Bulletin – 51 Vol 5 December 23, 2018
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51 Vol 5 December 23, 2018
God’s Chosen Path For You
Your path is dark. Your hope is almost gone. You look ahead and see only blackness. You struggle with making the right choices. You consider giving up. It’s not easy. Is this all you have to look forward to? Is the life of a Christian a bleak, dark walk through a world of despair never knowing the right way to go?
[/fusion_text][fusion_builder_row_inner][fusion_builder_column_inner type=”1_4″ layout=”1_4″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” dimension_margin=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no” border_position=”all” element_content=””][/fusion_builder_column_inner][fusion_builder_column_inner type=”1_2″ layout=”1_2″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” dimension_margin=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no” border_position=”all”][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]Ex 13:21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night.
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column_inner][fusion_builder_column_inner type=”1_4″ layout=”1_4″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” dimension_margin=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no” border_position=”all” element_content=””][/fusion_builder_column_inner][/fusion_builder_row_inner][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””]In this text, Moses was not the one who chose when it was time for Israel to depart from Egypt. In the same way that Moses believed he would be the deliverer of Israel when he was a young man, but God disagreed, and Moses thought God would deliver Israel quickly, and He did not, so now God proves His time is right.
When God leads Israel out of Egypt, they don’t go any direction they desire. Moses didn’t sit down with a map and plot a course. Israel did not vote on an acceptable route and then travel down it. Instead, God presented a pillar of clouds in the sky by day and a pillar of fire by night. Moses and Israel moved by following God’s manifestation of His presence wherever He went.
Jeshua, the High Priest in Nehemiah’s day, declared to the people concerning God’s actions, “You showed signs and wonders against Pharaoh, Against all his servants, And against all the people of his land. For You knew that they acted proudly against them. So You made a name for Yourself, as it is this day… Moreover, You led them by day with a cloudy pillar, And by night with a pillar of fire, To give them light on the road Which they should travel.” (Nehemiah 9:10, 12).
Centuries after Israel came out of Egypt, Solomon encouraged his son with these words: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil.”
Jeremiah cries out to the Lord and declares, “O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. O LORD, correct me, but with justice; Not in Your anger, lest You bring me to nothing. Pour out Your fury on the Gentiles, who do not know You, And on the families who do not call on Your name; For they have eaten up Jacob, Devoured him and consumed him, And made his dwelling place desolate” (Jeremiah 10:23-25).
All these passages teach a single and clear lesson from the Old Testament which is still true today. We should not rely upon our own wisdom to determine our path. If you are a faithful Christian, are you one who seeks God’s chosen path for you?
We will not determine God’s chosen path for us by voting on a path. We will not resolve the chosen path by reading man’s wisdom. We will not determine the right path for our feet when we select the most natural path in life. Israel’s path led them to the Red Sea and a guaranteed defeat at the hand of Pharoah’s armies. When you see God’s chosen path for you and you realize that it means a sure defeat for you – will you turn back, will you give up? Let us continue, trusting in the Lord with all our heart and never leaning on our own understanding.
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[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column_inner][fusion_builder_column_inner type=”1_4″ layout=”1_4″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” dimension_margin=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no” border_position=”all” element_content=””][/fusion_builder_column_inner][/fusion_builder_row_inner][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]Bulletin – 50 Vol 5 December 16, 2018
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50 Vol 5 December 16, 2018
Bulletin – 49 Vol 5 December 9, 2018
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49 Vol 5 December 9, 2018
Eric Richardson Sermon – AM – Reactions to the Gospel
Eric Richardson Sermon – PM – Lessons From The Master Teacher-
Exodus 8
Exodus 8
Bulletin – 48 Vol 5 December 2, 2018
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48 Vol 5 December 2, 2018
What did Jesus do for me? (what did Jesus do for us?)
What did Jesus do for us? Have you ever asked, “Why did Jesus leave heaven?” What did Jesus accomplish while he was on the Earth and specifically what did Jesus do for me and you? Why did Jesus come? Why did Jesus die on the cross? These questions are considered and a few answers given on today’s “Let’s Talk About Christianity” podcast with Zach Collins and Keith Olbricht. Special guest: Aaron Cozort.
Podcast Video Recording with Zach Collins and Keith Olbricht
Moses Turns The River To Blood
Text: Exodus 6-7
Teacher: Aaron Cozort
Collierville church of Christ
575 Shelton Road, Collierville, TN
Bulletin – 46 Vol 5 November 18, 2018
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46 Vol 5 November 18, 2018
Bulletin – 45 Vol 5 November 11, 2018
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45 Vol 5 November 11, 2018
Bulletin – 44 Vol 5 November 4, 2018
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44 Vol 5 November 4, 2018
Bulletin – 42 Vol 5 October 21, 2018
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42 Vol 5 October 21, 2018
Bulletin – 41 Vol 5 October 14, 2018
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41 Vol 5 October 14, 2018
Bulletin – 40 Vol 5 October 7, 2018
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40 Vol 5 October 7, 2018
Bulletin – 39 Vol 5 September 30, 2018
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39 Vol 5 September 30, 2018
Bulletin – 37 Vol 5 September 16, 2018
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37 Vol 5 September 16, 2018
Bulletin – 36 Vol 5 September 9, 2018
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36 Vol 5 September 9, 2018
Bulletin – 35 Vol 5 September 2, 2018
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35 Vol 5 September 2, 2018
Bulletin – 34 Vol 5 August 26, 2018
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34 Vol 5 August 26, 2018
Bulletin – 33 Vol 5 August 19, 2018
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33 Vol 5 August 19, 2018
Bulletin – 32 Vol 5 August 12, 2018
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32 Vol 5 August 12, 2018
Bulletin – 31 Vol 5 August 5, 2018
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31 Vol 5 August 5, 2018
Bulletin – 30 Vol 5 July 29, 2018
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30 Vol 5 July 29, 2018
Let Me Offer You Peace
Paul wrote to the assembly at Ephesus and wrote six times concerning peace. He desired that they have peace (1:2). He wants these Christians to know that the peace of God is real. It is available to a Christian, but it is not the world’s kind of peace.
The world desires to have peace, meaning a lack of struggle, a lack of war, and the absence of difficulties in life. “I am at peace” we are told when a person is calm their mind or when they sit in the right yoga pose or when they breathe the right way.
Peace is tied directly to sanctification and faithfulness.
[/fusion_title][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” class=”” id=””]“To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 1:1-2).
This understanding that our peace originates with God, and more specifically, Christ, is valid for more than Christians individually. It is true for Christians collectively as well.
Paul writes, (2:14) that Jesus Christ Himself is our peace. Christ “has made both one,” the text says. Verse 15 clarifies, “so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace.”
Jew and Gentile are being brought together from diverse backgrounds, often with opposing worldviews and becoming one in Christ Jesus. The blood of Christ washes the sins of humanity away and breaks down the walls of separation in this world. It makes peace.
Peace is Proclaimed (Ephesians 2:16-18)
[/fusion_title][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” class=”” id=””][/fusion_text][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” class=”” id=””]“… and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.”
Paul makes it clear that Jew and Gentile will have reconciliation with God and one another. The preaching of peace with God and the obedience to that preaching allows for reconciliation in one body. The one body is the church (Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4).
Where will you find peace? Please let me offer you peace with God and man through the blood of Christ in the body of Christ, the church.
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]Bulletin – 29 Vol 5 July 22, 2018
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29 Vol 5 July 22, 2018
Bulletin – 28 Vol 5 July 15, 2018
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28 Vol 5 July 15, 2018
Bulletin – 27 Vol 5 July 8, 2018
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27 Vol 5 July 8, 2018
Bulletin – 26 Vol 5 July 1, 2018
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26 Vol 5 July 1, 2018
Bulletin – 25 Vol 5 June 24, 2018
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25 Vol 5 June 24, 2018
Bulletin – 24 Vol 5 June 17, 2018
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24 Vol 5 June 17, 2018
Bulletin – 23 Vol 5 June 10, 2018
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23 Vol 5 June 10, 2018
Bulletin – 22 Vol 5 June 3, 2018
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22 Vol 5 June 3, 2018
Bulletin – 21 Vol 5 MAY 27, 2018
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21 Vol 5 MAY 27, 2018
Bulletin – 20 Vol 5 MAY 20, 2018
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20 Vol 5 MAY 20, 2018
Bulletin – 19 Vol 5 MAY 13, 2018-1
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19 Vol 5 MAY 13, 2018-1
Bulletin – 18 Vol 5 May 6, 2018
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How Is A Christians Chosen or Predestined?
Some people say God has predestined us, some to go to Heaven, others to go to Hell. Has He? What does the Bible teach about predestination?
How do we understand God having chosen “us” in Him from the foundation of the world?
These questions and more are explored by Aaron Cozort as he teaches Ephesians 1 and helps us learn 5 points that explain predestination and God’s choosing in our lives today.
This lesson utilities a skeleton outline by Wendell Winkler.
Location: Collierville Church of Christ
Date: 2018 05 06 – Sunday AM Sermon
Speaker: Aaron Cozort
For more from Aaron, visit: www.cozort.org.
For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit: www.colliervillecoc.org.
Joseph: An Honest Son – Genesis 37:1-12
Joseph is introduced to us as the next main character of the book of Genesis. His relationship with God, his father and his brothers. In this lesson Aaron discusses Joseph’s dreams and their interpretations, his capture and slavery. When did this happen and how does it fit in the Genesis timeline?
Lesson 1 – Bible Study Guide for All Ages
Join Aaron Cozort in this study of the book of Genesis, Genesis 37:1-12.
For more from Aaron, visit: www.cozort.org.
For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit: www.colliervillecoc.org.
Give God the glory! We know that this Man is a sinner!
Speaker: Aaron Cozort
Text: John 9
Date: 2018 05 06
Sunday PM Ser
Give God the glory! We know that this Man is a sinner!
Speaker: Aaron Cozort
Text: John 9
Date: 2018 05 06
Sunday PM Ser
Rehearsing the Path to Redemption: Genesis 34-35 (Dinah, Sin, and Bethel)
Shechem commits sin against Dinah, then begs for her as a wife. Jacob’s reaction and then his son’s reactions. The real motives of Shechem, and the murder of the men of the city. God calls Jacob back to Bethel, and the idols are removed from his house. All this and more happens in these two chapters, plus a surprise about Rachel you might not have noticed — she’s not really dead.
Join Aaron Cozort in this study of the book of Genesis, Genesis 34-35.
For more from Aaron, visit: www.cozort.org.
For more from the Collierville Church of Christ, visit: www.colliervillecoc.org.
2018 05 02 Wed PM Class Aaron Cozort
Devotional: He who is unjust, let him be unjust still
2018 05 02 Devo Aaron Cozort Revelation 22
Fundamental Words: Hope (Part 1) – The Promise of Hope, A Proper Hope
Aaron Cozort discusses one of the most fundamental words to Christianity. Hope. In the first of a two-part series on Hope, The Promise of Hope is seen in God’s assurance of that hope carried to us by the characteristics of God Himself. Our Hope as Christians must be a proper hope. If we hope in the wrong thing, we will be eternally without hope. Study with Aaron to discover the reality of the Hope Jesus Christ brought to the world.
Text: Romans 8:24-25
Location: Collierville Church of Christ
For more from Aaron, visit www.cozort.org
For more from Collierville Church of Christ, Visit www.colliervillecoc.org
Fundamental Words: Hope (Part 1) – The Promise of Hope, A Proper Hope
Aaron Cozort discusses one of the most fundamental words to Christianity. Hope. In the first of a two-part series on Hope, The Promise of Hope is seen in God’s assurance of that hope carried to us by the characteristics of God Himself. Our Hope as Christians must be a proper hope. If we hope in the wrong thing, we will be eternally without hope. Study with Aaron to discover the reality of the Hope Jesus Christ brought to the world.
Text: Romans 8:24-25
Location: Collierville Church of Christ
For more from Aaron, visit www.cozort.org
For more from Collierville Church of Christ, Visit www.colliervillecoc.org
Bulletin – 17 Vol 5 April 29, 2018
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17 Vol 5 April 29, 2018
[flipbook pdf=”https://colliervillecoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/17-Vol-5-April-29-2018.pdf” lightbox=”true” cover=”https://collierville.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/20180428111735/17-Vol-5-April-29-2018-pdf-1024×622.jpg”]
Rehearsing the Path to Redemption – Genesis 32-33
Genesis 32-33 – Jacob returns home, encounters God and angels, prepares to meet Esau and is surprised when old anger has gone away.
Jacob’s name is turned into Israel.
2018-04-25 – Wed PM Class – Aaron Cozort –
Collierville church of Christ
Genesis 28-29 – Aaron Cozort – Rehearsing the Path of Redemption
Genesis 28-29 – Aaron Cozort – Rehearsing the Path of Redemption
2018-04-04 – Bible Class
Aaron Cozort
Genesis 28-29 – Class: Rehearsing the Scheme of Redemption
Aaron Cozort continues his series on Rehearsing the Scheme of Redemption through the book of Genesis. Explore the life of Jacob, meeting with God at Bethel, his journey to Padan Aram, his marriage to Rachel and Leah, and more.
Passages: Genesis 28, Genesis 29
Genesis 31 – Jacob Flees Home, Again – Rehearsing the Path to Redemption
Laban’s sons begin to murmer against Jacob because all the wealth that Laban has accumulated had been transfered by God into the hands of Jacob. God tells Jacob it is time to go. Jacob and his family flee Laban without telling him and travel back to Caanan. Laban chases, catches up, and drama ensues.
Text: Genesis 31
Location: Collierville Church of Christ
For more from Aaron, visit www.cozort.org
For more from Collierville Church of Christ, Visit www.colliervillecoc.org
I Will not be inquired of by you –God
Would God ever tell people, “don’t pray to me,” “Don’t ask me what to do!” Join Aaron for this short devotional to find out.
Text: Ezekiel 20
Location: Collierville Church of Christ
For more from Aaron, visit www.cozort.org
For more from Collierville Church of Christ, Visit www.colliervillecoc.org
11-04-2020 Revelation 17 – Article – The Harlot and Her Judgment
The Harlot and Her Judgment
A Look Back:
The plagues (bowls) bring destruction to the armies of humanity that fight against God and the Lamb. The kings of the earth have joined forces with the Beast and they are not willing to repent. Every judgment causes greater blasphemy and rebellion. Is there hope? Will the Beast continue to dominate the earth?
Babylon — The Great Harlot
John hears the angel call to him. The angel beckons him to witness the judgment of the “great harlot.”
This harlot is the primary cause of sin and wickedness among the kings of the Earth. The people of Earth are “drunk” on the influence of the harlot and her wickedness.
John sees the harlot, arrayed in rich fabrics and jewellery. She drinks from a cup filled with sin.
The sins of the harlot include the murder of saints and martyrs of Jesus. Her appearance causes John to marvel. There doesn’t appear to be any chance to defeat the great harlot. She is allied with the Beast which carries her and has ten horns on seven heads. The Beast represents Rome and the heads and horns her Caesars and their continuing opposition to the Bride. The text calls them “kings.”
A False Resurrection
The people of Earth marvel at the majesty of the beast and its supposed “resurrection.” The beast himself is the eighth king.
The ten horns are ten kings who recieve their power and ability to rule from the Beast. They supply the Beast with power and authority in return. They together make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb, together with those who are called, chosen, and faithful, will overcome the kings and the Beast.
Rome’s judgment will come from the inside out. God will bring about its fall as it quite consumes itself and judgment comes upon the great city, the Harlot, for her wickedness.
Read more from Revelation
11-04-2020 Revelation 17 – Wednesday PM Class
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good evening. We are, for those who may be visitors or joining us only online, we are all remote. This evening. We’re live streaming because unfortunately found out one of our members has COVID who was here at Bible study last Wednesday night. And so just as a precaution we’re we’ve asked everyone to, to stay home and just be on the stream for this evening,
but we’re glad you’re here. And we’re glad that we can have the ability to come together and have class. Well, we’ll still have class and we’ll have a short Divo right at the end of class, and then be dismissed. We are in the book of revelation. We’re closing out revelation, chapter 16 and going into chapter 17. As we get into our class this evening,
let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the day that you’ve given to us grateful for the life that we have been blessed with, grateful for your many blessings that you shower upon us on a regular basis. We are so odd your majesty by your glory, by your creative power, by all that you have done in both the magnificence of this universe,
but also those things which are so tiny that the, I cannot even perceive them. We pray that you will be continually with us in this nation. We know that we’re going through a hard time and the struggle that we deal with in this country because of sin and because of many of the problems that exist, we know that we have rough days ahead matter what happens in our country.
And we pray that we might have the strength, the will to always stand up, to always preach the word. Always hold fast to the truth, no matter what happens, no matter what direction our country goes, we pray that you will be witnesses. We will creative study may the things that we read about in revelation, help us to understand the single lesson that you can emperor in this life.
And that is that you are on the throne. And one day we will stand before you in judgment as every nation and every individual who’s ever lived will do we ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory, we pray that you be with those who are dealing with illnesses, with difficulties, injuries and, and sicknesses. We especially are mindful of those who have lost recent loved ones.
Recently, we pray that they might have comfort and strength in these difficult times, help us to always strive to remember that without Christ and without his blood, without his church that he purchased and redeemed with his blood, we would stand as sinners with no hope. And may we always be thankful for what your son did for us on the cross? All this,
we pray in Jesus name. Amen. So in chapter 16 of revelation, we noticed the first portion of chapter 16 on Sunday. And we noticed the six there, the first six bowls. Now this goes all the way back to chapter six and chapter six, we had introduced to us the seven seals that were on the revelation of God that was handed from the throne of God,
to the lamb. Now, before we get into chapter 17 and chapter 18, which are kind of fundamental To all of this, they’re the culmination of all these things we’ve read. We need to remember something when John in revelation, chapter six, and even in chapter four, when, when John gets invited into the throne room of God, and when he’s there at the throne room of God,
and he’s there seeing the throne of God, and he’s, they’re seeing the four beasts before the throne of God. And these they’re seeing the spirit of God as seven fires before the throne of God. And he sees 24 elders around the throne of God. We’re not supposed to understand Stand from that, that in heaven, when we get there, there will be a throne that will have great And,
and Emerald around it. And that there will be full Or physical representing BESE Run of the throne. And there, there will be 24 literal individuals as elders There before. That’s, that’s not what we’re supposed to understand. That’s not the picture we were supposed to get is that this is the exact Picture of heaven for us. So we know what to expect when we get there.
That’s not what John’s doing. That’s not what Jesus is revealing to. John. John is the same writer who in first, John chapter three, reveals to us that even as an old man, even as an apostle of Christ, the apostle whom Jesus loved the one who is the agent one who’s writing to the church. He says, when this life is over,
we don’t know what will even, Like he says, we know this will be like him like Christ. And that’s enough hope For us to pure VAR purify our lives and be ready for the day. So the same writer who says You don’t know what we B will be like, because it hasn’t been revealed Was yet is the same writer who reveals to us these things about rev In revelation and about the throne room of God.
Is that therefore to mean that in first John chapter three, he didn’t know what we’d be like. And somehow in revelation, chapter four, through the end of the book, he didn’t know what we would be like, No, they’re not contradicting one another. They’re not in opposition to one another, right?<inaudible> is not here to tell us what it will be like in heaven.
It is here to tell us and to tell those first century Christians, what God was going to do in their lifetime And to the church that was bout to in Undergo persecution. And each one of these things was a representation of truth to them, Right? Then, is it the case that Jesus Christ is a physical lamb where God, the father is a individual that can’t even be described,
but the spirit, the Holy spirit is seven tongues. No, we’ll do all, All of those things represent some truth, some aspects, some Attribute of the function of those parts of the Godhead. Yes. When we get over to chapter 16 and we’ve had seven or yeah, seven seals inside of the seventh seal, we have seven trumpets or which are partial judgment.
And inside of that seventh trumpet, we have the full judgment of God brought about and described here in chapter 16, we are not to suddenly start looking for physical literal implementation of these things In history. We’re Being consistent all the way through the book we’re being consistent in handling this book the same way we’re supposed to handle every other book of the Bible written with this kind of visionary language,
apocalyptic language, as we call it, where figures are used to supply truth, instead of literal events written has his Oracle events. Okay? So we just need it, Keep reminding ourselves of that. So that as we go through this, we are being consistent. We’re looking at these things and we’re always, always, always keeping them in their context,
their local context in the verses and chapters that they’re in and their greater biblical context, especially the context of the old Testament prophets that used many of these signs and imagery, imagery in the old Desmond. So verse 12 of chapter 16, then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up. So that the way of the Kings from the East might be repaired.
And we talked about the Kings from the East, being the people of God on Sunday. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. And we mentioned on Sunday that in a chapter, a chapter 13, we have the dragon and the two B’s.
But over here in chapter 16, we have the dragon and the beast and the false prophet and the false prophet here is third is the second beast in John chapter 13. That is the land beast, the earth beast that comes up because he’s the one who declares the religious prophecies, that deceive people. Okay. So he’s referred to here as the false prophet for,
they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the Kings of the earth of the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of God almighty. Isn’t it interesting that God’s going to bring his judgment and yet it’s going to be the work and the deception of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet that brings the people To be judged.
So often When you see this in history, you see God using the wicked people in their wickedness, doing their wicked deeds to accomplish his will. He does. He did it all the time in the old Testament, and he’s going to continue to do it here in revelation, dealing with Rome, God is going to allow them to sow their own destruction and bring themselves through their own actions to their own destruction.
But then we read verse 15, behold, I am coming as a thief. Now this is a phrase that is used a number of times in the new Testament. Jesus uses it in the new Testament we read over. I believe it’s in Matthew chapter 24. I’m coming as a thief in the night. Is it the case that every time we read the God is coming as a thief,
that we’re automatically to assume that we’re talking about the day of judgment. We’re talking about the final day. We’re talking about that day, where there’s no signs. There’s no warning God’s coming as a thief. No, certainly not. God’s point here Is these people. And the point of the analogy itself is these people are going to come together. They are going to believe they’re going to be victorious.
They are going to believe that they are going to win the battle. They are going to win the day they are undefeatable. They are unstoppable only to find out. So when God comes, you’re never ready. We are to be those who hear the word of God are sober-minded are prepared and are ready for us Coming at any hour and any day. But the wicked will never be ready because The only thing that prepares you to be ready for the coming of God,
in judgment in this physical life, coming of God, on the day of judgment, when, when time is over, the only thing that prepares you for that event is obedience to the word of God. So if you’re living a life of wickedness, if you’re giving in to those things, which are the loss of the flesh, if you’re doing those things,
which God says not to do, you will Ever be ready and you can’t be. Because the only thing that can prepare you is the word of God. And notice the rest of the statement. He says, behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed it is he who watches. There are people watching. There are people who will be ready,
but they’re going to be watching and they’re going to be ready because they know what God said. He says behold Or blessed. It is he who watches and who keeps his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame. Now hold on to verse 15. And this statement about the garments, because you remember back over in revelation, chapter three, we need to see this revelation chapter three,
beginning in verse 14, and to the angel of the church of the layout of seasons, right? These things says the amen, the faithful and true witness. The beginning of the creation of God. All right, first and foremost, God says, I want them right to these layout of see in brethren, these Christians, this church. And I want them to know I’m the creator.
I’m God of heaven. I’m the one who made everything. That’s the first thing they need to understand because they’re not Living like it. There’s a whole lot of people right now in our, Our world, in our community who aren’t living as though God is the creator of everything, because they’re only living for themselves. You see If you live, as though you understand that God created everything and that God is the ruler of everything.
And that God will judge you for everything you do and say, and think You live differently than if you live for yourself. The first thing he wants them to understand is these things is the faithful and true witness. The beginning of the creation of God. I know your works, that you are neither cold, nor hot. I wish you were cold nor hot,
cold, or hot. So then because you are lukewarm and neither cold or hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, Have need of nothing. Notice this, the layout of CNN’s Christian’s mindset was I don’t need anything. I’m good. I’ve got everything I want. I’ve got prosperity. I’ve got comfort.
I’ve got wealth. I have everything I need. We need, we should never reach a time as Christians where we live as though we have everything we need, because possessions has nothing to do with the things that we need. Jesus told a rich ruler who came to him, wanting to new, wanting to know what to do to inherit the kingdom of God.
He told him, go take everything you have sell it, give it to the poor. Come and follow me. If you had asked that individual, do you have everything you need? He would have probably said, I have everything I need. I just need, just need one thing. I just need to know what I need to do. But as soon as he heard the word of God and knew what he needed to do,
he didn’t want the one thing that he claimed he wanted. He says, as he writes to these Christians, because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy and have need of nothing and do not know. And those, the description here that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. He says, you, you, you don’t even know you have done no self examination to realize in light of the word of God,
that you are nothing like what you need to be. So over here in chapter 16, he says, blessed is he who watches? He’s aware he’s awake. He’s cognizant of what’s going on. Blessing her blessing. As he who watches and keeps his garments. He’s ready. He’s clothed in righteousness, not his own righteousness. Christ’s righteousness. He’s clothed in the garments that are washed white in the blood of the lamb.
Isaiah and Isaiah chapter one would write to the crib to the church or sorry, I’m going to get my tongue untied. He would write to Israel. And he would say to Israel, speaking for God, verse 16, come let us reason together, though, your sins be as Scarlet. They shall be as white as wool. God says, I’m offering you redemption Israel.
I’m offering you salvation, but you’re covered in your sins right now. And the only way that you can leave that state is to be clothed in my righteousness. So here we see a Christian. Who’s aware who’s watching, who’s keeping his garments. That’s active. He’s doing this actively. He’s keeping his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame and they gathered them together to the place in the Hebrew Armageddon.
Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air and allowed voice came out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done. The seventh angel with a seventh bowl, pours it out. And God says, it’s finished. This is reminiscent of Christ on the cross. When Christ, as he is about to give up the ghost, as he about as he is about to die as he is about to complete what he came here to do.
He says it is finished here. The declaration from the throne of God is it’s done. Now just like with Christ, his, his coming on to, to die was finished, but not everything he was coming to do was finished. Because three days later he was going to rise up from the grave. That was still something he had left to do.
But the culminating work of what it was that he had come to accomplish was done. And the same way with God, God’s going to declare here it is finished yet. It’s still going to play out. The results of God’s work is going to play out. And there were noises and thunderings and lightenings. There was a great earthquake and mighty and great earthquakes as had not occurred since men were on the earth.
Are we needing to now go into Roman history and look for in earthquake that was greater than every earthquake that had ever happened in all of his? No, no, no. This terminology similar to Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, similar to earlier on in the book of revelation, similar to revelation, chapter six, similar to the old Testament, his terminology describing the destruction of a nation.
God says it is done and a nation falls and it falls light. No other nation had ever fallen. Before you remember that in Daniel, God says these Kings are going to grow greater and greater and greater. And yet they’re going to be of lesser value, the head of goal. And it will be the greatest, but, but it will not be the largest in size.
Rome will expand to the greatest size and the greatest of power of all of these nations getting significantly more and more and more. And yet it will be the most flawed of all four of those nations in the book of Daniel. So this great nation is going to fall verse 19. Now the great city was divided into three parts. Great city. We read about that in chapter.
We’re going to read about it again in chapter seven, Teen, there’s a breaking up of the city, not Looking for a time in Roman history where the city of Rome was divided into three sections. Now we’re looking at a time where God says, all right, I’m going to split you in pieces Because I’m in control. And then I’m going to bring my judgment upon you.
It was divided into three parts in the cities of the nations fell and great Babylon was remembered before God to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. Then every Island fled away and the mountains were not found and great hail from heaven fell upon men, each hailstone about the weight of a talent men blaspheming God, because of the plague of the Hale,
since that plague was exceeding. Great. So the culmination of this bowl, as we’ve noticed the other bowls, most of which hearkened back to Exodus, this one, hearkens back to the Hale And the book of Exodus in the time that God judges Pharaoh and the nation of Egypt. So then chapter 17, As we’re talking about Babylon, we’re talking about the great City.
This chapter break Really doesn’t belong here, but it’s here anyway. So we’re going to deal with it. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me saying, come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters. So as John is witnessing the pouring out of the seventh bowl and the pouring out of the seventh bowl is the dividing of the city,
the great city into three parts. And then the falling of these hailstones, which by the way, a talent of, of these hailstones weighed about a talent, that’d be about a hundred pound Hales. So again, we’re, we’re not gonna Back to history and looking for a time and a record of a hundred pound Hale Storm that occurred in no we’re not doing,
And we’re not looking for it either. We’re the pre-millennial is, are waiting for a day where a hundred pound hailstones are gonna fall from the sky There. It’s not happening. It’s not meant to Instead we are to understand that what God did in Egypt, he’s going to do in such a greater way Away in Rome. And yet they won’t repent. Notice that yet,
Even this there, the picture is God’s judgment coming down from heaven as hundred pound balls of hail coming to the earth and still mankind, right? Fuses to repent and instead blasts Femes God. Okay. So then one, the seven angels who had the seven bowls comes to John and says, I’m going to show you something, come with me. And I will show you the judgment of the great harlot.
Get ready, John, because I’m going to show you, she looks like she’s victorious. She looks like she’s winning. She looks like she’s enjoying all the pleasures of life, but she’s judged. And she stands condemned. She’s It says, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters. So the very first thing we need to ask is,
Oh, okay, wait a minute. Now we’ve got a harlot. We were just talking about a great city. Who’s the hardest Go to the end of the chapter After 17 verse 18. And the woman whom you saw is that great city, which reigns over the Kings of the earth. We haven’t changed subjects. This wasn’t an interjection where one of the angels comes up and says,
Hey, ignore what you just saw. Let’s go focus on something else. This is the angel with the bowl, coming to John and saying, let me show you the judgment of the great City, but he’s describing her as a harlot That’s characteristic all the way back into the old Testament, but also earlier on in the book of revelation concerning the wickedness of the nation of Rome.
Okay? So he says, I’ll show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters. We’ll see. Later on in the chapter, the many waters are many nations. We look at the end of the chapter and the woman is the gray city who is reigns over the Kings of the earth. We’re just using two different analogies here for Rome,
with whom the Kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the line of her fornication. The picture is of a harlot and she entices those who are her clients with wine, and she gets them drunk. And once they’re drunk on their, her pleasures and on her luck, they’ll do anything Thing that she says. And how many times do we find Off one side and down the other in society where people will I’ll do anything for money,
power, fame, fortune, and once they get a taste of it, they’ll do anything to keep it. This woman, this city, Rome enticed the world with a riches with her economy, with her glory, with all of the things she promised Asked, and she brought These nations to their destruction With her in the process. So This is the great harlot with whom the Kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk or were,
excuse me, were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit, into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a Scarlet beast, which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and 10 horns. Here’s the woman, she’s the harlot. She’s sitting on a beast. The beast has seven heads.
And on the seven heads are 10 horns. The seven heads are going to come from the imagery in Daniel, Daniel chapter seven. There is horns here. It’s heads, the horns in this picture or something different. Okay. So, so hold on to that. There’s a little bit of difference between Daniel’s picture and John’s the woman was arrayed in purple and Scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand,
a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. This is a picture of the riches and the glory and the majesty of Rome and what Rome would offer the world. If they would just do what Rome says, if they would just give in to Rome’s methods, if they would just bow before Caesar and call Rome, God, Then they too could take part in the riches and the glory and the magic.
And the pleasures of Rome, woman was Raid and purple and Scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. Having in her hand, a golden cup full of abominations and the filled thickness of her fornication and on her forehead, a name was written and here’s what was written mystery word mystery in the original language, just carries with it. That which has yet been unrevealed,
but often in the context is being revealed. Okay. It, the curtains being pulled back, this is God saying, I know who you are. I know what you’ve done. I know what you think you can do, but you’ll be judged and said, mystery Babylon, the great, the same way Babylon fell. So would this woman Babylon the great,
the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth. I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Now wait just a minute, just a minute ago, we read, she had this golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And now we get the picture of what’s in the cup Picture of what’s in the cup is the death,
the destruction, the murder of Christians. Those who would stand in the way of Rome’s abomination, those who, Who would turn the world upside down for the name of Christ, those who would change and would convert people, even in the house of Caesar in Paul’s day, stood in the way of Rome and her desire to rule the world. They stood in the way of Rome and her desire to fulfill Her fleshly loss.
And they would be killed because of it. I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I’m Marvel with great John seeing this and he’s astounded, but notice Reaction to the angel. But the angel said to me, why did you Marvel? Why didn’t you Marvel?
I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has seven heads and 10 horns. John’s told, Whoa, don’t, don’t be surprised. Don’t don’t Marvel at this. Don’t be astounding. I did. I’m going to tell you the mystery, Andrew, Her destruction, her judgment. Okay. So the beast that you saw was,
and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will Marvel, whose names are not written in the book of life, from the foundation of the world. When they see the beach that was and is not. And yet is Here. He says, you’re going to see the beast.
The beast here is pictured. As the persecutor, Rome Sits upon, sits on top of the persecuting beast that kills the Christian. And he says the state of the beast. At one time, he was active. He Was persecuting. He was killing the Christians, But now he’s not, he’s not active, but he’s going to come back up. So don’t be surprised.
Don’t be amazed. Don’t Be like those in the world who dwell on the earth, who are unrighteous, who will look at this and think it’s a miracle that, that the beast has risen back up and is Resurrected like Christ was. Don’t be surprised at that because that is exactly what’s going to happen. And I’m telling you ahead of time, that’s,
what’s going to happen here. The mind, which has wisdom, he says, get a grip on this. Understand the word of God is the declaration. Here. Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits this declares With extreme clarity, the dishes, Rome. This can be Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Didn’t sit on seven mountains.
The city of Rome from its earliest time was recognized as a city that sat on seven Hills, seven mountains. It is Rome. It’s not America In the 21st century. It’s not some other nation. That’s still yet to come and it’s not China. And it’s not Russia. It’s it’s Rome. And it’s in the days Of John, because God says this is the East was and is not right now and is coming back.
Not 2000 years later, it was coming back. When those Christians were going to experience that difficult time, that torture and that martyrdom here Mind, which has wisdom, the seven heads or the seven mountains with on which the woman sits. There are also seven Kings Five have fallen. One is, and the other has not yet come okay. In Daniel,
you have 10 Kings. And then 11th that comes up Revelation 17, three of the Kings in Daniel’s prophecy, which are outbreak Are ignored. Okay. In John’s day in time, those three Kings came And went in less than two years. All three of them came, were gone immediately. And it was a time of civil war. They’re ignored. Okay.
Instead we’re in the time of the mission and we’re dealing with a time where eight Kings are important, The seven substantial ones that leads up to Titus. And then the eighth that will come Up that we’re going to read about here in just a moment. So the seven heads, he pictures, the seven mountains. He also pictures, the seven heads of seven Kings.
Okay. It’s okay. One piece of imagery. Doesn’t just have to stand for one thing in a pop apocalyptic literature. It can stand for two things. It’s seven mountains. Oh, and it’s seven Kings. Okay. But both of them identify this as Rome. He says, there are also seven Kings five Have fallen. One is, and the other has not yet come When he comes,
he must continue a short time. That’s Titus. The, that was And is not. It was in the past. Nero is not Right now. Investigations de Titus is about to come up. The bees that was and is not, is himself also the eighth following a short grain of Titus for tube. And a half years Vespasian would come or, sorry,
not Vespasian. Domitian the brother of Titus. The son of Vespasian would come to the throne and would begin persecuting again Is all of the seventh and is going to perdition 10 Kings, which you saw are 10 Kings, which have received no kingdom as yet. But they receive authority for one hour as Kings with the beast. So we’ve got those Kings, but who are these Kings?
Go back to the prophecy of Daniel and Daniel chapter two that prophecy, that, That as Nebuchadnezzar saw in that vision. And he saw the iron mixed with clay. One of the attributes of Rome is unlike many of the other nations that came before it. And the other Kings that came before and the other great world powers that came before it, they didn’t necessarily go in and pull everybody out of their land and bring them into subjugation and take them captive and move them to another place.
They didn’t do that if they could go in and cause the nation that was already in the land to just Flip And Gill, their power to Rome, Rome would allow them to retain their place, retain their home and retain some power so long as they worshiped Rome so long as they became subject To Rome. And so these are the client Kings. These are the Kings that were the nations that Rome would you SERP,
They would retain, they would, they would have no real kingdom. They would retain a place. A good example of this is Herod. Herod is here in, in Israel in the days of Rome. But Harriet is a puppet King. Herod is not the King who makes the decisions because the governor in Rome has more power or is he to be the governor in Jerusalem has more power than him Does.
He’s a puppet King. That’s what these are. These are Kings, who are Our puppets. They have no kingdom and they received no kingdom as yet, but they receive a foresty for one hour as Kings With the beast. Okay? So They derive their authority from Rome. These are of one mind and they give their power and authority to the beast.
These will make war with the lamb and the lamb will overcome them for, he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And those who are with him are called chosen and faithful. At some point, we’re going to spend some time looking at those three words in view of revelation, because those three words are incredibly interesting. Those who are with the light Are called,
they are chosen and they are faithful and they do not move from that state, that status. They are those who will remain called Chosen and faithful and ultimately victorious Christ is not only victorious over Rome, the harlot, but he’s going to be victorious over everything that belongs to Rome from the client Kings all the way to the one sitting on the throne, Christ will be victorious.
Then he said to me, the waters, which you saw go back there to verse seven or chapter one, chapter 17, verse one, the great harlot, which sits on many waters. This the waters, which you saw, he says were the, where the harlot sits are peoples multitudes, nations and tongues. All right. So the angel is showing John here’s what these things mean.
Here’s this the B she rides. Here’s the seven heads. Here’s what the seven heads mean. Here are the horns. Here are the Kings that those are signifying. Here’s the woman she’s sitting on the waters. Here’s the waters. Here’s what they mean. He’s explaining the picture. He’s explaining the vision and the tip In horns, verse 16, which you saw on the beast.
These will hate the harlot notice. Here are the Kings. They’re raining Under Rome. They get their power from Rome, but the hater, Hey, they love her riches, but they Hater. And the moment they can tear her, apart from the inside out, They will. And notice the picture that we get the 10th Horns, which you saw on the beast.
These will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked. And remember verse 15 of chapter 16. Bless it. Those who keep their garments because they won’t be found naked. They won’t be found desolate. They won’t Be like Laodicea was, they didn’t know they were naked. They didn’t know they were destitute. They didn’t know they were blind and poor and lane,
But they were. And Here’s the harlot. She knows she is, But she’s getting Horn apart from the inside because of her own iniquity. That doesn’t have to be That way. But the only way to resolve the problem is the word of God. And that was refused already. So 17 forgone has put it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose, to be of one mind and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled Here.
Again, we’re being reminded. God’s going to use these Kings own hatred of Rome and their own willingness to tear apart what they think gives them power for their own glory, their own power, their own Mick. God’s going to allow them to use their own iniquity, to bring about their own judgment. And he does it time and time again, to bring about his will and his ends.
So for God, put into their hearts to fulfill his purpose, to be of one mind, and to give her their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman whom you saw is that great city, which reigns over the Kings of the earth. Not which will rain, not which rain in the past, John, this is the city,
which reigns right now, it’s Rome. And God says this harlot and those who follow after her and those who dwell on the earth that worship her, there’ll be judged. And I’m going to do it by using them to bring about their own destruction and all of the things that God would do as well. All right. So that’s chapter 17. We’ll go through chapter 16 and 17 questions on Sunday.
Appreciate your attention. We’ll have a short devotional here. So take your songbooks. If you will, or a will. I’ll tell you what I’m going to make this easy on us. Jesus loved me. You don’t need the, you don’t need the Psalm, but for that one, Jesus loves me. This I know for the Bible tells me so little ones to him be long.
They are weak, but he is strong. Yes. Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so All throughout our class tonight, we really talked about one primary idea. The only thing that prepares us for eternity, the only thing that prepares us for the judgment of God is the word of God.
And that song right there. Jesus loves me. It ends with those words. The Bible tells me. So when you and I look at our lives, we are Do as, as James described and we are to hold ourselves up to the mirror of the soul. We are to Examine ourselves in light of scripture. Sure. And sometimes we’re going to look at scripture and we’re going to look at it Ourselves.
And we’re not going to see two images that match. We’re not going to see the reflection of God in us because sometimes We find we’ve walked away from Him, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. We mentioned Isaiah chapter one and God’s plea with Israel to reason together. God’s not unreasonable. Doesn’t put upon us things that we can’t handle. And God doesn’t give us commands concerning salvation that we can’t achieve.
God doesn’t require everyone who lives in the earth to come make some great journey to some remote part of the world to achieve some great goal and climb some magnificent mountain and achieve illumination. No. So God said, hear the word of God and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, because Except you believe that I am. He, Jesus says you will die Or sins not might not.
Maybe you will. It doesn’t matter what nation you were born in. Doesn’t matter what skin color you have. It doesn’t matter what language you speak. It doesn’t matter what, what your blood lineage is. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich. If you’re poor, if you’re mighty, if you’re, if you’re weak, if you can’t walk or if you can run faster than the fastest person who’s ever walked on the face.
So the planet doesn’t matter. Thanks. Do you believe that I am, he, you will die in yours, But he doesn’t stop there. He goes on to make it incredibly clear that when he established his church, when he died and When he ascended back into heaven, he did it to fulfill all righteousness, to bring about his kingdom into this world that could never be destroyed and to bring about salvation that could be preached to every nation Under heaven.
So In Luke chapter 24, Jesus said he had to die. So that repentance and remission of sins could be preached to every nation under heaven. Jesus died. Not so that you could believe because you could believe if he had never died. He was the son of God. He didn’t have to die to prove that he died to bear your sins so that you could repent and change your life.
You could change your mind that brought about a change of life. And then you could confess his name all throughout revelation. As we’ve studied the book of revelation. One, one group of people is, is confessing the name of the beast or confessing the name of the dragon or confessing the name of the harlot. But long before they ever do that, we see those who confess the name of God.
Those who wear his name. And that’s what confession is. It is putting on the name of Jesus Christ and saying, I will have allegiance to him and him alone, no matter what comes, no matter what it costs. But he also said Mark, chapter 16, verse 16, he, that believes and is baptized. God makes it clear and Christ made it clear while he was on this earth.
He came to a, stablish establish a plan of salvation whereby one hears and believes and has a change of life. That brings about a death is buried in the watery grave of baptism and is risen to walk in newness of life, having the remission of sins. And that was to be preached to every nation under heaven. If you’re here, if you’re where you are this evening,
and you’re not a member of the body of Christ, if you’re not a part of the bride of Christ, we’re, we’re about to get to the end of revelation. And, and one of the things you get at the end of revelation is the bride of Christ. If you’re not a member of the church, the church of Christ that Christ died for to purchase with his own blood,
you can change that. You can be immersed in water for the remission of your sins. If you’re local here, we’ll meet you here at the building and we’ll, we’ll baptize you. If you’re somewhere else in the world, we’ll find someone, we’ll find a church of Christ near you and will help you obtain the salvation Christ came to purchase. If you’re a member of the body of Christ and you’ve become wayward like layout of see ya,
you need to repent. You need to be restored. There’s anything that we can do or any way we can help feel free to reach out to us and let us know we’re going to close tonight with a prayer. Let us bow our gracious father in heaven. We humbly come before you so incredibly grateful for your word, which reveals to us who you are.
We have said before, and we are always reminded every day that we know you exist by the things that we see around us for accident and chance could never produce what we have. But knowing that you exist and knowing who you are, are two very different things. And it is through your revealed will. And through your revelation, given to us in scripture that we know who you are and how to obey you.
We pray that we might always be mindful of your commandments. Rightly divide your word and be faithful to you. No matter what comes, we ask that you watch over us and care for us throughout this week, may we always do what is right in your sight, be with our nation, as it continues, going through the process of this election, be with every nation all over the world.
That as well goes through their own difficult times and transitions of power and authority. We pray that it will be peaceful. We pray that people will listen to you more than they listen to the voices of insanity around them. We pray most, especially that they will hear the gospel and be obedient to it. We ask that you watch over us care for us and protect us as we go throughout this night.
And the rest of this week, all this we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
11-01-2020 – Revelation 16 (Class) & Zechariah 13 (Sermon)
JOHN – Revelation 16
7 Angels with 7 Plagues in Bowls Poured Out.
- What was contained in the bowls given to the seven angels? Revelation 16:1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- What reason did the angels of the waters give for bowl two and three?? Revelation 16:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- For what people in the Old Testament were waters dried up so they could cross over? Revelation 16:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- In the New Testament, does, “I am coming as a thief” always mean that we are talking about the second coming of Christ? Revelation 16:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Who is blessed according to verse 15? Revelation 16:15 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- What is the physical location in Palestine for the Hebrew word Armageddon? Revelation 16:16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- ? Revelation 16:17-21 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in revelation chapter 16 this morning.<inaudible> As we have been doing, we’ll start with the questions from the previous chapter as a little bit of a review and go over those. And then we’ll get into chapter 16 for our class. Let’s begin with a word of prayer gracious father in heaven. We bow before your throne continually grateful for the blessings that you shower upon us.
The blessings that we have in this country to live in land, that we have freedom to worship without fear of persecution. We know that as we go through the book of revelation, we are reading about those who at one time had that kind of Liberty. And then because of the changes and the difficulties that arose around them, they were persecuted and some suffered and some went to prison and some died for your cause.
We pray that no matter what comes in the future of this country, we might always be Christians who are of a mindset that we will endure anything for the name and for the cause of Christ. We pray that as we go through this day, and as we go through this period of study, may the things that we say, the things that we study,
be those things, which draw us closer to you and help us to walk faithfully in your path each and every day we ask that you forgive us. When we sin. We’re mindful of those who are enduring difficulties and hardships, especially those who may be dealing with COVID. At this time, we pray that you help them to recover to a full, a healthy state.
We pray for those who are still at home, pray for those who are struggling with the other difficulties, resolving, revolving around this pandemic. We pray for missionaries who are striving to be back in the mission fields and the difficulties they are enduring. And we pray for all those who are working daily in this country. We pray for the elections that are coming up this week,
and we pray that no matter what comes, we might remember that you give power to whomsoever. You will all this. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Revelation chapter 15, question number one. What did John see in heaven? Another sign. It’s just a constant reminder. John is seeing visions and signs. Okay. What was completed in this sign?
The wrath of God. Okay. So, so as we go through this, keep in mind, 15 introduces 16 and the, the following chapters. And so John says, I saw a sign and the wrath of God was completed. It was fulfilled. Okay. Chapter 15, verse two. What was the sea mixed with and who is standing on it?
Alright. Mixed with fire. And who’s standing on it. Okay. The victors, those Christians who were victorious over the beast, over his name, over the number of his name and over his image. Okay. So what are the people on the sea doing?<inaudible> All right. They’re praising God singing the song of Moses and of the lamb. How are God’s works and ways described?
All right. His works are described as great and marvelous and his ways are described as what just and true. Great. And marvelous are your ways. Oh Lord. And just, and true. Are there, sorry. Great. Marvelous. Are your works just in true are your ways? Oh, King of the saints verse verse four, question five who will come and worship before God,
the Lord. Okay. All nations. One of the things that we need to keep track of as we go through this is you go through the old Testament and there are many times where God says, I’m going to judge Israel because you’ve caused the nations around you to blast fame against me. They’re seeing your wickedness, knowing you’re supposed to be my people.
And as a result of your wickedness, they’re blaspheming against me. Well, now we’ve kind of got that reversal when God, and same is true in the old Testament. When God judges Israel, then the nations around go, Hmm, they weren’t doing it. Right. And they learn about who Jehovah is by the judgment on Israel. Well, now God is bringing this judgment on Rome and the nations are going to see it.
The nations are going to see his great and his marvelous works. They’re going to see his just and his true ways. And they, as a result are going to praise God. Okay. What was opened in heaven in verse five?<inaudible> All right. The temple of the tabernacle or the inner sanctuary of the tabernacle is opened. What came out of the temple in heaven and what was given to them verses six and seven.
Okay. Seven angels proceed forth out of the temple of God, out of the tabernacle of God and are each you’re given a plague in, in a bowl. Okay. What happened in the temple? And what was the result?<inaudible> All right. Temple’s filled with smoke from the glory of God. No one could go in. And we mentioned that in the old Testament,
numerous times, you see the tabernacle and you see even the occasions where Moses and Aaron have to leave the tabernacle of God because God’s presence comes into the tabernacle in the old Testament. And no one could stay. No one could, could be where God’s presence was. So they all departed from the tabernacle and they, they were looking at it. They were seeing it,
they were witnessing it, but they couldn’t go in. Okay. That same idea happens here when God is about to carry out his act of judgment. So kind of summarize a few things in chapter six, we begin opening the six seals or sorry, the seven seals on the scroll. That’s in the hand of God, the lamb comes and he takes the scroll and he begins to open the seals.
And we begin to see first Christ going out and conquering. Then we see the persecution that comes in the four soar judgments of God. Then we see the saints under the altar, crying out how long Oh Lord, until you judge those who are persecuting us. And then we see God’s judgment begin in a forecast of what’s to come. But then the question’s asked,
who can stand in the day of God’s judgment in the day of God’s wrath and the wrath of the lamb and chapter seven, we have the marking of the 144,000. The marking of those who can stand in the day of God’s wrath. And the answer is who can stand on the day of God’s wrath. Every one that belongs to God, everyone who has his Mark in contrast who everyone who doesn’t,
everyone who doesn’t belong to the Lord, then we get in the seventh seal, seven trumpets. And in those seven trumpets, you’re not supposed to look for an historical event. You’re not supposed to look for a historical time in the, in the time of Rome where these things are happening. You’re supposed to see God’s judgment on Egypt brought forward in a partial judgment on Rome.
So seven trumpets are seven partial judgments, but then we get to the seventh trumpet. And the seventh trumpet sounds, you enact this final declaration. The seventh trumpet sounded. And as a result of the fact that the people have not repented, I’m bringing about my full Raff. The partial judgment was to get the people to repent, to get Rome, to change your ways and they won’t do it.
And so now you have in the side, the seventh trumpet, you have this sign, this last sign that John sees, and he sees seven angels. Given seven bowls contained in the golden bowls are seven plagues. And again, we’re going to be predominantly using Egypt and the imagery of the plagues in Egypt to forecast the destruction of Rome. Before we go into this,
I want us to just spend a moment and think about Egypt. When the famine came on Egypt in the days of Joseph, what was the state of Egypt before the famine? What did they just gone through? Okay. Seven years of what? Plenty. And when God says plenty, I mean, he means plenty because they’re going to take 20% of everything that comes in those seven years.
And 20% of what came in those seven years of plenty will feed the entire nation and the nations around them for seven years of famine. So they had to stop and think about it. They had become so prosperous in those seven years of plenty. God had given them every blessing. They could imagine so much. So that 20% was all they needed for those seven years.
And more and 60% was above and beyond that they had 60%, more than half that they didn’t even need because they were able to set aside 20% and it fed them for seven years. They were able to live off of seven or off of 20%, because if they could live off of, for the next seven years, they could live off of it for that seven years.
And they’ve got 60%. They didn’t even need, but they consumed it anyway. Okay. And they’re at the height of their power. And then seven years of famine comes and all of that power, but it was consolidated in Pharaoh Before The famine, they owned their own land before the famine. They own their own cattle during the famine, as a result of their lack ability to provide for themselves and their lack of foresight in storing up what they had.
And they consumed everything they had, then they didn’t have enough. They couldn’t feed themselves. And eventually they sold their cattle to Pharaoh for food. Then they sold their land to Pharaoh for food. And eventually they said, we will become your servants for food. And all the power became consolidated in Pharaoh. And then there are rows of Pharaoh who knew not Joseph.
And instead of treating these people who were in the land of Goshen, like they were the guests in Egypt, the blessed ones that belong to God, he instead treated them like they were the slaves in Egypt. And when Pharaoh turned against the people of God, Pharaoh wrote his own nation’s death warrant. God didn’t come against Pharaoh in Egypt because Pharaoh in Egypt had become too powerful.
God didn’t come against Pharaoh in Egypt because Pharaoh in Egypt had become too burdensome to the nations around him. God came against Pharaoh in Egypt because Pharaoh in Egypt turned against God’s people. And Pharaoh said, I don’t know who this Jehovah is that I should obey him. And instead of repenting through plague one, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, every time when he began to relent, he changed his heart back to doing exactly what God said not to do. Okay. And on plate 10, he finally lets them go only to immediately do what pursue him and try and kill him. And ultimately you take a nation from the height of its power, to decimation of its economy,
decimation of its people, decimation of its crop, decimation of its first born and its entire army and King destroyed<inaudible> And that’s the picture God’s going to use for Rome chapter 16, verse one. Then I heard a loud voice from heaven, from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth. So the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth and a foul and loathsome soar came upon the men who have the Mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.
Okay. So first bowl is poured out and you have with it, a picture of the plague of boils, the sixth plague in Egypt, Exodus chapter nine, verses nine through 11. Then we read then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea and it became blood as of a dead man. And every living creature in the sea died. Now in contrast to Exodus,
again, these aren’t exact parallels. They’re using the imagery in Exodus. You have one instance where Moses goes to one body of water, whereas The river, which river, the Nile river. Okay. And the Nile river, because it is the primary, a lifeblood of Egypt. God turns it to blood in this imagery. You’ve got two separate bowls that apply to water,
turning to blood. That is the second. And the third one. So notice what we read. Verse four. Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and the Springs of water and they became blood. So in the first one, sorry, the second bowl, you’ve got the ocean turned to blood, but there’s a distinct contrast by the way,
between Egypt and Rome, Rome’s power came from where, why did Rome become so powerful?<inaudible> Her access to the Mediterranean sea, her economy that lived off of the sea and her ability to move troops quickly to wherever they needed to go. And so Rome’s power was concentrated around the Mediterranean sea. Very first plague water, turning to blood, turns the sea to blood.
The second plague turns all of the inland water, the fresh water to blood. So the sea water turns to blood. The fresh water turns to blood, but then notice what we read. Verse five. Then I heard an angel of the water say you are righteous. Oh Lord. The one who is and who was, and who is to be because you have judged these things for,
they shed the blood of saints and prophets and you have given them blood to drink for it. Is there just do. Why is it according to the angel of the waters that God turns the water to blood<inaudible> Because they had killed God’s saints and his profits go all the way back to Genesis chapter 10. I believe it is. Noah comes off the Ark Noah and his children begin offering sacrifices.
They’re told they can eat of the meat of the animals, certain animals, but they weren’t to partake of the blood. They weren’t to eat the blood of the animals. And God gives a commandment in Genesis chapter 10, that when someone sheds blood, his blood would be shed. The one who kills with the sword would be killed with the sword. You go all the way back to Genesis,
chapter 10. And from that point forward, there is a theme with God, you shed blood. And by the sword, your life will be taken. And God judges Rome, because Rome had shed the blood of his saints. You, we read in previous chapters about the beast that Rose up and he tried to convince them to worship the beast. He tried to convince them to worship the dragon.
He tried to persecute them and say, if you don’t do this, you can’t buy any food. You can’t do this. And finally, if they wouldn’t give over, he’d kill them. And God said, because you killed my servants. Now, all your water’s turned to blood. Now, is there a time in Rome’s physical history where all the oceans turned to blood and all the rivers turned to blood?
No, that happened physically in Egypt, literally in Egypt, it didn’t happen physically. And literally to Rome. These are signs and visions. And by the way, there, we’re not supposed to be sitting here waiting on a time before the day of judgment, where all the rivers and all the oceans are gonna turn to blood yet, the pre-millennial lists are waiting for that one.
Pre-millennial this writer said that first, the oceans are going to turn to blood. And then the fresh water is going to turn the blood in and there’s going to be a run on Coca-Cola. And even that’s going to run out. What do you think Coca-Cola is made out of Anyway? So the third angel declares that this judgment is just that this judgment is true.
All throughout revelation. You got this constant reminder. God is no arbitrary. Judge. God is no arbitrary. Judge who sits on the throne and just deals out judgment at a whim. He’s given them opportunity. He’s even sent go back to previous chapters angels out to declare the gospel, to give them time to repent. He brought partial judgment to give them time to repent.
And they didn’t it’s God’s judgment is just right. But then he, we read and I heard another from the altar saying, even so Lord God almighty true and righteous are your judgments. So not only does the angel of the waters declare it, but another angel from the alter declares, then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun and power was given to him to scorch men with fire and men were scorched with great heat.
And they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues. And they did not repent and give him Lori. Now, this is one of those times where you don’t have a direct parallel to the Exodus Plagues. You Don’t have a direct parallel to something that happened in Egypt, but interestingly, You have a very good parallel to the book of numbers.
Two judgments that God enacted on the people of God who came out of Egypt and then turned against Moses numbers. Chapter 16, verses 34 and 35. You have God destroying the 250 Levi’s that sided with Cora in the rebellion against Moses. And they are killed by fire from the Lord. But then also in numbers, chapter 11, verses one through three,
you have God destroying the outer edges of the camp, which is by the way, where all the Gentiles who came out of Egypt with the, Your lights. Because if you didn’t realize it, a bunch of Gentiles came out of Egypt with the Israelites, God burned up the outer edges of the camp because of their groaning and moaning and complaining against Because of their predicament.
Okay? So numbers 11 and number 16, both provide a picture again of God’s judgment against those who will not conform and will not be obedient to him, but then, Sorry, plague chapter. Yeah. And get my tongue untied here. Plague number five, bold number five, Verse 10. Then The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast.
And his kingdom became full of darkness and they, their tongues because of the pain, they blast fiend the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and did not repent of their deeds. Now I think the pains in the swords probably hearkens all the way back to the first plague, the plague of boils. So, you know, they’re, they’re going through all of this.
They’re experiencing all of this and now they’re, they’re surrounded by darkness Had nothing but pain. And again, yeah, Not looking for a time in history. When Rome turned to black, we’re looking at spiritual judgment that would result in physical judgment On Rome. But The plague that it relates to back in Exodus is the ninth plague. The plague before the death of the first born was darkness.
And we read about the darkness in Egypt, how the darkness came over it and they just sat in their houses because they couldn’t see, you could turn on a light, you can light a candle and you wouldn’t be able to see the candle. You couldn’t see anything. And so they just sat for days in darkness, But here you’ll notice something interesting as there they’re in the darkness,
as they’re there in their pain, is there, they’re in their anguish. Is there, they’re in the judgment of God? What do they do? I do. They repent not, but what do they do? They blast theme. God, It’s not just previous the previous bowl. They didn’t repent. It’s not just that they didn’t repent, but they blasphemed God above and beyond the fact they would not repent.
They are so unrelenting in their evil doing in their iniquity and in their sin that they will blame God for their situation. And you will meet people like this. You will meet people. So steeped in sin and iniquity in your life that it doesn’t matter what happens to them. God will be at fault, even if they’re the ones who put themselves in that situation.
Yeah. And I mean, this shouldn’t surprise you After all doesn’t Satan know his judgment’s coming. Does it say no one’s going to be involved in it. Is he going to repent? Okay. Oh, why are we surprised When people do the same? And this Is the perspective we have here with Rome, then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and on,
and its water was dried up. So that the way of the Kings from the East might be prepared. Now we’re entering into a discussion here in this bowl that a lot of the pre millennialist start suggesting, all right, here are the Kings of the East. Now this is China. And these are the Kings. And how hold on, Hold on.
Number one, we have Lots of people in the old Testament who are referenced as coming from the East because in view of Israel, everybody that crossed the Euphrates river came from the East. Cyrus is declared to have come from the East, from the rising sun. This is the place where Their nations, Babylon, Syria, all of them came from The East.
But here’s two important Times in history that this could have referenced too. Okay? Because again, we’re all we’re dealing with. Old Testament imagery. One time is Daniel chapter five, Daniel Chapter five. You read about Daniel As an old man and Bell dish. Azure is on the throne and bell to Shazard the great grandson or the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar decides to throw a party.
And he throws A party. And in the midst of taking all of the vessels from the temple and all the golden things from the temple and pouring wine in it and drinking from them in this carousing party, he then sees a hate. Yeah. And writing on the wall, It’s written in such a tongue that he doesn’t understand what it means. And so someone informs him that there’s this one,
Daniel who in the days of his father could reveal signs and visions. And so he brings Daniel in and Daniel says that your kingdom has been weighed in the balances and found, And that very night Babylon falls. But do you know how it fell? Cyrus, the great leading the Medes and the Persians dammed up And diverted the Euphrates river. You see Babylon was built right on top of the Euphrates river,
the river flowed under the walls Of Babylon. The value Of that is if you besiege a city, the thing they run out of food First, typically is water. And if you have no water, you can’t live. So Babylon was able withstand being besieged because the river float under the wall, they always had water Cyrus figured out, you know what?
If I die, just divert the great Euphrates river he did. And he walked his men in the river bed under the wall and took the city in one night. That could be the picture we have here. The picture of the Medes and the Persians destroying Babylon completely in one night. That could be it, or it could be this what people let’s,
let’s go back and read the verse one more time. Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up. So that the way of the Kings from the East might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for,
they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the Kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of God almighty. Okay. There’s Kings that are going to come through and they’re going to cross on what on dry ground. What group of people all throughout the old Testament, get to cross water on dry ground.
God’s people see the pre millennialist want this to be the Kings allied with the beast and the nations rising up to, to defeat God’s people in the gray battle of Armageddon, but either way, whether the picture is of Cyrus, who’s doing God’s bidding or of Israel who crossed the red sea on dry ground, who crossed the Jordan river on dry ground, the or Elijah,
the prophet of God who divided the Jordan river and crossed on dry ground or Elijah, the prophet of God who crossed the river on dry ground. Doesn’t matter which picture you want to take from the old Testament. Everybody who crossed on dry ground belonged to God. And when you step over to chapter 19 and you see the battle, that’s actually being forecasted here,
who’s in the battle. It’s the beast and his servants against Christ and his servants, the Kings here, the Kings from the East. They’re not the servants of the bees. They’re the servants of God, either way. It doesn’t matter which picture you want to use. So we’ve got this angel, he pours out the bowl, a great route on the great river,
Euphrates it dries up the Kings of the East, come through and their way is prepared. Then I saw three unclean spirits like frogs. Okay. W where else? We have a picture of frogs In the old Testament aged And interestingly, wasn’t it, Egypt. And wasn’t it. The plague of frogs where Pharaoh, I asked for one more night, you remember Moses comes,
he sends for Moses, he’s a get rid of these frogs. And Moses says, okay, when do you want me to get rid of them? And Pharaoh says Does tomorrow now, why is it that Pharaoh would want, as my Father has always preached a sermon one more night with The frogs and the answers because the frogs were deities in Egypt, They were like every plague.
They were just one more God that the Egyptians. And so he wanted one more night with the frogs, but then he wanted them gone here. You’ve got the frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. You remember, we said the other beast, the third bees that come up,
it comes up from the lamb land, looks like a lamb, but he speaks with the voice of a dragon. He’s the false prophet. He’s the one speaking perverse things. Okay. So you’ve got the two BS, the false prophet and the CBS and the dragon. And they’re all speaking these things. And they’re gathering people For a battle. Is,
is there coming a day in the time of Rome where there’s going to be a great battle between the servants of God Yawn and the centurions of Rome? No. Okay. Matter of fact, when Peter draws his sword to defend his Lord, what is Jesus? Tell him, put away. And when Islet, inquires G with Jesus about whether or not he’s the King that he claims to be,
What does Jesus say? My kingdom is None of this world, but what’s the last half of the statement for, if it was Then would my servants fight The forecast of a great coming battle between God’s servants and Satan’s servants, where there’s going to be a physical battle in the Valley of Maketto Again, because price kingdom isn’t of this world. So notice what happens.
They are the spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out for the, out to the Kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of God, almighty behold, I am coming as a thief, excuse me, behold. I am coming as a thief, bless it. As he who watches and keeps his garments,
he walk naked and they see his shame and they gathered them together to the place in Hebrew Armageddon. Now the Hebrew word Armageddon is simply the Hebrew word for the Valley of Maketto. This was a Valley. It was a plane where many battles in Hebrew history and in Israel’s history were fought including the battle where Josiah dies would happen there in the plane of a ghetto.
So this is not an unusual thing. It’s very similar to the idea of when Jesus said to beware of the one who can destroy both your soul and body in Gahanna, and yet Gahanna wasn’t some exclusively, some spiritual place. It was a Valley outside of the city in Jerusalem. It was a Valley where those old Testament people had built their altars and sacrifice their children to false gods,
and eventually became a burning trash heap. It Was a physical place that carried with it, a spiritual connotation. So is the Valley of Ben ghetto. So is Armageddon. It’s not some future battleground where God’s people are going to take on Satan’s people. And then No, no. We’re going to pick up here In verse 16 and go through the end of the chapter on Wednesday night.
But I want us to just, as we go through 16, as we get to the end, remember what’s coming In 17. Remember that when you Get to chapter 17 and you first get into that vision, John sees The great harlot, which is the great city, which we already know is Rome. And she’s riding the beast and the beast has seven heads and 10 horns.
And it’s the dragon. And you’re getting a picture of Rome and it’s persecuting power. That’s about to come on the Christians. But remember, we already read Dad Babylon. The great is fallen is fallen before, Or we ever get started before any of the armies come to the great battle of the, of God almighty before anybody gathers in the plane of the ghetto before any of this visionary picture of a great battle between God and Satan,
the end has all ready. Been declared, Babylon loses Just the same way. God said Babylon in all her greatness and the pinnacle of her might would fall in one Night In the old Testament. And it did. So here we carry forward. Those images we carry forward. Those pictures will open cha Wednesday night with the seventh bowl and verse 17. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> yeah.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning.
Welcome to the Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service. It is great to see each and every one of you out this morning, those of you that are visiting with us, it is very great that you chose us to come worship our God with this morning. We are so glad that you are here. It’s great to see Gary and Maggie Kali out this morning and spent a long time since we’ve seen you guys.
It’s really, really good to see you out visitors. If you would, if you have a chance, please fill out a visitor’s card and put it in the collection basket in the back, or just leave it sitting on the Pew and we’ll pick it up later. If you did not get your chance to pick up the Lord’s supper. Now it’d be a good time to do it.
And just prepared on the tables in the back of the worship hall here, please get that. If you did not get it earlier on your way in, on our sick list, please continue to remember Joan Springer, Dorothy Wilson, and Janet Jones, as they all continue to work through their various problems and medical conditions that they have. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers,
Laurie white, who is a friend of the coats arts has COVID-19. So please pray for Lori White. Jessica Dale is having some stomach issues and she’s to have some tests very soon. So please keep Jessica and your thoughts and prayers, and then Robin woods who’s Jessica’s mother. You know, they’re out in Arizona recently to see her because she had bypass surgery. So continue to pray for Jessica and her recovery process as that probably is going to be quite lengthy for her.
So please keep robbing in your thoughts and prayers. Guests song leader today is Matthew Brotherton and his great thank for to you for coming to lead our song service this morning, LA mentioned the Dale’s ready to kindness that they were back from Arizona. They did have a rather lengthy eventful trip on the way back, but it was good that our good Lord saw to bring them back to us safely.
And we were thankful for that. The Potter children’s home, November pantry item is the ranch dressing says you have an opportunity. Please purchase that and bring it by the church building here. And then for the man, our November business meeting will be on Monday the 9th of November at 7:00 PM here at worship hall. That’s all of our announcements for this morning. Our service today,
our song leader will be Matthew Brotherton, opening prayers, Joel caisson. I will be conducting the Lord’s supper. Our sermon would be brother Aaron Cozort and our closing prayer will be Murray Springer. Thank you. If you are using your som book, I would like to turn there. The first song this morning will be number 797 number 797. Lord. We comm<inaudible><inaudible> Lord on the<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> grant that.
Oh man. Hey,<inaudible> fine.<inaudible><inaudible> free.<inaudible> and The sound before our opening prayer be number three, song number three. Yeah.<inaudible> from the heathens spreads his name<inaudible><inaudible> on high praise him. Oh, he have<inaudible><inaudible> is a guy and his<inaudible> and his<inaudible> and his<inaudible> guy<inaudible> they were amazing. That is Matt and them for AF or he has up his<inaudible> from the earth,
grace. Oh, Oh, Searchie drag. And so fire and<inaudible> army wins that hear him call<inaudible> for his name.<inaudible> is a guy and his glow. So really his XO and his clothes. So, and his<inaudible> guy. Oh, he fruit for trees.<inaudible> Oh, ye Hills and mountains, high creeping things and be sand<inaudible> Kings of earth and Oh,
he Prince’s grade hers. Judge is, Oh, praise his name young man. And man, Hey Dan’s Hey chit man. And children’s small<inaudible> for his name alone, his high and his glow. So really is it so to it and his glue. So<inaudible> and his<inaudible> far up, up there and this guy That’s bow, Oh God, our father in heaven,
we truly are grateful to the, for your love for us. And for the privilege that we have to come here to this day in worship, they were grateful God for these songs of praise, it we’ve been able to sing to the, and we pray father, as we sing these songs that we are giving the, the glory and the honor and praising your name.
And we’re also trying to admonish one another. As we sing these songs, we’re thankful for Matthew that is leading them today. And we pray that you be with him as he continues to lead our songs, service. We’re grateful father for all of our visitors today. And it’s so nice to have them to come and worship with us. We pray father that we might worship you in spirit and in truth and,
and be able to gain those thoughts. Aaron would bring to us in a few moments to help strengthen our faith and to glorify your name father, where mind mindful those that are have been able to the congregation. We would ask that you be with Jessica and pray that she might get better and be with her mother as she’s recovering from her surgery. It’s good to have Pam back with us today and pray that she would continue to improve.
And also Sylvia probably that she will also continue to improve her health. Father’s good to see the colleagues here today, and we’re thankful that they’re doing well, and we’re glad they’re back in our midst. And we would pray for those that are still unable to be with us, especially those of our widows and pray that you be with them and help us to encourage them through this particular time in our lives.
Father were mindful of those that are taking care of the young people at Potter. We pray father that they will continue on with that great work there that the young people will be able to learn how to live their lives. And also to hopefully obey the gospel is as they’re taught your word at that facility, father help us each day, that we were mindful of those that are teaching and preaching your word and other lands.
And other countries probably will continue to support them and, and pray for them and for their safety. And that many souls might hear the word of God and be become obedient to it and become your children. Father were mind for the efforts that we put forth here to evangelize this community. We pray that you give us the strength and the courage to share your word with those in this area,
that they too might come to the knowledge of your will and want to be obedient to it. Father, we pray for our nation and we pray that we might help in some way to influence those in leadership roles, to look back to the principles that you have for us to live our lives by and guide our nation in that direction, that we might be a more godly people by the way,
pray that you continue to strengthen us seat day. As, as time goes by that, we draw closer to you that we’re able to encourage one another to live lives that would be pleasing unto you and glorify your name FSE each day, that we will reach out to those in this community and try to demonstrate our love for them and, and help us to be patient and long suffering and compassionate towards our fellow man,
and pray that we might strengthen the body here and encourage one another. We’re thankful for these times that we can be together to worship you and pray it, it will be pleasing unto you help us to go through life and, and, and remember how much he loved us and that we should love one another in light manner. Bless us NAS. We continue our worship service.
We pray that as time goes by that our lives are such that we might have that home in heaven with the, and Jesus, we pray amen. Song to prepare our minds to the Lord supper be number 315. Number three, one five. When I survey the wondrous cross, When I serve<inaudible> on which the friends<inaudible><inaudible> and pork on. Oh,
ma hi, I paid for,<inaudible> say fin, dad of Christ. My like, Oh, thing. Things that jar me Mo so I sacrifice them to, eh, is see from his<inaudible>. So<inaudible> me saying go down<inaudible> and<inaudible> me need<inaudible> thorns come. Oh, so rich ground. We’re the whole<inaudible> that<inaudible> too small.
So, so<inaudible> so the demands, my, so my life ma hi, Oh, To further help prepare our minds for the partaking of the Lord’s supper. I’m going to read this morning from Luke chapter 22, starting in verse 14, when the hour had come, he sat down and the 12 apostles with him, and he said to them with fervent desire,
I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer for, I say to you, I will no longer eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God. And he took the bread, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them saying, this is my body, which is given for you do this in remembrance of me.
Likewise, he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant of my blood, which is shed for you. God, our father in heaven would come to you at this time, thanking you for the sacrifice you made of sending your son Jesus to earth, to die for us, the centers. But most importantly, while your son was here,
he taught us the ways that you want us to live taught us how to be a Christian like him. We know it was painful for you and for him to suffer on that cross. But we are thankful that he did it for us to center. We pray this through Jesus Christ. Amen.<inaudible> Let us give thanks for the fruit of the vine God,
our father, as we prepare to take the fruit of the vine, help us to remember what it represents. And that is, it represents the blood that your son shed for our sins so that our sins may be washed away so that we would have that opportunity to one day live with you and Jesus in heaven. We are so thankful that you sent your son Jesus to die on that cross for us.
We cannot thank you enough. We pray all these things in your son’s name. Amen. This time we’d like to pray to our God for the opportunity to give back God, our father. We come to you again, thanking you for each and everything that you do for each and every one of us, we truly do understand as Christians, that everything we have comes through you and from you,
and if it was not for you and your son, Jesus, we would have nothing to include that opportunity to live with you forever in heaven. As we prepare to give back a material portion of the blessings that we’ve been so richly blessed with by you, we ask that you help each and every one of us do in a thoughtful and cheerful manner. And we ask that you help the men of this congregation oversee and provide guidance from you,
with you, for how these funds to be distributed, to help distribute your word to those that have not as fortunate as us to have having have heard the opportunity to hear your word and to become Christians and servants of yours. We pray this through your son, Jesus name. Amen. If you’d like to Mark the song after the that’ll be number 907 number 907.
The song before the lesson will be number 543, number 543. And please stand if you are able wonderful words of life, Seeing them over again to me, wonderful words.<inaudible> wonderful words of life words.<inaudible> wonderful words. Wonderful words.<inaudible> two wonderful words. Wonderful word of life Christ. Bless it. One gives two wonderful words.<inaudible> wonderful word.<inaudible> Oh,
so<inaudible>,<inaudible> forward to wander for words. Wonderful word.<inaudible> wonderful words.<inaudible> two wonderful words.<inaudible> jeez,<inaudible> wander for words.<inaudible> four words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. You may be seated. Good morning. It is good to have each and every one of you with us, especially those who’ve been away. Those who’ve been traveling and those who’ve been away because of the virus.
It’s good to have all of you present. We’re going to focus our study in Zechariah chapter 13. But as we begin in that section of scripture, you may remember that we read, as we closed last Sunday, Zechariah chapter 12, we read that they would look upon him whom they pierced the Messiah. The Christ would be pierced. John chapter 19 beginning in verse 34,
going down through verse 37. We read about that incident and Zechariah will tell us that’s coming because Zechariah is the prophet that bridges the old and the new Testament. He is the one who bridges the old Testament prophets and all that. They said about Israel and the new Testament where God’s kingdom and its true Israel in spiritual Israel would fulfill so many prophecies, but we concluded last Sunday was Zechariah chapter 13 in verse one where God said,
I will open a fountain in Israel for sin and for uncleanness in the shedding, in the smiting of Christ in the piercing of the one who was on the cross, salvation would come. But as we get into chapter 13, you need two other passages in my mind to truly get a grasp on the things stated in Zechariah 13. Now remember chapter 12,
13 and 14 are all one prophecy, but they’re kind of broken up into sections throughout that section or throughout those passages. Zachariah would write in that day. And we’re going to read in that day in verse one, we’re going to read it again in verse two, we’re going to read it again in verse seven, not referencing a single solitary 24 Hours a day,
but God bringing about the full Film. It of all that. He said Two passages that I mentioned. One of them is an old Testament passage and an older a farmer prophet. And that’s a Zeke Yoel chapter 36 Zeke chapter 36 beginning in verse 19. When you begin to understand what God told Israel in his Z Kiehl’s Day, and You begin to look forward to Zechariah’s day you’ll You see the connections?
Well then in the new Testament in Matthew chapter 26 beginning in verse 21, going down through verse 32 Jesus in the upper room with his apostles, you will see that as well. Let’s begin in Zechariah chapter 13, keep your fingers. If you, if you’ve already turned to those passages in his EQL and Matthew, you might want to keep a ribbon there cause we’ll be there shortly.
Chapter 13 verse one of Zechariah reads in that day, a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin. And for uncleanness, God says, I am opening up a fountain, a bringing forth of salvation that would flow forth from the one who was smitten from the one who was Pierce from the one who belonged to God.
And it was going to be for sin and for uncleanness because Israel had a problem and we have a problem. And that problem is sin. And you and I, as we stand before, God is Israel is stood before God throughout the centuries cannot deal with that problem. Yeah, No man who sinned and fallen short of the glory of God wrote Romans chapter three,
verse 23 can deal with that problem by himself. No man, who has garnered for himself, the wages of sin, Romans chapter six, verse 23, which is death can then reconstitute himself as righteous before God, without Help. Hebrews chapter nine, the Hebrew writer writes this To those first century, Christians Hebrews chapter nine. And in verse 14, actually let’s go to verse 13 for if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer Sprinkling the unclean sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh.
How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. The Hebrew writer makes it clear in Hebrews chapter nine, that the blood of bulls and goats cannot nor could it ever take away sin. It was insufficient for the purpose, separate from the blood of Christ,
but the blood of Christ was shed that we might have not our flesh cleansed, but our conscience and our hearts completely consecrated to God. But then also turn to first Peter first Peter chapter one, Peter writes to these Christians and he says beginning in verse 17. And if you call on the father who without partiality judges, according to each one’s work conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear,
knowing that you are not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold or for, or for excuse me from your aimless conduct received by the tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot Peter, okay. Writes to these Christians and reminds them your life, your actions, and your choices must be lived out in view of the cost of your redemption because no man with enough gold or enough silver could buy as redemption,
no man with enough riches and enough glory could bring about his own salvation. Only through the blood of Christ, is that possible? But in revelation, chapter one, as John would write to the churches, we read beginning in verse four, grace to you and peace from him who is and who was, and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne and from Jesus Christ,
the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the Kings of the earth, to him who loved us and notice this phrase and washed us from our sins in his own blood Hebrew writer And Peter and John make it clear that the fountain for sin and for uncleanness That was opened for the son of David and for the city of Jerusalem and not for them,
But for every nation was the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross for you and for me. But we would be negligent if we, We proclaimed the value of the blood of Christ proclaimed, the salvation of the blood of Christ proclaimed the redemptive power of the blood of Christ. And it didn’t tell anyone To contact the blood. Romans chapter six makes it clear That when you are buried with Christ in the watery grave of baptism,
you die with Christ. You come in contact with the blood of Christ and in Christ Death, you are given newness of life and you ride Guys up out of that watery grave of baptism no longer in old debt Person, but a new person in Christ That day of fountain shall be open for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin.
And for uncleanness, it shall be in that day, says the Lord of hosts that I will cut off the names of the idols from the land. They shall no longer be remembered. I will call. I will also cause the prophets and the unclean spirits to depart from The land. This is a part of the section here in chapter 13, that hearkens back to his equal 36,
God would tell Israel in the words of his Eagle, through the prophet, Ezekiel, that God was going to cleanse them. He wasn’t just going to cleanse them from seeing he was going to cleanse them from their ongoing problem of idolatry. Turn over two is equal 36, Ezekiel 36 beginning in verse, 19 Teen Gone through a Z Gil says to Israel.
So I scattered them among the nations and they were dispersed throughout the countries. I judge them according to their ways and their deeds notice. First and foremost that his Eagle says, God judged you. God took you out of Israel. God brought you into captivity. He scattered you over the face of the earth because you deserved it. But notice he goes on.
He says, when they came to the wherever they went, they profaned my Holy name. When they said of them, these are the people of the Lord. And yet they have gone out of his land. God says my name was profaned. My name was blasphemed. My name was no longer. Holy. It had become common because you in your idolatry,
where had you in your idolatry had to be cashed out from your land here. The people, the nations around you say there are the people of Jehovah, but those people of Jehovah are being taken into captivity. And it was a blight, not just on them, but on the name of the Lord. He says, when they come to the nations,
wherever they went, they profaned my Holy name. When they said of them, these are the people of the Lord. And yet they have gone out of his land. But I had concern for my Holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations, wherever they went, therefore say to the house of Israel, thus as the Lord,
God, I do not do this for your sake. Oh, house of Israel, but for my Holy namesake, which you have profaned among the nations, wherever you went, as the people went out of the land, you might imagine the conversation would have happened. How did this happen to Israel? How did this happen to Judah? How did Jerusalem fall?
And you Might imagine that those wicked Israelites that had been judged would say, it’s all God’s fault. He turned against us. Jehovah did this to us and we didn’t deserve it. God makes it clear. You’re not going to speak about me that way. I’m going to make clear why it is you suffered And why it is you were scattered and you and the nations around.
You will know Who I am. So then notice what we read Verse 23. And I will sanctify my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst. And the nations shall know that I am. The Lord says the Lord, God, when I am hallowed in you before their eyes, God says, when I am made Holy in your sight before them they’ll know who I am for,
I will take from among the nations or take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries and bring you into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.
I will take the hardest stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments And do them. And notice this phrase here in verse 28, then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers. You shall be my people and I will be your God.
Zee. Gil makes it clear. God would take them out of the land. And as they went out, they would profane the name of God. But God wanted them to know before they ever left. I’m going to be made Holy in your sight. And I’m going to be made Holy in the sight of all the nations around you. Because as I brought you out of the land at the hand of the Babylonians,
I’m going to bring you back Into the land by My hand, and by my name and all the nations who saw you leave will really Guys that I didn’t turn against you. You turned against me, but now I’m bringing my remnant back And no longer will my remnant be those who are, who are dealing with idolatry no longer would my remnant be those who are worshiping and going after other gods,
my remnant will be my People. So back in Zechariah, chapter 13, we read it. She’ll be in that day, says the Lord of hosts That I will cut off the names of the idols from the land. Remember Zechariah’s the bridge as EQL And these events have already happened in Zechariah’s day. They’re already back in the land, but he’s taking the verbiage and the imagery of Zack of Ezekiel 36.
And he’s carrying it forward Because there would be a day. There would be a day when the servant of God would come where the servant of God and the shepherd of God would be present in the land. And God himself would manifest himself to them. And instead of worshiping God in their presence, They would deny him Instead of praising him for God, being in their presence and doing mighty and wonderful works and doing these things that Christ did before their eyes,
I would say, show us another sign. And then we’ll believe God told them over and over and over again, I’m going to do this. And yet they wouldn’t Worship him. It shall be in that day. Yeah. And I will cut off the names of the idols from the land and they shall no longer be remembered. I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to depart from the land.
Be careful In this text Because it sounds like God’s going to stop speaking through the profits. And that’s not what you’re Reading the profits here in verse three, Two, going through verse six are not God’s Profits. They’re Not speaking on behalf of Jehovah. These are false prophets. Notice what we read it shall come to pass that if anyone’s still prophesies than his father and mother who the guardian will say to him,
you shall not live because you have spoken lies in the name of the Lord. Now wait a minute. Did God’s prophets speak? No. Did God’s servants declare his word and lie when they were doing No. Who did The prophets who claimed to belong to the Lord? But didn’t the ones who claim to speak the word of God, but spoke only of themselves.
And if you go back to Deuteronomy chapter 13 and Deuteronomy chapter 18, the law said that when one came forward and spoke a prophecy that was shown to be false, that declared them to be a false prophet. Their own family was to testify against them. There were those who were closest weren’t to hide them. Weren’t a secret them away. So no one knew that the,
this person was leading people away from the Lord. They were to stay in and declare them to be What they were traders to Israel. And those who were false prophets notice what we read and his father and mother who begot him shall thrust him through when he prophesies. And it shall be in that day that every prophet will be ashamed of his vision. When he prophesies,
they will not wear a robe of course, hair to deceive, but he will say, I am no prophet. He says, there’s coming a day. When, because you will be shown to be false profits because of what I will do because of my salvation. Everyone will know, Everyone Will know you’re not Profit. And even you will be ashamed.
And you see what you normally would have called a vision. When you see what you normally would have prophesied that people you’ll hide it. You won’t put on the garments of a prophet and go parading yourself before the people, because they know you’re a liar. Steady says, they will say, I am no prophet. I am a farmer for a man,
taught me to keep cattle from my youth. This is taken from Amos. Chapter seven. Amos will declare himself to not be a profit. Just a simple sheep. Herder aim Is his declaration is God’s doing this, not me. The false prophets carry forward. That phrase ideology to say, I’m not a prophet at all. So they do not have to declare their false prophecies.
And one will say to him, what are these wounds between your arms, that or in your palms, depending upon the translation, then he will answer those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. There’s a passage in Proverbs that speaks concerning the wounds of a friend, Proverbs chapter 27, verse six, the wounds of a friend that is the one who’s willing to love you enough to tell you the truth.
When you’re wrong, the wounds you get from someone who’s willing to correct you, Even When it might cost them your friendship. I think that may be what this passage is talking about. These false prophets have been admonished. They have been corrected. They have been set straight Right by those who love them. Then in chapter 13, verse seven, we have the second Half of the prophecy verse seven Oh Waco sword against my shepherd.
Now, if you go back to the previous chapters of Zechariah, you will find that God’s shepherd was the one who came and supplanted. The evil shepherds, the ones who weren’t caring for the flock, the ones who weren’t tending the sheep, the ones who were feeding themselves off of the flock, the ones who had no interest whatsoever in God’s people, but only themselves and God’s shepherd would come in and would correct the situation.
But ultimately the flock would be asked of how much value am I to you. And they would offer the response of the wages of a slave that had been injured. 30 pieces of silver God’s shepherd, Who would do this for his people would then be smitten by his people. But here in chapter 13, verse seven, the people aren’t doing it This mighty God is so,
Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. I thought Israel killed Jesus. I fought the scribes and the Pharisees and the chief priests and the people killed. I thought pilot put Jesus on the cross. They did. And they did, but turn to Isaiah chapter 53 and Isaiah chapter 53. Again, the former prophets set clarity for Zechariah’s prophecies. They had chapter 53 beginning in verse four.
As we read about the sacrifice of our Lord, we read surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken smitten by who smitten by God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah declares, the suffering servant, Isaiah declares the Messiah to be one who is smitten for our transgressions wounded for our iniquity. But he only had to suffer because we put him there,
but he was smitten by God and afflicted smitten by God in one way, because God is a just, and a true judge and sin cannot go on punished or unpaid for. And so by God, he was smitten. Oh way go sword, verse seven against my shepherd against the man who is my companion, says the Lord of hosts strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.
Then I will turn my hand against the little ones, turn to Matthew chapter 26. We Know this is a reference to Christ because Christ said, so Matthew chapter 26 beginning in verse 21, No. Now as they were eating, he said, assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray me. And they were exceedingly sorrowful. And each one of them began to say,
Lord, is it I? And he answered and said, he who dipped his hand with me in the dish will betray me. The son of man, indeed goes just as it is written of him. But woe to that, man, by whom the son of man is betrayed, it would have been good for that man, that if he had been born Then Judas,
who was betraying him answered and said, rabbi is it I, he said to him, You have said it. And as They were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and broke it and gave it to the disciples and said, take eat. This is my body. And he took the cup and gave things and gave it to them saying drink from it.
All of you for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins. Now, wait a minute. What is it that Christ says was shed for the remission of sins, His blood that’s chapter 13, verse one. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day,
when I drink it new with you in my father’s kingdom. And when they had sung a hymn and they went out to mountain mountain, the Mount of olives, then Jesus said to them, all of you will be made to stumble because of me This night for it is written. I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.
But After I have been raised, I will go before you, You to Galilee in Ezekiel 36, God tells his people. I have scattered you, that I might bring you back. I have caused you to endure the hardship of being scattered so that I might cleanse you of the sin that you can overcome on your own. But my redeemed remnant will come back to me.
And in Matthew 26, Jesus said, this night, you will stumble because of me this night, you will be scattered, but those who are faithful, you’ll be gathered back to me in Zachariah Chapter 13, verse seven, we read away, go sword against my shepherd against the man who is my companion, says the Lord of hosts strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.
Then I will turn my hand against the little ones and it shall come to pass in. All the land says the Lord, that two thirds in it shall be cut off and die. But one third shall be left in it. I will bring one third through the fire will refine them as silver is refined and test them as Old is tested, they will on my name and I will answer them.
I will say, remember the end of the ZQ 36, when God breaks Brings his people back. When they’re cleansed of their idolatry. When they again have God’s name hallowed in them, when they again realize who Jehovah is, when they again have been brought back as part of the covenant people of God. When the remnant returns, God says, this is my people.
And God says, I will bring one third of them through the fire. We’ll refine them. Silver is refined and test them. As gold is tested, they will call on my name. We’ll answer them. I will say this is by people. And each one will say, the Lord is my God. In this passage, you see two flocks of God,
two third, the majority they won’t repent. And they’ll perish one third, the minority, the remnant of God, they’ll repent. They’ll come home. They’ll return to God and God will return to them. And in rebel or excuse me, Romans chapter 11, you see that picture Of the remnant of God’s people that always exists. Those who will always turn back to God.
You know, it’s going to be interesting that you’re going to find, even in the church, those False prophets who turned people away from God, Those who would even say that Christ didn’t die for them. They’ll deny his very existence. They’ll deny his sacrifice. They’ll deny the purchase price. And yet they claim to be Christian, But not God’s faithful.
God’s faithful will remember. They will know the price that was paid for them. That the sword of God smoked down the servant of God for you. And for me, if you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, you’re outside of the place where salvation is found. We read in the new Testament that Christ died for every single one of us to purchase our redemption.
But we also read, he died For his church to purchase her redemption. If you’re outside the body of Christ, you’re outside of the blood of Christ. You’re outside of the church of Christ. And you need to change that because it’s the only place where salvation is found. But if you are a member of the body of Christ and you’ve become much like old Testament,
Israel or new Testament, Israel, and you’ve forgotten your God and you’re no longer his people, you can repent. You can change. You can be restored for. There is still a fountain for sin and for uncleanness today, if you have need of restoration, or if you have need of remission of sins that is available to you this morning, why not come forward now?
As we stand in, as we sing,<inaudible> sweet.<inaudible> and here<inaudible> upon your<inaudible> here. That labor and are heavy.<inaudible><inaudible> well hook. If you take his yoke for, he is me.<inaudible> this bird and to him, turn, he who call it<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> that labor and are heavy.<inaudible> man, I give you a list then is loving tender boy.
So bang<inaudible> bird and a big find a kid’s hand is on you. Hey,<inaudible> for his<inaudible><inaudible> upon your dear Lord, bruh. He that labor and are heavy.<inaudible><inaudible> well, if you Sam, for our closing prayer, be number 738 number 738. Take the name of Jesus with you. Take the name of Jesus with you,
child of sorrow. And so it well, joy and comfort. If you take it, then wherever you go. So precious<inaudible> whole house. We hope and joy<inaudible> Oh, house we<inaudible>. Oh, earth and joy up. Take the name of Jesus for as a shield from every snare of temptations around you. Again, the brief that Holy name and prayer,
precious name, a name O house we owe birth and joy up precious<inaudible> Oh, house. We go to hope earth and joy up. Oh, precious name. Archie is how it thrills our souls when his loving arms<inaudible> and his songs are tongues and<inaudible> Oh, house. We need hope Baba birth and joy.<inaudible> Oh, house, we ready?
Oh, Baba birth and joy up. You bow with me. I got in her father in heaven. We’re thankful to de Jesus Christ and well his death and his suffering on the cross of Calvary father banking reconciliation with the father in us, bringing us back to the we’re thankful for this opportunity that we’ve had to hear your words spoken to awful prayers and to the take of the Lord’s supper give around means father.
And here are those things that are beneficial to us from that word we ask that you would be with us as we depart and go to our homes and you would bring us back father when the time is right. These things we asked in Christ’s name. Amen.
10-28-2020 Revelation 15 (Class)
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Okay. We are in revelation chapter 15. This evening. We’ll begin with the questions from chapter 14.<inaudible> Chapter 15 is the shortest chapter in the book of revelation. So that means it should take us less time to get through it. Right. Me. I was trying to convince me emphasis on should take us less time.
All right. Well, let’s begin with a word of prayer and then we’ll go into these questions there. Heavenly father, we thank you for this day for its blessings, for all that you do for us on a daily basis for your love, care, and concern for the mercy. That has showered upon us just by the fact that when we rise each morning,
so does the son, we pray that you will be with us as we go throughout this week. And especially in this nation, as we near election day, may this time be peaceful and may those who are being diligent to make sure that it remains peaceful, be blessed in their efforts to guard our election process, but also our streets and our neighborhoods and our cities.
We pray that you watch over us as we go through this continued difficulty with coronavirus and the pandemic that is plaguing this world. We pray that you will help us to help those who are in need, but also to remember that this life is not all there is, and that we need to be prepared, not only for the things that occur in this life,
but in the life to come. We thank you for your son who died on the cross for our sins, without whom we would have no hope. And for the redemption that is offered through his blood. We thank you for all that you do for us on a daily basis. We ask that you forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory,
all this, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Revelation chapter 14, question one who stood with the lamb on Mount Zion.<inaudible> Right. The 144,000. And what did they sing? All right. They sang a new song. Does the fact of having harps playing in heaven in any way, authorize mechanical instruments, instruments of music in worship today?
No, it doesn’t. If yes, what else would be authorized by the same logic? Okay. They’d all have to be mailed. They’d all have to be virgins. And we could also, by way of other authorizations, we could also offer incense as, as worship the way it occurred in earlier chapters as well, who do these hundred and 44,000 look like in their description?
They look like Christ. Okay. They’re Jews a, you combine chapter seven and chapter 14. They’re Jews, they’re males they’re without the seat in their mouth. All of these descriptions are picture of Christ. What did the first of the six angels declare? Okay. He declared the gospel, the everlasting gospel to those who dwell in the earth. What did the second of six angels declare?
And in what chapters do we find the fulfillment of this? Okay. Okay. I should have been more clear. The chapters are in chapter 17 and 18 of revelation. We find the actual falling of Babylon. So this is a preemptive statement, even though it’s made in the past tense. So revelation 17 and 18 are the fulfillment of this statement. The third of six,
the third angel of six declares that the worshipers of the beast will receive. What, That’s the description of, of those who worship him. They receive that, but they will receive verse 10, the wine of the wrath of God. Okay. So in other words, they’re going to receive the judgment that goes along with being worshipers of the beast. I have to work on my questions being more clear,
cause I, I didn’t realize I used the word that was in verse nine. That would have been an indicator there in this in context. Is this the final judgment on the day of judgment? No, it is not given an old Testament passage that is similar in description to this judgment, Isaiah 34. Okay.<inaudible> what does the voice from heaven declare all right.
Lesson or the dead, which die in the Lord from now on what does the fourth of six angels declare to the one who looks like the son of man who sits on the white cloud.<inaudible> Okay. Thrust in your sickle and reap for the time has come to read. Okay. After the sixth angel who had power over fire told the fifth angel who had the sharp sickle to reap what was trampled outside the city.
All right. The grapes of the wrath of God in the wine press. Okay. Now remember we were, we were shown by the third angel that comes out. He said the worshipers who worship the beast are going to receive the grapes of wrath of God. Okay, they’re going to receive this judgment. And then in the fifth and sixth angels, they received the judgment.
Th the, the grapes of the vineyard of God are trampled out. And this is a picture saying, all right, you didn’t repent. You were warned now here’s what’s going to happen. Okay. And of course we read about the, the results of that there in verses 16 through 18 and down through verse 20. Okay. So Just kind of summary form,
because there’s a couple of pieces that we need as we, as we go through here as with many things in revelation, chapter 15 has some shared imagery with other parts of the book that will help us get a grasp on what’s being stated here. Okay. One of those pieces of shared imagery is a sea of crystal as glass. Okay. We saw that over in chapters four and five,
that was the sea of crystal that appeared as glass. That was before the throne of God. That’s going to come back here again. But also as we go through, we saw the seal or sorry, the book that had seven seals that was in chapter five and chapter six, the seventh seal brought us, or sorry. The sixth seal brings us to the point where here are all the,
those who belong to God and they’re sealed. And chapter seven with the Mark of God, they’re given the Mark of God, the 144,000. We just saw that again for 14, we’re going to see them again in chapter 15. But then the seventh seal shows us the trumpets seven angels was 17 trumpets. So we went from seven seals on the book,
inside the seventh seal. We have seven trumpets inside the seventh trumpet, which we had all the way back in chapter 12, chapter 12, we said, here’s the end of the sixth trumpet. Here comes the seventh trumpet and everything we’ve seeing is introducing. What’s going to come in the seventh trumpet. All of this was the, the prelude to what it is.
God’s about to tell them that is inside the seventh trumpet you have, sir, and angels again, another seven angels. In this time, they’re going to show up with seven bowls, okay. Specifically seven bowls containing the seven plagues. I remember back in the seven trumpets, we were told these are the plagues of God. And many of them were rehearsing plagues of Egypt in the day of Moses.
But all of the things that we read about in the trumpets were partial judgements. Okay, one third of this and one third of that. And one third of this, all of it was a partial judgment. Well, now you’re going to come back through plagues again, but it’s not going to be partial anymore. This is God’s full Raff poured out upon man.
Now the souls being poured out is going to occur in chapter 16. We’re so we’re not gonna spend a lot of time talking about it, but chapter 15 is kind of the introduction. It’s it’s the, the events leading up to the pouring out of the bowls. Okay. So then I saw another sign in heaven. He, you seen the, in chapter 12,
he saw the dragon in chapter 11. He saw the witnesses and chapter 10, he saw the mighty angel with the little book in chapter 13, he sees the two beasts, the CVS and the land beast get the power from the dragon. Chapter 14, the lamb stands victorious on Mount Zion. It’s over. He wins the destruction’s finished because here comes an angel and says,
Babylon’s fallen. It’s over. It’s done. It hasn’t happened yet. But as far as God’s concerned, it’s done. But then one more time God says, and here’s the gospel. Here’s your opportunity. You who dwell on the earth, you who’ve put on the Mark of the beast. You who worship the beast. You who have the Mark of him in your forehead,
or in your hand, you again, keep reminding us. We’re not looking for any of these things to literally happen in the physical history of humanity. We’re saying these things are things that are happening in a spiritual context, and God is saying, here’s your last chance? Here’s your last chance. Here’s where these partial judgements here are all your warnings, but this is finally coming about.
Okay. So then I saw another sign in heaven. Great. And marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues four in them, the wrath of God, hold on. Just a moment. The wrath of God is complete. Okay? So John’s making this clear as he introduces, what’s about to come. This is God’s wrath in completeness poured out on Rome.
This is where one of those, if you take the approach that some do that, the book of revelation is all about the final judgment. All about the day of judgment and the end of time, wait a minute. Chapter 15 says, here we are, we’ve gone through this and now this is going to happen. And here it is, and this is,
is going to happen. And yet it’s, it’s, book-ended by two statements by John. These things must shortly come to pass. How shortly, if shortly doesn’t mean for thousands of years, why is John writing it? Then if it’s not going to be fulfilled for thousands of years, it just doesn’t make sense. The wording, the verbiage, the context,
the message, and the connection to Daniel and his Eagle and Isaiah and all of those prophecies and Zechariah, all of those profits of the old Testament, who said, this is what God is going to do. When he sets up his kingdom, this is what God’s going to do to these four nations that came before his kingdom, he sets up his kingdom and all of this has been God and saying,
I’m doing exactly what I said. I was going to do hundreds of years ago. I am going to do exactly what I told you. I was going to do when Nebuchadnezzar was on the throne. And here it is. And John is saying, wait, wait, wait, wait till the end of time. And God will finally get around to doing it.
No, John is saying, he told you he was going to do it, and now he’s going to do it. Okay. So the completeness in this next round, in the, in the bowls, the, the seven angels with the seven bowls, the focus is we’ve gone partial judgment to complete judgment. And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire.
The first time we saw the sea of glass back over in chapter four, chapter five, we just saw the sea of glass. The, the elders were, were there. The, the, the four beasts were there around the throne was a sea of glass. Okay? And we, we drew forward this idea of the tabernacle in the old Testament,
when the priests would go to serve in the tabernacle, say the day of atonement, the very first thing they had to do before they could enter in to the Holy place to offer the offerings of God, to take what had been put on the burnt offering, which was outside the tabernacle and take that offering inside the tabernacle. They had to wash in the brazen Laver.
Okay, great. Big brazen Laver, great big tub. As it were. They had to go through a purification process. Now, interestingly, you draw the old Testament picture of the brazen Laver forward to its new Testament, auntie type, the type and type between the tabernacle and new Testament. And that bruh brazen Laver new Testament, antique type is baptism.
Before you can enter into the church, which is all throughout the book of Hebrews pictured. As the tabernacle of God, before you can enter into the church, you have to go and be washed. Okay. And so here in, in the new Testament, that picture of the brazen labor is the purification that occurs before you enter in to the tabernacle.
The church of God here, though, the picture of the brazen Laver appears to be a little different because it’s not in, in chapter 15, it’s not just a sea of glass. It’s not just this picture of the brazen labor. It is the sea of glass mingled with What fire Do you know of any passages in the new Testament where new Testament writers describe the Christian life as going through Fire Purifying gold.
Peter talks about it. I think James talks about it. Paul talks about it. The idea that as Christians, we are purified spiritually. We are made strong. We are made Holy by going through difficulty, going through trials, going through, and Peter uses it specifically the purifying, the refining of our souls as by fire. And there’s your picture here in chapter seven,
over in chapter seven, we have the 144,000. Okay. In after these things, I saw four angels standing in the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds, the earth and the wind, the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea or on any tree. Then another angel ascended from the East, having the seal of the living God.
And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was granted to harm the earth in the sea saying, do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. Then I heard the number of those who were sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of all the children of Israel were sealed.
Verse nine. After these things, I looked and behold a great multitude, which no one could number of all nations tribes, peoples and tongues standing before the throne. And before the lamb clothed with the white robes, with palms and Palm branches in there, hands and crying out with a loud voice, saying salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb.
Okay. When you’re introduced to the 144 they’re in the earth, then you see a transition and there’s an innumerable multitude dude in heaven. But when you come back to chapter 15, you have the 144,000 that are about to be described again. But they’re now they’re on the sea of glass. They’re now closer to the throne, but you share the imagery and the picture of what Peter says by the picture of them going through the fire to get to the throne.
See, John presents us with this picture. Here are these Christians. They’re sealed they’re gods. They belong to him, but the closer they get to him, the more pure they become, but they become more pure. The more they endure the trials he sets before them. And so this picture of going through the fire, the sea mingled with fire is a picture of them going through this hardship,
going through this tribulation, going through this difficulty and coming out better for it, closer to God, more like God, how many times, especially in our society right now, are we being constantly told that we, that everybody and I’m talking about, I know I’m mixing spiritual things with physical things, but that everybody needs to have a level playing field.
Everybody needs to have the same, this and the same, that, that, that this discrepancies and differences between people and one, people have one group of people having privilege and another people having disparity Results in a negative, a global harm on society. And yet God tells us over and over and over again. When you finally stop believing that you deserve something and finally start relying on me.
When you look like you have nothing. When you look like you have no strength, then I’m strong. It is a humanistic mindset that says everybody needs to have prosperity. We don’t have any problem with people having prosperity. It’s not anti-God the have prosperity, but to say, everyone needs to have prosperity, or they can’t have value. Is the antithesis of what scripture teaches all throughout the book of Proverbs.
You have the Proverbs writer telling you how dangerous it is to have prosperity. He talks about how good it is for a person who labors in, in the, the sweat and toil of his, his day to go home at night and go to sleep. And here, the rich man is sitting up at night worrying so many times we turn our lives because of our way of thinking to be the exact opposite of what God says.
And we just don’t listen. And as Christians, so often we think if we’re going through hardship, we must be doing it wrong. When God quite often says, if you’re not going through hardship, maybe you’re not doing it. Right. These Christians are going to go through this sea of glass, mingled with fire. And when they come through on the other side,
they’re going to be closer to God, not farther away. Notice what we read. And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his Mark. And over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God there on the sea of glass,
see a glass of mingled with fire, which means they’re standing where him in the fire, they’re standing in the fire. And so they’re crying out in despair, right? No, they’re standing in the fire and they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God and the song of the lamb saying great and marvelous are your works, Lord, God almighty,
just and true are your ways O King of the saints who shall not fear you. Oh, Lord. And glorify. Your name for you alone are Holy for all. Nations shall come and worship before you, their declaration in the midst of the fire in the midst of the hardship is the antithesis of Israel in the midst of their struggle coming out of Egypt.
Do you remember what happened when Moses was sent into Egypt and was sent with the plagues and every time another plague came, what did Pharaoh do? Hardened his heart and did what to the Israelites increased their burden, made it worse. Okay. We’re taking the old Testament picture. We’re drunk. We’re bringing it forward to these Christians. Okay. Remember that here come the plagues.
We were just told here, come the plagues. And you think these Christians don’t know what happened when the plagues came in Egypt, every time life got worse for the Israelites. Every time Pharaoh made it harder on them. Every time they were threatened and abused more and, and, and, and Israel did what to Moses, they blamed him for it.
They said, TRIBE, you’re trying to get us killed. Why don’t I tell you what, why don’t you just go ahead and give Pharaoh the sword to kill us with? That’s what they said. So then they come out of Egypt, get to the river, or the sorry, the red sea. And they sea see the army coming behind them.
And then they say what? Hey, brought us out here to die. And Moses said, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. And then they go through the red sea on dry ground. And they, they sing and they praise God and Moses, right? His song in D in Exodus, chapter 18, I think it is no 1550.
Somebody will fact check me all right, but then they go, or then they go to Mount Sinai. And as they’re going through my going to Mount Sinai, when times get hard, what do they do? Murmur complaint. And then when they leave Mount Sinai and they go towards the edge of the promised land and times get hard, what do they do?
Murmur and complain. Every time times get hard. Israel did what murmured and complained. And quite often God said, this is a problem. And some of you are going to die. Now, chapter 15 is the opposite. Chapter 15 is the church not being like Israel. God has told them in the last three or four chapters, you’re going to get hammered.
The beast is going to rise up and he’s going to fight against you. And the other piece is going to rise up and he’s going to kill you. And blessed are those who die in the Lord. You’re going to get persecuted. You’re going to get punished. You’re going to get killed, but go back to what we read in verse two, who are those in verse two,
who were standing on the sea of glass. They are those who have victory over the beast, over his image, over his Mark. And over the number of his name over in chapter 13, everything that the dragon gave, the two B’s Rome, the power to do chapter 15 says these Christians overcame it. Every thing that the dragon Satan gave the bees,
the ability to do to tear down the church, these people overcame it. And so here they are, and they’re pictured like Israel going through the fire. But unlike Israel, they’re not murmuring and complaining. They’re praising God. They’re singing the song of Moses, the servant of God and of the lamb. Okay. So one last thing, and this has to do with one of the questions.
How is God’s work? How are God’s works and ways described here in this song? All right, his works are great. And marvelous. Now just to stop for a minute didn’t they just bring forward what we’ve just said. Didn’t they suffer and die at the hand of Rome. And yet they’re going to declare God’s works to be great and marvelous because they are because as they suffered and died,
they won. That’s what chapter? Chapter 13, let me find the right verse here.<inaudible> Where’s the blessed are the dead, the dying of the Lord. I just lost the verse 14, 13. There we go. Then I heard a voice from heaven saying blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on that they may rest from their labors.
And here’s a key phrase and their works. Follow them. Here’s the picture. Great. And marvelous are your work. So God, because what we did in being faithful to you on the earth, didn’t stop. You know, w when you do something and, and you improve something, or you build something, you, you do it with the realization.
At some point, that thing dies. At some point, that thing gets torn down at some point, the life of that thing, and the value of that thing, deteriorates, that’s just the way it is in this life. But Jesus made a point, Matthew chapter six, he says, lay up for your treasure or lay up in heaven, your treasure for where your treasure is there will your heart be also,
why should you lay up your treasure in heaven, according to Jesus and not on the earth? What did he say in Matthew six about treasure laid up on the earth, moth and rust, come in and destroy and thieves break in and steal. He said, everything you lay up on this earth, eventually deteriorates and goes away. But what you lay up in heaven,
nobody can touch. Peter describes it as an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled, and that cannot be taken away. And so in the midst of struggle, strife, trial, persecution, and death here, these Christians going, God, your, your works are great and marvelous. And he, they say your ways are just, and true back in chapter six,
they’re crying out to God, God, how long are you going to let this go on? And now they’re saying we see it. We see the justice of God being acted upon those who torment and persecute the church. Okay. So we’re just trying to draw all these pieces together into this final pouring out of God’s wrath. Over in the end of verse four,
for your judgments have been manifested after these things, I looked and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened. All right. So picture in your mind, here is John he’s looking in verse one and he sees these angels come out from God and they’re given these seven plagues. And then he sees again in heaven and here,
the temple of God’s opened and the inner sanctuary is open. Okay, it’s the temple and the tabernacle, the inner sanctuary that’s opened up. Okay. And out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues clothed in pure, bright linen, and having their chest girded with golden bands. Now, which, which character, which individual in revelation was described that way,
Bright, glowing garment and golden chest around or golden bands around his chest. Back on chapter one, Christ was Again, here, here are, here are the representatives of God, seven angels coming out. They look like Christ. They’re dressed like Christ. They’re coming to do his bidding. Okay? So they come out and they’re dressed this way. And then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels,
seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever. So you remember the four creatures that are before the throne of God, temple opens seven angels come out of the temple of God. One of the four beasts comes to them as they’re coming out and begins to hand them. Each a bowl in the bowl is the plague. Okay?
The plague is going to be poured out on the earth, but then notice what happens a lot. Actually, let me go back to verse seven. Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels, seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God who lives for forever and ever always this reminder every time God does anything. Anytime God, somebody acts on behalf of God,
that God is eternal. God, isn’t a man. And God’s going to make sure just like he didn’t need jipped, just like he did with Pharaoh, that everybody knows he’s not a man like Pharaoh was. And like Caesar is, he’s not a man. Okay? The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power. And no one was able to enter the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.
A number of times in Exodus. And in other old Testament passages, we read about the glory of God, descending upon the tabernacle specially there at the very beginning, you see the Tabernacles built and the glory of God descends upon the tabernacle and something interesting happens every time you read about that, you read and nobody could go inside. Nobody could stay where God’s presence was.
As it were concentrated in the tabernacle, even Moses had the lead. Even Aaron had the depart, they couldn’t stay there, there with the holiness of God. Well, here’s the picture again? God’s presence. The smoke of the glory of God fills the tabernacle in everybody vacates. And nobody’s coming back until God’s done.<inaudible> The Christians were told back in chapter six,
you’ve been persecuted and you’ve been killed. Now you wait until I’m ready. Chapter 15, verse eight, God says, time’s up. I’m ready. And nobody’s coming back here before me, until I’m done old Testament. Prophets would tell Israel when God judges, you doesn’t matter how many chariots and how many horses you have. Doesn’t matter how big your army is.
You’re not going to stop him. And that’s the picture here. Once God begins judging nobody interrupts him because you can’t. The only thing you can do is not be on the other end of the judging. And that’s the message to Rome. That’s the message to those who dwell on the earth change repent before it’s too late. Okay. That’s chapter 15.<inaudible> Good evening.
Welcome to the Collierville church. Christ’s Wednesday evening Bible study and devotional school to see each and every one of you out tonight are sick. Please continue to remember Rudel and Dorothy Wilson. Dorothy is dealing with extremely high blood pressure. So please say a special prayer for her. John Springer is continuing to battle her pneumonia and et cetera. So please continue to pray for Joan.
And then Janet is at home working through the physical therapy from her fall. So please remember Janet Wayne Vaughn that’s Becky’s brother was released from the hospital today. So that’s good news. After you’d had a fall at home, he’s also being treated for a new diagnosis of thyroid issues and is waiting for the results of a gallstone ultrasound. So please continue to pray for Wayne Robin woods that’s Jessica’s mother is recovering from her bypass surgery.
She has a long recovery time ahead of her. So please, please keep Robin woods in your thoughts and prayers. And then Jessica, once they do make it back here, she’s having some issues and stuff. So she’s got to go get that checked out issues with her stomach. And speaking of the Dale’s, they are on their way home, but they have not made it yet because they got stuck in Oklahoma there and an ice storm in Oklahoma.
So they’re kind of hung out there until that clears and passes. So please continue to pray for the Dales on their return trip to us here. A reminder daylight savings time does, and this Saturday night, Sunday morning, depending on what time you set your clocks, but at 2:00 AM, as one as official. So please make sure you set your clocks back,
fall back. And like I said, Sunday, the good thing is, if you don’t, you’ll be early, you won’t be late. So you won’t miss services. And then last announcement here is Laurie white. Who’s a friend of the Cozort arts is, and as a member at South Haven, church of Christ has been diagnosed and she has COVID-19.
So please pray for her and a speedy recovery for her. This evening song leader is going to be Joe caisson. The devotional beer and quotes are and closing prayer is Terry Whitley. Thank you. If you would Mark number 936, that would be our song of encouragement. Nine three six, and then be turning to number 381, three eight one.<inaudible> My Lord was Chris and five.
No nod. It was for me. Hey doc.<inaudible> mercy then what’s great. And grace was frame<inaudible> Oh, the law. The Drew’s have a plan. Oh, the grace that brought it down to man. That’s it. God Dan’s fan that.<inaudible> see. That was great. And grace was free.<inaudible> damn. I burned stuff on Liberty.<inaudible> Matthew chapter eight,
we read when he was coming down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshiped him saying, Lord, if thou wilt thou can make me clean and Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying, I will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy was cleaned. I want us to key in on something. The leper came to Jesus and said,
it’s up to your determination. It’s inside your authority. If you will, you can make me clean. And Jesus agreed with his observation. Okay? Jesus said, I will. He gave him that by saying, I agree with what you’re saying. And it is in accordance with my will. And so he was made clean Jesus say unto him. See,
they’ll tell no man, but go thy way. Show myself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimony under them. And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, they came there, came unto him, a Centurion big sea, teaching him and saying, Lord, my servant life at home, sick of the palsy, grievously, tormented,
and Jesus saith unto him. I will come and heal him century incomes. If he’s a century in what is he? He’s a Roman, a Roman comes to Jesus. And this Roman comes to Jesus and says, I have a servant. Who’s lying at home. And he’s played with this problem. And Jesus says, I will come and heal him.
But then notice the centurion’s response. The Centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy. That thou should has come under my roof. Generally speaking, Romans and especially Roman soldiers considered themselves to be of higher standing and have more value than anyone who wasn’t a Roman. And under the law, they had higher status than anyone who wasn’t a Roman.
And yet this Roman says, no, no, I’m not worthy for you to even step foot under my roof. And so notice what he says. He says, I am not worthy. That thou should come under my roof, but speak the word only. And my servant shall be healed for, I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me.
And I say to this man go and he go with into another common he cometh and to my servant, do this. And he’d do with it. When Jesus heard it, he marveled and said to them, that followed verily. I say unto you, I have not found so great faith. No, not in Israel. And I say unto you,
that many shall come from the East and the West and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said unto the Centurion, go by way. And hows as thou hast believed. So be it done under the,
and his servant was healed in the self same hour things I want to key on key in, on here. Number one, this interior understood something about authority that Christ didn’t have to be present. He didn’t have to be at the immediate spot for his authority to be there. When the Centurion sent a soldier, his authority directed him, no matter whether the soldier left his presence or not.
And one of the things that we teach our children is you better behave whether your parents are looking or whether they’re present with you or not, their authority doesn’t end when their back’s turned and their authority doesn’t end. When you leave home and go to somebody else’s house. What you have been taught to do is still what you’re supposed to do. Whether you’re at home or somewhere else,
Jesus’s authority, didn’t end with his presence. It continued on because it was authority. But then also notice that the Centurion understood the authority of the word. He said, I say a word and my soldier does this. My servant does this. You say a word and that word holds your authority. Well, what we have right here is the word of God.
So anything we want to know how it is authorized by God, we don’t dream a dream. We don’t look for a vision. We don’t look for a feeling in our heart to see whether or not something’s authorized by God. We open his authority, his word. So how are we saved? We’re saved according to the new Testament, by the word of God,
by being obedient to the its commands, by being obedient to the gospel, hearing the word of God, because it’s the power of God unto salvation, Romans chapter one, verse 16, believing that word, because if we don’t believe it, we will be condemned Mark chapter 16, verse 16, but not just hearing and believing repenting of our sins because the word commands us to do something that one of the things that commands us to do is to change from the old way of sin,
to the new, a new way of righteousness. But it also requires allegiance. The Centurion required allegiance of his soldiers. The Centurion required his servant to recognize he was his master. And Jesus does as well. We can’t go through life saying, I’ll do what you say, but I won’t claim you as my King. That doesn’t make you a citizen of Christ.
And it doesn’t put you under his authority. And so we have to confess the name of Christ, but we also have to die. We have to be buried. We have to be immersed in water for the remission of sins, because in the same place, he said, if you don’t believe you stand condemned, he makes it clear through inference that if you’re not baptized,
you also stand condemned because his word has authority. The word of God could cleanse a man from his leprosy and could heal a man who was sick. And the word of God can save your soul. If you have needed the invitation to respond to it as one who’s outside of the body of Christ or one who is a member of the body Of Christ,
you can do that now as we stand. And as we sing Away from God, nah, I’m coming.<inaudible> Lord. I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m coming home.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> wait, Stan man.<inaudible> nah, I’m coming. I<inaudible><inaudible> I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m coming home.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> coming my song.<inaudible> I’m calming my stress.<inaudible> my<inaudible><inaudible> I’m coming.
I’m coming. I’m coming. Oh,<inaudible> open my arms up.<inaudible> I am coming. Let us pray. Our heavenly father. We thank you for the privilege and the opportunity to come into your house tonight, Lord, and learn more of your word. Lord. We ask that you Be with the sick Lord and ones that have lost loved ones and just continue to comfort them Lord and bring the sick back into our fold.
Lord, if you will it, Lord, we ask that you be with us these times of trouble and turmoil during this election. And just let us remember Lord that you are in control and you will put who you own in the office, Lord. And that way at ease our anxieties and fears. Lord is we go home tonight. Just let us leave Lord.
And just in a heart, just say how great it was to be in your house. We thank you Lord for giving our sins and just bring us back at the next appointed time. These things we’re asking your precious name. Amen.
10-25-2020 Revelation 14 – Article – 144,000 and the Lamb – (Part 1)
144,000 and a Lamb
A Look Back: The Third Woe is coming. It is going to be pronounced, but before that happens, we see the “Lamb” using his power as King to reign. We also see the Beast working in opposition to the Lamb by attacking the church, giving life to the Land Beast, the Sea Beast, and their blasphemy.
Is Victory Ever Going to Come?
True devastation realizes itself in the lives of Christians. Persecution wreaks havoc upon the early Church. In chapter 6, the question is “who could stand in the day of the wrath of the Lamb?” Right now, it looks like the Christians are the ones who will be unable to withstand the beast! Will God allow this? Will the Church be brought to its knees by the Dragon and his crowd?
144,000 Hope in a New Song
John looks to Mount Zion and hope is found. A New Day is dawning in the sunlight of the Lamb of God. Standing on Mount Zion: The Lamb and 12,000 from each tribe of the true Israel (the obedient of God marked by the angels).
He hears a voice that sounds like rushing water, loud as thunder. He hears harps. He hears a song. A new song. A song that only the redeemed of earth could learn–the 144,000 represent those redeemed from the Earth. This song is not the song of Angels, sung at Jesus’ birth. It is the song of those who have suffered, lived, overcome, and reign victorious with the Lamb of God–the song of the first-fruits of the harvest of the Earth’s faithful.
Three Angels Preach
John sees an angel preaching the Gospel to every nation, tribe, and people of the Earth. The angel cries out to all humanity, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”
But that angel is followed by another angel crying out, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
The third angel follows the second declaring, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark… he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God… He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone… and they have no rest day or night…”
John declares this the “patience of the saints.” The ability for a Christian to hold on, to endure, is found is the ultimate victory of the Lamb and judgment of the unrighteous. Then the sweetest of declarations to fall upon human ears is delivered from Heaven to John: “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”
10-25-2020 – Revelation 14 & Zechariah 12
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible> good morning. We are in revelation, chapter 14, continuing this morning.<inaudible> Where we are going to kind of go back a little bit and say a few things about the beginning of the chapter that we did not cover on Wednesday night, but then we’ll proceed forward. We’ll finish up chapter 14 and probably go through the questions as well before the end of class this morning and get into chapter 15 on Wednesday night,
let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven. We bound before your throne grateful for this day for its blessings. For all that. You’ve granted to us in this life to be able to live before you to serve you, to glorify your name and bring honor and glory to your name. We pray that as we go through our daily lives,
as we go through this existence on this earth, that we might do those things, which are in accordance with your will, that we might live in a way that is acceptable before you, that we might be an example to those who are around us to live closer to you, to obey you, to adhere to your word and to the truth that is in it.
We pray that you will forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory. We pray that you will be with those who are struggling right now because of the loss of loved ones, because of illnesses, injuries. Those who are going through hard times because of COVID mindful, especially of those who are still at home because of the difficulty of this pandemic.
We pray that you be with them in the many different things that are struggles in their daily lives. We pray that you watch over each and every one of us, all this, we pray in Jesus name, Amen Revelation, chapter 14 begins with the word. Then, then I looked these visions that John is seeing occur and he’s seeing them at least the best I can understand in rapid Succession.
He sees one and then he sees another, and then he sees another. Then he sees another and he’s getting these things and he’s writing them down. We remember that he was told in chapter one to write the things which he saw, the things which are and the things which would be, but he’s told, or he tells us at the very beginning is,
you know, so you picture this, almost picture it in the, in this sense, you know, you, you do a lot of listening to authors and you will find out that the majority of them, right, the most, the majority of them, The book, and then they go back and write the first chapter, Right? The first chapter at the end,
because they want to bring in, you know, bring you into the story a certain way. You know, a lot of us think, well, they must write it the way that we read it. Now they don’t. Especially once an editor gets a hold of it. And it turns into one third of the book that they fought, they play in dog.
So John Is going to be given all of these visions, but he introduces Book to say, here’s what was going on when it happened. And These things Must shortly come to pass Time. After time, after time, we will return to those words. These things must shortly come to pass. There are often Times in old and new Testament where God gives prophecies about things that are going to happen and gives you no indication of how soon they’re going to take place.
No indication whatsoever about the timeframe, but then there’s other prophecies that God gives. For instance, Mark chapter nine, verse one, where Jesus said that some of you standing here shall not taste death until you see the kingdom of God, come with power. Now that one’s hard to mess up. There are people all over the world who mess it up,
but that’s hard to mess up because he’s talking to people and he says, some of you will not die until you see the kingdom Com and the people, People who are standing there specifically are his apostles. So if all of his apostles are dead and the prophecy wasn’t fulfilled, then problem, Jesus is a fault Profit. Those are your only two options either.
He was right or he Was wrong, but he put it in such a narrow frame Of time that He, he couldn’t be both right and wrong. He couldn’t go outside the frame of time. They’re all dead and still have the prophecy become true. Okay? John says, these things must shortly come to pass. Chapter 14, follows on the heels of the dragon coming up.
And we, I we’re, we’re told the dragon is who this isn’t supposition. This is what the text tells us. The dragons who Satan, the devil, the serpent. Okay. And then the dragon gives power to a beast that looks like him in one very specific shared attribute. The first beast that comes out of the sea, it looks like<inaudible> All right.
He’s a combination of a leopard, a bear and a lion. But what, what shared attribute does he have with the dragon? How many heads and how many horns, seven heads and 10 horns Daniel tells us clearly back in Daniel, chapter seven, when he gives us all four of these BS, he said, the fourth beast is an indescribable beast that has seven heads,
10 horns. And these are actually in Daniels bees. That’s the number of horns, not the number of heads, but Daniel makes it clear. This is the fourth kingdom. This is Rome. Okay. So when the beast comes up out of the sea, in Daniel’s visions, the sea carries with it, the idea of the nations. Okay. So when this beast arises out of the nations,
he comes up and he has seven heads and 10 horns. And we’re told in the text, these are Kings. It’s not just an idea that we’ve placed onto the text. That’s what the text told us. Okay? So we’re told they’re Kings. We identify the Kings that they are based upon Roman history based upon what, what Daniel tells us based upon what John concurs with exactly what Daniel tells us that all matches.
So the CBS comes up and he begins persecuting. And he begins to cause people to worship What The dragon, your God, isn’t Jehovah. Your God is in anyone else. It’s the dragon worship the dragon. And he deceives people. Well, then another beast comes up and this beast doesn’t look like the first two B’s he’s got just one head and two horns.
He looks like what? A lamb and cute little lamb. I mean, let’s, let’s talk about it here. If you are going to picture an animal coming up out of the earth and you’re going to picture a ferocious beast, let’s use that word beast. The next picture that is conjured in your mind is not a lamb. I mean, if you want ferocious,
you go with a dragon or a bear or a lion or not a lamb. But when the lamb opens his mouth, what comes out The sound of a dragon? You see the lamb looks innocent. He looks good. He looks even this carries with it in the book of revelation, because who’s pictured as a lamb all the way through Christ. He looks righteous.
He looks godly until he opens his mouth. And that’s what false teachers look like. False teachers look righteous, false teachers look godly, false teachers look like they’re pure and Holy and good until they open their mouth. And that’s the picture of the, the land beast. He comes up and he immediately begins to deceive the people in religious matters, convincing them not this time to worship the dragon,
but to worship who the first beast. So if you carry the, the idea from Daniel of the heads and the horns and the Kings to be Rome, then here comes this, this representative of the first beast. If the first beast is Rome, here comes this representative of Rome and he comes and he convinces people. You don’t even have to worship God anymore.
Worship Rome, worship Rome. And he does signs and wonders and convinces them of this. And then when he can’t deceive you into convincing you to worship Rome, he’ll do these signs and wonders. And if that doesn’t convince you, then he’ll keep you from buying and selling and doing anything in the marketplace. Because if I can’t convince you by religious matters,
I’ll convince you by economic matters, Hey, you can starve to death or you can worship Rome. But if you still won’t worship Rome, then he’ll just threaten to kill you. And if you still won’t worship Rome, he will kill you. And that’s what Rome did. And then chapter 14, when God’s told that his people you’re going to go through a hard time.
This is what’s going to happen. The beast is going to come up. He’s going to persecute you. It’s going to look like you’re going to be defeated. It’s going to look like there’s no hope. But then right on the other side, by the way, as we mentioned on Wednesday before any of this actually starts, God says, Oh, and here’s the outcome in chapter seven,
before any of it got started, he said, here’s the outcome in chapter 14, before any of it still gets started? Here’s the outcome. God never leaves his people to question the outcome. Did you think about this back? And we’ll get into the text here in a minute. In the old Testament, when Judah was in the days of Jeremiah,
Jeremiah was one of those profits that would begin prophesizing when times were good, would begin prophesying during Kings who were still righteous, but would have a very long lifetime of prophecy from his youth until his old age. And by the time he was old, the nation had been carried away into captivity. And he was drug along with a bunch of people down to Egypt.
But, you know, before it ever happened, before Babylon ever stepped foot one single foot into Judah, God told them how it would turn. Okay. And for those who were righteous for those who were godly for those who were God’s people all along, people like Daniel, Hannah, and I asked her I and Michelle, for those people, they didn’t go to Babylon,
get hauled off to Nebuchadnezzar as court. And thank God must not exist. How could he allow our nation to be decimated? How could he allow this to happen? When a Zeke keel is sitting on the shore in the land of Babylon and Shu Shan near the palace, and he’s writing his prophecy, he doesn’t go, Moses must have had it wrong.
There was no hope for us, a little tiny nation amidst all these giant nations. There is no hope for us. God must not exist. That’s not what he wrote. He wrote everything. God told you all along is exactly what he’s done. And the beginning of a Z kills prophecy is God’s on his throne. God’s on his throne and his throne looks like a war wagon.
God’s not given up and he’s not given up on Israel. So revelation carries this same idea, this same visionary aspect from Ezekiel and Daniel and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Zechariah telling the Christians. God told you in the days of Daniel and in the days of his Eagle, how this was going to turn out and God’s going to keep his word. It may be eight centuries later,
but God’s going to keep his word. And that fourth nation, that fourth nation, that was the, the thighs and the, the feed and the, of, of iron mixed with clay and that fourth beast that’s indescribable in its appearance in Daniel chapter seven, that nation will be destroyed by my kingdom. So chapter 14 opens. Then I saw, or then I looked and behold a lamb standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000,
having his father’s name written on their foreheads. We mentioned on Wednesday and chapter 13 with people are getting six, six, six applied to them. Now the name or the number of the beast is six, six, six. What he’s, what they have written on them is the name of the dragon or the beast. And they are getting in their forehead.
And in their hand, the Mark of the beast, all of this is to indicate who they belong to. Okay. And here you see immediately following it. Here’s the lamb and everyone who belongs to him and they’re there on Mount Zion. Now, there are those who are pre-millennial in their view, who are still to this day, trying to get a throne that belongs to Israel and Judah set back up in physical Jerusalem,
on physical Mount Zion. So they can welcome back the most, the Messiah terrain for a thousand years on a physical throne in physicals, ion Jerusalem. I’m telling you it has shaped the politics of our country substantially for the last 70 years. Jesus, ain’t coming back to sit on a throne in Jerusalem. He’s already sitting on a throne and it ain’t here.
It’s in heaven. When Steven Was being pummeled by Shortly after the church and the kingdom had been established, he looked up to heaven and saw beyond physicalized could see. And where did he see Jesus standing? The ran hand of God, the position of a 40, by the way, where did the lamb come from in chapter five, the throne right next to God.
But he standing when a King sits he’s ruling, when a King is pictured as standing, he’s about to take action. And Steven sees him standing when his faithful servant is being killed and revelation regularly pictures Christ as standing. He’s going to take action. Okay. But then we read this chapter 14, verse three, or sorry, verse two. Then I heard the voice from heaven,
like the voice of many waters and the voice of thunder of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harvest playing with our hearts. And there are people who, unfortunately, number one, don’t know how to interpret revelation and its context. And number two don’t understand context at all. And they’ll go see, We can use mechanical instruments of music and worship Because there’s Harpers playing their harps On Mount Zion.
There were the lamb, therefore it’s authorized. Okay. We’ll just accept the logic for a moment because that means we also need to burn incense. You remember what went up with the prayers of the saints? Every time we see the prayers of the saints, what goes up Incense and where did it come from? The incense doesn’t just come out of it.
Nowhere. It’s an old Testament picture of the tabernacle. So where did the incense come from? The alter of Incense? So now if we’re going to keep this legit, if we’re going to just going to interpret this as literal, which we’re not, but if we were, and if we were going to accept the logic that, because there’s, harpists in revelation,
chapter 14, playing harps, therefore we can use the mechanical instruments of music. Then we can also an altar of incense and offer incense. Because if you want to ignore the context and claim everything in revelation is literal, then by all means let’s do it. But we’re also only going to have 144,000 people in it. Yeah. We’re also going to have to do war with a literal beast.
And before the end of the chapters out, we’re going to have to have blood filling a Valley 200 miles long, all the way up to the bride Of the horses. And none of that’s literal. Would we come over here and try to argue for it? Mechanical instruments of music and worship in a passage that has Nothing literal in it, it’s visionary.
But what instrument out of curious, Does the new Testament speak of us using in worship The heart And the passages in Ephesians five and Colossians three, use the language in the Greek of plucking The heart strings. So if the Hundred and 44,000, aren’t a literal number than are the highest Literal harps in the sense of physical ones will probably not either all that to say,
We need to be very careful with context in scripture. And most especially, we need to be careful about context in a visionary figure. It is context and not do damage to plain spoken passages of scripture written in prose, written in plain language, by manipulating them through visionary passages that aren’t trying to teach. What we’re trying to teach Out of them. He sees These hundred and 44,000 and they’re the redeemed from the earth.
These are the ones who are not definable women for their virgins all by the way, if we want to keep this all literal, not only can we have harps, but only virgins and unmarried people can. These are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men being the first fruits to God and to the lamb and in their mouth was found no deceit for they without fault.
Before the throne of God, then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people saying with a loud voice, fear God, and give glory to him. Now who’s this angel preaching to The ones who dwell on the earth. And we’ve gone through this many times,
those who dwell on the earth are described in every time in the book of revelation, as those who are what On righteous, But go back to chapter 13. There also those who have been deceived by signs and wonders into worshiping who the beast and the dragon. God’s not going to leave that alone. God’s not going to let that stand. God’s not going to say,
yeah, well the bees deceived a bunch of people and well, I’m just going to annihilate them and judge them and kill them. And you know, they got deceived. It’s their fault. No, God doesn’t leave people in that predicament. He gives them the opportunity to change and he does. So by declaring to them, the good news, The beast,
isn’t the one who’s on the throne. The dragon isn’t God Jehovah is. So the angel goes forth again, visionary picture. The angel goes forth and he tells all those who dwell on the earth. Every tribe, every tongue, every nation, Rome’s not your God. Jehovah is. And by the way, he does it after the lamb is already standing on Mount Zion.
He does it after the picture is the church and the lamb are victorious. So the good news goes for saying The beast doesn’t win. The dragon isn’t King. God is the lamb is. And then Notice, he says, fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the Springs of water.
Everything God can judge is everything. God made everything, God controls, And the dragon didn’t make anything. And the beast didn’t make anything. They have no authority than another Angel followed, saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she has made all nations to drink of the line of the wrath of her fornication throughout the old and new Testament. Idolatry is pictured as fornication,
as sexual sin in a spiritual sense. And here Babylon, the great city. We’ve identified that as Rome over and over again is tempting. People deceiving them into committing idolatry, fornication, Haitian against God. And he says, here’s the end For chapter 17. Before you even see this, this harlot riding in on the beast, looking like she’s going to win,
looking like she’s got the blood of the saints in her hands, drinking from the cup. No. Before any of that happens, God says Babylon fell it’s over. The end’s been declared before it ever got started. Okay. Then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his Mark on his forehead or on his hand,
he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation. Here’s a picture that’s carried forward from Isaiah chapter 63, the wine of the wrath of God, the judgment of the Messiah, bringing about his wrath, his judgment, and his vengeance on those who do not obey those who do not worship God.
Those who rebel against him, he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy angels, in the presence of the lamb. Now here’s something again about context and being careful with context. This, as we mentioned on Wednesday, looks like hell right? Fire brimstone, torment looks like hell, but in a very clear plain-spoken passage in second Thessalonians,
chapter one, God says that hell is where in reference to the presence of God.<inaudible> Those who are judged. Those who obey, not the gospel will be put out of where the presence of God, but this torment, this fire, this brimstone as described as where in the presence of God, this isn’t hell it’s in the wrong place. This is exactly what we talked about on Wednesday in as a chapter 34,
where God pictures eat them as being destroyed in fire, brimstone, smoke and Ash and being forever and ever, and ever, and immediately follows up with and there’s animals living there. Wait a minute. What? There’s no animals living in hell. The point is God’s used this imagery all throughout the old and new Testament, starting all the way back at Sodom and Gomorrah,
which were destroyed with what fire and brimstone God’s used this image, recent Genesis to talk about judgment and point of time judgment on those who are unrighteous. Okay? So the smoke of their torment, ascends forever and ever, they have no rest day or night who worship the beast in his image. And whoever receives the Mark of his name here is the patience of the saints.
Here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. What, what’s the patience of the saints here? What, what is it that they can rest their assurance on and go through life and endure these hard times, knowing that they are pictured is standing on Mount Zion. And those who worship the beast are pictured in torment. That’s what they can go through life.
Knowing when the hard times come and when the bees tells them, you’re either going to worship Rome or you’re going to die. They can go. You might be able to take my life, but you can’t take my soul. Jesus said, fear, not Hill Who can kill the body, but fear him who can destroy both body and soul In hell.
And that’s the message of chapter 14. Okay? So That I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, right there are times where John has told, Nope, don’t write, don’t write this down, seal it up. Don’t tell anybody what’s going to happen. And then there’s times where God says, Make a note of this, put this down,
don’t miss this. Right? Bless it. Or the dead who die in the Lord from now on, yes. Says the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works. Follow them. Here’s the patience of the saints. You might Die for the testimony of Christ, Just like revelation chapter two verse 10 way back there. 13 chapters ago,
He says you might die. But after that, there’s a crown of life. Okay. Crown of righteousness. Then I looked in my home, a white cloud. Every time we see the color white, What do we see? Christ and holiness every time. Yeah. Every time we see white, we see holiness. Every time we see white, somewhere nearby As Christ.
Okay. Then I looked in a whole, a white cloud and on the clouds at one like the son of man having on his head, a golden crown, that’s again, the crown of the triumphant one, not the crown of the King, the crown of the Victor. Okay. Having on his head, a golden crown. And in his hand,
a sharp sickle and another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, thrust in your sickle and reap for the time has come for you to read for the harvest of the earth is ripe. Now There’s going to be two rapings that happen in This chapter. And they end up in two very different locations.
Okay? If you, if you Draw forward, what’s happening. You picture it in your mind. You go, well, wait a minute. We’ve seen this before because Jesus gave a parable than me. About the kingdom. He gave a parable about one who had a field and he sowed good seed in his field. But then nighttime came and what happened?
Someone came along and so tears in his field and the angels come to them and saying the field workers they’re in the parable. They come to him and say, the deceiver that your enemy has come and sowed tares in your field, shall we go and pull them up? But he tells them no. He says, don’t pull them up until harvest time.
Because here’s the thing about wheat and tares during their growth process, before the fruit comes out, before the produce comes out of the stock, they look nearly identical. And the one who has the field says, you might pull some of the wheat with the tears, so leave them alone. But when harvest time comes, what would happen? They’d be separated.
He would go into the barn and the tears would be what Burn. God knows who belongs to him. He can discern the difference between the wheat and the tares. Now the one on the white cloud is about to reap. Okay, now we have in this picture, two, two different analogies and the scriptures do this all the time. They’ll mix metaphors.
Okay. Here’s a one with a sickle. He’s getting ready to weep or sorry, reap of field. But the very next picture is the vineyard hold onto it. It’s because the old Testament, Isaiah chapter 63 specifically have something to say about this. Okay? So then another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven having also a Sharp sickle.
So there’s two People, wish it with Sickles. Both of them are ready to read. One of them comes out of heaven and he’s an angel. The other one is sitting on a white cloud and he’s pictured as Christ. Who do you think is going to reap the righteous Christ is and who do you? Think’s going to reap the unrighteous. The angel is,
okay, watch this. Then another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven. He is also having, he also having a sharp sickle and another angel came out from the alter who had the power over fire. Do you remember the angel back in chapter six? I think it is Maybe it’s chapter eight. Yeah. It’s chapter eight. The,
the, the trumpets are getting ready to sound. And the seven angels come out with seven trumpets and they’re getting ready to sound it. And God says, well, wait a minute. Not yet. You stay right there. And then the prayers of the saints go up. The angel comes with the prayers of the saints. He offers the incense before God.
And then he goes and he takes a sensor and he puts it in the altar of burnt offering. And he casts the fire down to the earth. Okay. Before the seven angels sound. Oh, wait. Here’s the angel who has the power over fire. He’s back again. Okay. So another angel came out from the alter who had the power over fire.
And he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle saying thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for her graves are fully ripe. Okay? So you’ve got kind of this, this field analogy, this weed analogy of the signal, but now we’re transitioning to a vineyard analogy of here are grapes. They’re fully ripe.
He says, you put in your Sigel and you reap the grapes of the earth. So the angel thrust in a sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. There’s Isaiah 63. Now wait a minute. Just so we’re clear. Okay. When you take grapes straight out of the vineyard and you throw them in the wine press and you try them out,
verse 13 or verse 20, and the wine press was trampled outside the city and the blood came out of the wine, press up to the horse’s bridles for 1,600 for long. When you tread out rapes in the wine press, what comes out in the Greek? What comes out in the original language is wine Buenos. Now, for anyone who wants to have a discussion about whether or not oil knows the Greek word for wine can mean great Jews.
All you got to do is ask them this question in the Greek. What happened when the people put the grapes in the wine press and trotted out what came out wine? Was it fermented or not? Couldn’t possibly even fermented. It just came out of the grape. Okay. Here’s just one example of that being true. Okay. Just because you see the word translated in English wine does not make it for a minute.
The context makes it the terminal determination. If it’s fermented or not, because you can’t get fermented wine out of a wine press can’t happen. Takes time. It doesn’t come straight out of the grape. Okay? So here’s what happens. The blood of the grape. That’s the word for wine, by the way, the blood of the grape comes out,
but what’s being read Literal grapes, physical grapes, or the earth, the earth, And the blood comes out of the wine. Press up to the horse’s Bridles. Imagine in your mind, here’s the picture. Here’s the visionary device. The blood of God’s enemies begins being spilt. Okay? Because Christ the one on the white cloud has already reaped. He already took care of the righteous people.
Just the same way before God ever started any judgment, the righteous people were sealed. God says, I know who you are. You belong to me. You’ll be fine here. Again. The righteous people are reaped before God’s wrath and God’s judgment ever comes. Every time you get the picture, God says, I’ve got you. I know who you are.
I know who belongs to me. And when my judgment comes on these people, they will be Fully and completely okay For what they’ve done to my church. And so they’re judged. This is before the judgment begins. This is the picture. The wrath of God is trod out in the wine press. And there so much blood. It fills 1,604 longs general estimate,
200 Miles, 200 miles. Okay. Some have suggested that from the Valley of mosquito to the red sea or to the Mediterranean sea 200 Miles. Now, if this is literal, you need to spill enough blood on the day of Armageddon and the battle of Armageddon. You need to spill enough blood. That the blood is all the way up to the horse’s bridles in,
in depth and 200 miles long. You got a problem there. You can do some math. You’re not going to have that much blood in the entire earth From humans. That’s a lot of blood. It’s not literal. Okay? It’s not intended to be historical, but it is God saying when I bring my judgment on my enemies, there’s nobody left.
I don’t miss anybody. I don’t overlook Anyone who was supposed to be judged. My Raff is final. Okay. That’s going to lead us into chapter 15. That chapter 15 is going to introduce the seven bowls, which are the final fulfilled, full wrath of God. Again, pictured as plagues. We’re getting, get the plagues again. We’re going to get Egypt all over again.
Okay. God’s judgment is going to be completed, but every time before he begins, he reminds the Christians. I’ve got you. I know who you are and I’ll T I’ll deal with your enemies. Okay? That’s all the time we have. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville church. Christ’s Sunday morning worship service.
It’s good to see each and every one of you out this morning to our visitors and guests, we are so glad that you chose to come worship God with us this morning, for those of our members that are still unable to come out due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us say again, that you are still in our thoughts and prayers, and you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers until this passes so that we can all assemble here again to worship God,
if you did not have a chance to pick up the Lord’s supper, it’s on the tables in the back, and now it would be a good time to do that. While I go through this announcements, if you do not get yours on our sick, please remember Joan Springer. Marie is here to smarter. And I was just talking to Marie. She’s still fighting in pneumonia,
but she does not have TB. They thought she had TB, but that test is negative, but she’s still dealing with the pneumonia and the medication she’s on for that is going to take some time. According to Maria, in order before it clears that up to continue to pray for Joan. Remember Dorothy Wilson, she’s still dealing with her high blood pressure issues.
And then Janet Jones, she’s still at home going through the physical therapy rehab from when she fell Robin woods. Who’s Jessica Dale’s mother had a heart bypass surgery last week, and they believe that she has had another stroke. She’s having lots of complications with their medications. They’re having some problems getting IVs into her because her veins are collapsing and stuff like that. So she is not in very good shape right at the minute.
So please pray for Robin woods and the entire Dale family, Jessica herself. She is having some issues with her stomach and she will see her gastro doctor when she gets back here from Arizona. So please continue to pray for that entire family, but especially Robin woods. Our song leader is going to be Steve Alrick. He is from GBN forest Hill is so glad that he is going to come and lead our song service for us today.
A reminder, daylight savings time ends this coming Saturday night, Sunday morning, next weekend. So fall back or set your clocks back one hour. Good thing about it is if you do forget, you will not be late for our worship service or our Bible study. You’ll be early and there’s nothing wrong with being early. And then please continue to remember both the O’Neill and the Sanderson families and their recent loss of their loved ones.
Our service today, like I said already, our song leader will be Steve Alrich. Opening prayer will be Jay Schaefer. Lord’s supper would be Joe caisson sermon will be Aaron coats, art and closing. Prayer is Tommy O’Neil. Thank you. Wrong books. We’ll be turning to page number five Oh eight song number five Oh eight, a wonderful savior singing verse,
or stands as one, two and four, one, two, and four. A wonderful save your is Jesus. My Lord, a wonderful savior to me. He hide is my soul and the cleft of the rock, where it is a pleasure. I see mine. So in the class of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty, and he hide his,
my life and the dab stuff is law and covers me there with his hands and, and covers me there with his hands. And a wonderful savior is Jesus. My Lord, he take is my burden a way he holds me up and I shall not be moved. He gives me strength as my day. He hide his mind. So in the class of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty,
then he hide is my life and the dab. So is LA and covers me there with his and, and covers me there with his and when closed in his brightness transported, I arise to me, him in clouds of the sky. I, his perfect, a salvation, his wonderful love. I’ll shout with the millions on a guy. He hide it’s my soul in a class of the rock that shadows a dry thirsty,
and he hide it’s my life in the DAP stuff is law. And there’s me there with his hands and, and covers me there with his hand And number 314, 314 beneath the cross of Jesus. Be singing stands as one, three and four. Mm. Beanie The, the cross<inaudible> would take my stuff and the shadow of a mighty rock with,
eh, we very and Oh man, and a wilderness rest upon a way from the burning, the noon side, he, and<inaudible> on that cross up. She sees my eyes at times can see the very dying form, one who’s for there for me and my smitten, hard with tears to<inaudible> fast. The wanders is good. And I own where the,
as I say,<inaudible> for my biding play. Yeah. Ask no, the sun shine, then sun shine his face comment. And to that a world go by too. No, no gay, no loss. My sense for self my on the<inaudible> my<inaudible> the CHRO Almighty God, our father in heaven, Holy and revered is our name. We are so very grateful for your presence with us this hour.
As we humbly come before your throne, we acknowledge you as the creator of this universe, the heavens and the earth and sea and all that in the news. We’re so very grateful that you chose to give us a very special place in that creation. And we’re so very grateful that you have provided through your son a means for us to be with you forever.
We’re grateful for this church that is established here in the city of Collierville. We’re grateful for the unity and fellowship that we’re able to share with one another. We’re also very grateful for the Cozort family. As a labor here with us, we’re grateful for the Dale family, as they too are suffering some hard times. Now we pray. You will be both of them blessed them.
And especially the Dale family by Jessica’s mother, feel your healing hands upon her. We’re so very grateful also for the many, many blessings that you have blessed us with with her material wealth, with our homes, our tables that are bountifully supplied. We thank you father for all of these material blessings, but most importantly, we are grateful for that home with you and heaven.
If we, but keep your commandments and follow your directions, help us each day to look at ourselves and evaluate where we stand. And especially where we stand in your sight, help us to have the courage to change those things that need to be, and to do those things that we have been slacking doing as we go through the further exercise of this service,
we do play pray for all of those that have been mentioned that are sick and are in need of your healing. We pray that you will comfort those that have recently lost loved ones, especially the old Neil family and the Sanderson’s well with this now, as we worship you may our worship be in spirit and truth and a sweet savor on today. We ask all these things in your son’s name.
Amen. Next song will be number 324. As we prepare our minds to enter into the Lord’s supper. Let us sing. Number 324, stanzas one, two and three last and did my, your bleed and did my sovereign. I would he Divo dad say grid head for such a wan as a guy at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and a burden of my heart rolled away.
It was thereby a thigh. Racy saved my side and I am happy. Eh, was it for crimes that I have done? He groaned upon a tree, amazing pity, gray son, known and love B a N D. Agree at the cross at the cross where I first saw the line and a burden of my heart rolled away. It was thereby a thigh received,
saved my side and I am happy all the day. Well, my and Connect side and HSA his glories. And when Christ, the, my T may good died for man creatures and at the cross at the cross where I first saw the line and burden of my heart rolled away. It was thereby a thigh received my side, and I am happy all the day.
This morning. I’d like to read a passage from first Peter, the second chapter verses 21 through 25. And then we’ll have the Lord’s supper for even here on to where you called, because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps, who did no sin. Neither was guile found in his mouth who, when he was reviled reviled,
not again. When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him. That judges righteously, who was on his own self, bare our sins in his own body, on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness. By whose stripes we were healed for. You are a sheep going astray, but are now returning to the shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
That bow, dear God, our father in heaven, we truly are grateful unto thee for your precious son, coming to this earth and living, being ridiculed rejected and ultimately sacrificed on the cross of Calvary father. We’re so grateful for the love that has been demonstrated to us. And we’re thankful for this time that we might have together to reflect upon that.
And as we look to our own central sales, that we realized that I redemption it was through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that as we partake with this bread, which is representative of his body, that we might reflect upon him and examine ourselves that we partake in a manner pleasing and Jesus, we pray. Amen. Oh, there we go.
Through the Alma Lauer sales, as we are continuing to think about our savior, him hanging on that cross, we are mindful of the fact that his blood was shed there. And that through that blood, we have that hope would be eternal salvation. We pray father that we are thinking deeply about the love that was demonstrated there and the hope that was given to each and every one of us through that cleansing blood,
we pray that the protect of this part of the vine, which represents that blood in a manner that’s pleasing and Jesus, we pray, amen.<inaudible> At this time, we’re able to reflect upon the physical blessings that each one of us have been. So bountifully blessed with, and that we’ve been thinking about and purposing in our heart, what we would give back to the Lord today,
let’s bow father in heaven. There probably be no people more blessed than those in this country than we are. We pray father that as we go through life, that we are good stewards of those things that you’ve given to us, that as we look to our savior and look to the work of the church that we realize how blessed we are and that we should be mindful of as we receive those blessings and a great,
great amount of wealth that we would consider our giving, that we would return a portion of that to you in a liberal manner, we might continue spreading the borders of the kingdom, not only here in this area, in this community, but throughout the world, that we might be able to assist those in a benevolent way that are in need and help those that are suffering from other type infirmities and difficulties in their lives as they are in need,
that we’re aware of that and what we do it given a liberal fashion that these blessings that we’ve been bestowed upon us, that we can try to bestow upon others in Jesus name, we pray amen. 330 to 332 first, and last stands up as we sing the song, let’s focus on Just what it is that Christ did for us. We just partake of the Lord’s supper.
And this song challenges us to take that out into our daily lives and think about those things while we, while you’re saying yeah, King of my life, I crown thee. Now the nine shall the glory, baby last die four, get a thorn crowned, bruh. The me too calve a three last I forget<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money last die for get a love for me.
The me too. Count a three. May I be willing to bear day the, my cross for the E when I grief to share that ass born all for me last die for<inaudible> money.<inaudible> money. Last I forget for me, the me too calve a, sorry, I want to first and foremost say thank you to Steve for his willingness to come and lead singing on short notice,
but also to say how much we love and appreciate Michael and Jessica, and are mindful of them as they are in Arizona, dealing with the difficulties that come whenever you have complications as a result from surgery with Jessica’s mom. So keep them in your prayers and appreciate everyone’s willingness to step up and help in times like these take your Bibles, if you will,
And open them to Zechariah. As we continue our study of the book of Zechariah, we’re going to notice Zechariah chapter 12 in Our study this morning, Few weeks ago, As we covered Zechariah chapters nine through 11, we noticed what God said to Israel, what God said to Jerusalem, to Judah, what God told his people, that they would be blessed,
that he would be their protector, that he would provide for them. He gives them a surety and he gives them hope, but he also tells them that they would sell him for 30 pieces of silver, that they would value him as nothing more than an injured slave. Now it’s not all of them. It’s not every member of Israel and of Jerusalem and of Judah that would do this,
but the nation would. And as a result, they would follow after shepherds who were not shepherds, they would follow after those who were wicked and those who were evil. And they would do the works of those individuals that they led them to do. And they would be judged. Chapter 12 begins another vision. Another prophecy from Zechariah chapters nine through 11 is,
is one of the concluding prophecies chapters 12 through 14 is the other. And this one has threw out the text on that day, on that day, on that day, on that day, not to imply to us that on a single solitary day, that all of these things would occur, but that when God in the fullness of time brought these things to pass,
he would fulfill all of them to completeness Chapter 12. Okay. The burden of the word of the Lord against Israel thus says the Lord who stretches out the heavens lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him. First and foremost, Zechariah begins. This is it’s delivered through the Holy spirit, given and spoken through Zechariah. He says,
number one, it’s a burden Much Like as we’ve studied in our adult Bible class on Sunday morning and Wednesday night about revelation. When John is given the prophecy, he’s told to, to take that prophecy that comes from God, that the angel is holding in his right hand and he’s to eat it. He’s to consume it like as Eagle did in Ezekiel chapters two and three.
And it was sweet when it went in. Because when you consume the word of God, when you put it in your heart and in your mind, it is a sweet thing. Psalm chapter 19, the Psalmist writer there, David writes concerning this, the word of God being sweet as the honey in the honeycomb. He says it is that, which is to be desired more than gold or silver.
It is that which is precious above everything else because of what it does For us, But in is equal to, and in revelation, John is given this, this a prophecy and he consumes it the way his Eagle did. And when it goes down into his belly, it turns Bitter Because the prophecy is not of hope. The prophecy is not of a future filled with the glories of God.
It is of judgment While God’s word is always true in God’s word is always right in God’s word is always that, which brings hope to those who are righteous. God’s word brings judgment to them. Those who sin thus says the Lord who stretches out the heavens Lays the foundation of the earth forms the spirit of man within him here is God saying, I am ruler over heaven and earth.
I am the creator. I am the one who brought life and instilled it within humanity itself. And I’m the one who’s going to judge. But before we go too far onto a judgment about Israel, notice that Israel is going to become the judgment on the nations. Notice what he says. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples.
When they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem, God looks forward to a time when Jerusalem, when Judah would become the carrot that was too tasty to pass up. The thing that was dangling before the eyes of the nations, tempting them to do what they were not supposed to do to in a way they were not supposed to act to bring about on themselves,
their own judgment. He describes Jerusalem and Judah as a cup of drunkenness As if here is this cup of wine. Here is this cup of intoxicating drink and a drunkard is staring at it. He’s looking at that cup of intoxicating drink and thinking CoMMpass it up? And he looks at it again. I, I can pass it. I can walk away.
I can stop anytime I want. Well, then he looks at it again and again, until he finally gives in, in the book of Habakkuk as that Old Testament, prophet who only gives just a short prophecy Declares, God’s word concerning Babylon, destroying Judah and Jerusalem. He Declares this prophecy and Zen and Habakkuk is, is being told by God, this is my word.
This is my revelation. This is my prophecy. This is my judgment on Judah and Jerusalem. And Habakkuk has a hard time understanding how God can use a nation more wicked than Israel. Namely Babylon today, Destroy Israel who belongs to God is God’s people. And he doesn’t understand. And he expects God to give him an excellent explanation. And God does.
And the short version is the just shall live by faith. The judge, the one who’s righteous before God will be provided for no matter what comes, but God is going to use Babylon to judge Israel. And then in turn, God is going to use the nations to judge Babylon. So here you have Jerusalem presented as this tempting cup of intoxication that the nations will devour bringing about their own Condemnation.
God is going to judge Israel, Matthew chapter 24. Jesus tells his apostles that there was coming a day when there would not be one stone of the temple Left upon another. And we know from history that wrong would come and they would besiege the city of Jerusalem and they would destroy it. But before they did, because of the prophecy that Jesus set forth in Matthew 20 and Luke 21,
every Christian would leave. History tells us and the historians of that time tell us that every Christian, every disciple of Christ departed from the city because they knew what was coming. And yet Israel, Jerusalem was destroyed. Zechariah is going to make it clear in Zechariah chapter 12, there are two parts to Jerusalem. There are, there is Jerusalem. The people who live in the city,
the descendants of Abraham by blood, the nation that would sell their Messiah for 30 pieces of silver. And then there is righteous Jerusalem. There are those who are the descendants of David spiritually. There are those who maybe take part in the physical blood of Abraham, but ultimately their relationship to God is the spiritual connection to Abraham in that they obey God. And in these two pictures of Jerusalem,
one of them would be judged. One of them would be besieged. One of them would bring about the judgment on the nations and the other would be saved. Notice What we read behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples,
all who ha who heave it away will surely be cut in pieces though. All nations of the earth are gathered against it. God says here’s Jerusalem. And it’s tempting the nations to do, to take this action and they’re going to do it. But everyone who comes against it is writing their own death warrant. Everyone who opposes my people will be judged.
You ultimately see in our study in revelation, that very idea and the governors of Judah, I’m sorry. Verse four. In that day, he says in that day, says the Lord. I will strike every horse with confusion and its rider with madness. I will open my eyes on the house of Judah and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness and the governors of Judah shall say in their heart,
the inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in the Lord of hosts. Their God notice we’ve transitioned to a picture, not of Israel of Jerusalem, not of Judah. That is unrighteous. That is going to be judged, but a picture of a people who declare Jehovah to be their God. They are righteous. They may go through difficulties. They may go through hardships.
They may go through difficult times and judgments because of the people around them, but they are reliant On Jehovah. And we read Verse six. In that day, I will make the governors of Judah, a fire, like a fire pan in a woodpile, and like a fiery torch in the sheaves. They shall devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left.
But Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place. Jerusalem. Okay, Here is the picture you have all throughout the old Testament Of the remnant of God, the righteous rebel, God says, I’m not going to the part from Jerusalem entirely in the spiritual Jerusalem sense. They’re going to go through a hard time. They’re going to kick get kicked. They’re going to be put down.
They’re going to be punished. They’re going to be judged in the sense of they’re going to go through that judgment. They’re going to go through that punishment. They’re going to go through this hard time, but I have not left Them And they will not be left alone. They will inhabit again, their own place. The Lord will save the tents of Judah first,
so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall not become greater than that. Of Judah. In that day, the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David. And the house of David shall be like, God, like the angel of the Lord before them.
God says, when I’m on your side, Jerusalem, when I’m fighting on your behalf, the weakest among you, the most feeble, the oldest person who can barely walk will stand like King David. He will stand in the mighty among. You will be like, God, no one will overcome them. Okay? But pictured at the front of all of this is obedience to God.
Pictured at the front of this. Always is, are those who declare I will rely upon the Lord. I will be faithful to him no matter what comes. When you come to the first century, when you go through from the time of Zechariah, because remember we’ve said over and over again, Zechariah is the bridge. It’s the bridge between the old and the new Testament between the old profits and the first and the coming of the Messiah.
As you look across that span of time and across that bridge, there are so many times where the people of God just stop Listening till It comes to a point where Christ is born into a world that isn’t even looking for him into a nation. That’s not even paying attention. Oh, there’s a couple Simeon is there in the temple. And he knows,
and there’s a few others, but it takes a wise man coming from the East to come to the nation before Herod and the leaders of the nation even realize the Messiah has been born. They’re not looking for the Messiah. They’re too focused on themselves. They’re too far Focused on physical power. They’re too focused on physical mind. They’re looking for a physical kingdom and they’re looking for a time when they can get out from under Rome.
And they’re missing that. The blessing that the Messiah is, is already there. But for those who are righteous for those who are godly, God says in that day, the Lord will defend them. Ish. There’ll be in that day verse nine, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I Will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
the spirit of grace and supplication. Now, as You read this beginning in verse 10, going through verse 14, we’ve kind of transitioned into a new section And God says, I’m going to pour out my grace, my supplication upon them. And if you turn over to acts chapter two, you’re going to read some In acts chapter two. You’re going to read a prophecy of Joel,
but I want us to connect a few things in acts chapter two on the day of Pentecost, spirit of God, descends upon the 12 apostles, the 11 apostles, no, wait, we’re back to 12. Get my, get my history, right? We’re back to 12. The 12 apostles are there on the day of Pentecost. They’re there in the presence of Israel because Israel is gathered together for the day of Pentecost for the feast of weeks.
And they’re there and the spirit descends upon them. And there’s a sound as a rushing, mighty wind, but there’s no wind there’s clothing. Things that appear as fire above their head and they begin to speak and everyone speaks. And each one who’s listening of all the different nations that are represented. They’re all Israelites, but they’re all for many places of birth.
And they are hearing in their own tongue End in chapter two, Beginning of verse 14. But Peter standing up with the, with the 11, raised his voice and said to them, men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and heed. My words for these are not drunk. As you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day,
but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel. And it shall come to pass in the last days, says, God, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your young men shall see visions. Your old men shall dream dreams. And on, on my men servants and on my maid servants,
I will pour out my spirit in those days. And they shall prophesize. I will show wonders in heaven, above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Now, hold your hand there in acts chapter two and go with me to Amos chapter eight, another one of the minor prophets, another one of these old Testament prophets that has something to say about this time. Amos chapter eight, Beginning in verse seven, As God presents this prophecy. This is the prophecy in the book of Amos. That’s called the,
the vision of summer fruit or a basket of summer fruit. And it begins in verse two. With the end has come upon my people, Israel. I will not pass them by anymore. And the songs of the temple shall be wailing in that day. Hold on to that theme. There’s coming a day. God says when the songs of the temple,
those are songs of rejoicing. When you sing in the temple, you sing of the glory of God. You sing of the actions of God. You sing of the great things that God has done, but God says, I’m going to take your songs of rejoicing. And I’m going to turn them into whaling. I’m going to take your rejoicing and I’m going to turn it into sorrow.
I’m going to turn it into weeping, but he says in verse seven, the Lord has sworn by the pride of Judah. Surely I will never forget any of their works. Shall the land not tremble for this and everyone morn who dwells in it, all of shall swell like the river. He even subside like the river of Egypt and it shall come to pass in that day,
says the Lord, God that I will make the sun go down at noon and I will darken the earth and the broad day light. God’s going to flip everything on its head. God’s going to take their rejoicing and turn it in the morning. God’s going to take their noon tide and turn it into darkness. God’s going to shatter their reality To wake them up to what he is doing.
He says, I will darken the earth in the broad daylight. I will turn your feasts into morning and all your songs into lamentation. I will bring sackcloth on every waist and boldness on every head. I will make it like morning for an only son. Notice this phrase, Amos says, your morning, your rejoicing is going to get turned into morning and your morning will be as if your son,
your only son had, Okay, You will grieve as if your only child is now dead. I said, I will Make it like the morning for an only son and its end like a bitter day. Behold, the days of the Lord are coming, says the Lord, God. Now Amos says, there’s a time where God’s Going to take their rejoicing and turn It into morning.
There’s a time where God’s going to take their noon and turn it into dark. There’s a time when they’re growing to go from rejoicing to morning to morning as if their only son had died. Now go back over. Does that? Kariah Zachary Chapter 12 and in verse 10. Now remember Zechariah is the bridge from the earlier profits among whom was Amos to the new Testament CYA.
And as the bridge Zachariah, It says this and I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplication. First and foremost, God says, I’m going to give my spirit to you. When we just read acts chapter two, we just read about the prophecy of Joel Joel, chapter two, where God says,
I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. But in addition to that, we’ve just read about the Messiah in chapter 11. We’ve just read about the shepherd. We’ve just read about his being sold for 30 pieces of silver. We’ve read about all of these things, but we also need to remember John chapter one, John chapter one, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
When Christ entered into this world with him came grace and truth. Not as though there had never been grace before. Not as though there had never been truth before, but there had never been grace and truth departed and brought forth into him, mankind into humanity from God as it was then for God had never taken on flesh and dwelt with man Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Chapter 12, verse 10 says on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplication would be poured out. But then, then they will look on me whom they pierced In John chapter 19 John chapter, 19 beginning in verse 31, We read about Christ on the cross Verse 31 begins therefore, because it was the preparation day preparation day. For what?
For the Passover, The day, The feast in which Israel was to remember when they were captives, when they were in Egypt, when they were in bondage, when they were sold out to a people who wanted to kill them, I God passed over their first born son. I didn’t kill him As he did to all the firstborn in Egypt that didn’t have the blood on the doorpost do not miss the connection to the sons of Israel.
Here you are in a day, that is to be, or a remembrance of feast every year to remember what God did in allowing their sons to live and who is on the cross God’s son. The one who paid the price for their redemption is on the cross instead of them, Therefore, Because it was the day of preparation that the body should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath for that Sabbath was a high day.
The Jews asked pilot that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other, who was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers, peers, His side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out and he who has seen has testified.
Now who’s that that’s John. John is putting his pen to the, to the pages of this inspiration to say I was there. I saw this in, Sherian do it. I saw the one with the spear, Pierce him, my cell, He who has seen, has testified. And his testimony is true. And he knows that he is telling the truth so that you may believe for these things were done,
that the scripture should be fulfilled. Not one of his bones shall be broken. And again, another scripture says they shall look on him whom they pierced In acts chapter two. And in verse one, we read this When the day of Pentecost, feast of weeks, 50 days from the Sabbath day, that was about to happen in John 19. When the day of Cost had fully come,
they were all with one accord in one place. And you’ve got to go back to Deuteronomy. I’ve got it written down here somewhere. Hold on just a minute. Deuteronomy chapter 16, couldn’t read my own writing Deuteronomy chapter 16, beginning in verse nine, going through verse 14 and you’ll find out what the feast of Pentecost was all about. It was the feast of weeks.
It was the feast of in gathering. It was the feast of first fruits. All of these are names for the same feast. All of these were the time in which God says you come together with the very first thing that comes out of the harvest. You come together with the very first thing that comes out of the field. You come together with the very first and you remember that I delivered you from Egypt.
You remember that you were captives in Egypt and you were brought to a land of land that was already prepared. You didn’t build houses. When you got to the land of Palestine, you didn’t plan vineyards. You didn’t plant a harvest. You walked in and it was already there. And you give the first, every year to God. Now there would be a point in which they were to give the best to God,
but they were to give their first. And they were to give their best to God<inaudible>, But it was a feast of rejoicing. It was a feast where they take the first that God blessed them with and they come together and they rejoice. I do want to go over and just read this part of Deuteronomy 16. Before we go back to acts chapter two,
Deuteronomy chapter 16, beginning in verse nine, you shall count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count the seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the grain, then you shall keep the feast of weeks, which is Pentecost to the Lord, your God, with the tribute of a freewill offering from your hand, which you shall give as the Lord,
your God blesses you. You shall rejoice before the Lord. Your God. Now notice that you shall rejoice before the Lord, your God, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant, and your female servant. The Levi who is within your Gates, the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are among you at the place where the Lord,
your God chooses to make his name abide. And you shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt and that you shall be careful to observe these statutes. You shall observe the feast of Tabernacles seven days. When you have gathered from your threshing floor and from your wine press, you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant and the Levi’s and the stranger who and the fatherless and the widow who are within your date’s gone says the feast of Pentecost was a feast of rejoicing.
Zechariah says, I’m going to turn your rejoicing into morning. I’m going to turn your joy into sorrow and watch it happen. They’re rejoicing. They’re taking part in the feast of Pentecost. When the day of the feast of Pentecost was fully come, they were all together in one accord and they begin to speak and they begin to preach. And the sound of the mush rushing,
mighty wind begins to come and they hear this and they come together and then they hear the disciples and the apostles preaching, and they begin to listen. Peter says, this is the fulfillment of what Joel said. Then go to verse 25 of acts, chapter two, or David says concerning him. I four saw the Lord always before my face for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken.
Therefore, my heart rejoiced and my tongue was made glad. Moreover, my flesh also will rest in hope for you will not leave my soul in Haiti’s. Whoa, who’s in Haiti’s. Why? Why is anyone in Hades? What, what happened? Why has anyone gone to the grave? Go back up to verse 22, a day of rejoicing, a day of joy.
The third hour of the day. Everyone’s happy. Everyone’s rejoicing. They’re taking part in the blessings. God’s given them in the very first fruits of their harvest. And Peter says, men of Israel hear these words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God, by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did through him in your midst.
As you yourselves also know him being delivered by the determined purpose and for knowledge of God, you have taken. And with lawless hands have crucified and put to death. Stop the rejoicing right now Because you just went from a feast of joy to being a QS, standing, condemned and convicted as a lawless murderer. You want to change somebody’s disposition, take them out of a feast and call them The murderer.
But he goes on to say whom God raised up having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should be held by a go to verse 2010 and 29 men and brethren. Let me speak freely to you of the patriarch, David, that he is both dead and buried. And his tomb is with us this day. Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him,
that of the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, he would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne. He foreseeing this spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ that his soul was not lifting Hades, nor did his flesh seeker corruption. This Jesus, God has raised up of which we are all witnesses, therefore being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the father,
the promise of the Holy spirit. He poured out this, which you now see in here for David did not ascend into the heavens, but he says himself, the Lord said to my Lord, sit on my right hand until I make your enemies. Your footstool, therefore let all the house of Israel know is Shirley, that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified Both Lord and Christ.
Now, When they heard This, They were cut to the heart. What did God just do? He turned their rejoicing into whaling. He turned their joy into sorrow. He turned their noon and at night and they mourned because here are Israelites descendants of Abraham descendants of Judah. And they knew going all the way back to the days of Jacob, that God said that the Sceptre would not depart from Judah Until the law giver came until Shiloh,
Okay. Till peace came and they wanted that piece and they wanted that hope and they wanted that Messiah. And now they just found out they put him on the cross, Go back to Zechariah chapter 12. Then they will look on me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for him as one mourns for his only son and grieve for him as the,
as one grieves for a first born in that day, there shall be a great morning in Jerusalem, Like the morning at, Hey dad, Rehmann in the plane of the ghetto. Now we won’t spend a great deal of time on this. I just want to mention it. There was a good King of Judah. He wasn’t perfect, but he was a good King.
His name was Josiah And he was one of God’s Kings that risk, The nation restored the worship, Brought them back to doing what God had said. Unlike any King who had gone before him up to David, he followed after God with his whole heart, but there came a time where Josiah went to war When God told him not to, He went to war with Pharaoh,
Neco from Egypt and he lost. He was slain. He was shot through by an Archer and he died. And in second Chronicles, chapter 35, we read that all the nation of Israel, mourned for Josiah and we In the Valley of Maketto because he had died. He wasn’t their son, but he was their righteous King. Yeah. And he was slain.
And they mourn. And for him as if he was there Acts chapter two, when those Jews who were honest, who would hear the word of God, who would expect Except what was preached to them and believe what they Saw when they Heard that they had put to death, the Messiah, their King, You remember pilot wrote above his head, The King of the Jews.
They put him to death when they heard them That they were cut to the heart. And every one of them said, verse 37 men and brethren, What shall we do? Zechariah chapter 12 ends This way. They showed grieve for him as one grieves for a first born in that day. There shall be a great morning in Jerusalem, like the morning at,
Hey dad, Ramon in the plane of ghetto. And the land shall mourn every family by itself, the family of the house of David by itself, the Y and their wives by themselves, the family of the house of Nathan by itself. Now there’s a lot of Nathan’s that we read about in scripture. This one’s important because this one is the son of David,
not the prophet who comes to David. This is the son of David Nathan, who happens according to Luke chapter three, to be the son of David through whom the, The Messiah comes, David Morin’s and his house and his wives more. And Nathan mourns and his House. Then we read in the fowls of the Levi of Levi by itself and their wives by themselves,
in the family of shimmy IO by itself and their wives by themselves. Remember the Messiah wasn’t King. He was King and priest House of David in the house of Levi, the Kings and the priests all more. And why? Because they’re descendants, The Messiah has been pierced and put to death. All the families that remain every family by itself and their wives by themselves.
And if you were to stop, right, Well there, you might get a picture of acts. Chapter two being a day, They were rejoicing is turned a weeping where sunlight is turned a dark, where reality has been shattered with Truth, Where the Messiah is pierced. And they finally realized what they did. And if you stop right there, There’s Just not a whole lot of hope there is,
But acts chapter two, doesn’t stop. There does it. And in brethren, what shall we do? Isn’t the end of the story because Peter responds to them, repent and be baptized every one of you because the story doesn’t end in judgment and the story doesn’t end in sin. The story ends in salvation, Zechariah chapter 13, verse one, we’re not going to go through chapter 13 and 14 today,
but you’ve got to have chapter 13. Verse one in that day of fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Slum for sin. And for uncleanness, God says in the day where I turned your rejoicing into sorrow and the day that you weep for the one who you pierced as if he was your only son in that day,
Yay. I will open a fountain of salvation for your sin and for your uncleanness. And you think all the way through the book of acts and what happens every time, every single time someone realizes their sins is convicted by their sin is preached the gospel and is immersed in water for the remission of their sins and rises up a new creature born again. What do they go away doing?
Rejoicing? What do you see? God took their rejoicing that they had no right to have that He had put the Messiah on the cross. They didn’t deserve to have a feast. They didn’t deserve to rejoice. They didn’t deserve to be in the presence of God, thanking him for his blessings, because the biggest blessing he’d ever given them, they just killed.
God says, I won’t allow you to rejoice. And so God turned there rejoicing in the morning, but then he gave them a ride Reason to rejoice. Cause when his sign was pierced, God says, I put forth a fountain, a fountain of blood and water for sin and for salvation. And now As those who enact chapter two, having heard many other words by the mouth of Peter and the others were convicted and were immersed in water for the remission of their sins.
We read in verse 40. And with many other words, he testified and exhorted them saying, be saved from this perverse generation. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized. And in that day, about 3000 souls were added to them and they continued steadfastly in the Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and in prayers and verse 46. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house,
they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart. What happened, praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily. Those who were being saved. Peter said, you can be saved from this perverse generation that will have a feast of joy after murdering the son of God. And instead you could have rejoicing at fellowship with God himself.
The only thing that stands Between you and your sorrow and you and your salvation is the blood of Christ and salvation offered by God. So if you’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ, if you’re outside the salvation, that is all. Or if you’re outside of the one place where God said salvia Is found and that’s in the church of Christ,
the body of Christ go read Ephesians. It’s all over there. If you’re outside of that place, you are like an Israelite in Jerusalem on a day of rejoicing. When you have no right to you have no hope. You have no salvation. You have only sin and uncleanness, but God doesn’t leave you in that state. If you’ll choose to here and repent,
if you will choose to be immersed in water and have your sins washed away. As those in the book of acts did, you can rise up to walk in newness of life. You can be added to the church, the body of Christ by God. You can do that today. If you have need of the call of salvation and redemption, why not come now?
As we stand in, as we sing Number nine, would you be<inaudible><inaudible> there is<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> no, there’s<inaudible><inaudible> there’s<inaudible> there is<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> there is<inaudible><inaudible> Please be seated.<inaudible> rather stacks comes forward saying that he needs to do better. It needs to repent. He’s not doing everything he wants to do and the way he wants to do it,
being the example that he knows he needs to be. And I asked brother Joe, if he would to come and lead us in a word of prayer on his behalf, dear God, our father in heaven, we Realize that you’re loving God, Realize our father, our own shortcomings in life, Own inadequacies at times to be what we want to be and to be faithful children,
Yours, Oh, we all have fallen short from the way we ought to live our lives. And we’re thankful that we have the privilege and opportunity to make that right with the, as we repent of those sins and shortcomings. Thanks. We pray for Michael as he’s come forward. And we are thankful for him. Where is your willingness to confess to you that He is not Leo?
The way that he wants to live or ought to live from time to time, We know that each and every one of us have faced those moments in our lives. And there we are grateful for your willingness to forgive us if we repent of those sins, Oh, that we cannot help, but reflect upon your precious son’s blood and the sacrifice that was made for us in the shedding of his blood,
dying on that cross of Calvary. And we pray that we remember that each and every day of our lives and do our best to serve you and glorify you with the way that we live and how we conduct ourselves on this earth. No father that we are attempted in many different ways that we often succumb to those temptations and find ourselves leaving our righteous place.
One that takes us back into this world. We pray father that is we’ve had the privilege today to hear this lesson from Aaron and from your word that we realized the importance of letting Christ live within us, that others truly see him in us, knowing that we’re conducting our sales the way that he would want us to and serving the, and glorifying the,
trying to reach others with the gospel. I’m trying to be in the best example that we can be in this life would probably be with Michael and pray that he will continue to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and help each one of us to do the same, that when this day is over and we stand before the end judgment, we might hear well done.
Good and faithful servant in jesus’ name, we pray amen. Or we sing song number seven 55. Just want to thank you all for being such an encouragement to me today. It’s been great to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ, not too far away from where I am and for the stack. Thank you for challenging me. Be a better Christian.
So as we leave, let’s think about the words to this song and be charged to be the Christians that we ought to be in this world. God, be with you till we meet again by his counsel’s guide up hold you.<inaudible> the fall. You God be with you till we meet. And On behalf of Diane on myself, I’d like to take just a moment to think each one of her church members for the love and support.
You shown us just difficult time. We thank you for the texts, the calls, the beautiful cards, and four H prayer that has been offered to heaven. In our behalf. We want each of you to know that we love each and every one of our sisters and brothers. And we truly do appreciate you. Would you bow with me now as we go to God in prayer,<inaudible> Our heavenly father.
We thank you for each day of life that has given to us. We know dear God, that this life on earth is short and often filled with sorrow. Our heavenly father. We thank you for your plan of salvation that is offered unto all of those that would receive it. We thank you for the hope of heaven that we have of spending eternity with you,
where there’s no sin, no sickness and no sorrow.<inaudible> Our heavenly father. We thank you. So for Christ, our savior and his willingness to down across for our sins, we thank you that through his death, we can lift our voice to you and know that our prayers are heard by you. Our heavenly father, we ask that you be with each and every one of the sick mentioned here today.
We pray that if it be the wheel, that they might watch more, enjoy their health and be able to join us here. As a Christian feminine to worship you. We pray that you be with the tails with Robin woods, pray that if it, by the up wheel, she might recover and once more enjoy their company. Our Heavenly father, we ask that as we leave here,
that you would go with each of us strengthen us in this world. Dear Lord help us to be a Christian example to all of those around us and that these lost souls here and around us might search for yourself. Nation, help us to teach these. We think he wants again, your God for Christ, our Lord and savior and these things we ask in his name.
Genesis 28-29 – Class: Rehearsing the Scheme of Redemption
Aaron Cozort continues his series on Rehearsing the Scheme of Redemption through the book of Genesis. Explore the life of Jacob, meeting with God at Bethel, his journey to Padan Aram, his marriage to Rachel and Leah, and more.
7 Things The Resurrection Means To You
2018 04 01 AM Aaron Cozort
Collierville Church of Christ
Commitment to Christ: Part 2 – Barriers to and Restoration of Commitment
These lessons are made available for the benefit of study and growth for all those who listen. If you would like to learn more about the Bible and how to serve God out of faith and love, we enocurage you to listen and then contact us with any questions you have. Click the links below to listen now or download for listening offline.
What does the Resurrection Mean to You?
These lessons are made available for the benefit of study and growth for all those who listen. If you would like to learn more about the Bible and how to serve God out of faith and love, we encourage you to listen and then contact us with any questions you have. Click the links below to listen now or download for listening offline.
John 7:28-8:3
These lessons are made available for the benefit of study and growth for all those who listen. If you would like to learn more about the Bible and how to serve God out of faith and love, we enocurage you to listen and then contact us with any questions you have. Click the links below to listen now or download for listening offline.
10-18-2020 – Revelation 13 (Part 2)
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. We are in revelation. Chapter 13, did a bit of reviewing. I forgot the remote. Can, you can bring the remote. We did a little bit of reviewing on Wednesday night, kind of went over the, a little summary of the book,
but then also went through the questions of chapters 11 and 12, leading us up to chapter 13. Now back over in chapter 12 is the first time that we really are sorry in chapter 11. It’s the first time we really see the beast come up. We read that the beast from the bottomless pit comes up and kills two individuals. Who does he kill?
Alright. The two witnesses. Now the witnesses are pictured as to what at the beginning of the chapter. Well, they’re pictures to profits, but they’re pictured is two olive trees and two lampstands. Okay. So there’s, there’s two olive trees. There’s two lampstands. And these are the two witnesses of God. These are drawing forward the imagery from Zechariah chapter four,
and this idea of the revelation of God God’s anointed and the eternal light, that is the word of God going forth. And so here you have these two witnesses and they’re declaring the word of God. They’re shining. Volite They’re declaring the word of God. And they have the power of, to, to destroy their enemies by the word of, or by fire that comes out of their mouth.
You’ve got an imagery. They’re not of any prophet who literally in physical terms at any point in history, breathe fire. That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about their ability to defeat Satan through God’s word and God’s testimony. So they have power to do that. They have power to withhold the rain. There’s a picture of Elijah. They have power to turn the water to blood and to bring forth plagues upon the lamb.
There’s a picture of Moses. And all of this is imagery to say, here’s the church and the church just like Moses. And just like Elijah, Moses representing the early prophets and the early leaders in Israel and Alijah representing the latter profits. The later prophets in Israel and in the later history of Israel, the church is the light of God, but the beast comes up and the beast Kills the two witnesses.
Everybody does. What pitches a fit? No. What do all the people who dwell on the earth do they rejoice now, as we’ve stated before, and we’re going to remain, continue to state it. Every time we come across it, those who dwell in the earth is not a reference to every person walking on the top of the planet. It’s not,
that’s not what the, the reference is. Every time that phrase is used all the way through the book of revelation, it is exclusively speaking concerning those who are ungodly and unrighteous, whose dwelling place, whose home is here. But the, all the new Testament tells us that as Christians, those who are righteous, their dwelling place, isn’t here, their citizenship isn’t here.
Very Turnell abode. Isn’t here. And the things that matter, most of them aren’t here. Jesus said in Matthew chapter six, lay up your treasure. Where in heaven for where your heart is or for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also, well, if your heart isn’t here and your treasure isn’t here, then your home isn’t here.
So revelation a contrast. Those who dwell on the earth is always a reference to the unrighteous. And the reaction of the unrighteous to the two witnesses being killed is they throw a party. It’s Mardi Gras. It’s it’s rejoicing in the streets. It’s sin, sin gifts to one another. Because those people who, and here’s the phrase, tormented us with the word of God are now dead.
And they don’t, they don’t bury them. They let them lay in the street. They leave them in the street to be an example that this is what happens to those who speak the word of God and oppose the beast except three and a half days later, what happens? God says get up and they are given life. God gives them life. Again.
He resurrects them. That looks like the church is dead. It looks like the church has defeated, but no, it’s not. And then God tells them you come up here. Okay? The message. The picture, the imagery is the, the, the beast. And he’s going to look like he wins, but he doesn’t win because he only has power for 42 months,
for three and a half years for 1000, 260 days for time, times and half the time he has power is limited, and God has power that isn’t okay. So then chapter 12, we see the woman. And again, now we see the dragon. The dragon is trying to devour the child. And when he fails, goes up into heaven to try and succeed again,
but is met by who? Michael and the angels. Okay. You’ve got the dragon trying to overcome the Christ, but he can’t do it because he can’t even get to him. So he fails when the child gives birth or sorry. When the woman gives birth to the child, he fails in heaven. Then he, and all the angels that are all of his servants are cast out of heaven.
And by the way, this is not. And as I think I’ve said this before, this is not a picture of what happened before Genesis chapter one. Okay. Some people try and do that and say, Oh, this, this is what happened when Satan was cast. No, this is about the beast. This is about the time of Rome.
This is God’s saying, because of your actions, your presence, isn’t accepted here. And because of your intent, you go and you go to the earth and you’re not coming before me. And so he goes, and he immediately begins persecuting those dwell on the earth. He’s persecuting. Even the unrighteous he’s tormenting, even them. But then we see the transition and he begins to try and attempt to get to the woman.
Again, puts forth a, a water from his mouth and tries to use a flood of water to overcome her. But what happens to the water earth opens up and swallows the water. There’s an occasion in the old Testament. When the Israelites are wandering through the wilderness where they’re thirsty, and God tells Moses to smite a rock and out of that rock comes enough water to give water to all the people of Israel,
which as moderate estimates are between one and 3 million people and all of their cattle and all of their livestock and everything in the area. Water comes out of this rock sufficient to do all of that. And here’s the dragon. And he’s going to try and use water to defeat the woman. But there’s another occasion in Israel’s history where Moses is opposed by Korah Dathan and Abiram.
And in numbers, chapter 16, they rise up and they say, you’ve taken too much on yourself. You don’t have the authority to do this. We have the authority to be priest because we’re leaving lights. You Moses and Aaron have taken too much authority on yourself. All the congregation is Holy. And so Moses tells them, well, we’ll find out who God says are his priests tomorrow morning,
you show up at the tabernacle with your staffs and with your sensors and you be prepared to offer incense to God. And we’ll let him decide as it happens. Some of them showed up and some of them didn’t, but the ones who showed up what happened to them? Well, the ones that showed up fire came down from heaven, but the houses of Korah Dathan and Abiram,
all of their households were swallowed up by the earth. God says, you’re not my witnesses and you’re not my profits. And you’re not my priests. So you’ve got the dragon trying to act like God and God going. No, you’re not me. And he protects the woman. The woman goes into the wilderness for 42 months. And then the dragon,
when he can’t reach the child and can’t reach the woman instead persecutes the individual Christians. Okay. So the picture of the woman is the church as a whole. He can’t defeat the church as a whole, but he can get to the, her individual children as it is stated. Okay. That brings us to chapter 13. I’m going to skip forward through here just a little bit.
We’ve talked about a lot of them. This There’s the alright. Chapter 13 is connected to Daniel chapter seven. Okay. When you see the BESE that are in the book of revelation, begin to rise up so far, we’ve heard a description of a beast and we’ve heard a description of a dragon, but in chapter 13, we kind of have this all fleshed out for us.
Okay. Because there’s more than one beast, but they’re all using the derived authority and power of the dragon. Now, who did we say? The dragon was the devil or Satan. Okay. Chapter 12 made it very clear. The dragon whose name is Satan or the serpent? The devil. Okay. So it made it very clear who that is.
And all the authority that Rome has is derived from him, the persecuting authority. Okay. So chapter 13, verse one, then I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns. Okay. So the heads and the horns of the bees coming up out of the sea, he looks like the dragon.
Remember the description of the dragon was yet we over in chapter 17. We haven’t gotten there yet, but we’d noticed it earlier as he has seven heads and 10 horns, he’s got shared attributes of the dragon. He is Rome. Okay. The three B’s as we look at them, the dragon, the CVS and the lambaste, they’re not different BESE.
Okay. They’re different views of the same persecutor and it’s Rome. Okay. So you’re getting Rome from different perspectives back over in chapter 11, or I think, yeah. Chapter 11, we read about the spiritual names of the great city. And we talked about the fact that the spiritual names of the great city, Saddam and Babylon wait, sorry, Sodom and Egypt and the city where Christ was slain.
So you’ve got Jerusalem, all talked about three different facets, three different aspects of Rome in its persecuting nature. Okay. It was its persecuting power in its economy. It was its authority to bring captive and to bring about religious worship. That was idolatrous. And that was against God. All three of these facets were there, but they’re all talking about the great city.
They’re all talking about Rome. Okay. The three B’s are also all talking about Rome, again, looking at it from the same facets. So I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns, 10 crowns and on his heads, a blasphemous name.
Now the beast, which I saw was like a leopard. His feet were like the feet of a bear, his mouth, like the mouth of a lion. The dragon notice this gave him his power, his throne and great authority. Okay. First thing to know about the CBC is he comes up and he looks like the dragon in his head, seven heads,
10 or 10 horns and crowns on his horns. But his authority, his throne and his power are derived from where the dragon now did the dragon have a exhaustive and infinite and matched power authority and rain? No. So you have a derived authority from a limited authority. You have derived power from limited power. You have a derived thrown from a limited authority or rain or,
or Rome. Oh, throne. Okay. The beast is no more powerful than the dragon because the dragon can’t give to him what the dragon doesn’t have the beast isn’t God, because the dragon isn’t God. All right, but we need to go over to Daniel chapter seven. We need to read a couple of things over in Daniel, chapter seven, because it sets the,
it sets the perspective for what’s going on here. Daniel chapter seven, beginning of verse one in the first year of bell Shazard King of Babylon. Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream telling the main facts. Daniel spoke, saying I saw in my vision by night and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea.
Now, where did the beast come out of the sea? Okay. In revelation. And in Daniel, the sea is pictured as the nations. It is always tumultuous. It is always in unrest and out of that unrest and out of that to Malden out of those nations comes, this authority comes these nations and these Kings. Okay. So he sees the vision and the stirring up of the great sea.
The four great beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other. Okay. So in this vision, all the beasts rise up out of the seat. Well, you’re going to see in this, you’re going to see all of the BS, culminating having a part in Rome. Watch what happens. The first was like a lion and had Eagles wings.
I watched till its wings were plucked off and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet, like a man and a man’s heart was given to it. Okay. So you starts off looking like a lion, but he looks like a lion with wings. Then the wings are plucked off. And then he’s given the heart of a man and he stands up like a man.
He looks like a man. Okay. Now suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear. It was raised up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. And they said thus to it arise devour much flesh. After this, I looked and there was another, like a leopard which had on its back for wings of a bird.
The beast also had four heads and dominion was given to it. Okay. As you’re going through Daniel seven, you’re seeing the same be there. You’re seeing the bees are the same thing as Daniel, chapter two, with the different nations in the statute, you’ve got the head of gold, which was what nation, Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, by the way,
what, what King in all of history went and well like an animal and then came back and started acting like a man again, man. But can I hazard it’s you’ve got the picture of Babylon. Okay. So here’s Babylon as the lion who followed Babylon Medes and the Persians. So the shoulders and arms of silver in Daniel two are the bear in Daniel seven,
but then w who followed the Mito Persian empire? Greece did. And the belly and FYS of brass in Daniel too, are the leopard in Daniel chapter seven. Okay. So hold onto this for a minute. Then we read after this, I looked and there was another, I’m sorry, that’s verse six, verse seven. After this, I saw in the night visions and behold,
a fourth beast dreadful and terrible strong. It had huge iron teeth. It was devouring breaking in pieces and trembling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the bees that were before it. And it had 10 horns. And I was considering the horns and there was another horn, a little one coming up among them before whom three of the first ones were plucked out by,
by the roots. And they’re in this horn where the eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking, pompous words I watched till Thrones were put in place. And the ancient of days was seated. His garment was white as snow and hit the hair of his head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels, a burning fire,
a stream, a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a thousand thousands ministered to him, 10,000 times, 10,000 stood before him. The court was seated and the books were opened. Here comes one beast and another beast and another beast. And finally an indescribable beast. And this 11th horn rises up out of the B’s head and begins speaking pompous words.
And immediately you cut scenes Mean to the ancient of days To the throne of God, to the one who’s sitting on the throne And Judgments coming. Now, this isn’t talking about the day of judgment. This isn’t talking about the final day when everything’s all done and the books are open, then no, Daniel chapter two sets the foundation for Daniel chapter seven in Daniel chapter two,
four kingdoms rise up four kingdoms exist. And in the days of these Kings, shall God raise up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, but what would that kingdom do to the other four kingdom? The great mountain arises is a mountain cut out without hands. And it does what breaks in pieces. The statue grinds it to dust. It destroys those other kingdoms God through his kingdom judges,
those kingdoms and their judgment is destruction. So when the books are open in chapter seven, we’re not seeing the final day of judgment. We’re seeing the ancient of days preparing to judge the four B’s. Okay. Now let’s go through the four beats real quick. The four beasts were Elian, a bear, all leopard at an indescribable beast, go back to revelation,
chapter 13 and revelation chapter 13. Then I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns, 10 crowns and on his head, a blasphemous name. Now the bees, which I saw was like, now watch it in reverse a leopard. His feet were like a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.
Okay. So here’s Rome and Rome is pictured as the culmination of attributes of Babylon and Greece or Babylon and the Mito Persian empire and Greece all culminating in this beast. Okay. He’s got these shared attributes. He’s got this lineage to him and John’s connecting him to Daniel seven. Okay. So here’s what the beast does. He rises up out of the sea.
He gets power from the dragon verse three. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded. Now, when we read the words as if it had been, remember that over in rev revelation, chapter five, when you see the lamb, you first see the lamb and he’s the lion of the tribe of David. And he’s described as a,
the root of Jesse. He’s the one, who’s the Christ, but he’s pictured as a lamb. And here’s the words as though it had been slain now, as John trying to say that he looked like he was slain, but he never actually was. Okay. Here’s a picture of the Christ. And he had the been slain, the use of the term as though he was,
or as if it had been isn’t to give you the picture, given, give you the idea that it’s not actually true, that he wasn’t actually slaying was Christ put on the cross. Yes, he was. Was he actually slain? Yes. He was the use of the phrase as if it had been, is to tell you this is a vision.
Okay. And in a vision, you see things where it looks like one thing, but the rest of the perception is something else. Not to say that he was that the slaying didn’t actually happen. Now, if you go over to chapter 17, you remember what’s there in chapter 17, we’ve got the beast that was and is, and is about to come up.
The beast that was persecuting was slain and the persecution stopped, but it’s coming back. There’s a resurrection picture there. Okay. Just like you’ve got a picture of resurrection with the lamb. You have a picture of resurrection with the beast. He was slain, but he’s coming back. Okay. So that’s what you’re seeing here. So I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and in his deadly wound or sorry.
And his deadly wound was healed. Okay. So he’s mortally wounded, which means he’s what Dead. But then his mortal wound is healed. Well, if you go from dead to healed, you did what you resurrected. Okay. And his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast.
And they worshiped the beast saying who is like the beast who is able to make war with him. Then you remember the question over in Daniel, chapter six, sorry, revelation chapter six, over in revelation, chapter six, when that sixth seal was open and all the great and all the rich and all the powerful one in the mountains to fall on them.
And the question was asked, who’s able to stand in the day of the wrath of a one on the throne and other lamp. Well, here’s the question in an opposite form, from those who dwell on the earth, saying who can make war with the beast, who can make war with the dragon who can possibly defeat them. And that was the perspective of Rome.
Rome was going to last forever. Rome was untouchable. Nobody could stand up to Rome. Well, until Rome fell from within. And that’s exactly what happened. So they see the bees getting the authority from the dragon. They see the resurrection of the beast and they worship the beast and the dragon. And they think the beast is untouchable, but then notice.
And he was given a mouth speaking, great things and blasphemies, and was given authority to continue for how long, 42 months, a limited period of time. Okay. So the beast is blaspheming. The beast is powerful. The beast is, is, has a, has a, has a, an army that’s untouchable and undefeatable it’s Rome. Okay.
Just another picture of Rome. Then he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name, his and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints, by the way, the phrase, those who dwell in heaven and the saints is talking about the same group of people. Remember those who dwell on the earth,
unrighteous. Those who dwell in heaven, righteous. It doesn’t mean they’re already dead and they’re already in heaven. It means their dwelling place. Their home is in heaven. And they’re also called the saints. Okay. So he says, or he has granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And a 40 was given him over every tribe,
tongue and nation, all who dwell on the earth will worship him. So there’s your contrast. Those who dwell in heaven, the saints they’re being overcome. What does that mean? When you’re talking about a persecuting power in an army, and one who makes war with the saints being overcome means they’re being Lud, dead. They’re being killed. His power is to overcome them.
They’re dying. If you remember, verse 11 of chapter 12, and they, this is speaking of the saints, overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and number three, and they did not love their lives unto death. So it looks like the beast is winning. He’s killing the church, he’s killing the saints.
It looks like they’re being overcome by him. They’re dying, but they are overcoming when they won’t give up the testimony of Christ when they stand in those coliseums and are killed by animals. But they’ll stand there and they won’t announce the name of Christ they’re winning, but it doesn’t look like it. The church is going to be victorious, but it doesn’t look like it.
Okay? So all who dwell on the earth will worship him. Whose names have not been written in the book of life of a lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. If anyone has an ear, let him hear. Now that phrase only comes up in the book of revelation. When you’re supposed to go, wait, wait, wait, pay attention,
pay, pay attention. Listen to this. It came up every time. When the churches, when he was finished, writing the churches, let, who has an ear hear what the spirit says under the churches. This phrase is an attention getter and notice the next he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.
Here is the patience and the word there is endurance. The ability to stand up under a heavy load here is the ability to stand up under a heavy load and the faith of the saints in your mind, go back to the old Testament and go back to Babylon. Babylon’s rising in power, and God has a prophet named Habakkuk. And Habakkuk is told.
You’re going to tell my people that they’re going to be destroyed and they’re going to be judged. And Judah is going to be decimated, and I’m going to use Babylon to do it. And Habakkuk can’t understand how is it, God that you can use a nation more wicked than us to punish us. And then Habakkuk says, I know I’m wrong. I know you’re right.
I’m paraphrasing. And I’m going to stand here until you correct me. And I’ll wait. And God does God sets forth that he will use Babylon to bring about his judgment on Judah. And then we’ll bring his judgment on Babylon. That’s this verse, those who take into captivity will be taken into captivity. The one who’s, the persecutor will be judged.
Those who kill with a sword will be killed with the sword. This is the patience, the endurance. This is the answer to the question of the saints who were under the alter in chapter five, crying out how long, Oh Lord, how long will you allow this to continue? Sorry. Chapter six. And they’re told rest for awhile. There dressed in white robes.
They’re given their rest and the lamb is going to deal with this nation. And so here’s the patience of the saints. Those who persecute, you will have their judgment. Come on them in like manner. Okay. But we’re not done with the beast. Verse 11. Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns,
like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. This beast comes up from the earth and this beast looks like lamb. Have you ever seen the little lamb? Have you ever considered that lamb to be incredibly threatening? I mean, I, I there’s, there’s some angry creatures out there that just are ornery, but I mean, you don’t stand off and look at a lamb walking around in the field,
go, I’m going to have the same reaction to that as a lion. No you don’t. But Satan and his adversity or his, his servants don’t always look like dragons. They don’t always look like beasts. They don’t always look like they’re as powerful and dangerous and threatening as they are. And so you have a picture of lamb, but when he opens his mouth,
what comes out the voice of a dragon? How strange would that be? You see a lamb opens in his mouth and you expect to hear, ahh, and instead you hear a roar. Here’s another analogy we’re told that Satan’s angels will appear as servants of God. And the reference is to false teachers, that those who are wolves will appear as lambs and the references to false teachers.
This view of the beast, this view of Rome is it’s religious faults, teaching it’s religious authority. Okay. We’re seeing here the idolatry and the false hood of Rome pictured in this beast. So he has two horns, like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all authority of the first beast in his presence and causes the earth. And those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who was deadly,
whose deadly wound was healed. So here comes this next beast and his influence, his authority is to cause those who dwell on the earth to worship the first beast, the CBS, the one whose head was mortally wounded and now healed. Okay. So he’s trying to get his, his, his whole thing is getting people to worship the beast. Okay?
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs, which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and live. So here’s his authority. He, he does sign. He does wonders. Are these the same kinds of signs and wonders that God does?
No they’re deceptive signs and wonders. Here’s a picture of the Egyptian sorcerers and, and magicians trying to emulate the plagues. Remember in the first few plagues, every time Moses and Aaron did something, the magicians came followed after them and tried and did the same thing. Oh, it looks like they’ve got the same power, right? It looks like they can do everything Moses and Aaron can do.
And it looks like their gods are as powerful as Jehovah until they get to a plague where the magician say, Pharaoh, this fierce to be the hand of God, we can’t do this. It’s deceptive power to cause people to worship the beast, okay. To worship Rome. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs, which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast,
telling those who dwell in the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak. And cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. All right? So here’s the persecuting power.
If you don’t worship the beast, what happens to you? You’re killed. If the signs and the wonders, don’t deceive you to worship the beast, then they’ll threaten you to worship the beast. And if the threat doesn’t work, they’ll just kill you. And that’s exactly what Rome did to the Christians. The thing about Rome was Rome didn’t care. If you had a different religion,
Rome didn’t care. If you worshiped anything, anything you wanted was good. So long as you would also worship Rome. But the moment you wouldn’t worship Rome, you weren’t tolerated anymore. Do you see Rome was a very tolerant society. As long as you were willing to do what Rome said, we’ve got a few people in our country like that. We’re very tolerant unless you disagree with us and won’t agree with us.
And then we’ll threaten you. Rome would kill them. Notice what we read. Verse 16 through verse 18, he caused all, both small and great rich and poor freegan slave to receive a Mark on their right hand or on their forehead. We’re not looking for any time in history where people started making marks on themselves. And this isn’t a prophecy of anytime in the future where people are going to receive a chip in their body or a Mark on themselves.
Do you remember chapter seven? Who already has a Mark on them? There’s a Mark on their foreheads. And they’re the people of God. We’re not also looking for a time in the future where angels from heaven come down and Mark, all the people who have gone. This is the devil saying your mind. And God’s already said, I know who belongs to me.
Okay? So he causes them to worship the image of the beast and to be killed. He causes them to receive a Mark on the right hand or on their forehead. And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the Mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. If he can’t convince you by deception by signs.
And if he can’t threaten you, here’s what he can do. He can make it to where you starved to death because you go to the marketplace and Oh, you, you, you don’t have a sign B stone. You can’t buy anything. Oh, you’re a Christian. No, you can’t buy anything from me. You can’t go and buy food.
You can’t go and get anything else because the economic authority that the beast wields to stop you, to persecute you, to keep you from the daily necessities of life. Unless, You know, if you’ll just put that Mark on your forehead and if you’ll just bow down to Rome, you can go buy anything you need. And no one may buy or sell except one who has the Mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom.
Let him who has understanding, calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man it’s in the Greek. There’s not a definite article there. It’s not the number of the man. It’s not the number of a specific man. It is the number of humanity. It is the number of mankind. It is Six. His and his number is six,
six, six. It’s humanity personified. Okay. It’s humanity multiplied. Here’s humanity. Can they do anything to touch God if God’s number is seven and perfection, can they ever attain to it? Will you ever have a six that’s equal to a seven? No. How about if you multiply the sixes, will they ever become equal to a multiplied seven?
No, they have limited power. Their number is failure because it always falls short of God. That’s chapter 13. Thank you for your attention.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville church Christ Sunday morning worship service. It’s good to see each and every one of you here this morning, and to our visitors, you are special guests and we are so honored that you chose to worship God with us this morning,
to those of you that are still dialing in or viewing us live stream. We continue to pray for you and pray that this pandemic will end soon so that we may all once again, assembled together to worship God our announcements this morning. If you did not pick up the Lord’s supper on the way in now, it’d be a good time to do that.
It’s on the tables in the back of the church. Here are sick. Please continue to remember John Springer, Dorothy Wilson and Janet Jones. As they continue to work through their difficulties and problems, continue to pray for them on a very sad note. If you have not heard yet, Danny O’Neil Tommy’s brother passed away early this morning and naturally have not been any arrangements made yet.
But as soon as we know those arrangements, we’ll get those arrangements to each and every one. But please keep the O’Neal family and your thoughts and prayers Robin woods. This is Jessica Dale’s mother is recovering from pneumonia and has to have a kidney stone removed surgically. And then when she improves, she also has to have a triple bypass heart surgery, please,
please, please pray for Robin. And the entire family Robin’s health is not the greatest right now, but she does have to go through these surgeries in order to improve. So please keep them that entire family in your thoughts and prayers, and immediately following service this morning, Michael and Jessica and the family are going to travel to Phoenix to see her and be with her for a few days.
So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they traveled to Phoenix and then travel back to be with us again, please continue to remember Janney and the entire family and the loss of her sister, Mary drove to Darrow today starts the fifth annual spiritual sword lectureship at the get well church of Christ. It goes through the 22nd. If you are interested in any of those,
the flyer is on the board out there and it tells you the times and the different topics and the different speakers. We have a card from Lewis and Martha Rushmore. It reads dear brethren, your ongoing encouragement, and participation with us in our service to the Lord. Jesus Christ is much appreciated. Thanks again. And may God bless you, Louis. This card will be posted on bulletin board out there.
I also have a card here from Johnny Sanderson says to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for all the cards, texts, and calls and the loss of my sister in law. Thank you for the extra prayers for my brother. Please continue to pray for him in Christian Love Jenny. And also I have a letter from Charlie and Mary to Palma.
It is a little bit lengthy, but I’m going to read the majority of this to you because they’ve been doing such great work down in Australia with the Lord’s church down there, and it reads Mary and I send greetings and love to you, your families and all the beloved brothers and sisters in Christ at Collierville. We hope all is well with each. You we’d like to give you an update on our plans in regards to our work for our beloved Redeemer.
Although I hate to say it, I no longer had the strength and stamina to prepare for and teach three classes each week here at church street, I haven’t formed a brothers of that fact in a men’s meeting in July. So I am proposing a two step phase down schedule first effective. The first week of September, I will reduce the number of classes I teach to two per week,
and then starting the 1st of January, 2021. He plans on reducing to one class per week. And he said at that point, my plan is also to begin writing and to put into a more permanent form, several series of lessons that he has taught through the years. And he’s going to make those available to everyone on the internet. It’s a, he says my intention is to just make it available in internet.
Sorry. So although I will be slowing down our prayers at Mary and I will be able to continue effectively serving our beloved Lord, albeit in a less public role, there is enough money in the evangelism fund to cover my support through 2021. With that in mind, I humbly request that you discontinue making any contributions to the evangelism fund overseen by the Portland elders.
Have you, as you have done so graciously and faithfully through the years,<inaudible> I am making the same requests of all of our faithful and beloved contributors from the bottom of our hearts. Mary and I thank you so much for your invaluable prayers, encouragement, financial support through all these years, you are near and dear to our heart hearts now and forever.
Our hope and prayer is that we have labored together. Our awesome heavenly father and his beloved son had been glorified through our combined efforts. We love, appreciate and pray for all of you. Please continue praying for all of us over here with brotherly love Charlie. This letter will be up on the bulletin board out there. I read the majority of it,
but it will be on the bulletin board out there. If everybody wants to read the entire letter, our a worship service this morning, our song leader would be Erin coats. Art. Our opening prayer will also be by brother. Aaron Lord’s Supper will be Joel caisson sermon will be Michael Dale and our closing prayer will be Jay Schaffer. Thank you. Open your songbooks to number two.
The songs should also be on the slides, Michael, this TV’s not on. Can you turn it? Number two? We praise thee. Oh God sing all five verses. We Praise the all gone for the song.<inaudible> we praise thee O God for they spirit<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> the glory revive us and all glory and praise to the lamb was slain.
Who has<inaudible> the glory? Hallelujah man. Huh? I’m the glory<inaudible> Oh, glory and praise to the God of all grace who has<inaudible> hallelujah. The glory hallelujah and hallelujah. The glory<inaudible> with<inaudible> glory. Hallah man, hallelujah, glory<inaudible> Song. Before our opening prayer will be number 477, 477. There is a place of quiet rest sing.
All three verses. There is a place of<inaudible> near to the heart of<inaudible> near to the Oh geez.<inaudible> from<inaudible> the<inaudible>. There is a play, a sweet near to the heart of a place where we say we are me<inaudible> Oh, jeez, us<inaudible> sand from<inaudible>. The near to the heart of there is a play for really he’s near to the heart of a place where all is your boy.
Amp is near to the<inaudible> from<inaudible><inaudible> the knee to the Now we’ll have our opening prayer. Let us pray. Our gracious father in heaven. We humbly bow before you grateful for all of your many blessings for your love, care and concern for all the things that you do for us on a daily basis, the things we recognize and the things that we don’t even recognize,
we’re grateful for the sun and the rain for the beauty of the earth and its majesty and glory, which glorifies you. And we’re grateful for the power, which upholds all that exists. That is your word. We’re mindful at this time of those who are dealing with lost loved ones, those who are in pain and sorrow and who need our comfort and your comfort.
And we pray that they might seek that comfort from you and from us and accept that comfort as it is given. We know that hard times come and in those hard times, we pray for all those who are going through them to be faithful, to be strong and to rely on you and hope in your word. We pray that at this time, as we go through this period of worship,
that we worshiped you in a way that is acceptable in your sight, that is in accordance with your commandments and that all that we do might be that which glorifies you. We thank you most, especially for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins, who paid the price for our redemption. And we pray that all that we do might also honor him all this.
We pray in Jesus name, amen song. Before the Lord supper will be number 344 low in the grave. He lay 344. Now we will sing this where we will sing the all three verses and then the chorus only at the end of the third verse.<inaudible> Gee, she sees a smile.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> a smile.<inaudible><inaudible> gee,
she sees a smile. So<inaudible> gee, she sees a smile.<inaudible> he<inaudible>? So from the grave he Rawls with MIT, try on for his, Oh, was he a Rose up Victor from the dog? And he lives for<inaudible> This morning. We will be reading from the book of Luke and chapter 23 words that should encourage us as we have our minds,
think about our lower savers death upon the cross and what he’s done for each and every one of us who began with the 33rd verse and when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary there, they crucified him and the male factors, one on the right and the other on the left then said, Jesus father, forgive them for, they know not what they do.
And they parted his Raymond and cast lots. And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with derided him saying he saved others, let him save himself. If he be Christ, the chosen of God and the soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him vinegar and saying, if that will be the King of the Jews, say thy self and a subs superscription also was written over him and letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew.
This is the King of the Jews. And one of the malefactors, which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be Christ saved myself and us, but the other answering rebuked him saying the South does not the fear of God saying thou art in the same condemnation. And we indeed justly for, we received the reward of our deeds, but this man had done nothing amiss.
Let us pray. Oh God, our father in heaven, we are truly grateful for your love and the demonstration of it through the sending of your son to mankind, that we might have that opportunity to be saved in the end that we might have our loving savior be there for us. We’re thankful father for his love and, and we’re mindful of his hanging there on the cross of Calvary and the abuse and afflictions that he received during that period of time.
We pray father that as we protect of this bread, we might remember his body and partake in a manner pleasing and Jesus, we pray amen. And he said unto Jesus, Lord. Remember me when thou commission to thy kingdom and Jesus said unto him, I’m buried. I say, unto thee, do they today? Shout thou be with me in paradise.
And it was about the sixth hour. And there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour and it, and the sun was darken. And the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, father into thy hands. I commend my spirit and having said this, he gave up the ghost.
That is violent Father. Our hearts are grieved thinking about our savior dying upon the cross of Calvary and shedding his blood. But we’re so thankful father for the love that was demonstrated there, that we, as your children have that hope of at home and having with the father, we’re grateful for the blood that was shed. And we remember that blood as we protected this fruit of the vine and Jesus,
we pray. Amen. Now we’ll have a privilege to think about how well we am much. We’ve been blessed and pause for a moment to think about how we’ve used those blessings to praise God and give him that glory honor and glory that we shouldn’t be doing and trying to spread the borders of the kingdom and not only see for the benevolent needs that are there.
We know we have those each and every day and how that we’re reaching out to those that we might know and try to assist and help them from time to time. Let us pray, father God and heaven. We are so thankful for all the blessings that you’ve so bountifully given to us. We pray father that we have examined our sales and have determined in our hearts to give a portion of that back to the,
and that we might, as a congregation of your people, be able to see that the word is preached in this area and that we might support those that are preaching abroad. We’re grateful for the privilege that we to give. And we pray that we use those funds wisely as where your children and we are trying to make sure that others that are outside the body have opportunity to obey the gospel and that we might be able to reach out to those that are in need and try to help them along life’s way,
bless our giving and pray that we do it in a way pleasing Christ. We pray. Amen. You would like to Mark the invitation song in the song book. It is going to be number 948, 948 will be the song of invitation. If you would let us all stand, we will sing number. Actually. I’m not going to tell you the number of this next one,
because this is not in the book. So I don’t know what number it is, but we’re going to sing. I love liking them. Lord. I love the King dome<inaudible> house.<inaudible><inaudible> walls. Be careful the<inaudible><inaudible> or<inaudible> to<inaudible> me on my<inaudible> friend.<inaudible> shall grey.<inaudible> let us be seated. Good morning, everybody.
Just a quick update. They are no longer going to try to do the kidney surgery on my mother-in-law before they do the heart surgery, the surgeon believes that it’s imperative, that he gets to the heart surgery. So they have put a cloth bag on her to bypass her kidneys. So that way she’s able to go into the heart surgery on Tuesday. So it’s progressing a lot faster than we thought it was going to thus,
the reason why we’re leaving as soon as worship is over today, my sermon this morning is exude love to show faith. Let’s look at five Leman verses four through seven. There’s no chapters just verses five Leman verses four through seven. I think my God making mention of the always in my prayers, hearing of thy love and faith, which thou has toward the Lord Jesus and toward all saints,
that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing, which is in you in Christ Jesus for we have great joy in constellation. And I love because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by the brother bowels here, his heart or mind as Christians, we should have such a faith that our love can be shown loud enough for all to hear.
So have you ever been personally in a situation where someone you did not know you were working with, or you met them at a job or something like that and want you to think of that time and how that person’s actions shaped who they were before you would even say anything to them like, Hey, or how’s it going? A person’s actions can, and most times do speak louder than words.
If a person has a closed off body language, they’re constantly frowning or does poor work, then generally we’re not going to want to be around that person or get to know them better. If a person has open body language smiles, all the time, works hard and shows that they really have an honest need to want to help others in need. We’re going to be drawn to that person and want to get to know them better as Christians.
We are to be like the second person. If we are at school, work out and about, or even here in worship with our brethren, we should, excuse me. People should be able to see and understand that we are Christians without us having to say anything so much more. Should we exude Christian Love when we’re around our brothers and sisters in Christ,
our brother, and should never wonder if we are really a Christian or if we actually love them, they should know that we love them. They should know it without any thought in their mind. And not just because we say it, but because we show it in the passage that I just read here. Finally, man, verses four through seven, Paul is praising finally men for just that.
As Christians, we should have such a faith that our love can be shown loud enough for everyone to hear in order to do this, we must first have the faith and love for the Lord. We must have love for our brethren and we must communicate our faith through our love. Paul begins this section of his letter to fight Lehman with an amazing show of faith to the Lord and love for his brother.
Finally, Lehman verse four. I think my God making mention of the always in my prayers, what greater way to show a brother in Christ. You love them then by praying daily for them and what greater way to show your faith in the Lord. Then by praying to him and knowing that when you lift up your voice, he hears you like Paul with this,
with his faith shown here, we must have a faith and love for the Lord. But what is faith? We all have our speculations. The definition of faith, according to the world@dictionary.com is believe in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion. Faith in the Greek is the word of PSTs. And it means just a trust in the Strong’s dictionary is where I got that from.
So having faith is to have a belief in and trust in the Lord. The Hebrew writer defines faith perfectly turn with me to Hebrews chapter 11 and verse one, Hebrews 11 one. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen, but how do we gain faith in the Lord? Faith comes from hearing turn with me to Romans chapter 10 and verse 17,
Romans chapter 10 and verse 17. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, we hear through the preaching of the word, just a few up and verse 14, how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher?
Our faith and hope are to be in God alone. First, Peter chapter one verses 18 through 21. Turn with me to first Peter chapter one verses 18 through 21. For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ,
as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, who barely was fore ordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God. It is impossible for us to please the Lord without faith.
Turn with me back to Hebrews chapter 11. And we’ll read through verses six through verse six of chapter 11, Hebrews 11 verses one through six. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it. The elders obtained a good report through faith. We understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith.
Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts. And by it, he being dead yet speaketh by faith. Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation. He had this testimony that he pleased God through his faith.
He pleased God, but without faith, it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them. That diligently seek him with faith in the Lord. We know all things are possible. Turn with me to Matthew chapter 17, verse 20 Matthew chapter 17 and verse 20. And Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily,
I say unto you. If he had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove. And nothing shall be impossible unto you. Faith is more than just saying you have it. You can’t just walk around and say, I have faith. A true faith is reliant upon your work.
Turn with me to James chapter two verses 14 through 17 James chapter two verses 14 through 17. What does it profit? My brethren though, a man say he had faith and have not works. Can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food. And one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled.
Not withstanding you give them not those things, which are needful to the body. Am I reading the correct words? Yes I am. And one of you saying to them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled. Not withstanding you give them not those things, which are needful to the body. What does it profit even? So faith, if it has not works is dead being alone.
So to show a true faith in the Lord, we must work. Let’s continue reading verses verse eight, starting in verse 18, there in James chapter two through the end of the chapter, yea, a man may say, thou has faith. And I have works. Show me that I faith without thy works. And I will show the, my faith by my works.
That I’ll believe is that there is one God thou do as well. The devils also believe and tremble, but without no, Oh, vain man, that faith without works is dead, was not Abraham. Our father justified by works. When he offered Isaac, his son upon the altar. See us now how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made perfect.
And the scripture was fulfilled, which Seth Abraham believed God. And it was imputed unto him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God to be called the friend of God, because you believed him and had such faith in him that you would do the works he wanted you to. Do you see then how that by works, a man is justified and not by faith.
Only not by faith. Only. Likewise also was Ray was not. Ray had the harlot justified by works. When she had received the messengers and had sent them out another way for as the body, without the spirit is dead. So faith without works is dead. Also our faith will be shown through our works. Turn back with me to Philemon and verse six Philemon verse six,
that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing, which is in you in Christ Jesus. When our faith is shown, others are going to hear about it right up there in verse five, Paul writes to finally men hearing of thy love and faith, which thou has towards the Lord toward the Lord Jesus and toward all saints.
Paul, didn’t hear about fire Lehman’s faith through him, boasting about his faith. Paul heard a fine Lehman space because finally men showed such a great, such great faith through the loving actions that he took towards his brother and that they told Paul about his faith. When others here we are fulfilling Christ’s command Matthew 28, 19 and 20 Matthew, 28, 19 and 20 go ye therefore and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy ghost. So we are to go and we are to teach and we are to baptize. All works that we do for the father through our faith, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world.
Amen. Sorry. When we keep God’s commands, he knows that we love him. Turn with me to first John chapter two verses three through five first John chapter two verses three through five And hereby. We do know that we know him. If we keep his commandments, he that Seth, I know him and keepeth, not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him,
but whoso keepeth his word in him. Verily is the love of God. Perfected hereby know we that we are in him. Is it enough to just have faith and faith in and love the Lord? No hearing of thy love and faith, which thou has toward the Lord Jesus and toward all saints. Paul says to Philemon in first five. So like by Lehman,
we must have love for our brethren. What does Paul mean by a love toward all saints in this passage? Love in the English language is such a fickle general term love. According to dictionary.com is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person or a feeling of warm, personal attachment of deep affection. As for a parent, a child or a friend in the Greek.
The word for love and find Lehman. Verse five is a<inaudible>, which according to Strong’s dictionary is benevolence or Goodwill. A GABA is a self sacrificing love seeking Goodwill for others, especially other Christians. This is not an affectionate love, or a warm, fuzzy feeling that you get inside butterflies in your stomach. This is the love that seeks another’s highest.
Good. A love of the soul. Look, turn with me to John chapter 15 in verse 13. So a good example, John 15 in verse 13, The gospel of John greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. A self-sacrificing love is what we are to have for our brothers. We are commanded to love our brethren.
As I said earlier, if we love God, we will keep his commandments. Turn back. Let’s reiterate this our mind. First John chapter two verses three through five first John chapter two verses three through five and hereby. We do know that we know him. If we keep his commandments, he that Seth, I know him and keep it not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him,
but whoso keepeth his word in him. Verily is the love of God. Perfected hereby know we that we are in him. So let us consider what Christ has to says on this top. It has to say on this topic, John gospel of John chapter 15 in verse 14, John 15 and verse 14, Jesus himself says, ye are my friends.
If you do whatsoever, I command you. God commands us to love our brother in first, John chapter three and verse 23, turn with me first, John chapter three and verse 23. And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as he gave us commandment. And again, in chapter four in verse 21,
first John chapter four and verse 21. And this commandment have we from him that he who loveth God love his brother. Also Christ commands us to love our brother in John chapter 15 and verse 12, the gospel of John chapter 15 and verse 12. This is my commandment that she loved one another. As I have loved you. How did Jesus love us?
He came to this earth in human form. He suffered at the hands of men and died on the cross for us. Why else do we love? We love to lift others up. Fire Lehman, verse seven, find Lehman and verse seven for we have great joy in constellation and thy love because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by the brother. We love to lift others up.
We love because God is love. First John chapter four verses seven through eight first John chapter four verses seven and eight beloved. Let us love one another for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and know with God he that loveth not knoweth. Not God for God is love. We love because God first loved us. First, John chapter four and verse 19,
just right down the way there. First John chapter four in verse 19, we love him because he first loved us. And we love because we want to abide in God, right back up in verse 16 of first John chapter four, and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us, God is love. And he, that dwelleth in love,
dwelleth in God and God and him. Paul wrote an entire section on the importance of a God and his letter to the core in his letter to the Corinthian brethren. Because without it, we are nothing. Let’s go ahead and read first Corinthians chapter 13. I know it’s a lengthy reading, but it’s such a beautiful reading every time. First Corinthians chapter 13,
though, I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love. I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Any of you know, what a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal sounds like it’s annoying. If you don’t have love, basically you’re annoying. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge.
And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not love. I am nothing. And though I be still all my goods to feed the poor. And though I give my body to be burned and have not love it. Profit with me, nothing charity or love suffereth long and is kind love. Envieth not love vaunted, not itself and is not puffed up.
Does not behave itself. Unseemly, seeketh, not her own is not easily provoked thinketh, no evil, rejoice, not in iniquity, but rejoices with the truth. Beareth all things. Believe all things. Hopeth all things endures. All things love, never fail. If, but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail. Whether there be tongues, they shall cease.
Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that, which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I speak as a child. I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man,
I put away childish things for now. We see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know, even as also, I am known and now abideth, faith, hope, love these three, but the greatest of these is love. So whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord.
Jesus giving things to God and the father by him, Colossians three 17, since God is love. And we do all in his name, then we must communicate our faith through our love. Paul writes of Phi rites of Phi Lehman that through his love, his faith was communicated. Turned back with me to find Lehman again and verse six, find Lehman in verse six,
that the communication of by faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing, which is in you in Christ. Jesus. If we’re in Christ, Jesus, everything we put forth is through love, but we are to love indeed. That is in action. First, John chapter three and verse 18 first John chapter three and verse 18. My little children,
let us not love in word neither in tongue, but indeed. And in truth, everybody heard you can say, I love you a million times, but when somebody finally shows you that they love you. It speaks a million times louder than however many times. They told you. They love you. God took action on his love for us by giving us his son,
John chapter three in verse 16, as most of the world knows this verse though, it is misapplied quite often, John chapter three, verse 16 for God. So loved the world that he gave. His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And again in Romans chapter five and verse eight, Romans chapter five and verse eight.
But God commendeth his love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Christ took action on his love for all mankind, Galatians chapter two and verse 20 Galatians two 20 Paul writes to the Galatians. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life, which I now live in the flesh.
I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Christ put his love into action by giving himself for us. Jesus told Peter to take action on his love. Not once, not twice, but three times in the same conversation. John chapter 21 verses 15 through 17 John chapter 21 verses 15 through 17. So when they had died,
Jesus said to Simon, Peter Simon, son of Jonas love without me more than these, he said unto him, yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee. He said unto him, then do something about it, right? Feed my lambs. He said to him again, the second time Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me. He said unto him, yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee.
He said unto him again, do something, feed my sheep. He said unto him the third time Simon son of Jonas lovest Dow me. Peter was grieved because he said unto him. The third time, love is now me. And he said unto him more thou knowest, all things thou knowest that I love. Jesus said unto him a final time feed my sheep.
Jesus calls all of us to act through our love for him. John chapter 14 in verse 15, just a couple of chapters back John chapter 14 and verse 15. Jesus says, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. Let us read what Paul wrote to the Galatians on this subject, Galatians chapter five, verses five and six, five,
five, and six for we through the spirit. Wait for the hope of righteousness by faith for in Jesus Christ, neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but faith, which worketh by love as Christians, we should have such a faith that our love can be shown loud enough for everyone to hear it. Be that person that others look at at work or at school or at worship or wherever it may be,
be that person that others can see your faith in Christ through the love that you show and everything that you do remember to do this. We must have faith in the Lord. We must have love for our brothers and we must communicate our faith through our love. I’d like to leave you this morning with a poem that I know a lot of people are familiar with,
but as new to me as called, I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day by Edgar, a guest. I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day. I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way the eye is a better pupil, more willing than the ear. Find counsel is confusing, but example is always clear.
And the best of all the preachers are the men who love their creeds for to see a good put into action is what everybody needs. I can soon learn how to do it. If you will, let me see it done. See it done. I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. And the lectures you deliver may be very wise and true,
but I’d rather get my lesson by observing what you do for, I may misunderstand you and the high advice you give, but there is no misunderstanding how you act and how you live. When I see a deed of kindness, I am eager to be kind when a weaker brother, stumbles and a strong man stands behind just to see if he can help him.
Then the wish grows strong in me to become as big and thoughtful as I know that friend to be, and all travelers can witness that best of guides today is not the one who tells them, but the one who shows the way one good man teaches many men believe what they behold. One deed of kindness noted as worth 40, that are told one who stands with men of learns to hold.
His honor, dear for right living speaks a language which to everyone is clear though. Enables speaker charms me with his eloquence. I say, I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day. If you have yet to obey the command of my God, of our God, why Terria Sao arise and be baptized and wash away. Thy sins calling upon the name of the Lord acts 2216.
The waters of baptism are ready for anybody that is ready to show that they love God by obeying his command. Or if you are in need of prayers from the saints, know that we love you and that we care and that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, availeth much James, five 16, whatever your need may be. Please come forward.
As we stand and sing.<inaudible> the high raise all to go to the same.<inaudible> he is the true one. He is Josh. Juan.<inaudible> him. Hey<inaudible> I asked, ah, well come to the, I am resolved to follow the, save your<inaudible><inaudible> Hey to him. Hey son.<inaudible> I asked, ah, well come to the,
I am breeze all too. And the key thing the<inaudible> friends may oppose me falls maybe said me<inaudible><inaudible> Hey to him. Hey<inaudible> ah, well come to the Want to thank Michael for that lesson and that encouragement for all of us to live out our love for God, both towards him and towards one another closing song. Before our closing prayer will be number 749,
the battle belongs to the Lord 749. After we sing the song will be led in our closing prayer. We do want to thank each and every one of you for being here, especially our visitors. And we hope you will get to be back with us again. Soon, we do have Bible class Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. And again, next Sunday morning at nine 30 and worship at 10 30,
number 749, the battle belongs to the Lord and then we’ll be closed in our closing or we’ll have our closing prayer in heaven. The armor will learn to the land that will be long to the little weapons I’ve fashioned. Again,<inaudible> bad OB long to the little book and we seeing<inaudible> power and strength to the Lord. We sing<inaudible> to the Lord.
When the power of dog news comes in like a battle belongs to the Lord. He’s raised up<inaudible> battle belongs to the Lord and we sing Laurie on power and strength to the<inaudible> power and SRE to the<inaudible> rage. My friend, yo read, damn Sean is me. Battle belongs to the Lord and we sing<inaudible> power and strength to the low.
So Heavenly father. We’re so very grateful for this privilege that we’ve had to assemble peacefully and worship you. We pray that our worship has been in spirit and truth and a sweet savor unto thee. As we prepare to depart, we’re mindful of those of our number that are suffering illnesses, illnesses, please, if you will place your healing hands upon them and return them to their much wanted Hill.
We’re also mindful of the Neal family and the passing of Danny Tommy’s brother. We pray that you will comfort them, be with the Sanderson family as they mourn the loss of Jenny’s sister in law. And also we ask father that you be with the Dale family as they traveled back to Jessica’s mother’s bedside that you will bless them with a safe trip and her with a speedy recovery go with each of us.
Now, as we prepared to depart, bless each of us, according to our several needs and bring us all back at the next appointed hour. It’s in jesus’ name that we pray. Amen.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible>.
10-14-2020 – Revelation 13 (Class)
JOHN – Revelation 13
Dragon, Sea Beast, Land Beast & 666
- What are the shared attributes of the Dragon and the Sea beast? Revelation 13:1
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - What 3 animals was the sea beast like? Revelation 13:2
________________________________________________________________ - What changed about one of the sea beast’s heads that caused the world to marvel?
As a result, what creature was worshipped? Revelation 13:3 -4
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - The names of those who worship the beast are NOT written where?
Revelation 13:8 __________________________________________________ - Revelation 13:10 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Describe the appearance of the land beast. Revelation 13:11
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - 3:12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- How does the land beast deceive those who dwell on the earth?
What does the land beast cause those who dwell on the earth to make? Revelation 13:13-14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - What does the land beast cause all to receive? Revelation 13:16-17
The person without a mark cannot _________________________. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - What is the number of the land beast? Revelation 13:18 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Testing one, two. All right. That’s better. Let’s see if we can do this. I didn’t even drop it. Oop. Well spoke too soon. All right. We are in revelation chapters, 12 and 13. This evening. Let’s begin with a word of prayer. Our gracious father in heaven.
We bow before your throne grateful for all of the many blessings that you’ve granted to us grateful for the life that we have and the opportunity that we have to serve you. We pray that as we serve you, that we do so in a way, in a manner that is pleasing to you, we pray that you care for us as we go throughout this day.
And throughout this week, we pray that you be with all those who are involved with voting throughout the country, especially those who are working the polls, and those who are going out to vote. We pray that you will protect them and that they will remain healthy throughout that entire experience. We pray for our country and we pray for its leaders that no matter who is in charge,
that they might do those things, which are in accordance with your will. We might always be able to move forward in this country and peace being able to worship you in freedom, but no matter what comes may we always be mindful. And may we always be devoted to the reality that we will worship you no matter what comes and no matter who is in charge and no matter what they say,
Lord, we pray that you will be with us as we go through this period of study, may the things that written here in the book of Revelation, be those which help us to understand your will and help us to understand how we can endure and how Christians can endure through the toughest of times, knowing that you are always on our side, we pray that you will be with us as we go through this night.
Forgive us when we sin and fall short of your glory and are willing to repent of those things. This we pray in Jesus name. Amen.<inaudible> Definitely, definitely. I want to mention this just in case anybody gets contacted while we’re in here, the number four, connecting through a phone call, which is how a lot of folks have been connecting the number changed.
We could only set up that, that recurring meeting with that same number for six months. Well guess what? We’ve been in coronavirus for six months now. And so the number changed, but in the meantime, they also changed the way it works some. So now there’s a number and a passcode. It is on the website, it’s on the front page.
We’ll also make sure it’s written down and everybody’s got access to it. But if anybody contacts you get with Eddie or Paula, they both have the number already and the passcode. So they just put in the number, hit pound and then put in the passcode when it tells them to. And they can Connect revelation, chapter 12, we got through some of this.
I was thinking we got through most of this, but I think I got that. I may have slept since then, misremembered how much we got through, but we didn’t get through the questions that I know for certain. Did we do the questions from chapter 11? We did, or we didn’t know we did. Okay. Then can someone hand me a P a sheet of paper that has the questions from chapter 11?
Because I don’t have the sheet with me and we’ll do 11 and well, as we get started tonight, while they’re looking for that, I’m going to actually start as way back here in a chapter 17 that we haven’t gotten to. Thank you. Well, I don’t see that It’s on the it’s on the main stand. So 12 is on the mainstay and Eleven’s back there somewhere.
We’re now getting to the part of revelation as we get into chapter 13, the, the beast that we’ve talked about, we’ve talked about it being Rome. We’ve talked about it being a persecuting power in chapter 12, we, we first start to see the beast, the beast attempts to devour the, the child of the woman. Okay? So, so all of these things are going on,
but we’re just about to get into this whole beast discussion, full fledged, but going back to our discussion about the date of the book, Daniel in Daniel, chapter seven, and this is incredibly important. Daniel sets up this entire discussion. Daniel talks about four bees Daniels, four beasts are a lion, a bear, a leopard, and an indescribable beast.
And Daniel says that those four bees are four nations. They are the same four nations that were the head of gold, the shoulder and chest of silver, the belly and thighs of brass and the legs and feet of iron mixed with clay. And we know from history, what four nations, those are that’s Babylon followed by the Mito Persian empire, followed by the Grecian empire,
followed by Rome and Daniel reveals to Nebuchadnezzar by the power of God that Inebric and editor’s dream. God is telling Nebuchadnezzar, you’re the head of gold. And coming after you will be a nation that is not greater than you, but will overcome you. And following them as another nation, that’s not greater than them, but will overcome them and following them another nation that is not greater than them,
but we’ll overcome them. And ultimately God lays out the path of history that will happen over the next 700 years leading to the time of Christ there in Daniel, chapter two and as well in Daniel chapter seven. But in Daniel seven, it’s not ahead of goal. It’s not an image with four different nations. It is four BS. Okay? So when we get to revelation and we start reading about BESE,
we don’t need to go crazy. We don’t need to just start throwing ideas out. We don’t need to just come up with our own conclusion as to what it means. Daniel already told us what it means. Revelation is the finishing of so much of what the prophet said in the old Testament, whether it’s a ZQ or Isaiah or Daniel, all of them or Zechariah,
all of them spoke about things that would happen and be involved in the coming kingdom of God. So here’s the reason why all this is going on. God, doesn’t come down in through the power of the Holy spirit and just start saying to his children and to his profits and to his church in the first century. Let me tell you what’s going to happen in China in the next 400 years,
he doesn’t come down to his people and say, let me tell you what’s going to happen on the other side of the planet, because it doesn’t matter to you, but I just like telling the future. That’s not it. And it wasn’t in Daniel’s day, the whole point of Daniel’s prophecies and Daniel’s visions. And the revelation that was given to Nebuchadnezzar is God’s saying,
they’re all going to think they’re in charge. Just like never can ask her thought he was, they all are gonna think that they rule the world just like Nebuchadnezzar thought he did you think Alexander, the great thought he was going to conquer the world. He, his ambition was to do exactly that, But what happened to Alexander? The great here’s what I know happened.
He died, you know, go through the genealogies and you remember that and he died. That’s the point of the BESE. Okay. In all of this, that’s the point of the beast nation rises up. Nation lasts for a little while. They think they’re all that. They’re not because God is still on the throne. So revelation is written when the persecuting beast,
the same beast that Daniel describes, but you’re going to see in chapter 13, the culmination of all four beasts brought forward in Rome. The persecuting beast was in the time of Nero. The persecution of the church was significant. And then Nero did the same thing. Every other King did. He died and the beast looked like he was all powerful. And he looked like he was going to decimate the church.
And he looked like he was going to win over the church and he died. But now the beast is in an, is not state. He’s not persecuting right now. When Nero died, Rome went into civil war and three emperors came and went in quick fashion inside of two years. And then it looked like, I mean, if you were a Christian at that time,
you would have been looking at Rome going. They got what they deserved. Rome messed with God’s people, God killed Nero, boom, Rome deteriorates. But then Vespasian comes to the throne and Vespasian puts Rome back together. Vespasian stops the civil Vespasian gets the country back on track. And Vespasian is around for a little while. And it’s in Vespasian rain that John’s writing because he’s warning the Christians,
Rome or revelation chapter two, verse 10, he tells the church, he says, you’re going to go to prison. You’re going to be in prison for 10 days. And some of you are going to die. The 10 days is not a literal 10 days. The 10 days is a period of time in which they will suffer. All of this is God’s saying,
it’s going to look like you lose. It’s going to look like the beast wins. It’s going to look like when I prophesied in Daniel chapter two, verse 44, that I was going to set up a kingdom that would never be destroyed. It’s going to look like I was wrong and that the kingdom would be destroyed and the beast would win. And the beast and that fourth nation wouldn’t be decimated and brought to pieces by my kingdom.
But instead my kingdom would be, death would be decimated by the beast. And God is saying, I told you all the way back in Daniel, that wasn’t was what was going to happen, but you’re going to suffer in this persecution in the meantime. Okay. So chapter 12, my slides went away. Did I hit that button or the day?
Oh, well technology is what technology is. I’m in chapter let’s, let’s do chapter 11 because chapters 10, 11, and 12, we’re going to do the questions. Chapters 10, 11, and 12 are a message to God’s people about the 42 months, the 1,260 days, the time times and half the time. And all three of those things mean the same thing.
Chapter 10 has the same message. Chapter 11 has the same message. Chapter 12 has the same message. And they’re all there to provide comfort before chapter 13, because chapter 13 is when God says and here’s what’s coming. Okay? So these are here to say the suffering is limited. It’s not a seven it’s, half of a seven it’s three and a half.
It’s 42 months. It’s 1,260 days. It’s not a completeness. It’s not what God can do. It’s what man can do. Okay. And when Jesus said, do not fear what man can do, because man can’t do what he can’t kill the soul. Instead he says, fear, the one who can destroy both body and soul man has what?
Half the power he can kill your body. And they would, but they couldn’t touch their soul. God says, I’ve got you. Okay. So chapter 11, question one. What was John given and what was he told to do? Alright. And he’s giving a measure, given a measuring read and he’s told to do what, okay. He is told to measure the temple and the altar and those who worship there.
Okay. And the word for temple, there is the word for the inner sanctuary. The Greek had two different words for temple. One meant the entire complex, and one meant the inner sanctuary. And this is the inner sanctuary, not the entire temple complex. Okay. So you don’t have to put all of that, but just wanted to fill that in.
He was given a read and was told to measure the temple and those who worship there in what was John told to leave out, all right. The court, outside the temple, and God says, you measure the inside. You measure my dwelling place. And those who worship in my dwelling place, which are the priests who was allowed to go into the temple to worship common Jew.
How about a Gentile? No, just the priests. But first Peter chapter two says Christians are what priests. He said, every single one of you are priests of God, which means all of us get to go where into the inner temple, into the sanctuary Hebrews chapter four. I believe there’s so many of these passages that are right here in book of revelation.
They’re just not in prose. Their envisions Hebrews chapter four says we have power. It talks about Jesus Christ coming and, and being tempted like as we are yet without sin. And then it says in verse 16, and we have boldness to come before him to find grace to help in time of need. And the picture is a picture of the tabernacle.
He says, you don’t have to stand outside. Wishing you could come in the God’s presence. You have not only access, but boldness to go in. Okay. So he was told to leave out those in the outer court, chapter 11, verse three, how many witnesses were there and what were they told to do? Okay. There were two witnesses.
What were they told to do? All right. They were told to prophesied. So you get a picture of, these are prophets. There’s two of them. This comes straight from Zechariah. What two things do the witnesses have power to do? And what are these things pictured of pictures of in the old Testament, they have power to do what okay.
And strike the earth with flags. Okay. So they have power to stop it from raining. And that’s a picture of what, what prophet Elijah. And they have power to turn water to blood and bring plagues, which is a picture of what prophet Moses. Okay. So this is a picture of Elijah and Moses representative of the Christians God’s people. Okay.
But what we’re seeing here is a time 42 months, 1000, 260 days, time, times and half the time, three and a half years, which is the same amount of time that Alijah didn’t allow it to rain. And yet during that entire time was Alijah provided for yes. He went out into the wilderness and he went there by the broke,
where God told them to. And what, who, who brought him food? The Ravens did God miraculously caused Ravens to bring Elijah food. And then when the Brook dried up, because after, if you have no rain, eventually the water stops. He took him somewhere else and provided him for him. Okay. God. And his provision during three and a half years where there’s no provision,
but God knows who belongs to him. And he cares for and provides for those who belong to him. So it’s a picture of that time in Elijah’s life and these Christians okay. Who killed the witnesses? All right. This is the first time we have the beast described as coming up. The beast comes up out of the bottomless pit and kills the two witnesses in what city were they killed and give it’s two spiritual names.
What city did we say? This was the great city. And we described the fact that that’s Rome all throughout the book and what are its two spiritual names, Sodom and Egypt. And in a real sense, you could actually give a third, but the name isn’t given and the third is we described there, the three aspects of those names and why those are there.
Okay. What happened to the two witnesses after three and a half days? Alright, they’re resurrected. God breathes life back into them. Where did they go? And how did they get there? Alright. God tells these two witnesses. After he resurrects them. He says, come up here. John saw vision. And as John gets into the vision in chapter two and chapter three,
the letters go out to the seven churches that the message for each church has given. And then chapter four, John sees an open door and a voice from heaven says, go through the door. Well, now these witnesses are here and they’ve been slain for the testimony of Christ for the prophecy and for the speaking of God’s word. And the beast looked like he won and the people looked like they loved it.
And the everything was good as far as they were concerned. And then God raises his two witnesses from the dead and says, you come up here cause you’re not going to have to suffer through what’s coming. Okay. So then notice what we have next. What is declared at the beginning of the seventh trumpet? Okay. The kingdom of this world has become the kingdoms of our Lord.
Okay. So, or, or a paraphrase of that is the reign of Christ over the world. How long will Christ reign forever and ever. So don’t miss chapter 11 and its connection to Daniel. Chapter two, the declaration is here’s the witnesses. Here are the people of God. Here are the ones, by the way, at the end of the three and a half years with no rain,
what was a Hab looking for Alijah? So he could do, what did the light, or what did they have want to do to Elijah? Because it hadn’t rained for three and a half years. He wanted to kill him. But did he know? But these witnesses, they die, but God says, but my son, he rains. The witnesses are a picture of Christ.
There. A picture of his church, Christ was in the tomb. How many days? Three days, Right? Picture of Christ. It’s a picture of Jesus saying to his church. They hated me. They’re going to hate you too. They’ll put me to death and they’ll kill you too, but you win in the end. Okay. And if we don’t get through anything,
but the questions of chapter 11, chapter 12, that’ll be all right. We kind of need to just a breather, bring it all in and, and get ready for chapter 13. Anyway, how long are, wait, we just ask that how long Christ reign forever and ever under Christ reign, who would be rewarded? Okay. Under Christ reign,
we have the reward going to the servants, the prophets and the saints. Now remember chapter two and chapter three, Jesus said the overcomers get to come over. Those who are faithful unto death will be given what a crown of life. So here you have a picture of two witnesses being slain by the bees, but they’re not going to stay dead because the beast doesn’t have power over the second death.
He doesn’t have power to kill your soul. He only has power to kill your body. So they’re slain by the beast, but they’re rewarded by Christ. Okay? Everything Christ promised everything. God prophesied will come to pass. And that’s the message of chapter 11. What was seen when the temple of God in heaven was opened. Alright, so, so hold on here.
What is the arc of the covenant? What did it symbolize? The presence of God and God’s provision. Remember what was initially when the arc was built, when the tabernacle was made, what was put inside the Ark Aaron’s rod that budded when which was a symbol of not only God leading them, but God defeating Pharaoh, because remember it was the rod that kept going out,
right? It was the rod that got thrown down and turned into a serpent. It was the rod over and over and over was the rod that went over the red sea part of the, the waters. Okay. Aaron’s rod that budded, which confirmed the priesthood, the commandments of God, God said, you do this and I’ll be your God. God’s assurance through his law that he would never depart from them so long as they kept the covenant.
And number three, the pot of manna, where God took them through the wilderness and their clothes never wore out. Their shoes never wore out. They never went hungry. Now they grumbled and complained a whole lot, but they were always provided for. And the art in its existence was the symbol of the law, the priesthood, the forgiveness and mercy of God,
because the mercy seat was on top of the Ark. And God’s provision in saying you, as long as you’re faithful, have nothing to worry about. So here we are at the end of chapter 11, and what’s opened up the temple of God. And you look inside, John sees inside and Oh, by the way, when Babylon invaded Jerusalem, they didn’t find the arc there.
Babylon took all the articles that were in the temple, but not the table of showbread and not the arc, not the mercy seat. Now that’s a big discussion to this day, what happened to them? But the reality is we have the list of the things that Babylon took out. It’s in the scriptures and it’s not on the list. And that’s never been seen again to anyone’s knowledge that I know of.
But here you are in the temple of God and in the spiritual picture of the temple of God, which the temple of God is represented as the church. There’s the arc. God’s still here. Okay. Chapter 12, the woman and the baby, the devil, a three time loser, chapter 12 verse one describes the woman clothed with the sun moon on her feet,
crown on her head, the stars above the crown. Okay. And there’s 12 stars, 12 stars above the crown. And the 12 stars represent 12, always in book, revelation represents re the religion of God. The people have gone and off authorized religion. Okay. So we got here, we have here a picture of the corporate church. And in other words,
the church as a whole, the universal body of Christ, okay. You have the woman, by the way, it’s not the only time in revelation that the church has pictured as the bot, as, as a woman, because it’s also in revelation that she’s pictured as the bride of Christ. Okay. So we’re not, we’re not just bringing that idea out of nowhere,
multiple times. You’ve got this idea, but verse two, I’m sorry, what does the number 12 mean? I answered it and didn’t even remember the question was there. Alright. Represents 12 tribes of Israel represents 12. Apostles represents authorized religion. Okay. Authorized religion. And therefore the people of God, because those are the people who will participate in authorized religion.
Okay. What is the woman’s condition she’s pregnant? What was this child going to do? According to verse five? Alright. Rule all nations with a rod of iron. The picture is of Christ. Okay. The picture is here and this is, this is not a literal event. There’s there, there was not a beast waiting at the birth of Christ to devour the no it’s figurative,
but the church in its need for redemption and all people who are part of the body of Christ and all people who have been faithful all the way back through history had need of what a savior. They weren’t good enough on their own. They couldn’t bring about their redemption on their own. They were waiting all the way back from Genesis chapter three, for the seed of woman that would bring the death blow against who Satan.
Now watch this because this is, this is good. The seed of woman, who’s going to bring the death, blow on Satan. And here, the picture is Satan waiting for the child to be warned, to devour the child because you can’t hurt me. If you’re still a baby and you’re not on your throne, you can’t bring about the death.
Blow. If I get you before you get a chance. Okay. But watch what happens. All right. So the great red dragon stood, ready to do what? Devour the child. Why did the dragon fail in his mission? Alright, child’s taken up into heaven. You devil you, you, you, you missed your chance. Okay? Again,
we’re not talking about literal history here. We’re talking about a vision. God’s making a point. The devil missed he’s a loser loser time. Number one, four. We’re out of this chapter. He’s a three time loser. Okay. Who else escaped the reach of the dragon? The woman. Now, if the woman represents the church, that means the beast is going to try and devour Christ and fail,
going to try and devour the woman and fail. Okay. But did Christ still die on the cross? Yup. Might the church still suffer too? Yes, but they don’t lose. Okay. So according to these verses, what two time references are equivalent to each other? That’s verse 16 and verse 14. And what do they they’re supposed to be?
Why there? What do they mean? Or what do they symbolize? What two, what are the two time references? 1,260 days. And the other is time times and half the time. Right. And if you, if you think about time, times and half the time, this way, think of year, multiple years and half of a year.
Okay. Three and a half years. Okay. It’s just another way of saying it. Three and a half years on a 360 day calendar is 1,260 days. It’s also 42 months. That’s what we saw in the previous chapter. Okay. They’re all just half of seven. They’re half of perfection. They’re derived authority. It’s derived power. He doesn’t have the power of God.
That’s the message all the way along. God doesn’t need to protect the woman to the level of protecting them against God, because that’s the beast. Isn’t God, that’s the declaration all the way through this beast. Isn’t got dragon. Isn’t God Satan. Isn’t God. And he doesn’t have the power of God. Okay. But we’re also continuing to, to bring forward that three and a half years of Elijah.
Okay. So what do they mean? What do they symbolize? They symbolize half of seven. They symbolize derived power. Okay. God’s going to allow Satan to do what Satan does for a period of time. And then Satan’s judgment is going to come. Okay. That’s the message all the way through the beast that Satan gives power to in chapter 13,
he’s going to let him go for a period of time. By the way, chapter 13, you’re gonna see 42 months again. Okay. We’re not done with that symbol. So just keep it, keep it fresh in your mind, three and a half years, 42 months, 1000, 260 days, time, times, and half a time. It’s going to keep coming up because every time it comes up,
it’s God saying, this is temporary. This is for a time. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be like going through three and a half years of no rain, but don’t worry. I’ve got you. Okay. I told you we weren’t going to get past the questions. Okay. To what location does the devil chase? The baby heaven.
Okay. So the baby’s taken up into heaven. The male child is taken up into heaven. And so the next moment you look or the scene changes and there’s the dragon and he’s in heaven, but there’s a war. Who does he encounter instead of the child? Michael and angels. Okay. What is the result of the battle? Alright. The devil loses.
Now, if you can’t beat the servants, how are you going to beat the master? If you can’t beat Michael and his angels, how are you going to be Christ? If you’re a loser to the servants, you’re not going to beat the master. Okay. There’s your picture there? What are the other names for the dragon serpent? That’s Genesis three,
the devil, the deceiver and Satan. The accuser. He’s the deceiver. He’s the accuser. He’s Satan. He’s the one who was told way back in Genesis, chapter three. He’s the loser. He’s the one who gets the death blow. Okay. So in what three ways did the servants of God, the saints overcome the dragon verse 11, blood of the lamb word of their testimony.
And they did not. This is, this is critical. They did not love their lives to death. John wrote in first, John chapter do love, not the world. Neither the things that are in the world for all that is in the world. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and pride of life are of the world.
And those things he says are vanishing away. They’re not eternal. Don’t love your life so much that you’ll sacrifice your eternity for your life. And to the Christians. God says Michael and the angels can beat the devil, but so can you, and here’s how you’ll do it. First of all, you’ll be covered in the blood of the lamb. The accuser has nothing to accuse you of if you’re pure and Holy covered in the blood of life,
but not only do you have the blood of the lamb, but you have the testimony of God. So if your speech is the word of God, then he can’t accuse your speech. If you’re covered in the blood of the lamb, he can’t accuse your actions. But if he tries to take your life, just understand this. As long as you don’t love your life more than you love eternity and God and Christ,
you win. Even if he takes your life, he can’t take your reward. Okay. So then question nine. What was the Dragon’s reaction to being cast down to earth? Say that again. All right. Well, initially in verse 13, we read now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
And so that’s exactly what you just said. Yes. Per skew, the woman, I was thinking of another verse. Sorry. Alright. I persecuted the woman. How was the woman saved? I should have just read the second half of the question. Sometimes I talk too much. Okay. God delivers her. Now. Remember, the woman is the church universally that the church corporately,
Satan can’t touch her. God delivers her. She wins. Kingdom’s not destroyed. She goes through hard times. She’s persecuted, but she doesn’t lose. But now we’ve got a little additional thing. How, how was the woman saved through the two wings of the Eagle? Like what old Testament? Prophet. I’m sorry. I’m questioning why I asked that question.
Oh, okay. Sorry. Let me, let me read the rest of verse. But the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time times and half of the time. The second part of the verses, Elijah. Okay. Just reinforcing. We’ve been in Elijah this whole time.
Okay. Just pictures of Elijah over and over and over again. Okay. So she saved like the, the prophet Elijah, when the dragons flood of water. Cause he, so he spews out a flood of water against the, The seed of the woman. Okay. Let’s let me read verse 15 through verse 17. This will make more sense than I’ll get my brain untangled.
So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth, like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. But the earth helped the woman and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. And the dragon was enraged with the woman. And he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
So real quick, who’s the rest of her offspring, the church. Okay. Now you’re getting a picture of the church individually. The dragon can’t touch the church as a whole. He can’t beat the kingdom. He can’t defeat the kingdom, but he can go attack individual Christians. Okay. And he does, but he attempts to spew out this water when the Dragon’s flood of water fails.
Who does he begin to? Persecute individual Christians or the church. Okay. Comments, questions. I mean, we’ve just covered a bunch of questions. Got any more? Alright. Thank you for your attention. We’ll get into chapter 13 on Sunday.<inaudible> Good evening. Welcome to the Collierville Wednesday night Bible study. And now it’s time for our devotional.
It’s good to see each and every one of you out here tonight. And for those of you that are still unable to come out, we continue to pray for you and pray for your return to worship God with us as soon as possible.<inaudible> For our announcements. This evening are sick. Please remember Joan Springer and Janet Jones there. Janet, just doing physical rehab at home and Joan still battling her problems that she’s as please keep both of them.
And your thoughts and prayers. Dorothy Wilson is still dealing with her extremely high blood pressure. So please keep Dorothy and your thoughts and prayers. Sylvia’s a second nerve block to try to fix her back will be on the 23rd of October. So please pray for Sylvia and play. Pray for good results from this second nerve block, hopefully that will take care of her issues with her back.
James Luna is scheduled to see a specialist tomorrow to find out what’s causing the numbness in his hands. Danny O’Neil Tommy’s brother, Paula got a message from Diane, and it’s kinda hard to interpret how this is, but the message tells us that his heart is really weak and that the plan is tomorrow to turn off the ventilator is the way it reads. So I don’t really know how to interpret that,
but that does not sound good at all for Danny. So please keep Danny and Tommy and the entire O’Neill family and your thoughts and prayers, Robin woods, who is Michael Dale’s mother-in-law has tested positive for COVID-19. And she also has a large kidney stone, but they’re not going to do the surgery to try to take care of and remove this large kidney stone.
Cause that’s the only way they’re going to be able to get it out as do surgery until she gets through the COVID-19. And she has some possible risk factors due to other health issues. So please keep Robin woods and the entire family and your thoughts and prayers, other non Smiths, the Memphis school of preaching fifth annual world evangelism seminar is this Friday and Saturday.
There’s a flyer out there on the bulletin boards. We want him for more information on that. Gary Collie will be speaking on Friday evening on the nationwide gospel call. That’s at nine o’clock every night, but this Friday night, Gary Collie would be speaking. And his topic is the disciples. Second baptism. And then the Sanderson’s are out of town for the funeral of a Jenny sister-in-law Mary Jo to Darrow.
So please continue to remember them. And also please, like I said on Sunday, continue to pray for Vincent because Vincent is taking this loss very, very hard. It’s all the announcements I have. Our song leaders evening is Aaron coats. Art devotional is Michael Dale and the closing prayer will be Terry Whitley. Thank you. Number 453. I know I’ve changed.
I’ve gained a lot of weight and some facial hair and more hair on the top. And I have two hands at work right now. Anyway, 453 love lifted me. I want to sinking deepens and far from the peaceful shore. They’re really deeply stained within sinking to rise no more, but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry from the waters left in me.
Now say fam, ah, love lifted me. Love lifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me. Love me. Love lifted me when a thing was good, huh?<inaudible> me. Oh my heart to him. I can ever to him a clean<inaudible> love so mighty and so true. Merits my saws. Best songs. They fall loving service to<inaudible> love lifted me.
Love lifted me when nothing else. Good. Huh? Love lifted me. Love lifted me up. Lifting me when nothing good. Huh?<inaudible> so’s in danger. Look up. Ah, Jesus, completely say, Hey, he will lift you by his law out of the angry ways. He’s a master of the sea<inaudible> he wants to be<inaudible> love lifted me.
Love lifted me when nothing else. Good. Ha love lifted me up. Lifted me. Love lifted me when nothing else. Good. Huh?<inaudible> me. Song of invitation. This evening will be number 943. Do you know my Jesus number nine, four, three. Take your Bibles. If you will. And open them to Psalm one 19,
there are so many things that we could read about here in this Psalm, the longest chapter in all scripture. But I want to focus just on a few verses, beginning in verse 57 and notice them in their context. But then also the principles contained there in David Rheins you are my portion. Oh Lord. I have said that I would keep your words.
Jesus said, man, shall not live by bread alone. But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God and David said, I know what I need. I know what my portion is. I know what sustains me. I know what I need. And it is your word. And I have determined. I will keep your word. But then he says in verse 58,
I in treated your favor with my whole heart. Be merciful to me, according to your word. So David says, I have made a commitment. I will keep your word. And I am going to entrust my to you because I’ve decided in my heart that you will abide by your word. And I trust you with my whole heart, which is why he and treated him with his whole heart.
And Jesus said, the greatest commandment in the law is thou shall love the Lord, thy God, with all via art. David says, I’m not, I’m not going to seclude some portion of my life. Some portion of my heart, some portion of my being over here and say, God, I’m going to give everything else to you. But not that no,
no, you can’t touch that. No, I won’t let you. I won’t let go of that. No, David says I’m going to entreat you with my whole heart. But then he says, verse 59. I thought about my ways and turned my feet to your testimonies. Having decided that God’s word would be his portion. Be his sustenance, be everything he needed and having realized that he needed God’s mercy.
And therefore in treated God with his whole heart, that God would be merciful. According to what God had already promised to you would do. He then examined his life and said loops, my feet are pointed the wrong direction. And he turned them according to the word of God. Now watch this. When a person is outside the body of Christ, they first have to come to realize that God’s word is the only thing that will deliver them from the state of sin.
The only thing Jesus said, except he believe that I am, he, you shall die in your sins. Romans chapter 10 says, how shall they believe? Except for here. Faith, cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So when a person first hears the word of God and comes to realize that it is the power of God unto salvation,
they then need to treat it that way. Having heard the word, they must then realize that their life, their entire life has to become devoted as in their whole heart to the one who gave that word. So having heard the word, they have to believe it. And they have to believe that what God said in that word he’ll actually do, which means they can have a surety that if God said,
I’ll give you salvation. If you meet these terms, he’ll do it. But also that God said, if you don’t you’ll receive my judgment. So having heard the word, they have to believe it, but believing is never been enough. It wasn’t enough for David. And it’s not enough today because that faith has to then examine a person’s life and having heard the word and having believed the word and having sought God with their whole heart,
they must then change their life and put their feet, turn towards God’s path and begin walking in righteousness. Now under the new covenant, we know that we have to repent the change of mind. That brings about a change of action, the turning of the feet. But we also have to confess. We have to be immersed in water for the remission of sins and we have to die to self and live to him.
If you have native the invitation, you can do that tonight. If you’re a member of the body of Christ, the same pattern that David followed is still applicable to you. If you have God’s word in your heart and you want God’s mercy in your life and you know, God will give you what he promised you. But only if you turn your feet back towards him,
then by all means tonight, turn your feet back toward the path of God. If you have need of the invitation, why not come now? As we stand in, as we say<inaudible><inaudible> new.<inaudible> have you heard<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> here’s each time you cry, ah,<inaudible> tears from your<inaudible>.<inaudible> Let us pray. Our heavenly father.
We thank you for another beautiful day. Lord, we thank you for the privilege to come into your house, Lord and study your word. Lord, we lift our sick up to you Lord, and the ones that have lost loved ones. Lord just comfort them and a way Lord, that only you can, as we depart tonight, Lord, just be with us,
keep us safe and bring us back at the next point at time, these things we’re asking your precious and Holy name. Amen.
The Sea Beast and the Dragon make War Against the Church
The Sea Beast rises from the sea to receive power to make war upon the church.
[/fusion_tagline_box][fusion_imageframe image_id=”964″ style_type=”none” stylecolor=”” hover_type=”none” bordersize=”” bordercolor=”” borderradius=”” align=”none” lightbox=”no” gallery_id=”” lightbox_image=”” alt=”The Sea Beast and the Dragon make war on the church” link=”” linktarget=”_self” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]https://collierville.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/20180222204341/Ottheinrich_Folio296r_Rev13-crop-resample-600×331.jpg[/fusion_imageframe][fusion_text]A Look Back
John has spoken of the Dragon. He tells us the Dragon was cast from Heaven to Earth and then made war against the children of the woman. The children are Christians, for they are those “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
The Sea Beast
John stands at the edge of the sea (I think this is the sea on earth, for the action occurs on there and not in heaven). He looks out on the water and from the sea arises a magnificent beast. The sea beast has the attributes of a leopard (body), a bear (feet), and a lion (mouth). He has seven heads and ten horns, like the Dragon (12:3), but with three additional crowns.
The dragon gives the sea beast authority, power, and a throne. See in this Rome and the Caesars. His strength is used to persecute the children of the woman — the Church. The people of the earth witness the mortal wound of one of the beast’s heads, but also the healing. They will marvel and follow the Beast. The world adores magnificence and power. They worship whatever seems to provide strength. So they worship the Dragon and the Beast.
“Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Notice the Sea Beast was given authority for 42 months (3 1/2 years — the time the woman was safeguarded.) He was given a mouth to speak against God, His name, His tabernacle, and His followers. He was granted to make war with the saints and kill them. His power was multi-national, and all who dwelt on the earth worshipped him.
We read here of the “Book of Life of the Lamb” — a record of the faithful. We also read of the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Remember from earlier in the vision, Christ is the Lamb who was slain but stands victorious and worthy.
Next Week: The Land Beast proclaims the Godhood of the Sea Beast. 666.
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]10-11-2020 Revelation 12 – Article – The Dragon, The Woman, and A Victorious Child
The Dragon loses.
A fierce dragon seeks the life of the child, but Heaven’s deliverance intercedes.
A LOOK BACK: Chapter 11 concluded the second Woe, part of the sixth trumpet. Now the third woe approaches. Before it arrives, we receive visions that reassure the faithful of God’s protection and deliverance from persecution.
The Child and the Dragon
A vision of a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet. She is pregnant, travailing in birthing pains, and wearing a crown with twelve stars.
The dragon appears in heaven (where the woman is) and is magnificent in size and red. He has seven heads each with a crown and ten horns. The tail of the dragon will knock one-third of the stars of heaven to earth as he approaches the woman to devour her child the moment it is born (this might be a representation of Jesus as a child).
The woman gives birth to a boy, one who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. God will deliver the child out of the reach of the dragon. The woman will flee into the wilderness to a place prepared by God. God will care for her for 1,260 days.
A War Breaks out in Heaven
Michael and the angels fight against the Dragon and his angels. They will lose their place and be cast down into the earth. The text is clear: the dragon is Satan, the Devil, the serpent. He is the deceiver of the whole world.
John hears a voice from heaven. Salvation is declared, and so has the Kingdom and power of Christ. The accuser of Christians has been cast down. The victory was by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the Christians who did not love their lives to the death (i.e., martyrs).
There is rejoicing in the heavens, but woe to the earth at the presence of Satan. He has been cast down, and his wrath is great for he knows his time is short.
When the dragon is cast down, he persecutes the woman, but the woman flies to the wilderness once again on the wings of an eagle. She receives nourishment for a time and times and half a time (3 and 1/2 years).
The woman is attacked one last time by the dragon, but the earth swallows up the attack. In a fury at this, the dragon begins to make war against the rest of her children — those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (the Christians).
Next Week: The Sea Beast and the Land Beast rise to power.
10-11-2020 Revelation 11-12 (Class) & A Spiritual Checkup (Sermon)
Automated Transcript
The thing I love about technology is it always works. Oh, we are in revelation, chapter 11 and 12 today, revelation chapter 11 and chapter 12, we just have a little bit to finish in chapter 11,
and then we will proceed into chapter 12. Let’s begin with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven. We come before you grateful for the blessings. You showered upon us on a daily basis, grateful for all that you do for us in good times, and in hard times, grateful for your love and your care, your concern, your loving kindness.
That is granted to us that though we do not deserve it. You have bestowed upon humanity, and we are so grateful for it. We’re grateful most, especially for your son who came and died on the cross for our sins. The lamb that was slain, and yet is standing before the throne. The one who conquers the one who is victorious, the one who will sit on his throne and who rains Lord,
we are grateful for all the many things that you’ve granted to us inside of the word of God. And inside this book we refer to as the Bible, and we’re especially grateful for the book of revelation and the hope and the encouragement that it grants to us. And the reminder that no matter what comes, no matter the struggles in this country or any country that’s come before,
there is one who’s on the throne and there is one kingdom that is eternal and none other is, and that is Christians. We are citizens of the kingdom of God. We pray for all the nations throughout the world, and especially the nation in which we live, that they might make, right choices, that they might do, things that are in accordance with your will.
They might accomplish those things that Lao for Your gospel to be spread to a greater degree throughout the world. All this we pray in jesus’ name. Amen.<inaudible> Revelation, chapter 10. We began a pause, an interlude as the sixth trumpet had sounded. We talked about the fact that there’s the, the seven seals and inside of the seventh seal are seven trumpets.
And the first six trumpets will be, will sound in chapters eight and nine. But then as the sixth trumpet concludes, and that second woe, remember there’s, there’s two woes or there’s, there’s three woes in the last three trumpets, one woe in each trumpet. And as that second trumpet sounds, and it concludes, then there’s another pause, a pause to remind the Christians that they are going to make it through this,
that God is on their side. That Christ is on the throne and he is going to rule and he will avenge the persecution that is coming upon them. As we talked about the fact that at the time of the writing, the persecution, isn’t immediate, it’s about to come back up. The beast is about to come back up. And so God is telling them what is remember chapter one verse 19,
John was supposed to write what is and what has come before and what is about to come. Okay? So God is connecting what he’s told them in the old Testament to what is currently the state of things and what is about to happen in all these things he says must shortly come to pass. I believe I, I can honestly say I grew up with a,
with a mindset that revelation was about the end of time. And it’s just not the more you study it. The more you pay attention to it, the more you just insist on taking John at his own statements, that the things which come the, the things that are going, that are written in this book must shortly come to pass. These are things which shall come quickly.
He says, these are things which are near are at hand. You know, when Jesus and the apostles went around, preaching and teaching that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. They didn’t mean 3000 years from now. They didn’t mean 2000 years from now. They didn’t mean a hundred years from now. They were preaching it because it was at hand.
And John says, these things are at hand. They must shortly come to pass. Now that doesn’t mean that every word in every detail in every thing is that, but the message of the book is about things that must shortly come to pass. Now we mentioned in chapter 11 on Wednesday night, that there were a couple of things we’ve wanted to spend a little bit of time on this morning for clarification and clarity sake.
And one of those is the city that is mentioned in verse eight in this interlude, we first have the first kind of interlude is in chapter 10 where the mighty angel is standing. He’s got one foot on the sea and one foot on the land. He’s he has authority over both. That’s the idea there. And he has in his hand, a little book and John is told to take the little book and to eat the book.
And it’s sweet as honey when he tastes it in his mouth, but in his belly, it’s bitter. And the message is this the same message of Ezekiel chapter two in chapter three, where the same type of vision is seen, you’re going to prophesize and your prophecy originates with God. But your message is not a good message. Your message is a message of judgment.
It’s bitter. Okay. So then chapter 11 opens and we see two witnesses there. These two witnesses come from, at least the imagery comes from Zechariah chapter four, and the two witnesses are two olive trees and two lampstands. Now in chapter four of Zechariah, Zechariah makes it clear that each lampstand has seven lamps. Okay? So there’s seven lamps and two lamps,
seven lamps on each lampstand in two lampstands into olive trees. Zachariah also gives us the clarity and the vision in that the olive trees have as it were their, their branches hanging into the, the lamp bowls are the bowls of the lampstands. And they’re continually putting oil, the ideas eternal light, as long as the trees produce, as long as the tree stand,
the lampstands remain burning. And the picture there is the revelation of God and the anointed ones who were in Zechariah’s day<inaudible> and Joshua, the high priest and the ruling individual, okay. That imagery is brought over here to demonstrate to the people of God you, the church that’s the remember Jesus has already promised them chapter two, chapter three, chapter one,
you are a kingdom of priests. You are Kings who will rule. He’s already told and identified who the Kings and the priests are. That are the anointed ones in this day in time. And they’re Christians, the church. So he’s telling the church, you, as the anointed ones, you will be those who speak. You will be those who prophesied.
You will be those who torment those on the earth with the word of God. And you will be those who will be killed for your testimony. We’re going to see that over in chapter 12, but the message is you might appear to die. It might look like the church’s gone. It might look like the beast is one. It might look like by the way,
this is the first time we really read of the beast coming up and persecuting the church. Okay. He may look like you’re dead. You’re, you’re, you’re lying in the streets and they’re having a throwing a party and they’re sending gifts to one another and they’re letting your bodies lay there in the street. And it looks like the church is going to get decimated until God tells the church to rise or again,
to be resurrected after three and a half days. After a period of time, God says, no, no, no, no, no, you didn’t defeat my church. I’m still in charge because your persecution is only a partial, a half of a seven. It is incomplete. It is derived authority. It is not God’s authority. Okay? Then verse seven,
when they finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city. There are a number of references using that phrase, the great city in the book of revelation. And I firmly believe they have referenced to the same city every time.
And it’s not Jerusalem. Now this passage would make you think, Oh, we’re talking about Jerusalem. Here’s why the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. And this is the phrase that causes most people to think, okay, we’re talking about Jerusalem where also our Lord was crucified. Okay. Oh, that sounds like Jerusalem. Right? The idea there is the one that the city that caused the Lord to be crucified.
Okay. When it comes down to it in the time of Christ, when the high priests and the elders and the chief priests and the Pharisees and the scribes all wanted to kill Christ, did they have the authority to know who did they have to convince to kill Christ? Did they take him to Herod? No. Who are alone in the land of Israel,
had the authority in Jesus’s day to put anyone to death. Pilot who’s derived authority came from Rome, turn to acts chapter two and acts chapter two. You find the right verse here. I wrote it down in acts chapter two, beginning in verse 22 men of Israel. Hear these words, Jesus of Nazareth, Amana tested by God, to you by miracles,
wonders and signs, which God did through him in your midst. As you yourselves also know him, notice this being delivered by the determined purpose. And for knowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified and put to death whom God raised up having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should be held by it for David says,
I foresaw the Lord always before my face four. He is at my right hand that I may not be shaken. Therefore, my heart rejoiced and my tongue was made gland. Moreover, my flesh will also rest in hope for you will not leave my soul in Hades, nor will you allow your Holy one to see corruption. You have made known to me the ways of life.
You will make me full of joy in your presence. Now also go over to Psalm chapter two. This Psalm is a messianic Psalm about the crucifixion and about the resurrection in Psalm chapter two, it begins with these words, why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing. The Kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying,
let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us. He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall hold them in derision. He shall speak to them in his wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure. Yet I have set my King on my Holy Hill of Zion in revelation, the great city. We saw it over in chapter 17.
We’re going to see another place as the great city refers to a city sitting on seven Hills. Well, that’s not Jerusalem. That’s Rome. So the picture here is in the description of the crucified. Christ is a picture of Rome. You’re seeing Rome from three different aspects, okay? Pay attention to this because it will make more sense as we go later on and examine Rome again,
as it’s seen in the BESE, we’re looking at Rome, not in its physical sense, but in its spiritual sense, when you get the picture of Saddam, what was Saddam known for it’s sin? It’s sin specifically in the sexual matters that it had violated God’s word, but also in its way that it treated people, both of those things. It’s,
it’s lack of hospitality. It’s willingness to abuse people and it’s sexual immorality. All three of those are the things throughout scripture that are accused against Saddam and Rome is pictured as the seductress Rome is pictured as the one who’s guilty of the sexual and morality. Rome is pictured as the one who has committed all these great sins. So you see Rome in the spiritual aspect of her sin,
her worldly or seductive power, but then you have Egypt. The second name that is given to Rome, Saddam, the worldly, seductive power Egypt. What is Egypt known for throughout scripture? Many gods, but in relationship to Israel, say what? Power control captivity. Okay. So in Egypt you have the civil persecution power. Egypt had control as the slave owner of Israel,
as the captor of Israel, they had power to bring about persecution and they did. Okay. So you’ve got the civil persecuting power, which you’re also going to see in the beast. There’s three BS. All three of them described Rome. They look at Rome from three different perspectives, and it’s the same perspectives that Egypt, Saddam, and the one or the city where our Lord was crucified,
looked at it. What is Jerusalem? Now here’s where I want us to pay attention. The city where our Lord was crucified is Jerusalem, but the great city isn’t, but the great city isn’t Saddam and the great city isn’t Egypt, either Jerusalem is here referenced as a, as an spiritual example of Rome. And in the fact that Christ was crucified on the cross in Jerusalem,
what does Jerusalem stand for? Think about it for a moment. They saw his miracles, they heard his prophecies. They witness his testimony. They heard God speak from heaven and declare him to be his son. They heard John declare him to be God’s son and they killed him anyway. And they claimed to do it in the name of their religion because they took him to pilot and said,
when pilot asked, what is he guilty of? He has Blass themed. Our God Jerusalem here is not the great city. Jerusalem is a picture of perverted religion, which also describes Rome. So Jerusalem gives you perverted religion, which is also one of the beasts. You’re going to see one of the beasts rise up and his whole power is to pervert religion.
You’re going to see another beast rise up. And he’s the seducer it’s the, the, the, seductress the, the prostitute scene in chapter 17. She’s the one who rides the great beast and seduces all the world. And you’re gonna see another beast rise up. And he is the civil economic persecuting power. So you’ve got three BS that describe three aspects of Rome.
You’ve got three cities here that all described for three aspects of Rome. Okay? The great city is Rome. And so here in this passage, the great city is where one last thing I should mention if we take that, the great city is Rome. There’s one interesting fact about Jerusalem. The Romans never persecuted the Christians in Jerusalem. The Jews persecuted the Christians in Jerusalem,
all the living long day, but even in the book of acts, who is it that saves Paul from the hand of the Jews. The Romans remember Paul’s about to be killed by the Jews. And the Roman Centurion comes in and he extracts him out of their hands. And then he keeps him out of their hands. And then he takes him to Rome.
Rome was not a persecuting power against the Christians in Jerusalem. So the great cities, not Jerusalem. Alright, so I’m just wanting to make, kind of make all those points there. And then let’s, let’s move on. Verse 14, we come to the end of the second woe reread verse 14. The second wall was passed behold. The third woe is coming quickly.
Then the seventh angel sounded, all right, so we’ve, we’ve ended the sixth angel we’ve ended the interlude. Now we’re into the seventh angel seven angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of this world has become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. And he shall reign forever and ever now where we’ve got to be careful not to get off track.
Is this when you read about those in heaven, declaring with a loud voice, that God is now reigning, do not immediately make the assumption that God hasn’t been raining all this time, Huh? Who is the King of all the earth going all the way back to Israel in Egypt. And even before that, Moses has sent to Pharaoh to tell him your gods,
aren’t the gods of heaven and earth. Who did God say to tell Pharaoh that he was the, I am, that I am. And Pharaoh asked Moses, who is this Jehovah that I should listen to him. And the whole period through the plagues was to declare I’m the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Is there any point at which God stopped being the King of all the earth?
Is there any point at which God’s power was overcome by Satan’s power and God stopped ruling and the kingdoms of men in Daniel’s day when it looked like Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians were going to wipe the face of the planet over or wipe over the face of the planet. And here they are, and Nebuchadnezzar is here and now all his grander in all his glory and all the things that he’s accomplished.
And God says, you’re going to learn that Jehovah rules and the kingdoms of men and gives power to whosoever. He will. So when you read that the kingdoms of heaven have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. And he shall reign forever and ever don’t immediately assume that means, well, the kingdom begins in the seventh trumpet because that’s what the pre-millennial is do.
Well, wait a minute. We’ve got to Wade through all these things and all this tribulation all this time, and then Christ will establish his kingdom. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The latest date you can possibly give for Christ sitting on the throne as King. It’s the day of Pentecost.
That’s the latest possible date? The earliest date, I think you could say with any assurance would be the date of his resurrection because Jesus says in Matthew chapter 28, verse 18 through 20, I have been given what all authority in heaven and earth kind of sounds like he’s on the throne already. Doesn’t it? Okay. So the latest that you can give is Pentecost for Christ reigning over his kingdom.
This declaration, isn’t the beginning of his kingdom. This is the acting and the action whereby he uses his authority to bring about justice on the kingdoms of the earth. All right, watch this. And the 24 elders who sat before God and on their Thrones, fell on him on their faces and worshiped God saying, we give you thanks. Oh Lord God almighty the one who is and who was,
and who is to come because you have taken your great power and rained. The nations were angry and your wrath has come the time of the dead that they should be judged. And that you should reward your servants, the prophets and the saints, and those who fear your name small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth. This declaration is not,
Oh, well, the kingdom has finally arrived. This declaration is the one who’s on the throne has finally brought about the judgment that he said was coming. He has used the power. He has to bring about judgment because remember when those saints in revelation, chapter five, we’re praying and crying out to God. How long, Oh Lord, how long,
how long until you bring justice upon those who persecute us and Christ says, you rest a little while, but you rest in assurance. And I’m paraphrasing here. You rest in assurance that I will bring judgment. And the seven seals were open, kind of looking forward to what was coming and telling what had been going on. And then the seventh seal was open and you had the seven trumpets and they were the warning shots.
They were the plagues. They were the listen, you better repent or final judgment against Rome is going to come. And they didn’t repent. And because they didn’t repent in the end of the sixth trumpet, God now says, and all those in heaven, declare it’s time judgment’s coming. He’s going to take his power and he’s going to rain and he’s going to judge and he’s going to reward those who are his saints.
Okay? It’s not a picture of the judgment day, not a picture of the final judgment. It’s a picture of the judgment in the context. We’re talking about all through here. This is almost in a sense, the 10th plague where God says you didn’t listen, you didn’t listen. And now you’re going to pay the ultimate price because you didn’t listen.
Okay? So verse 19, then the temple of God was opened in heaven. And the arch of his covenant was seen in his temple. And there were lightnings noises, thunderings and earthquakes and great hail. Just the picture of the culmination of all the plagues coming together. Again, this destruction coming against the nation, but one more time. So the seventh trumpet sounded,
but one more time, God’s going to tell his people, you’re going to go through the ringer. You’re going to get hurt during this. It’s not going to be easy, but I want to tell you about the dragon. I want to tell you about the beast. I want to tell you about Satan. And I want to tell you he’s a three time loser.
Okay? Chapter 12 is the devil is a three time loser. Okay? That’s the whole point of chapter 12, chapter 12 beginning verse one. Now a great sign appeared in heaven. Seventh trumpet sounded, praise goes up that God is going to rain. That God is going to bring judgment. And now there’s a sign that appears in heaven. A woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet and on her head, a Garland of 12 stars. Now what did we say? The number 12 stood for<inaudible> Authorized religion and the people of God. Okay. So she’s a Dorn as the people of God. She is the church. Okay. We’ll see that. As we go through here, then being with child,
she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. Okay. So we see the woman. She’s got the she’s clothed with the sun. The moon’s under her feet on her head is a Garland of 12 stars and she’s pregnant and she’s about to give birth. And another sign appeared in heaven, behold, a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and 10 horns and seven diadems on his head.
What are diadems crowns? Okay. He looks like he’s in charge. He’s got seven heads. He’s got 10 horns and all over his heads are crowns. He looks like he’s in charge. By the way, this is where we get the picture of, of the devil as, as red. Okay? Nowhere else in scripture stuff here that I know of at least,
but notice he’s not without power, not without real power. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. All right. Here’s a dragon that his tail is so great. And so sweeping it reaches up to heaven and knocks the stars down. Okay. In the, in the vision God’s showing you he’s got power,
but notice what we read by the way, could he take all the stores stars down? No, a third. What, what have we always said? A third is partial. He’s got limited power. Okay. He’d through his tail, drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman was ready to give birth,
to devour her child. As soon as it was born. You know, if I didn’t know how to interpret things in their context, I think there was a planned Parenthood. So here we are, she’s bound to give birth and the child or the dragon is sitting there waiting. As soon as she gives birth, he’s going to devour the child. He’s going to conquer the child.
Now in most Bibles, you will see the word child capitalized because it’s not going to be hard to figure out who the child is. Okay. And watch this prepared to devour the child. As soon as it was born, she bore a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. Now what child was ever born, whose inheritance was to rule all nations only one.
And it wasn’t Alexander the great, and it wasn’t anybody who was ruling in Rome. It was Christ. He said, well, wait a minute, Aaron, the church did not give birth to Christ. I beg to differ. Had there not been a need for the redemptive work of Christ. What do you have ever left heaven and taken on flesh all the way back in Genesis,
chapter three, our sin. It ma it’s clear in chapter three of Genesis, our sin and our need for redemption would cause the Christ to be born and woman would give birth to the Messiah. It’s a picture of the church in its redeemed state that could only be achieved through the birth of Christ and through not just his birth, but his reigning. Remember the context that we just had in chapter 11 was he’s reigning.
And now we’re seeing a picture of the devil, tried to stop him from ever raining, but what happens? So the devil’s there. He’s prepared, waiting for her to give birth. He’s going to devour the child as soon as it’s born. But wait, what happens? She bore a male child who was to rule all the nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God.
And to his throne, the moment she gives birth, the child straight to heaven, and the devil misses his chance. First time loser. Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God that they should feed her there 1,260 days. Now we’re not gonna spend a whole lot of time talking about time, times and half a time and 1,260 days and 42 months,
because we talked about all that on Wednesday. They all mean this. The church is going. It is a state of time in which the church will be ultimately victorious, but will endure difficulty in the process. It is taken from Elijah’s three and a half years of drought, three and a half years of no rain where God delivered those who were his.
He provided for those who were his, but it wasn’t easy. And it wasn’t pleasant. Okay. So the first time loser, he tries to devour the baby. When the baby’s born, he doesn’t succeed. The child goes up to heaven and he’s on his throne. Reigning verse seven in the war and war broke out in heaven. Now you get this first scene is here’s a woman.
She’s got the moon under her feet. She’s clothed with the sun. She’s got stars on her head. And the moment she gives birth, the baby goes, the child male child goes up to heaven. And then the next moment, where are you at verse seven? You’re immediately in what place? Heaven. The devil tried to chase him down. Okay.
That’s what you get you get. He failed on the first attempt. So he followed him into heaven to go finish the job. Okay. Verse seven in war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought. So the dragon goes to heaven to try and still devour the child to try and stills,
keep him from reigning on his throne. But instead of being able to confront the child, he’s confronted with messengers, God’s messengers, he’s confronted with angels. He never gets near the child. He never gets near the Christ. He can’t touch the Christ. He can’t even get past Michael, by the way. Very interesting that the name Michael, if I’ve got it written down here and can find it,
let’s see. Say that again. He, who is like the Lord, you’ve got this picture in Michael of he who is like unto God or he who is like unto the Lord. The devil doesn’t get near Christ, but the one who’s like God goes and stands and fights and notice what happens. So they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
So the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan, Oh wait, here we go. So the dragon is pictured as who? Satan, the devil, the deceiver. And so the great dragon, the old sir, the serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world. He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now, salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down. And some people say, well, this, this is what happened before the earth was ever formed. And before Satan was,
was on the earth and Tim did eat, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is what happens in the seventh trumpet. He’s the serpent of old, but this isn’t talking about his origin. This is talking about God saying, Satan, you stood here, accusing my people of wrong. You stood here accusing my people of guilt,
which is why you’ve been using your servants to kill them at now. You won’t stand before me, you know, all through the old Testament, we’ve read about times in book of job. And other times where Satan appears before the Lord, God says no more, no more. You’re outta here. Second time loser. Then those what happens. They overcame him by the blood.
Then I heard a loud voice saying verse 10 in heaven now, salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down. And they who’s the, they, the accused ones, the ones who are being accused, okay. Notice.
And they overcame him. Who’s the him, Satan, the dragon, the devil, the accusers, or the accused overcome the accuser. And how did they do it? Three ways, three ways that Christians destroy the power of Satan notice right here. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives unto death.
When a Christian clothed in the blood of the lamb covered in the blood of Christ, washed in the blood of the lamb, who declares the testimony of God. And won’t give it up, holds fast to the truth and won’t turn aside and then gives his life as a martyr because he will not turn aside. He will not bow his need of the beast.
He will not give in to Satan. He will not turn his back on Christ. He might be dead on this earth, but he wins. He overcomes the accuser, verse 12, therefore rejoice. So heavens and you who dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and to the sea for the devil has come down to you. Ah, this isn’t the end of time.
This isn’t the final judgment. Cause now the devil’s down on the earth, wrecking havoc on who Vietnam Evidence of the earth. Now we’ve said all along and having served the earth are Who centers. Why would the devil be wrecking havoc on sinners? Because that’s what sin does. He doesn’t care about them. He wants them to go to hell, just like he does.
He doesn’t care about them. And so wherever he is, he brings misery and anguish and pain and persecution. And it doesn’t matter who he does it to. He’ll always do it for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time. I’m going to read through verse 13 and verse 17, and then we’ll close.
Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child, but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent. So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth,
like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. By the way, that’s a picture of the red sea and the destruction of Pharaoh’s army in the red sea and Exodus chapter 15 and Moses, his song is they’re kind of brought into this so that the devil tries to act like a God destroy the woman with the power of the,
of water, but instead what happens, but the earth helped the woman And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon spewed out of his mouth. He tries to act like God, he doesn’t have that power. God always is in control and God will protect his people. That’s the assurance we’re given all through this. And the dragon was enraged with a woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Okay. So the message through chapter 12 and we’ll catch up on the questions on Wednesday. The message of chapter 12 is to the church. Again, you’re going to go through persecution at, you might die, but the moment you do, you win the moment you die, you win and I’ll always provide for you because the child is on the throne.
The Christ is on the throne and Satan’s a three time loser. Okay. That’s chapter 12<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> Good morning. Welcome to the Collierville Sunday morning services here at Collierville church Christ. It’s good to see each and every one of you. I see a few more of our regular members with us this morning. It’s great to see everyone of you.
And for those of you that are still able, unable to come out because of the COVID-19 and various things going on, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we pray for each and every one of you every day and cannot wait for the day that you can return and worship our Lord with us here in his building on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday evenings announcements today,
if there are any visitors with us, we are glad that you took the opportunity to come and worship with us. We asked that you’d fill out a visitor’s card. If you did not pick up your Lord’s supper on the way in now, it’d be a good time to do that. Our sick, please keep Aaron in your thoughts and prayers. He is getting a little better.
He still has some pain here and there. They’re changing some medications, but he’s working through that slowly but surely and getting a little better each day, Joan Springer is still having her difficulties. So please keep Joan and your thoughts and prayers. Janet Jones is back at home now, and she’s going through a home therapy, physical therapy at home. So please keep Janet in your thoughts and prayers as she works through that,
because any of us have been through physical therapy, know what that’s like, that pain that they put you through to make you get better. Sometimes you make, you makes you wonder if it’s really worth it, but in the long run, it is Dorothy Wilson is still dealing with very high blood pressure issues. Please keep Dorothy and your thoughts and prayers. Sylvia’s a nerve block that she was going to have this past Friday has been rescheduled.
That’s now going to be on the 23rd of October. So continue to pray for Sylvia, Danny O’Neil that’s Tommy’s brother is still in st. Francis. He is slowly getting a little better and they are working on getting him off the ventilator. And Tommy said with all goes well, they should have him off the ventilator by the end of today, but it’s a slow process.
Getting him off that ventilators continued to pray for Danny and the entire O’Neill family. James Luna is having a lot of numbness in his hands and he will see a specialist on Thursday to see if they can determine what’s going on with him. So please pray for James Victoria Melton. Who’s a previous member here is hospitalized, and I am not going to be able to pronounce what this is that she has,
but it’s something to do with the fact that she’s pregnant and her baby is 32 weeks old and she may have to stay hospitalized until the baby is at least 37 weeks before they can go ahead and take an early delivery on that baby. So please keep Victoria Melton and your thoughts and prayers. Jenny Sanderson, sister-in-law Mary Joe Todaro has passed away. So please keep that entire family and your thoughts and prayers.
And we have a special request for Vincent to Darrow who’s Jenny’s brother. They were married for Vincent and Mary Jo were married for 49 years. And Vincent relied on her. Like you would not believe, you know, Mary Joel was his everything to her, to him. So please, please pray special prayers for Vincent. In this time of his loss,
he’s going to need all the help he can get to get through this other announcements. The 45th annual spiritual sword lectureship at get well, church of Christ is scheduled for October 18th through the 22nd. We have a flyer on the board out here, the Memphis school of preaching fifth, fifth annual world evangelism seminar is this Friday and Saturday, the 16th and 17th,
Gary Kali will be speaking and his sermon will be the second. The disciples second baptism that’s Friday at 9:00 PM on a nationwide gospel calling meeting and the flyer list in each one of the speakers and what the topic is, is on the table out there in the foyer. So please pick one of them up on your way out today for the man reminder that tomorrow night at 7:00 PM,
we’ll have our monthly business meeting. And if there’s anyone here that has anything that needs to be addressed, please put it on a sheet. I’ll draw on a bulletin board. So men can discuss that. And also reminder too, that early voting for the general election starts here. This coming Wednesday, the 16th and runs through Thursday, October 29th. So that’ll be here at church early voting our service.
This morning song leader will be Michael Dale opening prayer be Terry Sanderson. Lord’s supper will be Joel caisson. Sermon will be Erin coats are, and our closing prayer will be Tommy Lassiter. Thank you.<inaudible> Our opening song. This morning will be number 227 on Zions glorious summit On XY yarns glorious man. It’s de<inaudible> by blood. They him, their King and strains.
D I heard that song and Stroh too. I heard the song<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> shout victory.<inaudible> great.<inaudible> for the gray wow. Lasting<inaudible> rise and<inaudible> to<inaudible><inaudible> to<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> like me<inaudible> Oh my God. Oh, the<inaudible> God<inaudible> Oh, Oh, Oh, a song before our opening prayer will be number 800.
What a friend we have in Jesus. What a friend we have in GE is all our sins and griefs to back. Yeah.<inaudible> a very thing to God and pray. Yeah. Oh, a peace. We often fall this pain mean we<inaudible>. Oh, because we do<inaudible> eh, very thing to God and pray. Yeah. Ah, we try also<inaudible> is TRIBE<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> to the Lord and<inaudible><inaudible> we find a friends<inaudible> Oh,
Oh, so<inaudible> jeez.<inaudible> three. We<inaudible> to say goodbye to the Lord and pray. Yeah. We weak and heavy. Hey, calm bird with<inaudible><inaudible> refuge to get to the Lord. And<inaudible> do friends despise for<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> and his arms take. Yeah. And<inaudible> well find us all Right. A father who art in heaven.
We thank thee for this first day of the week and the opportunity to, we have to come together as your children to study your word. We pray that you would be with those that are sick and unable to be with us. We pray that you would comfort them and restore them for their health. If that’s the reason that they’re not here, we pray that they will soon be well enough to come back and be with us.
We pray that you would be with the teacher of the hour, that he may have a lesson prepared for us too, that we may understand. And it will help us to become strong with Christians. And that weak may spread the word in this community. We thank you for the opportunity that we have to be here and, and be with the, with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We pray that the things that we do here today will be accepted linear side, where you pray that you would be with the leaders of our country. At this time, we pray that the election will go in a way that will be placed into the on and that later we’ll look at you aware to help them and make decisions. And to make this a better country.
We pray that you would go with us now through the, for the exercises this day and forgive us when we do wrong in Christ’s name, we pray amen. Song to prepare our minds for the Lord. Supper will be number 364. Come share. We gather here in jesus’ name, his love is burning and a heart it’s like living flame for through the loving son.
No father makes us Swan. Come take up, bruh. Come drink. No cup. Come share the Lord. No one is a stranger. Hey,<inaudible> finding<inaudible>. He joins us. You. He breaks up bruh. The Lord who pours the cup is risen from a dad. No one. We love the<inaudible>.<inaudible> come take up bruh.
Come drink a cup. Come shit.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> angels. See, well, see the glory of our Lord Dan Kami King. Now we anticipate, Hey, no fees for which we wait, come take up bread, come drink a cup, come shit.<inaudible> This morning in order to help prepare our minds for the Lord. Supper will be reading from Isaiah chapter 53,
who has believed I report into him, whom is the arm of the Lord revealed where he shall grow up before him as a tender plant. And it root out of dry ground. He has no form to come then this. And when we shall see him, there’s no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected a man, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid as it were our faces from him. He was despised and we esteemed him. Not surely. He had born our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we did not esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. And with his stripes,
we are healed. We are like sheep that have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him, the iniquity of us all, but a spray. Dear God, our father in heaven. We come before you, as our minds, go back to the cross of Calvary and your son there. And the cruel death that he suffered,
bearing our sins there on the cross of Calvary. We’re mindful of that sacrifice that was made for each and every one of us for all of mankind father. As we look to this Memorial this morning, we pray that our hearts and minds will be centered upon him upon what his love for us and his willingness to give his life that we might have life eternal fathers.
We partake of this bread, which is representative of his body. We pray that we might examine ourselves and do so in a manner that would be worthy in Jesus name. Amen.<inaudible> We will now continue that reading. He was oppressed and he was afflicted. Yet. He opened not his mouth. He is brought as a lamb to slaughter and his sheep before her shearers is dumb.
So he opened not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation. He was cut out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people, was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich, he was in his death because he had done no violence. Neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him. He has put him to grief. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed. He shall prolong his days and the precious pleasure of the Lord shall prosper. In his hand. He should see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justly justify many where he shall bear their iniquities.
Therefore what I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spore with the strong, because he has poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bear the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors. That is probably Father in heaven. As we continue to remember our savior and the love that he demonstrated for us,
remind of that precious blood, that flowed on Calvary, that we might have our sins forgiven. We are so grateful father for being able to be your children. And for this time and moment that we can remember our Lord and savior. And we pray father that we examine ourselves and do our best to serve and glorify you with our lives. We pray that this fruit of the vine,
which is representative of that blood, that we might partake in a way that will be acceptable and memory of him and Jesus. We pray. Amen. We prepare our minds to think about how blessed we are as a people and how much material wealth that we really do have. And we think about the scriptures as they teach us that of those that have much,
much shall be required. And it should be a blessing for each and every one of us, as we’ve thought about what we would give today, that we should remember the blessings that’s already been given to us, and that we’re willing to share those blessings to not only further the cause of the kingdom, the spreading of the gospel, but also to be benevolent to those that are in need and try to help those that need help.
They’re less fortunate than we are. And I know myself a lot of times, I fail to keep that in mind. And we always think about mainly I guess the church, which we should and the spreading of the gospel, but there are so many souls out there that really do need our help. And sometimes we might overlook them. So let’s think about that.
As we think about our contribution, let’s bow father in heaven, we are grateful for every blessing that we receive each and every day of our lives. Many of which we take for granted, we pray father that you forgive us for doing that and help us to appreciate every blessing that comes from the, we pray father, that we’ve purposed in our hearts today.
And given it great thought on what we would give back at this time that we would continue to contemplate all the blessings that we have and what we could do. If we put our minds to it, we pray father that our offering will be acceptable. And that we might not only further the kingdom, the work of the kingdom preaching and teaching your word,
but that we might also reach out to those that are in need. And those that are struggling with various things in life, we might help them in some way that they know that we truly do care about them and would help them with things that they need. And we have might have that opportunity to share the gospel with them, that they too might want to be a child of yours and be a part of this body in jesus’ name.
We pray amen song before the lesson will be number 290 shine. Jesus shine. If you can please stand for this song. Lord, the light of your love is shining in a man. It’s the dark nurse shining. Jeez, a snide of China upon us said a spree by the truth. You now bring us shame on me, shame on me.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> me.
Try me consume all my darkness.<inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible><inaudible> with grace and mercy.<inaudible><inaudible> You may be seated if you’d like to Mark number nine, 15, trust and obey for the invitation song. You can, if not, it’ll be up on the projector. Good morning. A number of us in recent days and months have had more doctor’s visits than we planned on.
And when you go in the first time, it’s generally for an evaluation to figure out what’s wrong. But every so often we go to a doctor for just a checkup, just a, what we call a physical, maybe annually, maybe more often than that. Maybe for some of us who were stubborn much often than that, We just, we go to just find out the state of things.
What are we doing? How’s everything working? Is it working? Is it working the way it’s supposed to be working? Can they maybe working better? Just a checkup. And sometimes you and me in our lives need to do a spiritual checkup. We need to examine ourselves. We’re called upon by Paul and the Holy spirit through Paul to examine ourselves on a regular basis.
As a matter of fact, we’re told that on the first day of every week, when we come together, part of what we do in the Lord’s supper is examine ourselves. We are to examine ourselves to see whether or not we are in the faith, but Jesus, in John chapter 12 would call upon those who were present to do a little self examination.
So we’re going to notice in our lesson this morning, the ending of John chapter 12. So I encourage you to open your Bibles will take the majority of our text or we’ll take our texts from that passage. Spend the majority of our time in that scripture, John chapter 12, beginning in verse 42, when you only have one usable arm, you drop a lot of things and I’m trying not to drop anything.
So John chapter 12 beginning in verse 42, nevertheless, among the rulers, many believed in him, but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess him less. They should be put out of the synagogue. Now John is giving us the reason behind it. This, this, this isn’t, you know, ruler after ruler comes up and says, you know what I believe on you and does,
and says it publicly. I believe on you, but you know these Pharisees over here, man, they are a pain. And if I say anything publicly about this, they’re going to kick me out and say, no, this isn’t a public proclamation. This is the Holy spirit who knows the hearts and minds of men revealing to us behind the curtain what’s going on.
There are these rulers in Israel and it’s coming up on the final week of a life of Christ. It’s coming up on the final week, in the final time where Christ will be on the earth. And there are rulers in Israel who won’t confess him because of the fairs because they know what will happen, but it’s not just the Pharisees. And the text that follows in verse 44 through the end of the chapter is not about the Pharisees.
It’s not about what people do because of the people around them, having an influence on them. It’s not about what people do because there are people holding them back from doing it. It’s about what’s inside the end of verse or the end of verse 42 says less. They should be put out of the synagogue, verse 43 for, they loved the praise of men.
More than the praise of God. The Holy spirit examines these individuals, any, it goes ahead and tells you they had external forces that were working against them. They had people who were leveraging them and keeping them from doing what was right, because they had influence over them. But internally their main problem, the primary issue, and the reason why anyone had leverage over them was because they loved the praise of men.
More than the praise of God. They wanted to be in the synagogue because they were rulers. They wanted to be where the people were because they had influence. They wanted to be recognized. Then they wanted to be promoted. And they wanted to be those who were called, whose names were called before others. And because they loved the praise of men,
more than the praise of one who wasn’t going to necessarily give them influence who wasn’t going to necessarily give them position or prominence, but who would say on that day of judgment when they stood before him? Well done, thou good and faithful servant because they love the praise of men. More than the praise of God. They would not confess Christ. And so what follows is Jesus declaration that we need to examine ourselves.
He begins first in verse 44. Then Jesus cried out and said, he who believes in me believes not in me, but in him who sent me the very first thing that Jesus cries out is about faith. The premise of this very situation is there are those who will not confess him. They know who he is, they know what he’s done. They know where he came from.
They know who he is and they will not confess his name because of the influence of those around them and because of their own selfish interests. And he says, look at your faith. He who believes in me believes not only in me, but in him who sent me, if you did nine, me, you deny him. When we examine ourselves spiritually,
we begin with our faith. What does our faith look like? What is our belief? And what is the state of our belief in second Corinthians chapter five in second Corinthians chapter five, Paul is writing to the church at Corinth, a congregation that so often struggled with the difficulties of the world around it and the influence of the world around it. But he says in verse five,
now he who has prepared for us this very thing who also has given us the spirit as a guarantee. So we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord for, we notice this statement, walk by faith and not by sight.<inaudible> We walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident.
Yes. Well-pleased rather to the absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. Paul says, we’ve examined ourselves. We’ve looked at ourselves and we know we’re not walking by sight. We’re not walking by the things that we know to be true in this life. In other words, we’re not walking by the influence of man. We’re not walking by the wisdom of man.
We’re not walking in a certain way because of those who try to influence us one way or another, we are walking. According to revelation, we are walking. According to God’s word, we walk by faith, not a leap in the dark, not guesswork, not a hope in a, in a circumstance where maybe sometime this might be true. No,
we’re walking by the declared word of God and not our own wisdom. Their wisdom said, if we confess Christ will be put out of the synagogue and God’s wisdom says, so what, what are you willing to give up to be obedient to me? So we begin with our faith, but also notice in Romans chapter 10 and Romans chapter 10 and beginning in verse eight,
as Paul writes to the church at Rome, he says, he says, but what does it say? The word is near you. Now notice the context. The passage is talking about the word of God and its action in their lives. He says, well, what does it say? The word is near you in your mouth and in your heart.
That is the word of faith, which we preach. That if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart, that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved for, with a heart. One believes on the righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. You know, that passage is important and it’s integral to our understanding of the position and the order of faith in view of baptism.
But so often we go to that passage and we’re only trying to get to the point that faith and confession come before baptism. And we ignore much of what that passage says about righteousness, salvation, and the word of God. It says that the word of God belongs in our heart in our mind. And that the word of God being in our mind ought to cause it to come out of our mouth.
They would not let the word of God come out of their mouth because there was a problem with their heart. There was a problem with their mind. So when we do a spiritual examination, a spiritual checkup, it begins first with our faith is our faith causing us to speak or our influences around us causing us to be silent. But then he goes on in John chapter 12 and he says,
he who believes in me, believes not in me, but in him who sent me. And he who sees me, sees him, who sent me the second thing that we’re going to examine in our spiritual checkup is our eyesight. I will freely admit I’ve been blessed with good eyesight, but because of that, I’ve been negligent to go to the eye doctor.
I haven’t been to an eye doctor since I was seven years old, but I can still see. So, you know, but Jesus says your site is important. Your site is integral integral to your spiritual condition. And here’s why verse 46. I have come as a light into the world that whoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. He says,
can you see me? Can you see me? Do you have enough light in your life to see who I am? Because if you can see me, you can see him who sent me earlier on in this passage, back in John chapter 12, beginning in verse 31, be actually a little bit, get in verse 30, Jesus answered and said,
this voice did not come because of me. But for your sake now is the judgment of this world. Now the ruler of this world will be cashed out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all peoples unto me under myself, this, he said, signifying, by what death, he should die. The people answered him.
We have heard that the law, excuse me, from the law that the Christ remains forever. And how can you say the son of man must be lifted up? Who is the son of man? Then Jesus said to them a little while longer, the light is with you while you walk or excuse me while you have the light less. Let me try one more time.
See if I can read the words on the page fairly. I do need to go to the eye doctor a little while longer. The light is with you walk while you have the light less darkness overtake you. He who walks in darkness does not know where he is going while you have the light, because believe in the light that you may become sons of light.
These things, Jesus spoke and departed and was hidden from them. Jesus is in their presence. Jesus declares that he would be lifted up. Jesus declares his crucifixion, Jesus declares. What would happen as a result of his crucifixion? And they say, Oh, we’ve read the old Testament. The Messiah who comes and sits on the throne reigns forever. How can you say the son of man will be lifted up?
They understood what he meant. They understood what he said. When he said the son of man would be lifted up. They knew he was talking about dying. And they said, we’ve read the old Testament. That can’t possibly be true if you’re the Messiah. But then Jesus said beginning in verse 37. But although he had done so many signs before them,
they did not believe in him that the word of Isaiah, the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke Lord, who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord been revealed. Therefore they could not believe because Isaiah said again, he has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts less. They should see with their eyes less. They should understand with their hearts and turn so that I should heal them.
These things I say is said, when he saw his glory and spoke of him, you see Isaiah said, Oh, you’ve got highs, but you won’t use them to see you’ll stay blinded. You’ve got ears, but you won’t hear, you have a heart that could understand, but you won’t let it because had fit did because if it did, I’d heal you,
but that would require you to open your eyes. That would require you to believe with your heart. Had they wouldn’t. So we examine our faith and we examine our eyes. Whether or not they let any light in. But then we also examine our hearing. Jesus said, if anyone hears my words and does not believe I do not judge him now that might be easy to stop right there and say,
see, alright, no judgment. It’s okay. Believe what you want to, nobody’s going to judge you. That’s not what Jesus said. He says, I do not judge him for, I did not come to the world to judge the world, but to save the world, Jesus said, I’m not here to judge you. I’m not here to be the judge who brings about your judgment,
who brings about your, the justice that you ought to get? Because you’re a sinner for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life. Jesus said, I’m not here to judge the world. I’m here to save the world. But he said, he who rejects me and does not receive my words has that.
Which judges him. The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. Jesus said, I didn’t come to this earth. I didn’t give up heaven. I didn’t take on flesh. I didn’t come to this earth to judge you, but the word that I’ve spoken remains forever. The word that I’ve spoken, whether you’re willing to hear it and obey it or where you’re willing to hear it and dismiss it will judge you on the final day,
we examine our ears. Are they open to the word of God? Or do they hear the word of God and dismiss what they don’t want to hear and accept only what sounds good because that’s what these people were doing. If Jesus said something they agreed with, they were fine. But the moment he started declaring himself to be the son of God. The moment he started declaring himself to be the Messiah,
the Mullen, he started declaring himself to be someone who had authority over them. They refuse to hear our faith, our eyes, our ears, but he’s not done our speech. We go through this spiritual checkup, we’ve got to examine our speech. We’ve got to examine what we say in verse 49. Jesus sets a standard. He says for, I have spoken or I have not spoken on my own authority.
He says, I’m going to judge you in the final day, but it won’t be me. It’ll be the words that I’ve spoken. But just in case you begin to argue with the words that I’ve spoken, you need to understand something. I haven’t spoken of my own authority. I didn’t come to this earth with my own authority to declare my own message,
to declare my own judgment. That in the final day you will be judged my mind words. He said, I have not spoken of myself or of my own authority, but the father who gave me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. Jesus said, my doctrine doesn’t belong to me. My word isn’t mine. The word that will judge you,
didn’t originate with me. It originated with the father. And in doing this and making this statement, Jesus sets a standard. What should we speak? Should we speak our own doctrine? Should we speak our own ideas? Should we speak our own opinions? Should we speak our own judgments? Or should we declare the word of God? Should we speak?
Not of our own authority, but of his, we examine our speech and Deuteronomy chapter 18 in view of both the hearing and the speaking. Moses sets an interesting standard in Deuteronomy chapter 18, beginning in verse 18, as he is declaring about the prophet that would come. He says in verse 18, I will raise up for them. A prophet like you,
God’s speaking through. Moses says, I will raise up a prophet like you Moses in their presence. He says, I will raise up for them. A prophet like you from among their brethren. And I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them. All that I command him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear my words,
which he speaks in my name, I will require it of him. God says, I’m going to judge. I’m going to raise up a prophet like you Moses. And they’re going to hear him. But some of them won’t accept what he says. And when they don’t, I’m going to judge because his words won’t be as old, but they will have come from me.
And so our speech as the church of Christ, as the body of Christ, as the bud bought bride of Christ, our speech, our doctrine, our proclamation Ought to always originate with him. We do not preach opinion. We do not preach that, which is coming from our own mouths or coming from some creed or coming from some Pope who claims to have the authority of Christ.
And doesn’t, it’s not coming from some head. It’s not coming from some regional doctrine comes from God. And if it doesn’t come from God, it has no business in this house. And I know, and I know that his commandment is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak just as the father has told me. So I speak fifth and final aspect of this checkup is how’s your life walk into the doctor’s office.
Maybe I should start that a little differently. The doctor walks into his office and there you are. And he begins to do the checkup. He checks your brain. Soso checks your eyes, not very responsive. Checks your hearing, not getting much checks your checks, your speech, not much. There then bothers to check whether or not you’re alive. Sometimes we judge ourselves by ourselves.
Paul uses that phrase to mean Christians sitting in a congregation, judging themselves against some other Christian in the congregation. Well, I’m better than so and so I’m doing, I do more than, and then Susie who sits down on the fourth row, I’ve been here for 41. Doesn’t matter. The question is, are you alive or dead? Jesus says that the commandments of God give life.
James says it a little differently. James says, show me your faith without your works. And I’ll show you my faith by my works. And that faith without works is dead. How’s your life? Does it look like someone who has faith in God who sees the Lord? And the one who sent him, who hears the word of God and responds to it?
Who accepts what he hears and obeys it, who not only hears, but speaks the word of God to those around him because he is faith. Isn’t dead, but alive. And those commandments that originate with the father that he obeys, that he acts out in his life are in his life producing everlasting life. Jesus came to give life. John chapter one,
John chapter one, as we begin this book that John gives this record of jesus’ life. He begins it with in the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. And without him was nothing made that was made in him was life.
And the life was the light of men. See, we’re already right back to where we started faith and light and hearing the word of God. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. This man came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all through him might believe he was not that light,
but was sent to bear witness of that light. That was the true light, which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world and the world was made through him and the world did not know him. He came to his own and his own did not receive him. But as many as received him, there’s your hearing.
But as many as received to him, received him to them. He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of men, but of God. Their life begins again. Their life begins with God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
And we beheld his glory. The glory is of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth. John bore, witness of him and cried out saying this was he of whom. I said, he who comes after me is preferred before me for, he was before me and of his fullness. We have all received. And grace for grace for the law was given through Moses,
but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten son who is in the bosom of the father, he has declared him. John says that Jesus said John chapter 14, when Phillip said, Lord, show us the father. He said, Philip, have you been with me so long? And you do have not seen me when you’ve seen me.
You’ve seen the father. I encourage all of us to spend a little time this week with John chapter 12, verses 42 through 50 or 48 and ask ourselves what is our spiritual condition? And when we get the results of the checkup, where are we lacking? And what do we need to work on? You’re here this morning and you’re outside the body of Christ.
You do enter into Christ by being born. Again, you do enter into Christ as, as BJ made. So clear last week, you do enter into Christ by being born of water and of the spirit. Having believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God, willing to repent of your sins, willing to confess his name, willing to bow to his authority as he bowed to the authority of God.
But are you willing to do that? If you’re outside the body of Christ, you can put Christ on in baptism today. If you have need of the invitation, if you have need of responding to the invitation for any reason, good or bad, why not come together now as we stand in, as we sing, Hey, while we do is good,
he abides with us and with all trust and<inaudible> to be happy and jeez us, but to trust and<inaudible>, but we never can.<inaudible> for the<inaudible> and<inaudible><inaudible> and<inaudible> to be happy and jeez us, but to trust. And<inaudible> walk by, Hey, this, and Hey, what he says we will do where he sends we.
Well, never fear only trust. Oh, Hey.<inaudible> to be happy and jeez, us, but to trust. And<inaudible> The closing song will be number 736 to Christ. Be true to It’s been long. Oh man, be true. He needs<inaudible> and<inaudible> to<inaudible> to Christ the truth to cries me. Oh man, be true. He needs<inaudible> to stand against the powers of sin.<inaudible> to<inaudible> the Lord be true.
Would you bow with me? Our God and father in heaven. We’re indeed thankful for this beautiful first day of the week that you’ve allowed us to gather as your children and worship Dee and same price to your name, father. We are thankful for the work that Aaron and Michael do here. And father we’re thankful for their most loving and giving families that they brought with them,
by the way, thank you for the word that we’ve heard today. And we pray father that we can use that to be that shining light to those around us. And those that may be lost. Bring them to you while we pray that you’ll be with us and keep us safe and forgive us of our seniors. They say in jesus’ name, we pray.
10-07-2020 Revelation 11 – Article – Rejoice! (Part 2)
The Kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord.
The Seventh Trumpet & The Third Woe – Summary of the Book of Revelation: Chapter 11 (part 2)
A LOOK BACK: The angels with the trumpets are still sounding. The seventh angel is about to pronounce the third woe upon the people of Earth.
Consider Jim McGuiggan’s review of the chapter thus far.
John is being told the Church is about to undergo hard times, but at the same time he is being assured everything is all right with them. In this chapter, he is told this in two different ways. A vision of a city trodden under the heel of the enemy while the inner sanctuary is… invulnerable. The second vision is one of two witnesses. They have a task to perform, namely, prophesy for 1260 days. They have opposition, but they have more than enough ability to take care of that opposition. They finish their task! But there’s that other side of the picture to portray – the gloom. That is hinted at in their wearing sackcloth, but it is spelled out in their death at the hands of the beast. Their defeat is seen to be only apparent since they are resurrected and glorified.
The same truth is taught in chapter 12:6,14 and in 13:5ff.1
Rejoice! The King Reigns!
The sixth trumpet sounds in 9:13 and then a message came to comfort the Christians. Now the seventh trumpet sounds, and again we will see a message of comfort for the brethren. Understand that with the last trumpet sounding (and the contents of its message), God’s judgment against Rome will be complete, the Christians vindicated, and God will be victorious.
The proclamation of “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” is the announcement of the public vindication of the Kingdom. The kingdom of our Lord encompasses all sovereignties of the world (see Matthew 28:18). He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The elders rejoice on their thrones (verse 17.) “We give You thanks… Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.” Jesus’ utilization of His authority to bring judgment upon the Church’s persecutors is rejoiced over. They rejoice in the wrath of the King upon the nations; the judgment of the dead; the reward of the prophets and saints and those who fear His name; and the destruction of those who destroy the earth.
Has It Already Happened?
This expression is taking place as if the “final woe” was already delivered, but it is still coming–we will read of seven bowls of wrath in the coming chapters. When God’s wrath begins it is as good as done. There will be nothing to stop it.
Then the Temple of God opens in Heaven, and the ark of His covenant is in the Holiest of Holies. John again observes “lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.” Judgment is a reason to rejoice.
Next week: The Dragon Loses to the Child of the Woman.
1McGuiggan, Jim. Revelation. Sunset Institute Press. Kindle Edition.
10-07-2020 Revelation 11 – Article – Two Witnesses
Two witnesses are called to testify, and their blood will declare the judgment on Earth.
A LOOK BACK: Chapter 10 continues the second woe with a prophecy made by an angel that John is not allowed to write down. The angel declares that the time when the mystery of God is complete—the mystery declared by the prophets in the Old Testament.
John is commanded to take the little book from the hand of the angel and eat it (his prophecy). It is sweet to taste, but bitter in his belly.
John is called upon to measure with a reed the Temple (or inner sanctuary) of God, the altar, and those who worship in the Temple (God’s priests = Christians). He is not to measure the courtyard of the Gentiles (profane people). To describe the kind of people these Gentiles are, they are the Gentiles will tread underfoot the city—the persecutors.
The Two Witnesses
The angel declares that two witnesses will be given to prophesy for 1,260 days. Notice they prophesy in sackcloth – their message isn’t one of hope, but judgment. The witnesses are olive trees and lampstands which stand before God. If anyone seeks to harm the witnesses, they fire devours them.
The witnesses’ authority includes shutting heaven, causing no rain to fall, turning water to blood, and striking the earth with plagues. These are the actions of prophets during the Mosaic ages (Elijah) and Patriarchal ages (Moses).
The Beast Makes War
When the prophets cease prophesying, the beast begins to make war against the witnesses of God. He will overcome them and kill them. The prophets’ bodies are paraded and dumped in the streets of The Great City.
The city is spiritually Sodom, Egypt, and the place of the crucifixion (Jerusalem). Here is a picture of the complete rejection of God’s prophets from Moses to Elijah to Christ by those of earth.
The reaction of humanity at the death of the two prophets is to throw a party, to rejoice and give gifts because these prophets “tormented” earth with their prophecies. But these prophets are not finished yet.
The Resurrection
After three and a half days the two prophets stand on their feet in the middle of the street. Fear falls on the people who see them. A voice from heaven calls to the prophets, “Come up here.” Do not miss: God ultimately protects His messengers – even if the world kills them physically.
The prophets ascend to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watch. Immediately, judgment begins. An earthquake; one-tenth of the city falls; seven thousand men die (7 x 1000); the remainder of humanity glorifies God (repentance). Thus ends the second woe. The third woe comes quickly.
Next week: The Seventh Trumpet.
10-07-2020 Revelation 11 (Class)
JOHN – Revelation 11
The Two Olive Trees And The Seventh Trumpet
- What was John given and what was he told to do? Revelation 11:1 ______________________________________________
- What was John told to leave out? Revelation 11:2 ________________________________________________________________
- How many witnesses were there and what were they told to do? Revelation 11:3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- What two things do the witnesses have power to do and who are these things pictures of in the Old Testament? Revelation 11:6 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Revelation 11:7-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Revelation 11:11-12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- 15-16 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Under Christ’s reign who would be rewarded?
What was seen when the temple of God in Heaven was opened?
Revelation 11:18-19 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Automated Transcript
<inaudible><inaudible> good evening. I was telling, sorry, the, the pain medicine does this to me. I lose my words. I was telling Tommy just a minute ago. I said, I sure am glad that I’m injured. And everybody’s being very patient with me because I’m injured because everything takes so much longer than normal when you only have one hand,
okay, we are in revelation chapter 11 this evening. I don’t have as many slides on the overheads as I have had previously. Mostly we’re just going to use the images tonight, but revelation chapter 11 is for those who have been here for Zechariah and our sermons on Zechariah revelation, chapter 11, at least the part will sound very Familiar to you, or hopefully it will because it comes straight out of Zechariah,
Zechariah chapter four. So we’ll get into that in just a moment, but let’s get started with a word of prayer, our gracious father in heaven, we bow before your throne grateful for this day that you’ve given to us for the life that you have blessed us with and the health that you have given to us. We pray for this country. We pray for its leaders.
We pray for all those who lead around the world, both in local and in national levels. We pray for them to make choices that are in accordance with your will. We pray for them to be used for your purposes. And we pray for this election here in our country to be equitable and to be in accordance with the law and that, which is just,
but also that which is done and handled in a way that promotes unity and not division. We pray for this congregation and we pray for all those who are undergoing and enduring difficult times and struggles, hardships illnesses, pray that you will be with them, that they might have the strength to endure those hard times. They may have the strength to Le lean on you and look to you for grace and mercy,
comfort, love, and kindness, and also to be able to lean on their fellow brethren and their brothers and sisters in Christ, for those things that they need. We know that at times the hardest thing is to ask for help when we need it. And we pray for the wisdom to know that we ought to ask just to the same way we know that you have told us that you know what we need,
but that you want us to ask for it. We pray for forgiveness when we fall short of your glory and we pray that you continue to be with us when we do what is wrong. And when we are willing to repent of those things and seek your forgiveness, we pray for all those who are traveling, pray that they might reach their destination safely.
All this we pray in jesus’ name. Amen. Let’s go over the questions from chapter 10, very quickly as a review chapter 10, question one after mankind would not repent. What did John see coming down from heaven? A mighty angel. Okay. Who does he look like? Based upon his description? I had the, he’s got the he’s clothed with a cloud.
He’s got a rainbow on his head. His face is like the sun. His feet are like pillars of brass. He is one who roar his voice is like the roar of a lion. What we noticed the imagery of those things and all of those things. Connect back to who? Jesus and the Godhead. Okay. He is the representative, the strong representative of the Godhead.
And very clearly the connection to Christ is there because the shared descriptions. Okay. So who does he look like? Based upon his descriptions, the Godhead or Christ specifically? Where are his feet? All right. One foot on the land and one foot on the sea. What is in the Angel’s hand? Say what a little book. What did the angel do and what followed his actions?
Cried with a loud voice. Don’t hesitate for home out there. Come on.<inaudible> we don’t have a whole lot of extra time. So everybody just chime in, cried with a loud voice. And then what followed his cry? The seven thunders sounded their voice. All right. What happened to the prophecy of the seven thunders? All right. John was told,
do not write it down, seal it up. What would be finished when the seventh trumpet sounds the mystery of God? Why are sorry? Weigher is a picture like this. What we see in verses five through seven, where is a picture like this scene? In the old Testament? We mentioned a specific chapter. Daniel chapter 12. What did the voice from heaven?
Tell John to do in verses eight through 10. All right. He said, go get the book from the angel and eat it. Where in the old Testament, do we see? This is<inaudible>. Do you remember the chapter? The Z kill chapter two and three. All right. What did the little book taste like? Sweet, like gelato now.
Sweet, like honey AB, but unlike Joe’s honey, what was the little book like in his belly? Bitter. Okay. And remember what we said, the revelation of God, to those who were Christians to those who were profits having God’s word revealed to them was always a wonderful thing. But that didn’t mean the message was. And so that’s the picture here.
The receiving of the message is a sweet is sweet as honey, but the message itself is bitter because it’s judgment. That is going to be prophesied. What would the little book cause John to do prophesied. Okay. That’s why, that’s why it’s the clear picture is this is the revelation from God, because he eats the book and it causes him to speak to prophesy God’s message.
What kind of message would it be the idea of it being bitter? What kind of message would it be judgment? It would be a message that was, that was bitter or, or judgment. Okay. All right. Let’s go through, if I can find the remote here. We won’t say a whole lot about chapter 10, but let’s go through and do just a little review.
Like we’ve done before. Kind of set us up for chapter 11. The time of the writing of the book read in chapter 17, about the seven Kings, the seven horns that are on the Beast’s head. We’re not to chapter 17 yet, but we talked about it and Daniel identifies those NGS as the Kings of the fourth kingdom, the kingdom, in which God said in the days of these Kings,
I shall set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, but ultimately God’s kingdom would destroy, would crush all those other kingdoms. Okay. Revelation is the description of that. Okay. That’s revelation is the fulfillment of Daniel chapter two, verse 44. It is, the church has already been established. The kingdom’s already been established, but the wiping out of those four kingdoms isn’t done yet,
but it’s going to be prophesied here. And God says, I told you this was going to happen in the days of Nebuchadnezzar and it’s going to happen. Okay? So we said we’re in the days of Vespasian because the beast, the persecuting emperor is not on the throne, but there’s another emperor who’s coming very shortly. And then the beast will rise up.
And we know Vespasian is that persecuting beast? So John in chapter one C is, is in on the Island of Patmos on the Lord’s day. And he’s in the spirit he’s worshiping. When he begins to see a vision. There’s one who speaks to him from behind me, turns around because he hears the voice of one who sounds like a trumpet. And he turns around and he sees Christ and Christ is in the midst of the candlesticks.
The candlesticks represent what the churches, all right. And in his right hand are seven, seven candlesticks around him. And in his right hand are seven way stars. Okay? And the stars are the angels of the churches. And then chapter two begins because Jesus says to John, what I tell you to write the things that are the things that will be,
you write them in a book. So the commandment is given to, right? So he’s going to write, and he’s going to write to all the churches and the focus there. Chapter two and chapter three is Christ and his connection to the churches. So then chapter four begins in John is sees an open door. God calls John into the throne room.
He enters into the throne room of God. And he sees there the throne room of God. He sees the one who sits on the throne and he never describes him. He just describes the glory. That’s emanating from him like a rainbow. And he describes those who are around the throne there in chapter four. And the point is of chapter four, believe in God,
then chapter five, you see, after you’ve seen the throne room of God, you now see that the one who’s on the throne is holding a scroll. The scroll is covered with seven seals. It’s a scroll that has a revelation from the throne of God, but it can’t be opened except by the one who’s worthy. And so they search heaven and earth.
And under the earth, everybody who’s lived and everybody who is alive and no one’s found who’s worthy. And John begins to weep, but God says John, or excuse me, one of the elders comes to John says, don’t we for one has been found in the midst of the throne as the lamb, the lamb of God and the lion of the tribe of Judah.
And he’s got seven eyes and he’s got seven horns. And he’s like a lamb who was slain, but he’s standing up and he’s alive and he’s worthy. And so the lamb proceeds to go to the one who’s sitting on the throne and takes the scroll. And chapter six, he begins to open the scroll. We have seven seals. And the first seal we see the one on the white horse and he’s coming out and he’s conquering.
And we see that as Christ Christ being victorious, the church through Christ conquering through the spread of the gospel. Paul said that in his day, the gospel went to every nation. Under heaven, Christ went forth, conquering, but persecution followed three horses that follow are the four soar judgments of God. Coming upon the persecutors as a result of their persecution,
then you have I’m behind. Then you have in the fifth seal, the souls under the altar. They’re crying out to God. How long though, Lord, are you going to allow this persecution to go on? And God tells him, you wait, you just rest. He gives them white robes and tells them to rest for a little while. And then the sixth seal is open.
When the six steel is open, you have kind of the preview of God’s judgment. Judgment begins to happen on those who dwell on the earth. And they, the rich and the mighty and all those who are prosperous and all those who are, are powerful. They cry for the mountains to fall down on them and protect them from the wrath of the one who’s on the throne and the lamb.
But as few dials, they can’t get protection from that. They can’t get protection from the wrath of God. But the question then is asked, who can stand in the day of God’s wrath? So at the end of the sixth seal, there’s a pause. And chapter seven begins with the ceiling of the people of God. 144,000 by number are described as those who are sealed 12 tribes and 12,000 each TRIBE 12 times,
12 times a thousand, every one God says everyone who belongs to me can stand in the day of my judgment because I know who belongs to me. So they go into the, the tribulation, they go into the persecution, they go into the trials marked with the Mark of God. And God says, I know who you are and you’ll come out the other end.
And then they come out on the other end and they’re not 144,000 there an innumerable number in the presence of God. And they’ve got Palm tree or Palm leaves in their hands and they’re praising God. And they’re Perfect. Okay. I mean, I know all the time we have a president who loves to call everything perfect, but they were, they, they went through the tribulation.
They went through the difficulty of, I came out perfect because God protected. It’s a message of comfort. And then the seventh seal is opened. And inside the seventh seal, you have seven angels who are given seven trumpets and they prepared a sound, but that God says, wait, not yet. And another angel comes from heaven and he goes to the throne of God,
or it goes, goes to the altar of God. And he takes the prayers of the saints. Those who are undergoing persecution. And he mixes it with incense and he offers it before the Lord. And when the incense goes up, he takes his censor. And he goes back to the altar, the burnt altar. And he takes the fire from the alternative Cassa to the earth.
The message is clear. God hears the prayers of his children and answers them. And now the seven trumpets begin to sound. The first trumpet begins to sound. And first through fourth trumpets, they go forth. And it’s a picture of, well, actually all seven trumpets are a picture of the plagues in Egypt. They’re not identical, but the pictures they’re,
the similarities are enough to tell us, God is giving Rome what God gave Egypt. And he’s only doing it a partial way. Every single one of the trumpets is a partial action. Not complete, not finished, but it’s enough to get them to the end of chapter seven, where God says, it’s time to repent, but the message at the end,
sorry, at the end of chapter nine is at the end of the sixth. Trumpet is they did not repent. So the sixth trumpet comes and when the sixth trumpets over, there’s another pause. Chapter 10, we have the pause because we see another angel comes out of heaven and he’s holding a little book and we just went through that. So we’re not going to take the time to rehearse that again.
That brings us to chapter 11, chapter 11, by the way, have you gotten yet? It’s just a picture book. It’s just a, I just, just look at the pictures And granted they’re all in words, but I mean, if you want a copy of the pictures, that’s at least an artist’s rendition of the pictures. It’s Just a story,
But it’s real. I mean, it’s not a fake story. It’s not a fairy tale. It’s real, but it’s figures. Okay. Then I was given a read. All right. We immediately go back to the ZQ because the Z Gill is told by God, go measure the city, take your measuring line and go measure the city and tell me what you find.
Okay? This is an act of investigation prior to judgment. I, you to measure it. I want you to see its boundaries. I want you to know what is there. Okay. So then I, John, okay, was given a Reed like a measuring rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.
Now, if the timeline of the book is what John says, it is in chapter 17. Then is there a temple in Jerusalem to go measure? No, the temple was destroyed in 80 70. When, when the Romans under Titus came into the city, there wasn’t a temple in Jerusalem. So he’s not talking about the temple of Herod. John is not told,
go to the temple of Herod and measure the temple and the people who worship there. God, isn’t telling him that. God’s saying you go measure my temple. Now, according to first Corinthians chapter three and chapter six, who are the temple of God, the churches you have the Christians individually talked about as the temple of God in one of those chapters.
And you have the church collectively spoken of as the temple of God in the other. And God says, John, take this measuring rod and go measure my temple. Okay. Now notice specifically though, there’s some very specific instructions. I want you to measure the temple of God and the altar as those who worship there, but leave out the court, which is outside the temple and do not measure it.
Now he’s using the figures of the temple. He’s using the figures of the temple. They were familiar with in Jerusalem that no longer stood and outside of the temple were, was what the area of, of who? The Gentiles, the court of Gentiles. He’s getting them to get the picture. There’s those who are on the inside, who belong to God.
But specifically here’s the picture who is specifically on the inside of the temple. Every time the Temple’s open, the ones who work there, the priests go back to revelation, chapter five, revelation, chapter five, beginning in verse eight. Now, when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb, each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense,
which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and knows this and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation. Those who are the redeemed, those who call Jesus Christ worthy. Those who praise the lamb.
They’re not Jews in contrast to Gentiles. They’re every TRIBE, they’re every tongue they’re every nation there, everyone under heaven who has been obedient to the blood of Christ and redeemed by the lamb, but notice verse 10 and have made us Kings and priests To our God. And we shall reign on the earth. All right. So John is told you go measure the temple and the people in it who worship there.
And they’re Christians. The temple of God is the church. Those who worship there are the Christians. And he’s saying, you go measure it, but you leave out the court, which is outside the temple and do not measure it for it has been given to the Gentiles and they will tread the Holy city under foot for 42 months. All right. In chapter 11,
you’re going to see 42 months and 1,260 days. If you do the math, Both of those equal out to three and a half years. Okay. They’re the same number. One of them expressed in days. And one of them expressed in months. But if you go study the book of Daniel, you’ll know why they’re being used because in Daniel, they are used there together with a description that is a little bit different.
It’s called it’s. It’s given this way times, time and half a time. Okay. So get that. There’s a plural times, a singular time and a half a time. If you put years in the place of the word times, there’s a plurality of years. There’s a single year and there’s a half a year, three and a half years.
Okay. They all mean the same thing in chapter 12, you’re going to see in chapter 12, beginning in verse Six, Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared by God that they should feed her there 1,260 days. Okay. So we’re going to see 42 months in chapter 11 and chapter 12. We’re going to see 1,260 days in chapter 11 and chapter 12.
But then notice this later on in chapter 12 in verse 14. Okay. So the woman was taken to the wilderness for 1,260 days. But in verse 14, we read, but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, which she is, where, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time.
Okay. Chapter 11 and chapter 12, keep track of this 42 months, three and a half years, 1000, 260 days and time, times and half a time all mean the same thing, but here’s, what’s important. Three and a half years. That’s half of what three and a half years is half of what? Seven years, the message in Daniel,
the message in revelation of that time idea is this. This is the time when it looks like the beast is going to win. It looks like the Christians don’t have a chance. It looks like God’s going to bring judgment, but it looks like everybody’s going to perish anyway. And here’s where the picture comes from. Turn to James chapter five, three and a half years.
Now you go do the math and you go, wait a minute. That’s not three and a half years. If your calendar is 365 days, but the ancient calendar wasn’t, it was 360 days. So that’s why the number’s a little different than we would have gotten for three and a half years ago. The numbers 360 days in the ancient calendar. Okay.
Chapter five of James verse 17, Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain. And it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. Now, hang on to Alijah, get your picture of Elijah in the days of who, who was on throne. Hey help. And his wonderful pleasant wife,
Jess, Val, all right. So a heaven Jessebelle are on the throne in the Northern kingdom. And even Alijah will say, I’m the only one left. Everybody else is dead. No one serves God, but me and God says, that’s not true. I’ve got 7,000 that haven’t bowed the Nita bale, but that all comes after this. Elijah tells his servant,
you go to Ahab and tell him there’s not going to be any rain until I say so, and then aligned to disappears. And here’s the picture. God’s people look like they’re gone. God’s people look like they’ve been annihilated. You look around for God’s people and you can’t find them anywhere because the persecution and the destruction and the judgment, and yet all the while the evil ones on the throne,
the evil ones raining, but he’s not raining for perfection. He’s not raining with a seven. The number of God, he’s got three and a half years, and Alijah will disappear for three and a half years. And they’ll send everywhere looking to find them in all the while. There’s no rain. Now we’re there righteous people in Israel suffering because there was no rain.
Yes, there were, were there some people who were righteous all over the region around Israel who were suffering because there was no rain. Yes, sir. Work. And it looks like they’re not going to get through it, but God wants them to know. I measured the temple and I know who’s there. I measured those who are mine. And I know who’s there,
but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be pleasant. The message of three and a half years of 42 months of 1000, 260 days and times, times, and half time, times and half the time is this. The Christians are victorious, but it’s not going to be easy. Okay. So let’s go back into the text. I give power and I give power to my two witnesses and they will prophesize,
Oh, wait a minute, go back to verse two. The Gentiles come into the Holy city. Now that’s not Jerusalem. I mean, it’s the picture of Jerusalem, but it’s not the old Jerusalem. It’s not the place that the Romans decimated. It’s not the physical Jerusalem. It’s God’s city. It’s the church. They come in and they trot the church.
They’re destroying them. They’re persecuting. They’re ruining them as if it was Rome, trampling, Jerusalem. But notice what happens. And I will give power verse three to my two witnesses. And they will prophesize 1000, 260 days. So the Gentiles trod the city down for 42 months, but the prophets prophesied for 42 months. Okay. And they’re clothed in sack cloth.
These are the two olive trees. Now you remember Zechariah chapter four, turn over there real quick. I know it doesn’t feel like we’re getting anywhere, but we’re getting somewhere. Alright. At Zechariah chapter four, God has just talked about the high priest, Joshua and chapter three, chapter four. He begins now the angel who talked with me, came back and wakened me as a man.
Who’s waking down in his sleep. And he said to me, what do you see? So I said, I am looking in, there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it. And on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps, two olive trees are by it. One at the right of the bowl and the other at its left.
So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me saying, what are these? My Lord, then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me, do you not know what these are? And I said, no, my Lord, verse 11. Then I answered him and said to him, what are the two olive trees at the right of the lampstand?
And that it’s left. And I further answered and said to him, what are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two golden pipes, which from which the golden oil drains, then he answered me and said, do you not know what these are? And I said, no, my Lord. So he said, these are the two anointed ones who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.
Okay. There’s your picture? That’s Zechariah. And in Zachariah, it is Joshua or Jeshua, who’s the high priest. The high priests were anointed and<inaudible> who is the governor and the, the secular leader of the people like a King. He was anointed. Okay. These are the two witnesses of God. These are the two representatives of God. These are the two prophets of God.
These are God’s anointed. Okay. Get the picture. But they’re lamps and olive trees. They’re olive trees that are feeding lamps and the lamps do what provide light. And by the way, in chapter one, two and three who are lampstands, the church is God said, go measure my temple and who are, who’s the temple of God, the church,
the Gentiles trot under the church. But God says, here are my two witnesses. They’re going to prophesy all this time. And they’re feeding the lamps and the lamps are still the churches. Okay? God’s voice is going to be heard. It’s going to be heard by his people. It’s going to be declared by his people. But remember, 42 months is the Christians are victorious,
but it ain’t going to be easy. Okay? So these are the two verse four. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. These watch,
this have power to shut heaven so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy. And they have power over waters to turn them to blood and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. Hmm. What two people does that describe in the old Testament, Elijah and Moses, Moses represents the law. Elijah represents the prophets and the message of God is clear.
My voice will be heard no matter who’s on the throne. My voice will be declared to the one who’s on the throne. And my people will look like they’re going to get destroyed. What happened in Egypt? When Moses came and started telling Pharaoh what he was supposed to do, did it get easier on the Israelites or harder, harder? And it was harder and harder and harder and harder till they were let go.
They told Moses, you came here to kill us. We’re all going to die because you won’t stop going to Pharaoh. But in the end they were delivered. Okay. If anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth. When they speak, by the way, who does, whose power do they use profits, gods, okay. They speak and fire proceeds from their mouth.
That’s the power of God. They don’t win by battle. They don’t win by the size of their army. They win by declaring the word of God. Okay. They have power to hold back rain. They have power to bring plagues. They have power to turn water to blood and to strike the earth. Then verse seven, when they finished their testimony,
the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them and kill them. So they go out, they prophesied before the people and what happens to them, the beast murders them, and then notice what happens. And their dead bodies will lie in the streets of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Now, probably going to take some time on Sunday to explain that one, because I don’t have the time tonight, but it’s Rome and not Jerusalem. Okay. We’ll get into the reason why on Sunday. So their dead bodies are left in the streets of the great city. Then those from then peoples tribes, tongues and nations will see their dead bodies three and a half days.
All right. So before we have three and a half years now we have three and a half days. They’ll see their bodies for three and a half days and not allow their dead bodies to be put in graves. The people around, they see the murdered profits and they’re so glad they died. They won’t even let them be buried. They’re laying there in the street.
They’re being observed by the people and the people glory in it. Notice what their reaction is. Then those from the peoples tribes, tongues nations will see their dead bodies three and a half days and not allow their dead bodies. We put in graves. And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, making Mary and sending gifts to one another.
Because those two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth, the earth, the sinners, those who do not love God and do not listen to his voice, do not appreciate the word of God. As a matter of fact, they consider it torment. And when the prophets are murdered by the beast, they throw a party, they send gifts to one another.
What’s the occasion. I got a gift from you. The prophets of God are dead. But yeah, These profits look a lot like Christ because three and a half days later, verse 11. Now after three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered them. And they stood on their feet and great fear fell on those who saw them.
And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, Come up Here. And they ascended to heaven in a cloud. See, they look like Christ three and a half days later, they resurrect. And then they ascend in a cloud. They look like Christ and their enemies saw them in the same hour. There was a great earthquake and a 10th of the city fell in the earthquake.
7,000 people were killed. Now don’t, don’t go looking in history for a time when Rome, one 10th of Rome just got in an earthquake in the 7,000 people to it to a T died. That’s not what you’re supposed to get out of this. God’s saying I’m saving my people and you’re getting your last warning. Remember the sixth trumpets already sounded when the seventh trumpet sounds it’s all over and notice the reaction.
A 10th of the city fell in the earthquake. 7,000 people were killed and the rest were afraid and where they were sending gifts to one another because the profits were dead and they were glorying before. Just a day, just the day before. Now we read and gave glory to the God of heaven. God’s long suffering. Always, always waits just long enough because God doesn’t desire that any should perish,
but that all should have salvation. Okay. We’ll pick up with verse 14 and actually let’s read verse 14. We’ll pick up with verse 15. The second woe is passed behold. The third woe is coming quickly. So there’s your warning shot. That’s that’s your hold on. It’s about to get real. Alright. We’ll pick up there verse 15 on Sunday.
Thank you for your attention. Good evening. Welcome to the Collierville Wednesday, even Bible study and devotional. It’s good to see each and every one of you out here tonight. And for those of you that are unable to still make it out because of various reasons, COVID-19 et cetera. We want you to know that we truly miss each and every one of you.
And we pray for each and every one of you daily. And really look forward to the day that we all can assemble here again together and worship our God. Our announcements this evening are sick. Please continue to remember Rudel Wilson, John Springer and Pam chafe. And you know, Pam was here Sunday. She was able to get out some, and that was good to see her.
So that means she is getting better every day. So to continue to pray for her though, Dorothy Wilson is experiencing extremely high blood pressure. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Sylvia pass. We’ll have a, another nerve block procedure this Friday, and this pray that this one does some good for her. Cause I know she’s tired of messing with her back.
Aren’t you Sylvia. Janet Jones is in a meth, Memphis Jewish home, and she is scheduled to be released tomorrow. So that’s great news for Janet. So thank God for that. Aaron, as you saw is here this evening with us. He’s recovering, I guess he’s doing okay. He doesn’t look like he’s in any pain right at the minute. So that’s a good thing.
He says. He says so and so. Okay, Danny O’Neil who’s Tommy O’Neill’s brother is in st. Francis hospital. He is on a ventilator. He’s had issues with CLPD and now he’s being tested for COVID-19 and they don’t have the results of that yet. They’re expecting the results of that tomorrow, but please keep Danny and the entire own Neal family and your thoughts and prayers,
Liam, Dan Danley. This is Paul. His grandson is recovering from a dog bite. So please keep Liam and your thoughts and prayers. And then Michael Dale, you know, was out Sunday because he has some type of virus. He did see his doctor today, but we have not been able to get ahold of him yet to find out the results of what his visit was with his doctor.
So we’re not a hundred percent sure yet how Michael doing, but please continue to keep him and your thoughts and prayers. The only other note I have or announcement is for the man, a reminder that next Monday evening at 7:00 PM will be the monthly men’s business meeting for our devotional. Tonight. Song leader is going to be Joel caisson. Aaron coats are,
will bring us the devotional itself. And then Joel caisson is also going to do the closing prayer for us. Thank you. If you would Mark your books for number nine Oh two, that will be our song of encouragement nine zero two. And if you would turn to number 2014, Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me. Then sign a fire. The Bible tells me it wants to him being long.
They are weak, but he is strong. Yes. Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me, so Jesus loves me. Hey, die. Heaven’s gate two up and why he will wash away. My sin. Let is lit a chalk and yes, Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus loves me.
Yes. Jesus loves me. Bible tells me, so Jesus take this hard. My<inaudible> ah, yes. Bled and died for me. I went for the yes. Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus loves me. Yes. Jesus Going to do something a little different tonight, going to read a chapter from second Peter and it truly is an invitation.
I think you’ll see where if you’re outside the body of Christ this evening, you need to change that. And if you’re a member of the body of Christ, we get to the end of this chapter. You should know what your condition is and if it’s not what it ought to be the invitations in here to change it. Second, Peter chapter three beginning in verse one,
beloved. I now write to you this second epistle in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder, that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the Holy prophets and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and savior. Knowing this first, that scoffers will come in the last days, walking,
according to their own Luz and saying, where is the promise of his coming for? Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation for this, they willfully forget that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water by which the world that then existed perished being flooded with water,
but the heavens and the earth, which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But beloved do not forget this. One thing that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and as a thousand and a thousand years as one day, the Lord is not Slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness,
but is long suffering toward us. Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise. And the elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Therefore sins, all these things will be dissolved. What manner of persons ought you to be in Holy conduct and godliness looking for, and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be being on fire. And the elements will melt with Fermin heat. Nevertheless, according, nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells,
therefore beloved looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by him in peace, without spot and blameless and consider that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation as also our beloved brother. Paul, according to the wisdom, given to him has written to you as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to understand,
which are which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction. As they also do the rest of the scriptures. You therefore beloved since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness being led away with the error of the wicked, but grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ to him be the glory both now and forever.
Amen. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but jeez, what can make me whole and nothing, but ah, jeez.<inaudible> that makes me widest. No, no nothing. Butterfly. Jeez, nothing. Eh, Marson nothing butterfly. Jeez, no, the good that I have done nothing. Bertha, blah, jeez. Oh, brash.
Yeah, that makes me wide ass.<inaudible> nothing butterfly. Ah, geez. Our father, which art in heaven, we truly are thankful for the privilege that we’ve had this evening to come together And study your word and be strengthened by the gospel. We’re thankful father for the privilege. It is to be with our brothers and sisters to be encouraged by one another and to demonstrate our love for one another and especially our love for the father.
We’re mindful of those that have been mentioned that are going through various difficulties in their lives with the hate that they have. We especially want to ask you to be with Aaron, that his risk continues to heal and that he might have a speedy recovery father. We pray for Paula’s grandson that everything might go well for him and that he will not have any difficulties over that incident.
Father help us to remember all of those that are not with us this evening, pray that we might always try to encourage one another in particular as the days, go by and help us to keep our eyes on the goal. And remember that we are your children that we need to continue to study your word, that we might be strengthened by that we might remind faithful to you and be able to encourage others to come to knowledge of the gospel and be obedient to it before it’s everlastingly too late.
Help us each day that we are compassionate toward one another. That we have patients. We have long suffering that we always are mindful of each other. And especially those that are outside the body, realizing that they are in a lost condition and they need us to encourage and help them find their way, strengthen us each day and continue to watch over us in Jesus name.
We pray. Amen.