Schedule Changes:
Sunday AM Bible Class - Cancelled
Sunday AM Worship - 10:30 a.m. - Via Live Stream
Sunday PM Worship - Cancelled
Wednesday PM Bible Study - Cancelled
The World is searching, searching for something. Some are searching for riches others for glory. Some are frantically searching for the next high, living a life dedicated to the desires of the flesh. There is no satisfaction in their endeavors and no outcome that will comfort their minds and satisfy their souls. The world is looking for the wrong things in all the “right” places. For those of us who have been adopted into the family of God by obedience to the Gospel (Galatians 3:26-27), the search is over.
In Christ, we have found everything we need. The Lord promised us the abundant life (John 10:10) and this promise is fulfilled in every facet of pure Christianity. In Christ, our physical needs are satisfied by the promises, precepts, and providence of a God who cannot lie (Psalm 37:25, Galatians 6:9-10 & Matthew 6:33).
Our spiritual needs are satisfied by the mercy of an all-compassionate God (2 Peter 1:3 & 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Furthermore, our future home in heaven is secured by and in the Captain of our Salvation (John 14:1-3 & 1 John 5:11). Truly the Christian’s life is one lived in satisfaction, rooted in peace and wholesome pleasure. Brethren our search is over, we have found in the Lord what the world is still looking for and don’t know they need. To God be the Glory! So, considering this fact how are you portraying Christianity?
Do people see you content in the Lord and rejoicing evermore (Hebrews 13:5-6 & Philippians 4:4)? Or are you still searching for something you don’t know you’ve already found? Sometimes we forget and need to be reminded that Christianity is not a good life it is the good life. It is a life filled with immense joy, peace, and hope.
In Christ, we enjoy the godly pleasures of this world (1 Timothy 6:17) and when all is said and done we will enjoy the pleasures of the next (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18). Folks are searching frantically for something to satisfy their souls. In Christ, we have found that satisfaction. Therefore, let’s show it to and share it with those who have not.
All right. We’re looking kind of sparse tonight, but I think that it’s about time to get started. Just a quick update on my wife. She had her colonoscopy and endoscopy today and the preliminary stage, everything looks good, but we’re waiting for the results of her biopsies to come back. And she’s now dealing with a severely sore throat. It’s not normal.
It’s like, like her throat feels like it’s bleeding. She says, so she has to go back to the doctor to find out what that’s all about. Hopefully she’s not having some kind of allergic reaction or something, but keep her in your prayers. I want to let you know that the questions on the top say Mark chapter five. But if you look at the actual questions they are from Matthew chapter five,
not Mark chapter five. And we will be going through Matthew chapter five, beginning of Christ’s sermon on the Mount. Go ahead and have a prayer before we begin our father in heaven. How Holy and awesome you are. We thank you for this opportunity that we have to come together and worship you and learn your word. We ask that we soak it up like a spun.
So we’re able to go out and teach it to those that are lost. We ask that you be with those that are traveling at this time. The weather is not fantastic for travel, but we do appreciate, and thank you for the rain. My, my Lord. And we ask that you get everybody home safely. And we ask that you be with those that are ailing and heal that put your healing hand on them.
And if it be your will bring them back to us to worship you. And thank you so much again for your son who died on the cross for our sins in his name. Amen. All right. So we’re going from Matthew chapter five beginning in verse one and seeing the multitudes. He went up into a mountain and when he was set, his disciples came onto him.
Jesus often resorted to the mountains. So as to provide an occasion for rest to instruct his disciples, many examples of this in the scriptures, Matthew 1423, Mark three 13, six 46, Luke six, 12, nine, 28, John six, 15, et cetera, et cetera. There’s a lot of examples of Jesus retreating into a mountain to,
to rest and teach. Sitting down to teach was a procedure that was long followed in the early church. Sitting to teach was an indication of authority. It has been noted that in the early church, the preacher sat and the congregation, including the emperors stood, most of the cathedrals of Europe were still without pews or other seating facilities for the congregation, the reformer Martin Luther.
I’m sure a lot of us know who he is. I alluded to this custom, when he said objecting to the Pope’s remaining seated to observe the Lord’s supper, let him stand up. When he takes the communion like any other sinner, while the mountain, while in the mountain, Matthew tells us that his disciples came unto him suggesting that they took the initiative.
It has been commented that this sermon on the Mount was spoken the ear of the church and overheard by the world verse number two. And he opened it his mouth and taught them, saying our English translate a Greek phrase here that was used of solemn grave and dignified utterance. And so this was, this is a very solemn utterance that he’s speaking. Jesus spoke with the full tone voice of power with an open mouth blessed.
The word appears at the beginning of each of the beatitudes, the English word translate the Greek Makarios and the full meaning of the word is difficult to capture in one single English word. Generally it means happy, blessed. Last vines dictionary noted that it is akin to<inaudible> from a re root Mack, meaning large lengthy denotes to pronounce happy or blessed. I’m blessed has nothing to do with happiness in the popular sense of pleasure and prosperity.
Rather it indicates an inner joy independent of outward circumstances. So let’s go to verse three. Most of the, most of the, all of them, the beatitudes begin with the word blessed. That’s why I went into the explanation of blessed verse three, blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
This is to have a self emptying conviction. This is to have the knowledge that before God, we are completely void of everything, we do not want to be spiritually arrogant. That is what this means. We transform our mind as stated by Paul in Romans 12 one and two and Ephesians four 23. And this is to have a humble and contrite spirit,
Isaiah 57, 15 and other various passages. Why are we to be poor in spirit though? Jesus States say right here in the verse, it is to gain the kingdom of heaven. The poor in spirit are enriched with the fullness of Christ, which is the kingdom and substance. We have the hope of eternal life because of this. My coming to an understanding that without God,
we are nothing, we have the hope of eternal life. Verse four, blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. But what is is this morning that he’s talking about here? This isn’t just a crying. This isn’t just, you know, standing there sobbing, this is a sincere morning or lament over your sins that he’s speaking of, we are to mourn our sins,
our sins, to the point of repentance. Paul stated this in second Corinthians, seven, nine, and 10. And I would read all of the scriptures or have y’all read all of the scriptures. But as this 48 verses, we have to get through in 45 minutes. How are we blessed by that sincere lament over our sins? Jesus tells us that we will be comforted.
If we have a sincere, sincere lament or repentance of our sins. This is a comfort that can only be found in the Lord. Jesus Christ. Matthew writes this in 1128 through 30 verse five, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. But what is it to be meek to be meek is to have a great strength, but to have that strength under the control of God to be subject unto God,
showing consideration for all men. So we have a strength to be able to do whatever we want. Our free will. That’s our strength, but we give that freewill up to God. Whenever we become Christians, I have heard that it said that meekness is like in unto attained, must Mustang. They are powerful and strong, but they have to put that strength into subjection under their master.
How are, how are the meek blessed? Jesus says they shall inherit the earth. We will inherit all things. John States in revelation 21 seven and all things shall be ours. As Christians. First Corinthians three 20 through 23, let’s throw they, which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled verse six. What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness?
Hunger will make a person yearn and seek for that, which will make him full. If you’re starving to death, you’re going to be seeking out anything you possibly can to get food and your stomach. I’m not starving to death. So I don’t have to do that. What are, what are we to hunger for though? Jesus States we’re to hunger for the word in John chapter six 47 through 51,
thirst will drive a person to not give up until their thirst is Quinn Or until they die. What are we to thirst for in John chapter four is the story of Jesus at the well, the event is truly inspiring, but the scripture that points out what we are the thirst for as John four 14, the living water, the water that flows from Christ.
The word We are to make every effort to seek what is righteous and to put it all in the center of our lives. That’s what this means to hunger as if starving and to thirst as if dying for the word and to do God’s will we are to hunger and thirst for righteousness to be filled. If we continue to desire to go to heaven and seek his will,
we will go to heaven. Matthew 10 22, Jesus SIRS assures us of this and John eight 31 and 32, that we will be free. We will never thirst or hunger again, as stated in revelation seven, 16 and 17 verse seven, blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. How are we to be merciful as Christians? How are we to be merciful to anybody Forgiveness?
That’s how we show mercy by forgiving, by forgiving, we must forgive to receive forgiveness. Matthew six, 14, and 15 Jesus States that Peter asked the Christ. How often shall we forgive? And in turn, Jesus tells him the parable of the unforgiving debtor, Matthew 1822 through 35 most know and understand where to forgive 70 times seven, basically as many times as they keep asking for forgiveness,
we give them forgiveness. Verse eight, let’s start the pure in heart for, they shall see God to be Kiran. Heart is not a facade. It is a reflection of the image of God, likened to the cornea of one’s eyes, to project God into our heart. So to take God completely into your heart, that is to be pure of heart.
To give your heart completely over your heart, your mind, sorry, over to God completely. We must be on the inside. What we proclaim to be on the outside. We say, we’re Christians. We need to live and act like Christians. We know in this life, no man can see God and live. As we can read an Exodus 33 verse 20.
When our reward, when life is over is to see God which we know is impossible. Without a pure heart, we must have a pure hard to see God as stated by Jesus here in verse eight, verse nine, blessed are the peacemakers shall be called the children of God. Peacemaker is one that is led by the spirit of God. We can read that enrollments chapter eight and verse 14 one.
It is one who loves their enemies. Luke chapter six and verse 35. We will be called. If we are peacemakers, then we will be called the children of God. We will be the children of the father in heaven. Matthew five 43 45 tells us that if we are Christians, we will be the children of the father in heaven. And we are the sons of God.
First, John three chapter one verse 10, blessed are they, which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. If we live godly lives, we’re going to be persecuted. This is is told to us by Paul in second, Timothy chapter three in verse 12, if you, if you live a godly life, you’re going to be persecuted period.
We are blessed because of this persecution. Verse 11 says blessed. Are you when men shall revile you and persecute you. So we’re blessed because of our persecution that we have to endure. We are to be happy in our sufferings for Christ’s sake. First Peter three 14, and we have an equal inheritance with Christ, Romans eight, 16, and 17.
So we have a hope in heaven. As long as, as we stand the stand through the prosecutions, then our hope through standing through that persecution is heaven. That’s the goodness that we’re going to inherit. Verse 11, blessed are ye. When men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. For my sake,
revile here is a reproach, a defamation. There were a violin and evil speaking by which one suffers in. We are to rejoice under these circumstances. No matter what people say about us, we rejoice because we know where we’re going when we’re gone and we still continue to push for their salvation, no matter what they say about us. Verse 12, rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted,
they, the prophets, which were before you, the Lord rejoice here is the same word used in Philippians chapter four and verse six, meaning to rejoice and is most frequently translated by this English word. Rejoice. The word has the meaning of leaping for joy. So we were to rejoice and be exceeding glad because of our reward in heaven, leaping for joy,
exceeding glad, like laughing. You’re so happy. Being exceeding glad from one Greek word is a, and I’m not going to see all the Greek words. It means exaltation or exuberant joy. This indicates more joy than the Greek word for rejoice that we just spoke about. And the Septuagint, this word is found chiefly in the Psalms where it denotes joy in God’s redemptive work,
our reward, Ms. Dos, primarily wages higher, and then generally reward the profits received the persecution characteristic of those who live righteous lives. It is the natural Results of light meeting darkness. When the, when this occurs, the darkness rises up in rebellion and lashes out at those who are the instruments of that light verse 13, you are the salt of the earth,
but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith, shall it be salted? It is then sports good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men, salt has been used from the Memorial as an agent. And the preservation of meets the multitudes, which heard Jesus were familiar with its use in curing fish. It’s it is stated that the pickled Vish of Galilee were known throughout the Roman world.
It is worthy of note that the salt of Palestine gathered from the marshes is not pure. So when you go to the dead sea, you’re not getting a pure salt. It’s got all those minerals and things inside of it because of the foreign substances in it. It loses its savor and becomes insipid and useless when exposed to the sun and air, or when permitted for any considerable time to come in contact with the ground.
But pure salt does not lose its savor. So anytime it con this salt comes into contact with air for a long period of time or hits the ground, then it’s tasteless. It has no taste and pure salt. It doesn’t matter what you do with it. It’s going to continue to have its its tastes. And Jesus here is telling us to be that pure salt.
The verse teaches that God’s people keep the world from putrefaction and corruption. So because we are the salt, we preserve the world from basically what it’s going through right now and what it’s been going through for the last 2000. And so on years throughout history, back and forth, there was not salts enough in the world to save it from the flood and sought him to save it from fire Northern Canaan,
to preserve its people from destruction and also teaches as does experience that a disciple may lose those qualities, which make him salt lawsuits. The verb is from Moros, which means Dole, sluggish, stupid or foolish, and means to play the fool to become foolish of salt, becomes tasteless insipid Mark nine 50. It is common and Syria and Palestine to see salt scattered in piles on the ground because it has lost its flavor.
The most worthless thing imaginable is what they say. It is this salt that has no saver. It’s the most worthless thing you can imagine. It’s it’s good for nothing. The word for good is actually a word, meaning strength to be strong, be well, be in good health. Matthew nine, 12 to have power or efficiency avail be valid. Thus,
when it has lost its twinge, its taste, et cetera, and no longer has any power. So it is with the Christian. When we cease to be distinct different unique, it is at that moment in time that we cease to be effective. If we S if we see is to lose our uniqueness as a Christian, we are no longer effective for Christ.
And for his kingdom, we have lost our power verse 14. Yes are the light of the world. A city that is set on a Hill cannot be hid as light disciples, darkness and enables a man to see his way. So the Christian by his teaching and example, removes ignorance and prejudice and discloses this the way of life, the word ye here,
each one of us individually, and collectively serve as light bearers and light reflectors to a world. Stumbling and darkness of the world. Light is to shine in the world in which he lives. The child of God is not a monk in some monastery, nor is his faith to be secret like salt. It is to influence those about us. The city set on a Hill as individuals.
We are the light to those. We come in contact with every single day, but as a body of believers, we are like a city set on a Hill. The church reflecting the light of Christ is of necessity, a conspicuous body so that neither its blemishes nor its beauty can be concealed for air. And for protected protection, cities were frequently built upon Hills,
Jerusalem and Samaria were both Hill cities. And we say our kingdom Christ kingdom is set on a Hill. We seen constantly of it. Zion ni verse 15. Let me see where I’m at. All right. There’s 15, neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick. And it give us light unto the all that are in the house.
So the word land here is the most appropriate word in, in the King James version. It says candle candles did not exist at the time of the writing of this scripture. So it’s actually a wrong word to use. Lamp is more appropriate. The lamp is being placed upon the stand, not under the bushel, being the light of the world. Wisdom should be used in placing ourselves before men.
We should buy up the opportunities in order that we might constantly present ourselves before the world, as representatives of our Lord under the bushel translate HUPO htan Moda. Modi’in the figure is taken from lowly cottage life. There was a projecting stone in the wall on which the lamp was set. The house consisted of a single room so that the, the tiny lights sufficed for all the bushel was an earthenware green measure.
There is a definite article to thus designate the Capitol, the green measure, which was common to every house. So they didn’t hide it under that green measure. They put it out for everybody to see verse 16, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father, which is in heaven. The light of the Christian is to shine.
Not Austin<inaudible>, but naturally an unavoidably. We’re not out there. Look at me, I’m a Christian. And that’s how we let our light shine. Our light shines just by the way we live, by the way we approach people and how we talk about God as Christians. It is a shine, not only in his teaching or profession, but in such works and actions as unprejudiced men must acknowledge to be real excellence sees moreover,
it must so shine that it shall not when praise for itself, but for him who kindled it, men do not praise the street lamps, which protect them from robbery and assault, but they praise the municipal administration, which furnaces the lamps. So we are not out there being a light for God. So that way we get the praise. We are out there being a light for God.
So people can give God the praise for being the one that actually protects them and gives them their eternal home verse 17, think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill the word for destroy suggests a destruction of something, the word means to lose down or demolish the word fulfill. It means to fill,
to come to full or to come to pass. Our English word is defined by Webster, thus to carry out as a promise, to do a duty, to bring to an end, to complete the law here. And this includes the whole of the law, moral and ceremonial aspects of the law being included. The profits refers to those men who were spokesman of God and the books written by them.
All of the prophecies of Christ were fulfilled instead of coming to destroy either the law or the prophets. Jesus came to fulfill all the types of the former and eventually all the unfulfilled predictions of the latter. He fulfills them partly in his own person and partly by his administration of the affairs of his kingdom. Verse 18, for verily, I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled.
So the John here or yod answering to answering to our letter, I was the smallest of the Hebrew letters. That’s jot the I, the smallest of the Hebrew letters. The tittle was a little stroke of the pen, by which alone, some of the Hebrew letters were distinguished from others like them. So to put it in English, we distinguished the letter C see from the letter E by the tittle inside,
you have the C the E is that, that little line right there that makes it an E is the tittle. This passage not only teaches that the law was to remain in full force until fulfilled, but it shows the precise accuracy with which the law was given by God, God had every dot on the eye tittle and the E everything was perfect. Verse 19 whosoever,
therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men. So he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be all great in the kingdom of heaven. This obedience is a habit and it is not easily laid aside. Hence he, that is unfaithful as that, which is little,
will also be unfaithful in that, which is great. So also those who were disobedient and reckless under the Jewish dispensation, the old law would be inclined to act in like manner and the new or Christian dispensation. Hence the warning, not only shall God call such least, but men shall all men also shall eventually do. Likewise, those do by false system of interpretation or an undue regard for the traditions of men and nerve eight or a Knoll,
the obligations of Christ’s laws or ordinances and teach others to do the same. These shall be held in low esteem or contempt by the church or kingdom of God, as fast as it comes to a knowledge of the truth. So as soon as we know that these men are doing something wrong, we bring it to light. Immediately. Greatness in the kingdom of heaven is measured by conscientious and reference to its least commandments,
small Christians obey the great commandments, but only the large are careful about them. Verse 20 for I say, unto you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. You shall, in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven since the scribes and Pharisees were models of righteousness in their own sight. Anyway, and in the sight of the people that surrounded them,
Jesus here laid down a very high ideal though. One may now enter the kingdom of heaven having of himself far less righteousness than that, of the Pharisees. Yet he must attain righteousness superior to theirs, or he cannot abide in the kingdom. A large portion of the sermon from this point on is a development of the righteousness of the kingdom of heaven in contrast,
with old dispensation righteousness and Pharisaic interpretation of it, the laws of Moses regulated civil conduct and being state laws, they could only have regard to overt acts, but the laws of the kingdom of Christ are given to the individual and regulate his inner spiritual condition and the very initial motives of conduct. And it, the spirit feeling are all acts first, John,
three 15, sorry. If I sound very Reedy, I’m just, there’s a lot. So, and I, I spent a lot of time on his own verse 21. You have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgment. And essence Jesus was saying basically,
okay, you have heard what the professional scholars have said regarding a certain aspect of the law. You have seen them follow those laws of old burdened with their human additions and interpretations. Now, let me tell you what the law really teaches this, of course he had the right to do because of who he is. He’s God incarnate. It is interesting that Jesus did not say it was written thus.
And so this is because Jesus was not refuting the mosaic law. What, what was said to them of old time was the scholarly interpretation of that law. And not necessarily what the law actually taught to them of old in this, in this, it would seem that the fairest is put some stock and how old a particular position had been held, or how widely practice,
a tradition that had become that seemed to be the authority. The argument, we have never done it that way before, or this is the way we have always done this around here is not authoritative to God. It’s not in God’s word, just because you’ve always done it that way. Doesn’t mean that’s the way that it’s supposed to be done. Thou shall not kill.
This is the intentional shedding of blood with malice provisions were made for accidental death resulting from a number of circumstances. What Jesus in the law address were intentional acts of taking one’s life. Jesus is quoting from Exodus chapter 20 and verse 13 and Deuteronomy chapter five in verse 17 thou shall not kill. And the, and the 10 commandments and danger of the judgment.
This refers to the conviction and the punishment by the authorities. The freeze shall be in danger of the judgment was the civil punishment. It was the civil punishment that those who were of old were concerned about it would appear that those who simply stress the strict application of the law, thou shalt not kill. We’re not in the least concerned about answering to God,
the scribal and Pharisaic use of the word kill referred only to the actual physical, physical act of murder for it was the act that would bring a man before the courts and judgment. The conclusion which they drew was that if you do not commit direct murder, then you are supposedly pure before God. So if you go higher or somebody to commit the murder,
you’re okay before God, if you just set it up so that they can die, then it’s not on me before God. That’s the way that they had looked at it because of their false traditions throughout history, verse 22. But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother,
Rocca shall be in danger of the council, but whosoever shall say, thou fool shall be in danger of hell fire. So, but I say unto you, Jesus thus assumes a tone of superiority over the mosaic regulations. So this is what the law said. Now I’m saying this to you is angry with his brother without a cause the brother takes on it wider application than just those who are fellow Christians here.
It applies to any of our fellow human beings, the King James version here as the clause without a cause it is not anger per se, that is wrong. It is anger that is driven by emotion rather than that, which we might call justifiable anger. One has noted that the personal element must be absent and the righteous indignation must be directed solely toward the evil itself or toward acts that dishonor God or injury to innocent persons.
We are angry as Christians at the sin, not the person committing the sin, but the sin itself, Rocca and fool. The first is probably an Aramaic word, meaning empty or empty headed and is a word used for contempt. The second word fool is the word use to express dullness or stupid rocket expresses contempt for a man’s head, basically like saying,
looking at someone and in all earnestness saying, you are a stupid fool. This is wrong for us to say to one another or to anybody in the world. Rocket was a step further than merely thinking murderous thoughts. It was expressing in words, murderous intentions. One has made this observation. Christ’s condemnation of the terms, rocket and full show us that are passing words,
States of feeling and not direct murder only are subject to the judgment of the eternal judge. Expression of unrighteous, anger, and speech without violent action is reproved an even stronger language than anger alone. Let’s skip some of this so we can get through all of it. Verse 23. Therefore if thou bring a gift to the alter and their remembrance that thy brother have ought against thee,
therefore the admonition that follows is directly related to what was proceeded. What we just read. That’s what this is talking about. Unjustified, anger and contempt toward a brother affects our worship and devotion to God. Every single time. The child of God cannot acceptably render worship to his God. If he is at odds with his brother upon approaching God at the alter,
one comes to realize that he harbors ill will toward his brother. He has to stop what he is doing and make things right with his brother before he attempts to worship God, verse 24, leave them. I gift before the altar and go thy way. First, be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer that gift lead there by gift.
And this situation reconciliation takes precedence over worship. For the simple reason that worship is rendered void. If we Harbor malice or hatred in the heart of particular emphasis is in these verses is the urgency that is implied in the instructions. First be reconciled. The verb is a second. Air is passive imperative and has the meaning get reconciled? Take the initiative. The verb denotes a mutual concession after mutual hostility and idea absent from a<inaudible>,
which is a Greek word for it. And it shows that no offering, which we can make to God is acceptable while we are conscious of an uncompensated wrong to a fellow man. And we can’t, you can’t rightfully worship God when you’re angry at your brother or anybody in the world. Okay? Agree with dine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with him less,
any time the adversary deliver the, to the judge and the judge deliver the, to the officer and thou can, that will be cast into prison. We are to make up with our enemies. The word, the officer here means an under rower. The same word is used to describe the galley slave or a common servant. It is applied to the ministers of the word as well.
And Luke chapter one in verse two, once again, the emphasis is placed on the need to agree quickly. If one will agree quickly, anger will not have time to take deeper roots in the heart. So you handle your problem with your brother, the anger that you have right away, don’t dwell on it, handle it right away with them. Barely I say unto you though,
shall be no mean thou shalt by no means come out thence till they’ll has paid the uttermost farthing. The illusion here is of course, to imprisonment for debt and such a case. The debtor was held until the debt was paid either by himself or some friend, if it were not paid at all, he remained in prison until he died in the case,
which this is made to represent the off offender would have let whatever, let pass on opportunity to make reparation. And no friend can make it for him. Therefore, the last farthing will never be paid and he must reprint remain a prisoner forever. It is intended to teach that men cannot pay their debts to God and therefore they had better obtain his forgiveness through faith.
During the days of grace, the Greek word translated farthing here is derived from the Latin quadrants, which equals the fourth part of a Roman as a simple copper or bronze coin, which had become common in Palestine. The farthing was worth about a fifth of our American scent. One fifth of our sinned verse 27. You have heard that it was said by them of old time,
thou shalt not commit adultery. It has been said in Exodus chapter 20 in verse 14 and Deuteronomy chapter five, verse 18, this is a commandment do not commit adultery. Thou shall not commit adultery verse 28. But I say unto you that whom whosoever look upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart here. As in reference to murder Jesus legislates against the thought,
which lie eyes back behind the act. He cuts off sin at its lowest root. The essence of all vice is intention. Those who indulge in unchaste imaginations, desires and intentions are guilty before God Jesus is cutting it off. Don’t even think about it. Get it out of your mind. If you find yourself starting to think about it, turn away,
don’t look at it anymore. Whatever, whatever is tempting. In this case, he’s talking about adultery with a woman and if they write IFN the pluck it out and cast it from the Ford is profitable for the, that one of thy members should perish. And not that they whole body should be cast into hell verse 29. These words indicate decision and determination and suggest the conduct of a surgeon who to protect the rest of the body.
Unflinching unflinchingly, severs, the gangrene member. So to protect the whole body back in like the civil war times, if the leg got shot, to make sure that the whole body didn’t get infected, they would just cut the ball. That part of the leg fell off completely gone. And that’s what Jesus is talking about. That I ride I the Hebrews,
like others were accustomed to represent the affections of the mind by the members or parts of the body. Thus the bowels denoted, compassion, the heart affection, or feeling the rains, understanding secret purpose and evil. I do notes sometimes envy Matthew, 20 verse 15, and sometimes an evil passion or just sin in general, the right eye and hand are mentioned because they are of most used to us and denote that however strong the passion may be or difficult to part with you.
Not that we should do it, no matter how hard it is, just let it go. Verse 30. And if I right-hand offend the, cut it off and cast it from the four, it is profitable for thee that one of my members should perish and not the thigh. Whole bodies should be cast into hell. Let’s see. We only have a few minutes left.
So yeah, No. When you were talking about, especially that younger age, you don’t really think like that all the time. I mean all that much about it. I would just say that nine times out of 10 in any of those circumstances that have happened, neither party set out with all the intention to do that. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
They were spending time together when they shouldn’t have been, you know, it’s like it led up And as Christians, we’re just not supposed to put ourselves in those situations. Yeah. Any situation that can get you in that situation, you just stay away from it. And that as Christians, that’s exactly what we’re supposed to do exactly as Christians. That’s exactly what we’re supposed to do.
Just stay away from it. Just if you think that there could be a problem with it just don’t do it, period. Don’t go there. Don’t be in that situation. Because most situations we are in, we put ourselves in, it’s not sometimes situations fall on your lap and you just have to take it as it comes. But for the most part,
it’s situations that you’re in you, you are putting yourself in that situation and you have a way to get out of it. God tells you in his word that you have a way to get out of any situation you’re in. No temptation is too strong for us to, to go against. I mean, an alcoholic has no reason to go and sit at a bar and order a glass just don’t you know,
Exactly. And a man who has a problem with looking at other women should not go to a public pool and just stare at all the women or a woman who has a problem with, you know, sexual annotations toward a man. Shouldn’t go watch a bunch of men work out at the gym. They’re going to create a problem for themselves. So you have to know yourself and you have to remember in any situation that you’re a Christian and not put yourself in that situation,
cutting it off at the root. So you’re not even making yourself think about that. You know, I can do this. I’m going to be okay. Like you said, the drunk at the bar, Oh, I’m just going to drink water. Next thing you know, he’s getting a cab home because he he’s drunk. And next thing you know,
the adulterer is committing adultery. All right, let’s just read through the rest of the verses. Since we only have a few minutes left verse 31, it has been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement verse 32. But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication caused the third to commit adultery.
And your so ever shall marry her. That is divorced if the adult tree, and that is not something I want to get into tonight. Again, you have heard that it has been said by them of old time now, shall not for swear thyself, but shall perform unto the Lord dine owes. But I say unto you swear, not at all.
Neither by heaven for it is God’s throne nor by the earth for it is his footstool. Neither by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great King. Neither shall thou swear by thy head because Dow can not make one hair white or black molecular communication be ye Naynay for whatsoever is more than this. These cometh of evil. You have heard that it has been said an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth.
But I say unto you that you resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite the on my right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will Sue thee at the law and take away thy coat, let him have the cloak off. So the, this second case is of the judicial judicial and injustice and teaches at the most normal annoying exactions are to be injured without revenge,
no matter what somebody does to us, we do not go get our revenge for it. And whosoever shall compel them to go a mile, go with Twain. There’s a lot of information I’m skipping. And I apologize. Verse 42, give to him that, ask it the, and from him that would borrow of thee turn, not thou away. You have heard that.
It has been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate nine enemy. But I say unto, you love your enemies. Bless them. That curse. You do good to them. That hate you and pray for them, which despitefully use you and persecute you, that she may be the children of your father, which is in heaven for he make it this son to rise on the evil and on the good and send it rain on the,
just, and on the unjust. It doesn’t matter if you’re evil or good. God still gives you the sun. And he still gives you the rain for if you love them, which love you, what reward have ye do, not even the publicans the same. And the people he’s seen this too, did not like the publicans because they were the ones that were taking the taxes from them.
And so he’s saying, just going around and saying, I love you. It’s the same thing as the publicans do. Hey, I love you. Give me your money. Okay. We’re no better than them just seeing it. We have to show it. And if he salute your brother and only what do you, what do you more than others do?
Not even the publicans. So be ye therefore perfect. Even as your father, which is in heaven is perfect. God is our model. Everything short of that is short of what we ought to be. God can not be satisfied with that, which is imperfect. The requirement keeps us in mind of our infirmities and keeps us at work like Paul. We must be ever striving Philemon three or Philippians three 12.
Our standard is not the perfection of, of great and heroic men, but of the infinite creator himself. All right. So let’s go through the questions quickly. The sermon on the mountain, beatitudes. Number one. Where was Jesus when he spoke to the beatitudes? Matthew five one on mountain. Yep. What should be the results of letting your light shine?
Okay. Yes. The main thing we’re going for is the glorification of the father in heaven. Jesus came to abolish or be fulfill the law of Moses fulfill. Yes. What did Jesus say? The law of Moses said about adultery not to commit it exactly. What did Jesus himself say? Concerning adultery Don’t yet don’t even put yourself in the situation. Like I was saying the whole,
the whole verse 28 is the answer to that question. What did Jesus say? The law of Moses said about divorce. Yeah. Give him a writing of divorcement verse. Oh, what did Jesus himself say? Concerning divorce? Verse 32 is the answer to everything. Basically put her away for another. If you put her away for another reason, you’re causing her to commit adultery.
If you get remarried after you put her away, you’re committing adultery. It basically you’re just causing adultery. If you put your, your spouse away for any other reason than adultery, what did Jesus say a person should do if his right eye or right-hand makes him stumble. Yep. Cut off the hand. Pluck out the eye to whom did Jesus say that the father sent the sunshine and the rain?
Exactly. Everyone basically. All right. We’ll stop there and continue on<inaudible><inaudible> Thank you. It’s time to go ahead and begin our devotional period of time. We do want to mention those that are continuing to have help, right? Bye. Joan. I was talking to Marie and Joan is doing about the same or continue to remember her and our prayers.
And also continue to remember that Wilson’s North and Rodale might be checking up on them. And as well as some other widows, we need to be checking on them pretty often. Make sure everything is going all right with them. As Michael said, Jessica had her procedures done today and she’s going to be waiting for the results of those tests. So as soon as we have those,
we’ll share those with you. Hope she continues to improve. And also remember Keith Cozort that’s Aaron’s dad had had having had the two stints put in, keep praying for him. Also remember Aaron and aid and the boys will be coming home. I think they’re planning to come back tomorrow. I believe so. Keep them in your prayers. Right? They’ll have a safe trip back home.
Now, Jen, his dad miss. Remember him. He’s at home now and their hospice care. And Terry just told me that Jan took a fall while they were down there. And I didn’t know that. And so hope. I hope that she’ll recover from that, but, but keep her in your prayers then Natalie temple that’s Diana O’Neil’s nephew’s wife found that or her cancer was back.
So keep them in your prayers. And then also her aunt Jane Sconiers is back in the hospital with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. I believe that’s all the announcements that I had. We certainly hope everyone has a good first. We will be back Sunday and we’ll, I guess we’ll see if everyone survive the new year’s weekend, but we need to pray for those that are out traveling.
And those that perhaps are sick that we just don’t know about. So we do add a lot of people out tonight. It’s the weather is pretty bad. And so we need to just think, maybe give them a call and let them know we’re missing them. It’s good to see Ava back. We missed her Sunday. Good to see you back. Ava.
I think that’s out at any other announcements that you might have that I need to mention. If not a Marie is going to lead us in our song service, Michael will offer the invitation and then Eric we’ll have our closing prayer.<inaudible><inaudible> You went to open your Bibles and we’ll read John chapter one verses one through 14. John chapter one verses one through 14 word was with God.
And the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and him was life. And the life was the light of men and the lights shine within darkness and the darkness comprehended. It not. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe he was not that light,
but was sent to bear witness of that light. That was the true light, which lighted every man that cometh into the world, he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. He came unto his own and his own received him not, but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God.
Even to them that believe on his name, which were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory. The glory is of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth word here in this text is logos,
a Greek word, which is expressed, which is an expressed idea. It is the first stage Things he has made, manifesting his divine power. And the fact that he is God Romans one 22nd. He shows himself in mighty deeds, just joined by flood the world he has created when he saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth. Genesis six,
five. Also with his mighty hand, delivering a nation, he has chosen as his own from slavery in Egypt, Deuteronomy seven in verse eight. Then however, he gathered his people at Mount Sinai and reveals his love as well for them and his plan for their future and words, Exodus 20 in verse one, he ordains a succession of prophets of whom he says,
I will raise up from them prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them. All that I command him Deuteronomy 18, 18. We know God through his word, which he has now revealed to his Holy apostles and prophets by the spirit Ephesians three, five. However we know him supremely through the word,
his unique son who has glory, grace and truth. As stated in verse 14 of first of John chapter one tonight, I charge you to go up to a single person this week, just one person and try to reveal the glory of God, of God’s son and his word. Just try without the word of revelation. No one can be saved. So teach it Matthew 28,
19 and 20, they miss here. Romans 10, 17, believe John eight 24, repent acts 1730 confess Matthew 10 32 and be baptized acts 2216. And then they need to understand that they need to follow the word and walk in the light as he is in the light to have fellowship with him and with us first, John one, six and seven in revelation two 10.
So they can enjoy their crown of righteousness and heaven with, with him and with us. So if you have any needs for prayers of the church, please come forward. As we stand and sing. Thank you.<inaudible><inaudible> God, our father in heaven. We come to it this time, thanking you for another opportunity to assemble here this evening, to study your word in our Bible study,
and then have the opportunity to sing some songs, appraised your name and study another portion of your word through Michael’s invitation that was given Lord. We know there are many amongst us that are, have various illnesses and ailments. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms, your comforting arms around them individuals to give them comfort. Those that are in pain.
And if it be your will help the caregivers and the providers to nurse them back to health, that these individuals so desire so that they may one day assemble here again and worship your great name. We also know that there are many amongst us that are out traveling or possibly we’ll be traveling. And if we are, and for those that are traveling, please give them safe guidance to their destination.
And Lord, we know that we each have our opportunities and our faults. And when we bring these opportunities and false to you, we ask that you give us guidance on how to overcome them and forgive us if we do sin and provide us with that inspiration to go on and do things better and be better servants of yours out here in this world that we live in.
Now, as we prepare to part here, we ask that you guide guide, guard and direct in each and every one of us until we meet again, we pray all these things through your son, Jesus name. Amen.
Well, everybody knows Aaron’s not here. We’re going to be doing a, a review of the first year of Jesus’s life, trying to make it through as many of these questions as possible Way. We’ll get this good review going. Let’s begin this morning with the prayer, our Lord in heaven. We thank you for this opportunity. We have to come here and study your word.
And we ask that we glean as much information as possible and soak it up like sponges and be able to use it to further your work and your, and your kingdom. We ask that you be with all of those that are gone now, traveling for the holidays up them to have a safe trip and journey home. And we ask that you be with all of those on our prayer list that are sick and ailing,
and you’d be with them and bring them back to their full health. If it be your will. And thank you again for your son who died on the cross and your son’s name. Amen. All right. So he told me, read the scripture, then read the question and let you guys answer. So that’s how we’re going to do it. Matthew chapter one,
verse two, Abraham, Isaac, and Isaac begat, Jacob and Jacob begat Judah and his brothers, Which was the son of Methuselah, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of<inaudible>, which was the son of Canaan, which was the son of<inaudible>, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam,
which was the son of God. So who was the, what was the first man? And Luke three 37 through 38 mentioned in Jesus’s genealogy. I think, I think that he’s looking for Adam. Yeah, because Adam is the first man mentioned and the genealogy here. So I don’t know why we read 37, 38. It starts from the, from the beginning or from the end and goes all the way to the beginning and Luke.
So, alright, Matthew, one 16 is where I’m going to next. Matthew, one 16 and Jacob, we got Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom was born. Jesus, who is called Christ, named the father and mother of Jesus. Mary and Joseph. Yes. And then Luke three 23. Yeah. Jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age being,
as we’re supposed the son of Joseph, which was the son of heli. How old was Jesus when he began his earthly ministry? 30. Yes. Correct. All right, Matthew, one six is where I’m going next. Matthew one six And Jesse begat David, the King and David, the King begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah was named the second King of Israel who was in the genealogy of Jesus.<inaudible> David.
David was the second King of Israel. First one was Saul. So I think it’s kind of a tricky question, but it’s David, David was the second King who was in the genealogy of Christ. David or David was Saul was not in the genealogy of Christ, but he was the first King. I don’t know. It’s confusing. It’s either David or Solomon the answer.
All right, it’s a Matthew. One, two is next. Oh, we read this one already. Abraham, Isaac and Isaac. We got Jacob and Jacob, you got Judah and his brethren. And then Luke three 34, Luke three 34, which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham,
which was the son of Thora, which was the son of nature. So name the man of great faith through whom God built the Jewish nation. Abraham. Yes. Why are some of John 20, 30 through 31, John chapter, 20, 30 and 31 and many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book.
But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing you might have life through his name. So why are, why are some of the events of Jesus’s early earthly life written? And we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing we might have life through his name.
You turn a life, basically. We’re just quoting verse 31 for the answer. What was the profession of Matthew and Luke? What was, does anybody know profession of Matthew tax collector and Luke physician? And what nationality was each man? Yeah. Matthew was a Galilean and Luke was a Grecian. He was from, he was from Greek or he was Greek from Greece.
All right, Luke, one five. There was in the days of Herod the King of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias of the chorus of a Baya. And his wife was the daughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth. So who was King of Judea? Yeah. Who was King of Judea? When John the Baptist and Jesus were conceived. Yes,
Luke one, five. And Luke, we just read Luke one five. So I’m not going to read it again. And then Luke one 27 to a Virgin and spouse to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David and the Virgin Virgin’s name was Mary. So name the father and mother of John. The Baptist. Yes. Zacharias and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth and Zacharias were let’s turn to Luke one seven. I have 17 pages of these questions to go through. So I’m going to try to go a little bit fast. And they had no child because that Elizabeth was barren and they both were now well stricken in years. So it was Zachariah and Elizabeth were young middle-aged or old when their only child John was born old.
Yes. Old, see Luke one nine, according to the customer of the priest office, his lot was to burn incense. When he went into the temple of the Lord, where was that? Kariah when the angel Gabriel told him he would have a son was in the temple of the Lord. And then Luke one 26. And in the six month,
the angel Gabriel Was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth. So where was, where was Mary at this time? Nazareth. Yes. And Luke one 17. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers, to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the, just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
According to the angel, speaking to Zechariah, what would be John’s work to prepare a way for the Lord. Yes, correct. And Jesus Luke one 33, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom. There shall be no end. So what was the purpose of Jesus? According to the angels, speaking to Zechariah, what would be John’s work of Jesus anyway,
Jesus, he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom. There shall be no in it. It’s, it’s basically just quoting the, the scripture there. All right. Luke, one 20 and behold thou shall be done and not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because I’ll believe it’s not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.
So why was decoration made mute? Yeah, because he, because he did not believe that the angel Gabriel’s words, that’s why, how many months pregnant was Elizabeth when Mary conceived the son of God, Luke one 35 and 36, six months. Yes. Correct. All right, Luke one 41. And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary,
the babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy ghost. So what happened when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary? Yep. And she was filled with the Holy ghost and described Mary’s reply, Luke four, one 46 through 55. And Mary said, my soul does magnify the Lord. And my spirit has rejoiced in God. My savior for he hath regarded the lowest state of his handmaiden for behold,
from henceforth. All generations shall call me blessed for he, that is mighty has done to me. Great things. And Holy is his name. And his mercy is on them. That fear him from generation to generation, excuse me. He has shown strength with his arm. He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree.
He has filled the hungry with good things and the rich, he has sent empty away. He has hoping his servant Israel and remembrance of his mercy. And as he speak to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever. So how would you describe Mary’s response? Yeah. Yeah. She was a humble servant of God. Praising his awesomeness basically is what I put.
All right, Luke, one 56 and Mary abode with her about three months and returned to her house. So how long did Mary stay with Elizabeth? Three months. I feel like I’m just answering the question and then asking you to repeat it to me. On what day was Elizabeth and Zechariah to name their son, Luke one 59 on the eighth day?
Correct. And it came to pass that on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child and called them Zacharias. All right, Luke one 63 and 64. And he asked for a writing table and wrote, seeing his name is John. And they marveled all and his mouth was open immediately and his tongue loose and he speak and praise God. So Zachariah prophesied that his son would give people knowledge.
Oh, sorry. Wrong question. When could Zachariah speak? Yeah. When his son was named John, as soon as he got the name, he was able to speak again. All right, Luke, one 77 To give knowledge of salvation on do as people buy the remission of their sins, Zechariah prophesied that his son would give the people knowledge of what salvation.
Correct. All right, Luke one 80 and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit and was in the deserts until the day of his showing unto Israel. So as he grew older, where did John live until the time for him to appear publicly, Excuse me. In the desert and the desert wilderness who wrote each of the four gospels. That’s an easy question.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I went over all these questions last night and barely had to look any of them up as I’m. Now the answer is all right, Matthew, one 20. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou, son of David. If you’re not to take unto thee,
Mary thy wife for that, which is conceived in her is of the Holy ghost. Why did Joseph take Mary for his wife? Even though she was already pregnant? Yeah, he was reassured by the angel that it was okay. That she was still a meeting. She was still untouched Matthew one 21. And she shall bring forth a son and shall call his name.
Jesus for, he shall save his people from their sins. So what, and why did the angel instruct Joseph to name the son to be born to Mary? Is the answer Jesus, but why? That’s correct. All right. Matthew one 22 and 23. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying behold,
a Virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name. Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. The old Testament, prophets, prophet, Isaiah at Virgin said a Virgin would have a child whose name would be Emmanuel. Yes. Which means God with us. Yes. All right. Luke, two, four,
and Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem because he was of the house and lineage of David. So why did Joseph and Mary have to leave their home to go to Bethlehem in Judea when Jesus was born?<inaudible> Yeah. Yeah, but also because he was of the house and lineage of David.
Yeah. All right, Luke two seven. And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the end. So where did Jesus Mary lay Jesus after he was born in Bethlehem, in a manger, Tim through 12 Luke, two, 10 through 12. And the angel said unto them fear,
not for behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. What news did the angel give the shepherds outside Bethlehem<inaudible> That the savior was born and how to find him all right,
Luke, two 17 through and 20. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the scene, which was told them concerning this child and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them, after hearing the news and seeing the baby Jesus, what did the shepherds do?<inaudible> And when they had seen it,
they made known abroad to seeing which was told them concerning this child. So they went out, letting everybody know about what they had heard about Jesus, and they also glorify it and praise God in verse 20 and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen. Okay. So I’m going to just read now the, all the verses that go with it from each book,
and then we’ll just go through and answer the questions. Instead of me reading each verse for each question, I’m going to be reading Luke chapter two 21 through 38, Luke two 21 through 38. And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
And when the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as it is written in the law of the Lord, every male that opened it, the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice. According to that, which has said in the law of the Lord,
a pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons and behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simon or Simeon, sorry. And the same man was just end of out waiting for the constellation of Israel. And the Holy ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord,
the Lord’s Christ. And he came by the spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the child, Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law, then took he him up in his arms and blessed God and said, Lord, now let us now thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word through 38, okay. For mine eyes,
I’ve seen nice salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people, Israel and Joseph, and his mother marveled at all at those things, which were spoken of him and Simeon blessed them and said unto Mary, his mother, behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against yay.
A sword shall Pierce through that and own soul. Also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of funnel, and of the TRIBE of Asur. She was of a great age and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity. And she was a widow of about four score in four years,
which departed, not from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayers night and day. And she came and she coming in that instant gave them things likewise unto the Lord and speak of him to all of them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. And then we’ll read Matthew chapter two verses one through 12 Matthew chapter two verses one through 12. Now Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea.
In the days of Herod the King behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem saying, where is he? That is born King of the Jews for, we have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him. When Herod the King had heard these things. He was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together,
he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him in Bethlehem of Judea for thus, it is written by the prophet and thou Bethlehem in the land of Judah are not the least among the princes of Judah for out of these shall come. A governor that shall rule my people. Israel then inherit when he had privily called the wise men,
inquired of them diligently, what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, go and search. Deluging diligently for the young child. And when you have found him, bring me word again, that I might come and worship him. Also, when they had heard the King, they departed and lo the star, which they saw in the East went before them,
till it came and stood over where the young child was when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down and worshiped him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, and frankincense and myrrh,
and being warned of God in a dream. They, that should not return to Herod. They departed into their own country another way. All right. So how old was Jesus when he was named Eight days old? Same as John. Yup. After Mary’s time of purification, where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to present him to the Lord and temple in Jerusalem?
Yes. Describe Simeon’s spiritual condition. The Holy spirit had promised Simeon that what events would occur before his death. Yeah. He would see the savior of the Lord, the Christ of the Lord. It was adjust and development. And the goalie, the Holy ghost was upon him. That’s the description of his spiritual condition. What did the aged Ana do at the temple?
Yeah, she fasted and prayed day and night. All right. What news of the Wiseman troubled Herod? Yeah, the King of the Jews was born. And how did the Wiseman know where to find Jesus star in the East? What three gifts did the Wiseman bring? Jesus? Well, the frankincense and myrrh. And just because there were three gifts doesn’t mean there were only three wisemen.
There could have been multiple Wiseman. All right. Let’s do Matthew chapter two verses 13 through 23, Matthew two 13 through 23. I asked him if I could have all of y’all read stuff too. And he said they can’t hear that online. So I have to read everything. I’m sorry, 13 through 23, Matthew chapter two. And when they were departed behold,
the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring the word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose. He took the young child and his mother by night and departed into Egypt and was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled,
which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying out of Egypt, have I called my son inherited when he saw that he was mocked of the Wiseman was exceeding wroth and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof from two years old and under one, a monster man, according to that, the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men then was fulfilled that,
which was spoken by Jeremiah, the prophet saying, and ramen was there a voice heard lamination and weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not. But when Herod was dead behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying arise and take the young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead,
which sought the young child’s life. And he arose and took the young child in his mother and came into the land of Israel. But when he had heard that arch Elias did reign in Judea and the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go further. Notwithstanding being warned of God in a dream. He turned aside to the parts of Galilee and he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled,
which was spoken by the prophets. He shall be called a Nazarene. And then Luke two 39 through 52, Luke chapter two 39 through 52. Cool. And when they had performed all things, according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee to their own city Nazareth. And the child grew and wax strong in the spirit, filled with wisdom.
And the grace of God was upon him. Now, his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover. And when he was 12 years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the days as they returned the child, Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem and Joseph and his mother knew not of it,
but they supposing him to have been in the company, wins a day’s journey. And they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance and acquaintances. And when they had found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem seeking him. And it came to pass that after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions and all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
And when they saw him, they were amazed and his mother said unto him, son, why has thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy father. And I have sought the sorrowing. And he said unto them, how is it that she sought me whiskey? Not that I must be about my father’s business. And they understood not the same, which he speak unto them.
And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them. But his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. So after the Wiseman left, where did Joseph take? Mary and Jesus down to Egypt? Correct. Why? Because King Herod was seeking to destroy him.
The angel told them that what age children did Herod have killed in Bethlehem area? In the area of Bethlehem two and under, yeah. Why was Jesus called a Nazarene? Yeah, he lived in Nazareth and it was also prophesied that he would be called a Nazareen. How old was Jesus when he went with his parents to Jerusalem? For the feast of the Passover 12.
Yep. When lost on the Jerusalem trip, where did Jesus’s parents? 10 in the temple. Okay. Since Jesus was the son of God, when he was growing up, he a gave the orders in the family, B gave the orders in the family, but he was obedient to his parents or see, was busy with God’s business away from his family circle B.
Yeah. He gave the orders and listened to me, mom and dad. How did Jesus grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and with man name, the writer of each of the new of each new Testament letter, the letters of the new Testament. Matthew didn’t write any letters, not. He wrote the gospel. So Paul wrote letters. James wrote letters.
Peter wrote letters, James, the son, or the brother of Jesus, not, not the other genes. John wrote letters. And then Jude, the brother of Jesus wrote a letter. Those are the ones that wrote the letters. They tricked us. They went from gospels, the letters on the next one. All right, let’s read Matthew three,
one through 17. And those days came John, the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and seeing rip pinchy for the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this is he, that was spoken of by the prophet. Asiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his path straight. And the same. John had his Raymond of camel’s hair and a leathern girdle about his loins and his meat was locusts and wild.
Honey then went out with him, Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region around about Jordan and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, Oh, generation of Vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come bringing forth, therefore fruits meet for repentance.
And think not to say with yourselves within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father for IC and to you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the ax is lean on unto the roots of the trees. Therefor, every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance,
but he, that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy ghost and with fire, whose fan is in his hand. And he will thoroughly purchase floor and gather his wheat into the garner. But he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Then come with Jesus from Galilee to Jordan,
under John to be baptized of him. But John, for bad him saying, I have needed to be baptized of thee and comments down to me. And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be. So now for thus, it become us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him and Jesus. When he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him.
And he saw the spirit of God, descending like a dove and lighting upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well-pleased. So what old Testament prophet told about the coming of John? The Baptist Isaiah? Yes. Assayas it says in the King James version, it’s the same person described John, the Baptist clothing and food.
Camel’s hair was his clothes with a leather girdle. And what did he eat? Locusts and wild honey. Yes. John the Baptist said his baptism was for what?<inaudible> Repentance. Yes. How lonely did John describe himself as compared to the coming Jesus? Yep. And he wasn’t even worthy to basically tie his shoes or on tie his shoes. What plays did John the Baptist baptized Jesus in Jordan?
Yes. How did the spirit appear at the baptism of Jesus? Like a dove. And what did the father say? Yeah. As a group, the new Testament books, Romans through Jude are called what? I like those trick questions. They just throw in. They want you to, Oh, by the way, this has nothing to do with the life of Christ.
But what are these group of books called? They’re the letters from Romans through Jude. Those are the letters of the new Testament, the epistles. All right. Matthew four, one through 11<inaudible> Excuse me. Then was Jesus led up of the spirit, into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights,
he was afterward and hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, if that will be the son of God command that these stones be made of bread, but he answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone. But by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God, then the devil tickets him up into a Holy city instead of him in a pin,
on a pinnacle of the temple and Steph unto him, if that will be the son of God, cast myself down for it is written. He shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands. They shall bear thee up lest any at any time that dash thy foot against the stone, Jesus said unto him. It is written again. Thou shall not tempt the Lord,
thy God. Again, the devil take it them up into an exceeding high mountain and show with him, all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and Seth unto him, all these things, will I give thee, if that will fall down and worship me then said, Jesus, unto him. Get the hint. Satan for it is written.
Now shall worship the Lord, thy God and him only shout they’ll serve. Then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministered unto him. And then John chapter one 29 through 51, John one 29 through 51. The next day, John sees Jesus coming onto him and Seth behold, the lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.
This is he of whom I said after me come at the man, which is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not, but that he should be made manifest to Israel. Therefore, am I coming baptizing with water and John bear record saying, I saw the spirit descending from heaven, like a dove and in a boat upon him.
And I knew him not, but th but he, that sent me to baptize with water, the same Seth unto upon whom thou shout, see the spirit, descending and remaining on him. The same as he, which baptizes with the Holy ghost. And I saw in bear record that this is the son of God. Again, the next day after John stood and two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked with,
he said, behold, the lamb of God, and two disciples heard him speak it, speak, and they follow Jesus. Then Jesus turned and saw them following and said unto them, what Sikhi. They said unto him rabbi, which is to say being interpreted master where dwellest thou. He said unto them come and see. They came and saw where he dwells in a bode with him that day for it was about the 10th hour.
One of the two, which heard John speaking and followed him was Andrew Simon Peter’s brother. He first find it his own brother, Simon and Seth unto him. We have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus be held him, he said that weren’t Simon, the son of Jonah thou shall be called CFUs,
which is by interpretation a stone. The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee and find a Phillip and Seth unto him. Follow me. Now, Philip was of Bethsaida the city of Andrew and Peter, fill it, find it Nathaniel and said unto him. We have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did right? Jesus of Nazareth,
the son of Joseph and Nathaniel said unto him, can there any good thing come out of Nazareth. Phillip said, unto him, come and see Jesus saw Nathaniel coming to him and Seth of him, behold in Israel, EIT, indeed. And whom is no guile. Nathaniel said unto him, wince knowest thou me Jesus answered and said unto him. Before that Philip called the,
when that was under the fig tree, I saw the Nathaniel answered and said unto him, rabbi thou art, the son of God. Now aren’t the King of Israel. Jesus answered and said unto him, because I said unto thee, I saw the under the fig tree. Believe us though. Now shout see greater things than these. And he said unto him,
verily, verily. I say unto you hereafter, you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man. All right. How long did Jesus fast? 40 days and 40 nights. How are you so quiet when you answer name? The three places the devil tempted Jesus First was in the wilderness. Yes. Second was Temptation.
You took him up to the highest pinnacle in Jerusalem on the temple. And then the third place was the highest known. You have very high mountain. All right. Describe each of the three temptations. The devil tried on Jesus. First. He asked him to lust of the, then He asked him to do what<inaudible> To jump down and the angels would save him the pride of life.
And then the last one was yes. Yes. The lust of the eyes bow down and worship me. And you can have all of this. All right. Jesus reacted to the devil’s temptations by eight, ignoring him, be doing what the devil asked or see quoting scriptures, quoting scriptures. Of course. What did Jesus tell the devil to do after the devil had tempted him?
Yeah. Yeah. Behind me get the hint Satan and a lot of other things. According to John, the Baptist, what takes away the sins of the world? Jesus, the lamb of God takes it will come to take it. The, the sins of the world. Name one, man who heard John the Baptist speak and then follow Jesus. I read that in John chapter one,
Andrew, Andrew was the follower of John the Baptist and he heard Jesus and decided to follow, follow Jesus. And then, excuse me, this man brought his brother to Jesus. Who was the brother? Simon. Peter? Yes. Who he called CFUs the stone to which disciple does Jesus say? Follow me John, one 43. It was Philip.
And he told Philip to follow him. And then which disciple does Jesus describe events of his sitting under a fig tree? Nathaniel? Yes. All right. Let’s see. How long has John chapter two? We only have a few minutes left. So I’m going to just go through these questions and see if you can answer them. And if not, I will give you the answer because we don’t have time to read everything.
Now we’re at the wire who went with Jesus to the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where he performed his first miracle. Yeah, his mother and his, his disciples that he had at the time described Jesus’s first miracle and the quality of the wine<inaudible> Change the water into wine. And what kind of wine was it? It was like fresh squeezed, grape juice,
fresh squeezed grape juice. What was the effect on Jesus’s disciples? Seeing him change the water to wine. Yeah. They believed on him. They believed that he was Jesus. When Jesus was to observe the Passover at the temple. Where did he find men selling animals and changing money and the temple? Yes. How did Jesus drive out those selling animals and changing money in the temple?
Yep. He made a whip out of some chords. He turned over the tables. He dumped out their money from their bowls. It was great. What did Jesus mean when he said destroy this temple? And in three days I will raise it up. Yeah. Kill my body in three days. I’ll be resurrected. It was prophesying. When did Jesus’ disciples recall this statement?
Perfect. Yeah, after he had risen, how many books are there and the new Testament? 27 books. 27 books. All right. Of what group of the Jews was Nicodemus? Do we remember? Yes. He was a Pharisee. Good. You guys are getting like on the spot questions that you can answer for? Bible Nicodemus came to talk with Jesus at the morning.
The noon time or night at night? Yes. How did Jesus tell Nicodemus to be born again? John three 33 through six. Yeah. He had to be born of water and the spirit he had to be born of the spirit is what he said. What did Jesus tell Nicodemus that a person must believe to have eternal life? Yeah. He had to believe that he was the only begotten son of God.
All right. What did John the Baptist say about his growing importance in relation to Jesus? No, I must decrease so he can increase basically. Why did John the Baptist Baptists criticized Herod? Yeah. That’s a different time. Actually. The first time it was just for all the evil he had done. He was just criticizing for all the evil he had done.
And how did Herod punished on the baptized Baptist for his criticism now? That’s later he threw him in prison. Yes. Correct. All right. So I’m guessing that everybody has all of these. He told me not to print them off cause everybody should have them already. I only missed a couple of lessons, so we’ll just see if he wants to continue on with that when he gets back,
because he already told me what I’m supposed to be doing on Wednesday. So We’ll take a break Just to see us today and we’re glad to have them here. And they do know Richard Bell. For those of you that remember Richard is they used to live here in worship with us and we, we really loved them and appreciated them, but we’re glad to have them with us.
And we have a few of our own number here, but we do, we are here worshiping God. And that’s what counts. We do want to remember those that are not able to be with us. Those are at home watching the live stream. We’re thinking about y’all and praying for you. And we hope that everyone is doing well. It’s been a trying time,
but we’re still doing what God wants us to do. And we’re trying to, trying to glorify him and trying to lead others to his word, to become children of his. So just keep that in mind and everything will be fine. Just keep eyes on the Lord and try to do his will. And, and we’ll be good. We do won’t to,
if he failed to pick up your communion, it’s in the back of the auditorium on those tables and now would be a good time to get that. If you did not pick it up on the way in, we would ask that our visitors, if you don’t mind, please fill out an attendance card so that we might have a record of you being here.
We certainly appreciate that. And we hope if you’re back this way, we want to invite you to come back and stop by and see us again. We do want to remember those that are ill or the congregation, Joan Springer is at home. I didn’t get a chance to speak to Marie, but she’s still having difficulties some good days, some bad days.
So keep her in your prayers, Robin woods. We won’t also remember her. And then Jessica Dale is still having problems with her stomach, stomach problems. And we hope and pray that she they’ll be able to determine exactly what’s going on with her and help relieve her of, of that. She’s been dealing with that for quite some time. Remember Dorothy and Rodale Wilson.
They’re still at home and Rodale has lost a, of his family members. And we want to remember them in our prayers and both of them were in a very bad health. So keep them in mind. Jane and Marlin is doing well after her knee replacement surgery. And we’re thankful for that. And Cheryl’s dad has a fractured spine and I guess he’s doing as well as possible.
He’s in a brace. And I wanna remember them. I know Cheryl has a difficult time from time to time and we want to pray that she does. Okay. And taking care of her mom and dad, Keith Cozort that’s Aaron’s dad had two stents put in and he’s doing fine. He’s at home. And I think progressing along well. So in that same note,
we want to remember Aaron and Eddie and the boys they’re up there visiting with family and not be able to be with us. And we want to pray that everything goes well for them. They will be coming back later on this week, I believe around Thursday. They’re supposed to be back in back home here. So keep them in your prayers. Amy Cox is dad.
Alvin Griffin is in rehab after having a stroke, Amy and Chad used to worship here and it’s her dad. And we certainly hope that everything will go well for him. They’re just, they’re waiting to see how that’s going to work out. Natalie temple, Diane O’Neill’s nephew’s wife found out her cancer has returned. So we want to remember Diana’s nephew’s wife and pray that she,
they can actually get hurt the treatment that she needs at this time to help her do better. And then Jane’s, Sconiers that’s Diana’s aunt is back in the hospital with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. And we’re certainly, we’re sorry to hear about that on to pray for all of these individuals, that they can regain their health and come back to some reasonable amount of life.
As far as health goes, our daily Bible reading plan, and this is listed in each bullet and every Sunday and beginning of the first of the year, it will be. And in chronological order. So if you might notice it’s different perhaps from the one we used to use, where we were just reading the scriptures from Genesis to revelation, this is going to be in chronological order.
So we encourage everybody to be sure and pick up a bullet and then try to keep up with our daily Bible readings. I believe that saw the announcements that I have. I’ll be directing the song service this morning, and I hope you bear with me. We had someone else plan for this and could not make it. And you know, my throat goes out on me pretty much and I,
I might have to get Murray. His does the same thing. So maybe between the both of us, if mine just plays completely out, I might have to call on Marie to come up and take care of the rest of it. So, but we’ll, we’ll do the best we can. Eric Halverson has our opening prayer. Michael Dale has our sermon today.
Tommy O’Neil will be taken care of the Lord’s supper. And then at the closing we have Terry Sanderson will be leading us in our closing prayer. So if you would now most of the songs except for the invitation and the closing him will be on their overhead. The rest of those two, we’ll have to use our books. We’ll begin this morning with have that own way.
Number 552 should be on the overhead. After this song, we will have our opening prayer.<inaudible> I am the clay<inaudible> Mo man<inaudible> man<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Searchie man, TRIBE me master today, a wider then snow wash me<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and then on way, Lord, have I known what? Hey, hold on my being absolutes<inaudible> damn with ice fam and<inaudible> Christ on the,
ah, when living in me, God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for another glorious day here on earth, thanking you for the ability for us to be able to assemble here, to sing songs of praise, your great name and worship you here in this assembly. Lord, we know there are many amongst us that are unable to be here for various reasons.
And we ask that you reach your loving arms out to them and provide the comfort that they need, that they seek from you on a daily basis. And if it be your will help those that are administering to them to find the right solutions to make their health better so that they can return to their desired measure health. And most importantly returned to assemble here with us to worship you,
God, we also know that there are those amongst us that have lost loved ones. Recently, we asked that you comfort those in only the way that you can. And we also know that there are many amongst us traveling because of the holiday season. And we asked him if it’d be your will provide them safe journey to their destination and return to where they plan on going after the holidays are over.
Now God, as we prepare to hear another portion of your word, that Michael is about to bring to us, we ask that you help each and every one of us focus on the message that he brings from your word so that we may understand it fully and use it in our lives to help serve you better. Because we know that is what we are truly here for is to serve you.
And Lord, we ask that you give each and every one of us to strengthen the courage we need so that when we come across those that have either fallen away from your word, or unfortunately have not opened their heart to your word yet that we reach out to them and bring your message and your word to them so that they may have the same opportunity that we do.
And that is to live with you for eternity and heaven. One day, we want to thank you for your son, Jesus, because it was him that made all this possible. We pray all this through his name. Amen Before comedian, but he numbers 383, 383. He’s an escape man here. The cross<inaudible> stream flow is from<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> damn I right?
Sure. So Shopify rest be a<inaudible> NAFTA, CRA trembling. So love and<inaudible> that’s Bri and Morningstar<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> my ride sharing. So Shopify rest me.<inaudible> Nat CRA. So I’ve got<inaudible> army up man from day to day with<inaudible><inaudible> and across<inaudible> damn my ride sharing. So Shafai rest being a<inaudible> H Lawrence Day. We have the privileged eight with this bread and drink of this cup to remember the death of our Lord and savior and the sacrifice that he made each one for each one of us,
would you probably with me, our heavenly father. We truly thank you for Christ. Our savior. We thank you for this bread to us represents his body. That was hung on a cross. We pray that if we partake of it, that each one of us would dwell on the horrible death across God for each one of us, these things we ask in his name,
amen, our heavenly father. We continue our thanks for this fruit of the vine, which to us represents the blood of her savior she had for our sins, as we partake of it, help each one of us to do so with humble and thankful to heart. These things we ask in Christ’s name, amen.<inaudible> with me, Our heavenly father.
We thank you for all of the blessings. If we unjoin this lie, we thank you for all of the material blessings that we enjoy in this country. We know that all we have to do is to look at the news to realize truly how blessed we are. We pray that as we prepared to return under the, a part of that, that we’ve been blessed with,
we would do so with a cheerful and thankful heart. These things we ask in Christ’s name, amen. You would be marking your books for number 903. That would be our song of encouragement. Number nine Oh three will be our song of encouragement.<inaudible> I will be singing number 609, six Oh nine. Okay.<inaudible> I am not a<inaudible><inaudible> this word<inaudible> for mass is strong.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> my worth.
And this name<inaudible><inaudible> up or it’s for me.<inaudible> And, and now Michael Morning, everybody. Okay. This morning, I’m going to be preaching on being aware of Satan sneaky apostles. Our main tax is going to be taken from second Corinthians chapter 11, verses 13 through 15, second Corinthians chapter 11, verses 13 through 15 for such are false apostles.
Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself has transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works, the children of the Lord must be aware of false teachers appearing to preach the gospel of Christ.
I’m sure most of us in here at one point in time in our lives have heard the story of little red riding hood and a sweet little girl skipping through the woods with her basket of goodies on her way to her grandma’s house. While the ever stocking Wolf lingers in the shadows, watching her, waiting for her to get to a point where he can devour her.
I remember it well because at one point in time, the Wolf ran ahead of her, went to her grandmother’s house, ate up the grandmother and then put her clothes on and laid in bed, waiting for red riding hood. When she came, he ate her up too, but false apostles, like the Wolf in the story are good at disguising themselves to make what they are seeing sound really appealing to us.
Every time we see a fossil parcel, we notice something, a false apostles are always dressed. Really nice, like the Wolf and grandma’s clothes, false apostles, say all the things you want to hear, the better to see you with my dear. The better to hear you with my dear says the Wolf false apostles never actually speak the whole truth. The better to eat you with.
And he gobbled her up false apostles are lovers of money. And that is really all they care about lining their pockets while they sit back and watch you fall into sin all the while thinking that you are safe. You’re okay. Do you remember how the story of little red riding hood ended? It ended with a hero. The lumberjack comes rushing in. He kills the Wolf,
cuts them open and pools, red riding hood and his grandma and her grandmother out of, out of his stomach to safety here. As we read in second Corinthians chapter 11, 13 through 15 Paul who predates the Wolf story by quite a while, comes through inspiration of God, our true savior to warn and save the Corinthian church from the false apostles workers of the real Wolf.
Satan, The moral of the story is the children of the Lord must be aware of false teachers appearing to be preachers of the gospel to help us understand who these false apostles are. Paul through inspiration gives us a description. We have a description of the false apostles themselves. We have a description of the false apostles master, and then we have a description of the false apostles end.
Let us first consider the description. Paul gives us of the false apostles themselves. You will know the false apostles by their work. They are deceitful workers. He says in verse 13 of second, Corinthians 11 for such are false apostles, deceitful workers. They will pervert the gospel turn with me to Galatians chapter one, verses six and seven Galatians chapter one verses six and seven.
The very next book, Marvel that’s ER, so soon removed from him. That called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there’ll be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. These spots, apostles pervert the gospel of Christ. They will unsettle your soul acts chapter 15 and verse 24 acts 1524<inaudible> For as much as we have heard that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words,
subverting your souls, saying you must be circumcised and keep the law to whom we gave no such commandment. There’s the birding, our souls. They speak perverse things acts 20 and verse 30 acts chapter 20 and verse 30. Also have your own selves. Shall men arise? Speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them, they speak these perverse things. These false apostles do to draw you away from Christ and his true word.
They will speak a different gospel, a gospel let’s turn back to Galatians chapter one, Galatians chapter one, and we’ll read verses eight and nine Paul through the inspiration writes. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that, which we have preached unto you. Let him be a cursed, as we said before. So say I now again,
if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that you have received. Let him be a curse. Paul is warning us up front already back 2000 years ago, almost that there’s going to be false apostles coming into us and trying to teach us another gospel, something that’s not right. And there ought to be a cursed false apostles. Also transform themselves.
They will disguise themselves. Let’s go back to our original text. Second Corinthians chapter 11, and we’ll read verse 13 again. Second Corinthians 11 and verse 13.<inaudible> For such are false apostles. Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. They, they make themselves look like they’re from Christ. They will disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Read verse 15,
just a couple of verses down. Therefore it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, they’re going to try to make themselves seem like they’re good. So you will follow them. Why most of the time, so they can line their pockets. They’re sneaky. These false apostles are sneaky. Turn with me to Galatians chapter two,
one book over chapter two and verse four relations to four. And that because of false brethren, unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our Liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage and to bondage under Satan. They’re sneaky. They come in sneakily and they want to draw you away from Christ because they are Savage wolves among sheep acts chapter 20 in verse 29.
Let’s read this description, acts chapter 20 and verse 29. Excuse me. I’m having some allergy problems for, I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not just wolves, grievous wolves, these wolves are hungering for you not sparing the flock. They’re not going to spare anyone. They will disguise themselves. Even as sheep. These wolves will be masters of disguise.
Matthew chapter seven, turn with me to Matthew chapter seven and verse 15. Jesus tells us beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing. But inwardly, they are ravening wolves. They may look like one of us, but inwardly, they are hungering to pull you way to, to Satan, to pull you away to sin. But how can we tell who these false apostles are?
You will know them by their fruit. Jesus says Matthew chapter seven, verses 16 through 20 let’s continue reading here in Matthew chapter seven, Jesus said says, you shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bring it forth. Evil fruit, a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits. You shall know them. They are going to, they will never practice righteousness. These false apostles don’t practice righteousness at all. Turn with me to John chapter three, verses seven through ten first John chapter three verses seven through 10 John through inspiration writes little children.
Let no man deceive you. He that do with righteousness is righteous. Even as he is righteous. He, that committed sin is of the devil for the devil Senate. From the beginning for this purpose, the son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remain within him.
And he cannot sin because he is born of God. And this the children of God are manifest. And the children of the devil whosoever does not. Righteousness is not of God, neither. He that loveth not his brother. To me. That’s one of the main things. If you can see someone is pulling away, they’re not really loving towards you and the,
and the worship service. That’s someone you need to look out for. There is no good. And these false apostles turn with me. Second, Peter chapter two, that’s one book up second, Peter chapter two verses 10 through 19, but chief Lee, them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignities,
whereas angels, which are greater in power and might bring not accusations against them before the Lord. But these as natural brute beasts, he says, made to be taken and destroyed, speak of, speak evil of the things that they understand, not and shall utter utterly perish in their own corruption and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness. As they, that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime spots they are and blemishes supporting sporting themselves with their own receivings while they feast with you having eyes full of adultery.
And that cannot cease from sin. Beguiling unstable souls and heart. They have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children, what ha, which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray. Following the way of bailing. The son of Bowser who loved the wages of unrighteousness, but was rebuked for his iniquity. The dumb donkey speaking with man’s voice for bad,
the madness of the prophet. These are Wells without water, these false prophets Wells, without water clouds that are carried with a Tempest, they go wherever the wind blows them to whom the midst of darkness is reserved forever for when they speak great swelling, words of vanity. They allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness. Those that were clean,
escaped from them who live in error while they promise them Liberty. They themselves are the servants of corruption for whom a man is overcome of the scene. As he brought in bondage, they stand up here and they preach to you. A sermon of Liberty. Faith only once saved, always saved. And all the while you think you are saved, when really you are looking to destruction,
let us consider what an apostle is here and apostle in the Greek is Apostolos which according to theorists, Greek lexicon is one who is sent forth with orders to be an apostle, even a false apostle. They must have one who has sent them thus through Paul’s writing and the, to the church in Corinth. We have a description of the false apostles master the false apostles master clearly as Satan,
he has shown to be their master by Paul and second Corinthians chapter 11. Let’s go back to our original texts. Second Corinthians chapter 11 and verses 13 and 14, second Corinthians 11, 13 and 14 for such are false apostles. Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself has transformed into an angel of light Satan himself.
Jesus said that Satan is these false apostles father turn with me to John chapter eight, the gospel of John chapter eight verses 44 through 46, Seven John eight 44, three 47. Jesus States Of these false teachers year of your father, the devil that and the loss of your father, you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode,
not in truth because there is not truth in him. When we, when he speak, if a lie, he speaks of his own for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe me, not, which of you convinced me of sin. And I say the truth. Why do you not believe me?
He, that is of God. Heareth God’s words either. Ye therefore hear them not because he are not of God. These false apostles not only teach falsely because of Satan, their father, the father of lies. They, they completely shun righteousness. Then the right word, they practice sin. Thus they are of their father. The devil turned back with me to first John chapter three in verse eight first John chapter three and verse eight.
He, that committed sin is of the devil for the devil. Sinneth from the beginning for this purpose, the son of God was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil. Satan is also crafty and disguise. This is where his apostles false apostles learn. He decides disguises himself as an angel of light, second Corinthians 13 or 11 and verse 14.
And no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. He wants you to come to him. So he’s not going to appear as he is. He’s going to appear as a messenger of God as a, as a angel of light. He, as we all know, he also disguised himself as a serpent once upon a time. And Paul get reiterated this to the church at Corinth and verse three of chapter 11,
just a few verses up. If you look at verse three, but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety. So your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ, Seton employees, deceit to lead the saved astray. He is a liar, John eight 44, the gospel of John chapter eight. Let’s read it again.
And verse 44, ye are of your father, the devil and the less of your father. You will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode, not in truth because there is no truth in him. When he speak at the Y, he speaks with of his own for, he is a liar and the father of it, the father of lies.
He lied from the very beginning of time. Let’s go to Genesis chapter three, all the way back to the beginning, Genesis chapter three, and read verses one through five Genesis Chapter three, one through five. Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the field, which the Lord God had made. And he said, the woman, yea, hath God said,
ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. It starts off subtly. You shall not eat of every tree of the garden. Of course he knew God told them they could eat every tree of the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree,
which is in the midst of the garden. God has said, you shall not eat of it. Neither shall ye touch it. Lest he die. And the serpent said unto the woman, he changes one word and it turns the whole thing into a lie. You shall not surely die. He says for God death, not, no, God doesn’t know that in the day you eat thereof and he appeals to their vanity,
then your eyes shall be open. And he shall be as gods. He says, knowing good and evil. Satan is a tricky beast. He has deceived the whole world from the beginning. And to the end, let’s go all the way to revelation revelation, chapter 12 and verse nine, revelation 12 and verse nine. And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan,
which deceive it the whole world. He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. He deceives the whole world all the way from Genesis, all the way down to revelation. He never stops trying to deceive the world. He was sent. He has sent his workers throughout the entire world to, to, so his madness first,
John chapter four in verse one first John chapter four and verse one, John writes beloved believe not every time the spirit, but try the spirits. Whether they are of God, because as many false prophets are gone out into the world. Many, not one, not a hundred, not a thousand, but many are out there trying to bring us away from God because Satan is relentless.
He roams the earth looking to do evil. We read of this when he’s look into torture job and job chapter one in verse seven, job chapter one and verse seven. And the Lord said unto Satan come SL as if God didn’t know, right then Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down,
it he’s out there. He’s going to and fro on the earth. He’s walking up and down at everywhere. He possibly can to seek your soul because Satan is waiting to devour you. First, Peter chapter five in verse eight, we’re told through inspiration of the Holy spirit. Peter writes in first Peter chapter five and verse eight, be sober. We are to be sober,
be vigilant. We are to be village in because your adversary, the devil as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking. He may devour. He’s not just waiting for you to come. He’s out there seeking you, waiting to devour you. There’s a reason we are given these descriptions of the false apostles and their master Satan. This is so we can resist them.
First, Peter chapter five, verse nine, whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished and your brethren that are in the world, we must resist him. Now let us consider that. Paul gives us hope by giving us a description of the false apostles end, their end will be according to their words. Paul writes of this to the church at Corinth,
back in our original texts. Second Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 15, second Corinthians 11, 15. Therefore it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works, they will meet Swift destruction. Second, Peter chapter two in verse one second, Peter chapter two and verse one,
but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privileged shall bring in damnable, heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves Swift destruction. Their destruction is going to be Swift as liars. They will be thrown into the Lake of fire revelation, chapter 21 and verse eight, revelation 21 and verse eight,
But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and I Dodgers and all liars, all false apostles are liars shall have their part in the Lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Their end is utter destruction. We can read of this and Philippians chapter three and verse 19, Philippians chapter three and verse 19,
whose end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is their shame who mind earthly things. These false apostles will need and utter destruction. And that’s why we need to watch out for them. So we don’t end up with the same destruction. God is going to judge the false apostles, just like he judges everyone. Jesus will tell them to depart in the end,
turn with me to Matthew chapter seven, again, Matthew chapter seven, and we’ll read verses 21 through 23. Yeah, Matthew seven 21 through 23. Not everyone that Seth unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. But he, that do it. The will of my father, which is in heaven, many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in their name? And in the name of cast out devils and in my name have done many wonderful works. I think of the, the people out there who lay their hands on people and try to give them the Holy spirit to them and things like that. They’ve done all of these mighty magnificent works in his name.
And then will I profess unto them? I never know. I knew you depart from me, ye that work iniquity, what a terrible feeling to be before Jesus and telling him all of these awesome works that you’ve done. And for him to say, I never knew you depart from me. They will be judged according to their deeds. Turn with me to Romans chapter two,
Romans chapter two, let’s all turn there. Romans chapter two. And we’ll read, this is a little bit of a lengthy reading, but I want to read it Matthew or Romans chapter two verses one through 16, therefore, or thou art inexcusable. Oh man. Whosoever thou art that judges for wearing now judges to another they’ll condemn us thyself for thou that judges does the same things,
but we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them, which commit such things and think is now this, Oh man, that judges them, which do such things and dust the same and now shall escape the judgment of God or despise the Sal, the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering. Not knowing that the goodness of God lead a theory to repentance,
but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurer stuff onto the ice self wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteousness, judgment of God, righteous judgment of God, who will render to every man, according to his deeds, to them who by patient countenance and well-doing seek the glory and honor of immortality eternal life, but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth,
but obey on righteousness, dig nation and wrath, tribulation, and angry wish upon every soul of man that do with evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile, but glory honor and peace to every man that works with good to the Jew first and also the Gentile for there is no respecter of persons with God, for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law.
And as many as I’ve sin in the law shall be judged by the law for not the heroes of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified for when the Gentiles, which have not the law do by nature. The things contained in the law. These having not the law are a law unto themselves, which show the work of the law written in their hearts.
Their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another. And the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus, according to my gospel, let us also consider second Peter chapter two in verses four through nine second, Peter chapter two verses four through nine, God spared, not the angels that sin, God didn’t even spare the angels that sinned.
He chased them down, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared, not the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemn them with an overthrow,
making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly. These are our examples. We are supposed to pay attention to our examples from God and deliver just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing, and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day, what their unlawful deeds, the Lord Noah, how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.
The children of the Lord must be aware of false teachers appearing to be preachers of the gospel. Last we be led astray. We have our helps from Paul right here in second Corinthians, chapter 11. It’s like a wanted poster. We have the dis there description so we can see who they are. We know who their master is, thus, what they practice lying and deceit.
We know what their end will be and must work to stop them as children of God, let us be careful of the Wolf seeking to devour and expose them for who they truly are. Ephesians five 11. Always remember if God, before us, who can be against us, Romans eight 31 as followers of Christ, we are all messages of his word commissioned to teach every nation,
Matthew 28, 18 or 19 and 20, and every creature about this truth, Mark 16, 15, we must first get them to hear the gospel for through hearing comes faith. John Mark, excuse me, Mark. Hm, Romans 10 17. We must teach them to a point of belief in Jesus as the Christ, because we do not want them to be lost in their sin.
John eight 24, we must teach them to a point of repentance because God commands every man everywhere to repent acts 1730. And we must teach that if they want to be confessed by Christ before the father in heaven, they must confess Jesus as the Christ before men, Matthew 10 32, and that confession leads to salvation. Romans 10, nine, and 10.
We must teach the laws that they must be baptized acts 2216, and we must teach and understand ourselves that salvation does not come just because we followed the steps through baptism. We must live faithfully until death to receive our crown of righteousness and heaven. First, John one, six and seven in revelation, two 10. Unlike what you will hear from the false false apostles.
Every step is necessary for salvation. Believing is not enough. You cannot faith into heaven and you are not baptized and always saved. You must follow every step. And if you have yet to heat each step to gain salvation, the waters of baptism already for you. And if you find yourself wavering on the path of righteousness and need the prayers of the scenes for encouragement,
we are here for you because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James, five 16, whatever your need, please come forward. As we stand and sing, You be free from the bird and there’s fire in the blond word. You are already a victory when there’s one<inaudible>, there is<inaudible> wonder working and<inaudible><inaudible> would you do serve it’s shirking,
there’s fire in the blah.<inaudible> word. You live day is praises to saying there’s one there and the blah<inaudible> wonder working then<inaudible><inaudible> there is<inaudible> working in<inaudible>. I want to say to Michael, that was a good job he did today for those that this is your first time to be here. Michael is a student at the school of preaching and he has grown tremendously.
He’ll be graduating this year, this coming year, and he’s, he’s been improving all the time. And we’re thankful that he was able to be here today and preach in Erin’s absence. We haven’t preached for several times each month. So good to have our visitors here. I did fail to mention one thing. Jenny’s dad who suffered a stroke. He is at home under hospice care and just doing the best he can.
He has good days and bad days. I think keep him in your prayers as well. I just overlooked announcements for our visitors. We help if you’re continuing your travels, which I know some of you are understand, headed up to Ohio. We wish you well and have a safe trip. And if you’re through this area on the way back home, drop back in and see us again.
We’d love to have you. Our closing ham will be number 878. If I can get through it was saying the first and last versus 878, and we’ll be landing the closing prayer. And Terry will lead us in that prayer. There’s a line that is<inaudible>. And by Fang, when he can see in a fog for the father waits over the way to<inaudible>,
then I swing by and by. We shot me on that<inaudible> then the swing by and by. We shall be on that<inaudible> to our, about Jeff, a father, we went off<inaudible> for the<inaudible> job is<inaudible> then the swing by and by me shot me on that.<inaudible> then the swing by and by. We show me on that<inaudible> show.
So Let’s pray, father Lord in heaven. Again, we find you for this beautiful first day of the week and the opportunity we’ve had to come together as your children to sing songs of praise and to the, into worship day and studied that word. We pray that the things that we have learned here today will help us to strengthen our Christian life and to reach out to others more.
We pray that you’d be with those that are traveling, especially with Aaron and his family who are based in with his, with their family, bring them back safely. We pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned today that are sick and unable to be with us. We pray that you would comfort them and comfort to the families that are tending to them.
We pray that you would go with his Nan and keep us safe during this pandemic and keep us healthy so we can be here together. Christ’s name. We pray. Amen.<inaudible>.
Well, everybody knows Aaron’s not here. We’re going to be doing a, a review of the first year of Jesus’s life, trying to make it through as many of these questions as possible Way. We’ll get this good review going. Let’s begin this morning with the prayer, our Lord in heaven. We thank you for this opportunity. We have to come here and study your word.
And we ask that we glean as much information as possible and soak it up like sponges and be able to use it to further your work and your, and your kingdom. We ask that you be with all of those that are gone now, traveling for the holidays up them to have a safe trip and journey home. And we ask that you be with all of those on our prayer list that are sick and ailing,
and you’d be with them and bring them back to their full health. If it be your will. And thank you again for your son who died on the cross and your son’s name. Amen. All right. So he told me, read the scripture, then read the question and let you guys answer. So that’s how we’re going to do it. Matthew chapter one,
verse two, Abraham, Isaac, and Isaac begat, Jacob and Jacob begat Judah and his brothers, Which was the son of Methuselah, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of<inaudible>, which was the son of Canaan, which was the son of<inaudible>, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam,
which was the son of God. So who was the, what was the first man? And Luke three 37 through 38 mentioned in Jesus’s genealogy. I think, I think that he’s looking for Adam. Yeah, because Adam is the first man mentioned and the genealogy here. So I don’t know why we read 37, 38. It starts from the, from the beginning or from the end and goes all the way to the beginning and Luke.
So, alright, Matthew, one 16 is where I’m going to next. Matthew, one 16 and Jacob, we got Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom was born. Jesus, who is called Christ, named the father and mother of Jesus. Mary and Joseph. Yes. And then Luke three 23. Yeah. Jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age being,
as we’re supposed the son of Joseph, which was the son of heli. How old was Jesus when he began his earthly ministry? 30. Yes. Correct. All right, Matthew, one six is where I’m going next. Matthew one six And Jesse begat David, the King and David, the King begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah was named the second King of Israel who was in the genealogy of Jesus.<inaudible> David.
David was the second King of Israel. First one was Saul. So I think it’s kind of a tricky question, but it’s David, David was the second King who was in the genealogy of Christ. David or David was Saul was not in the genealogy of Christ, but he was the first King. I don’t know. It’s confusing. It’s either David or Solomon the answer.
All right, it’s a Matthew. One, two is next. Oh, we read this one already. Abraham, Isaac and Isaac. We got Jacob and Jacob, you got Judah and his brethren. And then Luke three 34, Luke three 34, which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham,
which was the son of Thora, which was the son of nature. So name the man of great faith through whom God built the Jewish nation. Abraham. Yes. Why are some of John 20, 30 through 31, John chapter, 20, 30 and 31 and many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book.
But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing you might have life through his name. So why are, why are some of the events of Jesus’s early earthly life written? And we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing we might have life through his name.
You turn a life, basically. We’re just quoting verse 31 for the answer. What was the profession of Matthew and Luke? What was, does anybody know profession of Matthew tax collector and Luke physician? And what nationality was each man? Yeah. Matthew was a Galilean and Luke was a Grecian. He was from, he was from Greek or he was Greek from Greece.
All right, Luke, one five. There was in the days of Herod the King of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias of the chorus of a Baya. And his wife was the daughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth. So who was King of Judea? Yeah. Who was King of Judea? When John the Baptist and Jesus were conceived. Yes,
Luke one, five. And Luke, we just read Luke one five. So I’m not going to read it again. And then Luke one 27 to a Virgin and spouse to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David and the Virgin Virgin’s name was Mary. So name the father and mother of John. The Baptist. Yes. Zacharias and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth and Zacharias were let’s turn to Luke one seven. I have 17 pages of these questions to go through. So I’m going to try to go a little bit fast. And they had no child because that Elizabeth was barren and they both were now well stricken in years. So it was Zachariah and Elizabeth were young middle-aged or old when their only child John was born old.
Yes. Old, see Luke one nine, according to the customer of the priest office, his lot was to burn incense. When he went into the temple of the Lord, where was that? Kariah when the angel Gabriel told him he would have a son was in the temple of the Lord. And then Luke one 26. And in the six month,
the angel Gabriel Was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth. So where was, where was Mary at this time? Nazareth. Yes. And Luke one 17. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers, to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the, just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
According to the angel, speaking to Zechariah, what would be John’s work to prepare a way for the Lord. Yes, correct. And Jesus Luke one 33, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom. There shall be no end. So what was the purpose of Jesus? According to the angels, speaking to Zechariah, what would be John’s work of Jesus anyway,
Jesus, he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom. There shall be no in it. It’s, it’s basically just quoting the, the scripture there. All right. Luke, one 20 and behold thou shall be done and not able to speak until the day that these things shall be performed because I’ll believe it’s not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.
So why was decoration made mute? Yeah, because he, because he did not believe that the angel Gabriel’s words, that’s why, how many months pregnant was Elizabeth when Mary conceived the son of God, Luke one 35 and 36, six months. Yes. Correct. All right, Luke one 41. And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary,
the babe leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy ghost. So what happened when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary? Yep. And she was filled with the Holy ghost and described Mary’s reply, Luke four, one 46 through 55. And Mary said, my soul does magnify the Lord. And my spirit has rejoiced in God. My savior for he hath regarded the lowest state of his handmaiden for behold,
from henceforth. All generations shall call me blessed for he, that is mighty has done to me. Great things. And Holy is his name. And his mercy is on them. That fear him from generation to generation, excuse me. He has shown strength with his arm. He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree.
He has filled the hungry with good things and the rich, he has sent empty away. He has hoping his servant Israel and remembrance of his mercy. And as he speak to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever. So how would you describe Mary’s response? Yeah. Yeah. She was a humble servant of God. Praising his awesomeness basically is what I put.
All right, Luke, one 56 and Mary abode with her about three months and returned to her house. So how long did Mary stay with Elizabeth? Three months. I feel like I’m just answering the question and then asking you to repeat it to me. On what day was Elizabeth and Zechariah to name their son, Luke one 59 on the eighth day?
Correct. And it came to pass that on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child and called them Zacharias. All right, Luke one 63 and 64. And he asked for a writing table and wrote, seeing his name is John. And they marveled all and his mouth was open immediately and his tongue loose and he speak and praise God. So Zachariah prophesied that his son would give people knowledge.
Oh, sorry. Wrong question. When could Zachariah speak? Yeah. When his son was named John, as soon as he got the name, he was able to speak again. All right, Luke, one 77 To give knowledge of salvation on do as people buy the remission of their sins, Zechariah prophesied that his son would give the people knowledge of what salvation.
Correct. All right, Luke one 80 and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit and was in the deserts until the day of his showing unto Israel. So as he grew older, where did John live until the time for him to appear publicly, Excuse me. In the desert and the desert wilderness who wrote each of the four gospels. That’s an easy question.
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I went over all these questions last night and barely had to look any of them up as I’m. Now the answer is all right, Matthew, one 20. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou, son of David. If you’re not to take unto thee,
Mary thy wife for that, which is conceived in her is of the Holy ghost. Why did Joseph take Mary for his wife? Even though she was already pregnant? Yeah, he was reassured by the angel that it was okay. That she was still a meeting. She was still untouched Matthew one 21. And she shall bring forth a son and shall call his name.
Jesus for, he shall save his people from their sins. So what, and why did the angel instruct Joseph to name the son to be born to Mary? Is the answer Jesus, but why? That’s correct. All right. Matthew one 22 and 23. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying behold,
a Virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name. Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us. The old Testament, prophets, prophet, Isaiah at Virgin said a Virgin would have a child whose name would be Emmanuel. Yes. Which means God with us. Yes. All right. Luke, two, four,
and Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem because he was of the house and lineage of David. So why did Joseph and Mary have to leave their home to go to Bethlehem in Judea when Jesus was born?<inaudible> Yeah. Yeah, but also because he was of the house and lineage of David.
Yeah. All right, Luke two seven. And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the end. So where did Jesus Mary lay Jesus after he was born in Bethlehem, in a manger, Tim through 12 Luke, two, 10 through 12. And the angel said unto them fear,
not for behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. What news did the angel give the shepherds outside Bethlehem<inaudible> That the savior was born and how to find him all right,
Luke, two 17 through and 20. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the scene, which was told them concerning this child and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them, after hearing the news and seeing the baby Jesus, what did the shepherds do?<inaudible> And when they had seen it,
they made known abroad to seeing which was told them concerning this child. So they went out, letting everybody know about what they had heard about Jesus, and they also glorify it and praise God in verse 20 and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen. Okay. So I’m going to just read now the, all the verses that go with it from each book,
and then we’ll just go through and answer the questions. Instead of me reading each verse for each question, I’m going to be reading Luke chapter two 21 through 38, Luke two 21 through 38. And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
And when the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as it is written in the law of the Lord, every male that opened it, the womb shall be called Holy to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice. According to that, which has said in the law of the Lord,
a pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons and behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simon or Simeon, sorry. And the same man was just end of out waiting for the constellation of Israel. And the Holy ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord,
the Lord’s Christ. And he came by the spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the child, Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law, then took he him up in his arms and blessed God and said, Lord, now let us now thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word through 38, okay. For mine eyes,
I’ve seen nice salvation, which thou has prepared before the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people, Israel and Joseph, and his mother marveled at all at those things, which were spoken of him and Simeon blessed them and said unto Mary, his mother, behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against yay.
A sword shall Pierce through that and own soul. Also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of funnel, and of the TRIBE of Asur. She was of a great age and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity. And she was a widow of about four score in four years,
which departed, not from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayers night and day. And she came and she coming in that instant gave them things likewise unto the Lord and speak of him to all of them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. And then we’ll read Matthew chapter two verses one through 12 Matthew chapter two verses one through 12. Now Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea.
In the days of Herod the King behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem saying, where is he? That is born King of the Jews for, we have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him. When Herod the King had heard these things. He was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together,
he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him in Bethlehem of Judea for thus, it is written by the prophet and thou Bethlehem in the land of Judah are not the least among the princes of Judah for out of these shall come. A governor that shall rule my people. Israel then inherit when he had privily called the wise men,
inquired of them diligently, what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, go and search. Deluging diligently for the young child. And when you have found him, bring me word again, that I might come and worship him. Also, when they had heard the King, they departed and lo the star, which they saw in the East went before them,
till it came and stood over where the young child was when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down and worshiped him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, and frankincense and myrrh,
and being warned of God in a dream. They, that should not return to Herod. They departed into their own country another way. All right. So how old was Jesus when he was named Eight days old? Same as John. Yup. After Mary’s time of purification, where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to present him to the Lord and temple in Jerusalem?
Yes. Describe Simeon’s spiritual condition. The Holy spirit had promised Simeon that what events would occur before his death. Yeah. He would see the savior of the Lord, the Christ of the Lord. It was adjust and development. And the goalie, the Holy ghost was upon him. That’s the description of his spiritual condition. What did the aged Ana do at the temple?
Yeah, she fasted and prayed day and night. All right. What news of the Wiseman troubled Herod? Yeah, the King of the Jews was born. And how did the Wiseman know where to find Jesus star in the East? What three gifts did the Wiseman bring? Jesus? Well, the frankincense and myrrh. And just because there were three gifts doesn’t mean there were only three wisemen.
There could have been multiple Wiseman. All right. Let’s do Matthew chapter two verses 13 through 23, Matthew two 13 through 23. I asked him if I could have all of y’all read stuff too. And he said they can’t hear that online. So I have to read everything. I’m sorry, 13 through 23, Matthew chapter two. And when they were departed behold,
the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring the word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose. He took the young child and his mother by night and departed into Egypt and was there until the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled,
which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying out of Egypt, have I called my son inherited when he saw that he was mocked of the Wiseman was exceeding wroth and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof from two years old and under one, a monster man, according to that, the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men then was fulfilled that,
which was spoken by Jeremiah, the prophet saying, and ramen was there a voice heard lamination and weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted because they are not. But when Herod was dead behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying arise and take the young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead,
which sought the young child’s life. And he arose and took the young child in his mother and came into the land of Israel. But when he had heard that arch Elias did reign in Judea and the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go further. Notwithstanding being warned of God in a dream. He turned aside to the parts of Galilee and he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled,
which was spoken by the prophets. He shall be called a Nazarene. And then Luke two 39 through 52, Luke chapter two 39 through 52. Cool. And when they had performed all things, according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee to their own city Nazareth. And the child grew and wax strong in the spirit, filled with wisdom.
And the grace of God was upon him. Now, his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover. And when he was 12 years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the days as they returned the child, Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem and Joseph and his mother knew not of it,
but they supposing him to have been in the company, wins a day’s journey. And they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance and acquaintances. And when they had found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem seeking him. And it came to pass that after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions and all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
And when they saw him, they were amazed and his mother said unto him, son, why has thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy father. And I have sought the sorrowing. And he said unto them, how is it that she sought me whiskey? Not that I must be about my father’s business. And they understood not the same, which he speak unto them.
And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them. But his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. So after the Wiseman left, where did Joseph take? Mary and Jesus down to Egypt? Correct. Why? Because King Herod was seeking to destroy him.
The angel told them that what age children did Herod have killed in Bethlehem area? In the area of Bethlehem two and under, yeah. Why was Jesus called a Nazarene? Yeah, he lived in Nazareth and it was also prophesied that he would be called a Nazareen. How old was Jesus when he went with his parents to Jerusalem? For the feast of the Passover 12.
Yep. When lost on the Jerusalem trip, where did Jesus’s parents? 10 in the temple. Okay. Since Jesus was the son of God, when he was growing up, he a gave the orders in the family, B gave the orders in the family, but he was obedient to his parents or see, was busy with God’s business away from his family circle B.
Yeah. He gave the orders and listened to me, mom and dad. How did Jesus grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and with man name, the writer of each of the new of each new Testament letter, the letters of the new Testament. Matthew didn’t write any letters, not. He wrote the gospel. So Paul wrote letters. James wrote letters.
Peter wrote letters, James, the son, or the brother of Jesus, not, not the other genes. John wrote letters. And then Jude, the brother of Jesus wrote a letter. Those are the ones that wrote the letters. They tricked us. They went from gospels, the letters on the next one. All right, let’s read Matthew three,
one through 17. And those days came John, the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and seeing rip pinchy for the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this is he, that was spoken of by the prophet. Asiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his path straight. And the same. John had his Raymond of camel’s hair and a leathern girdle about his loins and his meat was locusts and wild.
Honey then went out with him, Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region around about Jordan and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, Oh, generation of Vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come bringing forth, therefore fruits meet for repentance.
And think not to say with yourselves within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father for IC and to you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now also the ax is lean on unto the roots of the trees. Therefor, every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance,
but he, that cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy ghost and with fire, whose fan is in his hand. And he will thoroughly purchase floor and gather his wheat into the garner. But he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Then come with Jesus from Galilee to Jordan,
under John to be baptized of him. But John, for bad him saying, I have needed to be baptized of thee and comments down to me. And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be. So now for thus, it become us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him and Jesus. When he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him.
And he saw the spirit of God, descending like a dove and lighting upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well-pleased. So what old Testament prophet told about the coming of John? The Baptist Isaiah? Yes. Assayas it says in the King James version, it’s the same person described John, the Baptist clothing and food.
Camel’s hair was his clothes with a leather girdle. And what did he eat? Locusts and wild honey. Yes. John the Baptist said his baptism was for what?<inaudible> Repentance. Yes. How lonely did John describe himself as compared to the coming Jesus? Yep. And he wasn’t even worthy to basically tie his shoes or on tie his shoes. What plays did John the Baptist baptized Jesus in Jordan?
Yes. How did the spirit appear at the baptism of Jesus? Like a dove. And what did the father say? Yeah. As a group, the new Testament books, Romans through Jude are called what? I like those trick questions. They just throw in. They want you to, Oh, by the way, this has nothing to do with the life of Christ.
But what are these group of books called? They’re the letters from Romans through Jude. Those are the letters of the new Testament, the epistles. All right. Matthew four, one through 11<inaudible> Excuse me. Then was Jesus led up of the spirit, into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights,
he was afterward and hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, if that will be the son of God command that these stones be made of bread, but he answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone. But by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God, then the devil tickets him up into a Holy city instead of him in a pin,
on a pinnacle of the temple and Steph unto him, if that will be the son of God, cast myself down for it is written. He shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands. They shall bear thee up lest any at any time that dash thy foot against the stone, Jesus said unto him. It is written again. Thou shall not tempt the Lord,
thy God. Again, the devil take it them up into an exceeding high mountain and show with him, all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and Seth unto him, all these things, will I give thee, if that will fall down and worship me then said, Jesus, unto him. Get the hint. Satan for it is written.
Now shall worship the Lord, thy God and him only shout they’ll serve. Then the devil leaveth him and behold angels came and ministered unto him. And then John chapter one 29 through 51, John one 29 through 51. The next day, John sees Jesus coming onto him and Seth behold, the lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.
This is he of whom I said after me come at the man, which is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not, but that he should be made manifest to Israel. Therefore, am I coming baptizing with water and John bear record saying, I saw the spirit descending from heaven, like a dove and in a boat upon him.
And I knew him not, but th but he, that sent me to baptize with water, the same Seth unto upon whom thou shout, see the spirit, descending and remaining on him. The same as he, which baptizes with the Holy ghost. And I saw in bear record that this is the son of God. Again, the next day after John stood and two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked with,
he said, behold, the lamb of God, and two disciples heard him speak it, speak, and they follow Jesus. Then Jesus turned and saw them following and said unto them, what Sikhi. They said unto him rabbi, which is to say being interpreted master where dwellest thou. He said unto them come and see. They came and saw where he dwells in a bode with him that day for it was about the 10th hour.
One of the two, which heard John speaking and followed him was Andrew Simon Peter’s brother. He first find it his own brother, Simon and Seth unto him. We have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus be held him, he said that weren’t Simon, the son of Jonah thou shall be called CFUs,
which is by interpretation a stone. The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee and find a Phillip and Seth unto him. Follow me. Now, Philip was of Bethsaida the city of Andrew and Peter, fill it, find it Nathaniel and said unto him. We have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did right? Jesus of Nazareth,
the son of Joseph and Nathaniel said unto him, can there any good thing come out of Nazareth. Phillip said, unto him, come and see Jesus saw Nathaniel coming to him and Seth of him, behold in Israel, EIT, indeed. And whom is no guile. Nathaniel said unto him, wince knowest thou me Jesus answered and said unto him. Before that Philip called the,
when that was under the fig tree, I saw the Nathaniel answered and said unto him, rabbi thou art, the son of God. Now aren’t the King of Israel. Jesus answered and said unto him, because I said unto thee, I saw the under the fig tree. Believe us though. Now shout see greater things than these. And he said unto him,
verily, verily. I say unto you hereafter, you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man. All right. How long did Jesus fast? 40 days and 40 nights. How are you so quiet when you answer name? The three places the devil tempted Jesus First was in the wilderness. Yes. Second was Temptation.
You took him up to the highest pinnacle in Jerusalem on the temple. And then the third place was the highest known. You have very high mountain. All right. Describe each of the three temptations. The devil tried on Jesus. First. He asked him to lust of the, then He asked him to do what<inaudible> To jump down and the angels would save him the pride of life.
And then the last one was yes. Yes. The lust of the eyes bow down and worship me. And you can have all of this. All right. Jesus reacted to the devil’s temptations by eight, ignoring him, be doing what the devil asked or see quoting scriptures, quoting scriptures. Of course. What did Jesus tell the devil to do after the devil had tempted him?
Yeah. Yeah. Behind me get the hint Satan and a lot of other things. According to John, the Baptist, what takes away the sins of the world? Jesus, the lamb of God takes it will come to take it. The, the sins of the world. Name one, man who heard John the Baptist speak and then follow Jesus. I read that in John chapter one,
Andrew, Andrew was the follower of John the Baptist and he heard Jesus and decided to follow, follow Jesus. And then, excuse me, this man brought his brother to Jesus. Who was the brother? Simon. Peter? Yes. Who he called CFUs the stone to which disciple does Jesus say? Follow me John, one 43. It was Philip.
And he told Philip to follow him. And then which disciple does Jesus describe events of his sitting under a fig tree? Nathaniel? Yes. All right. Let’s see. How long has John chapter two? We only have a few minutes left. So I’m going to just go through these questions and see if you can answer them. And if not, I will give you the answer because we don’t have time to read everything.
Now we’re at the wire who went with Jesus to the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where he performed his first miracle. Yeah, his mother and his, his disciples that he had at the time described Jesus’s first miracle and the quality of the wine<inaudible> Change the water into wine. And what kind of wine was it? It was like fresh squeezed, grape juice,
fresh squeezed grape juice. What was the effect on Jesus’s disciples? Seeing him change the water to wine. Yeah. They believed on him. They believed that he was Jesus. When Jesus was to observe the Passover at the temple. Where did he find men selling animals and changing money and the temple? Yes. How did Jesus drive out those selling animals and changing money in the temple?
Yep. He made a whip out of some chords. He turned over the tables. He dumped out their money from their bowls. It was great. What did Jesus mean when he said destroy this temple? And in three days I will raise it up. Yeah. Kill my body in three days. I’ll be resurrected. It was prophesying. When did Jesus’ disciples recall this statement?
Perfect. Yeah, after he had risen, how many books are there and the new Testament? 27 books. 27 books. All right. Of what group of the Jews was Nicodemus? Do we remember? Yes. He was a Pharisee. Good. You guys are getting like on the spot questions that you can answer for? Bible Nicodemus came to talk with Jesus at the morning.
The noon time or night at night? Yes. How did Jesus tell Nicodemus to be born again? John three 33 through six. Yeah. He had to be born of water and the spirit he had to be born of the spirit is what he said. What did Jesus tell Nicodemus that a person must believe to have eternal life? Yeah. He had to believe that he was the only begotten son of God.
All right. What did John the Baptist say about his growing importance in relation to Jesus? No, I must decrease so he can increase basically. Why did John the Baptist Baptists criticized Herod? Yeah. That’s a different time. Actually. The first time it was just for all the evil he had done. He was just criticizing for all the evil he had done.
And how did Herod punished on the baptized Baptist for his criticism now? That’s later he threw him in prison. Yes. Correct. All right. So I’m guessing that everybody has all of these. He told me not to print them off cause everybody should have them already. I only missed a couple of lessons, so we’ll just see if he wants to continue on with that when he gets back,
because he already told me what I’m supposed to be doing on Wednesday. So We’ll take a break Just to see us today and we’re glad to have them here. And they do know Richard Bell. For those of you that remember Richard is they used to live here in worship with us and we, we really loved them and appreciated them, but we’re glad to have them with us.
And we have a few of our own number here, but we do, we are here worshiping God. And that’s what counts. We do want to remember those that are not able to be with us. Those are at home watching the live stream. We’re thinking about y’all and praying for you. And we hope that everyone is doing well. It’s been a trying time,
but we’re still doing what God wants us to do. And we’re trying to, trying to glorify him and trying to lead others to his word, to become children of his. So just keep that in mind and everything will be fine. Just keep eyes on the Lord and try to do his will. And, and we’ll be good. We do won’t to,
if he failed to pick up your communion, it’s in the back of the auditorium on those tables and now would be a good time to get that. If you did not pick it up on the way in, we would ask that our visitors, if you don’t mind, please fill out an attendance card so that we might have a record of you being here.
We certainly appreciate that. And we hope if you’re back this way, we want to invite you to come back and stop by and see us again. We do want to remember those that are ill or the congregation, Joan Springer is at home. I didn’t get a chance to speak to Marie, but she’s still having difficulties some good days, some bad days.
So keep her in your prayers, Robin woods. We won’t also remember her. And then Jessica Dale is still having problems with her stomach, stomach problems. And we hope and pray that she they’ll be able to determine exactly what’s going on with her and help relieve her of, of that. She’s been dealing with that for quite some time. Remember Dorothy and Rodale Wilson.
They’re still at home and Rodale has lost a, of his family members. And we want to remember them in our prayers and both of them were in a very bad health. So keep them in mind. Jane and Marlin is doing well after her knee replacement surgery. And we’re thankful for that. And Cheryl’s dad has a fractured spine and I guess he’s doing as well as possible.
He’s in a brace. And I wanna remember them. I know Cheryl has a difficult time from time to time and we want to pray that she does. Okay. And taking care of her mom and dad, Keith Cozort that’s Aaron’s dad had two stents put in and he’s doing fine. He’s at home. And I think progressing along well. So in that same note,
we want to remember Aaron and Eddie and the boys they’re up there visiting with family and not be able to be with us. And we want to pray that everything goes well for them. They will be coming back later on this week, I believe around Thursday. They’re supposed to be back in back home here. So keep them in your prayers. Amy Cox is dad.
Alvin Griffin is in rehab after having a stroke, Amy and Chad used to worship here and it’s her dad. And we certainly hope that everything will go well for him. They’re just, they’re waiting to see how that’s going to work out. Natalie temple, Diane O’Neill’s nephew’s wife found out her cancer has returned. So we want to remember Diana’s nephew’s wife and pray that she,
they can actually get hurt the treatment that she needs at this time to help her do better. And then Jane’s, Sconiers that’s Diana’s aunt is back in the hospital with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. And we’re certainly, we’re sorry to hear about that on to pray for all of these individuals, that they can regain their health and come back to some reasonable amount of life.
As far as health goes, our daily Bible reading plan, and this is listed in each bullet and every Sunday and beginning of the first of the year, it will be. And in chronological order. So if you might notice it’s different perhaps from the one we used to use, where we were just reading the scriptures from Genesis to revelation, this is going to be in chronological order.
So we encourage everybody to be sure and pick up a bullet and then try to keep up with our daily Bible readings. I believe that saw the announcements that I have. I’ll be directing the song service this morning, and I hope you bear with me. We had someone else plan for this and could not make it. And you know, my throat goes out on me pretty much and I,
I might have to get Murray. His does the same thing. So maybe between the both of us, if mine just plays completely out, I might have to call on Marie to come up and take care of the rest of it. So, but we’ll, we’ll do the best we can. Eric Halverson has our opening prayer. Michael Dale has our sermon today.
Tommy O’Neil will be taken care of the Lord’s supper. And then at the closing we have Terry Sanderson will be leading us in our closing prayer. So if you would now most of the songs except for the invitation and the closing him will be on their overhead. The rest of those two, we’ll have to use our books. We’ll begin this morning with have that own way.
Number 552 should be on the overhead. After this song, we will have our opening prayer.<inaudible> I am the clay<inaudible> Mo man<inaudible> man<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Searchie man, TRIBE me master today, a wider then snow wash me<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and then on way, Lord, have I known what? Hey, hold on my being absolutes<inaudible> damn with ice fam and<inaudible> Christ on the,
ah, when living in me, God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for another glorious day here on earth, thanking you for the ability for us to be able to assemble here, to sing songs of praise, your great name and worship you here in this assembly. Lord, we know there are many amongst us that are unable to be here for various reasons.
And we ask that you reach your loving arms out to them and provide the comfort that they need, that they seek from you on a daily basis. And if it be your will help those that are administering to them to find the right solutions to make their health better so that they can return to their desired measure health. And most importantly returned to assemble here with us to worship you,
God, we also know that there are those amongst us that have lost loved ones. Recently, we asked that you comfort those in only the way that you can. And we also know that there are many amongst us traveling because of the holiday season. And we asked him if it’d be your will provide them safe journey to their destination and return to where they plan on going after the holidays are over.
Now God, as we prepare to hear another portion of your word, that Michael is about to bring to us, we ask that you help each and every one of us focus on the message that he brings from your word so that we may understand it fully and use it in our lives to help serve you better. Because we know that is what we are truly here for is to serve you.
And Lord, we ask that you give each and every one of us to strengthen the courage we need so that when we come across those that have either fallen away from your word, or unfortunately have not opened their heart to your word yet that we reach out to them and bring your message and your word to them so that they may have the same opportunity that we do.
And that is to live with you for eternity and heaven. One day, we want to thank you for your son, Jesus, because it was him that made all this possible. We pray all this through his name. Amen Before comedian, but he numbers 383, 383. He’s an escape man here. The cross<inaudible> stream flow is from<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> damn I right?
Sure. So Shopify rest be a<inaudible> NAFTA, CRA trembling. So love and<inaudible> that’s Bri and Morningstar<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> my ride sharing. So Shopify rest me.<inaudible> Nat CRA. So I’ve got<inaudible> army up man from day to day with<inaudible><inaudible> and across<inaudible> damn my ride sharing. So Shafai rest being a<inaudible> H Lawrence Day. We have the privileged eight with this bread and drink of this cup to remember the death of our Lord and savior and the sacrifice that he made each one for each one of us,
would you probably with me, our heavenly father. We truly thank you for Christ. Our savior. We thank you for this bread to us represents his body. That was hung on a cross. We pray that if we partake of it, that each one of us would dwell on the horrible death across God for each one of us, these things we ask in his name,
amen, our heavenly father. We continue our thanks for this fruit of the vine, which to us represents the blood of her savior she had for our sins, as we partake of it, help each one of us to do so with humble and thankful to heart. These things we ask in Christ’s name, amen.<inaudible> with me, Our heavenly father.
We thank you for all of the blessings. If we unjoin this lie, we thank you for all of the material blessings that we enjoy in this country. We know that all we have to do is to look at the news to realize truly how blessed we are. We pray that as we prepared to return under the, a part of that, that we’ve been blessed with,
we would do so with a cheerful and thankful heart. These things we ask in Christ’s name, amen. You would be marking your books for number 903. That would be our song of encouragement. Number nine Oh three will be our song of encouragement.<inaudible> I will be singing number 609, six Oh nine. Okay.<inaudible> I am not a<inaudible><inaudible> this word<inaudible> for mass is strong.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> my worth.
And this name<inaudible><inaudible> up or it’s for me.<inaudible> And, and now Michael Morning, everybody. Okay. This morning, I’m going to be preaching on being aware of Satan sneaky apostles. Our main tax is going to be taken from second Corinthians chapter 11, verses 13 through 15, second Corinthians chapter 11, verses 13 through 15 for such are false apostles.
Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself has transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works, the children of the Lord must be aware of false teachers appearing to preach the gospel of Christ.
I’m sure most of us in here at one point in time in our lives have heard the story of little red riding hood and a sweet little girl skipping through the woods with her basket of goodies on her way to her grandma’s house. While the ever stocking Wolf lingers in the shadows, watching her, waiting for her to get to a point where he can devour her.
I remember it well because at one point in time, the Wolf ran ahead of her, went to her grandmother’s house, ate up the grandmother and then put her clothes on and laid in bed, waiting for red riding hood. When she came, he ate her up too, but false apostles, like the Wolf in the story are good at disguising themselves to make what they are seeing sound really appealing to us.
Every time we see a fossil parcel, we notice something, a false apostles are always dressed. Really nice, like the Wolf and grandma’s clothes, false apostles, say all the things you want to hear, the better to see you with my dear. The better to hear you with my dear says the Wolf false apostles never actually speak the whole truth. The better to eat you with.
And he gobbled her up false apostles are lovers of money. And that is really all they care about lining their pockets while they sit back and watch you fall into sin all the while thinking that you are safe. You’re okay. Do you remember how the story of little red riding hood ended? It ended with a hero. The lumberjack comes rushing in. He kills the Wolf,
cuts them open and pools, red riding hood and his grandma and her grandmother out of, out of his stomach to safety here. As we read in second Corinthians chapter 11, 13 through 15 Paul who predates the Wolf story by quite a while, comes through inspiration of God, our true savior to warn and save the Corinthian church from the false apostles workers of the real Wolf.
Satan, The moral of the story is the children of the Lord must be aware of false teachers appearing to be preachers of the gospel to help us understand who these false apostles are. Paul through inspiration gives us a description. We have a description of the false apostles themselves. We have a description of the false apostles master, and then we have a description of the false apostles end.
Let us first consider the description. Paul gives us of the false apostles themselves. You will know the false apostles by their work. They are deceitful workers. He says in verse 13 of second, Corinthians 11 for such are false apostles, deceitful workers. They will pervert the gospel turn with me to Galatians chapter one, verses six and seven Galatians chapter one verses six and seven.
The very next book, Marvel that’s ER, so soon removed from him. That called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there’ll be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. These spots, apostles pervert the gospel of Christ. They will unsettle your soul acts chapter 15 and verse 24 acts 1524<inaudible> For as much as we have heard that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words,
subverting your souls, saying you must be circumcised and keep the law to whom we gave no such commandment. There’s the birding, our souls. They speak perverse things acts 20 and verse 30 acts chapter 20 and verse 30. Also have your own selves. Shall men arise? Speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them, they speak these perverse things. These false apostles do to draw you away from Christ and his true word.
They will speak a different gospel, a gospel let’s turn back to Galatians chapter one, Galatians chapter one, and we’ll read verses eight and nine Paul through the inspiration writes. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that, which we have preached unto you. Let him be a cursed, as we said before. So say I now again,
if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that you have received. Let him be a curse. Paul is warning us up front already back 2000 years ago, almost that there’s going to be false apostles coming into us and trying to teach us another gospel, something that’s not right. And there ought to be a cursed false apostles. Also transform themselves.
They will disguise themselves. Let’s go back to our original text. Second Corinthians chapter 11, and we’ll read verse 13 again. Second Corinthians 11 and verse 13.<inaudible> For such are false apostles. Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. They, they make themselves look like they’re from Christ. They will disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Read verse 15,
just a couple of verses down. Therefore it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, they’re going to try to make themselves seem like they’re good. So you will follow them. Why most of the time, so they can line their pockets. They’re sneaky. These false apostles are sneaky. Turn with me to Galatians chapter two,
one book over chapter two and verse four relations to four. And that because of false brethren, unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our Liberty, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage and to bondage under Satan. They’re sneaky. They come in sneakily and they want to draw you away from Christ because they are Savage wolves among sheep acts chapter 20 in verse 29.
Let’s read this description, acts chapter 20 and verse 29. Excuse me. I’m having some allergy problems for, I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not just wolves, grievous wolves, these wolves are hungering for you not sparing the flock. They’re not going to spare anyone. They will disguise themselves. Even as sheep. These wolves will be masters of disguise.
Matthew chapter seven, turn with me to Matthew chapter seven and verse 15. Jesus tells us beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing. But inwardly, they are ravening wolves. They may look like one of us, but inwardly, they are hungering to pull you way to, to Satan, to pull you away to sin. But how can we tell who these false apostles are?
You will know them by their fruit. Jesus says Matthew chapter seven, verses 16 through 20 let’s continue reading here in Matthew chapter seven, Jesus said says, you shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bring it forth. Evil fruit, a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits. You shall know them. They are going to, they will never practice righteousness. These false apostles don’t practice righteousness at all. Turn with me to John chapter three, verses seven through ten first John chapter three verses seven through 10 John through inspiration writes little children.
Let no man deceive you. He that do with righteousness is righteous. Even as he is righteous. He, that committed sin is of the devil for the devil Senate. From the beginning for this purpose, the son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remain within him.
And he cannot sin because he is born of God. And this the children of God are manifest. And the children of the devil whosoever does not. Righteousness is not of God, neither. He that loveth not his brother. To me. That’s one of the main things. If you can see someone is pulling away, they’re not really loving towards you and the,
and the worship service. That’s someone you need to look out for. There is no good. And these false apostles turn with me. Second, Peter chapter two, that’s one book up second, Peter chapter two verses 10 through 19, but chief Lee, them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignities,
whereas angels, which are greater in power and might bring not accusations against them before the Lord. But these as natural brute beasts, he says, made to be taken and destroyed, speak of, speak evil of the things that they understand, not and shall utter utterly perish in their own corruption and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness. As they, that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime spots they are and blemishes supporting sporting themselves with their own receivings while they feast with you having eyes full of adultery.
And that cannot cease from sin. Beguiling unstable souls and heart. They have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children, what ha, which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray. Following the way of bailing. The son of Bowser who loved the wages of unrighteousness, but was rebuked for his iniquity. The dumb donkey speaking with man’s voice for bad,
the madness of the prophet. These are Wells without water, these false prophets Wells, without water clouds that are carried with a Tempest, they go wherever the wind blows them to whom the midst of darkness is reserved forever for when they speak great swelling, words of vanity. They allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness. Those that were clean,
escaped from them who live in error while they promise them Liberty. They themselves are the servants of corruption for whom a man is overcome of the scene. As he brought in bondage, they stand up here and they preach to you. A sermon of Liberty. Faith only once saved, always saved. And all the while you think you are saved, when really you are looking to destruction,
let us consider what an apostle is here and apostle in the Greek is Apostolos which according to theorists, Greek lexicon is one who is sent forth with orders to be an apostle, even a false apostle. They must have one who has sent them thus through Paul’s writing and the, to the church in Corinth. We have a description of the false apostles master the false apostles master clearly as Satan,
he has shown to be their master by Paul and second Corinthians chapter 11. Let’s go back to our original texts. Second Corinthians chapter 11 and verses 13 and 14, second Corinthians 11, 13 and 14 for such are false apostles. Deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself has transformed into an angel of light Satan himself.
Jesus said that Satan is these false apostles father turn with me to John chapter eight, the gospel of John chapter eight verses 44 through 46, Seven John eight 44, three 47. Jesus States Of these false teachers year of your father, the devil that and the loss of your father, you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode,
not in truth because there is not truth in him. When we, when he speak, if a lie, he speaks of his own for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe me, not, which of you convinced me of sin. And I say the truth. Why do you not believe me?
He, that is of God. Heareth God’s words either. Ye therefore hear them not because he are not of God. These false apostles not only teach falsely because of Satan, their father, the father of lies. They, they completely shun righteousness. Then the right word, they practice sin. Thus they are of their father. The devil turned back with me to first John chapter three in verse eight first John chapter three and verse eight.
He, that committed sin is of the devil for the devil. Sinneth from the beginning for this purpose, the son of God was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil. Satan is also crafty and disguise. This is where his apostles false apostles learn. He decides disguises himself as an angel of light, second Corinthians 13 or 11 and verse 14.
And no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. He wants you to come to him. So he’s not going to appear as he is. He’s going to appear as a messenger of God as a, as a angel of light. He, as we all know, he also disguised himself as a serpent once upon a time. And Paul get reiterated this to the church at Corinth and verse three of chapter 11,
just a few verses up. If you look at verse three, but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety. So your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ, Seton employees, deceit to lead the saved astray. He is a liar, John eight 44, the gospel of John chapter eight. Let’s read it again.
And verse 44, ye are of your father, the devil and the less of your father. You will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode, not in truth because there is no truth in him. When he speak at the Y, he speaks with of his own for, he is a liar and the father of it, the father of lies.
He lied from the very beginning of time. Let’s go to Genesis chapter three, all the way back to the beginning, Genesis chapter three, and read verses one through five Genesis Chapter three, one through five. Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the field, which the Lord God had made. And he said, the woman, yea, hath God said,
ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. It starts off subtly. You shall not eat of every tree of the garden. Of course he knew God told them they could eat every tree of the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree,
which is in the midst of the garden. God has said, you shall not eat of it. Neither shall ye touch it. Lest he die. And the serpent said unto the woman, he changes one word and it turns the whole thing into a lie. You shall not surely die. He says for God death, not, no, God doesn’t know that in the day you eat thereof and he appeals to their vanity,
then your eyes shall be open. And he shall be as gods. He says, knowing good and evil. Satan is a tricky beast. He has deceived the whole world from the beginning. And to the end, let’s go all the way to revelation revelation, chapter 12 and verse nine, revelation 12 and verse nine. And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan,
which deceive it the whole world. He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. He deceives the whole world all the way from Genesis, all the way down to revelation. He never stops trying to deceive the world. He was sent. He has sent his workers throughout the entire world to, to, so his madness first,
John chapter four in verse one first John chapter four and verse one, John writes beloved believe not every time the spirit, but try the spirits. Whether they are of God, because as many false prophets are gone out into the world. Many, not one, not a hundred, not a thousand, but many are out there trying to bring us away from God because Satan is relentless.
He roams the earth looking to do evil. We read of this when he’s look into torture job and job chapter one in verse seven, job chapter one and verse seven. And the Lord said unto Satan come SL as if God didn’t know, right then Satan answered the Lord and said, from going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down,
it he’s out there. He’s going to and fro on the earth. He’s walking up and down at everywhere. He possibly can to seek your soul because Satan is waiting to devour you. First, Peter chapter five in verse eight, we’re told through inspiration of the Holy spirit. Peter writes in first Peter chapter five and verse eight, be sober. We are to be sober,
be vigilant. We are to be village in because your adversary, the devil as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking. He may devour. He’s not just waiting for you to come. He’s out there seeking you, waiting to devour you. There’s a reason we are given these descriptions of the false apostles and their master Satan. This is so we can resist them.
First, Peter chapter five, verse nine, whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished and your brethren that are in the world, we must resist him. Now let us consider that. Paul gives us hope by giving us a description of the false apostles end, their end will be according to their words. Paul writes of this to the church at Corinth,
back in our original texts. Second Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 15, second Corinthians 11, 15. Therefore it is no great thing. If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works, they will meet Swift destruction. Second, Peter chapter two in verse one second, Peter chapter two and verse one,
but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privileged shall bring in damnable, heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves Swift destruction. Their destruction is going to be Swift as liars. They will be thrown into the Lake of fire revelation, chapter 21 and verse eight, revelation 21 and verse eight,
But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and I Dodgers and all liars, all false apostles are liars shall have their part in the Lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Their end is utter destruction. We can read of this and Philippians chapter three and verse 19, Philippians chapter three and verse 19,
whose end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is their shame who mind earthly things. These false apostles will need and utter destruction. And that’s why we need to watch out for them. So we don’t end up with the same destruction. God is going to judge the false apostles, just like he judges everyone. Jesus will tell them to depart in the end,
turn with me to Matthew chapter seven, again, Matthew chapter seven, and we’ll read verses 21 through 23. Yeah, Matthew seven 21 through 23. Not everyone that Seth unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. But he, that do it. The will of my father, which is in heaven, many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in their name? And in the name of cast out devils and in my name have done many wonderful works. I think of the, the people out there who lay their hands on people and try to give them the Holy spirit to them and things like that. They’ve done all of these mighty magnificent works in his name.
And then will I profess unto them? I never know. I knew you depart from me, ye that work iniquity, what a terrible feeling to be before Jesus and telling him all of these awesome works that you’ve done. And for him to say, I never knew you depart from me. They will be judged according to their deeds. Turn with me to Romans chapter two,
Romans chapter two, let’s all turn there. Romans chapter two. And we’ll read, this is a little bit of a lengthy reading, but I want to read it Matthew or Romans chapter two verses one through 16, therefore, or thou art inexcusable. Oh man. Whosoever thou art that judges for wearing now judges to another they’ll condemn us thyself for thou that judges does the same things,
but we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them, which commit such things and think is now this, Oh man, that judges them, which do such things and dust the same and now shall escape the judgment of God or despise the Sal, the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering. Not knowing that the goodness of God lead a theory to repentance,
but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurer stuff onto the ice self wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteousness, judgment of God, righteous judgment of God, who will render to every man, according to his deeds, to them who by patient countenance and well-doing seek the glory and honor of immortality eternal life, but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth,
but obey on righteousness, dig nation and wrath, tribulation, and angry wish upon every soul of man that do with evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile, but glory honor and peace to every man that works with good to the Jew first and also the Gentile for there is no respecter of persons with God, for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law.
And as many as I’ve sin in the law shall be judged by the law for not the heroes of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified for when the Gentiles, which have not the law do by nature. The things contained in the law. These having not the law are a law unto themselves, which show the work of the law written in their hearts.
Their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another. And the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus, according to my gospel, let us also consider second Peter chapter two in verses four through nine second, Peter chapter two verses four through nine, God spared, not the angels that sin, God didn’t even spare the angels that sinned.
He chased them down, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared, not the old world, but saved Noah, the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemn them with an overthrow,
making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly. These are our examples. We are supposed to pay attention to our examples from God and deliver just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seeing, and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day, what their unlawful deeds, the Lord Noah, how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.
The children of the Lord must be aware of false teachers appearing to be preachers of the gospel. Last we be led astray. We have our helps from Paul right here in second Corinthians, chapter 11. It’s like a wanted poster. We have the dis there description so we can see who they are. We know who their master is, thus, what they practice lying and deceit.
We know what their end will be and must work to stop them as children of God, let us be careful of the Wolf seeking to devour and expose them for who they truly are. Ephesians five 11. Always remember if God, before us, who can be against us, Romans eight 31 as followers of Christ, we are all messages of his word commissioned to teach every nation,
Matthew 28, 18 or 19 and 20, and every creature about this truth, Mark 16, 15, we must first get them to hear the gospel for through hearing comes faith. John Mark, excuse me, Mark. Hm, Romans 10 17. We must teach them to a point of belief in Jesus as the Christ, because we do not want them to be lost in their sin.
John eight 24, we must teach them to a point of repentance because God commands every man everywhere to repent acts 1730. And we must teach that if they want to be confessed by Christ before the father in heaven, they must confess Jesus as the Christ before men, Matthew 10 32, and that confession leads to salvation. Romans 10, nine, and 10.
We must teach the laws that they must be baptized acts 2216, and we must teach and understand ourselves that salvation does not come just because we followed the steps through baptism. We must live faithfully until death to receive our crown of righteousness and heaven. First, John one, six and seven in revelation, two 10. Unlike what you will hear from the false false apostles.
Every step is necessary for salvation. Believing is not enough. You cannot faith into heaven and you are not baptized and always saved. You must follow every step. And if you have yet to heat each step to gain salvation, the waters of baptism already for you. And if you find yourself wavering on the path of righteousness and need the prayers of the scenes for encouragement,
we are here for you because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James, five 16, whatever your need, please come forward. As we stand and sing, You be free from the bird and there’s fire in the blond word. You are already a victory when there’s one<inaudible>, there is<inaudible> wonder working and<inaudible><inaudible> would you do serve it’s shirking,
there’s fire in the blah.<inaudible> word. You live day is praises to saying there’s one there and the blah<inaudible> wonder working then<inaudible><inaudible> there is<inaudible> working in<inaudible>. I want to say to Michael, that was a good job he did today for those that this is your first time to be here. Michael is a student at the school of preaching and he has grown tremendously.
He’ll be graduating this year, this coming year, and he’s, he’s been improving all the time. And we’re thankful that he was able to be here today and preach in Erin’s absence. We haven’t preached for several times each month. So good to have our visitors here. I did fail to mention one thing. Jenny’s dad who suffered a stroke. He is at home under hospice care and just doing the best he can.
He has good days and bad days. I think keep him in your prayers as well. I just overlooked announcements for our visitors. We help if you’re continuing your travels, which I know some of you are understand, headed up to Ohio. We wish you well and have a safe trip. And if you’re through this area on the way back home, drop back in and see us again.
We’d love to have you. Our closing ham will be number 878. If I can get through it was saying the first and last versus 878, and we’ll be landing the closing prayer. And Terry will lead us in that prayer. There’s a line that is<inaudible>. And by Fang, when he can see in a fog for the father waits over the way to<inaudible>,
then I swing by and by. We shot me on that<inaudible> then the swing by and by. We shall be on that<inaudible> to our, about Jeff, a father, we went off<inaudible> for the<inaudible> job is<inaudible> then the swing by and by me shot me on that.<inaudible> then the swing by and by. We show me on that<inaudible> show.
So Let’s pray, father Lord in heaven. Again, we find you for this beautiful first day of the week and the opportunity we’ve had to come together as your children to sing songs of praise and to the, into worship day and studied that word. We pray that the things that we have learned here today will help us to strengthen our Christian life and to reach out to others more.
We pray that you’d be with those that are traveling, especially with Aaron and his family who are based in with his, with their family, bring them back safely. We pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned today that are sick and unable to be with us. We pray that you would comfort them and comfort to the families that are tending to them.
We pray that you would go with his Nan and keep us safe during this pandemic and keep us healthy so we can be here together. Christ’s name. We pray. Amen.<inaudible>.
The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar gives an order. He appoints a daily portion of his wine and delicacies to be given to certain young men who were in training for positions in his government as wise men and leaders. Yet, four of the young men cannot accept. Daniel, Hananiah, Michael, and Azariah are from Jerusalem. These four are among the best young men in Judah. When the Babylonian king besieges Judah, He will carry them and many others like them back to Babylon to train for his courts. Daniel and his friends know that the appointed food would be delicious to eat. They also know what God spoke through Moses to their ancestors. They cannot taste these delicacies nor drink this intoxicating wine. Doing so would make them unclean before God and cause them to sin against His commands. They request an alternative for themselves. Daniel petitions the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. The petition is met with hesitancy by the head of the eunuchs. Why should he endanger his life that Daniel might do this? Daniel seeks a third alternative. Daniel 1:12-13 reads, “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then let our appearance be examined before you, and the appearance of the young men who eat the portion of the king’s delicacies; and as you see fit, so deal with your servants.” The test is approved. “And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies.” (Daniel 1:15). God blesses Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael for their faithfulness. Upon examination by the King, they surpass all his magicians and astrologers in wisdom and understanding. There are a few lessons here for us today. When we are faced with a choice to do good or evil, we ought always to choose the good. After we decide to do good, we must not back down from that choice when unbelievers stand in our way. Finally, when we choose the right action and persevere, we should prepare ourselves for God’s blessings and give thanks to the One who cares for us.
We’ll begin with a brief prayer as we normally do. And then we’ll have some concluding thoughts and just informational things at the end, let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for the day you’ve given to us the life that we have, the honor that we have to serve you. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of this holiday season during this time where some of us are separated from one another,
but we might be close to those many others whom we love. We pray for those who were separated from their loved ones in their family because of health reasons. And we pray that they might have the strength to be courageous and, and comforted at this time, pray that you watch over them as they go throughout their daily lives. We pray for those who are struggling and with illnesses,
especially those who are dealing with COVID at this time or mindful of congregations that are mourning the loss of loved ones because of this disease. And we pray that they will have comfort in hard times as well. We pray for continued health among all those of our congregation. And we pray for all those whom they love all this. We pray in Jesus name,
amen. As Hebrews chapter 10 concludes Hebrews chapter 10 ends with these words. But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul, the Hebrews writer wants these Christians to know that he knows who they are. He knows what they’ve been through. He knows what they believe and what they were taught.
And he has confidence in them. The way God had confidence in the righteous people in Judah in the days of Habakkuk, when God told Habakkuk the just shall live by faith. Now that didn’t mean that the just didn’t undergo difficulty. Imagine you were Daniel, Hannah and I as riot Michelle. And you found yourself carted off as a young man to Babylon.
Now, did you experience difficulty? Yes. But did God provide for you? Yes. And so God tells Habakkuk the just shall live by faith. The Hebrew writer tells these Christians, the just shall live by faith. And if anyone draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. And the Hebrew writer says, but we know you. We know you and you’re not going to draw back.
You’re going to remain faithful. That brings us to chapter 11, verse one. Now the Hebrew writer says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence as the new King, James puts it of things not seen beginning. At this point in the, in the passage, the Hebrew writer is going to begin from here and the entire chapter, all of chapter 11 and into chapter 12 is a discussion of people who by faith obeyed not having seen the promise.
Now go to the end of chapter 11 and let’s set this discussion. He says beginning in verse 36 of chapter 11, still others had trial of mockings and scourgings yes, and have chains and imprisonment. They were stoned. They were sawn into, they were tempted slain with the sword they wandered about in sheepskins. And goatskins being destitute afflicted, tormented of whom the world was not worthy.
They wandered in deserts and mountains and dens and caves of the earth and all these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise. The entire chapter is about those who were faithful because of God’s word, their faith. Having heard, having believed what God said, having been promised some thing they were faithful and didn’t give up, even though he says all these never obtained the promise,
what he doesn’t mean is he doesn’t mean God promised them something and didn’t deliver yet. They were faithful in a way that no, no, no. That’s not what he’s talking about. He’s saying the promise, the promise that they were looking for all ultimately was a spiritual promise and any terminal promise in contrast to a physical promise, they received the physical things though.
They may not have received them in their day. The future generations might have, but they did all of it and obeyed by faith, looking for a promise that they never obtained in their lifetime on the earth, God, verse 40, having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. So he’s talked about the blood of Christ,
which flowed backwards for their forgiveness, flowed forwards for our forgiveness. And he said they didn’t receive those better things apart separate from us. But instead we were an integral part of their promise. So we begin in chapter 11, okay. With a discussion of faithful people in the old Testament, he says, verse two for by it, the elders obtained a good testimony.
He’s talking about faith. He’s talking about confidence in things that are not seen. Verse six. We’re just going to mention it here. We’ll cover it when we get there. But he says, without faith, it is impossible to please God, please him for he, that cometh to him or he who comes to God must believe that he is. And that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him two basic premises that he lays forward here for an obedient.
Faith is number one, the belief that God is the belief in his existence and that he is what he said he Is. And number two, That he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Every single one of the people listed all the way throughout this chapter had faith that God would reward them for obedience. In other words, that when God promised something,
the reward he promised he would deliver, okay, this is not a pie in the sky. God’s going to do wonderful things in my life because I’m obedient to him. This isn’t every day’s going to be good because I’m faithful to God. This isn’t anything like that. This is God will reward those. According to his promises who are faithful, according to his promises,
okay? That’s the point of chapter 11. So he begins with Abel Verse four, Actually, let’s, let’s go back to verse two for a minute for, by at the elder. So he’s talking about those who came before the elders obtained a good testimony by faith. We understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. So that the things which are seen were not made of things which are Visible.
He says, you look at the world around you and the things you see, don’t Clearly demonstrate where they originated because They originated by the word of God. And yet he says, we understand that the things which aren’t seen have an impact on the things which are seen. And so the faith is the substance. The Undergirding of own Understanding of things hoped for that is things confidently assured of the use of hope in the Hebrew writers.
Writing is again, not a leap in the dark, not faith without evidence. It is instead the confident assurance of testimony that is the confident assurance of God’s word. So he says that faith is the substance, the undergirding of the things that have been confidently promised by God and in which we have assurance the evidence of things we have not seen. And then he goes to creation to say,
Here you go, you see This, but you know, it didn’t originate itself. There are some people today who Still believe it originated itself. How foolish, where did the first thing come from? They have no, cause They have no origination point. They have no substance whereby they can get the very first thing, because back of the first thing,
there had to be something in that case that is first physical thing. The back of all that is God and his word. So by faith, we understand verse three, that the worlds were framed by the word of God. So that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. And then he’s going to begin with Abel talking about faith,
obedience, and confidence in what is not seen by faith. Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain through which he obtained witness, that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts. And through it, he being dead still speaks. The Hebrew writer says, Abel’s talking to you, he’s talking to you because by his actions, he obeyed having confidence that what he was told to do mattered,
that what he was told to do was exactly what he should do. You go back to Genesis and you read about Cain and Abel. And the, the obvious difference is one of them obeyed what they were told to do. And one of them did what they wanted to do. And the one who obeyed was the one who was, was righteous, verse five by faith,
Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death and was not found because God had taken him for four. He was taken, he had this testimony that he pleased God, not just God looked at emic and said, you know what? I like him I’ll hold so much better than everybody else. No, no, no, no. That he was obedient and pleasing to God.
But then also verse six, commenting on<inaudible>. But without faith, it is impossible to please him. Okay. So we’ve got clarity on what this, this action was that caused<inaudible> to be pleasing to God. It was his faithful obedience without faith. It is impossible to please him for he that comes to God must believe that he is. And that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him by faith,
Noah being divinely warned of things. Not yet seen, watch that all the way through this. Not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an art for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness, which is according to faith, by faith, Abraham obeyed, when he was called to go out to a place,
which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going. Where did he someplace he had not seen yet? He did it in faith confidence that what God promised he would deliver by faith verse nine. He dwelled in the land of promise as in a foreign country dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise.
And yet did Isaac or Jacob received the promise? Did they receive the land promise? The land that had been promised to Abraham? No, they didn’t receive it either. They as well dwelled in a land with a promise. They never had fulfilled in their lifetime For he waited. Now this goes back to Abraham for he waited for the city, which has foundations,
whose builder And maker is God Abraham. Ultimately I wasn’t looking for God to build him a physical city to dwell in. He wasn’t looking for a home or habitation on this earth. He was looking For any terminal abode Builder or, or a city built with foundations and not made with hands verse 11 by faith, Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed.
And she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised talk about something, not yet saying here’s Abraham and Sarah, having confidence that God will give them a seed when they’ve never seen someone born out of season, that is out of the age where it’s past the point of, of childbearing. And yet they’ve never seen that.
And yet they have confidence that God is able to do what he says might make note not perfect confidence. They it’s not as though they always understood everything and always had complete confidence after all, both of them at different times laughed when God said he was going to do what he said he was Going to do. Perfection Is not the same as faith, faithful obedience over overcomes Perfect knowledge.
Okay? Because it relies on the testimony of God. Instead of Our own knowledge. When we Out of our own senses, our own observation, think we have discovered everything and we no longer need God. That’s when we will lose Our faith. When we stop believing The word of God and substitute our own understanding, therefore from one man, verse 12 and him as good as dead.
In other words, past the point of a bearing children were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude, in numerable as the sand, which is by the seashore. These died in faith. They’re all in the point of still being faithful to God’s still trusting that God would fulfill the promise. And yet had not seen the promise fulfilled. God said that your seed would be,
is innumerable as the stars of heaven, the sand of the seashore yet. Did Abraham see all of those people be born? No, he didn’t. Yet. He saw Isaac who was born. These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off we’re assured of them embrace them and confess that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
For those who say such things, declare plainly that they seek a Homeland. And, and truly If they had called to mine, the country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity rich to return. But now they desire a better. That is an enduring country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for. He has prepared a city for them.
Abraham, it is described, looked for a city whose builder and maker was God. And now we read and God’s going to deliver exactly what he said. God’s going to deliver exactly what he was looking for. These patriarchs died in faith, and God will be faithful To his promise by faith. Abraham. He’s not done yet By faith. Abraham, when he was tested,
offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son. Here’s Abraham as another example, all right. Things not yet seen. Did Abraham ever witnessed God raise someone from the dead? No, but Abraham’s going to have confidence that God promised him Isaac, and that if he fulfills this requirement of offering Isaac, then he will receive Isaac back from the dead.
This of whom it was said in Isaac, your seed shall be called concluding that God was able to raise him up. Even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense by faith. Isaac blessed Jacob. And he saw concerning things to come. Isaac told Esau and Jacob, this is what God’s going to do for you. And yet it would not happen for years to come after Isaac was dead.
Yet he had faith and confidence that what God said he would do, he would do by faith. Jacob, when he was dying blessed each of the sons of Joseph and worshiped leaning on this top of his staff by faith, Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel and gave instruction concerning his bones. How much more confidence do you need than what Joseph had?
How much more confidence could you possibly have them, what he had and that he not only said, Hey, I want you to be sure to leave Egypt and to Israel where God promised you were supposed to go to the promised land. But he said, and take my bones with you. He made preparations for hundreds of years later for them to carry his bones out of Egypt.
And he was dead and gone, but he had such confidence that God would do what he said, that he made preparations for his bones Verse 23 By faith. Moses, when he was born was hidden three months by his parents because they saw he was a beautiful child and they were not afraid of the King’s command by faith. Moses, when he had become of age,
refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, steaming, Sorry, just, I was afraid there for a minute that it wasn’t recording a steaming. Let me start back. Verse 24 by faith. Moses, when he became of age refused to be called the sons of Pharaoh’s daughter,
choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin. Esteeming the reproach of Christ, greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he looked to the reward by faith. He versus Egypt not fearing the wrath of the King for he endured as seeing him who is invisible by faith. He kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood last.
He who destroyed the first born should touch them by faith. They well let’s, let’s talk about Moses here for a minute. Before we get into Israel, he’s uses all of these illustrations, actually beginning with Amram and Jochebed bed. The parents of Moses, he says they had faith that God would protect their son. So they disobeyed the command of the King.
You know, there’s a time and a place to disobeyed the commands of the King. The King said, you kill every male child of Israel and they didn’t do it. They protected their son and they trusted God could deliver him. And Moses then in turn, grew of age and refused to be called. The son of Pharaoh’s daughter refused to be identified it as an,
as an Egyptian refuse to take part in the riches of Pharaoh’s house. Instead being willing to suffer reproach, suffer affliction, to suffer for the eternal goal, the term reward, and the Hebrew writer describes it as esteeming the reproach of Christ, greater riches than treasures in Egypt. How is it that Moses saw Christ? He saw Christ by seeing What God had promised you remember Deuteronomy chapter 18.
Moses said, there’s coming a day where God’s going to raise up another prophet, like under me. And who’s he talking about? He’s talking about the Messiah. He is talking about Christ. So then He did all of these things, including things not seen. God said, you put blood on the doorpost, you observed the Passover, you observed the sprinkling of blood or your firstborn.
I have every family that doesn’t do that. It’s going to be Die. Now they ever seen that happen before? No. Did they trust it was going to happen? Yeah. How do we know they did they put blood on the doorposts? They by faith obeyed concerning things. Not yet seen. So then verse 29 by faith, they passed through the red sea as by dry land.
Whereas the Egyptians attempting to do so were drowned. Had they ever seen the waters parted? Had they ever seen dry ground created at the bottom of the sea so that they could walk? No. But did they walk across anyway? Yes. And did that dry ground then get overflowed by the waters once again and destroy their enemies? Yes. By bye.
Faith, verse 30, the walls of Jericho fell down after they were in re encircled for seven days. Had they ever seen that happen? You ever decided that the best plan of action for defeating the city was to walk around it for seven days in a row? No. By faith, the harlot Rayhab did not perish with those who did not believe when she received the spies with peace.
And what more shall I say for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Bay rack of Samson. And Jephthah also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith, subdued, kingdoms worked, righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched. The violence of fire escaped. The edge of the sword out of the weakness were made strong, became value,
and embattled turned to flight. The armies of the aliens women received their dead raised to life. Again, others were tortured, not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trials mockings and scourgings yes. And of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned. They were sawn in two, they were tempted. They were slaying with a sword.
They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute afflicted Had these Christians given up their home, had these Christians walked about destitute, had these Christians who were Considering going back to Moses, who were abandoning their faith and their obedience of God, because they hadn’t yet received. The promise. Were these Christians, those who had walked about destitute, afflicted and tormented,
he says those who did those, who did that? The world wasn’t worthy of them. They Wandered in deserts and mountains and dens and caves of the earth and all these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise. Now he says His point, Are you so much better than they are? Or do you need to be living up to their example?
Notice he says, God, having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance. The race that is set before us looking unto Jesus,
the author, the originator and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. He says, you look at all those people who came before you, you look at all those people who in the old Testament who did these things, and then you look at Jesus and you look at what he did for you and what he did so that those in the past could have part in the promise with you.
Not apart from you. And you’re considering going back. Yeah. Consider him. He says, verse three, who endured such hostility from sinners. This is talking about Jesus against himself. Lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You, he says, have not yet resisted the blood shed, striving against sin. He said, nobody’s killing you.
Nobody’s torturing. You may mean you killing you, removing your head yet. Now there would Be a time that would come for the Christians, but he says, you’re not there yet. Now you look At your master. You look at your savior. What did he do for you? Did he go to the cross? So why are you giving up Now?
You Haven’t even gone to this point. All right, let’s go through the questions from chapter 11 real quick. And then we’ll move through chapter 12. I’m not sure how far we’re going to get into 13, but we’ll, we’ll see what happens. Chapter 11, questions. Number one, hopefully you’ve been able to download these from the website. They are going to available on the website.
If not, we’ll get a copy to you. They’ll also be at the church building printed off Hebrews chapter 11, verse one, question one. What is faith? Chapter 11 verse one says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things. Not, not seen question two verse three of chapter, 11 of what did God create? The worlds verse Three says by faith,
we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. Okay? So what the God created the worlds, his word. Yes or no. I guess the other, the other possible answer is they were made of things. Not seen the End there. Verse three, Question three. Yes or no. Can gut can an individual, please. God,
without faith. This is from verse six. Answer of course is no, yes or no. Again from verse six, does God reward those who seek him? Yes. The Question for this coming through all of chapter 11, the faith of Abel Enoch, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, his parents and Ram and Jacobin Moses Ray Hab Gideon.
Bayrock Samson, Jeff, the David Samuel, and the prophets was seen by there. So the faith of all these people was seen by their Blank. Obviously that’s obedience, their actions, These people of faith listed in Hebrews 11 were seeking a, an earthly country or be a heavenly country verses 13 through 16, says it. They were seeking a heavenly country.
Now these two pertain to previous lessons, not from chapter 11, name the Bible book, which says there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. I’ll leave you to find that I know what the answer is. And I’m sure you do too. Name the Bible book, which States I can do everything through True Christ. Okay. So that’s chapter 11 questions.
Now Let’s head into chapters 12 and 13. Chapter 12 is going to focus on a couple of primary points. Number one, God, correcting or chastening his children as sons. That’s going to be verses five through 11. Then verse 12 through verse 17 is the Hebrew writers admonitions. It’s his exhortations, his commandments to strengthen their presence, their, their faith and their resolve.
And then verses 18 through 29. A reminder that they’ve received a better covenant and a better kingdom than those in the days of Israel. Okay? Some of this we’re just going to read through for the sake of time. So we can say a few things about chapter 13, chapter 12, verse three begins with the discussion of Christ for consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against himself.
Lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted the bloodshed, striving against sin. And you have forgotten the exhortation, which speaks to you as to sons. He says, my son do not despise the chastening of the Lord nor be discouraged. When you are rebuked by him, for whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges.
Every son whom he receives. This comes from Proverbs, chapter three, verses 11 and 12. God says as the Solomon points out to his son, that when you receive chastening from the Lord, you don’t think that’s because he doesn’t love you. You remember that’s because he does love you, everyone, whom the Lord loves he chastens. He corrects, he instructs.
He sets on a right path. The obstacles, the trials, the difficulties in life, the things set before us and set before these people in the old Testament weren’t set before them because God hated them. They were set before them because God loved them. And he was teaching them. Verse seven, you endure chastening. God deals with you as with sons,
for what son is there, who may father does not chasing. If you have a good father, your father corrects you. He has from your youth corrected you. So you don’t do things that are harmful to you. But if you are without chastening of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. He describes them as those.
He says, if you want a life without chastening, then you want the life of a child whose illegitimate, whose father will have nothing to do with him. He doesn’t correct him. He doesn’t instruct him. He doesn’t set him on the right path because he is an illegitimate child and not cared for by his father. Furthermore, verse nine, we have had human fathers who corrected us and we paid them respect.
Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the father, spirits and live. There’s just a little side note here. If you have children who completely disrespect their parents, it’s not always the case, but it is often the case that that’s because their parents never corrected them. Even a child who doesn’t like the correction of eventually sees the value in it.
If they’re not a fool, they may not have liked it. And matter of fact, he brought, he was going to say, when we didn’t like it, and yet we respected them because they corrected us. Verse 10 for they indeed for a few days, chastened us as seen best to them that his parents on this earth, physical parents, but he God,
the father for our profit, he knows exactly what we need. That we may be partakers of his holiness. Now, no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful, no point when we were corrected by our earthly fathers, were we happy about being corrected? Did we find joy in being corrected, but it was useful afterward. It yields peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
As opposed to those who said, because of this hardship, I’m departing those foods Who wouldn’t be taught, who wouldn’t Here. God, therefore, verse 12. Now he’s going to move into his admonitions. His Eggert exhortations. He’s saying you need to learn this. Therefore strengthen the hands, which hang down and the feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet.
So that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed, pursue peace with all people and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord looking carefully. Lest anyone falls short of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up, but cause trouble. And by this many become defiled, lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau,
who for one morsel of food sold his birthright for, you know, that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected for. He found no place for repentance though. He sought it diligently with tears. Okay? As he describes this, he says, here’s what you need to do. You need to strengthen. What’s weak. You need to set straight paths before your fee.
You need to pursue not just peace, but peace and holiness. And you need to look carefully. And the idea of looking carefully here is an inspection for you need to examine yourselves less there be sin in your life, and then use as Esau. As the example, Esau gave up his birthright, something he had not yet seen. He gave up his birthright.
He could see the soup. What he saw was an immediate value to him. He For suc what had greater value. So the exact opposite of the examples before here’s one who disrespected, disregarded the promise Of his birthright and sold it for a meal. Now, then we have verses 18 Through 29 through the end of the chapter, discussing their better covenant and their better kingdom.
There’s a lot that could be said here. We don’t have time to really say it. Now we’ll say this kind of summarize What’s here. This Goes back to Exodus 19. This goes back to God’s presence at Mount Sinai, where initially God said to all Israel, if you touch the mountain, while my presence is here, you’ll die. If an animal touches the mountain he’ll die.
If you climb on the mountain, you’ll die. As a matter of fact, they even had commandment to stone or to shoot with arrows. Those who did it, God, didn’t say I’m immediately gonna strike you dead. God said, you all are going to protect my mountain. As I speak to you. And he describes Moses as fear, he describes the fear of the people and all of this.
He says, they came to this earthly mountain that was burning with fire and they heard the voice of God. And they were so afraid And they couldn’t approach him. There’s the key in this text, the key is they had a kingdom and they had a covenant sealed With blood sealed with promises, but they could not Approach God. And yet you have a Better covenant because you can approach God.
That’s verses 18 through 24, verse 25, 1329. He then says, see that you do not refuse him. Who speaks for if they did not raise, did not escape. Who refused him, who spoke on the earth? How much more shall we not escape? If we turn away from him who speaks from heaven, they didn’t escape. When they turned against Moses,
how do you think we’re going to end up? If we turn away from God whose voice then shook the earth. But now he has promised saying yet, once more, I shall shake, not only the earth, but also heaven. Now this once more indicates the removal of those things, which had been, which are being shaken, the rest of Judaism,
as of things that are made and the things which cannot be shaken, that the things which cannot be shaken may return. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom, which cannot be shaken, let us have grace that by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire. And that comes from Exodus chapter 24.
When, as they’re instituting the covenant between Israel and God, that statement is made. And there’s much that could be talked about there in Exodus 24, verses 12 through 18. Again, don’t have time. One of these days, we’re going to come back here and talk about all this stuff we’ve said. We don’t have time to discuss chapter 13 in very Quick summary form.
He says, as he begins with a number of additional exhortations, kind of drawing these ideas to a conclusion, he says, let brotherly love continue. Just like Peter would say to those Christians in second, Peter chapter one, brotherly love or brotherly kindness as talked about in by Peter has a lot to do with our continuing faith, our thoughtfulness and care for one another.
He says, do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so. Some of us are unwittingly entertained angels. It’s not talking about having a fancy party at your house. I was talking about hospitality, serving others. Remember the prisoners is if chained with them, those who are mistreated since you yourselves are in the body. Also, don’t just think about your own situation.
Think about those who are suffering as Christians. He says, marriage is honorable among all and the bed undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. He had just spoken about Esau as being a fornicator. And that was part of his problem. His willingness to serve his fleshly desires instead of God. And here he says, marriage is to be kept he to let your conduct be without covetousness,
be content with such things as you have for he himself has said, I will never neither leave you nor forsake you so that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me? Remember those who rule over. You have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.
Jesus Christ is the same. Yesterday, today and forever. He says, you be, you be content with what you have. If what you have is Relationship with an unchanging. God, If you have that, then you have everything. If you don’t have that, then you have nothing and you can have all the possessions in the world. But if you don’t have that relationship with God,
the one who doesn’t change, you have no hope. So he says, you watch those who have the rule over you. This, I believe firmly resides in a discussion of elders. He says, you watch the elders And you live like them. If they Are what they should be. If they’re elders who are worthy of being elders, he says,
you watch their faith and you do what they do very much the same as what Paul said to the church at Corinth. When he said, you follow after me As I follow after Christ verse nine. And he says, do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines for it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited.
Those who have occupied, who have been occupied by them. We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat for the bodies of those animals. Whose blood is brought is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned outside the camp. Therefore God or Jesus also verse well, therefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood Suffered outside the gate for here.
We have no continuing city. Sorry. I missed a verse. Let’s go back to verse 12. Therefore Jesus also, He might sanctify the people with his own blood Suffered outside the gate led Or therefore let us go forth to him Outside the camp, bearing his reproach For here. We have no continuing city, but we seek the One to come. Therefore By him,
let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name, but do not forget to do good and to share for, with such sacrifices. God is well pleased and I’ll go all the way back chapter 11. And what did he say? God was pleased With faithful obedience. He says now do good to others and show your faith as James would put it by your work Works and not your faith without your works,
obey those who ha who rule over you again, looking at elders And be submissive for they watch out for your souls as those who must give account, let them do so with joy and not with grief for that would be unprofitable for You. Pray for us. For, we are confident that we have a conscience in all things declare desire. Yes, desiring to live honorably.
But I especially urge you to do this. That I may be restored to you. You the sooner now God of peace, who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you complete in every good work to do his will working in you. What is pleasing Well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ,
To whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. The writer says, I want God to work In you. Is There any indication he thinks that’s going to happen without the Hebrew brethren working, Working on themselves, that would kind of fight Single. Let us, let us, let us, let us, let us statement all throughout the book. He doesn’t expect them to receive from God a change in their lives until they enact a change in their lives Drives by faith and obedience.
He says, I appeal to you brethren bear with the word of exhortation Four, I have written to you in few words, much more could have been said much longer could have been the letter, but know that our brother Timothy has been set free with whom I shall see you. If he comes shortly, greed, all those who rule over you And all the saints,
those from Italy, greet you, grace, be with you all. Amen. The Hebrew writer says a great deal to these brethren. And he says, ultimately, it’s up to them. It’s up to them to choose you. And I, it’s also up to us, it’s up to us to choose whether or not we’ll be faithful, whether or not we’ll hold fast,
our confidence, whether or not We will hold on to grace, whether or not we will by faith. Oh, bang. Whether or not we will do all of them. These things is up to us. And I can’t yeah. An answer for you. And you can answer for me, but we As Christians and as a congregation must decide independently and together that we will be faithful to him.
If you’re outside the body of Christ, you’re not faithful to him. You’re not even a child of his. If you Need to become a member of the body of Christ, you can do that. You can do that. Even during this holiday season, you can be immersed In water, permission of your sins. You Can hear the word of God and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
Jesus said, except you believe I am. He, you will Die in your sins. You can confess his name, having repented of your sins, committing to changing your life, to match his word. And you can be immersed in water, dying to sin, dying to your old self and rising up to walk in newness of life. Part of that new and living way he writes about in Hebrews chapter 10,
you can do that. You too can live as seeing the promises that are yet unseen, knowing that God is faithful. And knowing also that our God is a consuming fire and you don’t want to be judged by him. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve turned your back on God, understand this, our God is a consuming fire and you don’t want to be judged by him.
But also we need to remember for those struggling, that there is opportunity to remain faithful, strengthen what’s weak, make straight paths before your feet to obey. God, make a plan to obey God and then fulfill that plan by removing sin and following obedience to God. I hope you have enjoyed the class. I hope it has been beneficial. I know there’s much more that could be said about Hebrews,
but I appreciate your time and your attention this evening hope everything is well with you. It is with our family and we pray that everything will go well with you throughout this week. And next week, as we’re apart from you, let’s conclude with a prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for this day for its blessings or all that you do for us every day,
we ask that you forgive us when we sin, give us your grace and your mercy each and every day. And may we do what is right in your sight. All this we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
<inaudible> Sorry.<inaudible> Okay. We should be working now. Note to self when fixing the problem that you don’t know what the issue is, don’t hit the wrong button because you may create far more problems than you had when, when You were just trying to fix the one problem you had. Yes, that’s fine. We can live without subtitles today. All right.
We are The book of Hebrews and we were going to get through chapter 10 and 11 this morning, but You know, I’m not sure we were ever going to get through chapter 10 and 11 this morning, but we were going to try, let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll cover chapter 10 and then go through and cover the questions for nine and 10 as we Get started.
Dear heavenly father, we thank you for this day and its blessings. We thank you for all that you do for us on a daily basis. We thank you for your love and your care for your thing. The things that you do for us when we are struggling, the things you do for us, when we are blessed, we know we are always blessed by you.
We know that every good and perfect gift comes from above and we pray that we will continue to be thankful for all of those many wonderful things that you do. We pray that you be with families and loved ones and congregations that are dealing with losses as a result of COVID. And we pray that you will give them strength and comfort. During times of sorrow,
we pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen, Amen. Hebrews chapter nine closes with, and as it is appointed men or for men to die once. So, or excuse me, I’m going to, I’m going to start over. It’s just not, that’s not working this morning.
And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this, the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many, to those who eagerly wait for him, he will appear a second time apart from sin, for salvation, for the law, having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with these same sacrifices,
which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. There is in, in addition to what we said on Wednesday concerning the sacrifices current concerning what was offered under the old law, there was this constant looking for that better thing that better sacrifice because even those under old law, granted forgiveness, granted salvation, granted the things that God would give them through the law and through their obedience and through their re repentance and reconciliation to God,
they still gig NYSED that offering was insufficient. How many times do you read about situations where there’s multiplied offerings, multiplied co goats and calves that were offered by an individual for as if one wasn’t enough because they understood the depth of sin and the inability of an animal to pay for that sin. And so we read here that these things we’re offered year by year,
time, after time, over and over, because the sacrifice was in sufficient. And yet he says Christ died once two, four, then would they not have ceased to be offered? He says, if these sacrifices were perfect, if they took care of everything that the, the sacrifice of Christ did, then you wouldn’t have continued offer them time. After time,
after time, instead, they would have been offered once, like the sacrifice of Christ he said for then they would not, would they not then have ceased to be offered for the worshipers? Once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins, but in those sacrifices, there is a reminder of sins every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.
Therefore, when he came into the world, he said, sacrifice and offering, you did not desire, but a body you have prepared for me in burn offerings and sacrifices for sin. You had no pleasure. Then I said, behold, I have come in the volume of the book. It is written of me to do your will. Oh God.
Previously saying sacrifice and offering burn offerings and offerings for seeing you did not desire nor had pleasure in them, which are offered according to the law. Then he said, behold, I come to do your Willow God. He takes away the first that he may establish the second. Okay. This whole soul section right here is here as one continual thought, going back to the old Testament,
prophecy, bringing it forward, then explaining what it means. He says this statement was made to indicate that Christ was going to remove the first covenant. Not that he was extending it, not that he was tacking onto it and becoming a part of it, but that he was going to remove it and then replace it. He said, these things were written that the,
that he might take away the first that he might establish the second. All right. The significance of that to these Jewish Christians was if they were in the situation of being unable to, or being unwilling, to stay with Christ, then they were going back to a law that didn’t have any power anymore to a covenant. There was no longer in existence to a covenant that was no longer binding and had no ability to save them because it had been taken away.
They couldn’t go, you know what? It was good enough for us then. So it’s good enough for us now. Now they couldn’t do that because Christ came to fulfill the law, but also to abolish that law, that law being the law of Moses. So verse 10 by that, will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all,
okay. The Hebrew writer, instead of leaving them in a position of saying, well, you know, you’re, you’re in a, you’re in a rough spot. You’re you’re, you’re going to, you’re going to live without any sacrifice. You’re not going to have anything because the blood of bulls and goats won’t do it. And those sacrifices are taken away and back covenants taken away and that law is taken away.
Now you’ve got nothing. He says, no, no, no, no, no. The exact opposite. Now you have a sacrifice. That’s better. Now you have an offering that’s better under a covenant. That’s better under a law. That’s better add a demonstrates that your sanctification, your becoming Holy, your being set apart by God was done, was accomplished by the blood of Christ through the will of God.
So he says, then in verse 11, every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices. This is under the law. Moses every day the priest comes and he stands at the temple and he waits and he offers sacrifices. He does it over and over and over again, which can never take away sins. But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for forever sat down at the right hand of God,
for those who would claim that Jesus Christ is not currently raining, that his kingdom does not currently exist. They have a real problem here because this says that he offered the sin, offered his blood for the sins. He offered the sacrifice for sins and having a complish that he sat down on his throne. He sat down at the right hand of God,
the father, and is raining right now. And that rain, that position, that power is part of the confidence we have in that salvation verse 13, from that time waiting til his enemies are made his footstool for, by one offering. He has perfected forever. Those who are being sanctified, but the Holy spirit also witnesses to us for after he had said before,
this is the covenant that I will make with them. After those days says the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts and into their minds. I will write them. Then he adds their sins and lawless deeds. I will remember no more. This again is going back to Jeremiah now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin,
therefore brethren having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he consecrated for us through the veil that is his flesh and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water drawing,
all the things that he said in chapter eight, chapter nine, chapter 10, drawing all of them forward to a conclusion he says, because that one sacrifice has been made one time forever. Now you and I, we sin. We fall short. We continually have to seek God’s forgiveness and repent for what we do wrong, but we don’t have to go find a new sacrifice.
We don’t go looking for a new atonement. We don’t go looking for a new sufficient sacrifice to cover our sin. We go back to the sacrifice over in first, John John describes it this way. He says that when we sin, the blood of Christ continues to cleanse us from the sin. The sin may happen again, but the blood doesn’t need the change.
We don’t need new blood. The blood was sufficient. It was us that needed the correction. And so the Hebrew writer is describing the power of the sacrifice. He says, now that we have this sacrifice before, when we have blood of bulls and goats, we had to go through our intermediary. We had to go through the high priests and even the high priest had to offer sacrifices for himself before he could enter the holiest.
Okay. Remember, we were talking about the tabernacle on Wednesday and we described the two portions of the tabernacle, the holiest of Holies, where the Ark of the covenant was. And then the Holy place, the main area where the priest went in every day. He said, before you, as, as a, as an Israel, I couldn’t even enter the Holy place.
Only the priest could, but the whole, the priest couldn’t enter the holiest of Holies till they offered a sacrifice for themselves. And then they could only do it once per year. He says now under the new covenant, under the new sacrifice, with a new mediator, he says, we have boldness to enter the holiest. The holiest here, the way he’s using that term is the Holy of Holies.
Okay. The holiest place. So he says, we now have the ability to enter into the presence of God because of the sacrifice of Christ. And we can do that. Not as the high priest entered the Holy place under the old law, the high priest actually add a garment that he wore on the day of atonement. And that garment had bells on the bottom of it.
Part of the reason for the bells was it’s described there. The idea you didn’t enter in to the holiest of Holies without being announced. Think about it. This, from this perspective, you have a King King sits on a throne. He’s sitting in his throne room and someone wants to come in to see the King. What do you generally have? Who waits at the door of the throne room?
You have the person who not only says whether or not you’re allowed to go in, but he also announces you first. You don’t enter into the presence of a King unless you’re announced first and yet. Now the Hebrew writer says we don’t only have the ability to enter the presence of God as those Israelites did through a high priest. Once per year, he says,
we now have boldness as Ziv, we’re a family member of the King to walk into his presence at any time, not once a year at any time to come into his presence as if we were his son, you see the laws and the rules for being announced were Pete, for people who weren’t part of the King’s family, it was often a, a different set of rules for a King’s children for a King’s family member for a King’s son.
And so here we have a different arrangement. We’ve got a different relationship that exists because of the blood of Christ, but he says this boldness, this access comes by a new and living way, which he consecrated, which he set apart, which he made Holy for us through the veil. That is his flesh. Under the old Testament, there was a veil in between the holiest of Holies in the tabernacle and the Holy place.
They could go in and out of the Holy place all throughout the year, but that veil separated them. And now the Hebrew writer says that veil was a type. It was a looking forward to the flesh of Christ. Interestingly, you remember when Christ died, when Christ said it is finished, gave up the ghost, a number of things occurred. The sun was darkened.
The earth shook graves were opened, but what else happened? The veil in the temple was rent. It was torn into from the bottom of the top or from the top to the bottom top to bottom. There’s a type apology here. And there’s a picture that God brought into physical form saying separation of me from my people is gone. They now have access because he died.
They now have boldness because he died and we have access to the throne of God continually. This goes back to chapter four. This isn’t the first time he said this. He’s just drawing in more of these types of Anna types. More of the picture. He says, verse 14, seeing then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus,
the son of God, let us hold fast. Our confession for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points, tempted like as we are yet without sin, let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. So he said this before this isn’t new,
he’s not just introducing the idea. He’s giving you a more clear picture of the atonement that is found in Christ. Okay? So then he says, verse 21 and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
He, again, he’s pulling together these pictures from the old Testament when Moses and Aaron sanctified the people of God, when they instituted the first tabernacle, when they offered the first sacrifices on that first day of consecration, they took the blood of a sacrifice and sprinkled it on the altar and on the sacrifices and on the people, they consecrated them ceremonially with this sprinkling of blood.
Now he’s using the figure and saying your heart, your conscience, your inward person, where the blood of the old Testament could come, could cleanse and consecrate the outward person. This sacrifice the blood of Christ cleanses the inward person. He said, your hearts have been sprinkled from an evil conscience and your bodies washed with pure water. Again, going back to the old Testament picture of the tabernacle worship.
When those high priests were to offer those sacrifices, when they were to enter into the Holy place, they first had to wash in that brazen Laver, okay. Before they could enter into the Holy place they had to wash you couldn’t go into the Holy place unless you washed. Well, now he says we have been given a washing and yet isn’t it interesting.
He describes the washing to be physical and the cleansing to be spiritual turn over to first Peter chapter three<inaudible> First Peter chapter three, verse 21. There is also an anti-tech, which now saves us baptism, not the removal of the field of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The same idea is carried forward.
In first, Peter chapter three, that baptism is the washing in which our inward person is washed. Even though the act is an outward act. In other words, it’s something our physical bodies do, but it is not as Peter’s describing, it’s not about washing off dirt. It’s not about washing away, filth on your body. It is about your heart.
And so here you have one of those passages where baptism in its anti type form is described as being directly connected to the blood of Christ. Verse 23, let us hold fast. The confession, that is the proclamation of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
not getting the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much. The more as you see the day approaching as the Hebrew writer reminds them of these things. He’s not telling them for the very first time that they’re supposed to assemble together. And he’s not telling them for the very first time that they’re supposed to be immersed in water for the remission of sins.
They’ve already done that. He’s reminding them of what it was they did. And he’s reminding them of what is so important about their association and fellowship with one another. He says, as you go through these struggles, as you go through these difficulties, the one thing that you don’t stop doing is assembling with one another because it is there that you provoke one another to love and good works.
Now it’s important to note that the first staking here is not the absence of a single time. It is the turning away from it. This is not a passage that describes, you know what, someone’s sick and they didn’t show up at church today. They’re forsaking the assembling. No, that’s not it. This is the turning no way from in turning away from Christ.
He says, when you are struggling, that is not the time to turn away from the assembly. That is not the time to turn your back on the, the assembly. That is the time to turn to the assembly and be there so many times when times are hard. When difficulties come, when hardships come into our lives, we go, you know what?
I just don’t have. I just don’t have the energy, the stamina that to get up, get dressed and get to worship. That is exactly the time where you need to get up, get dressed and go, go to worship because that’s when you need it. The most that’s when God says, listen, this time is especially for you right at that moment where you can be assembling with one another where you can be provoked to love and good works,
where you can have others. Look, look at you and care for you. It’s the moment when you say All right, I need this. And I know that when I come home, I’m going to be better than when I left, but it also Involves this other aspect. And that is us looking past ourselves. The one who comes to the assembly,
looking to better themselves, looking to be looked upon by others, looking to be encouraged by others, looking to be exhorted by others and never gives any Lot to anyone else is failing in their duties. In the assembly. Part of the, The Frank reality is it is by us assembling together and losing our focus on ourselves and putting our focus on someone else that we,
We find we get helped by helping others. So we need to be thoughtful in our approach Assemblies, not only to look for those who are struggling and encourage those who are struggling, but also to set aside our worries, our struggles, our difficulties Look to help others. Okay? Now in Verse 26, he’s not changing Topics. Here He is. He has gone through a discussion of the sacrifice.
He has gone through the discussion of the priesthood. He has gone through the discussion of the law. He has gone through the discussion of the T of the covenant. He has gone through all of these things. And now he’s about to give them a very Stark warning. All the passages in the book of Hebrews that are the most direct in warning these people about what they’re about to do verse 13 or verse 26 of chapter 10,
Is that passage He says for, if we sin Willfully, now this is not Connect Textually. This is not talking about, I know it’s wrong to lie. And I just told a lie That’s that is not the context here. Okay? The context is, I know I should not foresee Christ and his assembly, but I am going to choose to turn my back on him.
I am going to Context is I am going to return to the law of Moses and to Moses and to Judaism and for say Christ. That is the context, the departure from Christianity and obedience To Christ. That’s the willful sin being described here for if we sin willfully, after we have received the knowledge of the truth. So notice it’s a departure from the truth.
There no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. This is you walk away from Christ and what are you walking to? You’re not going to walk back to the blood of bulls and goats. They’re no longer a sacrifice for sins. You can’t go back to that. We’ve shown you. He took it away. So you walk away from the only sacrifice and you walk to no sacrifice for sins,
but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation, which will devour the adversaries notice. He just said, you walk away from Christ. You become an adversary of God because that’s, that’s who that judgements for. He said, you just walked into a judgment meant for adversaries, which meant you just became an adversary. Remember back in revelation, as we were going through those chapters,
two and three, where he writes to the church and one of the churches, he says, you repent or I’ll make war with you. God considers those who forsake him, who turned their back on him, who go back to the world. After they know the truth, to be his enemies. Notice he says anyone who has rejected Moses’s law does or dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
By the way, he’s pointing out this isn’t unusual. We shouldn’t think this is strange. If you violate the law under the law of Moses and two people testify against you in a court of law, you’re going to be put to death. But then he says of how much worse punishment do you suppose, will he be thought worthy? Who has trampled?
The son of God under foot counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace. So you need to get right in your mind about what it is to me, what it means to depart from Christianity. Once you’ve become a Christian, he said, you have trodden under foot. The son of God,
you have said that sacrifice on that cross is completely value lists to me. What did Jesus describes? Salt? W w what did he say would happen to salt that had lost its value, lost its flavor. It was good for nothing good to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. He says the Christian who departs from Christianity. That’s what they’ve done to the son of God.
That’s how they view the son of God, or at least that’s how God views it. But he also says you’ve counted the blood of the covenant as on Holy use it that now that wasn’t any, anything special, this idea is profane or common. The various two, two of the very first priests, two of the sons of Aaron, when they were brought,
bringing the fire to the, to the altar were struck down by God. And the accusation God made is they didn’t put a difference between was common and what was Holy. And so here, he says, you’ve taken the blood of Christ, which is Holy. And you’ve treated it as if it’s common, just like anybody else’s blood, but also says,
and you have despised the spirit or insulted the spirit of grace for we know him who said, vengeance is mine. I will repay says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge his people. He says, we were told this in the old Testament, God said, he’s going to judge. And God said, he judged under that law. And he’s certainly going to judge her under this law verse 31.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living. God. Then he says, verse 32. We’ll read down through verse 39, but recall, okay. Okay. Said this, he’s put forth the warning. He said, listen, you don’t want to fall into the hands of your God. And then he immediately reverses not goes back on what he says,
but reverses his tone and say, says, but remember, we’ve been through this before. He says, remember, recall the former days in which after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings. She’s remember when you were first converted, when you first became a Christian, when you first saw the light, there’s the illuminated idea. He said,
how you suffered and you did so willingly. You went through a great fight flight of afflictions. These is partly whilst you were made a spectacle, both by reproaches and tribulations. And partly while you became companions of those who were so treated for you had compassion on me and my chains and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven,
he says, do you remember back when you were first converted and you did all of these things you’re being asked to do now, now, and you did enjoy fully, you did it willingly. You did it without a second thought because of the salvation. When you had available and heaven, he says, therefore, do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward,
or you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. Now he goes back to the old Testament. He says for yet a little while, and he who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith. But if anyone draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
He goes back to Habakkuk where Habakkuk is questioning how God’s going to use the Babylonian armies to defeat Israel, to defeat Judah and punish this people who are better than the Babylonians were. And God said the just will live by faith. The just will endure. I will protect the, just, but the wicked I’m going to punish. He says, verse 39.
As he closes this, what we have is this chapter. He says, but we are not notice again, as he’s done before with the led us. And he includes himself, he says, but we, you and me, all Christians, he says, but we are not of those who draw back to perdition. But of those who believe to the saving of the soul.
Now he’s going to make this statement about belief, about faith, to lead them into a whole long discussion of faith. So he said this, and we’ll leave it here. We’re going to kind of summarize chapter 11 as we start class on Wednesday, which will be done virtually, but he says, we do not draw back. We don’t go backwards.
We don’t go back to the old law. We keep our faith and obey God. And that is all of chapter 11, looking forward to chapter 12. Okay, let’s go over these questions for chapters nine and 10. What kind of sacrifices were offered under the law? Moses, lot of bulls and goats, gifts and sacrifices. Either one of those would be fine.
How often was it necessary to offer sacrifices continually year by year? Why was it necessary to offer sacrifices often? All right. Because they could never make one. Perfect. Is, is there is the, the text answer can never make one. Perfect. What kind of sacrifice was offered under Jesus’ law? His own blood. How often is it necessary to offer sacrifices?
Once, when does a covenant come into force? Yep. We went when the person whose covenant is dies, how was the first covenant put into force?<inaudible> Yeah. Sprinkling of blood or the blood of bulls and goats. What about the second? Okay. Blood of blood of Jesus. The law of Moses is spoken of as a blank of the good things to come Shadow.
Jesus’ flesh is the blank. The veil. Does God remember forgiven sins? No. That’s a discussion. We’ll have to get into some time. Yes or no. Does God require Christ followers to assemble? Yes. What is God’s punishment for those who neglect Christ and his blood Say what Fearful judgment fire, vengeance, all, all of those are, are applicable in good answers.
So, all right. We will have, I think I am correct in announcing this. Okay. I’m correct. In announcing this because I will be gone. A number of actually a number of people will be out. What we will be doing is we will have our services on our Bible study on Wednesday online, the zoom will be available. The live stream will be available,
but there won’t be anybody here. Okay. So make note of that for Wednesday, we’ll make sure everybody has what they need to get connected to that, but we’ll go over the end of Hebrews then. And then Sunday, since I will be out of town, Michael will be filling in and we’ll start a review of Jesus going into lessons on the second year of Jesus’ ministry,
starting the next Wednesday. So thank you for your attention. And you are dismissed<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Her. Name’s good to see everyone here today where happy to see you. And I know the re those that are watching online. I think we’ve got a lot of folks out today for the holidays. So it’s kinda unusual to see as few as we have here today,
but we’re glad that we’re able to come and be together and worship God together today and have Bible study. Aaron did a wonderful job this morning, and we miss all of you that are, haven’t been able to be with us for a while. And some others aren’t feeling well. So we want to continue to pray for these. We have a few announcements we want to make,
hopefully everyone remembered to get the Lord’s supper at the back. We just wanted to remind you of that or continue to pray for Joan Springer. Maria said she’s doing some better has good days and bad days though. And still not able to gain much weight at all, if any, and sometimes loses a few pounds. So keep, keep her in your prayers.
I also, Robin woods, we want to continue to pray for Robin and Jessica. Dale is still having problems. It’s talking to Michael and we want to continue to pray for Jessica, that they can determine what’s actually taking place with her and hopefully find out what it is and relieve her of all of that discomfort she’s experiencing Janie Marlin is, is doing well with her surgery on her knee.
She’s still having some nausea from some of the medications that she’s having to take. So keep her in your prayers. Also remember Dorothy Wilson still waiting at home, her stress test results. And I’m not sure why it’s taken them so long to find that out, but we want to keep her in your prayers. Also Rodale, they’ve been experiencing a lot of sorrow in their family and the loss of Rodale’s brother and his wife,
Leah van Cleve that’s and also Jessica hobby, hob D both of these are nieces of Becky Posner. Both of them have COVID and we certainly want to remember them and hope that they will be able to be treated for that. And everything will go alright with them. Jan, his dad is back at home and under hospice care. So they are back,
but they’re staying at home just in case they were around anyone that might’ve been affected with the virus. So keep them in your prayers. And then Cheryl’s dad who, who fell and has a fracture in his spine. He, he had his having to wear a back brace, but he is at home. And still, I know that he has good days and bad days.
So keep, keep him in your prayers. And also Aaron’s dad, Keith Cozort had surgery Friday for heart blockage. He had two stents put in and he is at home now. So we want to continue to pray for him that everything will be go hard with him. Elaina sharp, that Shelly Stax mother has double pneumonia, and she has a real bad infection on the,
on the back of her head. And we certainly were want to remember her and our prayers, that they were able to be able to help get her over that pneumonia and get that healed up. So probably in real serious condition though, and she’s in a Methodist hospital, our sympathy to the Wilson family and the loss of Rodale’s well already announced that his brother and his wife Demple.
So we weren’t at one other announcement. We will not meet at the building for service Wednesday for class, but it will be virtual. So don’t forget to tune in and be studying Hebrews chapter 11. So keep that in, in your Mark that down on your calendar, be sure and tune in for that. I believe that saw the announcements I had,
hopefully I didn’t overlook any. I do have one other thing I want to mention to you, Aaron and Eddie and the boys will be leaving tomorrow to go to Missouri and they’ll be gone for about a week. And so we want to remember them in our prayers that everything would go well for them. And we don’t want to, we do want to wish everyone,
a Merry Christmas and hope we will all have a safe holiday since we probably won’t see each other personally clean now. And next Lord’s day, this morning, Michael Dale will be leading our song service. Eric Halverson we’ll have our opening prayer. Mari Phillips will be taking care of the Lord’s table. Aaron Cozort would be bringing us the lesson. And then Jay Shafir we’ll have our closing prayer First song.
This morning will be number 31 and be still and know be still and know<inaudible> That. Ah,<inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible> that, ah,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible><inaudible> As long before our opening prayer, excuse me, will be number 797. Lord we come before the now<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> we see the Lord<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to see<inaudible> to<inaudible> and I know<inaudible> no,
we see<inaudible> we<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible> GRA. Oh man,<inaudible> fun. The God<inaudible><inaudible> free.<inaudible> the<inaudible> Please bow with me. God, our father in heaven, we come to you this morning, thanking you for another day here on earth and thanking you for the opportunity to be able to assemble here together, to fellowship with one another sing songs of praise to your name and study a portion of your word Lord.
There were numerous individuals listed on our sick list this morning. And we ask if it’d be your, will you wrap your loving arms around each and every one of them and provide them with the comfort that they need while they battle the individual needs to retain regain their health. And if it be your will provide them the means and the opportunity to regain their health so that they may come again to worship you.
But most importantly, to serve you, God, we also know that there are many amongst our number that are suffering from various ailments and illnesses that have not been mentioned. And we asked the same for them that you wrap your loving arms around them and around the caretakers and the providers, caregivers, and providers for these individuals that they may seek your knowledge and your wisdom and your patients and their times as they struggled to deal with providing help to them.
God, we also know that because of the holiday season, there are many amongst us. That’d be traveling. We asked that you provide safe journey for those that will travel to their destinations and return to their homes. And God, we also want to thank you for having sent your son Jesus here on earth years ago to teach us, but most importantly,
to die for our sins and to save us, give us that opportunity to one day, live with you forever in heaven in eternity, Lord, we also know that each and every one of us have our faults and have our shortcomings. And when we bring those shortcomings to you, we ask that you help us to deal with these shortcomings and prevent from doing them again.
But most importantly, forgive us, although shortcomings that we may serve you better as we live here on earth and wait for that day that we join you eternally in heaven. And now as brother Aaron prepares to bring us another portion of your word, we ask that you help each and every one of us listen intently and analyze it and see how we can use the word that he’s going to bring us your word to enlighten our lives,
to serve you better. But most importantly, to reach out to those that have either fallen away from your love, or have not had the opportunity to hear your word and understand your love so that they may one day have the same opportunity we do. And that is to live with you forever. In eternity. We pray all these things through your son,
Jesus name, amen. Long to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 366 by Christ redeemed by Christ three<inaudible>. We keep the us<inaudible> and show the<inaudible> and to he<inaudible> his body given<inaudible><inaudible>. And as we drink, we see blah, and<inaudible> he? Oh, and that me Trey<inaudible> ah, with advent, we NA my wan bride chain me it,
and he<inaudible> At this time, we need to focus on the cross and the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. Let’s pray. Heavenly father, we’re thankful for this bread represent Jesus’ body was nailed to the cross for the sins of mankind. Pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. Amen. Like manner, heavenly father. We’re thankful for this fruit of the vine.
It represents Jesus blood that was shed on this cross for our sins. Let’s pray. Heavenly father that you please forgive us of our sins. Also, this we ask in Jesus name, amen. Separate from the Lord’s table. We’d have an opportunity to give his we as prosper. Let’s pray. Heavenly father. We’re thankful for the financial gains we have received from you through the years,
and we pray heavenly father you’ll accept proportion back to you in order to keep the church you’re at Collierville and doing the job that we’re doing here and help us having father be prosperous. This we ask in Jesus name. Amen. As long before the lesson this morning will be number 555. Siki first. If you’re able to stand for this song, Please,
number 555, okay. Siki first, the kingdom of God and<inaudible> and all these things shall be added unto you seeing, ah,<inaudible> scanned. It shall be given unto you C and G shall ah, knock, and the door be opened unto you singing. Ah,<inaudible> man shall not live by bread alone, but<inaudible> pro seeds from God seeing,
ah,<inaudible> you may be seated. Good morning. Sometimes I’m asked a question. I imagine you are too. When it comes around the time of the holidays or birthdays, someone will come up to you and ask, what do you want? Can you make a list? What do you want for Christmas? What do you want for your birthday? What sweetheart?
What do you want for your anniversary? That one probably shouldn’t be asked, but the others, what do you want? There’s nothing wrong with that question. It’s simply an expression of one person trying to do for another person and give to another person what it is that they actually want. But as we examine our lesson this morning, I want to notice what we should want and how to get it.
Not in view of Christmas or birthdays or any other holiday or gift exchanging time of the year. But in view of our lives, collagen’s chapter three, Paul writes to the church at Colossi, as he writes to these brethren in Colossians chapter three and verse one, we read if then you were raised with Christ, seek those things, which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God,
set your mind On things above, not on things, Things on the earth. Sometimes it’s In view of the previous discussion in the previous question of what do you want the answer is, I don’t know. And usually that’s because we haven’t been thinking about it. If we stopped for a while and thought about it, we could come up with one or two things that we want,
whether we could afford them or not, that would be a completely different discussion, but some things that we Want, sometimes It may be basic. Sometimes it may be symbol. Sometimes it may just be, you know what? I want that meal. I just really enjoy that meal, whatever that is. But notice that when the Paul writes to the church at glossies is first of all,
seek those things that are above. But then he also says set your mind on the things above, be thinking about it. When we consider what it is as Christians that we really want, are we giving in our lives? Any thoughts To eternity As we go through our daily lives, as we examine what it is that we do on a daily basis,
what part of our day, what part of our life, what part of our decision making process depends entirely upon the time we spend Thinking about eternity, okay. Thinking about spiritual things. So he says, first of all, seek those things, which are above. Second of all, he says, set your mind on things that are above. But thirdly,
he says for you died. I don’t know if you know that if you’re a Christian, you do know that, but Paul just comes right out and says for you died And your life is hidden with Christ in God. The moment a person comes forward In their heart and in their mind and makes the decision I’m going to change. They’ve heard the word of God.
They’ve heard the gospel and they know it’s true. They know that Jesus Christ came to this earth. They know that he bled. They know that he died. They know that he went to that cross and they know why they know he died for their iniquity, for their sin, for their unrighteousness. And they know That he didn’t stay dead. Instead on third day,
he arose from that grave. He walked out of that tomb and ultimately he ascended back into the back to the father and that he is there right now. Now, as this passage describes sitting at the right hand of God and they know those things, They have heard and believe those things. And as a result of that, they have looked at what he told them to do.
They have Looked at their lives and they have looked at the word of God and they have looked at scripture and they’ve examined their lives against the mirror We’re of the soul. And they have found they don’t match. And so they have looked at those things and said, I have to change that. They know what he said, they’ve heard it. They believe it.
They know they have to change. And they Also know that above everything else. They want to serve him, go to Matthew chapter six, Matthew chapter six, as Jesus is giving the sermon on the Mount. He references possessions. And he says, beginning in verse 19, do not lay up for yourselves, treasures on earth, where Moth and rust destroy,
where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves, treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also notice Jesus begins first with possessions. He begins first with what it is that you find Valuable. It really comes back to this question of what do you want?
And if when asked that question, the only thing you can find as an answer is this possession, that possession, this thing, that thing, this goal, that goal, this attainment, that attainment this job, that job, that If that’s all you want, Jesus said, you’ve set your treasure on things that are below you Set your treasure on things that are part of this earth.
You’ve set your treasure on things which will not last. And ultimately some ELLs we’ll take from you. You say, well, I’m going to, I’m going to protect what I have and I’m going to own a lot of firearms and I’m going to make sure and ensure everything. And I’m going to make sure to take precautions. I’m going to make sure no one gets my Stuff except solid And pointed out in Ecclesiastes.
These that one of these days you’re going to Die and Everything you’ve accumulated. I had accumulated a lot was going to be left to somebody else. All ultimately, no matter how much stuff it is, you’re leaving this life without it. They are now trying and have been For a number of years to figure out how to migrate someone’s consciousness from their body into a computer system.
So that that person can continue to live. Why? Because people are dead set on never leaving this temporary, The place. But Jesus said Where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also, but he doesn’t end there. He says, the lamp of the body is the Eye. If Therefore your eye is good, your whole body Will be full of light.
There, there are times where The way this is described and the way this is stated, it doesn’t really translate. But all the light, you experience All The light that you see, You don’t see, See it through your hand. You don’t see it through your foot. You see it through one little Part of your body and that’s your eye. And anyone who has ever had eye trouble can tell you That when your eyes start giving you problems,
it affects you In significant ways. When your eye stops sensing light, properly or stops, communicating that light properly to, to your, the rest of your body. You have difficulties in your entire body. Jesus said The light of the body, the Eye, If then your eye is good. Your whole body is full of light. But, But if your eye is bad,
your whole body will be full, Full of darkness. If your eyes stop seeing light, Not another appendage, you can rely on to solve the problem. There’s not another part of the body you can go to and say, can you just take over the duty of the eyes? They’re not working anymore? And while it is certainly true for those who,
who experienced blindness that over time, their other senses enhance themselves to make up for it. The reality is they don’t replace the eyes. He says, If your eye is bad, your whole body is full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness. How great is That darkness? Now imagine your eyes work Just fine. And hopefully they do.
But imagine the only thing day in and day out that you put your eyes to doing that you set before them are things you want. Possessions. Yeah. You want stated that during this time of year, beginning about three weeks ago, Jordy have employees at their jobs get very little accomplished As it Were. They checkout for about six weeks, starting in the beginning of December and going all the way till about the beginning of the first of the year.
Maybe a few weeks after they just don’t really get anything done for some employees. It’s because they’re spending more time shopping on their computer than working on their computer. Okay? But imagine if that’s your whole year, imagine if that’s your whole life, everything every day is about the next thing Want Jesus said your eye has turned to only allowing in darkness because all you’re focused on are possessions.
He says, you cannot verse 24, serve two masters for either. He will hate the one and love the other, Or LT will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God, God, and mammon or possessions money. Therefore I say to you do not worry about your life. What you do, You will eat or what you will drink nor about your body.
What you will put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing. Look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they, Jesus focuses on this problem. He focuses on the problem where is looking at what it is they want and failing to trust God to provide They’re looking at what it is they need.
They’re looking at what it is to go on through this life day in and day out. And instead of looking to God to give what, give them what they want. They’re looking to themselves To provide it. Someone has suggested that if you’re going to ask God for a garden, you should do it with a hole in your hand. And that’s true.
You should not expect God to miraculously appear before you everything you need, nor is that what Jesus is Teaching here. But Instead his discussion is about where your heart is. Is your heart set every day on the next days, possessions, the next days things, the next day is food. The next day is Raymond. And the things you need to subsist in this life,
or is your heart set Bet on God. But notice his addressing of this is not, God has the ability to do this. He does not say God is able. He says, God cares more for you than for the birds of the air that he already does it for. He doesn’t go to a discussion of God’s abilities as a pure abstract. He goes to God’s relationship To his children.
He goes on to say, which of you By worrying can add one cubit to his stature? How many times? Times I can’t, I can’t count them. How many times that I, As, as any pretty much that I know of any male growing up that is shorter than most of the other people. They know. How many times do they go to the,
the, the tape measure? Alright, am I taller? Am I taller? They scooch up on Their toes just a little bit. Especially if you had brothers That were all taller than you and they, And you’re like, you know, I, one of these days, I am going to be six feet tall. One of these days, I just know it.
I’ve got an uncle who’s over six feet tall. My dad’s six feet tall. I’m going to be six. I am not Six feet tall. And Do you know how much I can change that? Not at all. I mean, I wear cowboy boots all day long and I measure up to six feet doll, but I can not chain My stature.
Jesus said, How many of you by worrying, By Giving thought care, concern and focus of mind can change your stature, Not one inch. But then he goes on to say, so why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. And yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed.
One of these. Now, If God, so clothes, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven. Will he not much more clothe you? Oh, ye of little faith. Jesus says, as we look at our lives and yeah, If we turn our hearts, minds, focus and Tension to possessions and naughty eternity,
too Worrying and having anxiety About possessions and not eternity, he said, we have lost our grip on reality. We have lost Our grip on what truly matters. We have lost our faith in God, therefore verse 31, do not worry saying, what shall we eat Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear now? Did he say, do not Work?
No Jesus in, in no way, shape or form in this passage is accusing these Jews or his disciples of being those who should stop working. He said, they should stop worrying. They should stop their anxiety. They should stop their care and concern and focus as this being the highest priority For after all these things, the Gentiles seek for your Heavenly father knows that you Need these things.
As he did Dresses their care and concerns as he addresses their heart, as he addresses their eyes, as he addresses their minds and their focus, he reminds That they belong to a father who knew What they needed before They ever stepped foot on his earth. And he knows how to provide, but seek first, but seek First, the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.
Therefore he says, do not worry About tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things sufficient for the day is its own trouble. So what do you want and how do you get it? First of all, we need to be certain about The things that should not be on the List. Rich Should not be on the list. You can go read in first Timothy chapter six,
beginning in verse five, going down through verse nine about all the things that come with riches is that to say that a person who’s rich has somehow done wrong is living in a state of sin. No, that’s not it to say. That would be to accuse those like Abraham and David and many others in the old Testament who were rich, but whose focus was never on rich Is the Hebrew writer and Hebrews chapter 13,
as he writes to these, Christians says, Let your conduct be without Covetousness, be, Be content with such things as you have For he Himself has said, I will never leave you Nor forsake you. The person whose focus and dependency and heart and mind is set on riches. Is there because of insecurity, do we realize that the person, Person who’s striving every day,
day in and day out for more Stuff only does. So because of in security, Because they do not value What they already have. They only value what They do not yet have. And yet when they get it, it is of no value. And yet they will not stop and realize what they’re doing to themselves. So the Hebrew writer says, be content with what you have and why,
how can we Do it? How can we have that mindset? He says, because your father said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. There’s times that I don’t feel as though that’s true. There’s times even this almost writer express there’s times where it seems as though you’re far from me. It seems as though you will, you will not do what I asked you.
It seems as though you’re not dealing with the situation and yet TRIBErs writer continues. And he says, so we may boldly say, Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me, remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.
He says, pay attention to those who taught you, pay attention to those who you’ve learned from pay attention to their actions when they endure difficulty and follow them. And here’s why you can verse eight. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. When Jesus is a Rose from the dead and came back into the presence of the apostles, they were locked in a room assembling by themselves.
They were afraid of the government. They were afraid of the people. They were afraid of them. Those who not too long ago had, had laid Palm leaves down on the road and cried out Hosanna Hosanna. And yet short time later had cried, crucify him, crucify him And Jesus came into their midst and said, Oh, ye of little faith.
They had been told what he was going to do. They had been told what was going to happen, but in the midst of their Care and concern for The things of this life, they had missed the importance of the things pertaining to that life. We need to be those who, first of all, do not set our hearts and minds on riches,
but certainly do not set our hearts and on Sinful pleasures. But instead on eternity, we need to understand that there are things have more value than riches. Proverbs chapter eight, verse 11 describes wisdom to be of more value than rubies. We are to be those who understand that knowledge and understanding are things that we are to want things we are to strive for things we are to study,
to attain and give diligence to attain because knowledge and understanding are those things that can correct our lives. Turn to second Peter chapter one, as we examine and answer what it is that we want and how to get it. Peter writes to these Christians and he says beginning in verse one, to those who have obtained like precious faith with us, by the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ,
grace, and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord, he said, first and foremost, may you have grace and peace. You need those. And they’re found in one place, the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, but he then goes on and says, as his divine power has given to us, all things that pertain to life and godliness,
he said, in the knowledge of him, he has given you everything you need that pertains to life right now. And obedience to him through the knowledge of him who called you to glory and or by glory and virtue by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises. Not only has gone told you what he’s done for you. Not only has God told you what you need to do.
Not only has God given you everything you need to do what he said do, he’s also promised you what will happen when you do it, that through these, you may be partakers of the divine nature. Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. So what do you want? And does it originate with your knowledge of God and your Lord,
Jesus Christ, but how do you get it? Peter goes on to say for this reason, give all diligence to add to your faith virtue and to your virtue knowledge and to knowledge, self control, and to sell control Perseverance and to perseverance godliness and to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly, kindness, love for if these things are yours, if those are the things you want,
and those are the things you work for, and those are the things you attain. He said for, if these things are yours and a bound, you will neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ for he who lacks these things is short-sighted even to blindness and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. Therefore,
brethren be even more diligent to make your call and election. Sure. For if you do these things you will never stumble for. So an entrance will be supplying to you, abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. What do you want? If what you want is entrance into the kingdom of God and an internal abode with him.
Then Peter has just told you how to get it, have your sins washed away through the gospel and obedience to it, and then add to your faith. Virtue, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, brotherly, kindness, and love, and rinse and repeat. And when you do, you will have everything you’ve ever wanted, not a pie in the sky.
Promise if what you want is what Jesus said. And that is to seek first, the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness. If you have need of the invitation, the invitation is open for you now together as we stand and as we sing, Geez, what can make me whole again? Nothing but the bla jeez, us. Oh,<inaudible> that makes<inaudible> no,<inaudible> no nothing but blah,
jeez, for my iPod on their side, I see nothing but a bla jeez, for my cleansing, this my plea, nothing but<inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> nah, man makes me<inaudible>. No, the found time. No, nothing but blah. Jeez, us nothing can.<inaudible> nothing but blah. Jeez, not good that I have done nothing but blah G she sees us.
Oh, precious is fuck. Nah, it makes me<inaudible>. No, the fam time. No, nothing but blah G sees us the song before the closing prayer will be number 626 Christ for the world. We seen Christ for the wo. We see the world to CRA nice. We Bree<inaudible><inaudible> that boy, the thing<inaudible> Christ<inaudible> Christ<inaudible> we see the woe to CRA nice.
We Bri. Oh man. No way.<inaudible> a loss by<inaudible> passions, task three genes.<inaudible> formed.<inaudible><inaudible> we see the woe to CRA nice. We Bree with one<inaudible> to share with us three pro Scouts to jam with us.<inaudible> for Christ Heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for the privilege we’ve had to assemble and worship this hour.
We pray that our worship to you has been in spirit and truth and a sweet saver. As we prepare to depart, we’re mindful of those that are unable to be with us today. We pray your healing hands be placed upon them. And that they, once again, may return to their much wanted place. Be with those that are in harm’s way,
serving our country, grant them peace and reassurance at this special time of year, when families tend to get together, let them know that there are cared for, and that they have that hope of coming home. Soon as we go to prepare them for this special season, grant us an idea of oneness of helping one another, see the light and to be comforted by the fact that we’re just pilgrims here,
that our true homes need to be pointed toward heaven. Also, father, we fall short of our goals. Many times as we sin, we pray, you will forgive those sins, a repent and turn from them. Go with us. Now, as we depart, bless each of us with The blessings of knowing that we’re held in the hollow of your hand,
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> It’s about time for us to get started. Anybody thinks that based upon Sunday morning, how I made it to the end of chapter eight, that means that I’m going to make it to the end of chapter 10. Tonight you are sorely mistaken. It is not going to happen. All right, Let’s begin with, with a word of prayer.
So we get started our gracious father in heaven. We come before you so incredibly grateful for all of our many blessings, the blessings that we have had within this congregation, within our families and our homes within this city that we live in and this community that we’re a part of, we pray that you will be with those who have struggles, adversities, difficulties,
pray, especially for those who struggle at times with sin and all of us do in our own times in our own places, we pray that we might have willingness to open your word, to find the strength and the direction, the guidance that we need to correct our lives to live in accordance with your will. We pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this period of study,
may this time we spend be spent in a beneficial way and in accordance with your will and may all that we do and say, bring us closer to you. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. We’ll go over the questions from Hebrews seven and eight. Yeah.
As we get started by way of review question number one, how much, and if anybody’s missing this, these set of questions, they’re over on the, on the side here. How much did Abraham give Mel kids a deck, a 10th or a tie? How much were the people to give the priests a 10th aura time, by the way, any commandment in the new Testament to Thai?
Nope. Number two. Yes or no. Was it necessary to change the law of Moses when the priesthood was changed?<inaudible> Yes, you could. We talked about that on Sunday. You could not separate the priesthood and the law. If you changed the priesthood, you had to change the law. If you change the law, you had to change the priesthood name,
the TRIBE from which Jesus descended Judah. Yes or no. Under the law of Moses. Were there priests among the tribe of Judah? No, there weren’t. By what power then did Jesus become a priest by the, the, Okay. Yeah. The, the, an interesting point in that, the text specifically in verse 16, he was, he was made a priest after the order of milk is that,
but by the power of an endless life, is there at the end of verse 16, which is part of the argumentation about, you know, with, with the priesthood of the Levi’s it’s every time you turned around, every generation one died. Okay. Versus Christ who was alive forever. What things did the law of Moses make? Perfect.<inaudible> Nothing.
That’s correct. Nothing. I’m just rereading it. Make sure I didn’t goober that one up. Number five. Why were there great numbers of priests under the law? Moses? Because they died. Why? Under the new covenant? Is there only one priest, one high priest? Sorry. All right. Because he continues forever. How often did the high priest under the law of Moses offer up sacrifices for sins There in verse 23,
24 and 27. All right. Daily is the reference here. And then also once for all, when, when he would go in on the day of atonement. All right. How often did Jesus offer sacrifice for sins? One time For all. Okay. So all of these, just laying forth, the contrast between the priesthood of Aaron and the priesthood of Christ who pitched the earthly tabernacle<inaudible> Okay.
Where is the true tabernacle heaven? The law of Moses was a blank and a blank of the heavenly things. All right. An example, and a shadow. And then Jesus is the blank of the new covenant<inaudible> Mediator and discuss the first covenant and the need for a second. What did the first one have that caused the need for the second?<inaudible> All right.
It had imperfections. Okay. Number one. It didn’t have a perfect sacrifice. Okay. Not to say that God somehow messed up. That’s not what we mean by imperfections. The Hebrew writer is saying it had deficiencies by the nature of its existence, without Christ, without Christ. It couldn’t do everything that it needed to do. Okay. So it could not be considered perfect because it wasn’t the end.
It was the picture of what was coming. Okay. So it did exactly what it was intended to do. The problem is they’re trying to use it for a use. It was never intended for, have you ever seen a novice in a trade pick up a tool and try to use it to do a job? It was never intended to do when you take a child and you hand them a screwdriver and they use it to pry up nails,
it might accomplish the goal, but it is not the right tool for the job. Okay. These Jewish Christians are in essence, as children doing that with the law, they are trying to make the law, the eternal covenant and full, full force and power of God to save mankind. And it never was. That was not the function of the law of Moses.
So We’re going to get begin To get some context here. We’re going to begin reading in chapter eight, verse seven for if the first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second because finding fault with them. Now notice one of the attributes he lays forward of the fault of the first covenant Was the people in the first covenant.
Okay? The Israelites became part of the covenant By what, by birth. But what if you gave birth to a child to it, Israel, like they were part of the covenant and they never ever, ever in any way, shape or form attempted to obey God, God, you have a problem with the covenant, don’t you? Because they’re in violation of it.
Under the new covenant, you have a completely different arrangement. Don’t you? Is there anyone who is part of the new covenant who receives the promises of the covenant without being obedient To the covenant? Not, not a one. Nobody Going to go to heaven, having ignored, refused, and rebelled against the covenant of Christ and suddenly end up in heaven and go,
I made it. No, you didn’t. Okay. It’s not going to happen. So one of the attributes of the imperfection of the first covenant is those who were part of it. He says behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the days,
I took them out by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they did not notice, continue in my covenant. And I disregarded them, says the Lord for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days says the Lord, I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts.
I will be their God. And they shall be my people. None of them shall teach his neighbor. And none his brother saying know the Lord with now does, does Jeremiah. And the Hebrew writer mean by this, that under the new covenant, we have no obligation to go out and teach people, Pull the gospel of Christ, Exact opposite. Okay.
He’s saying, in order for someone to enter the covenant, they have to already know the Lord. So under the law of One of the things that they had to do on a regular basis is take Israelite who are part of the covenant and say, let me teach you who God is. But That happens before someone enters the covenant with the new covenant,
because God says, I’m going to write my laws, not on a table of stone, put away in some Ark of the covenant, not on some height or some skin that’s passed along from generation and copied and copied and copied. But most people never see no I’m going to write my laws on their hearts and in their minds, they’re going to know me.
And that Is what is going to make them a part of the covenant. Then he says, they, I shall be their God. And they shall be my people. None of them shall teach his neighbor. And none his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and lawless deeds.
I will remember no more in that. He says a new covenant. All right. So now the Hebrew writers drawing the argument he wants to make about this in that he says a new covenant. He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. He’s looking at the Israelite nation. He’s looking at the law.
He’s looking at the priesthood. The likelihood is the book of Hebrews is written around 60, 61, 62, 80 And 87. These right on the right on the horizon, the things that Jesus prophesied in Matthew chapter 24 and in the book of Luke, they’re about to come to pass. He says, this nation is about to be finished as a nation.
This law, this priesthood, everything about this covenant and this worship is about to be gone. Okay. Their doom is on the horizon is the point here. So then indeed chapter nine, verse one, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. He is about to go into a discussion of the tabernacle. Now we’re going to put some slides up in a few minutes that show some of the attributes of the Tabernacles so that we can just kind of think of them.
And visually see them here in a minute for a tabernacle was prepared. Verse two, the first part in which was the lampstand, the table and the show bread, which is called the sanctuary. Okay. So with me go to the, this slide and this kind of shows it okay. Enough, maybe. So with the tabernacle, you see that the veil kind of the red thing,
number three, that’s separating the back part as we would call it from the front part. Well, this is the back part is what he’s calling the first part. Okay. It’s first because Of prominence, it held the, the lamp stand the table. I’m sorry. I’m reversing it. The lampstand, the table and the showbread are in the front part.
My brain had it backwards Of the sanctuary. So park Five, so four or five, six, seven. That’s where the lamp stand the table and the showbread work. W every priest, every priest could go into that portion of the tabernacle and conserve notice what he says and behind the second veil. So there was the veil that you entered into the tabernacle,
and then the veil that you went through into the most Holy place behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle was called the holiest of all, which had the golden censor, the Ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold in which were the golden pot that had the manna Aaron’s rod, that budded and the tablets of the tabernacle and above all or above it were the cherubim of glory,
overshadowing, the mercy seat of these things. We cannot now speak in detail. He’s describing The things that were in the tabernacle. Originally. I believe the reason why he says we can’t speak about these things, Detail, those things weren’t around anymore. As of the Babylonian captivity Before the Babylonian captivity is the last time we ever read about the articles that were inside the holiest of Holies,
where did they go? What happened to them? There’s lots of people who would love to speculate. Supposedly they’ve been found in a cave somewhere. Doesn’t matter. What matters is this either Then in the days of the Hebrew writer, those things weren’t in the tabernacle anymore. So he couldn’t speak about them in detail. He had as much detailed available to him as we do what was written In the law.
Okay? But he says, when These things verse six had thus prepared, the priest always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services right day in and day out. They would come into that front part of the tabernacle. They’d be there to prepare the showbread, to partake of the showbread, to offer sacrifices, to do other things,
to trim lamps, all of these things they would do on a daily basis. But into the second part, the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance. The Holy spirit indicating this, that the way of the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing.
Interesting question. Why do you think he says that the sins committed Ignorance all throughout the year? What did they, I have a responsibility to do when they knew they had committed All for sacrifices, Then say, well, well, I guess there’s another one I got to wait for the day of atonement for hope. I don’t die for David Toman gets here.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But what about the sin? They didn’t realize they committed. Well, that was part of what was rolled into, as it were the offering on the day of atonement. This was for the sins that the people made, not knowing they had committed sin. For instance, all of those years where they didn’t know they were supposed to be keeping the Passover because no one had the book of the law.
And then Josiah finds the book of the law and reads it and goes, We’ve been, we haven’t been doing this for generations. Okay. Those sins of ignorance were part of what was dealt with in the day. Great job job. So It’s just an interesting point that the Hebrew writer brings out here about one aspect, not saying that’s all of the David homos war,
but one aspect of the day of atonement was this recognition. They knew that he had done things wrong, that they didn’t even know they had done wrong. And So this sacrifice, but this aggravates happened once per year, the Holy spirit, verse eight, indicating this, that the way into the holiest of walls was not yet made manifest. While the first half vernacular was still staying.
He said, You need to understand what the Holy spirit is telling you here in the old Testament law, as he gives you as he gave Moses. And as he gave the Israelites, the pattern for the tabernacle, he’s telling you this, Ain’t the final thing. This is not the end all to be all. This is a picture of Something else.
And They were to understand that because all they were walking into, Was it 10? Okay. Now Notice what he says. It was symbolic verse nine for the present time, in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which cannot make him who performed the service. Perfect. In regard to the conscience, the priest could offer the sacrifice. He could offer a sacrifice for himself,
and then he could offer a sacrifice for the people, but the sacrifice was insufficient to make him or the people perfect. Concerning only are concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation. But Christ here’s the contrast. The Holy spirit is indicating this was for a pattern of what was to come. Now, he’s going to talk about the thing that was to come,
but Christ came as high priest of the good things to come with the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands that is not of this creation. Jesus Christ entered tabernacle. That That wasn’t part of this earth. It wasn’t built On this earth. It’s not hewn out with, with stone. It’s not built with, with cloth. It’s not even built with wood.
It’s not overlaid with gold. It’s something else he says, but then not with the blood of goats And of calves With his own blood notice here that he’s entering this perfect tabernacle. And what he’s entering with or through is his own blood. But with his own blood, he entered the most Holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh,
how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living. God, he’s not saying that what was in the old Testament didn’t accomplish anything. Didn’t do what it was supposed to. He’s saying, if it did what it did, how much more does the blood of Christ accomplished?
Because it is so much greater than the blood of bulls and goats, then the ashes of a heifer, and that spoke concerning the Syria ceremonial cleansing. The Israelites had to go through if they touched a dead body. Okay. So there were cleansing, there were rituals things they had to do. And the ashes of a heifer were involved in that he says,
and for this reason, yeah. What reason? All right. So hold on to this. The priesthood of Aaron entered A tabernacle that wasn’t the real tabernacle. It was a picture of the real thing and their priesthood of priests. So that couldn’t be made perfect by the sacrifices that they offered still served God and did so faithfully. But Jesus Christ, a sinless high priest who didn’t first have to make sacrifices for himself.
A sinless high priest enters into not the imperfect tabernacle, not the physical tabernacle, but the eternal tabernacle with a sacrifice that’s actually perfect with blood that can actually forgive sins. And then he says, and for this reason, he Is the mediator of a New covenant by means of death Or the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance.
Okay. This is by the way, one of those passages that informs us That without The death of Christ, the people in the old Testament wouldn’t have been saved. Either notice what it said for this reason. He is the mediator of a new covenant by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions. The transgressions were Under the first covenant, The first covenant,
isn’t the new covenant. It’s the covenant that was replaced by the new covenant Jesus Christ, D blood. And this is, this is a non biblical text way of describing what this is saying. The blood of Christ flowed forward when he died. In other words, into the future, you and I, when we sin, we can have salvation by the blood of Christ.
It flowed forward, and it also flowed backwards. It also Went and covered the sins that were under the first covenant. So Aaron, are you saying that the Israelite who live, I lived under the first covenant and never had forgiveness under the first couple. And I know somebody, some people who teach that, I know people who well-intentioned say those people live their lives and they never had forgiveness until Christ came.
And that is not what the old Testament teaches. And it’s not what the new Testament. Okay. They had forgiveness. How long Can you explain Psalm 51 turn to Psalm 51, David, right. Have mercy upon me. Oh God. According to your loving kindness, according to the multitude of your tender mercies and watch this phrase, this is an interesting one.
If they didn’t have forgiveness under the old law, blot out, my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Now, either they could, or they couldn’t Be cleansed from their sin under the old law. But if they couldn’t the prophet, David didn’t know it Well then, because somebody’s going gonna say, well, wait a minute,
Aaron, just read a few more verses in Hebrews. And you’re going to get the answer to that. All right. We’re going to, but just, I’m just saying you cannot read Hebrews and make it contradict 1500 years of old Testament text. Add on top of it. This Were there sacrifices for sin before There was a law of Moses. Yes.
We’ve just re we just referenced job, Joe, Who offered sacrifices for the sins Of his children. Well, What about going all the way back to the days of Cain and Abel, were there sacrifices for sin? Yes. Did they take away sin? Yes. All right. So stay with me here. The Hebrew writer has just said that the blood of Christ Went forward and backward to make Atonement for transgressions.
Okay. For Verse 16, where there is a Testament, there is also of necessity. The death of a test dater for a Testament is enforced after men are dead, since it has no power at all. While the test dater lives there for not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people, according to the law,
he took the blood of the calves and goats with water sprinkle or Scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people. And he’s talking about the, the institution and the consecration of the tabernacle and people and the covenant after the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, all right, went through this ceremony and involved blood. Something had to die to Institute the covenant.
Okay. That’s his point in this sprinkling of blood, something had to die. Jesus Christ and his covenant became into effect when he died, Not before he died. Okay. One preacher illustrated this way. He said it was called on the phone. One day. One of the members of the congregation said, brother, could you come down here? We’re down headed to,
to the lawyer’s office. And, and w we, we’re redoing our will. Could you come down and witness for us? And is there somebody else at the church that could come down to, and we, we just, we just need to get that. Sure. So they went down, they went Witnessed, and they signed their names and the people signed their names.
And Great little time later, another phone call the church building. Rather, we hate to ask this, but we’ve made a change to our will Come down again. And is there anybody there who could go with you to witness our will? So they went down again and they witnessed the will, and they sign their names. Now, which one, the first or the second was in force after they sign their names.
No, neither of them were in forest. People weren’t dead yet Until the person’s dead. The will has no power Or, or force. That was a trick question. That’s why I liked It. When he told it, I thought I got to hang on to that One. Jesus will, his Testament Did not come into force until he died. There’s a great,
big, long discussion about the Thief on the cross that needs To be had, and should be had at some point. And we don’t have time for it tonight because of this very statement right here, the thief lived and died before the new Testament, the new covenant was ever in place, Which Means he lived and died under a different covenant than you and I live and die under,
which means everyone who wants to be saved like the thief on the cross. Can’t be, unless they live 2000 Years ago, if you live 2000 Years ago, you go right ahead and be saved like the thief on the cross. But you can’t do that. Now. You don’t live under the same covenant. He did. You’re under a covenant that has a different law.
Okay. All we can say about that. All right. So No Power at all. While the test dater lives, therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people. According to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats with water, Scarlet wool, and his up and sprinkled both the book in itself.
And all the people saying this is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you. Then likewise, he sprinkled the blood, both with blood, both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry. And according to law, almost all things are purified with blood. And without the shedding of blood, there is no The remission. Therefore it was necessary that the Copies of the things in the heavens,
all right, What are the copies? So we’re clear that those are the copies. The tabernacle of old, the covenant of old are the copies of the things in heaven, in the heavens. Okay. He says, therefore, it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these, the blood of bulls and goats,
but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these, why they’re better things they’re of greater significance. So they need a more significant sack. Okay. For Christ does not enter the Holy places Made with hands, which are the copies of the true, but into the heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God, for us, when Jesus Christ died and he made a Toman for all mankind,
did he enter into the temple in Jerusalem, All for that sacrifice? Did he go back into the days of Moses and offer it on in the tabernacle? And the, Now he took it to heaven. That’s where our atonement was made. Okay. For Christ is not entered. The Holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God,
for us, not that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters the most Holy place every year with blood of another, that is the high priest goes in year after year after year, taking the blood that belongs to something else, a blood of bulls and goats and offers it. He would then have to suffer often since the foundation of the world.
But now once at the end of the ages, he has appeared to put away sin By the sacrifice of himself. And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this, the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many, to those who eagerly wait for him, he will appear a second time apart from sin,
for salvation, for the law, having a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect for them. They would not have ceased to be, or would they for then would they not have ceased to be offered for the worshipers?
Once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins, but in those sacrifices, there is a reminder of sins every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. All right. So is it a paradox or a contradiction? The old Testament, Psalm 51, David says, God, you can take away my sins.
You can wash me and make me clean here. Writer says it is impossible. It is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. So how can both things be true? And it all comes back to context. Okay, don’t forget the context. Okay. The context of the discussion in the book of Hebrews is The Old Testament system was never intended to be the ultimate solution.
It was never intended to be God’s final answer. It’s sacrifice was imperfect. It’s priesthood was imperfect. Its place was imperfect. Its revelation was imperfect. Its leadership was imperfect. It’s covenant. People were imperfect. All of these things were imperfect. They were pointing to some things Greater. So what happens if the person who’s living, Living under the greater covenant,
greater priesthood, greater law, greater salvation Turns back to the old covenant, Those sacrifices by themselves, separate and apart from the blood of Christ. That’s your key here. He’s already told you before we ever got here, the blood of Christ flowed backwards and forwards Could The blood of bulls and goats separate, independent, and on their own. Totally separated from the blood of Christ.
Could the blood of bulls and goats take away sin. And the answer is not a single time. So then In the East Terminal plan of God, when the blood of bulls and goats, by their very nature, imperfect looked forward to a sacrifice That the book of revelation describes as being offered from the foundation of the world. Revelation chapter 13, verse eight,
the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Now, when was he actually slain 2000 years ago, but when was he as good as slain and the mind of God, the moment the world was created, because God didn’t create the world and then go, oops, it didn’t plan on sin. He created the world and knew What would be needed.
Okay? So in the eternal mind of God, every time there was a sin at every time, beginning, all the way back there at the beginning that there was a sacrifice Sacrifice. And that sin was dealt with In the blood of Christ. And because in India, God’s eternal plan. Those sacrifices were never separated from the blood of Christ. They had the power to take away sin,
but that’s not the argument here. The argument Is not could the blood of bulls and goats in view of the eternal sacrifice of Christ. The sacrifice that’s talked about in Isaiah chapter 53, still under the old law in which God says I will have my servant carry the iniquity of us all. Could those Sacrifices by themselves, standing alone, totally separated from the blood of Christ.
Could they help you? Not at all. And if you walk away from Christ, You have nothing left, but the blood of bulls and goats and they can’t save. Yeah, that’s right. The argument from Hebrews chapters nine and 10. So when you read four, it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. You must Read it in its context.
The argument is separate. And apart from the blood of Christ, therefore, when he came into the world, he said, sacrifice an offering. You did not desire. By the way, this old Testament passage is a prophetic quotation of Jesus Christ. The God speaking to God, the father, the God saying sacrifices and offerings. You God, the father did not desire,
but a body, you, God, the father have prepared for me. Jesus Christ in burn offerings and sacrifices for sin. You had no pleasure. Then I said, Jesus Christ, behold, I, Jesus Christ have come in the volume of the book. It is written of me. Jesus Christ, to do your God. The father’s will, Oh God,
what will did he come to do The father’s will to do what? Offer him self? The whole point of the passage is you gave me a body to do one thing die. Could Jesus Christ before he took on flesh have ever died. Can you, can you kill God? No. Previously saying sacrifice and offering burnt offerings and offering for sin. You did not desire nor had pleasure in them,
which are offered according to the law. Then he said, behold, I have come to do your Willow God. He takes away the first that he may establish the second. Okay. All of this discussion has been to say the first covenant was not perfect. That’s all the way back in chapter eight, verse seven. If the first covenant had been faultless,
then no place would have been sought for the second. He, his whole point has been, you make the first covenant stand by itself and be the solution for all eternity and it can’t do it. So then Jesus Christ came to establish the second. Alright. That is all the time we have. And, and the good, good spot to stop.
So we’re going to pick up in verse 10 on Sunday and go. We will spend the majority of our time in chapter, chapter 10. I’ll just tell you that we will summarize chapter 11 on Sunday and then Wednesday night I will be gone, but I will be leaving a video to cover the review of Jesus, because we’re about to switch back into a study of Jesus.
And then the next Sunday, Michael will be teaching while I’m out of town and beginning with the sermon on the Mount. All right. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible>, It’s good to see everyone the same evening. We do have some visitors with us. Some of the young man from the school to preaching are with us, and we’re glad to have you out tonight.
Good to see, have a few announcements. And then, then we’ll have our devotional continue to remember Rodale and Dorothy, Dorothy is waiting her test results on her stress test. So I don’t think she’s gotten those back yet along that same line, Ru Dell’s sister-in-law Demple. That was O’Dell’s his brother’s wife. She passed away today from the COVID virus. So remember Rudy,
I meant, Oh, Dale had passed away last week. I believe it was. We announced. And then she fi she died herself. So remember them in your prayers also remember Jones Springer. My guess is she might not be feeling well tonight. Cause murder did not make it to scene. And so I haven’t talked to them. So I can’t really tell you for sure what’s going on there,
but possibly she didn’t have a good day today. Remember Jessica still having issues with her? I guess it’s stomach problems or seems like that’s what is generally the problem. They’re not with us this evening. So we’re missing them. Robin woods. Remember Robin, and then also Tory Heinz Lee and Leah bank leave has COVID not all of these others have COVID but Leah van Cleve has COVID Janie.
Marlon is doing well after her knee surgery. So we want to continue to remember Janie check on her and also remember Gladys Lau. She’s been having some trouble with the back, I believe. So might want to call her and see how she’s doing Jenny Sanderson’s dad. Vincent. I don’t know how to pronounce his last name. Anyway, let me just say Jenny’s dad is back at home now under hospice care.
So remember him, he just had a stroke and they released him from the hospital and he’s back at home. I’m not sure when they will be returning. I talked, we talked to Terry, I guess it was Monday night and they were down there then. So keep them in your prayers and then had Richardson that Sherry’s dad is in the hospital after falling and fracturing his,
his spine. Got Sherry’s Cheryl’s no one. I said, who is that? That Cheryl’s dead. So I, I just misread that apologize for that. So he did fall and fractured his spine then. Okay. But we, sorry to hear about that. And then Tammy Knox, that’s Becky Posner’s niece has the shingles. And we want to remember that.
That can be a very painful thing to go through. Is that then I think that’s all the announcements I have right now for that I had on this. I do have one, you know, people are getting older these days and I understand that Aaron is getting that way now today’s his birthday. So wish him a happy birthday. And he can be thankful that it’s not as old as some of us.
Some of us are twice as old as he is, are older. So yeah. Anyway, you can be thankful. You’re not that old. Well, we just, we just keep going ahead of you though. Anyway, Aaron’s going to be leading our song service tonight. Noah Olson is going to offer the invitation and then Terry Whitley is going to lead us in a closing prayer number 71,
Number 71 as the deer, As the deer pants for water. So my soul longs after you, you alone know my heart’s desire and I long to ship you.<inaudible> she<inaudible>, you<inaudible>. And I long to ship you. I won you more than gold or silver only you can. That is fuck you alone are the real joy giver. And the,
my<inaudible> my she<inaudible> you alone. I Steans I and I long to ship you. Song of invitation will be number 922 Nine two two. Good evening. I want to share with you something that I heard at a lectureship in Missouri, an illustration I’ve come to love and it’s going to illustrate our points for this evening. It happened at a college supposedly,
supposedly affiliated with the church. And there were two boys throwing Coke bottles down the hallway. They were throwing them down the hallway just to see how far they could get, throw them just to competition. And these were the Coke bottles that are really thick. You throw them on the ground. They’re not going to break. And they kept going back and forth and it was a competition.
And as one of the kids lined up to throw his Coke bottle, another student came out of the dorms, not knowing that this missile would hit him straight in the head. It did. He fell immediately to the floor and they took him to the emergency room. They actually sent him home that night and that night he started hammering and he died. Well,
I didn’t mean to kill anyone. The student said, I didn’t mean to do that. Well, you can see he’s devastated. And of course the school doesn’t know what to do. So they put them aside. And the parents, the student finds out that this was there only child, their only child. And so the parents meet with the child or the student and the father is,
starts talking. He says, son, we, we know you didn’t mean to kill our son. We know it was an accident. The father continues talking. He says, the son, since you’ve came to this school, we we’ve learned that you voted the gospel. You’re a Christian now. And since, because of your decision, your family has disowned.
You. They say you don’t have a home here, father then says this statement, son, can we adopt you? Would you like to be called our son? I want to ask you tonight who has done that for us in Romans chapter five. I want you to notice verse number eight, but God commendeth his love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
The love of the father is something that is amazing to understand. I love the song, how deep the father’s love for us. How vast beyond all measure that he would give his only son to make us so we could have a home and an eternity with him. You know, we can’t, it’d be called the sons of God. We can have the most powerful beam in the universe is our father.
We get to call him father that’s, that’s a blessing. We should be thankful for that. And we get to talk to him. He’s given us so many blessings that we should enjoy. Physical. Cool. More importantly, spiritual. I want you to notice also first John chapter three and verse number one, the whole or of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.
Therefore, the world know what this not because it knew him not. We are the children of God. We get to be called the sons of the father because of the father’s love. And also Christ’s love for us, John 15, verse 13, greater love hath. No man than this, the man would lay down his life for his friends. That’s a blessing for us to understand that we can be called the children of God because of our obedience,
but we must obey. We have to obey his word or else we will be lost. Yes. God loves us. He gave his son for the whole world. John three years. We’re 16, but we have to do our part number. There’s one here tonight who has never obeyed the gospel. Perhaps you hearing the word now, are you willing to believe that Jesus is right?
God, are you willing to repent of your sins? Confess Christ before man be baptized for the remission of sin. So you can be called a child of God, but perhaps you’ve already done. You’ve already done. So you are a child of God that you’ve strayed away from the faith you have not done as God would want you to do. I love second Peter,
three universe. Number nine. The Lord is not Slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but as long suffering to us, we’re not willing to notice this any should perish, but that all should come back to repentance. He loves you and he wants you to come back. He’s ready with open arms, but you have to make that decision.
And if anyone is subject, why don’t you come as we stand? And as we say,<inaudible>, it is small child.<inaudible> find in me all in all Jesus paid it all to him. I owe<inaudible>. He was eh, wide as no<inaudible><inaudible> I know long<inaudible> heart of stone. So Jesus paid it all to him. I owe<inaudible> had left.
Crimson’s dang.<inaudible> no,<inaudible> him complete. Hey, my trophies. Oh,<inaudible> jeez paid<inaudible> to him. I owe<inaudible>. He wash, eh, wide as no Before we pray, I would like to thank everybody for the calls and cards and even flowers. You it’s. I appreciate it. And I want the church to know that I just wanna let y’all know that this COVID is,
is pretty serious stuff. I mean, it’s, it hit me pretty hard and I appreciate your prayers. Most, especially now let’s be dismissed our heavenly father. We thank you Lord, for the privilege to be in your house tonight. We thank you for Noah Lord that brought the devotional tonight and it was a so touching Lord. It was your true word.
Lord, we ask that you bring the sick back to us Lord and bring them back into the worship and be with ones that have lost loved ones, Lord, and just comfort them as only you can Lord be with the ones that are going to be traveling, just keep them safe and bring them back safely. For these things we ask in your precious and Holy name.
<inaudible> good morning. We are in the book of Hebrews<inaudible>. We will go over the questions for chapters five and six, but we’re going to wait and do it after we finished chapter six, since we didn’t get there on, on Wednesday. So we’re gonna kinda move through the end of chapter six, then we’ll go look at the questions and then we’ll enter into seven and eight and we’ll see.
We’ll see. All right, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious, mindful father in heaven. We are so grateful for all of your many blessings for all of the things that we have in this life that we do not even fully understand and appreciate that you do for us on a daily basis. We’re mindful of this time of those who are dealing with illnesses,
those families that are dealing with the loss of loved ones or loved ones in critical condition, we pray that you will be with them in this difficult time. We pray that you be with those who at this time of the year have struggles and, and cares and concerns because of lost loved ones that come to mind. And we pray that you will give them comfort and strength as well.
We pray that you watch over us as we go through this period of study, may the things that we say and the things that we learn, be those things that you would have us to learn and be those things which are in accordance with your will. And may we always strive to live in a way that is in accordance with the scriptures that you have given to us all this,
we pray in Jesus name, amen.<inaudible> Chapter six. We made it really just down to verse six, where the Hebrew writer says, if we, if they fall away to renew them again to repentance, actually, let’s go back to verse four, just to make a full, full sentence for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have become partakers of the Holy spirit and have tasted of the good word of God and of the powers of the age to come.
And if taste, if they fall away to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves, the son of God, and put him to an open shame for the earth, with drink, which drinks in the rain. I’m having a hard time reading this morning for the earth, which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated receives blessings from God.
But if it bears thorns and briers is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burdened. The analogy here at the end of this section is valuable to us to get the point, okay? Because the Hebrew writer is he is describing these people who he says it is impossible to renew to repentance. We’ll give you a clear picture in the analogy,
because what is it he describes. He describes either the plants that come forth, taking the soil, taking the blessings of God and out of that, they bring forth good fruit or the plans that come forth, taking the blessings from God and the blessings from the soil and bear for earth. What thorns and briers and this hearkens back to an analogy that Jesus made.
Jesus said, if you, as a, as a vine grow up and you bear forth, no fruit or evil fruit, what does he say is going to happen to you? You’re going to be burned up. You’re going to be uprooted and cast into the fire. Now this declaration of impossibility, as we talked about on Wednesday, goes back to the,
the, the commandment or the declaration from God. Then none of these Israelites that came out of Egypt that came to the edge of the promised land. He said, none of them are going to go into my promised land. And he said, it’s going to happen bringing together what the Hebrew writer says because of their rebellion and unbelief. It didn’t matter if they repented.
It didn’t matter if they turned back. It didn’t matter if they said, I’m sorry. God said, you’re not entering my rest. It was impossible. They were not getting another opportunity. But the discussion of would they repent, did they repent really hinges on the fact of what happened to that generation? Because though they would get in a fix, they would repent.
They would turn around. They would say, I’m sorry, but then what will they do? They turn right back to rebelling again. And the Hebrew writer declares them to have an evil heart of on belief. He said, the problem was not their unwillingness to change. It was that ultimately their heart was unwilling to submit to God. And so here,
that analogy really gives us a clear picture of what he’s saying. He said, if your heart is the problem, if you take the blessings of God and produce evil fruit, the problem is not the fruit. The problem is what’s inside you. Okay? So the same analogy that Jesus makes that the one who bears evil fruit, though, he’s given all the blessings of God though.
He’s tended by the vineyard keeper though. He’s the one that you know, is inside the vineyard of, of, of God. He said, if he bears evil fruit, he’s going to be ripped up, pulled out. And because his heart is the problem. So the Hebrew writer is telling us, as long as you have a heart that will not obey God.
It doesn’t matter what you change by way of your actions. You cannot be renewed to repentance because the renewal begins in the heart. You can change the outward person. You can change the activities. You can change the actions, but heart is still the problem until the heart changes. That person can’t be renewed to repentance. That person cannot be restored Lord,
because their heart is the problem. Okay? So ultimately in, in all of this discussion, the disc discussion revolves around someone who has is so as the, as the scripture uses the term hard hearted, that God’s actions will not penetrate there. Hardheartedness as the example would be, they see the sea parted before they see the plagues in Egypt, they see all the things,
God, it does. And yet they still won’t believe him. Okay? Now verse nine. But beloved having said all of this, having said, you’re too dull of hearing. Having said that you may be so hard-hearted that you’ll be like those in Israel, who are those Israelites who couldn’t enter God’s rest. Having said all of those things he says,
but beloved, we are confident a better things concerning you. Yes. Things that accompany salvation, though, we speak in this manner, having chastised them, having rebuked them for their inability to hold on, to and, and obtain the meat of the word. Having rebuke them for constantly, always having to be taught. Instead of being teachers, he then brings them back to this and says,
but I know you can do better. I know you will do better. I know you’re not like those people in the old Testament for God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shown toward his name in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister. And we believe that each of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope under the end that you do not become sluggish,
but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. So he says, you’ve got examples in front of you. You’ve got, yeah, those who are leading you down the road path now followed them, do what they do. And he said, you’ve ministered. You’ve served in the past. And I know you’ll serve. Now. I know you have a heart willing to do for others.
One of the things that is an attribute of the Israelites in the rebellion and in that first-generation was, it was always about themselves. One of the things that they failed in was a willingness to do to suffer for others, benefit everyone, every single complaint, every single murmuring, every single grumbling, every single uproar against Moses always was rooted in selfishness. And so the Hebrew runner identifies in these Christians,
the exact opposite attribute. He said, you may not be everything you need to be in your knowledge. You may not be everything you need to be in your understanding and in your learning, your service indicates something about your heart. And so that, that is where he tacks on his, his confidence in them that if they will continue to serve, if they will continue to act in the way they have acted in the past,
they have still a hope and assurance of the promises of God. So then he says, verse 13, when God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no one greater. He swore by himself saying, surely blessing. I will bless you. And multiplying, I will multiply you as he’s just described the impossibility of God, declaring a person who will not enter his rest to ever be restored to that.
Rest. God said there is no way you, as an Israelite in that first-generation are going to enter the promised land. And there was no, there was nothing they could do that would overact or countermand God’s decision to the same extent that they had assurance that they would never enter. God’s rest in that. First-generation now he turns around to say, but just as great,
the assurance is that God says you’re judged that first-generation his judgment would be so the same greatness of God’s assurance. He is in his promise of a reward. If you could look at that first-generation and there was no chance, there was nothing they were going to do to counteract what God said. You can look at the promises of God and know there’s just as much as surety to the one who’s found faithful that they will enter God’s rest.
So, you know, example could be, if we kind of pulled this forward back to the, to the first generation that left Egypt, Joshua and Caleb, their faithfulness. So mandated that just as much as the, the rest of the population would not enter God’s rest, they would because of their faithfulness, they had as much as surety as the other people did just for the opposite,
the opposite result. Okay? So he describes here Abraham. He says for when God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no one greater. He swore by himself saying, surely blessing. I will bless you. And multiplying, I will. This comes from Genesis 22. And so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise for men indeed swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is for them.
And end of all, dispute thus God determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of the promise. The immutability of his counsel can by an oath that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay, hold on the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
both sure. And steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil, where the 4runner has entered for us. Even Jesus, having become high priest forever, according to the order of milk. So first of all, what is the word immutability mean? Common, everyday word for all of us, right? Changeable. He says by these two unchangeable things,
God’s word and God’s oath by these two unchangeable things. God swore that his rest, his promise would be available, but it uses Abraham. As the example, he says, surely blessing. I will bless you and multiplying. I will multiply you skills back to the promise of God, to Abraham, to give him a son. Now, what age was Abraham?
When God made them Promise initially 75, 75, What age was he? When he fulfilled the promise? 125 years later, as one, one, preacher put it. He said, if you make a promise to a 75 year old, most of us would say, you better hurry up and actually fulfill that promise. There is going to be too late,
but with God, he didn’t, he didn’t hurry up, let alone, he waited another 25 years. The point being the assurance was because God said it, it was going to happen. And here we have the Hebrew writer saying just as much as Abraham could be assured that God was going to give him a son. So also we have an assurance and our assurance is tied to what<inaudible> All right.
But the assurance is tied to the anchor of the soul. Jesus having entered in ahead of us. Okay. Notice what he says here in verse 16 there, sorry. Verse, verse 19. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure. Instead fast. And which enters the presence beyond behind the veil where the 4runner has entered for us.
Even Jesus, remember back over in<inaudible> I’m going to forget where this was.<inaudible> Yes. Chapter four, chapter four, verse 14. Seeing then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus, the son of God, let us hold fast. Our confession for we do not have a high priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses,
but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin, let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace that we may find mercy or may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. He said, here’s why we can have boldness to enter the throne of God. Here’s why we can have boldness to seek God’s help because we have a high priest,
Jesus Christ. Who’s passed through the heavens. He’s gone ahead of us. So also we have an anchor over in eternity for our hope. Our assurance is because Christ went ahead of us. We can go where he is. You remember what Jesus told the apostles in John chapter 14. He said, where I go? You can’t go yet. But if I go,
I’m going to prepare a place for you. And when I come back, I’m going to receive you to myself. His going was our confidence, our hope, our anchor, as it were we using the analogy of the ship. If you want to ship, to stay where it needs to be. If you want a ship to stay in one place,
the only way to do it is to drop an anchor. Well, once that anchor’s dropped, as long as that ship stays attached to that anchor, that ship is staying in that place. It’s a sherd. It steadfast. It won’t move well. If our anchor was, as it were carried into eternity by Christ, then what do we have to worry about?
When the storms of life, the difficulties of life, the treachery of life comes and beats on our whole. We don’t have anything to worry about why our anchor is already in heaven. Okay? So our hope, our assurance is steadfast to the end. All right, there is much, much, much more that we can say about that, but we’re going to go through the questions and move on to chapter seven.
What was the job of the human high priest?<inaudible> All right. Offer gifts and sacrifices for sin for whom did he offer sacrifices Himself and all the people who is the high priest forever. All right. Jesus Christ. According to what order is Christ a high priest? No kids. A deck. Yes or no. Did Jesus obey the father? Yes.
Whom should persons obey now?<inaudible> Yeah. Christ or the father either, either one of those, just depending on how you’re reading the, the, the, him there. Immature Christians are said to need blank for food milk, mature. Christians are said to need blank for food, strong meat, those persons to whom the writer of Hebrews addressed a had ministered in the past be were ministering at the present time.
Or C had never ministered. Say that again. A and B, why did the Hebrew writer encourage the hearers to exert faith and patience?<inaudible> To inherit the problem promises and what is the anchor of the soul? All right. Jesus having entered heaven. So the Hebrew writers told them, I can’t tell you about middle kids, a deck yet, because you’re too dull of hearing.
Then he puts before them, the ultimate outcome of if they have a heart of rebellion, then he says, but we have confidence in you that you won’t be that way. Then he says, Abraham was assured of his promises and God fulfilled them. Then he says, Jesus Christ has entered into heaven. And he’s our anchor of the soul. He’s our hope.
Our assurance from God. Now he’s going to return back to McGee is the deck again, okay? Because he’s not going to give up on this. He wants them to change their heart. So they’re able to hear what he has to say about Christ. He stood for this milk is a deck King know Salem priest of the most high who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom also Abraham gave a 10th part of all first being translated,
King of righteousness, and then also King of Salem, meaning King of priest without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life, but may length. The son of God remains a priest continually. Now consider how great this man was to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a 10th of the spoils. This is going to be one of those where we can go much deeper if we had time,
but we don’t. So we’re going to kind of summarize what’s here. Milk is a deck enters in to the biblical record with no parentage, no description of where he came from. No description of who his father was. No description of who is his children were no description of his lineage. He shows up in the life of Abraham, and then we never read about him again,
other than in the Psalms, looking forward to the Messiah. And so the Hebrew writer says here, we have this man who have no, no parents, no descendants by way of the record. He’s he’s not like Abraham who you, you begin with Abraham and you can work your way backwards to Adam. You can begin with Abraham and work your way forward,
all the way to Christ. You have a lineage with Aaron. You could go back to Levi and then go all the way back to Abraham. Then go all the way back to Adam with Levi and Erin, you could go with the high priesthood all the way forward to that present day, you have this lineage, but not with milk is a deck with no kids.
Yeah. That you have one who stands alone as a priest of the most high God. And his point is who made him a priest? It wasn’t who his father was. It wasn’t who his grandfather was. It wasn’t who his ancestor was or who his descendants would be. Who made him a high priest. God did. Okay. The Hebrew writer is struggling with these people,
these readers to make sure they understand that they don’t need to go back to the law of Moses. So they can have a high priest who stands physically in front of them. They need a high priest. Who’s appointed by God. And so he goes to milk his deck and he says, here’s your example. And it’s not just the Hebrew writer going.
Ah, I think this will be a good example. He’s going to use Psalm. I think it’s one Oh four as the, the connection, the prophecy Connect smoke is a deck to Christ. Okay. So he’s going to write to these people and he’s going to tell them about this King, because the reality is, as he draws forward here in chapter seven Moses’s law would never allow a priest to be a King and a Moses’s law would never allow it King to be a priest.
And yet they have a King and priest reigning right now. So if they go back to the law, they have to give up their King and their priests. If they stay with their King and their priest, they have to give up the law. He’s putting them in a, in a choice where they have to give up one or the other, if they can’t have both and they need to see that.
Okay. So he talks about who’s greater for the Hebrew mindset. Moses was great, but Abraham was greater because without Abraham, you have no Moses. Moses was not the one that God said, I will make you a blessing to all nations that wasn’t said to Moses that was said to Abraham. Moses was not the one who was told in your seed nations of the earth will be blessed.
Abraham was so for the Jew. Moses is great, but Abraham is greater. Yeah. The argument is you see Moses, and then you see Abraham is greater. And yet Abraham had someone who was greater than him, even in his this day. And it was bell Kizza deck. Okay? So this path of greatness in the Jewish mindset is what the Hebrew writer’s going to tie onto to say,
Mel Kislyak deck was greater than Abraham and Jesus is after the order of no kids, a deck and not Abraham. Okay. So watch what he says. First of all, he describes my kid’s dead. Cause we just read then verse five, actually, let’s go with verse four. Now, consider how great. Now notice here, we’re in a discussion of greatness,
how great this man was.<inaudible> deck to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a 10th of spoils. You do not take of your possessions and give TRIBE the mute to someone who’s lesser than you. You don’t do that. You don’t say I see this. We ban over here. He has no power. He has no authority. He has no substance.
And yet I’m going to give a 10th of all that I have to him in honor of him. No, no, no. That’s not what you do. Instead, you see someone who as Abraham did, who’s a priest of the most high God. Who’s a King. And you say, because of your greatness, I will give you this tribute.
Okay? So notice Abraham is recognizing no kids at X greatness by his actions. And indeed those who are of the sons of Levi who received the priesthood, have a commandment to receive ties from the people. According to the law. That is from their brethren though, they have, from the loins of Abraham, he says, you look at the rust of the gifts and the blessings that the Levi’s receive.
They receive a 10th of everything. They received the time from all the people, but their brethren. They’re not really receiving that because they’re greater. They’re all descendants of Abraham. And yet here, Abraham gives it to my kids, a deck as one who is greater. Okay. Now notice what he says, but he, whose genealogy is not derived from them.
Received ties from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises. Now beyond all contradiction, the lesser is blessed by the better here mortal men receive ties, but there he receives them of whom it is witnessed that he lives even Levi who receives ties, paid times through Abraham. So to speak for. He was still in the loins of his father when my kids met him.
All right. So the point of the analogy, art, Mel kids deck is greater than Abraham because Abraham paid ties to Mel kids. A deck and point, Mel Kizza deck is greater than Abraham because Mel Kizza deck blessed Abraham, and you don’t have the one who’s lesser blessing. The one who’s greater, you don’t have the peasant comes to the King and says,
let me give you a blessing. You have the peasant who comes to the King and says, give me a blessing because the King is greater than the peasant. Okay? Here’s the analogy. You have Abraham receiving a blessing from his neck. That means mocha has X greater than Abraham. You have Abraham giving a time to<inaudible>. That means my kids deck is greater than Abraham.
You have a Levi. Who’s a descendant of Abraham who hasn’t even been born yet. And the third analogy is you. The, the Hebrew writer says in essence, because Levi descends from Abraham, you have Levi giving a time to Mel kids, a deck because he’s not even born yet, yet. The one who’s greater than him, his ancestor Abraham gives a time to make his day.
So the three points are those three ideas. The time, the blessing and the imposter clarity. Since the time of Levi all given the milk kids, a deck indicating kids, a deck was greater than Abraham. And the analogy drawing forward then is Jesus Christ is a high priest, not after the low, the line of Levi, but of the great line of milk is a deck.
Okay? So that’s about as quick as I can summarize that. Therefore he says verse 11, if perfection we’re through the Levitical priesthood for under it, the people receive the law. What further need was there for another than another priest should arise? According to the order of<inaudible>. Now this Hawk hearkens back to Psalms. Psalms says, there’s going to be another priest he’s coming.
He’s coming after the order of<inaudible>. Now wait a minute. If the live local political priesthood descendants true, Aaron is perfect. Is all that we need then why is it there is here in the Psalms, a prophecy of a greater priesthood. There, there has to be a greater priesthood or there wouldn’t be a replacement of the current priesthood. You don’t replace something that’s greater with something that’s inferior.
Nobody takes their bright, shiny, new, very expensive car and says, you know what? I’m ready to trade it in for a dump that doesn’t work. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don’t do that. You don’t trade in the perfect for the worse. But if you’ve traded in one for something that you see as better,
it indicates there was something wrong with the first one, the Levitical priesthood. So then notice, he says for the priesthood being changed of necessity, there is also a change of the law for he, of whom these things are spoken, belongs to another tribe from which no man has officiated at altar for. It is evident that our Lord arose from Judah of which TRIBE Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood.
And it is yet far more evident. If in the likeliness of many kids, a deck there arises another priest who has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life for he testifies, you are a priest forever. According to the order of Melchizedek for on the one hand, there is a knowing of the former commandment because of its weakness and it’s unprofitable illness for the law made nothing perfect.
On the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope through which we draw near to God, okay? Again, one of these passages where we could spend an entire class period, but let’s summarize it to point these things out. First of all, he says, if you change the priesthood of Aaron, you must change the law. You must must remove the law with the priesthood goes,
the law with the law goes to the priesthood. You cannot separate them. You cannot. If we were going to bring it forward to a current analogy and court case in our day in time before the Supreme court, they had the court case to see whether or not they could cut out the mandate from the affordable care act. Okay? The whole discussion is can this be removed and leave the rest intact?
Can we remove that piece and keep the rest of the law? Well, under the law, Moses, you couldn’t, you couldn’t cut out the priesthood and keep the law. You couldn’t do it because there’s no other substitute. The law made no opportunity for a different priest from a different tribe. And so he says, evident, it’s clear. We,
we can see that Jesus Christ came from Judah and the law made no provision for a priest out of Judah. So we can’t get rid of the Levitical priesthood and keep the law. Can’t have Jesus Christ as priest under the law. Therefore for him to be priest, we have to remove the law. We have to take all of it and put it aside.
And yet he says, don’t, don’t look at this as though this is a bad thing because in taking away the law in its deficiencies, in its failures, he’s in some thing. And there’s our word better. Okay. All the way through here. The whole point is Jesus Christ. His law, his priesthood, his salvation is better than what came Moses.
Okay. So he says For on the one hand verse 18, there isn’t a knowing of the former commandment because of its weaknesses and unprofitable illness. So there’s the inferiority of the law for the law made nothing perfect. On the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope through which we draw near to God. And in as much as he was not made priest without an oath for,
they have become priests without an oath. Excuse me, let me read that again. And in as much as he was not made a priest without an oath for, they have become priest without an oath, but he, with an oath by him who said to him, the Lord has sworn and will not relent. You are a priest forever. According to the order of Melchizedek,
by so much more, Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant. Okay? So he’s hearkening back to this reality that he’s described of Aaron’s priesthood. They became a priest by being born by being born. A descendant of Aaron, Jesus became a priest by an oath from God. God’s oath is what’s being described here. And so, because he’s become a priest by an oath of God,
he has a greater covenant than Aaron does. So the Lord has sworn and will not relent. You are priest forever. According to the order of Melchizedek, verse 23. Also, there were many priests because they were prevented by death from continuing as he talks about the priesthood. One of the deficiencies that it says you had to keep replacing Them. You,
you you’d Have one priest and then he died and you needed another priest and he died and you needed another priest. Not Jesus. He’s a priest For forever On ending without death. But he verse 24 because he continues forever has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost, those who come to God, through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
Imagine you were the person who was reliant on a priest to go before God reliant on the high priest for the forgiveness of your sins, for the, for the intercessory act that he makes on behalf of you for the offering of sacrifice. And just as you’re preparing to enter into eternity to stand before God, your high priest, No. What are you going to do?
Your intercessors gone. He’s dead. But the Hebrew writer says not with Christ. He’s always there to make intercession for you. Surely we’re going to get that with chapter eight, right? All right. Therefore, he is also able to save to the uttermost. Those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them, for such a high priest was fitting for us,
who is Holy harmless, undefiled separate from sinners and has become higher than the heavens who does not need daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins. And then for the peoples, for this, he did once for all, when he offered up himself for the law appoints as high priest, men who have weaknesses, but the word of the oath,
which came after the law, appoints the son who has been perfected for forever. So again, he goes back to the Psalms and he says, here’s, here’s the law of Moses in time. Here’s the law of Moses. Here’s the priesthood. All of these things are in existence, but then sometime later here, God makes this oath and the oath identifies the problems,
but it also sets forth a better solution. Now this is the main point of the things we are saying. We have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens. If he’s a high priest and yet he seated at the right hand of the throne, He’s a priest and King, Okay. That’s the identification here,
a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord erected and not man for every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary that this one also have something to offer. This is the priest. Wasn’t just an honorary position. He had a service, he had a ministering or a ministry to fulfill for.
If he verse four we’re on earth, he would not be a hype or would not be a priest. Since there are priests who offer the gifts, according to the law who serve the copy and the shadow of the heavenly things as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle for, he said, see that you make all things, according to the pattern shown you on the mountain,
but now he has obtained a more excellent ministry in as much as he is also the mediator of a better covenant, which is established on better promises. So he said, if Jesus was alive on this earth, he couldn’t be a priest. He’s up the wrong TRIBE. And there’s already a priesthood during the time of the writing, the Hebrew or the Jewish priesthood still existed.
The temple was still there. They could have walked in and Jesus could have walked in as it were and said, all right, I’m here to serve as a priest. And they would’ve said, no, you’re not you’re of the wrong lineage. You have no in this. And yet they’re in the lesser tabernacle. They’re in the earthly one that just has a representation of the heavenly one.
There they’re serving in the, the picture of the real thing. He’s in heaven, serving in the real tabernacle. He’s in heaven, serving in the very throne of God. So he has obtained a better covenant because he’s a better mediator, which is established on better promises for if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.
Again, going back to the analogy, you don’t take the perfect car or that you already own, that has no flaws has no issues. Absolutely perfect. And trade it in for a lesser model. You don’t do that here. He said, you already have a priesthood. If you replace it with a new one, it’s not because the first one was perfect.
It’s because it wasn’t verse eight because finding fault with them, he says, behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I, when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt,
because they did not continue in my covenant. And I disregarded them, says the Lord for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days says the Lord, I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. And I will be their God. And they shall be my people. None of them teach his neighbor.
And none his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds. I will remember no more. This is quoted from Jeremiah in that he says, all right, so he’s quoted Jeremiah to draw this point out in that he says a new covenant.
He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Okay. So again, more could be said about everything here in Jeremiah. And there’s, there’s a wealth between Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews eight. But his point is, Jeremiah said in his day, I’m going to make a new covenant with my people.
Not like the one that I made with them when they came out of Egypt. And here’s the defining attribute. Here’s, what’s different. The one that I made with them when they came out of Egypt, they received part in the covenant because they were born into it. They by birth have no Decision-making of their own became part of the covenant, but not the new covenant.
The new covenant begins with their decision. It begins with their heart. It begins with them choosing to be part of the new covenant, which covenant, the Hebrew writer says to the Christians and to you and I today, we are part of a better covenant than the one in the past. Okay. That’s chapter eight. I knew I could do it.
And yet there’s a little part of me dying inside because there’s so much in chapter<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>, But it’s about time to begin our worship service this morning. We do want to welcome all of you here today. And I’m just looking over the audience. And I don’t believe we have any visitors today, which is kind of unusual, but I know with the COVID increasing in its strength,
seems like over the country, that’s causing people a little bit more concerns and perhaps some are, might not be feeling well and, and decided not to try to make it today. So this remember all of these. We do want to remind you, if you did not pick up your communion to do that, if you haven’t already, we want to remember those that are ill,
continue to pray for Joan Springer. She has her good days and bad days. And I think I didn’t get a chance to talk to Marie about her when he came in, but she has been having, I think, more, better day or better days than she has had bad days, unless that’s changed. And I I’ve checked with him. I have to services on that.
Remember Robin woods and Jessica Dale and Tori Heisley, all of these continue to pray for them that they might improve their health. Janie Marlin is recovering from her knee replacement surgery. Now she’s going to therapy three times a week, and we want to continue to pray that everything will go well with that. And she’ll be able to have full use of her knee.
Again, Dortha Wilson is waiting Results on her stress test. So we want to continue to pray for her. And then dental Wilson that’s Rue, Dale Wilson, sister in law is in ICU with COVID and don’t forget that he lost his brother ODALE Eve to that. And they’re, they’re hoping that dimple will survive, but they’re not sure is it last word?
We got it. Wasn’t looking very good. It was good to see Pam with us today. She’s back, but she’s still not quite up to par. She said, and we want to continue to pray for her. That things will continue to make some improvement for, I know she’s been dealing with this for quite some time. So encourage her and keep her in your prayers.
Gladys Lyles is having some back problems and that is hurt. You’re supposed to go to see a doctor tomorrow and along that same line. I want to mention that Janney Sanderson’s dad had another stroke. He’s in the, what the doctors are doing. They’re just, they’re trying to get him strong enough so that he can go back home and then he will be under hospice care.
So I know that Terry and Jenny left yesterday to go down there to be with her dad. So, so they’re not with us today and we won’t, we won’t remember them. So I’m not sure if Gladys has a way down there. I don’t know if she’s set up anybody else. I probably check with her after services and, and see if she needs a ride to the hospital or to the doctor’s office.
Cause I don’t know if they had time to make those arrangements. Leah van clave that’s Becky’s niece, Becky Posner’s niece has COVID and we want to remember her. And also her sister Vicki Wadsworth is, seems to have a persistent cough and is not able to get over that. So keep her in your prayers. I guess when people get sick, they’re always more susceptible to the virus and we hope and pray.
None of these that are in that condition, that, that, that happens to them. Man’s business meeting will be tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM here at the church building. So we want to remind you of that. And we want to thank Sandy McCall for the decorations that she puts in the four year and out in front of the building. She always makes it look so nice.
And we appreciate her doing that. She does such a great job of that. And I, I just happened to be up here that this last time she went through that and I saw all the work. She went through getting that arranged and it takes her quite some time to do that. So she works real hard at it, but she just really makes the building and everything we’re inviting.
And we appreciate it so much. I have a note here from the Richardson. Family says, greetings. We want to take a moment to wish you all a happy holiday season. We miss you out. We miss you all and pray that you’re all. Well, we wanted to say thank you again for all the support, love, and care for us while we were in school.
We love you all. And think of you often, please keep us and the work at Eagleville and your prayers as we continue our labors here in Christ, the Richardson’s on that same note. We want to make the congregation aware that we are supporting of the Richardsons. The diplomas actually have are retiring at the end of this year and will no longer need our support.
So we’re going to start supporting Eric and his family in that work up there. So keep that in mind, keep praying for them that everything will continue to go well for that, that word this morning, Noah Olsen will be directing our song service. Jay Shafir has our opening prayer. Tommy O’Neil has the communion and Aaron Wood air, and we’ll be bringing the sermon.
And then Eric Richardson there, Eric, Eric, Eric Halvorson, w we have a joke about that. Cause I do this so often. Eric Halverson will have our closing prayer. Noah, good morning, number 716, 700 1616 seven one six. We will sing the all three versus seven one six. Sing to me. The then singing that song up.
He sprung the tiles behind me. It will bring green. The burdens well being lifted that are pressing. So showers, green blasting or my heart. Well flown sing to me, man. I’m only dream of it’s go then Laurie, this really glean saying to me, when shadows of the evening, seeing turn me and saying no sweetness song of all saying to me have,
and as I walk up dreaming of the comrades that so long have gone and a fairer region, Mong the angels wrong. They are happy as they sing that all sweet song sing to me. Then let me find the dream of its golden glory of its burly. Gleam. Sing to me when shadows of the name fall, sing to me, heaven, seeing the sweet song of all I’m saying to me,
a haven’t tender the<inaudible> till the shadows army rise and swiftly. When my heart is wary, when the day is long, sing to me, heaven sing that old sweet song. Sing to me. Oven led me fun. The dream of its golden glory of its Burnie. The same saying to me, when shadows of the evening fall seeing to me heaven,
seeing this weed is song of all Next song will be number 537 five three seven. Here we are bit string Toblerones five, three, seven. We’ll sing all three verses. Hmm, Here we are. But strain pilgrims. You a path is often them, but to cheer a song, our journey still, we sing this way, side him yonder over the rolling river where the shining mansions rise soon and will be our home for ever,
and the smile of the blessing and gave her. And gladdens all our longing a rise here. Our feet are often very the Hills that throng our way here, the 10th star clean gathers, but our hearts within us say,<inaudible> the rolling river where the shining mansions rise soon and will be our home for ever. And the smile of the blessing gave her gladdens all our longing a rise here.
Our souls are often fearful of the pilgrims lurking full, but the Lord is RD fender and he tells us may know Yon neral over the rolling river where the shining mansions rise soon on be our home far as ever. And the smile of the blessing given gladdens all our longing Song to help us prepare our minds for Lord’s supper. Or we actually do have a career,
sorry, Almighty God, our father, Holy and revered is your name and father. As we approach your throne this hour, we acknowledge you as a creator of this universe, our creator, we are so very grateful that you saw fit to create us in your image with a soul. And we’re also so very grateful that you gave us your word through your son,
that we may have a pathway for our lives and a route to heaven. We give you all our honor and praise father. We’re mindful of the church that meets here. Many of our number are unable to be with us due to fear or the COVID. And also there are many of them, many of us that are suffering from illnesses. We pray your healing hands will be upon all those that were mentioned today that they may be once again,
returned to their rightful place with us. We’re also mindful father of the turmoil that’s going on in this country. We pray for unity that we know that you are in control and whatever is best for us. You will see to it that it happens as we go through the further exercise. So this worship service, we are mindful that we often fail the,
and we do pray for forgiveness of our sins. As we repent and turn from them that we may stand whole and pure in your sight. And that our worship to you this hour will be a sweet savor senior Jesus in Jesus name that we pray amen. Now to prepare our minds for Lord’s supper, we’re going to sing to set the feast. Divine.
It is not in the book, but it will be on the slide to set the face. Divine we’ll sing the first and last verse.<inaudible> the bread and fresh food.<inaudible><inaudible> B<inaudible> the shrine. And<inaudible> the<inaudible> may we<inaudible> his dad are Holy<inaudible>. We see Stan Fe<inaudible> meaning your turn. And<inaudible> the<inaudible> H first day of the week,
as we gather to worship our God, our father we’re commanded to eat this bread, drink of this cup, to remember the death, burial, and resurrection of our savior. As we partake of this bread and this fruit of the vine with pride, that we would all reflect upon the death of Christ and that through his death, we have the hope of eternal life with our God.
Would you bow with me, our heavenly father. We truly thank you for Christ our savior. We thank you for this bread, which does your children represents the body of our savior. That was crucified Parsons. As we protect this bread, help each one of us to do it with a truth, truly thankful heart. For this sacrifice, these things we ask in Christ’s name,
amen. Would you bow with me again? Our heavenly, we continue our thanks for this fruit of the fine, which to us represents the blood of our savior. As we partake of it, help each one of us to do so in a manner that is pleasing and acceptable in these things we ask in Christ’s name, amen. It’s a separate part of our worship.
We have this opportunity to return onto her, our God, a part of that, that he blesses us with. And we know that every blessing we enjoy in this life comes from our God. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father. We thank you for every blessing that we have in this life. And we do know that each one of these come from the,
we know as a country, how we’re blessed. We pray us raver. We return under the, a part of that, that we have been blessed with, that we would do. So with a willing and cheerful heart, we pray that these fonts might be used to further the kingdom of your, these things we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. All right.
As long before, the last one will be number 470 417. And if you want to go ahead and Mark number 904, that will be the song of invitation, but we will sing number 470 before the lesson victory and Jesus will sing the first and last versus a 470. All right, let us sing. I heard an old, old story. How his savior came from glory,
how he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me. I heard about his groaning of his precious blood toning, then Irie and my sins on one a Victori Oh, victory. Angie’s my se for Avar. He saw me and bought me with his reading blog. He loved me. I knew him and my love is due and he plunged me to victory beneath a cleansing.
FLA. I heard about a man Shan. He is built for me in glory. And I heard about the street of go beyond the crystal sea about the Joe’s saying Pam, the old redone John’s story and some sweet day. I’ll sing up there. The song, Victor green. Oh, victory. Jeez, my save your for Avar. He saw me and bought me with his reading blog.
He learned me air. I knew him and my love is do him. He plunged me to victory being Neetha cleansing flaw. Good morning. Imagine most of us, some point in our lives have walked through a building and have seen on the wall. Something that says in case of emergency break glass, the reality is that the point behind the sign, is there something behind the glass?
There’s something behind object That needs to be broken. That might Wait, save your life. And yet, in all of our lives, as Christians, we face adversity At times and whether constantly, or, or sporadically, we will find ourselves in the situation of being in adversity. And that situation is one that can be hard to deal with. It can be a struggle.
And a matter of fact, it is often a struggle because it is not a comfortable place. It is not a place where we find safety. It is a place where we Find struggle and yeah, Yet the scriptures speak of adversity and they speak of what we should do when we encounter it. So this morning, I want to look at adversity. Now,
before I get into what it is that we should do in times of adversity, I want to qualify a few things and I want to qualify what it is that I’m talking about. I’m not talking about adversity that comes when we bring adversity upon ourselves in the sense of when we sin and when God, because of our sin brings about judgment and adversity in our lives.
That’s not the kind of adversity we’re talking about this morning. The Israelites were told when they were there before the Mount, when they were being given the law, when Moses declared to them, if you will do these things, Leviticus, chapter 26, then God will bless you. And God will look favorably upon you and God will do all these things for you.
You will have blessings and not adversity. And yet, if you turn away from God, if you turn away from his covenant, then you will have all of these curses. And he describes to them in clear pictures, the adversity they will go through. If they would not obey There, God, that is not the adversity under discussion this morning. We’re also not specifically looking at adversity in the situation where someone comes against us because of something we’ve done to them.
If we have a situation, as Jesus describes where someone says, I have ought against you, you have done something wrong to me. And as a result of that, we’re now in a situation of adversity. We’re now in a situation where someone can drag us as Jesus illustrates it before the judge, But it’s our fault. He, you settle with The person right there.
You make it right right now because you are At fault. And if you don’t do it before you reach the judge, you’re going to find yourself in a worse situation. So solve the problem Between you and your brother immediately. That’s also not the adversity we’re speaking of this morning. Instead, we’re speaking of the adversity that we read about in James chapter one in James chapter one,
we read James of bond, servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ and To the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad. My brethren count it all. Joy. When you fall into various trials, the adversity we are speaking of is the adversity that comes as a result, a natural result of being Obedient to God, Being obedient as a Christian and living the Christian life.
The writer James writes to these Christians and he says, first and foremost, when you encounter adversity, Count it a joy. Now this is something In opposition to our normal disposition, to our normal nature. Our natural response to adversity is to think, why am I going through this? Why am I going through this difficulty? Why are these people confronting me?
Why is this such a struggle? Why am I facing this TRIBE? And while adverse, He is a time of reflection. Ecclesiastes. Chapter seven speaks concerning that. The idea as when times are good, being able to be joyful, but when times are difficult, when adversity comes being able to reflect upon ourselves and see why it is that we’re going through it.
But if we examine ourselves as Joe did, when he looked at his own life and he looked at everything that he had done, and he saw the adversity he was going through, and he couldn’t find a reason in him, His life for his adversity, He couldn’t find a sin in his life. That was the cause. He couldn’t find the thing that he had done in opposition to God.
That would cause God to do this to him. When we find ourselves in that situation that he or sorry, James writes to these brethren and he says It all joy As we go through each step of these instructions that James provides us. One of the things I want to do is I want to look at An example In this case, turn just back a few pages in your Bibles to Jay,
to Hebrews chapter 12. And you’ll Find there an example in all the way through our lesson, we’re going to Use Christ as the, of Dealing with adversity. But in Hebrews chapter 12, Verse two, We find the Hebrew writer describing to these Christians, why they ought to be faithful, why they ought to do what’s right, why they ought to lay aside sin and get busy looking at the goal of eternity.
And he says in verse two, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the Now watch this phrase, the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. The Hebrew writer declares to us that Jesus Christ looked at the adversity of the cross. He looked at everything that he was going to have to go through.
And in looking at it, he determined to do it Because of the joy set before him. He looked at it adversity. He looked at a struggle. He looked at a difficult situation and in it he Found joy. One 19 speaks concerning This idea as the Psalmus writer Here in somewhat a different vein. But looking at This from the perspective of the word of God says this Psalm one 19 beginning in verse 66,
he says, teach me Good judgment and knowledge for, I believe your commandments. Before I was afflicted, I went astray, Right? Notice here, the, the, the Psalmist as he is pending this, he says I had a problem and I was ignoring it until you afflicted me until this affliction came, I was going astray. But now I’m aware of what I was doing wrong.
He says, before I was afflicted, I went astray. But now I Keep your word. You are good and do good. Teach me your statutes. The proud have forged a lie against me, but I will keep your precepts with all my whole heart. Their heart is as fat, as fat as grease, But I delight in your law. It is good for me.
Notice this. It is good for Me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statutes. The Psalmus writer looks at the trials, the afflictions that he’s going through. And he says, I became aware of what I needed. I became aware of what I was missing. I became aware of what I was still lacking in my knowledge of you.
When affliction was brought on me, when I had to deal with this situation, when I was struggling in the midst of this affliction, I went to your word. I went to your word and I found What was missing in my Life. Turned to Hebrews chapter 13, the Hebrew writer again makes this declaration and Hebrews chapter 13, beginning in verse 13,
He says, let us go forth to him outside the camp, Bearing his reproach for here. We have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. Therefore by him, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. When James says you encounter trials, Count it all joy.
The Hebrew writer says, as we examine our situation, let us proceed outside the Gates to Christ. Let us go out to the place of reproach, where he was reproached and in his reproach, The cross, let us give thanks. So notice this path, Jesus went to the cross because he counted it joy to do that yet. Despite The shame we approach the cross and see what he did and we give praise to God.
And so we look at our adversity, we look at our trials and James says, You count it all joy, but then Consider the second thing that James identifies. And that is that when we come to adversity, in the case of adversity, we need to Let it work. As the Salmas writer was pointing out his adversity, his affliction brought to his realization,
What was still lacking, What it was in his life that he still needed to work on. And James writes in James chapter one beginning of verse three, knowing that the testing of your faith produces Patience. He says, as You examine this trial that you’re going in to, as you’re going through and enduring this, let it work because it’s going to produce something.
God is presenting this trial to you. He is presenting this affliction before you, he is presenting this obstacle so you can learn how To overcome it so That you can learn how to have patience. In hard times, Jesus would identify the need for those who were his disciples to be faithful in little things So that they might be faithful in great things. We need to learn in the difficulties and in the trials to allow those adversities,
those trials to work. But then he says, verse four, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete Lacking nothing. James identifies that the working the production of adversity is to produce perfection. It is to identify within our lives. The things that still need to be worked on God allows us to go through this adversity, this affliction,
this difficulty and endure those situations so that we might find the things where we are still lacking in turn over to Hebrews chapter five. Now, one thing I want to point out is this does not mean that God is afflicting us because of sin. You know, we pointed out the kind of affliction we’re not talking about. This is not an affliction that comes to cause us to repent.
It’s an affliction that comes to cause us to, To grow. I can’t express to you that there is pain in growth. Arm has been doing a process of growth as my bones knit themselves back together. And there is a painful process involved in growth. And yet the Hebrew writer Points out and Hebrews chapter five verses eight through nine, that this isn’t unique to us because again,
in the life of Christ, we see this very idea though. He was a son verse eight, yet he learned obedience by the things Which he suffered and having been perfected Hebrew. It came the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him. James says, when we fall into trials, when we fall into adversity, we need to allow it to work in us,
to produce perfection, to cause us, to see the areas where we must grow to become like Christ. And that Is one of the things that we should do in the midst of adversity. But Romans chapter 12, Romans chapter 12 identifies this singular idea that though James has referenced it, we’ll bring it forward Here as well. Romans chapter 12. And in verse 12,
he says, rejoicing in hope. As he writes to these Christians, he’s giving them a list of things they need to be fervent in and they need to be doing, they need to be focusing on. He says, be re those who are rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. He identifies their patients. This idea here in the original language is one who stands up under a burden as God,
places before you a trial, he will not place before you one, you cannot endure and he expects you to stand up under it. He expects you to grow from it to become stronger by the trial that he places before you. So when adversity comes, we need to first count it a joy Second need to let it work. But we thirdly need to get understanding.
This is an integral ingredient to everything else that we’re discussing here until our perspective is right until we understand the situation, we will not handle it properly. James chapter one verse five says, if any of you lacks wisdom, let him, Oh God for hoops. Let me, let me reread that. Let me look at the right part of the page.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God Who gives to all liberally and without reproach. And it will Be given to him In the midst of this trial. As James presents, the difficulty that they may be enduring, that they may go through. He says, first of all, Canada joy. Secondly, realize that it’s working in you to produce perfection.
Thirdly, get wisdom, seek for wisdom. He says, if you’re lacking it, this should be apparent by how you’re dealing with the adversity. This should be identified by your adversity in your trial. He said, if you lack wisdom, ask God, Proverbs chapter four, Proverbs chapter four, the Proverbs writer says this verse seven. He says, wisdom is the principal thing.
Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting Get understanding Sets before his son, the one who’s the recipient of his Wisdom here in the book of Proverbs, The need to obtain wisdom, but not just wisdom for wisdom sake, not just wisdom to say I’m a wise man, but wisdom to obtain Understanding. And so as James points out these trials, as he points out these adversities,
this difficulty, he identifies the need For the product of wisdom, the need for understanding in Luke chapter 24, Jesus Is he is looking backward and explaining to his apostles why these things have occurred. We’ll identify this idea, Luke chapter 24, beginning in verse 44. Then he said to them, these are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you.
That all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses and of the prophets and of the Psalms concerning me. So here he is, he’s gone through this crucifixion. He’s gone through a burial. He’s resurrected again. He’s now together with the apostles and he’s explaining to them, reminding them of the things he’s already taught them before he went through all of it,
but they didn’t get the point. They didn’t understand these things. And so he brings them to mind to tell them everything that Moses and the prophets and the Psalms spoke concerning me had to be fulfilled in those what he said. And he opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures. Then he said to them, thus, it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day.
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. He identifies the goal and connects it to the adversity. So they might understand They end the necessity. So many times we look at adversity and struggle and difficulty in our life and we can’t figure out why we would ever need to go through this. Why we would ever need to endure such a difficult thing.
It is In that moment that we are to realize Our lack of understanding our lack of wisdom, right? And is that moment where we are to become like the Psalmus described himself in Psalm one 19 and go to the word of God, to seek out the answer, to find out what we’re missing. Because our lack of understanding brings forward. Our need for growth.
James says, when you endure these trials, you need to understand their value. You need to understand what they can do for you. But the only way you can gain that understanding Is to get wisdom from God turned to Jay. Second, Timothy, sorry. Second Timothy chapter three, verse 12. As Paul writes to this young preacher instead, Megan,
Timothy chapter three. And in verse 12, he writes to him and encourages him by saying this. He says, yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ. Jesus will suffer persecution. If you skip back to verse 10, he says, but you have carefully followed my Doctrine. Manner of life, Purpose, faith, long suffering, love perseverance,
persecutions afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch at<inaudible> what persecutions I endured and out of them, all The Lord delivered me. He said, Timothy, you’ve been with me. You’ve watched me. You Ben, a careful observer of everything I’ve gone through. And now you need to know to expect it in your life. Yes, You need to know that all who desire to live godly in Christ,
Jesus will in Dewar persecution. He says, buddy evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of knowing from whom you have learned them as he presents Timothy, with this reality of persecution, this reality of adversity, this reality of struggle. He presents to him the reminder of the source of College.
He says, you go back to the things you’ve learned. You go Back to the things you’ve been taught. You go back to what you have been told because in it, you will find the underst Meaning you need to endure. But then James also identifies a fourth thing. As he says that we are to count it all joy. He also says that we are to let it work.
He also shows that we are to get understanding. He fourthly shows that we To pray in faith. Now, in this context, he specifically stating this in view of the wisdom he says we were to ask for from God. So let’s go back to verse five. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach.
And it will be given to him, but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed By the wind for let, Not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man unstable in all his, His ways. James identifies the necessity of prayer in faith.
As this individual, as he describes, it goes through adversity. As he seeks for understanding, as he seeks for wisdom to endure that adversity, he needs to ask from the Lord, but in everything that he asks for from the Lord, he needs to pray. He needs to Ask in confidence in faith, In assurance that God is able to do the thing that he asked and Hebrews chapter five,
we see Christ again, as an example of this, as we returned back to Hebrews chapter five, we read verses eight and nine previously, but I want to go back to verse seven. In verse seven, we read who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with the HemOnc cries and tears to him, God,
the father who was able to save him from death And Was heard because of his godly fear. No, this is what we read concerning Christ. In this passage, we read that in the midst of this adversity that he was facing in the midst of the necessity of going to the cross in the midst of knowing that this was necessary to fulfill all righteousness,
to fulfill what Moses had written and what the prophets had written and what the Psalm was had written to bring forth salvation. Yet he still desired to have that cup pass from him. And so he prayed and asked that God do that very thing. But notice this statement about God who was a bull, you might say, well, wait, No, no,
that’s not that can’t possibly be true. God could not have chosen To not have Jesus die. Oh yes. He could have, If Jesus Christ prayed three times for an hour, each time let this cup pass from me. He prayed it because it was possible, But the possibility required something else you see, because if it was possible that it happened,
the result would have been that we would not be saved. Oh, what was possible? And God could have done it. And Jesus knew he could have. But the difference is Jesus prayed in faith knowing God was able, but also knowing God and his will, would ultimately be what would happen. And so he prayed not my will, but yours be done in Daniel chapter three,
Hannah and I as Ryan, Michelle stand before Nebuchadnezzar and they are confronted with a choice either you will down when the music plays and you will worship this image that I have created, or you will be Passed into this fiery furnace that I have set up And Daniel or sorry, Hannah and I, as Ryan Michelle in the book of Daniel will reply to Navigant answer that their God was able to save Them.
But they point out, even if he doesn’t, you see, they have this assurance of their God, that their God is more than capable. They’re God good deliver them from this fiery furnace. And he would, but they had no guarantee that he would, they knew he was capable of doing it. They had hopes and plans that he would certainly do it,
But they knew all of them, Ultimately that no matter what, whether God did it or not, they would not bow down to Napa cancer’s image. You see, they had confidence. They had confidence that God was able and that God’s will, would be done the same way. Jesus did turn over to Hebrews chapter four in Hebrews chapter four, after speaking concerning Christ,
as our high priest, the Hebrew writer says, let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of, I need in the midst of adversity, we are told to pray. And we are told to pray, not with doubting, not with a lack of faith, but with confidence that God can do what we ask turn over to Hebrews chapter 10,
Hebrews chapter 10 beginning in verse 21. We read this and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near draw near to what near to God, Let us draw near to God with a true heart in full Assurance of faith. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. The Hebrew writer says Your salvation in this new and living leg created by God in this salvation that he offers you through Christ.
You have confidence to come near to him and You can hold fast without wavering to that hope and that salvation until the end, but then consider number five. He says, remember your reward. Now we need to skip to the end of the book of James to get this over in James chapter five beginning in verse nine, we read do not grumble again,
or sorry against one another brethren lest you Be condemned. Behold, judge is standing at the door. My brethren take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as an example, and notice and example of suffering and patience. Well, what’s he talking about in James chapter one, suffering and patience, adversity trials, and enduring them. He says,
take the profits. As an example, who spoke in the name of the Lord and suffered as an example for you in what they did. He said, indeed, we count them. Blessed who endure? You have heard of the perseverance of job and have seen the end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful. As James writes to these brethren and he presents to them having gone through all of the practical things that he’s instructed them about concerning in this book,
he points them back to the prophets and says, now you look, you look at those profits and you look at how we view them and those who in Those hard times, and what did they do? They looked for the reward. They looked for what came After the adversity and after Their endurance turned back to Hebrews chapter 12. And again, we see Christ.
And yet We see the example of Christ as exemplified for us in our instruction. Go back to verse one. He says, therefore, we also see he’s writing to these Christians. He says, here’s your, here’s what you are to do. Here’s what you’re to learn from these people in Hebrews 11. This is what you’re to do. Hebrews chapter 12,
verse one. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance. The race that is set before us. How, how do we lay aside the things that are wrong? How do we set aside the things that are slowing us down?
How do we do this? Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. He says, you run the race. You lay aside the way you set aside the sin, because you’re looking To the roll ward.
Remember in the midst of adversity, the reward set before you, but then six Lee. And finally, we need to remember others in their adversity. See, because as we go through life, as we grow, as we allow adversity to produce perfection in us, we need to remember that we are not the only ones who ever go through adversity. So often we will be so focused on enduring adversity,
our struggles, all our, our difficulties that we’ll miss someone else who’s going through there Own adversity. And So James tells these brethren beginning in James chapter five, and in verse 13, to remember The others who Are going through adversity, he says, verse 13 is any among you suffering. Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing. Psalms is anyone among you?
Sick. Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. Anointing him with oil in the S in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another. Pray for one another,
that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain. And it did not rain on the land for three and a half or three years in six months. And he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit brethren.
If any, among you wanders from the truth. And someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his ways will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins all throughout this passage. As he encourages those who are sick, those who are struggling, those who are sending those who are in the midst of difficulty,
the encourages them to do these things. There’s a focus on what Christians can Do for Christians. Peter Brings forward to this idea as well. In second, Peter chapter three, I’m sorry. First Peter chapter four, first Peter chapter four, Peter, Or as he is writing to these Christians says beginning in verse 12, beloved, do not think it’s strange concerning the fiery trial,
which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice, to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when his glory is revealed, you may also be glad With exceeding joy. He says, as you look at what’s happening, as you look at what you’re going to go through, you don’t seem no don’t allow it to make you think this is strange that this is an anomaly,
that this is only happening to you. But instead understand that Christ went through this before you, and that you can endure it with Joy. We need to remember those Who are going through adversity, Hebrews chapter 13, Hebrews Chapter 13, once again, this time. And in verse three, He says, remember, remember the prisoners as if change With what’s he talking about,
He’s talking about Christians, who for the cause of Christ have been faithful to God. And as a result have been imprisoned. Those who are suffering in a real way. And he tells these brethren who were free, who were walking around, who were struggling with their own little struggles, but who had not suffered until the point of blood. He says,
you remember Those who Are in chains and you don’t remember them as if they’re some strange thing of far off. You remember them as if you were chained right next to them in saying this, he exemplifies for us that in the midst of someone else’s adversity, we are to put ourself in their position and say, if it was Me, what would I want them to do for me?
He says, Remember the prisoners as if chained with them, those who are mistreated since you yourselves are in the body. Also, why are we to do this? Because we are Brethren and Hebrews Chapter 10 beginning in verse 24. Again, the Hebrew writer reminds us of how we are to act towards our brother. And he says, let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
not forsaking. The assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of somebody exhorting one another and so much. The more as you see the day approaching, he says, you look at one another, you consider one another. You pay attention To the needs of the Each other. But then one more time over in Romans chapter 12, Romans chapter 12, as Paul writes to the church at Rome,
he says this in verse 15, he says rejoice With those who do rejoice and weep with those who weep in the midst of adversity, we need to remember others who are going through their own adversity as you and I look at our lives. As we live our lives as Christians, we can be assured of one thing. Paul identifies it, that as Those who live godly in Christ Jesus,
we will Have adversity. And yet it’s how we go through it. That is important. And It’s what we allow it to do to Us. That helps us to become what God would have us to be. If you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, you’re outside of the place of redemption and hope. You’re outside of the church that Christ died for.
He died for the church that you might have salvation in his body. You enter into his body by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. By repenting of your sins, confessing the name of Christ and being immersed in water for the remission of your sins. But if you’re a Christian and you’re going through adversity, here’s one thing you need to know.
You don’t have to go through it alone. The church is here for you in your difficulties, in your trials and in your adversities. And one of the things I love about this congregation is no one goes through difficult times by themselves. If anyone else knows they’re going through it, if you have need of help of prayers for the same, or from the SANEs or of repentance,
why not come now as we stand and as we sing, Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? Are you a wash? And the blood of the lamb? Are you in, in the so cleansing, but<inaudible> are your garments bond lists? Are they ass? No. Are you all washed and blah, blah. Lay a side. The garments that are stained with sand<inaudible> are you fountain flowing for the us clean?
Oh, be washed in the blood of the lamb.<inaudible> and so<inaudible> are your garments spotless? Are they wide ass? No. Are you a washed and blah, thank you, Aaron. For that great lesson closing song this morning is going to be number 711. We’ll sing the first verse only number 711, and then we’ll have our closing. Prayer will speak the Tyler that binds.
Let us bless be<inaudible> John, the family. Hello shit.<inaudible> that? God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to this morning, to assemble here in this house of worship and sing songs, appraised your great name and study a portion of your word. God, we know there are many amongst us that are struggling with various things,
health reasons, especially. And we ask if it’d be your will, that you help them recover to a measure health that they so desire. And we ask also that you wrap your loving arms around them. And those that have lost loved ones in the recent past, you wrap your comforting, loving arms around them and provide comfort to them that only you can.
And God we know that each and every one of us as we go about our daily lives come across struggles and turmoil and various events that we occasionally don’t know how to deal with. And we ask that you help us to remember this lesson, that brother Aaron brought us this morning, and that is to come to you and seek you, seek your wisdom,
your guidance, and pray to you. Faithfully that you, as we do know, will help us to resolve our conflicts with those that we encounter out there in the world. And with our struggles asked that we take the wisdom that you provide to us and figure out what it is that you want us to do and go on with our lives, serving you here on earth.
We know that there are times that we fall short of your glory. And when we come to you asking for forgiveness of sins, we ask that you please forgive us to them. And as we prepare to depart here this morning, we ask that you guys garden direct each and every one of us and safeguard us until we return at the next appointed time.
What was the job of the human high priest? For whom did he offer sacrifices? Hebrews 5:1-3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the high priest forever? According to what order is Christ a high priest? Hebrews 5:6, 10; 6:20 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Did Jesus obey the Father? Whom should persons obey now? Hebrews 5:8-9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Immature Christians are said to need _____________ for food. Mature Christians are said to need _____________ for food. Hebrews 5:12-14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Those persons to whom the writer of Hebrews addressed (a) had ministered in the past, (b) were ministering at the present time, or (c) had never ministered. Hebrews 6:10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did the Hebrew writer encourage the hearers to exert faith and patience? Hebrews 6:11-12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the “anchor of the soul”? Hebrews 6:19 ________________________________________________________________
HEBREWS – Hebrews 7-8 Jesus Is a Better High Priest; Jesus Is a Better Covenant
How much did Abraham give Melchizedek? How much were the people to give the priests? Hebrews 7:1-5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Was it necessary to change the Law of Moses when the priesthood was changed? Hebrews 7:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What things did the Law of Moses make perfect? Hebrews 7:19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why were there great numbers of priests under the Law of Moses? Why, under the new covenant, is there only one high priest? How often did the high priest, under the Law of Moses, offer up sacrifices for sins? How often did Jesus offer sacrifice for sins? Hebrews 7:23-24, 27 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who pitched the earthly tabernacle? Where is the “true tabernacle”? The Law of Moses was a _________ and ______ of the heavenly things. Hebrews 8:2, 5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jesus is the ______________ of the new covenant. Discuss the first covenant and the need for a second. Hebrews 8:6-7 ________________________________________________________________
Automated Transcript:
<inaudible> good morning. We are in the book of Hebrews<inaudible>. We will go over the questions for chapters five and six, but we’re going to wait and do it after we finished chapter six, since we didn’t get there on, on Wednesday. So we’re gonna kinda move through the end of chapter six, then we’ll go look at the questions and then we’ll enter into seven and eight and we’ll see.
We’ll see. All right, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious, mindful father in heaven. We are so grateful for all of your many blessings for all of the things that we have in this life that we do not even fully understand and appreciate that you do for us on a daily basis. We’re mindful of this time of those who are dealing with illnesses,
those families that are dealing with the loss of loved ones or loved ones in critical condition, we pray that you will be with them in this difficult time. We pray that you be with those who at this time of the year have struggles and, and cares and concerns because of lost loved ones that come to mind. And we pray that you will give them comfort and strength as well.
We pray that you watch over us as we go through this period of study, may the things that we say and the things that we learn, be those things that you would have us to learn and be those things which are in accordance with your will. And may we always strive to live in a way that is in accordance with the scriptures that you have given to us all this,
we pray in Jesus name, amen.<inaudible> Chapter six. We made it really just down to verse six, where the Hebrew writer says, if we, if they fall away to renew them again to repentance, actually, let’s go back to verse four, just to make a full, full sentence for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have become partakers of the Holy spirit and have tasted of the good word of God and of the powers of the age to come.
And if taste, if they fall away to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves, the son of God, and put him to an open shame for the earth, with drink, which drinks in the rain. I’m having a hard time reading this morning for the earth, which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated receives blessings from God.
But if it bears thorns and briers is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burdened. The analogy here at the end of this section is valuable to us to get the point, okay? Because the Hebrew writer is he is describing these people who he says it is impossible to renew to repentance. We’ll give you a clear picture in the analogy,
because what is it he describes. He describes either the plants that come forth, taking the soil, taking the blessings of God and out of that, they bring forth good fruit or the plans that come forth, taking the blessings from God and the blessings from the soil and bear for earth. What thorns and briers and this hearkens back to an analogy that Jesus made.
Jesus said, if you, as a, as a vine grow up and you bear forth, no fruit or evil fruit, what does he say is going to happen to you? You’re going to be burned up. You’re going to be uprooted and cast into the fire. Now this declaration of impossibility, as we talked about on Wednesday, goes back to the,
the, the commandment or the declaration from God. Then none of these Israelites that came out of Egypt that came to the edge of the promised land. He said, none of them are going to go into my promised land. And he said, it’s going to happen bringing together what the Hebrew writer says because of their rebellion and unbelief. It didn’t matter if they repented.
It didn’t matter if they turned back. It didn’t matter if they said, I’m sorry. God said, you’re not entering my rest. It was impossible. They were not getting another opportunity. But the discussion of would they repent, did they repent really hinges on the fact of what happened to that generation? Because though they would get in a fix, they would repent.
They would turn around. They would say, I’m sorry, but then what will they do? They turn right back to rebelling again. And the Hebrew writer declares them to have an evil heart of on belief. He said, the problem was not their unwillingness to change. It was that ultimately their heart was unwilling to submit to God. And so here,
that analogy really gives us a clear picture of what he’s saying. He said, if your heart is the problem, if you take the blessings of God and produce evil fruit, the problem is not the fruit. The problem is what’s inside you. Okay? So the same analogy that Jesus makes that the one who bears evil fruit, though, he’s given all the blessings of God though.
He’s tended by the vineyard keeper though. He’s the one that you know, is inside the vineyard of, of, of God. He said, if he bears evil fruit, he’s going to be ripped up, pulled out. And because his heart is the problem. So the Hebrew writer is telling us, as long as you have a heart that will not obey God.
It doesn’t matter what you change by way of your actions. You cannot be renewed to repentance because the renewal begins in the heart. You can change the outward person. You can change the activities. You can change the actions, but heart is still the problem until the heart changes. That person can’t be renewed to repentance. That person cannot be restored Lord,
because their heart is the problem. Okay? So ultimately in, in all of this discussion, the disc discussion revolves around someone who has is so as the, as the scripture uses the term hard hearted, that God’s actions will not penetrate there. Hardheartedness as the example would be, they see the sea parted before they see the plagues in Egypt, they see all the things,
God, it does. And yet they still won’t believe him. Okay? Now verse nine. But beloved having said all of this, having said, you’re too dull of hearing. Having said that you may be so hard-hearted that you’ll be like those in Israel, who are those Israelites who couldn’t enter God’s rest. Having said all of those things he says,
but beloved, we are confident a better things concerning you. Yes. Things that accompany salvation, though, we speak in this manner, having chastised them, having rebuked them for their inability to hold on, to and, and obtain the meat of the word. Having rebuke them for constantly, always having to be taught. Instead of being teachers, he then brings them back to this and says,
but I know you can do better. I know you will do better. I know you’re not like those people in the old Testament for God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shown toward his name in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister. And we believe that each of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope under the end that you do not become sluggish,
but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. So he says, you’ve got examples in front of you. You’ve got, yeah, those who are leading you down the road path now followed them, do what they do. And he said, you’ve ministered. You’ve served in the past. And I know you’ll serve. Now. I know you have a heart willing to do for others.
One of the things that is an attribute of the Israelites in the rebellion and in that first-generation was, it was always about themselves. One of the things that they failed in was a willingness to do to suffer for others, benefit everyone, every single complaint, every single murmuring, every single grumbling, every single uproar against Moses always was rooted in selfishness. And so the Hebrew runner identifies in these Christians,
the exact opposite attribute. He said, you may not be everything you need to be in your knowledge. You may not be everything you need to be in your understanding and in your learning, your service indicates something about your heart. And so that, that is where he tacks on his, his confidence in them that if they will continue to serve, if they will continue to act in the way they have acted in the past,
they have still a hope and assurance of the promises of God. So then he says, verse 13, when God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no one greater. He swore by himself saying, surely blessing. I will bless you. And multiplying, I will multiply you as he’s just described the impossibility of God, declaring a person who will not enter his rest to ever be restored to that.
Rest. God said there is no way you, as an Israelite in that first-generation are going to enter the promised land. And there was no, there was nothing they could do that would overact or countermand God’s decision to the same extent that they had assurance that they would never enter. God’s rest in that. First-generation now he turns around to say, but just as great,
the assurance is that God says you’re judged that first-generation his judgment would be so the same greatness of God’s assurance. He is in his promise of a reward. If you could look at that first-generation and there was no chance, there was nothing they were going to do to counteract what God said. You can look at the promises of God and know there’s just as much as surety to the one who’s found faithful that they will enter God’s rest.
So, you know, example could be, if we kind of pulled this forward back to the, to the first generation that left Egypt, Joshua and Caleb, their faithfulness. So mandated that just as much as the, the rest of the population would not enter God’s rest, they would because of their faithfulness, they had as much as surety as the other people did just for the opposite,
the opposite result. Okay? So he describes here Abraham. He says for when God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no one greater. He swore by himself saying, surely blessing. I will bless you. And multiplying, I will. This comes from Genesis 22. And so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise for men indeed swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is for them.
And end of all, dispute thus God determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of the promise. The immutability of his counsel can by an oath that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay, hold on the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
both sure. And steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil, where the 4runner has entered for us. Even Jesus, having become high priest forever, according to the order of milk. So first of all, what is the word immutability mean? Common, everyday word for all of us, right? Changeable. He says by these two unchangeable things,
God’s word and God’s oath by these two unchangeable things. God swore that his rest, his promise would be available, but it uses Abraham. As the example, he says, surely blessing. I will bless you and multiplying. I will multiply you skills back to the promise of God, to Abraham, to give him a son. Now, what age was Abraham?
When God made them Promise initially 75, 75, What age was he? When he fulfilled the promise? 125 years later, as one, one, preacher put it. He said, if you make a promise to a 75 year old, most of us would say, you better hurry up and actually fulfill that promise. There is going to be too late,
but with God, he didn’t, he didn’t hurry up, let alone, he waited another 25 years. The point being the assurance was because God said it, it was going to happen. And here we have the Hebrew writer saying just as much as Abraham could be assured that God was going to give him a son. So also we have an assurance and our assurance is tied to what<inaudible> All right.
But the assurance is tied to the anchor of the soul. Jesus having entered in ahead of us. Okay. Notice what he says here in verse 16 there, sorry. Verse, verse 19. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure. Instead fast. And which enters the presence beyond behind the veil where the 4runner has entered for us.
Even Jesus, remember back over in<inaudible> I’m going to forget where this was.<inaudible> Yes. Chapter four, chapter four, verse 14. Seeing then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus, the son of God, let us hold fast. Our confession for we do not have a high priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses,
but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin, let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace that we may find mercy or may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. He said, here’s why we can have boldness to enter the throne of God. Here’s why we can have boldness to seek God’s help because we have a high priest,
Jesus Christ. Who’s passed through the heavens. He’s gone ahead of us. So also we have an anchor over in eternity for our hope. Our assurance is because Christ went ahead of us. We can go where he is. You remember what Jesus told the apostles in John chapter 14. He said, where I go? You can’t go yet. But if I go,
I’m going to prepare a place for you. And when I come back, I’m going to receive you to myself. His going was our confidence, our hope, our anchor, as it were we using the analogy of the ship. If you want to ship, to stay where it needs to be. If you want a ship to stay in one place,
the only way to do it is to drop an anchor. Well, once that anchor’s dropped, as long as that ship stays attached to that anchor, that ship is staying in that place. It’s a sherd. It steadfast. It won’t move well. If our anchor was, as it were carried into eternity by Christ, then what do we have to worry about?
When the storms of life, the difficulties of life, the treachery of life comes and beats on our whole. We don’t have anything to worry about why our anchor is already in heaven. Okay? So our hope, our assurance is steadfast to the end. All right, there is much, much, much more that we can say about that, but we’re going to go through the questions and move on to chapter seven.
What was the job of the human high priest?<inaudible> All right. Offer gifts and sacrifices for sin for whom did he offer sacrifices Himself and all the people who is the high priest forever. All right. Jesus Christ. According to what order is Christ a high priest? No kids. A deck. Yes or no. Did Jesus obey the father? Yes.
Whom should persons obey now?<inaudible> Yeah. Christ or the father either, either one of those, just depending on how you’re reading the, the, the, him there. Immature Christians are said to need blank for food milk, mature. Christians are said to need blank for food, strong meat, those persons to whom the writer of Hebrews addressed a had ministered in the past be were ministering at the present time.
Or C had never ministered. Say that again. A and B, why did the Hebrew writer encourage the hearers to exert faith and patience?<inaudible> To inherit the problem promises and what is the anchor of the soul? All right. Jesus having entered heaven. So the Hebrew writers told them, I can’t tell you about middle kids, a deck yet, because you’re too dull of hearing.
Then he puts before them, the ultimate outcome of if they have a heart of rebellion, then he says, but we have confidence in you that you won’t be that way. Then he says, Abraham was assured of his promises and God fulfilled them. Then he says, Jesus Christ has entered into heaven. And he’s our anchor of the soul. He’s our hope.
Our assurance from God. Now he’s going to return back to McGee is the deck again, okay? Because he’s not going to give up on this. He wants them to change their heart. So they’re able to hear what he has to say about Christ. He stood for this milk is a deck King know Salem priest of the most high who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom also Abraham gave a 10th part of all first being translated,
King of righteousness, and then also King of Salem, meaning King of priest without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life, but may length. The son of God remains a priest continually. Now consider how great this man was to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a 10th of the spoils. This is going to be one of those where we can go much deeper if we had time,
but we don’t. So we’re going to kind of summarize what’s here. Milk is a deck enters in to the biblical record with no parentage, no description of where he came from. No description of who his father was. No description of who is his children were no description of his lineage. He shows up in the life of Abraham, and then we never read about him again,
other than in the Psalms, looking forward to the Messiah. And so the Hebrew writer says here, we have this man who have no, no parents, no descendants by way of the record. He’s he’s not like Abraham who you, you begin with Abraham and you can work your way backwards to Adam. You can begin with Abraham and work your way forward,
all the way to Christ. You have a lineage with Aaron. You could go back to Levi and then go all the way back to Abraham. Then go all the way back to Adam with Levi and Erin, you could go with the high priesthood all the way forward to that present day, you have this lineage, but not with milk is a deck with no kids.
Yeah. That you have one who stands alone as a priest of the most high God. And his point is who made him a priest? It wasn’t who his father was. It wasn’t who his grandfather was. It wasn’t who his ancestor was or who his descendants would be. Who made him a high priest. God did. Okay. The Hebrew writer is struggling with these people,
these readers to make sure they understand that they don’t need to go back to the law of Moses. So they can have a high priest who stands physically in front of them. They need a high priest. Who’s appointed by God. And so he goes to milk his deck and he says, here’s your example. And it’s not just the Hebrew writer going.
Ah, I think this will be a good example. He’s going to use Psalm. I think it’s one Oh four as the, the connection, the prophecy Connect smoke is a deck to Christ. Okay. So he’s going to write to these people and he’s going to tell them about this King, because the reality is, as he draws forward here in chapter seven Moses’s law would never allow a priest to be a King and a Moses’s law would never allow it King to be a priest.
And yet they have a King and priest reigning right now. So if they go back to the law, they have to give up their King and their priests. If they stay with their King and their priest, they have to give up the law. He’s putting them in a, in a choice where they have to give up one or the other, if they can’t have both and they need to see that.
Okay. So he talks about who’s greater for the Hebrew mindset. Moses was great, but Abraham was greater because without Abraham, you have no Moses. Moses was not the one that God said, I will make you a blessing to all nations that wasn’t said to Moses that was said to Abraham. Moses was not the one who was told in your seed nations of the earth will be blessed.
Abraham was so for the Jew. Moses is great, but Abraham is greater. Yeah. The argument is you see Moses, and then you see Abraham is greater. And yet Abraham had someone who was greater than him, even in his this day. And it was bell Kizza deck. Okay? So this path of greatness in the Jewish mindset is what the Hebrew writer’s going to tie onto to say,
Mel Kislyak deck was greater than Abraham and Jesus is after the order of no kids, a deck and not Abraham. Okay. So watch what he says. First of all, he describes my kid’s dead. Cause we just read then verse five, actually, let’s go with verse four. Now, consider how great. Now notice here, we’re in a discussion of greatness,
how great this man was.<inaudible> deck to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a 10th of spoils. You do not take of your possessions and give TRIBE the mute to someone who’s lesser than you. You don’t do that. You don’t say I see this. We ban over here. He has no power. He has no authority. He has no substance.
And yet I’m going to give a 10th of all that I have to him in honor of him. No, no, no. That’s not what you do. Instead, you see someone who as Abraham did, who’s a priest of the most high God. Who’s a King. And you say, because of your greatness, I will give you this tribute.
Okay? So notice Abraham is recognizing no kids at X greatness by his actions. And indeed those who are of the sons of Levi who received the priesthood, have a commandment to receive ties from the people. According to the law. That is from their brethren though, they have, from the loins of Abraham, he says, you look at the rust of the gifts and the blessings that the Levi’s receive.
They receive a 10th of everything. They received the time from all the people, but their brethren. They’re not really receiving that because they’re greater. They’re all descendants of Abraham. And yet here, Abraham gives it to my kids, a deck as one who is greater. Okay. Now notice what he says, but he, whose genealogy is not derived from them.
Received ties from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises. Now beyond all contradiction, the lesser is blessed by the better here mortal men receive ties, but there he receives them of whom it is witnessed that he lives even Levi who receives ties, paid times through Abraham. So to speak for. He was still in the loins of his father when my kids met him.
All right. So the point of the analogy, art, Mel kids deck is greater than Abraham because Abraham paid ties to Mel kids. A deck and point, Mel Kizza deck is greater than Abraham because Mel Kizza deck blessed Abraham, and you don’t have the one who’s lesser blessing. The one who’s greater, you don’t have the peasant comes to the King and says,
let me give you a blessing. You have the peasant who comes to the King and says, give me a blessing because the King is greater than the peasant. Okay? Here’s the analogy. You have Abraham receiving a blessing from his neck. That means mocha has X greater than Abraham. You have Abraham giving a time to<inaudible>. That means my kids deck is greater than Abraham.
You have a Levi. Who’s a descendant of Abraham who hasn’t even been born yet. And the third analogy is you. The, the Hebrew writer says in essence, because Levi descends from Abraham, you have Levi giving a time to Mel kids, a deck because he’s not even born yet, yet. The one who’s greater than him, his ancestor Abraham gives a time to make his day.
So the three points are those three ideas. The time, the blessing and the imposter clarity. Since the time of Levi all given the milk kids, a deck indicating kids, a deck was greater than Abraham. And the analogy drawing forward then is Jesus Christ is a high priest, not after the low, the line of Levi, but of the great line of milk is a deck.
Okay? So that’s about as quick as I can summarize that. Therefore he says verse 11, if perfection we’re through the Levitical priesthood for under it, the people receive the law. What further need was there for another than another priest should arise? According to the order of<inaudible>. Now this Hawk hearkens back to Psalms. Psalms says, there’s going to be another priest he’s coming.
He’s coming after the order of<inaudible>. Now wait a minute. If the live local political priesthood descendants true, Aaron is perfect. Is all that we need then why is it there is here in the Psalms, a prophecy of a greater priesthood. There, there has to be a greater priesthood or there wouldn’t be a replacement of the current priesthood. You don’t replace something that’s greater with something that’s inferior.
Nobody takes their bright, shiny, new, very expensive car and says, you know what? I’m ready to trade it in for a dump that doesn’t work. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don’t do that. You don’t trade in the perfect for the worse. But if you’ve traded in one for something that you see as better,
it indicates there was something wrong with the first one, the Levitical priesthood. So then notice, he says for the priesthood being changed of necessity, there is also a change of the law for he, of whom these things are spoken, belongs to another tribe from which no man has officiated at altar for. It is evident that our Lord arose from Judah of which TRIBE Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood.
And it is yet far more evident. If in the likeliness of many kids, a deck there arises another priest who has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life for he testifies, you are a priest forever. According to the order of Melchizedek for on the one hand, there is a knowing of the former commandment because of its weakness and it’s unprofitable illness for the law made nothing perfect.
On the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope through which we draw near to God, okay? Again, one of these passages where we could spend an entire class period, but let’s summarize it to point these things out. First of all, he says, if you change the priesthood of Aaron, you must change the law. You must must remove the law with the priesthood goes,
the law with the law goes to the priesthood. You cannot separate them. You cannot. If we were going to bring it forward to a current analogy and court case in our day in time before the Supreme court, they had the court case to see whether or not they could cut out the mandate from the affordable care act. Okay? The whole discussion is can this be removed and leave the rest intact?
Can we remove that piece and keep the rest of the law? Well, under the law, Moses, you couldn’t, you couldn’t cut out the priesthood and keep the law. You couldn’t do it because there’s no other substitute. The law made no opportunity for a different priest from a different tribe. And so he says, evident, it’s clear. We,
we can see that Jesus Christ came from Judah and the law made no provision for a priest out of Judah. So we can’t get rid of the Levitical priesthood and keep the law. Can’t have Jesus Christ as priest under the law. Therefore for him to be priest, we have to remove the law. We have to take all of it and put it aside.
And yet he says, don’t, don’t look at this as though this is a bad thing because in taking away the law in its deficiencies, in its failures, he’s in some thing. And there’s our word better. Okay. All the way through here. The whole point is Jesus Christ. His law, his priesthood, his salvation is better than what came Moses.
Okay. So he says For on the one hand verse 18, there isn’t a knowing of the former commandment because of its weaknesses and unprofitable illness. So there’s the inferiority of the law for the law made nothing perfect. On the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope through which we draw near to God. And in as much as he was not made priest without an oath for,
they have become priests without an oath. Excuse me, let me read that again. And in as much as he was not made a priest without an oath for, they have become priest without an oath, but he, with an oath by him who said to him, the Lord has sworn and will not relent. You are a priest forever. According to the order of Melchizedek,
by so much more, Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant. Okay? So he’s hearkening back to this reality that he’s described of Aaron’s priesthood. They became a priest by being born by being born. A descendant of Aaron, Jesus became a priest by an oath from God. God’s oath is what’s being described here. And so, because he’s become a priest by an oath of God,
he has a greater covenant than Aaron does. So the Lord has sworn and will not relent. You are priest forever. According to the order of Melchizedek, verse 23. Also, there were many priests because they were prevented by death from continuing as he talks about the priesthood. One of the deficiencies that it says you had to keep replacing Them. You,
you you’d Have one priest and then he died and you needed another priest and he died and you needed another priest. Not Jesus. He’s a priest For forever On ending without death. But he verse 24 because he continues forever has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost, those who come to God, through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
Imagine you were the person who was reliant on a priest to go before God reliant on the high priest for the forgiveness of your sins, for the, for the intercessory act that he makes on behalf of you for the offering of sacrifice. And just as you’re preparing to enter into eternity to stand before God, your high priest, No. What are you going to do?
Your intercessors gone. He’s dead. But the Hebrew writer says not with Christ. He’s always there to make intercession for you. Surely we’re going to get that with chapter eight, right? All right. Therefore, he is also able to save to the uttermost. Those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them, for such a high priest was fitting for us,
who is Holy harmless, undefiled separate from sinners and has become higher than the heavens who does not need daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins. And then for the peoples, for this, he did once for all, when he offered up himself for the law appoints as high priest, men who have weaknesses, but the word of the oath,
which came after the law, appoints the son who has been perfected for forever. So again, he goes back to the Psalms and he says, here’s, here’s the law of Moses in time. Here’s the law of Moses. Here’s the priesthood. All of these things are in existence, but then sometime later here, God makes this oath and the oath identifies the problems,
but it also sets forth a better solution. Now this is the main point of the things we are saying. We have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens. If he’s a high priest and yet he seated at the right hand of the throne, He’s a priest and King, Okay. That’s the identification here,
a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord erected and not man for every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore it is necessary that this one also have something to offer. This is the priest. Wasn’t just an honorary position. He had a service, he had a ministering or a ministry to fulfill for.
If he verse four we’re on earth, he would not be a hype or would not be a priest. Since there are priests who offer the gifts, according to the law who serve the copy and the shadow of the heavenly things as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle for, he said, see that you make all things, according to the pattern shown you on the mountain,
but now he has obtained a more excellent ministry in as much as he is also the mediator of a better covenant, which is established on better promises. So he said, if Jesus was alive on this earth, he couldn’t be a priest. He’s up the wrong TRIBE. And there’s already a priesthood during the time of the writing, the Hebrew or the Jewish priesthood still existed.
The temple was still there. They could have walked in and Jesus could have walked in as it were and said, all right, I’m here to serve as a priest. And they would’ve said, no, you’re not you’re of the wrong lineage. You have no in this. And yet they’re in the lesser tabernacle. They’re in the earthly one that just has a representation of the heavenly one.
There they’re serving in the, the picture of the real thing. He’s in heaven, serving in the real tabernacle. He’s in heaven, serving in the very throne of God. So he has obtained a better covenant because he’s a better mediator, which is established on better promises for if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.
Again, going back to the analogy, you don’t take the perfect car or that you already own, that has no flaws has no issues. Absolutely perfect. And trade it in for a lesser model. You don’t do that here. He said, you already have a priesthood. If you replace it with a new one, it’s not because the first one was perfect.
It’s because it wasn’t verse eight because finding fault with them, he says, behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I, when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt,
because they did not continue in my covenant. And I disregarded them, says the Lord for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days says the Lord, I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. And I will be their God. And they shall be my people. None of them teach his neighbor.
And none his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds. I will remember no more. This is quoted from Jeremiah in that he says, all right, so he’s quoted Jeremiah to draw this point out in that he says a new covenant.
He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Okay. So again, more could be said about everything here in Jeremiah. And there’s, there’s a wealth between Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews eight. But his point is, Jeremiah said in his day, I’m going to make a new covenant with my people.
Not like the one that I made with them when they came out of Egypt. And here’s the defining attribute. Here’s, what’s different. The one that I made with them when they came out of Egypt, they received part in the covenant because they were born into it. They by birth have no Decision-making of their own became part of the covenant, but not the new covenant.
The new covenant begins with their decision. It begins with their heart. It begins with them choosing to be part of the new covenant, which covenant, the Hebrew writer says to the Christians and to you and I today, we are part of a better covenant than the one in the past. Okay. That’s chapter eight. I knew I could do it.
And yet there’s a little part of me dying inside because there’s so much in chapter<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>, But it’s about time to begin our worship service this morning. We do want to welcome all of you here today. And I’m just looking over the audience. And I don’t believe we have any visitors today, which is kind of unusual, but I know with the COVID increasing in its strength,
seems like over the country, that’s causing people a little bit more concerns and perhaps some are, might not be feeling well and, and decided not to try to make it today. So this remember all of these. We do want to remind you, if you did not pick up your communion to do that, if you haven’t already, we want to remember those that are ill,
continue to pray for Joan Springer. She has her good days and bad days. And I think I didn’t get a chance to talk to Marie about her when he came in, but she has been having, I think, more, better day or better days than she has had bad days, unless that’s changed. And I I’ve checked with him. I have to services on that.
Remember Robin woods and Jessica Dale and Tori Heisley, all of these continue to pray for them that they might improve their health. Janie Marlin is recovering from her knee replacement surgery. Now she’s going to therapy three times a week, and we want to continue to pray that everything will go well with that. And she’ll be able to have full use of her knee.
Again, Dortha Wilson is waiting Results on her stress test. So we want to continue to pray for her. And then dental Wilson that’s Rue, Dale Wilson, sister in law is in ICU with COVID and don’t forget that he lost his brother ODALE Eve to that. And they’re, they’re hoping that dimple will survive, but they’re not sure is it last word?
We got it. Wasn’t looking very good. It was good to see Pam with us today. She’s back, but she’s still not quite up to par. She said, and we want to continue to pray for her. That things will continue to make some improvement for, I know she’s been dealing with this for quite some time. So encourage her and keep her in your prayers.
Gladys Lyles is having some back problems and that is hurt. You’re supposed to go to see a doctor tomorrow and along that same line. I want to mention that Janney Sanderson’s dad had another stroke. He’s in the, what the doctors are doing. They’re just, they’re trying to get him strong enough so that he can go back home and then he will be under hospice care.
So I know that Terry and Jenny left yesterday to go down there to be with her dad. So, so they’re not with us today and we won’t, we won’t remember them. So I’m not sure if Gladys has a way down there. I don’t know if she’s set up anybody else. I probably check with her after services and, and see if she needs a ride to the hospital or to the doctor’s office.
Cause I don’t know if they had time to make those arrangements. Leah van clave that’s Becky’s niece, Becky Posner’s niece has COVID and we want to remember her. And also her sister Vicki Wadsworth is, seems to have a persistent cough and is not able to get over that. So keep her in your prayers. I guess when people get sick, they’re always more susceptible to the virus and we hope and pray.
None of these that are in that condition, that, that, that happens to them. Man’s business meeting will be tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM here at the church building. So we want to remind you of that. And we want to thank Sandy McCall for the decorations that she puts in the four year and out in front of the building. She always makes it look so nice.
And we appreciate her doing that. She does such a great job of that. And I, I just happened to be up here that this last time she went through that and I saw all the work. She went through getting that arranged and it takes her quite some time to do that. So she works real hard at it, but she just really makes the building and everything we’re inviting.
And we appreciate it so much. I have a note here from the Richardson. Family says, greetings. We want to take a moment to wish you all a happy holiday season. We miss you out. We miss you all and pray that you’re all. Well, we wanted to say thank you again for all the support, love, and care for us while we were in school.
We love you all. And think of you often, please keep us and the work at Eagleville and your prayers as we continue our labors here in Christ, the Richardson’s on that same note. We want to make the congregation aware that we are supporting of the Richardsons. The diplomas actually have are retiring at the end of this year and will no longer need our support.
So we’re going to start supporting Eric and his family in that work up there. So keep that in mind, keep praying for them that everything will continue to go well for that, that word this morning, Noah Olsen will be directing our song service. Jay Shafir has our opening prayer. Tommy O’Neil has the communion and Aaron Wood air, and we’ll be bringing the sermon.
And then Eric Richardson there, Eric, Eric, Eric Halvorson, w we have a joke about that. Cause I do this so often. Eric Halverson will have our closing prayer. Noah, good morning, number 716, 700 1616 seven one six. We will sing the all three versus seven one six. Sing to me. The then singing that song up.
He sprung the tiles behind me. It will bring green. The burdens well being lifted that are pressing. So showers, green blasting or my heart. Well flown sing to me, man. I’m only dream of it’s go then Laurie, this really glean saying to me, when shadows of the evening, seeing turn me and saying no sweetness song of all saying to me have,
and as I walk up dreaming of the comrades that so long have gone and a fairer region, Mong the angels wrong. They are happy as they sing that all sweet song sing to me. Then let me find the dream of its golden glory of its burly. Gleam. Sing to me when shadows of the name fall, sing to me, heaven, seeing the sweet song of all I’m saying to me,
a haven’t tender the<inaudible> till the shadows army rise and swiftly. When my heart is wary, when the day is long, sing to me, heaven sing that old sweet song. Sing to me. Oven led me fun. The dream of its golden glory of its Burnie. The same saying to me, when shadows of the evening fall seeing to me heaven,
seeing this weed is song of all Next song will be number 537 five three seven. Here we are bit string Toblerones five, three, seven. We’ll sing all three verses. Hmm, Here we are. But strain pilgrims. You a path is often them, but to cheer a song, our journey still, we sing this way, side him yonder over the rolling river where the shining mansions rise soon and will be our home for ever,
and the smile of the blessing and gave her. And gladdens all our longing a rise here. Our feet are often very the Hills that throng our way here, the 10th star clean gathers, but our hearts within us say,<inaudible> the rolling river where the shining mansions rise soon and will be our home for ever. And the smile of the blessing gave her gladdens all our longing a rise here.
Our souls are often fearful of the pilgrims lurking full, but the Lord is RD fender and he tells us may know Yon neral over the rolling river where the shining mansions rise soon on be our home far as ever. And the smile of the blessing given gladdens all our longing Song to help us prepare our minds for Lord’s supper. Or we actually do have a career,
sorry, Almighty God, our father, Holy and revered is your name and father. As we approach your throne this hour, we acknowledge you as a creator of this universe, our creator, we are so very grateful that you saw fit to create us in your image with a soul. And we’re also so very grateful that you gave us your word through your son,
that we may have a pathway for our lives and a route to heaven. We give you all our honor and praise father. We’re mindful of the church that meets here. Many of our number are unable to be with us due to fear or the COVID. And also there are many of them, many of us that are suffering from illnesses. We pray your healing hands will be upon all those that were mentioned today that they may be once again,
returned to their rightful place with us. We’re also mindful father of the turmoil that’s going on in this country. We pray for unity that we know that you are in control and whatever is best for us. You will see to it that it happens as we go through the further exercise. So this worship service, we are mindful that we often fail the,
and we do pray for forgiveness of our sins. As we repent and turn from them that we may stand whole and pure in your sight. And that our worship to you this hour will be a sweet savor senior Jesus in Jesus name that we pray amen. Now to prepare our minds for Lord’s supper, we’re going to sing to set the feast. Divine.
It is not in the book, but it will be on the slide to set the face. Divine we’ll sing the first and last verse.<inaudible> the bread and fresh food.<inaudible><inaudible> B<inaudible> the shrine. And<inaudible> the<inaudible> may we<inaudible> his dad are Holy<inaudible>. We see Stan Fe<inaudible> meaning your turn. And<inaudible> the<inaudible> H first day of the week,
as we gather to worship our God, our father we’re commanded to eat this bread, drink of this cup, to remember the death, burial, and resurrection of our savior. As we partake of this bread and this fruit of the vine with pride, that we would all reflect upon the death of Christ and that through his death, we have the hope of eternal life with our God.
Would you bow with me, our heavenly father. We truly thank you for Christ our savior. We thank you for this bread, which does your children represents the body of our savior. That was crucified Parsons. As we protect this bread, help each one of us to do it with a truth, truly thankful heart. For this sacrifice, these things we ask in Christ’s name,
amen. Would you bow with me again? Our heavenly, we continue our thanks for this fruit of the fine, which to us represents the blood of our savior. As we partake of it, help each one of us to do so in a manner that is pleasing and acceptable in these things we ask in Christ’s name, amen. It’s a separate part of our worship.
We have this opportunity to return onto her, our God, a part of that, that he blesses us with. And we know that every blessing we enjoy in this life comes from our God. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father. We thank you for every blessing that we have in this life. And we do know that each one of these come from the,
we know as a country, how we’re blessed. We pray us raver. We return under the, a part of that, that we have been blessed with, that we would do. So with a willing and cheerful heart, we pray that these fonts might be used to further the kingdom of your, these things we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. All right.
As long before, the last one will be number 470 417. And if you want to go ahead and Mark number 904, that will be the song of invitation, but we will sing number 470 before the lesson victory and Jesus will sing the first and last versus a 470. All right, let us sing. I heard an old, old story. How his savior came from glory,
how he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me. I heard about his groaning of his precious blood toning, then Irie and my sins on one a Victori Oh, victory. Angie’s my se for Avar. He saw me and bought me with his reading blog. He loved me. I knew him and my love is due and he plunged me to victory beneath a cleansing.
FLA. I heard about a man Shan. He is built for me in glory. And I heard about the street of go beyond the crystal sea about the Joe’s saying Pam, the old redone John’s story and some sweet day. I’ll sing up there. The song, Victor green. Oh, victory. Jeez, my save your for Avar. He saw me and bought me with his reading blog.
He learned me air. I knew him and my love is do him. He plunged me to victory being Neetha cleansing flaw. Good morning. Imagine most of us, some point in our lives have walked through a building and have seen on the wall. Something that says in case of emergency break glass, the reality is that the point behind the sign, is there something behind the glass?
There’s something behind object That needs to be broken. That might Wait, save your life. And yet, in all of our lives, as Christians, we face adversity At times and whether constantly, or, or sporadically, we will find ourselves in the situation of being in adversity. And that situation is one that can be hard to deal with. It can be a struggle.
And a matter of fact, it is often a struggle because it is not a comfortable place. It is not a place where we find safety. It is a place where we Find struggle and yeah, Yet the scriptures speak of adversity and they speak of what we should do when we encounter it. So this morning, I want to look at adversity. Now,
before I get into what it is that we should do in times of adversity, I want to qualify a few things and I want to qualify what it is that I’m talking about. I’m not talking about adversity that comes when we bring adversity upon ourselves in the sense of when we sin and when God, because of our sin brings about judgment and adversity in our lives.
That’s not the kind of adversity we’re talking about this morning. The Israelites were told when they were there before the Mount, when they were being given the law, when Moses declared to them, if you will do these things, Leviticus, chapter 26, then God will bless you. And God will look favorably upon you and God will do all these things for you.
You will have blessings and not adversity. And yet, if you turn away from God, if you turn away from his covenant, then you will have all of these curses. And he describes to them in clear pictures, the adversity they will go through. If they would not obey There, God, that is not the adversity under discussion this morning. We’re also not specifically looking at adversity in the situation where someone comes against us because of something we’ve done to them.
If we have a situation, as Jesus describes where someone says, I have ought against you, you have done something wrong to me. And as a result of that, we’re now in a situation of adversity. We’re now in a situation where someone can drag us as Jesus illustrates it before the judge, But it’s our fault. He, you settle with The person right there.
You make it right right now because you are At fault. And if you don’t do it before you reach the judge, you’re going to find yourself in a worse situation. So solve the problem Between you and your brother immediately. That’s also not the adversity we’re speaking of this morning. Instead, we’re speaking of the adversity that we read about in James chapter one in James chapter one,
we read James of bond, servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ and To the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad. My brethren count it all. Joy. When you fall into various trials, the adversity we are speaking of is the adversity that comes as a result, a natural result of being Obedient to God, Being obedient as a Christian and living the Christian life.
The writer James writes to these Christians and he says, first and foremost, when you encounter adversity, Count it a joy. Now this is something In opposition to our normal disposition, to our normal nature. Our natural response to adversity is to think, why am I going through this? Why am I going through this difficulty? Why are these people confronting me?
Why is this such a struggle? Why am I facing this TRIBE? And while adverse, He is a time of reflection. Ecclesiastes. Chapter seven speaks concerning that. The idea as when times are good, being able to be joyful, but when times are difficult, when adversity comes being able to reflect upon ourselves and see why it is that we’re going through it.
But if we examine ourselves as Joe did, when he looked at his own life and he looked at everything that he had done, and he saw the adversity he was going through, and he couldn’t find a reason in him, His life for his adversity, He couldn’t find a sin in his life. That was the cause. He couldn’t find the thing that he had done in opposition to God.
That would cause God to do this to him. When we find ourselves in that situation that he or sorry, James writes to these brethren and he says It all joy As we go through each step of these instructions that James provides us. One of the things I want to do is I want to look at An example In this case, turn just back a few pages in your Bibles to Jay,
to Hebrews chapter 12. And you’ll Find there an example in all the way through our lesson, we’re going to Use Christ as the, of Dealing with adversity. But in Hebrews chapter 12, Verse two, We find the Hebrew writer describing to these Christians, why they ought to be faithful, why they ought to do what’s right, why they ought to lay aside sin and get busy looking at the goal of eternity.
And he says in verse two, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the Now watch this phrase, the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. The Hebrew writer declares to us that Jesus Christ looked at the adversity of the cross. He looked at everything that he was going to have to go through.
And in looking at it, he determined to do it Because of the joy set before him. He looked at it adversity. He looked at a struggle. He looked at a difficult situation and in it he Found joy. One 19 speaks concerning This idea as the Psalmus writer Here in somewhat a different vein. But looking at This from the perspective of the word of God says this Psalm one 19 beginning in verse 66,
he says, teach me Good judgment and knowledge for, I believe your commandments. Before I was afflicted, I went astray, Right? Notice here, the, the, the Psalmist as he is pending this, he says I had a problem and I was ignoring it until you afflicted me until this affliction came, I was going astray. But now I’m aware of what I was doing wrong.
He says, before I was afflicted, I went astray. But now I Keep your word. You are good and do good. Teach me your statutes. The proud have forged a lie against me, but I will keep your precepts with all my whole heart. Their heart is as fat, as fat as grease, But I delight in your law. It is good for me.
Notice this. It is good for Me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statutes. The Psalmus writer looks at the trials, the afflictions that he’s going through. And he says, I became aware of what I needed. I became aware of what I was missing. I became aware of what I was still lacking in my knowledge of you.
When affliction was brought on me, when I had to deal with this situation, when I was struggling in the midst of this affliction, I went to your word. I went to your word and I found What was missing in my Life. Turned to Hebrews chapter 13, the Hebrew writer again makes this declaration and Hebrews chapter 13, beginning in verse 13,
He says, let us go forth to him outside the camp, Bearing his reproach for here. We have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. Therefore by him, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God. That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. When James says you encounter trials, Count it all joy.
The Hebrew writer says, as we examine our situation, let us proceed outside the Gates to Christ. Let us go out to the place of reproach, where he was reproached and in his reproach, The cross, let us give thanks. So notice this path, Jesus went to the cross because he counted it joy to do that yet. Despite The shame we approach the cross and see what he did and we give praise to God.
And so we look at our adversity, we look at our trials and James says, You count it all joy, but then Consider the second thing that James identifies. And that is that when we come to adversity, in the case of adversity, we need to Let it work. As the Salmas writer was pointing out his adversity, his affliction brought to his realization,
What was still lacking, What it was in his life that he still needed to work on. And James writes in James chapter one beginning of verse three, knowing that the testing of your faith produces Patience. He says, as You examine this trial that you’re going in to, as you’re going through and enduring this, let it work because it’s going to produce something.
God is presenting this trial to you. He is presenting this affliction before you, he is presenting this obstacle so you can learn how To overcome it so That you can learn how to have patience. In hard times, Jesus would identify the need for those who were his disciples to be faithful in little things So that they might be faithful in great things. We need to learn in the difficulties and in the trials to allow those adversities,
those trials to work. But then he says, verse four, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete Lacking nothing. James identifies that the working the production of adversity is to produce perfection. It is to identify within our lives. The things that still need to be worked on God allows us to go through this adversity, this affliction,
this difficulty and endure those situations so that we might find the things where we are still lacking in turn over to Hebrews chapter five. Now, one thing I want to point out is this does not mean that God is afflicting us because of sin. You know, we pointed out the kind of affliction we’re not talking about. This is not an affliction that comes to cause us to repent.
It’s an affliction that comes to cause us to, To grow. I can’t express to you that there is pain in growth. Arm has been doing a process of growth as my bones knit themselves back together. And there is a painful process involved in growth. And yet the Hebrew writer Points out and Hebrews chapter five verses eight through nine, that this isn’t unique to us because again,
in the life of Christ, we see this very idea though. He was a son verse eight, yet he learned obedience by the things Which he suffered and having been perfected Hebrew. It came the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him. James says, when we fall into trials, when we fall into adversity, we need to allow it to work in us,
to produce perfection, to cause us, to see the areas where we must grow to become like Christ. And that Is one of the things that we should do in the midst of adversity. But Romans chapter 12, Romans chapter 12 identifies this singular idea that though James has referenced it, we’ll bring it forward Here as well. Romans chapter 12. And in verse 12,
he says, rejoicing in hope. As he writes to these Christians, he’s giving them a list of things they need to be fervent in and they need to be doing, they need to be focusing on. He says, be re those who are rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. He identifies their patients. This idea here in the original language is one who stands up under a burden as God,
places before you a trial, he will not place before you one, you cannot endure and he expects you to stand up under it. He expects you to grow from it to become stronger by the trial that he places before you. So when adversity comes, we need to first count it a joy Second need to let it work. But we thirdly need to get understanding.
This is an integral ingredient to everything else that we’re discussing here until our perspective is right until we understand the situation, we will not handle it properly. James chapter one verse five says, if any of you lacks wisdom, let him, Oh God for hoops. Let me, let me reread that. Let me look at the right part of the page.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God Who gives to all liberally and without reproach. And it will Be given to him In the midst of this trial. As James presents, the difficulty that they may be enduring, that they may go through. He says, first of all, Canada joy. Secondly, realize that it’s working in you to produce perfection.
Thirdly, get wisdom, seek for wisdom. He says, if you’re lacking it, this should be apparent by how you’re dealing with the adversity. This should be identified by your adversity in your trial. He said, if you lack wisdom, ask God, Proverbs chapter four, Proverbs chapter four, the Proverbs writer says this verse seven. He says, wisdom is the principal thing.
Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting Get understanding Sets before his son, the one who’s the recipient of his Wisdom here in the book of Proverbs, The need to obtain wisdom, but not just wisdom for wisdom sake, not just wisdom to say I’m a wise man, but wisdom to obtain Understanding. And so as James points out these trials, as he points out these adversities,
this difficulty, he identifies the need For the product of wisdom, the need for understanding in Luke chapter 24, Jesus Is he is looking backward and explaining to his apostles why these things have occurred. We’ll identify this idea, Luke chapter 24, beginning in verse 44. Then he said to them, these are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you.
That all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses and of the prophets and of the Psalms concerning me. So here he is, he’s gone through this crucifixion. He’s gone through a burial. He’s resurrected again. He’s now together with the apostles and he’s explaining to them, reminding them of the things he’s already taught them before he went through all of it,
but they didn’t get the point. They didn’t understand these things. And so he brings them to mind to tell them everything that Moses and the prophets and the Psalms spoke concerning me had to be fulfilled in those what he said. And he opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures. Then he said to them, thus, it is written and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day.
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. He identifies the goal and connects it to the adversity. So they might understand They end the necessity. So many times we look at adversity and struggle and difficulty in our life and we can’t figure out why we would ever need to go through this. Why we would ever need to endure such a difficult thing.
It is In that moment that we are to realize Our lack of understanding our lack of wisdom, right? And is that moment where we are to become like the Psalmus described himself in Psalm one 19 and go to the word of God, to seek out the answer, to find out what we’re missing. Because our lack of understanding brings forward. Our need for growth.
James says, when you endure these trials, you need to understand their value. You need to understand what they can do for you. But the only way you can gain that understanding Is to get wisdom from God turned to Jay. Second, Timothy, sorry. Second Timothy chapter three, verse 12. As Paul writes to this young preacher instead, Megan,
Timothy chapter three. And in verse 12, he writes to him and encourages him by saying this. He says, yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ. Jesus will suffer persecution. If you skip back to verse 10, he says, but you have carefully followed my Doctrine. Manner of life, Purpose, faith, long suffering, love perseverance,
persecutions afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch at<inaudible> what persecutions I endured and out of them, all The Lord delivered me. He said, Timothy, you’ve been with me. You’ve watched me. You Ben, a careful observer of everything I’ve gone through. And now you need to know to expect it in your life. Yes, You need to know that all who desire to live godly in Christ,
Jesus will in Dewar persecution. He says, buddy evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of knowing from whom you have learned them as he presents Timothy, with this reality of persecution, this reality of adversity, this reality of struggle. He presents to him the reminder of the source of College.
He says, you go back to the things you’ve learned. You go Back to the things you’ve been taught. You go back to what you have been told because in it, you will find the underst Meaning you need to endure. But then James also identifies a fourth thing. As he says that we are to count it all joy. He also says that we are to let it work.
He also shows that we are to get understanding. He fourthly shows that we To pray in faith. Now, in this context, he specifically stating this in view of the wisdom he says we were to ask for from God. So let’s go back to verse five. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach.
And it will be given to him, but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed By the wind for let, Not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man unstable in all his, His ways. James identifies the necessity of prayer in faith.
As this individual, as he describes, it goes through adversity. As he seeks for understanding, as he seeks for wisdom to endure that adversity, he needs to ask from the Lord, but in everything that he asks for from the Lord, he needs to pray. He needs to Ask in confidence in faith, In assurance that God is able to do the thing that he asked and Hebrews chapter five,
we see Christ again, as an example of this, as we returned back to Hebrews chapter five, we read verses eight and nine previously, but I want to go back to verse seven. In verse seven, we read who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with the HemOnc cries and tears to him, God,
the father who was able to save him from death And Was heard because of his godly fear. No, this is what we read concerning Christ. In this passage, we read that in the midst of this adversity that he was facing in the midst of the necessity of going to the cross in the midst of knowing that this was necessary to fulfill all righteousness,
to fulfill what Moses had written and what the prophets had written and what the Psalm was had written to bring forth salvation. Yet he still desired to have that cup pass from him. And so he prayed and asked that God do that very thing. But notice this statement about God who was a bull, you might say, well, wait, No, no,
that’s not that can’t possibly be true. God could not have chosen To not have Jesus die. Oh yes. He could have, If Jesus Christ prayed three times for an hour, each time let this cup pass from me. He prayed it because it was possible, But the possibility required something else you see, because if it was possible that it happened,
the result would have been that we would not be saved. Oh, what was possible? And God could have done it. And Jesus knew he could have. But the difference is Jesus prayed in faith knowing God was able, but also knowing God and his will, would ultimately be what would happen. And so he prayed not my will, but yours be done in Daniel chapter three,
Hannah and I as Ryan, Michelle stand before Nebuchadnezzar and they are confronted with a choice either you will down when the music plays and you will worship this image that I have created, or you will be Passed into this fiery furnace that I have set up And Daniel or sorry, Hannah and I, as Ryan Michelle in the book of Daniel will reply to Navigant answer that their God was able to save Them.
But they point out, even if he doesn’t, you see, they have this assurance of their God, that their God is more than capable. They’re God good deliver them from this fiery furnace. And he would, but they had no guarantee that he would, they knew he was capable of doing it. They had hopes and plans that he would certainly do it,
But they knew all of them, Ultimately that no matter what, whether God did it or not, they would not bow down to Napa cancer’s image. You see, they had confidence. They had confidence that God was able and that God’s will, would be done the same way. Jesus did turn over to Hebrews chapter four in Hebrews chapter four, after speaking concerning Christ,
as our high priest, the Hebrew writer says, let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of, I need in the midst of adversity, we are told to pray. And we are told to pray, not with doubting, not with a lack of faith, but with confidence that God can do what we ask turn over to Hebrews chapter 10,
Hebrews chapter 10 beginning in verse 21. We read this and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near draw near to what near to God, Let us draw near to God with a true heart in full Assurance of faith. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. The Hebrew writer says Your salvation in this new and living leg created by God in this salvation that he offers you through Christ.
You have confidence to come near to him and You can hold fast without wavering to that hope and that salvation until the end, but then consider number five. He says, remember your reward. Now we need to skip to the end of the book of James to get this over in James chapter five beginning in verse nine, we read do not grumble again,
or sorry against one another brethren lest you Be condemned. Behold, judge is standing at the door. My brethren take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as an example, and notice and example of suffering and patience. Well, what’s he talking about in James chapter one, suffering and patience, adversity trials, and enduring them. He says,
take the profits. As an example, who spoke in the name of the Lord and suffered as an example for you in what they did. He said, indeed, we count them. Blessed who endure? You have heard of the perseverance of job and have seen the end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful. As James writes to these brethren and he presents to them having gone through all of the practical things that he’s instructed them about concerning in this book,
he points them back to the prophets and says, now you look, you look at those profits and you look at how we view them and those who in Those hard times, and what did they do? They looked for the reward. They looked for what came After the adversity and after Their endurance turned back to Hebrews chapter 12. And again, we see Christ.
And yet We see the example of Christ as exemplified for us in our instruction. Go back to verse one. He says, therefore, we also see he’s writing to these Christians. He says, here’s your, here’s what you are to do. Here’s what you’re to learn from these people in Hebrews 11. This is what you’re to do. Hebrews chapter 12,
verse one. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance. The race that is set before us. How, how do we lay aside the things that are wrong? How do we set aside the things that are slowing us down?
How do we do this? Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. He says, you run the race. You lay aside the way you set aside the sin, because you’re looking To the roll ward.
Remember in the midst of adversity, the reward set before you, but then six Lee. And finally, we need to remember others in their adversity. See, because as we go through life, as we grow, as we allow adversity to produce perfection in us, we need to remember that we are not the only ones who ever go through adversity. So often we will be so focused on enduring adversity,
our struggles, all our, our difficulties that we’ll miss someone else who’s going through there Own adversity. And So James tells these brethren beginning in James chapter five, and in verse 13, to remember The others who Are going through adversity, he says, verse 13 is any among you suffering. Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing. Psalms is anyone among you?
Sick. Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. Anointing him with oil in the S in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another. Pray for one another,
that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain. And it did not rain on the land for three and a half or three years in six months. And he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit brethren.
If any, among you wanders from the truth. And someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his ways will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins all throughout this passage. As he encourages those who are sick, those who are struggling, those who are sending those who are in the midst of difficulty,
the encourages them to do these things. There’s a focus on what Christians can Do for Christians. Peter Brings forward to this idea as well. In second, Peter chapter three, I’m sorry. First Peter chapter four, first Peter chapter four, Peter, Or as he is writing to these Christians says beginning in verse 12, beloved, do not think it’s strange concerning the fiery trial,
which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice, to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when his glory is revealed, you may also be glad With exceeding joy. He says, as you look at what’s happening, as you look at what you’re going to go through, you don’t seem no don’t allow it to make you think this is strange that this is an anomaly,
that this is only happening to you. But instead understand that Christ went through this before you, and that you can endure it with Joy. We need to remember those Who are going through adversity, Hebrews chapter 13, Hebrews Chapter 13, once again, this time. And in verse three, He says, remember, remember the prisoners as if change With what’s he talking about,
He’s talking about Christians, who for the cause of Christ have been faithful to God. And as a result have been imprisoned. Those who are suffering in a real way. And he tells these brethren who were free, who were walking around, who were struggling with their own little struggles, but who had not suffered until the point of blood. He says,
you remember Those who Are in chains and you don’t remember them as if they’re some strange thing of far off. You remember them as if you were chained right next to them in saying this, he exemplifies for us that in the midst of someone else’s adversity, we are to put ourself in their position and say, if it was Me, what would I want them to do for me?
He says, Remember the prisoners as if chained with them, those who are mistreated since you yourselves are in the body. Also, why are we to do this? Because we are Brethren and Hebrews Chapter 10 beginning in verse 24. Again, the Hebrew writer reminds us of how we are to act towards our brother. And he says, let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
not forsaking. The assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of somebody exhorting one another and so much. The more as you see the day approaching, he says, you look at one another, you consider one another. You pay attention To the needs of the Each other. But then one more time over in Romans chapter 12, Romans chapter 12, as Paul writes to the church at Rome,
he says this in verse 15, he says rejoice With those who do rejoice and weep with those who weep in the midst of adversity, we need to remember others who are going through their own adversity as you and I look at our lives. As we live our lives as Christians, we can be assured of one thing. Paul identifies it, that as Those who live godly in Christ Jesus,
we will Have adversity. And yet it’s how we go through it. That is important. And It’s what we allow it to do to Us. That helps us to become what God would have us to be. If you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, you’re outside of the place of redemption and hope. You’re outside of the church that Christ died for.
He died for the church that you might have salvation in his body. You enter into his body by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. By repenting of your sins, confessing the name of Christ and being immersed in water for the remission of your sins. But if you’re a Christian and you’re going through adversity, here’s one thing you need to know.
You don’t have to go through it alone. The church is here for you in your difficulties, in your trials and in your adversities. And one of the things I love about this congregation is no one goes through difficult times by themselves. If anyone else knows they’re going through it, if you have need of help of prayers for the same, or from the SANEs or of repentance,
why not come now as we stand and as we sing, Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? Are you a wash? And the blood of the lamb? Are you in, in the so cleansing, but<inaudible> are your garments bond lists? Are they ass? No. Are you all washed and blah, blah. Lay a side. The garments that are stained with sand<inaudible> are you fountain flowing for the us clean?
Oh, be washed in the blood of the lamb.<inaudible> and so<inaudible> are your garments spotless? Are they wide ass? No. Are you a washed and blah, thank you, Aaron. For that great lesson closing song this morning is going to be number 711. We’ll sing the first verse only number 711, and then we’ll have our closing. Prayer will speak the Tyler that binds.
Let us bless be<inaudible> John, the family. Hello shit.<inaudible> that? God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to this morning, to assemble here in this house of worship and sing songs, appraised your great name and study a portion of your word. God, we know there are many amongst us that are struggling with various things,
health reasons, especially. And we ask if it’d be your will, that you help them recover to a measure health that they so desire. And we ask also that you wrap your loving arms around them. And those that have lost loved ones in the recent past, you wrap your comforting, loving arms around them and provide comfort to them that only you can.
And God we know that each and every one of us as we go about our daily lives come across struggles and turmoil and various events that we occasionally don’t know how to deal with. And we ask that you help us to remember this lesson, that brother Aaron brought us this morning, and that is to come to you and seek you, seek your wisdom,
your guidance, and pray to you. Faithfully that you, as we do know, will help us to resolve our conflicts with those that we encounter out there in the world. And with our struggles asked that we take the wisdom that you provide to us and figure out what it is that you want us to do and go on with our lives, serving you here on earth.
We know that there are times that we fall short of your glory. And when we come to you asking for forgiveness of sins, we ask that you please forgive us to them. And as we prepare to depart here this morning, we ask that you guys garden direct each and every one of us and safeguard us until we return at the next appointed time.
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Does it work better now? Hey, go. Alright, now we’re cooking with grease. Okay. We are in Hebrews chapters, five and six this evening. I don’t know how in the world we’re going to get finished with five and six this evening, but we’re going to try, we’ll go through and do the questions for chapters three and four in just a moment,
but let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven, we bound before your throne, thankful for this day, coming before you, as we learn here in the book of Hebrews, that we might have boldness to seek your help in time of need and to find grace and mercy at your throne. We thank you for the opportunity that we have to praise you.
We thankful for, we are thankful for the opportunity we have to pray before you, we are thankful for all that you do for us and most, especially for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins, but is also our intercessor and our high priest. Before your throne, we are mindful of all those who are going through difficulties.
We’re mindful of Dorothy and Rodel and the family. At this time of loss, we pray that you will be with them and with their own difficulties and health issues that they might be back at their desired health. We pray that you be with everyone in this country that is dealing with difficulties and hardships and loss and pain. We pray, especially for those among our own membership that are dealing with those things.
We pray. They might have comfort and strength. We’re mindful of those who are separated from us because of COVID. And we pray that they might have comfort and strength and endurance through this hard time, and that they might be lifted in this time of need all this. We pray in Jesus name, Hey man, who Or which is better Moses or Jesus,
Jesus, the house or the builder, the builder, the Sabbath rest or eternal rest eternal rest. Now, if you all were going through that, like some people do in the HCTZ go second, one second. One. I can’t be second. One, three times in a row. First who makes up the house of Christ? Christians? When should believers encourage each other in their faithfulness Daily or today?
Either one of those are good answers. Why were many of the Israelites led by Moses not allowed to enter into eternal rest? They Did not believe. And they rebelled. Okay. Two, what is the word compared A sharp two edge sword. How much of each individual can God see Everything? There is nothing hid from his sight. Why can Jesus sympathize with our weaknesses As he was tempted just as we are?
Okay. So as we conclude chapter four, he emphasizes The usefulness, The power and the function of the Word. He Discusses the discerning, this of God, and specifically Christ the idea being, if you use the word to extract from your life, that which is wrong, then you will be Holy. If you ignore the power of the word of God and you don’t let it have any effect on your life instead,
you’ll be judged by it because it knows you. And it knows whether or not you have been obedient to it. Jesus said in John chapter 12, verse 48, that by my words, you will be judged. So here we have that same idea. Verse 14. Then we read seeing them. We have a great high priest. If you are presented with the situation where all you have going for you is the law.
Let’s think about it this way. Raise your hand. If you’re a lawyer, all right, I don’t feel bad then. All right, For everyone, who’s not a lawyer of the room. And that’s everybody. Would you feel incredibly comfortable walking into a courtroom all by yourself with the prosecuting attorney and all his people arrayed over on the other side. And you’re the defendant and you get to walk in and you get no help.
You’ve never even watched Perry. Mason, you have no idea what you’re doing. All you have though, is somebody walks up to you and they say, don’t worry. You’ve got the law. Oh, congratulations. You’ve got the law. Well, but if you don’t know whether or not you’ve obeyed the law, if maybe, you know, you didn’t obey the law,
what would you really like to have? But that moment, a good lawyer, An advocate, someone who can advocate on your behalf, who knows the law, but also who knows the judge, that’d be nice. But someone who knows, you knows the circumstance, knows the law and can advocate on your behalf Half. That’s another picture of Jesus Christ as our inter her as our high priest,
as our advocate. So seeing then we read in verse 14 that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus, the son of God, let us hold fast. Our confession, as the Hebrew writer turns to these brethren and he says to them, again, let us do this. He predicates it on. He says, we don’t have a high priest.
Who’s been allowed to walk through a veil. Under the old Testament, they had a high priest that high priest was flesh and blood. Like they were, he sinned like they sinned. He struggled like they struggled. He was imperfect. Like they were imperfect. The only thing that separated him from them is he was allowed to walk Through a curtain, but not Jesus Christ.
He said, Jesus Christ. Hasn’t just walked through a curtain. He’s passed into the heavens. He’s in the presence of God, the high priest in the days of Moses, there was a time when God’s presence was there in the tabernacle. But for much of Israelite history that high priest would walk into in essence, an empty room. As a matter of fact,
there was a point in Hebrew history going from the time of the Babylonian captivity on where he’d walk into a room where there was no longer even an Ark of the covenant every year, he’d walk into an empty room, but not Jesus Christ. Seeing then that we have a high priest who can, who has passed through the heavens Jesus Christ, the son of God,
let us hold fast. Our confession for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin.<inaudible> Sometimes we come to this verse and we immediately jump over to Matthew chapter four or Luke chapter four. And we look at the temptations of Christ and that’s all well and good.
But sometimes I think we treat Matthew four and Luke four, as though those were the only times Jesus was tempted. Granted, those were the times where we read about Satan coming directly to Christ and tempting him directly. But it reads at the end of that, that he left him for a season. He, he didn’t stop tempting Jesus. When Matthew four and Luke four were finished,
it wasn’t as though he said, well, I failed three times, I guess three strikes you’re out and let’s go on with life. No, he went away at that point in time to come back and return. But he also tempted Jesus through many other means. Do you remember a time when Jesus was tempted, according to him, by one of his own disciples,
Peter, Peter said, you don’t have to die. You don’t have to go to Jerusalem and be killed. You don’t have to go to the cross. And Jesus said, get Val behind me, Satan, Why would Jesus say that? Because it won’t be just a few hours later. Jesus will be in the garden three times praying that God let this cup pass from Me.
Peter is telling him he has a choice. He can choose not to do what he knows he has to do. And there’s part of him that wants to make that choice after all that’s temptation. Isn’t it. If you’re, If there’s no part of you that wants to be involved in a sin, you’re not being tempted. There are some sins in this life.
Be very Frank and honest with you. I can walk right by and have it In no means any temptation to be involved in that sin. But That’s certainly not true for every sin. Was there a time when Jesus could have been tempted to use his anger In a wrong way? First of all, was Jesus ever angry? Absolutely. Three times in scripture,
we read explicitly that Jesus was angry. When I think it’s Mark chapter six or Mark chapter three. Again, I get them confused. Sometimes I think it’s Mark chapter six, Mark chapter six. They bring the man to Jesus who has the withered hand. They bring him to him on a Sabbath day. They bring this man who has a hand that he cannot use.
He is disabled and they bring him to him. Not because they care for the man. Not because they’re interested in the man. Not because they love the man, but because they want to tempt Jesus to find out if he will heal him on the side, If they, and so Jesus asked them, is it better to do good or To do evil on the Sabbath?
And they answered him, not a word. The passage says, and he looked on them with anger, for the hardness, Their hearts. And I am so incredibly grateful that Jesus Christ isn’t like some of us who occasionally lose our temper, Because imagine if the son of God Lost his temper, what might’ve happened, All of these things, all of these times in scripture,
when, when Jesus is sitting at the, the last supper is there in the upper room and Judas says the word, Oh Lord, is it I, what would you have done if you knew? And he did, Jesus was tempted in all points like we are yet without sin. Now, does That mean that Jesus had every temptation ever known to man placed in front of him?
No, that’s not. That’s not the point because neither do any one of us. Every one of us deals with our own weaknesses in the flesh and our own struggles in the flesh and our own temptations. And the point is so did he, the difference is he was able to walk into the courtroom before the judge and stand before the judge with the whole prosecuting table,
arrayed against him and stand there with the law. And the judge could say, is there at any point anytime where you have in any way broken one of my laws and he could say, No, I have fulfilled it completely to which the prosecuting attorney goes. And I have no case. That is why he can be our high priest. And that is why we can read verse 16,
let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Now, as the Hebrew writer writes to these Jewish Christians, as he writes to these brethren and he tells them this three times in a three or four times in chapter four, let us do this, let us do this. Let us do this.
Let us hold fast. This confession, let us come boldly before his throne to find help in time, he knows they’re struggling. He knows these brethren are struggling with persecution with being outcast by their own family, being rejected by their own nation. Being called traders, being called those who were blasphemous. He knows this, But he’s, He also knows they need to remember.
They’re not alone because the one who they worship, the one who they follow, the one who may serve was also Tim did in all those ways. And We’re going to get over in chapter 10 and suffered to the shedding of blood in chapter 10, he’s going to get a little harsh on them because he said you haven’t even shed any blood yet. What’s your problem,
But what, why are you giving up when your Lord did? Okay. So he says then chapter five, verse one for every high priest taken from among them. As he described Jesus as our high priest in a few minutes, he’s going to give an analogy of Jesus as our high priest, but he wants you to know something about being a high priest first.
Okay? So this, this enters into a discussion about the high priest office. Okay? So he says for every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. He can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray since he himself is also subject to weakness because of this.
He is required as for the people. So also for himself to offer sacrifices for sins, he’s describing the old Testament priesthood he’s describing the priest like Aaron in the days of Moses, who on the day of atonement, before he could ever offer a sacrifice for the people. He first had to offer a sacrifice for him self, but he’s making the point that this high priest was given this responsibility.
He was appointed to this task. He didn’t take it on his own. He didn’t go and say, you know what? I’m going to be the high priest and take that power. He was appointed by God to do this. And no, man, verse four takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.
So also Christ did not glorify himself to become high priest, but it was he who said to him, in other words, it was he the father who said to him, the son, you are my son today. I have gotten you also, he says, in another place, you Christ are a priest forever. According to the order of milk is a deck.
Now we discussed milk is the deck way back in our, our study of Genesis over in Genesis chapter 12, Mel kids, a deck comes on the scene, no background, no, no history. All we’re told in the days of Abraham is this man was a priest of the most high God. And the King of Salem, which many believe is,
is an indication. He was the King of the city that would later be known as Jerusalem later on in life or later on in history. So this man was King and priest under the Israeli law. You couldn’t have a King who was also a priest. You can have a priest who was a King. Why not? All right. Right. The priesthood came from Aaron’s family and the Kings came through David’s family.
And Aaron was from the tribe of Levi. And David was from the tribe of Judah. Okay? So you couldn’t have a King and priest, but then notice with Christ. He says, you’re not a priest. After the order of Aaron, the, the, the priests that had been priests all down through the years from the time of Moses all the way until the time of Christ were priest after the order or family of Aaron.
But Jesus Christ. Wasn’t the priest. After the order of Aaron, he was a priest. After the order of Melchizedek, he was both King and priest. Notice this verse seven, who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with the HemOnc cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear though,
he was a son. Yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered and having been perfected. He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him called by God as priest, according or as high priest. According to the order of milk is a deck of whom we have much to say and hard to explain. Since you have become dull Hearing Jesus Christ while he was in the flesh,
suffered was tempted yet without sin. And God said, yes, Too, are going to bear the burden of Sin for all mankind. Okay. Notice what, what we read, having been perfected verse nine, he became the author, the originator of eternal salvation to all who obey him. Okay. Without Christ, We have no salvation Without Christ. Anyone in the old Testament had no salvation,
the blood of bulls and goats. We’re going to get into that discussion. And a couple of chapters couldn’t take away sins Separate from the blood of Christ. So those things looked forward to Christ, but if Christ didn’t die, if Christ didn’t go to the cross, there would be No salvation. There would be no redemption. Now This verse seven says who in the days of his flesh,
when he had offered up prayers and supplications with the HEMOC cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear though, he was a son. Yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered. Sometimes I think we get the picture in our minds that when we pray to God for help in a,
when he answers that prayer is when the situation goes away and we don’t have to deal with it anymore. But this passage teaches the exact opposite of that. He prayed. We just mentioned the time in the garden. Three times, he went before God praying, let this cup pass from me, let this cup pass from me. Let this cup pass from me.
And yet we read here that he offered up prayers with supplication, with the Heman cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and was heard. Okay. And his prayers were answered weren’t they? But was the answer. Yes. Nope. One of the things we struggle with, we see an impending bad situation on the horizon, in our lives or in the life of somebody else,
the life of a friend, the life of a loved one. And we go, God, you got to step in. You got to do something about this. And then he does it. Or we perceive that he doesn’t, the bad thing happens. Some will come to the conclusion. God didn’t hear me. Some will come to the conclusion. God must not Exist.
Some will come to the conclusion. There’s no reason to serve a God who would let such terrible things happen. Jesus Came to the conclusion. He heard me. You remember what Jesus, his prayer was so often As individuals who Struggle with seeing eternity, our prayer is God, do what I ask you To do. Jesus’s prayer was God do your will.
And here’s what I ask you to do, But do your will. And that prayer is very different because ultimately that prayer is the prayer of subjection. That prayer is the prayer of one who says you choose, and I’m going to be fine with whatever choice you make. Here’s what I want. And nobody can argue. He didn’t want it. Nobody can argue.
He didn’t want it. The Hayman lane, no one can argue. He didn’t sincerely with every aspect of his flesh. Want that cup to pass from him. But his determination Was not That my flesh wins out. His determination was God’s Bill wins out. So we re Though he was a son. Yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered not learn obedience in the sense that most of our children learn obedience.
They learn obedience by being disobedient, being punished for disobedience. And then they learn obedience. That’s not the idea here. The idea is that he, as one who was deed, He had never needed to be obedient. He Never needed to subject himself, let alone take on in the sense of lowering himself as he did to take on flesh yet he learned obedience and a function and attribute It truly is.
It is In a real sense. Isn’t an attribute of God. The idea of obedience as an attribute is not an attribute of God for who would heal that Who’s greater than himself. And yet He learned obedience by the things which he suffered. Every time he came across to an event where his flesh wanted to do one thing and his father said to do something else,
You learned obedience. Okay? Now having Ben perfected, he became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him called by God as high priest, according to the order of milk his neck. So he said he introduced milk his deck. Now he’s looped back around. The milk is a deck, but now he’s going to say, and I love to explain this to you,
but Y’all are hard-headed Dola hearing. I sure am glad that a lot of our preachers today aren’t as blunt as the writers in the new Testament work, he said, you’re dull Of hearing. The word of God has been spoken to you and spoken to you and spoken to you. And you should have learned it by now. But instead you said, getting really tired of it.
I’m getting really lowered with this. Oh, I’ll never understand it. He’s Your disposition is wrong. Your heart is wrong. Your mindset is wrong. And therefore, I can’t explain this to you. Notice what he goes on to say. He says for though, by this time you ought to teachers. You need someone to teach you again. The first principles of the Oracles of God.
And you have come to need milk and not solid food for everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness for he is a babe, but solid food belongs to those who are a full age. That is those who by reason of use have their senses exercise to discern both good and evil is that I would love to explain this to you.
I love to tell you about how Jesus Christ is high priest after the order of Melchizedek, but you have refused to grow spiritually. And because you have refused to grow because you are still sipping on milk instead of exercising yourself to consume the meat of the word. I can’t explain this to you. You won’t understand it. You won’t get it. This is a struggle that we encounter When we spend Hour after hour,
after hour, week after week after week sitting and listening to the word of God being taught and never do anything with it. That’s what Dole of hearing means. If you sit week after week after week, and you hear, and the moment you walk out the door, you flush out of your mind, everything that you heard while you were there and all week long,
you give no thought to God’s word. You exercise yourself concerning God’s word. Not at all. You don’t read it. You don’t use it. You don’t apply it. Then you come back the next week ago. All right, I’m ready for some more. Yeah, Just a flush it down. As you walk out and the Hebrew writer says, you’ve done this.
His accusation is you’ve done this for years. He said There was a time when you were expected to be novices, you were expected to know nothing. You were expected to only be able to handle what is spoonfed to you. But there’s a time where it’s, It’s time for you to stop being spoonfed and you to start picking up your own. And so he admonishes them.
I teach you this, but you haven’t prepared yourself to hear You. Haven’t prepared yourself to learn it. So I can’t teach it to you yet. This isn’t anything new. The apostle Paul in over in first Corinthians made the same argument Over to the church at Corinth. He said, I would tell you about spiritual things, but you’re carnal. And because you’re only trying to serve your flesh because you’re acting out of carnal,
your carnal nature and out of your sinful temptations and your sinful desires. And you’re at war with one another and you’re fighting against one another. And you’re only interested in your self-interest because your attributes are not spiritual. I can’t teach you spiritual things. So then he says, Verse chapter six, verse one, therefore, okay. So he said, God,
didn’t let the Israelites. And this is important. Don’t when you get into chapter six, if you lose chapters three and four in the midst of chapter six, you’re going to struggle With chapter six. Okay? The context of everything that has been stated to this point is Jesus Christ is better than Moses, and he’s a better high priest and he has a better house.
And he is a better than I already Say, high priest, sorry. I give Those better house. And he’s a better high priest. And his promise of rest is better than the promised land of old. Okay? But all throughout this, he sprinkled in this reminder that the people in the old Testament who were promised that rest, who lived under the high priest,
Aaron, who were part of the house of God in those days and who were under Moses rebelled and did not Receive the promise. Okay? So if you lose, the whole messaging of did not receive, the promise did not receive the promise did not receive the promise. You lose the messaging of be careful less, this great salvation that we have now had available to us.
We allow it to slip away. If you lose the messaging of let us not drift away. If you lose the messaging of let us hold fast, our confession, then you get to chapter six and you go, what what’s he mean? Okay. Chapter six, verse one, there for drawing all these things forward To a conclusion. He says, therefore,
leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ. What is he just rebuked them for being inadequate in knowledge and understanding. He said, you are after all these years and bear in mind. These are people who aren’t just Christians in the sense of like you and I think about ourselves, but they also had the miraculous gifts. Okay? Some of them had the gift of prophecy.
Some of them had the gift of speaking in tongues. Some of them had the gift of faith. Some of them had the gift of, of knowledge. All of these gifts are among them and they’re still sipping on milk. Okay? Therefore leaving the discussion of the elementary principals. Let us go on to perfection. Not laying again. The foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,
two different ways. You might be able to understand this. And I know many brethren on both sides. One is a reference this latter, half of the verse, being a reference to going back to the old law and the works of the law of repentance, the works of the law that they did over and over dead works. They accomplished nothing. Someone else looks at it and goes,
no, I think this is all new Testament references, but what he’s, he’s not denigrating repentance. He’s saying it’s, there’s a point in your life where you need to move past sin, repent, sin, repent, sin, repent. What do you know about Christianity? When I sin? I repent. That’s all I know. You’ve got to move past that.
You need to move beyond that, to understand what God has done for you. I don’t think you do damage to the passage in any tremendous way, whether you understand it one way or the other, but let’s, let’s hold onto this for a minute. Okay? If he’s talking about new Testament practices, let’s just say that he is, what you need to understand is they are in context of Christians.
Who’ve never moved beyond the basics. And here’s the thing you that he’s telling them. You can’t be as a Christian. You can’t be a Christian who never moves beyond the basics. You are not doing it right. If you never move beyond the basics, notice what he says. He says, let us go to perfection. Not laying again. The foundation of repentance from the dead works of faith toward God,
a and of faith toward God. He says, again, notice emphasis, not the, the, the attribute of this is not repentance or faith, but laying the foundation for them. He said, you, you, as if you were building a house and you go dig out the foundation, you lay the foundation down. And instead of building the house on it,
you dig the foundation out and you lay the foundation and then you dig the foundation out. And then you lay the, you build the house. Okay? He says of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands of resurrection, of the dead and of eternal judgment. And this we will do. If God permits, he says, I’m going to get you there.
I’m going to get you past the basics if God gives me time. But he says for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened. Now, this is where you got to hold on all this old Testament stuff, where you got to keep track of everything that he’s just warn them about and how they’ve been compared. If they continue the path they’re on,
they’re being compared to those in the wilderness. They’re being compared to those at Mount Sinai who had the opportunity to enter the rest of God. And when they refused, God said, you’re never entering my rest. Okay? That first generation, he didn’t say you get it fixed. And maybe after 20 years, I’ll change my mind. He didn’t say that.
Now watch for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and have become partakers of the Holy spirit and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come. If they fall away to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves, the son of God, and put him to an open shame.
Israel Went through their time in Egypt, witnessed 10 plagues that inoculated the nation of Egypt and didn’t touch a hair on their head while they were in Egypt. And then they came out of Egypt with all Egypt’s riches And glory. And then they saw the red sea parted and they crossed on dry land. And then they looked back and they saw Pharaoh in his army wiped out by God.
And then they went to Mount Sinai and they heard the voice of God speak to them directly. And they saw the mouth burning And every step along the way, they murmured and complained and rebelled. And then they get to the edge of Sinai and they send spies in to go taste of the land and the spies come back and say, we can’t do it.
And they said, let’s kill Moses and go back to Egypt. Didn’t they? They said, let’s kill Moses and go back to Egypt and was a single one of them allowed to enter. God’s promised land, Not a one. Joshua who spied out the land, Kayla who spied out the land and both of whom came back in and did everything they could to convince the people.
No, no, no. We need to go now w we can take it. God’s on our side. Let us go up. They entered the promised land. Moses, when he Stood before the people and they’re murmuring and they’re complaining and exalted himself and struck the rock, instead of speaking to it broke a type of Christ. Okay? The rock that gives water in the wilderness is a type of Christ.
But how many times was Christ smitten once or twice? Once the first time God told Moses, you go smite the rock and it was smitten. And it gave forth water. The second time God said, you speak to the rock. And in smiting, the rock he typology here, smote Christ a second time. And you read in Deuteronomy where he pled with God over and over and over again,
to be allowed to enter the promised land. And God said No. And eventually God said paraphrasing here, and don’t mention it again. Now read this verse one more time. Are these verses for if four, it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and have become partakers of the Holy spirit and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come.
If they fall away to renew them again to repentance, since they have crucified again for themselves, the son of God, and put him to an open shame. This whole analogy is brought forward here to the Christians, the Jews who are there, they were maybe, perhaps, even some of them were alive and standing in Jerusalem on that day. And they witnessed his death.
They witnessed him on the cross. They, their people were the ones who said, let his blood be on our hands and on our children. And now they’ve known salvation. They’ve known the truth. They’ve been given the miraculous gifts. They’ve tasted of the heavenly calling. They have had salvation and they like Israel are contemplating the fall, Kill Moses and go back to Egypt.
And the warning is, did a single one of those people ever enter my No. Okay. Was there a thing they could do that would have put them back in a position with me where they would have entered my rest? No. For someone to say, I know what Christ did. I know what he did for me, but I consider him guilty.
All right. We’re all the way back at the judgment. We’re all the way back in the courtroom of the judge, the innocent one comes up, says, here’s the law. The judge says, in what part have you violated? They did it in no park. And someone who once followed Christ stands up and says, crucify him, crucify him.
He’s guilty. That’s the picture that God puts before us of the one who it is impossible to turn back because they know everything they know. And when you reach that degree of rebellion, where you say he’s guilty, not, I don’t care. Not I want to live my life the way I want to know he should have died. He said that guy,
he’s never coming back. It’s not going to happen. Okay. That’s chapter six, verse six. And we’ll get the rest of the chapter when we get to it. All right. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible> Just trying to get to my stories, right? Oh, it was this own. Yeah, I guess it is. Isn’t it,
you know, sometimes it’s hard to get the translations right. About some things. So I don’t want to mess up or at least try not to. I know Ava thinks I’m going to probably while she’s looking at me and granted, and I do, I, that’s exactly going to say our one here this evening. It’s always a pleasure to be in a class together.
And we’re there. And teaching that class. I think we all gained quite a bit of understanding and knowledge about some of the scriptures that maybe have puzzled us from time to time. And he, he clears them up for us. And we appreciate that so much. Aaron w we’re blessed here to have them here is I, I know you already know that because I hear it from every one of you from time to time.
It’s good to see everyone here this afternoon. And we’ve, we’ve had a great Bible study together and we hope that our viewing audiences has joined us in that and have been uplifted by it just as we should. Every time we come together, we have a few announcements we want to share with you. Dorothy, Wilson will be having a treadmill test this Friday.
They’re still trying to get her blood pressure under control. And she’s been struggling with this for some time. And there are probably some others in here that might be struggling with that from time to time. I know of a few, but anyway, if we have high blood pressure problems, most of us do. So the doctor wants her to test her stomach for stomach cancer because of all the stomach issues she’s been undergoing,
but they can’t do that scope until a, I guess, because of her recent heart attack. So that complicates things for them, but keep Dorothy and your prayers. And also Rodale’s brother passed away. And his wife dimple is that that’s old Dale and his wife dimple is on a ventilator, I think. And they’re not expecting her to live as well.
So keep that family in your prayers. Tori Heisley, we mentioned was having problems with the think pressure on her optic nerve. They found out that Schumer, the MRI showed that the tumor had not grown any. So that was not the issue with it. They think she has a DEMA of her optic nerve that is causing the eye problems. So keep her in your prayers and those doctors that will be administering to her.
I believe that’s Oh, I wanna mention Gladys has not been feeling well and they’re doing some things to maybe help her feel better. So we want to keep Gladys in your prayers from time to time, she has some problems. So we, most of us do occasionally. So, but lattice at her age and whatnot, maybe her problems are a little bit more difficult for her than they would be for us.
So keep her in your prayers. I think, are there any other announcements I need to ask that, Oh, I talked to Pam today. I knew there was something else I need. And she said, she’s been having been a little nauseated and having some back problems or pains. And she just not feeling very well. So you might want to remember her.
I asked her was anything we could do far. And she said, she let us know if it was, she’s got a real good neighbor that she can call on from time to time. That really helped her out a lot. So keep her in your prayers. And are there any others that maybe I didn’t know about Terry? Y’all doing good. Okay.
And Marie, you doing all right? All right. Good. All right. I think that’s everything. Then Michael’s going to lead us in our songs. Aaron would be bring us the devotional. And then Murray has a closing prayer. If you would Mark song number 931, wake up. Oh, sleeper. That’ll be the song of invitation number 931 nine three one.
Then the song before we hear from Aaron will be number 979. I am a poor wayfaring stranger, 979. Give you all a moment. I know it takes a second to find a song market and then find another song real fast. Nine, seven, nine. I am up. Oh, wayfaring strange. Wow. TRIBE.<inaudible> yeah. There’s no<inaudible> and a bride to which I go,
Oh, I’m going<inaudible> I’m<inaudible> I’m on<inaudible> I’m on<inaudible>. Oh, no, duh.<inaudible> me. I know<inaudible><inaudible> for me where God’s<inaudible> the<inaudible> the, she said she me, me<inaudible> I’m a<inaudible> I’m a<inaudible> of Oh,<inaudible> from every TRIBE. Oh my body’s<inaudible> and<inaudible> drop<inaudible> Oh, on my grade re Whoa,
I’m going<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Hebrews chapter three, verse 16. We read for Who? Having heard rebelled. He would write her ass. Who is it? Who is That heard? And then rebelled. Indeed. Wasn’t not all who came out of Egypt, Led by Moses. Which, which one of them, The group of Israelites, which one of them having heard rebelled.
And he says, all of them did. It’s it’s it’s a Generic, all of them in the sense of there, there were two. Ooh, that didn’t Joshua and Caleb, but all of them did. He said now with whom was he angry? 40 years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness and to Whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest,
but to those who did not obey Now, did They not obey? Because they didn’t hear, Oh, no, that wasn’t the reason they heard. And yet They would not obey. So we see That they could not enter in Because of on belief. Now, G Jesus said in John chapter eight, verse 24, except you believe that I am,
He ye shall die in your sins. Go back to him. Yeah. Hebrews chapter three, verse 17. Now with whom was he angry? 40 years? Was it not those who sin, Whose corpses fell in the wilderness? You’ve got kind of two parallel pictures here because the Hebrew writer is writing to these Christians. He’s writing to them, telling them if you do what they did,
you’re going to get the same results. They got. Jesus tells the Jews in the first century, if you do what they did, they saw what God promised. They saw what God testified to them with, with miracles and with signs, with wonders, they heard what God said, and then they Jack did it. So he says, if you do what they did,
you’ll die in your sins for the Israelite who came out of Egypt. The warning of God was, if you disobey, if you turn back, if you rebel, you will die. The warning in Jesus’s day is if you see, if you hear, if you turn back, if you rebel, you will die. And the Hebrew writer says to all of you who are Christians.
If you see, if you hear, if you refuse to obey, if you rebel, you will die. Therefore, verse one, since a promise remains of entering his rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. Those Israelites in the old Testament came right up to the edge of the promised land. They were a days March away.
I, they never went in. And these Christians, he said, you’re right up on eternity. And you’re looking at turning around and going back. Why, why would you do that? Why would you fall short of that promise when it’s right in front of you and all you have to do is be faithful. So our question tonight is if you’re here and you’re a member of the body of Christ,
and you have been immersed in water for the remission of your sins, and you have risen again to walk in newness of life, and you have looked at Turnitin in the eye and the promises of God in the eye and turned around and gone the other direction. Why and why not come home? If you have need of the invitation, it is available to you.
If you have need of prayers, they are available to you now. And any time, if you have need of anything, why not come as we stand. And as we sing My God, well shine. His light will shine and hearts of man, the fruitless deeds of darkness pass revealed by Christ.<inaudible> wake up sleeper rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.
Wake up, sleep<inaudible> and Christ<inaudible>.<inaudible> no fruits.<inaudible> goodness truth. A new day breaks. Oh, is clean. Give things to God and Jesus Christ wake up<inaudible> and Christ shine on you.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> You pray with our God and our father. We thank you for Jesus Christ. We thank the, you have this opportunity to come and hear your words spoken and be encouraged to follow in every way,
your word prescribes, forgive us of our sins, father heifers, to strive to do that. We’ll be with those father who are hurting from loss of loved ones. Cross with him. Father is only, you can be with those that are sick and struggling to get better. Be though we’ll restore them to their health ankle for this night that you’ve given us to come and to learn about Jesus.
HEBREWS – Hebrews 3-4 Jesus Is Better than Moses; Jesus Is a Better Rest
Who/Which is better: (a) Moses or (b) Jesus? (a) House or (b) builder? (a) Sabbath rest or (b) eternal rest? Hebrews 3:3; 4:1-11
Who makes up the house of Christ? Hebrews 3:6
When should believers encourage each other in their faithfulness? Hebrews 3:12-14
Why were many of the Israelites led by Moses not allowed to enter into eternal rest? Hebrews 3:18-19; 4:6
To what is the Word compared? Hebrews 4:12
How much of each individual can God see? Hebrews 4:13
Why can Jesus sympathize with our weaknesses? Hebrews 4:15
Automated Transcript:
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Alrighty. We are in the book of Hebrews. We started with Hebrews chapters one and two on Wednesday night, and we’re going to continue with chapters three and four this morning, and then five and six on Wednesday night.<inaudible> I’ll double check. See if I can get a list printed off for the order of the classes for the rest of the quarter.
So that those who want to be reading ahead can do that. We have AF after taking an impromptu vote on Wednesday, we’re going to continue with covering the questions from the class before at the beginning of each class. So that we kind of use that as a review, keep what we talked about in the previous class and in the forefront of our minds as we get started.
But let’s begin with a word of prayer, dear heavenly father. We thank you for this day. We thank you for its blessings. We thank you for all that you do for us on a daily basis, we ask that you be with us as we go through this time of study, we are mindful of those who we are separated from because of COVID.
We are mindful of those that are throughout the world who are serving and ministering and evangelizing in places of, of great difficulty. And we pray that in all of those situations, they will be able to be blessed and prosper in serving you that they will be healthy and able to continue their work in their labors. We ask that you watch over us as we go throughout this day and the remainder of it way,
the worship that we offer to you this day be that which is in accordance with your will and in spirit. And in truth, we ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. By way of just kind of a quick thought review. What is the primary audience of the book?
All right. Jewish Christians. What were, what, what was the reason that the book of Hebrews was written to these Jewish Christians? Okay. Right. There were, some of them were considering turning back to the law of Moses and drifting away or turning away from Christ. The Hebrew writer who is not identified like very few other books of the Bible.
This is one of those books that just simply the author is not provided. The pen bin is not provided. Some have suggested it’s Paul, some have suggested as Timothy, others have suggested it’s neither. And it’s somebody else. Ultimately it’s the Holy spirit, No matter who, Who writes it, but it is interesting in its writing style, in that all throughout the book,
as the writer addresses those who are struggling quite frequently, if not exclusively, as he says, you basically, here’s what you’re struggling with. And here’s the solution. He includes himself in the solution. He says, let throughout the book, he says, let us, let us, let us, let us. And so he is, he is writing style is,
is such that he’s constantly bringing, not just the, the realization of what they need to do before them, but he’s including himself. He’s he does it in a, in a very inclusive way to say, this is what we as Christians must do. And so it’s, it’s very interesting in somewhat a contrast to some of the other books of the new Testament.
Alright, let’s go over the questions from Wednesday. Question Number one from Hebrews chapters, one and two. How did God speak long ago to the fathers, By The prophets? How has God spoken to the readers of Hebrew through Christ or by his son? Question two after completion of what task did Jesus sit down at the right hand of the majesty on hot Purged,
our sins, okay. Number three, who is better Jesus or the angels, Jesus. And that brings us there in that, that question to really the theme of the book of Hebrews all the way through is that Christ and his law and his house and everything that he created and everything that he did as part of the new covenant is better than the old covenant.
Why was Jesus made a little lower than the angels for a little while?<inaudible> All right. For the suffering of death, taste death for every man discuss the eternal nature of the earth and heavens, All right, It’s not eternal. It will perish, okay. Discuss the eternal nature of God. He will remain. He is unchanging. Those are kind of two of the things that are brought out there in those verses,
who has the power, excuse me, who had the power of death, the devil, how did Jesus render him powerless? All right. By defeating death, or another way you could say that is through death. He used the devil’s own tool against him. All right. Why do believers need to pay closer attention to what they have heard so that they do not slip away or less?
They drift away? What does Jesus do in his service as our high priest?<inaudible> He intercedes and makes propitiation for our sins or pays the price for our sins. Okay. So that’s kind of in very short form chapters one and two, the focus in chapters one and two is Jesus is better than the angels. Secondly, Jesus is our high priest.
Thirdly, Jesus overcame death. And if you return back to the law, given by angels, as the Hebrew writer describes the law of Moses, the law, given my angles, you’re returning to an inferior law. And if you’re returning to the old law, you’re referring to ref you’re returning to an inferior priesthood. And if you’re returning to the old law,
you’re returning to a law under which there was judgment and death and no solution. Okay. So chapter three, you have, and it is, it’s kind of amusing. You know how I feel about chapter breaks to begin with let alone chapter breaks that begin with the word, therefore like, okay, here’s the law, here’s the argument. And now stop right there.
All right. Now here’s the conclusion. It’s like, w w why did you stop before the conclusion stop somewhere else? But the problem with the book of Hebrews is it is long one continuous argument there, which is why I think about half or more of the chapters begin with the word, therefore, okay. Because Hebrew writer never stops making his argument.
He just keeps rolling. So we begin with chapter three, verse one, therefore, Holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our confession. Jesus Christ. Now, what does the word apostle mean in its literal sense? Not now talking about what was the office, but what’s the word mean? 1 cent. Okay.
So he is 1 cent and he is the high priest. Okay. He is sent by God, nicotine. This John chapter three said to Jesus, we know that you’re a messenger sent from God. You’re a man sent from God for no one could do the things that you do, except God be with him. Okay? So this, this idea here is he is the one who God sent,
but then also you have here his high priesthood, but it’s the high priest of our confession. Here. You have Jesus acting in his intercessor capacity. Jesus Christ is not just the high priest who goes in before God to make the offering for sin. But he is that continual intercessor on behalf of us. Okay? Now this word confession here. We generally think when we hear the word confession,
confession of sins, that’s not really the idea here. This is profession. Profession of faith is really the better idea in this context. So he is the high priest of our profession of God. It is closer to the idea of one who confesses the name of Christ, as opposed to one who confesses sin that they’ve done wrong. So those are two different ideas that are in the new Testament in English.
It’s kind of the same, same word, but it’s important to really kind of keep the two ideas, separate one, being a profession of faith, a declaration of faith, and one, a confession of wrongdoing and admittance of wrongdoing. So who was faithful to him who appointed him as Moses also was faithful in all his house as we go through the,
the book and we’re going to continually get a comparison and a contrast. Now we’ve talked about angels. Now we’re going to move into the discussion of Moses. The Hebrew writer is as he describes, and as he compares Jesus to the old Testament, you’ll notice throughout the book. It’s not in any way, a denigration of the old Testament. It’s not in any way him denigrating Moses or the angels,
or later on in Hebrews, chapter 11, all those who by faith, by faith, by faith, by faith did this and that. No, no, he’s not saying Jesus is better. And therefore you should, you should just, those people ignore those. We don’t need those. Those are unimportant. No, no, no. That’s not his attitude.
His attitude all the way through it is to glorify those who did these great things here. He describes Moses as one who was faithful in all his house was Moses. Perfect. No, but was Moses faithful? Yes. And so the Hebrew writer in no way is taking away from Moses. He and said, is saying, Jesus Christ is faithful like Moses,
but ultimately we’re going to see, he’s not only faithful like Moses. He’s also better than Moses. Okay. So notice what we read for who was faithful to him, who appointed him. That’s a pointed, I carries back to that idea of the apostleship as Moses also was faithful in all his house for this one, being Christ has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses in as much as he who built the house has more honor than the house.
The Hebrew writer is going to use it analogy here. It’s, it’s going to kind of cross between through, throughout this text, the analogy of a household and the physical structure. Okay? The, in the old, in the old and new Testament, you’ve got the house of God. And sometimes we’re talking about a physical structure, and sometimes we’re talking about the people of God and the Hebrew writers going to kind of use both.
He’s going to use the analogy of both. He’s going to describe Moses, being faithful in the house of God. And he’s going to describe Christ as being faithful in the house of God. But as the builder of the house of God, when you look at a structure, when you look at a house that house has in and of itself, it,
it has recognized it has Laura. You can look at a house and say, wow, somebody really put some time and effort into this. But even that phrase right there, somebody really put some time and effort to that. You, you realize that back behind every house is Tom buddy, who actually made it into what it is and what the analogy is going to be here in Hebrews.
Chapter three is Moses was faithful in the house. Jesus is the builder of the, and in view of that, the greater glory is the one who built the belongs to the one who built the house, not the one who served in the house. Okay. So there’s the analogy. As we go through this for every house is built by someone, but he who built all things is God.
Now that he writers already described the creative function of Christ in the old Testament, or excuse me, in, in the beginning of time in creation. So when he says he who built all things as God, he’s not looking straight at the father, he’s looking straight back to Christ. Okay. So verse five, he says, and Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of those things,
which would be spoken afterward, but Christ as a son over his own house, whose house we are, if we hold fast, the conf the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope from, to the end. So here’s where kind of the analogy jumps from the structure idea of building to the people he says, Moses was faithful as a servant. Moses served in the house.
Moses was one who was faithful as a servant for a testimony of things that were to come. He said, what, what Moses did as Moses laid a groundwork, Moses set a foundation for things that looked forward all throughout the book of Hebrews. We’re going to find the, a significant emphasis on types and anti types. In other words, the old Testament tabernacle as a picture of eternity of heaven of the church,
the, the functions of the high priest as a picture of the real high priest, the functions of the sacrifice as a, under the old law, as a picture of the true sacrifice, Jesus Christ. So there’s going to be this constant analogy. And what he’s going to emphasize here and introduce is everything Moses did as a servant in the house of God,
looked forward to one who was to come. If you’re doing something and you’re serving to accomplish something that is, is being done to look forward to something else, what’s the greater thing, the thing you’re doing, or the thing you’re looking forward to you’re laying the foundation. John, the Baptist was to prepare the way of the Lord. He came beforehand to set things ready for one who would come,
would come after. And John, the Baptist said concerning his own place in view of Christ. I’m not worthy to stoop down and unloose sandals. The one who prepares the way for someone else is of less glory than the one he’s preparing the way for. Okay. So there’s what the Hebrew writer is saying here, but Christ as a son over his own house,
whose house we, We are First Timothy chapter three, verse 15. I believe it is. Paul writes to Timothy and says that he needs to be faithful in or describes him how to be faithful and how to behave in the house of God. Is he talking about how he’s supposed to behave in the church building? No, Hi, I am regularly.
And you all know it telling my children how to behave at a church building, but that’s not the instructions that Timothy is getting from Paul. Timothy is getting from Paul, how he ought to behave in the house, which is the church of God. So as we read here, verse six, that same idea is brought forward Christ as a son over his own house,
whose house we are, the Hebrew writer is not declaring all of humanity to be the house of Christ. The house of God. He is declaring the church to be the house of God whose house we are. If we hold fast, the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope from to the end. There’s something that is required. If we’re going to be in the house of God,
we have to hold fast. The word of God, if we let go of the word of God, where do we stop belonging To the church? We stopped. We stopped belonging to the house of God. We’ve told God like the prodigal son told his father, I don’t need you anymore. Give me what belongs to me and let me go. And it was in this,
this, this relationship is considered as if that child was dead. He was no longer part of the house. He was no longer part of the household. Okay. And yet he comes back. So verse seven, the Hebrew writer wants to address their faithfulness. Now he’s just said, Moses was faithful. Christ was faithful. Christ is greater than Moses,
but you’re going to become unfaithful if you returned to Moses instead of Christ, okay? Notice what he says. He says, therefore, as the Holy spirit says today, if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. As in the rebellion, in the day of trial, in the wilderness, where your fathers tested me, tried me and saw my works 40 years.
Therefore I was angry with that generation and said, they always go astray in their heart. And they have not known my ways swore. So I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest. This refers back to Psalm 95, Psalm 95 looks back at the actions of the previous generations. Going back to those who came out of Egypt and tries to exhort the Israelites of his day,
not to be like the Israelites that came out of Egypt, the Israelites that rebelled, the Israelites that God said, you’re not going into the land. I’ve promised to you. I promised you a land, but I promised you a land. If you would be faithful and you won’t be faithful. So you’re going to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and you’re going to die out here.
You’re not going to enter my rest. But the view here is Jesus Christ, who is better than Moses is going to provide a rest that was better than Moses is rest. Moses brought them to the promised land. He didn’t get to go in himself, but he brought them to the promised land. He brought them to the rest. God had offered them under the old Testament,
but Christ brings us to a better rest, verse 12, but where brethren less there being any of you and evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God, when he, when the Hebrew writer looks at these Christians who are considering going back to the law of Moses, he doesn’t describe them as those who are going back to an inferior law by the law of God.
He describes them as those who would be departing from God, because God has said, I’m done with that. I’m done with that covenant, that covenant is over that covenant was there for a time to lead you to a better covenant. If you go back, you don’t just leave the covenant. You leave me. Okay? So he says, beware brother,
unless there being any of you in evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God, but exhort one, another verse 13 daily, while it is called today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin for, we have become partakers of Christ. If we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said today,
if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the day of the rebellion. So he harkens back to Psalm 95 again, and he says, listen, just the same way the Psalm is writer said, don’t go back to the rebellion. Then I’m exhorting. You don’t go back to the rebellion again. I don’t want you to turn your back on God.
I don’t want you to be fall or to become falling or fall prey to the deceitful ness of sin. But here’s how you do it. And this is kind of one of those things. I think we’re not really Good at as a church. Yeah. Not speaking of us, either the congregation, But the church today. He said, It says here in verse 13,
but exhort one another Daily you’ll look at acts chapter two. And it asks you After two, when the church is first created, when they have Pentecost closes out. One of the things that you read in acts chapter two verse 42 is that they continue Daily. In one accord, they can Continued in the Apostle’s doctrine. They continued in breaking of bread.
They continued in fellowship and in prayer. Well, We’ve gotten a little close to the mode of, well, I’m going to be with my brother and on Sunday and Wednesday or for some people see them Sunday morning, and then I’m not gonna, I don’t need to think about them again until next Sunday or next Wednesday. And yet the Hebrew writer says,
listen, you’ve got to guard your brethren. You’ve got to exhort your brethren. You’ve got to encourage your brother and you need to do Do it daily. That’s not just a problem for members. That’s a problem for preachers too. We, we all have to think about the things that our brethren are going through and the difficulties they may be having and the help they may be needing because It’s a lack quite often,
a lack of communication with brethren Causes a person who was faithful to drift away and not be brought back. How many times in the life of a congregation does somebody who’s showing up. Who’s faithful. Who’s assembling, who’s working slowly but surely stopped doing what they were doing. Stop doing a little bit more. Stop doing a little bit more. Stop attending on one,
one service, stop attending for another service. And pretty soon they’re Just gone. And sometimes It happens in congregations. And no one says Because they did it Just get up and leave. When they were active duty. See if they had been, if they had just walked out, when they were doing all of those things, somebody would have said, Whoa,
Wrong, but what happened? They drifted Away. Go back to chapter two, verse one. Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard. Lest we drift away. Why does a ship that wants to stay in one place, put down an anchor because a ship can’t stay in one place without an anchor. The only way you can do that is either you keep putting yourself back in the same place.
I run that motor and keep driving yourself into the same location. Or you got to put an anchor down, but you put a ship on water and it doesn’t matter how it really, I mean, outside of a perfectly calm day in a perfectly calm with no current Lake or pond. If you put a boat in water, it’s going to move unless you anchor it.
And by the way, the Hebrew writer will describe Jesus Christ as the anchor of our soul. Okay.<inaudible> yeah, absolutely. That, that, that’s a good point. You know, and, and this, again, not just exclusive to our congregation, but a struggle that exists in a lot of places in the world right now, because of COVID.
And because we have vulnerable populations of people that, that, you know, are, are susceptible to this disease. It’s easy to say, well, what let’s keep our distance, but we also have a lot of means and opportunities and technologies available to us. And let’s face it. The ability to go stand in their yard, seven feet away from,
and still go see them still interact with them and not let go of this responsibility to encourage and exhort and help those individuals in their faithfulness. So something we need to be mindful of. He says here today will, is the day that we need to be focused on. We can make plans for the future. We can make plans for what’s to come,
but the focus of our faithfulness, the focus of our interactions with our brother and needs to be on the here and now, not just the future. So then he says, verse 16, for who? Having heard rebelled we’re we’re getting back To that old Testament group. Those people that came out of Israel or came out of Egypt, those Israelites, they Heard it now,
when they heard it, Wasn’t Moses got up and told them the law. No, that’s not what he’s talking about. He’s talking about those Israelites who stood at the base of Mount Sinai and heard God Speak. And they still rebelled. They Had an interaction with God where they were so terrified. And he’s going to get into that later on in the book,
they were so terrified by the presence of God that they said, Moses, you go up on the Mount and you hear his words. And instead of him speaking directly to us And those same people didn’t believe that God could overcome the giants in the land. And the Hebrew writer says who having heard rebelled, Indeed. Was it not all who came out of Egypt led by Moses.
Now with whom was he angry 40 years? Was it not those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness and to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest, but to those who did not obey watch this, he says they heard, but they rebelled. They were those who came out of Egypt, but he left them in the wilderness.
He caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years till they died. They were those who were living and were promised his rest. And yet they died not having received the rest. And why? Because they heard And did not obey. They turn back. Why do you think It is of such significance that Jesus described Dives? The wise man and the fool there in the end of the sermon,
On the Mount, in Matthew chapter seven, who’s the Wise man builds Upon the rock. And Jesus describes the one who builds his households on the rock as one who hears and Does what gods He says, but who’s the foolish man. The one who builds It’s hell, It’s on the sand. And he’s the one who here And does not do what God said.
Same point being made here. All right. And to whom did he swear verse 18, that they would not enter his rest, but to those who did not obey. So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief. Therefore, since A promise remains of entering his rest, God hasn’t removed that promise. God told those in that day,
here’s my rest. You can enter into it. Here’s what you need to do. Here’s what’s required of you. Now go do it. And they didn’t. Now God has promised us in the eternal rest. He said, here’s what you need to do. Here’s what what’s required of you. Now go do it. He said, since that promise of resto remains,
let us, here’s this, this declaration, here’s this beckoning that he does throughout the book. Let us fear lest any of you seem to have, seem to have come Short of it For indeed. The gospel was preached to us as well as to them, but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith. Those who heard it.
Now, I struggle with people who will Try and hold onto a doctrine of faith only and go through the book of Hebrews because did they believe what God told them? Yeah. Otherwise they wouldn’t have left Egypt. They wouldn’t know. They wouldn’t have come to Mount Sinai. They wouldn’t have stood there. They believed it. But did they? No. And so here he says the gospel was preached to them.
The good news was preached to them. The good news to Israel was the promised land. The good news to us is the rest offered by Christ eternity with God. But he said, they Fell short. You, We need to be faithful. We need to be diligent. Let us hold fast so that we don’t I’ll fall short as well For we who have believed do for we who have believed,
do enter that rest as he has said. So I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest. Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world for, he has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way and gone rested on the seventh day from all his works. And again, in this place, they shall not enter my rest since therefore it remains that we must enter it.
And those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of just obedience. Again, he designates a certain day saying in David today, after such a long time, as it has been said today, if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts for if Joshua had given them rest, then he would not afterward have spoken of another day,
therefore, or excuse me, there remains therefore a rest for the people of God, for he who has entered his rest has himself also seized from his works as God did from His, he says, God ceased. And his laborers when he created this world, not saying God’s not active anymore. He’s saying God did what he was going to do in creating this earth and creating this,
this dwelling blaze and creating this universe. And then He ceased, he stopped. He was finished. And yet he says to his people, I’ll give you something more, But this is what you have to do to get it. This is what you have to do to receive It. What did any of us have to do to receive the universe God created in the first six days?
All right, Let me ask you this way. What part did I have in me being here? None. All right. I didn’t have a choice. I’ve had a lot of choices since then, but getting here, I didn’t have a choice. Now, my mother said that I was kind of stubborn and didn’t want to come for about two months or two weeks.
And so, you know, there was this, is he coming? Is he coming? Is it? But the reality was me being here. Wasn’t a choice of mine. I’m here. But whether or not I enter God’s rest is a choice of mine. It requires hearing and believing and acting out of faith in obedience in order to enter that rest.
So he says, therefore there remains a rest for the people of God, but you don’t get it. If you go back to Moses, you don’t get it. If you turn away from Christ. So he says again, let us, he petitions them again. Verse 11, let us therefore be diligent to enter his rest. If you’re going to get there,
you’re going to have to work for it. You’re going to have to be diligent. You’re going to have to put effort into getting into the promise. Rest of Christ. You’re not going to accidentally slip into heaven. It’s not going to happen. You’re not going to accidentally wake up one day and hook life’s over. And I got to heaven. No it’s not going to happen.
You’re going to get there by giving diligence. He says, therefore, be diligent to enter that rest list. Anyone fall, according to the same example of disobedience, whose example the Israelites, the Israelites that came out of Egypt, they have provided us an example of how not to enter God’s rest and we can fall the same way they did, but he says,
let us give diligence, let us be diligent to not do that for the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing. Even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him,
to whom we must give account. Seeing then that we have a great high priest. Now here’s an interesting thing. He says, let us give diligence that we don’t follow their example of disobedience and then says, because the word of God is like, what? A two edge sword, a sharp two-edged sword. What is that? Eh, for, for any group of people that lived under Roman rule,
what is that harken to mine? The sword of a Roman soldier. They didn’t use the, the, the swords like were used in the, in the days of the pirates on the sea. And in, in early American times, sharp on one side, they used a sword that was sharp on both sides. It cuts you coming and going and God’s word here.
Oh, that’s interesting. We, we often describe this as the scriptures. God’s word, the scriptures contextually and grammatically that may not be accurate because the very next verse points out and there is no creature hidden from his sight. Grammatically. It is completely acceptable in this passage for the word to be Christ in the context, the word as a sharp two-edged sword,
being a description of Christ and his actions as, as the one who is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, okay. Either way. It’s very hard to separate as John describes him, John chapter one, the word from the, the word he gave, okay. Christ from his word, but he says seeing them that we have a great high priest context,
he’s talking about Christ. Seeing, then we have a great high priest who is passed through the heavens Jesus, the son of God. Again, third time in this chapter, let us hold fast. Our confession he’s brought us all the way back to where he started in chapter three, verse one, he’s the high priest of our confession. Okay. Let us hold fast to our confession for,
we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin. Let us fourth time. Therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Now on Wednesday, we’re going to pick up with these verses because we don’t have time to really get into them the way I want to right now,
but he’s described Christ as better than Moses. He’s described the rest of Christ as better than the rest of the promised land. And now he’s going to, again, describe Christ as a better high priest. And we’re going to discuss that as we get into chapter five comments or questions. All right. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible> the boys did.
Okay.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. It’s certainly good to see everyone here this morning. We’d like to, Oh, I was trying to see what time it was. I thought he was raising his hand. I thought he was more than a bit of hope. Hold up a minute. We do want to welcome those in our viewing audience.
We hope that this will be very uplifting for you too, as we worship together. And we certainly miss those that are normally here, but are staying in due to the virus. It was good to see everyone here today, especially those of you that are visiting with us. It’s our pleasure to have you here. We would like to have you fill out an attendance card.
So we might have a record of you being here. If you don’t mind doing that. And we, we do appreciate you coming and worshiping with us today. We do have a few announcements. We want to share with you. If you haven’t already picked up the Lord’s supper, we want to remind you of that right. Quickly in the back of the auditorium.
This would be a good time to do that. If you fail to do that, like I did, I just walked right in without it. So I’d have to go back and get it, but be sure and do that. We want to remember our sick Joan spring, or I didn’t get a chance to speak to Marie when he came in. But I think she’s,
she has good days and bad days. So hopefully she’s having better days. We, we pray that that’s the case. Dorothy, Wilson, I understand has been in the ER, some and actually she’s gotten home. She has been having chills. So she’s not sure whether or not she’s come down and with anything or not. So keep her in your prayers.
Also, Rudy has a twin brother ODALE and his wife Demple have COVID and he is not doing very well. And they really don’t expect him to live. So keep North and Rudel in your prayers that they’ll be able to come through this. Okay. And I know that it’s a very trying on them with his twin brother, looking like that. He might die here over this thing,
Tori, hi Ansley had her MRI and they’re waiting to hear the results of that. So keep her in your prayers. Also, Robin woods has pneumonia and we want to continue to remember her. Also, remember Jessica, she’s still having some health problems pray that there’ll be able to do those things that will be helpful for her to get back to normal way of life man’s meeting will be the 12th.
It’d be next month, a week from this Monday on the 14th. So keep that in mind. And we have a agenda item sheet on the bullets and the board there by the office. If you have anything you would like to be, to be discussed in that meeting, please go by there and, and write that on that sheet so that we can take care of those particular things.
Gary Carter would be speaking on tithing tomorrow night on the 9:00 PM nationwide gospel meeting that you can call in, or there’s a sheet on the table there in the four years. The best way to do that, just pick that up and it’ll tell you what you need to do in order to hear that or see it on the live stream. We want to mention that Noah Olson,
one of the young man from the school of preaching is here for a three month trial period. And hopefully it will be ongoing for the remainder of the time that he’s in school. So if you have not met Noah, please take the time to meet him and welcome him to the church here at Collierville. We’re glad to have him. He led our song service a Wednesday evening,
did a very good job and we want to continue to encourage him as well as Michael, as they go to the school of preaching and the work they’re doing, I have a card I’d like to read to you. Dear family, you all will never know how very lucky you made my Friday, the 13th, the beautiful flower spray had all of the files,
colors in them. And I enjoyed them for for many days, thanks to Sylvia and Diana and especially, yeah, to you, Eddie, what a brightful and delightful idea you had and carried it out through the throat. I can’t even read her own writing, carried it out so very well. I appreciate your thoughts, awfulness and the love. So very much I missed each of you so much this year.
May the new year find us happier, healthier, and in a, so much better place. My love in Christ, Suzanne, I’ll post this on the bulletin board there by the office or our service this morning, Michael Dale will be directing our song service. Eric Halverson has our opening prayer more Phillips has the Lord’s supper. Aaron Cozort would be bringing the message today.
And Tommy O’Neil Will lead us in our closing prayer. My first song this morning will be number 144 O worship the King one 44. Oh<inaudible> and green for Lee. Here’s one<inaudible> Oh shit. Dan. And the ancient<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> it streams from<inaudible> to play and sweetly<inaudible> for children de us and<inaudible> and<inaudible> and<inaudible> make defend.<inaudible> Ms.
Long before our opening prayer will be number 837. I need the every hour, eight 37. I need the every, ah,<inaudible> no<inaudible> I need the<inaudible> every hour. I need the<inaudible> to the, I need the every, ah, stay. Ah, ah.<inaudible> ah, ah, ah, I need the, a tiny, the<inaudible> the<inaudible><inaudible> the,
I need the, every<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible> the<inaudible> to the, I need the<inaudible>. Oh man.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the,<inaudible> the<inaudible><inaudible> God, our father in heaven. We come to you at this time, thanking you for another opportunity to assemble here this morning in this building to sing songs, appraised your great name and to worship your great Lord.
We know there are many amongst us that are struggling with various ailments and we ask if it be your will, that you return them to a measure health that they so desire. But at this moment, Lord, I would like to especially ask that you reach out and comfort the Wilson family, especially Odell at this time. And if it be your will see him through this,
and if it is not your will, we understand that. Please comfort that family at this time of need. As we know only you can, God, we know that many amongst us fall short of your glory. And when we do, and we come to you with our shortcomings, we ask that you forgive us of those shortcomings and help us to stay on the straight and narrow and be your grateful servants here on earth.
And now, as we prepare to study a portion of your word, we ask that you help each and every one of us listen carefully to the message that brother Aaron is about to bring to us and take it and apply it to our lives. So we can be become better servants of yours here on earth. But most importantly, help us to have the courage to go out and reach out to those who have either fallen away from your word or have not had the chance to hear your word yet and bring your word to them so that they may also have the opportunity to make that choice and serve you.
We pray all this in your son. jesus’ name, amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 386. He loves me. Number three, eight, six. Why did the save y’all have on the van come to me? Oh man, his grace Adri sea, the sea loves me. So he loves me. He loves me.
He loves me this. I know he gave him. So to, for me, the CACI loves me. So<inaudible> no way. And<inaudible> pray being CACI loves. So he loves me. He loves me. He loves me this. I know he gave himself to die for me. The car see loves me. So I feel the gardens ride for draws.
Why through his trials? Oh,<inaudible> cross B. CACI loves me. So he loves me. He loves me. He loves me this. I know he gave himself to die for me be<inaudible> At this time, we need to remember Jesus and his sacrifice that he made on the cross. Well, the scenes mankind, let us pray. Having a followed.
We’re thankful for this bread that represents jesus’ body. That was nailed to that cross for our sins. Pray heavenly father would partake of it in a worthy manner. Amen. And men or heavenly father that is particular. This fruit of the vine, the represents jesus’ blood that was shed on the cross for the sins of mankind and prohibited. Followed would partake of it and where the men are also amen.
Separate from the Lord’s table. We have an opportunity to give us with prosper. Well, let’s pray. Heavenly father. We’re thankful for the monetary gains we received in the youth through there out the years and pray heavenly father, you receive receive a portion back to you to help the car. You were church here. Continue its work. Amen. The song before the lesson will be number 443.
The precious book divine. If you could please stand for this song. Number four, four, three. Oh<inaudible> bye. Bye<inaudible>.<inaudible> hi to God. My Saul to<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to my feet and to my way to guide me<inaudible> Oh, it’s sweetly. Cheers. My drooping. Oh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> my feet. And like,
to my way to guide me<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to my way to guide me safely. Oh, maybe seated and we’ll be on the slides, but if you would like to Mark number nine, one, one, that’ll be the song of invitation number 911. Good morning. Couple of announcements. As we begin our lesson this morning that we failed to get in the announcements.
There’s a family down in Texas, the Rodriguez family. We’d like you to remember in your prayers, old bed Rodriguez Rodriguez. The father was an instructor of the Brown trail school of preaching in Texas, him and his wife both ended up getting COVID and both passed away within about a week and a half of each other, leaving behind a 21 year old daughter.
So keep the Rodriguez family in your prayers in this time. Also wanted to make, mention this concerning Noah. He comes to us from Missouri and he actually, his family attends the congregation where my middle brother attends up in Missouri and preaches there part-time. So it is good to have him. We look forward to working with him and he was came, came highly recommended.
So we look forward to the time we’ll get to spend with Noah and looking forward to that, turning into a permanent thing. As we think about that, of course, keep in mind that the Dale family is, is coming up on their last two quarters and they’ll be looking for preaching positions. And of course that’s going to be a whole different ball game in the world of COVID because,
you know, normally you would just go travel around and visit a few of these places. And that’s going to be harder even just as a result of that. So keep them in your prayers. As they looked toward the future and graduation, there’s a lot of, lot of changes ahead In this world. We face some significant struggles and anyone who’s honest with themselves and the world we live in would admit that we don’t live in a perfect place.
We don’t live In a perfect country. We don’t live in a perfect state. We don’t live in a perfect city. We don’t live in a perfect World. And yet we also realize that many of the struggles of this year have been for much of the world, a word that we’ve heard over and over and over on the news, unprecedented, whether they are,
whether they aren’t in view of history. This is a reality. The world faces Wars, famine, homelessness, anger, racism, riots, hopelessness, struggles, And pandemics. But as you and I look at our lives and as we look at our lives in view of one overarching detail, and that is eternity, we view our lives in view of what Jesus said in Mark chapter 16,
Jesus, as he was preparing to leave this earth said in Mark chapter 16, beginning in verse 15, he said to them, the them in this context is the apostles go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned. Jesus did not send his disciples,
his apostles or his church into the world to become ambassadors, governors, presidents, leaders in the business world, or even entrepreneurs. He sent his disciples into the world to preach the gospel. And as we face the problems that our world faces, as we face the problems and confront the problems that our world deals with every single day, we need to come to the realization that the gospel is the solution.
And again, we always live our lives and we should live our lives. In view of the temporary nature of our lives is the gospel, the solution to the pandemic. Will it cure COVID-19? No it won’t, but what does a person need to be ready for before their life is over? Whether they die of COVID-19 or cancer or a car accident,
or they die. When they’re 21 years old, from a bad Choice in every category, What they better have right before they leave this earth, no matter how it happens is their salvation. The gospel is the solution to the problems facing this world. If the gospel was being obeyed by the population of the world, would we have Wars? No, we wouldn’t.
If the gospel where Jesus Christ said to those who are on this earth to do to others, as we would have done to ourselves, would we have fighting’s among ourselves? If the gospel was obeyed and we were to serve one another first, instead of serving our own selfish desires in this world, would we have nation against nation? No. If the gospel was being obeyed,
would there ever be a reason for riots and protests in the streets? No. If the gospel was observed and obeyed by all the world, would there be Any hopelessness left? No. The gospel also doesn’t picture the world In that way. The gospel is honest with reality. Let’s begin in Luke chapter two. I want to begin in Luke chapter two,
because the beginning of Christ’s time on this earth was introduced in a certain way. It was introduced as a moment of change. Unlike anything else that had ever happened in Luke chapter two, beginning in verse eight. Now there were in the same country, shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night and behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them.
Now I don’t know about you, but I think probably throughout the span of time, that shepherds have been out in the fields at night with their sheep. The, the quantity of times that an angel showed up during that night is pretty low. This is a pretty abnormal activity and notice what, what happens and behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them.
And they were greatly afraid their responses adequate to the circumstance here. They they’re minding their own business. They’re tending their own sheep here. They are with their sheep and the glory of God shown from heaven and an angel stands before them. And they’re afraid. And yet the message The angel says to them do not be afraid, Afraid for behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy.
The angel says to these shepherds do not be afraid. I’m not here to punish you. Judge. You inflict harm on you. Do anything negative to you. I am here for the exact opposite reason. I am here to bring you good tidings, glad things. I am here to bring you the good news, but known as this other phrase, which will Searchie to all people,
Jesus Christ. As he entered into this earth, as he took on flesh, as he left heaven to become man, as he made himself lower than the angels to take on flesh, he came and in his coming, he brought good tidings of glad things to all people, not just to Israel, not just to the Jews, not just to one nation,
but to the entire World. Verse 11 for there is born to you this day in the city of David, A savior who is Christ. The word there in the Greek would have told these Hebrew shepherds in the Hebrew, the Messiah who is the Messiah, the Christ Lord, and this will be the sign to you. We’ll find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
lying in a manger, Or rather on usual place for a child to be lying who had just been born. So all of this will occur. But what I want us to focus on is the entrance of Christ came and was proclaimed as a solution For the world, the gospel and the good news That was first hearkened by these angels and was brought forward by Christ was not National.
It was not territorial, but it was universal. It Was, as the angel said to All people turn to John chapter three, John Chapter three, beginning in 15, Jesus makes it clear as he is speaking with Nicodemus, that the gospel is the solution to the problem that all The world has Beginning in John chapter three, beginning in verse 15, we read that whoever believes in him should not perish,
but have eternal life for God. So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus says to Nicodemus this Jewish teacher, this Jewish instructor, that the problem the world has is the world is headed towards destruction. The world, its population, not the universe, not the planet.
Jesus isn’t here concerned about global warming. He’s concerned about souls and he says, these souls need salvation, or they will perish. But when that salvation, they have the opportunity at eternal life. But then verse 17 for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world. But the world through him might be saved. Now some might come to this passage and say,
ah, look, Jesus Christ came in the world. Now we all will have heaven Without exception. Of course, that would be wrong because, Because they might’ve stopped just a little too soon. Verse 18 says he who believes in him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.
And this is the con the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds Were evil. Jesus, as he speaks to Nicodemus confronts the reality of the situation, God sent his son into the world because the world was going to perish. And those who are part of the world needed salvation. And God loved the world and loved those souls that were in the world enough to give his only begotten son.
And he didn’t send them to this earth to condemn it. He didn’t send them to this earth to destroy it. He sent him to say It’s and yet Jesus will be the first to admit that not all the world will be saved because as he said, those who do evil love darkness rather than light. So what is it that will condemn world their refusal to obey the gospel,
their refusal, to believe that which God has said, but as we notice the gospel as the solution to the world’s problems and, and it is if we will simply obey it, the solution is universal. The gospel is universal. This problems that can be solved are universal, but they must be sought Solved individually. But then notice as well. The gospel is the solution because the gospel is the divine power for a helpless world.
Romans chapter one, Romans chapter one. And in verse 16, Paul writes here to the church at Rome, a church that had not yet been visited by an apostle, a church that did not yet have the gifts of the miraculous, the miraculous, the gifts of the Holy spirit, a church that did not have in its presence. Those who could perform miracles,
who could speak by revelation the way and profits who could speak as those did in Corinth and here, Paul writes to them any, He says to them, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes he identifies that God sent the gospel to the Jews first, but also to all of the non Jews to the Greeks.
He says, God has brought forward a gospel that needs to be preached. He said in the prior verse verse, verse 15. So as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome. Also, Paul said, the gospel is what needs to be praised because the gospel is the power of God to salvation.
But turn to James chapter one in James chapter one, as James writes to the first century church, he writes to these brethren who were struggling with a number of things, but he says to them in John and James chapter, one beginning of verse 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness,
the implanted word. Now, wait a minute. Paul wrote that the gospel is the power of God to salvation. Why do we need the gospel? We need it Because we cannot save ourselves without the gospel. We are helpless without the gospel. We are hopeless without the gospel. We stand before a God who says, you must be judged and you must stand righteous.
And we will all stand Romans chapter three, verse 23, as those who have fallen short of the glory of God, whose wages Of our sins will be death. Romans chapter six, verse 23. And yet God says, it’s okay. I’ve presented to you the gospel. And it is my power to save you. James writes that we need to lay aside the filthiness,
the overflow of wickedness. We need to receive with meekness, the implanted word, which is able to save our souls. When we look for the solution to the world’s problems, it’s been here, it’s been sitting here for 2000 years. It’s waiting for us to actually do it. And then we can begin to have some solutions to the world’s problems. The gospel is the solution because it is the divine power for a helpless world.
God acts through the gospel, but also the gospel is the solution to the world’s problems because the gospel is the light of God to a world in darkness. Turn to second Corinthians chapter four, second Corinthians chapter four, beginning in verse one, Paul writes, therefore, since we have this ministry, the idea of ministry there is service. Since we have this service,
as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. One of the struggles that Christians have at times is we look at all of those who won’t obey and go, how will we ever make a difference? And yet when Jesus Christ left this earth, when Jesus departed, ascended into heaven and left behind those who would change the world and they did,
he didn’t leave behind an army of a million people. He didn’t leave behind the government. He didn’t leave behind the King. He didn’t leave behind a constitution and he didn’t leave behind a group or a nation willing to change everything at a moment’s notice, he left behind 12 apostles and 120 disciples who were assembling with them. And those 12 apostles and those hundred and 20 disciples didn’t stay still.
They didn’t stay stagnant. They changed the world to the point where a few decades later, it was stated that these were the people who had turned the world upside down, Jesus Christ. And so Paul says, since we have this service, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God.
Deceitfully. But by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. He says, even if there are people who cannot see what we’re trying to teach them, even if there are those who cannot see beyond their own clouded vision, their own sin,
their own bias towards iniquity, to be able to see the hope that stands before them, we will still not lose heart. Why whose minds the God of this age has blinded speaking concerning the devil who do not believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God should shine. What’s he saying, he’s saying The line of God is here.
The light of the gospel is present. The light of the glory of God is available to them, but they’ve shrouded themselves in darkness. They shrouded themselves in sin and they won’t let go of sin nearly long enough To walk into the light and Understand the truth. He says, verse five for, we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord and ourselves,
your servants for jesus’ sake for it is the God for it is the God who commended light or commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus. Here’s the thing we need to understand the same. God who spoke and light came for is Same God who said,
I’ll give my light to Mike People and my light will go for it. So we don’t lose heart. We instead preach the gospel because the gospel of Jesus Christ is the light of the world. But then also the gospel is the solution Because the gospel presents freedom to an enslaved World. We hear so much discussion in our society today about slavery, about Those things that have happened in our past,
in this country, those things that were unjust and those who were treated unjustly, and even those who are in other nations and in other places who are still in slavery to this day, here’s what we need to understand. You do not obtain true freedom by living in a country. That’s free. You do not obtain true freedom by having a government that dwells over you not tell you,
you are enslaved. You do not obtain true freedom in this life because you are born into a country that has no class system, or there is not someone who tells you what to do. You obtain true freedom in the way Jesus described in John chapter eight in John chapter eight, verse 31, Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, if you will buy it in my word,
you are my disciples, indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. And unless we’d begin to believe that the people who heard him, the people who were standing before him, the people who believed him in the prior verse immediately accepted that reality. And immediately believed that what he said was true. If we were to read the verses the follow-up we’d find out,
they immediately argued with him. They said, we’ve never been enslaved. Jesus said, Oh, you’ve been enslaved because you do the deeds of your father, the devil. He was a liar from the beginning and you do his works true. Freedom is not the absence of someone over us in this life. True freedom is salvation and freedom from our sins.
No matter our station in this life. So if we want to promote freedom in this world, by all means, we need to start promoting the gospel that provides that freedom. God did not solve the problem of slavery in this world by sending democracy or socialism or humanism or nationalism, he sent the gospel, but then consider As well. The gospel is the solution to the problems the world faces because the gospel that was given is a straight gospel in a crooked world.
Philippians chapter two, Paul writes to the church at Philippi and he writes to them as he confronts a number of issues, but also writes to these, this congregation that was very close to him. They had supported him while he was preaching while he was ministering, while he was going on these missionary journeys, they had supported him when no other congregations did.
He had a closeness to them that he didn’t have with many others. And he says to them in verse 12 of chapter, two of Philippians, he says, therefore, my beloved brethren brethren, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure.
What’s what’s Paul saying, Paul is saying, you know what? Just figure out your own way to be saved, right? No, that’s not what work out your own salvation means. He says, you have the commandments of God, you they’ve been delivered to you. Now do It. Do What must be done to obtain your salvation. Not as though I am standing here right over you looking over your shoulder and saying,
no, no, no, don’t do that. Do this. No. So much more. So in my absence, as you did in my presence, but in stand, he says, God works in you. How does God work in us? When we do what he commanded us to do in the gospel? So then he says, verse 14,
do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine As lights in the world, Hold fast, the word of life. So that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I may have not run in vain or labored in vain. Yes.
And if I am being poured out as a drink, offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. For the same reason, you also be glad and rejoice with me. Paul says I spent my hours, my time, my labor, my effort to come to preach to you, the gospel. And I don’t want my labor to be in vain.
And so he rejoices in the fact that they were faithful. He rejoices in the fact they were obedient. He rejoices in the fact that they were working and accomplishing what God Would have them to do, but he identifies the reality. They were alight in world. That was perverse. They were alight in a world that was Crooked. And is the world any less perverse or crooked today?
No, That means we must still be That light. Romans chapter five, Romans chapter five, beginning in verse six, Paul makes it clear. Gospel is the solution to the world’s problems because it presents the wonderful love that God had for a hating World. And we struggle with hate in this world. We struggle with hate within homes and families. We struggle with hate within those who are in a community.
We struggle with hate in our name. It doesn’t matter who won the election Cause there’s lost souls on both The sides and This president and the next one and the one after and the one all the way back at the beginning, won’t save yourself And they won’t save our country. They must Only do what they have been given the power by God to do.
And God will set up whomsoever. He will and give power to whomsoever. He will, but this, I know it is the gospel that will change the hearts and souls of men. Romans chapter six, verse five, sorry, five verse six for when we were still without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely, for a righteous man,
will one die yet, perhaps for a good man. Someone would even dare to die, but God demonstrates his own love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died For us, but God demonstrates his own love tore us that while we were still sinners, Christ died For us. The gospel Is this a solution to the world’s problems because it does not require us to first be worthy of the solution Before it will grant us the solution 10 or sorry,
verse nine, much more than having now been justified by his blood. We shall be saved from wrath through him for if we were, we were reconciled to God through the death of his son, much more having been reconciled. We shall be saved by his Life. The gospel is the solution to a hating world because it was the light Love of God,
granted to a world that never deserved Until it came in contact with the blood of Christ, but also, and finally the gospel’s the solution to the world’s problems Because the gospel presents the unsearchable Riches of Christ to a world in poverty so much can be said about the state of the economy in this country, countries all over the world. And so much is said on a regular basis.
But the value of the dollar will never determine Your riches, The value of the dollar and the quantity, which you possess of the dollar will never determine Your riches or your poverty. Second Corinthians chapter eight. Okay. Paul writes to these Corinthian brethren who are being reminded of their responsibility to give, as they have promised to do on behalf of the Jewish Brasier brethren that were in poverty,
that were in the midst of a struggle in second Corinthians, chapter eight and verse nine, we read for, you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich yet for your sakes. He became poor. Now wait a minute. What does he mean? Jesus Christ, inhabited heaven. He had the glory of the father.
He had the glory of God. He was deity. He left all of that to be born as a human, to have nothing to grow up, not enriches, not in the house of a King, not in the house of a, of a master, not, but in the family of a carpenter, He left those riches CA became poor that you through his poverty might become rich.
Jesus lowered himself to take on flesh to become lower than the angels that he through suffering might taste death for every man. But Ephesians chapter three, Fijian chapter three, We read this beginning in verse eight. To me, Paul writes to me who am less than the least of all the saints. First and foremost, Paul recognizes his own reality. Paul,
doesn’t say I, the greatest of all the apostles, he doesn’t right. I, the one who is your teacher, he doesn’t say I, the one who gave you everything you have, he said, I, the one who am The Le them less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given that I should preach among the Gentiles,
the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ, to the intent that now the manifold wisdom, the many sided wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, God,
in his unsearchable riches that he brought forward in Christ as established a church, an assembly of people, the called out from the world. And they are of such significance that Paul identifies that the church is what showed the wisdom of God to principalities and powers in heaven. When God said, I want to show you my wisdom. He didn’t say, look at this great nation I’ve made.
No, no, no, no, no, no. He didn’t say, look at this great King of the earth that I have. No, no, no, no. He didn’t do that. When he said to all those who are in heaven, see the majesty of my wisdom. He said, look At my church. Beginning of the ages that had been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ,
to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places. According to the eternal purpose, which he accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in him. Therefore I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations for you,
which is your glory. Paul would write these words from a Roman prison. Paul would be sitting in prison on trial in fear of his life. Having appealed to Caesar, Been brought to Rome and almost killed in the process. Yes. And he tells these Ephesians brethren don’t lose heart. Don’t lose heart because of my predicament. Because you look at Christ church,
you look at his gospel. You look at my ministry. That was granted to me, not because of my greatness, but because of God’s grace Greatness and his mercy, that I have been able to declare the unsearchable riches of Christ to the Gentiles. Paul writes to these brethren and says, you remember, you’re part of the light. It doesn’t just shine to the world around you,
but declares the glory of God in heaven itself, Gospel is the solution to the world’s problems, but it can only solve the world’s problems by the actions of the church, acting on behalf of God, which confronts us with a reality that we are to be the solution to the world’s problems, but it will not happen if we are not first obedient to God’s gospel that he’s given to us in our own lives.
We cannot be the solution to the world’s problems. If we won’t first SAR solve our own. So have you done that? Have you taken the gospel that Jesus said, except you believe that I am, he, you shall die in your sins. Have you taken the gospel where he said he, the believer and is baptized shall be saved. And he,
the believers have not, shall be damned. Have you taken the gospel where Jesus said, if you are not obedient to this and repent, you are without hope And have you first corrected your own life by entering into the blood of Christ, Entering into a relationship with him, entering into the church, the assembly of God, by being baptized into Christ And having your sins washed away,
because you cannot solve the world’s problems by holding a political office or rioting in the street or anything in between, but you can solve the world’s problems. One soul at a time with the gospel of Jesus Christ. You’re outside the gospel of Jesus Christ and outside of the church of Christ. You are without hope, but you don’t have to stay there. You have need of the gospel.
The gospel is waiting for you. If you have questions and need help understanding it, the church is waiting for you. All you need to do is ask if you have any meat, why not come forward now as we stand and as we say, He will create a new<inaudible><inaudible> he<inaudible> a<inaudible> bring him your<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> troubles you. Oh,
bring it. Oh,<inaudible> nah,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> on to the, with<inaudible> but<inaudible>. And<inaudible> The song before our closing prayer will be number 622 ring out the message. I need my men to sing out on the base part for this for me please. Number 622. There’s a nurse. It’s true in glad for their sinful in the SAC ring it.
Ah, ah, it will give them courage. It will help them to be true. Ring it. Ah, ring it up.<inaudible> speed it away. Nurses G fine. Send it today. It’s sheer.<inaudible> Marilee ring. Wonderful news. Making men free, happy and free green, green, green, green.<inaudible> tell the world of saving grace naked,
known in every place.<inaudible> help. The needy wants to know him from whom all blessings flow<inaudible><inaudible> away or nurses and see, send it today. Let it cheer. Nah,<inaudible> darkness in doubt. Merely reading wonderful news. Nikki men free, happy and free green, green, green, green.<inaudible> down to sweep away.<inaudible> for Jehovah’s my Tucson ring it,
ah, ring it. Ah, ah, merrily ring the speed it away. Or messages diva and see send it today. Let’s cheer. NA<inaudible> the news wonderful news that makes making men free. Man. Free, happy and free ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.<inaudible> Yeah. You bow with me, our heavenly father. We thank you for this beautiful Dave.
You’ve given us to enjoy. We thank you for each and every opportunity that we have to gather as your children to worship you and to study that word, her God, no one. Then our adherence to your will and word is the salvation for all of Mann County. For those that seek it, our heavenly father, we know that as mortals, we do send against you.
We pray that you forgive us of these Sans. As we repent of them, strengthen us that each day of our lives, we might be an example to those lost souls around us. Our heavenly father would pray for all of those mentioned here today, that her sick and that our morning because of the loss of loved ones, Compartamos dear God and heal those that are suffering with this virus.
If that be though will our heavenly father, we ask that you go with each of us, protect us, keep us safe and help us to be a light unto the world around us. The things we pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good evening. We are going to go through the questions for revelation 22, and then we will officially be finished with the book of revelation. Now, as you would have it, the other classes are about four or three lessons into the book of Hebrews. And instead of starting in the middle of the book, we’re going to start at the beginning,
prying catch up before, you know, a year from now. So I think we’ll be able to do it. Revelation chapter 20 twos questions, question one. What proceeded from the throne. God. All right. Water of life for whom did the tree of life provide healing for the nations? Who is the light of the church today? The Lord,
God. All right. When would these things happen that were written in the, or to the first century church? All right. Shortly things are shortly to come to pass. Who and who alone are we to worship God. Number six, Daniel was told to seal up the words of his prophecy. What was John told not to do with his prophecy and why not to seal them up?
And why? Because the time was at hand who invites people to partake of the tree of life and the water of life. All right. Spirit and the bride, There’s a typo on number eight who has access to the tree of life and the water of life. Okay. Those that do his commandments, that of course being Christ’s commandments, what will happen to the person who alters the book of revelation,
All right. Taken out of the book of life and what will be added to him, the plagues that are written in the book of revelation. Okay. So don’t do that. All right. Just, just on the, on the list of things not to do, put that one on the list, don’t do that. Do not alter the book of revelation.
Of course, that is equally true for any other book, but of the Bible, but certainly the book of revelation. All right. Book of Hebrews, Hebrews chapter one. Now the lessons that in, in the material have for at least the majority of the book, have us going two chapters at a time. So we’re already going to be moving right along just to stay,
stay on track, but we’ll, we’ll take it as it comes. Let’s begin with a word of prayer. I think I skipped to that at the beginning, but start there gracious father in heaven, we bow before your throne grateful for this day that you’ve given to us the life that we have and the opportunities that we have to serve you. We’re grateful for all of the things that we have been blessed with in this world.
And all of the many freedoms we have in this country, we pray for those that are struggling with COVID. We pray for those that are struggling with financial difficulties. We pray for those that are struggling with the difficulties of life in general, mindful of those who have lost loved ones in recent days, pray for them as well. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things.
We pray and are thankful for Jesus Christ who came and died on the cross for our sins. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. The book of Hebrews is written to the first century church, but it is dressing very specifically the Jews among the first century church, specifically Jews who were going through difficulties, going through persecutions, going through hard times,
going through the difficulties of being cast out of their synagogues, being cast out of the society that they lived in as part of the Jewish culture, because they were Christians. And because of that, there were some of them that were considering going back to the law of Moses. They were considering going back to Judaism and the Hebrew writer addresses his book to confront the problem,
but also to provide them the reason why that’s such a bad idea. I mean, if you think about it from one form of reasoning, you say, well, wait a minute, this was a law given by God. This was a law that, that was with the Jewish or with the Israelite nation for almost 1600 years. It provided for them during that course of time,
why would it be such a bad thing to go back? Which back to the, which came from God to begin with, but the Hebrew writer sets out exactly why that would be such a bad idea and why it was in complete opposition with God’s desire for them. Okay. So he begins. The Hebrew writer does with God, God who at sundry times and in diverse ways,
spake in times past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken unto us by His son. The very first thing that the Hebrew writer begins with, the very first thing that he addresses is God has not stopped speaking. Now that’s of significant, especially to the Israelite nation, because the very last prophet to prophesize was Malakai. How many years had it been from the birth of Christ going backwards to the time where Malakai was alive prophesied Over 400 years,
400 plus years where God said Through the profits, nothing and yet too, The first century church, the Hebrew writer begins with God Has spoken. So when you begin to go, you know what, I’m going to go back to the old thing. The old thing, the old covenant, where God finally stopped speaking, and you’re going to ignore the,
the revelation from God. That is current. We have a problem. He says he splits In various times. And in various ways he spoke in times past by the, or to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days, spoken to us by his Son whom he has a Appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the Worlds. So He begins first with Revelation.
He says, you should obey Christ because God spoke through Christ. Second. Certainly you should obey Christ because he is the creator, Oh, everything, everything. And then he goes on to say who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person. And I’m holding all things by the word of his power. When he had by himself,
purged, our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high. Thirdly, you should obey Christ because everything that exists now exists because of his Power. He knows Not only created it, but he upholds it. It continues to because he allows it to, but fourthly, you should listen and obey Christ because he is on the throne. Now we just spent an entire series of study on revelation,
which the single major point of the entire book of revelation is Jesus Christ is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who sits on the throne in Rome, Jesus Christ is on the throne. So here we are in the book of Hebrews and the points to the Jews, to the Israelites, those among the church that are of Judea Judaistic background is Jesus Christ is on the throne.
When was the last time that there was a God appointed King on the throne in Israel? Say what? Well, I mean, in the sense of the lineage of David, the tape going down the lineage of David, when was the last time there was a child of David sitting on a throne in Israel, Keep going. When Nebuchadnezzar came and removed the last son of Solomon from the throne in Israel,
Zedekiah was the last King in Israel. When they went into Babylonian captivity, God said, no more. God told the King, your lineage will not continue. And he didn’t. Now Jesus Christ would come from the lineage of David, but not from the line of Solomon. Okay? That lineage ended. God said there will be no more Kings to sit on this throne.
So 400 years before God stopped speaking under the old covenant 600 plus years before God removed their King under the old covenant. And now Jesus Christ comes and he is both King and prophet. And now you’re going to go back to the old one. You’re going to go back to the old law. You’re going to go back to the old covenant. You’re going to go back to the old profits.
After hundreds of years of God’s saying I’m, I’m done. Okay. All of this is just the introduction. This is just the Hebrew writer getting started. He hasn’t even made an argument yet. He had just set forth the premises of if all of these things are true, we’re we’re done before the discussion begins. But notice what he says, having become so much better.
Then the angels he, as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name, then they beginning here. The, the argument line, the, the line of argumentation of the book of Hebrews is going to be Jesus Christ is better. And he’s going to, you go item after item as to why Jesus Christ is better than everything that came before. And he’s going to begin with angels.
Okay? So you, Jesus Christ is better than the angels. Now the angels are going to be significant. We’re going to see this as we get into the text, because it was through the angels. Again, this is something that we’re being told here, kind of retroactively that God, the old wall. Okay. So notice what we read. He says first and foremost,
he has a better inheritance than they do notice as well. He says for two, which of the angels did he ever say to which angel, what specific angel did God the father ever say, you are my son today. I have forgotten you. Well, the is none of them to knowing angel ever did say, you are my son. Now you say,
well, wait, wait, wait a minute. W we read about in the book of job where the, the sons of God came before him, and we know that’s talking about the angels. Yes, collectively God speaks of them as his children. And we know that Jesus Christ came to make us the children of God. And so even we are spoken of as sons of God,
and you go all the way back to Genesis chapter, I think five, it is or forward. And you read about the men that were living in that day being described as the sons of, Oh God. Yes. But to what individual, not a group, not those who are the offspring of God, but to what individual did God ever say today?
You are my son today. I have forgotten you. And the answer is only Christ. Okay? So he says, and again, with the Hebrew writer, he’s going to go arguments, argument, argument, argument, argument, argument. So much so that he’s just going to overwhelm the, the op the opposing argument. He says, and again,
I will be to him, a father, and he shall be to me, a son. Now, a portion of this, interestingly, because we just talked about the kingship of Christ. A portion of this comes from second Samuel chapter seven, where God tells David, I’m going to give you a son. And your son is going to rain on your throne.
That is of significance in the life of David, because had there ever been a son of a King in Israel who rained on The throne after the father? Not in David’s day, there hadn’t been. Cause there’d only ever been how Many Kings, One who proceeded him. And that was solid. And what happened to Saul’s throne, God removed it. Okay.
So God tells David, I’m going to give you a son and he’s going to reign on the throne. But the Hebrew Writer looks backward through the power of the Holy spirit and says the ultimate fulfillment in a Type and anti type situation of Solomon’s reign the descendant of David sitting on the throne that God is going to be talking about. Isn’t all ultimately Solomon,
because Solomon is going to die. But the throne that’s described in second, Samuel chapter seven is going to abide forever and ever he says, and so the ultimate fulfillment of that prophecy in again, in a type in antique type situation of Solomon and Christ Is Christ, not Solomon. So he, He says, you are my son today. I’ve forgotten you.
And I will be to him, a father. And he shall be to me, a son. But when he again brings the first born in the world, he says, let all the angels of God worship him and of the angels. He says, who makes his angels spirits and his ministers of flaming fire. As we go through this, he’s laying forth all of these situations where God has done something in the past,
and now what he has done with Christ shows Christ to be superior. Now, there is one, one aspect here, a verse verse seven and others angels. He says, who makes his angels spirits? One commentator made the point. And it it’s, it’s at least valid to note that the word spirits in the Greek is Maybe let me say it this way.
The Greek word for spirit is the same Greek word for the word Wind. Okay. And so the context is what determines, What, which, what meaning does this word have? Does it have the word wind or does it have the meaning wind or spirit? There’s an interesting point in that is so often God uses the wind and the fire in the old Testament as his messengers,
in the sense of when God wants to move the children, Israel, how were they led by Cloudy day? And what by night pillar of fire, when God wants to part the sea, what does he use? The wind. Okay. Oh, fairly regularly. Through the old Testament, you have God acting Through Natural means such as wind and fire.
Okay. Could that have been added Surely preformed or done by one of the angels? God says to an angel go part, the sea could an angel have done that? Yes. Well, Some might say, well, Aaron, how do you know that? First of all, if an angel singular in the old Testament texts can come in and overnight kill 185,000 In an army,
Good chance. He could also part the seas. If An angel can come over in the night and kill all the firstborn in Egypt, good chance. He can also part the seas. Okay? The point being whether it’s spirit or whether It’s wind, God’s Spoken of in the old Testament as using his angels to do these things. Okay. But to the sun,
here’s a contrast. God sends his messengers to do a job, but to his son, he says your throne, Oh God, God is for forever. And ever After of righteousness is the Sceptre of your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness. Therefore, God, your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions. So God here,
Jehovah addresses God and says, I’ve prepared your throne. God never addressed an angel. That way God never spoke to an angel that way God never prepared a throne for an angel. He did that for his son. Now he rider again is showing Jesus is better than the angels. Then notice what he says. And verse 10, you Lord in the beginning,
laid the foundation of the earth. And the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain. And they will all grow old, like a garment, like a cloak. You will fold them up and they will be changed, but you are the same and your years will not fail. So not only does God say to Christ here,
speaking one to another in old Testament revelation, I’ve prepared you a throne, but he also identifies him as the one who laid the foundation of the earth. He also identifies him as he terminal in nature. He also identifies him as an changing God never spoke in such ways about angels. He only spoke that way about if you think of it, this sense himself.
And so he speaks that way concerning Christ, but to which of the angels, another argument, all right, he’s, he’s made the argument that God never called. One of the angels, his son, he second makes the argument that the angels worship him. He thirdly makes the argument that he’s on the throne. He forcibly makes the argument that he created the earth.
He fifthly makes the argument that he’s eternal. He’s six. Lee makes the argument that he is unchanging and seventh. He makes the argument. You sit at my right hand to winter. The angels has he ever said, sit at my right hand till I make your enemies, your footstool. What is the, the right hand? What’s, what’s the significance of that?<inaudible> Preeminent most powerful,
most important in the, in the old days, when the King sat down, you would see the order of power. Beginning with whoever sits at his right hand. Whoever sits at the King’s right hand is the most powerful individual next to the King himself. Okay? So God says to Christ, prophetically speaking in the old Testament, sit at my right hand till I make your enemies,
your footstool, God father says to his son, I’m going to put you in a position of power. And then I’m going to deliver every one who will opposes you as those who will bow before you and to which of the angels did God ever say? He would do such a thing to none of them. Okay. One time after another, all throughout the book,
you’re going to see this God put forth or God putting forward. Here’s what happened in the old Testament. Here’s what I did in the old Testament. And here’s my son and my son is better than everything else. And here’s the points. We go all the way through this. Keep this in mind. This is not God going, eh, ignore all that stuff I did before.
That’s not what this is. This is God saying everything I did before was leading to this, go over to Hebrews chapter 12. Actually, let’s go back into chapter 11 for just a minute.<inaudible> In Hebrews chapter 11. He presents person after person, after person, after person, after person in the old Testament, who by faith, obeyed God by faith accomplished great things.
And then he says, verse 36, after he’s even talked about more and then just thrown in a whole group from the old Testament that, that he wants to point out, but doesn’t have time to go into in depth. He then says, verse 36, still others had trials of mockings and scourgings yes. And of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned.
They were sawn in two were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wondered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destitute afflicted, tormented of whom the world was not worthy. Talking about all these people who were faithful under the old Testament. They wandered in deserts and mountains in dens and caves of the earth and all these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise.
God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great, a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin, which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance. The races set before us looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high. The point of the Hebrew writer is not, none of this stuff matters. None of this stuff has any significance to us. Just ignore the old Testament. We’re not under the old Testament, so we don’t even need to read the no.
His point is, all this stuff looks forward to something. All these people who lived by faith and obeyed out of faith and dined by faith did so looking word to something and that something came through Jesus Christ. And so these all died in anticipation of it. And yet you Christians who are receiving it, receiving the thing, they died in faith, looking forward to you’ve received it.
And you’re considering going back what foolishness to go back against Christ. Okay. So verse 14 of chapter one, are they not all ministering spirits sent forth the minister for those who will inherit salvation? The Hebrew writers’ point is the angels. They’re the servants of God they’re ministering or serving spirits acting on behalf of those who belong to God. Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard.
He begins with God spoke by Jesus Christ returns after talking about Christ, being better than the angels to the poem Christ has spoken. So he says, we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard. Lest we drift away for, if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward. How shall we escape if we neglect?
So great, a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders with various miracles and gives to the Holy spirit. According to his own will here. He addresses these Christians. And he says, if under the old Testament, the angel spoke and they gave the message of God.
And it was heard by the people and those who ignored. It were punished and Christ is better than the angels. Then how much worse will it be? If we who have heard Christ, ignore him To those who are Given a greater opportunity, God will hold them to greater accounts. So the Hebrew writer says what’s going to happen to us if we neglect.
So great salvation, he spoke to us, It was spoken by the Lord. It was confirmed by the apostles and those who heard him and has been delivered to them, To us, nobody gets to have the excuse. What, You know, if I had just been living in the days of Christ, if I had just seen his miracles firsthand, if I were just there in Galilee,
when he did those great things, maybe I would believe now the Hebrew writer says, that’s not going to work. You’re not going to get off that way. It’s been confirmed and testified to you can hold it up in a court of law and you’re accountable to it. Therefore you Need to be obedient to it. It was confirmed. It was born witness of,
with the signs and with wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy spirit. He said, you are beyond excuse Four versus five. And if it feels like I’m moving quicker than there, and there’s so much more here, there is so much more here, but we’re going to get through two chapters. We’re going to have to move. All right.
Four. He has not put the world to come of which we speak in subjection to angels. Okay. Next line of argumentation. We’re still talking about angels here. He’s just kind of dropped back into the whole revelation thing, but now he comes back. He says, and here’s another thing, God, didn’t put the world to come in subjection To the angels.
God, Didn’t say, when all this is over. When this age is completed, when the, the age of Christianity is done and the judgment day comes and we go into eternity, you’re going to be in subjection angels. No, he didn’t say that he instead put Christ in that position. But one testified in a certain place saying what is man?
That you are mindful of him or the son of man that you take care of him. You have made him a little lower than the angels. You have crowned him with glory and honor, and set him over the works of your hands. You have put all things in subjection under his feet. Go wait a minute. I’ve read that passage in the old Testament.
And David is talking about humanity. Yeah, but it’s Ultimate fulfillment. Isn’t in humanity. It’s ultimate. Fulfillment is in Christ. That being, he put all things in subjection under his feet, verse eight, for in that he put all in subjection under him. He left nothing. That is not yet put under him, but now we do not yet.
See all things put under him. Somebody’s going to come along and say, but I see a lot of things that, that aren’t obeying the control of Christ. I see a lot of people who are resisting. I see a lot of people who aren’t doing what he says. Therefore it must not be that he’s raining yet. And he writer says, wait,
wait, don’t go there yet. Just because it looks like it doesn’t mean you understand the full situation and he’s going to take it to the furthest extreme of the greatest enemy. The greatest enemy that there could possibly be that needs to be overcome. And he’s going to say, if he’s defeated that one he’s defeated everything else. Okay. So notice what he says.
He says verse nine, but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor that he, by the grace, God might taste death for everyone. For it was fitting for him, for whom are all things. And by whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Okay. This is hearkening back to Isaiah chapter 50 53, where God is saying, I’m going to send my servant. My servant is going to be killed. He doesn’t deserve it, but it’s your iniquities. I’m laying on him. It’s your sins that I’m laying on him. It’s by his stripes that you’re healed. Okay. He doesn’t deserve it,
but he’s doing it as a propitiation for you. Okay? So notice what he says. He says it was fitting. It was necessary. You couldn’t die for yourself and save yourself. You couldn’t stand by your own merits and works and save yourself. Someone had to die for you. And so he says it was fitting that this should be done. But then he says,
for both he who sanctifies, and those who are being sanctified are all one. For which reason, he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying, I will declare your name to my brethren in the midst of the assembly. I will sing praise to you. And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, here am I and the children whom God has given me three different passages,
again, from the old Testament where he says, this is gone, looking forward to Christ saying that Christ as one who comes in the flesh, who dies in the flesh, who suffers in the flesh DIDs. So to be like those whom he would say we could spend untold numbers of classes, just talking about what it means to you and me as Christians to realize how much God cares for us.
Just how much God loved humanity that he took on flesh. How many passages In the old and new Testament speak about the love of God in view of the fact that he left heaven, he became lower than the angels to suffer and die for us. Did Christ need to do that? Was Christ Somehow unfulfilled in his role As the second person in the Godhead Was Christ.
Somehow just in need of something. When he created the world and created everything that exists, he somehow had something missing in his life. No, It was because he loved us that he did it for us, but he said he did it to call us brethren. Then he says, verse 14 and is much then as the children have partaken in flesh and blood,
He himself likewise Shared in the same that through Death, he might destroy him Who had the power of death. That is the devil. Okay. Now remember the line of argumentation is this. God said to God, God, the father said to Christ, you sit here at my right hand Until I make your enemies. He’s your footstool. And then the Enemy of all enemies,
Satan Is defeated. And his greatest weapon is defeated. When Jesus Christ didn’t stay dead. Notice what he says. He says 15 and release those who through fear of death were all their subject to bondage for indeed. He does not give aid to angels, but to, but he does give aid to the seed of Abraham. You Christians, you Israelites,
who are considering going back to the law. Do you remember what it was like when you looked at death with nothing but the law, when you had no help into eternity, other than the law and all the law told you was Your sin. God acted on your behalf. So many times, and God spoke of his loving kindness, and God spoke of his justification.
But God so often said You sinned. And if you confront death with the hope that you have being Sin, you face death in fear, but under Christ, you don’t confront death with sin. You confront death with the blood Jesus Christ. He says he overcame it, Overcame death because he gave you the answer to what’s. On the other side, He is he’s Waiting there for indeed.
He does not give aid to the angels Christ didn’t die for the angels Christ didn’t take on flesh for the angels. Christ didn’t become an angel to bear their sins. No, he did that for humanity for Christ did not give aid to the angels, but he does give aid to the seed of Abraham. Therefore, in all things he has to be made like his brethren,
that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself has suffered being tempted. He is able to aid those who are tempted. He’s going to begin to introduce. He started off with revelation, came by Jesus Christ, then King ship with Jesus Christ. Now we’re into priesthood in Jesus Christ,
but in all of this, his emphasis has been chapter. The end of chapter one, all of chapter two is Christ is superior to the angels. And if he’s superior to the angels who God utilized in the old Testament to do all of these things, then he’s superior to the old Competent. Okay. That’s the focus of Chapters one and chapter two.
All right. I want this Show of hands who prefers to do the questions at the end of class or prefers to use them as a review at the beginning of the next class. So raise your hand. If you prefer the end of class, raise your hand. If you prefer the beginning of the next class, all right. Everybody agrees with me.
No. Well, almost everybody agrees. All right, we’re going to continue to do that because it does. It does lead us back into kind of gets those thoughts fresh in our minds. So we will continue to do the questions. I mean, you’ve got them, you can sit there and do them yourself in between classes, but we will use them as the review to pick up the next study.
So you’ve got chapters one and chapter two and Sunday, we will do chapter three and chapter four and going this quickly through the book of Hebrews is going to drive me crazy. But I’m not that far from crazy anyway. So not far to drive, you’re dismissed.<inaudible> Good to see everyone this evening. We’re glad to have you here. We don’t really have many announcements.
If any. I think we made most of them about Dorothy and Rodale Wilson or continue remember them. We miss Sylvia. I don’t, I’m not sure. I didn’t get a chance to talk to you. See, we’ve missed you Sunday though. We’re glad you’re back tonight. And there were several others that weren’t with a Sunday and they’re still not here.
I don’t leave the seating. So we do want to continue to remember Jessica and probably that she continues to make some improvements and Joan Springer. We want to remember her and our prayers that she continues to make some progress. We have a couple of issues with us, Jonathan and Sonia. It’s good to have them with us tonight. And then also no Olsen.
He’s going to school to preach. And some of you met him about a couple of weeks ago when it Noah, and it was good to see him tonight, as far as those that will be leading us in our devotional. Noah’s going to be leading us in our song service. Michael’s going to be ha having the devotional. And then Murray Springer will lead us in a closing prayer to appropriate time.
It’s good to have everyone here. We enjoyed the class off though. Although it was kind of a speedy li covered class. And sometimes at least some of us in the dust, you know, that’s about done, but Aaron he’s, he does a great job and we just need to be better prepared. I guess that when we come to their class and have read the chapter thoroughly and given it a lot of thought and consideration,
and that way we won’t be in the dust. So I just wanted to say that because we do need to do that. So we need to know what we got to be covered. I missed out on it Sunday. Cause one day you might’ve said, well, we’re going to, Oh, now, now we’re off the hook. All right, well,
I’m gonna let Noah come on up and, and direct our songs servers. All right. Number 454, five zero. Give me the Bible. Over 450. We’ll send the first and third, four 50. Give me the Bible star of gladness, gleaming to cheer the wander.<inaudible> no storm. Ken high that radiance BA spool BME, since Jesus came to seek and say,
the lost gave me the Bible. Holy name message. I need, I lied shower guide me and a narrow way. Crease. Then promise. Love. Come by. Name to night, shall vanish. Annie turn all day. Give me the Bible lamp of life. M or so. Oh, hold up that splendor by the open gray name, show me the light from heaven shining for its or show me the little ring gilding Jordan’s way.
Give me the Bible. The message I need. The light shall guide me in a narrow way, precept and promise law. And I’ve come by needing to night, shall vanish at any turn all day, right? If you want to go ahead and Mark number 915 Nine one five, we will sing the first and last dance for the song. Everybody.
Just one quick announcement. Before I do my short devotional, my mother-in-law is back in the hospital. She has pneumonia again. So I’m guessing they’re going to have to drain it with the needle. And so we just need to keep her in our prayers as she goes through this. Cause she’s not recovering as, as well as the doctors. And we would like,
so if he could just keep her in your prayers tonight, I want to talk to you about the word of power. Let’s read Psalm 33, six through nine, and I’ll wait for everybody to get their Psalm chapter 33 verses six through nine. Okay. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the hosts of them by the breadth of his mouth.
He gathered the waters of the sea together. As in heap, he layeth up the death in store houses, let all the earth fear. The Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in. Awe of him for he spake. And it was done. He commanded and it stood fast as Christians. We must all understand the power of God’s words.
The mighty works of God are wrought by the all powerful word that he gives. God creates God destroys. And God brings into being simply by speaking over and over again, we’ve read in Genesis chapter one and God said, let there be. And there was every single time. Let us consider again what David observes. We’ll read 33, six through nine and just read it,
really read it with me by the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth, he gathered the waters of the sea together as an heap, he layeth up the depth in store houses. Let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in. Awe of him for he spake.
And it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. Now I want us to consider what the apostle Peter says on the day of Pentecost in acts chapter two, acts chapter two 24 through 27.<inaudible> Whom God has raised up having loose the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should be holding of it for David speaking concerning him.
I first saw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved. Therefore did my heart rejoice. And my tongue was glad. Moreover, also my flesh shall rest in hope because that will not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine. Holy one. To see corruption here. Peter is saying that death could not hold Jesus because God said he would be raised.
God said it. And it happened every time. Now let us consider what God illustrates for us in Isaiah chapter 55, Isaiah 55 verses 10 and 11 For as the rain cometh down, something simple, right? The rain coming down and the snow from heaven and return is not feather, but water. Watereth the earth and make it that bring forth. And bud,
that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater. And God says, so shall my word be that go with forth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that, which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it anytime he speaks, it’s going to happen.
God, the son restores the life of the paralyzed man’s legs and Matthew nine one through eight, the man with the palsy, remember they had to dig through the roof to get him down there just by speaking. He restores his legs. God, the son forgives sins of that same man with the palsy Mark, two one in one through 12 God, the son restores sight to blind.
Bartimaeus on the road to Jerusalem and Mark 10 46 through 52. And God, the son raises the dead Lazarus in John 1138 through 44. He does all of these miraculous things, just at the command of his word. Can you imagine just sitting there or being there on that day when Jesus said Lazarus come forward and he walks out of the grave, his sister said he stinketh for,
he’s been dead for four days. He had been dead for four days and he called him just with his word and Lazarus came forth. I like what brother Marshall Keeble said on, on this topic. He said, if Jesus had not called Lazarus, by name, everybody in the cemetery would have come forth of just gives me chills. Thinking about it.
The gospel faithfully preached is the same powerful word. It brings spiritual life to the spiritually dead. Let us consider what Jesus says in John chapter five in verse 25, John five 25, Jesus said verily, verily. I say unto you, the hour is coming. And now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God. And they that hear shall live just by hearing his voice.
We shall live. Our task is to faithfully preach his powerful word. He gave that task to us in Matthew chapter 28, verses 19 and 20. We’re supposed to go out and teach it to all nations. All of us are every Christian this week. I charge all of you to open your Bibles and read chapter one of Genesis. And as you read through chapter one of Genesis,
underline the phrase and God said, every single time you see it. And God said, and God said, and God said, and once you’ve finished doing that take time and a specific prayer to God thanking him for the power of his word. These are the words of life, my brethren. And if you teach the word to people, they can believe it.
And if they believe it, they can have eternal life right alongside you and see Jesus in the sky. If you have yet to obey these powerful words, the waters of baptism are ready for you. And if you have need of prayers from the saints, we’re here for you, whatever your need, please come forward. As we stand and sing Is more,
what a glory sheds on our way. Wow, we do his good will he abides with us and with all well trust and<inaudible> trust and Oh, bang four. There’s no other way to be happy and jeez, but to trust. And<inaudible> then in fallow ships, we, we lived in that has been, or we’ll walk by his side in a way what he says we will do wary sins.
We will go never fear on the trust and<inaudible> trust and Oh, bang four. There’s no a, the way to be happy and jeez, but to trust and, Oh,<inaudible> I think this opportunity we have to hear, you were read out loud. Here’s the thing we need to know. I don’t want it to be riding your side to always carry that with it at all time,
stay clean. And your thoughts tonight. Keep us safe from pandemic going on. We’ll just remove it from a given right name. We do pray.
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Well, my watch says it’s time to start. So we’re going to go ahead and get started. Okay. We’re in revelation 21 and 22.<inaudible> Good to see you, sir. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We come before you at this time, grateful for the day that you’ve given to us,
the life that we have and the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that as we go throughout this period of study this morning, we might glean the things from these passages that you would have us to learn. We might grow closer to you and understand, and be comforted by your word, and also admonished to live in a way that will prepare us for eternity.
We pray and are mindful of those who are struggling in this time because of illness, difficulty, injury, or struggles in their lives, or those who have lost loved ones. In recent days, we are mindful of each and every one of them. We’re mindful of our nation. And we’re mindful of the world. All of its many struggles and all of its many difficulties,
pray for those who are in difficult places, difficult times, especially those who are striving to preach the gospel in those locations and teach others the word that they might have the hope of eternity, pray that you be with us. As we go throughout this period of study and worship this morning may all that we do be in accordance with your will. All this.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen. So between Sunday and Wednesday, Last week, we noticed a number of passages in Isaiah, especially there are more in the sheets that you were given. There’s some in Zechariah, there’s some in Jeremiah, there’s some in Hosea that I don’t think actually made it on the list, but there’s passages all throughout the old Testament that give us the language of revelation 21 and 22.
They speak consistently concerning God’s people. And they speak of God’s people in one United context. And that context is victory over the enemies of God and God having judged his enemies. When God judges his enemies, God’s people get pictured in these sorts of ways because when God judges his enemies go all the way back to the end of revelation, chapter six, when God judges his enemies and the picture of revelation six is the rich and the mighty and the rulers.
And all the Kings are, are crying on the mountains, fall on us to protect us from the wrath of the lamb and the one who sits on the throne. And the question is asked in the day of the wrath of the lamb and in the day of the wrath of the one who sits on the throne, who can stand and the answer of the old Testament and the answer of revelation is God people can stand.
So when God’s people can stay in, in the day of God’s wrath in the day of his judgment on any of his enemies, the outcome is before God’s people were being persecuted. God’s people were going through the ringer. God’s people were suffering. Now they’re glorified. Now they’re exalted. Now they’re protected. And they’re raised up in a picture of the glorified people of God.
And that is revelation 21 and 22 can these passages and these things be applied to the church in eternity. In other words, could we use these pictures and say, wow, that must be what the church will look like in its glorified state in eternity with God. Absolutely. The church perfected with sin no more with suffering, no more with, with death,
no more any eternity with God, absolutely. That you could use this as a picture of that. The question is the question is always been, is that the context that John is writing about and the answer? No. The context that John is writing about is the church that comes through the persecution, the church that comes under attack by the beast under attack,
by Rome, under attack, by Satan and comes through the other side and revelation 21 and 22 are old Testament. Language of God’s people glorified when God judges, their enemies turned into language, talking about God’s church glorified. When God finishes what he had begun to prophesize and begun to tell them that they would induce her and go through all the way back in Daniel’s day.
God told Daniel when he gave a dream to Nebuchadnezzar that there were going to be four nations beginning with Babylon, continuing in the Mito Persian empire, continuing in Greece, continuing in Rome. And in the days of these Kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom, which will never be destroyed. And it will break us under. And why bullae all these other kingdoms and revelation is the new Testament counterpart where God says,
and I did.<inaudible> Makes it clear. Rome will be no more. And those who persecute my people every single time they come up will be no more because I will always defend my people. So revelation 21 and 22, we’re going to go through it fairly rapidly, but I want us to get the picture. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on the details.
I want you to see the picture. And as you think about the picture, think about this. The new Testament makes it clear. Jesus Christ came to this earth to set up a kingdom, not a kingdom of this earth because Jesus told pilot. If my kingdom was of this world, then my servants would fight. And yet his kingdom exists on this earth,
but not only on this earth, as you went through revelation, as we went through this, we always pointed out those who dwell on the earth was always a picture of who the wicked, those who dwell in heaven was always a picture of who the redeemed righteous people. Now in chapter 21, John’s going to see the city to send out of heaven.
So wait a minute. This must mean that this is when Christ comes and returns and rains on the earth, and God makes a new heaven and a new earth. And all the righteous people are going to live on this earth. Again. No, this is a picture of all the righteous people who John said in the day of Rome, never dwelled on the earth because the earth belonged to the wicked.
But now God has wiped out the world of the wicked. God is white roam out, and now he’s going to bring forth his people out of heaven, back to their rightful place. He’s going to give them a new heavens and a new earth. God didn’t wipe the face of the planet, clean in the days of Rome and remake it and turn it back into the garden of Eden and then build a great Jerusalem on top of a mountain.
And that city go 200 or 1500 miles high. He didn’t do that. It’s a picture of God’s people and the churches untouchable nature, because Jesus said this, remember this, actually let’s read it. Instead of just remembering Matthew chapter 16, verse 15, he said to them, who do you say that I am Simon, Peter or Simon, Peter answered and said,
you are the Christ, the son of the living, God, Jesus answered and said to him, bless it. Are you Simon? Barjona for flesh. And blood has not revealed this to you, but my father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church. And the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. The entire book of revelation is Jesus Christ showing in the days of Rome, that what he said was true about his church and about his kingdom was true. That the Gates of Hades would not prevail against it.
The power of Satan would never win, not against his church. So revelation 21 verse one. Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth. We saw that back in Isaiah. We’ve seen it elsewhere for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no more seat. Then I, John saw the Holy city, the new Jerusalem.
We saw that in Isaiah coming down out of heaven from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God turn over the book of Hebrews. And the Hebrew writer takes that language from Jeremiah chapter 31.
And he applies it to the church, not to heaven. He applies it to the church. He says, it’s here. And now he’s making the contrast of the days of the tabernacle, where God said, I’ll dwell with you and your midst. But those people couldn’t enter the tabernacle. They, the high priest could go into the tabernacle, but they couldn’t.
Moses could stand before God, but they couldn’t. Aaron could stand before God, but they couldn’t. And now the Hebrew writer says, now we have boldness to enter to the very presence of God. We’re not waiting for that in eternity. We have that now and will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death nor sorrow,
nor crying. There shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away. Then he who sat on the throne, said, behold, I will make all things new. And he said to me, write for these words are true and faithful. And he said to me, it is done. I am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
I will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst. Now, this is heaven. If this is eternity, if this is after the judgment and after death is finished and after hell has all those who are waking up and cast into hell, who is Jesus offering the water of life to When The judgment is over, who then after that point has the opportunity to partake of the water of life who has not had it before.
No one Who Did Jesus offer the water of life to in John chapter four, the woman in some area and the people of some area, why did he offer it to them? Because they’d not previously Had, But he didn’t offer them water. That some day they might be able to get in heaven. He offered them the water of life, right then right there.
Okay. Notice what we read. He who overcomes shall inherit all these things. And I will be his God. And he will be my son, but the cowardly unbelieving, abominable murderer, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the Lake, which burned with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. What’s he saying about this?
Is this a, is this a forecast of their ultimate judgment? No, this looks back at the previous chapter. God’s picturing his church And he says, this is what will not be in my church. All those who are fearful that the new King James says, cowardly are the ones who didn’t resist the beast, who, when they were told you can either die or bowed or Rome,
they bowed to Rome. You can either die. Or you can say, Rome is God. And they said, Rome has God go all the way back to the very beginning in chapters two and chapter three of revelation. And you find Jesus telling the church So many instances, he says, some of you are going to, To die, but others.
So you have given up, you have become those who have been seduced by the harlot. You have been those who have been seduced by Jezza bell. You are those who have given up On faithfulness to me and revelation 21 verse eight says, and those people, they’re not part of this picture. They’re not part of my kingdom. They’re getting destroyed With Rome.
Okay? Now notice this. He says, Vincent, One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the last seven play or seven last plagues came to me and talked with me saying, come, I will show you Who’s he going to show him the bride? The church<inaudible><inaudible> chapter five is clear. The bride of Christ is the church.
And revelation uses that picture consistent Recently for the church. So he, He says, come let me show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife. Now, when he shows him the bride, the Lamb’s wife, he shows him a group of people standing around an auditorium, right? No, he doesn’t. Okay. Well, he shows them a picture of people all over the world,
worshiping God, right? No. He shows them or he shows him the new Jerusalem. We aren’t waiting for a Jerusalem city over in Israel to go worship a Messiah. One day We are the new Jerusalem. It’s okay. Been in existence since Jesus established it on the day of Pentecost in 33, Haiti, Let me show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.
So beginning in verse nine, all the way through, into chapter 22, we have the picture of the church. Here’s how Christ and God through the Holy spirit, through the writer, John Picture the church. Okay. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain. Remember Daniel chapter two, God was going to have a mountain that was created without hands.
And it was going to destroy all those kingdoms and that mountain would grow and fill the earth. Was that a picture of heaven? No, that was a picture of his kingdom. Okay. He takes me to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city. Now, before the great city that we had pictured all throughout revelation Was what it was Rome,
But no more. The great city Rome has been cast into the sea and the sea is no more. Now the great city is the new Jerusalem. Okay. Showed me a great city. The new, the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. This is all old Testament language. This is all stuff we saw in Isaiah. Having the glory of God.
Her light was like a most precious stone, like a Jasper stone clear as crystal. Also, she had a great and high wall with 12 Gates and 12 angels at the Gates. The names written on them were the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. Turn to Matthew chapter five real quick. After the beatitudes, as Jesus is speaking to these Jews,
he’s speaking to Jews, he’s looking forward to the kingdom, but he’s speaking to Jews and he speaking to them about their law. And he’s speaking to them about their covenant with God. And he’s speaking to them about their righteousness. And too many times, we come to Matthew five, six, and seven and say, this is about the church. This is a declaration of the church Nella wasn’t.
This is a declaration of what Israel was supposed to be. This is what Israel was supposed to do. This was Israel’s law, but it certainly looks towards the church. Notice what he says. He says, verse 13, you are the salt of the earth who was supposed to be the salt of the earth. The church that didn’t exist yet, no Israel was,
God had told the descendants of Abraham that they were supposed to be the salt of the earth, but were they most of the time? No notice. He says you are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then for good, for nothing. But he thrown out and trampled into the foot of man.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a Hill cannot be hid. Was Israel, a city set on a Hill before Jerusalem, the physical city was ever taken by David in his day in time. Yes, they were because they were a spiritual city set on a Hill. They weren’t waiting for Jerusalem to be established, to become the nation.
God wanted them to be because that happened hundreds of years before the city of Jerusalem was established as an Israelite city, they were to be the city of God, the city that belonged to him, the light of the world, the moment they walked out of Egypt. And God continues that picture because his people are always supposed to be a city set on a Hill,
but cannot be. So now he could take him to a high. He shows them a great city and this great city has great walls. It has great Gates. It has the names of the 12 tribes of Israel written on it. It’s it’s it’s history. It’s pictured as Israel, the Israel that was supposed to exist. The Israel that was spiritual Israel,
three Gates on the East three Gates on the North three Gates on the South three Gates on the West verse, verse 14. Now the wall of the city had 12 foundations and on them were the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb. And he who talked with me, had a gold read, the measure, the city, its Gates and its walls.
The city is laid out as a square. Its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the Reed 12,000 for our lungs. It’s length, breadth, and height are equal. Wednesday night. As we close, we talked about 12,000 furlongs it’s approximately 1500 miles. Okay? So the city is pictured as 1500 miles, long,
1500 miles wide and 1500 miles tall. And it’s on top of a mountain. Then he measured its wall 144 cubits, about 212 feet thick, depending on which measurement of the cubit you use. According to the measure of a man that is of an angel, the construction of its wall was of Jasper and the city was pure gold, like clear glass.
The foundation of the wall of the city was adorned with all kinds of precious stones. The first foundation was Jasper the second, the second Sapphire, the third council Doni, the fourth Emerald, the fifth. Sardonyx the sixth. Sardius the seventh. Chrysolite the eighth Beryl, the ninth Topaz, the 10th Chrissa phase, the 11th Jason and the 12th amethyst.
I did pretty good there. Didn’t I all right. The 12 Gates were 12 pearls. Each individual gate was a one Pearl and the city or the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. Now I’ve got a question for you. If it’s a real city, these are real precious stones and all of this that make up its foundation.
And I have a question because we just read that the 12 foundations were who, all right, now the 12 foundations were the 12 apostles. Now did John get made over into some stone lay a city on top of No, But does the doctrine and the teaching that was taught and brought forth the kingdom, the church throughout the world, does that become the foundation of the church?
Absolutely. It just read acts chapter two acts After too many are converted and verse 42 says, and they continued steadfastly in the apostles Doctrine foundation of the church is not some human and it is not a precious stone is the doctrine of Christ as taught by the apostles in the first century. So then we read verse 21, 12 Gates were 12 pearls. Each individual gate was a one Pearl.
The city of the, or the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. But I saw no temple In it. He says, Let me show you this city, but let me show you something. That’s very different from what You’ve seen before. Let me show you something that doesn’t look like Israel anymore. You see them Great Jerusalem of old in David’s day in the midst of Jerusalem,
really in Solomon’s day because David didn’t get to build it. But in Solomon’s day in the great city of Jerusalem at the height of its power in the midst of the city, What a temple, but not in this Jerusalem, not in this city. Why notice? But I saw no temple in it for the Lord, God almighty. And the lamb Are its temple.
The city Had no need of the sun or the moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it. The lamb is It’s light. Wait a minute. I thought Matthew chapter five said you are the light of the world away. It did. So God’s people are the light of the world. Where do they get their light From the sun from God?
So he says that There’s no, there’s no sun. There’s no moon. The glory of God illuminates it. The lamb is its light. And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in his light and the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor him Into it. Now I got a question for you. This is the new Jerusalem and the new Jerusalem is after the judgment day and it’s in heaven.
Then what Kings of the earth are going to bring their glory into the new? There are no Kings in the earth. There’s no word. If this is after the judgment day, these statements beginning here, make no sense. There are no Kings of the earth. There are no nations in the earth If this is in heaven. So who are These people?
But what if this is the church? What if in Paul’s day, the gospel went even into the very house of Caesar and nations and peoples and Kings were converted. And all the glory they had as Kings suddenly became part of the church. Its Gates shall not be shut at all by day where there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory.
And the honor of the nations into it. If this is heaven, who, what nations, there are no nations. They’ve all been cast in the Lake of fire, but there shall by no means enter anything that the files or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life. In contrast to old Israel,
where every time Israel started going really good and started being faithful to the Lord. Somebody came in and turned it the wrong direction. Another King or Rose who wouldn’t follow the Lord or some adviser would come along or some general would come along and he lead the people off into apostasy or false prophets would come in and they teach the people to sin. God says not in my kingdom,
not in my church, no one enters my church that defiles it. No one comes in except those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life, then notice what we read. And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of God and of the lamb in the middle of its streets. And on either side of the river was the tree of life,
which bore 12 fruits. Each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations. I’m just going to ask it one more time. What nations, if it’s heaven, what nations are outside of heaven needing to come in and eat of the tree of life? None. So where did Jesus provide access to eternal life?
Because that’s what the tree of life was all about. By the way, go back to Genesis chapter three, God kicks them out of the garden and says they can’t come back in here for if they eat of the tree, they won’t die. So the tree in the garden was eternal life, and God said, you’ve sinned. You can’t have that.
Jesus said, I came that I might give you eternal life. And John chapter 17 said, and this is eternal life That you might know the father. Jesus, didn’t say, I’ll give you eternal life in promise. So that one day when you die, you’ll Have it. No, Because he didn’t grant eternal life to flesh and blood. God granted it to a soul.
When you go down to the watery grave of baptism and you die to sin, you rise up in newness of life. And if you are faithful until death, you will never Die. There is no second death. Even if this flesh and blood dies and it will, You don’t die. There is No second death for The Christian. They don’t die again.
They died right there. Okay. So then notice what he says In the middle of its street. And on either side was the river on either side or was the tree of life, which bore 12 fruits. Each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations. Everything that this world needs. It says in it’s already in the church.
Everything, every nation needs that’s destroyed. That’s decimated. That’s going to war. That’s defeating its own people. That’s killing its own people. Everything they need is already in the church because in the churches, the gospel, And if They would be obedient to the gospel of Christ, every one of those problems would be Go away. Every one of them And there shall be no more curse,
but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it. And his servants shall serve him. Do we have access to the throne of God today? Yes, we do. Fijian chapter or sorry, Hebrews chapter four, verses 14 through 16. We have boldness to enter the throne and to ask for help in time of need. Okay. They shall see his face and his name shall be on their foreheads.
Jesus said to those who were faithful, the churches, he said, I’ll write my name on you. Did he say, I’ll write my name on you when you die and get into heaven? Nope. He said, if you’ll be faithful now Shall be no light. There. They need no lamp nor light from the sun for the Lord. God gives them light and they shall reign forever.
And ever then he said to me, these words are faithful and true. And the Lord, God of the Holy prophets sent his angel to show his servants the things which must This one’s really hard to get over shortly, take place, Following everything. He just said, he said, this must shortly take place. What you just saw, John must shortly take place.
But he goes on. He says, behold, I am coming quickly. Bless it. As he who keeps the words and the prophecies of this book. Now it’s going to be interesting because he’s going to lay forth a blessing for those who keep the words of the book and a curse against those who don’t. And if the curse is, as we’re going to see in a minute,
don’t apply until he turned 80. Then the curse doesn’t make any sense. If the blessing doesn’t apply till eternity, the blessing doesn’t make any sense. Watch this. Okay. Now I, John saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things, then he said to me,
see that you do not do that for, I am your fellow servant and of your brother in the profits and of those who keep the words of this book, worship God. So John sees himself fall down and worship the angel again. And the angel says, no only worship the Lord. I’m just like you I’m just like the prophets on just like the servants.
I’m just like everybody else who obeys God worship God. Okay. So then we read and he said to me, do not seal up. The words of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand, this hearkens right back to Daniel. Remember Daniel was given the prophecy. Daniel was given the visions and Daniel was told, seal it up because the time is not yet.
John is given the prophecy. And by the way, 600 years later, the time was at hand. Now John’s given the prophecy and John’s told don’t seal it up the time. Is it a, and so are we supposed to believe that Daniel who’s time wasn’t at hand and had to wait 600 years is now that is, is now being applied to John.
And John’s being told the time is at hand, but we need to wait a little more than 2000 years to get there. No, in Daniel’s day, the time wasn’t at hand in John’s day, it was okay. So then he says then verse 11, he who is just let him be unjust. Still. Who has filled the lead. He filthy still.
He who is righteous. Let him be righteous. Still. He who is Holy, let him be Holy. Still is God here saying to John, you know what? Don’t worry about breaching that don’t don’t, don’t worry about converting people that don’t, don’t worry about it monitoring. No, no. The, the declaration here is I’m coming in judgment and whatever their state is,
when I get there, that’s what they’re going to be when I judge them. Okay. If they’re in iniquity, they’re going to still be there. If they’re in righteousness, they’re still going to be there and I’m going to judge them based upon their works. Okay? So verse 12, verse 12 through the end and behold, I am coming quickly.
And my reward is with me to give to everyone. According to his work, I am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last bless it is he are blessed, are those who do his commandments, that they may have rind to the tree of life and may enter the Gates in, excuse me, enter through the Gates into the city,
but outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters and whoever loves and practices a lie. I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you. These things in the churches, I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and the morning star and the spirit and the bride say What com And led him and let him who hears say,
come and lead him who thirst come and whoever desires, let him take of the water of life freely is Jesus saying when all this is over, when the world’s come to an end and judgment days come, then finally the bride and the spirit and the lamb are going to invite people to partake in the water of life. Nope, Jesus is telling the church and everyone who will hear you can have the water of life freely Right now.
So come, He concludes for, I testified everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in his book. What plagues plagues back in chapters, 15 and 16, the plagues that he poured out on the earth. Now somebody manipulated the prophecy of this book in the fourth,
where they going to get the plagues? Are they just going to have to wait? No, they were going to get them, but did the people in the days of Rome get the plagues in a literal form or a spiritual form, a spiritual form did the person in the fourth century who tried to manipulate the book of revelation and change its meaning, get it in spiritual form or physical form,
spiritual form. He said it. I for, I testify that he who hears the words of the prophecy of the book. If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the prophecy of this or the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life and from the Holy city and from the things which are written in this book,
he who testifies to these things says, surely I am coming quickly. The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. And that’s the book of revelation. We’ll go over some questions at another point for chapter 21 and 22. We’ll do that Wednesday before we get back into our normal studies. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible> yeah.
Hi.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville Sunday morning services. It’s great to see each and every one of you out here this morning. So glad you’ve had the opportunity to come here to sing songs of praise and worship God with us this morning, for those of you that are online or on the phone, listening know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers.
We pray for each and every one of you every day and pray for an end to this COVID-19 pandemic so that we can all assemble here again one day, hopefully soon and worship God announcements for this morning. If you did not get the Lord’s supper, please take this opportunity while I’m going through the announcements to pick it up. It’s on the tables in the back.
I do not see any visitors, but if there is a visitor here that I’m not seeing, well, you are welcome here. We’re glad that you chose to worship with us this morning and please fill out a visitor’s card for us. Before I get into the sick, I want to go and I’m sure everybody sees him here, but Terry Whitley is back Terry and his wife,
Patricia are both past the COVID-19. So that’s a good thing. We need to praise the Lord and thank God for that, that they have both made it through there. Terry says, you know, Patricia didn’t really have anything at all, but he had some pretty severe symptoms. So thank God for Terry’s recovery. And it’s good to see you back,
sir, remembering our sick John Springer, Dorothy Wilson, Janet Jones, Robin woods, Jessica Dale, and then Tory Hensley. The Springer’s granddaughter is still waiting for her results from her MRI that she had done on her brain. And then Gary Wheeler. I do not have an update on Gary cause Barbara is not here this morning, but please continue to pray for each and every one of those also have a card here.
I want to read this morning. It says to my church family many thanks for the pretty fall bulky that I receive by the ladies of Diana and Sylvia. It was thoughtful and appreciated and brighten my week for sure. It was so good to see those two ladies, even though it was from a far distance, thanks to the church. Also for the many cards I’ve received over the past months,
each and everyone is so very much appreciated. I miss being there and miss all of you, please continue to pray for Tori and myself in Christian Love Joan sprayer. I’ll put this up on the board out there. The only other announcement I have is Paula is working on the 2021 church calendar. So if you know of anything that needs to be added to that,
we need to get that into her soon so she can get that calendar printed for us because 2021 is right around the corner for our services. This morning, our song leader will be Michael Dale Opening. Prayer will be Joel caisson. The Lord’s supper will be Jay Shafir and sermon will be from Aaron cold start and closing. Prayer will be Tommy Lasseter. Thank you.
Our opening song this morning will be number 860. There is a habitation number 860. I’ll let Tommy figure out the projector real quick on there. There it is.<inaudible><inaudible> who see that grand<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> in long<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> no<inaudible> no, no<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> in long<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and let me see<inaudible> no praise is<inaudible>.
Oh,<inaudible> long Gates to see<inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible> The song before our opening prayer will be number 764. Teach me Lord to wait. This one is not on the screen. So please use your book. Number 764. Teach me Lord to wait.<inaudible> right.<inaudible> you answer? Please teach me<inaudible> but to<inaudible> from you, teach me<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> what you want me to be<inaudible> upon the Lord<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> teach me.
Lord. Teach me to<inaudible> Oh dear God. Our father in heaven, we, they come before your throne thinking that you are God, our God, that created all of mankind. The one that loves us so much, his precious son died upon the cross of Calvary to redeem us from our sins father in heaven. We often take so much for granted in our lives that we often forget who we really ought to be.
Yeah. We often forget to be the right example before others. We often fail to reach out to those that are not your children, your God. We often take life itself for granted. We don’t take any precautions to make sure that we stay healthy. We pray father that you bless each and every one of us that’s here today and be filled with Thanksgiving that we were able to come here and worship you the one and true living God.
They were able to remember our savior and the sacrifice he made there on the cross that he bore our sins there and shed his precious blood. Often father, we failed to be thankful for our families or our mates for our parents, for our children, Brand Children. And great-grandchildren we so often forget to remember one another as this body of Christ in our prayers,
daily father. We’re so thankful that Terry and Patricia are over the virus. We pray that you continue to bless them and pray that they continue to be well. We pray for those that others that were mentioned that are facing different trials in their lives with their health. We pray that you be with those that are administering to them, that they might be able to regain that health.
And once again, be with us Father, we’re mindful of those that have drifted away, need some encouragement. And we pray that we might be attentive to those needs and be better to be able to say, or do something that might stir their hearts and their minds to realize where they are and that they truly do want to come back and serve and glorify you are there help us each day that we remember your words,
that we look to it, the scriptures often to tip, strengthen our lives and to help us to be able to reach others with the gospel. We pray father that we always are mindful of those that are outside the body, that we do have a love for their souls, that we do want to be there for them and help to stir their thinking that they come to know your will and want to be obedient to it.
Father, we’re so grateful for Aaron and his family. We’re so thankful for the abilities that they have to encourage this congregation. And for the blessing, it is to have a minister of the gospel that said is the word deeply and is able to teach our classes and to preach out the word here to this congregation in such a way that it’s so easy to understand your will.
And it truly stars our minds and our hearts to try to be better, to want to serve you more are for Michael Jones and his family and him going to the school of preaching. We pray that you strengthen him and bless Sam as he continues his studies there. And we’re so grateful for him and wanting to be a better master of the gospel, bless them and strengthen them.
Bless each family here, father. And we pray that we all try to work together for the good of the church, for the good of our own souls. And hopefully to reach out in this area, we pray that we be compassionate and patient and kind and loving as we go through life that others truly see Jesus living in us, bless us and our worship to stay and help us out.
Always draw closer to you and closer to one another. And we pray for that home in heaven with a and Jesus, we pray amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number three, 353, one day number 353 One day. When<inaudible> one day when<inaudible> was as black as could be. He, Jesus came for to be born of a judge,
dwell among man, my example and see<inaudible> me jogging. He saved me buried. He<inaudible> my sins.<inaudible> Hey<inaudible> Hey<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, one day he’s<inaudible> Oh, glory us. Yay. One day they let him<inaudible> Oh, one day<inaudible> to die on the tree. So off a<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me dying. He said, Hey,
saved me buried. He<inaudible> my son<inaudible><inaudible> ah.<inaudible> one day he is<inaudible>. Oh, glory. Yay. One day<inaudible> on and God, or one day he from<inaudible> free. Angela’s came down. No<inaudible><inaudible> my savior. See<inaudible> me dying. He say, Hey me.<inaudible> my son.<inaudible><inaudible> one day. He is<inaudible>.
Oh, glory. Yay. One day gray can sell him no long. One day<inaudible> rolled way from<inaudible> and then he<inaudible> now is<inaudible> my Lord.<inaudible> me.<inaudible> me.<inaudible> Hey,<inaudible><inaudible> one day he’s<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me.<inaudible> me.<inaudible> my son<inaudible> Hey<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, one day he’s<inaudible>.
Oh, glory. Dang. As we prepare to participate in this Lord, suffer less free or minds of all our worldly thoughts and focus upon the sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us go to our father in prayer and only father. We were so very grateful for this privilege. We have to assemble about this table. And as we partake of this and emblem of the bread,
which represents your son’s body, that was sacrificed on the cross, help us to realize how significant that really is to each and every one of us that we have that hope of eternal life with you. One day in Jesus name, we pray, amen.<inaudible> Again, father, as we continue this Memorial and partake of this fruit of the vine, which represents the blood that was sacrificed for permission of our Sams,
help us to protect this and aware of their manner that it was acceptable in their sight. It’s in your son’s name that we pray, amen.<inaudible> This concludes the Lord’s supper. And we find this a convenient time to offer prayer for our offering. We’re commanded on first day of each week to lay by and store as we’ve been prospered. So let’s once again,
go to the father in prayer<inaudible> And my father is we again, come before that throne. We’re so very grateful for the many material blessings that you have. So richly Mr. Bowden on our lives help us always to remember that these blessings come from you and that we are merely stewards of the while we’re here on this earth, help us to give freely.
And may these funds be used to further your word here and also to promote your word worldwide. It’s in his name that we pray. Amen Song before the lesson will be number 346. He lives. And if you’re able, let’s stand for this song please. Number 346 is the invitation song on the slides. Okay? Invitation song will be on the slide.
He lives. I serve a risen savior. He’s in the world today. I know that he is living whatever man may say, Hey, I see his hand up. I hear his moist Searchie and a slow time. I need him. He is always<inaudible> Christ Jesus<inaudible>. He walks with me and talks with me.<inaudible> salvation to him.<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible><inaudible> my<inaudible> and all the world around me.
I see his loving, eh, no, my heart grows<inaudible> I never, well, I know that he is leading through all the stormy, blah, blah. Here’s up here? Me. Well,<inaudible> he<inaudible> Christ Jesus<inaudible>. He walks with me and walks with me along life’s narrow way. Hey, he<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible> he<inaudible> my<inaudible> rejoice.
We joined. So Chris, John, lift up your voice and sing<inaudible> to Jesus Christ King. The hope of all Hersey cam<inaudible> no, no. So loving, so good. And ah, he<inaudible> Christ Jesus<inaudible>. He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. Hey<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible><inaudible> my<inaudible> may be seated.
Good morning. Most, if not, all of you know, because you’ve been in the class at some point, we’ve been going through the book of revelation in our classes, on the adult classes on Sunday and on Wednesday. And we’d gone through a number of passages that in the book of revelation, reference things that sound like the judgment day. And we’ve looked at those in their context.
And we’ve said a number of times my sound like the judgment day, but it’s not. And to avoid the possibility that somebody might come along at some point and say, well, I’m not sure Aaron believes in the judgment day. I thought what we would do this morning is spend a little time talking about the last day because the new Testament is very clear about that day.
The new Testament teaches us very clearly about when this life will come to an end when this life and when this world and all that is in, it will be no more. So this morning, I want to begin noticing in noticing second, Peter chapter three, Peter writes to the church, second, Peter chapter three beginning in one. And we’re just going To primarily notice Three passages.
There are many more, Or that could be discussed. There are many more that could be talked about, and there are many more that include more detail. But for the sake of our time, We’re going to notice three Second, Peter chapter three. And in verse one, beloved, I now write to you this second epistle in both of which I stir up your pure minds,
by way of reminder, Peter makes it clear as Peter teaches those Christians in the first century that he is writing to them to remind them of what they all ready Know. He’s Not writing to them, new things. They’ve never heard before. He’s not writing to them a different thing than what they preached when they were in their presence. He’s writing to them things to remind them,
to stir Them up and To get their hearts and minds Ready for what is to come. Then You may be mindful verse two of the words, which were spoken before by the Holy prophets and of the commandments of us, the apostles of the Lord and savior notice. First and foremost, he says to those Christians, he says, you were told this by the prophets of old.
This is not something that just started with Jesus and started with the apostles. This is the fulfillment of what you have been told for generations going back into the old Testament. So the old Testament prophets spoke of it and the apostles spoke Of it. Then he says this, knowing this first, That scoffers will come in the last days, walking, according to their own lunch and saying,
where is the promise of his coming for? Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning. Creation. Peter makes it clear. As he writes to these Christians, as he Brings forward the profits and brings forward the teaching of the other apostles together to these brethren, he makes it clear to them that there would be people who would rise up from among themselves,
from among the Christians And say, he ain’t coming back here. Clearly isn’t coming back because he hasn’t come Back yet. And they’ll use as their justification for their position, that everything is continued to exist. The way that it was from the day of creation until now Nothing Ever changes. Generations come and generations go. Therefore, because generations come and generations go,
generations will come and go. Never. And Peter says they have a problem with their reasoning. They have a problem with their line of argumentation because it hasn’t always been That way. And notice what he says. He says for this, they willfully forget that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water,
by which the world that then existed perished being flooded With water Peterson. It says these people who claim that the world is just continued on without fail generation after generation, that nothing ever changes, Army Missing one glaringly obvious example of things, changing a great deal Because God, in the days of Noah Brought judgment on a wicked world and by grace saved eight souls out of an entire plant.
Peter says, if he did that, what makes You think he won’t do what He’s promised already notice what he said. He says, he says by which the world that then existed perish verse six, being flooded with water, but the heavens and the earth, which are now preserved by the same word, the same word. What the same word that brought the flood.
The same word that brought 40 days and 40 nights of rain. The same word that broke up the ground and brought water from beneath the earth. The same word that brought the flood above the tops of the very mouth. The same word that brought, that has caused the world to come, Continue to exist. What the hell, Humans in the earth,
which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But beloved do not forget this. One thing that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years in is a thousand years as one day, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promises. Some men count slackness, but as long suffering toward us,
not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The same word that brought the flood. The same word that preserved the earth from that point until now is the same word that reserved this world for fire Around four o’clock in the afternoon, look over at your spouse and say, what do you want for dinner? Your spouse says,
I don’t care. What do you want? I tell you what, let’s make a reservation at this fine restaurant. It’s not COVID world. It’s some imaginary world where you can actually go to a restaurant and you call up the phone. You say, I need a reservation for two. I want to sit over in the corner. I want this to eat.
This is what I want. This is my reservation. God said this world that I created this, This world and everything in this physical universe that I created, I have reserved Its end. I have gone ahead and told you exactly how it’s going, Going to go. And because I created it, I have the power to do it. And these Christians who were coming forth,
these scoffers as Peter calls them, We’re saying, it’s not going to happen. He hasn’t come back yet. And since he hasn’t come back yet, therefore he must not ever plan on coming Back. Peter says, you misunderstand our God. Yes, You misunderstand who he is and you misunderstand his power and his knowledge. If you say tomorrow, I’m going to get up in the morning and go to work.
You have a good plan that you’re going to do that. But with the Lord, he can say a thousand years from now, I’m going To do this. And he can do it with the same ease at which you can say tomorrow, I’m going to do this. He is not Slack concerning his promises. Unlike humanity, you get up first thing in the morning and you say four o’clock,
I’m going to exercise Around three 55. You look instead at the refrigerator refrigerator and say, I think I’ll exchange Exercise for a snack. The Lord is not Slack concerning his promises. As some men count slackness but is Long suffering. So We question, wait a minute. If God is going to return, surely things have gotten as bad as they’re ever going to get Shirley.
It is time what’s he waiting on. And Peter says every single day, the Lord waits. We are to understand that to be his long suffering. We are to understand that that is because he desires that everyone Should come to repentance Verse 10, but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. That phrase was used by Jesus repeatedly.
To describe a time when people were not ready, the thief doesn’t call in advance and say, I’m going to be there at 7:00 PM. Make sure you have the dogs out and make sure you got the gun loaded and make sure the doors are locked. He comes when you’re not ready. God will come Not on a day prophesied by some religious fanatic who thinks he knows how to interpret signs and symbols,
but on a day of his choosing, where there will be no signs of his coming according to Jesus, but as a day or as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise. And the elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up Jesus Or excuse me,
Peter, as he is writing to these Christians says there was a day when God wiped the planet, clean with water. But When this judgment comes, when the day comes, where he returns, when he is revealed on that final day, it’s not going to be wiping the planet clean. It’s going to be burning it up. It is reserved For fire.
And he says the works And the substance of this earth will be no more. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons are you to be in Holy conduct and godliness looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire. And the elements will melt with fervent heat.
Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a newer in which righteousness dwells. Peter brings forward old Testament language of a new heavens and a new earth, a new dwelling place for the people of God, God, We’ve made it clear in our studies in the adult class. That every time we see new heavens and new earth,
it’s not supposed to be an interpretation of exactly what’s going to happen. It’s supposed to be a picture, an old Testament picture of God, preparing a place for his people. Jesus made this statement. Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go, then I will come and bring you to where I am. Jesus.
This did not promise the apostles a home on this earth. Jesus did not promise his apostles, a dwelling place on this earth where he would return to them. And well with them, Jesus promised his apostles at dwelling place in heaven, where he would return and bring them to Him self. But yet notice this phrase in verse 12, Peter says, We don’t know when the day will be.
We don’t know when Jesus will return, but he does say what we are to be doing. In the meantime We are to be looking for And hastening The coming of the day of God. What does he mean? What does Peter mean? Buying the idea that we’re to be looking for and hastening the, The day of God? Well, first of all,
Well, we read in the previous verse that because all these things will be dissolved because there’s coming a day when this earth will be no more. When this universe will be no more. When the works of this earth will be no more. We ought to live in Holy conduct and godliness. If we live our lives here in view of our lives, there,
we will live our lives, Then holiness in this life. But he also makes it clear that we don’t just live our lives in holiness saying like, well, someday I’m going to die. We live our lives every day as if today Might be our last. We look for that day. Not just the day when our lives are over because we die of old age or we die of some disease.
We don’t look for that day. We look for the return Of Christ and we do so with anticipation. Sometimes we struggle with that idea. Sometimes we go, but I want to see my kids grow up, but I want to see my grandkids, But I want to see fill In the blank and that’s not wrong nor unnatural, but in our better moments,
when We put our mind in view of the word of God, we go. But Oh, what a day? That will be When my children, who I want to see, grow up, never Have to experience pain again. When those who have gone before, who I’ve attended Their funerals and I’ve laid them in the ground, I get to see again,
you win. We struggle with the here and now and the, what we can see and the, what we can hope for, but God Dozens. And yet he calls upon us while we are still here to not focus on tomorrow. But the soul Is lost today. Therefore we are supposed to be looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.
When you hasten the coming of the day of God, you preach the gospel. When you hasten the coming of the day of God, you prepare the world for what God wants. And that is that no one Should fail to come to repentance. We are to be those who are looking for the coming of the day of God. We are also be those who are preparing this world for that day,
but one other passage, or the second passage that I want us to notice is just a few pages over in your new testaments. In first John chapter four first John chapter four, John has spent the bulk of this chapter discussing the attribute of love That belongs to God. Okay? Not just that God does that, which is love, but God is love.
And in verse 17, we read the love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness In the day of judgment because as He is, so are We in this world? One Of the greatest things that God Has given us is love when we didn’t deserve it is love when we couldn’t ask for it. His Love when we had no rights To it,
because the attribute of love is the center. Most attribute of God. And he loved us when we were unworthy. And so we, as Christians, as we develop ourselves and understand who he is, as we grow in our knowledge of him, as we come closer to every day, we are to become Love. We are to have love perfected in us.
But notice this. He says, when love is perfected in you, you can stand in the day of judgment because as he is, so are we in this world therefore, or excuse me, there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made. Perfect in love. We love him because he first loved.
God said, you’re lost. You’re in your sins and you’re going to die. And if you die in that state, my justice has no choice. My justice must punish you if you die in that state, But I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you don’t Die in that state. So John Jay Chapter three verse 16 said for God,
so loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting. He loved us first and yet the last day is coming. One more passage, Romans chapter two, Peter tells us that there are those who will doubt. Peter tells us there were those. There are those who will deny. Peter tells us that it’s coming.
And it’s a shirt and is promised by God. Peter tells us that when it comes, everything that is in this physical world will be destroyed, But for God’s people, a new home awaits. But as Paul Writes to the church at Rome and deals with the problem of the Jews and the Gentiles and their, their divisiveness towards one another and God’s plan for both of them,
Paul writes to these Christians and he writes to them about that Day, Beginning in verse one, he read, we read, therefore you are inexcusable. He is addressing the Jews at the moment. He says, therefore, you are inexcusable old, man, whoever you are on who judge for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself for you, who judge practice the same things.
He addresses the Jews who look at the world around them and all the Gentiles. And they accuse them and they judge them and they judge them unworthy of God. And yet he addresses these Jews and says, you who judge someone else and then commit the same thing that you judge them for. Judge yourself, You condemn Yourself. But he says, but we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.
Paul is not leaving the implication that God’s not going to judge the wicked. Paul is saying, if you’re judging someone who’s wicked and then committing the same wickedness, you’re judging, God’s going to judge you too. His righteousness or excuse me, His judgment is according to truth. But then he says, verse three. And do you think this old man,
you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same, that you will escape. Yeah. Judgment of God. Paul makes it clear hypocrisy. And those who practice, it will be judged by God. But he goes on verse four. Or do you despise the riches of his goodness, forbearance and long suffering, non knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance.
This is D do you look at everything God’s given you everything God’s blessed you with as a nation Israel. And you see God’s goodness in his forbearance and his love and his long suffering. And you look at it and you don’t learn from It. You Don’t use that. Goodness, that long suffering that forbearance as an impetus for repentance To admonish you to do What is right.
But he says, verse five in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you are treasuring up for yourself, wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Paul, as he writes to these Jews, as he writes to these Jews, he writes to them and says, if you’re going to judge someone for their sin,
fine, but not. If you’re going to commit the same sin, then you’ve judged yourself. And if you think you can live as a hypocrite, judging someone else in committing the same thing you need to know, all you’re doing is storing up banking away, investing for the future, but you’re not investing good things. You’re not investing righteousness. You’re not investing in blessings reward.
Your investing RAF. You are storing up wrath for the day of wrath. Now wait a minute. I thought the judgment day was going to be a great day. I thought the last day was going to be a day of blessing and rejoicing. I thought the day of judgment was going to be a day when those who are righteous, come in and are welcomed by God.
It is. And yet Jesus said there was coming a day. When those who would stand before God would be separated. He said there would be a day when there would be those who had done works in his name and prophesied in his name and then done many wonderful works in his name, who he would say depart from me. You workers of iniquity.
I never knew Paul is telling these Christians, if you agree, Nor the blessings of God and the forbearance of God and the long suffering of God, and you don’t learn that you can’t live the way your ancestors did, but instead that you must repent, you will receive the same judgment, the same condemnation and the same RAF. They receive verse six.
He describes the judgment of God. He will render to each one, according to his deeds, eternal life, to those who by patient continuance in doing good, seek for glory honor. And immortality Paul says for those who don’t live like this, who don’t live in hypocrisy, Who don’t judge others and then do what they have judged. But instead those who live every day,
looking for glory, looking for honor looking for immortality, not someone wandering around in this world looking to glorify themselves, not someone wandering around in this world looking to honor themselves, not someone looking for immortality for themselves, But who are looking for the attributes of God to instill in themselves. He says, but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth,
but obey unrighteousness, indignation, and wrath, tribulation, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor, and peace to everyone who works. What is to the Jew first and also to the Greek. You remember back over in Romans chapter one, Paul makes it clear that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Paul says the Jew is going to receive the gospel. First is going to have the opportunity of salvation first but less. You think God is partial. They’re also going to be judged first. They’re also going to have wrath first or blessing first, depending upon whether or not they obey the gospel that was preached to them. And then the Greek verse 11 for there is no partiality with God,
for as many as have sinned without the law will also perish without the law. And as many of sin in the law will be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are, are just in the sight of God. But the doers of the law will be justified for when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature, do the things in the law.
These, although ha not having the law are a law to themselves who show the work of the law, written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and between themselves, their thoughts accusing or else excusing them in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. According to my gospel, Paul makes it clear. The Jews had the law of Moses,
the Gentiles didn’t. But when God finds a Gentile who obeyed the truth in the law though, he was never one who received the law. He will judge him according to his works and the Jew who received the law of Moses. And didn’t keep it. He will judge him according to his Works, but Jew and Gentile alike have now received the gospel To the Jew and the Gentile in that day.
And today Paul says he will judge them according to the guy. So where does that leave us? It leaves us in John chapter 12, Actually in John chapter 12, Jesus would say to these Jews, He who believes in me verse 44, believes not in me, but in him who sent me. And he who sees me, sees him, who sent me.
I have come as a light into the world. And whoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hears my words and not believe I do not judge him Four, I did not come to judge the world, but Save the world. He who rejects me And does not receive my words has that Judges, him, the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
It leaves us here with a promise that is assured with a day that we are to be looking and hastening, but a day in which we know we will Judged not by an arbitrary ruler, not by wills or fickle decisions, But by the word that Jesus spoke, because he says, my word will judge you in the last day. Well, how will we be judged?
We will be judged according to Two hour works. How then are we to live in all in all Holy conduct and conversation looking for and hastening the day of the Lord. If you’re outside the body of Christ, you are outside of the gospel. That brings salvation. Yes. If you are outside of the gospel, that brings salvation. You are outside Of the hope of eternity.
If you are outside of the hope of eternity, you reside in the wrath God, and there’s coming a day where you will stand before him in judgment. And all you will have as you stand before him in judgment is your evil Needs to testify concerning your works. You say, well, wait a minute, but I’ve done good things too. Yes,
but unfortunately good deeds do not merit salvation. Only a perfect sacrifice can obtain salvation. And one who is sinned cannot be a perfect sacrifice, but that’s okay because that’s why God first loved us and sent his son to die on the cross for your sins and for mine. So if you’re outside the body of Christ outside the gospel and outside of hope, you can change that by coming into contact with the blood of the sacrifice of Christ.
But how do you do? You don’t do it by just faith. You don’t do it by prayer. You do it by hearing the word of God and obeying it. You do it by hearing the gospel and then doing what it says. What does it say to do? Jesus said that except you believe that I am, he you’ll die in your sins.
And that’s true. But Jesus also said, except you repent. You will die in your sins. And that’s also true. But he also said, you have to believe in me. And that involves a confession and a recognition of who he is, that he is the Christ, the son of living. God, not just that. He was some somewhere.
Not that he was just some prophet, not that he was Elijah or one or Isaiah or one of the profits, but he was Jesus Christ. The son of God. Well then having done that, you have to come into contact with his blood. You have to die to sin and you do that in a watery grave of baptism because Jesus said he,
that believes and is baptized shall be saved. You have need of that this morning. You can do that. You’re outside the body of Christ. You have hope you’re a member of the body of Christ. That’s not been living like tomorrow may be your last day. You also have hope, but it involves change. You have need of the invitation. Why not come now?
As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible> but blah<inaudible> and<inaudible> me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> just<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> like, like<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> like, like Song before the closing prayer will be number 852. When the roll is called up yonder heed five,
two. When the Trump and other launch on sound and time shall be no more and no morning breaks. You turn up bright and fast. When they’re saved, gather over on the, the shore. And our role is called up yonder. I’ll be there. Hey, when he was called up and when he was called up,<inaudible> when the role is called up beyond<inaudible> on that ride in cleanliness morning when the dead in Christ shall rise and the glory of his resurrection<inaudible> when his chosen one shall gather to their home.
The guys and their role is called the beyond. Be<inaudible> is called up.<inaudible> when a roll is called up beyond a I’ll be the Hey neighbor for the master, from the Dawn to setting side, there’s talk of here’s one dress and Kay, Hey<inaudible> is over. And a work on earth is done and the roll is called up yonder<inaudible> is called up<inaudible> and it’s called up.
And when a roll is called up beyond a hobby, What’d you buy with me the God and father in heaven. We’re indeed thankful for another beautiful day of life. That you’ve blessed us with father. We’re thankful for this hour that we were able to worship the same prices under the and father. We pray that our worship today has been acceptable and pleasing in that site,
by the word mindful at this time, if those who have been mentioned sick, we pray father, if it bait, I will, that you are turning them back to a good state of health and their most wanted health. They can be back with us, by the way. We’re also mindful that we have members here. They may be traveling and we pray father that you will be with them and comfort them as they travel.
And that they may have a safe destination. Father were thankful for your son, Jesus, and that great sacrifice on that cross. And we just pray father that as we leave this building and go back to our workplace and being out in the public and those around us, we can be that shining light and that good example of bring lost souls today, father,
we pray that you’ll be with this country, with the issues that are going on and father, we know that it’s possibly a shame, no doubt. It’s a shame at times, father, and we pray that you will be with the leaders of this country, father, that we can turn this country back around and bring praise and glory today. But I would pray that you’ll be with us and keep us safe.
What did John see? What had passed away? What was no more? Revelation 21:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
By what other designation is the New Jerusalem known in Revelation? What is the New Jerusalem? Revelation 21:2, 9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Inside what location does God dwell with humanity? Revelation 21:3 (John 14-17; 2 Corinthians 6:15-17; Hebrews 10:19-21; 1 John 4:13) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Has God ever promised before this passage to remove all sorrow from His people and wipe away all tears? Revelation 21:4-5 Is this imagery of Heaven contextually? Isaiah 25:7-8; 35:10; 51:11; 65:19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
While on this earth, to whom did Jesus offer the waters of life, those in Heaven or those on Earth? Revelation 21:7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If literal, how tall would the New Jerusalem be in miles? Is it literal? Revelation 21:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is missing from the New Jerusalem/Bride? Revelation 21:22-23 ________________________________________________________________
What nations will exist after the judgment day? Revelation 21:26 ________________________________________________________________
What cannot enter the New Jerusalem? Revelation 21:27 ________________________________________________________________
Automated Transcript:
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Well, my watch says it’s time to start. So we’re going to go ahead and get started. Okay. We’re in revelation 21 and 22.<inaudible> Good to see you, sir. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We come before you at this time, grateful for the day that you’ve given to us,
the life that we have and the opportunities that we have to serve you. We pray that as we go throughout this period of study this morning, we might glean the things from these passages that you would have us to learn. We might grow closer to you and understand, and be comforted by your word, and also admonished to live in a way that will prepare us for eternity.
We pray and are mindful of those who are struggling in this time because of illness, difficulty, injury, or struggles in their lives, or those who have lost loved ones. In recent days, we are mindful of each and every one of them. We’re mindful of our nation. And we’re mindful of the world. All of its many struggles and all of its many difficulties,
pray for those who are in difficult places, difficult times, especially those who are striving to preach the gospel in those locations and teach others the word that they might have the hope of eternity, pray that you be with us. As we go throughout this period of study and worship this morning may all that we do be in accordance with your will. All this.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen. So between Sunday and Wednesday, Last week, we noticed a number of passages in Isaiah, especially there are more in the sheets that you were given. There’s some in Zechariah, there’s some in Jeremiah, there’s some in Hosea that I don’t think actually made it on the list, but there’s passages all throughout the old Testament that give us the language of revelation 21 and 22.
They speak consistently concerning God’s people. And they speak of God’s people in one United context. And that context is victory over the enemies of God and God having judged his enemies. When God judges his enemies, God’s people get pictured in these sorts of ways because when God judges his enemies go all the way back to the end of revelation, chapter six, when God judges his enemies and the picture of revelation six is the rich and the mighty and the rulers.
And all the Kings are, are crying on the mountains, fall on us to protect us from the wrath of the lamb and the one who sits on the throne. And the question is asked in the day of the wrath of the lamb and in the day of the wrath of the one who sits on the throne, who can stand and the answer of the old Testament and the answer of revelation is God people can stand.
So when God’s people can stay in, in the day of God’s wrath in the day of his judgment on any of his enemies, the outcome is before God’s people were being persecuted. God’s people were going through the ringer. God’s people were suffering. Now they’re glorified. Now they’re exalted. Now they’re protected. And they’re raised up in a picture of the glorified people of God.
And that is revelation 21 and 22 can these passages and these things be applied to the church in eternity. In other words, could we use these pictures and say, wow, that must be what the church will look like in its glorified state in eternity with God. Absolutely. The church perfected with sin no more with suffering, no more with, with death,
no more any eternity with God, absolutely. That you could use this as a picture of that. The question is the question is always been, is that the context that John is writing about and the answer? No. The context that John is writing about is the church that comes through the persecution, the church that comes under attack by the beast under attack,
by Rome, under attack, by Satan and comes through the other side and revelation 21 and 22 are old Testament. Language of God’s people glorified when God judges, their enemies turned into language, talking about God’s church glorified. When God finishes what he had begun to prophesize and begun to tell them that they would induce her and go through all the way back in Daniel’s day.
God told Daniel when he gave a dream to Nebuchadnezzar that there were going to be four nations beginning with Babylon, continuing in the Mito Persian empire, continuing in Greece, continuing in Rome. And in the days of these Kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom, which will never be destroyed. And it will break us under. And why bullae all these other kingdoms and revelation is the new Testament counterpart where God says,
and I did.<inaudible> Makes it clear. Rome will be no more. And those who persecute my people every single time they come up will be no more because I will always defend my people. So revelation 21 and 22, we’re going to go through it fairly rapidly, but I want us to get the picture. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on the details.
I want you to see the picture. And as you think about the picture, think about this. The new Testament makes it clear. Jesus Christ came to this earth to set up a kingdom, not a kingdom of this earth because Jesus told pilot. If my kingdom was of this world, then my servants would fight. And yet his kingdom exists on this earth,
but not only on this earth, as you went through revelation, as we went through this, we always pointed out those who dwell on the earth was always a picture of who the wicked, those who dwell in heaven was always a picture of who the redeemed righteous people. Now in chapter 21, John’s going to see the city to send out of heaven.
So wait a minute. This must mean that this is when Christ comes and returns and rains on the earth, and God makes a new heaven and a new earth. And all the righteous people are going to live on this earth. Again. No, this is a picture of all the righteous people who John said in the day of Rome, never dwelled on the earth because the earth belonged to the wicked.
But now God has wiped out the world of the wicked. God is white roam out, and now he’s going to bring forth his people out of heaven, back to their rightful place. He’s going to give them a new heavens and a new earth. God didn’t wipe the face of the planet, clean in the days of Rome and remake it and turn it back into the garden of Eden and then build a great Jerusalem on top of a mountain.
And that city go 200 or 1500 miles high. He didn’t do that. It’s a picture of God’s people and the churches untouchable nature, because Jesus said this, remember this, actually let’s read it. Instead of just remembering Matthew chapter 16, verse 15, he said to them, who do you say that I am Simon, Peter or Simon, Peter answered and said,
you are the Christ, the son of the living, God, Jesus answered and said to him, bless it. Are you Simon? Barjona for flesh. And blood has not revealed this to you, but my father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church. And the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. The entire book of revelation is Jesus Christ showing in the days of Rome, that what he said was true about his church and about his kingdom was true. That the Gates of Hades would not prevail against it.
The power of Satan would never win, not against his church. So revelation 21 verse one. Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth. We saw that back in Isaiah. We’ve seen it elsewhere for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no more seat. Then I, John saw the Holy city, the new Jerusalem.
We saw that in Isaiah coming down out of heaven from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God turn over the book of Hebrews. And the Hebrew writer takes that language from Jeremiah chapter 31.
And he applies it to the church, not to heaven. He applies it to the church. He says, it’s here. And now he’s making the contrast of the days of the tabernacle, where God said, I’ll dwell with you and your midst. But those people couldn’t enter the tabernacle. They, the high priest could go into the tabernacle, but they couldn’t.
Moses could stand before God, but they couldn’t. Aaron could stand before God, but they couldn’t. And now the Hebrew writer says, now we have boldness to enter to the very presence of God. We’re not waiting for that in eternity. We have that now and will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There shall be no more death nor sorrow,
nor crying. There shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away. Then he who sat on the throne, said, behold, I will make all things new. And he said to me, write for these words are true and faithful. And he said to me, it is done. I am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
I will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst. Now, this is heaven. If this is eternity, if this is after the judgment and after death is finished and after hell has all those who are waking up and cast into hell, who is Jesus offering the water of life to When The judgment is over, who then after that point has the opportunity to partake of the water of life who has not had it before.
No one Who Did Jesus offer the water of life to in John chapter four, the woman in some area and the people of some area, why did he offer it to them? Because they’d not previously Had, But he didn’t offer them water. That some day they might be able to get in heaven. He offered them the water of life, right then right there.
Okay. Notice what we read. He who overcomes shall inherit all these things. And I will be his God. And he will be my son, but the cowardly unbelieving, abominable murderer, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the Lake, which burned with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. What’s he saying about this?
Is this a, is this a forecast of their ultimate judgment? No, this looks back at the previous chapter. God’s picturing his church And he says, this is what will not be in my church. All those who are fearful that the new King James says, cowardly are the ones who didn’t resist the beast, who, when they were told you can either die or bowed or Rome,
they bowed to Rome. You can either die. Or you can say, Rome is God. And they said, Rome has God go all the way back to the very beginning in chapters two and chapter three of revelation. And you find Jesus telling the church So many instances, he says, some of you are going to, To die, but others.
So you have given up, you have become those who have been seduced by the harlot. You have been those who have been seduced by Jezza bell. You are those who have given up On faithfulness to me and revelation 21 verse eight says, and those people, they’re not part of this picture. They’re not part of my kingdom. They’re getting destroyed With Rome.
Okay? Now notice this. He says, Vincent, One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the last seven play or seven last plagues came to me and talked with me saying, come, I will show you Who’s he going to show him the bride? The church<inaudible><inaudible> chapter five is clear. The bride of Christ is the church.
And revelation uses that picture consistent Recently for the church. So he, He says, come let me show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife. Now, when he shows him the bride, the Lamb’s wife, he shows him a group of people standing around an auditorium, right? No, he doesn’t. Okay. Well, he shows them a picture of people all over the world,
worshiping God, right? No. He shows them or he shows him the new Jerusalem. We aren’t waiting for a Jerusalem city over in Israel to go worship a Messiah. One day We are the new Jerusalem. It’s okay. Been in existence since Jesus established it on the day of Pentecost in 33, Haiti, Let me show you the bride, the Lamb’s wife.
So beginning in verse nine, all the way through, into chapter 22, we have the picture of the church. Here’s how Christ and God through the Holy spirit, through the writer, John Picture the church. Okay. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain. Remember Daniel chapter two, God was going to have a mountain that was created without hands.
And it was going to destroy all those kingdoms and that mountain would grow and fill the earth. Was that a picture of heaven? No, that was a picture of his kingdom. Okay. He takes me to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city. Now, before the great city that we had pictured all throughout revelation Was what it was Rome,
But no more. The great city Rome has been cast into the sea and the sea is no more. Now the great city is the new Jerusalem. Okay. Showed me a great city. The new, the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. This is all old Testament language. This is all stuff we saw in Isaiah. Having the glory of God.
Her light was like a most precious stone, like a Jasper stone clear as crystal. Also, she had a great and high wall with 12 Gates and 12 angels at the Gates. The names written on them were the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. Turn to Matthew chapter five real quick. After the beatitudes, as Jesus is speaking to these Jews,
he’s speaking to Jews, he’s looking forward to the kingdom, but he’s speaking to Jews and he speaking to them about their law. And he’s speaking to them about their covenant with God. And he’s speaking to them about their righteousness. And too many times, we come to Matthew five, six, and seven and say, this is about the church. This is a declaration of the church Nella wasn’t.
This is a declaration of what Israel was supposed to be. This is what Israel was supposed to do. This was Israel’s law, but it certainly looks towards the church. Notice what he says. He says, verse 13, you are the salt of the earth who was supposed to be the salt of the earth. The church that didn’t exist yet, no Israel was,
God had told the descendants of Abraham that they were supposed to be the salt of the earth, but were they most of the time? No notice. He says you are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then for good, for nothing. But he thrown out and trampled into the foot of man.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a Hill cannot be hid. Was Israel, a city set on a Hill before Jerusalem, the physical city was ever taken by David in his day in time. Yes, they were because they were a spiritual city set on a Hill. They weren’t waiting for Jerusalem to be established, to become the nation.
God wanted them to be because that happened hundreds of years before the city of Jerusalem was established as an Israelite city, they were to be the city of God, the city that belonged to him, the light of the world, the moment they walked out of Egypt. And God continues that picture because his people are always supposed to be a city set on a Hill,
but cannot be. So now he could take him to a high. He shows them a great city and this great city has great walls. It has great Gates. It has the names of the 12 tribes of Israel written on it. It’s it’s it’s history. It’s pictured as Israel, the Israel that was supposed to exist. The Israel that was spiritual Israel,
three Gates on the East three Gates on the North three Gates on the South three Gates on the West verse, verse 14. Now the wall of the city had 12 foundations and on them were the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb. And he who talked with me, had a gold read, the measure, the city, its Gates and its walls.
The city is laid out as a square. Its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the Reed 12,000 for our lungs. It’s length, breadth, and height are equal. Wednesday night. As we close, we talked about 12,000 furlongs it’s approximately 1500 miles. Okay? So the city is pictured as 1500 miles, long,
1500 miles wide and 1500 miles tall. And it’s on top of a mountain. Then he measured its wall 144 cubits, about 212 feet thick, depending on which measurement of the cubit you use. According to the measure of a man that is of an angel, the construction of its wall was of Jasper and the city was pure gold, like clear glass.
The foundation of the wall of the city was adorned with all kinds of precious stones. The first foundation was Jasper the second, the second Sapphire, the third council Doni, the fourth Emerald, the fifth. Sardonyx the sixth. Sardius the seventh. Chrysolite the eighth Beryl, the ninth Topaz, the 10th Chrissa phase, the 11th Jason and the 12th amethyst.
I did pretty good there. Didn’t I all right. The 12 Gates were 12 pearls. Each individual gate was a one Pearl and the city or the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. Now I’ve got a question for you. If it’s a real city, these are real precious stones and all of this that make up its foundation.
And I have a question because we just read that the 12 foundations were who, all right, now the 12 foundations were the 12 apostles. Now did John get made over into some stone lay a city on top of No, But does the doctrine and the teaching that was taught and brought forth the kingdom, the church throughout the world, does that become the foundation of the church?
Absolutely. It just read acts chapter two acts After too many are converted and verse 42 says, and they continued steadfastly in the apostles Doctrine foundation of the church is not some human and it is not a precious stone is the doctrine of Christ as taught by the apostles in the first century. So then we read verse 21, 12 Gates were 12 pearls. Each individual gate was a one Pearl.
The city of the, or the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. But I saw no temple In it. He says, Let me show you this city, but let me show you something. That’s very different from what You’ve seen before. Let me show you something that doesn’t look like Israel anymore. You see them Great Jerusalem of old in David’s day in the midst of Jerusalem,
really in Solomon’s day because David didn’t get to build it. But in Solomon’s day in the great city of Jerusalem at the height of its power in the midst of the city, What a temple, but not in this Jerusalem, not in this city. Why notice? But I saw no temple in it for the Lord, God almighty. And the lamb Are its temple.
The city Had no need of the sun or the moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it. The lamb is It’s light. Wait a minute. I thought Matthew chapter five said you are the light of the world away. It did. So God’s people are the light of the world. Where do they get their light From the sun from God?
So he says that There’s no, there’s no sun. There’s no moon. The glory of God illuminates it. The lamb is its light. And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in his light and the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor him Into it. Now I got a question for you. This is the new Jerusalem and the new Jerusalem is after the judgment day and it’s in heaven.
Then what Kings of the earth are going to bring their glory into the new? There are no Kings in the earth. There’s no word. If this is after the judgment day, these statements beginning here, make no sense. There are no Kings of the earth. There are no nations in the earth If this is in heaven. So who are These people?
But what if this is the church? What if in Paul’s day, the gospel went even into the very house of Caesar and nations and peoples and Kings were converted. And all the glory they had as Kings suddenly became part of the church. Its Gates shall not be shut at all by day where there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory.
And the honor of the nations into it. If this is heaven, who, what nations, there are no nations. They’ve all been cast in the Lake of fire, but there shall by no means enter anything that the files or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life. In contrast to old Israel,
where every time Israel started going really good and started being faithful to the Lord. Somebody came in and turned it the wrong direction. Another King or Rose who wouldn’t follow the Lord or some adviser would come along or some general would come along and he lead the people off into apostasy or false prophets would come in and they teach the people to sin. God says not in my kingdom,
not in my church, no one enters my church that defiles it. No one comes in except those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life, then notice what we read. And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of God and of the lamb in the middle of its streets. And on either side of the river was the tree of life,
which bore 12 fruits. Each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations. I’m just going to ask it one more time. What nations, if it’s heaven, what nations are outside of heaven needing to come in and eat of the tree of life? None. So where did Jesus provide access to eternal life?
Because that’s what the tree of life was all about. By the way, go back to Genesis chapter three, God kicks them out of the garden and says they can’t come back in here for if they eat of the tree, they won’t die. So the tree in the garden was eternal life, and God said, you’ve sinned. You can’t have that.
Jesus said, I came that I might give you eternal life. And John chapter 17 said, and this is eternal life That you might know the father. Jesus, didn’t say, I’ll give you eternal life in promise. So that one day when you die, you’ll Have it. No, Because he didn’t grant eternal life to flesh and blood. God granted it to a soul.
When you go down to the watery grave of baptism and you die to sin, you rise up in newness of life. And if you are faithful until death, you will never Die. There is no second death. Even if this flesh and blood dies and it will, You don’t die. There is No second death for The Christian. They don’t die again.
They died right there. Okay. So then notice what he says In the middle of its street. And on either side was the river on either side or was the tree of life, which bore 12 fruits. Each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations. Everything that this world needs. It says in it’s already in the church.
Everything, every nation needs that’s destroyed. That’s decimated. That’s going to war. That’s defeating its own people. That’s killing its own people. Everything they need is already in the church because in the churches, the gospel, And if They would be obedient to the gospel of Christ, every one of those problems would be Go away. Every one of them And there shall be no more curse,
but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it. And his servants shall serve him. Do we have access to the throne of God today? Yes, we do. Fijian chapter or sorry, Hebrews chapter four, verses 14 through 16. We have boldness to enter the throne and to ask for help in time of need. Okay. They shall see his face and his name shall be on their foreheads.
Jesus said to those who were faithful, the churches, he said, I’ll write my name on you. Did he say, I’ll write my name on you when you die and get into heaven? Nope. He said, if you’ll be faithful now Shall be no light. There. They need no lamp nor light from the sun for the Lord. God gives them light and they shall reign forever.
And ever then he said to me, these words are faithful and true. And the Lord, God of the Holy prophets sent his angel to show his servants the things which must This one’s really hard to get over shortly, take place, Following everything. He just said, he said, this must shortly take place. What you just saw, John must shortly take place.
But he goes on. He says, behold, I am coming quickly. Bless it. As he who keeps the words and the prophecies of this book. Now it’s going to be interesting because he’s going to lay forth a blessing for those who keep the words of the book and a curse against those who don’t. And if the curse is, as we’re going to see in a minute,
don’t apply until he turned 80. Then the curse doesn’t make any sense. If the blessing doesn’t apply till eternity, the blessing doesn’t make any sense. Watch this. Okay. Now I, John saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things, then he said to me,
see that you do not do that for, I am your fellow servant and of your brother in the profits and of those who keep the words of this book, worship God. So John sees himself fall down and worship the angel again. And the angel says, no only worship the Lord. I’m just like you I’m just like the prophets on just like the servants.
I’m just like everybody else who obeys God worship God. Okay. So then we read and he said to me, do not seal up. The words of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand, this hearkens right back to Daniel. Remember Daniel was given the prophecy. Daniel was given the visions and Daniel was told, seal it up because the time is not yet.
John is given the prophecy. And by the way, 600 years later, the time was at hand. Now John’s given the prophecy and John’s told don’t seal it up the time. Is it a, and so are we supposed to believe that Daniel who’s time wasn’t at hand and had to wait 600 years is now that is, is now being applied to John.
And John’s being told the time is at hand, but we need to wait a little more than 2000 years to get there. No, in Daniel’s day, the time wasn’t at hand in John’s day, it was okay. So then he says then verse 11, he who is just let him be unjust. Still. Who has filled the lead. He filthy still.
He who is righteous. Let him be righteous. Still. He who is Holy, let him be Holy. Still is God here saying to John, you know what? Don’t worry about breaching that don’t don’t, don’t worry about converting people that don’t, don’t worry about it monitoring. No, no. The, the declaration here is I’m coming in judgment and whatever their state is,
when I get there, that’s what they’re going to be when I judge them. Okay. If they’re in iniquity, they’re going to still be there. If they’re in righteousness, they’re still going to be there and I’m going to judge them based upon their works. Okay? So verse 12, verse 12 through the end and behold, I am coming quickly.
And my reward is with me to give to everyone. According to his work, I am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last bless it is he are blessed, are those who do his commandments, that they may have rind to the tree of life and may enter the Gates in, excuse me, enter through the Gates into the city,
but outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters and whoever loves and practices a lie. I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you. These things in the churches, I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and the morning star and the spirit and the bride say What com And led him and let him who hears say,
come and lead him who thirst come and whoever desires, let him take of the water of life freely is Jesus saying when all this is over, when the world’s come to an end and judgment days come, then finally the bride and the spirit and the lamb are going to invite people to partake in the water of life. Nope, Jesus is telling the church and everyone who will hear you can have the water of life freely Right now.
So come, He concludes for, I testified everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in his book. What plagues plagues back in chapters, 15 and 16, the plagues that he poured out on the earth. Now somebody manipulated the prophecy of this book in the fourth,
where they going to get the plagues? Are they just going to have to wait? No, they were going to get them, but did the people in the days of Rome get the plagues in a literal form or a spiritual form, a spiritual form did the person in the fourth century who tried to manipulate the book of revelation and change its meaning, get it in spiritual form or physical form,
spiritual form. He said it. I for, I testify that he who hears the words of the prophecy of the book. If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the prophecy of this or the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life and from the Holy city and from the things which are written in this book,
he who testifies to these things says, surely I am coming quickly. The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. And that’s the book of revelation. We’ll go over some questions at another point for chapter 21 and 22. We’ll do that Wednesday before we get back into our normal studies. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible> yeah.
Hi.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville Sunday morning services. It’s great to see each and every one of you out here this morning. So glad you’ve had the opportunity to come here to sing songs of praise and worship God with us this morning, for those of you that are online or on the phone, listening know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers.
We pray for each and every one of you every day and pray for an end to this COVID-19 pandemic so that we can all assemble here again one day, hopefully soon and worship God announcements for this morning. If you did not get the Lord’s supper, please take this opportunity while I’m going through the announcements to pick it up. It’s on the tables in the back.
I do not see any visitors, but if there is a visitor here that I’m not seeing, well, you are welcome here. We’re glad that you chose to worship with us this morning and please fill out a visitor’s card for us. Before I get into the sick, I want to go and I’m sure everybody sees him here, but Terry Whitley is back Terry and his wife,
Patricia are both past the COVID-19. So that’s a good thing. We need to praise the Lord and thank God for that, that they have both made it through there. Terry says, you know, Patricia didn’t really have anything at all, but he had some pretty severe symptoms. So thank God for Terry’s recovery. And it’s good to see you back,
sir, remembering our sick John Springer, Dorothy Wilson, Janet Jones, Robin woods, Jessica Dale, and then Tory Hensley. The Springer’s granddaughter is still waiting for her results from her MRI that she had done on her brain. And then Gary Wheeler. I do not have an update on Gary cause Barbara is not here this morning, but please continue to pray for each and every one of those also have a card here.
I want to read this morning. It says to my church family many thanks for the pretty fall bulky that I receive by the ladies of Diana and Sylvia. It was thoughtful and appreciated and brighten my week for sure. It was so good to see those two ladies, even though it was from a far distance, thanks to the church. Also for the many cards I’ve received over the past months,
each and everyone is so very much appreciated. I miss being there and miss all of you, please continue to pray for Tori and myself in Christian Love Joan sprayer. I’ll put this up on the board out there. The only other announcement I have is Paula is working on the 2021 church calendar. So if you know of anything that needs to be added to that,
we need to get that into her soon so she can get that calendar printed for us because 2021 is right around the corner for our services. This morning, our song leader will be Michael Dale Opening. Prayer will be Joel caisson. The Lord’s supper will be Jay Shafir and sermon will be from Aaron cold start and closing. Prayer will be Tommy Lasseter. Thank you.
Our opening song this morning will be number 860. There is a habitation number 860. I’ll let Tommy figure out the projector real quick on there. There it is.<inaudible><inaudible> who see that grand<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> for<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> in long<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> no<inaudible> no, no<inaudible> no,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> in long<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and let me see<inaudible> no praise is<inaudible>.
Oh,<inaudible> long Gates to see<inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible> The song before our opening prayer will be number 764. Teach me Lord to wait. This one is not on the screen. So please use your book. Number 764. Teach me Lord to wait.<inaudible> right.<inaudible> you answer? Please teach me<inaudible> but to<inaudible> from you, teach me<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> what you want me to be<inaudible> upon the Lord<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> teach me.
Lord. Teach me to<inaudible> Oh dear God. Our father in heaven, we, they come before your throne thinking that you are God, our God, that created all of mankind. The one that loves us so much, his precious son died upon the cross of Calvary to redeem us from our sins father in heaven. We often take so much for granted in our lives that we often forget who we really ought to be.
Yeah. We often forget to be the right example before others. We often fail to reach out to those that are not your children, your God. We often take life itself for granted. We don’t take any precautions to make sure that we stay healthy. We pray father that you bless each and every one of us that’s here today and be filled with Thanksgiving that we were able to come here and worship you the one and true living God.
They were able to remember our savior and the sacrifice he made there on the cross that he bore our sins there and shed his precious blood. Often father, we failed to be thankful for our families or our mates for our parents, for our children, Brand Children. And great-grandchildren we so often forget to remember one another as this body of Christ in our prayers,
daily father. We’re so thankful that Terry and Patricia are over the virus. We pray that you continue to bless them and pray that they continue to be well. We pray for those that others that were mentioned that are facing different trials in their lives with their health. We pray that you be with those that are administering to them, that they might be able to regain that health.
And once again, be with us Father, we’re mindful of those that have drifted away, need some encouragement. And we pray that we might be attentive to those needs and be better to be able to say, or do something that might stir their hearts and their minds to realize where they are and that they truly do want to come back and serve and glorify you are there help us each day that we remember your words,
that we look to it, the scriptures often to tip, strengthen our lives and to help us to be able to reach others with the gospel. We pray father that we always are mindful of those that are outside the body, that we do have a love for their souls, that we do want to be there for them and help to stir their thinking that they come to know your will and want to be obedient to it.
Father, we’re so grateful for Aaron and his family. We’re so thankful for the abilities that they have to encourage this congregation. And for the blessing, it is to have a minister of the gospel that said is the word deeply and is able to teach our classes and to preach out the word here to this congregation in such a way that it’s so easy to understand your will.
And it truly stars our minds and our hearts to try to be better, to want to serve you more are for Michael Jones and his family and him going to the school of preaching. We pray that you strengthen him and bless Sam as he continues his studies there. And we’re so grateful for him and wanting to be a better master of the gospel, bless them and strengthen them.
Bless each family here, father. And we pray that we all try to work together for the good of the church, for the good of our own souls. And hopefully to reach out in this area, we pray that we be compassionate and patient and kind and loving as we go through life that others truly see Jesus living in us, bless us and our worship to stay and help us out.
Always draw closer to you and closer to one another. And we pray for that home in heaven with a and Jesus, we pray amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number three, 353, one day number 353 One day. When<inaudible> one day when<inaudible> was as black as could be. He, Jesus came for to be born of a judge,
dwell among man, my example and see<inaudible> me jogging. He saved me buried. He<inaudible> my sins.<inaudible> Hey<inaudible> Hey<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, one day he’s<inaudible> Oh, glory us. Yay. One day they let him<inaudible> Oh, one day<inaudible> to die on the tree. So off a<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me dying. He said, Hey,
saved me buried. He<inaudible> my son<inaudible><inaudible> ah.<inaudible> one day he is<inaudible>. Oh, glory. Yay. One day<inaudible> on and God, or one day he from<inaudible> free. Angela’s came down. No<inaudible><inaudible> my savior. See<inaudible> me dying. He say, Hey me.<inaudible> my son.<inaudible><inaudible> one day. He is<inaudible>.
Oh, glory. Yay. One day gray can sell him no long. One day<inaudible> rolled way from<inaudible> and then he<inaudible> now is<inaudible> my Lord.<inaudible> me.<inaudible> me.<inaudible> Hey,<inaudible><inaudible> one day he’s<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me.<inaudible> me.<inaudible> my son<inaudible> Hey<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, one day he’s<inaudible>.
Oh, glory. Dang. As we prepare to participate in this Lord, suffer less free or minds of all our worldly thoughts and focus upon the sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us go to our father in prayer and only father. We were so very grateful for this privilege. We have to assemble about this table. And as we partake of this and emblem of the bread,
which represents your son’s body, that was sacrificed on the cross, help us to realize how significant that really is to each and every one of us that we have that hope of eternal life with you. One day in Jesus name, we pray, amen.<inaudible> Again, father, as we continue this Memorial and partake of this fruit of the vine, which represents the blood that was sacrificed for permission of our Sams,
help us to protect this and aware of their manner that it was acceptable in their sight. It’s in your son’s name that we pray, amen.<inaudible> This concludes the Lord’s supper. And we find this a convenient time to offer prayer for our offering. We’re commanded on first day of each week to lay by and store as we’ve been prospered. So let’s once again,
go to the father in prayer<inaudible> And my father is we again, come before that throne. We’re so very grateful for the many material blessings that you have. So richly Mr. Bowden on our lives help us always to remember that these blessings come from you and that we are merely stewards of the while we’re here on this earth, help us to give freely.
And may these funds be used to further your word here and also to promote your word worldwide. It’s in his name that we pray. Amen Song before the lesson will be number 346. He lives. And if you’re able, let’s stand for this song please. Number 346 is the invitation song on the slides. Okay? Invitation song will be on the slide.
He lives. I serve a risen savior. He’s in the world today. I know that he is living whatever man may say, Hey, I see his hand up. I hear his moist Searchie and a slow time. I need him. He is always<inaudible> Christ Jesus<inaudible>. He walks with me and talks with me.<inaudible> salvation to him.<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible><inaudible> my<inaudible> and all the world around me.
I see his loving, eh, no, my heart grows<inaudible> I never, well, I know that he is leading through all the stormy, blah, blah. Here’s up here? Me. Well,<inaudible> he<inaudible> Christ Jesus<inaudible>. He walks with me and walks with me along life’s narrow way. Hey, he<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible> he<inaudible> my<inaudible> rejoice.
We joined. So Chris, John, lift up your voice and sing<inaudible> to Jesus Christ King. The hope of all Hersey cam<inaudible> no, no. So loving, so good. And ah, he<inaudible> Christ Jesus<inaudible>. He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. Hey<inaudible> you asked me<inaudible><inaudible> my<inaudible> may be seated.
Good morning. Most, if not, all of you know, because you’ve been in the class at some point, we’ve been going through the book of revelation in our classes, on the adult classes on Sunday and on Wednesday. And we’d gone through a number of passages that in the book of revelation, reference things that sound like the judgment day. And we’ve looked at those in their context.
And we’ve said a number of times my sound like the judgment day, but it’s not. And to avoid the possibility that somebody might come along at some point and say, well, I’m not sure Aaron believes in the judgment day. I thought what we would do this morning is spend a little time talking about the last day because the new Testament is very clear about that day.
The new Testament teaches us very clearly about when this life will come to an end when this life and when this world and all that is in, it will be no more. So this morning, I want to begin noticing in noticing second, Peter chapter three, Peter writes to the church, second, Peter chapter three beginning in one. And we’re just going To primarily notice Three passages.
There are many more, Or that could be discussed. There are many more that could be talked about, and there are many more that include more detail. But for the sake of our time, We’re going to notice three Second, Peter chapter three. And in verse one, beloved, I now write to you this second epistle in both of which I stir up your pure minds,
by way of reminder, Peter makes it clear as Peter teaches those Christians in the first century that he is writing to them to remind them of what they all ready Know. He’s Not writing to them, new things. They’ve never heard before. He’s not writing to them a different thing than what they preached when they were in their presence. He’s writing to them things to remind them,
to stir Them up and To get their hearts and minds Ready for what is to come. Then You may be mindful verse two of the words, which were spoken before by the Holy prophets and of the commandments of us, the apostles of the Lord and savior notice. First and foremost, he says to those Christians, he says, you were told this by the prophets of old.
This is not something that just started with Jesus and started with the apostles. This is the fulfillment of what you have been told for generations going back into the old Testament. So the old Testament prophets spoke of it and the apostles spoke Of it. Then he says this, knowing this first, That scoffers will come in the last days, walking, according to their own lunch and saying,
where is the promise of his coming for? Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning. Creation. Peter makes it clear. As he writes to these Christians, as he Brings forward the profits and brings forward the teaching of the other apostles together to these brethren, he makes it clear to them that there would be people who would rise up from among themselves,
from among the Christians And say, he ain’t coming back here. Clearly isn’t coming back because he hasn’t come Back yet. And they’ll use as their justification for their position, that everything is continued to exist. The way that it was from the day of creation until now Nothing Ever changes. Generations come and generations go. Therefore, because generations come and generations go,
generations will come and go. Never. And Peter says they have a problem with their reasoning. They have a problem with their line of argumentation because it hasn’t always been That way. And notice what he says. He says for this, they willfully forget that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water,
by which the world that then existed perished being flooded With water Peterson. It says these people who claim that the world is just continued on without fail generation after generation, that nothing ever changes, Army Missing one glaringly obvious example of things, changing a great deal Because God, in the days of Noah Brought judgment on a wicked world and by grace saved eight souls out of an entire plant.
Peter says, if he did that, what makes You think he won’t do what He’s promised already notice what he said. He says, he says by which the world that then existed perish verse six, being flooded with water, but the heavens and the earth, which are now preserved by the same word, the same word. What the same word that brought the flood.
The same word that brought 40 days and 40 nights of rain. The same word that broke up the ground and brought water from beneath the earth. The same word that brought the flood above the tops of the very mouth. The same word that brought, that has caused the world to come, Continue to exist. What the hell, Humans in the earth,
which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But beloved do not forget this. One thing that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years in is a thousand years as one day, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promises. Some men count slackness, but as long suffering toward us,
not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The same word that brought the flood. The same word that preserved the earth from that point until now is the same word that reserved this world for fire Around four o’clock in the afternoon, look over at your spouse and say, what do you want for dinner? Your spouse says,
I don’t care. What do you want? I tell you what, let’s make a reservation at this fine restaurant. It’s not COVID world. It’s some imaginary world where you can actually go to a restaurant and you call up the phone. You say, I need a reservation for two. I want to sit over in the corner. I want this to eat.
This is what I want. This is my reservation. God said this world that I created this, This world and everything in this physical universe that I created, I have reserved Its end. I have gone ahead and told you exactly how it’s going, Going to go. And because I created it, I have the power to do it. And these Christians who were coming forth,
these scoffers as Peter calls them, We’re saying, it’s not going to happen. He hasn’t come back yet. And since he hasn’t come back yet, therefore he must not ever plan on coming Back. Peter says, you misunderstand our God. Yes, You misunderstand who he is and you misunderstand his power and his knowledge. If you say tomorrow, I’m going to get up in the morning and go to work.
You have a good plan that you’re going to do that. But with the Lord, he can say a thousand years from now, I’m going To do this. And he can do it with the same ease at which you can say tomorrow, I’m going to do this. He is not Slack concerning his promises. Unlike humanity, you get up first thing in the morning and you say four o’clock,
I’m going to exercise Around three 55. You look instead at the refrigerator refrigerator and say, I think I’ll exchange Exercise for a snack. The Lord is not Slack concerning his promises. As some men count slackness but is Long suffering. So We question, wait a minute. If God is going to return, surely things have gotten as bad as they’re ever going to get Shirley.
It is time what’s he waiting on. And Peter says every single day, the Lord waits. We are to understand that to be his long suffering. We are to understand that that is because he desires that everyone Should come to repentance Verse 10, but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. That phrase was used by Jesus repeatedly.
To describe a time when people were not ready, the thief doesn’t call in advance and say, I’m going to be there at 7:00 PM. Make sure you have the dogs out and make sure you got the gun loaded and make sure the doors are locked. He comes when you’re not ready. God will come Not on a day prophesied by some religious fanatic who thinks he knows how to interpret signs and symbols,
but on a day of his choosing, where there will be no signs of his coming according to Jesus, but as a day or as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise. And the elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up Jesus Or excuse me,
Peter, as he is writing to these Christians says there was a day when God wiped the planet, clean with water. But When this judgment comes, when the day comes, where he returns, when he is revealed on that final day, it’s not going to be wiping the planet clean. It’s going to be burning it up. It is reserved For fire.
And he says the works And the substance of this earth will be no more. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons are you to be in Holy conduct and godliness looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire. And the elements will melt with fervent heat.
Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a newer in which righteousness dwells. Peter brings forward old Testament language of a new heavens and a new earth, a new dwelling place for the people of God, God, We’ve made it clear in our studies in the adult class. That every time we see new heavens and new earth,
it’s not supposed to be an interpretation of exactly what’s going to happen. It’s supposed to be a picture, an old Testament picture of God, preparing a place for his people. Jesus made this statement. Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go, then I will come and bring you to where I am. Jesus.
This did not promise the apostles a home on this earth. Jesus did not promise his apostles, a dwelling place on this earth where he would return to them. And well with them, Jesus promised his apostles at dwelling place in heaven, where he would return and bring them to Him self. But yet notice this phrase in verse 12, Peter says, We don’t know when the day will be.
We don’t know when Jesus will return, but he does say what we are to be doing. In the meantime We are to be looking for And hastening The coming of the day of God. What does he mean? What does Peter mean? Buying the idea that we’re to be looking for and hastening the, The day of God? Well, first of all,
Well, we read in the previous verse that because all these things will be dissolved because there’s coming a day when this earth will be no more. When this universe will be no more. When the works of this earth will be no more. We ought to live in Holy conduct and godliness. If we live our lives here in view of our lives, there,
we will live our lives, Then holiness in this life. But he also makes it clear that we don’t just live our lives in holiness saying like, well, someday I’m going to die. We live our lives every day as if today Might be our last. We look for that day. Not just the day when our lives are over because we die of old age or we die of some disease.
We don’t look for that day. We look for the return Of Christ and we do so with anticipation. Sometimes we struggle with that idea. Sometimes we go, but I want to see my kids grow up, but I want to see my grandkids, But I want to see fill In the blank and that’s not wrong nor unnatural, but in our better moments,
when We put our mind in view of the word of God, we go. But Oh, what a day? That will be When my children, who I want to see, grow up, never Have to experience pain again. When those who have gone before, who I’ve attended Their funerals and I’ve laid them in the ground, I get to see again,
you win. We struggle with the here and now and the, what we can see and the, what we can hope for, but God Dozens. And yet he calls upon us while we are still here to not focus on tomorrow. But the soul Is lost today. Therefore we are supposed to be looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.
When you hasten the coming of the day of God, you preach the gospel. When you hasten the coming of the day of God, you prepare the world for what God wants. And that is that no one Should fail to come to repentance. We are to be those who are looking for the coming of the day of God. We are also be those who are preparing this world for that day,
but one other passage, or the second passage that I want us to notice is just a few pages over in your new testaments. In first John chapter four first John chapter four, John has spent the bulk of this chapter discussing the attribute of love That belongs to God. Okay? Not just that God does that, which is love, but God is love.
And in verse 17, we read the love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness In the day of judgment because as He is, so are We in this world? One Of the greatest things that God Has given us is love when we didn’t deserve it is love when we couldn’t ask for it. His Love when we had no rights To it,
because the attribute of love is the center. Most attribute of God. And he loved us when we were unworthy. And so we, as Christians, as we develop ourselves and understand who he is, as we grow in our knowledge of him, as we come closer to every day, we are to become Love. We are to have love perfected in us.
But notice this. He says, when love is perfected in you, you can stand in the day of judgment because as he is, so are we in this world therefore, or excuse me, there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made. Perfect in love. We love him because he first loved.
God said, you’re lost. You’re in your sins and you’re going to die. And if you die in that state, my justice has no choice. My justice must punish you if you die in that state, But I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you don’t Die in that state. So John Jay Chapter three verse 16 said for God,
so loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting. He loved us first and yet the last day is coming. One more passage, Romans chapter two, Peter tells us that there are those who will doubt. Peter tells us there were those. There are those who will deny. Peter tells us that it’s coming.
And it’s a shirt and is promised by God. Peter tells us that when it comes, everything that is in this physical world will be destroyed, But for God’s people, a new home awaits. But as Paul Writes to the church at Rome and deals with the problem of the Jews and the Gentiles and their, their divisiveness towards one another and God’s plan for both of them,
Paul writes to these Christians and he writes to them about that Day, Beginning in verse one, he read, we read, therefore you are inexcusable. He is addressing the Jews at the moment. He says, therefore, you are inexcusable old, man, whoever you are on who judge for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself for you, who judge practice the same things.
He addresses the Jews who look at the world around them and all the Gentiles. And they accuse them and they judge them and they judge them unworthy of God. And yet he addresses these Jews and says, you who judge someone else and then commit the same thing that you judge them for. Judge yourself, You condemn Yourself. But he says, but we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.
Paul is not leaving the implication that God’s not going to judge the wicked. Paul is saying, if you’re judging someone who’s wicked and then committing the same wickedness, you’re judging, God’s going to judge you too. His righteousness or excuse me, His judgment is according to truth. But then he says, verse three. And do you think this old man,
you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same, that you will escape. Yeah. Judgment of God. Paul makes it clear hypocrisy. And those who practice, it will be judged by God. But he goes on verse four. Or do you despise the riches of his goodness, forbearance and long suffering, non knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance.
This is D do you look at everything God’s given you everything God’s blessed you with as a nation Israel. And you see God’s goodness in his forbearance and his love and his long suffering. And you look at it and you don’t learn from It. You Don’t use that. Goodness, that long suffering that forbearance as an impetus for repentance To admonish you to do What is right.
But he says, verse five in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you are treasuring up for yourself, wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Paul, as he writes to these Jews, as he writes to these Jews, he writes to them and says, if you’re going to judge someone for their sin,
fine, but not. If you’re going to commit the same sin, then you’ve judged yourself. And if you think you can live as a hypocrite, judging someone else in committing the same thing you need to know, all you’re doing is storing up banking away, investing for the future, but you’re not investing good things. You’re not investing righteousness. You’re not investing in blessings reward.
Your investing RAF. You are storing up wrath for the day of wrath. Now wait a minute. I thought the judgment day was going to be a great day. I thought the last day was going to be a day of blessing and rejoicing. I thought the day of judgment was going to be a day when those who are righteous, come in and are welcomed by God.
It is. And yet Jesus said there was coming a day. When those who would stand before God would be separated. He said there would be a day when there would be those who had done works in his name and prophesied in his name and then done many wonderful works in his name, who he would say depart from me. You workers of iniquity.
I never knew Paul is telling these Christians, if you agree, Nor the blessings of God and the forbearance of God and the long suffering of God, and you don’t learn that you can’t live the way your ancestors did, but instead that you must repent, you will receive the same judgment, the same condemnation and the same RAF. They receive verse six.
He describes the judgment of God. He will render to each one, according to his deeds, eternal life, to those who by patient continuance in doing good, seek for glory honor. And immortality Paul says for those who don’t live like this, who don’t live in hypocrisy, Who don’t judge others and then do what they have judged. But instead those who live every day,
looking for glory, looking for honor looking for immortality, not someone wandering around in this world looking to glorify themselves, not someone wandering around in this world looking to honor themselves, not someone looking for immortality for themselves, But who are looking for the attributes of God to instill in themselves. He says, but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth,
but obey unrighteousness, indignation, and wrath, tribulation, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor, and peace to everyone who works. What is to the Jew first and also to the Greek. You remember back over in Romans chapter one, Paul makes it clear that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Paul says the Jew is going to receive the gospel. First is going to have the opportunity of salvation first but less. You think God is partial. They’re also going to be judged first. They’re also going to have wrath first or blessing first, depending upon whether or not they obey the gospel that was preached to them. And then the Greek verse 11 for there is no partiality with God,
for as many as have sinned without the law will also perish without the law. And as many of sin in the law will be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are, are just in the sight of God. But the doers of the law will be justified for when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature, do the things in the law.
These, although ha not having the law are a law to themselves who show the work of the law, written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and between themselves, their thoughts accusing or else excusing them in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. According to my gospel, Paul makes it clear. The Jews had the law of Moses,
the Gentiles didn’t. But when God finds a Gentile who obeyed the truth in the law though, he was never one who received the law. He will judge him according to his works and the Jew who received the law of Moses. And didn’t keep it. He will judge him according to his Works, but Jew and Gentile alike have now received the gospel To the Jew and the Gentile in that day.
And today Paul says he will judge them according to the guy. So where does that leave us? It leaves us in John chapter 12, Actually in John chapter 12, Jesus would say to these Jews, He who believes in me verse 44, believes not in me, but in him who sent me. And he who sees me, sees him, who sent me.
I have come as a light into the world. And whoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hears my words and not believe I do not judge him Four, I did not come to judge the world, but Save the world. He who rejects me And does not receive my words has that Judges, him, the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
It leaves us here with a promise that is assured with a day that we are to be looking and hastening, but a day in which we know we will Judged not by an arbitrary ruler, not by wills or fickle decisions, But by the word that Jesus spoke, because he says, my word will judge you in the last day. Well, how will we be judged?
We will be judged according to Two hour works. How then are we to live in all in all Holy conduct and conversation looking for and hastening the day of the Lord. If you’re outside the body of Christ, you are outside of the gospel. That brings salvation. Yes. If you are outside of the gospel, that brings salvation. You are outside Of the hope of eternity.
If you are outside of the hope of eternity, you reside in the wrath God, and there’s coming a day where you will stand before him in judgment. And all you will have as you stand before him in judgment is your evil Needs to testify concerning your works. You say, well, wait a minute, but I’ve done good things too. Yes,
but unfortunately good deeds do not merit salvation. Only a perfect sacrifice can obtain salvation. And one who is sinned cannot be a perfect sacrifice, but that’s okay because that’s why God first loved us and sent his son to die on the cross for your sins and for mine. So if you’re outside the body of Christ outside the gospel and outside of hope, you can change that by coming into contact with the blood of the sacrifice of Christ.
But how do you do? You don’t do it by just faith. You don’t do it by prayer. You do it by hearing the word of God and obeying it. You do it by hearing the gospel and then doing what it says. What does it say to do? Jesus said that except you believe that I am, he you’ll die in your sins.
And that’s true. But Jesus also said, except you repent. You will die in your sins. And that’s also true. But he also said, you have to believe in me. And that involves a confession and a recognition of who he is, that he is the Christ, the son of living. God, not just that. He was some somewhere.
Not that he was just some prophet, not that he was Elijah or one or Isaiah or one of the profits, but he was Jesus Christ. The son of God. Well then having done that, you have to come into contact with his blood. You have to die to sin and you do that in a watery grave of baptism because Jesus said he,
that believes and is baptized shall be saved. You have need of that this morning. You can do that. You’re outside the body of Christ. You have hope you’re a member of the body of Christ. That’s not been living like tomorrow may be your last day. You also have hope, but it involves change. You have need of the invitation. Why not come now?
As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible> but blah<inaudible> and<inaudible> me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> just<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> like, like<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> like, like Song before the closing prayer will be number 852. When the roll is called up yonder heed five,
two. When the Trump and other launch on sound and time shall be no more and no morning breaks. You turn up bright and fast. When they’re saved, gather over on the, the shore. And our role is called up yonder. I’ll be there. Hey, when he was called up and when he was called up,<inaudible> when the role is called up beyond<inaudible> on that ride in cleanliness morning when the dead in Christ shall rise and the glory of his resurrection<inaudible> when his chosen one shall gather to their home.
The guys and their role is called the beyond. Be<inaudible> is called up.<inaudible> when a roll is called up beyond a I’ll be the Hey neighbor for the master, from the Dawn to setting side, there’s talk of here’s one dress and Kay, Hey<inaudible> is over. And a work on earth is done and the roll is called up yonder<inaudible> is called up<inaudible> and it’s called up.
And when a roll is called up beyond a hobby, What’d you buy with me the God and father in heaven. We’re indeed thankful for another beautiful day of life. That you’ve blessed us with father. We’re thankful for this hour that we were able to worship the same prices under the and father. We pray that our worship today has been acceptable and pleasing in that site,
by the word mindful at this time, if those who have been mentioned sick, we pray father, if it bait, I will, that you are turning them back to a good state of health and their most wanted health. They can be back with us, by the way. We’re also mindful that we have members here. They may be traveling and we pray father that you will be with them and comfort them as they travel.
And that they may have a safe destination. Father were thankful for your son, Jesus, and that great sacrifice on that cross. And we just pray father that as we leave this building and go back to our workplace and being out in the public and those around us, we can be that shining light and that good example of bring lost souls today, father,
we pray that you’ll be with this country, with the issues that are going on and father, we know that it’s possibly a shame, no doubt. It’s a shame at times, father, and we pray that you will be with the leaders of this country, father, that we can turn this country back around and bring praise and glory today. But I would pray that you’ll be with us and keep us safe.
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning.<inaudible> We’re continuing our study of revelation. We’re going to go over the questions from revelation chapter 21st, and then for those who glanced over the, the handout, you know, you might be expecting something a little different this morning. We are going to do something a little different this morning, because I want to, I want to take a few moments and we’ll talk about this more in just a minute,
but I want to take a few moments this morning, and we’ve talked a lot about old Testament passages and their influence on revelation. And before we get out of revelation, I actually want to spend one class going back and really just dipping our minds into those old Testament passages and getting some of the ideas out of them before we get into revelation chapter 21 and 22,
because, well, let me hold off on the, because I’ll get to that in a minute, but let’s start with a word of prayer and then we’ll go through the questions on 20. And I’ll circle back to that thought in a minute gracious father in heaven, we bow before you at this time grateful for the day that you’ve given to us for the life that we have and the health that we have,
the abilities we have to come together to study your word and to serve you. We are grateful for this day that you’ve granted to us, and we’re grateful for the rain that gives life to all the things on this earth. We’re grateful for every day that we see whether sunshine or rain, because we know that it is just one more reassurance that you are there.
We pray that you will be with those who are struggling because of illnesses, difficulties, injuries, ailments, or loss of loved ones, all these things that we deal with on a daily basis while in this life. And we pray that you will give us comfort and strength and that we will search for that comfort and strength in your word, that we will have faith and understanding concerning the things in this life and what is to come.
We pray this nation and the choices direction that it’s going, the choices that will be made and the direction that it goes will be those things that will open more doors of opportunity to teach the loss, to declare your name and to glorify you. We pray for the world and every nation, that those things will also be true as well. We pray for those in this community and our leaders here locally,
may they make wise decisions and strive to make decisions that are in accordance with your word. May we always seek to help those who are in need be kind to those who are unkind to us and live the example of your son in our lives. All this we pray in Jesus name, Amen Revelation, chapter 20, question one of these aspects of the vision,
which is literal a, the key beef bottomless pit. See the chain D the dragon E Satan or F the thousand years E Satan. Okay. In the midst of that chapter 20 verses one and two, the literal thing is the thing that is the explanation and not part of the vision. Verse two, what we have said, or, sorry, let me read that the way it’s written.
What have we said? The number 1000 or something multiplied by a thousand represents in revelation, completeness or perfection. Okay. What happens to the dragon after the thousand years Released for a little season or while question four, who’s sat and rained with Christ for a thousand years martyrs. Okay. That that’s important. It’s the martyrs that reign with him. Does the passage anywhere say that Christ reigned for only a thousand years?
No. It doesn’t. How many resurrections did John see? Two, Which one was literal or historical? I E bodily resurrection of people who had died Answers. Neither. Neither. Yeah. The first resurrection is the, the second resurrection is everybody else, but it’s all visionary. It’s all part of the vision. If there neither one of them is a literal bodily resurrection in the sense that we’re looking forward to when Christ returns.
Okay. Let’s see. Where was I? Question seven. What does Satan do when he is released? All right. He deceives the nations and gathers them to battle against who’s Satan, always fighting against Christ and the Christians. Okay. And he goes back to doing exactly what he was doing before he was thrown in the bottomless pit for a thousand years.
Okay. So he makes war or prepare for battle by what were the dead judged in the second resurrection By their works. Okay. What was cast into the Lake of fire? Death and hell or Hades, depending on which translation you’re using. Where did we see these two previously in the book. Okay. As the RA, the rider on the pale horse,
his, his death and Hades is following after him. That’s in revelation. What chapter? Chapter six. And it’s the fourth seal. Okay. So you could put for the answer there, you could put the, the pale horse revelation six, the sick, there were the fourth seal. Any of those are good answers to that question. Who else was cast into the Lake of fire?
Anyone not found in the book of life. Okay. So set aside revelation, chapter 20 for a minute in chapter 19 and 20 and 21 and 22, you’re seeing the progression of visions that tell trues. And like we talked about on Wednesday, we would be inconsistent to say to a pre millennialist, you need to be consistent on your interpretation. If you’re going to say it’s literal,
like the thousand years is literal, then everything around it has to be literal and you need to be consistent with that. So too, we have to be consistent. We talked about, like I said, we talked about this a little bit on Wednesday. If we’re going to say that the thousand years, this isn’t literal and the bottomless pit isn’t literal and the dragon isn’t literal in the sense of,
they declare trues about what God is doing and has done, but they’re not intended to be understood as historical events in history story. Then we also need to be consistent, okay. To then come to the last two chapters of revelation and flip-flop are hermaneutic art interpretation of the book. And immediately go now at chapter 21, everything you read here is literal,
and it’s going to happen when Christ returns number for two, for two reasons, that was a problem. Number one, you have things you can’t explain in chapter 21 and 22. If that’s your interpretation of chapters, 21, 22, we’ll get to that, that on Wednesday, there are things in this passage that if you interpret this as the day of judgment and heaven and eternity,
they make no sense. If you remain consistent, though, with the interpretation that we’ve had all the way through the book, which is, here’s what he said, I saw. Here’s what it means. You not only get the picture from the old Testament brought forward as John has done over and over and over and over and over in the book. But you also get trues that are timeless and pictures that are timeless,
that you can look at heaven and see those as a pluggable, trues for eternity. Okay. So what we’re going to do in this lesson today, and why probably won’t get through all these questions. We’re going to go through the questions that we handed out today. These are all old Testament passages. But what I want us to do is I want us to go through these old Testament passages,
because I don’t want you or anyone to it ever go through. And listen to me, teach revelation 21 and 22 and say, well, Aaron said it. That must be what it means. Cause that’s the terrible hermeneutics. Please don’t ever use that method of interpretation. Aaron said it, therefore it’s true. But also because I don’t want you to assume that because I’m saying all this stuff is in the old Testament that it’s actually there.
I want you to have it in your hands. I want you to look through the passages as we go through this morning. And if we don’t get all the way through the questions, I’m going to let you spend the rest of the time on your own study, filling these in because it’s all straight from the text. It’s all from the old Testament.
Well, we won’t spend two classes on it, but I want this information in your records, in your file. So that when you go back to your notes on 21 and 22, you go, where did he get all this stuff from? Well, here’s where it is. And by the way, even since I finished the questions, there’s more passages.
I wish I had included, but we’ll talk about them as we get through chapters 21, 22. So today is all old Testament. It’s all old Testament. And it’s all where all these pictures that we’re going to read about in 20 and 21 and 22, it’s where they all come from is the old Testament. And they’re as true today as they were when God gave them under a different law,
under a different covenant, to a different people. Okay? God spoke these things to Israel before Christ had ever come. And we need to learn and appreciate what God was saying and the truth of what he said and the pictures he used to declare that truth. So we’re going to begin in Isaiah chapter 11. All, most all of this will come from Isaiah,
but there’s, there’s more that could be gleaned from, from other books. We’ve got a few at the end, but we’re going to try and go through this as logically and, and contextually as possible. Isaiah chapter 11, we’re going to read a section. We’re going to answer some questions. So we’re going to begin with Isaiah 11 verses one through nine,
there shall come forth. A rod from the STEM of Jesse. I’ll make a few comments as we go through, but I’m not gonna spend a lot of time making comments where we won’t get anywhere close to finished. But the rod here is Christ. This is a, this is a prophecy concerning the Messiah. The STEM of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him. The spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and mind, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. His delight is in the fear of the Lord. And he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes nor decide by the hearing of his ears. But with righteousness, he shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth.
He shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breadth of his lips, he shall slay the wicked. What does God do to the wicked? And what member of the Godhead does it? All right, verse four, he shall strike the earth with his rod of the mouth. He shall slay the wicked. Okay? So he,
he destroys the, but which member of the Godhead is being prophesied about Jesus Christ. When you get over revelation chapter 19, how is Jesus Christ pictured On a white horse? The sword of his mouth is coming out and he’s defeating the wicked. The picture’s consistent. Okay. Verse five righteousness shall be the belt of his loins and faithfulness the belt of his waist.
Over in revelation 19, we read about him being girded about and a name that was written on his thigh and all of these things, these pictures of Christ over and over again. What is the branch wearing as a designation, righteousness and faithfulness. Okay. You go over to the, over to revelation and he’s called faithful and true. And you see his righteousness.
We’re just, we’re bringing forward. These pictures verses six through nine. The Wolf also shall dwell with the lamb. The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fat laying together. And a child shall lead them. The cow and the bear show graze. Their young ones shall lie down together. The lion chilly straw,
like the ox, the nursing child shall play by a Cobra’s hole. And the wean child shall put his hand in the Vipers den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the water covers the sea as a result of the branches judgment. Okay? So he goes out,
he defeats the enemies of his, of God’s people as a result of the branches judgment and the knowledge of the Lord. What happens to the animal life? They live peacefully together. Now I got a question for you when the Messiah came and Jesus Christ walked on the earth and taught and died and was resurrected at what point in all that time, as Jesus was on the earth,
did the lion lay down with the lamb? Did the Wolf not attack anymore? Did the baby go near the Vipers den and stick his hand in the Vipers, Dan and not get bit, none of it, but what’s the picture when God destroys his enemies and he destroys them. So utterly there’s nothing left. Like the anguish pain, sorrow danger hurt,
nothing like that left God. So thoroughly destroys his enemies. Okay? That’s The picture is all the animal life stops being like animals. The truth is God’s. People are so secure. Nobody touches them. They can’t be hurt. Okay. There’s the picture. There’s the truth. Now let’s go to chapter 34. By the way, the pre-millennial lists are waiting for a day where lions and lambs lay down together,
physical lions and lambs Displaying that it’s not happening. Okay? God never intended for it to happen on this physical earth in that sense. Okay? Their pictures, their figures were being consistent all the way through chapter 34 verses one, let’s do one through four and then we’ll pick up verse six, chapter 34, verse one, come near you nations to hear and heed you.
People let the earth here and all that is in it, the world, and all things that come forth from it for the indignation of the Lord is against all nations. His fury against all their enemies are all their armies. He shall utterly destroy them. And he there, sorry. He shall enter to utterly destroy them. He has given them over to the slaughter.
Also their slain shall be thrown out. Their stint shall rise from their corpses and the mountains shall be melded with their blood. All the hosts of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall roll up. Like us shall be rolled up like a scroll. All their hosts shall fall down as the leaf falls from the vine as the fruit falling from a big tree.
Okay. Question four. How complete is God’s judgment against the nations? Utterly 100% complete my wait a minute. Was there a time in old Testament history where God so judged all the people around Israel that there wasn’t a nation left on the face of the planet except Israel? No. Then the next question, when God judges, the nations what’s done away with,
so was there a time in Israelite history where God’s so judged the nations around Israel that heaven and earth just were gone and somehow Israel was still here. No. Now wait. Yeah. A minute over in revelation, chapter 21 and 22 in the end of chapter 20, what, what is, what goes away? What flees from the presence of God,
Heaven and earth and Wait a minute. There’s an, you know, I, I feel very unfortunate for some of my brethren who are now holding to a doctrine that there is going to be a new literal, physical heaven and new literal physical earth. When Christ returns, it comes from not being consistent with your interpretation of scripture. There’s no new heavens and new earth that we’re waiting for when Christ returns not a physical one no more than there was in Isaiah’s day.
But when Isaiah uses the picture and it speaks of a truth, John’s going to come along and use the same picture to speak of the same truth. Okay. Verse six down through, let’s do six through eight so we can get the latter portion. At the end. The sword of the Lord is filled with blood. It is made overflowing with fatness,
with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of Rams for the Lord has a sacrifice in Bosnia and a great slaughter in the land of Edam. The wild oxen shall come down with them. And the young bulls with the mighty bowls, their land shall be soaked with blood and their dust saturated with fatness for it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance.
The year of recompense for the cause of Zion. Why did the judgment come against the nations? The end of verse eight? Okay. God is bringing judgment against the enemies of his people. The vengeance is because of what they did to Zion his people. Okay? The nations are being judged here. Specifically. Bosnia Edam are being talked about, and the condemnation is how you treated.
My people go revelation. 19 revelation. Chapter 20 was God, say over and over again, you’re getting this, this judgment is coming on Rome. I’m bringing this destruction because of what you did to my people. Okay? Verse, verse nine, go down. I’m going to read down through the end of the chapter. It streams it’s streamed shall be turned into pitch that not Zion streams,
Edens streams. This is this whole chapter is a condemnation on Edam. Okay? It stream shall be turned into pitch. It’s dust into brimstone. Its land shall become a burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night or day. It smoke. Shelah sin forever from generation to generation. It shall lie. No one shall pass through it forever and ever.
All right, God says Edam. I’m turning you into a Lake of fire. I’m turning your land into that, which is covered by pitch and brimstone and fire. Now, was there a time when God turned Edam into a land of Fire? No. Okay. But verse 11 and here’s where you get the little glue. There’s not a literal Lake of fire.
It’s not a literal stream of fires. Now, literal land of pitch because what lives in it, all the animals he says, but the Pelican and the porcupine shall possess it. Also the owl and the Raven shall dwell in it. He shall stretch out over it. The line of confusion, the stones of emptiness, they shall call its Nobles to the kingdom,
but none shall be there. And all its princes shall be nothing. And thorn shall come up in its palaces, nettles and brambles in its fortresses. It shall be a habitation of jackals, a courtyard for ostriches. The wild bees of the desert shall meet with the jackals. The wild goat shall bleat with it, to its companions. Also the night creatures shall rest there and find for herself a place of rest.
Now you find do animals find themselves a place of rest and a Lake of fire or streams of brooms. No, no, that’s They are the arrow. Snake shall lay shall make her nest and lay eggs and hatch and gather them under her shadow. They are, shall be the Hawks or shall the Hawks be gathered every one with her mate search from the book of the Lord and read not one of these shall fail.
Not one shall lack her mate for my mouth has commanded it. And his spirit has gathered them. He has cast the lot for them and his hand has divided it among them with a measuring line. They shall possess it forever from generation to generation. They shall dwell in it. God says, I’ve measured you and I’ve measured your land and I’m giving it to the animals because I’m destroying you eat them.
And he would, okay. So What is the condition of the earth in this prophecy Thing about it in the figures, all right. Returned to nature, but God says I’m wiping it out. I’m I’m going to completely overtake it and destroy it and return it to nature. Okay. Chapter 35, Isaiah’s not finished. John’s not finished using his figures,
the wilderness and the wasteland. She’ll be glad for them. Let’s go down through verse seven wilderness in the wasteland. She’ll be, she’ll be glad for them. And the D the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the Rose. It shall blossom, abundant, abundantly, and rejoice. Even with joy in singing, the glory of Lebanon shall be given to it.
The excellence of caramel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the excellence of our God, strengthen the weak hands and make from the feeble knees, say to those who are fearful hearted, be strong and do not fear. Behold, your God will come with vengeance and will recompense with the recompense of gone. He will come and save you.
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened. The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer in the tongue of the dumb she’ll sing for water, shall birth, forth, forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool and thirsty land Springs of water in the habitation of jackals,
where each lay there shall be grasped with reeds and rushes. A highway shall be there and a road. It shall be called the highway of holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road shall the road. Although a fool shall not go astray, no lion shall be there nor shall any ravenous beast go up upon it.
It shall not be found there, but the redeem shall walk there. And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion was singing with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Okay. Chapter 35 verses one through four. What are the righteous told to do when the world is faced with this coming judgment?<inaudible> All right.
Be strong and fear. Not he’s coming to save you. Okay. Verses five year seven. What evidence is given of God, still being on their side.<inaudible> All right. The healing of the blind healing of the deaf, the healing of the lame and the healing of those who can’t speak, God, God hasn’t turned away. Now. Was there somebody who said,
you’ve seen this fulfilled in your hearing? Did somebody say to John’s disciples? Here’s the response you’d give to John. You’ve seen the deaf, hear the blind, see the lame walk and the silence speak. And who was that person? Christ. So, wait a minute. God says, I’m going to bring about judgment. I’m going to bring about destruction,
but I, my people to know I’m going to save them. And then he gives a whole bunch of figures in jail. Jesus says me these point to me, all right, watch this verses eight through nine. What is the mood or condition of those who walk on the highway of holiness? Okay, what are they doing though? They’re singing. And they’re at the end of verse 10,
what’s gone sorrow that somebody is going to say that anybody necessarily here, but somebody is going to say, when I get over revelation, chapter 21, that I’m going to read, there’ll be no more tears. And we sing that song, no tears in heaven. And we’re going to say, well, that can’t be on this earth because Christians still have things to be sorrowful about.
You’ve got to look at the figure and you gotta look at the truth. Here’s the picture of Israel, of the Messiah of the salvation, of the saved. And here’s the truth. God says, there’s no more cry. There’s no more tears. There’s no more sorrow. Why? Because you’ve come through all of the struggles, all of the trials,
all of the tribulation, all of the pain, all the things the beast brought upon you in revelation, under Rome. And now you’ve come through the other side and you’re not destroyed. You’re not in ashes. You’re not lame. You’re not any of those things. Why? Because he saved view. And let’s remember this. Even Paul said over in first Corinthians,
chapter 15, when he’s talking about death and the resurrection that we don’t sorrow, the way the world does, as those who have no hope. You and I, we face tears, sorrow loss, but so did the disciples of Christ. And yet he told them I’m departing from you for a little while. We experienced separation, but here’s the real truth.
Here’s the, here’s the underlying thing. God wants us to always remember. We sorrow in this life knowing there’s a life beyond it with him. So the picture of Israel in Isaiah 30 is never any sorrow again. Did that mean is real ever experienced a time where there was never any sorrow in their history? Again? No. It means as long as you’re righteous and you belong to God,
you have a time where you know, God’s with you. No matter what you go through, it’s a picture tells you a truth. Okay? I know we’re not going to get nearly, as far as I’m hope, chapter 42, Chapter 42, we’re just going to grab verses nine and 10, because you could just go all the way through the rest of the book of Isaiah.
But we don’t have time for that. Verses nine and 10 behold, the former things have come the past and new things I declare before they spring forth. I tell you of them. Okay? So verse nine, God says he does. He creates what he creates new things. The former things are gone and he creates new things. Okay? So verse who declares the quote new things before they exist,
who does that? God does. God tells you I’m going to do this. And he may not do it for a thousand years, but you can know assuredly that if he said he was going to do it, he’s going to do it. Okay. But then verse 10, saying to the Lord, a new song and his praise from the ends of the earth,
you who go down to the sea and all that is in it. You coast lands and all inhabitants of them. Isaiah calls upon God’s people to do what? Sing a new song. Now over in revelation, who is it that gets to sing a new song. There’s a specific number of them, 144,000, the 144,000 that are redeemed from the earth.
They get to sing a new song, but Isaiah’s people got to sing a new song. Israel got to sing a new song because every time God redeems his people, they get to sing a new song. There’s not a new song waiting for you in heaven. That has never been sung before. Other than the song of your redemption. That’s the song that gets sung.
Isaiah 43, verse one, actually, we’ll just do verse one. This is a fill in the blank. There’s a lot of the fill in the blanks at the end, because I knew we weren’t going to get all the way there. But again, I just want you to see those passages as they have 43 verse one. But now thus says the Lord who created you?
Oh, Jacob. And he who formed you O Israel. Fear. Not for, I have redeemed. You. I have called you by your name. You are mine. Every, sorry. God declares to Israel. I have blank. You Redeemed. I have called you by blank name.<inaudible> Your name? All right. Watch this because Isaiah’s going to do this very carefully.
He’s going to say through, God’s going to say through Isaiah, I called you by your name, but he follows it up with a statement and you are mine in a minute. He’s going to say, I gave you a new name. It was your name. I called you by it. Today is Isaiah’s birthday. And I told us as we were getting out of the van.
So, you know, it was today that I called you by your name, but it was eight years ago. You know, the day he was born, we gave him a new name, but it was his name. Okay. As Christians, we’re given a new name. God calls us by that name, but all throughout history, God’s given people new names.
Abraham didn’t stay Abraham. Did he? Jacob didn’t stay. Jacob. Did he? Okay. God gives Israel a new name. Notice here. Verse seven, chapter 43. Everyone who is called by my name, whom I have created for my glory. I have formed him. Yes. I have made him. Everyone who has called blank, whom I have created for my glory.
I have formed him. Yes. I have made him. Whose name are they called by? By my name. Okay. So God says, I’m going to call you by your name. And seven verses later, he says, and your name is my name. You Are part of me. Okay? Verse 15, chapter 43. I am the Lord.
Your Holy one, the creator of Israel. Your King question. Fear question 15. I am the Lord. Your Holy one, the blank of Israel, your King creator. Okay. Back in chapter 42, God says I make new things. And I tell about the new things. Before I make them over in chapter 43, he says, I’m going to call you by your name.
And your name is my name. And I am the creator of Israel. When you create something, nobody else has created it before. When you create something, what do you have the rights to do? Call it whatever you want. God says, I’m the one who did this and I get to call it what I want. Okay. You’re seeing here over and over and over and over and over again.
I’m in charge. And when I judge out of that judgment, I make new things. Little later on in these chapters, you’re going to see God saying, I’m going to create you a new, I’m going to do a new heavens and a new earth, new Jerusalem, but you’re going to have to go through the birthing process where you go through the pain and out of which comes something new.
Okay? Here’s this picture being used over and over again. Chapter 43 verses 18 through 21. Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old behold. I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth. Shall you know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The bees of the field will honor me the jackals and the ostriches because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert to give drink to my people.
My chosen one. Now, when did God do that? When did God make a stream out of the desert? In history? Yeah. In the wilderness with Israel, he did it for real in history. And now he’s using it as a figure. Okay. Imagine if you were one of those animals, it spends his entire life in the wilderness,
looking for water, just to be able to make it through another day. And suddenly a spring shows up out of the middle of nowhere because God decided to give drink to his people and you get the by-product. You get a stream that shows up out of nowhere. Okay? There’s the picture. This people I have formed verse 21 for myself. They shall declare my praise.
What does he create in this passage? All right. The stream in the wilderness. Hold on to the picture. The waters of life. Now over in revelation, 21 and 22 in the midst of the garden flow the waters of life. And where do they start? Where do they originate from the throne of God? Okay. We’re not done yet.
Let’s let’s grab a couple more chapter 62 verses one through four for Zion’s sake. I will not hold my peace. And for Jerusalem sake, I will not rest until her righteousness goes forth. As a, as brightness in her salvation. As a lamp that burns the Gentiles shall see your righteousness and all Kings your glory. You shall be called by a new name,
which the mouth of the Lord will name. When everyone sees the glory of God’s people, they will be called by a new what a new name, verse three. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a Royal diadem in the hand of your God, you shall no longer be termed forsaken, nor shall your land anymore.
Be termed desolate, but you shall be called<inaudible>. I don’t know what that means, but I can’t hardly pronounce it. And your land Beulah, we’ve got a song in our songbook Beulah land. Okay. That’s where it comes from. Okay? God says your land used to be called what and what?<inaudible>. And desolate is not gonna be called that anymore.
Okay. Back over to chapter 62 verses 11 and 12. Now wait a minute. Hold on. When you look in revelation, 19 and 20 was God due to the earth, destroys it with the plagues, with the bowls, with all those things, it destroys the entire planet in apocalyptic form. Just like over here in Isaiah chapter 62, God says you and your land,
you were desolate. You were forsaken. You were destroyed verses 11 and 12. Indeed. The Lord has proclaimed to the end of the world, say to the daughter of Zion, Shirley, your salvation is coming behold. His reward is with him and he has work before him. They shall, and they shall call them the Holy people, the redeemed of the Lord.
And you shall be called, sought out a city, not forsaken four terms here. God says Israel, you were forsaken and desolate. I had white. Do you out Now? Here’s your new description. Here’s what you’re going to be called. Four things. Number one, the Holy people. Number two, the redeemed of the Lord. Number three,
saw it out. Saw it after you don’t S you don’t search for something that’s forsaken. You don’t search for something that’s desolate. You, you don’t go looking for a group of people that are, that are destroyed. So if they’re sought out, they’re not that anymore. Are they they’ve become something new and a city for sacred or city, not for sake.
Excuse me. All right. We’re going to pick up on Wednesday. We were going to cover just a few, probably about five of these others, but I encourage you go through the rest of this list this week for Wednesday, fill in these blanks, fill in these holes and get a picture of this. God saying over and over and over in the old Testament,
prophets, I’m going to do this. I’m going to judge your enemies. I’m going to destroy them. So thoroughly it’s as if I wipe the entire face of the planet clean, and then I’m going to make something new. And a number of times you’re going to read new heavens and new earth or new Jerusalem and the picture over and over and over again in the profits is Jerusalem restored the way God wanted it to be.
And that’s the picture we’re going to get in revelation 21 and 22. We’ll talk about that more on Wednesday. Thank you.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Good to see everybody here this morning. On the rainy day, we need a little rain from time to time, but anyway, it’s good to see everybody. If you a Vistor we’d appreciate it.
If you’d fill out a visitor’s card, so we’d have a record of your attendance and just lay it back there on the table. When you get through or lay it there on the seat, if you hadn’t picked up your Lord’s supper, it’s back there on the table, and that’d be a good time while we’re making announcements for you to do that. We need to remember our sick,
when our sick list at Jones or Dorothy Wilson, Janet Joan, Robbie woods, Laurie white, Jessica Dale, Sandy Trammell, and Terry and Patricia Wheatley and Gary Whaler. We announced last week that he was going to have to have surgery again. And they went in and he had had bypass surgery, but they found some stints that were a block and they had to put five stents in him.
So he is, he is back at home. Now I got a card from a lucky and bed, Lou, and thank from the bottom of your heart with a, with a floral arrangement, looking, I appreciate the thoughtfulness and more than you’ll ever know, maybe it won’t be too much longer though. They can be back with us. They’re staying at home because of the COVID threat.
And I will put the card back here on the bulletin board. That’s all of our announcements. Aaron is going to leave singing this morning. Eric Howelsen Has opening prayer. Jay Schaeffer has the Lord supper. Michael Darrell has the sermon and her Springer has the closing prayer. Thank you. Good morning. Take your som books and open them to number two.
We’ll make mention of this right now, in case I forget. Unlike some services where we have some songs in the songbook that aren’t on the slides this morning, we have a few songs on the slides that aren’t in the songbooks, but all the songs will be on the slides this morning. I hope. There we go. All right. I’m feeling better now.
Number two, we praise thee. Oh God, We Praysee. Oh God. For the song.<inaudible><inaudible> the glory. Hallelujah. Oh man.<inaudible> we praise<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh, glory and praise to the lamb. That was saying<inaudible> every saying hallelujah, glory. Hallelujah. Oh man.<inaudible> no glory.<inaudible> Oh, glory and praise to the God of all grace<inaudible> hallelujah.
Glory.<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> Song. Before opening. Prayer will be number 827, 827. Sweet hour of prayer sing all three verses sweet<inaudible>. That calls me from<inaudible> besides me. My<inaudible> all my wants and wishes. No. In seasons of distress angry. My soul has often Foundry the and off this gave the<inaudible> sweet<inaudible> Hey son to a blaze<inaudible> is<inaudible>.<inaudible> wait for the sweet,
sweet<inaudible> to him whose truth and facts.<inaudible>. So to<inaudible> me see his face<inaudible> and trust his gray<inaudible> on him. My<inaudible> way for the sweet<inaudible> God, our father in heaven. We come to you at this time, thanking you for another opportunity to assemble here this morning, to sing songs, praise your great name, but most importantly,
study another portion of your word, Lord. I know we don’t mention it often enough, but there are those amongst our congregation here and in the world that have been improving from their elements. And we know it’s because of you in your love and care for each and every one of us. So we want to thank you at this time, for those that have shown some improvement.
And Lord also, we ask that you continue to reach out to those who are ailing, whether it’s from sickness or from recent losses in the family and give them the love and support that only you can so that they continue to have faith in you and know that you are truly in control of everything. And we thank you for that. As we prepare to hear another portion of your word,
we ask that you help brother Michael, have a ready recollection of what he is going to bring to us from your word. We ask that you help each and every one of us focus on the message that is brought to us here today, so that we can take it and analyze it, apply it to our lives, to make us better servants of yours here on earth,
that we may be your shining light to those that have either fallen away from your word or worse yet, have not had the opportunity to hear your word or have not listened to your word so that they may also have the same opportunity. We do that as opportunity to live with you forever in Eternity. When this earth is over, we bring these prayers to you at this time through your son,
Jesus name. Amen. This next song is one of those songs. It’s not in the book off. We come together. We’ll sing the song in preparation, prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper Off week.<inaudible> on this whole lead, eh,<inaudible><inaudible> to see may we all live in truth and<inaudible> the may week<inaudible><inaudible> to see may weigh all in truth and speak.<inaudible> the may we all<inaudible> take this.<inaudible> to see may we all live in truth and speak the,
As we come to this very special time in our let’s displace all the worldly thoughts from our minds and focus upon jesus’ death and what it means to us. I just pray heavenly father. We’re so grateful for the privilege we have to assemble about this table. Being part of your children. We’re grateful for the love that you’ve manifested toward us. And the fact that you have provided through your son a means for the perpetuation of our sins.
As we partake of this bread, help us to remember that it was his body that was sacrificed on that cruel cross. We ask all of these things in, through his name. We continue our Thanksgiving, heavenly father for this fruit of the vine, which represents his blood, that horses away our sins. As we partake of it, let us examine ourselves and find ourselves truly worthy of that sacrifice.
It’s in Jesus name. We pray. We find this a convenient time to offer prayer for our offerings. And let’s go once again to God and prayer, heavenly father were indeed grateful. The multitude of material blessings you is so richly bestowed upon our lives. We are indeed a blessed nation. We’re a blessed community, and we’re a blessed church. Help us to always remember that we are merely stewards of these blessings that we do not really deserve.
So any of the things that are given to us through, through you, We ask that you accept our prayers on our Thanksgiving for this in Jesus name that we pray. Amen. Imitation song is not in your song book, but it will be on the overhead. And it is come to the feast. If you would turn to number 467, if you are following the book,
467, let’s sing this song for a brother. Michael comes and preaches to us 467, better turn to the right page, or I’m going to leave the wrong song. Sing all three verses Will your rank hold in the storms of life. When the clouds on full wings of straw life, when those strong times lift and cables strain<inaudible> we have an Inca that keeps us so steadfast.<inaudible> fastened to the rock,
which<inaudible> rounded from Andy in the same<inaudible><inaudible> and cables fast from his heart to mind.<inaudible> so<inaudible> and<inaudible> when the breakers I’ve told<inaudible> though, the 10 best rage and the wild winds blow angry wave<inaudible> fastened to the wrong<inaudible> Andy<inaudible><inaudible> when the water’s cold, too low, late is on the rising tide.<inaudible> pass into the rock,
which can move around it from Andy<inaudible> when our eyes be Oh, through the guy,<inaudible> where those storms all pass for<inaudible> or<inaudible> keeps. So<inaudible> pass into the rock.<inaudible> Good morning. My brothers and sisters in Christ. I haven’t, I haven’t said this for a little while, but I want to let you know how important your congregation is to our family,
your love and your support and everything that you do really encourages us and helps us to make it through these exasperating tests and things that we have in school. But it’s a blessing to be able to get up here and preach to you. God’s word, and, and know that that you’re listening this morning. I want to speak about trusting in God’s promises.
Let’s read from Hebrews six, 13 through 20. Our main texts will be taken from Hebrews chapter six, and we’ll read verses 13 through 20 for when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater. He swear by himself saying surely blessing. I will bless thee and multiplying. I will multiply thee. And so after he had patiently endured,
he obtained the promise for men barely swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them. An end of all, strife wherein God willing, more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise. The immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it is, it was impossible for God to lie. We might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay,
hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure. And steadfast. And which entrust into that within the veil, whether the 4runner is for us entered, even Jesus made in high priest forever. After the order of milk has a deck as Christians, we have a steadfast hope. If we trust in the promises of God and life,
there may have been many promises that we have received, but relatively few of them can be relied upon to be kept. We are sometimes given the promise of an acquaintance to be paid back alone, that we have given them. And if that promise does not come to fruition, then we must learn to deal with the consequences and either no longer have that acquaintance or forgive them of the debt that they owe us.
Some of us may have been given the promise of a loved one to come back from war only to have tragedy strike. And we must learn how to handle the pain of that broken promise. Sometimes we must even learn to deal with a broken promise from a parent because they’re just not capable of keeping said promise due to some unforeseen situation. And we have to work through that broken promise and push forward because we can,
with God, we can always trust that his promises will be kept every single time. And as Christians, this gives us a hope that is sure and steadfast through the inspired word we can trust in God’s promises because God keeps the promises that he makes God cannot lie. And God gives us hope. Let us consider a few examples in scripture that proved to us that God keeps the promises he made.
He makes, but first we must understand what a promise is. The word promise in the Greek is upon glow, which according to Strong’s dictionary is to pledge to do something or to assert something respecting oneself. The word promise, according to the world and means to assure someone that one will definitely do give or arrange something or undertake or declare that something will happen.
So a promise from God is something, excuse me, that we can be assured will definitely happen because there being no greater, he swore it by himself. Let’s read again, verse 13 of Hebrews, chapter six for when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater. He swore by himself and then go down to verse 16 for men verily swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them.
An end of all, strife wherein God willing, more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise. The immutability of his counsel confirmed it by his oath. We can read that God has the ability to fulfill his promises everywhere in the scripture, but God’s word accomplishes what he pleases. We can see an Isaiah chapter 55 in verse 11, turn with me to Isaiah chapter 55 and verse 11.
So shall my word be that go with forth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that, which I please, and it shall prosper. And the thing where on two, I sent it whenever God uses his voice to make a promise, it’s going to happen. It’s going to prosper wherever he sends his word.
Abraham had faith that God could deliver on his promises. Turn with me to Romans chapter four, Romans chapter four, and we’ll read verses six verses 16 through 21, Romans four 16 through 21. Therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace to the end. The promise might be sure to all the seed, not to that only, which is of the law,
but to that also, which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all, as it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations before him, whom he believed even God who quickened at the dead and call it those things, which be not as though they were who against hope, believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations,
according to that, which was spoken. So shall thy seed be and being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead when he was about and hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief. He did not waver on this promise, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded,
that what he had promised, he was able to perform amazing faith, that we all should have to know that whatever the Lord has promised us, it’s going to come to fruition. It’s going to come to fruition. Now let us consider some of the examples of God’s. Another example of God, keeping his promise. Joshua explained that all God’s promises were fulfilled.
Turn with me to Joshua chapter 21, the book of Joshua chapter 21. And we’ll read verse 45 and very last verse Air failed, not out of any good thing, which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel all came to pass all of it again, Joshua pronounced that not one thing God promised had failed, not a single thing. Joshua chapter 23,
just a couple of chapters over in verses 14 and 15, Joshua 23, 14 and 15 And B, hold this Stay. I am going the way of all the earth and you know, in your hearts and in your souls, that not one thing I failed of all the good things, which the Lord, your God speak concerning. You all are come to pass on to you.
And not one thing has failed thereof. Therefore it shall come to pass that as all good things are, come upon you, which the Lord, your God promised you. So shall the Lord bring upon you all evil things until he have destroyed you from off this good land, which the Lord your God has given you the Lord’s promises, swings both ways.
Doesn’t it. He promises to do good and you’ll get good. But if he promises to do bad, you better be careful not one promise God gave through Moses failed. Either. An example of this is found in first Kings chapter eight and verse 56, first Kings chapter eight and verse 56, blessed be the Lord that have given rest unto his people.
Israel, according to all that, he promised there have not failed. One word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses, his servant, no promises the Lord ever gives do not come true. They always come true. And having an understanding that God has the ability to fulfill his promise and reading of some of the accounts where his promises were fulfilled.
We must also understand that God cannot lie. It is impossible. We can read that God is not a liar on several accounts because lying is impossible for God. Hebrews chapter six, let’s go back to our main text, Hebrews chapter six, and we’ll read verse 18. He retracted her six verse 18 that by two immutable things, that’s his promise in his oath in which it was impossible for God to lie.
We might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay, hold upon the hope set before us. God is not a man like us. And though, therefore he cannot lie. Let me see this in numbers. Chapter 23 and verse 19 numbers, 2319, God is not a man that he should lie. Neither. The son of man that he should repent hath.
He said, and shall he not do it? Or has he spoken? And shall he not make it good when God speaks, it’s going to happen? He’s not like us. We can say something. And through certain circumstances, it doesn’t come to fruition. But God, when he says something it’s going to happen every single time, Paul proclaimed that God could not lie through the inspiration of the Holy spirit in Titus chapter one verses one and two Titus chapter one verses one and two.
Okay. Paul, a servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect and the acknowledging of the truth, which is after godliness and hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie promised before the world began. We have that hope of eternal life because God can not lie. And he promised it to us to comp to comprehend how it is that God cannot lie.
All one needs to look at is God’s inner character, his character, who he is first God is light first, John one five first John chapter one, verse five. Then this is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all. Another character of God, every good and perfect gift is from him.
For James chapter one in verse 17, James chapter one, verse 17, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. He does not vary in what he says. Everything he gives is perfect. Everything including his promise God’s way is perfect. Another great character of God,
Psalm 18 and verse 30, the 18th Psalm in verse 30 As for God, his way is perfect. The word of the Lord is tried. He is a buckler to all those that trust him. God is also just Psalm 50 and verse six, three to this, the 50th Psalm and verse six, and the heaven shall declare his righteousness for God is judge himself.
So the law, he is a just God, God is also merciful. That’s how we know he cannot lie. Romans chapter six and verse 23. Turn with me to Romans chapter six in verse 23, a well-known verse to many but not so well known to all for the wages of sin is death. Wouldn’t it be sad if it just stopped right there for the wages of sin is death,
but it doesn’t because in God’s mercy, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Our Lord one in the amazing mercy we have through Christ through God in our sin, we could be lost in our sin. He doesn’t owe us anything, but through his great character, he gives us mercy. God is also love. First John chapter four verses seven through nine first John chapter four verses seven through nine beloved.
Let us love one another for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and know with God he that loveth not no with not God for God is love. And this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him. God is also all powerful turn with me to job.
Chapter 12, verses seven through 10 job, chapter 12, verses seven through 10. Okay? But as now the bees and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall tell thee or speak to the earth and it shall teach thee. And the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee who know with not, and all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this.
And whose hand is the soul of every living thing and the breadth of all man kind. God is amazingly powerful. And this shows his character. God is righteous, Isaiah 41 and verse 10, Isaiah chapter 41 and verse 10 fear. Doubt not for, I am with him. Be not dismayed for, I am thy God, I will strengthen the yea.
I will help the yea. I will uphold the, with the right hand of my righteousness. God cannot lie because he is righteous. And most importantly, God cannot lie because he is infinitely. Holy first, Peter chapter one verses 15 and 16, read with me first, Peter chapter one verses 15 and 16. But as he, which has called you is Holy.
So be ye Holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written. Be ye Holy for, I am Holy. Our father is Holy and in him, there is no darkness. That is something we can look to to know that he can not lie less. His promises will always be fulfilled. And now that we know that God keeps his promises and that he cannot lie to us because it is not in him to lie.
It is impossible for him to lie. We can know that the oath of his promise as an anchor to the soul, thus God gives us hope. God’s faithfulness is our Sharon’s. God is faithful. If we follow his commandments, if there is, there is something there. If we follow his commandments, Deuteronomy chapter seven in verse nine, Deuteronomy chapter seven and verse nine,
know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth, covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. God is faithful to us in our temptation. We can rely on him for that first Corinthians chapter 10 verses 12 and 13 first Corinthians chapter 10, verses 12 and 13 wherefore.
Let him that think as he standed take heed, lest he fall there. APH, no temptation you, but such as is common to man. But God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that. Ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that she may be able to bear it. And because of this,
God is faithful to guard us against the evil one. Turn with me to second Thessalonians, chapter three in verse three second, Thessalonians chapter three and verse three again, but the Lord is faithful who shall establish you and keep you from evil. We can rely on God because of his faithfulness. God is faithful and he is just first John chapter one, verse nine first John chapter one and verse nine.
If we confess our sins, he, God is faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, God is faithful to everyone, to you, to me, to everyone in the world, Psalm one 19 and verse 90 turn with me to the 119th Psalm and verse 90. I faithfulness is unto all generations, thou hast established the earth and it abideth.
He’s faithful to everyone. And he is faithful forever. Just a couple of chapters back in Psalm, Psalm chapter 117, verse two for his merciful. Kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord. And<inaudible> forever. Praysee the Lord. We know that God is faithful because Jesus is the proof of his faithfulness. Romans chapter five in verse eight,
Romans chapter five and verse eight. Yeah, God, commendeth his love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us while we were yet sinners, he still keeps his promise. He looks down on all of us as his children. And even though we were sinners, he kept his promise and sent the savior for us because of God’s faithfulness.
We have a hope that is both sure. And steadfast. Our hope is an anchor of the soul. Turn with me back to our original text in Hebrews chapter six. And we’ll look at verse 19, Hebrews six 19, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, both sure. And steadfast as our hope. Our hope is a hope that goes into heaven itself beyond the veil,
because Jesus has Pierce that veil for us continue reading in verse 19. Let’s just read the whole verse again, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure. And steadfast, and which entering into that within the veil, Jesus says Pierce that veil. We don’t have to have a high priest for us to go before God anymore. Now we have an open door to God through Jesus.
Our hope is a hope built upon a foundation of Jesus’s priesthood. Read with me right down verse 20 and Hebrews chapter six, whether the former owner four runner is for us entered. Even Jesus made in high priest forever. After the order of milk has a deck, we can read of this coming and know that it came to fruition in Psalm chapter 110,
the entirety of Psalm chapter 110 Psalm chapter 110. The Lord said unto my Lord, sit down at my right hand until I make mine enemies. A footstool. The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion rule vow in the midst of dine enemies. My people shall be willing in the day of thy power in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning,
thou has the do of the youth. And here’s, here’s the main verse here. The Lord has sworn and will not repent thou art, a priest forever. After the order of milk has a deck. Our hope is in the appearing of Christ. This is where our hope comes from Titus chapter two, verses 11 through 14, Titus chapter two verses 11 through 14 for the grace of God,
that brings salvation. Hath appeared to all men, teaching us denying ungodliness and worldly lust. We should live. So Burley, righteously, and godly in this present world. Lucky for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify on to himself.
A peculiar people, zealous of goods. Good works. The fruition of God’s promise. Jesus came for us as Christians. We have a steadfast hope. If we trust in the promises of God, I mean, what is a relationship without trust? It’s not really a relationship at all. God. He has shown us in his word that he is faithful and steadfast in his promises time and time again,
it just read the entirety of the book. Every single page you can see God is fulfilling his promises in life. We are sometimes confronted with tragedies, troubles and disappointments. And through these experiences, we are to continue to hold tight to the Lord. It is through these experiences that we are able to show God just how much we truly trust him. We can do this because we know God is the God.
And he keeps his promises. You know that God will keep his promises because it, because it is not in his nature to lie, it is impossible because God keeps his promises. He gives us a hope of our salvation. I want to leave you with a verse from one of my favorite hymns, standing on the promises, standing on the promises that cannot fail when the howling storms of doubt and fear of sale by the living word of God,
I shall prevail standing on the promises of God, standing, standing, standing on the promises of God, my savior standing, standing. I am standing on the promises of God. There’s one promise that we can be sure of. And that is if we do, as God commands, we have the hope of eternal life through Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Amen. In order to enjoy the blessed promise of eternal life, we must first heed the commandment to hear his word and not just here, but here with an understanding to bring us to faith, Romans 10, 17, to be honest of his blessed promise and not die in our sins. We must also, I believe that Jesus is the Christ. The son of the living God,
John eight 24, the promise of eternal life is within our reach. If we obey the command of the father to repent and return to him as his child acts 1730, yet another simple command we are to obey is to ensure we receive the promise of eternal life is the confession of Jesus says the Christ, the son of the living God before all men,
Matthew 10 32, another easy command to enjoy eternal life is to be immersed for the forgiveness of our sins. Acts 2216. And the final command though. It is hard. Sometimes it may seem hard, but it is not grievous. And that is to stay faithful to the Lord until your earthly life has ended. And then we can receive our crown of righteousness in heaven.
First, John one, six and seven in revelation, two 10. If you have yet to hear God’s blessed to commands, the water of baptism are ready for you. Come share in the true promise with us and God’s promise in Christ. Or if you have faltered in your belief of God’s promise and need the prayers of the saints. We are here for you.
Remember the fervent prayer of a righteous man avail as much, James, five 16, whatever you need, please come forward. As we stand in scene,<inaudible> all things are ready. Come to the<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, things are ready.<inaudible> wow. He ways to welcome the<inaudible> all things are ready. Come to the<inaudible><inaudible> God,<inaudible> he?
The<inaudible> Michael. We appreciate that lesson and appreciate it every time that you’re able to come before us and preach. I don’t think I’m the only one who, who recognizes this, but Michael’s come a long way from the very first lessons that he gave you. You, we see this over and over again, and it’s easier for us to see it,
that it is for the person who’s going through it to see it. But every time we have a student, we see them come in and say same with Eric. When he was here, the, the presentation abilities that he had when he got here and the presentation abilities that he had when he left were very much not like each other, but it’s good to see that growth,
not only in content, but also in delivery over time, that happens with the students. Take your songbooks. If you will, and turn the number 452 will be on the slides as well. We’re going to sing the first and last verses of standing on the promises. And then we’ll be led in our closing prayer. Appreciate all of our visitors for being here,
encourage you to be back on Wednesday night and mindful, especially of those who are online or, or on the phone And her listening from afar. We want you to know, we love you. And we miss you 452 standing on the promises first and last verses. And then brother Murray will lead us in our closing prayer, standing on the problem. This is<inaudible> glory.
And a high is I will shout Dan saying, standing on the promise is I’ve gone.<inaudible> standing on the promises of God.<inaudible>, I’m standing on the promises of God. Standing on the problem is I can, ah, all listening.<inaudible> all standing on. The promise is<inaudible> standing on the promises of God.<inaudible>, I’m standing on the promises of God With me fleet our God and our father in heaven.
We’re thankful for this opportunity that has been ours to assemble ourselves together as the church and to worship the father in spirit and in truth. We’re thankful for the message that we heard today, help us to keep it in our hearts father, that we might not sin against thee. We ask that you would continue to give us our sins. As we repent of them,
we ask that you would be with us and help us to get through this pandemic, asked you to be with the whole world father. And if it’d be that, we’ll take this thing away, give us healing and recovery from it. We asked did you would be with those who are sick father, not able to be with us. We asked that you would touch him with your heating hand and restore them back to their house.
These many blessings. And we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good evening.<inaudible> Do you think I look bad? You should see the other guy. Yeah. Right.<inaudible> We are in revelation, chapter 20, for those who are listening by phone. My, my left hand is all wrapped up because the doctor decided to pull the pins out of my wrist today. So that was a fun,
you can do almost anything. If you put enough light to Canaan in your body. So let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll get started gracious father in heaven. We bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that you’ve blessed us with grateful for the energy and the opportunity that we have to assemble together and mindful of those who are unable to be present with us.
We pray that you will be with those who are dealing with COVID right now, and those who are still recovering and especially those who have had it months ago and are still struggling with the symptoms of this disease. That is, is so very hard to deal with for some pray that you be with the Whitley family and that pray that they fully recover. And we pray that you be with all those missionaries throughout the world who are striving to get back to the mission field.
And we pray that their labors will be able to continue and be able to prosper again, as they go into mission fields throughout the world, we pray that you be with us as we go through this period of study, may the things that we do and the things that we say, the things that we study, be those things, which draw us closer to you.
And may we strive fervently to always proclaim the truth as your word has declared it to us, ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Okay. So on Sunday we began in chapter 19, verse 17. We noticed the end of that chapter at the end of that chapter,
what is going on?<inaudible> All right. The beast is defeated who goes with him? False prophet. Okay. Which as we mentioned before is in the previous chapter where the beasts are introduced that’s the other beast. Okay. There were two beasts. One was the, the beast that really does the persecuting and the other is the false prophet that convinces the,
the world to, to worship the first beast. Okay. So the false prophet and the beast are defeated. What happens to the armies that are with them? All right. They’re killed with the sword of the mouth of the one who’s riding on the white horse and they’re devoured by the birds of heaven. So then we get into chapter 20 and we see at the beginning of chapter 20 and,
and there’s really no, no value in a chapter break here, but Haftar seeing the defeat of the army and then the defeat of the beast and the, the false prophet. Then we see he an angel descend from heaven, and he’s got a great chain and he’s got the key to the bottomless pit. And he takes the dragon who is who the devil Satan.
Alright, binds him and puts him in the bottomless pit for how long thousand years. Okay. Now, as we kind of go through just a few of the questions here at the beginning of, of our sheet, since we covered these on Sundays of these aspects of the vision, which is literal a, the key B the bottomless pit, see the chain D the dragon II Satan,
or F the thousand years, Satan. All right, because that’s the explanation, the explanatory part of the entire verse. That’s the part where John’s in trouble printing the picture. Okay. He says the dragon dragons, not a literal dragon, but then he interprets the picture of the dragon for you, which is the devil Satan. Satan’s a literal big,
but the Dragon’s not a literal dragon. Okay. So the owner part of, of all of that, it carries with it real truth. It carries with it what God is saying about his victory over Rome as the instrument of Satan. Okay. But it’s not a literal dragon bound by a literal chain cast into a literal bottomless pit. That’s unlocked with the literal key where he’s there for a literal thousand years.
Now, we only go through all of that to say the literal thousand years for a pre millennialist is incredibly important. They can get along with all the rest of that being figurative, except the thousand years, as soon as the thousand years, isn’t literal their whole doctrine falls apart. Okay. But that, this isn’t the only place that, that true.
We’re going to see that later on in chapter 20 as well. Okay. So we cast him into the bottomless pit. Let me, let me make one other statement go all the way back into chapter 19 is the great day of, of battle between the forces of Jesus Christ and his Christians on white horses and the beast and the false prophet and the dragon and their servants is that day of battle battle a literal day of battle either.
No. Okay. W we’re not just getting to this passage and then saying, Hey, it’s not literal. We’ve been saying all along, look at the picture, interpret the, meaning, the truth, truth in the picture and understand what John is conveying, or the spirit is conveying through John. Okay. You’re trying to be consistent in our interpretation all the way through that is to say,
it’s apocalyptic literature. You’re supposed to see the picture and not assume that the picture is what happened. You’re supposed to see the picture and say, what is it mean? Okay. And we’re going to do that all the way through, but there are times in the midst of it where God, the Holy spirit John say, and here’s the literal meaning in that case,
the dragon literal meaning is Satan for clarity. God makes it clear. That’s who he’s talking about. Okay. So cast him into the bottomless pit verse three, shut him up and set a seal on him so that he should do deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things, he must be released for a little while.
So we’ll come to this passage and say, the thousand years is the Christian dispensation, the Christian era. Well, there’s a problem with that. If you interpret the thousand years to not be literal, but to be the Christian dispensation, the time of the church, then you have, according to the anniversary a little time after the Christian era is over,
read it again. But after these things, well, what things the thousand years he’s just stated. So if you interpret the thousand years to be the Christian era, then after the Christian era, there’s going to be a little time that doesn’t, that doesn’t work. There’s no other passage in the new Testament that tells us anything about that. That Jesus is going to come back.
Dave, judgment’s going to come. And, and time shall be no more. There’s not a little time after the Christian era for Satan to come back out of the bottomless pit. So it’s not that either the thousand years, isn’t the Christian era and it’s not a thousand years, we’re going to be down to just a couple of things that can be actually really going to be down to just one thing.
It can’t be when we’re all said and done, but the bee or sorry, the dragon goes into the bottomless pit. But after these things, he must be released for a while. It’s going to be significant to note, we’re going to read about this again, but you’re going to see the dragon go in, but the picture coming out, isn’t the dragon anymore.
It’s Satan. Okay. Dragon. The dragon that we were introduced earlier had what? At physical attributes, he was red. How many heads? Seven heads, 10 horns crowns on his head. The dragon goes in the bottom of the pit and never comes back out because the dragon is a picture of Rome. Rome never comes back. When God defeats the nation of Rome and God takes the,
the kingdom that Daniel prophesized that’s going to be made without hands as a mountain created without hands and decimates. The four kingdoms that came before it Rome being the fourth and final, Rome’s never coming back. The, the prophecy in Daniel describes the mountain, grinding those nations in the powder. They’re never coming back. The dragon picture never comes back because the dragons have picture of Satan using Rome.
Okay. We are going to get a different picture later on in this chapter, but it comes from a completely different thing. We’re going to get a picture of Satan using Gog. And may God we’ll get into that in a little bit. Okay. So dragon never comes back. This is the last, this is the last year here of dragon. Satan comes back.
Okay. And I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus. And for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his Mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they live and reign with Christ for a thousand years.
Okay. So John sees the angel come take the dragon, chain him up, put him in the bottomless pit. And he’s there for a thousand years. The next picture. Okay. Just again, think of this, like a picture book. You just turn the page, the next picture. The next truth conveyed by the Holy spirit is John now sees Thrones,
vast number of Thrones, and who’s on the Thrones. All right. Martyrs In this next picture, there’s going to be the first resurrection. Okay. We call it the first resurrection because John does, because there’s going to be a second resurrection later on in this first resurrection, you only have the resurrection of those who were killed for the testimony of Christ by the beast.
Okay? Those are the only people who take part in this first resurrection, this isn’t every righteous soul who’s ever lived. This is the ones who sit on the throne for a thousand years with Christ. And they reign for a thousand years with Christ. They rein as victors over the beast. They reign as victors over the dragon. They reign is Victor’s over the forces and the armies of the beast and the dragon.
They are reigning with Christ for a thousand years. They’re raining for the same period of time that the Dragon’s defeated for, or that Satan’s defeated for. Okay. Go back to chapter 18, chapter 18, verse 20 rejoice over her. Oh, heavens and you, Holy apostles and prophets for God has avenged you on her. The, the judgment on the great city on Rome,
the judgment on this nation is calm. And God says, this is a judgment of vengeance on you. You win is the declaration, but then go to verse 24. And in her was found the blood of profits and saints, and of all who were slain off earth. Here’s the accusation against Rome. She’s guilty of murdering God’s people, but God’s people don’t stay dead.
God’s people aren’t sitting in the grave. God’s people aren’t resting. They’re reigning on Thrones, according to what John sees. Okay. So those who died at Rome’s hand are raining as victors over Rome with the Christ. Notice what we read further on in verse four, they lived and reign with Christ for a thousand years, but the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.
This isn’t a, this isn’t a worldwide resurrection. This is a resurrection of a specific group of people. Those who were killed by Rome. Okay? And then we read, this is the first resurrection. Now there’s a couple of key things we need to key in on here. Number one, these martyrs are reigning. Who are they reigning with? Christ?
Is there any place in this passage that States that Christ only rains for a thousand years? Okay. It’s important to notice what stated the picture is the martyrs reign with Christ. The time descriptor is a time descriptor of their reign, not his. You never have anywhere in the book of revelation, a description of Christ reigning for a thousand years. An example of this is a,
I think it’s a house we reread in the old Testament that a has Cole rained with Joe thumb for, I think it’s 17 years, 18 years. They were reigning at the same time. But the text says that EY has rained with Joe thumb for 17 years. But it doesn’t say that Joseph only rained for 17 years. He reigned with a has simultaneously for 17 years,
but that’s not a description of Joe thumb’s rain at all. Jonathan rained much further beyond that point. This is important because again, the pre-millennial has come to this passage and say, Jesus Christ reigns in Jerusalem for a thousand years now. No, that’s not in the text. There’s no description of Christ only reigning for a thousand years. Even if you take the years to be literal,
there’s no description of Christ reign as temporary. This is a picture of the Christians being victorious over the dragon and for Anne and Satan and for as long as Satan is, is in judgment. They’re in victory. Okay? So we’re not dealing with the literal thousand years, but we’re also, again, we’re trying to pick out few things that some false doctrines exist around to say,
Oh look, Christ reigns with no, no, no, no. There’s no, there’s nothing in this text about the reign of Christ being a thousand years, not anywhere in here, bless it in Holy verse six is he who has part in the first resurrection over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him for a thousand years.
Okay. So here, you’ve got a picture of completeness. The, the, the term 1000 we’ve, we’ve seen it multiple times. Matter of fact, in question number two, you’re going to see all the different passages where either the term a thousand or a multiple of a thousand is used to describe one idea all the way through the book. And it’s always completeness.
It is always completeness to perfection. Satan is defeated in his use of Rome as a tool against God’s people. And he has come. He is defeated entirely, completely, nothing left God deals with him, completely the Christians rain, because you go back to the beginning, chapters two and three, and Christ tells the churches. If you will, if you will be faithful,
you will receive what a crown of righteousness. You will reign with me. Okay? So the promise Jesus makes it the beginning of the book is the picture at the end of the book, you were faithful, even though you died, but you didn’t stay dead. You were resurrected. And you reigned with me. You were victorious, even though it looked like you were defeated.
Okay. That’s the picture in this, the second picture. So the first picture is Satan completely defeated. Thousand-year defeat the Christian’s completely victorious. Thousand-year victory. Okay. Now verse seven. Here’s the third picture in chapter 20. Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released his prison. Wait a minute. Who went in the dragon who comes out?
Satan? Not it’s not the dragon anymore. Okay. Rome’s done. Rome’s never coming back back, but we’ve got a new picture because just because God defeats Satan’s use of Rome doesn’t mean that Satan’s never going to attack the church. Again. It doesn’t mean that Satan’s going to in, in some way disappear and never, never tempt, never persecute the church.
But notice the clarity on the picture, the defeat of Satan in his instrument of Rome is so complete that God pictures it as though Satan has to wait a thousand years before he can attack the church again. Now we’re not, we’re not saying, and nor should we from this text that there’s a thousand year gap before state never tries to do anything to the church again.
Oh, that’s not. What’s here. You’re dealing with a picture, a picture of completeness. God says, here’s the defeat of Satan’s use of Rome. And Rome never gets to cut short that defeat Satan, doesn’t get to overcome that defeat. Satan. Doesn’t get to cut short that defeat and come back after 500 years. No, the picture is completeness.
So that picture of a thousand years ends, but Satan’s not done, but the message is this. Okay? So here’s what we see. We see Satan come back, but what’s the message. The message is God’s saying, and the next time he comes back, I’m going to defeat him again. Okay. Watch this. Now when the thousand years of expired,
Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations. Now, what was he with the beast this evening, the nations. He goes right back to his old, his old actions. Okay. It goes right back to his old process. He goes out to deceive the nations, which are in the four corners of the earth.
Now here’s a change. Now. It’s not. He goes for the beast, the one nation Rome. Now he’s just got to, he just goes for everybody. But notice the picture. Now this is going to come from a Z keel, 37 and 38, no, 38 and 39 37 is, is another, another vision. Okay? So this comes directly from Ezekiel.
Ezekiel tells us about God and may God. It’s a picture. Even in as equals day, it’s a picture of the, the epitome of an army. The, the, the calculations, if you go through and do them of, of what is equal describes is, is 600 plus million soldiers. Okay? The apitomy of the whole world turning against God’s people.
Okay? That’s the picture of Gaga. May God. So Satan goes out. He deceives the nations and he comes with the old Testament picture of all the armies of the world, banding together to defeat someone. So Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations, which are in the four corners of the earth Gog. And Magog to gather them together to battle whose number is as the sand of the sea.
So in numerable they can’t be numbered. Okay? So this, this army comes against God’s people before it was the beast of a false prophet and his army and Rome, and the nations that followed Rome, and that God defeated them. Now, Satan goes out again and he gets all the nations of the world to fight against the church. And what happens.
They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. That’s by the way, the new Jerusalem we’ll read about that in a minute. The beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. So Rome’s defeated the dragons defeated. The beast is defeated. The false prophets defeated Satan gets released after God’s complete defeat of him.
And what does he go about to do again, the same thing. And God’s telling the church, don’t worry, anytime in the future, when he does it again, I’m going to do the same thing. Like I defeated him before. I’ll defeat him every time. This is the truth. Given here in chapter 20 verses seven through 10 is the devil never wins.
The devil never stops trying, but the devil never wins. Verse 10, the devil who deceived them was cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night, forever. And ever now just like Isaiah chapter 34, this judgment, isn’t the final judgment. We said back in chapter 19,
that the defeat of the beast and the false prophet, isn’t the final judgment. It’s not the judgment day. This isn’t the final time Satan’s defeated. This is God saying when he comes back and tries it again, I’m going to do to him again, what I did to him last time. And I’m going to keep doing it to him until he learns,
which is never unfortunately, with Satan, when, until he learns that he’s never going to win, but he’s always going to try. Okay. So Satan goes in to the Lake of fire, the picture from the old Testament of that’s. Cause I wasn’t talking to you. So be quiet. All right. So the devil’s defeated again. That’s the picture of verses seven through 10 verse 11.
Then I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. This isn’t new imagery. This is old Testament imagery. God comes forth as glory at nothing stands before it. But remember this, what did gone? You go back to the plagues, go back to the trumpets and the bowls.
Okay. Based upon the imagery of the trumpet and the bowls, what did God do to the entire world and the trumpets? He destroyed how much a third of it over and over and over again. He destroyed the waters. A third of them. He destroyed the, the fresh water, a third of it. He destroyed the plant life. A third of it.
He destroyed the grass. A third of it. He did all of these things. God’s decimated in the picture, the world of the ungodly. Then the bowls come along and everything he did partially in the trumpets. He does completely. So the picture of the world is a picture of destruction, nothing left. Imagine if 40 days after the flood, all the waters just disappeared and the boat landed and Noah walked off.
What would he have walked off to? Nothing, nothing. I mean, go, go, go visit anywhere. That’s just had a massive flood go through and go visit the part that got flooded. Nothing, picture that being the earth. And God’s saying, here’s what I’ve done to the world of the ungodly. And now here comes the glory of the Lord and that world gets wiped out of the picture.
Okay. This isn’t the literal heavens and earth fleeing away. The end of the literal world. This is God saying done with that picture done with that old world done with all that I destroyed. Here’s the new one. Okay. The new heavens and the new earth in revelation are not heaven and eternity. And they’re not a remade world in a literal sense because the world didn’t get destroyed in a literal sense.
God doesn’t have to remake what he never destroyed. He destroyed it in the vision and restored it in the vision as a whole new world. Okay? So let’s, let’s stay with this. Saw a great white throne from him who sat on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead small and great standing before God and books were opened.
And another book was open, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things that were written in the books. Now, what did God tell the churches would happen to them? When all this was over, they would be judged how, according to Gordon of the words, they spoke, according to their works,
okay, this is God saying your actions have consequences. I’m going to judge you. But notice the first resurrection that we saw earlier in the chapter was only who the martyrs, this resurrection isn’t separated by time. This says this resurrection, isn’t one that comes on the judgment day. This resurrection is everybody else who was involved in the vision. Okay? But they are,
they were re arise and they’re judged based upon whose name is written in the book of life. But again, by the way, the idea of the book of life, the books being opened and judging happening, isn’t a new Testament picture. It’s an old Testament picture. So God says, here you go. I’m judging the nations and I’m going to judge them based upon what they do.
Okay. The sea gave up the dead. Where did the beast come out of? You remember the sea? All right. So the place that originated Rome, I’m going to judge him. The sea gave up the dead who were in it and death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged each one, according to his works.
Now somebody says, well, wait a minute. If death and Hades are judged, that’s gotta be the final judgment. Doesn’t it go back to chapter six, Chapter six, verse seven. When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, come and see. So I looked and behold a pale horse, and the name of him who sat on it was Death and who followed hell Hades and Hades followed with him and power was given them over a fourth of the earth to kill with a sword,
with hunger, with death and by the beasts of the earth. And what pear got judged over here in chapter 20, verse 13, this same pair you saw over in the fourth seal, death and Hades. So wait a minute. Death and Hades the four seal that’s that’s death raining from, from that time all the way until the judgment day. No,
we’ve got a picture of death and Hades. They’re given power, they’re raining, they’re killing. And God says, and everything that they have power to do, I’m going to judge, okay. This, by the way, think this is actually worth noting. When did Christ defeat death On judgment day, Day was resurrected. He defeated death. This defeated already.
So how is it? The death is raining and bringing about death. It among humanity over here in revelation. It’s because it’s a picture. I’m not saying we don’t die anymore. I’m saying the power of death is gone because the power of death, according to first Corinthians chapter 15 is sin. And when sins wiped away, what has no more power death?
So here in the picture, we have the defeat first and foremost of Satan and his use of Rome. He is defeated completely. Then in the picture, we have the victory of the saints and their victory and reigning with Christ is as complete as Satan’s destruction is his loss. Then Satan comes back up and he does it again. And God says to the Christians,
don’t worry. The next time he comes up and does it again, I’m going to defeat him as a surely, as I did this time. And then we get a picture of God judging everything else and everyone else that was involved in the revelation, okay? All the dead, all those who had died, all those who didn’t, weren’t resurrected in the first resurrection,
but the only people resurrected in the first resurrection were who the martyrs. So everyone else gets resurrected in the second resurrection, but what do they have happened to them? They’re cast in the Lake of fire, same place. The beast was same place. False prophet was they’re judged, just like the beast and the false and Satan. Okay. Then verse 14,
then death and Hades were cast in the Lake of fire. This is the second death. Here’s the picture. God’s people. They die physically. They’re killed by the they’re killed by Satan. They’re killed by God. They’re killed by mega doesn’t matter who they’re killed by there they’re killed because of persecution. And when they Results correct, they’re never dying again.
But the servants of the beast and the beast and the false prophet, and those who worship the beast and Satan, they die. And they get resurrected just to die again, because they’re not written in the book of life. So they just get judged. They don’t have hope waiting when their life is over. They have judgment waiting when their life is over.
Okay. Verse 15 and anyone not found written in the book of life. Five was cast into the Lake of fire. Okay? So how’s chapter 20. It’s four pictures. First one is the Dragon’s gone and he’s never coming back. Satan will be back. Second one is the martyrs who died, promised in revelation chapter two, verse 10, that if you will be faithful until death,
you’ll receive a crown of life. And that’s exactly what happens. Yeah. And the third picture is Satan comes back. He tries it all over and he loses again. And the fourth picture is God judges. And when he judges, Satan cannot defeat him and God, and the people can avoid judgment because their name isn’t written where the book of life,
okay. Those are the pictures of chapter 20. That’s what we see. That’s what we’re supposed to get out of it. Okay. Now, for a lot of people, they’ve heard their entire lives. Here’s the picture of the journey judgment day. It’s not, you want the picture of the judgment day, go over to Matthew and read about Christ,
separating out the Rams from the sheep. And that’s the picture of judging, right? How do I know? Because that’s what Jesus said. It was, it doesn’t ever say it is here. And now thing in the vision tells you, it is what it tells you is all these pictures we’ve gotten all the way through. Here’s God dealing with every single one of them and God dealing with them as a judge who is just now chapter 21.
That’s where people start going, Aaron, you’ve lost your mind, but here’s what we gotta be careful of. Just the same way we encourage people and inform people. You can’t go through a vision in revelation and pick and choose what you want to be literal. Here’s the reason why chapter 20 verses 11 through 15, isn’t literal. One more reason. Let’s do this.
If we’re going to interpret chapter 20, verses one through three as not being literal because it’s not. And then we’re going to interpret verses four through seven as not being literal because it’s not. And then we’re going to interpret verses eight through 10 as not being literal because it’s not, how are we being consistent? If we immediately get to verse 11 through 15 and say,
ah, that’s literal because we’re going to come to chapter 21. And we’re going to say, but this is figured out again. What in the text tells us that 11 through 15 is lifted. When everything else around it is figurative in the answer is nothing. There’s no indicator anywhere in the text that tells us we should interpret it any different than all the verses surrounding it.
Okay. So you just like, we had courage. Those who hold Supreme millennialism no, no, no, no. You’ve got to be fair to the text. You’ve got to interpret it consistently. Whether we like their interpretation or not, we could at least insist that they do it consistently. We too have to be consistent with the text. And if we’re going to insist that everything around,
it’s not literal, then we’ve got to insist that it’s not either. And that is not a picture of the day of judgment, where we see all these pictures and say literal, okay, we’ve got to be consistent. So we’ll pick up with chapter 21, any questions? Cause I know sometimes it makes sense in my head. That doesn’t mean it made sense coming out of my mouth.
All right. We’ll pick up with chapter 21 and, and we’ll get through. We, we may get through and just, just two lessons, the rest of it. And then we we’ll pick up with wherever the students, the kids classes are back with our regular studies. So I’ll be talking with the other teachers and finding out which, which lesson they’re on back in the other material.
And we’ll just join up with them wherever they’re at. So by Sunday, I’ll get that to you for folks who want to be reading ahead into, into the next topic study. Thank you very much.<inaudible><inaudible> I don’t know what happened to that, but we’re going to clip this up here and hope it works. Sounds like it’s working now. Okay.
578, 578 sing all four verses we will glow riff on five King of Kings. We will glow red five. We will go red five<inaudible><inaudible> and majesty. We will bow B four is the Roan. We will worship him.<inaudible> we will worship him. Oh, he is<inaudible>. He is Lord of all.<inaudible> all praise to him.
We<inaudible> King of Kings. Hah<inaudible> ah, Layla. Yeah. Lord of Lords is a gray. The imitation song will be number 948. Good evening, everybody. This evening. I want to talk to you about loving the law of God. Now this may surprise you, but not many people do love the law of God. They think law is to authority,
authority oriented, and that it’s too burdensome. Let’s read first John five and verse three first John chapter five in verse three for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments commandments are not grievous or burdensome. They are not burning. So if you love the law, you will be called a legalist. Nowadays, those who don’t like God’s law.
Think they are too spiritual to be bound by any law, they are progressive or so they like to call themselves. Excuse me. David was one who loved God’s law. Let’s turn to the hundred and 19th Psalm. This is where the majority of our texts we’ll be taking from this evening, Psalm 119. And we’ll begin in verse 97. Oh, how I love thy law.
It is my meditation all the day. Why did David loved the law? David loved God’s communion, commandments ’cause they made him wiser. Then his enemies verse 98, thou thou through thy commandments has made me wiser than my enemies for they are ever with me and Psalm 111 verse 10. Excuse me. David seems the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
A good understanding have all they that do his commandments, his praise in Jorah forever. And in Ecclesiastes, chapter 12 in verse 13, his son writes, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God, and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. David loved God’s testimonies because they gave him more understanding than his teachers.
Let’s turn back to Psalm 119. And look at verse 99. I have more understanding than all my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation. Those who know God’s word, know how to weigh the value of what they are taught. They can decipher what to accept and what to reject. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the knowledge of the Holy is understanding Proverbs nine in verse 10.
David Love God’s precepts because they gave him more understanding than the ancients verse 100. I understand more than the ancients because I keep thy precepts. We like to think that wisdom comes with age, but we all know that that is not always the case job. Chapter 32 in verse nine, Eli who says great men are not always great. Men are not always wise.
Great. Here is older men, neither do they neither do the aged understand judgment. Now while it is foolish to lightly dismiss an elder person’s wisdom, it is even more foolish to follow their counsel. When it is contrary to God’s law, the young prophet believed the lie of the old prophet. And God said to him for as much as Dow has disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and has not kept the commandments,
which the Lord thy God commanded the carpets shall not come onto the sepal curve by fathers. First Kings 13, 21 and 22, David knew God’s laws would keep him from evil ways. Verse 101, I have refrained my feet from every evil way that I might keep thy word. He resolved that he would not depart from them. Verse 102. I have refrained my feet from every evil way that I might keep thy word.
Hmm. I have not departed from my judgments for thou hast hot, no this thing in my throat that won’t go away to him. They were God’s words were sweeter than honey verse 103. How sweet are thy words unto my taste? Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth. He knew that the mercies in salvation of God will come according to them.
Word of God, verse Psalm one 19 verse 41. Let thy mercies come. Also unto me O Lord, even nice salvation. According to thy word, the entirety of the 119 song should be read as the Psalm of a man on his knees, seeking God through his word. It is because David loved God’s law that he said, therefore, I hate every fall,
all suede Psalm one 19 one Oh four, show me a man that does not hate every false way. And I will show you a man that does not love God’s law. It does not surprise me that David would seem, Oh, how love I by law and verse 97, four, he had already said blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.
His delight is in the law. The Lord Psalm one, one and two. The Psalm of David are the songs. All of them are powerful. They are bold and challenging and beautiful because David loved God’s law. I hate to think what insipid lyrics would be written here. If the inspired writer had been a liberal. Now, if you love God and have yet to obey his commandments,
you love his law and you haven’t decided to follow them yet. Then the waters of baptism are ready for you. Or if you have seen yourself step off the path and, and look away from his law and, and see that you’re having problems with it, then we have the prayers of the saints to help encourage you, whatever you need. Come forward.
As we stand in scene<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. I am resolved to go to the same<inaudible> he is the true one. He is the jars one<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> yes<inaudible>. I am<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Heavenly father will. And we’re grateful For this privilege. We’ve had to assemble and study a portion of your word during this mid week section, help us to always apply these truths that we learned from my law have follow as closely as humanly possible to the precepts they’re laid out before us,
as we prepared to depart were mindful to those that are not able to assemble with us. We pray your healing hand will be placed upon them. And they, once again, may be restored to their much wanted help last each of us, according to her several needs, as we depart, especially father, we ask that you forgive us of our shortcomings as we repent and turn from them and bring us all back at the next appointed hour.
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Anybody’s wondering it’s not anybody in here. So, or I’ve told you already Take your Bibles, if you will, and open them to revelation we’re in the end of revelation, chapter 19, the beginning of chapter 20, we do not have any questions, any new questions for today because we’re not going to make it through chapter 20 today.
Okay. Just to set the expectations where they belong, because they don’t belong very high. This is one of those passages is one of those chapters in revelation where a lot of the things that people teach from the book of revelation come from these verses, especially concerning the end times. And so we are going to take a little bit of time and kind of go through this,
not try and push too quickly to where we can get an idea and a firm grasp of what is John saying? Why is he saying it and, and be clear in our minds concerning that as we go through from chapter 20 in the chapters, 21 and 22. So let’s start with a word of prayer and then we’ll begin our gracious father in heaven with all humility and a gratefulness we bound before you thankful for this day that you’ve given to us thankful for the life and the energy that we have to be able to assemble together,
mindful of those who are struggling because of illness. Many throughout our country that are struggling because of COVID mindful of, of the whitleys and praying that they recover quickly and fully from their struggles with this disease. We’re mindful of all those who are still at home because of this disease and the many, many disruptions that is brought to their life. We pray that you be with them and comfort them in this hard time.
Help us to be a comfort to them as well. Pray that you be with those who are leading our nation now and in the future, pray for the leaders of every nation throughout the world, that they might make decisions that provide doors of opportunity for the gospel to be preached throughout the world and help us in every country, as Christians to have a mindset that is determined to take the gospel to the loss throughout the world.
Lord, we pray that as we go through this time of study, the things that we read and the things that we understand from this book might be clear to us, but also that we might keep fast in our mind the main message of the book. And that is that as long as we’re faithful to you, we are victorious in the end, no matter what happens in this life,
all this, we pray in Jesus name, amen, as we go through. And as we conclude the book of revelation, what I hope is that you know more about revelation than you did before we started. If nothing more than just going through the questions, because the majority of the questions aren’t, what does it mean? The majority of the questions are what’s in the book,
what’s in the text. And if you have a grasp of what’s in the text and you connect it with the message of the book, because the message of the book is simple. The message of the book is clear the message of the book, all revelation, the entire book is one single solitary message. It is Christ telling the church. You may go through hard times,
but if you’re faithful to me, you’re victorious in the end or in a short phrase, the message of the book is the overcomers come over, okay? The ones who overcome in this life come over to be with God when this life is finished. Okay. That is the message of the book. And so everything that we go through, whether you get every aspect of every vision,
whether you get every detail or not just remember when you back up, it’s a picture book, it’s got a symbol message and the message is Christ wins and Satan loses. That’s the message of revelation. So when we get to the end of chapter 19, we’re going to begin about verse 17. And we’re going to go down into chapter somewhat, but we’re going to do this.
And we’re going to hopefully do it fairly methodically, but try and cover a number of things that are going to be questions. And if you ever study revelation with someone, especially someone in the denominational world, they’re going to have questions about this section. And because they will have heard all sorts of things about what chapter 20, especially, and the end of chapter 19 means.
And the thing to remember as we go through this is we’re going to stick with one very significant principle. And that is this. The book was written to a specific group of people who were alive at a specific time who were about to undergo something that John says was shortly to come to pass. And if we lose sight of who John wrote it to,
when he wrote it, why he wrote it and what those people living then were about to go through, we will go hog wild with chapters 19 and 20. But if we keep it in the context, if we keep it in the text where it was written and the people it was written to in the time it was written for, we can understand clearly what it is that God is saying.
Now let’s go over the questions real quick. Before I get ahead of myself, chapter 19 questions, question one. According to the multitude of voices from heaven, what four things belong to the Lord? Our God, God, Salvation, glory honor, and power. Now we made mention of the fact that the emphasis of this here is if these things belong to God,
then they don’t belong to who Satan. They don’t belong to the beast. They don’t belong to the, the, the CBS, the land bees, the false prophet, the dragon, the great whore. They don’t belong to any of them. They belong to God. Okay. What act caused the multitude in heaven to make this declaration the judgment of God.
Okay. Not now talking about the final day of judgment. God’s act of judging specifically the great city chapter 18. Who’s also seen in chapter 17 as the great whore. All right. Ver question three, verse seven. What celebratory occasion is pictured as a reason for those in heaven to rejoice. All right. Marriage, supper of the lamb. Question four.
What? Adorns the bride?<inaudible> All right. So the, the visual is fine. Linen clean and clean and white, but what does, what’s the interpretation? The righteous acts of the saints. Okay. Here’s one of those times where John says, here’s what saw, and here’s what it meant. He doesn’t always do that in the book of revelation.
Quite often, he just says, here’s what I saw. And it’s up to us to figure out what it meant by going through the book and interpreting it properly. But here’s one of those occasions where he’s very clear. I saw the bride and this is how she was adorned. And the interpretation of that is this was the righteous acts of the saints.
There we go again. All right. Someone’s going to find a different pocket. Put their keys in question five, who is John commanded? Not to worship. Okay. The one, the one who’s speaking to him, which it, based upon the earlier text, it could be one of the elders, or it could be one of the angels, but the,
the one who’s speaking to him, who’s not God, he’s not supposed to worship him. Who is John commanded to worship God only. Alright, question six, who is riding the white horse? Christ is what is he called? Faithful and true. What is he doing in this passage? And what was the one on the white horse doing in revelation six?
What was he doing in this passage? Judging and making more, what was he doing in chapter six, conquering and going forth to the conquer. Okay. So the reason why I bring that up is we want to be clear. What we saw in chapter six is what we’re seeing in chapter 19, but there’s no big separation between chapter six and chapter 19.
There’s no, there, there, there’s not thousands of years between those, those two passages. They’re right there. They’re saying the same thing. Chapter six was just a preview of what we’re now seeing in culmination in chapter 19. Okay. Question seven, who is described as the one who rules over the nations and treads out the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God Christ.
Okay. When we look at this, it is important for us to realize that a lot of people’s view their, their, their mental picture of Christ as kind of starting off the, he he’s the baby in the manger that everybody can get, you know, get on board with. And then he’s just, he’s all about love. They, they read John three 16 and,
and, and God and Christ. They’re all about love and revelation. Doesn’t hold up that picture. But Jesus didn’t either because you just step right over to chapter five of John and Jesus is saying all judgment has been put in my hand by the father. There’s coming a day when everyone will hear my voice and rise from the dead, Jesus never painted a picture of himself as somebody who’s all about love and not about judgment,
never, never made that picture. Never left that impression here, Jesus has pictured over and over and over again as the one who fights against evil, the one who fights against sin, the one who fights against those who ally, ally themselves with the beast and with Satan. Even if those people go back to chapters two and three are his churches. If one of his churches,
allies himself with Satan, Jesus says, I’ll come and make war with you. Okay? So we need to be careful that we don’t put on our mental image of Jesus, an attribute that just simply doesn’t exist. And that is love without judgment. That’s not Jesus. What happened to the beast and the false prophet. Okay. All right. So verse 20,
then the beast was captured with him, the false prophet who worked signs in his presence by which he deceived those who were received the Mark of the beast. And those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the Lake of fire burning with Brin stone. Okay. So the beast and the false prophet. Now, remember you’ve got the beast of chapter 16.
Nope. It’s chapter 13. You’ve got the two beasts. You’ve got the beast that looks like the dragon, the lamb beast. And then you’ve got the sea beast. Now I’ve got those opposites, the CBS that looks like the dragon and the lion beast that looks like a lamb. And the land beast is a false prophet. The land beast is the one that deceives everyone.
The land piece is the one that is the religious force of Rome. The CBC is the military and the conquering power of Rome and the economic power of Rome. So both of those two BS, one references, the false prophet, the, the, the land bees, those two bees are cast into this Lake of fire. Okay. We’re not looking at the final judgment of God.
We’re not looking at the day of judgment. This isn’t nowhere in here is that the day of judgment, it’s just not here. Okay. We’re going to get into that a little bit more. Then question nine. What happened to the armies of the beast and those who followed the bees?<inaudible> All right. So they were killed with a sword and then devoured by what the birds.
Now, if we’re on the day of judgment, okay. If that’s what we have here, if the day that the beast, the CBS and the land-based are cast in the Lake of fire is the final day of judgment. We have a problem. Beltway. It’s a real simple one because Peter tells us when that day comes, all the things that God created,
all the elements, all the universe is going to be burned up. And this physical life is going to be over. Now, if this physical life is over and that’s the day we’re talking about here, then by all means, tell me why are the birds still around what birds and notice. So this is where we’re going to, we’re going to pick up here.
Let’s actually start in verse 17. I want to get the whole kit, the whole context, chapter 19 verse 17. Then I saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven. Now somebody will come along and say, well, these aren’t, these are earthly birds.
These are the, the, this is this some spiritual thing. Okay? Here’s the problem that we’re going to get into. And we’re going to point it out over and over and over again, probably to a point where you were sick of it is you don’t get to go into a passage. And just as the phrase that I remember hearing growing up,
Willy nilly change, this is literal. This is not, this is literal. This is not all in the same passage. It’s either literal or it’s not, but you don’t get to pick and choose. That’s literal. That’s not, that’s literal. That’s not. That’s literally just to make a doctrine and a story that you want to tell. That’s not how we interpret scripture.
John’s seeing a picture. John’s seeing a vision and all through revelation. We were to understand this. We’re supposed to see what he sees and understand what it means, not see what it means. Those are two different things. If you look at it, you have to then interpret it. You’re not supposed to look at it and say, that’s, what’s going to happen.
No, you’re supposed to look at it and say, okay, that means something about what’s going to happen. Okay? And there’s a very big difference. When you look at, maybe this is a good way to, to, to do it. When you look at a photograph of two children playing, let’s exclude the whole Photoshop idea at all, that you just look at a good old Polaroid.
What do you know about that picture?<inaudible> It was one moment in time and it actually happened. Okay. We’re just talking about general reality. You see a Polaroid of two people, two children playing outside, and you know, that event happened. You’re not supposed to interpret it. It’s just that a moment in time, that is not the book of revelation.
That is th th the time that that ends is when you get to the part where John says I was on the isle of Patmos on the Lord’s day. That’s about the last statement in the book of revelation. You get to treat as if it’s a Polaroid. From that point forward, you’re supposed to see an artist’s rendition that has meaning and may not look like the actual events in physical form.
Instead, it’s a visual representation of something. Okay. Very different thing. So when we get into this, we’ve got all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, and somebody is going to say, well, that’s, that’s heaven where God is, no, it’s not. That’s the sky. And all throughout scripture, we hear the birds that fly in heaven,
being a reference to just the birds of the earth. Okay? So let’s, let’s not take it where it doesn’t go. And the message of the one who’s standing in the sun says, come and gather together for the supper of the great God that you may eat. The flesh of the Kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men,
the flesh of horses, and those who sit on them and the flesh of all people free and slave both small and great. Okay. The angel says to the birds, you’re going to devour<inaudible> Yeah. The whole army, but specifically, what are they going to eat off of them? Their flesh. It’s not spiritual. It’s physical. Okay. But it’s not literal.
We’re not supposed to be looking for a time in where God defeats a great army and all the birds of heaven get called together to devour. No, no, no, no. That’s not what we’re here for. God’s saying I’m going to destroy you so completely that my armies don’t have to come and take care of you. I can just send the birds.
There’s nothing left. They’re going to completely deal with the beast and his armies. Okay. As we view revelation and revelation is God’s judgment on Rome. That picture is crystal clear all throughout the book. God is not the, for those who interpret revelation to be before age 70 and to be about the Jews, I’m sorry, but this doesn’t work. This is no picture of the Jews.
Anytime. In the first century, there was no time where all the Kings of the earth gathered together and fought with the Jews against the Christians that didn’t happen, but Rome and its forces and its armies and its powers did long after the Jews were, were done and finished as a nation in 80 70. Okay. This also isn’t about some future time to come to pass.
John made it clear over and over. These things must shortly come to pass. So God’s going to take Rome in, in the embodiment of Domitian as that one, who would bring that persecution back mouth persecution is going to continue after demission dies, but we’re okay with that because here’s the thing we need to remember. God says at that point in time,
you’re S you stand condemned. Here’s a good analogy. Some will question. Well, wait a minute. If, if the persecution continued after Domitian and it did Rome continued to persecute the church for 200 years after demission. If that persecution continues, how is it that God could say he judged it and dealt with it in the days of demission in this same way.
When did the old Law and the law of Moses, When Christ died, when did God replaced replace the high priest that was under the old law with a new high priest, same time when Christ died. When did God replace the old covenant King with a new King, same time. All right, God changed the law. God changed the priesthood. God changed the King.
He also changed the covenant. When Christ died, all those things were nailed to the cross. The week after Christ died, what had changed in the temple? Nothing. What had changed about the priesthood? Nothing was there still a King in Jerusalem? Yes. The fact that God changed it, then didn’t mean there. Wasn’t still a continuation of time that would bring about his full and complete judgment on all of those things.
But it didn’t matter that they continued to exist. It didn’t matter that for another 40 years, almost those high priests that fought, they were high priest of the Lord would continue offers, offering sacrifices. And those who were still looking for the kingdom to come and for a King to rise up, we’re still looking for that. And that they fought, they were still living under the old covenant and they fought all of those things.
It didn’t matter that they fought all those things were still true because it looked like it physically, because God had said it’s done right here at this moment in time, it’s finished, even though it looks like it continues on. Do you know there are still Jews who were holding onto the old covenant today? How many, how many years are we out from the day that it was nailed to the cross?
Now? How is it? We know the covenant ended and the high priest changed and the King ship changed and the law was Bagnall. How do we know all those things happened when Christ was put on the cross? Because we’re told, hit same. Thing’s true. In revelation. When God says in demission, I’m judging Rome, it doesn’t matter that in history,
Rome looks like it continues on as far as God’s concerned, right? Then his judgment is signed, sealed, delivered, guaranteed. Even though it looks like in history, Rome continues on it doesn’t matter. Just like it looked like Israel continued on it didn’t matter. Their fate was sealed and God says it’s done right here. And the only way we know that is because that’s what he told us,
same way that we know that the law was nailed to the cross when Jesus died, because he told us, okay, we’ve got to remember that as Christians, we don’t look at events time, the way God does. And that’s not a license to arbitrarily interpret the Bible. That is a licensed to say, I believe God did it because God said he Did.
And I’m going to let him work out the timeline of how those things get finished. But ultimately God says, here’s when it happened. Here’s how I judged Rome. Here’s what’s going to take place. And here’s what you need to know about it. Okay? So the S the angel calls the birds together, and they devour the armies of the beast.
And I saw the beasts and the Kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army. Then the beast was captured with, and with him, the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the Mark of the beast, and those who worshiped his image.
Okay? So they go out to make war. They go out against the one who’s on the horse. They go out against the army is the one who’s on the horse, which are Christians. And they go out And they lose their captured. And then they’re judged. These two were cast alive into the Lake of fire burning with brimstone, and the rest were killed with the sword,
which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh. There’s a time in the old Testament where Israel has come out of Egypt And they’re sick and tired of manna. They don’t want any more, man. They, as they say, love this light bread that they’ve received. They here they are.
They’re being fed by God. Every single day. They’re having to do nothing to get it other than go out and gather it in the morning And they can’t stand it. They hate it. And God says, okay. And they say, we want meat guys. This I’m going to give you meat. And God, It causes birds to come in and basically just lay themselves down and die To such A degree.
God says, I’m going to give you so much meat. You’re going to despise it. I’m going to give you so much meat. It’s going to be coming out. Your nose is the analogy. And then The birds fly in. And a bunch of the people greedily go out, because remember the thing about the manna was they had a portion. They could only get what they were allotted.
If they got more, it went, it went bad. If they got less, they didn’t have enough. They were to go out and get their portion. While a bunch of these people go out and greedily begin to gather up this. The, the birds that are, have, have landed to gather of this meat beyond what they need. And God begins to bring about a plague.
God begins to kill them because of their greediness here, the pictures flipped on its head. It’s now the birds of the heaven that get the feast. They get the feast prepared for them by the Lord because of the wickedness of those who follow the beast and the false prophet. Okay. So it’s just an interesting flip-flop picture from the old Testament. The restaurant Killed with a sword,
which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh. Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Okay. So see the picture. Don’t expect to get every, every little detail to have some great meaning. John sees an angel he’s descending from heaven.
He’s got a great chain in his hand And he’s got a key. Okay. Notice what happens, Got the key to the bottomless pit, a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him so that he should not deceive the nations that he should deceive the nations no more.
Till the thousand years were finished. Now go back to chapter 13 And be reminded chapter 13. Then I stood on the sands of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns, and on his horns, 10 crowns, and on his heads, a blast one’s name. Now the beast, which I saw was like a leopard.
His feet were like a feet of a bear. His mouth was like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power, his throne, and his authority. We Said in Daniel’s picture, in Daniel’s prophecy, those individual creatures, the lion, the leopard, and the bear were all part of the kingdoms that came before Rome. You remember there was the Babylonian kingdom and then the Mito Persian kingdom,
and then the Grecian kingdom. And ultimately Rome would come Rome in Daniel’s visions described as an indescribable beast. Okay. But these attributes are all carried forward into sure. Of Rome and his power to deceive nations And to convince them, but who, who do they get their power from? Who does Rome get its power from the devil? The dragon? Okay.
So now the beast, which you see was just cast into the Lake of fire and the false prophet, who is the other beast, verse 11. Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns, like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. So he speaks with the power of the dragon. He exercises all authority in the,
of the first beast in his presence and causes the earth. And those who dwell in it to worship the first bees. So he’s causing false worship to happen. And those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed, he performs great signs and even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth, in the sight of men.
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs, which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image of the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. All right. So the one beast is the power and the mind, and the force pictured as, as Babylon and the Mito Persian empire and the Grecian empire all rolled in the one in Rome.
And the other beast is pictured as the deceiving, the deceptive one, the false prophet who causes people to worship the first beast and the dragon. So here we see angel comes down from heaven. He’s got this great chain. He’s got the key to the bottomless pit, by the way, where did the beast come up out of Way back in chapter 11,
there were two witnesses. And those witnesses are proclaiming the word of God and testifying. They’re the prophets. The one of them’s pictured like Moses, the others picture like Elijah. And something comes up out of somewhere and kills them. What was it that came up? We’re just holding. It’s the beast. Okay. The beast comes up out of the bottomless pit.
Okay. This is not new. We are not suddenly introduced to a bottomless pit that holds back the power of the persecuting beast. No, no. That’s what we saw at the very beginning. Here comes the beast. He rises up out of the bottomless pit, and now he’s being put back in the bottomless pit. Okay. Get the picture. Rome as persecuting power was here before we saw it in Nero,
he persecuted the Christians and then Nero died and the persecution stopped and the beast is coming back up. And he’s going to persecute the Christians again in the time of demission and forward. But God, don’t worry about it. I know where he came from and I’m putting them Back. I’m going to destroy his power. What you see in the end of chapter 19.
And the beginning of chapter 20 is God’s saying as an instrument of Satan, Rome Room is finished. You’re not seeing a final judgment on Satan. I know that. And so do you, because in just a little bit, we’re going to read about a little season where he comes back up. This isn’t a final judgment on Satan. This isn’t a final holding of Satan.
This is, God’s saying, Satan, you tried to use Rome every time you read about the dragon. He looks like Rome. Remember the dragon had seven heads and 10 horns. And he looked like Rome. And he was being written on by a harlot. He looked like Rome. And then the causes Rome to begin persecuting and Rome looks like him,
But God says, you’re done. The beast is done. Profits done. And the dragon who looks like Rome is done Bound up, put In the bottomless pit. And he’s there for a thousand years Now, Ash, those who believe in pre millennialism Is the key. A literal key will go. No. Is the chain the literal chain? No.
As the bottomless pit, a literal bottomless Pit. No. Is the dragon a literal Dragon? No. Is the thousand Years a literal thousand years? Well, yes, Absolutely. Do we see a problem? That’s not how we interpret scripture and never has been. So what is a thousand years in this text? We’ve seen Thousand before we we’ve seen multiples of a thousand.
We’ve seen a thousand used all throughout revelation to mean different to, or to mean the same thing over and over again. A thousand always pictures God’s complete Action. It means The totality of something. And don’t just take my word for it. Go to Psalm one Oh five or not. I didn’t expect to make it any farther than this. So we’re we’re right on schedule Psalm one Oh five and verse eight.
I will Want us to be clear. This is not some arbitrary interpretation of a thousand. Okay. This is regularly. God uses it in scripture. Psalm one Oh one Oh five verse eight. I can turn one more page, actually verse seven. He is the Lord of our, he is the Lord. Our God, his judgments are in all the earth.
He remembers his covenant forever. The word, which he commanded for a thousand generations. What about generation? 1001? Is that the question we’re supposed to ask in that passage that God’s going to be faithful in his judgments and his commandments for every generation up until generation 1000? No, that’s not what we’re supposed to get from that. If he’s been faithful for the last thousand generations,
don’t you think he’ll be faithful for the next one? That’s what the writer is saying. Go forward to first Chronicles, chapter six or backwards, I guess first Chronicles, chapter 16, first Chronicles chapter 16, verse 15, verse 14 says he is the Lord. Our God, his judgments are in all the earth. He remembers his covenant forever. The word,
which he commanded for a thousand generations. Again, the same verbiage, same iteration is that God is going to do this. Perpetually. God is going to keep his judgments. God is going to keep his covenant and nothing is going to stop him From doing it. Okay? Go backward. Well, actually forward again. Psalm 50 Psalm, 50 verse 10.
Not every beast of the earth. Let me read that again. With the words that are on the page. This time for every beast of the forest Is mine. And The cattle on a thousand Hills are mine. Are we supposed to interpret therefore the cattle on Hill 1001 doesn’t belong to the Lord? No. If the cattle on a thousand Hills belong to him,
then every cattle on every Hill belongs to him. Deuteronomy chapter seven, Deuteronomy chapter seven, verse nine. Therefore know that the Lord, your God, he is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations, with those who love him and keep his commandments. Does God keep covenant mercy in every generation with those who love him and keep his commandments?
Did it end at a thousand? No. Nowhere in revelation. Do we get the number 1000 where we’re supposed to see it and a tribute to it, a literal thousand in substance, nowhere. But if we were to, okay, if we want a thousand year reign of the Messiah later on in chapter 20 and the thousand year binding of the beast or the dragon here in the first part of chapter 20,
here’s what we’ve got to do. This is our responsibility. If we want to interpret it that way, then we are required to interpret it as a literal chain, as a literal key, as a literal bottomless pit and a literal dragon. But we’re not told to interpret it that way, anywhere in the book of revelation. So therefore we’re supposed to look at what we see and ask what it means,
not look at what we see and assume that’s what it means. Okay? That’s what you deal with when you’re dealing with apocalyptic literature and the book of revelation and the book of Ezekiel and a lot of other books like the latter, half of Daniel, don’t look at it and go 70 weeks. Well, he must mean 70 literal weeks. No, he doesn’t not.
And Daniel, see what it is. See what John saw and then ask what it means. All right. So we’re going to pick up here in verse three, go down through the end of the chapter on Wednesday. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. It’s good to see everybody out this morning. It’s a beautiful day, but it’s kind of windy out.
There seemed like March, but it’s going to get better. But anyway, we like to welcome all of our barristers. If we have any today. And if you would to fill out a visitor’s card and put it in a collection plate back here at the back. So we’d have a record of your attendance. And if you hadn’t picked up your Lord’s supper,
It’s back there on that back table. Now it’d be a good time to get it. If you have a gotten it, we need to remember our CIT Jones, Springer and Dorothy Wilson and Janet Jones. We saw Janet yesterday and she’s, she’s doing good. She’s kind of feisty, but she was doing good. Our other sick Sandy Tramble is back home and feeling much better.
She had a stone that we still don’t know where it was, but they did remove a stone from her and she’s doing a lot better. And Jessica Dale is having some kind of stomach issue. Terry and Patricia Wigley are still recovering from COVID. And I think they might be doing, doing better. Terry we’re doing better Wednesday night. And I think she had gotten better before that,
but they’re doing better. Congratulations to Victoria that used to come to church here. And Jason Melton, they had a baby girl the other day. He was born Wednesday added Lynn. Kate, is that right? Where’s her name? But anyway, she had some problems had to be bedridden for a while before the baby was born. But everything’s good. I saw her announcements order of worship today day,
Michael Dale would be leading singing. Joe has the Oatman prayer. J Schaffner has the Lord supper and Aaron Cozort has the sermon. And Eric Harrelson will dismiss this with the closing prayer. Thank you ed, to be before you lead in SUNY. Again, my voice isn’t back a hundred percent, but I’m going to do the best that God will allow me to do our first song this morning.
We’ll be number 144 O worship the King O worship the key. Oh,<inaudible> and grain for Lee. See here’s Wanda for<inaudible> Dallas and then splendor and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Hey for children.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> Mac defend<inaudible> The song before our opening prayer will be number 474. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.
Thank you Lord, for loving me and thank you Lord for blessing me. Thank you Lord, for making me whole and saving my song. I want to thank you.<inaudible> thank you for saving my soul. Let us all with one eye caught seeing praise as to Christ. Lord, let us all you in song to praise him all day long. Thank you.<inaudible> thank you for saving my song,
who please rebel y’all well for me so I can serve you.<inaudible> use my life and bring your way take today. I want to thank you.<inaudible> me. Thank you, Lord.<inaudible> you<inaudible>. Thank you, Lord.<inaudible> Oh God. Our father in heaven, we truly are grateful that you do love us. We’re so thankful father for that love,
that was demonstrating through the death of your son, whereas willingness to die on the cross of Calvary. We’re so grateful father for the fact that we able to be cleansed of our Sans and as we become obedient to your will, and we’re so thankful that we are your children, father, we’re mindful of life itself, and we’re thankful for it. And we pray father that we realize that it is so brief.
We pray God that we might use our lives in service to you and glorify your name. As we have that privilege and opportunity, we never lose sight of life and of eternity. We pray father that we examine ourselves daily, that we remain in the faith that we look to one another, that we might gain strength that we look to your word, that we might be,
build it up in the faith and that we use our faith to try to reach those round about us. With the gospel. We are keenly aware of the brevity of life and that there are souls out there that have never named your name. We truly be mindful of them and of ourselves, of our responsibility and privilege that we have to share your word with them.
Father, we’re mindful of the faithful and we’re thankful for the influence they have over our lives. We’re mindful of our families, not only our physical families, but our spiritual families. And we’re so grateful for the faithful that they’ve been such a good example to us. And we’re thankful for physical families of the love that we have for one another. And especially our love for the father.
We’re mindful of those that are teaching and preaching your word and other places. And we pray that we might be an encouragement to them. We might be a blessing to help strengthen them and encourage them as they teach and preach the gospel that many souls might come to you. Father, we’re thankful for Aaron and Eddy and their family. We’re thankful for what they mean to the church here or the abilities that they have to encourage us and be a blessing to us here.
We pray that you be with air and as he breaks into us, the breath of life this morning, we’re thankful for Michael and Jessica and or that the work they’re doing. And as Michael goes through the school of preaching for the studies that he is engaged in, that will, it will help him to become a great minister of the gospel. We pray father that you help each and every one of us to look to one another and be mindful of each other,
especially those that are not able to be with us physically, that we continue to remember them in our prayers daily, that they might be okay. And that those that are facing physical problems, that they might be resolved by the ones that are administering to them. Father we’re mindful of those that are facing challenges with their spiritual walk. And we pray that we’d be keenly aware that they might not be fateful,
that we would reach out to them and try to encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity help us each day, that we live, that we are mindful of those that are ill and try to administer them to their needs. We pray that you help us to always be mindful of who we are. And the example we set before, others, we pray that they always will see Christ living in us.
Father help us to be more loving, kind, compassionate patient, and understanding of one another that we can truly exemplify our Lord and savior. Forgive us father. When we fail the, and help us to repent of those sins that we might stand justified in your sight. Or we never know when our savior will come back and claim us. We pray that you help us to build one another up as the days go by.
And the forward to that home in heaven with the, and Jesus, we pray amen Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 381 years. I spent in vanity years, I spent in vanity you years. I spent in vantage and PRA I had caring nod. My Lord was crucified, no knowing nod and was for me. He die.
And<inaudible> see, that was green. And grace was spree. God. And there was more to apply to me. Nah, my burden<inaudible><inaudible> by God’s word. And last night<inaudible><inaudible> to my guilty soul and flooring turn to<inaudible> see, there was great. And grace was free. Oh God. And there was more to apply to me.<inaudible><inaudible> no I,
again to your Jesus. Very thing. Nah, I gladly own him as my King. Nah, my rap shirts or can only seeing<inaudible><inaudible> there was great and grace was free. Oh God. And there was more to apply to me.<inaudible><inaudible> Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan. Oh, the grace had brought it down to man.
Oh the mighty in golf. Thank God dance, man.<inaudible> see. There was great. And grace was free. Oh God. And there was more to apply to me.<inaudible><inaudible> We now come to a very special time in our worship service where we remember the death of our Lord and savior. So let’s focus our minds upon that cross upon the sacrifice that he has made for us.
Let us pray. Heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for this. We have to assemble about this table to participate in these emblems, which memorialized the death of our savior. We pray, especially now for the bread, which represents the body that was sacrificed on that cross for the forgiveness of our sins. It’s in jesus’ name that we pray amen. Ever my father in a similar manner,
we’re grateful for this fruit of the vine, which represents the blood that was shed for the remission of our sins. Help us to realize the full significance of this great sacrifice and help us to partake in a worthy manner. It’s in jesus’ name that we pray. This concludes the Lord’s supper. We find this a convenient time to offer a prayer for and Thanksgiving for the blessings that we have received.
Heavenly father, we’re indeed grateful for the many material blessings that you so richly bestow upon each of our lives. We pray that we always remember that we’re merely stewards of these things that all of these blessings truly come from you. And as we prepare to return a portion of what you’ve blessed us with, we ask your blessing is upon us in jesus’ name that we pray Song before the lesson will be number 957.
This world is not my home. If you’re able, please stand for this song. This world is not my home. This world is not my home. I’m just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond that knee angels back in me from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home in this world any more<inaudible> no, I have no friend,
Mike, you<inaudible> the angels back in me from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home in this small world any more. They’re all expecting me. And that’s one thing I know my savior. Pardon me? And now I on word, I know, take me through, I am weak and poor and I can fill that at home in this<inaudible> I have no friends like you,
if heaven’s not in my<inaudible> the angels back and me from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home in this world any more, just<inaudible> the same sun, every ah, shouting Victori song of sweetest, praise draft back from heaven. Sure. And I can feel that, huh? In this<inaudible> you know, I have no friends like you,
heaven’s not in my home. Nana Lord. Why? Well, I do need angels back and me from heaven’s open door and I can feel at home in this<inaudible> Maybe see you then if you would like to Mark it, it will be up here on the slides. But if you’d like to Mark it, the song of invitation is number 948. I am resolved number nine 48,
good morning. Just about every day, all over the country and all over the world. People get up, get ready. They prepare themselves for the day and they go out To work. They go to a job. They go to make gain. And that idea of gain carries with it. A similar idea in our English language, the word profit and all throughout scripture,
God speaks concerning gain. And the idea of gaining things in this life, sometimes it is spoken of in a neutral way, just simply a fact of matter that that it’s a necessity to, to gain, to provide for oneself. But sometimes it’s spoken of in a very negative way. And sometimes it’s spoken of, of things in a very different way than we might expect.
I want to spend some time this morning talking about gain, but we’re going to look at it from the negative perspective. First, there are some things when we go about our daily lives, when we provide for our own selves, when we go through life, gaining what is needed to sustain our homes, our families, and our livelihoods. There are some things that we must not do some ways in which we must not gain in this life.
Turn with me. If you will, to the book of Isaiah Isaiah in his prophecies in chapter 33 speaks concerning this very idea. Isaiah chapter 33, we’re going to begin around verse 14. God is he speaks through. Isaiah says the sinners in Zion are afraid. Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites who among Us shall dwell with the devouring Fire. Before we go much further.
We need to make, make note of one fact, the Hebrew writer over in Hebrews chapter 10 speaks concerning those who have access to the new and living way. The blood of Christ salvation through baptism found in the blood of Christ. That salvation, which provides us a home in heaven and a fellowship with God. But there are those in Hebrews chapter 10 who are departing,
therefore Seki being the church and the Hebrew writer writes to these Christian. And he tells them that those who are forsaking the assembly of themselves together, those who are forsaking the church, they have turned their back on Christ. He says, when you do that, you try to pawn the blood of Christ. You count the grace, which God has given to you as an unholy thing.
And he warns those Christians who are turning their back on Christ, who are going back to the Mosaical law, who are going back to the ways of the world. He warns Them that your God is a consuming Fire. That picture Partially from Isaiah chapter 33, as God pictured as a devouring fire. So the question in Isaiah chapter 33, verse 14,
who among us shall dwell with the devouring. Fire is speaking of God, in his judgment, Who Among us shall dwell with ever lasting Earnings. And here’s the answer. Two questions asked two questions, asked in repetition in order to focus on who is it that can stand with God. It’s very similar to the question asked in revelation chapter six, who can stand with God when God judges the wicked.
And here’s the answer he Walks righteously and speaks up rightly But in focus on our lesson. Notice this next phrase. He who despised Is the gain of oppressions. One of the struggles that Israel found itself in over and over and over again, especially in the minor prophets and in the later prophets, when the prophets would write to them, they would accuse them Of abusing the poor.
They would accuse them of doing harm to those who were defenseless. They would accuse them of, of controlling these people for their Prophet. And Isaiah makes it clear. The one who stands with God When God judges the one who is able to stand when God has a devouring, fire comes upon. Those who are doing wickedness is one of his attributes. Is he despises that he despises those who take advantage and oppress others who gestures with his hands,
refusing bribes, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from seeing evil. This isn’t someone who closes his eyes and says, I’m not going to look. I’m not going to see what they’re doing. No, no, no, no, no, no. He will not look upon evil to desire. Writ he will not allow someone to come into his presence who would give him a bribe.
He will not allow someone who will speak to him and encourage him to shed blood. He will not do these things. This is looking like a judge. This is looking like the picture of one who ought to be a righteous judge. But there were so many times in Israel where they were judged by those who would take bribes judged by those who would commit murder for their own gain,
judged by those who would oppress the poor to get profit. They were judged by those who would see The evil. And instead of condemning it, they join in. He will dwell on high, the person who won’t do these things, the person who walks, righteously, the person who speaks up, rightly he will dwell on high. His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks.
Bread will be given him his water will be sure. Notice The point that Isaiah is making the Lord is speaking to Israel. And he’s saying the judge, the person who has power and authority, who will not do wickedness, who refuses to even hear it, to see it, to, to dwell on it. But instead walks righteously and judges uprightly who speaks righteously his game.
His needs will be He taken kero. Jesus makes The point over in Matthew, chapter six concerning the one who strives for things of this life who seeks to gain that, which this life has and is worried about this life’s possessions. He says, when this person strives to do this, they’re missing what is of greatest value. Instead he tells that person seek first,
the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things Shall be added to you. So the first thing that we see here is that Isaiah says we are not to be those who seek gain By the oppressing of others, but he also in his, In the old Testament and in the new we read that we are not to receive gain dishonestly first Samuel chapter,
Wait, there was a time in Israelite history where they were without a King. There had not yet been a King in Israel. They were judged by those who were called judges. And Samuel was the last in the line of judges because in chapter eight of first, Samuel Israel will demand the King and God will give them a King. Now up until that point,
God was their King. They didn’t need an earthly King. They had a heavenly King, but they had refused that. But notice this statement that’s made in the beginning of chapter eight of first Samuel, as we see the reason, or at least the excuse as to why they needed a King. Now I came to pass verse one. When Samuel was old,
that he made his sons judges over Israel. The name of his firstborn was Joelle. The name of his second Abijah. They were judges in bear Sheba, but his sons did not walk in his ways. They turned aside after dis honest Gain took bribes and perverted justice. Now Actually would also occur in a very similar fashion with the sons of the previous judge.
But here Samuel Is going to appoint his sons as judges after him. And they’ll be put there in bear Sheba. And there’ll be said there to judge Israel, but instead of judging, according to the law, instead of judging, according to the commandments, instead of judging, according to the ways of God, they look for those who will give them profits.
If you can give me something, I’ll judge in your favor. If you can make sure that I get this, I’ll do this. I’ll make this judgment For you. Gon tells us And the old Testament law that the judges were to judge righteous judgment, but they were also not to show favoritism to the rich or to the poor. They were not supposed to judge in favor of one who was poor simply because he was poor.
They were to judge according to the law, when a Richmond came to the, came to them and said, I have possessions and I can take care of you and I can make sure you have everything you need. They weren’t to hear that they were to judge according To the law, but here Samuel sons seek after dis honest gain over in Ezekiel chapter 22,
God condemns two groups of people because they also saw it after dishonest gain. Ezekiel chapter 22 beginning in verse 23, Zeke GQL rights. And the word of the Lord came to me saying, son of man, say to her, you are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation. The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey.
They have devoured people. They have taken treasure and precious things. They have made many widows in her midst. Her priests have violated my law and profaned my Holy things. They have not distinguished between Holy and unholy, nor have they made, known the difference between the unclean and the clean. And they have hidden their eyes from my Sabots Sabbaths so that I am profaned among them.
Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey to shed blood, to destroy people, to get dishonest, gain three categories of people here are given by God that he condemns because of their actions, because their actions were dishonest for profit. First, he says your profits. The problem I have with you, Israel is your profits profits. I for money,
your profits speak good to someone for gain and evil against someone who will give them nothing. He says they are dishonest and they are causing widows to exist. If they can’t make their prophecy come true and get their money one way they’ll make it come true. Another way by killing people, Their profits were like Those roaring lions tearing their prey, but then he accuses their priests.
He says, this isn’t just a problem with your profits, but your priests as well are doing the same thing. They violated the law. They profaned my house. They profaned my name. They’ve caused people to know no difference between clean and unclean between Holy and unholy. They have destroyed my name For their own profit. But then he says, and your princes are no different.
Your princes, those who rule over you, those in the house of the King, they’re doing the same thing. All of this. He says it’s because of dishonor Gain, but even in the new Testament, we’re warned about dishonest gain. In first, Peter chapter five, Peter is he is writing as an elder, writes to elders. And he says,
this, the elders who are among you, I exhort verse one. I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed shepherd. The flock of God, which is among you serving as overseers, not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain Ain, buddy girly. One of the things the new Testament promotes and allows is that elders are,
can or can be paid for their service for their shepherding function. But Peter makes it clear to those elders. You don’t do this. Like those profits of old, you don’t do this. Like those judges of old, you don’t do this. Like those priests of older, those princes of old, you don’t do it for this honest gay. You do it out of a love for the flock and for the Lord.
Why is it that this is such a problem? Why is it that game? And the things of this world were always such a problem generation after generation and still are Today. Part of it is greed in Proverbs chapter one, Solomon would write to his son, okay? As he opens up this, this book of wise sayings, as he writes these things to his son,
he writes beginning in Proverbs chapter one, beginning Around verse eight. He says, My son hear the instruction of your father and do not forsake the law of your mother for, they will be a graceful ornament on your head and chains about your neck. But then notice what he says. He says, my son, if sinners entice, you Do not consent.
He says, there are going to be people who will come to you and will seek to get you to do things with them, but you should not do. He goes on to say, if they say, come with us, let us lie in, wait to shed blood. Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause let us swallow them alive.
Like she’ll and whole like those who go down into the pit, we shall find all kinds of precious possessions. We fill our houses with spoil. You go down To verse 19 and we read, so are the lays of everyone who is greedy for Gain. But notice this statement, He says, so is everyone who is greedy for gain? And then he says something about that game.
He says something about an attribute of retribution as it were that that gain Will have on them. He Says it takes away the life of it. Owners Here. He describes one. Who’s willing to kill, willing to mane, willing to hurt and destroy in order for his own profit, for his own loss, his own desires in his own greed, buddy Warren Lose them.
When you do that, It is as if that game, that Profit remembers your deeds and will bring on you. What you’ve done to others. And how much, Many times in history, how many times in life, how many times in society do we find the person who abuses others for profits? It gets, it turned back on themselves by someone else.
Who’s willing to kill them for what they have greediness and the desire For what doesn’t belong to. You has always been a problem. And Isaiah chapter 56, Isaiah Again makes an accusation against another group of people in Israel, Isaiah chapter 56, beginning Verse nine, God and Isaiah through the Lord’s words, condemn the Watchman now in an old Testament city, okay?
In a place where you were surrounded by not only armies of, of nations, that didn’t like you, but even just the dangers of living in that day in time, the beasts of the, of the forest and the beach that would surround them. There were always those who were placed as Watchman. Those who were to keep an eye at night, especially they were to keep an eye for the enemy who might be coming.
They were to keep an eye for the beasts that might be lurking at the edge of the city. Those who might attack the prey and those who were unknown, The Watchman was there to keep an eye on the behalf of others. But in verse nine of Isaiah, chapter 56, we read all you beasts of the field, Come to devour God, the beast,
This time, God says, you get ready. You come prepared obese of the field and come to devour. My people notice what he says, all you beasts in the forest, his Watchman, the Watchman that belonged to the city. The Watchman that belonged to my people, the Watchman that belong to those who are supposed to be, He says his Watchman are blind.
They are ignorant. They are all dumb dogs. They cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving the slumber, Their defenses aren’t ready. He says, no, one’s paying attention. They’ve put the weakest in the, in the blind. They put them on the wall to watch for danger because everyone loves Their own sleep versus 11. Yes, they are greedy dogs,
which never have enough. And they are shepherds who cannot understand. They all look to their own way. Every one for his own gain from his own territory. What is it that they’re doing in actuality? They’re not literally putting blind men up on the wall. They’re not literally putting those who are blind out in the, in the edges of the city at night,
watching for the creatures that might come in and hurt someone know they’re placing those as Watchman, as shepherds of the flock of Israel who are only interested Did in themselves. This isn’t a condemnation of blind Watchman in a physical sense. It is a condemnation of self interested leaders whose only fought for themselves is their own gain. First Timothy chapter six, Paul Warren Timothy,
and in turn tells Timothy to Warn the church. First, Timothy chapter six in verse five, he tells us Going back to verse three, if anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine, which Accords with godliness. He is proud, knowing nothing but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words from which come envy,
striving for violins, evil suspicions, useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds of destitute of the truth. Who suppose notice, who’s suppose that godliness. This is a means of gain from such withdraw yourselves. Paul says among the church among Those who were Christians, if you see Someone who Uses their godliness for Profit, who use Is and has a mindset that their good deeds are supposed to be reimbursed,
that their good deeds are there and are done for money. And if they don’t get the money, you’ll never see the good deeds. Paul says, from that type of person, you withdraw yourself. You will Have no fellowship with them. But in the contrast, as we shift over to what God says we should do, when it comes to gain,
he says in verse six, now godliness with contentment is great gain. You know, I said, sometimes we see the scriptures, look at gain, look at profit, look at getting what we need in this life. A little different than you and I do in our daily lives. Maybe then we, we need to, re-examine how we view gain.
Because here Paul says, in contrast to the one who gives godliness in order to get gain, he says you have godliness and contentment, and that is gain. Whether there’s any money involved or not. Jesus said it this way. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Now, if you give something away, are you gaining in monetary or possessions?
Are you gaining something by giving? Yes, you’re gaining something, but not something physical. You’re gaining something spiritual all throughout scripture. One of the things that we are to understand that we are to see clearly is that we have a need for possessions. We have a need for the daily necessities, But We have a greater need for spiritual things. Philippians chapter three,
Paul writes to the church of Philippi And he says in Philippians chapter three and verse seven, he says, but what things were gained to me, she’s talking about a time in his life. When he was a Jew of all Jews, where he was the specimen of a Pharisee, where he was the example of one that everyone could look to and say that someone who’s important,
but he used all of those things and all of that position. And he abused it by using it to persecute the church. And Paul says, but what things were gained to me, these, I have counted law For Christ yet. Indeed. I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ. Jesus, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ Matthew chapter 16,
Jesus speaks concerning one who would follow him One who would be his disciple. And in Matthew chapter 16, he says the one who will be my disciple must do a number of things. Must forsake a number of things. Then he asked the rhetorical question, what shall man give in exchange for his soul? What does it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lose His own soul,
Some things that are gained in scripture that have real value honor is one of them in Exodus chapter 14, God is spoken of as gaining honor over Pharaoh in his armies, by defeating them at the red sea honor is something that has value. As long as it doesn’t create pride so long as it doesn’t establish within ourselves, something that we think we deserve instead of something given to us by God ultimately,
but land and possessions is another thing that is gained in this life. But it’s interesting that in Psalm 44 verses one through three, as the Psalmist writer reflects back on what God did for Israel, he reminds Israel in his day in time that the possession of the promised land wasn’t given to them, wasn’t gained by their efforts. It wasn’t gained by their strength.
It wasn’t gained by their ability. It was given by God. And one of the attributes that you and I need to recognize in everything that we have is that what we have doesn’t Along to us, Israel So often looked at the land they dwelt in as there The land and it never was, it was God’s land. Wow. Is it that Israel refused to observe the Sabbath?
One of the attributes of the Sabbath and the specific attribute of the Sabbath was that they were to do no work. They were to not seek profit there on that seventh day. And Israel had a hard time holding themselves back from their own profit For God because they lost sight of the fact that it all belonged to God. Why is it that Israel failed over and over and over for 400 plus years to keep the year,
the Sabbath year, the year of Jubilee? Why is it that every seventh year when they were commanded not to plant, not to put their crops in the ground, they didn’t do it. God, when he would bring 70 years of judgment upon them and bring them off into Babylon would accuse them through the prophet. Jeremiah. He said, the reason you’re going to go into captivity for 70 years is because that’s all of the years,
you didn’t observe the seventh Year Sabbath of my land. Why didn’t they observe this of the land? Is it because God didn’t prosper them enough? No, it’s because they were so interested in themselves, they didn’t obey the commands Of God. And God said, Oh, my land is going to get it Sabbath because it was his land, not theirs.
And so the Psalmus writer says in Psalm 90 Psalm 90 and in verse 12 Psalmus writer says to those who would hear verse 12. So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. One of the things over everything else that we are to gain is not profit. It’s not money. It’s not possessions, it’s wisdom and understanding.
But Paul said, one other thing was gained. One other thing that we wouldn’t normally call game and it was death. You remember Paul wrote in Philippians chapter one verse 21 For me to live is Christ. But to die is gain. As we go through this life, many mornings, we will get up and we’ll go to work. We’ll do whatever it is that needs to be done to gain the thing,
Things we need in this life. But may we never lose sight of the things that we are to be gaining that really matter glory before God and honoring him wisdom and understanding. And one day, if we have not sought to gain The world at the cost of our soul, one day when judgment comes from one, who’s described as a devouring fire, and we stand with him,
we can say I gained everything because whatever I had to lose for my soul was rubbish in comparison to eternity. If you’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ, you’re outside of salvation, you’re outside of hope and redemption. You’re outside of an eternity and the possibility of an eternity with God, the father, how do you change that? You change?
It means that by dying to self, that thing, which causes you to seek after things, instead of God, possessions, instead of wisdom, that which has only temporary value instead of that, which has eternal value, you die. How do you do that? You recognize that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You recognize that he can teach you how to lift properly.
And instead of you insisting, you can live Properly. And you repent of your sins. You repent of the way that you have lived to change, to live the way he tells you to live. You confess the name of Christ. And in making that confession, you make that claim that you and everything you have Belongs to him, no matter whether you have wealth or nothing,
whether you are great or not that whatever you have is his, because it is anyway. You just might not admit it, but then you’re going to die. You’re going to be immersed in water for the remission of your sins. We’re going to go into a watery grave of baptism as an old dead sea. She’s going to rise up out of that watery grave,
a new living creature, Romans chapter six, alive, but no longer alive to yourself, alive to Christ. And then you two can look at your past and say, as Paul did, I counted as loss. And I counted as rubbish for what I have gained in Christ. You’re outside the body of Christ. This, you can change that if you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve lost sight on what his own real value in this life,
you can change that to, if you have need of anything, why not come as we stand? And as we say Hi, the things don’t know, blah, the<inaudible> ah, Hey son to him. Hey son. So glad<inaudible> jeez. Us great is yes. Well come to the, ah, I am resolved to go to the same<inaudible> he is the true.
He is that job. Last one. He had<inaudible><inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So glad free. Jeez, us great. Yes. Come to the resolve to<inaudible> he<inaudible> he, well, he is<inaudible> Hey, Hey to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez, us great. Yes.<inaudible> I am resolved to and to the King leaving friends may oppose me.
Cause maybe sad me.<inaudible><inaudible> Hey son to him. Hey son. So Gladden free. Jeez, us great ass. Yes. Come to the, the song before our closing prayer will be number six, 134 we’ll work till Jesus comes six 34. Oh,<inaudible> in P sad. Oh,<inaudible> to jeez.<inaudible><inaudible> to Jesus Christ.<inaudible><inaudible> Connect me.
Oh,<inaudible> to Jesus comes when Jesus comes and being a<inaudible> God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, Thanking you for another opportunity to assemble here this morning, to sing songs, appraised your name and study a portion of your word. But God, we are so thankful that you sent your son Jesus to live amongst us here on earth years ago and to teach us.
But most importantly, to give us your word so that we had a guide to live our lives by Lord. We also know that there are many amongst our number that are dealing with various illnesses and ailments. And we ask that you please wrap your loving arms around them and comfort them as only you can. And if it be your will look upon the caretakers and the care providers of these individuals,
and if it be your will restore them to a measure health that they so desire so that they may one day assemble with us again, here in this building to worship you. And you’re a great name and Lord, we know that there are times that we fall short of your glory. And when we do fall short and we come to you and ask for forgiveness of sins,
we ask that you please do that. Forgive us our sins, and help to strengthen us so that we may live better lives. Now, as we prepare to depart this place, we asked you go with us and guide guard and direct each and every one of us in our everyday lives. So that we may be your shining light here on earth. To those that do not know your word or those that have heard your word and chose to ignore it so that they may one day have the same opportunity that we do.
And that is to live with you forever and heaven. We pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen.
<inaudible><inaudible> that’s fine.<inaudible> Okay. It’s about time for us to get started.<inaudible> We are in revelation chapter 19, start with review from chapter 18. It’s the questions let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We bow before you at this time, grateful for the day you’ve given to us for the life that you’ve granted to us and the opportunities that we have to serve you.
We pray that you be with those that are dealing with COVID at this time and pray that you were dealing with those who are suffering from all manners of illnesses and difficulties. We’re mindful right now, especially of Francis’s daughter, SA, Sandy, and pray that all will be well with her. And that she’ll return to her desired help. We pray that you will be those who,
whose families have endured the loss of loved ones in recent months and days, we pray that you will give them strength, comfort during hard times during those moments, when it’s a struggle, because of the loss that they feel pray that you be with each and every one of us, as we go through our own set of struggles and difficulties each day, help us to look to you in faith and understanding.
But also may we always seek your grace and your comfort, your strength in time of need. We ask that you help us to remember that we have access and boldness to come before your throne. For that help, we pray that you be with this country, this nation for every nation that is on the top side of this earth, that they might have leaders,
which promote good things, moral things, but above all that, they have opportunities to teach the gospel to those around them and bring law souls to you. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, all this we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Chapter 18, Question one. How is the mighty angels glory described?
All right. The, the angel that’s described in chapter 18, verse one, his glory is described as illuminating the earth chapter 18. Verse two. What is the mighty angels announcement? All right, Babylon, the great is fallen is fallen chapter 18, verse three, question three upon whom has the great city had influence all nations. Okay. Question four.
What are the Christians told to do? All right. Come out of her, out of the city. What does it mean? Quote, God has remembered her iniquities. Okay. God’s going to remember her iniquities in, in Jew and judge her for her works. Okay. So it’s a judgemental or a judging remembrance question five in the analogy of Rome to Babylon,
would her judgment come quickly or slowly, quickly Question six. What would the merchants do? Who bought the riches of the who brought that’s supposed to be brought? They’re supposed to be to hard. There brought the ridges of the world to the great city to sell. We’ve been mourn who is commanded chapter 18, verse 22, rejoice at the judgment of the great city,
The saints, the apostles, and the prophets. And then in her destruction, what was found in the great city that brought about her ultimate destruction. All right. Blood of the profits and saints. Okay. So chapter 17 and 18, you get The, The judgment on the harlot and her desolation talked about chapter 17, chapter 18. You have the judgment of the great city and the beast.
And then chapter 19, we’re going to see all of this wrapped up because everything’s kind of been forward-looking forward-looking forward-looking and then chapter 19 is done. Okay. It’s going to be very anticlimactic when it happens with everything that’s been set up to this point, it’s going to be finished. Okay. But that’s because in all of this, God has said, listen to the saints,
because remember, God’s going to say it’s done before it ever gets started. And he’s going to remind them, this is what’s coming. This is what I’ve said. This is who it is. Here are all the clear indicators be ready for it, but they first have to go through the trials. They first have to go through the persecution before they ever arrive at the victory.
So we’re going to spend some time on that here in chapter 19 tonight, After These things, John writes, I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven saying Alliyah salvation and glory and honor, and power belong to the Lord. Our God, A victory cry goes up. The Great city is taken as a millstone and cast into the sea,
never to rise again, not that there was a time where Rome as the city got picked up and cast into ocean, but instead that God’s judgment would be complete and finished. It would be total in its, in its scale and in its scope. And as a result of that, when God judges Rome, when John God judges the harlot, when God judges the great city who’s riding upon the beast,
the rejoicing comes from, as we mentioned, the saints, the prophets, the apostles, and then he hears a great multitude in heaven. Now, before we go too far out of what we’ve discussed, all the way, all the way through who are those who dwell in the earth, in the book of revelation, they’re the ones that are marked with the Mark of the beast.
They’re the ones who are sinners. They’re the ones who are preached to they’re the ones who are the ungodly, who are those who dwell in heaven in the book of revelation. Are they the dead saints who are already gone on? Or are they the righteous? The righteous? Okay. There are times where they’re very specifically spoken of as those who have been killed.
Those who have suffered those who have died, but not exclusively, always in revelation. Those whose dwelling places, heaven are the righteous, whether dead or alive, and those whose dwelling place is the earth are always wicked, whether dead or alive. Okay? So when you hear a great multitude, shouting Allah, Eluvia salvation, glory, and honor, and power belong to the Lord.
And there are those who are in heaven. Don’t immediately assume that it’s only the dead people who are crying out this great cry of rejoicing. No, it’s the righteous ones. Okay. Dead or alive, having gone through the persecution or not the righteous ones recognize God and his power for attributes that belong to the Lord. Salvation glory honor, and power.
There’s there’s that one finger that’s still not quite, not quite there yet on that hand. Now these, these four things aren’t just brought out because they do belong to God. There’s many passages in scripture that describe these things as belonging to the God. This is set as a stark contrast to Satan, to the dragon, to the beast, because every one of these that belong to God,
doesn’t belong to Satan. Doesn’t belong to the dragon. Doesn’t belong to the whore. Doesn’t belong to the beast. It doesn’t belong to any of them. Why? Because it belongs to God. Okay? So this declaration is made and then verse two for true and righteous are his judgments because he has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication.
And he has avenge on her, the blood of his servants shed by her. We mentioned a little bit on Sunday, and we’re going to continue to mention it. Chapter six, over and over again, go all the way back to chapter six and the seals that are open and the seals that, that started out in the fifth seal, the saints crying out.
How long are you going to let this go on? And all the way over here in chapter 19, we’re seeing the fulfillment of what God told those saints in chapter five, or sorry, chapter six in the fifth seal. He said, you rest a little while. And I will. Judge is the implication there. They’re going to rest because they’re going to see his judgment.
And now they’re declaring his judgment has come to pass. Okay. Again, they said, hallelujah, her smoke rises up for forever and ever. And when Rome ultimately falls, when, when the nation is finally in, fully in the kingdom is finally in fully put to rest. Is there going to be a burning fire in Rome that never ever ends?
And Jesus uses the example of my brain stuck on Gomorrah. And it’s not Gomorrah the, the word for hell Gahanna. Thank you. That was, it was not coming out. When Jesus uses the word Gahanna, it was a bird trash heap uses it too. He uses the figure of a physical place with a, a very physical and temporal fire that where people burdened their tracks cash to exemplify eternal judgment.
Okay. He uses the figure of the physical place to speak about the spiritual place. Well, Rome, isn’t going to burn in a eternal fiery Pyre for all of time, but would Rome ever arise again as a kingdom? Like the kingdom that was destroyed? No. Her judgment is complete final and finished. And we’re going to bring this out as we go through here,
because contextually, we need to pay attention to the context in these passages and be careful that again, we’re seeing things that are like something else that doesn’t mean. They mean the same thing. Okay. So the 24 elders and the four living creatures, verse four fell down and worshiped God who sat on the throne saying, amen, hallelujah. Then a voice came from the throne saying,
praise our God, all you, his servants. And those who fear him both small and great. So those who dwell in heaven, praise God, the BESE, praise God, the 24 elders, praise God. Every one is to recognize the Lord and praise him. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and the sound of many waters in the sound of mighty.
Thunderings saying Allah Lulea for the Lord. God omnipotent reigns. Now was this the first time was this the moment in time that God began to rain? Oh, okay. W w when God formed the earth, he was already raining. W w w when Adam stepped foot on the planet and didn’t even have Eve yet, he was already raining in the days of Abraham.
He was King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In the days of David, he was all ready. The one who David said, the Lord said, the my Lord, sit down with my right hand. He already was raining. This is not a proclamation of the beginning or the start of his reign at the end of some great time of tribulation.
He’s already raining, But Sometimes, sometimes we know he’s raining, but it doesn’t look like. And what you have in chapter 19 in the beginning is not the declaration of the beginning of his reign, but the recognition of the power of his reign, because he acts upon that power. He judges the harlot. He judges the beast. He judges the great city.
He brings about the judgment and his reign is seen by those who are suffering. And therefore you’re getting this proclamation. Okay. Let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come. And his wife has made herself ready. Okay. So we’re going to transition from this time of, of joy this time of jubilation to a marriage feast.
Why a marriage feast well could be a number of different reasons, but it’s interesting to note at the end of chapter, 19 beginning in verse 21, then the mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea saying thus, with violence, the great city Babylon shall be thrown down and shall not be found anymore. The sound of harpists musicians,
flutists and trumpets shall not be hurting you anymore. No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore. And the sound of a millstone shall not be heard of you anymore. The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore. And the voice of Brian Gruman, Brian shall not be hurting you anymore. He’s just used an analogy. Describe Rome and the,
the great city falling. And they wouldn’t have, there there’d be no marriage fees. There’d be no marriage ceremonies. There’d be no joy. There’d be no musicians. There be no building. There’d be no construction. None of these things are going to happen. And he’s going to turn right around and he’s going to talk about a marriage feast and you get into chapter 20 and 2122.
And he’s going to talk about a city and he’s going to begin to contrast all the things that God wipes out in Rome, to all the things that God builds and does for his people every day. The thing you won’t get when you follow the beast, when you worship the beast, when you serve the beast, when you’re defeated with the beat you get,
when you worship the lamb you get, when you follow the Victor. Okay? So there’s a, there’s a, there’s a contrast here between the two, but we also recognize and fully recognize. There’s a continual analogy in the new Testament between Christ and the church, the bride groom, and the bride. Okay. So he’s going to use that analogy.
We’ve seen it before, but just like his rain, doesn’t start here. You’re going to see a marriage ceremony, rejoicing, and all of this. But that doesn’t mean that was the, the point at which Christ married his bride. He’s didn’t marry his bride. The day Rome fell Christ married his bride in acts chapter two. When the church was established over in Galatians chapter five,
before we even read this text, recognize that in Galatians chapter five, the bride’s already spoken of as being one body with Christ. He is there one flesh. They are bride and husband in Ephesians chapter five long before we get to revelation chapter 19, we are not reading about the moment in time when Rome falls in the days of demission, we’re not reading about the time where Christ’s bride and him get married.
It’s a fit you’re okay. So as with everything we’ve gone through here, don’t look at it at a timestamp. You’re looking at a picture, okay. You’re looking at a contrast. So I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude is the sound of many waters in the sound of many thundering saying, I’ll aloo you for the Lord. God omnipotent reigns.
Let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come. And his wife has made herself ready. And to her, it was granted to be a raid in fine linen, clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, write blessed are those who are called to the marriage,
supper of the lamb. And he said to me, these are the true sayings of God. And I fell at his feet to worship him, Oh, wait a minute. Who who’s making this declaration to John? Is it Christ? No, he, this, this one who’s making this declaration to him says, or, or makes us decoration. And I,
John sees him. He sees himself, he’s in the vision. John’s on the Island of Patmos, but in the vision, he falls to his feet and he begins to worship the one who makes the par the proclamation. But he said to me, see that you do not do that. I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus worship God.
So the one who comes to him, one of the elders, I believe in, in the context, you go follow it all the way back makes this declaration. John falls down as his feet and be as worship. Now this John, the apostle, no better than to worship. Yes. So, so what’s this here for, okay. It was there a momentary lapse in John’s mind where he suddenly decided he needed to worship everybody who comes before him in division.
No, this is another visual visual element. This is another part of the vision to indicate to us. There’s only one who gets worshiped. There’s only one who you fall before. And by the way, it’s not just it’s, it’s here. And it pictures for us. It’s not just the wicked dragon. You don’t worship. And it’s not just the wicked beast that you don’t worship.
And it’s not just the wicked false prophet that you don’t worship. And you don’t just worship. Just not worship the wicked one on the throne. You also don’t worship a good person. You don’t worship the one who delivers the message to you. You don’t worship angels. You worship one And it’s God and him alone. Okay. So it doesn’t matter.
Good or evil. No one deserves worship, but the God, Lord God himself. Okay. So he said, I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Okay? So you’ve got this declaration going to John. This is the revelation of God. This is the revelation of the lamb.
This is the testimony of Christ. You worship him. Now I saw heaven, open and behold, a white horse. Where are we seeing a white horse before in the seals? Very first seal chapter six, verse two. We’ve got a white horse. Okay. Thank you. If you pay close attention, you’re going to find that it’s the same white horse and it’s the same person on it.
Okay. Now I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse, and he who sat on him was called faithful and true. Okay. Who have we already heard called faithful and true. Jesus Christ. Okay. So we know who this is. There’s no guessing about who, this is the one who rides on the white horse, white 16 different times in the book of revelation always has to do with holiness.
The one who rides on the wind horse is the one who’s called faithful and true it’s Christ. And then notice what we read. And he who sat on him was called faithful and true. And in righteousness, he judges and makes war back over in chapter six, verse two, we see a white horse. And the one riding on the white horse is doing what hold on to this for a minute.
Very introduction that the opening of the revelation remember, because that’s what the scroll is. The scroll with the six seals. He’s opening up and revealing the word of God. Okay? So he opens up the first seal and the picture immediately, the, the moment that it’s opened up the picture is Christ is conquering. But with the second seal, things start turning a different direction because you start getting the judgments of God and you start getting plagues and you start getting darkness and you start getting death and you get all of these things.
And these following seals, you begin with Christ, he’s winning, he’s conquering, he’s victorious, but then you see the saints and they’re dying and they’re crying out. How long are you going to allow this to happen? And then you see in the sixth seal, the judgment of God and the lamb coming upon those who are doing this persecution. And now here you are back in chapter 19.
And Christ is still conquering. You see all this time, Christ never stopped all this time. Christ was never the loser all this time, Christ didn’t stop being victorious. But for the Christians, it looked like it. They felt like it. They felt like he wasn’t doing anything. That’s why they were crying out. How long, how we don’t see you dealing with this?
How long until you do, but from chapter six to chapter 19, the message is clear. The one who looks like he’s winning, never wins. The one who looks like he’s conquering, never conquers. The one who looks like he’s got the power of death has no power at all. He’s only there temporarily. And the one who is riding the white horse,
who began the revelation will end it and will be victorious. Okay? So he, his eyes verse 12 are like a flame of fire. And on his head were many crowns. Now we we’ve talked about crowns all through the book. We we’ve talked about the elders who have crowns, but there’s two types of crowns. We’ve talked about. There’s the crown of the Victor.
And there’s the crown of the King, the elders that are around the throne of God, which crown do they have? They have the victory crown. They’ve got the crown of the overcomers. God says, I’ll give you a crown of life. That’s a victory. Crown chapter 19. The one on the white horse has many crowns. And they’re not the crowns of victory.
They’re the crowns of the King. They are the diadems. Okay. And so you see him and he, his eyes are like a flame of fire on his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no one knew except himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood. And his name is called the word of God. Now,
for anybody who knows John’s writing, you know who that is because John chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word and verse 14. And the word took on flesh and dwelt among us. John’s not leaving it up to guessing. There’s no guesswork here. John says, this is the word of God. Okay? His eyes were like flame of fire air.
His head had many crowns. His name was written that no one could read except himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood. And his name was called the word of God. And the armies in heaven clothed in fine, linen white and clean followed him on white horses. So you’ve got a white horse leading white horses. Now these armies in heaven,
who do you think they’re made up of? I think you’re right. Grace. Doesn’t go to battle with Rome with a bunch of angels behind it. He goes to battle with Rome, with people who do battle, according to Paul against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this age. And he is the word of God. And we are the ones who give testimony concerning him.
And they are clothed in white. Now you go back over to chapter 16, chapter 16 says blessing or excuse me, behold, I am coming as a thief. Bless it. Is he who watches and keeps his garments. Those who are clothed in white over in, in this, the fifth seal, they’re the ones who, who endure the ones who die.
They’re given white roads, but it’s more than that. They’re given white robes because of their works. You see the bride clothed in white and her garments are made up of, Of what fine linen. But what are they clean and white. They’re the, The righteousness of the saints. Oh, these are the rights of the dead Saint, right? You know,
the people, the Catholic church votes on after 400 years, right? No, these are the living saints. The brine that Christ Mary’s, isn’t dead. She’s not in heaven already. She’s alive. She’s the church. She’s the bride of Christ and the, her righteousness now. And this is the great thing about righteousness. This is a great thing that we need to remember.
Although we struggle with, because we look at our righteous, this personally and go, I keep making mistakes. I keep sending, I keep failing. And so we look at ourselves as a blocked and blighted and struggling individual. And God doesn’t, God warns us to keep our garments. But we are first John chapter one verse, verse seven and eight.
Those who are washed in the blood of the lamb, we aren’t blotched and spotted. And we’re not the lambs that Jacob got out of the herd of his father-in-law. We’re the pure and Holy we’re the ones who were to come out of the, the herds of the Israelite on when they got the best. And they offered it to the Lord. It was to be the one without spot the one without blemish.
The one that was perfect. That’s the one they offered to God, you and me, we’re not spotted and dirty. We’re not blocked in Maine all. Sometimes we look like it, but not if we’re covered in the blood of the lamb. And so the one on the white horse goes to battle and following behind him are, is a multitude on white horses.
And they’re the armies of heaven in contrast to the armies of the beast. In contrast to the armies of hell, in contrast to the armies of Satan, they’re the righteous ones. I’m not in chapter 19 anymore. Hold up the armies of heaven or in heaven, clothed in fine linen and white and clean, followed him on white horses. Now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it,
he should strike the nations. We read about the sharp sword that comes out of the mouth of Christ, way back in chapters, two and three. Interestingly, let’s not lose focus on the fact that Christ tells those churches, that if those, that, that he condemns them for their actions, he says, if you don’t repent, I’ll fight against you with the sword of my mouth.
Here’s his judgment coming upon Rome, but he warns churches. If you turn your back on me and you worship the beast, if you turn your back on me and you worship the harlot, if you turn your back on me and you worship sin and self and lust over me, you become my enemy and I’ll treat you like my enemy. I’ll fight against you with a sword in my mouth.
So out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it, he should strike the nations and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron. Isaiah chapter 11 speaks concerning the rod of iron and the TRIBE of David. He himself treads the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of almighty God. So we, we noticed in the previous chapters with the harlot,
she was tried and her, her, her judgment and her desolation was tried out in the wine press of the wrath of God. We saw that in the bowls that we had earlier on, and now here’s Christ pictured is the one who’s doing it. He’s the one bringing this judgment. Okay. He had on his robe and on his thigh, a name written.
Now here’s why, you know, or here’s how you identify. I guess I should say what all those crowns are about. He’s on his head were many crowns, right? Why? Because he’s not King he’s King of Kings. He’s not Lord he’s Lord of Lords. He’s he’s above them all. But wait a minute. When he’s King of Kings,
why is it? Then that Nero came to the throne and started getting the, the, the Christians and lighting them up to, to light his garden. I thought he was King of Kings. Wasn’t he? King of Kings then? Yes, he was. And that’s the whole point. Even when it doesn’t look like it, even when it doesn’t feel like it,
he’s never given up his throat. He’s never given up his rule. He’s still King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he will judge. Okay. Absolutely. Absolutely. Then I saw an angel, so, all right, we’ve done this so many times before the victory ever happens. The victory is described. The rejoicing is described. The marriage feast is described.
All of this happens in the joy of victory in contrast to the city that’s fallen. That’s desolate. This destroyed hadn’t happened yet. All right, here we go. Here’s the anticlimactic end. Then I saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gathered together for the supper of the great God that you may eat of the flesh of the Kings,
the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and those who sit on them and the flesh of all people free and slave both small and great. Well, wait a minute. God’s taking out everybody. Oh, who did God warn about his judgment? Go back to all of those trumpets. All of those trumpets were partial judgments and,
and eventually they included what the whole earth, those who dwell on the earth, then the bowls who did, they ultimately include those who dwell on the earth. So now who is it? The birds are called to come pick over everybody. But it’s also this go back to chapter six<inaudible>. I went to chapter six of Romans that was too far chapter six,
verse 12. Then I looked and he opened the sixth seal and behold there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair. And the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth. As a fig tree drops its late figs. When it’s shaken by a mighty wind, then the sky receded as a scroll, when it is rolled up and every mountain and Island was moved out of its place and the Kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men,
the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne from the wrath of the lamb, put the two pictures together. All those described here described over in chapter 19 and here they’re all hiding where in the caves and the rocks.
If you’re being attacked by a bunch of birds, where’s a good place to hide in the case of the rocks. But is it going to help them? No. Are the birds literally? No. Okay. The point is you have nowhere to go to escape from the wrath of God. The point is always, you have nowhere to go to escape.
The wrath of God, they will be judged and they will be feasted upon their destruction will be complete. Then actually no verse 19. And I saw the beast Kings of the earth and the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army. Okay. The one who sits on the horses, who Christ and his army are saints and the beast and his army and the Kings of the earth,
they all gather up and John sees it. Okay. So we’ve already read about him doing battle with the sword of his mouth. We’ve already read about him being victorious. We’ve already read about the destruction. We’ve already read about the birds of heaven being called in for the great feast. And now as it were back up and actually start the battle, okay.
That’s where we’re at. John finally sees the beast and his armies and they’re all here. They’re all right. Then the beast was captured. And with him, the false prophet who worked signs in his presence by which he deceived those who received the Mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive in the Lake of fire burning with brimstone and the rest were killed with a sword,
which proceeded from the mouth of VM who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh, done two verses. There’s your whole battle. There’s your whole judgment. I told you they it’s high climactic. Now the one past, the one thing I do want us to pay attention to here is you remember over in chapter 14, verse nine,
then the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his Mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment,
ascends forever and ever. And they have no rest day or night who worship the beast or in his image and who received the Mark of his name. We went over in chapter 14 and we looked at that and we noticed where it comes from, that comes from the, the imagery comes from the old Testament. It comes from Sodom and Gomorrah. It comes from a Z kill and it is the destruction of a nation.
It is God’s judgment, enacted fire and brimstone. And it looks like hell, but this isn’t how the beast and the false prophet aren’t cast down into hell. They’re cast in the Lake of fire. Well, wait a minute. I thought hell was like a fire. Not here, not describing what hell is or isn’t here. It’s not here. The context is the judgment on Rome and God didn’t take the whole planet and every free and every slave man and all those who dwell on the earth and every King and every,
and the beast and judge them eternally right then didn’t happen. This is old Testament, fire and brimstone. This is old Testament judgment. This isn’t the final Hill. This isn’t B because more stuff happens after this. Believe it or not. So if we’re getting the day of judgment here, we got a problem. Okay. And if it’s not the day of judgment,
it’s not hell it is God’s judgment on Rome. So the rest were killed with a sword, which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh. Okay. So we’re gonna, we’re gonna put a peg there, but the judging continues Sunday morning to be parentheses.<inaudible> Good. Amen. Good to see everybody tonight had,
you could get out. We hope there’s a good match. Listening on the phone or computer ever, how you’re doing it. And we’re glad to have everybody with us. We got some announcements on our sick Dorothy and Rodale Jones are Janet Jones, Robin woods and Laurie white and Terry Waitley is feeling better. Sandra Trammell, Francis Redmond’s daughters in Baptist. Collierville in room two,
24. And Francis is the only one able to visit her. Now Sandy’s in a lot of pain and she has an enlarged spleen and a stone, but they’re not sure where the stone is, where they say kidney stone or gall bladder or whatever. And she would have more tests tomorrow. And at some point she will have her explain removed. Well,
that’s all of our sick and all of our announcements. So if you would do it, get a song look, and Michael Dale is going to be singing devotional there and Cozort, and Joe would have the closing prayer. I thank you Just quickly. I remembered when I got here and then I forgot to tell him before he got up here and did the announcements.
Jessica is very sick, like very sick. And in a lot of pain, they gave her some medicine that really messed her up really bad. And now she’s having to recover from the medicine with more medicine that they gave her. Hopefully it doesn’t mess her up anymore, but please keep her in your prayers. She’s really not doing well at all. Our song before devotional will be number 230.
My voice is not back all the way, but I will do the best I can for you and for the Lord. Number two, three, zero worthy art thou, Where are the praise is Christ red. Where are the<inaudible>? Where the<inaudible> where the, the, where the<inaudible>, where the<inaudible> glory and ah, where the<inaudible> where the,
the, Oh Lord, may we come before the, was he being filled with<inaudible> wisdom, man? Ah, may we scribe the glory? And ah, the, the, Oh, Oh, the<inaudible> where the<inaudible><inaudible> the heavens things getting heavy. Where the, where the, ah, if you could please Mark song number 905 yield not to temptation.
That’ll be the song of invitation. Number nine, zero five, Psalm chapter 78, Psalm 78 in verse one give the year, Oh My people to the law, incline your ears. To the words of my mouth. Psalmus writer calls Israel to open their ears. Jesus uses this phrase. He, that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.
Som was writer says, pay attention, listen. And then he says this, I will open my mouth in a parable. I will utter dark sayings of old, which we have heard and known Jesus wasn’t the first teacher come from God who uttered parables. Parable was, was a story, an earthly story with a heavenly meaning, a throw beside a comparison in the old Testament,
there were parables, but there were also dark sayings of old. And those were Proverbs, parables and Proverbs and things. We have known. It’s almost writer says, listen, listen, and hear what you already know. But he doesn’t just say, listen. He says, which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us, but notice this statement.
He says, we will not hide them from their children. Psalmus writer says you and I, we know these things because our fathers taught us, but we have a responsibility to pass them on to the children, their children. He says, telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord and his strength and his wonderful works that he has done.
Psalmus writer wants us to remember. He wanted his generation to remember. He wanted those who had ears to hear, to remember what they had been taught, what they had been told, what they knew, but then they wanted them to pass on the things they had been taught, the things they had been told and the things that they knew to the next generation while each one of us is still alive.
There. Some, one coming along who doesn’t know what we know, who hasn’t seen, what we’ve seen, who doesn’t understand what we understand. And it is our responsibility to tell them what the Lord has done. And that goes for the Psalmus generation and every generation that’s ever been since then, we need to be those who proclaim the word of the Lord,
who teach the next generation. Because if we don’t, no one else will. If you’re here this evening and you’re outside, the body of Christ. Salvation is found in the word of God. Salvation is found in the Lord and it is the salvation of the Lord. That is one of those things that we are to declare to the next generation. If you’re here this evening and have an age of accountability and you have need to put Christ on in baptism,
you can do that tonight. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve drifted away from God, you can come back tonight. If you have need of the invitation, why not come now? As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible> he needs victory. Well, the two<inaudible><inaudible> dog passions,<inaudible>,<inaudible> us.<inaudible> save,
you know, to up you calm strength and<inaudible>, he is willing to a June. He well carry you through, Oh, with me, please. Their God, our father in heaven. We’re truly grateful into the, for the privilege that we’ve had this evening to come together, to stay to from your word, we pray father that we will always try to look to your word diligently.
Each day, we might be strengthened in our faith. Be strengthened as we go through life, we’ll be able to remain faithful until you we’re so thankful, dear father, that we have the blood of your son to cleanse us of our sins. And we pray father that as we go through life, that we’re able to reach others with the gospel, that we might always be mindful of the thoughts that were mentioned this evening,
from your word in Psalms, that we need to be teaching our young people, your word, and how they ought to conduct their lives and live their lives. They might be faithful to you and serve you and glorify you throughout the days. They have father help us to be mindful of those that have been mentioned that are ELL. And those that are in the hospital,
we pray that you be with the ones that had ministering to them, that they might do those things that are needed. Now we pray father that we might encourage one another as we have that ability on time that we might have strength in each other. And that we always try to reach out to those in this area with the gospel, bless us. As we continue to do your will help us each day that we draw closer to you and to one another.
And we pray for that home and have him with the Jesus. We pray. Amen.<inaudible>.
<inaudible><inaudible> We are in revelation. So encourage you to open<inaudible> Your Bibles to the book of revelation. We’re going to be in chapter 18. After we notice a few of the, a few of the questions from previous chapters. Did I go over chapter 16 questions yet? No. Okay. Hey Jay, could you find chapter 16 and bring me a copy of those?
Cause I didn’t bother to actually bring one up here. I thought I had skipped that one, but I wasn’t certain<inaudible>. There we go. Thank you. All right. So we’ll, we’ll go over by way of review chapter 16 and chapter 17 questions, and then we’ll get into chapter 18 for our class period this morning. It’s good to have the Rushmore’s with us.
It’s good to have the Warrens with us. If you get a chance to meet them today, they attended South Haven when, when we were there and we sat just, just a few apart, they, they sat right behind us at South Haven when we were at South Haven. So it’s good to have them hope everyone’s doing well. I talked with Terry Whitley yesterday and he said Thursday and Friday,
we’re no good at all. He said he barely got out of bed, but, but yesterday he, he was able to get up, get outside a little bit, do a little bit of puttering and, and whatnot. So he, he said, you don’t want this? What w yeah. He said, whatever else I, I know about COVID now.
He said you don’t want it, but his wife has basically had no symptoms at all. So somebody mentioned this morning, well, at least there was somebody there to take care of him. I said, well, that that’s, that’s valid. That’s valid. All right, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven, we bow before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunities that we have to serve you.
We are thankful for every day that we have and are mindful that there are those who will not see tomorrow, and then also mindful of the importance and the necessity of being ready for this life to be over. Because we have no assurance of when our life will come to an end where mindful of all that you do for us on a daily basis, we’re mindful of the things that you give to those who are good.
And to those who aren’t the sunshine and the rain and the beauty of the earth, and all of the things that you have provided in your creation, but we’re most especially thankful, or your son and the, his salvation that he brought to us by coming to this earth, dying on the cross for our sins. We ask that you be with us as we go through this period of study.
And through this worship hour this morning, may the things that we do be acceptable to you may the things that we teach, be in accordance with your will in accordance with your word. And may we grow closer to you in faith and in knowledge and an understanding each and every day, all this, we pray in Jesus name, amen, chapter 16 of revelation.
And if you need a copy of the questions or you’ve misplaced a copy of your questions, they’re back on this small table, right back here at the back of the auditorium, you can grab a copy of one of those now, and you’ve got plenty of time to do that. Chapter 16, question one, what was contained in the bowls given to the seven angels?
All right, we read in verse 15, it was the wrath of God, but we also see in, in the greater context that these will be plagues, but verse one, and the answer to that question is the wrath of God. Verse six, question two. What reason did the angels angel of the water give for bold two and three. Yeah.
Okay. So ball two and three, the second and third plague in this are similar to the Exodus plague of turning the water to blood. Except in this instance, you have the seas and the oceans turned to blood. And then as a separate item, you have the fresh water turned to blood, but the angel of the, of the water comes in and declares.
Here’s why this is retribution for the shedding of the blood of the saints and the profits. Okay. Question number three, for what people in the old Testament where water’s dried up so they could cross over. Okay. But in the old Testament, Israelites, okay. We, we talked about this. There’s two different possible applications looking backwards, but there’s only one group of people consistently throughout old Testament history where the water’s dry up before them and allow them to cross over.
And so this picture of the Kings of, from the East is seemingly a picture of God’s people. The alternative to that, because again, especially when you’re dealing with apocalyptic literature, you get a here, here’s this, this sign. And it’s like, okay, you got to kind of piece it together and hope you’re you’re headed in the right direction.
Sometimes the other option is the example of when the Mito Persian empire came and they diverted the Euphrates river because in the text, the Euphrates is specifically mentioned. They diverted the Euphrates river and went under the wall of Babylon and conquered it in one night. That also shares a lot of the fact that we have a reference here to Babylon over and over and over again,
throughout this chapter, chapter 17 and chapter 18, you’ve got this, this picture of Rome as Babylon. And so that would also meet the, the picture. But the old Testament example of those who crossed over on dry ground is consistently and Israelite or God’s people analogy in the new Testament does quote, I am coming as a thief always mean that we are talking about the second coming of Christ.
No, it doesn’t. Matter of fact, there are numerous times where the analogy of God coming as a thief. In other words, coming when people are unprepared coming at an unexpected time deals with a, shall we say, a regular judgment and not necessarily the end of time and such as is also contextually true in chapter 16, verse 15, chapter 16,
verse 15, question five, who is blessed, according to verse 15, All right. The ones who watch and keep their garments. And we talked about the analogy of holiness that is made earlier on in the book. We talked about the layout of seeing church and God’s description that because they have what they were doing. They were poor and blind and naked.
They fought, they were close, they fought, they were rich. They thought they had eyesight and they didn’t. God says you need to be prepared for my judgment. What is number six? What is the physical location in Palestine for the Hebrew word? Armageddon. Maketto okay. That’s that is the word for the location known in the, the land of Israel,
Asma ghetto after all seven of the bowls that mankind repent. No. Okay. So what you’re seeing here, what we’ve seen earlier is you see seven trumpets and earlier on in the book, and those seven trumpets are partial judgements, trying to get the people to repent and they don’t. And then you see, because they didn’t repent w during the partial judgments,
now God’s wrath is going to come upon them with full judgment. And yet they did not repent. Okay. Revelation, chapter 17 questions, according to verse one, what is chapter 17 about, Okay, But there’s it here in chapter 17, one of the angels who had one of the bowls comes to John and says, I’m going to show you something the judgment of the harlot that sits on many waters.
Okay. So chapter 17 is the judgment of the harlot, which we’re going to see in chapter 17. Verse 18 is also the great city. We’re going to continue that discussion into chapter 18 as well. Okay. So what is chapter 17 amount? It is the judgment of the great harlot. What did the King of the earth do with the, or the Kings of the earth do with the harlot?
Hey, they committed fornication. When you see this in chapter 17, it’s not really explained. It is explained more in chapter 18. So we’re going to spend some time talking about that in chapter 18. What kind of beast does the woman bribe Say that again? All right. A Scarlet colored beast. How many heads? Seven heads. How many horns?
10 horns. Okay. So the, the woman who’s, who’s pictured as a harlot who the nations have committed for an occasion with her. They are sorry. She is riding upon a beast. The beast, if you compare it to the, the different creatures that have been discussed already in the book of revelation looks most like the dragon. He looks most similar to the dragon earlier on in the book,
but she rides upon this beast and we have the seven heads and 10 horns brought forward, carrying forward. Some of the prophecies of Daniel, we talked about that last Wednesday. So we’re not gonna spend a lot of time on it. What is the woman drunk with the blood of the saints? Okay. Over and over and over again. You’re going to read this in this section on judgment.
You go back to chapter 16 and the judgment of the water turning to blood is because of the blood of the saints. You come over to chapter 17 and here’s the woman and she’s pictured, and she’s drunk with the blood of the saints, go all the way back to chapter six. And the very first time we really hear of judgment coming. It’s immediately following the cry of the saints going,
how long God are you going to allow this to go on? And they’re the saints who have died for the testimony of Christ. Okay. So this is a constant reminder. God is about judgment on Rome and on its persecuting power because of their treatment of the people of God. Okay. What was John’s reaction to seeing her? All right. He was amazed.
John is going to be amazed, but the one who’s with him says, don’t be, let me show you what occurs. All right. What do we read about the status of the beast in the past present and future three terms. All right. He was, he is not, and yet is okay. So there was a time when he was persecuting.
He’s not currently persecuting, but he’s about to begin persecuting again is what we’re, we’re getting there in that passage, beginning in verse nine. What two things are signified by the BESE seven heads. Okay. Seven mountains and seven Kings. All right. Seven mountains is a, is a declarative picture of Rome. The city that sat upon seven Hills and seven Kings of the emperors of Rome up,
up to this point. Okay. Up to and including Titus, the, the one that would follow what is the beast that was and is not. And this is directly from the text. What is the text? Say? It is the eighth. Okay. Over in Daniel, you’ve got 10 Kings initially. And then an 11th that comes up. John ignores three of those Kings,
because over in Daniel, those Kings were uprooted anyway. Okay. In John’s prophecy, drawing forward, Daniel chapter seven, you have seven that you begin with and then in eighth comes up. Okay. You’ve got a parallel there between what John is saying and what Daniel is saying, but it’s important to notice that the one who’s coming up when, when the beast comes back up,
the one that’s going to do the persecuting all the way, including back in Daniel, the one who’s going to do the persecuting is the eighth. Okay. That would be the mission now in, where am I at? Question number eight? What do the beast and the Kings or horns do according to verse 14. All right. They make war with the lamb.
Here’s the picture you’ve got. You’ve got Rome. And you’ve got this persecuting power, especially seen in, in the eighth King, rising up and they make war. But do they win? No. Okay. So what will happen to the harlot? According to verse 16. Okay. She’ll be made desolate, but by whom, okay. The 10 horns you go back to earlier on in the passage and you get this picture of the horns being the,
the Kings and the nations that Rome was allied with Rome didn’t fall because a great nation came against her. Rome fell from the inside. Predominantly it dealt with many Kings coming against her many, many nations attacking her, but Rome, the cage from the inside, out these Kings, while they had an Alliance with Rome. And while, while it was mutually beneficial,
they didn’t like her. They hated her. And they would make her desolate. Her own alliances would bring about a portion of her destruction. Then verse 18, who is the woman? The great city. Okay. So we go all the way back to Let’s see, lost the Go all the way back to chapter 11. We’re talking about the two witnesses here in chapter 11 and the witnesses,
the ones that have power over keeping rain from falling. And we get a picture of Elijah. We, we also have the one witness that has power over bringing plagues on the earth and turning water to blood and, and making the sun not shine. There’s a picture of Moses. Okay. But all together, it’s a picture of God’s people. When they finished their testimony,
verse seven, the beast that sends out of the bottomless pit, which over in 17, we’re reading about a woman who’s riding what a beast. Okay. So the beast that co sends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them and kill them all throughout, back in chapter 16, back in chapter 17, the woman is accused of what?
Killing, who the saints. Okay. So you’re, you’re not, and this is something to, to understand. When you go through revelation, you shouldn’t think about it as a chronological progression where chapter 11 happens. And then the, you know, God’s prophecies come about something that’s going to come later. And that’s chapter 15 and chapter 16. And then you don’t think about it in a current chronology or chronological progression.
There are things where God says, I’m going to do this, and then I’m going to do this. But all throughout it, you keep circling back. You keep circling back to the picture, the analogy of all the way back to chapter six, I’m doing this because of the persecution of my sayings. And so you see the beast come up, but you don’t see who he is.
And then you see later who he is, and then you see the other beast come up. And, but you don’t see really who they are. And then you get to chapter 17 and you get more clarity, but you kind of have to backtrack all the way back to chapter 11 to go wait a minute. Now let’s put the pieces together. Okay.
So it’s, it’s one of the difficult things. As you read these progression of prophecies, you’re not necessarily progressing further down the years of time. You’re just seeing a different picture and a more complete picture of what God is saying quite often. So when they finished their testimony, the beast that it sends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them,
overcome them and kill them. And their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Then those from the people’s tongues, from the people’s tribes, tongues and nations will see their dead bodies three and a half days, and will not allow their dead bodies be putting graves.
Those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make Mary this and send great gifts to one another. Because the two prophets who tormented those who dwell on the earth, okay? So here we are. We’ve got a picture of a city. We have three analogies, three different descriptions of the city. We’ve got Saddam and it’s wickedness. It’s fornication,
it’s infidelity. We’ve got Egypt, it’s captivity and persecution of God’s people. And we’ve got Jerusalem, the city of faults worship. Okay. It’s interesting that Jerusalem becomes the city of false worship as viewed here in this chapter, that is comparative to the false prophets that we see when the land beast comes up. Because again, you’ve got the three, the same three pictures coming forward in,
in the three beasts, because here’s the point Jesus Christ died in Jerusalem, but Jerusalem is not under consideration the book of revelation, but the city that was so ingrained in its religion that they won, except the giver of their religion is the epitome of false religion. They were so ingrained in their own worship. They’re temple, they’re this. And they’re that,
that when the one who gave them the religion to begin with, came to the earth, they put him on a cross. It is the epitome of false religion. Okay? So that’s chapter 17, chapter 17 and chapter 18 go together. Okay. This is kind of a package unit. There should be no chapter break here, but it’s probably good that there was,
we would have never gotten through all of it in one class. Anyway, chapter 18, verse one. After these things, I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority. And the earth was illuminated with his glory. This angel proceeds down from heaven. Again, John’s seeing this. This is, this is visionary. John sees an angel come down from heaven and his glory is such that what happens he’s brighter than the sun is okay.
Here comes an angel. He comes down to the earth and it is glorious such that it illuminates the earth. Okay? And he cried mightily with a loud voice saying Babylon, the greatest fallen is fallen and it has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird. This angel comes down from heaven and Reed declares.
The prophecy that’s already been made to somebody. Remember just off the top of your head, where that, that statement has already been made. Let’s see. 14, eight. All right. So let’s go back to verse six of chapter 14. Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation,
tribe, tongue, and people saying with a loud voice, fear God, and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come. And the worship of him and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the Springs of water. And then another angel followed saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Okay. We’re taking the statement, the declaration from the, the angel and chapter. And now John’s going to see the fleshing out Of that prophecy. Okay. That statement. So he sees another angel come down and the same declarations made again Before we were, before the judgment started now where the judgments concluded. I mean, th Seven bowls have been poured out.
God’s judgment has come upon them. Now you’re Getting the complete picture. Okay. So you’re getting the before and the, after My Babylon, the greatest fallen is fallen has become a dwelling place of demons of prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird for all the nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Wasn’t that what we just read in chapter 42 SA same words.
You’re, you’re, you’re seeing the connection here. The King, The earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of our luxury. John’s going to describe as is given by the angel, this declaration Of why these nations did this banking Chapter 17. We’re told that the Kings of the earth committed fornication with this Charlotte,
but we’re not told why we’re just Hold that they became intoxicated by her. Well, now we’re going to get the picture. Now we’re going to see why Is it that God Wrath is going to come upon them and why God’s wrath is going to come upon the great city And what it was that caused them to get in bed with this city. Okay.
For all, All the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, verse four. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her. My people lest you share in her sins, less you receive of her plagues. So there’s a, a cry that comes out a declaration that comes out to the people. God,
leave, come out, back in Matthew chapter 24. Jesus tells his disciples that When they see the signs of the destruction of Jerusalem Coming, they’re supposed to do what leave. He said, if you’re out in the field, I’ll go back home. If you’re off the mountain, don’t come back down. If you’re up on the rooftop, get out.
When you see this happen, you leave. Because if you delay, your judgment will come to your, you will be caught up in the judgment. Okay? So not talking about the end of time and this isn’t either here. There’s an opportunity for those who are Righteous to leave before the destruction comes on the city. Okay? So he says, I heard another voice From heaven saying,
come out of her. My people, as you share in her sins, less you receive of her plagues for her sins have reached to heaven and gone has remembered her iniquities arrows. A number of times in the old and new Testament where we are Told God remembers something a few times, That’s a positive statement. God remembers the good things someone did, but overarchingly that’s a God’s judgment.
And his wrath Staff has been filled up. God Remembered had been storing up as it were all that. And now it’s time to wipe the slate clean through judgment. Okay. So when you, God remembered it, it wasn’t though. Oh God, that it slipped God’s mind. No, no, no, no. That’s not what you’re reading. Okay.
You’re bringing about your book, Bringing forward. All of the things they’re guilty of as if in court, as if to a judge, if you’re, you’re not sitting there watching all of the things happening and trying to no, no. You’re rehearsing before the judge. Why the person’s guilty? Why the judgment is just why they’re going to receive a, Just punishment.
Okay. There’s your picture of remembrance here? So for her Ends have reached to heaven and God has remembered her iniquity render to her just as she rendered to you and repay her double. According to her works in the cup, which she is mixed, mixed doubles for her. So often we read in scripture, the way you judge, You will be judged the way Yeah.
You measure towards someone else. It will be measured to you Again and here you have The way she has done, the others will be turned back on her And double, okay. For all that she’s done in the measure and that she Fight herself and lived luxuriously in the same measure, give her torment and sorrow for. She says in her heart, I sit as queen and am no widow and will not see sorrow.
The declaration of the great city, the declaration of Rome is I’m impenetrable. I I’m queen of all the earth here, A harlot, a degenerate who’s declaring herself, queen Jane and she’s queen only because of the influence that she’s had to cause people to sin. But she believes nobody’s going to judge me. Nobody can touch me. This kind of fixture occurs in the old Testament.
By other nations. I believe tire is, is one of the nations where that idea over in Ezekiel is used of tire, declaring yourself untouchable, Except she wasn’t. And they found an entire found out from Alexander. The great, the untouchable Can be touched. God is going to tell Rome, you think you sit as queen of the world. You’re not verse eight.
Therefore her plagues will come in one day, then Death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord. God who judges her now all throughout this chapter, you’re going to get the, the Babylon parallels. Okay? The great city Babylon, those ones Already been mentioned, but Babylon fell in A year and a night.
So you’re going to keep Seeing the analogy of Babylon drawn forward throughout this passage. So in a day, Death and Mourning and famine, verse nine, the Kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her. When they see the smoke of her burning. Now, wait a minute. I just thought back over in chapter 17,
the Kings who were allied with her, Devoured her and made her desolate. They did, But they’re not mourning because of her desolation. Watch why their morning, okay. They’ll see the smoke of her burning and they’ll look, they’ll weep and lament, standing at a distance for fear of her torment saying a last of last, the great city of Avalon that mighty city for in one hour,
your judgment has come. So they declare her judgment. They declare it’s, it’s rapidness standing, and the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her for no One. Watch this buys Their merchandise anymore. Are they weeping and lamenting because they love the great city. No they’re weeping And lamenting. Cause they just lost a whole lot Of money. Thank Got ships full of product.
And they take them to Rome and they sell them. And now Rome, as<inaudible> as the picture is, as these merchants in these shifts are, are sitting there on the Mediterranean sea as if it were sitting back and watching Rome burn, they go, who are we? Who are we going to sell it Junk too? Who are you selling this stuff to?
Our city just, just got, just got desolated at. They’re not, they have no concern for the city. They have no concern for, For Rome. They have concerned for their own riches. Okay. This is entirely selfish mourning. And the merchants of the earth verse 11 will weep and mourn over her for no one buys their merchandise anymore. Merchandise of gold and silver,
precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple silk and Scarlet, every kind of Citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of the most precious wood, bronze iron and marble and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense wine and oil flying flour and wheat, cattle and sheep horses and chariots and bodies of the souls of man.
Everything from slaves to every precious thing that you can imagine. Every aspect of commerce is what this city is involved Then. And all the world sits back and watches Because when she falls, so do they, they get him economically, but her desolation, her judgment is complete. Okay. So the fruit of Your soul longed for has gone from you and all the things which are rich and splendid have gone from you and you shall find them no more at all.
Here’s the woman, the city, the CA declared herself, queen declare that no sorrow would ever touch Her. And immediately following That picture is all of those who were in bed with her. Declare You’re gone. No joy will ever touch you again. Okay. The merchants of these things who became rich by her will stand at a distance for fear of her torment,
weeping and wailing, and saying alas, alas, that great city, which was clothed in fine linen purple and Scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls for in one hour such great riches came to nothing. Every ship master in all who traveled by ship sailors in it, many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance and cried. When they saw the smoke of her burning saying,
what is like this great city. They threw dust on their heads and crying out weeping and wailing and saying, alas, alas, that great city in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by our wealth for in one hour, she has made desolate, rejoice over her. Oh, heaven. And you Holy prophet or Holy apostles and prophets for God has avenged you On her.
So In the myths of all the war of, of mourning in the midst of all the weeping and myths of all the anguish in judgment and desolation, Who gets to rejoice the apostles and the prophets and the saints, you take that all the way back to chapter six. When God says you rest for a little while and I’ll show you, what’s going to happen to her.
Okay? What’s going To come about by way of judgment for the persecution of his people, then verse 21, then am I, the angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea. There is one passage in scripture talks specifically about a millstone being cast into a sea thing. It’s Luke chapter 17, where Jesus says, do not offend one of these little ones for IQ calls.
One of these little ones to stumble into sin. It would be better for you that a millstone were hung about your neck. And then you be cast into the sea. Then you cause one of these little ones to stumble, kind of have this picture here of here’s Rome. Here’s the great harlot. Here’s the one that seduced the world to sin. And God says,
I’m bringing you to destruction and that I’m casting you in the sea. And I’m going to catch you as a millstone. Ain’t nobody ever pulling you back up. Your judgment is final. So the mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea saying thus with violence, the great city Babylon shall be thrown down and shall not be found anymore.
The sound of harpists musicians, flutists, and trumpeters shall not be heard in you anymore. No craftsmen or any craft shall be found in you any more in the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore. The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore. And the voice of the brine and the brine or bride room, and Brian shall not be hurting you anymore for your merchants were the great men of the earth for,
by your sorcery. All the nations were deceived and in her. Okay? So, so now you get this picture. She’s cast into the sea as a millstone, she’s drowned in the sea. And when you take something and you uproot it kind of like when big storm comes by a great big giant tree falls, what do you see for the first time?
What was underneath it? And that’s kind of the picture you have here. When the gray city is uprooted, winter judgment comes, winter. Desolation is made apparent. And then as it were, she’s picked up and cast into the sea. As a millstone, you look underneath, you look on the inside. You see what’s always been hidden. And verse 24 says,
and in her was found the blood of profits and saints and of all who were slaying on the earth. You find judgment comes. And then as that judgment is enacted, you find God picturing and here’s her guilt. And it’s readily apparent. This is why she was guilty. And this is why this judgment was called for. Okay. So that’s chapter 18.
Again, as we go through this, remember we’re not supposed to be looking for a time when, when Rome fell in a day, we’re not supposed to be looking for a time when Rome was picked up and cast into the sea. We’re not supposed to be even looking for a time where no flute was ever played in the city of Rome ever again.
No, these are pictures. These are pictures that carry forward. A lot of old Testament imagery and a lot of old Testament judgments to say, God is saying, I’m going to be done with her. And isn’t it interesting that to this day, one of the things that you can go see is what’s left of Rome. There are a lot of nations that have come and gone on this earth where you can’t go find anything that’s left,
but Rome, you could go see she fell and she’s gone the power, the world power, that one declared by Daniel. God said, I’m going to raise up a kingdom made without hands and it’ll never be destroyed. And while the church has gone through torment and difficulty, anguish and pain and persecution everywhere on this planet, at some point in time,
she still exists and Rome is gone. God did exactly what he said. Okay. That’s what revelation has always been about. God wins. And so to his people. Okay. Thank you for your attention. We’ll go over chapter 18 questions on Wednesday.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to Collierville church. Christ’s Sunday morning worship service. It is really good to see each and every one of you out here this morning,
we have several visitors with us and I want to thank you for joining us to worship our God this morning and visitors. If you don’t mind, if you have an opportunity, please fill out a visitor’s card and either leave it on a Pew or do it to one of the men so that we have a record of your visit. And again, we are so glad that you chose Collierville church Christ to worship God this morning.
If you did not pick up your Lord’s supper, it is on the tables at the back of the pews. Here it be a good time. While I finished the announcements to go get that. If you did not get it already on our sick list, please continue to remember. Joan Springer, Dorothy Wilson, and Janet Jones. As they continue to work through their ongoing problems,
please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Terry and Patricia Wheatley, you know, have been out with COVID-19. Patricia has very few signs of it at all, and she’s doing really good. Terry is getting better, but he says, it’s one of those things. You do not want to get it, but he is getting better. He said yesterday,
he felt pretty good, but he says, you don’t want to get it. If you’ve not had it, don’t get it. Period. Crystal crystal Rushmore has have some, having some soul shoulder problems. It is a possible torn rotator cuff. They’re going to do the physical therapy route first and do some more examining and checking on her to see if they can’t determine exactly what is wrong with her.
So please keep crystal in your thoughts and prayers and then Vince it to Darrow who’s Jenny’s. Dad is in the hospital and he has pneumonia. So please keep Vincent to narrow in your thoughts and prayers for the man. We’ll have our monthly business meeting tomorrow night here at the church building at seven o’clock. If you have any agenda items, please write it on the board out there or give it to Jay.
He is our contact person for this quarter. Shelby County election commission has notified us that they are going to use our building from November 18th through the 3rd of December, because on December 8th, there has to be a runoff election. And that’s for one of the alderman here in Collierville is what I understand. So there’ll be using our building again for voting so that in mind,
as you come to a Bible study on Wednesday evenings, check out the news, why gospel call meetings? Several people that we know very well are going to be on there presenting different topics in the next few weeks here, Gary and Glen Colley are both doing it. And then TJ and BJ Clark are all speaking. So be a good time. Pick up one of those flyers and call in and listen to that at nine o’clock Monday through Friday,
also, don’t forget about the truth. FM radio stations, a lot of great lessons and great singing going on 24 hours a day, seven days a week on that we have a card I’ve already put the card on the bulletin board, but I got the contents of the card here on my notes. So that reads Collierville family. We want to thank you for your love prayers and support during our family crisis,
the financial help you so generously gave our family, made something we thought impossible possible. We are so grateful to have a church family like Collierville love the Dale family, Michael Jessica, Brandon, and Christian. That’s all of our announcements this morning. Our worship service today. Song service is going to be between Aaron and Joel. They’re going to take care of that for us.
The two of them combined opening prayer, Louis Rushmore. One of our visitors is going to do that for us. Lord supper is Jay Schaffer. Sermon will be Aaron Cole, it’s art and closing. Prayer is Tommy O’Neil. Thank you. Take your songbooks or use the overhead. If you will. And let’s turn to number 991, 991. This is my father’s world.
We’ll sing all three verses. This is my fault.<inaudible> all nature’s seeings. And round me rings music<inaudible> rocks and trees of skies.<inaudible> the Lily white, the<inaudible>. I hear him pass. He speaks to me every way.<inaudible> nah, though, the wrong seems off so strong. God is a rule<inaudible> jeez, us who die shall be side is five and Dan ham be Whoa,
Let us pray. Our heavenly father, as we come before the, this hour on the morning of this day, at the beginning of a new week, we do do so humbly and recognizing that thou art, our God, our creator, or thou art, our greatest benefactor, our friend, if we are obedient to the gospel of Christ and continue therein,
we pray heavenly father that all we do this hour in our, our efforts to worship, they will be acceptable. The time that the divine favor would overshadow us, we pray that as we’ve gathered a worship, we might be able to remove from our mind, the various distractions of life. We might be fully involved in every aspect and facet of our worship.
Our only desire might be that we can do what we do to please the, to glorify thy name. We pray heavenly father aware of the various circumstances in life that affect us all that we might be able to address the challenges that face us, whether they be health challenges, or economic challenges, family challenges, whether they be challenges of any, of,
any, of any origin that we might be able to, to be the eye children, to conduct ourselves accordingly, to have the appropriate, to conduct and response and words coming from our mouth. We pray thy blessings upon this nation in which we are. We pray that the unrest it has been so far flung might come to an end. We’re mindful of the pandemic that has not only affected this country,
but it has affected the countries throughout the world. We pray that my bed satisfactory conclusion to that also as a song we sang so indicated, we recognize that our, our, the creator of all that is in likewise, that ruling over this earth also rules and the kingdoms of ma’am. We pray that we might, as I people recognize by hand in the affairs of man and not to contest the way in which that would unfold.
I will in these things, but rather we would concentrate and being the church concentrate on being at eye children. We pray that the liberties that we now enjoy, that permit us to assemble as we have this morning to worship in spirit and truth might not be changed or hindered in any way. We pray that around the, that opportunities might have bound for the gospel of Christ and that other children might be able to assemble and to worship and to serve.
We are mindful of many of our family that are ill. We pray for their recovery or mindful that there are families that are facing bereavement. We probably, they might be up with didn’t confident too. We know that in various parts of the world, persecution against people continues on. We pray that they might be relieve that persecution of possible. And certainly I’m able to go forth as they face.
These also challenges in life. We pray heavenly father that they will be done in earth. We pray might be a part of the unfolding that providential will we pray for wisdom. We pray for understanding. We pray for patients. We’ll pray. Heavenly father that I would reserve for us, a place in heaven. We probably that will be done in all things.
We might be a part of. I will. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Next song will be number 496. Oh, listen to the wondrous story. 496. I hope you all know this one. If not join me in any way it occurred to me. I don’t know that we’ve sung this one here since I’ve been here. So it’s a good,
it’s a good song though. 496. Oh, listen to a one dressed. Ori counted one song among a loss. Yet one came down from heaven’s glory saving us awful. Cause who’s saved us from me.<inaudible> what did he<inaudible> no. Angel could his place have a gun? Hi. Yes. Hi though. He, the loved one on the cross voice<inaudible> was one of the God had three.
Who’s a saved us from me to no laws. What did he do?<inaudible> in heaven into see<inaudible> well, YUSA Renda to this<inaudible> you too. Shall come to know his fave. He will save you. Save you. Who’s saved us from me. Did he do, where is he now?<inaudible> We got through that one. Okay. 715,
715. We’ll use this song to repair our minds for the Lord’s supper. The churches one found a fish is jeez, Hold on just a minute. Just a minute. There’s two versions of this song and I’ve got the wrong one. Just a minute. We’re just going to change songs. So it takes your, take your songbooks. If you will,
and turned to number 314, just blank. That screen. If you don’t mind, 314 beneath the cross of Jesus, We’ll sing the first, second and fourth verse Beanie Kroll song. Jeez, I fan would tag my<inaudible> wrong with and we are and home with, and<inaudible> from the<inaudible> the noon tide. He<inaudible> Oh, safe fan happy.
Or if you tried and we say, Oh,<inaudible> and Avon’s justice me mean as to the Patri.<inaudible> so see my Savior’s Ross to me up to<inaudible>. I<inaudible> shine than the us and shine<inaudible> to the Whoa, go by too. No, no again, no, I lost my<inaudible>. My only shame, my glory, all the fuck wrong.
We now come to a very special time in our worship service, where we remember the death of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I want to just read a short passage from Matthew, where Jesus instituted this, what we call the Lord’s supper. And in Matthew chapter 26 and verse 26, it starts and as they were eating and I might add that this eating was the Passover that they had traveled to Jerusalem from Galilee.
He Jesus and his disciples to celebrate this Passover feast, no small journey, 60 miles. They walked probably all the way. Probably took them two, three days at any rate, they were in Jerusalem and as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it and break it and gave it to the deposits. The pot disciples and said, take eat.
This is my body. And he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink. Ye all of it for this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you,
my father’s kingdom. So let’s displace all of our worldly thoughts and focus our minds upon the cross. As we partake of these emblems heavenly father, we’re indeed grateful for the privilege. We have to assemble about this table to participate in this Lord supper, to remember the death and the significance of the death of your son, Jesus, as we partake of this bread,
which represents his body, there was sacrificed on the cross, help us to remember the pain and anguish that our sins caused. So in jesus’ name that we pray amen, and all lives matter. Father, as we partake of this fruit of the vine, which represents to us that blood that was shed for our sins, help us to do so in a way that was fitting and that’s acceptable in God’s side,
it’s in Jesus name. We pray, amen. This concludes the Lord’s supper. We find this a very convenient time to offer our prayers for the many material blessings that have so richly been bestowed upon us. Let’s go to our father in prayer and acknowledge those. Yes, heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for the many material, things that have so richly given to us in this country where mindful of all these gifts truly coming from you,
help us always to acknowledge the true source of these. And we thank you father for your great generosity. It’s in Jesus name. We pray as we give back a portion of what we’ve been blessed with, You would be marking your books for number nine Oh nine. That would be our song of encouragement. Number nine Oh nine will be on the overhead.
I believe I’m not sure now we’ll be singing number 71 as the deer 71, pass a pass, pour the water. So my<inaudible> my heart desire and I long to worship you<inaudible> and I lore to worship you. I watch more than go<inaudible><inaudible> ever. And the, my I<inaudible> my strength. My<inaudible> Now Aaron, good morning. Take your Bibles.
If you will. And open them to Zechariah Zechariah chapter 14, the closing chapter of this book, As you’re turning there, want to for just a moment, remind us where we started in Zechariah Zechariah and begins what we have recorded of his prophecies chapter one, verse one in the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah.
The son of Berekiah, the son of<inaudible> the prophet saying the Lord has been very angry with your fathers. The very first words from the prophet Zechariah to Israel bearing in mind, they went into captivity. They were in Babylonian captivity for 70 years. Then they returned, they came back to build the temple, and yet Zechariah comes to them. After they had failed to build the temple,
they laid its foundation. Then it sat dormant for 16 years and they had guy in Zechariah come to get the work back to completion. And the very first words we have from Zachariah is the Lord has been very angry with your fathers in the tone and tenor of how Zachariah’s prophecies begin. They’ll end, therefore say to them, verse three, thus says the Lord of hosts,
return to me says the Lord of hosts. And I will return to, you says the Lord of hosts do not be like your fathers to whom the former prophets preach saying, thus says the Lord of hosts turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds, but they did not hear nor he read me, says the Lord, your fathers, where are they?
And the prophets do they live forever yet? Surely my words and my statutes, which I command my servants, the prophets. Did they not overtake your fathers? Notice what Zechariah begins by saying, number one, the Lord’s been very angry with your ancestors. Number two, don’t be like them, or you’ll get What they got. Number three, don’t think that That your ancestors made it out without my word being fulfilled upon them.
The word of the profits overtook them verse the end of verse six. So they returned and said just as the Lord of hosts, determined to do to us, according to our ways and according to our deeds. So he has dealt with us. The, the closing statement Is exhibit Exactly what God said he would do is exactly what he Did. So Zechariah begins his prophecy by reminding them of where they came from,
reminding them of what God’s done in the past so that they can have a surety that when he speaks to them and delivers what God is telling to them, now they can be just as assured that what God says about what’s to come will come to pass. And with those words from chapter one, chapter 14, verse one, as we get to the conclusion of this three chapter prophecy that began in chapter 12,
we find behold Old, the day of the Lord is coming And your spoil will be divided in your midst for, I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city shall be taken the houses rifled and the women ravaged half of the city shall go into captivity. But the remnant of the people shall not be caught, shall not be cut off from the Zachariah.
The Who is encouraging them to build. Hold on. I am okay. Just got quieter. The profit that Is encouraging them to build Is now the profit that says God’s going to bring destruction again. Here’s Zachariah. Okay. And here they are in the midst of this and in the midst of this prophecy. And again, they’re being told Jerusalem is going to be destroyed.
So where’s the hope, Eh, w where’s the, where’s the, to go on. Where’s the encouragement to continue building. If they’re already being told long before the city is now a walled city again, long before the city is strong again, long before the city is prosperous. Again, God’s going to come and destroy it again Here in Zachariah. God makes it clear.
This nation will reach a point where I will end my covenant with them. We, I saw that over in chapter 11 and chapter 12 and chapter 13 in the prophecies concerning the death of the Messiah. You remember how many times Jesus in his parables and in his illustrations would bring up the idea of a vineyard owner and the occasion where Jesus would talk concerning the vineyard owner that would leave and go on a journey and leave his vineyard in the hands of those who were to tend the vineyard and the vineyard keepers,
where to keep it. And they were to, they were to provide for it and they were to care for it, but he was going to return. And so he sent back a servant to see how things were and they beat him and sent him back. They didn’t receive the servant. They didn’t listen to the servant. They didn’t treat the servant like the master.
They instead abused him. So he sends back another servant. And again, the same thing happens. So Determines this time I will send my son because they will honor my son and he sends his son And they kill him. And then jesus’ question is what will the master do to those vineyard keepers? When he returned The arms and the answer’s clear, he’s going to judge them.
He is Going to destroy them because of what they did to his son, Israel, One through whom the Messiah would come is the one God would judge for the messiahs Death for. They would be the one who would put him on the cross. And yet in this prophecy concerning Jerusalem, again, being judged, again, being destroyed, you have Again,
a remnant or with God, there always seems to be a remnant. There Always seems to be those, no matter how small their number might be. If you think about places, Sodom and Gomorrah, where three, Make it out alive, No matter how small the number is, there’s a remnant that will be faced<inaudible> to him. So God says here in the end of verse two,
but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. And here’s where you see a transition. At the beginning of the prophecy, all the nations are going to come against Jerusalem and Jerusalem is going to be destroyed. But a new Jerusalem Comes a new Jerusalem made from a remnant of faithful people, a new Jerusalem. And interestingly, at least my understanding of the passage,
if this is applicable to the new Testament church, this is no longer the old Jerusalem. This is no longer the rebuilding of the walls. This is no longer the laying of a ground for a new temple. This is no longer the Jerusalem that would again, someday be destroyed. Pre-ACA rye, the prophet that bridges the old and the new Testament. He is,
It is the prophet that talks about the old Israel and the old Jerusalem, and then a new one where everything’s different. And I want us to see in chapter 14, the new Jerusalem, wherever Things different because this Jerusalem is no longer about the Jews. Notice what we read, but Remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. As a result,
verse three, we have now God’s judgment upon the nations. God, doesn’t let this stand. God uses the nations to draw, to destroy Jerusalem. As he’s done in the past, he did it with Babylon and he’ll do it again. But God in turn will turn around and judge the enemies of his people. Then the Lord will go forth verse three and fight against those nations.
As he fights in the day of battle. And in that day, his feet will stand on the Mount of olives. One of the Mount of olives is one of the Hills outside of Jerusalem is interesting that a number of times you find Jesus going to the Mount of olives. You find the Mount of olives is one of the primary places where Jesus would spend his time.
When he was in the vicinity of Jerusalem. It is the Mount of olives that Jesus will come from. As he enters Jerusalem, victoriously riding upon the donkey. It is the Mount of olives. He will go back to after he and the apostles, leave that upper room on the night of his bedroom. Jesus Christ we’ll find his place Standing upon Mount Zion,
standing upon Jerusalem, standing upon the Mount of, and here you have the Mount of olives pictured as a place of deliverance. Notice what we read and the Mount of olives shall be split into from East to West, making a very large Valley. Half of the mountain shall move toward the Northern half of the, toward the South. Then you shall flee through my mountain Valley for the mountain Valley shall reach to Azale.
Yes, you shall flee. As you fled from the earthquake. In the days of use IAH, the King of Judah, God says using again, this is figurative language. This is, this is apocalyptic language language, as Zechariah would use it quite often, he says, here’s the Mount of olives. And the Lord is going to stand on the Mount of olives.
His feet are going to be on the Mount of olives. And yet from there, deliverance comes and God says, I’m going to split the Mount of olives in half. Now. We’re not supposed to be looking for a time in history where we see the fulfillment, where God takes the Mount of olives. It splits it. And it has a matter of fact,
if you go over the land of Palestine, you can go stand on it right now. So what is he saying? There was a time when Israel stood On the shores of the red sea And there was an army behind them and a sea in front of them. And they could go no further. And if they stayed, they die. And if they tried to go back,
they die. And they By themselves had no hope. And yet Moses said, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. And he was Raised his rod and he stretched it over the red sea by the commandment of God and the water Parted And stood up on either side. And the people Walked through on dry ground. God, again, delivers his people.
God, again, provides And opening Dressing. When you go over to Matthew chapter 24 and Luke chapter 21, as you read about what Jesus said would come in the destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus makes it clear. There’s going to be a, a number of signs that lead up to the destruction of Jerusalem. And there’s going to be a time at which it will appear as though there’s no escape,
even for the righteous, But the righteous, knowing what Jesus said, we’re to Be ready because he said there would be a way of escape. There Would be when they saw those signs and opportunity for them to escape. And historically We know there was Because Rome would come and they would besiege the city of Jerusalem. And then that occurs in late 80,
68, early 80, 69. And they’re there and they’re besieged around Jerusalem. And then for a time, The Roman army backs off and people can again, move in and out of the city, Josephus and other historians tell us that when That occurred, every Christian left or Islam that didn’t come back, they saw the opening and they went through it.
But the majority of the city did not. I think that’s what he’s talking about here. I might be wrong, but God said, I’m opening a path of escape and you’re going to flee through my path. If you belong to me thus as the Lord, my or thus the Lord, my God will come. And all the saints with you, it shall come to pass in that day that there will be no light.
The lights will diminish. It shall be one day, Which is known to the Lord neither day nor night. But at the evening time, it shall happen That it will be light. Now, One of the things we need to remind ourselves as we go through Zechariah is he uses this phrase In that day, in that day, in that day. And as we’ve mentioned before,
we’re not always dealing with the same day. There’s different parts of this prophecy as in the book of revelation where John will see one thing happen and then he’ll turn and he’ll see another thing happened. And it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happening in order. This, these are visions and these are aspects he’s seeing it’s going to come in that day, that there will be No light.
We’re not. And always going to find a clear fulfillment of this type of Elliptic prophecy. But it is interesting that there was a Day where the sun stopped shining that had A direct connection with the destruction of Jerusalem, because while Jesus hung on the cross, it became dark as if the sun stopped shining. And then the graves were opened and the Veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom.
And this interior and said, surely This was the son of God. Maybe that’s what it’s talking about. Maybe not, but what you do see here is God making it clear. I’m in charge the Sun doesn’t shine. When I tell it not To. And in there The evening when it’s supposed to be dark. And I say, it’s going to be light,
it’ll be light. So you can be assured that I’m in control. And in that day, verse eight, it shall be that living water shall flow from Jerusalem. That’s one of the reasons why that phrase is one of the reasons why I believe this may have a connection to the crucifixion and may have a connection to the cross. In that day. It shall be that living water shall flow from Jerusalem,
half of them toward the Eastern sea and half of them toward the Western sea in both summer and winter is shall occur. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day. It shall be the Lord is one and his name One Zechariah comes forth with this prophecy. And he says, there’s a day that’s coming where living waters will go forth from Jerusalem.
Jesus would tell the woman at the well, in some area as he was there. And he said, give me a drink from the well John chapter four, and the woman would say, how is it that you being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman. And Jesus said, if you knew who I was, you would ask of a drink from me.
And I would give you a drink of waters of life. And you would never thirst again. And she wanted that water. She wanted a drink, but she questioned how in the world could he possibly give her a drink when he had nothing to draw Water out with, Jesus will make it clear to her that the way Waters that he offers are spiritual waters of life.
There was not going to be a day in which Jerusalem opened up a found in the fount, went East on the fountain, went West and water was supplied to all the world from inside Jerusalem in physical water. But there was In spiritual life in acts chapter one and acts Dear one, Jesus, as he is preparing to ascend back to the father will speak to his apostles and being assembled together.
Verse four, he commanded them not to From Jerusalem, but to what Wait for the promise of the father, which he said, you have heard from me for John, truly with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy spirit. Not many days from now, therefore when they had come together, they asked him saying, Lord, will you,
at this time restore the kingdom to Israel. Notice Here are his disciples. And they’re looking for a restoration of the, But he makes it clear. They misunderstand. He said to them, it is not for you to know times or seasons, which the father has put in his own authority, but you shall receive power. When the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sumeria and to The end of the earth,
truly the fountains of water of life. The word of God would flow from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. So we see in verse nine, the Lord shall be King. He’s not going to be King over one, small nation of Israel. He’s not going to sit on a literal throne and physical Jerusalem and reign over a literal nation of Israel.
He is King of King And Lord of Lords and the Declaration here at the end of verse nine, the Lord is one and his name one, God makes it clear. There’s no one else Who stands next to him. There’s no one else who’s above him. There’s no one else who’s beside Him. No one is like, God like the Lord, like Jehovah and verse 10.
And, and the land shall be turned into a plane from Geba to Rehmann South Of Jerusalem. Jerusalem Shall be raised up and inhabited in her place here. You’re seeing almost the picture of what John the Baptist is declared to do in Isaiah chapter 40. When we’re told that the way would be prepared for the King and the declaration is take the mountains and make them flat,
take the valleys and fill them in, make straight the way of the Lord. And yet here you see Zion Mount Jerusalem. The city of David raised Up all The land around them becomes flat. All the Hills, all the valleys are all filled in. It’s one flat plane, but up above at all Is Jerusalem. Now remember Jerusalem back in verses one and two is being told,
you’re going to be destroyed. Now, here we are Jerusalem. You’re going to be lifted, But it’s not the same Jerusalem. It’s not the physical place. It is spiritual Jerusalem. And they’ll all the land shall be turned into a plane from Gibbon to rain, to Ramon, South of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be raised up and inhabited in her place from Benjamin’s gate to the place of the first game of the corner gate.
And from the tower of Hananel to the King’s wine press, basically laying out the borders of the city. The people shall dwell in it and no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem. Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet.
Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets and their tongue shall dissolve in their mouth. It shall come to pass in that day that a great panic from the Lord will be among them. Every one will seize the hand of his neighbor and raise his hand against his neighbor’s hand. Judah also will fight a Jerusalem and the wealth of all the surrounding nations shall be gathered together.
Gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance. Such also shall be the plague on the horse and in the mule and the camel and the donkey and all the cattle that will be in those camps. So shall this Plague B I think it’s beneficial for us, especially those who have been in the adult class to be Minded that God doesn’t always speak concerning plagues in this type of judgment,
in literal terms that would bring about a physical plague The world, but he does speak in terms of old Testament, judgment being brought forward. God Says I’m going to destroy all the nations that came against my people. Everyone that comes against my people Will be judged. And he uses the plagues. He used Is a picture of those who die while standing up as if they’re walking through and they just Decay right then and there.
But then verse 16, as God looks at this new Jerusalem, something about it is very different. Something about Jerusalem has changed and here’s the declaration. It shall come to pass that Everyone who has left of all the nations, who came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year To worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of the Tabernacles Stressing.
The feast of Tabernacles was one of those fees where once a year, the people were to come to Jerusalem and they were to dwell Intense. They were to dwell in Tabernacles in booze. It was called the feast of booths, feast Of Tabernacles, feast of weeks. They Were to come together and they were to rejoice. They were to praise God for all that he had done.
They were to recognize the Lord for all that he had done for them. And they were to bring the first fruits of all their harvest together as an offering to God. And yet that command was only ever given to Israel. That was never a command in the old Testament, with the old covenant, with the old people of Israel, that was never a command to the Gentiles.
Oh, they were to share with those who were in their house and the servants that were within their Gates and the stranger that was within their Gates. They were to share with them, but it was not a commandment to them. The Babylonians had no commandment at any point in the old Testament to come and to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. No, But God’s people did.
And you remember that the fountain that went out from Went to the entire earth. Yeah. And the King who’s the King in Jerusalem is the King of the entire earth. Something’s changed. It’s no longer in Israel. That’s in one small nation. It is an Israel with Jerusalem at its head and Christ at its head that is over the entire world World.
And God says, you’ll remember When you used to be sojourners. See, because that was the thing about the feast of Tabernacles. The feast of Tabernacles was there in the Israel. I year to remind them, there was a, The time when they were so jurors there, It was a time when they didn’t have a home. There was a time where they wondered about looking for a home.
There was a time where they relied upon God and him alone. Now every nation, every nation Celebrates a time of soul journey. And Every nation recognizes without God. They’re nothing. Every Nation comes together to Worship the Lord. This isn’t Israel anymore. This isn’t a one nation covenant people. This is a covenant people made of Free nation. And every tongue,
It shall be that whichever of the families of earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King. The Lord of hosts will err on them. They’re the King, the Lord of hosts. I can get my tongue tied on them. There will be no rain. If the family Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain.
They shall receive the plague, which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to the feast of Tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not keep the feast of Tabernacles. Now, How is it? If this is old Israel under the old covenant, God can condemn a nation for not keeping a feast.
He never commanded them to keep The answer is there’s no way God can do that. God will not judge you for a commandment. He never gave you. God never commanded Egypt to come to Jerusalem, to worship until we’re not talking about physicals Russo. So it’s interesting as we kind of make full circle back to the waters, the living waters that is Jesus was standing there with a woman in Samarria at the weld,
talking about living waters. The discussion came I’m up on where to worship. She, He said, the Jews say that we are to worship in Jerusalem, but our fathers worshiped on the mountain And Jesus said, there’s coming a day where the location of worship won’t be the important factor. But instead the heart of the one who worships will be okay, The heart and the obedience of the one who worships in spirit and in truth for God,
seeks such to worship him. Now, wait a minute. Does God only see those to worship him that belong to the children of Israel? No. Does God Only one, those who live in the land of house and to worship him? No, but he does require that everyone who worships him In the days of the Messiah in the days of the church,
in the days of Christianity, in the days of the kingdom of Christ, everyone must worship him recognizing this. And it Can’t be stated any better than Paul stated It wrong. Chapter three, verse 23 for all, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and Romans chapter Six, verse 23 for the wages of sin, His death. But the gift of God is eternal life in the feast of Tabernacles,
the virus. First time they came into Palestine as they come across the Jordan river, as they do battle and they begin to take the land Of Israel. God Makes them a promise. When you come into the land, you’re going to receive fields. Didn’t plant, You’re going to receive crops. You didn’t water. You’re going to live in houses. You didn’t build in cities.
You didn’t make. And God Makes it clear. He provided All of those things. And they were to remember when they were so generous and had nothing, that everything they had came from him. And so God expands here in Zachariah, the commandment that every nation, Egypt and every other nation Egypt is just simply the, the applicable illustration here comes together.
Not in literal Jerusalem, not in The physical city walls of Jerusalem, but In spiritual Jerusalem, in the church, in the body of Christ to remember, they’re still just sojourners. They’re still just in this life waiting for the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises in eternal life. In that day, he says holiness to the Lord. Declaration goes out, at least in the King,
James new King, James it’s all caps holiness to the Lord. Declaration goes out. This is God’s decree holiness. This righteousness is what I want Holiness to the Lord shall be engraved on the bells of the horses. The pots in the Lord’s house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yes. Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the Lord of hosts.
Everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and cook in them. And in that day, there shall be no longer. There shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house Of the Lord of hosts. And you go, all right, what, what happened to the Canaanites? And where did they come in? We’re going to end the book with no Canaanites anywhere around why?
Go back to chapter one, verse one, verse two. The Lord was very angry with your fathers, but what did they do? They came into a land that God said you destroy and judge every person In this land, because their iniquity is full because of their idolatry that they have committed. And their iniquity has brought their judgment. You do not Let them live.
God was going to use Israel to judge a people that he said your Up. Now, Israel would come in in the historical event and they wouldn’t do it. They didn’t fulfill what God commanded. They didn’t judge the Canaanites as the instrument of God, in a complete sense, they allowed some of them To live. But Here as Zechariah concludes his picture,
his prophecy to Israel, he reminds them all the way back of the anger. God had it, their fathers, because God said, if you allow the Canaanites to live, here’s what they’re going to do. They’re going to turn your heart away from me. And they’re going to cause you to worship their idols. And they’re going to bring about your destruction.
So here In this verse, don’t understand this to be, there’s this one group of people, these Canaanites, and God doesn’t want any of them to worship him. God doesn’t want any of them present. Yeah. Canaanites symbolize something. Just the way the Egyptians did the Egyptians symbolized captivity, that Knights symbolized idolatry. Now remember go back To the previous,
verses the declaration in verse nine, the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day. It shall be the Lord is One. And his name one Hitomi of idolatry is the declaration. God’s just one guy Among many, but no more. God Says I will make it clear. And it will be true of all those who appear before me in holiness that I,
the Lord One, there will be no idolatry among my people. Well, there will be no Canaanite Eights in the house of the Lord of hosts. You and me, as we close this book of Zechariah, we need to examine ourselves. Where’s our heart Is our heart set on God and him alone, or is our heart set on the things of this life?
Have we determined that we will be sojourners In this life, doing everything we can to be prepared when this life is over? Because Hebrews chapter nine, verse 27 still makes it clear for every person there’s coming a day when they will be judged. When this life is over and they will stand before God and judgment, are you ready? Zachariah carries a lot of pictures that are sometimes hard to be understood,
but it carries one simple message. Israel, your fathers departed from me and I destroyed them. And Israel, your descendants are going to depart from me and I’m going to destroy them, but you can be faithful today. If you’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ, you enter into the church, the Jerusalem of God, the Mount Zion of the Lord,
the people of God, the kingdom of the Lord that spans the entire earth. You enter that kingdom by dying to sin and being immersed in water to rise up, to walk in newness of life, believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Repenting of your sins, confessing the name of Christ and being immersed in water for the remission of your sins.
You can have the waters of salvation today, and then on you can spiritually be written holiness to the Lord, but you can also choose not to. You can also choose not to tomorrow or the day after or for the rest of your life, but you need to understand this judgment’s coming. Judgment’s coming for everyone because there is one King and there is one law.
And by our actions, we will be judged. If you have need of redemption salvation, you can have it today. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve become like Israel and you’ve turned your back, you’ve gone after other things, you’ve put this life ahead of the life to come. You need to change because there will be no Canaanites in the house of the Lord.
You’re here and you have needed the invitation. Why not come as we stand? And as we say, There’s a Two have, if you don’t mind, give us a chance after services to get to know you better and know, we’re certainly glad that you’re here. Our closing hymn will beat number 10 15. Jesus loves the little children. And as we think about this song,
I know we think about young people quite often, because that’s kind of what we think about when singing it. But you know, we are the little children of God and no, we need to think about where we stand today and what we’re doing today and how we’re living today. Particularly in this time of turmoil in our nation. Remember that God loves us and he’s there for us.
And that’s how we gain our strength by saying this. And then we’ll have a closing prayer.<inaudible> all the children.<inaudible> red and yellow, black, and why they are precious in his sight jeans.<inaudible> We thank you for the beautiful fall weather that we’re in, enjoying our heavenly father. We thank you for the freedom that we have to gather together as your children and to worship the prayed.
Dear Lord, it would forever stay that way. We pray for leaders throughout the whole world. Pray that they might turn to your great and Holy word to lead people by our heavenly father. We pray for each of the sick mentioned here today. Probably that if it be the wheel, they might soon be able to rejoin us to worship our heavenly father.
We thank you for our visitors today. We pray that they might have safe passage in their travel, be with each one of us. Dear Lord, as we leave here, strengthen us against sins and temptations of this world. These things we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.
Yes. Test, test. I agree. Like, okay. Well, I want to, I want to wish you a good morning and tell you that Tisha and I are both very, very delighted to be with you, although we’re sorry for the circumstances that bring a sheer way. Sorry to hear about Aaron and what he’s going through with this pain. Certainly hope he gets to feeling better soon. And I told the editor telling me it’s not a young pup anymore. That it’s only young people that should be trying to get out of trees like that. But some of us older folks, it takes us a while to catch on to the fact that we’re not as young as we used to be. I also to thank you for the support that you’ve given to the Memphis school of preaching over the years, we couldn’t do what we do without good folks. Like you providing us with the opportunity to help train men, to preach the gospel. And I know with reference to Michael Dale, he’s under the weather too this week because of a stomach virus. And so I’m having to be in town. Most of my appointments have been canceled in 2020. I haven’t done a lot of traveling, although it’s starting to pick up a little bit again. And so it was a thrill for me to be able to come over and be with you. I wonder if you’d stop and think with me for a moment. Some of you are old enough to be members of the church for decades. And I wonder how many Bible classes do you think you have attended in your lifetime? How many hours of Bible study would you guesstimate in your mind that you have actually attended over the period of your lifetime? If you start, when you’re small and mom and dad take you to services and then you keep going your whole life, literally hundreds and even thousands of hours of Bible study can be represented. Now, if I ask you, can you tell me the number one thing that stands out to you after all your hours of Bible study? What’s the number one thing you remember learning in Bible study? I’m sure that you would probably say there’s so many things. It would be hard to narrow it down to just one thing, but what I want to do for just a few minutes this morning in this Bible study period, is explore with you the power of even one hour of Bible study and how revolutionary that can be. And to prove this to you. I want you to go back with me about oil to the sixth century before Christ or 600 years before Christ during the time of a man by the name of Josiah. And if you’ll go to second Kings chapter 22, I would remind all of us that it was a new Testament, Christian named Paul, who said that the old Testament was written for the learning of the Christians, that Rome it’s certainly written for our learning as well. And as we explore second Kings chapter 22, when we start off, we see Josiah is only eight years old when he begins to rain, he is in that position to reign and he rains a total of 31 years. And the Bible talks about his mother. And then look at the overall assessment of Josiah that is given to you in may. And second Kings 22 two. He did that, which was right in the sight of the Lord. He walked in all the way of David, his father. He turned not aside to the right hand or the left. And then when he was 26 years old, this is the 18th year of his reign verse number three. So he was when he started we’re 18 years into his reign. So we’re now Josiah is 26 years old. I wish we had more 26 year olds with a heart of Josiah. And I’m glad for the ones we do have you’ll notice when he was 26, he actually sent Shay fan the son of ACLI, the son of Michelle and the scribe to the house of God saying, I want you to go up to Hilkiah the high priest. I want him to keep a record of, or some the silver that is brought into the house of the Lord. And so long story short for the sake of our time here today, while they’re in the process of fulfilling that task, they find a book. And if you’ll drop down to verse number eight, you’ll see that he’ll carry the high priest says to Shay fan the scribe. I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord, and then he’ll CAG gives it to Shay fan and he reads it Shay fan the scribe then comes to the King verse nine and he’s reporting what had happened. We found that we gathered the money that was found in the house and cetera, and he’ll cry. The priest verse 10 is delivered me a book. And then Shay fan starts reading it before the King. And we’re not told exactly what section of scripture was read in the King’s ears that day, but we know that it changed him. We know that it absolutely revolutionized the nation in good ways. Positive ways. This hour of Bible study was going to be a moment of tremendous importance in the life of Judah. You’ll notice the reaction of the King in verse 11, when he heard the words of the law, the book of the law, he rent his clothes. He’s hearing a section of scripture that moved him emotionally. It is not a pleasant section of scripture. It’s one of those severity passages. You know, Romans 1122 says that you and I ought to be holed the goodness and severity of God. And as you and I think about defining God, I know he’s good. He is so good. I also know that there are times when he has to be severe because of his holiness. And here on this occasion, Josiah is reading a section that has to do with it has to do with the punishment that was coming to Israel or Judah in particular here. And so the King does something. I want you to number one, notice he was moved by the study of God’s word. And I’m not asking for a show of hands here, obviously, but can you think back to moments in your life where you have studied the word of God, either in private, personal study or in the midst of a gospel meeting or sermon that was preached or a class and that it has moved you, it has brought you to tears. It has caused you to feel a sense of need to change. This is the humility that Josiah possesses. And one second thing I’d like for you to notice. Josiah does not just want to take this without thinking about it. He wants to double check his understanding of the word. So look at verse 13, he tells him to go and choir the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that is found. I want to double check this great is the wrath of the Lord kindled against us, because look at his willingness to admit even this, our fathers have not hearkened under the words of this book to do, according to all that, which is written concerning us. It’s never pleasant for anyone, any one of us to have to suggest or admit that our ancestors might not have followed the word of God, the way they should have, or that some loved one has not lived the way they should have. That’s not easy for any of us, but there are times when we have to be that willing to make such a concession. And Josiah says, look, based on what this book is saying, we are not right. And our fathers were not right and we need to fix it. And so the confirmation is then given in verse number 16, thus say the Lord behold, I will bring evil or punishment upon this place. Upon the inhabitants thereof. Even how many, All the words Of the book, which the King of Judah has read. Now, I’d like to ask you, is God’s temperament ever hair-trigger. Is that ever one of these deals where he’s just had a bad day and he’s going to take it out on the human race? No. Is there a reason assigned for this severity of God? Look at verse 17 because they have forsaken me. What’s the very first commandment of the 10 commandments under which these people lived very first commandment was what thou shall have no other gods before me. They had not listened. They were actually burning incense to these other gods verse 17. And God says, this provokes me to anger with all the works of their hands. And therefore my rash shall be kindled against this place shall not be quenched, but watch, watch what happens when a man receives this word humbly to the King of Judah verse 18, which sent you to inquire the Lord. Thus showed you say to him as touching the words, which you’ve heard then verse 19, because dine heart was tender. And thou has humbled ourselves before the Lord. When thou heard us, when I speak against this place and against the habit in Sarah, that they should become a desolation that occurs and have rent that close and actually wept before me. I have heard of the, I’ve heard the says the Lord, and I will gather the end of that fathers. And you’ll be gathered to your grave in peace and your eyes. Won’t see all the punishment or evil that I’m going to bring upon this place. And so Josiah’s humility extended his life of peace with God. In fact, God says, Josiah, I’m still going to do everything I said I was going to do, but because of your humility and receiving my word, I’m going to put it off until after you’re dead and gone and stop and let that sink in for a moment. One man’s humility and righteousness was a blessing to the nation as a whole. And God withheld the judgment sooner than he would have. If it hadn’t been for Josiah’s humble attitude. What a tremendous man, Josiah is. In fact, I want you to go to second Chronicles. This is a parallel text to what you’re reading here in second Kings. And I want you to see in second Chronicles, chapter 33, the Bible tells us actually second Chronicles, 34 is what I mean to say, the Bible tells us about this same man, Josiah. And I want you to notice in verse three, what it says he did when he was 16 years old. I know, you know, that text, remember that create or winter was supposed to do that in the days of our youth, right? Those Josiah. Do that. Remember how old was he? When he started his reign, he was a co Regent reigning at the same time as someone else. And so not required to make all decisions at that age, but he starts officially at age eight. Now let’s ask this question. How old is he? According to second Chronicles, 34 in verse three. It’s the eighth year of his reign and eight plus eight is he’s 16, 16 years old. And what is the Bible say while he was yet young? He began to seek after the God of David, his father. And then when he was 20 years old, the 12th year of his reign, he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, the groves, the carved images, the molten images. And as the 20 year old, he helped break down the altars of Baylor him in his presence and the images that were on high above. He cut them down and he had actually made dust out of them and spread them on the ashes of the brute kid, drawn spread the ashes on the brick kid, drawn, let it flow away. Get out of my sight to get that out of here. We don’t need that strikes me that yesterday. And, but believe me, what I’m about to say is not a criticism of sports and college football. I enjoy watching that very, very much. And every Saturday, 20 year old kids and above, or around that age, get out on the field and do things that make the highlight reel that night. Look what this guy did. Look what this guy did. They’re 20 years old, some of them, and what is it that makes them famous. They can throw a ball. They can catch a ball. They can block, they can tackle. They can run. They can sack. They can kick what made Josiah stand up at 20 years old and friends, isn’t this what we need in this world. 20 year olds, 40 year old, 60 year olds who have this kind of humility and mentality that says, let’s get rid of everything that doesn’t honor. God let’s do that. So that’s what they do. Verse four, they broke down the altars of all these idols in his presence. And he burnt the bones of the priest upon those altars. Now, this is interesting because 345 years earlier, you remember in first Kings 13, there was this young prophet who came to King Jeroboam and he pronounced a judgment upon him for his idolatry. I want you to go back to first Kings 13 for just a moment. I want to show you something that shows that God, even though centuries may pass between what God predicts and the actual event happening. God keeps his will. He keeps his promises. He never fails. In first Kings chapter 13, the Bible says in verse one, that there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the Lord and the Bethel Jeroboam, who was an idolater is standing by the altar to burn incense. But he cries against the older, this young prophet does and says all altar altar, thus say the Lord behold, a child shall be born into the house of David Josiah by name. Now we think it’s remarkable. And it is that Jesus’s birth was predicted seven centuries. Actually, even more than that, Isaiah seven is around seven centuries before Christ, but we need not forget. There are some other fascinating prophecies in scripture. I want to ask you to name the president of the United States, 345 years from right now. I’d like you to tell me his or her name and what they will do. That’s going to be of significance 345 years from now. Anybody. I have no idea. If the United States of America will still be, or this world will still be here 345 years from now, though. I hope and pray that if the world is still here, that this country will still be here and serving God in lore Holy ways, but for God to nail down the fact that 345 years later, a man by the name of Josiah would do what this man, Josiah, according to first Kings 13, is going to offer the priests of the high places that burn incense upon these talking to the altar men’s bones shall be burnt upon thee. And sure enough, what you and I are reading here in second Chronicles, chapter 34 in verse five, he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars and cleanse to Judah and Jerusalem. And I’ll tell you, what’s fascinating about Josiah. He’s the King of the Southern kingdom, which is primarily Judah and Benjamin absorbed into it. These places you’re about to read of in verse six, Manasseh that’s Northern kingdom stuff. Ephraim verse six Simeon had started out in the South and Ben kind of absorbed into a lot of different areas and had no longer maintained their tribal identity. A NAFTA lie. That’s a Northern kingdom. Territory’s here is here’s Joe Tsai, exerting positive influence over a kingdom. He’s not even the King of One hour. Bible study can change the world around you for the better. If you take that hour of Bible study and humbly received the word that you learn. And the Bible says in verse number seven, that he broke down the altars, the groves, he beat the graven images into powder, cut down all the idols through the whole land of Israel. And then he returns to Jerusalem. He is determined to do whatever he can do as far as God will allow him to extend his influence. And then when he’s 26 years old, verse eight of second Chronicles, 34, that’s where again, they find the book of the law and he is the one who’s willing to receive it. I want you to drop down to verse number 27. I want you to see in second Chronicles, 34, 26, actually second Chronicles, 34, 26. This is what the prophet is sends word back to Josiah. You tell Josiah verse 27, because then heart was tender. And you did humble yourself before God, when you heard his words against this place and against the inhabitants thereof and you humbled by myself before me and you did, Rindge your clothes and weep before me, I’ve even heard the also say the Lord, I would like to ask this question, Okay, Do you? And I see anything’s happening in our country that bring us to tears. That causes us to feel a sense of great sorrow. And let me ask this question. Can’t even one of us can a group of us feel these things be moved by these things, pray about these things. Receive the word of God and try to get the word of God to others. Can we change the world around us, by our actions and our attitudes? Yes, we can. And notice Josiah look at verse number 31. What he does. He stood in his place. Second Chronicles, 34th. And first thing he did verse 29. I should have told you, he sent first and gathered all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem said, everyone come this hour Bible study that it had as made him want to spread this word to others. So he convenes an assembly of all the elders and the people of Judah and Jerusalem. And then notice what he does. Talk about leadership. See this verse 30, the King went up into the house of the Lord, all the men of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests, the Levis, all the people great and small. And he read in their ears. All the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the Lord, Josiah. Now that you’ve found the word of God, what are you going to do with it? I’m going to get me a big assembly. As many people as I can. I’m going to command everyone to come to Jerusalem and then I’m going to go up and I’m going to read those same words to everyone. Everyone needs to hear the same words that I just heard. And I’m going to be an evangelist to make sure that the word of God gets told that is the action that he did. And so picture him verse 31, standing in his place and then making a covenant before the Lord, before the group he’s promising, he’s going to walk after the Lord, keep his commandments, his testimonies, his statutes, how much with all his heart and with all his soul to perform the words of the covenant, which are written in this book, he caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it and say, you will, you do the same. Here’s the commitment I’m making to keep the covenant of God. Will you make that same commitment? That is the action and the attitude of Josiah and look at what he does in verse 33. He took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel. And they made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the Lord, their God not idols and all his days, they departed not from following the Lord, the God of their fathers, Josiah. One of my very favorite Bible characters, because watch what happens in chapter 35. There’s a Passover that is kept by Josiah. Now, this is interesting. According to scripture, the Passover was supposed to be kept on the 14th day of the first month. Now has the had preceded Josiah as a King. And he had actually to his credit said, let’s observe the Passover, but they were not able to get everyone sanctified and purified in time. And so they followed the teaching of numbers and they actually were able to keep it in the second month. But that was not the ideal time. That was not the real originally prescribed time. It’s kind of like if you want to use an illustration that we’re familiar with, someone might not be able to make it for Sunday morning services to worship with the whole group. And I’m talking about those who are healthy and able to get out and about. And so maybe they have a sick child, they have a flat tire on the way here. They are something that keeps them from being here at the normally scheduled service. And so then at a second service later in the same day, still the first day of the week, they partake of the Lord’s supper. And yet the next Sunday, their ideal goal is to be there, you know, for the morning worship service and to be a part of this. And they’re not deliberately trying to miss Josiah does something that even has a cat didn’t do. He restored the Passover back to the original time. It was intended to be kept. And in fact, if you’ll notice in second Chronicles, 35 in verse, number one, Josiah kept a Passover. They killed the Passover on the 14th day of the first month. Now zoom in, if you will please, on the statement that is made in verse number 13, they roasted the Passover with fire. According to the ordinance, they’re following the word of God and verse 18, there was no Passover like to that captain Israel from the days of ready, Samuel, the prophet, neither did all the Kings of Israel keeps such a Passover as Josiah kept and the priests and the Levi’s rights and all Judah and Israel that were present and inhabitants of Jerusalem question, did Josiah have a different book than they had? No. Why didn’t these others who had the same book observed the Passover in the same way that Josiah did? Because that’s what I’m telling you. He, his heart was so focused on doing exactly what God said do in the way God says do it. He so humbled to try to do whatever God says that he sets an example for the rest. And there was no King. None of the Kings of Israel ever kept a Passover like Josiah did. And he was the one who led the way in observing this and doing what God said to do. I want you to go back to second Kings 23 for just a moment. Hold your place in second Chronicles, 35 for the end here. But I want to go back to second Kings 23, and I want to get a little more specific. I’ve shown you right now. Let’s see where we’ve been so far. Number one, we’ve seen Josiah hearing the word. We seen him double checking the word to make sure that he’s really understanding those words and incidentally, whom does that remind you of in the new Testament, double checking to make sure this is really what it’s saying. Who do you think of in the new Testament? Yeah, the noble Bereans who, what search the scriptures. But we often skip to that part and skip over. Maybe we don’t intend to skip over the first part of acts 17, 11. Do you know that before it ever says they searched the scriptures daily, it says something about their humility and bind. They received the word with all the, remember the language readiness of mind. Does that sound like Josiah? When they read those words to him, those condemning words, does he say, I’m not accepting that if you can’t preach me a positive sermon, then get out of here. His idea is, listen. If that’s what the word of God says, I need to know it. Now I need to double check that and make sure I’ve understood that correctly. And so he sends for information and that message is confirmed. And then he, we see him spreading the word, convening the assembly, getting everyone together and making sure that everyone’s on the same page. And then we see him keeping his, making a pledge tool Bay, the word in front of others. He sets the example and then we see him keeping his promise to do that in second Chronicles, 34. But if you go back to chapter 23, look at the specific things he removed. He eliminated everything he, that he could not find approved of in God’s word. Look at second Chronicle or second Kings rather, I’m sorry. Chapter 23. And look at verse two, he went up into the house of the Lord, and this is a reiteration of what we read in second Chronicles, 34, but it gets a little more specific. I would like you to note that even the small and the great are there and he read in their ears, all the words of the book of the covenant, all of them, I know some preachers and I tell our students this. I said, listen, don’t be that preacher, that every time people get up and go to services, they think, well, let’s see what we did wrong this week. And we’ll just get blasted again from the pulpit week after week after week, we’re not doing this. We’re not doing that. We’re not doing this. I said, second. Don’t be that preacher that gets up. And it’s always sugar and spice and everything nice. And there’s never a challenge. There’s never a warning. There’s never an exhortation. There’s never anyone who needs to be reproved or rebuked. It’s always sugar and spice and everything nice. Now, which of those is the right way to be, to always preach only the positive and never the negative or to all this preach only the negative and never the positive. Tell me which of those two is correct or are either of them correct? What you want is what a blend? Listen, a car battery has a positive pole and what a negative pole and do they both have a function. They both have something to do. Yes. And so our preaching ought to have a sense of positivity and negativity combined. As long as it’s coming from the word of God, Josiah is one of those individuals who says, look, if that’s what the word of God says, I want to do it. And I’m going to live according to God’s word. And so when he finds out what God wants, look at what he starts doing. He starts removing idolatrous items from the temple that were put there by his kinfolk, before him, he starts eliminating those things. And verse number four, carrying the ashes. Last part of the verse out into Bethel, put down the aisle. He gets rid of the idolatrous priest. He says, you’re out of a job all but we’re priests. No, you’re not, not here. Not going to be priest to an odd God that doesn’t even exist. No, he put down the idolatrous priests, verse five, whom the Kings of Judah, that’s his kin who proceeded him, had ordained to burn incense in the high, in the cities of Judah. He says, you’re out of a job. Verse six. He brought out the Grove from the house of the Lord. They had actually, they had actually turned the temple of God into an idolatrous worship center. And he took that out of the temple. He brought it to the Brook kid, Rome burned it at the Brook kid, drone stamped it small to powder and cast the powder on the graves of the children of the people. Look at what he does in verse seven, broke down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord. That influence did not need to be near the temple or anywhere in sight. So he got rid of the filth that was taking place in the neighborhood of the temple, where God was supposed to be worshiped. And then verse eight, he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah defile the high places where the priest had burned in since all the way from Gabby to Beersheba and broke down the high places of the Gates. And he defiled verse 10. He defiled Tulsa with which is in the Valley of the children of Hinnom. Now let’s stop here. This is not going to be pleasant, but let’s let’s address it. You know what the Greek word for hell is in the new Testament. You probably heard this. I’m sure get henna. It is hearkening back to the Valley of Hinnom. What happened in the Valley of Hinnom? This is where parents would actually take their small children and put them on top of a figure that had been built with an opening in between the arms. The arms would be built like this to hold something over a fire. And here is a child that has put in those arms and a fire is built underneath it. And the child is burned alive as a sacrifice to a God. That’s not even real, doesn’t even exist. That’s sick. Who would ever do that to a child, a friend. I don’t want to be mistaken at what I’m about to say, but I won’t say it hopefully lovingly and compassionately and firmly all at the same time, there are barbaric things happening to innocent children in this country because of some who were determined to extend a right that God never gave. And that is the right to abort, a child deliberately and with purpose, for the purpose of not this, isn’t like going to the doctor and trying to have a baby. And unfortunately, complications develop and the child doesn’t make it. This is not that this is a little deliberate choice. We say, look at these barbarians, taking children and burning them alive. How could you be? So barbaric, one of the methods of abortion that is approved in this country, it’s approved as being used in this country is a saline abortion in which a saline is injected into the womb and the saline has a corrosive effect and it burns the skin of the child inside off of its body. And about 24 hours later, the mother gives birth to the child dead. It’s called a candy Apple baby by some, because the outer skin has been burned away. You tell me that that’s not barbaric. You tell me that that shouldn’t be on our minds. As we think about the folks that are going to lead our nation, where we live protecting the children is always been an important thing for any government official to do. And your side does just that here in second Chronicles. And second Kings, I said, we’d close out with second Chronicle. So I want to go back there very quickly with you. Look at second, Chronicles 34, or make it 35 and verse 25. This also give you a little perspective as to where to put Josiah on the prophetic timeline. What does your Bible say about who lamented for Josiah? And he died, who, who stands out as having lamented his loss, his passing, Jeremiah, the prophet, Jeremiah lamented for Joe Tsai, all the scene men and the singing women speak of Josiah in their Lamentations to this day, made them an ordinance in Israel, behold, they’re written in the laminations and the rest of the acts of Josiah and his goodness. According to that, which was written in the law of the Lord, his deeds first and last behold, they’re written in the book of the Kings of Israel and Judah. It strikes me as I close years ago, many, many, many centuries ago, Josiah was introduced to a section of scripture that changed him. That caused him to go out and change others and change the, And here we are studying centuries later about this very man’s experience with Bible study and what it did to him and his nation. Can we leave today with this one hour of Bible study and be moved to be more like Josiah in good ways, and to imitate his excellence and to change the people around us as we first change ourselves, can we do that? We can. And it’s a true blessing to be able to study this man. One of the greatest men of the old Testament. Sure. Still a man, but a man of humility who said I will change and I’ll do everything I can to get others to do the same. And what motivated that study of the word of God? Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville Sunday morning services here at Collierville church Christ. It’s great to see each and every one of you and those of you that are unable to attend that are either on the dial in or watching on the live stream. We welcome you. And we can’t wait until the day comes that we can see everybody assembled here. Again, worship our Lord to our visitors this morning have special. Welcome to you. And thank you for choosing the Collierville church of Christ to worship God this morning. And we have a couple of special guests with us here today. BJ Clark and his wife, Tish are here. BJ will be bringing us a message this morning, and then Tim Boswell and his wife, Hannah are also with us today. And Tim is going to lead our song service for us this morning. So thank you all for joining us today. Other announcements, if you did not pick up the Lord’s supper, please take this opportunity to pick it up. It’s on the tables in the back prepared for you for the, when the Lord suppers taking the day are sick. There are many of on our sick lists, so let’s please remember Janet Jones. She’s still in the Memphis Jewish home. She may be coming home this week if her improvement continues. So that’s good news for Janet. Pam chafing is with us this morning. She is still in the recovery process from her back surgery, but she’s doing better. And her doctor has kind of let her go on, you know, do as she can and get out. So it’s great to see Pam with us this morning, Dorothy Wilson is having some very high blood pressure issues. So please keep Dorothy and your thoughts and prayers, Sylvia pass is going to have another nerve block procedure. That’s coming Friday to try to resolve her back problems. So please keep Sylvia and your thoughts and prayers. Michael Dale is not with us this morning. He has a virus of some type. It is not the coronavirus, but he does have a virus. And so he had to stay home. So please keep him and their family and your thoughts and prayers, and naturally Aaron, our preacher. You only had his surgery on Thursday on his wrist to set his wrist after he broke his wrist. And he’s in quite a bit of pain from that. So please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through his recovery process. Other announcements Nesbith church of Christ have a gospel meeting October 4th, which is today through the seventh. We have a flyer up on the bulletin board. If you’re interested in details on that, the 45th annual spiritual sword lectureship at Getwell church Christ here in Memphis, starts on the 18th of October and goes through the 22nd. The flyer is on the bulletin board. Also with all the details for that nationwide gospel meeting for the call in the flyers are out there on a table. So if you’ve been doing that or if you’re interested in what that’s all about, please pick one of them up. That is Monday through Friday evenings at nine o’clock each night. There’s a call and it’s about a half hour long Bible study on a telephone powder children’s home pantry item for the month of October is Velveeta cheese. And the last announcement is reminder for the men. On Monday, October 12th at 7:00 PM, we’ll have our monthly men’s business meeting. We do have a sheet on the board out there to bulletin board for agenda items. So if anyone has anything that needs to be addressed in the men’s business meeting, please put that on that sheet. So we can talk about them in our meeting our services this morning song leader, as I said will be Tim Boswell, opening prayer. We’ll be Jay Schaefer, Lord supper. We’ll be Joel caisson. Our sermon will be brought to us by BJ Clark and a closing prayer will be Terry Sanderson. Thank you. Good morning. Our first song. Listen to this morning. It’s going to be song number two. Number two, We praise thee O God for the son of for Jesus. now God dying. The glory. yeah. Oh man. Yeah, dine the glory. we praise thee. Oh God. For the spirit who has shown us? the glory. Hi. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the glory revive us and Oh, glory and praise to the lamb. That was slain. glory. man. no glory. all glory and praise to the God of all grace who has bought us and saw a sign guy. Dad ways. Yeah, the I’m the glory yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the glory revive us. revive us again. Philly charged with five from Hollina. Yeah, the glory Hollin yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the glory revive us again and We have a new prayer almighty God, our father in heaven. We’re so odd by that presence. We with our finite minds cannot begin to comprehend how magnificent your intellect truly is, but we are so very grateful that you chose to create us in your image and create this entire universe for us. We, as I say are so odd that we cannot begin to comprehend how truly magnificent you are. And we are so bounded by the element of time that we are at such a handicap. We have trouble even remittance regarding how magnificent and truly great the life would be forever. We’re so grateful. Also, father, that you sent your son to this world, to be an example, and to give us your word that we may have that hope one day of being with you forever. We are so grateful that he came to this world to forgive our sins and we, but have to repent and turn from them to be whole and pure in your sight. And we know that you will hear our prayers. We have many things to be so grateful for most of all, we’re grateful for our families and the church and the things that are represented here in this community. We’re mindful of those that are not able to be with us due to illnesses. We pray that your healing hand will be placed upon them, that they will run once again, be restored to their much wanted Hill. We’re also mindful of those that have recently lost, loved ones that you will comfort them. We are thankful for the multitude of other blessings that we’re so richly blessed with. We’re also very grateful for this great country in which we live and it is for that country and it’s leadership that we pray for. Now. We pray that you will be with our president, that you will grant him a speedy and complete recovery from the coronavirus we ask that you be with those also have our number that are at least infected and quarantined from this disease. As we look about us, we want you to have our sincere belief that we are a blessed people and we pray for unity within our country. That we, once again, can speak with one voice under God. As we go through the further exercise of this service, we pray that our worship to you will be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor. So in Jesus name, we pray amen. Our song before the Lord supper this morning, it’s going to be song number three, one five, 315 one more time. Ah, ah. TRIBE I just say then that or a nice all the man things that me. It was a nice breath. A nice so and me so like I am dad to so Didi mans. My saw my As we protected the Lord suffer this morning, we would like to reflect on a few scriptures and we’ll read those before we have the bread and the fruit of the vine and acts chapter 20 in verse seven, it says in the phone the first day of the week after that, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them ready to part on the Morrow. And he continued to speech until midnight. And if we turn over to second, first Corinthians chapter 11, we’ll read verses 23 and 24 for I ever seed of the Lord, that which I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. And when they had given thanks, he break it and said, take eat. This is my body that is broken for you. This do in remembrance of me. Let’s pray there. God, our father in heaven, we truly are so grateful for the privilege that we have this day to come and remember our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We’re so thankful father that you demonstrated your love for us. And he was willing to give his life upon the cross that we might have that hope if eternal life within heaven, fathers, we partake of this bread, which is representative of his body. We pray we might do so in a manner that would be acceptable unto thee and Jesus. We pray, amen. Will continue reading from that same opening verses 25 through 27. And after the same manner as he took the cup, when he gets up saying this cup is the new Testament in my blood, this do ye as often as she drank it and remembered some me, whereas often as she eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death. Did he come wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord. Unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. Let us pray. Oh God, our father in heaven. It’s such a blessing and a opportunity for us to be able to come here and remember our Lord and savior to remember him suffering upon the cross and bleeding and dying for us, bearing our sins upon the cross. We probably fathers, we protect of this fruit of the vine, which represents his blood, that we remember him. And we give him the honor and the glory and the praise or the death that he suffered for us and Jesus. We pray amen. As another act of worship, we have the opportunity to unity, to give as we’ve been prospered and we’ll look at second Corinthians chapter nine, verses six through nine, we might contemplate our giving, but this I say he was so aspiring and he shall also reap sparingly. And he, that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully every man, according as he purposed in his heart. So let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God. Loveth a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That he always have all sufficiency. And all things may abound to every good work had is this written, he, that dispersed abroad, he has given to the poor, his righteousness remaineth forever. Let us pray there. God, our father in heaven, we are grateful for all the blessings that you’ve given to us. And we pray father that we’re good stewards of those blessings. And we have this opportunity today to give a portion of that back to you that we might further the cause not only here in Collierville, but throughout the world, to be able to reach those that are lost and to be able to be helpful to those that are needing some help in a benevolent way. We pray that we’ll always remember that all these blessings come from the, and that we’re to the happy about being able to give as we’ve been prospered. And that you’ve blessed us so much. And we’re grateful for it. Bless our offering this day. And we pray that we might be used in a way that would be acceptable onto you and Jesus. We pray. Amen. If you would like to Mark it in your hymnals, the invitation song this morning will be some number 660 to 662 Before the sermon this morning, though, we will stand and sing song number 991 nine nine one. Again, please stay we’re out me rings the NA Dan, have me again, Please be seated again. The invitation sound will be Simon number 662 Check. There we go. Can you hear me all right, bear. Glad to be with you today. Although I do lament the pain that a brother Aaron is in, do appreciate the work that he does and helps in so many ways at the school at times when we’ve needed technological help. And I appreciate that, but we’re, we’re grateful the chance to be together. I want to take you back 50 years ago today. It was October the fourth, 1970, a young girl in Bible class listens to the message. And then during the worship service responds to the invitation and is baptized that very morning, 50 years ago. Today, later that afternoon, a young boy that was in that same class approaches his father and wonders whether he might need to be baptized as well. And after a long conversation that young boy, 50 years ago to the day was baptized at the night Arnold church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee. And that young boy was me 50 years ago today I was baptized. It just so happened that a few years ago, one of the secretaries at the church was going through some material and came across a response card that was filled out on October 4th, 1970, in which I wrote these words because I want to have my sins washed away and serve God. That is what I wrote down is my desire 50 years ago. And it has not changed. I got to thinking about the opportunity to preach today, and I thought there’s nothing I could think of wanting to preach about more than how this subject that was on my mind so much. All those years ago is still on my mind today and how the message has not changed. The message has not changed in the last 50 years. Any information that I was given on that day about what I should and should not do with reference to the subject of baptism came from the same inspired message that I’m using to preach about it this morning. The message has not changed. Surely the world around us has think about what the world was like in 1,970. It’s definitely a different world now in so many ways than it was then, but some things have not changed. And one thing that I’m so grateful has not changed is this book right here, whatever the message was on the subject of baptism 50 years ago is the same message that is in place today. As a matter of fact, go way back beyond 50 years ago and go all the way back to the new Testament. And you’ll find that the same teaching Jesus and the apostles gave about baptism then is the same message that needs to be governing our world today. Nothing has changed as far as the authority of God’s word is concerned. And so I want you to go back and consider with me the message of baptism as taught by scripture. And the first thing I’d like to notice with you is that the motivation for baptism is the same today as it was when the teaching of our Lord was first given, why is it that one would want to be baptized? Now I would first direct your attention to Matthew chapter three. And there comes a man by the name of John, the baptizer, and he is preaching about a coming kingdom and a coming Christ that he is blazing the trail for who will establish that kingdom. And in Matthew chapter three, you’ll notice that in verse number two, he says repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And then we read in verse number six, those individuals from the areas all around Judea and Jerusalem and all around about the Jordan came and were baptized of him. And Jordan notice confessing their sins. Some people are not aware of the fact that even though John’s baptism was a baptism, which anticipated an acceptance of the Christ and his kingdom, according to Mark chapter one in verse four, the baptism of John notice was for the remission of sins, meaning that those who were commanded to be baptized with the baptism of John were commanded to do so for the motivation of having their sins remitted. It’s interesting to know that the message of baptism today is skewed by so many. Some have suggested that the motivation for baptism is not to remit your sins, but to acknowledge that they’ve already been remitted by same some fabled sinner’s prayer. I want to lovingly say this dear friends, but I would like to ask you to find the place in the word of God, for me, where you ever find anyone ever been told to say a prayer and to ask Jesus, to come into their hearts, to make him the Lord of their life and the savior of their soul. I really want to see that some years ago, I was at a Sonic drive in during the afternoon hours of two to four, when the drinks are half price and the ice is so good. And you know what I’m talking about, if you enjoy that kind of drink on a hot day or just about any day. And so here I was in my car waiting for my order to be brought. And I noticed the lady get out of her car and she was going car to car, passing out some literature or trying to sell something. I waited till she got to my car, of course, to see what was going on. And then she handed me a little four page tract. It was small. The front page only said three words on it. God loves you. And certainly that’s a wonderful statement. Turn the page. And the second page only had one thing on it. It was John three 16 for God. So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. And I love that verse. And so certainly I have no objection to John three 16 being printed and broadcast anywhere in the world. Page three was of interest. Page three of that little track said, if you believe the verse on the opposite page, say the following prayer and ask Jesus to come into your heart, make him the Lord of your life and the savior of your soul, and then gave you a script to pray to say those very words. And then it said, if you just prayed this prayer, congratulations, welcome to the family of God. And then you turned and the last page says, now go tell others. And when the woman handed it to me and I glanced over it rather quickly, I said, ma’am, I would like to give you a compliment, commend you for something. And I don’t think she was expecting that. I don’t think she’d received a whole lot of warmth from the other automobiles or the drivers of those automobiles. But I said, I want to tell you that I am impressed that you have the courage to go car to car, telling people that God and Jesus loved them. That is so true. And I’m glad the world knows that. Want the world to know that I love this verse you have on page two, God. So loved John three 16 is one of my favorite verses. My question for you is really about your third page here. Can you help me with this? I see the, the instructions given here to say this prayer. And they asked Jesus to come into my heart and make him the Lord of my life and the savior of my soul. But what I don’t see on your third page is some scriptures to show where people ever did that. Could you help me with that? I have a new Testament with me and I would, I would be greatly benefited. If you could show me where individuals in the new Testament ever did, what this page is telling people to do. And she said, well, it’s, it’s so many different places. I wouldn’t know where to begin. And I said, even one would be okay. Could you just show me one instance where anyone was ever told to say this prayer and that’s Jesus to come into their hearts? And she said, well, what do you think about it? And I lovingly said, and our whole conversation was cordial. By the way I lovingly said to her, I said, ma’am, I wouldn’t want to stake your eternal salvation or mine on what I think. I think we would both agree that what the Lord taught is, is what’s going to really be the standard of judgment. And so Matt tell you what the Lord said about this. And she acknowledged that she was okay with that. And so I started, I started not with baptism because Jesus did not start with baptism. Jesus started with the concept of believing in who he is. He said, except you believe that I am key, shall die in your sins. John eight 24 and friends. Let me tell you something today. If someone is dunked in this body of water, any body of water and it is not them is not because they believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. If they do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, we are doing nothing, but getting them wet. We’re not washing any sins away by magic water. So Jesus said, except you believe that I am you’ll die in your sins, John eight 24. And I remember he asked whom do men say that I, the son of man, em, and they said, well, some think you’re John the Baptist. Some think you’re Jeremiah or one of the prophets, but whom say, ye, that I am. Who, who do you say that I am? Peter said, thou art, the Christ, the son of the living God. And that is the recognition that the people on Pentecost came to grips with when they suddenly realized, Hey, wait a minute. We killed the son of God. Peter had just preached along with the other apostles, a sermon in which he exalted Christ and said you with wicked and lawless hands have crucified and slain the very son of God, but God raised him up. And the same Jesus that you crucified has now been made both Lord and Christ Christos. The anointed one acts two 36. Now when they heard this acts two 37, they were pricked in their hearts and said, men and brethren, what shall we do? Stop? Did the apostle Peter respond to their, what shall we do? Question with the following. I want every head bowed. I want all eyes closed and every head bowed. I want all of you here on Pentecost to now say a prayer, say the following prayer with me. Lord Jesus. Come into my heart, save my soul, wash my sins away by your blood and become the Lord of my life. Amen. Is that what you read in acts two 38? Yes or no. Did you read that? No. What do you read? Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, the motivation for baptism has not changed over the years. It was from the get go for the remission of sins. Someone says, well, that means because your sins have already been forgiven and they’ll use the illustration. They’ll say I went to the store and bought some chapstick for my chapped lips. And when I say for my chap lips, I didn’t buy chapstick in order to get chapped lips. I bought chapstick because I already had chapped lips and the chap stick was supposed to help me with that. The problem with this illustration is twofold in the identical language that Jesus used in Matthew 26, 28. You’ll find the same exact language in acts two 38 and Matthew 26, 28 is very significant in this regard. Notice Jesus Christ on this occasion says the following. He says in Matthew 26, 28, this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sin. Stop Jesus. Are you saying that you shed your blood in order that people might have remission of sins or because they already do? Jesus did not bleed because men had already been saved. He bled so that they could be. And the Greek word that’s used here that is translated for has a meaning. That means to reach him unreached end. And Jesus said, I’m shedding my blood so that men might reach the unreached end of having their sins washed away once. And for all, remember even the transgressions that were under the first Testament were blood blotted out and cleansed by the blood of Christ, according to Hebrews chapter nine, 15 and following. And so the blood of Christ is necessary to wash your sins away. What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus. I wrote 50 years ago tonight because I want to have my sins washed away. Do you remember a man by the name of Saul of Tarsus who saw the Lord of the road to Damascus and as he was going toward Damascus with a full intention of persecuted, even more believers in Christ, he’s now suddenly confronted with the, the Christ is talking to him. He says, in acts nine, six, Lord, what will they’ll have me to do? And acts nine sixties told arise and go into the city and watch this, please. There, it shall be told the what thou must do. Saul of Tarsus is told you go into the city and that’s where you’re going to be told what you must do. So let’s see about this. If you’ll go with me to acts chapter nine, I want to show you something here that you may or may not have thought of. Do you know that when God called the preacher and, and I asked to go preach to Saul of Tarsus and tell him what to do, do you know what he told? Anne and I saw was already doing in acts chapter nine. Look at verse number 10. There was a certain disciple at the maskus named Dan and nice. And to him said the Lord in a vision and NIS. And he said, behold, I’m here, Lord. And the Lord said unto him arise and go into the street, which is called straight and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus. For behold, he prayeth. And the ETH in the King James version here is indicative of the fact that he was in a continual state of prayer. Now just reason with me a little bit, here’s a man who now knows that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And he’s waiting in the city to be told what he must do. What’s he doing in the meantime, praying? What do you suppose he was praying? Did he feel any guilt for having done what he’d done to those who followed Christ? Did he feel any guilt for having rejected? The Christ whom he now knows is indeed the son of God. I guarantee you that he was beside himself because he couldn’t eat or drink for three days. He was blind. He was not eating. He was not in a state of happiness and joy. He wasn’t rejoicing in his new found salvation. In fact, Paul would write it this way in Romans five one, therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord. Jesus Christ. Question. What Saul at peace when he wasn’t eating or drinking, was he at peace when he was praying prior to the preacher, getting to his house, had he found peace in prayer? No, he had not. Now, if prayer is the way to invite Jesus into your heart and make him the Lord of your life, here’s a perfect opportunity. In fact, I would say you couldn’t find a better opportunity for a gospel preacher to teach the sinner’s prayer than an occasion where the man’s already in prayer when the preacher gets there. But if you’ll turn to acts chapter 22, you’ll notice that when Anna knives, the preacher gets to the praying man soul, would you notice in verse 16? He says, and now why Terry is thou acts 2216. And now why Terry is thou repeat after me, Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I’ll make, is that what you read in acts 2216, which you read in acts 2216? Is that an inspired preacher tells a praying man. And now what are you waiting for? Get up arise and be baptized and wash away their sins. Calling on the name of the Lord. I want to have my sins washed away, but I had been taught revelation chapter one in verse five. I want you to see revelation one five, because no one is teaching that water has magical mystical powers to wash sins away in and of itself because it’s some how Holy no, it is the connecting place where God’s power does. What only God’s power can do. But in revelation, chapter one, you’ll notice verse five. It mentions Jesus Christ. Yes. That’s where my focus is. If it’s not for Christ, I have no hope of salvation. And then the last part of verse five of revelation, one unto him that loved us. God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Yes, indeed, Jesus Christ and washed us from our sins. How in his own blood, this is my blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins. Jesus says your blood is going to wash sins away. Jesus. Yes, that’s why I’m shedding it so that men might have their sins remitted or washed away. And so 50 years ago, an opportunity is granted to have my sins washed away, but that was available to me 50 years ago because of something that happened thousands of years ago in the area surrounding Jerusalem, where a Virgin conceived and brought forth a son and called his name Jesus. And he, he lived a sinless life. He died as a perfect sacrifice. See a Rose on the third day, he ascended into heaven and there then on the day of Pentecost from that day forward, men started accessing the benefits of his blood in ways that were official. And so moving now, I know that this may not be the exact anniversary of the day that you were baptized, but I would guarantee some of you in here today are thinking back to the day that you were baptized. And you think about it with me for just a moment. How did it feel when you came up out of that watery grave of baptism, having confessed Jesus Christ, to be the son of God, having made the decision you would repent having indeed believed Jesus Christ was the son of God that led you to make those other decisions. You now are buried just for an instant with your Lord in baptism. You come up just an instant later and you leave the old man of sin behind Romans chapter six, and you are now clean and you feel lighter than air. And you’ve been added to the church that Jesus bought with his own blood. Can you think back to that moment in your life, how much does it mean to you all these years later, that woman at the drive through, I told you about it, the Sonic stall, I started showing her some of the very same things I’ve been talking to you about these last few minutes. And before I could go to the last step, I talked about the need to first believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. After hearing faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God, Romans 10, 17, I started showing her the necessity of belief and without faith, it’s impossible to please God. And if you don’t believe he’s the Christ you’ll die in your sins. I started showing all men everywhere, been commanded to repent acts 17 and verse 30 confession is made with the mouth on to salvation, Romans 10, nine, and 10. And before I could even get the words out, she said this, she said, wait, just a minute. You’re taking me to water baptism, aren’t you? And I said, well, ma’am so far the only words that I’ve used are words from the Lord himself and inspired apostles. And those words have taken us this far. Let me just ask you if the words of Jesus would take us as far as water baptism. If the words of Christ would take us that far, shouldn’t we be willing to follow the, his words that far. And she acknowledged. Yes. And I said, well, Jesus said this. He that believe with, and this baptized shall be saved. He, that believeth not shall be damned March 16, 16. And she said, but wait a minute, sir, respectfully, there is not a drop of water in John three 16, John three 16, doesn’t have a drop of water in it. She said, and I said, ma’am respectfully. It doesn’t have to because John three and verse five, which comes before it is already soaking wet. And I could tell that this intrigued her. You remember what Jesus said in John three, five before he ever got to verse 16, he said, except a man be born of what water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus had told Nicodemus, you have to be born again to see the kingdom of God. And the Kadima says, well, how can a man be born when he’s old? What does he go into his mother’s womb a second time? And, and then be, but what do you mean born again? Jesus then clarifies except a man be born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. I want to tell you the true story that happened in Knoxville, Tennessee involving a 92 year old man named pop Collins. He’s reading his Bible, his large print Bible, as he did every day. It just so happened that his reading on this particular day fell to John three. And he’s reading of how Nicodemus has this conversation with the Lord. And then he reads verse five. But this time it stops him in his tracks except a man be born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God and pop starts lingering over this. And he starts thinking, I need to figure this out because if I haven’t done this, I cannot enter the kingdom of God. And I want to enter the kingdom of God. So I’d better make sure I’ve been born of water into the spirit. So I don’t miss out. And he starts just thinking it through. Okay. I know that a man has to be born of water and of the spirit, or he cannot wait a minute. Where was I reading? Just the other day. He was remembering where he’d read acts eight, where the Ethiopian nobleman had been to Jerusalem to worship. And now was headed back to Ethiopia, hundreds of miles away. And yet, even though he’s been to worship, he still reading Isaiah, the prophet in his chariot, that was not a regular occurrence for people to have a copy of God’s word hand that he and their chariots back then. So this man was of some means and he was using it to the best of his ability to learn the word. And so here he’s reading and Phillip runs up and joins him, gets in the cherry. It begins at the same scripture, preaches unto him Jesus. And after having preached the message of the Holy spirit to this Ethiopian nobleman acts chapter eight 36 says, as they went on their way, they came into a certain w a T E R water. And the eunuch said, see, here is water. What does hinder me to be baptized? Now, may I point out to you friends that in acts eight after hearing Jesus preached, you do not read the following. You don’t read as they went on their way. The Unix said to Philip, you know that sinner’s prayer you were talking about just a minute ago. Would this be a good time for you to lead me in that or teach me how to say that? Is that what you read in acts chapter eight? No, instead you read this as they went on their way, they came to a certain water. And even though there’s not a word said about baptism in verse 35 or any verse leading up to this explicitly here is the unique wanting to be baptized, but he’d heard Jesus preach. Well, yes, you preach Jesus. You’re going to preach his death. You’re going to preach this barrier. You’re going to preach this resurrection. And sure enough, having preached the death, the burial and the resurrection of Christ, the uniq understands that he needs to die to the practice of sin. Be buried with his Lord and a water, a grave of baptism and rise to walk in newness of life. Otherwise he would have had no interest and I’ll guarantee you if baptism had not been the proper response to that sermon, Philip would have said, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I think you’ve misunderstood something, sir. Where did you ever get the wrong headed idea? That water baptism is the way you respond to hearing Jesus preached. No, it’s not acts two. When Jesus was preached, what was the response? Water baptism act sate. You can trace it through the book of acts. And so here you see here is water. What does hinder me to be baptized? They both went down into the water, came up out of the water. They went on their way, rejoicing. He went on his way. Rejoicing in particular, the unit did. Now question pop Collins is reading this John three, five passage days after he’d read the passage and just mentioned in acts eight about a man who heard the message of the spirit and wanted to be baptized in water. And pop said, that’s got to be with this as talking about. So he called his preacher on the phone. He said, I want you to pick me up and take me down to the church building and baptized me so that I can enter the kingdom of God. That was his motivation. He wanted to enter the kingdom of God. His preacher said, pop, what are you talking about? You came to our revival years ago and you got down to the mourner’s bench and you asked Jesus to come into your heart. And you know that, that took care of that. Then you don’t need to be, have to be baptized. You’ve already been saved and you’re 92. And I’m not about to get you soaking wet and get you catching pneumonia and die. And then your family blames me for it. And no, I will not baptize you pop pleaded with him. But this verse says, if I don’t, if I’m not born of water to the spirit, I cannot enter the kingdom of God. His preacher said pop that is talking about how a woman, when she’s very close to her delivery time will her water will break. And then she’ll have the baby pop was 92, but he’s sharp as attack. He says, you’re telling me that this borne of water is about a woman about to give birth to a baby. That’s right. Pop says, this says, except a man be born. This isn’t talking about an infant being born. And are I read the other day about this man that just heard Jesus preached? And he pointed and said, see, here is water. Was that man pointing to a woman about to give birth to a baby? No. Well, what was he pointing at? Well, he was pointed at actual water. Well then that’s the kind of, I want to get in. Will you pick me? He wouldn’t do it. He would not take so pop got out the yellow pages. He starts going down the listings, calling churches. Guess what? Every single church he called, wanted to do with him over the phone, rather than come pick him up and take him to their church building and baptize him. Can you guess what everyone wanted to do over the phone with him? Why don’t you just bow your head and we’ll say a little prayer and we’ll take care of it that way. He said, no, I thought that took care of it years ago, but I didn’t know. This verse was in the Bible then. So he got desperate. He called Baptist hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. I would like for you to picture your on the switchboard that day and you answer Baptist hospital. How may I direct your call and the voice on the other end says, yeah. Could you connect me with the baptismal department please? I’m sorry. What? Oh yeah. Could you connect me with your baptizing department, sir? You do know you call the hospital, right? Well, yes, but because of the name of your hospital, I thought you might have someone there that could perform baptisms upon request and I’m requesting it. I just read in my Bible that Jesus said, except a man be born of water and of the spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. I want to enter the kingdom of God and I can’t find anyone to help me do it. I think perhaps it was Providence that just at the time he placed this call, the woman on the switchboard, a member of the young high church of Christ in Knoxville, Tennessee now known the South Knoxville church of Christ. She said, sir, you’re wanting to be baptized. Yes. Where do you live? She called her local preacher. Her local preacher went out to meet with pop. They took pop and taught him indeed the church that he was entering upon his obedience. And they took him and put him on a stretcher. I met Papa after he was baptized and never knew him before that. He told me this story that I’m telling you, his arms were about as big around as a broomstick handle. And that’s not much of an exaggeration. He was a feeble frail man, but they put him on a stretcher after taking this confession that he believed Jesus Christ was the son of God. And they dipped him quickly beneath that watery grave. And they brought him back up and pop Collins went on his way. Rejoicing because his sins had been washed away. He was now in the church of Jesus Christ. I don’t know how many years ago your baptism might’ve been, or if you are here today, for all I know needing to be baptized, I don’t know the entire makeup of the audience to whom I’m speaking. And I don’t know about those watching and what your needs may or may not be with reference to this matter. I can tell you this, the message has not changed in the 50 years since October 4th, 1970, the mode or manner has not changed this idea that yeah, it used to be by immersion, but now it’s okay. If you just decide to sprinkle poor. No, the Bible says in John three 23, John shows a certain spot because there was much water there. John three 23, you don’t need much water to poor. You don’t need much water to sprinkle in. The Greek word for sprinkle is ran teat. So you’ll never find it once with reference to baptism. The Greek word for pouring is a Greek word, K O C H E L, with a hard C H you don’t ever find a form of that word used with reference to baptism, signifying a pouring of water upon the head. What you see is that teeth. So to dip, to plunge, to immerse, it’s like a garment that’s being dyed. It’s completely submerged and then removed from the solution. You and I are completely submerged in water. We come forth and we’re cleaned. We’ve been made brand new by the blood of Jesus Christ that has washed our sins away. And that message hasn’t changed. The motivation hasn’t changed the manner or mode hasn’t changed and our mission to get others to do that has not changed either. Dear friends, I am spending my life to the best of my ability to try to get folks to do what I did 50 years ago And what others Did long before I ever did. Now baptism’s not the end. It’s the beginning and are close with Romans chapter six. I’d like for you to go there with me and, and notice with me this wonderful text in Romans chapter six, the Bible says that indeed, verse number four, we are buried with him by baptism into death. That like as Christ was raised up from the dead, by the glory of the father, even. So we also should walk in newness of life. I remember I’m sure you do coming up and feeling like bran, who no sin, no stain. I’m right with God. And then what I keep on trying to record myself to be dead under sin verse 11 and I don’t verse 12, let sin reign in my mortal body and obey them. The lesser of I don’t yield. Once again, my members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, verse 13, no I’ve obeyed from the heart. That form of doctrine delivered and being made free from sin. I become the servants of righteousness. In fact, because I want to have my sins washed away and serve God, that’s the component. I don’t just hand God this card on the day of judgment and say, this should get me where I want to be. Have I served God since the day I became his, have you? I hope that you have, and maybe there’s someone listening or someone here today that says, this is the day I need to begin my walk with Christ. Preached the gospel made it in Elizabethton Tennessee years ago. And there was the young lady that when the invitation song was sung, I’d never had anyone respond so quickly in any church service I’d ever been in where I’d preached as this woman did. She was young in her twenties. And I mean, as soon as the invitation song was sung, she was booking it down. She was booking it down the aisle. In fact, she just went straight for the door that led back to the baptistry. She knew where it was. The preacher got there just before she opened that door, ask her a quick question. She made one quick sentence to him and she kept going. And essentially she told him I’m not waiting another second to put on my Lord in baptism. And that day there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. As we watched her connect with the blood of Christ and have the blood of Christ, wash your sins away and add her to his church. I hope indeed. I have not been around that church in year since then. I hope indeed she’s remained faithful. I know there are some folks in scripture who did and some who did not. And that is why I know some are concerned about this pandemic and its impact longterm on the faithfulness of Christians, will some individuals fall away and never return will. I don’t know. Yes. I’m sure that the world is, if it stands, we’ll continue to have folks who, who leave their first love, but I’ll tell you this. There are others who are going to come to their first love for the first time and realize, you know what? I’m mortal. I’m not going to live forever in this human body, but I’m going to live forever somewhere. And I want it to be heaven. So I’m coming today and I want to be a Christian by hearing, believing repenting, confessing, and being baptized for the remission of sins. I’m doing that right now. Maybe you’re here today and you’re already a child of God, but not living like interacting like it. This second law pardon was offered to Simon. The sorcerer, after he was baptized, he believed he was baptized. Therefore he was saved. And then a few verses later he’s told repent that his wickedness might be forgiven. That’s the way you get things right after you’ve been scripturally baptized, then you pray and repent. So I’m asking today, I don’t know what your situation is. The invitation song is about to be sung and wouldn’t it be sweet? Who knows how this would work, but wouldn’t it be sweet if someday somewhere there is someone 50 years from this day of the Lord lingers that long who says in the year 2070, I remember October the fourth, 20, 20 that’s the day I was baptized 50 years ago to wash my sins away and to begin serving God. We’d love to see that happen today. As together we stand in saying, won’t you please come to Jesus the Oh, please be seated. We’re so grateful. Everybody’s been with us today. Today in closing, we would like to sing the song number five 78, 578. And then we’ll have our closing prayer. We will ratify the King of Kings. We will glorify the lamb, the Lord of Lords. we will worship him in righteousness. We will worship ham alone. He is Lloyd off hap and Lord over. He is Lord of a. He has Lord, I you never up you him. We yeah, yeah. To the King of Kings ha man. Yeah. To the ah, man. Yeah. To the Lord of Lords, who is the gray? I am Oh, spray a father who art in heaven. When he thanked me for this beautiful first day of the week and the opportunity we’ve had to come together as your children to sing these songs of praise and today, and to study that word, we pray that the things that we have learned here today will help us to become strong Christians and to be better servants in that kingdom. I pray that you’d be with those that have been mentioned today that are unable to be with us because of illness. We pray that you would be with them and comfort them. We thank Dee for the technology that we have this day and time that we can go into the homes or those that are more vulnerable to the virus. And that pay may be with us in spirit. We pray that you would be with the school of preaching in brother Clark, as he labors over there, that they can produce more young men that are willing to work. And I came to him to do serve thee. We pray that you would be, keep us safe and bring us back in the next opponent time. Forgive us the rest, sand and crash. Now we pray. Amen.
<inaudible> hello? Hello?<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> can you hear me? Hello? Is the subtitles working? Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Okay. Turn that one off. Oh, I think it was Mike three that this one is on. Hello? Hello? Was it Mike three? Alright, you can turn it off.
Yeah,<inaudible> Hello? Okay. It’s working. So I don’t know if all of you heard, but Aaron broke his wrist and he’s in a lot of pain and has a really bad migraine. And so he’s staying home tonight and, uh, so let’s make sure we keep him in our prayers. And his wife texted me and said that he has surgery on it next Thursday.
I don’t know if she meant tomorrow or if he has to wait a whole week, a week from tomorrow, man. That is a long time to wait for something that painful and let’s make sure we keep him in our prayers. Cause uh, I know what a broken bone feels like as I’m sure many of you do. And it’s not a fun thing to go through once I have a quick prayer for him and for the beginning of Bible class,
and we’ll get started on this lesson, our Lord in heaven, we humbly bow before your throne. And we thank you for this time that we have to come together as a family and your children and, and learn a portion of your word. We ask at this time that you be with Aaron and the, and the problem that he has with his wrist and help the surgeon to be able to have a steady hand and fixed his risks properly.
So he’s able to be pain free and uh, and come back with us. We thank you so much for all of the blessings you’ve given us and for the rain and for this wonderful evening, we ask that you be with those that are still sheltering at home because of this Corona virus and, and help their faith to stay strong and be assured in your son’s name.
Amen. Okay. So I had just a few hours to put together a Bible class and I want to let you know, um, the Bible class that I’m doing is from apologetics press. And it’s a great article. If anybody wants to go to apologetics press and get the entire article, it’s called 13 objections. The world gives to baptism, but I figured this is a good study for us to go over because we all hear these objections all the time.
And it’s nice to know how to refute these objections when they come up. Um, some churches historically have taught that water immersion is the dividing line between the lost and the saved. And this means that a penitent believer remains unforgiven of sin until buried in the waters of baptism, Romans chapter six, verse four. Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death.
That like as Christ was raised up from the dead, by the glory of the father, even. So we also should walk in newness of life, much of the denominational world disagrees with this analysis of the Bible, teaching, holding instead that one is saved at the point of belief, uh, before and without water baptism. Some of the points we’re going to make is a advance,
an effort to minimize the essentials of baptism for salvation. Just cut out. So the first objection we’re going to look at is when people say Jesus could not have been baptized for the remission of sins because he was sinless. Therefore people today are not baptized in order to be forgiven. They merely imitate Jesus’s example. The baptism to which Jesus submitted submitted himself was John’s baptism.
And we can read about that in Matthew chapter three in verse 13, if anybody wants to read Matthew chapter three and verse 13, you guys know me, I like participation<inaudible> And also in Mark chapter one and verse nine, and it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized of John in the Jordan. So John’s baptism was for the remission of sins.
We can read that just a few verses up in Mark chapter one and verse four, John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins and also in Luke chapter three. And verse three, if someone wants to read that one, Luke chapter three and verse three<inaudible>. So this truth is particularly evident from the fact that when Jesus presented himself to John for baptism,
John sought to deter him noting that if anything, Jesus needed to be or needed to baptize John himself, we can read that in Matthew chapter three in verse 14, Matthew three in verse 14, but John forbade him saying, I have need to be baptized of thee. And comest out to me. Jesus did not correct John, as many seek to do today,
but by falsely arguing that baptism is not for the remission of sins. Rather Jesus in effect agreed with, but made clear that his baptism was an exception to the rule. Jesus’s baptism was unique and not to be compared to anyone else’s baptism Jesus’s baptism had the unique purpose of fulfilling all righteousness. We can read that in verse 15 of Matthew, chapter three,
and Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now for thus, it become us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him. In other words, it was necessary for Jesus to submit to John’s baptism first to show his contemporaries that no one is exempt from submitting to God’s will. And second more specifically, Christ baptism was God’s appointed means of pinpointing for the world.
The precious identity of his son. It is, it was not until John saw the spirit of God, descending on Jesus and heard the voice. This is my son that he knew that this is the son of God. And we can read of that in John chapter one verses 31 through 34, John chapter one verses 31 through 34<inaudible>. And I knew him not,
but that he should be made manifest Israel, therefore MII come baptizing with water and John bear record saying, I saw the spirit descending from heaven, like a dove and in a boat upon him. And I knew him not, but he, that sent me to baptize with water. The same set unto me upon whom thou shall see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same as he,
which baptized it with the Holy ghost. And I saw in bear record that this is the son of God can also read of this in Matthew chapter three, verses 16 and 17, Matthew chapter three, verses 16 and 17, kind of as a, as it is happening. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him.
And he saw the spirit of God, descending like a dove and lightning upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Of course John’s baptism is no longer valid. And we can read of how we know this is not valid through acts chapter 18, and we’ll read 18 verses 24 through 19 five acts chapter 18 verses 24 through 19 five.<inaudible>.
If anybody feels like reading a little bit longer reading, you can read that one<inaudible> They took him perfectly. He was disposed to pass into the<inaudible> the scriptures about Jesus Through verse five of the next chapter. Okay. And it came to pass. Having passed through the upper coast, came to Ephesus and he said, unto them only girls that you believe.
And I said to him, we have not so much as<inaudible>. And he sent them to them and to that, into what he baptized. And they said unto John’s baptism then said, Paul, John barely baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him. What should come after him? That is on the cross Jesus.
When they heard this, they were baptized. So we see an effect that this baptism of John Paul is telling them it’s no more. You can’t get baptized in the baptism of John. After the death of Christ, you have to be baptized into Christ. John’s baptism, paralleled new Testament, baptism in the sense that both were for forgiveness of sins, but John’s baptism was transitional in nature,
preparing Jews for their Messiah baptism after the cross is for all people, Matthew 28, 19, we know baptizing them in the name of the father and the, about going to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy ghost. They’re supposed to baptize in Jesus’s name, Luke 24 47, Luke chapter 24 and verse 47.
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And then again in acts chapter two, verse 38, every one of you repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. And then also in verse acts chapter 19 and verse five, when they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
They were supposed to be baptized into his death, Romans chapter six and verse three, Romans six and verse three. Someone wants to read that one, Romans chapter six and verse three<inaudible>. And they were to be baptized in his death in order to be clothed with him. Galatians chapter three and verse 27, Galatians three 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ,
have put on Christ and to put after putting on Christ, they were added to his church, acts chapter two and verse 47, acts chapter two and verse 47, praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be saved. Also, we can read this when Paul writes to the Corinthians in first Corinthians chapter 12 in verse 13,
For by one spirit, we are all baptized into one body body. Whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink of one spirit, we must not use Jesus’s baptism to suggest that salvation occurs prior to the autism Jesus’s baptism was before his death eluding to the baptism after his death. The second objection that we hear most often is the thief on the cross was not baptized and he was saved.
So first of all, there’s no telling if the thief on the cross was baptized. I believe errands actually said that in one of his classes before, when we read in Luke 23, 42 through 43, if someone wants to read Luke 23, 42 through 43, And he said, Jesus, Lord, remember me? Remember that into thy kingdom? Go ahead.
Jesus said to them, barely I say today, she’ll either paradise. So clearly the thief knew about the kingdom come because he told Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom. Now cross reference that with Matthew chapter three, verses one through six, Matthew chapter three verses one through six. And those days came John, the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this.
As he, that was spoken of by the prophet, Assiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his path straight. And the same, John has his Raymond of camel’s hair and a leathern girdle about his loins and his meat was of locusts and wild honey then went out to him, Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region,
roundabout Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. So we know that John was preaching the kingdom come the kingdom of heaven. So it is possible that this man, the thief on the cross, her John’s message that knew about the kingdom come. And if he heard the message, it is possible that at one point in time,
it’s a lot of conjecture, but it’s possible that he was baptized at one point in time. And to John’s baptism just fell away, back into his old ways. What do you mean? I mean, did they have to be bad talks? Cause that was before He, Okay. Let’s get there. Okay. So when, when we, uh,
when we handle a, write the word of truth, as in second Timothy, two 15, you’re supposed to study to show yourself approved unto God, a Workman, not needing to be ashamed, handling accurately, the words of truth. And we see that the thief was not subject to the new Testament command or of immersion because this command was not given until after the thief’s death.
It was not until Christ was resurrected that he said he who believes and is baptized will be saved Mark 16, 16. It was not until Christ death, that the old Testament Cece signified by the tearing of the temple curtain, which we can read of in Matthew 27 51, Matthew chapter 27 in verse 51<inaudible>. So when Jesus died, he took away the old Testament,
nailing it to the cross cautions chapter two in verse 14, Clawson’s collagen’s two and verse 14<inaudible>. So he nailed the old Testament to the cross. The old covenant to the cross, the word Testament means covenant or will the last will. And Testament of Christ is the new Testament, which consists of those teachings that apply to people after the death of Christ.
If we expect to receive the benefits of the new Testament, which our salvation forgiveness of sin and eternal life, we must submit to the terms of the will for which Christ is mediator, Hebrews chapter nine and verse 15 shows us that Christ is the mediator for the will and for this cause he is the mediator of the new Testament. That by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they,
which are called might receive the promise of internal inheritance for where a Testament is. There must also of necessity be the death of the test. Dater for a Testament is of after men are dead. Otherwise it is of no strength at all. While the test dater lives, Hebrews nine, 16, and 17. So that I liken this to you, have a wealthy relative,
and they say in their will, if you are married by the time I die, then you’ll are after by a certain time after I die, then you’ll receive a million dollars. Okay, you can’t go and get that married and get that million dollars right now, it’s in his will. You can’t receive it until after he passes away. Then you can receive that money as the same way with the,
with the salvation through Christ baptism. So prior to the Lord’s death and the ceiling of the new Testament, the baptism for the forgiveness of sins, that would be in effect after the crucifixion was not a requirement for those who saw it to be acceptable to God, indeed. While Jesus was on earth in person, he exercises authority to forgive sin. And we can read that in Matthew chapter nine verses one through six Matthew chapter nine verses one through six It’s on the city and the whole,
they brought to him the main<inaudible> and Jesus said, thank you. He is easier to say that to be forgiven me to say that you may know that the son of man has each of the sick of the palsy. So Jesus himself lets us know that he had the power to forgive sins while he was on earth. People. Now, however, live during the Christian era of religious history prior to Christ’s death,
there were no Christians. And we know that because the first mention of Christians is in acts chapter 11 a year or so after his death and verse 26, acts 11 and verse 26. And when he had found him, he brought him on to Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year. They assembled themselves with the church and taught much people.
And the disciples were called Christians first and Antioch. So for a person to reject water baptism as a prereq prerequisite to salvation on the basis of what the thief did or did not do is comparable to Abraham seeking salvation by building an arc, because that is what Noah did to please God, not, not Abraham. It would be like the rich young ruler from the parable in Matthew chapter,
19 refusing Christ directive to sell all of his possessions because wealthy King David did not have to sell his possessions in order to please God, we can’t base what we did, what we do on what they did in the old Testament. The thief on the cross could not have been baptized the way the new covenant stipulates you and I must be baptized, but why let’s read Romans six,
three and four, Romans chapter six verses three and four. So many of us baptized Jesus Christ baptized<inaudible>. So this passage teaches us that if we wish to acquire newness of life, we must be baptized into Christ death. We must be buried with Christ in baptism and then be raised from the dead. And there was no way for the thief to comply with this new Testament baptism.
It was impossible because Christ was not dead yet. He was still on the cross. Christ had not been buried. He had not been raised. And in fact, none of God’s ordained teachings pertaining to salvation in Christ and in his body. The church had been given. Let’s read about the salvation in Christ. Second Timothy chapter two in verse ten second, Timothy chapter two and verse 10.
Therefore I endure all things for the elect sake that they may also obtain the salvation, which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory, his body, as the church, we can see in acts chapter two in verse 47, acts chapter two and verse 47, praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be saved.
And we’ll reference that with, excuse me, we’ll referenced that with Ephesians chapter one verses 22 and 23 Ephesians chapter one 22 and 23, and have put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all And the church, which Christ shed blood purchased.
We can read it in acts chapter 20 in verse 28, the purchasing of the church by Christ’s blood acts 20 and verse 28, Take heed, therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood. He had the church had not been established and was not set up until weeks later we read in acts chapter two.
So we must not look to the thief as an example of salvation. Instead, we must obey from the heart, that form of doctrine, Romans six 17, the form of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection through baptism, Romans six, three and four, as we read earlier only then can we be made free from sin to become the servants of righteousness,
Romans six, 18. So we cannot gain. There’s nothing to learn from the thief on the cross, other than Christ’s mercy and his grace and the fact that he was able to forgive sins here on earth. Another objection that we go ahead, John. I know all that. That’s always been mine when somebody brings it up. Well, that was before the new law.
That was the other law. So would it matter? Plus Jesus said it. So, so it didn’t matter either way, but, but I mean, before that, were you supposed to have been baptized with John’s baptism or were y’all you and Aaron saying, well, he may have in fact crossing fine Donovan, just out of a hell, Just out of a curiosity.
You can’t say that he wasn’t baptized because it’s a possibility because he knew that he knew when he spoke to Jesus on the cross of the kingdom, it’s a possibility that he had heard John’s message and that he was baptized into John’s baptism. But you, you weren’t supposed to be baptized into John’s baptism. That was a precursor to get people ready for Christ’s coming one.
That’s why in acts chapter 18 and 19, we read that when Paul found the disciples who had been baptized into John’s baptism after Christ had passed away, they had to correct that and they were baptized into Christ instead. So the baptism of John was moot. It’s it’s a very good, I use it when I’m studying with people who say, well, I was already baptized into the Baptist church and I was immersed.
So that works. No, it doesn’t. You have to be baptized for the right reason. And, and your baptism doesn’t count. We have to go back and go over this and show you, Hey, you have to be baptized into Christ for the correct reasons. Alright, is that good? Okay. So the Bible says, Christ stands at the door of your heart and all we have to do to be forgiven of sin and become a Christian is to invite him into your hearts.
That’s what people say. We hear that all the time. I went to a Christian rock concert with one of my friends a long time ago. Um, and I’ve never been a fan of Christian rock music, but they always, at the end of their jam sessions would say, let’s, let’s sit here and won’t, we’ll invite the Lord into our hearts.
This is not something that we can do. And it’s no doubt startling to discover that the Bible simply does not say anything about inviting the Lord into your heart. The phrase ology here of inviting the Lord into your heart is reminiscent of revelation. Chapter three in verse 20, which we should be somewhat versed with since we’ve been going over revelation revelation chapter three in verse 20,
if someone wants to read that<inaudible> So this passage is usually what they invoke to, to give that idea that they can just invite Christ into their hearts and they’ll be saved. But if you examine what revelation three 20 actually teaches revelation chapters two and three consists of seven specific messages directed to seven churches of Christ in Asia minor in the first century, thus at the outset,
we must recognize that revelation three 20 is addressed to Christians. This is this. What Jesus is saying is to people who are already baptized, who are already saved, not non-Christian seeking conversion into Christ. Second revelation three 20 is found among Christ remarks to the church in Laodicea. Jesus made clear that the church had moved into a lost condition. Let’s go ahead and read revelation chapter three,
and we’ll start in verse 14 and read through the end of the chapter if you’re there or if you’re, if you’re not there, go ahead and get there. Revelation chapter three, and we’ll begin in verse 14, Hey And unto the angel of the church of the layout of scenes, right? These things, Seth, the amen, the faithful and true witness.
The beginning of the creation of God. I know that works. That thou art neither cold nor hot, I would thou word cold or hot. So then, because thou are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth because they’ll say us, I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. And no,
it’s not. That thou are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me. Gold, tried and fire that thou mayest be rich. And w and white Raymond, that thou mayest be clothed. And that the shame of dynamicness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with iSolve. And that dowel may see as many as I love.
I rebuke and chasten be zealous, therefore, and repent. You’re not going to tell us someone to repent. If they haven’t gone away. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him. And he, with me to him that overcome it,
will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame. And I’m sat down with my father in his throne, he that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit Seth, until the church and to the churches. So the members were unacceptable to God since they were lukewarm. As we read in verse 16, they had become unsaved since their spiritual condition was wretched and miserable and poor and verse 17 less in a very real sense.
Jesus had abandoned them by removing his presence from their myths. Now he was on the outside looking in and he still wanted to be among them. But the decision was up to them as ones that had fallen away, they had to recognize his absence, hear him knocking for admission and open the door. All of which has figurative language indicating their need to repent in verse 19,
as we read, they needed to return to the obedient lifestyle, essential to sustaining God’s favor. Let’s read John chapter 14 verses 21 and 23, John 14, 21 and 23. He that hath my commandments and keep it them. He is that he is that loveth me. And he, that loveth me shall be loved of my father. And I will love him and will manifest myself to him.
And then verse 23, Jesus answered and said unto him. If a man love me, he will keep my words. And my father will love him. And we will come unto him and make our abode with him. So observe revelation, chapter three in verse 20, and no way supports the idea that Christians merely have to open the door of their heart and invite Jesus in with the assurance that the moment they,
uh, mentally or verbally do. So Jesus comes into their heart and they are simultaneously saved from all past sins and have become Christians. There’s nothing in this verse that even remotely says that the context of revelation three 20 shows that Jesus was seeking readmission into an apostate church. This, this has nothing to do with, except me into your heart. And you’ll be saved.
This is everything to do with except me back. And I want to be, I want to be a part of your lives. I want you to be saved. And right now you are not. That’s why he spewed them out of his mouth. So does the Bible teach that Christ comes in, comes into a person’s heart? Yes, but not in the way that the religious world suggests,
for instance, Ephesians chapter three and verse 17, somebody read Ephesians chapter three in verse 17. Just the first part of it. Yes. So this States that Christ dwells in the heart through faith. Faith can be acquired only by hearing biblical truth. Romans 10, 17, Romans chapter 10 and verse 17. We all know most of us know that one.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, I knew I’d get to that one and forget that I was going to quote it. When, when Bible truth is obeyed, the individual is saved by faith, Hebrews five and verse nine, Hebrews chapter five and verse nine, and being made perfect. He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.
Also James chapter two in verse 22 CSL how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made. Perfect. And first Peter chapter one and verse 22, Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren. See that you love one another with a pure heart fervently. So thus Christ enters our lives.
When we draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience or repentance and our bodies washed with pure water or baptism Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 22. So the next objection that we constantly hear is a person is saved the moment he accepts Christ as his personal savior, which proceeds and therefore excludes water baptism.
All you have to do is accept that Jesus is your savior, okay? To suggest that all one has to do to receive forgiveness of God and become a Christian is to mentally accept Jesus into his heart and make a verbal statement to that effect. It is to dispute the declaration of Jesus in Matthew chapter seven in verse 21, someone read Matthew chapter seven in verse 21.
Not everyone will say<inaudible>, which is, But to be sure, oral confession of Christ is one of the prerequisites to salvation. And you can’t be saved just by confessing Christ, but it is one that you have to do. Romans chapter 10 and verse 10 for, with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation,
but Jesus said there is more to becoming a blood bought follower of his, then verbally calling on his name or inwardly accepting him as your savior. He stated that before we can ever consider ourselves as God’s children or Christians, we must show our acceptance of his gift through outward obedience. He that does the will of my father. He said in Matthew notice the significant contrast Jesus made the difference between mental or verbal determination to accept and follow the Lord versus verbal confession.
Coupled with action or obedience three James chapter two verses 14 and verse 17, James two 14 and 17.<inaudible> What does it profit? My brother, even though a man say he had faith and have not works, can faith save him? And then verse 17, even so faith, if it has not works is dead being alone. This is why we must do everything the Lord has indicated,
and it must be done prior to salvation. Jesus is telling us that it is possible to make the mistake of claiming. We have found the Lord when we have not done what he plainly told us to do. Jesus said most assuredly. I say to you, unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
John chapter three in verse five, Jesus also stated he who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned Mark 16, 16, honestly, have you accepted Christ as your personal savior and the way he said it must be done. That’s what you would ask someone that says, that says this, this excuse he asks,
but why do you call me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say in Luke chapter six 46. So this whole, this whole argument that they have, that all you have to do is accept Christ into your heart is completely moot. If they just read God’s word. The another objection that we hear quite often is we are clothed with Christ and become his children when we place our faith in him.
So the faith only belief let’s read Galatians chapter three verses 26 and 27, Galatians three verses 26 and 27.<inaudible> Thank you. The word put on are a translation of the Greek verb and duo this signifies to enter into, to get into, or as into clothes or just to put on, can we be saved prior to putting Christs on or being clothed with Christ?
Of course not, but when and how does one put on Christ? According to Paul, when one is baptized in water, those who teach, we can be saved before baptism in reality teaching, we can be saved without, with while being spiritually naked and without Christ. Paul affirms that we put on Christ at the point of our baptism, not before our baptism.
Paul wrote these words to people who were already saved. They had been made sons of God by faith, but how, how are they made, been made sons of God by faith, through their baptism? And at what point have they been clothed with Christ after baptism? And when were they made sons of God by faith, after their baptism? And when,
so when were they saved after their baptism? Paul makes the answer to these questions. Very plain. They were United with Christ, had put on Christ and were clothed with Christ when they were baptized. And then you would ask them, ask yourself if you have been clothed with Christ, honestly, because they haven’t, they haven’t been baptized. They believe all I have to do is have faith.
Another objection we hear quite often is baptism is like a badge on a uniform that merely gives evidence that a person is already saved the new Testament. Nowhere expounds. The idea that baptism is merely a badge, or as we often hear it, an outward sign of an inward grace. Yes. Baptism can biblically be referred to as a symbolic act, but what it,
but what does it symbolize? Does it symbolize previous forgiveness? No, you’re not forgiven before you’re baptized, you’re baptized for the remission of your sentence. Romans chapter six indicates that baptism symbolize the previous death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Thus, the benefits of Jesus’s death, burial and resurrection. Remember Jesus’s blood, which blots out sin was shed in the context of his death,
burial and resurrection, and were realized and received by the individual. When he obediently impenitent faith submitted to a similar ordeal, the death of his own old man or body of sin, as we can read in Romans chapter six and verse six, Romans chapter six and verse six, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed.
That henceforth we should not serve sin, burial immersion into a watery tomb and resurrection rising from the watery tomb. That’s that’s our death and burial and resurrection is going down into the grave and coming back up and in baptism, denominational doctrine maintains that forgiveness of sin is received prior to the optimism. If so the new life of the saved individual would also begin prior to baptism.
Yet. Paul said the new life occurs after baptism. As we read. He reiterated this in cautions cautions chapter two in verse 11, three, Colossians chapter two in verse 11, and whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ. This is accomplished in the context of water,
immersion, and being risen with him. And as we read in verse 12, right after that, buried with him in baptism wherein also, ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who have to raise him from the dead chapter Three of Colossians in verse one, if ye, then be risen with Christ, seek those things, which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
This draws the important observation. If you were raised with Christ and undeniable reference to baptism. So you’re raised up out of, out of the Baptist waters of baptism, like Christ was raised from the dead. You seek those which are above and undeniable reference to the new life, which follows not proceeds baptism. So baptism is, is, uh, something that you do because you’re commanded to,
and then the Lord knows who you are. It is not an outward sign of an inward grace, right? I’m going to stop right there. Cause that’s the end of that objection. And we’re almost out of time. So you are dismissed for the time being, I’m sorry if I was moving a little fast, um, no Catholics, Good evening and welcome to the devotional period of our Wednesday night Bible study.
I’ve got a few announcements that we need to make. And first of all, I guess I might as well tell you the story of Aaron since it happened out at our house, I did not see it, but, uh, as I understand what happened, we had decided we were going to go canoeing a week or so ago and the weather was not cooperating just wonderfully.
Well, so we kind of postponed a canoe trip and Eddie and Aaron were coming out to canoe in our pond and let the boys play in the kayak and kind of get used to that sort of thing. And like I say, I didn’t see it. I was with one of the boys down, uh, at the pond. But, uh, as I understand,
we have a tree that leans pretty, uh, severely in our backyard and the kids play on it all the time. Our grandkids, well, Aaron had walked up the tree or climbed up the tree and he was going to get down and he decided against Eddie’s wishes. And I guess also Diana’s wishes. He decided he would jump down. And, uh,
I did measure the, the limb that he jumped from and it’s about 10 feet give or take an inch or two, but as he landed, he kind of fell backwards and he caught himself with his left hand and it put a twist on it and he has snapped his radius, the smaller of the two in his wrist, just above the wrist. It’s real close there.
I know it was swelling almost immediately and it’s been extremely painful. So he is scheduled for surgery when the swelling goes down. And that is October 1st now. So it’s going to have to be a little while that he’s a good bit of pain. That’s the story is I, I knew it. Okay. Other, uh, of our sick, remember Dorothy and Rodale Wilson.
Um, they suffer from their chronic problems. Joan Springer still has her problems and both Marie and Joan have been quarantine, uh, having been exposed to the COVID 19 virus. Um, that’s all I know about that. Keep Pam chafing in your prayer. She’s doing very nicely. She had back surgery a couple of weeks ago and is healing up nicely.
In fact, we saw her Saturday. She was here at, uh, Gladys Lyle’s birthday, a celebration out in the parking lot. Sylvia is not here tonight, but I understand, uh, her, um, spinal block did not do much good. I hope she’s doing, doing better. Janet Jones broke her hip and she is no longer in Germantown Methodist,
but she has been moved to the Memphis Jewish home. And she’s in room one, two, three, that’s even. I can remember that one. Um, Mickey Stewart that’s Becky’s brother-in-law, uh, was involved in a bicycle accident and he has passed away as a result of his injuries. Um, they think he possibly had a heart attack before, as he was riding his bicycle and he never really regained consciousness,
I guess, from that. So, uh, keep back in your prayers, Ron Wallace that’s, uh, Jacob’s father. And you remember Jacob is, uh, Eric and Cheryl’s, uh, son-in-law is in the hospital dealing, uh, with a couple of different days and a couple of different episodes of, uh, real low blood sugar. And,
um, that, uh, is the dangerous part when your blood sugar gets low is when you tend to, um, have the biggest chance of lapsing into a coma and not really recovering from it. That’s all of the sick I’m aware of. Uh, I wanna say thank you to Cassandra and Paula. You might remember there was a big pile of limbs out here under the,
under the tree that has fallen off over a period of a fair amount of time. Anyway, they moved those out to the street and did the city pick them up or did you have to dispose of it? Okay. Well, thank you for moving them. I saw it the other day and said I really ought to do that. And that’s, as far as I got anyway,
that’s all the announcements I have. Thank you once again for your presence here. Our song leader tonight for our devotional, uh, will be Joe. Um, Michael Dale has our devotional and Terry Whitney will lead us in a closing prayer. Thank you. If you would be marking your books for nine Oh two, that will be our song of encouragement nine Oh two and then turn your books to number 528.
Hi there, my real name or list and never pray for me. I know eternal life.<inaudible> I know, I know that my real name. I know, I know it turn on life.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> my<inaudible><inaudible> and I should Holy the N word and all the, and then ah, yes, only if they may see when I’m there,
sir. Life ring. I know, I know that my<inaudible> side. No, I know you turn on life.<inaudible> yeah.<inaudible> hi.<inaudible> my<inaudible>. I know that over yonder stands up played, uh, for me<inaudible> with most wander<inaudible>. I know, I know that my real name or sign. No, I know you turn online thing.
I know, I know<inaudible> It’s evening. I’m going to speak to you about the kindness, kindness of fruit of the spirit, Galatians chapter five verses 22 through 23, Galatians chapter five verses 22 and 23. But the fruit of the spirit is love joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance against such. There is no law as kindness as a part of God’s nature.
It is clearly identified as being part of that, which is faith, which the faithful Christian is to possess. William Barclay suggests kindness is the virtue of a man whose neighbor’s wellbeing is as important to him as his own. First. We must understand that kindness is a virtue that is universally admired, but the special Mark that distinguishes Christian kindness is a continuation.
Even when it is not wanted, appreciated or returned. The natural unexpected thing is to be kind to your own and to return favor for favor. Jesus wants his disciples to do more than that. He desires for us to imitate the perfect example of the father, Matthew chapter five verses 46 through 48, Matthew chapter five verses 46 through 48 for if he loved them,
which love you, what reward heavy do, not even the publicans the same. And if you salute your brother and only what do you more than others do, not even the publicans. So be therefore perfect. Even as your father, which is in heaven is perfect. We are to do out of kindness for all without hope of a reward. Luke chapter six verses 31 through 35,
Luke six 31 through 35. And as he would, that men should do to you do ye also to them, likewise for a fee, love them, which love you. What thing have ye for sinners also love those that love them. And if you do good to them, which do good to you, what thing have E for sinners also do even the same.
And if he lend to them, four of whom he hoped to receive what think heavy for centers also lend to sinners to receive as much again, but love your enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing again. And your reward shall be great. And you shall be the children of the highest for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
Second, we need to understand that because God is kind, his people can also be kind bearing. The fruit of the spirit is a process where the old way of life is replaced with the character traits, belonging to a Holy God. We need to know that kindness, the kindness of God has the power to motivate repentance, Romans chapter two and verse four,
or despise us now the richest of the goodness and forbearance and long suffering. Not knowing that the goodness or kindness of God lead at the, to repentance through this knowledge, we can understand that the kindness of Christians can achieve great results. Jesus command his commands us to be kind to our enemies. Matthew chapter five verses 44 and 45, Matthew five 44 and 45.
I say unto, you love your enemies. Bless them. That curse. You do good to them that hate you and pray for them, which despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be the children of your father, which is in heaven for he makes it his son to rise on the evil and on the good and send us rain on the,
just, and the unjust. The fruit of kindness has the power to overcome the evil of those who are unkind toward it. Romans chapter 12, verses 20 and 21, Romans 12, 20 and 21. Therefore, if an enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst, give him drink for in. So doing thou shalt heap, coals of fire on his head,
be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. So how can the fruit of kindness be born? First? We are to be kind or gentle with our words. Let’s read Colossians chapter four in verse six, Colossians chapter four, and verse six. Let your speech always be with grace seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man.
And let us read what the wise man says and Proverbs chapter 16 and verse 24, Proverbs chapter 16 and verse 24. Pleasant words are as in honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Second, we must strive to be kind or good in our conduct. Galatians chapter six, verses one and two Galatians chapter six verses one and two brother-in-law.
If a man be overtaken in a fault, he which are spiritual restore, such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering myself less, they’ll also be tempted, bear ye one another’s burdens. And so fulfill the law of Christ and also in Romans chapter 15, verses one through three Romans chapter 15, verses one through three, when then that we then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the week and not to please ourselves,
let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification for even Christ, please not himself, but as it is written, the reproaches of them that reproach thee fell on me. Third, we should be kind or gracious in our thoughts and judgments of others. Matthew chapter seven, verses one through five Matthew chapter seven verses one through five judge.
Not that GB not judged for, with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged. And with what measure you meet, it shall be measured to you again. And why behold thou the mote that is in my brother’s eye, but consider us not the beam that is in nine Oni or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mode out of thine eye and behold,
a beam is in nine own. I thou hypocrite first cast out the beam out of dine Oni, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. A while ago, I read a meme on Facebook, uh, that put forth a worthy statement, and I decided to keep that meme so I could use it at a later time.
It stated if you cannot be a pencil to write someone’s happy, write someone happiness, try to be a nice eraser to remove someone’s sadness. Tonight. I charge you to cultivate the sweet disposition that it can be born only of kindness. Remember friend or foe. Everyone needs to hear the word of God, Romans 10 17 through our kind heart and love for the soul of mankind.
We must help as many as we can learn. God’s word to a point of belief, John eight 24, we must guide the lost and string through our, through our kind conduct to repent of their past live acts 17 verse 30. If those around us see the confession of Christ we give through our kind words and our actions. Every day, they may be led to a point of confessing Jesus as the Christ themselves,
Matthew 10 32. And through every kindness they see, and the fact that nothing ever takes away that kindness or that happiness in your heart, they may want that in their own lives. And that could lead them to baptism just through the way you live acts 2216. So if you have, if you have yet to heed the call, or if you need prayers of the church,
please come forward. As we stand and sing What can wash away?<inaudible> nothing but<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh, Let us pray our heavenly father. We thank you Lord for the privilege to come into your house tonight and, and learn your word, Lord, we thank you for Michael that presented your word tonight,
Lord, and just let us apply it to everyday life. Lord, we pray for the ones that are sick or blouse loss will our lost, loved ones. Lord, just comfort them. We ask that you be with Aaron and confront him at this time, Lord, and just we thank you for loving us, Lord, we thank you for forgiveness,
the bark, thins and happiness up Lord. When we stumble Lord, as we leave tonight, just Greenwich travel safety and bring us back at the next appointed time. We ask this in your precious name. Amen.
Ephesians 5:17-18 – Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit
If you want to know what God wants for you in your life, here’s one thing that I know you won’t be doing.
In Ephesians. chapter five, verse 17, we read, Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation.
Paul says, you want to understand the will of God, stay away from alcohol.
For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit
For more from Aaron Cozort, visit For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit For more from ETBN, visit To listen to Christian Radio 24 hours per day, visit and choose a station.
Ephesians 5:22 – For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.
Whose responsibility is it, in a husband and wife relationship, to make sure that the wife is submitting to her own husband?
We read in Ephesians chapter five, verse 24, Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
Wives, this is not the husband’s responsibility to force upon you. It is your responsibility to do so the same way you submit to Christ, to be submissive as you submit to Christ.
For more from Aaron Cozort, visit For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit For more from ETBN, visit To listen to Christian Radio 24 hours per day, visit and choose a station.
Ephesians 5:19 – Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, Transcript:
We often ask the question for what should we pray? And we often consider that idea.
But have you considered the same thing should be said about our singing? For we read in Ephesians chapter five, that we ought to speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God.
When we sing, one of the things that we ought to be doing is giving thanks to God and praising Him.
For more from Aaron Cozort, visit For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit For more from ETBN, visit To listen to Christian Radio 24 hours per day, visit and choose a station.
Jude said that the faith was once for all delivered to ______. Jude 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Not an example of the eternally lost included by Jude is (a) nonbelievers led out of Egypt, (b) unfaithful angels, (c) the Philistines, or (d) inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jude 5-7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
________ was used as an example of being courteous in his defense. Jude 5-10 How should Christians treat false teachers? Jude 9, 22 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jude did not compare the false teachers of his time to (a) Absalom, (b) Cain, (c) Balaam, or (d) Korah. Jude 11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What did the false teachers say about Jesus? Describe these characteristics of the false teachers: (a) immoral, (b) unreasoning animals, (c) hypocrites, (d) murmurers and complainers, (e) respecter of persons, and (f) divisive. Jude 4, 12, 16, 19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe the talk of false teachers. Who caused divisions? Jude 16-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the only one who can keep Christians from stumbling? Jude 24 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. We are in the book of Jude. We’re going to cover the entire book in one class. I hope just Throw that caveat there on the end. I hope. I think we’ll get it done. It’s good to see everybody out in this morning. Uh, good to have our visitors with us and we appreciate their presence.
We appreciate each and every one of you being out and, uh, man, we’re just having a gorgeous day. Aren’t we? We could just, if we could have had this all summer long, I’d have been fine, but I’m from the North, so I’ll get over it. Alright. Let’s uh, begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll start our class gracious father in heaven.
We bound before your throne at this time, grateful for the day that you’ve grained into us, the life and the energy and the blessings that we have to be able to assemble together, to be able to study your word, to be able to reflect on what it is that you have revealed to us in scripture, that we might know how to live and how to be,
uh, doing things that are acceptable to you. We pray that as we go through this period of study, the things that we learn and the things that we read, we might apply them to our hearts and our minds. We might grow closer to you in faith and a knowledge and an understanding. We also pray for our country. We pray for its leadership and the leadership of every country throughout the world.
May they make choices that promote good? May they make choices that bring forth righteousness among nations, and may they make choices that provide opportunities to teach those in the world, your gospel, and be able to bring them the truth. We pray that you’d be with those who are traveling. Those who are dealing with difficulties, we pray for all those who are in need in one form or another,
that you will be with them and that they will seek your comfort and your mercy, your grace, but also your will. And they might live in accordance with that. Will we ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and help us to always have a mind willing to repent when we do that, which is wrong, we pray most especially.
And thank you most, especially for your son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, without whom we would have no hope. All this. We pray in Jesus name and men, Jude, a bond servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James. This letter begins with Jude introducing himself. We’ve mentioned many times throughout our studies. One of the reasons why the writer’s name comes first,
and that is primarily because you were dealing with scrolls and in the day and time where you dealt with scrolls it’s you began on scrolling it as you were reading it. And the first thing you wanted to know is who did it come from? Well, so they would put their name first, generally speaking. And so Jude begins by identifying himself as the bond servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of whom James likelihood is based upon what we know from history and,
and the traditions that have been passed down throughout time, that this is most likely Jude, the half brother of Jesus, the brother of James, who was an elder and the author of the book of James. We identify this as most likely being that James, simply because James, the apostle wasn’t alive at this point, what happened to James? The apostle,
the brother of John. He was beheaded by Herod back in acts chapter 12. So James James, the apostle is no longer around the likelihood is this is the same James that is spoken of in the book of Galatians. The same James that is spoken up in acts chapter 15, who was one of the elders in the church at Jerusalem, who was by all indications of scripture,
the half brother of Jesus. And we bring that forward and we bring that to, to our minds to remind us that James and Jude, another half brother of Jesus, neither one of them were those who were following Jesus when he was on this earth, what do we read? Just a few of the details concerning the brothers and the sisters of Jesus.
Give me one example. There was a feast going on and his brothers came and said, what to him. You remember? No, that’s, that’s in John three. This is later on in the book of John, his brothers come to him and there’s, there’s a feast going on in Jerusalem. And he’s still with them in Nazareth. And they say,
well, why don’t, if you are who you claim, you are go up to the feast and show yourself to the people, declare yourself, be like a prophet and go prophesied because the people are all in Jerusalem. So they’re encouraging him, but somewhat in a mocking sense, if you are who you claim, you are, then go declare yourself before the people.
But we also realize, as we read through the book of acts, that those, there were many of those who, who he was before his death and realized who he was after his resurrection. And it seems to be that his half-brothers were those who were in that group now, who was a contrast among his physical family, who was a contrast to that?
Well, among, among his physical family, his mother, because you re you read there at the cross of Mary, you read of Mary among the group of disciples and the 120 disciples in acts, chapter one, you read of her presence all the way through. So it’s not just, and, and going back to the, the situation in John chapter three,
I think it is, uh, the wedding. Uh, that’s not John three. What is what John three is Nicodemus. Uh, anyway, uh, Mary comes to Jesus and says, w they’re they’re out of wine. And, and he says, my time is not yet. She knows what he’s talking about, John too. Okay. That was chapter off.
Um, so you’ve got a contrast here. Their mother understood, but their mother had been spoken to by whom an angel there, their mother knew what happened and convinced. I mean, I don’t know if any of y’all have ever had this experience with your children, but you know, where you tell them this is what happened and they don’t believe you.
I know no parents have ever gone through that. But, uh, you know, this is, this is the situation they didn’t understand. They didn’t believe who he was until he was resurrected. And that changed everything because now, I mean, they grew up in a nation that had profits. That’s one thing, but believing he’s a prophet can versus believing.
He’s the Messiah. Two very different things. And they came to realize that he was the Messiah. Okay? Now he calls himself a bond servant of Jesus. And the brother of James said all of that previously to say, this Jude appreciates the difference between his two brothers. Jude appreciates the fact that his brother James, while a great man, while a prophet,
while an elder in the church is not his master, but his half brother Jesus is, he says, I’m a bond servant to one who I fought when I was younger was just my brother. But he says to those who are called sanctified by God, the father, and preserved in Jesus Christ. He identifies Jesus, not only as an individual, but in the same sort of sense that Paul uses it in the book of Ephesians as a location,
you go throughout the book of Ephesians and Paul writes over and over about being in Christ. He talks about being in Christ, being equal with being in the church when you’re part of the body of Christ your in Christ. And so Jude uses this language to say that we are sanctified by God, the father, but we are preserved in Jesus Christ because that is the place where salvation is found.
He says, mercy, peace and love being multiplied to you. He is writing to these Christians. And by the way, that is important. He is writing to Christians. Uh, this is not one of those epistles that’s written for those outside the church. It’s written for those inside the church. And so he’s writing to Christians and he says, mercy,
peace and love being multiplied. He doesn’t want them to just have mercy. He doesn’t want them to just have peace. He doesn’t want them to just have love. He wants them to have all three of those things. And in abundance, how do we get mercy? What is mercy? First and foremost, it’s not getting what we deserve. When you show mercy,
someone deserves judgment. And instead of giving them justice or judgment, they get mercy. Instead, we have another word in the English language that has a similar idea leniency. They didn’t deserve it, but they’re being provided leniency because of some situation, okay? Jude wants these Christians to have mercy. He wants God to multiply on them, not justice because we all sin and fall short of the glory of God,
because we all sin James or John wrote first John chapter one there in the end. He said, if a man says he has no sin, he’s a liar. And yet John writes all of the things that he writes. So he says, I’m writing these things to you. So you do not sin. But if you do see it, and we have an advocate with the father.
So what this mercy involves is this mercy involves the advocacy of Christ on our behalf. John also wrote in first John chapter one verses six and seven, that if we have fellowship with the father and with the son, the blood of Jesus Christ continues to cleanse us from our sins. Not that we’re, sinlessly perfect, but that the blood of Christ cleanses us as we fail as we sin that blood washes away those sins.
So you get mercy because you’re covered in the blood of Christ instead of judgment, because you’re covered in your sins. So he’s praying his, his, his desire for them is that they have mercy multiplied, but not only mercy multiplied, but peace multiplied. He wants them in a relationship with God, such that they are at peace. Not only with God,
but with one another. That again is that same idea that John writes about in first John chapter one, he keep bringing these two together because we’ve just finished. First. John John writes about the fellowship that we have with God, the father with Christ, the son, and as a result of our fellowship with God, the father and Christ, the son,
the fellowship we have with one another. Well, when you’re at peace with God, and when you’re at peace with this with Christ, then you ought to be at peace with one another. And he desires that that peace be multiplied as well. But then love. Love is something we’ve talked about a lot in the last couple of weeks. First, John chapter two first John chapter three first,
John chapter four, all three of those chapters, dealing with love and emphasizing that. When, if we love, God will love one another. If we don’t love one another, we don’t love God. Now God has already done his part in the relationship that we have. God continues to show us love, but God loved us. When we were unlovable.
God loved us before we loved him. That’s why he sent his son to die on the cross forests. Romans chapter five says that God loved us when we were yet sinners. And so we have the love of God presented to us. It’s there. It’s waiting. It’s waiting for us to take advantage of it and to love him in return. But what did John emphasize about?
Love that? If we love God, we’ll do what? Keep his commandments. First, John chapter two, he says my little children, verse one, these things I write to you so that you may not sin, okay? Here’s the objective I’m writing to you. So you don’t sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate, a lawyer,
a representative with the father, Jesus Christ, the righteous, and he himself is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the whole world. Now by this, we know that we know him. If we keep his commandments, he who says, I know him and does not keep his commandments. He is a liar and the truth is not in him,
but whoever keeps his word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. And by this, we know that we are in him. So John makes it clear that you don’t get love without obedience. You don’t get love without keeping the commandments of God. And God’s love isn’t perfected in you unless you’re in him. Okay? So Jude is going to write these.
He said all of that. It’s kind of his introductory statement. And now he’s going to address the people he’s writing to. And he addresses them as beloved. Those whom he cares deeply for those whom he loves. He says beloved. While I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you, exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith,
which was once for all delivered to the saints. Jude makes it clear. I wanted to write to you about a completely different topic. He even says I was very diligent. He was motivated and, and desirous and putting forth actions to write to them about their common salvation. Now, when he uses the word common here, he doesn’t mean ordinary. He doesn’t mean I want to write to you about this ordinary salvation that we have no,
this common shared salvation. And I think this is interesting because this is one of those times where you see and you see it a few other times in the new Testament where you see the Penman or in other, the apostle who wants to do one thing and God’s not letting him do it. He wants to do one thing, but God says, no,
this is more important. And you and I, we go through this. We look at things that are important. I mean, writing to these brethren about the common salvation, that would be important. We would put that on the list of good things to do, except it’s not what’s most important right then. So Jude is going to write one of the harshest letters in all the new Testament.
He is going to write one of the most, uh, abrupt letters of all the books of the new Testament. But before he does, he wants them to know I wanted to write something else. Instead, I wanted to write to you about our salvation, but instead, going to write to you about contending for the faith, the idea of to contend for something,
what does that mean? To struggle for something to strive for it, to defend something as well. You’re fighting on behalf of something and John, or excuse me, Jude wants these Christians to contend and not just content, but contend how earnestly this is a fight. This is a struggle. This is an action that they have to be vigorous about. He says,
I want you to contend earnestly for the faith, which was once for all the original language there carries with it. The force of once for all time delivered. Now Peter would write, and we just studied it a few weeks ago. Peter would write to Christians and say that they had received through the knowledge of Christ, all things that pertain to life and godliness.
That’s a very similar statement to what John Jude writes. I’m going to get off of calling him John in just a minute. What Jude writes here? Jude says the revelation of the gospel, the message from God, the revelation from God has been delivered in its entirety. Now what he doesn’t mean by that is this is the very last letter and the very last word you’ll ever receive from God.
That’s not what he means, but he means that they shouldn’t be looking for any new doctrines. They’re not to be looking for any new revelations and anyone who comes along trying to change. What they have been told is not from God. Go to Galatians chapter one, Galatians chapter one, Paul writes to the church at glacier in verse six, he says,
I Marvel. I Marvel. I am astounded, amazed and cannot comprehend. I Marvel that you are turning away so soon from him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel, which is not another, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than that,
which we have preached to you, let him be a curse. As we have said before. So now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have receive the emphasis there is you have already been delivered. The gospel Jude writes and says it’s been delivered once for all time. Go real quick to Hebrews chapter 10, or excuse me,
Hebrew chapter nine, Hebrews chapter nine beginning in verse 27, verse 28, carries with it a similar idea in the Greek. And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this, the judgment. So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many, the idea there in the Greek is once and never again, once for all time,
Christ is not being Resacrifice every week. Christ is not going to have to come and die again, because there was some lacking in what he did the first time he died. Once now in the book of Hebrews, that contrast is with the old Testament sacrifices that every day and every week and every year they were offering sacrifice after sacrifice, after sacrifice for sin,
never being able to be done, never being able to have a sacrifice sufficient as a substitute for their sin. Jude says the gospel very much like the sacrifice of Christ has been delivered and it’s not going to change so much like Paul warns those in Glacia. You’re turning away from the gospel. You received beat, not because the gospel is turning, the gospel’s not changing and you’re staying straight.
You are departing. So Jude makes it clear when I write this to you. It’s because people are departing it’s because there’s a need to contend and contend earnestly for the faith. But that also means something for us. It means 2000 years later, gospels still hasn’t changed. And anyone who changes the gospel is wrong. And we have a responsibility to contend for the faith,
the same way they did in 80 65. Okay? He says for certain men have crept in unnoticed who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and then nine, the only Lord, God, and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Notice a number of things that these men are doing. Number one,
they’re coming in amongst the Christians. And they’re coming in with the appearance of being Christians, but they’re not. They’re coming in with the appearance of being righteous and godly, but they’re not. How did the new Testament describe the way Satan would appear? He said, as an angel of light, now Peter warns us that he’s a roaring roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
But the reality is when you see the influence of Satan, you don’t generally see it as all evil. You see it as someone who looks really good, but inwardly he’s a servant of Satan. We have to be careful that we don’t just judge a book by its cover or judge a Christian by just what we see on Sunday. Jesus told his apostles as he was preparing to send them out.
And also later on, as he was preparing to leave this earth, he warned them that what they said in the closet would be shouted from the mountain. Tops. That warning is about hypocrisy. That warning is about preaching one thing publicly and saying something different privately. And that’s what these people were doing. They looked like they were saying the right thing,
but in the closet, in private, when they could get somebody away who they thought they could influence, they were teaching something entirely different. Notice what he says. He says they came in unawares, but that they were long ago, marked out for this condemnation. As he gets ready to unload on these people. And he is going to unload on them.
He wants the Christians to know these people stood condemned a long time ago. He’s going to bring forward their condemnation in a type, an antique type situation where he uses examples from the old Testament to bring forward. You already know what they’re going to be condemned for. Okay? This is not Jude saying these people were condemned from birth. These people were condemned before they were ever born.
None of this is not, it’s not always saying what he’s saying is these people are just like those people who God condemned in the past. So I’m going to show you what God did in the past. And you’re going to see the end of these people. So that’s what he means when he says they were condemned a long ago. But then he says,
they turn our grace of the grace of argon into lewdness. Here they are. They’re in there amongst the Christians they’re teaching and they’re taking grace. Now, grace is that unmerited favor. Grace is the love of God and the mercy of God not getting what we deserve, buddy. Instead getting something we don’t deserve. And they’re taking that grace and they’re promoting sin under the guise of grace.
And they’re bringing these Christians who are under their influence into destruction because they’re denying the Lord and they’re denying Christ and teaching them to follow after themselves. He says, verse five. I want to remind you though. You once knew this, that the Lord having saved people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed those who did not believe. Example, number one,
he says, God brought his people out of Egypt, but then when they turned against him, when they did not believe when they were there in the, in, at Mount Sinai. And then when they went into the land of Palestine, they were there at the edge of the promised land and they chose not to go in. They chose to rebel.
They chose to give in to their lust to give in to what they wanted and to turn against God, God destroyed them. So example, number one, God did it with Israel. They started off, right? But they rebelled and they were destroyed. Example number two, and the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode.
We don’t know. We don’t have a lot of information about this, but Jude says this. We know there were angels who did rebel and they as well were brought about their own condemnation. But then he also says he has reserved in everlasting chains, under darkness for the judgment of the great day. You remember when Jesus met the man there in the land of the Gadarenes they’re on the coast.
And he was the one who had a Legion of demons. And the demon said, it’s not our time yet. Have you come before the time to destroy us? There’s something those demons knew about Jesus and knew about their future that had been told to them, but they also knew the time wasn’t yet, right? The time wasn’t when God said it would be.
So again, we don’t know a lot about it, but juke says this. We know, but then he also says verse seven, as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in similar manner to these having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, three examples. He says Israel,
when they rebelled angels, when they rebelled Sodom and Gomorrah, when they were given an opportunity to repent and they wouldn’t, he says, likewise, also these referencing back to the present time, these dreamers, the file, the flesh, reject a foresty and speak evil of dignitaries. That is those who have a proper leadership position. Okay? He said,
they speak evil of those who were in charge. What it is, what it is real do when they got there to the edge of the promised land. And then they didn’t want to go into the land because they thought they’d be destroyed. What did they do? They wanted to replace who Moses. They said, we’ll kill Moses. And we’ll put someone else in charge and we’ll go back to Egypt.
They spoke evil of the one God had put in that position. Every time something went wrong, there was somebody who said, let’s just get rid of Moses. He’s the problem. Don’t worry. Nobody in our culture does that anymore. Verse nine, yet my goal that now he’s going to set a contrast. He says, here are the dreamers, the ones who defile the flesh,
the ones who reject authority, the ones who speak Eagle, evil of dignitaries. And yet here’s the contrast for them yet, Michael, the Archangel in contending with the devil. So, all right. So, so get the picture in your mind yet. What Jude’s trying to tell you, there was a point in time where here is an angel. Who’s in a literal contention with Satan himself.
And here’s what Michael does yet. Michael, the arching Archangel in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses dare not bring against him a reviling accusation. Now, who would he be? Reviled or bringing a reviling accusation against the devil. And yet there is what, what John or Jude Sam still doing. What Jude is trying to get these Christians to realize is this is something these false teachers would do in a heartbeat,
but an angel from heaven wouldn’t even do it against Satan. He says would not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said the Lord rebuke. You notice the angel placing himself under the authority of God and making sure the devil knows it’s not his words. It’s, God’s making sure the devil knows it’s not his judgment. That, that, that the devil needs to be worried about.
It’s the Lords. He’s setting forth an example of one who acts like a servant instead of one who you search the authority of the master. Okay? So then he says this, but these speak evil of these being a reference to the false teachers he’s is these speak evil of whatever they do not know and whatever they know naturally like brute beasts in these things,
they corrupted woe to them for. They have gone in the way of Cain have run greedily in the error of bailing for profit and perished in the rebellion of Korah three more examples. He gives, he says, Kane, who did what murdered his brother? Because his brother was what more righteous than him And Them who did what for money was willing to prophesize evil against those who were doing good and Cora who did what rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron saying,
you’ve taken too much on yourself. We’re just as Holy as you are. So you’ve got anger and murder. You’ve got false prophecy and, and a willingness for prophet to prophesize against those who are righteous and lead them into sin by the way. And then you’ve got rebellion against authority. Three more examples. He offers up saying the condemnation way back there is going to apply to these people too.
But then he goes, he says, these are spots in your love feasts while they feast with you. Without fear serving only themselves, they are cloud without water carried about by the winds late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead pulled up by the roots raging waves of the sea foaming up their own shame. Wandering stars from whom is reserved. The blackness of darkness forever.
He uses a series of analogies here to just get you to picture how value lists these people are. And yet they’re there in the midst of the Christians they’re being treated like brethren, they’re being treated like they’re faithful. They’re there with out fear and Jude’s making it clear. They shouldn’t be, he then says, now Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied about these men.
Also sometimes you’ll see in the new Testament where they say, uh, this person prophesied about this person, thousands of years later, Jesus did that. Matthew chapter 15. He said, Isaiah spoke of you. And he’s talking to the Pharisees. What is true in the, in the sense and how they’re saying this is he said it to someone in his day and yet to them.
And this person is just like that person, the, the Pharisees they’re in Matthew chapter 15, we’re being guilty of all the things Israel was guilty of in Isaiah chapter 28, 29, 30 and 31, which is the context of the prophecy of Isaiah. So they’re guilty of the same thing. Therefore there’s being spoken to by the prophet thousands of years or hundreds of years before and still applicable in that day,
he says, now Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied about these men also saying behold, the Lord comes with 10 thousands of his saints to execute judgment on all to all who were ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds, which they have committed in an ungodly way. And of all the harsh things, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. How many times is the word ungodly in that text?
A lot. Jude wants us to get a picture of what God’s view of these false teachers is. Their very definition is on godly. The opposite of godly. That’s these people who are claiming to be Christians and claiming to be teachers, by the way, that should reveal something to us, that all the way back in the first century, there are P there were people then just like,
there are people today who claim to be Christians and claim to be teachers, teaching people about Christ who are only promoting themselves verse 16. These are grumblers, complainer’s walking according to their own lust and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage, but you beloved. All right, he’s going to bring it back. He’s gone through all of this condemnation.
He’s going to bring it back to the Christians who are faithful, but you beloved remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord, Jesus Christ, how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lust. These are sensual persons who cause the vision and have it not having the spirit,
but you beloved building yourselves up on your most Holy faith, praying in the Holy spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ unto eternal life and some, and on some have compassion, making a distinction. He says, well, wait a minute. There’s going to be some people who are gonna make mistakes.
And they’re going to say the wrong thing, and they’re going to teach the wrong thing and you need to know the difference. There are some, you need to have compassion on because they’re novices and they just don’t know any better yet. Don’t treat them like the false teacher who stands in condemnation, treat them with compassion. He says on some, have compassion,
making a distinction, but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment, the file by the flesh. He says, you’ve got to be able to tell the difference between a Christian who’s unlearned and maybe as brought ideas in with them after, as they’ve become a Christian and as a novice, they’re still thinking in their old ways and they just need teaching.
And you need to know the difference between that type of person and the person who is being swallowed up by sin. And you’ve got a grasp them and wrench them out of the fire or their soul is going to be lost. We need to know when the time is to be a teacher. And when the time is to be a firefighter, we need to know the difference between pulling the cat out of a tree on a ladder and pulling somebody out of a burning building.
Both are in predicaments that they need to not be in, but you handle them differently. And Jude says, we need to know the difference. He says now to him, who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy to God, our savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty,
dominion, and power both now and forever. Amen. There is so much there at the end of June that I would like to spend time on, but we got finished. So, uh, Jube said question one that the faith was once for all delivered to the saints. Number two, not an example of eternally lost, included by John is a non believers or nonbelievers led out of Egypt.
Be unfaithful angels, see the Philistines or D inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. See the Philistines. Jude. Did I do it again while reading it? Wow. All right. Number three. Blank was used as an example of being courteous in his defense. Michael, how should Christians treat false teachers, compassion Or save with fear? Verse 23 also should have been tagged on that verse reference.
Um, Jude did not compare the false teachers of his time to a Absalom B Kane<inaudible> or D Cora. Hey, absolute question five. What did the false teacher say about Jesus? They denied him, describe these characteristics of the false teachers, and we didn’t go into a great deal of depth here, but, um, so we don’t really have a full description to necessarily give here,
but they’re immoral. They’re unreasoning animals, uh, C hypocrites, D murmurs, and complainer’s he respecter of persons F divisive or G all the above. I know we’re supposed to describe them. And sometime when we have time, we’re going to go through and describe them. Um, uh, number six, describe the talk of false teachers. Grumblers and complainer’s who caused divisions,
false teachers, who is the only one who can keep Christians from stumbling, God, our savior. All right, thank you for your attention will be dismissed until the worship hour.<inaudible><inaudible> Again, our service. We are so happy to be here today, and if you’re not able to be here for our Bible class at nine 30, we would certainly invite you to come and be with us for that period of time.
We, uh, Aaron did an excellent job on Jude and, uh, he always does a great job and you you’ll be glad you were here. It’s, it’s an interesting study. Each time we come together and we’re all strengthened by it. I want to welcome our visitors today. And we would ask if you don’t mind to fill out a visitor’s card and you can either drop that in the plate there on the table in the four year or in the back of the congregation are either give it to one of us.
And so we can have a record of you being here. If you did not get your communion, we would encourage you to do that. Now it’s provided there on those two tables on behind the back Pew. Uh, we want to make sure you’re aware of that. We do have a few that we want to remember that are sick of congregation. Joan Springer.
We’ll be having a bronchoscopy this Friday, uh, too. She’s been having some problems with, with something showing up on her lungs. So they’re going to go take a sample and see if they can figure out what her problem is through Dale Wilson, uh, is waiting for results of an echocardiogram. And we want to remember him. And then Dorothy,
Wilson has been diagnosed with high thyroid, uh, and, and she’s been put on some medication for that particular purpose. So keep them in mind. Pam shafing will be having back surgery, this coming, uh, Wednesday. So that’s pretty serious surgery that she’s going to be having. So keep her in your prayers. And then Sylvia pass. We’ll be having a nerve block this coming Friday.
And she said, she’s really looking forward to that. So I talked to her before services and what both of them are real anxious about it. Pam and Sylvia are real anxious about these procedures that are going to be going through. So keep them in your prayers. And we pray that everything will go well for them. Also Janet’s daughter, Janet, I met not Janet Janell is,
is having, uh, she, she has thyroid cancer. She’s in the hospital right now and is not doing well. So we certainly want to remember Janell in our prayers, perhaps others that we didn’t have on our list, but, uh, just look around and say, who’s not here and give them a call and let them know we’re missing them.
And if there’s anything that we can do for them, we’d like to do that. The August, the nationwide gospel meeting flyers are on the table. They’re in the four year. If you have not picked up one of those, and also we want to remind you, the ladies of ladies day at forest Hill is scheduled for August the 20 I’m at September 26th.
And you’re to reply before the end of the week, uh, the 28th, if you’re planning, planning on the 10 that attending that. So keep that in mind, let them know if you’re going to be there for that. I believe that’s all of our announcements. We’re, we’re certainly looking forward to our worship together. Uh, Michael Dale will be directing our song service J Shafir has our opening prayer.
Eric Halvorson will be conducting the Lord’s supper and also Aaron Cozort will be bringing us the message today. And then I will have the closing prayer. Let’s begin. I worship<inaudible> Our first song. This morning will be number 23. Our God, he is alive. Number 20, There is beyond the Azure blue God concealed from humans. He, this guy’s with<inaudible> and frame the words with his grade Maha.
There is a God. There is a God. He is, and him, we live and we survive from the<inaudible>.<inaudible> A long, long time. Ah, Oh, ah, God, here’s voice up profits. He is that God that we should know who speaks from his and spa. There is a God. There is a God. He is<inaudible> and we serve<inaudible>.
He is<inaudible> NA green<inaudible><inaudible> from autumn. Uh, God<inaudible> no, man, may search NAIC and not fun for God.<inaudible> there is a God and, ah, he is a law and him, we live and we survive from the<inaudible><inaudible> He is green<inaudible> Oh God. Who’s son upon a tree. He, uh, was willing there to<inaudible> from sin might said,
man, free and more with there is a God. There is a God. He is<inaudible>. And<inaudible> The song before our opening prayer will be number 837. I need the every hour number eight, three seven. I need the<inaudible> no. And a voice like, ahh,<inaudible> I need the, I need the<inaudible> the<inaudible> uh, to the,
uh, knee, the, uh, uh,<inaudible> uh, ah, I need the, I need the<inaudible> me now my say, uh, um, to the, uh, ni the, uh, very, uh,<inaudible> um,<inaudible><inaudible> the<inaudible> asked me now I say, uh, um, to the, uh, ni the,
uh, very, uh,<inaudible>, uh,<inaudible>, uh, uh, journey, the journey, the<inaudible> the, Oh, uh, it’s me now, my, eh, uh, um, to the Almighty God, our father in heaven. It is where the humble heart we come before your throne, this hour, acknowledging you as our creator,
the creator of this universe and all that entity is we realized father that we are so bounded by the element of time that we have difficulty understanding the concept of infinity and the concept of forever. But is those things that you have instilled within us, that we pray that we will have a deeper understanding. We’re so very grateful that you chose to create us and your image and to provide through your son.
I means of salvation that we may enjoy those concepts one day. We’re so very grateful that your son came to this earth and established the church. We’re so very grateful for the church that meets here at Collierville. We’re so very grateful for Abel pastor, Aaron and Eddie, as they labor here with us from Michael and Jessica is they also labor here. We pray for them a long and fruitful life in your service.
We also are mindful that we do from time to time fail, to keep your concepts. We do not keep your commandments as you would have us to do. We pray for those sins, that as we repent out of them and turn from him, we know that you’re faithful to forgive him, that we may stand whole and pure in your sight. And that you will hear our prayers.
We’re mindful of those that were mentioned in the announcements that are suffering from illnesses. We pray that your healing hands will be upon them, that they will once again, be restored to their much wanted health. We’re also mindful of the turmoil that’s within this country. We pray that unity will, once more rain, the leaders will look to your word for wisdom,
but they will guide us through these troubled times and then peace and order. Once more be restored. There are so many things that we’re so blessed with that we often fail to recognize all of those things, but we are grateful for this great country for the peace and harmony that we do enjoy. And we know all of these blessings come through you. As we go through the further exercise of this worship service,
we pray that our worship do, you will be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor. So in Jesus name that we pray, amen. Song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 383. Jesus. Keep me near the cross three 83. Jesus keyed me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and me<inaudible><inaudible> beams.
Uh, um, me<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> um, uh, uh, God Bri<inaudible> me, uh, me walk from day to day.<inaudible> me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> We’d like to take this opportunity to thank God for the greatest gift he has given Christians. And that is his son. Let’s go to our God and prayer.
God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, as we prepare to remember the sacrifice that you and your son Jesus made for us here on earth to thank you for having sent your son here, to live amongst us, to teach us most importantly, to provide us with the written word so that we would have a guide to live and serve you as Christians here on earth,
until that time comes that we can meet you in heaven. As we prepare to take this bread, help each and every one of us to remember what it represents net is his body that he sacrificed for us and for our sins, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen God, our father, as we prepare to partake of the fruit of the vine,
help us to understand that it represents the blood that your son, Jesus shed for us so that our sins can be washed away so that we may live as Christians to serve you here on earth. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen God, our father, we come to you again, thanking you for everything you do for us. We know that all the material goods that we have are provided from you and through you.
And as we prepare to give back a portion of what you have. So richly blessed us with, we ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. And we also ask that you help the amount of this congregation put thought into how these funds are used and that these funds should be used to help spread your word to the non-Christians here on earth so that they may have the opportunity that we have.
And that is to live with you one day in eternity, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen Song before the lesson will be number 539 higher ground. And if you’re able, let’s stand for this song, please and remain standing for the scripture, reading Number 539. Yeah. I’m pressing on the upward way. New Heights I’m gay.
Hey, Ning every day, still praying as I on word a more plant my feet on<inaudible> Lord, lift me up and let me stay by<inaudible><inaudible> and then I have a plan, my feet on<inaudible>. My heart has no those<inaudible>, uh, uh, my prayer, my, uh, ah,<inaudible> by faith on<inaudible> and then I have,
uh, plant my feet on<inaudible>. I want to live above the no say, ah, let me, uh, for<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> by faith on<inaudible>. Uh, and then I have, uh, plants, my feeds<inaudible> I wan to scan the topmost, uh, and catch a ugly<inaudible>, but a LA<inaudible>, uh, Lord lead me on to<inaudible> to me.
Ah, let me stand by faith on<inaudible>. Uh, uh,<inaudible> uh, uh, uh, Lord plant my feet. Hi, uh,<inaudible> The scripture reading today will be taken from first Timothy chapter four, verses one and two first Timothy chapter four, verses one and two. Now the spirit speak at the expressly that in the later times,
some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies and hypocrisy, having their conscience, seared a hot iron, You may be seated good morning. Sometimes people say things to you and you don’t quite get exactly what they mean by it. Until later this morning, Michael said, I know what your topic is, but I can’t figure out how the scripture reading has anything to do with it.
What I didn’t realize is there was a typo in the text message. I sent him for the scripture reading scripture reading was supposed to be second Timothy chapter four, verses one and two second, Timothy chapter four verses one and two. Paul writes to Timothy. I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word,
be ready in season and out of season, convince rebuke exhort with all long suffering and teaching this morning. I want to spend our time in second Timothy chapter four, not because of what Paul writes here about preaching though. We’ll bring that into the discussion, but because of what Paul writes about death, as we go through our lives, we understand that there is coming a day where if the Lord does not return before our lives are over,
we will face death. We have individuals from the youngest of ages to old age here, but the reality is the young aged individuals are not guaranteed a long life. And the older aged individuals are not guaranteed a long life either. We have no guarantees. James writes concerning this life that it is as a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
But the Hebrew writer writes concerning this life and makes it clear to us in Hebrews chapter nine, verse 27, that there is a coming a day for each and every one of us when this life will be over, but he doesn’t end there. He doesn’t end with this life will be over period, stop he ends with. And after that, the judgment something you and I need to keep in the forefront of our minds and in the forefront of our lives is there is something after this life.
And one of the most prominent writers in the new Testament concerning the subject of death was Paul. Paul spoke about death, a number of times in his teaching, in his preaching and in his writing. But second Timothy chapter four is a very unique perspective from Paul because when Paul pens, these words, his death is approaching. When Paul writes the end of this letter to Timothy,
by everything we know from scripture, it is the last letter he will pen. It is the last recorded message through inspiration that we have from Paul and Paul knows his time is short. So when you read second Timothy chapter four, read it in view of death and Paul’s coming death. Paul writes these words. He is in a prison in Rome. He will stand before Caesar based upon the information we have from history,
but he will not live through the experience. His life will end in Rome. The second time he is in prison there. And he writes to this young preacher, this one, who he calls his son in the faith. And he was writing to Timothy throughout the book because Timothy is struggling. He’s struggling with individuals. He’s interacting with who are Christians.
He’s struggling with those who are way worse at not doing what they ought to be doing. He’s struggling in his own life. And Paul writes to him to encourage him, to exhort him, to, to strengthen him. But he also is writing to him to let him know some things He needs to know before this life is over. And so Paul,
after he has reminded Timothy about the things which he learned as a child after he is reminded Timothy about inspiration, and the fact that all these things that are in the scriptures are God-breathed after he’s reminded him, that the man of God can be complete thoroughly furnished unto every good work. He reminds him to preach the word as Paul views, his coming death.
You see what was important to him in this last chapter. And the first thing that we see that was important to Paul in view of death was the preaching of the gospel. Paul writes to Timothy, and he says, I charge you. I give you this commission as a military officer to a subordinate. I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ,
who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing in his kingdom preach the word. Paul was concerned, not only with the message that was to be preached, but with Timothy as an individual, preaching that message. He says, preach the word, be ready in season and out of season report, or excuse me, convince rebuke exhort with all long suffering and teaching for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry as you. And I think about our lives. Ask yourself a question when your life is coming to an end,
if you live to old age and you see that impending end, think back about your life and ask yourself, will the preaching that you heard have made any difference in your life, the preaching of the gospel, will it be something that you look back on and you say, you know what? Just never really made a whole lot of difference to me.
It wasn’t really that important. It didn’t change me. It didn’t motivate me to do this or that. It just simply didn’t matter. Or will you look back at your life? And will you look back at the preaching and the teaching that you heard in your life? And would you be able to say that is what prepared me for now? The reason that Paul is so forceful in telling Timothy preach the word is because he knows that the gospel is what prepares you for the end of this life.
But he also knew that there would be some among the Christians who wouldn’t view the preaching that they were hearing in view of eternity. They wouldn’t hear the gospel message in view of judgment. They would hear what they wanted to hear. And if the preacher didn’t preach what they wanted to hear, they’d find a preacher who did, when you look back over your life and you look back at the preaching that you’ve heard,
couldn’t you say, can you say in your own mind, I wanted to hear when I was doing it wrong. I wanted to hear the things that were hard. I want to hear the truth, no matter the cost, or you look back at your life and say, I wanted to hear something that made me feel good. I wanted to hear something that as Paul uses the illustration tickled,
my ears felt good going in and didn’t cause a problem. Once it was there, Paul tells Timothy don’t you preach that way. He tells him to be constant in season and out of season when they want to hear it. And when they don’t, but he also said, you watch for yourself, you be watchful in all things and endure do the work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry for, I am already being poured out as a drink offering. And the time of my departure is at hand. Paul says, Timothy, you endure afflictions. You go through the hardship. You stay constant in the gospel. You preach the word you be ready because my time is over. I’m already being poured out. He says the idea of a drink offering here goes back to the old Testament.
It goes back to those offerings that were made there at the tabernacle. Under the old Testament law, there were offerings that were made that were lambs. There were offerings that were made, that were grained. There were offerings that were made that were Jews fruit of the vine. And they were called drink offerings and they were taken and they were poured out on the alter.
And Paul says, I’m already being poured out. Paul declares his life to be a sacrifice to God. And while he is still in this life, he will continue to be a sacrifice to God. But there’s coming a time that the cup will be empty. And he says, it’s at hand, but he says in verse seven, I fought the fight.
First and foremost, when Paul views death preaching is important too, to Paul as he views death. But also he wants Timothy to know there’s peril that he needs to be aware of. Paul says, I fought the good fight. I finished the race. I kept the faith. Paul wants Timothy to know there is a peril that he needs to be aware of.
And it is that fighting is necessary to reach the end. You have to be ready to go to the end. If you desire to achieve the goal, Paul would elsewhere, right? Concerning those who strive for a goal and strive for mastery. That one who doesn’t strive lawfully will not receive the crown one who is not willing to strive to achieve the goal and go all the way to the end.
One who quits too soon will not receive the crown. Paul saw the peril, but he also saw the price. He said, I have fought the good fight. And I have finished the race. I have kept the faith and Timothy was with Paul. So many times where that cost Paul dearly. You can go over to the book of Corinthians and you can read concerning the list of things that Paul suffered to be a faithful Christian.
He was beaten. He was stoned. He was shipwrecked. And he says above all that, he had to care for the churches. And some of that care involved, the churches turning against him. There’s a parallel and there’s a price, but there’s also a reward. He says, finally, there’s laid up for me, a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous judge will give to me on that day. And not to me only, but also to all who have loved his appearing. There’s a reward to be had. Paul said everything that we go through, this, this race that we run with endurance, this race that we finished this course with this, this keeping the faith, this fight that we have to fight.
It has an end and it has a reward. And he describes the crown, not the crown of a King. The crown here is the crown of an Olympian. The reef crown that they would pull it on the head of one who ran successfully. The race. Paul says, there’s a crown waiting for me, but it’s not just a crown. It’s not a crown of gold or silver.
It’s not a crown of platinum or iron. It’s not a crown of, of glitter or any such thing. It is a crown of righteousness. The picture of God saying to a Christian, when he’s ended this life, you kept the faith. And now I’m bestowing my righteousness on you. I making you like me turn over to first. John, John gives us just a small glimpse into eternity.
He says in first John chapter three, behold, what manner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God. Therefore, the world does not know us because he did not know him beloved. Now we are children of God and it is not yet been revealed. What we shall be. John says, as he’s writing this letter,
he said, we don’t yet know, God has not told us what we will be in eternity, but he says, but we know that when he is revealed, we shall be like him for, we shall see him as he is. Paul says, there’s a crown of righteousness. That’s not a declaration of my righteousness, but of God’s righteousness. And it’s waiting for all those who love his appearing to set a contrast.
If you love the appearing of God, John writes in first John chapter three, and in verse three, all those who have this hope in them purify themselves for he is pure. John wants these Christians to know, if you look forward to the return of Christ, you will change your life. But remember, Paul just talked about those who didn’t want to change.
They just wanted to be encouraged to stay as they were. You can’t claim to love the appearing of Christ while simultaneously wanting to stay as you are. Paul said, I’m ready to depart because I’ve prepared for this day and every day, you and I have an opportunity to prepare for that day, but are we doing it Paul, as he views death,
views it in mind of preaching, views it in mind of the price, views it in mind of the reward, views it in mind of the peril of false teachers. He says in verse nine, be diligent to come to me quickly for Demas has forsaken me having loved this present world and has departed for Fessel Anika creations for Glacia Titus. For Dalmatia only Luke is with me,
get Mark and bring him with you for, he is useful to me for ministry Paul, as he views death, also views the people around him. He views those who have been profitable. He views those who have been detrimental. He views those who have deserted him and Demas deserted it because Demas gave into the peril that’s involved in this race. He gave in to this present world.
Demus was one who was a companion of Paul earlier on in Paul’s ministry. But Paul says here, Demas has departed. There were others who had departed, but they’re not described the way Demus was. Luke had departed. Luke was one who was with Paul, who was a companion of Paul, but he wasn’t always with Paul. He had gone on to do other things.
Creations had gone on to do other things, but Demas departed, because Demas left the faith. As we look back on our lives, we’ll remember those who found the world and it’s things more valuable than eternity. And that oughta sadden us that ought to cause our hearts to grieve. Because if they don’t change from that path, if they don’t repent, they have no hope.
When we look back on our lives, how do we weigh the value of the gospel and the value of possessions in our choices? When we get to the end of our lives, will we be saying, you know what? I wish I had spent more time gathering possessions. I wish I had spent more time making money. I wish I had spent more time seeking the grand you’re in this life.
Or as we face eternity where we say, I wish I had spent more time in the word of God. I wish I had spent more time preparing for this day. And for that day, I don’t think there’s very many people in the first category. I don’t think there’s very many people who reach the end of their lives and mourn the failed opportunities for more wealth.
In contrast to those who’ve mourn the failed opportunities to become godly and to do what’s right. We all have a choice. We all have a choice to decide what will our priorities be? Because there’s coming a day when we will run out of choices. Sometimes that happens for people before they die. Aaron, what do you mean? I mean, sometimes they lose the mental faculties to make the choices anymore.
There was an older gentleman that I knew growing up. When I met him, he was old the whole time I knew him. He was old towards the end of his life. This faithful Christian developed dementia. He never knew what day it was. He lived with his daughter and her husband and every single day he’d get up. He’d put on his suit.
He would walk out, say, I’m ready to go to church. Being a Christian meant so much to him that when he no longer had the faculties to determine what day it was, the only thing that mattered was on Sunday. He was going to church. We reached an age in life where we start to lose the ability to choose right from wrong.
Good from evil. We start to lose the ability to discern our choices. What choices will we have been doing to prepare for that day? What choices will we have been making? How will our life have been patterned so that when we lose that ability, we don’t become someone we never wanted to be. Are you living your life now? And have you lived your life to this day in such a way that you will not deviate from a pattern of godliness?
No matter what comes. Paul says to Timothy verse 13, bring the cloak that I left with. Carpus at trow. As when you come, even at the end of life, there are going to be physical needs. Even when we’re approaching death, we’re still going to have to live in this life until it’s over. We don’t get to just check out.
Paul said, I need my cloak. Winter’s coming. I need something to keep me warm, bring the cloak. But he also says, and the books, especially the parchments, from what we can understand from the language that’s used here and the implications of it, the parchments are probably a reference to the old Testament scriptures. When Paul is nearing the end of his life,
he wants the scriptures with him. What do you think he wanted to read? I can imagine that if we put our minds to it, we could come up with a few example, passages, maybe Psalm 23, maybe Psalm 57, where David is running from Saul and running from his enemies and is scared and relying upon God, maybe Isaiah 53, where we read about our Lord being the sacrifice for us.
I imagine Paul probably didn’t need to read a whole lot of it because most of it was probably already right here, but he wanted the parchments with him, but he then says, verse 14, in view of eternity, there are some people in my past that we need to deal with verse 14. He says, Alexander, the coppersmith did me much harm.
May the Lord repay him according to his works? Now that’s an interesting statement. When Paul reached the end of his life, here is a man who stood in opposition to Paul, who raised up a riot in opposition to Paul, who got Paul driven out of a city where there was opportunity. And there were people and souls being changed. And Paul’s is this man.
May he receive his works done back to him. Now that’s interesting because Paul doesn’t say, may the Lord strike him dead? Paul? Doesn’t say, may he never be forgiven? Paul says, may he be repaid according to his works? Well, what if in the intervening years between that day and Alexander’s death, Alexander repented heard the gospel and changed.
Then Paul could still say, may he be repaid according to his works? Because in the book of revelation, it makes it clear that when a Christian ends this life and they are forgiven and they are righteous before God, and they go into eternity, their works do follow them. What works have you done in this life that will follow you into eternity?
And will they be works that are repaid with judgment, justice and condemnation or grace, mercy, and forgiveness. But he also says, you also must be aware of him, must be aware of him for he has greatly resisted our words at my first defense. No one stood with me, but all for suck me, may it not be charged against them.
As Paul looks at his past and the people in his past, he sees some who in his past could have helped him. They could have stood with him and defended him at his trials. They could have helped him. And they did it. Paul doesn’t leave this life with animosity towards them. Paul doesn’t leave this life. Having said they never helped me when they could have helped me.
And I’ll never forgive him. Paul leaves this life saying, may the Lord not lay it to their charge? We look back on our lives. Are we still holding grudges that should have been put away years ago? Are we still holding things against people that they did that were wrong, but it’s killing our soul because we won’t let go. Paul said,
may it not be charged against them? But the contrast, everyone forsook him about the Lord. He says verse 17. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be preached fully through me and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also, I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserved me for his heavenly kingdom to him be glory forever and ever.
Amen. We reached the end of this life. When we look back on ours, we see people who deserted us will we see that the Lord never did? Will we see people who betrayed us and see that the Lord never did? Hebrews chapter 13, the Hebrew writer would write to these Christians as he closes this letter. And he says, in verse five,
let your conduct be without covetousness. Be content with such things as you have for he himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can men do to me? Paul’s concern when he ended this life was when I had the opportunity to stand and to speak.
I stood and I spoke and I could rely on the Lord because it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter what a gripper said, and it didn’t matter what Augusta said. And it didn’t matter what Cesar said. It didn’t matter what the Jews could do or what they couldn’t do. It didn’t matter what the Roman Centurion did or didn’t do. It mattered that I preached the gospel because the Lord was always with me.
And if he is, it doesn’t matter what any man can do. But he also remembers friends. You and I will do that when we’re at the end of our lives. We’ll remember those good times. And those friends who helped us be better, he says, greet Priscilla or Prisca and Aquilla and the house of one ciphers Erastus stayed in Corinth, but trow,
a trophy. Mus, I have left in my latest sick. Do your utmost to come before winter. UGURUS greets you as well as Boudin’s Linus Claudia and all the brethren and his closing words. The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace, be with you as Paul closes his life in view of revelation and what he wrote. He ends with grace.
If you were to go through second Timothy, you would find he also started with grace for this young preacher, Timothy. He says, grace, be with you all. What was a common greeting in the day? But it was far more than that to Paul because in Titus chapter two, Paul says, grace teaches us to deny on godliness and to live soberly,
righteously and godly in this present world. Paul meant more than just may favor be with you, Paul men, may you live. So God’s grace stays with you. Paul wants Timothy to prepare for death. And the only way to prepare for death is to live life the right way, which is why Paul began with preach the word. John writes in first John chapter two and verse three here by do we know that we know God,
if we keep his commandments, you’re outside the body of Christ this morning. You’re outside of the place where salvation is found. Paul would write to the church at Ephesus that those who are outside the body of Christ, we’re outside of salvation. They were aliens from God, enemies of God. And without hope not without hope, because salvation wasn’t available without hope because they hadn’t taken the opportunity that was presented before them to have that salvation,
but they could. And so could you, if you’re outside the body of Christ, how do you know first and foremost that you’re there? How do you know if you’re outside or inside? Oh, it’s easy. You ask what have I done? And have I done what he said? Because the terms of entrance into the heavenly kingdom that Paul says he was being preserved for are clear.
We hear the word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God that hearing produces a faith, a belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Jesus said, except do you believe that I am? He, you will die in your sins. Pretty cut and dry, but it doesn’t stop there because the same passage that says faith,
cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God also makes it clear that we must repent and confess the name of Christ with the mouth. Because those things lead to salvation. It doesn’t say those things will save us. It says those things lead to it. How then do we leave this life? The old man of sin died to self and become a Christian acts chapter two,
verse 38. There were some Jews that wanted to know that very question. There were some Jews that had just been accused of putting to death, the son of God, and had just been condemned as having the blood on their hands. And they said, what shall we do? The apostle Peter responded, repent and be baptized for the remission of sins.
When Paul who at the time was known as Saul was on a road to Damascus and was confronted by Christ and was told to go to Damascus and to wait where it would be told him what he should do. Paul would testify when he was a witness on trial that when Anna Niaz was sent to him and a Niaz arrived, and Paul had been there,
he was blinded. He had been praying and fasting for three days question. Did Paul already believe that Jesus was the son of God? Yes, he did. You want to know how I know he said who art, Val Lord on the road to Damascus and Jesus responded. I am Jesus. Whom thou persecute us. He already knew Jesus was the Lord.
And he already believed it. Andy was praying, but he wasn’t forgiven. You can put Saul there for three days in your mind. And imagine how many times you would have heard Saul, pray God for, give me, you see this man. It stood and hold held the coats of people who killed and stoned Stephen to death. And then he had gone about persecuting the church.
How many times do you think he asked for forgiveness in three days of fasting and praying how many times, but he wasn’t forgiving. Not yet. How do I know? Because Paul himself testified as he was on trial that Anna Niaz arrived and said to him, Saul, Saul, what are you waiting for arise and be baptized and wash away your sins.
Prayer wasn’t enough. Repentance. Wasn’t enough. Acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and savior was not enough. Belief was not enough. And Anya said, get up and let me baptize you. And he became a Christian and that day he started getting ready for his last day. Are you ready today? If you have need to respond to the invitation for any reason,
don’t hesitate. Come forward as we stand. And as we say<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> gone two rounds up. Uh<inaudible> jeez, us. Well, me<inaudible> Appreciate that lesson for the Cozort. The song for our closing prayer will be number 704, bind us together. Number seven, zero four, Bind us together.
Lord bind us together with<inaudible> can be bro. Uh, bind us together, bind us together, bind us together with, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> is on the one key. See<inaudible> on the one body. That is why we can see bind us together. Lord bind us together with cords. That can be<inaudible> bind us together. Lord bind us together or bind us together with,
uh, There God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful unto thee for the privilege that it has been for us to come together this day to worship thee, we pray father that our worship was acceptable unto thee, and that we’ve been lifted up as we’ve studied your word. And we’ve been challenged to live our lives today as if it were our last,
we pray Lord that we would have no fear in death because we prepared ourselves for that home and having with a we’re so thankful father for the lesson that Aaron brought this morning, that might be one that we will strive to live out in our lives, just as the apostle Paul, that we have no regrets for the things that we’ve done. And we’ve known that we know that we’ve served and glorified you with our lives and that we have prepared ourselves for that home and heaven with a father.
We’re so thankful for our visitors today, and we pray your blessings to be upon them. If they have that opportunity to come back and be with us, we pray that they might father. We were mindful of those that are having different procedures done this week. We pray that we might be prayerful for them and that everything might go well for them, that they might regain their health father.
We pray for those that are ministering in other lands, teaching and preaching your word, bless them and watch over them, help us each day. That we’re good ministers of your word, that we’re trying to reach those in this area, that they too might come to the knowledge of your will and be children of yours. Bless us now, as we’re about to depart,
strengthen us each day. And we pray for that, that mercy and grace, when this life is over in Jesus name, amen.
<inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in first, John chapter five first John chapter five. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us honored for the opportunity to be able to serve you, to assemble together, to praise your name and glorify your name. We pray that not only as we go through this day and this hour of class and the next hour of worship,
that we praise your name and glorify your name, but also that we live in such a way that glorifies you each and every day, people can see our good works and glorify you. When they see your works in us, Lord, we pray that you’d be with those who are struggling at this time. We pray for those, especially who are struggling spiritually at this time,
pray that you give them strength, help them to hold on to that, which is right. That, which is true. That which is just that, which is pure help us to always strive to live in accordance with the standard that you have placed before us guide our lives by your word, and allow your light to shine on our path. Help us to have whore.
What is wrong and what is evil and do what is right. And forgive us. When we sin and fall short of your glory, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. John ends chapter four. With if someone says, I love God and hates his brother, he’s a liar. Back in chapter three. He insisted that if we’re going to love God,
we must also love our brother back in chapter one. He insisted that if we’re going to have fellowship with one another, we must have fellowship with God. So now John comes to this passage and says, if someone says, I love God and hates his brother, he’s a liar because he doesn’t know God. A person will not claim to love God while hating their brother.
What’s the first example of someone hating their brother Kane. How many generations did we make it before someone hated their brother? Zero? Because officially speaking, there weren’t any brothers until that one. All right. First generation, uh, and, and brothers have gotten along so well ever since then, I know I had to, uh, it was like,
I got that beat, but God says you can’t claim to love me and hate your brother. You go back to Matthew chapter five in Matthew, chapter six and Matthew chapter seven. And you read where Jesus says specifically in Matthew chapter five, that to those Jews who were staying there and to his disciples, except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees.
You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and people reaction to that and their, their, their faults concerning that is wait a minute. These are the teachers. These are the righteous ones among us. But what was true about the scribes and Pharisees, they were hypocritical. And what was their disposition towards sinners? What was their disposition towards publicans? What was their disposition towards Gentiles?
They hated all of them. They wouldn’t eat with them. They wouldn’t sit with them. They wouldn’t talk with them. They didn’t want anything to do with them. Jesus said, except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the fair farracies and the scribes. You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Now, all of this that John’s saying goes back to, and,
and as we get into chapter five, we’ve got to see it in this context. We’ve got to get what he’s saying. All of this goes back to the single fundamental point that if we don’t put God in front of us, we don’t love him. And the reason why we would claim to love God, but hate our brother is because we do not put our brother in front of us.
You see the person who says, I love God. They, they might have a correct view point of God’s position, but they’re not listening to it. In other words, they might believe that he exists. They might claim to love him. But Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments. John says, hereby, do we know that we love him?
If we keep his commandments. So when John says, if you claim to love God and hate your brother, you’re a liar. It’s because you claim to love God, but you won’t keep his commandments. And it all goes back to selfishness. It’s all going back to, I love God by claim, but I won’t do it. He says, because I want to do what I want to do.
I want to treat others the way I think they should be treated. Not the way he told me to, not the way he said to treat them, but what I want. So John says this exhibition of your hate toward your brother is evidence of your lack of love toward God. Now this, he says, if anyone says, I love God and hates his brother.
He is a liar for he, who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from him that he who loves God must love his brother also. So there’s this, there’s this conclusion. If you love me, keep my commandments. And here’s the commandment that we have from him.
Love your brother. End of discussion. For a Christian. It doesn’t have to go any further. We don’t have to discuss what’s our brother done to us lately. We don’t have to discuss what’s our relationship with this person. We don’t have to discuss what, what family did this person come from? We don’t have to discuss what skin color this person has.
We don’t have to discuss what, uh, economic class this person might have come from. We don’t even have to discuss what nation they came from. What do we have to discuss? What did God say? That’s it. End of discussion. And so he says, whoever believed that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. Now this is one of those that people will come to and they will say,
see, all you have to do is believe that is not what John said. Not even in a little bit G uh, John has just said, if you love God, you do what? Keep his commandments. Now you can’t extract the next statement about believe from the previous statement about keeping his commandments. He says, whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone who loves him,
who? But God also loves him. Who is begotten of him? This person who believes God is no longer going to live. Like the person who doesn’t, he’s no longer going to live the way he wants. He is going to be born a new. Now John’s not having a discussion with non-Christians about how to be a person who believes and is born.
Again. He’s not having that discussion that discussion’s been had many times already. John’s writing to Christians. He’s not telling them how to become a Christian. He’s telling them about what they ought to be as a Christian. And they ought to not be their old selves. They ought to be born of God. But he’s also talking about inheritance here. You remember back at the beginning of chapter one and chapter two,
he talked about the us as children of God, going back to John chapter one, where he talked about Jesus brought with him, the ability for us to become the children of God. When he’s talking about birth here, he’s talking about our lineage as faithful children of God. He’s not talking about becoming a Christian. He’s talking about our inheritance as the children of God.
So notice what he says. He says by this, we know that we love the children of God lost my spot by this. We know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments. So he’s talked about loving your brother. They talks about loving the children of God. And both times he brings it back to keep God’s commandments.
So then he says, versary for this is the love of God. We keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome. And that’s one of those passages that you can read. And it’s very easy to go. Now, wait a minute. I’ve read some of God’s commandments and some of them are pretty hard. I mean, you even think of some of the examples from the old Testament where God tells Noah,
Hey, I want you to take the next hundred years, build a boat. Or how about Hosea? Why don’t you go marry this wife of harlotry? And then when she commits harlotry against you and commits adultery and goes off, take her back. And when she does it again, take her back again. Let’s go down the list of all the things that God’s commanded through the years.
And we might find some of them might be described as burdensome in our minds, but John’s trying to get these Christians to stop thinking about the world. And God’s commandments from the physical perspective and start thinking about God and his commandments from a higher perspective involving eternity. John wants them to see the burdens that come with God’s commandments. The difficulties that come with God’s commandments,
the struggles that come with God’s commandments in view of the end of God’s commandments. Notice what he says. He says for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome for whatever is born of. God overcomes the world. He’s talking about love. He’s talking about obedience. He’s talking about being a child of God.
And he says, if God has you in his family, if you are born of him, here’s the natural result. You overcome the world. When you look at the burden, the difficulty, the struggle that we have in keeping God’s commandments, does it compare with the results of being overcome by the world? What are the results of being overcome by the world?
Sin, death, destruction, judgment, anguish, pain, misery, without hope. Now you want to talk about some burdens, try this, go. Find someone who’s grown up under the tutelage instruction and influence of the worst of the world and has lived a life overcome by the world. And you will learn and talking with that person, what burdens are.
So often we look at the burdens that we have, and we forget what it was like to be overcome by sin to have no hope. John says, if you love God, you will love your brother because you’ll keep God’s commandments. John says, if you love God, you’ll love the children of God because you’ll keep God’s commandments. And if you’re born of God,
you will overcome the world. Then notice what he says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. What’s the name of that song that we sing. Faith is the victory. I know you’d know what it was. Where do you think it comes from right here? He says,
this is the victory. This, this is your guarantee of the end result your faith, who is he, who overcomes the world. But he who believes that Jesus is the son of God. Turn to John chapter 20. Now Thomas verse 24 called the twin. One of the 12 was not with them. When Jesus came, the other disciples therefore said to him,
we have seen the Lord. So he said to them, unless I see in his hands, the prints of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and put my hand into his side. I will not believe. And after eight days, his disciples were again inside and Thomas with them. Jesus came the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace to you.
Then he said to Thomas, reach your finger here and look at my hands and reach your hand here and put it in my side, do not be unbelieving, but believing. And Thomas answered and said to him, my Lord and my God, Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing somebody finished the rest of it. You might have life through his name. That statement is no different from this statement, who is he,
who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God. What does it mean to overcome the world? Go back to the description of what it, what it is to be overcome by the world. Death destruction, the K hopelessness. Contrast that with what Jesus just, or what John just said, and that believing you might have life in his name.
Here’s the contrast overcome by the world and overcome by death. Believing in Christ and overcome by life. And life will always overcome death in the spiritual realm. Light will always overcome darkness. Good will always overcome evil because God will always be victorious. And so we read this as he who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not only by water,
but by water and blood. And it is the spirit who bears witness because the spirit is truth for, there are three that bear witness in heaven, the father, the word and the Holy spirit and these three are, and there are three that bear witness on earth, the spirit, the water, and the blood. And these three agree in one,
if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater for this as the witness of God, which he has testified of his son. The whole point of this, the whole, the whole idea here goes back to what Jesus said when he was on the earth. When Jesus said over and over and over again in John’s record, I don’t bear witness of myself.
If I bear witness of myself, my witness has faults, but there are two that bear witness of me, the works that I do. And my father in heaven, John is laying forth the legal principle, that there is such a thing as a valid witness, because remember John is writing to people and to a church, struggling with those who claim Jesus Christ never came in the flesh.
And so this section here is pushing back against that saying, we have witnesses. We have witnesses that we would uphold in court. And we have witnesses that are greater than that because they’re heavenly witnesses. So you’re without excuse. You’re without excuse for claiming. If they, if you do that, Jesus Christ didn’t come in the flesh because he did come in the flesh and he shed his blood.
So he says this, if any, if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater for this as the witness of God, which he has testified of his son. He who believes in the son of God, has the witness in himself. He does not. He who does not believe God has made him. Let me, let me try that sentence again.
We’re gonna do it one more time. Back at the beginning of verse 10, he who believes in the son of God, has the witness in himself. He who does not believe God has made him a liar because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of his son. And this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life. And this life is in his son.
John makes it clear. You reject God’s witness concerning his son and you reject eternal life. You believe God’s witness God’s testimony concerning his son. How did God give a testimony concerning his son? There’s multiple answers to that. There’s multiple ways, but let’s name a few. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, there was the spirit descending as a dove and a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son.
Another example, Mount of transfiguration, Matthew chapter 17, there in the mountain. And God says to in the presence of Jesus and those three disciples, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him. It’s another example. Think about the statement we just made. Jesus said over and over again. What were witnesses concerning? Who?
He was his words. He said, the words aren’t mine, but him who sent me, what else? His miracles, what else? There’s one that came after him, his resurrection, his Ascension. Those are both. But Jesus said, when I returned to the father, I’m going to send what the spirit of truth, which carries with it.
Revelation inspired revelation. So all of these things are God’s witness over and over and over and over and over again that Jesus Christ is the son of God. And that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. And that all of this is a witness that God gave God came in. Christ was manifested to us to give us eternal life turned back to first John chapter one,
that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life. The life was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you that eternal life, which was with the father and was manifested to us that which we have seen and heard.
We declare to you. John started here and he’s back in chapter five, still talking about the same thing. The eternal life that came and was given to us as a result of Jesus Christ coming in the flesh. So chapter five, he says, he who believes in the son of God, has the witness in himself. That is not in any way,
shape or form a declaration. That there’s going to be some miraculous witness or testimony that’s going to happen in the life of a Christian. That’s not what John said. It is that the result of a person’s obedience is they will have eternal life. And guess what? The moment they have eternal life, they become what a witness that what God said was true,
the moment they are doing what God said, and they become a child of God, the witness, they become a witness, not in a witness in the sense of someone going about testifying of things. But they stand as a witness. That what God said was true. Think about it in the sense of this. If a prophet comes and says, when Jesus comes,
when the Messiah comes, he’s going to deliver unto you eternal life. And then the Messiah comes and then eternal life is delivered. When, what is every person who receives eternal life, but a testimony concerning the truthfulness of the prophecy. They are the walking evidence. And that’s what John’s saying. John’s saying, you’re the evidence. You’re the witness that what God said was true,
he says, and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life. And this life is in his son. That’s the same thing we read in first, John chapter one just a minute ago, uh, verse 12. He who has the son has a life. He who does not have the son of God, does not have life. John chapter 14,
Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know the way Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father, except through me, John over here says he who has the son has life. And he who does not have the son of God does not have life.
Jesus said, I came to give you eternal life. I came to give you the knowledge of who God is, so that you might know him. And you might have eternal life. That’s John chapter 17 verses one through three, but you can’t have access to the father XL through me. So anytime someone comes to this passage and starts teaching something, that’s not here because they’re taking out of its context.
One of the things you can do is you can step right back to, okay. Wait a minute. Whoa. Before we go any further, how do you have access to the sun? How do you have access to Jesus Christ? Well, you got to keep his commandments. Okay. What did he say? From the point he ascended or a Rose,
resurrected and began to tell them what they were going to preach. What did he say? You had to do to have access to him. Start there. I’ll wait. That’s Mark. Chapter 16, verse 16. That’s acts chapter two, verse 38. That’s Luke chapter 24. That’s Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 through 20. Every time you get here,
believe repent. Confess are you baptized? So when you come to this passage and someone says, wait a minute, John’s talking about believe, believe, believe he doesn’t talk about baptism. He doesn’t talk about repentance. He doesn’t talk about confession. He says, believe, believe, believe, go wait a minute. How do you have access to the sun?
Because you can’t have access to the father, unless you have it through the son. And you only get access to the father when you keep the sons commandments. And what did Jesus say? His commandments were either believers and is baptized. Has what? What forgiveness of sin. Oh, is that kind of like being in the light? Oh, can you walk in the light if you’re covered in darkness?
No. See, what people will do is they’ll talk about a discussion. That’s happening up here at this level where all we’re talking about are Christians and whether or not they’re acting like Christians and whether or not they’re living like Christians, not a discussion about how non-Christians become Christians. And they’ll try and take the discussion about Christians and their lives and apply it to non-Christians.
You can’t do that. You’ve got to start with a non-Christian down at the discussion about non-Christians and every single one of those discussions begins with you. First have to leave this life of sin and enter into this eternal life. And how do you get there? Now we can have the discussion of all of first John, but until you leave death, until you leave the world,
you can’t have this discussion and it doesn’t apply to you yet. So John says these things I have written to you now watch this who believe I don’t don’t take what I just said as they all that’s Aaron’s opinion about what John was saying and who John was writing to, because that’s not my opinion. This is John. John says these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the son of God,
that you may know that you have eternal life. Who did John say? His audience was those who were already believers. He’s not writing this to where they might know how to become a believer. He wrote the entire book of John for that purpose. Didn’t he isn’t that? What? We just read these things. I have these things were written that you might know that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
And that you might have life in his name. John’s audience is believers. He says these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the son of God. That present action believe is the idea. You will do this and never stop.
You will continue to believe the word continues. Not actually there in the, in the Greek, but the meaning is there. When he says that you believe, and you believe, and you believe, and you never stop believing. Now, this is the confidence that we have in him. That if we ask anything, according to his, will he hears us?
Did John say, if we ask anything at all, he hears us. No. John says, when we pray and we ask for that, which is in accordance with God’s, will he hears us? And when God hears us, that means something. Now, sometimes the answer is what? No. Did God hear Paul? When Paul asked that the thorn be removed from him?
Yes. What was the answer? No, John is not saying as long as you ask gone, and you’re a Christian, you’re going to get whatever you ask for. There are many people out there teaching that, but that’s not what John said. John said, he’ll hear you. And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him.
If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin and does not lead to death or excuse me, which does not lead to death. And this is one of those passages that is very, there are some things in the Greek, in the original language that are hard to translate into English. And this is one of those passages that is hard because you’re going to notice a whole lot of italics in here.
And the italics in most versions is there to indicate that the translators supplied these words, because that was the best way they could translate what the Greek meant into English, because it’s not a true equivalency between the two languages. Okay. So if you read this and go, what, understand that part of the, what is it just doesn’t translate well, okay.
If anyone sees his brother sending a sin, which does not lead to death, he will ask and he will give him life. For those who commit sin, not leading to death, there is a sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not leading to death. Every time you see that word leading in there,
it’s not there. They’re trying to get you to there. They’re trying to give you some equivalency. They’re trying to give you something that lets you understand what John say. So what is John saying? Let’s start with first. What’s the situation John’s describing. How many Christians do you have? And the example. I mean, give me a number. He he’s one sees one.
Okay. So you got two Christians and the one Christian sees the other Christian doing what? Committing a sin. What’s the sin. John doesn’t say, except John describes it as a sin. Not resulting in death. Okay. Let me see if I can give an example of that one. Christian observes another Christian. Say something that wasn’t completely accurate or one Christian observes,
another Christian gossiping or one Christian observes another Christian and we’ll put it this way. Committing a point. Action sin. Okay. I put it that way to indicate this is not the life of that person. This is not a person walking in darkness. This is a person who sinned. Now go back to first John chapter one. Let’s make sure we understand that John’s already talked about this.
He’s not saying anything you hadn’t already said first John chapter one, if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Okay? So let’s not get clouded in our vision here about what John’s talking about. John’s already made it clear back in chapter one. We all sin. If we confess our sins, he is faithful.
And just to forgive us, our sins. Now the rest of what he’s about to say in first, John chapter five is the same thing as that, except two different parties are involved. One Christian observes another Christian committing a sin. And the implication is the one who committed the sin. Doesn’t know he did. Here’s a good example. When a mature Christian observes a new Christian doing something that is not right.
But they only, at that point in time, they’re not knowledgeable enough in the scriptures to know what, what they’re doing is not right. Here’s what we don’t do. We don’t convert someone out of the world. Who’s grown up in the world and every single time they do something, that’s not right. Go no, no don’t do that. We don’t do that.
Every time they use God’s name in vain, because that’s what they, the way they’ve spoken their entire lives, we don’t stop and go. No you can’t. Every time they, they let a word slip out of their mouth that shouldn’t ever come out of a Christian’s mouth. I’m not saying we don’t teach them. I’m saying we don’t immediately confront them every time they do something wrong because they’ve had a whole life of doing what’s wrong.
What John’s saying is when one Christian observant observes another Christian committing a sin. That’s not under death. They’re not veering out of the way of righteousness. They have simply committed a sin. Then that first Christian can pray for that Christian to be forgiven. That goes something like this. God. So and so they’re really trying. They just don’t know yet.
Be with them, grant them, your grace, forgive them. They’ll get there. I’m paraphrasing. But that’s what John’s saying. He says, pray for them. Now here’s what John says. Don’t pray for. Here’s a person who has heard the commandments of God and they know how God expects them to live. And they go, Hm, no,
no, no. I’m not doing that. And they turn and go the other direction. John says, don’t pray for that. You can pray all you want to that God forgives that. If you can do it, but it’s not going to do you any good. You’re not going to receive the answer to that prayer. John’s talking about their ability to pray for one another and have confidence that God’s grace,
the continuing covering of the blood of Christ will act on the behalf of that other person. But he says God’s grace. Doesn’t cover rebellion. God’s grace. Doesn’t cover rejection of God’s commandments. Oh, why? Because that person just declared. I don’t love God. I love me. And I’m going to live for me. Absolutely. What you’re dealing with specifically here.
And let’s keep in mind. There are some sins that extract you from the light and puts you in the darkness. Okay? Let’s just be clear on that. Let’s let’s let’s find one. What, what’s an example murder. Here’s one. How about blaspheming? The Holy spirit. There are lots of things that extract you immediately out of the light and put you in darkness.
Now that’s not to say Christians. Shouldn’t pray for those who have done those things that they repent, but that’s what it requires them repenting. John’s talking about a different circumstance. Absolutely. That’s a wonderful way of saying it. So verse 17, all unrighteousness is sin. John doesn’t want any, any confusion about that. All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not leading to death.
We know that whoever is born of God does not sin, but he who has been born of God, keeps himself. And that keeps us interesting. And we’re not going to have time to discuss it. But at some point I’m going to come back to that. And the wicked one does not touch him. We know that we are have gone and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.
And we know that the son of God has come and has given us an understanding that we may not know him, who is true. And we are in him, who is true in his son. Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children keep yourselves from idols. One last admonition. John gives stay away from my dollar tree.
All right, let’s go through the questions. And then we’ll close question. Number one, children of God should a love God or be carry out his commandments. See all the above. I don’t know why they never do a C all the above, I guess it’s because every time they would have put it there, it would have been, see all of the above Jesus question.
Number two, Jesus came by a water only, or B blood only see neither he gave my both. I didn’t ride them. I didn’t ride them. I just copied them down. Alright. Number three, an individual who has blank has eternal life. The one who does not have blank does not have eternal life. The son of God. All right.
Yes or no. Can we know whether or not we have eternal life? Yes. Number five, all wrongdoing is sin. Number six of what people do. The 12 books of the old Testament history. Tell Israel number seven as a group, the old Testament books of Joe through song of Solomon are classified as poetry. All right. Thank you for your attention.
We are dismissed<inaudible> we can just be left on<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> okay.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Yeah, it was my key when the silence began. So we’re certainly happy to have all of our visitors today. We have several, and we’re glad that you’re here. If you don’t mind would ask you to fill out a visitor’s card and either put it in the collection plate there at the back,
or give it to one of us or leave it lying in the seat. We’re really glad that you’re here. And we, especially our members. We’re glad to see you. And those that have joined us electronically through the live streaming. It’s good to have you all with us as well. Uh, we’re blessed really in this period of time to be able to do that.
And, uh, for those that cannot be here, be able to participate with us in that way. We do have a few announcements. We want to share with you. Uh, if you did not get your communion, it’s there on the tables in the back would that would suggest that you go ahead and get that. Now, if you did not pick it up coming on the end.
So please do that. Uh, remember that Pam shaven is down in her back and most likely she will have to have surgery. And, uh, but there’s been no date set for that. Also Sylvia pass is not able to be with us today. And she, as well as having back issues, she will be having a nerve block on the 28th of this month.
And we want to continue to pray for her as well. Uh, North end, Rodale Wilson are still at home. Both of them experiencing some health issues, pretty serious health issues. And we want to remember them and check on them and see if there’s anything that we might can help them with. Um, those that are not with us, we miss you.
We’re praying for you. Uh, we hope to be back together soon. And, uh, just want to let you know that we’re thinking about you. They’re August nationwide gospel meeting flyers are on the table. They’re in the four year. If you have not picked up one of those, please do. So if you didn’t get a bullet and they’re also out there on the table,
and then, uh, I’ve got a card here from one of the young ladies, Lilia, I believe is her name. She says, thank you for the card and the gift card. I love it. And I love you. Uh, lovely Leah, I’m going to post this on the bulletin board. This is one of the children from Potter.
We’re always trying to encourage them and help them particular on their birthdays. We acknowledge their birthdays and uh, send them a little something to encourage them. That’s a great work at Potter children’s home and that we support that work and are very closely tied to them. And we need to always be thinking about them, praying for them and encouraging them anyway with we can.
I know they’ll be by, I believe the end of the month to pick up the items we’ve collected for them. If you’re like me, sometimes I forget. So I might have to go back by the list. I might ought to just go ahead and just get something on all of those things. It wouldn’t hurt. You know, sometimes with us,
uh, not all being able to be together. Uh, we don’t have the opportunity to do that. So if you are that mind, I’d encourage you to do the same thing. So, uh, forest Hills lady today, ladies day is September 26th and they need to know if you plan to attend by August the 28th. So please respond to them.
If you do plan to go to that ladies day, September the 26th, I believe that’s out of them. The announcements I have, uh, Aaron Cozort will be leading our song service this morning. Terror Sanderson has our opening prayer. Eric Halverson will conduct our convenience service and then Mike Dale would be bringing us the lesson. And then Marie Springer has our closing prayer.
Good morning, take your songbooks if you will. And open them to number 450 to 452, the songs will be on the slides for all of these. So if you prefer to use the slides, you’re welcome to do that Thing. All blur all the verses, Standing on the promises of Christ.<inaudible> standing on the promise. I’ve gone.<inaudible> saddening all of the promises of God.
My<inaudible> I’m standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promise is that can often fill when the howling storms of doubt and fear are set by the living word of God. I shall prevail standing on the promises of God.<inaudible> standing on the promises of God.<inaudible>, I’m standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promise is of Christ.<inaudible> standing on the promises of God<inaudible> and standing on the promises of God.
I’m standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promise is I can, ah, all listening every moment to this beer. It’s called resting in my savior as my all<inaudible> standing on the promises of God<inaudible> and standing on the promises of God.<inaudible> I am standing on the promises of God. Our next song will be number 753, 753.
I have for this song, brother Sanderson will come and lead us in our opening prayer thing. All three verses Tempted and tried were off me too long. And, uh, why it should be us all the day long while there are, uh, being up, uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> or by, um, uh, when the task a man take and,
uh, wands and leaves our homes<inaudible> then do we want, and why? Uh, those, uh, living. So with it year after year, the<inaudible>, uh, shine.<inaudible> all by him. Uh,<inaudible> uh, being massed. Uh,<inaudible> a thing as we sweep through, uh, muted,<inaudible> cheer up my<inaudible>,
uh, and shine.<inaudible> all by. And, uh, when we see she sees us come in, gain glory. When he comes from his home in a<inaudible> man, we shall be, Hey man, uh, Brian,<inaudible> all by him. Uh,<inaudible> no, uh, love, uh,<inaudible> all by and, uh, beautiful day of the week.
And the opportunity we pay had today to come together, to sing the songs of praise and TV. And to study that word, we pray that we will take the things that we learned here today to help us to become better citizens of this community, to T pose it, do not know your word, that they may learn from it and have returnable life.
We pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned this morning are unable to be with us because of health. We pray that you would strengthen them to where they can be back with us someday. And we pray that you would be with the leaders of our country. In this troubled time, we pray that something might be said to them, they will soften their hearts and that they might turn to the four direction.
We pray that you would be with the teachers of our congregation here at Collierville. We pray that they will always taste the truth and, uh, continue to guide us in the way that we should go. We pray that you would be with our military people and our first responders, police officers, and this trouble time that you would keep them safe, be with their families and strengthen them.
We pray that you would go through with us through the further sexes that for the exercise of this day and keep us safe too, and bring us back at the next component of time Christ name. We pray amen Song. As we prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 387. Tell me the story of Jesus. 387. I may have accidentally copied the song in there twice.
Do you have Stan, tell me the story of Jesus. You what everybody get after songbooks that’s my mistake, not his 387. Tell me the story of Jesus. We’ll sing all three verses<inaudible> on my heart. Every, uh, tell me the<inaudible>. Uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible> and good tidings on, uh, tell me the us or<inaudible> us right on my hard<inaudible> was,
uh, fasting. Uh, Oh, Nan<inaudible>. Uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> and, uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible>. He also, he was<inaudible> home.<inaudible> tell me the us or<inaudible> us right on my Han. Every, uh,<inaudible> was, uh,<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> C stay. Let me wait.<inaudible> right on my heart.<inaudible> uh,
As we prepare to commemorate the death, and most importantly, the resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, let us go to our God and prayer. God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for the sacrifice that you and your son Jesus made for us here on earth. We know that it was difficult for him to hang on that cruel cross at Calvary and let us remember.
As we prepare to partake of this bread that we think about the suffering that he did, but that suffering was for us and for our sins, so that we may live in heaven with you. One day, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. Let us continue in prayer for the fruit of the vine God, our father, we thank you for your son,
Jesus. And as we prepare to take this fruit of the vine, help us to remember that it represents the blood that he shed so that our sins may be washed away so that we may live with you in heaven. Any eternity, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. As a separate part of our worship service to God, we have the opportunity to give back God,
our father in heaven. We come to you thanking you for all the blessings that you give each and every one of us. And as we prepare to give back a portion of what you so greatly blessed us with help each and every one of us do with a cheerful heart. And we ask all, so let you help the amount of this congregation make wise decisions on how these funds should be used to distribute your name and your word here on earth.
So at those that have not had the opportunity to hear your word may have that opportunity so that they too may one day become a Christian and serve you here on earth and join you in heaven. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen Song. Before the sermon will be number 509. I will sing the wonder story for those who may want to Mark their songbooks.
The song for the invitation song will be number 947, but it will have the slides 947 is the invitation song. Let us all stand main, standing for the song as well as the scripture reading. And then brother Michael will bring us the sermon. I will sing the wonder a story. I will see<inaudible> of the Christ to die for me. How he laughed his home.<inaudible> yeah,
it’s all<inaudible> of<inaudible> Cruise. We’ll see, I was on<inaudible>. She<inaudible> threw his arms around me, drew me back into his way.<inaudible> crystals. See, I was<inaudible> he was a grown man. Yeah. All free me from ma’am or yes,<inaudible> cruise to see<inaudible> I often<inaudible> me. My is<inaudible> I’m safely. Uh<inaudible> Cruz.
We’ll see<inaudible> eyes shall be<inaudible> Cruz. Oh, see. So the scripture reading comes from first Chronicles, chapter 16, verses 23 and 24 first Chronicles chapter 16 verses 23 and 24 sing unto the Lord. All the earth show forth from day today. His salvation declare his glory among the heathen. His marvelous works among all nations. You may be seated.
Good morning, everybody. It’s a blessing to be back. Uh, as you can tell from the peeling and the dark face, we actually got to see some sunshine for once in the year that we’ve been here and it was great this morning. I’m going to speak to you about telling the world of God and his glory, like the scripture that a brother Cozort just read,
sing unto the Lord. All the earth show forth from day to day, his salvation declare his glory among the heathen. His marvelous works among all nations. As children of the Lord. We are to sing his praises to all the world. Do you remember the old Superman movies? They were one of my favorites. Very wholesome. God loved Superman. Superman,
the man of steel, always swooping in just in the Nick of time to save Lois lane. Can you imagine how she felt, knowing that she had nothing to worry about knowing that her man of steel would always be there to save her? I remember all of the articles she put to press about how amazing Superman was singing his praises and standing for him.
When it seemed as though the world was against him. Now think how blessed David must’ve felt, knowing that the Lord was always there with him, always protecting him and the children of Israel through every event they had to endure. And this instance in first Chronicles, we see David as he has just brought the Ark of the covenant back into Jerusalem. And he has seen praises to the Lord and his song.
David tells the children of Israel to declare his, that is the Lord’s glory among the heathen. His marvelous works among all nations. First Chronicles, 16, 24 as children of the Lord. We are to sing his praises to all the world. And there are many ways in the scripture that we see the glory of the Lord shown. We can see the glory of the Lord shown through his creation.
We can see the glory of God shown through his help in times of trial. And we can see the glory of God shown through salvation. But at first, let us talk about the glory that God has shown through his creation, both human and animal life declares. God’s glory, job attest to this when chiding his accusers and Jobe chapter 12, verses seven through 10 turn with me to job chapter 12,
verses seven through 10, but as now the BESE, and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall tell thee or speak to the earth and it shall teach thee. And the fishes of the sea shall declare unto the who know if not. And all these that the hand of the Lord has brought this and whose hand is the soul of every living thing and the breadth of all mankind.
Likewise, God’s love for mankind shows his glory read. Turn with me to Psalm eight, the eighth Psalm. It’s a short one. So we’ll just read the whole thing. Psalm eight, Oh Lord, our Lord. How excellent is thy name in all the earth who has sent thy glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of nine enemies that thou mightest still the enemy and the Avenger.
When I consider thy heavens the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou has ordained, what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visit us, him for thou has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory. And honor, thou made us Tim to have dominion over the works of thy hands that want to put all things under his feet,
all sheep and oxen. Yay. And the beast of the field, the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passive through the paths of the sea. Oh Lord, our Lord. How excellent is thy name in all the earth? We see, we can also see that the skies declare the glory of the Lord. David proclaims,
the glory of God through the heavens Psalm 19 one through six turn with me there, Psalm chapter 19 verses one through six. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament show with his handiwork day on today, utter speech and night on tonight. Show with knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
In them half, he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoice it as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it. And there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The earth itself also sings the glory of God.
Turn with me to Psalm 66, Psalm chapter 66, the 66 Psalm verses one through four Psalm 66, starting in verse one, make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands, seeing forth the honor of his name, make his praise glorious saying to God how terrible that is. Awesome. Art thou and thy works through the greatness of thy power.
Shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee. All the earth shall worship the all the earth and shall sing unto thee. They shall sing thy name Salah God’s creation. Let us consider what’s his first missionary. Consider what the prophet Jeremiah States in Jeremiah 51, 15 through 19, Jeremiah 51, 15 through 19, he has made the earth by his power. He had to establish the world by his wisdom and has stretched out the heaven by his understanding.
When he uttered with his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and he calls it the vapors to a sin from the ends of the earth. He make it lightenings with rain and bring a fourth. The wind out of his treasures, every man is brutish by his knowledge, every founder is confounded by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them.
They are vanity the work of errors and the time of their visitation, they shall perish. The portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things. And Israel is the rod of his inheritance. The Lord of hosts is his name. Paul also attest to this and Romans chapter one in verse 20, Romans chapter one and verse 24.
The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse God’s almighty power, created everything to attest to his glory, and we are to proclaim it to the world. Now we turn our thoughts to the glory of God shown through times of trial God’s glory was shown in times of war.
Consider the battle that Israelites fought against Amylah. I’m sure many of us have heard this story, but it an excellent one. Exodus chapter 17 verses eight through 16, Exodus, 17, eight through 16, then came Alec and fought with Israel and referred him. And Moses said unto Joshua, choose us out men and go out, fight with Amylah tomorrow.
I will stand on the top of the Hill with the rod of God in my hand. So Joshua did, as Moses had said to him and fought with AMAC and Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the Hill and it came to pass when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed. And when he let down his hand, Amylah prevailed,
God doesn’t let his glory show without us doing a little work, but Moses, his hands were heavy and they took a stone and put it under him. And he sat there on and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands. The one on the one side and the other on the other side, and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun and Joshua discomfited and Molech and his people with the edge of the sword.
And the Lord said unto Moses, write this for a Memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua for, I will utterly put out the remembrance of AMEC from under heaven and Moses built an altar and called the name of it. Jehovah Niecy, where he said, because the Lord has sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
That’s an amazing story. All he had to do is hold up his hands and they won every single time. That gets me. The glory of the Lord is shown also in David’s youthful battles. Let’s take a look at first Samuel chapter 17, first Samuel chapter 17. And we’re going to be looking at verses 34 through 37. And David said unto Saul,
thy servant kept his father’s sheep. And there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock. And I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth. And when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him by servant slew, both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing he had defied the armies of the living.
God David said, moreover, the Lord that delivered me, David gives the glory to God. The Lord that delivered me out of the POL of the lion and out of the POL of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said, unto David go, and the Lord be with thee. Now look down a little bit further and verse 41 and the Philistine.
This is Goliath that we’re talking about, the story of David and Goliath and the Philistine came on and drew near unto David and the man that bear the shield went before him. And when the Philistine looked about and saw David, he disdained him for, he was buddy youth and ruddy and a fair countenance. And the Philistine said unto David, am I a dog that they’ll come to me with staves?
And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And the Philistine said to David, come to me and I will give the flesh unto the fowls of the air and unto the beasts of the field. Then David said to the Philistine that will come is to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield. But I come to the, and the name of the Lord of hosts,
the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou has defied this, this entire battle was fought with nothing but the glory of God this day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand? And I will smite thee and take nine head from the, and I will give the carcass of the host of the Philistines this day into the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth.
That all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and all this assembly shall know that the Lord saved with not with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord’s. And he will give you into our hands. And it came to pass when the Philistines arose and came and drew nigh to meet David that David hasted and ran toward the army to meet the Philistines.
And David put his hand in his bag and took then a stone, a single stone and slang it. And smote the Philistine in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and fell. And he fell down upon his face to the earth. It wasn’t the stone that killed David that killed Goliath. It was David’s faith in God and his that killed Goliath though.
The stone is the actual physical thing that sunk into his forehead. The glory of the Lord is shown through times of tribulation as well. Let us consider Paul and Silas in prison with the Philippian jailer turn with me to acts chapter 16 in verses 25 through 34 acts chapter 15, 16, sorry, acts chapter 16, verses 25 through 34. Another story of God’s amazing glory and that midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sing praises unto God and the prisoners all heard them.
They’re in stocks, thrown into a dungeon and they’re singing praises unto God and the prisoners hear them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s bands were loosed. That’s no normal earthquake and the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open.
He drew out his sword and would’ve killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. But Paul cried with a loud voice saying, do thyself, no harm for, we are all here. Then he called for a light and spring in and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and brought them out and said, SIRS, what must I do to be saved?
And here’s the glorious part of all this, not the earthquake, not the losing of the bands, but they said, believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and thy house. And they speak unto him, the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptized he and all his straightway.
And when he had brought them into his house, he said, meet before them and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house. So through this tribulation, the glory of God was not just shown through an earthquake that loose their bonds and opened the doors. But it was shown through the fact that because of their tribulation, because of their suffering, an entire household was saved entire household.
Likewise, we can glorify God in our tribulation because we have hope Romans chapter five verses one through five, let us read of this hope. Romans chapter five, verses one through five, Therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have access by faith, into his grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
And not only, not only so, but we glory in tribulations. Also knowing that tribulation, worketh, patience, and patience, experience and experience hope and hope, make it not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy spirit, which is given unto us sufferings are not to be compared to his glory. They are nothing compared to God’s glory,
Romans chapter eight and verse 18, Romans eight 18 for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory, which shall be revealed in us. We can never go through enough suffering to understand the glory we’re going to receive. When we get to heaven, the glory that we get to share my going out and sharing God’s word with others.
And our times of trial and tribulation God’s glory is manifest through us, giving him the praise and glory he deserves. So let us now consider the glory of God shown through salvation. We are commanded by the Lord to bring all nations to salvation and Matthew’s gospel account. We can read Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 through 20 Matthew, 28, 18 through 20.
Some of us know it well, and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations, all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world.
Amen. We can also read this in Mark’s gospel account. Mark chapter 16, verses 15 and 16, Mark 16, 15 and 16. And he said, unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He, that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he, that believeth not shall be damned. Salvation is God’s glory revealed,
read with me, Romans chapter nine verses 22 through 24, Romans chapter nine verses 22 through 24. What if God willing to show his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much long suffering, the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy. What she had a four prepared unto glory,
even us whom he have called none of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles. Our salvation is God’s glory revealed our salvation gains us the glory of the Lord. Let us consider second Thessalonians chapter two verses 13 through 14, second Thessalonians chapter two, 13 and 14, but we are bound to give things all way to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord,
because God has from the beginning, chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth we’re in to. He called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. We get to obtain that glory through our salvation. As Christians, we are called to his glory, Romans eight 28 through 30 Romans chapter eight,
verses 28 through 30. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose for whom he did for no. He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren, moreover, whom he did predestinate them. He also called and whom he called them.
He also justified and whom he justified them. He also glorified. We are the call. Those that are saved. We are those that will be glorified and glorify. Oh Lord, our Lord. How majestic is your name and all the earth Psalm eight one. We too can know that God is our savior. Our man of steel. We can feel as David did when he felt the greatness of God’s power and sing praises unto him in first Chronicles,
16, 23 and 24. God created all by speaking for his glory, just as Joe wrote, the hand of the Lord has done this job. 12, nine, we can be assured God is, was, and always will be his will be done in everything. My having peace with God through Jesus Christ. As we read earlier in Romans chapter five,
verse one, we can be assured by praising and loving him and his glory that we are saved and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. The father Philippians two 11. You can have a savior better than any Superman. You can have Christ. All you have to do is hear his word. As you have done today,
Romans 10 17. Once you have heard, you must believe that Jesus Christ is your savior. John eight 24. Once you have that belief, you must repent of your sins, Luke 13, one through three. Once you ever painted, you must make sure make that good confession that you believe that is the Christ. The son of God, Matthew 10 32.
And once you’ve made that good confession, you must be immersed for forgiveness of your sins. And the Lord will add you to the church, acts two 38 and verse 47 to ensure you have your savior with you always, you must live faithful to him and his word forever. First, John one, six and seven. If you have yet to heed the command,
the waters of baptism are ready for you. If you have need for encouragement, please come forward. As we stand and sing<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> calling is and are they calling today? Jesus’s calling no Erie.<inaudible> calling today. Calling today, bring him<inaudible> calling is and calling today. Jesus is wait, ain’t go. Come to him now, waning today,
waiting today, come with I at his feet.<inaudible> calling is and Oh, living today. Jesus<inaudible> today. Him today,<inaudible> on his name.<inaudible><inaudible> calling is and are they calling today? Appreciate that lesson. Michael. One announcement that did need to be made, um, was handed to me. And that is that Pam’s surgery is going to be on the 28th of this month.
So keep Pam in your prayers. As she is anxiously, I talked to her last night. She is anxiously awaiting, uh, that opportunity to get the surgery and, and start the recovery process. So, uh, she’s looking forward to that. That’ll be on the 28th. Take your songbooks if you would like to, or it’ll be on the overhead number 628,
number 628 will be our closing song. And then brother Murray will lead us in a closing prayer. We want to encourage you if you will be able to be back with us Wednesday night at seven o’clock for our Bible study, and then next Sunday at nine 30 for Bible class and 10 30 for worship, 628. Will you not tell it today? If the new Name of the savior is precious to you?
If his care has been constant and tender and true ant the line of his presence, hands brine your way. Oh, will you not tell love your gladness today? Oh, will you not?<inaudible> of his presence. Has Brian<inaudible> you have found in the strength of your long<inaudible> story, the<inaudible> here’s the line of his presence has Brian your way,
or will you not? Uh, to, eh, they have this holes all around you on living in sin. If the master has told you to bid them, come here,<inaudible> tell them cheap bringing was, Oh, are you not<inaudible> to, eh, You buy with me our God and our father in heaven. We’re thankful for this opportunity that we’ve had to assemble as the church and to sing praises unto you,
to petition to you with our prayers and seek help for those that are sick, thankful that we can have forgiveness of our sins father through the blood of Jesus Christ, thankful that we can be added to his church covered by the blood of Christ, blotting out our sins so that we can be in that presence, thankful that he has made peace between us and the father.
We ask that you would be with us as we return to our respective homes. Bring us back when the time is appropriate. These things you asked in Christ’s name, amen.
(yes or no) Jesus Christ came in the flesh. 1 John 4:2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who is greater: (a) Jesus or (b) the devil? 1 John 4:4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Love comes from whom? God is ______________. 1 John 4:7-8 Therefore, who ought we to love? 1 John 4:11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who is the Savior of the world? 1 John 4:14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Is there fear in love? 1 John 4:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who loved first: (a) God or (b) man? 1 John 4:19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Can a person love God if he hates his brother? 1 John 4:20 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> You know, it really doesn’t help. If you turn off the mic, instead of turning it on, I told you I was early and I forgot something. Now I flipped the switch. I just flipped it off instead of OD.
So who knows what I was broadcasting before that point? Oh, well, If I were perfect, I’d be really hard to live with. So yeah,<inaudible> We’re going to start in first, John chapter two, we’re going to pick up a couple of verses John Doesn’t, uh, just suddenly change topics. John has a very thoughtful, connected, uh,
letter. And so we’re going to carry forward some of the previous passages that he’s bringing into this, that he’s really used to introduce what he’s about to say, as we have it here in chapter four. If you go back to chapter two and verse four, he who says, I know him, who’s the him there. God, the father, He who says I know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar.
And the truth is not in him. John is going to make it clear. You claim to know God, and you do not keep his commandments. You’re a liar. Number two, verse five, but whoever keeps his word truly the love of God is perfected in him. The keeping of God’s commandments, the obeying of the law of God, in spite of the way,
many modern theology, theologians and liberals in, in even the church will try and argue that the love of God and loving God is not connected to keeping commandments. John says the exact opposite. John says, whoever keeps his word. Truly the love of God is perfected in him. You have an individual who says all. I love God. I love everything about God.
I love Christ. And I, and he is my personal savior. And then they’re faced with keeping his commandments and they’re willing to do anything but that They don’t love God. Okay? They don’t even know who he is because they could not possibly imagine to claim that they love him and not keep his commandments or that loving him is somehow separated from keeping his commandments.
Now, as I mentioned back, as we started first, John, all of this has a foundation in what John wrote in John chapters, 14, 15, and 16 and 17, where in the upper room, Jesus said, I’m going to send the Holy spirit to you to guide you into all truth, to give, be the comforter, to give you what you need,
because I’m departing, but I’m not leaving you alone. And he repeatedly emphasized to his, if you love me, keep my commandments. And if you’re mine, you’re not only going to love me, but you’re going to love one another. Now there were times in these apostles lives earlier on where they didn’t always get along with one another. As a matter of fact,
earlier on in the upper room, they were arguing about who was going to be the greatest in the kingdom. Jesus, his response to his apostles, arguing about who would be the greatest in the kingdom was to do what to be least. But what did he do? He washed their feet. And then he told them, you will be identified as my disciples by your love for one another.
So John says, he who says, I know him and doesn’t keep his commandment is a liar. He who keeps his word. The love of God is perfected at him by this. We know that we are in him. He who says he abides in him, ought himself also to walk just as he walked. So he connects keeping commandments to the love of God,
to abiding in God. Now we noticed last, uh, on Sunday, this idea of abiding, as he has mentioned, uh, I think six different times in chapter three. And he concludes chapter three with now. He who keeps his commandments. There’s chapter two verse. Why they, again, he who keeps his commandments abides in him and he,
the father in him, the person, and by this, we know that he abides in us, Christians in general, by the spirit whom he has given us beloved, do not believe every spirit. He says, here’s how, you know, God abides in you. You keep his commandments. And here’s how you know, he’s he’s done for you.
What he promised he would do that is in giving you his spirit because you kept his commandments, but you do not believe everyone who claims to be speaking for God. He will go on to say, but instead try or test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. The idea of spirits here is one of those times where he’s not using it in the sense of a,
a, an angel or a spiritual being. He’s using it in reference to a person. And he says, don’t believe everybody who claims to come to you with a message from God, turn over to Galatians chapter one. While the context is false prophets, false teachers, and those who are claiming to speak for God, the connotation and the, and the statement is equally applicable.
Even if it were an angel from heaven, turned in Galatians chapter one beginning in verse six, Paul says, I Marvel that you are turning away so soon from him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel, which is not another, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we,
and notice what Paul says or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than that, which we have preached to you, let him be a cursed, as we have said before. So say I now, again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be a cursed. Paul says, I don’t care.
If an angel appears to you claiming to be from heaven. If he tells you something different than what we’ve preached to you, you know, his messages and from heaven, you know, his message is not from God. So they had a responsibility to not only learn what they were taught when they became Christians, but they had a responsibility to hold onto those things.
To remember those things, to put those things into their hearts and minds so that when someone came into their assembly and was allowed to get up and speak to them, and this person came teaching something different. They could not only reject it, but refute it turn over to acts chapter 15. I’m sorry. Acts chapter 17 in acts chapter 17, as Paul is traveling on this missionary journey,
we read beginning verse 10. Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. Okay? So this is Paul and Silas because Paul and Barnabas have now parted ways that happened in chapter 15 at the end. So Paul and Silas, or out on this missionary journey and they leave,
uh, they leave vessel Annika after Jason’s house has been assaulted and they go into Berea. And as Paul’s custom was when he first goes into a city, he goes, where first he goes to the synagogue. He goes to the Jews. So he goes into the synagogue of the Jews. So these people who are about to hear him speak are not Christians.
Okay? They’re Jews. And we read in verse 11, these were more fair minded than those in Thessaloniki, in that they received the word with all readiness and searched the scriptures daily. And notice this last phrase to find out whether these things were So That verse right there is a direct interpretation of John’s statement to try the spirits, whether or not they are of God.
That is what it means. That when you hear something now, in their case, they were using the old Testament scriptures, because what they were being taught was different than what they had always been taught. So here comes someone who comes into their assembly, this assembly of the Jews, and he begins telling them the Messiah has come well. They’ve always been taught.
The Messiah is going to come. They’ve always been taught that the Messiah will come. Now, someone says he already came. That’s different than what they’ve always been taught, but they weren’t supposed to reject it out of just immediate. Well, you’re not telling us what we’ve always been taught. And therefore you must be telling us something that’s wrong. No,
that’s not what he says. And that’s not what John says. Either somebody comes in this building and they stand up in a pulpit and they tell you something you’ve never heard before. Your immediate reaction should not be that can’t possibly be true because I’ve never heard that before. You know, there’s many people in the religious world who you sit down and have a Bible study with.
And if you open God’s word and you start telling them the plan of salvation, you’re going to tell them something they’ve never heard before in their entire lives. And they may have been in a, in a Pew on every Sunday morning for their entire lives. And you will probably tell them something they’ve never heard and never read. But does that make it Faults?
No. So we don’t reject something because we’ve never heard it before we reject something. If we check it against the standard and it’s wrong. So it’s necessary upon us not to reject what we’ve all done, something different than what we’ve always been told, but to try to test what we’re told and if it falls short of the truth, or is in opposition to the truth,
then we’re to reject not only the message, but the messenger. We have a responsibility to stand up against and reject someone who teaches that, which is false. Go back over to first, John first, John chapter four, he says beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits. Whether they are of God. The implication is there that if you test them and they fail the test,
who are they not from? They’re not from God. He then goes on to because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this, you know, the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in, the flesh is of God. All right, he’s going to begin here to give you a series of tests. And these tests have,
um, have a great deal of concentration and focus on the problems the church was dealing with right then. Okay. There was a, there was a time in John’s day where the struggles they were having from within and without is that there were those within the church, claiming the Jesus never came in the flesh. And there were those without outside the church who rejected the Jesus was the Messiah.
Okay? So his very first test is if someone comes to you and doesn’t claim that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, he is not of God. You can just Mark it down. But if he comes to you claiming that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, okay, test number one, passed. Because if he doesn’t believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh,
it doesn’t matter what else he believes. It doesn’t matter what else he says, everything else can be thrown out with with the, that part of the message. Because once he’s wrong on that, he’s wrong on everything. As far as John is concerned, but then notice what he says. He says by this, you know, the spirit of God,
every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in, the flesh is of God. And every spirit that does not confess the Jesus Christ has come in. The flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming and is now, already in the world. John connects the denial of Jesus Christ coming in the flesh with the antichrist,
with the discussion. He started back in chapter two concerning the antichrist. He said that one of the very specific attributes of this, this group of people who were told, they were told, were coming. These that were going to come out from them. This departure away from the faith. He says, one of the very specific attributes is they’ll begin denying that Jesus Christ ever came in the flesh.
And so that’s the singular attribute that he gives to those who are the antichrist. As he calls them those who are in opposition to Christ. He says, you verse four are of God, little children, and have overcome them. Because he who is in you is greater than he, who is in the world. He tells these Christians, you belong to God.
And as long as you belong to God, it doesn’t matter who comes. It doesn’t matter. Who opposes you. It doesn’t matter what forces they bring against you. You overcome them. Now. That’s not always going to look the way that we might imagine. It’s going to look the Christian who says I will not deny Christ. And immediately following that,
a Roman Centurion lops off his head just overcame. He was the Victor buddy’s dead. And why was he victorious? Because eternally he achieved what God had laid in store for it. So in the book of revelation, John will continue this overcoming theme that he’s talking about right here. The commandments of God, abiding in God, the love of God, connected with overcoming those who oppose God is going to be drawn forward in the book of revelation.
And the message of the book of revelation is the one who overcomes in this life comes over in the next life. That is, they abide with God. Okay? So he says here, every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in, the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming.
And now, already in the world, you are of God, little children and have overcome them because he who is in you is greater than he, who is in the world. They are of the world. Therefore they speak of as of the world and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us. And he,
who is not of God does not hear us by this. We know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. John draws back the curtain, as it will and says these false prophets, their message originates with the father of this world, their message originates with the one who belongs to this world, but yours doesn’t. So don’t go after the majority,
he makes it clear the same way Jesus made it clear. There’s going to be many who follow after them. There’s going to be a majority of those who hear them. But that doesn’t mean you do that doesn’t mean you follow after them. You follow after God. And then he says this beloved, let us love one another. And he’s talked about loving God.
He’s talked about keeping his commandments. He’s talked about faithfulness to his laws and his commandments and his word. And now he’s going to go right back to love. One another for love is of God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. When we get into this passage, one of the things we need to be clear about is that there will be individuals and are,
and have always been individuals who have actions that are and do things that are loving actions, but they’re not doing them as a result of their knowledge and obedience of God. There are people who are kind, who are gentle, who are courteous, who carry forward and, and enact in their lives. Self-sacrifice but that in and of itself is not an attribute that declares them to be a Christian.
Okay? Because the first attribute of being a Christian is what keeping his commandments love is in this world. It is an attribute of this world. It is something that people utilize or reject. They see people around them, they they’ve received it and they give it again. But there’s more to love. Then just point actions done toward someone else. And so,
as we go through this passage, we need to kind of be able to parse in our minds, the love of God as demonstrated towards one another and the love of others as demonstrated by the world. Here’s how I know there is a difference. And here’s how I know that there is love. That is the actions of the world that isn’t from God,
but it is showing goodness, kindness and favor towards others. Jesus said that those who are in the world love those who are in the world and hate him. Now there’s the word love, but it’s in a negative context. They love that, which is wrong. They love those who agree with them, but they hate him. Okay? So in all of this,
and then I don’t want to be too, you know, uh, this jointed in this, I want us to recognize there are actions that people say, well, that’s love a mother caring for a newborn child that is love. And that is instilled within a person. And he is an outflowing of God’s love that he’s placed in this world, but ultimately for that mother to love that child in the way that she ought,
she first has to love God. And that’s, that’s a struggle for people because that mother might love that child and still raise them to be a servant of the devil by not teaching them to love God first. And so we’ve got to, we’ve got to keep this context. John started with keep my commandments. Outflowing from that is love connected to that is your relationship to God.
And from that from love and fellowship and obedience comes your love of one another. You cannot get the love of God toward one another. If you don’t first have the love of God, it’s impossible. And yet we will still see actions and activities that we Will recognize as the character of God and they’ll happen around us. And they’ll happen from people that aren’t obedient to God,
because God’s nature is part of this creation in that sense. Okay? So he says, beloved, let us love. One another for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love. Here’s test. Number two, someone comes to you and they have,
uh, something to teach you. And they first and foremost say that Jesus Christ, it didn’t come in the flesh. They’re not of God. Secondly, their actions exhibit that they don’t love one another. They’re not of God. He says in verse nine in this, the love of God is manifested toward us. That God has sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him in.
This is love. Not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins. John hearkens back to the message that Paul writes in Romans chapter five, that when we were yet sinners, when we were unlovable, when we were undesirable, God still loved us. We see the need for that. Love all over the world.
Today, we see the need for the love of God, that declares. I’m going to love you, even though you’re not worth it in the human sense, because you are worth it in God’s eyes because Jesus Christ came and died for you. He then goes on to say beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
If God was willing to do that for you and me, then we’re without excuse w we have no opportunity to say, you know what? Someone has done something so terrible, so bad. I can’t possibly love them. John says, no. John says, if God was willing to send his son to die for you, who is it? You can’t love who is it that you have an excuse for?
Not loving, no one has ever seen God at any time. If we love one another God abides in us and his love has been perfected in us. Okay? So back over here in chapter two, he said that God’s love is perfected in the person who keeps his word. Now over here in chapter four, he says his love is perfected in us.
When we love one another. He’s tying these things together in such a way that when you see a picture of a Christian, when you see a picture of a person who abides with God, you can’t separate these things. You can’t pull one out and say, that’s what a Christian is and neglect all the rest of them. You can’t do it not and hold onto what John said.
No one has ever seen God at any time. If we love one, another God abides in us. And his love has been perfected in us by this. We know that we abide in him and he in us because he has given us of his spirit. And we have seen and testify that the father has sent the son as savior of the world.
He goes back to chapter one. He goes back to that message, which he started with. We saw him, we beheld him. We touched him. We heard him. We witnessed that. He came in the flesh, but he also, when he departed, sent his spirit and these miraculous gifts that were part of the first century church, one of the other things we need to keep in mind is we’re reigning this and his word,
remembering that they have the test. The spirits is they didn’t have all of this written down. Even those letters that were circulating, they wouldn’t necessarily have had a personal possession of those letters. Quite often, the letter would be circulated from church to church, to church, and sometimes they would make copies, but it would be the congregation that had a copy,
not every member. And quite often you would have had Christians who couldn’t have read it anyway, because they didn’t know how to read. And yet in that first century church, God had given them through the gifts of the Holy spirit, the ability to not only teach the ability to not only have the revelation of God, but also the ability to discern the truth.
And so they could discern whether or not a person was teaching that, which was true. So then notice what he says. He says, and we have seen verse 14 and testify that the father has sent the son as savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the son of God, God abides in him. And he and God. All right,
test number three, if he confesses, Jesus came in the flesh passing test. Number one, if he loves the brethren Test number two, if he confesses that Jesus is the son of God, there’s test number three, he goes on to say, and we have seen, or excuse me, verse 16. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us.
God is love. And he who abides in love, abides in God and God in him. Love has been perfected among us in this. We go through life and we struggle. I think most of us do at least with the reality that we’re not perfect as Christians. We, that that is, that is hard for us to live with. We look at our failures,
we look at our faults and it is hard to live with the reality that we don’t get it right all the time. And yet here, John has said over and over and over again, that when we do what God commands us, when we act the way God has shown us, when we exhibit his character, his love is perfected in us. And it reminds me of what God told Paul,
because God told Paul not when you’re perfect and not when you’re flawless and not when you’re strong and not when everything’s going. Right. But when you’re weak is when I am strong in you. He told Paul, my grace is sufficient for you. And as people who want to be perfect, that’s hard to live with. That’s hard to handle because it’s an,
it’s a free admission from God. You’re going to need me. And you’re not going to have the answers and you’re not going to get it right every time. And yet John sets this in a context of saying, but there are those who are in direct opposition of him. There are those who’ve gone out from among us, who claimed to be of us,
who aren’t, who are not struggling to stay in the light. They are walking in darkness and you gotta be, Oh, you have your Eyes open to it. You’ve gotta be aware of it. And you have to test them to make sure that they are what they claim to be. So then he says, love has been perfected among us in this,
that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as he is, so are we in the world here? He, he brings forward this message he’s talked about. God’s love being perfected in us. God’s love being perfected in us. God’s love being perfected in us. And now he says, and when it is, he says, you can have boldness on the day of judgment when God comes.
And God stands before you and judgment. And you stand before him knowing all the times you failed in the past, knowing all the times you struggled at all the times, you sin and all the times you didn’t do it. Perfect. He says, you can have boldness in the day of judgment. And this is another one of those central themes that carries over in the book of revelation.
Turn to revelation, chapter six, revelation chapter six, beginning in verse 12. I looked when he opened the sixth seal and behold, there was a great earthquake and the son became black as sackcloth of hair. And the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth. And the fig trees dropped his late figs while it was shaken by a mighty wind.
Then the sky receded as a scroll, when it is rolled up and every mountain and Island was moved out of its place. I mean, look at this. The vision is, I mean, just the whole earth is just decimated with God’s action and the Kings of the earth, the great men, the Richmond, the commanders, the mighty man, every slave and every free man hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne.
And from the wrath of the lamb, the great men of the world, the men of power, the men of glory, the men of stature, the men of wealth, the men of prominence flee. They hide themselves. They call the mountains to fall on them, to protect them. Anything that will stand between them and the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come.
And who is able to stay in the questions, asked who can stand in that day? Who is it that can stand before the Lord on that day. And then there’s kind of a break in the events because in chapter seven, after the question is asked, you’re going to get the answer because God, in chapter seven is going to Mark those who belong to him.
And the message is, here’s the answer to the question who can stand in the day of the wrath of the lamb, those who belong to God, and then chapter eight, you read, as it opens up, when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the angel, the seven angels who stand before God and to them were given seven trumpets.
Then another angel having a gold sensor came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense that he should offer it on the prayer or, uh, offer with it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne and the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended before God, from the Angel’s hand,
then the angel took the sensor, filled it with fire from the altar and threw it to the earth. And there were noises and thunderings lightenings and an earthquake. So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound, okay, these seven trumpets are seven judgments. The judgments are about to go forth, but before the judgments go forth, the prayers of the sames go up.
The prayers of the saints, go to God and he hears them. And then the fire from the altar is thrown to the earth. I’ve heard those who belong to me and my judgments coming. And so these angels are preparing the sound, but as they do, one of the things that you find is you read the book of revelation is those that are marked with the Mark of God.
They’re protected, they’re safe. You can’t touch them. The judgment of God doesn’t hit them. They belong to me. So John says over here in first, John Love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is, so are we in the world? There is no fear in love. We struggle with human speech to describe how we ought to Fear God and keep his commandments.
While at the same time have boldness before God and not fear. It is hard to, to, to declare that in a way that makes sense to you and me, but we don’t fear his judgment when we’ve obeyed his word. We have boldness in his judgment when we’ve obeyed his word, but we really ought to fear him when we have it. And so he says,
there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made. Perfect in love. We love him because he first loved us. If someone says, I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar. Or he does. He who does not love his brother, whom he has seen.
How can he love God whom he has not seen? And this is, and this commandment we have from him that he who loves God must love his brother also. So again, he sets forth that test. You claim to love God. And you hate your brother. You’re a liar. You don’t love God. Matter of fact, you don’t know who he is,
because if you can’t love the one you’ve seen you can’t possibly love the one you’ve not seen. Alright, let’s go through the questions. Since we’re out of time. Question number one. Yes or no. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. Everybody better get that one. Right? Question two, who is greater Jesus or the devil? Jesus question three part.
One. Love comes from whom. God question three part two. God is blank. Love question three part three. Therefore we ought to love one. Another question. Four. Who is the savior of the world? Jesus or the son? Question five. Yes or no. Is there fear in love? No. Um, question six who loved first God or man?
God. Yes or no. Question seven. Can a person loved God if he hates his brother? No. All right. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible> I believe everyone’s back in the auditorium. It’s certainly as good to see everyone. The same evening. We have one guest, Ruth Goodman. If you haven’t met her, she hadn’t been here in a while visiting with us,
but it’s nice to have her here this evening. Well, yeah y’all know her, but the rest of the congregation might not have seen her lately. And might’ve forgotten who she is, but we’re glad you’re here, Ruth. Uh, we do want to remind you of a few things. I remember Dorothy and Rodale Wilson. They’re both having difficulties North.
He has high blood pressure and Rodale went, had a, uh, ultrasound Thursday for a heart valve issue. So keep them in your prayers and you might want to give them a call and check up on them. Make sure there’s if there’s see if anything that we can do for them to help them out at this period of time. Um, how so Pam shaven is,
has back problems. And, uh, I haven’t talked to her lately. Has anyone talked to her recently? How’s she doing? Okay. All right. All right. If you didn’t hear that the Pam is still having a great deal of pain is in a wheelchair and she is going to have to have back surgery at some point in time. So keep Pam in your prayers and she might need a hand with some things.
I didn’t know it was that bad. Um, okay. Okay. Alright. Um, Sylvia was going to have a, I got this. She’s trying to go in on a Saturday, but I can’t do this nerve block on her Saturday. She told me, so she has to go in on the 28th. We just got the date wrong is what it was.
She’s going to go in on the 28th or a nerve block. And we sure hope that helps you out Sylvia. And then, uh, Danny Sanderson is at home tonight. She has tendonitis in her legs and we certainly want to remember Jenny in our prayers and we miss her and hope she gets over that soon. Let’s not forget that the gospel meeting with Keith Cozort has been canceled and be rescheduled for next year.
So I believe that’s all of the announcements that I had. Uh, the saving Marie Springer is going to lead our song service. Aaron will bring us the devotional. And then Eric Richardson, Halverson. I think of Eric Richardson and Holly a lot, but Eric Halvorson, we’ll be having our closing prayer. Thank you, Mark. Your book, your number 912,
912, 162. Number one six two. Oh hell. The power of Jesus name that he angels prostrate fall bring forth a raw yo Taya damn, and crown on him.<inaudible> and<inaudible> on him.<inaudible> Oh, he chose on seed of his room’s rate. He ride some from the fall. Hell him who saved you by his grace and crown on him.<inaudible> hell him.
Who saved you by his grace and crown him<inaudible> Oh, that every kindred, every tribe on the star Rastro ball to him all mad. Josh. He has cry and crown him<inaudible> to him. Oh man, just he scrapped and crown him<inaudible> Oh, Oh, that wood yonder thick red throw. We had his feet may fall. We’ll join the,
a lasting song and praise him.<inaudible> John<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> That song. We just sang, let me take, taken from revelation, chapter four in revelation, chapter four, there’s a scroll. John has been invited into the throne room of God and he sees an open door and he goes through that door and he sees the one on the throne.
God, the father. And he can describe all the magnificence of everything around him, but there’s no description for the one on the throne. But in his hand, in the hand of the one on the throne is a scroll, but it’s sealed in John’s day in time. There was a recognition about a sealed scroll that you and I maybe don’t appreciate the same level.
The, the way it might work for us is, you know, there’s that nuclear football that travels around with the president in that it’s got the codes for the, for launching a nuclear weapon. And you know, not everybody can open that. I mean, Joe down the street happens to pick it up on the street one day because the secret surface man left it behind and he can’t get in.
Why? Because it won’t open for him. He doesn’t have the necessary attributes to open it. Well, the scroll is there in the hand of the one on the throne and they begin looking in all heaven and all earth. They are looking for anyone who’s worthy to open the scroll. John sees them going through heaven and earth and no one’s found. And we read that John begins to weep because there’s a message from God.
It’s in his hand, he’s offering it to the world, but no one is worthy to open the revelation of God. Then he came and took the scroll out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne, verse seven. Now, when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb, having each,
having a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, you have made us Kings and priests to our God.
And we shall reign on the earth, the elders and the bees surrounding the throne and those who are there before the throne room of God that were described in chapter three. And in the beginning of chapter four, they see the lamb verse six says, and I looked, and I’m a hold in the midst of the throne and of the living Creek four living creatures.
And in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as though it hadn’t been slain. And those who are around the throne proclaim he’s worthy, he’s worthy open the scroll because he died because he was slain because his blood was shed for us. Let’s go back to Psalm one or the song number one 62, all hail the power of jesus’ name, let angels prostrate fall bring forth the Royal diadem and crown him.
Lord of all, go back to revelation. Chapter four. Then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures and the elders and the number of them 10,000 times, 10,000 and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor, and glory and blessing and every creature,
which is in heaven and on earth, on the earth and under the earth and such as, or in the sea and all that are in them. I heard saying blessing and honor, and glory and power to be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever. Then the four living creatures said amen. And the 24 elders fell down and worshiped him who lives forever and ever songwriter temps to capture in these words,
what John and the Holy spirit capture in this vision, that the one who was crucified didn’t end his life in a tomb because he stood as a lamb. That was slain, but he’s not slang. He stood as a lamb whose blood was shed, but he’s alive. And he’s not only not dead. He’s not only not without his blood, but he stands worthy.
And as we mentioned in our class, he is very much alive because when his judgment comes, all the great men on the earth will cry out for anything to save them from the wrath of a lamb. You and I, we have an opportunity to be one of two people. We have an opportunity to be one of those people who fall prostrate at the feet of Christ and praise him and obey him and confess his name.
Or we have the opportunity to be judged because Jesus made it clear in John chapter five that God had given all judgment into his hand. And that there is coming a day when all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth some on to everlasting life and some onto everlasting destruction. So you and I, we have a choice because there is one who is worthy and he’s alive.
Do you have need of the invitation? It is open to you. If you’re outside the body of Christ, you can enter into the body of Christ. You can enter into salvation. You can become a child of God by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God by repenting of your sins and confessing the name of Christ,
being immersed in water for the remission of those sins. You can do that tonight. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve been wayward, you’ve turned your back on God. You can repent of that and come home. If you’re in need of public prayer, that prayer is available for you by the church and by the congregation here. If you have need of anything,
you can come. Now, as we stand in, as we sing Saw, what’s all rolling care arts or<inaudible> burdens are lifted at cow. He talked to<inaudible> burdens on<inaudible><inaudible> burdens are lifted.<inaudible> past your care on Jesus today. Deeds, your worry and fear burdens are lifted at<inaudible>. Burdens are lifted at<inaudible> burdens are<inaudible><inaudible> troubles so that savior can see every heartache.
And two burdens are lifted at Cauvery<inaudible> burdens are lifted at Cauvery Cauvery burns are lifted at<inaudible><inaudible> God. Our father would come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this evening, to study a portion of your word and sing songs, praise to your great name. God, we ask that you help each and every one of us take the lesson that brother Aaron brought to us tonight from your word and apply it to our lives,
that we may better live amongst others here on earth and be your shining example to them that have not known that do not know you or possibly those that have known you and fallen away so that they may come back to you or come to you in first place so that they know your word. Lord, we know there are many amongst us that are suffering various elements.
And we ask that if it’d be your, will you reach out to each and every one of them and bring them back to a measure of health that they so desire. Also, God, we ask that you be with the leaders of this country and the leaders of all the countries of this world and ask that they look to you for guidance into decisions that they make.
And if it be your will return peace to every nation on, uh, earth. And as we to part here, we ask that you forgive us of our sins and keep us safe until we meet again. We pray all this through your son, Jesus name. Amen.
What will children of God be like when Jesus appears? 1 John 3:2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Define sin. A person alive in Christ (a) keeps on sinning or (b) does not keep on sinning. 1 John 3:4, 6, 9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How long has the devil been sinning? How did Jesus destroy the devil’s work? 1 John 3:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Anyone who hates his brother is a _______________. 1 John 3:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How did Jesus demonstrate love? 1 John 3:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Children of God should love with (a) words, (b) actions, (c) tongue, or (d) truth. 1 John 3:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
God lives in whom? 1 John 3:24 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Zechariah 5-6 – The Scroll; The Basket; The Chariots; The Gifts; THE BRANCH
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in first, John chapter three, hopefully everyone has picked up a set of the questions. If not, they are in the back. Let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We humbly bow before your throne grateful for the day, you’ve ran into us in the life that you offer us grateful for the opportunity to study your word and to understand better what things you would have for us to do for our lives.
We pray that you will be with those throughout this country who are struggling with illnesses, struggling with difficulties, struggling with lost jobs, struggling with all the many cares of this life and the things that come with it pray most, especially that they will be aware of their spiritual condition, that they will open their Bibles. They will study your word and they will come to a knowledge of the truth.
Be obedient to it. Lord, we pray that you’d be with those who are traveling had they reached their destination safely, and may they arrive back to their home safely as well. Pray for those who are still unable to get out for, because of reasons of the virus. And we pray that you will give them safety and comfort and strength as they endure through this difficult time,
we pray for leaders of this nation, And we pray for the leaders of nations throughout the world, that they might always make decisions that are in accordance with your will. And that even when they failed to do what is right for the right reasons that we might have opportunities made available to us to spread the good news of the kingdom through their actions. Lord,
we pray that when we sin and fall short of your glory, you were willing to forgive us as we repent of those things. We thank you for that. We thank you most, especially for your son who died on the cross for our sins to become a propitiation for us all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. John begins with a series of thoughts about a biding.
He begins in chapter two, verse 24 says, therefore let that or excuse me, therefore, let that abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. So you going to begin this idea, this theme with allow the truth that which you have heard from the beginning to abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning of binds in you,
you also will abide in the son and in the father, the relationship that a person has with God and Christ is dependent upon their relationship to his word. You can’t have a relationship with God and Christ independent or separated from the revelation of God. And so notice what he says. He says, and this is the promise that he has promised us eternal life.
So he ties on to that. The relationship with God is the dependency upon which you have eternal life. So without the truth, you can’t have a relationship with God without a relationship with God, you do not have eternal life. So then he says these things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you, but the anointing, which you have received from him,
abides in you, and you do not need that. Anyone teach you, but the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie just as it has taught you. You will abide in him. John goes back to that anointing. Now, again, we mentioned on Wednesday that we’re in a context of time in first, John,
where the first century church still has access to the laying on of the hands of the apostles because they, and therefore the gifts of the Holy spirit, because John’s still around. I mean, it, obviously the apostles haven’t died off yet. They’re getting a letter from one of them. So the miraculous still is still part of the church at that time.
And so John’s reference here to the spirit of biding in them and providing them this knowledge is a reference to the miraculous gifts of revelation and prophecy. He says, and now little children abide in him. He calls them back to this idea of bide in God. He says, it’s a choice, John makes it clear. You choose to abide in God.
If John says to someone who has no choice, because the spirit does it for him and the spirit determines whether or not he abides in God and God determined before he was ever born, whether or not he would abide in God, if it’s all up to God and it’s not up to man, what’s the point of John saying to a Christian abide in him,
the Christian, if Calvinism was true, would turn around and look at John and go, what choice do I have in the decision? It’s all up to God, God determined before I was created before I was born, whether I would be in him or not. And the spirit doesn’t based upon his power and his anointing of me, whether I do it or not.
So why do, why, why am I being told to do this? This is where Calvinism just falls apart. When you look at what the new Testament actually says, he says, and now little children abide in him that when he appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him and his coming. John makes it clear. Not only are we responsible for abiding in him because God’s not moving.
God’s not changing. God’s not departing from us. If there’s a separation between God and us, it’s only because who moved us. So it is our decision and our choice and our responsibility to abide in him and not to depart from him. But he ties that forward to judgment. Now, whether the coming here is coming of judgment in the near future,
in the days of the Jewish system and the destruction of the Jewish system or the coming of eternal judgment on the judgment day, when this life is over, frankly, doesn’t matter either way, because if they weren’t abiding in Christ and they weren’t faithful to God, when the judgment came on the Jewish nation, they probably were going to suffer as a result.
And if they’re certainly not abiding in him, when they end this life and the day of judgment comes, they’re certainly going to be a negative result. I tend to think though the context here in contrast, by the way, to Peter’s writings and James, his writings, John is writing to a broader audience. John is writing to a more combination of Jew and Gentile Christians.
And his focus is not nearly as much on Jerusalem and on Judah and on the destruction of the nation as Peter and James were. So I tend to believe that John here is referencing the coming of Christ in the sense of the second coming of Christ. If you know, verse 29, that he is righteous. You know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of him.
When you read that, if you know that he is righteous, the idea there is, and he is, it’s an implied in phatic statement. He is righteous. So if you know that he is righteous and he is, you know, that everyone who practice practices, righteousness is born of him. The one who does what God says in all facets is the one who is the offspring of God.
Turn over to John chapter one, John chapter one, because John is writing about Christ verse nine. That was the true light, which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world and the world was made through him and the world did not know him. He came to his own and his own did not receive him. But as many as received him to them,
he gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Now notice what John just said there. John said that the person who’s born of God is the person not who rejects Christ or rejects his word.
But the one who received him who received his word, his doctrine and was obedient to it, to them. He gave the right to become the children of God. So John says, if you know that he is righteous and he is, then you know that those who practice righteousness are born of him. What’s the implication of that. For those who don’t practice righteousness,
they’re not born of God. The logical opposite is if the one who practices righteousness is born of God. The one who practices unrighteousness is not Bible elsewhere says you shall know them by their fruits. He said, you can look at the actions in a person’s life. You can look at their lifestyle. You can look at what they do, and you can know whether or not they’re righteous.
Now, obviously we’re not dealing here with the idea of someone who’s putting on a show and doing everything right in public. And in private, they’re doing everything wrong. He’s talking about an entire life. He’s talking about. They truly practice righteous. And as they’re not the Pharisees who are putting on a show and who, you know, want to be seen for fasting.
And so they show themselves and they, they, they dirty their face up. So they look like they’re fasting longer than that. You know, it’s not that, it’s the idea of the one who truly is practicing righteousness. Now. Then he says, behold, what manner of love the father has bestowed on us? That we should be called children of God.
Therefore, the world does not know us because it did not know him here in chapter three. You’re going to have this carrying on of this concept of abiding an on a number of different levels. We’re going to talk about that throughout chapter three, but you’re also going to see the word know, K N O w over and over and over again. You’re going to get a bide or some form of abide six times in this chapter,
but you’re going to get no, I didn’t actually count them, but a bunch more than that. Okay. But notice how he begins. At least the way the chapters are broken up in our English Bibles. He says behold in a movie, that would be the climactic scene. It’s the, it’s the scene you don’t want to miss. It’s the thing that you don’t want to overlook.
John says, wake up and look at this bow. Hold. What manner of love the father has bestowed on us? Psalmus writer expressed it this way. What is man, that you are mindful of him. John wants us to take a moment and just stop and understand and bow hold and look upon the reality that we didn’t deserve this. We didn’t earn this humanity in no way,
shape or form is valuable enough in their own right to have deserved Christ dying for us. John writes in John chapter 10 is Jesus is speaking concerning the shepherd and the sheep that he describes himself as the good shepherd and that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Now let’s just step back from a purely pragmatic look at this of which or which individual,
which, which being has greater value, the sheep or the shepherd, the shepherd that ought to be that ought to be a no brainer. Why then would the shepherd lay down his life for the sheep because of his care for them and the value. He places on them as an outsider, looking at the situation, we would go, Nope, Shepherd’s worth more after all.
And, and, and we do this calculus. If the shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, then the sheep are without a shepherd. Therefore the sheep are worse off than they were. If some of them died, except here’s the other part of the calculus. What if all of them died? What if by the shepherd laying down his life,
they have an opportunity for life. And without the shepherd laying down his life, all of them die. What does Romans chapter three verse 23 says for, we have all sin and come short of the glory of God, Romans chapter six, verse 23, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Behold. What manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should not only be given eternal life,
but that we should be called the children of God. There are a lot of kids in this world that I’m fond of. And I appreciate, and don’t mind being around, but there’s only three. I call my children. They have a special place. Trust me. When I get in the car and go home, they’re coming with me and nobody else’s kids are.
And when we wake up in the morning, they’re going to get fed at the, at the breakfast table. And nobody else’s kids are beloved. Now we are the children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when he is revealed, we shall be like him for, we shall see him as he is one of my favorite passages in all of the new Testament,
two reasons. Number one, it tells us that there were things that even the apostle John, as he was getting up in age, as he was old, as he was considered an elder, as he was one who was nearing the end of his life, there were still things he didn’t know about eternity. I find great comfort in that because there’s many things I don’t know about eternity.
And John says, here, here, he’s writing to the Christian. He says, when we get into eternity, we don’t know what we shall be like. W we don’t know what our life in eternity is going to be like, but we know this. We shall be like him. Who’s the him there Christ. So he says, when he is revealed,
we shall be like him. And John says that to give us hope, which by the way, indicates that everyone who says I’ve gone into eternity. I died for 23 minutes and I went into eternity. And then I came back and this is what he turned into. His life is a liar. They’re just flat wrong. I don’t know what they were on.
And I don’t know what they hallucinated, but they aren’t on what they think they’re on. And that it was a trip round trip from eternity. He goes on to say, and everyone who has this hope in him, purifies himself just as he is pure. So this understanding of eternity, this motivation toward being with God, because you will bind when in him,
you are doing and practicing righteousness. And as a result, when he is revealed, you will be like him. He says, this is your motivation to purify yourself. This is your motivation to keep cleansing sin out of your life. Because the person who has this hope, the person who knows that he turned it, he will be our opportunity to be like,
Christ is going to start getting ready. Now he’s going to start cleansing his life of sin. Now he is going to start trying to be like Christ. Now, whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness and sin is lawlessness. And you know that he was manifested to take away our sins. And in him, there is no sin. John says, sin is the transgression of the law.
It is the going beyond the law. It is lawlessness. And, you know, he says, you have every knowledge of the fact that Jesus Christ came into this world to take away sin. So if we want to be like Christ, and if Christ came to take away sin, then what should we do in our own lives? Take away sin.
Whoever abides in him does not sin. That doesn’t mean sinlessly perfect. He’s talking about your choices. You, as you abide in Christ, as you abide in him, as you abide in that hope, as you have a knowledge of what he would have you to do, you look at what he would have you do, and you make that choice.
And he goes on to say, whoever abides in him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen him nor known him. The one who pursues sin, the one who goes after righteousness, the one who says, I know what God said, but I enjoy it. John says, you don’t know God, this is not as some would have it.
A passage that upholds once saved, always saved. This is one of those passages that, uh, people who believe in once saved, always saved will come to and say, see if a person sins. They never knew God. If a person abides in righteousness, then they know God. So if you’re a Christian, once saved, always saved. But if you’re not a Christian,
you’re lost, but you’ll never go from one to the other because he says they neither have seen him nor known him. Now we’ve got to make sure all of these passage passages don’t contradict each other. Because Peter, just over a passage, we just read a few weeks ago, said that there were those who were Christians who had become like the dog returning to his vomit and the Sal going back to wallowing in the mire because they had returned to sin.
So how do we understand both of these passages? Correct? You’re dealing with a passage talking about them remaining in sin. Someone who comes and they hear the gospel. They believe the gospel. They go through the steps, but inwardly the entire time they’re going, but I’m not changing. Oh, I’ll I’ll, I’ll, I’ll get put in the water,
but I’m going to live the way I’m going to live. What was the effect of their baptism? They got wet. First Peter chapter three, verse 21 speaks about the fact that baptism, which also now saves us is the answer of a good conscience toward God. That is an individual who says I have to die. The old man has to be put to death so that the new man can be born again.
You can’t enter into Christianity and go, well, I’m going to do this and God’s gonna forgive me, but I’m not going to change. Put in here in your mind of person who goes, I’m willing to hear and I’m willing to believe, and I’m willing to confess and I’m willing to be baptized. What did they leave out? I’m not willing to repent because I’m not willing to change.
You’re talking about someone who comes in and by the way that they were dealing with this in the first century church, okay? When John is writing to them, he’s writing to them with those who were, what, who were going out from them. And he described them as the antichrist. And he’s going to get back to that for the end of this chapter,
they were in opposition to Christ and yet they were coming out of the church. Remember is you’re dealing with this. You’re not only dealing with him talking about morality. You’re dealing with them talking about doctrine as well. He’s saying they don’t practice righteousness. And they’re going out from us claiming to be righteous. But you look at their lives and they never submitted to God.
They never were obedient to God. They were from beginning to end from day one till now, those who were only about themselves. So as you’re dealing with this, what’s, you’re not dealing with contextually. You’re not dealing with a person who was doing what was right from day one and then stumbled. And John says, no, no, no, somebody who’s doing right.
Can’t stumble. You’re not dealing with that. You’re dealing with someone who put on a show from day. One of being righteous, but their life was the exact opposite and their attitude in their action declared the fact. They never were obedient to God. They never knew him. And they never submitted to him. Okay? Notice what he had, what he says here.
He says little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices. Righteousness is righteous just as he is righteous. He who sins is of the devil for the devil sin. From the beginning for this purpose, the son of man was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil in John chapter eight. Jesus told the Jews, you have,
you are of your father, the devil, who did they believe their father to be? Abraham? Jesus said, you not only don’t know who Abraham is. You’re not his child. John is bringing that idea forward. Here are Jews there. They’re there. They’re in the covenant. They believe they’re part of the right lineage. They believe they’re the descendants of Abraham.
They believe. And Jesus says, your children would say, wait a minute. Oh, wait, there’s this other passage? Matthew chapter seven, Matthew chapter seven, verse 24, sorry. Verse 21. Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of my father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and notice this phrase. And then I will declare to them. I never knew you depart from me. You who practice lawlessness. Now what did verse four? Just say the one who commits sin commits lawlessness or sin is lawlessness.
Same context, same idea. Jesus says, I never knew you. You claim to be mine and you never were. You claim to be doing this in my name. And you never did. You wanted to portray that you belong to me, but you didn’t because you didn’t do what I commanded you. So then he says, whoever has been born of God does not sin for his seed remains in him.
And he cannot sin because he has been born of God in this, the children of God and the children of devil of the devil are manifest. That is their maiden known. Whoever does not practice. Righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. John’s going to go from love the Lord, thy God, with all my heart,
with all my soul, with all my strength in all my mind and love thy neighbor as thyself, John’s going to transition from God, loved you. And behold that love. Now you look at your brother and you tell me, do you love your brother? Do you hate your brother? He says this. He says in this, the children of God and the children of devil are manifest.
Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother for this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another, not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous do not Marvel my brethren.
If the world hates you, we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death, old Testament. Prophet said it this way. Can two walk together except they be agreed. The world does not walk with Christians in harmony and unity. It’s one of the reasons why, you know,
there will never be world peace, not in the universal sense of the term, because the only way there will ever be world peace. And this is kind of just a dichotomy in itself is that there’s no more Christians for the world to hate. But then again, if the world was completely filled with sin, you think there’s going to be world peace.
Nope. Think Noah experienced pretty much the closest thing to that, that you could get to. And what did we read about that? Every thought was only evil. Continually. We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brethren. Now wait a minute. So the sign, the, the, the, the, one of the reasons we can know we’re Christians is because of how we treat our brethren.
Yes. Turn over to John chapter 14, John chapter, sorry, 13 beginning, verse 33 little children. I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek me. And as I said to the Jews where I am going, you cannot come. So now I say to you, a new commandment I give to you that you love one another.
As I have loved you, that you also love one another by this all will know that you are my disciples. If you have love for one another, a defining characteristic of Christians is their love for one another so much. So that Jesus said the world will look at you and they’ll know, they’ll know there won’t be a doubt in their mind that person’s a Christian.
Now you and I, we have to look at our lives ago. Could, could they tell good? Could they really tell that we’re a Christian by how we treat our brethren? He goes on to say, we know that we’ve passed from death to life because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer.
And you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him the same way. Jesus said the one who hates his brother and his heart has killed him already. John says, you hate your brother and you have in your heart, all the attributes of a murderer Cain killed his brother because Kane’s deeds were unrighteous. And his brothers were righteous by this. We know love because he laid down his life for us.
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Now, John writes to these Christians and he calls upon them to lay down their lives for one another. And you know, I’ve imagined that probably we look at it this way. We being generally people in a society, we look at things like war and defending our homes, defending our country,
defending our nation. And we go, I wouldn’t want to die. But if I had to, I would, if it meant saving a country, if it meant defending the country then, or defending my family or defending my home, I’d die. But there’s more to it than that. There’s more to what John is saying. Then being willing to lay down your life for someone as a point action,
I E to die for them because there’s more to what Jesus did than just die for us. Isn’t there. If Jesus had come down from heaven the day before the crucifixion gone to the cross and then returned to heaven the day afterwards, would that have been the same thing? No, he didn’t. He divested himself of what it was to be the son of God.
He made, brought, took on flesh being lower than the angels. And he lived for us first, before he died for us. And it is that reason. John is going to tell us, you lay down your life for your brethren and then immediately go into, but verse 17, whoever has this world’s goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up his heart from him.
How does the love of God abide in him? John says, you need to lay down your life for your brethren, but if you won’t even take your stuff and help your brother, how can you claim to love your brother? The things that you know, aren’t eternal, the things that you know are passing away. The things that you know, belong to God to begin with.
You won’t even take what you have and help your brother who’s in need. So how do you claim the love your brother? If you won’t do the lower one, how can you be expected to do the greater one? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth, this is very similar in thought to what James said.
When James said, show me your faith without your works. And I’ll show you my faith by my works. And by this, John says, when you’ve actually enacted love, when you’ve actually practiced, love, just like he told you to practice righteousness. That’s the idea here. You abide in God because you practice righteousness. You abide in God because you practice love.
Why, because God is righteous. And because God first loved us. He says, and by this we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him for if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and knows all things beloved. If our heart does not condemn us, we have competence toward God and whatever we ask,
we receive from him because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as he has commanded or as gay as he gave us commandment. Now he who keeps his commandments abides in him and he and him, by the way that he and him,
you abide in God and God abides in you is what he’s saying. And by this, we know that he abides in us by the spirit whom he is given us. Okay, let’s go through the questions real quick. We’re out of time. What will children of God be like when Jesus appears like Christ define sin, lawlessness or transgression of the law.
A excuse me, a person alive in Christ. A keeps on sending or B does not keep on. Sending does not keep on sending. How long has the devil Ben sinning from the beginning? How did Jesus destroy the devil’s work? I being manifested. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer. How did Jesus demonstrate? Love laid down his life.
Children have gone, should love with a words, B actions, C tongue or D truth. All right, actions and truth. God loves in whom lives, lives, sorry, lives. That’s a different, that’s a different word. God lives in home. Those that keep his commandments. All right. Thank you for your attention. You are dismissed.<inaudible><inaudible>,<inaudible> Tine began our service.
We’re certainly happy to have everyone here today, especially those of you that are visiting with us. And we do have a special guest today that you have, if you haven’t met her yet, uh, Alison is here with she’s part of the Dale family, and we’re really, yeah. And we’re really happy to see her. We’ve heard a lot about her,
but we haven’t, I haven’t met her and maybe some of you have, but, uh, we haven’t met her. So we wanted to know what she was like. And now you can meet her and talk to her, just make sure you’re six feet apart though. Uh, we don’t want to mess that up. And of course, most of us would already have already messed that up.
So, uh, certainly good to see you. It’s, it’s hard to stay apart when you love each other, like we do here. Uh, if you did not get the Lord’s supper, now’s a good time to go back at some of the table there and the back of the auditorium. Um, we want to remind you that we do want to remember Joan Springer.
She’s still having her ups and downs, and we’d certainly want to remember her and our prayers. Also, we want to remember Rodale and Dorothy Wilson, uh, Ru Dale had an ultrasound Thursday for heart valve issue. And of course, Dorothy had to go to the ER with high blood pressure and they think she might’ve had possibly had a stroke. So, uh,
keep them in your prayers. And we probably all need to check on them and call them, see if there’s any way we can maybe assist them with both of them, particularly Dorothy, cause she’s the one that basically takes care of most of the things. And, uh, see if there’s any way we might can assist them. Uh, Pam shafing is of course continues to have back problems.
Sylvia pass also has back pains, but I think she’s to undergo a nerve block on the 30th of this month. Is that right? Sylvia? The 30th. Okay. So remember Sylvia and your prayers and pray that that will, will help her with her issue. Uh, they own the ELLs. You notice they weren’t here Wednesday and they’re not here today.
Uh, Alicia, one of her coworkers has been exposed to the COVID virus and, uh, she’s supposed to, they did a test and she should have the results of that test Monday. So they’re waiting on that, but since they’re close with her and Maddie, so keep them in your prayers. And that’s why they haven’t been able to be with us.
They’re just not taking any chances, August nationwide gospel, meeting their flyers on the table, they’re in the four year. Be sure and pick up one of those. And then the gospel meeting that we had scheduled for Keith Cozort, uh, for this year, we’re going to postpone that to next year at some time. So, uh, we want you to be aware of that.
The mans business meeting will be tomorrow night at 7:00 PM. So we would encourage everyone that can to be here for that. We do want to ask those that are visiting with us to please fill out a visitor’s card and just drop it in the collection plate back there and give it to one of us. So that we’d have a record of you being here.
I believe that’s all the announcements that I have, Michael Dell will be directing our song service this morning. Uh, Jay Shafir has the opening prayer and Eric Halverson will, uh, lead us in our communion service. And then our closing prayer will be led by Terry Sanderson. And of course, Erin Cozort will be bringing us a lesson. We had a wonderful Bible study together and we’re looking forward to the lesson he brings today.
We do want to welcome those that are viewing us on the internet. We’re glad that you’re able to be with us. We’re missing those of you that are part of this congregation. And we wanted to let you know that, that we miss you dearly. If you wouldn’t add, let’s get a songbook and join in with the singing. I just opened this morning with song number 100,
Holy ground, Holy ground. This<inaudible> we’re standing on<inaudible> for<inaudible> press and<inaudible><inaudible> were standing on<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> you are. Oh, ah, uh, perfect.<inaudible> we<inaudible> you with<inaudible> man, clean my jeez, us blah, and new<inaudible>. Ah, uh, perfect.<inaudible> ah, we well being for you with,
ah, it’s me clean by jeez. Uh, uh, Some of them are for our opening. Prayer will be number 791 on bended knee on bended knee On bended knee, uh, ah, with, um, ah, ah, ah, ah,<inaudible> lifting Hallie hands to you.<inaudible> uh, wash up you and spit. Hey, uh,
it was a<inaudible> make my<inaudible><inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible> uh, ah, mowing, ah, me for<inaudible>, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> changed my life.<inaudible> make me for<inaudible> make my LA<inaudible> Let us pray. Our mighty God, our father, we come before your throne with contrite hearts, acknowledging you as our creator and the creator of this universe.
We’re so very grateful that as our creator, you chose to create us in your image and to be so mindful of man and that you sent your only begotten son to this world as a propitiation for our sins, we realized father that we in no way deserve this, that this is just your love for us. We’re so very grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf for the church he established in this earth and for the many blessings that are so richly bestowed our way,
we also are very mindful that we often transgress and it is for those transgressions. Now that we pray that is we repent of them and turn from them. We know that you’re faithful to forgive our sins, and then we even stand, hold and pure before your throne. And you will hear prayers. We’re mindful of those of our number that are suffering.
We asked that those that were mentioned this morning, that you be mindful of them and place your healings hands upon them. They once again, maybe with us and a part of our number, we pray for those that are being away from us because of this COVID 19 problem. We pray that this may soon pass. And once again, we may all be United.
We’re also mindful of the great turmoil within our country. The polarization here is indeed significant. We pray the leaders of our country will spend much time in your word and that they will have asked for the wisdom that you can give them that these problems maybe solved and be no longer a separation within this country. As we go through this worship service, we pray that our worship to you will be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor.
All these things. We are asking your sons breasted name, amen song to prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 364. Come share the Lord. Come share the Lord. We gather here in jesus’ name, his love is burning and it’s like living<inaudible> come take up.<inaudible> no one is a stranger<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. He joins us<inaudible> he breaks up bruh.<inaudible> cup is risen from the dead.
No one. We love them is now a gracious hosts. Come tick up. Come drink the wine<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> we’ll see the glory of our Lord and coming<inaudible> no, we anticipate, Hey, no fees for which we wait, Hey, come tank up, come drink the wine, come share the<inaudible>. As we have the opportunity to assemble on the first day of the week,
we are reminded of the greatest sacrifice that God made for us here on earth. And that was his son sending here, sending him here to die for us to center. And as we prepare to commemorate that, let us go to our God and prayer. God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for having sent your son here on earth to teach us in the live amongst us,
but most importantly, to die for us. And as we prepare to partake of this bread, which resembles his body, which hung on that grew cross at Calvary, help us to remember. In fact, the suffering that he did do for us. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen God, our father in heaven, as we prepare to partake of the fruit of the vine,
which resembles the blood that your son shed for our sins so that they may be washed away from us. Let us remember that sacrifice that he made so that our sins would be forgiven. And we can live with you in heaven. Any eternity, we pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. We’re going to take this opportunity to give back as we’ve been blessed,
God, our father in heaven, we come to you thanking you for each and everything that you do for every one of us. We truly understand that the material things we have here on this earth are from you. And we cannot thank you enough for that. And as we prepare to lay aside and store and give back a portion of what we’ve been so richly blessed with,
we ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. And we also ask that you help the man of this congregation make decisions that are in accordance with your will so that these funds may be used correctly and wisely to further your kingdom here on earth. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. The song before the Lesson will be number 47.
Holy Holy Holy. If you are able to stand for this song, please, number 47. Holy Holy, Holy<inaudible> all the Holy Holy<inaudible><inaudible> and three, uh, uh, uh, the Holy Holy<inaudible> the<inaudible> chair. Uh<inaudible><inaudible> Holy, Holy. Oh, no, the darkness. Ah, the<inaudible> the, uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Holy,
Holy, Holy<inaudible><inaudible> praise my name. And, uh<inaudible> and CE<inaudible><inaudible> The scripture reading will be taken from the book of Zechariah chapter five, verses nine through 11, Zechariah chapter five, verses nine through 11, then lifted eye up mine eyes and looked. And behold there came out to women and the wind was in their wings for, they had wings like the wings of a store and they lifted up the<inaudible> between the earth.
And the heaven then said to the angel that talked with me, whether do these bear the EFA. And he said unto me to build it and house in the land of<inaudible> and it shall be established and set there upon her own base. You may be seated. Good morning, Tommy, do me a favor. Turn me up just a hair. Thank you.
Take your Bibles. If you will. And open them to Zechariah Zechariah chapter five is where we will take our lesson. From this morning, we will attempt to get through both chapter five and chapter six, as they share a common thread, chapter four, just a few weeks ago, as we were discussing that chapter, we noticed the lampstands and the olive trees.
We noticed God’s message to a zero lovable to the governor of Israel, that he was the one upon whom the leadership would be. But that ultimately coming from him would be the branch. The branch is referenced as the one who God is going to bring and lay the foundation of the temple. And in addition to that would be the one through whom God would bring about the fulfillment of what he’s already promised.
That goes into chapter three as well. In chapter four, though, one of the things that you have as a fundamental element is light. Remember in that chapter, you have the lampstands, the golden lamp stands, and those golden lamp stands are fed by the olive trees. The olive trees are producing the oil. It goes straight into the lamps. The idea is this is a continual,
this is an everlasting light. We connected Zechariah chapter four and the book of revelation to show the olive trees there and the olive trees there clearly describe Alijah and Moses, and here, whether they’re referencing the same individuals or not, they’re referencing the same idea. And that is the profits and the revelation of God God’s light is shining, but it’s important to realize that as you view this vision,
there’s also a connotation that God’s light shines. And that Israel was to be part of that process. They were to have a part, the remnant that was here in the land of Palestine after the Babylonian captivity, they were to have a part in shining the light of God. So Zechariah sees this vision and he sees the light and he sees the olive trees and he sees the lampstand and he sees this message there in the end of,
uh, sorry, in the beginning of verse 10, I was looking at the end and he wasn’t there at the beginning of her stand for who has despised the day of small things for these seven rejoiced to see the plumb line in the hand of<inaudible>. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth. So as we go into this vision again,
as we see what Zechariah was seeing, we are mindful of the fact that God says the Temple’s going to be built. My house is going to be built.<inaudible> is going to have his hand as it were on the plumb line to make sure the walls go up straight, to make sure that it is built properly. But from this place from Jerusalem,
from Zion, God says my eyes look to the entire earth. That ideas sets up chapter five. So he is asked the question there in verse 11, then I answered and said to him, what are these two olive trees at the right hand of the lamb, standing at the left. And I further answered and said to him, what are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the gold oil drains,
then he answered and said, do you not know what these are? And I said, no, my Lord. So he said, these are the two anointed ones who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth. Then I turned and raised my eyes and saw there a flying scroll, Zechariah turns. He looks up and he sees a scroll flying by.
And he said, he, this is the angel. The Lord says to him, what do you see? We keep reiterating. And we’re going to continue to reiterate that God is getting the prophet to acknowledge what he sees, because the things that he’s seeing are not normal. If he saw a guy walking on the ground, that would be normal, but seeing a scroll flying through the sky,
that’s not normal. And so the angel Lord says, what do you see? So I answered, I see a flying scroll. It’s length is 20 cubits and its width, 10 cubits. That’s a magnificently large scroll it 20 by 18 inches that are multiplied by 18 inches and 10 multiply by 18 inches. We’re talking about a massive scroll and it’s not just a massive scroll laid out on the ground.
It’s a massive scroll, thrive flying through the air, but it has one message. One small message on the front. And one small message on the back, which means they’re written incredibly large. They’re written so everyone can see it. They’re written. So nobody misses it. That’s what you get from this. Why such a giant scroll? Why is it flying through the air?
I have a modern example. You ever see somebody with a biplane pulling the sign. They don’t put a great big long paragraph on it. Just a couple of words, same idea. Everyone is suppose to read the message. Then he said to me, this is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth. Every thief shall be expelled.
So there’s one side. Every thief shall be expelled. According to this side of the scroll and every perjurer shall be expelled according to the other side. So the scroll comes forth. The scroll is flying through sky. And on one side of the scroll, it says every thief shall be cast out. And then on the other side, every false witness shall be cast out.
Every perjurer shall be cast out. Let’s tie these things into the previous visions. Chapter three, we saw a vision of the high priest and the high priest started out covered in filthy rags. The high priest started out on able to stand before God and accused as one who could not stand before God, but God made him Holy God gave him white Raymond’s.
God gave him and restored his honor. And God says, this is Joshua, my high priest. And then chapter four, we have the description of the governor and God says, this is my governor. And now God addresses the entire earth saying these things have to go, thieves have to go. The one who takes what doesn’t belong to them, they have to go.
And the one who will bear false witness, the one who will lie for gain the one who bears false witness, the one who perjures himself, he doesn’t perjure himself. For no reason, nobody wakes up in the morning, gets called the court and decides, you know what? I haven’t had anything exciting happened today. So I’m going to lie. It is out of self interest.
It is out of a desire for gain or a desire to save one silver and desire to destroy justice. That one perjures themselves. But I want you to connect these two things to the new Testament, because in the new Testament, there was a man who was a thief in the new Testament. There was a man who, because of his greed betrayed the very son of God.
And there was a group of individuals who sought such injustice that they would take a man in whom was no guilt and no guile. And they would find him guilty. But the only way they could find him guilty, according to the law was to find two witnesses who would lie about him. They had to have two witnesses to put him to death and they couldn’t find witnesses who would agree,
but they finally found false witnesses. Might ask yourself why these two sin out of all the sins, that God could place a curse upon out of all the sins that God could say, these two are a problem in the earth. He chooses the thief and the perjurer. And I don’t think it’s very hard to imagine why, because we choose in both of these,
you find behind them is a love of self over a love of God and the desire for what we see as good for our own selves. Instead of what’s good for someone else. If a person loves the Lord with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their strength and with all their mind, would they be a thief? If a person loved his neighbor as his self,
would he be a perjurer, Woody bear, false witness? No. These two sins cut to the very heart of the law of God. And God sends forth a message. God sends forth a scroll. These two things are being pulled out, but then he says, I will send out the curse verse four says the Lord of hosts is, shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the one who swears falsely by my name.
It shall remain in the midst of his house and consume it with its timber. And it stones. God says, I’m sending out this curse. This word is going out and it’s going to enter into their house. And it is going to consume them from the inside out. Their own destruction would come from their own sin. What led the death of Judas?
His betrayal of Christ. What led to the destruction, ultimately of the nation of Israel and all those who were involved in putting Christ on the cross death of Christ. The, to commit in justice. You remember when Jesus was on the, uh, was on trial before pilot and pilot brought him out before the people and said, I find no fault in him.
And they said, crucify him, crucify him. And they said, let his blood be on us. And our children, God sends whores. The curse sends forth the curse and it eats them from the inside out. But then you see verse five. Then the angel who talked with me came, Alan said to me, lift your eyes now and see what this is that goes forth.
Now, instead of Zechariah turning and seeing something, the angel Lord comes out to him and says, you, you need to watch this. You need to observe this. He says, so I asked, what is it? And he said, it is a basket that is going forth. He also said, this is their resemblance throughout the earth. Here is a led.
This lifted up, and this is a woman sitting inside the basket. Then he said, this is wickedness. And he thrust her down into the mascot and threw the led cover over its mouth. You’re seeing here a vision of, of what the, the King James calls an ether. This is a container that you would put grain into as you were harvesting the grain.
This is a large container, a large bin. And he sees the vision and he sees the led disk and he sees the container. And inside the container as a woman, before anybody in the modern world starts complaining about the Bible’s view of women. Hold on a minute. But the woman is described by the angel as wickedness. There are a number of women in the old and new Testament that carry forth and attribute of being so wicked.
They embodied wickedness. You turn over to the book of revelation. And one of the churches is told there that they had allowed Jezza bell to have an influence in their congregation. Not that Jezza bell from the book of Kings was alive in the day of revelation in person, but the one who carried forth her attributes, one who carried forth, her wickedness was allowed to have influence in the church and hear the angel.
Lord says this is wickedness being captured and being sealed up and then being transported away. Okay? The first part of the chapter, he sees the vision of a declaration saying the thief and the false witness are being cast out. They’re being removed. What are you seeing in this chapter? You’re seeing God purifying the nation. You see God purifying the earth.
You see God removing sin. And that’s what you’re to get here. He says, this is wickedness. And he thrust her down into the basket. And through the led cover over its mouth. Then I raised my eyes and looked and there were two women. See, we’ve got one woman who’s bad. One woman who represents evil, but we’ve got two women who are righteous.
Notice this. There were two women coming with the wind in their wings for, they had wings like wings of the stork. And they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth. So I said to the angel who talked with me, where are they carrying the basket? And he said to me, to build a house for it in the land of Shiner,
when it is ready, the basket will be set there on its base. Wickedness has been, has been sealed up and now wickedness is being removed from the land. But interestingly, where’s it going? Wickedness is being removed from the land, from the remnant. And it’s being removed to the Lando Shiner. Now, if you’ve got any footnote references in your Bible,
you’re probably seeing something for around Genesis chapter 12, Genesis chapter 11, Genesis chapter 10. Why? Because Genesis chapters, 10, 11, and 12 deal with the tower of Babel and they deal with and reference the land of Shiner. And by the way, everything about what the book of Genesis tells us indicates that the dwelling place in which the tower of Babel was built was later known as Babylon.
So Zechariah and the angel here use the older reference of Babel and sin and separation from God. And God’s judgment and casting out these people as a reference for God saying, I’m removing this sin out of my land. And I’m removing in a way to Babylon, which by the way, we’re going to get to in a minute, God says I’m taking the sin and I’m removing it from your presence.
This is an instruction. This is a reminder, just the same way. Those Israelites that came out of Egypt were told not to bring Egypt with them. They weren’t to bring the sins that their fathers participated in. They weren’t to continue in the sins that they had committed. On the other side of the, uh, of the red sea. They were to be separated from those.
They were to remove those things away. So now as they come back from Babylon, as the remnant returns to Israel, they are to leave the sins of Babylon In Babylon. Okay. They are to be removed from them. Then I raised my eyes verse nine and looked, and there were two women coming with the wind in their wings were, they had wings like the wings of a stork.
And they lifted up the basket between earth and heaven. And so, or so I said to the angel who talked with me, where are they carrying the basket? And he said to me, to build a house for it in the land of shine are when it is ready, the basket will be there on his base. Then I turn and raise my eyes and look,
And behold, okay. Four chariots were coming from between two mountains and the mountains were mountains of bronze. So he turns, he looks, he raises his eyes and there are two mountains. Two mountains made of bronze and cherry. It’s coming out of the middle as if they’re coming through proceeding through a gate out, going out to war with the first chariot were red horses with a second chariot,
black horses with a third chariot, white horses with the fourth chariot, dappled horses, strong steeds. There’s one commentator. Put it In the ancient days. They didn’t use chariots for parades. These were battles. They yeah. Use chariots to go to war. And these four chariots are coming forth. Now you go over to the book of Ezekiel and you’ll find God and his throne,
and it goes forth. And it has horses and chariots that pull it in any direction. It goes whichever direction God wants to go. It goes straight forward. You go over to the new Testament and you see God sending out different colored horses. In generally speaking, red indicates destruction and blood and warfare and black indicates pestilence and disease and white indicates victory.
But here you have these chariots and they go forth. But they’ll notice what happens. Then I answered and said to the angel who talked with me, what are these? My Lord? And the angel answered and said to me, these four spirits, spirits of heaven who go out from their station before the Lord of all the earth. All right, these are God’s messengers.
These go out from the Lord. He says, the one with the black horses is going to the North country, by the way, what’s North of Israel, the land of Babylon. Okay? You remember that? God said, I’m going to bring Babylon against you. And then in turn, I’m going to judge her. And every nation that follows after God sends forth his horses into the North country,
the white are going after them. And the dappled are going South to the South country. What was South of Israel? Egypt, Babylon to the North Egypt to the South. And God says, my war wagons are headed to bring judgment against those who persecuted. You go to the book of Jeremiah and your mind. And remember that Jeremiah was among those who went down to Egypt and God told them,
don’t go down to Egypt, but they took Jeremiah. Jeremiah didn’t go by choice. Jeremiah was taken down to Egypt and they were destroyed down there. There was no remnant that returned from Egypt. The remnant returned from Babylon. God told those who stayed in the land. You stay there and they didn’t do it. God is going to bring judgment on the South.
God is going to bring judgment on the North. Then the strong steeds verse seven went out eager to go that they might want to and fro throughout the earth. And he said, go walk to and fro throughout the earth. So they walked to and fro throughout the earth. And he called them and spoke to me saying, see, those who go toward the North country have given rest to my spirit in the North country.
God’s judgment on Babylon is finished. God brought his judgment on Babylon through the hands of Cyrus, and God says that’s done. But then we read them. The word of the Lord came to me saying, verse nine, receive the gift from the captives from hell die, tow by J and J Daya who have come from Babylon here. You have God sealing up sin,
expelling the thieves, expelling the false witnesses, sealing up sin, removing it away. And now you have gifts coming. Babylon judgement has happened and now good things are coming. Receive the gift from the captains who have come from Babylon and go the same day and enter the house of Josiah. The son of Zephaniah, take the silver and gold, make an elaborate crown and set it on the head of Joshua.
The son of Jozadak, the high priest, Josiah here must be a craftsman. That’s all I can, I can figure out is Josiah is the one who takes the gifts that are brought from Babylon and turns them into the ground. But God says, you take the crown and you go put it on the head of the governor, right? Nope. You take the crown and you go put it on the head of the high priest.
Now there is a connection here to the old Testament, going back to Genesis and the new Testament, because here you have Josiah representing someone else. I’m sorry. You have Joshua representing someone else. Take the silver and the gold. Make an elaborate crown, set it on the head of Joshua. The son of Jozadak, the high priest, then speak to him saying,
thus says the Lord of hosts saying behold, the man whose name is the branch for, from his plays. He shall branch out and he shall build the temple of the Lord. Yes. He shall build the temple of the Lord. Now wait a minute, then God just tell Joshua. And the governors are available to build the tumble Lord. Yes.
So is this talking about them? No. Notice what else he says. He shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule on his throne. Joshua would have no throne. Joshua would not be a King. Joshua was from the wrong lineage. Joshua was a Levis. He was from the descendants of Aaron. He wasn’t from the lineage of David. In addition,
we were told previously that there would not be another King after Zedekiah not until the Messiah came. Joshua here stands as a representative. I representative not of a, of just a King, not of just a high priest, but of a King and high priest in the same person. Then the remainder of the statement. He shall sit and rule on his throne.
He shall. So he shall be a priest on his throne. And the council of P shall be between them both one commentator pointed out. And I believe he is accurate. The them both. There’s a, there’s a question of, well, wait a minute. Is this Joshua and Anne’s rebel is that the one know them, both King and priest.
The two positions are brought together. The peace shall be between them both King and priest turn to Genesis chapter 49, Genesis chapter 49, Jacob, as he is nearing, the end of his life makes a prophecy verse 10. As he is speaking concerning Judah. He says the sector, the sector, of course, being the staff of the King, the Sceptre shall not depart from Judah nor a law giver from between his feet until Shiloh comes and to him shall be the,
the obedience of his people. Shiloh there being a word for peace. Jacob tells Judah the King that’s coming from you will be the King of peace. But then in addition to that, if you put together the fact that the book of Hebrews will recur will repeatedly bring forward Christ as King and priest turn over to Hebrews chapter one, Hebrews chapter one, we won’t spend a great deal of time on this,
but it is definitely worth our understanding the connection here, Hebrews chapter one beginning in verse three, speaking concerning Christ, the son who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power. When he had by himself purged our sins purging the sins was the function of the priest he has by himself.
Urge our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high, the position where he sits as a throne he’s King, the function that he served purging their sins was the function of the high priest. Continue forward to verse eight of chapter, one of the book of Hebrews, but to the son, he says your throne O God is forever.
And after a Sceptre of righteousness is the Sceptre of your kingdom. So he says to the son, you have a throne turn to chapter four. We’re seeing then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus, the son of God, let us hold fast. Our confession for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin. There’s the high priest, but wait a minute, Aaron, where’s where’s the King. If he’s priest, isn’t he also King yes. Verse 16. Let us therefore come Only to the throne of grace. We may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. He is both King and breeze.
As a matter of fact, when you go through the book of Hebrews, you won’t really find a reference to a King, except you will see a throne June time and time again, you will see the house of God time and time again, But then also you see chapter five, chapter five, beginning in verse six, as he also says, in another place,
you are a priest forever. According to the order of milk, his dad, who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with the Hayman cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear though, he was a son yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered.
And he having been made, having been perfected. He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him called by God as high priest. According to the order of Melchizedek of whom we have much to say and hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing Hebrew writer in chapter five and chapter six and chapter seven and chapter eight, the Hebrew writer will hear explained throughout these chapters that Jesus Christ was King and priest.
After the order of Melchizedek, Melchizedek is a man who Abraham comes into contact with in Genesis chapter 13. And here in that chapter, he is one who or he takes part of what he has attended bloody as. And he gives it as tribute to the King of Salem, the King of priests or King of peace. But he’s also the high priest Of the Lord here.
Do you have in Mel Kizza deck in bodied, the one who stands for Christ, he is both King and priest. So let’s go back to Zechariah and let’s see, this is Finishes out. So he shall be a priest on his throne And the council of P shall be between them both King and priest. Now the elaborate crown shall be for a Memorial in the temple of the Lord for<inaudible> tow by Tobais Jah,
Jedediah, and hen the son of Zephaniah. Even those from afar shall come and build the temple of the Lord. Then you shall know that the Lord of host has sent me to you and this shall come to pass. If you diligently obey the voice of the Lord, your God, there’s one other passage that we need to connect with this prophecy. And it’s in second Samuel,
because I, as I mentioned, this is not a reference to the building of this temple. This is a prophetic look toward the branch. The branch has prophesied about an Isaiah chapter 11, Isaiah chapter 53, but in second Samuel chapter seven, we find the remainder of the connotation of this prophecy. In second Samuel chapter seven, verse 12, we read when your days are fulfilled.
This is God through the prophet. Nathan speaking to David, when your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body. And I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father and he shall be my son.
If he commits iniquity, I will chase in him with the rod of men and with the blows of the son of man. But mercy shall not depart from him. As I took it from Saul, whom I removed from before you and your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you, your throne shall be established forever, according to all these words and according to all this vision.
So Nathan spoke to David, the branch that Zechariah speaks of the one who would be priest and King is Christ. The branch that would come up the branch that would appear to be nothing. The branch that would appear to be just a, a sprout out of a tree that had been cut off the tree cut off as the house of David, the Kings in Israel.
And yet out of that cutoff tree comes the branch, the branch that would bring life. The one who would build the house of God, the King and priest of the Lord. Most high Zechariah sees these visions and he sees Joshua and inadequate high priests, but he stands for something more. And he sees a probable governor and inadequate King, not a King at all,
But he stands for something more. And God is telling these two men I’ll be with you. I’ll remove sin from your land. I’ll bring judgment on the nations, around you and I making a path for the Messiah. And that path goes through you. As we look and learn these lessons, we learn this fundamental idea. God can use whatever tool each chooses to accomplish his will.
God could send chariots from heaven to do his bidding. But so often God has chosen to work through men, chosen to work through inadequate and sometimes broken vessels. And yet God has accomplished his goals every time, because God knows that when we choose to put aside sin, when we choose to change our lives, when we choose to follow him, he can accomplish anything.
He needs to not through the power of us, but through him, we simply become the instrument of carrying out his will you look at your life this morning? Does your life look like an instrument carrying out the will of God? Does your life look like Christ? Does it look instead like sin? Does it look like Babylon and a pagan nation that is an obedient to God?
Or does it look like one who has been called for a purpose to serve God and keep his commandments. If you’re here this morning and your life doesn’t look the way it ought to look your life doesn’t look the way God has told it to be. Then why not change? Why not repent? Because there’s a warning here too. For the one who continues in sin for the one who persists in sin,
like the thief and the perjurer. God says your sin will consume you. And I will judge you. What is your life like today? If you have need of the invitation, if you’re outside the body of Christ, you can enter into the body of Christ. You can enter into the place where salvation is found. You can enter into the house of God,
built by the Messiah, the church, the bride of Christ. You can enter into that house, into that kingdom and become a part of the body of Christ by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Repenting of your sins, confessing the name of Christ and being immersed in water for the remission of your sins.
And you can rise up to walk in newness of life as a member of the household of God, as a child of God, you’re a member of the body of Christ. And you’ve departed from the truth you departed from the right way. Why not come back? If you have need of the invitation in any way, why not come now? As we stand in,
as we say, He well create a new<inaudible><inaudible> he? Well<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh, troubles. You<inaudible> uh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh<inaudible> is<inaudible><inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> on to the<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> but<inaudible> the song before the Closing prayer will be number 631. Lift him up. Number six,
three, one. How to reach<inaudible>. Jesus gave<inaudible> and<inaudible> from the<inaudible> man unto me. Lift him up, lift him up. Sui speaks from me.<inaudible><inaudible> be lifted up from the<inaudible> man unto me. Oh, though. Whoa. Dan’s hungry for the living bread and<inaudible> for them to see<inaudible>. Uh<inaudible> man. And to me lift him.
Ah<inaudible> and<inaudible> from the, uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> gladly follow him. Who wants to, uh, draw, Oh man, unto me<inaudible> and ah, being lifted up from the, uh,<inaudible> man unto me. I was probably a father who art in heaven. We thank the first day of the week, the opportunity we’ve had to come together to worship thing.
The only Truman living God, we pray. The things that we’ve learned here today will help us become stronger Christian in this community, we pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned today that are sick and unable to be with us. We pray that they will be restored to their health and able to be with us. We pray that you would go with us and as we depart,
keep us safe to emit again and crashed, man, we pray. Amen.<inaudible>.
John did not say he was telling about what he had (a) heard, (b) seen, (c) thought of, or (d) touched with his hands. 1 John 1:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
God is (a) light or (b) darkness. 1 John 1:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What if persons claim to be without sin? If a person has sinned, what should he do? 1 John 1:8-10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How can an individual know that he knows Jesus? 1 John 2:3-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name the condition of a follower of Christ who hates his brother. 1 John 2:9-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Everything in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life-comes from ______________________________ 1 John 2:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Can a person deny the Son and have the Father? 1 John 2:23 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> All right. We are in first, John chapter two<inaudible> First John chapter two.<inaudible> Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We bow before your throne grateful for the day that you’ve granted to us, the life, the energy and the health that we have to be able to serve you and, uh,
serve in your kingdom to lead lives that are obedient to your commandments and strive to be an example, to those who are around us. We pray for all those who are traveling and all those who are away from us, all who are stuck in their homes for one reason or another, we pray that they have a comfort in good health, and we pray that you will be with them.
During these hard times, we pray that you will be with those who are struggling because of lost jobs and because of lost income because of the situation in our economy today. And we pray that you will help them to endure and to reach out for help when they need help, but also to have the strength and the mindset to look to your word and find wisdom and understanding on how they should handle the day to day struggles of life.
We pray for Christians. The world over that are striving daily to be an influence in your kingdom and outside your kingdom for good for righteousness, for truth, we pray that we might always stand with them and oppose unrighteousness and stand for righteousness and truth. We pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study, may we apply our minds,
our hearts to the things that John has written here in this letter that was written to the first century, but also speaks volumes to us today. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. We thank you for your son who died on the cross for our sins. That has granted us that mercy and that grace through his blood and his atoning sacrifice all this.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
John begins with that, which was from the beginning. And we said his reference there is of who of Jesus Christ in the same way he begins in John chapter one in the beginning was the word and his reference. They’re not giving it a masculine now, not giving it a personal now in the sense of a person,
but giving it a, an object. The word he said in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh verse 14 and dwelt among us. And we be held him. Well, he says over here in first John chapter one, that the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear, witness and declare to you that eternal life, which was with the father and was manifested to us that which we have seen and heard.
We declare to you this message of eternal life, this word of eternal life, this eternal life in bodied, in the life of Christ. They a witness, they experienced themselves and they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s true. And it was confirmed by miracles. And it was confirmed by the voice that was heard in the mountain. Matthew chapter seven,
or yeah, Matthew chapter 17. There were so many confirmations that even his enemies couldn’t deny what was stated. So he says in chapter two, after he’s talked about fellowship and after he’s talked about sin, and after he’s talked about walking in the light, he says, my little children, and this will be an address, a form of address that John uses throughout his,
of pistols throughout his letters, my little children, Peter they’re at the end of second, Peter used beloved and beloved beloved. Again, John’s, John’s greeting to these Christians is my little children. These things I write to you that you may not sin. Okay? So we’re getting a formula for sinlessness, for sinless perfection, right? No, we’re getting a formula for righteousness.
We’re getting a formula for walking in the light and when we sin and he says, you will. And if you say you, don’t, you’re a liar when you sin a formula for resolving that sin. So he says these things I write to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ.
The righteous, that idea of advocate is that counselor, that one you call to you when you need assistance to stand before the judge, the, the go between, he says, we have an advocate. We would be inadequate to stand before God to stand before his throne and to be there standing by ourselves, uh, in Isaiah chapter. Hm? This one’s off the top of my head.
I think it’s Isaiah chapter one. As a matter of fact, Isaiah chapter one, Isaiah has written to the Jews, these Israelites, and he says in verse 12, when you come to appear before me who has required this from your hand to trample my courts, this is God speaking to Israel and said, saying to them who called you? Who asked you to show up at my Gates?
Who asked you to trample my cords? Now, wait a minute, Lord, you did. I mean, you gave the law of Moses. You set the commandments for how often sacrifices were to be made and how often things were to be sacrificed on a daily basis. He set the commandments. That would be the way they would answer, but he goes on to say,
bring no more feudal sacrifices. Incense is an abomination to me, the new moons, the Sabbath, the calling of assemblies. I cannot endure in Nick Woody and the sacred meeting here. These Israelites are striving to appear before God to show up to worship God, to offer sacrifices to God. But what are their lives? Their lives are a NAFA ma to their sacrifices.
And so God says your sacrifices make me sick. He goes on to say this. He says, verse 15. When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you. Spread out your hands. What’s that a, what’s that a figure for prayer? The lifting of, of hands to God in prayer. He says, when you spread out your hands or besieging it,
when you fall down before me, he said, when you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you. Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear your hands are full of blood. God says, you’re walking through the motions. You’re appearing before me. You’re bringing me sacrifices. You’re praying. But every time you do,
I turn my back on you. Every time I, every time you do, I won’t hear you. I won’t hear you because your actions declare your heart to be in the wrong place. And then he says, wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil from evil of your doings. From before my eyes sees to do evil, learn to do good,
seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. Is it. You want me to hear your prayers? You want me to accept your sacrifices. You want to have a relationship with me, do these things first. Then come talk to me. He goes on to say, come now and let us reason together says the Lord though,
your sins are like Scarlet. They shall be as white as snow though. They are red light Crimson. They shall be as well. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. God says your actions,
your sins represent you to me. You might want to bring me sacrifices. You might want to bring me offerings. You might want to say prayers to me. You want might want to bring actions of adoration to me, but I won’t hear them because your sins stand between me and you. So you go over to Isaiah chapter 58, or sorry, 59 verses one and two.
And Isaiah again, declares that God will not hear them because their sins have separated them from him. John writes over here in first, John, that if they walk in the light, as he is in the light, they have that cleansing of their sins come to continual basis. If they don’t walk in the light, they don’t have fellowship with the father.
So he’s writing to them to tell them you can not sin. It is possible for you to not sin. How do you do that? Well, go on in what he says, he says, we have an advocate for the FA we’re with the father and he himself is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the whole world.
And we’re going to come back to that fault in just a minute. Now, by this, we know that we know him. If we keep his commandments, John says the same thing that Isaiah said, because Isaiah said, you want to proclaim your love for me. You want to proclaim, you worship me. You want to proclaim your sacrifices and your prayers to me,
but you won’t obey me. So I won’t hear you. And John says, hereby, do we know if we know him? If we keep his commandments, now there are those who will argue. Well, you know what? That just turns Christianity into a fair, say iCal system of keeping laws. No, it doesn’t. Because the problem the Pharisees had is twofold.
Number one, they wanted to bind the laws on others, but they wouldn’t bind on themselves. And number two, they believed by keeping laws, God owed them something. And that was never true. That’s not what John writes here, but what John writes is you have an advocate with the father, but if you live in darkness, you stand before God without the blood of Christ.
And without an advocate, if you live in darkness, you become like Israel. You become as one who is separated from God. So then he says this. He who says, I know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar. And the truth is not in him. There’s John’s version of what Isaiah just said. Here’s your actions. Here’s your sacrifices.
Here’s your prayers. And God says, they make me sick. Why? Because the reality is you claim to know me, but you won’t keep my commandments. Therefore I know you don’t know me. What did Jesus say? At the end of the sermon on the mountain? He said that there would be those who would say on that day of judgment,
Lord Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? And did we not cast out demons in your name? And did we not do many wonderful works in your name? And he would declare to them depart from me. I never knew you. Same thing John say, why? Because you go back to the remainder of what Jesus said. And Jesus said,
if you had known me, you would have been obedient to my father in heaven. So we can claim to love the Lord. We can claim to be the belong to the Lord. We can claim to know the Lord we can claim to have as many of the religious world do. The Lord is our personal savior. But the claim means nothing. If,
when we’re presented with the commandments, we go, Oh no, no, I’m not doing that. Or, well, I understand that’s what it says, but okay. You’ve just set the standard for exactly what John’s talking about. So John says, whoever keeps his word. Truly the love of God is perfected in him. And by this, we know that we are in him.
He who says he abides in him on himself also to walk just as he walked, there’s our standard. There’s our standard. We go back to every single time, our standard, isn’t the person sitting next to us, our standard, isn’t our spouse, our standard isn’t our grandmother or our mother or the most saintly person we’ve ever met. And by all means,
it’s not the preacher. Our standard is the way Christ walked, because notice what he said, he who abides in him odd himself also to walk just as he walked our standard, every single one of us, our own standard for ourselves ought to be Jesus Christ. How do we treat one another? How did Jesus treat others? How should we speak to one another?
How did Jesus speak to others? How do we treat God? How did Jesus treat God? And that’s what John’s trying to get these Christians to understand. Now, the thought that I wanted to go back to back here in verse, um, verse two, I want to spend a great deal of time on it. I just want to mention it.
There are those who believe in Calvinism that will proclaim that the blood of Jesus Christ is so precious and so valuable that it could not, and would not have ever been shed for someone who would not be obedient to God. And so they will interpret passages to speaking about the blood of Christ and the sacrifice of Christ to mean that Christ was sacrificed only for those who were all ready,
going to be saved. And yet John says something incredibly different from that. John says he himself is the propitiation. What is a propitiation? I mean, I know you’ve used that word four times today already, but a purchase price, but specifically an adequate purchase price. We’ll illustrate it this way. Grandparent has a car. There’s a grandchild that needs a car.
Grandparent’s says a grandchild. You can have my car for a hundred dollars. The car is worth $10,000. Was that an adequate price? No, it was the purchase price. It is what goes down on the tax forms, but it was not an adequate price. You and I, according to Romans chapter three and Romans chapter six deserve to die for our sins.
You and I could not pay an adequate price to redeem our own souls, but Jesus did Isaiah chapter 53. He says that he looked on him and as it’s paraphrased there, it was enough. He looked on his suffering. He looked on the suffering of the one who didn’t deserve to die in whom was no guile in whom was no guilt in whom was no sin.
And that sacrifice was enough. So he is the purchase price. That is sufficient. But notice what John says about him. He is the purchase price for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the whole world. Now some will come to the other side of this, or they’ll say, see, universal salvation. Jesus died for everybody.
Therefore, if Jesus died for everybody, then every one’s going to be saved. No that’s complete anathema to the entire context here. The point is Jesus, didn’t die for the Jew. Jesus, didn’t die for the Gentile to the exclusion of the Jew. Every person you meet is a person Jesus died for. And therefore, how are we to treat them?
Because that’s where John, John is leading with this discussion. It is this statement that sets up the next section in John’s message. He says, go back to verse seven brethren. I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment, which we have had, or which you have had from the beginning, the old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning.
All right. So he’s going to say, I, I’m not writing a new commandment to you. I’m writing something you’ve already heard, but then he says, again, a new commandment. I write to you. All right, John now, which is it. I don’t write a new commandment to you again. I write a new commandment to you.
Okay? I heard someone express it this way, and I think it’s a good way to understand it. I don’t know that it’s the, it’s the only way to understand it, but it was a good way to understand it. There’s there are some things that we look at as being old. You pull out a garment, that’s 30 years old, you look at it and you know,
it’s, it, it just looks old. It it’s, it’s kind of tattered around the edges. It doesn’t look like the day that it was made. It’s got age on it. And sometimes we look at things that have age on it and we think, well, maybe they’re just not as good as they used to be. Maybe that old idea.
We’ve never heard this in our modern society. Maybe that old constitution and those old bill of rights and those old laws that were written hundreds of years ago are just too old to apply to us today. John says, I write no new commandment to you. I’m not writing anything you haven’t already, but don’t treat it as if it’s just an old commandment.
You can ignore treat it just like it’s as good as new today as it was that day when it was given. So he says, again, a new commandment, which I write to you, which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is passing away. And the true light is already shining. He who says he is in the light and hates his brother.
All right. So step back to the propitiation. Jesus died for who? Everyone, the whole world, by the way, John is also the one who wrote for God. So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. So John says, he who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in darkness until now it’s gonna be one of those times where we could be clumsy with the scriptures and ignore the greater context here.
We shouldn’t. We could be like the lawyer who came to Jesus and said, who is my brother or who is my neighbor? And we, to which Jesus replied in the parable of the good Samaritan, the lawyer wanted to hear your neighbor. Is this Jew over here, your neighbor is someone who’s part of the descendants of Abraham. Your neighbor is someone you like,
what Jesus said is your neighbor is anyone and everyone. So John, right? He who says he is in the light and hates his brother. We could come to this passage and say, okay, well, he’s talking about Christians. He’s talking about how we treat other Christians. I don’t think he is. I think if we interpret it that way,
we’re using brother in the wrong context. That’s exactly right. He’s setting the standard. Remember to walk as Christ walked. Okay? And so he says, if he says he is in the light and hates his brother, he is in darkness until now. He who loves his brother abides in the light. And there is no cause for stumbling in him,
but he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes and turn over to Matthew chapter five. If we go with the interpretation brother, there means Christian brother, by the way, he doesn’t say, he just says your brother. Then I think we miss the same point.
Jesus makes here. And that is the message of the good Samaritan, who is my brother, who is my neighbor, go to verse 43 of Matthew, chapter five. You have heard that. It was said, you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you love your enemies. Bless those who curse. You do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
I want to get too far down the road of politics. And I don’t want to get too far down the road of the situation in our country because I want to stay in first, John chapter two. But this is me talking to me and you all can listen. When was the last time we prayed for someone who is a leftist communist in our country,
trying to destroy our nation. When was the last time we prayed for the people doing what they’re doing in Portland, without it being a prayer of God, put a stop to it. When was the last time we got off of the train of animosity that our country likes to produce in this group versus this group, because it sells ratings and makes a profit and get back to doing what God said.
And that is praying for those who persecute us and despitefully use us. They were burning Bibles in front of the courthouse. You don’t think they intend to send a message. It wasn’t happenstance. The Bibles were there. They brought them there. But when was the last time we go back and go, wait a minute. We look at ourselves first. We judge us by him,
not them. So then he says, this I’m off. I’m off my counseling of myself. Okay. He who loves his brother abides in the light. And there is no cause for stumbling in him, but he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes. Hate blinds.
You read history. See what hate, especially hate that has been indoctrinated. And in bred for generation after generation will do pull out any newscast from the middle East. And I don’t know how many years people say, well, they’ve been fighting each other for thousands of years. Yes, they have. Why? Because they’ve been teaching each other to hate each other.
For thousands of years, I write to you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake. He steps into a moment that’s very poetic in raw in its form. And you can almost just, you could just pull this section out and put it in Psalms and it wouldn’t be out of place at all. He says, I write to you little children because your sins are forgiven for his namesake.
I write to you fathers because you have known him, who is from the beginning. I write to you young men because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you little children, because you have known the father. I have written to you fathers because you have known him, who is from the beginning. I have written to you young men,
because you are strong in the word of God, abides in you. And you have overcome the wicked one. As he goes through and uses these, these ideas to put in their mind, their own strength. He writes to those who are novices, who are little children. And he writes to those who are young men who are maturing in the faith.
And he writes to those who are fathers, the mature elders in the faith. And he says, you will all have a place. Sometimes the mature ones and the faith. Look at those who are immature in the faith and say they’re worthless. And sometimes the immature ones in the fave, look at the ones who are aged in the faith thing of they’re old.
I don’t understand this yet. John has a way of bringing each one’s abilities and talents and a position in the faith and bringing it forward as a positive. You and I probably of all of us have probably met somebody in our lives who is just, I think one of the easiest ways to put it is just a Barnabas. He’s the type of person or she’s the type of person.
They will always find something positive about the worst person they have ever met. And they’ll tell you about it. They’ll find something good in somebody, in anybody, in everybody, because they look for it. John writes to these Christians and he wants them to understand not only their relationship to God, not only their forgiveness and their state of being forgiven, but he wants them to understand the value that God sees in each of them.
He says, do not love the world. He begins first with their strengths. He begins first with what they’ve done, right? He begins first with the things that they’re doing, right? But then there’s the caution. There’s the other side of it. The commandment do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world,
the love of the father is not in him. So don’t hate your brother or the love of God. Isn’t in. You don’t love the world or the love of God is not into you. He goes on to say for all that is in the world. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes of the pride of life is not of the father,
but is of the world. I don’t know how many times in sermons I’ve heard preachers take that passage and go straight back to Genesis chapter three and introduces to every form of temptation set right before Eve and the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Satan had it down from day one. He knew our weaknesses before we did,
but that’s no excuse on our part. He says, do not love the world. Then he says, verse 17, the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever. He sets before these Christians a basic opportunity to realize the difference, a basic value proposition. Here’s the value proposition you can love and adore that,
which is passing away and will not last, or you going to love and adore the one in whom you can have eternal life make a choice, but one of them ends in destruction. One of them is temporary and one of them is eternal. One of them involves eternal blessings and involves knowing God and involves the love of God being in your life. And one of them is self focused.
So he says little children, again, continually going back with this message of empathy, little children. It is the last hour. And as you have heard that the antichrist is coming. Even now, many antichrist have come by which we know that it is the last hour all. If we had the time to talk about all of the, uh, amazingly fanciful ideas that have been promoted in the religious world about the antichrist,
most of them from the book of revelation, where by the way, the word antichrist is never found it’s found here, but what does the word mean against Christ? Now? Something very important, always in the context is John defines the antichrist as someone who is by very, the very definition of the word in opposition to Christ. But notice what he says about the antichrist in the singular sense and all the antichrist who had come to that point and were already in the world,
all those who opposed Christ. He’s talking about people who oppose Christ in a very specific context. Notice what we read. They who’s the, they grammatically speaking the antichrist. They went out from us, whoever it is that John’s talking about were those who went out from among Christians. He’s not talking about Russia. He is not talking about the emperor, sitting on the Roman empire,
sitting as, as the emperor of the Roman empire. He’s not talking about Caesar. He’s not, he’s not talking about Mao. He he’s talking about someone who departed from among us. So knows what he says. They went out from us, but they were not of us for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. Pretty logical argument here.
They departed from our myths opposing Christ and they left us. And yet if they claim to be of us, they’re not. If they claim to be Christians, they’re not because if they were, they wouldn’t have departed. He goes on to say, they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us.
He says, here’s what happened. They departed. And they may have had all their own reasons for departing. But what it did was it showed who they really were. It manifested them. It made it obvious who they were. He says, but you have an anointing from the Holy one. And you know, all things I have written to you because you,
uh, excuse me, I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth. John says you’ve been given the gifts of the Holy spirit. That’s what the anointing is that he’s talking about. You’ve been given this miraculous knowledge from God and revelation from God through the apostles,
through the prophets, through the teachers and preachers and evangelists that the Holy spirit has placed among the Christians. You know the truth. I’m not writing to you because you don’t know that the antichrist aren’t the truth I’m writing to you because you do know it, but I want you to continue in it. He says, who is a liar? By the way,
right here is his definition of an antichrist who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. And if you go over the, the, the only connection I know of between this passage and Matthew chapter 24 is the fact that Jesus said there would be those coming before the destruction of Jerusalem claiming to be the Messiah. Is it possible that John is indicating,
there are those who went out from among the Christians claiming Jesus. Isn’t the Messiah. I am. That’s the only connection I can make between this passage in Matthew chapter 24. But if you talk to a pre millennialist, you can find 800 more, uh, who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. He is anti Christ in opposition to Christ who denies the father and the son,
whoever denies. The son does not have the father. Either. He who acknowledges the son has the father. Also remember Jesus made it clear. John chapter 17, the father dwells in me and I had well in him. And if you dwell with me, then you dwell with the father. John makes it clear. You can’t have one without the other.
You can’t have Christ without the father. You can’t have the father without Christ. It’s not possible. Therefore led that abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning in which you heard from the beginning, if that, which you heard from the beginning of bides in you, you also will abide in the son and in the father. What’s he doing?
Talking about the gospel. He says, if you allow the word of God that you’ve received already to remain in you, then you won’t depart. You won’t believe these false teachers. You won’t go after those claiming to be the Christ. You will stay with Christ. You will abide with him. And this is the promise that he has promised us eternal life.
These things I have written to you concerning those who tried to deceive you, but the anointing, which you have received from him, abides in you, and you do not need than anyone teach you. But as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie. And just as it has taught you, you will abide in him.
This is one of those passages where we need to always remember number. John is writing to the first century church and not us because this is was one of those passages. Like some of the passages in John 14 and 15 and 16, where Jesus is talking to the apostles that don’t apply to us. They don’t apply to us directly. They will apply to us because we have the inspired word of God written down.
But the Holy spirit, isn’t speaking to us, the Holy spirit, isn’t revealing. God’s word through us. He’s done that already. So the equivalency for us is not an anointing from God that we received by the laying on of the apostles, hands in person, the equivalency for us is getting into this book and understanding what God has already said. We’ll close up the rest of this.
And now little children abide in him that when he appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteous is born of him. That is not the same thing as saying, and this is where we’re going to pick up, uh, in our next class.
That is not the same thing as saying everybody who does good things is righteous. That’s not what said. He said that the one who practices righteousness is of him. And there’s a lot packed into those two words, practice righteousness. We’ll delve into that. Let’s go through the questions that we did not do on Sunday. John did not say he was telling about what he had a heard be seen,
see thought of, or D touched with his hands. See, fought of number two. God is light and a, or B, sorry. God is a light or B darkness, light a number three. What if persons claim to be without sin? They’re a liar. And the truth is not in them. If a person has sin, what should he do?
Confesses sins. To whom context, the God, the context there is God. Okay. How can an individual know that he knows Jesus, keep his commandments. Number five, name the condition of a follower of Christ who hates his brother fallen. He is in darkness. That’s the, that’s the key word. We’re looking for. Everything in the world,
the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life comes from the world. Can a person then Nye the son and have the father. No, they cannot. All right. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible> You’re fair. And then keep me straight. I wouldn’t even know I had this tonight. I forget. Is this on?
I guess it is. It’s good to see everyone who’s saving. We’ve enjoyed a wonderful class and here, and I’m sure the young people did as well. Uh, we have a few announcements we’d like to make before we have our devotional or continue to remember Joan Springer, uh she’s at times doing better. And then at times not doing very well. So I’m not sure how to describe that,
but we’ve all been there at some point in time in our lives. One day we feel all right, and the next day we feel lousy, but continue to remember Joan Dorothy Wilson, recovering from her recent ER, visit with very high blood pressure and possible a light, possibly a light stroke. Uh, she will see her doctor next week. So keep, uh,
Northeast in your prayers. And I know Rodale is, uh, he’s going to have an ultrasound or heart valve issue tomorrow. So keep them both in your prayers. Both of them sound like them in pretty spheres condition with those things, uh, Pam shaven. And of course, Sylvia pass are still having problems with their backs. I don’t know that they’re ever really found out if there’s anything they can do.
I haven’t heard from either one I’m saying that they don’t definitely that they can have something done, but I would think, uh, hopefully a doctor could maybe help them out in some way, but some people do not want to go under the knife, but, uh, generally that’s what it takes to take that pressure off of those nerves. Um, nationwide gospel meeting,
uh, college flowers are on the table there in the four year. If you’d like to pick one of those up a month and a man’s business meeting dates have been changed to Monday evening at seven following the second Sunday of the month. So we probably keep an ass in that be coming up pretty soon. Uh, Holly Richardson’s grandfather, uh, I don’t know if you got the email,
he, he passed away from an ATV accident and actually it was, uh, his son found him, um, the next morning, this is what I understand. So, uh, it was Monday morning. So I, I don’t know if you’ve all heard that or not, but we certainly want to remember Holly and her grandfather and the Richardson family,
and this loss to them. Aaron will be helping to host a TV broadcast about the Tennessee primary election tomorrow night from seven to 11:00 PM. You can watch online at ETB, N T And I probably should put this on the table so you can write that down. Cause I would never remember once I left the building, probably if I wasn’t writing it down right now,
so keep that in mind and we hope that will go well. And if you have a chance, let’s see what Heron has to say about that. Uh, Marie Springer is going to be leading our song services evening and then Aaron would be bringing the devotional. Right. Okay. I figured it probably was since I didn’t see Michael and then a terrier Whitley will be leading us in a closing prayer.
Any other announcements that I might not have had and everything’s okay. Let me repeat that. So everyone can hear lucky Hanks got a good report. He was showing some blood in his urine. He went back and the doctors got with him and they found out that he’s he’s okay now and not having any problems. So we’re certainly thankful for that, but keep a left hand Bader live in your prayers.
I know they’d appreciate it. Uh, I know it’s kind of been difficult for both of them last few months, I guess you would say anything else that I might need, just say, okay, Marie, please put the marker in. You booked a 354, number three, five, four, 353<inaudible> he was praying. He said one day when sin was as dark as it could be.
Jesus came for to be born of a verge and dwelt among men. My example is he living. He loved the dying. He saved me buried. He can read my<inaudible>. He just hit five creative all have one day he’s coming. Oh, blog Dan. One day they let him up was mountain one day. They knew him to die. The tree suffering anguish there’s five,
10 rejected burying our sin. My redeem her is he living. He loved me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> he just fired<inaudible> one day. Hate is<inaudible><inaudible> one day the trumpet will sound for his calm man. One day, those guys with his glory will shine. Wonderful.<inaudible> Lauria save your, this. Jesus is my<inaudible><inaudible> me.<inaudible> my<inaudible> arising.
He just hit<inaudible><inaudible> Romans chapter five. Paul begins that chapter as we have it with therefore having been justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord. Jesus Christ peace in the world is a, probably a hope that’s outside of reality, but peace with God. Isn’t peace with God. Ultimately is the peace that will last beyond this life.
There may come a day where peace is achieved in this world for a short time, but it’s unlikely in a world of sin that peace will ever remain in any permanent form, but peace with God is available through Jesus Christ through whom we also have access by faith into this grace, in which we and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. As we stand in grace,
as we stand in justification, as we stand in hope as Christians, we do so. Not because we’ve earned that position. Not because we’ve merited salvation by doing enough good commandments or acting in a right way enough times, but instead by grace through faith, our faith, which is always in scripture, encapsulating our obedience, our faith and obedience brought together by God’s.
Grace causes us to stand justified before God verse six says for when we were still without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely, for a righteous man, will one die yet, perhaps for a good man, someone would even dare to die, but God demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
As we mentioned in the Bible class this evening and the adult class, one of the things that is true is that we could never pay the sacrifice for sin. We could never merit sin, nor could we atone for ourselves yet while we were still sinners while we were still unworthy while we were still, without God Christ died for us, the, just for the unjust,
the righteous for the unrighteous. So having said all of that, where do we stand in relationship to the sacrifice of Christ tonight? Do we stand in a place of faith and obedience of grace and hope and justification, or do we stand condemned by the one who would atone for us? Jesus said in John chapter five, that God had committed all judgment into his hand.
And that there was coming a day when those who were in the graves would hear his voice and would come forth some unto everlasting life and some onto damnation. So it’s up to us. What is our relationship to the atoning propitiatory sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You’re outside the body of Christ this evening. The relationship you have is one that is lacking. The relationship you have is the one that is standing condemned.
But if you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve departed from the truth, if you’ve become like the ones John mentioned in our class this evening that had departed out from the Christians, then you as well stand condemned. Not because you’ve departed out from us, but because you’ve departed from him. But if you’re walking in the light, as he is in the light,
the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from your sins on a continual basis. What is your relationship to the sacrifice of Christ? If there’s any way we can aid you in your relationship, why not come forward as we stand? And as we say, I gave my life for<inaudible> and queer come from the dad I gave, I gave my life for the,
what had given for me. I gave, I gave my life for the one had given for me, my father’s house, my glory circle throne. I left<inaudible>. I laughed. I laughed it all. Four D had a laugh dog for me.<inaudible> had a left door for me and I have<inaudible> from my home.<inaudible> I bring, I bring rich gifts to the one,
had a bra for me. I bring, I bring rich gifts. Two D one had a bro.<inaudible> Let us pray. Our heavenly father. We thank you for a beautiful day today, Lord, we thank you, Lord. Your love, your Grace and your kindness and your mercy. Lord Lord, we ask that you be with ones that are sick.
Once they’ve lost, loved ones, Lord, just be with them and comfort them. Lord is only, you can Lord, we thank you for the privilege to be in your house tonight and learn more of your word, Lord, just be with us and what we’re this daily Lord and just forgive us for, we fail. You do these things we ask in your name.
John did not say he was telling about what he had (a) heard, (b) seen, (c) thought of, or (d) touched with his hands. 1 John 1:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
God is (a) light or (b) darkness. 1 John 1:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What if persons claim to be without sin? If a person has sinned, what should he do? 1 John 1:8-10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How can an individual know that he knows Jesus? 1 John 2:3-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name the condition of a follower of Christ who hates his brother. 1 John 2:9-11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Everything in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life-comes from ______________________________ 1 John 2:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Can a person deny the Son and have the Father? 1 John 2:23 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Good morning. We are in first John chapter one, let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We thank you for this day that you’ve given to us grateful for this life that you’ve blessed us with. We’re mindful of those who are dealing with difficulties in their lives, whether they be physical or emotional or spiritual, pray that you give them the comfort and strength that they need.
Through those hard times, we pray for those who still remain at home. And, uh, we pray that they will continue to have safety and good health. And we are so grateful for their willingness to continue participating in, uh, being a part in this congregation and the worship, uh, that we offer to you on a weekly basis. Lord,
we pray that you help us to be an encouragement to them. And to all those that are around about us, always strive to Put God first to strive, to look to you in a sincerity and in strength and in understanding and willingness to be obedient to you all the rest of our days, we pray for this city and we pray for this area.
We pray for this country that they might make wise decisions that they might make choices that lead to the further into the gospel, that we might be able to teach people and evangelize and spread the gospel throughout the world. And that people will be willing and open to hearing that gospel being obedient to the truth and receiving the salvation of their souls through the obedience of that gospel.
We pray for all the many good works that are going on throughout the brotherhood and especially those that we support here at Collierville. We pray that they remained faithful and steadfast sound in the faith and that they will always have open doors of opportunity and fruitful vineyards in which to labor. We pray that as we go through this time of study, the things that we study will be beneficial to our hearts and our minds.
We might grow closer to you in faith, and a knowledge might grow in grace. And in understanding all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. John begins this letter. This will be kind of the middle of the letters that John writes by way of length. You’ve got John, you’ve got the book of revelation. You’ve got first, John,
and then second and third, John, that are all that are both just a chapter long. So this one’s kind of in the middle, but it begins with really the assumption that you’ve already read the book of John. If you haven’t read the book of John and you come to first, John, you’re going to wonder why he’s talking about the things he’s talking about because he begins off of the exact same premise of the things,
which he’s already said, which he’s already told them, which they’ve already understood, but he reinforces these things that, which was from the beginning. He says, chapter one, verse one. Oh, and you read that, which was from the beginning. If you’ve read John, you know, the very beginning of John begins in the same place in the beginning was the word.
And the word was with God. And the word was God, same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. That, which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life.
You go on there. And John chapter one, and you read that in him was two things. John describes in John chapter. One, two things that were in him, light and life. John chapter first, John chapter one is going to begin by talking about the word of life. And he’s going to go talking about that life for a little bit,
and then he’s going to transition to light. Okay? So the, these have parallel thoughts. He’s bringing these things forward to discuss what he’s going to discuss in this book. Now, a couple of additional details, the passages you need to really, really, really focus on to connect John and first John or John chapter one and John chapters, 14,
15 and 16, because as Jesus speaks to these apostles, they’re in the upper room and he prepares them for what’s coming. He prepares them for his betrayal. He prepares them for his departure. He sets a number of things before them, where he says, for instance, if you love me, keep my commandments. You’re going to have that idea in first,
John, over and over and over again, John chapter 15, he says, you are my friends. If you do whatsoever, I command you again. We’re going to have all of these thoughts brought forward into this book. So he says that, which was from the beginning, which we have heard. John wants to make it clear as he begins this letter,
that he is, he is writing this as a personal eye witness testimony of a man who really did walk the earth. Because by this point in the first century, there were already those who were claiming that Jesus never came in the flesh. There were already those sex and, and others among the Jews and among the, the Christians and those who had kind of departed from the church and departed into waywardness that were already saying things like the flesh is inherently sinful.
And if Christ is, God, God can’t be in the flesh because God can’t have sin. And since sin is inherently sinful, therefore Christ couldn’t come in the flesh. Therefore he was a spirit was not flash. John opposes that premise and opposes everything about it by emphasizing first and foremost that this word, this word of life they heard. Now, if it were just words,
if it were words, plural, not the word. Okay? If he weren’t talking about Christ and we’re just talking about an abstract thing, a gospel message, he might be able to say they heard it. He’d have a harder time saying they saw it. He hadn’t even harder time saying they handled it. His description forms for us, this reality,
he’s talking about not some thing, but someone, he says that, which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we’ve seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word of life. The life was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you. He says, I stand I right here as a witness,
as an eyewitness. And we make this testimony to you for this reason that you are declared to you, that eternal life, which was with the father and was manifested to us that which we have seen and heard, we declare to you that also, or that you also may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son,
Jesus Christ. John says not only was there a person that we witnessed, that we heard that we looked upon that our hands have handled. But in addition to that, he says that that person, that word of life was eternal life manifested to us. God, put on this earth in the form of Jesus Christ, not someone who had existed for a long time,
not someone who like one of the angels who’d, who’d been around from the early beginnings. Not even as the Jehovah’s witnesses claim. The first created being because that’s what they claim. Jesus Christ is the first created being not that he’s not God, no, God manifested eternal life in Jesus Christ. Coming to this earth. He says, we saw the one who was in the beginning.
We saw the one who created everything. We saw the one who upholds all things by the word of his power. If we borrow the language from Hebrews chapter one, he says, we saw him and we touched him and we heard him and we looked upon him and he was manifested to us for this reason that we might have fellowship with the father, go to John chapter 17.
John chapter 17 is Jesus is in the upper room. This is the very last thing that occurs before they leave the upper room. And they go into the garden of guest’s eMoney. Jesus spoke these words and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, father, the hour has come glorify your son, that your son also may glorify you. As you have given him authority over all flesh,
that he should give eternal life to. As many as you have given him. And this is eternal life that they may know you. The only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent the knowledge of God and the knowledge of Christ form the foundation and the basis for our eternal life. If we don’t know God, the father, and if we don’t know Christ,
the son, we don’t have eternal life. Go back over to chapter 14, chapter 14, verse one, let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me, in my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not. So I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you to myself. That where I am there, you may be also. And where I go, you know, and the way you know, Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know the way Jesus said to him? I am the way the truth and the life,
no one comes to the father, except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my father also. And from now on, you know, him and have seen him. Philip said to him, Lord, show us the father. And it is sufficient for us. Jesus said to him, have I been with you so long?
And yet you have not known me, Philip. He who has seen me has seen the father. So how can you say, show us the father? Do you not believe that I am in the father and the father in me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak of my own authority, but the father who dwells in me does the works,
believe me, that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the sake of the works themselves. Jesus is he is speaking to the apostles is they are preparing a, as he is preparing them for this end, that is coming of his time on this earth. And his being brought on trial and his being put on the cross and his dying and going into that tomb.
He reminds them, he declares to them. When you know me, you know him, and if you don’t know me, you don’t know him. There is this connection between Christ and the father that they are inseparable. And yet they’re at the end of that passage that we read said, if you can’t get over it and I’m going to, I’m going to paraphrase it.
If you can’t get over the fact that you’re seeing someone in the flesh and understanding he is eternal God in the flesh, then at least believe me for the works that declare what I say to be true. And so Phillip says, show us the father. And he says, you’ve seen him because you’ve seen me. So now let’s go back over to first.
John chapter one, this entire letter is focused around one central theme. Obedience to God brings about a fellowship with God. You can’t have fellowship with God without obedience, but with obedience, you can have not only fellowship with God, but the complete knowledge of your fellowship with God. This book is a rebuke to anyone who claims to be a Christian and says,
I hope I’m saved. They need to go read first. John, if, if someone has the mindset, I’m not really sure that I know they need to go read first, John, because that’s the entire premise of this book is he writes to these Christians. It says not only can, you know, with a complete guarantee, having read this from a personal eyewitness,
that Jesus Christ came to this world, but that when you know him, you know, the father and that when you know the father, you know, you have eternal life and it’s as basic as that, John keeps going back to that over and over and over. We’re going to see it again and again and again. So let’s go into verse three.
He says the eternal life was, uh, which was with the father, was manifested to us that which we have seen and heard, we declare to you that you also may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son, Jesus Christ. And we just read in chapter 14, Jesus saying, I dwell in the father and the father dwells in me.
We read in chapter 17, that I’m with a father. And he is with me. We read the rest of chapter 17. We see Jesus drawing forward. That when you do the things, which he says, you have the fellowship with the father that he has. And when an individual who never saw him in person and never came in contact with him in person,
here’s the words that the apostles would teach. They also could have fellowship with the father. Just the same as those who walked with him in person. Just the same as those who heard him in person. Okay? So there’s no separation of fellowship. Oh, I heard Jesus in person. I was with Jesus in person. I have a greater fellowship than you.
Nope. Jesus said the fellowship comes through the gospel. The fellowship comes through the message of eternal life. He says that you may have fellowship with us and that we may have fellowship with God, the father and the son, anytime you’re talking about fellowship in your mind, what you ought to do is picture a triangle because you’re talking about fellowship between two Christians.
The only way those Christians have fellowship is if God is also in fellowship with both of them, if God is not part of the fellowship, it doesn’t matter what kind of relationship those two Christians have. Because if one of them isn’t connected through God, they don’t have a connection to the other person at all points in time for there to be fellowship. God must be part of that equation.
And if at any point you have a Christian over here and a Christian over here. If any point they stop having fellowship with God, the father, and one of them remains in fellowship with God, the father, they’re not in fellowship with one another. Now, whether or not they recognize it or not is a completely different thing. But you, you will hear congregations talk about,
well, we know that brother, his way word, we know that individual, he, he, he is not living right, but we’re just, we’re giving it time. We’re not going to withdraw fellowship from you don’t have any fellowship with him. Not in the biblical sense. Why? Because he stopped fellowshipping with God. The moment he stops fellowshipping with God,
you don’t have any connection to him. Now there’s still responsibilities and commandments for a congregation to be able to show that an individual has fallen away and to be able to, uh, do the things in Mark. One who is, who is way where all of those are necessary. But the reality is the fellowship is gone. The moment that person is no longer in fellowship with God,
because we only have fellowship with one another through God. So as you kind of picture this, this triangle there’s Christ, there’s the father. There’s us. The only way we get to anybody else in our fellowship is through God, the father and Jesus Christ. If we don’t first connect to them, we don’t connect to anyone else. Here’s a good way to explain it or think about it.
Uh, there, there was a day in time, at least as I understand it, where you picked up the phone and the very first thing you connected to was who the operator, without the operator, who could you connect to? No buddy, unless it was a party line, all right, we got to make exceptions for the rural areas. But under that,
excluding the party line under that idea, if you picked up the phone and the operator, wasn’t sitting at their desk, who could you call nobody without the operator, you had no connection to anybody else. God’s the operator. And if someone goes out side, their little house and cuts those phone lines, what are they no longer connected to the operator?
Well, that’s what people do in their spiritual lives. When they depart from the truth. When they go into sin, when they have an idea about themselves, like John will describe here at the end of the chapter, I have no sin. John says, when you reach that point, or when you depart, when you leave fellowship with God, the father it’s as though they cut those lines and the operator may try and get a message through,
but what’s it going to hit every time? Nothing because they’ve cut the lines. So what does a person have to do? If they’ve cut the lines, they got to go fix them. See, unlike the, the telephone example, when you cut the lines in this situation, you’re the only one who can repair them telephone. Company’s not going to come out and fix the lines.
Preacher’s not going to come out and repair the lines for you. It’s not going to happen. Not possible. Preacher might come out and inform you. You have cut lines. You need to fix this. Elders might come out and study with you and say, listen, there’s a problem. And you have to resolve this. But the elders and preacher can’t fix the lines.
The only person who can is the person who cut fellowship with God. Now, if someone says that person over there who has cut fellowship with God, I am still in fellowship with them. The only way they can still be in fellowship with them is if they also cut fellowship with God. Absolutely, absolutely. And so this is where, you know,
we, we, we have things that we, it as we’ve studied scripture and everything, we kind of lump a lot of things together in the word fellowship. But what John is talking about here is the fellowship of eternal life. Okay? He’s talking about a spiritual connection between God, the father that brings eternal life. And here’s another way to illustrate that.
It’s the way Jesus, did you have a vine and through the vine comes eternal life. What happens when you cut the limb from the vine? It dies. Well, what if another limb over there says, well, wait a minute. I’m still in fellowship with that limb. The only place they’re going to be in fellowship is on the burn pile,
but neither one of them will have eternal life flowing through them because they’re no longer connected to the vine. Now, can they be grafted back in all? Absolutely. And Jesus talks about that. Jesus illustrates that. And as a matter of fact, illustrates the Gentiles being grafted in to the vine. And so here, Jesus talks about the Jews who are going to be removed from the vine and an outcast and burn.
And yet the Gentiles are going to be grafted in. But if you don’t have connection to the vine, you don’t have life. So then notice what we read. All these things are, excuse me. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. One of the other ideas, one of the other words that you’re going to see come up and he just start making a list.
Uh, you’re going to see the word love a lot. You’re going to see the word a joy come up. A number of times, you’re going to see the word know, K N O w about 27 times in verse John in five chapters, you’re going to see fellowship and obviously Christ and the father quite often as well, but then notice what he says.
He says, we write to you that your joy may be full. This is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you. Yeah, I can’t let that one go. Before we go back over to John chapter 17, because that’s one of those statements. It’s very easy to just kind of read it and, and breeze through it.
But there’s more to it than that. John chapter 17, verse six, I have manifested your name to the men whom you have given me out of the world. They were yours. You gave them to me and they have kept your word verse six. Now they have known that all things which you have given me or from you, or I have given to them,
the words which you have given me, and they have them and have shirt have known Shirley that I came forth from you. And they have believed that you sent me go down to verse 17, uh, sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them in the world. And for their sakes,
I sanctify myself that they also may be sanctified by the truth. I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one as you father are in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us. When he keeps saying the word one, he means the same thing.
John means by the word fellowship. He says that they may be one in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. So when John writes these things, he says, we write these things to you, that your joy may be full. And this is the message which we declare to you. It’s the message we received from him because Jesus said,
I took the words that God, the father you gave to me and I gave them to them. And they took the words that Jesus gave to them. And they declared them to somebody else. The moment you take an individual and they take the word that came from the father and they take the word that came from the sun and they take the word that came from the apostles and the prophets.
And they substitute their words for God’s. You cut the vine because it is the truth that was flowing down, that line of communication. And when they substituted their words for the truth, they substituted. The one thing that could save a soul. There are times when baking, cooking, you find you ran out of a supply. You just found out you needed as you read the recipe and you go it’s okay,
because I can substitute that for this. And it will be okay. And sometimes it is. And sometimes the person who eats the first bite goes, something’s not right. Something’s not right. It might be just a little bit off. I mean, it might still be edible, but something’s not right. Texture is wrong. And the consistency is wrong.
The taste something is off. Why? Because the original ingredients, the thing they expected that was made up of those original ingredients, isn’t the anymore it’s been changed. He says, this is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that God is light. And in him is no darkness at all. Fundamental attribute of God. God is light and no darkness can exist in him.
And we’re not just talking about light in the sense of sunlight. We’re talking about true light. We’re talking about goodness righteousness, that which is pure, that which is Holy God is completely, perfectly pure. Holy righteous, just, and there’s no tainting of him. There’s no. Uh, what was the old country song? 99, 98.3% pure love,
or what? 99.8%. You know, there was an old country. So I don’t remember what it was, um, that, you know, Ronnie Millsap sang it. So one of y’all will rubber hood what it was, but Rodney Millsap sang a song about pure love, but, but he used the statement that nothing was a hundred percent pure in life.
You know, it was the closest that you could get to pure was 90 whatever percent. Okay. And so he just declared his love to be pure love, but it was, you know, 98 point, whatever. Anyway, um, it works better when everybody knows the song. So that’s not God though God’s not 99.9 (999) 999-9999, 9%. Good.
God is a hundred percent good. And zero point infinity evil. This is the message there’s we have declared from him and declare to you that God is lightened in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. One thing to remember as we go through this section is John is talking about a pattern of life.
John is not talking about an individual who has faults and sometimes sins. When he’s talking about walking, he describes walking in the light or walking in darkness that is a continual choosing of a path. And he says, you can’t walk in darkness and have fellowship with light, but he’s going to clarify what he means that he’s not talking about the fact that we will ever be perfect,
that we will ever be 100% pure good in this life. He makes it clear. That’s not what he’s saying. He says, if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ,
his son cleanses us from all, or yes, cleanses us from all sin. As we walk in the light, as we daily, make the choice to be obedient to God. As we daily strive to purify ourselves as we daily strive to be Holy as he is Holy first, Peter chapter one, verse 16, John’s saying I’m not declaring to you that you’ll be sinless.
I’m declaring to you that you’ll be washed in the blood of the lamb. You go over to the book of revelation again, John first, John, second, third, John revelation, there. They’re all, they’re all connected. And you see the lamb that was slain. You see the blood of the lamb. You see the saints who die for the name of Christ being handed robes that are washed white in the blood of lamb.
And you see that declaration you overcame. And so you are handed a white robe, something that declares your purity, your holiness. Now he says, if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. Notice again, you have fellowship where in the light you have fellowship in Christ. You have fellowship with the father.
You have fellowship in light, but what if you leave the light? No I’m fellowship anymore. You also in that fellowship have the cleansing of the blood of Christ. If you leave the light, what do you also leave the cleansing of the blood? But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ.
His son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. John, the apostle, the one who was there sitting beside Jesus in the upper room, the one who was there at the foot of the cross, the one who was there, who Jesus declared to him. This is your you’re now the son of my mother.
And she’s now the one who belongs to you, John, the apostle who writes concerning Christ in such a touching and emotional and connected way that he won’t even mention his own name. And John, as an older man, still writes and says, if you say you have no sin, you’re a liar. And the discussion. So he’s not talking. When he says walk in the light about sinless perfection.
He is talking about one who stays in the light. He goes on to say, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is not the idea that as a Christian,
we fade off into darkness and then we get forgiven and we fade back in the light and we fade off in a darkness. We get forgiven. And every single time we make a single error. We go off into darkness. We have, that’s not what this is talking about. As a person who is walking, the light continues to seek God’s forgiveness continues to confess his sins to God,
continues to do what’s right. They don’t ever leave the path of right. They don’t ever go out of the blue light and into the darkness. The person who declares, I have no sin and I have nothing to confess to God. Do you remember the prayer of the Pharisee? Jesus gave the two prayers. The one was from the center and he first and foremost declared himself to be what a sinner and the other was from the Pharisee who declared himself to be everything God wanted him to be.
And which prayer did Jesus say was heard, and which prayer was not the prayer of the center. We don’t need to be confused about who we are and how we struggle. We don’t need to be deceiving ourselves into thinking. I don’t struggle. If you don’t struggle are dead. Congratulations. You’re done with this life. If you’re still breathing, congratulations,
you still have time to struggle. But if you start to convince yourself, you don’t need God. That you’re good enough that you do enough. You need to walk yourself right back to what Jesus said in Luke. When he said, when we’ve done everything we’ve been commanded to, to, we are still unprofitable servants Because the master doesn’t owe us anything,
but he loves to give us righteousness. And there’s another term you’re going to see throughout this book. He is righteousness. He cleanses us from all unrighteousness, which by the way, leaves only what righteousness behind. If all unrighteousness is stripped away by the blood of Christ, continually cleansing us of our sins. As we continue to confess our sins, as we continue to meet God in recognition,
we need God. Then the only thing left behind is the righteousness. I’ve always thought one of the easiest ways to clean the house is just plow the thing under then you’re done. You don’t have to go back and clean it again. If it doesn’t exist, you don’t have to clean it by life has given me a look. They’re like, yeah,
that is kind of how you looked life. But the object of cleaning something is to leave behind the thing that needed to be claimed to leave behind the thing that was important enough to be cleaned and to leave it clean. How many times growing up was I instructed to go clean the bathroom and clean the sink, the mirror only for my mother to walk in and go,
why are there still spots? Why are there, if, if it were clean, the spots would be gone and it would look like a clean mirror. It doesn’t look like a clean mirror. So you didn’t clean it. Oh yes I did. No you didn’t because there’s still spots on it. So our lives, as we go through life and we make choices,
sometimes we’re going to make the wrong one and sometimes we’re going to sin and sometimes we’re going to do it intentionally. But do we have the ability to ask for forgiveness and is God going to say, you know what? Um, I’ve hit my quota seven times seven. That’s all I need. I don’t have to forgive you this time. You remember the Peter asking that?
And Jesus said, how many times? 70 times seven, there’s a, there’s a connection there with God, because seven is the number of perfection. The number for God. If you go read the book of revelation and 10 is the number of completeness, God and completeness, Jesus is telling Peter, when you forgive the way God does, you don’t ask when too many times is too many times.
So start forgiving the way God does. Now. He says, if we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar. And his word is not in us, my little children, these things I write to you so that you may not sin as, as we’re not going to necessarily stop out a chapter break where we’re out of time. But I want,
I want you to see that what he just said about sinning, confessing, being forgiven is also his statement that says, and that’s why you choose not to sin. I’m writing to you this not so that you just go, Oh great. I can send it as much as I want to, and God will forgive me. But instead so that you go,
I never want to sin, but I know I have forgiveness from a God who is just and faithful. Alright, we’re going to cover the questions on Wednesday as we conclude chapter two, hopefully we’ll see. There’s a lot in chapter two. Um, but thank you for your attention. We’ll cover the questions that class,
I believe it’s time to begin our service and we want to welcome those of you that are visiting with us.
It’s our pleasure to have you here today. If you did not get your communion, it’s back on the tables before you entered the auditorium, or as you enter the auditorium, we encourage you to go back now and pick those up. We do have a few announcements. We want to share with you how we do would like we would like to have our visitors fill out a attendance card if you don’t mind.
And you can either drop that in the what on the table, in the, in the back there, or leave it in the seat or give it to one of us. And we were certainly appreciate that. So we have a record of you being here. If we knew our, remember our sick Dorothy and Rodale Wilson, also Joan Springer, and it was good to see Sylvia pass here.
She’s still having problems with her back. And also Pam shafing is having difficulties with her back. Uh, don’t forget that August nationwide gospel meeting going on, and there are flyers on the table there in the four year. Uh, we would encourage you to pick one of those up. And if you’d like to participate and listening to those sermons, the pantry item for Potter children’s home is great jelly.
And we certainly want to encourage you to bring that in it. If you’re like me, I’ve got to go back and get a few other ones that I kinda missed. And they’ll be here August the 30th to pick up our Cohen cans and the commodities that we’ve gathered here at the church. Building our gospel meeting with Keith Cozort is going to be escaping you for August the 30th through the September the second.
So, uh, keep that in mind and invite your friends and neighbors to come and be here for them. Uh, I have a thing. Thank you. Note from one of the little girls at a Potter children’s home, she said, thank you. Uh, love Olivia. And it’s a real young little girl. If you see, she wrote it in crayon and I’m on a post that on the bulletin board there that we have for Potter,
but all of those young people are very loving. They really appreciate what the church is doing for them. And of course we appreciate what the Potter staff is doing for those children. And we’re glad that we’re part of that and encouraging them as we can. So keep them in your prayers. And I know they would appreciate that. We would like to discuss just a moment about social distancing.
Uh, this is for your safety and we, we certainly hope that you would consider it. It’s not something that we’re going to twist your arm though, but hopefully each one of us knows how important it is when we come into the building. But even before class, we would suggest that you not Lauder in the four year there. And like we always love to do and visit with one another and have that conversation.
And I know that’s going to be hard to do with this congregation because we’re always very loving and want to talk to each other. But if you would just come on in and have a seat for Bible class, and then after Bible classes over, we would encourage you to, uh, go ahead and get your communion and go to your seats for worship service and not Mingo.
Uh, and that’s, it’s all of this is a very difficult and we know that, but for our own safety, uh, we believe that’s the right thing to do. And when services are over, we would encourage you not to hang around too long. And that’s unusual. We always say, stick around, let us see you or visit with you.
Uh, but we’d rather just go ahead and exit the building as soon as possible. And we believe that would be the safest thing for all of us to do. And hopefully we’ll all try to do that. And I know sometimes we’re going to have a very difficult time doing it, but please help us in that way. I order for services. Michael Dale will be directing our songs,
service, uh, terror Sanderson has our opening prayer. The lower supper, Eric Halverson will be leading that. And then Aaron Cozort will be brings the lesson. And then Jay Shafir will have our closing prayer, the center and child worship our opening song this morning. We’ll be number 508, a wonderful savior five zero eight. It’s going to be up here.
All of them are up here today. Oh, wonderful. Savior is Jesus mine. Oh, no wonderful savior to me. He hired as my soul and a cleft in the rock rivers. A pleasure. I see, he heard my song and the cleft of the rock. Nah, shadows, uh, dry, thirsty. And he had it’s my life in that<inaudible> covers me there with his<inaudible>.
Oh, wonderful savior is Jesus. My Lord. He take it’s my burden. Oh, Hey. He holds me up and I shall not be moved. He gave with me string as my dad. Hey,<inaudible> Nash. Uh, dry, thirsty.<inaudible> he high? That’s my life in DASA.<inaudible><inaudible> with this<inaudible> with numberless blessings. Each mom,
any crowns and with is gone nasty. Ah, I see thing in my raps. Oh, glory to God.<inaudible> dry. Thirsty. He<inaudible><inaudible> me with his,<inaudible> nice to meet him in clouds of the sky. His perfect is wonderful.<inaudible> he? My song of the rock, the shadows dry thirsty. He<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> song.
Your opening. Prayer will be number 801 where no one stands alone. Eight zero one.<inaudible> with my<inaudible> and my<inaudible> and uh,<inaudible> Oh my<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> A father who art in heaven. We thank you for this beautiful first day of the week and opportunity to, we have to assemble around that table and study that word and sang songs.
Praise until you. We pray that the things that we learned here today will help us to become stronger Christians and to do more service. And I am not in that kingdom here in Collierville. We thanked him for the church here in Collierville. We pray that you would help us to make it grow and a better congregation to serve you. They, we pray that you would be with those that have been mentioned today that are sick and unable to be with us.
We pray that you would strengthen them and be with those that are taking care of them. We talked to you for the teachers here at Collierville with Nike, for Aaron and his family and the other teachers. We pray that they will always strive to teach the truth. We pray that you would be with the leaders of our country and of the world where you pray that you would soften their hearts and give them to wear them to do the things that should be done in this country that are going so badly and wrong,
where you pray that you’d be with each of us and to keep us safe. We pray that you would go through with the further exercise of this day with us, and to help us to understand the things that we do learn here today. You’re standing. We pray in Christ’s name, amen. To prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 382.
Why did my savior come two or three eight, two? Why dad and my savior come to<inaudible> he<inaudible>. He gave his crash us lie for me, for me, big us. He loved me. So<inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible>. He, uh, helped me, uh<inaudible>. He gave his precious life for me, for me be a<inaudible>.
Jesus comes us<inaudible><inaudible> with him through and<inaudible> B a C a loved me. So he, uh, helped me. So he, uh, me, uh, he<inaudible> his precious life for me, for me, the, uh, he, uh, helped me. So The apostle Paul instructed the Corinthians in his first letter to Corinth that as they assemble on the first day of the week,
they should commemorate the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. And that same instruction applies to us. So as we prepare to commemorate his death, let us go to our Lord and prayer. God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for having sent your son Jesus, to live amongst us here on our earth and to teach us.
But most importantly, to sacrifice his body for us, as we prepared to take this bread, which represents his mangled body that hung on that cross help each and every one of us to remember that fact of what he sacrificed and what you sacrificed for us. The center here on earth, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. Let us continue in prayer.
God, our father in heaven, we come to you thanking you again for your son and for the blood that he shed so that our sins may be washed away. So we may have that opportunity to live with you. Any eternity in heaven, as we prepared to partake of this fruit of the vine help each and every one of us to remember that fact that it represents the blood that he should for us,
the center, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. We’d also like to take this time as an opportunity to give back God our father in heaven. We thank you for the blessings that we have from you. When we truly understand that each and every one of us, everything that we have is from you and through you and because of you.
And as we prepare to give back a portion of that, that we have been so greatly blessed with. We ask that you help each and every one of us do it with a cheerful heart. We also ask that you help the men of this congregation do when we’re making decisions on how to distribute these funds, that we do it in a manner that is worthy of your name.
And that helps to spread your great name to those amongst this earth that have not had the privilege of knowing you yet. We pray this through your son, Jesus name, amen. Before the lesson will be number 695, none of self and all of the, if you’re able to Stand for this song, please, number 695. Oh, the pain and saw<inaudible> said two GS us.<inaudible> when I<inaudible>.
Yeah, he found me. I be bleeding.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> NA uh, and uh, The scripture reading before, well be Luke six, Luke chapter six, 24 Through 26, Luke chapter six, verses 24 through 26. But woe unto you that are rich for you have received your consolation woe unto you that are full for he shall hunger,
woe unto you that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep woe unto you. When all men shall speak well of you for, so did their fathers to the false prophets. You may be seated. Good morning. We are going to diverse just a little bit from the, uh, from the study of Zechariah. And we’re going to do a little bit of,
of studying in some other areas. And then we’ll come back to Zachariah thing in two weeks, but, uh, take your Bibles if you will. And open them to the book of Luke, Luke chapter six, this is Luke’s record of many of the things that were also contained in the sermon on the Mount. Some have suggested that this is a parallel account and some have suggested it’s not a parallel account because there are things that Luke can includes in here that,
that Matthew did. And there things, Matthew includes that Luke didn’t. Uh, one thing I know about teachers and preachers is if they’ve said it once, they’ll probably say it again and that we should not imagine that was not true about Jesus, the message that he preached in the sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter five, six, and seven was probably included in bits and pieces in other lessons and other occasions,
and not just a single time where he stated those things. So perhaps Luke is giving a parallel account. Perhaps he is giving a, another occasion where Jesus summarized many of these same ideas, but we begin in verse 24 with a series of woes. As we want to look at this idea, four woes, that destroy selfishness. I appreciate the song that Michael picked out for the song before that we just sang the song before the lesson,
as it describes that transition, it describes that path of an individual who begins their understanding of who Jesus Christ is. And they’re yet still focused entirely on self. They’re still focused entirely on doing what they want, but slowly but surely as time goes on, as they understand more clearly. And ultimately as they reach that true and full understanding of what God has done for us,
they finally remember, and they finally realized, and they finally learn none of cells And all of the Jesus will write or excuse me, will speak to his disciples. And he will say to them as Luke writes, but woe to you who are rich for you have received your consolation woe to you who are full for you, shall hunger, woe to you who laugh now for you shall mourn And weep these three woes.
We’re going to notice in parallel with one another, instead of taking each one as a single light. And we’re going to notice these three as a single item, and we’re going to draw them together because they carry with them within themselves. A parallel thought when Jesus speaks to the rich, and he says, woe to you, who are rich, does he mean everyone who has any form of wealth?
I don’t believe he does because contextually speaking, that’s not what he means. He is describing the rich person in a view of someone who is rich, that has a connotation and has an understanding with it. It, When he describes those who are full, is Jesus pronouncing a woe upon every individual who has ever sat down to a table and had sufficient food to eat and then ate it.
I hope not Because if so, all of us have experienced a lot of woes in our lives, But no, that’s not it either. Okay. When he pronounces a woe against a person who laughs is he condemning one who stands there in a situation and sees a child do something that is completely absurd and begins to laugh? No, no, he’s not.
As I mentioned, these three are parallel thoughts, one who’s rich, one who’s full and one who Who’s laughing And each one carries with it. A pronouncement of that, Whoa, he says to the one who is rich, you’ll receive no consolation. We’re going to go into that word in just a moment. He says to the one who is full,
you will be hungry. He says to the one who laughs you will mourn Begin with this idea of a Whoa, because what is a Whoa, well, the word, if we just take it from the Greek means grief grief to you is really the expression woe to you, a warning, an exclamation of grief, but it also has a connotation and has a connection to an old Testament idea.
And that was the idea of God taking Israel to the Mount of blessing and cursing. When God took Israel to Mount eval and Mount Garrison and set before them, the law, he said before them, the blessings that came by obeying the law, when they would adhere to him, when they would adhere to his word, when they would obey what he said and love him with all their heart,
with all their soul, with all their strength in all their mind and love their neighbor as their selves, then they’d receive the blessings. And yet when they focused on themselves and when they focused on their loss and when they focused on what they wanted instead of what others needed and when they went away from him and into idolatry, and when they departed from the commandments,
then he said, you’ll receive the curses. Those were the woes. You have this same idea here in Luke, chapter six, notice a few verses before it, he lifted up his eyes, verse 20 and said to his disciples, bless it. Are you poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Bless it. Are you who hunger now for you shall be filled blessed.
Are you who weep now for you shall laugh. Bless it. Are you when men hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man sake, rejoice in that day and leap for joy for indeed, your reward is great in heaven for in like manner their fathers did to the prophets, but Whoa too,
Do you? Ah, So he’s setting not just a, a position of every rich person, every full person, every person who’s ever laughed, but instead a contrast, he setting a contrast Of blessings and cursings of blessings and woes. And As a matter of fact, each one of these blessings has a Whoa. Each one of these items has a positive and a negative.
What we’re focusing on is the negative because in the negative you see exhibited what Jesus is really going after the mindset and the sin behind all of them is selfishness. Notice what we read as we notice a few passages about this first one, woe to you who are rich first and foremost, as we examine this idea of being rich, we want to see it in view of the last part of the wo.
He says woe to you who are rich for you have received your consolation. That word consolation gives us a little bit of understanding. A little bit of knowledge, a little glimpse into what it is. Jesus is saying. The word consolation means imploring. It means to bring comfort. It is the word para Khalisa<inaudible>, and it’s closely akin to a word<inaudible>,
which is to call beside it is the word that they would use in the noun form for an advocate, a lawyer, when you were in trouble and you needed help, you would call a side, you would call an advocate and he would stand with you before the judge. This is the one who is imploring. You have received your comfort. Jesus says to the one who is rich.
Now the one who has achieved these riches is achieved. This great wealth you have received your comfort. Now there are other passages where in the book of Luke, Jesus will explain this a little bit more. Let’s go over to Luke chapter 12 and Luke chapter 12, we begin in verse 13. Then one from the crowd said to him, teacher tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.
But he said to him, man, who made me a judge or an arbiter over you. And he said to them, take heed and build aware of covetousness for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of things. He possesses a man comes out of the crowd and says to Jesus teacher, baster rabbi make a determination in this case because my brother is not sharing the inheritance with me.
But Jesus changes. The focus. Jesus changes the emphasis of what this person wants to the problem in this person’s heart. Because while he has the master teacher in front of him, while he has God in his presence, while he has the opportunity to ask any spiritual thing, he might want to ask, he asks for money. And his concern was for financial things.
So Jesus turns to the crowd. You notice it said in verse 14, he said to him singular, but then verse 15. But he said to them, he’s changed who he’s talking to. He warns them about covetousness. He warns them about a desire for what belongs to another in him saying that, by the way you have him judging the man’s case,
the man came seeking what he claimed belonged to him. But Jesus accused him of desiring what belonged to someone else, because that’s what covetousness is. If the man was desiring only what was rightfully his, that wouldn’t be covetousness, but he desired what belongs to someone else, but then consider as well. He says that a man’s life does not consist in what he possesses.
And then he said a parable, the ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself saying, what shall I do since I have no room to store my crops? So he said, I will do this. I will build, or I will pull down my barns and build greater. And there I will store all my crops and my goods.
And I will say to my soul soul, you have many goods laid up for many years, take your ease, eat, drink, and be marry. A rich man. This man is described as rich before the harvest. This man is described as wealthy before the events that Jesus describes. And yet when this wealthy man sees exponential increase in his wealth,
where is his entire focus? Inward? His entire focus is only himself. Jesus is presenting a view of a man who has no thought for others who has no thought for recognition of others. I imagine let’s ask this question. Do you think the rich man planted all of his vineyards himself? It’s unlikely. Now we’re not told, but let’s just conceive of this.
How does someone generally become rich? They become rich by being able to bring together others and have many workers who go out and produce what it is that becomes theirs. So here is a man who most likely has vineyard workers who most likely has people who work in the field yet is anywhere here in this passage, the thought and the mindset that he is going to restore a greater portion to those who labored to produce what he has.
No, there’s no thought for others, but there’s also no thought. Most importantly, for the one who gave him what he had. And that’s where Jesus triggers in on this individually. But God said to him, verse 20 fool. This night, your soul will be required of you. Then who’s will the, those things be which you have provided.
So as he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. Now you turn back over to Luke chapter six and carry together the connotation and the message of Matthew chapter six, where Jesus also talks about money and talks about being rich towards God and laying up treasures, where they belong. Now you have the picture of the rich person. You have a picture of a person who has received their constellation because in their riches,
that was the only thing they desired. Their mind was not on God. Their heart was not set on him. Actually. I want to take you to one other passage. I want you to see one other passage before we come back to Luke chapter six and that’s in Luke chapter 16, Luke chapter 16, verse one, there was a certain rich man who had a steward and an accusation was brought to him that this man was sorry.
That’s the wrong, the wrong parable. Let me go to verse 19. There was a certain rich man that’s they were both about a certain rich man. I just grabbed the wrong one. Verse 19. There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. Now notice the picture of this rich man. Number one,
he’s rich. Number two, he’s clothed and clothed, abundant lays clothed in his riches. And number three, he’s full we’ve brought over two of the things from the, from chapter six, woe to him who is rich woe to him who is full. All right? I said, all three of these are parallels. Let’s bring them together. There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.
But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores who was laid at his Gates desiring to be fed with the crumbs, which fell from the rich man’s table. Jesus paints a picture here of a man who was laid. He was placed here. Jesus, didn’t say here was a man who came daily to lay at the gate. We find here a man who was placed here by others.
This is a man who has been put aside from society. This is a man who is unwanted and on cared for. This is a man who doesn’t have someone who is a gentle soul. Who’s part of his family who loves him deeply and cares for him and comforts him and takes care of his sores and helps him and binds him up. No, this man has been placed here because just in,
as you see here, the refusal of the rich man to do anything about it, you also see the refusal of anyone else to do anything about it. Notice what we read. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. So it was that the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried even in death.
The rich man’s riches paid for luxury Lazarus died. And what do we read about his body? Nothing. When you had an individual who was without possessions, without money who had, who was homeless and they died, then they were quite often just varied in graves that were communal property. You might remember that when Judas threw the money back at the high priest,
they, they refused it. They wouldn’t take it. But then they wa they went and bought the Potter’s field. That was quite often used as a burial place for others who had no burial place. This man went to a common grave. The rich man was buried before we go any further, want to remind us about a man who was homeless. There was a man who walked this earth,
who was homeless. And he ate at other people’s tables and he drank what other people provided. And he slept in other people’s beds and he journeyed around and he had no possessions to speak of. And when he died, he had no tomb. But when he died, Joseph placed him in his tomb because a homeless man walked this earth and his name was Jesus.
So wait a minute. Why would you describe Jesus as a homeless person? Because Jesus did. There was a man who came to Jesus and said, let me be your disciple. Let me follow. After you. Jesus said, foxes have holes. Birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. We read about Jesus in the house of Peter.
We read about Jesus in the house of Lazarus and Mary and Martha. We read about Jesus in the house of affairsy. We read about Jesus everywhere, but his own house. And why do you think that is? Because he didn’t have one. There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. And laying at his Gates right outside his door was a man who would have been satisfied with the crumbs that fell from his table.
And some might say, well, he should have asked for them. It’s interesting. We might apply that to Lazarus, but I don’t think we can. I don’t think we can accuse Lazarus of just being too, too ignorant, too lazy to woeful, to even ask for help. Because that picture of desiring is there, here you have Lazarus and he is desiring to be fed.
And one of the things, you know, this isn’t is this isn’t covetousness. This is not Lazarus outside the wall, outside the gate, looking in and wanting everything. The rich man has. No, that’s not what it is. This is a man desiring the least that anyone could give to have enough to survive another day, but he doesn’t receive it.
And he dies. And the rich man dies. So it was the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man died and was buried and being in torment in Hades, he lived at his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water.
And cool. My tongue for, I am tormented tormented in this flame, but Abraham said, son, remember that in your lifetime, you received your good things. There’s your picture of consolation. That is the exact picture that we are to get from Luke chapter six, woe to you who are rich for in this life, you have received your consolation.
Abraham says to him, son, remember that in your lifetime, you received your good things. And likewise Lazarus received evil things. But now he is comforted. There’s your word, constellation as well. And you are tormented. Whoa, do you, who are rich? What are you who are full four? You will receive no consolation in eternity, no comfort.
And you will be hungry, but he says woe to you who laugh for you shall mourn. This is said in stark contrast to the morning described in the previous verses of chapter six, he says again, in verse 20, blessed are, you are poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed. Are you who hunger for you will be filled blessed.
Are you who weep now for you shall laugh. These two ideas blessed are you who weep now and bow and woe to you who laugh are set in a context of one time. And we remind ourselves there was a time there was a time in the Roman world. There would be a time in the future of the lives of the Christians, where they would be put into the Coliseum where they would be trotted out with wild animals,
where they would be put in the midst of the games for the enjoyment of those, watching them die. And Jesus would say woe to you, who laugh woe to you who find joy in this life, but you have missed. He Turnell joy. You remember over in first, John, we studied it in the adult Bible class this morning. And first John chapter one,
John would write to these Christians and he would write to them about Christ and he would write to them about fellowship and he would write to them about eternal life. And he would write to them verse four. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. And yet he will write to Christians who are seeing their fellow brethren die. How can their joy be full?
And they’re weeping be simultaneous because their reward is not in this life. And their joy is not in fleeting moments of laughter three parallel ideas. What are you who are rich? What are you who are full woe to you? Who laugh when you ought to be giving to others? The chapter six verse 27, all the way through chapter six, verse 49 has a connotation and a single thought all the way through it do for others.
Do for others. Give do for others. If we had time, we’d go through the entire thing. But Jesus is saying, you’re rich because you’re focused on yourself. You’re full because you’re focused on yourself. You’re laughing because you’re focused on yourself and your reward is all you have right now because there’s coming a day where you are rich will be poor.
You are hungry or full will be hungry. And you who laugh, will mourn. And then we read verse 26 woe to you. When all men speak well of you, Jesus here doesn’t mean you have been a good employee and a good husband and a good father and a good person that your entire life and everyone who meets you and knows. You says that,
man is somebody who is a good man. That’s not what he’s talking about. He’s talking about a person who everyone says good things about, and the person is always waiting to hear them. He’s always ready to be told how good he is. He’s always anxious to hear just how much he’s done, just how wonderful he is. Just how much he is appreciated.
And with that comes a willingness to do anything. To hear it. John, in first, John chapter two, warns these Christians about the lust of the eyes, but he also warns them about the pride of life. He says woe to you when all men speak well of you for, so did their fathers to the false prophets. Why were these men false prophets?
Why were these men in the old Testament? Those who would prophesize wrong things would prophesize things that were not from God would prophecy. Things that were unholy and unrighteous because of what it got them turned to Jeremiah chapter five, Jeremiah chapter five beginning in verse 30, we read an astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests rule by their own power.
And my people love to have it. So, but what will you do in the end? I love it. When God asks an open ended question that makes you understand judgment’s coming. He said the profits, they prophesied falsely, which means they prophesy of themselves. They prophesied their own words. Instead of gods, they promise I falsely and the priests,
the ones who were supposed to be the mediators, the ones who were supposed to stand between God and man, the ones who were supposed to add to seek forgiveness of those who have done wrong and offer sacrifices for those who’ve done wrong. They’re ruling that God give the priests a ruling capacity. No, he gave them a judging capacity, but not a ruling capacity,
but they’re ruling by their own power. No concern for God. No thought for him, no care for him at all. And the people love it. The people want it that way. And these priests and these profits are more than willing to give the people what they want. I turned to Isaiah chapter 30, Isaiah, chapter 30 in verse eight.
Now go write it before them on a tablet and a no, and noted on a stroll that it may be for a time to come forever and ever that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the Lord who say to the seniors, do not see, okay, here we get the picture. Now, boom aware,
Whoa to you. When all men speak good of you. And yet the people speaking are people who won’t hear the word of God. People speaking are people who will not listen to what God has to say. The people speaking and saying good things of you are people who will not tolerate God’s word, but they’ll gladly commend you for yours. He says,
Whoa, to the Sears, or he who say to the Sears, do not see. And to the profits do not prophesied to us. Write things, speak to us, smooth things. Prophesies, deceits, God says, get out of the way. Turn aside from the path because the Holy one of Israel to seize from before us here, we have the picture of one who’s rich because he’s,
self-interested one who’s full. Instead of sharing what he has with someone who needs it. One who is in a position of not only being rich and not only being full, but having no cares. You know, sometimes you’ll laugh when you’ve just had all. You can take, you just laugh instead. But generally speaking, you laugh when you’re not overburdened with care,
you laugh. When you’re not overcome with sorrow, you laugh when you’re in a position where you can. And yet you’re staring at those who are suffering and you’re laughing and they’re weeping. And he says, and woe to you, who all men speak good of you because all you do is tell them that what they’re doing is okay, Jesus condemns this self interested,
rich people, and they’re pocketed self interested profits who won’t dare cross the rich person for fear of being cut off from their riches. But in contrast, he sets the blessings in contrast, he says, bless it. Or you verse 22 when men hate you. And when they exclude you and revile you and cast out your name as evil, they won’t even say your name.
They don’t want to hear it for the son of man’s sake. Okay. There was the key because the rich man is interested in himself and will do nothing for someone else for Christ’s sake. And the full person will only see to their own needs and will do nothing for anyone else for Christ’s sake. And the laughing person sees only to their own joy in their own interest,
in their own emotions and will care. Nothing for someone for Christ’s sake and the preacher and teacher and prophet who will prophesize good things to evil people will do it only for himself and not for Christ’s sake. And Jesus says woe to you because you will not give up yourself for God. You will not trade you for him. And he presents us with a choice.
Where are we at? Are we only self-interested? Are we only concerned about ourselves? Are we somewhere in that song that we sang a few minutes ago, more of you and less of me, less of self and more of you, or are we in a position where we’ll say, Oh, I’ll speak the truth. No matter the cost I’ll speak truth to power,
no matter what the cost I’ll be excluded by my family. If it means being obedient to my God, I’ll say what needs to be said. If it’s what needs to be heard, I’ll do everything I can until I have nothing left to do it with. If that’s what’s called upon me to do by my God, I’ll feed and I’ll share and I’ll help.
And I’ll lift and I’ll strengthen as long as I have a breath left in my life for Christ’s sake because I don’t matter anymore. Paul said it this way. Paul said I’ve died, but Christ lives in me. The rich man, the full man, the man who had plenty, the man who laughed the man who would prophesize false things. He was still very much alive.
And he thought he was very much in control, but we better aware because the same thing can happen to a church revelation. Chapter three, John wrote to the church at Laodicea, the spirit writing through John and said, you think that you’re rich and you think that your clothes and you think that you’re well. And you think that you have eyesight and you’re poor and naked and blind and destitute.
We better be careful because it’s not just individuals that can become part of this. Whoa, but congregations too. We need to be careful to be interested in God. Instead of interested in self. If you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, you’re outside of the place where salvation is found you’re of the place, where there is comfort and hope and eternity promised to you.
But you can have that. You can change from being in the category of one who has a woe against you to one who has a blessing, because you can die to yourself. You can die to sin and you can be raised to walk in newness of life. You can do that by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
You can do that by repenting of your sins and confessing the name of Christ and being immersed in water, buried in water for the remission of your sins. Having that old person put to death, that new person rising again, no longer interested in that old man and his lust and his desires and his wants, and his hopes for this life, but interested in eternity.
But remember Jesus said, foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. And he warns people who will be his disciple. Count the cost. No. What? It will cost you to be a disciple of Christ. If you’re here this morning and you’re outside of the body of Christ,
or if you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve become wayward and brought shame and reproach upon the church in a public way, you have the opportunity to be restored. You have need of the invitation. Why not come as we stand in, as we sing,<inaudible> take his yoke boy. He is me.<inaudible><inaudible> heavy Laden Lee<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> The song before the closing prayer will be number 650,
send the light number six, five, zero There’s a car comes ringing or they’re restless wave<inaudible>. There are so close to rescue. There are so close to<inaudible>. We have heard Macedonian<inaudible> and<inaudible> and cries.<inaudible> Heavenly father. We’re indeed grateful for this privilege. We’ve had to assemble and worship. We pray that our worship to you has been in spirit and truth and a sweet savor.
As we prepared to depart, we want to remember those among us that are ailing. We pray your healing hand will be placed upon them. And they once again, maybe restored to their much wanted health. As we also prepared to depart, we ask that you bless each of us, according to our several needs, forgive our sins as we repent and turn from them and bring us all back at the next appointed hour.
By what did God form the heavens and the earth? How once did God destroy the world? How will God destroy the heavens and earth on the day of judgment? 2 Peter 3:5-7, 10, 12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Does God count time as we do? 2 Peter 3:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How many people does God want to save? 2 Peter 3:9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Lord’s returning is compared to a _______________ . 2 Peter 3:10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The knowledge of God’s promises to destroy the heavens and the earth should cause us to live _________________. 2 Peter 3:11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Peter said that ______________ also wrote about salvation. 2 Peter 3:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In what are Christians instructed to grow? 2 Peter 3:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Class: PETER – 2 Peter 1 and 2 Knowledge; False Teachers
Class Questions
How has God given us everything pertaining to life and godliness? 2 Peter 1:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Are there qualities which a Christian should add to his faith? What will be the result? 2 Peter 2:1-7, 11 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How did Peter know the things which he had taught? 2 Peter 2:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In 2 Peter, Peter spoke of his death as (a) soon, (b) distant, or (c) unknown? 2 Peter 1:14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Where did Peter say that prophecies originated? 2 Peter 1:21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
According to Peter, who would distort the truth? 2 Peter 2:1-3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How can a person become enslaved to sin? 2 Peter 2:19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sermon: Grace, Grace To It! (Zechariah 4)
Zec 4:1 ¶ Now the angel who talked with me came back and wakened me, as a man who is wakened out of his sleep. 2 And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I said, “I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. 3 “Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left.” 4 So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me, saying, “What are these, my lord?” 5 Then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me, “Do you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord.” 6 So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts. 7 ‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”‘” 8 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying: 9 “The hands of Zerubbabel Have laid the foundation of this temple; His hands shall also finish it. Then you will know That the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you. 10 For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see The plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the LORD, Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.” 11 ¶ Then I answered and said to him, “What are these two olive trees-at the right of the lampstand and at its left?” 12 And I further answered and said to him, “What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?” 13 Then he answered me and said, “Do you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord.” 14 So he said, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.” (NKJV)
<inaudible><inaudible> good morning. We are in second Peter chapters one and two. We’re going to have to move a little faster than we did on Wednesday. If we’re going to turn this into a two lesson study instead of a three lesson study, but, uh, I think we can do it. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven.
We bound before your throne grateful at this time for all of your many blessings, grateful, grateful for what you do for us on a daily basis, we ask that you watch over us care for us, protect us, help us through the difficult times in life and help us to remember you and not forget you in the good times in life. Help us to always strive to look to you for wisdom and strength,
guidance in our lives, by seeking out those things from your word and from the revelation that you have delivered to us throughout these many years and pray that we might be able to go back to those things, which Peter will tell us we can be assured of. And we might go back to them and use them as the light in our lives. We pray that you will be with those who are struggling with illness,
difficulty, pray that you’ll be with those who are struggling because of loss of jobs or because of other situations they’re encountering Pray that they will be restored back to their desired position in life. In all these areas, we pray for the doctors and the nurses and all those that are enduring the hard times and the many hours involved in helping others. We pray that as they minister to others,
that they will receive comfort and strength from those around them as well. All this, we pray in jesus’ name. Amen. Okay. We’re going to begin with a clarification because sometimes what I say and what I fought, aren’t always the same thing. So we’re just going to make sure we’re all on the same page. Second, Peter chapter one, verse three,
as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness. I said on Wednesday night that the idea here is not that God has explained every fact, every detail, but instead that he has given us all things that pertain to eternal life. Well, in a moment of not being clear, what I am, let me define what I mean by that.
God has given us everything. We need to go through this life and be obedient to him and achieve the next life. Okay? So not to say that God has given us everything we need to know about the next life or that the focus of that statement is the next life, but it is this life headed toward that life. Okay? So while we do not have exhaustive knowledge or revelation from God,
we have the same idea here that Jesus gave when he spoke to the apostles and he said the Holy spirit would come and guide them into how much truth, all truth. Okay. That doesn’t mean that the Holy spirit was going to reveal to them algebraic formulas, or how to fly a plane. It means that in the context of the revelation of God and everything necessary for being obedient to God,
they would have every thing they needed, they would have complete truth. And so in this passage, we’re dealing with the same idea here. And by the way, both of them are in the same context of God has delivered that through the knowledge of him. Okay. So I just wanted to clarify that because I was made aware that when we were done,
I wasn’t clear. So, and, and I wasn’t clear, uh, but I thought I was. So for this reason, that’s verse 12. For this reason, I will be negligent to remind you always of these things though, you know, and are established in the present truth. Peter has told them, you need to add to your faith,
these things, and you need to go back and do them again. And you need to be reminded of these things. And I’m going to remind you of these things. And if you do these things, you will never fall. And he says, I won’t be negligent to remind you of this. I won’t be the one who fails to point you back to the foundation of your spiritual life.
As a matter of fact, he says, he said, you need to be established in the present truth. When he says the present truth, he doesn’t mean the truth that we think is accurate. Right now, he’s talking about the old ways present truth. The world will change. The sun will rise and the sun will set. And the world around us will shift.
And the ideas and cultures and everything around us will shift and change throughout our lives. But one thing will never change. Jesus said that not one jot or one tittle would fall from the word of God. All of it would be fulfilled. Jesus said that his word would stand for forever. It is not the truth of the past. It is not the truth of the future.
It is the always present truth. It is truth now. And when now is in the future, or now was in the past, it was still true because it was true before the world was formed. It was true before you and I ever stepped foot on this planet. It was always true. And he says, that’s where your foundation is. How do you make it through the hard times in life?
When everything around you seems to be shifting sand? Well, Jesus said, you put your foundation on a bedrock that always present truth, the word of God. So he says, I’m not going to be negligent to always remind you of these things. Yes, I think it is right. As long as I am in this tent to stir you up by reminding you,
what does he mean by being in a tent, temporary life while I’m in this body? That’s what he’s saying. He says so long as I’m in this flesh and bone, I’m going to keep reminding you. He says, knowing that I short or that shortly, I must put off my tent just as our Lord. Jesus Christ showed me. Moreover,
I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease. When did Jesus tell Peter about his death? Anybody remember comm on Mel, John chapter 21, John chapter 21 beginning in verse 18, after Jesus is resurrected. This conversation occurs John chapter 21, verse 18. This is right after Jesus has said to Peter,
three times, do you love me? Feed my sheep? Do you love me? Do you love me the third time? Do you love me? Feed my sheep? Now he said, most assuredly. I say to you, verse 18, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.
Now notice the commentators statement as it were by John this, he spoke signifying what death he would glorify God. Now this isn’t talking about what death Jesus would use to glorify God, because Jesus has already died and been resurrected. This is the death by which Peter would glorify God, this, he spoke, signifying the death that he would glorify God. And when he had spoken this,
he said to him, follow me. So Peter says, the Lord showed me what my demise would be and it’s coming and it’s coming soon. But I have already set in place situations and opportunities and room and people in place to remind you of the same thing. So, so Peter’s already said, listen, I’m going to remind you of these things.
As long as I’m in this life, I’m going to remind you of these things. I’m not going to be negligent to remind you of these things. And when I die, I’m still going to remind you of these things. You know, sometimes I think it’s a shame because we have times and situations in life where we find people didn’t make preparations for the next generation before they died.
That’s one of the things Peter saying is I’ve already made preparations for you, even though I’m still alive because I know my deceases coming. I know the end of my life is, is an earring. And so I want you to know I’ve already set these things in place. I don’t know which other person it probably wasn’t one of the apostles. It was probably someone else.
Maybe it was John Mark. Maybe it was another individual who traveled with Peter, who was associated with Peter. And Peter was telling them when I’m gone, you start writing to them. You start reminding you go visit these churches and you tell them these things again. And again and again. So then he says for, we do not, we did not,
excuse me, follow cunningly, devised fables. When we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He said, when we spoke to you, when we preached the gospel to you and we told you about Christ, we, we weren’t following fables. We weren’t following myths. We weren’t following ideas, handed down generation after generation of mystical things.
No, he said, but we were eye witnesses of his majesty. He’s going to specify exactly what he’s talking about. He says for he received from God, the father honor and glory when such a voice came to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And we heard this voice, which came from heaven.
When we were with him on the Holy mountain, Matthew chapter 17, Matthew chapter 17, beginning in verse one. Now six days after six days, Jesus took Peter James and John. His brother led them up on a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light and behold,
Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with him. Then Peter answered and said, gee said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, let us make your three Tabernacles. One for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah, while he was still speaking behold, a bright cloud, overshadowed them. And suddenly a voice came out of the cloud saying,
this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Hear him, Peter, in his lack of understanding witnesses Jesus on the mountain with Moses and Elijah, the two individuals from the old Testament that stood for everything that the old Testament was. And Peter, without understanding the significance of what it was, he was saying said, Lord, let us build three Tabernacles,
one for you. And one for, for Moses and one for Elijah and God corrects him. God said, this is my beloved son. Hear him? God says these two. They’re not even in the same category as this one. They’re not the Messiah. He is. They’re not deity in the flesh. He is hear him. So now Peter reminds them of this,
by the way, he’s not telling them something. They haven’t already heard that. They probably already read the book of Matthew and Luke. They knew the account. They knew Peter was there, but he’s reminding them of this. I was there. He’s not only confirming what Matthew wrote and what Pete, what Luke wrote, but he’s reminding them saying, listen,
we know that of which we speak. We heard God’s voice. But then he says, we heard this voice, which came from heaven when we were with him on the Holy mountain. And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heat as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the, and the morning star rises in your hearts.
This idea of, of the, the day star that that’s here, the idea, listen, you’ve got all of these things that you’re unsure of. You have all of this life that you’ve had in the past. All of the things that you thought you knew until you actually came into contact with the word of God. And now God’s word is shining through the darkness and it’s the light in your life.
And you hold onto that light. You won’t always understand everything around you. You own always understand why things happen the way they do, but you focus on that light. It goes right back to that idea of present truth. It’s the one thing you can always know and always trust. So he says, knowing this first understand, first of all, set this as the establishing reality.
When you look at the word of God, knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man, but Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy spirit. Some people will read verse 20 and then they’ll comment on verse 20 ignoring the fact that it’s right in the middle of a sentence,
do not read verse 20 without verse 21, because 21 is the context for 20. When Peter says no prophecy is of any private interpretation, he’s not talking about how we interpret or understand the prophecy. He’s not saying that they, that we will all reach the exact same conclusion about everything. God says, that’s not the interpretation that he’s using there. He says,
no. Prophecy is of any private interpretation for prophecy came or never came by the will of man. The interpretation he’s talking about is the origination of the prophecy. Well, you and I, we, we often in, in modern terms, we’ll use the word interpretation to talk about one. Who’s trying to understand something. That’s not the way Peter’s using it.
Peter’s saying, where did it originate from? Okay, go to Deuteronomy chapter 13 because these two ideas are tied together. Deuteronomy chapter 13, if there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder in the sign, or the wonder comes to pass of which he spoke to you saying, let us go after other gods,
which you have not known and let us serve them. You shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the Lord. You’re gone is testing you to know whether you love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the Lord, you’re gone and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice.
You shall serve him and hold fast to him. God says, here’s your test. Somebody prophesies something. And then it comes to pass. Well, you don’t automatically believe that he’s a prophet. He may have said something and he may have had some way to know that it was going to come to pass three days from now, someone’s going to write in and tell you about this great thing that happened over here.
And then three days later, somebody rides it and you don’t even realize he paid the guy to wait three days to come and tell you. He said the fact that somebody prophesized something and then it comes to pass isn’t enough. If they then teach you to disobeyed God, if they then tell you things that lead you away from the Lord, instead of to him,
you know their prophecies faults. Now this Is the context of chapter two verse one that we’re headed into. But then he also says this. He says, but that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death because he has spoken in order to turn you away from the Lord, your God, that word, he has spoken there. That phrase carries with it.
The idea he spoke from himself, God, didn’t give this message to him. God, didn’t tell him, go tell them this so that you can teach them this. No, it came from their own private interpretation. They prophesied from themselves, not from God. So God says, you find a prophet who prophesies something and it comes to pass. But then he teaches you to go after falsehood.
You put him to death because he’s not a prophet. He doesn’t belong to me or he wouldn’t be teaching you to turn away from me. Now Peter says the origination of a prophecy. Didn’t originate with men. Hosea. Didn’t wake up one day and think I need to start writing. Jeremiah. Didn’t start out as a young man thinking I need to,
I need to start prophesizing. No, they spoke as the Holy spirit, moved them to speak. Now the Holy spirit used their talents, their ability, their personality in their writing and in their prophesying. But there’s a good example of this towards the end of chapter two that we’re going to get into. But when they spoke as profits, they couldn’t change the message.
When the Holy spirit moved them to speak. And sometimes the Holy spirit moved people who weren’t righteous people to speak. Sometimes he moved individuals who had no intention of being a prophet to speak. Sometimes the Holy spirit moved and donkey to speak and not one single time. Did they get any say on what the message was? God determined the message. And that’s what Peter wants you to have confidence in.
When God said, this is my message. And when God confirmed, this is my son, you now can set in stone. There’s no one who can come to you and deny that truth. Now, then he says, but there were also false prophets among the people. You go back into the old Testament and he’s stringing these things forward from the old Testament.
And he mentions They had false prophets before they’ve had them before, and we’re going to have him today. He knows what he says. He says there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them and bring on themselves Swift destruction. He said there were false prophets in the past,
there were false prophets in the old Testament, Deuteronomy chapter 13, warns you about those and you better believe there’s false teachers. Now, there, there are some who have a mentality that we shouldn’t speak out against people who are teaching false doctrine. Peter would not fall into that category. He would not be one of those people who would think that, because notice what he’s about to say.
He says, not only have they secretly brought in things that this wasn’t done openly, this wasn’t done with everybody speaking together and communicating and everybody giving their, I know this was done in secret. He said they secretly brought in things and have denied the Lord who bought them notice. First and foremost, he does not suggest these pers, these people were not Christians.
Did the Lord purchase the salvation of anyone who has not been obedient to him. I’m not saying this in the Calvinistic sense where somebody says, Oh, well Lord only spilled his blood for those who would ultimately be a tone. No, what I’m saying is if they were bought, they were bought with a price and they were only bought with a price based upon actually being obedient to God.
That’s called redemption. Here they are. They’ve been obedient to God, but now they’ve turned a side and they’ve started bringing these things in secretly. And they’re denying the Lord. If you turn over to Hebrews chapter six, you’ll read about that. You turn over to Hebrews chapter 10. You’ll read about it again. People who will fully turn their back on God.
And yet these are their teachers. He says many will follow their destructive ways because, uh, because of whom, the way of truth will be blast themed. There’s a little kind of subtle warning here. When you see someone rise up and they begin teaching something different and a whole bunch of people in the church start following them. That should be a warning sign.
Not a Greenlight. That should be a, Hey, wait, Whoa, wait a minute. Why is there suddenly something new that no one else realized and no one else understood. And now everybody thinks it’s all the craze. Peter said, you better pay attention because these things aren’t happening without you being aware of them. If you’re paying attention, he says by covetousness,
they will exploit you with deceptive words for a long time. Their judgment has been, or has not been idle. And their destruction does not slumber. He’s talking about teachers in the church. He’s not talking about false prophets. He’s not talking about pagans coming in and telling them they need to be worshiping Astor and, and bale. And no he’s talking about teachers in the church.
And he says to them for if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah. One of eight people of preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes,
condemn them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live on godly and delivered righteous lot, who was oppressed by the filled deep conduct of the world for that righteous man dwelling among them tormented his righteous soul from day to day, by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds. Then before we get to the conclusion, the then statement, because this is an if then statement go back through that list real quick,
just as a bullet point list and notice who he’s categorized, the angels who sinned the ancient world in the days of Noah Sodom and Gomorrah. Those are his three examples to compare the destruction of false teachers in the church to, if God knew how to bring about destruction on these three groups of people and at the same time, protect righteous lot in the midst of their evil,
then the Lord, Oh wait, then verse nine. The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment. And he’s talking about false teachers in the church. Yes. This has always been kind of like our higher education is very destructive. I guess the very premise of this in order to get a doctorate in theology,
you kind of have to come up with that thesis. Yup. Yup. Uh, it, it is astounding how, how that works. You know, this whole idea that with higher education, when you hit a doctorate level, you’ve got to put together a thesis and there’s gotta be something, you know, unique about it. You’ve got to put together all the new,
new study, new knowledge and not saying it couldn’t be done the right way, but let’s face it. Most people who are still going through their education at that period in their life, don’t do it the right way. They’re there. They’re looking for something new. And, and, you know, Paul mentioned that if yes, Paul mentioned there in Athens,
what, what was it that the, the astute learners and the astute scholars of Athens were doing on a daily basis, they were looking to always hear something new. They wanted to hear something new. And if you came into town and you said, well, I know something you all haven’t learned yet. You got a platform to speak because they were always looking for something new.
Peter said, what’s been delivered to you. Number one, it’s not changing. Number two. It’s absolutely true. Number three, it’s present truth. It is true now and will always be, and number four, it originated with God and not man, but there will be those among you who will leave it. And for, and notice this whole background.
He said, here, this is the fundamental basic that he said in this context of their motivation, he said, covetousness, the desire for earthly gain will be the motivation for this happening. But then notice he goes on. He says, the Lord knows how to reserve the unjust under punishment and, uh, under punishment for the day of judgment. And especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lush of uncleanness and despise authority.
Second foundational principle of these individuals who will become false teachers. Number one, self-interest, that’s what covetousness always ultimately is. It’s selfishness. And number two men who despise authority, you can’t tell me what to do. You can’t tell me what to preach. You. You can’t, you can’t tell me that this means that and this other, you can’t tell me that God said these two things.
These two attributes will bring about false teachers every time. So then he says they are presumptuous. Self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries. Whereas angels who are greater in power and might do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the Lord. He said, these people, they know no limits. They have no authority. They will not balk out.
And they will even speak evil of those who are above them, where angels. And we’re talking about literally angels here. This is not just the idea of messengers. This is the idea of, of angels. Angels in heaven will rebuke someone, but only through the Lord, you find the occasion. I think it’s over in Jude where Jude speaks about Michael rebuking,
Satan, by the word of the Lord, but not by his word. This idea that they so reverence via Thoratec of God and everyone in whom God has instilled authority. This is the same idea by the way that David had concerning Saul. David said, I won’t lift my hand against the Lord’s anointed. Well, wait a minute. Saul was unrighteous.
Saul was doing things that were wrong. Saul Saul was unhinged, literally. And yet David said, no, no, no, no, God put him there. I’m not speaking against him. God put him there. I’m not taking his life. If God put him there, God knows how to get him out, but not these false teachers. So then he says,
but these, but these like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand and will utterly perish in their own corruption and will receive the wages of unrighteousness. As those who count it pleasure to corrals in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you. He pictures these false teachers as dumb animals.
Not that they aren’t powerful, not their, they aren’t cunning in their ability to, to hunt. Now that they’re not those who are deceptive in their ways, but those who ultimately fall prey to men, I mean, let’s face it. There are a lot of powerful creatures that have lived on this earth and which ones of them haven’t ultimately met their demise,
that the cunning of men. And yet Peter says, they think they’re smart. They think they’re coming. They think they’re doing it in secret notice they’ve they figured these things out in secret as if God doesn’t know, but they’re just carrying on the long tradition of the people all the way back in the old Testament who thought we’re going to do this? And God won’t know.
There’s prophecy after prophecy, after prophecy about Israel living that way, we’re going to do this and God will never find out. And every time God says, who do you think I am? That I don’t know? And that I won’t bring you into judgment. And he says, so here, these people are they’re dumb, like brute beasts. Why are they dumb?
Like rubies? Because they haven’t learned the lessons of the past because they aren’t looking to the wisdom of the old Testament and the wisdom of those who have gone before to see their mistakes and correct them in their own lives. They’re too. Self-interested they’re too self willed. They’re too self-absorbed. And so the easiest way to take down a ferocious creature, that’s only worried about himself is use his own self desires to ensnare him.
And that’s what God’s going to do. But then he says this, he said, they’re going to be as those who corrals in the day. What’s that a description of it. They have nothing else to do except evil. Okay. There’s people in, here’s the, here’s the kind of the analogy. There’s the people who corrals at night. You know,
they work all day long. There’s there’s country song after country selling about this. You know, they work all day long. They’re straight laced and everything. The minute five o’clock happens. They’re off nothing but corrals until morning time. And they’re back at the job just like everything’s normal. No, he said, these are those people. These are the people who never stop partying.
It’s party from morning until morning and all the next day, until they drop all they care about is themselves. All they want is the next high. All they want is the next pleasure. And he said, these people’s judgment. Now, remember, he’s talking not about those who corrals during the day, he said their judgments coming. He’s talking about false teachers.
And he says their judgment is going to be just like theirs. They have forsaken or verse 14, having eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin, enticing, unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices and are a cursed children, but he was rebuked for his iniquity. A dunk, wait a minute. I have, I have skipped a verse.
All right. So he calls them dumb children, uh, or excuse me, your curse children getting my analogies confused because there’s so many different ones here. He calls them the curse children. And now he’s going to go to that example. I mentioned earlier, he said they have forsaken the right way and have gone astray following the way of bailing. The son of beore who loved the wages of unrighteousness,
but he was rebuked for his iniquity, a dumb donkey speaking with a man’s voice, restrained the madness of the prophet. You go back in your Bibles to the book of numbers and you will go through and notice the story bailed them is approached by who may lack the King of Moab King of Moab, by the way, kin folks to the Israelites, but didn’t want them there.
Knew what God had told them, knew that they would be coming back, knew what had happened on the way out of Egypt, but he didn’t want them going through their land. BeyLat comes to bail them, bail him as a prophet, tells bail them. I’ll pay you whatever you ask curse the children of Israel. And Balal makes it clear over and over and over again.
Even though he desires the reward, even though he desires to do what Baylock says, desires to achieve these things, he repeats over and over again. I can only speak what the Lord puts in my mouth. And so Baylock will bring bailed them up to a mountain and show him the people of Israel down below. And he’ll ha say, go curse them and he’ll stand up to speak and he’ll bless them instead.
Why? Because that’s what God put in his mouth. No prophecy came by private interpretation. Baylor wanted a curse to come out. And what did he come? What came out instead a blessing. Why? Because the Holy spirit moved him to speak a blessing. So the second time again, Bailey, I tries again, alright, bale them go curse them.
And he stands up to speak after reminding him whatever the Lord puts in my mouth. That’s what I’m going to say. And he stands up to speak and he blesses them again. Baylock is irate. At this point, it happens a third time. And finally Baylock decides he needs a new course of action. But Bay Salem being the dishonest, greedy and self interested person that he was would inform Bay lack.
I can’t curse them for you, but I can tell you how to get them to curse themselves. And Bay lack will send the women of Moab in to bring the men of Israel back to commit fornication and idolatry. And we’ll achieve his goal of cursing Israel through the sin of, Oh, wait a minute. What did Peter call them? Stable souls,
you and I, as members of the church, we have to watch out for other members of the church. Not only for those who are, might become false teachers or be false teachers, we have to watch out for those. But we’ve got to watch out for our brethren who maybe aren’t as knowledgeable and are maybe going to get caught unaware by a false teacher.
And we need to watch out for them and help protect them. That’s by the way, one of the job of elders, one of the very specific jobs of elderships is that they are to stand up and rebuke one who teaches falsehood, not because of that person specifically, but because of everyone else who might be deceived by that falsehood. So then we read,
he said they, he was rebuked for his iniquity, a dumb donkey speaking with a man’s voice restrained the madness of the prophet. These are Wells without water clouds carried by a Tempest for whom is reserved. The blackness of darkness forever. Peter holds back no, no description at all for the destruction and the judgment and the punishment of false teachers for when they speak great swelling,
words of emptiness. They allure through the lust of the flesh, through lewdness the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. He said their descriptions, their words, their fancy way of speaking. They’re their imaginative ways of bringing people in contact with their own desires. I don’t know if you’ve ever done this, but take a moment at some point and look at the styles of worship in the churches around here and ask yourself whoever thought that that was enticing to people,
because it’s the only reason they’re doing it is it’s enticing to people. And it’s described right here. They will convince people to follow their own desires and Euless while convincing them. It’s obedient to God. And that’s the absolute epitome of quote unquote Christianity in America today. Follow what you enjoy. Do what makes you feel good? And that’s spirituality. It’s no surprise that there are preachers and televangelists throughout the world who have one topic.
They’ll never talk about sin that there cannot be any question as to why Joel Olsteen has said, there’s one topic I’ll never preach on sin. It doesn’t fit the message. I’ll just put it that way and it doesn’t fit what the people are there for. Oh, almost made it. He tried. I mean, he’s, he’s back there. He’s just like,
alright, let’s go through the questions. We’ll pick up with the last few verses at the beginning of next class. Question number one. How has God given us everything pertaining to life and godliness, all right. By his divine power, through the knowledge of him, either one of those answers or both of them combined would be the correct answer. Yes or no.
Are there qualities which a Christian should add to his faith? Yes. What will be the result of adding those qualities to your faith righteousness? Um, let’s see entrance to the everlasting kingdom. Yes. All right. So I, my brain is, I was answering it. I didn’t go read the verse. So I put, they would never fall,
but that’s verse 10, verse 11 is the correct one. And that is, uh, the, the four. So, and entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom. So entrance into the kingdom. Uh, how did Peter know the things which he had taught by the way that should be chapter one, verse 16, not chapter two,
verse 16. I witness in second, Peter Peter spoke of his death as a soon, be distant or see on known soon. Number five. Where did Peter say that prophecies originated? Holy spirit. According to Peter who would distort the truth, false prophets or false teachers, either one of those answers be fine. Uh, question number seven. How can a person become enslaved to sin that again,
by following, after his own sinful desires or being overcome through corruption. Okay. We are dismissed.
Good morning. It’s good to see everybody here at Collierville church of Christ. Sunday morning, worship service. I hope everybody’s dealing with the heat real well. It’s normal July. So what can we say? Um, if you’re VeriStor, we’d appreciate it.
If you’d fill out a barrister’s card, by the way, it’s good to see Rebecca back over in that corner. The day she’d been out, down in Florida, most of the summer, but, uh, if you are a visitor, we’d appreciate if you’d fill out a visitor’s card. So we’ll have a record of your attendance. Uh, we want to remind everybody well,
most everybody’s regular here this morning, but by picking up your communion, cert supplied back there, uh, we need to remember. I said the Wilson’s Rodale and Dorothy and Joan Springer. They’re still battling with their illnesses. Pam shaving still down in her back and Sylvia had her MRI, but she probably won’t know anything about that until Thursday when she goes back to the doctor.
So the nation wide gospel meeting flyers are out on for your table. We’ll have a man’s meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 PM here at the building. And we have a card from Jackie Ross. Her brother passed away a few weeks ago and he said, I would like to thank everyone for showing up showing so much love during the past passing of my brother, Maurice Porter.
Thank you for all the cards, prayers, and kindnesses comforting word. And you are the best jacket Ross. Well, Eric just reminded me about the, excuse me. The hand sanitizer that we’re using is not on the FDA recall list. There’s a lot of hand side hand sanitizers AF pair that are, and you can find out about it by going on the FDA recall list on your internet,
uh, Marie will be leaving sang, and Joe has the opening prayer. Mark Phillips has the lower supper. Aaron has the, a sermon and I will have the closing prayer 227 on science, Gloria<inaudible> I heard the song and hear all his first<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible> to<inaudible>. Oh,<inaudible><inaudible> like me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Right.
Oh God. Our father in heaven. We, they come before your throne realizing that you are God and that all things were made by you. We’re thankful father for your love for us. And for us creating us in your own image. We’re grateful, dear God, that we have the ability to be able to have the cleansing blood of our savior cleanses from all of our sins are mindful father of this day that we have come together to worship you and we pray it will be in his spirit.
And intruth, we’re so thankful for your word that we’ve been able to study this morning, that we might be strengthened in our faith and have a better understanding of your will father. We pray that we will continue to encourage each other as the days go by and remember one another and prayer often, and try to build up the church here and be allied in this community.
We pray father that you give us the strength and understanding of your word, that we might reach out to those in this area with the gospel that they too might come to an understanding of your will and be obedient to it. Father, we’re grateful for all the members that have gathered here today. And we pray that we remember those that are not able to be with us.
We’re thankful that they can see the streaming online and be with us. And that way we’d know that our hearts and minds are looking to them and thinking about them and praying for them as the days go by father. We pray that you be with those that are ELL of this congregation, as well as friends and neighbors of ours. We pray that they might receive the attention.
They need to regain that out. We pray father that you help us to each day be mindful of those that are going through difficult times. And we especially want to remember the children at Potter and the own blood mothers there. We’re so thankful for those that are working in that work and for the instruction that they’re giving you, these young people that they to come to knowledge of your will and be obedient to it.
Father we’re mindful of those and other lands, teaching and preaching your word. We pray your blessings to be upon them, help us to be an encouragement to them that they continue reach those souls and those different areas. Father, we’re so grateful for every blessing that we have in the, we pray that we, as we come together today and sing these songs of praise,
that the words and the songs or tugging our heart strings and that we are trying to have better lives because of what we’re singing to the in praise that we are aware of how we live and conduct ourselves upon this earth. We’re so grateful father for our savior. And we pray father that we live each day. That it’s as if it were our last day,
that we try to be faithful and try to be courageous in this world of sin and try to help those that are living in sin to come to your word and be willing to change their lives and live it. After our savior father, we are grateful for Aaron as he has been teaching and preaching the gospel here, he and his family. We pray you continue to bless him and be with him today.
As he brings a lesson, we pray for all those that are ministers of the gospel and pray that you’d help us to encourage them as we’ve had that privilege and opportunity pray father, that you continue to bless us and worship today. And we pray that we’ll always give you the honor and the glory and the praise forever and ever amen. Number 337, as we prepare our minds for the Lord supper.
Number three, three, seven, And a saw rule was a name for the son of God who can ruin<inaudible> claim.<inaudible> bearing shame, man, golfing rude, and my plate condom. Do you hood you my part and with blood? Hi there<inaudible> and<inaudible>, uh, God was he fall a tone, but can it be had, and<inaudible> lift it up.
Was he to die? It is. And it was his cry now and exalt in high high waters.<inaudible> when he comes our Gloria King, all his Ryan son, Hong to bring then a anew, the song Wells DJing. Hi,<inaudible><inaudible> It’s time now to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for our sins that is pray having it followed.
We’re thankful for this bread that represents jesus’ body. That was nailed to the cross for the sins of mankind. And we pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. Amen. Let us pray. Having a father. We’re thankful for this fruit of the vine that represents jesus’ blood. That was shed on the cross for the sins of mankind.
And we pray heavenly father, you please forgive us of our sins. These things we ask in Jesus name, amen, separate from the Lord’s table, have an to give. As we As prosper, let us pray. Heavenly father. We’re thankful for the financial gains you have given us through the years. We pray heavenly father, that you will accept a portion of these back to you to continue the work here at Carver church of Christ,
amen, or the lesson we’ll be singing number 129, number 129. I want to say this. We need to pay particular attention to the words of this song, because Aaron will be centered in his lesson around grace this morning. And I thought, well, this is a good way to get our minds thinking in the right direction and help make this song more meaningful to us.
Oh man. Hey saying gray last week. Uh, uh,<inaudible> uh, uh, uh, uh, wasp, blah, but nah, I see<inaudible> my<inaudible> and gray. My fan<inaudible> uh, eh, the, ah, ah,<inaudible><inaudible> I had, Oh man.<inaudible><inaudible> bro. My said, Hey, uh, uh,<inaudible> me.
Oh,<inaudible> 10th a house. Uh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> God spray is that when wave five big, um, Our song of encouragement be number nine Oh nine. It will be on the overhead overhead. Now, Aaron, good morning. Take your Bibles if you will, and open them to Zechariah. So we continue our studies in this old Testament book,
this bridge between the old prophets and the new Testament we noticed last week, chapter three and chapter three, we noticed Joshua the high priest standing before God. Again, these things are happening in the vision. These things are being seen by Zechariah. God is showing him these things and Joshua stands there. Of course, Joshua, just for keeping everybody up,
up to date, this isn’t the Joshua of the book of Joshua. This is Joshua. Who’s called Jeshua in the book of Ezra here’s Jeshua. He is standing there before God, but he’s closed in filthy rags. He’s closed with all the sin of Israel and his own sin, but he’s also closed with all the iniquity sin and transgression of the priesthood.
That’s come before from Erin on down, it wasn’t in perfect priesthood. It was a priesthood that was not perfect. It was not sinless. It was among the people who departed from God and brought about the Babylonian captivity. This picture of Israel as a soiled garment. And yet God says, I’m going to take away his iniquities. I’m going to make him clean.
And there stands Joshua, the high priest as a representation of the remnant and as a representation of the people and as a representation of the priesthood. But God says, I’m going bring my servant, the branch. I’m going to lay in Israel, the cornerstone. And I’m going to set upon this. Man’s work the capstone and the seven eyes that look for,
look forth from that capstone into all the world. And so we see as we close out, chapter three in that day, says the Lord of hosts. Everyone will invite his neighbor under his vine and under his fig tree. Now the angel who talked with me, came back and wakened me. This is one of those things that happens in these books that are about visions.
You find it happening over the book of Daniel, Daniel, chapter 18, or chapter eight, verse 18, Daniel’s awake, Daniel seeing visions. And then suddenly we find out Daniel’s asleep. We don’t know why, but the angel wakes up Daniel and shows him something else. Now here, Zechariah says, now the angel returned to me and woke me.
He says, he woke me as a man who was wakened out of his sleep. Zechariah startles awake because the angel has something else to tell him to show him. Did all of these visions happen in Zechariah’s life one right after another, maybe all in one night or did they, were they spanned out over a period of time. We don’t really know concerning all of them,
but what we do know is they’re happening at a time. The first visions are given a specific date. They’re happening at a time where Israel is struggling to complete the temple. Israel is struggling and those in Jerusalem are struggling to build the remainder of the temple. They’ve been set back to work, had guy and Zechariah have prophesied before them. And they’re striving to do what they were sent back to Israel to do.
But they’re under the leadership of two people. Jeshua and<inaudible><inaudible> is not a King. He is a governor. He has been put in this position to lead these people back to build the temple and what God is doing in chapter three is putting his stamp of approval on the high priest. And what he’s going to do in chapter four is put his stamp of approval on the governor and insist that these are his instruments and his men.
So chapter four, Zechariah startled awake. Then he said to me, that is the angel said to him, what do you see? I find this interesting, this, this happens a number of times throughout the vision of the old Testament. This happens at other times when you’re dealing with visions, that the angel comes to the person, having the vision and wants the person who’s having the vision to describe it.
It’s kind of like what teachers do. They will show the student what they’re supposed to be learning, and then ask them, what did you learn? What do you see getting them to bring forth what’s in their mind? And so that’s what the angel does here was Zechariah. He says, what do you see? So I said, I am looking and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it.
And on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. Okay? So he begins to describe the vision. He begins to describe what’s before him. And he describes a light Mustang. He describes a lampstand with, with seven lamps. And this is not something that is abnormal for us. Any of us who have had any acquaintance at all with Jewish imagery,
we’re, we’re familiar with the lampstand with seven lamps, but there’s more to it than that. They’re seven lamps with seven pipes. There’s a bowl on top of the lamps. And these seven pipes are going to the seven lamps, but there’s more, he says there are two olive trees by it, one at the rind of the bowl. And the other edits left.
Go back. If you will, with me to the book of Exodus for a moment, it’s interesting that when Zechariah and God through these visions to Zechariah brings forth these things, he doesn’t take Zechariah back to a vision of Solomon’s temple. He doesn’t remind Zechariah of how majestic the place in Jerusalem was that Solomon built. He takes Zechariah in these visions, back to the tabernacle,
back to that tent in the wilderness, back to that place in a, in a, the near the side of a, of a mountain Mount Sinai, they’re in a place of, of death being deserted by others. It’s a place of wilderness. It’s a place where these people have come. They’ve left Egypt. They have the, the spoils of Egypt,
but they have no home. They have no permanent dwelling place in they’re here. And they build this tabernacle. They build it out of the spoils of Egypt. They build it out of the freewill gifts and offerings of the people. The people gave so much. They finally had to tell them we can’t take anymore. God Takes Zechariah back to that. If you notice in Exodus chapter 25,
Verse 31, you shall also make a lampstand of pure gold. The lampstand shall be of hammered work. It’s shaft, it’s branches, it’s bowls, it’s ornamental knobs and flowers shall be of one piece. And six branches shall come out of its side. Three branches of the lamp stand out of one side and three branches out of the lampstand of the other side,
three bowls shall be made like Allmond blossoms on one brand with an ornamental knob and a flower three bowls made like a almond blossoms on the other branch with an ornamental knob and a flower. And so for the six branches that come out of the lamp, stand on the lampstand itself, four bowls shall be made like almond blossoms each with its ornamental knob and a flower.
And there shall be a nom for under the first two branches of the same, a knob under the second two branches of the same and a nom under the third two branches of the same. According to the six branches, then extend from the lampstand, their knobs and their branches shall be of one piece. All of his shall be one hammered piece of pure gold.
You shall make seven lampstands for, uh, for it. And they shall arrange its lamps so that they give light in front of it. And it’s WIC tremors and their trays shall be of pure gold. It shall be made of a talent of pure gold with all these utensils and see to it that you make them according to the pattern, which was shown you on the mountain.
God tells Moses and Israel through Moses and the craftsman that were given the ability by God to do these things exactly what he wanted. Exactly what it was to look like. Now, here’s Zechariah is he’s. He’s probably never seen that. Lampstand probably never witnessed these things in real life, but yet here he is. And he’s being told, there it is.
He’s seeing it for himself, but he’s seeing something else with it. He sees the lampstand, but turn to Exodus, chapter 40 Exodus chapter 40 verses 24 and 25. As we’re concluding out the book of Exodus, we read concerning Moses. And of course, Moses isn’t necessarily doing all these things by hand he’s causing them to be done. He put the lampstand in the tabernacle of meeting across from the table on the South side of the tabernacle.
And he lit the lamps before the Lord, as the Lord commanded Moses. So here, the lampstand goes into the tabernacle. It goes into the Holy place and it is there that it is lit for the very first time. And it’s done. Don’t miss this in accordance with the commandments of the Lord. So you step back to chapter 24. And what do you find this great lampstand fashioned with very much,
very much with precision and very much with skill, but very much according to the pattern that God gave, and then you jump forward to the lighting of it. And even the lighting of it is done in precision. According to the commandment of the Lord. Now let’s go back over to the Zechariah. Zechariah sees there in chapter four, the lamp stand solid gold with a bowl on top of it.
Well, what’s the bowl doing? We’re going to find that out in a moment, the bowl is there and there are two olive trees. What we’re going to be prompted to understand is that this lamp never goes out. You see if you have a lamp that is being fed because there’s a bowl and someone, an individual has to come by every so often and fill up the bowl.
Imagine as if, if you were because we’ve all done. This we’ve all been to Cracker barrel before, and they’ve got one of the lamps there on the table. What if there’s no oil in the bottom of the lamp? It goes out. It will sit there and it will burn and it will burn. And it will consume the oil. And when the oil runs out,
the light will go out. But not this lampstand, this lamp stand with its seven lambs never go Out. Why? Because it is being fed by the olive trees as they continue to live. And as they continue to grow, they produce the oil that feeds the lamp. You’re getting a picture of God saying the light is before you. And it never goes out.
Imagine if you would the tabernacle, a tent in a hot deserted place by the side of a mountain and the tents built, and there’s the door to the tabernacle and put yourself in the position of the high priest. The tabernacle has been built. It’s been set up. All of the things are over. It. It looks exactly the way God said it was supposed to look.
And then you open the door and you go inside. And the tent flap shuts behind you. And you’re in pitch darkness. Doesn’t matter what time of the day it is because of the way they were told to build it. There’s no natural light in there. The door shut behind you and there’s darkness, except the lamp. The lamp provides the light.
Now walk with me through this because the tabernacle wasn’t just a tent. The tabernacle was a forecasting of God’s relationship to Israel. It was a sign of something that was to come. It was a type of an antique type. And it was a type of the church, the outer area of the tabernacle, the Holy place, where every priest went in on a daily basis to serve that is the church and the veil that stood before that place.
And the most Holy place, the place where the throne of God was the place where the mercy seat was the place where the arc of the covenant was, will veil that stood between the church and God was torn down. When Jesus died. It Is for that reason. Then you remember when Jesus died, that the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom,
not bottom to top. That’s how a man would re would tear it. But from top to bottom, that’s how God tears it. Man is separated from the throne of God, but no more in and Hebrews chapter four in verse 16 in verses 14 and 15, he says we have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities for he was on all points.
Uh, Tim did like, as we are yet without sin, there’s the soiled high priest in chapter three, but there’s the perfect high breezed never touched within equity. Never touched by sin. No sin offering needed to be made for him before he made the atoning offering. He was perfect. He entered into the Holy place and he entered through the Holy place and he entered into the throne of God.
And he made the sacrifice for us, the perfect sacrifice and the perfect high priest. But imagine if you were a high priest on that very first day in the very first tabernacle and you went in and the door shut behind you and it was dark. And imagine yourself standing before God, without his revelation. Imagine standing before the judge of all the earth,
if he had never revealed to us his word, and imagine walking before his throne into the complete unknown in nothing but darkness by way of our knowledge of him. But God didn’t put us in that situation. God, didn’t give us the responsibility to go through this life and try to be obedient to him and into the next life and do so in complete darkness in a complete lack of knowledge,
guessing only what kind of God created this universe and what kind of God would give us all that we have and what kind of God would let sin and suffering and pain and anguish go on in this world. God, didn’t give us that situation. God said, come into my Holy tabernacle and I’ll give you the light. John chapter one, John chapter one is one of those passages that you need to have footnoted next to Zechariah chapter four,
because John chapter one says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God. And the word was, God notice. First and foremost, that the whole premise of John chapter one is there is a revelation and it is embodied in Jesus Christ. The word was, God, the word was with God. The word was in the beginning. He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through him. And without him was nothing made that was made in him was life. And the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. John says, Jesus Christ is the light turn to revelation. Chapter two revelation actually revelation chapter one, revelation chapter one, we find this same picture revelation chapter one beginning in verse 12 in verse 11,
Jesus introduces himself as the alpha, the Omega, the first and the last, but then verse 12. Then I turned to see now here’s John and his vision. Now, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m going to keep saying it shared imagery doesn’t mean same interpretation. Okay? But get the imagery. Chapter two, chapter one, verse 12. Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned.
I saw seven golden lamp stands. And in the midst of the seven lampstands one, like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band, his head and hair were white, like wool, as white as snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like fine brass.
Is it refined in a furnace? And his voice as the sound of many waters he had in his right hand, seven stars out of his mouth when a sharp twoedged sword and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. John turns to see who’s talking to him and he sees Jesus one like the son of man. And as he turns to see,
he also sees the lampstand. Now, John, why would you be describing the lampstand? You’re not part of Israel anymore. You’re not under the old Testament. You don’t go to the tabernacle because the tabernacle was pointing forward. The light of God, there pointed towards the light of God that shown not as seven lamps in a dark room, but as the sun in all of its brilliance,
chapter two, verse one to the angel of the church of Ephesus, write these things, says he who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands back in Zechariah chapter four. When you see the lampstands, you see the eternal light of God. And now you’re going to see Zechariah get pulled into understanding what that means.
He sees the two olive trees that are buy it one at the right of the bowl and the other end it’s left. So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me saying, what are these? My Lord Zechariah sees what he sees. He, he, he, he can see it, but he doesn’t know what it means. And so he asked,
what are these? Then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me, do you not know what these are? And I said, no, my Lord, the angel ass much, again like a teacher, do you not understand provoking the one who’s learning the one who’s seeing these things to admit he needs help to understand these things. John will experience the same thing.
John will be asked by the angel, what is this? What do you see? What does it mean? And John will reply. You know, as if to say, don’t ask me, you tell me. So he answered and said to me, this is the word of the Lord.<inaudible> not by might nor by power. But by my spirit says the Lord of hosts,
who are you? Oh, great mountain before. Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of grace, grace To it, zero will says, or sorry. Zechariah says, I don’t know what this means. Explain it to me. And the angel says, what you see is the word of the Lord. What you see is the revelation of God to<inaudible>.
What you see is God using his revelation to bring forth the governor that would stand and bring forth. What’s coming over and over. I’ve said, Zechariah’s the bridge. And he’s ringing forward the imagery of the prophets. And he’s bringing forward the profits from before from Isaiah and Jeremiah and Elijah and others. He’s bringing forward Moses and his lampstand and those things that they declared about the future.
And now he’s pointing them to here, the governor<inaudible> and beyond him to the Christ. He says, this is the word of the Lord. Not by might, nor by power. All of this is happening to a small ragtag group of people in a small, up until 16 years before deserted city in a small place in the middle of the world that looked like it had no significance at all.
And yet God says, it’s not going to be by Mike. What I’m going to do. I’m not going to do through some great army and it’s not going to be by power. It’s not going to be what this world would expect, but it’s going to be by the spirit of God. What’s that revelation. God says, you look around you and you don’t see all the power.
You think you need, you look around you and you don’t see the army that you need to defend. You. You look around you and you see a temple. That’s nothing By comparison to what came before. And yet all you need to remember is I’m here. And that’s where we read. Who are you? Oh, great mountain. I’m firmly convinced.
This is a reference back to previous prophets and their prophecies of Babylon. Cause remember Israel went away into Babylon. They went away into captivity, but God gave the King of Babylon a message. God gave Nebuchadnezzar a vision of a mountain that would be carved out without hands a mountain that wouldn’t originate with the greatest King in a line of Kings, in a line of nations,
Nebuchadnezzar being the first and the head of gold, bringing about nation after nation, after nation. And yet God would set up a kingdom that would like them away and would set up a kingdom that would never be destroyed. And it wouldn’t be by might. And it wouldn’t be by military power. It would be by his word before it’s irrevocable, you shall become a plain and he shall bring forth the capstone.
Now verse seven needs to get connected back to the stone, talked about in chapter three, the stone with the seven eyes. Okay. We we’ve talked about God laying the foundation and the chief cornerstone, but we also talked about the capstone, the very last stone to go on top of the temple. The very last piece of that temple to be created.
Here’s the capstone in the eyes, looking out, God saying I see everything and Zerubbabel brings that forward. And he does. So with shouts, with shouts of grace, turned to Ezra. As soon as I figured out where I wrote this down as we chapter three, this is from the time of the foundation being laid, but it sets the picture that I think you need to get from this of the capstone.
The very last piece of the, of the temple being laid chapter three, verse 10 of Ezra. When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, the priest stood in their repair roll with trumpets and the Levites and the sons of ASAP with symbols and praise to the Lord. According to the ordinance of David King of Israel. And they sang responsively,
praising and giving things to the Lord for is good for his mercy endures forever toward Israel, mercy, and goodness, grace. Isn’t it. The goodness of God and his mercy extended together, isn’t it grace. But then he says, then all the people shouted with a great shout and they praise the Lord because the foundation of the Lord’s house was laid.
And here’s the rest of the context, but many of the priests and Levis and heads of the father’s houses, old men who had seen the first Tembel leapt with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes yet, and many shouted aloud for joy so that the people could not discern the noise of the shallow of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people for the people shouted with a loud shout.
And the sound was heard of far off. This shout goes up when the last stone goes on top of the temple, grace, grace to it, God you’ve been with us this far. Don’t turn your back on us. Now extend your grace. There are some people who say there is no grace in the old Testament. They haven’t read Zechariah chapter four,
apparently because it’s right here because it’s, God’s saying it’s not you. And it’s not your strength and it’s not your goodness. And it’s not your righteousness. It’s me, it’s mine, but I’m giving it to you. I will make you what you ought to be. Verse eight. Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying, now here’s the remainder of Ezra chapter three.
Here’s the, they saw the foundation laid and there was a shout of joy and there was the praise to God, but there was also the sorrow at what they were seeing in comparison to the old temple. Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying the hands of<inaudible> have laid the foundation of this temple. His hands shall also finish it.
Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. God says through the angel to Zachariah this governor, this man will finish the temple. This man will bring forth what I commanded. And then you will know that he’s mine and that he’s doing my work. Then we read that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you for who has the day of small things for these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of the rubble.
What was the plumb line? The used for you hung it from the top to make sure everything was straight. Everything was according to the pattern. Everything was exactly the way the architect designed it to be well who’s the architect is God. And you see the governor and you see him holding the plum line and the seven are witnessing it. What seven, the seven lampstands.
This is the bringing about the enacting of the revelation of God and the word of God taking place in their lives. He sees a rebel with a plumb line. He says, they are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth. Then I answered and said to him, what are these two olive trees? Okay. So,
so John gets, or excuse me, Zechariah gets this. And he says, Oh, okay, I’ve got the lampstands. What are the olive trees? I I’ve got that. I need the rest of the vision. What, what, what are they? He says, what are these two olive trees at the Rite of lampstand? And then it’s left.
And I further answered and said to him, what are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains. Now you’ve got the full picture. You see, it’s not just that. There were two olive trees on either side of the lampstand, but the two olive trees have two branches. And from them continually drips the oil that keeps the lamp eternally lit.
Now you can’t read Zechariah chapter four and read about two olive trees until you and finish reading that until you go read revelation, chapter 11, revelation chapter 11. Then I was given a read verse one like a measuring rod and the angel stood and said rise and measure the temple of God, the altar and those who worship there, but leave out the court,
which is outside the temple and do not measure it for it has been given to the Gentiles and they will tread the Holy city under foot for 42 months. And I will give power to two witnesses. I alright, two witnesses keep track of those. I will give power to my two witnesses and they will prophesize 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth. Hmm. What is sat cloth?
It’s filthy rags to witnesses and their profits. Two witnesses. And they’re looking at Jerusalem, two witnesses, and they’re seeing the destruction. That’s coming two witnesses and they’re mourning. That’s why you put sackcloth on. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies.
And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. As if to say, here are people who are enemies of God and they say, we’re going to put out the light of God. We’re going to stop the prophecies of God. We’re going to stop the word of God. And yet from these olive trees, proceeds fire and destroys the enemies of God.
We’ve never known of a prophet who destroyed the enemies of God with fire from heaven. Did we? Oh yeah. Yeah. We’ve seen that, but there’s a little bit more because notice he says these have power to shut heaven so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy. Oh, wait a minute. Who did that? Oh, that’d be Elijah.
And they have power over water to turn them to blood. Wait a minute. Who did that? That’d be Moses. And to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire who did that? That’s Moses, God says, here are my profits and they’re not letting the light go out and they’re going to stand and they’re going to prophesize.
And my word is going to come forth. And my light is going to come forth from them and they will defend the truth. They will defend the light and they have been given power by me to do so. Now shared doesn’t mean shared interpretation because those aren’t this tame to olive trees in Zechariah chapter four, but you needed to see those to get these because here are Moses and Elijah who stand as the four runners of Christ.
Oh, wait a minute. Who met with Christ on the Mount of transfiguration in Matthew chapter 17, Moses and Elijah. And they talked with him in the mountain about the death. He was about to suffer and were told that. But in chapter four of Zechariah, it’s not Moses. And Elijah, he says, then he answered me and said, do you not know what these are?
And I said, no, my Lord. So he said, these are the two anointed ones who stand before or excuse me, beside the Lord of the whole earth. Wait a minute. Which two anointed ones, these aren’t two Kings. These are Jeshua.<inaudible> the high priest and the governor chapter three and chapter four. He said, they’re not going to let the light go out for who has despised the day of small things,
two olive trees and a lampstand. Well, how much light can it give all the light? They need to olive trees in a lampstand. Won’t they eventually be destroyed. No, because God will be their defense, two men and a remnant. Will they be able to do what God said they would do? Oh yes. Why not? Because of Mike and not because of power,
but because of the word of the Lord, because God chose them and told them he would be with them in the same way. God chose Moses and Elijah and said, I’ll be with you now go. Now we need to bring all of this forward to us. We have the word of the Lord. We have everything it’s told us to do and everything it’s promised about what’s to come and that light will never go out.
And that light in bodied in Christ is the light. And the one who spoke to those churches in revelation chapter two and chapter three, and told them to the one who overcomes I will give a crown of life. But to the one who turns his back to the one who becomes self-interested to the one who gives in to Satan to the one who turns his back,
when brought about, or when temptation or when testing is, is brought about to that one, I’ll fight against them. Isn’t it interesting that in revelation 11, when you see the two trees, they’re measuring out the judgment against Israel, they’re measuring Israel to show they come up lacking. They’re measuring out the judgment that is going to come about against a nation that turned its back on God.
But in Zechariah chapter four, there, the hope for the future God’s word is always present. It’s always present to shine, a light of truth and a light of judgment and the determination and the terminating factor is which side of his truth will we be on? Will we be on the side of truth or will we stand against him and opposing if you’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ,
you don’t stand with the truth because you haven’t submitted to it. You haven’t put on Christ and been immersed in water for the remission of your sins. You haven’t been covered in the blood of the lamb. The sacrifice doesn’t cover you, but it can, you can hear the word of God and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You can repent of your sins and confess the name of Christ.
You can be immersed in water, die to sin and rise to walk in newness of life, a toned, clean made pure, and you can then follow the light of God by being obedient to the revelation that he’s given. If you’re outside the body of Christ, you have the opportunity To obey now. And always, if you’re a member of the body of Christ and maybe you’ve become a little bit like the remnant,
that’s lost. Hope you need to remember the light. Hasn’t gone out. If you have need of the invitation, why not come now? As we stand in, as we sing<inaudible><inaudible> me thirsty.<inaudible> rock dance class.<inaudible> that may not is here. Watershed.<inaudible> Certainly appreciate Aaron’s sermon today. I know it’s one that we gain much knowledge from and much strength from when we know that it’s God’s word that leads us through life and we need to be faithful to the word.
Now we’ll have a closing prayer and brother terrier, sander simulators. I was probably father who art in heaven. We thank thee for this beautiful first day of the week and an opportunity to we’ve had to come together as your children to study that word and then worship you the only true and living God, we pray that we have learned something that will help us in our everyday lives to be stronger.
Christians. We pray that you would remember. Those are our number that are sick and unable to be here. We pray that you would restore them to their health, hormone health to enable them to be back with us. We pray that you would go with us now and keep us safe. We return again in Christ name. We pray. Amen.
How has God given us everything pertaining to life and godliness? 2 Peter 1:3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (yes or no) Are there qualities which a Christian should add to his faith? What will be the result? 2 Peter 2:1-7, 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did Peter know the things which he had taught? 2 Peter 2:16 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In 2 Peter, Peter spoke of his death as (a) soon, (b) distant, or (c) unknown? 2 Peter 1:14 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where did Peter say that prophecies originated? 2 Peter 1:21 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to Peter, who would distort the truth? 2 Peter 2:1-3
How can a person become enslaved to sin? 2 Peter 2:19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Good evening. How’s everyone this evening. Good. The way I keep backing down towards the front of the auditory, you’d think that we’d had a lot, lot of people here. We’re just all really spread out, but that’s okay. Take your Bibles if you will. And open them to second Peter, we are in second, Peter, and then we are going to head straight into first,
John, after we’re through with it. Now, the lessons for on the sheets have us going through chapter one and chapter two of second Peter tonight. And I can just tell you, that’s not likely, I’m saying there’s Not a chance. I mean, it might happen. It might happen. But, uh, I checked with myself earlier and I said self not having it.
So, alright, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven, we bow before your throne grateful for the day that you’ve given to us and the life that we have, the opportunities that we have to serve you. And the open doors that are before us, may we always be looking to those opportunities to glorify your name and to preach the gospel,
to those that are around us to teach them, encourage them, to be obedient to your word, to stand up for what is right and stand against that, which is wrong. Help us to always strive to see the world and see sin and see righteousness. As you see it. Lord, we ask that you forgive us when we sinned and fall short of your glory.
When we failed to do what we ought to do. And when we do that, which we ought not, we ask that you be with us as we go throughout this period of study, may all that we do be in accordance with your will and all that we say, be right in your eyes. All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Peter’s going to write to basically the same audience that he wrote to in the first letter. He concluded that letter with greetings, from those who were with him. He concluded that letter with a warning of out an enemy that they needed to be sober-minded of. They needed to be aware they needed to be paying attention, but the focus of the first letter is suffering.
The focus of the second letter is eternity. And so as we go through second, Peter, he’s talked about eternity in first, Peter, but not with the same razor focus that he does here in second, Peter. But as he talks about sec is he talks about eternity. He does it in a specific context. And that is a reminder when you go through second,
Peter, you’re going to see that idea of a reminder, a reminder of the basics, a reminder of growth, a reminder of this always being in remembrance. And here’s why he knows his time on this earth is short and he is setting them or setting before them a reminder. So they are ready when he’s gone. Compare in your mind. Second,
Peter second Timothy, when Paul is almost ready to, as he says, be poured out and John chapter 14, 15, and 16 and 17, frankly, because each one of those is the last message before someone leaves this earth in death. This last reminder, and every single one of them shares some very significant properties. Number one, a focus on truth.
Jesus in John chapter 14, 15 and 16 would tell the apostles that he was going to send the comforter and the comforter would guide them into all truth. Paul would write to Timothy and he would set before him a reminder in the end of chapter three, about the inspiration of God and a charge in chapter four, beginning to preach that inspired word, and then a warning against those who will get to a point where they would desire to have their ears tickled.
Instead of hearing the truth and a pointing out of those who had departed from the truth. Peter is going to focus on the truth. He’s going to focus on the doctrine that leads to salvation. And he’s going to talk in depth about false teachers and warn against those who would pervert the gospel and lead them away into destruction. So you see these connections between the three of them,
but then you draw into that John chapter 17 in that prayer, that Jesus gives in the upper room before he goes to the garden before he’s betrayed. And this reminder that the thing he’s given to them, the, the word of God is the thing that they’re going to give to everyone else. And when they give the word of God to everyone else,
that is the singular thing that can bring about unity between that person and those apostles and God, the father and Jesus Christ. The truth is the fundamental hub of unity in the church. The moment the truth gets sacrificed on the altar of opinion or on the alter of preference or on the alter of tradition or on the alter of whatever supply the list. The moment the truth gets sacrificed.
There isn’t unity because we lose unity with God. And when we lose unity with God, it doesn’t matter what we agree on. We’ve lost all unity because the only unity that matters is fellowship with God, the father, and then fellowship with one another. Okay. So second Peter chapter one, Simon, Peter, a bond servant, and apostle of Jesus Christ to those who have obtained like precious faith with us,
by the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ notice a number of things as he begins. Number one, faith, he sets the tone, the tenor, the atmosphere of the entire letter with I’m writing to you because of the faith you have. But what, how does he describe that faith? Precious. We have things in this life that are worth what we pay for them.
Uh, have you ever gotten a toy in a happy meal from McDonald’s outside of the collectible ones that have been around for 40 years and are in perfect condition and someone can pay a very large sum of money for I’m just talking about the one you get yesterday at the, how much is it worth exactly what you paid for it, it came with the meal.
Okay. Because you paid very little for it. It’s pro it’s likely value is very little, but what bought our salvation, the sacrifice and the blood of Jesus Christ. So when Peter introduces this, he says we have obtained a like precious faith. He starts off with a comparison, like precious. He says we together have obtained a unified faith because it is the same faith I have is the same faith.
You have this, this is one of those passages that just puts aside every idea that some modernist have. And we just all have different face and different beliefs. And we’re all headed to the same place. No, Peter says the foundation of what you have and what we have together as Christians is a like precious faith. And as soon as you get rid of the same single thing,
that’s most important. And that is the faith that begins in the righteousness of God and the son of God and the revelation of God, you have nothing, because that was what Jesus came to give. So he says to those who have obtained like precious faith, let me also make a note there that if you can obtain like precious faith, that means you weren’t born with it.
It also means that God didn’t choose you to have it arbitrarily without any decision upon you and choose others. Not to have it because you obtained it. You had a part in it. Calvinism, can’t be true if this passage is because Calvinism would determine that the Holy spirit shows you from before the foundation of the world, you to be saved and someone else to be lost.
And in addition to that, the Holy spirit gave you the faith that you have by a miraculous event. And you didn’t have anything to do with it. Not what Peter said. He said, you obtained it. You did something to gather this faith, but he says, it is like precious with us by the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ.
When we see the word righteousness, sometimes we see it and we think right, doing, but really at its base, most of the time, especially when it’s talking about God, it is talking about his justice. It is talking in a, in a civil sense about one who is right in his judgment. So when you see righteousness, you see the law,
you see God’s judgment and his reward to those who do righteousness and his judgment against those who do unrighteousness. Okay? So when you see the righteousness of God, don’t just think, Oh, he’s talking about God does good things. No, God is just and right. And all of his actions are just, and right. So he says, we have obtained a light precious faith,
or you’ve obtained a light pressure space with us by the righteousness of God and the savior, Jesus, grace, and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus. Our Lord, he introduces faith. Verse one knowledge verse two, because knowledge and faith cannot be separated from one another. There’s a mentality in the denominational world that says I have faith,
which is a blind leap in the dark. Then what’s the point of knowledge. No. Peter says you have a light precious faith. That’s founded upon the knowledge of God, not a blind leap in the dark. As a matter of fact, he’s going to set that contrast very starkly, because he’s going to tell them about the knowledge of God and the promises of God.
And that those promises are so sure that you can live your life with zero doubt about those promises coming true. It’s not a leap in the dark. It’s not guesswork. Here’s the thing. Have you ever been walking through your house with the lights off? You pretty much know where everything is. Yeah. Have you ever been walking in a building you’ve never walked into before in your life and the lights are all off or maybe you go on a tour of a cave and you get down there and just when they,
you get down there and they say, all right, well, everybody’s standing real still. We’re in turn all the lights off and you literally cannot see your hand in front of your face. Now, try and walk around. See this mentality of the modernist is faith is a leap into the unknown with no knowledge of what’s there. Peter didn’t believe that for a minute.
Peter said that we are to have knowledge based upon God’s revelation. We know what’s there. We don’t know exhaustively what’s there, but I mean, let’s face it. We don’t know exhaustively. What’s here. Raise your hand. If you knew what the coronavirus was 18 months ago, we don’t know exhaustively. What’s here. Let alone what’s there. He’s not talking about exhaustive knowledge.
He’s talking about knowledge that cannot be disputed and could not possibly be wrong because it originated with a righteous God. Now he says, as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue. God not only is righteous. Jesus not only is our savior. Grace and peace are not only given to us so that we have them supplied in and multiplied in the knowledge of him.
But he gave us all things. We were to do this from a logic class of MSOP. We do it this way. We, we draw he’s shaking his head. No, and we draw a circle. And in that circle, we’d put all things that pertain to life and godliness. Now, if there is one thing, one thing out here that pertains to life and godliness,
that’s not in that circle, then that’s not true because if there’s one thing outside the circle, then all things aren’t there. But Peter made it clear everything, all things to the exclusion of all other things, all things are here that pertain to life and godliness. So if someone comes to you and says, I believe the Bible, and I think it’s a wonderful book.
And I think it came from God. And I think it’s inspired, but I think you should also read this thing because this thing will tell you things. This thing doesn’t tell you, here’s what you can know. There may be some sort of advice in there, but either it’s repeating the thing that’s already here and therefore isn’t necessary or it’s wrong and isn’t necessary.
It’s why we don’t need the book of Mormon. We don’t need any other latter day revelation. We don’t need the creeds of churches or the decrees of the Catholic church. Or I’m not saying that there aren’t things you can learn from those things, but you can learn things from a history book too, can’t you? Yes, but that’s not the context of this.
The context of this is what do you have to have to have, uh, all things that pertain to life and godliness. Obviously the context of life here is not a discussion of all things you need in order to do business or write a contract or that that’s not, that’s not what he means by life. What kind of life is he talking about eternal life?
And as we go into the passage a little bit more going to become clear, he’s talking about the life that really matters. Not the life on this earth, eternal life and godliness, everything that pertains to those, none of it originates with a man. None of it comes through any source besides God. So then he says this, God not only has given us through his divine power.
All things that pertain to life in Gatlin as he’s called us to something, what did he call us to glory and virtue? Now, if we were to single out second, Peter, as, as an epistle all to itself and not think about the last two that we’ve just studied James and first Peter, we might look at the word glory and think God’s called us to majestic things into a life of,
of glory and a life of, of majesty and alive. Just filled with nothing but good things. But if we’ve re we’ve read James and we’ve read first, Peter, how many times was glory attached to suffering all through both of those books, he’s called you to glory and virtue and glory has repeatedly been the context of the suffering you go through in this life to achieve the glory you receive in the next.
So when he says you’ve been called the glory and virtue, you don’t don’t imagine that that means you’ve been called to nothing but happiness in this life and good things and good actions, good things, good actions on the virtue part, but glory, that’s got a cost attached to it. It’s called suffering. And so he says all there, his divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue by which have been given to us exceeding great and precious promises.
Here’s where he wants you to take your faith. He wants you to take God’s righteousness. He wants you to take what he has given to you in the knowledge of him to give you everything that pertains to life and godliness and this calling. And he wants you to wrap them all up into one ball that says, God made a promise, just like in the life of Abraham,
where in Genesis chapter 12, we’re introduced to Abraham and God says, you go where I send you, I’m going to show you a place and I’m going to give you this. And I’m going to make of you a great nation. And through you, all nations of the earth will be blessed. And Abraham went on that journey through good times and bad,
hard times and happy times, but he went on that journey. Looking the Hebrews writer tells us for a city whose builder and maker was God looking for the end of a promise. Now, were there times along the way where Abraham questioned whether or not God was going to deliver on those promises? You remember when Abraham said I is my servant over here,
that was born in my house going to be my air. Yeah. There were times that he questioned the promises where he questioned whether or not God was going to do it. And there was even the time where God said before the years out, you’re going to have a child. And he laughed to himself because he was old. But God also said with man,
this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. So as he draws you forward into these promises, as he talks about the truth and the knowledge and the faith and the glory and the virtue in all of these things, being drawn together into these promises, he says this, he said by which you have been hurt by, which have been given to us exceeding great and precious promises that through these,
you may be partakers of the divine nature. Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. He now sets this contrast and the life of the Gentiles and the life of those living in the world and the life of a Christian. There are those who would argue that we through the feeling of our bodies and through the emotions of our bodies and through the experiences that we can have in our bodies,
we can reach a higher spiritual plane. I mean, if you would like to spend a few million dollars, just go look for people selling that, and you can spend all the money you want. But Peter said that if you want to take part in par, take in the divine nature, you can’t do that wall fulfilling fleshly loss. He said,
there’s an opportunity here for you to partake in God’s nature. But it comes at the exclusion of sin because as long as sin is in your life, you can’t have part of that life. So then he says this, but also for this very reason. So because of this, because we’re striving for this because of these promises, because of this calling,
because of this faith, because of these things that he’s given to us in the knowledge of him give all diligence, we’ve all seen and probably done it in our lives. We’ve all seen a group of people where ma we’ll, we’ll say there were four, four people and three of them were working very hard. And one of them wasn’t and we look at it and go,
that’s just, that’s just terrible because those three are working like a dog. And that guy is doing nothing. Now, maybe occasionally we’ve been that guy. Everybody else is working. And we’re just not this giving all diligence is the idea that we have set ourselves to accomplish something and nothing, nothing, nothing will hold us back from it. We are going to do everything.
No matter the cost, no matter the effort we are going to give, not some diligence, but all exhaustive diligence to do this. He says giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue. So he talked about their light, precious faith. Now he’s going to talk about virtue. What is virtue, moral courage. It is this idea that you stand up for what’s right?
And you never turned back. It is a moral decision to say good and right. We’ll try out and I will stand beside it and I will be involved in it. And I will lead in it. And I will guarantee while I’m standing that good will be represented. He said, you take your faith and you set on it, a determination, a courage,
a conviction that good will be done. But then he says, and to your faith, virtue, to virtue knowledge, you didn’t start with faith without some knowledge, but there’s a growth that is to occur. The knowledge you had to become a Christian is one thing. The knowledge you ought to gain after you’re a Christian is something entirely different. And so he says,
you take your faith, which is based on this fundamental knowledge that you have. And then you add virtue, this moral conviction and courage, and then you add more knowledge. But then he says, you add to knowledge, self-control with a conviction to do what’s right. And the knowledge of what is right. You begin to exert control over yourself. You begin to exert control over your actions.
You begin to exert control over how you live and to yourself, control perseverance. What’s the word perseverance mean? Not giving up. It’s an, it’s another word in the original language that we often find translated patience, or to stand up under. We’ve talked about that. I think back in James, the idea of to stand up under something and not stop as if you are lifting a burden and you’re not going to put it down,
he says, you take your faith and you add to it, your virtue. And you add to that, your knowledge and you add to that your self control. And you add to that, your determination to carry on through any thing, because it’s one thing to make a decision, to have a stand for moral courage. And it’s another thing entirely when you’re faced with a real consequence of losing your life for that decision that you actually carry through.
Many people determined to do what’s right, until times get hard. And then they lose the conviction they had and they turn around and go the other direction. And so he says, you start with your faith and you add to it, your virtue. And you add to that, your knowledge and you add to that yourself control. And you add that your perseverance,
that standing up under the burden and struggles of this life, and then godliness, you say, Whoa, wait. We’re, we’re all the way up here in perseverance. Before we get around the acting like God, if we think of godliness as an equivalent of holiness, then what happened to self control? That what happened to virtue? That’s not really the idea here.
You remember. He said, you can partake in the divine nature. When you set aside the fleshly loss, he said, you take your faith and you add to it, a determination to stand for what’s right. And you add to that, the knowledge that God’s given concerning what is right? And you add to that, your harnessing of controlling yourself.
And then you add to that, this perseverance to continue doing what’s right in the face of everything the world throws out at you. And then you begin to experience God like NIS. That’s what godliness is. God like this. Not saying that we begin to start handing out miracles. Not not saying we begin to whisper and things happened. This just happened to be created.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We begin to look like him. Jesus said in Matthew chapter five, you do all of these things to be attitudes. And you’ll be blessed. That word blessed means what happy and those things that you be blessed in doing included. Things like suffering, being poor in spirit, being humble,
seeking righteousness, hungering, and thirsting after righteousness. But it also included standing for what’s right? Because he gets over there to verses 14 and 15 and 16. And he says, you are a city that is set on a Hill. You are the light of the world. You are the salt that changes the flavor of everything, unless you’re not. And if you’re not,
you’re worthless, but if you are, they’ll see your good works. And they’ll see through them to who God, because they’ll see your good works and not glorify you. But your father who is in heaven, what does that mean? That means you became the picture of God, right in front of them. You represented him. That’s why they saw your words and they didn’t glorify you.
They glorified him. Now he says this. He says to your godliness, add brotherly kindness. It’s really interesting that we’re this far into the list before we get brotherly kindness. But this relationship, this love of a brother, this love of your brethren is something that frankly people don’t always start out with because they don’t understand it. They don’t understand what it means to truly be a family in Christ.
And so they’re there to a degree lost on this, not lost in the sense of, of lost in sin, but they don’t comprehend that when you read concerning people who go through difficult circumstances, when you read concerning the things that some military units have gone through and they come out, we’ve got a phrase for it. They come out a band of brothers,
they went through everything that could be thrown against them. And the only guarantee they had that they would make it to see another day was the guy standing next to them who would fight for them. And he for the other one. And when they got out the other side of that encounter or the other side of that experience, they had a bond that was unbreakable.
That’s here. This love for brethren is here because when you’ve done all these previous things, you’ve gone through it. All you’ve gone through. Remember we already had perseverance. You’ve gone through everything the world could throw at you. And you came out the other side with those who also were faithful. So he said, you add brotherly kindness, and then add what love charity,
a GAAP, a love, the love of someone else more than yourself. As he calls us to go through this. He said, you begin with faith and you end with love. And it only gets any coincidence at all. And that he ends with love. And first Corinthians chapter 13 makes it clear that love is the enduring character of God. First John chapter four makes it clear that if you can’t love your brother,
you can’t be righteous with God because God is love. Now, some will say, well, wait, wait, wait, all right, but I get this. This is a progression, but don’t you grow a little bit in these all the time. I mean, you’re not suddenly going to just, just have perseverance. And that’s true. These are kind of like a circle of growth.
You keep going back through this circle and you begin again at faith and you keep growing again. And again and again. So it’s not a onetime all down. I have perseverance. Okay. I can check that off the list. Oh, now I have faith. I can check that off the list. Oh, now I am brotherly kindness. I know this is a growth pattern that builds momentum towards eternity.
So yes. I think something to note though, too, is all old lady, brotherly kindness relates to the individual themselves holdings they have for themselves. If they have to take care of within, before they can show up without, you know, he’s talking about, take care of yourself before you can him, somebody else different pastors. Talk about some examination.
All of that leads up to when I have those things, then I can show brotherly kindness. Not that you can’t show at a better time, but your brotherly kindness will be seeing more when you have those characteristics and say would the away Absolutely good point. So just this idea. See, I told you, we weren’t getting into chapter two. This idea that the first five are inward focused.
They’re focusing on yourself, six and seven focus outwardly. They focus on how you enact what’s inside towards others. So then he says for, if you do these things, excuse me for, if these things are yours and abound, not just the idea that you have, you’ve got to, you’ve got a smattering, you got a little bit, you’ve got a,
a dip or a novel or whatever the current term is in the cooking world is that you have these things in abundance. You’re growling in these things, your exceeding in these things. He says, if you have these things, if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Here we are back in knowledge again.
So there’s fruit produced in these things. He’s a, you can’t possibly exceed in these things and a bound in these things and be unfruitful. But then he says for he who lacks these things is shortsighted even to blind this and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. Now I know we don’t have a lot of time, but we’ve got to go over to Deuteronomy chapter six because this statement here carries a connotation that is born right back here in the old Testament.
Deuteronomy chapter six, Moses is talking to the second generation. Those who came out of Egypt, they, those who died in the wilderness have now given birth to the second generation. The second generation is commanded to do this beginning in verse three, therefore hear O Israel and be careful to observe it, that it may be well with you. And that you may multiply greatly as the Lord.
Your God, that, excuse me, that is the Lord. God of your fathers has promised you a land flowing with milk and honey hear O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your, and with all your strength and these words,
which I command you today shall be in your heart. Now, just step back and think Moses given them the law and is giving them the law the second time. And he says, you know who God is. And you know, his law and his law belongs in your heart because of what it’s going to do in your life. But notice what he says.
He says, and you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house. And when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up four different times throughout the day, he describes this idea of you are constantly to be involved in teaching your children, these things. And if you’re constantly teaching them,
you’re constantly reminding yourself. And so this knowledge gives birth to their obedience, but then he says, you shall bind them as a sign on your hand. And they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your Gates. He said, you put them ever before you, you remind yourself over and over and over again,
concerning these things that belong in your heart. And then he says, so it shall be when the Lord, your God brings you into the land, which he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities, which you did not build houses full of good things, which you did not fill hewn out Wells,
which you did not dig vineyards and olive trees, which you did not plant. When you have eaten and are full, then the wear less. You forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage. He says, I’m warning you. You put God’s word in your mind. You put God’s law in your heart.
You continue in it day in and day out. And when you receive the promises, don’t forget the Lord. And we have a mindset that says, wait a minute, I would look at all these done for me. How could I possibly forget him? If he gives me all of these things, if he fulfills every promise that he’s ever made to me,
how could I possibly forget where it all came from? And if we thought that way, we would be entirely naive because that’s exactly what they did. They received all the blessings and all the promises. And then for God, where it came from and in the first century church, the same thing happened. Do you remember what John wrote to emphasis? When he said you’re doing this and you’re doing this and you’re standing against that,
but I have somewhat against you because you’ve left your first love and all of the effort to defend God, to fend his word, defend the church, do what’s right in an enact. Good. They forgot God. Peter tells them. Don’t forget God, okay, we’re going to leave it there. Thoughts or questions. We’re going to cover the actual questions since they cover chapters one and two.
We’ll cover those on Sunday. If not, you are dismissed. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible> Good evening. Good to see everybody out tonight, uh, got a little bit better crowd and we’ve been having all spread out and everything. So it was good to see y’all we don’t have very many announcements tonight. We need to remember the sick, the Rodale and Dorothy and Joan Springer,
Pam Shaffer. And we’ll see the doctor this week about her MRI and Sylvia. Have you had yours yet? Friday by Friday. So we hope that comes out and good. A former member here, Tom Allen passed away today from Pat pancreatic cancer. I understand he’s had that for a long time, but anyway, uh, we need to remember that family means meeting Monday,
July the 27th at six 30 here at the building, uh, national gospel meeting call flyers are on the table out there. If you want them. That’s all those announcements. Um,<inaudible> singing. Uh, Michael Dale has the devotional interior weekly has closing prayer.<inaudible> Marquis books. Number 900 to 900 to 538. Number five, three eight. My hope is built on nothing less than jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trucks, sweetest frame, but wholly lean on jesus’ name on Christ. The solid era ground is sinking sun, a whole other grounded.<inaudible> when darkness dance, his love the face. I rest on his son, changing graves and every high and stormy Gail my anchor holds with and the veil on Christ. The solid rock got that. Oh,
all other ground is sinking sand. A whole other ground did sneaking Simon. When he choked, come with trumpet sound Oh, Marianne then and, and be found dress Dan, his right up nestled on both legs to stand before the throne on Christ. The solid rock I stand the ground is sinking son. Oh, how the ground is.<inaudible> My lesson this evening.
My Divo this evening is on trusting the instrument over intuition. Dr. Erwin Lutzer, who is a, a pastor tells the story of flying on a commercial flight. Seated next to him was a man who used to be a commercial airline pilot, but now flies his own smaller plane. The two became engaged in conversation about the safety of flying. The pilot said many people think that these huge jets are more safe and therefore are more safely put together and therefore are safer to fly than smaller planes.
People think that because they are more, there are more crashes with smaller planes than with commercial jets, but he said, that is not true. The reason that so many lighter planes crash is not bad equipment it’s because, because of inexperienced pilots flying the little planes let’s replied. Tell me more. The air of inexperienced pilots is that they refuse to believe their instruments.
The pilots said in a storm, they trust their instincts rather than their navigation instruments. And that’s where they get into trouble. For example, they are absolutely convinced that the altitude of the plane is increasing when it’s not. There is an internal mechanism that tells them the altitude, but when the altitude is not increasing, they often choose to disbelieve the instruments and adjust the plane.
According to their senses, they think that the plane is turning or banking when it’s actually not. When the pilot ignores his readings and adjusts the plane, according to his intuition, it is sure to crash. Then he said, there wouldn’t be as many light planes that crash. If pilots would devotedly believe they’re inside their instrument panels rather than accepting what they think their senses are telling them.
When you consider your relationship with God, with God, is what do you base your conclusion, your faith on? Do you believe you are right with God because you think or feel you are, or do you know you are right with God because you are following the instrument, his word, which has provided a guide for you to get home heaven. God’s word is truth.
John chapter 17 in verse 17, sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth and arriving at our heavenly destination. Depends on whether we follow the instrument. God has provided the instrument, which God provided to create. Belief is his written word, Romans chapter 10 and verse 17. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God,
God’s word was written. So that the one who is reading it might believe and know that they have eternal life. John wrote, but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name, John 2031. Again, John writes these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the son of God in order that you may know that you have eternal life.
First, John five, 13, a man once said, and I’m sure there’s several men that have said I wouldn’t trade. What I feel for a stack of Bibles. Yet life in his name has never been based upon feelings. It has always been based upon believing that Jesus is the Christ. The belief comes through the instrument. God’s word as well.
The Hebrew writer States and having been made perfect. He became to all those who obey him, the source of eternal salvation, Hebrews chapter five and verse nine, Jesus said, not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven. But he who does the will of my father, who is in heaven, Matthew seven 21 here,
we learned that eternal salvation is never based upon feeling you are saved, but through obeying the instrument that he has given you, his word air traffic controllers can not guide the pilot. If the pilot will not obey his instruments and his instructions, likewise, God cannot guide us with his word. If we are not willing to obey it, it is his word of truth that will judge us.
He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has one who judges him. The word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day, John 1248. If we are to arrive safely at our heavenly destination, we cannot allow our feelings to determine our path. There is a way which seems right to men, but it’s end as the way of death,
Proverbs 14, 12, we must believe obey and trust the instrument of his word. It was provided so that we might be sure of our final destination. When we ignore God’s word and adjust our lives. According to our feelings, we are sure to crash and great. That crash will be Matthew chapter seven, verses 24 through 27. Most of us are aware of this,
uh, that Jesus spoke of the wise man and the foolish man, therefore whosoever here at these things of mine and do with them. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house. And it fell not for, it was founded upon a rock and everyone that heareth,
these things of mine and do with them, not shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended. And the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell and great was the fall of it. If we listen to his instruments, we know that we must believe John eight, 24.
Once we have heard, and we believe in his instrument, we must repent Luke 13, one through three, our instrument God’s word then tells us that we are to confess Jesus openly before men, Matthew chapter 10 and verse 32. Once we have done this, we have put full assurance in our instrument and are ready to devote our life to it. Through baptism acts 2216.
We must follow and listen to our instrument every day and walk in the light to receive a crown of righteousness, or we will fall like those in the small planes. If we step into the darkness first, John one, six and seven in revelation, two 10. If you have yet to decide on following his word or instrument, everybody knows the waters of baptism are all ready,
always ready for you. If you have been falling, failing to let his instrument guide you the way you should, and you have been falling into darkness, we are here to pray for you. Whatever you need. Come forward. As we stand in 902 Can walk away then nothing. Right?<inaudible> what can make me whole again, nothing but a few years.<inaudible><inaudible> no.
Oh no. Uh, the guy, no,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> no. Oh no. Uh, the fam no, nothing.<inaudible>, nothing can fight and nothing, but, uh, blah, uh, GE is not a good that I had done nothing that the blah, jeez. Oh, pressure flow.<inaudible> no, no.
Uh, the<inaudible> nothing, but<inaudible> ah, Let us pray. Heavenly father, we thank you for the privilege to be in your house tonight. We thank you For Aaron and Michael, that proclaim your word to us Lord, and in a way that we can understand, Lord, we thank you for the blessings that you give us every day. We thank you for the rain Lord that we got date.
We thank you, Lord, for loving us when we were unlovable Lord. And just when we stumble, Lord, just help us pick herself back up and get back on the right path. Thank you Lord, for letting us come into your house tonight and forgive us, our sins, these things we ask in your name. Amen.
(yes or no) Did Peter say that he was an elder? 1 Peter 5:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
An elder should not shepherd the flock of Christians (a) eagerly, (b) voluntarily, (c) as a lord, or (d) being an example. 1 Peter 5:2-3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How should the younger men treat the elders? 1 Peter 5:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the reward to the humble? What should a Christian do with his anxiety? 1 Peter 5:6-7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The devil is likened to __________________. 1 Peter 5:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What will be the result of faithful suffering? 1 Peter 5:9-10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jonah is classified as an Old Testament book of ___________. See Lesson 166 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We are in first Peter chapter five, run a, take a moment or two and discuss a few details from chapter four. Um, as we get into this closing chapter of, uh, this letter of first Peter, let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious and battlefield father in heaven. We bow before your throne grateful for the day that you’ve given to us and the life that you’ve blessed us with.
Grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis, we pray that you watch over us and care for us, that you be with those that are traveling. And those that are separated from us, we pray that you help us to strive daily, to live acceptably in your sight and to walk the path of righteousness before you, Lord, we pray that you be with those who are struggling because of illness.
Those that we know that are dealing with COVID and with other illnesses, but also, and especially those that are dealing with longterm and terminal illnesses, we pray that you comfort them, give them strength, help them to endure through difficult times. Lord, we pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and seek the, your forgiveness and repent of those things.
All this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Peter, As he’s drawing these thoughts to a close we’ve said over and over again, his message to them revolves around because God, because God did this, you should do this first Peter chapter one, verse 16, be ye Holy for I am. Holy says the Lord because God is Holy be Holy because Jesus suffered.
That’s the end of chapter two. You also suffer, not suffer for wrongdoing, but suffer for right, doing, for doing good and do so willingly. But then he says in verse 15 of chapter four, but let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busy body and other people’s matters. Yet. If anyone suffers as a Christian,
let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter, Peter, as I think we mentioned on Wednesday and the other apostles had direct experience with this, we have recorded there in the beginning of acts a I think it’s chapter four, where they’re brought in and they’re arrested and they’re beaten. And then they’re released. And when they’re released they’re they glorify God because they got out right Now.
The text says they glorify God because they were counted worthy to suffer for his name, their glorying wasn’t in, we got home there. Goring was in, we were found worthy to suffer for Christ. Okay. So when he says yet, if anyone suffers as a Christian, he’s not talking subjectively, he’s not talking, eh, you know, theoretically,
he’s talking from experience and he’s telling them, you need to have this attitude. Then he’s Dez for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God. And if it begins with us first, what will the end of those who do not are? And what will be the end? We read all the words that works better. What will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
This passage, if we scroll back up and we go back to verse 12, the context here is based upon my research, my study, and, and, and this is an agreement with many other commentators is this passage is in a context of the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish nation that was coming. Okay. Jesus warned in Matthew chapter 24 and Mark chapter 13 in Luke chapter 21 that this destruction was coming and Jesus gave the signs that would be coming in advance of that destruction because they had showed him the,
the, the apostles had showed him the temple and showed him the stones of the temple and the glory of the temple. And Jesus said, there won’t be one stone left upon another. Now Peter’s immediate audience. His primary audience are Jewish Christians, many of whom in 80 65, when this is believed to have been written around that time are still in Jerusalem.
Now, what did Jesus tell his disciples about that destruction that was coming? What did he tell them to do? When they saw the signs take place?<inaudible> Flee. Get out, don’t go. If you’re up on the rooftop, don’t go back down into the house. When you see these come to pass you go. Now we don’t have a scriptural record of those events,
but we do have a historical one. And that is what Josephus recorded. Josephus recorded that the Roman empire came down and they came up to and besieged Jerusalem. And then for a period of time, they withdrew and according to Josephus every Christian in the city of Jerusalem, during that withdrawal left the city. And when that had occurred, after that short withdrawal,
the Roman empire came back in full force. They overtook the city and they decimated it. But Josephus records that not a single Christian died in the attack of Jerusalem. Now, Josephus is not a Christian. Josephus was a Jew. He was not even very favorable towards the Christians, but he’s writing a history for the Roman empire for Rome. And he’s recording these events and he’s they got out and they got out because Jesus told them exactly what to expect.
Now, when I said all of that, not to get back into chapter four, but to bring us to this, because he just said for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God, he’s talking about suffering. He’s talking about a judgment. That’s coming against Israel against Jerusalem, and this the things that are going to take place.
And he says, it’s going to be difficult for you when he says for the time has come for judgment to get at the house of God. And if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Now, if the righteous one is scarcely save, where will the ungodly in the center appear?
When he draws forward that quotation from the old Testament, he’s not talking about hearing the word of God, acting upon it. By faith, that faith producing repentance, being obedient to the gospel, having your sins washed away, being covered by the blood of Christ and having that blood of Christ continually cleanse you from your sins. As you walk in the light,
that’s not scarcely, will the righteous be saved. That is not what that passage is talking about. The context here is the destruction of Jerusalem. He said, when you get out and by the way, the word scarcely there means difficult when he’s warning them of the, this destruction, that’s coming. The judgment here, it’s not the day of judgment.
The judgment is the judgment upon Israel, the judgment upon the Jewish people, the judgment upon a nation that had departed from God. And Jesus said that their time was up now who left the city, the righteous Christians who heard what Jesus warned about and were saved from that judgment by obeying it. But it wasn’t without cost. It wasn’t without difficulty. It’s not as though they had all their possessions all packed up,
ready to go. And the moment that the Roman empire showed up, and then they withdrew, they just go grabbed all their possessions and they are no Jesus told them. You’re not even going to have time for that. You’re going to be out in the field. And you’re going to hear the word that the, that there’s a way out and you better take it.
And those who have children and mothers that have children, they’re going to be in a hard situation. And those who are pregnant are going to be a hard situation. Why? Because they’re going to be fleeing from an army while pregnant with difficulty, the righteous will be saved, but why were they going to be saved? That’s where it connects back to a reasoning from the lesser,
the salvation, from a judgment, a destruction of a city and a destruction of a nation to the greater, they were going to be saved from this destruction, this earthly destruction and this earthly war by hearing the word of God, Jesus, and doing what he said and that reasoning from the lesser to the greater, when you do that in this life,
you’ll be saved from the judgment he warned you about. And therefore, when you do that, ultimately in your spiritual life as well, you’ll get the same result. Okay? So he’s bringing them forward through this, this destruction, this judgment is coming. We’ve been warning you about it. We’ve talked about it. We’ve told you it’s going to happen and it’s nice.
It’s at hand. So be ready for it. But there’s a greater and more important judgment to also be concerned about. And that’s the judgment when, uh, you know, everything will be burned up. And he’ll talk about that in second, Peter. Okay. So then he says, therefore, drawing a conclusion. Let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in doing good as to a faithful creator.
You’re a Jew in Jerusalem, but you’re a Jew by, by a birth, but you’re a Christian and you’ve gone through trials and persecutions in Jerusalem, but you’ve stayed there. You continue to make your life there. Things have been hard, but you’ve gotten through it. And then the Roman empire shows up your home, your land, everything you have is there and you have to trust God enough to decide.
I’m not going to rely on the defenses of this. I’m not going to rely on these walls. I’m not going to rely upon our ability to stand in the past. I’m not going to rely on the possibility that there’s going to be a truce, a treaty or anything else. I’m leaving with what I have in my hand and what I have on my back.
And I’m leaving and I’m never coming back. Therefore, let those who suffer according to will of God commit their souls to him. God, if I leave everything I’ve ever known, if I leave everything that I I’ve ever I’ve created, I’ve built my life. Everything that we have, our home is here. You see this hurricane comes and you wee it.
It’s on the news. Every single time. There’s these people, they will not leave their sandbag in their house. They’re all the shoreline. They’re not moving. They’re not leaving. And inevitably, at some point, some of them don’t make it, but they decided that that, that place, that location, that stuff was more important than their life.
Peter says, no, you put your hands or your life, your soul in the hand of God and his, he carries you through the trials, the difficulties, the things that refine you and bring out the best in you as he does this. Then ultimately when you’re called upon to let go of everything you have in this life for your life, you do it.
And he is still faithful to you. So then we kind of have a shift, but we’re not done. We’re not done talking about suffering. Okay. We’re, we’re shifting to inside the congregation inside. How do you, how do you interact with one another? He’s going to now write to elders as an elder. Peter, by all indications of scripture was not only an apostle,
but also an elder in the church. And notice what we read the elders who are among you. I exhort I who Elm a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed. This almost feels like the beginning of a new letter that, you know, kind of like it’s, it’s it’s page one,
line one, I Peter writing. But, but Peter wants to address an issue. He doesn’t go into a description of people who are doing it wrong, but it’s one of these statements that says, if everybody’s doing it right, this, this wouldn’t be necessary, either that, or it’s just a warning, but he’s, this is an exhortation to you who are elders.
And this exhortation is about their relationship to the congregation, as well as their relationship to Christ. He says, I’m a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ. He begins in the intertwines in this whole discussion of suffering. The fact that he witnessed the sufferings of Christ when Jesus was there in the garden, as he was preparing to be betrayed and handed over to the Jews,
three disciples were taken with him from the edge of the garden, into the middle of the garden. Who were they? Peter, James and John. And then he left them there and he went a little further and prayed. And the Bible describes him being in agony. And he comes back to the three. And what were they doing? They were sleeping.
He says, couldn’t you watch with me for one hour. Now you go back and you read through the text and you read it carefully. And the likelihood is they’d been up for probably 24 hours or more at this point, they’re exhausted. But he says, watch and pray that you’d be led not into temptation. And then he goes back and he prays again for another hour.
And he comes back and they’re doing what sleeping. Peter says I was there, but he wasn’t just there. Then he was also there. When the soldiers came, who would drew his sword and attempted to defend his Lord, Peter, what did he end up doing with his sword? Making a mistake. He cut off Malcolm, had his ear. And what did Jesus do?
Put it back on. I don’t know if any of you have ever had an accident with a blade of any sort, but don’t, you just wish that you could just, just reverse that. And just, just, just put that back on gut. I’ve got a friend who’s missing a couple of fingers because of an accident with a blade. He,
I bet he wishes. He could just have put them back on, but Jesus did. Peter was there. Peter was there when Jesus told him, put your sword away, Peter. And he did. And Peter was there in the courtyard of the high priest when they put him on trial. And Peter was there at the cross when they hung him on it,
he says, I witnessed his suffering. And he says, I am a partaker of the glory to be revealed all throughout this book. Peter writes to them, trying to get them to realize that suffering in this life is not the end. It’s the beginning. It is here for a purpose to prepare us for glory to come as Jesus suffered. Remember Jesus in John chapter 17 at the beginning of that prayer said glorify me now with the glory that I had with you from the beginning,
he said, the hour is calm for me to glorify you, but God return me to the glory I had. So Jesus went through suffering to the glory on the other side. And Peter says, I’m a witness of the suffering and a partaker in that glory. But you only achieve that. If you suffer to any Christian who goes through life and they’ve never suffered for being a Christian,
something’s wrong because Jesus made it clear. They hated me the world. And they’ll hate you too. Sometimes I think we tone down our Christianity so that we don’t bother people. They should be bothered. Oh, not, not annoyed, not, not, you know, uh, you’re always thinking you’re better. No, they should be bothered by their own unrighteousness.
Ultimately it was the chief priests and the elders and the Pharisees and the scribes and the Sadducees own sins that caused them to hate Christ because he kept showing how they were hypocrites. He kept showing the difference between someone who was truly righteous and someone who just wanted to play righteous. So then he says, shepherd, the flock. Now remember he’s writing to these elders.
He said, you elders shepherd the flock. Now that command that instruction, that exhortation does not come without context because a shepherd not only feeds the sheep, a shepherd not only cares for the sheep, a shepherd not only carries the sheep when the sheep is lame or when the sheep is weak, the shepherd also protects the sheep. The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
You remember Jesus said that the difference between a shepherd and a hireling was a hireling fleas. When danger comes the shepherd doesn’t Jesus and Peter are instructing these elders. You shepherd the flock of God. You feed them. You care for them. You protect them. You help them. You nurture them and you suffer for them if you must. But he goes on to say,
shepherd, the volume of God, which is among you serving as overseers, not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain buddy yearly. He sets these things. These two areas in contrast one another, he says, don’t do it because somebody forces you to don’t do it because someone said, you’ve got to do this because no one else will don’t even do it because no one else will do it because it needs to be done.
Do it. He says willingly out of a desire to serve. Now, this is one of the things that we need to be careful about is because he uses the word overseers. And in our modern use of that word is an overseers kind of like the boss. You know, you go to a job site and there’s somebody, who’s the boss. And they walk around and make sure everybody’s doing their job.
There’s an aspect of that here in this word, where they oversee the work being done by others. That part’s true. But sometimes we mix in the mentality that the overseers, the guy who sits in a comfy chair and does nothing while he oversees people who do the real work. And that’s not an elder, an elder is the one who is laboring in front of others who is leading them.
Now, Peter would right. Or excuse me, the apostles would, would speak in acts chapter six, about there being things that they shouldn’t as the apostles at the time, spend their time doing. He said, it’s not useful for us to be serving tables instead of preaching the gospel. There’s many different jobs that need to be done, but he said,
this is a good work. Go find people who can do it. We need to find appropriate work. We need to find the right work for the right person, but there’s work to be done from elders all the way down to regular members there’s work to be done. But he says, you are ultimately responsible for the work being done. You’re the shepherd and you’re the overseer.
But he also says not for dishonest gain, but eagerly. This is there. There’s a number of passages that bring this out. But this is one of them where we get a clear picture that the first century church would pay their elders. We don’t do that very often. Now. I don’t know why we really ought to. If we looked at the value,
I mean, we just sat down and looked at the value of a full time minister to a congregation versus full time elders. I can tell you which one’s more valuable to the elders and they also have a greater responsibility. And so when we it in times and not saying it’s a requirement, but saying the new Testament makes it clear. It’s an option.
When we expect someone who is an elder, who’s in a position in their life who is able to lead and is qualified to lead, but they’re struggling to deal with the day to day details of a job, a family pay, you know, all the things to sustain their own living. There’s a very limited amount of time they can spend focusing on the,
and so it is one of those things that the new Testament makes clear that there are elders that number one, by being an elder, they’re worthy of it, the laborer is worthy of his hire and that’s speaking concerning elders. He also makes it clear though, that that shouldn’t be the motivation he’s writing to these elders. And he says, don’t, you dare take this position for money.
Not don’t be paid for it, but don’t do it for that reason. Do it eagerly, do it willingly, do it because you love the congregation. But then he goes on to say this nor as being Lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. Here’s one of those passages where there are times where people will come and they’ll,
they’ll try and shift this meaning because they don’t agree with what the elders chose to do. They’ll say, well, the elders aren’t supposed to tell us what to do. They’re not supposed to Lord over us. That’s not what this passage means. This passage is saying, do not Lord over them in self interest, do not make decisions for the congregation because that decision’s best for you.
Instead be an example to them. If a congregation begins to make decisions that that are incorrect, or maybe they want to do something that is in contrast or contradiction to the word of God, what are elders supposed to do, supposed to do? Are they supposed to say, well, I don’t have any authority to tell you you can’t. No, they’re not.
They’re supposed to act like shepherds. When, when a shepherd sees a sheep walking towards the cliff with his head down eating and grazing grass, what’s the shepherd supposed to do? Save the sheep, yank him out of danger and put it back on the right path. It is absolutely the end, the authority of elders to determine a direction for the congregation and to mandate one so long as that direction falls within what is scriptural.
But here’s what they’re not to do. They’re not to set a direction for the congregation that ultimately only serves themselves. There is exactly what Jesus accused, the scribes and the Pharisees and the high priests of doing. He said, you go out and proselytize. These Gentiles to them, children of the devil. You consume widow’s houses. You go, just go through Matthew 23,
over and over and over again. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa unto you. Because they were self focused. Peter says, elders, don’t you do that. But instead he says, be examples to the flock. And now we’re going to switch from their relationship to the church or to the church among them, the Christians, among them to their relationship to Christ,
which goes straight back to be because God he says, and when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. So as he tells them to do this and tells them what not to do, tells them how to do it and how not to do it. He reminds them they’re someone over you. They might be the shepherds in the congregation,
but there’s someone else who’s over them and it’s Christ. And he says, he’s going to appear and he’s going to appear. And when you’ve been faithful, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. But there’s a little implication there. What if they’re not faithful? How many times did Jesus illustrate? What happens when a vineyard owner or a Lord or a King goes and leaves his vineyard in the hands of husbandman.
And then he comes back and finds. They’ve been on faithful every time there’s judgment. And yet every time he comes back and they’ve been faithful, what is their reward? So by mentioning the reward, he implies the judgment upon those who are unfaithful. Then verse five, he says, likewise, you younger people submit yourselves to your elders. Yes. All of you be submissive to one another and be clothed with humility for God,
resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. As a younger person, I’m going to freely admit, there are times where it’s hard to submit to elders. It’s hard to submit to those who were over you because sometimes in the back of your brain, you’re going well, but I wouldn’t do it that way. And yet Peter says submit. But then he adds on to that.
All of you submit to one another, because what he’s getting us back to is get your self out of the discussion and start serving one another. You submit to one another because you’re willing to serve the other one. Peter was also there. When his Lord removed his outer garment and strapped the clothing of a servant on and washed their feet. He reminds them,
God resists the proud and the person who decides this is the way to do it. And there’s no other way to do it. And the elders have decided to do it wrong. So I’m not going to do what they say. Just back that up. Pride, pride, pride, pride. Peter says humility, humility, humility. And this comes from the apostle who by all indications of scripture struggled the most with pride.
He was always the first one to speak. He was the one who was always out there. He was, let me walk on the water. Let me come to you. Let Peter struggled in this area. And as an elder, Peter says, younger people submit to your elders. So then he says, therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon him for, he cares for you. This brings together the entire congregation. The elders are to do this, the members, or to do this, the younger, to do this, the older or to do this, all of them are to rely on God because he cares for you.
But then he says, be sober. Be vigilant. In this context is Peter is writing to them and he’s encouraging them to be mindful of their actions towards one another. He also warns them. You have an enemy. He says, be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour be sober means be mindful,
be alert, be awake. Be vigilant means, be ready, be ready for battle because you have an enemy. And it’s Satan. Peter was the one who Jesus told him that Satan desired to sift him as wheat Christ made it clear to Peter that Satan had his eye on Peter. I have my own opinion as to why that is, but, but,
and I’ll share it with you and you can give me your opinion. If you disagree with me, I think Satan knew if he could get Peter, he could get every one of the apostles. I firmly believe if he could turn Peter, he could get Judas and not get any of the others. But if he could get Peter, he could get them,
all people with influence and people with a personality that was like Peters was where people followed them. And people agreed with them. They’re people who have to be very aware, because if they get led astray, they’ll never go by themselves. Others will always go with them. And so he says he is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. When does the lion roar,
as there are, as they are pouncing, all you, you watch all the, all the animal videos they sneak up to their prey. The roar is what happens is they’re attacking the prey. So he says, be sober, be vigilant. If you’re sober, if you’re vigilant, you see Satan approaching before he starts roaring, before he starts attacking.
But then he says, resist him steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world, but may the God of all grace who called us to his eternal glory be, or by Christ Jesus. After you have suffered a while, perfect establish, strengthen, and settle you to him. Be the glory and dominion forever and ever.
Amen. Uh, one of these days, I’m going to do a sermon on those four words, perfect establish, strengthen, and settle. You put those four words in your mind and draw together. All this discussion about suffering all the discussion back to his description of it, refining you as fire and put those four words in that context and see how all this discussion summarize is summarized in those four words.
But then he says by Sylvania is our faithful brother. As I consider him, I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying, that this is the true grace of God in which you stand. He told them to be steadfast in the faith, in resisting Satan. And he told them continue to stand in the grace of God. He then says she who is in Babylon elect together with you,
greets you. And so does Mark my son many believe. And I think they’re probably right, that this letter was written from Babylon, from Babylon was not the great magnificent place. It was the days of debit Cadenza, but it still existed. So from Babylon, greet one another with a kiss of love, peace to you, all who are in Christ.
Jesus. Amen. Let’s go through the questions. Question number one. Yes or no. Did Peter say that he was an elder? Yes. Question two. An elder should not shepherd the flock of Christians, a eagerly be voluntarily. See as a Lord or D being an example. See, as a Lord, how should the younger men treat the elders submit themselves?
What is the reward to the humble? God will lift them up. What should a Christian do with his anxiety? Alright, rely on God. The devil is likened to roaring lion. What will be the results of faithful suffering crown glory? Um, hold on to spit out a crown of glory or eternal glory either. Either one of those would be acceptable.
There a crown of glory goes back to the previous verses, but a right there as eternal glory, Jonah is classified as an old Testament book of, I think I heard it prophecy. Minor prophet. Yes. Okay. Thank you for your attention. We will be dismissed until the worship hour<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>. It’s good to see all of your social distancing this morning,
all spread out like we’re supposed to be. It’s good to see everybody here this morning here at the Chi. Well church, her Christ Sunday morning service. If we have any visitors, we’d appreciate it. If you take one of the yellow cards and fill it out. So we’d have a record of your attendance. Uh, if you need to, I think everybody,
I don’t see any visual. So everybody knows to pick up your Lord’s supper and put your donation in the back. So, uh, that’s taken care of, remember our sick Rodale and Dorothy Wilson and, um, Jones. Springer is still on able to be with us, Pam, still not with us because of her back problem. Sylvia’s here this morning.
Good to see her where she is still having back pain. And she will have an MRI Friday, the nationwide gospel meeting flyers on the table. If you participate in it every night, um, You got a card that will be put on the boat on the board back there this morning from the Richardson’s. It says thank you all for the wonderful card and gift you sent us home with.
There’s definitely a hole in our heart from leaving such a great group of people. We’re thankful that we’re able to spend our time at Memphis school of preaching with you. Thank you for letting us be a part of your family. We’re your home now and settled in to our funny farm. We brought pigs home this week and hoped to add some chickens and Guinea soon.
We love y’all and miss you, uh, Eric Holly, Cassie, and Matt and we’ll. And I know we miss them this month, our monthly meeting, a thank you card from the Lewis and Martha Rushmore Lewis road. Thank you for a little lending us, Rebecca for the summer. Your gift of $200 permits us to work daily with literature and make plans for distribution overseas.
We are scheduled to go to Asian countries in October, and that card has to be signed. There’s hot on the table in the foyer man. We’ll meet Monday, July the 27th at six 30 and a sound later be Aaron Cozort, uh, Joe Case and lead singing. Lord supper, Tommy O’Neil and Michael will have the sermon today and Eric Howard and we’ll have a closing prayer.
Thank you. Number one, 147 will be our first song. Number 147. All of the songs should be honest. The slides this morning seeing all four verses I stand amazed in the<inaudible> Jesus<inaudible> and one, uh, how he could, uh, me<inaudible><inaudible> wonderful. And my song<inaudible> wonderful is my SAIC. For me, for me,
it was in the God. Then he pray not my will, but he had no tears for his own grave. MAs sweat drops of blood form. Uh<inaudible> and my song<inaudible> is my Savior’s for me.<inaudible> came from<inaudible> to come put him in those or Ross he bought for my soul that a wonderful land. My song<inaudible> wonderful is my save yours for me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> wonderful.
And my song,<inaudible> my joy through the<inaudible> of his love for me.<inaudible> wonderful. And my song<inaudible> wonderful is my same yours for me. Our next song before our opening prayer will be number 709, 709. How sweet, how heavenly sing all five verses. Um, Sweet. How has the, is the side when those that love the<inaudible>,
uh, the ESPYs, the Lyda and so forth. Uh, when he, she can feel his bruh the side and with him bear up.<inaudible> when saw rough flow from eye to eye and joy from heart to, uh, when free from, and we score and pride, uh, which is all up, up each can, his brother’s fan wings,
I dance and show a brother, uh, when, uh, then won the, uh, full stream through and every book, um, laws, when you, yes, we need. And here is the man, every action<inaudible>, uh, is the golden chain that binds the happy souls. Uh, um, and he he’s and<inaudible> is buzz up glow with,
uh, Bow, Oh God, our father in heaven, we truly are thankful into the, for the privilege that we’ve had today to come and worship you. We’re so thankful, dear God, for your love for us. And the love that was shown through your blesses son, when he came and died upon the cross of Calvary, giving his life and shedding his blood for us father,
we’re so grateful for your word that we’re able to study together as we have this morning. And we’re so thankful for the lessons that we learned from it that might strengthen our faith and cause us to be better servants in the kingdom and be more mindful of one another. And especially of those that are outside the body of Christ father, we pray that you strengthen this each day as we continue to study and encourage each other.
We’re so thankful for the family of God that meets here and for every member of her and help us to continue to love each other. As you have loved us father, we’re grateful for our visitors today, and we pray that you be with them and bless them for having come this morning. We pray that you be with Michael as he delivers your word today to us and pray that we might gain much from the study that he brings forth to us.
Father. We’re mindful of Eddie and the boys, as they will be traveling home tomorrow, we pray for their safety. Pray. You bless them and be so grateful for them being back with us father, we are also mindful of the Richardson family and pray that you continue to bless them. And the work they’re doing there at home, we pray much,
much comes from them because they give much. And we pray that you bless those that are able to hear them and be with them. Their father we’re mindful of those that are in other lands, teaching and preaching your word. And we pray your special blessings to be the DePalma’s and the rush mowers. We pray that we’ll always continue to encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity where mindful father of those that are not able to come today.
And we pray that you bless them and let them know that we’re thinking about them. And we love him. And we do miss him. We pray father for those that are having physical problems, that we might always be attentive to their needs and try to lift them up in some form or fashion. We pray for those father that are under the care of Potter.
And we pray for the orphans and the unwed mothers. There, we pray father that we might continue to encourage them as we have that privilege and opportunity and support that the efforts that are being used there to teach those young people, the gospel of Jesus Christ and that they continue to come to belief of your word and be obedient to it and become children of yours.
Father bless us in our efforts here at Collierville. We pray. We continue to try to do your will and be good example before others in this community that we might say or do something that might bring them to an understanding of your wheel. And they want to be obedient to it. That’s us in our worship today. And we pray it would be acceptable.
We’re thankful for Aaron as he directs us in our song service, bless him and watch over him in Jesus name. We pray amen song before the Lord supper will be number 344, 344. We’ll sing all three verses and then the chorus low in the grave. He lay<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh, dad G she sees us my<inaudible> G she sees,
uh, smile save, uh, he<inaudible>, uh, eh, she sees, uh,<inaudible> uh, from the grave. He Rose with a mighty try on for his falls. He, uh, Rosa Victor from<inaudible>. We have the opportunity to just time to eat of this bread and drink this cup. To remember the death of our savior,
who willingly gave his life for our sins. Would you bow with me, our heavenly father? We thank you so much for Christ our savior. We thank you for this bread, which does represents his body then was hung on a cross for our sins. As we partake of this bread, dear God would pray that each one of us would think of the agony that Christ suffered for each of us,
because of the love has for us. He sings. We ask in his name, amen, What’s your problem with me, Heavenly father. We continue with our thanks for this fruit of the vine, which just represents the blood of Christ that was shed for each of us as weeper. Take of it, help each one of us to do it. So with truly thankful heart,
we pray that this might be acceptable under the, this we ask in Christ’s name, amen With me, Our heavenly father. We thank you for all blessings that we receive daily. We thank you for the mains that we have to provide a living par sales in our family. We know that we truly are blessed in this country, dear God, We pray as we return under the a part of that,
that you have blessed us with, that we would do so with a cheerful, happy heart, pray that these funds would be used to spread your word throughout the world. This way, asking Christ name. Amen. If you would like to, you may Mark number 936 number 936. This will be the song of invitation after Michael’s lesson. Lord, I’m coming home before the lesson,
we’ll sing number 376. If you would let us all stand as we sing this song, number 376, if you will stand and then remain standing for the scripture reading to follow, he paid a debt 376. He paid dad. He did not. Oh, hi dad. I could not, Hey, I needed some lawn to wash my<inaudible>. Now I see being a brand new song,
amazing Grise<inaudible> that I could never, eh, he pain<inaudible> cleanse my soul and send me free. I’m glad that jeez, us did all my<inaudible>. I now can see being a brand new song. Amazing Greg<inaudible> man. I could never, eh, one day he’s calm being back home me to live with him eternally. Won’t it big Laurie to see him on that.
Eh, I then will see being a brand news song. Amazing Greg<inaudible> that I could never, eh, Scripture reading this morning will come from second Corinthians chapter nine, second Corinthians chapter nine and in verse seven, read. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not ragingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver. Please be seated.
Good morning, everybody. This and being able to be back today. It’s nice to be in the building, worshiping with everybody in person. It’s totally different. You still worship the Lord, but it’s much better when you get to be in the presence of all of your brother and this morning, I know, uh, it’s been a while since I’ve been up here,
but I’ve been working on the five acts of worship putting together good sermon series. And this morning, I want to speak to all of you about a giving attitude. We’re going to be reading first from second Corinthians, chapter nine, verses six through eight, second Corinthians nine, six through eight. But this I say he, which so is sparingly shall reap also sparingly.
And he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bound to flee every man, according as he has purposes in his heart. So let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God. Loveth a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work as Christians. We are commanded to give and not just give,
but give with the right attitude. Do you remember being a child? I know. So for some of us that may be a little harder, but remember back to the days of being a child, how happy it was that we got to do anything with our parents, our mother would say, let’s clean the house and you’re rushing around looking for the vacuum or the cleaning supplies you were.
You’re just so excited about this. And your father says, I need you to come, help me work on the car. And you’re out there holding a wrench before he even has a chance to get changed into his car, working clothes. Your parents tell you here’s your money for God. And you could not wait for the collection plate to come by.
So you could give every cent. Your parents gave you without hesitation, somewhere along the way we lose that innocence. And it becomes almost a chore to give our hard earned money to God. As a child, helping our mother to clean taught us to keep a clean, tidy house. As we got older, helping our father to work on the car,
taught us simple things like at least being able to change a tire or air filter or something of that sort as a, as a man, myself, helping my father help me to know how to rebuild an entire car. So our godly parents teach us in all things that we should go and the way that we should go when we grow Proverbs 22 and verse six,
read with me, Proverbs chapter 22 and verse six,<inaudible> Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, he will not depart from it. As a child being taught by our parents to give all we had should have carried over in like manner to our adulthood as cleaning and working on a vehicle. We need to remember as adults that everything is the Lords,
Deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 14. Read with me Deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 14, Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, the earth also. And all that they’re in is everything is the Lords as children. We understand that we need to give to God happily. We as adults, that every possession on the earth is the Lords Psalm one Oh four 24,
Psalm one Oh four 24<inaudible> Oh Lord. How manifold are thy works and wisdom has thou made them all the earth is full of VI riches. All throughout the old Testament. We see how God commands his children to sacrifice from the wealthy to the poor. He gives commands as written in the book of Leviticus. The Lord even commands a specific amount of the income from the children of Israel.
Let’s read of this Leviticus, 27, 30 through 34 Leviticus, 27, 33 34. And all the tie that the land, the tie there’s a 10th, whether of the seed or the land or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord’s. It is Holy unto the Lord. And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tides, he shall add there,
there to the fifth part thereof and concerning the tie of that, the herd or the flog even have whatsoever. Passeth under the rod. The 10th shall be Holy unto the Lord. He says, not search, whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it. And if he changed it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be Holy.
It shall not be redeemed. These are commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses for the children of Israel and Mount Sinai. They didn’t just give a 10th of what they made every month of what they made every week. They gave a 10th of everything they owned. Every time they gave, some of us may be thinking, well, that’s the old Testament,
right? But as Christians, we are commanded to give and not just give, but give with the right attitude. We must give bound to flee. We must give purposefully and we must give cheerfully first, let us take a look at giving to flee. What does the word bound to flee mean to you? Think about it for a second bound to flee.
I use because it gives us the most modern definition of things. bound to flee means liberal and be stowing gifts, favors or bounties generous. According to Vine’s dictionary bound to flee literally means with blessings. That is that blessings may accrue. So if we put the definition from vines and from together, to have a greater understanding, we understand that bound to flee is to liberally bestow blessings.
So that blessings may be bestowed upon us. We are told if we want to receive many blessings, we must so many blessings turn with me to second Corinthians chapter nine in verse six, Paul through inspiration uses an example of a farmer sowing and reaping to make it easier for the people of the day to understand second Corinthians chapter nine and verse six<inaudible>. But this I say he which so if sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
This passage does not imply that if you give more money, you will receive more money for your own personal use, but that in sewing or giving bound to flee, you will be blessed. I think of an old time farmer out there and just pinching some off and sprinkling it out versus the farmer who had grabbed handfuls and just toss it everywhere. The more seeds you have out there,
the more bound to fall your crop is going to be. If you’re a sparse with your seed, then you’re barely going to get any crop back. So what does the context teach us about this bountiful sowing? If we look at the context, Paul is not just asking about spiritual blah, not just talking about spiritual blessings, but speaking to the Corinthian church about monetary blessings.
Look at second Corinthians chapter nine, verse five, right above the verse. We just read second Corinthians nine and verse five. Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren that they would go before you and make up beforehand your bounty, where a ye had noticed before that the same might be ready as a matter of bounty. And not as of covetousness,
sewing bounds of flee will give us all sufficiency or what we need to survive spiritually and physically look with me in the fall in verse eight of second Corinthians chapter nine, and God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That she always having all sufficiency in all things. We still bound to flee not only to survive, but so we can help others continue reading in verse eight with me,
we’ll start back at that. Ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work, all the good works that we can do to help others. This is one of the reasons why we give bounds of flee. Where do we get the seed to sow bountifully? God has given us everything that we need. Let’s turn to second Peter chapter and verse three second,
Peter chapter one and verse three.<inaudible> According as his divine power hath given unto us, all things that pertain with unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that have called us to the glory and virtue. He’s given us everything that we need. God provides all that we need. Let’s read what Jesus says about this topic. Matthew six 25 through 34,
Matthew chapter six verses 25 through 34.<inaudible> Jesus says, therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor yet for your body. What you shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body more than Raymond behold, the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feeds them.
Are you not much more than they, he takes care of the birds of the sky. Of course, he’s going to take care of us, which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature and why take he thought for Raymond consider the lilies of the field, how they grow? They toil not neither do they spin. And yet I see in to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed.
Like one of these wherefore, if God, so clothes, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven. Shall he not much more clothe you? Oh, ye of little faith. Therefore take no thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal, shall we be closed for after all these things,
do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father, Noah that he have need of all these things that ye have need of all these things, but seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you take therefore no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
God gives us everything we need to so bound to flee and to reap bound, to flee. We know that he will provide for us. We must be careful not to. So expecting a financial return though, our reward is not in the flesh, but in the spirit, Galatians chapter six, verses seven through nine, Galatians six verses seven through nine,
the inspired writer, the inspired writer, Paul writes be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever. A man soweth that shall he also reap for he that psoas to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that so us to the spirit shall of the spirit reap everlasting life and let us not be weary in well doing for in due season,
we shall reap. If we faint not, we will reap the benefits of our spiritual sewing. We cannot serve two masters. Jesus tells us in Luke chapter 16 and verse 13, Luke 16 and verse 13. We are servants. All of us, Christians and no servant can serve two masters for either. He will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve both God and mammon. Mammon is wealth or money. You can’t serve both. You’re either a servant of God or you’re a servant of your wallet. If we try to hang on to our money, it will bring much sorrow. Let’s read first Timothy six, nine and ten first Timothy chapter six, verses nine and 10. But they, that will be rich,
fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lust, which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after they have earned from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. When I think of giving bounds of flee, I think of the poor widow that Luke wrote about in his gospel account in Luke chapter 21 verses one through four,
let’s read that account, Luke 21, one through four, Luke chapter 21 verses one through four. And he looked up and saw the Richmond casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting and feathered two mites. That’s less than a penny today. And he said of a truth. I say unto you that this poor widow has cast in more than they all for all these have of their abundance cast and cast in unto the offerings of God.
But she out of her opinion, which is her poverty have cast in all the living that she had. She did not give bountifully because she gave a lot of money like the wealthy men did, but she gave bound to flee because from her heart, she gave every little piece of copper that she had. We do not just give bound to flee, but we must give purposefully.
Now, what does purposefully mean to give with purpose? Right? States. It is to set as an aim intention or goal for oneself Strong’s dictionary States. It is to choose for oneself before another things or by implication to purpose or intend before we give we are to purpose or have an intention on what we are giving in our heart. Second Corinthians chapter nine and verse seven.
Let’s go back to second Corinthians chapter nine, and we’ll read the first part of first seven, second Corinthians nine, seven, every man, according as he has purposes in his heart. So let him give. So as we have put in our mind, this is what we’re going to give. Then we make sure that we give it. We are not to give feeling like we are being robbed.
As Paul through inspiration writes, our giving is not to be of necessity. Let’s continue reading verse seven of second Corinthians chapter nine, not grudgingly or of necessity for God. Loveth a cheerful giver. We don’t begrudge the money. We don’t shake as we put that check or that cash into the, into the offering plate. We do it because we’re happy about it.
We are to give willingly and with joy, let’s go back and look at what David said about this first Corinthians or first Chronicles, 29 17 first Chronicles, chapter 29 and verse 17. I know also my God that thou try us to the heart and has pleasure and uprightness as for me and the uprightness of mine heart, I have willingly willingly offered all these things.
And now have I seen with joy thy people which are present here to offer willingly unto thee? We don’t give because we’re commanded to, we give because we are willing. We want to, because we want to, we are to give from a willing mind, second Corinthians chapter eight and verse 12. Look with me in second Corinthians chapter eight and verse 12 for if there be first a willing mind.
It is accepted according to that, a man hath and not according to that, he has not, we don’t need to worry about, I can’t give everything I want to give. It’s accepted that we give from what we have our giving is not just another bill that we must, it is to further the work of the Lord. We don’t set this up like an automatic payment.
This is not something that we have to do, although it is commanded. It’s something that we should want to do. We give because we want to not because we have to. When I think of giving purposefully, I think of the Macedonians as Paul wrote about them. Let’s read of the Macedonian. Second Corinthians chapter eight, verses one through four, just a little bit further up on the chapter that we’re in.
Currently. Second Corinthians eight, one through four<inaudible> Moreover brethren. We do you to wit of the grace of God, bestowed on the churches of Macedonia. How that in great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality for, to their power. I bear record yea and beyond their power. They were willing of themselves praying us with much entreaty that we would receive the gift and take upon us.
The fellowship of the ministering of the saints. The Macedonians had purpose to help the Christians in Jerusalem and nothing was going to keep them from giving what they had purposed nothing, not hardships. They were going through, not their poverty. The Macedonians did not just so show us how to give purposely, but in this instance, they also showed us, we must give cheerfully.
What does cheerfully actually mean? States that cheerfully means to be full of cheer in good spirits, Hardy or in grudging, according to Strong’s dictionary and the Greek cheerful as actually the word hilarious where we get the word hilarious from laughter. You’re supposed to give with great laughter in your body. It is to be cheerful or glad, prompt or willing as having acted wisely.
And now being glad in heart, our giving should bring us to great gladness of heart. Like the Macedonians let’s read again, verses one and two here of chapter eight, moreover brethren. We do you to wit of the grace of God, bestowed on the churches of Macedonia. How that in a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy in their affliction,
they had an abundance of joy and in their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. I just, I love this occasion of the Macedonians. They, they let nothing hold them back and they did everything they could to, to bring forth as much as they possibly could to help the suffering brethren. There should be no hesitation in our giving. The Macedonians begged to give let’s read verses three through five,
again of second Corinthians chapter eight, four to their power. I bear record yea and beyond their power were willing of themselves praying us with much intrigued that we would receive the gift and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering of the scenes and this, they did not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord and unto us by the will of God.
The children of Israel are another good example of this type of giving. At least sometimes in their path, they gave so much that they were forced to stop. Let’s look at this example, we’re given an Exodus chapter 36 verses one through seven Exodus, chapter 36 verses one through seven, Then rot Bezalel and a Holy app. And every wise hearted man and whom the Lord put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary.
According to all that, the Lord had commanded and Moses called Bezaleel and a Holy ad and every wise hearted man and whose heart, the Lord had put wisdom. Even everyone who’s heart stirred him up to come onto the work to do it. And they received of Moses, all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary to make it with all.
And they brought yet unto him free offerings. Every morning, they were giving to help build the tabernacle and also just giving free offerings. All the wise men that rot all the work of the sanctuary came every man from his work, which they made. And they spake unto Moses saying the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded to make.
And Moses gave commandment and they cause it to be proclaimed throughout the camp saying, let neither man, nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing. They had to restrain them from giving more for the work of the Lord for the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it and too much,
they had too much already and they were still bringing more and more and more. They couldn’t stop them from bringing to the Lord to make sure that the work of the Lord was fulfilled. If we give cheerfully, we will be blessed. The blessings of giving with a cheerful heart are unfathomable. Let’s go back to second Corinthians chapter nine and verse eight, second Corinthians chapter nine and verse eight.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you. That G always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work, no matter how hard we try, we will never be able to outgive God, turn with me to Ephesians chapter three, verses 20 and 21, Ephesians chapter three, verses 20 and 21. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding,
abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh within us, unto him, be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world, without end. Amen. How can we ever I’ll give the sacrifice of the Christ. God will take care of the cheerful giver. Let’s see Philippians chapter four and verse 19, Philippians four 19.
But my God shall supply all your need. According to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus, everything we need, he’s going to supply. We don’t need to worry. When we put our offering that we have decided to give in our hearts. If we’re going to be able to pay that next bill, or if we’re going to be able to buy groceries for our family,
that is not what we put our minds on. When we’re giving to the Lord as Christians, we are commanded to give and not just give, but give with a right attitude. We must always remember to give bound to flee. That is to give our blessings liberally. We must always remember to give purpose purposefully that one always twists my tongue up purposefully.
That is to give, as we have intended to give, not just what we have decided to give at the moment. We must always remember to give cheerfully. That is to be happy to give, because we know all that has been given us by Christ. Let us always remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive acts chapter 20 verse 35.
Let us go back to that mentality we had as a child, when our parents gave us the money that we wanted to give so badly for the offering for Christ said, barely I say unto you, except you be converted and become as little children. You shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven, Matthew 18 three to be converted and become like little children who must first hear the word of faith.
Romans 10, 17. We must believe that Jesus is the Christ. John eight 24. And we must repent of our sins. Luke 13, one through three. We must confess that Jesus is the Christ before men openly Matthew 10 32. We must be immersed in the water for the forgiveness of sins, acts 2216, and we must live faithful unto death.
First, John one, six and seven. We are to walk in the light as he is in the light. So we can have fellowship with one another revelation, two 10. If we do this, we will receive a crown of righteousness. If all, if you are ready to follow this simple plan of salvation, the waters of baptism have been prepared.
If you need the prayers of the, we are here for you because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man of Ellis, much James five 16, whatever your need, please come forward as we stand in scene. Uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> to, um, uh, uh,<inaudible> also<inaudible>. Uh<inaudible> so I<inaudible>, I<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh,
uh, uh, um, uh<inaudible>. Oh, I am<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> also<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible>. Oh, so my<inaudible> my, uh, is<inaudible> my strength. My<inaudible> also<inaudible><inaudible> Oh,<inaudible> uh, uh<inaudible>. Oh, so I want to thank Michael for that lesson this morning and appreciate all those who served within the worship this morning,
take your songbooks and turn the number 77, number 77, gonna sing all three verses of this song. And then we will be led in our closing prayer. Remember to observe social distancing and wave that everyone speak from a distance, but it is good to see each and every one of you here this morning, and we appreciate your presence. Number 77.
Well, we love you. We, uh, ship and, uh,<inaudible>,<inaudible> all the, uh,<inaudible> jeez, uh, sweet of you. We, and, uh, you<inaudible> all the, uh,<inaudible> and all the, uh,<inaudible> Please bow with me. Our father in heaven. We come to you at this time,
thanking you for another opportunity to build, to assemble here this morning, sing songs, praise your great name, but most importantly, hear another portion of your word. God, we ask that you help each and every one of us take the message that was brought to us by brother Michael this morning and apply it to our lives and share it with those around us.
So we may better serve you here on earth. God, we also know that there’s many amongst our brother and sisters here that are suffering from various illnesses and ailments. And we ask that you wrap your loving arms around them and their families, and reach out to the physicians and the care providers for these individuals. And if it be your will restore them to a measure their health,
that they may one day again, assemble with us to worship your great name. We know Lord also that we each and every one of us fall short of your glory from time to time. And when we do, we ask that you forgive us of our shortcomings and pick us back up again. Now, as we prepare to depart this facility, we ask that you guide garden direct each and every one of us until we return at the next appointed time.
A person should live (a) to please human desires or (b) to please God. 1 Peter 4:2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Peter said covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What should Christians do without grumbling? 1 Peter 4:9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ With what attitude should Christians show hospitality to each other? 1 Peter 4:9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Christians should ___________ in their suffering. 1 Peter 4:13 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A person should not be ashamed to suffer as a (a) murderer, (b) thief, (c) evildoer, or (d) Christian. 1 Peter 4:15-16
How should a person suffer as a Christian? 1 Peter 4:19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Good evening. I didn’t actually turn this off. It’s on now. It’s on. I just, I didn’t hear it. Click on the, just click on that, that screen and then hit enter just one of the windows. It doesn’t matter which one we are in first, Peter chapter four, courage you to open your Bibles there. First Peter chapter four,
let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We come before you at this time, grateful for the day, grateful for the sunshine and the life that it provides to our planet. We know that, uh, though some days may seem hot. As today has seemed. We also recognize that the heat and the light and the things that are brought forth from it are the things that sustain the life on this earth,
in which we live, we’re grateful for your daily mercies and All of the many ways you bless us, that we do not even fully comprehend and realize on a day to day basis. But Lord, we thank you, especially in most of all for your son and for his willingness to come to this earth, to die on the cross for our sins,
to show us a pattern of how to live, to leave us an example in doing good. And in suffering, we pray that we might daily seek to mold our lives in his pattern of living that we might look to him for strength, for guidance, for understanding that we might look into the things which he taught, the things which he did and the things which his disciples and apostles have given to us through the revelation of the Holy spirit,
to be able to understand what it is that we are to do and how we are to live. We pray that you will be with us in this country, help us to grow closer to you, and not further away help us to do things and enact laws that promote righteousness and not sin help us to live in accordance with your commandments each and every day.
When we sin and fall short of your glory, we pray that you will forgive us of those things. We pray for war. The leaders that are in charge in this country. May they look to you for guidance in doing what is right? And may they make wise choices. We pray for that same thing. All the world over. We know that the world is going through a tumultuous time and a difficult time.
And so many times we realize evil and those with evil intents, we’ll use opportunities like this for their advantage. But Lord, we also pray that open doors of opportunity are made available to teach the gospel and to preach it throughout the world. All this we pray in jesus’ name. Amen. As I mentioned on Sunday, uh, we’re going to go back into chapter three and grab some things in chapter three,
because that’s where the context of chapter four starts. Peter says in verse 12, uh, sorry. Verse 13 of verse of chapter three and who is he? Who will harm you? If you become followers of what is good, here’s the, here’s the premise of all of them. Chapter four, he asked, It’s going to harm you. If you mold your life after good things,
if you choose and enact in your life righteousness, who’s going to harm you for that. Now a rhetorical question, because he’s going to supply the answer. The answer is there are evil people who will do that, but there’s a result that comes from that. And he’s going to use Christ as the example. So as we go through here in chapter three,
at the end, as well as chapter four, we’re going to keep jumping our minds back to Christ Christ as the example, and what happened, why did it happen? And what did it bring about? And remember everything in, in first, Peter revolves around this idea of being Because God, because Christ. And So as we get into this idea of suffering,
he’s going to say, because Christ suffered, we should expect to suffer because God did this with the suffering of Christ. We can know God will do this with our suffering as well. Okay? So he says, and who will harm you? If you become followers of what is good, but even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, the assumption there is,
and you will, he says you are blessed and do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled. You may remember a time in the early church. And there in acts chapter four and five, where the elders had taken the apostles and they had arrested them and they put them before them. And they told them do not speak anymore in the name of Jesus.
And they said, we cannot but speak what we have seen and heard. And they said, we’re going to throw you in prison. We’re going to beat you. We’re going to do this. We’re still going to preach. Is it better to obey God or to obey men? And so Peter admonishes, these Christians from one who has gone through this,
don’t be troubled by their threats. Don’t be troubled by what you hear them say, you know, God is in charge. He goes on to say, but so this statement do not be troubled by their threats, but sanctify the Lord, God in your hearts, what is the word? Sanctify me. Okay. Make clean, set apart. Okay.
It’s the idea of to consecrate something, to set it apart here, you have their threats. You’ve got their threatenings against you. You’ve got them warning. If you don’t quit preaching, if you don’t quit teaching, if you don’t quit calling yourself a Christian, if you don’t conform to what we’re telling you, you have to do to live in our society.
Then we’re going to do this. And he says, you take God and you set him apart in your mind, you muddle these two messages together. You don’t mix what they’re saying to you and their threats and their actions. You don’t mix those with God. You set him apart in your mind. And you know that what he says is true with all the threats and all the things that the chief priests and the elders made against those against the apostles,
what power did they actually have over them? Oh, I mean, they could, they could end their life. And I mean, if they didn’t mind getting in trouble with the Roman government for putting somebody to death without authority, but they could only do so much. What did Jesus say to the disciples that he sent out? He said, do not fear the one who can kill the body,
but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy what both soul and body in hell. There’s a limit to their reach. And so he says, you set God apart in your mind. Cause he’s the only one. If we’re, if we mix what Jesus said in Matthew 10 and what we, what we’re reading here, he’s, he’s the only one who has that ultimate reach.
But if he’s on your side, the ultimate reach. The one with that ultimate reach, isn’t reaching against you for judgment. He’s reaching towards you for protection. So he says, sanctify set apart the Lord, God in your mind, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
Once you set apart God, in your mind, once you put God in his right place, you’re going to start getting questions. Because if someone is standing there threatening you, if someone is speaking against you and someone is judging you and someone is saying, I’m going to bring everything within my power against you. And that doesn’t phase you at all. You’re not quivering.
You’re not cowering. You’re not pleading for lenient. You’re not doing any event. You’re saying I serve one. Who’s greater than you. Do you remember what Jesus said? The pilot pilot said, do you not know that I have power to release you or the power to take your life? And Jesus replied, you would have no power except that we’re given you from above.
And you walk through the time that Christ with pilot and every single time, the responses, the reactions, the actions of Christ and the demeanor of Christ led pilot to a conclusion. This man is not guilty. He kept going out to the crowd. I find no fault in him. I sent him to be scourged. I find no fault in him.
I, I find no fault in. And finally he says, give me the water. I’m washing my hands of this because they cried out, crucify him, crucify him. So now Peter says, now that you’ve put, gone into the right place, now you be ready to answer. Why? Because people are going to ask you if you suffer for Christ,
if you suffer and then you glory in it, because you are able to suffer for Christ. People are going to look at you and go, Whoa, wait a minute. I can’t get through the happy days in my life and be that joyous. And you just went through that and you’re this joyous. What do you have that I don’t have the reason of hope that is in you.
You go read accounts of people who have been either in prison for a long time or especially prisoners of war. And people put in very harsh conditions and people put in solitary conditions and people having many bad things done to them and you’ll read over and over the moment someone loses hope they’re dead. Oh, it may take some time for them to die, but they’re done.
They’ll never live through the experience when hope is gone. And so Peter says, you have a reason for hope because you know, what’s on the other side, whether you live through the experience or not, you know, what’s on the other side that goes back to chapter one, the inheritance, which cannot be taken away, which is reserved in heaven for you.
You know, it’s on the other side, you know how the, you know how the game ends. It’s like going back, I’ve done this every once in a while. And you go back and watch classic sports, like a playoff series that happened years ago. You remember, you know, you know what? The final three seconds are, you know how the shot clock went down,
you know, whether or not Michael Jordan sank that last three pointer, you know how it ends. There’s still that, you know, that anticipation that, Oh, how’s this going to turn out, but, but in your mind, you, well, I know how it turns out. That’s this, that’s what Peter’s telling them. You know how it ends.
So it doesn’t matter why you’re going through the suffering in the sense of, if you’re suffering for righteousness sake, don’t give up because you’re suffering for righteous, the snake, you know, that’s a blessing. He goes on to say this. He says having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evil doers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
He says, here’s, here’s what you have. They don’t have. When you suffer for righteousness sake, when you suffer with a good conscience, when you suffer and all you’ve done is right. At some point that comes to light. At some point pilot’s insistence and every other witnesses insistence, except for the ones that got paid to lie said, this man’s guilt LIS,
this man’s innocent. So the shame isn’t on you who suffered wrongfully. The shame is on the one who accused you and caused you to suffer. He goes on to say for it is better. If it is the will of God to suffer for doing good than for doing evil for Christ also suffered once for sins. The, just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh,
but made alive by the spirit. He said, you see Christ. He was the only one who didn’t deserve any wrong. He was the only one who didn’t deserve anything negative. He was the only one who didn’t deserve any judgment at all ever. And yet he died for us. And you harken your mind back to what Jesus says to the apostles before he goes to the cross.
And he tells them, John chapter 14, John chapter 15, John chapter 16, they hate me. And if they hate me, they’ll hate you too. They rejected me and they’ll reject you too. But then he goes on to say this. He says by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison. Now I do not claim to understand or fully comprehend everything that Peter means by that there are some who believe that it’s talking about something during the three days in which Jesus had was in the grave and was in the Hadean realm.
And before he returned back, Peter, doesn’t explain it. He just says it happened. Okay. Um, is, is this something else? Is this Jew some interaction Jesus had with the angels that fell? I do not know. I do know he uses this to reference back to Noah’s day. And he goes to say this by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who formerly were disobedient when once the divine long suffering waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight souls were saved through water.
There, there something here that I’m just going to freely admit, I don’t fully comprehend what he’s saying, but I know where he’s leading into. He’s saying here we’re disobedient ones. Here was Noah. Here were the eight and they were saved by their obedience. That brought a bout their clean conscience. Okay? Because remember he just talked about having a good conscience in verse 16,
here you have people in prison. Why would someone be in prison? Generally speaking, they’ve done something wrong that broken the law in some way. Okay? So you have wrongdoers who are hearing preaching a gospel message. Good news, news of hope, news of salvation. They’re hearing this message and they have an opportunity to go from those who are wrongdoers to those who have a clean conscience in all of this.
I believe primarily the focus of what he’s trying to say is here is Christ presenting the gospel and giving the opportunity for someone to obey. Again, don’t fully comprehend everything he’s saying, but he’s giving them that opportunity to obey. In contrast. Here are the eight who did here are Noah and his family. They obeyed the preaching happened. They heard the message G P Noah preached for a hundred years while the article is being prepared and how many responded,
see, that’s the other part of what Peter’s bringing out a hundred years. The message goes out, God’s bringing a flood. God’s going to judge us. You need to repent. Did they repent? No. And they suffered for right. Doing or wrongdoing wrongdoing. Right? And that’s not that’s let me clarify. I don’t think this is the idea of Christ going and preaching retroactively to them.
Okay. I think there’s something in here where, where this analogy is being brought forward, saying they had a message. They had an opportunity. They could avoided suffering for wrongdoing. They could have been like Noah who suffered for right. Doing, but you see the result. Okay? The result is eight. People were saved by water, not the entire planet,
not everybody that was alive at that time, eight people, but who did God help? The eight people, the ones who had the answer of a good conscience, the ones who heard God’s declaration judgments coming and did something about it. Okay. So the timeline and the full, the full arc of what he’s talking about, I don’t fully comprehend, but I know the conclusion he’s drawing here are the eight and you Christians in that day in time can be,
have your assurance just like those eight did, you can have that assurance in your salvation the same way NOLA had the assurance of his salvation today. But notice what he says. He says that who formerly were disobedient when once the divine long suffering waited in the days of Noah, while the Ark was being prepared in which a few, then his eight souls were saved through water.
There is also an antique type, which now saves us baptism, not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience towards God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So he’s saying, look, Noah, and I’m wondering if that this obedient is a description even of Noah and his family at a former time, you know,
they were the ones who found grace in the eyes of Lord, but that’s what it said. He said, they, he also went and preached to the spirits in prison who formerly were disobedient. When the divine slit long suffering waited. He gives you the timeline of when this happened. So this is the, this is the part that kind of jars us into,
wait a minute, what’s the timeline? He says, this happened, wow. The long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah. He’s not saying Jesus went back and did this. That’s why I said, you know, some people try and interpret this and they get this being the three days Jesus’s in the grave before. And I’m just like,
no, the timeline is God did this in the days of Noah And did this, which is brought about their salvation by water. He says, that’s an anti type to our salvation through baptism. That’s a picture of what God’s doing for us when we are immersed in water for salvation, which is the answer of a good conscience towards God. Okay? So then he says,
who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to him. Okay. So he says, our salvation is based in the resurrection of Christ. And the assurance of that salvation is the fact that Christ is number one, not dead because he was resurrected. And number two, he’s not just alive,
he’s alive and has been given all authority. Okay. He’s sitting at the right hand of God. The angels, the authorities and powers have been made subject to him. Okay? So this, this whole focus is someone threatens you. Someone says, I’m going to bring the force of the law against you. I’m going to bring you to judgment. I’m going to bring about your punishment.
And Peter’s recognition through all of this is, do you know, who’s under the authority of Jesus Christ, every authority, every power, every principality are under him. So whose side do you want to be on the underling or the Lord of the mall? That’s the message that leads us into chapter four, chapter four. He says, therefore, because Christ,
because God, because Christ is the authority over all authorities, principalities and powers because of that, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh arm, yourselves, also with the same mind, put on the mind of Christ, he says, arm yourself with the same mind for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. This idea is at least as I understand it,
Peter saying, when you get to the point in your mind where you have the mind of Christ and you look at suffering, the way Christ looked at suffering, you’ll start looking at sin. The way Christ looked at sin, you’ll start abhorring sin because you will see the suffering of Christ. And you will understand it because Christ suffered the cause of sin.
Our sin, my sin, your sin Christ didn’t suffer because he deserved it. He suffered because it was the only way to pay for our sin. So when you take on his suffering, you’ll understand, you’ll understand the cost for sin. So he says the one who has the same mind who suffered as he suffered in the flesh, he’ll cease from sin that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the loss of men,
but for the will of God, for, we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles. When we walked in lewdness lust, drunkenness, revelries drinking parties and abominable idolatries. In regards to these, they think it’s strange that you do not run with the same with them in the same flood of dissipation speaking evil of you.
Yay. Let’s let’s bring this forward. He says there was long enough in our past, when we look at our lives and we look back at what we used to do with it, we were involved in these things. The world was involved in, we joined in these things and he said, now we don’t. He uses this illustration of the Gentiles now where there are no Jews who did evil things like this,
is that why he says it this way? So why the use of Jenn is, is this some racial statement? Is he just bigoted? No. Why is he using the reference Gentiles? Okay. Because they represented something, they personified something. And when you get this statement of Gentiles, get it in the context of Rome. You know, there’s the saying,
when in Rome do, as they do in Rome, that wasn’t a complimentary statement. It’s kind of like saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except it really does it. Okay. That, that was the personification of the Gentiles. They created their gods dreamed them up so they could do more evil. Why do you think the gods that existed in Corinth existed and the gods in emphasis existed so that these people could do a horrific actions in the name of their gods.
And here Peter’s calling upon Christians not to fulfill the lust of the flesh for their God, but to suffer for their God. Oh, that’s a stark contrast. Here are all the idols. And they’re saying, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure. Do what you want, do what you enjoy. And here’s Christ over here saying you suffer because I did. That’s why he uses the Gentiles.
It’s because of their paganism, that called them to fulfill their lust in contrast to him, calling them to suffer for doing good. Okay. So then he says for this reason, um, actually I missed some, uh, in regard to this, they think strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation speaking evil of you.
He said, now they’re going to speak. He will of you because you don’t join in their sin. They’re going to be involved into Baudrey. They’re going to be involved in all of these things that he’s just listed here and drunkenness and revelries and drinking parties. And they are going to lie about you. And they are going to speak evil of you simply because you won’t join in,
in their sin. They’re going to make up stories about you because you don’t do what you used to do. Oh, you think you’re just too good? Well, I’m going to start spreading lies about you. And it happens. It still happens today, but he said, don’t, don’t go back to it. I’m warning you. Now, this is what’s going to happen.
So don’t go back to it. When they do it, he said in the stead, he says, they will give an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. You remember in all of this, that the one who has authority over authorities is the one who will judge. And so one of these days, that person who’s speaking evil of you,
that person who is seeking to lead you astray that person who’s calling you and saying, Hey, we’re going to go party. We’re going to go do this. We’re going to go do that. That person is going to stand before God on the day of judgment and stand before Christ and give an account to him. For this reason, the gospel was preached also to those who are dead,
that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. Okay? As we, as we use these, as Peter uses these references of dead and alive, understand he’s using them in a spiritual sense. This is not the good news preach to those who are dead physically. And therefore can’t choose whether to be righteous or not.
Any more. He’s talking to those who still have the ability to be a made alive spiritually. Okay? It’s why the book of revelation calls the end of, or the judgment of a person, their second death. They died physically at one point, and now they’re dying in judgment for their sins. Okay? So he says, for this reason, the gospel was preached to those who are dead.
Their current present state is dead spiritually, that they may be judged according to men in the flash, in other words, humans, but live to God in the spirit. Now, how does that work? Follow me, persons alive. They’re born. They begin to mature. They stand before God in a safe state. They haven’t yet sin. At some point they do.
They’re cognizant, they’re knowledgeable, they’re accountable. They sin. What happens when they sin spiritually speaking, they die. They’re dead. Men walking at that point. They’re dead. They’re alive in the flesh, but they’re dead. Now. If in the flesh, they die in that state and they’re judged as men in the flesh, how are they judged,
guilty or innocent? Guilty. Now take that person. Who’s dead. Who’s judged according to the flesh and make them alive in the spirit. In other words, they obey the gospel. Remember, this is the context of the gospel is preached to those who are dead. You preach the gospel to these who are lying about you. These who are joined in these sins,
these who are doing these important things, and they become alive in the spirit by the salvation of the gospel. They’re not hopeless. There are there of POS. There is a possibility that I can get it out of them being obedient to the gospel instead of being judged for their wickedness, Joe, right? It is the same thing as Noah’s day brought forward in Noah’s day eight,
we’re safe. Peter saying the opportunity now is for these to be saved, but then he goes on. He says, but the end of all, things is at hand, therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. I am in agreement with many that the end of all, things here is not a reference to the second coming of Christ. It’s either a reference to being in the last days B being in the church age,
or it’s a reference to in being a very Jewish centric book, uh, and letter focused on these Jewish Christians. It may well be a, a reference to the destruction of Jerusalem. That’s just a few years away and it’s 80, 65, right then 80 seventies on, on the horizon. And remember, Jesus spoke about that happening Matthew 24 and many other places.
Jesus said, this destruction is coming and you need to be ready for it. Peter’s reminding them of that. You need to be ready for it. This hasn’t happened yet. And Jesus told us he will, you need to be ready for it. He goes on to say and above all these above, all things have fervent love for one another for love will cover a multitude of sins.
Be hospitable to one another. Without grumbling as each one has received a gift minister it to one another as good stewards of the manifold. Grace of God, this gift here most likely is a reference to the miraculous gifts of the Holy spirit. This idea, uh, in the wording, the verbiage there in the Greek is not the idea of a gift or a talent you’ve had all your life.
It’s not the idea of something you’ve developed. It’s the tense and the meaning. There is, this is something that was given to you at one point in time, as if you inherited your father’s gold watch, okay. That was a, or he gave it to you. Here’s my gold watch. He gives it to you at a point in time.
You didn’t, you didn’t always have it. You didn’t earn it. You didn’t, but someone gave it to you. Well, how did they receive the gifts of the Holy spirit in the first century laying on the hands of the apostles, it was given to them. Okay. So notice what he says. He says each one of you has received a gift,
minister it to one another. The idea here is you don’t use it for selfish purposes. You don’t use it to fulfill your own loss, your own desires, because that’s the context we’re just coming out of. He said, you use it for the benefit of one another. You use it to minister to one another, uh, as good stewards of the manifold,
grace of God, if anyone speaks, let him speak. As the Oracles of God. If anyone ministers let him do it with the ability, which God supplies that in all things, God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. When you’re making your choices, he says to these Christians choose to do good to one another.
Choose to help one another. Choose to bring glory to God by serving ministering to one another, because God is worthy, okay? Because God has dominion forever and ever. He says beloved, do not think it’s strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you. But rejoice, to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings,
that when his glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy as you come through these trials. And as you experience this difficulty and is you have this hardship placed upon you. He said, don’t think it’s strange. Don’t be the wilderness by how difficult this is. I’m telling you now it’s coming. You’ve been told before it’s coming. Don’t act as though you weren’t warned.
It’s coming So many Throughout time have lost their faith because hard times came and they never expected hard times to come. And yet Peter says, don’t think it’s strange. Don’t think it’s out of place. Don’t think that perhaps somewhere that God’s given up on you, no, he says, instead you rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings as if one little bit of what Christ suffered.
You could have a hand in not as you did before you had a hand in it before you sin and caused him to suffer. Now he’s saying you have the opportunity to partake in a different way. Not as the cause, but as a joint sufferer with him, then he says this. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, verse 14,
bless it are you for the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you on their part. He is blasphemed. But on your part, he is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busy body and other people’s matters. Yet. If anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed.
The implication is you suffer as a murderer or a thief, or as a liar or as an evildoer or as a busy body. By the way that that term busy body learned something interesting week. That term busy body is the same root term as elder or overseer. But notice he is, this is an overseer. Now an elder is an overseer of a flock,
other people, but he’s been given that authority by God. This is an overseer in other men’s matters, who hasn’t been given any authority over those people. That’s what he says. They are. He says, they’ve taken that authority on themselves to oversee someone else. I’m going to look at you and I’m going to nitpick everything you do wrong. He says,
no. And then he says this. He said, if you suffer as a Christian, you have no shame. You suffer as any one of those things, you get every bit of the shame you deserve. So then he says, if any, yet, if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glory. God glorify God in this manner for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God here.
Again, got that context of judgment coming against Israel, which is kind of pinnacle flies in the destruction of Jerusalem to begin at the house of God. And if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Now, if the righteous one is scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?
We’re going to come back to this on Sunday. Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in doing good as to a faithful creator. Okay? So as he pulls all this back, he said, you do this. You commit yourself in trust yourself in trust your soul, not to your own recognizance, not to your own abilities,
not to your own anticipation of the future, but to God, why he’s the creator? He’s the one who created it all. He’s the one who gave you life, put your hands or put your soul back in his hands, and then you can have hope and assurance. Okay, let’s go through the questions. A person should live a two please human desires,
or be to please God, to please, God, hopefully everybody got that one, right? Peter said, blank covers a multitude of sins. Love, love verse eight covers a multitude of sins with what attitude should Christian show hospitality to each other. Okay. W without grumbling, there’s, there’s two ways that you could answer this. And so I think there’s probably one we’re going to toss out because it’s vague.
And I rewrote a better question in my opinion, for the one after it. And that is the attitude you’re supposed to have is the fervent love talked about in the prayer prior verse, but they don’t reference that verse. So you go, well, what, what are you supposed to have? Well, you’re not supposed to have that, but that’s not an answer to the question.
So I don’t like the question. So I rewrote another one. Christians should, Christians should read this should blank. Sorry. Should blank in their sufferings. Did I skip number three? I did. All right. Sorry. This is the one I rewrote. I wrote it above it and forgot to delete the other one. What should Christians do without grumbling be hospitable?
Okay. So I think four ought to be about love in verse eight and nine. And I think verse number three ought to be hospitality and grumbling. But anyway, uh, number five, Christians should blank in their suffering. Rejoice. Number six, a person should not be ashamed to suffer as a, a murderer, be a thief, see an evildoer or D a Christian Christian,
number seven. How should a person suffer as a Christian, commit their souls to God. Okay. Commit their soul to God. Alright. We will be dismissed. And we’ll start our devotional in a moment. Yes. Good evening, everybody. It’s good to see everybody out tonight. I hope you didn’t suffer too much in the heat today, but it has been hot.
Uh, we’re glad everybody’s here. We’re helped there a lot listening only online thing, whatever they call it. I don’t know. But anyway, we need to remember our sick Rodale and Dorothy Wilson and Jones, Pranger, uh, Pam safe and still having problems with her back. I don’t know what they’re doing about that, but Sylvia is going to have a MRI next week.
And I tested negative on my COVID test. What are you glad to hear that? But I still have my cough and I will, till the day I die, hallways have had it. And I guess I’ll keep it. Kim Fran, Rhonda max has got the covert virus. We need to keep these people in our prayer. The nationwide gospel meeting call in is,
um, got the flyers on the table in the foyer. You want to participate in that and pick one of those up. Uh, a reminder early voting starts Friday and goes through August the seventh. So the fellowship hall will be off limits. Oh, Joel is going to lead singing. Aaron has a devotional in mercy praying, or we’ll have the closing prayer.
Thank you. I’m going to rephrase that for Terry. I’m gonna try to leave saying boy, if you wouldn’t Martin, number nine 11, that would be Encouragement. Number nine one one, and then be turning to number 550 to have that on white load.<inaudible><inaudible> I am the<inaudible> mommy and magic man. After that while I am waiting. Yeah,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> search me and try be master today.
Wider. That’s a long wash me just<inaudible> uh, somebody I, uh, ah,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> take your Bibles and open them to second. Peter. Second, Peter chapter three, Peter closes out this letter. He writes to these Christians about the end about what’s coming. He says, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promise.
Verse nine, as some men count slackness, but is long suffering toward us. Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Just before this, the dialogue has gone back and forth. Peter arguing both sides, but he says there are some who are saying that since the world began, everything’s just continued on the way it’s always been.
So why should we live as if Christ is coming back any day? And he goes on to say, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promise. As some men count. Slackness when you look at humanity, you look at a man, they promise you they’re going to do something. And they might even those of us who strive to make sure we only speak the truth and that we always fulfill our promises sometimes fail,
but not the Lord. So it doesn’t matter how long it takes until the promises fulfilled with the Lord. The promise is always fulfilled. But then he says this. He said, if there’s long suffering, if there’s a delay, it’s not for the fact, God, can’t fulfill this promise. It’s for us to have the opportunity to repent. Then he says this,
not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come. Don’t don’t skip over that to get to the rest. We, we go, it’s going to come in this way. It’s going to come in this way. It’s going to be that don’t skip up. The day of the Lord will come.
Don’t think God’s going to be Slack in his promise. The day of the Lord will come. Is it going to be, today is going to be tomorrow. We don’t know there’s the description, but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise. And the elements will melt with fervent heat,
both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up the day. The Lord comes back. Well, there’ll be, will there be skyscrapers? Will there be star ships floating around Mars? Could be, will it keep the Lord from coming back? Nope. Will it change anything about any of his promises? No. And when he comes back and every thing that we think in humanity’s eyes,
we’ve done so magnificently, God’s going to bring it all to nothing. And then he says, therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, everything you live for in this life, everything you hope to attain every prominence, every, uh, every promotion, every piece of property and everything of value in this life is all going to dissolve since that’s true.
What manner of persons ought you to be in Holy conduct and godliness? Since it’s true as if here’s a math equation, one of those wonderful math equations where you know this plus something equals that he’s given you the conclusion, here’s the end. And since you know, that’s true, that middle factor is your holiness and your godliness because you know, the end result.
So if you’re here this evening and your life isn’t being lived as if the Lord’s coming back, what manner of life ought you to be living? How do you need to change? And if there’s any way we can help you, please let it be known together as we stand in, as we say, Christ or broken lie. So I’m art by<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh,
you’re Nick<inaudible> last safe. Your Rabo saw, Oh, my buddy Fred and his press, uh, shall be a Mars<inaudible> with, uh, him life would be, ah, dark. Ah<inaudible> but with morning breaks and have a<inaudible><inaudible>.
Good morning. We are in first Peter chapter three. It’s good to see everybody this morning for anybody asks. Yes, she is coming back now for those who haven’t asked me and might be looking for an update update and those on the stream as well. Um, Eddie sisters hip is not progressing from the surgery as quickly as they hoped. So she still is not what’s called load bearing on it,
which means she still can’t drive. So, um, Eddie’s hanging around for another week to help out with her grandmother because somebody probably Eddie’s dad is going to have to go back with her oldest sister back to her apartment where she can start getting ready for school, but somebody to drive her around because obviously with coronavirus, she can’t is not going to have a bunch of other people drive her around.
So of all things playing together into, well, it’s just gonna go be another week, But, uh, um, keep, keep Eddie and the boys in your prayers. They’re doing well. Uh, talk with them often video chat with them. It’s nice to have the technology to do that nowadays. So first Peter chapter three, we’ll begin with a word of prayer.
Our gracious father in heaven, we bow before your throne grateful for its blessings, grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis, grateful for the time and the opportunity that we have to assemble together, mindful and grateful of that opportunity. In times like these, we pray for those who are not able because of health, reasons or health concerns,
to be able to assemble with us. We pray that your blessings and your hand be upon them, pray that you watch over us. As we go through this time of study and time of worship, may the sacrifice of praise that we offer to you, be acceptable in your sight, may all that we do and say, be that which is in accordance with your will.
We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, help us to strive to realize when we do wrong and to repent of those things, help us to strive daily, to grow the borders of your kingdom, through opportunities that are placed in front of us in front of us. Every day we ask that you watch over us and protect us all this.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Okay. First Peter chapter three, in the end of chapter two, Peter is writing about the example of Christ. He quotes In verse 22 from Isaiah chapter 53. Of course, that passage there in Isaiah speaking concerning the lamb, that was slain speaking concerning the suffering servant speaking concerning the one who God gave our punishment to him when he didn’t deserve it.
And Peter uses this passage and uses this context to remind these Christians, you will suffer. Remember Paul wrote to Timothy and he told Timothy that all who live godly in Christ, Jesus will what will suffer persecution, The will Not tolerate. And I’m speaking in a global sense, not always in individual sentences, but the world by and large does not tolerate righteousness.
Why is that guilt on their part for not doing what’s right? Why was Jesus rejected? John says in John chapter one that the light came in the world and the world did not receive him. He came unto his own and his own did not receive him. Why? Because the light showed what their darkness, the, their deeds were evil. Their deeds were being done in darkness.
And when you introduce light, so this happens every once in a while you, uh, move a piece of furniture, you haven’t moved in a while. What do you find underneath and behind the piece of furniture you haven’t moved in a while? No telling that’s right. Does for sure. Now most likely that area back there behind, you know, a cabinet or,
or a dresser or a piano or a whatever, something, maybe even something on wheels, but it doesn’t get moved all the time. That area is likely to be cleaned. If you know it’s dirty, but because it’s behind something, it’s not the place that gets, it’s not the middle of the floor. It’s not the kitchen floor. It’s not the,
you know, the counter next to the sink. It’s not the place you clean all the time. Why? Because light’s not on it because it’s not right there. It’s not prominent. And that’s what the description is of these people’s deeds. They did them in the darkness. So they weren’t observable question scribes, Pharisees, and chief priests. When they decided to kill Jesus,
when they decided to pay Judas 30 pieces of silver to betray his master, think they did that in the public temple out where everybody could hear. Now, the things that are done today in making decisions that are in the interest of a few and not in the interest of many and yet are often claimed to be for the benefit of all. You think they’re done in the public square done at night around here?
Yeah. Why is that? Oh, I don’t think these people are sitting in a room with no lights on trying to make their deeds be done literally in the dark. They’re trying to hide what they’re doing. So that being said, Peter says your master, the one who remember he’s writing to these people, and he’s already said the one who you love,
who you never saw, the one who you obey, but you never even came in contact with. He suffered and notice what he says. He says, who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth who, when he was reviled, did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten, but committed him self to him who judges righteously,
couple of things. Number one, we sing a song 10,000 angels. The whole premise of that song is right here. He could have called. It comes from the statement concerning that Jesus made the pilot. If I chose to, I could have 10 legions of angels, but my kingdom is not of this world. Jesus suffered a fate. He didn’t deserve you.
And I, we go through life and sometimes we suffer at the hands of individuals who we didn’t do anything to, but they have chosen to take their anger, their rage, their whatever, out on us. But are we in our lives entirely faultless? No, we live in a world of sin and we have become part of that world of sin.
Because at some point in time, we have sin and fallen short of the glory of God. So to say that we have suffered, maybe not in that one time instance because of our own sin, but to say we have suffered because we live in a world where we included in that world do sin is to recognize that we don’t always get what we deserve.
Sometimes we get mercy when we should have gotten judgment. And sometimes we get, uh, people’s anger and animosity when we ought to get kindness. But the reality is we’ve done the same thing to somebody else for this world that wants to go head long into someone, did something wrong to me or my parent or my brother or my whatever in the past.
Therefore you owe me something. The problem with that is, has that person who believes they’re owed something, ever done something wrong to somebody else. And the answer is always, yes, the only person who was always owed and who never owed is the one who went to the cross for us. So Peter says in all of this, when you look at that person and you look at how he suffered and did not take the action,
he had the authority and the power and the ability to take in return. Then Peter says, now, you know how to suffer. Notice what he says. He says who, when he reviled, he did not revile in return. When me, when he was reviled, he did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten,
but committed himself to him who judges, righteously, who himself bore our sins in his own body. On the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness. By those stripes you were healed for. You were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls. The context of chapter three begins back in verse 13 of chapter two,
Peter says submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. And then in chapter two, verse 18, he says, servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear for verse 21 for, to this, you were called because Christ also suffered you. When, when Peter tells a servant, by the way, that’s a slave in the context,
that’s what the Greek word is. Bond servant. When he tells a slave, you obey your master because Christ submitted himself to someone who was not worthy to be called his master cry, submitted himself to the judgment and to the punishment of, and pilot was nobody in comparison to Christ yet Christ didn’t stand up and say, you can’t touch me. You’re not worthy.
You’re a sinner. And I’m righteous. No Christ suffered being an example for us to tell Christians, to tell his servants you live, where I put you. That’s not to say that S a slave who’s given the opportunity to become free. Can’t take that opportunity. It is to say that one who knows what their status is in life ought to be a Christian first and everything else.
Second. So he’s going to talk about servants first, because he’s just finished talking about honoring the King and our relegation to being under the law that we live under, the ordinances we live under. So he says, first of all, Christians submit to the ordinances, submit to the law. Secondly, honor, the King, thirdly, servants honor your masters.
Now chapter three, verse one wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands that even if they do not obey the word, they without a word may be one by the conduct of their wives. If we come to this passage and when we ignore the rest of it, we’re, we’re going to miss something here because Peter is talking to wives and he’s talking to them in a historical context and a cultural context where wives were considered property.
They were above slaves, but not very far. Now, imagine you’re a Christian wife with an<inaudible> Christian, a pagan husband, and he considers you nothing more than property. He considers you nothing of inherent value. Maybe you’re one wife of many, and Peter still says, submit yourself to your husband. Even if some do not obey the word. Here’s the question.
If I’m a Christian and I’m married a non-Christian, do I still have to obey that husband that I have that spouse that I have because he’s not a Christian. And by the way, this is the same question that Peter, or excuse me, Paul answers in first Corinthians chapter seven, where he, yes, but he says, Peter says, in this context,
do it again. We’re we’re always reminding ourselves as we talk about submission. As we talk about obedience, as we talk about being under the law of the land, we’re always reminding ourselves, never, is there an excuse to countermand or go against or transgressed the laws of God to obey any man, doesn’t matter if it’s a King. And if it does,
it doesn’t matter. If it’s a government, it doesn’t matter if it’s a master in it doesn’t matter. If it’s a husband. If they tell you to do something, God tells you not to who wins God every time. So the context is not obey your husband over God. The context is always obey God first. And because you obey God, obey your husband.
He goes on to say that even if they do not obey the word, they, without a word may be one by the conduct of their wives. He said there is an opportunity placed in the hands of a spouse, specifically in this context of wife, who’s now a Christian who now doesn’t look at her husband the same way she did before. Peter’s going to talk about those in the world who become angry at Christians because they don’t go to the same level of excess.
They don’t go to the same level of debauchery. They don’t entertain and participate in sin the way the world does. And it makes the world angry at them. Now imagine a pagan husband who his wife used to involve herself in his paganism. And now she won’t. Now she won’t do the things she used to do. And he looks at that as though she’s judging him.
She’s not happy with him. He’s not doing what she’s doing. She, this is creating a barrier. But what if that spouse in every other area goes from being, I’m my own person. And I’m going to participate in these things with you too. I’m going to submit to you as I submit to God. Now, suddenly this husband who no longer has a partner in all of these things that he’s doing that are wrong,
has for the first time ever a real wife. I think sometimes those of us who roll up in the church or maybe have, have been in families that have are stable families. And, and even if they’re not Christians, those who have families that have been striving to put godly principles in action in their lives, those of us who have done that their entire lives.
And that’s been our, our little bubble that we’ve grown up in, sometimes fail to realize what a lot of the rest of the world goes through at home. And when you come in contact with that, or when you’ve lived through that, it changes you. But when you suddenly have one person in that household acting like a Christian, acting like someone who no longer looks out for themselves first,
but someone who looks out for the best interest of someone else, because they serve a God who paid a debt for them, they could never pay the whole relationship changes. And so Peter says, wives, you have an opportunity. When you have an unbelieving husband, you have an opportunity without telling him anything about the doc, the, the doctrine, without telling him anything about the gospel,
without telling him anything about Jesus, you have an opportunity to win his soul through your conduct at home. He goes on to say, when they observe your chaste conduct, accompanied by fear, do not let your adornment be merely outward, arranging the hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel. Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is very presh precious in the sight of God. The formula that Peter puts here for a wife to when her husband is her inward person displayed in her outward person. So he says for in this manner in former times, the Holy women who trusted in God, also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands. As Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord whose daughters you are,
if you do good and are not afraid with any terror, what did they, what do they have to be afraid of this? Isn’t a statement you and I would probably make about husbands and wives and spouses at home. Why is the statement about fear terror here in Jewish society? And we’re not talking about Jewish society here, but in Jewish society, the chief priests and Pharisees Sadducees,
one of them, I think it was the Pharisees came to Jesus, Matthew chapter 19 verse one and said, is it law for a lawful, for a man to put away his wife for any cause now this is the group of people who grew up and lived under the law of Moses who are coming to Jesus and saying, can I get rid of my wife for any reason I want to now you and I,
we we’ve become pretty well accustomed in our society to people getting rid of their spouses for any reason we want to. But we also live in a society where if a woman is not married, she’s not looked down upon and she can go provide for herself and she can own property and she can own land and she can have a job. And she she’s got a lot of opportunities that they didn’t have a woman who was put away because the husband no longer had any interest in her was a woman who was destitute,
unless she found another husband. Why do you think Paul wrote to Timothy and said, here are the qualifications for a woman to come under the support or be supported by the church financially. Because if she was of an age and older age and had, had lived her life, she wasn’t likely finding another husband. And so she became very much like nail me in the book of Ruth who needed someone to provide for her because there was no opportunity for her to provide for herself.
Now, take yourself out of a context where God’s written laws and given them through Moses and put yourself in Rome. And if the Jews had a mentality of, I can get rid of my wife and put her out on the street for any cause what do you think the Roman empire would have let them do to their wives? Sell them? Yeah. You know what I’m done with this wife need a slave,
but Peter says, spouse, wife, you don’t do this out of fear and terror. You do this out of submission to God. So he says, you can be the daughters of Sarah. When you’re willing to look at this opportunity as an opportunity to bring and bring your husband, or in that idea, save your husband. You don’t do it out of fear and terror do it out of hope.
But then he says, husbands, likewise dwell with them with understanding giving honor to the life as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. We could spend the entire class period on this, just like we could have spent the entire class period on the first seven verses we won’t. But notice the very first thing that Peter places here,
by the way, something that’s interesting and worth pointing out. Number one is we know Peter was married. We know also he is an elder. Peter is not writing as sometimes. I think people interpret Paul’s writings go. Paul was single. Paul wrote all this stuff about marriage who listens to single men about marriage, who does, but Peter’s not. And one of the things Paul reveals to us about Peter is that Peter’s wife after the church was established and he began to go out into other places beyond Jerusalem.
Peter’s wife traveled with him and it’s this man who says dwell with her in understanding there’s a culture, a cultural mindset among some husbands that says you do what I say, because I say it and that’s not biblical. Now, ultimately there is a role in the household where that person is ultimately accountable and that person does ultimately have to make a decision if there’s not consensus.
And ultimately that person ought to be that husband submitting to the Lord and saying, God gets to make the decision and I get to enact it. But the very first thing that Peter tells these Christian husbands to do is get to a point of understanding with their spouses so that they are partners in submitting to Christ and not opponents. He goes on to say that they are to give honor.
First thing he says is put them on the same level with you and be understanding, communicate with one another. And the second thing is now you lift them up. Our society has done so much damage to the female gender, but it’s because the world and humanism has taught our society has taught people in our culture that having the same thing, someone else has means that you get everything they get.
And it’s not true. There are so many passages of scripture where men are commanded to lift up and praise their wives. I challenge you go through the Bible and find how many passages of scripture tell wives to do that. To husbands, they’re told to submit to them. They’re told to honor them in that form, but there’s not the same description. God puts a special place on women and a special value on women.
And Jesus did too. And who was it? That was constantly with Jesus, supporting him and helping him beyond the 12 apostles women. They were predominantly the strongest allies Jesus had in this life. And who came to his grave on Sunday morning women, the Bible in no passage, anywhere, denigrates women, it always places a great deal of value on them all the way through scripture.
And when we, as a society, allow ourselves to be deceived into saying, we need to treat each other exactly the same. That’s not a value proposition for women. That’s degrading them, but he goes on to say, finally, all of you, he’s taught to those who are under a law, which is all of them in some form or fashion,
they’re all live under some sort of ordinance of men. He’s taught to servants. He’s taught to husband two wives. He’s talked to husbands now says everybody, all of you be of one mind having compassion for one another love as brothers, be tender hearted, be courteous, not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this,
that you may inherit a blessing for now, he’s going to go back into the old Testament. He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking to seat, let him turn away from evil and do good. Let him seek peace and pursue it for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Peter says, you want to, you, you want to have this peace. You want to pursue righteousness and peace and, and unity. Then you be of one mind. Now again, does that mean, all right? Let’s everybody get together and let’s talk about what we want our society and our world to be like,
and let’s make a decision on how we’re going to act. No, it doesn’t. We’re going to be of one mind under whose law gods. We’re going to be of one mind because we’ve all decided to take ourselves and put ourselves over here and submit to God. And that’s how we become of one mind. That’s how we become unified in action and,
and goal and purpose and motivation. That is how we look at slights against ourselves or people doing wrong to us or reviling us. And don’t throw it back in their face. But instead bless them. That’s a challenge. I’ll be honest. Uh, somebody gets up in my face and they’re angry and they’re mad and they’re frustrated. And they’re saying things,
they shouldn’t be saying it is a real challenge because I’ll, I’ll, I’ll give you my first reaction. It tends to be sarcasm. Doesn’t generally turn out all that. Well, I tried it with my brothers growing up, just saying by and large, that was when I got hit. My mother would say, Aaron, you do realize it is your mouth.
That gets you in trouble. Most of the time. Yes, mom, I do. I don’t tend to be the anger in exchange for anger. I generally turn it into sarcasm and, and, uh, that doesn’t go all that well either. Yes it is. Yes, it is. It is very difficult. When someone sees the world one way and someone sees the world another way,
and one party is blaming another party for something that didn’t even happen when either one of them were alive. And then the challenge to us as Christians is bless them. And that’s not the Southern version of, well, bless your soul. That that’s not that, that sarcasm. Okay. That is sarcasm wrapped in, in sweet Southern draw. That is not the blessing we’re talking about.
Okay. So he goes on to say, and who is he? Who will harm you? If you become followers of what is good. Okay. As, as, as, as he encapsulates this in pursue peace, do good. Be at harmony with one another, do right to one another be of one mind. And when someone does something wrong to you,
bless them in return, he then asked the question and who then is going to do harm to you if you become followers of what’s good. But even if you should suffer for righteous and Sancuso. So what, what Peter did is he left the rest of the explanation off. He said, who’s going to do harm to you. If you follow righteousness,
the answer is from somebody over here in the crowd. Somebody is this narrow he’ll kill us. But to this guy down the street, who’s not a Christian. Who’s just an ordinary Joe who respects people who respect others and despises those who mistreat others. Is he going to do wrong and harm to those who are living righteously? Who, when they’re reviled blessing,
return none. No, no, no. That person is going to look at these people and go, you don’t deserve that. What was the description in acts chapter two, the end of acts chapter two, the church has been established. Day of Pentecost is over the church, begins assembling together. They follow the Apostle’s doctrine. They continue in the Apostle’s doctrine and prayers and,
and breaking a bread. They do all of this and what’s the description of their relationship to the people around them. They had all things in common among the Christians, but what was their P their relationship to the Jewish society go back to acts chapter two. So continuing daily, verse 46, and with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house,
they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people that didn’t stay that way forever. Because the mood of crowds change. When you get over to acts chapter 12 and pilot or not pilot, uh, Herod sees that the Jews like it when he takes the head off of James, he goes and arrest Peter.
It’s not going to stay that way forever. But at that point in time, the Christians were in one accord. The Christians were in unity with one another. The Christians were doing what was right. And the people saw them doing good. And the people weren’t angry with them, reviling them doing harm to them. They had favor with them. So he says here,
verse 14. But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed and do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled, but sanctify the Lord, God in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to anyone. Or does he mean to everyone who asks you a reason to the hope that is in you with meekness and fear,
having a good conscience that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed for it is better. If it is the will of God to suffer for doing good, then for doing evil for Christ also suffered once for sins. The, just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh,
but made alive by the spirit, by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who formerly were disobedient when once the divine long suffering waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight souls were saved through water. There is also an anti type, which now saves us baptism, not the removal of the filth of the flesh,
but the answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers, having been made subject to him. We’ll bring, we’ll come to this on Wednesday and bring some of this forward because you need to see verse 15 together with verse 13 together with verse 21,
going into chapter four, verse one. Okay. So we’ll get into that on Wednesday. Let’s go through the questions. How might women, when they’re disobedient husbands to the faith, their chase conversation, or manner of life, how our husbands to treat their wives understanding honor. Um, and, and, and another answer, and we even get into this,
but as fellow heirs, fellow heirs of God, what is a person supposed to do instead of returning evil for evil or insult for insult bless yes or no. Is a person blessed if he must suffer for the sake of righteousness? Yes. What should a Christian be ready to do? If someone should ask him concerning his faith, be ready to give a correct answer.
We’re going to go into that more, like I said on Wednesday, because there’s more to that passage than most of us give credit to it. It’s, it’s a, it’s a great passage to tell us, to be ready to explain why we believe what we believe, but it’s more than a passage on apologetics. I think I just gotta say it’s a whole lot more than a passage on apologetics.
How many times did Jesus Christ died for sins once and where is Jesus now? The right hand of God? Why does baptism save individuals? Okay. Because, well, let me do it from the passage because it is an answer of a good conscience and is connected to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Okay. Because it connects an obedient person to the resurrection.
That’s, that’s the passage right there. Uh, and the answer there. Okay. Thank you for your attention. We went a little long, but I appreciate your patience, your dismiss<inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Welcome to The Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service. It’s great to see each and every one of you and to our visitors. We are so glad that you chose to come worship God with us here this morning.
It’s Collierville the church of Christ visitors. If you don’t mind, if you would please take an opportunity to fill out a visitor’s card and drop it into collection a basket at the back so that we have record of your attendance. Also, uh, for those that are visiting with us for the Lord’s supper, we have the, uh, bread and the fruit of the vine and cups at the back of the church.
If you did not get that, when you first come in, please take an opportunity before the Lord’s supper to go back there and get that for yourselves announcements. Please remember our sick Rodel and Dorothy Wilson, Joan sprayer. They’re all still working with their chronic problems. So please keep all them. And your thoughts and prayers. Janie Marlin is dealing with a sinus infection.
Terry, Sanderson’s not sick, but he’s still waiting for his COVID-19 test results. He has not got those back yet. Pam chafing is having back problems and she will have an MRI on her back. This Wednesday, Sylvia pass is also having back problems. Mary Joe Todaro that’s Jenny sister-in-law is at home now and will begin treatments for colon cancer soon. And then a former member here.
Tom Allen has been diagnosed with stage four pack pantry, pancreatic cancer. Sorry, that’s a tough one to get out this morning. Please keep all these in your thoughts and prayers each and every day. Our other announcements, the nationwide gospel meeting, the call in is still going on for the entire month of July. The flyers are out there on the table and the four for this week and next week with the speakers for each night for that.
And then for the men today, immediately following service, we’ll have our July men’s business meetings. So please, uh, go into the fellowship hall as soon as we’re done with worship service this morning. So we can get that meeting going our service this morning. Our song leader will be Jacob Wallace. I have the opening prayer. Lord supper will be Jay Schaefer.
Sermon will be Aaron coats, art and closing prayer will be Joe casing. Thank you. Good evening or morning rather. How about that? Uh, Over 47. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. God almighty. Uh, and, uh,<inaudible> a song. Shout to the Holy Holy Holy<inaudible><inaudible> three.<inaudible> he?
All the Holy Holy<inaudible> the casting down their crowns up around the crystal sea chair, a<inaudible> holding down B for the<inaudible> and a<inaudible> shall be whole the Holy Holy<inaudible> all day workshop, pray sign, name, and a time sky and see, Holy Holy, Holy<inaudible> it.<inaudible> it. Let us pray. God, our father in heaven,
we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this morning and sing songs of praise, your great name, but most importantly, study another portion of your word. God, there are many amongst us that are dealing with various illnesses. We listed some of them, but we know there are many others. And we asked that if it be your will,
you provide them to return to a measure of their health, that they so desire so that they may come and assemble with us to worship your great name. God, we also ask that you look upon the leaders of this nation and the leaders of each nation in this world. And we pray that they will look to you for guidance on what to do in this day and age,
because there’s much turmoil going on in our country and in this world. And we pray that if it be your, will you help them to make the right decisions so that each and every one of us may come to a point where we truly understand that you are the one that is in charge and that we respect and honor you each and every day to make a better world to live In.
And as we prepare to, uh, study a portion of your word, we ask that you help each and every one of us open our hearts and our minds so that we may take the message that Aaron is going to bring to us this morning and apply it to our lives. So we may be become better servants of yours here on earth. We pray this all in your son.
jesus’ name. Amen. I saw him the foot Lord separate will be number 337. Number three, three seven, Man. Um, saw<inaudible> name for the son of God who came Ru<inaudible> claim. Holla what a savior, uh, bearing shame and scoffing and my place<inaudible> sealed my pod with his blood.<inaudible> when he comes out, Claudia skiing,
all his ride, some home to bring then a new, this song. We’ll sing holla<inaudible>. We now come to a very special time in our service, where we remember our savior, Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So as we go to God in prayer, help us each to displace all of our world, our thoughts,
our minds, and focus upon that cross and the sacrifice that he made. Heavenly father we’re indeed grateful for this privilege. We, as Christians have to assemble about this table to remember your son’s sacrifice for ours sins, help us to do so in a way that will be fitting in proper in your side. As we partake of this, which represents his body,
may we do so as we should in Jesus name, we pray amen and alike, man or father were mindful of the great sacrifice that your son made. And as we partake of this spirit of the vine, which represents the blood, and that was shed for the remission of our sins, help us to do so in a proper way, since his name that we pray,
amen, which concludes the Lord’s supper. We now find this a convenient time to lay by in store, as we’ve been blessed father, we’re so grateful for the many material blessings that we have to enjoy. You have blessed us far more than our needs truly are we thank you father for those blessings and help us always to remember that we’re merely stewards. So these things that all these gifts come from,
you help us to cheerfully return a portion of that, which is yours in Jesus name. We pray. Amen. Next song of worship would be number five Oh eight or 508. A wonderful Oh, wonderful savior is Jesus. My Lord, a wonderful savior to me. He hide it’s my soul in a cleft of dog, wherever this up slasher. I see he hide as my soul and Nicholas after the rock that shadows a dry thirsty land,
he hide is my life in the, and covers me that with his high sun and covers me there with his ah, Oh, wonderful savior on is Jesus. My Lord. He takes my burden away. He holds me up and I shall not be. He gave with me strength as my day. He hide. If I saw then the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty,
and he hide if my life in the tops of his love and covers me with his hand and covers me there with his hands when close to his brightness, transports it. I rise to me. Two men clouds up the sky, his perfect salvation, his wonderful shouts with the millions on, ah, hi. Hey, hi, that’s by Saul in the club of the rock that shadows are dry,
thirsty. He hide if my life in the cups of Islam and carvers me that with his high and covers me. There is, uh, the song for our lesson today will be number four 90 number four, nine zero. It is well with my son When<inaudible>, uh, 10. And, uh, my way when I was like sea billows,
roll wa uh, my Lord thou has taught me to say,<inaudible><inaudible>, Uh, With my soul. So<inaudible> say<inaudible> that<inaudible> stage and<inaudible> is, uh, with my soul. So is<inaudible> my<inaudible>, uh, the<inaudible> my son<inaudible>, but, uh,<inaudible> cross and<inaudible> praise<inaudible> is, uh, with my soul.
So<inaudible> and Lord haste the day when, uh,<inaudible> uh, the speed roll back, uh, uh, scroll. So the<inaudible> shall resound and the Lord<inaudible><inaudible>, uh, with my soul. So<inaudible> Good morning. Take your Bibles if you will. And open them to Zechariah Zechariah chapter three is where we will take our lesson from this morning.
Want to say thank you to Jacob and Becky for being with us this morning, and especially for Jacob leading singing on very short notice, we appreciate that greatly good to have the stacks back with us and, uh, glad that, uh, uh, we’ve been able to, to see them once again and appreciate their presence. Appreciate all those who are joining us online and aren’t able to get out,
are those joining us through the phone call as well as we’ve been going through this study of Zechariah, we’ve mentioned multiple times, this is a bridge book and like any bridge that was designed properly, it gets you from one place to another. It connects to locations and Zechariah is that book in the old Testament. Of course, if you recognize, as you’re turning a few pages,
you’re going to realize you’re, you’re almost at the end of the old Testament and it’s not placed there by accident. It’s not just, just happenstance that is there because these events are transpiring shortly before that 400 years of silence that comes in between the old Testament and the new, but Zechariah is prophesying at a time. And to a people that are struggling,
they are struggling with their own insignificance. He said, well, wait a minute, air XY recall when I go back and look at the old Testament and I go back and read the numbers from Nehemiah and from Ezra, there were, there were 40,000 plus people who went back to Jerusalem, try try putting 40,000 people in this room. It’s not going to work.
That’s not insignificant. It is in view of the world was watching some news coverage just this week, concerning the plans for the NFL opening up there, they’re seasoned and what different stadiums are doing. And, and the state, I think it’s the station where the Jacksonville Jaguars play is limiting their capacity to 15,000 people now for you and I going through day to day lives.
If we went to any place, I had 15,000 people at the same place. The same time we’d be going, where’s the door. But for people who go to NFL football games, they know that is a, an almost nonexistent crowd for stadiums seat, a hundred thousand people. That means you are 15% full. And when you’re in the bottom of that stadium stadium looking up and you only have 15,000 people there,
it looks empty. Now compare 42,000 to the world. God told Israel through Isaiah and Jeremiah through a Z keel, that I’m bringing my people back to Jerusalem and I’m going to bring my remnant back and I’m going to put them there. And I’m going to put my name there. Now, the last time God said, I’m going to put my name in this place.
And I’m going to build my house in this place was when Solomon was raining at the height, the very pinnacle of Israelite history. And God said, I’m going to put my name in this place, in this location, in this house. And I am going to dwell with my people and I will bless them. And they will dwell with me. And that occurred when they were at the height of their power militarily,
when they were at the height of their expansion by way of land, when they were at the height of their riches. And now they are 42,000 people with only about 15,000 of them dwelling in Jerusalem and the rest around the area. A city that was once a population of hundreds of thousands of people is now 15. And it has no walls. It has no fortification.
It has no army. God said, I am going to be in your midst. And I’m going to be a fire around you as if that were your wall. Then chapter three opens. And another vision occurs. As I’ve mentioned before, Zechariah is a vision book. It is a picture book. You are supposed to read the words and not just read them.
You are supposed to imagine this happening in your mind. Just the same way. The book of revelation is we’ll get into revelation. A few of the connections in our lesson this morning, but chapter three opens up. Then he showed me Joshua, the high who’s the he here. Okay? It is the angel of the Lord. Zechariah is having this vision and he’s being escorted through these visions by the angel of the Lord,
the angel, the Lord comes and says, here’s the next vision? And he shows him Joshua. Now Joshua here is Jeshua with an E in the book of Ezra. Okay? It’s not Joshua of the book of Joshua. It’s Joshua, the high priest, the son of Jehovah deck, the one who is a descendant of Zeta doc, who was placed as the high priest and the high priest lineage by Solomon.
You remember that in Solomon’s day, as Solomon was coming to power Jehoiada, who was the high priest and, uh, others backed, uh, the other son of David to come to the throne. And as a result of that, Solomon removed him as the high priest and put Zadar in his place. Okay. ZETAC is still from the lineage of Aaron.
He’s still rightfully able to be high priest, but this high priest come through D Z docks lineage. So Zechariah says, then he showed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel Lord. And Satan’s standing at his right hand to oppose him. Now, the word Satan here is not doesn’t carry with it. The same connotation that using the word Satan in the new Testament,
okay. In the new Testament, you’ve got a lot clearer picture of this individual who opposed God and who is the enemy of God and Christ, but that’s not really the connotation here. Now, was this a picture of Satan? Was this a visualization? Like the book of job opens up with, maybe it is, but it’s not really demanded here by the word.
The word is adversary. And literally what you have here is Zechariah in the original language going, I saw the adversary and he was being adversarial or accusing him. So you really have a wording, a language that goes, I saw the one who was the adversary or the one who was Satan. And he was Satanist him in a verb sense. Okay.
It doesn’t really translate well, but what you have is you have an accuser. Why is there an accuser of the high priest? Joshua has come back, was the rebel.<inaudible> the governor. Joshua is the high priest. There’s no King. And these two men, one of them leading the, and one of them leading the religion are struggling. They’re struggling with a people that is downcast.
They’re struggling with a people that has become disheartened. They’re struggling with a people that sees their own insignificance. And they’re struggling with the people. Who’s wondering, is it really worth being here? So now in chapter three, we see Joshua and he has one standing by him who is accusing him. And the Lord said to Satan, the accuser, the Lord rebuke you,
Satan, the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you. Is this not a brand plucked from the fire? The accuser comes with Joshua. Imagine in your mind a court scene, you’ve got the one who comes. Who’s the defendant. And you’ve got the one who comes. Who’s the accuser. They come before the judge, they’re standing there. Here’s the high priest.
And he’s there. Here’s the accuser. And he’s there. And the accuser makes the accusation. Now we’re not told what the accusation is yet, but it’s going to be implied. In a moment. The accuser says, this is the accusation against this individual. And the defendant stands there silent. But the Lord, as the judge speaks from the bench,
the Lord says to the accuser, you be silent. My rebuke on you as if here’s the lawyer who is the accuser. And the judge hits, hits the gavel down and says, you be silent. You sit down. God’s not going to accept the accusation. God’s not going to tolerate the accuser. He is going to rebuke him. And then he describes the defendants.
He describes Joshua. Now, bear in mind here. Joshua is a high priest. The function of a high priest is to be the mediator to be the go between between the people and God. He represents the nation in such, at this time, he represents the remnant that is in Jerusalem and ultimately the entire nation that’s scattered over the face of the earth.
Joshua doesn’t stand by himself. When Joshua stands there, he stands there as the representative for the entire nation. And the accuser is accusing Joshua. And when the Lord says, is this not a brand plucked from the fire? It is a description, not just of Joshua. It is a description of Israel as if you were to take a brand and you were to put it in a fire and it begins to get hot and it begins to glow and you pluck it out of the fire.
And now it is on fire. And that is real. You look at that and you go, that’s insignificant. That’s not important. They’re not going to make a change. And God says, do you see what I’ve done? What happens if you take a brand, you wrap it up in cloth, wrap it up in, in other things. And then you put it in the fire.
What happens to all of the substance? That’s around it. That’s not the brand. It burns up. It burns away. And when you pull that brand out, the only thing left is the thing that really matters. God has a remnant of 42,000 people representing a nation. That’s scattered all over the face of the planet. And the accuser is accusing this group.
And God says, no, I put them here. I caused them to be in this condition because I know who they are. But then notice what we’ve got. We’ve got the description of Joshua and representative of the people of the brand plucked out of the fire. Now, Joshua, here’s the description. This lets us in on the accusation. As if you’re walking through this as a picture,
a series of images, you see the accusation, you know, there’s an accusation. Don’t know why. Now you get the picture of Joshua. Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and was standing before the angel. Here’s the high priest. He’s the one. If you go back to the book of Leviticus, he’s the one who was to be garbed in the priestly apparel.
He’s the one who was to wear the white robes. He was the one who was supposed to have the blue trim on. He was the one who was supposed to wear the breast plate with the stones and the gyms representing the 12 tribes. He was the one who was supposed to be on the day of atonement immaculate. Matter of fact, the very part of the whole process for preparing for the day of atonement was that he was to go into that brazen labor.
And he was to wash. And after having washed his entire body, he was to be garbed in the priestly apparel. And he stands in the vision clothed in rags, in filthy garments. And we’re supposed to understand this because he’s clothed in the sin of Israel, Leviticus, chapter 16, go back there. If you will, Leviticus chapter 16, we read in verse one.
Now the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered profane fire before the Lord and died. And the Lord said to Moses, tell Aaron, your brother, not to come at just any time into the Holy place inside the veil, before the mercy seat, which is on the arc, lest he die for,
I will appear in the cloud, above the mercy seat. Thus, thus Aaron shall come into the Holy place with the blood of a young bull as a sin offering and of a Ram as a burnt offering, he shall put the Holy linen tunic and the linen trousers on his body. He shall be girded with a linen sash and with a linen turbine,
he shall be a tired. These are the Holy garments. God says, Aaron, don’t you come into my most Holy place dressed. However you want. You come in, dressed in Holy consecrated, set apart for a purpose garments. And you come in with the blood of an offering and a burnt sacrifice. And he shall take from the congregation of the children of Israel,
verse five, two kids with a goat as a sin offering. And one Ram as a burn offering and notice verse six, Aaron shall offer the bull as a sin offering, which is for himself and make atonement for himself and for his house. On the day of atonement. One time a year, the high priest would enter Into the most Holy place with two sacrifices,
one for him, which had to come first because he couldn’t represent the people before God. If he was clothed in his own sin and Zechariah pictures, Joshua still clothed in his own sin. And now, you know what the accusation is. The accuser is looking at Joshua’s filthy clothes and saying, that’s the high priest. That’s the representative of this ragtag group of people.
That’s your representative. That’s your mediator. God rebukes the accuser. But now watch what God does to Joshua. You go back to Zechariah, chapter three and chapter three. Then he answered and spoke to those who stood before him saying, take away the filthy garments from him and to him. He said, see, I have removed your iniquity. Now we know exactly what the garments represented,
the sin of Joshua and the people he says, I have removed your iniquity from you. And I will clothe you with rich robes. Take your Bibles, follow me through a few passages because we need to get this point. Ephesians chapter four, Fijian chapter four, verse 17 says this. I say therefore, and testify in the Lord that you should no longer walk.
As the rest of the Gentiles. Walk in the futility of their mind, having their understanding, darkened being alienated from the life of God. Notice here’s the picture of the Gentiles. They are separated from God. They act in futility. They are alienated from the presence of God. Now here’s a man in filthy clothes. Here’s a man who represents the people and they are covered in their iniquity and they’re covered in their sin.
And the accuser says, this man has no right to stand before God. He says they’re being alienated from their life of God because of the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their hearts, who being past feeling have given themselves over to lewdness to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you Christians have not. So learned Christ. If indeed you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus that you put off concerning your former conduct,
the old man, which grows corrupt, according to the deceitful lust by the renewing in the spirit of your mind, and that you pull it on the new man, which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. Paul said, you do realize Christians that once you walked among the Gentiles and you were covered in decay and filth and your own Nick witty,
but God has closed you in holiness and righteousness. Turn over the book of revelation. This imagery is carried straight in to the book of revelation, revelation chapter seven, revelation chapter seven. And in verse 14, actually, let’s go back. Let’s go back a few verses diverse nine. After these things, I looked and behold a great multitude, which no one could number of all nations tribes,
peoples and tongues standing before the throne. And before the lamb and notice how they’re arrayed clothed with white robes, with Palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice, saying salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb, all the angels stood around the throne in the elders of the four living creatures and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God saying amen,
blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might be to our God forever and ever. Amen. Then one of the elders answered saying to me, who are these arrayed in white robes? And where did they come from? John’s being asked this, remember here’s, here’s the visions again. Now it’s John and the vision and the elder is asking him,
who are these people? Who’s this multitude that’s come from every nation and every tribe all over the world and they’ve come together to praise God. And they’re all arrayed in white. And I said to him, sir, you know, that’s the answer you give. When you want the person who asked you to answer the question for you. So you don’t get it wrong.
The elder says, who are these? And John says, sir, you know who they are. So he said to me, these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white. But he doesn’t. And there does, he, he said, they’ve washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
They didn’t just change clothes. They purified their clothes and themselves by the blood of Christ. It’s called atonement. It’s called consecration. They were made Holy go to revelation. 16 revelation, chapter 16, Jesus says behold, verse 15, behold, I am coming as a thief. Bless it. As he who watches and keeps his garments lest he walked naked and they see his shame.
The picture of Joshua is a man standing ashamed, but not once God replaces his garments. God close him in holiness revelation, chapter 19 revelation chapter 19 verse seven, let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come. And his wife has made herself ready. By the way, the wife’s the church and to her,
it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, right, bless it. Or those who are called to the marriage, supper of the lamb. And he said to me, these are the true sayings of God. The church is represented in this same way,
clothed in righteousness. So go back to Zechariah. Chapter three, we’ve seen the imagery go forward. We come back and God says, I’ve taken your iniquity away, Joshua. And when God takes away the iniquity of the high priest, the high priest represents who the people, God says you 42,000, who are here as a remnant. I’ve taken away your iniquity,
But the remnant didn’t stand by themselves. They represented somebody else. The people, the people still in captivity, the people in Babylon, the people who were no longer in Israel and God is taking their iniquity away too. And I said, verse five, this seems to be Zechariah. So they close the high priest in clean garments. They’ve removed his iniquity,
but then Zechariah says, let them put a clean turban on his head. Now, if you paid attention, as we were reading in Leviticus, chapter 16, you remember that was one of the articles of clothing for the high priest. As if Zechariah Zechariah is standing there and he’s saying, Whoa, he’s not done. You finish. You make sure he looks like the high priest he is.
And they put the clothes on him. And the angel of the Lord stood by then the angel of the Lord and Monish, Joshua saying. So now the angel, the one who’s guiding Zechariah turns to Joshua and says, thus says the Lord of hosts. If you will walk in my ways, if you will keep my command, then you shall also judge my house.
Then you shall also judge my house and likewise have charge of my courts. And I will give you places to walk among these who stand here. God tells Joshua you, you will judge my people. You remember back in the old Testament, back in Exodus, Moses was judging the people. But as the priesthood came to be, one of the functions of the priesthood was to become the judges.
That’s part of the function they had. They were to judge the people in matters that were too hard for the judges. They took over Moses’s role. But then eventually it went to the King. God says it’s being put back where it belongs. Judging is going to occur in the priesthood, not with the rebel, not with the governor, not with a King because the priest stands as the representative of God.
But it is first and foremost necessary that the priest act like it. There’s a warning here to Joshua about a corrupt priesthood, because that’s what they had had. God tells Joshua much, like he told the other Joshua way back in Joshua chapter one. When Joshua takes over for Moses, God tells Joshua in that book, you walk after my paths, you do not turn to the right hand or the left.
You obey my commandments. And then I will prosper you wherever you go. God tells this Joshua a S uh, probably a millennia later, almost at this point, you walk after my path, you keep my commandments, you follow my instructions. And then I will give you places to walk among these who stand here. You will no longer stand as one covered in filth and iniquity and the sin of the people and the sin of yourself.
You will stand as one who can walk among angels because you’re Holy. Then verse eight says, hero Joshua, the high priest, you and your companions, who sit before you for, they are a wonderous sign for behold. And here’s the bridge because all of these events are happening there. They’re happening now, they’re in the old Testament, but now God looks forward.
He says, for behold, I am bringing forth my servant, the branch God tells Joshua you and your companions. You are a sign of something to come. You are a representative of a priest. Who’s my servant, the branch, the term branch shares imagery and prophecy from Jeremiah chapter 23 and chapter 33 in Isaiah chapter 11, where God says this sprout that comes up,
Israel is going to be wiped away, but there’s going to be a sprout that comes up and that’s going to be mine. And it looks towards Christ. And he says, my servant is coming. And you stand here as a representative, as a four runner to him for behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua upon the stone are seven eyes behold,
I will engrave it’s inscription. This is God speaking. And God says to Joshua, I put a stone in front of you. There’s debate about what this is because elsewhere, the, the, the Messiah who’s coming is described as the, the stone of stumbling, the rock of offense, the bedrock, the foundation. And yet there are other things we we’ve got to keep it in its context.
What are they building in the context they’re building the temple. Joshua<inaudible> are building the temple and God hands them. The stone they’re building the temple that everybody thinks is insignificant. By comparison to the world. There are people that’s insignificant by comparison to the world. They don’t have power. They don’t have mining. God says, you have me and you have holiness.
And I’ve given you the stone and get over to chapter four and put this together, which we’ll do on the next Sunday or the Sunday. After, depending on how things go, we’re going to put together what stone this is, but here’s what you need to know about it. And chapter three, it’s a stone. That’s inscribed by God. Is there another time where we remember a stone being inscribed by God,
the very first stone that had the 10 commandments on it, that Moses went up into the Mount and received from the Lord. The second version, Moses inscribed, the first version, God inscribed, and now gone gives to Joshua A. Stone. And he is inscribed upon it. But not only is there an inscription upon it, there are seven eyes in it. Seven go into the book of revelation.
And here in Zechariah, seven is a number of perfection. It represents God, what’s God saying, Joshua, here’s the stone. And you look at it and there’s seven eyes. God is fully aware of everything that’s going on. He’s watching those seven eyes are to represent the eye of the Lord. And it’s not his knowledge of the actions in this world,
but where’s it watching from? Who did he give it to the high priest? God says, I’m going to dwell with you. And I’m going to put my name here and your going to be my brand plucked from the fire and your going to be my people and You, Josh. We’re going to be my high priest. And I will observe all the world from here in your midst.
He says, I have laid the stone before Joshua upon the stone or seven eyes behold, I will engrave its inscription says the Lord of hosts. And I will remove the iniquity of that land. In one day. In that day, says the Lord of hosts. Every one will invite his neighbor under his vine and under his fig tree. There’s more here than we might imagine because there was a day when John the Baptist,
who was the forerunner of Christ, saw Christ in the crowd and shouted behold, the lamb of God, which taken away the sin of the world. And two of John’s disciples who were with him at that time, went after Christ. But one of them before going went and found his brother, Peter and another one went and found Philip. He went and found Phillip,
who was sitting under a fig tree and broad it to Jesus. And Jesus said, a man, a Jew in whom is no guile. And Philip asked Jesus, how do you know me? And Jesus said, I saw you. I saw you when you were under the fig tree. And Philip immediately believed that he was the Messiah. She tells you what?
No one saw him under the fig tree in person, but Jesus saw him. And Jesus told him you believe, because I tell you, I saw you under a fig tree. You’ll see greater deeds than this. I’m telling you. Zechariah is the bridge book. Jesus Christ. The servant of God had come into the world and Jesus saw everything, not just fill up under the fig tree,
but the hearts and the thoughts of man that they thought they had hidden away. And no one would know, God knew Christ knew. And yet he, as one who was never clothed in filthy rags, one who could stand before God, without shame, without guile, without guilt took our sins upon himself and went to the cross and died for you and me.
We have a great high priest who cannot be untouched with the feelings of our infirmity, but was in all points, tempted like as we are yet without sin. And because we have such a high priest, Hebrews chapter four verse 16 says we may boldly come before the throne of grace to find help in time of need. Are you in a time of need?
Because Israel was Israel was in a time where they saw themselves as nothing but insignificant. There were probably knowing human nature. Those Israelites among that remnant, that looked at Joshua and Zerubbabel and said, we need to get some different leaders around here. These people aren’t cutting it. Josh was the wrong person. We need a different high priests. We need to replace.
We need it. And God says, no, this is my man. This is my high priest. And he’s no longer closed in iniquity, but he’s clothed in righteousness. And my presence is with him. And he represents my servant, who is coming the Messiah. What’s your relationship to God this morning. Are you clothed in your own filthy rags?
Are you a high priest clothed in sin? First, Peter chapter two, we just studied it on Wednesday night, told us that all Christians are high priests, all Christians, excuse me, our priests Christ as the high priest. And we all have a responsibility to offer a spiritual sacrifice our lives. What is your sacrifice? And how are you clothed?
Are you clothed as a priest? Are you clothed in iniquity? Because God is willing to wash you from your sins, whether you’re outside the body of Christ and you need to wash your garments in the blood of the lamb for the very first time, or you are a member of the body of Christ and you’ve soiled your garments. As those in the book of revelation said,
were told they had done among the churches, and God said, you need to wash and you need to be come clean. If you’re in either one of those two situations this morning, don’t stay there because you too can stand before God clothed in the blood of the lamb. If you’re outside of the body of Christ this morning, if you’re away word member of the body of Christ this morning,
if you were represented before God, by only your sin, why not change that? If we can help in any way, why not come as we stand? And as we sing No long, good things that are no blur. The<inaudible> Oh, well, Hey son to him. Hey son.<inaudible> jeez, uh, scrape this high. Yes.
I will come to the, I am resolved to go to the savior levy.<inaudible> he is the true one. He is the, just one. He had the<inaudible>. Oh, well, Hey son to him. Hey son. So<inaudible> hi. Yes. Uh, I will come to the, I am resolved to, and, uh, the King Dom<inaudible> fans may oppose me.
Foes may be set me<inaudible> well, Hey son to him. Hey<inaudible> hi. Yes. I will come to the, um, our closing song. This morning will be number eight Oh nine. Number eight zero nine, Lord dismisses with thy blessing. We’ll sing both verses of this song.<inaudible> dismiss us with<inaudible>.<inaudible><inaudible> try. I am fin Reedy being gray.
This is not the version. I thought it was. That’s my apology to you. I apologize. Um, let’s do number eight Oh eight abide with me. I’m sorry. It won’t be on the screen. I apologize for that different version of what I had in the book. Abide with me. Number eight Oh eight, abide with me fast falsity.<inaudible> the nasty Ben’s Lord with me.
Uh, when, uh, the, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> the helpless. So, uh, ride with me.<inaudible> shine through the glue, uh, and point me to the<inaudible>, uh, my money breaks and, uh, Spain, shadows flee and life and death. Oh, Lord abide with me please. Oh God. Our father In heaven,
we truly are grateful. And to the, for the love that has been shown to each and every one of us, we’re so thankful, dear God, that we’re your children. And then we’re able to come here and worship in the spirit and in truth, we’re so mindful. Dear father of the blood of your son, that was shed for us,
that we might have our sins cleansed. We pray father that we are robed in the righteousness of our savior, and they were trying to serve and glorify you with our lives and trying to reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ father. We pray for those that are healed among our congregation and ask that you be with them and they might receive the help that they need to regain their strength and health.
We’re grateful father for our visitors today. And we pray that we might draw closer together with one another, be able to encourage each other as she would have us to in this life. We pray father that we always keep our eyes upon thee. And upon that home with the in heaven that we might have, if we’re righteous and faithful to you, father,
we pray that you be with us as we’re about to leave this building, help us to always be mindful of those outside your body. That we’re willing to give of ourselves to try to share your word with them, that they too might come to know your will and want to be a children of yours. We’re so thankful for Aaron and his family. We pray that you give his family a safe trip back home to,
to him. We’re grateful for his ability to teach and preach your word. And we pray that you bless him and help us to always be mindful of that word that he so eloquently delivered today, dismiss us and bless us in Jesus name. We pray. Amen.
Good morning. We are in first Peter chapter three. It’s good to see everybody this morning for anybody asks. Yes, she is coming back now for those who haven’t asked me and might be looking for an update update and those on the stream as well. Um, Eddie sisters hip is not progressing from the surgery as quickly as they hoped. So she still is not what’s called load bearing on it,
which means she still can’t drive. So, um, Eddie’s hanging around for another week to help out with her grandmother because somebody probably Eddie’s dad is going to have to go back with her oldest sister back to her apartment where she can start getting ready for school, but somebody to drive her around because obviously with coronavirus, she can’t is not going to have a bunch of other people drive her around.
So of all things playing together into, well, it’s just gonna go be another week, But, uh, um, keep, keep Eddie and the boys in your prayers. They’re doing well. Uh, talk with them often video chat with them. It’s nice to have the technology to do that nowadays. So first Peter chapter three, we’ll begin with a word of prayer.
Our gracious father in heaven, we bow before your throne grateful for its blessings, grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis, grateful for the time and the opportunity that we have to assemble together, mindful and grateful of that opportunity. In times like these, we pray for those who are not able because of health, reasons or health concerns,
to be able to assemble with us. We pray that your blessings and your hand be upon them, pray that you watch over us. As we go through this time of study and time of worship, may the sacrifice of praise that we offer to you, be acceptable in your sight, may all that we do and say, be that which is in accordance with your will.
We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, help us to strive to realize when we do wrong and to repent of those things, help us to strive daily, to grow the borders of your kingdom, through opportunities that are placed in front of us in front of us. Every day we ask that you watch over us and protect us all this.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Okay. First Peter chapter three, in the end of chapter two, Peter is writing about the example of Christ. He quotes In verse 22 from Isaiah chapter 53. Of course, that passage there in Isaiah speaking concerning the lamb, that was slain speaking concerning the suffering servant speaking concerning the one who God gave our punishment to him when he didn’t deserve it.
And Peter uses this passage and uses this context to remind these Christians, you will suffer. Remember Paul wrote to Timothy and he told Timothy that all who live godly in Christ, Jesus will what will suffer persecution, The will Not tolerate. And I’m speaking in a global sense, not always in individual sentences, but the world by and large does not tolerate righteousness.
Why is that guilt on their part for not doing what’s right? Why was Jesus rejected? John says in John chapter one that the light came in the world and the world did not receive him. He came unto his own and his own did not receive him. Why? Because the light showed what their darkness, the, their deeds were evil. Their deeds were being done in darkness.
And when you introduce light, so this happens every once in a while you, uh, move a piece of furniture, you haven’t moved in a while. What do you find underneath and behind the piece of furniture you haven’t moved in a while? No telling that’s right. Does for sure. Now most likely that area back there behind, you know, a cabinet or,
or a dresser or a piano or a whatever, something, maybe even something on wheels, but it doesn’t get moved all the time. That area is likely to be cleaned. If you know it’s dirty, but because it’s behind something, it’s not the place that gets, it’s not the middle of the floor. It’s not the kitchen floor. It’s not the,
you know, the counter next to the sink. It’s not the place you clean all the time. Why? Because light’s not on it because it’s not right there. It’s not prominent. And that’s what the description is of these people’s deeds. They did them in the darkness. So they weren’t observable question scribes, Pharisees, and chief priests. When they decided to kill Jesus,
when they decided to pay Judas 30 pieces of silver to betray his master, think they did that in the public temple out where everybody could hear. Now, the things that are done today in making decisions that are in the interest of a few and not in the interest of many and yet are often claimed to be for the benefit of all. You think they’re done in the public square done at night around here?
Yeah. Why is that? Oh, I don’t think these people are sitting in a room with no lights on trying to make their deeds be done literally in the dark. They’re trying to hide what they’re doing. So that being said, Peter says your master, the one who remember he’s writing to these people, and he’s already said the one who you love,
who you never saw, the one who you obey, but you never even came in contact with. He suffered and notice what he says. He says, who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth who, when he was reviled, did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten, but committed him self to him who judges righteously,
couple of things. Number one, we sing a song 10,000 angels. The whole premise of that song is right here. He could have called. It comes from the statement concerning that Jesus made the pilot. If I chose to, I could have 10 legions of angels, but my kingdom is not of this world. Jesus suffered a fate. He didn’t deserve you.
And I, we go through life and sometimes we suffer at the hands of individuals who we didn’t do anything to, but they have chosen to take their anger, their rage, their whatever, out on us. But are we in our lives entirely faultless? No, we live in a world of sin and we have become part of that world of sin.
Because at some point in time, we have sin and fallen short of the glory of God. So to say that we have suffered, maybe not in that one time instance because of our own sin, but to say we have suffered because we live in a world where we included in that world do sin is to recognize that we don’t always get what we deserve.
Sometimes we get mercy when we should have gotten judgment. And sometimes we get, uh, people’s anger and animosity when we ought to get kindness. But the reality is we’ve done the same thing to somebody else for this world that wants to go head long into someone, did something wrong to me or my parent or my brother or my whatever in the past.
Therefore you owe me something. The problem with that is, has that person who believes they’re owed something, ever done something wrong to somebody else. And the answer is always, yes, the only person who was always owed and who never owed is the one who went to the cross for us. So Peter says in all of this, when you look at that person and you look at how he suffered and did not take the action,
he had the authority and the power and the ability to take in return. Then Peter says, now, you know how to suffer. Notice what he says. He says who, when he reviled, he did not revile in return. When me, when he was reviled, he did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten,
but committed himself to him who judges, righteously, who himself bore our sins in his own body. On the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness. By those stripes you were healed for. You were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls. The context of chapter three begins back in verse 13 of chapter two,
Peter says submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. And then in chapter two, verse 18, he says, servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear for verse 21 for, to this, you were called because Christ also suffered you. When, when Peter tells a servant, by the way, that’s a slave in the context,
that’s what the Greek word is. Bond servant. When he tells a slave, you obey your master because Christ submitted himself to someone who was not worthy to be called his master cry, submitted himself to the judgment and to the punishment of, and pilot was nobody in comparison to Christ yet Christ didn’t stand up and say, you can’t touch me. You’re not worthy.
You’re a sinner. And I’m righteous. No Christ suffered being an example for us to tell Christians, to tell his servants you live, where I put you. That’s not to say that S a slave who’s given the opportunity to become free. Can’t take that opportunity. It is to say that one who knows what their status is in life ought to be a Christian first and everything else.
Second. So he’s going to talk about servants first, because he’s just finished talking about honoring the King and our relegation to being under the law that we live under, the ordinances we live under. So he says, first of all, Christians submit to the ordinances, submit to the law. Secondly, honor, the King, thirdly, servants honor your masters.
Now chapter three, verse one wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands that even if they do not obey the word, they without a word may be one by the conduct of their wives. If we come to this passage and when we ignore the rest of it, we’re, we’re going to miss something here because Peter is talking to wives and he’s talking to them in a historical context and a cultural context where wives were considered property.
They were above slaves, but not very far. Now, imagine you’re a Christian wife with an<inaudible> Christian, a pagan husband, and he considers you nothing more than property. He considers you nothing of inherent value. Maybe you’re one wife of many, and Peter still says, submit yourself to your husband. Even if some do not obey the word. Here’s the question.
If I’m a Christian and I’m married a non-Christian, do I still have to obey that husband that I have that spouse that I have because he’s not a Christian. And by the way, this is the same question that Peter, or excuse me, Paul answers in first Corinthians chapter seven, where he, yes, but he says, Peter says, in this context,
do it again. We’re we’re always reminding ourselves as we talk about submission. As we talk about obedience, as we talk about being under the law of the land, we’re always reminding ourselves, never, is there an excuse to countermand or go against or transgressed the laws of God to obey any man, doesn’t matter if it’s a King. And if it does,
it doesn’t matter. If it’s a government, it doesn’t matter if it’s a master in it doesn’t matter. If it’s a husband. If they tell you to do something, God tells you not to who wins God every time. So the context is not obey your husband over God. The context is always obey God first. And because you obey God, obey your husband.
He goes on to say that even if they do not obey the word, they, without a word may be one by the conduct of their wives. He said there is an opportunity placed in the hands of a spouse, specifically in this context of wife, who’s now a Christian who now doesn’t look at her husband the same way she did before. Peter’s going to talk about those in the world who become angry at Christians because they don’t go to the same level of excess.
They don’t go to the same level of debauchery. They don’t entertain and participate in sin the way the world does. And it makes the world angry at them. Now imagine a pagan husband who his wife used to involve herself in his paganism. And now she won’t. Now she won’t do the things she used to do. And he looks at that as though she’s judging him.
She’s not happy with him. He’s not doing what she’s doing. She, this is creating a barrier. But what if that spouse in every other area goes from being, I’m my own person. And I’m going to participate in these things with you too. I’m going to submit to you as I submit to God. Now, suddenly this husband who no longer has a partner in all of these things that he’s doing that are wrong,
has for the first time ever a real wife. I think sometimes those of us who roll up in the church or maybe have, have been in families that have are stable families. And, and even if they’re not Christians, those who have families that have been striving to put godly principles in action in their lives, those of us who have done that their entire lives.
And that’s been our, our little bubble that we’ve grown up in, sometimes fail to realize what a lot of the rest of the world goes through at home. And when you come in contact with that, or when you’ve lived through that, it changes you. But when you suddenly have one person in that household acting like a Christian, acting like someone who no longer looks out for themselves first,
but someone who looks out for the best interest of someone else, because they serve a God who paid a debt for them, they could never pay the whole relationship changes. And so Peter says, wives, you have an opportunity. When you have an unbelieving husband, you have an opportunity without telling him anything about the doc, the, the doctrine, without telling him anything about the gospel,
without telling him anything about Jesus, you have an opportunity to win his soul through your conduct at home. He goes on to say, when they observe your chaste conduct, accompanied by fear, do not let your adornment be merely outward, arranging the hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel. Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is very presh precious in the sight of God. The formula that Peter puts here for a wife to when her husband is her inward person displayed in her outward person. So he says for in this manner in former times, the Holy women who trusted in God, also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands. As Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord whose daughters you are,
if you do good and are not afraid with any terror, what did they, what do they have to be afraid of this? Isn’t a statement you and I would probably make about husbands and wives and spouses at home. Why is the statement about fear terror here in Jewish society? And we’re not talking about Jewish society here, but in Jewish society, the chief priests and Pharisees Sadducees,
one of them, I think it was the Pharisees came to Jesus, Matthew chapter 19 verse one and said, is it law for a lawful, for a man to put away his wife for any cause now this is the group of people who grew up and lived under the law of Moses who are coming to Jesus and saying, can I get rid of my wife for any reason I want to now you and I,
we we’ve become pretty well accustomed in our society to people getting rid of their spouses for any reason we want to. But we also live in a society where if a woman is not married, she’s not looked down upon and she can go provide for herself and she can own property and she can own land and she can have a job. And she she’s got a lot of opportunities that they didn’t have a woman who was put away because the husband no longer had any interest in her was a woman who was destitute,
unless she found another husband. Why do you think Paul wrote to Timothy and said, here are the qualifications for a woman to come under the support or be supported by the church financially. Because if she was of an age and older age and had, had lived her life, she wasn’t likely finding another husband. And so she became very much like nail me in the book of Ruth who needed someone to provide for her because there was no opportunity for her to provide for herself.
Now, take yourself out of a context where God’s written laws and given them through Moses and put yourself in Rome. And if the Jews had a mentality of, I can get rid of my wife and put her out on the street for any cause what do you think the Roman empire would have let them do to their wives? Sell them? Yeah. You know what I’m done with this wife need a slave,
but Peter says, spouse, wife, you don’t do this out of fear and terror. You do this out of submission to God. So he says, you can be the daughters of Sarah. When you’re willing to look at this opportunity as an opportunity to bring and bring your husband, or in that idea, save your husband. You don’t do it out of fear and terror do it out of hope.
But then he says, husbands, likewise dwell with them with understanding giving honor to the life as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. We could spend the entire class period on this, just like we could have spent the entire class period on the first seven verses we won’t. But notice the very first thing that Peter places here,
by the way, something that’s interesting and worth pointing out. Number one is we know Peter was married. We know also he is an elder. Peter is not writing as sometimes. I think people interpret Paul’s writings go. Paul was single. Paul wrote all this stuff about marriage who listens to single men about marriage, who does, but Peter’s not. And one of the things Paul reveals to us about Peter is that Peter’s wife after the church was established and he began to go out into other places beyond Jerusalem.
Peter’s wife traveled with him and it’s this man who says dwell with her in understanding there’s a culture, a cultural mindset among some husbands that says you do what I say, because I say it and that’s not biblical. Now, ultimately there is a role in the household where that person is ultimately accountable and that person does ultimately have to make a decision if there’s not consensus.
And ultimately that person ought to be that husband submitting to the Lord and saying, God gets to make the decision and I get to enact it. But the very first thing that Peter tells these Christian husbands to do is get to a point of understanding with their spouses so that they are partners in submitting to Christ and not opponents. He goes on to say that they are to give honor.
First thing he says is put them on the same level with you and be understanding, communicate with one another. And the second thing is now you lift them up. Our society has done so much damage to the female gender, but it’s because the world and humanism has taught our society has taught people in our culture that having the same thing, someone else has means that you get everything they get.
And it’s not true. There are so many passages of scripture where men are commanded to lift up and praise their wives. I challenge you go through the Bible and find how many passages of scripture tell wives to do that. To husbands, they’re told to submit to them. They’re told to honor them in that form, but there’s not the same description. God puts a special place on women and a special value on women.
And Jesus did too. And who was it? That was constantly with Jesus, supporting him and helping him beyond the 12 apostles women. They were predominantly the strongest allies Jesus had in this life. And who came to his grave on Sunday morning women, the Bible in no passage, anywhere, denigrates women, it always places a great deal of value on them all the way through scripture.
And when we, as a society, allow ourselves to be deceived into saying, we need to treat each other exactly the same. That’s not a value proposition for women. That’s degrading them, but he goes on to say, finally, all of you, he’s taught to those who are under a law, which is all of them in some form or fashion,
they’re all live under some sort of ordinance of men. He’s taught to servants. He’s taught to husband two wives. He’s talked to husbands now says everybody, all of you be of one mind having compassion for one another love as brothers, be tender hearted, be courteous, not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this,
that you may inherit a blessing for now, he’s going to go back into the old Testament. He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking to seat, let him turn away from evil and do good. Let him seek peace and pursue it for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers.
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Peter says, you want to, you, you want to have this peace. You want to pursue righteousness and peace and, and unity. Then you be of one mind. Now again, does that mean, all right? Let’s everybody get together and let’s talk about what we want our society and our world to be like,
and let’s make a decision on how we’re going to act. No, it doesn’t. We’re going to be of one mind under whose law gods. We’re going to be of one mind because we’ve all decided to take ourselves and put ourselves over here and submit to God. And that’s how we become of one mind. That’s how we become unified in action and,
and goal and purpose and motivation. That is how we look at slights against ourselves or people doing wrong to us or reviling us. And don’t throw it back in their face. But instead bless them. That’s a challenge. I’ll be honest. Uh, somebody gets up in my face and they’re angry and they’re mad and they’re frustrated. And they’re saying things,
they shouldn’t be saying it is a real challenge because I’ll, I’ll, I’ll give you my first reaction. It tends to be sarcasm. Doesn’t generally turn out all that. Well, I tried it with my brothers growing up, just saying by and large, that was when I got hit. My mother would say, Aaron, you do realize it is your mouth.
That gets you in trouble. Most of the time. Yes, mom, I do. I don’t tend to be the anger in exchange for anger. I generally turn it into sarcasm and, and, uh, that doesn’t go all that well either. Yes it is. Yes, it is. It is very difficult. When someone sees the world one way and someone sees the world another way,
and one party is blaming another party for something that didn’t even happen when either one of them were alive. And then the challenge to us as Christians is bless them. And that’s not the Southern version of, well, bless your soul. That that’s not that, that sarcasm. Okay. That is sarcasm wrapped in, in sweet Southern draw. That is not the blessing we’re talking about.
Okay. So he goes on to say, and who is he? Who will harm you? If you become followers of what is good. Okay. As, as, as, as he encapsulates this in pursue peace, do good. Be at harmony with one another, do right to one another be of one mind. And when someone does something wrong to you,
bless them in return, he then asked the question and who then is going to do harm to you if you become followers of what’s good. But even if you should suffer for righteous and Sancuso. So what, what Peter did is he left the rest of the explanation off. He said, who’s going to do harm to you. If you follow righteousness,
the answer is from somebody over here in the crowd. Somebody is this narrow he’ll kill us. But to this guy down the street, who’s not a Christian. Who’s just an ordinary Joe who respects people who respect others and despises those who mistreat others. Is he going to do wrong and harm to those who are living righteously? Who, when they’re reviled blessing,
return none. No, no, no. That person is going to look at these people and go, you don’t deserve that. What was the description in acts chapter two, the end of acts chapter two, the church has been established. Day of Pentecost is over the church, begins assembling together. They follow the Apostle’s doctrine. They continue in the Apostle’s doctrine and prayers and,
and breaking a bread. They do all of this and what’s the description of their relationship to the people around them. They had all things in common among the Christians, but what was their P their relationship to the Jewish society go back to acts chapter two. So continuing daily, verse 46, and with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house,
they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people that didn’t stay that way forever. Because the mood of crowds change. When you get over to acts chapter 12 and pilot or not pilot, uh, Herod sees that the Jews like it when he takes the head off of James, he goes and arrest Peter.
It’s not going to stay that way forever. But at that point in time, the Christians were in one accord. The Christians were in unity with one another. The Christians were doing what was right. And the people saw them doing good. And the people weren’t angry with them, reviling them doing harm to them. They had favor with them. So he says here,
verse 14. But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed and do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled, but sanctify the Lord, God in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to anyone. Or does he mean to everyone who asks you a reason to the hope that is in you with meekness and fear,
having a good conscience that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed for it is better. If it is the will of God to suffer for doing good, then for doing evil for Christ also suffered once for sins. The, just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh,
but made alive by the spirit, by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who formerly were disobedient when once the divine long suffering waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight souls were saved through water. There is also an anti type, which now saves us baptism, not the removal of the filth of the flesh,
but the answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers, having been made subject to him. We’ll bring, we’ll come to this on Wednesday and bring some of this forward because you need to see verse 15 together with verse 13 together with verse 21,
going into chapter four, verse one. Okay. So we’ll get into that on Wednesday. Let’s go through the questions. How might women, when they’re disobedient husbands to the faith, their chase conversation, or manner of life, how our husbands to treat their wives understanding honor. Um, and, and, and another answer, and we even get into this,
but as fellow heirs, fellow heirs of God, what is a person supposed to do instead of returning evil for evil or insult for insult bless yes or no. Is a person blessed if he must suffer for the sake of righteousness? Yes. What should a Christian be ready to do? If someone should ask him concerning his faith, be ready to give a correct answer.
We’re going to go into that more, like I said on Wednesday, because there’s more to that passage than most of us give credit to it. It’s, it’s a, it’s a great passage to tell us, to be ready to explain why we believe what we believe, but it’s more than a passage on apologetics. I think I just gotta say it’s a whole lot more than a passage on apologetics.
How many times did Jesus Christ died for sins once and where is Jesus now? The right hand of God? Why does baptism save individuals? Okay. Because, well, let me do it from the passage because it is an answer of a good conscience and is connected to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Okay. Because it connects an obedient person to the resurrection.
That’s, that’s the passage right there. Uh, and the answer there. Okay. Thank you for your attention. We went a little long, but I appreciate your patience, your dismiss<inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Welcome to The Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service. It’s great to see each and every one of you and to our visitors. We are so glad that you chose to come worship God with us here this morning.
It’s Collierville the church of Christ visitors. If you don’t mind, if you would please take an opportunity to fill out a visitor’s card and drop it into collection a basket at the back so that we have record of your attendance. Also, uh, for those that are visiting with us for the Lord’s supper, we have the, uh, bread and the fruit of the vine and cups at the back of the church.
If you did not get that, when you first come in, please take an opportunity before the Lord’s supper to go back there and get that for yourselves announcements. Please remember our sick Rodel and Dorothy Wilson, Joan sprayer. They’re all still working with their chronic problems. So please keep all them. And your thoughts and prayers. Janie Marlin is dealing with a sinus infection.
Terry, Sanderson’s not sick, but he’s still waiting for his COVID-19 test results. He has not got those back yet. Pam chafing is having back problems and she will have an MRI on her back. This Wednesday, Sylvia pass is also having back problems. Mary Joe Todaro that’s Jenny sister-in-law is at home now and will begin treatments for colon cancer soon. And then a former member here.
Tom Allen has been diagnosed with stage four pack pantry, pancreatic cancer. Sorry, that’s a tough one to get out this morning. Please keep all these in your thoughts and prayers each and every day. Our other announcements, the nationwide gospel meeting, the call in is still going on for the entire month of July. The flyers are out there on the table and the four for this week and next week with the speakers for each night for that.
And then for the men today, immediately following service, we’ll have our July men’s business meetings. So please, uh, go into the fellowship hall as soon as we’re done with worship service this morning. So we can get that meeting going our service this morning. Our song leader will be Jacob Wallace. I have the opening prayer. Lord supper will be Jay Schaefer.
Sermon will be Aaron coats, art and closing prayer will be Joe casing. Thank you. Good evening or morning rather. How about that? Uh, Over 47. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. God almighty. Uh, and, uh,<inaudible> a song. Shout to the Holy Holy Holy<inaudible><inaudible> three.<inaudible> he?
All the Holy Holy<inaudible> the casting down their crowns up around the crystal sea chair, a<inaudible> holding down B for the<inaudible> and a<inaudible> shall be whole the Holy Holy<inaudible> all day workshop, pray sign, name, and a time sky and see, Holy Holy, Holy<inaudible> it.<inaudible> it. Let us pray. God, our father in heaven,
we come to you at this time, thanking you for the opportunity to assemble here this morning and sing songs of praise, your great name, but most importantly, study another portion of your word. God, there are many amongst us that are dealing with various illnesses. We listed some of them, but we know there are many others. And we asked that if it be your will,
you provide them to return to a measure of their health, that they so desire so that they may come and assemble with us to worship your great name. God, we also ask that you look upon the leaders of this nation and the leaders of each nation in this world. And we pray that they will look to you for guidance on what to do in this day and age,
because there’s much turmoil going on in our country and in this world. And we pray that if it be your, will you help them to make the right decisions so that each and every one of us may come to a point where we truly understand that you are the one that is in charge and that we respect and honor you each and every day to make a better world to live In.
And as we prepare to, uh, study a portion of your word, we ask that you help each and every one of us open our hearts and our minds so that we may take the message that Aaron is going to bring to us this morning and apply it to our lives. So we may be become better servants of yours here on earth. We pray this all in your son.
jesus’ name. Amen. I saw him the foot Lord separate will be number 337. Number three, three seven, Man. Um, saw<inaudible> name for the son of God who came Ru<inaudible> claim. Holla what a savior, uh, bearing shame and scoffing and my place<inaudible> sealed my pod with his blood.<inaudible> when he comes out, Claudia skiing,
all his ride, some home to bring then a new, this song. We’ll sing holla<inaudible>. We now come to a very special time in our service, where we remember our savior, Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So as we go to God in prayer, help us each to displace all of our world, our thoughts,
our minds, and focus upon that cross and the sacrifice that he made. Heavenly father we’re indeed grateful for this privilege. We, as Christians have to assemble about this table to remember your son’s sacrifice for ours sins, help us to do so in a way that will be fitting in proper in your side. As we partake of this, which represents his body,
may we do so as we should in Jesus name, we pray amen and alike, man or father were mindful of the great sacrifice that your son made. And as we partake of this spirit of the vine, which represents the blood, and that was shed for the remission of our sins, help us to do so in a proper way, since his name that we pray,
amen, which concludes the Lord’s supper. We now find this a convenient time to lay by in store, as we’ve been blessed father, we’re so grateful for the many material blessings that we have to enjoy. You have blessed us far more than our needs truly are we thank you father for those blessings and help us always to remember that we’re merely stewards. So these things that all these gifts come from,
you help us to cheerfully return a portion of that, which is yours in Jesus name. We pray. Amen. Next song of worship would be number five Oh eight or 508. A wonderful Oh, wonderful savior is Jesus. My Lord, a wonderful savior to me. He hide it’s my soul in a cleft of dog, wherever this up slasher. I see he hide as my soul and Nicholas after the rock that shadows a dry thirsty land,
he hide is my life in the, and covers me that with his high sun and covers me there with his ah, Oh, wonderful savior on is Jesus. My Lord. He takes my burden away. He holds me up and I shall not be. He gave with me strength as my day. He hide. If I saw then the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty,
and he hide if my life in the tops of his love and covers me with his hand and covers me there with his hands when close to his brightness, transports it. I rise to me. Two men clouds up the sky, his perfect salvation, his wonderful shouts with the millions on, ah, hi. Hey, hi, that’s by Saul in the club of the rock that shadows are dry,
thirsty. He hide if my life in the cups of Islam and carvers me that with his high and covers me. There is, uh, the song for our lesson today will be number four 90 number four, nine zero. It is well with my son When<inaudible>, uh, 10. And, uh, my way when I was like sea billows,
roll wa uh, my Lord thou has taught me to say,<inaudible><inaudible>, Uh, With my soul. So<inaudible> say<inaudible> that<inaudible> stage and<inaudible> is, uh, with my soul. So is<inaudible> my<inaudible>, uh, the<inaudible> my son<inaudible>, but, uh,<inaudible> cross and<inaudible> praise<inaudible> is, uh, with my soul.
So<inaudible> and Lord haste the day when, uh,<inaudible> uh, the speed roll back, uh, uh, scroll. So the<inaudible> shall resound and the Lord<inaudible><inaudible>, uh, with my soul. So<inaudible> Good morning. Take your Bibles if you will. And open them to Zechariah Zechariah chapter three is where we will take our lesson from this morning.
Want to say thank you to Jacob and Becky for being with us this morning, and especially for Jacob leading singing on very short notice, we appreciate that greatly good to have the stacks back with us and, uh, glad that, uh, uh, we’ve been able to, to see them once again and appreciate their presence. Appreciate all those who are joining us online and aren’t able to get out,
are those joining us through the phone call as well as we’ve been going through this study of Zechariah, we’ve mentioned multiple times, this is a bridge book and like any bridge that was designed properly, it gets you from one place to another. It connects to locations and Zechariah is that book in the old Testament. Of course, if you recognize, as you’re turning a few pages,
you’re going to realize you’re, you’re almost at the end of the old Testament and it’s not placed there by accident. It’s not just, just happenstance that is there because these events are transpiring shortly before that 400 years of silence that comes in between the old Testament and the new, but Zechariah is prophesying at a time. And to a people that are struggling,
they are struggling with their own insignificance. He said, well, wait a minute, air XY recall when I go back and look at the old Testament and I go back and read the numbers from Nehemiah and from Ezra, there were, there were 40,000 plus people who went back to Jerusalem, try try putting 40,000 people in this room. It’s not going to work.
That’s not insignificant. It is in view of the world was watching some news coverage just this week, concerning the plans for the NFL opening up there, they’re seasoned and what different stadiums are doing. And, and the state, I think it’s the station where the Jacksonville Jaguars play is limiting their capacity to 15,000 people now for you and I going through day to day lives.
If we went to any place, I had 15,000 people at the same place. The same time we’d be going, where’s the door. But for people who go to NFL football games, they know that is a, an almost nonexistent crowd for stadiums seat, a hundred thousand people. That means you are 15% full. And when you’re in the bottom of that stadium stadium looking up and you only have 15,000 people there,
it looks empty. Now compare 42,000 to the world. God told Israel through Isaiah and Jeremiah through a Z keel, that I’m bringing my people back to Jerusalem and I’m going to bring my remnant back and I’m going to put them there. And I’m going to put my name there. Now, the last time God said, I’m going to put my name in this place.
And I’m going to build my house in this place was when Solomon was raining at the height, the very pinnacle of Israelite history. And God said, I’m going to put my name in this place, in this location, in this house. And I am going to dwell with my people and I will bless them. And they will dwell with me. And that occurred when they were at the height of their power militarily,
when they were at the height of their expansion by way of land, when they were at the height of their riches. And now they are 42,000 people with only about 15,000 of them dwelling in Jerusalem and the rest around the area. A city that was once a population of hundreds of thousands of people is now 15. And it has no walls. It has no fortification.
It has no army. God said, I am going to be in your midst. And I’m going to be a fire around you as if that were your wall. Then chapter three opens. And another vision occurs. As I’ve mentioned before, Zechariah is a vision book. It is a picture book. You are supposed to read the words and not just read them.
You are supposed to imagine this happening in your mind. Just the same way. The book of revelation is we’ll get into revelation. A few of the connections in our lesson this morning, but chapter three opens up. Then he showed me Joshua, the high who’s the he here. Okay? It is the angel of the Lord. Zechariah is having this vision and he’s being escorted through these visions by the angel of the Lord,
the angel, the Lord comes and says, here’s the next vision? And he shows him Joshua. Now Joshua here is Jeshua with an E in the book of Ezra. Okay? It’s not Joshua of the book of Joshua. It’s Joshua, the high priest, the son of Jehovah deck, the one who is a descendant of Zeta doc, who was placed as the high priest and the high priest lineage by Solomon.
You remember that in Solomon’s day, as Solomon was coming to power Jehoiada, who was the high priest and, uh, others backed, uh, the other son of David to come to the throne. And as a result of that, Solomon removed him as the high priest and put Zadar in his place. Okay. ZETAC is still from the lineage of Aaron.
He’s still rightfully able to be high priest, but this high priest come through D Z docks lineage. So Zechariah says, then he showed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel Lord. And Satan’s standing at his right hand to oppose him. Now, the word Satan here is not doesn’t carry with it. The same connotation that using the word Satan in the new Testament,
okay. In the new Testament, you’ve got a lot clearer picture of this individual who opposed God and who is the enemy of God and Christ, but that’s not really the connotation here. Now, was this a picture of Satan? Was this a visualization? Like the book of job opens up with, maybe it is, but it’s not really demanded here by the word.
The word is adversary. And literally what you have here is Zechariah in the original language going, I saw the adversary and he was being adversarial or accusing him. So you really have a wording, a language that goes, I saw the one who was the adversary or the one who was Satan. And he was Satanist him in a verb sense. Okay.
It doesn’t really translate well, but what you have is you have an accuser. Why is there an accuser of the high priest? Joshua has come back, was the rebel.<inaudible> the governor. Joshua is the high priest. There’s no King. And these two men, one of them leading the, and one of them leading the religion are struggling. They’re struggling with a people that is downcast.
They’re struggling with a people that has become disheartened. They’re struggling with a people that sees their own insignificance. And they’re struggling with the people. Who’s wondering, is it really worth being here? So now in chapter three, we see Joshua and he has one standing by him who is accusing him. And the Lord said to Satan, the accuser, the Lord rebuke you,
Satan, the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you. Is this not a brand plucked from the fire? The accuser comes with Joshua. Imagine in your mind a court scene, you’ve got the one who comes. Who’s the defendant. And you’ve got the one who comes. Who’s the accuser. They come before the judge, they’re standing there. Here’s the high priest.
And he’s there. Here’s the accuser. And he’s there. And the accuser makes the accusation. Now we’re not told what the accusation is yet, but it’s going to be implied. In a moment. The accuser says, this is the accusation against this individual. And the defendant stands there silent. But the Lord, as the judge speaks from the bench,
the Lord says to the accuser, you be silent. My rebuke on you as if here’s the lawyer who is the accuser. And the judge hits, hits the gavel down and says, you be silent. You sit down. God’s not going to accept the accusation. God’s not going to tolerate the accuser. He is going to rebuke him. And then he describes the defendants.
He describes Joshua. Now, bear in mind here. Joshua is a high priest. The function of a high priest is to be the mediator to be the go between between the people and God. He represents the nation in such, at this time, he represents the remnant that is in Jerusalem and ultimately the entire nation that’s scattered over the face of the earth.
Joshua doesn’t stand by himself. When Joshua stands there, he stands there as the representative for the entire nation. And the accuser is accusing Joshua. And when the Lord says, is this not a brand plucked from the fire? It is a description, not just of Joshua. It is a description of Israel as if you were to take a brand and you were to put it in a fire and it begins to get hot and it begins to glow and you pluck it out of the fire.
And now it is on fire. And that is real. You look at that and you go, that’s insignificant. That’s not important. They’re not going to make a change. And God says, do you see what I’ve done? What happens if you take a brand, you wrap it up in cloth, wrap it up in, in other things. And then you put it in the fire.
What happens to all of the substance? That’s around it. That’s not the brand. It burns up. It burns away. And when you pull that brand out, the only thing left is the thing that really matters. God has a remnant of 42,000 people representing a nation. That’s scattered all over the face of the planet. And the accuser is accusing this group.
And God says, no, I put them here. I caused them to be in this condition because I know who they are. But then notice what we’ve got. We’ve got the description of Joshua and representative of the people of the brand plucked out of the fire. Now, Joshua, here’s the description. This lets us in on the accusation. As if you’re walking through this as a picture,
a series of images, you see the accusation, you know, there’s an accusation. Don’t know why. Now you get the picture of Joshua. Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and was standing before the angel. Here’s the high priest. He’s the one. If you go back to the book of Leviticus, he’s the one who was to be garbed in the priestly apparel.
He’s the one who was to wear the white robes. He was the one who was supposed to have the blue trim on. He was the one who was supposed to wear the breast plate with the stones and the gyms representing the 12 tribes. He was the one who was supposed to be on the day of atonement immaculate. Matter of fact, the very part of the whole process for preparing for the day of atonement was that he was to go into that brazen labor.
And he was to wash. And after having washed his entire body, he was to be garbed in the priestly apparel. And he stands in the vision clothed in rags, in filthy garments. And we’re supposed to understand this because he’s clothed in the sin of Israel, Leviticus, chapter 16, go back there. If you will, Leviticus chapter 16, we read in verse one.
Now the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered profane fire before the Lord and died. And the Lord said to Moses, tell Aaron, your brother, not to come at just any time into the Holy place inside the veil, before the mercy seat, which is on the arc, lest he die for,
I will appear in the cloud, above the mercy seat. Thus, thus Aaron shall come into the Holy place with the blood of a young bull as a sin offering and of a Ram as a burnt offering, he shall put the Holy linen tunic and the linen trousers on his body. He shall be girded with a linen sash and with a linen turbine,
he shall be a tired. These are the Holy garments. God says, Aaron, don’t you come into my most Holy place dressed. However you want. You come in, dressed in Holy consecrated, set apart for a purpose garments. And you come in with the blood of an offering and a burnt sacrifice. And he shall take from the congregation of the children of Israel,
verse five, two kids with a goat as a sin offering. And one Ram as a burn offering and notice verse six, Aaron shall offer the bull as a sin offering, which is for himself and make atonement for himself and for his house. On the day of atonement. One time a year, the high priest would enter Into the most Holy place with two sacrifices,
one for him, which had to come first because he couldn’t represent the people before God. If he was clothed in his own sin and Zechariah pictures, Joshua still clothed in his own sin. And now, you know what the accusation is. The accuser is looking at Joshua’s filthy clothes and saying, that’s the high priest. That’s the representative of this ragtag group of people.
That’s your representative. That’s your mediator. God rebukes the accuser. But now watch what God does to Joshua. You go back to Zechariah, chapter three and chapter three. Then he answered and spoke to those who stood before him saying, take away the filthy garments from him and to him. He said, see, I have removed your iniquity. Now we know exactly what the garments represented,
the sin of Joshua and the people he says, I have removed your iniquity from you. And I will clothe you with rich robes. Take your Bibles, follow me through a few passages because we need to get this point. Ephesians chapter four, Fijian chapter four, verse 17 says this. I say therefore, and testify in the Lord that you should no longer walk.
As the rest of the Gentiles. Walk in the futility of their mind, having their understanding, darkened being alienated from the life of God. Notice here’s the picture of the Gentiles. They are separated from God. They act in futility. They are alienated from the presence of God. Now here’s a man in filthy clothes. Here’s a man who represents the people and they are covered in their iniquity and they’re covered in their sin.
And the accuser says, this man has no right to stand before God. He says they’re being alienated from their life of God because of the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their hearts, who being past feeling have given themselves over to lewdness to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you Christians have not. So learned Christ. If indeed you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus that you put off concerning your former conduct,
the old man, which grows corrupt, according to the deceitful lust by the renewing in the spirit of your mind, and that you pull it on the new man, which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. Paul said, you do realize Christians that once you walked among the Gentiles and you were covered in decay and filth and your own Nick witty,
but God has closed you in holiness and righteousness. Turn over the book of revelation. This imagery is carried straight in to the book of revelation, revelation chapter seven, revelation chapter seven. And in verse 14, actually, let’s go back. Let’s go back a few verses diverse nine. After these things, I looked and behold a great multitude, which no one could number of all nations tribes,
peoples and tongues standing before the throne. And before the lamb and notice how they’re arrayed clothed with white robes, with Palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice, saying salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb, all the angels stood around the throne in the elders of the four living creatures and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God saying amen,
blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might be to our God forever and ever. Amen. Then one of the elders answered saying to me, who are these arrayed in white robes? And where did they come from? John’s being asked this, remember here’s, here’s the visions again. Now it’s John and the vision and the elder is asking him,
who are these people? Who’s this multitude that’s come from every nation and every tribe all over the world and they’ve come together to praise God. And they’re all arrayed in white. And I said to him, sir, you know, that’s the answer you give. When you want the person who asked you to answer the question for you. So you don’t get it wrong.
The elder says, who are these? And John says, sir, you know who they are. So he said to me, these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white. But he doesn’t. And there does, he, he said, they’ve washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
They didn’t just change clothes. They purified their clothes and themselves by the blood of Christ. It’s called atonement. It’s called consecration. They were made Holy go to revelation. 16 revelation, chapter 16, Jesus says behold, verse 15, behold, I am coming as a thief. Bless it. As he who watches and keeps his garments lest he walked naked and they see his shame.
The picture of Joshua is a man standing ashamed, but not once God replaces his garments. God close him in holiness revelation, chapter 19 revelation chapter 19 verse seven, let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come. And his wife has made herself ready. By the way, the wife’s the church and to her,
it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, right, bless it. Or those who are called to the marriage, supper of the lamb. And he said to me, these are the true sayings of God. The church is represented in this same way,
clothed in righteousness. So go back to Zechariah. Chapter three, we’ve seen the imagery go forward. We come back and God says, I’ve taken your iniquity away, Joshua. And when God takes away the iniquity of the high priest, the high priest represents who the people, God says you 42,000, who are here as a remnant. I’ve taken away your iniquity,
But the remnant didn’t stand by themselves. They represented somebody else. The people, the people still in captivity, the people in Babylon, the people who were no longer in Israel and God is taking their iniquity away too. And I said, verse five, this seems to be Zechariah. So they close the high priest in clean garments. They’ve removed his iniquity,
but then Zechariah says, let them put a clean turban on his head. Now, if you paid attention, as we were reading in Leviticus, chapter 16, you remember that was one of the articles of clothing for the high priest. As if Zechariah Zechariah is standing there and he’s saying, Whoa, he’s not done. You finish. You make sure he looks like the high priest he is.
And they put the clothes on him. And the angel of the Lord stood by then the angel of the Lord and Monish, Joshua saying. So now the angel, the one who’s guiding Zechariah turns to Joshua and says, thus says the Lord of hosts. If you will walk in my ways, if you will keep my command, then you shall also judge my house.
Then you shall also judge my house and likewise have charge of my courts. And I will give you places to walk among these who stand here. God tells Joshua you, you will judge my people. You remember back in the old Testament, back in Exodus, Moses was judging the people. But as the priesthood came to be, one of the functions of the priesthood was to become the judges.
That’s part of the function they had. They were to judge the people in matters that were too hard for the judges. They took over Moses’s role. But then eventually it went to the King. God says it’s being put back where it belongs. Judging is going to occur in the priesthood, not with the rebel, not with the governor, not with a King because the priest stands as the representative of God.
But it is first and foremost necessary that the priest act like it. There’s a warning here to Joshua about a corrupt priesthood, because that’s what they had had. God tells Joshua much, like he told the other Joshua way back in Joshua chapter one. When Joshua takes over for Moses, God tells Joshua in that book, you walk after my paths, you do not turn to the right hand or the left.
You obey my commandments. And then I will prosper you wherever you go. God tells this Joshua a S uh, probably a millennia later, almost at this point, you walk after my path, you keep my commandments, you follow my instructions. And then I will give you places to walk among these who stand here. You will no longer stand as one covered in filth and iniquity and the sin of the people and the sin of yourself.
You will stand as one who can walk among angels because you’re Holy. Then verse eight says, hero Joshua, the high priest, you and your companions, who sit before you for, they are a wonderous sign for behold. And here’s the bridge because all of these events are happening there. They’re happening now, they’re in the old Testament, but now God looks forward.
He says, for behold, I am bringing forth my servant, the branch God tells Joshua you and your companions. You are a sign of something to come. You are a representative of a priest. Who’s my servant, the branch, the term branch shares imagery and prophecy from Jeremiah chapter 23 and chapter 33 in Isaiah chapter 11, where God says this sprout that comes up,
Israel is going to be wiped away, but there’s going to be a sprout that comes up and that’s going to be mine. And it looks towards Christ. And he says, my servant is coming. And you stand here as a representative, as a four runner to him for behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua upon the stone are seven eyes behold,
I will engrave it’s inscription. This is God speaking. And God says to Joshua, I put a stone in front of you. There’s debate about what this is because elsewhere, the, the, the Messiah who’s coming is described as the, the stone of stumbling, the rock of offense, the bedrock, the foundation. And yet there are other things we we’ve got to keep it in its context.
What are they building in the context they’re building the temple. Joshua<inaudible> are building the temple and God hands them. The stone they’re building the temple that everybody thinks is insignificant. By comparison to the world. There are people that’s insignificant by comparison to the world. They don’t have power. They don’t have mining. God says, you have me and you have holiness.
And I’ve given you the stone and get over to chapter four and put this together, which we’ll do on the next Sunday or the Sunday. After, depending on how things go, we’re going to put together what stone this is, but here’s what you need to know about it. And chapter three, it’s a stone. That’s inscribed by God. Is there another time where we remember a stone being inscribed by God,
the very first stone that had the 10 commandments on it, that Moses went up into the Mount and received from the Lord. The second version, Moses inscribed, the first version, God inscribed, and now gone gives to Joshua A. Stone. And he is inscribed upon it. But not only is there an inscription upon it, there are seven eyes in it. Seven go into the book of revelation.
And here in Zechariah, seven is a number of perfection. It represents God, what’s God saying, Joshua, here’s the stone. And you look at it and there’s seven eyes. God is fully aware of everything that’s going on. He’s watching those seven eyes are to represent the eye of the Lord. And it’s not his knowledge of the actions in this world,
but where’s it watching from? Who did he give it to the high priest? God says, I’m going to dwell with you. And I’m going to put my name here and your going to be my brand plucked from the fire and your going to be my people and You, Josh. We’re going to be my high priest. And I will observe all the world from here in your midst.
He says, I have laid the stone before Joshua upon the stone or seven eyes behold, I will engrave its inscription says the Lord of hosts. And I will remove the iniquity of that land. In one day. In that day, says the Lord of hosts. Every one will invite his neighbor under his vine and under his fig tree. There’s more here than we might imagine because there was a day when John the Baptist,
who was the forerunner of Christ, saw Christ in the crowd and shouted behold, the lamb of God, which taken away the sin of the world. And two of John’s disciples who were with him at that time, went after Christ. But one of them before going went and found his brother, Peter and another one went and found Philip. He went and found Phillip,
who was sitting under a fig tree and broad it to Jesus. And Jesus said, a man, a Jew in whom is no guile. And Philip asked Jesus, how do you know me? And Jesus said, I saw you. I saw you when you were under the fig tree. And Philip immediately believed that he was the Messiah. She tells you what?
No one saw him under the fig tree in person, but Jesus saw him. And Jesus told him you believe, because I tell you, I saw you under a fig tree. You’ll see greater deeds than this. I’m telling you. Zechariah is the bridge book. Jesus Christ. The servant of God had come into the world and Jesus saw everything, not just fill up under the fig tree,
but the hearts and the thoughts of man that they thought they had hidden away. And no one would know, God knew Christ knew. And yet he, as one who was never clothed in filthy rags, one who could stand before God, without shame, without guile, without guilt took our sins upon himself and went to the cross and died for you and me.
We have a great high priest who cannot be untouched with the feelings of our infirmity, but was in all points, tempted like as we are yet without sin. And because we have such a high priest, Hebrews chapter four verse 16 says we may boldly come before the throne of grace to find help in time of need. Are you in a time of need?
Because Israel was Israel was in a time where they saw themselves as nothing but insignificant. There were probably knowing human nature. Those Israelites among that remnant, that looked at Joshua and Zerubbabel and said, we need to get some different leaders around here. These people aren’t cutting it. Josh was the wrong person. We need a different high priests. We need to replace.
We need it. And God says, no, this is my man. This is my high priest. And he’s no longer closed in iniquity, but he’s clothed in righteousness. And my presence is with him. And he represents my servant, who is coming the Messiah. What’s your relationship to God this morning. Are you clothed in your own filthy rags?
Are you a high priest clothed in sin? First, Peter chapter two, we just studied it on Wednesday night, told us that all Christians are high priests, all Christians, excuse me, our priests Christ as the high priest. And we all have a responsibility to offer a spiritual sacrifice our lives. What is your sacrifice? And how are you clothed?
Are you clothed as a priest? Are you clothed in iniquity? Because God is willing to wash you from your sins, whether you’re outside the body of Christ and you need to wash your garments in the blood of the lamb for the very first time, or you are a member of the body of Christ and you’ve soiled your garments. As those in the book of revelation said,
were told they had done among the churches, and God said, you need to wash and you need to be come clean. If you’re in either one of those two situations this morning, don’t stay there because you too can stand before God clothed in the blood of the lamb. If you’re outside of the body of Christ this morning, if you’re away word member of the body of Christ this morning,
if you were represented before God, by only your sin, why not change that? If we can help in any way, why not come as we stand? And as we sing No long, good things that are no blur. The<inaudible> Oh, well, Hey son to him. Hey son.<inaudible> jeez, uh, scrape this high. Yes.
I will come to the, I am resolved to go to the savior levy.<inaudible> he is the true one. He is the, just one. He had the<inaudible>. Oh, well, Hey son to him. Hey son. So<inaudible> hi. Yes. Uh, I will come to the, I am resolved to, and, uh, the King Dom<inaudible> fans may oppose me.
Foes may be set me<inaudible> well, Hey son to him. Hey<inaudible> hi. Yes. I will come to the, um, our closing song. This morning will be number eight Oh nine. Number eight zero nine, Lord dismisses with thy blessing. We’ll sing both verses of this song.<inaudible> dismiss us with<inaudible>.<inaudible><inaudible> try. I am fin Reedy being gray.
This is not the version. I thought it was. That’s my apology to you. I apologize. Um, let’s do number eight Oh eight abide with me. I’m sorry. It won’t be on the screen. I apologize for that different version of what I had in the book. Abide with me. Number eight Oh eight, abide with me fast falsity.<inaudible> the nasty Ben’s Lord with me.
Uh, when, uh, the, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> the helpless. So, uh, ride with me.<inaudible> shine through the glue, uh, and point me to the<inaudible>, uh, my money breaks and, uh, Spain, shadows flee and life and death. Oh, Lord abide with me please. Oh God. Our father In heaven,
we truly are grateful. And to the, for the love that has been shown to each and every one of us, we’re so thankful, dear God, that we’re your children. And then we’re able to come here and worship in the spirit and in truth, we’re so mindful. Dear father of the blood of your son, that was shed for us,
that we might have our sins cleansed. We pray father that we are robed in the righteousness of our savior, and they were trying to serve and glorify you with our lives and trying to reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ father. We pray for those that are healed among our congregation and ask that you be with them and they might receive the help that they need to regain their strength and health.
We’re grateful father for our visitors today. And we pray that we might draw closer together with one another, be able to encourage each other as she would have us to in this life. We pray father that we always keep our eyes upon thee. And upon that home with the in heaven that we might have, if we’re righteous and faithful to you, father,
we pray that you be with us as we’re about to leave this building, help us to always be mindful of those outside your body. That we’re willing to give of ourselves to try to share your word with them, that they too might come to know your will and want to be a children of yours. We’re so thankful for Aaron and his family. We pray that you give his family a safe trip back home to,
to him. We’re grateful for his ability to teach and preach your word. And we pray that you bless him and help us to always be mindful of that word that he so eloquently delivered today, dismiss us and bless us in Jesus name. We pray. Amen.
Are Christians priests? What kind of sacrifices do Christians offer? How? 1 Peter 2:5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
For what purpose are Christians a chosen race? 1 Peter 2:9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Are Christians to submit to those in authority? 1 Peter 2:13-14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Peter said to __________ all men, __________ the brotherhood, __________ God, and __________ the king. 1 Peter 2:17 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How are servants to treat their masters? 1 Peter 2:18-20 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Servants are to follow the example of the steps of __________. 1 Peter 2:21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
As a group, the Old Testament books of Isaiah through Daniel are classified as __________. See Lesson 166 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
<inaudible> It is time for us to get started.<inaudible> No, it’s not yet. I’ll, I’ll turn it on. When we’re done with class, we are in first Peter chapter two.<inaudible> It is amazing how quickly we’ve gone all the way through the Bible. We were in Exodus not long ago. And then first Kings and here we are, we’re all the way in first it’s first,
Peter, we’ve just really moved along. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, Our gracious and bountiful father in heaven. We bow before your throne at this time, grateful for all of the many blessings that you’ve given to us and all of the ways that you bless us each and every day we ask that you watch over us, take care of us,
protect us, but also that you through your word, guide us in right paths that we might use that word to shine the light on our path. And that we might walk in the light as you were in the light that we might be Holy, because you are Holy. We pray that at this time, as we go through this period of study,
that the things that we learn and the things that we study from this letter that Peter wrote might encourage us and bring us closer to you. And our daily walk might grow our faith and knowledge and understanding of your will. We ask that when we sin and fall short of your glory, you will forgive us of those things as we are willing to repent of them.
And we pray that you be with all those who are struggling with illnesses, difficulties, ailments, those who are dealing with the coronavirus and, and have contracted it. And those who are under concerned that they may have pray that you be with them as well. All this, we pray in jesus’ name. Amen.<inaudible> Peter writes about redemption all throughout this epistle through this,
throughout this letter, he focuses on our hope because of redemption our righteousness because of redemption, our grace that has brought about our redemption and our example in Christ, which we’re going to get to that has provided us our redemption. But even though throughout this book, he he’s, he’s talking about our state as Christians, because we are redeemed. It always draws itself back to because,
Oh God, yeah, because God did this. We have this. And here in this chapter in chapter two, we’re going to get into who we are and what we are, because God did what he did. Everything that Peter writes about. He draws you back to the reason behind it all, which has God. Yes. In james’ writing that we just finished up with James.
It has a great deal of emphasis on God, but his focus is more on us, on what we should be doing, how we should be living, what we shouldn’t be doing and the reasons behind it. But Peter has a much clearer focus on God and the results. Why that changes us, notice what he says. We’re going to pick up in verse 22.
Um, actually I’m going to go back to verse 17. He’s called upon them to be Holy. But in having said what I’ve just said, I want to get this part right here. He says, and if you call on the father who without partiality judges, according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear again,
because God is available for you to call on. And because God is Holy, you ought to do this. Then notice what he says. He says, bud, uh, or she gives me verse 18, knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible, things like silver or gold from your aimless conduct received by traditions from your fathers, but with precious,
the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb, without blemish and without spot, you ought to be Holy. You ought to not follow your fathers. You ought to not follow traditions because God shed the blood of Christ for you. He then goes to verse 20. He indeed was fore ordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who,
through him, believing God who raised him from the dead, gave him glory so that your faith and hope are in God, your faith, your all go back to because God did this. Okay? Everything that we do as Christians ought to ultimately go back to well, because God did that because God is this. And because God said to do this,
ultimately, that’s what it all goes back to the cause he exists because he’s acted and because he’s commanded us, therefore, that’s the reason for everything. That’s the reason for why we make choices. That’s the reason for living the Christian life. And that’s the reason we can have hope in eternity, but he goes on. He says, since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit in sincere level,
the brethren love one, another fervently with a pure heart, because you live a life that is redeemed because you have been redeemed from your sins, purified in your souls because you have had your sins washed away with the blood of Christ. Loved one another. You know, it’s really hard to love someone who is an evil, evil person. Isn’t it?
I mean, let’s just use an example. If, if the, the former leader of China walks through the door, knowing that he murdered and executed millions of people, that would be a person who would qualify as somebody really hard to love. But if that was somebody who was, maybe we call Saul of Tarsus, who murdered and executed people who threw Christians in prison,
who took people to prison and to death and did it believing he was doing the right thing. And then we met him three days after he went to Damascus and he’d qualify as someone who’s very hard to love. As a matter of fact, we know that that would be the situation we’d likely be in because what happened when he went before the apostles, they wouldn’t see him until Barnabas went and brought him in.
Some people are really hard to love because of what they’ve done in their past. But Peter says, once you’ve been washed by the blood of Christ, that changes everything. That doesn’t mean that those aren’t things that you will, you will pay dearly for, and that you will suffer. As a result of Jesus said, Saul is going suffer so much because of me.
And he did That. Didn’t change the fact that he was a redeemed washed and cleansed individual from every one of those sins. And so Peter says, because you’ve been purified, you love one another as if they’re Holy, because they are. But then we go, he goes on to say this because, uh, or verse 23, having been born again,
not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible through the word of God, which lives and abides forever because all flesh is as grass. And all the glory of man is the flower of the grass, the grass Withers and its flower falls away. But the word of the Lord and doers forever, because God exists because God is Holy because God acted in sending Christ.
And because God, Okay, That is our reason for everything he says, but the word of the Lord endures forever. Now this is the word by which the gospel was preached to. You says, here’s, here’s the what’s behind the good news. God speaking. Paul says it this way. Turn over to second Timothy chapter three, Paul says in second Timothy chapter three In verse 10,
he says, but you have carefully followed my doctrine. That is my teaching. My manner of life, purpose, faith long suffering, love, perseverance, persecutions afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch and I conium Atlas. DRA what persecution I endured and out of them, all the Lord delivered me. Yes. And all who desire to live godly in Christ.
Jesus will suffer persecution, but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and ministered of knowing whom you have learned them. Notice what he just said. He said, you know how I acted? You know how I lived? You know how I suffered now, you should expect to suffer the way I did,
but you need to go back to what you’ve always been taught. You need to go back to what you learned. You need to go back to the word of God. He says that from a child, you have known the Holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith, which is in Christ. Jesus. All scripture is given by the breath of God.
It’s out by God, because God spoke. You go back to what you’ve learned. That came from the scriptures from the word of God, because God spoke because all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work.
God, didn’t just speak in a vacuum. God, didn’t just speak to speak. God spoke because God, when he speaks, changes the world, it changes everything. We don’t live in a world that is as, as a deist would believe God spun up the world and then just let it go. No, because every time God spoke, it changed the world.
And it still does. Why? Because God’s word isn’t like the grass that fades away. God’s word. Isn’t like the flower that falls God’s word endures forever. So he says, therefore had to go back there because chapter two verse one begins with a conclusion of an argument, a drawing forward, the things that we just said, he said, therefore,
laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking as born babes desire, the pure milk of the word that you may grow, thereby because God spoke. And because God’s word endures forever, put aside sin and go to the word, go to the word, like a hungry baby goes to its mother, go to the word and desire it because he says you will grow from it.
One of the biggest struggles we have in the church are Christians who don’t grow, but you step back to the reason they don’t grow. And it’s always primary. It is predominantly one problem. They haven’t let go of sin and gone to the gospel. When we let go of sin and focus our lives on the gospel and read and study and delve into God’s word,
we grow. It’s a natural byproduct of doing that. But if delves into the word of God and studies it and reads and devours God’s word while holding on to sin, they won’t grow. They will become people who are manipulated by sin and use God’s word to their own purposes. And we know that’s true because that was the scribes and the Pharisees. They knew the word of God.
You could go to them and you could ask, what did Isaiah say about? And they’d tell you it, wasn’t a lack of knowing God’s word that caused them to be ignorant of God’s word. It was the sin that they didn’t take out of their lives saying same way. You take someone who they’re willing to remove sin, but they don’t replace it with God’s word.
And they become like Jesus spoke about the person who has seven devils removed from him. And then as a house that swept, but then not, not refurnished. When that person then doesn’t go to God, doesn’t put God’s word in the place of sin. Eventually what comes back sin and an even worse state. So it’s this combination. That’s why Peter doesn’t just say desire.
The word he says, remove sin and desire the word. But then he says in verse three, he says, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious right back to because God is gracious. And you have tasted that again, keeping the analogy of the, of the baby, the baby. If, if he is hungry and you put vinegar on his mouth,
he didn’t come back. He’s not going all. That’s what I was looking for. But one taste of his mama’s milk and he’s coming back. That’s the analogy he says, you’ve known God’s grace. And if you have known it, then the only logical conclusion is you do this. You remove sin and you go to bird. But then he says this.
He says, coming to him as to a living stone rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious God in the old Testament spoke concerning the cornerstone that he was going to lay the stone of stumbling the stone, the rock of offense. He said going to lay it in Zion, and it’s going to cause some to stand upon it and it’s going to destroy others.
And he describes there in Isaiah, what that stone, that rock was going to do. It wasn’t just going to destroy what it was laid upon. Those that were refusing those who rejected it, it was going to cause them to re crumble into dust. And ultimately it would be the entire Jewish system, the entire old Testament system and the entire power structure of the Israelites.
That would be completely annihilated because God said, if you reject me, I’ll destroy you. And they did. He says, coming to him as to a living stone rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious. You also, as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a Holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Two analogies here to the life of a Christian. He says, you are a living stone. Now this description of us as a stone is not the idea that we’re hard as rock. It’s bringing itself off of the description of Christ as the stone. When you build a house using the old systems of doing it in the ancient world, you laid a foundation stone and every stone that laid upon the foundation stone.
If the foundation was laid. Sure. And if it was laid in, in correct way, every stone was a representation of the stone underneath it, the house, the floor plan, everything was a representation, was a reflection of the bedrock. It was laid on. And so he says, Christ is a living stone, and you are supposed to look like him,
but he says, not only are you a living stone, he also says you are a Royal priesthood. What did the priest do in the old Testament? They offered the sacrifices as what, as a common person or as this in a specific role. Okay. They were representing God to the people and they were representing who to God, the people, they were a mediator.
Okay. They between God and the people, the Holy or the high priest on the day of atonement offered two sacrifices. The first was for his sins. The second was for the peoples because he couldn’t stand before God as an imperfect mediator, as an imperfect representative, he couldn’t stand before God with his sins, but he couldn’t represent God to the people with his sins either.
And so the first sacrifice was for himself. That’s why the book of Hebrews says we had Aaron’s priesthood, but now we have a better high priest, one untouched by sin. He said, Jesus Christ is not only the better sacrifice because blood of bulls and goats couldn’t take away sin, but he’s also the better priest. And he’s the better mediator of a new covenant.
Jesus Christ, the sacrifice, the priest and the mediator stands as what the priesthood represented, which was somebody who was truly Holy. Every priest was imperfect. Every priest, sinned, every priest had problems, but Jesus didn’t, they represented the true thing. They stood in the place of Christ. But now here we are. And Peter says, he’s the high priest and you’re the priests.
Hmm. So what was the function of a priest? Two things we talked about, the first thing we stated was they did what they, they represent they’re they’re they’re mediators between God and men and they offer sacrifices here. He says, he, he highlights the priests office in regards to the second item, the offering of sacrifices. But he doesn’t say everybody,
go get your goats. Say everybody go, we’ll go. Make sure you got a flock so you can offer your lambs. What’s the sacrifice we’re supposed to be offering a living sacrifice, turn over to thank you. Romans chapter 12, I was about to say Romans chapter six. And I said, no, that’s the wrong spot. Romans chapter 12,
verse one, I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies, a living sacrifice Holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Now let me combine. The two passages do not be conformed to the world.
Peter says, put sin out of your life, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, which your mind is renewed through. What means spending time with the book, renew your mind, transform your mind, desire the word of God, and then offer a living sacrifice and then offer a living sacrifice, which is your life to him. That indicates to us two things you put together,
both of those passages saying basically the same thing. And it tells us two things. Number one, you can’t be a sacrificial offering to God. If your life is dedicated to sin, he won’t accept it. That one of the qualifications for a sacrifice under the old Testament is it had to be without spot and without blemish and God condemned Israel in the later chapters of the old Testament,
because they were bringing the lame and the blind and the lamb that wasn’t worth anything. And they were bringing that as a sacrifice. And God said, go offer it to your governor. See if he’ll accept it. If he won’t accept it, why do you think I will? God’s command and requirement was always, you give me your best. You give me your first.
When you give me your best in your first, you see what I’ll do for you. So God will not accept our lives as a sacrifice. If our lives are plagued with sin and given over to sin, if we won’t remove sin, we can’t be a sacrifice, but if we won’t bring God’s word into our lives, we can’t be a sacrifice.
So he says you are to be a, a living stone build up together as a spiritual house, which by the way, I know we’re, we’re not going to get very far. Uh, we’re we’re going to try, but we’re not doing very good. Um, whoever saw a house made out of one stone would be a pretty small place to live.
I mean, let’s even just take one of these cinder blocks. They’re heavy. They’re fairly good size. Let’s just use one of those as a house. Not gonna work very well as it. We were never intended as Christians to be stand alone stones. We were intended to be built together as a spiritual house because we all serve a purpose and we all have a function and we are to function together.
And without it, we’re a pile of stones, not a spiritual house, but then he says, coming to him as a living stone rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious. You also, as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a Holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore it also contained in scripture,
behold, I lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone elect precious. And he who believes on him will by no means be put to shame therefore to you who believe he is precious. But to those who are disobedient, the stone, which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense. They stumble being disobedient to the word,
to which they also were appointed. God, put his word out there and God put his son out there. God gave his son and God shed his blood. And God gave his word to tell us all the reasons why and all the reasons why it wasn’t necessary, that we believe on him. And yet for some, they will see it and it will cause them to reject him and go the other way.
And some of us will scratch our heads and go, I don’t get it. How could you know the truth go the other way? But all we gotta do is go right back to those scriptures and right back to those scribes and Pharisees and, and go. But they knew, I mean, Nicodemus came to him and said, we know, we know you are a teacher gum from God.
Jesus asked them when they asked him concerning, uh, or asked him a question and Jesus said, answer this John’s baptism. Was it from heaven or from men? And they knew the answer, but would they say it out loud? No. So he says, but you, again, always drawing it back to us, but you are a chosen generation.
Peter didn’t write that. Just to that generation. Every Christian generation is a chosen generation, a generation of people who refuse sin and serve righteousness. He says, you are a chosen generation, a Royal priesthood, a Holy nation, his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light, who once were not a people,
but are now the people of God who have not, or who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. He States in contrast where they were and where they are, but we don’t need to skip over this without catching that phrase that he said you were created as this, a chosen generation, a Royal priesthood, a Holy generation, or excuse me,
a Holy nation, his own special people that he’s at. This all happened for a goal. What does he say we’re supposed to be or supposed to do? We’re we’re supposed to offer spiritual sacrifices. We’re supposed to show forth his praises. That fundamental aspect of being a Christian is worship and living. Not just worship, but worship and living in a way that glorifies God go right back to Matthew.
Chapter five, you are a light. You are a city that is set on a Hill that cannot be hid. You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt’s lost, its savor, what is it good for? What do you do with salt? This loss to saver, cast it out. It’s not even worthy to be trodden on why?
Because when your life changes, because God has given you the opportunity to remove sin and replace it with a righteousness and the mold yourself into a spiritual sacrifice, you ought to be producing something. You ought to look like something. You ought to look like him. And when you live that way, God says, Jesus said, the world will see you and glorify him.
Now that’s all there so that he can lead into this. That he’s about to write. He says, beloved. I begged you as sojourners and pilgrims abstain from fleshly loss, which war against the soul. I am. I implore you. I besieged you look at these things that destroy the life of a Christian and abstain from them. Kind of funny.
The, the indications, at least we’re told the indications are that, um, teaching abstinence in school isn’t effective. Hmm. That’s very strange. It’s just awe inspiring to me that that being taught abstinence by people who don’t live righteously, isn’t effective. Like you should abstain from doing something that’s wrong while I do it. I never, I never imagined that would be ineffective.
I mean, maybe if we taught the teachers first abstinence, and then maybe they taught the students abstinence, we might have some effect on, but what he doesn’t seem to, we seem to be missing a step. You know, what’s not ineffective is when righteous people teach children to be righteous. That’s not ineffective. Now there are some children who will ultimately go the other direction,
but I’m sorry, you, you go back to God’s method of teaching children to be righteous. And you’re going to, most of the time end up with righteous children. But if you go, you know what? You need to do what I tell you and not what I do. I’m going to say that the odds of that one is they’re going to go with what you do instead of what you say,
but then notice what he says. He says not only abstain from these fleshly laws, but having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, now notice the presupposition here, Peter already assumes they will. If you’re going to live righteous and you’re going to live righteously among those who are unrighteous, you better be prepared for the reality.
They will lie about you. And they will claim you are an evildoer. He says, when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works, which they observed glorify God. In the day of visitation, people came to the King and they said, King, you commanded that. Nobody should pray to anybody but you for 30 days.
And we have observed Daniel praying to the God of Israel, but the King through all those years prior had observed Daniel being a man of righteousness. And so even though the King did what the King said, because it was the law he wrote when the opportunity came to bring about punishment on the real unrighteous people, the King made sure that happened too, because he saw the life of Daniel.
Then we noticed, he says, therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the King, as Supreme or to governors as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. That’s not one of the most fun verses in all of scripture, by the way, where Peter says,
Oh, by the way, obey the ordinances of men. Now, this also should be stated is a passage where we should remind ourselves. We are to obey the ordinances of men so long as they do not contradict the laws of God also so long as they do not require us to contradict or act against the laws of God heard one preacher a year number of years ago,
make this statement. He said, if, if our country, and this was like I said, years ago before they did, it said no public prayer in school. He said, I don’t like it. I don’t support it, but I could do that. But if they said, I have to pray to someone other than God, I can’t do that.
I can not do something and still be righteous, not do something that I do in private that I can do in other ways. And other means now. But what if they said you can’t pray? I can’t do that. So there’s a gleaning here of the responsibilities. We have to understand the ordinances, the laws of men, and also to understand what God requires of us.
And we have to be able to pull those things together and know when we can obey and when we can. But when God’s laws, don’t contradict man’s laws, God says you will Bay. You do what you’re supposed to do under that King. But then he also says for this as the will of God, that by doing good, you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish man as free yet,
not using Liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bond servants of God honor, all people love the brotherhood fear, God honor the King. He said this obedience to the laws of man, to the ordinances of man. So that he says as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, he said, the reason why you obey the laws,
the reason why you obey the ordinances of men is because those laws and those governments, whether they’re, by the way, keep in mind. Peter’s writing this around a D 65 in two years, Nero’s going to be lighting Christians on fire in the streets of Rome. And yet Peter writes to Christians and says, you obey the government. He doesn’t say you obey good governments.
You, he doesn’t say you obey governments that give you freedom. He said, you obey the ordinances that you live under because that’s the will of God, because God put governments in place. Peter Jesus said to pilot, you would have no power, except it came from above because pilot said, do you not know I have the power to take your life or to give it?
And Jesus said, no, you don’t. He didn’t say no, you don’t have the power. He said, no, you don’t have it. Unless someone gave it to you. And I know who gave it to you. So he says honor, all people that phrase is, um, in, in the original language, it’s in an Eris tent.
It means you do it as a one time action. When people are worthy of honor, you honor them. But then he says, love the brotherhood, fear, God honor. The King. Those are present tense, verbs. These are things you do all the time. These are things you do and never cease doing servants. Be submissive to your masters with all fear.
Not only to the good in general, but also to the harsh for this is commendable. If, because of conscience towards God, one endures, grief, suffering, wrongfully, what credit is it? If when you take or excuse me, when you are beaten for your fault, you take it patiently. You do good. You be obedient to your masters.
You honor them. You honor the King because if you get beaten because you disobeyed the law, you got what you deserved, but he says, what credit is it? If when you were beaten by your faults, you take it patiently. But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God for, to this,
you were called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps, who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. All of this, again, he pulls right back to you do it because Christ did because God who, when he was reviled did not revile in return. When he suffered, he did not threaten,
but committed himself to him who judges, righteously, who himself bore our sins in his own body. On the tree that we having died to sin my live for righteousness. By whose stripes you were healed for, you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls. We’ll say a few more things about that section on Sunday.
Let’s go through the questions very quickly. And then we’ll be dismissed. Question one. Are Christians priests? Yes. What kind of sacrifices do Christians offer Spiritual sacrifices? Um, I just want to make sure we’re all on the same. Yes. Spiritual sacrifices. Um, How All right through Jesus Christ. Also another answer that that would be is by living as a spiritual sacrifice,
um, or by how we live, um, for what purpose are Christians a chosen race? Keep replaying the phrases again. Okay. To proclaim the praises of God. Yes or no. Are Christians to submit to those in authority? Yes. Even if you didn’t vote for them. Peter said to blank, all men honor blank. The brotherhood love blank.
God Fear, God and blank. The King honor the King. How are servants to treat their masters To be subject to them? Um, with all fear, uh, servants are to follow the example of the steps of blank Christ. Uh, and then a question from the old Testament as a group, the old Testament books of Isaiah through Daniel are classified as the major prophets,
minor prophets with a book after Daniel and go till the end. Hosea. Yes. Alright. You are dismissed. We’ll have her devotional in just a moment.<inaudible> Good evening. Welcome to the Wednesday evening devotional for the Collierville church of Christ. It’s good to see each and every one of you here tonight and to our visitors, we are so glad that you chose to worship our God with us this evening.
As you can see, there are still many of us that are not able to get out. And we understand that and we hope that you are able to, uh, attend this Bible study through either the call in or the, uh, live stream, several announcements here, uh, our sick route, Ellen, Dorothy Wilson, and Joan sprayer. Please keep all these in your thoughts and prayers,
Pam chafing and Sylvia pass both are having back problems. So please keep both of them in your prayers. Ava’s sister-in-law Kay Fisher is in rehab and she is not doing any better than what we reported on Sunday. So that’s not good for her. So please keep Kay in your thoughts and prayers, Mary Joe Todaro, that’s Jenny sister-in-law is, uh, been diagnosed with colon cancer and she still is in the hospital today.
They still have not released her from the hospital. So they’re working on what the plan is going to be for treating that. Uh, we have several that have been diagnosed with COVID, uh, Taylor Hodges, which is the Sanderson’s grandson, Vicky Wadsworth, which is Becky’s sister. And then, uh, Paula’s son, Luke Danley has also been diagnosed with COVID-19.
So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We do have a couple of members that are self quarantined yet, and that’s, uh, uh, Maury and Barbara Phillips. And then Terry and Jenny Sanderson’s Sanderson are, and that’s strictly a precautionary measure. As of right now, we still have not heard anything on their test results. You know, Alteri had a test,
but we have not heard anything from that. And Maury and Barbara, just, you know, a precautionary thing all together, just in case. Uh, the only other announcement I have is the nationwide gospel called meeting that goes on and every night at nine o’clock, Monday through Friday, that flyer, if you did not get one is out here on the table,
in the foyer. And that flyer there that we have is for the next, you know, this week and two weeks after that, and Gary is tomorrow night, right on there again, Gary college, the speaker tomorrow night on that, uh, tonight our song leader is going to be Marie sprayer, our devotional beer and coats art, and our closing prayer will be Terry Whitley.
Thank you, please. Mark. Number 82 in your book, 628, number six to eight. If the name of the Seder is purchased to you, if it’s care has been constant and tender and true, if the light of his presence brighten your away, who will you not out of your gladness today? Who will you not?<inaudible> if the light of his presence since brighten your way,
will you not here to<inaudible> if your faith in the savior has brought in three war, if a strength you have found in the strength of your Lord, if a whole Fama arrests in his palaces, sweet. Oh, where are you? Not brother. Those Dory repeat. Oh, will you not?<inaudible> if the light of his presence since brighten your way will not.<inaudible>.
If the souls all around you are living in sin. If the master has told you to bid, then come in. It’s a sweet invitation. They never have heard, Oh, well you not tell them the cheer bringing word. Oh, will you not tell it to your name? Hey<inaudible> if the light of his presence and brighten you way, William,
Hey,<inaudible> Take your Bibles. If you will. And open them. First, John First, John chapter four, John writes verse 17. Love has been perfected among us. The world will declare to us all sorts of things. It describes as love. But John says love has been perfected in us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment,
because as he is, so are we in this world? The love that’s been perfected in us is God’s love, but God’s love demands that we produce love in our lives. We know that Jesus said the greatest commandment in the law was thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength and all my mind and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself God’s love,
produces love in us. So John says love is perfected in us in that we can stand before God on the day of judgment, but he goes on to say, there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because love involves, or she me because of fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made. Perfect in love.
We love him because he first loved us. If someone says, I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar. Jesus told the people that the second greatest commandment in the law was thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self and one man seeking to justify himself asked who is my neighbor? The clear cut answer that Jesus gives through the parable of the good Samaritan is everyone we are to love without bias.
We are to love without view of stature. We are to love the beautiful and the ugly people in this world. I fall into the second category, but it’s okay. I well loved. We are to love every race under heaven, because God said we’re all of one blood. And we are to do that because God did. We are not to love sin.
We’re not to love sin in other people or in ourselves. John, in chapter two said, if you love the world, the love of the father is not in you. But if you hate your brother, he said, the love of the father is not in you because the only reason we could have to hate our brother is because we first haven’t realized that we were undeserving of God’s love you see,
because what we would say is we hate that person and there’d be every part of our body that would want to finish the sentence because such and such and such and such and such means they deserve it. But that would be our own condemnation. You remember when the man came to David and he came with what he fought was good news. I killed King Saul.
And David said, you signed your own death warrant. You became a witness against yourself. And your judgment is death, because you said you put to death. God’s anointed. Now put yourself in the position of saying, this person is on worthy of love because of X, Y, or Z. Now, where do you stand? Jesus, put it this way to the one who will show no mercy.
They will receive no mercy. We need to be those who overcome partiality because that’s really the base thing here. We don’t love those whom we hate because for some reason we have justified or not. Can’t be thoroughly justified, but in our minds, justifiably or not, we have looked at them with partiality. Now, again, God, doesn’t say you love.
And therefore there is no judgment and there is no punishment. And we’re not talking about judgment and punishment. We’re talking about love. And God’s love said there will be judgment. There will be punishment. And I will act to keep you from facing it. I’ll send my son for you so you don’t have to be judged and you don’t have to be punished for everything you deserve.
Do we love the way God does? Or do we hold back our love? Because we’ve chosen a life of partiality towards others. What’s your life today. If you’re outside the body of Christ, understand how God loves. God loved you enough to send his son to die on the cross for your sins, that you might have redemption. One who was without sin died so that you who have sin could have eternal life.
But if you reject the sacrifice that God made, you should understand, there’s not another one. And when that sacrifice is rejected, you stand before God. With the only thing you have to declare your righteousness. But the only thing you have to declare your righteousness is actually your sin. And so you stand before God condemned. If you’re outside the body of Christ this evening,
don’t go home. That way entering into the body of Christ, entering into the salvation that is in Christ is done by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, repenting of your sins and confessing the name of Christ being immersed in water for the remission of those sins. And you can rise up redeemed no longer covered in sin,
no longer stained by the world, but washed in the blood of the lamb, pure white. If you remember the body of Christ and you’ve brought shame and reproach upon the church, you can come home, you can turn back to righteousness and we will pray with you and pray for You. If you have need of the invitation, for any reason, it is available.
Now, why not come as we stand? And as we sing, God,<inaudible> God<inaudible>. God is so good.<inaudible> he cares for me. He cares for me. He cares for me. He is so good to me. He answers prayer. He answers<inaudible>. Hey, answered prayer.<inaudible> Let us pray. Our heavenly father. We thank you for the privilege and honor to be in your house tonight.
Lord, we thank you for Aaron that stands before us Lord and explained your word that even the simplest person can understand it. Lord, Lord, we lift the ones who are sick, have the fear of the virus and everything, or just comfort them and bring them back. Lord, Lord, as we leave tonight, just let a slate was good to be in your house and just give us travel safety and forgive us where we fail you.
Who wrote the book of 1 Peter? 1 Peter 1:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why do Christians have a living hope? 1 Peter 1:3-5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Are the readers of 1 Peter experiencing trials? 1 Peter 1:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the outcome of a person’s faith? 1 Peter 1:9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
By what have individuals been redeemed? 1 Peter 1:18-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Was Jesus first known when he came as a man on earth? 1 Peter 1:20 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How long will the word of the Lord last? 1 Peter 1:25 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sermon: I Will be The Glory In Her Midst (Zechariah 1:7-2:13
Zec 1:7 ¶ On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, which is the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet: 8 I saw by night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow; and behind him were horses: red, sorrel, and white. 9 Then I said, “My lord, what are these?” So the angel who talked with me said to me, “I will show you what they are.” 10 And the man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, “These are the ones whom the LORD has sent to walk to and fro throughout the earth.” 11 So they answered the Angel of the LORD, who stood among the myrtle trees, and said, “We have walked to and fro throughout the earth, and behold, all the earth is resting quietly.” 12 Then the Angel of the LORD answered and said, “O LORD of hosts, how long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which You were angry these seventy years?” 13 And the LORD answered the angel who talked to me, with good and comforting words. 14 So the angel who spoke with me said to me, “Proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts: “I am zealous for Jerusalem And for Zion with great zeal. 15 I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease; For I was a little angry, And they helped-but with evil intent.” 16 ‘Therefore thus says the LORD: “I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy; My house shall be built in it,” says the LORD of hosts, “And a surveyor’s line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem.”‘ 17 “Again proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts: “My cities shall again spread out through prosperity; The LORD will again comfort Zion, And will again choose Jerusalem.”‘” 18 ¶ Then I raised my eyes and looked, and there were four horns. 19 And I said to the angel who talked with me, “What are these?” So he answered me, “These are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.” 20 Then the LORD showed me four craftsmen. 21 And I said, “What are these coming to do?” So he said, “These are the horns that scattered Judah, so that no one could lift up his head; but the craftsmen are coming to terrify them, to cast out the horns of the nations that lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.” (NKJV)
Zec 2:1 ¶ Then I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, a man with a measuring line in his hand. 2 So I said, “Where are you going?” And he said to me, “To measure Jerusalem, to see what is its width and what is its length.” 3 And there was the angel who talked with me, going out; and another angel was coming out to meet him, 4 who said to him, “Run, speak to this young man, saying: ‘Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls, because of the multitude of men and livestock in it. 5 ‘For I,’ says the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.'” 6 ¶ “Up, up! Flee from the land of the north,” says the LORD; “for I have spread you abroad like the four winds of heaven,” says the LORD. 7 “Up, Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.” 8 For thus says the LORD of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. 9 “For surely I will shake My hand against them, and they shall become spoil for their servants. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me. 10 ¶ “Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,” says the LORD. 11 “Many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and they shall become My people. And I will dwell in your midst. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you. 12 “And the LORD will take possession of Judah as His inheritance in the Holy Land, and will again choose Jerusalem. 13 “Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for He is aroused from His holy habitation!”
The source of quarrels and conflicts is __________. James 4:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the reason a person does not receive what he asks in prayer? James 4:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Individuals are to submit to __________ and resist ___________ . James 4:7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
When a person resists the devil, what does the Bible say that the devil will do? Name the blessing for humbleness. James 4:7, 10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Are persons to speak against or judge their brothers? Who is the only Lawgiver and Judge? James 4:11-12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
James compares the length of life here on earth to a ___________. James 4:14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
James said that if a person knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, he has ____________________. James 4:17 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional Scriptures:
1. Spiritual adultery – 2 Corinthians 11:2; Hosea 2 2. Demas forsook Paul and the gospel. – 2 Timothy 4:9-10 3. Jesus’ parable on the publican (tax collector) and Pharisee – Luke 18:9-14 4. Blessed are they that mourn. – Matthew 5:4 5. Jesus spoke on humbling oneself. – Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52 6. Jesus’ words will judge on the last day. – John 12:48 7. Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth. – Matthew 28:18
The source of quarrels and conflicts is __________. James 4:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is the reason a person does not receive what he asks in prayer? James 4:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Individuals are to submit to __________ and resist ___________ . James 4:7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
When a person resists the devil, what does the Bible say that the devil will do? Name the blessing for humbleness. James 4:7, 10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Are persons to speak against or judge their brothers? Who is the only Lawgiver and Judge? James 4:11-12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
James compares the length of life here on earth to a ___________. James 4:14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
James said that if a person knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, he has ____________________. James 4:17 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional Scriptures:
1. Spiritual adultery – 2 Corinthians 11:2; Hosea 2 2. Demas forsook Paul and the gospel. – 2 Timothy 4:9-10 3. Jesus’ parable on the publican (tax collector) and Pharisee – Luke 18:9-14 4. Blessed are they that mourn. – Matthew 5:4 5. Jesus spoke on humbling oneself. – Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52 6. Jesus’ words will judge on the last day. – John 12:48 7. Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth. – Matthew 28:18
<, Launch multi presenter, and then type in the code, or you got to hit connect to projector and then type in the code. Good morning, everyone. Let’s try that again.
Good morning, everyone. We are in James chapter four. Hopefully you have picked up a set of the questions. We’ll cover those. As we conclude our study, I want to say very big, thank you to Michael for covering class a Wednesday. He did a great job. I got a chance to listen to it and, uh, appreciate all of the interaction and the involvement of the classes he was teaching,
and a good opportunity for a study. And he did a good job with the material we are. As I mentioned in James chapter four, we’re going to do a little bit of, of pulling together of, of the previous chapters, because, um, I think sometimes we study James in kind of the way we study the book of Proverbs, but it’s not the book of Proverbs.
You know, you study Proverbs and you go, okay, this statement is a proverb. And sometimes it’s one verse, and it’s not necessarily connected to the things on either side of it, because it’s a compilation of Proverbs. Sometimes they think we treat James that way. Oh, he’s talking about the tongue. Oh, he’s talking about wisdom. Oh,
he’s talking about, ah, James, there is a whole thread all the way through, from chapter one, all the way to the end. He’s not skipping around and covering different topics. He’s covering one topic and he’s covering it the entire way through the book. And as we read, what we need to comprehend is that this study, this book,
this letter written to these Christians is trying to get them from the point of struggle, to the point of perfection. Remember he introduced the book with that. He introduced the book with, when you go through trials and you allow patients to have her perfect work and base that upon your faith, which is the hearing and obedience of God’s word, then it will make you perfect,
mature or complete. So the whole goal of the book of James is mature Christians. Okay? So we’re going to go grab some verses as we get started, to bring those things in those thoughts together into chapter four and a word, but we’re going to begin with a word of prayer, A gracious father in heaven. We bound before you humbly grateful for all that you do for us on a daily basis,
grateful for the sunshine and the rain grateful for the good days and the bad grateful for the trials and the joys mindful that each and every day is an opportunity to serve you. We pray that you be with those from among our number who are traveling and are, or are away from us, especially those who are still unable to get out because of the pandemic.
We pray that you give them comfort and strength and assurance and all that they do as they live faithful to you. We pray that you watch over those who are traveling, and those who are out in those who do have a responsibilities that they must go and, and take care of that they will have good health and safety in this time of great stress and struggle.
We pray for all of us who are present, that we strive daily to live righteously before you, but we know that we sin. We know that we fall short of your glory, and we pray that when we do so, we repent of those things that we change, our actions that we evaluate ourselves by the mirror of the law of Liberty and the law of truth that you’ve presented to us in your word.
And that we adjust our lives to look like you all this. We pray in Jesus name, Amen. Chapter one, James says every good and every perfect gift comes from one place. Where is it the father? But notice one other thing, he doesn’t just say that every good and every perfect gift comes from the father. That would be enough. That would be great news,
but he says every good and every perfect gift comes from the father. Number one, he describes the father as what? This is verse 17 of chapter one, the father of lights, every good and every perfect gift is tied to the light of God. Every bit of it, someone who does good, who, who may be sometimes isn’t even a good person.
We’re going to talk about that a little bit in our sermon this morning when bad people morally speaking, do good things or result in good things, because they’re doing something that has been placed before them. That brings about the will of God. They may not intend it for good. They may even have evil intentions. Paul talked about that. Paul talked about people who preached out of a desire to cause him more harm while he’s in prison.
And they were preaching the truth. And he said, I glory in this above everything. They’re breaching the truth. So long as the gospel is preached, whatever happens to me, doesn’t matter. So an evil intent, but they’re doing something that produces good. Doesn’t mean they won’t be judged for their evil. Absolutely they will. Okay. So every good and every perfect gift begins with God and his character and his righteousness.
That’s the light. Remember first John one walk in the light as he is in the light. What is that talking about? His righteousness, his goodness. Now we’ve got every good and every perfect gift come down to, to the end of chapter one. And we’re talking about pure religion. We’re talking about a religion, a faith and action. That’s produced out of someone who hears the word of God,
and doesn’t just ignore it. But is a doer of the work. It’s not enough to just be a Dewar of things. You have to be a doer of the work. James describes Christianity as work and anybody who’s worked for years and decades knows that involves some exhaustion along the way, mental, spiritual, emotional, physical exhaustion, because it’s work. If Christianity to you doesn’t feel like a labor.
Maybe the Christianity is not being done the right way. Now there’s not, there’s not always, you know, just like any job. Not every day is exhausting. Some days you go to work and there’s just nothing to do. You know, you can look for things to do. There’s always something to do, but it’s not like one of those days where you walk in the door and it’s zero to 90 miles an hour for a minute one.
And those days you walk out the door at the end of the day, you go, some days in Christianity are like that. And some days are blessings and easy, but he says every good and perfect gift comes from above. But you have a part to play. You have a work to do, you are involved, but then he goes on and says,
but careful as you enact the love of God in your life, don’t do it with partiality. Don’t do it with respect of persons. As you bring out the faith that is in you and produce a work, you don’t decide to do it to those who are rich and not those who were poor. You don’t decide to show love to those who you like and not show love to those who you dislike.
That was the desire of Jonah. You remember Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh. He didn’t want to preach to the Ninevites. And he told God why before the book was over. He said, because I knew, I knew if they turned and they relented and they repented at my word, I knew you would let them live. He didn’t like them.
They were the enemies of Israel. They were a threat and they would destroy the Northern kingdom of Israel eventually about a hundred years later. And Jonah thought, Oh, we’d be so much safer if this people was gone. And so he didn’t want to go preach. You cannot hold the faith of Christ with respect of persons, but he moves into this respect of persons.
And then right back into you, should you claim your faith? You claim, you have faith. Show me your faith by your works. You claim to have faith without works. I’ll show you my faith by my works. And then he goes to Abraham and he says, here’s Abraham as an example. And then he goes to who else? Rehab a woman who,
again, not a righteous woman at the time of the action that he describes. She’s a harlot. She’s from a pagan background. The one thing she knows is God brought this people across the red sea, on dry ground and destroy the nation of Egypt and plunder the nation of Egypt and told them they were coming to this land. And I know he’s going to give you this land.
So whatever I do, I’m going to do for him because he is the true God. So she did it in perfectly as to be expected. She did it to the best of her resources, but she did it out of a desire to obey the one who she knew very little about. And then James says, be not many masters, be not many teachers.
This is not, you know what, in Christianity, we just have too many people teaching other people. You know, we can’t all be teachers. Somebody has to actually listen to the teacher and that’s not what this is. This is established in a foundation of the rabbi system of the Jews. Step back and think about the Pharisees step back and think about the Sagitta.
Uh, the scribes, the chief priests and their attitudes towards being teachers. They were above everybody else. They were better than everybody else. They were expected as they went through the marketplace, that people would recognize them and recognize their, a teacher at Jesus, condemned them over and over and over and over again, because their works didn’t match their teaching because their desire for prominence and being lifted up over others,
didn’t match the profession that they served. God. And so he warns Christians because remember this at this point in the church, what’s one of the biggest struggles that the church is dealing with. Judaizing teachers who want to say no, no, Paul’s not an apostle. No, no, no, no, no. The apostles don’t teach that. No,
no, no. The Gentiles can’t have this and they’re lifting themselves up and proclaiming their words. Instead of gods. There’s two things we have to be careful about when we’re teachers and every single Christian is called to be a teacher, a teacher of different people in different times in different places. But every single one of us is called to be those who teach others.
The gospel of Christ, every single one of us is called to instruct children. If we have them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, every single one of us is called to be an influenced in the world, around us to leave an impact towards God and be a light to the world. That’s being a teacher. But James is focusing on the station of teaching the rabbi system,
the lifting one up as a teacher, but then he warns them about the tongue. Someone did an analysis on the average sermon across a year average sermon in length, average rate of talking. And the average quantity of times that a preacher is in front of an audience speaking on a regular basis. And it ends up, some people talk faster. Some people talk slower,
some people preach longer shorter, but by and large, uh, most preachers on average have the equivalent of speaking the average length of 10 full novels every year. Think about how many words are in an average novel, and think about writing 10 of those every year. And that’s on average, how many words a preacher will stand before an audience and speak every year he’s preaching.
And then go back and read what James says about those who use their tongue in properly. Yes. Um, based upon, so most people speak an average number of words per minute. And so you extrapolate that out to most sermons or 35 minutes or so. And you just start doing the math, um, at, at 80 to 90 words, a minute and 35 minutes,
a piece for four hour or a total of 180 minutes a week, you start doing the math and especially those who talk faster, uh there’s some of us talk faster than other people think. And there’s some of us that talk slower than we think, but, you know, but then notice this statement. He says, verse two for, we all stumble in many things.
If anyone does not stumble in word, I’m going to confess something to you right now. I have taught things in my life that were untrue now, never intentionally, but there have been things that I have stated in, in my time as a, as a preacher and as a teacher or someone come to me and said, you know, uh, Jonah wasn’t in the arc.
Okay. Just to be clear, Jonah wasn’t in the arc and Moses, his arc was in bulrushes and Noah’s arc was. Yeah, I know. Okay. Uh, but it happens. You’re you’re talking, you’re thinking, you’re saying something and you will say something incorrect. Uh, w It wasn’t too long ago. I said something. And I,
I said the exact opposite of what I meant the exact opposite. Now, generally we all recognize those things and those aren’t intentional, but the reality is at times, sometimes we, even, as teachers will out of a misguided desire to provoke people to good works will teach something. That’s incorrect. There have been times where you go and study deeper and you go back and evaluate a sermon that you preached five or six years ago.
And you go, I’d never preached that. Now. Maybe it wasn’t, the conclusion was wrong. But the premises that you use to get to the conclusion were just flawed. You didn’t know any better, you were ignorant, or you were young or whatever. And you taught something in a poor way. It happens, especially if you’re teaching and preaching with the frequency that most teachers or preachers do.
And so James wants to put in front of you the struggle of making mistakes, but then he also wants to put in front of you the struggle of the tongue, because it’s very easy when someone’s a rabbi, when someone who’s being looked up to when someone’s in front of others and lifted up before others to start saying things that glorify them and not God God said,
The tongue can get you in trouble, but then bring that forward into the end of chapter three and chapter three, verse 13, we’re going to read down through verse 18 to kind of set the premise of chapter four. He says, who is wise and understanding among you, Whoever is wise and understanding among you ought to be your teachers. Sometimes we put people in a place and hope they’ll eventually become wise and understanding.
And yet we put them in a place of teaching all along the way. That’s the wrong way to do it, by the way, if someone has no wisdom and has no understanding, we should not be allowing them to practice teaching until they get some wisdom and understanding. Now, there’s, there’s something to be said for practicing and taking young individuals, teenagers,
and others who don’t have a great deal of wisdom, who don’t have a great deal of understanding and giving them an opportunity to grow in the ability to teach. That’s one thing, but we all recognize their limitations. But when you lift someone up and praise them as a teacher, as a rabbi, as a person of wisdom, when they don’t have any,
Because their wisdom comes from in here, there was some comes from up here, not up there too many preachers have wonderful stories, wonderful things to say, to entertain an audience for 30 or 45 minutes and have no wisdom because they’re not looking at this book and they’re not using it. Notice what he says. He says, who is wise and understanding among you let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
Here’s your direct contrast to the scribes and Pharisees go to Matthew chapter 23 and read what Jesus said to the Jews as Jesus is about to go to the cross. As his time is short, he says to the Jews, do what they say when they teach you the law, but do not do what they do because they say and do not. James says who is wise and understanding among you,
let him show his life to be what he teaches. But then he goes on to say, but if you have bitter, envy and self seeking in your hearts, do not connect, disconnect this from chapter four, verse one, he’s going to come right back to bitter, envy and strife. He says, but if you have bitter, envy and self seeking in your heart,
do not boast and lie against the truth. Sometimes we look at God’s word and we look at our life and we say those two things don’t match. We do what James described in James chapter one and look into the perfect law of Liberty and then do what he describes at Galway and forget what we saw. And we don’t judge ourselves by God’s word. We judge ourselves by others,
and that provides us an opportunity to proclaim ourselves. I’ll look at me, look at all that. I do. Look what I say, look, what I teach. Look how I look, how others treat me. James says, no. When you’re doing that, it’s because you’re looking at others. You want what they have. You’re looking at someone else.
Who’s treated that way. And you want what they’re having. And you’re self seeking that word, self seeking is the whole premise of chapter four. If we miss this, we miss chapter four because all through the chapter, we’re gonna bring them out. As we go along. It’s the self itself itself, itself. He says, but if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts,
do not boast and lie against the truth. Here, here you are. You’re examining yourself and you’re going. I want what that person has. But God tells me to be humble. God tells me to be content, whether I’m in prison or in standing before a King, whether I’m rich or I’m poor, God tells me to be content. And I’m not because I want what that person has.
But then I look at my life and I go, and everything I do is to get what that person has. I’m self-seeking, I’m not, I’m not God seeking. I’m not putting God first. I’m not being a light to where, when people see my good works, they glorify the father. I’m when people see my good works, they glorify me.
And he says, when you look at this and you see this about yourself, do not. What does he say? He says, do not boast and lie against the truth. He’s telling them, admit it own up to it. Confess your wrongs and change. Because if you go on lying to yourself, that you’re not the way you are, you won’t change.
Jesus called the Pharisees of brood of Vipers, a pit of snakes. Yet they were the considered to be the religious elites. And why wouldn’t they change? Cause they’d never admit the truth about who they were, but he goes on to say, this wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic from where envy and self seeking exists.
Notice their self again, confusion. And every evil thing are there you go look at the foundation of almost, and I’m going to put the almost there because I’m not on mission. And I don’t understand everything, but almost every problem in the world and the back of all of them is selfishness. Because think about it. If we weren’t acting selfishly, would we have created the problem to begin with?
If nations didn’t act selfishly, would they go to war with another nation? I mean, let’s face it. Um, by and large, there are some exceptions, but has a country ever said, you know what? We’re going to go to war with another country because we’re more concerned about that country. That ourselves, maybe not. Now, there are a few times in history where there have been Thai radical leaders and people murdering others where people went to war on behalf of,
in defense of others. But I’m talking about in general. I mean, let’s just exclude the 5% of history that is that. And go with the 95% of history. That was every other war in history where people went to war because they wanted what someone else had envy and self seeking. But he goes on to say, but the wisdom that is from above is first.
Don’t miss the word first year pure. It is without any ability to malign it. This is the same idea as Christ being the one in whom there was no ability to declare him to be guilty. It’s first pure. Then peaceable. If you have peace without purity, you don’t have real peace. If you have peace without agreement with God, you don’t have real peace.
You have ultimate destruction. You might have temporary peace, but it must first be in agreement with God. So if it’s not walking in the light, if it’s not righteous, if it’s not in accordance with the character of God, which is the idea of complete purity, then peace doesn’t matter. You might have tranquility. You might have agreement, but you have agreement in wrongdoing.
He says, it’s first pure. Then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. And then he says, where do Wars and fights come from among you? Righteousness is broad forth, produces its fruit in peace, but your life doesn’t look like peace.
James is writing to Christians and he’s looking at churches that are at war with one another. There was a time where I thought this was talking about the world. I thought James was evaluating Jewish society and evaluating the strife and the envy and the struggle between them and, and the Christians and just blanket struggle. He’s not go read Paul’s letters. Go read the lies that were being told about the apostle Paul and how many times he had to defend even his own.
Apostleship go read about the struggles between the Jews and the Gentile. Christians go read about the things that were being done by the, the Christians who were rich to the Christians who were bore when Paul addresses over in first Corinthians. The fact that there were those among the church in Corinth, that weren’t even waiting on the entire assembly to come together, to have the Lord’s supper.
They were too focused on themselves to even wait for the rest of the congregation to get there. And he says, this is why some of you are weak and dying. So he says, where do Wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members look at yourself? Oh, you might say,
well, the problem is that person over there, the problem is this. The problem is that the pro. And he says, no, no, you look at you. You look at what you want and ask yourself, how many times are you sacrificing? What you want for the good of someone else. But he goes on to say, you lust and do not have you murder and covet and cannot obtain you fight and war yet.
You do not have, because you do not ask. These Christians were becoming just like the children of Israel. You see back of all of this in the background of the entire book of James, James is reminding them about their history. And he’s telling them, you’re becoming just like the nation that God destroyed. And you don’t think people of God can become people of Satan.
Go look at Israel. It doesn’t take long either. He goes on to say, you ask and do not receive because you ask a miss that you may spend it on your pleasures. This is you. You’re asking God for things. You’re desiring to have things and the things that you need. You’re not asking for the things that you desire, the things that are a part of your lush and your fleshly desires.
You’re asking for those just so you can spend it on yourself. How many times do we pray? God bless me more so I can give more. We really ought to Paul makes it clear that God gives and blesses those so that they can give to others. But again, verse one, he’s talking about self is the problem. Verse two self is the problem.
Verse three self is the problem he says, you ask and do not receive because you ask him is that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? There’s the clear identifier that I ignored at one point in my life that he’s talking to Christians, isn’t this the same thing John says,
love not the world. Neither the things that are in the world, the less of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, the things that are of the world make you an enemy of God. James is saying the same thing he says, do you not realize? But then he goes on and says, whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
If you’re looking at the world around you and you want what they want, you share their values. You want to fit in with the world. The only way that works is you don’t look like God anymore. We have a culture that loves to shame people for standing up for what God thinks. And I mean, they love it from one, from businesses to schools,
to people just generally in the culture, politics, you just name a category. And you begin with the words. I believe that it’s wrong to murder babies. And you find out how that goes. I believe that it’s right to punish wrongdoing and law breaking. See how that goes. I believe that a person has a moral responsibility to live righteously, even in private before God.
And that they’re accountable to God for how they act behind closed doors. See how that goes. Good luck. Because you’re going to find out the world loves to shame those who believe in righteousness. He says, you can’t look like the world and want to be with the world. And it want to fit in with the world and not be an enemy of God can’t work.
But then he goes on to say, but he gives, or do you think that the scripture says in vain, the spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously, is this, go back and look at the old Testament. God told you this. God told you you’ll want to fit in. You’ll want to fit in with the world, but you shouldn’t.
And then he says, but he gives more grace, John or James. Isn’t leaving them without hope. He says, grace is here, but it requires something of you. It requires that your willing to look at yourself and lower yourself, because remember the whole point is self, self, self, self, self. Now James says, take yourself and put yourself where you belong.
How many Kings, how many leaders in the old Testament and the nation of Israel did God relent on judgment purely because when he told them of the judgment that they were going to receive, they humbled themselves a have one of the worst Kings and all the nation of Israel buried. The Jessebelle committed atrocities, allowed his wife to kill the prophets. And yet when he humbled himself at the declaration of the prophet,
God said the judgment on your family’s not going to come in your lifetime. It’s going to come in your son’s because he humbled himself. Notice what he says. He said, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore submit to God, resist the devil. And he will flee from you. The secret of dealing with temptation right here,
James spells it out. And just a few words resist the devil. By the way, if you’re going to resist the devil, it means you’re going to resist your own desires because that’s what the devil’s tool is. That’s his primary tool. Get you convinced that your desires are what’s right? That that is the primary argument for every culturally immoral action that we have going on in our society.
I want it this way. Therefore, I should be allowed to have it this way. Everyone, you go down the list of every abomination, America commits and right back there is, I want it. And you shouldn’t be allowed to tell me no. He says, therefore, submit to God, resist the devil. And he will flee from you draw near to God and he will draw near to you cleanse your hands.
You sinners. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God at times. But James is addressing a different category of Christian. He’s talking about a category of Christian. Who’s living a lie. They’re hypocrites. You read the description from verse one to here. And he’s not talking about Christians who occasionally struggle. He’s talking about just like the scribes,
the Pharisees and Sadducees. He says lament, a actually I skipped a line. He says, cleanse your heart or your hands. You sinners purify your hearts. You double-minded lament and mourn and weep three times, three times. If you’re happy, he says these Christians you’re wrong. Mourn for your sin. Mourn for what you’re doing lament over it. Because you’re bringing about your own destruction.
Let your laughter be turned to mourning your joy in the gloom, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. And he will lift you up the strangeness of life. God says, you want to go up, go down. You think you’re going to take yourself up. We have a saying in America, uh, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
God says, you think you’re going to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Just wait. You have no idea how low I can take you and I will. But then he says, do not, do not speak evil of one, another brethren. Ooh, that’ll get you. He says, do not speak evil of one, another brother. And he who speaks evil of a brother and judges.
His brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you are judged, but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge. This is, there is one law giver who is able to save and to destroy, who are you to judge another? Now all the things, this is not.
And there’s many. This is not a saying, do not hold fast to the truth. Do not proclaim the truth in the face of error. This is not saying, do not identify people when they’re doing wrong. This is not saying don’t depart from those who failed to walk in accordance with the word of God. It’s not saying any of those things,
his subject, his topic is self. This is in complete agreement with Matthew chapter seven verse one, judge, not that you be not judged for. With what judgment you judge ye shall be judged. And with what measure you meet, it shall be measured to you again, be not many masters. You want to look at yourself and then judge others do this first.
Judge yourself, judge yourself, and then see if you have any space to judge anybody else. And then ultimately don’t judge them, show them the law and allow them to judge themselves. Because ultimately we judge ourselves, not by ourselves, but by God, he goes on to say, come now you who say today or tomorrow. Now this is one of those passages where again,
we take the book of James. We just chop it up in a little bitty bits. All right, now we’re talking about future plans. And now we’re talking about the shortness of life. No, we’re not. This passage absolutely talks about the brevity of life, but it is not about the brevity of life. I appreciate every time it’s mentioned in a funeral,
but it’s not about the brevity of life. Let me show you. He says, come now you who say today or tomorrow, we will go to such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell and make profit. Who’s talking the person who’s desiring their own less. The one who’s interested in themselves. Notice the phrase ology. He says,
come now you, you say tomorrow or today or tomorrow we, we are going to do this. We’re going to make these plans. We’re going to accomplish this in this statement. You do not see if the Lord wills with God’s blessings. God, if it’s your desire, allow none. No, no, no, no, no, no. You’re seeing a servant lifting himself up to be a master.
He says, come now you who say today or tomorrow, we will go to such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell and make a profit. Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow for what is your life. It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then manages away. Instead, you ought to say,
if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that you remember the rich man, the rich man who planted in his, in his field. And then the harvest time came and he had so much harvest that he couldn’t store it in his barns anymore. And he said to himself, self, I’m going to tear down these bars. I’m going to build bigger ones.
And I’m going to live my life in ease for the rest of my life because I have so much. And God says your life is over. And then who will these things be self versus God. And he says, but now you boast in your arrogance. Here is the identifier of the single thread all the way through back to chapter three, verse 13,
arrogance, You boast in your arrogance thinking you have any say beyond, allow me to serve God. James begins his letter with James, the servant of Jesus Christ. And he says, you boast in your arrogance. He says, all such boasting is evil. Therefore to him who knows to do good and does not do it. We’re right back in James chapter one,
verse 27, the one who provides for the widows and the orphans, the one who’s pure religion brings about works in his life. He says the one who knows to do good to others and is only worried about himself to him at sin. Let’s go through the questions very quickly as I was at a time a while ago, but I managed to not bring my questions up here.
So one of y’all gets to read some, read the questions, question one, somebody read it Euless. Okay. Source of quarrels and conflicts. I’ll read it again. So the people on the stream can hear it. What is the reason a person does not receive what he asked for in prayer? All right. Oh, um, put yourself first or you ask a miss.
I believe the King James way of putting that individuals are to blank and resist blank, submit to God and resist the devil. When a person resist the devil, what does the Bible say that the devil will do flee by the way, he’s a coward. Just get that the devil’s a coward. He’ll never be victorious. He’s a coward named the blessing for humbleness.
God will lift you up. Yes or no. Our persons to speak against or judge their brothers know who is the only law giver and judge God, by the way, does that mean there is someone who will judge everyone. Yes. Jesus said judgment has been put in my hands by the father. Number six, James compares the length of life here on earth to a vapor.
James Said that if a person knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, he has said, thank you for your attention. You are dismissed. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
uh, okay. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, okay. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, okay.<inaudible>, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,<inaudible> good morning. Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service. It is really great to see each and every one of you out here this morning to our visitors,
we extend a special welcome to you. We are so glad that you chose to stop here and visit with us this morning, but most importantly, to worship God with us here this morning, for those of you that Are still unable to attend due to health reasons, and the ongoing pandemic, uh, feel comfort in knowing that each and every one of us here are still praying for you and for the entire world in this pandemic.
And we are praying to our God that we find a solution to this so that it comes to an end so that we may all assemble together again and worship our God as we are directed to other announcements this morning, uh, we have several on our sick lists. Please continue to remember Rood Ellen, Dorothy Wilson, with her ongoing problems, chronic problems that they have continued to keep Jones,
Springer, and your thoughts and prayers. She has some good days and some bad days, but probably more bad days lately than good days. So please keep Joanie your thoughts and prayers. K Fisher who’s Ava sister-in-law is still in the hospital. Doctor said she had a one more stroking and Caesar seizure since, uh, heart aneurysm surgery. She, uh,
is, has weakness on her left side, and we’ll have a long rehab ahead of her. So please keep her and your thoughts and prayers and that’s K Fisher. Mary Joe Todaro, uh, has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. So please keep are not colon cancer. I’m sorry, not lung cancer, colon cancer. So please keep Mary Jo and your thoughts and prayers and Sylvia pass is not with us this morning.
She is having some serious, lower back problems, probably going to have to go to possibly the ER or a doctor for that, because it is so bad. So please keep Sylvia in your thoughts and prayers. Other announcements, the nationwide gospel call meeting that has been going on each evening at nine o’clock that is going to continue this week. We were getting the flyers printed right now,
and we’ll have on a table out in the foyer. And Aaron informed me that that may continue beyond this week too, because there is such great response to it. And there’s such an interest in it that that might continue for some time yet. So stay tuned for that, but it will definitely go on all of next week. The Potter children home pantry item for the month of July will be toilet paper.
Hopefully we can find somebody that now, uh, that’s all the announcements I have less somebody else knows of anything. One thing I did forget here, uh, visitors, we asked if you would please take the opportunity to fill out a visitor’s card and either give it to one of the men here at the church, or drop it into a collection plate at the back when you leave.
So we have record of your visit here. Our service today, our song leader will be Michael Dale opening. Prayer will be Terry Sanderson. The Lord’s supper will be Joe caisson. Our sermon will be brought to us by Erin coats are, and I will have the closing prayer. Thank you. Our opening song this morning will be number 18. Faithful love The food love flowing down from the thumb cover crown.
It makes me whole saves my soul washes. Why to then snow<inaudible> drives. Each tier holds my hand when I can stand on my Oh face<inaudible> came to<inaudible> and<inaudible> for<inaudible> face to face. And Jesus<inaudible><inaudible> is a friend just went, Whoa,<inaudible> Malcolm. Hey, sweet and braced, and a touch filled with gray space.<inaudible> living<inaudible> spirit spa burning Brighton.
Uh, nah, I ain’t guiding my way. Hey,<inaudible> came to<inaudible> and<inaudible> face to face and Jesus is his name. Hey, name the song before opening. Prayer will be number 791 on bended knee number seven, nine one on bended knee on bended knee. Uh, ah,<inaudible> ah, ah,<inaudible> the<inaudible> lifting. Holy hands to you.<inaudible> I wash up you and<inaudible> I wash up<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> with a bro<inaudible> ah,
ah, bowing de MI<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> change my life for all the<inaudible> make me fresh and uh, make my LA life a whole. The SAC ref, uh, used to, I was probably our father who art in heaven. We thank thee for this first day of the week and the opportunity we have to come together to study that word and sang songs of praise to you.
We thanked you for Jesus. It came to this earth and died and sacrificed his life for our sands that we might have eternal life. We pray that you were a baby with those that are unable to be with us today because of their health. We thank you for our health and enables us to be here. We pray that you would be with those that are suffering from the virus.
We pray that you would be with our country and, uh, with all of the strife that we have going on, other than the pandemic, we pray that we can all live in peace. One day, we pray that you would be able to leaders of our countries, that they might work these problems out, and they would look to you for guidance and do as your do your will.
We pray that you would be with those that are traveling today, did we pray that you would keep them safe and give them a safe journey to their destination? We pray that you would be with us and forgive us when we do wrong. In Christ’s name, we pray. I mean, To prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper will be number 300 at 66 by Christ reading number three,
six, six By Christ three deemed. And<inaudible> we keep, uh, uh, uh, Oh, Whoa, and show the, uh, uh,<inaudible> uh, and, uh, he<inaudible> his body<inaudible><inaudible>, uh, and, uh, as we drink, we see, uh, uh, uh, and, uh, he, um,
and, uh, uh, uh,<inaudible><inaudible>, uh, advent. We, you know, ah, my one bride chain, uh, being, uh, uh, and, uh, he, ah, But our private is did he hit us for us. He snores day to be able to come together and have one part of an act of our worship is to remember our Lord and savers.
He suffered and died on the cross of Calvary as he taught us how to do and the scriptures. So we had that privilege this morning. And would you bow with me while we pray, Oh God, our father in heaven, we truly are thankful for your love for us and for your precious son, suffering and dying upon the cross of Calvary for us,
that our sins might be forgiven us. We’re thankful father, as we remember his body there. And as we protect of this bread, which represents that body, that we examine ourselves and partaken away, that would be pleasing. And Jesus, we pray. Amen. Would you bow with me? Oh God, our father in heaven, we continue to remember our savior.
Has he suffered and bled upon the cross of Calvary that our sins might be cleansed of us? We’re so grateful for that love, that was demonstrated there. And fathers, we partake of this fruit of the vine, which represents this blood help us to do so in a way, pleasing unto thee and Jesus, we pray amen. As another act of our worship,
we were able to give up our mains. And for those that didn’t have an opportunity to drop their, collect their offering into the plate at the back of the order to them. That’s where they’re placed on the tables. You might do that as you leave, let us bow father in heaven. We are such a blessed people. You’ve given us so many blessings that sometimes we’re ungrateful for them and fail to remember that they come from you.
We’re grateful father of those things that we’ve been given. And we pray that we’re good stewards of those blessings. And we pray that each week that we’ve purposed in our hearts to give a portion of that back to you, that is a congregation of your people that we might proceed with the teaching and preaching of the gospel, not only in this community, but throughout the world.
And we have the privilege of supporting those that have needs and are able to help them with those needs. We especially want to pray for the Potter children’s home as we assist them and be mindful of other works that we do. And some of our missionaries help us always to be mindful of them and prayerful for them. We pray that you bless us now,
as we give a portion of that back to thee and Jesus, we pray amen song before the lesson will be number 552 have thine own way. If you’re able, let’s stand for this song and remain standing for the scripture reading place have nine own way. I promise you it’s just allergies. Five, five, two. Uh, I know<inaudible><inaudible> uh,
uh,<inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> search me.<inaudible> master to<inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> um, really, uh, uh, uh, I know<inaudible>, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> The scripture reading will be taken from the book of Luke chapter 13, verses one through five, Luke 13, one through five,
there were present at that season. Some that told him of the Galileans whose blood pilot had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, supposedly that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things. I tell you name, but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish or those 18 upon whom the tower of Siloam fell and slew them.
Thank you that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem. I tell you nay, but except you repent, you shall all likewise perish, you may be seated. Good morning, going to begin by reading something to you that hopefully will with all of the upheaval in our country, speak to what is going on, but also hopefully set some perspective.
It’s come from a sermon that was preached by one of our brethren says one of the saddest verses in the Bible is found in judges chapter 21, verse 25 that says in those days there was no King in Israel. Every man did that, which was right in his own eyes. There is, Or this is one of the saddest verses in the Bible because it was at a time when the spiritual condition of God’s people was at an low EB.
Every man became a law unto himself. He had no respect for anyone nor for any order, nor for any system except his own ideas and his own Thoughts. Of course, this was a tragedy Are living in an age of the world when, to some degree, these very words are being fulfilled, even in the country, in which we live in our homes,
in the civil government. And to some degree, even in the church of our Lord, we need to recognize that all scripture, scriptural authority emanates from God and Exodus, the 20th chapter, God spoke to Moses and said, thou shalt, remember that I am the Lord, thy God, that brought the up out of the land of Egypt and thou shalt have no other gods before me.
He is the source of all power. He is the source of all authority. And this is to be recognized And accepted Where this is recognized and accepted. Then all is in harmony with God’s system, where this is not recognized. Then there is trouble and disorder. The Lord Jesus Christ had all authority delegated to him. He was not the source of authority.
It was delegated to him and Matthew chapter 28, verse 18. The Bible says, and Jesus came and spoken to them saying all power is given to me in heaven. And in earth, even everything that has been created has been subject to the law and the power of the authority of God. Even the inanimate things of the world, everything is ultimately subjected to God’s power,
to God’s rule, to God’s authority. Even the sun that shines is subjected to the authority of God, the stars, the earth, the fowls of the air, the beast of the field, everything that lives, everything that exists, all are subjected to the authority of God. So God is not dead. God is not even sick. God is,
Is just as powerful today as he was in the beginning, when he was, when he created the heavens and the earth. The very fact that there are rebels. The very fact that man rejects God, the very fact that man repudiates the word of God, none of these mean that God has lost his authority. The very fact that man is more rebellious now than he was 50 years ago,
does not mean that God is weakening in his power or his authority. It just simply means that man by his nature has become more depraved and will ultimately suffer the terrible of his rebellious attitude. There is a great disrespect for authority in this age of the world. We usually think of preachers talking along these lines. Many times when preachers are talking about these things.
I have an idea that there are those sitting in the pews who are possibly saying, well, this week he has been reading something about authority. It is just preacher talk. I want to read to you a report from the U S news and world report by Henry Taylor. He said there is a national crisis in crime in this country, in my opinion,
based on 30 years of police work, this country is in real trouble. In thousands. Upon thousands of instances, the parents are at fault. There is a worsening breakdown of the family unit. It is in the home that respect for authority must take place. There is disrespect for parents disrespect or the result of the disrespect for policemen and disrespect. In general,
you have any idea of the condition of this country today, every 24 hours. There are some of the things that these are some of the things that take place in our country. There are 13,785 arrests. Every 24 hours. There are, there are 1,318 divorces. Granted every 24 hours, there are 241 sentence to penitentiary. There are 4,320 burglaries. There are 533 robberies.
Every 24 hours. There are 70 people who killed themselves every 24 hours. There are 1,200 people who become problem drinkers. All this of course is a sad commentary upon the society in which we live. Now, this is where we are rearing our children in this, excuse me. It is in this country. We are meeting to worship. This is the country we are trying to improve.
You. Parents have some who have small children. This is the country in which you are rearing them. We are told, organized crime in America is increasing six times faster than the population. If something isn’t done, what, what will it be like 30 years from now? If crime is increasing six times faster year by year than the population, there may be a time when we do not have enough policemen to protect us.
There may be a time. Instead of people cursing the policemen or wanting to throw rocks or hurl bottles at them, these people may be praying for them. More policemen. We say It is dangerous to get out on the street, but if something, but if something isn’t done, it is going to be dangerous to even be at home. When people want to talk,
walk into your house, knock down your door, take what you have that may be, they may do that because they may feel that it is right. As far as they are concerned. I heard a person a few days ago on TV Advocating that it was right for people to refuse to work, that everyone ought to refuse to work. If there is something that somebody else has then take part of it.
If he doesn’t want to give it to you, even if he doesn’t want to give it to you, we are living in an age when it is fast, becoming the rule of the day that every man will become a law unto himself. He says, so you can see America is sick. America’s dying. That was written. He goes on in that sermon to talk about the riots they were watching on television.
The people protesting in the streets, the buildings being burned, the destruction of property. It was written in 1984. It’s not getting better. Is it? We haven’t broken from the cycle, but I might remind you that we are paying for the sins of fathers blessing. This morning is about repentance. The lesson this morning is entitled. Do not be like your father’s scripture.
Reading came from, uh, Luke chapter 13 verses one through five, where Jesus is talking about repentance. And that will be our focus all through this because the reality is we as individuals must look at ourselves and examine whether or not we need to repent. It is not enough to say this is how my father did it. Therefore, that’s how I’m going to do it.
It is not enough to say this is how it’s always been done. Therefore, that’s how I’m going to do it. It is not enough to say that this is what we should do, because this is what we’ve always done. But this study begins a series of studies that we will endeavor to go through the book of Zechariah. So turn with me.
If you will, to Zechariah chapter one, I want you to put your finger there because we’ll be coming back to it. But after you find it and after you put your finger there, I want you, we’re going to read the first verse. And then we’re going to go get a little background because we needed. Zechariah is a bridge book. It is a bridge between the profits before The captivity in Babylon for word to the new Testament.
It is one of the most often quoted books of the prophets in all the old Testament. It is a book that looked toward the kingdom. It looked toward the King, but it directed its message to a people who were the remnant that had come back from Babylonian captivity, chapter one, verse one in the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah.
The son of Berekiah, the son of<inaudible> the prophet. There is a reason why in all the previous profits, before the captivity, you would read this prophet began to prophesize in this year of this King of Judah or this year of this King of Israel and no more do they Mark time by the Kings of Israel and Judah no more. Do they establish when they were doing this by the dates of the Kings of Israel?
Cause there were no more Kings of Israel. There were no more Kings in Jerusalem. The Kings and their lineage had been taken away because they would not repent and God had judged them. And so there is a stark contrast among these minor prophets that we have here at the end of the old Testament, because they’re dating their prophecies by pagan Kings, Because there is no King in Israel.
Okay. Remember the statement we read in judges that was quoted by the preacher in 1984, there was a time when there was no King in Israel and everyone did that, which was right in his own eyes. Yes. That statement Lays forth a foundation for the book of Zechariah. But let’s go back to a little bit of history. Let’s find out why we’re here.
As I mentioned, it’s a bridge book. If you’re going to have a bridge book, it’s bridging two things and you need to know where you started and where you’re going. And Zechariah, isn’t going to tell you, the whole book of Zechariah is based upon you already knowing what’s going on. He’s not going to give you the history. He’s not going to give you the context.
You’re supposed to understand it. By the way it begins just where hat guy ends, which is the book before it in our English Bibles. But we need to go to Ezra chapter one. If we’re going to truly get the context of the book of Zechariah, a little bit of history as we’re turning to Ezra chapter one. And that is that during the rain during the time that the Southern kingdom of Judah was still in existence,
God, them through the profits, you’re going to be destroyed. The Northern kingdom of Israel had already been destroyed. God said you’re going to be judged the same way they were judged. And yet they did not listen. At times they would do better. At times they would do worse, but ultimately they did not repent. And they were judged. Jeremiah told them you will go into captivity for 70 years.
And they said, no, we’ll go into captivity for a time. We’ll, we’ll go. We’ll go to Babylon for a time, but we’ll come back quickly. Don’t even bother to unpack. Don’t make your settlement. There don’t be planning fields or doing anything like that. We’re going to be coming back in. Jeremiah said, no, you’re not 70 years.
And truly they were in captivity for 70 years. And then at the nearing, the end of that 70 years, the Babylonian empire fell. It fell in a night. It fell without a war. It fell because the Mito Persian empire went under the wall in through the river and took Babylon in a night. It was the same night that God told the King of Babylon.
You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting now in the first year of Cyrus, King of Persia, that would be the year Babylon foul and the first year of Cyrus, King of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled. The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, King of Persia so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it in writing saying,
thus says, Cyrus King of Persia, all the kingdoms of the earth, the Lord, God of heaven has given me. And he has commanded me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah, who is among you of all his people, may his God be with him and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah and build the house of the Lord.
God of Israel. He is gone, which is in Jerusalem and whoever is left in any place where he dwells, let the men of his place help him with silver and gold with goods and livestock, besides the freewill offerings for the house of God, which is in Jerusalem. Cyrus tells a portion of the people. It’s time for you to go home.
Babylon had extracted them out of the land. They had put other people in the land and Cyrus says, it’s time for you to go home. And it’s time for you to go home. For one reason, you need to go build the temple of God. Temple of Solomon had been destroyed, had been laid waste. It was gone and all of its grander with it.
But Cyrus told these people, you need to go home. You need to build the temple of God, go to chapter three, verse 11 in chapter three. And in verse 11 of the book of Ezra, we read and they sang responsively, praising and giving things to the Lord for. He is good for his mercy endures forever toward Israel. Then all the people shouted with a great shout when they praise the Lord,
because the foundation, the house of the Lord was laid. They go back to Israel, they journey there’s Robles leading them and they lay the foundation of the temple. And there are some who are praising God, but it wasn’t a universal reaction, but many of the priests and Levis and heads of the father’s houses, old man who had seen the first temple wept with a loud voice.
When the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes, yet many shouted aloud for joy, why were they weeping? Because they remembered the grander of Solomon’s temple. They remember its size. They remember it was overlaid with gold. They remember all of the things that Solomon built in all of the magnificence of it. And this one would never compare and they wept and they mourned because what they saw before them wasn’t magnificent.
All it was a temple. Oh, it was in Jerusalem. Oh, it was a temple to God and all it was God’s house. And yes, they had struggled to lay that foundation. And yes, they had struggled to get to this point, but it wasn’t physically magnificent. Zechariah is going to tell people to be aware that they do not despise the day of small things.
They saw what they had hoped to see, which is the rebuilding of the temple. But when they saw it, they were disappointed. They mourn because it wasn’t what they wanted. And yet stop and think this little tiny temple built by this ragtag group of just a few thousand people built and created in a land that was made primarily desolate in a small corner of a nation.
They used to be rulers over this temple is what God prophesied. About 70 years prior, this temple is what God said. I’m going to send Cyrus and make him tell you to create this. This is God’s work, but they mourned at seeing it because it wasn’t what they hoped for. It. Wasn’t what they remembered. Chapter four. And in verse one.
Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard the descendants of the captivity were building the temple of the Lord, God of Israel, they came to<inaudible>, excuse me. They came to<inaudible> and the heads of the father’s houses and said to them, let us Build with you for, we seek your God as you do. And we have sacrificed to him since the days of sr Hayden King of Assyria,
who brought us here. There’s the background of the people who are in the land. The Assyrians, when they destroy the Northern kingdom, took the Northern kingdom out of the land, in the captivity and brought these people there and said, and they said, we’ve been worshiping your God ever since seven 20 BC. And it’s now five 36 BC, almost 180 years.
And we’ve been here. We’ve been worshiping your God all along, but the rebel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of the fathers houses of Israel said to them, you may not, or may do nothing with us to build a house for our God. But we alone will build to the Lord, God of Israel. As King Cyrus, the King of Persia has commanded us.
Then the people of the land tried to discourage the people of Judah. They troubled them in building and hired counselors against them to frustrate their purpose. All the days of Cyrus, King of Persia. Even until the reign of Darius King of Persia. You ever meet somebody who can’t say the word lawyers without saying disgustedly things weren’t any better. Back in the days of the media Persian empire,
they hired counselors to go before the King and to lobby that the work be stopped. Chapter four, verse 23. Now, when the copy of the King Artaxerxes letter was read before rehome shimmy, Shai, the scribe and their companions, they went up in haste to Jerusalem against the Jews. And by force of arms made them seas. Thus, the work of the house of God was,
which is at Jerusalem ceased. And it was discontinued until the second year of the reign of Darius King of Persia foundation gets laid of the temple. And then the command from the King now in Persia is stop. The work. The message that had come from the enemies was these people are building a Fort. These people are building armaments. These people are building a city to rebel against the King of Persia and to raise up a new King,
even though they were just building the temple. But as a result of the decree of Persia, the S the work ceased and the building of the temple stopped. And for 18 years, that construction site laid dormant chapter five, verse one. Then the prophet had guy and Zechariah, the son of<inaudible> prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of God,
of Israel who was over them. So<inaudible> the son of Shealtiel and Joshua, the son of Jozadak Rose up and began to build the house of God, which is in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them, helping them. The background of the book of Haggai guy. We’re going to jump there next is that the foundation’s been laid, but then they stopped working.
They were commanded to stop. They were forced to stop, but they stopped in chapter six, verses 13 through 15, we read then tat NEI governor of the region beyond the river, uh, Sheth, our ball’s NY and their companions diligently did according to what the King Darius had sent. So the elders of the Jews built, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai,
the prophet and Zechariah, the son of veto, and they built and finished it. The temple, according to the commandment of God, of the God, of Israel, and according to the commandment of Cyrus, Darius and artists axes King of Persia. So the temple will be completed, but we need to skip over to hat guy, the book that’s right before Zechariah to get the details you remember in Ezra chapter one,
we read that had guy shows up, Zechariah shows up and they begin to get the people back to work. They said, God said, build the temple, had guy prophesies with these words in the second year chapter one, verse one of King Darius in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, remember, Darius is the one who comes to the throne.
When they’re told they can begin building again. The word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet.<inaudible> the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah. And to Joshua, the son of Jozadak, the high priest saying thus speaks to the Lord of hosts saying this people says the time has not come. The time that the Lord house should be built, then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet saying,
is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses? And this temple to lie in ruins had guy comes before them. And they said, the general word in the Israel is this. It’s not time to build the temple. It’s not time yet. We’re going to wait until the time is right. The foundation’s over there. It’s already been laid.
Foundation stands desolate, but they’re saying a time’s not right. The time’s not right. And God says, is it time for you to build your house? When you haven’t built mine? You weren’t sent back here to build a nation. You weren’t sent back here to live in luxury. You weren’t sitting back here to provide for yourself. You were sent back here to build my house.
Is it time for you to build yours, but not to build mine? He says, now, therefore thus says the Lord of hosts. Consider your ways. Now for those who were in the adult Bible class this morning, and you remember our study of James chapter four, remember how many times James pointed out that they were so focused on themselves, that God wasn’t blessing them.
He said you desire to have, and you have not. You desire to have, but you don’t ask you desire to spend it on your loss, but that’s the reason you don’t have anything. Now read these words. That was not a new message. When James wrote it, read these words, he says, now, therefore thus says the Lord of hosts.
Consider your ways you have sown much and bring in little, you eat, but do not have enough. You drink, but are not filled with drink. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes. Never feel like you’re not getting anywhere in life ever feel like every single day is a struggle.
Just to have enough only to then find out you don’t have enough. God says Israel. The reason you don’t have enough is because you’re working for you. And you’ve neglected me. He goes on to say, thus says the Lord of hosts, verse seven, consider your ways, go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple that I may take player in it.
And be glorified says the Lord, you looked for much, but indeed it came to little. And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why says the Lord of hosts because of my house that is in ruins while every one of you runs to his own house, therefore the heavens above you withhold the Dew and the earth withholds its fruit for,
I called for a drought on the land and on the mountains and on the grain and on the new wine and the oil on whatever the ground brings forth on men and livestock and on all the labors of your hands. There are those within our society who would claim they have not because others have kept it from them. I’m not telling you what their motivation is,
what their life is or whether or not they’re guilty of this. But I have to first ask, do you have not because you have not yet put God in his rightful place in your life because that’s one possible problem. But then as we chapter two in chapter one, verse 12, we read about the obedience of<inaudible>. This is in the sixth month,
first day of the month on verse 14, verse 15, we read of chapter one. So the Lord stirred up the spirit of the rebel, the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah and the spirit of Joshua, the son of Jozadak, the high priest and the, of all the remnant of the people. And they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts.
Their God notice they were commanded to work. They were rebuked for not working. They were told, this is why you’re failing in everything you do. And what did they do? They said, profit, go away. I don’t want to hear it. No. They begin to work on the 24th day of the sixth month in the second year of King Darius.
So that was the command was given day one of the six month, 24th day of the six month. They begin to work in the seventh month chapter two, verse one on the 21st day of the month, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet saying speak now to the rebel, the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah and to Joshua, the son of Jozadak the high breezed into the remnant of the people saying who is left among you,
who saw this temple in its former glory. Now, wait a minute. You remember what we read? You remember what we read in Ezra? The ones who had seen the former temple, they saw this one and they mourned. They saw this one and they cried. He says, who among you is left, who is left among you? Who saw this temple in his former glory?
And how do you see it now in comparison with it? It is this thing in your eyes as nothing. He says, you look at what you used to have. And you look at what you have now. And you look at this and you think this is worthless. This is disappointing. This isn’t what we want it. This, this is nothing compared to what we used to have.
He says yet, now be strong.<inaudible> says the Lord and be strong. Joshua, the son of Jozadak the high priest and be strong. All you, people of land says the Lord and work for, I am with you. You see the reality that they needed to come to the realization that they needed to have his, he didn’t matter what the building looked like.
The question was is God inside. Because for generations, they had come from a time where they had a tabernacle and God was in the tabernacle and it wasn’t even a house with solid walls. It was a tent, but God was inside and that place had more power and more influence than any place that had solid walls. But then they became entrapped by desiring what looked Magnificent,
but God wasn’t inside because the sin of their fathers, God departed from the temple, not to say that God ever dwelled in a temple made with hands, but God’s presence was manifested in the temple until Israel departed from him. And then God removed his presence. He says, I am with, you says the Lord of hosts. According to the words that I covenant with you when you came out of Egypt.
So my spirit remains among you do not fear for thus says the Lord of hosts. Once more. It is a little while I will shake heaven and earth and the sea and dry land. And I will shake all nations and they shall comb to the desire of all nations. And I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts. God says,
you’ve missed the point, the glory of the temple, isn’t its structure. And it isn’t its size. And it isn’t the gold overlaying, the stones or the wood. The glory of the temple is me. The silver is mine. And the gold is mine says the Lord, the glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts.
And in this place I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts. God says this temple that you see now it’s this temple. I’m going to use Solomon built this grand magnificent thing, but this temple will exceed its glory because of what I do here, because it would be this temple renovated through the years changed through the years, made more grand by Herod,
but it would be this temple where the God of all peace would walk. And it is in between that statement in the seventh month, on the 21st day and the next prophecy in verse 10 on the 24th day of the ninth month, it is in between those two, the Zechariah begins to prophesy and you are expected to know all of that before you read the very first word of the very first prophecy of Zechariah.
Zechariah says, verse two of chapter one. The Lord has been very angry with your fathers. Zechariah shows up on the scene and he says, um, I want you to understand something, your fathers and God weren’t on good terms. You need some perspective. Israel, you need some perspective remnant because your fathers did evil in the sight of the Lord.
And he was very angry with them. Therefore they therefore say to them, thus says, the Lord of hosts return to me. Here is the message of Zechariah. Here is the message to this people. You thought you were mine. You thought you belonged to the God of Israel. You thought I was on your side and you acted as though you could do no wrong,
but you were wrong. And now it’s time for you to repent. Now, Jesus, in Luke chapter 13, declares to the people who are listening to situations, he tells them about a people where a tower fell on them. And it was the mindset of the people. If something bad happens to you, it means you sinned. And Jesus said,
do you suppose that the people who the tower fell on were any worse sinners than anyone else? The point of that is no, just because something bad happened to someone doesn’t mean they sinned and caused it to happen. That’s not always though. Sometimes the reason why, but God tells Israel. God tells this remnant return to me. Come back to me.
He says returned to me. He says the Lord of hosts and I will return to you Israel. Why are you struggling? Remnant? Why can’t you accomplish anything? Why is it that you seem so small and insignificant? Why is it that you’re in, you’re surrounded by enemies and afraid all the time. It’s because you and me have no relationship, but God hasn’t moved.
He says, you come back to me and I’ll return my blessings to you. Do you remember what James said? That God who is the giver of every good and perfect gift? The God who is the father of lights, the God who in whom is no variation nor shadow of turning. He was without variation and shadow of turning right here. When he says I’ll return to you.
It doesn’t mean I, he, God just went off somewhere. It means I’ve been here all along and you’ve separated yourself from me. And I’ve separated my blessings from you. But you turn around and come back and let’s restore this relationship. He says, do here’s where the lesson comes from. Do not be like your fathers as children, even fathers who aren’t good fathers get looked up to by their kids.
Even fathers who do a lot of wrong are idolized by their kids. Is it any wonder if we read what happened in 1984, that 40 years later, we’re still dealing with the same thing. Why would we expect any different? When fathers have taught their children to behave just like they did and encourage them in doing so, God says, do not be like your fathers to whom the former prophets preached saying,
thus says the Lord of hosts turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds, but they did not hear nor heed me, says the Lord. This message is repeated over and over and over throughout the old and the new Testament, the Zeke Yule tells those in his day, you’re not suffering because of the sins of the father, you’re of your fathers.
You’re suffering because you’re acting like your fathers, Jesus in Matthew chapter 23, we’ll tell those Pharisees, those chief priests, those individuals who had persecuted, the people who had laid heavy burdens on the people and not more than them, themselves, those who would put him on the cross. He says to them in Matthew chapter 23, and in verse 24,
he says this blind guides who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel woe to you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence blind Pharisees. First cleanse the inside of the cup and the dish and the outside of them may be clean. Also woe to you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you are like whitewashed tombs,
which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. There’s a passage in Ezekiel. The Gill is in captivity. He is there by the river in Babylon, and he is seeing a vision and God, and a vision takes him up, takes him back to Jerusalem where the temple still stood. The temple that they were mourning for the temple that was all grand and beautiful.
The temple that they put their trust in. And he takes as he Gill into the temple and through a passage and into a secret room where the chief or where the high priest and the priests are bowing down before idols. Oh, the temple still looked like God’s temple. But inside it was full of abomination. Zechariah says, don’t be like your fathers.
Jesus says, don’t be like your fathers. He says, even, so you also outwardly appear, right? Appear righteous to men. But inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness, woe to you, scribes, Pharisees hypocrites because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous and say, if we had lived in the days of our fathers,
we would not have been her takers with them in the blood of the prophets. He says, you Pharisees, you, aren’t a mint. And you design do you design. And you, you bring all niceties to these monuments you’ve made to the profits. But yet you who say you would not have done what your fathers did. He says, therefore,
you are witnesses against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets fill up. Then the measure of your father’s guilt. And he calls them serpents, brood of Vipers. How can you escape the condemnation of hell? What’s he’s telling them, you might claim that you’re different from your fathers, but you’re going to kill me just the same way they killed.
The prophets. Zechariah says, do not be like your fathers to whom the former prophets preach saying, thus says, the Lord of hosts turned now from your evil ways and your evil deeds, but they did not hear nor heat me says the Lord. We look at our lives and we look at our growing up and may say, well, my, my father was a Christian.
My father sat in a few every Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night. My father taught me how to, how to pray. My father did. My father did that, But are you judging yourself by your father or by God? If it was good enough for grandma, but it’s good enough for me, Zechariah says, do not be like your fathers.
Verse five, your fathers, who were they? The prophets do they live forever. He looks back at the old Testament prophets. And he says, yeah, I know they’re dead. I know their words long gone, Isaiah, he’s dead. Jeremiah. He’s dead. Daniel. He’s dead. He’s dead. We can go down the list. They’re all dead.
But notice what he says yet. Surely my words and my statutes, which I command my servants, the prophets, did they not overtake your fathers? Is people of Israel heard the message of the prophets and killed them for it. They put them to death so they wouldn’t have to listen anymore. And they thought if we put them to death, what they say,
won’t come to pass. Zechariah tells the people of Israel, the remnant that’s there in Jerusalem. Look back at your history. The profits might be dead, but their word overtook your fathers. Their prophecies came true. Their word came to pass. And then Zechariah speaks as he is a prophet for God, because he says, because it’s my word. And my statutes,
the scripture says that the word of God will not pass away. And we need to remember no matter where we are in life, that we need to be holding fast to the word of God, not to history, not to culture, not to where we’ve always come from, but to the word of God. But there is a glimmer of hope in the book of Zechariah because Zechariah will prophesize and tell Israel,
you return, you come back, you come to God and you don’t be like your fathers. And in chapter two, verse 10 of guy Back on the other page in my Bible, we read on the 24th day of the ninth month in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet saying, thus says the Lord of hosts.
Now ask the priest concerning the law saying if one carries Holy meat in the fold of his garment and with the edge he touches bread or stew wine or oil or any food will live, become Holy. Then the priest answered and said, Oh, okay. So we’re talking about the law. We’re talking about the laws and the ordinances concerning holiness and consecration and that which is profane or unholy.
And he says, if a priestly garment, as he is doing his labors touches common food, will that common food become Holy? No. And Hey guys said, if one who is unclean because of a dead body touches any of these, will it become unclean? So the priest answered and said, it shall be unclean. Then hag I answered and said,
so is this people? And so is this nation before me says the Lord. And so as every work of their hands and what they offer there is unclean. God tells the remnant of Israel, you and everything you do, and everything you offer in every worship and sacrifice and praise that you bring before me is clean because it’s been touched by that, which is profane.
And now carefully consider from this day forward from before stone was laid upon stone in the temple of the Lord. Since those days when one came to a heap of 20 ethers, but there was, but 10 when one came to the van, the wine van to dry all 50 bowels from the press. But there was about 20. I struck you with blight and mildew and hail in the labors of your hands.
And yet you did not turn to me, says the Lord consider. Now from this day forward from the 24th day of the ninth month from the day that the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid consider it is the seed still in the barn. As yet the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, the olive tree have not yielded fruit. But from this day,
I will bless you. God says, you look back since you laid the foundation of that temple and you look at how every time you expected to have enough, you didn’t. And every time you were in want, you didn’t know why. And every time you expected to get more, you got less. And now you know why? Because you weren’t righteous before me.
And because your heart wasn’t right before me, I Was doing that to you. But the end of verse 19, but from this day on, I will bless you. Oh, what happened for once Israel? Wasn’t like her fathers for once. When the prophet said returned to me, they actually did for once. They didn’t say if it was good enough for dad and granddad and great granddad,
it’ll be okay for me. They said, yes, God will repent. If you’re outside the body of Christ, you’re outside the church of Christ for which he died and shed his blood for. You need to repent because you’re outside of the place of salvation. You’re outside of a relationship with God. You may want one. You may fervently want one,
but you can’t have one unless you return to him. And he hasn’t moved for 2000 years. He hasn’t moved. He’s still in the same place. He’s always been waiting for you to come back to him. How do you do that? You do that by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, because he sent the one in whom his peace,
who stood in that temple, who brought the glory of God back to that temple. And he said, salvation is available to everyone, to him that believes, and to him that is baptized. I will bring the remission of sins. You have to repent of your sins and you have to confess the name of Christ. And you have to be immersed in water for the remission of those sins.
And you have to rise up to walk, not like your father, but like your father. If you’re outside the body of Christ, why not change that today? If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve been living like your parents, why not repent and live like your father, if there’s any way that we can aid you or help you in any way,
why not come now as we stand. And as we say,<inaudible>, are you fully trusting in his grace? Uh, are you washed and<inaudible>, are you<inaudible> so cleansing, blah<inaudible>. Oh yeah.<inaudible> no. Oh, you watched and<inaudible>. Oh, are you walking daily by the sea side?<inaudible><inaudible> do you rest each moment in a cruise?
If you washed and uh,<inaudible> Austin, uh, blah. And uh, so cleansing, blah<inaudible>. Oh, you’re gone, man. Spotless. Are they white? No. Are you<inaudible> when a bride groom come as well, your robs me wide PRN whiten<inaudible>. So be ready for the bride and be washed in the blood<inaudible> Oh,
you and, uh, blah or cleansing, blah<inaudible>. Oh yeah, man. Spotless. Are they white as a you and, uh, blah<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> clean. Oh, will be washed and, uh<inaudible> Oh, you and, uh, blah. So cleansing blah<inaudible><inaudible> no<inaudible>. Well, as long before our closing prayer will be number 659.
I love to tell this story. I love to tell the story I love to, to<inaudible>, uh, see things, uh, uh<inaudible> uh, jeez. And is, uh, uh,<inaudible> it’s uh, to spies my long E uh<inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible> that<inaudible>, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> and,
uh, it is, uh, uh,<inaudible>, uh, uh, uh, ah, to the, uh, uh, to<inaudible>, to<inaudible>. Uh,<inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> let’s see names each time.<inaudible><inaudible>, uh,<inaudible> for, um, uh,<inaudible> uh, uh, uh, uh, eh, uh, for,
um, God<inaudible>, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> and, uh,<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> means a glory. I see being a new news, ah, to a<inaudible> and that I have, uh, uh, two, two, uh, sorry.<inaudible><inaudible>, uh,<inaudible> God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time,
thanking you for another opportunity to assemble here this morning, and to sing songs, appraised your great name and study another portion of your word. And God, we are so thankful for brother Aaron and the message that he brought to us from your word. And we ask that you help each and every one of us take this word that we were given today,
analyze it and apply it to our lives so that we can go out in this world that we live in and better serve you as Christians. And most importantly, have the faith and trust to reach out to those that have not heard your word and welcome them to come join us and study your word so that they may have the same opportunity that we have.
And that is one day, join you in heaven. God, we know that there are many amongst us that are suffering from various ailments and were unable to be here today. We ask that if it be your will, that you restore them to a measure their health so that they may one day assemble with us and spread your word and worship you. God,
we also ask that you pray for this country, because we know there’s a lot of turmoil going on in this country and pray for the entire world, with the pandemic that we’re currently undertaking. And that if it be your will you provide us a resolution and a cure for that pandemic so that we may live our lives more comfortably and worship you in faith and in truth.
And as we depart, prepared to do part and go, our separate ways, we ask that you guide guard and direct each and every one of us until we return it. That next appointed time, we pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen.
Why must teachers of God be especially careful? James 3:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In discussing man’s tongue, James does not make mention of (a) bits in horses mouths, (b) pigs wallowing in the mud, (c) rudders on ships, or (d) forest fires. James 3:3-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Can the tongue be tamed? James 3:8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
James said that men are made in the likeness of __ . James 3:9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) From the same mouth, can both blessing and cursing come forth? Is God pleased with both? James 3:10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bitter jealousy and selfish ambition do not come from (a) above, (b) earth, (c) natural desires, or (d) demons. Describe wisdom that comes from heaven. James 3:14-15, 17 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
JAMES – James 2 Showing Favoritism; Faith and Works
Should Christians show partiality or favoritism to those who are rich in worldly goods? James 2:1-9 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why should a person be merciful to others? James 2:13 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Can a man’s faith save him if he has no works? James 2:14, 24 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Faith without works is __________. James 2:17, 20, 26 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How does an individual show his faith? James 2:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(yes or no) Do the demons believe in God? As a result of their belief they ___________. James 2:19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
An Old Testament Bible character who was called the “Friend of God” was __________. James 2:23 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional Scriptures:
1. Jesus’ parable on being exalted and humbled – Luke 14:7-14 2. The law of liberty through Christ – Romans 5:8 3. Doing for others is doing for Jesus. – Matthew 25:35-40 4. Abraham offered lsaac -Genesis 22:9-18 5. Rahab hid the messengers. – Joshua 2 6. Loving one’s neighbor as himself – Mark 12:31 7. God will not forgive the unforgiving. – Matthew 6:14 8. Jesus was made perfect through obedience. – Hebrews 5:8-9 9. Abraham, was called the “friend of God.” – 2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Hey Eric, we’re missing a role lights here. There you go. I didn’t want you all to be able to miss my face. You know,<inaudible> That’s to say that another way, I think, want your day to be that good? Okay. We are in James chapter two, James chapter two.<inaudible> Hope everyone is doing well today.
We’re grateful for the presence of each and every one of you, especially a very large section, uh, dedicated to Eric and Holly and wishing them well since they’re staying here permanently. Oh, was I supposed to announce that yet We’re looking forward to today. Hope everyone can make it to the, to the graduation this afternoon. The announcements will include the details for that,
but if you can make it know that will be appreciated on everybody’s part. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We bound before you at this time grateful for all of your many blessings, grateful for the, and the Liberty that you have granted to us to be able to come out and assemble today. The health that we have and the ability we have to be able to come together with one another and worship you in spirit and in truth,
study your word, pray to you. Sing songs of praise in your name, have communion with you and give, as we have been prospered, we are so mindful that this time of all those who, because of health concerns or because of an illness cannot get out and we are mindful of them and pray for their strength and their comfort as well. In this hard time,
we pray for our nation and we pray for its leadership that they might always look to your word for guidance and for strength and for a direction to lead this nation in righteousness, and that they will lift up right pounds, Lord. We pray for, uh, Eva’s sister-in-law and we pray that she will, uh, recover fully from the medical conditions that she is dealing with right now from the aneurysm.
And we pray that she will be able to come out of the hospital and that all will be well. We pray for her family for strength at this time, Lord, we pray for all those who were traveling, pray that they will have safety in their travels and come back to us, uh, safely as well. We’re mindful of Eric and Holly,
and we’re so grateful for the time that you have granted, uh, to have them in our presence, to labor with us and all the work that they’ve done. We’re grateful for Michael and Jessica and all the work that they do and continue to do. We pray for all the students at the school of preaching, who will be graduating this year, that they will go out into the fields that are widened to harvest that they will labor in your vineyard and that they will be blessed in those labors.
As they labor faithfully, all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. One of the things that I’ve probably said 150 times, and we’ll say probably a thousand more in the time, you know me is please. As you’re studying, ignore chapter divisions. James is writing to these Christians. He’s writing to these Jewish. Christians is his primary audience,
and he’s told them trials are a blessing and they should count them as a joy. He’s told them that being lifted up by God is a blessing and they should glory in it. He’s told them that being humiliated by God. The idea there is not being shamed, but brought lobe humbled. They should glory it. He’s told them that when they’re tempted to sin and then they choose not to,
they’re blessed. And he’s told them that every good and perfect gift comes from God. When we go through our lives and we look at our status in life, it may be what we want it to be, or it may not. We may be single and want to be married. We may be married and in misery, it can happen. Can you imagine what the marriage they have was like dry try putting Ahab in there as a righteous man,
and then have it married to jazz. A belt. Some men are in that condition and some women are in the reverse condition.<inaudible> We may have a job and hate it. We may not have a job and be desperately looking for one. But in every aspect that we go through, everything we could name and we could name thousands of them. Every time we run into a trial and a hardship,
we ought to be looking for, what does God want me to learn? And every time we run into a blessing and someone doing good to us or God giving to us, we ought to say, what does God want me to learn? And every time we’re tempted to sin and we see that temptation and we overcome that temptation. We ought to not just rejoice in it,
which we serve, certainly do. But we ought to ask ourselves, what does God want me to learn? And every time we do the opposite, when we’re tempted to sin and we fail, we ought to ask ourselves, what does God want me to learn In verse 21? He says, therefore, lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness,
the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. There’s the thing. He wants you to learn trials, go back to the word. Remember he talked about faith and wisdom, humility, or being lifted up. Go back to the word, temptation to sin, go back to the word. All these things. Point us back to the word because that’s where we find out.
What does God want me to learn? He says, but be doers of the word and not hearers. Only deceiving yourselves for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer. He is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror for he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets. What kind of man he was. When you ask in your mind,
in your life, when you overcome or when you fall and you endure and you go through and you repent, or you stay on strong and you can remain faithful. You ask yourself, what does God want me to learn? And then you don’t just hear the answer. You know, some of us will do this. I know this because I was a 19 person.
Someone will ask us, I have this computer problem. What should I do to fix it? And I’ll tell them what they should do to fix it. And they’ll say, Oh great. You ask them three weeks later. So how did it work out? I didn’t do anything with it. Thanks. That was a good use of my time. I appreciate that.
Why? Because you gave them the answer. They S they claimed they had a problem. They claimed they wanted a solution to the problem you gave them the solution. And then they just said, that sounds like maybe some work. I think I’ll just pass. It happens. You and I know it happens all the time. Yeah. God has presented us with the solutions,
but will we do anything with them? But then notice what he says for he observes himself, goes away to immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of Liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful here, but a doer of the work. This one will be blessed in what he does. If anyone among you thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue,
but deceives his own heart. This one’s religion is useless, pure, and undefiled religion before God. And the father is this to visit the orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. He said, all of these things, I’ve told you, remove yourself from evil and look into God’s law and do those things. And now we’ve moved out of the first chapter where he’s talking about our relationships to ourselves,
because he wants you to know your relationship to yourself. Your looking at yourself is going to determine how you look at others. And it’s going to determine whether or not you treat others the way you ought to treat others. Chapter two verse one should not be ever separated from chapter one verses 26 and 27, because he says, if you think you’re religious,
if you think by the way that word that’s translated, religious, there means to repair a breach to bring together. That’s what people use the word religion in so many bad ways, but the word for religion in the, in the original language in the Greek means to bring together, bring together who God and man, but he says, if you think your bringing togetherness is what it is,
is what it’s supposed to be. Then you better live it. You better actually do something with it. And that involves not just your relationship to God. It involves your relationship to man. The entire first and second chapter of James is one drawn out series of illustrations, illustrating two fundamental things. Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all my heart,
with all my soul, with all thy strength and all by mind and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. We’re on the second one. Now chapter two, verse one, my brother, and do not hold the faith of our Lord. Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory with, and what’s that word? Partiality in the new King, James, what is it in the King James respect of persons before we go very far into this,
I wanna make sure that we don’t just jump to obvious conclusions. Like here is somebody walks through the door. They they’ve pulled up in a, in a Lamborghini. They’re dressed in a $4,000 suit. They have $4,000 shoes. They’ve got a $3,000 haircut. They walk in and we treat them like something special. And then we’ll go far, far, far to the other extreme and a homeless person walks in and that’s here,
but it’s a whole lot closer to home than that because you and I all know, we don’t meet those kinds of people every day in either direction. Some people in certain life situations and certain neighborhood, they do probably meet the lower end. But few of us are walking in the other circles. Now he is directly referencing the assembly when someone comes in,
but keep this in mind. There is a unchangeable separation from living like God and treating someone with respect of persons. I’m not going to go too far into that fault line because we’re actually going to talk about it some in the sermon this morning, but here’s what I want you to get. You cannot even hold faith. You cannot even grasp onto and maintain your faith while simultaneously treating people with partiality.
Now, you all have all seen the news and you are all fully aware that there is a very big conversation going on in our world about partiality, but here’s what we need to come to grips with. That’s not the only conversation about partiality that we need to be having in this world. You know, we treat or we teach partiality from the youngest of ages and we need to,
we need to be able to discern the difference between good judgment and partiality. What I meant by we teach partiality from the youngest of ages is go to any school and look at the clicks among the kids. And you don’t think they’re learning partiality from one another. Oh yeah. Oh, well, you didn’t buy your jeans at that place. So I’m not going to spend time with you.
And it doesn’t matter what color you are by way of skin. Oh, you, you, you’re a different kind of person than me that happens all the time. Race is just one way that our culture abuses this commandment and transgresses this commandment. But notice what he says. He says, but where do not whole earth use me, my brother, and do not hold the face of our Lord.
Jesus Christ. The Lord of glory with partiality. Here’s the, the, the fundamental piece of this. When you treat someone with partiality, when you become a respect of persons, you have dislodged yourself from a proper relationship with God, because you, at some point took your perspective away from I, nothing but his servant. When Jesus told his disciples,
you’re going to stand before Kings. And you’re going to stand before governors. And you’re going to stand before rulers. And you’re going to stand before the highest and the lowest of men. And no matter where you stand or who you stand in front of, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to preach the gospel of Christ. And he told those disciples before he sent out the 12 and before he sent out the 70,
you’re going to be told what you should say specifically to the 12. And he tells them, as he prepares to go back into heaven, it’s going to be given to you in that very hour. What you will say, you’re not going to have to dwell on it and consider it because guess what? You’re just the spokesperson. You’re just the servant.
That person who may have a great office is standing before your master. Therefore, you don’t need to show them or any partiality you show partiality to him. Okay? Now notice what he says. Verse two, for IPF, there should come into your assembly. So there’s our context in the assembly. A man with gold rings in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes.
Here’s one who’s rich. He’s finally dressed. Here’s one, who’s poor. He’s in rags. And you pay attention to the one, wearing the fine clothes and say to him, you sit here in a good place and say to the poor man, you stand there or sit here at my footstool. Have you not shown partiality among yourselves and become judges of with evil thoughts?
He says, You look back in your heart because your works, describe what’s inside your deeds reveal your inner thoughts. And he says, have you not become one who? And look at this term, judges, James writing here throughout the book, concentrates itself in bringing forward the old Testament into the new Testament, Christians life. We’re going to talk about the Royal law in this chapter.
We’re going to talk about a number of things, but one of the things that he brings in here that I think sometimes we just kind of skip over Is God said, you act like I commanded my judges to act One of the commandments to Moses. When he began to Institute judges is your judges. They can’t show partiality. They cannot give preference to a rich man who can do them good.
And they don’t give preference by the way, either. This is also in the old Testament to a poor man over a rich man, just because he’s poor. You see it would be just as simple as let’s just use this for a moment. It would be just as sinful for a man in rags to come in. And we say, you know what?
You go sit in the great seat because you’re poor. And a man who Dre is dressed in fine apparel to walk in. You go sit on the floor because you’re rich. We don’t like you. That’s still judging with partiality. That’s just as wrong Because either way, you’re not judging the person based upon their deeds, their actions, their obedience, to God,
their willingness to hear the gospel. You’re judging them based upon how they look. And either direction is evil and we’re plagued with both sides in our culture. But then notice what we read. He says, listen, my blood brethren has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he promised to those who love him.
He says, God chose the poor. Now, does that mean that every poor person is going to hear the gospel? Nope. That’s not what he was talking about. What he’s talking about here is a stark reality seen in the life of Christ who wanted to spend time with Jesus, The poor, Those who were sinners, who did he eat with those who were sinners,
those who were tax collectors, those who were out, those who were rejected by society. Why? Because they were, and because having been cast out, having been rejected by society, they saw their need with clarity. And yet a rich person often can’t see the forest for the trees. He can’t see his need because he’s too busy looking in his riches.
He says, do or she used to be verse verse six, but you have this honored, the poor man do not the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts. Just, just one more argument to just pile on to this. James says, and by the way, Christians who typically do you get the most persecution from in Jewish society, the poor people or the rich person,
who’s constantly dragging you into the courts, trying to get you thrown out of the synagogue, trying to get you castigated out of society because you are following Christ. And yet that rich person comes in and you’re going to show him deference. But he goes on to say this. He says, if you really fulfill the Royal law, according to the scripture,
you shall love your neighbor as yourself. You do well. But if you show partiality, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors for whoever shall keep the whole law. And yet stumble. In one point, he is guilty of all four. He who said, do not commit. Adultery also said, do not murder. But if you,
now, if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. Now this last section is one that I think because of the way it’s stated, generally just causes us to go wait a minute. If you transgress the law in one point, you’re now guilty of all. Notice what he says. He says,
so speak. And so do as to those who will be judged by the law of Liberty for judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy, mercy triumphs over. I heard a great illustration this week in regards to this passage in view of the, when you’re guilty of one, you’re guilty of all. Doesn’t mean if you commit murder,
God holds you accountable as an adulterer. That’s not what it means. Not because you’ve committed one sin. You’ve lied. Now you’re guilty of every sin. And none of it means you have become a transgressor of the law, no matter which of those sins you commit. And so here was the illustration of a cow in a field. We have a few farmers here today.
You have a cow in a field field, has a fence around it. At one point the fence, the cow breaks through the fence and goes outside the field. Did the cow have to break through every part of the fence to get outside the field? Nope. Just one is the cow now outside the field, no matter what part of the fence he went through.
Yes. And so you’re under the guilt of the law because you’re outside the fence. Not because you went outside of the fence at a particular point in the fence, but because you’re outside the fence, you transgressed went beyond the fence. So he’s saying, listen, you may say I don’t. And this is, this is the argument over in Romans chapter two.
I didn’t commit murder. I didn’t steal. I didn’t commit adultery. I didn’t do this. I didn’t do this. I didn’t do this. And Paul says, and yet you judge others unrighteousness, which makes you just as guilty as the person who did all those things, because you transgressed the law. Romans chapter three says for all, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
And that’s where we backed this straight back up to person walks through the door. They walk through the door and they’re dressed in riches and they’re a sinner and a person walks through the door and he’s dressed in rags and he’s a sinner. So how should we treat a sinner? Because the answer’s the same for both of them. We ought to treat them in such a way that they realize that their soul has far more value than how they’re dressed.
And that is true in every kind of definition you can apply to showing partiality that their soul is the only thing they have that is of utmost value. And their soul has more value than every other thing they possess. Which means what it means that poor man has just as much by way of valuable possessions is that rich man, because he possesses one soul.
Now he then says, what does it profit? What do you gain by this is his question. What does it profit? My brethren. If someone says he has faith, but does not have works. Can faith save him? This problem of partiality was one example. This is, this is an obvious illustration of an obvious problem that they are obviously having,
but it’s not the only one he’s saying take this and now we’ll apply it across the board too. I was instructed to do something by God and I’m ignoring it. Okay? That’s the point here? He says, what does it profit? My brother? And if someone says he has faith, but does not have works. Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food,
and one of you says to them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled, but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body. What does it profit? You claim to have faith in God, you claim that God gives you your daily provision. You claim that God provides for you. No matter your status in life. And then you see someone in need and you do nothing.
Actually, you don’t do nothing. You say, may God bless you, but then refuse to be the blessing. That is what James is saying, Oh, you you’ve heard the word. You’ve heard what God told you to do. And you know that there’s should be a blessing from God, somewhere for everyone who’s in need. And yet you think it ought to be somebody else.
You know what? Somebody should help that person. Aren’t you, somebody there’s our problem. This happens in congregations. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen here a whole lot. Somebody will say, you know, somebody needs to fix that, that door hangs or that light’s not working or that the carpet over there is dirty or what got on the list. Somebody needs to fix that.
Aren’t we? Somebody? Oh, well, well that’s that, that, that, uh, well, the women will get after me. If I start messing with that. So I’m not going to, you know, we start going down the list of reasons and excuses. We don’t do what we ought to do, but how much more important are people?
James goes on to say thus, also faith by itself. If it does not have works is dead, but someone will say you have faith. And I have works. The response though is show me your faith without your works. And I will show you my faith by my works in your mind, step over to Hebrews chapter 11 and ask yourself, which one of the people in the hall of faith had faith.
Only none of them, or they wouldn’t have been in the list. Someone goes up to Noah. I have faith that the floods coming really because I’ve been talking to everybody and nobody believes me. I have faith of the floods coming. Okay, what are you going to do about it? Well, we we’ve got, we’ve got this section of the boat.
We could really use some help with this, this, Oh, no. I just believe that the floods coming I’m I’m not doing anything to prepare for it. And where’s that person when the flood actually comes outside the boat, why? Because their faith didn’t produce works. Now notice what he says. He says, but someone will say you have faith.
And I have works. Show me your faith without your works. And I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God, you do well. Even the demons believe and tremble. You say, I believe in Jesus. I believe there’s one. God. I believe in the Bible, go down list. James is saying great,
great, great, but you’re not going to do anything about it. Well, even the demons believe everything you said. Matter of fact, they have great assurance that God exists and the Jesus exists. And that the Bible has his revelation and that everything that was told about them in it’s going to come to pass. So how are you better than a demon?
He goes on to say, but do you want to know? Oh, foolish man, that faith without works is dead, was not Abraham. Our father justified by works. When he offered Isaac, his son on the alter, do you see that faith was working? Excuse me, do you see that faith was working together with his words and by faith,
excuse me. And by works, faith was made perfect. And the scripture was fulfilled, which says Abraham believed and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God. You see them that a man is justified by works and not by faith. Only some will come to this passage to say, alright, but where we’re talking here about,
we’re not talking about saving faith, we’re not talking about faith that produces a need to be baptized and you’re baptized. And then you’re safe. We’re talking. Abraham was Abraham already had relationship with God. Okay. Before Abraham was told to go offer his son before any of that, uh, Abraham already had a relationship with God. So we’re not talking about saving faith.
You’re saved by faith only. And then you do these works. That’s what we’re talking about right now, because look at the next illustration. Likewise was not how’d the harlot also justified by works. When she received the messengers and sent them out another way, you might be able to make the fallacious argument that Abraham’s already saved. And the works we’re talking about here were works of obedience.
Not works that we’re obedient to salvation, but you certainly can’t make the claim about rehab. And just to make sure you can’t make that claim. How does James describe her? Rayhab the harlot. Now you go back into the account in the book of Joshua and you can read that old Testament word and you can read it and it can be translated in keeper.
And she probably was by the way, and it could be translated harlot, but this one can, this one can be translated. One way, harlot. Here’s a woman who you go back in the old Testament story. And she knows that God has given Israel this land. And she knows some thing about the God of Israel, because she’ll tell the spies that because she knows about how that God brought them out of Egypt and separated the red sea and brought them across on dry land.
She knows who God is. Does that mean she has any idea about all of the commandments and all of the covenants and all no, but 40 years ago, the God of Israel destroyed the Egyptian nation and brought that people out and brought them to the edge of Canaan and then took them into the wilderness. But she knew because it had been said they were coming back and their God had given them this land.
And based upon that faith, she acted you and I, as we look at our lives, we will often overcomplicate the issue of obedience. The issue of working based upon our faith. We’ll overcomplicate it because we’ll come up with a thousand reasons why we shouldn’t be as involved as we should be, or we shouldn’t do this thing. That is Rick right in front of us to do.
James question is here’s Ray Hab and she’s a pagan and she’s a center. And she is part of a Canaanite nation that has been condemned, judged, and sentenced to death. But she was a person who was willing to hear the word of God, believe what God had said and obey in doing something good for someone else. As a result, chapter one,
verse 26, if anyone among you thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart. This one’s religion is useless, pure and undefiled religion before God. And the fatherless is this. And then he talks about how we treat those in need. These spies were in need. And she said, I’m going to do what is good,
protect them. Not because of who they are. Not because they could pay me to do it because I know who their God is. And they, and he is my only hope. So when you and I go through our lives and we look through choices and we look at opportunities and those opportunities staring us in the face. And sometimes those opportunities are people us in the face and we choose not to live out our faith.
Then we choose to remind ourselves that perhaps our faith is nothing real. Not because it has a problem, but because we claimed to believe it and then do nothing. Let’s go through the questions. Question. Number one, should Christians show partiality or favoritism to those who are rich in worldly goods? No question two. Why should a person be merciful to others so that they will have mercy?
Yes or no. Can a man’s faith save him if he has no works, no faith without works is dead. Let me go back and just say one thing, because I think I dropped the thought, didn’t come back to it on the issue of salvation, the issue of salvation and this passage are completely compatible. When you hear the word and faith is produced by the hearing of the word,
you then must act on it. And it is the obedience to God’s commandments on how to be saved, which by the way, the whole chapter that we just read was all about obeying God’s commandments. Okay. Beginning with religion and the commandment to do good to those who are in need, going to religion and obeying the commandment to not show partiality to Abraham,
obeying the commandment, to sacrifice his son, to Ray Hab, obeying the commandment, recognizing who, what God was doing. Faith produced obedience to the commandments and the commandment about how we’re saved is clear throughout the entire new Testament. Okay. So I just wanted to get that out and verbalize it in case I did a question five, how does an individual show his faith by his works?
Yes or no. Number six, do the demons believe in God? Yes. As a result of their belief, they blink tremble and old Testament Bible character who was called the quote friend of God was Abraham. All right, there are some additional scriptures and some additional details on the bottom of the page that you can study at your leisure. Thank you for your attention.
We will be dismissed until the worst power<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> good morning. Welcome to the Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service is great to see each and every one of our members. And we have lots of visitors here this morning because it is Eric and Holly’s last day with us bittersweet day, sad for us, but great for them because they’re going to go out into this world and do great things for God.
I’m sure that all the visitors that are here, we are glad you were able to make it and worship God with us today. And I would ask if you have the opportunity to please get a visitors card from on the Pew in front of you there and fill it out. So we have a record of your attendance with us today. Other announcements, uh,
want to welcome those that are unable to make it here because of the ongoing health concerns or personal health reasons that keep you at home. What we are glad that you are able with technology. We have the data to join us via live stream or the call in. We truly miss each and every one of you. And look forward to the day that we can all assemble again together to worship God,
please remember our sick Rodel and Dorothy Wilson, Joan Springer, she’s dealing with multiple problems. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Ava Morgan’s sister-in-law K Fisher had open heart surgery a few days ago and is not doing too well from that surgery. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and that entire family and your thoughts and prayers in the days to come.
The Memphis school of preaching and graduation is today. It’s over at the forest Hill church of Christ. The reception is from three to four this afternoon, that will be in the fellowship hall. Then the actual graduation ceremony itself will be at 5:00 PM in their main auditorium. If you’re able to make it, it would be a great time for us to come over there and re wish the Richardson family.
Well, a nationwide gospel meeting call continues to go this week. The flyers are out here on a table that is Monday through Friday. That will be the last week of that. And that’s at 9:00 PM that you can call in and listen to that. And a flyer out there lists who’s speaking each day on that, uh, Potter’s children home pantry I had him for the month of June is the dryer dryer sheets.
So if you have an opportunity, please get some of them, bring them in and put them on the cart, out in the back so we can give them to them the next time to come down here to pick stuff up. That’s all the announcements today’s service. Our song leader will be Eric Richardson. I will have the opening prayer. The Lord’s supper will be Terry Sanderson.
Sermon will be Aaron quotes are in our closing. Prayer will be Marie sprayer. Thank you. Good morning. Let’s turn number two. Page number six, eight, four will be on the overhead 684<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Let us pray.
God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for another opportunity to do assemble here this morning, to sing songs of praise, your name, but most importantly, study another portion of your word so that we know how to properly serve you. As we go about our daily lives here on earth. God, we ask that you be with each of those six that are mentioned here this morning.
And we know also there are numerous ones that were not mentioned. We ask that you be with each and every one of them, their caretakers and their care providers and their families. And if it’d be your will restore them to a measure of health that they so desire so that they may come out one day and worship you again and serve you here on your earth.
God, we also ask that you, uh, be with those that are traveling, is there will be many amongst the congregation here this morning that will be traveling either this evening or tomorrow. And we ask that you provide safe journey to their destination. We ask that you pour your blessings out upon the Richardson family. We know that they will do great works for you.
And we ask that you help them. If they do run into struggles to give them the proper guidance so that they may bring the lost souls into your fold. Now, as we prepare to study another portion of your word, we ask that you help each and every one of us have open hearts and open minds. So we may understand the lesson that brother Aaron is going to bring to us this morning so that we made better our lives and our service to you here on earth.
We pray all this in your son jesus’ name. Amen. Prepare our minds for the Lord separate we’ll see. Number 383. Jesus. Keep me near the cross three, eight, three<inaudible> uh, across the, uh,<inaudible>. Uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh we’re uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> so, uh,<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> me.<inaudible><inaudible> uh,<inaudible> uh,
we were, uh, SPE, uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh, uh, God<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>, uh,<inaudible> uh, or, uh, uh,<inaudible>, uh, We’re commanded in the new test, but, uh, to protect the Lord’s supper and the new, uh, first century church did this on the first day or the week and not just first day of one week every week.
And we will do that to this at this time. Let us pray. Our father who art in heaven. We thank you for this day and opportunity to have together around that table. We talked to you for this loaf, which represents the body of Christ. It would have broken on the cross that we might have for forgiveness of sin. We pray as we take a bit reduce on amount of plays in an eyesight and Christ name,
we pray, amen. Let us pray. We continue. I thank you father for this fruit of the vine, which represents the blood that was shed on the cross will wash away our sin. We pray as we, as we do it, we will do it in a manner plays in that side and Christ name. We pray. Amen. We’re also commanded to give back and as we have been blessed,
and they also did this on the first day of the week, and we’ll do that at this time. Let’s pray father who art in heaven. We thank you for the many blessings that you give us each day. We thank you for our jobs and our means of earning a living to support our families and to support the church here at Collierville. We pray that we will give back cause we are blessed and with a cheerful heart and crash plan,
we pray, I man has been a basket lift back on the back table, back there for you to put your contribution in. And, uh, so we won’t have to pass it around. And if you do that at your convenience, thank you. What the same number? 611, 611 heavenly sunlight.<inaudible> Jesus.<inaudible> uh, never can’t<inaudible> I am rich.<inaudible> Jesus is my shadow.
So around me, shadows up me<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh, I am rich<inaudible> he’s uh, Jesus is, uh,<inaudible> uh, uh,<inaudible> uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Our invitation song will be 943 and it will not be on the overhead. So please Mark that in your book. Number 943 nine four three, Our song before the lesson would be number 608 number 608.
Let us stand for this song and continue to be standing for the scripture. Reading number six, zero eight. He gave me a song. He took my burdens<inaudible> Oh, wonderful. So, Oh, wonderful song. I now can sing<inaudible> uh, Oh,<inaudible> anyway. He gave me a wonderful, wonderful song. I now can stick to it.
He gave me a wonderful, you gave me a song to sing up. Uh<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> a wonderful,<inaudible> wonderful. Uh, and some of these<inaudible> gave me a song to sing up. Uh<inaudible> uh,<inaudible> Our scripture reading will be Psalm 25, verse one through three Psalm 25, one through three to you. Oh Lord. I lift up my soul.
Oh my God. I trust in you. Let me not be ashamed, letting not my enemies, triumph over me and deed. Let no one who waits on you. Be ashamed. Let those be ashamed. Who deal treacherously without cause please be seated. Good morning. It is a joy and an honor. Pleasure as always to stand before you to proclaim God’s word.
It’s good to see each and every one of you here, especially good to have our many visitors, uh, and we’re grateful for their presence. Two weeks ago, we noticed Psalm 25 in the first four verses. And we noticed this declaration, this praise, this recognition from the Psalmus writer of his need for God, as well as his desire for God to direct his life.
And we, we concluded with verse four, where we introduced this thought the Psalmus writer says in verse four, show me your ways, Oh, Lord, teach me your paths. The Psalmist writer wants God to show him the direction to walk. Matthew chapter seven, Jesus said there are two paths. One of them is narrow and straight and hard. And few there will be who find it.
And another path exists, which many will find it’s wide. It’s broad and it’s easy to walk. And many, he said, we’ll go in there at that path, leads to destruction. So as we concluded our thoughts two weeks ago, where this Soma’s writer is crying out to God, show me your paths. We talked about the need to follow the path of the Lord,
the need to follow the instruction of the Lord. But what I want to do in this lesson is bring it down to a really practical level because it’s not just the reality that we ought to have God direct our lives, but we ought to look into his word and actually see how he has already directed our lives. Because individuals throughout the old Testament and new Testament requested God,
show me your ways. And then they were shown. So what we want to do in this lesson this morning, what you have in the handout, if you picked one of those up, or it was given to you is a series of passages that first and foremost in the first section will be words or descriptions of what God has already showed someone concerning his path.
And the second part are God’s ways. When we really begin to sum up, what does God say about his way of doing things who he really is? We’ll build hopefully a picture of God. That ought to be a picture of us going to begin in Genesis chapter 12 in Genesis chapter 12, Abraham is called by God. This is an interesting passage in many ways,
for many reasons, but I want to notice this particular idea, Genesis chapter 12 and verse one. Now the Lord said to Abraham, get out of your country from your family and from your father’s house to a land, I will show you God calls upon Abraham to not only obey him, but to trust him. He calls upon Abraham to obey him,
to have faith in his promises and to go the direction that he provides. One of the things that you realize when you look at the, uh, the people of Israel as they come out of Egypt, when you look at at Abraham is he’s there in the wilderness or he was he’s there as he’s there in Canaan. When you look at, uh,
Isaac and Jacob as well, when they’re in the land, but they’re so journeys, they’re going places. They’re staying for a while. Then they’re moving and God is directing them. We don’t always read. God said, go here. But we see every time they move, they build an altar and they worship the Lord in that location. God says here to Abraham,
get up and go. But he also says go to a land. I will show you. So we understand that when we ask God, show us your ways. The first thing we’re asking for is point us in the right direction. Direction is one of the things that we will find. God showed people, but then consider Exodus chapter 25, Exodus chapter 25 beginning in verse one,
we read here. Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying, speak to the children of Israel. That they bring me an offering from everyone who gives it willingly with his heart. You shall take my offering. God tells the children of Israel. Remember they came out of Egypt and when they came out of Egypt, he said, you ask of your neighbors and those around you for possessions.
And they’ll give it to you. God plundered, Egypt by asking and as the children of Israel come out and come to Mount Sinai. As they reach Mount Sinai, they prepare to do these things, to build the tabernacle and to do the follow the commandments of God. And God tells Moses. You ask for the people to give you willingly and offering that will bring about the sanctuary of God.
Go down, go down to verse eight in verse eight, we read and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you. That is the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings. Just so you shall make it. God says Israel, I want your heart. I don’t want you to give a certain percentage in this offering.
I don’t want you to give because someone’s forced you to, I don’t want you to give this way or that way. I want you to look in your heart and give it’s one of those passages where we find that finally, Moses had to tell the people stop giving. We’ve got enough, but notice here as well in verses eight and nine, that God said,
I want your heart, but I’m going to show you a pattern. I’m going to give you the direction of how you do what I’ve commanded you to do. And at the end of the verse nine, he says, just so you shall make it. He says, I’m going to give you a pattern and you’re going to follow it. And you’re going to follow it to the letter.
When we ask God to show us his ways and to teach us his paths, we better be prepared that when God presents us a pattern of how we are to live and how we are to worship and how we are to act and how, what role we are supposed to play in this life. And in his kingdom, we better be prepared to mold ourself to the pattern just so because God has already determined how he wants to use what our hearts produce.
So we see God showed direction. He showed pattern, but he also showed light Deuteronomy chapter one, Deuteronomy chapter one. And in verse 29, we read as Moses is going to rehearse in the ears of the second generation. He is going to rehearse what has gone before. And he’s going to tell them about what the first generation that came out of Egypt experienced.
And then we read in chapter one, verse 29. Then I said to you do not be terrified or afraid of them. The Lord, your God, who goes before you, he will fight for you. According to all that he did for you in Egypt, before your eyes and in the wilderness where you saw how the Lord, your God carried you as a man,
carries his son in all the way that you went until you came to this place. Yet, for all that, you did not believe that the Lord, your God, who went in the way before you to search out a place for you to pitch your tents, to show you the way you should go in the fire by night and in the clown by day,
he says, you didn’t believe him. You didn’t do what he said to do. Yet. You saw him, you saw the manifestation of him in the fire at night, directing your paths in the cloud by day. You saw it, consider this idea as you’re looking for the ways of God and you’re searching for the direction to go. And you’re looking for the pattern to follow.
God had Israel watch day and night for the light, Joshua chapter five in this same regard, reveals this to us, Joshua chapter five. And in verse six for the children of Israel walked 40 years in the wilderness till all the people who were men of war, who came out of Egypt were consumed because they did not obey the voice of the Lord to whom the Lord swore that he would not show them the land,
which the Lord had sworn to their fathers, that he should give us a land flowing with milk. And honey notice here in verse six, that God went and brought them around the wilderness because he wouldn’t show them. He wouldn’t show them what he had promised them because they wouldn’t obey his voice. Now step over to Nehemiah chapter nine, Nehemiah chapter nine.
And in verse 19, my fingers keep going right past Nehemiah, Nehemiah chapter nine. And in verse 19, we read yet in your manifold mercies, you did not forsake them in the wilderness. Notice this here they are in the wilderness. They’ve gone to Sinai. They’ve been there. Sinai. They leave Sinai. They go up to the edge of the land of Canaan.
They refuse to go in. They’re rejected by God. He sends them out into the wilderness for 40 years and it could have been, it could have been, is there wandering in the wilderness that God just said, you know what? Just stay out here and die. I’m not taking you to the land anymore, but that’s not what happened. God’s presence was continually with them.
They weren’t in the promised land. They weren’t where they wanted to be. They weren’t going to receive the promise, but they still had his presence. He goes on to say in verse 19, yet in your manifold mercies, you did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud did not depart from them by day to lead them on the road,
nor the pillar of fire by night to show them light and the way they should go. Now, what was the condemnation in John chapter one in John chapter one, the condemnation concerning the people in Jesus’s day was they saw the light and they rejected it. They walked away from it. When you say to God, show me your ways. You better start looking for the light and you better start walking in the light.
First, John chapter one, as we walk in the light, the blood of Christ continues to cleanse us of our sins. So we need to be looking for the light. But first Samuel chapter 16, we also see another example of what God has showed someone in the past first, Samuel chapter 16. And in verse two, going down through verse three and Samuel said,
how can I go? If Saul hears that he will kill me now, what’s going on here? God saying, I’m rejecting Sol as my King over Israel. And I’m going to replace him and Samuel, you’re going to go anoint him and saying, you’ll says, how can I go? How can I go? If Saul hears it, he will kill me.
But, but the Lord said, take a heifer with you and say, I have come to sacrifice to the Lord. Then invite Jesse to the sacrifice. And I will show you what you shall do. You shall anoint for me, the one I named to you, God tells Samuel, I’m going to show you who I want. I’m going to show you who the next King is going to be.
So here’s Samuel and he’s waiting for God to show him who the next King is. And he sees the oldest son of Jesse and he looks like a King. That must be it. And God says, no, I’ve rejected him. And the next one and the next one, and the next one on down the line until all the sons who are present for the sacrifice are eliminated.
Something that we’re told here is when Samuel sees what he thinks he’s looking for. God says, I don’t look on the outward part of man. I look on the heart. God showed Samuel that he places responsibility on individuals, not based upon their appearance, but their heart. God showed Samuel. The heart is what matters, but then consider second Chronicles.
Chapter 16, as we journey through the old Testament. Second Chronicles, chapter 16. Here’s what we find the days of EISA second Chronicles, chapter 16, beginning in verse seven. And that, that time Hannah nigh, the senior, came to Asia King of Judah and said to him, because you have relied on the King of Syria and have not relied on the Lord,
your God, therefore the army of the King of Syria has escaped from your hand. Here’s what’s going on. EISA was a good King. He didn’t always make the right choices. At one point in his time as King, he overcame an army of a million people because God delivered him. But then he was encroached upon by another army. And instead of going to God for deliverance,
he went to the King of Syria. So as a result of that, God’s going to rebuke him. And this is the sea or the prophet Hannah and I coming to do that. Verse eight. We’re the Ethiopians. That was the army of the million and the lube them not a huge army with very many chariots and horsemen yet because you relied on the Lord.
He delivered them into your hand for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong. On behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him in this, you have done foolishly. Therefore from now on, you shall have Wars. Notice what happened. God said to EISA. I delivered you this first time and you should have relied on me because I show strength to those who are in need.
There was a time in the life of the apostle Paul, where he was plagued by trouble. We’re not sure what the trouble was, but he called it his thorn in the flesh. And he asked God three times to remove it from him. And God said no every single time, but he didn’t just say no. He told Paul in your weakness is my strength.
God showed strength to those who are weak, Psalm 16, Psalm 16. We find another example. As you go down this line of things, God has shown. You’re going to begin to see this picture of God and what he wants for us to formulate. Hopefully on this page for you, Psalm 16 and in verses 10 through 11 four, you will not leave my soul in shield,
nor will you allow your Holy one to see corruption. This is David and he’s writing. But as Peter in acts, chapter two reveals to us, he’s writing it prophetically, not about himself because Peter reveals it was an acts chapter two that the body of David is still here, still present with us. And it’s still in his tomb. But instead he’s writing this about the Messiah he says for you will not leave my soul in shield,
nor will you allow your Holy one to see corruption. You will show me the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Here’s the Messiah. Here’s Christ going to the cross and dying and relying on God, the father to show him the path of life. God showed life. And in that life, we’re talking about resurrection,
a new life by the power of God, but then consider chapter 25. As we loop our way back to this chapter later on in the chapter. And in verse 14, the Salmas writer declares this. The secrets of the Lord is with those who fear him and he will show them his covenants. God says, I want you to understand something. I’m going to reveal something to you.
That’s the idea of secrets there. That which is not revealed. The Samas writer is saying this, this God who I asked for me to show him, show me his ways, who I asked for him to teach me his paths. This God whom I fear this. God is showing me these secrets. What are these secrets? His revelation, but keep in mind something Jesus said,
as he was teaching individuals, that those who were, who had eyes, wouldn’t see, because they were blind spiritually. The revelation for us. Now, this wasn’t always true in David’s day, but the revelation for us is here. And if we have eyes to see, we can do exactly what Jesus said. He who has eyes to see, let him see.
But if we don’t first fear, God, we won’t keep his commandments. The revelation of God is in his covenants. In his promises. God is a God of secrets revealed in covenants. And we are to be those who understand and see those promises and live by them. But then Psalm 51, Psalm 51 in a Psalm of repentance and as song where there is a writer who is crying out to God to be made clean,
to be restored to righteousness. He says in verse 15, Oh Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise. So we go down a of things that God has showed people in the past. We don’t have to go very far before we find God showing them worship before God shows them to praise him. When we asked for God to show us the life,
where to live the path, where to walk, we better be making plans for worship because that path and that way goes straight through our praise of him. One thing, God didn’t show. Matter of fact, one thing God showed you must not do. This is in his EEQ Ezekiel chapter 33, God condemns Israel. ZQ chapter 33 beginning in verse 31.
God says, so they have come to you as people do. This is a common thing. You don’t have to look hard to find this not in as equals day and not today. So they have come to you as people do. They sit before you as my people and they hear your words, but they do not do them for, with their mouth.
They show much love, but with their heart pursue their own gain. Indeed, you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument for they hear your words, but they do not do them. When the Psalm is writer says, show me your ways. O Lord teach me your paths.
You better believe that God expects us. If we’re going to express the same sentiment to not only be shown his ways, but to then implement his ways, because it is not enough to assemble together or to sit down with your Bible and think, wow, look at all of the wonderful poetry. Look at how this writer expresses this. So vividly. Think of all these wonderful things and these nuggets of wisdom,
all the while, all we really care about is ourselves. You know, if you wanted a pretty, pretty much a guaranteed path forward economically for your life, you could spend your entire life as a consultant for businesses by extracting the principles out of the book of Proverbs and just teaching them to business owners and you’d get paid a fortune. I know this because there’s a number of people out there doing it right now.
And you could do that for your own gain while never implementing a single one of them in your own life. But Jesus said, what does it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul. So we’ve got a picture hopefully of what God’s already showed in the past. But now very quickly. I want us to go through a few passages about what God has showed us.
He is because remember the Psalmus writer, doesn’t just say, show me the path. He doesn’t say, show me the way he says, show me your ways. Teach me your paths. Genesis chapter 24. When you see a picture of God, when you understand who God is, the very first thing. If you go through all the old Testament,
you’re going to find this over and over and over again. You’re going to find the picture of God as a picture of kindness in Exodus, chapter 24. And in verse 12, we read this. Then the Lord said to Moses, come up to me on the mountain and I, and be there. And I will give you tablets of stone and the law and the commandments,
which I have written that you may teach them. Notice God wants to teach Israel his commandments through these commandments and judgments. Now go to chapter 40 verse 12 of the book of Exodus, chapter 40 and verse 12. We read. Then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of meeting and wash them with water. And you shall put the Holy garments on air and then anoint them and consecrate them.
Then he may minister to me as priest. And you shall bring his sons and clothed them with tunings. You shall anoint them as you anointed their father, that they may minister to me as priest for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations. Thus Moses did, according to all that, the Lord commanded him. So he did here.
The statutes here, the commandments here is the establishment of the priesthood to bridge the gap between a sinless people and their God. Turn to chapter 41. Wait, just a minute. I’m I’m in Exodus. One of y’all needed to point that out to me. Hey Aaron, you’re in the wrong book. Genesis chapter 41 in verse nine, get this right.
Genesis chapter 41. This builds on chapter 40, which I forgot to read because I read the wrong book. Joseph is in prison. He’s been put in prison and he has revealed the dream of the Butler and the Baker. And the Butler has been brought back to Pharaoh in Joseph told him, you show me kindness. You tell Pharaoh about me. You get me out of here.
Two years later, still hasn’t happened in chapter 41. And in verse nine, then the chief Butler spoke to Pharaoh saying, I remember my faults this day when Pharaoh was angry with his servant and put me in custody in the house of the captain of the guard, both me and the chief Baker. We each had a dream in one night. He and I,
each of us dreamed according to the interpretation of his own dream. Now there was a young man, a young Hebrew man with us. They’re a servant of the captain of the guard. And we told him, and he interpreted our dreams for us to each man. He interpreted according to his own dream and it came to pass just as he interpreted for us.
So it happened. He restored me to my office and he hanged him. Joseph asked for kindness, this man for God. And he said, I remember now today, my faults, because I failed to show kindness, turn back to Genesis chapter 24, Genesis chapter 24. And in verse 12, then he said, Oh Lord God of my master Abraham,
please give me success this day and show kindness to my master. Abraham. That one makes a lot more sense here. The servant of Abraham pleads on behalf of, of his master show, my master kindness. Why does he ask for kindness? Because he knows who God is because he knows that God is a God of loving kindness. And because he knows that God has made a promise.
You have the covenants and you have the laws and you have the promises and they come together in God’s kindness toward us. Romans chapter five. We’re told that while we were yet sinners, the God who gave us the laws and the commandments and the judgments whose laws we broke and who condemned us and judged us at the same time, showed us kindness by giving us his son,
but then consider Xs chapter seven. We see God as a God of kindness. We see God as a God of power and Exodus chapter seven. And in verse nine, we read beginning in verse eight, then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron saying, when Pharaoh speaks to you saying, show America for yourselves, then you shall say to Aaron, take your Ron and cast it before Pharaoh and let it become a serpent.
God will proceed forth from this point and do miracle after miracle. After miracle, after miracle in front of Egypt and Pharaoh to declare his power God’s ways are ways of power. And you can read that all throughout the old and the new Testament, but turn to Exodus chapter 23, Exodus chapter 23. And in verse three, God says through Moses to his judges in Israel,
you shall not show partiality to a poor man in his dispute. God says you don’t show partiality. As a judge, we read this morning in our class in James chapter two about the fact that we are judges and we are not to show partiality. We are to be those who instead are just and show righteous judgment. I’d love to spend more time on that,
but we’re going to forgo it for the sake of time in numbers, chapter 16, numbers, chapter 16, verses three through seven. We see another attribute of God. We’ve seen his kindness. We see his power. We see the fact that he does not show partiality because he also commands us not to show partiality. But then we also see his holiness in numbers,
chapter 16, dealing with the rebellion of, of Cora and, uh, and day thin. And Abiram, and on we read in verses three through seven, they gathered together against Moses and Aaron and said to them, you take too much upon yourselves for all the congregation is Holy. Every one of them and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?
Here’s their, their argument against Moses and Aaron and Aaron’s priesthood. And Moses’s leadership is all the congregations, Holly. So we can all be priests. We can all stand where we want to stand. Moses who gave you, right? So when Moses heard it, he fell on his face and he spoke to Cora and all his company saying tomorrow morning,
the Lord will show you who is his and who is Holy and will cause him to come near to him. That one whom he chooses, he will cause to come near to him. Do this, take sensors, Cora, and all your company put fire in them, put incense in them before the Lord tomorrow. And it shall be that the man whom the Lord chooses is the Holy one.
You take too much upon yourselves. You sons of Levi. We know from the remainder of the account, that God would open up the earth and swallow them at declare who he claimed was really Holy and who was his man. And it would be Moses. But in first Peter chapter one, Peter draws forward. This idea of holiness and says, be ye Holy for God is Holy.
When Cora said all the congregation is Holy. Not just you, Aaron, not just you, Moses, he at the same time was signing his own death warrant because he was choosing not to be Holy before God Deuteronomy chapter seven. One attribute that offsets some of these others as we look at gong is seen here in this section because we’ve looked at kindness.
We’ve looked at power. We’ve looked at not showing partiality. We’ve looked at holiness, but there’s another one. And it’s judgment. Cause you don’t get God without judgment in Deuteronomy chapter seven, verse one. When the Lord, your God brings you into the land, which you can go to possess and has cast out many nations before you, the Hittites,
the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites and the parasites and the Hivites and the JB sites, seven nations, greater and mightier than you. And when the Lord, your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them utterly and destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor make show mercy to them, nor shall you make marriages with them.
You shall not give them your daughters for their sons nor take their daughter for your son for, they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods. So the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy. You. Suddenly God tells Israel, you go into this land and you make no covenants and you show no mercy and you make no relationships with these people because they will turn you away from me and bring on you.
Their judgment. God’s not showing partiality here. God’s not showing partiality to Israel over the people in this land. God’s saying this people in this land, their time has run out. I gave them time to repent. I put Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in their land for hundreds of years. And they continued to get worse and worse and worse. They wouldn’t repent.
And now their time is up. You do not get God as a God of kindness, power, not part, not showing partiality and holiness, and then get to leave out judgment. Let’s get to the last one. We talked about loving kindness, which is Psalm 17. We talked about that a little bit in number one, but then Psalm 25.
Again, as again, we come back to this song. We are again, reminded that God is a God of revelation. God is a God of covenants. Let’s read through the portion of the Psalm from verse four to verse 15, show me your ways of Lord. Teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the God of my salvation on you.
I wait all the day, remember a Lord, your tender mercies, and your loving kindnesses for they are from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions. According to your mercy, remember me for your goodness’s sake. A Lord good and upright is the Lord. Therefore he teaches sinners in the way, the humble he guides in justice,
the humble he teaches his way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth to such as keep his covenant and his testimonies for your name. Seiko Lord. Pardon? My iniquity for it is great. Who is the man that fears the Lord him, shall he teach in the way he chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity and his descendants shall inherit the earth.
The secret of the Lord is with those who fear him and he will show them his covenant. My eyes are ever toward the Lord for, he shall pluck my feet out of the net. There is a danger. There is a danger encroaching upon the lives of every single one of us today. And it’s the danger of sin. It’s the danger of being entrapped by Satan,
his Wiles and his soldiers. But you and I have a choice. We have a choice that we can choose God. Instead, we can seek his ways and we can learn his paths and he will show us. He has shown us and he will pluck us out of disaster and into salvation if we will, but walk in his way. If you’re outside the body of Christ this morning,
you’re outside of that salvation. And it is found in only one case in one location in Christ, you enter into Christ by hearing the word of God and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. You enter into Christ by having heard that word and believed it repenting of your sins, because you can’t walk your way and God’s way at the same time,
having repetitive those sins, you must confess allegiance to Christ, confess the name of Christ and be immersed in water, buried in water for the remission of your sins, because God is a God of resurrection and you don’t walk in his light, stained in your old sins. You have to die to those sins and you have to rise to walk in newness of life.
If you’ve done that, then may your thought process every day. Be God, show me your ways, but then sit down with his word and find out what those ways really are. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve strayed from the path of righteousness or brought shit, public shame and reproach upon the church, you can come back.
We will pray with you and pray for you. If you have need of the invitation for any reason, why not come now as we stand in, as we sing, can you, uh, Uh, uh, uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> uh<inaudible> and<inaudible> who drives? Uh,
let’s see, um, your, uh,<inaudible> and, uh,<inaudible> Thank Garren for his lesson, and we’re glad to have all of our visitors here with us today. Um, and we welcome everyone back on Wednesday. We will close with our number with our song 711. We’ll have our closing prayer number 711<inaudible>, uh, that, uh,
uh,<inaudible> uh, uh, uh,<inaudible> uh<inaudible> we<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> um, you<inaudible> and, uh,<inaudible> uh,<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Oh, with me, Our father in heaven. We’re thankful for this time that we’ve had to assemble to worship the father in spirit. And in truth, we ask that you would be with us and you would be with our nation father.
As I go through this pandemic, I asked that you would watch over us and protect us and save us from it, asked that you would forgive us of our sins and help us to walk in that sight. Father, forgive us of our sins, help us to do that. We’ll have to come back at the next appointed time. These things were asked in Christ name and amen.
Ask that you’d be seated for a while. There’s going to be a shorter nap, but thank you. Having concluded our services on behalf of the congregation, going to ask Eric and Holly and the family, if they will please come up to the stage up here. This, this is the stage in spite of the fact that I’m good at preaching. I’m not good at speechmaking,
but we want you to know all five of you, how much you mean to us. We want to express to you a token of our appreciation for your work, the work that you’ve done in school, uh, Eric, you and I, and others who have talked through the last two years, know how many hours and nights you’re, you know,
studying in a way. And that’s a sacrifice, not just by you, but by the entire family, but we’re incredibly proud of you. We’re proud of what you’ve done while you’ve been here and how you’ve been a part of this congregation. And we want you to know every single one of you, that you will always be a part of this congregation.
This is just a card and something from the congregation, wishing you happy graduation, best wishes, and every good thought we could wish towards in your future and in your labors as they proceed forward, we love you and services are over, but please stand and give them a round of applause for their successful graduation. In spite of the fact, I asked them to get flunked.<inaudible> well,
it’s hard. This is really hard, but you’ve really loved it here. And we love you guys so much. This is tough for us to go home. We’re excited to go home, but it stuff because you guys am hate at home for us. And we are excited to come back and to see you guys as much as we can. And thank you so much for your love,
your support. You guys have really encouraged me and our family as we’ve gone through school, and it’s tough, but you guys were always there to encourage us. And I really appreciate that. Thank you so much. You were dismissed.
A person should be (a) happy or (b) sad when trials come his way. James 1:2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How can an individual obtain wisdom? How should he ask? James 1:5-6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What has the Lord promised to those that love him and persevere under trial? James 1:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Lust leads to sin and sin leads to __ . James 1: 14-15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
James did not say a person should be (a) quick to hear, (b) slow to speak, (c) quick to argue, or (d) slow to anger. James 1:14-15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The implanted __ is able to save souls. James 1:21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pure and undefiled religion is not to (a) visit the orphans, (b) visit the widows, (c) only hear the word, or (d) keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:23, 27 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
My Hey, there we go. Test one, two, Testing, one, two, Testing, one, two, Testing, one, two, testing, one, two, testing, one, two, testing, one, two, Testing, one, two testing testing one, two, testing, one, two testing.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> It is time for us to get started.<inaudible> we’ll do it this way.
We are in the book of James this evening. Hey, Eric turned me down, just a hair. One of my hair’s not want to Eric Halvorson’s please.<inaudible> Good to see everyone out this evening and hope everyone is doing well, continues to do well. And also a glad for those who are still at home, but doing well. And, uh,
those who are traveling in a way Eddie and, and the boys left Tuesday. So their multi-week journey has begun. So they’ll, they’ll be back, uh, probably around the beginning of July. So maybe a few days after that, but seeing the aunts, seeing the grandparents. So James chapter one is where our study will come from this evening. Let’s begin with a word of prayer Gracious father in heaven.
We bow before you at this time, grateful for this day that you’ve given to us in the life that we have the opportunities that we have to serve you. And we pray that we will diligently serve you throughout our lives. That we will look for opportunities to serve. And not only do the things that we are asked Lord, we pray that you be with those who are dealing with hardship.
Right now, we pray for many that have lost jobs. Others that have lost loved ones as a result of the things going on in the world today. And we pray that you will give them comfort and strength. We’re also mindful of those who may be dealing with longterm illnesses, and we pray that they will be able to have comfort in the hard times.
And the hard days have strength in the good days. We pray that you will be with those who are struggling spiritually, pray that you will give them strength, pray that they might seek that strength through your word and that they might make you their ally and their fortress. They might be held up by the power of your word, Lord. We pray that you’d be with us as we go throughout this period of study this evening.
As we look into this book that was penned by James, but ultimately came from you. Pray that we might put on those first century glasses and be able to understand in the words and the perspectives in which it was written, but also be able to understand it and apply it in our own lives. We pray that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory,
help us to always strive daily, to walk in your, uh, acceptably in your sight. All this we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Pop quiz. Ha no, just kidding. Who is James? Most likely the James of this epistle is the brother of Jesus. Uh, we know of at least two James’s in the new Testament, which one of them was an apostle James,
the brother of John. Okay. But we know as well that Jesus had a half brother because he was the son of who Joseph. Okay. He was a half brother because he was of, uh, he was from Mary, but he wasn’t from the same father. Uh, and so a son of Joseph who knew Jesus knew about what Jesus claimed to be,
but did he believe Jesus was who he claimed to be at the beginning? No. Uh, and I’m not going back and looking at these passages because they’re all passages that we looked at when we were studying the book of John. Uh, but Jesus, his brothers did not believe him to be what he claimed to be at the beginning. And matter of fact,
during one of the feasts, they said, well, what are you doing here? Go and show yourself at the feast. If you are who you claim to be, go manifest yourself as a prophet would do. Don’t be a profit in secret if you’re a prophet. Uh, and so mocking him saying, you need to go do this, not understanding what they were saying.
So the indication of history tradition is that as the resurrection occurred and the church was established, one of, uh, one group of people that were converted, Jesus having risen from the dead Jesus, having, you know, done all of those things that he said he would do evidencing himself as the Messiah. One of those groups that was converted were his siblings.
There’s another indication that there’s another brother of Jesus who was an author of one of the books of the new Testament, which one might that be? Jude. Jude is also most likely a reference to Jesus’s half brother Jude. So yes Is involved. The assumption would have to be yes, but you also get this perspective that throughout his ministry, even Mary doesn’t comprehend.
And that’s the hard thing for you and me is we get to look at it and knowing the facts afterwards, it’s a whole lot harder when they’re living in the moment, looking at it, you know, and, and this is just, this was just the, the brother this, you know, um, and who knows did didn’t Mary and Joseph ever tell the brothers am,
by the way, this is how Jesus don’t don’t know. Don’t know I have no, no knowledge whatsoever. Um, it would make sense to us that that was the case. But, uh, nonetheless, uh, of course then again, you add into it of, of course all children always do everything and understand and believe everything their parents tell them.
So, uh, we’ll, we’ll just leave that one at that. Also bear in mind that James would have been younger than Jesus. Jude would have been younger than Jesus. How many years we don’t know, but if Jesus began his ministry at 30, that means they’re in their twenties or maybe late teens, depending upon how much distance there is between the brothers.
Um, so, you know, there’s, there’s that side of things as well. Okay. Uh, no, no, actually there, there is, I said there were two there’s three James, is that we’re aware because there are actually two apostles who are referenced as, as James, um, is, and this is coming off the top of my head,
but I believe James, the less has also won the one references Bartholomew. You might have to look that up, but, uh, but there were two apostles known as James James, the brother of John. And in one of the texts, we also have James the less, Well, he was the one they would think Ruth, right? That seems to be,
that seems to be James, the brother of Jesus. That was, that was at Jerusalem. Galatians speaks concerning him as, as a one who was in Jerusalem, also acts chapter 15. He’s referenced as one of the elders in Jerusalem. Um, so that those references in Galatians and acts 15 seemed to be the same. James who wrote this book,
Jane, I do not believe so. I think That references a different, different James among the apostles. Um, so James begins this a Pissle this letter with James, the half brother of Christ in the flesh. Nope. He actually begins it in a very similar way that Jude begins his epistle James, a bond servant of God and of the Lord,
Jesus Christ. James does not begin. If all, everything that we’ve said to this point is accurate and it is the half brother of Jesus. He doesn’t begin with his earthly relationship to Jesus. He doesn’t go, Hey, you need to listen to me because I’m no, no, he begins it with I’m a bond servant. And any of you that have siblings put yourself in that perspective,
I imagine you saying about your sibling, I’m their servant. And then think about what that would be when you were younger. You just wouldn’t have done it. But this, this maturity, this perspective to say, even if he was my half brother, it didn’t matter anymore because the higher relationship, the most important relationship was not their fleshly connection. It was their spiritual connection.
So he begins James, a bond servant of God and of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Lord he’s the master Jesus. He’s the savior Christ the translation in the Greek of crystals of Messiah from the old Testament. He’s the Messiah. James says to the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad. Greetings is James writing to the Jews, the nation<inaudible>. It could be there.
There’s not really a definitive idea on exactly the timeframe of this. Uh, I’ve seen, I’ve seen numbers anywhere between, um, you know, 50, 80 all the way to, to later. And maybe some maybe suggest even earlier than that. But, um, based upon my reading, my research, I think we’re probably good, 20, 30 years into,
uh, you know, the, the establishment of the church. And this is probably after the dispersion, uh, that you read about in book of acts where they’re driven out because of persecution, the Christians are driven out among the other nations, but as we get into this, one of the things that we need to be clear about is who is James writing to,
and he’s not writing to the Jewish nation by blood. He is writing to Christians, predominantly Christians who were Israelites Jews, but he’s writing to Christians, but he dresses them as the people of God. You remember where Paul says that the real Israel isn’t fleshly Israel, but the real Israel is spiritual Israel. When John or when James uses this reference, the 12 tribes,
he’s not talking about the people living in Jerusalem or Judea or Galilee. He’s talking about the Christians everywhere. And he says to the 12 tribes, which are scattered abroad, greetings my brethren, count it all joy. When you fall into various trials, temptations, the King, James says he, he wants them to be joyous. He already begins with your scattered abroad.
Now they weren’t scattered abroad because they were all just out having a good time out on vacation. They didn’t end up scattered everywhere because everything was going well, why were they scattered abroad? Because of persecution. And in the midst of this persecution, he says, I’m writing to you. And I know what you’ve been going through because you’re scattered abroad. I know why you are where you are,
but know this. You need to count it all joy. As if to say you start, we’ve got that, that song, counter many blessings. And I’m afraid what we do habitually in our own lives is we count every good blessing. We count everything. We consider a blessing and not everything. The Lord considers a blessing. We count all the good things that make us happy.
And we think, well, if I counted all the bad things that make us upset, sad, frustrated, angry, you know, make our lives difficult. I I’d probably have to lower my joy count a little bit. James says, no. James says you count your trials among your blessings. He says, count it all. Joy. Tally it up on your joy meter as it were,
as these are good things. Now notice what he says. He says counted all joy. When you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. This word fall here is, is interesting. And I want us to comprehend. This is not James saying to people, you are ignorant and foolish and your ignorance and your foolishness has produced trouble in your life.
And you need to be happy about it. That’s not what he’s saying. The idea of fall here is, is much like, you know, we sometimes will talk about people who fall in love. They, they, they didn’t really do anything to get there. It just happened. Okay. Uh, James is saying, you didn’t put yourself in this position.
You didn’t travel into trials. You didn’t drive into trials. You didn’t pursue trials. You got trials dropped on you. And yet he says no, that these trials produce something. They produce the word patience here is<inaudible>. It is to stand up under something. As if to say you were going to bear a burden, thinking your minds of the,
uh, the priests bearing the Ark of the covenant, those, those posts, they would lift those posts up and they would carry them on their shoulder. They would Bayer the Ark on their shoulders as they would travel. They’re lifting it up. They’re bearing it up. That’s this word?<inaudible> Absolutely. Absolutely. Uh, first Peter one six is,
is again another idea here. So he says, knowing the testing, the trials, the difficulties produce something. Now in order to produce something, uh, you’re talking about a manufacturing process. You generally have to have energy. You’ve got to have effort. You’ve got to have all in a lot of situations. You’ve got to have heat. Peter uses that illustration when he says that the trying of your faith is like a fire,
which does what to gold refines it. But it here’s the thing. If you have a house burning down and there’s a really hot fire in the midst of it, and there happens to be gold jewelry in the midst of that fire, when the fire’s over is the jewelry refined. It may be melded, but it’s not refined. Why? Because care wasn’t taken in the midst of the fire to produce something more valuable.
It was destroyed by the fire. Instead you would actually have gold that has been inundated with things that aren’t pure gold. Something that is produced is intentional. You don’t look at the trials that you’re going through and say, you know what? I’m going to sit back and wait until God produces me into something better on the other side of this. No,
no, no, no. You’re involved. You’re active here. You’re making a choice to become better because of the trial, which is the active part in which you can find the joy. Notice what he says. He says, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. Is this perfection, sinless perfection kind of perfection.
Is it? It’s another word here that we could use in the English complete or mature. He says, use this to grow up. Um, Eric has just gone through a, in class Keith Mosher’s series of lessons on the stages of faith. And one of the things that you will find is true in life is also true in your faith is generally catastrophe.
That moves someone to another level. It’s hardship that creates the opportunity for someone to become more mature in their understanding of God and in their growth. And so one of the things that you find here is he says you have to allow patience, endurance to work in you. What does that mean about the trial? Is it going to be a quick trial?
You know, they’re done finished. Whoo, glad I got out of that. Oh, if patients is going to be working and you’re going to be enduring, cause that’s what the word patients mean. If you’re going to be bearing up under something, you’re going to be burying up, bearing up under it for a while. This isn’t a, uh,
a drive through trial. This is life. But he says, if you lack wisdom, now he says, patients can have its perfect work. And in that patient, you can become complete. You can become perfect. You can become mature, lacking nothing. You allow God to do what he wants to do with you. And you’ll become mature. You become complete.
You’ll become one. Who’s lacking nothing. You can step over to the books of Peter and look at the Christian graces and see how endurance and patience falls into that growth, circular pattern there. But here he says, this work can happen, but it requires an integral piece. Uh, the, that has to happen. There there’s a necessary event or,
or substance that has to be in your life in order for this patience to produce completeness and its wisdom trials, plus endurance, without wisdom, doesn’t produce completeness. So he says, you can be without lacking, but if you are lacking, one of the things you need is wisdom. One of the things you need to endure trials is this wisdom. He says,
if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach. And it will be given to him, but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. This individual who asks wisdom from God. So you’re going to get it like Solomon,
you know, God asks Solomon, what, what do you ask, ask for what you will. And Solomon asked for what wisdom and God said, because you didn’t ask for riches and long life and all of these other things, I’m going to give those things to you. But I’m also going to give you wisdom. It’s not going to work that way for us.
We’re not going to wake up one morning and just have the wisdom to judge Israel. It’s not going to happen. We’re going to have wisdom because we have gained it intentionally. But this is one of those passages in the scripture where we get this comprehension that God’s actions are joined with our actions to produce God’s will because God is not going to give us wisdom.
Miraculously, God’s not going to open up our brains and just stuff wisdom in there. He’s going to expect something from us to gain that wisdom. And sometimes that’s going to in, I mean, all of that time is going to involve study because the entire book of Proverbs, which is kind of the, the, the old Testament counterpart to the book of James is they’re telling you here’s wisdom.
It’s crying out to you, but you got to show up and actually get some of it. It’s crying out to the fool too, but the fool’s going to ignore it. The fool doesn’t want to learn. We have a society. We have a culture, I think to some degree in some areas it’s changing. But we, we are really in opposition to failure.
I mean, we really look down on failure. We look at someone who has made a mess of their life. Maybe it’s because of something they did, or maybe it’s something. And, and, and we just, our culture looks down on them. You take someone who has started a business and then failed. They’ve gone under the, you know,
there’s a lot of people in that situation right now question, how many of them had a really any say in it whatsoever? None, but they’re still failures, right? Maybe they are by some people’s standards. But here’s the thing. The failure in reality, the person who’s a real failure is the same person. God calls a fool because it’s the person who will not receive wisdom will not receive instruction and will not grow from trials.
No one who goes through trials and in experience is a failure, but then grows and learns from it is a failure. They’re not a failure. They’re someone who’s growing. When we see a little toddler, just learning to walk and he’s holding onto the Pew. All of us, remember when Micah was at this stage, he’s at the running stage now,
but when he was at this stage and he’d hold onto something everywhere, he went and get two steps. And none of us looked at him as a failure. None of us thought he’s just never going to get it. He’s never going to walk because falling down didn’t equal failure. And we do that. We have that mindset naturally when we’re looking at a toddler,
but we don’t have that mindset when we’re looking at an adult, but we need to, we need to have the mindset that says falling once or twice stumbling, and then getting up that wasn’t failure. That was growth because it’s the getting up. It’s the going back. It’s the re-examining. Why did I fail? Why did I fall? What happened?
And how do I overcome it? Next time that produces growth. He says, if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach. And it will be given to him. The one thing that was brought out by a commentary or by a class that I was listening to on this, this aspect, it made a good point.
Since we’ve all, at some point had this situation where maybe someone we know a sibling or parent, whatever, uh, we’ve been in the experience where someone asked someone for some money, Hey, can I have 15 bucks? And the response has been what happened to the $15 I just gave you the other day. We’ve all seen it. We’ve all been,
it’s all happened. At some point, I gave you something the other day. What happened to that? If you had used that properly, you wouldn’t be coming back to me asking again, that’s here in this idea of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach, God’s not going to be looking back at us. When we say, Lord, I need more wisdom and saying,
didn’t I didn’t. You ask me for wisdom yesterday. When is it? When is enough enough? That’s not, God, God gives liberally. God says, yes, here’s more. Yes, here’s more now careful. You might get some trials with that wisdom, what you need application and not just learning. So you’re, you might go through the ringer,
getting it, but God gives liberally. But he goes on to say for, let that let, not that man, suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. Why? Because he doubted he would receive something from God he asked, but he didn’t actually believe God would do it. Careful. If you ever pray to God and ask him for a million dollars,
you might get it. But guess what? Money is often a trial money is often in scripture described, described as a stumbling block. So careful what you ask for you might get it. Absolutely. Absolutely. It’s always going to come back to your faith. It’s always going to come back to your focus on God and not self here’s. The problem with the person who doubts.
He’s doubting God, almost invariably, because he’s doubting him self. And when you have someone who’s judging God by themselves, they’re never going to see God for who he is. They’re never going to see God for what he can do for them because they’re judging God by themselves. So this person’s unstable. James says he’s like a ship. That’s just being beaten by a storm.
It has in no control whatsoever of its destiny and it’s unstable. But he says he is, double-minded unstable in all of his ways. He’s of two minds. Then verse nine, he says, let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation. Sometimes God is going to come and he’s going to take a lowly brother. He’s going to take one who is humble in spirit,
but also humble in experience. And God is going to lift him up. But he also says, but the rich in his humiliation, God may take one. Who’s up here and bring him down. Guess what? Which one of those? The one who has experienced humiliation and the one who has experienced exaltation, which one of them’s the failure, neither one,
because both of them are servants of God. Catch onto this. He says, count it all joy. When you fall into various trials, grow from your wisdom. Don’t doubt God game in your faith and in your wisdom, through your endurance and through your patience. And then when life brings you changes, whether you’re going up as a humble man, or whether you’re rich and you’re going down to gain humility,
he said either way, you are one who can count it, all joy. It’s, it’s easy for a humble poor man to say, I’ve become richer and I’ve been exalted and I’ve been brought to a higher place and count it joy. It’s a lot harder for a rich person. Who’s become destitute to count it all joy. Unless his mindset is I haven’t moved one degree in relationship to my God.
See, this is where the perspective comes in. None of these changes that James describes here have anything to do with your relationship to God, but your faith and your wisdom and your endurance of trials has everything to do with your relationship to God. So then he says, let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field,
he will pass away for no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it Withers the grass. It flowers, it’s flowers fell it flowers fall, and it’s beautiful appearance parishes. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits. This isn’t new thinking, this isn’t new, new revelation from God in the sense that God hasn’t told you this already go back and look at Proverbs,
go back to the book of Ecclesiastes. He’s you just had him summary form. The book of Ecclesiastes. He’s the rich man who does everything to gain his riches in his life. Does what ultimately dies and leaves it to somebody else. And Solomon looks at it and says, Anne, what happens to the rich man who does everything and all of his wisdom to gain all this wealth and die that leave it to,
to a fool who is his son? What point was it? Vanity of vanities all is vanity except serve God and keep his commandments. So then here we have this picture, beautiful flower comes out, buds. It grows, develops into this beautiful site that all of us appreciate. I don’t know anybody who looks at flowers and goes, except for people who maybe have dealt with flowers for a long time.
And all they see is the work. No way. He looks at flowers and goes, ah, those are just ugly. All of them everywhere in the world. They’re just ugly. Now. They’re not, we know better. What, how long do they last long? And yet God’s still in control. So the rich who’s bloomed in his riches like a flower.
And then it faded away. He can still glory in what has happened. So then in verse 12, he says, not only do you need to endure trials, not only do you need to come with grit, come to grips with the fact that life brings you changes. Sometimes you go up in physical possessions and sometimes you go down, but either way you stay humble and you glory in God and not riches.
He then says, bless it. As the man who endures temptation this temptation because King James says temptation both at the beginning of the, of the chapter. And here, this temptation is not the same as the first one, the trials of life or the first one, the temptation here is sin. And we’re going to get that. He says blessed is the man who endures temptation for when he has been approved.
He will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted by God for God, cannot tempt cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone. But each one is tempted. When he is drawn away of his own desires and enticed. Then when desire has conceived,
it brings, gives birth to sin and sin. When it is full grown, brings forth death. There is a growth pattern, not only to spiritual success, completeness and perfection, there is a growth pattern to sin and you’re growing one of the two directions because there’s not a third alternative. You’re growing into center. You’re growing toward God. You’re not stagnant because life won’t let you be.
Every trial that you were in. Dewar brings you closer to God or pushes you away. And every temptation you endure either pushes you closer to God or pushes you farther away. How many of us, when we’ve been faced with the temptation to sin have said, I am blessed. No. Why can’t I get rid of all these temptations? You know,
sometimes that’s the way we are as Christians. Why can’t I get rid of all the temptations? Not why can’t I avoid sinning. We go through our lives, trying to walk around, avoiding temptation instead of looking at the temptation and going, I’m going to serve God. And every time I’m tempted and choose to serve God, I become stronger. I become closer to him.
Jesus didn’t walk around without temptations. And yet Jesus never looked at a temptation as being the same thing. As having committed the sin, Jesus looked at the temptation and said, I’m going that direction. A temptation is only a temptation when it’s something that you actually in some form or fashion want. And Jesus walked himself into temptations at times. Didn’t he?
I mean, he could have stayed away from the Pharisees. He could have eaten food for 40 days instead of fasting for 40 days. But he opened himself up to temptation by fasting for 40 days. And Satan came to him and said, you see those stones, go ahead, make them bread. He put himself in a place where he could be tempted.
Now I’m not advocating. Let’s go rush into temptation. No know Paul still says, flee, youthful us. Turn away from, tentation go away from tentation and pursue righteousness. But as you’re pursuing righteousness, guess what’s going to catch up with you temptation. And James says, bless it. As the man who endures again, stands up under those temptations.
Instead of giving into them, do not be deceived verse 16, my beloved brethren, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning of his own, will he brought us forth by the word of truth that we might be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.
God brought us forth, birthed us by what brought us forth by the word of truth. But then he goes on to say so then my beloved brethren, let every man be Swift to hear slow, to speak, slow to wrath. We generally reverse all three of those slow to hear quick, to talk and quick to get angry. James says, don’t do that for the wrath of man does not produce Whoa,
wait a minute. Then we just have that produced word earlier. Endurance and patience produces perfection, but quick to wrath produces not righteousness. So then he says, therefore, lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness. The implanted word. If you are holding on to filthiness, if you are holding on to wickedness, you’re not going to receive the word of God because you’re holding onto something else.
He says, if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror for he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of Liberty and continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer of the word, but a doer of the work.
This one will be blessed in what he does. This is, this is Matthew chapter seven, verses 13, through the end of the chapter right here, all in summary form straight narrow way or a way that’s wide and broad and easy to walk. Few there be that, find it. Well, there’s going to be plenty who find this over here.
Then there’s the wise man who builds because he hears and he does something with what he hears. And there’s the fool over here who hears and goes away and forgets. We need to be mindful of these things and we need to see the lessons that are here. If anyone among you thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart.
This one’s religion is useless. There’s more here than just someone who says I’m a, I’m a religious person and then uses profanity. There’s here. The person who claims to be religious and then is raffle. There’s your context. He’s talked about the one who is quick to hear and slow to speak and slow to wrath. And he comes up behind that with here’s your religious person.
They claim to be religious, but they don’t speak that way. He goes on to say pure and undefiled religion before God. And the father is this to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself. Unspotted from the world. You keep yourself, you want to, you want true religion. You keep yourself out of the world, which means you’re walking in the light.
You’re walking with God, you’re applying righteousness to your life, but then you also be worried about others. The fatherless, the widow, those who can’t provide for themselves, you do for others. Oh, wait a minute. It wasn’t a Jesus. Who said the greatest commandment in the law is I shall love the Lord. Thy God, with all my heart,
with all I sold with all, I strengthen all that in mind. Isn’t that? Keeping your cell phone spotted from the world because you’re at one with God. And then the second, like unto him, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There’s your true religion, James. Isn’t telling you anything. Jesus, didn’t already tell you. He’s just saying it in different words.
Okay. Let’s go through the questions. We’re out of time. Question one, a person should be a happy or be sad. When trials come his way, a happy, joyous question. Two. How can an individual obtain wisdom ask from God? How should he ask in faith without doubting? What has the Lord promised to those that love him and persevere under trial crown of life.
Lust leads to sin and sin leads to death. James did not say a person should be a quick to hear, be slow to speak. See quick to argue or D slow to anger. C quick to argue. Number six, the implanted blank is able to save souls. Word number seven, pure and undefiled. Religion is not a visit the orphans B.
Visit the widows. See only hear the word or D keep oneself unstained from the world. See, all right, thank you for your attention. We’ll have our devotional in just a moment.<inaudible> Good evening. Welcome to the Collierville Wednesday night Bible study. It is really good to see each and every one of you out tonight. And for those of you that were unable to attend,
I’m so glad that you were able to either call in or watch it via live stream. We miss each and every one of you that are unable to make it out. And we pray each and every day that you’re able to return to us as soon as possible. The worship God announcements for this evening. Please remember our sick and keeping your prayers, uh,
Rodel and Dorothy Wilson, Joan Springer. I asked Maria, you know what exactly is all going on with her? And there is several different things that’s going on with her right now. So the best thing is just keep her in your thoughts and prayers each and every day and pray that she can get back to a normal life and she’d come out and worship with us again,
enjoy life. Um, other announcements, uh, Memphis school of preaching graduation is this Sunday. The reception is from three to four, and then the graduation itself is at five o’clock. And that is all over at the forest Hill chapel and, uh, fellowship hall over there. Eric and Holly and the family will be here with us Sunday morning for Bible study and a worship service.
So if you are unable to make it over to the forest Hill graduation, you’ll bill to come over and say, your sad goodbyes them Sunday morning over here, cause we’re gonna miss each. And every one of you believe me more than you can ever imagine a reminder about the nationwide gospel, a meeting call that is every night at nine o’clock, Monday through Friday,
there is a flyer out here on the table. If you’re interested in that to see what topic and who is speaking on that topic each night, and then next week will be the last week of that Sunday. We’ll put out those flyers for that. Um, only other non-sports I have is, uh, it’s kind of an admin thing I have ordered and should be here tomorrow at my house,
a couple of big bottles of hand sanitizer, and we will keep them on a table out here. So don’t be afraid to use any hand sanitizer while you’re here. If you need it. We’ve got, I’ve got plenty of common anyway, because I’ve got a line on som. So I got some more common tomorrow. Uh, the Steven in Murray sprinters,
uh, leader, a song service, Aaron Cozort will have the devotional and I will have the closing prayer. Thank you, please marketing your book. Number 943, number nine four three 153. Number four, five three. I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful.<inaudible> very deeply stained within sinking to rise. No more bottom master of the sea heard my despairing cry from the waters lifted me and I say,
ah, love lifted me. Love lifted me when nothing else could help. Love me. Love lifted me. Love lifted me when a thing else could have<inaudible> me, all my heart to him. I give ever to him cleaning and his blessing presence live ever. His praise<inaudible> love. So my, he answered true marriage. My soul’s best songs,
painful lobbying is to, to him be home long<inaudible><inaudible> when nothing else could help me. Love me. Love me. When nothing else could help<inaudible> souls and dangerous above Jesus, completely sane. He will lift you by his love out of the angry ways. He’s the master of the sea billows is well<inaudible> he you’re saying here wants to be be saved.<inaudible> love lifted me.<inaudible> when a hurting house good help.<inaudible><inaudible> when a hurting has good hell,<inaudible> Take your Bibles and open them to the book of James.
We studied in James chapter one concerning the joy of Tim of trials, the benefits of trials, the faith with which we need to ask God for that, which we desire the troubles of temptation and enduring temptation, and yet the need to endure temptation. And in chapter one, and in verse 21, he says, therefore, James brings together. These previous statements brings together with those statements.
The fact that God is the giver of every good gift. And so he’s placed before you a realization that trials and difficulties are gifts from God and the realization that you are even blessed when you endure temptation and then you with this picture of God, the giver and his ultimate gift is truth. He said in verse 15 or verse 18, excuse me of his own will.
He brought us forth by the word of truth. God made a choice. He made a choice about you and me because while we were still in our sins, Romans tells us we were enemies of God. There was nothing about us to be desired yet. When we were still in our sins, he sent Christ to die for us and his own will delivered the truth that saves our souls verse 21,
therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness, the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. The idea of implanted here is the idea of grafting, something in when you have a tree and you want to add to it or change it in some way, you graft in a piece to that tree. And over time and through a process,
I don’t understand that graft it in branch becomes part of the tree, but our bodies do the same thing. You’ve heard of a skin graft, take a piece of skin from one place, put it on another place. And before along the body graph, sit in, it makes it part of the original. That’s the word of God in our lives.
You’re not going to wake up one morning and just understand what God wants you to do. And it’s not going to come from inside you. There’s a whole new age, religion telling you the truth is inside you. Not unless you put it there because it’s not there naturally it’s there because it was taught to you. When Paul tells Timothy to think back concerning the things that he had been taught by his mother and his grandmother,
those things weren’t there naturally. They didn’t just happen. They were taught. But guess what? So as sin, we are imperfect naturally, but we are not flagrant abusive sinners naturally, that is also taught. And so he says, therefore, verse 20, because you have a choice because you as a human being, have a God that loves you enough to have it.
His will to give you his word. You have a choice. Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness. As if to say, if you chose not to go the other direction, you would stand in a tide and we’ve probably all done this. We’ve at some point, Ben at the beach, walked out towards the waves and caught a wave.
That was a whole lot bigger than we expected. Cause it doesn’t take long. I’m pretty, you know, in a windy day or whatever you’re going to, you’re going to be out a little wave coming in all little wave coming in and Oh, there’s a big one. And it catches you by surprise. Well, that’s wickedness. Oh, I’ll just dabble my feet a little bit and wickedness.
Oh, I’ll just add, well, my, my feet a little bit in this sin that sin, this thing over here, I know God said now do that, but he wasn’t really serious. That was no big deal. And Oh wow. Did you just see that happen? I never expect, I didn’t mean to be there. I didn’t plan on doing that.
And yet you did because instead of walking away from wickedness, as he talks about the man who endures temptation, not succumbing to it, not giving into it, but remaining faithful to God, you played with it. And then you were drowned by it. But instead he says, you can have that implanted word defend you from wickedness. If you choose to,
and it will save your soul. When Satan wanted to overcome Jesus with sin, he tempted him and tempted him and tempted him again. And every time he did Jesus overcame temptation with what the word, not because he got it out of himself in the same way, the new age theory proclaimed, but because he had put it there to be able then in temptation to bring it forth and make it his sword,
the fight, the battle of sin. Paul writes to us and says in Ephesians that the sword belongs to the spirit. And it’s the word of God. The sword that defends you and attacks saves you. So you and I, we make a choice. We make a choice every day. Are we going to play with sin and be overcome by it?
Or are we going to choose to walk a path of righteousness and allow the word of God to save our souls? But the only way Paul’s going to go into that or James is going to go into that. The only way you’re going to be saved by the word of God, if you’re not just a hearer, but a doer of the work and being a saved person is not a state of being.
It’s a work. It’s a place where you are a location in Christ, buddy. It’s a work that you must be doing. If you’re outside the body of Christ and living in a state of sin, you enter into the body of Christ. You are saved. Initially you are born again by the word of God, you say, well, wait a minute.
And I thought I was born again through baptism. You are, but you wouldn’t be baptized unless you were told to. And you’re told to, by the word that you hear, that produces faith and that faith brings forth more hearing. And that faith produces a change in your life called repentance. And that faith teaches you about Christ because you’ve heard about who he is.
Therefore you can claim allegiance to him and confess his name and that faith brought forth by that word tells you that when you are buried in baptism, in that watery grave, you rise up to walk in newness of life. It is that word that has brought forth newness of life. And now in your life as a Christian, you begin allowing that word to change you so that when you look in the mirror,
you see what God wants you to be. And you don’t forget that. Looking into the perfect law of Liberty ought to show you a reflection of yourself being what the perfect law of Liberty would have you to be. So my question for this evening is what do you see in the mirror? When you look in the mirror of the law of Liberty, do you see you in the law of Liberty or do you see a stranger looking back?
You have need of the invitation. Why not come as we stand in? As we say, have you<inaudible>, Are you a, so that sea King rat from the bird,<inaudible> my age.<inaudible> have you heard<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> here’s each time you cry, ah, understand your heart. Hey, eggs rise to from your, uh, new,
you know, my GE is new. You know, my friend, have you heard,<inaudible> Let us pray. God, our father in heaven, we come to you at this time, thanking you for another opportunity to assemble here or via the live stream or the call in to most importantly, study another portion of your word as Aaron. So eloquently put it,
it is your word that can save us and guide us in the right direction. And it is our desire that you help each and every one of us, understand your word and apply it to our lives. That we may better serve you here on earth. God, we also want to keep in mind those that are struggling with many different illnesses and ailments and ask it,
if it be your, will you restore them to a measure, the health that they so desire, we ask that you watch over those that are traveling and make sure that they get to their destination safe. And when they returned to us that they returned safely. And Lord, we also ask you for strength for each and every one of us in our everyday lives with all that’s going on in our country,
in the world at this time, because there are times that we are tried out there. Even if we’re just in a grocery store, we get tried by different things, help us see and act like Christians and be the shining light that you want us to be. We asked you guys garden, uh, direct us till we meet again. We pray all this in your son.