they perceived of him as a prophet, but fell short of acknowledging him, Son of God, verse 17. And this rumor of him went For throughout all Judea and throughout all the region roundabout, there is no way for men to stretch their minds, to fully comprehend the impact of such a miracle as Jesus performed shocking the entire Eastern half of the Roman empire,

nor should it be left on notice that this miracle was rot within a few miles of Nazareth, whose city who citizens had refused to believe Jesus, not too long before this, this miracle was close enough that they could have, they could not have avoided knowing it happened. And thus Jesus gave his home village another chance to believe on him in whom they despised.

So Jesus had been rejected by Nazareth and this was close enough to Nazareth that they had another opportunity to see that he was the, The Third section here. Jesus is commending John, the Baptist verses 18 through 35. That’s reasonable Verses 18 through 20. And the disciples of John showed him of all these things. And John calling unto him, two of his disciples sent them to Jesus saying art thou he,

that should come or look we for another. When the men, when the men were coming to him, they said, John, the Baptist had sent us on to these saying art thou he, that should come or look we for another. He, that Should come as a reference to the anticipated Messiah. Just what the purpose for sending the disciples to Jesus is uncertain to viewers seem to exhaust the possibilities.

Either John sent the disciples to Jesus because of their wavering faith, or he sent them to Jesus because he had some doubts of his own as to whether Jesus was indeed the Messiah for EF promised before time Kaufman had this note, he’s a brother in Christ. John’s uncertainty is understandable. He had publicly identified Jesus as the Christ, but the Savior’s Messiah ship was not being proclaimed with a dogmatic certainty,

which John might’ve expected. It’s a possibility that John was thinking Jesus was going to be out there proclaiming that he was the Messiah. He was the King of the Jews. And, and that’s what John was expecting. And that hadn’t happened there. As a matter of fact, Jesus kept telling everybody to keep his identity a secret for a long time, we saw in the first year of his ministry,

therefore he did with his doubts. What every true believer in Christ should always do that is he brought them to Jesus who answered and relieve them. John was in prison at the time, his preaching had been rewarded with maltreatment at the hand of the religious and social authorities. It’s, it’s no wonder that he wanted answers to his doubts. He was in a bad place.

He was in a dark place being stuck in prison. And he, he wanted to know that everything he had worked for was coming to fruition in Christ verse 21. And in that same hour, he cured many of their infirmities in plagues and of evil spirits and unto many that were blind. He gave sight In response to John and response to John’s questions.

Jesus gives visible evidence that he is indeed the Messiah, the miracles, which he performed on this occasion should have served as an answer for these disciples on many that were blind and be stowed. He bestowed sight. The text says the Greek suggests that he kindly gave sight or he graciously gave sight. This is very characteristic of our Lord, not only the cure,

but the manner in which he performed it. And dear at him to those who were objects of his kindness and compassion Verse 22, then Jesus answering said, unto them, go your way and tell John what things you have seen and heard how the blind see the lame walk. The lepers are cleansed. The deaf hear the dead are raised to the poor.

The gospel is preached. The texts here to the poor. The gospel is preached. Jesus realized that John by his very nature would recognize the fulfillment of prophecy. When it was pointed out to him, seeing that these things must be done in fulfillment of prophecy. John would thereby curb his impatience and recognize that Jesus is indeed the promised Messiah brother Ladelle stated again,

Christ had come not with the military might of an earthly kingdom, but with the mercy from heaven. So was fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 35, five through 10. Hm. And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in him. Verse 23, Jesus stated the pulpit commentary calls attention to the tender way in which Jesus deals with the doubts that John May have had a warning was needed.

But it was given in the form of a beatitude, which is which it was still open to him to claim and make his own<inaudible> Verse 24. And when the messengers of John were departed, he began to speak unto the people concerning John. What went ye out into the wilderness for to see a Reed shaken with the wind Jesus, his testimony concerning John is one of those tender,

earnest and exquisitely, beautiful utterances of our Lord that shines brightly. A Reed shaken with the wind. John was not a no slender trifling character blown about by every doctrine. He was no delicate spiritual character merely amusing himself by turning himself into a preacher. He was more like the sturdy Oak, which can not be moved so easily. John was not a vacillating popularity,

seeker preaching. Only those things that fit fitted the popular mood, a weather vane type of preacher pointing in all directions like a Reed in the wind. He was sturdy. He’s stood fast in God’s word verses 25 through 27. But what ye out for to see a man clothed in soft, Raymond behold, they, which are gorgeously appareled and live delicately are in Kings courts.

But what went ye out for to see a prophet? Yay. I see unto you and much more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written behold. I send my messenger before they face, which shall prepare thy way before the, it is significant that Jesus changes slightly. The words found in Malakai chapter three in verse one, the old Testament prophet had actually written behold.

I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me. But in quoting the passage, Jesus says, behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which prepare the way before the, before the, the pulpit commentary States that States in the profits eyes, he, who was sending and he before whom the way was to be prepared. We’re one in the same person Jehovah.

So the one that was sending Jesus, the Lord, the one that was to be prepared, Jesus, the Lord hints the before me of Malakai, but the, but for Jesus who is speaking of himself and never confounds himself with the father, a distinction became necessary. That connection of Malakai and the words of Jesus has our Lord implying that he is in fact,

the divine God who so led Malakai to rot, right? The prophecy. So here in once in one quoting, adding just a couple of words, Jesus is not only quoting that the prophecy has been fulfilled, but that he is the one who gave the prophecy in the first place. Once again, Jesus is affirming his deity verse 28 for I see in to you among those that are born of women,

there is not a greater profit than John the Baptist, but he, that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he, none greater had arisen than John, his faithfulness, his character, his boldness and courage set him apart from those born of women. But Jesus was teaching his disciples. That one who enters the kingdom was in fact greater than John.

The greatness is not one of character, but of privileges and blessings. The lesson seems to be that if John was blessed of God, and obviously he was blessed of God, then those who have the wisdom to enter the kingdom will in a much greater fashion, be blessed as well. The words greater than he Men living this side of the cross are greater than John.

Only in the sense of the message they proclaim and the blessing which they enjoy. Even the most significant isolated child of God is greater than John. If for no other reason than the fact that the message which we proclaim is so far superior to the message, which John proclaimed, John proclaimed of the coming Christ, we proclaim the Christ has come and salvation is ours to be had verses 29 and 30.

And all the people that heard him and the publicans justified God being baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of him. Those who rejected John’s baptism were not rejecting the winds of some eccentric man in the wilderness. They were in fact rejecting the very council of God as it, as it was was then.

So it is now those who reject the baptism of the new Testament do not reject some mere theory of men. They reject the counsel of God and his son, Jesus Christ, By rejecting Anything that has to do that comes from God. We are objecting, God verses 31 through 35. And the Lord said, where two then shall I liken the men of this generation?

And two, what are they like? They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace and calling one to another and saying, we have piped unti, PIP piped unto you. And you have not danced. And we have more into you and you have not wept for John. The Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine. And you say he had a devil.

The son of man has come eating and drinking. And he say, behold, a gluttonous man and a wine. Bibber a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of all, All her children. This illustration would have been familiar to the people of this city. What Jesus has just said here, the marketplace was a place where children would play children.

Playing would invite their friends to play along as they piped and dance pretending to be at a wedding, but their friends refused to play along in turn. They would invite their friends to whale and weep as they pretended to be at a funeral. But again, they refused to play along the application, being that as these children could not be satisfied, no matter what the game.

So the Jews of that age would not be satisfied at the messengers sent to prepare the way for the coming kingdom. John came with his abstinence, his seclusion in the wilderness. They could not bear the man and even accused him of possessing a demon. Jesus came entering into homes of the publicans and sinners, eating with them and walking in the street Of the Jews.

These immature Jews, like the little Children would not accept him either. Neither motive life would satisfy them. They were as unreasonable as little children. And in fact, Jesus was saying, you men of this generation are like a troop of wayward children who go on with their own game at one time gate at another time grave and give heed to no one else and experience that everyone should conform to them.

As brother Wade caster. One of my teachers said that you were angry with John because he would not dance to your pit piping. And with me, because I will not weep to your dirge, John sensored, your<inaudible>. I rebuke your hypocrisy. You vilify both and reject the good counsel of God who has devised of men means for your salvation and wisdom is justified of all her children.

The wisdom said in this verse, these verses the wisdom revealed to John in this incident was actually manifested in life and doctrine of Christ. This verse simply means that Christ was approved and justified by all those who were truly they could see through the inconsistencies and foolish Ringlings of the farracies. All right. So I didn’t know I was supposed to stop there, but I’m supposed to stop there and we’ll go ahead and go through the questions now.<inaudible> Number one.

Why did this in Tyrian and Capernaum not come to Jesus himself concerning his dying slave. Excuse me. Yep. They felt unworthy. Correct? How did this interaction say that Jesus could heal the slave? Yeah, just by saying so just the power of his word. Jesus marveled at the Capernaum, centurions a home, be soldier skills, see obedient slaves or de faith.

Thanks. I like how they give you, like all these completely. That’s not the answer. And then they’re like, Oh, and D faith. Yeah. What was Jesus’s feeling for the widow of Dean whose son had died? Yes. He had compassion. What did the people of Nene say about Jesus after he raised the son of the widow?<inaudible> Yes.

And prophet was among them or God had visited his people. When the two messengers from John, the Baptist asked Jesus, are you the one who is coming? What was his reply?<inaudible> So in Jesus his own way, he said yes. Why? According to Jesus had the people gone out into the wilderness to see John the Baptist<inaudible> Yeah, they wanted,

they wanted to see for themselves if he was real, basically not a Reed shaken in the wind. And these people were dressed in fanciful clothes, going out there to see if this was actually the prophet, a prophet, the messenger to prepare the way for him. Was John the Baptist in the kingdom of God? No, he was before the kingdom of God.

Before the church who had been baptized with John’s baptism in Luke seven 29 through 30, Huh? Yes, sir. And who had not been baptized with John’s baptism, Pharisees, and Lord, you didn’t give anybody a chance to answer any of the questions you just did it all yourself. Very good. All right. I know we’re stopping a little bit early today,

but you got me and not Aaron, so I’m not, I’m trying to keep it down a little bit. Thank you very much. We’ll take a break and come for worship. We have a little church of Christ, Sunday morning, worship service. It’s great to see each of you here. I have a fair number of announcements. So bear with me this morning.

But first of all, I want to welcome our guest. If you’re visiting with us, we want you to know that you are our honored guest. And if you would please take a moment and pick up the card and the Pew in front of you and fill it out and hand it to one of us or just leave it on the Pew. And it will be picked up.

Also, as you came in the auditorium, I know all of the members are familiar with this, but the communion cups are on the table. As you walk through the doors, if you would pick up your bread and your wine, as it is displayed there and take it with you to your seat, if you haven’t done that yet, now’s a good time to go get it.

And while we’re going through the announcements we have, as I mentioned earlier, a fair number of members that are sick and under the weather, remember Joan Springer. She is doing a little bit better perhaps, and Dorothy Wilson. She still has problems with her blood pressure. And so on her grand daughter, Taylor Wilson and her ex daughter-in-law and her husband, and are all suffering from COVID.

So the family itself is, is pretty well down. Also remember Noah Olson, he’s the Memphis school of preaching student that is working with us here. He is out with yeah, Barbara Dillard is recovering from a rotator cuff procedure. And she’s certainly in a lot of pain from that. And I understand that is a very painful operation and she will be unable to move her arm for two weeks.

Now, I don’t know how they immobilize it, but it must be, must be very uncomfortable. Lucky Hanks is home and doing well from his procedure that he had and putting a place pacemaker in. And it seems to be, I’ve talked to him a couple of times and he seems to be doing much better and is honestly feeling better after having had the pacemaker,

Alena sharp, Shelly stacks, mother, I just talked with Shelly. She came in, she has double pneumonia and she also is suffering from Murcia, a very serious infection, and she’s holding her own, but not doing well. And Jake and Missy Sutton, they were ex church, Memphis school of preaching students. That kinda had a connection here. They visited often,

but both of those have COVID and they are working in Georgia now. So it need to keep them, and it of utmost importance to us is Aaron Cozort has a sinus infection. He doesn’t think it’s a COVID or anything like that, but just to be on the safe side. And he’s waiting to see how that develops. And he’s not with us today.

So need to keep all of these people in our prayers and hopefully we’ll get some relief from this COVID shortly. We need to also remember Francis Redmond. She lost her daughter, I guess it was Thursday night, early Friday morning. They found her body and car in the garage with the motor running. And she had left a note that she was on the way to Walgreens to get some medicine for.

She was having a lot of pain with her chest and just general pain. So the parent Frances founder, about four o’clock in the morning, we don’t know much about it, but at any rate, she passed away. And we don’t know whether it was from carbon monoxide poisoning or whether it was heart attack or what really happened. But we do know that she was headed for Walgreens to get some medicine.

And we don’t know what time of night that was, but carbon running for a good while in the garage with the door shut and the fumes. Well, Frances and she found her about four o’clock in the morning and called the paramedics or call nine one one. And the fire department came and took care of the situation. Francis ended up in the hospital for the biggest part of the day,

Friday to get the carbon monoxide Al of her system. So that’s all I know about that. So keep Francis in your prayers at the loss of her daughter, and she has fully recovered from her carbon monoxide poisoning. That’s all the announcements that I have. Our song leader today will be Jacob Wallace. We appreciate him coming and doing this on such a short notice.

Joe caisson will have the opening prayer. Tommy O’Neil will be officiating at our Lord’s supper. Michael Dale we’ll have our sermon and Murray Springer. We’ll have the closing prayer again. Thank you for your attendance. First song of worship. This morning will be number eight 69 we’re marching design come. We that love the Lord and<inaudible> join in a song with sweet corn.

Join in a song with sweet, a chord and a so around throw throw. And so around the throne were arching twos, a young beautiful<inaudible> beautiful city of God. Lactose reef used to sing who never God, but children of the heavenly King, but children of the heavenly King may speak their choice up broad may speak their choice. Bra God we’re botching juice,

Yon. Beautiful.<inaudible> beautiful city of God.<inaudible> songs about danda. Every tear be dry. We’re marching through and man Wells ground. We’re marching through him, man. UL’s ground to fam. Well, it’s hard to rope welds on high.<inaudible> beautiful.<inaudible> upward to a beautiful city. Our song before our first prayer, I’ll be number three 15 when I survey the wondrous cross.

Hm, wow. And I saw<inaudible> which<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for<inaudible> save. And<inaudible> all the pain things that<inaudible> I sacrifice them to is see from his head. He, his hands, his feet saw arrow B go the such love. And so me needs<inaudible> so rich.<inaudible> where a whole<inaudible> that pres too small. So<inaudible> so the nine T mans.

My, so my life<inaudible> Out a smile. Oh God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful unto thee for the privilege that we have as your children to come here and worship this day. Father we’re mine for the great love that was demonstrated through your son, coming to this earth and suffering and dying on the cross of Calvary, that we might have our sins cleansed and be able to become children of yours.

Father. We’re grateful for the Bible study period that we’ve had to come and be strengthened by your word. And we’re thankful for Michael and his ability to teach the class. We pray father that as we consider the things that we studied today, that our faith will be strengthened. It will have a better understanding of your will and that we might have the privilege to continue to serve you to the best of our ability.

We pray father that might always be mindful of those that are not members of your body. And that we pray that we might say or do something and be able to share your word with them, that they might come to them, knowledge of your wheel and want to buy it. We’re so grateful father that we can call your, our father, that we can be your children and have that peace of mine that we’re serving you and glorifying you.

And we pray. We continue to do that, that we might have that home and having with a one day father were mindful of all the sick that have been mentioned in those that have undergone procedures. For those that have the code virus, we pray father that you to be with all of these and pray for those that are administering to them, that they might do those things that are most needful to help restore them to their health father.

We’re also mindful of Francis and the loss of Sandy. We pray father that you be with her and comfort her and help us to be an encouragement to her through this difficult period of time that she has faced. We pray father specially for Aaron and for aid in the children and pray that Aaron might regain his health and would not have been inflicted by the COVID TRIBErs.

We pray father that you continue to bless them and watch over them. We pray father that you be with Michael is he’s about to break the bread of life to us today and pray that you continue to strengthen him as he goes to the school of preaching, that his ability to teach and preach your word might be increased and he’ll be effective servant in the kingdom.

We pray to be with his family and, and watch over them and pray that they might be blessed and that we, we would encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity to be able to help them support them in this effort at the school of preaching, probably that you be with Noah is he’s try and recover from being exposed to the virus. And probably that he’ll be back with us soon and take up his place here.

We’re thankful for Jacob dear father, that he’s come to direct our songs service. We pray that you be with him in the, in the directing of our songs. And probably that we might listen a tenant to the, to the words that we saying that we might truly be praising thy name, and also being admonished in one another with the songs that we sing.

Father, we’re grateful for those that are teaching and preaching. In other lands, we pray for those that we support and pray that we might always keep them in our prayers. That many souls might hear the gospel and want to be obedient to it. Dear God, we pray that you be with our nation and the turmoil that she’s in, we pray that we will always stand up for the truth dear father,

and that we try to be the best examples we can be to those round about us, that they truly know that we’re your children, that we’re trying to follow your will and, and give you the honor and the glory and the praise help us to help those that are not your children. To be a more godly people, to not be an ungodly nation that we appear to be.

And we pray father that we have strength and courage that we continue to live our lives out in a way that would please and glorify you remind for those that are unfaithful father. And we pray that we might be able to encourage them in some form or fashion that they would know where they stand in your sight and would turn back to you and become fateful.

Children of yours. Bless us, our father and our worship today, we pray it will be acceptable. Help us always keep in mind your love and that we should extend that love to others. As we have that opportunity that we will be patient with one another and compassionate toward those that are having difficulties strengthen us each day and help us be strengthened by worship today.

And we pray that it be pleased you in Jesus name, amen For the Lord separate. We’ll be singing My love for cross course week number three 50, When my love to cry scrolls, we went for tea Fe dicey<inaudible> garden.<inaudible> that’d be how old is gunny suffered on the bit a tree C has a<inaudible> love TRIBE.<inaudible> then<inaudible> the journey.

All the, no, the pain<inaudible> and falls selves. Chris, We have this opportunity this morning to eat of this bread and drink of the cup. As we haven’t been commanded to do, to remember the death of Christ, our Lord and savior and the sacrifice that he made for all of mankind. Would you bow with me, Our heavenly father.

We thank you for this bread, which to us represents the body of our savior sacrificed for our sins. We asked, dear Lord did this. Each of us take of it that we want, think of the horrible death that he died, and that would my partake of it all on Berlin. Truly thankful manner. Yes. We ask him Christ name.

Amen. Would you bow with me? Our heavenly father, wicked 10 yard. Thanks for this fruit of the vine. Wait, Pray that as we partake of it, each one of us would think about the salvation that we might have through this Blood. We pray that we would take over dinner Manner that is pleasing and acceptable in my sight. So in Christ’s name,

we ask, Amen, your Bible with me, Our heavenly father. We thank you for all of the blessings that we receive in this life. We do not even realize how numerous they are. We thank you for the material blessings that we have in this country. We can look at other countries around us and see, I say that we truly are a blessed country.

We thank you for these blessings. As we prepared to return on the part of that, that we have been blessed with. We pray that we would do so with a cheerful, thankful heart. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.<inaudible> Our invitation song. After the lesson will be number nine, 15, number nine, one five, trust and obey.

We’ll sing that after the upcoming lesson, presently we’ll sing number five 65, 60 zero. Living by faith. I cannot today. What the Morrow may bring if shadow or sunshine or rain, the Lord, I know rule if thought ever be thing. And all of my worry is<inaudible> living by faith. Hey Jesus, trusting.<inaudible> hiding in his grade.<inaudible> I’m living by faith.

Hey, then feel Noah though. Tempus may blow and a storm cloud. So rise up scolding the brightness of LA live. I’m never alarmed that the overcast skies, the massive looks on at the straw living by faith. Hey, and she is also a trusting.<inaudible> hiding in his grave from<inaudible> I’m living by fear and feel. No. Well,

well we turn in his glory someday troubles. Well then I’ll be your, the masters. So gently, well Theda. So way beyond that last tab and Lee<inaudible> living by faith. Hey, Angie saw us up trusting<inaudible> from<inaudible>. I’m living by Faith. Hey, Banfield, Noah. Welcome to the Collierville church of Christ. Those of you that are visiting this morning,

I’m going to speak on the real test of discipleship. Our main text is going to be kept mostly in Mark chapter 10, verses one through 12. So if you’ll turn there, Mark chapter 10 verses one through 12, and we’re going to be reading that first and then getting into the lesson. And he arose from things and come at them to the coast of Judea by the farther side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again.

And he was not one. And he was want, he taught them again, as he was want. He taught them again. And the Pharisees came to him and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife tempting him? And he answered and said unto them, what did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away.

And Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart. He wrote you this precept, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they Twain shall be one flesh. So then, so then they are no more Twain, but one flesh,

what, therefore God has joined together. Let not man put us under. And in the house, his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he said unto them, whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she committed adultery. Does that sound a little loud to you sounds a little loud to me,

probably because both of them are on. You got it. It’s still on turn this one off. Sorry about that. As disciples, we need to ask ourselves, are we ready to face the tough questions in regards to others and ourselves as Christians, we are keenly aware that there are those who watch us only to see us fall. People will constantly just try to get a Christian to fall so they could say,

see, I told ya, at times these same people will set traps in order to snare us. Their reason for doing this is simple. They want an for not living as God has instructed here in Mark chapter 10, we have a similar situation. The Pharisees come to Jesus asking a question about his teaching and divorce on remarriage and remarriage teachings on divorce and remarriage.

Jesus explains what God’s will has always been for the marriage and those involved, but we cannot overlook that which takes place here. It is also a great test of real discipleship and not merely a discussion on divorce. This section of scripture can be broken down into two parts, the Pharisee’s question and purpose and Jesus’s question and answer. So let us consider the first part.

The farrier sees question and purpose. Once again, we find Jesus teaching in the temple back to verse one in Mark, chapter 10, Mark ten one. And he arose from thence and cometh into the coast of Judea by the farther side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again. And as he was want, he taught them again on this particular occasion,

some Pharisees come to Jesus asking a question of him, verse two, and the Pharisees came to him and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife tempting him? Clearly they are asking about a divorce. The question they are asking is in reference to Deuteronomy chapter 24, verses one through four, do on me chapter 24. This is one<inaudible>.

When a man has taken a wife and married her and it come to pass that she finds no favor in his eyes because he had found some uncleanness in her. Then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it in her hand and send her out of his house. And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be known and be another man’s wife.

And if the latter husband hate her and write her a bill of divorcement and give with it in her hand and sendeth her out of his house, or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife, her former husband, which sent her away may not take her again to be his wife. After that, she is defiled for that is abomination before the Lord and now shall not cause the land to sin,

which the Lord, thy God give it the foreign inheritance. Again. Clearly we’re speaking. The Pharisees are speaking of divorce here. There are some things we need to consider about this question that they asked Jesus. First at the time, this question is asked. There are two main schools of thought on the issue by the Jewish rabbis and the century before Jesus,

before Christ learned rabbi by the name of Hillel came to Jerusalem and soon became head of the chief school in the city. One of his students, she MII separated from his master and set up another school of teaching at the time of Jesus, his appearance, the scribes and doctors of the law were broken into two parties. The followers of Hillel and the followers of shamiah the teaching on divorce for each party.

We’re an opposition to one, another rabbi Hillel taught that divorce could happen for the smallest offense. Anything your wife or husband does anything well at this point in time, it was your wife. If your wife does anything that you do not like she doesn’t make her coffee, right? Give her a writ of divorce and get rid of her. But rabbi Shammai taught that divorce could only happen because of sexual unfaithfulness.

The way the question is worded makes it clear. They are speaking of the teachings of rabbi Hillel. Let’s turn to Matthew chapter 19 in verse three. This is the, this is the same talk, but in Matthew’s account, Matthew 19 in verse three,<inaudible> The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him and saying unto him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

So they’re asking about the teachings of Hillel here, because these are the teachings that they follow let’s consider the words of Josephus and his antiquities. Josephus was a writer back in the time of Christ, a Jewish historian, if you will. And what he States in his book is he that desires to be divorced from his wife for any cause whatsoever. And many such causes happen among men.

Many such causes. He says happened among men, whatever the cause is, like I said, she made her coffee wrong. You can get rid of her, let him in writing, give assurance that he will never use her as his wife anymore for, by this means she may be at Liberty to marry another husband. Although before this bill of divorce be given,

she is not to be permitted to do so, but if she be misused by him also, or if when he is dead, her first husband would marry her. Again. It shall not be lawful for her to return to him. Sounds a lot like Deuteronomy 24, one through four second. It is clear from the text why they are asking this specific question.

Let’s read Mark chapter 10 and verse two, again, Mark chapter 10 and verse two. And the furious seas came to him and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? The question that clear intent, tempting him. They were tempting Christ. They are clearly not asking this to gain some spiritual insight or some spiritual truth.

They asked this to catch Jesus in a trap like politicians in the news media of today, the Pharisees want Jesus to go on record so they can have something to use against him. The trap is found in whom Jesus sides with. Now, if Jesus sides with says that the man can divorce for any cause he sides with rabbi Hillel and they would then claim Jesus was morally lax.

If Jesus’ sides says only for unfaithfulness, he sides with Shanghai, they will claim that Jesus is unfriendly to sinners or non forgiving. He also puts himself against the most popular view held by the wealthy. If he rejected, both the Pharisees could say, Jesus is against all divorce and thus violating Deuteronomy 24, one through four. What we read from Moses,

the Pharisees believed that they had a question by which they could bring harm to Jesus and his work from the time Jesus began teaching to this point in time here in the, in the texts that we’re reading in Mark chapter 10, there had always been a resistance toward him and his teaching. Every single time, the Pharisees of the scribes or the Sadducees are around.

They were trying to find something to trap Jesus in their goal was to hold their current belief system and get Jesus out of the picture because as they saw it, Jesus, his teachings were detrimental to their way of life. He was trying to get rid of all the old and bringing the new right, following the question of the Pharisees. Jesus now responds with a question of his own and an answer.

Let’s look at Jesus’s question and answer Mark chapter 10, three through 12. And we’re going to read through the whole thing again. I want this in everybody’s mind. And he answered and said unto them, what did Moses command you? And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart.

He wrote you this precept, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they Twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more Twain. That’s two but one flesh. What? Therefore God has joined together. Let no man put us under.

And in the house, his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he said unto them, whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she committed adultery. Jesus begins by appealing to the law, which they claim to uphold. He is not appealing to one of their rabbis.

Current school of teachings. We see this in Mark chapter three, when he says, what did Moses command you? And verse four, the Pharisees correctly, state what? Deuteronomy 24 and verses one through four state. And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away. But in verses in verse five, Jesus explains what Deuteronomy 24,

why Deuteronomy 24, one through four even existed. And Jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart. He wrote you this precept. It was because they had hard hearts. They couldn’t accept what God wanted. And so Moses suffered them to write a bill of divorcement. What Moses permitted did not change God’s will for marriage. Moses simply stated that if they were going to send their wives away,

as certificate of divorcement should be given and no way did this alter God’s original design for marriage or mean God was pleased with the action itself. And Moses never indicates and verses in chapter 24, that it was that God was okay with it. Or even that he was okay with it. The teachers of the law believe that Moses was giving them permission to divorce their wives.

But he was not since they had already determined to divorce their wives because of the hardness of their hearts. Moses said, write a certificate of divorce. When we get to verses six through nine, Jesus does something unexpected. Instead of addressing their question on divorce, he explains God’s will for marriage. Let’s read six through nine, again, Mark 10, six through nine.

But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And they Twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more Twain, but one flesh what? Therefore God has joined together. Let no man put us under, Excuse me. And understanding God’s will for marriage.

You understand God, you understand God’s view on divorce. And if the Pharisees really wanted to know God’s will for marriage, Deuteronomy 24 was not the place to look because it speaks of the hardness of their hearts because they were, they Moses suffered them. This let us consider what Jesus said about God’s plan for marriage. First God’s plan for marriage begin at the creation.

Jesus States this plainly and verse six, a from the beginning of the creation, he says his plan does not arrive on the scene. When Moses gives this wall and Deuteronomy 24, his plan has been there from the beginning of creation marriage from the beginning. Second God’s plan for marriage involves a male and a female. Again, Jesus States this in plain language.

Let’s read six again, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. This is how God created. Let’s turn to Genesis one 27, just put it in our minds. This is how God created. Let’s go back to the beginning. Genesis chapter one in verse 27. So God created man in his own image and the image of God created,

he him male and female created he them and context, male and female are used in reference to marriage because God had created male and female. His intentions were always for marriage to take place between the two, a male and a female. This would exclude any other parties from marrying period because this was looked down on as vial and unnatural turn to Romans chapter one verses 26 and 27,

Romans chapter one 26 and 27.<inaudible> Romans one 26 and 27 for this cause God gave them up to vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that, which is against nature. And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of women. Natural use of women burned in their lust, one toward another men with men working that, which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error,

which was meat. This is vial. This is unnatural against nature. This is lust. This is unseemly. This is error. All God Jesus is saying here is it’s to be between a man and a woman, nothing else. Third God’s plan of marriage involves the creation of a family. No longer are we to be with our parents. Turn back to Mark chapter 10,

Mark chapter 10, and look at verse seven For this cause Shelly man, leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. Excuse me Again, no longer with parents. We can see this back in the beginning, go back to Genesis chapter two and we’ll look at verse 22 through 24 Genesis two 22. God sets up how marriage is supposed to be Genesis two 22 through 24 And the rib,

which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife. And they shall be one flesh.

Cleave. Here is the idea of being glued together. They are glued together, whether that is stronger than glue that we can imagine because this is a spiritual glue. This is a closer relationship than one could ever fathom having with their father or their mother. Fourth God’s plan for marriage joins two until one. Jesus tells us this in Mark chapter 10 in verse eight,

let’s go back to our main texts in Mark chapter 10. If you’re not already there, Mark chapter 10 in verse eight and they Twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more two, but one flesh. God, the father tells us this in Genesis chapter two 24, as we read earlier, it’s the exact same thing. The two shall be one flesh.

Jesus adds. So then they are no more Twain, but one flesh for emphasis. He wants us to understand when you are married, you become one, two becoming one involves both the mind and the body. This is not merely a sexual relationship. This is, This is completely Spiritual. Mental. You are one person. Fifth God’s plan for marriage does not permit man to break it.

No man is allowed to break this marriage. Mark chapter 10 in verse nine, Jesus says what? Therefore God has joined together. Let not man put Asunder. The figure here Is yoked together. And it is God who does the yoking. Now yoke is what they used to put on oxygen. When they were threshing the fields, they would have to oxen side by side in this double arch that they would put on top of the yolks next and hinge with another one double arch that came up and they would block it together.

So when the, when the oxen were threshing, when they were doing the field, they had to stay together. One couldn’t go off in either direction. They were pooled in the same direction because of this yoke. And this yoke is what God does to a man and a woman. When they get married, they become yoked together as such let no man put us under.

Jesus says Legon has joined together in his creation. No man has the right to separate no man, if he does. So he stands in direct opposition to God. Having said this in verse 11 and 12, Jesus explains what happens if God’s plan is not followed. Let’s read Mark 10, 11, and 12 Mark chapter 10, 11, and 12.

And he said unto them, whosoever Shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another, she committed adultery. Jesus says, if a man or woman divorces their meat and marries another, they are committing adultery. It’s plain language here. Moses permitted them to give a certificate of divorce,

but this did not change the result of them. Marrying another person. You can get divorced for any reason because of the hardness of your hearts. But that doesn’t mean you can go off and get married to somebody else. We need to consider one other part of Jesus’s answer, not found in Mark. Let us consider Matthew chapter 19 and verse nine, Matthew chapter 19 and verse nine.

And I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication and shall marry another committed adultery and whoso Mary with her, which has put away death commit adultery. And let us also consider Matthew chapter five, go back to Matthew chapter five, verses 31 and 32, Matthew five 31 and 32. It has been said who’s so let him per a writing of divorcement.

But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication. That is sex outside of the marriage, causes her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her. That is divorced, committed adultery here. Jesus makes it clear that God does not allow divorce and remarriage to take place. If, and only if adultery has taken place on the part of the mates,

this is the only reason the word except indicates the one exception. The exception is fornication adultery, that Greek porneia, this is every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse. Anything sexual that your mate does against you? The answer Jesus gave to the Pharisees question is not what they were looking for. Clearly the fact that they were trying to catch Jesus in a trap did not matter to him.

In fact, what was not going. In fact, he was not going to side with one of their schools of thought, just to avoid this confrontation with the Pharisees. He was clear under the law of Moses. They had no reason to divorce their wives unless fornication had taken place, but because of the hardness of their hearts, because they couldn’t put it in their mind.

He allowed them to give a writ of divorcement. And considering what has been said, although the issue is divorced and subsequently remarriage, there is a bigger issue at hand that pertains to all disciples. The problem Jesus faced here in this is the same one. Moses faced the hardness of their hearts. If we look at one other passage, I think this will be made clear.

Let us read Matthew chapter 19 verses 10 through 12 Matthew, 1910 through 12. His disciples say unto him. If the case, if the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry, but he said unto them, all men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given for. There are some units which were so born from their mother’s womb.

And there are some units which were made units of men and there’d be units which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven sake. He, that is able to receive it. Let him receive it as disciples. Are we ready to face the tough questions as Jesus did here in regards to others and ourselves, this is the real test of discipleship. Are you ready to go out and answer the tough questions?

What must I do to be saved first? You must hear the word of God, Romans 10 17, because it will lead you to faith. Second. You must believe that Jesus is the Christ. The son of the living God, John eight 24. So you will not die in your sins. Third, you must repent of your past life. As God has commanded acts 1730 fourth.

You must confess Jesus as the Christ, the son of the living God before man Matthew 10 32. If we wish to be confessed before God by Christ and heaven, fifth, you must be baptized for the remission of your sins. Acts two 38. And finally you must live faithfully to God walking in the light. First, John one, six and seven until death to receive a crown of life revelation two 10.

Nobody is going to know this stuff unless we are willing to go out and teach it and to be able to go out and teach it. We must know it all ourselves. If you have yet to obey the waters of baptism already for you, or if you have need of prayers of the saints, we’re here for you, whatever your need, please come forward as Dan scene.<inaudible> way while we do his good will he abides with us still?

And we will trust and<inaudible> trust Stan Dalby for there’s no the way to be happy and jeez us, but to trust. And<inaudible> not a shadow can rise, not her cloud and sky rise, but his smile quickly drive<inaudible> wow. Are a fee here. Nada<inaudible> can abide while we trust that<inaudible> trust<inaudible> for. There’s no the way to be happy and jeez us,

but to trust. And<inaudible> then in fallow ships, we eat, we will say that his feet we’ll walk by his side in a way, what he says we will do where he sends. We will go never fear. Oh, the trust and<inaudible> trust<inaudible> for. There’s no a way to be happy and she saw us, but to trust.

And<inaudible> Our final song this morning before worship for closing, prayer will be number seven 38. Take the name of Jesus with you. Mm mm. Take that off Name of Jesus with you child off Sato and have also it well, joy and comfort.<inaudible> you take it then wherever you go. Precious name O house. We<inaudible> precious<inaudible> house.

We<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, the precious name of cheese, a us. How with thrills, our souls with your boy when his lobbying arm<inaudible> and his songs are tongues implore, precious name. Oh, house. We hope<inaudible><inaudible> house. We need hope about that.<inaudible> would you bow with me? Our God and our father in heaven. We’re thankful for this privilege that we’ve had this morning together together as a church and to sing praises to the,

and to offer into the worship without worthy Lord, we ask that you would forgive us of our sins, that we asked that you would be with us during this pandemic. Keep us safe from the virus that is there and pray for the people of the world father, that you would keep them safe from this virus, thankful that you’ve given us a vaccine that’s going to help.

We asked that you would be with us as we go to our respective homes and remember that every day of our lives, we’re supposed to be Christians. We’re supposed to behave ourselves in that way. These things we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.

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In Everything?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:25


And now admonition.

If you’re a wife, do you have to submit to your husband? Well, the Bible says, yes.

Well, the second question is, do you have to submit in everything? Ephesians chapter five, verse 24, therefore just as the church is subject to Christ. So let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. You only have to submit in all the same ways in which the church has to submit to Christ in everything For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Colliervillecoc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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In Everything?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:25


And now admonition.

If you’re a wife, do you have to submit to your husband? Well, the Bible says, yes.

Well, the second question is, do you have to submit in everything? Ephesians chapter five, verse 24, therefore just as the church is subject to Christ. So let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. You only have to submit in all the same ways in which the church has to submit to Christ in everything For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Colliervillecoc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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In Everything?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:25


And now admonition.

If you’re a wife, do you have to submit to your husband? Well, the Bible says, yes.

Well, the second question is, do you have to submit in everything? Ephesians chapter five, verse 24, therefore just as the church is subject to Christ. So let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. You only have to submit in all the same ways in which the church has to submit to Christ in everything For more from the Collierville church of Christ visit Colliervillecoc.org.

This is E T B N. Let the truth be told.

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Are You Filling Your Life With Alcohol or the Spirit? – Admonition 325

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 5:17-18 – Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit
 There are some things in our lives that just shouldn’t exist. There are some choices that we just shouldn’t make, and among those is this. 
 Paul says in Ephesians, chapter five, verse 18, when he says, I want you to understand the will of God, he says, You can’t do that and be drunk.
 He says, Do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation but be filled with the Spirit. Are you filling your life with alcohol or the Spirit of God?
 For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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Are You Filling Your Life With Alcohol or the Spirit?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:17-18


Ephesians 5:17-18 – Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit


There are some things in our lives that just shouldn’t exist. There are some choices that we just shouldn’t make, and among those is this.

Paul says in Ephesians, chapter five, verse 18, when he says, I want you to understand the will of God, he says, You can’t do that and be drunk.

He says, Do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation but be filled with the Spirit. Are you filling your life with alcohol or the Spirit of God?

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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How Should You Treat Your Wife? – Admonition 324

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her
 Husbands, how should you treat your wife? Ephesians, chapter five, verse 25, says, Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her.
 Love your wife and give yourself to her as Christ has showed you the example
 For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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01-06-2021 – Live Stream Matthew 7 (Class)

In Bible Classes Videos, Jesus, Live Streams by Aaron Cozort


JESUS – Matthew 7
The Sermon on the Mount (continued): Judging Others; Prayer; Way to Heaven
  1. By what standard of measure will each individual Christian be judged? Matthew 7:1-2  
  2. What two examples of a father and son did Jesus give to explain how the Father in heaven gives to those who ask him? Matthew 7:7-11
  3. In the sermon on the mount, how did Jesus tell his disciples to treat others?
    This teaching is often called the “Golden Rule.” Matthew 7:12
  4. (broad or narrow) The way to heaven is _________ and the way to hell is _________.
    How many will find the way to heaven? Matthew 7:13-14
  5. Teaching from the mountain, Jesus said false prophets could be recognized by ________________.
    How many false prophets did Jesus say there are? Matthew 7:15-20, 22
  6. Jesus said those who will enter the kingdom of heaven must (a) only believe, (b) call Jesus “Lord,” (c) pray often, or (d) do the will of the Father. Matthew 7:21
  7. Describe the wise and foolish builders. Matthew 7:24-27


Mt 7:1 ¶ Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
7 ¶ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
12 ¶ Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:
29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Automated Transcript:

Good evening. Good evening. I had a pen. I’ll do that. We are in Matthew chapter seven. We’re going to review the questions for Matthew six and then get into our lesson on Matthew seven. If anyone’s wondering where lesson two forties questions are, they’re the ones that say less than two 39 and Mark five. And they’re neither one of those things.

They’re they’re questions for less than two 40 from Matthew five. And there are no questions from two 39, because that was the review that we did of previous lessons. So accuracy, what can I say? All right. Question one from lesson two 41, Matthew six. When an individual does an act of charity or praise or Fass he should do so a sounding a trumpet be before men to be noticed by them.

See in secret or D putting on a gloomy face in secret number two. Yes or no. Did Jesus teach the disciples how to pray in his sermon on the mountain? Yes. Question three. Yes or no. Will the heavenly father forgive those who do not forgive other people? No Question for where should an individual store up treasures. Heaven. Why?

Hi, Everything else. Parishes. The things on this earth do not last Also Where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also all right. All three of those good answers. Question five. Yes or no. Can an individual serve God and riches at the same time? No question six. A person should seek first. A food B drink,

C clothing or D Jesus’ kingdom, D Jesus’ kingdom, number seven in teaching the disciples not to be anxious. Jesus did not use the example of a birds. Be Pharisees. See human lifespan, the lilies or eat grass. All right. So birds is verse 26 Lilly’s verse 28.<inaudible> Gentiles, verse 32. Let’s see what verses it started. Verse 26.

Yeah, I think you’re right. B Pharisees. See human lifespan. So let me double check that, just to know that we’re right. Okay. You know, sometimes when they give, they give these multiple choice, I’m going to, how did they write it that way? Yes,<inaudible> I guess maybe depending upon what version, but it in verse 27,

which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature. It is really more an idea of the height of a person, not their, their, their, their height, their, how tall they are, as opposed to how long they live. So, like I said, I think it’s a poorly worded question. I changed it, but yes<inaudible> Okay.

While that could be true, cubit doesn’t make any sense. Would that, would that translation, which is why most translations don’t translate it that way is how do you add a cubit to your light, to, you know, either, either way. And, and I’ll, I’ll give somebody that, you know, with a footnote, but I think the answer,

the question writer, which wasn’t me was looking for probably was Pharisees. I think out of all of those, that, that was the one they were looking for. But you know, with COVID we’re not doing Bible bowl right now anyway, so you probably don’t have to worry about it. Okay. All right. Chapter seven, We’re going to, I didn’t,

I didn’t leave this in a prayer yet. Did I not? I didn’t think I did. My brain is everywhere tonight. All right. Let’s, let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll get into chapter seven, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for this day for its blessings, for all that you do for us on a daily basis with love and care and concern for all those around us.

Those who are struggling with illness, those who are struggling with difficulties, spiritual problems, injuries, hardships, financial difficulties, and all the many things that we struggle with in this life. And yet your son came and told us to not be anxious about all of those things, but instead to lay up our treasure in heaven, to be mindful of those things that matter eternally more than those things that matter in this life,

we struggle sometimes with how to do that. On days like today, we struggle with the things going on in our country. The future decisions being made choices that people are, are choosing around us. And yet we remember that this life is not all there is that each one of us, when we leave this life will face judgment and we will give an account for what we have done,

what we have said and how we have acted in our lives. Lord, we pray for this country. We pray for its future. We pray for future generations. We pray for its leadership and the leadership of every country around the world, that they make decisions that uphold righteousness, that they make decisions that provide opportunities and doors of opportunities for your kingdom.

But we are also mindful and, and acknowledge the fact that we have a responsibility to preach the truth and to teach the truth and to hold fast to righteousness and faith, no matter what comes in, in any country around the world, we pray for those who are all over the world, preaching the gospel this very day in various different circumstances. And we pray for their safety and their ability to grow and prosper and bear fruit in your kingdom.

As they are faithful to you. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen.<inaudible> I want to say one, one thing only about the events that unfolded at the Capitol day. And that is if you use Facebook, you may go to my Facebook and you may see the video of brother John. Dewberry speaking on the house floor of, in the state of Tennessee and the house of representatives back in June and talking about how protests should and shouldn’t happen in our country and the way they should and shouldn’t be handled.

And it was as a clickable in the summer when it was other people protesting, as it is today, with the people who protest it. So I’m just going to give you that. If you want to go watch it, go watch it. It’s 12 minutes worth of your time, but we’re here for Matthew chapter seven, judge, not that you be not judged.

One Statement that has drawn More repetition from the religious world than maybe any other statement, except for God. So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And of those two statements. I do believe that both of them are misapplied far more than they’re ever applied correctly. Jesus said,

judge, not that you being not judged for, with what judgment you judge is, shall be judged to you again In his context Has been all the way forward from Matthew chapter five selfishness and a dis and a disrespect for the law of God By Placing self over God. When Jesus speaks concerning judging in Matthew chapter seven, his context has not Changed. His Context is still selfishness and self before God,

which is the reason why this is not a condemnation on judging Nor Shall it ever be. As a matter of fact, before we get out of the chapter, Jesus will require We are judging repeatedly. He does condemn Judging, and we should not ever utter the words. Well, Jesus told me not to judge Hogwash. Jesus told us to judge repeatedly.

Jesus told us to judge, according to God’s Word And never to judge, according to our selves, Jesus says, judge, not that you be not judged for. With what judgment you judge, you will be judged. And with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. You stories told, Bought a man back in the days where you would go to the grocery store and you would get a pound of something.

And they would measure out that pound by a weight, a scale, a pound of something else. If you took a pound or what was supposed to be a pound and you measured out another substance by that pound, but the first pound was inaccurate. Would you ever get an a pound on the other side? No you wouldn’t. So the stories told of a man who ran a grocery store.

He was there. He was selling a pound of butter. He had a pound of sugar over on the other side and he’d measure out pound of butter by the pound of sugar. Maybe I’ve got it backwards. Maybe it was pounds and pounds of sugar. He was measuring out by the butter, but either way, he’d measure one out by the other.

Someone Came to the realization that his measurement was wrong. And so they asked if he could have what he wanted to purchase measured by the same measurement. And he said, no, because he knew his measurement was wrong. He had been dishonest the entire time. Jesus is saying how you judge others. God will judge you. This follows on the heels of chapter six,

where Jesus said, the one who will not forgive will not be forgiven. As a matter of fact, this is very much the same statement in, in that sense, Jesus is saying, if you will not forgive others, their debts that they owe you, your heavenly father will not forgive your debts. Now Jesus is saying, if you judge others improperly,

by the same measure that you judge them, God’s going to measure you because here’s the reality. When you judge others in an unrighteous way, you never desire to be measured the same way. Nobody wants to be measured the way they measure others. If they’re not judging righteous judgment, preacher pointed out. Sometimes we get involved in a conversation. Somebody starts talking about somebody else,

and maybe we’re on bad terms with that somebody else. And they’re praising that person. And we immediately, in our mind, we start to think of all the things wrong that we dislike about that person. And maybe we open our mouths and we start bringing the, the view of that person down. Here’s this other person they’re complimenting them. We’re we’re,

we’re bringing down the view of that person by pointing out their faults, as well as their good attributes. You said when we do that, It’s not because we’re judging righteous judgment. It’s because we’re measuring them by the wrong standard. When we hear someone talking about someone who we like, and we’re on good terms with, and we start think of and pile in on all the good attributes that we know about that person.

And we start lifting them up quite often, we’re not judging righteous judgment because it’s a bad habit. We get into where we want to lift up the people we like and bring down the people we don’t IR, regardless of the reality that everyone who has good traits also has what bad traits. And if you don’t believe it, Merriam, that’s all I got to say about the matter.

Eventually you’ll figure it out And everybody who’s got bad traits Somewhere in their life has some good ones. Now there are some very evil people who have tried their entire life to stomp out every good trait they have. But Even in the midst of that, they’re somebody they treat well somewhere along the way, maybe their dearly departed mother, but somebody, We need to remember that how we Judge others,

how we speak about others, how we treat others is God is saying, I’m going to measure you the way you’ve measured others Now for a Pharisee, Whoa, that’s a problem because what was there? According to Jesus over Matthew chapter 24, what was their action toward the people and the law? They would find these heavy burdens in the law and bind them and set them upon others.

And then Jesus said they wouldn’t even do what. Wow. Neven use their littlest pinky to lift those burdens themselves. And yet would hold others accountable for something they’d never hold themselves accountable to. Okay. He goes on to say, and why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye. I’ve seen some,

some artists renditions of this and, and you, you can’t help, but be amused at the visual picture. Jesus is his painting here. Here’s a man who walks up to another man and he says, hold still, you got a speck in your eye. Wally’s got a, two-by-four sticking out of his own eye. What’s the problem. He’s so busy looking at the other person’s imperfection and at the same time,

unwilling to deal with his own blatant imperfection. Okay. How can you say to your brother, let me remove the speck from your eye and look applying is in your own eye hypocrite First Remove the plank from your own eye. And then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Jesus, by the way. All right. So we’re,

we’re in we’re in instance, number one, where Jesus requires judging, we’re going to bring this up. It’s going to be the entire focus of, of the chapter, but we are absolutely going to bring this up all the way along the way. Does Jesus at any point in the, the whole illustration say that there wasn’t actually a speck in the brothers.

I know as a matter of fact said, you deal with yourself first with the plank in your own eye first. So you can see to help your brother who has a speck in his eye, who raise your hand. If you’ve ever had something in your eye, you couldn’t get out on your own. You needed help. How inferior infuriating is it to have something in your eye and you’re trying to get it out.

You can’t get it out. You can’t see your, what your eyes watering, everything stops until you can get that thing out of your eye. So imagine you go up to your brother and you say, help me get this thing out. Like he says, I’ll get it out of your Island. You look at it and he’s got a Boulder sticking out of his eye.

That’s not the person you need help in you at the moment they got to fix their problem. First Jesus requires number one, the judging of self, okay? The person with the plank in their eye must judge themselves. Or they’ll never know they have a plank in their Hi. He’s not talking about literal wood here. He’s talking about spiritual matters. He said,

you first judge, you, Jesus commands judgment. He commands judging ourselves first. Then Jesus commands judging your brother because you are there to determine and extract a speck from your brother’s eye. Now, how are you supposed to determine the difference between a pupil and a speck? I hope you have some judging capabilities. Otherwise your brother’s eye is in trouble. If you don’t know the difference between the eyeball and a speck,

get out of the eye, leave it alone, let somebody else do it. They need to know the difference. Jesus commands judging the difference between a foreign object that’s causing a problem and the eye that belongs there, but let’s go on. He then says, hypocrite first remove the plank from your own eye. And then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

By the way, I’m just going to throw in here. Number, number three, Jesus says we need to be able to judge the difference between a and an honest person. Cause he did. He said, and you can, the person who has a glaring problem with their own life, who judges someone else with a tiny problem in their life. He said,

you could judge them to be a hypocrite And you can know it. Okay. Well then he goes on to say, do not give what is Holy to the dogs, Okay? Nor cast your pearls before swine, unless they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you in pieces. How are you supposed to determine what is Holy and what Is not according to God’s word,

Be Holy for, I am Holy in the context of, of the Jewish life. There, there were things that were consecrated to God. The, the, the, the, the instruments they used in the tabernacle Leviticus, chapter 10. What was it that the two sons of li of Aaron did that caused God to send down fire from heaven. They took that,

which was profane, and they put it on a Holy altar. They use profane fire. They did not use Holy fire to light the Holy altar. Now, How are you going to determine the difference between Holy objects and profane or common objects if you don’t Judge? So Jesus requires the judgment judgment between that, which is Holy and that which isn’t, but he not only requires that we judge between that,

which is Holy and that, which isn’t. He also requires that we discern or judge the difference between one who is a good person and what he describes as a doll. No, Jesus has just said, I’m going to hand you that, which is Holy, that you determine who to give it to. And he says, now you make a judgment about who to give it to,

and don’t give it to dogs. And he says, do you know, there’s a difference between a Pearl And a stone And having judged the difference between a Pearl and a stone do not cash the peril before a swine, which means you have to judge the difference between a swine and something is in the swine. And we got in the point yet, we’re not three verses removed from judge not.

And he commanded judgment up one side down the other. So let us never say, Jesus said, don’t judge for that is the exact opposite of what Jesus is saying. Here. He goes on to say, ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find knock, and it will be opened to you. Now he’s just talked about judgment.

He’s just in this whole context, talked about selfishness. He’s just talked about where our heart is, where our treasure is. And he turns around and right after saying, don’t cast your pearls before swine don’t give what is Holy to the dogs. He turns around and says, now ask your father for what you need. Why, Why the change from this to that?

Why the change from selfishness and self-centeredness to, to ask God. And the answer is because he’s not changing the person who asks God for what he needs is first and foremost, a person who admits he needs you don’t ask God for something. If you don’t think you need anything, you don’t ask God for what you think you can supply on your own.

You don’t ask. Now, obviously some people may go through the motions. They may, they have, they’ve been taught, you know, all their lives to pray that God give them something, but they don’t think they that God does anything for them. I, I’m not debating that I’m talking about Jesus is pointing out. Here is someone who recognizes his need for the father and a selfish person.

Doesn’t recognize their need for the father. They do not understand their place before God. So he says, ask, and it will be given to you or asked, and it will be given you seek and you shall find knock. And it shall be opened to you for everyone who asks, receives. And he who seeks finds. And to him who knocks it will be open or what man is there among you who,

if his son asks for bread will give him a stone. Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children? How much more will your father who is in heaven? Give good things to those who ask him there for, he has said these things ask,

seek, knock, And then use God as the example or sorry, fathers, as the example of, of, of, of the perfect father to make this point. This has been what he’s been drawing you forward to for the entire time there, for whatever you want men to do to you do also to them for this is the law and the prophets chapter five chapter six first part of chapter seven are the discourse of Jesus on the old Testament.

And the view that the law was given to the Israelites because of how good the Israelites were and that they were the descendants of Abraham and that they were God’s people and that they deserved the promised land and that they should be considered closer to God than everybody else. And Jesus said, whatever you would, that men should do to you go do it to them.

And that went against every thing. The Pharisees taught about the Gentiles, everything, it went against, everything that the Jewish society had created as a bubble of power for the leadership of their society. When a teacher walked through the street, you were to recognize them. When you walked through the street, you think the teacher needed to recognize you. No,

Jesus said whatever you would, that men do to you, you do to them. And yet you would have a priest or a Levi or a teacher or a Pharisee. They wouldn’t speak to a woman, not in public, whatever you would that men should do to you. Do you to them all through this text, Jesus has been focusing on serving self or serving God.

And when we treat others the way we want to be treated, We can serve God. When we think others should treat us the way we want to be treated. And there’s a big difference when we think others should treat us the way we want to be treated, that’s not serving God that’s serving South. This lesson would follow Jesus’ ministry to the night of his betrayal,

where in the upper room, in the midst of his disciples, arguing about who would be the greatest in the kingdom, Jesus puts on a servant’s towel and washes his disciples, Pete, Whatever you would that men should do to you do ye even so under them. And we fall so short of that. So often I’m going to say one more thing about what happened in the capital of the day.

If Matthew chapter seven verse 12 was being followed, it never would have happened. Enter, okay. By the narrow gate enter wall. What’d he just tell you to seek his kingdom. So what are you going to enter the kingdom? Seek first, the kingdom, go back to chapter five. We’ll find it here in a minute. Where’s the statement,

except your righteousness exceed. There you go. Verse 20. Well let’s Well, let’s go back to verse 17. Do you not think that I came to, or do you think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets? I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill assuredly, I say to you until heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one till shall by no means pass from the law until all is fulfilled.

Whoever therefore breaks. One of the least of these commandments and teaches men. So shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven for Isaiah and to you that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will, by no means enter the kingdom Well happened.

Jesus is not talking In the immediate context. In the immediate situation to the church church doesn’t exist yet. He hasn’t established it. Yeah. Yeah. He’s talking to the Jews, The Jews who were waiting for the Messiah and waiting for his kingdom and they were waiting for the one who was gonna sit on the throne of David. And they were waiting on the one who Moses had prophesied would be a prophet like in the,

him, they were waiting for the kingdom. And Jesus said, unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you won’t enter the kingdom of heaven. And then he says, you got to get rid of your self interest and seek first the kingdom. And then he says, you stopped judging others and used our doing the others, which you’d want done to you.

And then he says, enter by the narrow gate. Four wide is the gate. And broad is the way that leads to destruction. And there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life. And there are few who find it. He’s talking about the kingdom. He’s, It’s talking about entrance into his kingdom.

And he said, you want to get in my kingdom. You’re not going to fall in. You’re not going to get there by accident. You’re not going to take a leisurely, walk down the road and get in my kingdom. What’d have to do, to get into The kingdom of Israel, Pop out a girl out of mama’s womb. That’s it?

Zero effort And zero control over whether you or not, you started there. Jesus said, no, my kingdom and few there be that. Find it. He then says, I can’t resist. He said we had to judge between a Broadway in a narrow way. Didn’t he? Yeah. There’s one more judgment. He done bilayer of false prophets. Oh no.

Well now we’ve got to judge between true profits and false profits, all this judging going on in Matthew chapter seven. What are we going to do with it? He says, beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Now we’ve got to judge between sheep and wool. Oh, you will. Oh, you will.

We’ll know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles even so every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears, bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and nor can a banned tree bear. Good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

Therefore by their fruits, you will know them. Not only said judge them. He said how he said, you judge them by their Fruit, whatever they produce. If they’re producing people who don’t obey God, there you go. If they’re teaching them to not obey God, There you go. You don’t need any more than that. We’re supposed to know the difference between good fruit and bad fruit.

We’re supposed to know the difference between a good tree and a band tree. And we’re supposed to know the difference between a true teacher and a false prophet. Oh, but God said not to judge, not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Oh, so we are talking about entering the kingdom of heaven. He said,

Lord, Lord, or everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of my father, who is in heaven, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name.

And then I will declare to them. I never knew you depart from me. You who practice lawlessness. So the fruit by which judge As first and foremost, whether or not they do what God says, if they don’t do what God says, it doesn’t matter what else they do. Hey, look, I can cast out demons, but you’re not obeying God.

I’m doing many wonderful works, but you’re not obeying God. Therefore, Whoever hears these things of mine and does them, I would liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house. And it did not fall for, it was founded on the rock.

But everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall. And so it was when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at his teaching for.

He taught them as one, having a foresty and not as the scribes, They listened to him and said, I never, I never heard the law taught this way. What a shame. Cause it’s not. Cause it’s not in there. You can go back everything. Jesus said all the way from Matthew five, verse three, all the way to the end of Matthew,

chapter seven. And you can go find it in the old ball, either in word for word or principle for principle, you can find everywhere A bit of it, but they wouldn’t teach it And they needed to do better. And so do we All right? That’s chapter seven Problems. Joan Springer had a bad day today, according to her husband. And he usually is here,

but I think things were rough enough at home that he decided to stay. Jessica Dale is with us tonight, but I think basically she too is holding her own. And as is ed Richardson, Cheryl and Eric’s L Sheriff’s dad and Eric’s, father-in-law Janie, Morlin knee surgery and therapy is going well, but she gets very tired easily, but she’s doing quite well.

Alicia and Maddie bond have a sinus infection that turned out to be negative for the COVID virus. And lucky had a pacemaker put in, I think yesterday had a pretty rough night last night, but I talked to him today about noon or so. And he’s he’s doing well. And Taylor Wilson, if you remember, or were here a few years ago,

she used to worship with us. She’s Dorothy, Wilson’s granddaughter. She and her mom, Shelly and stepdad, Todd all have the COVID virus and they’re feeling a bit better and they’re doing okay. Shane has not been tested, but is showing no signs of COVID Noah Olsen, our, a student that worships here with us, he has the virus. So we certainly need to keep him in our prayer.

And we need to remember Barbara Dillard. She’s going to have a surgery on a rotator cuff tomorrow. So these are the people that I know about. And these are the people that we need to need to remember. Our song leader tonight will be Michael Dale. Hearne has the devotional and Terry would play. We’ll have the closing prayer. Thank you all for being here.

Let’s turn to song. Number 578. We will glorify 578. Once you get there, you can put your finger in it. Our song of invitation will be number 943, nine 43. We will glorify. We will glorify the King of Kings. We will glorify the<inaudible>. We will glorify the Lord of Lords who is gray it’s<inaudible> and majesty.

We will<inaudible> we will wash up him and righteous. Nah, we will wash up him. Oh,<inaudible> King of Kings<inaudible><inaudible> Lord of Lords, who is the gray it’s Luke chapter nine. Jesus asks in verse 18. Who do the crowds say that? I, So they answered and said John, the Baptist, but some say Elijah and others say that one of the old prophets has risen again.

And he said to them, but who do you say that I am Peter answered and said the Christ of God. And he strictly warned them and commanded them to tell them this to no one saying the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised. The third day, verse 23 says,

then he said to them all, if anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever desires to save. His life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it for what profit is it to a man. If he gains the whole world and is himself destroyed or lost.

But then he makes an interesting statement. One that we need to be careful about. We need to be careful about how we think about God’s word and our conviction concerning God’s word, because he says for whoever is ashamed of me and my words of him, the son of man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory and in his fathers and of the Holy angels.

But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom of God. Some people go through this book And they find some parts. They like, and they hold onto them real tight. And then they find some parts. They just can’t get behind. And they might act as though they’re not there. But then they might just say,

well, I just see it a little different. Or they might say, well, that’s not what my mama said. Or they might say well, but my preacher said, Jesus said, if you’re ashamed of me, I have my words. Then when I come in my glory, I’ll be ashamed of you. How do you feel about God’s word?

How do you feel about what God in it? Do you agree with it? Are there some parts you just kind of skip over because you don’t really like the way he put it. Maybe you don’t really like the way he, what he said about one subject or another. We don’t have that. Right? We can choose to do it. But Jesus said,

you can have me and my word or you can’t have me. Where are we this evening? We asked, Well, what did Jesus say? We had to do? We ask it about salvation. We would find the answer. Jesus said, except you believe that I am he’ll die in your sins. We’ve got to believe in Christ, But he didn’t stop there.

He said he, that believes and is baptized shall be saved. He, the believer of not shall be damned. Some people will say, see if you don’t believe you’ll be damned, but he didn’t say, if you don’t, if you’re not baptized, you won’t be damned. If you don’t believe you won’t be baptized. He also said That he was going to go to the cross and it was necessary for him to go to the cross that repentance and remission of sins might be preached to the entire world.

He said, we had to hear, because that’s the point of preaching. He said, we had to believe. Cause without it we’ll die in our sins, He said that repentance was the message that needed to be preached to the entire world. So repentance probably has something to do with it also said, you’ve got to take me. And he said,

he’s coming in his glory and that’s the picture of a King. And he said, some of you standing here in that day, some of his disciples right then and there would see his kingdom come with power, Which means he’s raining. And if we’re not willing to confess allegiance to him as King, we can’t have him. But he then did say he the believe with and is baptized shall be saved.

So what do we have to do here? Believe repent, confess be baptized. Yes. You also said he, that hears these sayings of mine and does them. I will like an unto a wise man who builds his house upon the rock. And he Here’s the sayings of mine and does not do them. I will like an undo, a fool who builds his house upon the sand.

So it’s not enough to hear believe repent, confess and be baptized and think our ticket is stamped to go to heaven because we then have to live what he said day in and day out. Because just the verse before it, he said, pick up your cross daily and follow me. So are we doing that in our own lives? If you have need of the invitation,

because that’s not your status in life, it’s available to you, you have needed the invitation for any reason, it’s available to you. If you have a need, why not come forward as we stand? And as we sing<inaudible><inaudible> O U a. So that’s<inaudible><inaudible> dude.<inaudible> us, dude. You know,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> here’s each time you<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> your,

ah,<inaudible> my jeez us dude.<inaudible><inaudible> and then he<inaudible> Let us pray. Heavenly father, we thank you Lord, for the opportunity and the privilege to be in your house tonight, to learn more of your word, Lord, Lord, we thank you for the blessings that you give us every day. And some Lord that we don’t realize,

but we still need to be thankful for them. Lord, be with the ones that are sick, just bring them back into our church, family, Lord, to worship with us and just be with us as we leave tonight and just keep us safe and bring us back at the next appointed time. These things will ask you in your precious name. Amen.

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What Happens When Two People Marry? – Admonition 323

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 5:31 – For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.
 What happens in the life of a man and a woman when they get married? We read in Ephesians, chapter five, For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 
 They come together and they become one person, not two separate people. Just the same way that a sinner who becomes a Christian is added to the body of Christ. He becomes one with Christ.
 For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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What Happens When Two People Marry?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:31


Ephesians 5:31 – For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

What happens in the life of a man and a woman when they get married? We read in Ephesians, chapter five, For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

They come together and they become one person, not two separate people. Just the same way that a sinner who becomes a Christian is added to the body of Christ. He becomes one with Christ.

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

Details About Admonition

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Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
Leave a comment for the host of Admonition: https://cozort.org/contact

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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How Should A Husband Love His Wife? – Admonition 322

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 5:28-29 – So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.
 How should a husband love his wife? Ephesians, chapter five, says he ought to love her as he loves himself.
 We don’t hate ourselves, or at least we shouldn’t. We ought to love ourselves, but we ought to love those who are close to us, those who are our spouses, as much as we love ourselves. 
 Christ did this for the church. He loved it so much, He died for it. Do you love your spouse as much as you love yourself?
 For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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How Should A Husband Love His Wife?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:28-29


Ephesians 5:28-29 – So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.


How should a husband love his wife? Ephesians, chapter five, says he ought to love her as he loves himself.

We don’t hate ourselves, or at least we shouldn’t. We ought to love ourselves, but we ought to love those who are close to us, those who are our spouses, as much as we love ourselves.

Christ did this for the church. He loved it so much, He died for it. Do you love your spouse as much as you love yourself?

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

Details About Admonition

Subscribe to Admonition on Youtube:
Subscribe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3syE1ogS5LPeEsnAfgnYrg?sub_confirmation=1
Sign up for a daily devotional by Email: https://cozort.org/free
Leave a comment for the host of Admonition: https://cozort.org/contact

Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

Not currently a subscriber to Admonition? Sign up for this daily video devotional by Email: www.colliervillecoc.org/daily or www.cozort.org/free.

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What Kind of Church Does Christ Want?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:25-26


Ephesians 5:25-26 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,


What kind of church does Christ want? What kind of congregation does Christ want your church to be?

In Ephesians, chapter five, we read that he wants a church that’s submissive as a wife is to a husband. He wants a church that is glorious.

He wants a church that is without spot or wrinkle, verse 27, or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. Christ wants a church that’s been washed in the blood, and that’s holy and sanctified.

Does that describe your church? Dig a little deeper in God’s word and learn more today.

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

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What Kind of Church Does Christ Want? – Admonition 321

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 5:25-26 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,
 What kind of church does Christ want? What kind of congregation does Christ want your church to be?
 In Ephesians, chapter five, we read that he wants a church that’s submissive as a wife is to a husband. He wants a church that is glorious. 
 He wants a church that is without spot or wrinkle, verse 27, or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. Christ wants a church that’s been washed in the blood, and that’s holy and sanctified. 
 Does that describe your church? Dig a little deeper in God’s word and learn more today.
 For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

01-03-2021 – Live Stream – God’s Definition of Faithful (Part 1)

In Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

Automated Transcript:

I watch disagrees with the clock, but you know what? We start based upon my watch. I get extra time. So ha ha Just got to convince Tommy that we start off by my watch and we end by that clock. That’s that’s the key there We are in Matthew chapter six, Appreciate Michael filling in for me while I was gone and got a chance to listen to most of the class.

He did a good job. Appreciate that. We’ll have a few things to say about Matthew five, as we, as we get into chapter six, as we go through the chapter, but we won’t do very much talking about it simply because otherwise we won’t get through chapter six, Let’s begin with a word of prayer, Our gracious father in heaven. We come before you thankful for the day.

You’ve granted to us for the life that we have, the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that you watch over us and help us to always strive to be faithful to you in all things, to care for you and for your kingdom and for your word above all the riches in the world, help us to understand the value of eternal things over physical things.

As we begin this new year, we are mindful of the year that we have just gone through. And we’re mindful of the opportunities that we’ve had, the areas where we’ve fallen short in the areas where we still need to grow. We pray that is we go through this next year, that we will focus better on serving you each and every day that we will always seek to be faithful to you no matter what comes,

no matter the difficulties that lie ahead or the blessings that lie ahead, may we always remember to focus on you? We ask that you forgive us. When we sin and fall short of your glory, we pray that you be with those who are dealing with illness and injury and difficulty at this time. And especially those who are dealing with coronavirus and loss of loved ones.

Those in the hospital, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Matthew chapter six. The chapter begins with take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men to be seen by them. Every time I read that I cannot help. But think about all the businesses you walk into, especially large corporations that are always posting up on the wall,

how much money they give Every Walmart you’ve ever walked into how much money they give to local charities, how much money they Amazon’s always talking about how much money they give to this, give to that. And yet Jesus Said, take Heed that you do not do your charitable deeds Before men. This is not a condemnation of here’s someone in need and here’s someone passing by,

but there’s a third person over here. Who’s a spectator and Jesus has no, no, no, no, no. Don’t help that person in need while the spectators present that that’s not what this is about. This also isn’t about the idea that no one can know what good things have been done. You go forward to second Corinthians chapter eight and nine,

where Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. And Paul will use the willingness of the church of Corinth to towards the poor Jewish Christians that are undergoing famine and difficulties and persecutions from their own nation. And he’ll use the willingness of the church at Corinth to give towards that effort, to encourage the churches of Macedonia to also give now, wait a minute,

is Paul contradicting Jesus because he’s taking what one church is doing and he’s telling another church about it. No, here’s the idea Jesus is saying and is speaking concerning motivation. This particular idea is more closely akin to what we find over in the book of acts. Turn to acts chapter acts chapter five. I believe it is Beginning in verse 32, actually acts chapter four,

acts chapter four, verse 32. Now the multitudes of those who believed were of one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common and with great power, the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord. Jesus and great grace was upon the mall nor was there anyone among them who lacked for all who had,

who were possessors of land or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold and laid them at the apostles feet. And they distributed to each as anyone had need. And Joseph<inaudible>, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles, which is translated the son of encouragement, a Levi of the country of Cyprus having land sold it and brought the money and laid it at the Apostle’s feet.

Now, when Barnabas brought this money that he had, because he sold this land and he laid it at the Apostle’s feet. Did he tell everybody who was at the room now clear the room? I don’t want anybody. Nobody can see what I’m doing. No. As a matter of fact, news concerning what he had done spread throughout the Christians. And we know that it did because you pick up in chapter five,

verse one, but a certain man named Anna Niaz and Safira his wife sold a possession and he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it and brought a certain part and laid it at the Apostle’s feet. Now we’ve probably all gone through this at one time before in, in our lives and in our studies, but there was nothing wrong with the fact that Anna Safira sold something and only gave part of the proceeds.

As a matter of fact, Peter will point out over here a little later. I think it’s verse eight. Peter answered her. Tell me whether you sold the land for so much. She said yes, for so much. Then Peter said to her, how is it that you have agreed together to test the spirit of the Lord? Look, the feet of those who have buried,

your husband are at the door and they will carry you out. If you go back just back in verse four, after Anna Niaz comes and lies to, to Peter and the Holy spirit concerning what he has done, we read in verse four while it remained, that is the possession, the land while it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold,

was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God, because what Anna NEI and Safira did is they brought the possession. They brought the proceeds and instead of giving all of it, they claimed they gave all of it, but kept some of it back. And so in Doing this,

what’s your seeing, what would we get out of the text is they wanted to be known and have the reputation like Barnabas of being these charitable givers, Without the actual sacrifice of giving everything. Barnabas take took everything that he profited from, from the sale of the land and gave all of it. They wanted the notoriety of giving all of it without actually giving all of it.

What was the problem? Their charitable action was being done out of selfish. NIS. Does that mean they had no care, no concern at all, for those who were poor, those who were struggling, I don’t know, but the reality is they lied. The reality is they lied and they had a motivation for doing it. And that motivation was pride and selfishness.

And self-interest the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to have when you’re trying to be benevolent towards others. So Jesus begins Matthew chapter six, by saying, take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you,

As the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory from men, a Shirley, I say to you, they have Reward so often we’ll see, great Big fan and all of this being done to, to show how benevolent some and quite often it’s some very rich person is by doing something in view of their riches, small for someone who’s in great need yet.

There’s great fanfare. And then the news is going to cover it. And we’re going to tell everybody I think about it. Jesus said, don’t do that. Do what needs to be done Without drawing attention to the fact that you’re Doing what needs to be done. He goes on to say, but when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

That your charitable deed may be in secret. And your father who sees in secret will himself reward you. You openly, we don’t need to take this passage to extremes was Told of one congregation hears ago That they had the, the giving plate behind the curtain, Reach in with one hand and put in your offering. But she couldn’t take the other hand and put it inside the curtain because then the left hand would know what the right hand Was doing.

Somehow I think there Was something disconnected right around Here. Okay. This is an analogy. Okay. This is a point that Jesus is making concerning one, striving to being known for something. Instead of doing something, recognizing who they are, They really are. And what I, I mean by that is when a person gives recognizing that what they’re giving doesn’t belong to them.

It belongs to God. Then why should they get any recognition for having given it? Hey, look, I gave what doesn’t belong to me to somebody else Now glorify me. No, You are a steward of What you have. The question is, are you a faithful steward or not? And so Jesus makes the point that your charitable deed may be in secret.

And your father who sees in secret will reward You openly the emphasis of this entire passage, Which will lead all the way till the end of this chapter is do what you do so that you are obedient and faithful to God and leave the rest Up to him. If God wants you to be recognized, then God will make sure you’re recognized. If God wants you to be exalted,

then God can take care of exalting you. If God wants you to be blessed because of what you do, then God can take care of blessing you. The difference is in verses one through four, Jesus is accusing individuals of being more concerned about their own situation. Being more concerned about their own blessings, their own rewards, Then serving God. And Jesus said,

you’ve got it in the wrong order. Don’t neglect doing good, but serve God First and allow him to take care of you verse five. And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites For, they love to pray standing in the synagogues. It’s interesting. He keeps referencing hypocrites here. If you go back to chapter five, he will say,

accept your righteousness, exceed the righteousness of who the Pharisees you shall by no Means enter the kingdom Of God. And now he’s gone through over and over and over again and said, hypocrites, hypocrites. He doesn’t, he hasn’t said Pharisees, Pharisees, but he keeps describing the positions Of the Pharisees and the priests and the teachers of the law. They’re the ones who stand up in front of the synagogue.

They’re the ones who get the trumpets blown in the synagogue and, and out in the street, whenever they do good deeds, they’re the ones He’s Contrasting righteousness against. He said, you can either be like them. You can be like the people who are always tooting their own horn, or You can be righteous, which you can’t be both. He goes on to say,

when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites for, they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the street that they may be seen by men. Again, the thing under discussion, the thing being talked about is the attitude Food of self That they may be seen by as Shirley, I say to you, they have their reward,

but you, when you pray, go into your room and when you have shut your door, pray to your father who was in the secret place. And your father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Is this Jesus saying, no, the only place we ever need to pray is in a room all by ourselves with the door. No. And yet what Jesus speaks of is an attitude.

That Is one that we need to be cautious about, that we are not doing, Doing something for pride or recognition growing up when I was a, what I would still do, I consider to be a boy when I was younger, teenage years. And around that time, you know, if in the congregation where I grew up, if you got up and led a prayer,

if you got up and, and led singing, if you got up and served on Lord’s table, there were going to be seven or eight people who came up to you afterwards, whether you did a good job or a terrible job who told you how good of a job you did? Why were they doing Encouragement? They were attempting to bolster the attitude Dude of service Way to against the attitude of Nervousness and shyness.

And so Well-meaning and, and very spiritual and very mindful of thoughtful individuals will come up and say, you did a great, Good job, keep it up. Now there’s a Benefit and a potential negative to that Because you Can end up having an individual who eventually only serves for the compliments they get For the Things that they get told at for the gratification that comes by doing it.

And you, you might’ve seen this happen a few times in, in other areas of life, somebody is known for doing something. They do it all the time. They do it on a regular basis, and they’re always talked about for doing it. And then for whatever reason, time and, and forgetfulness, Somebody doesn’t mention what it is that they did.

Yeah. And the next time the opportunity rolls around. They don’t do it. And the next time the opportunity rolled around, they don’t do it. And you go and ask what, what happened? Oh, well so-and-so or nobody appreciates me. Nobody ever thanks me for it. They’ve been thanked for 30 years for doing it, but that hasn’t built up quite enough,

ego to last for the next 10 years of not being thanked for doing it. What’s the problem. The problem is they started at some point, not saying they did it the entire time, but at some point they stopped doing it because it was the thing that needed to be done. And they started doing it because they were getting recognized for doing it.

And we need to be careful about that at the same time. Let me say unequivocally, especially with young individuals striving to do something that’s outside their comfort zone. We should definitely encourage them for doing so, but he says, and when you pray, verse seven, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do for, they think that they will be heard for their many words.

Therefore do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask him, this passage always reminds me of a lie. He’s there on the mountain with the Fort 100 profits veil. And they’re, they’re crying out and dancing around and throwing themselves around and cutting themselves and trying to get bailed, light the sacrifice on fire and with all their many words and all this time,

they spend doing it until they’re exhausted and basically collapsed on the ground. They don’t get anything to happen. And Elijah prayed. He’s what, after dousing the whole altar with water after all of the things that praise, once fire comes down from heaven and sets whole thing on fire, was it the long prayer that he got? Well, it was the fact that God knew what he needed before he ever opened his mouth.

And so he says, therefore, do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask interesting point, he’s just lowered the hypocrites, the Pharisees, the Sadducees describes the teachers to the same level as the pagan. Okay? He said, this is what the heathen do. They’re vain repetitions over and over again, thinking they’ll accomplish something.

And these hypocrites are no better than them in this manner. Therefore pray our father in heaven, hallowed, be your name, your kingdom, come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our debts. As we forgive our debtors, sometimes we have a mentality of forgive us our debts,

and then we’ll forgive our debtors. Take, take care of me first, but Jesus wants us to go the other direction. Jesus wants us and all all through this passage. This is, this whole section is about this idea. Do for others, do for God before you do for you do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Amen. There is there’s. There’s just far more that could be said about those verses than I have time to even dwell on. So we’re, we’re going to leave that for another time. He goes then to this, he says for, if you forgive men, their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you out of this prayer. He focuses on forgiveness.

They seek the wiping away of debts in a country that has spent more money in the last year than we spent from the government’s perspective in the last 10 years, which one costs more the entire national debt or one souls sins, which one costs more one soul sin, because you could get enough gold to pay off the national debt. It exists somewhere in the world,

but there’s not enough gold in all the vaults, in all the places in all the world to pay for one person sins, forgive us our debts. As we forgive Our debtors for, if you forgive men, their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you the opposite. It is also true, but if you do not forgive men, their trespasses,

neither will your father forgive your trust. Facets. John would write to the church in the first century and he would tell them that the blood of Christ continually cleanses their sins. But then he’ll remind them If any man says he has no sin, He’s a liar. And the truth is not in it. He wants it to be clear that there’s no one who stands on the pinnacle of all the rest of the church,

untouched by sin, untouched by transgression and standing there alone saying, I don’t have to forgive anybody because nobody has Forgive me because I’m perfect. But as we look at this, as we back up, as he’s talking about forgiveness, what is he really talking about? Who is the person who will not forgive someone else, a hypocrite, a person who’s more interested in themselves than the other person.

The person who will not forgive Is not the person who’s been so maligned. They Possibly forgive. No, no, no, no. That’s not who it is. Person who will not forgive is the person who has so lost. The view of their own needs, Needs that they no longer care for the needs of others. All through this passage, All through this text,

Jesus Has been talking about the, The relationship we have towards our selves And How it affects the relationship we have with everyone, Including God, Because the person who is so filled with pride, so filled with indignation, so filled with themselves. So filled with selfishness that they will not forgive. Jesus Says you have condemned yourself because if you won’t forgive God,

won’t forgive you. Moreover, when you fast do not be like the hypocrites with a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear to men to be fasting assuredly. I say to you, they have their reward, but you, when you fast anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear to be, to appear to men,

to be fasting, but to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly. He’s not changed discussions. He’s not changed topics the entire time, all going all the way back into the discussion in chapter six, verse one about charitable deeds. He’s not changed topics at all. He’s just applied it to different areas.

He’s applied it to charitable deeds and giving and helping others. He’s applied it to prayer. He’s applied it to forgiveness. He’s now going to apply it to fasting question. Is there any place actually, let me, let me back up one question before I jump ahead of the horse here, what is fasting doing without something? And generally in scripture, it’s specifically doing without what food and or drink liquids or,

or, or solids. Okay. Sometimes it’s just one. Sometimes it’s, it’s both. When Jesus fasted in the wilderness, was it him fasting from food and drink? It have to be just food. How long did he fast 40 days. Can you go that long without any liquids? Nope. 70% water. About that time. You’re around 50% and you’re dead.

All right. Not going to happen. But when Satan came and tempted him, what did he say? Turn this water into earth. He started turning this stone into water bread, turn, turn this stone into bread. Depending upon the circumstance. Sometimes it was a complete, fast from everything. It was, it was quite literally the idea of, and this was generally connected to morning,

but it was the idea of withholding really anything from yourself. This is not something we in America tend to do on a regular basis. And some, I actually know some people who have fasted. I know some who fast on, on a regular basis. Not that I know personally, but that I have talked to or heard from, but what’s the reason for it.

If biblically speaking, not, not talking about people who were not talking about dieting, what’s the reason biblically speaking for fasting. There’s primarily two reasons. Say what? All right, a focus on spiritual cleansing or repentance quite often, what was the other? Okay. So the, the other main focus that we see in scripture is morning or sorrow, whether that be a,

for a national reason, quite often, you would find individuals fasting because of the wickedness of, of the nation of Israel. But this, this always was, was supposed to be a spiritual discipline of withholding. Your natural needs to focus your mind on something more important. And this isn’t a bad thing. I think sometimes we look at it at fasting and go,

well, we don’t need to do that today. We don’t need to focus our minds on more important things. I don’t know that that’s true. Are we commanded under the new Testament to do it today? No, we’re not commanded to do it, but there was only one occasion under the old Testament where they were commanded to do it. So, you know,

a lot of times we’ll look at the old Testament, all the, you know, that fasting, that’s an old Testament thing. No, it’s not. There’s only one specific area or commandment concerning fasting in the old Testament. The fact that there’s one less under the new Testament doesn’t mean that it’s not something that we ought to participate in. It is the same idea as God says,

be still and know that I am God now because there’s no commandment in the new Testament about being still to recognize that God is who he is. Does that mean that we shouldn’t occasionally take opportunities to shove aside everything else, turn everything off and pay attention to the fact that God is now. That’s a setting aside physical to focus on spiritual. Well, that’s all that fasting is about,

but it is a poignant way of doing it because after you get past a certain number of hours, as most of us are familiar with your stomach starts to remind you it’s time to eat. One of the things that fasting does is every time you’re reminded by your body, that you’re hungry, that is used as a prompt for you to think on that spiritual thing that you’re focusing on.

And so you’re using your natural senses to focus your attention on a spiritual thing. Okay? Here’s the problem with what they were doing. They were fasting the hypocrites, they were fasting and they would do so on a regular basis, they would do so without any specific reason, except that they would, you know, they wouldn’t clean their face. They look like they they’d had a rough rough day,

rough night, rough, whatever. And then they’d go out among the people so that people could go, Oh, he’s fasting. Ah, he’s, he’s really, he’s really spiritual. Jesus said, go wash your face, go clean yourself up. Don’t do a spiritual act. That is between you and God to be seen of men and recognized for your spirituality.

He said, when you do that, your spirituality is all the reward you get. The recognition you get in public is all the reward you’ll ever get because God will not reward you for that. You’ve missed the boat. And so today, if somebody chooses or a congregation chooses or a whole nation chooses to have a time of prayer and fasting, there’s nothing wrong with that,

but needs to be done for the right reason. It needs to be done. Not so that Facebook posts can be put every hour. I’m dying. I’m all I’m going to get through this fast, you know, pointing out to everybody around them, that they’re fasting, do spiritual things for the reason you should do them. And that is your spiritual growth and your connection to God and then teach others to do them,

but don’t do it to be seen by others. So then he says, do not lay up for yourselves, treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves, treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also all throughout the sermon on the Mount.

Jesus will focus on Possessions Over and over and over and over again. Possessions and Jesus will point out that his focus on possessions is not really a focus on possessions. His focus on possessions is a warning to say, focus on spiritual things and not possessions. Yeah. Is there a condemnation given by Jesus against those who have possessions a blanket condemnation? No.

As a matter of fact, it would be those who had possessions that would help Jesus in his ministry. Who’s one person that we might think, or one family we might think of who had possessions that helped Jesus, some siblings, Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Did they have a house? Yes. Did Jesus use their house? Yes, he did.

Did they have enough money to buy a burial plot for their brother when he died? Yes. Did Mary have enough money to give a very expensive gift of anointing Jesus before his death? Yes. That was a family that had possession, But what was more important to the family? Their possession Or Jesus Jesus. One time you see really, and even a little bit of a hint of,

of the opposite is where Jesus confronts Martha, because she’s frustrated that her sister’s not helping her serve. And Jesus points out to her that Mary has chosen the greater Thing, the word of God. And so he says, do not lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven or treasures on the earth. If we set aside, Put, Put in investments, put in savings,

this is, this has nothing to do, zero to do with wise stewardship, nothing to do with it. This has everything to do with where is your heart? And Jesus said, if your heart is there and riches in possessions and clothing and gold and silver and money and all the things he’s about to talk about here at the end of the chapter,

he said, you’ve missed it because that stuff, number one will still be here when you’re gone. And number two may not even stay with you while you’re here because it decades or someone along the way comes in and steals what you have. Yup, absolutely. You know, you, you see, even, you know, the, the perspective of the century ans as,

as Jesus is hanging there on the cross and they’re like, well, let’s, let’s cast lots for the garbage, eh, we we’re, we’re not, not tearing in pieces. It’s it’s interwoven. It’s all one piece. So, you know, we can’t can’t divide it, but he doesn’t need it anymore. You know, he’s got no use words.

So somebody is going to get some use out of it. Okay. Focus on the right thing. Now he’s still not changed discussion at all. He’s moved from charitable deeds to your prayer, to your forgiveness, to your fasting, to your treasure. He’s still talking about the same thing, your relationship to you. Okay? He says, if the lamp of the body is the eye,

if there is, if therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness. How great is that darkness? If your inward person has become corrupted so that all you see becomes evil, what was it that God accused the people in Noah’s day of being people who every thought of their heart was only evil.

Continually. They could see something good and in their mind, they’d turn it to evil. No one can serve two Masters for either, right? He will hate the one and love the other LT will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon, right? The application is money, but the gratification of money is always the gratification of What self Back of all of this.

As selfishness back of all of this is pride back of all of this is a care about self, more than a love of God. Go back to chapter five real quick. And then we’ll read through and pick up the rest of this verse. Three, blessed are the what? Poor in spirit. Verse four, blessed are those who Mourn, But verse five,

blessed are the MI verse six. Blessed are those who, what Hunger And thirst after righteousness. What is that? That is the desire of the Heart. Not For gold, silver possessions recognition, the, the praise of men, but for righteousness, blessed are the merciful. Blessed are the pure in heart. Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.

All of these things begin first, First in the inward person, a decision to serve God over self. Okay? So He says, verse 25, do not worry. Or therefore I say to you do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body. What you will put on is not life more than food in the body.

More than clothing. Look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not of more value than They, which of you By worrying can add one cubit to his stature. So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin.

And yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not Like one of these. Now, if God, so clothes, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven. Will he not much more closely? Oh, you of little faith, therefore do not worry Saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink?

Or what shall we wear for after all these things, the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father knows that you have needs Of all these things. Now, as we, as we conclude this, I want to remind you God Israel. And while all of these things draw forward to the church, the audience for the discussion is not the church. The audience for the discussion are the Israelites.

Why do you think he said, you have heard it said, but I say unto you, those are, those are attributes of the law. Those are the aspects of the law that they had abused, misused torn apart to gratify themselves, to do what they wanted to do. And now he sets a contrast between them and the Gentiles, because all along the way,

going all the way back to Deuteronomy chapter six, where Israel is hold hero Israel, the Lord, thy, God is one God and thou shall love the Lord. Thy God, with all thy heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, with all by mind, all the way back there. They were warned that when they got into the land and when they began to,

to glean the fields, they didn’t plant. And when they lived in houses, they didn’t build. And when they took over land that they didn’t do anything to toil to create. They might forget God and forget who put them there to begin with. And Jesus reminds these Israelites and his disciples and us today that God can take nothing and give you everything out of it.

And he can take someone who is nothing and make them everything. So what are we worried about if we will, but learn the lessons of the Israelites to love God first, but seek first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

There’s any one passage. That’s one of the hardest things in all scripture to do. I dare say that’s whatever. Alright, we’ll go through the questions on Wednesday night. As we start our review for chapter seven, I can’t help, but look outside and see the beautiful weather and the beautiful day that we have today and what a beautiful day we have to enjoy.

We are proud to see some visitors with us today. We want you to know that you’re our honored guests. And if you would look in the Pew in front of you and there’s a colored card there, if you’d fill it out and just leave it on, the seat are handed to any one of us and we’ll see to it, that it gets to the right place.

We are indeed proud that you chose to come our way while we’re on that subject. As you came in the door, there is a table with the communion cups. If you have not had the opportunity to pick up a little cup of bread and a little cup of grape juice, be sure and do that. It’s a good time to do it right now.

Go back and get it. And you’ll be prepared for the communion service. When we have that, I’ve got a fair number of announcements. So please bear with me here. We need to remember our sick Joan Springer. She’s doing a little bit better. Robin woods, Jessica Dale. She’s here with us today. Also doing a little bit better. Tory Heinz Ellie,

likewise, I think is at least holding her own Dorothy and Rodale. Wilson are both still suffering from their sorta chronic pains. Janie Marlin is doing much better. And ed Richardson, Shell’s dad has a fractured spine. I think he’s doing about the same as I understand. And we want to keep these people in our prayers. We also have some other people,

relatives that are in need of our prayers. Diane O’Neill’s aunt Jean. Sconiers had a stroke in addition to be hospitalized with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. She’s struggling with her speech since the stroke. And she’s back in a nursing home. Also Diana’s nephew’s wife, Natalie temple found out that she has had a cancer that is spreading and not sure what her treatment plan will be,

but that is being dealt with as we speak also Alicia and Maddie bond have been exposed and are showing symptoms of COVID. I guess they have it. They will have to wait for three to seven days for the results of their tests before they actually know, but I’m sure they’re under quarantine right now. We have several of our members that are suffering from back problems.

Michael stacks is home with back problems. Pam chafing is with us today. She says, her back is getting better. And of course, Gladys Lyles is dealing with, with that as well. So these are other people that we need to keep in our prayers. Alena sharp, Shelly stacks, mother has double pneumonia and Marsa infects you and your head wound.

You know, that Marsa is a very serious bacterial infection that is very resistant to all the drugs, very difficult. So keep them in your prayers. Lucky Hanks is in Methodist over in the woman’s section. We tease him about that a little bit, but he’s had some heart problems and it’s pretty much expected that he will probably be getting a pacemaker put in to keep his rhythm in order.

That’s all of the, Oh, wait a minute. I’ve got one more. Dorothy Wilson got a good result from her stress test and she is perhaps going to be improving here, but her grandchildren, Shane and Taylor, that both used to worship here from time to time are suffering from the Corona virus. I think that’s all of our sick people and we just need,

need to be aware of these people and keep them in our prayers. Don’t forget. Potter’s children’s home pantry item for January is dish soap. You can bring that and put it on the little cart as you come into the four year old on the left-hand side. The men’s business meeting will be next Monday night, not this Monday night, but next Monday a week,

week and a half from now or a week and a day from now. And if you have any agenda items, please sign, put them on the list on the bulletin board or make sure that one of the men get them and we’ll get it to the right place. That’s all the announcements. Thank goodness. And the service today, Michael Dale will be leading our singing.

Terry Sanderson has the opening prayer. The Lord’s supper will be officiated by Eric Halvorson. The sermon with Aaron Cozort and Joe caisson has the closing prayer. Thank you for your attendance. Our opening song this morning will be number one, 144 O worship the King O worship the King. Oh, worship<inaudible> and gray Foley. See here’s Wanda for a shill.

Dan.<inaudible> a billion Dan Splenda and<inaudible><inaudible> it’s dreams from the Hills and send to the play. Hey and sweetly.<inaudible> nah,<inaudible> children de us and<inaudible> and<inaudible> find the two CS turned to the G and a greedy. And<inaudible>. So before our opening prayer will be number 797. Lord, we come before the now Lord, we come before the<inaudible>.

Oh dude.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible> and I know<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the God pre the<inaudible> free.<inaudible> sorry.<inaudible> Right. Father walked in heaven. We thank to you for this beautiful first day of the week. The opportunity do we have to come together as that children who sang these songs, praise into the,

into worship, they just study a portion of I where we pray that the things that we learned here today will be in a quarter for that wheel. We pray that we can use these things to further that kingdom in this community, we pray that you would be with all of the ones that have been mentioned today to their sick and unable to be with us.

We pray that you would be with all of the ones that are suffering from the COVID virus. The ones that we know from this congregation and friends and all that and all over the world, we pray that you would be with him and comfort him. We pray that you would keep us safe from it. And then we try to do the things that the health people are advising us today.

We pray that you would be with our military people that are away from home. We pray that you keep them safe, comfort their families while they are away. We pray that you would be with the teachers of his congregation, that they continue to teach the truth and to help to save souls in this community. We pray that she would go with us and keep us safe and forgive us when we do wrong.

In Christ’s name, we pray amen. Song to prepare our minds for the Lord. Separate will be number 337. Hallelujah. What a savior man?<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> claim<inaudible><inaudible> Hey man.<inaudible> he used<inaudible><inaudible> blah<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> was he man,<inaudible> be<inaudible> lifted up. Was he too? Ah<inaudible> and<inaudible> ah, ah,<inaudible> when he comes<inaudible> is Ryan some to Bri then a new song.

Well, seeing<inaudible> We now have the opportunity to celebrate the ultimate sacrifice that God made for each and every one of us here. And that is when he sent his son here to live with us amongst here on earth and teach us, but ultimately die on that cross at Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins. Join me as we pray for the bread,

God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for your son. And we know it was a difficult and an ultimate sacrifice that you made for us. The center’s here on earth, but we are so grateful that you made that choice, that your son may hang on at cruel cross at Calvary. And as we prepare to take this bread,

which represents his body, let us remember exactly what that represents. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Our father. We come to you giving you thanks for everything you have done for us. And as we prepare to partake of this fruit of the vine, which represents your son’s blood, that he shed for our sins, help us to ponder that and truly think about what that means that his blood was shed for us.

He died for us so that we may have our sins forgiven. So we may live with you and heaven. One day, we pray this through your son’s name. Amen. Let me take this opportunity to say a prayer for the offering. God, our father in heaven. We know that it is from you, that all of our blessings truly flow.

And we are so thankful for each and every one of them. And as we prepare to give back a portion of this, to your needs and your works by donating funds to this church. So we may use these funds to further the spread of your word and your gospel here on earth. We ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart.

And we ask that you help the men of this congregation that oversee these funds, make decisions that are rightful and truly in helping spread your word. Those that are less Fortunate than us. And that is those that have not heard your word so that they may have that same opportunity we have as live with you forever. One day in eternity, we pray this through your son,

Jesus name, amen. The song before the lesson will be number 431 and break thou the bread of life. If you’re able to stand for this song, please, number 431<inaudible><inaudible> to me<inaudible> let’s see<inaudible> to me, to me. See<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> peace ma Oh, eh. Oh, you may be seated. Good morning. Good to be home.

It’s good to see each and every one of you, especially our visitors, Glad to have your presence with us, hope that you can make it a regular opportunity. This year in 2021, we are going to take one lesson each month. We’re going to focus on a word throughout the year that I believe has a great deal of emphasis for us and a great deal of import into our society,

our life and our existence today. That word is the word faithful. We’re going to begin that study looking at God’s description of a faithful man or a faithful person in order to get God’s perspective on this idea of faithful. We could look in the new Testament, but I really think we have to begin in the old Testament. Deuteronomy chapter nine, sorry.

Deuteronomy chapter seven. And in verse nine, God is speaking to Israel as they are preparing to go into the promised land. And he says to them beginning in verse nine, he says, therefore know that the Lord, your God, he is God. He begins with this premise that God Jehovah God, the Lord, God. The one who brought them out of Egypt is God.

And when God says I am God, he doesn’t mean I am one God, among many. He has shown beyond any doubt through his actions with Egypt. He is the true and living God. And so he says, therefore know that the Lord, your God, he is the Lord, your God. He is God. And notice this description, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations,

with those who love him and keep his commandments. As we begin this study concerning this idea of being faithful of faithfulness and everything it touches in our lives understand that God first desires requires commands faithfulness, because he is faithful. You and I, we make promises. We make commitments. We make agreements. And if we’re honest, and if we are those of sound,

mind, and striving to be what God would have us to be our intent, when we make those agreements is to fulfill what we have said, we will do no matter what kind of agreement it is, whether it’s an agreement to pay something to someone or an agreement on a loan or an agreement on just participation in an, in a transaction or, or,

or an activity with a friend. I was talking with a friend of mine just recently. And he’s been working out with some of the members of the congregation, where he attends and, and him and this friend of his and his wife, they go out every, every morning and they go work out and he had been doing this for a month or two.

And he had as a result of some things at work, he had been up all night. He worked from until 4:00 AM, one morning, then worked all day, then had to work all until three or 4:00 AM the next morning and then had to face the potential of not going and working out. And he went and worked out anyway because he knew if he didn’t do it once,

if he, if he said I can’t make it this time, there would be a thousand other reasons why I wouldn’t make it in the future. So he pushed through and he did it. And you and I, we face those struggles. We face those difficulties. We met, we face those choices. The reality is sometimes though, maybe out of no fault of our own,

maybe out of circumstances, we can’t even control. We can’t fulfill an obligation. We have made a commitment, a promise, and we have been on faithful to that commitment. Now this may be in a small matter, may be in an inconsequential matter. It may be in a temporary matter, but that’s not God Deuteronomy chapter seven verse nine tells us that God Jehovah the Lord.

He is God. And he is faithful to a thousand generations. Now women Moses makes this statement by inspiration through the power of the Holy spirit. He does not mean that to the thousand. And first-generation, God’s probably not going to be faithful to them. No, he means quite clearly that when you are faithful to the thousand generations that have come before the thousand and first generation can have no doubt and complete assurance that God will still be Faithful.

But he’s, He is faithful to those who love him and keep his commandments. And he repays those who hate him to their face to destroy them. He will not be Slack with him who hates him. He will repay him too. His face. Moses makes it clear. As he speaks to the children of Israel. God is faithful to those who love him.

And he’s faithful to those who hate him. He will be faithful to himself always. And therefore what he has said He will do. So as we begin, we need to, I understand that God desires faithful Because he is faithful. There was a time in Israelite history. First Samuel chapter two, That God replaced his high priest. He not only replaced his high priest,

but he replaced the whole priestly lineage, Age and family In first Samuel chapter two as Eli and his sons were the current high priest and priests. God delivers a message to Eli. In first Samuel chapter two, and in verse 35, then I will raise up for myself. Now notice the wording. God says, I’m going to do this and I’m going to do it because of me because of who I am.

Therefore, I will raise up for myself, a faithful priest who shall do according to what is In my heart. You go back into the proceeding versus you will find out that Eli’s sons, Hoff, Diane Finney has, who were supposed to be serving. As priests were instead causing the people to transgress. They were committing for an occasion in the very front of the tabernacle.

They were committing adultery. They were, they were stealing. They were holding those people’s offerings, bounty for what they could receive for offering the sacrifices. They were doing all sorts of things. And God said, this isn’t going to stand my priests. Aren’t going to do this. And Eli and his sons would be replaced, but God says, I’m going to replace you with someone who will do according to what is in my heart.

And in my mind, I will build him a sure house. And he shall walk before my annoying Forever. Samuel would be that high priest, the priesthood and the family would transition in Eli’s family. His lineage would end God is serious about faithfulness. And second Timothy chapter two, Paul writes to Timothy. And as he is writing to this young preacher,

he sets a charge before Timothy, as a preacher. He instills in Timothy, the requirement that Timothy be about a particular task And That task hasn’t changed for preachers across every century from then, until now, Paul writes to Timothy and saying to any chapter two, and in verse one, he says, you, therefore, my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Yeah. Paul writes to Timothy and he says, you be on the lookout for a particular kind of person. You, as you minister, you be searching for a particular group of people. The qualification for which Paul States,

Timothy needs to be looking for is not those who are rich. Not those who are poor, not those who are tall are, those were short. Those were fat. Or those who were skinny. He says, the qualification is those who are faithful. And you find someone who’s faithful. And here’s what you do. You take the things that you’ve heard from me among many witnesses.

You take the things that are is the bulk and the meat and the body of what I’ve taught you. And you instill it into them. And Then you give them the charge to go give it to somebody else. And the prime responsibility is they function as stewards of a gift. Paul would write to the church at Corinth about the treasure that had been Placed in them as Earthen vessels.

The word of God Handed to them that they in turn should deliver it. Proclaim it, preach it faithfully to others, But not only teach it, they had to also live it. God desires, faithful men, but there’s a Psalm in the old Testament that gives a warning. And I want to spend the bulk of the rest of our time in that Psalm,

Psalm 12 is a Psalm of David. And it presents a warning. A warning that I believe is needed is resoundingly needed in our country. Not only in our congregations, but in our congregations, but in our country, in our society and in our world Was at the very heart of some of the biggest problems. Our society He has is this problem.

This Thing that David’s going To warn about, he begins help, help Lord for The godly man, Ceases for the faithful disappear from among the sons of men, David in this song cries out for God’s help. He cries out for God’s aid because he can’t find faithful men Among God’s people. This isn’t just a problem amongst the priesthood in David’s day, it’s not just about the spiritual leaders.

It’s about finding men who will Hold forth, the Attributes of faithfulness throughout their lives, throughout every aspect of their existence. And David is going to confront Using the words of the Lord, the attributes Of those who are on Faithful, Because if you want an under an understanding of God’s description of a faithful man, one of the things God will present to you is what he is not what a faithful man will not do.

What he will not be involved in. And David says, as he looks at his world, as he looks at his society, as he looks at his nation, this is all I can find. He says, verse two, they speak. I believe every one with his neighbor. As he looks down upon the people he sees idleness, He sees idol Speech.

Jesus made a point about Idle speech. He said that when the judgment comes, a man will give an account for all the words that he Speaks. And he warns against idle speech. You and I, we have an opportunity in our lives to speak hundreds of thousands of words, to communicate thoughts, emotions, feeling, instruction, desires contemplations, but as stewards of the gift of communication,

how are we using it? Are we only investing our time and effort and energies in communicating that which has no real lasting value. David looks at These individuals and he sees their interests and their speech only revolves around temporary Earthly things. And they are idle in their speech, but he goes on to say yes, That they speak with flattering lips and with a double heart,

They speak it. It’s it’s, it’s bad enough that their speech has no value, but then they turn around and they use their speech to lift up others artificially, to flatter them. When in their heart, their only desire is for themselves. One of the attributes of a faithful person, discipline Just over in the book of Proverbs that we’re not going to get into in any depth in this lesson.

But we will before this course of lessons is over, is the attribute of a faith Full friend who will tell you something that hurts, but he’ll tell it to you because you need to hear it yet. These people aren’t that kind of person. These people, that David is looking at their idol in their speech and they’re flattering in their lips. And they’re double hearted Because yeah,

Their intent is to provoke others to action that only benefits themselves. And David says, these are not faithful people, but he goes on to say, may the Lord cut off all flattering lips? As the King, as a man Can have wealth as a man of prosperity. As a man who had led others into battle had conquered, had discovered the power that existed in serving the Lord.

We know as we go through the history of David and we look at the things that he endured, the things he went through, that he was surrounded by some people who were The worst of humanity. But here’s the reality. When you have wealth, you will generally end up inevitably at some point, surrounded by people who have only that type of desire.

They’ll say anything to you, but not because they care for you, but because they want what you have. And David will say, may the Lord cut off all flattering lips and the tongue That speaks proud things. This isn’t David saying, I don’t want them to have what I have this isn’t David going, I’m selfish. And I want to keep everything I have.

And I don’t want to share with no, no, no, that’s not it David’s saying they have a problem with pride in their hearts. And it is interfering With faithfulness among the people in verse six, we read the words of the Lord are pure words. He’s accused them of idle speech, but He contrasts their idol speech With the Lord’s words. If they had set aside all of their own words,

if they had set aside all their own thoughts, if they had set aside, all of the things that they thought were they were, that were important. And just spoken the words of the Lord, he would have said, they spoke. You are words, but they wouldn’t do that. As a matter of fact, if you look at verse four,

we read who have said those who have flattering lips, those who have tongues that speak proud things they have said with our tongue, We will prevail. Our lips are our own. I’m in control. They said, I get to say whatever I want. No one can tell me what to say. I get to look out for me too. I get what I want to do,

what I want and use my Long to accomplish it. But they would also say not only our lips are our own, but who is Lord over us? A faithful man tied up in all of this is the lesson that a faithful man is a submissive man. David Looks at his people and says, I can’t find any faithful men. They’re disappearing as if someone’s coming in the midst of the night and kidnapping them.

They’re being drawn aside. They’re being drawn away into the desires of their flesh, the desires of their heart and their mind and their pride and their desire and their flattery is stealing them from faithfulness to those who are around them. And has you think back over the life of David, think about how many betrayals, those closest to him committed. And David can’t find a faithful man of his own children.

Multiple men would arise seeking to kill him and take the throne. But in verse five, he says for the oppression of the poor, for the signing of the needy, Oh, here it is. They prevail with their tongues. They use their speech to get what they want. They claim their lips are their own and no one is Lord over them,

but who are they acting against? Who are they using the build themselves up? He says, they’re using the poor. They’re using the needy Absalom. One of David’s sons would stand and would sit out side the city. And as he sought power and prominence among the people, as the people would come in to be judged, he would stop them outside the city.

And he’d say, you won’t get any judgment in there. They don’t have time for you. You’ll never get the decision that you want. If you go to the King for judgment, let me judge you. And he would sit outside the city and he would judge in favor of those who would support him. And before long, he turn The nation’s heart against their King by flattery of lips and deceitful actions.

And the oppression of the poor verse five says, now I will arise, says the Lord. Isn’t David saying, I’m going to get on my high horse and I’m going to get my army together. And we’re going to go out and we’re going to take vengeance on all these unfair, Well, men know, the Lord says, Now I will arise.

Now I will arise. As the Lord, I will set him in the safety for which he yearns. God says, I’m going to defend the poor. I’m going to defend the needy. I’m going to stand between the unfaithful And the oppressed. The words of the Lord are pure words. Silver tried in a furnace of earth. Purified seven times. You shall keep them all.

Lord use shall preserve them from this generation forever. David Expresses the necessity of treasuring up as it were of storing up God’s words, to keep them from a generation That would use them for their own profit. They would use them for their own ends. As if God is saying, I’m going to take my covenant. I’m going to take my long and take my words.

And I’m going to hold them back from you. I’m not giving them to you because you’ll only abuse them Because you are faithful in your very B verse eight says the wicked prowl on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men, David presents to God’s people, a warning. He said, you look around you and faithful. Men are disappearing.

I would say in the years I’ve been alive. And that I have had time to observe that in the church, faithful men are disappearing. We have too many men who are too Focused on This life and cannot focus on God. And because of that, they do not leave their homes. They do not lead their families. They do not instruct their children.

They do not instruct faithful men. They do not set themselves to follow the Lord. In Isaiah’s day, Isaiah would confront his generation and Isaiah chapter one. I want to read a few of the verses as we close from Isaiah chapter one, because God confronts a nation, a city of people that had the opportunity to be faithful. They still had a chance in Isaiah’s day.

They wouldn’t take it and they’re going to be judged. But Isaiah, right? And Isaiah chapter one beginning in verse 21, how the faithful city has become a harlot. One of the attributes that is specific to the idea of a harlot is someone who will do anything for money. And Isaiah confronts his generation and says, you, you used to be a faithful city,

and now you will do anything for money. Verse 21, he says it was full of justice and righteousness lodged in it. But now murderers, your silver has become draws your wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebellious. You’re in companions of thieves. Everyone loves bribes and follows after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless nor does the cause of the widow come before them.

What is it that God just talked about in Psalm chapter 12? That same thing. They will not help those in need. They will not defend the defenseless. They not serve The oppressed. They will not even give them justice For all they want is money. Therefore, the Lord says, verse 24, the Lord of hosts, the mighty one of Israel.

Ah, I will rid myself of my Adversaries. I remember Deuteronomy chapter seven. God said I will be faithful to those who love me and keep my commandments to a thousand generations. And I will be faithful to them. Those who hate me, the Lord says, ah, I will rid myself of my adversaries and take vengeance on my enemies. I will turn my hand against you.

Now he’s speaking to Israel. He says, I will turn my hand against you and thoroughly purge away your draws And take away all your alloy. I will restore your judges as at the first. And your counselors is at the beginning afterward. You shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city. He says, Israel, you were one, The faithful city.

And yet you’ve become a harlot, But I’m going to turn you around. And it won’t be a pretty experience. He says, I’m Going to burn off All the corruption. Notice he goes on. He says, Zion will be redeemed with justice and her penitence with righteousness, the destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together. And those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed for.

They shall be ashamed of the terrible trees, which you have desired. You shall be embarrassed because of the gardens, which you have chosen. He’s pointing out their idolatry. He’s pointing out their places of worship, their high places, the places they constructed to go worship the foreign gods. He says, you’re going to be embarrassed at those. I’m going to turn you against those.

He says, verse 34, you shall be as a terrible whose leaf fades. And as a garden that has no water. You’ll The dead. The strong shall be as Tinder. And the work of it as a spark, both will burn together and no one shall quench them. God’s description of a faithful man is one who loves him and keeps his commandments.

Yes, but One who will not allow Injustice to continue. One who will not turn a blind eye To oppression. One who will not Set aside justice for profit, but also One who will not flatter To engross themselves, who will, I’ll not speak idle words instead of the word of the Lord, who will not be double hearted and Double tongue. But God makes it clear to the unfaithful.

When I judge you, no one will stop me. No one will hold me back. And as he Takes the analogy of the strong one who has been turned into Tinder, they’re so dried out. They’re they’re like the forests in California. He alight. Imagine there’s no stopping it Because I’m going to take the strong ones among you. And I’m going to be that.

And I’m going to take their own, works their own deeds. And I’m going to light them on fire with it. And no one Will quench my judgment. God is faithful to those who love him and keep his commandments and to those who hate him as well. So the question is which one are we? And are we faithful? And not only faithful,

but producing more, who are faithful for that is part of our faithfulness. You’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ. You stand in a position of judgment. These days, Hebrews chapter nine tells us this. Life’s going to be over. You’re going to stand before God in judgment. Because of that, you need to know where you stand.

Do you stand God as One who is faithful? If you’re outside the body of Christ, you don’t. Because while God loves those who love him and keep his commandments. One of his commandments is the requirement for salvation. The requirement of obedience to enter into the body of Christ, the place where salvation has found the church for which Christ died. And he shed his blood.

You enter into that body by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Jesus said, except you believe that I am. He you’ll die in your sins. Paul wrote it this way. Either. You are one who believes in him, or you are an alien from him, separated from him and an enemy of God.

You can’t be both. And you can’t find a third option. You’re either one or the other. Having believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You have to conform your life to him. The one who loves God and keeps his commandments, but conforming your life means repenting of your sins and confessing the name of Christ, submitting to him and being immersed in water,

dying to your old self, rising in again, to walk in newness of life, Romans chapter six, verses three and four, and then being faithful until death because revelation chapter two tells us James chapter one tells us that the one who’s faithful unto death will receive a crown of life. So if you want to know when this life is over, exactly which category you fit into,

faithful or unfaithful, and there’s only two, that’s where you need to begin. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and your faithfulness looks like it’s disappearing. If David would look at your life and go, no, I’m looking for a faithful man. And that’s not one. Maybe it’s time to turn around. You have need of the invitation for any reason why not come now as we stand in,

as we sing<inaudible> from the source.<inaudible><inaudible> well, you<inaudible> to the fountain free. Well, you<inaudible> me. The<inaudible> here. The welcome call is a fountain up for, Oh, there’s a living stream with a crystal gleam.<inaudible> hear the call for free. They go, Oh, well you come to the fountain free. Will you<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,

open for, Oh, there’s a rock that’s<inaudible><inaudible> and it’s dream. I see. Let<inaudible> to the fountain free. Well, you<inaudible> thirsty<inaudible> you may be seated. Sandra comes forward saying she hasn’t been faithful. It hasn’t been focused on spiritual things. The way she wants To be been too focused on discomforts. She wants to do better.

And we are overjoyed for that. We all throughout our lives have difficulty keeping focus on what’s important. And I think that’s why so much of scripture focuses us back. If we’ll Listen to what’s important, What to pray for Cassandra right now, Not only that she will be forgiven, But that her direction and focus Will become what she desires for it to be.

But that she will also be an example for all of us to do the same. Let’s pray our gracious father in heaven. Come before you at this time with tender hearts, care, concern and love for our sister, Cassandra and her desire to be faithful, her desire to become closer to you and to focus on the turtle more than the temporal. Each one of us needs that desire as well and are encouraged by her example of repentance and willingness to say,

I can do better. We pray for Cassandra that you will forgive her. She repents of these things, that you will aid her in setting her feet on a right path. We also pray that we will be an encouragement and a comfort and a strength and a bulwark for her as she goes through this journey of setting things, right? We ask that you be with this congregation as a whole,

in our faithfulness, we ask that you bless this family that we have here, that we watch out for one another and we help one another. In our struggles, we pray for continued blessings, Cassandra and forgiveness and grace and mercy, as they are sought. And as they are offered through the blood of your son, all this, we pray in Jesus name.

Amen. For the closing, prayer will be number 642. Let the loan Or lights be burning. All things Right? Lee beams off there’s mercy from his NA side house<inaudible> but to a us, he gives a key PE of the nights.<inaudible><inaudible> send a gleam, a cross<inaudible> struggling. See man, you may rescue. You may say,

Hey dog.<inaudible><inaudible> for the lights.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> struggling. See man, you may rescue<inaudible><inaudible> some<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> sin Glebe, a cross<inaudible> struggling. See man,<inaudible> Let us bow. Dear God, our father in heaven, we truly are so thankful that we’ve been able to gather today to worship Eve, to be able to study from your word and be guided by those principles that you have set for us to live by father.

We’re grateful for every member of this body of Christ here. We’re so thankful for the love that we have for each other. And we pray father that as we go through life, that we not only demonstrate that love to our physical family, but our spiritual family. And they, we have thoughts of an eternal nature. That those are the things that got our ways upon this earth that we realized that we have what a short time to do your will,

and to try to reach others with the gospel and to try to become the fateful that truly care more about things of any eternal nature than those of a physical nature. We pray father that you give us the strength and the courage to do those things that might reach out to those that are lost. Those things that might encourage those that have fallen away from you,

that they too might want to come back and be faithful. Father help us each day that we live, that we look to your word, that we might always direct our lives in the proper direction that we always are about trying to demonstrate our love for others in our care and concern and compassion for one another, strengthen us as we go through life. We’re so thankful for the lesson that Aaron so adequately covered this morning,

we should ponder upon those thoughts and be concerned with how we are living our lives. Bless us as we’re about to depart, strengthen us. As we continue to look to your word in Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

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Why Did Christ Give Himself? – Admonition 320

In Admonition Podcast by Web Administrator

Ephesians 5:25-26 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,
 Why did Christ give himself for the church? In Ephesians chapter five, we read, in verse 26, the first reason, That he might sanctify and cleanse her with washing of water by the word.
 But, we also read the second reason that he might present her to himself a glorious church. Does that describe your church?
 Does that describe the group of people that you belong to? A glorious church presented to Christ and submissive to him.
 For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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Why Did Christ Give Himself?

In Admonition, Podcasts by Aaron Cozort


Ephesians 5:25-26


Ephesians 5:25-26 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,


Why did Christ give himself for the church? In Ephesians chapter five, we read, in verse 26, the first reason, That he might sanctify and cleanse her with washing of water by the word.

But, we also read the second reason that he might present her to himself a glorious church. Does that describe your church?

Does that describe the group of people that you belong to? A glorious church presented to Christ and submissive to him.

For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit www.colliervillecoc.org.

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Watch more of Aaron’s videos about Salvation, the Gospel, the good news, the gospel message salvation, and in-depth studies of the books of the Bible by visiting https://cozort.org, and Collierville church of Christ.

This video is a production of Collierville Christian Radio, the Collierville church of Christ, and the Gospel Broadcasting Network.

Aaron Cozort is the preacher for the Collierville church of Christ.

The Collierville church of Christ meets on Sundays morning and afternoon at 575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN 38017.
To learn more about the Collierville church of Christ, visit colliervillecoc.org

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01-03-2021 – Matthew 6 (Class) & God’s Definition of “Faithful? (Part 1) (Sermon)

In Bible Classes Videos, Live Streams, Sermons by Aaron Cozort

JESUS – Matthew 6
The Sermon on the Mount (continued): Charity, Prayer, Fasting, Riches

  1. When an individual does an act of charity or prays or fasts, he should do so (a) sounding a trumpet, (b) before men to be noticed by them, (c) in secret, or (d) putting on a gloomy face. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
  2. (yes or no) Did Jesus teach the disciples how to pray in his Sermon on the Mountain? Matthew 6:9-13
  3. (yes or no) Will the heavenly Father forgive those who do not forgive other people? Matthew 6:14-15
  4. Where should an individual store up treasures?
    Why? Matthew 6:19-21
  5. (yes or no) Can an individual serve God and riches at the same time?
    Matthew 6:24
  6. A person should seek first (a) food, (b) drink, (c) clothing, or (d) Jesus’ Kingdom. Matthew 6:24-33
  7. In teaching the disciples not to be anxious, Jesus did not use the example of (a) birds, (b) pharisees, (c) human life span, (d) lilies, or (e) grass.
    Matthew 6:26-32

Automated Transcript:

I watch disagrees with the clock, but you know what? We start based upon my watch. I get extra time. So ha ha Just got to convince Tommy that we start off by my watch and we end by that clock. That’s that’s the key there We are in Matthew chapter six, Appreciate Michael filling in for me while I was gone and got a chance to listen to most of the class.

He did a good job. Appreciate that. We’ll have a few things to say about Matthew five, as we, as we get into chapter six, as we go through the chapter, but we won’t do very much talking about it simply because otherwise we won’t get through chapter six, Let’s begin with a word of prayer, Our gracious father in heaven. We come before you thankful for the day.

You’ve granted to us for the life that we have, the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that you watch over us and help us to always strive to be faithful to you in all things, to care for you and for your kingdom and for your word above all the riches in the world, help us to understand the value of eternal things over physical things.

As we begin this new year, we are mindful of the year that we have just gone through. And we’re mindful of the opportunities that we’ve had, the areas where we’ve fallen short in the areas where we still need to grow. We pray that is we go through this next year, that we will focus better on serving you each and every day that we will always seek to be faithful to you no matter what comes,

no matter the difficulties that lie ahead or the blessings that lie ahead, may we always remember to focus on you? We ask that you forgive us. When we sin and fall short of your glory, we pray that you be with those who are dealing with illness and injury and difficulty at this time. And especially those who are dealing with coronavirus and loss of loved ones.

Those in the hospital, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Matthew chapter six. The chapter begins with take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men to be seen by them. Every time I read that I cannot help. But think about all the businesses you walk into, especially large corporations that are always posting up on the wall,

how much money they give Every Walmart you’ve ever walked into how much money they give to local charities, how much money they Amazon’s always talking about how much money they give to this, give to that. And yet Jesus Said, take Heed that you do not do your charitable deeds Before men. This is not a condemnation of here’s someone in need and here’s someone passing by,

but there’s a third person over here. Who’s a spectator and Jesus has no, no, no, no, no. Don’t help that person in need while the spectators present that that’s not what this is about. This also isn’t about the idea that no one can know what good things have been done. You go forward to second Corinthians chapter eight and nine,

where Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. And Paul will use the willingness of the church of Corinth to towards the poor Jewish Christians that are undergoing famine and difficulties and persecutions from their own nation. And he’ll use the willingness of the church at Corinth to give towards that effort, to encourage the churches of Macedonia to also give now, wait a minute,

is Paul contradicting Jesus because he’s taking what one church is doing and he’s telling another church about it. No, here’s the idea Jesus is saying and is speaking concerning motivation. This particular idea is more closely akin to what we find over in the book of acts. Turn to acts chapter acts chapter five. I believe it is Beginning in verse 32, actually acts chapter four,

acts chapter four, verse 32. Now the multitudes of those who believed were of one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common and with great power, the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord. Jesus and great grace was upon the mall nor was there anyone among them who lacked for all who had,

who were possessors of land or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold and laid them at the apostles feet. And they distributed to each as anyone had need. And Joseph<inaudible>, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles, which is translated the son of encouragement, a Levi of the country of Cyprus having land sold it and brought the money and laid it at the Apostle’s feet.

Now, when Barnabas brought this money that he had, because he sold this land and he laid it at the Apostle’s feet. Did he tell everybody who was at the room now clear the room? I don’t want anybody. Nobody can see what I’m doing. No. As a matter of fact, news concerning what he had done spread throughout the Christians. And we know that it did because you pick up in chapter five,

verse one, but a certain man named Anna Niaz and Safira his wife sold a possession and he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it and brought a certain part and laid it at the Apostle’s feet. Now we’ve probably all gone through this at one time before in, in our lives and in our studies, but there was nothing wrong with the fact that Anna Safira sold something and only gave part of the proceeds.

As a matter of fact, Peter will point out over here a little later. I think it’s verse eight. Peter answered her. Tell me whether you sold the land for so much. She said yes, for so much. Then Peter said to her, how is it that you have agreed together to test the spirit of the Lord? Look, the feet of those who have buried,

your husband are at the door and they will carry you out. If you go back just back in verse four, after Anna Niaz comes and lies to, to Peter and the Holy spirit concerning what he has done, we read in verse four while it remained, that is the possession, the land while it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold,

was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God, because what Anna NEI and Safira did is they brought the possession. They brought the proceeds and instead of giving all of it, they claimed they gave all of it, but kept some of it back. And so in Doing this,

what’s your seeing, what would we get out of the text is they wanted to be known and have the reputation like Barnabas of being these charitable givers, Without the actual sacrifice of giving everything. Barnabas take took everything that he profited from, from the sale of the land and gave all of it. They wanted the notoriety of giving all of it without actually giving all of it.

What was the problem? Their charitable action was being done out of selfish. NIS. Does that mean they had no care, no concern at all, for those who were poor, those who were struggling, I don’t know, but the reality is they lied. The reality is they lied and they had a motivation for doing it. And that motivation was pride and selfishness.

And self-interest the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to have when you’re trying to be benevolent towards others. So Jesus begins Matthew chapter six, by saying, take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you,

As the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory from men, a Shirley, I say to you, they have Reward so often we’ll see, great Big fan and all of this being done to, to show how benevolent some and quite often it’s some very rich person is by doing something in view of their riches, small for someone who’s in great need yet.

There’s great fanfare. And then the news is going to cover it. And we’re going to tell everybody I think about it. Jesus said, don’t do that. Do what needs to be done Without drawing attention to the fact that you’re Doing what needs to be done. He goes on to say, but when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

That your charitable deed may be in secret. And your father who sees in secret will himself reward you. You openly, we don’t need to take this passage to extremes was Told of one congregation hears ago That they had the, the giving plate behind the curtain, Reach in with one hand and put in your offering. But she couldn’t take the other hand and put it inside the curtain because then the left hand would know what the right hand Was doing.

Somehow I think there Was something disconnected right around Here. Okay. This is an analogy. Okay. This is a point that Jesus is making concerning one, striving to being known for something. Instead of doing something, recognizing who they are, They really are. And what I, I mean by that is when a person gives recognizing that what they’re giving doesn’t belong to them.

It belongs to God. Then why should they get any recognition for having given it? Hey, look, I gave what doesn’t belong to me to somebody else Now glorify me. No, You are a steward of What you have. The question is, are you a faithful steward or not? And so Jesus makes the point that your charitable deed may be in secret.

And your father who sees in secret will reward You openly the emphasis of this entire passage, Which will lead all the way till the end of this chapter is do what you do so that you are obedient and faithful to God and leave the rest Up to him. If God wants you to be recognized, then God will make sure you’re recognized. If God wants you to be exalted,

then God can take care of exalting you. If God wants you to be blessed because of what you do, then God can take care of blessing you. The difference is in verses one through four, Jesus is accusing individuals of being more concerned about their own situation. Being more concerned about their own blessings, their own rewards, Then serving God. And Jesus said,

you’ve got it in the wrong order. Don’t neglect doing good, but serve God First and allow him to take care of you verse five. And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites For, they love to pray standing in the synagogues. It’s interesting. He keeps referencing hypocrites here. If you go back to chapter five, he will say,

accept your righteousness, exceed the righteousness of who the Pharisees you shall by no Means enter the kingdom Of God. And now he’s gone through over and over and over again and said, hypocrites, hypocrites. He doesn’t, he hasn’t said Pharisees, Pharisees, but he keeps describing the positions Of the Pharisees and the priests and the teachers of the law. They’re the ones who stand up in front of the synagogue.

They’re the ones who get the trumpets blown in the synagogue and, and out in the street, whenever they do good deeds, they’re the ones He’s Contrasting righteousness against. He said, you can either be like them. You can be like the people who are always tooting their own horn, or You can be righteous, which you can’t be both. He goes on to say,

when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites for, they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the street that they may be seen by men. Again, the thing under discussion, the thing being talked about is the attitude Food of self That they may be seen by as Shirley, I say to you, they have their reward,

but you, when you pray, go into your room and when you have shut your door, pray to your father who was in the secret place. And your father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Is this Jesus saying, no, the only place we ever need to pray is in a room all by ourselves with the door. No. And yet what Jesus speaks of is an attitude.

That Is one that we need to be cautious about, that we are not doing, Doing something for pride or recognition growing up when I was a, what I would still do, I consider to be a boy when I was younger, teenage years. And around that time, you know, if in the congregation where I grew up, if you got up and led a prayer,

if you got up and, and led singing, if you got up and served on Lord’s table, there were going to be seven or eight people who came up to you afterwards, whether you did a good job or a terrible job who told you how good of a job you did? Why were they doing Encouragement? They were attempting to bolster the attitude Dude of service Way to against the attitude of Nervousness and shyness.

And so Well-meaning and, and very spiritual and very mindful of thoughtful individuals will come up and say, you did a great, Good job, keep it up. Now there’s a Benefit and a potential negative to that Because you Can end up having an individual who eventually only serves for the compliments they get For the Things that they get told at for the gratification that comes by doing it.

And you, you might’ve seen this happen a few times in, in other areas of life, somebody is known for doing something. They do it all the time. They do it on a regular basis, and they’re always talked about for doing it. And then for whatever reason, time and, and forgetfulness, Somebody doesn’t mention what it is that they did.

Yeah. And the next time the opportunity rolls around. They don’t do it. And the next time the opportunity rolled around, they don’t do it. And you go and ask what, what happened? Oh, well so-and-so or nobody appreciates me. Nobody ever thanks me for it. They’ve been thanked for 30 years for doing it, but that hasn’t built up quite enough,

ego to last for the next 10 years of not being thanked for doing it. What’s the problem. The problem is they started at some point, not saying they did it the entire time, but at some point they stopped doing it because it was the thing that needed to be done. And they started doing it because they were getting recognized for doing it.

And we need to be careful about that at the same time. Let me say unequivocally, especially with young individuals striving to do something that’s outside their comfort zone. We should definitely encourage them for doing so, but he says, and when you pray, verse seven, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do for, they think that they will be heard for their many words.

Therefore do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask him, this passage always reminds me of a lie. He’s there on the mountain with the Fort 100 profits veil. And they’re, they’re crying out and dancing around and throwing themselves around and cutting themselves and trying to get bailed, light the sacrifice on fire and with all their many words and all this time,

they spend doing it until they’re exhausted and basically collapsed on the ground. They don’t get anything to happen. And Elijah prayed. He’s what, after dousing the whole altar with water after all of the things that praise, once fire comes down from heaven and sets whole thing on fire, was it the long prayer that he got? Well, it was the fact that God knew what he needed before he ever opened his mouth.

And so he says, therefore, do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask interesting point, he’s just lowered the hypocrites, the Pharisees, the Sadducees describes the teachers to the same level as the pagan. Okay? He said, this is what the heathen do. They’re vain repetitions over and over again, thinking they’ll accomplish something.

And these hypocrites are no better than them in this manner. Therefore pray our father in heaven, hallowed, be your name, your kingdom, come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our debts. As we forgive our debtors, sometimes we have a mentality of forgive us our debts,

and then we’ll forgive our debtors. Take, take care of me first, but Jesus wants us to go the other direction. Jesus wants us and all all through this passage. This is, this whole section is about this idea. Do for others, do for God before you do for you do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Amen. There is there’s. There’s just far more that could be said about those verses than I have time to even dwell on. So we’re, we’re going to leave that for another time. He goes then to this, he says for, if you forgive men, their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you out of this prayer. He focuses on forgiveness.

They seek the wiping away of debts in a country that has spent more money in the last year than we spent from the government’s perspective in the last 10 years, which one costs more the entire national debt or one souls sins, which one costs more one soul sin, because you could get enough gold to pay off the national debt. It exists somewhere in the world,

but there’s not enough gold in all the vaults, in all the places in all the world to pay for one person sins, forgive us our debts. As we forgive Our debtors for, if you forgive men, their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you the opposite. It is also true, but if you do not forgive men, their trespasses,

neither will your father forgive your trust. Facets. John would write to the church in the first century and he would tell them that the blood of Christ continually cleanses their sins. But then he’ll remind them If any man says he has no sin, He’s a liar. And the truth is not in it. He wants it to be clear that there’s no one who stands on the pinnacle of all the rest of the church,

untouched by sin, untouched by transgression and standing there alone saying, I don’t have to forgive anybody because nobody has Forgive me because I’m perfect. But as we look at this, as we back up, as he’s talking about forgiveness, what is he really talking about? Who is the person who will not forgive someone else, a hypocrite, a person who’s more interested in themselves than the other person.

The person who will not forgive Is not the person who’s been so maligned. They Possibly forgive. No, no, no, no. That’s not who it is. Person who will not forgive is the person who has so lost. The view of their own needs, Needs that they no longer care for the needs of others. All through this passage, All through this text,

Jesus Has been talking about the, The relationship we have towards our selves And How it affects the relationship we have with everyone, Including God, Because the person who is so filled with pride, so filled with indignation, so filled with themselves. So filled with selfishness that they will not forgive. Jesus Says you have condemned yourself because if you won’t forgive God,

won’t forgive you. Moreover, when you fast do not be like the hypocrites with a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear to men to be fasting assuredly. I say to you, they have their reward, but you, when you fast anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear to be, to appear to men,

to be fasting, but to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly. He’s not changed discussions. He’s not changed topics the entire time, all going all the way back into the discussion in chapter six, verse one about charitable deeds. He’s not changed topics at all. He’s just applied it to different areas.

He’s applied it to charitable deeds and giving and helping others. He’s applied it to prayer. He’s applied it to forgiveness. He’s now going to apply it to fasting question. Is there any place actually, let me, let me back up one question before I jump ahead of the horse here, what is fasting doing without something? And generally in scripture, it’s specifically doing without what food and or drink liquids or,

or, or solids. Okay. Sometimes it’s just one. Sometimes it’s, it’s both. When Jesus fasted in the wilderness, was it him fasting from food and drink? It have to be just food. How long did he fast 40 days. Can you go that long without any liquids? Nope. 70% water. About that time. You’re around 50% and you’re dead.

All right. Not going to happen. But when Satan came and tempted him, what did he say? Turn this water into earth. He started turning this stone into water bread, turn, turn this stone into bread. Depending upon the circumstance. Sometimes it was a complete, fast from everything. It was, it was quite literally the idea of, and this was generally connected to morning,

but it was the idea of withholding really anything from yourself. This is not something we in America tend to do on a regular basis. And some, I actually know some people who have fasted. I know some who fast on, on a regular basis. Not that I know personally, but that I have talked to or heard from, but what’s the reason for it.

If biblically speaking, not, not talking about people who were not talking about dieting, what’s the reason biblically speaking for fasting. There’s primarily two reasons. Say what? All right, a focus on spiritual cleansing or repentance quite often, what was the other? Okay. So the, the other main focus that we see in scripture is morning or sorrow, whether that be a,

for a national reason, quite often, you would find individuals fasting because of the wickedness of, of the nation of Israel. But this, this always was, was supposed to be a spiritual discipline of withholding. Your natural needs to focus your mind on something more important. And this isn’t a bad thing. I think sometimes we look at it at fasting and go,

well, we don’t need to do that today. We don’t need to focus our minds on more important things. I don’t know that that’s true. Are we commanded under the new Testament to do it today? No, we’re not commanded to do it, but there was only one occasion under the old Testament where they were commanded to do it. So, you know,

a lot of times we’ll look at the old Testament, all the, you know, that fasting, that’s an old Testament thing. No, it’s not. There’s only one specific area or commandment concerning fasting in the old Testament. The fact that there’s one less under the new Testament doesn’t mean that it’s not something that we ought to participate in. It is the same idea as God says,

be still and know that I am God now because there’s no commandment in the new Testament about being still to recognize that God is who he is. Does that mean that we shouldn’t occasionally take opportunities to shove aside everything else, turn everything off and pay attention to the fact that God is now. That’s a setting aside physical to focus on spiritual. Well, that’s all that fasting is about,

but it is a poignant way of doing it because after you get past a certain number of hours, as most of us are familiar with your stomach starts to remind you it’s time to eat. One of the things that fasting does is every time you’re reminded by your body, that you’re hungry, that is used as a prompt for you to think on that spiritual thing that you’re focusing on.

And so you’re using your natural senses to focus your attention on a spiritual thing. Okay? Here’s the problem with what they were doing. They were fasting the hypocrites, they were fasting and they would do so on a regular basis, they would do so without any specific reason, except that they would, you know, they wouldn’t clean their face. They look like they they’d had a rough rough day,

rough night, rough, whatever. And then they’d go out among the people so that people could go, Oh, he’s fasting. Ah, he’s, he’s really, he’s really spiritual. Jesus said, go wash your face, go clean yourself up. Don’t do a spiritual act. That is between you and God to be seen of men and recognized for your spirituality.

He said, when you do that, your spirituality is all the reward you get. The recognition you get in public is all the reward you’ll ever get because God will not reward you for that. You’ve missed the boat. And so today, if somebody chooses or a congregation chooses or a whole nation chooses to have a time of prayer and fasting, there’s nothing wrong with that,

but needs to be done for the right reason. It needs to be done. Not so that Facebook posts can be put every hour. I’m dying. I’m all I’m going to get through this fast, you know, pointing out to everybody around them, that they’re fasting, do spiritual things for the reason you should do them. And that is your spiritual growth and your connection to God and then teach others to do them,

but don’t do it to be seen by others. So then he says, do not lay up for yourselves, treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves, treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also all throughout the sermon on the Mount.

Jesus will focus on Possessions Over and over and over and over again. Possessions and Jesus will point out that his focus on possessions is not really a focus on possessions. His focus on possessions is a warning to say, focus on spiritual things and not possessions. Yeah. Is there a condemnation given by Jesus against those who have possessions a blanket condemnation? No.

As a matter of fact, it would be those who had possessions that would help Jesus in his ministry. Who’s one person that we might think, or one family we might think of who had possessions that helped Jesus, some siblings, Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Did they have a house? Yes. Did Jesus use their house? Yes, he did.

Did they have enough money to buy a burial plot for their brother when he died? Yes. Did Mary have enough money to give a very expensive gift of anointing Jesus before his death? Yes. That was a family that had possession, But what was more important to the family? Their possession Or Jesus Jesus. One time you see really, and even a little bit of a hint of,

of the opposite is where Jesus confronts Martha, because she’s frustrated that her sister’s not helping her serve. And Jesus points out to her that Mary has chosen the greater Thing, the word of God. And so he says, do not lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven or treasures on the earth. If we set aside, Put, Put in investments, put in savings,

this is, this has nothing to do, zero to do with wise stewardship, nothing to do with it. This has everything to do with where is your heart? And Jesus said, if your heart is there and riches in possessions and clothing and gold and silver and money and all the things he’s about to talk about here at the end of the chapter,

he said, you’ve missed it because that stuff, number one will still be here when you’re gone. And number two may not even stay with you while you’re here because it decades or someone along the way comes in and steals what you have. Yup, absolutely. You know, you, you see, even, you know, the, the perspective of the century ans as,

as Jesus is hanging there on the cross and they’re like, well, let’s, let’s cast lots for the garbage, eh, we we’re, we’re not, not tearing in pieces. It’s it’s interwoven. It’s all one piece. So, you know, we can’t can’t divide it, but he doesn’t need it anymore. You know, he’s got no use words.

So somebody is going to get some use out of it. Okay. Focus on the right thing. Now he’s still not changed discussion at all. He’s moved from charitable deeds to your prayer, to your forgiveness, to your fasting, to your treasure. He’s still talking about the same thing, your relationship to you. Okay? He says, if the lamp of the body is the eye,

if there is, if therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness. How great is that darkness? If your inward person has become corrupted so that all you see becomes evil, what was it that God accused the people in Noah’s day of being people who every thought of their heart was only evil.

Continually. They could see something good and in their mind, they’d turn it to evil. No one can serve two Masters for either, right? He will hate the one and love the other LT will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon, right? The application is money, but the gratification of money is always the gratification of What self Back of all of this.

As selfishness back of all of this is pride back of all of this is a care about self, more than a love of God. Go back to chapter five real quick. And then we’ll read through and pick up the rest of this verse. Three, blessed are the what? Poor in spirit. Verse four, blessed are those who Mourn, But verse five,

blessed are the MI verse six. Blessed are those who, what Hunger And thirst after righteousness. What is that? That is the desire of the Heart. Not For gold, silver possessions recognition, the, the praise of men, but for righteousness, blessed are the merciful. Blessed are the pure in heart. Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.

All of these things begin first, First in the inward person, a decision to serve God over self. Okay? So He says, verse 25, do not worry. Or therefore I say to you do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body. What you will put on is not life more than food in the body.

More than clothing. Look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not of more value than They, which of you By worrying can add one cubit to his stature. So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin.

And yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not Like one of these. Now, if God, so clothes, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven. Will he not much more closely? Oh, you of little faith, therefore do not worry Saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink?

Or what shall we wear for after all these things, the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father knows that you have needs Of all these things. Now, as we, as we conclude this, I want to remind you God Israel. And while all of these things draw forward to the church, the audience for the discussion is not the church. The audience for the discussion are the Israelites.

Why do you think he said, you have heard it said, but I say unto you, those are, those are attributes of the law. Those are the aspects of the law that they had abused, misused torn apart to gratify themselves, to do what they wanted to do. And now he sets a contrast between them and the Gentiles, because all along the way,

going all the way back to Deuteronomy chapter six, where Israel is hold hero Israel, the Lord, thy, God is one God and thou shall love the Lord. Thy God, with all thy heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, with all by mind, all the way back there. They were warned that when they got into the land and when they began to,

to glean the fields, they didn’t plant. And when they lived in houses, they didn’t build. And when they took over land that they didn’t do anything to toil to create. They might forget God and forget who put them there to begin with. And Jesus reminds these Israelites and his disciples and us today that God can take nothing and give you everything out of it.

And he can take someone who is nothing and make them everything. So what are we worried about if we will, but learn the lessons of the Israelites to love God first, but seek first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

There’s any one passage. That’s one of the hardest things in all scripture to do. I dare say that’s whatever. Alright, we’ll go through the questions on Wednesday night. As we start our review for chapter seven, I can’t help, but look outside and see the beautiful weather and the beautiful day that we have today and what a beautiful day we have to enjoy.

We are proud to see some visitors with us today. We want you to know that you’re our honored guests. And if you would look in the Pew in front of you and there’s a colored card there, if you’d fill it out and just leave it on, the seat are handed to any one of us and we’ll see to it, that it gets to the right place.

We are indeed proud that you chose to come our way while we’re on that subject. As you came in the door, there is a table with the communion cups. If you have not had the opportunity to pick up a little cup of bread and a little cup of grape juice, be sure and do that. It’s a good time to do it right now.

Go back and get it. And you’ll be prepared for the communion service. When we have that, I’ve got a fair number of announcements. So please bear with me here. We need to remember our sick Joan Springer. She’s doing a little bit better. Robin woods, Jessica Dale. She’s here with us today. Also doing a little bit better. Tory Heinz Ellie,

likewise, I think is at least holding her own Dorothy and Rodale. Wilson are both still suffering from their sorta chronic pains. Janie Marlin is doing much better. And ed Richardson, Shell’s dad has a fractured spine. I think he’s doing about the same as I understand. And we want to keep these people in our prayers. We also have some other people,

relatives that are in need of our prayers. Diane O’Neill’s aunt Jean. Sconiers had a stroke in addition to be hospitalized with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. She’s struggling with her speech since the stroke. And she’s back in a nursing home. Also Diana’s nephew’s wife, Natalie temple found out that she has had a cancer that is spreading and not sure what her treatment plan will be,

but that is being dealt with as we speak also Alicia and Maddie bond have been exposed and are showing symptoms of COVID. I guess they have it. They will have to wait for three to seven days for the results of their tests before they actually know, but I’m sure they’re under quarantine right now. We have several of our members that are suffering from back problems.

Michael stacks is home with back problems. Pam chafing is with us today. She says, her back is getting better. And of course, Gladys Lyles is dealing with, with that as well. So these are other people that we need to keep in our prayers. Alena sharp, Shelly stacks, mother has double pneumonia and Marsa infects you and your head wound.

You know, that Marsa is a very serious bacterial infection that is very resistant to all the drugs, very difficult. So keep them in your prayers. Lucky Hanks is in Methodist over in the woman’s section. We tease him about that a little bit, but he’s had some heart problems and it’s pretty much expected that he will probably be getting a pacemaker put in to keep his rhythm in order.

That’s all of the, Oh, wait a minute. I’ve got one more. Dorothy Wilson got a good result from her stress test and she is perhaps going to be improving here, but her grandchildren, Shane and Taylor, that both used to worship here from time to time are suffering from the Corona virus. I think that’s all of our sick people and we just need,

need to be aware of these people and keep them in our prayers. Don’t forget. Potter’s children’s home pantry item for January is dish soap. You can bring that and put it on the little cart as you come into the four year old on the left-hand side. The men’s business meeting will be next Monday night, not this Monday night, but next Monday a week,

week and a half from now or a week and a day from now. And if you have any agenda items, please sign, put them on the list on the bulletin board or make sure that one of the men get them and we’ll get it to the right place. That’s all the announcements. Thank goodness. And the service today, Michael Dale will be leading our singing.

Terry Sanderson has the opening prayer. The Lord’s supper will be officiated by Eric Halvorson. The sermon with Aaron Cozort and Joe caisson has the closing prayer. Thank you for your attendance. Our opening song this morning will be number one, 144 O worship the King O worship the King. Oh, worship<inaudible> and gray Foley. See here’s Wanda for a shill.

Dan.<inaudible> a billion Dan Splenda and<inaudible><inaudible> it’s dreams from the Hills and send to the play. Hey and sweetly.<inaudible> nah,<inaudible> children de us and<inaudible> and<inaudible> find the two CS turned to the G and a greedy. And<inaudible>. So before our opening prayer will be number 797. Lord, we come before the now Lord, we come before the<inaudible>.

Oh dude.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible> and I know<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the God pre the<inaudible> free.<inaudible> sorry.<inaudible> Right. Father walked in heaven. We thank to you for this beautiful first day of the week. The opportunity do we have to come together as that children who sang these songs, praise into the,

into worship, they just study a portion of I where we pray that the things that we learned here today will be in a quarter for that wheel. We pray that we can use these things to further that kingdom in this community, we pray that you would be with all of the ones that have been mentioned today to their sick and unable to be with us.

We pray that you would be with all of the ones that are suffering from the COVID virus. The ones that we know from this congregation and friends and all that and all over the world, we pray that you would be with him and comfort him. We pray that you would keep us safe from it. And then we try to do the things that the health people are advising us today.

We pray that you would be with our military people that are away from home. We pray that you keep them safe, comfort their families while they are away. We pray that you would be with the teachers of his congregation, that they continue to teach the truth and to help to save souls in this community. We pray that she would go with us and keep us safe and forgive us when we do wrong.

In Christ’s name, we pray amen. Song to prepare our minds for the Lord. Separate will be number 337. Hallelujah. What a savior man?<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> claim<inaudible><inaudible> Hey man.<inaudible> he used<inaudible><inaudible> blah<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> was he man,<inaudible> be<inaudible> lifted up. Was he too? Ah<inaudible> and<inaudible> ah, ah,<inaudible> when he comes<inaudible> is Ryan some to Bri then a new song.

Well, seeing<inaudible> We now have the opportunity to celebrate the ultimate sacrifice that God made for each and every one of us here. And that is when he sent his son here to live with us amongst here on earth and teach us, but ultimately die on that cross at Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins. Join me as we pray for the bread,

God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for your son. And we know it was a difficult and an ultimate sacrifice that you made for us. The center’s here on earth, but we are so grateful that you made that choice, that your son may hang on at cruel cross at Calvary. And as we prepare to take this bread,

which represents his body, let us remember exactly what that represents. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Our father. We come to you giving you thanks for everything you have done for us. And as we prepare to partake of this fruit of the vine, which represents your son’s blood, that he shed for our sins, help us to ponder that and truly think about what that means that his blood was shed for us.

He died for us so that we may have our sins forgiven. So we may live with you and heaven. One day, we pray this through your son’s name. Amen. Let me take this opportunity to say a prayer for the offering. God, our father in heaven. We know that it is from you, that all of our blessings truly flow.

And we are so thankful for each and every one of them. And as we prepare to give back a portion of this, to your needs and your works by donating funds to this church. So we may use these funds to further the spread of your word and your gospel here on earth. We ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart.

And we ask that you help the men of this congregation that oversee these funds, make decisions that are rightful and truly in helping spread your word. Those that are less Fortunate than us. And that is those that have not heard your word so that they may have that same opportunity we have as live with you forever. One day in eternity, we pray this through your son,

Jesus name, amen. The song before the lesson will be number 431 and break thou the bread of life. If you’re able to stand for this song, please, number 431<inaudible><inaudible> to me<inaudible> let’s see<inaudible> to me, to me. See<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> peace ma Oh, eh. Oh, you may be seated. Good morning. Good to be home.

It’s good to see each and every one of you, especially our visitors, Glad to have your presence with us, hope that you can make it a regular opportunity. This year in 2021, we are going to take one lesson each month. We’re going to focus on a word throughout the year that I believe has a great deal of emphasis for us and a great deal of import into our society,

our life and our existence today. That word is the word faithful. We’re going to begin that study looking at God’s description of a faithful man or a faithful person in order to get God’s perspective on this idea of faithful. We could look in the new Testament, but I really think we have to begin in the old Testament. Deuteronomy chapter nine, sorry.

Deuteronomy chapter seven. And in verse nine, God is speaking to Israel as they are preparing to go into the promised land. And he says to them beginning in verse nine, he says, therefore know that the Lord, your God, he is God. He begins with this premise that God Jehovah God, the Lord, God. The one who brought them out of Egypt is God.

And when God says I am God, he doesn’t mean I am one God, among many. He has shown beyond any doubt through his actions with Egypt. He is the true and living God. And so he says, therefore know that the Lord, your God, he is the Lord, your God. He is God. And notice this description, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations,

with those who love him and keep his commandments. As we begin this study concerning this idea of being faithful of faithfulness and everything it touches in our lives understand that God first desires requires commands faithfulness, because he is faithful. You and I, we make promises. We make commitments. We make agreements. And if we’re honest, and if we are those of sound,

mind, and striving to be what God would have us to be our intent, when we make those agreements is to fulfill what we have said, we will do no matter what kind of agreement it is, whether it’s an agreement to pay something to someone or an agreement on a loan or an agreement on just participation in an, in a transaction or, or,

or an activity with a friend. I was talking with a friend of mine just recently. And he’s been working out with some of the members of the congregation, where he attends and, and him and this friend of his and his wife, they go out every, every morning and they go work out and he had been doing this for a month or two.

And he had as a result of some things at work, he had been up all night. He worked from until 4:00 AM, one morning, then worked all day, then had to work all until three or 4:00 AM the next morning and then had to face the potential of not going and working out. And he went and worked out anyway because he knew if he didn’t do it once,

if he, if he said I can’t make it this time, there would be a thousand other reasons why I wouldn’t make it in the future. So he pushed through and he did it. And you and I, we face those struggles. We face those difficulties. We met, we face those choices. The reality is sometimes though, maybe out of no fault of our own,

maybe out of circumstances, we can’t even control. We can’t fulfill an obligation. We have made a commitment, a promise, and we have been on faithful to that commitment. Now this may be in a small matter, may be in an inconsequential matter. It may be in a temporary matter, but that’s not God Deuteronomy chapter seven verse nine tells us that God Jehovah the Lord.

He is God. And he is faithful to a thousand generations. Now women Moses makes this statement by inspiration through the power of the Holy spirit. He does not mean that to the thousand. And first-generation, God’s probably not going to be faithful to them. No, he means quite clearly that when you are faithful to the thousand generations that have come before the thousand and first generation can have no doubt and complete assurance that God will still be Faithful.

But he’s, He is faithful to those who love him and keep his commandments. And he repays those who hate him to their face to destroy them. He will not be Slack with him who hates him. He will repay him too. His face. Moses makes it clear. As he speaks to the children of Israel. God is faithful to those who love him.

And he’s faithful to those who hate him. He will be faithful to himself always. And therefore what he has said He will do. So as we begin, we need to, I understand that God desires faithful Because he is faithful. There was a time in Israelite history. First Samuel chapter two, That God replaced his high priest. He not only replaced his high priest,

but he replaced the whole priestly lineage, Age and family In first Samuel chapter two as Eli and his sons were the current high priest and priests. God delivers a message to Eli. In first Samuel chapter two, and in verse 35, then I will raise up for myself. Now notice the wording. God says, I’m going to do this and I’m going to do it because of me because of who I am.

Therefore, I will raise up for myself, a faithful priest who shall do according to what is In my heart. You go back into the proceeding versus you will find out that Eli’s sons, Hoff, Diane Finney has, who were supposed to be serving. As priests were instead causing the people to transgress. They were committing for an occasion in the very front of the tabernacle.

They were committing adultery. They were, they were stealing. They were holding those people’s offerings, bounty for what they could receive for offering the sacrifices. They were doing all sorts of things. And God said, this isn’t going to stand my priests. Aren’t going to do this. And Eli and his sons would be replaced, but God says, I’m going to replace you with someone who will do according to what is in my heart.

And in my mind, I will build him a sure house. And he shall walk before my annoying Forever. Samuel would be that high priest, the priesthood and the family would transition in Eli’s family. His lineage would end God is serious about faithfulness. And second Timothy chapter two, Paul writes to Timothy. And as he is writing to this young preacher,

he sets a charge before Timothy, as a preacher. He instills in Timothy, the requirement that Timothy be about a particular task And That task hasn’t changed for preachers across every century from then, until now, Paul writes to Timothy and saying to any chapter two, and in verse one, he says, you, therefore, my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Yeah. Paul writes to Timothy and he says, you be on the lookout for a particular kind of person. You, as you minister, you be searching for a particular group of people. The qualification for which Paul States,

Timothy needs to be looking for is not those who are rich. Not those who are poor, not those who are tall are, those were short. Those were fat. Or those who were skinny. He says, the qualification is those who are faithful. And you find someone who’s faithful. And here’s what you do. You take the things that you’ve heard from me among many witnesses.

You take the things that are is the bulk and the meat and the body of what I’ve taught you. And you instill it into them. And Then you give them the charge to go give it to somebody else. And the prime responsibility is they function as stewards of a gift. Paul would write to the church at Corinth about the treasure that had been Placed in them as Earthen vessels.

The word of God Handed to them that they in turn should deliver it. Proclaim it, preach it faithfully to others, But not only teach it, they had to also live it. God desires, faithful men, but there’s a Psalm in the old Testament that gives a warning. And I want to spend the bulk of the rest of our time in that Psalm,

Psalm 12 is a Psalm of David. And it presents a warning. A warning that I believe is needed is resoundingly needed in our country. Not only in our congregations, but in our congregations, but in our country, in our society and in our world Was at the very heart of some of the biggest problems. Our society He has is this problem.

This Thing that David’s going To warn about, he begins help, help Lord for The godly man, Ceases for the faithful disappear from among the sons of men, David in this song cries out for God’s help. He cries out for God’s aid because he can’t find faithful men Among God’s people. This isn’t just a problem amongst the priesthood in David’s day, it’s not just about the spiritual leaders.

It’s about finding men who will Hold forth, the Attributes of faithfulness throughout their lives, throughout every aspect of their existence. And David is going to confront Using the words of the Lord, the attributes Of those who are on Faithful, Because if you want an under an understanding of God’s description of a faithful man, one of the things God will present to you is what he is not what a faithful man will not do.

What he will not be involved in. And David says, as he looks at his world, as he looks at his society, as he looks at his nation, this is all I can find. He says, verse two, they speak. I believe every one with his neighbor. As he looks down upon the people he sees idleness, He sees idol Speech.

Jesus made a point about Idle speech. He said that when the judgment comes, a man will give an account for all the words that he Speaks. And he warns against idle speech. You and I, we have an opportunity in our lives to speak hundreds of thousands of words, to communicate thoughts, emotions, feeling, instruction, desires contemplations, but as stewards of the gift of communication,

how are we using it? Are we only investing our time and effort and energies in communicating that which has no real lasting value. David looks at These individuals and he sees their interests and their speech only revolves around temporary Earthly things. And they are idle in their speech, but he goes on to say yes, That they speak with flattering lips and with a double heart,

They speak it. It’s it’s, it’s bad enough that their speech has no value, but then they turn around and they use their speech to lift up others artificially, to flatter them. When in their heart, their only desire is for themselves. One of the attributes of a faithful person, discipline Just over in the book of Proverbs that we’re not going to get into in any depth in this lesson.

But we will before this course of lessons is over, is the attribute of a faith Full friend who will tell you something that hurts, but he’ll tell it to you because you need to hear it yet. These people aren’t that kind of person. These people, that David is looking at their idol in their speech and they’re flattering in their lips. And they’re double hearted Because yeah,

Their intent is to provoke others to action that only benefits themselves. And David says, these are not faithful people, but he goes on to say, may the Lord cut off all flattering lips? As the King, as a man Can have wealth as a man of prosperity. As a man who had led others into battle had conquered, had discovered the power that existed in serving the Lord.

We know as we go through the history of David and we look at the things that he endured, the things he went through, that he was surrounded by some people who were The worst of humanity. But here’s the reality. When you have wealth, you will generally end up inevitably at some point, surrounded by people who have only that type of desire.

They’ll say anything to you, but not because they care for you, but because they want what you have. And David will say, may the Lord cut off all flattering lips and the tongue That speaks proud things. This isn’t David saying, I don’t want them to have what I have this isn’t David going, I’m selfish. And I want to keep everything I have.

And I don’t want to share with no, no, no, that’s not it David’s saying they have a problem with pride in their hearts. And it is interfering With faithfulness among the people in verse six, we read the words of the Lord are pure words. He’s accused them of idle speech, but He contrasts their idol speech With the Lord’s words. If they had set aside all of their own words,

if they had set aside all their own thoughts, if they had set aside, all of the things that they thought were they were, that were important. And just spoken the words of the Lord, he would have said, they spoke. You are words, but they wouldn’t do that. As a matter of fact, if you look at verse four,

we read who have said those who have flattering lips, those who have tongues that speak proud things they have said with our tongue, We will prevail. Our lips are our own. I’m in control. They said, I get to say whatever I want. No one can tell me what to say. I get to look out for me too. I get what I want to do,

what I want and use my Long to accomplish it. But they would also say not only our lips are our own, but who is Lord over us? A faithful man tied up in all of this is the lesson that a faithful man is a submissive man. David Looks at his people and says, I can’t find any faithful men. They’re disappearing as if someone’s coming in the midst of the night and kidnapping them.

They’re being drawn aside. They’re being drawn away into the desires of their flesh, the desires of their heart and their mind and their pride and their desire and their flattery is stealing them from faithfulness to those who are around them. And has you think back over the life of David, think about how many betrayals, those closest to him committed. And David can’t find a faithful man of his own children.

Multiple men would arise seeking to kill him and take the throne. But in verse five, he says for the oppression of the poor, for the signing of the needy, Oh, here it is. They prevail with their tongues. They use their speech to get what they want. They claim their lips are their own and no one is Lord over them,

but who are they acting against? Who are they using the build themselves up? He says, they’re using the poor. They’re using the needy Absalom. One of David’s sons would stand and would sit out side the city. And as he sought power and prominence among the people, as the people would come in to be judged, he would stop them outside the city.

And he’d say, you won’t get any judgment in there. They don’t have time for you. You’ll never get the decision that you want. If you go to the King for judgment, let me judge you. And he would sit outside the city and he would judge in favor of those who would support him. And before long, he turn The nation’s heart against their King by flattery of lips and deceitful actions.

And the oppression of the poor verse five says, now I will arise, says the Lord. Isn’t David saying, I’m going to get on my high horse and I’m going to get my army together. And we’re going to go out and we’re going to take vengeance on all these unfair, Well, men know, the Lord says, Now I will arise.

Now I will arise. As the Lord, I will set him in the safety for which he yearns. God says, I’m going to defend the poor. I’m going to defend the needy. I’m going to stand between the unfaithful And the oppressed. The words of the Lord are pure words. Silver tried in a furnace of earth. Purified seven times. You shall keep them all.

Lord use shall preserve them from this generation forever. David Expresses the necessity of treasuring up as it were of storing up God’s words, to keep them from a generation That would use them for their own profit. They would use them for their own ends. As if God is saying, I’m going to take my covenant. I’m going to take my long and take my words.

And I’m going to hold them back from you. I’m not giving them to you because you’ll only abuse them Because you are faithful in your very B verse eight says the wicked prowl on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men, David presents to God’s people, a warning. He said, you look around you and faithful. Men are disappearing.

I would say in the years I’ve been alive. And that I have had time to observe that in the church, faithful men are disappearing. We have too many men who are too Focused on This life and cannot focus on God. And because of that, they do not leave their homes. They do not lead their families. They do not instruct their children.

They do not instruct faithful men. They do not set themselves to follow the Lord. In Isaiah’s day, Isaiah would confront his generation and Isaiah chapter one. I want to read a few of the verses as we close from Isaiah chapter one, because God confronts a nation, a city of people that had the opportunity to be faithful. They still had a chance in Isaiah’s day.

They wouldn’t take it and they’re going to be judged. But Isaiah, right? And Isaiah chapter one beginning in verse 21, how the faithful city has become a harlot. One of the attributes that is specific to the idea of a harlot is someone who will do anything for money. And Isaiah confronts his generation and says, you, you used to be a faithful city,

and now you will do anything for money. Verse 21, he says it was full of justice and righteousness lodged in it. But now murderers, your silver has become draws your wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebellious. You’re in companions of thieves. Everyone loves bribes and follows after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless nor does the cause of the widow come before them.

What is it that God just talked about in Psalm chapter 12? That same thing. They will not help those in need. They will not defend the defenseless. They not serve The oppressed. They will not even give them justice For all they want is money. Therefore, the Lord says, verse 24, the Lord of hosts, the mighty one of Israel.

Ah, I will rid myself of my Adversaries. I remember Deuteronomy chapter seven. God said I will be faithful to those who love me and keep my commandments to a thousand generations. And I will be faithful to them. Those who hate me, the Lord says, ah, I will rid myself of my adversaries and take vengeance on my enemies. I will turn my hand against you.

Now he’s speaking to Israel. He says, I will turn my hand against you and thoroughly purge away your draws And take away all your alloy. I will restore your judges as at the first. And your counselors is at the beginning afterward. You shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city. He says, Israel, you were one, The faithful city.

And yet you’ve become a harlot, But I’m going to turn you around. And it won’t be a pretty experience. He says, I’m Going to burn off All the corruption. Notice he goes on. He says, Zion will be redeemed with justice and her penitence with righteousness, the destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together. And those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed for.

They shall be ashamed of the terrible trees, which you have desired. You shall be embarrassed because of the gardens, which you have chosen. He’s pointing out their idolatry. He’s pointing out their places of worship, their high places, the places they constructed to go worship the foreign gods. He says, you’re going to be embarrassed at those. I’m going to turn you against those.

He says, verse 34, you shall be as a terrible whose leaf fades. And as a garden that has no water. You’ll The dead. The strong shall be as Tinder. And the work of it as a spark, both will burn together and no one shall quench them. God’s description of a faithful man is one who loves him and keeps his commandments.

Yes, but One who will not allow Injustice to continue. One who will not turn a blind eye To oppression. One who will not Set aside justice for profit, but also One who will not flatter To engross themselves, who will, I’ll not speak idle words instead of the word of the Lord, who will not be double hearted and Double tongue. But God makes it clear to the unfaithful.

When I judge you, no one will stop me. No one will hold me back. And as he Takes the analogy of the strong one who has been turned into Tinder, they’re so dried out. They’re they’re like the forests in California. He alight. Imagine there’s no stopping it Because I’m going to take the strong ones among you. And I’m going to be that.

And I’m going to take their own, works their own deeds. And I’m going to light them on fire with it. And no one Will quench my judgment. God is faithful to those who love him and keep his commandments and to those who hate him as well. So the question is which one are we? And are we faithful? And not only faithful,

but producing more, who are faithful for that is part of our faithfulness. You’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ. You stand in a position of judgment. These days, Hebrews chapter nine tells us this. Life’s going to be over. You’re going to stand before God in judgment. Because of that, you need to know where you stand.

Do you stand God as One who is faithful? If you’re outside the body of Christ, you don’t. Because while God loves those who love him and keep his commandments. One of his commandments is the requirement for salvation. The requirement of obedience to enter into the body of Christ, the place where salvation has found the church for which Christ died. And he shed his blood.

You enter into that body by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Jesus said, except you believe that I am. He you’ll die in your sins. Paul wrote it this way. Either. You are one who believes in him, or you are an alien from him, separated from him and an enemy of God.

You can’t be both. And you can’t find a third option. You’re either one or the other. Having believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You have to conform your life to him. The one who loves God and keeps his commandments, but conforming your life means repenting of your sins and confessing the name of Christ, submitting to him and being immersed in water,

dying to your old self, rising in again, to walk in newness of life, Romans chapter six, verses three and four, and then being faithful until death because revelation chapter two tells us James chapter one tells us that the one who’s faithful unto death will receive a crown of life. So if you want to know when this life is over, exactly which category you fit into,

faithful or unfaithful, and there’s only two, that’s where you need to begin. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and your faithfulness looks like it’s disappearing. If David would look at your life and go, no, I’m looking for a faithful man. And that’s not one. Maybe it’s time to turn around. You have need of the invitation for any reason why not come now as we stand in,

as we sing<inaudible> from the source.<inaudible><inaudible> well, you<inaudible> to the fountain free. Well, you<inaudible> me. The<inaudible> here. The welcome call is a fountain up for, Oh, there’s a living stream with a crystal gleam.<inaudible> hear the call for free. They go, Oh, well you come to the fountain free. Will you<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,

open for, Oh, there’s a rock that’s<inaudible><inaudible> and it’s dream. I see. Let<inaudible> to the fountain free. Well, you<inaudible> thirsty<inaudible> you may be seated. Sandra comes forward saying she hasn’t been faithful. It hasn’t been focused on spiritual things. The way she wants To be been too focused on discomforts. She wants to do better.

And we are overjoyed for that. We all throughout our lives have difficulty keeping focus on what’s important. And I think that’s why so much of scripture focuses us back. If we’ll Listen to what’s important, What to pray for Cassandra right now, Not only that she will be forgiven, But that her direction and focus Will become what she desires for it to be.

But that she will also be an example for all of us to do the same. Let’s pray our gracious father in heaven. Come before you at this time with tender hearts, care, concern and love for our sister, Cassandra and her desire to be faithful, her desire to become closer to you and to focus on the turtle more than the temporal. Each one of us needs that desire as well and are encouraged by her example of repentance and willingness to say,

I can do better. We pray for Cassandra that you will forgive her. She repents of these things, that you will aid her in setting her feet on a right path. We also pray that we will be an encouragement and a comfort and a strength and a bulwark for her as she goes through this journey of setting things, right? We ask that you be with this congregation as a whole,

in our faithfulness, we ask that you bless this family that we have here, that we watch out for one another and we help one another. In our struggles, we pray for continued blessings, Cassandra and forgiveness and grace and mercy, as they are sought. And as they are offered through the blood of your son, all this, we pray in Jesus name.

Amen. For the closing, prayer will be number 642. Let the loan Or lights be burning. All things Right? Lee beams off there’s mercy from his NA side house<inaudible> but to a us, he gives a key PE of the nights.<inaudible><inaudible> send a gleam, a cross<inaudible> struggling. See man, you may rescue. You may say,

Hey dog.<inaudible><inaudible> for the lights.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> struggling. See man, you may rescue<inaudible><inaudible> some<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> sin Glebe, a cross<inaudible> struggling. See man,<inaudible> Let us bow. Dear God, our father in heaven, we truly are so thankful that we’ve been able to gather today to worship Eve, to be able to study from your word and be guided by those principles that you have set for us to live by father.

We’re grateful for every member of this body of Christ here. We’re so thankful for the love that we have for each other. And we pray father that as we go through life, that we not only demonstrate that love to our physical family, but our spiritual family. And they, we have thoughts of an eternal nature. That those are the things that got our ways upon this earth that we realized that we have what a short time to do your will,

and to try to reach others with the gospel and to try to become the fateful that truly care more about things of any eternal nature than those of a physical nature. We pray father that you give us the strength and the courage to do those things that might reach out to those that are lost. Those things that might encourage those that have fallen away from you,

that they too might want to come back and be faithful. Father help us each day that we live, that we look to your word, that we might always direct our lives in the proper direction that we always are about trying to demonstrate our love for others in our care and concern and compassion for one another, strengthen us as we go through life. We’re so thankful for the lesson that Aaron so adequately covered this morning,

we should ponder upon those thoughts and be concerned with how we are living our lives. Bless us as we’re about to depart, strengthen us. As we continue to look to your word in Jesus name, we pray. Amen.